Newspaper Page Text
4 A PAGE FOR THE YOUNGER JUNIORS JAM ON BOT SIDES OF HIS BREAD OR WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DISCONTENTED KING. OXCE upon a time a king lived in a beautiful Ivory palace. I don't know where they ever got enough ivory with which to build it, but there it was, and. if one may believe the old time stories it was quite a common thing for a monarch to have a palace mada of that 'sort of stuff. Now, this king was not one bit con tented, for no matter , what he had or how much he liked it at first he very soon began to see flaws In it, and if he oould not find them in the beginning he kept on hunting until he did. On the day that I am going to tell of he was feeling particularly cross and fretful, and what do you think it was about? Nothing that would have trou bled a reasonable person at all. It was this: A day or two before a king friend who lived a few countries away had Bent him a large box of jars of the . most delicious jam of every kfnd and a few kegs of the finest butter ever made. The king enjoyed them tremen dously and had some for every meal. But all of a sudden as he eat munching away — for even kings munch if they really like what they are eating — he turned to his favorite a.nd said, as soon as his mouth was empty enough: "What's the use of having all this jam and butter if I can't eat it on both sides of my bread? My next slice must be fixed that way." Now. that may seem easy enough when you first hear of it, but it is most inconvenient when you begin to try it. In the first place, the king liked his jam and butter spread on very thick p.nd smooth and even, and though the servant managed the upper side very nicely, as soon as he tried to turn it over hi* troubles began. It stuck to tho plate and smeared things generally, and pretty soon the servant was In despair and the kins: was cross Tie cause he. had to wait. At last one piece was fairly respect able looking, and the king began to try to eat it, but he could not manage it and keep his fingers clean, and that displeased him, for he was rather fussy about sticky fingers. I suppose you think Jie might have taken a fork, and so he might If there had been such a thing, but In the time that ivory palaces used to flourish there were no forks in the world. , Perhaps it was just as well, for if the King had had a fork he was just the sort of person to have stuck his fingers or his lips with it. or he would have complained that the tines of it WINNERS OF THE JUNIOR PAINT BOX PRIZES HERE is the picture of the Kirl and .the. flowers, and another fine chance for the artistic and indus trious younser .ianior to do some mow beautiful CDloring. The boy feeding the sv.-ans brought a very large number of lovely pictures to the office of The Junior Call, and the editor hopes to' havt- cv«: more next w«>ek. • , This picture work is for the younger junsor« only, those who are 10 years of age and younger. Twenty paint boxes be av.-arded to 20 pictures most «.- rustically r t fi<J m-aL'y colored. j Color your picture as quickly as pos sible and mall It to the editor of The Junior Call, so that it will arrive not later ihan Wednesday afternoon, as pictures received after that time can !:<>i be used. • '^£w There is one point upon which the editor oosires the children to be a little more particular, and that is to write their names and addresses as plainly as possible, and In all cases. to K»ve the city or town as well as the street and number. This is very im portant, indeed, because the editor has no means of knowing whether the city is San Francisco, or Oakland, or Berke ley, or Sacramento, or some other town, unless it Is written on .the picture that Is submitted. The younger juniors who have been swarded prizes for painting the picture of the boy feeding the swans are: Bennie Gotelli. 946 Bryant street, San Francisco, age 7 years. Charlotte Bell, 1816 Eighth street, West Berkeley, age 10 years. I!. Kenneth Thompson, Kenwood, Eonoma county, age 8 years. Edmund O'Connell, 66 Carmelita sireet. San Francisco, age 6 years. Huih Little, Dixon. age 6 years. Evelyn Maxine Compton, Princeton, as?e"t> years. Elinor Wood. 82 Fell street, San Francisco, age 9 years. — Dobler Corkill. box 18. Carmel. age S years, care of J. Hitchcock. Ruth Westlur.d, 811 Santa Clara ave nue Alameda, age 8 years. Enid Hobson. 2137 Virginia street, Berkeley, age 9 years. Loretta M. Garbarini, box 27. Jack son, age 10 years. Joseph Hecview. 3737 West street. Oakland, age 6 years. Gladys Lyle, 1912 Buena Vista ave nue. Alameda. age 7 years: Mabel Mclntosh, box 54, Petaluma, age- 7 years. Eddie Finnigan, 617 Aeh avenue. San Francisco, age 8 years. Thelma Hoffman, SO2 Oak street. San Francisco, age 9 years. Mabelle Bradley. 246 North Fourth street, San Jose, age 8 years. Margaret Coles, 157 North Whitney Etreet, San Jose, age 7 years. Anna Osterhout. 5 University cottage, Berkeley, age 8 years. Dorothy Heimore. P. O. box 575, Mill Valley, age 10 years. roll, or hoxok In addition "The Junior Call Is very happy to be able to publish, the follow ing long roll of.honorr Fred A. Pech."B3o Castro street, Oak land, age 10 years. Edith Byde. 723 Fifth avenue, San Mateo. age « years. Dorothy B. Hohn. 203 Hoffman ave nue. Kan*FranH*co. ape,» yearfcTSßliß Alice Irene Cooper, Hayward, age 10 years. riVKMBKfEKfetfB&MPariBI Colina J. Peterson. 408 A street. San Francisco, aj?e 10 year?. MMMBM Fllomina Rometta. 424 Laurel street. k San Francisco. i^PßawßßßDßßW* ' ' . V Mildred Madsen. Hayward, age 9 • yea rs. ' . Rose Crotty, 208 Texas street, San Francisco.- ag* 10, years.ljJ^|Bß*fWWSß Amelia Snyder, ;l7B;Highland avenue. t?«n \u25a0 Francisco. "-•\u25a0' ". -\u25a0 - -'\u25a0\u25a0- Agnes Harden, 2615 : Twenty-fifth street, San Francisco, age 10 years, r' Anita -Anderson, Rio .Vista, age ..7 y«ar«., - \^aaß^aqoßflßtfaßlo^NtafeflPi Myrtle Fielding. 572 Thirty-seventh street, Oakland, age 3 .year*. .... ' Martin Fleming,- Larkspur, box 1302, lajre 6 years. :\u25a0 - ' Richard Brasesco., 215. Texas . siceet^ San» Francisco." age: € years. \u25a0 • \u25a0:\u25a0, : Donald K. French; 3011 Capp street, Frujtvale. ' .. . . . V \u25a0'\u25a0:-. . . . . Eddie Brown. South San Francisco, Bge.'.S years. . \u25a0. '- . ' Edith de Bretteville. 1741 Walnut street. Berkeley, age 10 year*.' - : Minnie Pedro, .673 Keyes; street. -San Jose., age :»' years. ; . -\u25a0 :\u25a0 ' " L*nore^ London,.- 1157 Treat avenue. Sen " Francisco;"a jre -$ ,*years.c^ \u25a0\u25a0•-\u25a0: . H«irJe, Gertrude Griffin, Lonoa^c, Mon terey county, age 9 "years. were dull or bent, or some.such matter. He might even have drummed upon the table with it when he felt im patient, not, of course, because it was polite; but because he was a king and conld do it if he chose. Without any fork and with a strong longing for double spread jam and butter and bread and clean fingers all at once he said in a grumbly voice: "What's the use of Having a favorite if he can't think of some way for me Helen Webb, Richmond, age 8 years. , John Hanlon, 1007- South M street, \u25a0 age 9 years.* ..... . •'. \u0084•-.• -• — "Daisy Christiansen, 1232 Fourth ave nue. San Franciacb, age 6 years.-* • Oscar Arnesen, 40 JLundy lane, San . Francisco, age 7 years. Edna Miller, 1 Kentucky place, Po trero. Robert McKinley, 337 San Jose ave nue, San Francisco, age 8 years. Audrey Cannon, 4128 Bartlett street, San Francisco, age 6 years. Hilda Lehrke, 422 Lyon street, San Francisco, age 10 years. . Margaret Jones, 756 Filbert street, San Francisco, age 7 years. , : This is the picture to be colored. Paint it in s water colors or crayon and send immediately to the Editor of the Call The ; San r 'ff fanciscolCall^ Saturday^) u]jil/rfo9Q9;^Tlie ; Junioiv? (Jall^ GERTRUDE CROWNFIELD The Cup Bearer Found It Mere and More DifficultjoJPlacc ; the Morsel Properly io. His Mouth ; - to ffet what I want?" When . the court heard these words they all came as near to -staring as court, people ever- do come, for the favorite had been the ' only . person * so far who had^never .been? found < fault with by the king. The favorite him self grew quite white with 'dismay, for the, problem was difficult, bnfhis brain began to work as fast as it could to think of some scheme r by, which the king's desire could be accomplished. Hazel Rains, Talraage, age S j ears. Athol Smith, 902 Oak street, San Francisco, age 6 years. ; » . ' , . Cecil Smith, 902 Oak street, San Francisco,' age 9 years. ' : \u25a0 •. • . Henry Segaler, 285 Ninth street, age 9 years. " .. ; \u25ba -:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . • Thomas Wishard, 1525 Eighth ave nue, San Francisco, age 7 years. . Grace \u25a0* Elizabeth * Guth, Novata. . Dorothy Helen Zentner,' 1372 McAl lister street, San Francisco, \u25a0 age 9 years. : - ,\u25a0 >.\u25a0 -.;. '••- • -, \u25a0. . :•.' \u25a0 >-... Dorothy Dukes; 223 Eighth avenue. Pacific Grove, age S years. .. \u25a0••' Lawrence Gann, , 184 ; Colllngwbod street, , San Francisco, age 8, years. ,-• TH E : ' G I RL'f'AXD S,THE % FLOWERS ;: For a few minutes it was very-quiet in the. ivory banquet hall. Yes. that was \u25a0' ivory, -too,- all * over .everywhere, except twhat was pure gold,' with a certain number/of rubies and diamonds and "emeralds " and amethysts- set" In; it to brighten things up. Then the favor ite bowed very respectfully to. the king and ' sald>- with '\u25a0 his most \u25a0 pleasing, man ner: "Perhaps it --' a could ;be managed, your majesty ," if your "cup; bearer would cut; it up -in. small pieces and present "r Helen /"•Noe,". 357 Third avenue; : San Francisco,: agOi 6' years. ,; .. . ;. ! Margaret 1 Poage;;Ukiahr age 7 years, v- Bernanllne./Ahern.'Menlo ;Park, age 7. ; years.' .; .v. s\ '•\u25a0>. •': •--. .\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0. ; " \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0 < Lucy : Pepe.' 1708( Broderlck street, San Francisco, age" 9 years. . . : - Stanley "G.. Holmes;-, 1250 Twenty third iavenue, Oakland,, age .7 years. "\u25a0\u25a0 Helen Bonn." 440 Capp street, age 8 years. - ; ;-^ -.; ' - \u25a0 ' \u25a0-.\u25a0 \ :\u25a0 . Vlolav Loveland. . 1812 . Sixth street, West Berkeley, : age* 10 years. Virginia Treadwell.. Nevada City, age 7.-years. ' - : -.' '\u25a0 \u25a0'"':"\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0' . ; \u25a0-' : Marie I. Steven, 118 Fourth street, Marysville, age 9 years. It to your lips on a long dagger. > In that way; you need not soil your royal fingers." ». . "That: is an idea," cried the king, and he' looked; pleasanter'iit once. \u25a0 This • way :. of "doing-,, was \u0084 tried and went very 'nicely Indeed ' for a while, so long * as the. king paid attention:. to 'his food, ..but ; before longr he became Interested in talking, and the cup bearer :fpund - it more and more difficult /to;, place the ; morsel properly in his . Elwood .Franquelin. .812 . Petaluma .avenue, .San" Rafael,, age 9 years. . . Margaret, Decker, 22 Hoffman ave nue.-age 10 years. : Myrtle Leahy; 321 Valley, street, age 9 ! years. . A . -,-\u25a0 \u25a0 -.•• /,; --V .. - \u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0•-. Walter O'Brien, 15 Dwight road. Bur lingame.^age 9 ? . years. "\u25a0-\u25a0% \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'' : \u0084 • •<-' Lolieta? Brown; 202S Magnolia street, Oakland, • asre MO- veojrs. \u25a0••;•: :-. . . c ••\u25a0 Rowland H.iGass., ll2B Tenth street,' .Sacramento, age 5 years. .' ? . - Fred Northon.. 6sll Raymond street, Oakland, age 10 years. ' ".Geneva McCarthy, Sixteen Mile house.; Millbrae. San Mateo, age' 9 .. years. |p \u25a0 \u25a0 v.v. \u25a0 \u25a0 .- ;\u25a0 '\u25a0 , ' Dorothy Chase, .225 Church street, Salinas/ age ' 9 years. • . . • •Dorothy Welch, 1814 - Sixth street, West Berkeley, 1 age 7 years. 1 ', Ruth iWelch. 1814 Sixth street, West Berkeley,, age 9 years. . ,' iTorrey, 2208 Parker street. Berkeley, age 7 \u25a0« years. . Josephine \u0084 W itt. \u25a0.1926 - : Broderlck street, San Francisco, age 9- years. \u25a0" J.J '. AnninkaPlanzer. Mount Eden, age 8 years. • :< -\u25a0-..:; '" " ,:• - - •' .\u25a0\u25a0' --"\u25a0\u25a0: r Harriett Stowe. : ,' ll7O McAllister . street. San Fraiicisco,''age'7-years. . :~ Frank Simpson. , 623 Andover street. San ; Francisco,";, age VB . years. \u25a0 Mary Philllps, ; ll7o Treat. avenue. San Francisco," age 10. years. . ; Genevleve Brohen, -box. 203.' Xapa, - age -8 years. e^.?. !'\u25a0*''\u25a0\u25a0 ~> \u25a0* v * - .-l.^ ~'' L '\u25a0-'"':-. . Adele : Leahy, 321 Valley street, San -Francisco, 'age; 8. years.* ; . \u25a0 Ethel r Knapp,' ; 862 . Guerrero street, \u25a0 San" Francisco, age 9 years. Vernle Lltch. P. .O. box 364. Chico, age.3 0' yoars. , ' Raleigh. Peabody, Vacaville." age 10 ;years^-- .\u25a0--/."-•\u25a0 •'..•• -. : ..--- ; \u25a0.\u25a0..\u25a0 :^',;. --\u25a0"• Bessie Iris Prater, 28 Sierra Nevada street/ Stockton.; age 9 years, v Edward .Breitli;: Santa : Clara, age 7 . "years. --, ': \u25a0"\u25a0< - : : :-".\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'"- \u25a0\u25a0> '\u25a0-' ,\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0' " \u25a0;.\u25a0: Lizzie .Bourdette,. 39Bl Eighteenth street, San Francisco, age 9 years. Irene lllrshfield.f323 Lyon street, San \u25a0 Francisco.'age ;10 -years..' •' \u25a0 " .•'.• : . ' ' Genevieve^ Everson, \,985. Lombard street. San Franciscu. .'age ,10 1 years.".* . /Alice >i Leary.v ls ll " Golden; Gate ave- . \u25a0.nue.iSan^FrancJsco. age-'loiyears. , . 'Mabel .Brink.' 632 'Lincoln avenue, ' Alumeda," ace 10 years. ;\u25a0 ' . : . . '.' •* Joy- Morris, 229 Twenty- oiKhth street; San Francisco, age 10 '\u25a0 years.- .'::.- \u25a0'-;. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0.'.'\u25a0\u25a0 \":r":~. \..\ ' -.. — :. \u25a0 :. Gertrude Dunn, .117 Treat -avenue, . Fan "Francisco; age 10; years. - Gladys; Smith.v Ocean - View, San Francisco. 'age: lOiyears.- EnidiVolquards, S3ovDouglass street. San.'FranciscoV age 10jy£ars. V . \u25a0 : Murphy ::,sCobb,V, 2s2s .Dwight way, J i3erkeley,;ase S-years. ; "/»• Muriel * Cavaflaugh; .\ 227R Fulton = . street." San Franciscu, age- 6 years./ - ' Melvin ; Joy.^.Dixon," age; 7 ;^ears. ;. /John Engler, : . SBS \u25a0Al varado street, '•'San \u25a0 Francisco, r '.age*i6'«years.." "\u25a0- ;• , ; : ; '\u25a0-: ißbsaliaV Hippey," 1964;.Gr0ve street, San* Francisco, -age : 9 years. ' iLeidl,, 11 Prentlss^street, Fruitvale.v age>lovycars. ~ . - i£S Lucille \u25a0 Marsh, i Nevada City, age.- 6 ;f; f y ears.'tf'V^-'-. : ' .'v •'\u25a0' '-'-^'^SWBHBSWHIS'fiwI \u0084: Alice Dodße',,l3S Poplar avenue,"Fres no.: age ,!) = years. ," . .> ;\u25a0 Frank jAverj-.v 1109 ; Ellis street, San Francisco. 'agre:-?' years.; . • .; .John -Ramsay. 114 Kentucky street. ;.Vallejo;f age ao- years: . ". ;v \u25a0". A. M. Prosser' Jr.,. 2016 .: San Antonio - avenue. cAlameda.iag^ S years. L-Irenei'Rart>e,^ls33, Pacific avenue, San ';isco.iaj!ce- 10. years. ; •. . . : ?.s \u25a0:;•?. Elton Kane, 864 . Hulght street, /age \u25a0 '••6 ••years. \u25a0 "\u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0.; .": • - .' ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 ; - \u25a0; born? -Blacklock/ Bullfrog. .Rhyolite kV aO." NevaduTKase- 7'years. '--.\u25a0•'. 'Edna V-.Barthold.v.44s.;.Tenth avenue, San -Franclscd.^aße'O. -years;. .\u25a0;• v-'-*il£sß*g .»; Adrian i/'PrOthero.'^ 690, "Brockhurst •••*street,VOakland,":age>lo-. years, "v ..Paula r Rltter,"; 759 Webster street, San ! - Francisco. P \u25a0': -Xtc S .Marjorie Doyle, > 1623 > Scenic avenue,' .-Bcrkeleyi:age9.>ypars.T; \u25a0 . .Terry ;H.'Connitt,;-6295' Colby: street. \u25a0 'age ' ! R-'.' years. ' f-K'j \u25a0 '\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0:.: Gladys ; Lewetz., 2514 . Pine streetr age "'S- years.\- ' \u25a0\u25a0 .' S" ;. ' "; ';": ' \u25a0'; '' \u25a0. . \u25a0 - .-Harvey: Anderson. 39 , Hardy, street, •'age ?»; years/. "'\u25a0\u25a0*- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0-'.'"-\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0•-•.' -, : v. " ;(.)lga-Hustedt; 205'J vTaylor street, age S : . year?. ':•\u25a0• \u25a0':'\u25a0'."-\u25a0 ' \u25a0;' s°-?, r!^ r v '•.;-'- i'. 1 - V. ; Aj?nesl : Tlioma?.;, R.. R.'-No. 1, Chico, afif>:<t ! y«ars." \u25a0\u25a0"•' \u25a0 , •. -o^?3^Si;§BfflMosK \u25a0i?;? Olive 'Blanch - Hay ward, 'age 6; yearsX. >';.;; J-~^"'-'_ y \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 :-->"?: -->"? •",.,•":-•\u25a0' \u25a0':\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0• "\u25a0- Anabsll^vßarker, ;438 Cl«ment street, \u25a0'ajre^S'" years."* .-?".".\u25a0"..• : :'-'\u25a0;"', .',; \u25a0 '\u25a0,' May^Olson. : , 195-, Page, street. ;age ' 10 ; "•'yeßrs/--."«-- : '. " -^v ;-':/:'^.v.j^X' '\u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0 >\u25a0' • ; / ... -: Lillian iDeluche*llßo9fEastv Lafayette: street^Stockton^age jS; years. , • '. ; v .-;',; Alfred;.- Donovan, . *Octavia,'- age ; :^years.~*T-' ; "",~'- f -/.'V".-l^ .'Jj^--\'- :;'-,~.: ;'-,~. :.'>.'• \u25a0 : ~. \u25a0 .-- : -, i;^* Anita* Chlappari;|so,o i Somerset-, street, ; ?v: ... . ' \u25a0 ; Luluj Gales', 4^ Sausallto3 age s SVyears/ " v fc -Alfr.efiC % Gales3iSausal^to.sage;7;,years. ! > -':\u25a0/'\u25a0 EHzabeth" i; I vhyner.Yyl 505 -.Kentucky ; Sistrtretj rip.i-T S ,\ears. \u25a0\u25a0, \u0084\u25a0.-,- >\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0.= \u25a0•...\u25a0:; -.\u25a0 • - . "mouth, until at last, all of * sudden, the king Amoved his head too; quickly as a splendid jammy." buttery pieoe was go- Mng \u25a0': in, and - the -\u25a0 poor ' ; cup ' bearer not only had the piece knocked off tie dag-" y ger,f down on the king's new silk robe, which ' hV ; . was :; wearing . for the . first time,- but he actually • pricked his maj esty In the lip.' so : that the blood came. Of Icourse the king flew into a rage at once, and things began to look pretty; black for the cup bearer, who trembled so" : violently," even to ; the" 'tops of -his f: toes, that- if his" boots had* not been strong ' and heavy he would , have tum bled down. To be sure, the favorite came in 'for a share of the .scolding, because the' idea had been hli y in the flrHt place.' and he began to realize that he would ;have !to get. a better idea for the next meal, or lose his : nlace as-a favorite, even if he didn't Pose his 'head. \u25a0 ' '.'Pardon "us. your majesty," \he said lV '«ry humbly, "for. not naving .done things tb suit you.' If you will give me another trial -I will do my best to have things; more to. your desire be fore the next meal comes around." The king scowled a little less, but looked pretty much disgusted, on the whole;, still he was willing to give the favorite one more chance. -. . - ?Theyall went away from the table in a rather bad humor. " Dut only the King had the right to " show how he felt: the rest had to look pleasant. The ,cup. bearer hurried ' down, to the kitchen to tell the cook and take some hot food to cheer himself up. The favorite had to go off alone, in a high tower, to think . like everything and try -experiments before, another jam time came around, and every once in a while, when 'his, head felt sore from, so much thinking and he was almost desperate, he would look.out of the. window 'and see ;all the rest of : the court having a -good time playing skittles,' and, he wished, with all his heart, that he was there too. At least I suppose '", was 'skittles that ! they, were .. amusing themselves with, though maybe; they '.didn't play skittles in the days of ' Ivory palaces; but; it must have been some.such. Jolly named game as that anyway. How ever, thatwas, the favorite wanted to be ; there Instead of In. the tower. When the. king came to breakfast next morning, he was all ready to find fault. If ; there was any chance; for it. The favorite stood .by his w ivory chair with a smile on his face, though he looked pretty tired, , for he had been up allnight: At the. King's palace stood a small frame, just big " enough to hold. a" slice of bread nicely. It was mounted •on -"a*- little .tripod, which did not -interfere with the frame. "Permit me. your majesty, to prepare apiece of bread for you," said the fa vorite. '--.\u25a0.-. \u25a0 : "By all means," replied the king, "and do put on plenty of jam and but ter." ..The. favorite spread if most beauti fully . on v one side, and then took the little frame by the handle and turned Eva'Bentop. Sausallto, age 10 years. Estelle; L. Hannah, -74 Palm avenue, age 7 years. , Arulna Armsby; Newark, age 7 years.' Cecilia O'Connell.'- 66 Carmelita street, San Francisco, age 8 years. • .Muriel Amaranth Boysen, Le Grand, age 7 "years. "; -Loraine Marie Bresse, 211 First street. Redwood City,- age 5 years, -lima R., Boyson, route 4, Petaluma, age 10 years. £ \u25a0 . "< Muriel; Davis, 137 Van. Ness avenue, . San Francisco, age 6 years. - '•\u25a0' Mina Ellen Wade. 414 Goshen avenue, Vlsalla; v age 10 - years. Margaret Drehen,: 915 Hewitt avenue, Oroville, age'B years. /- Ceres Hill Clifford, 530 ' Hazel street Chlco," age «7 years. Thelma Tipton, Hammonton, age 10 years. \u25a0 •Ralph: Woodman, South San Fran cisco, age; 8 years., Geraldlne Murray,- 331 Bay View, San Rafael. . . Karl Erlcksen. 35 Bache street. San Francisco, age 10, years. ; Josephine Kamenzind, 617 . Wyoming street, San*Franclsco, age 9 years. Hortense Metcalf. 922^4 J. street, Sac ramento.- age 10 ;years. \u25a0 , ; 'lna Nlcolaysen, Bethany, age 8 years. ; James Francis McNamee Jr., Fish Rock,- age 9 years." ; John- McDermott, 617 : Rhode Island street, age 9 years. Earl E. Wilts, 164* Highland ave :nue, Elmhurst, . age 10 years.- Ruth^ Strong. 4 4 i Baker street, San Francisco, age. 10 years. \u25a0Edwlna Pratt. 274 North Fifth street. -San -Jose.-" acre 10 years. Elton. Kane. 864 Halght street. San Francisco, acre 6 -years. ~: Marlon French. 220 "Burrows street, San Francisco, age 10 years. I Marian Peterson, Santa Rosa, age 9 years. : -^^*^SP^9tBBSt^SBM9^ . Carmel Frlscia, Marshall, age 3 years. rAlice Gales, Sausallto. age 9 years.. ; Jennie Gales. Sausalito, age; 10 years. Freda 1 Hazen. Chico. age 9 years. • Florences Brown,' 2573 Carlton street. Berkeley.- age 9 years. . Elizabeth Hoyt, Birds Landing. . Eva^Frazler. Ric-hmond. Dorothy .Hall. Eagle Nest. Teeny-Weeny ' Every evening, -after tea, \ ' .. Teeny-Weeny conies to me. And." astride my willing knee, -_• \u25a0 Piles his lash and rides away; f-.Thougf -.Though ;that ; . palfrey, all too spare, . Finds ihisf.burdenj ; hard tobear, • Teeny-. Weeny, doesn't care — He commands, and I-obey! . First^ it's trot;. arid gallop, then—. Now:: it's iback.lto ;trot again*; Teeny-Weeny likes it when. He ,ls. riding fierce and fast! Then his -dark eyes 'brighter grow '\u25a0-•_ Arid, his cheeks are all. aglow— '; /"More!? he cries. 1 and never "Whoa!" • Till the horse breaks down at last! Oh, 1 - the strange and, lovely; sights t v Teeny-Weeny^sees ofrilghts. . Aa ; he 'makes! those, famous flights , : -On. that -wondrous 'horse,, of his! ' -,Of Centimes.* before he knows, Weafylike" his' eyeilds close, : 'And., still smiling; off hegoes Where the land of By-low Is. .There he, sees the folk. of fay : Hard " at " ring-a-rosle- play, ' fAnd-he; hears; those fairies aSy. ."Come;, let's chase iijm to and "fro!" _ Butf^-with. a 'defiant shout, .Teeri>-. 'puts that host to: rout 'Of this tale I make 'no: doubt— - . Every night he; tells it- so! : ;: So I.feeK'a -tender pride iriVmylboy who "dares'/to ride. ; r (That [.fierce' horse of his astride) Off into those misty*; lands; J And as on my, breast he .-"lies,-: .Dreaming," ln' that wondrous wise, I 'caress, his (folded eyes— C Pat^his "little"; dimpled hands. : : On a/time ; he -went ; away. . Justi a 'little- while to. stay, „ And I'm'not ashamed" to'say I ' was .;very:*lonely -then;- . \u25a0 I^ife r witr/>ii_t i himr'was Iso"- sad. j.^You'^cfi n\« fancTy.\l was/ glajjTr : And '• made ? merry ; when *I ; ha d .' . " .Teeny-Weeny; back ''again: -".-- For of ~- ev en in«rs.r after tea. % When- he toddles cup^^. And soes (u^slngvatVmy; k'nes. ' • the; other "side, of the bread up. The slice did not tumble off, for the frame . held -It quite firmly by the crusts. When both sides were ready the .'fa vorite 'said, "If your majesty will put , your :• knife point Into the part of the slice that you desire I ; will cut care fully around :lt, and you can yourself convey It to your mouth without dan ger! ' By .beginning near the center of the slice it can be managed without trouble." , The king was not at all shocked at r tlie idea of eating with his knife, for everybody did it In those days* so he began at once, and enjoyed it very much. He became so pleasant, at las r. that everybody cheered up and the court had a really happy day, for the 'scheme worked to perfection. In spite. of that when the king went to bed'that night he was heard to mur mur, just before he went to sleep: "Yes, . if works very, nicely, but it. does not taste quite so good as if .1 could take it in my^ fingers. I think I shall have to ask the favorite to try to man age it so that I can do that too." .When the favorite came to the break fast tabl* next mornins all ready to enjoy the day, for he felt as though he had earned the right to It. he wast very much disappointed and astonlshe.l to find that he was expected to stay at home and give his time to inventing some means of satifying: the king's new wish. He felt almost as discon tented as the monarch himself as he 'took his way up the steep and narrow stairway to the tower where he did his \u25a0 thinking and planning. The day was very long and hot, and no matter how the poor favorite cud geled his brain not a single idea would come to him. and as he walked slowly down to his supper that evening he felt very desperate and heavy hearted. "Well." said the king, "where is your new Invention? I am' ready to try It this evening." "Your majesty," stammered, the fa vorite, "I have done my best, but — r~'' ' "Now don't begin with excuses." thundered the. king Impatiently, as he pushed away the tripod which a pag« had placed \. before . him., "If yoxi haven't enough Ingenuity to supply my heeds I shall have another favorite without loss of time." The poor favorite turned quite white and was just about to beg tor more time when a messenger came from the kitchen with a most urgent communi cation. "Your majesty." said the boy. bowing very low, "the .cook has sent me to say that your majesty has eaten so freely of the Jam and butter that were presented to you that there is no more left." ' "That settles It, then," said the kins crossly, "for the butter and jam that we have in our own country are not worth eating or planning for." So the favorite took his place at tho table and ate his supper with a happy heart. George A. -Powers. 525 North Grant street, Stockton, age S- years. Leo Sutton. 529 Thirty-first street. Oakland, acre 10* years. Ramma-Rowe. -1214 Scott street.. San Francisco, age 7 years. Maud Collins, 501 Lyon street. San Francisco, age 7 years. Ellen- Still. Annette, age 7. years. .Harold Ross. ISO 6 Seventeenth street. Bakersfield, age 7 years. Harry^Uevine. .1322 Q \u25a0; street, Sacra mento, age 7 "years. Mary Carmel Hurry, ill X street, Sacramento, age 7 years. ' "• Charles A. Willis Jr.. Corcoran, age S years. , C. Roosevelt Tunbs. 36 Prague street. San Francisco, age 3 years. Katherine Alary HiMinsell. • Point Richmond, age 7 years. " Reta Helber-. Schellville. age 5 years. \u25a0 Victoria Beyrle3. SausaUto. , . Anna Holm, Tahoe City. Ruth Stevenson, 1623 Woblsey street. Berkeley. * : Fred Levens. 432S Eighteenth street. Oakland. \u25a0 V" • . Keyes Curran. 3325 Twenty-fifth street, San Francisco. -Elsie Keen. 845 Bryant street. Palo Alto. • Ruth Hazen. box S9.>. Chico. Jay Shurtz. Stevinson. • Richard C. Hoyt. Birds Landing. Phyllis Hltder. 717 First avenue. San Francisco. Richmond district. Esma Hamlet, 246 Grove street, San Francisco. Alberta Collins, 501 Lyon street. San George Haddock. Wataonville. Rose Wallis. Le Grand. •-Edith McSharry. Merced. Eleanor Manning. 3675 Clay street. San Francisco. Tlllie Salmi, Vlsitacion Valley -school. San, Francisco. Bertram Van Cleve. 1412 Ninth street. Evelyn Murray. 331 Bay View, San Rafael. - : Ted Peck. S3O Castro street. OuklamT.. Frank Roberts. 173 Dorland street. San -Francisco. ' Robert Plasberg. Healdsburc ,Ida.M. Jones. * 4-4 ' Fair street. Peta luma. \u25a0You should hear his palfrey neigh! You. should see him prance ami shy. When,, with an exulting cry. Teeny-Weeny. vaulting high. Piles his lash and rides away! - — Eugene FIeUL The Sugarplum Tree Have you ever heard of the sugarplum" » tree? 'Tis a marvel of great renown! It blooms on the shore of the Lollipop' .In the garden of Shut Eye.Town. v The fruit that it bears is so wondrously sweet (As those who have tasted It say> That good little children have only to eat '\u25a0;*;" Of that fruit to be happy next day. ,When you've got to the tree you would have ; a hard time To; capture the fruit- which I sins: \u25a0The^tree is so tall that no person could climb BRH To the bough where the susrar plums swing! . But-up'in that tree sits a chocolate cat; \u0084 rAnd a gingerbread dog prowls below; And this is the. way you contrive to set at Those sugar plums tempting you so: You, say but the woril to that ginger bread' dog:, ; And he barks with such terrible zest That the. chocolate cat Is at once all *. As her swelling proportions attest. And the chocolate cat goes»eavortinj£ , around : leafy Umb ; unto that. And the;suj<ar plums tumble, of course, "\u25a0 ito ' the - ground. Hurra^i for; that chocolate cat! 'There .are • '.marshmallows, grumdrops , and ' peppermint canes, » With stripings ot scarlet or. gold. » And. i you carry, awar of th« treasure that rains 'As 'much 'as your apron can hold* * :So;s come, little child, cuddle • closer to jSfl^me, Imißl • '-- - In your dainty white nightcap and gown, And rilrock t you away to 'that- suKar ,plum;tree* */ ; In the cardett of Shut Ey« Town.