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"Portrait Studies From Life of Beautiful Women of San Francisco Society." THE SUNDAY CALL NEXT SUNDAY VOLUME CVL— NO. 35. SLAYS RIVAL WHO WON THE GIRL HE LOVED Merry Dance at Colma Is Inter rupted by Murder Caused by Woman Italian Who Fired Shot at Countryman Escapes From the Police Fair Companion of Victim Veils Her Identity and Van ishes 1 I 'HE dancers were -wheeling mer- I rily in Dizzio's park near Colma '= "; near sundown yesterday after noon when the music was halted ab ruptly by a pistol shot. The picnickers were too bewildered to tell whose was the figure fleeing down the road. What they did see, however, was the body of a man, identified later as Or ghitti Ragalfo, prone on the ground, the blood rushing from an ugly wound in the temple. A woman 6tood by for a moment and vanished rapidly into the fast gather ing crowd of former revelers. The Iden tity o fthe murderer and that of the young woman, who evidently was the object of the jealous assault, had not been discovered at a late hour last night. Kagalfo was treated by Doctor Beasley of Hillcrest. His injuries were so serious, however, that he lived but a few hours. A Sunday Festival The occasion was a Sunday festival gathering. The people came in lage numbers yesterday afternoon to Ditt zio's park. Athletic exercises were indulged in. The men played bocci ball and the women sang and danced in gleeful freedom. Rafalfo. who con ducts a saloon on Point Lobos avenue and VTod street, was one of the mer riest of the crowd. There was another there whose iden tity is unknown, possibly as merry outwardly as Rafalfo, but his heart was eaten away with jealousy for a fair young Italian miss who smiled on Hafalfo. So far as the rest of the pic nickers were concerned there was no outward display of hostility. The stranger sulked by himself. *HOT ENDS MERRIMENT But suddenly the merry making, ceased. A pistol shot had stopped the guitar and the hum of the violin. The dancers ceased to wheel and whirL The stranger had in a fit of mad jealousy stricken down his rival. There was wild consternation. Jo seph Ballanti, who lives at 110 Mont gomery avenue, recognized the man lying on the ground with the oozing bullet wound on his temple as Rag alfo. An effort was made to get a statement from him, but the wounded man was unable to speak coherently. The woman in the case preserved a discreet silence, so with the complete escape of the assailant there Is no clew as to the caus* of the shooting, other than mere jealousy. Ragalfo's slayer was seen to disap pear down the country road, using the railroad track t« better his es cape. An attempt was made to over take him. but was afterward given up. The police took up the scent, but did not succeed in learning the identity of the murderer. CITY NOT IN PERIL OF DYNAMITE CACHE Experts Scoff at Pistolesi's Fear for Safety of Bay Cities . The fear of Supervisor L. C. Pistolesl of Marin county that the 1,400 tons of dynamite stored in the warehouses of the Dupont de Nemours power com pany at California City as endangering the lives of 1,000,000 people in the bay cities is not held by experts. "Almost incalculable damage could be done with 1.400 tons of dynamite if it were properly . placed," said Cap tain E. G. Davis, adjutant at the Pre- Fidio. yesterday. "It is sufficient to Mow up all of San Francisco, but if It is left in warehouses in California City, Sun Francisco would be in no appre ciable danger from Its explosion. "Should the 1,400 tons be exploded in the warehouses the effect would prob ably be to blow an immense hole In the earth and cause a shock for a wide range, but I do not think the damage would extend as far as San Francisco." Other experts - hold practically the same opinion as Captain Davis. While the territory Immediately surrounding the warehouses would probably be torn up and the surrounding country shaken by the shock, the experts do not think there would be the dire calamity which is feared by Pistolesi. The Marin county supervisor has an nounced his intention of introducing iit the next meeting of the board of su pervisors an ordinance against the stor ing of large quantities of dynamite in Marin county.' POLICEMAN KILLS KKIFE WIELDER. •Jrcat Falls. Mont., . July : 4.— Mio*ael Papp. a Hnnjrarian, rw kIH«J by I"ollc«>man M. i. «"»'Nri!i todaj aft«»r he had - kUMwhI .John .Nblro In tbf !.".<•!> and twin » ballet • through O'Ketir* *r.r. Nalco is sfrk'Ofrly wounded, . but will ErobaWj- rprrsrer. O'NelH baa been exonerated r a coroner's Jury. \u25a0 ' The San Francisco Call. INDEX OF THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL'S NEWS TODAY TELEPHONE KEARNY 88 MONDAY. July 5, 1909 WEATHER CONDITIONS . YESTERDAY — Clear; treat wind; maximum temperature 60, minimum 50. FORECAST FOR TODAY— rair, warmer; mod erate southwest wind. Page 13 EDITORIAL What figure* prore about San Francisco. F 6 The campaign against consumption. VagrO Seaate is giren an object leston. Paye 6 A safe and sane fourth la San Francisco, j p 6 To discomfort the importer. Pace 6 CITY Union leaders mad cititens join campaign against Infamous "par check" system of Gray Brothers and other contractors. Pace 1 "The Merry Widow" at Van Ness theater appeals to senses and emotions. Pace 14 Mystery deepens with police inTeatlgation of death of Mrs. de Ia Montm.ra. Pace 1 Merry throng \u25a0 throughout bay region to cele brate Independence day. Pace 3 Letter carriers* mutual aid society entertains 5,000 guests at SheU Mound park. Page 13 Three hospitals are menaced by early morning C*- Pace 14 Orpheum offers holiday program consisting ' of acrobatic feats, singing and dancing. Pace 14 Two men wounded by pellets from shotgun when disturber seek* rerenge. Pace 14 Good company at American theater presents "Three Weeke," the dramatized Terslon cf Elinor Glyn's sensual eotcl. - Pace 14 Memory of Benjamin Krleger, the hero of the Georgia accident, honored by monument in cem etery. Pace 14 SUBURBAN Pickpocket rob* woman oa train and burglars operate in Oakland. ' Pace 4 California anglers' society to buy land near Howard and establish trout hatchery. Pace 4 Pacific coast short story writers to meet at University of California. : Pace 4 Oakland clergyman makes strong addrets on the menace of priTilege. ' Pace 4 Elaborate programs prepared to celebrate fourth in erery town In Alaxneda county. Pace 4 COAST Big delegation from all orer- nation expected at good roads convention la Seattle. Pace 13 Robbers take $700 from railroad ticket office at Op den. Pace 1 Ten fires in Seattle due to fireworks and nu raetous accidents during fourth of July celebra tion . throughout country. Pace 1 Tainted meat brings slight sickness to throng. Pacel Man falls into barrel of asphalt and loses mustache, but life is tared. Pace I Delegates . ready ' for . Knights of Phythlas jubilee in . Seattle and Ep worth league to meet there July 7. Pace 0 Vallejo temperance committee plans campaign for ordinance to -close saloons Snodays Pace 13 Santa Cruz draws big holiday crowd and naral militia arrires to take part in th« celebra tion. " JPacel* Xerada celfb'rates - discorery of . famous, old mines. . Pace 9 EASTERN Fifteen killed and 32S Injured in \ fourth of July celebrations. Pace 1 Gale orer Bale lake menaces small boats, be ing the most violent in the recent history .of Utah. - Pace • President takes Mrs. Taft to HaTerly, Miss., where he will ' pass vacation after adjournment of congress until coming west. . Pace 1 FOREIGN Philippine laborers shipped to Hawaii to work on sugar plantations under contract. Page It Philippine constabulary mutineers are cap- SPORTS Coast league scores — Portland 2, .Oakland 0; Portland- 10. Oakland 2; San Francisco 2, Sacra mento o:.Los Asgeles 2. Vernon 2; Los Angelei 2, Vernon 1. ' Pace 8 State league scores — Santa Crus 8, San Fran cisco 2; Santa Cruz 15. San Francisco 2; Stock ton 5. Fresno 3; Fresno 3. Stockton 1; Oakland 5, Ean Jose 4; Oakland $, San Jose 2. Pace 9 King Whaley,- of Shell Mound club makes 92 out of possible 100 with the pistol. . Pace 9 First race meet of Nevasa jockey club in R*>no is a declo>d success. Pace 9 Ketchel and Papke await. the gong for great battle at Colma this afternoon. Pace 9 Autoists come from afar to attend . Reliance club races at Emeryville today. • Pace 9 MARINE Governor comes tnt» port from Seattle* gaily decked wltb flags and bunting. Pace 13 SAVES LIVE BUT LOSES ; MUSTACHE IN ASPHALT Four Men Required to Haul -La- borer from Glutinous Mass LOS ANGELES, July *4. — Buried al most up tcv his nose in a barrel of liquid asphalt, Salvador Talamantes, a laborer, was found early this morn ing almost suffocated. It required four men to get him out. Talamantes fell into the barrel while crossing a railroad trestle. Trying to extricate himself he plunged both arms into the asphalt and sank deeper. He was found by Deputy. Constable Mik laushutz, who wrenched his back try ing to save the man. Three policemen .were called, and their combined strength gradually drew the Mexican "out. Talamantes' mus tache was uprooted almost to a hair as his chin emerged from the glutinous mass. • ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE ARE POISONED. AT PICNIC Slightly Tainted Meat Brings Slight Sickness to Throngs ; MODESTO. July 4.— As' a result of eatings slightly tainted meat at a barbacue in /connection' with -Indepen dence day celebration at Oakdale,,yes terday, af least 'l,ooo persons are. suf-* fering from a mild attack of 'ptomaine poisoning. None of those stricken are seriously' ill. '\u25a0* *: . ; _ BAKER IS .LOCATED*— San : . Joiw». Jnly 4.— - Caesar Augoftns Bak<>r, the affwj ' Rardrnrr, wbo**^: disappearance four day* atro from Vtb* residence: of Mrs. C. M. Gorimm. 2*03) Forrest aTeniie, B*rk»ley, canard : alarm 4 was' located toi day. at ; the Santa Clara . college, bt been employed since \u25a0 hl« disappearance.: S^-I^A^lS^^ TEN FIRES IN ONE CITY DUE TO FIREWORKS Spectacular Blaze in Scattered Business District Drives Guests From Hotel Numerous Accidents Throughout Country During Celebration of July Fourth ! July Fourth Casualties, 15 Dead and 328 Hart CHICAGO, July- 4.— Summaries of dead and Injured In 1909 fourth of July celebrations: Dead . ... . 15 By fireworks... 21 By runpowd«r .. . 1 By cannon . . 8] By toy pistols ... 9 By firearm* ..... 2| Injured .'...328 By flreirorks ...188 By torp«do©« ... 6 By cinaoa ...... 17 By toy pistols... 48 By firearms ... HBy bomb oanes . . 6 By gunpowder . . 49 By runaways ... 14 Fire loss (08,050 SEATTLE, July 4.— Although the regular Independence day celebration will not be* held here until tomorrow-, 10 fires and two serious accidents re sulted from today's celebration. , With one exception, the blazes started by fireworks did little damage. A spectacular fire occurred. this aft ernoon In the fireworks store at 140? Thlrdl avenue in the heart of the up town business district. The blaze started •when a "go devil,"' set off on the sidewalk, darted Into the store, set ting firecrackers and rockets on fire. Freworks Stock Ablaze In an instant the entire stock was ablaze. .Cannon crackers and bombs were exploding and * skyrockets and fiery balls from Roman candles were bombarding the buildings on the oppo site side of the street. So : fierce was the fusillade that the crowd'= which' had assembled to see the spectacle ; was driven from the street, * pedestrians be ing forced to . take ref-uge In' hallways and vestibules. . . ' Guests; in a* hotel, who occupied the upper floors of the building, were driv en to the streetj and one woman, nearly overcome . by smoke, groped her way down the stairs /and dropped uncon- i scious In the street.' - She was sent to; the hospital. The.entire stock of. novelties and fire. works In- the building was destroyed. The loss will not exceed $2,500, with no Insurance. Damage to the building was slight. . Eye and Foot Injured - As the result of the explosion of a large firecracker within a few Inches of his face, Richard Christian, aged 13, is in a hospital. It is feared that he will lose his eyesight. . Late last night Michael Albergoff was sent to the emergency hospital with a badly mangled' foot due to the ex plosion of a bomb thrown by a hilarious celebrator.. Joker Loses Right Hand SACRAMENTO, July 4.— W. H. Gard ner, a real estate man, had his right hand blown off ' this morning by the explosion of a giant firecracker. Gard ner- imagined that the explosive was only an imitation and sought to create a panic in a crowded downtown saloon by placing the firecracker on the lunch counten * As the men rushed for the door Gardner picked up the bomb and laughed gleefully." A second later the explosion occurred and Gardner dropped to the floor, fainting, with his right hand so mangled that physicians am putated it this evening. Boy Killed and Another Hurt; DENVER,, JuIy 4.— George Newshara, aged 10, dead, and Leo Myers, aged 9, with, three fingers missing, "were .to day's casualties resulting .from cele bration of the fourth of July. . The boys wtre playing, with giant caps used In mine work. Newsham hit one of the caps with a; hammer, causing the explosion; - . SUFFRAGETTES OCCUPY PULPITS IN SEATTLE Washington State Factions May "Organize Separately;; SEATTLE,. July. 4.— The American woman \u25a0 suffrage • association < -held *. a mass meeting; in the" auditorium: of the Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc exposition this afternoon,, at i which i -'the. ..principal speakers- were " National President Anna -H. Shaw, Mrs. . Florence- Kelly" of New^York andj Henry; R. Blackwell of Massachusetts;; * The > suffrage leaders occupied pulpits of various churches todaj\. -•'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.'•: \u0084 i .•;.\u25a0-!;' /'}- 7 ,'- \."i;'- ~ " of 'the national convention yesterday: in depriving; the Washington delegation of^votes," while a-moral vic tory for. the' faction' led; b>'^ D. C. Coates of ••Spokane,' - former" lieutenant gov ernor of . Colorado,-; does f not" give 'the insurgents any 'better footing ; in the state „\u25a0 association, and ; it r is thaU they -will; make their? temporary organization ';\u25a0: permanent '\u25a0 and » form a Btate";;BUffrage~- r ass6ctation.' •„** " \u25a0'\u0084'\u25a0 The : national} convention ;will , take •no further part in the state dispute. PRESIDENT TAKES MRS. TAFT TO SUMMER HOME Mayor and Citizens of^Beverly i Welcome Executive, Who Leaves This Morning :"T Trip to Coast to Follow Vaca» tion From Adjournment of Congress to September 1 9- BEVERLY. Mass.; -July 4.— President and Mrs. Taft arrived "af their summer home at Woodburyj point at 9 a. m. to day from Washington after an un eventful trip. .*" President Taft ' came to Beverly at full fledged resident; of ; Beverly.' The mayor and postmaster called to pay their respects and to make the greet ing official. Business; buildings and homes were decorated. Nearly the en tire city • had' intended meeting the president at the station, but he came earlier than expected. Later the president attended "church in Beverly and throughout. the service the edifice was crowded. The road leading past the secluded park where the president's summer home is located was crowded with sightseers. \u25a0' Two stalwart . policemen and half a dozen secret service men were on guard. Quiet Vacation Planned . President Taft cam eto Beverly at this time /to bring Mrs. iTaft to the summer home. Although the trip from Washington was tiring Mrs. Taft stood the journey remarkably well and late today took a short -automobile ride with the president. He believes that the Invigorating air \u25a0 of the sea will quickly restore Mrs. Taft to complete health. She will endeavor to, have as quiet a summer as possible, and. the president,, too, when he finally takes up his abode here,: will try to have ) as complete a. vacation as work on plans of governmental reform which he has in mind. will allow. i . : The. president will leave early-' to-^ morrow for Bostonf whence he_goes;tb Norwich to participate ia the celebra tion of; the two hundred. and fiftieth, an-, niversary of the founding of the town. He then goe3 to Lake Champlain I for the tercentenary celebration there and willreach Washington late in the aft ernooni of July 9, to remain . until the end of the congressional session. Senate Pleases President S The, presjdent would not venture a guess today as to the date of the ad journment, but expressed himself -as more than pleased with the pFogress'in the senate during the last few days. 'President- Taft's*. summer home is known . locally as the Evans cottage and is situated near the. end of Wood bury point, which projects far out into Salem bay .and forms, the northern boundary of Beverly harbor. The cottage is set among towering elms, the view from its wide verandas commanding a splendid sweep of wood. The picturesque old bay, dotted here and there with ragged, rocky Islands, offers' a' marine view of rare attract iveness. . Battleship Near Harbor Hundreds of 'little sloops and other yachts spread their sails before '-the breeze, dancing in and out of the har bor. The president's yacht Sylph, which will remain here throughout! the summer, is anchored near the point. Far out in Marblehead harbor the gray lines of. the, battleship Minnesota, are distinguished.' The church where the president at tended services today at 10 : 30 a- m. is the oldest in Beverly, the First Unita rian, organized in 1667. The president was accompanied -by/Mrs. - Louis More,' Mrs. Taf t's sister, * and Captain Archi-. bald Butt, his military aid. He sat In the fifth pew from the front. " Special .; Prayer for •\u25a0•Taf £':£ -U^ The minister,-' ' Rev. Benjamin; R. Bulkley, referred to the president's ar rival in'Beveriy. and in a special prayer asked that God might continue to give him guidance. Dr. Bulkiey said that the "old north shore"* had known two presidents — .Washington*, and Harrison —and was now honored ; In a third. V I; ' The president .was warmly • applaud ed as he left and, .with; Mrs. More, 'mot ored over Uo: Beverly farms" to visit Miss Mabel' Boardinan." .The president, after, congress ad journs, i expects .to • remain ; in. Beverly "until: September, 19 and then will' start upon his 'projected trip west. :. ROBBERS TAKE 4 S7OO FROM TICKET OFFICE Railroad Station Agent Held ;Up : . ... by, T wo Thugs ''\u25a0"'.'' ' OGDEN. Utah.* July r 4.— At'. 10 Vclock tonight ,two men/, masked* and_ heavily, armed, 4 ' surprised^' and, held: up. the agent in; cliafg« T of , the';local . depot- of • the Bafnberger Vail road^ and^'got. away with* more^than* J7OO-in cash.'. ' .. , They i did:, not' touch ; the tickets ; or other, valuables^ ln the confining their^'-fefrorts V.v;'erit irelyi' to i,theli ready, money] in •the^afejar^^djajwer.'' ' | .The. 'robbers 'escaped.. Tbe fore the authorities: could -' be; notified. '_ ' LIFE OF GIRL LESSON'S COST JOHN W. SLATTERY President of _ the . Iron - Trades ' Council /T is as tounding to me that Gray B r o thcTs n> o v I d' at tempt to-em- ploy the com pany pay check system I in ,a city as s trong in c i r g an i zed union labor as San Fran cisco. The unions have a dvoca ted a st a tut e governing ihu for many years and the murder of Carolina Brasch surely must result in 'such a measure. Something was required to awaken the public to action, but the young girls life' is too high a price to pay for the awakening, ifi Had ' the bill introduced in- our legislature two years ago been passed, which would have done away with the company pay checks entirely, the young woman would never have been murdered, for the. cause of the shooting would have been removed. , Unskilled laborers should be the wards of the state and not be abandoned to the mercy of the employers for, whom they are compelled to work. . ' Organized labor will free 1 these 'men. * :\u25a0>• • JOHN W. SWEENEY PAY CHECK PLAN SIMPLY SLAVERY ANDREW GALLAGHER jlSeerctnrybf the San FranrNco 'Labor Council . /ft. San Franciscans knew the suf fering; that has come to men and women— —not ofily Ih c workmen, but their families t—kK a result of the com pany pa\> . . . check system used by Cray Brothers and other"em ployers they would not permit' it to continue a day longer. ". . / // is a Shylock game of the worst order* and so revolting to the common ideas entertained by Amer icons regarding liberty of person and simple justice that even the most rabid anli'trades unionist can say nothing in its favor. . .', Unfortunately these unhappy men and women, not being organized; can do nothing to help them selves, but we should do all in our power to aid .them. Organized labor has fought this, thing for. years, for it is slavery. Too much\can not be said or done to put an end to this iniquitous system and to end it at once. 1:1 - : .. ... 'It should shame us when' we think that it required I the 'murder of. a. young girl \lo awaken us to our plain duty m this matter. . • . - ANDREW GALLAGHER. CITY TO WAR ON "PA Y CHECKS" Labor Leaders and Citizens Plan Law Against t Gruel, Contractors THE, company pay check system,; as rased by' Gray Brothers, that goaded James /-Edward -Cunningham, j -the' former, Gray : Brothers 'employe, 1 ' to murder Carolina Brasch^book keeper for the. firm, ''seems doomed in ' California.' v Heads of i organized- labor in this city in sisted in statements-yesterday that at the next* legislature a (fight will be made -by. every union, labor -man in , the state to pass a general statute^makingiit mandatory upon employers to r pay. their' men at'lcast once a" month and doit onlyin currency, or, in a negotiable check. , Andrew Gallagh'er, secretary^ of the San Francisco labor, council*, and John . W." Sweeney, ; president > of '; the, iron ; council, voiced the sentiments 'of their.' fellow unionists I when they ''declared; yesterday "that "the ineiqultous com- I pVriy.-: pay. jcheckTsy stem must go." \u25a0. . , ;•' S~ Whole^Cityilriclignantx - ~-;> •• -; ; : V Behind the .determined -opposition toj this' form, of wage slavery, .which -holds'a workman, helpless long 'after* ' Continued on Page \2, r Column 1 ./ydthxan get what you want by ."Y for it in CALL'S "0T CLASSIFIED ADS , PRICE FIVE CENTS. DE LA MONTANYA DEATH MYSTERY GROWING DEEPER Conflicting 'Circumstances Discovered by Police Investigations DOCTOR WAS CALLED TWO HOURS AFTER SHOOTING Brother Believes, in Suicide But Story of Lunch With Men Is \u25a0 iNOt Disproved PENDING the inquest into the death of Mrs. Lores* de la Mpntanya, which occurred at her apartment. 1360 Jones street, Friday evening, the police and the coroner's deputies are engaged in measuring the cir cumstances of the case and in balancing the several as pects of the mystery of the woman's death. Two women, Mrs. Margaret W. Patton of 2047 Green street, the friend, and Celia Budla, the maid, know tha details of the tragedy and with convincing reiteration have clung to the story of the suicidal death of Mrs. Mon tanya which they first told when the police and morgue officers arrived at midnight Friday. But information of a contrtry character has been repeatedly given, which, if credible; would make the death of Mrs. de la Montanya as mysterious as was the death of Caesar Young, the horseman, who died in a cab in New York. There was a report circulated that two men were having dinner with Mrs. de la Montanya and Mrs. Patton and that the re volver, was being examined as an after dinner diversion - when it was discharged, inflicting a . mortal wound on Mrs. de la Montanya. • / * ' V .Brother Not in Dowbt, Alfred B. Bar'bier, brother of the deceased, dismissed the rumor, as an entirely imaginary concoction, while Police Detectives; Riordan and Boletto, who have been working on the case, are keepings their minds open. Rior dan said yesterday that in the light of the evidence so far available he believed that the death wound was self-" inflicted by Mrs.- de la Montanya. He pointed to the fact that some years ago the woman tried to take her own life : by severing ah artery with a bit of glass . But neither the police nor the coroner can reconcile 'the events that followed the shooting. [*; .According to Mrs. Patton the shot was fired about 7:3Q o'clock in the evening. Dr. Lewis W. Allen ,house physi cian of the St. Francis .who was called by Mrs. Patton to attend the stricken woman, was not summoned until 9: 3 d' o'clock; That time was definitely set yesterday by S. M. Becker, "the boy mayor" of Milwaukee, who is a guest at the St. Francis. Dr .Allen was out of the city yester | day and could not be found to give his statement, although I Detective Riordan made repeated efforts to find him. Called at 9:30 o'clock "Dr. Allen was in my room at the St. Francis Friday evening," said Becker. "At 9:30 o'clock there was a tele phone call for the doctor. A woman's voice spoke to him. telling him that 'something horrible' had happened and that he must come out at once in an automobile of a tax icab. • Dr. Allen immediately left the room." • . The inquest into Mrs. de la Montanya's death will be held Friday morning. The apartment in which the tragedy occurred, was closed yesterday and the maid had left. Mrs. Heath and Alfred B. Barbier have taken charge of Mrs. de la Mon tanya's effects, and today the brother will, arrange for the funeral . LAWYER. IS ATTACKED BY THUGS AND PUMMELS ONE OF THEM Athletic Santa Cruz Attorney Protects Hitn- self From Bandits SANTA. CRUZ, July 4.— Attorney Ernest C. Rittenbousa fooled two thugs at a late hour last night when they com manded him to throw up his hands. Before they were aware the athletic young lawyer had one fellow down- and as pummellng him severely. Rittenhouse was returning home along Chestnut ave nue from Ihe office of the F: A. Hihn company. At a dark spot he suddenly found' himself between two men. When called upon to surrender his. cash Rittenhouse refused and one thug struck him on the head with a big club several times.. ** • . : . -Rittenhouse floored his combatant and had the better of him when, another holdupman rained -blows upon the head of.the One cried '.'Shoot him!" and Ritten house wisely escaped. GIRL SEEKING PARDON . FOR HER MOTHER IN JAIL Daughter Is Circulating Petition Among Her [Special Dispatch to.TJie Call} \u25a0\u25a0;JiAPA,'.. July 4.— Mrs. Lena Remley, daughter of Mrs. Mary;; Ghirardl. who Is., serving a sentence in, the county jail in 'this ;clty for selling liquor within one and* a s half miles of the Veterans* home,, was busily. engaged yesterday In an" effort for Mrs. Ghirardl's , release. \u25a0' The daughter circulated a petition to be presented to the governor, asking that her mother b« pardoned. Mrs. Ghirardi, was sentenced "to pay a fine of $500. the" limit of ithe 'law, .with 'the alternative of too days, in the county jail, and chose to save her money and serve the sentence. Sho paid a fine of J3OO on a former conviction #om« time ago.