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2 PUZZLE CONTEST! USE YOUR WITS! WIN A WATCH! What positionVorTa ball team* What' article of house furnishing? -pHE interest of the juniors in the I new puzzle contest continues un abated, as will be seen by the long roll of honor published! again this week, And in addition a vast num ber of ans»vers were received , which contained ono or more errors. Six watcher wers. awarded to six boys and girts, and the names of all Athers who sant In absolutely correct answers j appear" on the roll of honor. If jrour name is not on the roll of honor please svtndy the answers and try tv> remembea, wherein you failed. Six new pursje pictures are shown at tie" lop of 'this page. Send in your answer^ by numbers, thus: No. 1 is — , Xo. 2 is- — . and po on. These puzzles are nett very difficult, but they require a little thought- Answers, must reach the editor of The Junior Call not later than Wednesday jarternoon, and the sooner the better;' send in yours as early as possible. Six watches will be awarded to six correct answers sho-wing greatest neat ness and care. Thus contest is for juniors T>et*reen the ages of 10 and 16 years. The younger; juniors will find their contest on the fourth page. The correct' answers to the puzzle presented in .last Saturday's Junior Call are us follows: I—Taylor;1 — Taylor; 2-— Jaefcal; 3— Goldenrod; 4 — Toucan; s—Oape;5 — Oape; fi — Potato. . The juniors iV> whom prizes have been awarded for the correct solution of this puzzle art: Audrey Speiace, 1331 Weber street, Alameda. Carl Reiplihger, 90S McAllis ter street, San Francisco. Edwina Scilacco, Point Reyes station. Alan TJren, Oceano. Maude F. Lewis, R. D. 61, Milpitas read, San Jose. Ralph Wayne Pearson, 1313 Peralta avenue, North Berkeley. Names of the other juniors who sent In the correct answers appear in the. following roll of honor: James O'Connor, 2756 Folsom street, San Francisco. ... Edith Tietjen. Mjmlo Park, box S3. Susie Bell. 1175 Eaat Twenty-second street. Oakland. :: Paul Scovel, 158 Jordan avenue, San Francisco. Bernice Pellow. Preston. Dorothy Eaton, 1557 Fifth street, Alameda. Forest Neuman, 3566 Mission street, San Francisco. Doris Robinson, 1912 Clinton avenue, Alameda. Wanda Henry, 1900 Clinton avenue, Alameda. Miriam Mendlzabal, 1126 Union street, Alameda. Bernice Grisroore, 1181 East Twenty eecond street. Oakland. Kathleen KeviUe^ 38 Lundy lane, San Francisco. Sibyl Conklin. 1 2231 Vine street, Berkeley. Arthur Poulin, IS4O Hayes street, San Francisco. \u25a0 ; Marian A. Fisher, 739 Snerrero street,* San Francisco. Maud A. Banks. ?715 Twentieth street. San Francisco. Ruth McNaughton, 998 Page street, San Francisco. Franklin Morris. Corte Madera. Walter Kerr, 3022 Capp street, Fruit vale. Vincenzia R. Fenn, 575 Castro street, San Francisco. • , Edgar Nelson, 1713 Felton street, Berkeley. Rose Woods, box 148. Richmond. Lyman C Atwood, 11 Sadie street, Santa Cruz.. Stanley Helmore, Mill. Valley. Emma Fisk, 2401 Ward street, Berke ley. Evangeline Stewart. 3820 Telegraph avenue, Oakland. Nelson Tabler, Graf ton. Interesting Little Stories Direct From Nature Written for The Junior Call William F. File THESE little lumps that look like rocks are only a fine quality of clay; ; v \u25a0 If I tell you thatevery ounce of clay contains aluminum it may surprise you, but: men have long' known -- that > clay was composed '< partly _ of /this { metal. The problem has been .to find a process whereby." the ' metal could be extracted at low expense. This shows the'elay asit came from' the bank or mine"- in Alabama: or Ar kansas. The bottle contains oxide of aluminum. [.-. The, clay Is subjected -to a chemical process arid the result is an oxide, this powder-as. white; and? fine as: fine". flour. This is ; subjected to . another- process; and then 'we j have the. beautiful white metal' aluminum. It Is becoming more'available in the industries, and- arts , "every year cause Improved V processes are i being' discovered. '.. The time will come when" noti" only.' will :our cooking* utensils be inafi^' from ' it, but . .many :> of sthe""com-^ TheSaiinFraiKJscb^GaiK Saturday; ;^ui^:l7; 1909^TIie"Juiiior Call., What kind of stone? Beatrice Moore, 172714 Valdez street, Oakland. - Evauglin Lewis, 225 Sadowa street, Ocean View, San Francisco county. " - Carl Harrison, 343 Carolina street, Vallejo. — Mary I. Taylor, 1501 South Grand avenue, Los Angeles. Helen Hiner, 215 Henry street, San Francisco. . Claude Cochran, 200 Eureka street, -San Francisco. Elsie Rockenfield, 2959 Mission street, San Francisco. ' ' ;. . . Donald K. French, 3011 Capp street," Fruitvale. Clausia J. Currier, 40A Randall street, San Francisco. Elizabeth C. Henzel, 274 Tenth ave nue. San Francisco." _ Weelum Easton, R. F. D. No. 23, GUroy. Adah May "Wollitz, 1556 Moss avenue, Elmhurst. Henry Neuenburg, 221 Tenth avenue, Richmond district, San Francisco. Inez Downey, P. O. box 121, Watson ville. Eugene T. Latuenour, Woodland. Cecilie Ryan, 1236 First avenue, San Francisco. Helen Juzix, . 21 Belcher street, San Francisco. W. J. Dunne Jr., 10 Perry avenue, San . Francisco. Dorothy Morris, 2411 South Atherton street, Berkeley. , ; : Hi A Marian La Shells. Biggs. Hilda Hvall, 1235 Bonita avenue, Berkeley. Mae-C. Thompson,' 519 X street. Sun set district, San. Francisco.: A Ruth Brunlon, 2420 South Atherton street, Berkeley. - •' . Francis' L. Sheerin, 73SV& South Flower street, Los Angeles. _ *-.' '•-."' Wallace Leland, 1329 Walnut street, Berkeley. ' • Arthur Warburton, 632 A Third ave nue. San Francisco. Eldridge Hopking, 817 I street, Fresno. - . Allen Casey, 748 Shrader street, San Francisco. Irene Goding, Blue Canyon. George Simpson, 1225 Fourth avenue, Eaat Oakland. . . ' ' William Mac Donald, 2622 Regent street, Berkeley. , Thomas Stipp, Ukiah. * Gladys Wheeler, box 151, Mill Val ley. Ruth Stauffer, 4212 Twenty-sixth street. San Francisco. Allison Rouse, 304 Goshen avenue, Visalla. \ John David Eramons, 2400 . Geary street, San Francisco. Margaret Wood, S2l, Fell street,- San Francisco. "- '. Marden, 410 Twenty-second avenue, San Francisco. ..: Charlie Batcheldcr, P. O. box 45, Elnj hurst. I Leslie C. Sexton. 1034 A Cole street, San Francisco. - .* ' -\u25a0?'\u25a0 .. Will - Morrison, 2314 Haste street, Berkeley. • Alfred Eichler Jr., -4400 Nineteenth street,' San Francisco. Robert Dillon, Mill Valley, care Mrs. T. TV Webster. Ruth Hall, 614 Broderick street, San Francisco. Thelma Miller, 1710 Francisco street, Berkeley. - . - Milton Godfrey, 526 Pacific avenue, Alameda. Myrtle Cluse, Burlingame. v , \u25a0 -Erla Cooley, 2119 Central avenue, Alameda. Marguerite Ryan, 450 South Second street, San Jose. - ' James Gee, 725 Louisiana street, Val lejo. . ;\u25a0-.] Mary McGowan, 1507 Sanchez street, San Francisco. Zclma Dainty, Brentwood. \u25a0 Leon W. Woolsey, 4 Boulevard place, Oakland. Frank B. Wood. Fitchburg. Inez Joseph, 2128 Fifteenth street, San Francisco. '..»"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Frank Mixon Jr.. Woodland. Bert Attridge, San Francisco. Leo yon Hacht, 1308 Thirteenth ave nue. East Oakland. . >'. ' May- Trade, 3356 Nineteenth street, San Francisco. . - Marguerite Fisher, Healdsburg. Lloyd^ Anderson, 1627 Eddy street, San Francisco. , v Gabrlelle Fagothey, 1633 Haight street/ San Francisco. Gertrude Karle. South San Francisco. George L. Griess,. Inverness. Henrietta D. Liguori. . Agnew. . Bruce Farring_ton, 1117 Morton street, Alameda. \u0084mon of -iron, copper or,- steel .will* be made {of it. ,/ - it : is ; noj; mere dream > that we *\u25a0 shall' yet ; make our ; airships;;, railroad . cars, automobiles and "carriages, but our. grefet ocean* steamships'- and. even' our:': skyscraper -v with ; their t trimmings C of 'stairways. : and windows will be J of. aluminum." . : " -..-Maybe some ; of -: the readers "of tlie • Call '.will -study but'- this, prob ••" lem ' and ; gi ye' to - the : .world .': a :-; better **procesp, which will cheapen : a product 'surely ; has a great future im the Imechanic artsJ^^^^^^^sl^^®*. . I do not j know that the ~; statement is t ;true t ".but;lt;has been saidferf" this; metal ' that . it . has? five times ; the 'strength of -;lrdn. and;ohly one-flfth~of . its 'weight.- The problems;; of, aluminum - are -yours;; If 'youj solved them; you! can* live mv fine: houses! and .haveia: big \u25a0 bank j account.^ "\u25a0 f r--'-r --'-- \u25a0' ~.' :;^~\ : '<*•:-/ !•-"'\u25a0- ; ; ' %'..'-• ' Til X CUXXIXG : A RCinTFXT 7r7 r ,This picture* illußtralles 'airttle, :' house" \which;lH Iwell'jworthylof lour {attention, \u25a0\u25a0.It ia:tho home, of the^tarahtula. it is What African animal? PHOTOS OF PRIZE WINNERS Yon see today on this page the portraits of fire boys* and nYesriria who have won watches in the con tests conducted by The Junior ' Call. If you are one of : the fortunate winners and haTC not already sent in your picture, please do so at once, 'as The Junior Call wishes to publish the pictures of all the'•suc cessful contestants in the contests for the older juniors. A number of rpictnres will' appear each Vweek.- Write your name and address plainly on the back of the picture, and state whether or not you wish it returned to you. Marjorie Stuart 2442 Haste street, Berkeley. Dora Harder, South San Francisco. Edgar C. Broder, 365 Day street, San Francisco. Walter B. Jones, 1434 Sixth street, Alameda. Sf ,\u25a0 Gtlbert'Peterson, 224 Day street, San -Francisco., \u25a0\u25a0....-.", Minnie Zoller, 1516 X street, Sacra mento. : Elsie AVllker, 916 Hampshire street, San Francisco. Elizabeth Thorn, Petaluma, R. F. D. 1, box 20. Elwyn Reramel, 2257 Clinton avenue, Alameda. Chester Crist, 302 Tenth street, Santa Rosa. Grace James, 1727% Valdez street, Oakland. „' Edwin Meese Jr., 1175 Eighth street, Oakland.- Irene Brye. Auburn. Evelyn Kennedy, 130 Tilden street, San Francisco. Jepson Anderson, Martinez. Ruth Kinkead, 2600 Piedmont ave nue, Berkeley. • . Raymond Miller, 1030 Pine street, San Francisco. Gertie Kolby, 534 Mississippi street- San' Francisco. " « Elsie Harrison, 10% Patfon street^ San Francisco. '-\u25a0\u25a0'. ' \u25a0\u25a0-:-, Agnes- Hayden, 2615 Twenty-fifth street, San Francisco. Mildred-Albright, 1666- Ninth street. Oakland. \u25a0 Lurlino V. Simpson, ,691 Brockhurst street, Oakland. , .-"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 " .\u25a0\u25a0. Leland R. Ferr, 33C6 Maple avenue, Fruitvale. . John Rae, Gait Alice Rae, 2611 Folsom street, San Francisco. D. N. Stewart, 3820 Telegraph avenue, Oakland.- Hannah Kappelmann, 1055 McAllis ter street, San Francisco. - Salome Offenbach, 508 Lyons street, San Francisco. Letf Cassidy, 224 Dorland street, San Franelspo. -v . Edmond O'Brien, Burlingame. Ethel . Graham, 2746 Filbert street, San Francisco. , Genevieve Lownie, 2774 Twenty-sec ond street, San Francisco. George A. Meagher, Selby. Dorothy Hamilton. 571 Thirty-ninth avenue, San Francisco. • Marjorie Stark, 2651 Folsom street. \u25a0San -Francisco. ' Ethyl Smith, San Pablo. Helen Stark, 2757 A Harrison street; San Francisco. George -Kelsey Jr., 2215 Ellsworth street, Berkeley. Carl Biddle,' V. C. cottage No. ,1, Berkeley.'. Minnie MoPeek, 11C6E Twenty-sec ond street, Oakland- Hazel Locey, 623 Tennessee street, San Francisco. - • . Gertie Frey. 3525 Twenty-second •street, San Francisco.. . Henry Jurl, 30 Liberty street, - San Francisco. Cecil Lathrop, s 2626 Charming way, Berkeley. . .-•\u25a0•-\u25a0" • Edmund Krase, 68 ' Fair Oaks street, San Francisco. . . Geneva Canning, S2l Louisiana street, Vallejo. George AY. Mclver Jr., Presidio of Monterey. ..>'\u25a0"". made- of adobe idnd is. a. piece; of cun . ning ; work -by - one of " nature's most cunninglvworkmon; :\u25a0;':':;':'} j It was' made "by the -tarantula ; that, it might ; be i not only - the place :of '\u25a0. his ownihome, but of his children, r: Down ; in the; desert: in southern lCal-. Jforhla:or' Arizona the /tarantula ;dus a hole. Then he got some adobe {and ; plastered \ it inside : arid at the \u25a0 bottom, ; just ;as ;a plasterer < plast'ersVa" house. The .top' of the 'house comes just \u25a0 even : with .the surface", of the; ground: Tlie top is open, but : the wbrkmaridoesnot intend to: live' in .a -house* thatfis un protected ;'he". proceeds : to make a 1a 1 door and j tomtit it .to . the .house. ; , I r.v?i&\ I \u25a0 could,:show "you how " closely this f dobr , fits. . " It jis /as > close V as; a' .\ case,' and ? at;,the back Jthaft-a^ springs hinge?; You . look> surprised;"'-'": but!" this";: is i; true.? A flno; springy hinge tholdS;thisTdoor;iin^ place. and- closes it. when;. the? tarantula' lias entered , 'orl;-gone out. When ; we ; i n veri ted t spr ing\u25a0 hI n ses <. we\ thought . 'j.w c ; had; accomplished, wonders,. vbutithe \u25a0tarantula lias . heen making',; spring hinges for agea. : But' this'housejisjnot \u25a0 • Vernie Litch. P. O. box 364, Chico. Wesley Marshall, Chico. RuthE. Smiley, .1515 Prince street, Berkeley.' : : \u25a0\u25a0 > \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0- Molly Flint, ' 1700 D wight vray, Berkeley. •Willie yon Hacht. 1308 Thirteenth avenue. East Oakland. , •\u25a0% -?.'.. -''r. : Elinor Brown, Cazadero. i Lester McGowan, P. O-xbox 43, Wat sonvllle. "\u25a0 - ' ' \u25a0 ' ' \u25a0 \u25a0. Adelaide Wheeler,. 412 Webster street, San Francisco. Elvejia M- 'Buletti, Swiss hotel, So noma. V, - Rosie- Cohl, 1676 Hayes street, San Francisco. "•- . Edna.Vogal, 1640 Haye3 street, San Francisco. / Howard Rogers, 1360 Dolores street, San Francisco. . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; \u25a0Alma Smith,' 1471 seventh avenue, San Francisco, Sunset district. Jack ; Martin, 1537 Fell street, San Francisco. • . Anna Sweeney, 1057 Sixty-second street, Oakland. Willie E. Sanborn, Winters. Ethyl Leone Werner. Princeton. Lueile W. Sleeper, 2520 Hilgard street, Berkeley. • • Eleanor Jackson, 144« Taylor street, San Francisco. Helen Morrissey, 1557 Sanchez street, San Francisco. Douglass E. Johnson, Occidental. Marcella Merkel. 3820 A rear Eigh teenth street, San Francisco. Zoe Grand!. Point Reyes station. Enfd Childs. 181 Ninth street, Oak land. Doris Isborne, 304 Ninth street, Oak land. Rose Harrington, 1529 Carlton street, Berkeley. V . Marjory Galloway, 143 Jersey street, San Francisco. _ : , Francis Driscoll, 1121 East Twenty second street, Oakland. Dorothy. Gunn. ' 576 Twenty-seventh avenue, San Francisco. R. M. Burrows, 601 Sixth street, Pet aluma. Hall Schradcr, Hall Lodge, Wrights, R. F D. 27. Myrtle Sturtevant, 1912 Buena Vista avenue, Alameda. Ruth Leisz, 339 Twelfth street, Oak land. . \u25a0 '\u25a0•,\u25a0\u25a0-' \u25a0 . William J. Logue, 61 North E street, San Mateo. - . Hoskin E. Shaln, Hall Lodge, Wrights, R. F. D. 27. Henry J. Stump, :Bloomfield. Archie Williams, Wrights. George A. Kolb, 911 Taylor avenue, Alameda. * \u25a0- - Gertrude Bradford. 340 South Eleventh street," San Jose. Gladys Munroe, 1013 Sonoma street, Vallejo. \u0084 . v . ; ::, : ; 'i-: HOW TO MAKE CORK PICTURES WHAT! You' have never made cork pictures . and you've actually grown up to be as big as you are without even hearing 'of them? Why, you'va missed 'half the fun in life. I advise you to begin, at once, before you are. any older. Make some. You 'can start right oft* now. Do you happen to know where there are any old corks to be found? Aren't you quite sure that there are-.some ~'up- Htairs or downstairs or : somewhere? Well, run right along quickly and find them. Then bring them here and I'll tell you what to. do. Ycu must wash them all off first. Put them in 'some warm, soapy water and ' let them soak for a while. Lefs see; you will need some good stout cardboard or brlstol .board, or some such thing. Have you any ,old boxes that you can sacrifice? We can use the cardboard they are made of if you bring the boxes herd." ; You will need some mucilage or glue, too. Do you know where to find some? All right, bring it. ' , Now, -where Is your jackknlfe? I think |we have everything ; ready to begin when the corks are washed and dried. ' • ' \ ' Let's see— what do you • want 'to make? Suppose we begin with some thing that is quite easy— a cork pic ture card with the picture of a house and; garden. lonly;l only; very .wonderful in; this ; respect,' but* it ; also -very 'fine in it's " furnishings. 'C : I ican ; imagine , the 'tarantula' crawling, into .'a • millionaire's'lhome': and,' looking : about ' its fine furnishing/ asking,' "After all,7is''it as fineas'my house ? ; Why, my. i house ;- : is*: lined, top, sides } and .bottom, ; with', the: purest-Jwhite silk: Tiie;million aire's ;baby".may; have ; a fine cradle and fine ; trappi ngs, ; but ihe :• is- not" equal ?to the tarantula'bab'y, with^respect to rich ; f ur nishi rigs of his ? wardr'ob"e.V My. babies tare^wrappedHn I the ;finest?silk : blankets; "such astonly'a spider'can'i weave." '/\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0 The itarantula^is 'a- great f fighter.- and .*Jiis.f conquests are easy;'' but"; he- has. a \u25a0mortal enemy, and it is to-e scape this enemy, that] he hides 'his house ;by c6v ;.ering v ie ;^ oor j exactly '.the _ color,? of * the r ground/ around it/ It 'takes] a*: keen eye \u25a0jto'dlscover; the, tarantula •home::fl ought 'tb^statel.that|opinldrilisf divided jas to the jbuildcr.i of pthis- home. : ; ! Some scien tists .claimVthaf, it is - the lwork of ' the Jtrapclbor/spider 'instead 'of ' 'that of the "tarantula, i ....' J- • \u25a0 r _. '. 111 1 think ; you -will ' agree, with mo that ,:Whlch"ever ;; 6ne''of -.these "insects built the What flower? v Frank Henderson, San Anselmo. Chester B. Gates*,El Verano. James Callahan. 321 Grand avenue, Oakland. ' • Verona Crowley, Fresno. Herbert Cochran, P.. F. D. route 3, Petaluma. . -. -' Willie Sorensen, Warm Springs. Helen Jusix, 21 Belcher, street, San Francisco. , Charles A, H. Peck, S3O Castro street, Oakland. - \u25a0\u25a0 „*_,,, Anna Fiske, Hotel Yorke. 1499 Cali fornia street, San Francisco. Robert R. Ross. Davis. John Garrett, 2125 Haste street, Berk d©y '\u25a0 \u25a0 • - Alice Murphy, Redwood City, P.- O. box 34. Loton S. Wells. 2636 Sutter street. San Francisco. Ina Wass. 15 Willow street. Saji Jose. Isabel Carroll, 536 Oak street, San Francisco. Clarence G. Qulsenberry. Modesto. Frances Honeyman, 996 Page street, San Francisco. Louis Hoelter, 41 Stoneman street, San Francisco. Annie Slater. 1629 Tonquin street. Harbor View, San Francisco. Winnifred Woods, 29 Powell avenue, San Francisco. : Edward Gove, 266 Webster street, Berkeley. William Cathcart, 1111 Stanyan street, San Francisco. Alice E. Salter. 3891 Twenty-third street. San Francisco. Gladys Wysinger, 1499 'California street, San Francisco. Catherine Clement, R. F. D. 2, St. Helena. Paul Bohen, box"2Q3, Napa. Ida Aspelln. Sausalito. • George B. Taylor. Sanitarium. Adolf Mueller, 1385 Minna street, San Francisco.* Mildred E. Buf ton, Kenwood. Irma Hauber. box 27. Hayward. Norman Wolff, 211 E street, Saji Ra fael. Charlie S.teven3. 118 Fourth street, MarysvlUe. Alva E. Cornelius, St. Helena. Kathryn M. Tuttle, box 40», St. Helena. , Esther Olson. Tiburon. >, Eric Chemnitz, route No. 5, box 52, Stockton. - A. A. Pedersen, route 4, Petaluma. Madera Irwin, 411 Goettingen street, San Francisco.- Gertrude Elizabeth Kreischer, 20 01 Haste street, Berkeley. Albert Fauss, 1500 Call building. San Francisco.. Cut a piece of tne cardboard about eight by ten, and then wljen, that Is done draw a sketch of the house that you wisn to make. 'You can't draw? Oh. : yes,' you can! Every one can draw a house! . Make just a plain house, with a roof and a chimney and a door and two win dows. That's it. Make it quite large— about three inches long. That. will do. Now cut little strips off the corks. Paste one right over the other on the .ioof. Tfiey make shingles, of course^ — keep them about the. same size and put" them on evenly. " What now? Why, you will have to fill in the other spaces. Cut large thin slices from that largest cork and fill in the rest of the house. Only, don't fill in the . door and window spaces. There you are! Isn't that cute! But you've forgotten to make the chimney. . Cut a tiny square for that. Oh, I know you "didn't forget it. Of course, you know just what : kind of a picture you want to make. You put the chimney there and you intended to cover it. Oh, you're cutting those long pieces for the rails of the fence, aren't you? And you're going to have tree*, too. And that funny little rounding corner piece' will just do for a hammock:' \u25a0 I knew you'd like to make th§ cork pictures! It is. fun. Isn't. lt? Lefs see which of us can make the prettiest. house he justifies' the title I have given hin^ v . :\:\., :_\u25a0\u25a0: .THE -.WITCH BALL This* picture is; one^of a very_ interest ing ball .'formed : in a very . "curious ,way. It la : a hair 'bair taken- from ; a' cow'a stomach and iis \u25a0« formed lof hair^ which the cows lick from their sides'and swal low.'which"combines -with phosphate of lime and forms '; a', hard' ball. -This one is almos t' a perfect sphere and.about as large as; a ball.T{ Not many of these {balls are : found {and fe»w are « so perfect in. shape as : this one." It is sup posed-to take- two or three yelarai'for the ball to grQw to theisize of this one. - .The dictionary describes a witch ball from ; the plains -of liut it : is composed of: grassland weeds and other light: materials andiis -blown about! the desert by^ the .winds: ftilark Twain 'describes this Switch ball in .i'HucklcDerry' Finnl", vThe : negroes of the^south: believe it has' magic powers They;- earryV -them: in\their^pockets: to keep^thejwitches away- and tell- fortunes What part, of a ' fireman/a equipfient'