Newspaper Page Text
42 INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOTJVTAKTS - Col. 4. F. 44 AOCOtJ2rTA»TS— CKBT. JPOBtIO. . « CoL I. P. 44 AOCPT2OK. .-rr.. ....... :..... .0»L 6, P. 44 APARTatrKTS ....Col. 8, P. 43 , AGENTS TV ANTED 7, P. « ATTORKCrS. CoL" 5, P. 44 ATJTOMOBILES ........CoL 7, P* 4« SAR AITC> STCEXFIXrrjHEE Col. 7, P. 49 EA3BIRS AK3 SUPPLIES .Col. 6, P. <2 '- \u25a0-\u25a0.."- ......... 001. 6, P. 42 Snx COLLBCTIKO .CoL 5, P. 44 ! STJEXSESStKAVCES Col. 1, P. 44 ....«».^ 0CL8.P.44 r.,^. ...001. 3, P. 44 4, P. 44 Btrsisrss c0ixa5E8...^....^..00i. 4. p. 44 SX?EUTESS PEKS ON ALS... *».. Col. 6, P. 44 CAXPUro 5TTPFL1E5.. ......... ...C01. 7, P. 43 CARPET CLEAKIKO „»..... Col. 0, P. 43 CEISOPO2ISTB. ....^....v,, ...,,. Col. 6, P. 44 C2VRCH SERVICES... „.„.-! .C»L 1, P. 42 " ~ ......^....^^.CcLJI, P. 4J CXAXXVOTASTS.. .*.*..—«^.Col. 8, P. 44 COTTAGES TO LET.........-™...- -CoJ. 4, P. 43 COTTAGES TO IXT— Fnutrale CoL 4, P. 43 COTTAGCS TO iET— Alamsia. CoL t. P. 43 SSVTZBT6 \u25a0 i m' — <IbLS. P. 44 DETECTXVEa „.«*...„..... CoL 6, P. 44 DRESS XAXXJTO ™\u0084^.._....C0L 7, P. 43 ZSVCATIOSAXk. .....CoL 4, P« 44 EHPIOYIEEXT OIPICES OoL 7. P. « EMPLoyjaaa* -waktzd— maus...Coi. s, p. ** •• \u25a0:,-- - ...001. 8. P. 43 CKPLOTKEHT'W ANTED— FemaIe.. OoI. 8, P. 41 XXHALE HELP*WAKTED CoL 6, P. 48 « •• •• .CoL 7, P. 48 TIKAKCIAL » .......Col. 7, P. 44 FLATS TO LET. * ..001. 3, P. 43 •• ;.....:„.... ...CoL 4, P. « iTATS TO LET BERXXLEY......CoL 4, P. 43 PLATS TO IETw&LAXEDA._.... 00L, 4, P. 48 rXATS TO LET— OAKLAND CoL 4, P. 43 FLATS TO LET— PTfRKISHEB.. ....CoL 4, P. 43 FLATS FOR B ALE— FTrBJnSHED. . . .OsL 4. P. 43 FOX \u25a0*t^-_ urTsrfgv.r^TnrnTTM Col. 9, P. 43 FRXI6HT FOSWARrnra ....CoL 8, P. 43 FURS «»,«,. M O«l 7, P. 43 FuxxrnrßE for eauk col, b, p. 43 niRiaTURE WAKTED CoL 6, P- 43 GLASS WORKS ..CoU 1. P« ** HORS£S, WAGONS AND SASJTESS.OftL 1, P. 44 HOTELS. ....jOoL 8, P. 43 HOT7SEB TO LET— UnXondsliod..... .OoL 6, P. 43 KOUSES TO LET — : rtTRXISHED.....OoL 6, P. 43 HOUSES TO LET— Oaid*cd OoL S, P. 48 HOUSES TO UHV-Berkelsj...... CoL 6, P. 43 UrVESTJCOJTS .OoL 7, P. 44 XODCnfO HOUSES FOR SALE Oel 4. P. 44 LOST AKSFOUXO) Col. 8. P. 48 XXOAL KOTICZS :r: r OoL 8, P. 47 KALE EEUP WAKTEA... «•...•... Co!. 3, P. 48 ..^.^-^^CoLi.P.4B \u2666• " " .—^^.-^....00H, P. 48 VAfBTMnXTAT, CoL 8, P. 44 .^>v. -^-i^^^CoL «, P. 44 VfTtrfiAT. \u0084....—. ...........C01. 5, P. 44 3CE2TXVGS— LODGES. CoL 1, P. 43 KLXTIK&B— SUXDAx-. CoL 1. P. 43 XXEirNGS— THEOSOPK2CAL Col. 1, P. 42 JOIXIKER.T... ..001. 7, P. 43 Airoxnroro- ........;..Coi. 3, p. 47 MISCELLANEOUS WAVTS Cal. 6. P. 43 " " -_ \u0084,,-, r^i 7. P. 43 aCOKZT TO LOAK ..OoL 7, P. 44 XOHXT WASTED Col. 7, P. 44 XTJsjcAX. nrsTßxnasTs. n ooi. 7, p. 43 arOTART PUBUC ..CoL S, P. 44 OUT OP TOWJT HOUSES TO LET. .. .Col. 5, P. 43 OFFICES AST) STORES TO LET Col. 5. P. 43 PATENT ATTOSKXTS 001. 6. P. 44 PAINT A2TD PAPER HAKGIKO.....CoL 1, P. 44 7EXSOXAU Col. «, r. 44 PAUCSTRT w^. CoL 6, P. 44 PKYSICIAKS CoL c, P. 44 POPT/LAR REMEDIES. «.^«.— -«. CoL 5. P. 44 SEAL ESTATE— CITT....... CoL 1. P. 45 " " ..-....». CW.2, P. 4« " " " CoL3,P. 45 •* " " .......... CoL 4, P. 45 \u25a0 " *' " CoL 5, P. 45 " " " CoL 6, P. 45 - CoL 7. P. 45 SEAL XSHTE— COUKTRY CoL 7, P. 45 " " " Ccl. 1, P. 46 " *' CoL &, P. 46 Col. 3, P. 46 f< " . kMnn (M. 4, P. 48 REAL ESTATE— OAKLAND. CoL 4, P. 48 * " " OoL 6, P. 46 &EAZ. ESTATE— FRUTTVALE Col. c. P. 46 SXAL ESTATE— BERKELEY CoL 5, P. 46 " " - *' .....«.0o!. 6, P. 46 REAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA. CoL 1, P. 47 REAL ESTATE— Ha-yward CoL 7, P. 46 RIAL ESTATE— 6AK XATEO CoL 1, P. 47 REAL ESTATE— BURLIKO AXE Col. 2, P. 47 RIAL ESTATE— TO EXCHAHOE....OOL 8, P. 47 »00KS AVD BOARD OFFERED CoL 2, P. 43 &OOXS AKD BOARD— Oaklaad Col. 8, P 43 ROOKS A2TD BOARD— Berkeley Col. 2, P. 43 BOOKS TO LET— JTUR..UKFUR CoL 7, P. 43 " .....OoL I.P. 43 BOOKS TO UET— HOUSE KEEP'G...OoL 1, P. 43 " " " ...CoLS. P. 43 KOOXS TO LET— OaJUaad. Col. i, P. 43 EAIZSXT.X A- SOLICITORS W'N'TD.CoI. 7, P. 43 RAKITARIUKS CoL 5, P. 44 BXWZKG XACHXSES ......'Col. 6, P. 43 SPIRITUALISM .-. Col.«, P. 44 STORAGE AVD XOVIKO VANS Col. 6, P. 43 •TITLES RESTORED CoL 6, P. 44 ffRUSSEB CoL 5. P. 44 STTPEWRITERS AKD SUPPLIES. ...CoL 7, P. 43 tryPAID WAOEB COLLECTED OoL 7, P. 4a MEETINGS— Lod«e« ICAUFOSKIA lodge Kel.l, F &A. M.— * Oncers and tDembers are hereby notified tf\, 10 attend the fontral of our dec»Bs»d brother. ABRAM HUFF, in Corinthian halL 2155 Butter rt.. SUNDAY. July 18, 1909, at J :S0 p. m.; Master Mason* and friends of the deceased Invited; interment Moc&t Olivet cemetery. By order of the master. FRANKLI&' IL DAY, Secretary. Pacific lodge *o. im. i. 0.-o. jgßfttm. F. — Member* please aisemble at 44R1 C*UfoTD!a st. SCNDAY, July \u25a0 IS, at 1 p. m.. tn attend the - * s! *»s s^ foneral ©f our lat* brother, HENRY G. GOR- TON, P. G. A. L. BVROAX. Noble Grand. O. J. THELEK, Recording BecreUry. CALIFOVIA lode* No. 1, I. O. jaß*,. O. F.— lnstallation of officers aj&Sßati&Bk. MOKDAY KVKMNG, July 19, -^jJISJIy 1254 Market et. Vislton> wel- ' sa^ftm^ come. A good time nssnred. ' " H. A. LUKE. Secretary. JUGQERS and Stevedores, union _-» m^rabTj artentson! ArivrrtisM jjg& mfft'ng Monday eroninp. S oV]ck-W. jC£3 July lft. ISOS. at Brewery Workprs' >T^S hall, Capp and l"»h srs.. to take *4&eSßft *<-t!oa on Lnlwr day psrade. By \kfl^S9- THOMAS. F. BRYANT, Pres.~ Xf^ot JOHN H. DOLAK. «RisiS y ReccrClng and Corresponding Secretary. tI'HE Austrian Military and Benevolent *.-*ftb». * sso^ialion win hold it* Sist annual V&Sii ri'-nlr and family excursion SUNDAY, rWrp* August 1, at Scba«tz«n pa,rk, Ean Jose. •*%»• Oor excursions have always been the most enjoyable onea aad the largest attended of ; any during the season. Come one, com* all and enjoy our hospitality. Game* for youne and old. Train will leave 3d and Townsend «t*. depot at 10 a. in. Round trip. $1.50- chUdrea. 75c. THE COMMITTEE. ; VaRMSHERS' and Polishers local union No. 184. A««p«clal meeting will be heM in . Building Trades temple on Tuesday evening. July 20. 1900,. t0 vota oa an assessment. Fine for Bosattendance. By order J. MARSHALL Jr.. President. O. E. RADLOFF, Financial Secretary* ftPEClAL. meeting. Boot and Shoe Workers' Lo- cals No. 218 aod No. 839, SUNDAY. July 18. at 10 a. m., 24th and "Howard ats. Matters of great Importance. . TV. J. BILVA. Chairman Executive Board. . MEKTIXGS— Snnday ITIRST Splritnal chnrch meets at 2011 Fillmore New Washington hall. 8 p. ra. sharp. Splen- did lectures and tests by good speakers and mediums. Rev. V. It, Cnttinp, pastor ; res 2517 l ?i Sacramento St., near FJllmore. Phone West "044. Seat* free. T S"HE satttral solution of natnral problems this «renlng. Duncan J. Slew wIU deliver the first «f a series of Sunday evening lectures, cub- Ject, "What Is Godt" Adelphian hail Ala- jjiede. at 8 o'clock. * JkA— WRS. -J. J. WHITNEY. T" ~ [""""" Trained ordained medium. Advice given at her home, $1. 1164 O'Farrell; teL Franklin toe*. - _ MEErriXGs— Thcoaophlcal tHEOSOPHICAL «ociety, G. G. ST^H^Gomen ; G«t« : ay.— Lecture. 8 p. m., . on "The Ideal " by Mrs. X. Kroutch. Library open daily 2to 4 p- tn. tHBOeOPHICAL— Ellers balL 073 Market, s :. p. B»., "Earma, the Master of Destiny," Mrs. M. A. Hasty. \ . ' t - LECTCRES .- ._'" kOCIAL MEKTIXGS— A FREE' LECTURE un- der the ampler*- of EL PRIMERO COLONY in Mrndoclno county. Cal., . will •. be * given . by DR. AVLMER HARDING in Manzanita hall, SO Golden Gate «t.,toji Sunday.- July 18, at * p. in. tttjbjert: "Th«» Open Door: to Economic ' Frewlotn." Everybody welcome. <V>ine and learn bow to enjoy the blessings of scientific rxvoperaiion. " - - ' " ' ; FIRf T ; Owgregational rhorcb. corner " Tost . and > Macoß «f».— -Rev. fl*orge C. "Adams. D. D.; pastor. Rev. Robrrt C Denlson of ; N>w s Ua- vrt). Conn.', will .. prea«h mornliig and evon- " Jeg. At 11 a. m-. topi<-. "The L<jrd*s Sons in a Ktraage I^ind." At 7:45 p. m.. topic. "Hi> ' Gir»>Th Unto " Wis ' Befnvpd."- "-' Knndayx 1 school; at li':iv p." m. All. are costfially InviteM. CHURCH SERVICES-— Contlnard CHRISTIAN ' Science service, First " Church of Christ, Sclvntist, southwest corner Sacramento - and Scott sts.— Sunday .* at 11 a. m, and 8 p. m. ; subject of -: lesson sermon, "Life. " Sunday 'school at 11 a.- m. Wednes- day evening ; meeting at 8 i o'clock.' > All V are welcome. Free reading rooms . 719-720 Chron- icle building, open dally (except Sunday) from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. . .*>-.":>.:. CHRISTIAN Science service, Second ; Church : of Christ, Scientist, Woodmen building, 17th st bet wten Mission and Valencia— Sunday at 11 a. m.; subject of /lesson sermon, . "Wfe." Sunday school at 11 a. m. Wednes- day evening "meeting at 8 o'clock. Free read- ing rooms Anglo \u25a0 building, 16th and Mission sts., open from 10 a. in. to 6 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. . m.; closed Sundays, i holidays and Wednesday, evenings. All are , welcome. ; CHRISTIAN Science service. Third Church of Christ, Scientist, •Y. M.U . A." ball. Page st. near Stanyan — Sunday at 11 a. xv.; subject of lesson, sermon , "Life,". Sunday-school at 11 a. ni. Wednesday svening meeting at . 8 o'clock: AU are welcome. t*ree reading rooms 600 Ashbury st. corner Haight; hours, 2 to 5 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m.. except Sundays, holidays and Wednesday evenings. •" ' WESLEY Methodist Episcopal churcli, Hayes and Buchanan ata.. Key. Kdward D. Den- nt-St. I). D., pastor — Sunday cervices: Preaching by the pastor fit 11 o'clock a. m. and at .:S0 o'clock \u25a0 p. ' m. : Sunday school at 12:30 p. m.; ' Epworth league service at <J:SO p. m.; midweek meeting at 7:45 Wednesday night. A. ccrdial invitation Is extended the public to attend all serTiCkn. Make this your church home. . • KIRST Presbyterian <hurch, Washington st., be- tween Van Ness ay. and Polk «t. — Key. Wm. Kirk Gutbrie, jnlnister; church telflphona Franklin 417. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. n>.. Rev. John E. Stuchell, acting pastor, will preach' at both. services. Morning sub- ject, "The Best Safe Deposit." Evening sub- ject, "The Character of John Calvin." Bible school at 9:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 5:30 p. m. and 6:30 p. in. Midweek prayer meeting Thursday at Bp. m. All are cordially invited. _ . TONIGHT at 6 o'clock, st 1230 Valencia st. bet. 23d and 24th, George W. Rine, pastor of the Adventlst church, will deliver a lecture on "Optimistic Mysticism: or, ReUgio-Psychio Healing, and What It Means to the Church, the World." All will be cordially welcomed. WELSH Presbyterian church, 14th st. bet. Va- lencia and Guerrero — Welsh service this morn- ing at 11. Sermon by Mr. Arthur Williams. Sabbath school at 12. In the evening at 7:45 P.ev. Griffith Griffiths will preach In Knglish and there wlllbe special singing by Mr. It. T. Roberts (Tenorydd Machno), ' the well known Welsh tenor of Chicago. Everybody . welcome. \u25a0 • . ' .• ,r :' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE— (Evangelical)— Free and independent, Delbert block, Van Ness ay. cor. O'Farrell st. •\u25a0 Tonight. 8- o'clock service and healing meetlne; subject, "Christ the Only. Founder." Daily Instruction and healing 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. All are welcome. CALVARY Presbyterian church, corner Fillmore and Jackson sts. — Rev. WlUlsm Rader, pastor. Residence, 2702 Laguna St.; phone West 245. Church phone West 7699. Rev. John Hemp- hill, D. D., pastor emeritus. 11 a. m., "The Secret of Service"; 7:<5 p. n>., "The Three Sinners." Rev.- John 8. Tbomss will preach at both services. Sabbath school and men's bible class at B:30 a. m. Y. P. S. C. E. meeting at 0:15 p. ci. Midweek meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. HINDU temple in Filbert St.. cor. . Webster, city. Today three free public . lectures by -a Hindu swam! on "Hints on Practical Spiritual Life" at 10:43 a. m.; on "Sincerity and De- votion" at 3 p. m., and on "Powers of th* Mind" at 7:46 p. m. Class lectures and les- sens for members only. For other information pleas* inquire. HOWARD Presbyterian church, corner Oak and Baker sts. — The pulpit wUI be occupied by R»r. E. O. McLean, D. D.. of Florida". Morning service at 11 o'clock; theme. "Tread- ing th* Win* Press Alone." Evening, 7:45, theme, "Filled Water Pots." Seats fr*e. Strangers welcome. FIRST Methodist Episcopal church, corner Clay and I.flrktn sts. — Rev. Samuel Quickmire, pas- tor. Services at 11 a. m.. 7:30 p. m. Preach- ing at the \u25a0 morning . service by Dr. J. D. Hammond. Sermon at th«- evening service by Dr. W. C. Evans, district superintendent. Class meeting at 10 a. 111.; Sunday school at 12:30 p. m.; Epworth league at 6:30 p. m. Seats free. \u25a0 Everybody welcome. THE Jerry I McAuley 'mission, in. Golden Rnle ball, 110 miver st. nr. 3d, wUI be addressed by John Gleason (a sinner saved by grace) at 8 o'clock p. m.; subject. "Two Men." Psalm 1. Meetings every Tuesday and Thurs- ;day evenings addressed by Captain' William I. Day, superintendent, and Mrs. Cora D. Hum- phrey, prison missionary. The public ear- nestly invited to' aU meetings. KEW Jerusalem, Church of the Open- Word, O'Farrell st. bet. Webster end FlUmore, Rev. ' J. S. David, pastor. Service at 2:30 p. m. Sermon on "The - Unprofitable Servant.*' A social will be held In the Sunday school room on Friday evening. All ar* invited. TRINITY church, cor. Bush and . Gongh sts. — Holy communion. 8:30; morning service at 11 o'clock. Sermon by Rev. J. P. Turner. There will be do evening service until August 1." .' HAMILTON SQUARE BAPTIST CHURCH, Post st. near Stelner. j 11, FRED P. HAGGARD. D. D.. of Boston. . 12:15. Bible School 7:45. L. CAU. BARNES. D. D.. of New York. A Christian Welcome For All, HOWARD Street Methodist Episcopal Chnrch, Howard st. near 6th. H. S, Wilkinson, D.D., pastor. — Sabbath school 9:30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Epworth League at 6:15 p. m. Junior league at 3 p. tn. All seats free. Good music. A warm welcome to strangers. GRACE rburch. Episcopal, corner Taylor and Sacramento sts. — Rev. David Evans, M. A., rector. Holy communion at 8 o'clock a. m. ; Sunday school at 9:45 a. m.; sermon and morn- Ing prayer, 11 a. m.; evening prayer- and address. 7:45. IF YOU LOSE ANYTHlNG— Advertia* ' It hers. It will be returned to yon if an honest person finds it." Remarkabl* recov- eries are brought about every day through this column. IF YOU FIND ANYTHING bring It t* - ths ] . San Franclaco Call i , ' Lost end Found Bureau, ' V Third and Market Streets t.- .;_ -,_,,. l -, rtJ1 _ rr _ n _ n _ n _» Get a claim check. Have It advertised. Reclaim it If th* owner does not. TEE LAW — People who find lost arti- cles aro interested in knowing that th* stats law Is strict In requiring them to seek tht owners through advertisements and otherwise, and that a failure to do so, if proof can be shown, involves a ss- rers penalty. FOUND— Umbrella on the Sausallto ferry. In- quire Call Lost and Found bureau, identify. LOST — Lady's small open face watch and dragon pin, either on Haight : st. " car >or Key Route, lw>t. Broderick and Asbby or Prince St., Berke- ley. Finder please return to 096 Haight St., city: liberal reward. . « \u25a0' GOLD stickpin, black pearl setting, small gold stars at base of. setting; .gold slightly bent; keepsske from dead- mother. Reward if re- turned to 347 10th st. -.;\u25a0-.. LOST— At, or going to ' or > from the Audi torlum pavilion, a tortotee shell, black ' feathered fan, ; a keepsake. Finder will receive , reward by ; leaving It at 3448 Mission st. : LOST — Diamond pin, watch 'and chain, papers, etc., July 6, 1909, near Mount. Olivet cemetery; $100 reward; no questions asked. MRS. W. B. A. JURGENS. 3336 23d st: LOST— Lady's large sire gold watch. July ,16, 3 or 3:30 p.m.. Hale's,: Pacific syndlacte stores, Market, to Sth st. car ; reward, 243 Texas st/ LOST — Lady's ; gold • watch - and , pin ; : ; Initials "J. T.-. B." Finder, kindly to Brown ft . Banchon;: California market; 5 liberal "reward. LOST— In the Mission. Saturday, a lady's pold watch, i with black : ribbon - fob. Return -to 1 1 44 . Haight ; st. near Baker \u25a0 and \u25a0 receive •- reward: :., * LOST — At or near. Princess theater, Friday even- ing. July 16, smaUennlne.boa-rliberarreward If returned to room 619.. Chronicle. building. .-. LOST— Set of . brown puffs ! mounted on comb ; $5 reward. Retnrn . Emanuel's Hair-S tore, ,201 Powell st. \u25a0\u25a0 •-.'-\u25a0.--;- ;-::.;;\u25a0..:-:'. ..-.:.. --'.\^\U^ LOST — Scarf pin ; small diamond ; ; reward. ~ 3344 ' ' 16th St.'-- \u25a0' \u25a0. -'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'- -"\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-:- \u25a0 '- - •".'-' \u25a0-',-. \u25a0 KMPI.O VMEXT WAXTED—MaIe -open . for - additional ". work ; ' sts- tems . installed; .. auditing; , special. Investiga- tions; •Al local . references; reasonable rates; \u25a0 city or country. 7, Box 2907. Call office. ; BOY of - 14 "years >. wishes I for. a horne f with 'a rood family: .willing t» work for • board. Ad- dress box^794,> Call office,; Oakland. CARPENTEE-^CJood \u25a0? all-around; •. understands ! plans;- wants;workVdayor"job; terms-reason- able.; , city, referenrefi. ; : Box 4714,. CaU officer. - CHINESE, first: class -cook ln^famlly. Call'or address room . 4, ; 746 \u25a0; Dupon t . St. ' Phone : China' 4o2. (SfIsSMJ - '-"'\u25a0'* *. . \u25a0 "- bhßsssbbbsbsssVbsl^ CIVIL ENGINEER andldraftsman, "neat: and ac-" <-nrate, college . graduate, ; 8 ., years' .-, experience : In office, and fit-Id: irefen-nr^.^BoK;' 34o4.l Call.'' COOK, sober - and : rpllable.'i wishes 3 situation as lunch c><>k or g2d;in;r»stanrnot.tßoxg 2d;in;r»stanrnot.tBox 3334.:Qa11. CH INESE ' boy , would • like* situation i first --la«s saloon cooking; .also first class family cook.- Address LEE, 52' Waverly ulace. \u25a0T^rSAN^-FBANOISCO^ EMFLO VBIBNT \u25a0 "WANTED— -Male-— Con. CHOREMAN wishes ': position ; with'^privata: fam- ily ; f good. gardener and handy rail; [round man. ri Box 3J37; Call office;: : \u25a0-;-'' v --' \ '- . DRUMMKII running from \u25a0 San Francisco ito Port- land '" wants -\u25a0 good . Fide \ line.'. . Address:;' box : : V 33C1.^ Call-office. : '';";i ,\u25a0'..--.\u25a0\u25a0. v::- - ?t': \u25a0 FIRST class baker.' all around.', wishes situation \u25a0in country.' O. : IL", 667 .Clay. St. : : : '..' . . ' i GARDENBR.i' experienced," single,- handy > with ' tools, wishes position on private place ; 1 refer-, ence. ; JOSEPH I HUMBRECHT, 1137 Folsom st. San Francisco. . : \u25a0 . ; \S : ;. \u25a0'-"\u25a0'\u25a0'-.'" •\u25a0.'•:"-.-;:\u25a0' GENTLEMAN having had IS years' experience in-" the banking . business wants ' position ;.; as manager of -an 5 estate -or! any .business; . where strict - accounting ;: is -j required*- for handling money '. or, investments/: . Box 3205, Call office. HANDY man, r strictly sober, wishes position ' on private place; care of horse*, etc.; good:refer- , ences.' -'Box 4503, .- Call office. 7« - -. -..- ' '. v - - HONEST man, .28 years of age. -desires position . in" a good family, or boarding/. house.; to do housework ' and .assist : in kitchen or - waiting . on -table: can assist the r \u25a0 cook well. -Box 4718, Call Office/:. :.\u25a0.':.-;-\u25a0::\u25a0.;/. v\u25a0/ :' ' > ./.'•,>: I AM in need of a position; have had 11 -years' j . experience in large newspaper; business office;' r can furnish^ best tif references;- 35, years 'of : »ge; temperate;- willing; " by, no 'Weans' afraid ' of, work: and ; no • objection .to country; can ; give, bond onany surety company; "I: can con- : ' vlnce yon by a plain matter of fact. talk that \ I really want work.:- Please answer box 4723, .Call office. '. ' ' ";\u25a0 :- ' ,^ \u25a0- ,~ INDUSTRIOUS," reliable man of temperate habits wishes 1 position on : private \u25a0or t country , place, care . horses, automobile,! milk,: choring and general work. Box ,775,5 Call,_- Oakland. \u25a0 ;.- : MASTER : plumber wants work by ' contract ;or .day; owner to furnish materials: Box 470 a, Call office. . /. .;. ;; . . ; ,;\u25a0\u25a0 MAN and wife, •no children, want : steady work .. on ranch or ' private place: can: do anything; \u25a0'* understand farming, gardening,' stock and poul- try; handy with «11 kinds of tools and have a ."chest of my own; want. to get started for my- self; strictly sober, honest and Industrious. What have-youK Phone Douglas 1242; box 3427, Call office. \u25a0 ' MAN wants to learn tnilor' pressing. .: Box 7R9, Call office. Oakland. .. f- \u25a0j? MAN and wife desires position; man chauffenr- machlnlst, wife , trained nurse or house keeper, good seamstress. Address box 3318, Call. MAN and wife want place, city or country ; woman as general housework and 'roau for outside work. Apply at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 1896. Sntter. St. cor. .Webster. MIDDLK AGED man wants position as janitor ' or porter. - Address 738 Harrison st. .r. 257. MIDDLE nged married man, edueatori, bnntly with tools, desires work; reliable, responsible and a gttod salesman. . Address box 4717, Call office/ Fillmore street. PAPER HANGER and tlnter wants work; low wage; send P. C. will come at once. 201 Preclta ar. ' • : PLUMBER wants a job. Box 3341. Call office. \u25a0 PLUMBER, licensed, first class workman, wonts work; owner to furnish material; pood ref- erences j will <lo labor, day oopr p contract; terms reasonable. Box 3365. '.Ca1l office. «"v POON, a Chlneße. • wants, a position as , cook. \u25a0 \u25a0' Address 837 Harrison Kt.. Oakland. RELIABLE, handy -man with carppnter and other tools wants * steady job. Box 3378, Call. RESPECTABLE ' German couple would Hke to ; take care of an apartment house ; best of recommendations. Box 3419, Call office. STENOGRAPHER, first . class, also thorough office assistant, neat ' and accurate, railroad '. and commercial experience, desires position ; pood references from - employers. . Box iiSG, vail " office. ' SOBER, industrious ' man, 14 years' ; experience, seeks position superintending : the \u25a0 running of Junior Monarch bay .press for balance of sea- son; certain to make good. 'Address' J.'" X... 310 A sth ay.. Richmond district, city. SHOE . salesman, retail. - 18 years' experience, desires a position.. Can give references. \u25a0 Ad- dress F. Ij. .DOUAY, Emeryville. Cal. WANTED— Position as gardener -for private place; 20 years' experience, government and private gardening; best" of references. R. A. L.. 654; 8. F. . . WANTED — Position us warehouse foreman, as I ,»ui thoroughly familiar . with handling grain. \u25a0 Address -box 3306. Call . offlco. :' \u25a0 , YOUNG man with 4 years' experience ns book - keeper and cashier will : be open for position August 1; best of references. , Box 3350, Call." YOUNG, temperate man; B3 years, \u25a0 quick and accurate at figures, reasonably, good- -at ac- counts, wants position in -mercantile line; can -; furnish best of references and --bond *.« with any surety company; not afraid -to work and will willingly, go ,In ' country ; an interview will: convince- that I really want work* Ad- dress box 4721, Call office. . . : YOUNG mechanical engineer of years of- shop training, supplemented by university course 'and 'two years of salesmanship, desires-- respon- ; slble position with more I progressive firm than one employed by now. Address box 780, Call office/Oakland. : • * ! .*' YOUNG man wants job as clerk In automobile or motor boat supply . store*; handy around ma- chinery; llvlnr salary; : good references. - Box 330!). Call office. .. " \u25a0 , ... YOUNG man. age 24, all aroiiDd handy, can drive, care horses, -knows. the : clty, well, wants work of any kind.. BUDOS. 20S 3d st. . YOUNG Irishman wants employment in real e«- tate : office; 7 . years'.? experience;-: exceptional references. Box 3352. Call office. ; YOUNG man desires clerical work evenings from 5 p. m.; on Saturdays from noon; experienced In book keeping; typewriting,' etc. Box 3325, fall office. - . .--\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0>>. \u25a0 Al experienced \u25a0 book [ keeper and -cashier; 'also 1 stenographer, wishes work, temporary, or per- , manent; highest : references. - Address - box 3367, Call office. \ , COOK, first class, wishes position In private family. Residence, : 1505 Octavia St.; -phone Park 4603. - . \u25a0 '\u25a0 COOK— In Spanish, French or. American family, »35 to $40 per month. 3004 Fillmore st. COMPETENT dress maker wishes engagements . in families; $1.50 per day. \u25a0 Box 4690. CaU. ENPEIIIENCED young woman, lanndry work, ironing, house cleaning; ?2 day. ' Phone" Frank- lln 733, gfter 6 p. m. ; ,; : GERMAN graduated norse deMres permanent no-" sition in refined borne; "best references; can give massage; scalp treatment: fine needle- worker; no objection to country. , Box 3350, Call office. . . GERMAN 'refined lady, age 40, unencumbered; from the cast, good 'house keeper, and cook, wishes position as -cook': or manacor' for good house; reference. Address box' 337l,'. Call. GRADUATE nurse, refined, kind arid thoroughly reliable, l'J years' .work, splendid city refer- ence, would like care of invalid; moderate sal-" 1 ary. phone \u25a0 Douglas ; I{G2. , GOOD hotel cook desires Lultuation, city, coun- try, $4Q. \u0084 MISS DILLON,; J133 , Turk ' st. - GOOD ranch cook - deslrM- eituation; good worker. «30. MISS DILLON.. 1138 Turk, st. HOUSE KEEPKU— Lady of . refinement ; would like position to 'look after house; \u25a0 competent to- take ;\u25a0;^ care of business , Interests; would not ; object to country place. Box 1 3380," Call. HONEST, middle aged widow wishes work In private family :to do housework ; , home more of an object than"wages. Address box 3305, Call office. r-.: MIDDLE • AGED .- ; woman, , goo<l cook and baker, -.-• wants position,: ranch crew c "of •\u25a0 men,? club, -or house \u25a0 keeper. ; MRS. R.. 1859 Post st.;, S. j : F. PLACE wanted ;- as house % servant," :; good '; cook - aud all ; aronnfl < house f woninn ; , lately; ; from Missouri. "MRS. SARAH : DAVIS. 12001 .Teffer- - son- st..- corner Broderick ; ami Jefferson." STENOGRAPHER ijelres position; 'B months* ex- perience;: refs. Box 3358; ; Call office. x: , ; SWEDISH woman wants to do washing; by day.' . CaU at 11Q3 -. I^aguna , st. ; MRS/: MAGBNBON." TWO .German j girls j would liko = «' situation i do- ing general housework; $30 to ?3.">. Box 3340' - Call office. . . .. , - - . . WANTED— Position by settled yonng' woman as house keeper ? for ", family ; v thoroughly ;; cojnpe- tent ; ; with 1 best of i references. , Ans wer in * per- son., S2B:Tprk>st/ /; '^-;:. >v^ _ \u25a0«\u25a0 WA NTED^-By refined woman; half day's work r : _l chamber work. or; light' house s. work:- win alnen home; : references :; exchanged. /'Address \u25a0- Ijox • -3403,> Call- office. * - -•; .;; ; WIDOW- with' famify of .-young children wmits r infant's washing ;» hand washed and sun dried • palled for and-: delivered* ; Address "-'\u25a0 MRS*- . CROTTY, . 10 Lower ! ; terrace, or phone * Park '\u25a0-t>335.; .-.'../'-.'Jr--.'.."^-^"- 1 : '. -.. /.'" \u25a0 .WOMAN," with .a boy 4 years old.'wimld ilkepo-" \u25a0 i=i tlon •ak hoiii>e keeper. : Box 2452, •„ 1108 Va- v •• lencla 'st/u. -' -\u25a0'?'\u25a0 -'^r ,",:'. ,-;\u25a0.,.\u25a0?"..-\u25a0' -.--/\u25a0- WOMAN- with ;'a " grown .boy "desires • work .iv :; country rboyx can; help; ?30. MISS DILLON .- mSi.Turk st. ."..- " -.- -':.-."\u25a0;\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0_ .- , ; : : : YOUNG! French second plrt wants plaoo \u25a0in city • : ; good references. f? Calltat MISS PLUNKETT's' ; 1 896 ;Suttpr;St;v cor/. Webster. \u25a0; '-.... ' YOUNG, strong, incxperiencpd,'" second Klrl'wants 5»? place Jin f the city. :/ Call ', at :MISS , PLUNK- :\u25a0 1} KTT'S. ; ISSWS Sutter ? ft. v cor^ Webster,; or rlnr j inp'WeBt';gB2s/>'."'' v -V--..' r '"..- : -.- .-". --\u25a0\u25a0..., . : \u25a0..-' --..\u25a0\u25a0 -;\u25a0\u25a0.. ANYBODY: 4 eitheri sex;- can? ma ke •'; $4', daily \u25a0- a 11 ' || ?"f ar > rsisin^.inu^iiroonis > for . hotels « «rid ~re stau- / rants with \u25a0 my I spawniln'^ceilarß.f shods; . boxes s .iete^^freo'illnotratedflimtrnctioniliookio't.- ni-" ; A RAM? BARTON, )32tijiW;^4Sthf!St;^Xcw.iV m [;i; BOOK^.KKKPKR-^St«ti«»'f>xp<Mieii<-« rand-"' salary \u25a0 r Ucsired/ Box\33Se,j: Call \ office;;;- v ,A| V jIAJLB '\u25a0• HELP -^VAyTEP--CoP* toned Z-. "AA— PAD \ groom ' for" "gentlemen's place, ' coua- tT Zi*. 40 ' «nd \u25a0 found.- ' Cair at : MISS { PLUNK- ETT'S; ;ISO6, Sntter ,st, cor. *.Webster. ; CIVIL ;' service s employta are 1 paid f well * for/ easy ;'-\u25a0; work ; J examinations vof -; all * kinds ! soon; 5 expert • ; advice,: sample questions,: booklet" 114, \u25a0 describ- - Ing . positions and telling easiest and quickest \u25a0way j to ' secure '• them ; - also ,-. the s, VCItU j Service • Reeord"j for i three <"month 9,'« all FREB if -yon . write Immediately.. Washington • Civil : Service . School, = Washington, f D. C.; -^.^ ' 1 CENSUS . office clerks = must take : a' ; civil service ;•.,; examination ; \u25a0 over ' 3,000 appointments i will ; be I ; :«nade;la-chabce' for 'any one'.wlth ' a • common 1 . school education-** salary $000 to $1,000 a year; full information * free. Columbian > Correspoud- ence College, \u25a0 Washington. ' D. ' C. .-.-;' EVANS & HODGES, "/ , Snnset Emplovinent Agents. 420 6th St.. Oakland. Phone Oak 4631. 6 brick" 1ayer5.......... ...s7, 'B. hours ] \u25a0'\u25a0•'•* carpenters . . ;.,... . . ... /. -- : .$4.00 I 1 plasterer ..... ..../. - . . . . : . .$7.00 \ .1 painter ...; ............. .'..-. . . . . / .$4.00 :„-. "3 bridge 'carpenters. . .".. . /..... • • .".";.". .'.53.50 >10 laborers/.Oakland. ..:."..V....52.50,;0 hours * 10^ teamsters,-; Oakland $2.25 ;- lcamp' cook, J small; camp :..$3O /: B . scraper teamsters ;. . . . ... ..:•.......'•. 52.2T> 20 laborers,*- quarry.. ... ..... ....... ;...'.52,00 ' -i Come today if you want work. Office open from 10 to 12. . GOVERNMENT positions: examinations held soon in San Francisco; circular. 184,^giving full par- ticulars as to salaries, positions,; dates of .ex., • sample ques." previously used," etc.;- sent free by •NatlouaU Cor. | Institute. t Wftshlugton. D. C. DRUGGIST; Al man;' also good assistant; regiß- tcred. Box 3390. Call office. .-' : y : " ; FIRST : butler for private '- family ; - references necessary ; : $60. ' Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 1896 Sutter st. cor. Webster." ; HAVE, a fine -opening for young ; man ,who is desirous of ' advancement; amount * required $100. • Call GLOBE REALTY i C 0. , 1211 Pacific bldg., or 856 Broadway, . Oakland. , : i. HOP PICKING-: in August; pleasant, "profitable outing; skilled and unskilled help wanted, ln- ; eluding foremen: and field bosses; work . for men.'- women and children. Write, for partlc- nlars, E. C HORBT CO., 215 Pine st. LABOREIIS and mechanics to know that Edward - liolkin Sa3 reduced the rooms at the Denver - House,. 3d and Howard sts.; to 80c per day, $3 week; hot and cold water In every room. MAN- to canvass sewing' machines . into ' good homes: on -trial^proposition; followed up by a demonstrator; salary $2 per; day and commis- sion on e.ach sale.. Box 3405,* Call office. \.,'C MEN ;• wanted — Yonng, : strong, robust, account . increasing business on railroads, for - firemen or brakemen;- experience unnecessary; perma- ..vnent positions,: good pay, $73 to $100 monthly; promoted to conductor or snglneer, $150, $200 monthly ; , utate age. * weight, height. Rail- way Association," care . Call office.. .<;-:;, : MEN wanted at 103 3d st/ to have "their shoes - repaired; sewed soles^ 75c, done :ln 10 mln. MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; earn $5 to $10 per week while learning; par- tlcularg free. MOLER COLLEGE, 6 11th st MEN to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; free spe- . clal inducements -to next 10; cell early; get particulars. S. , F. Barber College, 8 Fell st. NEW \u25a0', WESTERN, 1124 ; Howard— Single rooms, ! 15c and 20c per. night; hot and cold water.' j NEW, YORK, wholesale millinery house wishes to : engage competent salesman to handlo their line : of imported and domestic goods, flowers, fancy feathers., paradise,-- velvets and ribbons; will Rive/ liberal commission to rigbt party. Ad- dress full particulars to BUSS & WANNER, 170 sth aye.. ..New York. - . OFFICE manager for Salt Lake City, Utah; good salary and commission; $500 required. Address box; 771, Call office/ Oakland. PANTRYMAN for private club out" of town; references- necessary; $30. • Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 188 C Sutter st. cor.' Webster. PAINTER — With falls: state wages and ad- . dress. ; Box 3392, Call offien. "-. 'c \u25a0" PROFITABLE business; pleasant work; not overdonj; few months to learn; positions guar- anteed; watchmaking, ' engraving, ' optical school. 325 Kcarny Bt., San Francisco. PA KTNER. -wanted' In a cabinet Shop; well equipped with . new machinery: ; no ; investment required, but niust-bf> able to ent business and fi?ur«> work. Address box : 792, Call of- \u25a0 flee, Oakland. SHOEMAKERS wanted to keep away from Buck- ,-, lngham & Hecht; »hop on strike: --..'\u25a0• START profitable mall order business at your -homo, spare time; big money • maker:' expe- rience unnecessary; free particulars. SIMONDS, 171 ''.Washington,'; dept. 5. Chicago. STORE KEEPER for gentlemen's club; $50 and : found: references necessary. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S. 1896 Sutter st." cor. .Webster. — WANTED—' . . 100 LABORING MEH To oecqpy clean B&gle' rooms at the ORIGINAL MECHANICS' HOTEL. 919 Howard at. bet. Cth and 6th: 15;, 20c. 25c day. $1. $1.25 per week. 'WANTED-^-Ameriean. between* 25 and 35 to clean bouse aud run, errands;, must have good education/" 25 3d , stJ .'.. ,; ._ / ,'-.. \u25a0 WANTED— -'A fine looking gray j physician regis- ; terfd in. California, with some hospital \u25a0 expe- rience; good salary, short hours, no traveling. \u0084--.;;..,-.;- ..;..:\u25a0.\u25a0 :.: :.:.'\u25a0 WANTED— Cabinet maker to' put up fancy par- tition and . shelves. ;; 25 3d ! St. " | WANTED — 600 men to occupy rooms. 20c to 3Oe per night (free bath), -at the NEW YORK, .758 Howard st.^. between 3d and 4th. '•- " WANTED— Bright active man for pleasant work; can earn^ss per day. - . Fqr particulars apply : to Business Law Pnb. Co.. 902 Metropolis .Bank bldg.*, 10 a. m. today. • : t WANTED — Organizers; good commissions: Fra-' ternal Social Order of Owls. JOHN TALBOT, : supreme" president, : South : Bend, Ind. WANTED— Young men'- for -postoffice, -railway mall clerks, carriers and other government po- ., sltlons; ; salary $800 to $2,000: : life positions. Government Positions Bureau; Rochester, N. Y. WANTED— Man : must be willing : to f learn | and . capable of. actlnsr as our representative; no canvassing or, soliciting ;\u25a0 good income assured.- Address National Co-opcrativo 'Itcalty Co., 869 Marden bldg, . Washington, D.' C. " . - " . WANTED— Experienced prcssers : and : finishers. Apply to GLADDING, McBEAN: & CO., 311 t Crocker, bldg., : Post and Market. -..-•': - . \u25a0\u25a0':'.' ' WANTED— PERSON ' TO travel -for merchandise , supply house; salary. $18 per week above ex- penses. Address Alexander Supply : Co., Mor- )\u25a0: gan-'Fark,- -111. "-.-V .-".--•\u25a0:'..•'"-"\u25a0\u25a0-'. --.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 . -/.. WANTED — Outside ; salesman / for oiu*.- talking machine 'dept; -exp/- not :\u25a0• neefissary/ Apply ;;\u25a0 KOnLKIt fc CHASE, 40-52-54 . O'Farrall st. WANTED— Experienced 1 window ' dresser for re- tail <lmg Rtore.-v- Apply l>y letter; giving phone i \u25a0 number, box :. 8393, j- Gall . of flce.- WANTED— Young ' man,< hifCh school or : college •'. graduate preferred," '- to learn the dry ; Roods business; . must.- be willing Mo start :in at hte bottom and work himself up; a pood future to the right party. Apply superintendent's office' from it to 11 iv m... HALE BROS., INC., Mar- *tkrt and Cth sts.. city. .' • ' :-, . . WANTED— Experienced domestic I salesman . for \u25a0 wash goods \u25a0 and sliof tings. Apply superintend- ent's office from 0 to 11 a/Sm.,IHALE)BROS'.V " INC.;" Market and Oth sts.,city.. .-, .. . \u25a0 .WANTBI>— Cash boy, 14 to 16 years of age, with i\o age ?und- schooling- certificate.' 1 - Apply '\u25a0•'. tendent's office - from 9- to 11 a. m.V HALE ; \u25a0 .; BItOS.'Vj INC. , Market and ' 6th : st». ; 1 c|ty. \u0084 . : WANTED^-An • experienced | silk { and | dress ) goods -salesman .for -out of ; town i department, store; . married *. man" preferred; 'applicant's- character, must stand closest' investlgß tlon. -Apply -bu- ; perintendent's " . office " from >\u25a0: 9\u25ba' to '!? 1 1 - a. .'? m., HALE BROS., INC.," Market and Cth sts./ city. WANTED— Manager ami collector for "established business; payß well; small': investment. ' Room f . 19. ; 3004 Broadway, Oakland;^ ,"\u25a0 : -.: - y' : > ..WANTED— RaiIway L mall" : clerks, mall carriers, postoffice clerks: salary $600 to $1,600; short hours; annual vacation;: no' "layoffs"; 8,000 ; . appointments -coming; in -;, San ,: Francisco ; . November., 17 ; i,. common s education \u25a0 sufficient;" candidates prepared 'free; write ltn- \u25a0 -* mediately for schedule. Franklin Institute,- •'\u25a0 Rochester, N.- V/ : -. ' . . : ' ,WANTED^-3oy ! to : learn ' molders' r : trade; ' over ; 16 ;,v years old; wages $B week." J Apply Vnlcan Iron; .;.? Works,': Francisco and Kearny. sts. 'i-j^ "..'- v-;. ;*' : WANTED — Men : to' learn ; to ; operate \u25a0 moving pic- ' ; ture i machines ; *. salary; $35 j. per \u25a0 week, a 221 - Lo- ! ... cust aT.'-'ogf.Vah ; Nesg ; near ; Me AlHster. ;. v -c s - ,;. : WANTED ; ; Immediately. V a*: good " draftsman .* for B temporary ; position ; | must" be |up 'in | rock crush- \u25a0 ring; plants;, etate, wages required- and when dls- j '"'- engaged; -give -phone- number; >. Address :>: > box j ;3354,; 3354, Call offlc'o. ;-.;--. V~ ' ••\u25a0•:': •""', "\u25a0\u25a0 -' •; ; : '. : ; : ! WANTED— Man to drive laundry: wagon ; - $150; j - regular.'^ 3.^73 M isslon st/. : , . \u25a0 : -'--: '\u25a0:'^ :*;U t WA NTED— Two ,' or i; three young /. men *to i take y; orders : on , the road ; - salary. ; Answer;. box •' 3497, / -Call; office. :^ ; : ,/\ r :;, ; . ,:J ~:X ; =\u25a0'\u25a0'. ::;'. ..:-' WANTED— Saloon- p<irter. . 101 T Oolden ' G ate ay. : * WE- TEACH a SHORTHAND iBYti MAIL; tja Revised;; Pitman "system /.taught; in = 30 •: lessons/ \u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0'\u25a0 $10 c covers course;!; no p extra v 'charges.'- * Perspnal i attention »; given • each i student ». byj. ex- \g pert , shorthaud > writer."- Send* check" or X money j order '£ to ;, SHORTHAND j-'j INSTITUTE,^ 2O9-11 ; .Wcstbank; bids.. 1 ;-. San V Francisco. <?3 ;. . V - 1 YOUNG ( men I wanted I to learn I telegraphy; ( wire-* "\u25a0* less 'telegraphy,' railroad ' and | station i service; : r day rand night t sessions. ' 204 '; Hlbernl* ; build- / lng,l San Francisco."?. : ; '-.-''\u25a0:.-'\u25a0\u25a0 -'\u25a0 '\u25a0-\u25a0' c: ».;:.-.' ;--.*-\-.u? $3,000 ' to*f 10,000 -' yearly j easily J made *' real }.-.-: «*stn te " bunliiegsj :|no« r capital.; required:*, we v will! ;'-:.; '-:. i es<-h you ; the ' lmi«tne»s ' by i mnil.l appoints you ; ..^ xpi-clal,;: representative of-* lpadingV.! real Restate rVfoinpany, Jliitt. with j you ircadllyisalableipropor- x s.ticg.'. co-opi»rat(> : with ! aridS s«»lst » yon S to ! a ! pcr-T- ,..--: manent- vm-i-pss;^ a 'Z thorough? commercial 'Q Uw. * [i oourse. i frt><\ » to ?'eacb 'S represents.! lye ; ? wrl tej f or; : : «!2 pace ; Itook" f r^o . 1 1 1 d wllll b« ' sure" -to i intptest r yon .^;THE ':. (Jlto.SS CO.", S- \u25a0 Heupcr block, - MALE J HELP • .WAXTEIb— Continued V. OFFICE OPEN TODAY— SUNDAY. ' :"' V ' BA.M. TO 12 M. ": V .- ' -.MURRAY ALREADY, ..:\u25a0 Leading Employ ment and ' Labor Agents. \u0084". ,i \- \u25a0"; : \u25a0' '"': MAIN OFFICE.^ --*\u25a0' X \u25a0'• *\u25a0;• '^' 1 White 5 Palace ' Hotel a building, > " - . 11th \u25a0 and Market, sts., ' S. S". *-'" ! ;. .Phone Market 630 and 657. .- :\u25a0'. ''- . -."'"..•\u25a0'\u25a0,\u25a0., B RANCHES : - . . '"\u25a0:\u25a0 .\u25a0' : ; Tth. st. -and Broadway .^Oakland, '"" ..Phone. Oakland 7361. \u0084''•' 'i*B2B Jackson' st;,' B.' P. • • • . 2d and H sts., Sacramento. 2d and Main sts., = Los Angeles. ' We 1 want : today -7,415 men for all classes J of work -all: parts , of \u25a0 California," Oregon, Nevada,, Arizona, , Mexico, 'FREE FARE- - • OIiEGON :, ; . KLAMATH. FALLS C. N; E. R. -R.— s; P. R. U,:. - . —FE NCE GANG— DORRIS— -MIDI^.ND— ADY— WEED - ' j i COO laborers and teamsters. ..FREE FABE.; . ; 500 . tunnelmen. A" drillers, •, headers and . corner • men, concrete men; rockmen; $2 to $2.75 day. Splkers, sappers,-; steel and . ballast gangs. FREE FAEE— SHIP DAILY. . OREGON— FENCE GANG - \u0084 £0 ; laborers; S. P.' fence gang, $2 day. FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY-* . FREE FAKE " . . - . NEVADA— BIG TUNNEL .':'- CO heading men, 50 corner men; 15 bench men.i 85 ' muckers. ;^)jgjhd||gi»BßStßijttteiaß^»'9fe*tA^H&M*t? '-'ALL FRED FARE— SHIP TOt>AY ' FREE FARE - , , APPLEGATE, COLFAX, ' r v BOWMAN. ' -.'\u25a0... 250 laborers and teamsters. $2 and -$2.25 -day J . SHIP TODAY FREE FARIO .; W. " P. IU K.— O. S. U, \u25a0R. -r : , Miners, muckers, tunnelmen, teamsters. , FREE FAKE FARE PAII> . ' • SHASTA" CO. '10 "laborers,: mills, -yards \u25a0. and woods,! $60. Donkey engineer '\u25a0 for.- . the yards, $45, found, \u25a0 faro "paid.' , \u25a0: . ; ;,_; ,_ \u25a0: . • B big . wheel teamsters, woods. $60."' i FARE PAID— -SHIP TODAY ' • -'\ WE SHIP TO THE . . MILLS,- YARDS,' WOODS. . MENDOCINO C 0. ,, FREE FARE , SONOMA CO., HUMBOLDT. ' ' ; B0 laborers, no experience 'required, for '\u25a0 the mills,*: yards - and woods,'" $30, * found. * ,; : Swampers --for^ the -woods/-' ax 'men "and bark; p«elers,'s4o and $50, found ."" i 10 men, shipping yards; : etc., $30, found. \u25a0-FREE' FARE . t ! i "-^ 1 STONK MASONS '- ' . . •' S' stone ' masons, Oregon, rsloor $100 to 5103, ; FREB- PARK'--- FARE PAID MARIN— SAN MATEO 55 laborers, "no fexperience required, for -Maria nnd San Mateo cos; $00. '\u25a0--"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-." \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0-. * FREE FARE 10 laborers, quarry work, $60- free fare. LABOREItS— CITY WORK 33 laborers, steady. work; cJty,' $2 and. $2.25 day; board home. . 10 laborers, factories near city, $2 and $2 23 day. -\u25a0>,\u25a0•\u25a0...:, .-' ' MARRIED HELP COOKS AND .WIVES ' FARMERS AND, WIVES .Cook and wife, as waitress, mlno boarding -. house, $100, found. 5. chorcmen and; : farmers and wives, tlO'to .$6O, found.- , , ' " MISCELLANBOUS. 2 riveters, city foundry, $3 day. Metal' polisher,- city factory, $2":75 to. s3 day. Wood turner, city factory, piece' work- Gasoline engineer: and handy man, $3 day. • \u25a0 Dairyman. Shasta county. $45. and found. \u25a0 Blacksmith helper, ranco.% Monterey. $45 fd • 3 rough carpenters, Siskiyou county, $75 - rough painters, near city, $2.50 day. . IMacksmlth. , enmp, south, boss here, $"100. , Steam drill. operator,^ $75. - Bushelman, country renovatory, $1S week " 2 oystermcn, : near city, $40 and found, Engineer, small ice plant. $40 and found, linsmith, factory, -steady, $3 day." Plumber, country job. $4 day. ... Ilam -boner, packing house, $3 day. 2 blacksmiths, near city, $3 day. 4 camp blacksmiths, $50. and $60 and found, and found " heJp .? r3 * r-'r -'" 50 day ' ' * 40 and 5 50 Hand Ironers, factory work, good 'prices. SANTA CUUZ MOUNTAINS. \u0084„ \u0084 ,, FOU THE WOODS, jo line pullers for a lumber company. $45 fj " , FOR THE MINES. y-> 10 machine and hand inineM, gold mines $90 i,.:^.^ FREE FARE. * . *- . ~l NOW FOR THE SOUTH. TEAMSTERS. ,10 teamsters. for new work; south $87 60 - FREE FARE. "- 10 tpamstars.'v steady work on a big" company^ ranch, south, . $40 and found. .; b Italian nursery gardeners,. $2.25 day. RANCHES— DAIRIES. ' .: HAY— HARVEST. 10 teamsters, haul hay. etc., $2 day and board. 30 men -to p^lle an<l stack hay In warehouses - : etc.,:s2 day- and board. f;> .rr* :. rt -. \u25a0'-. .;\u25a0' 82 ' harvest \u25a0 hands, - sack < sewers, etc.- SI 75. $2.25 a day and board. 6 teamsters; bis teams, $40 and found. 38 farmers, general work. $30 and $40 and fd 14 choremen and boys, §25 to $35 and found. v- . 10 milkers, $1 to $4 fare, $40 and found. DO YOU WANT TO WORK FOR THE BIG WATER, LIGHT AND. POWER COMPANY' -'-."HERE IS. BIG: WAGES. 300 laborers for .\u25a0: acother;. company building dams. - power." houses,', fliiraes^ ditches, etc.; $C 7.50; 3 years* Job. .. .' COOKS AND OTHERS. I Camp cook,. power company, -sontb, $60. Camp", cook, : near city; $60 and round; cook, small harvest crew \u25a0 $40 and found. , 3 cooks; country hotel, ' $50 and f dumL ' .2 restaurant cooks, $13 and $20 week. " Camp cook, • $75.' Barber for the spring's; boss here.' - .Washer; institution laundry, $35 \u25a0 and found, ' - 4 lit undryin en. \u25a0 $15 and $20 week." \u25a0' :;-.- " , Waiters and cooks* helpers. $S0 and $40 f d. ' • -: S hotel ; porters. . . $25 and $30 and found ; kitchen" hands and dish" washers,' s2s and $30 and found.'. ..." '\u25a0 Cako bakor, $50; 2 bakers* . helpers, $50 and $35 and found;, camp waiters, • 530 and found, - free fare. : ' FRUIT PICKERS. - --' ITALIANS. -GREEKS, ETC. 15 foreigners, Italians. \u25a0 Greeks, Anstrtans, \u25a0to . pick fruit, - work in packing house and dry • yards. : .- ' - ... •\u25a0:. ,~ \u25a0• \u25a0 f 500 : foreign : laborers, Italians, Austrians, Mex- icans. "Spaniards,; etc.; ;\u25a0 to "work on' railroad, quarries, factories, power companies, ranches, ;ptc, wages $1.75 to $2.25 day;, many of, them free fare. \u25a0 _• • Cull and read our bulletin boards; work ; coming In by phone, telegram and' mall all day long. : : • \u25a0 . \u25a0 _ MURRAY &\u25a0 READY, 11th ".and. Market sts., San -Francisco, 7th St."; and Broadway, Oakland.. . .- ...2d, and II sts., '.Sacramento. - LIVELY young -man to hustle and; ship men for this office. MURRAY, & READY, 11th and Market; sts. APPRBNTICES WANTED EXPERIENCED watch maker is willing to take' —an apprentice under contract; position guaran- teed after : serving full time. Box 2910. Call BARBERS AXD SUPPLIES-; WHY* pay FANCY : PRICES "to RETAILERS for" v, chairs ; and ,; fixtures i when ; you \u25a0 can buy direct \u25a0i fromithft- manufacturer? \u25a0' \u25a0'* '• ~* \u25a0 THE BARKER HYDRAULIC "MODEL II ". CHAIIt.- : \u0084 -\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0-.\u25a0:•,;•:\u25a0 \u0084 '\u25a0\u25a0•: THE BEST SELLING CHAIU ON THE •MARKET TODAY, «ells;for $78, on easy pay- ments •of • $1 5 down and $5 a month, : or $6S cash; ln 120 days. ' ; .-.: -y \u25a0>'•'• Bargains In; second hand chairs, and we Bell •'; NEW i mirrors,', poles or workstands far below " '•> the* retHilers' 1 prices. '<:\u25a0\u25a0'•'>\u25a0'\u25a0 "\u25a0 \u25a0 ; " SER US TO GET YOUU MONEYS WOUTH. ' ; lIAIK DRYERS and VIBRATORS . sold at $5 >per month;- - • : . • .;\u25a0 \u25a0< '. .\u25a0 . \u25a0-.:\u25a0 . - .' . -l JAMES BARKER,- INC. \u25a0 \ Phone Franklin 3809. v . 94 Turk st." :- ; • . ; ; v " Eugene,' F.'Panario, Manager.'. : BAUBER;for;3 'weeks; -$18; young .'man pre- ferred; apply Siinday afternoon. W. B. GREG- ; X OR Y; Point Richmond., - \u25a0 •'.:""\u25a0> ' BARBER,, married man; wants i work, steady or extra. % Box j.776,\ Call, of flee,:. Oakland. -"\u25a0"\u25a0-;. BARBER : shop 2 to ' let. \ Apply saloon; corner '•Beale and Mission, sts; "-'. .V . .'. . " J BAIIBUKS' i UNION '; 148,' office 343 Van Nes3 ay. ; .-.; free ; employment; t tel.i: Market » B>». ; . 'K- COATS 1 f or \u25a0 bootblacks, % special \u25a0. lot ' $1 ' each till "-? sold; -black', color,*; all slzes;also barbers' coats, \u25a0': allteUes. • st .reduced - prices. V STOLTZ'S Bar-. . ber Supply j House, i73l-j Market st.;. ' ; COMBINATIONS barber 1 shop,; poolroom and cigar 14,1 4, stand \u25a0 for sale; ; 3 : chairs, ' 2 slot ; machines. Ad- i ! dress t W.S MIDDLETON, 310 , Pacific .ay.,' Santa"; '\u25a0'^\u25a0Criiz/jCal. 5--...-..;..',.-;':'.5 --...-..;..',.-;':'.- \u25a0:\u25a0 :/"-'- \u25a0 -'."\u25a0' : ' \u25a0'- ' ' '";5', ;: J FOR rent—3 chair barber shop. 17Sl"7th St., Vj:Wesf; Oakland: ,-y.y.->- -'f-'vV-'-t '.•'..- '->-<\u25a0': '. : , \u25a0 \ FOB*tale— 2 chair ; shop.*: living I rooms : «; must sell ; \u25a0 ;v;rent;s2s.^oll^San. Pablo, avr. Oakland. , . FOllircnt-^Barberisbop ; with 3 . pool^tables. s.a 1137* E. Cl4th :>>t> nr. * 23d ay., E." 1 Oakland." <;3Phono;Merrittj3S42.^'--;-: J .-"--.-'-. . .."..-. ,;'..'."- GOOD': barber, € one *- who Vcan ,wc*k "Wednesday^ v ;'* night.T: Saturday, and;- Sunday;- niust r -be steady, f ;Apply'at;32G7xieth;st.: \u25a0;;.; ; - r ;. ' HAVE theicash^for.'a'grood paying barbershop or '~S. location ; ' give < price - and . full * particulars. "; Box tl J 6312,'; Call? of flee;. . - V :'-l::; " - \u25a0• ':. -. \u25a0 HIGHEST ; prices! paid : for ib3rbers'.: chairs.-' rolr- gij. rors.". Barbers'. supplies sold.on 1 time.-. 855 Grove." xook^kVja,^.:'' ;..;•;.:\u25a0:":•\u25a0:- :;.. . z '\u25a0;' \u25a0.'„"; - -.:'- \u25a0.. ' ;• vV^lswßntitotbuy; a barber, shop, city orconn- £-S try.'^i Box : 8330,1 Ca1l i office. \u25a0-; ; .- ~?S3f*sg§g&&Ss. PKI(:E|S2OO,-2iifsnapr'2^cbalr>Bliop!.in;Oi]ernc-; f.'.;.,vi11e,""5 with 'baths "a ttaehPtl.^s first iclaes-fistiires ii and i ilolns 5a • good i business ; I best", location;;; low rent:, will pay for stills'- sumnier;''Couie ' ii|i ; .inrt >pc nt>i ? oncfv¥ if "'interested, 11, 1 \u25a0\u25a0': HM'ssß-tRT-^ ba* t S3^rG ucr uexilJc,' - l_v.u*.' 'y 7, BARBERS A?fP : SXTPPLIES— Continned PORTER ":. wanted. V Barber -\u25a0 «hop, '. 2291 • Market \u25a0 - st. -; corner '\u25a0 16th. - ' \u25a0'\u25a0• . .-. - .-• . . : "• V^i SPECIAL NOTICE TO BARBERS. . v . ~ * Owing to tbe. scattered condition. of 'our city, which maked , it Inconvenient for- barbers :to do shopping during ' the = day, - we : decided • to ; keep open evenings until £:30. We extend ;a cordial Invitation to 1 all to Tislt our store and see oar complete line of barber supplies and furniture. We-. received. another shipment of. the celebrated Juniter razors; every .one guaranteed. -PACIFIC BARBER SUPPLY CO., 062 Market at. - TWO chair barber shop for sale. 293 Minna st. - \u25a0 corner • 4th. .-.-. .* -':. : -;*.: "\u25a0'.<.' \u25a0"- •.•...'-'\u25a0'----\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 WANTED at once, first class man; wages no ob-, ject." See MR.^M. S.- PARKER. Tlbaron. CaL WANTED^-To buy. 2 or 3 chair paying ba rber shop. 1 , with living rooms; . country. J. ;w. SIMPSON*, general delivery. Fresno. Cal. WANTED— First . class, barber, strictly sober, \u25a0 married; permanent position. $16 to start with; good advancement to. right party: state qualifications by^ letter. 442 E. Main." Stockton. 2 '. chair shop, fine • furniture. ...... ....'. . . . .$ 130 3 chair shop, near Kearny. .........••- ••**"' -2, chair shop and « baths..,.'.. -. \u2666-,2a« 4. chair shop, Oakland, bargain. 2 fine locations for 2 and 3 chair shops. CHAS. COLEMAN* CO.. 830 Market St. ;. '2 CHAIU shop. ; fine furniture. . $150; S chair shop near Kearny st., .$300; 2 chair shop and \u25a06 bath* $225;-4 chair shop,- Oakland; bargain; 2 fine locations for 2 and 3 chair shops. CUAS. COLEMAN & Ca. 830 Market St. \u25a0" y \u25a0•." §350 cash buys candy store, ice'eream parlor and. 3; chair barber shop,-, with Miring' rooms; one. rent. 281 9th st. .\u25a0-'.. ' " - $300 wlllbuy half Interest iAPsylnif'* chair \u25a0 shop, - Oakland; terms; • clearing over , $ICO per month. Coleman"& Co.. 830 "Market st. FEMALE HELP AYAXTED ATTENTION— Take ad>anta?B of onr SUMMER RATES la lIAIRDttESSING. manicure, MAS- . SAGE, halrwork 1 . electrolysis. CHIROPODY: ; earn a steady. INDEPENDENT income: go to the BEST EQUIPPED and MOST SANITARY Institution o« the kind in the U. S» WHY APPRENTICE a year of yonr time when you can finish with us in 8 or 8 wks.t CONVINCE YOURSELF; pay ns a visit; come and hay» your HAIR DRESSED for; 10c; SHAMPOO. 10c: MASSAGE, 13c; bleaching, 35c per hr.; - dyeing, 50c per hr.; electrolysis, 30c per hr.: - chiropody, 10. BRING YOUB COMBINGS; wo make anything for 75c." T. DEUSTER A- CO.. 2 floors. 47 Kearny. S. F.. bet. Market & Post. A A— Women and girls • for catting and canning : apricots; also experienced caaners wanted. We jiay the highest wages. You have «*l»an. ' healthy and moral : surroundings. Take Third I and Kentucky or ICth and FlUmore st. can. -.CALIFORNIA 'CANNERIES COMPANY, ISth and \u25a0 Minnesota sta.," .. - '.-. .- DKUSTER'S SCHOOL OF : HAIRDRESBING AND > BEAUTY CULTURE. 47 -KEARNY ST.. 8. 7. EXPERIENCED sales ladles wanted to sell dry goods, furulshlnxs, etc. Send particulars, with references to box 8387. Call office. g . \u25a0 . EXPEKIENGED knitters and winders want-d; also apprentices. Apply GANTNEU .& MAT- TERN go., 649 L»gima. , FIRST CLASS. parlor maid for private' family. ' *'ty," ' $35; first • cla«s cook, must understand \u25a0 German cooking; $45; experienced nurse for 2 children. $35-$10; cook f,>r 3 In family, $35. - city; "nurse for 1 grown child, references necessary, $35; chambw maid. \u25a0 wait I meal, refined boarding hoose, country, $30; cook for 2 men on ranch, $40; "2 experienced wait- resses for first clas* hotfl, southern Califor- nia, $30 each; oantry girl for country, resort. - ,525; also back dining room girl for same place, $25. C4II at MISS PLUXKETTS, ISO 6 Sutter st. cor. Webster. FIRST CLASS lady solicitor* can find steady employment by applying city circulation de- partment San Francisco Call., Sd and Market streets. - . • -\u25a0 . GIRL to set type.' etc.; gool position. Chicago \u25a0Rubber Stamp Co., SCS Broadway. Oakland. HOP PICKING In August; work for everybody; see onr ad under male belp wanted. LADIES — During summer mouths, vn will give * liberal discount on ail laces; our neckwear will be sold at half. Brussels Lace Store. 1254 •Sutterst. below Van Ness. LADIES wanted to take home work; part or full \u25a0 time; experience unnecessary; TKIEBER3, 1240 Satter st. near Polk. \u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0• '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::.,-\u25a0 MACHINE girl for power machine; - wholesale millinery. Apply MULLER & RAAS C 0., .833 Market . St. ; - MME. ANDRE. 1044 Larkln St.— cY«neh. Sw*l- ish or German waitress and parlor maid, $33; chamber maicr and : seamstress, ' same - place. $35; German maid and seamstress, $33; French maid and seamstress, $35; cook *nd hou!!#- work girl. Napa,. $33; Swedish copk." $45-$5 O. NEAT, reliable girl for ' house keeping; 5 In . family; plain cooking. ' Call F. P. LANDOX -822. Noe St., mornings. • . ' " \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.. . "OAKLAND. .--'\u25a0 \u25a0.'-•- . GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. LEYI BTRAUSS A CO., 3D AND CLAX STS.; OAKLAND. " APPLY TO MR. DAVJ3. STEADY Increase In tbe'buslness of th* Pacifte . telephone and telegraph company necessitate* - the" employment of- additional operator*, and the telephone company . is making special in- ducements to secure for these positions yonng women <>f neat appearance, fair education and excellent character. "Young wonjea who wish to study telephone operating will . not \u25a0 only re- ceive free . tuition In ' the Pacific operating school, but will also be paid while studying, anil upon" graduation will be given positions at the switchboards. The exchange building* are equipped- with rest and- retiring rooms and the operating rooms are light and well ven- tilated. • The telephone company takes a per- •sonal Interest in • the -welfare of -the young" : women in -Its' employ, and en .this "acconnt parents tof the sort of girls .desired are en- couraging them to take up telephone operating "- as ' a prof esslon. For further particulars sail -at the Pacific operating school, Franklin cen- • • tral office, ; 821 Hyde st. near . Sutter. SALESLADIES for waists and suits. Apply at 4th and Market sta. store. S. N. WOOD &, CO. SHIRT WAIST Ironers wanted; swift Ironers can earn $15' per week- or more. Oakland White Star Laundry. 20th St. and Broadway, .Oakland. v . WANTED — Intelligent lady for pleasant work; can earn - $5 : per day. For particulars apply .to Business Law - Pub. Co., 002 Metropolis Bank bldg:.. 10 a. m. today. WANTED — Experienced eanners and cutters on fruit;- good wages;, work : Immediately, until .November 1; cottages and tents furnished. .•Apply at factory,, quick; Central California Canneries, - Lorenzo, Alameda ' county, CaL WANTED— A Protestant lady unineumb»red as \u25a0\u25a0" attendant In 3 doctors' offices;. must be extra i fine appearing and at least high school grtdu- •\u25a0; ate from distance; ttscher preferred; no limit rto salary." -Don't write. Call personally. Dr. I C," • 600 McAllister : st. • . . WANTED — Two or three - young . ladles to take . orders on the road; salary; Answer box 3432, " *' Call : office. •• . • '^' ~' : •"-•' \u25a0"' \u25a0 ' * WANTED— First class sleeve draper . for dress making dept Apply Snpt's office from & to 11 a. m. HALE BROS., Inc., Market and ; 6th- sts... city. ..-'.;'-. .-'.-. WANTED-rExperienced cloak .and salt sales- ' "ladles. Apply. S..N. WOOD & CO.;:lltb,and .Washington sts., Oakland. • -\u25a0 ' . .- , ' WANTED-^Cashler who has had department store experience. Apply Sapt's office from &;to 11 -a.' m; HALE BROS., lne^- Market and 6th sts-^clty.;. -; :\u25a0 ;'-\u25a0\u25a0-. -.-\u25a0.'- WANTED— Young ladles .to train as nurses; .ages 22 to 25; paid while learning. : 9l9 Brush .St.. 'Oakland.- Cal. : : v-.-- -•\u25a0.-\u25a0 ...... WANTED— First - class waist *\u25a0 finisher for dress making dept. Apply Hupt's office from 9 to •11 a: m. - IL\LE - BROS.,- inc., - Market and 6th'- sts.; : city. "-/.-; ; '... : ;\u25a0 ' WANTED— Young woman ; who writes •\u25a0' a": good \u25a0V hand- to do J lettering ' with machine* on table •• cloths and \u25a0' napkins ; mo \u25a0 previous . experience necessary < providing . party ' is good at forming letters. Apply superintendent's "office from 9 ' to 11 a. m.. HALE 8803., INC.," Market an 4 ,Cth sts., city. .*'\u25a0'.'.— WANTED— Lady; canvassers f?r something. new; $5. a- day «urp. Call between S and 0 a. in.. Steniler.; Sales^Co.. J213 -7th St., Oakland. - WANTED — First class - waitress for tea room. "Apply Supt's office from 0 to H a.-' ni.' HALE .BROS., .inc.,' Market'and 6tb sts., city. WANTED^-Thorooghly ' competent woman " for • : general - housework ; ; family -of 3. 1311 • Harrl- son". St.; Oakland. \u25a0 \u25a0.-,-.'.'-\u25a0 .- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0>. \u0084 WANTED— First? class . sleeve . draper for dress V* making f department. '• Apply ". superintendent's * orfice from 9 to 11 a. tn.. HALE BROS., INC..' " Market; and 6th sts.V: city. ~ .. WANTED — Experienced '- saleswomen >fbr "em- broideries- and "laces.". "Apply :\u25a0 superintendent's \u25a0'office from 9 to 11 a.i m., -HALE BROS., INC.,- '-, Market and 6tb sts.. city. „ \u25a0\u25a0 -,- • WAN'TED--Miss A. - Heftglen "to j call for position \u25a0 in ; making -department. Apply "superin- . tendent's ; office. ; HALE ,- BROS.* : INC., Market \u25a0 and 6th frts.Vicity; " —•; ;;. - . : 1-\u25a0 WANTED-^-Cashler with ilepartment store^'expe- . rlem-e.: 1 ; Apply at. superintendents" office -from ;9;to = 1 1 < ».". m,.' HALE ? BROS., - INC., Market and 6th sts., clty.-^Msol&sflsßssWßssßHsssssMß WANTED— Saleswoman ; " for • men's" ,= furnishing • goods department; Apply, superintendent's »f- j/; flee from-: 8 t» IV a. Iro.v ; HALE ' BROS.," INC.. . :Market'and'«thiPts.; city. : ; .WANTED— Houso; keeper;, light, work: "good V home; i'sUto • te rm^ , required. Address box [ .:- 3429,~« Call .".office. </':-:. :.::;,.- . ..' -- . : I WANTED~Cash,KirI. -14* t0. 16 years of age j.V;wlth asef and sk'hooling eertlflcate. Apply, su- :-. ';-l>crlnteadent f 8 office from » loJl a. m . lixiß i : ->,BR»S.; INC.r Market. and:6lh ! sU.."city^' I JV*OMAN*;,f(»r:htiusew«.>jrk;rmust : b« good -conk* i;;references: good :wages t :ti. ? rtshtti»rty« 813 . -; » '\u25a0 •;__,-_ \u25a0 -- - \u25a0 .„ ...-..-••;'\u25a0 FEMALE : HEtj: WAyTED— CoMttnned " WE TEACH SHORTHAND BY MAIL. Revised -Pitman system taught. -in SO lessons. $10 ' covers full • coarse; no -extra charge*. Personal ' attention given each stmlent by ci- "* rert shorthand writer. \u25a0 Send check' or' money order; ti> SHORTHAND INSTITUTE. 209-H . ..Westbank bldg.. San . Francisco. WOMAN "can make good money antons womeu. f • Call : 247 Plae St.. room - 203, 2'to 4 p. m. YOUNG lady with good form to pose for adver- tising specialties. Box 3400. CaU offlee. XOUNG lady for candy store; , must be of neat appearance, well educated and thoroughly ex- perienced; good salary. P. O. box KM, Palu \u25a0 Alto, CaL . . SAjLESMEX and JIOiaICITORS ,WA?jTED ENERGETIC salesmen wanted -to sell bonds and stocks in prosperous birftks and. intlustrisl propositions reinilrins additinnal". capital: sal- ary and commission. Call cr write Financial Underwriters, iqis Broadway. . Oakland. LOCAL agents. m«n'tad women. In every interior t<*wn f or, household novelties; permanent posl- .tioas to goo<t workers; exclusive territory: ea*v sellers; splendid. pay; don't look nsrther. Wnt">- or call Radio Mfg. Co.. 10>J5 Washington. Oakl'd SALESMAN wanted by wholesale "Basse; must be yoanr maa with some knowledge of car- ' pets and . upholstery goods. Address, giving fall particulars, experience aod reference*, box 3324, Call ofSc*. " SALESMAN— Thirty , years' experience , on roatl enables me to n»t y>inr requirements: bias money, pleasant; all retailer*. .New Specialty. lowa City,* la. - SALESMAN wanted by wholesale, house: must be . young man with som» kaowl«c!ge of ear- rets and ery goods. Address, giving full' particulars. experi9nc» and reference^, box U3^4. CaU office. •SALESMAN — Wa'fcav*. a good commission siilc- Hne consigaed : goods for . salesmen making small country towns. Or» Mfg. Co.. 79 S. "Jefferson St., Chicago. •• TRAVELING salesmea eara from. |l,ooo t<v 110.- " 000 a year and expenses. Over 000.000 em- ployed la the United States and Canada. The demand- for good salesmen always exceed* the supply. W» wUI teach yoa to be aa expert by mail and. assist you to oecnr<t a position through «v .fne employment bureau. : We have assisted thousands of men to* secure tatter positions or salaries, and a great many of ' them who formerly \u25a0 earned from $25 to $75 a month now earn from $100 to $500 a month "and expenses. Why bs. orm tented with a poorly paid pos! Una. lonsj hours!, hard or . dirty, work, whaa you cair eater th la. pleasant, well paid profession in a few snort weeks. \u25a0 Hundred of good openings now. open. IC you want. to secure one of them. or tocraaae ' your •analogs, our free book. "A Knight of th» Grip." will show yea how^- Writa or call for It today. Address National Salesman's Train- ing Association. 6108 Metropolis bank bldg.. Ban Francisco. Branches— Chicago, N«w York, Kansas City. Minneapolis. ; . WANTED— Expert sideline specialty salesman: high grad* premium proposition; splendid com- mission; good territory;, experience imne<-»*- sary. Addre»»* Bnsineu Builder Corporation. St. Lonls. Mo. . . . s .. . WANTED— Salesman to place .specialty lin» with country trade; hustlers making JT>.ooo ami over ywarly. Addrws box •X, Cedar . Baplda. la. : , . . - WANTED — Salesmen to aell country merchants; specialty line with strong «<l7erUBins; holiday season opening; worth $500 monthly net to produrert. Bo_t 419. lowa City. la. WANTED^ — Four high class account solicitors. ' good pay. Addrwa P. O. box 611. Partt. 111. WANTED— 3 neat appearing solicitors; good chance for ambitious men. Call 10 to 11 *. m.. 2122 Market st. A GBXTS WANTED AGENTS — Wondercful iaventloa;.blg money sell- . ing Caachester Incandescent kerosene lamp: burns with or without mantle, io times - brighter than electricity, gas. or aeatytene at 1-10 cost; burner fits all standard lamps: saw* 73 per cent oil; bo trimming wicks: bewar* of Imitatiotis: outfit free. CAXCHESTER LIGHT CO.. 2S State St., dept. IPS. Chicago- AGENTS . Wanted, agi»nts; legitimate substitute for »'ot machines;, pntented;' sells oa sight for- $1. Par- ticalars, UELiHA COMPANY. AndeTson. In.l. AOENTS wanted in- every- town to sell th» only - practical- eigsr shaped plp« maae; can uor o* told from a, <?lgar: write fnr parttevlan or sample. 25c. Stemler Sales Co., 1213 Itii st., Oakland. AGENTS. $50 weekly; talking and experience unnecessary: our "trust schema" envelope dm the work; 200 per teat profit; general agent* make $100 weekly; particulars free; 35c sam- ple for 10c; if not satisfied. 10c refunded. Cadillac Needle Co.. Detroit. Mich. HIGH elasa hosiery concern requires the serv-» ices 0/ ambitious representative In every ter- rltory In. the Uslted 1 States-; sold only , throoxh agents inn stmres): exclusive. tmrrUory: liberal * - eoffitsisalaa; makes a \u25a0 penaanent. profitable* >buslnessr" experienced a seats • preferred. Ad- - dress KROSSKNIT MFO. CO., 17S K. 127Uj st_ dept. 4. New York. . - SEVERAL good solicitors to sell new s'cnhAl .flat iron; liberal' com., exclusive ter. rtility Sapply • C 0.,-468 11th - St.. - Oakland; phona Pied. 2137. WANTED— Expert male and female agent* with good ref. : fine wagea. Apply 347 Montg'y ay. WE. want a Hve salesman Jn, nearly «very t*>wn In the state to sell talking machines and pianos; «wxt pay; experience not neeeseary. KOHLEK & CUASE. 40-32 O'Farrell it. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES " AAA— PHONE WEST 1731. Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office In rtty. T.^TAMCRA CO.. 1612 Lagnna st. AAA — CUIXE3B cooks of all claasen.and other help furnished. Orf™t ' Employment of flee, 361 Sth st.. Oakland. Phone Oakland 3101. AA— OSCAR lIATSUMI. J-iPANESE-CHINESK ESIP. CO.; BEST HELP GITAR.: CITY OR COUNTRY. 1513 GEARY ST. WEST CBSS. J. CONN. Chinese emp. bur-au; Chinese cook* special.- hotel or fam. 770 Clay; t. D'glas 3162. A. HOKI, 1748 Sutter; pbon» West SSCCfc— Best . Japanaae-Cblneae help furnished -promptly. STAR emp. offica furnishes Japanes«-Chines<» btlp. W, KADOTA. XB>JS Geary; %rt. West 167. U. W. HONG. Chines* employment office, soa Webster St.. Oakland. ' Phoa« Oak 2843. KSOX, 433 ' Pine — Suits,' liens ; and attachments. -' time checks cashed; debts coQ'ted everywhere. „ RP.QMS TO LET— Far, and ITn far. AA~TXJRK st..~ 822— Nicely firniahed. 'sunny rocme, $1.50, $2 per week ; also handsomely furnished front room, suitable for 2 or 2, very reasonable. SBSsSssassfsflsl AA— DEVISADERO st.. 902— Very nicely . fnr- nUhed sunny rooms; gas, bath, phone: $10 up; transfer 'comer.. . .... A COZY hem* for respectable ladies, 1130 Mar- . ket st. near 7th under auspices of the SAL- VATION ARMY; elegantly furnished ; every modern convenience; steam'heat, electric light and : elevator service: spotlessly clean: cen- trally located; thoroughly homelike;. telephone Market 1349; prices very moderate, ranging from 23c per night up; special rates by tha week or month. Sew matron, room 33. . ARCADIA. 1703 Post St., cor. Buchanan— Nicely famished rooms, . hot and cold water in every : room, 'best accommodations; $2.50 week* and up; transient. .' . . '\u25a0\u25a0 > . BALDWIN HOUSE, 74 6th st* Bear Market— All ' modern . conveniences; 220 rooms; 35c to $i per day, $3 %a $3 per week ; free baths. BAUTLETT. 132. nr. 22*— Largo front room; . closet; bath; nr. 3 car Macs; »3 a month. BYINGTON ay.. 47, off FUlmore- st. near OTu> \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 rell— 2 nofurnlshed rooms, with use of fut- nls&ed kitchen.- : - . • BUSH st., 2097, corner 'Webster— Nicely fnr- „ nisbed. snnnv room*; electric , ltsht; rannins water, telephone. , - • BUSH St., 1922, near Lagnna— Handsomely tar- nished \ ropnw», singlii or . conaeoted; modern . conveniences' references. BUSH sL, 2444— Large sunny room; prlvatu faos- • lly: nicely famished; for t or 2; all eon- ' venteneis: reasonable. tSsssssSHssMsstiSsWh CALIFORNIA -St.. 1244, nr. Jones-; Well fur- ."- nlshed large sunny room, runainsf Water; ' closet: references. Apt. 1. ..." CALIFORNIA st.. 253W— Sunny room;' private family; ntc«l> turnlsbea for l;good location: reasonable.". < - . ' CARTER (The). 213 O'FarreUst. cor. Powell^ Newly- furnished, outside rooms; " medera. Kearny 5174. CENTRAL HOTEL. 574 3d St.— Fre« baths; ot- nr» and reading room >on grtmnd floor; 800 single ami family ro»nv»; SZc to $t « day *•» ! ' io $3 * week. . EDWARD ROLKIN.. proprietor. L CLINTON park. 230. nr. Market— Sanay front bay window room; bath; all- conveniences - '.light house keeping^ $S to $12. DBVISADEBO : »t. 1442. near Geary— Sunny. furnished - front room; single; suitable * for gentleniau; reasonable; prime family; phon© \u25a0\ >nd bath. •.'. ; - - ... DE V ISA DERO * st. ; : $49, cor. Mt-.i Ulster— Sunny cor. room; 2 bay .windows; phone; bath- $10 a month. saHssflsjaHsssf ' DEWEY HOUSE. 4th and Howard— AH modem .eonvenlencen; 200 rooms: 33c to $t « day S to $n wt»k; frx» bathw. Howard or 41U »t.V»r-< EDDY tt., 1230—. Sunny . wtUide rooms, nteelr rnrnishe<i, for 1 or 2f running .water; poene; ELWS st..' 1917— Sunny tmtsMe^ropra." nicely furnished, with or without h. k.; bath, phone; s -^?i*l mouto. .-• \u25a0 .."" " ... . \u0084 v £ Coi'Uanad'to' >'eat Tjlsjs im?£ jssWmiiissssTißrriiinisWssTrißsiiriMiiMiiMi^