OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, July 18, 1909, Image 47

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1909-07-18/ed-1/seq-47/

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2 :!\u25a0:.» 1. ESTATE AND INSURANCE,
'\u25a0>M CENTRAL AY.
f'.OOO — Nice borne of 7 room«. combination gat
and «"l«-rric" fixture*; modern; lot 35x120;
surroundinc* Al: San Antonio ay.
$2.>w — Extra fine home of 7 rooms; hardwood
fl-xirj": beam ceitinjrs; electric llßhts. cas,
furnace: !a fact, all modern conveniences;
extra large lot Mil.V*. and located in the
*wetl' part of towa between San • Antouio
ay. ana nbe bay or Pan Francis™.
*'-."'• — If you are looking for a C room bnnfralow
tou can't beat this at the price; tbe price
is !«w to taake a quirfc naje; extra large
•\u25a0orner I«t on Caroline et. 43x120; con-
veniont to trains and electric cars.
»2.?5o — New mode™ * room bungalow; combina-
tion Uxtnreß. b*am cetllßgs; large pantrr:
enclose! bark porch; wash trays, etc.; thin
in a rorwr lot: CAS SELL THIS PLACE
OS F.ASV TERMS, a small amount down,
!>a!«iK'e same a<> rent.
$3.ls*)— Nice home of C room*, sontbeatt corner
"f lot: m«df»rn and up to date; term*.
S- : . r.« »\u25a0 j cafh. balance on merrtsatre.
J4.ooo— M»vlprji 2 *?ory boose, Central ay. near
Camlinf St.; vrry «>ssy terms. fJW down,
ba!«ec# raoatlilj-.
f3.«»>o-«^Nic# 4 room oottage; modern: large lot
«>xl.vi. Central ay. near station; terms,
$300 down, balance monthly.
lots ixrrs lots lots lots
we have all classes of lots for
the smau, homeseekf.r: wr also
can sot the most exclusive jlome
C.n-af acd »">* the NEW BAY SHORE
TRACT tiiat we ere platting into fine building
l«t«; tJsere are oa!y a few Bay Fhore lot*
with unobatnicted view of the bay of Ban
Francisco. B* ttPr secure yours before It i»
too !at*. ,
If you wish to buy. Bell" «r exchange prop-
frty see us. Houw*. boagalow* and cottages
t>» r*nt. Beut» collected.
Jn'-iurtc! the f-hojrest part of Grand and Parn
us., Saa Antonio. San Jose, Clinton and Day-
ton in ati<l tfce bay chore. The park all
\u25a0re so protnl of. . It is as a part. Inspect It
and tbe .magnificent homes it contains and
i hat are row building. Leave train Morton
»r Orand station. Prices bow astonishiaglj
Th» '•fcoapett cto'.ce land in Alame<ia: all dpen-
Mt»: «freet trork complete. Inspect It at
Bmad^vsy and Recent, oouth of San Jr>«>e ay.
3W»4 Park tt., Alame<la
>I.7<Xi — Cottage on Minturn st.
*"_'.7r.() — Coitaje on Baena Vista ay.
12,254 — Osttace on Clara ay.
JJ.Tr.o— t'nttape on Eaf le ay.
!-4R> liare »ime fiaV home sften to show you; I
we isirti to plesne «nd we usnatly s«cci>*d.
I^rc list of building lots that are bargains.
V'ouie and s*» tbfm.
U2S I.infoln ay. Op»n evening*.
Pfaoae A!*tr.v<ia 212*;. Op»a Sundarc.
B^aiaifai. m<vi»rn, bungalow style intrrior.
rxrerliw tiro finish, painted white; size 30x.%4
*t.: fiooe in 0 large rooms; hall, bath and
I^Tfhe*: boacj ceiling in dining room, hall
*n<l living ro<m: dining rtvnm and hall paneled
witii crt sh^lf, oak nuisti; two fireplaces;
1-t 5(»sl50 ft.; Ftincy; *w<»n ceignborhood;
«>wn<>r must sell: ts>gt f-YCOO; $2.B<)ii oa.u re-
tußin on mnrtgagv. S^e <«w-nf>r. 937 Pacific ay.,
*2.2rf<»— t'otinsf. S r-wiins, bath; fine ouniiitlon;
i- 1 $r«m dowu. bslanr-e monthly.
?2.<Brt— i'on^z*. ~> rooms and bath; aU newly
ifn..T E !<vl; Jot 30x100: fOSO down. $25
f2.C-jO — Modern cottage of 4 large rooms, bath
aDd high l«i»enient; l«t 36:«>xlS5: sonny
*-k> i<treot: ?1.«.V) rash, balance mortgage.
5«,1./i_Modp rl , up t" date bungalow, 5 rooms
Jin.l hath: built I year: f 1,125 mortgag-
can remain; lot 40x1^9.
IMI Webyt^r st.. Aiameda
i»XE of tbe pr"tti<»«t bcngalpirs in Alameda in
I<°rff*-r condition; lot 45x130; bigtilv cnln-
rsteU lawn: fruit Mwwi and flowers; 'tor- sale
»i a sacriSre on a/v-onnt of owner's removal
AIM a «rv*ire lot 52x150 with fruit trees and
jialmv 11. o. MEHUTENS, J6OO Webster St.,
Alaatedx. -\u0084
NXW. modern G room bouse; best part Alameda;
marine view: 30 mm. to city; beanttful gar-
ri^n. large lot; terms. Owner. 323 Halght ay.
*".%A— A bargain: S room m»dern hon**; SCSO
;n cash. ..uly G p*r c»nt Interest. Look et
tlifjt pla^-. XV. H. POLLARD. 142S Park Bt.
Fort sale or to let— New bungalow of 5 rooms -
hardwood fioora; lot SSxlI5; J3OO cash an 4
*25 r#r incoth. 3. 11. YOL'NG. owner, 12*3
Park et.. Aiatneda.
BARiJAIN — New modern 6 room cottage- Itrge
lot: fine street, sunny tide; lawn, flowers: near
easy T«-rgis Owner. «O5 Lincoln are.
havwabu pauk hayward pauk
Woa!d y.»u like to have » home built for yoa
5n Havvrard Pe.-k--3« minutes from San Fran-
r\t<rr> — en all land rid^ — no change of care —
plenty of flowpr*. pinsbine. fresh air and room
to breathe and live in!- Low commutation rate* ;
train* every 20 minutes, morning and evening
— all c-f this for a few hundred down: your
nantMr t<nt rays th* b.il«n:c! !»\u2666\u25a0 ronr own
landlord. It !s »iot oftrn tli^t you hay* an op-
portunity of buying s«lkniio ->:i ea^y teru\% in
-a.-U-a f.iuir-* si»Ot. l>"«-r-tly zif-Xt to ibe "Pc- !
n-rsnla hotrtT: a few blocks fr.tm the station.
•«Ctric and S. i. traia; aU linprovenT^its
. ia — nre hydrant*, electricity and (tan service.
:'\u25a0.::> Mateo iu>« an nr. it. <lat» fire department.
irrz i!'u>trrted H'^Mtij-e.
RALOWIX i HOWEI.r.. 31V354 Kearny trt.. 5"f.F.
IItVNK S. <:i{T-MM<»N. R st.. San Mr.t«-o.
2 I»T.S In Foerta Addition. San Bruno park,
&g»3 r-rt-t,. Itox 33St>. Ca!l offire.
«a > TA^I^E^^SJ^JLJSiIE^JH^^
.:i-.jL>, investments, lots, rau'-at-s, acre proper-
tles. r.nnwN ft WU^ON. Santa Cruz. Cal
1 '" =
To close out the tract we will sell the few re-
maining lot* for $10 down. $10 per month: !
cholce«t lots in Ross Valley; splendid board
walk to and from <Jepot: grand trees. Cowers and
rtsrubbwy: located at the tnw of Mount Tamal-
pal«, with an unobstructed view of the moun-
tain; fine jwimming and boating; Mira Monte
Park adjoins the great etaclnra grounds donated
by William Kent for athletic purposes; splen-
«i;dly Bii<Tnlair.izcl 6tr«>ete; sewer and water
rs»in« laid. Branch office, Kentfiold station -
take gatisalito ferry." VJS'SWfS
C3C Market ft.
UAUUAIN at $10,000— Tui» beautifol borne most
be seen to be appreciated. . Telephone Kearay
P7H and get fartlrtilars. -
FOR SAlX— l^arge corner lot. 65x120; B room
?ioope. l«:h. cement <^llar, city water, electric
lights, w>**r connection, garden voang fruit
\u25a0••\u25a0<•>. rices and berries, chicken yards and
<-oops; 3 minutes from electric cars; $2.C00;
*-•\u25a0'\u25a0• cash. 1.-s!nii.-t- $30 per muntb. Call or ad-
rfre*« II US. W. J.. FA BEY. Evenrreen ay.,
-V.II VaU."/; leave train at Locust ay.
HOUSE. :: 'rooros. in Milwood Heights; lot 40x
115: unobstructed view; cheap, on terms.
CHAS. TT. riSHER. 6CO Market rt.
LOT 40:6x121:6; price $550. $1-V) down. 512..V1
per month, 7 per cent incJoded; within COO
'.'\u25a0'\u25a0 Dorth of E. 14th «t.i-*aMS
X*\YS E. 14th St.. Melrow. Cal.
BUY a borne in Sonoma county: write for list.
JOHN A. WILLIAMS. Sehastopol. CaL
f1.2-»o — Hoasp'of 3 roonw. in Pacific Grove;. fur-
niwli»><J - co«npl«*t«>: Jot 30t60 feet: nice, little
\«*n». <^HAS. AY. FISHER. fiflO Market Kt.
SUBURBAN b««n*» ar«;nd th* bar. from $300 to
».V(.<*»,. call or write CHAS. W.. FISHER,' C6O
Market >t. - -.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.
WANTED — Your ctty property to sell or ex-
change. JACQUES EEALTr CO.. 253 Mont-
gomery st
M ANUFACTURI N« Kite wanted *fwith ibe bay;
4**T> wmer. Box :$:««. Call ofn-f. . :
HAVE buyers for cottage*, flats, -lots, etc. For
•csofes ice CjIAS. W. FISUEB. C6O Market St.
SO minutes from the city..
Between San Mateo and Burlingame. •
Between two . rapidly . growing centers.
In the best residential section of San Mateo
tad Barlingame, adjoining Saa Mateo park - and
•orrounded by properties • that have made, for-
tune* for those who bought early.
\u25a0 Oo dowa - and se« Central addition. The at-
tractive homes already built and the clasa of
buyers guarantee its value and desirability; 5
minutes from Burlingame; electric cars pass the
tract every 10 minutes; no fog; fine macadara-
iied streets; sewer, water, gas, electricity and
telephones; $30,000 school; |9.%0 for lots. 60x150;
easy terms: get off electric car" at Peninsula ay.
Send for our new illustrated folder of Central
addition. .-., -£*-
BALDWIN & HO WELL, 31S-.*524 Kearny St.. S.F.
FRANK'S. GRUMMON. .246 B St.. San Matfo.
R»ady for building: improvements made; larga
lots: high ground; monthly . payments. Beau-
tiful and most nnusual all year bom* sites in
restricted resident section, only 24 minutes
from city; tho BEST VALUE within easy reach
of San Francisco; no fogs; Al train service:
every city improvement HAS BEEN installed;
macadamtzed streets, curbs, cement nidewalks,
sewer pipes, shade trees, electric . lights, tele-
phones: tradesmen call and deliver dally. This
Is HILLSIDE PROPERTY, west of the county
WINDOW. Terms. 10 per cent down, bslance
$D> per month. Take 11:40 a. m. or 2p. tn.
train from 3d and Towns<>nd sts. ami ask tbe
conductor to stop at EASTON STATION, or
take the San Ma?eo electric cers from stb and
Market sts.. getting off at EASTON STATION*.
Write for new maps and price lists.
W<> do loager speak of Burlingame station,
for tbe pla.ee has grown within 3 years from a
railroad station to a city; this speaks volumes
in itself: the climate, location and transporta-
tion facilities have transformed this beautiful
country into thriving town; thousand* of people
are buying lots and building homes here, all be-
cause, they have satisfied themselves that it is
the best; 25 minutes away; this Is just a« close
to your work- or business as many sections of
the city. Why hesitate? Go and see it: 'streets
macadamixed. sewer and water mains laid; large
lots. 50 feet front. $500 and up; very- easy terms.
Take Han Mateo electric oars on Mission st. or
S. P. R. R. trains at 3d and Townsend sts. Of-
fice opposite station in Bank of Burlingame bldg.
Ol Market st.
THE Barlingame Bcildtnar Co. o!Ters for sale on
terms, to desirable parties, several very attrac-
tive homes situated in the best part of the
Barlingame district, on ulgh rolling land.
These houses are most artistic in design and
contain every modern convenlnnce; broad
* porches; large living rooms; paneled dining
routes; open fireplaces; bun* -in sideboards and
book cases; sleeping porches, etc. They rep-
resent tbe highest attainment in bom* build-
ing, combining the best in workmanship, ma-
terials and construction. Convenient to two
stations acd also tbe electric cars; 25 min-
utes from the ctty: tradesmen call and deliver
dally. Will be ready for occupancy within
three weeks, including tinting, window shades,
garden paths, etc. Plans and specifications
can be seen oa application to F. J. RODGERS
k CO.. 23S Montgomery st.
FOR SALE — Sacrifice; beautiful new home and
14 acres in fruit; near lscm Alto*, oa new cut-
off: snperh view; bounded by living stream.
GENTLEMAN'S beautiful country home, 40
acres in orchard and vineyard; fine climate;
situate in most desirable part Fresno county;
price $16,000: will accept bay city Income for
part, or exchange for reclaimed land to $25.-
000; might include cfther income property to
$40,000; want colony proposition: regular com-
mission. J. GRANT KLINE, owner, ganger,
Cal. ',
f1.500 — Ranch ICO acres in the bills. 10 miles
. from St. Helena; small house, barn, orchard
and vineyard; plenty of wood and spring
ivater; healtliy location : exchange for lot
In city or across the bay.
$10,000 — Fine residence. 9 rooms and bath,
Dubwe ay. near Devisadero st. ; exchange on
good ranch.
ROTHERMEL & CO.. 247 Russ bids.. S. F.
6 ACRES of improved and Irrigated land, 4
miles from county seat of over 6,000 inhab-
itants; will exchange for modern cottage In
vicinity of 40th and Grove Bts.. Oakland. For
particulars cell at 44 Bacon block. Oakland;
phone Oakland €304. \u25a0.
5 PASSENGER. 40 hp. touring car, 190S model.
In first clasa condition, to exchange for property,
acreage or for sale; this is worth investiga-
tion; what have you to offer; value $1,000.
Call at 1535 Webster St., Alameda.
RANCH of C2O acres. 12 miles from San Mateo.
In the redwoods; timber and pasture land;
price $23 per acre, or will take Income prop-
erty ia exchange. W. W. CASEY, 328 3d ay.,
Ban Mateo.
$4,001) — 2 swell flats. 4-4 rooms, bath, gas;
modern: nic» gardens; workshop; elegant view;
$1,400 mortgage can will trade for
unimproved property. Box 3391, Call office.
FOR exchange — General merchandise stock: large
building and lot. 100 miles from S. F.. for bay
Improved: best proposition In state: will he In
S. F. this week. Box 788, Call. Oakland.
$2.500^ — 5 mom cottage; lot 50x100; near car-
line, Berkeley; want a small chicken ranch.*
See owner at ABBOTT'S, 057 Broadway, room
25, Oakland.
SIX cottag*>* at Melrose, 3 at Allendalc; ww,
modern, all facilities; vacant lots about bay
country .or acreage preferrnl. . DU RAY
SMITH, 1015 Broadway. Oakland.
IF yoa want to sell or exchange yoar ranch send
me description; no charges unless deal Is made.
3. B. EDSON. 1068 Broadway. Oakland.
LOT— soxl27, in central Oakland, will exchange
for flats ia Richmond district. San Francisco;
$3,000. Realty Exchange, 1047 Pbelan bldg.
$80.000 — Equity. city apartment Ixrase; large lot;
pay $10,000 to $19,000 year; want clear ranch.
CHAS. W. FISHER. 6W Market st. \u25a0 - -• .:
LIST your country properties with us: we sell
and exchange same. JACQUES REALTY CO..
255 Montgomery st. - '
WnAT have yon for $180 "equity In San Bruno
rmrtc prT»rtv? 7*s% lfith ay.. Richmond dint.
FOR »ale or ' exchange; Just a few from list;
want city or bay property. for these.
J25.000 — Apartment hoose and stores; $206 me.'
$15,000— Lot. Golden Gate ay.: 27:Cx120. •
$50.0<>0 — Apartment house and lot; $.%00 mo.
$30.000 — Western Addition cor. flats ; $230 mo. "
$13.500 — Oak st.. noose. 22 rooms; lot 40x100.
*on,ooo— Corner lot; 4th sL; 80x130.
$22.500 — Apartment bouse and lot; $202 mo.
$k..v>0 — General merchandise "business: $300 mo.
$11.000 — Larkspur stores and flats; $100 mo. ;-"\u25a0'
$30.000 — San Rafael borne and large lot. \u25a0
$2r».WW — Santa Cnu summer. resort;. 11 acres. >
$24.000— Fresno co.: 73 acres; orchard, vineyard.
- .. Hav«> ranches, timber lands and subdivisions. .
CHAS. W. FISHER. «W> Market st.
\u25a0 PASTURAGE -
FINE pasture, green feed. n. B. MAYO. 737
Pacific bldg.. S. F.. or P. O. box 44. Vallejo.
IGO acres in Coaling* oil fields at a sacrifice if
taken at once. M, : F."- SHAW. 2SOO Hlllegass
ay.. Berkeley; phone Berkeley 2170. '- ;\u25a0\u25a0". '.
- CROCKER BLDG. ' -\u25a0.-.-.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0
PINE and redwood t timber : lands, from 100 ito
23.000 «r more acres, ; some with mill.'". ; "-\u25a0
$12.000 — 231 Vi ' acres; - Mendocino county;
about 9,000,000 . feet redwood i and j pine; • new
mill, capacity. 2o.ooo' t#et per day: near tide
water; ' liberal '_ terms ; ' trade " for income ' prop-
CHAS.-W. FISIIKR. ftyt Market s.t. '
l-'^' •'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'PAHM,"!'" FOR" SAIiE"' \
OWN a bom" and farm in-Nouth Texas for $195;
- «»a*y- payments; : agent* xvanJed. LOUIS -WAL-
,". TEB.ParM.wit. Ksn*. . . >;;":- ' v -"-
FOR SALE— I6O , acres; " famous Ozark fruit j and
' mineral t«'lt; i stock, crops." .team. ; implements,"
„' houwboM goods: .for qnick kale.; $15 per •acre,
cash. HOMER BURNSIDE. Hercules. Mo. •
DO : yon want reliable Information about mines
and land? . t . ' - \u25a0 - -
Do you want your investments and interests
protected? '. - - ' \u0084 "" . \u25a0*-' -' \u25a0 .
In buying or celling, do you -want to deal
direct with principals? If so, call or write.
DB. We have clients and they know we are
reliable. • .-.'. -..
Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. :
WILL buy large and small tracts of good dredg-
ing land; mast assay not less than 20c per
yard; give full particulars. - , . .
\u25a0 Monadnock building, S. . F.. Cal.
FOR sale or lease— 4 quartx mines, partly de-
veloped, adjoining mother lode, in El Dorado
county, near famous Union : mine. Apply to
owners. O. A. Ingrabam, El Dorado, or D. T.
Loofburrow, \u25a0 1077 2d ay.V Oakland;
WANTED-^Flrst class California dredger .prop-
erty \u25a0 for actaal I buyer from I owner ; < give full
description and location. Address box 753,
Call office. Oakland.
WE bay and sell mines, make examinations and
• furnish reports of mining \u25a0 properties. WEST-
ERN MINES EXPLOR. CO.. 226 228 Uck bldg.
GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought; cash;, assay.
Ing SOc. Pioneer Assay Co., 131 stb st. or.
Howard. ..... j
GOING to new discovery in California: . want \u25a0
partner: little money needed. Box 3397. Call.
ARE yon baying or selling stocks or toads?
Call on PETTI S & BURBECK. 333 First Na-
tional Bank bldg.. Oakland.
HIGHEST price paid for diamonds and old gold.
SCHOENFELD & CO., 3-S San Pablo ay., Oak-
land. .
office of th«. Secretary of the Regents. Univer-
sity of California, Berkeley, \u25a0 on or, before 5
p. m. Monday, Jnly 26.. 1009. for portions of
the beating and ventilating system, including
galvanized Iron work; for . the " new University-
Library on the University Campus at Berkeley,
as per -plans and specifications on 1 file at said
No bids will be received unless accompanied
by a certified check or bond in favor of the
undersigned, equal to ten' per cent of the bid.
to assure execution of contract : by successful
bidder. The right to reject any or all bids is
NOTICE Is hereby given that the Maria Kip
orphanage and Alfred Nut tall Nelson me-
morial home of S2O Lake St.. San Francisco,
has received tbe following orphan and half
orphan girls from January 1 to July 1, 1909:
Marie Schmitt, 7 yrs. S mos.: Enstina Schmitt,
8 yrs. 9 mos.; Louise Helen Sergeant, 10 yrs.;
Yqulna Verna Sergeant, 12 yrs. 4 mos.; Amy-
Florence Lewis, 2 yrs. 5 mos. ; Berdina Col-
lins, 12 yrs. 7 mos.: Beatrice Collins, 11 yrs.;
- Sadie Lindsay Walser. 7 yrs.; Dorothy Ray-
mand Smith, 6 yrs. 2 mos.; Charlotte Berg
Watklns, 11 yrs. 10 mos.; Evelyn N. Swan-
etrom, 12 yrs. 6 mos. ; Marie . Hess, 1 jr. 4
mos.; Grace Ethel Johnson, 5 yrs. 10 mos.;
Theodora Johnson. 4 yrs. : Teresa Centurionl.
8 yrs. 4 mos.; Bernice May ' Ford. 6 yrs. 0
mos.; Louise Rles t 7 yrs. 1 mo.; Caroline
.Schmitt, 0 yrs. 2 mos.; Leab M. A. Kroase,
7 Tr*. 6 mos.; Ida Wilson, 8 yrs. 6 mos.;
Arvilla L. Barnsdall, 10 yrs. 8 mo.
ST. FRANCIS* girls* directory orphan asylum
hereby gives notice that the following orphans
and half orphans have been admitted to the
asylnm from January 1, 1909, to July 1,
1909: William Joseph McCranney. aged 2 yrs.
TO whom It may concern: I will not pay for
debts contracted by my wife. Mrs. Ruby Wor-
Bay District land company to Ellen Gleeson,
I<H in E line of Fifth avenue, 160 N of B street,
N 550 by E 120; $10.
Henry A. Hellwegente to Albion Crow, lot 14,
block 70. gift map 3; ?10.
Peter Drarv to G. B. Pedranzinl et al.. lot In
E line of Kearny street. 110 S of Filbert, S 27:6
br E 137:6: $10. s
Charles Brockwell and wife to James Whit
taker and wife, lot in E linn of Webster street,
110:6 S of California. S 27 by E 81:3: $10.
Thomas E. Brec to Julius Klein, lot in E line
of Sixteenth avenue, 275 N of I street, N 23 by
E 120; ?10.
William S. Harrison to William G. Blunt, lot
in W line of ThlrteentU avenue, 323 S of X
street. S 25 b.r W 120; ?10.
Jacob Heyman company to Valentine Chapplfr
et al.. lot in E line of Dame street, 100 S of
Thirtieth, S 25, E 125, N 11, W 25, N 14, W
100; $10.
Samuel M. Crim and wife to William 11. Crlm
Jr.. lot in W line of Twelfth aTcnue, 200 N of
J street, N 25 by W 120; |10.
Mary A. Chesworth to Joseph Sire, lot in S
line of Green street, 110 W of Stciner, W 27:6
by S 137:6; ?10. .
Joha If. Grady and wife to Michael Hallihan
and wife.' lot In NE line of Knox street, 100 NW
of Kelton, NW 20 by NE 120; 510.
Lois F. Shaw to F. W. Bridge, lot in E line
of Fourth avenue, 100 S of California street
South, S 50 V~ E 120; $10.
F. W. Bridge and wife to F. Spangenberg,
sam»; ?lO._
Real Estate and Development company to Pe
ter Colomburo. lot In W. line of Carolina street,
25 N of Twenty-second, N 25 by W 100; grant.
Elizabeth Ove~nd to ' Fred Semserg and wife,
lot in S line of Elizabeth street, 176:S W of
Douglass, W 26 by S 114; $10.
Emilc Barellles and wife to Jacob M. Seeles,
lot in W line of Tenth avenue, 225 S of I street,
S 25 by W 120; $10.
Rivers Brothers to Joanna S. Reed,, lot IS,
block 30, Lakeview; $10.
Harland 11. and Richelieu Mansfield to Sol
Getz & Sons, lot in S line of I street, CO W of
44 th avenue, W SO by. S 100, and one other
piece: $10. • . k
Felix Mareuse and wife to Goorge H. Fuller,
lot on NW corner of Sacramento and Maple
streets. N 52:5& by W. S7:«: $10.
George W. . Pennington .to Elizabeth M. Burke
et al., lot in E liqe of Shotwell street, ISS S of
Twenty-flrst. 8 30 by E 122:6; %\.
Ellzalwth M. Burke to Dennis- W. O'Connor,
same; $10.
Marie Meyer Webber to - Christina Mayer, lot
in N line of Jersey street, 181:3. W.-of Diamond,
W 25 by N 114. and one other piece; $10.
Benjamin Merrill and wife to Herman Mrrkel,
lot in W line of Kansas utreex, 172 S of Nine
teenth. S 23 by 1 W 100; $10. - ;
T"v Lun Lick et al. to Shew Kae- association,
lot in E line of Waverly place, Jt2:4 S of Wash
ington. 8 30 by E 54:9; $10.
Pnrkside Realty company of San Francisco to
Charles Thomas et a1... 10t in N- line of T street,
130 W of Nineteenth avenue, W 25 by N 100;
$10. .
.lumps T. Dougherty to Dennis Sexton, lot in
N Jine of Lobos street, 200 W of Plymouth, W
25 by N 125; $10. .
Mulldlni; Contrncta
IxjuU Haas with O. Glannlnl— All work ex
cept . shades, finishing hardware, "-mantels and
fixtures for a.B story frame (flats), on E corner
Natoma «nd i Uuss, NX 36 by SE 75; $5.355.
. Peter and Maymee : Mcllugh witii Felix Mar
cuse — To erect n:two story residence In W line
of Twelfth avenue. 150 N of Point Lobos avenue
N 25 by W- 120; $5,265. ...
James Boyle with Jopeph Neal— To erect a
three story and basement frame bedding in H
line of Sixteenth street. 02:6 W of Hoffman
avenue, S 115 by W 23; $0,943.
. J. A. Christen with Ruegg Brothers — To erect
a -one story- and basement frame building In N
line of Silver avenue,; 22: W. of Ledyard street,
N 73 by W 21; $1,823.
D. W. Tletjen with Camp & Carillon, J. E.
Beck. J. Hammond. & Co. and GlUon & Scott —
Electric freight elevator, granite, brick, steel;
cement, plastering,, carpenter, etc., excavating
and concrete for a - two story and basement
brick building in E line of Davis street, 01:8 N
of Clay, E 137:6 by N 45:10; $21,040.
Mrs. A. Sheel with Werner & Co. — To' erect a
two story and basement' frame : building (two
flat;') la Eslde of Leavenworth street. 20 S of
Vallejo (between Vallejo street and Broadway V
20x08; $3,500. - - .'
-Pacific cereal association ; with: P. J. Lynch—
To erect a two story brick and frame warehouse
building in S line. of North Point street, 100 X
of Taylor, s 137:0 by E 37:6; $10,691.
-George and 'Mary ?F. Wilhelm : "wlth: Ruegc
Brotherfs— All .work . except painting, shades,
mantels and gas fixtures for a seven room resi
dence in N line of "Elizabeth street, — E of
Noe; $2,-100. :.:.::.. . - -- - ; ,
i Coast Brevities f
i \u2666;\u25a0 —: — — : ; — — .j.
! July 1 17. — A man who ; was sent , to tbe r insane
\u25a0 asylum at Patton several < days ago is ; now be
lieved to be Morton * L." Brown of Newcastle,
Ca1.,".; who \u25a0 disappeared from that place ';= some
. weeks'ago.-; . .",:'' j"/ - .-.'... '-"-'' .- -'.' . vv..- \u25a0
'\u25a0.' YACHT WAVE BECALMED— A vaIon, : Catallna
islsnd, July 1". — The yacht Wa>e of San Pedro
with J. Gibson Jr.." John Salisbury," Ben Wat
tllncton and Phil • Dlxon ; of ,Los Angcleg aboard,
drifted ; into . this 1 harbor, this morning after, hav
ing been becalmed 90 hours on ! a' trip; from: San
Diego to San Pedro.'. The men had- been without
fresh : water .for 24 hours and 'were in 1 a > pitiful
condition.". '.. -
"'" ' ' FOUND DEAD IN- CABIN— Santa Rosa, July
17.— The body .of Max L. . Pershke of '\u25a0 Sooth
Bend._, Ind.. was found " lyiug ' on \u25a0 his . bed in \u25a0' a
i cabln-on the Rudolph: place \u25a0 west of 'Sebastopol
Thursday night with the .throat- cut and t lie
left ; wrist also badly;i.cut» s He,was- a- member
: of.- the: Odd Fellows -and 'Masons ' in '.South Bend
'\u25a0 and is belie Ted to have, been j insane. -The body
was " takeu to Sacramento 5 today " by a brother :
O. J. Perghke. . who came for It, when notified-
The officers of. court; Jlarin.iForestersiof ,Amer*'
lea,"; of iTlburon.'i.were; installed "by -District Dep
uty:.Grand«Chief; Ranger t Charles iMcNeill < early
in ; tho > week.-' when.. Forester? S from ' aH> part* ' of
tbe co«mty- congregated ;«t.< the halKin -Tiburou
to.^witnoss -the -lBStallatlon: - >KThe.«officcrR - ln
>tall«I w«>r«»: Paul?Hfllri^h;;lV 1.R .; 11.- Clay
Burnard.'iCJi R.: ; ;Jameis -Faffan.cS/.,(*.\ R.;-Jo
scph Atniiral. .U. iS.: '- Edwin * Eilinnnd«/'S \v •
F. H»rk«'lrcod, J; W.:-F.'. IlansoD,*' S.""B. : - H%
W. Krar.J. W. i ' V
Arrives From Orient at -Hour
Set in Aerogram Sent" From
,i 800 Miles Away
The Japanese liner Tenyo Maru, Cap
tain Ernest Bent, arrived yesterday
from the orient with 5,000 tons of
freight and 129 passengers. When 800
miles away Captain Bent sent a wire
less to the Toyo ICisen Kaisha office
in this city announcing that he would
' be In* the harbor at 9 o'clock yesterday
morning:, which was just the time that
the -big turbine' liner came In sight
around Fort Point.
The Tenyo's cargo included 1,183
bales of raw silk valued at more than
$800,000. In the cargo also was one
of • the largest shipments of tea ever
brought to port by one ship. In all
there were 25,343 chests of tea below
the Tenyo' a hatches.
Among the passengers was Mrs. W.
J. Cuthbert. who has been visiting her
brother In law. Bishop Partridge,, at his
home in Kyoto. J.R. Morse, president
of the American trading company, was
another passenger. He has been mak
ing a flying trip to the far east in con
nection with some of his concessions.
Commander 13. Fujiwara, of the Jap
anese navy, came from Japan on the
Tenyo on his way toXondon, where he
has been detailed to oversee. some con
struction work being done for 'the
Japanese government. Fujiwara com
manded a torpedo boat destroyer dur
ing the war with Russia.
Captain J. W. Barnes, U. S. A.,
who came home on the eTnyo, Is a son
of the late General W. H. L. Barnes
of this city and a brother of "Billy"
Barnes, who was once district attor
ney and is now practicing law here.
Lieutenant Colonel John A. Lejeune and
Majors L. H. Moses and "W. G. Powell of
the U. S. M. , C,, were passengers
on the Tenyo. coming home after a tour
of duty on the Asiatic station.
While lying in Yokohama' harbor the
Tenyo "was run into by a British tramp,
which was being steered with some in
difference to other floating property.
Two of the Tenyo's plates were dented
but. not to any serious extent, and no
other damage was sustained.
The Tenyo's passengers included:
Captain J. W. Barnes, Mies E. D. Lejeune
U. S. A. . Rbt. I>. W. MarshtU
Miss C. M. Beach Mrs. D. W. Marshall
H. X. S Boerma and 2 children
Robert S Browne J. Miller
Mrs. Lyman Balrd BeT. D. B. S. Morris
Miss S. B. Cable J. R. Morse
A. Canepa Mrs. J. R. Morse
Mrs. I* C. Castleman Major ! L. " H. Moses,
R. C. Cole, U. S. M. C.
Mrs. It. C. Cole Miss E. M. Moses
Mrs. W. C. Corning K. S. Xejrlshi
•Miss O. Corning. John F. Nlckerson
Miss Bertha Clsuson H. Nose
Mrs. W. J. Cutbbert Mrs. C. Pa^et, child and
CJ da Pra natlTP serTant
It. H. Dickson I Oliver H. Perkins
,V. Dicritf ! Mrs. J. D. Perkins
A. K. Doe Miss M. A. Postlewalto
Mr*. L. B. Doe ! Major W. G. Powell,
MIM D. Doe i;. S. M. C.
Miss A. Doe Mrs. -W. «. Powell
J. P. Eager Miss M. Reid
Mrs. J. P. Eager Minister W. W. P.ock-
Commander E. Fujiwara hill
Allan L. Green Mrs. W. VT. Rockhlll
Dr. Thomas N. Green Colonel C. Rowe
Mrs. Green T. Rnshmorc '
Mrs. Ij. E. Gurley Mrs. T. Ruehmore
Mies E. B. Gurley F. 11. Sheets
Dr. B. Hatchett Mrs. F. H. Sheets
George V. Hayes . J. Sblmano
Captain S. Hentzelman, T. Shlraki
L . S. A. . \u25a0 !-• F. kMnitn \u25a0",*, «\u25a0, -; \-x*
Mrs. S. Hurlbat W. I. Smith.
Elmer Jones - Miss M.' Stow
Mrs. Elmer Jones - Mrs. K. Suwa - .
Mrs./c. S. Jennes M. Taraal
Admiral Jewell, U.S.X. 11. Toebelmann
Mr*. Jewell -v \u25a0 - - . Baron G. Ton - Ruexle-
Mrs. M. W. King ben
George D. I.Rt lnier ReT. R. A. VTalke
Lieut. Co!. John A, L<- Miss H. Wallace and
Jeune, U. S. M. C. maid
Mrs. John A. Lejeuue Mls< Maud JtVheeler
Miss X. \u25a0 M." I/pjeune S. Yainawatl
Miss L. T. Lejeune
Will Go on the, Portland Run
The steamer Kansas City, which was
bought by the ' Ha'rrtman. interests for
the San Francisco and Portland run,
arrived shortly before midnight Friday,
after an uneventful run from Newport
News. Captain Kidston, who brought
the vessel out, gives the latest addition
to the Harriman fleet a good name for
comfort in .a heavy sea.
The- Kansas City left Newport News
May 25, entered the straits of Magellan
June 20 and poked her nose into the
Pacific June 24. Fine weather was ex
perienced in' the. .straits, '.but the first
day, in the Pacific a hurricane gale was
encountered, which tested the strength
of. the steamer's huit, and the quality
of the engines. It was on the strength
of her behavior in this gale that Cap
tain Kidston pronounced the Kansas
City fit for anything. = -
•Coronel was reached. June 27. This
stop was made for coal and was the
only stop on the voyage. The steamer
sailed again • June 29 ,and;anchored off
Meiggs wharf at 11:40 o'clock- p. m^
Friday. .
The Kansas City was 52 days on the
way. The day after leaving Newport
News E. W. , Turner,- who had been
shipped as a coal passer, came on deck
and announced his Intention of Jump
ing overboard. As the man was evi
dently demented -Captain 'Kidston or
dered him under restraint. He was not
at any time violently insane,, but was
"queer" all the voyage. ' He was kept
under; restraint until -yesterday, when
he was turned over" to the federal au
thorities for such disposition as may be
ordered. • :
The officers who brought out the*
Kansas City were: f Captain Kidston;
chief officer, R.G. Liidwig; second offi
cer, William Reed;: third 'officer, T.
Fleming, .and chief engineer, ;'R. S. Paul.
Paul iwas chief ; engineer of » the' liner
Dakota when, thftt vessel was iloat on
the Japanese" coast: '.
Distilling;, Snip Back from Orient I
The navy distilling ship Iris, Captain
A.- M. Whitton. which left here four
years' ago , for : Manila and has been _on
the Asiatic station ever, since, arrlved
here yesterday,' and- after "passing quar
antine proceeded ; to ! Mare island.
The Iris v is; probably .the slowest
auxiliary In the navy.' She" left Cavite !
May 19 with 'coal > for Guam. • \u25a0 From !
Guam the Iris brought 40 enlisted men !
from th*e "-'.\u25a0 station -ship , Concord. t ;: The i
Iris called at Midway to land two cable s
operators ; and spent some time ; in port i
at Honolulu. - r \u0084
The wife and two daughters of Lieu
tenant'Commander-Schroeder, were pas
sengers on the Iris. ;
Waiter Front .Notes
The: Oceanic steamship ' company's
liner r -Alameda " sailed * yesterday : for '
•Honolulu with a' blgr; cargo; and a full
complement !of passengers, -.;>^. ; V
The freighter .Texan^cleared^yester
day, for Honolulu via. Tacoma and
Seattle."-- "'}";."\u25a0 ;:' ; -\ " : i'"/'i '"/' '• v ./ -\' :, .:'-\u25a0
C The power schooner. Monterey, cleared
yesterday jf or . Koskoquim\with supplies
for the : Koskoquim commercial com-,
p'any's stations." •:..\u25a0.'.,'\u25a0 ?.\u25a0
: -The -barkentine -.. 5. -G.>. Wilder,?^^ which
arrived ; yesterday, 522 > days ; from ; Hono-.
lulu. ;brought*;l7,s49;bags;Jof, sugar.
,- The ; liner: Asia - sailed ; yesterday from
Honolulu ; for China.) and * Japan. >; \u25a0 .;
y* Receipts" of *lamber£ yesterday by sea
arnouhted>to: 1.233,000- fee t.v " v r \u25a0 : -;'
\u25a0f[i The" army\ transport: iLogan, ; sailed
Julyjlß fromiManilarorjthis port-*'"
The Pacific", Mail \u25a0liner.Siberia, 5 home
ward: -bound, sailed {yesterday from
Hqngkongr. ;\u25a0'.-. ;' • : ;- .-'•.. ", -"
*; Bottled MrMflßf J ricked Up „:'
[Special? Correspondence- of The' Call] :
HONbLUL.U, -. S J iili'J. l ;l:— AViiottie nics
sage.; which - had been'drlf ting from"; the
Tenyo Maru Brings Raw Silk Valued at $800,000
California coast to.Oahu for 18 i months,
was pickodrup on 'tlie windward side
of the Island \ July 8.
\lt -was thrown overboard * from \u25a0 tho
British: bark Haddon ; Hall.' ; bound from
Montevideo 'to Vancouver, ; the mes
aase stating:: \u25a0.•-.'' \u25a0
| "Bark Haddon Hall,*. Sunday." Xo -
veraber 15,..'08.. . BoitleHhrown over at
3•3 • p. m. At noon; latitude ;. 29 , degrees
.47,; north; . longitude .-132: 09 west. 104
days out from Montevideo, wind east
erly;'all well. JV.H. SCOTT."
Closing: Times of Trans-Pacific Mail*
The following 'sailing 1 dates and clos^
ing times at San Francisco of trans
pacific mails are -based'On the latest in
formation furnished by steamship; com
panies.::: They are subject to change on
notice. Paper mail for the Hawaiian
islands 'closes one ' hour, earlier than
times given:
For Australia and New Zealand-
Steamer Tymerie leaves San Francisco
July 30. Mail closes a.t-10 a.m.
For China, Japan, Hawaiian islands
and . Philippines — Steamer Mongolia
leaves San Francisco July 22. Mall
closes at 11:30 a. m. Steamer Tenyo
.vlaru leaves San Francisco July 27.
•I closes at 10:30 a. m.
For. Tahiti- — Steamer Mariposa" leaves
San Francisco August 6. Mail closes
at 8 a. m. ~/: .
From b "!' -.".•" Steamer \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 I Date
Humboldt ...... .:|North Fork ...July IS
Coqullle River .: Elizabeth ...... July IS
Puget Sound Ports.'.... Governor. July IS
Mendoclno & Pt. Arena Sea Foam ..... July IS
Seattle & Tacoma..... Chas. Nelson ..July 13
New York Tia Ancon.; City of Panama. July t9
Humboldt . .". .-. . — .'. . . J.I J. Loggle. . . July 19
Humboldt F. .v. Kllburn.. July 19
San Pedro Vanguard' July 19
San Diego £ Way Ports Santa Roea .... July 19
Portland & Astoria.... Rose- City ....July 19
Kahulul & Honolulu.. Hyades July 20
Seattle t. Tacoma..... Yosemlte ...... July. 2o
Seattle} & Tacoma..... {Ad. Sampson .. July 20
Portland & Astoria .... Nome City .... July 20
Humboldt ...... ..JClty ot Topeka. July 21
Honolulu. .jliilonian July 21
San Pedro & Way PortJ'Coos Bay . July 21
New York via Ancon.. | Newport ...: July "2l
San Pedro JRoanokeH ... July 22
Pt. Arena & Albion.... | Porno July 22
Coos Bay JM. F. Plant;.. July 22
San Pedr0.. .:....... ..j11ana1el July 23
Hakodate ..' ..{Tonawanda ....July 23
Puget Sound Ports... ..Umatllla 7. July 23
San Diego & Way Ports Governor ... July 23
San-Pedro ......". .....Ad. Sampson ..July 24
Portland & Way Ports. |G.W. Elder... July 24
Salina-Crnz .j Virginian Jnly 24
\u25a0 Destination J Steamer | Sails | Pier
' July 18— "\u25a0-"' | i ~~ i
Liverpool & Way Ports! A. Exelmans 12 m 19
Humboldt ..........;.. ICity Topeka. 10.30 a 11
Los Angeles Ports jllantlei .... 3pm 7
July ; l9— j
Coqullle River ...../. IFlfleld .'..;. spm 2
Humboldt '.. Vanguard .. 9am 2
San Dieso & Way Ports GoTeraor ... 2pm U
July 20— '
Humboldt ..... ...*.: '... F.~ Kllburn.. 10 am 13
Los Angeles Ports..... Yosemlte
Coqullle River ....... Elizabeth ... 5 pm 16
Puget Sound Ports..... City Puebla. 2 pmj 9 '
Seattle & Tacoma Buckman .. 1 pm| 23
July 21— -
Astoria & Portland.... J. Marhoffer .... ....
Humboldt ' ............ J. J. Ix>ggle 5 pm 16
Humboldt ............ North Fork.. 3 pm 20
Seattle* Tacoma Lakme ..... 12 m 20'
New - York : via Anouu . . Peru ...;... 12 • m 24
Los Angeles Potts..... Ad." Sampson 10 am 20
Mendocino & Pt,: Arena) Sea Foam .. 4 pm "4
July 22— -:\u25a0' .-J -."- '
China & Japan. ...... .jMoncolia .. 1 pm 42'
Grays Harbor ..:..;:.JS; Barbara.. 4pm 2
Portland & Way ' Ports. {Roanoke "... 1 pm i:i
San Diego &. Way Ports Santa Rosa.. 10.30 a 9 '
July 23— ;.---. .; • . - :-\u25a0
Astoria & Portland.... Claremont
San Pedro Jc Way Ports Coos Bay : . 2pm 11 j
July 24—
Astoria & Portland... .i ßose City... 11 am 27
Puget Sound Ports.. ...[Governor .. 2pm :>
Loh Angeles P0rt5..... 1G. W. Elder 5 pm IS
Astoria & Portland |Nome City.'.j spm 2
Coos 8ay. .....;.... ...|M, F. Plant. 3pm 8
Point Arena tt Albion. .jPomo | 6 pm . 2
'\u25a0-\u25a0':\u25a0"\u25a0. TOtaAIL FROM SEATTLE
h:^ Destination : '. | , Steamer \ Date
Skagway. & Way Ports. I Dolphin ". July -20
Nome & St. Michael... [Senator ....... July 22
Nome A St. Michael.. . j North western '.. July 24
Nome &, St. Michael... [St. Croix July 23
Nome &, St. Michael... {Mackinaw Jaly 25
Skagway &. Way Ports, j Humboldt July 2<J
Skagway & Way Ports.iSpokane ....... July 34
Stag^ay & Way Ports. l Queen July 30
Time Ball
United States branch hydrograpbic office, Mer
chants' \u25a0 Exchange,. San Francisco, ' July
17, 1909. .
The time ball on the roof of the Fairmont
hotel was dropped today exactly at noon, Pacific
standard time (120 th meridian), or" at Sh. 00m.
00»., Greenwich mean time. '
. \u25a0 \u25a0 - : '. Lieutenant, U. S. N., in charge.
Sun. 3loon and Tide
United States coast and geodetic survey — Time
and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city
front (Mission street wharf) add 25 minutes.
Sun rises 5:00
Sim srts .". 7;3x
Moon • sets . .....;....... -.'. . . . . . .V. . .8:42 p. m.
First quarter m00n. .... 25, at 3:36 a. m.
Full: moon ....... .....August 1. at 1:05 p. m.
ITimel ITlmel • Time • ITime
JU.I Ft f JFt Ft I Ft
|L W (H W[ . L W |H W
18.. 6:17—1.0 1:40 .4.7 8:00 8.3 11:54 ili
18.. 6:56—0.8 2:20 4.8 6:50 3.2
20.. 0:42 5.4 7:32 —0.4 2:35 '4.9 T"42 "3 2
21.. 1:30 0.0 8:05 .0.2 3:26 5.0 8:37 .«U>
22.. 2:20 4.5 5:42 . 0.7 4:00 5.0 O:S4 2.8
23.. 3:IS 4.0 9:20 1.1 4:32 5.0 10:34 2«
U. S. Branch Ilydrographic Office
A ' branch 'of the States \u25a0 hydrographlc
office, located at the Merchants' Exchange. Is
maintained in San Francisco for the benefit of
mariners, without regard to nationality and free
of expense. Navigators are : cordially Invited to
Tisit tbe : office, .where complete seta of . charts
and Bailing directions of .the world are kept at
liand vfor comparison .and reference and the
latest , ; information can, always be obtained re
garding lights, dangers' to navigation and mat
ters of interest to . ocean commerce. ,
Lieutenant. U. S. NY, la charge. :
. Depth at mean low. water, \u25a0 entrance to harbor.
PLACE {Ft. | Date | Remarks
Grays Har| 19 |May 29lChanneI getting broader
\u25a0- : •"-.\u25a0:\u25a0 " INo change in channel;
Willapa B 7 June 9 16 \u25a0 ft. M. L. -W. In
channel to South
:...-\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-:-\u25a0\u25a0 --\u25a0 \ Bend.
Colnm R..| 25 |May 25|.....;
Nehalm R! 9 [Apr. ; SlChanneJ '2oo feet sonth
.- ; |- \u25a0 | [ of. buoy. . •-\u25a0
(Depth i>t S feet at low
Tillmk B . 0 Apr. 30 vrater in chanael to
YaQUlna HI 14 IJune 2iCaannel narrow and
': - r \u25a0 :. -'-••'[ 'I I - shifting to southwest.
• ' Beacon on beach in line
Sluslaw R 4 May 1 with \u25a0 eonth- side of
.- • ' , { [. gulch leads QTer bar.
Dmpqna R 10 j July 1 Channel, In good -condi*
:>- - I I tlon.^ --•,-;--. \u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0'.. .-v
- \u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . . 12 feet at low;water to
Coos Bay. IT Jane 1 North Bend; 11 feet
* at low -water to
- • Marshfleld. .-
Coqnille R S - May 31 Channel close to north
v \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0+\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 'I-.. \u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 - • Jetty.: \u25a0-\u25a0 - -\u0084.:;-\u25a0..\u25a0-.-
\u25a0 \u25a0 : ... \u25a0 I ° ' opportunity for
Rogue Elt ;.;.. .'..;.... soundings lately. B«
• - ' Ifore rise there was. 7
|. feet on bar. ' . • \u25a0 •
Klamtn B[ 7 |May 29jChannel straight.
v' x North .: channel Tery
. \u25a0 \u25a0'. '-'-:\u25a0:- 'crooked;. lS'ft, aTtr-
Hmbldt B £0 June 1 age low /water ;la
... "*l . ' - -straight channel lead
• .- I ing out northwest.- .
3-Pedro B 20 |Apr. - 15|No change in channel. \u25a0.
a Dlcgo Bl 25--|May 3IXo change in channel. «\u25a0
S Pablo Bl 24 (Apr. 21 (Depth In dredged cban
;-,"\u25a0\u25a0 '-:;. .r. I \u25a0'•\u25a0: .1,- 'ih-neL \u25a0 \u0084 : = .--.,»- ' .. ;
i Items of Interest^ to . Mariners
of the Pacific
!U ' POBTLAND,' Jaly 17.— Two (more wind! Jam- i
tnexs '« have. ; been ; chartered - at ;' union*, rates, 1 - the j
; Tessels: ; belns : ,the>French>barks L ;Snllysand Jean
; Bart, - tbe * former :•; harms', arrived r at-%a t- % Dunkirk
July :17. :amlr the" latter rls * at*; Ipswteh.'.s The
i' barks i are i expected \to \u25a0 arrlTe ' in ; December : and '
'will iload v wheat i f or.i United 4 Kingdom i ports.ra- .;
J £The Sully \u25a0 I« Ja i bark : of 1 1904 ; tons \u25a0 net register,
i and; the Jean Bart l«;l9Sr tons net register.-? The
[TPBsels (will ; each carry J from j 100,000 ; to - 115,000 '
! biishebi'of .grain.*!. :V£> v i \u25a0\u25a0"-/-.. :-\u25a0«.•. V ' '.•' . '\u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0iig£BSttH&S)t'
i;vi St«am; carriers jure not being -takfTii at present
i for i t be j grain i trade,- as tbej-. are: holding. 'oat- for,.
j 3ls !-"s<l ; anJ \u25a0 :?2« \u25a0 4<l. \whi<"h ; i* , con«id<>re<l ; by '. the
! dealers ; us ; bcins ; too ' hich.^ *o , they - are ; awaiting
the arriral of the steamers which are brlngins
coal around for the sorer nmeat. It Is "expected
that, when , th«s« arriTe there will be plenty of
steam tonnage to carry grain and also that
charter price* will not be so high.
The Casco ls;tmloadlng S<.<o barrels of asphalt
at the Couca street dock. After finishing there
it. wilt go to Columbia No. 1. where it will rfb
charge VOO" tons- of cement, and then to \u25a0 the
Oak • street duck, to unload . what general cargo
U brought up. .It will load lumber for cargo
-to "San Francisco. \u25a0
After loading - 750.000 feet of : lumber at the
Columbia mills at Knapptoo for the Looplom
ber company the schooner Virginia will sail for
San .Francisco. .- «
0 The -American-Hawaiian steamer Hoquiam ar
: rived this eTening." It brought . a part of ta«
cargo . which was ~to come on the Falcon, but ;
the lntter <l!d not arrire tn San Francisco la!
time to, get It. ... . - -
, For calking and stiffening Its hull, preparatory
to making the trip to San Franciyco, the rtTer
steamer Telephone went on the drydock at St.
; John I today. . It is known - that it will require
| about two weeks to get tha steamer in shape for
; the ocean trip. - ...
ASTOKIA, July 17.— Steamer Nome- City
cleared " at the custom - house today for Saa
; Francisco with 'a* cargo of 175.000 feet 'of lum
ber loaded al Portland, and 650.000 feet loaded
at the Hammond Inmber company*s mill In this
Steamer Eureka left this morning for Eureka
1 with freight and passengers.
Oil tank ' steamer * Atlas arriTed from. San
Francisco today with a .cargo of oil for the
Standard oil company.- • • •; .
Steamer \u25a0 Rime City left out for San Fraa
clsco this afternoon, with a large passeojer
list and fall of freight.
Oil tank steamer Asuncion of the Standard
oil company left this morning fur California
after bavins: discharged its cargo of oil.
Steam j schooner - Uoquiam arriTed th!s morn
log from California to . load lumber. \u25a0
Steam schooner J. B. Stetson arriTed this
morning from California to load lumber.
Lighthouse iender Armerla Is completing load
ing for the Alaska stations today and will
leave ..for. Seattle Sunday, where it will take
on fuel. Tte supplies; for the stations, par
chased In Astoria amounted to over ?2.000. and.
this was increased by the individual shipments to
friends in the service and personal orders by
the keepers. The Armeria will b« absent about
two months. • t .
.j- SAN PEDHO. July 17.— Steamer FalrhaTen ar
riTed today from Tacoma Tta Kedondo witb.
Steamer Santa Ro«a . sailed for San Diego
with freight and passengers.
.Steamer Gray* Harbor arriTed here from Re
dondo -today with lumber.
Steamar Claremont arrUed from Raymond
, with lumber.
Steamer Santa Birbara arriTed here today
from Grays Harbor via Redondo with "lumber.
: Steamer Phoenix arrived from iTersous Land
ing via Redondo with ties, and sailed tonight
for San Francisco. .
Steamer Westerner and schooner Boy Summers
: sailed today for Grays Harbor In ballast.
V. S. S. Albany, Captain OllTer. which ha-t
beeu anchored bere during the Elk* reunion in
Los An?ele?. sailed' today for Mare bland
nary yard to undergo repair?.
TACOMA, July 17.— THe steamer Santa Ana
left port today after discharging her cargo of.
gypsum. It wai load again for the north.
The steamer Stanley Dollar Is dua ia port
I tonight from San Francisco via Seattle.
The tank steamer MaTericfc arriTed today from
: San Francisco to discharge a full cargo of
fuel oil. .
7 The steamer FaraUon 1» tine In port to
morrow morning ' with ore for the ' smelter.
SEATTLE, July 17.-^- ArriTed : Steamer I'mi
tilla from San Francisco; steeamer Santa Ana
fmm Tacoma. .
Sailed: Steamer" Cottage City for Skagway
and ports; steamer Admiral Sampson for San
Francisco and San Pedro: tank steamer Mit>
erlck for Tacoma : United States gunboat York
town for Port Townsend. -
Weather Report
United States- Department of- Agriculture —
Weather Barean, San Friiicisco. Ju^r 17,^1009.
— - La.«t Sea««nal Normal
Stations — 24 hours, -to date, to date.
Eureka '...;;:; O.flO ! 0.4.H 0.11-
Red 81aff. ......1. ;..'V. 0ft \u25a0\u25a0 * o. »>)-\u25a0\u25a0 ' o.oi)
Sacramento '.'i ".....'... 'o.o6 " -•>:0O~"* ! - o.<X>
31ount Tamalpals...,". o. (*)''. kt t>.«iQ'' / '"-*^oiW
San Frahclscor. »"...'.""» o.oft'-* ' Tr, ' "7 'ulOl
S«n Jow..;' r ;.;..... o.ffli" ; " 0.00 " • Tr.
Fresno .;.,.' ..... 0.00 ; , . (t.'o«> \'. 0.00
ludependence ;; rO.Oor 0.00 o.t.m- .0.01
San Luis Obtspo 0.00 'o.oo* 0.01
I/w Angeles 0.00 0.00 0.00
San Diego 0.00 -" Tr. 0.00
Coast record (or 12 hoars ending- 5 p.m.
STATIONS 'J ,'\ j : ?•_ ~ ||
Baker 29. VS 72 4Q XW Clear ,- .00
BoW ....-; 29. 6 C 92 54 NW Clear .0«> i
Eureka... 30*18 SS H X Clear; .©»
Flagstaff 29. K4 82 56 NW. Cloudy .12!
Fresno" 20.82 9« 58 W Oear .00]
Independence ..2».72 M 60 E" Clear ,«0 i
Kallspell ......23.63 82 ,4S SE Clear . .00
Ixm Angeles 20.84 73 08 SW Clear .00
Modena 23.70 90 56 SW Pt.Cldy .00]
Mt. Tamalpals.2».9G 71 .Vi SW Clear .00
North Head.... SO. 12 60 52 SW Clear .12
Ptoenix 29.64 104 *C W Pt.Cldy .W
Pocatello 29.68 02 5S SE Clear .00
Pt. Reyes Lt..29.57 54 4S NW Clear .00
Portland 30.12 fitJ C 2 NW Ram .04
Red Bluff 29.84 90 «4 N Clear .00
Reno 29.78 82 53^ W Clear .CO
Rosebnrg 30.14 66 50 -NW Pt.Cldy Tr.
Sacramento ....29.86 S2 54 8 Clear ,t>O I
Salt Lake 23.72 9ti 70 S Cloady .00 i
San Diego. 29. 8« '68 CO SW Clear .00!
San PrancUco.. 29.94 CS 50 W Clear .00
San Jose 2t>.&4 74 44 NW Clear .W
San L. 0b15p0.29.90 76 4« NW Clear .00
SE. Fara110n...29.P« 54 52 NW Clear .00
Spokane . .29.5S 72 SO SW Clear .00
Tacoma 3U.US 64 54 SW Cloudy Tr.
Tatoosh .......30.08 3« 4S S Pt.CWy .00:
Tonopah 29. 6S SS C« S a«ar .00
Walla WaUa...29.»4 74 54 W Pt.Cldy .00
Winnemucca '. .29.74 00 46 " SW Clear .00
Yuma 29.63 104 SO W Clear Tr.
: .I. i. \u25a0 *
t The following msximam and minimum teinper
atnres are reported from eastern stations fur the
i preTlous day: Chicago, SO-CC; New York, S4-6S;
Omaha, 80-70.
The hlcb, area off the north Pacific coast is
: moTing slowly eastward, causing fair, pleasant
weather OTer California and Nerada and threat- 1
enine weather OTer the northern portion of the
Pacific slope, with showers in the western por
tions of Washington and \ Orcgron. A depression
Is forming over the intermoqntaln region, cans- 1
Ing cloudy weather, with showers In Arizona.
The temperature has fallen - slightly in all dis
tricts except San Francisco bay.. The. humidity
at Red Bloff is 30 per cent and at Fresno 29 per
cent. . :
; Conditions are '. fftTorable fcr fair and some
what warmer weather lo California Sunday, with
light northwest winds. ...
Following is the forecast for the 30 hoars end- '
ins at 5 p. m. Sunday:
San Francisco and Ticinity— Fair Sunday; mod- :
crate northwest wind^ • '
Siintn (Mara Tallej— Fair Sunday; light north- ;
west wind.
. Sacramento valley— Fair Soaday, somewhat
warmer; light north wind.
San Joaquin Talley — Fair Sunday; light north.
Los Angeles and. Ticinity — Fair Sunday; light
west wind.: • \u25a0
G. n.-WILLSON. Local Forecaster. '
Army Transport*
The Logan sailed Jaly. 15 from Manila.
"The Crook is In port.
The Buford is in port and will sail for Seattle
Jnly 26.
The Sherman Ig.ln port.
The Warren is at Manila.
The Kilpatrick left Manila May 1, bound for
New York, by way of Suez.
The, Sheridan Is In port. . '. ... -
The Thomas, outward * bound, sailed Jaly 13
from Honolulu. -~. ""
:•., . . Tonnflec Eacistmenti
The French bark Bayard, which arrtTed from
Newcastle. Australia, on Friday, was chartered
prior to arrlTal for . barley • from here to Europe
at 23s Od.- f
The British tank steamer Dakotsa arriTed from
Japan yesterday. The steamer will return to the
orient with refined petroleum, bavin? been char
tered prior to arriTal.
* • .-..:; -Saturday, July 16.
Stmr Francis n. Leggett, Sears, 42 boors from
San Pedro. >
"US stmr Iris. Whltten. 30 day 9 from Goara.
Tla ': Midway island 20 days, Tla Honolulu 12
days. .•\u25a0 *'. . • \u25a0 \u25a0•';
Stmr \u25a0 Kansas : City, KWston. 52 days from
.Newport News. Tla Coronel 17 days and 5 hours.
; Stmr Excelsior, Mason, 41 hoars ~ from Coos
bay. •'• li^WTf :l !i '* '[\u25a0 iri " > 'l r *r " l" V"" lfflu^V^aft:
. 'Stmr Roanoke. Dunham, 3 days from Portland,
Tia EureSa 18 hours. . . ; "
- Stmr . National City. Hlgglns, 14 hours from
Fort Bragrg.^-- v .
1 4 Stmr Centralia. ' Erickson. 59 honrs from Aber*
d»on. bound fcr Saa Pedro; put la to land pa*.
sengers.^ "": * - : .\u25a0\u25a0--.-*...-' -. • \u25a0 " \u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0 \u2666
-" Stmr George > Looml.«, Spencer, 32 • hoars from
P~*"Ti4t t - '".t^iyyHnrf 'M" m V fmmSf^WOOpfKlt
? Stmr \u25a0 Cascade, . Ludlow. 4a • hoars '\u25a0 from - Saa
Pedro. '\u25a0-"'\u25a0 ' : ;
: iStmr Fulton. Shlpsy. 72 - hours * from s an
-Piego." 1-.1 -'. ,"%;-* ""-..\u25a0 '-" .-•*.%\u25a0•" '-\u25a0 -'• " \u25a0 ." •\u25a0 \u25a0 .
? Jap stmr Tenyo Mara. Be.nt.-2S day* 12 honrs
and f32 - minutes \u25a0 from • Hongkong,. tU •Yoknbam.i
15 days • 4 hoars and 32 : minute*. >tU Houoluln
> 5 days"lß^lio«r» and 13 minates. . . . . • -\u0084.-•
j\'i Br stmr. Dakotah. Ros*,-; 34 days . from \u25a0 Manila,
: tia 'Yokohama 17 days. - \u25a0.. . - -
t \u25a0« Bktn S. G. WU«ler. Jackson. 22 days from
j H«noluln. ~
I -:• Power sckr Washcalore. Petterson, 60 boars
from Sioslaw river.
Scnr Guide, Osterhrris.-S days from TUIamook. "
" . . Saturday. July 1*5.
Nor \u25a0 stmr Tbor. Egenes, Naaatmo; Westers!
fuel company.
Star Northland, Erickson. ' Portland; E. J.
Dodse* Co.
S.tmr President. Cousins, Seattle; Paci2c Coast
steamship company.
Stmr Alameda. Dowdell, Honolulu; • J. D.
Spreckels & Bros. Co.
Stmr City of Totwia. Hall. Eureka; Pacific
Coast steamship eorupasy.
•- Stmr Sajlnaxr, Stream. Seattle; Hart-WootX
lumber company.
Stmr Texan. Hall. Honolulu. Tla Seattle an<J
Taeoaia; Williams. Dlmood & Co..
Power sehr Monterey, Anderson. Kosfcokqulin;
Koskobquiia commercial company.
Saturday. July 16.
Stmr Alameda. DowdelL Honolulu.
. Stmr Xann Smith. Ul»en. Cous bar.
- Stmr Pomo. LUlelaad. Point Areaa and Aibioa.
Stmr Mayfair. olsea. WUtapa haxbor.
Stmr " Carlos. Hardwic*. sea t tX • etc.
Stmr Cascade. Lndlow, Astoria and Portland*
Xor stmr Thor. Egenea. Nanalrao, B. C.
Stmr Shasta. Haaseav Belltnshaiu.
Stmr Albion. Xymao. lrewon landing.
Stmr Francis H. Lejjett, Sear*. Eureka.
. -Stmr President. Cousins. Seattle.
Stmr Northland. Erickson. Portland.
Stmr Falcon; Scca**, Portland.
Stmr Ceotralla. Erickson. S«n Pedro.
I Stmr Helen P. Drew, GundVrsoa. Point Arena.
, Stmr M: F. Plant. Bnrtis. Coob bay.
Stmr Roaacke. Duohaia. Saa Pedro.
Stmr "Whittler. Seaman. Port San Lais.
Stmr State »f . California, Xopsoder. Astor!*
act Portland.
Stmr James S. Higzins. Higjins. F'>rt Brass.
Gas yacht Sisaloa. , Santa Cnrs.
POINT LOBOS. Joly IT, » a. m.— Hazy; wind,
northwest: Telocity. 14 mites per hour.
POINT REYES. July 17, 9 a. m.— Clear; wind,
northwest: Telocity. 32 miles per hour.
FARALLONES. July 17, 9 a. m.— Clear; wind,
northwest: Telocity. 36 mite*' per hoar.
TATOOSH. July 17. 0 a. m.— Cloudy; wind,
northeast; Telocity. 5 miles per huur. --
• Stmr GoTeraor. from Seattle for San Fran
•Isco—July 17,. 4:4O p. m.. 4 miles north of
Cap« Bianco; weather clear: light southwest
breeze: barometer. 30.22; temperature." 63; small
westerly swell.
Stmr Gorernor. from Seattle for San Fraa-
Cisco — July 17. 4":4» a. m., off Tlllamook; c!ea?
ami calm: sea smooth.-
Stmr GoTemor. from Seattle for San Fraa»
et.«co — July 17. 9 a. m.. 13 miles north of Uina*
cilia heads; raining; smooth «•«.
Stmr Lurllne. bence Ju!y 19 for ; Honolulu— •
July IT.' 4 p. m.. EZZ' miles off Saa Fracci«cnt
making 1" knots; strong northwest Rale K \u25a0• v.
Ids;- fin* elear weather.
POIXT .- LOBOS, July 17. 10 p. m.— TTeathe^
hazy; wind, northwest; Telorjtr. 22 miles pe*
COOS HAY— Sailed July 17— Stmr Brra£»
water, for Astoria.
ASTORIA — ArrUed Joly 17 — Stmr FIcMiuIanTg
hence July 12.
Sailed July 17 — Star Eureka, for Eureka. tI*
Coo* bay; atmr Asuncion, toe 3an Francisco.
ArriTMl July 17— Stmr Atlas. henc9 July lit
stmr J. B. Stetson, hence July It.
. Sailed July 17— Stmr Rose City, for Saa Fran-
KETCniKAN— ArrlTed Jnlj IT— Stmr Jeffer
son, from Seattle.
REWARD— ArriTe<l Julr l<>— Strar Berth.i,
; from Ketchlkan. and saileil for Seattle.
! FORT BRAG(< — Sailed July 17 — Stmr Brnn"*
I wick, for San Francisco.
' TATOOSH— Pa s*e.l In July 17— Stmr Obon &
Mahony. hence J«Iy 12. for Seattle: barge Big
Bonanza. - from Grars Harbor.
Passed out July IT — Statr \osemite. from Seat
tle, for San Pedro: U S steamer; Br stm?
; Aorangi. from Victoria, for Brisbane. Tla Huno
ldllK. , \u25a0
Passed la July 17— Stmr Stanley Dollar, benc*
Jnlj 13, for Tacoma.
SAX PEDRO— ArriTed Jnly IT— Stmr Santa,
Rosa, from Saa Francisco: stmr Claremont. fr<>en
S«>ui si Bend; stmr FairbaTen, from Tacomat
stmr Pboenlz. from Redontlo.
bailed July 17 — Stmr Santa Rosa. "for Saa
Diega: stmr Pboenlz. far Saa Francisco; stmc
Westerner, for San Francisco.
* Arrived July -17 — i*tmr Grays Hartor. froni
i SsiTeil "July 17 — Schr Roy Sotners. fnr Grays)
I Harbor; II S stmr Albion. f»r Saa Franrlsco.
CRESCENT— Pansct! la July 17— Br stmr Wel-
Ilnxton. hence July 12. -for Nanaltno.
. GAVIOTA— SaUe«l . Jcly l~~ Ship Fails oj
1 Clyde, for Honolulu.
EUREKA— ArriTed July IT— Stmr F. A. KiJ.
burn, fceoee July in.
Sailed Jaly 17 — Nor stmr Hornelen, for Pugel
Arrlred July 17 — ?tar Ravalll. hence July 13;
stmr Guatala. from Monrou Undine:.
Sailed July 17 — Stmr Katherine. for San Fran
cisco; Br stmr Tymerle. for San Francisco; stai8
Gualala. fcr Delmar landing. >
VENTTRA— ArriTed July 16— Stmr Saa Ja-.
' clnto. from San Pedro.
TACOJIA— ArrWed July IT— Stmr MaT«rVSr #
{[\u25a0\u25a0•ci Seattle;, strar Santa Ana, from Seattle!
i schr Zapora. from flshlng cruise.
! Saaed July 17— Stmr Portland, for Seattle I
| atmr Admiral Sampana, tor Seattle: stmr s.inr.i
j Ana, for Seattle; stmr Captstrano, for San Fraa*
I ArriTed July J7 — Bari Sea Kins, from sound
Sailed July 17 — SUnr Maverick, for Saa Fraa»
PORT LCDLOW— Sailed July 17— Stmr Tiver
toa, for San Francisco; schr R. W. Bartiett. fotf
HARDY CREEK— Sailed July 17— Stmr Mar*&»
field, for San Pedro.
WESTPOUT (Wasb.> — Arrived July 17— Sttnt
Xcrwood, hence July H. \u25a0
Passed la Jnly 17 — Schr A. J. West, cencg
July Z; stmr Cheaalis, hence 'July It.
Passed out July 17 — Stmr Fair Oaks, for Saa
Pedro; stmr Hornet, for Saa Francisco. .
REDONDO — ArriTed July 17— Stmr Santa Bar«
bars, hence July U: stmr PhoenU. from Hardy
creek; stmr , Shoahone. from San" Pedro; stu*
Wellesley. from Port Los Ansele*.
Called July - 17 — Stmr Vanguard, for Sant^
'Barbara; stmr Gray* Harbor, for. Saa Diejo;
stmr Phoenix, for San , Pedro.
' Sall«d July 17 — Stnsr Sioshone. for San Fran
cisco; stmr Santa. Barbara, for San Pwhv.
SEATTLE— Sailed July .16— Stmr ! Humbol.lt,
foe Skagway. Jaiy IT — Stmr Mlrrcrick. for Saa
Francisco. . .
Arrived Jcly.17 — Stmr rmatUla. henr* Jnly 13.
Sailed July 17 — Stmr Admiral bampson, t:a
S»n Francisco.
SANTA BARBARA— Arrived July 17— StinJ
Coos -Bay, hence Jnly \u25a0" 14. . tI* Pots Saa Luisj
stmr Vanguard, from Redondo. -
Sailed July 17— Stmr Coos Bay, for San
Sailed July 17 — Stmr Vanguard, trv Sa» Fraa«
\u25a0 XEW TORK — Arrived July lti — Br stmr Bo*
Teric. from Manila.
Sailed July 17 — Bark Nunann. for - Honolulu.
— Stmr Uawaliaa, from Puerto Mexico, for Phil«
MAHfKONA— Salle«l July 15— Schr James II,
Bruce, for San . Franc!sc»,
HILO— Sailed July lft— Stmr MIssonrlan. fo*
Sa Una Crux.
• HONOLULU — Sailed July 17— Br stmr Asia*
for Yokohama. Hongkong', etc: stmr Roma, fo*
Port Saa Luis, with bkta Fallertoo in tow, foa
Port San Lois.
MANILA— Sailed July 15— U S stmr Logao*
for Saa Francis***.
" CALLAO— Sailed July 2— Bkta ' Lahalna. foa
Port Townsend. , '\u25a0* "
GUAYMAS— ArriTed Jnly IT— Br stmr naze]
Dollar, from Kushlno.
\u25a0 RIVER PLATTE— Sailed Jnly IT— Stmr E*.
dames, for San Franrlsco.
HONGKONG— Sailed July IT— Stmr Siberia,
for San Francisco, Tia Yokohama and nonolnla.
MARSEILLES— ArriTed Jnly ' l.V-Br stm*
Oanfa. from Victoria. China and Japan.
VICTORIA— ArrlTsd July IT-i-Br stair Welling
ton, hencw July 12. -
Sailed Jnlr IT— Br stmr Aorangl, for Erish.in -\u25a0»,
ria Honolnln. •
- NEWCASTLE ( Australia V— ArriTed prlnr July
16 — Ft bark Pierre Antonlne. * heno* April 2S.
COLON — Sailed July 15— Stmr Cristobal, fufr
Nevr York.^^sMaimaiAuEA) SHSMBGEBBI
PLYMOUTH— ArriTed July IT— Rtmr Bremeo.
from New Y/orfc, for Cherbonrs and Bremeo. and
proceeded: - stmr Bremen, from" New York, for
Bremen: «tmr Pennsylvania, fmm New York, fur
Ilambnrc: stmr St. Pattl. from New York, foe
Cherbrtpre and Southampton, and procee*te«l.
NEW YORK — Arrived July IT — Stmr Amerika/
r. Sailed July IT— Stmr New York, for South
amptoa: stmr Carmanla. for UTerpnoJ: stmr Ca
labria. . for Naples: stmr Princes* Irene, foe
LlTerpooI: stmr f^ybml. for Antwerp.
-HONGKONG — ArriTed prerlooa JiOy 17— Stray
China, from Saa " Francisco, via Hoaofata and
Yokohama. -"S*«Wt|MflM^
RIVER , PL.XTE— SaUed Joly tT— Stmr Ea»
Came*." from H.imburs.- for San Franctecf*.
LONPOX— Sailed Jnly 17— Stmr Minnetonta,
for New York. " \u25a0 -
MARSEILLES— ArriTed Jaty I*— .Stmr Oanf*,
from "\u25a0 Taroma. etc.. tI* Yokohama. Hongkon;*
etc.. for Llvenwol. '" ~ .
CHERBOURG — ArriTed JuLt 17 — Stmr Bremen,
from New, York. tI* Plymouth, for Bremen, and -
prnt-e»d-»l. WtUBPftSBBVS
PALERMO— Sailed Joly 14— Stmr Ocean!*. fo»
New York.
ROTTERDAM— Sailed Jnly 17— Stmr Noorilsm,
for X»w York, via Booloene.
. ANTWERP — Sailed July IT— Stmr -ZeelamS,
for New York. Tia Dover.
BOULOGNE — Sailed Jaly IT— Stmr Noordam,
from Rotterdam, for New York.
Sailing koor of stmr ATan»e«l*. f«r n«n«wnla,
ha< be^n po«tp«o«4 ontfl « o'elnelc thU ••tcninc.
: Ft bark Bayar*. which arriTed Iwe Ia*t e»pn«
inr. ha.-i b»«a ordwinl orwr.to tbe quaranthte
statioo to be fumlcat*].
Ppr^stror Kan-a* City — Mar. .TO. Frn»t TV.
Turnr. mat pastor, trrnt insane and ba<l to he
put In !r»W!« . »lne<*.
•Pw-Br stmr I>aU>>tat: — Jntr 11. l*t I" dM: 3«'i
mh»'S.-Kni*-138 d»f-W,.siw ! » i^rr I.in« Mark
fl«h abnat * rt - f ••ct loos and ' 10 - fret witfc, * nj
ha«I Tety larst o«*.'.,." i --

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