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•S^^fic: seedless, S^SSHc; Londoa . layers, ILUQL2O. Nuts— Almonds, ncnj»areils, 13@13^e; IXL, I3Vi©l3"iic; ne pjus ultra. ISc; Drake, 11® ll^c; languedocs, 10Q10*^c; hardshell*. 7®Bc V,"alnut>. lie per Ib for No. 1 eoftshdls. To fot No. 2 do; filberts. 12>a314c; pecans. 16Q17C Houey— New cojeJ>. 14315 c tot water white and lOQlic per lb for ember; extracted. Sc for /water white and 7»6c for light amber; old, can / died and dark ember, 4@4Vic per lb. Beeswax— 27% ©29c per Ib for light and 250 2Cc for dark. Poultry and Game Rc-eirts of poultry er« still running light «nd <-ousist r.bolly of doiaestlc fowls, there tar- Ing bwn uo western stock received sine* tie first of ih« week. The market is moderately active acl kw;>s well cleaned tip from day to day. Poultry <P«-r coi<-n» — Keca. }?4.6t>«J5 for ktnalU !?C@7 for larre end *>S@lo lor extras; young roosters, 57<&,3; old roosters, $4®5; fryers, ?C«" for l*rge and $3(25^0 for ttmall; broilers. $45g4.50 for Jarge end $3©3.50 for small; ducks, $6'<jS; pigeons, $1.50; squabs. (2@2.25; C<fs«. 51.&yQ2 per pair; gosllDrs, Sl'Q2.2' per peir. . O»ra»— Nom'naL Jlran* and Seed* Pink b»ans itr* lower nnder a foil supply >jjd small d" m tad. Otber descriptions ere gulet •nd uncbaaged. Beans (per ctl»— Bi>r«. ?5.<0«53.50; pea. $6.25 <£6.50; su.ail »rblte, $5.T5Q,7; large white. $5.40 <&5.U); p!nk. $363.10; r«d, nominal; blaekere, *0.4(V<j3.65; linsa. ?*.lS@4.^; red kidneys, $S.2i cranberry bean«, noa;:nai; G»rvanr*s, ?2.0C@3; uorse beans. 51.90(g2.20. Seeds — Brown tneeterd, 4&4Hc; .rellow 3:lls tani, nominal; fiazseed, 4c. carluaj lots; canary. «S< l t' % ; alfaife. ICVjQI!^: rape, cleaned. 2<3 I^»c; :iinotli.T, Cc; herap, 4c: tnlllet, 3»jc pet lb. I>rled l»ca» — (ireen a:-« quoted *t $3.*:5 per ctl. Flonr and Partnacrons Goods A Cfcleajro vire yesteriay Bald: "St. Ixmls reporta ts.U-9 of 50.000 barreli of flour ©Ter night and a strong lid for 40,000 more turned <Sown." Floor — CaUrcra:« family extra*. $G.GOC£7 nst without discount; bakers* extras. $6.00(<£7; Eaper- Bae, fs.i> r i(gs.7o; Oregon and Wafibisgton, p«r 1 : 1. *\u25a0*• :'!-_-.,;. ;0 for Ijcllr, bakers' and patents and $4.75@5.25 for eat oS; Kansas patects. J7.7C; do stralgr^s. $7.00; do clear. $T; Dakota patents, *7.705i7.a5; do straights, $7 per bbL Farinaceous GooUs — Prices In packages, sat cash, uo discount, are £s follows: Graham floor, $i ;wr 100 lbs; rye flour, $4.23; rye meal, $4; rice fionr. >S; corn meal, $3.25; extra cream do, M.75: oat meal, $5.40; oat groats, $3.40; boinlny, $:5.<;O«l4; buckwheat floar. ?5; whole wheat Cocr. &1J23; rolled oats, bbls JS@S.SO, In sacks $5.40 <&b: eiu-a cream do, $S.J>O Ju sacks and $a in barrels; relied trfceat. bbls. $5.75, In sacks $4.50@. r i .23: p*>arl barley. $3.50; - split peas, tv>x<>*, $5.75 for yellow and $8.25 for green per 200 lbs. Ilay and Fe«dsrafls I»oal handlers report horse hay now coming Sn br boat. Heretofore It ban couie in on cars. With this new movement to this market by water they say that the situation will bt pre«rly relieved in regard to consumers, many of whom have been forced out of their different lines of business br the high prices of hay. Tho r«H>eipts yesterday were 543 tons, of which E25 were by water. $2a@So per ton for white and SCS.WXg E8 fur red. M;ddiiags— per ton. fhsrts— SCl.soffiS3 per ton. r«ristaff»— Rolled barley. $31@M: rolled c»ti fr>r feed. $5C339; olxed feed. $25030 for average !o:f; oilcake meal, in 20 ton lotj |08.50. la H ton lots SC9. in 5 ton lots $39.50. email lots 549; cot-oacut rake or meal at mills. $26 in 20 end JO and $2C.:.0 In 5 ton lota*; lobbing. $27; onrn uit-al. $3»Gi4O; cracked corn. $40@41; broom r-orn soe<i. nominal; alfalfa meal and mealfalfa, jr.bbaijf lots $24. csrloed -lou $23 per ton: red Mar alfslfa meal, $22 for carload and $23 for joii!)iL-g lots. Hay — New <-ron wheat. $12.1115: wheat and ost. $12517; iiai" oat. $12(5.17; Tolnuteef wild «*t. $10^14; t»eriey. £10(gl4r alfalfa, $IC©l4; *t«v!i tity, $7GIO |x>r ton. •txaw— 50g75c per bale. flearral Merchandise *3sgs— Grain hip?, S'i^r.'tc; San Qurntin »«?s. r.^ic: wo,,i baprs. 32« for 3% ib and 35c tor 4 Ib: fleece twine. Sc p^r lb. Ccal— Beaver Hill. $7; Pennsylvania aathrscite ?CiT, $10 per tun: Wellington. $9; New Welling ton. $8; Coos bay. $7; Australian house—Etch feocd. etc., $3; Felaw Main. $7.50; Stanford UicbmoDd, $S: Ciimboriaad. ?15 In bulk and f 56. 00 in sacks: Welsh anliirarite. $15; coke. *15 per ton :a bnlk acd $16 in sacks; Eocky •xcmntaln. $9.50 per short ton. Oils — Qaotation* are fcr barrels. Linseed, 74e I«-r gallon for boiled end 72e for raw: cases, Cc more; castor cii in ccses. No. L. 7lc; Baker's AA. $l.i.'J(ri 1.15; China nut. cases. 70*3S0c per palluc; cocoanut oil in barrels. Co(g63V.c for XXX. r.7U(gClc for No. 1 and 55®58%e for No. 2. according to quantity; extra bleached winter tprrm oil. Pic; natural winter stierm oil, 91c: natural whale oil, 55c; extra winter strained Isrd oil, »s<g9<sc; So. 1 neatsfoot oil, COc; herrin; oil. 40c: salmon oil, 35c; boiled fish oil, 2ftc; paint oil. 3Sc. Coal OU, Gasoline, etc. — Water white. Iron barrels or drums, 10c; 150 deg. all, iron barrels or drums. Il^c; special do, 12c; pearl oil, Sn <f-"s. 17c; astral. 17c; star, 17c; extrs. star. I"0c; Elaine. 26Vjc; eocene, 20c; red crewn and motor gasoline. In bnlk 14*>ic. in cases 21% c; No. 1 engine distillate, la drums, Sc: No. S dv. 7c; cases. 7c more; 86 deg. gasoline. In bulk 300, in cases 37*sc; Tarnish makers' and psinters' naphtha, in balk lie, in eases IS'jc. TMirentine — 7ic per gallon in caws and 64c In btilk. drums and iron barrels. Eosin (per bbl of 280 lbs)— E. $8.50; F. $8.65; G. $0.70: H. $7; L $7.05; WW, $10.40. Bed and White Lead— Red, EV4©&c; white, fS'J'/ie P f *" lb. I'acific Codflfh — Stime descriptions are l i@le li>«-«t. Alaska <ixl2sh company quotes an follows; Unndlrs. «=mall whole, r»c; case*, regular, large," Trhide, 4^: rappy, extra. 4\4c; cases, eastern *tyl<*. 8«Je; Bering. 4"£c; Frigate. 4»rie; narrow I*«r»gon. V: Monarch, 7c: Western Pride. 6%c; lmp*'riat, lOQlOHe; Ocean Wave, 7c; Siberia, S^: Star, 2 lb tablets. 7»,ac; Pacific Belle, 1 lb tablets. 7H:c; Choice Bits, crates, 12 5 Ib boxes, 10c; do 80 2 Ib boxes, lO^c; pickled cofi, half barrels, ?5.r»0 each. REFINED SUGAR MARKET The Western sugar refining company quotes as follows, terms net cash: \u25a0 Standard granulated, fine, 5.15»-; do coarse, 5.23cr fruit granulated, 5.25 c; confectioDerb' A, 5.25 c: crystal dominos, in eased, •>.25c; tablets. In balf bbls. 5.75 c; tablets. In boxes. Cc; cubes and A crushed. 5.50 c; pow «err-d. 5.35 c; candy granulated. 5."J5c; confec tioners' crystals. 5.33 c; magnolia A. 4.55 c; ex tra C, 4.73 c: golden C, 4.63 c; D, 4.55 c. Barreli and 50 lb bags lUc. half bbls 25c. boxes 50c more per 100 lbs for all grades. Bar Is quoted over and shove the price for fruit granulated In 100 lb bags as follows: Bags, 100 -lbs. 350; barrels. 45c; half barrels, «Oc: 40 lb tius. cased. $2.05, a3 lb Una. cased, $2.05; 10 Ib tins, cased. 10 in a case. $2.70; 8 lb tins. 8 in « case: $2.70: 30 Ib boxes, Ssc. No ectra charge for patting up bar in private pack age*. The California and Hxwaiian ougar refining oompacy quotes as • follows: Berry. 5.25 c; \u25a0"HigTsdc" bar, O.COr; powdered, 5.35 c; A crushed, ri.r>Oc; C. & H. extra fine dry jrranii lated,»c; coar*e dry imuolsted. 5.25 c; con fectioners' A, 3.25 c; eon feet iooers* crystals, 6.35 c; cnbes. s.s<>c: bricki". 5.50 c; extra fine granulated (I<X> Ib bags only) ; excelsior A. 4.55e: extra C, 4.75 c; golden C, 4.05e; yellow I>, 4.05 c; 11. & E. crystal domliws. 5.23e. Addi tional in:- 100 lbs: In barrels and SO Ib bags, 10c more; balf barrels, 25c more; boxes, 50c more for ill grades. Bar. in 55 lb and 40 Ib tins, $1.70 more; In 10 Ib tins, $2.35 more. Minimum order, carload weight. Hides, TalloTr, Wool and Hopa Hides — Colls and brands pell about on* der quotations. Heavy salted steers, I3V£e; tnedlum. 13c; light. 12c; cowhides, 12c for heavy, 12e for light; sttgs. 8»-ic: salted kip, 12c; salted veal. 17c; salted calf."l7e; dry hides, 21c; dry t'P- 2^: &*? c * lt * S 5 *: ar 7 T «"»'. 23c; dry *tag£, 16c; sheepskins, ehearllngs, 20@40c each; rhort wool, SO g- 75c each; medium. 75c6j$l e-ach; long wool. $1.25((Z1.75; lamhti. 25@75c; horse bides, Mlt. $2.25rg.2.50 for large and f1.75@2 for medium. 75craJl ftr "nir.ll and 25@50c for rult.-: laorM-hidrs, dry, $2&2.25 for larg« and Jl.^.'.''i.2 for medium. 50c^|l fur small and 25&5UC for eolte; goatskins, prime angora, 50@ 75c; large hair goats,. 25@50c; medium, - 20 Q 25c; email, 5&15 c; Mexican dry bides, 17% c; do pickled, 10c; do dry. salted. 12c; dry stags. 12c; Mexican dewklns, 30^34c; dry salted do. 'JZtt&Ztc; dry Central American. 25&32 C per Ib. Tallow — No. 1 rendrred, S&s%c;. Sfo. 2, 3Q 41/ic;4 1 /ic; grease, 2@3c. W«k»1 — The quotations are almost •\u25a0 wholly nominal, a* " the market is practically cleaned uji of stock. Sun JiMtqain's tear's" staple, 13@ 17c; d« C to 8 months. 12^''16c; southern coast, H't/lle. I'JOS fall clip— Mountain free, 6^l2c; do' defective, 6^ 8c; Ntvada, 16@20c per lb. Hops — Prices to growers ere £Ql2c for 1908, ]>cr lb, with 13@lCc for contracts. Xewr York „ Produce Market NEW YOnK, July 16.— Hops— Steady. Hid^s— Firm. Woo! — Steady. Petroleum — Barely steady. Befitted New York. $>>..V); Philadelphia and Baltimore. ss.Hi!; do in bulk. tt.'i). . Svgar — R*w steady. Fair, refining. 3.42 c; cr»otrlfug£l '.«> test. 3.y2c; molasses sugar. 3.17 c; waned steady. - Coffee Future* closed steady, net unchanged to 5 points biKU«»r, , SaJ<»s were .reported of i*4.7.V» bags, including: July. 7.03 c; September, .r..T5@5.&0c;. r ..T5@5.&0c; December, 5.40(^0.45e; March, 5.45 c; M»y. 3.50 c. . Spot Coffee— Quiet. No. 7 Rio. 7*i&-%e:Xo. 4 SanlOß. Of. Mild — Quiet. Cordova, tt*£@ 12 >£?.' Butler — Steady. Creamery \u25a0 thirds to firsts, ; 23 <&"-*<*?; western factory firsts,' 21c - . I'heew — Firm. New state. full cream specials, i::%<jrl4*«e. :.:.': '\u25a0 - 1: •\u25a0* ";' <.-. i:c~«— irregular. Western seconds. I9ig 21c. DRIED FBUITS i:vapor*!«HJ Apples— Steady.' Fancy, B*i@ 9 lie; clioic-r.^fe^feVsc; prime,. 7&7>£e; common to, S@C',ic « . Prunes — Unchanged. California, 2*>4@lli£cjj Oregon, CfliOe. '.". - , '\u25a0 ; .Apricots— Easy ""for Joly and ..Anjrnst ship ment trfin ik*. roast. Boyrrs seem to be hold- Ing off iv the Imv* of \u25a0 -lower level, Choice, Uma «O*-Jc; i-xtra- choice, 10"£<&10?ic;. fancy,' 11 '<' '\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0• iMMHHIWWBMwiaiMMMAiH IVachw? — Quw»t, unchanged. Choice. S^^iftc; Have Tou Enjoyed That Rlile On ' the Ocean Shore IJaflway^a fasci nating trip along the ocean' cliffs r for Z& - miles. fior .Sunday. Time .table •uurei-j?,- . - — .-\u25a0..* \u25a0extra choice. 6% @6*c; fancy, TQSHc. Raisins— Quiet, unchanged. Chf cajjo Dairy and Produce Market CHICAGO. July 16.— Butter — Steady; cream eries. 22H©26c; dairies, 20% c. Eggs— steady; receipts, 1.132 cases; at mark (cases included), 18c; -firsts, 20c; prime firsts, 21c. Cboeso-=\ Steady; daisies^ 14»if315c; twins, I4^c; Yoonfc Americas, 149i<gl6c; longhoros, 11*4 ®15c. * Loa * Ansreles ' Markets LOS ANGELES. July 16— Eggs ajSo^butter were la fair demand today and aa easier tone prevailed owing to larger receipts. Egg prices were firm at S2 cents a dozen for extra selects. 30 cents for ranch candled, 27 cents for case count and 28 cents for eastern fresh. Butter sold In moderate quantity at 57V4 cents for creamery extra - and '65 cents for creamery first. To« vegetable market was demoralized by heavy shipments in anticipation of brisk: trad- Ing. Eggs — Extra selects, 32c; local ranch candled, 80c; case count. 27c; eastern fresh, 28e. Butter — Creamery extra, 5714 c; creamery first, 55c; coolrinff butter, 23%£. Cheese — Northern fresh, 16c; anchor large, "19c; anchor Youcg America, 21c; band cheese, anchor brand, 21c; eastern singles. 18c;- eastern twins; l?*4c; eastern Cheddars, 17c: eastern loagborn, 18»40; eastern daisy, 184 c; Swiss Imported, 30c; Swiss domestic. 20c; brick cream, i'Oc; limburger, 20c; Imported Roquefort. 42c; Edam, S6-37 Flic. case of 12, $5.50@9; German break fsst. $1.10 box; Neufchatel. $1.20 bos; Sierra, $1.10 box; Canada cream. 1 dozen to box, Use; Schlosskase, $1 box; Camembert, $1.20 box; Orrgon cheese, 15c. , Beans— No. 1 plak. fi.75; No. 1 Ilmas, $4.f10: Lady Washington. $5.25; small whlitfn, $6.*>o<fc 6.75; blackeyes, $3.r>o; Garvamas, $4.50; lentils, German. $6; <lo California, $5. Potatoes— Highlands, $2.25<g2.50; Oregon Bur banks, $2.60&2.75;; sweets, yellow, local, $3; new potatoes, $1.35g1.50.- ' MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS New York Cotton Market NEW YORK. July 16.— Button's wlr« says: "Owing to rains tho market experienced a sharp reaction after the opening of 24* to 8G points froai the previous close.. Cables wet« steady, and the weather map showed oaly light showers in Tens, but th« long* were nervous and inclined to lessen their bonds. As values declined a great tntny stop loss orders were uncovered and. for the time tits market showed decided weakness. Crop advices were of a contradictory nature and the market Is being Influenced by the technical position and sentiment rather than any change in the supply and demand. There is still a large long interest in the market and the hears have become more encouraged in attempting to dis lodge this cotton, which In some cases is be lieved to be pyramided on small margins. Some balls are 6tiU confident of higher prices, how ever, and the market on the whole is . moro one sided than for some time past. The market re gained part of lv toss by late buying." Mias Giles gives 76.6 as her crop condition re port. The spot people say there Is absolutely no de mand for spot cotton,* and the south is offering freely ac this level. . . Spot cotton closed quiet. 45. points lower. Middling uplands, 12.50 c; middllnj gulf, 12.85 c: eales, 700 bales. COTTON FUTURES Option — Open. High. Low. Close. July 12.80 c, 12.31 c 12.04 c 12.02 c August". 12.17 c 12.25e 11.07 c 12.00 c September ... 12.1Pe 12.21 c 12.00 c 11.09 c October 12.24 c* 12.34 c 11.02 c 12.C3c November ... 32.23 c 12.15 c 12.02 c December .... 12.20 c 12.35 c 11.92 c 12.0. r iC Jeuuary 12.13 c 12.54e 11.90 c 12.02 c February .... 12.20 c 12.20 c March 12.1 fie 12.35 c 11.04 c 12.04 c May 12.31 c 12.30 c 12, 00 c 12.03 c SttJ Louis Wool Market ST. LOUIS. July 16. — Wool steady: medium grades, combing and clothing. 22@2Sc; light fine, 20ig25»ic; heavy fine, 13<820'.i»c; tub washed, 24%@36c. London Wool Sale* LONDON, July 16. — A good selection of 15.637 bales was offered at the wool auction sales to day. Competition war spirited and prices were strong. Americans paid Is 3 l-3d to Is 4U(J for best greasy merinos and also 5 per cent ad vance for medium erossbrpds. Poor wool* were firmer, the curtailment of the series having Stimulated the demand. Eastern Ll%*estock Market SOUTH OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA. July 16.— Cattle— Receipts. 600. Market active and i-troag. Western stpers, $3.50Q5.50: Tpsss steers, $3@5; cows and heifers. $2.75@5.10; canners, $2^3.25; stockers and feeders. $2.75@5.25; calves, $3@ 6.50; bulls and stags. $3@5. Hogs — Receipt*. 4.600. ; Market fie higher. neavy, $7.0055.05; mixed, $7.80Q7.9Q: light. $7.70(37.90; pigs, $6©7.M i ; bulk of sales, $7.80 67.90. . . : \u25a0 Sheep — Beeelpis. 7.900. Market steady. Lambs lower: yearlings, $5(36; wethers. £4.50@ 5.25; ewes, f4@-1.75; lambs. $6.75@8.25. ICANSA CITY KANSAS CITY. July 10.— Cattle— Receipts, 3,000. Market steady to strong. Native steers. «4.50@7.50; native cows and heifers. $2.50® 7: stockers and feeder*. $2.50@5.30: bulls, $2.75 43 4.2.".; calves, $7.75@7.60: western steers, ?4 23®6.23; western cows, 53Q5.25. Hogs — Receipts. 3.009. - Market s@loc higher. Bulk of sales. $7.80@5.10: heavy, $8.O5@8.1O: packers ami butchers, $7.93@8.10; light, $7.70 pigs, $6.50®7.50. Sheep — Receipts. 4,006. Market steady. Muttons, $4.25ffJ5.25; lambs, $7^8.25; range wethers, $4@5.50; range ewes, $3.25@4.75. Netv York Metal Market NEW YORK. July 16.— The London tin market was about 2s Gd higher today, with spot quoted at £131 15s and futures at £133 Cs. ' Locally the market was dull, with spot quoted at 28 SOtft; 23.12 VaC Copper advanced to £58 6s 3d for spot and £sfl for futures In the London market. Locally the market w«» weak, but unchanged, with lake at 13.25® 13.37'rj''; electrolytic, 12.C2'4<ail > .S7»A casting, 12.50@12.75c. Lead wa* a little higher st £12 lr.s in London. Locally the market was week and a Fhade lower on the average at 4.30@4.35c. Spelter was unchanged at £22 in the London market and remained quiet at 5:00<iJ5.40c lo cally. Iron was unchanged at 4Ss for Cleveland war rants in London. Locally no change was re ported. Naval Stores— Turpentine and Roaln SAVANNAH. July 16. — Turpentine firm at 45Vic; .Bales, 719; receipt-;, J.OS3; shipments, 3,239. Rosin firm; sales. 2.175; receipts, 3,492; ship ments. 3.H19; stock. 146.553. Quote: B. ?2.!).>-» 3.10; D. $.t..-V); E. $3.65«23.75; 1\ *3.K-i'<x.l.JjO; <T $3.95; H. $4.20; I. $4.30; K. $4.95; M, >shO; N $5.13; WG, $5.60; WW, $5.»0. Weather Report United States department of Agricolture — Weather Burean. San Francisco, July 16. 1909. RAINFALL DATA Last- Seasonal Normal Stations — 24 hours, todat.'. to date. Eureka 0.00 .0.48 ---0.11 Ited Bluff .f. ......... 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sarrampnt(/ .......... 0.00 . O.<H) 0.00 Mount Tamalpale 0.00 it.oo 0.01 San Francisco T.. 0.00 Tr. 0.01 Ran Jose ...0.00 0.00 Tr. Fresno 0.00 > 0.00 0.00 Independence ........ 0.00 0.00 0.00 San LuU 0bi5p0...... O.tiO . 0.00 0.01 Los Ange1e«........v. 0.00 \u25a0 .0.00 0.00 San Diejro 0.00 Tr. 0.00 Coa«t record for 12 hour* ending: 5 p.m. ~ ' . •"£- g, £-'3-' '*•' '3 :, STATIONS :'-| .- H f I ; !|| B*kf>r 2JC9O 70 r»2 Xff Clear .00 Boise*.... .29.78 92 68 ,NW rirar .00 Eureka 30.18 fiß. "2 N • riear '\u25a0 - -.00 Flagutaff ...... 20. &i 84 ."(5 N\V Cloudy Tr. Fresno. ....... .20.84 100 GC W Clear .00 Kallspell ......20.80 82 48 W Clear ".00 Los Ange1e5.... 29.02 74 CO SW Clear .00 M0dena...:....29.52 "-P0 58. W; Clear .00 Mt. TamalpaU.3o.ol 74 61 W Clear .U0 North Head.... lW. 18 00 .. Nff, Clear .00 I'hoenix 29.72 10C 82 . W Clear .<»0 Pocatello ......29.74 90 04 , SB Clear .00 Pt. Reyes Lt.. 29.94 '55 48 NW Clear .DO Portland .. 30.12 70 50 E Pt.CTdy .00 ; Red. 81uff... ...29. 84 02 72 HK Clear,. .00 Reno ..'.......29.88- RS 50.VW 'clears -.00 Eoreburg ....'.. UO. 10 70 50 NW . Clear .00 Sacramento ....29.88 82 5G S • Clear .C>o Salt Lake..:... 29.70 00 70 : W Clear .00 Ran Diego. . .;. .29.94 CS -CO \V Clear '.- .00 San Francl«co..29.oß 64 50 W Clr^ar .00 San J0t5e.:;,...30.00 76 40 NW Clear .00 San L.- 0b1*p0.29.93 SO 48 NW Oloar .00 SE. Fara11un...30.04 R4 ,51. NW Clear .00 Spokane . . . . . .29.94 70 50 S 'SW Clear K;00 Snannlt.. .... 70,40 SW dw- .00 Taccraa 50. 14 68 52 SW Pt.Cldy Tr. Tatuoxli .... ...30.16 M 45 S Clear .01 7"onoi<ali ......29.70 "92 00 SK Clear .00 Walla Walla. 1.29.9S 78 5S SW Clear .00 Winnemneoa ..29.80-94 SO W Clear <\u25a0'- .00 Yuan ......:..29.72'10C 80> W Clear \ ».00 1 - Toe following maximum. and minimum temppr tures are reported from eastern stations for the" previous day: Chicago,. Sß-O0; New York, S4-72: Omaha, S2-CO. :-**.:••\u25a0;.- . . -„ -..-\u25a0 ;\ " SYNOPSIS Slipbtly «>oler weather prevails over- most of the: Pacific elope.:-, in; the great ; valley of Cali fornia, except in the extreme norths the -tempera* ture has fallen ! from • four to etjrbt degrees. ; ; ' • Fair; weather \ prevail* : at s all point*,! except dtleg ; on ; the souud, where " light , showers , have occurred. \u25a0 \u25a0'•. -..*,- ; 5 \u0084The relative humidity, at Red Blnff wu'2B'per : cent and at Fresno 29 per cent.-'. ; : \u25a0-, ; - The following . is the ' forecast . for the . 30 hours ending at 5 p.. m. Saturday: \ | .: San- Francisco '.yidnity—Falr " Saturday! "with light fog la moruing; light southwest wind, [ changing "to brisk .west, v _ \u25a0 , J • Santa Clara; valley— Fair Sarurday;'? moderate north wiud». . ?"- i '*\u25a0•',' •'. '. * \u25a0\u25a0..'.-.-\u25a0\u25a0. -Sacramento^ valley— Fair .Saturday; not 'much ! change:intf>rap*Tatiire;,lleht south winds/. » Kau ; Joaquin valley — Fair ; Saturday ; ' cont iniiod warm ;: light west 1 wiridi«;'. ; ". . . ." .' . - : ;.'. Xjub Angeles and .vicinity— Fair. Saturday; light south, wisd,. overcast -in morulnjr.V " . A. G.McADlß.' District Forecaster, i THE- S£j^^ 17; 1909: Tenyo Maru Should Be in Port Early Today TURBINE LINER HAS BIG CARGO Among Passengers Is Delegation of Merchants With Nippon's Foremost Businessmen If the Japanese turbine- liner Tenyo Maru, Captain Ernest Bent, keeps Its Trireless promise, made when SOO miles away, th^ big steamship will bo at an chor off ileigga .wharf , by. 9 o'clack thi3 morning. As the Chinese boycott is still working, the Tenyo will bring few Chinese passengers,- but .the cabins will be well filled with the usual cosmopoli tan collection of globe trotters, officials and businessmen. It is . expected that among the pas sengers will be a delegation of Japan ese businessmen come to -make a tour of the United States. Among these will be Baron Yeiicui Shibusawa and Buyel Nakano. The baron is probably the most distinguished man in the business life of Japan. He has been a great traveler and has devoted the latter part fo his life to the business education of the Japanese people. He founded the first bank in Japan, ' and was chairman of the Tokyo chamber of commerce from its inauguration until 1903, when he resigned. Nakano is president of the Tokyo chamber of commerce and of the Tokyo stock exchange. He is interested in street railroads. The Chlyo's cargo includes a large shipment of new. season tea and a big consignment of. raw silk, as well as a large assortment of oriental merchan dise. Launehman In Drowned William McNalley, who was captain and engineer of the Southern Paciflc company's gasoline .launch Dora, sta tioned at Dumbarton point, lost his life Monday night. While a deckhand steered the boat McNalley climbed to the top of the house to adjust the elec tric lights. A lurch of the boat threw him overboard. The deckhand, un skilled in the handling of gasoline boats, saw him fall and tried to pick him np, but so maneuvered the boat that It Is thought the revolving pro peller struck McNalley on the- head. McNalley was - a good swimer, bat was not seen again after the launch had passed over where he last ap peared. His body was picked up Wednesday on the beach and the deep wound on the head was made, it is supposed, by the Dora's wheel. After hunting in vain for McNalley the deckhand ran the launch into a mudbank and waited there until the next morning when assistance reached him. Mclsalley who was 20 years of age, wa3 employed for some years by the Crowiey launch company. His. home was 38 4 18 Twenty-fourth street. Alnmeda Will Snll Today The Oceanic steamship company's liner Alameda, Captain Thomas Dow dell, will pail at 11 o'clock for Hawaii, with a full cargo and a large number of passengers. Among the passengers will be 12 members of a theatrical company. J. H. Hertsche, manager of the Young, Moana and Hawaiian hotel?, will return on the Alameda. He has been here on a vacation trip. Homer to Go North for Sf:«lskin« The steamer Homer. Captain Donald son, which is under charter to the North American commercial company, will sail next Saturday for the islancs of St. Paul and St. George to collect and bring home the season's catch of sealskins. , This may be the Homer's last trip north on this mission as the commercial company's sealing conces sion will soon expire. During the Homer's stay In port the stork visited Captain Donaldson's home and left a little boy. Kansas City at Journey** Enil The steamer Kansas City, which was bought in the east by the Harriinan interests for the San Francisco and Portland line, should be in the bay this morning. The Kansas City, one of tho few Harriman ships equipped . with wireless, was in communication yester day, with the steamer President and in a message to Captain, Cousins of the President Captain Kidston," who n. bringing the Kansas City . from the Atlantic side, announced that he ex pected to have his ship in port by mid night. Drnmtmiir Cbkufsen Owner* The four masted Uruguayan bark Druminuir was sold at auction yester day afternoon on the floor of the Mer chants' exchange and was bought by Sydney Hart for $15,C00. Oayhend Spoken Off Kodiak The whaling bark Gayhead is not making fortunes for the green hands aboard her. but is catching some whales. The vesel was reported June 11* off Kodiak and at that time had 560 barrels of sperm oil. Water Front ]Vo<es The Pacific Mail liner Newport left Mazatlan Thursday for this port. The Japanese liner Chiyo Maru. from this port, arrived yesterday tit Yoko hama. The Pacific Coast steamship com pany's Curacao sailed Thursday from Mazatlan for. Guaymas. The Paciflc Mail liner Asia arrived yesterday at Honolulu from this port. Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 1,436.000 feet.. . The steamer President arrived yes terday from the south with 134 passen gers, and the City of Puebla from the sound brought 22£ passengers. ' The Paciflc Mail freighter Aztec sailed yesterday for Nanaimo to load coal for the, Central, American. coast. \v \u25a0 \u25a0 "\u25a0 Portuguewe ' laborer* for Hawaii VICTORIA. 8.. C.. '\u25a0' July 16.— The 6tcamer Aorangi, which left tonight for Australia, is taking a number of, Port uguese laborers to -Hawaii to replace striking Japanese. - . ' The governor of /Fiji, Sir Everard 1 Thurm, and Lady Thurm, departed for Suva on the Aorangi." Xf w l<nK'»nd l.mnlx-r Ilnft Scheme. PORTLAND. 'July 16.— A proposal is made by a California linn to tow Jogs, lumber and piling from the Columbia river -inclosed' in a -huge framework. The scheme has been submitted to and sanctioned by.- the underwriters, subject to a few minorchanges. I The capacity . of --^ the skeleton frame work .is estimated at /.about. 3,000,000 feet/ On emptying the framework it will be /'folded' up", and towed back to the Columbia river. HyDROGEAPHIC. OFFICE .Depth "at mean low water, entrance to harbor. PLACE | Ft. ] Date | Remarks Grays Harj 19 : 1 May 29 1 Channel getting hroadt-r '• " .1 '-'. '-.= : No cbaDge in-channol; Wlllapa B 7 June - 9 -10 ft. It.- L. • VT; in channel to South j '-:'. -. i\u25a0' \u25a0 \: : I Bend. : ;.. Colnin R. . I. 25 |May : 28|. ; 77777~ Nehalin Rl \u25a0 9 (Apr. : 3jChannel 200 feet south :\u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0•-. -\u25a0\u25a0 I' \u25a0-.- I . ' I of bcoy. -.- . : ; \u25a0 \u25a0-•\u25a0 '_, „ I ; (Depth -of 8 feet at low Tillmk B. 9 Apr. 30 - water >' in ''channel 'to . "•'-••\u25a0 I Garibaldi. ;' Yaqulna.Bl 14 (June 2[Channeln ar r o wand I I ••\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'•" ''"-I yhtftlng to Bonthwost. "~~ I • ..{- \u25a0-. \u25a0.\u25a0;.-\u25a0 Beacon on; beach in: line Siuslaw;.Rl- 4 May - 1 - with ? soutb . side of '-'\u25a0-"•"\u25a0•. | ['.'\u25a0'\u25a0: "• gulch leads over bar." Umpqua-B] 10 . JJuly • ljChanncl <in gootf condi- I :I* I '•\u25a0* \u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0 .'\ tlon. ' : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0----. \u25a0-\u25a0-•\u25a0.- \u25a0'•\u25a0."' - :'- : 12. feet at low water -to Coos Bay. 17 June 1 f North. Bend; *H feet '\u25a0' -' . . lat low -water .-•\u25a0 to \u25a0;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 I '\u25a0\u25a0•••'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- 1 Margbflcld.' . . " . CoquHle Itl -8 jMay'3l|Channel close to north I •'- -•-(\u25a0 •\u25a0'-•-• ?/'- 1- 'Jetty.; \u25a0-\u0084.,-» < \u25a0' •• •'-.\u25a0\u25a0' : ' : . \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0';\u25a0. | :•'••\u25a0• No opportunity cf o r Rogueßlv ..... :;;...;. soundings lately. • Be : fore rise there; was '7 . .. ' --- I . . - feet on > bar. r ; • , \u25a0, Klamtu ,I.|-- 7 |May 29lCbannel jstraieht. -.\u25a0> .::.' I "."\u25a0 ; '' : •';•\u25a0-\u25a0 I o r,t hi- channel \u25a0\u25a0: very ! I \u25a0':- crooked; 18, ft f aver- Hmbldt'B! 20. June- I ' »?e j low ."< water" In I '- I ?l t fit ? alffntiehannelslead r -- : I\u25a0\u25a0-• \u25a0- * I \u25a0•••-'.-' -J- Ing ' out north wost^a S I'eiiro fij -M i |A|>r.^lsiNo = changerin*!;channel:f a Diego 8). 25^.- (May i3jNV;cbaDge;ii^Ca^uTi7? • S<Pablo,B( 24:aApr.t21JDepth;ia'dredged chan- r MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS to arrive - '\u25a0}':; . -. From - \u25a0 \u25a0-'•'-'-' I \u25a0•* '--.'? Steamer ; y | Date •\u25a0' San Pedro ;......-•••• Cascade ;...... July 17 San Pedro '..-..•••••'•• J- r -S. '. Hlgglns.. July 17 GraysHsrbor ....".% Centralla; ..;... July. 17 Portland & Way Ports. Roanoke ...V... July; 17 China & Japan. ........ Tenyo .Maru .".'". July 17 San Pedro •••• Hanalei ;.:..... July 17 Humboldt North Fork ... July 18 Coquille River, .V..... Elizabeth";.-.;.-.; July; 18 China & Japan... ..... Dakotah "\u25a0...-..'.. JulyilS Puget Sound Ports."..*.. Governor "\u25a0".'..'..'. July IS Mendoclno & Pt. Arena Sea Fonui ...... Joly 18 Humboldt J. J.- Loggle... July 19 Humboldt .;.;....••-•'• F.Ai* Kilburn.. July 19 San Pedro .......... •*• • Vanguard '.. . '. ."• July . 18 gan Diego &. Way PortsiSanta R05a..... July : 19 Portland & Astoria 1 Rose City :•;.:: July 19 Kahulul & Honolulu.. 1 Hyadcs ......;. July 20 New; York & ValparalsoJKansas City.... July 20 Seattle & Tacoma .. . i .Yosemita ...... July 20 Seattle & Tacoma.:.. .'Ad.' Sampson !.: July 20 Portland & Astoria.... {Nome City. .... July 20 Humboldt . •• Icity of Topeka. July 21 New York via Ancon;.lCity of Panama. July. 2l Honolulu- ........... .'.JHllonian -....;. July 21 San PeJro & Way Portaj Coos Bay ..... July 21 New York via Ancon..) Newport ...... July 22 San Pedro ...... . ". ,'i . .jßoanoke ....... July 22 Pt.-Arena & Albion. ...jPomo ......'.:. July 22 Coos Bay "• I M. F. , Plant... [July 22 Hakodate „ .....JTonawanda '... .|July 23 Puget Sound Ports.....] Umatllla ;..... July 23 San Diego & Way Portsj Governor -1 .....'. July. 23 -TO , SAIL . Destination | Steamer | Sails |Pler July 17— '\u25a0.- \u25a0' . . :M:.x ":-\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0 - -.-(\u25a0 : V \ V Astoria & Portland.... Cascade .... 5 pm 13 Coquille River . . . . ... Flfield "" tt pm 2 Eos AngeliM Ports..... Centralla ... lpm 7 Astoria & Portland.... Northland .. spm 2 Seattle & Tacoma.....[Carlo» ..... 4pm 2. Coos 8ay........ .JM. F. Plant. Bpm H Point Arena & Albion.. {Porno fl pm 2 Honolulu ...... ........ I Alameda .... 11 am 7 Astoria & Portland. ...J State of Cal. 11 am 27 Pnget Sound Ports,....] President ... 2pm 9 Los Angeles Ports.... .Roanoke .... & pm 13 Julylß— '• , I , Liverpool &. Way Ports A. Exelmans 12 m 19 Humboldt ........ . City Topeta. lO.SOa 11 Los Angeles Ports..... Hanalei . ... 3pm 7 July 19 — i \u25a0 Humboldt .......... \ Vanguard .. 9 am ~2 San Diego & Way Ports Governor ... -2 pm '. 9 '.' July 20— . : Humboldt ............. F. KHburn. . 10 am 13 Los Angeles Ports Yosemito;.. .',.. 2 Coquille River Elizabeth .. . spm 16 Puget Sound. Ports..... City Puebla. 2pm 9 Seattle & Tacoma..... Buckman .. lpm 20 July 21— :: Astoria & Portland.... J. Marboffer .... .... Humboldt J. J.Loggle 5 pm 16, Humboldt North Fork. . spm 20 Seattle i Tacoma..... Latme J...'. 12. ro 20^ New York via Ancou.; (Peru ....... 12 m 24' Los' Angeles Ports.... .i Ad. Sampson 10 am 20'- Mcndocino & Pt. Arena! Sea. Foam .. 4bm 4 July 22— China & Japan Mongolia .. lpm 42 Grays Harbor ........ S." Barbara.. 4pm 2 Portland & Way Ports. lioanofte ... 1 pm 13 San Diego & Way Ports' Santa Rosa.. 10.30 a 8 July 23— V San I'edro & Way Ports] Coos' Bay . . 2pm 11 TO SAIL FHOM SEATTLE Destination ' Steamer | Date . Skagwny & Way Ports. (Dolphin ....... 'July 20 Nome & St. Michael.. .[Senator ....... July 22 Nome & St. M ichael...j Northwestern .. July 24 Nome & Ht. Michael... St. Crolx ..July 25 Nome & St. Michael... (Mackinaw ..... July 25 Skagway & Way Ports. jHumboldt, ..... July 2« Skagway & Way Ports. Spokane • ....... July ; 3o Skagway & Way Torts. (Queen ........ .(July SO Time Ball United States branch hydrographic office, Mer ~ chants' Exchange, San Francisco, July 16. 1909. . The time ball on the roof -of the. Fairmont hotel was dropped today exactly at noon. Pacific stanSard time (120 th meridian), or at Bb. 00m. 00s., Greenwich mean time. • " J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant. U. S. N., In charge. Sun, Moon and Tide United States coast and gecdetlc survey — Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city front (Mission street wharf) add 23 minutes. SATURDAY, JULY 17 .;\u25a0_\u25a0>: \u25a0 \u25a0 .\ Sun rises ..,.5:00 Sun sets : '.. ... .7:32 Moon sets .L ...'.......'......;....... p. m. New moon I ...July 17, at 2:85 a. m. First quarter m00n......'.. .July 26. at 3:36 a. m. ITimel |Tlmel (Time J'Xlme Jly.t \u25a0— H Ft-j } Ft, I Ft { Ft |L Wf |H W[ cjL W jH W 17..1 5:38 —1.2 12:50 4.6 5:10 3.3 11:05 6.1 IS— J 0:17— 1.0 1:40 4.7 0:00 3.3 11:54 5.8 19.. 1 0:56—0.8 2:20 4.9 6:50 3.2 ......... UI W L W II W I, W 20.. 0:42 5.4 7:32—0.4 2:?>5 4.9 7:42 "3.2 21.. 1:80 CO 8:05 0.2 3:20 0.0 8:37 3.0 22.. 2:20 4.5 8:42 0.7 4:00 R.O 0:34 2.8 23.. 3:18 4.0( »:20 ,1.1 4:32 5.0 10:34 2.6 U. S. Branch Hydrographic Office ( . A branch or the United States hydrographic ofnee. located at tho Merchants' Exchange, is maintained in San Francisco for the bcneilt of mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially Invited to visit the of flee, where complete seta • of . charts and Hailing directions of the- world are kept at hand for comparison - and reference and . the latest information can always -be obtained : re garding lights, dangers to navigation and mat ters of interest to ocean commerce. ' • - v-v.;^ J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant, V. S. N., In charge. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED . Friday, July 16.'. - SJinr James S. Iliggins, 49 hours from San Pedro. \u0084 Ktuir Temple E. Dorr, Panzer, 22 hours from Eureka. ' , Stmr President, Cousins, hours from San Diego, via Redondo 2S hours. :.': . ' • Htmt City of Topeka, Hall, 22 hours from Eu reka. - \u25a0 .-\u25a0": -\u25a0-\u0084...-" . \u25a0. .}- "j Stmr Fifield, Jensen, 39 hours from Bandon. Stmr M. . F. Plant,. Burtis, «9 hours from Coos' bay. Stmr J. MarhofTcr. Wlnkei; 64 . hours from Rainier, via Astoria -G3 hours. Stmr Redondo, Bendergard, 40 hours from Coos' bay. ' '; . \u25a0• \u0084 - : \u25a0 : : -.- - \u25a0 > / ~ i ATLAXTIC OCEAX TRAVEL prth fiermanfjoyd Large, " Fast " and * Luxurious \u25a0 Twin-Screw '• ! Express and Passeng-er Steamships. Equipped with Wireless and Submarine Signals. PLYMOUTH — CHERBOURG— BREMEX Express,. Sailings Tuesdays, at 10 a.', m. ' K. W'ilhelui ll..July 27!Cecilie :.:..... Aug. lo Kronprlnz • Wm.. Anjr. • 3|K.~ Wm. •\u25a0 de " Gr.. Aug.' 24 PLYMOUTH — CIIERHOURG — BRE3IEX I Twin Screw | Sailings I Tlmrsdayg - at . 10 •a. m. 1 1 Friedrich de Gr. July 22|\Vashington ; ... ."Aug. 5 Kurfucrst .... .July 29|Bremen ; ;. . .; .' Aug. 12 Gcorjre .Washlngrton-^Salls \u25a0 Aug.'-'- 5 — 27,000 tons. Newest and Largest ;. German : Ship " afloat: Everr. innovation known to thp chip builder's art GIBRA LTAH — XAPLES— GEXOA '. r • - Jlediterranpan Sailincs Saturdays at 11 a; m';" Prinzens • Irene. ~:Aug; 28|Berlln : . . ; . . . . Sept. 25 K. : Albert -< . ;. .Sept. ll|Prinzess J lrene ::: Oct. 9 - Connection!* KucircHiiK die Globe •Travelers', checks good all over the world Apply OELRICHS «& • Co.. Gen'l 'Agenta - 6 Broadway, 'New. York, or . .. Sobert Capellc, G. A. P. C." 250 Powell St., opp. . \u25a0 -St.- Francis > Hotel.' San Francisco. -'••"\u25a0. .Telephone — Kearny. 4794. .-.;.. .. - ../',. AMERICAN LINE I'l yiHoiit h— CherbonrK— Southampton Philadelphia— Queenstown— Liverpool - ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE • -;\u25a0 Xct*' York— London .Direct ' HOI4iAND=AMERICA LINE : XewA York— Rotterdam,^- vlav Doulognc RED STAR LINE \mv York— Dover— Anhierp -WHITE STAR .LINE; Xe\vs Y'ork— QuccnstoTTni— Liverpool k- \u25a0-•Plymouth— Cherbourg— Sonthninpton"; ';'\u25a0-' "--Iloston— -Q««'e»»"»town— Liverpool ; yi XE\V r YOUK A XD iBOSTOXiTO ; ITALY . .Via A*ore» and? Gibraltar ' , - .. CRBTIC ; '.'. ..- . Aug. V 4| ROMANIC- . . . . . Sept. 15 G. N KOEPPEL. Passenger Agent Pacifto Coast,' \u25a0-\u0084 . '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0_ ,\u25a0,, \u25a0, - ; '\u0084;;\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0::.. 319 Gory,; St. ;.;.;,;\u25a0; \u25a0 -\u0084 \u25a0 -.-,^ Compajrnio Gcnerale Transatlantique '"\u25a0 Ms DIRECT 'LINE: TO HAVRE-PARlS.'\'^:* '\u0084 Sailing \u25a0 every " Thursday.: Instead .-. of j Saturdayr at ! 10 , a. ' tai. 4 from pier 42. North river,': foot |of Mortoajst;-: i- ">"-'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 .{'i'J^-'i^ "-V-- \u25a0"-"\u25a0"'.:. "i . •\u25a0-;.'" -'\u25a0 First class \u25a0to Havre. :*>u .so ; and . upward; : sec- ond claw to Havre.' $50 and upward. i GENERAL- AGENCY : FOR t UNITED < STATES !*AND '; CAN- 1 . ADA^ 19 State \u25a0 st..; New i York." rj.- F. £ FUGAZI* ' Slanager > Pacific ' coast. • t>3o Montgomery fst.,"" San Francisco. \u25a0 Tickets _ sold ; by j all ; railroad i ticket agenta.'. J -.V:"'. : " r -"' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' "*•-":'', '-.*\u25a0: -W -. ':\u25a0"%\u25a0.:'. \u25a0':.\u25a0 r-k...^~ .' : "- • 'SAILINGpANUARTf 20,1910 1 C toMadciruJJpain.neditcrraniean, Orient ":\u25a0'•' Stmr Albion, ' Nyman, ; : 11 hours I from Iversens landing". / . . -• '---. '*"-\u25a0 - : '' '\i^" *}.'\u25a0-> i laqua, Sela, 21 hours from Eureka. ; ; Stmr City of Puebla.' Tetlow, 51 % hours* from Victorla\and Ptsjet sound. - „ V ' Stmr Helen P. Drew,*Gunderson,-45>nours«from San Pedro. ;; . . '. \u25a0' '\u25a0' T ' ;MFr bark Bayard, Pollvet, 73 day* from New castle, Australia. \u25a0-\u25a0-."" :'-• Bchr Robert <R. : Hind, Wlskander, 6 days -from i Eagle harbor. \u25a0 - . \u25a0 ; "• Barge Three, -Klrkwood,; 26 ! .bonrs from Port San Luis, In tow. tug Navigator. . --y.-. :. CLEARED . "'v \u25a0: Friday, July 16. \u25a0 Stinr Falcon, Schage, Portland ; Williams, Dl mond&tCo." - - '-'\u25a0-\u25a0' -'\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0; : V-:-;"'-" \u25a0 ',--"\u25a0> -, .:•'- > ' Stmr Lurllne.'.Weeden, Honolulu; Matson navi gation company. •-:..' .' \ , ' .'- '\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 ' ' ; Stmr. State of- California, Nopander,. Portland: San Franclaco and Portland steamship company. Stmr Aztec. Stewart," Nanaimo, B. C. ; Paciflc Mall steamship company. ' \u25a0 Schr :Murlel, Helllng»en, Mahtikona; Hlnd^, Rolph & Co. .-.:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - SAILED- V . ' Friday, July 16. Strar Lurline, Weeden. Honolulu. : ; Stmr Aztec, Stewart, Nanaimo. btmr Thomas L. Wand. Peterson, Portland. ' Stmr F. •S. Loop. Levinson. Portland. Stmr Harold Dollar, McClements. Grays Har bor.' •I-} :*. :.\u25a0 --. ;\u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0. .--.:.,.. Stmr Point Arena. Jabnson, Albion. ' , Stmr. G.. 0. . Lindauer. Eundman, Grays harbor j Stmr F. A. Kilburn, McLeUon. Eureka.- - ' -.. Stmr W. S. Porter, Macdonald. : Portland. Stmr 'Santa- Monica, - Olsen, Grays Harbor. \u25a0 ' - • Schr Muriel, Helllngsen, Mahukona- \u25a0\," Schr Monterey, Kelley, Monterey, In tow : tug Navigator. _ SPOKEN July 3, In lat 15 N. long 26 W. Br ship Boa-^ alcla, from . Vancouver, for United Kingdom. J BY UNITED WIRELESS " Stmr Umatllla, July 15. 4 p. m., off Grays , Harbor, hence Julr 13 for Seattle. Stmr Atlas, July_ls, 6 p. m., off Table bluff, hence July 14 for Astoria! •: Stmr' Maverick. July 16, 11:15 a.' ro., passed Columbia river, hence July 12 for Seattle. . -' WEATHER REPORTS POINT LOBOS.. July 16. 9 a. m.— Weather hazy; wind northwest, velocity. 14 miles peH hour. ' !'• '-'\u25a0 \u25a0 . -\u25a0\u25a0 .-• ---.:\u25a0\u25a0. ,_ \u25a0 -"\u25a0 . V POINT * REYES, , July - 16. 9 a. Weatfier ! clear ;>; wind northwest, velocity. 45 miles per , hour. • ,j \u25a0 -- \u25a0 FARALLONES, July 18. 9 a. m.— Weather. clear; wind -northwest, velocity 82 miles per \u25a0 hour., J -;\u25a0„' ; TATOOSH, July M, 9 a. m.— Weather cloudy; wind: south, velocity 12 miles per hour.. POINT , REYES. July 10, 13 m.— Weather clear ; - wind northwest, \u25a0 velocity 40 miles p«r hour. • .;•--:\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0...\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0. .\u25a0\u25a0 . : TATOOSH. July 16. 12 m.— Weather" cloudy; wind south, velocity 13 miles per hour. TELEGRAPHIC '^*Z-M f \ POINT LOBOS, July 16, 10 p. m. — Weather hany; wind northwest, : velocity \u25a020 miles per hour. : > -. - \u25a0 DOMESTIC PORTS POINT BE YES— Passed July 16— Stmr Flfleld, from I Banflon, . for San I Francisco; stmr laqua. from ' Eureka, I for San •. Francisco; stmr City of Puebla, from Victoria, B. C, etc., for San Francisco. Passed July 16^-Stmr Temple B. Dorr, from Eureka, for San Francisco. \u25a0 - COOS BAY— Sailed July 16— Schr Bertie- Minor, for San Pedro. . ; . • Arrived July 16— Stmr Breakwater, from As toria., ' . UMPQUA— SaiIed July 16— Schr Sadie, for San Pedro. \u25a0 ' ..<:>.;.',.\u25a0? . • TATOOSH~Pa«sed. in July 10— Bktn " Archer, hence June 28 for. Roche harbor. Passed July 16— Stmr Umatllla, hence July 13 for Seattle, etc. . ' • Passed July 16— Ger stmr Eraa, hence July 13 for Victoria. . . :. . . ' CRESCENT— Passed in Jaly 16— Br stmr Bes sie Dollar, from Astoria, 'for Puget sound. ' 'EUREKA — Arrived Jnly 16— Stmr Acme, hence Jnly 14; stmr George W. Elder, hence July 15. "Sailed' July; ld — Stmr Roanoke. for San Fran cisco; stmr Despatch, for San Pedro. : - WESTPORT— Arrived July . . J6 — Stmr Daisy Freeman, from Astoria; stmr Coronado, hence July 12. , .; Sailed July 16— Schr Susie M? Plummer, for Guaymas. , .- . Passed out July 15— Stmr Svea, for San Fran cisco. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.- •. \u25a0\u25a0 Passed In July 16— Stmr Raymond, hence July 12. • :-'--\u25a0\u25a0.- GAVlOTA— Arrived July 16— Ship Falls of Clyde, from Honolulu, and sails July 17 for Honolulu? . , /?-\u25a0•. KETCHIK AN— Arrived July 15— Stmr Seward, from Seattle: stmr Dolphin, from Skagway. '! ' WRANGELL— Arrived July 15— Stmr "city of Seattle; from Ketchikan. ... • PACIFIC OCEAN TRAVEIi #^s. V : Steamers leave Broadway /WSsfiX Wharves (Piers 9 and 11). ArStl". . \u25a0\u25a0' LOW RATES. INCLUDING /«yv2|&SsBa VAI BERTHS AND MEALS I I Y&*y& J I SPECIAL ROUND TRIP 'QiOb. \u25a0 L °S ANGELES SAX DIEGO \u25a0\u25a0^ISStr.--. SANTA BARBARA •Governor. .iMon.,' Jnly 19. Ang. 2, 16, 30. 2 p. m. •President. .Hon.. July 2fl; _An«. 9. 23, 2 p. m. -Alternately Every Monday Thereafter Santa R05a, ....... Every Thursday. 10:30 a. m. •Direct for Los Angeles: WllNiot call S. Barbara. SEATTLE (DIRECT), TOWXSEXD TACOMA, VICTORIA. : .VANCOUVER Connecting at Seattle for SE. Alaska. Stairway, Dawson, Fairbanks. Nome, St. Michael. Puebla... ; ... Toes'.',- July 20.' Aug. 3. 17, 2 p. m. tGovernor....Sat., July 24, Aug. 7. 21, 2 p.m. fPrealdent. . . .Sat., July 17, 31; Ang. 14, 2p. m.' UmatiUa...... .Tues.. July 27, Aog. 10, 2 p. m. Alternately every Tues. and Eat. thereafter. tWIU not call .at Victoria, Townsend, Vancouver. EUREKA^KHUMBOLDT BAY) Topeka— -Jnly'lB,, 23, 28: Aug.' 2, 7. 12, 17, 22, ; : 10:30 a. m., every Ufth day thereafter. GUAYMAS. MAZATL.IX, LA PAZ, EXSEXADA, SAX JOSE DEL CABO Curaca0......... 7th of each month, 10 a. m.' ALASKA CRUISES Leave Seattle Spokane, ; July - 30; Aug. 14; Queen, July 30. ' XOME— ST. MICHAEL Senator (direct) "Leave Seattle.. : .. . . .. : July 22 Right reserved to change this schedule TICKET OFFICES— (PaIace Hotel) C 53 Market st.; 3 Market st. and Broadway Wharf. ~ ,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0.\u25a0;-• Tel. iKearny 492. \u25a0 OAKLAND— IO36 Broadwayj " Tel. Oakland 5C80.- . C.D.VDUNANN., General Passenger . Agent. ' Gci.; Pw f.^Of flee.' 112 Market st, f San Francisco. S AMERICAN- HAWAIIAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY TEHUANTEPEC ROUTE . NEW YORK to PACIFIO COAST PORTS and HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Sailings every ; Sttnr- day.;*_ ;>-;:V;- \u25a0- .;-;-.-/ ". "\ ' -.V :: " . .,; \u25a0 , SEATTLE. TACOMA and SAN FRANCISCO to NEWYORIC. sailing every 21 days; also taking freight for MEXICAN and EUROPEAN ports. LOCAL SERVICE / y SAX , FRANCISCO to ' HAWAIIAN : PORTS ' DEARBORN " A* LAPHAM." General' Agents. : 8 BRIDGE ST., -NEW YORK; WIXLLAMS. DIMOWD & CO.". General Agents Pacific Coast, i 310 SANSOMia BT.. SAN FRANCISCO. t :. Seattle oiRECT ; CONNECTING ALL NORTHERN! POINTS. 1 , S.~ S.: BUCKMAN.T^??r'^^?r^ ; rr.V: July ' 20 ' S. "-; S>. s ADMIRAL •; SAMPSON ' . . ; . . : . Julj 25 Spl S., WATSON ::lj. "i. :..y\\.\. . Jnly 30 Los Angeles Direct < TWIN SCREW .\u25a0. \u25a0 S . S . ADMIRAL' SAMPSON ';. .'. . . . ; July 21 '.\u25a0*•.-; Sailings ? from fSteuartt Sti" Dock. ; Co.i \u25a0J '-Pz''* '.Tlcke.t;Offlce, i :s4*Market''St.'; .- " \u25a0 TOYO KISEN KAISHA ORIEXTAL ; STEAMSHIP COMPAXY S. :' S.*: Tenyo Maru . '. . '?'.'\ . ".Tnesday," July 27," 1909 S.- S."- Nippon; M* .'Tuesday, An»." 17, 1909 8. S. Chiyo Maru - (via ! Manila) Tue. , Sept.. 14,* .'09 i;c SteiiriersTsilllfrom'Con^liy^s"-;piers,'Nos. 1 -12,'' 44, t near ' foot iof i Second st.fa 1 ) p. m.;~ toe Yoko- hama | and I llongkong,*.fcainng >at ? Honoluln. Kobe (Illogo); Nagasaki and Shanghai," and connecting ate Hongkong i. wl th : « teamers % for :- Manila, -. India, etc.-Vi No;cargo received' on board on* day \u25a0of sail- ing.'/- Kound ; trip > tickets \u25a0at > reduced > rates. - - •-*'. For '• freight i and • passage j apply.' at > office, l 24o i James Flood 'bulldiDg.' 7 AVERY. . | ' \u25a0: .'•;«: --Assitant General Manager. \u0084 .^ Alameda 1 ;: saUs; U \u25a0 nUriULULU m .J«lyl". Special. i^ l "'l"!- v!*!-yv !*!-y: i round; trip $110 first cia«=-j ' AXD i XEW : ZE AL AXD-^S. 1 S.^ * Marlposa " sa ils 1 1* a.l jn*f Ang."i e.i Spl.**, Tahiti i ground" trips *l2s.-i; Welllngtonris2Co. : R.^T.'i \u25a0 OCEANIC LINE, 873 Mkt.;tei.:Kearny l"3l 4 AUCTION SALES JTV-— Bi ff Auction Sale In Oakland \u25a0dOh. SATURDAY JULY IT at 11 - a. . m.". . CO head of all purpose "cheap city horses and mules; they will. suit: all business; 04 vehicles, 48 sets of harness ; (no reserve). 565 Fourth, street. Oakland. J. W. MEDEIROS, Auctioneer. 1\u25a0 - Horses, Wagons and Harnesses at Jerry Daran's Coal " Yard. 1507 . San Pablo a ye. . Oak- land. "Saturday, July .17. 1809. 11 a. .m> GEORGE REED & CO.. Auctioneers. J«UNEAU— Arrived July 16— Stmr Northwest ! em, from Ketchikan. .. "VALDEZ— Arrived July 14 and sailed "Jnly «— Stmr Bertha, for Seattle. Arrived July 15— Stmr St. Crolx, from Seward. . . ASTORIA— SaiIed July lf>— Stmr Daisy Free man,- for Grays Harrbor. SEATTLE— SaiIed Jnly 15— Stmr Spotaae, for Sltka; stmr Governor, for San Francisco. Arrived July 16 — Stmr Northland, from Wraa eejl;*stnir Maverick, hence Jnly 12. Sailed July 16 — Stmr Portland, for Valiiez. EVERETT — Arrived July 16 — Stmr Capaatrano, fqom Seattle. Sailed July 16— Stmr Yosemite, for San Pedro. POR TSAN LUlS— Sailed July 16— Stmr Wash tenavr, for Panama; stmr Coos Bay, fx>r San 1 Pedro, etc. - " , Arrived July 16 — Stmr Coos Bay, hence July 14. FORT BBAGG— Sailed July 16— Stmr "National CUy. for Saa Francisco. BANDON— Arrived July 16— Stmr Elisabeth, hf nee July 18. SAN PEDRO— Sailed July 16— Stmr Mandalay. for Sair Francisco; stmr Argyll, for San Fran cisco; stmr Majestic, for San Francisco; stmr Dal*y, for San Francisco. SAN DlEGO— Arrived July 16— Stmr Nevadan. from Salina Cms. EASTERN PORTS BALTIMORE— ArriTed July 15— Br stmr Curco, from Iqtdqne. ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU— Arrived July 16— Stmr Asia, fcunce July 10. FOREIGN PORTS ANJEB— Passed prior to July 12— Br ship King George, from New York. • for Wbampoa. Jnly 12— Br bark Eclipse, from New York, for Whampoa. /- : > BARRY— Sailed July 10— Br* stmr Camphlll, for Baltimore and San Francisco. BUENOS AlßES— Arrived July 10— Br ship Brynhllde. from Boston. -•' MAZATLAN — Arrived July 15— Stmr Curacao, hence July .7, via San Pedro, and sailed for Guaymas. Sailed July 15 — Stmr Newport, for San Fran tdsco. , PANAMA— Arrived July 14 — Br stmr Foxton ; Hall, from Grays Harbor. MONTEVIDEO— SaiIed -July . 10— Br stmr 08 westry,- for San Francisco, via Antofagaata. KOBE — Sailed July 11 — Br stmr Oceano, for Seattle. . . \u25a0 YOKOHAMA— Arrived July 16— Jkp stmr Chiyo Maru. hence June 28, via Honoluln. VICTORIA— Arrived July 16— Stmr Bessie Dol lar, from Astoria. Sailed July 16 — Br stmr Teocer, for Van couver. Arrived July 16 — Gcr rtmr Eraa, hence July 12. HONGKONG— Arrived July 15— Br stmr Em press of Indian, from Vancouver. HOBART— Arrived July 10— Fr bark Duguay Trouln, from Rotterdam, for Saa Francisco. Memoranda . Captain Cousins . of the steamer President, which arrived today from San Diego, reports that he was in communication by wireless with the steamer Kansas City, from New York, for San Francisco. The Kansas City expects to arrive at San Francisco about midnight, July 16. Per Fr bark Bayard— While rounding 1 to off Presidio, lost, starboard anchor and 120 fathoms of chain. "Whaling bark Gayhead was reported off Ko diak on June 19 with 56 bbls of sperm oil. Six hundred and forty shares of L'rag ship Drummulr were sold at anctkm today at the Merchants' exchange to Sydney Hart for $13.000.. , Ts'rk] RAILWAY TRAVEL taJfSLsk Trains Leave P^PP^ , San Francisco ?^^' WM -• Market Street Ferry Depot LEAVE FOR— |A. M.| P. M. BAKERSFIELD 17:15 8:00-10:00 CHICAGO T:l5 8:00-10:00 FRESNO 7:13 4:00- 8:00-10:00 GRAND CANT0N....... T:l5 8:00.10:00 HANFORD 7:15 10K>0 KANSAS CTTX 7:15 8:00-10:00 MERCED 7:13 4:00- 8:00-10:00 STOCKTON 7:15 4^o- S:*4-10;Q0 STOCKTON. - OAKDALB U SIEEUA BY. PTS... 0:43 TTJLARB. 7:13 8:C0-10:CO -«. YISAtIA 7:15 8:00-10:0», TOSEIIITE! 7:15 10:00 California Limited through to Cbleaso leares at 10:00 p. m. OFFICES i 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE tXIOX FERBY DBPOI - wB jinn Fr ftB ciM C9 Ltave. TI A SAUSALITO. Arrive. 7:15 a Sonoma and Glen Ellen 6:0 op 7M5a Petalnma. Santa Rosa. HealiU- bntg. Cloverdale. Uklah. WU- Uts, Sherwood and Sebastflpol. *T:3sp 8:15 a Pt. Reyes, Monte Rio, Cazadero.. ••7:o.">p 8:45 a Potalumn, Santa : Rosa. Guernevllle - T :o."p Jf>:lsa Sonoma and Glen Ellen S:3-"p J9 :l.ia Lagnnltas, Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes. 7:35p 10:45 a Petalunm and Santa Rosa . . 4:35p t2:4r ( p Pt. Reyes, \u25a0 Moota Rio. Cazadero.. til :00a S:lsp Fetaluma. Santa Rosa, Healds- I bnrir. Cloverdale.' Uklah. Gnernp- vllle. Rtver laneiae. SebastopoL H:lX*a 4 :45p Sonoma and Glen E11en.... 9:03 a s:l~>p Petalnma and Santa Rosa . . -8:33 a ts:4.*ip Lapunltas. Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes. 8:05 a t7:43p Point Reyes 8:03 a ELECTEIC STJBTmBAN VIA SATISALITO Bauaalito, HOI Valler, Saa Rafael— Daily every SO minute* from 8:43 a. ta. until 0:15 a. m.; hourly until 2:45 p. ra.. then 3:15 p. r.i. and every SO minutes nntil 7:43 p. ta.. then 9:00, 10:35 p. ni. and 111:01 a. . m. tun Snnaays la addition— every SO mlnntps from 9:43 a. in. to 3:15' p.m., excepting 2:15 p. m.) Fairfax— Leave t6:43, t?:15. 7:43, S:l3, 0:13. 19:45. 10:43. 11:43 a-, m.; 12:43. 1:45. t2:45. 3:15. 3:45. t4:13, 4:43, 13:13, 5:45, tO:13. t«:43. t7:43 p. m. San Quentin via Saa Eafael— Leave 0:15 a. m., 1:45 p. m. - i • Tiburon and Belvedere — Week days — 7:30, P. "00. {11:43 "a. m. -({12:45 p. 'm. Saturdays only). 3:30, 5:30 p. m.: Sundays— 7:3o. 119:00. |fll':00 a. m. |{12:30. 3:30. 5:30 i». m. and {12:01 a.m. •Arrive 7:05 p. m. - frooi SebastopoL'* 'Sunday arrive 8:05 : p. m. tExcept Sunday. JSanday only. {Via - Sxnsalito. {SRans to Sehuetzen park. Paciflc Transfer Company's agents are aatbor- izpii to check baesage .direct from residences. MUIR WOODS RjlS£E2ijJ3k AND W^W MT - TAMALPAIS VIA SAUSALITO FERRY » '-^BBt- -•\u25a0 ' FOOT OF itARKET STREET ' LCSAL HOUDATS-SUKmY TCHE . * tr.Sia frmba - U.lUfrWnfa tt. Tamilub \'."EEK SUN- WEEK .SUN-.. WEEK. StTX- 7 DAY DAY DAY DAY- PAY 'DAY !:45? 18:45 a 1:46? 12:20? 1:40? 11:22 a *4:«P 9:lKa 02:45? 1:50? 4:14? 12:10? ...... a-M* 4:20p 3:50p *9:50p 1:40? :::::: I ; J :::::: & •\u25a0:::: 15! -;:::S;!l; .:::;;: :::;:::—; ..'•?» .•Sat. only. : f Jlon. only. ' ©Tamalpais only. lMnir only Ticket Officer— Sausalito Ferry aad 874 Market. General offiws--Mill alley. CaTifonih. ; - OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY i '" (12th and , Mission)-— Dally ex. Sunday^Lr • 7:45a,^t9:30a..»1:15p. |5:40 p. Ar. S. F.i *7-25 a" t9:loa, -1 :0 Op. .tl:lsp."w Sundays— Lv. : '7:43 a' t9:3oa. t*10:10a.- •11:15a.'-12:15p, ts:4op. Ar' f;l F j: ••7:25a,-. t0:10a,- -11 :40a, Tt:4op, *ts:lsp> t«6:00p.. -To and. from Arieta. fTo and from Tunitas Glen. JStop at Salada. San Pedro. Ter- race, 11 . Farallone,-; Moss Beach; Granada. Half moon Bay.' ': Connect iat Tunitas Glen with stags for San Gregorio. Pescadero, Pebble ; Beach ; and ' La Iloada. t :.'\u25a0 ' V \u25a0 ~ "..!\u25a0' 'ik *(**^*?? IXTER^>tPAX , RiqilTKS MARE INLAND NAVY YARD Vallejo, Napa,^St; Helena STi.iIEI.RXA— XAPA' VALLEY ROUTE < . Montieello ' S. •S. Co. aad No pa Valley Electric E.'.R. i Co..; Close connection. » \u25a0^fr-IROUXDITRIPS \ D A^LY— 6 /\u25a0'\u25a0-. Boats; leave : San •Francisco 7:00. *3i« a. m 12:30 n00n..3:15, 6:00,, •SKJOp.'m.* ",.j " San : Franciaco • landing r andNof flce.'i Clay street , wharf, north \ end ; f erry » bulldlns, Market ' street ferry.^Mealaa la carte. .; ptone KeizvT.iWe navr. yard direct^- - -~- - ! ; \u25a0 \u0084 -;. AUCTIONSALES Midsummer Auction Tuesday, July 20th * At 1 p, m. and 8 p. m., at 14th and Valencia" Stsi, Sixty bead of " sound, young geldings ~ and mares weighing from 1,100 to 1,400 lhs.'. direct from the Je»se D. Carr ranch 1 , Klamatn county. Oregon. ,; No better lot has ever been brought to this city. All have been handled.. WESTEH.V HORSE MARKET E. STEWART & CO.. Auctioneers and Livestock " Dealers. Back to the old stand. 297 Valencia corner 14th. RAILWAY TRAVEL B§« y^TlfjN^ TRAINS LEAVE ASD ARS " /QXsg>^A DUE TO ARaiVE AT Iw^y^oan rrancisco Fsoa J^-r 20, 190 D VIA OAKLAND PIER £<»\u25bc» (Foci 07 Maeot SratKT> Arrive 2. 1 5 a Hilts. lire-more, Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton, todi, cacraaento 10.33 a fl.4ta HavTwrd. Niles; San J0j0.... 7.08 a 7.00 a Riduaond, Purl Cesta. Bcaida, Suisua. Cixon, Sacraaier.ta. Roneviile. Marys- viDe, Reddinj, Dunssncr 7.25» 7.00 a Elmin, Vaeavnfe. Ry»s«r. 7.23? 7.00 a Davis. Woodland (Uar)-«T2Je. oro- - viGe), Waiiaei* Slax*dl. V,'210-»s, Hamilton, Coraisc. Red El'if. . r 7.28? 7.40 a Vallejo, S^a, Caitoes, Sasta Row, Martiaes, Saa Ramos, Uousberty, rMasaatoa. 8.08? 7.40t Nfles. Pteasanton. Lh exon, Alta- mont, latarep, Stockten.. 7.28 a 7.40 a Tncy. loa Baaoa,. Kenaaa. Frwoo. Hanford, VisUia. 4.23j» ftOOa Xe»«rk, Saa Jos?, Los Gate* Wr^it. Fetam. Saata Crm : B. 48? 8.20 a Port Costa, Martin**, BTicn. Trscr. Stocktoa. Mnrsd. Fresso, Goskca Junction (Eaa/ord), Visalia, Pbrter- 7i«B.Bakersael(L... 4.45J1 R2oa Yoseaiite VaL'ay via Meraed :.-. *M? 9.03 a }»a<s% livtrawra. Stocktoa <*"JJltos). Valley Sprieg. lone, gaaangnto. . . . 4.28b 9.00 a Socora, Tuoluaae aad Acg<Js 4.28p 9.00 a Athctio Express— Sacramento. Treo- kee. Qgin. Salt Lake City, DenTcr. KanasaGty..... 8.23? 9.40 a PJchraond. Port Costs, Jfcrtinea. . Bay Point.. 77...... 6.48? JO-20* V»Ue^M»ralstand\.X=l»... 11.28 a ia2oa Los \nzfiea Paaeastr— Port Costa. MirtJne* Ryron. Tracy, Stociton, Merced, Frwco, Hantord, Visalia. - Tahre. B-vkersfieJd. Los Aaj-1ci. . . . 7.48? 10.40 a Goidfield Pasi— Port Costa. Bentta. Sacramento, True&ae, Ilarca, Silas, Tonopah, Go'dadd. Laws, KeeUr- . . 7.48 a 10.40 a Msrysriile. Chico, Red Bhiff 4.28? 12.00 m The Oreriar.d Limited— Deavir. Kan- «s Oty, Omaha. Chicagoi - 7.28? 1.20? Xila. tjaa Jose asd Way Stations 2.43 a MOp San Leaadra. N2ta, Ctatervate, JCw- f 9.CBa art, Saa Joae \ .7.28? 2.00? Kwrark. Saa Jose, Loji Gatoa. Wright, Fdtoa, BoTslder Crwk. Eanta Crux.. 9.53? 2.40? San Leaadro, Njles, San Joss 9.28 a 3.00? Becicia. Winter* Eacnunentc. Wood- land. ilaryrriU* and 0r0vii1*. ...... 10.45 a 3.20? Port Costa(^tockton), Martinej, EjToa. Modesto, Merced. Fresco 12.08? 3.45? Via Sausalito, West Xapa, St. Helens, Calistop 10.35 a 4.00? Vtllejo. Xapa. Calistoga. SanU Rosa. Startines, Saa Kamoa, Dougherty. livennore 9.2Ea 4.00? Xilesi Tracer. Storkton, Lodi 10.2ta 4.40? San Leandro, Hayward, Xilea, i t 8.28 a Heasantoa, Lrtermore \ \u2666 1 1.43 a 5.00? The Owl Limited— Newmaa. Los Rano*, Slendots, Krnnan. Fresno. Tulare, BaVersfidd. Loa Angdes. B.4Sa 5.00? Richmond, Pinole. VaUf-o. Port) Costa. Benicia. Suisun. Sacraajento I 1 1.28 a — RosBv3Je % liacob, Jiarysville, j I.C8? Ororilb, Fair Oik.% Foljo^i . ..... J 5.00? Russell. Saa Jcse. Los Gates 9.23 a 5.00? Saturday aad Sunday ior Wrigjit, Fd- ton, Santa Crna Jft.23a 6.20? Saa Lesndro. XiJea. S&n Jc«e 7.48 a 6.00? Shasta limited — PbrUsnd, Taccma. Seattle.... 9.18? 6.40? Eastern Einrcsa— Ocden. T\wUo. Denver, Kansas City. St. Louis, - Chicago Port Costa. Baaicia. Sacramento, Reno, Sparks 8.23? 8.40? Havward, Niles and San Jose 6.48? J7.00? -YaUfjOk Port Ccsta. Martiyi, Bay - Poiiit and Way Statiors. £11.189 8.20? Oregoa Express — t- acrameato. Jfarys- • , \u25a0 •tsilfi*. Reddia^, (Maeooe!. Klaaath F»!ls>, Asbland, PorthnJ. Taeona, Seattle, Spokane. 9.48 a 9.00? China asd Japan Fast Mail— O^n. Coeyenae. LWrc. Eanms City. Otoaha, Chicago 2.48? 11.00? Yosemita Valley via Xiles. Kerced. DPortal 8.48 a 11.00? Xiles, Lathrop. Jlcdesto, Merced, Fresno V. 10.33? .11.40? Portland Express (via Davis). Wil- liams, Witlows. R«»t Bidf. Weed. Ashland. IVtland. T«<-oma. Seattle. 12.23? VIA. COAST L4."VB (Talrd and TaTmsead Streets) • ' t5.25a Loop— 23d Visitscion, South S'aa Fr»nci»co, 'Valeacia Street t8.35a t5.40a Loop— Valeacia St, Oceaa Tie*. Cemeteries. South Eaa Francuct*. 211 Strtet. 3rd aad To*nsead t8.30a 6.40 a sor:th San Frsacisco, San Jose, Gilroy, Sarssat. Salinas. 8.50? *7.00« Excnrsica Qilroy, Pajaro, Ca»- troville, Dri Monte, ilonterey. Pacific Gr0ve.........; ....:.....:... 10.50? B.ooa The Coaster— Saa Jose. Castroriae. < DH Monte. Moster^v, PariSe Grove). . Salinas, Soledad. Pa» RcMes Eot Spring?, Saa Luis Obispo, Pteo.- Oceaao, Sarf, Lompoc, Saota Bar- bars, Ventttra, Ooaard, Lcs Argdes. I t.43p 8.03 a MiyfieU, Los Altos. Loa Gatos, Wright, (Boaltler Crtek), EanU Cms. Watson- vi!>. CaatrovSle, Del Jloate, Mon- terey, Pacifio Grove. : \u25a0-. 1.25? 8.20 a South Baa Franciico, Palo Alto, Eaa } Joae. Way Stations.. 7.35 a 8.20 a Loa Altos, Loa Gato*. Wright. (Boulder Cress), Santa Cnu.. ............... t7.20? 9.00 a Sin Jose. Gilroy, Salinas. Cbaasior.' - Pa so Robtes Hot Sprinss, Saa Loia ObLpo— HoUister— SanU Crus, Dd Moste, Monterey, Pacifio Grove. .... 4.00? 10.40 a Souta Saa Fraadrco, Buriincame, Saa Ma:e>, Palo Aho, Saa Joso .... 6.30 a 10.40 a Loa Altos, Moats Msta, Los Gatos. . •[ |°* 1 1.30 a Valeacia St.. Oceaa View, Cokna, Ccaeteriea; Bacen, San Broso t 1.35? I 1.40 a South Saa Francisco, San Jose t3-£o* I.00» Saturdar, Palo Alto aad Way Stations. 5.00? 2.00 a Sosth. Saa Fraacbco, Palo Alto, Saa Jose.. 8.40 a *,2. COp Lns Altos. Lc* Oatos. Wri?at (Boulder Creek), Santa Craa... t3»2op t2. 1 0? Bay Shore, Visitation. Saa Bnmo t4.45? 3.00? Dd Mont } Exr>rcs»— San Jose. Gilroy. Chitteaden, Wataonville, Santa Cnu, • Dd Jloate, Moaterey, Pariaa Gtots. I? W? f3.!5? MivSeld, Lo« Altos, Los Gatoa. • Wruj'it (Bo'jlder Creek), Santa Crn«. 9.45 a 3.20? South San Francisto, Saa Joae, Gilroy, CastroTille, Salinas. 10.25 a 4.00» Sraset Expr«a»— Tueoa. . Demicg. • El Paso. Houston. New Orleans. , P*so Robtes Hot Sprinra, Saa Lais Obispo, Oanta- Barbara, Los Asge!ea. 1 1.40 a 4XO? Gilror, HoUister, Tres Pinoa 8.50? 4.00? Dd Uoate, Monterey. Pacific Grove.. 1 1.45? 4.00? Kansas City, St. Louw, Caieaga 1 140* 4.20? South Saa l'raßdico, San J05e....... t9CCa t5.00s San Bruno, Saa llateo, Palo Alto. Saa Jose aad Way Stations 9.40 a J5.05? Loop— 23d Street.' Visitadoß, Sooth - Saa Fraacisco, ValenriaStrert T6-I3? 5. 1 0? Los. .\ltos. Los Gatos. Wright. (Boulder \u25a0 '\u25a0--, Creek), Santa Crc*.. : 9-50? t5.20? Redwood, Palo -\lto, San Jose 1. 10? f5.20? Los .\ltos. Monta Viata, Los Gatos.... f3.20? t5.25? BTirlingaaie, San Matco, Saa J0ae.. . . . T3.20? tSJO? Loop— Valencia St» Ocean View; \u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0 Cemetere*. Sooth \u25a0 San Francisco. \u25a0-' 23dStreet, 3d and Towasend 6.40? 5.40? Saa Bruno. Saa Mateo," Redwood; Pato - \u25ba i Alto, Santo Clara. San Jose... . 7.40 a -45.40? Loa Gatos. Wright, (Boulder Creek). jsM.B£.vn: Saata Cna.'-V 5 - 4O t t6.00? UJllbrae. Earton, . Saa S£ateo. Palo Alto. MaySeid, Loa Alto*. Los Gatos. tas?t a 5? 6.00? Saturdays, Wrfeht, Saata Crua . J&OOa ' T8.05? " 23i Street. VMtadon. South Saa Francisco, Valeacia Street ...... t<. 1 5# .t&2s?'Loop — Valeacia Street, Oceaa View. Cemeteries, Sonth San - Fraaciscti. ' 23d Street. 3d aad Townsend. ...... T7.40p 6.30? South San Francisco, San J05e. ...... 5.40? B.ooa Lo*-Aagtle3 Passenger— San Mateo. Redwood. Palo Alto, Saa Jw*. Gilrey, - Saliaas. Paso Robles Hot Springs. Saa Lois Obfcpo. Pteao. , Saata Barbara. Loa An5de5.. ...... 8.30 a 11.45? South Saa Fraadsco, Palo Alto. Saa I 7.20? \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 J0ae...:....,. \u25a0..-. 'I 7.30? 1 1.00? Sacramento Piver Steamers.. '. ...... -tH-30» aforllornint. ... \u25a0 . ? for Afternopi ;., \u2666 Sunday ewep<e.'. : t Sunday only. ' Aj San. aad Uoa. 17