Newspaper Page Text
I^. JIL*SX£Ji 1 5i^* x JP_3l5J ORCYCI ' ES CJRTISS •<#. txria with magnet. «n>irped with «nio »ire«; Al wmfiitlon; will exchange for laticrh: pty fiigeren<-e. 521 16th Bt.. Oakland. "g«Si iffT.ietv;^ 8 * c>mpl ° g optflt> - HORSES, HARNESS AXD WAGONS AAA— PUBLIC NOTlCE— Building to be torn dctra cooa; must sell stock quickly. Other terrains besides these: New rosd buggy, including a ulce bar- oe»*. robe aad whip, complete $(54 50 P.ubber tire tuggies, were $100. n0w.... $71.60 Canopy top surreys, were $100, now $SS.M Csnorr tcp surreys, ww $185. now $110.00 saddles, btrmi and robes «t prices that yoa never can refuv. SPIBO HARNESS AND CARRIAGE CO.. \u25a0 309 Market St.. g. F. AAA— r.5 head cf cheap city horses snd mules. $10 up. the aU purpose kind; 41 vehicles, top \u25a0nacoas, camp, light epring. platform spring, double exnre**, buggies, bike and steel tire Mirers, $10 up; horse, wagon.* harness, $35 Ui>;.bor*«. bujrgr. barr.e>«. $25 up; horse, nd- <l'e, hridle. $25 «rp; cheap span mules at *ae- • rtace; fcar«e«ii, $2.50;- wast money;/ tcake viler; -will trade; open Sundays. Auction Wetlaenday at 11 a. m.. 565 4th St.. Oakland. SECOND HAND wsgoas and bnsgles. all kinds: lowest prices. WILLIAM WERTSCH COM- PANY. 24 Page «=t. \u25a0_ fecoad fcand top wagon, exp. wagoes. bus. bng- cles. Ncgect-Ccvey Waccn Co.. 3i9 Valeocia st. CALL BRANCH OrFICE, 1651 FUlmore st- near TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES MONARCH Vlslfc'e Tprewriter— ln tbe Monarch vtf'.bl* Tpyewrtter all the writing is in full ficht all the time; other makM, second hand. at very reasostble prices; we rent, repair and inspect. Before purchasing ring up Douglas 4113, or call at 307 Bush St. WOLF k ISENBUrCK. Dealera. GREAT targt!ss ia r*btti:t trpewrltera reating $2 t» S3.j*« per raontb. See NEW YOST VISIBLE. I The Typewriter Exchange. 255 Montgomery *t. SPECIAL rental rates: rebuilts second baa 4« at bargains; tupplies, repairs, desks. ALE^HN- DER k CO.. S;2 Market et. TeL Douglas 2157. BRAND sew Vis'.b'.e. $40, Sua No. 2; other makes gheap. Pacifig Typewriter Co.. 107 Montgomery. NEW aad eecend tand typewriters tmugbt and *old. rented, repaired: guaranteed. SMITH RRO?.. *85 ia»h «t.. Osk'.aad Ftone Osk. 12. INTI^^*^ JJ^APE^HANGINSJ_^ PAiNTTNO. pr-pez bang Sag, tinting, plastering, repairing: se?i for estimate. J. P. HUNTER, lTni Geary. ">!. Wt^t VTff: re?. West Re 33. INITCD GLASS WORKS be. H. R. HOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART, LEADED AND MOSAIC CLA^S. 115 TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN 1763. ROOFING^ w/w R^hjFS. acy kind, repaired, painted. A. HILI^- MAN. Kf, K. 12th «\u25a0\u25a0 Oakland. Drop postal. LOCKSMITHS DOOR epeac-r* and keys. Key Works. 555 Clay >• Ph<-:-Ps— OiV^sri TTIT. AIT.TJ. BUSINESS CHANCES . A— GLOBE REALTY COMPANY. Buslnees Brokers. 11l Pacific buildl&g, San Francisco. Phore Douglas 4317. BroactraT, corner 7th ft-, Oakland. Pbomt,— Oaklasd Home A 2213. CXIFFrn. tea, extracts aad premium store, $I.«CK'. Al locstioa. Oakland; old established; cas 500 steady customera; large etock; re- celp'R $400 monthly. See GLOBE CO. ~\ AN lcvema«at of $500 and services will secure a btlf sntere« in old e«tablished bjjsiEes* which Till clear you from $200 to $200 month- ly; j-onr Itvestmeat will be secured: if you are d»<rocs of entering a good, legitimate t>a»ir:«T«* «cc this at ence. Particulars GLOBE REALTY CO. - : PAHTNES. $750 — Teaming and hauii&g busine»»; 4 liorte*. barsess. wagons, etc.: cleara $223 per mosth; plenty of vrark oa band. See culck. GLOBE REALTY CO. * 12.750— Rofio'oouse. Sonoma county; one of the N^t in Calif orsla; established 2S yeara; fine Trade; lew rer.i: loag lease; urgent business rails on ucr r«st. Investigate. GLOBE CO. tit** — Lunch ronnter, located end cf ear llae war popular :#•->:-:: loor rvr.:; fixtures almost r.»-w; i---.-i trarte. This i« a bargain; nrcst sell. sfe GLOBE REALTY CO. FOR bargains act! <;uick ssles fee GLOBE REALTY COMPANY. 211 Psrinc buiklisc. ssa FraacUco. ' SLB Broadway, oonwr -7tii-et.. Oakiaad. i:\IOV INVESTMENT COMPANY. 532 MARKET ST.. ROOM 207. NEAR ELLIS. PHONE DOUGLAS 30C0. LICENSED BUSINESS BROKERS. j BAKEIUi. ATTENTION— V»> bare a bakery that i* doicc over $35 a day; all cash «<ire trade: 1 * jrood living rooaii 1 : rt-asonabie rent, aad a 4 j ;e»rs" leaw; l*it r'»r'nc place in San Fran- '\u25a0s<-o for S:.OC*i. UNION INV. CO., 802 Mar- L«-i <-t. FJU.oON. NR. MARKET: a nest little place for «n» mis: rent $2j: g«>od fixture* and etock; I'.cen** paid to Aug. 20: owxer leaviar the rit?: trill wM for »4r* tv« week. UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 532 Market St. - »sr.«>— PARTNER In well cstab. PLUMBING and .•"'KEET MF7TAL works: am be handy with to.>!s. TNION INVESTMENT CO.. 832 Market. CANDY f*TOKE AND ICE CRF.AM PARLOR— Clears $2° to S2O week otw all exp<*nf<e»; other t.T3«lne«» tmrtt- sale; price $SOO. UNION. INV. CO.. 532 Market St. CESTATRANT AND SHORT ORDER HOUSE— I>ovrntown location: 3 year lease: rent $35; c?«rplete flxtcrre; pric* i"-"; large trade. I.NIQN INV. CO.. £J2 Market et. PACIFIC BEAL ESTATE CO., Keamy Sll2. Bcsrne*s Brotera I>_»»es Rentals Mechanics' Bank BWg., P<< Market «t. Room 421. ATTENTION. BUTCHERS — If you are U>otins . Terr a meat market, of course you want a good one: ttc cave rrhat you want: will w-11 for J»>** tbun invoice; cleara $I<X> per month. 421 M«><-baßi<*t' Bask bcliqigg. &4S Market ft. MAN with mere pu«h than capital for a -half Interest ia a tnsnnfactnrißs plant clearing 5200 prr ns^atli and trowing. 421 Mechanics' Bank halldin*. S4S Slartft tt. VTZ CAN SELL YOUR BUSINESS FOR CASH. GIVE CS A CALI>- PO6 MAEKET ST.. ROOM T. A STEADY ram wanted with $200 as partner; bnisine** e^tabllPD<*d 15 r»trf; tight, plain work: will pay at lean $125 raocth each: only reliable men accepted. Call VA Market, rm. 7. $!sO— Stpxdy Bi»a wantri to ettrnd H».ar *tore; will pay him at least $7."> r*w rooath; nperi- ecce unnecewsrj-. Call !><W Market St., rm. ~. / . /OK SALEi FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN. '\u25a0ft acres, oa Russian river.' -st foot of Fitch Mountain; plenty of spring* end $IS.OOO worth of new Improve- . nx-nts; clnb booise and- license goes w:Ui tcls place;- not a vacant room •-ottage or tent for July; good reason for KHSnf. If you are Interested, come up. Don*t write, as I bave no FITCn MOtJNTAIS' TAVERN, FITCn MOUNTAIN TAVERN. FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN, FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN, - FITCH MOUNTAIN TAVERN, HEALDSBCBG, CAT* . HEALDS-BURG, CAL. HEAIJJSBUBG. CAL. HEALDRBURC. CAI- HEALDSBUR^. CAI. ! tx i. '.•.•..\u25a0..\u25a0•.tx : Gnwr.RY BUSINESS" ANI» UEI-ICACIES— i •jU»rsT» hc«y: rent ouly fSO: nic«> . fixtareß; rend.* he»»r stock;' 2 pleasant living room*: price $1.1(«6. rjc :. X .CONFFXTIONECY AND NOTION BUSINESS— 3 1 living twwnn:. frrtl 1 f urnh4M*d : \u25a0 vice. clciin »I<k\: evcrrthJng flrat das*; prkr JiuO. "OCO.J A. * II CR RICK." IfW5 MA RK XT \ ST.* THE FULLER CO.. < 918 Broadway, Oakland. Telephones — Oakland 270S and Al9Ol. STATIONERY, cigars and candy, laundry route; located opposite postofflce. In good country town, snort distance from Oakland; the only \u25a0tore In this lice of business in town; must sell; come and make us an offer, or will ex- change for improved or unimproved property in Alameda county; rent $25; lease. 2 years; 2 Uriog rooms; price, $2,650. THE FULLER CO. has It. 918 Broadway. Oakland. ". . . ; DELICATESSEN and BRANCH BAKERY— S6OO; rent $30, and 2 living rooms; good^coroer; do- ing • business of $25 dally; stock and fixtures trill invoice $700; a good place for a party who is not afraid to work; lpcation one of the best. THE FULLER CO. can explain every- taiag to yoa. 918 Broadway. Oakland. BEST LUNCH COUNTER in Alameda. county; rent $29; guaranteed to clear $150 monthly; will sell half Interest for $400; do opposition; act culrkly; partner wants a good, active man. -Full Information with THE FULLER CO.. Cit> Broadway. Oakland. LIVERY. FEED and BOARDING STABLE— . $2,500; leave. 3 years; rent $C 5; clears $250 monthly at the present time; 11 horses, 2 sur- reys, 8 buggies, 2 spring wagons; everything I complete; 13 boarders at $20 a month; estab- lished for yean; ill fcealth cause of sale. See my agents for particulars, THE FULLER CO., 818 Broadway. Oakland. FANCY GROCERIES and DELICATESSEN— $SCO; rent $25: good corner, doing a nice butt- ress; reason for sale, party in hospital; good place for maa and wife: locatloa can not be beat; if you mips this you miss an opportunity of a lifetime: act quickly. See THE FUL- I.ER CO.. 918 Broadway, Oakland. _^ DELICATESSEN and BRANCH BAKERY— S4OO: rent $25, with 3 living rooms; nicely fitted up: located In cue of the principal streets of Berkeley; doing a good business; best of rea- sons for selling; excellent place for man ami wife: will uot Ia« long at this price, so act quickly. THE FILLER CO., 91S Broadway, Oakland. BAKERY— S7SO; rent $30; lease for 8 years; 5 furnished rooms; dally receipts $2S; all cash r counter trade, no delivery; located in one of the best country towns in state; make v* an offer; party i« sick and must sell. See THE FULLER CO.. 818 Broadway. Oakland. . CANDY and ICE CREAM— SI,OOO; rent $22.50: l»ase; clears at the present time $250 to $300 monthly ; party has broken his arm aad must- sell; come and xtiake us an offer; don't miss this If you want a good business. THE FCL- LER CO.. SIS Broadway. Oakland. LIVERY, FEED and BOARDING STABLE— $2,000: rent $00; one of the best locations In Oakland; 18 boarders; 6 livery horses, 3 run- abouts, 3 top buggies. 3 surreys. 2 *ets doable harness. 7 clugle sets. 1 motor pumping plant w:tl» well: more than value in eight; good place frJr 2 good hustlers. Ask THE FULLER CO. about It. 918 Broadway. Oakland. ATTENTION! TUe manufacturers, contractors, bnilders and architects — Robinson's metallic Tile Fastener is an eatirely new and valu- able Invention that saves 50 per cent the cost cf "laying" the' old way. Requires no ce- ment, aud csa be quickly cud cecurely laid in ceilings, walls or floors even by a novice. An Invention of real merit. Will ?e!l exclu- sive rights to all or any portion of the U. 8. en exceedingly favorable terms. See model In our offices, or write for particulars. PACIFIC PROMOTION k DEVELOPMENT CO., Mocadnock building. San -Francisco. Cal. GILLIES & MAGNUS BUSINESS BROKERS 102S MARKET ST. NEAR JONES. ROOM 22. TELEPHONE MARKET 1409. NO CHARGE FOR-LLOTING A BUSINESS. $I.OSO— LODGING. HOUSE: located on principal street in Santa Crux; IS sunny outside rooms; party boyisg now can ciear purchase price in next 4 months: owner ha« to go east. GIL- LIES k MAGNUS. Hi 23 Market sr. W» — ROADHOUSE: Sau Mateo county; good, steady transient trade: you will buy quickly after a persAnal investigation. Only with GIL- I.IES k MAGNUS. 1028 Market >t. DRUG STORES FOR SALE $4.000 — Fine store, clean stock and good buM- nes* ia Saa Francisco; also one at 52,500. $3,000. $3,500; dreg stores In Berkeley. San Jose, Pescadero and ia Lake county. Huaiboldt county. Sonoma county and others; also a splendid offer in a thriving town in Oregon for $6,500: if you are looking for a business, or have one for rale, communicate with us; over 50 years' experience In the drug trade in California. TUE F. A. WECK REALTY COMPANY, ' 2510 Shattuck aye.. Berkeley, Cal. FOR 6*!e — Only opera house and dance pavilion in town of 1,500; soft drinks, cigars, cigar- ette*, gum, etc.. in connection; also well equipped saloon adjoining. The opera house is liew and furnished up to date. This property |. ft.inds oa 4 lots, next to corner on principal business street; good reasons fcr felling. This proposition bean full investigation. Will not cell separately. For -particulars address "Tracy Press." Tracy. Cal. WE buy. oell and make expert examinations -and reports or. mines and mineral lands, manufac- turing c:rl mercantile plants, patents, etc.; or- ganize. Incorporate and promote «tock com- panies on a commission or percentage basis; if you have a meritorious propoeitloa- submit It to us and we will tell WHAT to do and HOW to do it. Pacific Promotion and Development Co., 589-571 Moncdnook building. S. F.. Cal. GENERAL MERCHANDISE store— s2,2so or invoice; rent $25. with 7 room cottage at- tached: doing a business of $1,000 monthly; very little opposition: good stock; party is compelled to sell on account of sickness; borne acd wagon; this is the best proposition ever oa our books; don't miss thl*. but act quickly: •see my agents. THE FULLER CO.. 918 Broadway. Oakland. COMPLETE up tn date printing business for I sale, including 1 pres?. new type, furniture, ; storte, etc.; price $425: press alone worth ; $200: good location: street with window and i 2 furnished living rooms; rent $15 a month; a . great rbance to t»ur an established little : bt:*lnes» for $425: must sell at once account i leaving town. Address owner, hex 3475. Call. 1 GROCERY end prodnce— J2.Ooo: rent $45; lease; h-n location in Oakland without a doubt ; very close in; good reasons for selling; nice clean stock; we can highly recommend this I'la^-p to any one wanting a good business. See THE FULLER CO. for full particulars, SIS Broadway. . Oakland. RESTAURANT— Busy street: daily receipts $75; located close to large theater: seating capacity 7C; .fixtures alow* worth more than the price asked: investigate this, as it is a genuine proposition and the price is right; cheap rent: full Information with my agents. THE FULLER CO., SIS Broadway. Oakland. FOR SALE BY J. W. ELROD. :' " $l,C>OO will liar a grocery notr running and dolcra good business. Call at 341S Eatt 14th «t.. Fruitvate. Telephone Mcrritt 545-. GROCERY— Trade established: doing over- $OO trainees dally; fixtures completa; 100 feet from postoffice. corner location; 4 living rooms in rear; low rent; horses, wagoas, buggies, ; etc.; a snap for cash; will invoice $3,500: cause for selling, ill health. Address box-754, Call, Oakland. s !-.'-•' FOR SALE - ~" -\u25a0 : . :."\u25a0 In the best.cily of 6.000 population in Cali- fornia an entire sew meat market and pro- duce rtore; CVi ton cold storage plant; e-very- tbing new and up to date. Owner has other business. Address : J. G. BRIGGS. VisalU. Cal. BUTCHER chop for sale — On account of dissolu- tion cf partnership one of \u25a0 the best shops in wFruitvale will be sold; floe 'trade: full equip- ment. Inquire LYMAN HARFORD. 3110 E. ;<th ft.. Frultvxle, or H. J. McISAAC. Hum- bcldt Bank bldg.. S. F.. Cal. l GROCERY. DELICATESSEN. LUNCH AND CANDY STOtIE with living rooms; rent $15; a nl'-e little burlnefts for - workiagrnan and wife with a little money. Call 2C73 San Bruno rosd. . I need money, will sacrifice first mortgage of $1,250. draws. 7 per ceut. will take $1,150; this will net you 15 per cent on your money and t*cured -by over $30,000 worth of real estate. Address box 3465, Call offlce. ,-f $350 — Light mfg. business; Al: proposition; mo- nopoly oa household necessity; 200 per cent profit; clears $40 weekly; all cash trade; pre- vious' expjrfccce unnecessary.- 1175 7th st., Oakland. * FOR sale- — Ice cream, i candy. . cigar, and station- ery stor*. "at Niles, : CaL: must be sold at once; bargain: don't miss this chance. See or addre*. FRANK MORTIMER CO. \u25a0 HOTEL and bar; doing . good business; - loag lease; reason, for selling, other business. Ad- dress MB. N. TOMASEVICB, -Hotel St. Anne, Mountain View. Cal. FOR sale— Price $500: \u25a0 business suitable for brizht energetic - office - man who has good " local reputation; ' present owner has other - affairs to look after. - Box 3433, Call. SALOON— SI,2SO; transfer corner; 1 block, from Ocean Shore* B. R.; 2 years' lease; $20 month; this Is a grand opportunity; now in the time to buy. Inquire 1201 Market at. j HARDWARE and sporting goods stnre 'in fine town .of : 2,000; . Joins postoffice; . an excellent opening: '. must sell : /be»t . reasons. -. BAIRD * k PETERSON.- S3O Market st. - PARTNER wantedrln manufacturing;: well «\u25a0«- tablfftbed; guaranteed' $100 per month salary; ! besides large profits;. $1,500 required. Ad- dress box "3487, -.Call office. .-\u25a0.-. FOR *ale — Complete j fixtures for a . candy, store, or will consider partnership: I am experienced candy maker. . Box 3491, , Call office. ; BUSINESS CHANCES— S2O per" month will start you \u25a0';-. tor make V> independent : - living-; raising p'geonv. near Sen Francisco. Box ' 31!»3,', CalL -". STATIONERY, notion, and booV • *tore in * Oak- land: rent* only $1S;. value "<s3.rt»o:itell.- for $I,O>to. BAIUD k PETERSON. S3U Market st. FOR \u25a0 sale— Half Interest: of well paring nick- *>lodeon; : will :\u25a0 give, on 'trial. . See;owncr. 1724 Bryant ft..'-5.t0,7 |». . m. - . . -- [ SALOON for- Mle:also.rew elegantly famished i -tux. Cail «r eddress 2795 Diamond f st.; phone I - MlmJou 14C*. : ~: \u25a0 TITC SAX FR^ 1909. ;J1 I;«XESS'CHA\CK'B--CootlnnfdI ;«XESS'CHA\CK'8--Cootlnnfd THE PRETTIEST 6 room fiat In Oakland, only $350: cheap rent; house U always full^only- >i block from Broadway;' very central; car- pets and furniture good; mu?t bo seen. to b« appreciated: will uoi last long at this, price: - act - quickly. See THE FULLER- C 0., -; 918 Broadway. Oakland. . -\u25a0 T SALOONMEN! \u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0': LOOK! Partner wanted with $1,000 to $1,500 in saloon and building; 00 agents. .Box 3474, Call offlce. -_ \u25a0 '\u25a0•-'. t - \u25a0-.•-\u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0•..-\u25a0; ONE-HALF or whole, interest in a rubber stamp and printing business, not ' because of failure, but owing to a trip belpg necessary to settle < an estate or lose heavily: established for over 15 years. Address box 7CO, Call. Oakland. LUNCH room and dairy kitchen; good business; neat and clean; fine location; $350, balance ea«y payments. 1181 O'Farrell St., or. Gough. PART of market for rent for grocery or delica- tessen, cheap; good locality. 570 Waller st. near Pierce. -';.-;. '-<: : .:,--'- '.''-,\u25a0\u25a0• ' : ' -*-.- JOB printing office; well I equipped; good loca- tion ; . low rent : . entaollshed. For particulars write owner, box 798, Call office, Oakland. IF you have $4,000 to luvest-I can- show you where you tan make $5,000 per year. For * • information address me today, box 3407, Call. $SOO buys good paying country newspaper: j near the city; would sell half interest: must be sold this week. - Box S4?O. Call office. CORNER saloon, half block from Ocean Shore R. R. depot; good business. Apply Hibernta brewery.- . ' . \u25a0 - BITCHER shop, with all equipments: will rent for $25. or s?ll: Inquire at once. 3386 19th st. near Mission. . -.-. \u25a0__ WILL sell rooming bouse of 54 rooms, clears $350 per month; always full: In busy dls- •- lrict of city. Address box 3469. Call office. KOB sale — A good newspaper route in a ' good district in this city. Apply to J. R. LBS- HART, circulation department. 3. F. CalL WANT to buy restaurant in busy district in city, have $1,500 to Invest. Address box 3460. Call office.— . . r -v FINE stock of gents' furnishings and fixtures at a bargain. Inquire at box 3495, Call o^ce. PAPER route for sale or exchange for real es- tate. Owner, 1515 19th ay.. East Oakland. $350— Saloon and dance hall; snap. BAIRD & PETERSON. SSO Market st. GOOD paying lunch counter with dining room; sale cheap. Call 282 13th st., nr. Minna. WANTED — Small business: will invest $1,000 to $1.500 or more. 949 Phelan bldg. A. CAMERON & CO.. 714 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BUILDING, Opposite The -Call.' Room 301 — Phone Douglas 4379. Where Be«t Bargains Are -Found. In Hotels, Apartment and Lodging Houses. Flats. BEST BARGAIN— This 60 room honw; central; fine corner; rent $2<X»: new, well furn.: north Market: opportunity of lifetime; offer wanted. SNAP — This 54 room house, strictly modern: private baths, elegant furn.: cost $7,000 to furn.; If taken this week, only $3,800. DON'T miss this 44 room house; modern, close in: reasonable rent; always full; money maker; now only $2,700. SEE this 19 room house: good location and furniture: rent $70: yours for $70Q._^ >-^ j _^_ | $175 — Partner wanted In good paying restaurant; trial given; closed on Sundays. 436 Bosh_st. EDUCATIONAL A— PAUL GERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training school of acting in '•America; position secured: C months' graduating coursee; catalogue. Countryman bldg.. 915 Van Ness. A— TUE LYCEUM. 2500 Pine St., prepares for university or any examination. Open during summer; 6 teachers; moderate rates; here you save time- aud money. JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and ! NOEMAL CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers' exams., civil serv. Laboratory courses. Day, cv. 943 Van Ness. ASSAYING; special commercial course in Span- ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical engineer- ing. mining, etc. HEALD'S, 425 McAllister st. DANCING— FINDLAY'S. 8241 16th St., ballroom ! or stage: adults- Monday au«t* Friday eveaigs; private lessons dallys; open every evening. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, meeh., survey, assay, cyanifie, day, eve. ; est. 1884. Van der Naillen school. 51st and Tel.. Oakland. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington st. near Fiilmore; send for circular. . ~ SPANISH." French or Italian 'taught; accurate translations. Prof. Hidalgo, r. 409, 830 Mkt. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, IndlvKL instr. math., bookkeeping, Eng.. etc.; day.. eye. 507 Halght.' PROF. O. MANSFIELD, teacher tjf "violin, mau- dolia and guitar. 1706 Geary st. . FREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— High school, university. West Point. Annapolis. 554 Baker. RINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages; nnlv. prep. -1350 O'Farrell. Phonw West 8160. A — Metropolitan Business College — 1490 Market at Van Ness. Reduced rates. 6 months. $50. AFTER Aug. 2 the San Francisco Business "Col- lege will be at corner of Market and Eddy sts. MERRILL-MILLER College, 733 FiUmore it. Term opens Aug.: 2; day and eve, segslong. AKITH. penmanship by expert; bkpg., grammar, etc.; individual lustruc., $5 mo. 915 Van Ness. AH court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College. 12^» Market Ft. ACCOUNTANTS AUDITS, systems, special investigations. COOP- ER. 605 Kamm bldg.. 717 Mkt.: Kearney 595». Cert laed Public JOHN R. RU^K^TCLLT^rp?AT^O^3OS~CIaus Spreckel* ICain bldg. Phone Kearny 4151. NOTARY PUBLIC MARK LANE." Notary. Public and Commissioner of Deeds. 245 Bush st. : pbone Kearajr 2629. UNDER McEncrney act, complete, $35. Title Co., 953 Monadnock Mdg.. 9th floor. 3d and Market. DETECTIVES West Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded): conducts cases secretly: cor. confidential. 596 FHlmore. Tel. Park KiS6. T. C. GRAY. Prin. . ATTORNEYS AA— DIVORCE; costs, ; $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy;- probating of es- . tate; general practice. 102S Market Bt. ; r. 12. A QUICK. qule*t,~complete divorce for $20; open evenings until 8. 1112 Market St.; room 122. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. ". W. T. J3e»s. Notary Public. Roomg 11-12 Call bldg. L. 6. CLARK, attorney at law. S5l Jackson st.; Oakland. Consultation free: open : evenings. PATENT ATTORNEYS * ' - \u25a0-' DEWEY. STRONG k CO.— Founded 1S00; U. 8. and foreign patents; .Inventors* guides; 100 mechanical movements \u25a0 free. .1105 Merchants' Exchange -bldg,' San Francisco. . •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-'\u25a0-\u25a0_ CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. pat- ent office, -. 1201-2 : Metropolis •• bank; - Patents, tradesmarks and copyrights. \ Tel. Kearny 4815. HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 415 First na. bk.. Oakland ;. tel. O. 5575. SONTAG Patent Agency — Established 1599. Bal- - boa bidg..- cor.' Market acd 2d sts.. 10th -floor.' BILL COLLECTING: V SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. '. We" get ! the money for you oa all kinds of claims anywhere. Adj. and Law A»s'n..<!ls Pacltic bid BILLS - and ' notes -'\u25a0 collected ; : tenants - ejected. FRED J. SCHMIDT. Market. No« and - 16th sts. BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS, 739 Market St., acknowledged to the easiest and. best 'pain- - less extraction in S. F.- Full: set of teeth, $2; gold crowns, $2; silver fillings; 50c. All work . guaranteed 20 'years. * Open daily: till 9 p. m.' DR. H. P.- DAVIS. PAC : BLDG..: rms. r 301-2-4, ' cor. ' 4th " and Jlkt. : \u25a0 latest ' in \u25a0 dentistry ; : first class ; work; mod. ;charges; CONSULT.- FREE. DR. C. W.-DECKEB. Phelan bldg.; rooms 30S- \u25a0 9-10. . 760 Market : st. ; phone ; Kearny: 1630. -£ »; DR. R. L.' WALSH k CO.. 961 Flllmore cor. Mc- sAUister; formerly 872 McAllister; Park 5330. , MEYER." Dr.,? 1990 ' Sutter— Fillings \u25a0 50c.'. crowns .-, $;>; bridge work; 'gas 'given;. open; evenings."' DR. 1 I RA ' O. LEEK— AII ' kinds of ' dental work." . :r515 Flllmore st;-near.Oak;t*."-- ' . \u25a0 v' ; ; . DR. U.G. BARTLETT, extracting specialist, re- "-\u25a0 -moved to 323 Geary cor. "Powell: Douglas 4300." '-\u25a0;'_ : r. ;.-\u25a0':•'\u25a0;:: r.PHYSiciAX*H \u25a0•',;\u25a0_:-; --".r;-.; ..-..". > A— DR. ': THIELE,"' German rpnysicla'b : and \ sur- \u25a0'\u25a0'. geon ; *\u25a0 specialist '\u25a0\u25a0 . chronic * and 5. private • diseases' .'. of both . sexes ; ' cures guaranteed. ' . 1732 Geary." DR. WONG HIM-- V ' :^, \u0084 - / .: >'•\u25a0 HERB ' DOCTOR. Pennant! v located " \u25a0.;-. 1268 O'Farrell : 6t '"ibet.-Oough! and ; OcUvla. JEE ' WO^DRUG ' CO.— High \ grsde^berbs. .drug< and "teas ; ' all 'chronic . and I private i dlteasea \u25a0of .;.-' both teies cured, * 93S Stockton fit.'- j : ; MEDICAL . '\u25a0--\u25a0 '-'•-- A\^ ; ATTENTION." LADIES:.-. \u25a0.' '^ \u25a0 ' - Dr. and Mrs. Woody.-'lTlS^eary'st." between Fiilmore and Webster: tel. \ West 5887. World Renowtted: Specialists for ' Women Only. >.'\u25a0• No Delays or Disappointments. Relief Guarantee ' ' Br Mo*t Superior Painless Methods Known to , ..i Medical Science. %:;-x \u0084. Most oostinate cases .treated; .utmost privacy; have no hesitancy If In ; need of my: Bervices; • absolutely harmless;^low^ fees;- by consulting . an eminent - : specialist t: you v save : time and money; all female complaints cured; advice ' -free. 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and C to 9 p. m.- • :\u25a0. DR. EMERSON, ", . .. - 1304 FILLMORE ST., CORNER EDDY ALL DISEASES OF; WOMEN treated by most scientific methods: positively po charge • unless patient is #atißfled with results; private sanato- rium l for parties wishing to remain under our care: advice and exam. ' free; lady assistant. Hours. 10-5; evepings. S-9; Sundays. 12-2. \u25a0-'\u25a0 SPECIALIST for ladies; painless relief guaran- teed: paid when cured; advice free. MRS. DR. PHILLIPS. 3*52 19th st. near. Mission. \u25a0;.\u25a0 | MRS. DR. HOLMS, graduate specialist, cures all female complaints without delay. Advice free. Hours 9 to 8. 744 Turk st. nr. Van Ness ay. ' CHIROPODISTS \u25a0> DR. DUNCAN, ISO Sutter corner Kearny. rooms* 303-4 — Absolutely cures- without pain-ordraw- ing blood all foot_allments ; corns removed 25c. ' Dr. R. L. Meyer. S3O Market St.. rooms 603-4-5; 1 Chronic and nervous dis. : . impotency. sterility. HE.U.TH MOYEME\T "VIA\T SCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural, non- surgical; cloth bound 400 page book, free. Ap- ply by mail. CSC Pine 6t. Lecture for women Thursday at 2:30 p. m. * -.SAXATORIUMS ; A — PRIVATE home for the sick; confinement specialty; adoption: special treatment for all female trouble. 1303 Market St.. Oakland. HOME and care for I invalids or aged persons." 3421 25th st. pear Mission; phone Mission 4620. JW ATIERN yrY^HOMES S F. LYING-IN HOME,' II9I Oak st.— Adoption; diseases women and children; confinement. $25.' ED I E S RICORD CELEBRATED PR^PARATIONT^foT men's private diseases. Sold only by E. B. JORGENSON, 644 Kearny, st.. Sau Francisco. Mall orders a specialty. -Send for clrcnlar. TRUSSES TRUSSES that fit; 'seamless elastic hosiery. CLARK -GANDION-TRD3B CO., 1103 Market st.. op. 7th. ALSO ear holbos positively cured; one week free. DR. COTTINGHAM. 1900 Sutter st.: hr«. 10-4. '-CAXCERS AND TU3IORS TREATEg> IN from 1 to 4 minutes with hypodermic needle method; cure guaranteed. -MADAM L. F. LAMB, resldenee and offlce.' Uklah. Cal. - \u25a0• - v^^yPjggJJt^g£g v^ H AIR REMARKABLE new discovery; kills hair roots; absolutely' permanent or no pay. - PHYSICIAN, office S4 Ellis st.. rm. 307:. te1. Douglas 777. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAIi FINEST equipped; animals boarded: I ambulance fnro.: special rates. -1371 Fulton: West 5312. - MATRIMONIAL YOUNG man of good. habits. earniDg $120 a month salary and . owner ; of a. ranch of 160 acres, wishes to meet nice working girl not over 25; object matrimony. Box 3470. Call. DO not be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- nial bureau you will find at MRS. A. WOL- TER'S. 1752 Geary St.; established In 1900. HONEST men and women seeking life mates can find their Ideals at 252% Hollis. Oakland; in- formatlon 25c. SOCIETY. LADY. BUSINESS PERSONALS AA— WIGS. TOUPEES. I HAVE MADE WIG MAKING A LIFE STUDY. .My wigs and toupees defy detection; I guaran- tee every one I make. I make them ventilated and porous; perepiratloa don't aSect them. Gen- tlemen's private wig department. .2271 California "st. near Webster, Mr..Lederer In charge. A large stock of pure human hair goods on band;, transformation switches, puffs, etc., con- stantly on, hand. I mate wigs 'and front pieces any style desired and In the latest styles. Hair dressing, dyeing, scalp treatments., etc., by spe- cialists only, j LedererV' Qulntonlca . stops ( hair, falling. ~ Mall orders prompt attention. G. LED- ERER, established ISCC. . LADIES-S TORE AT .- '. ISO 9 FILLMORE ST. NEAR SCTTER. ' WATCHES, . diamonds, silver ware. ' Jewelry, cut glass, etc.: come to our office and tell sales- man you would like to open confidential charge account and pay weekly or; monthly; he will arrange "the matter for you la a very few ! minutes and ' yoa can wear while paying for same. BRILLIANT JEWELRY I COMPANY, 704 Market St.. ' upstairs, rooms 611-612.- SUPERFLUOUS hair killed root and branch by absorption; $1: free ; treatment any time- to prove the merits of absorption.. BEATRICE ST. JOHN, skin Bpecialtst, 1380 Sutter st, cor. Franklin, suite g-6; phone Franklin 491 L MME. FRANCINE. greatest . European authority on beauty culture; .most scientific akin treat- ment, which makes you 15-20 years younger; wrinkles removed eatlrely; city refs. • 628 16th st.. Oakland; pbone 7511: best skin foods. MRS. L. E. HARTUAN, manipulation, vibration - and electricity for rheumatism and nervous- ness. 637 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary st. Open Sunday*. PCJ&j$!-»'-.- UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CIIAS. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Flllmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. SOLDIERS can \u25a0 file on reservation ' land . without ;: leaving San Trancisco; money advanced. ' Call now. SS5 a Grove st. MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE; baths. 124 Turk. St., room 210. first floor.. rear; 11-10. MAGNETIC physical healing— Mrs. Holshouser. 351 Pacific , bldg.. tel., Douglas 4440. \u25a0\u25a0 - GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tnmea: «nc. ' to Jahn. costnmer. - 821 : Van New. ADOPTION Confidential Maternity Villa— lnfante adopted. Dr. K. FUNKE. 1416 Ptb >t.; phone 1632. Alameda. spiritualism; A— MOVED " MISS M. WILLE. ordatned meaium and crystal reader: consultation ( dally. . 1164 O'Farrellx 8t- Tel. Franklin 5024. ; . j AA— MRS. .J. J. .WHITNEY, ordained trance spiritual medium; consultation - dally at her - home. $1; by letter, 4 qnes.. $1. 1164 O'Farrell. MRS. L. H. KINNAIRD. ordained medium; con- Kultatlna daily, 10-4; circles Sunday. Monday. :-. Wednesday," Friday.-; 8 p. : m.' 11439'1 1439 ' Fiilmore St.. FRED P.; EVANS.- noted psychic, now located . at : 1890 . Telegraph : ay.. Oakland; Interviews ' daily. Phone Oakland 5476; send for circular. LOTTIE BUSWELL. ; trance tipiritual medium; reading*, lessons \ dally. ; . circles every night. , 1359 Webster, inr. O'Farrell. -' .; DR. HOWLAND'S 25c circle tonight; 50c read- ings today. .1230 FiUmore Bt.-J . ' - ; MRS. S. SEAI., spiritual minister; consultations dallr: officiates marriages, funerals. 786 -McAl- j clairvoyants' *V *"- .". \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0'.., \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0• . BACK'AGAIN. \u25a0 :\ ." \u25a0.>-'.> \u25a0\u25a0. GARLAND, world's " greatest seer and clair- voyant, tells \u25a0; full :-•. names \u25a0' and " everything you wish to know without you writing a word. 1445 FUlmore st. near Ellis. Hours 10 : a. v m. ,to - 8 P>.m.Vj, ' \u25a0 V ";-- : **'l'-.>. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_-'-."\u25a0-':-' \u25a0\u25a0'"\u25a0' ' '\u25a0 ..' MISS ZEMDAB, young, ; gifted clalr. and palm.; l member O. R. A: of Cal.; L. 50c. :G. $1; hours 10 to 10." -1279 Fulton sL.near Devisadero. \u25a0', :~.- MME. PORTER; - O. •R. *C. — Cards,' palmistry. readings \u25a0 daily. ..- 1025 Ellis Bt.. near, Gongh. - ; MME. STARR. 1241 Broadway, Oakland, on vaca- ! tlon starting July I;V Return Ang.-l: 1909. : //-I ;; ';./ palmistry'- : ;„ _\u25a0; \u25a0>- ;; CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmist and card' reader; 25c. BOe. \u25a0 »!>'• Pl 3 Broadway. Oakland. -- : \u25a0 \u25a0:-- : S : J PHREXOLOGY, '-''. EXAMINATIONS 'and lessons.; PROF. DUNN, | \u25a0- 1122 Market St.: Gage bldg.. facing 7th st. -j . -\u25a0'- '' \ :: - -^ : -.: investments}' \u25a0_'.-_._'_\u25a0'\u25a0 V_' ' M \u25a0 '-;v«; v « \u25a0-\u25a0>-, $500 to $5,000. v .:. ~ ;: - .-..-" A : twentieth century gilt edge Investment op- portunity 4 for * small • or ; large 5 investors 5 desiring absolute safety; -ailarge Income; also 60 2-3 > per i cent •of 3 net profits,'; and ?on an average of : 10 .per cent Tannual increase of principal; i security, the. safest in .the ; world, \u25a0 via., inside r Income '< producing \u25a0 strictly „: modern - brick and concrete -property,' as complete as any in any large | city : • no * stock 1 proposition ; * you absolutely own and control ': you/ ) investment ; £ approved Sby ! bankers,'- judges -and careful ; .--i Address the authorised -financial agents' for fur- ther gold - producing particulars.- :*>.;•;- . •<".?; -. --•-:' ' HOLCOMB REALTY - : CO.;* INC., - - ,306 San ; Pablo av.,s--. -, :V>: Oakland. : Cal/ ' ] Sl.C'iO cash Ure«d.r -for .Immediate delivery of U,o"or shares* of Bmokshire. ;>...' - •-..-\u25a0- ,-.'. . :-.i W. \u25a0 E. '.BARNARD. - "~ 17 Bacon "block. ? Oakland. ; . = ; \u25a0'"'^ \u25a0\u25a0 'IX VESTMEXTS--Coßtiane' ~ - '" ' KOR'sale-— 4 riots* at Granada.- the" coming sea- -*.plde r resort . en 'iralfmoon-baiy, v for" sale '.for $800. including all street; work,.: or '.will ex-, - change for. Ocean ' Shore * bonds, "Brookshire." Plnal or Palmer oil stocks- i- W.E.J BARNARD. * . -. 17 ; Bacon -block. :\u25a0 Oakland.'. *. \u25a0: 'MB. .INVESTOR— If you will^ Join us a, national bank will ~ guarantee . your money - back, with i Inteirst:. we . will : double ; your, purchase, in', a ! - short - time. • May vre ' explain ? \u25a0 Address *>r call. A. \u25a0\u25a0 I.- ic D.» Co., 258 Bacon biulding. Oak- 1- land. -^ :.._.i. t -;\u25a0:.:, -..,' .-..-\u25a0:\u25a0.;•-\u25a0\u25a0. '.- ...:^::x.7>:.--i"^ CAN furnish you -'ANY 'unlisted stocks and bond* you may want AWAY UNDER regular quota- tions: \u25a0 will' buy any - active stocks if CHEAP; largest dealers on the Pacific coast : corre- spondence invited. CHESTER B. ELLIS & CO*..- 714 Market st.- opp. Call building. HAVE i 10 p«r : cent Income. I SURE; speculate on 50 per cent additional. That is what a limited ; supply 1 of choice local manufacturing, stock means. Inquire D. A. KNAPP, 417 First Na- tlonal Bank bldg.. Oakland. : EUCALYPTUS TIMBER— SmaII tracts in plan- tation of thousands of . acres; easy term?: loca- tion on railroad, in San Joaquln valley. Euca- lyptus Timber Co., 414 First Nat. Bank. Oak. SPECIAL investment. Marin county; large, bean- r tlful tracts . of - land. - JOHN W. GRAY, 923 Linden st., Oakland. " • -'\u25a0" OCEAN SHORE" railroad- bonds for sale: \u25a0-'netn 7?* i'%. D. E. BESECKER. -243 Pacific bid. 'I^^^^3?[ A^ : ?Al^.^ "ABBOTT buys bonds" — Ocean Shore. Market st. bank and Cal.- safe dep. books.' 414 Mar- ket st. »..\u25a0\u25a0-' - '\u25a0 CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. D. E." BESECKER. 248 PACIFIC BUILDING. We buy California safe deposit accounts; buy '- and sell Ocean Shore bonds. 44S Montg'y st. AND MIXIXG DO yon want reliable Information about mines and land? . . \u25a0 Do you want your investments and Interests* protected? ; - In buying or selling, do you want to deal direct with principals? If so, call or write us. We have clients and they know we are reliable. - -WESTERN INFORMATION BUREAU, -Chronicle Bldg., Ban Francisco. Cal. y HIGH CLASS gold mine for sale: easy terms: write jor j see \u25a0 owner. R. E. LAMBERSON, . . room ' 4945/. Winchester hotel, city. We buy and cell mines, make examinations and •furnish reports of mining properties. WEST- ERN MINES EXPLOIt. CO.. 226-223 Lick bldg. GOLD, amalgam, rich r»re bought: cash: assay- ing 60c. Pioneer Assay Co., 131 sth M. nr. Howard. , . ", -: • - GOING -to new "discovery in California: want rjartner^JUtleinoneTneeded^Bo^SSftT^Call. STOCKS AND BONDS FOR SALE , ARE you buying or selling stocks or bonds? Call on PETTiS t BURBECK. 333 First Na- tional Bank UMg.. Oakland. MONEY TO LOAX AAAAA CASH SALARIED LOANS Do you need a vacation and have not the money to spare? we are loaning all SALARIED people strictly upon ' their plain note, without Indorser or security. - You can, repay In weekly or monthly payments to suit yourself. ENTIRELY NEW SYSTEM AND LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. GET OTHERS* RATES, THEN SEE US. Your . employer or friends never know of any transactions at our office. LOANS STRICTLY TO SALARIED PEOPLE. WESTERN LOAN CO.. 40S Call Bldg.. 3d and Market Sts. Open 6:30 to 6 p. m.; also open Monday. Wednesday and Saturday evenings until S p. m. NOTE THIS — Salaried people and others may upon own responsibility (no indorser) get fol- lowing loans, to be repaid in small 'Weekly In- I stallments, viz: $1 per week pays $15 loan, $2 per week pay $30 loan, $3 per week pays $45 loan, $4 per week pays $60 loan. $5 per week . pays $75 loan. Phone Douglas 3244. 433 Phe- - -lan building.' (Keep this for future reference.) MONEY LOANED TO ALL SALARIED- PEO- PLE; also on FURNITURE and CHATTELS; save money by getting our rates; confidential: private office for ladles. GREAT WESTERN INV. CO.. INC., 521 Phelan building; 8:30 to ! 6; Mon. and Sat, till 8 p. m.; Kearny 3247. MONEY loaned -on furniture . pianos and other security; lowest rates; most favorable terms' - in the city; see others, then see me and be convinced; I will save yoa money; $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan; phone Market 3029. GEORGE W. MILLER, 8009 16th St., south- west corner Mission, room 85. ' ' XX— LICK LOAN CO.. LICK BUILDING. . 35 Montgomery St.. room 101. Douglas 3016. Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgages, improved or unimproved, at 6 per cent; second mortgage and building loans in any part of city. small or large. .. - MONEY loaned salaried people and others upon ; their own name without security: cheapest \u25a0••\u25a0': rates; easiest payments; offices in 68 principal cities: save yourself money by getting our terms first- TOLMAN. room 951, Phelan bids., S. F., and room 9, 460 13th St.. - Oakland. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.— Loans on FURNI- TURE, PIANO 3, etc.; low rates; private, 357- 359 Pacific bids.. 4th and Market sts.; phone Douglas 8265. Oakland office CIS-519 First \u25a0 National Bank bids.- \ - - MONEY— MONEY— MONEY. ~ T ~~ ANY PROPOSITION. • , i r . Wage Earners' Investment and Loan Co., - 443 PINE ST. ANY amount; lowest rates on first and second ' mortgages -on real estate, legacies, . undivided Interest, estates in probate; no delay. R. Me- . COLGAN. 26 Montgomery St.. rooms 314-815. ADVANCES made oa diamonds aad Jewelry at lowest rates; . safe deposit vaults; greatest possible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. Van Ness and Sutter. .-..»,'!. R. B. AUSTIN CO. loans money to salaried peo- ple; Investigate our- credit system. Rooms 353-5. ' Pacific building. 4th and Market sts. ' ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W.; BECKER. 705 Monadnock. 631 Market. SALARY loans— Ladles and gentlemen without security; notes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. bldg.; phono Douglas 1411. A — FIRST and ' second mortgagas, estate, lega- cies and security. SHADBURNE CO.. 45 Post. SALARY loans;' other propositions. San Fran- Cisco Discount Agency. 411 Pacific building. FIRST and second mortgages, estates, legacies, etc HERMAN MURPHY. 546 Market st. WANT to borrow $1,900; 2 flats: 7 per cent; value $4.500. Box 3304, Call office. I MAKE real estate loans, any ' kind, any size. AUSTIN. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without tn- dorser. MORRELL. 922 Monadnock building. Wn loan anywhere. JACQUES REALTY CO., .' "55. Montgomery St.. . ; • ON- furniture : and -pianos; no removal. TRK- MAIN. room 811, 833 Market, next Emporium. ON furniture, pianos, etc. Reliable Loan Co., Monadnock building. 681 Market st.. room 705. , , MOXEYiWAXTED .- WANTED-^55,000 to $125,000. | to improve coun- property; best of security and terms. Call or address LOUIS L. QORR. 186 «th St.. B. T. * LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE-r-That I, Charles J. Jaeger, on tb# 17th day of. July, 1909, - have sold my half interest of the. saloon situated at the southwest corner of 20th and Bartlett streets, tn R. Glotfelder, .-\u25a0 who assumes all debts. CHARLES T. JAEGER. DEED and abstract" of homestead property. San Antonio, Tex., stolen' from my trunk; worthless to any one but owner. , MßS. E. B. .FRANCE. . PROPOSALS. AXD BIDS SEALED BIDS WILL BE \u25a0 RECEIVED at" the office jof • the 1 Secretary >of ' the . Regents.- Univer- sity of California, Berkeley, on of 'before 5 p. i m;-; Monday,- July.' 28, 1909. ' for ' portions of '. the \u25a0 heating : and ventilating ' system. - including cal vaulted iron- work, for the new - University ! Library oa the . University Campus lat Berkeley. as \u25a0 per , plans . and : specifications .on file ? at ' said , office.^: .^-.- •-•\u25a0 t j'.-'i; > i^i*-.'y', -.'\u25a0;- -;\u25a0:.-; ;/-.."\u25a0, ; 'i \u25a0--*•'. No , bids will be . received ', unless accompanied by a-certlfled; check or -bond Tin favor, of the ; undenigned, '. equal ; to', ten \u25a0\u25a0 per • cent of the : bid. , to assure execution \u25a0of contract \u25a0 by successful bidder. \u25a0\u25a0: The right ' to - reject ; any/ or - all bids . is reserved.' s . I',1 ', -* r.v--. -.'. •"-- \u25a0- . ; '---. : '- --• - -\u25a0--•.-•\u25a0 TELE ? REGENTS OF . THE i UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA. CITY- REAL" ESTATE k, CO.. : 521 - Valencia - st. --\u25a0;\u25a0 Phone Market 7109. \u25a0"-..;\u25a0 | Cheap - building \u25a0 lots ' in - Hartford Ist., •. near • 19th .-\u25a0 and ' Castro - sts. ; , $2,000 : and up; • make . oCer. . $3,250 - cash— Modern : high - class : 5 room house. ; \u25a0-,\u25a0, \u25a0 t . .. with garage: t near v ISth :\u25a0 and Castro sts. ; • '.-'mortgage can remain; make offer.. . ': - f $5,500— Store and •5 < room fl* t ; large - attic and ' .--ft-, ' stable ; : Mlssidn,- near 29 1 h : terms. " : -\u25a0\u25a0 $1.000 — Floe building lots; nr. Hill and Sanchez.*! $5,000 ? cash— 7 . flats f ; in . Grove " Bt. ; :- mortgage 1 ='.-$7,500; pays 15 per cent net: bargain. -• j2 t OO0 — Fine clear building lot: Natoma nr.'lsth/ $4.200 1 cash— 6 l flats; I central I location; j mortgage $4,500; Income? $1,440;r snap. ~ / •--.', :.:-r~': --- . W. J. t DOWLIXG ;& - CO. ; . 521 j Valencia st. v- :O3CAR.HEYMAN,'&' BROTHER, ' • v > 113 Montgomery st. '-., \u25a0 • V $15 monthly;:' 4. room cnttace in nthe Mission": <•](•*«>, to csr line.' 2 - ; ' \u25a0 ".;" : ; - -';' ' j , . \u25a0 '; Five, room -andibath; cottager on ? Point; Lol>oi« ay.*; between ; 35th • and \u25a0 36th , a vs. ; \ easy. : tersus.',-~-. $5.500- ;L 8 i room.>. modern ? residence: i perfect j con- •*diUon;',S«jtt HDd',McAlll<«ter'iit».; ! ground worth '^ $4,500:. biggest bargain in; town.- ,-,T.' E.''HAT- MAN, First National Bank builiiios. ' " \u25a0 \u25a0' CITY*REAL ESTATE— Continued SOL GETZ AND SONS ... Real Estate Dealers Boom S2S Chronicle -Bldr. ' $150 to $200— Gets Addition to Lakevlew; level Oceaa View and Excelsior Homestead lots; $5 , monthly. * --;—\u25a0 $250 to $400— Near Parkslde; new Sloat boule- vard and carltnes; superb view; very easy terms. Bargains In residence lots la Richmond Dis- trict; 12ta ay. bet. A and B stm. AU street work dose. Can't be beat. On ' easy terns. Look :at them today. Choice" lota In 'sunset district, $SOO to $1,250. lOta ay. near L St.; fine view; Stb ay. near al »t. Easy terms. Bth ay. bet. M and N sU. - Richmond Heights lots $500 and up. $3,250. fise cor. 14th - and C sts. on * uew boulevard. 27th to 33th ayes. B and C sts. $600 to $I.6oo— Choicest Oceaasldc and boule- vard lots; Installments. $1,400 to $3,ooo— Splendid cottages; good loca- cations, easy terms. - Oceanslde Branch office. Cor. H st. and 47tb ay. Open Dally and Sundays. Call for diagrams .and- sriees. SOL GETZ £ SONS. Owners and Dernier*. Room 328 Chronicle Bldg. 24 HOMES SOLD-IN 60 DAYS. Kntlre Block. Sth and i*th ays.. A and B sts. Being Built 'Upon With 7 and S room dwellings..... $5,400 6 room dwelling* ..$4.700 to $5,100 5 room dwellings $4,'J00 to $4,400 :4 room cottag**. $3,700 Store and 4 room f1at...... $4,00) U All in very *>*y terms. ; Apply on premises to K. • NELSON, builder. Turk and Eddy st. oars pass toe block. McAllister, Geary, 6th ay. aad Clement st. cars within 2 block?. - NOTICE— A RARE CHANCE for $3,000 caaa. balance installments; $10,000 6 yrs. 6 per cent. A NEW HOUSE. 10 rooms, large sunny lot: fine view: Pacific heights. Address JOSEPH NASH, 353 Bush at. " ' ; BIG snap, EASY TERMS; new. 1 room house: I : fine view; every convenience; Prospect ay. near 28th and Mi«*Wra sts. FYFE 4 DEPAOLI. ; 3297 Mission st. . FOR sale cheap — Neat cottage. 4 rooms and bath; terms same as rent. Lumber office. Army snd Condon ata. . . $I.6so— Masonic ay. nr. Fulton st; fine building lot. 25x150; snap. E. J. SULLIVAN CO.. 145 Montgomery st. . . WANTED — 5 or 6 room cottage. Sunset or Rk-b- . mond dist.; must sell on terms. 949 Phelan bldg. FROM $350 to $273 each for a quick sale, 2 lots. 25x70 feet. 507 Andover ay. FOR sale or lease^ — Elegant home of 7 roomi, large grounds. 1265 ISth ay.. Sunset district. PICKUP— Fine lot In Crocker tract; cost $700, for $400 cash. Owner. 3550 25th. \- 3. A. ADAMS, state licensed and deputy V. 3- surveyor. 825 Bn«h st. : phone Douglas 2104. THE HYDE RANCH. 5, 10, 15, 20 AND 30 ACRE TRACTS. BEAUTIFUL SONOMA VALLEY. The Hyde Ranch or 600 acre* of rich, level and rolling lsnd. orchards and vineyards, is for sale in small tract* to rait. We csve an abstract. . Elegant, rich lands, covered with oaks, which raUe Immense crops of hay. corn, beans, tomatoes, etc.. for $100 to $150 per sxre. Choice vineyards of Zinfandel. Cabernet. Semillon, Burgundy, etc.. for $175 and $200 per acre. \u25a0- . Full bearing orchard* of cherries, prunes. . pear*, for $250 and $300 per acre. J Each piece a positive snap. - . Very easy terms. - ... . Moderate restriction in order to keep the property up in nice shape. Write or call for circulars. G. U. CMBSEN * CO., 20 Montgomery St., - San Francisco. " Cal. 80 acres : choice fruit and vineyard land near Fresno: 20 acres of it in vineyard and orchard; fine pumplog plant; plenty of water; house, etc.: $11,000. • 2SO acres grain land, suitable for orchard »r vineyards: good orange land: adjoining proper- ties have pumping plants and plenty of water; a bargain; $35 per acre. 2,335 acre stock ranch, Stanislaus eecnty; plenty of water: timber enough to pay for the land; owner made fortune on this ranch; $7 per acre buys it. $15,000 — General merchandise stock; doing a ; ' profitable business in a very prosperous, grow-: . lug . town, surrounded by * very productive fruit country. Above properties FOR SALE EXCLUSIVELY by F. L. DARROW. manager of Coast Car- riage Co.. cor. l'J and Jackson sts., Oakland. Cal. TEN acre farms — 20 acre farms — 40 acre farms. For quality and price see the \ Atwater District. Irrigated by Crorker-lluCman canal system. Rich, taady loam — world's moat productive son. I Raises Strawberries. Melons, Tor-iatoes. Beans. Grapes, Sweet Potatoes. Irish Potatoes. Alfalfa. Peaches. Apricot*. Bartlett Pears, Figs. Olives. Almonds. ' Note — Our land is oa main county road 2 miles from town and the railroad station; large tan- nery, general store, school, lumber yard, hotel and postofflce. Our land U $75 and $S5 an acre; very easy terms. It requires little or no leveling. Ditches and roads are there; no waiting for them. We run excursions EVERY SATURDAY AFT. ERNOON. CROCKER'S IRRIGATED LANDS, 525 Market St., San Francisco. SMALL TRACTS OF GLENN COUNTY LAND AT WHOLESALE PRICES ON MONTHLY PAT- MENTS OS" $1 PER ACRE i By . forming a syndicate of eight to buy 160 acres we "can -sell you 20 acre* each. S miles south of Orland, of the ehoieest land in the district at wholesale price. This is immediate- ly in the orange section, -will grow any kind of deciduous fruits, vegetables, grain, alfalfa. etc. Deep, level, gravelly loam, entirely free from alkali.' adobe aad hardp&a. Plenty of water for irrigation; price $50 per acre. Terms $1 per acre per month. FEHREN. ROBINSON COMPANY. 925 . First National Bank bids.. San Francisco. PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU. 405-406-407 Metropolis Bank bulldlag. San Francisco, Cal., will put you in touch with the best country and suburban lands on th« Pacific coast. -: Careful attention given to each inquiry. Full and - accurate - details of every property. Easiest and best way " to get honest Information. . State your requirement, we will fill It at once. Thousands of properties listed, with maps, views, etc.. oa display. NO FEE. NO COMMISSION. FOR ««!« — A fine orchard in the. famous Santa Clara valley, near Stanford university aad doge to the county road and in line with the proposed electric railroad; crop of fruit this year will net 15 per ceut on price asked for I place, which goes with place if sold at once; will sell. off in 5 or JO acre tracts; buy now and get the crop and the Increase in the values which i« sure to* come. Address W. B. BROWN. Pal* Alto, or W. A. WHIT- MER. 344 Emerson St.. Palo Alto. Cal. MEXICAN- and Texas .timber colonizing land. 350.000 acres pine and oak and hardwoods; choice: well located for export; $2.50. 154,000 pine, oak, asb. hardwood. $3. \ 696,000 Improved stock ranch and timber. 100.000 acres Irrigable land and stock, f 1.75. 1.000,000 acres colonizing lands, 30c up. - Texas and Mexico, all - size tracts and all . classes of timber and stock ranches. , Reports sent; information at once. DAVIS BURN- HAM. 704 Mills bldg.. S. F. FOR "sale,- or exchange for city flats. 5 acres, . chicken ranch; S room bouse,- completely \u25a0 fur- nished; barn, chicken bouse, 2 Incubators. 73 ft. brooder house; windmill. - tank, and about 1,400 chickens; 10 minutes' walk from railroad . . station and proposed ' electric car line. Inquire at NE. corner of Mission st. and Onondaga \u25a0; ay.,- or" San Ramon .Valley - Poultry - Yard. C. "F. FINNEN. Walnut Creek, . Contra Costa county. CaL ' :\u25a0--.-,/. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. I S acre borne in main part of San L*sndro, on the rarllna, all. la fine cherries 10 years old; im- provements worth $3,000; , would make fln« sub- division proposition ; adjoining . lots sell for $900. The place has averaged over 10 per cent oa $I*. - 000 Investment last 5 years; price $14,000. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BUREAU, 944-946-94S Uonadnock.bldg.. San Francisco. ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. We are running a free information bureau, giving \u25a0 reliable, • detailed .'information .oa all .California lands; we have many desirable prop- <?\u25a0 ositions ; in ' every county; : many fine bargain*. If you are looking for Information, write us or \u25a0 rail at our office and It will be freely given. • CALIFORNIA, LANDS . INFORMATION BU- REAU: 946-945 Monadnock bldg.. -.8. P.v IRRIGATED FARMS ON EASY TERMS " % . Five : to 40 acre farms in . Sacramento; valley; rich, deep.' sandy loam - soil for fruit, walnut*, vegetables, .alfalfa.- etc;. 26 ;~ dally : passenger trains ; *\u25a0no\u25a0 f 1 nn more .-*. than 20 ; minutes walk from a station: the best land and best living conditions in California; a 10 , acre farm . means independence; excursion every : Saturday.' - T 'I. 'HILL & CO., 6 East st-,;opp. Ferry bldz. Phone \u25a0KesrnyjBo2^.'.-.- \u25a0-\u25a0 - - j'-.-:"' \u25a0 -. -•\u25a0' .'.- - -.- . r \u25a0- - DO \u25a0' not ' overlook this— 4oo ' acres . on Eel river, * 'Mendocino: county; 15 acres under cultivation; .'. balance •- rolling hills.*, with plenty, of yak tim- : "ber:; good, hodnev. and "barn; .one of. the -best - little :. cattle . and . bos ranches in the iuti of - California : - would f. make \u25a0an ideal summer re- sort: .'fir«. .hunting. ' ; b«<*ttar .and^fishing; : no trouble to 1 cstch 'the -limit: price- $5,000. Mc- r FAUL:&;EDWABD3,:33Q;CaranicIe bldg. COUNTRY- REAL laTATC^aatlßßei 160 ACRES land aear BrsotwooU; 45 acres bear-; ing vineyard, balance ia corn toti ether prod-* sets; 6 room house, good barn and NoatbuUd- . tags; running stream 'Of water plp«d to htnux* \u25a0 and barn; & horses; all farming implements 3 everything ready to do business. This is «. . soap; do not overlook it. Price $3,500. *;, cas:* for quick sale. ." McTAUL k EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bids- WE have I.OSO acres land, 200 under cnltrratloaj 3 mile* from towa and railroad: tbe best cma-' bined stock ranch and farm in CallfornU : run* nlag stream of water; fenced and itossi fenced; price $20,000- term*. If yoti are looking for a farm, stock or frn: j ranch at the right price rail and «•»•» us. McFACL * EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle hHg. ONLY $B,soo— Fine 10U acre Napa dairy ranch: sain. $200 per acre — Subdivisions of cream of T» »!- not Creek land: - terms: valo« inrreasing rap- Idly. Foe ranches. - large .or small, take ad- vantage of my 25 years' familiarity witb . California . tend*. Sediment land my specialty. \u25a0 HENRY STIRRING, room 118. Kirn building. CALIFORNIA land. $1 per acre ea«h payment, balance purchase 90 cents per month per acre:' eloas San Francisco: no taxe*. oo tnremit: 3 acre tract*; l«vel. rich, clear, ready to plow. - irrigated: perpetual wafer right: immedUt« p*»<»essl«>n: partbrniars. mapn. photographs free. STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market ot.. S. F. LEAVE the <ct ties. Come to Shasta county — th<» place for man of small meaoa; orchard, berry, alfalfa, clover and timber land: $5 acre «nd up; mountain climate: free water for Irriga- tion; sawmill wita timber cheap. Bis Bar- raina imp. ranches. J. R. KINS Eft. Fera, Shasta county. CaL SANTA ROSA REALTY CO. Selling land from 3 tracts i.*ear Santa Rom: $10f> an acre p: also big lint of properties of all kinds: call or write for booklet. OfSi-e 38-40. Klft Market st., San Francisco; office & Elk*' 'build- lag, Santa Rosa. Cal. TUEiOCK IBRIGATEI> FARMS IA aer»s Ia this district" will keep a family in luxury. Tola is tUe beat land ia Califora!». WATER RIGHTS FREE. FARMERS OWN TUB WATER. Get information from the Central California Land Agency, dept. *. 759 Market »t. LOS GATOS. Saratoga. Santa Crts minima in \u25a0« property for »ale or rent. STRONG, BEHjE.N" A FARR. Inc., R. H. McKaij maasKer. Ageota for Idjtwild. Los Gatos. 40 r >-.:> st.. San Francisco. $90 an acre for Contra Coata county alfalf.t lands; adjacent lands selling for $1W ar> acr»; this offer a bargala; act quick. REALTY EX- CHANGE. 1047 Fbelaa building. ~~" OIL LANDS ~~V 40 acres proving oil lands for sale la 2S-2*. Baiernueld. Kern • county.- \u25a0 Fur particular* SW> Monadnock building. T. F. A. OBF.RMEYER. IMPROVED country property f<v sals or e\- change: unimproved lands 00 easy terms. W. A. MARXLEY & CO.. 12S8 Broadway. Oaklana. 5 and 10 acre homes ia Alarae<!& cortnty: *-'» down, $10 montbly: '2 niVromAa, RICH VAL- LEY LAND COMPANY. 54S Market »t. "- "" HOTEL and 3 cottages: separately or together : a bargain if sold aoon: \u25a0•a".«- of s«lliug Hi health. A. JENSEN. Newman. Cal. FOR farms, stock ranches aad timber lands *?* MeFAtX k KDWARDS. 330 Chronlcl* bulUlhig. . OAKUXP REAL ESTATE < SPECIAL BARGAINS. $1.100 — New 4 room cottage, near 14th st. »srline: a *aap. $3.600 — 20 acres ia Contra Conta c<wnty : U acres ia vines: good improvement*. $4.200 — 6 room cottase: Biake st.. Berkeley!' on easy terms. W. A. MARKXEY k CO.. 12n« Bmadwar. Qalc. VERY desirable modern < 7 room couse; smalt. barn; lot 40x120 feet: 35tb st. near Grove. OakUad: wUI take $4,500: $1,500 can remain indefinitely. $1.5C0 cash aad balance la laad »? vacant property of equal value; this 1* Just a* represented. Address Owner. CCS 33ta St.. Oakland. WHY PAY RENT? when yon can bar a cottag- near the Key Route; small payment down, tho balance easy payments. See owner. RICHARI* J. MONTGOMERY. 4003 Telegraph ay. corner 40th st.. central Oaklaad. LOT tn good residence section near Piedmont Key Route station: is situated on h!gh grons*! with beautiful view; 1 block from Oaklaail .-»•.-. rarliae; sUe 30x110 feet; price $1^:50; easr term*. ELIJ3 BROS., ,4&j 11th »t.. Oatlaml. $100 DOWX— S2O PER MONTH. Doesn't this beat rent? 4 room cottage: street work done; sidewalks in: price $1,400. Ad- dress 1420 Brctiway. Oakland. FIVE room cottage; $2.e*>o: only $250 cash; near Key Route Grove st. station. Apply 5401 Grove St.. Oakland. W. A. T7HJTAKER. designer aad builder: artis- tic homes; easy terms; phone Merritt 87C. REAL ESTATE, collecting, typewriting ami art- > vertUtng uoce at Kd\ Clay St.. Oakland. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE "$7,000^ — 7 room house; 2 Bathroom*; beautiful garden; electricity and gas; so foot front- age; transportation, steam aad electric; furnUhed. $4,500— NE. corner lot. 45x120: Ke> Route. S. P. and Grove «. cars. REALTY EXCHANGE. 1047 Phelan bldg. FOR rent — Beautiful home- of 11 rooms; yard: 50x160; in most desirable residence district «? Berkeley; on eew earltne conaeetlasr with all city train*: $75 per month: lease z years or longer. See mvner. 21*10 II illegal ay. ALA3IEDA IIKAL ESTATE F^R~SaTe^PECL^S4?SOO " Beautiful, modern, bunsalow style iaterinr. exterior fine fiaish. palated white: slz» 30x54 ft.; done ia S large room*: hall, bath ac-i porches; beam cellins In dining room, ball and living room: dining room and ball paneled with art shelf, oak flaiaa: two fireplaces: lot 50x150 ft.: sunny: swell neighborhood: owner mest sell; cost $3,800; $2,800 can re- main on mortgage. See owner. 937 Pacific ay.. Alameda. $3.650 — A bargain; S room modem nous*; $850 in cash, only 6 per cent Interest. Look at this place. W. H. POLLARD. 1428 Part «r. 2 LOTS ia Fourth Addition. Saa Bruno park. $230 each. ' Box 3339. Call office. HOMES, investments, lots, ranches, acre proper- tle«. BROWN * WILSON. Sant-i Cms. Cat MARIX COUNTY REAL ESTATE COMPELLED br S. F. bo«tn#»s tn ra!*e ca»a: I will sell 10 lots for*esan and 10 on fair t»rm«. around my home in "Laurel Dell* Tract." San Rafael, at sacrifice price*. $10T> aad up: tverr lot heavily wooded: some redwood trees; flne sMI. grand view: all improvement*: <!e«d f^rta- wlth: 7 to 15 minutes' walk to B st. station or to my temporary ortW. opo. Union depot. San Rafael. W. L. COURTRIGHT. owaer; no »genta. BARGAIN at $10,000 — This beautiful hema mas: .be seen to be appreciatsd. Telejicae Kearay BTS.awt a*et p»rttew!ir«. POINT RICHMOND REAL. ESTATE RECENT announcements of vast importance wake Investors up to Richmond's unlimited future possibilities for profits; the Saata Fa tract easily leads all other eSeringa be for? the public today.' Particulars writ* R. T. - SHANNON, at MeEwen Brow.'. 473 Pine st. JgAy ANSELMO REAI^ESTATE $250 San \Anselmo snaps— l level wooded lot. 100x110; $200 for I level lot 62x100; $293 beautiful wooded lots 50x1301 11. V. MANN. app. depot. ' MILI.^ VALILET R*^t ESTATS, FOR SALE — Large corner lot. 05x120: 5 room house, bath, cement cellar, city water, electric light*/ sewer connection, garden young fruit trees, vines and berries, chicken yards ami coops; 3 minutes " from electric cars; $2,600; ' $900 cash, balance $00 per mouth. Call or ad- dress MRS. W. J. FAREY. Evergreen ay.. Mill VaD»r: leave train »t I.«*n«t ay. *- ' - PROPERTY WANTED WANTED— Your property tn sell or ex- change. JACQUES REALTY CO.. 255 Mont- - gomery st. . ' - ' - - RE.4LESTATETO EXCH.INGE C ACR£S of Improved sn.l irrigated laad. * . miles from county seat of orer 6.000 inhab- itants; will exchange for modern cottage in \u25a0vicinity «f 4Ota and Grove sts.. Oakland. F<»r particulars call at 44 Bacon Muck. Oakland; phono Oakland «304. . RANCH of 320 acres. 12 miles from Saa Mate •>. la the redwooUd: timber and pa.nure land; price $23 p*f acre, or will tak* Income prop- erty In exchange. W. W. CASEY. 32(5 3*l ay., Saa Mateo. .. . FOR exchange— General merchandise stock: Urge building and lot. 10U miles from S. F.. for bay Improved: best proposition In state: will bern. 8. F. this week. , Box 735. Call. Oakland. LOT— soxl27. tB central Oakland, will exchange for flats in Richmond district. Saa Frrvi \u25a0«.->; $3,000. . Realty Exchange. 1047 Pbelaa bid*. WANT SeatUe or sound property for rottsge- 1014 Eagle. AUmeda; make offer. Box 3451, Call office. '" . - , ' . \u25a0.. '.*.-, IF yoa want to sell or exchange- your ranch nnvt - me . description; v* charge* nnleas d«al i* mad*. J.iH. -F.DSON,- 106* Broadway. Oakland. LIST vT»nr«>itm try. properties w |t a us:-w4 seil and exchaagp sam*>. , JACQUES REALTY CO.. ~ - 2.*»*> ?l«atg"TOmr «t. _.___^___. PASTURAGE -...-; 11 . '. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 i_ 1 1 \u25a0 . '. »~ FIN B'> pasture, green feed. H. B. MAYO. TSI bldj.. 3. r. t or P. O. box •M,\T»H»Jg. 11