Newspaper Page Text
16 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL U. S. STEEL STILL DOMINANT FEATURE Dealings in These Sharfes Keep Up the Firm Tone of the iMarket Xetr York Stock li»t r y Button & Co.. 490 California •***V' aember. of tte New York stack •«^"»?- *?* ttisb tbe following list of bond tad stock sale* Tetter&ty: • 3ale«. I "STOCKS. jHich.|Low.| Bid. | Ask. jAdams Exprebs. 205 210 jAmt-Chalmfrs ............ 15 «*» 200 Do pH C 2 51% 51 HH ;T.s»iAm.l Copper «% » «tt 81H <S9?;Amer Beet Sugar. 44 4S^ 40% 44 'lioo'Amer Can C 0.... 11% " IJH 11«» :>OO Do pfd SI B°% M Va SI 1.5.00 r»o pM 117^115't US"a ll« \u25a0»,Soo' Cottou Oil. 73?» 72»,| 7-\i 73 ! no pfd il^^i l^^ Arcer Ex. , Z" -*£ .Amer Ice Secur.. 1. *3H 3ej4 :,7<JO Anicr Unseed.... 17% 17 17 17% 400 Do pfd 45^ 45H 454 4o\ 4>'« A^er Loeexotfre. 60\ «<H4 60J4 WJ, . I iir> P fa liSH iip^j 2 900' Amer S * R Co.. 84% 93% ©4Vi 94^4 { Do pfd JS»ii|?tt :Amer S-J^ar U« J«» I Do pfd |124 120 COO'Araer Steel Foan.; 53 S2*i M C 3»; :' i>o pfd 32 52V* 2.sC)Amer T&T C 0. ..141 |140H|140?» 140« i» Amor Tob pfd....j \ jlOO\|looT, .: Am«?r IVoolen I | 83Mii 25 i Do pM j103^104 i.-WoAn*coSl« *^s «% 47^ 47«4 IP^OO ATA Santa Fe!ll6?s!ll6 Jlia JUS 40<'' to pT4 ilo4"«;ioiHilo4^i,los tl.C9Q.Balt & Chio 'll9%illßvk 11ST»i119 ....V.. DopM ] »4V, *>4.» i HQO.B tt T i 78^! 78 78 t 7S^ 800 Bed: Steel i SI » 3 1 31 SO*s[ olja : 1» pfd J 61 162 Cautd* Soathern.j I «7 J t>S 2 «;0< Canadian Pacific. 15.%*4 154% 184%:1£5 CSOq'c A 0 78 77% 77% 17% t: *r A 69 68»i CS~s 6S»« c a w j I s * 3V« , To pfd "A" J 24 1 25 Bo V i& "B" f 4Vi 4% C k N W 181^183 7i.';:v_. C M 4 Bt P 154%|153% 154H1154*, C-0 pM ! I Ifi9^il6»»i --on Oniral Leather.. i 327* 32ft S2H S2^ 4.<- io pfd |105%.105 1 104 Ts 105% Onrral of N J... 255 2£»o iliirago Termiaal.' 1 1?* 2 • IH> zt'd j 12 18% (C CC i H L... 1 74 75 Do rifd 1103 104 «U«..01o fuel & Iron 43>i 44>* 44% 45 r»,i pfd SO 85 4u.f0l Hock C & I. 654 «5 64 66 KOO'Olo Snathern... 58^ 55T4 5514} 57 ! I»o l^t pfd I Sl?* «2 Qo :.j pfd ! so sou l.2nO!COß3oß4*t*d Gas|l4oas 139^1 13»M; HO^i 6<iC»;foru Prc<3ucrs...f 22;4l 22^ 22% 23 l:> pfd t S>6£ 97 L>] & Hndsi>n...i 193 I!>4 n I. & \Y I 645 080 .v-on &11 fi...: — { 47% 47 46»i 471; Do pfd $4 S5 Dlam&ud Matrh..! 120^ 129 !f»*tmiaz 37% 3S Dnluth S S & A.| 16 17 Ito pfd i Sl»i 33 5.2«u' £!\u25a0;«• : 38% 36V4 36*4 36',i 50« Uo I>[ pfd la% 52 ?i 02i 4 53 I Do 2(i pfd... ..I j 42 42=5i (OU.'Ueueral £«s>4]l6s ICS lCo^ S'K> G Norcbera Ore-! 76%| 76 [ 7«H 7«V 4 1.6C0;G Vortbero pfd.. 150 j149%i1494i14»u, Havana Tob C0...| | | JO's 12 . I l>o |)fu ! j I 23 2tJ 2.<;Cn> Illiools Centia1..;155%|155',i;i55 ilSSii 4aT«>r Waiino ; t i GVjf ttig* g 4(i:j I>.. rd I 2lVl 21 \[ 214! 22 <;:«: ln:crboro-M?:. ..| 1T»»J 15HI 13% l^s; 1.2.0; »<o jud ....49^(48*4 49 4&l 4 ,lot»TD6t l'aper...i ', 1C 16^« *•.'<• Uo pfj 1 «4\| «4i<. 63 €4 Interest I*un.p...j J 138% 39 6"ti »o iifd iM) I 79^] 79J& SO «"C> loTva • f-utrai j 29' i 29\| 29»i| 30 ! 1>« pfJ j 55T«| WRjl 55H1 66»4 C0o;K «; ijy.itbern j 45% 45 I 4514 45^» , 4? l»W ; I 71(5 71»i I. E A: \Ves:prn..| | 25 j 2CC, ; Uo pfd j I 5S I 61 4..>'JOL& S ;145 |143 Jj441ij144- 8 il.ii-!.av ! j 1 79>i 80 !«• )>fd : i 1 7»g 741, U*afiatt*a : | 1143 148 -Xi«-ir<' -Sr IJy 1 j j2O 2T> ;Mesieai Central..} !•-"-. .] 25 25Si 4w:Minn t: St I ! S"J-i| 37 57 57% i lMl*tvM ! $4 SH 2<J'*M fcl I'M S S M; 142% 142ii|142Vs 143 i i»o p:d : j ;i53 156 IJ!W!3i» K«.i A: TexaF, 42«w| *IJ4] 42% 42^ ' I»» ?fd j 73 75»4 dOOlHsMorl Pacific-.! 72?-, 72^i! 72 72^j Nasii ciit-t & St L|..'. 1120 > >'at!on»l Lead j \m B«^i iSOOJ Do pfd |109Va ;i08%;10Si^ 109 ' •-. ;Nationsl Biscuit... j jiiw ]lo6 a i i Do j>M \ |124?;i125'* •- !S«v Ccp M & S-i l\\ 2hk N V Air Brake..! 180 S7 York Centra! i 132i£'132V < jl3l-V1323i ;V V C &St L...J j I r.3 I 50 S Do Ist pfd j 1 jioo 11m ...*...*.'\u25a0 i»o 2d pfd i JX) !»5 S V N II & H...S I i«S4 171 S.r>..\ V Ont & W..f r.2H! -*>2 52' 52Vi 4. Z-.jii Norfolk k We»t..j y2»ij 91% W.fcl 92K i r»<> i'fd • ! »o' &i ...... .iXoriii American.. j | £2 I 82 H l/Suo]ticnt#rm Pacific. ilsl%i 151% 151V 4i lsli>. .Omaha | 1 158 -164 ' ....... !»<» r»'«l , 1 170 (175 •• I'a.-fi.- Coast 1 j v» 1100 t'K. I'a.-ifir- Mai! ."JO i3O 29%t 2f»% 9.9(!t) IVr.n R R C 0.... 139 J13514 KJSSsiISfIU I'.rnifi People 1 * «ja» 116»i|1155i liciiiliei. *m-fiTt«hmg C0a1... lli,J 11 n % nil : '»o PM. ] j 45 fKt' ?CC &St L...J j »2 B3 »'f. pfd I j 1109^110 «>m.l're«h«-tl St^el Cari 44 I 43*il 43«4 43? i ...-;!>« \u0084fd... 1 ...:. 100 JIO7 S'ti r.j- Sro^l Spring?; 46 j 44*4 45^1 46 •- „ Do pfd .- 1041, J100 "v l"t pfd.... ..!.....{ 02»i. 931* .' !•« 2.1 pfd «» 101 1.2(10 Rep I; bii<- S 4 1..| 33 32% 32% 33 jI.«OOj 1,0 j.M 107 IM^ 106 % 107 S34Mo]Bock IHand Co.. 34% 3414 34»fc 3414 2,0w; Do pfd 73 72% 72H 7*>v IJ0»)Slow SSiiOo. M«;8S &3% fe4 I'" Pfd 113 117 i.^'t v sr in pfd 72 ; 73 3.«00 Do 2d pfd 50H 64^ 64% 155 'St L 4 S W 1 27 27J' ......: IK> pfd 60% 60 U,«."0 Southern Pacific. 133% 13284J183^ 133% Do pfd j il33ii 133>i l.K*>fiouthtrn By 31% 31% 31 V« 31 it 1 \u25a0 *,'!? -r D " \u25a0\u25a0"''" 70 14 6»*i 69% 70t4 4W-T.-na Copper .37% 37 37 37% 'JO^VTVxji*; Paoifio 35%| 34»i 34?fc RT» !HX> Ttiird Avenue 19« 19% 19«; 19 v, «*rst 1. & w.... r,i4 50 eeli :bo% «f>o. l>>. pfd j 69% 69% C9»ii «a% .......Twin Ctt» R T..! lOSiiiiai^ ....... Vuion X & Paper! j.%. ' 1574 s IH, pfd \ ! 77%j 78 i2*.fi«i:UD!oa Pacific... ;iD4«4 J194 (194«i tl94it 194 i S«Wi Ik. pM jlosVj!los 105' 10514 ...I" Ris of S F...! 36 39 ...-....! P.. pfd 54 5514 ....... r S C«« I P... 30 3li| 400 !»-» pfd I £1% 81% si R2 IT S £xpr^«ii 1 1 85 UTt 30»;c S Rubber 139 3Hi^ 3^% {» 3.J«»i F>o lti |>fd.....!1161i!11C 119 IIC^ i - i .D'>.-'d pfd ! j MV, 93»4 17.70t»U S Xt*A 1 72"54| 70% 72% 72& rS.JWto Do V ld |125% 1201? 1»2 125% .'>od'l t&h Copper \u25a0 48Mi 47% 4KU 4514 1.1 tfi't -Va-Car Chem...j 52 51% 5J> 2 6i% i . \u25a0D« pM 119 11»V4 l«Ht.W«ba6h 21 21 21 21>-i 4.4W, l>o j>fd. 57 5« 06% stsa, ...Wells Fargo Ex.. l 310 320 - .SW.Wmern [.'nlon.. 72% 72%, 72 7"i^ ..;u>«lnffhonse S4tt g4»; :w &v c e% 7-* I Do Ist pfd 7™ 8 .: Do 2d pfd 7 8 200 Wliteon Central..! 67 56% 66% B7U « Do pW ; ..„ 79 79H 876,t 1 0u— Total eharea tsoM. >>w York Bond* C S ref 2» rcg. .100*;! 11l Cen Ist ref 4*99% Po foupoa 101 ilnt Met 4%s 80V .. Do 3s reg JOl'ijlnt Mer Mar 4%s 70 • T>« «mpon *'.'... 101 .« Japan 4b )j7U Do 4» reg 117H Do 4%s ....;.. 94% Do .-miiwm 119% Kan City So Ist 3s U\ Allis-Cbai 'Ist s*. 80 jL Shor deb 45,1931 94% AnifT Apricnl .*>s.lOlvi)L & N unified 45.. 10(1 AtnT T&T cT-48.10.% i M,K & Tex Ist 4».10I Amer Tobacco 4s. Writ Do gen 4%s ... 31% Oo U .........111% Mo Pacific 4*. 82 Armour 4*«s -••- ns KR of Mcx 4%a. 95% At-h p-n 4*. Wljt X-ViC gen 3%5.. 02% Do «r 4r 116 i Do deb 4k 95% Do ct ."s -.....- 1 1"»i!XV.NH & H CT6a.138% Atlan C L let 4« 05«4(N0r & W lrt con4s 5»»4 Bait & Ohio 45. .100%! Do ct 4s ...V.. 08*J Do 3V-* -• »S%jXor Pacific 45... 102% Do SW 3>i«.. 90% Do 3s ......... 74% Brooklm Tr <-r-»* Ss>^iO S Line rfdjt 4s. »4% Cpctrai of Ga Jf.IJO'S, Pa cr 3%5, 1915. 97 Cent Leather. o«.- 95% Pa con 4s .1104% CRR flf NJ pn r.s-127 Reading pen 4a. ..101 Cl^ & Ohio 4%*.104»i St L & Srtf 4«. S7V f Uo ref 5s ...:.I01«i Do pen 5« 90% rhl & Alton SV-K- 74% St LS W con 4s. 79% Do -co 4n .....10014 Seaboard A L. 4«.. 90 r M*"iStP en 3%s yf> So Pacific col 45.". 94% CBr* Pac «.! 4s 80% , Do cv 4a ...... 104% Do col 5s - .... »3% Do Ist ref 4«... 95. Do rrfds 4« • «= S 0 R«»way 05....113 Colo lninl 11. • » p * 4« .-..-/. 84% Colo MidUnd Jill.** n P«;«nc 45..104jl CV4 So rtot 4J4. WS4 D » <» *» SPECIAL, STOCKS RISESMARPLY . NEW YOHX, July 16 United States steel remained the center of interest in the etock market today. The general tone was firm in spite of exceeding dullness, and spe cial stocks made sharp advances. The south ern railroad group consistently strong, and this movement might he ascribed .to the weak tone in the cotton market. The repayment of government deposits and tho geld exports to Argentina, mads require ments on the Hew York banks since last Friday of upward of $12,000,000. The inflow of cash frcm the interior con tinue*, . although on a diminished scale, so that -an. off set to this decrease is to be reckoned,' but it is estimated that the net decrease in cash may reach the neighbor hood of $8,000,000, The amount of gold to go out to Argen tina next week from New York is already fixed at $S.COCVOCO or over. The proportions of this movement are proving formidable to other money mar kets, and London discount rates continue to harden en accinunt of it, in spite of Lon don's ability to call on New York to ' the demand. Besides, the large movement cf grain from North America to make good the lack of our own exportable government financing in the South Ameri can republic is an important element in tho demand fcr gnld. The official report of cur foreign trade for June sufficiently explains why foreign ers ar« able to control, the international ex changes. The deficiency in foodstuffs ex ports restricts the value of the cutjro. while imports hsive risen 552.557.C00 over those of June last year, leaving $7,0C0,C00 excess value cf imports. Not since 1607 had there teen an excess cf impcrt values over ex ports for any single month. ' Customs receipts at the port of New York prcve that this import movement is undiminished, payments during the present week averaging over $1,GC0,000 a day. Customs officials express the belief that this rush of imports is based on expectation that higher rates of duties would he adopt ed in the tariff hill, -vrich might be avoided by early importations. By reason of the unfavorable merchandise balance the pay ment of Europe's debt to Sonth America can be commanded by remittance from New York. The news frosn Washington that a Pan ama canal bond issue is likely to be made at an early date and under a comprehensive authorization for the whole cost of the canal opens up another question to be con sidered in the money market. For time loans there were fractional ad vances in interest rates. Sis months money loaned at 3' 2 per cent. Not only the over the year maturity, vrhich has been most affected heretofore, but the shorter ma turities were advanced. An advance in the price of pig iron was held a* confirmatory of the cheerful con fidence reported in the steel trade. The successive stages of the advance in United States steel to new high records were greeted rather as a tribute to the market management than, to trade developments. Bonds were irregular. Total sales (par value), $4,182,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Del & Hud ct 45.10« I Do Ist & ref 4s. 993* Den & Rio G 4s. »7Si|U S Rubber 6s ctf.lo3'4 Do ref 5s 95^: U S Steel 2d 55.. 10 C Distillers 5« 76^|Va Car Cbem 55.. H9\L Erie prior Hen 4s. 90 Wabash Ist 5s 113' Do pen 4s 76«4| Do Ist & ext 4s. 77 Do cv 4s, eer A Sfii-ij Western Md 45... .S6*i Do <-r 48. ser B 76^ | Westing El cv ss. 04' . Gen Elect ct ss. .150 | Wis Central 45... 'Jsft New York Mining; Stocks Alice 1.031 Leadville Oon '. ... 0I«,J Brunswick Con .. «(."•' Little Chief 1,7 Com Tun Stock... 24 J.Mexican 93 Com Tun Bonds.. 21 i Ontario ..; 3.2.1 Con Va Mm Co*. <;s!Ophir I^2o Horn Silver ..... SO' Standard .'... l.".."» Iron Silver ...... 1.40] Yellow Jacke,t ... 75 Boston Stocks and Bonds Money — TArn Arg Cbem pfd.lOlU Call loans ....SJi@3 jAmer Sugar 127 Time loans ...'J fe.3 Do pfd 124 V> Bonds — 'Amer Tel &. Tel.. 140^ Atchlson 4s . 101 $4 f Amer "Woolen 33 Do adj 4s 93 I Do pfd 103* RailroadP — j Dom Iron & Steel. 45' Atebison 115'f,|Ed Electric 111um.250 Do pfd !<.>3^3lGcn Electric l(iT> Boston t Albany. 22s I Mass Electric 12Vi Boston & Maine.. 147 Do pfd 71^3 Boston Elev 129 Mass Gas «7Ti Fitihbnrg pfd ...130 Vnlted Fruit 13S' NY. NII & H..170 U S Steel 72% IJnion PacUc ...194^1 Do pfd 12Si! Miscellanooup— Atner Arge Chem 44Vii THE COPPER STOCKS BOSTON. July 10.— Prices were generally higiicr. Amalgamated declared a regular divi dend of }ii of 1 per cent. The following list is furnished by E. F. Hut ton & Co.. 4»0 California street, San Fran chsco. Cal.: High. Low. Close. Adventure 6% tj% 6% Allouejz 41 42 Amer Pneumatic Service.... S l /. SH si; Do. pfd 19" is% is»i Arizona Commercial 40 3914 40 Atlantic BVi 8 S Black Mountain l'j, jit \ic Calumet &. Arizona. 103 102' 103 Culumct & Hecla ..62S «25 625 Centennial :u'4 30»; . 3"ii Copp-er Range gi^ sii'. Cumberland Ely 7«. 75- tr£ Daly West 7 »4 7^ 7^ Last Butte 12 11% 11% Globe -.-. 4V> 4»-i 414 Granby • 100 pyii 100' Hancock , 11 v \i HelvetU 5% 53J 5^ Isle Royale 2SVi 24*! "5u Keweenaw. S^ 3'i, 3% La Salle 1214 12^ 12U Mass iUnlng 8^ 8 h M{ a ?jl 15% loli 15% Michigan 9<i 9Vj 914 Mohawk 59 57^1 S9' v !p VL sil lf ,; 11V * n^ ni '» North Butte ..;.... 52 SOU 51% Old Dominion 61»i° 51»i siai Osceola 12J»' 12»' 129 Parrott --31* i SOU 31U Qulncy 89 S9 89 Shannon 14% 14%, 14% Superior & Boston 43?*, 40 43W Swift Packing 108% 108 1 4 lOgi? Tamarack ...... .64 62 C 4 United Shoe Machinery 61 JJ COU \u25a0' 61 « Do pfd 3014 30 30«,6 V S» Smelters 49 48 48"-; Do pfd '........ 49>/4 4»^ 4nil Utah Con* ...42 40>i 42 Victoria 4& 414 41; Wlnona 5 5 . 5 * Wolverine 147 147 147 Yukon 5^6-. 5 1 si£ London Clobldk Stocks Cons money . . .84 :MC! Louisv & Nash.. 140 V. Do for acct..B4 3-10 M, X & Texns ' v>d Amal Copper K2% NY Central.;..:* 13c V" Anaconda >J% Norfolk &. West... 04U Atohison '.HS% Do pfd ..00" Do pfd 107V4 Ont & .Western... ,-i.iV. Bait & Ohio 122 Pennsylvania ... li\K Can Pacific 189% Rand Mines . ... <t7i Cbes & 0hi0..... 79 % Reading ..". 70H Chi Great West.. 1% So Railway 12 Chi, Mil & St P. 138 Do pfd .... "* Viu De Beers tyK So Pacific 136% Den & Rio O 4S?i L'Dion Paclac .. 199U Do pfd 87 Do pfd 108 Erie 37% U 8 Steel ...73« Do Ist pfd..... 54ii Do pfd ....... 1204 i'< Do 2d pfd...... 44 Wabash .......... •»•• Grand Trunk ....23%i Do pfd ........'SS 111 Central 150 jSpanish- in ....... 9714 Bar silver — Doll; 23% d per ounce. Money— %<§!*;< of 1 per cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 1%@1% per, cent and for three months* bills 1 7-16@1% per cent. Condition . of ' the Treasury WASHINGTON. July 16.— The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was- Trust fund — Gold coin.- $851,377,809; • silver dol" lars. $486,963,000; silver doUars of ISDO/$4 100 - 000; silver certificates outstanding,' $456 $Q:'l 006 General fund — Standard silver -dollars In cenerai fund, $5,047,704; current liabilities, : $94,020 »84 working balance In treasury offices, $24 492011 • in banks to credit of treasurer of United ftateß* f5C.044.245; subsidiary ; silver -" coin, $°6 53s 001 • »w . Yorlc i Moneyj market NEWYORK. July 16.— Money on' call, eacy at 1%@2 per cent; ruling rate. ~l% per cent; clos ing bid,l*< per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time. loan*, stronger; 60 days, 2 per cent- 90 day*. 2»4<g25i \u25a0 per cent; six months, ,3S4@3ii per cent. , :\:: \: . : ..... ' ./ v .",•..' • Prime mercantile paper, 3»J(g4 per rent. , Sterling, exchange.-: firm.' with I actual ; business ia bankers' bills at Ji.SSUO4£4jSG for CO day bills THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATTTRPAY, JULY 17, 1909 Combination Traction Stock Weak Local Securities Rather Quiet and at $4.5730 for demand. Commercial bills. $4.85% @4. 85%. Bar silver 51c. Mexican dollars, 44c Gorernmeat bonds, steady; railroad bonds, ir regular. Cat in ItcHned Coal Oil Prices NEW YORK, July 16.— The Standard oil company today announced . a reduction in re fined oil of 10 cents a hundred gallons, making refined In eases $10.65; refined In tanks, $4.75; standard white, $5.25, and . refined at Phila delphia, $8.20. Woolen Company's 2Vew Stock Issue NEW YORK. July 16.— At a special meeting of stock holders of the American woolen com pany held in Jersey. City today an issue of $5,000,000 additional preferred stock authorized by tbe directors was approved. Thle lssua will increase the capital from $35,000,000 to $40, 000.000. Weekly Trade Review NEW YOHK, July 16.— Bradstreef s tomor row will say: "Despite irregularities •in crop and weather conditions, midsummer influence in trade and industry and conservatism in placing orders sbead, business is of fairly good volume. Wholesale trade for - immediate delivery Is of light volume. Fall trade reports, are still rela tively the best of any branch. Still there are reports cf quiet in the southwest, and Chicago teems to be the most active market in the coun try, with the northwest • coming next as re gards favorable reports. "Business failures in the United States for the week ending with July 15 were 206, against 1&2 lust week; 215 In the like week of 190S, 177 in IJIO7, ISS in 1808 and IC3 in 1905. "Wheat, including flour, exports from the United States and Canada for the week end ing July 15 aggregate 1.463,108 bushels, against 1,412,616 last week and 1.482.136 last year. For the two weeks ending July 15 exports are 2.550. 721 bushels, against 4,263,004 in the cor responding period last year. ' Corn exports for tbe week are 100,163 bushels, against 47.41$ last week and 72,241 .In 1908. For the two weeks ending July 15 corn exports are 147.581 bushels against 117,805 last year." R. G. Dunn & Co's weekly review of trade to morrow will 6ay: "Each succeeding week has now become a record cf advancing activity In Industry and commerce. Tfce extraordinary ex pansion in the iron and steel trade continues, and whereas a -short time ajro the problem was how to find business, now the problem is be cominc teat of meeting brders with adequate dispatch. Tbe general business situation is im proved by the progress made in the wdrk of tariff revision. "Wool and worsted fabrics are being opened for spring In men's wear and dress goods nnd buyers are active. "In underwear and hosiery the buying has been on a larger scale for spring and also for fall. Many knitting mills are forced to run over time to catch up with orders. "The demand for hides is less acttre, but brices are firmly established. Tho leather trade fs quiet, but prices are strong and high." Crude Oil Lower PITTSBURG. July IC— A\\ elnsses of crude oil were reduced 5 cents by the Standard oil com pany today. Bank Clearings NEW YORK, July 16.— Bradstreet's bank clearings report for the week ending July 15 shows an ap*?retrate" of *3,002,557,000, as against 52,909,618,000 last week and $2,433,0t>9,000 in the corresponding week last year The following is a list of the cities: Percentage Inc. Dec. New \ork $1.816i554.000 29.2 \u0084.. Chicago 269,036.000 14.6 .... Bo^ou 181,767,000 18. 7 Philadelphia 125.640,000 8.2 .... nVi nls 67,006,000 13.5 Plttsburg 48,519.000 18.1 .... Kansas City 37,186,000 12.8 San Francisco 42,430,000 1".4 < Baltimore 25.404,000 4 Cincinnati 29.C50 000 1« 0 . .. Minneapolis 1H.031.000 9.4 .... New Orleans :.. 15.545,000*- 29.4 Cleveland 10.450.000 23.1 Detroit 16.256,000 21.7 PP m aba 13.766,000 .... Louisville 12,798.000 6.8 Milwaukee 12,794.000 24.2 .... Fort Worth 5,571.000 25.0 .... Los Angeles 13.994.000 24.4 .... St. Paul 8.381.000. r -4.9 Seattle ...: 14.335,000 -41.4 g envpr 8,972,000 10.9 Buffalo 9.383,000 ,17.3 .... Indianapolis . 9.760 000 5 1 Spokane 7.699,000 2<h6 I!!! Providence 8,429 000 27 9 Portland, Ore 8,613,000 32.4 .". Richmond .* 7.671 000 "19 4 «i ba v. y ••A 5,913,000 1: ... 1.3 Washington, D. C 7,402,000 20 7 St. Joseph.. 5,229,000 113.2 . Salt Lake City 8,1 11,000. 47. S Columbus ...> 0.1.17,000 '"19. 3 Memphis ."i.-JW.OOO 41.0 . Atlanta 7.092,000 54.1. : .. Taeoma .............. 5.924. 000 -36.8 bavaunah 2.0C4.01N) "• "5.2 Toledo 4.531,000 13.9 .... R«K-liester !>. 1.74. 000 35.1 Hartford 4.202,0f>0 .' 1.0 .... >.asUvlli« 4.224.000 36.9 .... Dcs Moincs :{.5i«j,000 44.4' Peoria 2.519,000 29.9 New Haven ::,6i!2.000 .... 8.0 Sioux City 2,720.000 40.2 Norfolk •; 2.697.000 29.1 Grand' Rapids 2.G19.000 27 5 Syracuse 2.456.000 19.0 Evansville ....i.. ''2.103,000 14.2 Birmingham 1 .854.000 12 4 SpringOeld. Mass 2.4!Xi.000 26 B Portland, Me 2.228.000 10.0 ... Augusta, Ga 1,246,000 -30.1 Dayton ; 2.085.000 19.0 Oakland 2,100,000 34.3 Worcester 1,715,000 16.4 .... Jacksonville, Fla. 1.554.000 21 0 S'i cbi , ta 2,694,000 113.8 Wheeling. W f . Va 1.829 000 « 7 Knoxville • 1.496.000 15 •' Little Rock 1,579,000 Chattanooga ......... 1.465.000 16^2 ..**." Charleston, S. C ] ,205.000 0 3 ""W'f •• 1.412.000 .... i6!'j Wilmington 1.415,000 1.2 .. LluPoln • 1.409.000 21.5 . .. V\ ilkeebarre "1,294,000 21.0 .... Topeka 1,356.000 ' 30.7 k JJavenport 1.082.000 9.8 . .'. . Oklahoma 1,729,000 Fall River 1.569.000 «:» 6 Kalamazoo 1.275.000 24 1 Sac-ratnento 1 04.-, 000 4" !) Springfield, H1.... . 'h7.V,oon »"c, "elena 1.020,000 «"j B'ort " Wayne 980.000 16 7 Cedar Rapids ; ] .206,000 3tl 5 New Bedford .".1,060.000 •>. .rts. rt s r» Columbia, S. C....... \u25a0 508,000 . i~i'r Macon 723,000 42.6 .... Voungstown 1.014,000 48.5 . Lexington ..'.. «70.000 12 2 Fareo, N. D. '.......\u25a0.; .769,000 41. « '.'." Akron 826.000 »2 6-. % Roekford. 111..'.'..-..... 703.000 .. 5 8 E-icPj,..:.......... . N35.000 29.9.'..!. Sioux Falls, S. D 660 000 46 6 ' • Canton, 0.. ' 647.000 '77 .2 "" Quiney. 111...: ... 452.000' K8 Bloom ington. 111.....'. • 422,000 : 1,5 Lowell .... 5t>6;000 B*o .*!'.! Ftinghamton ...... 494,000 1 3 Chester. Pa........... 508.000^ 20.9 South Bend. Ind ' n78,0»i0 9.2 . ','!' '. Deeatur. 11l ...;. •422,000 5 'V Springfield, 0. ........ 7«>10.000r27.« Vicksburg 239.01)0 18 1 Fremont,- -Neb. ,265.000- 10.8 Mansfield. 0 367,000 14:5 Jacksonvllle.lll ... 251.000 i»9."!"" •Jackson, Mi 55 . . . ..... 274.000 "• . : . .'- 18.4 tllouston • 24,!)55 000 •' 54 2 tGalveston ll.:{41.000 1.3 ".'".' Duluth • :i.062.000 ' .... Scranton ..; "••_, 2,579.000 .... ...'. •Not included in totals because comparisons are Incomplete. tNot Included in totals because i containing other Items than clearings. Loans. Exchange and Silver Prime mercantile- paper.:.. 5©6 per cent Loans on f real e5tate. . . ». . . .-. . ' 6<gS per cent Sterling exchange,; 6o days. 1 .... —^.SOVi Sterling exchange, sight ....... :: — @4.87 V Sterling exchange, cables ". .— @4.SS^{ " New York exchange, sight.:....—® 2^, New York exchange, telegraphic. '— @ 5- . Hongkong exchange, sight..... —(& 42% Honskong ' exchange, telegraphic. — @ * 42% Silver, per ounce ;....'... — @ 51 •, Mexican dollars, nominal ......— @ 50 CONTINENTAL New" York on Paris.'. ...........\u25a0..*...... . r »lC"i New .York . on Mexico .' ..;..:.. 201 4 Paris on 150nd0n .......... ...;.; .'. .... . -. . 23 .20 ' Berlin on L0nd0n. . . ....'..... ....... .2U.42U STOCK MARKET Business was only moderate on : the . stock and bond , exchange . yesterday,: sales '. of • bonds ibeing light and* those of stock being confined to smail scattering lots. There • were < small \u25a0> advances In Alaska j pai-Korn. • Associated - oil 1 and Makawoli sugnr. 'while the People' 6 water 5 per cent bonds were weaker. \u25a0.\u25a0.'•: :•... ' •.. : \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0•\u25ba -The • following . quotations ; were made oa un listed securities: Pacific' gag" and -electric -5s $94.75@93 ; common > stock; • $44.25 bid : \u25a0\u25a0* People's water, 3 common. - $3 134 ; preferred, - f 66 : asketl* Western Pacific 5s, r $9U.B7iJ-bld; common: stock, $31. asked: Sunset- telephone -r.s.-i. 5104.75." sales; Mechanics'- ravings"; ?100 ; asked: Ala moila Kngar, $10 bid: ' Standard paint.- $100@.130; I Ocean Shore 55,. $00 asked ; : Oakland traction! '-preferred - $87<ffr>0; : E. LV", DuPont;: common, J $115 ' asked. > • The t Comstock . shares i were | quiet '- and \ generally lower.'-; The southern Nevadas wore also inactive, though ; ther* ', wa» ; fiomethlng I doing :in - Combina tion Fraction ss t a losk of ; 8c on' the day. itS^as reported > from \ New i York i that t the j recfnt? shorts In this stock had either, covered or .'privately set tled ;;thcir ! commitments '" which ; supjiosedly, es plalned the, decline.': \u25a0••:'\u25a0 '. :,' • ..1: \u25a0•- \u0084 \u25a0 The Central oil <-ompauy '; lias" dechirod Its' rogu lar : of ; I\4 ner . cent ' Dcr J share and } an extra dividend of 1 per cent per share, payable July 25. Books close July 20. \u25a0 - • The Hawaiian commercial and sugar company has retired $65,000 of its outstanding Issue of $1,240,000 5 per cent bonds, leaving a balance of $1,175,000 still Issued. The regular annual meeting of the stock hold ers ,of the Ttuekee River general electric com pany will be held today. The first gold bar ever produced in Eureka dis trict. Nevada, a silver and lead camp, was re cently shipped from the Windfall mine. • The value was between $12,000 and $14,000. : Tco reabody gold mining company of Grass * aiiey lias levied an assessment of 5 cents per snare, delinquent August 31. Assessment Directory Comstoclc Mine* Company— nO.n 0 . Del. Board. Sale Day. Amt. lotosi ... r :...:ii \u25a0 \u25a0 j u iy . 2 Aug. 5 .10 Lnlon .........18 June 24 July 19 .10 Reg. Belcher ...45 July 3 Aug. 5 .03 fellow Jacket ..33 -July 5 Aug. 17 .25 Brunswick Choi. 2 .Aug. 2 .01 Brunswick Poto. 2 ...... Aug. 2 .01 Alpha ..... ..^.ll j u iy 12 Aug. 6 .05 Sierra Nevada ..18 July 15 Aug. 10^ .10 \\. Con. Va.... 4 ....... Aug. 10 .10 Belcher .......89 July 16 Aug. 10 .10 Caledonia 79 July. 18 Aug. 13 .05 Best & Belcher. 92 July 19 Aug. 10 .10 Savage 15 July 24 " Aug. 18 .10 Exchequer ......14 Aug. 12 . Sep. 13 .05 Con. Virginia... 12 Aug. l2 Sep. 6 .25 STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE FRIDAY, July 16—10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES BONDS Bid. A6k. Bid. Ask. 4b qr cp new — — s s q r coup... — — MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala A W ss. — ..\— . O Tran Cnss — 10G Asso OU 6s. 03% 95- O Trac Cn 5s — 98 Bay CPO ss. 103 103}$ O Trac Co Ss 04 — Cal O G 58.106 — o W gtd ss. OS&IOO Cal G4Ej . Om Cable tis.lo9 1134 • m &. ct 5s S8& — Pac Glm 4s. 89 ; — Cal st C 58.100 '— p E Ky 55.. 105 — Cal Wine -6s. 85 • — p ac Ufcl> ss. 95 W — City El 55.. 84 85 Do gtd 55..100 V* — C C Wat 55. 100% — Pac T&T ss. 97T 8 — Do g ingss 91 — \u25a0»• P& O H Gs.OS — Ed El LA 6s. 102% — P & O R fla — — Kd L&.P 6s.Hl — People's Wss 72% 73 First F Trß -— Powell 8t 69..102 V; — F& C H 6s. — 106 Sac EG&Kos.lOl — ! II O& 8 05.105 — SF & SJVas.ll4% — Hon B T 65.105% — . SF,O & SJSs.IOSMIOG ! L Tahoe Rss 98 — Do 2d m>rss L A Elec 3s. — — Do Con ss. 96 LAG & Elss. 9994 — SJ& SCU 4%s — — LA Ry 55.. 109% — Sierra R 65.. 106 LAL gtd 58.101 — S P of A6s UP 3cm 55.105 106 (1910) . . ; .lOOSiIOO^ LAP Cal ss. 102% — S P of C 6s Marln W 55.100 105 (1912) 105U106U Mkt st O >is. — 105 SPC leg ."5.114 — " Do lcm 55.102%104 S P B R f15.129W133 5 <> MV& MtTSs.IOO — SPftlt Ist r4s (»5Vi — " NUof C 58.114% — Stkn GJfcE (is. 1.03 Mt — X P C n 53.100Vj — \u25a0 SV W s mg4s KSft — NC Ry 55..103V4109 UG & E os. 09 — N C P 0 ss. 98V4 99% UR'of SF.4s. .77% 79 X El Co ss. 88% 91^ ValleJo.Ben & O GL&H u5.104 1054 N«pa RR5s 85 — Oak Tran Cs.llo — Val Co P ss. 100 — Oak Tran ss. 104 105 Va WATER STOCKS Marin Co .. 60 — |S V Wat Co. 33 33% GAS AND ELECTItIC City El Co.. 31 V* 32 I Pac L pfd.. 70 71 N Cal Power 3BU 37 | Do com 48 ,—, — INSURANCE Cal Ins Co.. 70 75 |Fireman's Fd. — 195 BANK STOCKS Am Ktl Bk. — 134 I.Mer Trust ..220 — Bank of Cn1:3741a — 'S F National. — 135 Klrst Natn1..255 — | Union T C 0.2700. 2700 — SAVINGS BANKS fier S & L. — 3000 S F Say U.. — .»:>.-. Hum !>av Bk — — Say & L So. . — 12."» Mut Say Bk. 70 75 Sec SaT Bk.. — 330 STREET RAILROADS California ..138 141 iPresldio 20 — POWDER Giant Consolidated Co 741, 73 . SUGAR Hawaiian C. 31 S 8 — I.Makawell S C 38% — Honokaa S C 16V- 17 Ouoinea S C. 43 »i — Hutch SPC 17% 18 jPaauhau S C. 24 U 24* i Kilanea SC. 6><> — | Union S Co.. — s<jia OIL STOCKS Amal Oil Co. — 87 (Sterling Oil.. — 3 Asso Oil Co. 34 »4 35 ! MISCELLANEOUS Alaska P A. 70% 71»,<slPae Aux F A 3U _ Cal F C A. 99% — (Pac C Borax. 150 ?4 Cal Wine A. 31% 39 il'ac TAT pM — 115 ; MV& MtTm: — 115 j Do com ... 4iy. '43 SALES ' , Morning aossloa \u25a0 \u25a0 • . i Board— > 25 Giant Powder ....74.50 " 10 Hawaiian Coml & Sugar C 0.... 31.50 20 Ma ka well Sugar Co 30.00 100 Onomea Sugar Co 44.00 I 100 Sprinc ValW Water Co.-. 33.25 $.*>,ooo Market, «t Ry Ist Con ss. cash. .103.00 | M.urk»>t st Ry Ist Con 55.. 103.00 $4,000 Pacific- Tpl & Tpl 5s t)S.Ut> $1,000 Spring Val Wat gen rntge 45.. a 5.75 $0,000 People"* Water Co 5s 72.75 ?10,000 People's Water Co ss, b 3 73.00 Street — 100 Bank of -California .....375.50 100 N Cal Power Co, Con ...... 36.50 .. .75 Onomca Sugar -Co : 44.00 $5.0()0 Pai.-lnc Tel & Tel 5s J)8 . 00 $8,000 Stockton Gas & El 6s ...104.25 \u25a0 Afternoon Session Board — • • 70 Alaska Packers' . Assn .71.00 10 Associated Oil Co 34.50 • 20 Cal Fruit Canners' Aesn 100.00 , 'JO Makaweli Sugar Co 39.00 15 Pacific Lighting (pfd) 70.50 12 Pacific Tel & Tel (pfd) ........ 94.50 l<>o Spring Valley Water C 0 ........ 33.23 $5,000 Cal Gas & El G M & C T 55.. 98,73 $3,000 People's Water Co ii* 73.00 $1,000 S P Arizona 6s (1910)... 100.50 California Stock nod OH Exchange Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. AikjHo 03 03 Peerless — ti..">o As*o Oil tc.34.50 35.00 Piedmont . — 21 Biookshire ...1.57% — Pinal 8.25 9.75 Cartboit \u25a0 .12.0*1 — Producers 1.50 2.00 CM. Crude ... 07 —Record ...4.50 — Claremout ... — 2 . 15 Rico . . . . . 3.1 T> — Daisy — 2ri Sacramento '.1.25; — Esperanza ... — 1.40 S F & McK.20.00 — Four ......... — 31 Saner Dourli.. — 2.10 Fulton,. -. . .2.00 2.lo|St?ction 25 .. — 25.0'j Gracl<«a ..... 35 — iSliawmut ..... :—: — ."0 I Junction ..... — 00 Sovereign .... 21 — XCIII : .55 — Sterling ; . . .". .2.60 — Llmta Vlsts:. — 51 Sunset Mon .. 50 — Mecca ... V.15 —Turner ....... 90 1.00 Ncr County.. — 30 W Coast pfd.SO.oo — Parafflue .... — uoi Wolverine -..., 20 — Palmer ./....— I.4o|Alask Pack.70.25 71.00 - •' SALES 11:30 a. m.— 1000 Gypsy ....;...:. .;.. .23 100 Monte. Crlsto, »5... 2.52».i 2. p. in. — 200 Monte Cristo .". 2. S2 'i 100 Monte Crlsto ...'•...... ..:....\u25a0' 2. <55 2000 Apollo .•....,. .01 Mining Stocks SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE • Following were the sales on the Sau Francisco stock exchange yesterday: - ' ' COMSTOCKS Hegular; Morning Session 400 Chollar ...... 10| 100 Ophlr 1.27 Vi 100 Con Va'M Co. 7l| t!00 Potosl ....33 200 Con Va M Co. 70 100 Sierra' Nev ... '34 £100 <"od Vu M Co. O 200 Sierra Nev . . . 33 . 1 00 Exchequer 2.". 300 Union ........ 43 30U Mexican ..... <J2 ." Afternoon Session - \u25a0 Kmi Host & Belch. 32 300 Mexican ...... 92 100. Caledonia .... 17 -200 Ophir 1.27 - T.tiO Con Imperial. 02 200 Overman x . .... 24' ,-00 Con Va M Co. 70 200 P0t051« ........ :« 1W) Con Va M Co. 71 300 Savage is I 100 Gonld & Cur. 16 100 Sierra Nev ... 34 j . 100 Unit- & Norc. 22 100 Sierra : Nev ... 2«"» 50 Mexican ...... 00 100 Yellow Jacket. ; 7C * ,'luforinal Session V, 100 Anrtra ....... i^'j 000 Snvajre ....... 1!) lUOO Audes ....... 1:5(1400 Utah -.. .041 ' \u25a0 CLOSING QUOTATIONS . : Bid. Ask. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- Bid.Ask. Alpha . . . 07 OS Kcntuck ..... O-l .: 06 Aha \u25a0 ......... 03 0} Lady Wash ... — 02 Andes ....... 12 y.i Mexican T.. ":-:.';! 91 !)2 Belchrr ...... 53 ,"1 New . York - Con — U4 Best \u25a0\u25a0&. Belch. 31 ;;2 N Gould &,C, 20 ~- Bullion 13 -17 occidental.;... 15 — Caledonia it; 17 Opliir '.: ..'.... .1.2." 1.27 Miallenge Con 10 > ut Overman ..... 2.'! 21 Chollar lc , jS Potosf 3.J :'.i Confluence \u25a0\u25a0... \u25a0 i .-7» SO Savape ....... IS 20 Con Imperial. 02 (i.! Scorpion ..:.... 05 .06 Con Va.M Co. 71 \u25a0 .72 Sos Belcher -.'. 05 07 Crown Point.. 4'i ,'44 Sierra' Nev :S4 :\c,' Exchequer ... 24.. 2C»! Silver r llill ... ,07 !\u25a0) Gouhii Cur; 1.-. .. '-lOUJnlon-.. .>'.-.-.-. .. 43 .4.*, Hhlo-& Norc. 21 Utah .'.....\u25a0.'.. <H -tr, Julia ........ (15; .oSiYcilow, Jacket.,. 75 "77 Justice ....... 02 -'()3| \u25a0•\u25a0';.\u25a0- - \u25a0' • TUNOPAH AND OOLDFIELD STOCKS ; ,;^; Kegular Session— 9:3o to 12:30 I POO Atlanta ...... : io|looo Great Bend .-.'. ;07 1000 Com = Frac, \u25a0s7 701 200 Pitts . S Peak . \u25a0 47 1000 Daisy ..... "5| -»50 - Do," s - 5. .. r.4;'40 lOOu.Dm B Btie C. 04 "100 Raw, Coalition. 2C 1000 Old Kowanas. -09' 500 Raw.- Coalition. ,27 • '." , \ i., ' Afternoon "Session ;•'> HiW Bhif Run ... . OKI 100 Gld Con M.6.171J llHW'.Bnnth- ...... " 1) ,400 Gld' Con"' M. .'.0.1.-j HiOO Cf.lnmblii -.Mt. nflf4oo Gld.t Con / M.V.C.20 2000 Coin : Kruct km. -'.TOf irtM) ' G I<l Kewanaa ;-.-\u25a0\u25a0: ,fi9 l«i00v:I)n.-.-x 7... . ; 7(»: ;-•,-,(«) Croat -Bend - : 07 -100 . Do, i, i<i..{ -\ 711! 2000 Grt \u25a0 Bcnil.Anx-01 4SOn Com . Fraction; ' Oil! .'WO '.Tim ' Bntler ~. . 10 0 50H : Com Frnctlcn. '-\u25a0 \ i»i' 1000 Lone ' \u25a0 . ... 0'! -50il Com Fi action 01 \u25a0•"•''<' MneNsmara • . . • :2."» 2('.fK» Daisy ..." ' Rod Hilts •.'. .. llfl 3<iOO;i.Do/.s.nO "v 24 »-.<)<«•\u25a0 Hiiby* Gold:; M. l»2 •400 ' Dais y'•:;;. :.. ,25 2300 'Silver's Pick '..* 10 umwiohi b into c' -oi iihx» no.-;b .-co. ".\u25a0;-; -11 U- i .«>;«.jd : coniM...fl.2s ' .' : :; .r,,.«-. '. Informal ...... - •'\u25a0 IOU> Atlnnla '...'*',"\u25a0- lOIIOM) Mayflower ' Con 00 lOUO'Uoutb •;;....v~iof.ayO Montana t:... 02. • SU MMARY OF? i T>II3 MARKETS New York stocks range about the same. Copper stock* somewhat higher. Sharp drop' in*ths cotton market. Local securities and mining stocks quiet. Local financial quotatloni uiichan;ed. Whaat buyer* holding off. Barley higher. Oats and corn firm. Bye nominal. Horse hay now coming In by water. Beans^ and feedstnffs about. the same. Cheese lower. Butter and egg s un • changed. '...'.... Potatoes in heavy receipt and weak. Fresh fruits coming in heavily." Arrivals of poultry, light. Provisions firm and fairly active. Prices for live and dressed meats un . changed. Some kinds of Paeifio codfish lower. inn^ £"?? tt ractionr raction - 67 1 200 Rornd Mt ... 75 1000 Gld Kewanas. 09| CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA _ \u25a0"\u25a0'•\u25a0 Bid. Ask. j Bid. Ask. Brunswick C. 02 . — iCent Eureka... 04 — Bunker Hi 11 ..2.80 "— [So Eureka M. 95 — NEVADA TonoDab District Bid. Ask. Bid.A*k. selmont5 elmont 83 90 Midway Ex .. — 04 Boston Ton .. — . 05 Montana . 62 «5 California — ? 01 Mont JHd Ex. — ,t« Cash Boy ... — 01 Mon Pitts Ex. — 04 OoW -Mt — (12 North Star ... — 03 Great Westrn. — 01 Ohio Ton — Ut Home ....... — 01 Paymaster ... — 01 Ind Ton — 01 Rescue Con . . 02 <tt Jim Butler .. 09 '10 Ton Exten ... 42 47 MacNamara .. 24 20 Ton of Nev..6.«7 — Midway — 21 I West End ... 22 — ' Goldfleld District Ad , ams 01 - 021 Gld Merger M. — OR Atlanta .. 10 11 Grandma 01 02 Black Ants . . — 01 Great Bend . . 06 07 B k B Bonan. — 01 Grt Bend Anx — 02 Blk Butte Ex — 01 Grt Bend Ex. 01 <»2 Black Rock .. — 01 Hibernla ..... — t>2 Blue Bell ... 02 — Jnmbo Ex ... 12 — Blue Bull ... 05 OC Kendall Ex — 01 Btte Goldfleld — 02 Lone Star 03 04 B°°th 10 11 Lou Dillon ... 01 (>2 £O D 15 — Mayne 01 — Columbia — 03 Mid Pawnee... — 01 Colombia Mt. 09 10 MHltown Frac. — 02 Com Fraction. 67 ' 68 Mohwk C Leas — 04 Comng Nation — 01 Mohawk Ex . . — 02 Conqueror .... — 04 Mohawk Junior — 04 Cracker Jack. 01 02 Ncr Boy . — 02 Daisy 24 25 Nev Goldfleld.. 02 .—. — Desert Chief.. — 04 Oro 05 06 Dm B Btte C. 03 04 Potlatch ...... — OS Dmdfld Trngl. 01 02 Red Hills 06 07 " Ixl « • — 01 Red Top Ex.. 02 03 Xm P lre — 02 Ruby Gold M. 01 02 Florence ...'. .2.97 3.02 Sandstorm .... 09 II Horenee Ex.. — 02; Sandstorm Ex. — 01 j Frances Mhk. 05 —I Silver Pick .. 00 11 Gen Wash .. —Dl St Ives 09 — <io!d Har Gld <fl — |St Ives Leas. — «2 Gld Con M. . .6.25 6.G01 Wonder — 02 Gld Portland. 02 03J Yellow Rose... — C 2 i «Jld Kewanas. OS 'I9|Ypllow Tiger.. 06 Bullfrog District - i Bonnie Clare. •03 O4|Mont Bullfrog. — " ol Bullfrog Mm. — 02 Montgomy Mt. 03 05 Blfrg Mohawk 23 --iMtg Shos Ex. — 01 Blfrg Nat Bk — t-2JNugget ....... — 01 Gold Bar — 01 Orlg Bullfrog.. — 02 Gold ..Sceptre. — 01 Tramp ' Con . . 06 — Homestake K. — O2l\'alley View... 04 05 Mayflower Con OS Oi)j Yankee Girl .. — 02 Manhattan District Apr Fool Ex. — OlJMan Cowboy.. — 01 Atlan & Pac. — OlJ.Man Dexter .. 02 03 — ol| Man Little Joe — Oil Gold Wedge.. — 01 Man Mm Nev. — 01 Granny G M. — 05 Mineral Hi 11... — 04 Mttle Grey .. — 03 Mustang Man.. 01 — i 1 Man Broncho. 01 — Orlg Man 02 'Man Buffalo.. — 01 Pine Nut . ... — l/> i ; Man Con 04 OS^Syl Humphrey. — 02 Other Districts Kngle's Nest. 03 04!Nev Hills 75 — Fainrrt- G Bid — . 02 Pitts S Peak.. 46 I'alrvw Hailst — 01 Queen Regent. 20 ' Falrvw Eagle. — 18 Ramsey ; o" Jack Pot Xl — (Raw CoalltiOD. 26 — Mano«s Gon .. 80 —I Raw Mohawk. — 01 Lee Bonanza. — V1',50 Raw Queen .. 37 33 Mazoma Hills — 23J Round Mt ... 74 73 GRAIN MARKET Wheat and Other Gralna i \\ heat— Chicago was several fractions higher I on. better weather, and the longs were selling. (Kansas City wires cash wheat 2c lower there plluneapolls wires a world of winter wheat offered there nt. 2^Ac lower . than Thursday's prices; with mills holding off. The San Francisco market was quiet, with I buyers holding off expecting lower prices i CASH WHEAT. I California club. $2.05@2.07%; do milling, 52.10; California White Australian, nominal at $2.10(g2.12»<!; off grades of California wheat. I $1.90<&2; northern club. $2.05@2.07M-: northern bluestem, nominal; Russian red, $2.@2.05; tur key red, $2.05@2.07Vj per ctl; new California club and Sonora, $2.02ii<g2.05; new White Aus tralian, ?2.07^@2.10. FUTURES 10 n. m. Session May— s2.o2»* asked. December— sl.9s asked. No quotations. Barley — The market for futures was quite active yesterday. Tbe cash grain was firm, with sales of feed at $1.48%. Free sales of shipping at the quotations below were also reported. . CASH BARLEY Good to choice feed, spot. ?1.45ift1.48?i ; common to fair, $1.40(§:1. 42i» per ctl; "brewing 51. 30; '.shipping." $1.50ta1.52u,, i> O rt Costa de livery; chevalier, $1.60@1.70. FUTURES ' 10 a.m. Session * - . Open High Low Close May $1.54 $1.54 $1.53 $1.53 December. 1.47«-i 1.47>i 1.46^ 1.47 2 p. in. Session May— Sl.o2l4. December— sl.47. - Oats— Free sales for seed were reported yes terday and one lot brought $2. The market rules firm. New reds for feed. $1.82^@1.53 for good to choice. *l.G3ff?t.So for. poor to fair; reds for sen!. $I.S7Vi<S2 per ctl.. Corn — Tin- market . continnes very steady at Unchanged, quotation*. California small round yellow, $t.SO(&l.!W» : large yellow. $I.SO® 1.82%; wrslfrii stntes yellow, saokpd. $1.82i4(c51 85" ! white. $1.83@1:87%;; in bulk. San Francisco track, yellow. $1.70; white. $1.72; mixed $1.08- Kgy|itian. nominal. ... Kye — Accurate quotations ore impossible, as dealers quote widely different prices, and quo tations for the new crop are not yet estab lished. For a small', lot of 200 sks $1.83 was bid and refuspd yesterday. , Foreign Futures t, ' LIVERPOOL Wheat — July. Sept. Dec. Opening ft 07% S 0!)?, • 8 05$, Closing ......907% S 10% S 05T 4 PARIS Wheat— \u25a0 July. Nov.-Fcu. f ipeuing : . .25 85 ' 24 33 Closing . 2> :>O 24 40 Flour — Opening .......:« 4.". 31 5.-. Closing ......". . . 33 45 31 60 CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE . Future Grain and Provisions ; CHICAGO, July 16.— The wheat market was tu-rvous and : prices moved over a wide range today. July, was heavy the greater part of the day and at no time went to the level of yester day's close. - Distant deliveries, however, were firm, nnd, with ; the exception of a brief period rarly in the \u25a0 day, held, at a moderate advance. Decided* weakness was -manifested during: the j first few , minutes : of .trading, owing to quite : general selling in July, because of clear weather lin the harvest,, belt in this country. Asa result j July sold off to 'Sl. 2ft?4. after opening It- to H»c lover 'at.;sl.2l.:ti>.sl.22«!i.\. Some. of the leading ('levatnr, interests' were.' fren bidders for the de fcrrod months. \u25a0 and ; this demand soon caused a I rally. . particularly.-, in, the t distant deliveries. : During the remainder. of ; the day July continued i erratic, but other months showed firmness. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ; ..., The heaviness in the 'July '.option was due to I the cJear weather' in j. the winter wheat states, I which gave ' promise of new, wheat at an early date.:- .\u25a0 •-:'-.•.'..\u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0, _\u25a0 '..,•,' , "-- Arrivals today at Kansas ' City and St. Louis ] ; aggregated 140,000 bashels, against 74,000 last I I week on the same day.and'the price of the cash' I grain at; those points was oflf-.2c to 4c.v \u25a0-'" - News of a bullish nature Included an advance: j of,%ld.'to 2^Jd in spot wheat at Liverpool and an advance of \ Ad to 9id In futures there, claims ; of sales of wheat here for' export and of \u25a0 sales ' of flour at : St. : LimK >- " . ". "\u25a0.The high point .reached by July during the day i wa^ ; $1.23 , and \u25a0 the " finals were " lc . below that \u25a0 lipirc. \u25a0 , " . . I :Heavy; liquidation of v July caused general 1 weakness '\u25a0 in the corn : market, which closed 1 : weak, with \u25a0:- prices , ; , unchanged _: tO'lTgi- lower, ; \u25a0 compared .with file previous closed July being at ; CO-f^C'^ \u25a0.- '.* , . \u25a0.. V- . \u25a0:. \u25a0'.-.'' :•' The resumption^ of* harTosting in Illinois and i lowa prompted general selling of oats.' resnltinr .In a weak -;raarket ; all. day. The market closed , iic to- l%c lower. . . :'. . | ;.-; Provisions closed'a shade to 7»'ic lower. \ , The ltmdhig , futures; ranged >as •follows;:-:; "V^j Articles Open llixh: Low Closed ! . .Wheat— « , - • . ' \u25a0July :.'...•..:... .1.22,. 1.2:1 1.20': 1 T.i- \u25a0 September :..:.. .l.'lt -l.lL'Vi 1 .Irt' \u25a0 1:11% I'f-fptntK-r <.'.... . 1.0514 . i .iki . i.t)7ii i osv". : May>,.;;. ....... 1.11- _','.'i 1.10;,' : \u25a0 Corn — . . • Juiy ..-. 7! 71 r iio»i 00";; September * ....... <;.-,.'.; \u0084 : (•.-,--; ••;.-.", (C.ij, ; : Derem her .::.'... ."«<! '.- ,"><si; 'oT>'i. , - sii' , 1 ~ — r — ~~ — — — — : \u25a0 — — — rh" — :—: — - — :: — — — r ' ;: Thi* ; Marl ne d'nrilena at, 3lo«s '.Beach On tlie Ocean Shore : RaMway \ will V'en-'-i . ;t crtain',^you>; for.';* hours. \u25a0'\u25a0: Go Sunday. Time' table Duce-17." ;; ' - . -..• * Barley Higher and More Active Some Brands of Codfish Declined May .......... ZGK 56Ti 56* i 6«» i Ju?y at9 7?.*....f. 4S 48 47_ 47£ September .... 42U 42U 41% •"*! December. 42$ 42Vi «*> j-H May 44*5 «?\u25a0 *\u2666'* 4l *» } Mess rork, per bbl. — ' \u25a0£ • j July ...........21.00 21.00 20.90 20.90 J September .21.05 21.10 21.00; 21. U0 Lard, per 100 lbs. — . \u25a0 \u0084 -n,, July i... ..... 11. Tata September ....11.80 11.80 11.72& 11. "i Short Itibs, per 100 lbs.— • , .. July ..... 1 !- 47 .K September ..11.47Vj H.47# 11.40 1t.4--V Ca<sh Grata acd Provisions CHICAGO. July 16.— Cash quotations were as follows: flour, strong. Feed or mlxlnj ba;i»*v. 60(»70c: fair to choice maltinc. 68«J73c. Max seed, No.^l southwestern. $l-41»i: No. 1 north western. $1.51%. Timothy seed. $3.80. Clover, **U.S«V Jle3s pork, per bbl., $20.874i@21. Lard, per 100 lb»., |11.72}4. Short ribs, jldeg (loose*. $n.47Vi«n.s7Vi: short, clear sides (boxed;, I \ ~ GRAIN STATISTICS ! Total clearances of -wheat and floor were equal f to 41. W0 bushel*. Exports for the week, a* | shown by Kradntreet's. were ec.aal to 1.468.000 i basbeis. Primary receipt* were 26 1.000 busbf].". compared with 777.000 bnsnels the corresfxmrt ing day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat. 4 cars- corn, 214 cars; oat*. 100 cars; hogs, 0,000 head, Northern Wheat Market rORTI.AND, July IC— Wheat, track prices, oid grain: Club. $1.17; bluestem. nominal: va! lej.jfl.l7. New crop club. $1; b'mestem. $1.03; red Russian, 9Sc. TACOMA. July 16. — Wheat, milling: B.tif stem. $1.30; club. -'11.14. Export wheat f or [ autumn delivery: Bluestem, $1.04; club, $1; red j Russian. »Sc. - ... j SEATTLE, JnTy lti. — Milling quotations: Ex- • port wheat, bluestem, $1.24; club, $1.14; red. [ $1.00. Receipts — Oata.l car. • AeW York Grain Market NEW YORK. July 16.— Flour— Receipts, 7,607 barrels; exports, 2,869 barrels. Sales*. 0,250 barrels. Steady with a moderate inquiry. Wheat—Spot firm. Now 2 red, old. $1.45 nominal in elevator and f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 red, new, $1.22^ and August f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern. Dnluth. $1.43% nominal f. o. b. afloat^ No. 2 hard winter. $1.41% nominal f. o. b. afloat. ' „ Options — Today's wheat market was much quieter, Jnly showing little j feature. Other months declined early, but eased again at tbe close, leaving off *i@ijc net higher, against %c loss in Jnly. July closed $1.29>4; Septem ber. $1.15V4: December, $1.15T«; May, $1.17*,. Minneapolis' Flax Market MINNEAPOLIS. Jnly 10.— Flax. $1.61 %. LOCAL MARKETS Receipts of Produce July 16 Flour, qr ska 3,416 Sugar, etls 4.5P0 Whoat, ictis .... 70 Hides, No 441 Barley, ctls .... 4,575 Pelts, No 1.023 Oats, ctls 405 Tallow, ctls ....1,530 Corn, ctls 15 Leather, rolls ... 46, Rye, ctls 28! Wine, gals 22.200 Bran, sks 5 Livestock, No ... 27* Potatoes, sks ...11,044 Lumber, M ft.... 100 OniODS, sks 383 Apples, bxs ..... 627 Hay. tons 945 Lime, bbls 200 Wool, sks. 17 Chicory, bbls ... JO WESTERN STATES Flonr, qr sks 1.000: Family Retail Market Butter is higher at retail this week, following an advance In the wholesale price, and retail tradesmen are expecting eggs to go np at any time, as tbe production ia falling off and the cost at wholesale Is steadily Increasing. There ' has not been much change in other lines since ! last week. Fruits and vegetables are still in abundance and the markets are amply supplied with meats, fish and poultry. COAL, PER TON— Wellington $12.00| Wellington Nut... 511.00 Rock Springs.... 15.00J Welsh Egg IS. CO I'cnnsy lv Egg.... 19. 00| Beaver Hill 10.00 Richmond 12.00 Carbon Hill 12.00 Coos Bay 10.00 Seattle 10.00 New Wellington.. 12.00; Pelaw Mala 10.00 DAIRY PRODUCE. ETC.— Butter. 21b 5q..70®73| Swiss Cheese li'a lb<gs3;Eggs. dox 30^:« Cal. Cheese — '<£20 Honey, comb. li>. — ftj2-j Eastern Cheese.. —^£2sl Do extracted...' — «10 POULTRY AND GAME— Hens, each..9oc@sl.2s!Ducks. each $1©1.23 Do small 50<&60 Geese, each .... $2 ftj 2.23 Young Roosters, - - Goslings, eacb...s3@ — each ...... 85c@51.25 Pigeons, pair — ©40 Old Roosters, ea.40@50 Squabs, per«g»>O Fryers, each C5<&75 Hare — &2O Broilers, each. . .40ftj5i> Rabbits — @25 Turkeys, per lb.. — @30 . * MEATS, PER POUND Roast Beef — Corned Beef —\u25a0<£ s Choice cuts — @20 Beef Stew StelO Do plain — @l2Vi Mutton Stew — @ 8 Roast Veal IS@2O Veal Stew 10@12% Roast Pork 18@20 Soup Meat — @ 8 Foreqrtr Lamb. .15&20 Soup Bone — @ 3 Hindqrtr Lamb.. 18(^25 Ham 20©23 Foreqtr Mutton — @ 12% Bacon — @25 Leg Mutton... 12%©15 Mutton Chops 18@20 Tenderloin Steak. — fijlo Pork Sausage 15^20 Porterhse Steak..— @2o Cblpped Beef —©25 Sirloin Steak — @ 15 Pork Ch0p5....... — <g2O Round Steak..— @l2% Veal Cutlets. — @20 Lamb Chops .IS@2O Lard ...— ©l3 VEGETABLES— Asparagus, lb . . 6@ S Lettuce, doz ....20(310 Artichokes, d0z.. 50@60 Leeks, doz bnchs. — @1S Beets, doz 10@— Onions, per 1b.... — @ 2 Beans, white, lb. sft; 5 Potatoes, lb ....2@2^ Do. colored, lb. 6© 8 Parsnips, doa — @2O Dried Lima. lb. 4@ 6 Radishes, «iz bcha — @20 Cabbage, each... — @10 Rhubarb, lb — 1§ 8 Celery, head — @10|Sage. doz. bnchs^SQ — Cress,' dz® — String Beans, lb.. 8@ 9 Cucumbers. d0z..15@20 Summer — @ 3 Dried Peppers... 2o® 2s Spronts, per lb... — &—& — Egg Plant, lb.lo® 12% Spinach, per 1b... sfta 8 Garlic — @ 7 Thmye. doz bnchs — @23 Green Peppers. 10® 12% Turnips, per doz.. — @10 Green Peas — @ 4 Tomatoes, lb .... 5® 7 Green Corn, d0z.40@50 FRUITS AND NDTS — Alllgtr Pears, ea.— @— iNnts. pound- Apples 3<j£ 6 Almonds — :«?-« Apricots, lb .... 5@ 8. Brazils — fii2O Bananas, doz 25Ccs35i Pecans 15f«2t) Blackl>errles. bkt. 6<iiCls( Walnuts ...... — «S2O Cantaloupes, ea. . .5© 10: Oranges, dos . .. .3i."fe. f") Cherries.'lb .... Bc<jlO| Peaches, lb ..... 3«a r. Currants, box ..60(^75, Pears, lb .......—© 3 Figs, dried, lb.. «»« >j Pineapples, each..2s<S^4<) Do fresh, doz. 15^20 Plums, lb 4<ss 6 Srapefrult. doz. .60^575! Raisins, !b — @10 Lemons, doz . ...20^30, Raspberries, bkt.. 56|10 Limes, doz 10@15|Strawberries, bkt.l3@2o Loganberries. I Do small, bkt.. s@lo basket — @15| FISH, PER POUND— Barracouta ...12V^'3 — (Shrimps, lb ..... — Q— Black 8a55......— @23 Sea Bass 13&20 Carp ........... S@ 10 Smelts —©15 Cattish ...12%@15 Soles — @10 Codfish ....... 12 '/i<i£ 13 Skates, eacb. .. ..IOm — Flounders.. ...10@12Vi Squid — (Q — Halibut — @ 15 ' Sturgeon - — @15 Herrin; — @ — ITomcod — @13 Mackerel .— %— Turbot — fc|2s Do horse — @ 13 Trout 65@7." I Perch 10@12ValWhiteash — C«10 Rockcod : 12i s @ls|.Clain*.- ga110n... 73<-*asl Salmon- . — @1S Do hardshell, lb Sfe 10 Do smoked 40<&: — Mussels, lb — %\U Salmon Trout — © — (Crabs, each.. 404 C.V) Sardines 10@— Oyaters. Cal. 100.40^30 Shad — <&10\ Do eastern. dz.30@40 . Provlalons j Packers and wholesalers report the market llrn» • j and in favor of sellers, with a fair demand. 1 I Cottolene, one half bbl. 10»ic; 3 half bbls, 1 I 10V-c; 1 tierce, lo9ic; 2 tierces, lu^ic; 3 tierces. lO^c. - • • The Western meat company quotas as follows: Hani> IC^SISc; picnic hams, 12V3C;* bacon. O ; to 8 lbs. 20Vlc; S toll) lbs, lt»'ic; 10 to 12 lbs. lOlio; ' faucy sugar cured bacon. 2:J Vic: Arrow bauou, SltO 10 lbs. lHiie; 10 to 12 lbs. IS^'.c: \ light <sry salt bacon, n to 11) lbs. lSe: 1O to 12 lbs. 17c; mediunr bacou. 15i£c; light " medium bacon, . Is^;c. .. . Lard— Tierces 14c. 50s 14ti.c. 10s 14?4c, 3s 14% c3s 15c; comppund lard, tierces Si£t:.-60s \u25a0 §%e>loa OUc. 5s 9%c, 3s 9^ic; yellow cooklns oil. 50c per gal; white cookiDj; oil, 55c per gal; salad oil, 58c per gal. \u25a0 Beef— Local prices are quoted. Export lota. Inspected by the government, are *l per bbl higher. Extra family beef. $14 per bbl; family! beef. $13.30 per bbl ; extra . mess beef. $ia peri bbl; smoked beef,-21»«c per lb. • Pork— Extra prime, in barrels, $21; clear. $23 tsess, $22: pig pork. $2S; pigs* feet, $3 for half bbls, $2.25 for 25 lb kegs and $1.30 for kits. , < Meat Market '. Beef is, rather weak, while mutton rules Una Prices remain about the saw. Live ho~s » r « tirui at full prices. . " j . -URKSSED MUATS - I SlArshterers' rates. to dealers and butchers are as \u25a0 follows: \u25a0 r ' - - - Beef— (i^i®7c per lb for steers, s@Cc for cow* \u25a0 and heifers. ':..:.-.-\u25a0• , Veal— 7^j«c for large and 9<&9&e for small Mutton — Wethers. ,7@SiAc; ewes, 6^,^ 7c per \u25a0 pound. - - Lamb-^aViCllOc per Ib. - * Dressed Pork Iper . IW— ll@ll^ cc < for llgiit d 9'.iS 10C for heavy. f . * " v .." LIVESTOCK MARKET - Tfce following flotations are for good sonnrf livestock -uttliverf.l in San fnwcSSl* -r^t wi-!f:lit:^iySfS«PKg»SKSSlM«|s*HMEa No. ,1- fat steers.-. over 000.. 1b5. alive ' ;4c umicr't'tK) IbC-3-&<?:-.*econil:«)caUty; ; 3»/,/hi3as..' thin and nnilcslmble ; steers. :Jc. r "•*; \ No. 1 cows and hclferu. SS.J^c;' second qual ity, 2%c ; common, thin; .undeslt*ble cows 1 :<S-Va«-'.i :.>;-••>.\u25a0:': \u25a0-'::,:- ..-'•. .- \u25a0"\u25a0. -.•.-;.-..\u25a0.\u25a0. '„ • J 3 . .Fatbnll3 and stag?. l»ic:hair fat or thin bulls. Hie; . ' ' ..'Calves— Light .weight, per lb, C@sU C ' me dium.;4Vi@i4->ic: heavy, 3*i@4e. ' 4C# - me I '} Sheen - (Der lb)— Wethers. Ko. l, Z^⁣ ewes, 3%@3*sc. Lambs (per lb)— This year's milk lambs, 4%c @s'.v llors (per lb) — Hard! cram fed. wefsralng too to 140 lbs. 7@7*4e; J4O to 250 lba. V6@~%i:: 200 to SoU lbs. 7*ic; rough, heavy hogs, 4*a© 6c; common, undesirable boss. 4'g4VjC. nutter. Cheese and Kggs Fancy flat California cheese lost the \ t c galn«»<l on -Thursday, a little sellinx movement on tbe exchange sending the price back to 14Vjc whil~ firsts were hi;her at 13V»e. The market ruled very firm at the revised quotations, sup plies of both grades being pretty well cleaved up. The output of the San Joaquin valley cream eries was still going to Lo» Angeles and order* for shipment to nearby point.? continued to come to the local market. A majority of the trade continued to report a firm market for butter. an<l the quotation* were maintained without difrt eulty. .There- was no trading In this article on the exchange, bat business In the street w»h bri*V. as retailers were following the oaual cus tom \u25a0of stocking np for weekend wants. Egz* were unchanged, with the upper grades moving off freely, while cheap stock continued to dras. Pi-I-s on the exchange were as follows : Efs* — 10 ea«es of extras at 3<V a dozen. Cheese — 23 fancy California flats at 15c ami 50 at 14',4e per pound. Receipts were 43,100 pounds butter. 124,6f.i> pounds vhee«e and 837 canes eggs. The following are official quotation*, estab lished by tho sales, bids and offers on the floor of the dairy exchange. Prices In the street. while governed by the exchange quotations, gen erally ranje from lY t c to 2c higher, owing to the various charges to be added. Butter— Fresh creamery extras. 2Sc pc? lb. steady: do firsts. 27c. steady; <Jo second*. 23V>c. steady; No. 1 packing stock. 22Vic. firm, firsts. 14Vtc, firm; fancy Oregon Young Ameri cas. 13 'jc. weak; do flats. lii,.\ firm. Cheese — California fancy flaU. 14Vac per lb firm; do firsts, 13^e. firm;. do. seconds. 12c. firm: fancy Young Americas. 15c. firm: So firsts. 14U,,-. firm: fancy Oregon Young Americas. 13m weak; do firsts. 14^e, firm. Ergs fper dozen, cases* included) — California fre^h extras 30c. steady; do firsts. 29c. steady do seconds. 25e. steady; do thirds. 21V-C, ateady Portland Butter Market PORTLAND, Ju!y 19.— Butter, city and crnin try creamery extras, 20c; fancy, 26<328c; store. Egg Market la Nearby Counties SANTA CRUZ, July Id.— Demands are draw ing heavily on th«> local tgg supply and 3f> cent* Is offered for all classes. Thla week « oiitpnt has fallen off slightly. I'ETAI.UMA. July 18.— The price of esxs re mains the same. 2S'-i cents cash and 29 cents on time, belni; the bast offerings after the re ceipt of quotations from the San Franciac-j dairy exchange. Conditions remain the same. Potatoes, Onlous and Vegetables The potato market had a weak tone yestenlsy. with only -occasional sales of favored brands re ported at tbe outside quotations. Receipt* wore Ueavy, being a little In excess of 11,000 sacks, and, prices for general offerings me barely steady, the outside demand alone preventing a slump. Onions continued tv advance oa a govnl demand for shipment to the north. Prices for miscellaneous vegetables snowed but little i-h;iu." from tbe previous report. Cucumbers and sum mer squash were offering freely at low rati-s and tie u.Mjal .surplus had to be held over, wbiie tomatoes and green corn were easy on large ar- I rivals. Good string beans did a littje beUi-r. 1 but the market was overloaded with trashy atoi-;.. for which there was hardly any sale. \e\.y little attention pr*a paid to asparagus ami onli nary stock was so- hard to move tnat some n - ceivers advised shippers to cease forward lug It. Potatoes -<per ctli— New, $1. 10*31.33 In boxes and 85C&S1.10 In sacks. Onions — New yellow. 85i§,9<V per ctl; new riM. nominal. Vegetables — Asparagus, 50cg51.23 per box; rhubarb. $1.23'g1.30 per box; tomatoes, 750< $1.25 for large and 35<g;50c for small boxe^; «reen peas, $1.25@1.50 per *aci: string and wax <• 1 bean.*. S((jisc per lb; lima beans. Sifcttic per 1I>; ! summer sqnash. 33^30c per box: garlic. 4'a.Je per lb; cabbage, $1 per ctl; cucumbers, 4O<^ioe per box; caulldowpr, 50c per dozen: turnips, $Wrg 1.25 per wki eggplant, Hf&'ic per lb; green pep pers. 4fcs3c per lb; green corn. $2.25(^2.75 per »atk for AlaanMla and $t( for Stockton; green okra, $1.23@1.f10 per box. • Deciduous and Citrus Fruits Fresh fruits continued to arrive freely from various growing districts, and although there vu a steady and continuous demand for most de scriptions supplies proved altogether too merit for the market to absorb and prices toe every thing were inclined to weakness. Figs. were ma exception, as the arrivals of that particular frnit were light and of good quality. Nutmrg melons, which had been nrm for . several «lay». were weak and lower on the arrival of six car.* of crated stock from the south and increased: re ceipts from the river. Apricots were easier fi<r both packed and loose fruit, the outside quota tions for both being obtained only ia a small way and for exceptionally 8a» stock. Tv canners were bidding $25 a ton and some sejler-t were commencing to think of acceptins th.-ir offer. Prices for peaches, plum* and prune* were Inclined to sag and fancy Bsrtlett pear* moved slowly, buyers refusing to take any more of . the latter than absolutely necessary *t the figures asked by sellers. Fancy raspberries found prompt sale at stiff prices and there wa* a good Inquiry for choice loganberries, but most of the offerings of tbe latter were poor and ba.i to be sold cheap. Blackberries were easy, whitp Malinda strawberries continued to drag badly at irregular figures. There was 00 clung* in quotations for citrus fruit?. Strawberries — Longwortfcs, $4@B per ch*«t; large varieties, $2@3.50 per cheat. Raspberries— $4 @7 per chest. _• Blackberries — $2@3.50 per chest. Loganberries— «2.3o@4 per chest (or red and $2422.50 for black. Huckleberries— 13@20c per lb. Currants — *o@6oc per drawer. Apples— si.2s(& I.CO per box for choice and 73c @$1 for common. Pears — Bartletta, $I.lo® 1.25 per box for N« 1 and SocQsl for No. 2; other varieties 75c SSi for small boxes. Cherries — Nominal. ''..-'. Peaches — 50<Q65c for small boxes and baskets* lug boxes, 7Sc@sl.2s. ' * Plums — lO<ii7sc per box or crate; Tragedy prunes. 60@75c per box or crate. Apricots — Crates and small boxes, 63355 - ia bulk. Hi!@2Vie per lb. Fig*— 73c@Sl.2s per box. Melons — Nutmeg. $1.30fft2 per crate for south ern and $1.25(^1.50 per box for river. Water melons — $1.73(^2.25 per dozen. Grapes— sl.23@l.7s per crate. Citrus Fruits (per box) — Valencia orange* $2.50@3.25; grapefruit. $2.50@3 for seedless: lemonii. $5@C for fancy, $2@4 for choice and $2.50(43 for standard; limes. $3. 50-33. Tropical Frnits^ — Bananas. 73c@51.75 per bunch for Hawaiian and $2.30@3.50 for Central Ameri can; pineapples, $1.30@2.30 per dozen. Dried Fruit. Raisins. >uts and Honey At* meetlns of the board of directors of thu j farmers* .union. Juiy 10, the following resolti- I tion was adopted: j that tbe present pool* of ratsin* I ami- wine jrrapes be dotted Saturday. July 17 [ ant! those of dried fruit and prunes July 31. . Any wo tract recelred or postmarked on or before these dates will be Included la the present p>i"l« all contracts of a later date will be bandied !:» a second dfTlslon and accounted for sepa rately.'" . : Fruits, old crop— ETanorated apples, 7(as»ie aprlcots, 9@lofjc; faoey tnoorpark. ll%«12r : peaches 4c for standard*. 4%«j'4%c for choice and \u0084@6c for fancy; pears, 4%@7Vi<r: prunes. 4 »iz«» basis. 2%©2%e. with %c premlnna for the larce sizes. - . f New Fruits— Apricots. S@9»ic; moorpark. IK<S I 12c: peaches.. s*jt«%c: pranks. 2'.ii»2%c, with U'Q'ac preroinm for 40« i ami *' t <h;ir prpiniura for J to 4Os; a»s. S"&;4Vic; p^fs. SV-'gO'^. \u25a0 Ralsfns— Quint. nn«>hanzed. with loose" mt?*-;*- I tel n-MJted at '\u25a0l\:*'rX*'iei t-hoi.e to fam-y *-v.l»>,i BONDHOLDERS OceanShoreßy.Co. ; Can secure valuable information that may save them considerable money by addressing the undersigned. CHESTER B. ELLIS & CO. --•—.-.--. Stork Broker* - 714 MARKET. ST.. Opp. Call Bide. I E.F.HUTTOM&CO. : .490 • California st. - Tel. Doaslas 2 1ST *t. Francis Hotel Tel. Douslas 3J»~ Meters New York Staci Exchangj \u25a0 Pioneer House Private AVI re to Chicago an 4 R. E. MI'LCAHY, Manager