Newspaper Page Text
10 *. MA .kB HELr MURRAY & READY. Weading Employment and Labor Agents. MAIN OFFICE. White Palace Hotel building. • 11th and Market sU., S. F. Phune Market 056 and 657. BRANCHES: 7tn et. and Broadway. Oakland. Phone Oakland 7361. 528 Jackson *t.. S. F. 2d and H sts., Sacramento. 2d and Main sts.. Los Angeles. X\> want today 7.415 men for all classes of I intrlc all parts of California, Oregon, N«vad£, I ATl«<?na, Mexico. KLAMATH FAJXS C. N. E. R. R.— S. P. R. R. —FENCE GANG— nORBIS— MIDLAND— ADY— WEED V'O laborers and teamsters. FREE FARE. .VK) tunnelmen, drillers, headers and corner \u25a0\ »n. <x«crcte men. rockmen. $2 to $2.75 day. i'plkers. strappers, steel and ballast gangs. FREE FARE— SHIP DAILY OREGON— FENCE GANG r« laborers. S. P. fence rang. $2 day. FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY NEVADA— BIG TUNNEL -3 beading men. 50 corner men, 15 bench men. aju/fbee fare— ship today applegate. colfax. \u25a0?.V) laborers and teamsters.' $2 and $2.2s*day. SHIP TODAY Miners, muckers, tnnnelmen, teamsters. MARIN— SAN MATEO'borers. no experience required, for Maria tr... Saa Mate« counties. J6O. FREE FARE . lft laborers, quarry work. $SO. free fare. LABORERS— CITY WORK — - '.". Jshorpi-i., steady work, city, $2 and $2.25 •!•;: boar.l hiaae. i'< !al»f>rei-s-, factories near city, $2 and $2.25 TO— THE— T.VMP.ER— CAMPS. V A RPS— WOODS— M ILLS. . TBEE FARE SHIP TODAY. -J laborers, mills anil yards. no experience tv<l':ired. $30 and found. Free fare. j' 1 Firumpprs. wood*. FREE— FARE. I Isliorers for mnklrg roads, etc., $40 and f'iar.l. FARE— PAID. ' r «R— SONOMA— HPM BO LDT. SHASTA— SISKI YOU— MADERA. SANTA— CRUZ— MOTTNTAINS. . \u25a0r<-ijs--nt KarrycrT, sonh. JtSO. dom here. -•« line pullers. Sants Oru: county. $45 and fd. -ics>] trinimerman sn<s tail trlmmermaa. $60 (!nj jp»O* ard foand. boss bcre. :"•• !-w«;nper*. «imen and bark peelers. Sonoma .ountr. $«i tn $.%O and found. E«iperman, nugar and white pine. $90, fare psid. •"• I itnbernipn. crosscut sawyers, rigging sllng- •;•!, timber fellers and lumber handlers. St:f> to $90. M—VOf— WANT— WORK- IN— THE— MILLS YAKDS— WOODS— WE— CAN— SHIP— YOU. MISCELLANEOUS I 'a- UrJitu. Nerada. $4 iiay. fare refunded. « httsera. country job. $2.25 to $2.50 M. S;^h!«'m?n. south. $4f» acd found. ;' wood « ii-->pi>er». lumber <ro.. uorth. $1 tier. i;i«ct*m!th. cusp, south. flO.l. Idadnmlth. •\u25a0amp. near city. $2.75 day. :' :-!vctn-s. city f.iftory. $3 day. Mri.i; r«'t!?b«-rs. city factory. $2.75 day. : I««ksir;iin brlper. rjin~h. Monterpy r-o." $45 fd. \V.x». li:mer. riTy factory. pier«> work. 3 t^rh ci>rpentfr». lrnnher m.. *7*i. V.vt- . Imsn. rencrstorr. poantry. Jis week. "rstenaen. i»»sr dr. 540 and foun<l. fhin-.hrr. ruanrrt job. *\u25a0» »i»v. I:*ml (rr>n'-rs. r*ct'»ry work. "g°"d prif-e?. J2 bla"k«m!tb« snd Vilm-ksmiih li«"li^ers. coun- trj". $2..vt t», S4 <j fi T. I'aUter and 'inter. n*ar «-ity. ?3 day. niLIT— WORKERS. in^n anr] siron* pi,-k fruits, work in !m<-klnjr tiot-.s-o »n»l drr yard* FARMS— HAY— BAEVEST. -• ratrli teamst^ru. south. *<M and found. Cn f.-«-m hnrni* au-1 femstori'. men for b*v press feedera. bcter*. err., hervest. ssck 'wore. ot-.. tI.JT. m S2 <>3j and found. . niilk-'T. Jl t.» $1 fare. $.C. to $40. and fd. !! •-• .irrrfvi m-1 beys, private ranches. $20 to and found. V •"i.->^man. mnko som«> barter. ?."..-. and found. < l;"ieman. i»m!trj r.iiifii. enittii. fXi and found —LAPOEERS— UERK-Uk— A— LONd^-JOB BOARD— YOL'RSET.F. !'• »s;»-.r«-i-s. no .'\pi-rlf|]r^ r«>q;iired. wares from l- «lny up. n^ar <~irr. MINERS— MINERS.' •*• >in;!e hand mimra for .1 go-«i mine JR** 50 — HOR^E SHOERS— ij<rso shoeis.- S hours' work. $3 day. FOnEMKN-BAXCnES-ETC. •Tk-nj; foreman. uiKirie.! or slnglfc man. '-J a rsni-li. north. Ikmss here. . \u0084i ir-ckinc furonsan. orchard, boss h«rc. . rarmrn an-1 wives. *4y to $G'J and found. SACRAMENTO COMPANY-WORK. .\u25a0• laNjirrs. S. p. n. R.. f r^« f aTr _ 'U'.HT AND POWER Co] LABORERS— BIG WAGES. <<• luliorers. no cii^rlence required, power i-ompaqy. $Si.sO. *\u25a0' !•<• YOU WANT TO WORK FOR THE BIG WATKK. UGHT ANI> I'OWER COMPANY? laltorPTx for another company building tinn*. jH.w<>r house's. O-jmes. ditches, etc.. $57.50;.3 years' job. COOKSU-CAMP WAITERS AND OTHERS. 5 waiters. R. R. campc $25 and found FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY. Porter, assist at bur, $12 »wk; night cook Sl2 wf-ck: r^taurant cof.k. j^o w»efc: salo.-vn !«"rtc:-. ?12 week: :; ramp cooks. $00 and $75 rnrt found: 5 laundrynien. ctmntry. $15 mi<l $•-'•> iv^k; 3 hot*>l c-ooks. $40 to $»> and found; ."1 w-)»:iprs. otinntry hotels and redtaurantK $.">» :-\ f*is » found: r»kf baker. $00: 3 bakers' I'O.;H-r>i. $s and $10 w«»<>k; 2 porter*. «-ountrv S:'.«l and fuund: 3 ran^h cooks. J3o to $40 aiid lonn'i: dish washers and kitchen help "$23 to S4O end ftwnd. MU. I'ELLEM. rlscing foreman, please re- port «>r i-cmmuni^ate. r^iO foreicr. !«borers. Italians. Annrians. Mex- i^ns. Spaniarts. etc., to work on railroad, t^uarri"*. factories, power companies, ranches, w»f>?»s $1.75 to $2.25 day; many of tUem Call and read our bulletin honrds: work «*""j!iig In by pboce, telegram aud mall all «!•'." long. \u25a0 • MURRAY & BFADY. 11th ami Market sts.. San Francisco. 7tb et. and B^adway. Oakland. 2i and II st*- .- Sacramento. FIRST CLASS foreman bushel man wanted; apjily h»tw**n 2 and 4 p. m. BROWN BKOS. & CO.. o^4 Msrket s'.. \u25a0 HOP I'ICKEP.S WANTED. Mop pl.king will begin st PLEASANTON s!*mi: September 1. 1009. f*u»l •\u25a0ampltig acconsuiods'.lons. S-i.d rajnes for re^Htrstlon at once. For further particulars address PLEASANTON HOP COMPANY. B*t-"> Pleasanton. Cal. HAVE c fine opeciog for -young man who Is d«.;!iT.s of Advancement; amouat - required , *1«). Cull GLOBR REALTY CO.. 2U PaclOe I '•'f'iC. or SSC Brotdway. Oakland. slop PICKING In August; pleasant, , profitable •-.itting; skiUed and tinskilled help wanted, in- '•Juding foremen and field bosses; work for mt-n. women and children. • Write for partic- uiars. E. C. lIORST CO., 215 Pine St. 1./.nORERS and raer-hanics to know that Edward Roikia has reduced the rooms at the Denver House, 3d and Howard tts., to 35c per day, $2 week; hot and cold water in every room. MKN -wanted at 103 Sd st. to have their shoes repaired: <»wed soles. 75c. done in 10 mln. UES and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; •«m $5 to $10 per week while learning; par- _tlcit!ars free. MOLER COIJ.EGE. 6 11th st. BOOK KEEPER— State experience snd salary detired. Box 33SC. Call office. , KXI'ICRIEXCED shoe salesman wanted to sell factory line of men's medium grade welts In I'arinc coast (states; state in first letter amount \u25a0' •>' yearly sales and Iln<»s previously carried; only nucit »|iplicat!ons will be considered as •r!ve amount of sales and lines previoutlv car- rifd. J. W. CARTER 4: CO.. Nashville. "Term. UK\- to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; free spc- <ljl indticrnjcnts to next JO^csll early; get particulars. . S. F. Barber College, 8 Fell st. Vi:W WESTERN. 1124 Howard— Single rooms, J.V and -20c per night; hot and cold water. HEI.IABLE boy wanted to run small passenger •levsror. Apnly HULSE-BRADFORD CO., PS6 Mission st. \u25a0 —WANTED— 100 LABORING MEN' X<i <wt!pv riesn single rooms at the ORIGINAL MECHANICS' HOTEI A Sl9 Howard st. bet. 3th 11 nd 6th: ITic.'MC, 25c day; $1. $1.25 per week. WANTED— Office boy about 12 to 14 years old. Apply BOWRING t CO., 310 California st WANTED — 600 men to occupy room*. 20c to 30c v*t night ffre* nath>. at the NEW YORK, 753 Howard- St.- betwc«>en 3d and 4th. WANTED — Outside salesman for our talking marliine -dept; exp. .not necessary. Apply KOIILER & CHASE, 40-52-54 O'Farre!! St. WANTKD — Mm to learn to operate moving plc- i tore machines; salary $33 per week. 121 ho- I cusf ar. off Tan New n*ar McAllister. ...... ' WANTED— <!ook for 6aloon. NE. cor. 4th aud Mission tag.- ' - : . --. W« TEACH SHORTHAND BY MAIL. ll,vvS*ed Pitman . system Uught In '; 30 lessons. $10 rovers ; full- «>urse; no extra charges, rrrsonal attention given each student »y. ex- i^rt shorthand writer. Send, check -or money !.rd"r to SHORTHAND- INSTITUTE, 209,11 We* t t»ank bldg.; San Francisco. IT 4XTF.D— Bright active man for pleasant work; «'V-i MtnTsS per dty. For particulars apply t*; Bu*?n4^ Law. Vub^Co.. »02 - M.tropoUs Bank bldx..' 10 *. m. . today. - . ; ; .- i \u25a0 m MALE HELP WAXTED— Continued WANTED— A fine lnoklns gray physician regis- tered In California with some hospital \u25a0 expe- rience; good salary, short hours, no traveling. 25.3d st. WANTED— Man to drive, laundry wagon; $150; regular. 3372 Mission st. YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy; .wire- less telegraphy, railroad and station service; day and night . sessions. 204 Ilibprnla build- *-.';MJF. San rranclsco. - $3,000 to $10,000 yearly easily made in real estate business; no capital required; we will teach you tbe business by mail, appoint you special representative of leading real estate company, list with you readily salable proper- ties, co-operate with and assist you to a per- manent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative; write for 02 pa*e book free; it will be sureto Interest you. THE CROSS CO.. 82 Reaper block, Chicago. & nAjß beus^-a ypi supplies jtg WHT pay FANCY PRICES to RETAILEBS for chairs and fixtures when you can buy direct from the manufacturer? _ THE BARKER HYDRAULIC MODEL H CHAIR. „.„_ THE BEST SELLING CHAIR ON THK [ MARKET TODAY, sells for $78, on easy pay- ments of $15 down and $5 a month, or f es casa Jn 120 days. < --• „ Bargains In second hand chairs, and we sell NEW mirrors, poles or workstands far below tbe retailers* prices. ' - _. rtT> ~ a SEE DS TO GET YOUR MONEYS HAIR DRYERS and VIBRATORS sold at $o per month. „ JAMES BARKER, INC. Phone Franklin SS99. »* Turk st - Eugene V. Panarlo. Manager. BARBERS— Come and see the handsomest white porcelain enameled iron chair manufactured. You have positively *cen nothing like. it be- fore. It is Koch's masterpiece and must ap- peal to everybody's artistic sense of its plain but striking appearance. It Is thor- cu-hlr «anitary. For the benefit of barbers who « : an not Wave their places of business dur- inc the day we remain open until 9:30 every evening. Pacific Barber Supply Company, 96- Market st. ' BMtBKi: shelf boftles. 10 new fwof «»»;\u25a0 •V*' e«ch Including metal tube tops. STOI-r S> BARBER SIPPLY HOUSE. 731 Market st. BARBEK wanted to take full charge j*_ eh ff 0 P; rail momlus. C. COLEMAN & CO., S3O Mar- ket st. \u25a0 -\u25a0 B.MIBKK wanted 5 p. m. today and Saturday. Imperial Shaving Parlor, 2415 Shattuek ay., Berkeley. BERBER'S mirror for sale: 15 feet long, 2\b wide ; $2S. Box 3435. Call office. BARBKR for Wednesday, Saturday -and Sunday; steads bring tools. 40 7th st. opp. Postofflee. BARBER wanted at S2l Pevisadero st. BARBER— A- good. st«ady man to run a shop. 279S Bryant st. " \u25a0 BARBERS' UNION 14S. Office 343 Van Ness ay.; -free employment; tel. Market SSO. BARBER wanted— Steady at 544 Market St. BARBER shaving mugs, decorated, large size, 15c oaoh at STOLT'S. 731 Market; 4th floor. BARBER wanted; steady Job. SSOVi Washington st.. Oakland. ' ... COMBINATION barber shop, poolroom and cigar ftaod for sale.: 3 chairs. 2 slot machines. Ad- dress W. MIDDLETON. 316 Pacific ay., Santa Crvz. Cal. - ' tXPERIENCED- barber wants job In conntry or around "bsy. Box 796, Call office. Oakland. FOR SALE— Barber shop. Inquire at 814 Mc- Allister st. fnr particulars. FOR sale — Best paying barber shop In Reno. Ad- dress box 1253, Reno. Nev. FIRST CLASS f-srber wanted. 2002 Mfsslon st. near 16th. \u25a0 . . . FIRST CLASS barber iii every respect. 16 years' ' experience, age 2«. slnsle. reliable snd sober, wants a job: «-!ty or country. Bor 3478, Call. FIRST cla** colored porter wishes a job in a barber fcbop: refs. 1673 Bush; phone Frank- lin 4649. - FREE — New'" novelty for barbers* use; send In your address. Box 3402. Call- office. GOOD barber wanted for Wednesday evening. Friday eve.. Saturday. Sunday. 4527 Mission. GOOD barber, one who can work Wednesday night. Saturday and Sunday; must be steady. Apply at 526716:h st. PORTER wanted fwhite) for a barber- shop; $12 a week and 60 per cent over $17. Phone Larktn 206. Palo Alto. Cal. . PRU'E $200. a snip; 2 cha'.r shop in Guerne- ville.s with baths attached, first clans fixtures ..'and doing a good business; best location. : low rent;- will pay for this summer; come up and s«« at once if. interested. H. ! BMJgSEABT. box S3, Guerneville.. i SOBER barter wants work extra, or will rent shop. THOMAS. 4 LlETle. off 30th and Mlsiion. THE whiskers mrlt wlien they come in contact with the "Diamond B" raior. At BAUER'S, .1554 EUi» st. WANTED — Barber. Wednesdays and Saturdays or Fridays and Saturdays: steady. Paciflc Bar- I*T Supply. !XJ2 Market sf. WANTED— Location for barber shop: rent not more than $15. C. ARTH. ]600\4 Devlsadero. 3 CHAIR barber shop for sale; good business; good -location ; -cheap rent. 3090 ICtb st. $150 — 2 chair shop; good location; nicely fur- litahed: rent $15: furnished living room; half cash. CHAS. COLEMAN. S.lO Market st. $200 — Barber shop for sale, with living room?; rent $12.50 mo. Apply ;HRni Mission st. $400 — 2 chair shop, with 2 baths; good thriving town, population 5.000; a money maker. CHARLES COLEMAN & CO., 830 Market st. $85 — 1 chair shop: rent $10: established laundry, trade. CHAS. COLEMAN & CO.. 830. Market. $550 each buys candy store. Ice cream parlor and 3 chair barber shop, with living rooms; one rent. 2«1 Oth *t. EXPERIENCED watch maker IsHrllling to take an apprentice under contract; position guaran- teed after nerving full time. • Box 2810. Call AA — WOMEN "and girls for cutting and canning apricots; also -experienced canners wanted; we ply the highrst wages: yon have clean, healthy nnd moral surroundings: take Hd »nd Kentucky «»r and Fillroore st. car*. CALIFORNIA CANNERIES COMPANY. lStli and Minnesota - streets. .....\u25a0' APPIIKNTICJ2 to, learn dress making' at 317 Bi>rtlett st. bet. 24th and 25th. DEUSTER'S SCHOOL OF HAIRDRESSING ANI) BEAUTY CULTURE. 47 KEARNY ST.; S. K. EXPERIENCED saleswoman for laces and em- broideries; one who thoroughly understands these lines and capable of acting as assistant Ist department. Apply Snpt.'s office from 9 to v «. in. HALE BROS., Inc., Market and 6th sts.. city. ' I EXPERIENCED pres-er on ladles' aud gent's clothing. Dye Works, 1019 Filbert St., Oak- land. . . FIRST CLASS cook and laundress for . Smisa- llto: wageK $35 or $40. Call bet. 9 and Q at 'I7IC Sacramento st. . '- - - FIRST-CLASS lady ' solicitors can find steady • employment by applying city ' circulation de- . partment San Francisco Call, 3d aud Market streets. - GERMAN nurse for young baby, . country, $25; . cook for private family, Tahoe, $40 r .refer- ences necessary; German cook, small family^ ' city, $45. mutt- understand German cooking: waitress for new. hotel, city.' $27.50; cook and parlor maid and waitress for same place, $10 and $35. reference/ necessary; general house- work girl, small family, city. $35; 2 wait- resses for commercial I hotel. $30 each, board, no room. Call at' MISS PLUNKETTB, IS9O Sutter st. • . \u25a0 GIRL, general housework, plain cooking. - 2214 Devlsadero st. •> , \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0: > - GOVERNESS for 8 year old boy;. must be com- petent and able to teach piano: references re- qulred. Box 4713. Call office, 1651 Flllmore Bt. HOP PICKING In August; work for everybody; see our ad under male help wanted. ,- LADIES — During summer months we will give a liberal discount on all laees;-our neckwear will be sola at half. Brussels Lace : Store, 1251 • Sutter st. below Van Ness.; . . - .. LADIES' wanted to take home work: part or full time; experience unnecessary; TRIEBEUS, 3240 Sutter «t. near. Polk. - ~~~~1 OAKLAND^ ~7~^- 7" i GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WUIKE LEARNING.' • LEU STRAUSS & CO.. 3D AND CLAY STS. OAKLAND. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. ; STEADY Increase > In the business of th« Paciflc telephone and \ telegraph company , r necessitates . tbe ; employment of j additional operators, and th«? telephone .company; la making' special in- 1 Uucemcnts to secure for these positions 'young I women of | neat appearance, f air , education and \ excellent character; young women who wish to ' study telephone operating will not only receive free tuition In the Pacific operating school, but . will also be paid while studying; and' upon frrad- ' . nation will be, a-Iven, positions, at the switch- ' - boards; the exchange buildings^ arc; equipped -with rest and -retiring, rooms and the operating " rooms are light and; well ' ventilated;* the* tele- 1 1 phone company takes a personal interest In the welfare of the young women In 'lts employ, and on- this 'account -parents iof the nort of girls i .', desired are' encouraging." them to'take^upWele- phone, operating as a> profession.'^ For:- further ' particulars call at tbe"raclfic Operating School ' Franklin central office, $21 Hyde st. neaf Sut- 1 t*T. ~V.--.-V . >:: :-;-.;.';- .. -, . \u0084>-:.- -; ;^; : .;-, . WANTED-frYoung 1 .ladles '*"iio'.', train as nurses; J « ges 22 to 25 ; paid while learning. : Old Snub I k, I>». fi»UuW, C»l, - -\u25a0•-.- . .-. ;; ." \u25a0 \u25a0' .-;.^ ;•> ,'\u25a0 THE SAN, FRANCISCO GALL, WEDNESDAY,': JULY 21; 1909 m On How to Secure H I A Gotod Room or ...;\u25a0• | I Boarding Place I H ; First read carefully the list of H H • places advertised in the * ' Rooms to m p Let," "Rooms and Board" and "Hotel" W II columns, for ,the best places in the ii |.l city advertise in The Call. If you do W& m not find just what you desire there place a lm m little ad yourself under "Rooms Wanted;" || R and a^variety of places will be offered you, ' M I] 1 among which you v/ill surely find the one Wl H . you want at the price you can pay. If |>] Those haying rooms to vlet will do || P well^to advertise them in The Call. M WANTED — Intelligent lady for pleasant work; can eaYn $6 per day. For"- particulars apply to Business .Law Pub. Co., 902 Metropolis Bank bldg., 10 a. m. today. \ - WANTED— A Protestant lady unincumbered as Attendant In 3 doctors' offices; must be extra fine appearing and at least high school gradu- ate from distance; teacher preferred; no limit :lo salary. Don't write. Call personally. Dr. C. 096 McAllister st. - - . - -.. WANTED — Bright young woman to learn hair dressing and manicuring. Apply manager's x office. HALE BROS., Inc., 11th . and Wash- lngton sts.. Oakland, Cal. .-.«'. WE TEACH SHORTHAND BY MAIL. Revised Pitman system taught In 30 lessons. ?10 covers full cotirse; no extra charges. I'ersonnl attention given each student by ex-~ pert shorthand writer. Send check or money order to SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, 209-11 Westliank lildg...San Francisco. SALESMEN and SOLICITORS WAITED LOCAL agents, men and women. In every Interior town for household novelties: permanent posi- tions to good workers; exclusive territory: easy sellers: splendid pay; don't look further. Wrltn or call Radio Mfg. Co.. 1065 Washington. Oakl'd SALESMEN WANTED— Hundreds of good posi- tions now open: traveling salesmen earn from $1,000 to $10,000 a year and expenses and ran always get steady employment: over 000.000 employed in the United States and Canada. We will teach you by mall and as- sist yon to secure a good position; we re- ceive calls for salesmen from and place our graduates with the leading firms all over the United States and Canada: scores (if our graduates who formerly earned from $25 to $75 a month have earned that much and more •In a week nnd their . expenses since completing our course of instruction in scien- ' tiflc salesmanship. If you want to secure, a good position or increase your earnings, oar. free book. "A Knight of tile Grip," will show you how. Write or rail for It toddy. Address 'Nttlonsl Salesman's Training Association, (UOB Metropolis Bank bid?.. San . Francisco. Branches: Chicago. New York, Kansas /City, Minneapolis. . . SALESMEN wanted to Hell staple goods to sa- loons: every saloon keeps It; good line. 11 Beldemtn st. \u25a0 ' W.VN'TED — Experienced canvassers to solicit soap orders for established manufacturer; good salary with commission on every sale to the right men: give ref».: ;call at once." The ' Standard Soap C 0. .-245 Front st. <, ; WANTED— Successful nursery salesman; biz commission;, choice territory; . heavy demand for trees. Address OREGON NURSERY CO., \u25a0Salem. Ore. ' . -' - WANTED — 3 neat appearing solicitors; good chance for ambitious men. Call 10' to 11 a. m., 2122 Market st. »--.-\u25a0 AGRXTS AVAi\TED START IN BUSINESS; be independent: I started ok an agent, am now big manufacturer, mak- injr household specialties; have hundreds of agents working; I'll start you: won't let you fall. Agents of ability wanted to open branch offices and employ snbagents: no money needed; write me fully and frankly. . C. E. \u25a0SWAKT7.BAUGH. Toledo, Ohio. - * .- . WE want a live salesman ' In nearly every town In the state to sell talking machines and pianos: good pay; experience not necessary. KOIILER & CHASE. 40-52 O'Farrell ft. ; EMPLOYMENT OFFICES ' AAA— PHONE WEST 1731. Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office In city. T. TAMURA C 0.." 1612 Lagnna 'at." AAA — CHINESE cooks of ail classes and "other help furnished. Orient Employment offlce, 361 Bth st.V Oakland. Phone Oakland 3101. AA— OSCAR HATSUMI. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMP. CO.; BEST HELP GUAR.r CITY OR COUNTRY. 1513 GEARY ST. WEST 5688. J. CONN, Chinese emp.. bureau; Chinese cooks special, hotel or fam. 770 Clay;it. D'glas 3162. A. -HORI, 174S Sutter: phone .West 2So3— Best -'Japnnese-Cninese help furnished ilromptly. STAR emp. ofßco furnishes Japanese-Chinese help. W. ICADOTA. 1608 Geary: tel. West 167., H. W.. HONG, Chinese employment offlce, 805 Webster St.. Oakland. Phone Oak 584. J. JAPANKSE-Clilnese employment office,- 1097. / Polk St.: phone Franklin 3757. ' - KNOX, 433 Pine— Suits, liens and attachments, " time chocks cashed: dohts coll'tecl everywhere. _II t POMS TO LET~Fwr. ntiil I?nfur. : AA— TURK st.i 822— Nicely furnished, sunny rooms, $1.50, ."52 - per - week; also handsomely, furnished front room; suitable for 2 or 3, very reasonable. ,> AA— DKVISADERO. st.. 902— Very nicely fur- nlshed sunny rooms; gas, bath, phone; $10 up; transfer corner. .. - ; \u25a0 ANTHONY HOTEL, 825 Howard near 4th— New , management; all modern cony.; free baths; 35c 7 day: $2 week up; Howard or 4th st. cars. ;;--\u25a0 A COZY home for respectable ladies.. 1130 Mar- ' ket st. near 7th under auspices of the SAL- VATION ARMY; elegantly furnished; every modern convenience; steam .heat, electric light • and elevator .service; spotlessly , clean; cen- trally located; thoroughly homelike; telephone < Market 1349; prices very moderate, ranging j from 25c per night up; special. rates by, the 'week or month. See matron, room 33. ARCADIA. 1705 Post at., cor. Buchanan — Nicely furnished rooms, hot and cold water in every .* room, best accommodations; '\u25a0 $2.50 week \u25a0 and \u25a0 up; transient. :\u25a0,:•*\u25a0 - • ; . . ,\u25a0 \u25a0;.- ' ' BALDWIN HOUSE/ 74 6th st. near Market— All modern , conveniences;- 220 rooms; 35c to $1 per day, $2 to $5 per week; free baths.'- ". \u0084 •-.-; BARTLETT. 132. ; nr;.' 22d-rLarge ; front room; ' closet: bath; nr. S car ; llaes; $8 a month; -. BROADWAY. 189»— Large. -sunny.' comfortably ..'furnished room; marine view; $8. -:r: r BUSH St.. 2097, \u25a0 corner -* Webster — Nicely .. fur- nished suuur rooms; - electric* light, running .water. Tel< t phone. . • CALIFORNIA . ay.. 2112— Large, sunny room, -bath, phone. large closets; 'also single rooms; - fine location, v•\u25a0 • . -' \u25a0 \u25a0 .' - £ CARTER (The)." 215 O'Farrell st. cor. Powell— \u0084' Newly i furnished, :. outside ; rooms ; > modern. ,- Kearny 5174.-.: '- --'; : :\u25a0\u25a0•, .;/,-;: -V. .'•'; ' :\^' --:\u25a0-'\u25a0: 'CENTRAL HOTEL, 574 3d BJ.— Free : baths; of- ; flee and 'reading room •on ground -: floor;. :500 single and family rooms; 35c to" $1 a day; $2 :' to $5 a week.. -EDWARD ROLKIN; proprietor. DEVISADERO St., \u25a0 849,; cor.> McAllister— Sunny ' cor.- room;' 2 bay windows; phonu;. bath; $10 ".* a' month.. .\ : ."-'7-' ..V £ \u25a0-''"-" \u25a0.\u25a0'\u25a0;-'.'.--..\u25a0 ', ' ?: ':'c£?' DE WRY HOUSE. 4th >\u25a0 and Howard— All modern ' conveniences ; 200. rooms: 35c to $1,.s2 I to $5 week; free baths. 7 Howard or 4th st. cars. EDDY . St.. 1239— Sunny outside rooms, .nicely .: furnished, if or 1 ;or;2;' running - water; phone; ,$3 week.- V. .'- l .-; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0;-.;. : - ': -*.- ;-i ->>;> *i ELLIS St., 1917— Sunny ; outside room,: nicely -. furnished, with or without. h. k.; bath,- phone; -$12 month. «.vJ;:i.-~ -..'.'-. '\u25a0 , . -\u25a0 "\u25a0 .:.-..- ; ELGIN Park,. 73,.n ear Market st.— Sunny, front, . bay' ,wlj»dow,if'rooni; * all ' conveniences;"* very "(reasonable, v -. \u25a0 : ;y^'~,''-. ti :<--;.^\ *'.> •-.-;>- '•/; .^*;-'"' ; - FELL st.,: 1150; near ; Devisadero— Sunny butßlde ;roomsln'private. family; nicely -furnished; for r lor; 2; $6,t0 $10 month.' -,;\u25a0/' -•-, - ! ' » FiLLMOnE." '761— Large -" sonny ; front i room; \u0084s uitable' for j .2:. private >, house; ;-_ bath.^: phone; GEARY; st.,l l4lo Va'^Sunny.' 3 front "room;; private \u25a0o family; nicely furnished; ; for 1' or 2 gentlemen; \u25a0' ; reasonable. ; X-,T-,-' '.i--/.- -,-•;. ri-% \... -, \u25a0 ?\u25a0•>,\u25a0•;.. , ROOMS TO LEiy— Continued GEARY St., 1752, near Flllmore— Sunny rooms In private family, nicely furnished for one or two gentlemen; reasonable.'' \u25a0" . -. \u25a0 HOTEL ST. JOE, 346 Kearny St.— Nicely fur- nished, rooms; reasonable; transient acconi- modated. ; , . . HOWARD, 2302. cor. 19th— Front bay window room,- well furnished; bath, phone; $3 week; no signs. • . HOTEL ST. PAUL. 52S 12th • St.. corner. Clay. Oakland — Rooms 50c a day up; $2.50 week up; special rate by the month: open all night. LAGUNA St., '1123— 2 or 3 sunny unfurnished rooms; coal range; connecting; phone and gas.* MCALLISTER st., 002— Nicely furnished front bay window room; bath, etc.; bouse keeping; also single rooms,' $7 to $14. ' MCALLISTER st.,- 1414— Sunny, outside rooms; tot and cold water, bath, phone;, slo mo. up. MCALLISTER st., 1221, near Flllmore — Sunny outside rooms; nicely furnished; for 1; or a 2 gentlemen: : all conveniences; r s2 week and up. MISSION st..- 2505 >4. near 22d— Front bay win- dow suite; elegantly furnished; $15. OAK St.. 452— A1l day sunny residence; cloce to theaters and business center; near 3 car lines; elegant : rooms. $1.50 week up; hot running water, bath, phone, laundry, gardens. Take Haight st. cars to Buchanan. OAK st, 092 — Nicely fur. room private family, $8 mo. ; also room, $6 mo.; gentlemen only. O'FARRELL St.. 1258, nr. Gough — Sunny outside rooms, elegantly furnished; modern conveul- . ences: $10 : per month nnd up. . x \u25a0 O'FARRELL St., 1361A — 4 room unfurnished flat; fas, laundry, sunny yard; separate entrance; 18 month.- • \u25a0 . .-, - OVERLAND HOUSE, 569 Sacramento st, below Montgomery*— Now open, 200 roorau: hot and cold water In every room; 25c to $2 per day, $1:50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop. PAGE St., 22(5— Clean, bright, nicely \ furnished front bay window rooms; bath, phone; $10 to \u25a0 $15 month. • : .- • * » PIERCE St., 1841. nr. O'Farrell— Sunny outside room, private family; nicely furnished; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; $10 a month.; POLK. 1736— Sunny outside rms.: hot, cold water, bath, .phone; $2 wk. up; hskpg. apt., $14 mo. POST; St.. 1788, near. FUlmore-^Sunny \u25a0 front rooms, nicely : furclahed, all conveniences. In private 'home; .strictly modern; reasonable.' " ST. ANNA. 1291 I'lne at Hyde— Newly furnished bachelor quarters; hot aud cold water, baths; all conveniences: reasonable. ... THE GOUGH,. 1124 GOugh corner O'Farrell— Nicely fur. rooms, single or 6iilte; reasonable. THE LANS DALE, 610 Larkin St.— Sunny out- slde rooms; hot and cold water In every" room; all conveniences: $2.50 per week anj up. ' ; THE CRESCENT. 820 Eddy. St.— Under new . management: nicely furnished rooms; all con- veniences; summer rates. THE LURLINH, 1353 Bush— Sunny, modern rms., $2.50 wk. up: country trade: 50c to $1.50 day. ROOMS— Fur. and XTnfnr. FURNISHED largo "sunny front rooms, from $2 to- $4 week; large house keeping room, $15 month, including gas and laundry. 1229 - Franklin st. _" > THE'ATTKINDALB, 122 C Broadway. Oakland— 1 All thoroughly renovated; now ready; $2 - per week and up. \u25a0\u25a0 ."; , \u0084,\u25a0 , ' WEST St.. 1169, cor. 14th— Large, sunny rooms for gentlemen. Phone Oakland 5540. 17TH St.. 572 — Large parlor suite," central loca- tion: also other rooms, light house keeping. REXT THAT VACANT ROOM - A small want ad In The Call will do it qnlcker than a dozen signs plastered on your windows and which spoil the looks of your home besides. Phone Kearny 2>6 tor an ad mau to call and see yon. : : \u0084 ROOMS ; FOR HOUSE KEEPING AA—DEVISADERO st;. " 902— Large sunny fur- \u25a0 nlshed front alcove room; piano; buffet kitchen adjoining; $20; unfurnished floor. $15. BARTLETT St.. 434. ,nr. 23tb— Furnished or . unfurnished rooms to let; choice and reason- able; 2 to 5 p. m. BARTLETT. 420, nr. 25th— 1. 2 or 5 connect- ing moms; complete for bouse keeping; bath; $12, to $15 and up; gas, free. BARTLETT. 134, nr. 23d— 2 sunny front rooms: complete for bouse keeping;' nr. _3 car lines; i gas. nnd electricity. free; $18. . - . CLARA st. 1 , ICC, nr. stU— 2 rooms, - $7; 3 rooms, $9. ; ; ' . CLAY at.. 1624, near Polk— Apartment, consist- ing of living room, with piano, bedroom and ! stoall kitchen; all modern conveniences;' rea- \u25a0'. sonable. -' -\u25a0 - : \u25a0 \u25a0 '.. . \u25a0 " \u25a0 v' .-., ... \u25a0' \ \u25a0 \u25a0:.- ',\u25a0 DEVISADERO St.. 464— Newly furnished front suite, complete: batb; also single rooms; 3 car lines; $15 to $22.50. \u25a0 ; ; i\. DOLORES at.. 984, near 23d— Front bay window .suite with bath; convenient for house keeping; gag free; $20.' ELLIS .St., *l 1112 — Nice .. large house keeping . I rooms ; regular I kitchen ; ; all conveniences ; ; rent reasonable. *. / .' : \u25a0. \u25a0 FILLMORB St., 1443— NIely furnished and unfur- nished rooms, single or. en suite, at very rea- sonable rates. '\u0084. . • ' : GUERRERO St.," 1413— 2 nice large front and back rooms, furnished. for house keeping; priv ; ate family residence, v. v - '.: \u25a0 :<,-• > . • " HAVES st., 972— rLarge ,bay window "house . keep- Ing rooms; bath, phone. < storage; clieap. _ '\u25a0-;.. HAVES st., »«9— Modern large light rooms, en suite; or single; : also, house, keeping ..suites; 'j bath, phone. \u25a0- '.-\u25a0" '.-.::' -. : ..- \u25a0 HAVES St., 520, "t near. Octavia— Single light liouse keeping' rooms; runnings water -In all rooms; $3 , week up ; : gas,'*:, etc., , free. t. '-, MISSION st., 2219A.~ near, 18th— MAlern front ;" : suite; ; -;reg, kitchen; gas range; 'bath; wash- \u25a0y trayg. . .-:..;"....- --.-\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0-> ,'-,". ;;--'\u25a0\u25a0 :--..-* ;\u25a0' : \u25a0\u25a0 OAK st T 1697 — Front sunny bay window rooms; running water,; with use of kitchen; $12, $14,. $18 mo.; ; also t front I and • back ; parlor. ' ; , OAK St., 2001, op. i Panhandle — Beautlf ully fur- -. Dished rooms, ..en suite or single. Phone Park 4505.' .-.-.- '.-\u25a0: \u25a0..-.••• -' • . \u25a0-\u0084:• \u25a0.-.,>\u25a0-\u25a0- O;FARRELL ; st.'. 1059-^-Nicely furnished house \u0084, keeping apartments of; 1 and 2 rooms; all con- venlenceg; ; $10 ; month \u25a0 and up. - ;: -: O'FARRELL : at., 1546—4 room | flat, "completely furnished for houao \u25a0 keeping ; ' reasonable. OCTAVIA st. 1257, i near O'Farrell— Nicely . fur- y nlshed; rooms,- .single ,•' or^ en > suite,", for house keeping; $1Q. month and up. , I : \u25a0'. SAN :•: • CAHLOS ; ay., \u25a0 320—4 s rooms and ; batb • sunny ;\u25a0 upper ? modern 'flat: completely, fur- i n lshed ? for ; honse keeping ; $23. ;M ' ; >\u25a0'\u0084* • -.-- ; SAN ; CARLOS aT.,' 1 355, i uear ; 21 st | and Mission— \u25a0; 2 or 3 • sunny^ rooms,' furnished \u25a0 complete ; | sink • \u25a0 ? coal and gas range ; \u25a0 adults: ty*?-vv ?.: \u25a0„;•'">> ".;; " : .^' STAN YAN -5 st, * 945— Al * house .. keeping rooms : ', » joujpletely ; < furnished;'" reasonable; ' gun - all :i-- day ; , near o Golden j Gate : park."-.-' ..,-\u25a0 \u25a0-.*\u25a0 ?- \:.~. li SHOTWELL. : 733— -2 *or 1 3 J sunny . front - rooms; , r 'complete . for .:\u25a0 house > keeping; a . running water; \u0084 bs th ; r free .gas; '* phone : - $15 \u25a0 snd \u25a0' $20. %\' J ._ r -^< UNION 81.7:2245^-2 nlce.isunny^ rooms,- furnished C- for house keeping; rent. reasonable. V« -X.^-.' ;\u25a0;.«>; '2•2 • SUNNY.N- house^ keeping f; rooms.t"' partly 'J fur-' s?nlshed.'.wlth gas, $12.50.;* Call at 124 Diamond \u25a0 7 . st. 1 near 18tU. s,; \u25a0 • ;\u25a0- .- r,--.- -. ;-.=" .•\u25a0'.-\u25a0•\u25a0- .- -,- ,-\u25a0 « - .- . BOOMS FOH HOUSE KEEPING— Con. I 24th. ; : ' 3330 — 2 j connecting ; 'outside I rooms; com- . plete for house keeping;; gas; and coal stove; : ; bath; wawh strays; $18. - \u25a0..*-\u25a0";\u25a0 . \u25a0 . . .-\u25a0 C6THf St., 3253 — Sunny 'front .room .for' house '-: keeping; 'clean upper, flat; bath, gas j free; $0.50 month. . ' w _, ROOMS AXD BOARD OFFEHEI) A— THE WEMPE.- 4\o Oak st near Van Ness ar. v and Market st.— Large, sunny rooms and unex- \u25a0 ; celled ; board ; I all - modern conveniences ; : $33 , month up. v \u25a0- . -. ~ BARTLETT St., 181, near 22d— LaVge, sunny ;.; room with running water; . also j single room; . •'- "home cooking. CENTRAL" ay., 416.- panhandle — Newly, furnished sunny room; good board; ' all home cooking; convenient, to 3 car lines: suitable for 1 or 2. EDDY', st.; -1226, \u25a0\u25a0 nr. • Laguna — Sunny outside rooms, single or double, with excellent board; rates for. 2 $50 * month. . • < : EDDY st.. 865— Large sunny room: with closet: ' ni lining water; $15; board- if- 'desired; -gentle- • • men. .. \u25a0\u25a0/ . i.;.. \u25a0\u25a0:,'•.. :. • - ; ; : :\u25a0 - :. \u25a0" : LARGE sunny front room: nicely furnished for i 2 gentlemen or couple: all conveniences; board : optional; reasonable. 1523 Eddy. St. .- PACIFIC ay.. 171 Ci near. Van Ness— Beautiful • ; sunny suite nnd single ror>mg preferences.' PIERCE St.. 815. nr. McAllister— Nice furnished 'rooms, bath, good, board, 2 people. $30 month. POST St., 1414, nr. Gougb — Large sunny room;. running water; all conveniences: suitable for '2 gentlemen; first class board; -$3O mo. each. SAN JOSE ay.. 271 4 nrT 21th— Nicely, furnished ,-\u25a0 front rooms in private family ; best home cook- lng; $20 anfl. $25." ST. MAHGARBT'S clnb for working girls. 1541 : California st. ; $20 mo. up; tourists $1 day. SUTTER st., 2040 — Nicely furnished, in private Home, with board; suitable for, gent; good '\u25a0\u25a0 home cooking; all convenience!. West 5720. WOMAN'S IIOTKL. Turk at Laguna, opp. park— Home comforts: reasonable rates. ; [ BERKELEY ROOMS AXD BOARD FURNISHED rooms in refined private family; \u25a0 beautiful grounds and surroundings; board op- tional; near stations; references. 2223 Sbat- tuck ay. ' ... - \u25a0ROOMS AXD BOARD WANTED ROOM and board in private family : lady . em- ployed; state terms. Box 3482, Call offlce. ROOM and board for 2 young ladles (employed) ; private family preferred. Box 3486. Call offlce AAA— ST. MARGARET apartments. Fell and Oc- tavia sts. — Sunny unfurnished apartments; it \u25a0 rooms and bath; wall beds; rent reasonable. AAA— ST. MUNGO Apt., 1300 Golden Gate cor. Fillmore— Elegantly furnished 2-3 room apts. AAA— THE STANFORD. 315 Van Ness— l, 2 rms.; hkpg. ; single , rms, $2.."0 up; tourists sol. AA— GLADSTONE APARTMENTS. 706 Polk st. - cor. Eddy — Elegant sunny house keeping apart- ments; 1 room, $14 per month; 2 rooms, $28 per month; 3 rooms. $40 per month: hot baths; elec. lights; janitor serv. Tel. Franklin 2048. AA— CARMELITA apts.: cor. I.sth and Valencia; most modern apt. house in the city; elevator, steam heat, tel.; priv. baths; 2, -3, 4 rooms .from $27.50 up; elegantly furnished. A— CORNELIA HOTEL APARTMENTS. 641 O'FARRELL ST. NEAR HYDE. ' • 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM . ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Completely equipped- with every modern conven- ience and ready for immediate occupancy. - SOMETHING NEW. . HOTEL SERVICE. -> - REFERENCES REQUIRED. ADELINE APTS.. .640 Kddy — Apartments, 2, 3 and 4 rooms; thoroughly modern; summer rates. ANSONIA APTS.. 1457 Geary st. — 1 and 2 room furn. apts.; mod.; convenient; summer rates. CALIFORNIA apts.. 1 2124 California St.— Sunny furnished apts. of 3 and 4 rooms,! M. AS. wall beds in each apt. ; lawn. West 5119. Columbus (The). NE. cor. Pac. and JLarkln— 3 \ and 4 room apts.. unfurnished. $22. $25. $27. KENILWORTH. NE. COR. BUSH AND POWELL ' .STS.— 3 ROOM FURNISHED .HOUSE KEEP- <* ING APARTMENTS; SINGLE ROOMS: COM- PLETK APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICE. MARYLAND APARTMENTS, 363 Page St.— Sun- ny 4 room apartments; furnished- and unfur- nished; hot water, janitor service, night watch- man, elevator. . . * ;. . : >» ': MALTA apts.— More, than home comforts; 2-3 r. apts.. complete: sun all day. Priv. ex. Market 6144. Gore 14th and Market sta. SAN CARLOS apartment!.. 1175 O'Farrell st.— IV 3 tnd 4 rooms, furnished and unfurnished.- The Brompton, 1424 Polk at. — New fur. aud un- fur.. apts.. S and 4 rms.. now ready; all mod. cony., private baths, phone, elevator service. --(JLAJvLAAS-AJPAjrr^ THE LUCERNE." 14G5 Grove at., near San Pablo ..av. — 2 and. 3 room elegantly furnished apart- ments; all modern conveniences; fine .location; now ready for occupancy: \u25a0 centrally' located; out of town parties desiring fine quarters will _jfinti this an Ideal home: upeclal summer rates. __ ____\u25a0 -;- 1.-.1.,-..y°^fil^.^^^.,^l .-.l.,-..y°^fi l^.^^^.,^- u^. IW^ AA— HOTEL BRISTOL. 415 O'FARRELL ST. AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Room and bath. '$1 day or- $5 per week. Outside telephone In each room. Newly opened. Steel frame building. . \u25a0 .. - - A— THE WEMPE. 419 Oak st. nr. Van Ness and Market — Large, sunny rootns -and unexcelled board; all . modern conveniences; $35 month up. BROOKLYN HOTEL," 369 Ist— Board and room $6 to $8 per week: rooms 50c to' sl; weekly $2 up; meals 25c. CHARLES MONTGOMERY. HOTEL ARGQNAUT. 4th and Market sts.— Fam- Slly and commercial hotel; room with detached - \u25a0 hath, $1 per day; rooms with private bath. ,v/$1.50, v /$1.50 per day; restaurant- attached;- moderate prices; free bug meets 'all trains & steamships. - HOTEL BRILLIANT. .\u25a0 . .. \u25a0' ~ \u25a0 -. - 545 Turk st. \u25a0 : . . Fireproof, private exchange, all outside rooms; special rates- to permahents; dining .room. Take Eddy st. car from ferry.:*. <\u25a0 -: HOTEL BKLMONT, 730 Eddy, below Van Ness, Turk and Eddy care-rßates $1 per day up.' HOTEL CALIFORNIA>cor. California & Hyde— Kspeclally adapted -to 'ideal home life; su- I parlor accom. ; reas. ; European or Am. plan. J HOTEL HARCOURT, LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN. EXCELLENT * TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. HOTEL M ERRITT. l«30 Geary Var* Fillmore— In amusement center; $1 day up; $3.50 wk. up. HOTEL REV. 515-519 BUSH ST. ~~ JUST OPENED. •> \u25a0 - Elcßsntly fijruished; private \; baths; strictly first cla«s; particularly suited for downtown busi- nessmen; European plan; rates reas.; Doug. 4768/ HOTKI/ST. JAMES. Van Ness ,at. Fulton— sls . month to permanent guests; beautiful lobby. HOTEL ST. ROSE. 1492 Ellis St., 1 block from new Chutes — Elegantly furnished rooms, slngn* and en suite; permanent , and - transient guests \ solicited;- hot and, co'.d' water;- complete \u25a0 call ; - service.- Rates per day $1. $1.50 and $2; rates -'. per week $3, $3.50,' $4. jj» . - HYGEIA, 2042 Mission, nr.— Clean sunny .rooms; running water; $1.50 up; also transient. MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary St.— Rooms and suites, with . first class board, • can now be en- . . jraged at. summer rates. . \u25a0 '-> - THE STRATFORD HOTEL. " . 242 Powell st.. opposite the St.'Francis. - "-A: first class, modern,- fireproof hotel; In the finest downtown section. ,-. Rooms. $4 a^weck and up. - - Itoom with private batb. $1 a day and np. THK CRESCENT. ISol' California St.; at Frank- lln— Select" boarding- house; 'first class;- ref.; v- rates reag. Franklin 1021. MRS. E. R. BATES. THE RONDELL. 30S1 16th. nr. Valencia— Fur. rms.: ' run/- water;- 50c' day. $2.50 wk. " up. \u0084 FLATS TO LET . * 'APARTMENT, flats— 4 and 5 large 'sunny rooms , \u25a0 and 'baths with separate '< storerooms and ser- v ant rooms. THE KNOLL, 1624 Sacramento. BUSH, 168 i; nr. Gough— Beautiful 8 room and \u25a0 bath sunny and light flat,' fine renting location. CENTRAL ay., 700, corner Fulton st. hear park \u25a0-.-; and .panhandle- — 1 rooms, bath,' modern flat; ; -sun all day; $22 up; Janitor. ; . :\u25a0. - - ,; , - . JONES. St.. 1020 and 1032. between . Pine and \u25a0 California — New, sunny, C and 4 room flats V $4C and $30. -\u25a0'.*. %•;. .-\u25a0;.. .-V;'., •"\u25a0 '?•;.; . ' \u25a0 MINNA ,; St., 1319. near 14th— Modern flats, 4 sunny rooms and bath each. .-";\u25a0 . r- ]\u25a0: . •:• -. \u25a0\u25a0 RENT : $12.50— Cottage . of • 3 sunny rooms. "134 \u25a0Rose:av.,;bPt. J GougU and Octavia, Haight and '\u25a0'ij Page ; sts. > ...; /._/-.:\u25a0 \u25a0-;;;\u25a0 ,-';.-.' \u25a0'-;:; ,--:.-' . .' STEIN ER st.,-: 1315, near ! Ellis— Handsome mod- . " ; crn- fiat.*- 7 : sunny 1 rooms, s bath; > good renting .-. locality - %J , $37.50. \--v;*rT' "-"'.. v- \u25a0"-\u25a0' " ?jv'- '." - SUNNY?' up to date ' Uat.~~ sls; upper 5- room ; flat. 1 'sun audlfght." $20;<'2 ; new, middle "and uppec.s \u25a0 'room, flats, iraost "electricity, •\u25a0. -very Jrflatest, ;$2O and' ; 'Owner -and- key; 14G1 corner j Post.' r- ." : . " ZOE .- St.; ;. Bryant "5 bet. ; 3d :-; and -4th — New :v sunny : 4 and - 5 rooms \u25a0 and : bath^. \- < '_\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0 '••_;• 28TH ' St.," 382C."Jc0r.1-lflth,?nr."-. Church— 2 - new y~* modern flats nearMlssion park: 5 and 6 rooms.' : '.-'- -. ': '.PAy.^^ ' '^^ts 't- to let $l«y to' 'c.ouplef.Cbristla'n^ Scientists = preferred: './lower -flat, .3 large rooms v and t bath..- 053 30th -\u25a0S'st.:^Home phone- A4058.--. -.'\u25a0•.,•'- . • 'r:f \ -.- EDDY Tst., ; IS3s— Flat ~4 Vrooms;*? f urnishedv' *V . O AKLANb F^AT^JTO^JgT-^l^ralshi^d TO LET— Upper up _to date, sunny flal^/w- nlshed complete for hou*ekeeplng;-l block to Key Route. 529 Telegraph ay.. Oakland. .COTTAGES TOLCT X; TO LET— Cottage;'* rooms aad bath; $12. Ap- ply lumlxT office. Army and Condon st». lIoiISES TO LET-— UnfurniUihed^^^ CLEMENT st.. 1405— House .to r»nt of 6 lares rooms and basement. ' : FILLMOBE st.. 749. nr. Grove— l 2 room home; h. and c. water la every room; $60; a snap. HOUSE of. 4 modern., sunny rooms and batb. 1053 Minna st. between 11th and 12th. < VALLEJO st. — House 9 rooms; gsrage; nardwood "floor*; finest marina view; will lease long term, or nnfnrn. Tel, mornings. West C 754. -jHOUSES TO LET— Fnrnlsh*d^^^_^ OSCAR HEYMAN & BROTHER, 113 • Montgomery st. JACKSON ST.— NlneVwn ho»ise: 2 baths: marine . . - view: splendidly furnishe«[.__v__ - OAKLAXP HOUSES TO LET — Tar. FOR SA-LE — New furniture of 7 room house; close in; price $400: rent $35; no agents. Bos ITS Call offlce. Oakland. HOUSES FOR S^AJLE— -Fnrjolahgd ' HAIGHT St.. 110— Sunny 8 room furnished honse for rent: reasonable; part of furniture for sale cheap. .._____ SAX MATEO HOUSES TO LET - SAN MATEO COUNTRY HOME TO LET FOR SEASON Owner away on business; does not want place Idle: will rent for season. -A beautiful home, 12 rooms, -2 baths; grounds (about 1 acre) highly, cultivated: garage and stable: rent to respon- sible party. $150 a month. Address P. O. bos 383. San Mateo. * HOUSES WAXTED SUNNY, homelike, convenient house. 9 or 10 rooms: some grounds (H to 1 acre); Berke- ley, Piedmont and Frultvale. Box 3490. Call. WE have tenants for stores, flats and rooming houses. 'Don't let them stand empty; it don't pay. List - them with us. We will find yoa 'a tenant on short notlco. McFAUL * SJ> WARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. OFFICES AXl> STORES TO LET FOR rent— Desk room or part of office, at 1651 Flllmore st. near Post. Apply to E. P. GO3- LING. room 202. Call building. -^-u-mL u^ . . . -?9- fl E :V? E ~~ TO lea? • for a term of 5 years from December ,20, 190P— The California Schuetien club park, sttuated near Sarr- .Rafael. Marln county, Cal., containing beautifully wooded grounds, highly improved, and an area of over 35 acres, acces- slbte In CO minutes by railroad : from San Francisco. There are on the premises all the appliances, accommodations and bu!ldlngs necessary* for the purpose of holding first class picnics and other society events. Sealed bids for said lease will be received by OTTO A. BREMER, 140 Van Ness avenue, San Fran- cisco, up to August 10, 1909. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check for tbe amount of one month's rent bid. The directors reserve - the right to reject any or all bids. THE CALIFORNIA SCHITETZEN CLUB PARK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. PHILO JACOBY, President. OTTO A. "RREMER. Secretary. FI'RXITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE — On account of. sudden departure, all fine new furniture, 6 rooms; make offer. 3353 Sacramento st.. middle flat. AND Iron beds at all prices. H. SCHELLHAAS. Oakland's furniture dealer, 11th st. TWO iron beds and one oak dresser cheap. 1745 Hyde st. COBBLER seat rockers. $1.75 and up. at H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 11th wt.. Oakland. FURNITURE goes for a- song at 11. SCHELL- HAAS'. 40<* 11th St.. Oakland. ; FIJRXITtnE TV^TED $5,000 worth of furniture wanted for the conn- try at Wiley's. C59-G6l 14ta st. near Church; Market 432 J. ' ALWAYS ready to buy furniture, carpets, desks, merchandise, etc.. for snot cash. MARK J. i _ LEVY. 1140 McAllister st.: phono Park Bta>. FURXITURE^ y \u25a0WE MAKE handicraft furniture and baby car* rlageg. Paclflc Coast Rattan Co.. 831 Van Ness. FURr^IT^R^EjjiCT.VIREt^ REPAIRING and refinlshtng of furniture: first class work: moderate prices; piano polishing. P. H.^PATTERSON & CO.. 1940 Van Ness ay. near Jackson St.- phone Franklin 4233. WIX PQ VV\ SHADES _' _ _ \u0084 „ Advance Window Shade Factory — Bamboo porcb Bhades In all sUes. GEO. WALCOM. 637 Turk. SEWIXG MACHIXES SINGER. White, all makes half price: easy payments; second hand. J. 5 up; renting. repair- Ing a specialty. McNALLY. 3260 22d St.. . phone Mission 202. DOMESTIC— Best, cheapest; aU kinds rented, re- palred, exchanged: needles and supplies for all makes. J. W. EVANS, agent. 1658 O'Farrell -/st. near Fiillmore; phone West 3601. • DAVIS. SINGER. W. Sc W.— W. E. JACKSON, agent. 404 Slitter: needles, snpplles. all makes. FREIGHT FORWARDIXG A — REDUCED rates for shipping household goods. EAST AND WEST JUDSON FREIGHT AND FORWARDING CO.. " Hoora 200 Paciflc bldg.: phon» Kearny 2579. I ~~ CARPET CLEANING VACUUM process carpet cTeanlng. sewing, laying: estimates furnished; mattresses made over; furniture recovering a specialty. Phone West 7»24. Crescent Upholstering Co^, ltjl'JA De- vlsadero st. \u25a0\u25a0 . AAAA— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. 62 Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2071 — Dust- less cleaning of carpets, rugs, draperies, furnl* ture and bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATUS CO.. 441 Ist ay.: phone Paclflc 1315 — Carpets, rugs, draperies, etc.. cleaned at home without dust, trouble or noise; estimates fnrn/shed. . ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR GLEANING CO. Office 24 Montgomery st. ; phone Kearny 5352; shop 16th &. San Bruno ay. AA — National Carpet Cleaning Works; largest on coast;. laying and altering a specialty. Hion. ton & Baley. 344-343 Chnrch St. Market IS9. 3c yd.— For the Best Carpet Beating— 3c yd. • Phone Market 2-6-2. F. A. Rice. IROS Harrison. 3c yd. — Carpets Cleaned at Right Price — 3c yd. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work send your carpets to J. SPAULDING & CO DB9 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. _ GARNIE t BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning worts 3153 16th st. nr. Vaiencla: phone Market 6001. BEST cleaning <3o) and laying (sc) by Gisslow'* ' C. O. Co.. 3SOB 22d; tel. Mission 2289; est. 20y. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works, 315 East 12th St., Oakland; tel. Merrltt 505. 81655. WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations- renovat.; laying. G6O Devlsadero; ph. Park 560 ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth~ ods., GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and laylnst 2400 Geary st. corner Baker: phone West 9:». STORAGE AXD MOVING VAXs"" BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO.' : Fireproof Warehouse. ' 13th and Mission sts.; tel. Market 13, WILSON BROS 1 . (Inc.)— Moving and storage Cor. 14th «nd Sanchez ats., 1 block from Mar- ket and Fillmore sts. cars; phone Park 271. ______ _ _ OF COURSE 1070 Broadway near 12th St.. Oakland. A— PACIFIC STOIIAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 Flllmore st. ; teL West 2625. PIERCE-RUDOLPH Storage & Moving Co. main *-\u25a0» office.- Eddy and Flllmore: tel. West 828. - ' FOR SALE — Mlscgllnae oua . CASH REGISTERS. \u25a0 " ' ' . ' \u25a0' i\u25a0 : * - y* MORE BARGAINS IN REGISTERS . BETTER THAN EVER. - " • \u25a0„ If you want a low priced register DON'T NEGLECT, to call at our store and look at what we have no luiwf In all styles . and size*. PAYMENTS ANY WAY YOU WANT ->. \u25a0.-•-'*- Look at these.' - I^irge- cashier: desk, -autographic - . fl" •» Detail adder,', keys 5c to - $1. .-. ....". loibo A ; large . size : solid bronze National total -• «• adder. -with" tape, . 0n1y..'.-.;. ...; - «<yi 3Q A large size -solid bronze National "keys "* from.Sc, to. $8.n.">.._... * 45 oo •A hundred others at your own twice £?J2F« NAT J°>'AI"CASH \u25a0 REGISTER CO.. 1040 Market st... bet. Taylor, and Jones. AAA— The Central' Plumbing Sunplv Co- rt«M nnt •f. sell redlpoed fittings, but the/ «/ll new fltUn^, IltS££!2R?i n I ** kind for! .Bring your list • and .be* convinced.. Central v Plumbing \u25a0 Supply Co.. .1527.- Market • st.> ' SAFEST— New and:. second hand.". Th« Hermann } FOR «»AILE- : -MJUic*ll«ni»oii* . Can>«taiii«d AB^OLVTEt.Y one-half . bnlldlnff cost says*— Lnniber. $5. to $10 a l.COO; l».0CO n*w and second haad doors, COe up; 20.000 window* aail * frames to choose froxa. 23c to $•; we bar large and small Job lots for ctsa: money talks theae times; we give you the benefit; give u» a -call, we our stock. U will more thin pay you. Dolan Company, the Wgsest dealers Ia building material on the coast. 1630 Market. A— MACHINERY, tools, < shafttnjs. bslttair and ' a full line of second hand water pip*. SCGAB- . MAN BROS.; at ta« old location. 009 Howard st. Country orders promptly attended to. FOX sale-iAngor* cats. 3 to 6 weeks old 1 to 2U months vld. also one totncatl year old. all r^digrewl. IcQUlr- MRS. HOWES. 319 East I> st.. Petalunia. Cal. • FOR sale— Shingles. $1.5w per M. any 1"""^: also 2t4 ani 2x3 -ro. rwrt.. $12 ; per M ft., delivered free to any part of city. Lumber Office. Army and Condon sts. SECOND HAND PIPE./ Largest dealers in standard pip* and scr?*r casing, dipped: pric-« right: *"«" Bt '*'i «"* class. Pacific Ptpe Co.. Main snd Howard sfs. AA — All sizes standard water ptpe and screw casing, guaranteed good an new; get our prices. Welssbanm Pipe Works. 133 llta st. AND 25 to 50 off on bureaus, extension tables. at 22d and Grove sts.. Oakland; 10 days* sa!« op. T. P. CHOPE. manager. CASH REGISTERS, all kinds, cheap: easy pay- ments. Paclflc Coast Cash Register Co., 1292- 1294 Markst st. corner Larkin. ARMY tents at factory prices. W. A. PLCM- MER CO.. 115 Druznzn St.. S. F.. Ist aait Franklin sts.. Oakland. ____ CONCRETE mixers, gasottae engines, wood wort- Ing macby; contractors' equip.: Al condition; prices right. W. T. MARTIN. 127? Howard st. LARGE stock of stationery novelties, sportla? .goods, etc.; closing 1 out ar your own prle»; dealer* and Jobbers Invited. 1331 Flllniots st. A— SCHOOL BOOKS *>!}*?> t an.: sold. ipC'S BOOK STORE. l~i* Mtr«st sc >bffv» Conga. SAFES— A Jeweler's steel lined aad A book saf* cheap. 233 California st^ \u25a0 - TURNINGS, cabinet and mill wort »tor« ftx- tnres. Jobbing. C. .f. HAA3. 03 Mian* it. A 65c cane seat chf». reguUr $1.23. at H. SCHELLHAAS'. 40? *ljth St.. Oakland. AT H. SCHELLHAAS* furniture sale yoo eaa b« suited. 408 11th st.. Okland. \u25a0 MOVING picture films for rent; largest stock in city. TURNER A DAHNKEN. 138 Eddy st. WALL paper. 3*4 c; samples mailed; paint $1 gal.; alcohol. 65c gal, ii. Merlgan. 1447 ZUts. BUNGALOW book of 32 deshras and plaas. 23c. ART BUNGALOW CO.. P. O. box 260. Oakl'd. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT. KING'S OLI> BOOK STORE. 881 Golden Gate ay. near Octavia sr. BOOKS and libraries booght. THE HOLMES CO.. 1159 Market St.; phono Marsst S9g- SAFE — Snap — Inside measur* 81 ilja. 25 wide. 15 deep; $100. 950 Mission St. . AWNINGS, hammocks and tents for invalid*. ROSS, McMAHON CO.. 403 Battwry St.. 3. F. NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, bar aad safe for sale; cheap. 579 McAllister at. EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and films: bargain*. OKO. BRF.CK. 70 Tnrtsr. MISCELiLAXjEOrS WAXTJj __ \ DRESS SCIT9. TUXEDOS AND PRENCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOIX. TAILOR, 707 GOLDEN GATE AY. PHONE MARKET 463 T. WANTED— Laun«h beWs>*n IS and 22 feet. 4 t<* 8 horsepower; tash, t. A. CONTTAY. Dis- charge Camp. Angel bland. Cal. WANTED to buy — National cash registers for cash; if yon have any style National for sal* drop a lln* to box 2309. Call office. r GUEST price paid for ladles' cast off clota- lng. ..IRS. DAY. 530 Bta st. Oakland 4373. GENTS' second hand clothing bought and so!<f. MUSIN, 1255 G.G. ar.. Fillmorw. Ph. Mkt.7l2* STAMP collections or odd lots of stamps boueat; call evenings. E. W. SMITH. I«s3 Post st. CABH— ANY AMT. rOR OLD GOLD. PBKr. STONES. ENGELHARDT. 22 MONTG'Y ST. WILL buy second hand furniture; tools, elotaiaz, etc.: best prices. 2117 Mlsatoa st. Part 333 ft. BAK AXD STORE FIXTURES BRCNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO.. 17-2T Franklin St. near Market. Phone Special 1457. POSTAGE stamps, albums, catalogues, etc.; co!>. Ijouoj^W^V^oescherACo^^lCSOjarysf. WE furnish everything- for campers; tents, ham- mocks, canvas goods. T. J. MaTera. 42 Sac, sc EHB^ LOFSTAD A EVANS. lac. furriers. 251 Post st. Mercedes bldg.. 3d floor. Phone Kearny 4339. ROBT. MORRIS 239 Geary st.— Furs, fur skint. supplies, satins;' wholesale only. PRESS MAKING MACDOWEIX'S Dress Making and Mllinery School. 121 Geary st. near Grant it. Evening \u25a0 classes. Patterns cut to ordsr. Douglss 4751. _^__^^t^r^OXS^Xr^JPXEATIX«B STEELE'S button works. 222 Ellis, nr. Mason; phone Franklin 4521; mall orders solicited. THE HINOY. 1610* i Geary St.— Aristocratic tail- ii J>r^ i fj>r_^lfesan<jg»ntsj\re«rj»2T7 ; -____ MINING hoists, stationary and portable engia«<>. gas. distillate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS ENGINEERING CO.. 481 Market st. MVSICAL rXSTRUMEXTS A SHERMAN & HYDE. *'ronnT'corn^rs7^ve£ strung, beautiful piano, $73. Weber, almost as good as new. $75. 1-add grand piano, fair condition, t3\ *? Small Kennedy cabinet nprlght. $33. 3 FiscLer uprights. $83 to $123. BeauHful large nlze burl walnut ftns QDrtzht. good as new. $133. " * /Wlllhim Hall* piano, $15. / Pierce. SIS. ."' .i" Gilbert. $17. Small Rord upright. $83. Small F.ranl nprlgUt. lovely condition. $75. And doceog of other small uprights to select from. Lowest rent, largest business. i HEINE PIANO CO., NW. cor. Van Ness ay. and Bash st. Oakland brawn 1214 Clay, opp. Taft t Pennoyr. BRAND new piano. $5 per mo. rental: no cart- age; fre<? Insurance; S months' rental applies to purchase; piano salesman wanted; no sal- ary;- big commission. PETER BACIOALT.'JM . & SONS. 941 Market nt. Open Sat, evening*. VICTOR machine for sale, worth $flO; will sell fur $35; complete and in good order; 43 records 184 Sirver st. N £ W .., p!ano for * XSO; •* eot 9 for "»« celsbrated Gabler pianos. MANUFACTURERS PIANO CO.. 13G Eddy st. LARGE Knabe upright. $250; otter uprights £?? 5i2?.? p: \u0084P tano9 to r * nt - BOWERS * SON. 529 McAllister aad 19 Stockton. ST ,^ NW , AT B P r »snt piano, m snap tor $233» at 1834 Geary st. near FlUmore. PIANO for sale— Mahorsny. slfchtly nsed; party leaving city. 1351 Dyrlsadero St.. apt. B. PIANO for sale; cheap; nsed only 1 year. "HO Lyon st. B lcU^?RtV°£o 1 * te nta^ud^^usf^V^ 33 P q »^ = ] AUTOMOBILES F( ind"ii S ~^T£ e Ss*?S 5 *? \u25a0 nd \u25a0 chant"^ from t %Hs&f n ? M ! a ** * «*. »- W^TON AcroMOBILE BRANCH^ 300 Van Ncsa Avenue. . San Franctaco. s^ "A w SNAP— 1907 Pierce Arrow. 7 Dassenaw^SO \u25a0•sps.far^**- "^ ""\u25a0 »» «*& ONE to 5 ton commercial «uto trucks, aata supplies and machine shop equipment cheas- sale; demonstration any time rH*Ri «£ WILDE^ 7SO. Franklin st°, CHA^f 3 "ZSSiLrzs&SX? wTiV^ii TX EUTE AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE— New >»rt" second hand cars for sale; , n to palnthw'wJS- work and framing. 677-6«5 Goldin, Qi\ 7^7 corner of Franklin. Phong - Pa rksSa" * 07 LE ?- nwi >°^' *»t overhauled ,t, t HEALD'S automobile school «\u25a0!»«, t h« best auto «a coast. -* 425 . McAlHi.t»r^lt°^'