Newspaper Page Text
[ Additional News of Sports ESyents GAELIC DANCING CLUB'S GAMES DRAW GREAT ENTRY LIST Some of State's Best Athletes to Compete Tomorrow at Shell Mound Probably the largest athletic meet that has been held at Shell Mound park Itf many years trill * occur tomorrow, under the auspices of tho Gaelic &nc!tig cl'jb. directed by Joseph P. KeKeher. The meet na's been sanctioned by the Pacific athletic association. ,The list of entries contains the names of many of the state's best athl«t«*. The following are the entries and their handicaps: 17C yard dash — Scratch: M. 3oj. oaaitcched; Trunk ;.-.:. rv unattached; John TVeise. Bellanee club; P. X. Latulipe. S. K. C; E. E. KeUoptoa. t\ A. C; W. J. ShaMock, nsaUaclieU; Henry lleckert. X. >'. A. l,\: Jair.eK BiOL'k. C. A. C: W. 11. tlcbctr, O. C: <liude Moss. O. C: Orral l^smbau-i. O. C. ; W. R. Koox, O. C; Andrew GUrner, O. C; Dec'.rt Maua, K. A. C: 11. faith. Reliance club: W. Daroar, Reliance club; H. Moody, ttnrtttchea; J. Smith, St. Mary'«; D- S. Terry, naatjcchpd; F. E. McXamara, O. C; Harry" EsUo»^ club; Ed Martin. St. Msrj-'s. SSO yar3 run. fcand'.csp— A. A. Gl&rner, O. C. *o*tch; K. Craig. O. C, 15 yards : W. Garriß. O. C 20 yards: H. Ma^ndrelf, O. C, 20 ysrtls; A. King. St. Mary's, 25 yawia: 5. Biirka. St. Mary's. 25 yards; M. Joy. uaattaciied. 25 yards; TraiJt Jouts, unattached. 25 yards; J. Copelsnd, S. 1.. 23 yards; Den SlPr4an. I. A. C 25 yards; F. X. Latllupe. S. H. C, 23 yards: 11. E. Par toss, T. M. C. A., 23 yards; C. CcufhUa, nnat tsched. 23 yarfls; D. O'Kell. I. A. C, 25 yards; A. Rowe, U. H. S-. SO yards; 11. M. Williams. O. C. SO yards; G. Cilmore. C. A. C, 30 yards; T-. Fcntoo. unattached, E0 yards: U. Howdea. 6t. Mary's. £0 yard*; L. B. Harris, unattached. SO yards; F. E. McNfiraara. O. C, 30 yards C. 6«ewert. St. Mary's, SO yards M. E. Hopp«r, N. -A. IX S3 reirds; W. H. Hobcrp. O. C. 33 yards; Vf. M. TJutt6, unattached, 53 yards; R. M«- JJahoa. 11. E. n. S.. 35 yards; J. Smith, fit. riair's. 35 yards; Charles Mann. St. Mary's, 85 yards: F. McDonald. St. Mary's. 40 yards; S. •iio»rle, 6t. Mary*, 40 yftrds: M. Cafran. O'C. H. •C. 40 yerds; G. Carolia. noattacheJ. 40 yards; ilrwin Luct. unattached. 40 yards; H. H. Han trn. uaartached. 40 yards. E. Lawtoa. unat • teched. 40 yards; M. Ueckert, ft. N. A. C, 40 *ards; James lUock. C. A. C. 40 yards; H. B. _E!!!ott. Barl«rlan club, 40 yards, D. B. Mann. K. A. C. 40 yards; D. S. Terry, unattached. 40 jards. run— E. Crplg. O. 0., scratch; W. Garrin. T». C, 20 yards; 11. Maundrell, O. C, 20 yards; T. B. Scith. O. C. SO yards: John Burke, St. Mary's. 35 yards; D. J. Riordan, I. A. A. C, *rt rarfie; W. H. Hobarg. O. C. 40 yards; A. A. Warner, O. C., 20 yards; Cliar>s Stewart, St. Mnrj-'s, 53 yards: Jaiac* Copelmd, S. I-, CO yards: D. IX O'Ncil. I. A. A. C, 50 yards: «;porge PanUen. N. N. A. C. 63 yards; Albert Itoire. B. 11. S.. CO yard*; C. Coqjftlaa, cnat tfiched. 00 yards: F. X. Latalipe, S. 11. C. 63 ynrds: 11. M. WilllamE. O. C, 70 yards; E. Lunt, csaftachpd. TO yard*: 11. E. Parsons. Y. M. C. A.. 70 yards; G. Cilinore, C. A. C, 70 yards; J. Smith, St. Mary's. 73 yards ; I- Blaa rhard. L. C. 75 j-ardu; N. J. Cullea. «n ettsched, 75 yards; M. Joy. unattached. 75 yards; T. Parry, unattached. 75 yards; It. B. Harris, unattached. w> yards: Harry Hanoen. unatuchefi. 80 yards: TV. H. Butts, unaltacbed. K» yards: Arthur Kinp, St. • Mary'p. SO yards; John Colpman. I. A. A. C, S5 yards; W. Rek ifTjr. K. N. A. C. 63 yards; B. Boblnson, N. A. C. S3 yards; R. BoblDFon. cnattacbed. 85 yaids: J. Fcnton. unanached. 90 yards; E. Latr t'vn. unattarlied. 00 yards; E. McMollln. 1^ E. S.. Xi yards; J. Bloch, C. A. C. !K) yards; O. Al bright, unattached. 90 yards: Frank McDonald. St. Mary'F, 95 yards; 11. Scholten. St. Mary's. 63 yards; .«. Searle. Xt; Mary's. 05 yards; t"fc*rl<»s Mii Tin. St. Mary>, 95 yards. Thrp* 1 prandlnr Jnmp». ecratch — Pat DonoTmn. rnattsched: O. Baurubsiijrh. O. C. : A. A. Glar rer. O. C. : Walter Knot. O. C; D. D. O'Nell. I. A. A. C; Han Biordan. I. A. A. C; J. CoJe- TT:an. I. A. A. C: Bu«l >T»ody. unattacteil; M. }:a«rsn. O'C.- 11. C: J. Copn. O'C. H. C; P. IIa!!!»*y. I. A. A. C: D. Bnck>y. I. A. A. C.; 11. McLaujrhlin. unaTtachni: P. K. McXamara. t Pole vauit. !,',;.'t;i — Walter Knox, O. C. scratch: S. Dlckioa. O. C. 2 Inohes; J. Colernan. I. A. A. C. IO inches: Dan Riordan. I. A. A. C. 12 incbw; O. Baumbaash. O. C.. 10 isrhfs. Purtin? 42 jx>und trpl£bt — Raijih Rose. O. C.. scratch: ICd Nunao. I. A» A. C. 22 in<"he«; M. J. Murj±r. unKttacb<>d. SO tarlx*; O. Wall- Csch. O. C. 3C lnfLw; W". R. Knox. 30 lnrhts: P. D<?oran, cnattached. 18 inches; P. Murphy, unsttachr-d. 30 inches. Suapiejt &i poatid weight, fcandlrap— p. Dono- ren. nnattaclwd, scratch; Ralph Bose. O. C. 2 fp«: D. Barkle. I. A. A. C, 2 feet; P. Murphy. »:nattaebed. 3 fw»t; M. J. Mnrp!:y, unattached, 3 frpt: O. W>!!osch. O. C 4 fert. ?linF ! .r.g Z(i ;•'\u25a0;:,,: wpltrht for Ik icl.t — P. Dono r«n. urmitafhod. 6<Tatch: D. Buckley. I. A. A. ('.. 4 Inrii**; M. J. Mnrph.r. unattached, 6 inches; Rslph Rose. O. C. fi inrhes: P. Murphy, tmst tnrlied. • iarhfs; O. WallCsch. O. C. 12 Inches; \V. R. Knox. O. C. ." feet: W. B. Te*ll. S. M. A. C. f! feet; B. Monir, tmattaeh^d. C fert. Ronninjr bros«i jumr» — AY. B. Knox. O. C. (-•-retch; S. Dick»oa. O. C, C inches; n. Me BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS Notable Deaths | .> > CEIN EAM. CHUTESE ACTOR— New York, July 1«. — After leading a taoft remarkable life. »Th:u Hutu, tbe oldest and be»t known Chiaefe •irtor in tbi* rooeor. U dea4 in t!s little room over Uie Chinese theater In Doyers street. GEORGE DUVAX OF BROOKLYN, S. T.— O<»orpe Dural, uncle of Jauies D. Phelan of this rjtj-, «Ued in Brooklyn. . N. V., July -. according to advices jort it>ciTe<l ia this city. : \u25a0 • .'. was '\u25a0'• years old. Il»- emtgrated from Irrlsnd ' I\u25a0• - CO year* ago and was for meny j-«ir« *rtiv*-ly eairagM ln business In New York. One cf lit* fons, George, was a part- fir many year* in tbe shipping house of "William K. Grace & Co. of tnls city. Another -son. Willir.m. was rnga?ed ta tbe wood pulp bur!n«?K here. Jem's THORPE. FLCRICTrLTTTRIST— Chicago. Juiy Its. — Jobn Tliorj»e, ohlef of floriculturo at th«> world's Columbian exposition in 1593, died at bis lKnne ye*t»T<lay. aged GH years. J:?? A2TNA J. £XO-^-E. KOKAGEKAKIAK— Wnmra. Joiy 1C. — Mrs. Aim* J. Stowe, aired BC. in* oldest rterroa io the county, died Ircre yesterday. Kbe • was bora ln Cooperstown, N. V.. August 11, 1813. •J _^- W. Marriage Licenses | 4. \u25a0> Ttp rollrrirtßjr marriage llcenßea were Issued in Xan Francisco Friday, Joly 16, 1909: BA&ITUCH— ZCGAB — Anton Barulich. 24, and Mary Zugar, IS, both of 4281 Twenty-fourth xtrwt. DIXON— McMEXOMEY — Le Hoy A. Dixon, 34, «n<l Etta G. MeMenomcy, 32, both of 1974 Folsoni street. FARRELL— FABRELLY— MichaeI Farfell. 21. lI JO Harrison street, and Ellen Farrelly. IS, • 210 niß*te*>nth Btreet. JOHNSON— JORG ESSEX— Pfter Johnson,. 43, tn<l Catheriae M. Jorgensen, 32, both of Xew- 'nian. . • MURRAY— RENTER— IIubrrt J. Murray. 21. 2231 luion street, end Emily C.«g«nter. 18. 23f> Cole street. ECHWEITZEIi — BltlGGf? — John \u25a0B. Schweitzer. 35. Apjileoue. and Octavine C. Brlggs. S3, Rau Frtnciiro. fcMITH— DE MALDEB— Bobfrt A. 8mltl», 21. SOS Scott Rtrctt, anfl Bosc <ie Maider, 18, 2613 Howard «treet. IHEN— BUXTON— Hotxrt A. Uren. 24, 3425 A Sixteenth street, and Pearl A- Buxton, 24, 101 t^ajitro etreet. YASIIIXO— MIZL'MA— KicbUaburo Yashlno, 27, Florin, and Hatosye Mltnma. 22, Kobe, Japan. Birth, tn&rrlage and death notices sent by mail trill not be inwrted. They mnst be banded In at pitfcer of tbe publication offices and be Indorsed with tbe name end residence of person* author- ized to liave tbe came published. Notices re- ftrtrted clmply to the announcement of the event «w published once ln tbis column free of charge. BIRTHS MrDOUGALD— In this city. July. l*. 15K», to the wife of A. li. McDongald. a uon. RUBEN— !n thk city. July 1«, 1«H», to the wife cf Paul B, Ruben, a daughter. WAITE— In this city, July 10. 1909, to tbe wife of Harry D. Waite, a aon.^ • \u25a0• . \u25a0• MARRIAGES JANSSEN— BRANTLEY— In this dry, July 17, 1900, by Hf>v. E. P. Dennett, Raymond J. .ixr.s^r n and Emily A. Brantlcy, botli of San Fraru-iseo. ... DEATHS 'Aniresen. Mary*. . . 511 HartT Mrs. E, E. . . . . «2 *~*Km. 3«£*jm SO.Uuff, Abrtm 7£ I/Quchlin, unattached, 12 Inches; J. Coca, O'C. H. C, 24 luch«a; F. Jones, unattached, 12 Inches; M. Joy. unattached, 10 inches; il. Mur pfcy. unattached. 12 Inches; John Coleiuan, I. A. A. C. 12 Inches: Dan Riordan, I. A. A. C. IS Inches; P. B. Kelleptoa, C. A. C, 12 inches; D. D. O'NeU. .I. A. A. C, 15 Inches; Jamea Block, O. A. C-. 24 Inches; O. Baunibaugb, O. C, 12 Inches; M. Eajran. O'C. 11. C. 24 Inches; D. Buckley, 1. A. A. C, 12 inches; P. Halliaey, I. A. A. C. 12 lnrLefl. \u25a0 Running bep, step and Jump— O. Baumbsugh, 0. C, scratch; W. R. Knox. O. C, scratcij; P. HalUEwr. I. A. A. C, 12 Inches: D. Bncklcr. 1. A. A. C, 12 lacbea; M. Joy, unattached. 24 Inches; D. D. O'ScO, I. A. A. 0.. 24 Inches; D. Biordan. I. A. A. C, 30 Inches; J. Block. C. A. C. 38 incbei: J. Coen. O'O. H. C. 36 Inch**; M. Esgaa. O'C. H. C-. SC Inches; B. Moody, unattached, 24 Inches. , ' Belay race for Catholic schools — Teams from Si. Ignatius. St. 11 try's. St. James, Sacred Heart. Belay rtce for association football clubs- Teams from the Albion Borers, Thistles, Inde pendents, Hornets. Relcy race for th# Irish hurling and football e'ubs— Teams from the O'Connells. Parnells and Young Iff lands. Officials: Referee, Douglas rr?lrin»; starter, George James; Judges of finish— William Minae *i«:i, Herbert Ilauser. Joseph Kelleher, Nlok Prcndergast; announcer, George Dixon; timers — Frank ' O'Kane, Al Hampton, 1. O. Nealon and John Ell'.ctt; clerks of coarse— Joseph Hickey and Walter Christ!?. Knowlton of San Francisco Beaten at Portland PORTLAND, Ore.. July 16.— The vic tory of Brandt Wlckerßham of this city over "W. Ok Knowlton of San Francisco in the men's singles was the surprise today In the Oregon stato tennis cham pionship tournament, tne semifinals of which were completed today. ' The results were: In the men's .singles Wlckersham de feated Knowlton, 6— l, 6—2,6 — 2, and Wick ersham defeated "W. A. Goes, Portland. 6—4, 2—6. 6—l. . In the men's doubles Knowlton and A. B. MoAlpln. Portland, defeated Mil ton Frohman and Wells Gilbert, both of Portland, C—l.C — 1. 6—2.6 — 2. In the women's singles Mrs. J. C. Fouilhoux defeated Mies Stella Ford ing". Portland. 6—l,6 — 1, 6—2.6 — 2. In the women's doubles Miss Hazel Hotchkiss, Berkeley. Cal., and Miss LessJe I#eadbetter, Portland, defeated Mrs. Fouilhoux and Miss Nan Robert eon. Portland. 6—o,6 — 0, 6—l.6 — 1. In the mixed doubles Mrs. Fouil houx and Irving: Rohr, Portland, de feated Miss Fordman and Hush Herd man, 6—4.6 — 4. 6—l.6 — 1. Coast Boxing Champion 8 ships Decided in Sooth LOS ANGELES, July 16.— Results In the coast amateur championship box- Ing tournament at Venice last night were as follows: 135 pound class— -Charles Boscha, Los Angeles athletic club, defeated Jim Kayee, unattached, decision, four rounfls; Sam Coulter, Los Angeles ath letic c!ub. defeated J. Noonan, Olympic club, San Francisco, decision, three rounds. 145 pound class — Joe Niderost, Olym pic club, knocked out Clarence Macy, unattached, one round; G. D. Coghill, Los Angeles Young Men's Christian as sociation, knocked out Larry Kuder, unattached, one round. % Delilah Wins Pacing Race In Fast Time LOS ANGELES. July 16. — Today's card for the harness races at Agricul tural park brought out the fastest time of the meeting-. Summaries: 2:07 pace, purse SI. OO0 — Delilah won, Josephine second, Tom Murphy third. Best 'time. 2:07. Two year old trot — Donasham won, Heine Snyder second. Best time, 2:29. 2:20 matinee, pace — Lucy Coin won, Bernie Wllkes secona. Honest John third. Best time, 2:20%. HARVARD PAIR DEFEATED NEW YORK. Julj' 16.— H. H. Hackett and R. D. Little, the former tennis in ternationalists, won the final today of the doubles at the Seabright. N. J_ tournament. They defeated the Harvard pair, N. W. Miles and Arthur S. Dab ney Jr., 6—2.6 — 2. 6—3,6 — 3, C — 3. Take (he Family for a Sunday Outing On the Ocean Shore Railway — plenty of roundtrip traln.s and miles of sandy beaches. Time table page 17. • . Bletben, Clark...... — {Knudsen, Anna <M Brouse, Annie 32 Langmaack, Han>...:ui Bryan, John M — LJppert. William L... 2S Bulman. John 31 Lowenstein. I>cna .... 83 1 Carr. Deborah A — Lynch, Evelyn C. . . . 26 ; Clarke. John J 57 McNalley. William . . 20 Coffin. Robert O — Nlghtlnglll. Jane A,. 80 i Dietrich. lywiise..:. TS Prlzgint, Dora — ! Flewelllng Wallare. 80 Sendberg, Xicholas. .. 45 ! Glovannetti. Albina. 21 Shea, Margaret — Goddard, Ida E WJ Bilva. Mary 45 Gordon. Harry W Want, George.. C 9 ttoßEett, L-u10....... 20 Wright, William. ... SU Harrison, ftutb bs| ANDRESEN— In this city. July IC. 1!H», Mary Aadresen. beloved wife of tbe late Peter An- dresen, end mother of Bertha and Ewald An- rtreten. William F. Costello, Mrs. Myrtle Hremrr and the late Vincent Andresen, a na- tive of Missouri, aged 51 year*^ BEHM—Ih this city, July 15, 1909. Johann U«bm. a native of Brooklyn, aged 50 years. A member of Contra Costa lodge Xo. 18, K. of V., of Black Diamond, Contra Costa county, Cal. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services today {Saturday). July 17. 1909, at 2 O'clock p. in., nt tbe funeral rhapel of Charles 11. J. Tru- man. 1919 Xlls&on street between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, under the auspices of K. of P. Bureau of Relief. Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery. . . BLETHEN— Ia Alameda. Jnly 10, 1909,' Clark Blethen, beloved husband of Kate \,. Blethen, and father of Miss Costella and H. Frederick Blethen. a native of Maine. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully I&TUf-d to attend the funeral Monday. July 1», 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, I£ls Santa Clara avenue, Alameda. Interment Cyprets Lawn cemetery. EROUSE— At Shasta Retreat. Cal., July 14. 1909, Annie, beloved daughter of Jacob and Sarah Broose, and sister of Mrs. Ray Wino- gard. Mrs. Pauline Townsend and Simon and txidore Itrouse of Leavenwortb, Kan., and Mrs. Mollle Lesrytsky of Tucson. Arir., a native of De» Moice*. 1 1owa, aged 32 years . 1 month and 0 daya. (Leaven worth. Kan., and Tucson, Arts., papers please copy.) :>: > \u25a0 *- Fmvral services were held yesterday (Fri- ' day>. »t 10:15 A'clock a. m., at the parlors of HaUted & Co., 024 Fillmore street. Inter- ment Salpsi cemetery, by train leaving Third and Townsend streets at 11:30. '\u25a0\u25a0 BRYAN— Id this city. July 15. 1909. John M., beloved husband of Mary A. Bryan, and loving father of William. H.. Francis T.. Leo J. mid Gertrude I*. Bryan. Mrs. W. 11. Lane, Mrs. Oswald Wallace, and the late Theresa, John. Grace and Viola Bryan. (Chicago. 111.,: and '. Xlarrlftbnrg. Pa., papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to : attend the funeral . today (Satur- day), -July- 1". 1909. at 9 o'clock a. m.. from bis late residence. 8257 Seventeenth ' *tr*et rorner of Capp. thence to St. Charles Borromeo's churcn. corner of "Eighteenth and Sbotwell streets, where a . requiem high 1 mass ' will be celebrated for the- repose of his soul, commencing at 9:30 o'clock- a. ra. Interment Holy Cross cemetery,' by electric funeral car from Thirteenth and Mission streets. .* BTJLMAN— In this city. July 15, 1909.* John Bul- man, beloved son' of .Margaret Bulman and the late Anthony Bulman. and beloved brother of Mrs. William Gore. Ellen, Mary and Thomas Bulman. a native of .Wisconsin, aged 31 years and 25 days. A member of Iron Molders 1 • Union Local No. 164. - . ; Friends and acquaintances are re*pectfn!ly : Invited 'to attend the funeral this day (Sat- nrflay). Jnly 17. JftOO. \u25a0at 1:30 p.- ra.; from bis late residence, 08 Farrs gut avenue, thence tft . St. Michael* church. Ocean View, where service* will be beld at 2 o'clock p. m; 'In- terment Holy Cross cemetery. CARE— In this - city, 7 July 15.; 1909, Deborah Agnes, beloved - wife of Rdward • li.- Carr;- and daughter . of Mrs.* Margaret . and i tbe late , Ed- ward *Locitt. \u25a0 sister of Josephine and ''Edward ' I.iirltt snd Mrs. Stanley, and. niece «f Mr. and Mrs. . John Kulllvnn, a native , of ' California^- 'v Friends . and . acquaintances - are ' respectf nlly Invited 'to attend .\u25a0- the \u25a0 fnneral Monday; July IP. 1009." »t 8:20 o'clock a. ra.. from- her l»t'« THE SAIf FRANCISCO 'GALL. SATURDAY; JULY 17, 1909. TIGERS HMD SENATORS GO EIGHTEEN INNINGS WITH NO SCORE Summers Pitches Whole Game for "Tigers/* but Gray Quits in the Ninth STAXDI.VG OF THE CLUBS NATIONAL LEAGUE AMERICAN LEAGUE Club— W L Pet. Clnb— W ti Pet. Pittsburg 53 21 724 Detroit 50 28 041 Chicago .49 26 653 Philadelphia 1.46 30 605 New York 44 20 603 Clereland 44 S3 571 Cincinnati ...41 36 532 Boston 40 S3 568 Philadelphia 733 42 440 New York 35 43 449 St. Louis 30 43 411 Chicago 34 44 43<J Brooklyn ....20 48 347 St. Louis S3 40 418 Boston 22 54 MOj Washington ...23 52 307 American League DETROIT, July 16.— Detroit and Washlnffton played what Is believed to be a record game for conßecutive scoreless Innings in a major lcaguo contest, the game being: called at the end of the eighteenth inning 0 to 0. Summers pitched for Detroit. He struck out 10 men and was at his best when errors put him at a disadvantage. Qray, for Washington, went Into the ninth lnnlngr with a record of but one hit against him. In the ninth, while pitching-, he stralne# his side and was forced to retire. Detroit seemed to have the game won in the fifteenth, when Killifer went home on Crawford's grounder to Groom and Washington started to leave the field. Umpire Kerin called the team back, ruling that a force play had been made. Score: ~R. H. E. Detroit 0 7 5 Washington 0 7 4 Batteries — Summers and Stanage; Schmidt. Gray, Grooms and Street. CHICAGO, July 16. — Chicago today won the final game of the long series with New York. Score: R. H. E. Chicago \u0084 . 3 6 0 New York 1 4 2 Batteries — Walsh, Scott and Owens; Sullivan, Quinn and Sweeney. ST. LOUIS. July 16. — By winning to day's game Boston took the series. Score: R. H. E. St. Louis 1 8 0 Boston 2 7 0 Batteries — Bailey and Crlger; Schlit zer and Donohue. CLEVELAND. July 16. — Cleveland's winning streak was broken today, Phil adelphia winning. Score: R. H. E. Cleveland 0 3 1 Philadelphia 3 6' l Batteries — Berger, Llebhardt and Be mis; Morgan and Livingstone. I National League ] 4, , 4. XEW YORK. July 15.— New York de feated Cincinnati- today in the fast time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. Score: R. H. E. Cincinnati 1 6 0 New York 2 6 0 Batteries — Rowan and McLean; Mat thew Son and Schlei. Umpires — John stone and Rigler. BOSTON. July 16. — Chicago made it five straight by winning from Boston today. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 4 7 1 Boston 1 3 4 Batteries — Kroh and Archer: Fergu son and Graham. Umpires — Kane and Klcm. MUST PI. AY IX AUSTRALIA "NEW YOTtK, July 16.— A cable mes sage from George R. Newburn, secre tary of the English lawn tennis asso ciation, states that a letter has been received there from Dwigrht F. Davis which casts doubts upon this country sending a team to Australia. The cable indicated that unless the chosen Amer ican team consented, to make the voy age to Australia if it won from Eng land the English and American pre liminaries would be canceled. O'BRIEX TO FIGHT FLIX.V DENVER, July 16.— Philadelphia Jack O'Brien and Jim Flynn of Pueblo will fight 10 rounds In the Auditorium in this city on July 29. according to an nouncement made today. A permit has been issued for the bout and it is stated that the principals have already agreed privately to terms. Under the state laws the match can only be an exhibition and no decision can be given. residence, CG Lafayette street, thence to St. Joseph's church, where « requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repone of her soul, commencing at oa. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. CLARKE— -In this city, July 16. 1909, John J. Clarke, a native of Philadelphia, aged 57 years. COFFIN— In this cityi July 15, 1909, Robert Orme, beloved son of Gcan and the late Joseph A. Coffin, and loving brother of Jameg A. and ' Mollle B. Coffin, a native of Windsor. Sonoma county. Oal. (Thorold and Toronto, Can., pa- pers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral tomorrow (Sun- day), at 1 p. hi., from the residence of bis mother, 2014 Folsoni street, where services will be held. Interment Mount Olivet ceme- tery. DIETRICH— JuIy 15. 1909, Louise Dietrich, wife of the late William F. Dietrich, and motlier of Mrs. S. S. Lltchfield, a native of Xew York city, Bged 78 years. FLEWELLING— In this city. July 15. 1900. Wallace W., beloved husband of Betty Flew- elltng, and father of Charles and Clyde Flew- filing and Mrs. Alma Xeff, a - native . of Canada, aged 80 years. OIOVANNETTI (nee Dagnlno)— ln this city. July 14. 1909, Albina. dearly beloved wife of Peter Glovennettl, daughter of Colomba and tbe Ist? Felice Dagnlno, and sister of Uaptlste and Joseph Attlllo. and George Dagnino, a na- tive of San Francisco. Cal., aged 21 yean 0 months and 12 days. - . Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Sat- urday). July 17. at 9:45 a. m., from the par- lore of Valente, Marlnl. Marals St Co., 049 Green street between Powell and Stockton, thence to the the Italian church of St. Peter and St. Paul for blessing.' and thence to .cem- etery, \u25a0 GODDARD— In Oakland, July 10, 1900. Ida E., • beloved wife of Oeorge H. Goddard, and lov- ing mother of Ada I", (joddard, a native of Xew York, aged 66 years. . GORDON— In this city, July 10, 1909, Harry . Gorman Gordon, beloved husband of Catherine A. Gordon, and father of Alice Gordon and Mrs. W. T. Lord, a native of Harrisburg Pa., aged \u25a0; ;64 years. \u25a0--: . " : '."\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 • •. ft -\u25a0_ '\u25a0\u25a0.- > Friends and ncqusintnnces are respectfully invited to attend tne funeral services tomor- row (Sunday), July 18. 1909, at ' 1 o'clock p. m., at Ills late residence. 4431 California street. , Cremation, I. O. 0. F. - cemetery, . at 2 p. m. GOSSETT— In this city. July 16. 1909, Lulu Gossett, dearly beloved wife of Logan Gossett, and daughter of Thomns and the late Juanlta Walker, a native of San Francisco, aged 20 years 2 months and 8 days. .: . . Itemalns at Ihe parlors of Valente, Marlnl, Marals & Co., 649 Green street. ; HARRISON— In this City, July 13. 1800.-, IlutU, \u25a0 Harrison, widow of; the late < John B. Har- '.' risort.", mother .of Henry '}:. Harrison of Juno, Alaska, and N . Harrison, * Mrs. Joseph T, . Field, •'\u25a0 Clemence • Elizabeth - Harrison and , " Mrs. Joseph \u25a0 Slye. and grandmother of Ruth Clemence and John Field of this city. . a ' native of London. Eng., aged 65 years *: 8 • months and 6; days. , - Friends are - respectfully invited 'to attven : the funeral today (Saturday), July 17, 1909, at . 12 o'clock, from ' Grace \u25a0 Episcopal church, cor- - ncr of Sacramento tand :' Taylor \u25a0 streets. • Inter- * t ment private. . Please omit , flowers, . ,- HART— Entered into .rest.. July 14, 1909; Mrs. B. E. Hart, loving mother of J. M. Sharkey - and . J.* P. Hart, a . native of '\u25a0 Ireland, ' aged 62 yesr*. : - \u25a0•"'.-'\u25a0\u25a0> '':'-: V . -\u25a0'•-"•. \u25a0} -- r \u25a0 ~'\u25a0 Friends - are ' respectfully invited - 1,0 - attend the funeral = this (Saturday) 'morning,* at « o'clock, from St. Domlnie'B church. Pierce and \u25a0 Bush' streets, ; trhere mass ;wlH ; he » celebrated ' for the •• repose vof • her : p0u1. ,. : Interment i Holy \u25a0' Cross cemetery; by carriage, '-? Remains \u25a0at • the :\u25a0 chapel : of / X,. Gray &.»Co.v 2198 :Geary ; street.' HUFF— In Tomales, . Marin * county, -j'Cai.T> July . , J4; 1909. \u25a0 Abrsm . Huff. : beloved father of Luella A. Huff, ; and; husband iof Ithe, late s Eugenia. A.- Huff, - a •\u25a0 native < ef i Rochester; v N."iy.,"- aged -78 \u25a0 years \1; months : and '\u25a0 29 , days, f '.'.'. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i-h, \u25a0 \u0084»: \u25a0*. Friends \ are respectfully >. Invited \u25a0 to "attend REGULARS BEGIN TARGET PRACTICE Rifle and Pistol Competition for Department of California at Ord Barracks Noted Officers and Seventy En listed Men Among Marks men at Monterey The annual rifle and pistol compe titions of the department of Califor nia began yesterday at Ord barracks, Monterey. '\u25a0 Tha following officers are taking part in the contest: Rifle competition— Captain Wallace B. Scales. Fifth cavalry, Schofleld barracks, Honolulu. H. T. ; First Lieutenant Paul W. Beck, signal corps, Camp Yosemite, California; First Lieutenant Fe lix W. Motlow, coast artillery corps. Fort Barry, California; First Lieutenant Austin M. Pardee, Twentieth infantry (distinguished marksman). Fort Shatter, Honolulu, H. T.; Second Lieuten ant Emll P. Plerson, Fourteenth cavalry. Pre sidio of San Francisco, California; Second Lieu tenant Charles A. Draro, Eighth Infantry, Pro •idlo of Monterey, California. Pistol competition— Captain William H. H. Chapman. Twentieth infantry (distinguished pis tol shot), Fort Shaffer, Honolulu, 11. T.; First Lieutenant Leonard T. Baker, Eighth infantry, Presdlo of Monterey, California; First Lieutenant Thomas W. Brown, Twenty infantry, Presidio of Monterey, California; Second Lieuten ant Jamce n. Burns. First field artillery. Pre sidio of San Francisco, California; Second Lieu tenant Emll P. Plerson,- Fourteenth cavalry. Pre sidio of San Francisco, California; Second Lieu tenant Alexander L. James Jr., Fifth cavalry. Presidio of Monterey, California. Besides tho officers named 70 enlisted men In this department aro taking part. Lieutenant Fred T. Cruse, First field artillery, has been ordered to Reclamation, Cal., to examine Bites for contemplated target practice Of the Second battalion. First field artllery. Captain Herbert C. Glbner, medical corps, general hospital at the Pre sidio, will go on leave of absence for 20 days, beginning July 21. Captain William B. Davis, medical corps, Fort Mason, has been granted leave of absence for 20 days.. The Twenty-sixth infantry. In com mand of Colonel Charles A. Booth, which arrived home from 'the Philip pines Thursday, will start for Its new post today at 12 o'clock, going over the Santa Fe road. The First and Sec ond battalions, band and headquarters, will go to Fort Wayne, Mich., and the Second battalion will co to Fort Brady, Mich. • ,Colonel Enoch 11. Crowder, who Is to temporarily act as Judge advocate of. this department, Is duo at this post July 25. As Colonel Crbwder Is slated for Judge advocate general of the army, ft is not expected his stay here will be long. Brigadier General George B. Davis, present Judgt> advocate general, is reported to be on the list for re-, tirement in the near future, and then Crowder will assume the office. The transport Sheridan, which is scheduled to sail to the Philippines August 5, will take the One Hundred and Fifth and the One Hundred and Fifty-ninth companies, coast artillery, to Honolulu, and the One Hundred and Forty-sixth company, coast artillery, to Manila. The big guns at the Presidio will go into practice again Monday, shoot- Ing at moving targets. ; The following army orders were pub lished at' Washington yesterday: Major John S.Mallory. Twelfth In fantry, ordered to San Francisco, and from that place to Manila, August 5, to Join his regiment. A\A. GUDDEJfCARS IX MINNEAPOLIS, July 16. — It was not until late In the afternoon that every car in the Glidden tour which started the trip from La Crosse, Wls., at 7 a. m. today had been accounted for. Charles J. Glidden. arrived in Premier No. 99 at 2:30. At 4:30 o'clock two thirds of the cars had arrived in the city and had been checked off by Chairman Hower. MIKE DOXLIX -WILLIXO CHICAGO, July 16. — Mike Donliri, former captain of the New York Nr tional league club, declared his wil lingness yesterday to resume his place on the team if his terms are met. He was in Chicago with his wife. They are going to- New Jersey for an outing. the funeral tomorrow (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p. in., from Golden' Gate hall, 2135 Sutter street between Stelner and IMerce, under . the auspices of California lodge No. 1, "\u25a0 F. \u25a0 & A." M. Interment Woodlawn cemetery, f Re- luains at the chapel of K. Gray & Co., 2198 Geary street corner of Devisadero. KNITOSEN— Iu this city, July 10, 1909, Anna, beloved wife of Thomas M. Knudsen. and lov- ing mother of Ernest, George and Thomas Kmidspn nnd Mrs. Estelle Chergee, a native of .Stavanger, Norway, aged 04 years and 29 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral tomorrow . (Sun- dny), at 1 o'clock p. m., from her late resi- dence, 518 Connecticut street. LANGMAACK— In this city, July lft. 1900. Hans Langmnack, a native of Nortnhof, Schleswig, Germany, aged 30 years. A member of the Sehleswip Holstelner veretn. Eureka lodge No, »!. Od. 11. S., nnd Bartenders' Uniou No. 41. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend 1 the 'funeral tomorrow (Sun- day), at 2 o'clock, from Faust hall, 44 Eddy Btreat. wliere funeral services will be held un- der the auspices of the . Schleswlg Holstelner verein. Kemalus at tbe parlors of A. W. Mar- tin, 18C8 Geary street. Interment Cypress I.awn cemetery, via electric funeral car from Twelfth and Mission streets.' LIPPERT— In Corcoran, Cal.. July 18, 1909* sud- denly, William Leo, beloved husband of Anne Mppert, beloved father of Anne Llppert, be- loved eon of William and Clotilda Llppert, and beloved brother of Mac, Irene.- Ethel and Leon- ard Llppert and Mrs. S. L. Whlpple, a native of Srin Francisco, aged 28 years 0 months and 23 days.. A member of parlor No. 160, N. S. G. W., and. of Golden Gate camp No. 84. W. O.VV. • , Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral Monday. July 19, lt»9, at 8:30: o'clock a. m., from his late residence, (521 Waller street, thence to Sacred Heart church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, com-« menclnß at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Uoly Cross cemetery.- \u25a0- : . \u25a0• v ... LOWEHSTEIN— In this city. July 16, 1909, I Lena beloved wife of the late Isaac Lowen- steln. nnd mother of Mrs. 11. Levy, Mrs.* J. Kron, Mrs. S. Flyshaker, Mrs. J.-Bamon, Na- than, Joseph and David Lowenstein,. a native of .' Dadeh Se, Germany, aged 83 years \u25a0: and 20 flays.' ; ... " --.: \u25a0 - ; \u25a0"' ' ,""' :': ' C The funeral . services : will be held tomorrow (Sunday), July : 18, at 10 o'clock a. m., at her late residence, 1810 Eddy street. - Inter- ment Home of Peace cemetery, by private car leaving Third . and j Townsend streets at 111 11 :30 LYMOH— In'. San':. Rafael."- Cal.. : July 15. 1900. Kvelyn Constance Lynch, dearly beloved wife of Fred J. C. Lynch, daughter of Henry -'\u25a0 and Margaret Knlttle, and : sister of Leon- ard Knlttle and Mrs. S. Of Stanyan, a na- tive of -. San - Rafael. Cal.. , aged 28 years 5 months \u25a0 and 8 days. ' : .•..-'. \u25a0"\u25a0-\u25a0..\u25a0• .: " Friends > and" acquaintances are respectfully invited :to attend . the fnneral services \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- to- day (Saturday), at 1:30 p.; m... at her, Hate residence, 0 B = street, under the auspices of Golden Star'lodge No. 112, D. of ;B.: Inter- ment Mount Taraalpats cemetery. \ , MoNALLEY In Centervilln. Alameda . county,' Cal., July '\u25a0 12,' 1903. William, denrly beloved ! son -of Catherine and, 7 the late Michael; Me- . ~ Nalley. ,- lovln? :\u25a0" brother --' of ' Mirhael. - Agnes, Theresa and the late John E. McNalley, : and nephew of William and Jamrg McNalley, • a native of ""San .Francisco, Cal.,; aged v2O , years and \ 8 \u25a0 months. - - ~ , The funeral , wilLutake , place .today (Sat- B THE SELECTIOS'OPA PLOT M ' '.. \u25a0''' - ;.;\u25a0 '' OR'GRAVB. •' ;'.".. I IS MOUNJ OLIVET B : ~'(X' : ''.Cmn'. Be .Made' In City Office X > Grant ; Bid];., Market A7l h St«. WL \u25a0, I, ••:-\u25a0;...-:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0— _\u25a0;-.. ~- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0-:\u25a0-. -*j^^*i.- -. -..-.\u25a0 COTTON DROPS TWO DOLLARS A BALE Break in Market Follows Favor able Report on 801 l Weevil : Panicky Liquidation Causes De cline of 35 Points Within r/ . Half an Hour NEW YORK, July 16— A remarkable break in the cotton market occurred to day as a result of a special 'report on ,the boll weevil situation by the gov ernment entomologist, Dr. Hunter. At the end of the decline, cotton for the 'new crop delivery was selling at $z a bale leas than the closing price THurs day. i ; The break, was marked by panicky • liquidation and excitement. Within half an hour prices declined fully 35 points, and while/ the market recovered a few points of the loss, the close was barely steady. . The decline was the culmination of a growing lack of confidence in the sta bility of prices. 'which nearly ; reached the 13 cent level earlier in the week, when tho low July condition report was received showing a continuation of hot, dry weather in Texas, where the crop was supposed to be ' rapidly de teriorating. The selling, which started around 12.87 for December early in the week, continued in increasing volume until this morning December contracts were selling at 1.V15. "Upon publication of the boll weevil statement indicating the pest was less threatening: this year than last, liquida tion reached record breaking propor tions, and the decline was not checked until December contracts had sold at 11.92—4 points below the closing figures of the previous night, and -95 points j (f 4.75) a bale below the high record of last Tuesday. There was a slight recovery later, ,wlth December closing at 12.05 bid, a net loss of 34 points for the day. FAILS TO COLLECT CASH SPENT ON A TRIP EAST Woman Holds Judgment but Not the Money E. A. Kelly, who borrowed some $1,800 from Mrs. E. A. .Miller, a woman very much older than he, and spent the money on a trip east, is giving her no end of trouble to collect the debt. Some months ago Mrs. Miller got a Judgment for the amoftnt, but this did not bring the money into her hands, and yesterday she had Kelly in Judge Troutt's court for examination as to his financial stability. Questioned by Attorney T. A. Per kins, Kelly admitted he formerly owned a ranch in Lassen county, but had deeded it to his mother in payment of a debt. His mother testified to the same effect: Perkins stated afterward that his only recourse now would be to sue to have the dc?ed set aside. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PLANNED FOR CITY California Promotion Committee Enthusiastic Over Idea The organization of a permanent symphony orchestra in San Francisco was one of the topics discussed at the regular weekly meeting and luncheon of the reception committee of the Cali fornia Promotion committee held in the Fairmont hotel yesterday. The committee having in charge ar rangements .for a proposed i musical festival to be held in San Francisco in 1910, in making Its report, warmly advocated the formation of a symphony orchestra patterned after the orches tras of New York, Chicago and Boston. While the scheme Is yet In its in fancy it was received with great en thusiasm by the members of the Cali fornia Promotion committee, and defi nite action will be taken soon to at tain this end. Do you need a cook, maid, sewing girl or chamber . maid? Put a little want ' ad in The Call under Female Help Wanted. urday), at 8:30 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 86418 Twenty-fourth . street, thence to St. James church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of Ills soul, commencing at- 0 o'clock a. m. . Interment Holy Cross cemetery. CASTRO PAIILOK No. 232. N. S. G. W.— Officers and members are hereby notified to attend the services of our late brother, Wil- liam McNalley. under tbe auspices of tbe par- lor, at 8:30 o'clock today (Saturday), July 17. 1009, at 384 m Twenty-fourth street be- tween Church and Sanchec. " \u25a0 _„_" OAVID A. ARONSON. resident. - TT/ ,GEOnGE J. MEAGHER, Ree. Sec. NIGHTINGILL— In this city, July 10, 1900 Jane A.r beloved mother of O. F. Nightlnglll of Los Angeles and. Mrs. Harry W. Pulclfer of Oakland, a native of New Jersey, aged 80 years. PRIZGINT— In Oakland, July 14. 1909, Dora Prizglnt, beloved .wife 'of Anthony Prlzglut, mother of -Edna and Anthony Pricglnt Jr. daughter of Carl L. and the late Paiillne Bahr nnd- beloved sister of Mrs. Chris Beck, Mrs! J. J. King, Paul Bahr and the late Mrs. Sophie Bundesen anfl Fred Bahr. BANDBERG— In this city, July 14, 1909. Nicho- las Sandberg, a native of Schleswlir-Holstuln. Germany, aged 45 years. \u25a0\u25a0""" Friends, acquaintances and members of Daamark branch No. i!, of Dania, are re- spectfully invited to attend the funeral to- day (Saturday), at 2 o'clock, from the funeral parlors of Theodor Dlerks & Co., 900 Devlsa- dero street corner of McAllister. Interment Greenlawn cemetery, by carriage. SHEA— In this , city, July 15, 1900. Margaret, dearly beloved sister of Mrs. Nora Cleeves, Mrs. Anne Galbally and John Shea, a native of Kllrush, County Clare, Ireland. " Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral Monday, July 19, 1909, at 9:16 o'clock a. m., from the - parlors of D. I. • Kenny \u25a0 & Co., 1719 ,: Eddy street, thence to St. Dominic's church where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for \u25a0 the repose of . her, soul," commencing at 9-30 a. m. Interment St. Mary's cemetery, Oak- land, by 11 o'clock Creek boat from foot of Market street. ' . • BILVA— In this city, July 15, 1900. Mary; dearly beloved daughter of the late Antone and Mary \u25a0 Sllva, and sister^of Joseph and Michael Sllva of Sacramento, Mrs. A. Phillips. "Mrs^, Sam Bussolino and -the late Emmanuelle Sllva a native of . Boston,' Mass.,"- aged '43 years ' -Friends and -acquaintances are \ respectfully invited to \u25a0 attend the funeral tomorrow (Sun- day). July 18. 1000. at 1 o'clock p, m., from :. her late residence. 003 Union street ' corner of Taylor. ' lOn Tuesday, July 20, :at Sts Peter aad; Paul* church, mats celebrated for the repose of her soul, commencing at 0 a m "• Interment Italian cemetery. ' m " W^ T r* In -\u25a0 ; " t ?, 18 \u25a0 c ' t r i : r July I<V 1000. George Want, a native of New York, aged C 9 tr»r!i WRIGHT— In , Oakland. Cal.. July 10 lnm - William ; Wright, beloved husband of Anna Wright.^ father ; of Mrs. W. R..; Hackett and Elmer C; Wright, and son of -Mary- 'Wright a native of England, aged 50 years 8 months and 13 days.' v . ' INDEPEMDENTTQF THE TRUST FOR : ' Seventy-Five Dollars '\u0084;', I. Will Furnish' HEARSErTWO CJRRIAGBKEMBALMiNG, SpROUD AND CLOJH COVERED CASKET JULIUS S GODEAU Main * OfflcM : : 2123 : Bush St., "West S6OO and 1305 Franklin «t. ur. irth, Oakland •v;C*^i'i'>-"-> Phone } Oakland J '4045 ,' \u25a0' :' ':'\u25a0-- \l Brancht ' 305 Montgomery nv. Temp.' 326S •*. 'Ambulance and •;\u25a0; Carriages -io Ulro INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADS AffPctryTAirre. .....,iV:..;.;';O»i« e « p - 15 ACCOirKTAWTS— CKIT. 2TT8L10..". CoL 2, P. 15 ADOPTION; .........;.. .;CoL 3, ?. IS AGENTS WANTZZJ.. ............... C0L 8. P. 14 AJARXKEirtg Col. 4, P. 14 : ""\u2666 -** ' -r ...............Col. 6. P. 14 ATTORHEYS .......CoL 8, P. 16 AirTOXOBELES..... CaL T, P. 14 BAB AIO> STOHE FEXTTJRES CoL 7, P. 14 B ABBESS AlfD SUPPLIES ...CoL 1. P. 14 " '• Col. 8, P. 14 BILL COIXEOTIJTO CoL «, P.lO BV«nrESB CHANCES ".....' CoL 1, P. 15 BXTSIHESS C0LLEGE5.........;... Col. 2. P. U BVSIKEM PERSONALS CoL 3, P. 18 CAKPIHG SUPPLIES. Col. 7. P. 14 CARPET CLEANING.... ...Col. 6. P. 14 CHIROPODISTS Col. 8, P. 15 CLAIRVOTAXTB. .............Col. 3, P. » COTTAGES TO LXT.... Col. », P. 14 COXTAOSS TO LEX— Fruitvalt Col. 5, P. 14 DENTISTS... ....Col. 2. P. 15 DETECTIVES.. CoL 2. P. 15 DRESS MAKIYO. Col. 7, P. 14 EDUCATIONAL......:.. .......Col. 2, P. 15 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES CoL 2, P. 14 EMPtOYMSNT WAXTED— KALE... CoL 1. P. 14 EMPLOYMENT WASTED— FsaaJo.. Col. 6, P. 13 FEMALE HELP WASTED ..Col. 2. P. 14 FINANCIAL CoL 3, P. 15 FLAIB TO LET.. ..CoL 5, P. 14 FLATS TO LET— TORKI3EED Col. 5, P. 14 FLATS TO l ET— ALAMEDA CoL 6, P. 14 FLATB SO LET BERKELEY .Col. 5. P. 14 FLATS FOR SALE— FURBISHED.... CoL 5. P. 14 If OR 8 ALE— MISCELLANEOUS...... CoI. 6. P. 14 " «.- CoL 7, P. 14 FEEIGHT rORWAR£I2n> ..OoL 6. P. 14 FU85...... .....;....... ..CoL 7, P. 14 rußxrrußE fob. sals col. c, p. 14 FURNITURE WASTED CoL 6, P. 14 GLASSWORKS.. Col. 1, P. 15 HOUSES. WAQOKS AND HAB.OTS3.CoL 7, P. 14 H0TEL5. ...... . . CoL 6, P. 14 ROUSES TO LET— UNFURNISHED.. Coi. 5, P. 14 HOUSES TO LET— Oakland Col. 6, P. 14 INVESTMENTS.... CoL 3. P. 15 LEGAL NOTICES CoL 4, P. 15 LODGING HOUSES FO3 SALS CoL 1, P. 16 LOST AND 70UMD... Col. 6, P. 13 MALE HELP WANTED CoL 6, P. 13 " " ** ............. Col. 7, P. W " « «• ...OoLl.F>l* MATRIMONIAL CoL 3, P. 15 MEDICAL...... — CoL 2, P. 15 MEETINGS— LODGES CoL G, T. 13 MINES AND HIKING. CoL 3, P. 15 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS ..Col. 7, P. 14 MONEY TO LOAN Col. 4, P. 15 MONEY WANTED .....CoL 4, P. 15 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Col. 7, P. 14 NOTARY PUBLIC CoL 2, P. 15 OFFICES AND STORES TO LET Col. 6, P. 14 OUT OF TOWN HOUSES TO- LET.... CoL 5. P. 14 PALMISTRY OoL 3, P. 15 fAIEHT ATTORNEYB . . CoL 2, P. 15 PAINT AND PAPER HANQZKO CoL 1. P. 15 PERSONALS CoL 3, P. 13 PHYSICIANS ..Col. 2, P. 15 POPULAR REMEDIES Col. 2, P. 15 REAL ESTATE— CITY Col. 4, P. 15 - " " CoL 5, P. 15 REAL ESTATE— COUNTRY...; Oal. 6, P. 15 V " " •• Col. 6, P. 15 EEAL ESTATE— OAKLAND CoL 0, P. 15 "/ " •* .C01.7,P.15 REAL ESTATE— BERKELEY CoL T, P. 15 REAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA Col. 7, P. 15 REAL ESTATE— FBUITV ALB Col. 7, P. 15 SEAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE..., CoI. 7, P. 13 ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED Col. 4, P. 14 ROOMS AND BOARD— Oakland... . Col. 4. p. 14 ROOMS AND BOARD— Btikelay Col. 4. P. 14 ROOMS 10 LEI-rUR.-UNFUB...< Col. 3 P. 14 ROOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEP'O. . . Col. 3, P. 14 " " " ...Col. 4, P. 14 ROOMS TO LET— Oakland..... Col, 3, P. 14 SALESMEN ft SOLICITORS \7»N'TD. CoL Z, P 14 SANITARIUMS....: Col. 2, P. 15 SEWING MACHINES Col. 6 P 14 SPIRITUALISM Col. 3', r'. IS STORAGE AND MOVING TANS Col. 6 P 14 TITLES RESTORED Col 2 p' 15 TRUSSES ;.. Col. 2. P*. 15 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES.... CoI. 7 P*l4 UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED Cot 2. P. 14 _^_^MEETIXCS-Lod rM CALIFORNIA lodga No. 1, F. &A. M.— A Officers and members are hereby notified *#& to attend the fnneral of our deceased ?vj? l' r ?, th^ ABRAM HUFT - ln Corinthian h ;"; 535S 35 Sntt ' r 8t - SUNDAY. Joly 18. 1000. Nt 1:30 p. ra.; Master Masons aad friends of the decease.l inTlted; interment Woodlawn cemstery. By order of the manter. FRANKLIN H. DAY. Secretary. ORIENTAL- encampment No. 57, I. O. O. >«2tx F. — Regnlar meeting TIIIS (SATUR- «3£? DAY) EVENING. 1254 Market Bt. Gol- J& don rale and royal purple degrees. All fr 7< an patriarchs welcome. Bt order JAMES IIAZLETT. C. P. B. B. DOWNIE. B. S. L_L TACIFIC lodg« No. 155, I. O. O. .j^fia^t '"• — Jfemhtrs plea.«p BSi««>mble at -^Vy^SSSSi 4431 California st. SUNDAY. July 18, at I p. m.. to attend the fuaeral of our late brother. HENRY O GOP- D ?, N> t P -J?^t A ' l " BUR GAN. Noble Grand. O. J. THELEX. Becordlog Secretary. SPECIAL meeting. Boot and ' She* Workers' Lrt- cala No. 216. and No. 359, SUNDAY, Jnly IS at 10 a. m.. 2-Jth and Howard ats. Matters of great importance. W. J. SIIiVA, Chairman Esecntlre Board. i^OST AJfD FOUND GOLD stickpin, black pearl setting, small gold stars at base of netting; gold slightly benf krepsake from dead mother. Beward If re- turned to 347 10th at. LOST — Diamond pin. watch and chain, papers -etc., July 5. 1000, near Mount Olivet cemetery $JOO reward; no questions asked. MRS. W B* A. JDRGENS, 3330 23d st. LOST— Lady's large slxe gold watch, Jnly 16, 3 or 3:30 p. m.. Hale's, Pacific syndlacte stores. Market, to Pth st. car; reward. 243 Texaa st. LOST — Small Mirer watch, pin attached, on 6:20 Key Route boat: party who picked it np will get reward. 902 Union Trust bnlldtng. LOST — Lady's gold watch and pla; Initials "J T. B." , Finder kindly return to Brown & Banchon. California market: liberal reward. LOST— Collie dog: wnlre breast; reward. I. W COBUBN, 253 Bnena Vlgta ar. LOST— Bull terrier bitch; white, right e«r solid black. 2032 Bryant St.; reward. EMPLOYMENT WAXTED Female AN experienced woman wants situation as house keeper; place, where there are children [ preferred. Address 195 Upland st., nhone Berkeley 3405. \u25a0 COQK. first class, wishes position In private family. Residence, SO5 Octarla St.: phone Park 4CC3. v ENPERIENCED young woman, laundry work, Ironing, bourn cleaning; ?2 day. Phone Frank- lio 733. after 6 p. ra. . GERMAN graduated nurse desires permanent po- sition in refined home; best reference*; ran give massage; scalp treatment: fine needte- . worker: no objection to country. Dox 3S3C. Call office. * GRADUATE nurse, refined, kind and thoroughly ' reliable, 10 years' work, splendid city refer- ence, would like care of invalid; moderate sal- ary. Phone \u25a0 Douglas 16C2. HONEST young Japanese girl wanta position 83 plain, cook and housework nearby her home* speaks English. Phone Park 711. 1534 might. NRAT. reliable young woman for chamber work in exchange for -house keeping rooms and small salary: man and -wife preferred. Box 4719. Call office, . . POSITION: to assist with light housework or second girl : wanted by" young lady; wsges $20. Box 4SOI. Call office. STENOGRAPIIEIt delres position; 8 months' ex- perience; refs. Box 3358.. Ca1l office. TWO German glrte would like a situation do- ing general housework; $30 to $33. -Box ZZiO Call office. ' WANTED — Position by settled young woman a* house \u25a0 keeper for family; thoroughly ' compe- tent; with, best ef references. - Answer in oer- son. : 823 Turk st. *\ . WIDOW with family "of ; young children wants : infant's washing; hand washed and sun ririoii; called" for 'and delivered.- Address "MRS CUOTTI", 10 Lower terrace, or phon» Park 0935. . ' ; CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1K!1 Fillmore St. near > SLlliß 1 1IKLP. . AVANTED ' ANDP.E'S. 1044 I/irkin st— Cook, baker and alsh iv-asaer. $M 0; German bar tender. |50; pantryman, : slo;. store keeper. $40; asxNtant bnker, $00; dairyman, $40; cook and helper $S0; : dl*h , rrasher. ,S4O-$43; short order cook, HO^tveekr^aHalstant cook, $40; 4 bed makers $18. $20. $23. $30; porter, *25; ehoreman $23-30 ; 1 kitchen , hands. . $23. - $30, . 135 : I)«. a ia Murphy, report. - Oakland office. 957 Franklin.* BOY 'about - 18 '< for = general \u25a0 work In wholesale Thouse. '\u25a0' \u25a0_ P.- 0.,-box :387.^ city. .. . > BUTLEtt for private 'family.' short distance out -of town, ,$3O. . Call at. MISS PLUNKETT'S IS9B Satter st. ; cor. Webster. - :*• , , HAVE a :flne opening for : - yonng t man \ who- is \u25a0'desirous \u25a0» of ' advancement: -amocat required y $100. 4 Call GLOBK REALTY , CO.. 211 Pacific . ,bldg.v"o>.'SSe Broadway, Oakland.' ' . MEN - with small feet to buy '\u25a0 high i grade secood *^b»nd sboes cheaa. 10a 3d at. -* - v:; . MURRAI & BEADT. Leadins Employment and- Labor Agsnts. : MAIX OFFICE. .— White Palace Hotel bniMing. -•.*'» ' 11th aad Market sts., £. F. v » Ptoce Market C 5& and 63 •• BLANCHES, 7th at. and Broadway. Oakland. Phone Oakland T3SI. .. 523 Jackson, st., & J?- Sd and II st 3.. SucnmevK*. 2& and Mala sta.. Los Anstlea. " W# want today 7.200 men for all classea «f work ta Washington. Oregon, Nevada. Aria***, Mexico aad all parts cf California. Vnas«» $20 to $175 a montli. IF YOU WANT WORE. SEE CS. FREE FARE TODAY \u25a0 OREGON — OREGOW KLAMATH FALLS Dorris.- Midland. Ady. Weee. '--*.? 500 teamsters, laborers, trackmn. tuanelaxßi. roekmea. hsader and cornermen; wages 92 V* *• 73 day. * FREE FARB \. v NKVADA _ NEVADA OSO teamsters and laborers. FREE FARE; drillers, tsnnelaaes. rockmen, concretemes.; wage* |3 to $2.73 day. 3HIP MORXIXG- NIGHT FREE FAIIE AND TO O. S. R. E. — W. P. R- «- C. P. R. R. — S- P. U. R. — C. X. E. K. Laborers, team#ter». miners aad tnnckers^ SHIP DAILY— AT.L KREK FAKE FACTORY WORK. 20 laborers, bis factory, no experience needed; any willing maa can fill tUe bill; $2.25 da;. FREE FARE \ TO THE BIG, NEW TUNNELS. 'j*. 20 headlngmea. . " 30 cornermen. 15 benehmen. 85 muckers. • All free fare. On Nevada lias. i SHIP TODAr. MARRIED HELP. Laborer and wife. mine, south. $30 and taijkC Chorcman and wife, raneb, see boss here. $<%> aad found. 2 farmer* aad wives, country. $50 and $'V» and found. Cook and wife help wait at table, eaay job. $40 and found. '"-~ OKEGOX. S. P. FENCE GANG— FUEE FARE. 10 laborers, no experience reti^Ured. for feaca tang work; FBEB V±E£. SHIP— TODAY. MENDOCINO CO.. TO— THE— Bit.}— LUIISUK— CAMPS. 15 swampers, for the woods, free fare. 10 laborers, no esperlesca required, mills, yards and saipplnj (Upartmest. $J0 and fouad- FREE FAKE— S3CII' TODAY. FKEE FAKE -.':'. STONE MAi>O.S3 5 stone casoss — Oregon. FREE FARE SHIP TODAY ENGINEKP-a Pile driver easineer, soutU, $120. fata ce- turned. Derrick hoist eastaeer. quarry, $lU3. Lumber grader, Nevada, bos* here; $00. Stableman, camp. $k> and found. Uuarrymau, private jirrouavls, $".1 and fouad. COOK 3 ANt» WIVES Cootc and wife a» waitress, uitso boardias house, $100 and found. BUcksuiitli. clcjr camp. $2. C* day aud found. Dairyman, butter mater, uortli, |15 aad td. Porter, springs, see Uos3 bcre. Barber for springs resart. I>os3 here. Blacksmith lieiper. ra.ith. ?\u25a0 ut.'i. $43 and 11. '£ ham boners, packiujf boss*, >". day. SHASTA COUNTY— YOUR FAIIE PAID. j MILLS— YARDS— WOODSY Donkey eagineer, fare paid, $10 aad fouaJ. 5 teamster.-', woods, fare p^Ul. H > and found. 15 laborers to worlt ia iaili3 anil yards, $40 to ' $05 and found. Man to run steaai drill. $•.-: near city. Boy to help ia bakery ami tlrive wagon, $7 week sad found. 10 teamsters, big ranch, ilcaterey county, $10 and found; steady job. Haad iroaers en ae*.v shins: good wages. Bushelaaaa. shop, soutii. $15 to •\u25a0*' s week. 2 oystermen, near city, $Ji> autl ftmnd. BEAUTIFUL ftAKTA CUUZ. TO TUS XIOOD3. 5 l!ae pullers, lumber cctupauy, $t5 and found. UANCUK.^— OAIKIEJi HAY— IIAIIVEST 10 teamsters, Lacl Jiay. etc.. $2 day and b«l. 10 men to pila aud t>uck bay la warehouses, etc.. $2 a day aad board. 32 harvest bands, suick si-irers, etc., $1.75. $2.25 a 6»y aad board. »» teamster*, big tea^ii. $JO aud found. 38 farmers, general v.-ork. $C 0 ami $40 and fd. 14 clioreoieh ami htJK :\u25a0-"\u25a0 (0 \u25a0'/\u25a0"\u25a0'> and fuuirl. 1G milkers, $1 to $4 tax*, ftO\ J.r.l found. Blacksmith helper, crtsntry shop. $50. $2 day. TVagon maker ami wwai \u25a0wcrker. city. $^ day. 2 carpenters, city Job, $U to day. Blacksmitii. r;t::c.;. .-.iur'.i. $52 ami found. DO YOU WANT TO WOSK KOII THE 810 WATER. LIGHT AN*> POWER COMPANY J 'UEUE IS BIG WAGES. - 300 laborers for knottier coaipaay buildiss dams, power bouses, flumes, ttttsbe*. etc.. $67.50; 3 years' Job. MAKIN— SONOMA COUNTIES FAKE PAII> S5 laborers, do experience. $CO. LABOBEKS— CITY AND COUNTRY 20 laborers. Trarehouso work. city. $2.23 and $2.50 day. 10 laborers, steady work. citr. $2 day. 50 laborers, all classes of work, city aad coca- try, $2 to $2.7S day. TEAMSTERS T3 teamsters, city and eonutry. $2 to $2.50 day. . . MISCELLANEOUS Camp blacksmith, soutb. boss here, $tOS. ft Italian mrdcuers. near city. $2.25 day. 3 sheet metal workers aad tla3mittis, $,; acd $3.50 day. 2 plumbers, sonth. $4 day. Paiater. country hotel, $3 day. Can? edgerman. Shasta co.. fare paid, $30. 5 rough carpenters, Inciber co., STS. Experienced grain warehouse fcrenißa. boss here. 6 blacksmiths, country shops. $3 and $3.30 day. 9 blacksmiths anil Letpers, raacliea. ptc, $cy, |50 and $40 snd fd. FKU IT— PICKERS. '23 Italians and Creeks, pick and pack fruit; work* in, <lry yards : long jol>. \u25a0 " CTjOKS— BAKERS— WAITERS. Cook, hotel near city. $50 aad fonail. Cook, small rescrt. $40 and fouad. Night cook, restaurant. $15 a week. Bancb cook, smith. $C 5 and found. Cook, small camp; waiter. $50 and found: same place. Mariposa county. Camp cook, south, $75 aad found: second cooks. $10 week; laundrymen. $15 to $20 week: 3 bakers and helpers. $15 to $20 w«>ek; por- . ters, kitchea help, disk washer*, camp wait- ers. $30 and $U5 and found; piano player, $50 and fouad. Washer, laundry, institution, $05 and found. 6(30 foreign laborers, Italians. Austrian*. Mex- icans, Spaniard*, etc.. to work on railroad, quarries, factories, power companies, raaches. etc.. wages $1.73 to $2.25 day; many of them free fare. Call and read our bnlletia boards; work coming In by phone, telegram and Bail all MURRAY & HEADY. , 11th and Market sts.. San Francisco. 7tb st. and Broadway, Oakland. 2tl and II st 3.. Sacramento. Lively young man to hustle and ship mea for this office. Mrnn.\Y & ready. llth and Market at*. HOP PICKING la August: p'easaat. pros' tabla ontlog; skilled and unskilled help wanted, lo- r eluding foremen and OiU bosses; work for men. women and children. Write for partlc- alani. E. C. HOUST CO.. 213 Pino st. LABOriErtl and mechaclcs to know that Edward Ilolkla »as reduced tbe rooms at the Denver House. S.I and Howard its., to 35c per day, JJ week; hot aad mM water ia every room. MAN wanted to ?anva*« trial orders for sewinsr machines; age bet. 23 an<i 30; permanent po- sition: salary and commission. 570 Sutter st. MAN wanted to learn barber trade ln barber »bop. Apply 1442 Mission, bet. 10 and 11. MEN and women to leavn barber trade- 8 weeks- vara $5 to $1» per w»-k while- learning; par. tlcnlars free. MOLGR COLLEGE. 8 lltl» st. MEN to learn barber trade la 8 weeks: Tree spe- cial Inducements to n?xt 10: call early; get particulars. S. F. Barber CoUege. 8 Fell st. NEW WESTERN.- 1124 Howard— Single roonw. Is<? and 20c pp t T night; hot and cold water. NEW YOIJK wnolesali* millinery house wishes to engage competent salesman to handle their lln» cf Imported and domestic good*, flowers, fancy feathers, paradise. velvet 3 and ribbons; will give llbrral commission to right party. A(t- dresa full particular* to BUSS A WANNER. 170 sth aye.. New York. OFFICE manager for Salt Lake City. Utah; good salary, and comrniuslon; $500 re<jnlred. Addreas box 771. Call office. Oakland. • PAD groom for assisting stable for gentleman's home, $40 and found, mnst be light weight. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S. 130« Sntter ht. cor. Webster. STRONG and good slsed boy,' stoat 10 years of - age. can get work ln iron shop. Bos - 3330. Call office. . . SHOEMAKERS wanted to keep away from Bnck"*' ingbaai & Hecht : shop fa strike. . . . f. '.' ' —WANTED— ' 100 LABORING MEN To evenpy clean single rooms at the ORIGINAL MECHANICS* nOTEL. 010 Howard st bet 3t!» and 6th: Ific. 20c. 25c day: $1. $125 per week. WANTED — 2 first class furniture packers; -non*.. . but. experienced -men need \u25a0 apply.. Beklna Van^and Storage compaay. 13th aatl Mission. WANTED — 600 men to occupy rooms. 2Oc to .Wo per eight (fre* bath), at the NEW YORK. .33 Howard st. between Sd and 4th. : • ~ - WANTED — Outslile salesman for oar talkins; marhfn? dept.: exp— not necessary. " Apply* ":KOHLER * CHASE, c«r. Satter and Fraaklln. WANTED — Bright active maa for pleasant work:. can earn $5 per day. For particnUc* apply to 'Business Law Pnb. Co.. 902 MetropoPjs Bank'bftTg.. 10. a. m. today. \ CuntlnueU to Svxt I*a=* 13