Newspaper Page Text
14 WAVTWi-BnT t" Varu snolders' trade; over 16 r*'trt old: wages $6 week. Apply \ ulcan Iron U'crkF, Francisco asd Kearny stf . - U AM>:»--Men to learn to operate moving ple- iure luacfclnw; csJary $35 per week. 221 L»- '\u25a0ctt sv. off Van Nesg near McAllister. A'ASTED immediately, a good draftsman for jempnrary position: must b«» up in rock crush- He !>!«nts: >tate wares required and when dis- rrczr«i: ?!vp phone number. Address box ::::.%4. Call office. ' \\ *NTKO— rirst class powder roan for quarry. '.w-me,j M tuiles from San Francisco; answer -iv'.nc fa.l Information covering eipsrience. \<<<irZi>s PACIFIC PORTLAND CEMENT CO.. .•ON.. CEMENT. CAL. '.VANTED M«iu to driv« laundry wagon; $150; regular. 5372 Mission st. ~ vtk ti;ach shorthand by mail. Itemed Pitman system taught iv 30 lessons. $jo covers full conrst; iio cytra chsrges. t Personal attention given each student by «>x- j w-rt fboitlianrt writer. Send check or money | '.r,ler to SHORTHAND INSTITUTE. 203-I*. j TTestbunk h\Ag.. San Francisco. j OUNG eph wanted to learn telegraphy; wire- j lei* telegrnphy. raJlrcwd acd station terviee; ; rimy and nigbt eeseions. 204 Htbeinla build- <«tg. San Frsnclsco. EMPIiO YM EXT WAX TE D — Mai c . .n CCLNTANT open for additional work; sys- tem* installed; auditing; specltl lnvestlga- ••ions; Al local reference*; reasou«ble rates; <i;y or country. Boi 2307. Ca;l office. AMBITIOUS young man. :£.'. denlres any kind of «rork in tb<» evenings: 5 years* <-l»-r!cal ex- I ,«rlence. Address F. S.. 4fM5 17tb st.. S. F. I IHXESE, first class cook In family. Csll or mldress room 4. 74C Dupoct St. Phone China 452. m i ifINESH l>oy would like situation first ola*>* >:>iocn cooking; elso first class family coos. A .;<lr<>*s LEE. 52 \Ysverly place. CI EHK with Fover«i years' fjpericri'-e la coun- try «-tnre warts position in city grocery store. l.ox :i345. Call office. « '.l.oiU'.O voutig man wishes position driving or inking c»re of hor»«>« in or out of town; good i fi ercures. Bos 3347, Call office. } I >ro ATEl» Cbine»« cook wants position in <-:ty; $10 a week. Bor 5333. Call office. 2'IKST class baker, all around, wishes situation n oountry. U. H.. 667 Clay fct. GARDENER, experienced, kincle. handy wfth :oo!«. wiste* position on private place; refer- «nep. JOSEPH lII'MBRECHT, 1137 Folsom *t.. Sen Francisco. GENTLEMAN having had 13 years' experience !u the bankicg business wants position as it,a eager of an estate or any business where strict accounting is required for handling money or investments. Box ."-'.05. Call offlce. HOVEST man. i. I*.1 *. yesrs of age. desires position in n g-iod fssniiy or hoardinu house to-do lif.usework and as-si«t in kitchen or waiting <'ii table; can assist the cot* well. Box 471 R. CaH otScf. I AM in need of o pealttoa; havt> had 11 years' • xperience In l«rge Tienspaper business office; '\u25a0so fttrr.ish best <>f references; 33 years of rge: teniperste; willli?: by c<> means afrsid <«f wf>rk and no objection to country: o*n bond on tay surety oompony; I i*sn oon- Thice rou by a plain matter i>f fact talk tlist I really want work. Please answer box 4723. <V.i ..ffiro. I.MtrSTRIOIS. relinble man of tenii)era:e habits v. Mips position on private <>r country plare, care lion-ei*. anifmiohile. milk, shoring tad jrener*! work. Box 775. fall. Oakland. liPlvrSß young boy wsntu position as gofvi < ook and Jious*>work: good reference*: city or .^untry. K. HARRY. 1020 A Hyde St.; phone Tranklin 4710. JAPANESE, very good family cook; good ref- >reaew; $3-*« per month. Phone Oakland 3373. MACHINIST. 15 years' experience, vise mid fl*>"r. new ami repair work, wsnts einiatlon: « apes Kiy>on<3ary matter if work 'i« steady. Bos H34S. frM office. MASIER ptember wacrs work by contract nr i'ay: owner to furnish material*. Box 479".*. OH office. MAN acd wife would like a situation: man first class butler, wife Al cook; best itf ref s. ; *v«ges for b»tb $120. Box 3315. Call offlce. MAN and wife desires position; man chauffeur- ins<-h'nisr. wife trained nurse or house keeper, £<*y\ seamstress. Address box C3IP. Call. Mllif'LE sged married msn, e<lncaU % d. handy vi if h tools, dw'res work: rellnble. responFible \u25a0•:n<i a go:>.l salesman. Address box 4717, Call office. Fillraore eireet. IIIMBKR wsnts « job. Box 3341. Call office. I"OON. a «I:in"se. wants a position as cook. Ad<lresg 537 Harrison St.. Oakland. S'.'BKK. industrious man. 14 years' experience, feeke lwtsjtiiij superintending the running of .!*.:n!"r Monsreh hity press for balance of sea- son: rerfsin to make good. Address 3. N., "If»A .'.ill ay.. Richmond district, city. WANTED -Position as gardener for private lla'-e; 20 years' experience, government and prlrate gardening: best of references. R. A. 1... C"4 Profit a ay.. S. F. WANTED — Position as warebonse foreman, as I am thoroughly familiar with handling grain. Address Imx SSftfi. Call office. rotlXC lady wishes a place to assist with house- work and care of dWldren. Address A. E. WORKS. riO2<> Pleltrer ay.. Fruitvale. Cal. VOI'NO man with 4 years' experience as Itook fc<>e;«r "id <-a«hier will bo open for position August 1; best of references. Box 3350. CaH. YOING. temperare men. 33 years, quir-k and ni-cuiate at figures, reasonably giv>d st ac- <-<>u:>i«. wants position in mercantile line; can f'trnish best of refereuoes and bond with snv Mir«-ry cnrnjisny: not afraid to work and nil! wSH'nsrly go in country; an interview iviU convince that I really want work. Ad- 4rc«. hnx 4721. Call offlce. - ViMNi; iiie*-!)Biiipal engineer of years of shop I training, supplemented by university course •m<l twr» vesrs of salesmanship, desires regpon- t-!l'le (Mwltion wllh more prnjrrpsslvc firm than fisiiloyed by now. Address box 7RO. Cell offl<-e. «»aklsr,<i. V«'t"NG Irishman wants employment in resl e«- iat»» office; 7 years' experience; exceptional ref«M»cn'-e>.. Rnx 8352. fall office. VOCXG ni*n desires < leriral work *>vfnlncs from •• p. m. : on Saturdays from noon; experienced Io hook keepicg; typewriting, etc. l*ox 332."J '»!l "ffice. rXPKRIENCKD watch maker i R willinirto~take xn apprentice tinder contract : position Kiiaran- "'e.l gftrr .vf-rvlng full time. l\,,x -Jfllf). C a \\ nAKBERS AXD SIPPLIES BAKBKRS— The following PF.CONI> HAND G<X>US «re : ( few BARGAINS w<- have ' t-j «.fff-r: z NX ir.:« Kok'-n Hydraulic <-ha!rs in leather. $3r, each: 3 No. J4» K»ken Hydraulic ihsirs in plush. $20 each: 1 No. 14» Koken Hv- •lrsulic chair In leather. $20: 2 KOCH PEDES- TAL REVOLVING and RECLINING rhairs In leather. $30 each: 2 KOCH REVOLVING and RECLINING CHAIRS fnew leatherette uphol- M*ry». $30 each: 1 BARKER CHAIR. HY- JMtAL'LIC (newt, original cost $S5. our price fil<: 1 BARKER VIBUATOB. 110 A. C. $50- Several WASH STANDS (single and double with combination shampoo faucets) from $5 up: aiso MIRRORS. SITTING CHAIRS, COM- MODES and other fixtures at very low prices Csll and see these goods if interested DECKELMAN BROS., INC.. IC2 Turk st BARBER SrPPLIKS. BARBER for 3 weeks: $18; young man pre- ferred; apply Sunday afternoon. W. R. GREG- ORY. Point Richmond. BARBER wanted — Commission paid- 10c sdod 410 fitli St.. Oakland. ' P " BARBER wanted for Saturday, from 1-30- wagos $3.50. 4532 ISth st. ' ' BARBER wanted. Call till noon. Franklin it below Pine. HA KBER wanted for Saturday afternoon ICCI O'Farrell ft. BAKBUR wsnted for Saturday; CO per cent- 10c atop. UlOVj, flay tt. ' BARBER, married man. wants work, fteady or exua.. Box 770, Call office, Oakland. BACKER wanted »fSI3Hi Uth st.. Oakland. BARBER Wid — For Saturday and " Sunday at ;M2 B ft.. Rh-hniond dint.; union wages. BAItBF.RS' i;NIO\ 148. office 543 Van Ness ay.; free employment: tel. Mnrket SK9. ISAJiBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday, lull Montgomery ay. UARBEU wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 537 iifJ-iefi \u25a0 i;«tc »v. I'.AUI'.KR wautofl: for Saturday und Sunday; young man preferred; union wages. 2403 16th >t. near Bryant. BOOTBLACK— Be*t location in city for rent. ta11, 325. 8u5h Bt.. room 6. . COMBINATION barber shop, poolroom and cigar stand f«r fsle: 3 chains, 2 Blot machines. Ad- drpss.w. MIDDLETON, 316 Pacific ay., Santa Crux." Cal. .."•- ' - '- '• - • - " . ' -"\u25a0; FIRST CLASS ; barber wanted. 1510 Park St., FIRST CLASS barber for Saturday ; M. 149S ICMy Bt. -. FIRST CLASS hsrber: work on • percentage. Manx Barber Sh»p. 224 O'Farrell ft. \u25a0-, roll rent — 3 rfiair barbers hop. • 1781 7th St.," 1 West "Oakland. - -"\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 V " Ff»R sale — 2 <-hsir Khop," living. rooms: most sell; : rvnt f25.> 911 -San Pablo ay... Oakland. K<»r n»k%"-very diesp. a -barber, shop; 4<«rni«lied: rent, reawinable. For Jiforiiiation '"fili at 222 Market feU ""- \u25a0 1 BAIUIgRS rATO SUPPl.lRS— Ciiananrt' WHY pay FANCT PRICES to RETAILERS for chairs and fixtures , when you -can buy direct from the manufacturer? ' \u0084 THK BARKER HYDRAULIC MODEL H CHAIR. THE BEST I SELLING CHAIR ON THE M-ARKET TODAY, sells for $78, on easy -pay- ments of $15 down and .55 «t month, or JOS caoh in 120 days. . . » ' Bargains in second hand chairs, and «*ve sell NEW mirrors, poles or workstands . far below the reta'lerß' price*. SEE IS TO <;BT YOUR MONEYS WORTII. HAIR DRYERS, and VIBRATORS sold at ?5 per month. JAMES BARKER. INC. Phone Franklin 3fi9i». 94 Turk st. Eugene V. Panarlo. Manager. I'OR sale— Cheap. 2 chair. 10c shop: cheap rent. 1306 Folsom «t. corner 9th.. GOOD barber for Saturday. 515 Hayes st. near OctaTls. -'. -- \u25a0'; \u0084• /. . ' . \u25a0 - ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_ j GOOD liarber." one who cau work Wednesday ' :ilfht. . f ; .afurday and Sunday; must be steady. • Apply at 3267 16th ft. , | BATE the cash for a good paying barber shop or : location: give price and full particulars. Box i 8312. Call-office. i — i HIGHEST prices paid for l*rbers' chairs, mir- rorc. Barbers' supplies sold on time. SSS Grow LOOK. "" \u25a0 I want to buy a barber shop, city or coun- try. Box 3336. CaH office. -. \u25a0 . PORTER wanted. Barber shop. 2291 Market st. corner 16ih. ' \u25a0 SATURDAY barber wanted. 1300 Folsom st. cor- ner 9th. SPECIAL NOTICE TO BARBERS.- Owing to the scattered condition of our city, which makes it inconvenient for barbers to do shopping during tbe day. we decided to keep open evenings until P:3O. We extend a cordial invitation to ell to rlslt our store and see our complete line of barber supplies and furniture. We received another shipment of tbe celebrated i Juniter razors; every one cuoranteed. PACIFIC I BaRBER SUPPLY CO., 962 Market St. jl'WO chair barber shop for sale. 295 Minna st. corner 4th. i WANTED — First clsks barber, strictly f>ob«r. , married; permanent position. $16 \u25a0to start 'veltli; good advancement to right party; state qualifications by letter. 442 E. Main, Stockton. WANTED — Barber \u25a0 'or Saturday and Sunday. 1004 Harrison et. " WANTED — liarber from Saturday noon to Sun- day noon. 703 San Jose ay. WANTED — Barber for Saturday afternoon and evening; $5. SOS 29th Bt. WANTED — Good barber Saturday and Sunday. C 22 Front sr. WANT barber: MUST BE GOOD workman; guarantee ?20 i>er week. C. EMERALD, Kennet, Cal. WANT good barber. 753 Devisadero st. 2 FIRST class barbers wanted Saturday and Sunday; good wages; probably steady. 431 Broadway, nr. Montgomery. 3 BARBERS wanted; steady; 10c shop. 234 3d street. $.V>o raFh buys candy store. Ice cream parlor and ."$ chair barber shop, with living rooms; one, rent. 2SI 9th *t J $.''.oo will buy half Interest in paying 4 cbalr shop. Oakland; terms; clearing over $100 per month. Toleman & Co.. S3O Market st. FEM ALE HELP WAXTRD CLASS in hair dressing, manicuring, etc., now forming; complete course. $20; reliable, up to Aate parlors. 1750 Fillmore st. . .- COOK, must understand German cooking, fam- ily of 2. $45; nurse for 1 child, references necessary. $35; cook for S men on a ranch. $40. references necessary; an experienced nurse for 3 children, $40. must have refer- ences; parlor inald and waitress for small \u25a0family. German or Swedish preferred, $35; 2 firs: cla»» waitresses for new hotel, country. $:>O. Call at MISS PLUNKBTTS, 1890 Sntter «t. cor. Webster. DEUSTER'S SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY CULTURE. 47 KEARNY ST.. S. F. FIRST CLASS lady solicitor! can find steady employment by applying city circulation de- partment S&n Francisco Call., 3d and Market streets. ' GIRL to set type, etc.; good position. Chicago Rubber Stamp Co.. SCS Broadway. Oakland. HOP PICKING iv August; work for everybody; nee our ad under male help wanted. LADIES — During summer months we will give a liberal discount on all laces; our neckwear will be sold at half. Brussels Lace Store. 1254 Sutter et. below Van Npbs. LADIES wanted to take home work; part or full time; experience unnecessary; TRIEBERS, 1240 Sutter st. near Polk.^ MME. ANDRE. 1044 Larkin st.— French. Swed- ish or German waitress and parlor maid. $33; chamber maid and seamstress, same place. $.\u25a0{.\u25a0>: Herman maid and seamstress, $35: French maid and seamstress. $35: cook and- house- work girl, Napa, $35; Swedish cook, $45-$5O: OAKLAND. GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS & CO.. 3D AND CLAY STS., OAKLAND. APPLY TO MB. DAVIS. PROGRESSIVE firm desires a young lady for general offlce vrork. . Address. .. stating ago, salary desired and reference, H. J., box 3335, Call offlce. SALESLADIES for waists and suits. Apply at 4th and Market sts. store. S. N. WOOD & CO. WANTED— lntelligent lady for pleasant work; caa earn $5 per day. For particulars apply to Business Law Pub. Co.. 902 Metropolis Bank bldg.. 10 a. m. today. WANTED — Experienced canners and cutters on fruit; good wages; work Immediately, until November 1; «»ttages and tents furnished. Apply at factory, quick. Central California Canneries, Lorenzo, Alameda county, Cal. WANTED — First class sleeve draper for dress making dept. Apply Supt's .office from 9 to 11 a. m. HALE BROS., inc., Market aud [ Cth sts.. city. . WANTED — Experienced cloak and suit sales- ladies. Apply S. N. WOOD & CO.. 11th and Washington sts.. Oakland. WANTED — Cashier who has bad department store experience. Apply Snpt's office from 9 to 11 a. m. HALE BROS., inc., - Market and 6th sts.. city. WANTED — Young ladle? to train as nurses; ages 22 to 25: paid while learning. 919 Brush St.; Oakland. Cal. WANTED — First class waist*" finisher for dress making dept. Apply Supt's office from 9 -to 11 a. m. HALE BROS., inc.. Market - and 6th sts.. city. | WANTED— First c!as« waitress for tea room. i Apply Snpt's office from 9tolla. m. lIALIC \u25a0 BROS.. Inc., Market and Cth fits., city. WE TEACn SHORTHAND ,BY MAIL. Revised Pitman system taught" in 30 lessons. $10 covers fnll course; uo extra cbsrges. Personal attention given each student. by ex- pert shorthand writer. - Send check or money order to SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, 209-11 Westbank bldg.. San Francisco. . YOUNG lady for candy store; must be of neat appearance, well educated and thoroughly ex- perienced; good salary. P. O. box 164, Palo Alto. Cal. gg A L.ESM EX and SOLICITOR S WAXTEP LOCAL agents, men and women. In eTery interior \u25a0town for household novelties: permanent posi- tions to good workers; exclusive territory; easy sellers: splendid pay; don't look further. Write or call Radio Mfg. Co., 1065 Washington, Oakl'd SALESMAN wanted by wholesale house; : must be young -man with some . knowledge of car- pets and upholstery goods. Address, giving foil particulars, experience and references, box 3324. Call of ace. WANTED— Solicitor in the rent department; must have experience.. Apply 9 to 10 a. m. HKALY & GILLKSPIE, 714 Market St.. WANTED — 3 ueat appearing solicitors; pood chance for ambitious men. Call 10 to 11 a. m. 2122 Market Ft. - ' AGENTS WANTED AGENTS wanted, ladles or gentleemen. in every county, tor 2 n«-w big sellers; needed in every factory, store and home; big profits; call 1 to 5 p. m. E. M. LXX. 'Jl6 11th St.. Oakland. WANTED— Expert male and female agents:wlth good ref.; fin« wages. .Apply 347 Montg'y- aT." WE want a live salesman In' nearly every town in the state, to sell talking : machines' and piano.*: good pay; > experience not necessary. KOHLER & CHASE. Slitter and Franklin sts. EMI'LOrMEXT OFFICES ' "?. AAA— „, - : PHONE WEST 'I73I. L . Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office In city." T. TAMURA CO.. 1612 Laguna fit. AAA— CHINESE cooks iof all i classes and other ti*lp furnished.? Orient ; Employment offlce, 361 Sth st.. Oakland. Phone Oakland 3101. AA-^-OSCAB HATSUMI. JAPANESE-CHINESE KMP. CO.; BEST HELP .- GIJAR.':^ CITY OR COUNTRY. 1513, GEARY--- ST.',.: WEST: BCBS.\, J. CONN, Chinese ) cmp. '^bureau ;. Chinese [ cooks special,- hotel or fam.?77o Clay; 't. D'glas 3102. A.: HORI, 174S Sutter: spbone? West. 2503 Best Japanese-Chinese t help; furnished: prom ptly . .; . STAR : omp. '\u25a0.-* office I furnishes V Japanese-Chine** help. W.iKADOTA; < 1608Ge«ry;,tel.--West 167.' II: W. - HONG,'- Chinese \u25a0 employment office '. 805 \u25a0- ; Webster Bt:. Oakland. Phone Oak: R843. -- . \u25a0' KNOX, "433 Pine--Sults.-' liens r and rattschments* , - time checks cashed; debts coll'lcd evewwhere, 7. THE j SAN -FRANCISCO ICALL; SATUBDAY;^TIJLY 17; 1909. ROOMS TO L.ET-^-Fu,r. and TTnfq'rV - AA— TURK st., S22— Nicely » sunny rooms, $l.r>«. !?2 per week; also haddiomely furnished front room,. suitable for 2 or 3, very ' reasonable, v, "'.'. ' \u25a0 ; - - " ' : \u25a0"' "'..'\u25a0' ' •' AA — DEVISADERO St., 902— Very, nicely 'fnr- nished sunny. rooms; gas, bath, phone; $10 up," transfer corner.;, 1 > V- "\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;'; '- - ' \u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'-:\u25a0'- ' A COZY home for respectable ladles, -1130 Mar- ket st. n«ar 7th under auspices of. the. SAL- A'ATION ARMY; elegantly - furnished; «rery ." modern convenience; steam heat, electric . light and "elevator service : spotlessly clean; '\u25a0\u25a0 cen- trally . located; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market 1349 ; .. prices \u25a0 very • moderate, ranging from 25c per nlgbt up; spseial rates by the week or month. S»e mitmn, room 33. ARCADIA, 1705 Post st.. cor. Buchanan— Nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold water in J every loom, beet accomaiodatlons; $2.50 week aud up; transient. ; ' ...... • , BALDWIN HOUSK. 74 6tU Bt.. near Market— All modern conveniences; 220 rooms; 85c to 51: per day, $2 to $5 per week; freo baths. B A RTLnTT. J32. ar. 22d— Large front room; closet:' bath; nr. 3 car lines; $8 a -month. BUSH »t., 1922, uear Laguna— Handsomely fur- olsiied rooms, single or connected; modem' conveniences- references. : - . .: BUSH st.. 2444- — Large sunny room; private fam- ily; furnished;..- for .1 /or 2; . all con- . venieccis: 'reasonable. . .: CALIFORNIA et.. 2530-— Sunny room; private family ; ~ nl?ely furnished : for . 1 ; • good location; reasocable. . r ...... . /, ." .-: . CARTER (The). 215 O'Farrell st. cor. Powell— N«wly fnrnished, outside ' rooms ;' modern. Kearny 5174. . . ; . ... .. CENTRAL HOTEL, 574 3d St.— Free baths; oJ- flee and readiug room on ground floor; 500 single and family room»; 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 a week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. CLINTON park, 2SO. \u25a0 nr. . Market — Sonny 'front I bay window • room; \u25a0 bath; all conveniences; lfgnt house keeping; $8 to $13. DEVISADERO St., 1442, near - Geary— Sunny, , furnished . front room; single;- suitable for gentleman; reasonable; private family; phone and bath. : . . \u25a0 \u25a0 DEVISADERO St.. 549,. cor. McAllister— Sunny cor. room; 2 bay windows; phone; - batb; $10 a month. DEWEY HOUSK. 4th and Howard— All modern conveniences; 200 rooms: 35c to $1 a day, $2 to $5 week; free baths. Howard or 4th st. cars. EDDY st.. 1239 — Sunny .outside rooms, nicely furnished, for 1 or 2; running water: phonu; $3 week. - ELLIS- st.,. 1917 — Sunny outside room, nicely furnished, with or without h. k.; bath, phone; $12 month. . ELGIN Park, 73, near Market st.— Sunny,. front, bay window, room; all conveniences; very reasonable. KNTERPRISK HOTEL, 10th and Folsom sts — Worklngmen's home: clean suuuy rooms, $1.50; with board, $5 and -up. FIFTH St., 365 (downtown)— Sunny single rooms; running water; $1.50 per week up. FILLMORE, 761 — Large .. sunny front room; suitable for 2: privatea te house ; bath, phone. FIVE young men;' only those possessing sales- manship need apply. 914 Valencia st. FOLSOM st.. 19S0— Large nunny parlor, well furnished: bath, closet; suitable 1 or 2 gen- tlemen; $S per month. FRANKLIN Ft.,' 7S0 — Salon parlors with piano, electric light, all conveniences; suitable for 2 or more gentlemen, or couple. .- ' \u0084 FRANKLIN St.. 1249 — Nicely furnished, sunny room; running water, bath; $6 month up. FULTON st.. 926 A —Large sunny well furnished rooms; bath, phone, en suite or single; $2.50 and $3 week. . • . . GEARY St.. 1123, near Van Ness ay. — Sunny front room, private family; nicely furnished for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all conTeniences; reason- able. -•\u25a0 • .. ". - - : GEARY St.. 14101^ — Sunny front room; private family; nicely furnished; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. - GEARY st., 1752. near Flllmore — Sunny rooms in private family, nicely furnished for one or two gentlemen; reasonable. . GOUGH St.. 425, nr. Hayes— Sunny well fur. front room; batb, phone, private family, all home conveniences; $S and $10 month. HAIGHT st.,- 141, cor. - Laguna— Large sunny front bay window rooms, en suite cr single; all conveniences;, batb. HAIGHT St., 104 Vj — Large sunny front bay window rooms, en suite or single.; bath, phone, gas; house keeping privileges. HAVES st.. 459 — Sanny front bay window room; closet; bath; $10 1, $12 2.. HOWARD, 2302, cor. 19th— Front bay' window room, well furnished; bath, phone; $3* week; uo signs. — - ;.-" \u25a0-. Vr< >'. r '" HOTEL ST. PAUL. 028 12th et.. corner Clay, Oakland — Rooms f>Qc a day up; $2.50 week up; special rate by the month: "pen all night. HOTEL ST. JOE, 346 Kearny at.— Nicely fur- nished room, day or week., „ . LEAVENWORTH St., 965. near Bush— Sunny ont- slde rooms; nicely furnl>;hed;il or 2; running water, bath, modern: $20. f0r 2. Frauk. 1209. LARKIN st.. 1045, near Clay — Sunny : outside j rooms, single or en suite; modern; reasonable. O'KARRELL st., 1427— Large, smnny, furnished room in modern, j private home; every conven- ience; $12. O'FARRELL st., 1258, nr. Gough— Sunny outside 1 rpoms. elegantly furnished; modern con venl-, onces; $10 per month and up. '. O'FARRE-LLst., 1351A — 4" room unfurnished flat; gas, laundry, sunny yard; separate, entrance; $1S month. . OCTAVIA St., 1445. near Post— Sunny, front, psrlor room, private family;- nicely furnished for 1 or 2; reasonable. OVERLAND HOUSE, 569 Sacramento st, below Montgomery — Now opeu. 2iK> rooms: hot and cold water in every room:- 25c to $2 per day, $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLkIA. Prop". \u25a0 PIERCE Kt., 1341.;nr. O'Farrell-=Sunny outside room, private family; nicely furnished; . for ! 1 or 2 gentlemen; $10 a month. > 3 PINE Bt.'. 1030. bet. Jones . and Taylor — Sunny front room; nicely furnished ; with or without i board."'. '\u25a0:'\u25a0.:..- \u25a0 ' \u25a0 .' , \u25a0 -\u25a0"-•\u25a0\u25a0 POLK, 1736— Sunny ontside rms. ; hot, cold water, bath, phone; $2 wk. up: hskpg. apt.,' $14 mo. POST Bt., 90S, corner Hyde, near downtown- Sunny outside rooms, running water, \u25a0\u25a0 all con- veniences; walking distance; $14 month up. POST St., 1788.' near Flllmore— Sunny front rooms.; nicely furnished, all conveniences, : in private home; strictly modern: \u25a0 reasonable. • SCOTT st.. IS2s— Sunny front room; private fam- lly: 1 or 2 gentlemen: all 'home comforts. - * STEINER St.. 1011; — Sunny outside room; private family; nicely. furnlshrd; for 1 or-2 gentlemen; all conveniences; $10 month." \u0084....,'. • . SUTTER St.. 1916, near , Fillmore— Sunny front j room; nicely furnished for:2;> all home com forts; running water: : reasonable.; . . -j . SUTTER: st., 2297— Front parlor, nicely fur- nished, for 1 or 2, in respectable Spanish fam- • ily; reasonable. / - • . ; ; .. \u25a0 . :^: THE GOUGH, 1124 Gough corner- O'Farrell— Nicely fur. ' rooms, single , or suite ; reasonable. THE LANSDALK, 619 'Larkin St.— Sunny out^ side rooms; hot and cold water in every .room; .; all conveniences; , $2.50 per ; week' and up. : THE CRESCENT. 826 Eddy -, St.— Under ; new management;-. nicely furnished rooms \% all con- : venlences;. summer, rates; , v;_ ; ; . THE BRISTOL; - 225^ Kearny st.— Nicely fur- nisbed double rooms; all modern conveniences; $l-day, .and <s.3 week up. V ; -_ = : . . i -:^ THELTJRLINE.I3S3 Bush— Sunny, modern rms., . $2.50 wk. up; country trade; :ooc to $1.60 day. THE RONDEL. 3031 10th st. nr. Valencia— Furn. rms. ; running water; all cony.; $2.50 week up. VAN NESS bt!. 1021— Sunny outside rooms, . nicely furnished. for 1' or; 2; running- water, /air conveniences; good location; $2.50 and up. VAN NESS ay.;, 719. corner Turk: St.— Large, j sunny, rooms, also single," light and sunny ;° run- - nlng water; reasonable,.. ,~ , '?• : . . ' . . VAN'-NESS/»T.'.. 5 2327r-Klegantly furnished apts.*- in beautiful home: reasonable to right parties. WEBSTER st.;,J63o— Sunny outside room; nicely ' f urnlshed :. for gentleman; home comforts; reas. ISTH st::" ; ."J414; :: nr. " Mission— Nicely i.lurnished \u25a0 siiniiy front' rooms. 3 SlO and $12.- for gentlemen. 'OAKLAAD RobiMS—- Fiir. and Vnt dr. i HAVES ~i st..'i 972— Bay ;; window .'house £ keeping I "rooms; bath.\gas. phone -and laundry; cheap.' TH E rATTKINDALE. 1226 Broadway, Oakland— . - All .thoroughly ? renovated; ; now ready; ' 5- per week and up. ;; \u25a0 ;.^.-- ; ::. .. \v ,-.'-...• -\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0.:.• WEST st..* 11 09, . cor. 14th — Large, sunny, rooms ,- : for; gent lemeu. \u25a0 \u25a0" Phone ; Oakland ; 5840.': \u0084 ,; ;, . .t .WKBSTEB \u25a0 st..' 1277— F0r • rent, "\ rooms, all con- \u25a0\u25a0 venienees: -close?- In." "-. \i; • \u25a0;'* - 17TII 5t..; 572-^-Large '. parlor." suite,", central . loca- t lon; also other rooms. -light house keeping.-; \u25a0; \ RE^T^TraATIyACANT^ ROOai T-v j -. A e small ] want iadlcin* The # Call:! will:; do *lt quicker \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 than --, a V dozen - signs > plastered V on '\u25a0 your windows 1 .-\u25a0 and - which ?\u25a0 spoil % the s looks < ot -i your home : besides. ; Phone : ; Kearnyj S6 [ for ; an' ad man to call'and: see yon. >.\u25a0 v \u25a0 '.<'•• : . \u25a0.\u25a0"--\u25a0. \ - -"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0• ; r ROOSIsf FOR y HOUSE > KEEPIXG J " 'AA-^-GOLDENil GATE Vafv L' 629-^-Sunny -'apart- •*\u25a0 . ments J for s house 5 keeping iof <" 2 »" and i3 l rooms ; «•/ bath, phone, run. : water all rm«. ; $3 week up. A A^DB VISADERO '% st.*.f 002-^La rge 1 sunny it f ur- ."\u25a0;.. nlFlied front alcovc'room: j piano:, buffet \u25a0kitchen : adjoinins; ] $20: : unfurnished; floor >-. $15.'',- . *. „>•/ .=; RO OMS . FOR WOVSE^EEPrSG—-C6n ;i BAKE R I st. , v 36P-2 large sunny I and j airy " rooms. E complete for house keeping ; . oath,; phone ; ;-. gas free ; ;- near park ; $20 . month.. ; - ' . v - BAKERst., 816. opp. panhandle— Sunny rooms, \u25a0* complete." $3 week ; gas, bath, : etc. ~ BARTLETT: St., 434 nr.> 25th— Furnished or : unfurnished rooms to let ; choice \ and j reason- able; 2 to 8 p. m; , ' --.:•-: BARTLETT, 420, nr. I 25th — 1. 2 or ; 5 connect- ibg.- rooms; <complete for bouse keeping;^ bath; - $12-. : to'sis; a nd up; gas free. \u25a0\u25a0 - ' .' - ; BARTT/ETT, 134, "nr: 23d — 2 sunny front rooms; • conaplfrt«t for house keeping;nr. 3 car Hues; '\u25a0-:' gas and; electricity , free; $13. \u25a0 - ;< : " ! BRA D Y .. St.; '45 Front bay i window rooms, en suite, or single; use .of* kitchen; bath; new.. furniture; , to $4.50. .; CALIFORNIA st.. 1301, nr. Hyde— Kltclien -mid ! .. lltins room, furnished: , bath; ,$lB awl; $20. ! CALIFORNIA st. 2323, near Killmore— 2 nwm . h, k. ; apt..: nicely fur.; bath: running water; ! phone; ; coal; and gas f«tOTe;;f2o; month.:. \u25a0 • CLARA, v St., 166, : nr. sth— 2 rooms, 1 $7; .3 rooms, $9. \u25a0• .-..: ; - •:, <.:.-. \u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:.-. '\u25a0 CLINTON park, 263E, nr. Market— Front bay window room and kitchen, complete for house keeping; bath; $10 month. , DEVISADERO st., 464—Newly furnished front suite, complete: bath; also single rooms; 3 car lines; $15 to $22.50. ' ; ". • ELLIS' st., :1112— Nice large house % keeping rooms; regular kitchen: all conveniences; rent reasonable. \u25a0 \u25a0 :. . \u25a0\u25a0_-\u25a0 '.-;-\u25a0..-.- .\u25a0. •: FILLMORE St., 634— Front sunny suite, complew ; for housekeeping; running water; $15; single I rooms, $10; bath, phone.- - HAIGHT St., 310— Large, pleasant room; light house , keeping; \u25a0 S small connecting • kitchen; reasonable. ... ,:\u25a0.-; . . -: HAVES St., 069— Modern large light rooms, en suite ; or' single; aUo house keeping suites; , bath, phone. . . \u25a0 HAVES st., 440— Light airy rooms; new furni- ture, bath." single or house keeping; $12 to $14;, gas free. . : \u25a0 .. HAVES Rt.. 520, near Octavla— Single light house keeping rooms; running water in all rooms; $8 week np; gas,: etc.,; free. MCALLISTER St., 848— Sunny 2 room suite, complete for house keeping; nice yard for children; also single rooms for; gentlemen. MCALLISTER «t., 806— Cosy bay window room with kitchen; also single room; all conven- lences. Rate to good tenant. OAK St., 2001, op. Panhandle— Beautifully fur- . - nlshed rooms, en suite or single. . Phone Part 4093. OCTAVIA st., 1403, corner Geary— l and 2 room,. sunny, front housekeeping apts. ; nicely furnished ; reasonable. . OCTAVIA st.,. 1410. bet. Geary and Post— l or 2 room > house : keeping apts., all nicely fur- nished, -with running water, bath; in flne loca- tion; reasonable./. . : POST St., 1306 — 1 or 2 rooms, sunny; house keep- Ing apts., buffet kitchen; running water: bath, phone; $15 up. , SAN CARLOS ay., 320—4 rooms and bath; sunny upper modern flat: completely fur- nished for bouse -keeping; $28. . SAN-CARLOS ay., 855, near 21st and Mission— ' 2 0r. 3 sunny rooms, furnished complete; sink; - coal and gas range: adults. , SCOTT st.. 2040^ — 2 sunny attic rooms; gas and water; $10 per, month; phone West 2014. STANYAN st.. 945— Al house keeping rooms; completely furnished; reasonable;, sun all day; near Golden Gate' parjt. SHOTWELL. 733—2 or 3 sunny front rooms; complete for house keeping; running water; bath; free gas: phone; $15 and $20. SUTTER St.. 1616 — 2 room house keeping apts.; nicely furnished; all conveniences; $16- $2O mo. THE BRUXHILDE, 557 Ellis St.— Two room apt., furnished complete, with private bath, all modern conveniences; very reasonable. . jj ! THE RANDALL. 120 Pierce St.— 2 and 3 room apts.. elegantly furnished, $20 and $30 month. 12TH St., 210— Sulle of house keeping rooms. 24tb, 3330 — 2 connecting outside rooms; com- plete for house keeping; gas; and coal stove; bath: wash trays; $18. 26TH St.; 3253— Sunny front room for house keeping: clean upper^flat; bath, gas . free; , $9.50 month. ; . . . .- ' | 16TH St.. 2Sls— Large snnny hskpg. rooms; hot and cold water; laundry; -baths; phone; elec- trlc lights. ROOMS AXD HOARD OFFERED A— THE WEMPE, 419 Oak st. near Van Ness ay. and Market nt. — Large, snnny rooms and. unex- celled board; all -modern conveniences; $35 mouth up. .;- = BACHELORS' \u25a0 quarters, downtown, for young businessmen; all conveniences; pool, shower baths. etc., : including board. 787 Post st. BARTLETT St., 181, near 22d— Large, sunny ,rodm with running water; also single rcom; home cooking. - CENTRAL ay., ; 4 Ui. panhandle — Newly furnished sunny room;- good board; all home cooking; convenient to 3 car lines; suitable for 1 or 2. i EDDY st.; 1220," nr. Laguna — Sunny outside rooms, single or. double, with excellent board; rates for 2 $.%o.a month. ELLIS st, 958— Sunny front room nicely fur- nished for 2 gentlemen, with excellent board. GAS stove for sale cheap; hot water attach- ment ; price $10. . Call at 3235 Mission st. LARGE sunny front room: nicely furulsbed for 2 gcntlrtnea or couple: all conveniences; board : optional; reasonable. - 1523 Eddy st. MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary st.— Rooms and suites, with first class board, can now be en- gaged at summer rates. * ..: McAX,LISTER : St.. 792. cor. Octavia— Sunny large rooms; high class board, home cooking; $5 and $7..week;, single meals 25c. V NICELY furnished room, .private boarding house, with or without board. 1310 Webster st. .': ' PACIFIC ay., : 1718 — Beautiful sunny suite j and double -front room;' newly furnished; summer • prices; references;: phone Franklin 1520. • PINE 'st., j 079 — MfKlcrn furnished rooms, with or without" board; " home cooking.' Phone Douglas 120. \u25a0f - - - -;\u25a0 : - " .; PINE St., 812— Large sunny front room; suitable for 2. with board, $25 each. POST st., 1414, nr. Gough — Large snnny room; "runniog water; 'all conveniences: suitable for 2 gentlemen; flrnt class board: $30 mo., each. ROOMS and board. $18 to $20 per month; Ger- man cooking.;: s7s Bryant st." near 4th.: • -:• SAN JOSE ay.. -271, nr. 24th— Nicely fnrnlshcd front rooms In prtvate family; best home cook- lng: $20 and $25. \u25a0 -, / ' - ; ST. MARGARET'S club for working girls. 1541 | California St.; $20 mo. up; tourists $1 day. SUTTER St.. . 2040 — Nicely fnrnished, in private home.-vwlth board; /suitable., f or ..- gent; good j : home: cooking; all conveniences. {West 5729. WOMAN'S HOTEL. Turk at Laguna. opp. park— Home com fort w: ren«onaHe rates. v ....•\u25a0:-\u25a0 v[oaklaa'd"booms_'and board ROOMS and board. '; private , place, reasonable. 1379 Harrison st.. Oakland.' - BERKELEY ROOMS 'AND BOARD FIRST class board and room for businessman In -private family; home privileges. . 2444 Ashby, East Telegraph ; phone - Berkeley 5155. : . FURNISHED rooms In refined •" private ; family; beautiful grounds and surroundings; board op- tional; near, stations; references. 2222 \u25a0 Shat-' ; -:"tuck ay;- \u25a0."'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'-...-' '\u25a0•" -'•.-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0": : . \u25a0'-' \u25a0 -. ' APARTMENTS iff;. ' \ \ *AAA— HOLLISTER,; 1330 ; Union, ; bet. Polk and "\u25a0\u25a0 Larkin — New elegantly furnished ; large sunny ' 3-4 room .apartments; private bath and . halls j complete . for \u25a0 house keeping; . marine ,. view; rent reasonable. \u0084--.:. \u25a0.-"'-:,:., ... ; - AAA — ST. MARGARET apartments,- Fell and Oc- . tavla sts.— Sunny unfurnished apartments; 3 .rooms and bath;- wall beds; rent reasonable. > AAA— ST. MUNGO Apt..' 1300 i Golden Gate", cor. Fillmore — Elegantly, furnished 2-3 room 'apts. :-.\: -.\ AAA— THE STANFORD.^ 3IS : Van -• Ness— l, . 2 t rms.; hkpg. ; single rms,, $2.50 up;' tourists sol. AA— GLADSTONE APARTMENTS. 700 ' Polk st. . cor. Kddy— Elegant sunny house keeping apart- -•\u25a0 ments; : 1 ; room,- $14 per » month ; f 2 -, rooms, i $28 ; per, month; 3 rooms $40 per month; hot baths; elec. lights- Janitor, serv^. -. Tel: Franklin 2048. A— CORNELIA HOTEL, APARTMENTS, eil O'FARRELL ST. NEAR' HYDB. \u25a0 2,. 3 AND 4, ROOM' - ' ELEGANTLY (; FURNISHED -APARTMENTS. Completely equtpped with every } modern conven- i ence and ready for immediate occupancy. . ! SOMETHING NEW \u25a0'\u25a0-?-' *-~ HOTEL SER VICB. _ : \u25a0'.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.•\u25a0• REFERENCES REQUIRED. . ADELINE APTS.; 040 Eddy— Apartments.- 2. 3 \u25a0 nnd.4'ro<ima; thoroughly modern;, summer rates: Columbus- (The), 'NE.- cor. Pacinnd Larkin— 3 \u25a0':\u25a0'. and 4, r00m '\u25a0 apts.;-, unfurnished.' $22. ; 525,' $27. v f ;= KENILWORTH, NH. COR. BUSH AND POWELL \u25a0 STS.— ,I ROOM FURNISHED ; nOUSH 'KEEP- ING APARTMEVTS»SINGLEtROOMS; COM- \u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0'< PLETE J APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICE. V ' \u25a0 : MARYLAND APARTMENTS,' 363 Pago St.— Sun- ';• ny ' 4 * room » apartments; furnished • and iunfur- ~~; J>lshed:hot waterrJanltor service," night watch- ...' man.' e levntor. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- .>\u25a0.'-\u25a0\u25a0 i.t.:\] _'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.'\u25a0&\u25a0 \u25a0"".-:•'•" .-•\u25a0•* : \u25a0\u25a0; I -"-": MALTA { apts.-^-Mr>re ; than > home, comforts: j 2-3 :x-\ :?»P'«.; V complete: Jcun all day.THPrlv.-- ex.' Market orpa4thr p a4th - and, Market; Ms. \u0084:-\u25a0:{ : v SAN CARLOS apartments. .1175: O'Farrell St.— • ,2, 3 and 4 rooms, , furnished : and unf urniiijed. : > S T*lJ° r " 4tb , "^freelon—^Flat of 3rooms and bath, completely, furnished; :.Tery reasonable. The Brompton. 1424 Polk st.— New. fur. and un- - fur. apts.. 3 ana 4 rms.. now ready; all mod. cout. : private hathn. phone, elevwtor orytre. .*- -P^y^^ P A "PARTMBX TS TO LET I THE LUCERNE. 1465 Grove st. near San Pablo ™ T 'T*" an . a 3 J°° m elegantly furnished apart- ments ;^all modern conveniences; flne location; now ready; for occupancy; centrally located; out-of-town' parUes cesiring flne auarters will nn<l« an i.leal home; sr.t-cUI snmnur rates. |"~T~ ••••--. - -\u25a0• ~ \u25a0- - .—;. — ; ;—; — '. AA Ti HOTEL^^ : BRISTOL. -..'415 O'FARRKLL ST. \u25a0 -FAMILY' AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Room and bath. $1 day «>r $5 per week. - Cnitside telephone in -each room. Newly opened. \u25a0 Steer frame building. \u0084 . . \u25a0;, .:\u25a0\u25a0_ ...... A TPW \u25a0 WEMPE. 410 Oak st. nr. A'an Ness and - Market— Large. ' sunny rooms and- unexcelled ttjoara; all modern coavenlenceg; $35 month up., BROOKLYN HOTEL; 3G» Ist— Board and room ?i. to*sB J»er week: rooms COc to $1: weekly $2 un: meals 250. CHARLES MONTGOMERY.' HOTHL; ARGONAUT. 4th and Market sts.— Fam- Hy and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1 per day: rooms wltji private bath. .-..\u26661.00*;. restaurant attached: moderate prices; free bus meets all trains A steamship!*. HOTEL BRILLIANT, ' \u25a0 "^ "\u25a0 545 Turk Ft. Fireproof, private - exchange, all outside rooms; special rates to permanents; dining .room. Take Eddy st. car from ferry. \u25a0 HOTEL BEIJkIONT, 730 Eddy, below Van Ness, Turk and Eddy cars— Rates $1 per day up. HOTEL CALIFORNIA, cor. California & Hyde— Especially adapted to :ideal home life; su- perior accom. : reas. : European or Am. plan. HOTEL HARCOU.RT, LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN. EXCELLENT TABLB. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. HOTEL MERRITT. 1836 Geary near Flllmore— In amusement center; $1 day up; $3.50 wk. up. '\u25a0 \ HOTEL REV. 515-519 BUSH ST>-- . \u0084 JUST OPENED— BACHELOR APARTMENTS. Elegantly fnrnished; 'private baths: strictly first clans: particularly sulited for downtown busi- nessmen; European plan; rates reas. ; Dong. 4768. HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van Ness at Fulton— sls month to permanent guests; beautiful lobby. HOTEL ST. ROSE. f402 Ellis St.. 1 block from new Chutes — Elegantly furnished rooms, slngn.- .and en suite; permanent and transient guests solicited; hot and cold water; complete call service. Rates per doy $1, $1.50 and $2; rates per week $3. $3.50. $4. $5 and 36. THE STRATFORD HOTEL. 242 Powell St.; opposite the St. Francis. A first class, modern, fireproof hotel; in the finest downtown section. Rooms $4 a week and up. Room with private bath. $1 a day and 'up. THE CRESCENT. 1801 California St.. at Frank- lin — Select boarding house: first class; ref.; rates reas. Franklin 1021. MRS. E. R. BATES. ,„ -^^ M^_- r ]!ih K 7'_ s T .O LET BUSH, 3681, nr, Gough— Beautiful 8 room and bath sunny and light flat, flne renting location. CLAY st.. 8124 — Lower .- flat. 4 large rooms, bath, gas and electric lights; rent $18. . CENTRAL ay.. 700. corner Fulton st. near park and panhandle — 4 rooms.- bath, modern flat; sun all day; $22 up; janitor. CORNER Franklin and Lombard . Rts. — Strictly modern sunny flats. 4 and 5 rooms, $20, $23.50. Keys at 1454 Lombard. st. DIAMOND St.. Sl!)— Flat of 5 sunny furnished rooms. 2 double beds; hot and cold water; . reasonable. FELL St., 522 — Upper sunny, bay window flat; 3 rodrng; porcelain bath; closed porch. GREEN St.. 660 — Modern. 6 room flat; renovated; len^, $27.50; basement flat, 4 rooms, rent $10. JONES at.. 1020 and 1032. between Pine and California — New,' sunny,- 6 and 4 room flats $45 and $30. * STEINER st.. 1125. bet. Golden Gate ay. and Turk St.— Clean and sunny; $30; 5 rms., bath. STEINER st., 131.1, near Ellis— Handsome mod- ern flat, 7 sunny rooms, bath; good renting locality; $37.50. * SW. COR. Sutter and Scott sts.— Elegant flat, 5 large rooms; rent $35. SUTTER St.. 21«6— Fine, sunny flat; on best car- liue in city; 7 rooms .and bath; $30; open 10 to 5. ZOE St., 51. off Bryant bet. 3d and 4th — New sunny 4 and 5 rooms and bath. WALNUT ay.. 521, bet. Sutter and Post. Octa- \u25a0 via and Laguna sts.~4 jooms, , bath: modern. STH nv., 131$ bet. I and J sts.— New upper flat. 6 rooms and bath; rent $30.- 18 TH and Oakwood sts., bet. Dolores and Guef- rero — Corner bay windows apartment flat, car- peted and electric lighted hall; 4 rma. & bath. 24TH St.. 4185-4187— 2 flats of 5 and 6 rooms and bath: modern: rents $18 and $20. UNIVERSITY district — Modern; 7 room, wmny, upper .flat; concrete basemeut with laundry, and hall, gas. furnace; $45. Key and" owner near. at,2G2li College ay. , SPUING st.. 1358. . Berkeley— Flats. 4 and 5 rooms, south, east and west exposure; fire- places. " gas grates, porches; 1 2 blocks from streetcars; easy walk from S. P. station; flne view. 1358 Spring St.* - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 A—s22:A — $22: furnlshrd flat, 5 rooms and bath:no ob- jection to children. f 6068 Shotwell st. near until. , • . ... STYLISH flat, partly furnished; i>hgn* Douglas it 4803. ..; ' , . .'. •: .... "-•-.. 36.".6 A 20th St.— EloKaiitly ftiruished flat: 3 nxmis: telephone, gas und -electricity; $20; no : children. \u25a0 $30 per month— Furnished house. 9 rooms,, on Castro near 19th. — Apply "JlO4 Market »t. - A^AMEpA'FI.ATS TO LET — Farnlnbed 7 ROOMS, furnished or imftirntslied; near Park station: 52.1. Inrlmllng water.- Box 2991. CaU. FLATS FOR S Al.E— Frirglinhcd : SIX room tlat. nicely furnished; must sell at sac- rifice; leaving city; roomers pay rent. \u25a0 141OVi (Jeary st. \u25a0 \u25a0 . • . - COTTAGES TO LET COTTAGE, 4 rooms, bath and lanndry; 338 Dun- can st. :: $18 per month. Apply 1684 Ellis st. NICK COTTAGE, In rear; large yard: FINE * VI KW; $1(». per month. 4326 17th st. ROSE ay., l.'M. between Gough and Octavla. Ualght and Page sts. — Sunny," 3 room cottage; . rent $12.50.. . ; \u25a0 , . .. TO LET — A cottage in Caxadero for the summer. Inquire 1018 York st. \u25a0 . / " 12TH : St.. '210 — Furnished cottaee. .1 rooms. - . / FRUITVALE J. COTTAGES TO LET FRUITVALE ay., 2017, nr. ( boulevard— Cottage; 5 rms... bath, basement:- gas: on car line; $18. BRODEBICK st...' 720, near McAllister— Sunny, ' modern house, ;7- rooms and bath." "" ' FILLMORE jst.Vi 749,'- nr. GroTe — 12 room bouse; >; h. and c. water in- every room; $60: a snap. HOUSE i of --4 -. modern, sunny • rooms and bath. : 5 1053, Minna st. between; 11th and J2th..,.;. VALLEJO st.— House 9 rooms; garage; hardwood ' floors; -marine Tlew; • will lease long term, or - unfnrn. : Tel: mornings. - West - 5754. i ;S; S OAKLAXD HOUSES TO LET— FIir.V FOR- SALE— New- furniture of 7 room "house; ; 'close -In; price $4(X):rent $35; no agents. Box \u25a077S Call ofttce/ Oakland. ' . v . ; —^ —————— —^— § JS AX MATEO HOUS ES \u25a0TO LET • SAN MATEO COUNTRY. HOME / TO. LET FOR. SEASON : . » Owner array on .business;" does not want place j idle; will; rent '. for season. A beautiful home, 12 ' rooms,' 2 .-batbs;;; grounds (sboutjl- acre); highly, cultivated; garage' and .'stable; ' rent to .respon- sible ." party. \u25a0 $150 1. a . month. . Address P. O. box i 353.'--San -• Mateo.' '\u25a0(\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0--'\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u0084-.-:> ',-r : , >\u25a0-\u0084\u25a0 out of nrowx houses to; let; SAN;MATKO.::'.,'--.-,.;;,'-:.." v ;.' r: ;- -V,;-'. ' ' \*i'y \u25a0 'y-^.TAtgc. desirable roomT with bath;: also rooms ;.« for :.;; couples • • \u25a0 flue ; table ;v board; I - beautiful ' "grounds:. on electric" line; 'short walk- to South- cm Pacific { station. - MRS. "JOHN F." BI YEN, Tk 39 \u25a0 Grlf nth ; ar.'. ; San /Mateo. j Cal. - TO'leasc for- year in Palo /Alto;, house -of 10 \ rooniß : J 2 1', ba throoms,",,: Bleeping porch ; .- : large • grounds.* with \u25a0 oak '•. trees ;*croquet court;- $125 '..".' per,- month: -Address ; 430 ! Klngsley • aT., \u25a0* Palo ;> Alto v Cal. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0: » r\u25a0 : :-.-". .. \u25a0 : -.--:. \^: : ' " kv-- houses^waxted'. \u25a0' i':::?-^ ;.WK> have' tenants j for * stores,} flats ) and rooming : \u25a0 houses;'* 1 Don't : let ; them j stand empty; lit don't. "i psy: y< List t them with ';, us." J We ; will • find you --. «:• tenant ';' on + ohorfs notice. 'h- MeFAUL It ED- \u25a0 WARDS.i33QiChronlcle,bMg.V -?••.: -. i,i;OFFICKS/AN»iSTORES 'TO.LKTr- : \u25a0FOR I rent— Desk froom t or] part; of ,' of flee,?' at ' 1651 1 » Killmore ' st: s near \u25a0 I'ost. ; Apply to -Er P. GOS- |vfLlNG,lrooms2o23CalU building:, .v -.f?-r.y' : ,'. : : STORE * andS'4 j rooms ; KNEW : *s rent 1 very t reason- 'ablf. 21U4 Market bt. bet. Church and" Sancnez.' TO . lease for a term .of 5 ; years from December 20. ISCfV— The California I Schuetien club psric, ' situated near San Rafael, Marln county,*- Cal.. contalnhig.<bcantifully wooded grounds, highly improved, and an area of , over S3 acres, acces- ' slble In 50 : minute* \by " railroad from San Franclsteo. -Tliere are oi». the pTemiies sll the arpllances.". sccewmnodatloas ' ; and ' buildings iwcessary : for the purpose of boldin? flr*t class picnics -and other society- events. Sealed^bids for said leas*, will bfl receded . by OTTO A. BKEMER. 140.Van Ne»» »venie. S«n^ FTan- dsco.- up to August* 10. • 1903. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check toe. the amount of one month's rent bid- The directors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. THE CALIFORNIA SCHUETZEN* CLUB PARK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. f- . : PHILO JACOBY. President. OTTO* -A.'" HRr.'fT:it. S^cretarr. :___i_^___ APARTMEXT HOIISES TO "LEASE '20 ROOMS in Waghlnyton st- near Powell : all newly papered:, 2 floors : bsth oa each floor: th la would makea Tery cosy apartment hous». for 'some lady: rent $40. with lease. DAVID- SOIN^-& I.EIOH. »338 Pine st. - FURyiTUHE FOR' SAIiE FURNITURE goes for: a song at H. SCHELL- HAAS*. 403 -11 th \u25a0 st.. - Oakland. $51000 worth' of furniture', wanted, for the coun- try at WiUy's, 659-6ttl 14th st. near Church; ; Market v 4322. r ":' :\u25a0 ; ALWAYS ready to buy .furniture, carpets, desks. merchandise, •tc.V for spot cash. MARK J. LEVY.-H4O MrAlllater St.: phgng_Psrk_seO^_ _^J^£SAJ£TAV^ WE MAKE handicraft furniture and baby car ; riages. Pacific Coast Rattan Co.. S3l Van Nea?. _ FUja^IjrUJRE^RJ^AIREP^^^ REPAIRING' and -refintshlng of furniture; first class work: moderate prices; piano polishing. P. H. PATTERSON * CO.. 1040 Van Ness ar. near Jackson st. • phone FrankUn 4233. Advance- Window Shade Factory — Bamboo porch shades in all sizes. QUO. WALCOM: 637 Turk. SEIVIXG MACniXES SINGER.'' White, all makes half price: easy payments: second hand. $3 up; renting, repair- ing a specialty. MeNALLY. 3260 22d St.. phone Mission 202. - DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest; all kinds renUd. re- palred, exchanged; needles and supplies for all makes. .J. W. EVANS, agent. 1658 O'Farrell st. n»ar Flillmore ; phone West 3601. . ' DAVIS. SINGER, W. * W.— W. E. JACKSON. > _aeent^o4Sutter^needl*s i suppllea i allmakes. FREIGHT FORWAHDIXG A — REDUCED rates for shipping household goods. EAST AND WEST JUDSON FREIGHT AND FORWARDING CO., Room 206 Pacific bldg.: phone Kearny 2579. CARPET CLEANING VACUUM process carpet cleaning, sewing, laying: estimates fnrnished; mattresses- made over; furniture recovering a specialty. -Phone West 7924. Crescent Upholstering Co., 1619 A De- Tltadero st. •." AAAA— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. .62 Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2071— Dunt- less cleaning of carpets.- rugs, draperies, furnl- ture and bedding.. WITHOUT REMOVAL. AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATUS CO.. 441 Ist ay.; phone Pacific X3l3 — Carpets, rugs, draperies, etc.. cleaned at home without dust.' trouble or noise; estimates furnished. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Offlce 24 • Montgomery St.; phone Kearny 5352; shop 16th & San Bruno aT. AA — National Carpet Cleaning Works; largest on coast: laying and altering a specialty. Hamp- ton & Baley. 344-348 Church st. Market IH9. 3c yd.— For the Best Carpet Beating— 3c yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. F. A. Rice. ISOS Harrison. 3c yd.— Carpets Cleaned at Right Price— 3c yd. WHEN you .lx>come disgusted with poor work send yonr carpets to J. SPAULDING & CO., !>£» Golden Gate ay. ; telephone Market 643. GARNIE & BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works, 3153 16th st. nr. Valencia; phone Market 5001. BEST cleaning (3cV and laying (sc) by Gisslow's C.-C. Co.. 3jjQ9 22d; tel. Mission 2259: est. 20y. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works. 315 East 12th St.. Oakland: tel. Merrltt 505. 81655. WATTS-— Reliable carpet cleaning: alterations: renovat.: laying. 560 Devisadero: ph. Park SCO ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk" st. CONKLIN^ BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker; phone West 03. STORAGE AXD MOVING VAXS BEKINS VAN ANI> STORAGE CO., Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sts. ; tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. (Inc.i— Moving and storage. Cor. 14th and -Sanchez sts.. 1 block from Mar- \u25a0jfcet and Fillmore sts. cars; phone Park 273. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— BricJs warehouse. 2322 Flllmow «t : tel. West 2«25. PIERCK-RUDOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. main offlce. Eddr and Flllmore: tet. West 82S. . FOR SALE— Miscellaneous CASH REGISTERS.. .- ' We'make'aml 'sell A CA3II REGISTER EVERY MINUTE AND A HALF. " - : -..">-: " Can you doubt \u25a0w* are able To sell you- THE BEST CASH REGISTER . • FOR THE LEAST MONEY? - • \u25a0We take^ In exchange every " "month from 75 to 100 Registers. THESE ARE PLACED- IN FIRST CLASS CON- DITION AND SOLD AT LOW PRICES. • v " " " Loot ". here for today: * " Large siz« -National . Detail Adder .$32.50 Keys from s<v. to $9.95e. Detail adder, keys' se to 51... '.. .. 12.r,0 Detail adder, keys 5c to $2- IS. OO All 'these \u25a0advertised Registers can be seen in our' windows' aud are: FOR. SALE. We have Reco'rid haud registers to fit any business. AAA— Sinks, 50c ."to $3.50;.' baths, heavy porce- lain and steel enameled. $5. t0 $20; 30 galloa . boiler*. $3.50 to $5.50; double washtrays. $4: hoppers. 75c; water, gas and soil pipe, stand- ard and evtrt heavy bras? snd nickel goods of -all. binds:. we, hare the-best: wa nave slightly damaged; we have second hand: we broke the 5 lilnmbtng trnst; " you. get the " benefit: enough said; we -buy from every one and sell to all; to accommodate a • large ' part of our patrons .will open Sundays from 9 a. m. to 2 p. vi. DOLAN COMPANY: T(gg> Market st. AAA— The. Central Plumbing Supply Co. does not sell redipocd fittings, but they sell new fittings less than you can • buy the redlpped kind for. Bring your Ifst and be convinced. Central Plumbing Supply Co.. 1527. Market st. A— MACHINERY, tools, shaftings, belting and a full line- of second hand water pipe. SUGAR- MAN BROS., at the old location. 059 Howard I st. ! Country orders promptly attended to. FORTY, chickens • one year • old of the finest Leghorn breed: come before Saturday night M. n. KENISTON, . 3029 PeralU aT.. Upper Fruitvale. -- -. . -" ; LARGE, elegant ,~ mahogany sideboard, either : with or without large mirror; also suitable for . bookcase: Inquire' Warren Pharmacy, E.~ 14th aud Fruitvale aT., f Fruit Tale .. . r . SECOND HAND PIPE. •;: ~" Largest dealers - in standard pipe and screw easing,' dipped: prices right: guaranteed first class. Pacific; Pipe. Co.". .Main and Howard sts.. AA— 2 Diebold fireproof safes; size 6Sx4Sx32: in- rtde. 45x3Cxli«: 4.200 Ibs.esch: cheap. WILEY B. ALLEN COMPANY. 1220; Van Ness aT. AA— All sizes 1 standard -water -pipe aad screw - casing, guaranteed good as new: -get > oar . prices. Weissbaum Pipe Works.' l 33 lllh st. CASH -REGISTERS, all kinds, cheap; easy pay. ments. - Pacific Coast Cash Register Co., 1292-' 1294 Martet'st. corner Larkin. , • FORTsalf*. at ;! a ,bargain,il.2oO, bargain, il.20O pairs mated homer '•".'•' pigeons, -t* a whole or In stonl) lots. -FRANK JONES. Sybil 'av.. San Lcandro.. ; ARMYitents at factory.' prices. .W. A. PLUM- -, MKR C0..-115^Drumm St.. S. F.; Ist and FranJfcHn, sts.'.' Oakland. \u25a0 CONCRI;*TE. mixers.' gasoline engines, wood work- ing, maeby;- contractors' equip.: Al condition: "prices right. W. TV MARTIN, 1277 Howard st. A— SCHOOL BOOKS booght. and" boW. KING'S BOOK , STORE. - 1716 Market st. abore Gongh. TURNINGS, cabinet and mill work, store flx- tures.-Jobbing.V C.F. HAA3..93 Minna St. ONE 8 -hp.i stationary gas engine: can be seen ; running at ?1535*. Webster \u25a0 ' PEDIGREED Llewellyn setter- (male) pup», $10. 409 Madrid *nr.':Bra*iraT.; , Mission road." MOVING picture films for rent: largest stock in city. -TURNER AtDAHNKEN.- 138 Eddy st. - WALL* paper," 3ijc; 4 ; samples "mailed; paint $1 gal. ; alcohol; 65c gal. ; M.-Mertgan. 144T Ellis. LAUNCH. *22 ft.. -5% ' hp.,- engine nearly <\u25a0 new; $200.:-55 C Lincoln 1 aT.,\*Alameda.-... f v>< BUNOAIXJW'booIt of. 32 designs and plans 25c \u25a0i ART; BUNGALOW CO.; P.vQ. box 260. Oakl'd! SCHOOL' BOOKS BOUGHT. KING'S OLD BOOK ' STORE. ? SOI .: GoIden- Gate, av.- near, QoUvia St.: BOOKS and libraries bought.,THE HOLMES CO. '-. i;.-115S;;.phone.,Market.$96. ;\u25a0. v. ..-• .. SAFE-^Snap-i-tßslde.measure'Sl'hlsh," 25 wide ;15 de«D-.*ioQ.rSsOMls3loa «U"-.:-, --i-'i AWNIVGS. hammocks and "- tents for Invalids. ROSS. McMAHON CO- 403 Battery at.. S. V. NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, bar and saf e ; for sa Ie : cheap. r>7!) McAllister st. F.DISON AGENCT— Moving picture machines and Kras: bargains. GEO. BRECK. 70 Tnrte st. S\F7-'s New and secondhand. The Hermann, Sa fe Co. . 1 20-130 Folaoai at. - CHICKENS and young gees« for sale at 430 27th aye.. Rlchnioad- . ____^^ WANTEI>— Have yoa a National cash resister for sale? I pay cash. Prop a line to box , itaiff. Call ftffl<-e. DRESS St'lTS.Tl XKDOS AXD PRINCE AL- BERTS BOfGUT. L. SKOLL. TA1L0R,. 707 \u25a0OOLPKN GATK AY. PHONE MARKET 4651. WANTED to -bny— National cash register* for cash: If yon bsTt* any style National for sale drop a Une t<> box 2300. Call offlce. V GUEST prtc«- paid for ladle*' east off cloth- ins. - >iR-S. DAY. 530 Sth at. Oakland 4373. GENTS' second brtiul t-lothing bought and sold. MCSIN. 1235 G.G. ar. FUlmore. Ph. Mitt.7l2:; STAMP eo'.Jectious or odd lots of stamps bought; call eTening*. F. W. SMITH. tC2B Post st. CASH— ANY AMT. FOR OLD GOLD. PREC. STONES. ENGELUAROT. 22 MONTG'Y ST. WILL buy sev.-ond hand furniture; tools, clothing. st?.: best pricen.' 2117 Mtsaiwi st.^!»rt_sgsrt^ BAR AXD STORE FIXTVHES BROSWICK-BALKE-COLLH^DER CO.. 17 27 Franklin at. near Market. Phone Special 14.17. POSTAGE stamps. alb!im«. cstalosries. etc.: cols. bouoht. W. w. Dneocher Sz Co.. 1128 Geary st. C.\MPI\G SIPPUES WE furnish everything for campers: tents, ham- mocks. canvas gooil.i. T. -T. M^aye^-^jjg^jgtyjrr^ E£H5 LOFSTAD A EVANS. Inc.. f;irr!«-3. 251 Post !>t.. Mercedes bid?., 3d floor. VUoaii Kearny 4350. ROBT. MORRIS 239 Geary st. — Furs, fur skins. snppllw. satins: wholesale only. DRESS MAKING MACDOWELL'S Dress Mai:r.£ and MUinery .School. 121 Geary st. neai- Grant ay. E»eala< claHsfa. Patterns cut to order. Do»g!aw_47?ijL_ BUTTOXS AND ?s*^ A^*ss^, STEELE'S button workr 222 Ellis St.. nr. Mason; phone Franklin 4321; mail orders Ml letted. * THE HINOY. 1610 W. Geary St.— Aristocratic ta!l- musical i \srnv >i j^ys^^ w A SHERMAN & UTDE, 4 round corners, oier- strung. beautiful piano, $75. Weber, almost as good as new. $75. I.adrt grand piano, fair condition, $20. Fm*l! Kennedy cabinet upright. $53. 3 Fischer uprights. $$5 tv $125. Beautiful large size burl walnut fin* uprija:. good a-t new. $133. William Hall piano, $13. Pierce. $IS. Gilbert. $17. Small Bord upright. $t". Small Erard upright, lovely condition, $75.. And dozens of other small uprights to select from. Lowest reftt. largest business. HEINE PIANO CO.. NW. cor. Van Ness aT. and Bush st. Oakland branch 1214 Clay, opp. Taft A Pennoyer. BRAND new piano. $5 per mo. rental; no cart- age; fre* Insurance; 6 months* rental applies to purchase; piano salesman wasted: no sai- •rjj biff commission. PETER BACIOALUPI ft SONS. 941 Market st. Open Sat, evening*. NEW piano for $130; agents tor tbe celebrated Gabler pianos. MANUFACTURERS PIANO CO.. 130 Eddy st. . LARGE Knabe upright. $230; other unrigs!* from $100 op: planes to rent. BOWEB3 A SON. 529 McAllister and 19 Stockton. STEINWA Y upright piano, a snaa for $235. at 1534 Geary st. near Flllmore. PIANO for sale — Mahogany, slightly used: party leaving city. 1351 Devisadero .it., apt. B. PIANO for sale; cheap; used only 1 year. C3O Lyon st. BEST pianos In town for rent; 10c a day. SCOTT CURTAZ. 500 Hayes st. " ALMOST given away— Storage pianos, dirt cheap. Whttehead'* Storage. 403 San Pablo aT.. Oafc. Electric pianos. $173 up: terms; also plaeetl oa percentage. Andiffred Musical Co.. 82 GroT* st. $I»O— Almost new. standard make, upright. JOS. SCHMIT2 A CO.. 621 Van Nesa. nr. Tnrk. _ TvrEyyjFtrr^R^AXD svppmes MONARCH Visible- Tpyewrtter— ln the Monarch visible Tpyewrtter all the writing U In full sight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices: we rent, repair atxl Inspect. Bsforp ptirchasinz ring ut> Dousla* 4113. oc call at 307 Bush st. WuLF Sc ISKXBRt'CK. Dealers. , GREAT bargain* in rebuilt typewriters rentinj $1. to $;>..«• per month. .--.*• See NFW YOST VISIBLE. The Typewriter Ex.-bange. 235 Montgomery st. SPECIAL rental rates; rebnilts, second han<l». at bari.-ains: snpplles. repairs, desks. ALEX4N- DEK «fc CO.. 512 Market st. Tel. Douglas 2157. BRAND new Visible. $10. Sun No. 2: other make* fUeap. Pacific Typewriter Co.. 107 Montgomery. NEW and second hand typewriters bought* ami sold, renfeii. repaired: guaranteed. SMITiI BROS.; 4fKI st.. Oaklan.l Phono Oak. r.»7 AI^OIIOBIIJES A SNAP; * Ford 4 <-yI j runabout : s*«. $27^ A buy: Packard touring ear; flne $',r.n A bargain; Maxwell- tourine car; look..s.TTl A winner; Cadillac delivery car: see Sl.iji A dandy runabout: seats 4: look.. $25ft A-bijr one; Pope-Toledo. 35 b. p... Ssou IF YOU RKALLY WANT A V\n' PHENIX AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE. -3Mh st. ami Telegraph nv.. Oakland. — — ______ _ _ '06 WHITE. 5 passeuger. 20 hp. : thor- oughly overhauled and repainted. $1 rtoo •06 WHITE, same size, in good repair" '7i*> •t>« WHITE, same size. a!so good. '" «mi AITOCAR. 5 passenger. 33-40 hp 1 «io LANE STEAMER CO., 140 12th St.. Oakland. i?a I. FOR sale — Price $500 and upward; several 'fi« and '07 White tonrlnjr can. taken in trade for "08 ears ami thoroughly overhauled by our me- cbanic* from.onr factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. 300 Van Ncsa Avenue, San Francisco. A SNAP— I9O7 Pierce Arrow. 7 passenger 5:) hp.. completely equipped with top, glass front Prestollte tank. 10 Inner tubes, ti castos*' magneto Chelsea clock, robe, full kit of tools* Box 3344. Call office. AUTOMOBILES— It win be like finding $tOO oc more \u25a0 for tbe person who intends buying a, new Franklin or Pope- Hart ford automoblla and writes box 774. Call offlce, Oakland, for - particulars. , ONE -to 5 ton commercial anto trucks, aut™ supplies and machine shop equipment, cheap- must be sold. Apply Xnterurban Motor Express Co.. 1920 Broadway. Oakland. *»**«*>« ELITE AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New ami second band cars for sale: auto painting, wood- work and framing. 677-685 Golden Gate ay corner of Franklin. Phone> Park 3922. FOR sale— One cylinder Pierce: good shape- ftoSitt- w£" Dyte aT - OaUaad; pt>on; '07' RAMBLER, runabout. Just overhauled at co«t of $200; a bargala at $100. A. C. HULL. 19«. IS4 12th »t.. Oakland. -*•.-»- PAC. Aluminum Brazing Works can braze your broken alum, castings. 430 Van Ness. P.. 2358. HEALD-'S automobile school gives the best aut.» l_tralnlng op coast. 425 McAllister nt. - HORSES. HARVESS AXD WAGONS AAA— PUBLIC NOTlCE— Building t» be torn down soon; must, sell stock quielUy Other bargains besides these: " New road bussry, including a nice har- ness, robs 'aud whip, complete..... %<H so Rubber, tire bnggiea, were $100. now '." $7i'v> Canopy top surreys, were $tOO, now $M"*i» Canopy top surreys, were- $135. n0w.... $no'oo Saddles, harness and robes at prices that you never can refuse. <•*««* SPIRO : HARNESS AND CARRIAGE CO '.'\u25a0..;.\u25a0-\u25a0 309 Market st.. S. F. AAA — MUST raise money; 40 head of bor*-M anil' mules. $10 np~ 48 wagons, bucktwards .surreys, top wagons, steel and rubber tlr« bu*- gies.- $5. up; < "boTHe. wagon. harneHs, $33 uo- team bor«>s. / harness; wagon. ' $9<> np; hon^" saddle, bridle. $23 -up- spaa mules. $123 up- campiag outfits at yonr own pric«; make offer* harness, $2.50 up; saddles. $1.30 up; will trade* Auction Saturday. at 11 a. m.. 583 4th at * Oakland. ~ r *£*j&Jll£MßM9H SOUND.' gentle, rommon buggy horse and har- * nea*;: any one having a bargain apply at»t e phone. 80x. 777. Call offlce. Oakland. YOUNG horse for . sale; 5 years old: lino pounds: good for businessman. Apply 820 r»rs St.. Phone Oakland 4527.. vv _ «i^_Jtl» SECOND HAND ' wagons and bnmri#« all tt™^..' I^NY. Sfpige ,r LUAM T«»ncS cwS: P o*fn^ aSe fOT hOrS<^ ******* : Continued to* Jfext Pqsa '-.\u25a0.' ' . \u25a0 \u25a0 •