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12 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL TRADERS AWAITING RETURN OF MORGAN Speculators in Steel Shares on Anxious Seat Regarding the Dividend Increase \ew York Mock List E. F. Hutton i Co.. 490 California atreet, members of tlw New York stock exchange, fnr naii the following list of bond and stock sales yesterday: S*les. j STOCKS. |Hlgh.lLow.| Bid. | Ask. jAIIU-Chalmers . ' 15^f 10 300 Do pfd 52 62 51% 62% 10.000 Amalg Copper.... 82% el«i 82% 52% l.SOoVmer BeM Sugar 44^J 43% **% «Ji IH> pfd 94% M»* filtOAmer Can Co (12 11% 11*4 12 I.KtO Po pfd 82% 81*4 82% 83 5,700' Am Car & Fndry. 63% 62% 62». 63 l»o pf(L U"% »» s i H.ooC',An;er Cotton Oil. 76? i 74% 76 76% ! Uo nM 102% 105H C;«Go;Amer Ice Sees... 40 39% 39*4 40 SOOiAmer Linseed 17*4 17 16% 17# [ Do pfd. , 44% -45 11.1 0«" Amer Locociotjve. 63=4 61 H W> 63^4 600J Do pfd 120H1120:, 120% 122 American Malt.. , »>4 «%/ Do pffl 62% 53% a.rXK'Am Smelt & Bef. »4% 93% 94% 94}» l.lOv' Vo Dfd, 112 111 111% U2 30« Arser Ragtr ;127% 127% 127 128 ; Do pld... 1..124 125 WO- Amer Tel & Tel.. 140% 140£)140%. ;40«i Amer Tob pfd lOO^'lOl 20" Atner Woolen S6 35 35T» 36 41J1 Do pfd 104J.4, 10384)103 ifi3?4 I. 2oo' Anaconda- » 47% 47%j 47% 4S iAJlan Coast I/ne ilSl 131** 12.500 A T & Santa Ft. U7 116U 116% IlJ\ f Do pfd 104% 103 3.2001 Baltimore & Ohio l2o 119% U9?i 120 ' , Uo pfd { I 84% 95 Bethlehem Steel.. j 30% 31% 400 ! Do pfd «0% 60- 59 61 1.0008 R T 75% 78 78U 7»J» Censda Soutbern 67 65 \u2666W0 Canadian Pacific. :iß7i; 156% 196'« IST iS.ftW.iC k, O -I 79t« 79 78% 79tf 2n,'-C it A 1 69H 69 65% 69 POOCGW 11% 1 V& JX \u0084' Do pffl ! 24% 2j 1 5601 C&y W 1 184% 183% 153 IM% ItWOC M A 6t P 156% 165U Ir.OUUJO^ ZUM Do pfd 169T, 169% 169% 170 I.3'.>oCenrral Leather.. 32% 32% 32% 32% I Do pfd 105U 105% "Central of N J... 257 290 iChictgo Terminal 1 » Do pfd 18 21 , 'C CC4 St L... 74 75% Do pfd 103%.... 4.401'C050 Fuel & Iron 44T« 44% 44% 45 ' l»o pfd 80 90 6OOJCOI Hock C & 1. -| 64% 64% 64% «5 Cnln Southern M 57 ..' I»o m pffl 61 M% I I»o 2d pfd 80^4 80% oOo;Con*o2idated Gas 140% 133% 140^ 140% TmVC.irn Product*... 23% 23% 23^ 23% 1 P.» pfd 66% &6% Del & Hudson...] 192%j1P2% r» l & w 660 eso 1) & di G 48^ 45% Do pfd 84% »Vi niam«nd MatCa 126% 129 2«0 Distilling Sec... 38 37% 87% 38% Duluth S S & A. 16 17 Do p.'d 1 81% 32 iKiouErte I 3T% 86% 87% 37% 2.*iKi IM ]*t j.M ! 54% 53% M 54% MO! Do id j.fd 44% 43% i 44 44% :;.rto<i «7co«thl Kle«-iricil66"« 167 167% 168% 42. <**><; Northern Ore..) 76%| 76 76 76% X.W.; Nortiurn |>fd. . (151% 150%(151 15H4 J W«> I!!ino!« Crniral. -i 155 154% 155% 155% I>lA Interinro Met. .15% 15% 15% 15% n.WXi- Do pfd I 45% 47% 47% 4*\ lut*>r M«t Marine, ." 6% 6% I)., |.fd 20Ti 21% 2.2fX' Interuat Paper...! I6«i 16 16% 16*» Ao»' Do pfd 165 64% 64% 65 Internal Pump...! 38% 39% V Do pfd ! 88 89 3ft lowa Central r 2»* 29% 29% 30 :&> Do pfd 55% 55 65 M K<" Southrrn 1 45% 46 I -Do pfd 171% 71% 72% 72«4 ..I. E & Western..! 26 27 I Ho pfd 59 61 300 L& N 142% 142% 142 142% Mackcy 79 81 ! Do pfd 74 75 Manhattan 145 146 Metro St Ity j... 17 20 Mexican Central.. 25V 25 24"i 25% 200 Minn & St I 56% 66 ' 55 57 \u0084 Do let pfd j S4 87%, SOOjV St P&S SM. 143% 142»4 143 143% : r»-> pfd 156 159 "l. 500 Mo K»n & Tex.. 42« i 42 42"»g 42% ! Ho pfd 72« i 74 .-aViiMissonri Paciflc . 73 72% 72% 73 ....... Na*h C&St L 120 128 K>o National L'ai .. 86H 56% 66% 88*4 Do j.fd 10S% 109 'N«ti.-in»l Biscuit ....108 10fi% . ! . Do pfd - 125% 127 Nwbsi> C M & S 2 2% ..- X y Air Brake 85 87 ».300'N V Central .. 134% 134% 134% 134% X V C &. St L 53 56 1 r>o ist pfd 100 110 ! Do 2d pfd 60 85 XYN H & Hart 1«» 169% 3..V0 X V Ont & W..| 64 53% 53% C«4 3.100 Norfolk t West i>Z% 93 83% »i 2<io! Do pfd 91% »1 81 02 SOo;Xorth American . 84% 83% 83 83% KMJOO Xor Pacific ... 154% 153% 153% 153% Omaha .... 156 105 , Do pfd ...170 175 Pavifio Coast 04 100 400 Paciflc Mail ... 30% 30 30% 31 3.VH) l'enn II RCo 135% 13S 138(i 135% 400 FVople'n Gas 116 116% «OoPitt«borf Coal .. 11% 11% « 12 ; IK) ]>fd 45 50 !• <" C «. St L 92 93 \u25a0 Un pfd 109 112 S.3<H> Prrsfwd S Car . 45% 44% 45% 45% ! Do pfd 118% 118% CWt'R.T S Springs Co; 47 46% 46% 47 \u25a0 Do pfd j 105% 106 »fi.«jfK) n«-»dinjr i156%i155%1155;i 156 I I»o Ist jifd ...[.....J 91 93% 1 Do 2d pfd 1 1 100 101% j 2.3oo .'Kepubli.- «4:I -i 33% 33 33% 33% j «»0 ; i»« pfd 107% 107 107 107% 4.VKOU Ufick Island Co . 36% 35% 36% 36% lS.r.C* ! I)., pfd 75% 74 75% 75% *OO;SI«»>s S S fc I Co. 54% 84 R4% 84% Do pfd 116% 11$% 200-Stl. & !<F lft pffl 72% 72 72 72% l.iOO; Do 2d pfd ... 45% 45% 45% 45% > ... ,?t !> & S W 27 27% 200 Do pfd ..J... C 5% Gs>4 65% 65% 27.r^»>Soutbern P«c ... 134% 153% 154% 134% 5.1 no Soutbwn Ry ..21% 21% 21% 21% «O»| I>o pfd ! 70% 70 70% 70% «SoO:Teun Copper ..{ S7 3G% 37 37% Sfi^Texos Pacific ..'BS 34% 34% 34%, l.«tO Third Are 19%. lh% JB% 19 SOuiTol St L&W . . 49% 49% 49% 49% 3Ooi Do pfd 69% 69% 69% «9% SOi'Twin City R T . 106 104% 105% 106 .'.jfnlon Bag i V 13 14 Do pfd ; 75%! SO W.ROO Union Paciflc j198% 197%)19«%,W8% I.OOOi T»o pfd 1106% 105% 100% lOfii* AUOUnlt Rds.of S F 37 34% 36 38 300 Do pfd 54% 53 R3% .%4 .....".. U S Cast I Pipe. 30% 31% Do pfd 81% 82 ....... C S Express 85 95 U S Rubber i 38% 39% 200 Do l*t pfd .. 117. 115% 117 117% Do 2d pfd 82 83% 78.000 V -« Steel Cor ... 72 71% 71% 71% 7.UK)! lx> pfd 127% 127 127% 127% 2Oo'Ctah Copper ... 49% 43% 49 % 49% 3.300 Va -Car Obenj Co. 52% 52 S2 52% . Do pfd 120 122 l.SOOjWabaah | 21%| 21% 21% 21% • 3.4001 Do pfd 07% 56% 57 57% tWrtls-Fargo Ex 315 325 700JWestern Union ..73 72 72% 73 6.2<*>tWc»tlnghous« ... 56% 85% 8« J»O% 200 W& L E 6% 6% 6 6% ...\u25a0 J Do l*t pfd 16 18 ..j . Do 2d pfd ' 8 » .iWisconsia Cen .. W!% r.~ | Do pfd S8 90 $S2,ZOQ — total tbare« sold. New York Bonds i; S rcf 2s reg- -100% I 111 Cent Ist ref At W)'i Do conirtw :-.-.. 101 Int Met 4%5.... fcO% Ho :;* teg 101% Int Mer Mar 4%s 69% Do coupon ..,.101% Japan 4s 57% Do 4s'reg.... -.117% Do 4%s ;; ...94% Do coupon H9Vi Kan City So Ut 3s 74% AUlsChal Ist s*. 86 L Sbor deb 4s, 1931 94% Amrr Agricul .V.101% L & N unified 4s. .100% iAmrr T&T cv 45.104%iM.K i Tex Ist 45.101 Amer Tobacco 4». hO%| Do gen 4%8 ... 91% Do 6s ..:... Mo Pacific 4s 52% Armour 4'sS 95 N Rof Mcx 4%». 05V4 At<b m <i 101% NYC sen 3%8 .. 92% Do cv -4« IW% Do <leb 4s ..... W5 iJo cv 3s H'% NY.NH & H ev6«.135% A^an C L Ist 4s 95% Nor A W Ist con4s «9% Bait 4 Obio 45..100% Do er^s ......100% Do 3%s 9*% Nor Paciflc 45.... 103 Po'S W 3V-*. *0% D* 3s - 74 % Rr.^>L-lrn Tr cv'"4s STi% O S Line rfdg 4s. 95 K«r«rc 5,-110% Pa cr 3%5. 1915 .X Cent Leather ss. 09 Pa con 4s 104% Mst of S3 en 5«.127 Reading ten 45...101 Ch"s & Ohio 4%«.104 St L6cS Fl% 4s. *7% I»o ref f.« .....101% Do Ren 6s "V- 2*., Vhl A Alton a%B- 7C St LS W oon 4s. 79% C B& Q joint 4« 08% Do Ut gold 45. . 94% Da cen 4» . .!<><•% SeaboaraA I* 45.. 90 rote -mSS^*:-:- b% f^'^^JSS QUIET DA Y IN STOCK MARKET, NEW YORK, July 80.— > Th- atock mar ket today might oe said to have been -wait ing on the return of J. P. Morgan, whose arrival from Europe is expected tomorrow. The aggressive pushers of the. recent, ad vance- in United States steel j were ' dis turbed by a suggestion that the expected Increase in the dividend had sot been' de termined on and might be- considered 'as Improbable. . This was taken to mean that some of the- interests believe in postponing tbe contemplated increase of disbursement until the working off of orders taken at the- deep cut in prices which vent in effect in February may open the way to business on a more, profitable basit. The rumor of the- intended postpone ment of the dividend increase was accom panied by the argument that a favorable statement- of earnings and of prospects of ficially made might be relied upon to have as much sustaining' effect In the price of the stock as an actual increase in the divi dend. Holders of Unitsd States steel above 70 do not view u-ith equanimity the prospect of continuing to hold the stock as a 3 per cent dividend payer, and even tho sugges tion of a 3 per cont rate leaves a lack of ucurance among recent speculative buyers. Among these the assumption has been that J. P. Morgan had committed himself to the- advocacy of a policy of increased divi dends in connection with th« negotiations to introduce United States steel to the Paris bourse. • The stock which was taken by the French syndicate in preparation for the Paris lilt ing has never, been officially accounted for in the later stares of the interrupted ne gotiation, lut th« common assumption among speculative operators In United States steel is that it is still held by tho syndicate. The dragging tendency of United States steel proved an obstacle to the efforts to advance prices, and more than once pulled the market back after it had set out for higher levels. • Interest attached to the news that the Union Pacifio had told its $10,000,000 hold, isgs of Atchison preferred to a syndicate under the direction of its own bankers. Th* inference to be drawn from this trans action was a greater subject of surmise than the- operation itself. Ko information was forthcoming as tc the intention of the company in disposing of the proceeds of this sale. That their investment was in tended was the prevalent supposition, and this opened up a new field of speculative conjecture. Union Pacific sold % higher than its former record. The- time money market held its firm tons and foreign exchange rose sharply, giving color- to predictions that further large shipments of gold to Argentina re mained to be made. \u25a0' /' Bond* were firm. Total sales, per value, $4,020,000. United States 4s registered de clined *i per cent in bid price. Do cr 4s, ser B 77% l Westing Xl cv ss. 94H ! Gea Elect cr 55.. 152 | Wls Central 45... 95 \u25a0* KeW York Minlnc Stock* Alice 2.10 Leadvllle Con .... 04% Brunswick Con .. 05 Little Chief 07 Com Tun Stock.. 24 Mexican , !io Com Tun Bonds.. 20 Ontario 3.25 Con Va Mm Co.. 68 Ophlr 1.20 Horn Silver 2:0 Standard 1.75 Iron Silver 1.40J Yellow Jacket ... 75 Boston Stocks and Bonds Money — ) Miscellaneous- Call loans 2%<43 Amer Arge Chem. 44% Time loans ...3 <g5 Do pfd ..: 102% Bonds— Amer Sugar 127 Atcbison 4s 93 Do pfd 124% Do adj 4b 101 1; Amer Tel & Tel.. 140% Mcx Central 45.. 94 Amer Woolen .... 35% Railroads — Do pfd ...103% Atchison 116% Dom Iron & SteeL 40 Do pfd 104% Ed Electric 111um.240% Boston & Albany. 22B Gen Electric 16S Boston & Maine.. l 49 Mass-Electric .... 13% Boston Elev ....103 Do pfd ....:.. \u008474% F«chburg pfd ...130 Mass Gas «52T4 NY.X H & H..170 U S Steel 71% Union Pacific ...18S% Do pfd 127% BOSTON COPPER STOCKS BOSTON. July 20. — The opening of the Boston market was dull and uninteresting. There has been, lees activity, with prices inclined to sag in sympathy witb the New York market. Hel vetia was Quoted for the first time today on the local board and has been an active feature. Glroux consolidated, on selling by New York, declined to »%. . There has been come buying of Copper Range at 81 T4, but the general list of. copper bas been very much neglyected. In the miscellaneous list Massachusetts Electric preferred advanced to 75. the highest price In three years, on light transactions. The following list Is furnished- by E. F. Hut ton &. Co., 4DO California. *treet, San Frau cteco, 'Cal.: High. Low. Close. Adventure 6% 6* 4 oft Allouez 42% 42% 42% Arizona Commercial 40% 40 40 Arcadian 4 4 4 Atlantic ' S% 8»i . SVi Black Mountain 1% 1V» 1% Calumet & Arliona ....102% Ki2% 102% Calumet & Hecla 635 635 O.V. Centennial Copper .31 31 31 Copper Range S2 • 81% Sl% Cumberland Ely 7?« 7% 7*» Daly West 8 -1% 8 E»Bt Butte 12« i 12% 12% First National 5% 5 5 Globe Consolidated 4 4 . .4 Granby 09>i »9 fl» Hancock 11 11 11 Helvetia 7 6% 6% Isle Royale 24i; 24 24 Keweenaw 3*4 3*i 3*« Lake 22% 22^4 22U \a Salle *. 13% -13% 1?.% Massacbusetttn Mining 8 . X 8 Miami 15% 15% 15% Michigan 8% »% ' »% Mohawk 60 60 60 Nipisslng 11% 11 11 Old Dominion 63% r»3% r.3% Osceola Copper. 132 131 132 Parrott Mining 31? i 31% 313 i Pneumatic Service 7%. 7% "7% Pneumatic Service pfd 18% 18% li>i% Quincy BS% 88% 88% Shannon l. r >Vi I.'ii; 15% Shoe Machinery fil 61 6» Shoe Machinery pfd .. •.. 29% 29% 23% Superior & Boston ....... i .. 1514 14«» 14 Swift 10S% 10S% 108% Tamarack 63 63 X? United Fruit ...139 139 139 U S Smelting 49% 45% 49% IJ S Smelting pfd........... 40% 49* i 49% Utah Cons 42% 42 42 Victoria 4 4 4 Winona 5 ' 5 5 Wolverine .147 147 147 Yukon .... si 4?6 5 London Cloning: ' Stockn Cons for money... S4%jLoulsv & Nasb....l4S»i Do for acct 84%JM, X & Texas.... «Vi Anaal Copper .... 84% NY Centra 1. .....136% Anaconda 974 Norfolk &. West... »6 Atchison 120% Do pfd ........ 00 Do pfd ..107% Ont & Western... 55 Bait & Ohio 123%, Pennsylvania 71 Can Pacific 191% Rand Mines 10 Che« & 0hi0..... 61% Reading so Chi- Great West.. 1% So Railway .. 32 Chi. Mil &St P.160V4 Do pfd .... 72 De Beers 14% So ' Pacific ...... .137% Den & Rio G....49; Union: Pacific ..:.203% Do pfd W Dopfd ........109' Erie 37% U S Steel... 73% Do lsfpfd 54% Do Pfd 130% Do 2d pfd .. 44 Wabasn 2l?i Grand Trunk .... 23*4 Do pfd ......;.:r»8 111 Central .. 159% Spanish. 4s ...... 97 Bar silver — Steady; 23% d per ounce. : Money — % @ % of 1 per • cent. ' The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is I*4 per. cent and for three months' bills 1 6-16@1%' per cent. ' Condition' of the Treasury , WASHINGTON, inly 20.-^-The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: . Trust f nnd — Gold cola ..V. - ..... $550,555,809 Silver d011ar5;. . 1......".......... . . . 488.144,000 Silver, dollars? of 1890....... ; 4.188,000 Silver certificates outstanding. . . . . . . . 455.144.000 ' General fund — ... Standard silver dollars, general fund . $3,927,363 Current liabilities....:. ..;..*.. .. -.'92, 749,311 Working 'balance In treasury"; offices: 33,763,349 In banks to credit of treasurer of the . . v . : United States 45,699,711 Subsidiary . silver ; c0in.". .........".... 26,529,711 Minor coins... ..,'....,.... -....V. .-.-..,•'. 2.417J401 Total balance in general fund..* 111,673,795 1 Ken- York Money Market " NEW YORK. July 20.— Money on call, easy. 1%@2 p^r cent; ruling rate. '1%@2 per cent; closing ; . bid 1% ' and ' offered at .1% per cent. , • • Time " loans • ratber dull i and- firmer; : 60 days, 13J@2 per cent;, »0: days, 2>4@2%, per' cent; alx months. 3% pcr > cent. . . Prime mercantile ' paper, 3*4 <H,A per cent. \- Sterling \u25a0 exchange. : firm, -wlih \ actual bnsiorss la bankers' bills at $4.b6tj4.5010 for' 60 day THE SAX: gR^NCISGO^QALU JULY 21; 1909 Local Securities More Active Comstock Mining Shares Quieter bills anil at $4 . 5745 for ! demand. Commercial bills, $4.85*4 ©4.85%. Bar. silver, • 51c. Mexican dollars, 44c.. Government bonds, easy; " railroad bonds, firm. .Northern Business PORTLAND. July 20.— Clearings, $338,713; balances, $101,370. SPOKANE, July 20*— Clearings, $1,032,538; balances, $94,107. TACOMA, July 20.— Clearings, f 988,537; bal ances, $52,814. . SEATTLE, July 20.— Clearings, $2,235,336: balances, $295,751. . Loans, Exchange ' and Silver - Silver and Hongkong exchange were slightly higher. . ' . Prime mercantile pap5r... ;;.... s@a per cent Loans on real estate 6@B per cent Sterling exchange, 60 dam...... —@4.86# Sterling exchange, sight — (54.87% Sterling exchange, cab1e5........ —©4.8814 New York exchange. 6ight....... — @ 214 New York exchange, telegraphic. — @ - 5 Hongkong exchange, 5ight....... — @ 42% Hongkong exchange, telegraphic— @ 42*4 Silver, per 0unce..'. ............. — <a '51 Mexican dollars, n0mina1........ —@ 50 CONTINENTAL New York on Paris 816% New York on Mexico .'.. 201 »£ Paris on London ....25.19 Berlin on London. ...20.44 STOCK MARKET Local securities were more active yesterday, as far as shares were concerned, though bonds were still quiet. There were a number of small transactions In Makawell. sugar and telephone common stock. Advanced prices were quoted for Associated oil 5 per "cent bonds, Northern elec tric 6s and Oakland traction 3s. The United Railroads bond* were lower at $77.12%. Fire man's fund insurance was ex dividend of $5. % The following quotations were made on un listed securities: Western Pacific ss, par bid; common stock, $31 asked; Paciflc gas and elec tric 6s. 95 asked; common stock. $45@47.50; Ocean Shore ss, $58.60@60.25; People's water common, ?3.75@4; United Railroads common, $38 asked. . . . , The Comstock mining shares were less active but steady at the advance of Monday. The southern Nevadas continued inactive and featureless. Goidfield parties sold the "merger" and there was some eastern demand for Com bination Fraction. Tbe "merger" lost 17c on the day. closing at $6.05. Peerless oil stock was ex dividend of 6c yes terday. The California fruit canners' association paid a regnlar monthlr dividend of 60c yesterday. A wire from New York yesterday said: "Hutton & Co. were large buyers of Pacific telephone and Pacific gas and electric common and preferred . on the curb yesterday and are again buying this morning. They have worked up. a strong trading interest in California securi ties and are. tipping telephone common for 50 and the preferred for $110." Goidfield advices state that the danger of . a water famine in tbe district and tbe consequent shutting - down of the big \u25a0 milling plants has passed. The Florence mill has. already been ob taining considerable water from the Goldneld company on account of a shortage at its source of supply at Indian springs, but there is now no likelihood of operations being curtailed on this account. Tbe Goldfleld company is nlso free from any danger of a shortage for opera tions, *s measures have been taken to insure a requisite supply. Assesmnent Directory Comntock j Mines Company — No. Del. Board. Sale Day. Amt. Potosi 11 July 2 Aug. 5 .10 Seg. Belcher 45 July 3 Aug. 5 -.03 Yellow Jacket.. 33 July 5 Aug. 17 .25 Brunswick Choi. 2 Aug. 2 .01 Brunswick Poto. 2 '...• Aug. 2 .01 Alpha ....11 July 12 Aug.lo .10 Sierra Nevada. .lß July 15 Aug.lo .10 W. Con. Va . 4 ... Aug. 10 .10 Belcher ...S9 Juiy 16 Aug. 10 .10 Caledonia 79 July IS Aug. 13 .05 Best & Belcher.92 July 19 Aug. 10 - .10 Savage ..15 July 24 Aug. 18 .10 Exchequer 14 Aug. 12 Sep. 18 .05 Con. Virginia... 12 Aug. 12 Sep. 7 .25 STOCK AXD BOXD EXCHANGE TUESDAY, July 20—10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES' BONDS Bid. Ask. \u0084»-• . , Bid. Ask. 4s qr cp new — .—. — 3s qr coup.".; — — •\u25a0 MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala A W ss. — — O Tran Cnos — 106 Afiso Oil ss. 94% 95 O Trae Cn 5s — 98% Bay CPC ss. — 104 O Trac Co 5s 92% — Cal O G 55.106 — O W gtd ss. 9tt% 99«-4 Cal G & E g Om Cable 65.109 113% m'& tc 5s 98?4 P9V4 Pac Glm 4s. S9 — Cal »t C 55.100 — P E Ry 55.. 105% — Cal Wine ss. 85 — Pac L&P ss. — 96 City El 5».. 84 84% Do gtd 5«..100>4 — ' C C.Wat ss. 100 101 Pae T&T ss. OS — Do g mgss 91 P&C II 6s. 99 — Ed El LA ss. 102% — P& O R 6s. — . — Ed L&P 60. 11 1 — People's W5572 • 73 First F — Powell st «5..102U — F& C H 6s. — 106 Sac EG&Ros.lOl — HC & S 55.105 — SF & SJVss.ll4 i -i — Hon RT «5.105»,i — SF.O & SJ5s. 104*4 105 ?4 L Tahoe Rss 95% — Do 2d mgss — - L A Elec ss— — . Do Con ss. — 9fi LAG & Elss 09% — SJi SCR 4%s — — LA Ry 55..109?» — Sierra :It 6«.. 100 — LAL gtd 55. 101% •'\u25a0 S P of A 6s LAP lem 55.105 100 (1910) 100% — LAP Cal 55. 102% — S P of C 6s '•-.'• Marin W 55.100 105 (1912) ....105^106% Mkt ft C K5.104 105 SPC le g 58.114 — Do lem 58.102%— S P B;R 65.120%133% MV& MtTss.lOO — SPRR Ist r4s 95% — N R of C 05.11494115% Stkn G&B 65.103% — • NP C R 55.100% — 8V W g mg4s 88% 89% NC Ry 55..103«4 — UG & E ss. — 101 NC P C ss. »8% — UR of SF 4s. 77% 77%. N El Co ss. 88 — ValleJo.Ben *; . \ O GL&H 55.104 — Napa RR5s 85 — ' Oak Tran 65.110 — • Val Co P Ss.loo — Oak Tran ss. 104 105% WATER STOCKS Marin Co . . 60 — |S V Wat Co. 33 33% GAS AND ELECTRIC City El Co.. 3H4 32 |Pac L.pfd.. 70 71 N Cal Power 36% 37%| Do com ... 50 CO INSURANCE Cal Ins Co.. 70 75 |Fireman's Fd. — 100 BANK STOCKS Am Ntl Bk. — 134 Mer Trust . .220 — Bank 0fCa1.374% — S F National. — 135' First Natn1..255 — Union T C 0.2700. 2700 2800 SAVINGS BANKS Ger S & L. — 3000 IS F.Sav U 525 Hum Say Bk — — - Say &L. So. . — 125 Mut Sav'Bk 70 70 |S<»c Say Bk.. — 330 STREET RAILROADS' California ..138 141 (Presidio . 20-30 POWDER Giant Consolidated C 0 ....."......... 74% • 75W. SUGAR "-. , \u0084 . Hawaiian C. 31% — Makawell SC4O ' — Honokaa 5.0.16%17 Onomea S C. 44 45% Hutch S P C 17%1S - Paaubau S C. 2*« — Kilauea SC. 6% — Union S. Co.;— 68% : OIL, STOCKS Amal Oil Co. — 87 I Sterling Oil. . — 3 Asso Oil Co. 34V4 34?i| . \u25a0 . MISCELLANEOUS Alaska PA. 704 71 I Pac Aux F A 8% — Cal F C A. 99% 100% Pac C 80rax.150% — CalWlne A. 37% 39 Pac T&T pfd 93% 94 V* MV& MtTm. — - 115 •Do com ... 41% 41«4 Morning- Session •'. 20 Associated Oil C 0........ .34.50 20 Giant Powder .:..... 75.00 340 Makawell Sugar. Co ......... ...-40.00 45 Pacific. Tel &- Tel (c0mm0n).".... 42.12% 40 Pacific Tel & Tel (common).... 41.87% $6,000 Oakland \u25a0 Traction Co ; 5«. 92.37% $2,000 Pacific Tel & Tel 55......:.... 98.12% $4,000 Spring Val Wat gen mtge 45.. 89.00 - Street — . . . . $6,000 Spring Val Wat gen mtjre 45.. 89.00 ; " 'Afternoon Session." . ".:-, Boutd — '...• \u25a0} - , -.. 5 Giant ; Powder , 75.00 30 Onomea Sugar Co ............ 44.00 10 Pacific Tel &Te) (pfd)..... "...94.00 . SI.OOO Associated: Oil' 55. ............. 95.00 . $2,000 Market st Ry Ist ' Con 55. .. ... 103.00 $1,000 Northern Electric 'Co 5i...,.'.. 89. 00 $1,000 Northern Electric *Co 55.'. .;.. .88.50 $5,000 Oakland Traction Co 55....... 92.37%' $1,000 , People's Water Co . 55".*. . . . . ; .;. 72.50 $4,000 United - R R' of S F 45.;...... 77.25*. $2,000 United. R II of S F 45. ....... 77.12% Strt^t— . \u25a0 ..,•; 10 Hutchlnson S P Co ............ 17.75 California Stock and " Oil Exchange \u25a0 ; - Bid. Ask. , " ißld.Ask. Alma ...'.... 40 ."\u25a0 — Occidental \u0084'.t-> 20 — Apollo *. '. . '03 .05 Paraf fine ..... 55 . 90 Asro ,011*^.34.50 34.75 Pa1mer ...'.....', — U4O I»o bds us — 97.50 Piedmont*.:.". . 20 Brookshlre . .:i.55 -'\u25a0-\u25a0.;— Pinal% .";'"... 8.50 ».62% Caribou ....12.25 15.00 Producers ..r.1. 75 2.00 Chi Crude.:.;- 08..— Record .".'... ..'.4.75 ;•"— Esperanza. • 1.27% 1.45 Rico ;..%. . . .7.3.00 — Four \u25a0-..:..... " .31 S Fj&;McK.24.SO 27.00 Fulton .:.... .2.00,^ — Sauerr Dough.; 1.95 2.10 Graclosa: ..... — (!l> Section^2s \u25a0 .. ' — 25. W> Gypsy' ....... — 25 Sbawmut-".. .'. . . — <!0 Imperial .... — 47.50 Sovereign 1 ... . 21 V*i 22 Junction . ...\u25a0..- 40 ..00 Sterling :/.'.*.. .2.70 2.85 Kern.-.."..;:..: 55-. — Sunset Mon . . :- 50 -. ** — Linda' Vista. ;i — CO Turner i'-. . .. .". .*t" 95-JU.OO McKittrick- .. 05, — W* Coast pfd.Bo. o0 -• r— Monte Cr15t0. 2.85 2.90 W,-- K^Oil-Co. ..V— 2.70 Nev County/.,'. — • .'0 N: Cal » Power.'— 37.50 "• ' - - . '- : SALES -'-rr \u25a0-\u25a0'. :\u25a0;.•:- " ll:30 r a.' m.— " 800 Chicago Crude-....V.V..'.... ......... .OS 2p; m. — ' -' \u25a0 ,'J": \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0-\u25a0:* -"-."..\u25a0=•!» ,500 Sovereign :.'....... ..:...*............ .2^ 500 Graciosa » ; .TT. 7~. ". Km .\u25a0.'."". . .55 2000 Apollo -.'. ;. . . ; . -. :v. .-. rr:. :.:..: ...;. .0j \ 31ininK Stocks SAN - FRA NCLSCO STOCK " EXCHA NG E :-- Foiloulng were the sales -on the tiau Kraueisjo stock and exchange board yesterday: • ' COMSTOCKS . •.^\* Regular Morning Session -! 100 Mexican .....: 93 100 Savage ....".'.. IS 200 Mexican . . . . .94 100 Sierra Nev v «. . 36 100 Ophlr .........1.30 i^ « : Afternoon Session ' 000 Best & Belch; 41 100 Mexican .....; 96 600 Con , Va M. Co. , 73 100 Mexican ...... 95 300 Con YaM Co. .74 500 Savage ....... 18 200 Oon Va M Co. 75 300 Sierra Nev V. . 36 100 Oqn Va M Co.- 76 100 Union . ... 44 200 Gould & Our. J 5 600 Union ... . . ... 45 100 Mexican... ."..94 1000 Utah- ......... .04 _ "_ Informal • Session" 500 Con Va M Co. 781 100 N Gould &.C. 23 200 N Gould & O. ,2211000 Savage 18 \u25a0 CLOSING- QUOTATIONS i-[ Bld.Ask. Bld.A9k. Alpha-.. 07 .08 Kentuck ...... 05 00 Alta .......;. 03 05 Lady Wash .. — "02 Andes ....... 12 . 14 Mexican .. 82 94 Belcher 52 55 New York Con — 04 Best & Belch. 40 41 N Gould &C. 22 23 PuJUon 15 : 17 Occidental .... 15 — Caledonia .... — 22 Ophlr ........1.25 1.27 Challenge Con 18 20 Overman . 21 25 Cbollar 17 JS Potosi 30 34 Confidence ... .73 SO Savage ....... 17 1!) Con Imperial. 02 03 Scorpion ..... 05 00 Con Va M Co. 72 74 Seg Belcher . . 05 OS Crown Point.. 42 45 Sierra Nev ... 3fi 3R Exchequer. ... 25 26 Silver Hill ... 07 10 Gould & Cur. 14 . 15 Union ...:.... 45-~4rt Hale & Norc. 21 23 Utah ......... 04 05 JuNa • • 05 07 Yellow Jacket. 70 7S Justice ......-- 03 TONOPAH.AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS ' Regular Session— 9:3o to 12:30 1000 Booth- ...../. 10 3000 Crt Bend Ex. 01 200 Com Fraction. 55 500 Mayflower Con l>B 2000 Grt Bend, bOO 07| 500 Red Hills .... 06 r««» .' Afternoon Session 5000 Adams .. 01 \u25a0- 50 Old ' Con \u25a0" -\u25a0 gOO Booth .......v jo .200 G ld Con M.6.07V4 jOO Com Fraction. 57 1000 G Kewanas.b3o 00 \u25a0j.600 Com Fraction., 59 5000 Great Bend... 07 1000 Com Fraction. 58 500 Jim Butler ..09 1000 Crack Jack,ss .02 1000 -Pitts S Peak.. 4R 1200 Daisy 21 200 Do. s 10...- 4S 100 Florence 2.05 1000 Raw Coalition.: V 5 £?. S ld Con M. . .6.15 500 Raw Qneen . . 35 100 Gld C0n.M.6.12>i -500 Red HlUs .... id ,1™ gW Con M...6.10 500 Red Top Ex.. 03 15W) Gld Con M...C.05 1000 Yellow Tiger.. 07. .A^n. „ ' Informal Session ... IC *W Bonnie Clare.. 03 1000 Grent Bend .. 07 ?°" Florence ..,..2.92 V 4 300 Jumbo Ex .... , 13 000 Gld Con M...6.05 1000 Pitts-' S Peak.. 47 CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA Bld.Ask. BM.Ask. Brunswick C. 02 \u25a0— Cent Eureka... 06 — Bunker - Hi 11. .2 .80 —So Eureka M.KOO — ' NEVADA Tonopah District . _ , Bid.Ask. , Bld.Af k. ! Belmont ..... 80 • 90 Miipali Ex . . -"02 Boston Ton . . — -05 Montana ..... til — ! California ... „— i.ii Mont Mid Ex. — 03 Cash Boy ..... — 01 Mon Pitts Ex. — 04 Great W estrn. — .01 x or th Star ... — (13 Home; — \u25a001 Ohio Ton — 01 Ind - Ton . . . . — 01 Paymaster ... — X 01 Jim Butler .. Oil _ Rescue Con .. 02 113 1 MaeNamara ..24 —Ton Exten'... 44 45 Mid way . is 20 Ton of Ne v . . 6 . 65 0 . 70 Midway Ex .. — 02 West End ... 22 — . _, - GoMflel.l District • Adams ...... 01 (»2 Gld Merger M. : . — . (10 Atlanta ...... 10 H Grandma ..... 01 02 Black Ants . . — 01 Great Bend ..06 OT Blk B Bonan. 01 02 Ott Bend Anx 01 C 2 Blk Butte Ex — . 01 Grt Bend Ex. 01 02 Black Rock .. — 01 Hlbernia . — 02 Blue Bell ... 02 04 Jumbo Ex ... 13 14 Bine Bull ... 05 06 Kendall 04 — Btte Goldneld — 02 Kendall Ex ..-- — 01 Booth - 10 . 11 Lone Star .... 03 04 OO D ...... 12 — Lou nilloa ... — «3 Columbia — 03 Mid Pawnee... — (12 Columbia Mt. — 10 Mllltown Frsc. — H2 Com Fraction. 5S 59 Mohwk C Leas — 0+ Comng Nation. — 01 Mohawk Ex .. — 02 Conqueror .... — 01 Mohawk Junior — »'4 Cracker Jack. 01 02 Nev Boy .. :'? V 2 I )alg y \u25a0 • 21 \u25a0•\u25a0 22 Nev Goidfield.. 02 — Desert Chief. :— 04 Oro 05 \u25a0 0G Dm B Btte C. O2 04 Potlatch' .. — OS Dindfld -Trngl. 01 021 Red HlUs .... 05 OKI Dixie ........ — 01 Red Top Ex.. 02 ()3- Kinplre ...... — 02 Ruby Gold M. 01 02 Florence 2.92 2.!i5 Samistorra .... 03 »« Florence Ex.. 01 (,2 Sandstorm Ex. — • dl Frances Mhk. 05 (17 Silver Pirk ... 10 11 Gen Wash ;. — 01 St lv«.-s Less. — OL Gl<l Con M...6.05 6.10 Wonder ...... — 02 Gld Portland. .02 03 Yellow Rose... .-- - " H2 Gld Kewanas. 08 09|Yellow Tiger.. 07 OS • ; Bullfrog District > ' Amargosa G.. — OljMayflowpr Con — •\u25a0\u25a0-•OS .! Amethyst ..".. — 03 Mont. Kiillfrog. — Mi Bonnie Clare.. 03 04 Montgoiny Mt. 05 ; Bullfrog Mm. — 02 Mtg slios Ex.* — 01 ' Blfrg Nat Bk — \u25a0«;Nugß»»t ....... — «I 2 Gold Bar :... — (Hjorlj: Hullfrog.. — 02 Gold Sceptre. — .Hi Tramp Con-.. — 00 Horaestake K. — 02J Valley View... — fm > Lige Harris.. — ol| Yankee' Girl :. — f-2 • Manhaltno - District :• Apr Fool Ex. — 01 Man Dexter .. i>2 — Atlan & Pac. — 01 Man Little- Joe — ni | Comet — 01 Man Mm Nev. — -..". 111 Gold Wedge.. — 01 |.M«n Syndicate — 01 Granny G M. — 0.-.j Mineral Hi 11... — <i 4 Little Grey .. — "'' 02 Mustang Man.. 01 — Man Broncho. — 01 Mustang Anx. " (!2 Man Buffalo.. - — 01 Orlg'Man .... — c*J Man Con ....— 05 pine Nut .... — * 01. Man Crescent. — 01 Syl Humphrey. — til! Man Cowboy.. — 01 Whale — 01 Other Districts Eagle's Nest.. 03 04 Queen Regent. — 20 Falrvw G Bid — 02 Ramsey '. '03 Fnirvw Hailst — -01 Raw Coalition. 2tt i Fairvw Eagle. — 1$ Raw Mohawk. — 01 ! Jack Pot 03 04 Raw Queen . . 35 ..' 30 Llanos Con .. SO 1.50 Round Mt ... 71 — Nev Hills ... 75 — Vulture — 04 Pitts S Peak. 47 4$ 1 GRAIN MARKET j 'Wheat and Otber Grains Wheat — Chicago was higher, though the weath er was fine. Cables were easy aud the crowd was bearish. . , - \u25a0 \u25a0 „\u25a0 Broomhall wired . that . weaker American cables and favorable Russian and ' Roumanian reports were the bear features In the Liverpool market. Support hy largo houses and an expected heavy decrease In the European visible supply were the bull features. '... *- . : .'\u25a0•-.. \ The San Francisco :. market' continued quiet, with prices unchanged.- \u25a0\u25a0-- "'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 CASH WHEAT California . club. . $2.05@2.07 1 / J ; do milling. $2.10; California white Australian, nominal at $2.10(32.1214 ; off grades of California wheat. $1.90@2: northern club, $2.05^2.07% : northern blucstem, nominal; -Russian red, $2@2.05; tur key red, $2.05@2.07Vi per ctl; new California cluband Sonora, $2.0i!&@2.05; new white.Aus tralian, $2.07%@2.10. FUTURES "* \u25a0 J 10 a.m. Session • December— sl.B2^ bid, $l.»2*i asked. - - „• 2p. tu. Session "No quotations. i . - '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0I . \u25a0•". Bailey — Ocean "freights are quiet at the uniou rnte of 23s Od usual European options. The char tered grata*tonnage In port is 24.454, : against 10.992 : tons on the same date last year: dlsen- , gaged, 120,154 tons, against 38,515; on the way to this port, 104.877 tons, against. 141,500. "'" ;" A. further decline in. futures .weakened ; the cash grain yesterday and also quieted business down. Receipts were ample, being over. 8,000 centals. . .' .-..,-. CASH BARLEY, '.- Oood to choice feed,. spot,' $1.45(9 1.47%; com-, mon to. : fair, ;sl.4o« 1.42% per T ctl: brewing, $1.50; • shipping. $1.50>a 1.52%, Port Costa dellv fry; chevalier," $1.60*81. «.">:, • 10 a. m. Session "•'"'- May— No sales;.sl;sl%sasked. ;- . -, •\' Open. High. 1 : Low. ' Close. December ...$1.45 $1:45',i ' $1.44% $1.45 ; 2 p. ; m. Session •-\u0084.; May— No sales; $1.40% bid; $1.51% asked. ' ; "Open.. High. Low. •• Close. ! December^ . . : .$1.45% : : $1.45% $t,45%5- $1.45% Oats— There , is " an active speculative | demand for seed reds, which j has advanced prices for all descriptions, and the market isivery strong at the advance. -" - - ; - ' , " - \u25a0 ,\ New reds for -feed, -$1.90(ff 1.05 - f or good '; to choice and $1.80ftj;l. 85 for poor to fair: reds, for seed. $1.95fij2.15" per ctl: black. $2.50 asked; new northern white. October-November delivery, $l.«G}i@l. 7o per ctl asked: ,- Corn — The market, ruler steady at .unchanged quotations.' with the demand light.- / ' . . -California small round yellow.' . $1.80@l.n0; large \u25a0 yellow. $1.8O(7i: 1.82% ; western , states^ yel low/sacked. $1.82%@i.55; white. $1.85@1.57%; in bult. San : Francisco .- track; yellow.v $1.70; whiter $1.72; mixed, $1.68; Egyptian, , nominal. 'Rye— Quotations * continued nominal. Ti dealers quoting a wide range of prices^ .with no salesre ;, Forelg-n. Future* * : LIVERPOOL* . : .Wheat—;;-;, July. Sept.' >Dee." Opening .......; .0 ots"Vi s 00U S 04TJ Closln*- .9 ou«i S m\i ,:S 04% |. ,l. v I'AKIS ' Wheat— July.. Nov. -Feb. i Opening ... ...^ ............. 25 SO "! 24. 20 Closing 25 S5 \u25a0 -''\u25a0- \u25a0'-'' 24 20 ''" . Flour^- . , - ' \u25a0 " .. , Opening .. 1.... ......... . 33 05 31 45 Closing .'..;.. 33 05 31 45 CHICAGO HOARD OP TRADE;, Future Grain" and' Provisions >•\u25a0 •.. : \u25a0".;•• -CHICAGO,". 'JuIy '2O.— Wheat 'for July'delivery \u25a0was .under henvy selling 'pressure > almost the entire day, and at the" -row .point." sl.lo*4. the price j was 2c .below tho closing i figure -of: the previous , session. \u25a0;.;\u25a0 other;; deli verles.'C however": were ; in- gooil demands tne s greater 'partr of ftlie" day :and ; at' the': topi were -lc- to ..l}j«c^ above yesterday. ": The i feature « of I the trading ; in Julj% was , the ,, heavy; sales'; by " a Ueadlng/ long.'i which induced ; t-onslderahle '- wiling \\>yi. smaller,* holders; r \T\\o. -i selling "was j prompted >i'by;\the 3 cnntimied favorable, condition* fot-. narvcstlng^ln ,theiwiu SUMMARYOP THE MARKETS -;.Wall street stocks higher, and the cop pers firm.. Another iharp recovery in cotton. < \ .Local stocks and bonds continue quiet. Silver and Hongkong" exchange firmer. Wheat quiet. * Barley lower. . Oats higher. ' .\u25a0..". ; Beans weak and quiet at a decline. : Hay and ; feedstuff s about . the same. \u25a0 Average trade-in 'flour and cereal goods. . - - " Eggs firm. , Butter and cheese steady, potatoes in s large- supply and weak. . Good shipping and local . demand for fruit. :v. ;' Poultry market well cleaned up. Cried fruits and raisins ' quiet. : Provision market | favors sellers. Beef and mutton steady. ' Dressed pork higher. Wool" cleaned up. Hides quiet and easy. • Gasoline Vio higher. ter wheat belt -and the constantly increasing volume of upw wheat being marketed aa a re sult : of the clear weaiher present and pros pective.- : Declines 'in the price or cash grain here and In the southwest also added to bearish senti ment in tbe July option. . - Reports .were: received from Minneapolis claiming that the growing crop in South Dakota and Minnesota was. In danger of damage by rust owing to hot weather. " These advices were; chiefly responsible for the strength of the "future deliveries. - - Rumors of injury to iiie crop by hot weather in lowa and. Kansas caused' heavy buying of corn, particularly the September delivery, which resulted in a strong mar&et'all day. .The mar ket , closed strong, with prices %c to l%c higher.'. " . Oats were weak at the start, but later the market developed '. coniderable strength. The market closed strong, ».gc to %c higher. . Provisions closed 5c lower to 5c higher. The leading -futures ranged as follows: • Articles— - \u25a0 Open. High. : Low. Close. - Wheat— ?V;< July ....... 1.18 , .1.18*3 1.16*4 1.1754. September ...... I.IOU 1.11% I.IOU I.IIU December "...... 1.07»4 1.08% 1.07 l.OStl May 1.10& -1.11»8 1.10 1.10& Corn — July 70J£ ,71? i, 7014 71* i September <is*i 67- «5^ 67 December 55Ts 56% 55Ts st>T£ May 50^ , 57! i 56% 57% Oatu— Ju'y 45^i 46 45U . 45"; •September. 40* 4 41 »4 4GV t 4m December ...... 41 41% 40\ 41% May ........... 43U. 44 43}* 44 Mess Pork, per bbl — • July 20. 87V4' 20.87^20.85 20.85 September ...20.15 21.10 20.15 21.07^3. ". Lard, per lw lbs — / July • 11.70 \u25a0- 1 September 11.72Vj 11. 72»£- 11.70 \ 11.72} i Short Ribs, per 100 lbs— juiy v ........:. 11.4714 ; September ......11.42& 1 11.45 . 11.40 11.45 - - Chmli Grain and Provisions CHICAGO. July 20.— Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, firm;. No. 2 rye," S3\4c; feed or mixing barley; 6Cfi6Bc; fair to choice malting barley, \u2666sS'Jj73«'; flaxseed. No. 1 southwestern J ?1.40, No. 1 northwestern $1.50; timothy, $3.80; .•lover. $10.85; mess pork, per barrel, $20.82V^(&t 20.55; lard, per 100 pounds. $11.70; short ribs,, sides (loose), $11.47^@11.57W,; short clear sides (boxed), $11.87Mi<gl2. - . GRAIN STATISTICS • • Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 11,000 bushels.- Primary receipts vrer» 423,000 bushels, compared with 1,072,000 bushels tbe cor responding day a "year ago. The world's visinlp j supply, as shown; by Bradstreet's, is 3,838,000 ; bushels.' • '"-- \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0. !\u25a0 Estimated receipts .for tomorrow: Wheat, 81 cars; corn, 173 cars; oats, 63 cars; hog?, 23,000 head. Northern Wheat Market . ..'-.-\u25a0\u25a0 OREGON PORTLAND, July 2".— Track prices, old grain: Cluh. $1.17; bluestrm. nominal: valley, $1.17. New. crop: Club, $1; blucstem, $1.05; red Rus sian, 98c. . > WASHINGTON SEATTLE. July 20.— N0 milling, quotations. Eicport: \u25a0 Blueßtein, new. crop. $1.04; for autumn 1 delivery. Hub, $1; red Russian,- OSc. .Receipts — i Corn. 5 oars. * - - ' TACO.MA. July 20.— Milling: Bluestem. $1.30; j '-!ub. $1.14. Export:- Bluest em. September 1 livery, $1.04;; club, $1; red. OSc. • • Available Grain Supplr NKVV YORK. July 20.— Special cable and tele ['g'raitblc communications received by Bradstreet's show the following changes in available sup plits hs compared with previous accounts: . Wheat— United States east of the Rockies, de crease 1.259,000 bushels; Canada, decrease 770,- OiH) bushels: total United States and Canada, de crease 2,038,000 bushels: . afloat for - and in Eu rope. - decrease 1.800.000; total American and European supply, decrease 3,8:!8. 000 bushels. ; Corn — United States and Canada, decrease 623, ; 000 bushels. . ( I • JVew York Grain Market NEW YORK. July 20.— Flour— Receipts-, 20. 557 barrels; exports, 537. Market steady, with a fair demand for new Kansas. : " 1 \u25a0 .- Wheat— Receipts, 47,300 bushels. Spot, 'irreg ular. No. 2 red. old, $1.42 nominal in elevator and f. 0.. b. afloat; No. 2 red, new, " $1.22 Vi end August f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du luth. $1.44 ii. nominal f. o. b. afloat: No. 2 bard winter, $1.38% nominal f. o. b. afloat. t »" The, wheat market was decidedly stronger to day, getting excellent 7 support from bulls on account •of air Improved cash - demand, reports of higher, temperatures in the northwest and smaller receipts. • Final prices showed 94(91 %c net rise. July closed 'at $1.31. September -at $l.lBVa. December at $1.15 Vi and. May at $1.16*4. Minneapolis Flax* Market MINNEAPOLIS. July 20.— Flax, $1.55*4. LOCAL MARKETS- Receipt* of Produce July 20 Flour, qrsks.... 2,834 Honey, cases ... 1V«! Wheat, otls ....- j 98 Hops, bales ..... JS Barley, ctls 8,139 Tallow, ctls ". . . . 125 Out.v ctls ..2,645 Hides, No '...... 849 Beans, *ks . 410 Pelts, bdls ...... 2:« Corn. ctW . 4:j Leather, rolls ... i:ss Bran, sks 212 Calfskins, bdls. .. 110 Potatoes," sks .. . 5,308 Wine, gals ..;..'. 10.550 Onions, sks ... . .. 507 Sugar, ctls : . . . . 5,900 Middlings, sks - . . :\u25a0 224 Hay, tons :". . .... >; 605 Onions.', sks *. . 15 Straw, tons. . :;". ' " 5 Wool," bales ...':.;" •;! Brandy, gals '...; 350 Livestock, h*ad.. 100 Lumber; J[ ft.;.. 80 Paper, pjUr ..... 47S Lime, \u25a0 bbls ;..*...: 1,050 Chicory, bbls- .. :;» Apples, bxs ...;.; 1,047 . :.'.:. %, OREGON . Flour, qr 5k5..... I.l9Sl Feed, sks ....... 4,861 Bran, sks :..... 1.607) • . '<..'\u25a0 WASHINGTON ',\u25a0-'-- '\u25a0 • Flour, qr, sks. . ..18, 191| Wheat,' ctls ..... 4,268 Provlnlons ' The . market continues to f a vor v sellers, v being firm with a goud demand. . \u25a0' . " • \u25a0 :- Cottolene. ouo half bbl, ) 10% c; 3 half. bbls, 10%c;:'l- tierce. 10%e; 2 tierces.' loV4c; 5 tierces. '•\u25a0The meat "company quotes as follows: Hams.- Hs%«rjlßc;. picnic hams, 12%' c- bacon, 6 to 8 lbs. 20% c; 8 to 10 lbs, 19% c; 10 to 12 lbs, 19% c ;; fancy- sugar : cUred bacon, ; 23% c; 'Arrow bacon, 8 to 10 lbs..lS%c: 10 to 12 lbs. lS%c; light dry* salt bacon. 8, to 10 lbs, . lßc; 10 to -12 lbs,' 17c; *; medium, bacon,' 15% c; light medium bacon, .15 %c.;- .. -? '\u25a0., -. -".'• .*•---.' ..." .- .- .. Lard— Tierces 1-lc, ; 50s 14% c. 10s 14% c, *0s 14% c, '3s 15c; compound lard.- tierces. B%c, 50s 894c10s »V4c.'ss 9%c, 3s 9%c; yellow cooking oil, 53c. per gal;: white cooking oil, -55c per gal; salad oil, sSe:per "gal. V.' .".-?,^ -.-\u25a0- "k~ '\u25a0'\u25a0"- •; \u25a0 \u25a0 : '.:\u25a0,. £f Beef — Local \u25a0; prices ; are quoted: . : . Export \u25a0 lots. Inspected - by •; the -government, ; are <$1 \u25a0 per - bbl higher. Extra; family beef,. $14- per bbl; family beef,*. $13.50 per s bbl;' extra .^uiess beef,", sl3 per bbl;:smoked beef,' 2l.sic per lb.J \u25a0"-\u25a0\u25a0% '\u25a0.-'\u25a0:. . -.\u25a0 \u25a0 • '\u25a0 Pork — Extra prime, \u25a0 In \u25a0 barrels," $21 ; ' clear, $23; mesv $22;»plg pork, $28; pigs', feet, $5 for half bb15, ; 52.25 for: 2s 1b kegs and $1.30 for. kits. Meat: Market ,t; Beef, and mutton a re 'steady,': with -the demand and supply I about balancing.,; Hogs are inactive but 1 ? strong; on 'light; arrivals,* and fresh pork U very ,;dulU though quoted }ic\> higher on theout slde quotation. .1 ,-;\u25a0••• - -.The." Cincinnati : Priced Current ' says: \u25a0-.. "The marketing >_ of i hogs .. continues ,to ; fall , behind ?In numbers, in '<< comparison .with a 'year J'ago,^ and largely.? go in I comparison, with two, ; years ago. Total ? western • slaughtering ." 4lO-.00O: bogs."., com pared -.; with *; 420.000 » the - preceding); week > and 420,000." two '.weeks I ago." ,\u25a0•'\u25a0> For} the corresponding time, last! year the number -was 435,000 . and - two yearn ago tiOO.OOO. 1 \u25a0•"; From March > I the : total \u25a0 Is 9.205,000.-€aKainst!o, a : .vear ago, a de crease: of -.735,000. ",'-»'.;..:. . - - DUESSED MEATS "'-_\u25a0 Slaughterers' , rates to dealers and butchers are as follows:; •-\u25a0 * . " ' \- ; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..'- \u25a0\u25a0-.-: . "_: Beef-^6^3@7c,per Ib for, steers, 's@6c;for cows nnd 'heifers.' .;'> - Ut :.'\u25a0"\u25a0•-•\u25a0>\u25a0 '. s '" 1 "",""\u25a0\u25a0-' -vVeal— 7<f?SVS<". for -large and 1 0<S9 Vic for small. \u25a0r-Mutton— Wethcrs,. 1 7<fiSVjc: ewes, (»;A<S7^c per pound." "\u25a0•.'\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0-..\u25a0 ' .-. Ijunb-^-O'^tf/lOt' pprlh. ..". ;T; T Dressed ? Pork r (por lb)— ll@12c" for light and 0»i@10c for heavy. ?;."•>., ',->.. \u25a0 LI V ESTOCK . MARK ET The following (quotations fare -for. good,' sound livestock ;' delivered ' in San Francisco," gross ,welgnt:\ .:i \u25a0-••'\u25a0 - : \u25a0'.-\u25a0• -.-".'\u25a0 ; \ \u25a0:\u25a0; •\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0- _;.t ;. --,- No. '. I . t at : steers. : over : 900 \u25a0 lbs;:' alive,' 4c ; under 9OO;lbs, v 3%c: second quality," 3Vi<33%c; thin and undesirable uteers.i 3c. \u25a0'\u25a0;• . ,--,- . . \u25a0 \u25a0..V.NV; 1 "cows , and • heifers, - 3@ 3 *.*<:: . second qual ity,'? 25Je; j common,'; thln.l undesirable cows,* 1 Vi© 2 '/ic. '\u25a0-.'\u25a0\u25a0 v -.\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0-. .-•;•. \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.-:'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \ -- ".'\u25a0 .' :• - .:.- . .-. - ,\u25a0 ?~ . :\u25a0<\u25a0 -. ; Fat % bulls i aud ;\u25a0 stags, l^ic; half fat •or , tbiii Barley Lower and Oats Higher Brisk^Demand for Fresh Fruits bulls, Viie. '- Cnlves— Light weight, per lb, 5@5%e: medium. 4%@4%c; heavy, 34@4c. -- . : 55heep (per ib) — Wetaers, No. 1. 3%@4c; ewes. 3%@3V4c. - " Lambs (per lb) — This year's milk lambs, 4%f? 5C..-: .;\u25a0 -- -": ' . _ - • - - - ' " Hogs (per lb)— Hard grain fed. weighing 100 to 140 lbs, 7@7%c;-140 to 230 lbs. 7%@7%c; 230 to 350'lbs, 7%c: rough.heavy hogs, 4%Q sc; common, undesirable hogs. 4@4^4<? > . Bntter, Cheese and Eggs The egg market rules very firm at the re cently advanced quotations, and with the pro portion of strictly first class stock In the ar rivals becoming smaller every day prices for such are pointing upward.' Under. the call on the exchange yesterday there were several sales of extras at 31 Vie and 32c a 'dozen, but the mar- j ket- receded and closed at 31c, the quotation es tablished on the preceding day. Firsts were In good demand -in : the street, while the under grades continued to drag because of their poor quality. Several cars of eastern fall due today and the consignees are asking 23@26c a dozen for the goods. • . Butter is in ample supply and. although busi ness is rather dull, there Is no disposition to force the.- market down. - The market was officially declared steady Instead of weak yes terday. Cheese is moving freely at steady to firm rates. Sales on the exchange were as follows: Butter— lo cases of extras at 27 He a pound. Eggs — 30 cases of extras at 32c, 40 at 31%e and 20 at 31c : a dozen. • Receipts were 32.100 pounds butter, 53,300 pounds cheese and SSI cases eggs. - The following are official quotations, estab lished by tbe sales, bids and offers on the floor of the- dairy exchange. Prices In the street, while governed by the exchange quotations, gen erally range from 1%-c to 2c higher, owing to the various charges to be added. "Butter — Fresh creamery extras, 27%e per lb. steady; do firsts, 27c. steady; do seconds. 23% c, steady; -No. I packing stock.- 23% c. firm. Cheese — California fancy flats, 14 %c per lb, firm; do firsts, 13% c, firm: do seconds. 12%-e. firm; fancy 'Young Americas. 15Hc steady: do firsts, 14% c, steady: fancy Oregon Young Amer icas. 15 lie. weak; do flats. 15c. steady. Eggs (per dozen, cases included) — California steady; do firsts. 27c, steady: do seconds. 25%e steady; No. 1 packing stock, 23*2?, firm.. 'Portland Butter Market PORTLAND, July 20.— City and country creamery extras, 29c; fancy, 26@2Sc; store, lS*r2oc. . Kcc Market in ."Nearby Counties PETALUMA, July 2O.—The price paidfopi eggs today was 29c by the independent dealers. | and 30c was offered by the Petaluma egg ex- • change. That company in filling a large order for Alaska. Conditions remain unchanged." SANTA CRUZ, July 20. — Merchants and com misslonmen are paying SOc -for all. classes of egg:*. There are heavy demand* drawing on the local supply. I Shipments are greatly reduced. SANTA ROSA, July 20. — There was no change j in the . price of eggs today. The dealers were 1 all quoting 29e per dozen for. choice and 26c for j seconds. Tbe supply is - light and - the . demand gogd. - . Potatoen, Onions .and Vegetables i Potatoes. and miscellaneous vegetables are com ing forward freely from the river districts, and as the boats are late nearly every day receivers find it impossible to effect clearances despite sharp slashing of prices. For tomatoes, summer squash and cucumbers 50c a box is a top* price with most sellers, but early buyers gonietimes pay a small premium for the best selection*. Quotations for green corn are steadily declining on Increasing receipts," and lower prices are quoted for peppers . and eggplant, which .are commencing . to accumulate at the stores. The market is again overstocked with green peas and string beans and only the fanciest offerings are receiving any attention from local trades men, though on shipping days both articles sell off well. Asparagus Is still in' evidence, but it is selling slowly and poor stock Is practically unsalable. There is a good movement in pofa toes, but arrivals are altogether too - much for the market to absorb and prices rule weak. The shipping demand holds prices for onioos flrm. Potatoes (per ctl) — New, Ssc@sl.lo in bcxes and 6oc@sl In sacks.' Onions — New yellow, 90cft$l per etl. " Vegetables — Asparagus. 75c@51.50 per box for choice: rhubarb. $1.25@1.50 per box; tomatoes, 35@60c per box; green peas, $1@1.25 pet sack; string and wax beans, 2@4c.per lb: licia bt-ans. s@«ic per lb; summer squash. 3">ftj ."»(»..• per box; garlic, 4@sc per lb: cabbage. $1 per ctl; cucumbers. 40fe30c per box; cauliflower. si>c i per dozen: turniptt. .<l<h, 1.25 per sack: ' egg- j plant, $1@1.25 per box; green pepper*. 75c 1 <&$1 per box; green corn, .*1.25fa1.7."> per sack I and $2(&2.25 per crate;. green okra, $1.25^1.30 I per box. m \ Deciduous and Citrus Fruits Local trading in fresh fruits was active yes terday and there was a good Inquiry for ship ment on outgoing steamers, which absorbed gome large lines of orchard descriptions, but as ar rivals were large and consignments were late in reaching the stores the -market was heavily supplied at all times and prices remained weak. Apricots in bnlk were easier and sellers were obliged to shade tbe quotations to effect clear ances, while peaches and plums in small pack ages were In oversupply and distinctly weak. Prunes were scarce and high and there was a ready market for top quality. Gravensteln apples and *Bartlett pears, both being wanted for ship ment. Figs were - barely steady, receipts being !iiii.-h larger . than on the . preceding day. .'and grapes, too. were in Increased supply and in clined to easiness. There was a heavy Increase in tbe receipts of nutmeg melons from the river, but prices for good stock held steady, while southern California lots were dull and lower. Berries showed but little change from the last report,* the market being liberally supplied and weak for all varieties except raspberries. There was" not much doing in citrus fruits, but all de scriptions were held at stiff rates." Strawberries — Longworths, f4@s per chest; large varieties, $2.50@3.50 per chest. Raspberries— s6i?JS per -chest. • Blackberries — 2@4 per chest. Loganberries — $2@3.50 per chest for red and $202.50 for black. < "Huckleberries — 15c per lb. . Apples — $ 1.25 ft 1-65 per box for choice and 75c'5;$l for common: crabapples. 60@73e for small and $1(8 1.50 for large boxes. Pears— Bartletts." $1.10@1.25 per box for No. 1 and DOc@sl for No. 2; other varieties. 75c@$l for small boxes. \u25a0 Peaches — 40@60c for small boxes and baskets; lug boxes,' 75cft£$1.25. Plums — 40@75c per box or crate; prunes. 75c«g$l per box or crate. • - Apricots — Crates and small boxes, 4Oig7sc; in bulk, !H@2c per lb. - i Figs— 75c<q;51.25. Melons — Nutmeg. $115? 1.50 per crate for southern and 75ctf£S1.25 . per box for river. Watermelons — $1.75(^2.25 per dozen. . Grapes— Seedless.'" $1.50@1. 75. per crate; Fon talnebleau., $1@1.25 per crate. - Citrus Fruits , (per box) — Valencia oranges, $2.50@3.23; grapefruit, $2.50<§;3 for seedless: lemons.- $s<<|6 for fancy. $3@4 for choice -and $2.50@3 for standard: limes, $3.50@6. ' Tropical \u25a0 Fruits — Bananas. 75c@51.75 per bunch for .Hawaiian and $2.50@3.30 for Central American;- pineapples, $1.30^2.50 per dozen-. Dried - Fruit, • Raisins. * Sut % and Honey . Reports, from .New: York say that the market for all ;\u25a0 descriptions of California dried fruits, whether for. immediate or ".future shipment, pre sents a dull appearance,' Iso far as local condi tions are concerned, but It is. reported from Chi cago that the middle. west. is continuing to pro tect - its early fall > requirements -by fairly large purchases for earliest shipment of new crops. . •Fruits, old crop— Evaporated " apples. 7ftsS*ic; apricots, 9«Jlo}£c; fancy .nioorpark,' llsa@l2c; peaches, 4c for • standards,; 4V*<B4Vic;for choice and s@6c for fancy; pears, 4V4@7»6c:. prunes. 4 size basis*. 2',ito:2%c. with Vie premium for. the large sizes. " ;.' " New Frn lts— Evaporated apples, OsjQSVJe; apricots, 'BK9?ic; moorpark, Il(jtl2c: peaches, 4»4<§6c; : prunes. 2^5@2-'*ic. with U«iVje pre mium for 40s and %<a lc premium for 30s to 40s; flgx.'3@4%e: pears. s*£&&%c; " 1 Ilalsinsr (190-S crop) — London layers — 2 crown. 90c; 3 crown, $1; seeded. 4V2*JsVjc;Thoinpson's seedless,: 3Vic for unbleacheil; : seedless sultanas, 2si(«j3c;loose muscatels, 4c for 4 crowns. 3c for 3 crowns and 2&c"for.2 crowns. - , "-Raisins (1909 crop, f." o. b. Fresno) — Fancy seeded. No. 16. cartons, 6c; fancy seeded." No. 12. cartons. sVic; choice -seeded. -No. 18. cartons. 4V2C; choice seeded, - No. 12. "\u25a0 cartons, 5T»c. I Nuts— New .'Almonds, . nonpareils. 14 Vie; . IXL, 13H4il*<--;. ne plus ultra/ ; 12% ft?13 Vic: Drake. 10M:@llc: langueflocs. 10it«10V-c; itiinNhells. tiij @7c. : Old walnuts, lie per lb for No. 1 soft shells.''7c for N0.. 2 do; filbert?, 12%®14c: pe can,,. 15@17c.' ". , . '\u25a0' \u0084 , \u0084 \u25a0 ; Honey — New* comb. 1 IS?- 15c for- water . white and 10@12c pcr 1 lb for amber; extracted. 8e for water, white and 7%c for. light .amber; old, can dled and dark amber, u 4(g4Vie per Ib.' *i Beeswax — 27Vs@29c per lb for Ifght and 23® £6c for dark, ./-.i:- , : .-: '....-"• . . Poultry nnd Game '.Receipts of • poultry . from state shipping points are running rather heavy, but aa there- is very little coming from' the middle- west, the market Is. in good shape and keeps well cleaned up from day to day. _' All kinds of.large, fat.f owls are In good', demand, .and i exceptionally \u25a0• fine .o fferings 'sometimes command a suall premium.- . ' \u25a0i. Poultry. -(per dozen) — Hens. $5@5.50 for small $8(?i7 for large nnd ;sßHlft -'-l or extras;* yt»>n« roosters, $7@9; old roosters, $4.50(^5; fryers, $C$J 7 for large and $s(iiT».s» for small; broilers, $4r« 4.50, f0r large: and, s3S3.3o' for small: ducks. $6 ftj.S; \u2666 pigeons,"; $; ."< squabs. '- $2fi«.2.2.">: ; - geese f1.50(&2 per, pair;, goslings, $2@2.23 per pair. -\u25a0Game — Nominal. Beans 'and Seeds The steadiness .has,; left ~ the > bean market which ; is now, quoted * weak." with; all : holders ile clnnis of, clearing out; their stocks Jn view of the approach :. of ' the ' new ,crop. -.; Most;'sorts are — »»-"TlHEff7fffi 'Tfjifr t'MrnrT?r""'i{ji^^t M jtaHi3]Ciii||l' V;Tlicliean report of Adolf Koshland say*:»» "Inquiries for- future delivery. of the new crop continue. . bnt dealsrs are not Terr *" *£• *» take np thU class of business. In view of the unreadiness of growers to contract their crop^ on a reasonably safe basis. Some ««}*£» hh nn * Te come in for prompt shipment and southern mar kets are beebmins a little more interested la assorted cars, brokers In that, section reporting that actual requirements will have to be filled in AU '*3toci£s on hand at present continue llgttt^ as arrivals are now very small. A few '<"•«'«" white beans have come In via New York. The quantity so imported does not affect (wr market materially, as stocks of California white beans are practically exttausted. Some concession* have been made by dealers on certain^ varieties, as is always done during a dull gP*"- , Beans <per ctl)— Bayo. $4.90Q5.20: pea. nomi nal; small white. $8.25<52«.50; large white. $o<B 5 25: pink. 52.00523; red. nominal: blackeye. 53.3T,@3.55; lima, *4-20@4.50; red kidney*. $*-23 fti3.sO; cranberry bean*, nominal; Garvanzas. $2.50(53; horse beans. $1.90@2.20. Seeds— Brown mustard. 4@4%c; yellow mus tard, nominal; flaxseed. 4c. carload lots; canary. 4<84%e; alfalfa. 16%@lSc; rape, cleaned. 2'tft 2%c: timothy, 6c: hemp. 4c: millet, 3%c per lr>. Dried Peas — Green are quoted at 13.23 per ctL Floor and Farlnaceona Good* The average trade is la progress, with all qno tations unchanged. \u25a0 «^— ._ Flour— California family extras. 56.60@7 n«t without discount; bakers" extras. J8.60®7; snper flne, |3.50(g5.70; Oregon and Washington, per bbl. $5.50@6.50 for family, bakers* and paUct* and $4.75@3.23 toe cut off; Kansas patents. 17.70; do straights. $7.B0; do clear. $T; Dakota patents, $7.75@7.93: do strslahta, *7 per bbL Farinaceous Gooda— Prices In paeKases, net cash, no discount, are as follows: Graham flour. 54. per 100 lbs; rye flonx. Ji-25; rye m«al. S4; rice floor. $8; corn meal. $3.23; extra ereaaa do; $3.75; oat meaL $3.40: oat groats. $3.40; hominy. $3.60(84: buckwheat floor. $3; whole whsat floor. $4.23; rolled oats, bbls |3®S.SO^ ia sacks $5.40 @8; extra cream do. $8.50 In sacks and i 9 ta barrels; rolled wheat, bbls $3.73, ta sacks 14.50 a 5.25:a 5.25: pearl barley. $5.50; split peas, boxen. .75 for yellow and $6.25 for green per 100 lbs. ( Hay and Feed* tuffs There are no farther price changes, either ia hay or feedstaffs, except s decline ia alfalfa hay. and all conditions remain aa befort. The bay circular of Somers ft Co. sajs: \u25a0 "We have practically no change to report con cerning conditions here, for the preraillßJC fea ture of the market is ita dullness. . "Hay continues to be bought throughout th* country by hopeful operators and marketed her* ut either a small loss or no profit. This condi tion has obtained for fully a month past and most every one Involved seems to b« bceomla? heartily sick of it. Such a lonf continuance of this condition is evidence to us that the country values are off and that If toa Saa Francisco market can not take the present comparatively moderate shipments of hay at pravailin; price*. then the prevailing prices are wrong and an ad justment must be allowed from the country end of it. "A general lowering of quotations will stimu late botb ends of tbe trade, and la therefore to be earnestly, desired by producers and dealer* alike. We must dispose of our crop in. a thor ough manner in order to take caxe of another season's crop in a beneficial manner to thn grower. It is to be hoped that aa adjustment that will restore to San Francisco SMica of Im lost trade and Insure a long period of prosperous production may soon, be brought about. * Urau— s29^oO per ton for white and $28.50 "£ 29 for red. Middlings— per ton. Shorts — 531.50«g33 per ton. Feedstuff* — Kolted barley. $31632; rolled ont» for feed, $40(341; mixed feed. $25@30 for aver age lots; oilcake meal, in 20 ton lota $>. ta 10 ton lots $39. In 5 ton lots $39.50. small lot* $40; eocoanut rake or meal at mill-'. $20 in 2» and 10 and $2ti.30 in 5 ton lots; jobbing. $27: corn meal. $30@40; cracked corn. $40@41; broom corn c:ed. nominal: alfalfa meal and mealfalfa. Jobbing lots . $24. carload lots $23 per ton : red star alfalfa meal. $22 for c«r!o*J and $-3 for jobbing lots. Hay — New crop wheat. $12'S1S: wheac anil oat. $12@|17: tame oat. $12@17; volunteer wild oat. $10^14; barley, $10<3t14; alfalfa. $'.;><& 13.50; stock hay, $7<JJIO per ton. Straw — 50@70c per. bale. Hides, Tallow. Wool and Hop* Hide* continue quiet and easy, pending th» settlement of the tariff. Wool U still nominal, there being no stock of any consequence left here. The New York Journal of Commerce says of hops: •\u25a0On the Paciflc coast orders to buy are re ported very difficult to execute, there belnf n«» seller* except at advanced prices. In Oregon tbe crop ' prospects show a slight improvement", ami the yield Is now estimated at 65.000 to TO.OOO bales. The California yield is still estimated at 75.0U0 bales. Washington at 20.000 bales. New York at 40.00 ft bales. Cables from England re port the condition of the crop still critical; esti mate unchanged. 300.000 to 340,000 ewt. In dprraauj. Austria and the Continent generally prospects, arcordtns to cable advices, have grown from bad to worse, and the yield is now figured at only a little over halt of that of last year.'-' Hides — Culls and brands sell about %@lc un der .quotations. Heavy salted steers, 13%e; medium, 13c; light, 12c; cowhides, 12c for heavy. 12c for light; siaji, . SV^c; salted kip. 12c; salted veal. 17c; salted calf. 17c: dry hide*. 21c; dry kip, 20c; dry calf, 25c; dry TeaL 23c; dry stags, 16c; fcheepekln?, shearlings. 2O@4ne each; short wool. .'O'ifT'ic each; medium. 75c@)l each; long wool. $1.25@1.75; lambs, 25@73c; horao hides. salt. $2.2362.50 : for large and $l-73@2 for mediums. 75c@$I for small and 23^S0c for colts:- horsebldes, dry, $2@2.25 for large and $1.25@2 for medium. 50c@$l for small and 25&50 c for colts; goatskins, prime angora, .V)«sj» 75c; large hair goats. 251350 c; medium. 20@ 25c; small, 3@lsc; Mexican dry hides. UUe; do pickled. 16c: do dry salted. 12c; dry stags, 12c; Mexican deerskins, 30@34c; dry salted On. 25<g27c; dry Central American, 2S@32e p«r Ih. \u25a0 Tallow — No. 1 rendered, 6@5%c; No. 2, S@ •Mac; grease, 2® 3c. Wool — The quotations . are almost wholly nom inal, as the market is practically cleaned up of stock. . San Joaquta. year's staple. 13@17c; do S to $ months.: 12@16c; southern coast. 9^ltc. 1908 fall clip — Mountain free. S@l2c; do defect ive. 6(3 Sc; Nevada. lS@2oc per ID. Hops — Prices to growers are S@l2e for 1903. per lb, with 13@16c for contracts. General Merchandise Bags— Grain bags. sVa@3»ie: San Queutia bags. 5%c; wool bags, 22c for ZX t lb and 33c for 4 lb: fleece twine. 8c per lb. Coal — Beaver Hill. $7; Pennsylvania anthracite egg, $16 per ton; Wellington, $9: New Welling ton. $9; Coos bay. $7; Australian house — Rich mond, etc., SO: Pelaw Main. $7.50; Stanford Richmond, $8; Cumberland. $13 In bulk and $16.50 in sacks; Welsh anthracite. $13; coke. $15 per ton in bulk and $18 In sacks; Rocky mountain coal. $9.50 per short ton. Oils — Quotations are for barrels. Linseed, 74c per gallon for boiled and 72e for raw; cases, 6c more: castor oil "in cases. No. 1," 71c: Baker's AA. $1.13@1.15; China nut. cases. 70@S0c per gallon; eocoanut oil In barrels. «o@63Uc for XXX. 37H<&Clc for No. 1 and 55@38%c for No. 2. according to quantity; extra bleached winter sperm" oil. 91c; natural winter sperm oil. Sic natural whale oIL 55c; extra winter strained lard oil. <>5@96c; No. 1 neatsfoot oil. 60c herring oil. 40c 7 salmon oil. 33c; boiled flih oil" 35e: paint oil. 35c. Coal Oil. Gasoline, etc.— Red crown and motor gasoline are %c higher. Water watte Iron barrels or. drums. lOr; 150 deg. oil. Iron barrels or drums. ll%c; special do. 12c; pearl oil in cases. 17c; astral. 17c; star. 17e: extra star 20e: Elaine. -28% c: eocene. 2Oe; red crown an^ motor gasoline, in hulk 150, ta eases 22r- BONDS Los Angeles Gas & Electric Co. 6E>EKAL MOBT6AGE 5a Edison Electric Co. of los Angeles riKST ASD BEFUXDISG MIS. 5, IM. ROLLINS & SONS FIRST NATIONAL BA.XK BLDC. SAN FRANCISCO BOSTOX; j CHICAGO DEXVEtI IF. HUTTON &CO. 490 California mi. Tel. Douslaa 3487 St. Francl. Hotel Vel. Donsla* 39ss Membars New York StocV Excharija Pioneer House Private Wire to Chicago and Xevv York , n. E. MULCAHY. Manager