Newspaper Page Text
_; jjiAS^ EXGIXES^ __^.~ ; ' r ,},-'. l^- MIXING r.r •;»:». stationary and portable engines, g»*. distillate or crude oiL WESTERN GAS KN'OlNEgtlNff CO.. 461 Mtrfcet rt. • \u25a0 HORSES, wagons snd harness, camping outfits. 205 and 2oi> Valencia tt. :2: 2 DAY AXn CONTRACT WORK SriLDERS. atteuHont— Went repairing done on flat* in Mission in exchange for $1,200 equity In lot, 100x100. corner of Hndson and Shafter sve.. Clsremcnt d!st.. 2 blcck« from Kay Uoiue station: street work complete; ready for huildicr; balcnre cf $2,200 can wait; -will mat* 3 fine lots. SJETTNER. owner. C5l Bu?!i St.. i». F. HAXGIXO PAINTING In ajl brsnci.r*. paper haagisg. tint- ing, plastering rerelrea: send for estimate. JAS. P. HfX'J ER. 1701 Geary. TeL West 6tt53. • GOOD wall paper fcrnlshed aad bung. 25c a roll; also pulatmg cud tinting «on« ressoaably; «11 wcrk pn\ ran teed. Pbooe We*t 8012. rVs~irt> GLASS WOBK? Ise. H. R. HOPPS. PRESIDENT] SiTX KINDS ART. LEADED AVI> MOPATO f^AP^ US TPRK. PHOXF. rHAXKLIV 17H3 BOOFIXG i-?>or.S, ari.v kind, repaired. palrTsd. A. HILL- . MAN, raw r. 12th Bt.. OgkUutd. Drop postal. _^ '$ LOCKSMITHS Vf)On openers and keys. Key Works, 855 Clay _ «t. Plopes— Oakland «717. A2T.74. BUSINESS CHAXCES CII'I.IES iTIIAGNCS. BrrSIXESS BROKERS. ifleS Market «t. Dear JontF. Iloom 22. ' Telephone Market 1408. PO CHARGE FOR LISTING A BUSINESS $2.«*XK— Bakery: th» t-est paving la 9auta Crux Co.: i-stabl!shcd for vear^; dolug now over $50 basin^ss; roir.plcfp in every way: $S«O • fe-iialirr cv««u; lioit>e and wagon, worth $250; ts^i: rccivber. tool*, etc <*lIJ.JKS &. MAGNCS, 102S Market «t. •*. ' :^ TV E.U end ti^td business, established for 6 tprH; clearing now over $300 monthly; cbeap rept: fonr wegon«. worth J1.000; 5 bor»es. worth ftiOO; complete equipment; sicknesc coninej!! »«le. ... "-... GILLIES -; MAGNUS. 1028 Market st. X>RCG STORES FOR SALB 14.000— Fine rtore, dean stock snd rood bnsi- tie** in San Francisco; also cne at 55,500, $3,000. f'.SC'C: drug store s In Berkeley, San Joae, PeK-sdero aad in Lake coonty. Humboldt county, Fctoaja coccty and others: also a splendid offer In a itrivSog towa In Oregon for $6,500: If yo» «re looking for abasinees. or have one for sale, cciSnsunicete with ne; over 60 years' experience la tbe drag trade in California. TEE F. A. WECK REALTY COMPANY, 2510 Shattuck aye.. Berkeley. Cal. TO*i sale — Uu!y opera bouse and dance pavilion ifl town of 1.500; sort drinks, cigars, cigar- ette*, sea. etc.. In conceriioo; also well equipped -si-ion adjoining. The opera bouse is ir»-n- «nd f«rnlshed tip to date. This property *tand«" on 4 lot*, next to corner ou principal tasineet: street; good reaeons for selling. This proposition bears full Investigation. Will not nil «opr.ratel.v. For particulars address "Trsry press." Tracy, Cal. A OOoD INVESTMENT— Tbe Pacific Ocran houce in Monterey. Cal.: over 60 good rooes nicely 1\ rr.ished: _ou»e doing good tms!_ess. and one c! tie best paying bars In the country, for s»!e: owner going east; wfll n«n entire In- »e.-est in esme at a reasonable figure; pur- ol:\spr can take immedla'.e posse£»ioo. For p««-ticalars see or write to MRS. SELLING, !>r«p.. Pacific Ocean bouse. Monterey. Cal. tRO^EUY— Bay town: Hear- $200 a month- I «M invoice *3.500; win take l>ay tornj or bay <v*.mir property in exchange and pay a littie rat* diCcr«-_pe If any. FIDELITY- REALTY '\u25a0''-. KfR-.-ny tt. TART <t market fiT reat for grocery or delica- te f 6cu. <-hesp; good locality. 570 Waller Bt. nesr Pierce. VCE organize, incorporate »ad "float" ail classes of legitimate wining, canufactrrlns and com- rier-irl t«_lnesK enterprise*!, iacludlog patents. *?<"., oa a fommisslon or percentage becis Bil_g your proposition to us and we will tell yov WHAT to do and HOW to do it. Best esc.-ern connections. Pacific promotion & development co S-iites 609-571 ilonadnock bldg.. S. F.. CaL ECTCHER shop for sale — On account of dissolu- tion cf partner-hip one of the best shops la Tnsitvale will be sold; fine trade; full equlp- V.-at. Inqcire LYMAN HARFORD. 3110 E. •«tli tt., Fruitvale. or H. J. McISAAC, Ham- bcidt Back bMg.. S. F.. Cal. SAN RAFAEL opening— Big trade; -.mail gen- eral laWe provision store; moK be kept np to dste for fancy trade: do expense first year; lew rent thereafter; yoa mcot have money or credit for stock. Afldregs box 3309. Call. fUOO — Ligot mfg. bo-ineft: Al proposition; mo- nopolj- oa honbeUold necessity; _oo per cent I'rofit; clears $40 weekly: all casb trade; pre- vious exp-riccce unnecessary. 1175 7th st.. Oakland. , MOVING PICTURE SHOW in t*-tt town on fo«st: doing over $1,000 month business: rent onl.r $75; long lea*e: full investigation and tr!al: price $2,700. See ou-ner at office of VVtOV INV. <0.. BH2 Marker. 4 p. ni. today. ONE HALF or wbol» interest in a rnbber uterap «nd printing btifluesw. not because of fßllure. but owins to a trip b^lng necessary to settle \u25a0 n estate or lose Ueavlly: establl-hed for over 15 rearr. Address box 7CO. Call. Oakland. HARDWARE aad genrrsl bus!ne«!>. oil well district; proprietor \u25ba•\u25a0!"> to retire"; premises told cr leased: stork _i>out $3,000: offer open 2 wM-ks: interview owner while In San Fr«n- <-l>-ro; refs. Addregi box 4SOB. Call offlef. COFKKE PAEIX)R IN THE BEST STREET NORTH OF MAEKET; FIRST CLASS FIX- TURES: $05 receipt* giieranteed; low rent: jTiee This week caily $1,100. Unioa Investment Co.. 532 Market »t.. room 207. MAX with more puali than capital for a half inifrr-st In a manufacturing plant clearing f'JW ;>er month and growing. 4-1 Mechanics l'.ir.k bMg. t<4B Market st. HOTEL slid bar; doing good business; long l^aw: reason for selling, other business. Ad- rires? MR. N. TOMASEVICH, Hotel St. Anne, Mountain View, Cal. -THE Jnrgc-Kt saloon in the Mission; excellent lo- cation: direct from the owner; long lease If <lo»lred: good reason for selling: don't miss this. Box C 203. Call office. FOR pale — Ice cream, candy, cigar and station- ery -.torn, at Nile*. Cal.: mutt be sold at once: bs>T»Sn: don't mles this ohance. See or f-fldresg FRANK MORTIMER CO. TOR sale — Au old established, troll paying fur- nltnr* buclnenc: about $S,OOO. Address ot7ner MAXIM PMITIT. BT^) Van Nesp. Santa Ana. Cal. FIRST CLASS rooming bo™* of IS rooms: bar- gain : niust vacate on account of sickness. .*:4S 3d ft. BKSTAURAVT for nale; liest In Santa Crui; fine fixturer. doing good business; will clear $I.r>oO next two months. Address box 773, Call office. O-Jiland. CIGAR STAND: $500:. Market st. transfer cor- ner; $.V> r*nt: owner has other interests. In- 'jiMre CII.KH. MATTnES CO.. Front and Pine.v PIRDCTION.S for preserving eggs t.y newest method sent on receipt cf &0c In postage. Room 131. 172 Moptgomi'r.v nr.. Kan Francisco. FOR cale-T-Ualf Inter"Rt In restaurant; no rea- •noabl*- offer rt-fused. G. <•. BROWN 436 Bush st. • LIQUOR store and bar on East Ft.; fine loca- tion: balf casb. balance montblv payments ' Apply by letter. Box 5225, Call of ace. FOR sale — \u25b2 good newspaper route In a good district In this city. Apply to J. R. LEN- HART. circulation department. S. F. CalL 6HOULD you vrlfih to buy, sr ; 3l or exchange your ti-jslnegs. flats, houses, lots or farms see HONEVMAN CO.. 507 Westbank Bldg. PARTNER to Invest his services and $300 In a downtown established business: can clear $100 prr rao_Tu If willing to'work. !MB -Mkt.. r. 421. GROCERY for Mle; a bargain, at invoice price. Inquire SOl CJiecrry Ft. EIG profits from small investments: absolutely certain. Owntr. box 3319, Call office. I'ATKXT for email profitable domestic article for sale reasonably. Box 779.' Call office. , Oakland.' M*)RXIN*J paper, route 'ln growing Mission dls- tr'-t. 007 Ran Josr? ay., between 6 and 7p. in.' SALOON; for *alt> cheap; a tuap. Inquire HI- Irf rtila IJrrwerr. ...... I'Ai'ER route for sale or exchange for real cs- t3te. O^ncr. 1515 I9th st.;: Kart Oakland 1 . CAIX BRANCH OFFICE. ICSI FiMmore st. n«»nr Pitt. • ; v LOUGIXG lIOUSI-S FOR SALE Tl4 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BUILDING. Opposite Tbe CalL Room 201 — Phone Douglas 4379. Where Best Bargains Are Fonnd In Hotels, Apartment and Lodging Houses, Flats. EHST bargain in town; 53 rms.; utrlctly mod- ern, central; cheap rent; - elegant fur.; 18 I>atbs; redoced from $0,000 • to $3,800; only II4."C0 down. THIS fine cor.: C5-ont6lde rms.: rent $200; 3 Jiloc-k* north Market; velvet, ax. • carpets; oak fur.; jisrt htkpg. ; tnoney maker; offer wanted. f-'l'F. tb"*^ 15 room*: rent $<?0:~ well for.; good and <-:f>an: rleurg $75; only $650. * . CACRIFICE— JCJO; 12 rooms, well fnrniebed,' f3i« cashflow rent: lease. E. BAEILE, 40» '. Kearny tt. $175— Partner. wanted in good paying restaurant; trial given: "closed on Sondays. 4Z$ Bush st. ; '^^ JS D J^ AT IS^ A Ji,- X— PAUL . GERSON DRAMATIO SCHOOL— Largest tr-ia'ns school of acting In America; position secured; 6 months' graduating coursee; catalogue. Countryman bldg.. BIS Van Ness; A — THE LYCKCM. 2500 Pine st, prepares" for university or any examination. Open during summer; 6 teachers; nioaerst* rates; here you cave time and money. , JOHN H. DHF.W— COACHING SCHOOL and MiRMAL CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers' exam*., civil «erv. Laboratory course*. Day. cv. .643 Van Neb». ASSAYING; special commercial -courje In Span- ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical enfinser- lng. mlatag. etc. HEAI.D'B, 425 McAUlttor st. DANCING— FINDLAY'S. 8241 Ifltn st., ballroom or stage; adults Monday and Friday evenlgs; private lessons dally*; op#n erery evening. KXGINEERLNG— CIvU. electrical, talnlng, mech.. •nrvey. acsar. cyaulde, day. eve.; e-t. 1864. Vaa ger NaUlen scflool. 61st and Tel.. Oakland. THE BERLITZ BOHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington st. near Flllmore; send for circular. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, Individ, lnstr. math., bookkeeping. Kng.. etc.; day, eve. 007 Haight. PROF. G. MANSFIELD, teacher of violin, man- dolla and guitar. - 1708 Geary st. SPANISH or French simplified; accurate tran^la- tlons. any lang. Prof Hidalgo, 830 Market st. PREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— High school, university. Wctt Point. Xnaapolis. 854 Baker. RINGXALDA Normal Institute Mod. Laagu*.f>s>; 'miv. pren. ISSO O'Farrell. Phone West 8160. — * ———»———»————— i — — i ———————_______-_____. _. . COI.I.EGKS A— Metropolitan Bufclness College — 1480 Market at Van Ness. Reduced rates. 0 months, S5O. AITER Ang. 3 the San Francisco Business Col- lege will be at corner of Market and Eddy sts. MRRRILL-MILLER College, 75.1 Fillmore et. Term opens Aug. 2; day and eve, sessions. ARITH. penmanship by expert; bkpg., grammar, etc.; individual iustruc., $5 mo.. 915 Van Ness. All court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh 80-lness College. 1256 Market wt. AUDITS, systems, special Investigations. COOP- ER. 605 Kamm bldg.. 717 Mkt.: Kearney 5953. JOHN" R. RUCKSTEI.L, C. P. A.. 306-SOS Claus Spreckels (Call! bide. Phone Kearny 4151. NOT AIIV P.ITPMC MARK LANE, notary publii* and eommisssloner of deeds. 245 Bush »t.: phonw Temp. -6.T0. j TITM3S RESTORED A— UNDER McEnerney act, complete. $35. TITLE CO.. »53 (9th floor) Monadnock bldg., 3d and Market. ' ' DETECTIVES Went Coast Detective Agency (Hcen»»d. bonded): <-ocducts cases secretly: cor. confidential. 596 FUlmore. Tel. Park 5556. T. C. (UtAY. Prin. ATTOIt-VRVS AA— DIVORCE: co-t*. $12; quick, qni-t; advice fi-ee; no charge unless successful; tlt!e to real estate' restored: bankruptcy;- probating nt es- tate; general practice. 1028 Market St.; r. 12. A QT'ICK, quiet, complete divorce for $20; open evenings until 8. 1112 Market St.; room 12_. HARRIS ie HESJ*. attorneys at law! W. T. lifsn. Notary Public. Rooms 11-12 Call bldg. L. B. CLARK, attorney at law, 851 Jackson St., Oakland. Consultation free: open evenlncg. PATRXT ATTOnXEYS DBWBTJ STRONG 4 CO.— Founded 1800; U. S. and foreign patents; Inventor*' guides; 100 mechanical movements free. 1103 Merchants' Exchange bldg. San Francisco. CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. pat- ent office. 1201-2 Metropolfs bank. Patents, tradesmarks and copyrights. Tel. Kearny 4515. HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 41g First na. bk.. Oakland; tel. O. 3575. SONTAG Patent Agency— Established 1839. Bal- boa bldg.. cor. Market and 2d sts.. 10th floor. mr.r. coi.i.ectixg SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. We get the money for yon on all kinds of claims anywhere. Interstate Adj. and Law Ass'n.. 615 Pacific bid BAI)^ [TEN ' A VTS EJECTED '' BILLS and notes collected ; tenants ejected. KP.ED J. SCHMIDT. Market. Noe wnd 16th «t«. DEXTI9TS BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS, 739 MarkeVsW* acknowledged to oe tbe easiest and beet pala- leB* extraction In R. F. Full set of teeth,- $2; gold crowns. $2; silver fillings. 50e. All work guaranteed 20 years. Open dally till 9p. ni. DR. H. P. DAVIS. PAC. BLDG.. run. 301-2-4, cor. 4th aDd Mkt.; latest In dentlstrv; tirst class work; mod, charges; CONSULT. FREE. DR. C. W. DF.CKER. Phelan bldg., rooms 308- »»-10. 760 Market St.; phone Kearny 1630. DR. R. L. WALSH & CO-. 961 FHlmore cor. Mc- Allister; formerly 87- McAllister; Park 5350. MEYER. Dr., 1990 Sutter— Fillings 60c. crowns $3; bridge work; gag given; open evenings. DR. IRA O. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 515 Flllmore st. near Oak. DR. U. <i. BARTLETT, extracting specialist, re- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell: Douglag 4300. . 3IEDICAI. j> AAAA— DR. ABBOTT, The well known specialist, treats DISORDERS OF WOMEN ONLY. His thoroughly ANTISEPTIC methods Insure absolute safety from Infection of any kind. HONEST, RELIABLE, SCIENTIFIC TREAT- MENT GUARANTEED IN ALL DISORDERS i" of N women. Lady physician to consult with if desired. 1550 ELLIS ST. NEAR FILLMORE. Hours, 10 a. m. to 9 p. ni.; Snudays, 10 a. ta. DR. EMERSON, 1804 FILLMORE CORNER EDDY. ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN treated by most fClentiflc methods; positively no charge unlesi patient is satisfied with results; private sana- torium for parties wishing to remain under our care; advice and exam, free; lady assistant. Hours. 10-5; evenings. 8-9; Sundays. 12-2.- SPECIALIST for ladies; painless relief guaran- teed: paid when cured; advice free. MRS. DR. PHILLIPS. 3452 19th st. near Mission. MRS. DR. HOLMS, grafluate specialist, cures all female complaints without delay. Advice free. Hours 9 to 8. 744 Turk St. nr. Van Ness ay. PIIVSICIAXS AA— DR. THIELE. German physician and mir- geon; specialist chronic and private diseases of both sexes; cures guaranteed. 1732 Geary. DR. WONG HIM— '. ~" v~~ HERB DOCTOR. Permantly located 1-CS O'Farrell st. bet Gough and Octavla. JEE WO DRUG CO.— High grade herbs, drugs and teas; all chronic and private diseases of both sexes cured. 936 Stockton st. DR, DUNCAN, 180 Sntter comer Kearny, rooms 303-4 — Absolutely cures without pain or draw- tng blood gil foot ailments: corns removed 25c. OSTEOPATHY Dr. IJ. L. Meyer. 8.10 Market St., rooms EO3-4-5; Chronic and nerv ons dig.: lmpotcncy. sterility. HKALTII MOVEMEXT "VIAVI SCIENCE OF lIKALTU." natural, non- Burglcal; cloth bound 400 page book, tree. Ap- ply by mall,- C3O Pine st. Lecture for women Thursday- at 2:80 p. m. \u25a0\u25a0 ' - . SAXATOIIIUMS A — PRIVATE Uome for the sick ; - confinement •peclalty; adoption; special treatment for all female trouble. 1803 Market St.. Oakland. '^ S F. LYING-IN HOME. 1101 Oak st.— Adoption ; \u25a0_;_ diseases women ami children; confinement. $25. -popi;i,aii remedies RICORD CKLEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseasex. Sold • only by E. B. JOBGENSON. 044 Kearny St., San Francisco. Mall orders a uoeelaltr. Send for circular. •\u25a0 • \u25a0'\u25a0 .' '-; \u25a0'- ' trusses -•\u25a0 '- • .' : •--"\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 \u25a0.;.- TRUSSES that- fit: eeamlpss : elasUc hosiery. CI^ARK-GANDION TRUSS CO.. 1108 Market - Bt.. op. 7th. _ - AXD DEAFXESS ALSO ear noises positively cured; one week free. - DR.COTTINGHAM. ltiftO Slitter -.t.: hrn. 10-4. CA XCKRS A XD TU.IIQR S i TREATKDr IK 'from' 'l",to"4',mlnutcs:*wlt_ hypodermic; needle . method; cure '-guaranteed;-; MADAM. -L'. 1 F.; - I.AMB. residence' and' office. Uklafo.'- Cal. . REMARKABLE new discovery; kills half • roots; absolutely permanent or no pay.,'? PHYSICIAN;: ': orflce 34 Ellls-Bt.', rm.-807ptel. Dooglas 777. -. THE SAN FBANCiSCOi CALL; SATURDAY, JULY "17; 1909; . , DOG AXD CAT HOSPITAIi FINEST equlped; animals boarded; ambulance forn:: special rates. 2371 Fulton: West 8312. MATRIMOMAI. A GENTLEMAN of correct habits, congenial disposition and means, "would -like to meet a • Jady of means;, object matrimony. Box 760,' Call office, Oakland. ' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 HONEST men and wemen seeking life mates can find their ideals at 20-H Hollls, Oakland; In- formation 25c. . SOCIETY LADY. . DO not be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- nial bureau you will find a* MRS. A. . WOIi- TER'S. 1752 Geary St.: established In 1900. PEUSOyAL.S "AUNT MARY'S REMEDY"— Sure. swift, \u25a0 harmless; curs female troubles; three, i days: price 76c delivered. CENTURY REMEDY CO.. CB2 46th ar. BUSINESS PERSOXAI.S AA— . WIGS. TOUPEES. My wigs and toupees &ety detection; I guaran- tc» everr one I make; I make them ventilated and porous; perspiration don't affect them. Gen- tlemen's private wig department, 2271 California st. near Webater, Mr. Lederer in charge. A large stock of pure, human hair goods oa hand; transformation switches, puffs, etc., coa- stantiy oa band. Tbe ladies' wits and front pieces are made to order to suit each particular face and la tl:e latest styles. Hair dressing, dye- inr. scalp treatments, etc., by specialists only. Leilt'ter'd Quintonlca.' stops hair falling. Mall or- ders prompt attentioa. G. LEDERER, established ISOfl. LADIES' STORE AT IEO9 FILLMOKE ST. NEAR SUTTER. WATCHES, diamonds, silver ware. Jewelry, cut glass, etc. ; come to our office and tell sales- man you would like to open confidential charge \u25a0 account and pay weekly or monthly; ue».will arrange the- matter for you in a . very . few . minutes and you can wear, while paying for fame. ' BRILLIANT JEWELRY COMPANY, 704 Market st.. tipntalrs. rooms 611-Cl2. SUPERFLUOUS hair killed root and branch by absorption; $1: free treatment any time to \u25a0 prove Hie merits of absorption. -BEATRICE ST. JOHN, skin specialist, ISSO Sutter st. cor. Franklin, suite 5-6; phone Franklin 4911. MME. FRAA'CIXR. greatest Kuropoan. nuthorlty ou brauty culture; most scientific skin treat- ment, which niakcA you 15-20 years . younger; wrinkles removed entirely; city refs.- fi26 16th St.; Oakland; nbone 7511: best skin foods. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, manipulation, vibration and electricity for rheumatism and nervous- ness. 637 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary st. Open Sundays. SCALP and hair specialist; diagnosis free, from 8:30 to 0 daily. MME. OENDRON. r. 401. McClond bldgr.. Sutter and Stockton Bts. UNCALLED for suits, overcoat* and trousers at less than eont at CIIAti. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Flllmore bet. Kills and O'Farrell. MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE; baths. 124 Turk st., room 210. first floor, rear; 11-10. MAGNETIC physical healing— Mm. Hol-houser, 851 Pacific bldg.. tel. Douglas 4440. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos* turnes: sue, to .Tahn. coatumer. 821 Van Ness. ADOPTION Confidential Maternity Villa — Infants adopted. Dr. E. FI'XKR. 141*) Sili -t.. phone 1682. Alnmeda. w— ~^ AA— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, ordained trance spiritual medium; consultation daily at her home. $1; by letter. 4 ques.. $1. 1104 O'Farrell. A— REMOVED TO 1164 O'FARRELL ST., Miss M. Wille. ordained, spiritual adviser and crys- tal reader: can be consulted on all matters dally, 10 to 8. >. ~ ARRIVED— FRED ?! EVANS. FRED pT EVANS, the famous psychic (late of New York and San Francisco), Is now prepared to receive his friends and the public at his permanent address. 1390 Telegraph ay.; Oakland. To In- sure appointment write or phone Oakland 84J0. Send for circular. MRS. LEBTER. spiritual medium; ' dr. Sun.. Mon., Wed. aud Fri.. 8 p. in.; readings dally. 1200 Golden Gate ar. MRS. L. 11. KINNAIRD, ordained medium; con- sultations dally 10 to 4: circles Sun,. Mon., Wed.. Fri., S p. m. 1439 Flllmore. ELM A GILL, trance medium; advice dally; cir- cles Sun. and Wed., 8 p. in.; magnetic mas- sage. 772 Telegraph; tel. Oakland 7548. DR. HOWLAND'S 23c circle tonight; 50c read- ings today. 1230 FUlmore st. " \u25a0 :-\u25a0\u25a0' MRS. H. SKAL, spiritual minister; consultations dally: officiates marriages, funerals. 7*6 MeAl- ' CLAIRVOYANTS -_ BACK AGAIN. . GARLAND, world's greatest seer and clair- voyant, tells full names and everything you wish to know without you writing a word. 1445 Fillmore st. near Ellis. Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. v ' AA — MME. MAJOR nplritual medium, palmistry .and cards; greatest life reader of the day; satisfaction guaranteed. 948 McAllister st. MISS ZEMDAR, young, gifted clalr. and palm.; member O. It. A. of Cal.; L. 60c. G. $1; hours 10 to 10. 1279 Fulton *t. near Devlsadero. MME. STARR. 1241 Broadway, Oakland, on vaca- tlon starling July 1. Return Aug. 1. 11K)O. PALMISTRY CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card reader; '-25<\ *><)<•. $1. WIH Broadway. Oakland. PHRENOLOGY EXAMINATIONS and lessons. PROF. DUNN, 1122 Market at,. Page 1.1dg.. facing 7th st. INVESTMENTS ''_ ' BELOW is a statement of the annual Income from an Investment of $5,000 in tbe following bonds and stocks, compared with the . returns on' the same «mount invested in deposits in the bank: Tnrlock or Modesto bonds .$262.50 People's Water bonds. 333.33 Ocean Shore R. R. bonds... 894.60 Monterey-Pacific Grove R. R. bonds.... 315.75 Oakland Traction pfd. stock 833.33 Key Ronte pfd. 8t0Ck.... 333.33 Realty Syndicate Certtflcates.......... 315.77 California Pine Box Co 330.00 Palmer or Brookshlre Oil Co 600.00 Plnal Oil C 0... 750.00 ..\u25a0\u25a0 - .- -\u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0 • - . - $5,000 left In bank yields $200 only !t Com- pare this with the above investments and then determine which is best. "A word to the wise is sufficient." If further information Is needed confer with W. E. BARNARD, 17 Bacon block. Oakland. ~ $500 TO $5,000. A twentieth century gilt edge Investment op- portunity for | small or large investors desiring absolute safety; n large guaranteed not Income; also 66 2-3 per cent of net profits, and on an average of 10 per cent annual Increase- of the principal; necurlty the safest in the world, vis.. Inside Income prodnclng . strictly modern brick and concrete property, as complete as any In any large city; no stock proposition; you absolutely own and control your Investment; approved by bankers. Judges and careful investors. -. Address the authorised financial agents for fur- ther gold producing particulars. • lIOLCOMB REALTY CO.. INC., 306 San Pablo ay., Oakland. Cal. 1 ——————— -————___— _______ ________________ 1 CAN furnish you ANY unlisted stocks and bonds you may want AWAY UNDER regular quota- tions; will buy any active stocks If CHEAP; largest dealers on the Pacific coast; corre- spondence Invited. CHEBTER B. ELLIS & CO.. 714 Market st. opp. Call building. EUCALYPTUS TIMBER— SmaII tracts in plan- tatlon of thousands of acres; easy terms; loca- j tion on railroad., in San Joaquin valley. Euca- lyptus Timber Co., 414 First Nat. Bank, Oak. A SMALL amount of gilt edge local mercantile and manufacturing ' stock for sale; guaranteed • dividends 10%."*. D. A. , KNAPP, attorney, 417 First National Bank - bldg., Oakland, Cal. SPECIAL Investment, Marl n- county; large, beau- tiful tracts of land.' JOHN ; W.- GRAY, 023 - Linden St.. Oakland.'. . ' - ; \u25a0 . ' ' OCEAN SHORE railroad bonds forsale; price nets 7Sjc&.' D. K. BKSECKER.' 24B Pacific bid. "ABBOTT buys bonds"— Ocean -Shore, Market Ht. bank and Cal. safe \u25a0 dep.* books. 414-Mar- \u25a0\u25a0 ket st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .-.'... •':-,. . - \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. - \u25a0:..-.\u25a0.«- CAL. SAFB DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. I). E..BESECKER. 248 PACIFIC- BUILDING. We buy California safe deposit -accounts; buy and 'sell Ocean Shore bonds. \u25a0' 44ft Montg'y st. 31 INKS VANDI MINING IFyour-bank falls what security, have you for . the money you . bave deposited , Im it? : None Then why ' not . invest , it In . mines or land where you get security and it will. earn much larger profits? : O_r clients bave those oppor- tunities for you. ..."\u25a0\u25a0 We protect • your Invest- -ment,-tmall or' large. Call- and Investigate. > ; WESTERN INFORMATION .BUREAU* ' Suite 301, ; Chronicle ; Bldg., \u25a0 Phone Douglas 1363 s •'.-?.-. . San v Francisco. \.- . :;. --. y . ' FOR sale : or lease—^ quartz mines; partly de- veloped, adjoining mother -lode, .in El Dorado ' county,- near.famous. famous Union t mine.' ""-Apply to • . owners, C~ A. I ngrabam.MSl' Dorado," or D.\T.' . iLoofburrow.-. 1077 2d,av.', .Oakland. •' WE buy. and . sell • mines,? make examinations and - f urnl ?h I reports of . mining : properties.:; WEST- ERN MINES ESpLOB. C 0.,,226-228 Lick bldg. GOLD, - amalsram.~-rich^ ore ibougbt: i cash; 'assay- : . ;, Ing -- 50c.' Pioneer: Assay : C 0. ,; 131": 3th j st." nr.' '\u25a0\u25a0 Howard. \. .-....\u25a0 .:---- :.\u25a0 - ,-,\u25a0 -\u0084 .- - .. ... \u25a0^STOCKS '\u25a0 AN I> i BONDS / POR^SAI.E r-z ABE t yon t buying ? or I selling i stocks, or': bonds? \u25a0 CaII.onPETTIS&iBURBECK, 833 First Na- , tlonal Bank, bid..;: Oakland.-- • / - aioyEV^Tp loan :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_ ; _^.. AAAAA CASH SALARIED LOANS v-".Do"v -".Do" you need a vacation; and have not . the> money to spare? iwe are loanins.all SALARIED people strictly upon .their : plain note, without indorser or security. •• You • can . repay in -weekly* or monthly pavments ', to »mit. yourself. ; - \u25a0 - : - ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM AND ; LOWEST RATKS IN THE CITY. GET OTHERS' BATES, v. THEN. SEE- UB.' = ~ Your • employer or friends never know of any transactions at- onr office.?-- ...-;: - ... LOANS STRICTLY TO -SALARIED PEOPLE. WESTERN LOAN. C 0..: 408 Call Bldg.. 3d and Market- Sts. \u25a0' Open 8:30 to Op. m. ;. also open ' Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings nntll 8 p. m.- NOTE THlS— Salaried people and others may upon owu responsibility (no iadoner) . g«t fol- lowing loans, to be repaid in small wtekly In- stallments, viz: $1 per week pays $15 loan. $2 .per week pay $30 10an,«3 per week-pays $45 loan. $4 per week psys 960 loan, $5 per weak , pays $75 loan. Phone Douglas 3244. 433 PJie- ,'lan building. (Keep this for future reference.) MONEY LOANED TO ALL SALARIED PEO- PLE; also on FURNITURE and CHATTELS; save money by gettisg our rates; confidential ; private office for ladies. GHEAT WESTERN* INV. CO , INC., 621 Phelan bailding; 8:30 to C;Mon. and Sat. -till 8 p. m.; Kearny 3247. . MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and . otu«r security ; lowest rates; most favorable term* Bin the. city; see others, then sed me and he convinced; I ivill save - yoa money; $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan;' phone Market [3o29. M GEORGE W. MILLER, 8009 16th, St., south- . west corner Mission, room 33. :\u25a0 .-. XX— LICK LOAN CO.. LICK BUILDING, • 85 Montgomery St., room 101. Douglas 301«." Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgag6s. improved or unimproved, .at 0 per cent;. second mortgage and building loans In' any. part ot city, small -or large. \u25a0' . -. • ./•-.. MONEY loaced salaried people : and others upon their own came without security; cheapest : rates; casiext payment*; offices In 60 principal •' cities; save yourself money by. getting our terms first. TOLMANV room 051, "Phelan bids., : S. P.. and room P. 460 13th st., Oakland. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.— Loans on FURNI- TURE. PIANOS, etc.; low rates; private. 857- i 859 Pacific bldg.. 4th and Mnrket sts. ; phone' Douglas H285. Oikland office 518-519 . First National Bank bMg. . , • ~ '. MONRY— MONKY— MONEY. ANY PROPOSITION. Wage Earners' Investment -and Loan Co., 443 PINK ST. ANY amount; lowest rates on first and second mortgages on real estate, legacies, undivided Interest, estates in probate; no. delay. R. Me- COLGAN. 28 Montgomery tt.. rooms 314-315. ADVANCES made on diamonds and | jewelry at lowest rates; -safe deposit vaults; greatest possible care taken. • BALDWIN^ JEWELRY CO.. Van Ness and Sutter. R. B. AUSTIN CO. loans money to salaried peo- ' pie; investigate our credit evstem. Rooms 35.'{-5, Pacific building. 4th and Market sts. ANY amount on real estate, "first or second mort- gages or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKKR. 705 Monadnock. 6SI Market. SALARY loans — Ladles and gentlemen without security: notes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. bldg.; phone Douglas 1411. A — FIRST and second mortgages, estate, lega- cles and security. SHADBURNE CO., 45 Post SALARY loans; other propositions. San Fran- clsco Discount Agency, - 411 Pacific building. KIRKT and second mortgages,' estates, legacies, etc. HERMAN MURPHY. 546 Market st. I MAKK real estate loans, any kind, any size. AUSTIN, 1018 Broadway, Oakland. CAHH loaned to salaried men on note without ln- dorser. MOURELL. 922 Monadnock building. W2 loan anywhere. JACQUES REALTY CO., °55 Montgomery st. . . ... ON furniture and pianos; no removal. TRE- MAIN. room 811, 833 Market, next Emporium. ON furniture, pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co., — iMonadtiock building. BSI Market nt.. room 70T>. MO\EY WANTED ; | WANTED— Money. If you are a Christian Bcl- entl(<t and have $25,000 to Invest, 1 want to talk to you. I bave something that Is honest mi. l will make you a million. Address box 3355, Call office. $3,500, $1,500 at 9 per cent; $1,000. $10,000. $12,500, $1,500 at 7 per cent; $2,000. $1,500 at S per cent; other amounts. DU RAY SMITH, 1015 Broadway, Oakland. WANTED— SS,OOO to $125,000. to Improve coun- try property; best of security and terms. Call or address LOUIS L. GORIt, 136 6th st.. S. F. PROPOSALS AXD BIDS SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED at the office of the Secretary of the Regents. Univer- sity of California. Berkeley, on or before 5 p. m. . Monday, July 26, 1000, for t portions of tbe heating and ventilating system, lncludlug galvanized Iron work; for the new \u25a0 University Library on the University Campus at. Berkeley, as per plans and 'specifications on file at said office. No bids will . be received nnless accompanied by a certified check or bond In favor of the undersigned, equal to ten per cent of tbe bid. to assure execution of contract by successful bidder. The right to, reject any or all bids la reserved. - i THE REGENTS OK THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. \u25a0 ' - _^_^ MSOAIi iVOTICES \u25a0 _r j \u25a0 / NOTICE OF THE CHANGE OF PLACE OF BUSINESS OF THE CALIFORNIA GRAN- ITE COMPANY, A CORPORATION. Notice' Is hereby given tbat at the meeting of the board of directors of the . CALIFORNIA GRANITE COMPANY, a California corporation, held on the Ist day of June. 1009. said board of directors passed a resolution that the - principal place of business of the said CALIFORNIA GRANITE COMPANY be changed from San Francisco, Cal.. to the town of Rocklln, county of Placer, state -of California; And further . notice Is given that the owners and holders of more than two-thirds of the capi- tal stock of said corporation, to wit: the whole number of shares of said capital stock, bave con- sented in writing to said change; S ' . And notice is further given that. lt Is the in- tention of the said : CALIFORNIA GRANITE COMPANY to change its place of business from Bald city of San Francisco to said town of Rock- lln. In the county of Placer, state of California. Dated June 1, 1909. ;:*>> . . (Seal) CALIFORNIA GIIANITE COMPANY. By H. N. BERMIERI. President.' By ADOLF PERNU. Secretatry. NOTICE Is hereby given tbat the Maria Kip orphanage and Alfred \u25a0 Nuttall ' Nelson me- morial borne of 620 Lake st.. San Francisco, has received the . following orphan and half orphan girls from January 1 to July 1,-1909: Marie Schmltt, 7 yrs. 3 mos.; Eustlna Schmltt, 8 yrs. 9 mos.; Louise Helen Sergeant, 10 yrs.; Yqulna Verna Sergeant, 12 yrs. 4 mos. ; k Amy Florence Lewis, 2 yrs. 5 mos. ; Berdlna Col- lins. 12 yrs. 7 mos.; Beatrice Collins, 11 yrs. ; Sadie Lindsay Walner. - 7 yrs. ; Dorothy Ray- mand Smith, 6 yrs. 3 'mos.; Charlotte • Berg Watklns, 11 yrs. 10 mos. ; Evelyn ; : N. Swan- strom, 12 yrs. 6 mos. ; Marie Hess, 1 yr. 1 4 mos. ; Grace Ethel Johnson, 5. yrs. 10 mos. ; Theodora Johnson, 4 -yrs. ; Teresa Centurionl. .3 yrs. 4 mos. ; Bernlce • May Ford, 6 yrs. 0 mos.; Louise Rtes, 7 .yrs. 1 mo.; . Caroline Schmltt, 6 . yrs. 2 mos. ; Leah M. A. K rouse. 7 yrs. 6 mos.; Ida Wilson, 8 yrs.. 6 mos.; Arvilla L. BarnsdaU, 10 yrs. 8 mo. ST. FRANCIS' girls* directory orphan asylum . hereby gives notice that the following orphans and half orphans have' been admitted' to tbe asylum from January. 1,1 009. to \u25a0 July 1, William Joseph McCrannpy/ need 2 yrs. -.-,. . -'. ASSESSMENT ' JJOTIC». . _ _ . " NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. • .' OLYMPIC SALT WATER COMPANY. Location of principal place of business. 00 Clay St., city nnd county of San Francisco, state of California. \u25a0 s. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meet- ing of tbe board of directors beld on June 18. 1909, an assessment of <«e($l) dollar per share was levied^ upon the capital stock i of the corpo- ration, payable immediately to the- secretary of the company at its office, 90 Clay, st.,\ in the city, and county of San Francisco, state of Cali- fornia. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0 ' ' - Any . stock 'i upon which this assessment shall remain unpaid on Tuesday. July 20, 1909, will be delinquent and 'advertised for sale at public auc- tion, and unless 'payment 1b made before, will be sold on Friday, • August 6, \u25a0 1909, ; at , the hour of 3 o'clock p. m., to pay the delinquent : assessment, together with costs of : advertising > and expense of sale. - . \u25a0 • CHAS. A. GIBSON,-, ':' Secretary Olympic Salt Water Company. :t Office of company 90 Clay st.V In the city and county of San Francisco, 1 state of California. Dated In 'San Francisco.: Cal.V .Tune 1 P.. 1809.'-- U.- .-i^^,J9}TXiS — A,|Vc'.PJj.TA'yjs;^.A ,|Vc'.PJj.TA'yj5;^. C^ci,.- pTuismTo^T^R^ATJE^-^PREsTDIO TERRACB PHESIDIO TERRACE— —PRESIDIO THRRACE T- (Is ' ay. i and Washington , st.) {', - "' The • number of '. purchasers who have bought lots iln this - beautiful tract ; and the many ? at- tractive homes bnllt'. there proclaim the? advan- tages: l and*, desirability/ of .-\u25a0the -property " better than ; would : any advertisement ' we i could ; write.' ; What ' we particularly . wish ; to impress • upon yon is; tbat when yon build your - home . In the terrace you • know . positively.- that j no ' objectionable | sur- roundings can be erected near. you--that. is abso- lutely guaranteed to V each'; purchaser. ;» lt • bars flats. •\u25a0•' apartments, " stores, ; ' Btables. > , billboards, overhead = wires." etc." J And ; Presidio .terrace prop- erty Is the most reasonablee of any similar resi- dence property In . theclty. '\u25a0"-:. . : P0 FEET ; FOR \ $7,500! ;;';"' \u0084-\u25a0•'; illustrated literature sent on request. BALDWIN -'&'• HOWELL. 318-324 ;KEARNY ST. FORECLOSURHSALE. FORECLOSURE, SALE. FORECLOSURE 'SALH.: FORECLOSURE SALB. $6,000 \u25a0 will J buy ' strictly 5 modern. ; perfect .< condi- tion,9 room residence: .= 25x137:6;' Dnvlsadero and McAlilst*r: t don't , miss ' this ,barg«ln. .-- - - V -r- T.'t E.\ HAYMAN.* Ist i Nat'l; Bankf Bldg. ;, INGLESI DR LOT?. : $250 to $5«0; | ready : to i build \u25a0 on; EASY TERMS; " close to » car. - THE Me- ' CARTHY:CO.. 15lSuttcr;Bt.v • ; ": - <:;-; _f : CrrY RE A T/- ESTATB^^qnttmu^^ "BALDWIN & HOWELL, 318 324 KEARNY ST. BALDWIN &.HQWCLL, 318-324 KEARNY ST. Members-of the S.F.- Real Estate Board. •MONEY TO LOAN ON S. F. REAL ESTATE. $25,000— Beautiful marine view . corner, backlog Into - Presidio ; wall : 65 f«et - for $14,000. next to * corner ; - choice residential prop- - erty. (i>o7«) $19,000— About B>per-cent net; fine 3 story structure -of. stores -an^ flats.' 112:6. fe«t . street frontage; prominent corner In Snt- ;ter st-.not far frem Devisadero; alvrsys - :\u25a0" well rented. ~ • «623) $12,600— 3 good flats next to corner of Masonic . and Oak; sunny am! up to date: no rea- \u25a0 sonable off*r will be refused; 6-6-7 rooms and bath. (5130) $B,ooo— Clement, st. .near- 4th *v.; lot 26»100; bou»e of 10* rCoirs and batb : boy this and yon in line to own a fine 'lit* tie piece of, business property soon. (5163) $7,750— Blggrst snap In .town; '_ flue fl»ts of 6-7 roomsand bath and lot 30x100, ad- ' Joining corner; California st.. - not far ' from . Devisiidero; lot ! worth $4,750; flats north $4,600; get to work on this. (5135) $7,500 — Clay st. near Jones; cottage of 5 room^ .;«nd bath and lot 27:«x114 to rear street; donble frontage. .This Is a sure neighbor- ' hood; lot 'worth $5,500; coita.e would cost $3,500 to duplicate. (5153) $6,250 — Make us' an offer on' these 2 ft_t» of • R-7 looms and bath In Buchanan, clo-e to Grove; they are In fair condition: rented for $52.50 a > month. (5155) $o,ooo— You can buy It for less; it's wUrth ?C.<JOO easily; spend 51.500 and you -Mil liave an income of $100 a month; fln« corner in a great little business district at Laguna and Union sts. <4542) $5,500 — Rargfiln. This - fine lot on Hyde *f. near Sntter at a trifle over ?200 a foot; 24 feet front; Improve this with apart- Xji(»nts or Oats. , r (5146) Send for ' July list of property for sale. BALDWIN; A HOWELL. 318-324 KEARNY ST. -THE Burliusame Building Co. offers for sale oa terms, to desirable parties, several very attrac- tive homes situated in the best part of- the . Burllngame • district,-* on . high, rolling land. . These . limißPs are most artistic In design and contain, every modern convenience:' broad porches; -larpe living roms; paneled dining . rooms; open fireplaces; built-in sideboards and book cases; sleeping porches. . etc. They rep- resent the highest attainment In homn build- ing, combining the best in workmanship, ma- ':, -terials and construction. Convenient to two stations and also the electric cars; 25 minutes from : city; tradesmen call and deliver dally; . will be ready for occupancy within three ' weeks^ Including tinting, window shades, gar- den* paths, etc. \u25a0- Plans and specifications can be seen on. application to F. J. KODGER3 & CO.. 235 Montgomery st. W. J. DOWLING & CO., 521 Valencia st. Phone Market 7109. Cheap building lots in - Hartford st. near 19th and Castro sts.; $2,000 and up; make offer. 1 $3,250 cash — Modern -high class 5 room hoase, with garage; near IStb and Castro sts.; -mortgage can remain; make offer. $5,500 — Store and 5 room flat; large, attic and stable; Mission near 29th; terms. \u25a0 $I,ooo— Fine building lots; nr. Hill and Sancbes. $5,000 cash — 7 flats In Grove St.; mortgage $7,500; pays 15 per cent net; bargain. - s2,ooo— Fine clear building lot; Natoma nr. 15th. %i, 200 cash— c, flats; central location; mortgage $4,500; Income $1,440; snap. W. J. DOWLINQ fe CO.. 521 Valencia st. 24 HOMES SOLD IN 60 DAY 3. ( Entire Block. Bth and Bth ays.. A and.B sts. \u25a0 . Being Built Upon With 7 and 8 room dwe11ing5... ........... .....$3,400 6 room dwellings ..$4,700 to $3,100 r. room dwellings...* $4,200 to $4,400 4 room cottages \u0084,...$3,700 Store and 4 room Cat $4,000 All on very easy terms. Apply on premises to F. NELSON, bnllder. Turk and Eddy st. cars pass the block. McAllister, Geary, Ctb ay. and Clement st. ears within 2 blocks. ; ' CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE— S2,2SO; WORTH $4,000: $100 CASH; SWELL CORNER LOT ON > CHURCH ST.; NO WIND; NO FOG; LEVEL; READY TO BUILD; STREET BITU- MINIZED; STONE WALK: McENERNEY TITLE; MUST BE SOLD TODAY BETWEEN . 10 A. M. AND 7 P. M. SEE OWNER. 1114 MARKET ST., OPP. 7TH; NO AGENTS NEED APPLY. WE will build you a 4 room and bath cottage complete for $1,600; large, floored attic, stair-, way up; paneled dining room, grate and man-: tel, china closet, ' cement trays, stationary wash stand,- 7 - foot basement, concrete founda- tion; will* furnish all the cash If you own a lot worth $000 to $800; cottage just finished for! Inspection. New Era Building Company, Inc., 3297 Mission «t. . $1,100— 5200 cash. $20 per month;. 50x112:6; S room house, furnished; 65 chickens; call quick for this. - Tnu McCarthy co., ist sutter st. Plenty of snaps. -Branch office Ocean and Brighton' a v. Open . Sundays. \u25a0 . FOR sale, cheap— Parnassus ' Heights dist.. balf . block a from park: swell bouse. 7 rooms and - bath: beam _- celling, panel ' dining room and halls, saloon parlors: 2 fireplaces, garage; mortgage. Apply owner. 130S Cth.av., Sunset. . ___________ SG.r.OO — Two high class flats, just finished, at 223-225 Preclta ay., bet. Mission and Shotwcll sts.; circular bay windows, stone steps; unim- proved property in the Mission will be taken in payment. FOR sale — Up to date 7 rooms, bath and large basement residences: bltuminlzed street; only i 3 left out of 24: I Ht. and 12th ay. . Also NW. \u25a0 corner, 3 flats, bring In $100 per month; terms -If desired. See E. B. HALLETT. on premises. SNAP — 2 beautiful flats of 5 and 6 rooms, all modern and up to date: must- be sold; a bar- gain. 607% San Jose ay. $3.2so— Attractive cottage, 4 rooms Snd bath, basement; $500 cash; easy payments. 533 25th ay. -.-'..•\u25a0 , $250 down, $25 monthly; nice 4 room cottage and batb; Sunset district; $22.50. Apply 417 Devlsadcro st. $1,000, spot cash, buys 8 large lots; owner must \u25a0 have money, that's- why. CHANDLER A- BOURN, 235 Montgomery St.; or 4270 Mission. J. A. ADAMS, state licensed and deputy U. S. surveyor.' 325 Bush St.; pbone Douglas 2104. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE - INCOME ORCHARDS. BEARING VINEYARDS. NAPA COUNTY. TRACTS OF FIVE ACRES UP. Four miles, from Napa. 2 miles from steam and new electric road; private wharf on Napa river for shipping; close to school and plenty of nclgn- bora; 10 families have. bought and are now living on this big ranch ; slnce May 1. - IDEAL CLIMATE, best In California: beautiful view, overlooking Napa valley and bay. \u25a0 If yon are looking for a small • country home with an immediate income, just make arrange- ments to Join onr - ' . SPECIAL EXCURSION SUNDAY MORNING and let->as show you tbe finest orchard tract In tbe stater: •. . Theyare picking - fruit np there now: nee for. yourself ; what a big crop .-will -be harvested this falL : This crop Is yours If you buy NOW. . It will return your first payment and more, too, ln- Eide of 3-raonth*. .-:.'. We vriH sell you a tract of 12 ' year old apple trees, pear tro*>n and vineyards at $200 to $300 per. acre, ; Including 'the crops, and l«t you pay for it on exceptionally EASY TERMS; one-fifth cash,' balance in 4 equal yearly payments. , •It will only cost y0u, 51.50 to see this fine or- chard, and If you are not satisfied that it is the best bargain you ever saw .you get your money back. \u25a0'""-.•: \u25a0 -' - ' \u25a0' •'\u25a0-'\u25a0,'\u25a0 \u25a0'.-•.. ".' Call at this office Sunday morning before 0:30 if you wish to take advantage of this exceptional opportunity. ' PATTEN LAND COMPANY. , 601 First National Bank building. * . Market and Post sts.. San Francisco. ' . FINE STOCK , RANCH." .:/ 040 acre foothlir ranch, some, of which Is good farming ' land, "•:-. balance . good grazing ._ land ; : --well wooded (mostly oak) and finely watered by spring creeks and 'ditch; '• can Irrigate and raise alfalfa, fruit, grapes, berries or vegetables: fine cllmnte; pure < water; . 6 miles ; from « good town " and fine market -for all farm products; -oak wood sells for 5S per • cord In town,' and T good demand for; all one ..will v bring • in ; ;2 :> sets .of - buildings on the place;: fine place for cattle., bogs and poultry; price s only \u25a0 $5,000,*; which H considerably \u25a0: under the real 'value of .the property. .^ - - .., ? • Fine productive ' 14 acre ranch ; /joins nice town In Sonoma county; all Al loam ! garden soil; 0 -acres . full j bearing I fruit, | mostly ( apples; 1 0 acres In •\u25a0 bay,' l : acre -ln> potatoes and. garden, 1 acre f or ' buildings , and chickens ; ; 8 ; room house, all furnished ; \u25a0•\u25a0; barn ; : " chicken : houses "fitted up * for 2,000 chtckc_s;;4 miles from 'railroad;, aIP crops,' farming tools and furniture go with place; owner old and sick,'' has reduced price to $3,500; $1,500 cash. 1 balance 1- year at 0 per cent net. .•\u25a0»> :\u25a0-: \u25a0-. \u25a0-.\u25a0»'- ~'<~ \u25a0 - This is a fine \u25a0: little home.not ' a ' f out ' of waste land, iln a good ' community/; and : Joins • nice little town; everything at your, door. to make life pleas- ant; • fnrnl tnre : lncludes organ,' sewing : machine, . : 1 bedroom : set,' 4 'bedrooms furnished, some - chairs and • tables ; and - kitchen range, dishes and ' f arnl- turc,* etc. ; : all needed farming tools. '-. \u25a0".-.'-. « Dept. 1 lIOLCOMB REALTY CO., ' '.'.,':".'' SOB : San ; Pablo- av.r '\u0084 TWELVE acres. 20 miles from. Oakland;. 10 acres v; full bearing almonds, \u25a0 _ acres alfalfa; c j rooms > and i bath : s elegantly - furnished. • including $400 ; . piano: ';" barn 40i«0. ; box 'stalls; ., 14 _ chicken \u25a0 I houses. -' 2,000', chickens." liorse. : cow I and all • Im- " '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 1 plement s : -: Income ' from *. almondfl ; about '; $ 1 ,000 ; }'\u25a0 death < calif . owner •: east ; *; don't v: overlook t this I ;«n»p: "terms. TAYLOR BROS. ; CO:. : W."- E. i,.> Jobnson.-.manasrer -; country : \. department.,: 1236 \u25a0iißroadwayAOakland.'i.Cal.VK"',;:;.^ *\u0084 ' -•; Till rClC; and i poultry ; f a rm« — All sizes, easy ' p«y- ;Xi ments, good One i climate; send - 25c "'for ? a:' year's.' subscription ?i to the -Virginia \u25a0 Farmer, -dept.-: 301, :'Emporla,:Va. "' •\u0084 COTTXTRY RE *1* ESTATjE^-CCMllnoea 80 acres "'. choice : fruit ana vineyard land near \u25a0 Fresno; 20 acres of It in vineyard and orchard; .. flue pumptag plant; . plenty of water: house , • etc.; $11.000.. ' 2SO acres grata land, suitable for orchard or . vineyards;: good orange land; adjoining proper- ties have pumping plants and plenty of water; a bargain; $25 per acre. - 2,635 acre stock ranch, StaniaU-s county: plenty of water'; timber enough to pay for the land; owner made fortune on this ranch; $7 ,per acre beys It. \u25a0 $15,000 — General merchandise stock; doing a profitable business In a very prosperous, grow- ' tag town, surrucaded . by a very- productive country. '. • Above properties FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY by F. L. DARHOW. manager of Coast Car- riage Co.. cor. 12tn and J.c-soa sts.. Oakland, Cal. . - .;. \u25a0.-... chickens We are authorized to sell the FINEST CHICKEN RANCH in the state: very finest -and latest improvements; bulldicgs all new; fin» 11 room: residence, 2 barns, gas plant, 20 . stationary I I chicken houses, 44 movable I large is- ' :'- c-üba tor house, brooder bouse 310 feet long.; 'tankhoase, warehouse; electric line station! on property; everything complete; 10.000 to; 11,000 chickens; price $«O,CW; pays .over $11,000 p«r year net. C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY. 702 Market St., Saa Francisco.-^Cal- £ ; SANTA CLARA VALLEY—^IO acre" ranch, good, all tools, wagon. h6/?e, : some. fnrnl* . ture, about r> arres In crapes aud 5 acre* in orchard; everything In apple pie order: \u25a0: best buy for the money in the valley; .oo^y $4.000. terms; this years crop will' bring- close to> $1,000. - CM. V.OOSTER COMPANY. 702 Market cr.. San Krancisco. Cal. GENTLEMAN'S home in the bea,ntif%l Santa fruz mountains, 2 hours from Ssn Francisco; about 12 acres, all but 2 in prunes, apples and cherries; 11 room house, bath, closets, sitting ball, etc; 3 chicken yards, garage and cow- shed;. Ideal view \u25a0ot mountain* and surround- ing country ;• cheap at $3,000; good terms if ' desired. ' :-, J VvS C. 5L WOOSTER COMPANY. 702 Market St.. San Francisco. CaL " SMALL RANCHES. CHICKENS— GRAPES— FRUITS \u25a0 ' 10-20-8!) acre ranches oa our beautiful dan Mar- tin ranch, south of Eaa Jose; Improved or unim- proved; suitable for chickens, fruits, crapes, etc.; this is one of the ideal locations Is Santa Clara valley; only 75 miles from San Francisco; price $100 per acre; monthly payments of $14.14, including interest if desired: it yoa are looktac for a beautiful , place to build sip a home sjhS where you will get good returns oat ef the laad, let us show yoa over our ranch. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market st. $5,100 — 51 acres flnejt sediment; yields $50 per "acre bay; good for potatoes, truck, peaches, waluut-, alfalfa, corn; in beautiful Napa val- ley; a rare bargain: will produce over 12 per cent on $300 per acre; will subdivide. $200 per acre — Subdivisions of cream of Walnut Creek land; term*: Increasing In valne rapidly; near new electric ' and the largest cities of Berkeley aad Oakland. Sediment land my specialty; 25 years' fa- miliarity with C-Uforala land. Different shed farms. , HENRY STIRRING, room US, Ross bldg., 235 Montgomery st. MEXICAN and Texas timber colonising land. 350,000 acres pine and cak and hardwoods; choice; well located for export; $2.00. 164,000 pine, oak, ash, hardwood. $3. 69C.000 Improved stock ranch and timber. 100,000 acres irrigable land and stock. $1.73. 1.000,000 acres colonizing lands, 30c up. Texas acd Mexico, all slse tracts and an clssses of timber aad stock ranches. Reports sent; information at office. DAVIS BUKN- HAM. 704 Mills bldg.. S. F. -. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. •"> acre home In main part of. San Leandro, on the carline, all in fine cherries 10 years old; Im- provements worth $3,000; would make fine sub- division proposition; adjoining lota sell for $900. The place has averaged over 10 per cent oa $IC,- 000 Investment bust 5 years: price $14,000. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 944-P46-948 Monadnock bldg., San Francisco. ATTENTION— BUYER AND 'BOMB SEEKER. We are running a free information bureau, giving reliable, detailed Information on all California lands; we have many desirable prop* csltlocs in every county; many fine bargains. If yon are looking for information, write as or call at our efflce and it will be freely given. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BU* BEAU. 948-048 Monadnock bldg.. S. F. ICO ACRES land near Brentwood; 45 acres bear- . ing vineyard, balance In corn and other prod- acts: 6 room bouse, good barn and outbuild- ; Ings; running stream of water piped to house and barn; 5 horses; all farming Implements; - everything ready to do business. This Is a snap; do not overlook it. Price $8,500, & cash for quick sale. McFAUL A EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. Irrigated farms on easy terms Five to 40 acre farms in Sacramento valley; rich. deep, sandy loam soil for fruit, walnata. vegetables, alfalfa, etc.: 26 dally passenger trains; no. farm more than 20 minutes' walk from a station;, tbe best lsnd and best living condition* In California; a 10 acre farm means independence; excursion every Saturday. F. I. HILL & CO., 6 East St., opp. Ferry bldg. Phone Kearny 302. DO not overlook this — 400 acres on Eel river, tiendoclno county: IS acres under cultivation; balance rolling hills, with plenty of oak tint- . ber: good bouse and barn; one of the best little cattle and hog ranches In the stats of California; would make an ideal summer re- tort; flee bnntlnr., boating and fishing; no trouble to catch tbe Ihnlt; price $3,000. Mc- FAUL ti EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. WE bave 1.650 acres land. 200 under cultivation. 8 miles from town snd railroad; the best com- bined stock ranch and farm In California; run- ning stream of water; fenced and cross fenced; price $20,000; terms. -If you are looking for a farm, stock or frolt ranch at the right price call and see tn. ' McFAUL -.- EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. $25,000— 100 acres finest land in California; river sediment; good for potatoes, onions, aspara- g us, truck; finest walnut, fruit, or alfalfa land anywhere; 41 acres fine pasture additional; good Improvements: a number of fine cows; Implements and stock; In beautiful Napa vat- ley; a gentleman's home. HENRY STIRRING. room 118. Rusa bldg.. 235 Montgomery -t. CALIFORNIA land. $1 per acre cash payment. balance purchase 80 cents per month per acre: 1 close San Francisco: no taxes, no Interest; 9 acre tracts; level, rich, clear, ready to plow. irrigated; perpetual water right; Immediate possession; particulars, maps, photographs free. STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market St.. 3. V. SANTA ROSA "REALTY/ CO. Selling land from 3 tracts near Santa Rosa: $100 an acre up; also big list of properties of all kinds; call or write for booklet. Office 38-40. 639 Market st., San Francisco; offlcs S Elks' build- ing. Santa Rosa. Cal. TURLOCK IRRIGATED FARMS 10 acres In this district will keep a family In luxury. This la tbe best land In California. WATER RIGHTS FREE. FARMERS OWN THE WATER. Get Information ' from the Central California Land Agency, dept. 1. 759 Market st. 240 acres, fenced In 12 hog tight fields; ditch water year around; also surface water within eight feet: place has brought $2,000 rental; price $12,000-on terms. PETER M. NELSON, Hanford. Cal. •> 40 ACRES — 30 acres In table grapes, bearing; 10 acres alfalfa; plenty of water: no im- provemsnte; •an hour's ride from Stockton; $7,000. U.K. H. MITCHELL. 75 Sutter St.. San Francisco. • LOS GATOS,* Saratoga, - Santa Cruz mountains property for sale or rent. STRONG, BELDEN & FARR. Inc.. R. H. McKalg manager. Agents for Idylwlld. Los Gatoa. 45 Post St., ?an Francisco. . OUR Kern cocnty lands hare an abundance of free water: ju«t the thing for trees. Tines, poultry. to;s, dairying, etc: 10 years' time. Planters' Land Company, sslte COG, Metropolis bank building. V OIL LANDS. ~~ 40 acres proving oil land ' for sale la 28-23. Bakersfleld, Kern cocnty. For particular* 290 Monadnock building. T. F. A. OBERMEYEB, IMPROVED country property for sale or ex- change: unimproved lands on easy terms. W. A. MARKLEY & CO.. 1-G0 Broadway. Oakland. 5. and 10 acre homes In Alameda county: $23 down, $10 monthly; 2 railroads. RICH VAI^ LEY LAND COMPANY. 54G Market st. 243 acres rich -level land; some prunes, alfalfa, . peaches,- etc.; ,. $125 per acre. \u25a0W. E. REY- NOLDS. Santa Rosa. Cal. FOR farms, stock ranches and timber lands see McFAUL & EDWARDS. 'S3O CSronlcl* bnllrting. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE BARGAIN. : $1,000 cash,, balance like .rent, buys fine C room, ahlngle'd cottage. Just completed; hardwood floors; fine | bath ' and electrical fixtures, I cement tubs . In : la nndry , 2 toilets, high ' basement, ' mod- ern in every respect; best locality In Santa Fe 1 tract; 2 blocks from Key Route and S. P. depot. 1 block from Grove st. or Shattnck ay. carlines; must sell, -s J.rM. ; JOHNSON, 630 Poirier • St., , Oakland ; phone Piedmont 4295. FINE NEW EUNGALOW ~~ 5 rooms, attic; large brick fire- - place; beamed ceilings; paneled walls; ' cabinet kitchen; near Grove st. cars and Key • Route. Owner on premises,* 76.'J 55th st., Snnday. 2 to s. 'Terms..'C' Terms. .'C. r C EVERETT. 2118 Grove .; - St.. Berkeley. L fIOO - cash ' payment,': balance $10 per month and -Interest, will purchase lot 32x9*;. close to Key .. Route \u25a0 station, electric ; cars, . Idora \u25a0 park ; new -", Key. Route to be built; price only $750; should - .be - worth > $1,000 soon ; ' only . one ' of \u25a0 these \u25a0 re- maining unsold. FITZ COMPANY, 510 10th :., St."; near, Washington; Oakland. . \ -, 2 NlCE : building lot s : one ; ln Shattuck ar. \u25a0 near I . Idora '\u25ba park,"' the \ other.: near * Piedmont i baths ; \u25a0 prices . moderate ; - real -snaps ;' buy . one or both ; half 'cash; no -building restrictions. FITZ COMPANY. 510 10th st. near Washington i Oakland.;:; „.;-.' \u0084 ; \V.;, A' BARGAIN— A: new s 'room cottage with either k.: 11 or; 2 > lots ; ; good, location.' 15 ' mtantes on • car T 'from Broadway;' on easy terms.s- Address own- ' er, box ' 760. , Call of Oce. Oakland. \u25a0 SPECIAL BARGAINS. $I.loo— Jfew 4 room cottage, near 14th st. earltne: a soap. > $3,800—20 acre# ta Contra Costa country; 15 acres In vines: good Improvements. $4,200—6 room cottage; Blake St., Berkeley; . on easy terms. W. A. MARKLEY tt CO.. 1266 Broadway. Oak. SNAP— S7SO each. 2 fine lots, 25x110, near Tele- graph ay. aad 55th st. Key Route station. At a sacrifice, a beautiful new modern bungalow; $750 cash, balance like rent: same neighbor* hood. Apply J. YOUNG. 516 55th st. WHY PAY REJJT? when you eaa buy a cettacs near tn* K«y Route; small payment down. tti-» balance easy payments. See owner. RICHARD 3. MONTGOMERY. 4003 Telegraph ay. corae? 40th St.. central Oakland. LOT In good residence section near Piedmont - '; Key Route statioa; I- situated on b'~h gronnd with beastlful view; 1 block from Oakland •*\u25a0 ; carline; sUo 39x110 feet: price $1,250: easy ' mm-. ELLIS EROS.. 46S Uta «t.. Oakland. ; $100 DOWN— S2O PER MONTH • Doesn't this beat rent? 4 room cottase: street • work done; sidewalks la; prJce $1,400 Ad- • \u25a0 dress 1420 Broad— ay. Oakland. FIVE room cottage; S_.«r»O: only $250 vash: near I\e» Ronte Grove sr. station. Apply 5401 Grove »t.. Oakland. , j RE.VL ESTATE, collecting, typewritlns and art- • vertlsfag- done at 9Sf>A-Cl»v *f.. o-tkl:m<l. I'— - -— \u25a0 • " IIgRKEI.EY liEAI> ESTATE » APARTMENT house with 54 rooms and fine lot 60x139; half block from university and con- venient to Berkeley station. This property Is entirely modern aad In the best of communi- ties; its past history shows an Income ef ap- i pr<sxlmate!y $300 per mouth. Where couM : yoa find a safer and better Investment aad at I ' the same time have tc«» assurance of advaac- t Ins values? Terms If desired. Price. $2_,000. D. L. JUNGCK. • 1942 Shattuck ay.. Berkeley. \u0084 • ___^ (Not open Sundays). FOR rent— Beaatirnl homo of 11 rooms; yardi COsieO; In meat desirable residence district of Berkeley: on new carlin«* conaectios with all city train*; $75 per mouth; lease 2 years oe lonser. N See ewner. 2910 Hlileg-Wi aT. I REGENTS PARK lots for sale: 37:« or 75 feet; prices low; well located: bnr before the Key i Route ccm«s. FTTZ COMPANY. 510 10th st. ; near Washington. Oakland. I AJ^AMEP A lIE.II. ESTATE . FOR sale or to let — New bungalow of 5 rooms: hardwood floors; lot 38x113; $300 cash aad ?25 per month. J. H. YOUNG, owner. 1243 ' Park sit..' Alameda. , BARGAIN — New modern 6 room cottage; large lot; fine street, sunny side; lawn, flowers: near ' station; easy terms. Owner. 603 Lincoln aye. ; $300 down — A beautiful new modern 5 room bna- i galow. WELLS & BANG??. 306 Chronlcl* Mrtg. FTtriTVALn REAI, ESTATE 1 $1.400 — Lot 50x120. en carline: modern. 4 room cottage; gas; $100 down, balance $15 month. 2208 High St.. Frnltvale: tel. Merrltt 3T>OO. MARIX COCXTY REAIi ESTATE COMPELLED by S. F. business to raise cash: £ will sell 10 lots for cash and 10 on fair terms, around my home in "Lanrel Dells Trart." Saa Rafael; at sacrifice prices, $100 and up; every lot heavily wooded: some redwood trees: fin* •oil. grand riew: all Improvements: deed forth* i with: 1 to 15 minutes' walk to B st. station or to my temporary office, opp. Union Depot. San Rafael. W. L. COURTRIGUT. owner; no agents. I BCKUXGAME REA^ ESTATE CENTRAL ADDITION * CENTRAL ADDITION 80 minates from the city. Between San Mateo and Burlingame. Between two rapidly growing centers. In the best residential section of San" Mateo and Burllngame. adjoining .San Mateo park ami surrounded by properties that have made fur- tunes for those who bought early. Go down and see Central addition. The at- tractive homes already built and tbe class of buyers guarantee Its value and desirability; 5 • minutes from Bsrllngame: electric ears pass the tract every 10 minutes: no fog; fine macadam- ised streets: sewer, water, gas. electricity und telephones: $30,000 school: $350 for lots 50x130; easy terms; gtt off electric car at Peninsula ay. Send for onr new Illustrated folder of Central addition. , BALDWIN £ HOWELL. 31S-3-4 KearnyNt.. S.F. FRANK 3. CRUMMOX. 246 B St.. San Mateo. THE Burlingame Building Co. offers for sale oa terms, to desirable parties, several very attrac- tive homes situated in the be9t part of tht Burlincame district, on htzh rolling land. ; These houses are most artlitlc in design and : contain every modern convenience: broad porches; large living rooms; paneled diainic ; rooms; open fireplaces: built-in sideboards and book cases; sleeping porches, etc. They rep- resent the highest attainment In home build- ing, combining the best ta workmanship, ma- ; terials and construction. Convenient to two stations and also the electric cars; 23 mln- ntes from the city: tradesmen call and deliver dally. Will be ready for occupancy withia three weeks, lncludlss tiatlsg, window shades, garden paths, etc. Plans and specifications can b« seen on application to F. J. RODGER3 tc CO.. 233 Montgomery st. FOR sale cheap, famished — San Mateo Park handsome 10 room villa. 1 acre grouatl: . own water works: hearts? fruit and ornamental .' trees, flowem: barn. Bo* 133. Bnrllngame. SAX MATEO REAk ESTATE HAYWARD PARK HAYWARD PARK HAYWAKD PARK HAYWARI> PARS (SAN MATEO) WE ARE BUILDING SOME VERT AR- TISTIC HOUSES AND BUNGALOWS IN HAYWARD PARK WHICH WILL BE SOLD ON VERY EAST TEEMS— SAVE YOU RENT MONEY. Would yoa like to have a home built for y<v- In Hayward Park — 30 minnte* from Saa Frmo- ' clsco— an all land ltd* — no change of cars— plenty^ of . flowers, sunshine, fresh air and room to breathe and live. ln? Low commutation rates; * trains every 20 minutes, moraloz and eveaiag^ — • all of this for a few hundred down: your monthly rent pays the balance Be your own landlord. It is not often that yon have an opportunity of buying a home on easy terms la such a choice spot. Directly next to tbe "Pe- slnsula hotel"; a few blocks from the station, electric cars and S. P. train; all Improvements In — fire hydrants, electrlcit.v and gas service. San Mateo has an up to- date fire department. Send for illustrated literature. BALDWIN & nOWELL. 31S-324 Kearay St.. S.F. FRANK S. ORI'MMOX. JMB R sr.. Ssn Afnt-o. SAX imilXO RE.U ESTATE^ i 2 LOTS la Fourth Addition. San Bruno park. . $250 each. Box 3335. Call office. SAXTA CRUZ REAL ESTATE HOMES, Investments, lots, ranches, acre proper* tftMi. BROWN Ar WILSON. Santa Cma. CaL BARGAIN at $10,000 — This beautiful home muse be s«ea to be appreciated. Telephone Kearay f>7s and get p-trtt«TiT»r«. FOIXT HICHMOXORBAt ESTATE BECENT \u25a0 announcements of vast importance wake investors up ta Richmond's unllmlte>l future possibilities for pro Sis: the. Santa Fe tract . easily leads all other offerings before tbe publl<- today. Particulars writ* It. T. SHANNON, at M<*Ew>n Bros.*. 475 Pine st. *»AX * y^EOUI iJtE-U^ ESTATE $250 San Anselmo snaps — 1 level wooded lot. 100x110: $200 for 1 level lot «2_100; $293 baantlful wooded lots 00x130. H. V. MANN. opp. depot. -' • - _Vi »{-?*. $1,230; also building lots. $250. A. P.OUICK. c-mer. PROPERTY WAXTEP LAND wanted, government or private. In Cali- fornia or* Oregon: 2 or 4 quarter sections. Box 5337. Call office. . WANTEI> — Yonr city property to sell or e_- . Chan;?. JACQUES REALTY CO.. 233 Uoot- gomery st - REAL ESTATE TO EXCHA.VCB 8 ACRES of Improved aad Irrigated land. 4 miles from cocnty seat of over 6.000 Inhab- itants; will exehangs for modern cottage la vicinity of 40tU and Grove sts.. Oakland. For particular* call at 44 Eicon block. Oakland; phone Oakland C 304. 3 PASSENGER, 40 bp. touring ear. 1008 model. in first class condltlou. to exchange for property, acreage or for sale: thU la wortn investtsu- tlon- what have you 'to offer; value $1.000. Call at 'ls3s Webster st.. Alameda. RANCH of 320 acres, 12 miles from San Mateo. in the redwoods: timber and pasture land: price $25 per acre, or win take Income prop- erty In exih_n_*. fT. W. CASEY. 320 3d ay.. San Mateo. \u25a0 IF you want to sell or exchange- your ranch sen.J me description; bo charges unless deal Ist made. -. j. n. EDSON. 1068 Broadway. Oakland. LIST your country properties with us: we sell and exchange same. JACQUES REALTY CO.. 2SS » Montgomery «t. •-*\u25a0" PASTURAGE FINE pasture, green feed.: H. B. MAYO. 73T Paelflc bldj.. S. >\. or P. O. box 44. Vallejo. .; . ; , Oil, IjAXPS • ".'.'\u25a0. :\u25a0"" OIL LANDS. 160 acres in Coaltnga oil fields at a sacrifice if 8 n at once. M. F. SHAW. 2SOO HtUegas* Berkeley; phone Berkeley .178. r 15