Newspaper Page Text
46 COUVriiY RgAJL. | ESTATES— Coatlime^ W acres ehelee fmtt ana Ttneyard land near floe pwaping pladt; pl«aty of wstar. bousa. lap*. so»aWe for «rcaar« or ties bsTe pumping plaits sad plttty «f watet. "S al acrf.tolk*rSih. St-Hni cjOßtj; plenTToi wlter; ttabor «do^> «r paritoc. At land; owner tna«« fortsae ea. tals rtnen; V &*£&»£££* bT. ll^ l^^- r'sce'CoT. ££mn^^ackso» at... Oaklasd. Oal. _______———— On- of the mow «««« lT » fc and^ <Swri S'J 1 ': bag}** oti the petunia st a b f r »« 3^.^£! be:oTV ralne of the jnprov«aroW. Krch"** O>r iti>pn-vM San I'ranHisc or Oakland property. W»mld leese f<v lons term. ' . I **\u25a0-,» icortem house, pu<, elfsftrlCt.v »«it wa- IIAQSM, flue water J.iant. rbr«e »'l* pi! ' twl . 1 "L, 5 ; <n*T eifht acres finest Ottl. E»«T variety fruir. lcsioas. figs, walnut*, etc.. grow to per- "Bi«o"tiful groaads. lawn* *nd gurfens: fine "^H^omoblU. road to # S»n Franco. Acr^- sihlc: suitable /or sabdJvlsioo. Addrf>» Owner, box 3*49. Call «"»-e. We are aathortxed w H lelffhe S FO.-ZST CHICK .EN RANCH in the state: very O-rt and latest iirproveoests: boJl<tiog« all '""''^ttifuS^ residence. 2 barns. *a.. plant. 30 stationary chicken bonsea, 44 raorable »^? B v'*f«*. nn 1 *- cubator house, brooder hooiie SM- Ceet ( , t i« n^ lackhouse. warehouse; «I«*r«e »\u25a0• !£. Uo " «n. property; everything <*>?£**\u25a0> l0 ; 000 n *« 11.000 chlckeas: price $80,000; pays ov»r '"•""crii.'raSnai comply. \u25a0 703 Market St.. Saa Francisco. Cal. SANTA CLARA VALLEY— IO acre ranch, good tease, all toote. wagon, horse. s»tne rurnl- tare. about 5 acres in grapes *nd 5 acTesln orchard: everything in apple pie «*««\u25a0: «*•* key for tbe money in tbe **B*T> <*& $*•«», terms; ttis year's ctop will bring close t» $10 °°C. M. WOOSTC^ COMPANY. 708 Market rt.. San. Francisco, Cal. <;ENTLEMAN'S borne in the beautiful SanU Cru« mountains. 3 hours from San Francisco; about 12 acres, all but 2 in prstws. apples and •"herriea: 11 room house, bath, clos«U. sitting hsll. etc: 3 chicken yards, garage and cow- sbed- ideal view of mountains and enrround- ing country; cbeap at $8,000; good terms if desired^ WOO9TER COMPANY. 702 Market ct.. Sao Francisco. Cal. ' SMALL BAKOHES. v CHICKENS— CRAPES— FRUITS 19-20-S0 acre ranches on onr beautiful Saa Mar- tin ranch, tooth of San Jose; improved or unim- proved; suitable for chickens, traits, grapes. t-ic - tt> is oae of the ideal locations la Santa Clara valley; only 75 miles from San FraßClsco; price $100 per acre; monthly payments of $14.14, including interest if desired; if yoa are looking for a beautiful place to bulM op a fcoens and where you will get food returns out of the land, let us show you over ocr rasch. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market st. *.«i ioo — 51 acres finest neditne^t: yields $50 per *"re hay; zood for potatoe*, truck, peaches. walnuts, alfalfa, corn: In bearitif ul . Napa val- ley; a rare bargain: wilr prodnce over 12 per t-e'nt <in $300 per acre: will snbdivide. * S'MO per acre — Subdivisions of cream of W»!n»it Creek land; terms: Increasing in value rspUUy: near new electric and the largest <iiies'of Berkeley and Oakland. S^lment land mr «i«srialty; 2r. years' fa- miliarity whU \u2666•allfornia land. Different *ired HEMiv STIRRING, room US. Rues building, U35 Montgomery »t. MEXICAN and Texas timber colonising land. 350 000 acres pine and oak asd hardwoods; ri..!cr: well located for export; 52.M. 154.000 piue. cak, aeh. faardwood. $3. «»C.OOO improved stock ranch and timber. 30C.000 acres irrigable land and stock. $1.75. 3.000.000 seres colonizing lands, 30c cp. Texas asd Mexico, all else tracts sad all /•lasses cf timber and stock ranches. Report* »-nt: information at office. DAVIS BUBN- HAM. 704 Mills bldg.. S. F. SUBDIVISION TRACTS. SMrtiO acre* farming and grazing. 11l acre. l.".i««(O *<re* nlfalfa land: t2"."tO per acre. 14.0<K1 a<-res farming, fruits, etc.: $22 an acre. T..«M"m u.-i-s fur eucalyptus, alfalfa; {25 acre. 7.000 acres Merced grain land: $25 an acre. 7.o(ii« a'-res <>r»ni:e laDd: $27 an acre. " Ka^y t«-rws c»n be arranged on these; have \u25a0 niter tra.-iK too iiiini«T<iuti to mention. <'HAS. W. FISIIER. 660 Market St. SS.lixi — l(t.*' etrres: uonntaiti rauch: 5 mile* fruui Napa: •\u25a0'..»» by county road; 35 acras cultivated: nice hon*e. 7 ruomii. bath; barn, «liickon ii<iose»: wat»-r piped from spring; raonlug water all year; grape*, berries, fam- ily orchard: 3 horses, cow. wagons: tools, itlttnH, 7(«O «-or<is wood; good pasture; honse- hol'l furtiiture: mail delivered. Address box S, <-ar* Montlcello stage. Napa, Cal. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. ."• acre borne iv main part of San Leandro, on tbe carllce, all in fine cherries 10 years old; Im- provements worth $3.O00; would make fine sub- division proposition; adjoining lots sell for $900. Tbe place has averaged over 10 per cent on $16,- «*JO investment last 5 years; price $14,000. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU. M4-946-84S Mocadnock bldg.. San Francisco. ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. We are running a free information bureau. Siring reliable, detailed information on all Calif orda lands; we have many desirable prop- ositions in every county: many fine bargains. tf yon are looking for Information, write us or call at our office and It will be freely given. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BU- REAU, WC 91S Monsdnock bldg.. S. F. IRRIGATED FARMS ON EASY TERHB Five to 40 acre farms In Sacramento valley; rich, deep, sandy loam soil for fruit, walnuts, vegetables, alfalfa, etc.; 28 daily passenger trains: oo farm more than 20 minutes' walk from a station; tbe best land and best living coaflttlons ia California; a 10 acre farm means independence; excursion every Saturday. F. I. HILL k. CO.. 6 East St., opp. Ferry bldg. Pboct Kearny 803. . DO not OTerlook this — 400 acres on Eel river. Mendodno county; 15 acres under cultivation; balance rolling hills, with plenty of oak tim- ber; goofl boost and barn; one of the best little cattle and hog ranches In the sttte of Calif ornia; wonld make an Ideal summer re- sort; fine nentlng. boating sad fishing; no trocbl* to catch tbe limit; price $6,000. Me- FAUL k. EDWARDS, 880 Chronicle bldg. WE have 1,080 acre!" land. 200 under cultivation. • miles from town and railroad; tb* best com- bined stock ranch and farm in California; rnn- eing stream of water; fenced sad cross fenced; price $20,000; terms. If yoa are looking for a farm, stock or fruit rascn at the right price call and «cc us. McFAUL ft EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. 525.0 D0 — 100 acres finest land in California: river sediment; good for potatoes." onions, aspara- gus, truck; finest walnut, fntit or alfalfa land anrwhere: 41 acres fine pasture additional; good Improvements; a number of fine cows; . implements and «toek: in beautiful Napa val- ley: a gentleman's home. HENRY STIRRING, rr.nin lIS. . Russ bldg.. 235 Montgomery st. ONLY $?.sUo— Fine 100 acre Napa dairy ranch; snap. y $200 per sere — Subdivisions of cream of TVal- nnt Creek land: terms; value Increasing rap- idly. For raDcbes. largo or small, take ad- vantage of my 25 years' familiarity with California lanSs. Sediment land my specialty. HENRY STIRRING, room 118, Rusa building. CALIFORNIA land, $1 per acre cash payment, balance purchase 60 cents per month per acre; close San Francisco: do taxes, no interest; 3 acre tracts; level, rich, clear, ready to plow, irrigated; perpetual water right; Immediate poscenlen; particulars, maps, photographs frse. 6TEVENBON COLONY. 1414 Market St.. S. F. LKAVE the citlen. Come to Shasta county— tbe place for man of small means; orchard, berry, alfalfa, clover and timber land; $5 acre «nd up: mountain climate: free water for Irriga- tion; sewmill with timber cheap. Big Bar- gains imp. ranches. J. R. KINSEU, Fern, Shasta county. Cal. ~ SANTA ROSA REALTY CO. ~ Sellics land from 3 tracts near Santa Rosa; $100 as acre cp; also big list of properties of all kinds; call or write for booklet. Office 89-40. 638 Market st.. San Francisco; office 5 Elks' bnlld- ioc. Santa Rosa. Cal. • \u25a0 TUELOCK IRRIGATED FARMS ~ 10 acres In this district will keep a family Iv luxury. TUis is tbe best land In California. WATER BIGHTS FREE. FARMERS OWN THE WATTR. Get information from the - Central California Land Agency, dept. 1. 789 Market st. 240 acres, fenced in 12 bog tight fields; ditch water year around; also surface water within eight feet; place- baa brought $2,000 rental; price $12,000 on terms. PETER M. NELSON, Hatiford. Cal. • LOS GATOS. Saratoga, Santa Cruz mountains property for «ale or rent. STRONG, 15 ELD EN 3c \u25a0 FARR. Inc.. R. H. McKalg manager. Agents , for Idylwild, Los Gatos. 45 Post ' »t.. San' Francisco. -• , TU<> en acre for Contra Costa county alfalfa ianOs: adjacent lands felling for $100 an acre; tbl* offer a bargain; act quiet. REALTY EX- C HANGE. 1047 Phelan bnllding. THE RICHARDSON LAND CO. IS. LOOKING FOR BARGAINS IN COUNTRY LANDS., IF YOU nAVfi SOMETHING GOOD. CALL OR WHITE. 306 CROCKER BUILDING. . HOTF.L and 3 cottage*; separately or together; « bargain If *>M goon; cause of selling ill ; health. A. JENSEN. Newman. "Cal. ; -. \u0084 FOR na'.e— l4 acres. 4 miles from Napa: on car lin<-- gr>od land, plenty water. ROGER MOR- BI.SEY. Napa. Cal. . : miTT. etock. poultry and alfalfa ranches,- from *2 Ofx) . up; wjb4lvii«iotis from $5 an acre. CHAS. W. FISHER. 660 Market st. \u25a0 - \u25a0 FOR xale— s room cottage; in Borlingame. " 5 minutes from *tation: bargain. Address F.-W. MF/RRILL. Burtinsaroc. *0 ACRF.S farming land, small payment down, balance easy.- Owner, box 3402. Call office. - BUY a borne in Sonoma county. . Write for list. ! JOHN A. WILLIAMS. SebaetODOl. Cal. COPTCTRY REAL BgTATg—-C*«tlnoej PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 405-406-407 Metropolis Bank building, San Francisco, ! Cal., will put . you .in,, touch with the best OQuntry and suburban lands -oa | th« Pacific coast. Carefol attention given to each lnauirv. Full and accurate details of «v«ry property. Easiest and best way to get honest information. Stats your requirement, we will fill It at on**. Thousands of propartias listed, with maps, views, etc.' on display. NO FEB. NO. COMMISSION. FOR SALE BY OROVILLE REAIrTY CO.. OROVILLE. CAL. A beautiful site for a home for a retired capitalist, or person who wishes & fine farm. Contains 428 acres; SO acres ia red -clover and other eraasoi: 1,200,000 fMt standing yellow. pine and spruce; thoasandß of cords of Ask; ane water; s mineral spring, a small lake stocked with trout: fine appie land:' free \u25a0water for irrigation; 4 mil** f rum a W. P. Ry. station; altitude 1,845 f«tet: 2 story house: ; trill ecoomtaodate SO ftwsts; 3' barns; good school. A CHANCE OF A LIFETIME. SEE ; PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION • BUREAU. 40ft Metropolis bldg., San Francisco. MOBS GOOD ALFALFA LAND — Just outside of Saa Jose: 3 arteaian wells; fine Irrigation: also raise fruit ». vegetables and berries; 69 acres can be bought for much leas than pre- vailing prices. Full details FOLEY A REA. San Jose,-CaL. or-' PACIFIC BKALTT INFOR- MATION 3UREAU. 40« Metropolis bldg., San Francisco. ORANGE GROVES * . We nave for sale in the Lindsay orange dis- trict the most successful and profitable in tbe atate, several snap bargains which will pay from 20 to 33 per cent annually on the price asked. 10 acres full bearing navels, half mile out. abundant cheap water; $15,000; part; cash, bal- ance annual payments; worth easily $20,000. 15 acres full bearing navels, close in, in fine condition; $25,000. on easy terms. 10 acres full bearing navels, bouse, barn, water and other improvements; $16,500; half cash,' balance easy. . Full details CENTRAL CALIFORNIA REAL- TY CO.. Lindsay. Cal.. or PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 408 Metropolis bldg., San Francisco. - - 4 acrcc; a complete country borne, adjoining town, with lawn, shrubbery, flowers, oranges, lemons and shade trees; roomy house and barn and other large outbuildings; deep well of fine water; $4,000. 12 acres, fronting on county road; irrigated; very level; with small house, and barn; $1,750; easy terms. 340 acres, fronting on river; new dwelling, costing $4,000; barn 40x70; granary 50x80; chicken bouse on brick foundation; smoke bouse, bunkhouse. family orchard of assorted bearing fruit trees; 3 wells 90 feet deep, with fine water in each; good corrals, etc.; a bargain at $55 per acre, halt cash. Full detaiU, JOHN C. MOGK, Colnsa, Cal.. or PACIFIC REAL/TV INFORMA- TION BUREAU, 406 Metropolis bldg.. San Fran- cisco. ' . "^^™ ** YOU can not afford to buy land without investi- gating the LIVINGSTON IRRIGATED LANDS, frituate midway between Turlock and Atwater, Merced county. Cal. One of the fastest growing districts in the. state; best of land, deep, no alkali: abundance of water; per arrr, $75; \i cash, balance annual payment* for 4 years. Do yourself a favor and get our booklet. LIVING- STON LAND AND COLONY CO.; Livingston. Cal. Booklets and information at PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 406 Me- tropolis bldg., San Francisco, . - 1.055 acres. 11 miles from Merced; S. P. R. R. station and townsite In center: an Ideal coloni- zation proposition; extremely level land; *andy loatn 10 feet deep; Inexhaustible supply of water at 15 feet; 2 floe canals through property; grow vlues, any variety of trees, and an excellent place for eucalyptus; only $55 per acre; many other interesting details upon application. MO- DESTO LAND CO.. Modesto. Cal.. or PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 4t>6 Me- tropolis bldg., San Francisco. 2.90("i acre* of range land on Fouler Mountain; 3 dwellings <>v place, with good corrals; well , watered, and front* a mile on Eel river. 2S miles from Uklah; quod range; several hundred cords or tau bark; price $12,500. See POAGE A- KORD. Ukiah. Csl.. \u25a0or PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 406 Metropolis bldg.. San Francisco. ! ~ — \u25a0 320 ACBES. 140 Iv alfalfa; fenced in 5 fields; fine sediment coll; windmill*, first class water; house and barn; good cattle corrals; place is rented for 5i. 500. payable quarterly In advance; price Slfi.OOu. ij cash, balance terms to suit. DetaiU. F. T. BILLING. Tulare, Cal.. or PA- CIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 406 Metropolis bldg., San Francisco. 4SO ACRES ALFALFA LAND— Very level; fine dilch system; fenced in 12 hogtigbt fields; $6,000 worth «>f Improvements: In famous Mus- sel Kloogh country. Kings county. Cal., near Armona; 2 miles from'R. R.. near school, on rural route; telephone.- etc.; $55 per acre on terms. ,P. M. NELSON. Hanford,* Cal. Full details. PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION CO., 406 Metropolis bldg., San Francisco. 11.000 ACRES fine grain land, not far from Stockton; would make an excellent stock ranch; 1.000 acres under cultivation, 3 sets substantial buildings, windmill, tanks and outbuildings; railroad station on property: price $14 per acre. Full particulars L. M. CUTTING * CO.. Stock- ton. Csl.: or see PACIFIC REALTY INFORMA- TION BUREAU. 406 Metropolis bldg.. San Fran- cisco. 6.000 ACRES between Nelson and Biggs; rail- road running through • it; level and rich soil, under Feather River canal; there Is nothing bet- ter In tbe state for eucalyptus, tokay grapes, fruits, nuts, wheat or alfalfa; a fine - colony proposition; Just put on market; tbe whole, or large tract*. $40 per acre; terms.- SEARS- FARNHAM CO., Chieo, Cal., or PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 406 Metro- polis bldg., San Francisco. \ TULARB COUNTY ALFALFA AND DAIRY LANDS; 500 acres 3 miles from R. R.; water, shade and feed. For particulars address T. H. THOMPSON. Tulare. Cal., or PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 40G Metropolis building, San Francisco. A REAL BARGAIN 130 ACRES— 2O In 2 year old cling peaches. 20 in 2 year old grapes. 10 In l.year cling peaches, 20 Just planted to Muir peaches, 30 to alfalfa, 10 to asparagus; fine 6 room house and barn, 2 pumping plants. 2 Sampson gas engines, 12 tip. and 6 in. double centrifugal pumps and 8 bp. witb single 6 In. pump: all fenced; on railroad. 1 mile from town; $160 per acre, $8,000 cash, balance 5 equal payments. See W. H. OSBORX & CO.. Atwater. Cal.. or PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 406 Metropolis bldg., San Francisco. . EXCHANGE . 100 ACRE RANCH near Modesto: good building improvements. 50 acres alfalfa. 12 acres peaches, balance corn and bay; good property every way; price $20,000; will accept equity, mortgage or property value $5,000; $5,000 cash, balance any terms desired. BATES & EDWARDS Modesto Cal.. or PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 400 Metropolis bldg., San Francisco. . BAGGETT \u25a0 TRACT. Lots in this desirable tract now on sale by' the OROVILLE REALTY COMPANY, Orovllle. Cal. These lots are east - mid Just across . the street from the car shops of the Western Pacific railroad at Orovllle, * Cal. \u25a0 | Now is the ' time to buy ; only a limited number for sale. I Write -to us for prices and terms, or. see the' PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU, 406 Me- tropolis .bldg., San Francisco. BUILDING. PROPOSITION. - \u25a0S Buy a lot in WELLESLEY :. PARK ; ": 10 min- utes', walk to town : and : depot, say a $750 lot; have your plans made ' for a home." say. $2,500* place, making your total Investment $3,250. We will build same for you at cost price plus 10 per cent to builder. . Pay us $500 cash and the balance like rent, with 7 per cent- interest on deferred payments. REDWOOD'CITY REALTY COMPANY,; Redwood City, Cal.. 'or, PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU.. 406 Me- tropolis bldg., San Francisco. - . • ABOUT 5.000 acres north of Bakersfield : water 8 to 10 feet fronr surface; no alkali.' no hard pan: artesian - wells , in same, vicinity; a- snap at $15 per acre;; easy' terms to right:party. Writ* KAWEAH CO-OPERATIVE REALTY • COMPANY. Vlsalla. Cal., -or see PACIFIC REALTY 1 INFORMATION .BUREAU," 406'Me- tropolls bldg., San Francisco. - ALFALFA LANDS, ." . = i . No. 102—1.300 acre* of good alfalfa .land, all under. Irrigation;. 800s acres growing alfalfa,' balance in grain;* .all" fenced and 'cross -fenced,' hog. tight.; with barbedwire^firsticlass^rancli improvements; \u25a0 modern. ~ 10 1 room ' nouse; good barns, bunk bouses." J shade J trees, and. family -orchard; ; equally 1 ' good.-- for ; vineyards *or \ or- chards: a good . thing; to : subdivide .' Into colony Mots; $75, per- atre; .- '- • V' • >• V ORANGE LANDS. V ,-, j v >JS^^P^9B9 ' No. 147— 1n nmsll tracts,,: with .water devel- ODcd. ready " to set out^your^ grove: in ,tbe THE SAN FRAyOTSCJO GALL, BU KDAYv VJ'UI.Y 18, 1909. cbyOTRYREAIj \u25a0 EBTATB~Contlnned frostless : belt ' adjoining the \u25a0 foothills * east ; of t Reedley; on easy terms. \ UNIMPROVED COLONY 1 IX>TS - \u25a0\u25a0' On' 7 years' time;- 10 per \u25a0 cent I cash . payment ; interest <oa balance I for 4 i years, payable j an- nually, % of balance ot | principal at I the' end ': each Use fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh years; $75 per acre; all under irrigation; water right . with tn« land. , ,' ; . i, EUCALYPTUS LAKDS. \u25a0 No. 189—1,000 acres .In "one body ; plenty of water; 2 miles,, from railroad station;.; all has good farm buildings;. $13 per •acre,, cash. \| , ': ' / . ".:: SMALL IMPHOVED VINEYARD AND . . . . , ORCHARD HOMES. No. S9 — 5 acres adjoining Reedley; "full, bear- ing; good house; $3,600, half cash and 5 -years' time <m balance. ' v - No. 78—10 acres, half mile from" postofflce: . 1 year vines and trees; first class, modern cottage, with electric lights and all modern • Improvements; $5,000. . . ', \u25a0 , OIL LANDS. » * -•"\u25a0". If you are Interested In oil development or oil lando. vre are in a position to put up some- thing good. We control one of the best oil . propositions In tbe state.. Addrens REEDLEY LAND COMPANY, Reedley, Fresno county, Cal., Or Full Details at PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU. 406 Metropolis bldg.. San Francisco, Cal. SMALL TRACTS , . OF GLENN COUNTY LAND — : : \u25a0 : \u25a0 '\ AT WHOLESALE PRICES ON MONTHLY PAY- MENTS OF $1 PER ACRE By forming a syndicate of eight to buy 160 acres we can sell you 20 acres each. 3 milea south ' of Orland, of the • choicest land in i the district at wholesale price. This Is Immediate- ly in the orange section, will grow .any kind of deciduous fruits, vegetables, -grain, alfalfa. etc. Deep. level, gravelly loam, entirely- free from alkali, adobe, and hardpan. \u25a0' Plenty - of water for irrigation; price $50 per acre. Terms $1 per acre per month. FEHREN. ROBINSON COMPANY, 925 First National Bank bldg., San Francisco. COLUSA COUNTY IMPROVED FARMS \ 480 acres,- being the choicest- improved wheat farm, with good substantial buildings, 5 -miles from Williams; splendid family orchard with a number of splendid orange trees ;>> alfalfa with- out irrigation; best of deep .soil' and' very cheap at $60 an acre. 320 acres improved farm, .14 'miles- from Williams, at $14,000: fenced and cross fenced; honse and barn; sediment soil. Either of . the above places can be \u25a0 irrigated 1 from wellß or will be served later by canal. - • FEHREN, ROBINSON COMPANY, • 925 First National Bank bldg... San Francisco. A— KREDO, THE LAND AGENT. 7~~ 87 SD^ST. . -.-... MONEY ADVANCED. $1,050—20 acres improved chicken ranch.' $S0O — 10 acres improved, Lake co. .__ KREDO. 87 3D BT. $1.600 — 120 acres improved level- land;' house, barn; near Napa: snap. KREDO. 87 3d st. -- $1,200 — 25 acres, Napa hills: new house, barn; offer wanted. KREDO, 87 3d st. 40 acres — 7 acres level land, new house, plenty ..water and wood; $1.600. KREDO, S7 3d j st. MODEL FRUIT FARM FOR SALE. 175 acres of the very finest river bottom land in California: on S. P. Ry.. 5 hours from S. F.; most all in young orchard; 47. acres of Phillip* cling peaches. 2S acres Bartlett pears, 20 . acree soft shelled walnuts, several -kinds nf shipping plums and prunes, SO acres alfalfa yielding 3 to 4 crops per year without, irrigation. 20 acres other fine caunery peaches; and shipping depot on place; contains fine 10 room residence, bent iv the valley, hot and cold water In all rooms, with elegant • surroundings; splendid large barn, tankbouse and windmill, wagon sheds, packing sbeds. 2 bunkhonses. complete outfit, of orchard snd farming implements, gasoline spray outfit.: 4 double teams of good horses and 2 cowf; 7 wells of water, a fine vineyard ot 35 acres of Thomp- son's seedless grapes also; this is a fine payiug orchard. farm, complete In every detail; always a good bearer and <-ontaius only tb« fruits In demand;. adjoining land has recently been sold for from $500 to $750 per acre, and is identical with this; this great bargalu will be on sale, for a short time for $62,540; $23,000 down, balance on first mortgage at « per cent net; do not lose "thi* opportunity to get what you want — A REAL BARGAIN. Further particulars, / R. C VOSE. -; S6B Broadway. Oakland. Cal. THE HYDE RANCH. -' . 5, 10. 15. 20 AND SO ACRE TRACTS. : BEAUTIFUL SONOMA VALLEY. .• v The. Hyde Ranch of WJO, acres of rich. l«vel and rolllug land, 'orchard:? and' vineyards. Is for sale in small tracts to suit. 'V: - . We bave an- abstract.: \u25a0 ; \ \u25a0 ... \u25a0•\u25a0>•'. Elegant, rich lauds,- covered wltlr~oakx, , which raise Immense crop* of Uay. corn, beans, tomatoes, etc.. "for $100 to $150 per acre. Choice' vineyards of Zinfandel. Cabernet. Semillou, Burgundy, etc., for $175 . and' $200 per acre. . ' . ' . Full bearing orchards of ,cherrlei<, prunes, pears. ' for $1250 and $300 per acre. . "• . Kach piece a ' positive snap. . Very easy terms. • '-\u25a0 Moderate restriction in order to keep the property up In nice shape. ,,: \u25a0 . Write or call for circulars.. , \ G. H. UMB.SEN 4 CO., • 20 \u25a0 Montgomery St.." San Francisco. Cal.- \u25a0 \u25a0 ' GREAT RANCH PROPOSITION. If you are interested in ranch property this will appeal to you.- 102 acres alfalfa and fruit land - near - Concord. • Contra Costa county : run- ning water entire length of property; artesian well: splendid spring; well stocked; personal property - worth ' $5,000; price of land. $170 per acre. ' \u25a0 .-' ' \u0084 • - * >"..\u25a0-/ - ' This is one* of the greatest opportunities . for" a live dairyman In California: climate, soil, water, market, absolutely unexelled; $12,000 cash re- quired; total price $22,000.' .*." . If you are looking for a ranch 'do not fail to look Into this; we will simply point It out to yoor the property will do the. rest; ; now pays over 20 per cent on Investment, poorly managed. GEO. TRUEBLOOD.: 2136 Onter st.. Berkeley. . i---l*Ji Phone Berkeley 1520.. " SIXTY DOLLARS PER ACRE Marion colony. Fresno \u25a0 co. ; 20 . acre tracts; very 1 best early citrus fruit soilln state; Irrigation canal; unlimited water supply; 62% c per acre, yearly: 2 schools close \ by; train within - short distance. Abundant well water at 60 feet. Will plant and care for nonrestldents; $40 per \u25a0, acre down, balance at. 6 per cent. Will ex- change - for bay property, improved or unim- proved. " " \u25a0 \u25a0: \u25a0 - FRANK R. NEVILLE, 1511 Webster" St., Alameda, Cal. TWELVE acres, 20 miles. from Oakland; 10 acres full bearing almonds, 2 acres alfalfa; 6 rooms and bath; elegantly furnished. Including $400 piano; barn 40x60. box stalls; 14. chicken . houses, 2,000 chicken's, horse, cow . and all Im- . plemente; income from almonds about $1,000; death calls j owner east; . don't overlook this snap; terms. TAYLOR .BROS. CO.v \V. E. .Tolmson. manager coimtry department,' .1236 Broadway. Oakland. Col. :' ': • :\u25a0 FOR sale, or exchange for city flats. . 5 acres, chicken ranch; 8 room bouse, completely, fur- nished;' barn, chicken house, ,2 \u25a0 Incubators, 75 ft. broodfr hmtse^ windmill, tank, ' and about 1,400 chickens; 10 minutes' walk from railroad station and proposed electric car line. Inquire at ' NE. . comer of . Mission st. and Onondagn ay.",' or I San \u25a0 Ramon Valley Poultry Yard.' C. F. FINNEN, Creek, Contra Costa -- county." Cal. i ;;. \u25a0'.„.-." '-:\u25a0"\u25a0..' \ .'..,;-..- ...\u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0 . ; 160 ACRES land near; Brentwood; 45 acres bear- -,'lng vineyard, balance In corn and other': prod- ucts; 6 room bouse,- good 1 barn j and outbuild- ings; running stream of water piped to, house and 'barn; 5 horses; all farming. Implements; .everything ready :to do business. , This. Is a \u25a0 snap; do not overlook,it. . Price $8,300, i/j cash ;*for quick sale. ':' •\u25a0. - • - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 - - ; ; \u25a0 McFAUL & EDWARDS," 330 Chronicle bldg.' FOR \u25a0 sale— -84 acres near Clayton.'. Contra Costa county; - house 0f ,4 rooms;. new windmill, barn and granary; water piped In honse; 5 acres In fruit, . all : bearing;- 34 acres:" rich . soil; ; new " wagon . and • all .. new .farming - utensils; . • price $1,600, half ensh, .balance In monthly, pay- /ments. •" Owner, F. M. RAMOS, 2119 Peralta \u25a0\u25a0 st; Oakland. :.(.- - ' - \u25a0'-.-:\u25a0 $4,500 — $2,500 cash, balance 5 per cent I net ; 65 " acres . half mile from ' Gucrnevllle ' on • Russian river; 15 "acres, bearlug, vineyard. -4 Nacres . prunes, ' 2^ acres family .orchard. 12 acres 'nay nnd pasture -and 10. acres finest, bottom land; balance , wooded; ,4 room 1 house, ,' barn," : etc.; spring water' pipes; fine boating and bathing, good soil, beautiful view; an ideal home. • H. SMISSAERT. box 83, Guernevllle.lCal. ;. $6.000— A bargain;- ranch,' 30;acresc good land; : about' 900 -chickens,': 3.: horses t "?,cow.-.;- farming "implements," crop; * everything. on : - a working • and', paying basis; ; s4,ooo: cash; \u25a0 $2,000: time.":.?. •per cent; must be seen to: be '. appreciated.""; For particulars, apply. F. KEPPEL. -Cotatl.l Cal. f ; FOR* sale,- near " Auburn-^-Callfomla . farms I and ;. residences of. all sizes t and \u25a0 prices -in \u25a0 this fa- ,3 vored locality:* send stamps? for lists and rell-" \u25a0abler information. ;' Placer \u25a0 County Bureau '-In- ; formation, j East Auburn,. Cal. ' \u25a0;•'.. \u25a0 ; TRLCK'and poultry farms— All' sizes,'' easy pay- ~mente;- good \u25a0 markets,?. fine "climate;k send. 2sc ' for - a year's subscription vto the Virginia . Farmer. : dept. 301. > Emporia, ;,Va. . ' . SHEEP "\u25a0' range, - 100 i acres. V patented.'- 500 acres .-\u25a0 outside, 60 ''plowetl.' improved; -'$2.500:**. 5250 " -cash;, bal. inonthy; «o,tniU>BS. X, '.747 'Monad- = nock \u25a0 building. >'\u25a0;."\u25a0; '•.:•-\u25a0•-\u25a0 FORi the * best; list of country i property,': farms. " fnilt and ,iwultry/\u25a0, iwultry /\u25a0 ranches, -.- stock « ranches,: 1 al- — falfa " and timber lands, - send i: for - new ~ cata-' ;.logue." ROTHKRMKL &. COAT- 24".' Russ b)d..S.F. RANCH A for - »ale — $2,500; *, 29:-= acre*:'- 14^' acres . In . orchard •-? and '.vineyard, "\ balance > pasture; . wnall * dwelling -and packing? house;*:; Uk miles ' from town. »\u25a0\u25a0 M*:- GRAH AM.-,,Vacavllle.;: Cal: >\u25a0 FORrent— Nice liall.tsuitable forjdancing/ Imwl- '...lng. - moving i pictures, 'rtc.i;^ on; electric r-Hn,.- ,', choice location, :- OCCIDKNTAL '--REALTY- CO.*- Haxw-^rd ....... , v - . .-: -- - v v : !v. :->,.- COUNTRY * RBAI/"' ESTATB-^-CoaMan'fd. X -Pfji V :'t =sL V 'OIL LANDS. '" : --^^«» «- • -40- acres proTlng oil land for. sal* :la i 2B-28, Bakersfield.'* Kern county.' For particulars \u25a0 299 Montdnock building. v-T. F. : A. OBKRMEYER.. IMPROVED . country . property for ' sale ?or er- ,- change; unimproved 'landa on easy . tarms. • W. A. M ASHLEY A CO.; 1266 Broadway. Oakland. 5- and 5 10 . aero . homes In i Alameda 5 county; $25 - down, $10 monUUy'2 rallroaos.'? RICH.VAt LEY LAND COMPANY,, 646 Market •\u25a0tt.'^f.R:/ 243 acres rich level land; soma prunes, alfalfa, peaches, etc. ; ; $125 per acra. - W. -B. \u25a0; BET- NOLDS. Santa • Rosa. \ Cal. ;" "'• '-" '.v'^-'.^Jv FOR rent — Nice barber shop; on leading street. _ OCCIDEyTAL REALTY CO..' Hayward. :>,..' FOB farms, stock ranches and timber landa sm McFATJL & EDWARDS.' 33O Chronicle bnlldlnf> J OAKLAXpIREAIi KSTATE : :'; : LAYMANCE REAL ESTATE CO.; - «' 1214-1216 Broadway, Oakland SAN PABLO AW INVESTMENT $3j,000 — Prominent corner 60x100; 2 story frame; improvements pay $2,700 year; inside of 24th jjSßti;ji $20,000: can «tand; will entertain any' good exchange. Can you apprectete what' new 21st st. S. P. terminal will mean to tha future of this main thoroughfare?: NEW RETAIL DISTRICT $12..j00— -Business corner 49x45; present improve- ments pay over 6 pet. ; at- an expenditure of i $3,000 tUfg could be made to pay 13 pet. 1 on 3 entire investment: an estate; must be sold to 'segregate heirs'; lnterests. TELEGRAPH AY. FLATS $i,500 — Modern 5 and 6 rooms; 32x125; on terms to suit; will take lot a* part payment; sur- - rounded, by j attractive homes In : good renting district." . . -" DELIGHTFUL HOME $5.<50 — Modern; 7 rooms and bath: furnace; 50x150; driveway;: elevated; commanding lake and city: new 3 minute car service; 5 minutes to city hall; $3,000 can remain. ._ : " '•\u25a0\u25a0'. . GOOD VALUE IN FLATS $o,soo— Modern 4 and 5 rooms; north side: 38x I 182; between Telegraph and Grove St.. 1 block! from Key Route; in fine renting section; $2,300 can remain. .: : . \u25a0 . - v KOR A HOME $— Charming bungalow; 6 rooms; 2 mantels; extra well built; 40x115; convenient to Key Route; elevated: overlooking one bf .Oakland's new parks; 6 minutes from 14th and -Broad- way; can arrange terms. \u25a0j.' TWO GOOD LOTS $1.250— 30x165; J250 cash, balance $15 month: surrounded by new homes; Idora park, district between. 2 carlines and near Key Route station. $I.loo— On elevated section of OaEland ay. ad- joining good -homes; 37x145; wooded; most delightful place in Piedmont for cozy little bungalovr. | \u25a0 ' * ' • -.. ;- ' ' LAYMANCE REAL F.STATE CO., - 1214-1216 Broadway, Oaklaud ; A BARGAIN Modern Home. • ' $4.300— 5700 Cash ' Mortgage can remain; close In, 34th ft. near Grove; 2 stories. 7 rooms, paneled woodwork In dining' room and hall: possession can be given at once; a bargain for parties wishing a cloce Iv residence. Worth $5,000. (1824) .;-. LOT CHEAP ' * For Quick Sale East Oakland,' near 23d aye.. 125 ft. from Kast 14tU st.: 37:5x120:11; this lot cost the owner $1,500 J l2 years ngo* and .can* be pur- chased' in the next few days for $1,150. $700 cash, balance 7^ per teat net; don't delay, but see this beautiful lot at once: the price is right and It will be sold in a few days. (231U> -LOT CHEAP— S4OO. CASH REQUIRED* " - Must Be Sold at Once • 57th st.. near car line aud Key Route; street work complete; 48 ft. frontage; price $1,000 $400 cash,. slo per month' and Interest at 5 per cent Det; best buy this year; a real snap. (2312) \'i PIEDMONT lIOMB-' $7,250 — Terms Modern home of 3 large bedrooms, 6 rooms and bath each: lot 50x100; room for driveway; beau- UfuMibmes adjoining this property; 1 short block to carline:: this property, can not be duplicated for $8,000; mortgage can remain; let us show you this, beautiful borne at once. ,(2222) V • ADAMS POINT HOME $6,500 On one" of the best streets there, and within easy walk to cars; the house has 9 rooms, bath and every modern convenience; owner must leave Oakland and has reduced price from $8,000 for quick sale. . \u25a0 ,-, . ; - (1642) PIEDMONT BUNGALOW $300 Down Half a block- to. Oakland ay. carline; 7. min- ute.?' Trslk to Key Route; 5 ft. high basement; grand view ot PledmoDt hills; modern through- out} nriee v $3 r r.OO: don't delay; let us show rou at once. . ;;• , . : , , . . \u25a0\u25a0« (2161) PIEDMONT HOMB Term.«— s7.Soo— Easy Monthly x Payments New and modern home of 4 good sized- bed- rooms, large living room. den. etc. ; hardwood floors. '. 2 . porches, , cement basement, furnace Rund. heater; lot 50x135; half block to carline: sunny sside.or. of r street;. splendid neighborhood; 3 blocks to 'tbe new $50,000 school property; over- looks, a, natural park. Lake Merrltt; walking distance of \ Piedmont Springs. See j this tdeal . home -at once If you are considering Piedmont for t a home. . (2276) REALTY. BONDS AND FINANCE CO., "1172 Broadway, Oakland. .-• : . THE ALDEN CO.' . , $850-^One acre, \u25a0 with '4 room house, etc. : sedl- • '• went -soil; 'fruit trees, etc. ;-. at Walnut .'\u25a0 :;""-C'reek. '-.' ] ; ; '-. "- " \u25a0 / '\u25a0•- ... $2,800— Modern colonial residence; \u0084- 33d and "'" Grove; \ best* bargain in' Oakland; -worth • -r : ) $:5,500. -. .: -.;, <\u25a0 \u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0; . •'. .. $75(fc— 3" room -house;, lot - 50x115; '-1 block to East 14th st. cars; very cheap. ; $150 \u25a0 per acre. for's~iand 10 acre tracts near •"Walnut Creek- and the 'new electric '"rail- . '. road from Antioch through 1 the ; tunnel to •Oakland. Now Is the time to buy •on ithis '-•""''. line. \u25a0\u25a0.-.- \u25a0\u25a0^\u25a0•\u25a0: \u0084\u25a0'• \u25a0 ,'.; -;--• '.•,".....\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-;\u25a0-• We-have improved and 'unimproved' ranches of .10 to 50 and more, acres along the line of ' ; this new electric road to Oakland, and we bave a branch office there. For particu- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:. \u25a0; lars see THE ALDEN CO., 1003>£ firoad- • .-:; way. Oakland. •'", ' \u25a0 • . BARGAIN. ' , ; , $1,000 cash., balance j like rent, buys fine 6 room, shingled, cottage,' Just completed; hardwood floors, : fine - bath " and '\u25a0 electrical fixtures, v cement tubs In . laundry, ' 2 toilets, high basement, \u25a0 mod- ern in every respect; best locality r . in Santa Fe tract; 2 blocks from Key, Route and 8. P. depot, 1 block from Grove st. or- Shattuck ay. carlines; must sell. J.. M. JOHNSON. 680 : Poirier St., Oakland; phone Piedmont 4295. ->,'./ 'r. " ' FOR sale— See' this snap" today; -6 room cottage. Just, finished,. at 626 63d St.; fine neighborhood; .2 blocks, to Key : Route and S. \u25a0 P. ; ' large ,= lot." .' high; basement;/ beamed 'celling and 'paneled , walls; 'hardwood I floors; " artistic stone I mantel; i f> 2 "toilets; - cement ;• wash- trays' and =• beautiful . electric ; fixtures ; , price \u25a0 reduced . for quick sale/ .. See owner ; on premises. \u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0: , . ' -.;.'/' v FINE NEW -BUNGALOW' ' ; ;.. - . ' , • 5 rooms,' kttlc; ; large brick fire- \u25a0 .. : • '.'.\u25a0': place; beamed ceilings ;, paneled walls:".' . : • ... cabinet kitchen; near Grove st. cars and Keyv'* i \u25a0' -it ;\u25a0-. Route.' Owner \u25a0on \u25a0 premises,'. 763 > 55th ' .' st., Sunday,' 2 to 5.' Terms. CC. >- ; ' » . \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 v .EVERETT. -211S Grove - \u25a0 '\u25a0 •"\u25a0\u25a0'"-\u25a0'.".'--' r'. st.;" Berkeley; ;-. : .it- . ..-';? - : , $100 cash ' payment," ' balance' $10 per : month and \u0084 Interest, t will purchase I lot " 32x96,' close to Key .- ": Route station, electric ; cars, 1 Idora f park : I new ,Key Routeto^c'bulltrprtce only $750; should worth, $1,000: soon: only* one /of. these ' ; re- - mainlng - unsold.W FITZ : COMPANY, \ 510 »JOth I '•; at. near Oakland.: ; , . i \'\ - ; v^ si 2 : NICE i building lots;'' one in j Shattuck aT. : near ,;' Idora 5 - park; ; ' the x other ; near,. 1 Piedmonts baths; : prices , moderate ; : real snaps; "buy; one or^both; \u25a0;> half *" cash: \u25a0' no buildings- restrictions. - "•; FITZ -. ; COMPANY." 510 ,' 10th a st. uear j -Washington, V.Oakland.;-; ;. . '.: ; V^.,"; v \u25a0\u25a0'-.\u25a0 .*'' •- ' ... • $.I.7so— Cottage. . 6 " rooms, high '• basemont.i East -.- Oakland,' »:near>lake;?J«chool.' and: trains; ; excel-' r !'\u25a0 lent car 'J. service.;^ tine --. neighborhood: v'Tery. :r: strOTjlj-^ built; . only $1 ,000 cash."' Box 7SS, ; CaU \u25a0 ',;, of fleet Oakland. ,: 'zX'k'-V-'- -'\u25a0'-\u25a0 %• -'•**.':\u25a0'-".'-: £';-??rU A BARGAIN— A new 5 room cottage with either ;'4'l",or 2;lots}'.good:location,'%ls«minutes'on?car i H from I Broadway ; ' on easy terms. 7 J Address own- ": er.. box 760. ; Call : of flee. . Oakland." :, ,j, „ ,;' \u25a0. ,KOR"i salef^-SSOO ? down ". for ' most V attractiTe s,7, . ;;': room \u25a0' property \u25a0\u25a0 in » Kast % Oakland^VS Remainder i : .lik»;;rent. • Hiirrj-;? A«lilrcsiS;:bt>x^7S2, Call ».-'\u25a0 tifnce.'; ; Oakland. '-, , " i OAKLAND REAL ESTATE— Continued $8,250— A BIG : SNAP FOR YOU IN . BUSINESS •: \ ' -PROPERTY. -v v Now is, your lime •to . buy real -estate In Oakland. o How : , is this •; for- an .-- inTestment? ' , > V %: \u25a0 Leased ; for i 3 years at $1,200 net •;-- ; ; :;.,- per. , annum,. «;2 v Btory.biilldlnj:' and ; -.- jTZ ;<lot on the south .side of the street..- : ".V 150 feet i west ' from * Broadway. -'' " C- $22,500; was* refused "for ; this prop- ' *'-:'l?-£ erty * le * s * ; \ iliD \u25a02 - re««V «go- \u25a0 ;>\u25a0 .- "=• - OAKLAND REALTY -AND" INVESTMENT CO., W. J. KEATINO Manager. W^wi ' "' \u25a0 - 9TB - : " Broa . dwlJ '; •\u25a0 " : .' ' ***" mmm •'\u25a0 *"•'/\u25a0"..- '\u25a0 \u25a0 .. .33,400— 53,400. . ' - - , -\u25a0 ."-BUNGALOW FOR'SALE BY OWNER. : Corner. Hudson st. and Boyd ay. ; designed by prominent architect^ the moat : artistic - and con- venient 5 room home in Claremont district; swell home In a swell neighborhood; 36 minutes from San: Francisco; 15 minutes from Oakland; 10 minutes '. from | ! Berkeley ; I near Key Route and College •\u25a0 ay. \u25a0 cars ; v large rooms," paneled walls, beam ceilings, double , glass .* doors from hall to living ; and dining rooms. - cabinet kitchen, large cooling, closet -bath fitted with ; highest, grade fixtures, 2 chimneys. with brick and tile mantels, windows in closets, cement trays in. laundry, fix- tures and - shades |to suit purchaser. See MR. GORDON, owner, oa premises,' or at 3909 Adeline St.; phone Piedmont 4100. B - J* • $2,225 — Cottage, : 5 . rooms and bath; barn and -well; lot 30x100; 58th st. near Telegraph >'" ay. ; street work done.: $2,750— L0t 41x100, with 3 * houses, 4 and } 6 v rooms; east of Telegraph aT.. near lnora .-. .: park; street work. done. .'.-< - ', $I,loo— Lot 40x105; slBf. »t. near Telegraph; • \u25a0 - street work done.' . \u25a0 : $I,soo— Corner lot 40x100; 49th' st. near Broad- way; street work done. - $1,250 — Lot 40x100; street work; near Grand \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;...' ay. car; Tery sightly.- ~ . , HUGH M.CAMERON, / '• . 1058 Broadw.ay. Oakland • SPECIAL BARGAINS. ; .-. $1,100 — New 4 room cottage, near 14th st. \u25a0 carline ; a snap. - \u25a0 , ' •\u25a0 v $3.600— 20 acres in. Contra Costa country; 15 acres in vines; good Improvements. \u25a0»v $4,200— 6 room cottage; Blake St., Berkeley; on easy. terms: \u25a0-•-. ..'\u25a0:: ' W. A. MARKLBY»Jb CO., 1266 Broadway. Oak. $458.50 buys a good lot, siie_2s:9xloo, and a shack on it, size 14x24;' this Includes all of the street work except the sidewalk; sit- uated at 1241 61st St., Oakland. Just off San , Pablo Golden Gate station. -. '\u25a0 : 4 W. C. MORAN & CO., So. Berkeley. HOMES ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS ,; at banking interest. We will build •'*\u25a0-• or buy a home and loan you full cost of a home to build on your own lot. , PACIFIC HOME BUILDING CO., V 052 Broadway, Oakland. ELLIS REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. . - 468 11th St.. Oakland. .. S $3,000 — For sale, ' furniture complete of -18 room apartment house close to Broadway; rent $125; 3 to 5 years'. lease. • .-- SNAP— S7SO each. 2 fine lots, 25x110, near Tele- graph ay. and 55th st. Key Route station. At a sacrifice,' a beautiful new modern bungalow; $750 cash, balance like rent; same neighbor- hood. Apply J.- YOUNG. 516 55th st. WHY PAY RENT? when you can bny a cottaga , near tbe Key Route; small payment down, the . balance easy payments. See owner. RICHARD 3. MONTGOMERY. 4003 Telegraph ay. corner 40th St.. central Oakland. . . - LOT in good residence section near Piedmont Key Route station; is situated on high ground with beautiful Tlew; 1 block from Oakland ay. , carline;. size- 39x110 feet: price $1,250; easy terms. ELLIS BROS.. 468 lltb St.. Oakland. MODERN 6 room house; lot 40x200;. grounds improved; near Key Route.--. 827. 52d. St.. Oak- land. . . \u25a0 \u0084 - ' FOR sale — On easy . terms or cash, modern 5 j room cottage, high basement; large, lot; near local and ram. Phone Piedmont 4626. FIVE room cottage; $2,660; only $250 cash; near Key Route Grove st. station. Apply 5401 Grove st.. Oakland. .V, CHEAP for qiilck sale — 2 nice flats, lot 25x135. Inquire 240 Henry, »t..S. F. REAL ESTATE, collecting, typewriting and ad- vertlslng done, at"9.*>9A Clay at.. Oakland. BERKELEY RKAI, ESTATE "WE SELL THE EARTH." ELM WOOD COURT. ; The last and cheapest of all the Claremont subdivisions; map*, and prices now- ready; lots 50x120. including all street work, sidewalks; close to hotel. Key Route and Russell st. cars; terms 1-3 down,, balance 1 and 2 years. $1,150. - On Cedar st. ; fine k>t,^ 37:6x100; street work complete; . terms. $2,750. . .-'-.- • Woolsey «t. near Claremont; elegant lot.' 50x 120. in built up neighborhood; an unusually: at- tractive lot. . " $3,650. " - Dainty. 5 room, bungalow beautifully located; fine view: every modern convenience: convenient to Key Route and. cars; must' be sold at once; If \u25a0 you can only pay a .small amount down, make an offer as to , terms. - > . ' / • $6,000. Near Derby and Piedmont; good 7 room house; large lot. Full particulars at this office. ; $8,000. . . On Woolsey st. near Eaton: beautiful 7 room and basement house; lot 50x120; quarter sawed oak floors first, floor: all rooms" tinted; large sleeping porch available without passing through any room; piped .for furnace; 2 large open fire- places; auxiliary gas, beater for boiler; sn un- usually attractive home. -that can be purchased on very reasonable terms." $15,000. Fine home of 11 rooms; 2 blocks from uni- versity; on Channlng near Bowditch ;« lot OOx 130; beautifully .cultivated; full cement base- ment.', furnace, gas water' heater, Ptc. " This house must be sold at once -and owner has in- structed us to make such I terms as we deem advisable. ", . JUSTER & BAIRD. 2177 Shattuck ay. Phone Berk. 1547. , . WOOD . & T A TU M . 2210 Shattuck. Avenue. Phone Berkeley 905. ' You am ON THE FENCE, and on the "fence .Is not a • profitable place to be. Besides, the fence ; belongs to' the man -who owns the property. So GET OFF. We know, you are ."on" the fence'- because you spend your time ; reading this and other ads. instead of taking 'action. Come to Berke- . ley and look : around. We -don't - want to sell to you nuleBs you want to: buy. but we will ,be -glad to show 'yon what there li. s We will show you EVERYTHING there Is for. Rale, both I Improved nnd \u25a0 unimproved, if you like. And we mean EVERYTHING. We have 10 \u25a0 Salesmen In the office. They are hereto show you around. Any, one of them will give you ,a day, a week or a month. . If you don't then know \u25a0 Berkeley,' It will . be :; your \u25a0 own fault. - And If you \u25a0 conclude \u25a0 not to buy here." ; well j and- , good. .We will \u25a0be glad •to ' have made your acquaintance - and perhaps * have gained a friend. And that will be enough. So come : and see us. .\ .. .. \u25a0 .\u25a0'.*.:\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 ' . If you' simply ' want 'to READ descriptions jof property, and not SEE > the property, send ' for our "BERKELEY REAL ESTATE REC- ; ORD." It Isfree. - --\u25a0\u25a0- " .' . .r-"'. r -"' -.- ... . V* * WO O D &.- TAT UM. 2219 Shattuck Avenue. Phone Berkeley , 905. *\u25a0" • \u25a0':-'\u25a0 -:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' HOUSES . V' : \u25a0' ~-. ; -./ /i: $7,500 — Close in proper tv; 10 : room Umise...north . side Hearst at.*- near v Oxford: lot 55x124; all' lmprovements; in first class condition. $6,000 — New ;8 ; room bouse. Russell > st.," above ' ; -.*--, Telegraph- . cement \u25a0 basement. - piped : for '-x'iJS'i furnace,? floored attic,. 2" fireplaces; well i worth . your inspection.)" 1 TERMS. $4,7oo— 7 'room*. house "(2 yrs.? old), near S. F. trains, i street, cars, all \u25a0 schools and unt- \u25a0 . versity; .owner has 'to move from Berke- ley nnd is: willing to" lose $500 over cost ;. to him; .lot 44x125; terms, $1,500 cash, ; - balance at 6 per cent'net. • ONE OF THE ! FEW \u25a0 REAL BARGAINS, t . • ' $4,500— New bungalow;- 6 rooms; must be seen to ,; ; \..r - be appreciated ; ; hardwood floors. 2 toilets, '; ,*\ cabinet kitchen, big-rooms, solid ' hardware />-;> cement 'wash 'trays; lawn In and fencing i •done;, lot 40x105: near Dwlght Way .'sta- tion; -very attractive. \u25a0>,-','•: •\u25a0' '\u25a0 \u25a0-•'\u25a0- .. $4,200 — New -; attractive 5 room 'cottage. . Clare- ';. ; c;. Mont district; 5 minutes, to' Key. Route, 400 \:"~_ ft. to -. College aye. \u25a0> street cars ; - hardwood \u25a0 floors, .fireplace, ' book cases, \u25a0 window ' seats, • 2 toilets, cabinet .kitchen :\u25a0 lot 45x157.; all .fenced, :' and •'lawn -planted; * bouse faces ;- south; for'tha- person: who. goes to S. F. each day " this place \u25a0 is' very convenient.- - R. A. BERRY, & CO., • -' '. Cor. Center, and Oxford Sta..- Phone Berk. , 1142. $S,OOO— AN EXCEPTIONAL .i BARGAIN— SS,OOO •-.- ,6 ROOM COLONIAL. HOUSE - .... --.This • property.' •!«>. located; on i a tmnny corner. in,'a rflue t residence ••" section':: and j Just 2 . blocks from - the '- Southern - Pacific \u25a0 trains and - half ' a blocks front * the -car.' line. , ; The-'rooms are < very large and tlic lwnso is j exceptionally;'; well' fin- ished ."S throughout •» There "are - hardwood : floors downstairs \ and « 2'i fireplaces. % : '. Can ' %c handled for small cash 'payment- down." balance like, rent. We, regard this, as one of.ithe beat buys on our list. ; -\u25a0..-\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0,- :j •: \u25a0" -.-- .\u25a0,;-:'": :..." *-. " -" \u25a0 EUGENR 5L5 L. -\u25a0< BROCK ~L CO.. : • .-,' --":.' Exclnsive Agents.'.*. '•: \u25a0\u25a0'./. .-' " ,<• 2121 , Shattuck •; Aye. :•.: Phone-; Berkeley -1404; :}* $3,000, : $700 : cash3 buys : one i of i the .'best places in ißerkeleyi Berkeley ; -cottage . of i 55 X rooms and sta- ble; lot; 50x145; ;:: this ?ls! close, in; and a. '.-..\u25a0 i" \u25a0 "\u25a0:• - good." buy.-;- • \u25a0\u25a0• •:\u25a0-".: \u25a0-" . \u25a0:: \u25a0:".', - ; \u25a0 . . ... \u25a0 > . : v , $SSO-^ Lot • 40x107:"; 3'^ blocks : from the '• 55th ' st. : :.\u25a0\u25a0*' Key -Route i station;. -aH'heap; lot far, some \u25a0:••''\u25a0\u25a0 :->"onO.- »/\u25a0 \u25a0:.".'-\u25a0.\u25a0-'\u25a0 -\u25a0 . . /;.-.".'.-,:• ;" ' W.";c. MORAN & CO.;"- 1769 Alcatras ay., Sioutb Berkeley; ;:<;,':,'-\u25a0?'> \Lr- "-".'-; . ' .; $7,000-^-7.5 room € boose ; i 2 •' bathrooms ; i, beautiful '\u25a0'\u25a0"r'?'l garden ;j electricity i and " gas: \5O • foot \u25a0 front- \u25a0 s^V" age: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0£ transportation,?: steam -and \u25a0\u25a0< electric; S\rf'flirnl«bed.-i."'\:'^ -:•" — :\u25a0":.'.' : ; $4,OOO— NE.* corner. lot.~> 45x1 2<) : ; liey \u25a0 Ron te. S. . P. ami Grove, «t.- cars*; REALTY EXCHANGE- ; - .'iOl7-< Phelan 'bldg." \u25a0;;•-•-::\u25a0• - ; — B BERKELEY . REAL BSTATIS--O«»_ .. SERPA REALTY -COMPANY. \u25a0 If yon »arp looking for a ** m *j£ T ?'?}!r i !Z' lookover oir Uat of properties »7' or ' J*!' 1 .?*: If rou are : not familiar with prices awl ro« have a friend who Is. bring him yltn yoa. \u25a0 L«t ; him s tell you i what some of^our properties are ! worth and compare ' them wltlr others j tn i nay have seen. Yos need very Httl« cash «» D «/tSO home, as. we nave some, we can s-U for .$l5O cash.- balance $25 . per month. \u25a0 and many ot them at $300 cash, balance to suit, ranging In price from $2,500 upward. • ' ...i^.-«. We 'also have a fine selection £ «"' d ««s lots that we camseU or build on «»•«»*••?," you. We ar« In a position to «Iv* you a | *»U*. • worth of property for eTe.ry dollar you • nTf> " f - The best way for us to convince you «"!£<* for you . to caU on us and see thes. proper ties. You will find them better than we are able to write about \u25a0 them In an ad. -r. : SERPA REALTY COMPANY. South Berkeley Bank Bldg.. Alcatras StaUon. \u25a0 ; ., * • Berkeley. Open Sunaaya from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. r : . > BARGAINS. $100 cash. $2% to $•\u25a0» monthlyr-wull *>«?\u25a0*"**• modern* well finished .'. room bungalow on ' good - lot. about 10 minutes fc from Centrsi Berkeley station/ • -• -\u25a0 . $400 cash. $25 monthly— 6 room, modern bun- galow; close to cars and Key Route;, big lot, 40x135; Terr reasonable price. -' $400 cash. $30 monthly— New « room -and attic bungalow; 2 blocks from Key »«»*••*\u25a0• tlon and cars; beautifully finished; south front. lot; price less than $3,000. _ $2,500 for 50 foot lot: Etowood Park section, north of Webster st. :- *-..\u25a0'"'\u25a0' X "iii- sl,4oo— Lot 44x130; east of - Telegraph, near Webster; 3 feet above street; some good fmlt trees: we have only a day to seu this In; $350 less than market price. We have a complete lUt of Berkeley prop- erties Tor- sale. Let us know your wants. We II . find something to suit. ' \u25a0 ' _ F. R. PEAKE II CO., 2131 Center .St. Open Sundays 10 to 4. Phone Berk. 314q, CLAREMONT RE-^LTY COMPANY; 3030 Claremont a?., at ITlnce «J- . AUG. C. MILLS D. J. MARTENSTEIN, F. G. RUSS. OFFIOB *OPEN TODAY. Take Claremont Key Route. BEAUTIFUL HO-iE IN CLAREMONT PARK. \u25a0* • Terms, $2,000 cash, balance like rent at $50 monthly. ' including interest; 7 large rooms, including 4 bedrooms; dining room and living room have hardwood floors, paneled walla and beamed ceilings; 2 large fireplaces; prettiest and handiest kitchen arrangements we. have seen in a long time? cement basement, with laundry; 2 toilets. This home has the sunny exposure and faces a public park on a wide drive; near. Key Route and Rnssell at. car llnesr all street improvements . completed. This Is tb* big bargain In the best residence district around the bay. If you built your own home you could not save money, comparing It with this. See it today «nd be convinced. Large lot. 50x120, and fenced with patent wire. COME AND SEE OUR BARGAINS IN LOTS. Phone Berk. 5725. $7,000— 7 room new house on Spring st.. bet. Vine and Cedar; elaborately finished, double floors, besfc of plumbing, expensive fixtures. Terms to . suit YOU. $s,Bso— Just completed; pretty home. N. E. Cedar and Spring; an unobstructed view; this place must be seen to be appreclated- MONEY TO LOAN - We have money to loan on a first clasa mort- gage covering Berkeley property. The usual rate of interest. INSURANCE Fire insurance reduced. We can now place your .Insurance in the. very best companies at $7. per $] ,000 for three years on detached dwell- ings. No one should be without . insurance at these rates. ' v.' W. J. MORTIMER A .CO.,'' Phone Berkeley 3136. IF you figure on a home in Berkeley let us show you a dandy bungalow type of house Just completed: south side of " Prince St.. Ju«t . east of College ay.; has 7 rooms, 2 sun porches. 2 fireplaces, automatic water heater, hard floors, living rooms.- dining room. hall, kitchen and bath; all floors splendidly fin- ished; this is one of .the finest places in Berkeley and you are -sure to be delighted with it. Located one-half 'block to College tr. car- line, one-half block to Claremont ' ay. Key Route. Open for inspection Sunday afternoon; price $6,300: $6,200 without heater; terms. GEO. TRUEBLOOD. Phone Berk. 1520. 2136 Center st. A. HOUSE ON COLLEGE AVENTE Between Bancroft way and 'the university; thf lot i> 60x130; there is an 8 room house in excellent condition; pretty lawn and many fruit trees; the location, size of the lot and terms make this a great bargain; $l,uOOcash will swing this. -. - \u25a0 " THE WARREN CHENEY COMPANY. Inc.. 2154 Center st. * Telephone Berkeley 320. FOR rent — Beautiful Lome cf 11 rooms; yard; . 00x160; In most desirable residence district of Berkeley; on new carline connecting with all city trains; $73 per month; leas* 2 years or -longer. See owner, 2910 Hlllegass aT. REGENTS PARK lots for sale; 37:6 or 75 feet; prices low; well located; buy before the Key Route comes. FITZ COMPANY. 510 10th st. near Washington. Oakland. FOR rough buslnesw. factory or warehouse — 250 feet frontage In 2d st. switch track; $4,000. Pl RAY SMITH. 1015 Broadway. Oakland. FRUITVALE RfIAT, ESTATE A FEW SPECIALS • • IN FRUITVALE $3,200^-B«»antlftil new cottage. 6 large room**. \u0084 reception hall, bath and toilet; everything • strictly up to date; lot. 45x108; high ele- Tation; fine Tiew; near carlines; very easy * f terms. $2,900 — Nearly new cottage, 5 rooms, reception ball, bath, laundry; high basement: lot 50x150; chicken yards and' fruit trees; $500 down, balance as rent. $2,800 — Elegant new cottage, 5 rooms and bath; modern \u25a0in eTery particular; large front porch, : dining . room -with paneling and plate rail, -beam celling, china closet, mantel: first claas plumbing: cement wash- trays; lot 35x130: street work and walks • complete: - very easy . terms. $1,650 — Bungalow of 3 rooms and bath, wash- trays, etc.;' large front and rear porches; - basement; lot 50x167; fruit trees; fronting on two streets; very easy terms. Apply, to HOMB INVESTMENT CO.. 1922 Frultvale ay., cor. Old County road. $1,800—3 room bungalow; lot 50x200; 200 cbiot- . ens, Belgian hares. Pektn ducks; this is a snap; can be -had on \u25a0 terms. . . $2,150 — I room-house; lot 30*100; near cars and local: $250 cash, balance easy. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LOTS— . Have some fine lots 200 feet north of Hay- ward carline for; $15 per front' foot; easy terms: only- lots out here at that price; ASK TO SEE OUR NEW .TRACT on Llese ay. car- line \u25a0 and > tfie. new - Key " Route surveyed : lots $250 and up;' cement sidewalks, city- water> near cars and schools; ' $5 per month. CAN YOU BEAT IT? FREE AUTOMOBILE FROM OFFICE TO TRACT on Sunday. Call at FULLINGTON & POTTER'S. '\u25a0'-', 1220 Fruit vale ay.. . .. Or corner Charles and 'Sntter sts.V Allandale. "OWN YOUR 'OWN HOME." $1,650 — $»casb. balance monthly payments. . for a a room plastered house; lot 100x106: fenced; 'berries and chicken bouses; 10 minutes from cars. " $2,230i-$350 cash, balance like rent,' for a 4 room beautifully finished modern home; street work; sewers and sidewalks all done; electric and gas lights; fuel gas. and only *1 block from E. 14th st.; a bargain. $2,500— 5250 cash; balance like j rent, for a 5 \ new and modern house." only 2 blocks / from E. 14th st. carline; this Is a great op- portunity. :-<\u25a0 . : UNION REALTY CO.. 3740 E. 14th St.. .---". ' Frultvale^ — Open Sundays. : $3.800 — New residence, 6 rooms, bath: modern; lot 26x177; $500 down; 45th st. near Broad- way "and Key Route train, Oakland. • • $4.200 — Residence. 9 rooms, bath; gas: base- \u25a0 ; .mentr barn; lot 50x150; .near cars; terms. $3,400 — Cottage on Frultvale av.;' s* rooms, ..bath, gas; lot 1 50x150; terms. . . . " $4.000-^Cottage. 6 rooms; Fruit Tale aT.; •" bath: gas: fruit and flowers. •'. - * $3,ooo— Lot 78x150; Fruit Tale ay.. 4 $1.100— Lot : 40x200: orchard; bargain. RANDALL R.- E. CO.. 312 C Fruit Tale aT. $I.4oo— Lot' soxl2o. on carline ; modern. 4 room \u25a0 cqttaffe;-gas; JlOO down, balance $15 month 2208 High st.. FTBitTale; tel. Merrltt $3.730- r 6 room bungalow; modern: 50x125; cor- >- ner; for sale or rent: terms. Peralta nv. . POIXT RICHMOXD BEAL ESTATE : . RECENT C announcem.ejits ": of ' Vast ' Importance V wake i investors up . to Richmond's * nclimltcd ' future possibilities for profits ; the Santa Fe tract easily .-.leads all .other, offerings before . tbe. public today. - Particulars J write R. T. « SHANNON, at MeEwen Bros.'. 47.". Pln« »ti ' SAX! RAFAEL^ REAL ESTATE FOR sale at very moderate price. 10 room mod- ern house, with. 4. bathrooms. 3 large verandas. : garage with extra" Benrants". rooms; splendid view ; - 3 ';, minutes' •: walk from - Hotel \u25a0 Rafael P. P.- box 270. San Rafael.. \u25a0--\u25a0.\u25a0.. S.VXAXSELMO REAL ESTATE $250 - San : \u25a0' Anselnao : snaps— l leTel r wooded lor v: 100x110; $200 for . 1-. leTel lot'BixlOO;- $2t»5 " beautiful " wooded ; lots . 50x130. ;- rj; . F. * MANN opp. V depot.' •' \u25a0' '. :-.\u25a0'*''\u25a0• ":,.'- _' 2% . acres. < $1,250: also . building r lots, $25a" A '*\u25a0 BOUICK. :- owner." a ' \u25a0- : - - --. .\u2666 . :c: c 3IAR IX. CO VXTy/rE AIV; ESTATE COMPELLED by'.S^F.* business to raise cash- I • Vwill sell 10 lots, for cash and 'lo on fair terms . around my : home in /'Laurel D<?Us- Tract," San ..'Rafael; at sacrifice prices,. SlOO; and up; «Tery i - lot * heaTllv : wooded : - some , redwood : trees : fine \u25a0' ' soil, grand view;' all ' improvements: deed forth- V with ; - 7 •- to » 15 . minutes" wulk Uo B . St. station : or., to my,> temporary, office.'^ opp. Union Depot. .:: Sanvßafael. ;W. 1^ .COURTRIGHT. owner: ;\ no \u25a0 agents.'.'. -..' -^"Y_-* ".•\u25a0•'•-\u25a0 ,-c.--->-v...- i v- " ' • ' NEW/5 room hons<>.-bath. • baoement; 3 minutes •* 4 to ?. M-honl: " ; 4 \u25a0•. minutes '. to . the-dopot;'- tertn«- •JI.SOO.: Boxil7,Kcntfield,\,Cal.' -.\u25a0 : * HAYWAHD RBAL g*TA TIBS - JAS. 8, FRENCH. TUB REAL K3TATE BROKER. • 832 Castro st. Hayward; Cal. get off car on bight hant> side at b 8t in front of our office. .*wb havb'just what you are looking for. WE ALWAYS LEAD. OTHERS FOLLOW or . rather TRY TO. $4,500 — Beautiful modern home ©f > moms; cor- \u25a0 * ncr lot, '100x130; fruits and flowers; thf* l« th« home you wonld build for yonr*»lf ; only 10 minutes' walk to the electric car; : 4f3.500 cash, balance mortgage. $2.700^ Pretty 5 room modern cottage on Ilay- ward NOB HILL; lot lOft ft. , square; good barn; fruits sad flowers; we. are giving you the lot; Vx cash. $2,500— Pretty 5 room hard finished cottage, witlt fine basement; corner- lot. ,60x190; bam; CO \u25a0 ft. street ia rear; cherries, a"pr!er»ts,. plums, peaches, apple*, grapes, benie*. flowers; pretty bntaes all around; one- third cash, balaaee $20 per month. . $3,250-^Beantifttl cottage of 6 rooms; all modern conveniences; elegantly famished; -lot s»t 200; on* of the most desirable r»«U •••n--e. sections; on the electric car line: beauti- ful horn»«» all around; no more attraetl»» .rottage in town sod we are virtually giv- ing you the furniture. $2.100 — Pretty home: 3 rooms ami basement: l<>t 35x150; 14 blocks from school; $200 casi). balance easy payments. 200 FT. SQUARE; THE FINEST CORNER IN VHATWABD; FINE HOME OF 14 ROOMS; BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS: ON THE BOU- LEVARD; WOULD MAKE IDEAL AUTO- MOBILE RESORT: WE CAN GIVE YOU A SNAP ON THIS. $I.soo— Beautiful 5 acre tracts: ot>ly 21? mile* from Hayward. on the Lake Chabot ruart: only v 3v 3 mile from the lake; pretty home* - all around: fine location for chicken ranches- Ideal section for home builders; Key Route, San J<me line, will peas here; one-third, cash; build a home to suit yuu; no finer location tn the state. $3,000—10 acres fine soil; S acres tn orchard; X room house: fine barn, chicken bouses and -.>; equipment; 350 fine hens; beautiful locit* tlon; only % mil* from electric car: *i cash: fur FRUIT snd CHICKE.VRAIsrSIi no fleer location caa be found. $4,000 — 14 seres; 1 mile from Hayward; unim- proved land adjacent to this held at about double onr price.; 4 room house; big barn; chicken houses; 2 wells; 3 acre* eucalyptus worth $2,000; 6 acre field can iw» seeded to alfalfa, with, water for Irri- gating: $2,200 cash. $5,500> — Net Income $150 per month; one of the finest chicken ranches in the state: l.Ron laying hen*: fine bull£!ng« and equipments: good S room house well furnish«d; fin* barn and 4 acres fine gardes soil: home orchard: fine horse, cow. wagon, imple- ments; spring water piped all over place; beautiful location; only U mile from town; $3,500 cash; greea feed for chickens the year round. $3.7so— Here a a GIFT for YOU: a very pretty home of 5 large rooms: pantry and bath: hot and cold water; fin* barn and <-\u25a0•-* •hed: regular villas* of chicken and • brooder houses; fine water, windmill. 2 tanks: 6 acres fine soil; family orchard; only 10 minutes' walk to school: no pret- tier location in Ihw county; only 2Vi mi!e« from" the . business center of the town; pretty homes all aronnd: we are giving / you this ranch, as the improvements are well worth what ' is asked for the prop- erty. $140 per acre — I38?i acres fine leTel land: only 2 mile*. from Hayward; biz frontage on 2 well traTeled county roads: . fine alfalfa land; bny it and cut it up and you've got a snap; 5 room bouse and barns. $2,100 — 1% acre* fine garden soil: In full bearing orchard: 3 mom house; beautiful location: only 15 minutes' walk to bu«ine*» center of Hayward; $SOO cash, balance easy pay- ments. $1.500 — Our 5 a"re tract* on the beautiful Lak<* Chabot road: Vi mile from the lake; Xlfc miles from Hayward: one-tijird cash; this is what you are looking for. $4 500 — Pretty 8 rx»m modern home; only I ' i. miles from Hayward: b*antifn! U»-stion: 5 acres fine soil: 1 acre orchard: ham: «<tt- bntldlngs; horses, tow, chickens, buggy. "farming implements: !a cash. $12,000^ — 20 acres: »i mile freni Havwanl: a very attractive place; 14 acres one viu»- yard 5 years old. big crop; 9 acre* wlr;c. '5 . acre* table grap«*s; best »artetle»; 2 • acres orchard, balance hay: 2 horses. c«w; fine surrey, cart, wagon, farming imple- ments: pretty 8 room house: barn, chk'&tn • houses* fine income producer: 4 cash. $2,500 — 2 acres: 4 room hou*e. furnished; barn, outbuildings: cow. Uorse, chickens: 2 tons \u25a0 hay: farmlns Implements: IVi acres in orchard, i What more can you ask? Ou'y \u25a0 Vi mile from town. $ll,Ouci — 32^ acres, only 'i mile from llay- - ward: fine soil; wtll grow anything: LIVE SPRINGS all over place: best watered ranch In the county; 16 acres In full hear- ing orchard; 3 flue eucalyptus groves wortU -, 'W. big money: balance, in hay: can be cut l.i r> acre tracts with an abundance of .SPRING WATER on each tract: good ham and frnithon'ses: becutlftit location; $<J,o(h» cash, balance mortgage. t $1,500 — Our 5 acre tracts; *i mile from L«k« Chabot: IVi miles from Ilayward: ou'.y one-third cash; Jitst what you want, so ace quickly. $30,000 — 897 acres: 750 acres under cultivation: \u25a0500 acres fine leTel land: good S ro«m ' -house- barn for 25 tons looso hay anil '.'I horses: large granary, storehouse, black- 4 smith shop and other outbuildings: fine k» \u0084- cation;, we" make this low price for a quick sale. $140 per acre — I36t£ acres: fine level land: onlr \u25a0 2 miles from -Ilayward: big frontage oa ~ \u25a0 \u25a0 well traTeled county roads: buy it acd cut - it up, and you've got a snap;- fine alfalfa land. ; $9,500^ — Special: th« swell country home- of Ala- meda county; 13 rooms, with every modern convenience"; 9^ acre* fine soil; fine SPRING water plqed all over plan*;. -fruit* and flowers in abundance; only 'J'j mile* from the business center of Uayward on the Lake Chabot road: Just a half mi!* from the lake: n» finer location In the .'\u25a0"-'. '\u25a0"-' state; thl» property is a gift at the pricv; act quickly if you want It; Kes Route. San Jose line, will pass, the door. Improved or unlmpnwed: we- have what vi>u want. For further information- call or add:-ess . JAS. S. FRENCH. 532 Castro st.. Hayward. Cal. <* -. - HAYWARD PROPF.RTY $3 750 — 6 acres; very attractive 5 room cottage, bath, pantry; hot and cold water: barn, cowbarn: chicken bousa for 2.000 chickeu*: mill and tank; 1 acre fruit: beautiful vlaw; good road: near school; Improve- ment* alone worth the mon*?. See it quick. $3,250 — 5 acres; small house: barn. - chicken house: fine well: near town. $2.000— I 1-3 acre* adjoining city limits; lt»> \u25a0v fine fruit tree*; streets on 3 sides: 3 r»>«o» bungalow; city water; fine home; very cheap. $6,00 i) — 5 acres near town; fuljy improved, fin- est of soit. £4,000 — t large lots with 5 room bouse, barn, mill and tank: fine watsr; fruit, berrie* and Cower*; on new boulevard: only 5 or 6 blocks from town: .a splendid buy. Ranch and town property of every descriji- tion. Land for subdivision. Call on or xMwii WILBERT A BEAM. Havwanl. Cal. ' REDUCED PRICES $2,100— 25 acres rolling land; l?i miles frmn Hayward; over 3 acre* fine orchard, half - -acre in grapes; balance hay and wo«de«t land:- small house: bis bara and two \u25a0\u25a0"•'\u25a0! - wells; A SNAP. $2,000 — 8.29 acres of land in Castro valley: gno<l for fruit or Tegetables; cr««k of runninz water. $I,<KX) — 10 acres rolllns land, on* mil* from Hayward carline; fenced: small barn and spring of water; half cash. - - $2,000^ — 14 acre*- all In choice fruit: new :: room house: S blocks from postoffice; all arranged . for ponitrr. HAYWARI> REALTY CO.. . 8. C. SMITH. Manager. \u25a0 Open Sundays. -\u25a0--.. AT . a sacrifice If sold the coming week. n» corner lot 50x123," opposite, new 3. P. local depot oo 14 th st. _On East 14th st.. business' property 100x150: has/$3.000 worth of Improvements: for $4.tXJU cash. . T«» see it will eonTince yon It Is the biggest speculative bargain In Eftnburtt. ' For ! $2,000 on Tery easy terms, half block from can. a new modern 4 room bungalow with, the Tery latest " plumbing, electric fix- tures: large mission room with: grate, mantel, etc. ; in fact, homelike in every respect. Lot iJOxllO; Orchard it., 1 block from car- line; $600 ca*b. - •. Lots 40x125 In a fine tract, all improTeinent.i. $400, easy \u25a0 terms. HOOD Jfc BREWINGTON. Cor. ; Jones ay.. and E. 14th St.. . Elmhurst. . $700 for 4 room cottage, new; lot 25x115; with good well and pump. $I,SOO for' 5 room cottage; lot on .corner: 72 feqt front. 110 back. 93 feet in rear, with good barn and fruit trees: $500 cash, iince 1. 2. 3 years: tUU is a snap. $1,200 foe a. -I room cottage, brand new; hard finished;* a lovely house. - $430 for a lot on Grand ay. $400 for 40x120> lot tn the orchard. SS.jGO for a 3 acre orchard in the heart of E!ro- hurst; nne 5- room cottage; barn: gcod windmill and- taut: Van sell off l«.is enough to pay for tb* whole properfr and have half acre with - the Improvements clear^taQj^MMßPnißßqWWEgMM 160 acres first class land to exchange for Elm- bunt |n mv Mi" iIi'HTiPMM 'Jfa ; , P. FRY. ELMHUEST. ' * ELMHUUST "\u25a0 T? "\u25a0* i L0t.50x12.\ nicely located; will sell on easy' ! terma ;. would build bouse. House of 4 room*, high basement, bath -"-lot i 100x125: -price $1.7U«»: for rent. $11 per montlr I good well of watery • " ; - House of 5 rooms. \u25a0 large, pantry; lot 75t1"-.- good well ef water, barn; will sell, all furnlshmi- on g«>od street. , .""'• New bounf f.f 5 room*, large pantry.' («'»,» $11 per munth: hard flnt*hed walls, floors t>aintc<t- wlll seU for $1,650; small payment do^n b, .' ance easy term*. \u25a0"" •" •V Address R. F. • D.. box 129." San Leandm r.i or, call on A. 1. B.\IRP. Berlin street IT block 4 west of Southern Pacific depot, near Jq{n»« „ Continued to Xeit I'ag* I