Newspaper Page Text
ROOMS TO LET — ContJnqeJ ELGIN Park. 73. near; Market st. — Sunny, front, bay window, room; all conveniences; very reasonable. ENTERPRISE HOTEL. l«th and Folsoia sts— Workingnen's home; clean sunny rooms, $1.50; with board. $5 and op. FIFTH . St., . 365 (downtown)— Sunny " single rooas; nanlng water; $1.60 per - we*k ;np. FILLMORE. 761 — Large sunny front room; suitable for 2; private bouse; bath, phone. : FIVE young mea; only thos* possessing sales- manship nted apply. 914 Valencia st. KOLSOM st.. 1980— Large sunny parlor, well . furnished; bath, closet; suitable 1 or 2 gra- tlmnen; $8 per montb. FRANKUN st., 730— Salon parlors with piano, electric light, all oonvenleaces; suitable for 2 : - cr more gentlemen. «r coeple. FRANKLIN st. 1249— Nicely fnrnlshed. sunny room; running water, bath; $6 month cp. - FLLTON »t.. S26A— Large sonny well furnished rooms; bata. phoae, en suite or single; $2.50 snd $3 week. i.EARY St.. Hid--, — Sunny front room; private family; nie*ly furnished; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. «EARY »t.. 1752. near FJHmore— Snany rooms In private family, nicely fsnilsbed for one or . tw» gentlemen; reasonable. . . - j «OUGH St., 423. ar. Hayea— Strany well fur. front roots: bath, phone, private family, all < home conveniences; $8 and $10 month. I HAIGHT St.. 141. tor. Urst> — Large snnny front bay window rooms, ea ralte or cicgle; all coevesleßCfls; bath. -:;;' HAIGHT St.. 104*4 — L*rge sunny front b»y window rooms, ea snlte or single; bata, pbooe, gat; bonse - keeping privileges. HAVES St.. 459— Suaay front bay window roon; closet; bath; $10 1. $13 3- HOTEL ST. JOE, 84« Kf*rny st.— Nicely fur- nished rooms; reasonable; transient accom- modated. HOWARD. 2502. cor. 19th— Front bay window room, well furnished; bath, phone; $3 week; no signs. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 52S 12th st.. comer Clay. Oakland— Rooms 50c a day up; $2.60 week cp; >p*cial rat* by tbe month: op»n all night. IJIGUNA ft., 1128—2 or 8 sunny unfurnished \u25a0 rooms: coal range; connecting; phone and gas. LEAVENWORTH St., 965. near Bosh— Sunny out- side rooms; nicely furnished; 1 or 1; nmnlag water, bath, modem; $20 for 2. Frank. 1209. LARKIN St.. 1845. near Clay— Sonny outside rooms, single or en .salte; modern; retaoaabl*. MCALLISTER st.. 1350. l«i bkx-ks above Fill- more — t-uacy furnished room; batb and phone; $3 a week. OAK St.. SB2 — Nicely fur. roam private family, $8 mo.; also room. $6 mo.; gentlemen only. OTARRELL *t.. 1255. nr. Googh"— Sunny ontsld* rooms, elegantly furnished; modern conveni- ences; $10 per; month and up. ' \u25a0\u25a0- O'FARRELL st., 13MA — t room unfurnished flat; iras. laundry, sunay yard; separate entrance; SIS montb. < OCTAVIA et.. 1445. war Post — Snnsy, front, parlor room, private family; nicely furnished for 1 or 2: reasonable. OVF.RLAND HOUSE, 569 S»CTam»nt<» st. below Montgomery — N<*r open. 200 rooms: hot and • •old water In every mom: 25c to $2 p»r day. $1.-50 to $5 per wM«k. KDW. BOLK.IN, Prop. PACE St.. 226 — n«a». bright, nicely furnUhed frofit bay window rooms; bath, phone; $10 to $15 month. , TIERCE «.. 1341. rr. O'Farrell — Bnnny outside ri-jota, private famUy; nicely furnished; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $10 a month. I'IXK St.. 1030. bet. Jones and Tajlor — Snnny 'loot room; n:<»Jy 'nrnlsbed: wlthor without hoard. / \ i I'OLK, !7:-,6 — Sunny oiu^de rms.: bot, cold water, batb, pbone; $2 wk. up; bskpg. apt.. $14 mo. it>ST tt., -yOB. corner Hyde, sear downtown — ?r.:.r.y ouuide rooms, rucnlag water, all con- veniences; walking distance; $14 month up. I*OST *t.. J7W. n*ar Fillmore — Snnny front rooms, ni'-ely furnished, all conveniences, " in private home; strictly modern: reasonable: 6CGTT st.. 1825 — Sunny front room; private fam- ily; 1 or 2 gentlemen; all home comforts. ST. ANNA. 1291 Pine «t Hyde — Newly furnished tuM-hrlor <fuartrrs: hot and <-old water, baths; all ronv^nionc^s; reasonable. STEINER st.. 1616 — Sunny outside room; private family; nicely furnished; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all cooveaiettctt; $10 month. KUTTEB st.. 1916. near Flllmore — Sunny front room; nicely furnished for 2; all. home com forts; running water: reasonable. M'TTKR St.. 2297 — Front parlor, nicely fur- nished, for I or 2. In respectable Spanish fam- ily; reasonable. THE GOLCH. 1124 Uongn - corner OTarrell — Nicely fur. rooms, single /x suite; reasonable. THE LANSDALE, 619 Larkin st.— Sonny oat- fide roonrn: bot and cold water in every room; all conveniences: $2.50 per week and up. THE CRESCENT. 826 Eddy St.— Under new management: nicely furnished rooms; all con- veniences; rummer rates. \u25a0\u25a0.-\u25a0'.. THE LURLINE, 1353 Bash— Sunny, modem rats.. $2.50 wk. cp; cocntry trade; BOe to $1.50 day. • VAN NESS •»-. 1021 — Sunny oatside rooms, nicely furnished for 1 or 2: running water, all conveniences; good location; $2.50 and up. VAN NESS «v.. 71». corner Tnrk st. — Large. sunny rooms, also eicgle, light and sunny; run- ring wat*>r: reasonable. - . - ( VAN NESS a y.. 2327— Elegantly furnished apts. la beautiful borne: reasonable to right parties. WEBSTER st.. 1630 — Sunny octslde room: nicely furnished: for gentleman; home comforts: reas. li/TH «t.. 3*W4. near Dolor** — Sunny front room; u«g of kttrh«»n: nw of bath, phonf and kitchen. OAKLAND ROOMS — Fnr. aad Umfur. HATES st. 872— Bay window bouse keeping rooms; bath. gas. pbece and laundry; cbeap. THE ATTKINDALE. 1228 Broadway, Oakland— AU thoroughly renovated; now ready; $2 per week and up. ; . ' .?<.'•"« '.':.' WEST st.. 11C9. cor. 14th — Large, sunny rooms for gentlemen. Pbone Oakland 5540. . ! TTEBSTER St.. 1277 — For rent, rooms, , all con- Tealeaces; close in. 17TH »r.. 672— Large parlor suite, central loca- tion; also ether room*, light boose keeping. ROOMS WASTED GENTLEMAN and 2 dau*ht»r* want 4 furnished rooms, bath, bouse keeping: oust be fortably furnlßl:*d and in pood neighborhood; will make long lease. IX. F. C, box 3381, Call office. • SCHOOL teacher wants clean, sunny, nnfur- nisbed rooms, near Oak preferred; state price; referrwes fichangyd. Bor 3364. Call office. RE!fT THAT VACANT ROOM A small want ad in Tbe Call will do it quicker than a down signs pUsterea oa your windows and which spoil the looks of your tome besides. Phone Kearny 88 for aa ad man to call and see yon. ROOMS FOR HOTJSE KEEPING AA— GOLDEN GATE ay.. : 629 — Sunny apart- menta for bouse keeping of 2 and 3 rooms; bath, pbone. run.' water all rms.; $3 week up. AA — DEVISADERO st.. 002— Large senny fur- uixbed front alcove room; piano; buffet kitchen j adjoining; $20: unfurnished floor. $15. BABTLETT St., 434. nr. 2Stb— Furnished or unfurnished rooms to let; choice and reason- able; 2 to S p. r ta. • ' • • BARTLETT. 420. nr. 25th— 1. 2 or 5 connect- ing rooms; complete for bouse keeping; bath; $12 to $15 and up; gas free. \u25a0 \u25a0 BARTLETT. 134. nr.^23o^ — 2 sunny front rooms; complete for hooee keeping: nr. 3 car lines; gas and electricity free; $18. . BRADY St.. 45 — Front bay window rooms, en unit* or single; use of kitchen; bath; new fnrnirare; 52.50 to $4.50. - - ' CALIFORNIA 6t.. 1361. nr. Hyde — Kitchen and living room, furnished: bath; $1S and $20. CALIFORNIA «t.. 2323. near Flllmcre— 2 room" li k. apt., nicely fur.; bath; running water; phone ; coal and gas stove; $20 month.' CLARA St., 166, nr. sth— 2 rooms, $7; 3 rooms. $9. *t CLAY St.. 1624, near Polk— Apartment, consist" ing of living room with piano, bedroom and small kitchen; all modern conveniences; : rea- f*onahl». • • CLINTON park. 262E, nr. Market— Front bay window room and kitchen.- complete for bouse keeping: bath; $16 month. DEVISADERO st.. 464— Newly furnished front suite "complete: bath; also single rooms; 3 car lines: $15 to $22.50. ;\u25a0 nLLIS St.. 1112— Nice Urge ' house keeping rooms: regular kitchen; all conveniences; rent reasonable. ' - . ' /" • rILLMORE St.. 634 — Front sunny suite, compleu. for bouse keeping:. running water; $15; single rooms. fiO: bath, phone. GEARY" «.." 16J4 — Newly fnrn... sunny slcove rm.'. buffet kitchen,. 2 closets, bath, ' lanndry. pbone... \u25a0 - •' '\u25a0 ' .. >\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0' OLF.RRKRO Rt. PS«, nr. 22(1— Front bay window suite witli bath; t»n». for hoose keeping; gas, free;. .s2o."- , _ " '\u25a0:.'- .'\u25a0'.'.\u25a0 CI'ERRERO St.. 1413—2 nice large- front and hack rooms, t ornlsn«d for boos* keeping: prlv- utn family rwld*nc». ' \u25ba V KAIGHT >t.. 810— I^arpe, pleasant room: light. -. iiouoe, k^fplag; " small .connecting..':' kitchen; Q3P K/r.atle. - SOOMS^FOR HOTJSE h_KEOTIXO^-Con« HAIGHT ' St.. 6SI, off Flllmore— Front' parlor, neatly . furnished ; water, etc. : house keeping, $18 month; others for $12.60. $14. ".-'..-\u25a0/.\u25a0 HAVES st.. 960— Modern large light rooms, ea - suite or single; also bouses keeping ., suites; bata, - phone. - ' : HAVES st., 440 — Light airy rooms ;• new furni- ture, batb. single or house keeping; $12 to • $14; gas free. '- \u25a0 -\u25a0\u0084\u25a0_.- - .- HAVES st.. t3O, near Octavia— Single Ught house keeping rooms; ' running water la all rooms; $3 we*k up; gas, etc, free. ' MCALLISTER St., 84S— Sonny 3 room suite, complete for .house keeping; alee yard, for children^ also single rooms for gentlemta. 1 MCALLISTER st., 806-^>xy bay window room , with kitchen; also single room; all convea- 1 Iroctrg. Rate to good tenant. : ' MISSION St., 2219 A. near lSth-r-Modere front suite; reg. kitchen; • cas \u25a0 range;- bath; wash- trays. . : . . : .. ' ' ' .. ' 1 OAK St., 16S7 — Front sunny bay window rooms, running water, with us* of kitchen; $12, $14, $18 ma; alao front and back parlor. \u25a0 . \u25a0 OAK St., 3001, op. Panhandle— Beautifully fur- \u25a0 nlshed rooms, en suite -or single. Phone Park 4585. '•'•.' 1 O'FARRELL St.. 1059— Nicely furnished bouse keeping apartment* of 1 and 2 rooms; all con- venience*; $10 montb and up. O'FARRELL st.. 1546 — \u2666 room - flat, completely furnished for house keeping; reasonable. OCTAVIA St.. 1257. near O'Farrell— Nicely fnr- nlshed rooms, single or en suite, for house keeping; $10 month and up. • OCTAVIA at, 1403, corner Geary— l N and 3 room, sunay, front housekeeping apts.; oieely furnished; reasonable. • OCTAVIA st., 1410, bet. Geary and Poit— l or 3 ' room honse keeping apts.. all nicely fur- nished, with running water, bath; in flne loca- tion; reasonable. SAN CARLOS ay., 320 — 4 , rooms and .bath; sunny upper \u25a0\u25a0 modern flat: completely - fur- nisbed for house keeping; $28. SAN CARLOS ay.. 355, near 21st and Mission— 2 or 8 sunny rooms, famished complete; sink; oml and gas range: adults. * SCOTT St., 2040—2 snnny attic rooms; gas and water; $10 per month; phone 'West 2014/ STANYAN st., 945 — Al bouse keeping rooms; completely furnished; reasonable; sen . all day; near Golden Gate park. ; ; SHOTWELL- st., S48 — 2 splendid connecting san- ny bouse keeping rooms, complete; gas free; bath. . . EHOTWELL 733 — 2 or 3 snnny front rooms; complete for bouse keeping; running water; bath; free gas; phone; $15 and $30. ; SUTTER st., 1616 — 2 room house - keeping apts.; nicely furnished; all conveniences; $16-$2O tno. THE WALLER. 1565 Waller st. corner Cole, apt. 3 — Furnished front room, for 1 or 2 ladies; bath: u*e of kitchen; rent very reasonable. THE BRUNHILDE. 557 Ellis St.— Two room apt., furnished complete, vrith private bath, all modern conveniences; very reasonable.. THE RANDALL. 120 Pierce at.— 2 and 3 room apts.. elegantly furnished. $20 and $30 month. UNION st.. 2245 — 2 nice, sunny rooms, furnished for bouse keeping; rent reasonable. 24tb, 3330 — 2 connecting outside rooms; cent- plete for housek eeping; gas; and coal stove; bath; wash trays; $18. ' 26TH St.. 325S — Snnny front room \u25a0 for honse , keeping; clean upper Cat; bath, gas free; $9.50 month. 16TH St.. 2815 — Large sunny bskpg. rooms; hot and cold water; laundry; baths; phone; elec- tric lirhto.. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Flllmore st. near Post. ROOMS AXD BOARD OFFERED AAAA — 2119 California st.; large front room;, private bath, with board, suitable for 2 young men or couple; also,pne single room; refs. A— THK WEMPE, 419 Oak st. near Van NeM ay. and Market st. — Large, sunny rooms and unes- \ celled board; all modern convenience*; $35 month vp. BARTLETT at., I*l. near 22d— Large, sunny room with running water; also single room; home cookißK. ' \u25a0 \u25a0 CENTRAL ay., 4.1C, panhandle — Newly furnUhed sunny room; good board; all home cooking; 1 convenient to 3 car lines; suitable for 1 or 2. EDDY at.. 1226, nr. Laguna — Sunny outside rooms, single or doable, with excellent board; rates for 2 $50 a montb. GAS stove for sale • cheap;' bet water attach- ment; price $10. Call at 3235 Mission st. LARGE sunny front room; nicely furnished for 2 gentlemen or couple; all conveniences; board optional: reasonable. 1823 Eddy st. MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary st.— Booms and suites, with first clam board, can now be ea- gaged at summer rates. MCALLISTER St., 792, cor. Octavja— Sunny large rooms; high class board, borne cooking; $5 and $7 week; single meals 25c. NICELY furnished room, private boardiog house, with or wltbout board. 1310 Webster st. . PACIFIC ay., 1716 — Beautiful sunny suite and single rooms: references. : PINE st.. 679 — Modern furnished rooms, with or wltbout board; home cooking. Phone Douglas 120. PINE st.. 912 — Large sunny front room; suitable for 2, with board. $25 each. - POST st.. 1414, nr. Gongh — Large sunny room; running water; all conveniences: suitable for 2 gentlemen; first class board: $30 mo. each. ROOMS and board. $18 to $20 per month; Ger- man cooking. 575 Bryant st. sear 4th. SAN JOSE ay.. 271, ar. 24th— Nicely furnished front rooms in private family; best borne cook- ing; $20 and $2S. ">- . ' ST. MARGARETS club for working girls. 1541 • California it.; $20 pa up; tourists $1 day.. SUTTER St.. 2040— Nicely \u25a0 furnished, tn private <borne, with board; suitable for grot; good borne cooking;* all conveniences. West 5729. WOMAN'S HOTEL. Turk at Laguna. opp. park — Home comforts; reasonable rates. \u25a0 CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. • \u25a0 '_ OAKLAND ROOMS XSTO BOARD . ROOMS and board, private place, reasonable. 1379 Harrison st.. Oakland. ' ' BERKELEY ROOMS AND BOARD FIRST class board and room for -businessman In private family; borne privileges. 2444 Asbby. East Telegraph; phone Berkeley 5185.- FURNISHED rooms la refined private family; beautiful grounds and surroundings; board op- tional; sear stations; reference*. 2Z22 Shat- j tuck ay. - ' •\u25a0\u25a0-.-\u25a0.- ' \u25a0 . : \u25a0> AAA — ST. If ABGARET apartmeata. Fell aad Oe- tavla sts.— Snncy unfurnished apartments; 8 rooms sad bath: wall beds; rent reasonable. . AAA— BT. MUNGO Apt. 1300 Golden Gate cor. Flllmore — Elegantly furnished 2-3 room apts. AAA— THE STANFORD, 313 Van Ness—l. 3 rms.. bkpg.; single rms. $2.50 up; tourists sol. AA— GLADSTONE APARTMENTS, 706 Polk st cor. -Eddy — Elegant sunny bouse keeping apart- ments; .1 room, $14 per month; 2 rooms, $28 per month; 3 rooms, $40 per month; hot baths; elec. lights; janitor serv. Tel. Franklin 2048. AA— At the Grand, 845 Golden Gate -ar.. "opp. Jefferson sqnare — The most beautiful and cen- tral location in the city; front- and snnny suites with batb. laundry \u25a0 and \u25a0 buffet kitchen; bot water and steam " heat; porch and large yard; a few minutes': walk to. 6th and Market sts.: 2-3-4 room apts. from $20 upward;: refs. AA— CARMELITA apts., cor. 15th and Valencia; most .modern apt. house in the city; elevator, ateam beat, tel.; priv.' baths; 2, 3, 4. rooms from $27.50 tip; • elegantly furnished. / A— CORNELIA HOTEL. APARTMENTS. 641 O'rARRELL ST. NEAR HYDE. V -2.'8 AND 4 ROOM ELEGANTLY .FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Completely equipped - with every \u25a0• modern conven- . lence and ready for Immediate occupancy.. ' . SOMETHING NEW. - HOTEL BEETIOT. REFERENCES REQUIRED. ADELINE APTS.. 640 Eddy— Apartments. 3. 3 #» and 4 rooms; thoroughly modern: summer rate*. I Columbus (Tbe). ; NE.-: cor. Pac. and Larkln— 3 , . and 4 room apts., unfurnished/ $22; $25,': $27.: KENILWORTH. NE. COR. BUSH AND POWBLL STS 3 ROOM FURNISHED i HOUSE KEEP- ING APARTMENTS: SINGLE ROOMS: COM- FLETE APPOINTMF.NTS AND. SEBVICB. MARYLAND APARTMENTS. 363 Page st— Sua- or 4 room, apartments; \ furnished and unfur. \u0084 cisbed: •\u25a0 hot water, ' Janitor service, night watch- man, elevator.' . ... \u25a0\u25a0 .; - '\u25a0 ..;. .; \u0084-.-.\u25a0.. . : ; MALTA apts.— Mr-re 'than borne comforts; 2-3 r. - apts., complete; sun all day. , Prlv. e,x. Market 6144. Gore 14th and Market sts.. - . - SAN ' CARLOS apartments. \u25a0 1175 \u25a0\u25a0 O'FarreU ' at*— '•; 2, 3 aad 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished. : '' SW. 00r.,4tb and Freelon — Flat of 3 rooms and batb.. completely furnished; very; reasonable. . ' ". , V > THE ROUTHMAYDE. BUSH ST. AT TAYLOR. '. v - > Four blocks from ' Union ; : square. - Furnished and \u25a0, unfurnished' 2. 3 and' 4 room 1 ' apartments; will- b<» ;• completed - August 16. \u25a0;:, Reservations may be. made at building -betwern 10 and 2: ; " . Tbe Brompton. 1424 1 Polk vst.— -New fur. and ; un- ; . ; for. aptc , 3 and 4 : rms:. . now ready ; , all- mod." ' tanr.: uriritj : bithl,- iiicat; davatoc \u25a0 service. TMJ^sM^ff&ANG^ _B| _.;..- - ;'WWgg¥E3sE!S|iß.^B^Bi^3ff a Wl * r^^!irwißP"™™'*™*'*P'*^^ ! - v *"*™'*^ t'-J _^*' - : 'Im.-^7' C >"• ' Wm I San Francisco Growing? I |ij| \u25a0' \u0084 .... .\u25a0~~~~" .. .; for 'yourself your business will pa <§i% grow ' With the town? - * .Mm PM Now >s the time to invest. Pick out a grocery, saloon, ¥m I^l ~~~™ : restaurant or, lodging house \u25a0 from the ' list offered MM pi today in our Business Chance Column and identify your- pM Fj self with the merchants and businessmen of this city. ||| f:;| .If you choose a good location and attend; to business, wM I^l you can't fail: The Call carries the best buys that the p|j I'l brokers and owners have to offer in the Business Chance |j| li If You Have a Place to Sell H I Advertise It in The Call 1 OAKIiAXP APAKTMEXTS TO LET i; THE "LUCERNE, 1465- Grove st., near San Pablo ay.' — 2 and' 3 room'elegantly furnished apart- ments; all modern conveniences; fine location; now ready for occupancy; centrally located; out of town parties desiring fine quarters will find thla an Ideal home; «p»clal summer rates. HOTELS AA— HOTEL BRISTOL, 415 O'FABBELL ST. FAMILY AND COM MEBCIAL HOTEL. Boom and bath, $1 day or $5 per. week. Outside teltpbone In each room. Newly opened. Sto«Wrame building. . ' ' \u25a0 A— THB WEMPE, 419 Oak st. nr. Van Ne?s and Market — Large, gunny rooms and -unexcelled board: all modern conveniences; $35 month up. BROOKLYN HOTEL, 369 Ist— Board and room $6 to $S;per week; rooms 50e to $1; weekly $2 np; meals 25c. CHARLES MONTGOMERY. HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and Market sts.— Fam- ily and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1- per day; rooms with private batb, " $1.50 per day; restaurant attached; moderate prices: free bus meets all trains & steamships. HOTEL BRILLIANT. 645 Turk «t. ' Fireproof, private exchange, all . ont*ide rooms; special rates to permanent?; dining ' room. Take Eddy st. car from ferry. HOTEL BELMONT. -730 Eddy, below Van Ness, Tort and Eddy cars— Rates $1 per day up. HOTEL CALIFORNIA, cor. California & Hyde— Especially adapted to ideal borne life; «n- psrior accom. ; reas. ; Enropean or Am. plan. * HOTEL HARCOURT, LARKIX AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN. EXCELLENT TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. HOTEL MERRITT, 1830 Geary near Flllmore— In amusement center; $1 day up; $3.60 wk. up. HOTEL REV. 615-519 BUSH ST. JUST OPENED. Elegantly fnrnlsb*d; private baths; strictly first class: particularly united for downtown bnsl- nesgmen; European plan; rates reas.; Doug. 4765. HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van Ness at Fnlton— sls month to permanent guests; beautiful lobby. HOTEL ST. ROSE. 1492 Ellis St.. 1 block from new Chutes — Elegantly furnished rooms, sin gn. and en sntte; permanent and transient guest* solicited; hot and cold water: complete call service. Rates per day $1, $1.60 and $2; rates p«r week $3. $3.50. $4. $5 and $8. HYGEIA, 2042 Mission, nr. 16th— Clean sunny rooms; running water; $1.50 up; also transient. THE LANGHAM HOTEL, : 141 Eddy st.. San Francisco. - - • One Block \u25a0 From Market Street. ' Elegantly Furnished • Hot and "cofd Water In Every Room. Elevator and Telephone Service. Rates 75c to $1.50 per Day. Special Terms by Week or Month. THE STRATFORD HOTEL. 242 Powell at., opposite the f?t. Francis. A first class, modern; fireproof hotel; in tbe finest downtown section. Room s. s4 a week and up. Room with private batb. $1 a day and np. THE CRESCENT. ISOI California St., at Frank- lln— Select boarding bouse; first class; ref.; rates reas. Franklin 1021. MRS. E. R. BATES. THE RONDELL. 3081 16th. nr. Valencia— Fur. \u25a0 rmit.: rnn. water: 50c day. $2.60 wk. up. FLATS TO LET A NEW complete -printed, list, of flats, houses and apartments jutt out. Copies may be ob- [ tamed at onr office or at: I KUumate's Pharmacy, SnttM, and Devlfadero. S Shumate's, Pharmacy, Prtwidlo and Sacramento. Shumate's Pharmacy. Haleht and Masonic. Salter's Pharmacy, 21st and Mission. Wulren's Pharmacy, 18th and Castro sis. SHAINWALD, BUCKBEF. & CO.. • 27 Montgomtry et. ~- Phone Douglas 47. ] AA — 6 dunny rooms, modern, good location; r*a- nonable rent "to steady tenant; 2 toilets and ' bath.. 904 Buchanan st. . i ASH ay., 677, nr. Buchanan — Lower flat, 4 large ' rooms, gas, yard, basement; rent $16. . ! BARTLETT- St.. 306A-30GB. near 25th— 4 and » -rooms and baths; rent redoc-ed. BUSH, 1681, nr. (louph— Beautiful 8 room and bath sunny and light flat, fine renting location. BEAUTIFUL 4 room and bath apartments, com- plete in every detalV 755 - Pine st. . cast of .-Powell. $42.50. . v -" .: • Northeast corner. Lea venworth,' and Jackson ats.: ' swell new apartments Just completed; 4-5-6 "rooms and - bath; \ renting, for ?30 up. Open Sunday. I W. B. McGERRY & CO., Douglas 1551. ;..'4l Montgomery -St. CLAY st., 3124 — Lower flat.- 4 large rooms, bath, gas and. electric lights; rent $18. V CENTRAL ay.. 700, corner Fulton st. near park and panhandle— 4 rooms, ' bath, '\u25a0 modern flat; >- snn all day;: $22 up; janitor. .. .'.;-. -'.\u25a0\u25a0-; CORNER .Franklin and -Lombard sts.— Strictly modern sunny flats, 4 and 5 rooms, $20, $22.50. .Keys at: 1454 Lombard at. :': r > DIAMOND st..: Blo— Flat of 5 sunny furulshed rooms, : 2 - double \u25a0 beds ; \u25a0. ; bot and cold water ; ._ reasonable. \u25a0' ' . -. . ' .-. •\u25a0 -:''• . "\u25a0"\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.''.-.\u25a0 \u25a0: EDDY , st.; IJW9— 4 large modern rooms, \u25a0 $24. 4th ay.. 1242 — New. and modern. $23, "4 rooms. E. L.' FITZGERALD, owner,: 235 Montgomery. 1 FILBERT St., < 1064, near Leavenworth— New 4 room, .sunny flat: marine view...:. ;: r \u0084 FREE RENTING BUREAU— INFORMATION REGARDING 'ALL -DESIRABLE FLATS, HOUSES AND APARTMF.NTS. SAVE TIME AND WORRY- BY- COMING DIRECT TO THE LARGEST AND-MOST UP TO : DATE RENT- ING DEPARTMENT .IN . SAN I FRANCISCO. - ~ '. Select location; beautiful sunny:, apt.; '. old Spanish mission; like private residence; sepa- .rate 1 entrance: -ft rooms, 2 baths.- 12 large - clooets and storeroom: beamed ceilings;- open "fireplace*; builtin . bookcases and ' seats: every - convenience: .- open : on \u25a0 all sides; ; terraced gar- den; Janitor, service; rents reasonable. \u25a0 \u0084 4 room flat," east of , Flllmore st. ; rent \u25a0 $24. Downtown— Nevr 3 ,room ' flats; rent $20. ' •Rnsslan Hill/ half block, from 2 carlines; 5 •r and 6 room flats: dining room beamed ceilings; \u25a0 ; paneled - walls : finished •In • Early - English ; * bed- rooms white enamel; parlor. and living room in fumed oak: marble entrance; very swell; rents $35 -and 's4o. ; - . • . \u25a0 ' '• ;?>- ; .; *New 5 room flat.- east of Van Ness, rent $25. ' 7 blocks from Market and O'Farrell sts.; ar- ''tt«tlc 3 room -apts.. just completed -.-large and - sunny; i rents. $27.50. to $30. - . : \u25a0 Modern 7 room flat on Ellis et. ; rent $30: "a : SNAP. : : ="•>•--:\u25a0 : .'-.-\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0: ":' ; / \u25a0" - . New .6" and \u25a0 7 ;room flats/ Elizabethan , archi- . tectnre; ;- nothing to J compare . with these in - V town;: magnificent ,view. of bay and citypbeau- ' tlfur veranda, and:- garden: 'rents ; ss3.- : '•'-'\u25a0 8 room 1 - flat, -'downtown;! good: location "and \u25a0"'"\u25a0 excellen t-rooms, for- subletting. V- \u25a0:\u25a0- ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' LET- US MAIL YOU OUR LISTS OF FLATS. APARTMENTS ANDjHOUSES.'. ::.;\u25a0\u25a0- — —Apply— — : -. - ; • • iHARRY^J.,MOORR 'FURNITURE-. CO.. i-^-i:-. i40. t0 52-O'Farrell st. -near Market. FELL st.. ''s22— Upper, Minny : bayrwlndow Cat; S :.- rooma:- porcelain bath :^ closed jporch.r :\u25a0 - GREEN st.'.t 66o—^Modern' 8 room : flat; : renovated; S.tent $27.50; basement flat.^4lrooms.- rent $10.1?j> GROVE 5 st;'.V 1649.' i nr.'j, Central \u25a0 ar.— Upper ' flat. '-> just: completed ."\u25a06 rooms.,' ,v' . ' ... .\u25a0..-.' - . HAYES ; '*t:. 723— Middle ;flat,f .'. rooms.- bath; rf asiiaahle. - '..''..\u25a0',.' .-"\u25a0':: •_ \u25a0; .- .".- -.v;.: ; \u25a0H.\»OnT;;«t,.->;l21J?;-.'«tin».'>B*:»n'»rf.Vi«'arjNrk— 'Fi'i". fl*t. '";»>.-' rooms;- suitable for* dentist or ;\u25a0 \u25a0 »Dhy»ieUn.- ; -'vv : \u25a0.. \u25a0,"'!•-•-"- \u25a0\u25a0'•': "-'\u25a0.'." •\u25a0/---\u25a0 --•-:-\u25a0, FLATS TO LET— -Continued HOWARD st. 1570, bet. 11th and 12th— Upper "large rooms, modern; rent cbeap. - - • \u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 HOUSES FOR RENT. ~~ GET OUR, PRINTED LIST OF' FLATS AND Copies at— Shumate's Pharmacy, Sutter and Devisadero. Shumate's Pharmacy, Sacramento and Presidio. Shumate's Pharmacy — Sacramento and Presidio. Castro Pharmacy, 24th and Castro. Boyson's Pharmacy, 21st and Valencia. Meagber's. 1226-28 9th ay.. Sunset '•- Economic Drug Co., 502 Valencia nr. 16th. Economic Drag Co.. 823 Market nr: 4th: BALDWIN & HOWELL . . 318-24 Kearny st. HICKORY ay.. 239-241— Upper and lower flat, 4 and B rooms, bath; rout $22.50 and $18. JONES st, 1020-1032, bet. Pine and California— New.' snnny 6 and 4 room flats. $45 and $30. JONES St.. 1020 and 1032. between Pine and California— New, sunny. 6 and 4 ; room flats, $45 and $30. . LINDEN ay., 622— Upper, sunny, 5 rooms, bath; reasonable. \u25a0 " ; ' I MASONIC ay.. 1317, near Waller st. — Elegant snnny upper fla-t, 7 rooms, bath; open 1 to 4. MINNA st.. 1319. near 14th— Modern \u25a0 flats, 4 sunny rooms and bath each. \ MODERN, 7 room flat, very sunny, suitable for - 2 families. Apply 4113 24th st. . OAK st, 1265. near Baker st. entrance to park. Sunny flat; 7 rooms; low rent. OAK st. 036. nr. Pierce— Modern flat. 5 sunny ' rooms, basement for auto if desired; rent $27. OAK" st. 338. north side. nr. Octavia — Lower flat. 5 rooms, bath and basement; rent $25. O'FARRELL st, 1873—7 room sunny flat; good location: rent reasonable; room for auto. PINE st. 2617 — Modern, upper flat of T rooms; rent reasonable. * PINK st, 2806-S, nr. Broderkk: cheapest flats In city; 5. 6 and 7 rooms and bath. MADISON & BURKE. 30 Montgomery st. f SACRAMENTO st. 1321. nr. Jones— Attractive 4. room middle fiat, sunny; 2 open fireplaces. STEINER st, 1125. bet Golden Gate ay. and Turk st. — Clean and sunny; $30; 5 rms.,. bath. STEINER st. 1315, near Ellis— Handsome mod- ern flat, 7 sunny rooms, bath; good renting locality; $37.50. • - SW. COR. Satter and Beott : sts.— Elegant, flat, 5 large rooms;, rent $35..., ...- SUNNY up to date flat.. sls; upper 5 room flat, shn and light, $20; 2. new middle and upper 5 room fiats, most convenient, electricity, very latest. $20 and $22.50. Owner and key 1481 Broderlck st, cor. Post st. \u25a0 SUNNY, neat flat good totality; -rent $16. Ap- ; ply 1336^ Jessie st. off Herman. SUTTER st, 2166— Fine, sunny flat; on best car- llne in city; 7 rooms and bath; $30; open 10 to 5. • - \u25a0 THE FRANCISCO FLATS, south side Market ! st bet. Sanchez and ; Noe sts., . ready Aug. 1 ; 4. 5 and 6 rooms; swellest flats In" the city; agent on premises 1-4 p. m., Sunday. SPECK. PASCHEL & CO., 228 Montgomery at. Mills: building. . TREAT ay.. 11S8 — Nice 4 room upper flat; gas; . bath; rent reduced. TA YLOR st, 5 1624, nr. Broadway — Beautiful modern new flat* 4 rooms and bath; grand marine view: reasonable rent : . ZOE st. 51, off Bryant bet 3d and 4th— New sunny 4 . and \ 5 rooms and bath. :: WALNUT ay., 521, bet Sutter and Post. Octa- vla and Laguna sts. — i ' rooms. \u25a0 bath ; modern. STH ay., 1316, bet I and J. sts. — New upper flat, 6 rooms and bath;, rent $30. . " : '-'3D . St., 3532-3334— Upper .and lower flat, .4 rooms and bath. , \u25a0 . . 3313-3315. near • Valencia— Upper and .lower flat. 3 rooms and batb. ,: 24TH at. 4185-4187— 2 flats of 5 " and r 6 rooms and bath: modern; rents $18 and $20. - '\u25a0 • OAKLAND FLATS TO LET 3D ay.. 1338, East. Oakland— New modern upper .corner flat. 4 ror)tns, overlook Ins Lake Merrltt; \u25a0 rent rpayonable. \u25a0" : •••.'\u25a0 / BERKELEY FLATS TO ; LET UNIVERSITY district— Modern. 7 room, sunny. upper flat; concrete basement with ' laundry, .and ball. : gas, furnace; $45. . Key and owner near, at 2326 College ay. . SPRING • St.. 1358. \u25a0 Berkeley— Flats, 4 and > 5 ; rooms,: south, : cast land' west exposnre; flre- " places, gas grates. , porches; > 2- blocks from • streetcars: 'easy walk; from S.P . station; fine \u25a0view: 1358 Spring st. " - \u25a0: , \u25a0 - FLATS .TO - LET— Furnished ' A— s22; furnUhed flat,' s rooms and batb; no ob-' Jectlon to • children. 6068 : Shotwell st. near .'.20 th.....'. .\u25a0.:..-'/? ' '\u25a0:\u25a0'- ".-'-'- -' c .. : , -'I- .."-•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0; , STYLISH flat/ partly" furnished; phone Douglas 4805; ,-, ' : ;L; L \u25a0 .--\u25a0-. .:.'\u25a0- .- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. --.' ,'\u25a0 /: •' --:.- UPPER flat; completely; furnished; piano. 1270 -.Union st.. : : ;. ,\u25a0.-'", \u25a0. ' \u25a0\u25a0 ', : 3656 A - 20th St.— Elegantly furnished flat: 3 \u25a0rooms; telephone, gas and electricity; $20;. no 'children.' - : : :\u25a0 . .- :\u25a0'-.. ;\u25a0\u25a0.", >. : .. $30 per month— Furnished house, '\u25a0 9 rooms, on Castro near •\u25a0 19th. 'Apply 2104 \u25a0 Market st. --' ALAMEDA FLATSTO LET—FurnNhed 7 ROOMS, furnished 1 or unfurnished; near Park ' .station: »2S. Including water. Box -2991. Call. : •.' FLATS J FOR SAL&—Fnr-I»ihed '. ; FOR sale to next tenant, part furniture C room M Russian hill- flat;- tenant' leaving clty.XTels- phone ; Franklin 956; appointments; today. *\u25a0;,; HANDSOMELY' farn. 6r.'flat;. also flneplano, .' almost new ; * leaving city ; sacrifice.' g 239 Carl. SIX room flat, nicely furnished;, must sell at sac- \u25a0-. riflce;- leaving city; "roomers pay rent. - 1410V1 ;\u25a0'\u25a0". Geary, st. \u25a0' \u0084- '\u25a0\u25a0: ' - ; ':-"V '\u25a0'-< \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•::\u25a0' -\ -\u25a0 J: . 6, ROOM-: flat; elegant furniture, - cost $1,500 -' «ne i month v ago;;;-will sacrifice; going, east/ \u25a0 Box 3400,- Call office. . .- \u25a0 '\u25a0;.';'\u25a0 \u25a0;\u25a0 '; _ COTTAGES TO LET f '-'J . \ -\u25a0 ; *' COTTAGE, \u25a0 4 rooms, * bath and laundry; 83S Dnn- can \u25a0\u25a0 st. : per month. Apply - 1684 - Ellis ; st. NICE . COTTAGE.;, in-rear; large > yard;- FINE \u25a0 .VIEW; ; $10? P«r- month. : 4326^17th^st.V: rVj/: ROSE ay.'. -134, f between :; Gdugh ; and Octavia, \u25a0 Haight : and Page sts.— Sunny, 3 : room cottage ; .' rent $12.50.'. v ;.:-:' ' :\u25a0:\u25a0• : r^j; '>,'.:•;;>;.. I S. * F. BEACH ;•• for vacation; ; $15: ; furnished ', cot- i \u25a0 t»ge:-:3; rooms:" water;> garbage;.- furnished. r 1265 45th:av.r>halfiblock'EllI» st.-cars.^; V '; TO .LET— Cottage: J 4: rooms and hath; i $12. rfAp- :' a ply I lumber; office, ;Army;«nd Condon sts.- '\u25a0':- r,*'\ TO LET— A cottage In Xazadero for r the summer. 1 Inquire .lolB -York; at. j> " I> • \u0084\u25a0 12TH ' st.V' 210— Fnrnjsbedj_oottjige.' 3 rooms. ' \u25a0 1 . FRUITVALE T j COTTAGES EtqVIET' F K I I I T V A IJJ ". a vi?i 201 7.';"n rJ? bou 1 c vard^-Cot ta g'e ; ii v .\u25a0: 5 rms,: f batbj=, bisenieat ; • nzs; • ca ; car: Jiac; . SiS." ALAMEDA ' COTTAGES .JLET---Fnr^ ALAMBDA? av.'.' 180*— Four . room * furnished cot- ________olc__________________________^_ JOUTJOF f TOWN /COTTAGES TO LET FURNISHED 4 ; room cottage on ~ river , bank in >: • Monte ißio,i Rio, from August i\..- Will . accommo- -^* date: 6 or 7 'persons. 525 \u25a0Fillmore at. - ' ~h HOUSES \u0084T O^"LET— Unfurnished: BRODERICK ( st. . 720, ' C near . McAllister : -Sunny, ,-* modern bouse, , 7 rooms , and bath. . "\u25a0 .-.'- CLEMENT St.. 1405-^House to \u25a0 rent of 6 large _," rooms *. and .. abasement. :•: \u25a0. EARLES— Meeting Sun. and Wed. - night, 1178 j ' McAllister; . tests. ", messages, etc., 25c. FILLMORE st, 749, .nr. Grove— l 2 room bouse: • 'h.- and c. water in every:- room; $60; a snap. HOUSE of 4 i modern, sunny rooms and bath. 1053 Minna St., between 11th and 12th. FOR rent— New modern sunny up to date 7 room house-on" Presidio wall;. partly furnished; fora term of years.' Address box 3425, Call office, . .. telephone Kearny 2473.'. ' .;.'-- VALLEJO st— House 9 rooms; garage;* hardwood floors; : finest marine -'view; -will- lease -long term.' or nnfnra. Tel.' mornings. West 5754. FOR rent— New modern sunny up to date 7 room :. house on . Presidio wall ; partly furnished; for a term of. yearn. \ Address box 3425, Call office, telephone Kearny 2473. :" 5 0R.6 well furnished, sunny rooms in Mission; corner honse: references exchanged. Box 2486, 1108 Valencia st. - - ,-•\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 BERKELEY HOUSES TO LET — TTnfnr. VERY, attractive artistic 7 room . house near \u25a0 college; < furnished or unfurnished. 2504 Etna \u25a0 at, Berkeley. \u25a0--- . . - OAKLAND HOUSES TO i LET— Fur.'. SOR .' SALE— New furniture of T room . house; close In; price $400; rent $35; no agents. Box 778 Call office. Oakland. .. ; EAST OAKLAND HOUSES TO LET $20 and $_£.50— 2 5 room cottages, one on 24th st. and one on 26th St.; modern: convenient; near car lines; these are fine flats for/ the price. • <; , > $25— One 6 room cottage in 12th i ay. ; mod- . crn, up to date; near East 17th st. $22.50 each— Two 4 room flats: modern, tip to date; these arc cozy, comfortable and conve- nient' ' " • ." $25— One 5 room flat, In East 14th at. $27.50 T -One new 6 room flat;, in 10th ar. $30^— Another 6 room flat iv same building; close in. . ' $30— One 12 room house, located near Cali- ' fornla college. .See me if. you want to Insure your home or furniture. I will furnish you protection in the \u25a0'best companies. WESLEY DIXON. 610^ KAST 12TH ST.. KAST OAKLAND. SAN MATEO HOUSES TO LET SAN MATEO COUNTRY HOME ~ TO LET FOR SEASON Owner away on business; does not want placn \ idle;-will rent for season. A beautiful home. 12 rooms, 2 baths; grounds (about 1 acre) highly cultivated; -garage . and stable: rent to respon- sible -party. $150 a month. Address P. O. box 353, San Mateo. OUT OF TOWN HOUSES TO LET , SAN MATEO. Large. v desirable room, with bath; also rooms . for couples ; fine table board: beautiful grounds: on electric line: short walk to South- ern Pacific station. MRS. JOHN F. BIVEN, S» Grlf flth ay.. San Mateo. Cal. TO lease for year In Palo Alto; house of 10 rooms: 2. bathrooms, sleeping porch; large I grounds, with oak trees; croquet court; ,$125 per month. Address 430 Klngsley ay., Palo Alto Cal. ! HOUSES WANTED ' WE ~ have tenants for stores, fiats and rooming houses. Don't let them stand empty; It don't . pay. . List them with us. We will find you a tenant . on short notice. McFAUL & ED- . WARDS. -330 Chronicle bldg; WANTED — A house of 2 or 3 flats. Must be "•^n - good' condition and I pay a - good * rate on ""amount- invested. Box 3363. Call office. OFFICES AND STORES TO LET FOR rent— Desk room or part of office, at 1651 Ftllmore st. near Post Apply to E. P. GOS- LING. room 202, Call building. .\u25a0 .t FOR rent — 2 sunny front rooms ;. reasonable rent 215 Kearny st; apply at saloon. HALF of store or desirable of flee space to let at 107 Montgomery st. ' MELROBE. the terminal of the S. P. local, 47tb aye. and- E. 14th st.^-New stores and offices in Wyman blocks; also shops for blacksmiths, plumbers, harness makers, etc. ; good location fior any business). GILBERT WYMAN, phone Merrltt 3842. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0~: NORTH side Folsotn st, bet. 4th and sth sts., ' through to Clementina st. — Steel frame corru- gated Iron roof and sides, 50x85; frame v bulld- inir. 25x75; v fine location for foundry, stable, •hay born -or manufacturing plant SPECK, j PASCHEL & CO.. 228 Montgomery, Mills bldg. RELIABLE party wants "desk room, central location: use of telephone. Box, 33SS, Call. CALL BRANCH OFFICB. 1651 Flllmor* st near Post. \u25a0 ...\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-..\u25a0.,\u25a0- TO LEASE TO lease for a term of 5 years from • December \u25a0 20, 1809— The California Schuetien club park, situated \u25a0 near San Rafael. :Marln county, Cal., containing \u25a0 beautifully . wooded grounds. \u25a0 highly Improved, and an area of over, 55 acres, acces- - »!ble In ;50 minutes :by railroad from . San Francisco. There are on the premises all the appliances, ! accommodations and buildings necessary for the purpose of holdlns; first cfasa . picnics and other society events. Sealed bids for said lease will be \u25a0 received by OTTO A. BREMER. 140 Van Ness avenue, San Fran- cisco, up to August- 10, 1909.' Each bid. must \u25a0be accompanied by 'a certified- check for 'the • amount of one month's rent^bid.' The directors reserve the right - to reject . any or all bids. THB CALIFORNIA SCHUETZEN CLUB PARK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. • : \u25a0 #PHILO V JACOBY.' President OTTO A. 'BREMER. Secretary. APARTMEXT \u25a0 HOUSES TO LEASE 20 ROOMS : in : Washington st near Powell: all . -newly papered;-. 2; floors;, bath -on each .floor; . .thiswould make'a.very cozy ' apartment bouse /for somo lady: rent $40. with lease.' DAVID- SON A LKIOH. - 330 ; Plnn ' st. - FURNITURE FOR SALE . GOING \u25a0: east— My" furniture-' and : carpets \u25a0; cost $1,500; i 6 rooms; fnrnlshed one month; make .^'me'an offer; > no dealers.' .: Box 3401,'. Ca1l office. AND iron bedß at all prices. 1 H. SCHELLHAAS, ;\u25a0 Oakland's furniture dealer, 11th st - COBBLER - seat rockers. $1.75 and np, at H. /SCHELLHAAS,"; 4OB '11th "Bt..^Oakland. . . FURNITURE for sale— 4 r. complete, $125. Call : • today,*: 364 Richmond a v^ .v :\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 . \u0084 : . -: FURNITURE -goes for a song at, H. ; SCUEIX-' HAAS'. 40S 11th st. Oakland. ;j] " FURNITURE WANTED $5,000 worth ; .of' furniture: wanted for the conn- \u25a0 try 'at" Wiley's, • 659-661.' 14th 'st' -near Church; - Market 4322.*-. . ' : - ; > \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0•-'. \u25a0 . ALWAYS ready to buy furniture, carpets, 'desks. : ' merchandise, . etc.." for • spot > cash. MARK \u25a0J. LEVY. 1140 McAllister st: phone Park 860. . :< RATTAN, FURNITURE : WE -. MAKE " handicraft '< furniture 'and • baby car- \u25a0 ' ' rlages.' Pacific Coast Rattan Co.. 831 Van N>«s. *- ' \ BAMBOOj FURNrrURE^7^^C THE KII'CO.-r-Bamboo furniture factory"; whole- •'\u25a0: sale and retail; bamboo furniture made to or- . der. V : 307 >\u25a0 7th -ist'*." near /'Harrison, ,•: Oakland. ; Phone \u25a0 Oakland :3l9B.> : >' -^ , ---\u25a0\u25a0-..-:-,•-- J^^FURNITURE £T_l ~^ REPAIRING and : reflnishin'g -of furniture; first : class \u25a0 work : • moderate i prices; piano • polishing. \P. = H.i PATTERSON I& i CO., 'i 1940 -Van - Ness ay.: near ' Jackson st.. - -phone 1 Franklin 423r!. 'V ; WINDOW- SHADES "Advance » Window : Shade ! Factory-^Bamboo I porcu >\u25a0 shades In all sizes. GKO. WALCOM.* CT7 Tnrk. : .'.'\u25a0..'":'" \ :':\u25a0'\u25a0 slswixg machines ' NEW ; drop I bead } machine : made.' acd "'guaranteed '• by Xew,Home^ewinK:Maebine Co.:: $10.50 to - $24,50; second handr^ to $10;, renting., repair- J lng.TE.jL: SARGEANT.. S3I;I2th ; gt.T- Oakland.. SINGER, '^ White, >' all -V makes "• half ... price; :; easy •:\u25a0 payments; • second . band."' $3 ' up ; , renting. \u25a0 repalr- V Ing \u25a0-\u25a0' a ? specialty." :. McNALLY, 3260 , 22d st..' ;: phone : Mission- 202.'.' \u25a0 . : jq >'.\u25a0>• : . > - , DOMESTIC-^Best. cheapest; all kinds rented, re- i-i-; paired,' exchanged : \u25a0 needles and supplies I for" all . •t" makes.*/ J. 1 W. ;: EVANS.i agent. = 1658 1 O'Farrell : '>. Bt-»near.{FiUlmorc: ; : phone iWestiSWl:* ... •-. DAVIS. > SI NGKR." W.*: &IW.— W.c E. S' JACKSON,* ' . -cent. : iui Sutler; ueedleav «UDolics. \u25a0*U makes. FREIGHT -FORWARDING A— REDUCED rates for shipping household goods. ™-.o~ 'EAST AND, WEST ' ' - JUDSOX FREIGHT i AND FORWARDINfJ CO.. Room 208 Paciflc bldg. : phone Kearny 2579. VACUUM process carpetcleanlng. sewing, laying: estimates * furnltfhed; mattresses made over; furniture recovering a : specialty.- \u25a0 Phone West ; 7924. - - Orescent • Upholstering Co.. 1619 A. De- visadero : st • . \u25a0 - \u25a0-. \u25a0 , \u25a0\u25a0. AAAA— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. C 2 Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2071 — Dust : less cleanlng'of carpets, rugs, draperies, fnrnl- ture and bedding. ~ WITHOUT REMOVAL. AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATUS CO., 441 Ist ay.: phone Paciflc 1315— Carpets, rugs, draperies, etc.. cleaned at home without dust, trouble or noise; estimates furnished. ALL carpets ariS rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office 24 Montgomery at: phone Kearny 5352; shop ICth & San Bruno ay. AA— National Carpet Cleaning Works; largest on coast: laying and altering a specialty. Hamp- ton.A Baley, 344-349 Church at Market IS3. 8c yd.— For the Best Carpet Beating— So yd. Phone Market 2-6-2. F. A. Rice. ISOS Harrison. 3c yd.— Carpets Cleaned at Right Price— 3c yd. WHEN you . become disgusted with poor work send your carpets to J. SPAULDING A CO., 939 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. GARNIE &. BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works. 3153 16th at. nr. Valencia; phone Market 5001. BEST cleaning (3c> and laying (sc) by Gisslow's C. C. Co.. 3808 22d; tel. Mission 2259; est. 20y. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works, 815 East 12th st. Oakland; tel. Merrltt 505. 81655. WATTS— Reliable .carpet cleaning; alterations: . renovat. ; laying. 060 Devisadero: ph. Park 560 ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk at. CONK LIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker: phone ~>Vest 93. STORAGE AND MOVING VANS BEKINS VAN' AND STORAGE CO.. '• Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission ats.; tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. (Inc.)— Moving and storage. Cor. 14th and Sanchez sts v 1 block from Mar- ket and Fillmore sts. cars; phone Park 271. BEKINS OF COURSE 1070 Broadway near 12th st.. Oakland. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322. Flllmore sf. tel. West 2625. FIERCE-RUDOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. main office. Eddy and Flllmore: tel. West B2S. ; FOR SALE— Mlsieellaneou, EMPIRE FOUNDRY CO., 433 3d St., Oakland. 13 h. p. Hercules gas engine........... $75 1 75 h. p." boiler, good as new 500 1 30 h. p. flre box b0i1er.......'....' 150 1 No.- 4 Anderton blower.' 55 1 Buffalo forge blower 7 1 BV2 American, centrifugal pump, nearly new 45 1 No. 1 hp. motor. 220 volta. direct cur- rent : 30 1 Thompson incandescent dynamo, 110 volts, 00 lights; can be used for motor 30 1 complete outfit "Stover's Pat. Riffles" and steel sluice boxes at a discount. Fine lot wood and steel split pulleys. Street and sewer cast- ings. Mantel grates, hoppers, chimney bases, ash pit doors, grates, etc. . '- **\u25a0'*•\u25a0 AAA — Sinks. 50c to $3.50; baths, "heavy porce- lain and steel enameled, $5 lo $20: 30 gallon boilers. $3.50 to $3.50; donble wash trays, $4; hoppers, 75c; water, gas and soil pipe, stand- ard and extra heavy brass and nickel goods of all kinds; we have the best; we have slightly damaged; we have second hand; we broke the plumbing trust; you get the benefit: enough said; we buy from every one and sell to all; to accommodate a - large part of our patrons will open Sundays from 9 a.m. to 2 p. m. DOLAN COMPANY. 1639 Market st. ABSOLUTELY one-half building cost saved — Lumber. $5 to $10 a 1.000; 10.000 new and second-hand doors. 50c np; 20,000 windows and frames to choose from, 25c to $4; we buy larse and small Job tots f or -cash: money talks these times: w» give you the benefits jrive us a call, we our stock." it will" more than pay you.- • Dolan Company.' the biggest dealers in bnildtng material- on tbe coast. -1639 Market. AAA — The Central Plumbing Snpply Co. does not sell redlpoed fittings, but they sell new fittings leas than yon <ran buy the redipped kind for. Urine your list and be convinced. I Central Plumbing Supply Co.. 1527 Market st -.*.-.*- LAUNCH — 30x8 ft; compromise stern hunting cabin. 12 b. p. Lamb engine; seats 25 people; sell cheap: ali*o Apple lgnit?on dynamo. Spllt- dorf donble dash coil, both $18. (i. M. PENN. Hoffman house,- Harbor View. S. • F. A— MACHINERY, tools, shaftings, belting and a full line of second hand water pipe. SUGAR- MAN BROS., at tbe old location. 559 Howard st. Country orders promptly attended to. LARGE, elegant mahogany sideboard, either with or wltbout lanre mirror: also suitable for bookcase. Inquire Warren Pharmacy, E. 14th "and Fruitvale ay.; Fruit vale. ' • ~i: FOR sale— Shingles. $1.50 per M. any quantity; also 2x4 and 2x3 ro. rwd., $12 per M ft: delivered free to any part of city. Lumber Office, Army and Condon sts.* FOR sale, cheap, at 1140 Van Ness aye.. «0.000 ft all kinds lnmber. windows, doors, corrn- gated iron and plumbing material. Apply to SYMON BROS.. 13.'M5 Kentucky st. ,-;- SECOND HAND PIPE. Largest dealers *in standard pipe and screw casing, dipped: prices right; guaranteed first class. Paciflc Pipe Co.. Main and Howard sts. AA — All sizes standard water pipe and screw casln?. ' guaranteed good as new; get our prices. ' Weissbaum Pipe Works. 133 11th st. CASH REGISTERS, air kinds, cheap: easy pay- ments. Pacific Coast Cash Register Co., 1292- 1294 Market st. corner" Larkin. FOR sale at a bargain, 1,200 pairs mated homer pigeons, -is a whole or in small lots. FRANK JONES. Sybil ay.. San Leandro. AIIMY tents at factory prices. W. A. PLUM- MER CO.. 115 Pxtunm. st, S. F., Ist and Franklin sts.. Oakland. CONCRETE mixers, gasoline engines, wood work- ins machy; contractors' equip. ; Al condition; prices right W. T. MARTIN. 1277 Howard st. f^<)s— Edison moving picture machine, exhibi- tion; 4.R00 feet film: all fine condition; cost $700. ' Bos 7(V>, Call office. Oakland. FOR sale — 000 ' sheets ' gal. corrugated iron at 645 Howard. Apply to SYMON BROS.. 1333 Kentucky st. A— SCHOOL BOOKS bought and sold. KING'S BOOK STORE. 171G Market st- above Gousrh. OIL burners for kitchen stoves, $5. WALKER. 616 Laguna st. \u25a0 TENT, for sale, less than- half price, almost " new,' size 10x15. ' Phone , I'ac. 290.1. 3590 Sacto. SAFES — A jeweler's ateel lined and a book safe cheap. 28." California st. . FOR sale — Fruit market, best location In Berke- ley, opposite S. P. station. ,2116 Shattuck aye.' TURNINGS, cabinet and mill work, store flx- tures. jobbing. C. F. HAAS. 03 Minna st ONE 8 hp. stationary < gas engine; « can be seen running at 1535 Webster st. Alameda. PEDIGREED Llewellyn setter (male) pups, $10. .". 409 ' Madrid nr. Brazil ar..'. Mission road. NEW U. S. army shoes, $2 pair; sixes 5-12.- Or- pheum Shoe Co., 1108 Buchanan cor. G. G. ay. LET us sand pump your well by our \u25a0 new pro- cess. . Address 641, Haight ay.. Alameda. WELL DRILLS— For oil. . gas and water wells; latest LOOMIS DRILL CO.. Tlffln/ Ohio. SWING saw, cutoff saw,* exhtr. 1 ". hoists': \u25a0 new and 2d hand. 7 KELSEY & McEVOY, 313 Howard. A^ 95c cane seat chair, regular $1.25. at H. SCHELLHAAS', 40S 11th st. , Oakland. FQR sale — A ; neat, clean.' restaurant: transfer comer; see owcor. Monday.' 3C04 istb st. AT H. SCHELLHAAS' furniture sale you Can be , suited. '/40S 11th st. Oakland. . . MOVING picture films for rent; largest stock in city. TURNER. &. DAHNKEX.'-. 133 Eddy st. , 4 FOX TERRIER*puP 8 . cheap. 57S 20th st. ' WALL - paper.- 3V4c;.. samples mailed; paint $1 gal. ; alcohol. Csc gal. M. : Merlgan. 1447 EUU. BUNGALOW book of 32 desipas and plans. 2.V. .ART BUNGALOW CO.. P. O. box 260. Oakld. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT^KING'S OLD BOOK STORE, : SOI Golden Gate ay. • near Octavia sf BOOKS and libraries bought. THK HOLMES CO.. • 1158 Market St.: phone Market SOP. . . SAFE — Suan— lnside. measure 31 high. 25 \u25a0 wide. 15 deep: $100.-950 Mission st. _ ' - • AWNINGS, "hammocks 'and~ tents for In vn Mils. I ROSS. McMAHON CO.. 403 Battery st. S. F. NATIONAL* cash registers.; electric signs, bar and |, safe -for s sale ;<rheap. 579 ' McAllister . st. ' : EDISON AGENCY— Slovins picture machines and !.' films; bargains. 70, Turk st. < SAFES— New : and . second band. '« The Hermann - Safe Co. '.'• 120-130 Folsom st CHICKENS >,nnd- young: geese for sale at 430 ••'\u25a0' 27th 'ave.v -'Richmond. ••*.- --'''--. ~j • • - -. \u25a0j^j MISCELLANEOUS WANTS lj. \u25a0'. . BOUTE-of,'anyiklnd:';must'! cheap and bear ',-\u25a0 investigation: no; objection to country; "-.Box .3362,; Call office. \u25a0 WANTED— Have f you*, a * National • cash. > register 2 K for salel?: I' pays cash. r " Drop a line to box ;3316.; 3316. Call- of ttce.T- .'.:.'; ' : DRESS SUITS. TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- : BERTS- BOUGHT. L.SKOLL, TAILOR. 707 \u0084 GOLDEN, GATE A Y.' PHONE .MARKET '46BI ., WA NTED : tt> buy— National i cash- registers * for ' . tiish; \u25a0\u25a0 If .you have ; any ' style . National . for sale* MISCELLANEOUS ; WANT!B^--Co»tlnnt»d T GHEST price paid for ladles* cast off clot!»- ; ing. \aR& DAY. 530 Btt> at OakUnd 437.-.. GENTS*, second hand clothing bought and «oid. MUSIX. 1285 GtG. ar.. FlUmore. Pa. Mkt7ir? STAMP collections or odd lots of stamps bongnt; call evenings. E. W. SMITH. 162S Post at CASH— ANY AMT. FOB OLD GOLD. PREC. STONES. ENCELHARPT. Ti MONTG'T ST. WILL buy second hand furniture; tools, clothiax. __etr^_Jx'st price*. 2117 MlsMog st. Park 53W. BAR AND STOKE FIXTURES BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 17-27 Franklin st. noar Market. Phon* Special 1457. • ; \ __J^RJEIjB^J»O^T^IG^JiT[|AMPS , POSTAGE stamps." albums.' catalogue*, etc. ;"coU. bon-»ht. W. W. Doe scher & Co.. 1128 Geary it. WE furnish everything for campers; t«»t*. h.i'.ri- ..^u^^CTnvagjboodjt. T. J.->l'»vpr«. 42 SaiN at. , ~v~-c-. w^wJ dCES^ LOFSTAD & EVANS. Inc.; furriers. 251 Post St.. Mercedes . bldg., 3d floor. Phone Kearny 4359. ROBT. MORRIS 239 Geary st— Furs, fur skins. • supplies. ' satlna: wholesale only. - \u25a0 \u25a0 DRESS MAKING MACDOWEIX'S Dress Making and MUtnery School. 121 Geary stnear Grant ay. Evening _elajj»s. Patterns cnt to order. Donglas 4T.'.t. C ANNOUNCEMENT CHRISTIANSON & JONES .have- removed from , 53» 12th St.. to th«»ir new and permanent stor*. 203 TELEGRAPH ay.. corner ISth St.. Oakland. The latest model* in spring and summer hat». DIEHL'S HAIR STORE. WIO MAKING an d GENTS' TOUPEES A SPE- CIALTY. . HAIR DRESSING. CUTTING. SHAMPOOING. ' MANICURING. FACIAL MASSAGE. ' Telephone Oakland 316. 4 TO 14th St.. Oakland. | _ Country orders promptly attended to. , I " HAIR GOODS . C. HOFFMAN CO.. Importers of human hair. . manufacturer* of wigs and all kinds of hart? I goods. 476 13th St.. Oakland. - | BUTTONS AND PLEATING STEELE'S button works. 222 Ellis st.. nr. j Mason: phone Franklin 4o21; mall order* solicited. I \ %/vv J^^^^P^A^E^E^JTJilL<mS^^^^^^ j f THE HINOY. 161Oii Oearv »t— Aristocratic- tall- ! ot» tor l«f»<^ anil Rents;. \Vest'«fil7. . ' \u25a0 . I %^_ a _^^^ s^JgA S^JEXG I SEJ^-- MINING hoists, stationary and portable engines. , gas. distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS I ENGINEERING CO.. 4F.1 Market st. MUSICAL IXSTRUMENTS A SHERMAN & HYDE. 4 round corners, or?r- strung. beantiful piano. $75. " ' Weber, almnsr ax good as new. $75. I.add grand piano, fair comltti<>n, \u25a0*'J» 1 . .- Small Kennedy cabinet uprisht, $55. 3 Fischer upright*. $8.1 to $135, : Beantiful large size burl walnut flae upright, good as new. $135. William Hall piano. $15. 1 Small Bord'uprlßht. $«.". Small Erard npricbt. lovely condition. $75. And doz*»n» of other small uprights to select ; from. Lowest r«>nt. largest business. I HEINE PIANO CO.. [ -NW. cor. Van Nosa ay. and Bush »t. - Oakland branch 1214 flay, opp. Taft & Pennoy-r. ' f BRAND new piann, $5 per mo. rental: no-tart- age: fm- Insurance; S months' rental appll«M j to purchase: piano salesman wantwl: no khl- 1 ary; big commission. PETER EACIUAUI'I ; ' & SONS. 041 Market sf. Open Sat, evenings. , N JSW-' p!ano lor 5130; agents for the retphi-»tiil ! Gaoler pianos. MANUFACTURERS - PIANO 1 CO.. 1.-.fl Eddy *X LARGE Knabe uprlghf. $2V: other uprtsrhr* | ! from $100 np: pianos to renr. BOWERS At j SOX. .'.-•0 McAllister an.l V.t Sto«-kton. ' STEINWAY upright pla:ir>. a "nap for $235. at j 1534 Geary st noar Flllmor*. I ; PIANO for sale— M:\hogany. sllnhtly usetl: party 1 1 leaving city. 1351 I>vl*adern St.. apt. B. I PIANO for sale; cbeap; used only 1 year.. 'IGH Lyon st ' I • BEST pianos in town for rent; 10c a day. j ' SCOTT CURTAZ. SCO H.<.t«»s »t. , | Electric pianos. $175 up: terms: also placed on percentage. Andlffrrd -Musical Co.. s^ <Jro»e st. j $190 — Almost new. standard make, nprighr. JOS. SCIIMITZ A CO.. Tel Vni> N>-»a n«*ar Tnrls. ; Ti'PEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES' , MONARCH Visible Tpyewriter— ln th« Monarch Visible -Tpyewrlter all the writing is In hill , - sight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices: vro rent, repair ami j Inspect. Before purchasing r!njr up Douglas 4113, or call at 507 BusU st. WOLF & ISENBRL'CK. Dealers. J GREAT bargains In rebuilt typewriters renting " ) $- t > $:J..h« per month. See NEW YOST VISIBLE. ' The Typewriter Exchange. 255 Montgom»rr st. SPECIAL rental rates: rehuilts. second hands, at bargains: supplies, repairs, desks. ALEXAN- DER &. CO.. 512 Market st. Tel. Douglas -'157. BIL.VND new Visible. $40. Stia No. \u25a0_•; other maken cheap. Pacific Typewrtter'Co.. 107 Montsomery. NEW and second hand typewriters bought , St! sold, rented, repaireil: cnarant«»ed. SMITH . BROS.. 4CC 13th at. . Oakland Phone Pali. 11. BICYCLES AND MOTOIICYCLES PIERCE 4 cylinder motorcycle-; now on exhlbl- • . tion; send "for catalogue. J. T. CHICK, ]31- San Pablo ay., Oakland. HORSES, wagons and harness, camping . outfits. | 205 and 203 Valencia st. AUTOMOBILES BUICK White Streak. 'OS; see... $87." FORD 4 cyl. runabout, guaranteed ;-.... 5^7-"» MAXWELL touring car; worth mow .. .*^7.". RAMBLER. -'07. runabout: perfect shape. . .sr»V> PACKARD. 35 h. p. touring car; bargain. .S.V>o CADILLAC delivery car. covered body $1.->it MITCHF.LL, 24 h. p.: to it yonrself. .. . . .s^iji> BUICIi FORD AND PACKARD SNAPS PHOENIX AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE. > i.-SSth st. and Telesripb ay.. Oakland. -, 6 cylinder Franklin: goo<l condition: $1,500.' .4 cylinder Franklin runabonr. • $750. - - Bo tli <>f these cars have been completely over- hauled and arc gnarante«?d to ' be as repre- eONSOUDATED MOTOR CAR CO.. 402-4CW Golden Gat* ay. Phone Franklin S!Hr>. BUY '..\u25a0\u25a0. '(XV WHITE. 5 passenger^ 20 hp.: thor- - ' ougbly overhauled and repainted. .., ooft • '06 WHITE, same size, in good repair.. 700 *W> WHITE, same slxe. also good '. 6*) i» r AUTOCAR. 5 passenger. 35-40 hp ...... 1.250 * LANE STEAMER CO.. 140 12tb st. Oakland. Cal. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL COUNTIES FOU 1 I^VTEST ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILE; ALL STYLES 100 MILES IN SIX HOURS OX «NE CHARGE: SPEED UP TO 35 MILE 3. AD- DRESS PACIFIC ELECTRIC AUTO CO.. GEARY AND STEINER STS.. SAN . FRAN- . CISCO. - .-\u25a0 . -. -\u25a0 . ' FOR sale— Price $300 and upward: several 'Ofi and '07 .White tourinjt cars, taken ia trade .f-r - 'Os cars and thoroughly overhauled by our me- chanics from o«ir factory. - WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. 300 Van Ness Avenue, -• \u25a0- San Francisco. A SNAP — 1907 Pierce Arrow. 7 passenger, . 5iJ bp.. completely equipped with top, glass. front. . Prestoltte task, 10 inner tubes. 2 eaainzs. magneto chelsea clock, robe, full kit "of tools. Box 3344. Call' office. AUTOMOBILES— It will be like finding $100 or -more for the person who intends buy las a Franklin or \u25a0 'Pope-Hartford - automobile • and Writes box 771. Call office, OakUnd, for particulars.' • ONE to 5 ton. commercial auto trucks, amo> supplies -and machine shop equipment, cheap: must be. sold. Apply I nt»rnrbaa Motor Express '-.' C 0. .. 1920 Broadway.' Oakland. '• I ONE t'» 5 ton i commercial auto trucks. ant.» : wipplW and machine shop 'equipment, cheap : must be sold.' Apply Internrban Motor Express :. Co.; 15)20 Broadway. Oakland. • i. . ELITE AUTuMOBILE EXCHANGE — New ami \u25a0 second haml cars, for sale: auto painting, wood- work and t raminc «77-«J*5 Gulden Gate ay. \u0084 corner of Franklin. Phong Part 59^. MUST sell luraj^- at owe; prii-e >*rr low; every- thing Srn; c!-us: good paying trade: larsre re- pair saop.' Pnrtl«-ulars bos ~U!O. Call' of flee. "07 RAMBI.ER. nnabout. jusfoverhanled at cn*c of $20*1; a banraln at $400. A. C. HULL, 192- v 194 12th St.. OakUnd. PAC. Aluminum Brazing Works can braz» ymir broken alum." castings. 430. Van »s«. Pk.\2S5H. HE.KLD'S automobile school gives the best auti> ! . training on coast. 425_McAnUt»r_gt : ____^2. ? . locksmith's \u25a0 DOOIv' opener* and: kejs.' Kfy Works. 853 Cl»y " . >t. Phones — O«Xlan»l :5717. A 2574. ' Cua'tUued to Next Pa_» } 43