Newspaper Page Text
S«. 1 csgi^ri *«lstinate. ia frosts. sc: No. 2 40, 7>~: 1 -st.-- ~c :.:"« ; *•'."\u25a0 <!eg. gasoline, 13 balk .'\u25a0\u25a0:. ta <-ascs S7V»c; r*rcifili makers' and I<*ir.ter3' :.»;\u25a0;. :r.n, in bulk lie, in case* iSHev Tcrpeattot — 7le per cslloa ta cues aafi 64c la bulk, cress and iron barrel*. Botin <per Mil rt 2SO lb«»— E. };«.5O: F,; G, $6.70; H. $7; I. $7.05; WW, $10.40. :\u25a0-\u25a0'. T.:.i Wbite Lead— Bed, . SHte*c; wnite. v Sj>:aC per lb. REFINED SUGAR MARKET Tbe \Te*teru «ogar recxicg company quote* as tVlVtrnm. trrms net cash: Standard gr*nulated, tin*. 0.13 c; d»> coarse, J>.2sc; fruit - gnnclated. f-.25c; c^nf.vrtiooers* A, 5.25 - crystal domlnos. in c**es. h.25c; t*b!ete. lv half bbls, 5.75 c: tab let*, in bose», 6c; cobe* *nd A cru»hed, 5.50 c; pewjered. 5.35 c; c*ndy graoßUted, 5.55 c; cocfec t:oa*rs" cry*t*ls. 5.53 c: is*gaoli* A, 4.53 c; extra C. 4.75e; coldca C. i.CSc: D. 4.65 c. Barrel* and 50 Ib begs 10c. fcaif bbi» ise. boxes 50c mote per 100 lbs for all gri-ic-s. Btr is quoted ©rer and ebore tfce prJc* for frait rraculated !n 100 lb t*g» as follows; Bigs. 100 lbs. Ssc; barrel*. 45c; balf barrels, «0c; 40 lb t!a», cased. $2.05: S3 lb : ••.<• cased. $2.05; 10 lb tin* cased. 1O is a case, J-.70; Hlb tins. Bla a case. $2.70;, 30 lb boxen. Ssc. No *xtr» charje for patting up bsr In prl r*te package*. The C«li?«-nt* and Hawkiian sugar refining com rary qnnres r ; « follows: Kerry. 5.25 c: "Hlcrade" 5.60 c; powdered. 5.£5 c; A crashed. 5.50 c; C. At H.. cxv* Cae dry granulated. 5.15 c; co»r»e dry pr*nul*ted, 5.25 c; coßfectioaers' A, 5.25 c; cocfectioae-ra* cryst*l», 5.35 c; cube*. 5.50 c; bricks, T.jOe; ritra Cae granulated <ioo lb bag* oalyt. ; escelsior A. 4.85 c; extra C. 4.75 c: gojfjffa C. 4.C5c; yellorr D. 4.55 c; H. & E. crystal uotaiaos. 8.2>. Additional per 100 tbe: In bar r»i* aad 30 lb bags. l(«c om; h*lf barrel*. 25c ti<ire; bore*. 50c ciore for nil grade*. Bar. in 33 th *nd 4» lb tins, $1.70 raore; in in lb tins. $3««5 icor*. Klninjum order, rarload weight. <"aaaed Fru'.ta — Tbe California fru'.t caaaera* i % -*oc. i «tioa qoote» prices for 1909 frul:*, f. o. b. f^rtorr. it> follow*: — _ _______ _ ? I P I ? ; s? IF ! *I•* I** VAJUETY; ' 3 '\u25a0 f j m 12 i : £\u25a0 I f jl" l; : i;iF tJ2_li :2.00i1.75'l .04,1.40 i ; -'«_* " ' '," V 2.t51.50]1.40,1.15 A,..w». peeled or sliced.. .-. 2.«5:2.00 1.T3 1.85 il;>^s*i I; >^s* 2.25:1.^1.60:1.23 t-Lerrie. ( white).. ...... i::^. A. A'FA'il *.rs.fn (wfclte tcu«c*t) J2.00 ! 1.50'l.4o!l.l0 -baches (.reUow free) ;2.i5:i.T3|1.45'1.20 !ea<-br« Octoon dlcgi 2.30,1.60 1.5 C 1.25 .•c*l* <3aiTiett) J^.SO^.OO 1 ! 73 140 'v ! ~ r 'VL.i5 rP '' n rr * ffe) .2.00 1.20i1.30;i.05 l.«»pl»rri«-s ?«.0)2.75!2 502 23 .Vrawb^T!^ :3.«Kt 2.75 ! 2.K> 2^23 ..1 -j :»:. pineapple. »lie*d ...!.. '. '1 75. 1 P.t».-*,!;an p:Re»pr..)e, gr&tej. .'....{ Illsoj- 1.1 Caaced Myzn^s— l«rice« of the California m« csasers' r.wortatloa ere cs follows, per 1 -lira a -'V» *q_re raas: Mammoth white, pceSra. $->.4t': _*inir.otn freee. $2.50; p<>eled g -.-.; Isrge -£!te. p«-led. $3.10; lary- green. f«caV<! Peas— Folk.wirg »j» th# price* for W» ?ac<: StanOaro _fs«4. SI: eitr* n'fted tlMi extra, fine sifted, $1.25; petit pels. $1.50. Toinatoeii — Is*oj j^ii-t. standanj. No. -Va- 72>^c; No. S. $2.10. Vijl^tsllrer— s44G4s i*r Cast for Ioc«l use aad ViZ.5C645.50 per Cask for export. Ccrftage — ManUa. et^c; Jsi*si, E«: Sisal bale ror-». 9£3 He per ib: net casb. no discount. Corta Rica. Cii@l3ijc; Salrador 6Sl2'ic- Ni'-sragua. SQl2c; Guatemala-Mexican. CfelOc; SisweSiaa. %?rl4Hc: Ecuador. BUe p«- lb. P*.cific Co<_«h — The Union Csh companj qaotes ft follows: Bundles. Ftnall. whole 50 lb bale* Sc: cases, regular. Urge, whole. 100 lb boxes. 4c; rase*, extra. 100 lb boxes. 4Vjc; case*, eastern •tyle. $5.50: Aacbor braiwl. 4^c; narrow gange. .'\u25a0«•; Silrw King. -*•; Coiden State. C»ic; White S««l. raiddl«»*. 10@10i«c: Seabright. blocks. 7c: oriental blocks. sc: Crown braod. tablets 7»ic- P*«rl t*.blets. 7it<-; 5 Ib boxes faarj- boseless. !0c: 2 lb boxe» fancy boueless. 10»»t-; half bar rel*, pickled cod. $5.50 each; red Alaska salaioa. tslf berrels. $4.50. Alaska c<xi£sh company fiuoies a* follows: Beadle*, small whole. 3c; c*ses, r»gcl*r, large. whoh», 4c; caf»*, extra. 4fjc; ca»=e*. eastera style, 6*ic; Bering. 4»ic; Frigate. 4»,c; narrow Paragon. sc: Mocarcb, 7r; Western Pride. CUe; Imperial. IO^IOVjc; Oce*a Ware. 7c; Siberia, r-c: Star, 2 lb t*bJew. 7Vjc: Paclac Belle. 1 n> tablets. 7^c; Choice Blu. crste*. 12 S lb boxes. Ht; do 30 2 lb boxes. lC^c: pickled cod, balf barre_, IT-.Zj eacii. Xerr York Produce NEW YORK. Jcly 2O.«— Hops— Firm. State **«>ainx>a to choJf*. I{W>S. 14@19c: 1&«7, noninal* r«<-;a- coast 190 S. IHIIGc; do 11*07. 6gl2c. Woo! — STeedy. r»troTfom — Bareir stesdr. Sugnr — Raw. steady; fair refining. 3.42 c: cen trifn£*l, »« test. 5.92 c: tnoiassec sugar. 3.17 c. i:«"Bn«-d. quiet; crcshed. 5.f>5--: powdered. 4.95 c; graanTated. 4.Ssr_ Coffe* — Future* ol»>sed bar*-*j* steaJy. net un »-hang*d to J5 print* Irrwr. Siieo IS.OOO t>ag«. :D"Jc<JiT-j:; Jnlr T.O.V; Hrptemfrr. S.C5©3.7Jc; Ix~-ea-.t*r. 5.35e5.40c.- Marr-li. ."».«»«?5.45c: May. B.4SQSJBQC. Spot, qjjlet: No. 7 Rio. 7S<97»io: No. 4 SactP«. s»f-. %l:ld, quiet; Cordora,~9V»4£ XI! *^-**. Bstter — Strong; cnch«rge<i. f£o~f+~StTon%. N«"W crate foil cream Kperjjig i ;«!,<& I5J,c: skim*. fuZl to fpecial. 2*4^lli,c. Ef?« — Firm. DRIED FRUITS Evaporated Appl<>« — <Jui*t. Fancy. 5^03^0; fhoir*. l rc; prime. 7@7«^c; common to fair. Prun*** — Unsettled. California. 2 5 s©lliac: Vtrcc«n. '"'SSc. Apricot*— I" whsnTf-o 1 . Cboir*. lnfiio'^c; extra «^«:r<-. Jii'i«nos;r : fancy. 11QI.V. Pf*ch»-« — firsettled. Cboir*. sS@*sc: extra rh«io«\ \u2666v^ft^'^c; feucy. 7€S l 2l 2« > . Czisins — DuU. l»m» mcscatcl. '•-^Qi'-.r; rhriir^ 10 fanry w*d»»<i. 4*ift«V; seedle**, 3~4«2 r.'---: London layer?. $1.15<g1.2(t. rblrago Dairy and I'rodnce Market rmncri, Joijr 20.— Bntter— Steady. Creara rrk-s. 22i,«r2«c: dairien. 20023 1 4c. Effg* — Rer»ipr». Il.l?v2 oaf>e«. Firm: at mark:. «ss« Jnclafied. IS'-jc; first*, 20'ic; prime firsts. 21 '„<\u25a0. f"b«^re — Srrocg. Daisies. 10^: twins. 14Hc: V"s:r.s Amtrira*. 1.".^15»ic; kmgbonj*. 15Q l.o« Ancleii Market* VO» ANGF-LES. July 2Ci.— AlthoogU bidding tt».>. DstfaM In tbe prodar* market today, but t't. < .;- acd .:\u25a0•-«-» remained firm, with no fu^toatloß* In price*. Extra selected eggs <"»n- Tfnaed fa briag 32e • dozen, ranclj candled SOe ?n<l ras» oocat 27c. Eastern fresh were bi<i for t» I if. nastwn cheese was ia good demand and tb» iial*s wer» good. r:w*!pt«. of prtxlu'* today were — Eggs. 205 r*«*»: buttT. 3.970 poende: cheese, 3.4&1 pnundi; r«oT«!oes. 541 sar-k»: onion*. 17 Racks: beans, twnf: swA^t potatoes, cone: a;»pW. none. Eggs — Kxtra wl«vt. S2c; California ranch caa <?V-<J. TV*; loral caye oooat, 27c: eastern rx \TT-i. 27f. v Uotrcr^-CToanKry extra. 2 ib rolh 6Oc: cream err fir*t*. 65<-; rastem extras. 55^: cookiog. C!i«^«r f;»r tb* — Northera fre^h. IS'j": ltrs«> $n"siar. 1*;: *n<rbor. Yosag ' America, 20c: au ri*w, :*\u25a0••*. 21c: faster* s-inelps*. ISr; iia twin*. l» f i«J «?<"\u25a0 o»;tsWars. 17c: do lor.eborn*. I<:^c: Art dai«T. i<.'»«: ""is* Imported. 2«f'3O^: «!<> tlome*. t*-. 17«*1«^: 'T^aai brick, 20c: litubarger. 20^ n-: r.daT". *%. P.ear« «n»r <-tl>— Sms'.l wliit*. $«: Ls<ly Wesh- Jfrtnn. $r..25; Nn. I pir.k. $3.75: Ularkeres. 53.73Q4: Men. $4.25: sarr anias. J4.50;. iPBtll?, td: J»«Tna. $V 5«. - rotaico^— Tr+sn. $J.7P.«32.r»0; swr*J«, %2~AQ S: ne-w potato**, SlJW^l-TS sack. . MISCEL?.A\rOUS .MARKETS \o*t York Cotton 3lnrke't NKW YORK. Jnlr 20.— HuttoV* wire siy«: ••Llrerpool this tnorning «orpr!Fe«i ty srwwicj: s«n sfiranre r-t 3 iviir.t* when a derllce *>* 10 pnir.ts *is due. This action wa» dne I» it? fa^t xiiat tbe recent showers ia Texs>s Hare » cnor** hsrai Thai g***; and the r<* jv>rt fey tbi* Unirrd Maies fcrerement that iroi* raia 5« nerd^d !•» macr rn;izt'sf^. New Knsl»»d *pir;T)»rs wcrs- frrt b<!yers srosnd tie. 72r !*Trl. MfTedden-Creig sr>ot fat«*r«ts «nd Tli^odore Tl. PrJre'* broker boajb: also. . The Nations! Oiim^rs" asso-^stioa sHmalatcd tiulJish eisthii»irstn l»y Iswilas « pre!lmin*rr report, vfci;*!i lsdl' < at* > <1 s roaditinn of 72 and nader. «rM<i !« <b* l«wr«t caaditloa crrr known et Tb?s <ss:e. Vie hr-lier» ffcst the lowr»t prices for' sect* Xlvf" :o wrr** rec<»rd*<t y*«ter 4~,xy wben Jfliisarr mitoa <» N»w York *oM a* l«w a* 11.76 c.' Tr.e o»*rfcet io6*r «lrow« sfrn or bsrirg Sw'-n iboroiigUlr liquidated." Cr.tton spot riovA «}<ilct. 23 potnr« fcishrr: rjSddUr? t!?Us(!t, 12.C5?; middling golf. 12.90 c; et!**. tiocc. cotton rrrn:BES Onttoa OfK-n. His*. • low. do**. Jc!r ;i.*o 12.<1--. 11. 57 12.C« jkuguKt ir.w 12.^ i»-*> ,J2.t« S^:r'!!:S \u25a0 3:8 :\u25a0 -?!S 51:!! ZZSZ -.•.":!?:S i%St5 P Jjmnary ......II «J 12.1« it.M 12.12 'Isrch* ...U.R» f2.IS 11. «» 12. 1« May ...'. 11.^7 12.13, U.Vi , .12.17 ; Datinn Wool Market IW>STON. July 'M. — Th* qcirt osually rc«ultin«r from th* hot w#atb*T i« Dotic«!able in most <josr i»— of the wool market- Price* are arm. bot no liirher than a week ajfo. Domestic qnoUtloas follow. «coured raloes: - Tfx*»— F«je. 12 monthfi. 72<3 73e; fine, « to S montlis. cr.OCRe: fine fa.ll. «veCoc. Califorela— Northerii. fiS@C7c; middle coanty, CaO: fall free. So«is2r. - . «jt»coa — Eastern No. 1 «anle, 72n73c: east ern rioHiir.jr. «C7*x<^r: T*D«>r No, 1.,57*25 V. Territory— Fine staple. 75«7S<': fin* medium staple. O(»72c: fine clothing. CPfi 7oc; fine m* *~>\cm. aioov-: i,»lf Mood. «7<i«4c: ttowe-cisuths fcV»HI. «s<S«7c; Quarter blnod. C64S6?**.- '•. . Extra poTled. 70«|74c: fin* A: CS^tCCc; A sa- St. I.«tii« AVool ST. LOUIS, July 20. — Market eteady. M«^Hum rr«6ei. ootcMng and doThlng,"- 22^2^-; - light Cne. 2fl«?2S4<-T heary 'fine. 12G2O\$r: tnb XT. LOUIS. July 30.— W001, steady. T»rri tory tM wwjirrn RiMiiums. 21©27r: fiße.medlnms, !-«>B«ion Vt'ool Snlr« ; / . LONDON. Jnly 23.— Tae fourth series of wocl \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 - . .- j» • . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 - . . anction tales closed today with a «nall at tendance. Tb« oCerlngs. which numbered 14,C75 bale*, lnclcded many lots of good qual ity, particularly scooreda. The latter were la good demand at tro prrces. • Baatrrn Livmnrk Slarket KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY, July 20.— Cattle— Receipt*. 10.000; market steady. Natire •tears. $4.75@ 7.00; native cows and heifers. J2. 40*j7. 25; ftocker* and feeders.' *3.55@5.25; hn\U. tz.9ota 4. 60; <>alres. f4@7«wO; western steers. 54.50Q 6.M; we«tern cows. S3@s. Hogi — Receipt*, »,000; market steady: h"" of eale*. J7.63&5. Heary, $»QS.O»; packers' and butchers'. J7.So@!s light, 17.6067.55; pig*. J0.W&7.50.- Sheep — Rfceipt*. 5.000: market steady. Mat tens. *4.25@.V.V): lambs. $8.5O&?.£0: rang* wethers. $4'c5.7."; range ewee. $3<"0.4.T5. - SOUTH OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA. July 20.— Cattle— Receipts. 3.700; market- steady to 10c lower. Western steere. f3.£0^5.(0; Texas steer*. J3(gs: range cows and beifer*. $2.75fe5: cagner*. fSftS.»; •torkers and feeders, $365-25; calre*, *3.5U@ c.&0; balls and stags. $3§o. Hfgs — Rece^ts. «,800: . market steady to 5c lower. Heavy. $7.7567.90; mixed. J7.7057.75; liftJ. »7.e0iJ7.80; pig». Jt»n<--i; bulk of sales. J7.70fi7.50. i Sheep— Receipts. 5,0(10: strong. Yearlings. $s«ji 6: w«tben>. J4.5053-25; *«". f3.75e4.75; lambtt, $6.506& Xeir York Metal 3larkrt - NEW YORK. July 20. — Tbe London tin market was 7s «d lower today, with spot quoted at £131 1 12s 0-i and futures at £133 2s <M. The local mar ket was quiet tret a tbade lower, with spot qcoted at 25.90Cj25.10c. Copper was lower in tbe London market, witb *pot quoted at £-j5 11s Cd and fr.tnres at £59 ss. { The Socal market was steady, witb lake quoted at 13.25<g13.37'ic: electrolytic. 12.75<512.57Uf; casting. 12.G2t,©12.75c. I^ead was lower nt zl2 12* 6d in Ixmdon,' but remained at 4.30 1 g 4.35c in the local, market. Spelter was unchecged at £22 In London *nd »t 5.85§5.400 10.-aily. i . The Krglish iron market was a shade higher at 4S» 4Hd for CleTeland warrants. The local market was steady to firm. No. 1 foundry., north ern. $17^0(S17.«: No. 2.. 51*5.75317; No. 1 soctbern soft. $16.75^17.25. Xaval Mowi— Turpentine aad Rosla j SAVANNAH Ga.. Jn«y 20. — Turpfntlne flnn, i 45V-«i45«4c; tales. 373; rt-ceipts, 1.074; ship- j Bents. C 5. Rosin firm: tales. 3.173; receipts, 3.2C9; ship- i mesta. 283: stock. 147,457. Qnote: B. ?5g3.05; D. »3.13f|3.25: E, $3.60Q 3.7rt; F. 53.75g3.55; O. $3.*>0@3.«."5: 11. rf*S 4.20; I, $4.30@4.40; K. f5&5.U5: M. S3.ISSJ j 5.30; N. 13.1565.60; WG. J5.70; WW, $5.50. j i * MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS - TO ARRIVE From } Steamer | Date New York tl* Ancon. J.'ity of Panama. 'July 21; Uaabeldt jJ. J. Logjrfe...:Jo!y.Vl j Portland & Astoria 'Nome City ....'July S3 Htiir.boldt City of Topeka.jJnly 21 ; Hozololo jllllonlan 'July 21 : Saa Pedro & Way Ports. Coos Bay. „. . -..JJuty 21 j New York ria Ancon.. (Newport 'Jnly 21: Oyster Harbor iTitaala 'July 21 ; S«a Pedro !Uoanoke Uoly 22 Pclat Arena 4 Albion, i Porno JJnly 22 Coo* Bay .1 'M. F. Plant...; July 22 Humboldt ...|K. A. Kiltmrn. . i 3 fcan Pedro Ha&alei jjoly 23 Hakodate Tonawaoda Jnly 23 Pcget Skmnd Ports..... Uraatllla 'July 23 San Diego & Way Ports'Goreroor July 23 San Pedro ". Ad. Sampson... 'July 24 Portland & Way Ports. 'G. W. Elder... (July 24 SaHaa Cms (Virginian Uoly 24 Pupet Socnd Ports ..[President 'July 25 Seattle & Taooma Watson [July 25 j Mendocino & Pt. Arena; Sea Foam [July 25 Grays Harbor Santa Monica... 'July 25 Hamburg & War PortsiUarda Jnly 25 San Diego & Way Port«jS*nta Rosa July 28 China & Japan iKorea jJuly 26 Portland & Astoria jSute of Cal . . ' July S9 Hongkong rta S. Pedro; il. S. Dollar.. July 27 Portland tc Astoria ; Northland ;Jniy 27 TO SAIL Pet rl nation I Steamer | Sails iPler July 21— I ! ~] Coquille Rirer ! Elizabeth ... 5 pmi 16 Astoria & Portland ij. Marhoffer .... !•••\u2666 Hcmboldt *-•! North Fork- 1 pmi 20 Seattle 6z Tacoma U>aknie 12 m 20 New York tU Ancon. .;p Pra ....... 12 ml 24 Los Angeles Ports lacl. Saiepson 10 am! 20 Mendocino & Pt. Arena; >^ a Foam .. 4pm 4 Grays Harbcr jllelene ....j 5 pm' 16 Slaslaw Hirer --!Wa«hcalore- 4pm 2 July 22— I CbSsa ii Japan 'Mongolia- ... 1 pouj 42 Grays Harbor !s. Barbara.. 4 pmi 2 Portland & Way Ports. ißoanoke ...j 1 pm! 13 San Diego & Way Portrsanta Rosa.-Ho.3Cai] 9 Actori* & Portland.... 'daremont ..] 5 pia .... Joly 23— I : Los Angeles Ports 'Norwood -..! 2 pm;.... San Pedro A- Way Portscoos 8ay...) 2 pm! 11 Grays Harbor fCentrali* .. .Ipa 7 Ilasnbaldt iaty Topeka.(lO:3os 11 Jcly 24— i } f Humboldt :.<J. J. Loggiej 5 pm .... Los Angeles Ports iHanalei i 3 pm 7 Astoria & Portland... -! Rose City. '11 am 27 Pugft Sound Ports 'GoTemor ...j 2pm 9 Los Angeles Ports JG. W. Elder! 5 pm 13 Coos Bay }m. F. Plant.) 3 pm ' 8 Point Arena X- Albion. . I Porno '6 pm 2 Hawaiian Ports .. JAlaskan 1 2 pm 23 Hnmboldt !F. Kilbwn..!l<> ami 13 «ray* Harbor iNewburg ... 3 pmj 7 Astoria & Portland jNotne City.. l 4 imi 7 Los Augele* Ports.. ...ICoronada ..] Ipm 7 Jnly 25— ! j Seattle i Tacoma {Ad. Samp«on. 1 pmj 2ft UawaiUn Ports JHyades 5125 12 m 2-1 July 20— ; '( San Diego & Way Port» President ..1 2 pm: 9 Jnly 27— j 1 J*pan ts. China ITenyo Mam! 1 pm] 42 Hamburg & Way Ports's»lati* '12 m! 1» Pcget Sonnd Ports iUmatlll* ...1 2pm a Seattle direct .\u25a0...'....•'Rainier I 3 pm 7 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE Destination I Steamer j Date Sksgwsy * Way Ports. U^fierKoa" I July 26 Nome & St. Michael...; Sena ttr luly .'2 Nome & St. Michael... j North western ..July 24 Nome Jc St- Michael... ; St. Crolx iJuly 23 Komi A St. Michael... i Mackinaw Unly 31 Skagway £ Way Ports. 'Humboldt iJnly 25 Skagway & Way Ports .! Spokane Unix- SO Skagway & Way Ports. !Qneen ;.Uuly 30 ValCes &. S#ward.. JOhlo 'Aug. 1 Nome & St. MichaeL.J Victoria JAng. 1 Time Ball UnitM States branch hydrograpbie office, Mer cbantE* Exchange, San Francisco, July 20. 1909. Tbe time ball "on the rool of the Fairmont hotel was dropped today exactly at noon. Pacific standard time (120 th meridian"), or at £a. 00m. 005.,, Greenwich nsean time. \u25a0 J. C BURNETT. Llcntenact. V. S. N.. in charge. San. Moon and Tide United States co-3st «cd peoJetlc surrey— Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city f root i Mi«sJon street wharf) add 23 minnten. ' WEDNESDAY. JULY 21 - Sua rise* '.. 5:03 Snn sets t. 7:23 Moon *?»i« . .: .10:08 p. m. First <jn*rtpr =1003 . July 25, at 55:30 a. m. Full m<voti Augtii<t 1:05 p. m. "^ iiiaie* fTttae! "TTiojeT tTimei "~~ Jl,.j < Ft I 1 Ft I 1 Ft f 1 Ft {II Tt'j 1L TV! in Wi jL W| CU..J M;i2j 5.41 7:32!— 0.4J 2:oS| 4.9j 7:42 3.2 Sir.j I:S(i| 5.0 S:©3 0.2 3:2 C 5.0 8:37 3.0 22.. j 2:23! 4.5} $:42j l'.7j 4:IK)| S.Oj 9:3* 2.8 25..1 3:l« 4.0j 9:201 \u25a0 1.1) 4:.121 5.0'10^4 . 'J.« 21.. 1 4-^tf. 3.7* 9:K 1.6] r.:oo| -«.O 11:23 2.2 23.-5:45 3.5; 10:30 2.11 5:22! 5.1| ..... Uj w ;h w li. wj ;o w 2C..1 0:17 J.7[ 7:10 3^>!ll:l3 2..'! 6:05 5.2 27..: l:12j S:22|. 3.C, 12:13! 2.S* C:45 5.4 IT. *. Branch Hjrdrofrrnnbic Office I A branch of the United \u25a0 States hydrogrnphic office, located at the Merchants' Exchange. If maluuiined ia San Frascisco for the. benefit of mariners, witiiout regard to nationality and free of espease.' Narigators are cordially inrited to rUit the offloe, where complete seta of charts and tailing directions of-tbe world are kept «t liand for comparisoa and ' reference end the latent Information . can always be obtained re- Kardisc lights, dangers to narlgtaioa and mat ters of interest- to ocean commerce. . < -• J. C. BURNETT. L'entcaant. V. S." N., In cliarge. HTDSOGSAPHIC OFFICE . • Depth at mean low water, eotraace to harbor." PLACE~I Ft. I Date | . Bernard Grays Harj 19 iMay 23;cfaannel getting broader ~ .*.\u25a0-\u25a0 1 I""" No change in channel; Willapa B) 7 IJooe 9 16 ft-.M. L. W. in ' ! \u25a0 channel to South { I Bend. «. • - ColMra R..J25 IMay .!T771 Nchalm Bl 8 (Apr. SiChanuel 200 feet : sontli . II j of bnoy. " ~1 Depth of 6 feet at low TUlmk B. 9 {Apr. 30 - water in channel to \u25a0__^_ I 1 Garibaldi. : ' Vaqclna Bl 14 (June 2jChanne]-n arrow and f f 1 ghlftint: to sonthwest. !'\u25a0 : . (Beacon on beactt in~Hne 4 May l j with -j «wth * side of 1 • ••\u25a0 . I • gulch leadg orer bar.' Umpqo* Rl 10 jJoly 1] Channel in good condi- , -.' I ! 1 -tioa. ' -\u0084w• \u25a0'--- .-,,^ \u25a0\u25a0 A 1-112 feet at low water to Coos Bay. ! 17 IJuoe 1 ' North. Bend; 11 ; feet i 'at low tw a t erto } j \ Marthfield. »';' Coquille R| 6 IMay 31!Cliannc-I close to north - \u25a0 I I I Jetty. : N o •\u25a0 : opportunity *\u25a0• for Ropne Blr .'. . . . .% soundinrs lately." ' Be fore rise there w«-'-7 I . \u25a0 .feet on 'bar.- :\u25a0;\u25a0'\u25a0 ; Klamth -R| 7 |M*y 23;chaj>nel straight.' \u25a0;. \u25a0\u25a0--;. j • N o r,t h channel . rery j : crooked: as. ft.*reT- Hmbldt Bj 20 Jane 1 age' low: waters In I ,'. straight cbanm-1 Icad \u25a0;'.' "I : ' •' Ins out northwest.-'; S" Pedro Bj 23 <Apr.-15jNo change in VhanneTT. g Pjpgo R-t 25-^lMay: ;3| No change in channel.,. S Pablo Bl 24 iApr.*lil>eptii in-dredyed chan 1„ •. . i *.-; :". :*-n«v.- ..:..-\u25a0 :\ -:\u25a0 THE SAN- FRANCISCO- GAJjL. WEDyESDAW?OTLY^2I. 1909; MAKES RECORD RUN FROM FAR SOUTH Brings New Yorkf Cargo From Isthmus and Treasure From Central America, $92,300 Tbe Pacific Mail liner Newport.; Captain Rus sell, surprised tbe company officials by. putting la an appe*rance yesterday afternoon * full 24 hours ahead of time. Incidentally the Newport showed unwonted speed for a Panama liner by making tbe run from Mazatlau to this port In five days and two hours. Tae Newport orer took tbe City of Panama down the coa*t and, according to Captain Russell, the smaller and more sedate Harriman ship,. which has been en gaged for cix months as a coffee tramp between Central American ports, should arrive today. Among the passengers on the Newport was Captain Alfred Urry. who was master, of the Cofcta Elca. The fo?ta Rica, like the City of Panama, wan coffee tramping od the lower coast. Captain Urry dereloped as abscess on his lower jaw and was taken to tne hospltul at Aacon to be operated on. While In ! the hospital he ac quired erysipelas and altogether had an unhappy time. of it. He was in th* hospital for 72 days and etill carries his lower Jaw ia a sling. Other wise he Is fat and happy and glad to be borne again. • . - Tbe Newport brought &04 tons of cargo, treas ure ralued at $92,300 and 31 passengers. Tbe cargo Included 643 l>ags of coffee and a ship ment of steel and hardware from Nen- York. TLe Newport's passengers Included: J.. 1). Scan, Allan HamUtoa. Noble Hamilton. Alfred Urry, 51. Hamerirk and wife, I. Sedgwick and wife. Daniel K. Sbeeban. B. n. Nelson and wife. Francis Arrlola and wife, M. Koike. Salrador and Jose Trlgueros, Mrs. G. S. Gould. Ml?s Ro berta Goold. Sllss Henrl«>t Gou!d, Ramires Jo sepba and Mrs. Era Rankin. * OPIUM ON TENYO MARU Twenty-three fire tael tins cf opium were f oon«l yesterday by Customs In*p*etor Joseph Head, stowed away In tii* forward part of tbe Japanese liner Tenyo Mara.. The tins were in packages of three and four, all ready apparently to be :.".k»n ashore as the opportunity offered. The aetlTfty of the custom house searching force has dlFcouraged somewhat the illegal traffic in the forbidden drug. - All the time, howerer, the ralne here «f sniokln;: opium is increasing, and to inreterate smugglers like the Chinese tb« margin between cost in China and tbe price in Chinatown is too tempting for them to le*Te tba game alone. KILONIAN IS DUE TODAY The Matson narigatlon company's steamer Hi lonian is dse early this morning from Honolulu. On board the steamer are 41 passengers. 26 bag* of United States mail. 23.506 bags of raw sugar, 6,400 bags of reflned sugar, 1.354 cases of fresh pines. I.UOO cases of canned pines. 1.4."0 bunches of bananas and T.ju bags of rice. Captain Frederlcksen, who has been master of tbe Hiloalan slue* Captain Peter Johnson met with an automobile accident in Honolulu, Is still in command. Captain Johnson, now coa ralescent. aad his wife are passengers on the Hilonlan. AHERICAN-HAWATI—N FLEET The American-Hawaiian company's steamer AUskan will be down Saturday from California City to finish loading for Honolulu. The Alas kan's cargo will include 10,000 cases of coal oil. Tbe Virginian Is due tjiiutUy from Salina Crux, with cargo which left New Torfc June 16 on the Hawaiian and June 20 on the Caltfur niaa. Tbe Virginian is also bringing cargo fnen Europe shipped r la the Tehuantepec . railroad. . U'ATEE FEOXT NOTES . Tbe Oceanic steamship company's liner Ala meda. bound for Honolulu, was 74a miles out at S p. m.. July 19. The Kosmos liner Uarda left Matatlan July IP for this port. The Pacific Mail liner Korea; Captain Sand berg, arrired yesterday at Honolnlu from Yoko, hama. The freighter Hyades. Captain Alwen, ar rlTed y^terday. nln» da>-s and sixteen hours from Haaolnlu. witb 52.500 bag* of sugar. Receipts of Inmber yesterday by sea amounted to 900.000 feet. The army transport Sheridan came off nunters point drydnrk yesterday and docked at Folsom street wharf. • ' Steamer City -of Pnebla. which sailed yester day for .Seattle and Puget sound ports, carried 23S passenger*. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to :!Mariners of the Pacific PORTLAND, Ore.. July 20.— J»t*-amer Arso arrired this- morning. haTlng on .board 1.200 case« of obwse, 75,000. feet of lumber and 20 fiassengers. fhe unloaded . part of her lnsiber at -innton on the way up and pw? back there to fiaUh. Steamer Northland, which left Sen Francisco Saturday at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, arrired tonight with general cargo. The Hammond Inmbr company has ordered • tr.wboat from the Sharer transportation com pany to take another s»a raft down to Aft ;<>r!a «v tbe 25th of Jnly from Coal creek slough. Thf r»ft will go to San v Francisco. - On account of beary headwinds the steamer simp of California - wa<> late in getting into port. It arrlred • from San Francisco at 2:30 o'clock this mornlng~ with a large list of pas sengers and about 1,300 tons of freight, most of which was sugar and calt. . • Captain.' H.T. Mayo, naral secretary of the lighthouse board, arrired !lii.« morning. He Is on a general tonr of Inspection of all tbe light house district* in the country and will prob ably go to Seattle tomorrow. Captain F.~ C. Hagermaun has * receired a letter from Captain Feldtmana of the steamer Numantla stating that be would go to Hong kong ami Manila and from there to New York. . ASTORIA, July. 20.— Steamer F. S. Loop ar riTed today fromy San Francisco and left up th« rlTer for Portland to load lumber for return. \u25a0• .Steamer Thomas L. WanO arrivrd today from San . Frar*Uco and left up tbe rlrer to load lumber foe return. Steamer Northland arrlred today front San Frtneisco with freight and passsngers and lert up tb« rlrer for Portland to discharge. Steamer Cascade asrlred today from San Francisco *cd left up the rlrer to load lumber for retqrn. — - .. : . v — . Steamer .Hoqclam left today for Aberdeen to load lumber. , Four niasted se'aooner Irene is now oat ?.8 days front Guaymas and is making an aTerage paE«ag«» for this time of tbe rear. Its ma«t;r. Captain Mitchell, has been in the habit of making such fast passages that he Ik aalway* expecred to do so. It was only a few years ago tbat the schooner Andy Slahoney wan 103 days coming to the Colombia rlTer from Gnsy maK. \u25a0 • .-. ' . . \u25a0 VICTORIA, Joly 20.-— R!eam«r Shlnano Maru of tbe Nippon Ynsen Kaisb* line reached port today with 50 pa**eng»»r§. Icclndiaz T. K. Zu moto. former editor ,of the. J«pane;<> Times. who is going ti> New. York -to establlnb a pnb llrity bureau for the Japanese groTernment. Steamer Grec nwlcli returned ; from Nome and passed up to Ladjrmith to load a second cargo of coal.. \u25a0 . British ship resrhed .Roral roads 51 days from Santa Retail*, la ballast, to load lumber at Hasting.* for Sydney. .. . SAN PEDRO, July 20. — Steamship Gorernor arrired tonight from Seattle with a ; large pas senger and frelgh; list. . Steamer Santa Barbara .cleared today for notice; OCEAN SHORE BONDHOLDERS It is proposed to refinance the Ocean; Shore. .-.-;, \u25a0\u25a0 The new i. plan materially^ affects every bondholder. , Bondholders . : who have not received printed; infor- "; <\u25a0[ mation," or those '.who want additional informatioh rer ;gardihg : : the j- proposed plaint i should; communicate at ; once! with us, or with the MercanV ; tile -Trust Company of Francisco, 464 ; California -si ; *>It is > important'; that iyou do this immediately^ 1 r OCHN SHORE RAILWAY COMPANY 52 Eleventh St/Vrt Liner Newport Arrives a Day Ahead of Time Grays. Harbor, taking freight aad passenger* for San Francisco. _\u25a0 - - Steamer Eoanoke cleared tonight for Portlaad ria Saa Francisco with freight aad \u25a0 passenger*. Departures todar include .the. steamer Grays Harbor for Willa'pa harbor and the steamer Yellowstone \ for the Colombia rlrer, ". both, rla Ssn Fraac'sco. . . ""\u25a0/ "\u25a0 Schooner Fearless arrired . from Beilingham with lumber and the schooner Caroline arriTcd this afternoon from, the .Umpqua . rirer with lumber. . Steamer Daley Freeman arrlred from Willapa harbor with lumber. „.'"-'.,*\u25a0* British steamer M. S. .Dollar N.arrlTed this afternoon from- Shanghai, rla 'Hakodate. It brought 1.000,000 feet of hardwood lumber „ and a general cargo 2«f oriental merchandise for distribution- at San Francisco, Seattle ; 'and sound port 5. " - „ : i " - - Steamer Hanalel arrired today from Saa Francisco with passengers. ,->.,:\u25a0 - TACOUA, July 20. — Norwegian steamer Hor nelen arrired at the smelter today -with 1,600 tons of copper ore from South America. The steamer EUhu Thomson arrived this after noon for Nome and Kt. Michael -s^d will b*gln loading tomorrow for .the return trip, tearing Thursday. " .\u25a0'\u25a0•.* .-'\u25a0\u25a0.. . - ; The schooner Aloba . arrlred to load lumber for Honolulu. Tbe steamer Tallac arrired to load 1,500 toes of lead bullion for San Francisco. The steamer Stanley Dollar RrriTed at : the smMter with 2,300 tons, of > concentrates from California and the stesuaer- Delhi arriTed from TreadweU with concentrates. ; . . • Tbe steamer -Watson, left for' down sound port* this afternoon. The steamer Wasp arrived this morning at Dupont with powder. . . SEATTLE, July 20.— ArriTed— Steamer Ellhu TbomFoo. from Nome and St. Michael; steamer President, from San Francisco. Sailed — Japanese steamer Tosa Mar u, for th* orient; steamer Northland, for Sltk* and w.iy ports: tank steamer Colonel E.L. Drake, for San Fraaclsco; steamer. Umatllla, for San Fran cisco; steamer Dolphin, for Skagway '.and way port*. ] . \u25a0 \u25a0 ' Tbe steamer Victoria will arrlr* during th» night from Nome ond St. Michael. Army Transports) The Lcjaa sailed July 15 from Manila. ITie Crook is In pert, t The Buford 1« in i>ort aad will sail for Seattle July 2«. - The Sherman Is In port. Th* Warren Is at Manila. The Kilpatrick left Manila May 1, bound for New York, by way of Suez. The Sherldxn is in port. The Thomas, outward bound, sailed July IS fri'ta Honolulu. Weather Report United States Department of Agriculture — Weather Bureau, San Francisco, July 20. RAINFALL DATA ' Last Seasonal Nor- Stations — 24 hours to date mal Eureka '..- 0.00 0.48 0.1 l Bed Bluff 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sacramento 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mt. Tamalpals 0.00 O.UO 0.01 San Francisco o.oft Trace 0.01 San Jose 0.00 0.00 Trace Fresno 0.00 0.00 0.00 Independence: 0.00 0.00 0.00 San Luis 0bi5p0...... 0.00 . 0.00 0.01 Los Angeles.. O.OU 0.00 0.00 . San Diego. 0.00 Trace 0.00 Coast record for 12 hours end In if S pan. T. 2 X" J! 3: t o S . = < -;J 3 M P S . * » 3 STATIONS = '. -'j P =' =5" I b.I j r Jl. Baker 30.12 7« 52 N Clear 100 Boise 30.04 84 ,-Z« NW Clear It. Eureka 30.10 M 52 N Clear -i .00 Flagstaff .....29.94 7S 54 NW Cloudy .OS- Fresno 29.02 94 50 W Clear .00 Independence ..23. Sfi 92 5S S Clear .00 KaltfEK-H 30.04 «S 42. SE Clondy .<>o Los Ange1e5... 29. 94 SO BO SW Clear .00 Modcna ...2*^*B S6 58 SW Clear .00 , Mt. Tamalpais. 3o.os SO 65 W Clear .00 . North Head... 30.22 _ 54 NW Clear .00 Pooenlx 20.7S lf»0 76 N Pt.ady .00 Pocatello 3t>.00 Hor.S W Clear .02 Pt. Reyes Lt.. 23.95 61 .41 NW Clear . \u0084t>o Portland 30.1* TS 52 NW Clear .00 Red Bluff 29. 5S 8S 60 N - Clear .00 Reno ..: 29.98 82 46 B Clear .00 Rcwcburg ..;..20.0S Brt 40 NW Clear .00 Sacramento ...29. £2 P2 r,4 NE Clear .<»0 Salt iJike 2!».P4 S4 6S N r Clear .00 San Diego... :.2&. 04 70 r.S NW Cl"*r ".00 Sun Franci<?co..29.PS 72 M. W Oear * .00 San- Jose 28.9S w. 44 NW Clear .00 S. I^ 0bi5p0.. .30.00 74 4S SW .Clear /- .tx> Spokane 3O.fiC"S2 4S SW Clear * .00 Summit -..K2 S-V SW Cl*«r .00 Tacoma 30.20 72 52 N Clear Tr. Tatoosh • 30.22 58 s* ; SW Clear : .00 Tonopah 25».»2 S4 . .'.4 NW Clear , .M Wall* Wa11a.. .30.06 RS 62 W Clear . :00 Wlnnemncc* ..30.06 Si 50 N Clear .00 Y'lma 29.74 106 7S W .Clear ?.00 The following maximum and minimum temper atures are reported from pastern stations for the prerlons day: Chicago, 70-64; New York. 72-60; Omaha. 00-74. . . \u25a0 " SYNOPSIS Warmer weather preraUs: In the Sacramento ralley. Jhe Sierra Ner»«la and southern Oregon. The pressure Is relatirely hfgber orer the north ern half of the coast, and. conditions are farror able for north or northeast winds and high tem peratures orer most of California.- In tbe threat • ralley afternoon temperatures range from 92 to DC degrees. . - -. Tbe relatlre humidity a; Red Bluff was 32 per cent and at Fresno 39 per cent. - Forecast far :he 30 hours ending at midnight 1 Wednesday. July 21: -:. For San Francisco and rlcinity — Fair Wednes day: warm in the. morning: light north winds, changing to moderate, westerly. . - -. . For the Santa Clara rsJley — Fair Wednesday: continced warm; light couth wind, changing to northerly. .'• For the Sacramento valley — Fair Wednesday; continued warm: light north winds. For the San Joaquin ralley — Fair Wednesday; continued warm; light west. winds. \u25a0-.. For . I»s ' Angeles and riclnlty — Fair Wednes day: .warmer; light north wind, changing .to southerly. A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARHIVED Tuesday. July 20." Stmr North Fort. Nelson, 10 hours from Mon terey. .• \u25a0 . .\u25a0 \u25a0 • • " '. ; ' \u25a0'. " Stmr Goalal*, Martiasen, 13 hoori from Del mar. .\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0•« . '- ' ... '-:'.,\u25a0 -' . \u25a0 . v." Stmr Hyades, ' Alireß, 9 days and •18 f hoars from Honolohi. * Stmr.Atlan. Eadper. 2 days from Astoria. . Stmr - Brooklyn, Hendrlckston, .14 hours from Albion. - . Stnsr Elisabeth. Olsen. 3S hoars from Banden. Stmr Admiral Sampson. Bartlett, hours from Seattle. . ' '. V \u25a0 Strar Hornet, Marxen, 68 hours . from Grays ll arbor.' \u25a0' . " " \u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0•' - Stair Mareriek, McKellar Jr., 3 day* from'Ta coma. . \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-' ,\u25a0\u25a0 ."' .- \u25a0'' • \u25a0 '\u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0 -\u25a0" . ':-C' : \u25a0 Stmr Newport." Ro**ell, 25 days ' 9 honrs and .\u25a0»9 inlnuten i from Ancon, . ria . Mazatlan 5 days 2 hours and 40 minute*..; ..- .•\u25a0-.-..,. , • Stmr Nome j City, Hansen. 55 hours from As toria.- : , '- ;' jr." : ';.. '\u25a0',\u25a0'.. '" • - "'"\u25a0; '\u25a0'- '\u25a0 - :\u25a0',\u25a0 ATLANTIC OCEAX TRAVEL Jiamburg-Jtnierfcgri. AH aiodern Safety Dcvicr* ( Wireless, _c) London— Paris— Hambnrs; .'. CleT**l»nd " (new) .Jnly 31 J P. Lincoln (new) lAxsg. IS P. Cr*nt (new).Auir.;4 Cincinnati (new).Angr. 21 tKaiserln .'..-.. .Aujr, 7 Blnecher . ...;.. Aug. 25 PcnnsylranU l . ..Aug. 11 tAmerika . :..:;. Ang. 2B fßltz Catlton a la Carte . Restaurant. :'\u25a0ss&&£&s ITTAI^V ;Y la Gibraltar ~^ \u25a0I'l ML I ,\ aples aad Genoa S. S. HAM8CHG. . . : . . ......". . .Aug. 14. Sept: 30 S. S. M0LTKE. ........V..;..... 5ept. .9, Oct." 21 ;;-•\u25a0-.\u25a0 Trarclers' Checks. lssued. j. .. . Tonrlst Dept.'.for Trips ereryrrhere.' HA3IBURG-AMERICAX ; LIKE , 160 Porrell Street,' San Francinco :.'\u25a0.- . \u25a0 '\u25a0" -Phone Kearny 2946,-v ... > I Canadian Pacific Less Than Four Days at Sea Weekly Salllos Bet— een Montreal,^Que- bec i and : LlTerpbol -- - 'M. Two oay»' on th* beantlf nl St. Lawrence riT« and too shortest ,oce*a roate to Europe.: - - Nothing better oa the Atlantic thaa onr Em- pre««e*. Wlreles* oa *11 «team*r*V . - . :/, \u0084 rirst class 990. second elaa* $30, oc» • cl*u : e*bln.s43.V \u25a0\u25a0--'..,'••. \u0084\u25a0 \u25a0 -, .- . ; -- Ask any ticket *seat. » or writ* for saillasa, rates *nd booklet. .. * '_ - . ; . ' ;. B. E. PENS. G. A.. 77 ELLIS ST., -- U ' Saa Fr*ncl*co, C*L '.-.-."'"." Coiripa^nleJGcneißle^ Transatlantlqne DIRECT' LINE TO : >' Sailine eTery : Tbursday. : instead of , Satnrdar at 10 a. tn.,~ from pier 42, North ' rlrer,* foot of Morton «t. ; * \u25a0p:^"'v« r .: ; -vr: \u25a0.;\u25a0..\u25a0 ;\u25a0\u25a0..; \u25a0vFlrntclass to Harre.-*.t. 50 and upward : s*c- ond claw to Harr*.' *50 and upward.. GENERAL ' AGENCY FOR : UNITED f STATES^ AND: CAN . ADA.-119 ' State : St. 1;'1 ;' Kew Tork.v J.« r."; FnGAZI. Man*eer!P*clflc coast,* 630 Montgomery st.."San l Francisco. Tickets j *oldj ; by : all \ railroad ; ticket i anent*. -^ -,'».'\u25a0' -v;-'. -I •"\u25a0•'•-"•'' .\u25a0.'•- .-:'•'.'• • ; ' \u25a0''---? T to}Bomw;Mpney; ?s v."-'- > -—See— ".;, J "i\- ,- j CALL \u25a0'::: WA^te:: ADS Schrf Albert J Meyer, > Johnson, •6- ; days: from South Bend. . ; «\u25a0.-;.•« ' .••" ' - ; CLEARED i \u25a0... 'Tue?daj. July 20. j . Stmr Backman. Wood, Seattle; : Alask*-P*clflc , stfatnshin coaipaay. \u25a0' . Stmr Santa Rosa,' Alexander, S*n Diego; Pa cific-Coast steamship company. »r--*» r --* \u25a0 --".• - Stmr City of Pnebla, Glelow, Vietorla. B.:C, and Port T«wnsend; Pacific Coast steamship com-; pany. -.'-.'' -, \u25a0• - \u25a0.. . • . < \u25a0 - ••.--'.- - '-' .-*'-'-' i\ Stmr Peru. JlacklnnoD, Ancon, etc.; Pacific Mail steamship company.' \u25a0 . .-^,.C_- T : SAILED Tuesday. July 20. Stmr; Point Arena.. ' Jahnsen. 1 Mendoclao. Stmr. £co3hone, Asplund, Astoria. . i Stmr Yosemite, Jahasea. San Pedro. ". •\u25a0 - . -Stmr Daisy, Smith, Astoria. . , . Stmr^ CaraeL Dorrls, Willapa harbor. : Stmr .Whittier. Seaman, Port San Luis. Stmr City of Puebla, Glelow. Victoria, etc. Stmr F. A. Kilburn. McLellan, Eureka. Stmr.Btickman, Wood. Seattle. - j Stmr Westerner, Kelley. Gray* Harbor. \u25a0 Stmr Asuncion, Brtdgett, Portland. . Stmr Majestic, Andresen. Portland. Stmr Qulnault, WaWlg, Willapa. DISASTER V NEW YORK. July 20— Stmr Martha Sterens was sunk today by a collision with tug Confl [ dence la New. York bay.' Second Engineer Logan' \u25ba was drowned* and nine others of the crew Bared. • WEATHER REPORTS - POINT LOBOS. July 20. 9 a." m.— Thick; wind. aorthwest; Telocity, 4 mile* . p*r " hour. POINT -REYES. July 20, ,» a. m.— Foggy: wind, southeast; Telocity, 11 miles per hour. 20, 9 ». m.— Foggy; wind, north ; Telocity. 8 miles per hour. . TATOOSH. July 20. 9, a. m.— Ooudy; wind, east; reloclty, S miles per hour. J/ SPOKEN May 10— Lat 3 deg south, long 29 deg W. Ger bark Eilbek. from Hamburg, for Santa Eosalla. Per schr Albert Meyer, at San Francisco July 20 from South Bend— July 15, lat 45 deg 40 n»lu N, long 124 deg 55 mln W. Br . «Mr Katanga, from Comox.B. C, for Guaymag. j OUTSIDE BOUND IN— lO P. M. Scbr Coquellc. _, ' TELEGRAPHIC ; POINT LOBOS. July 20. 10 p. m.— Weather, hazy; wind, northwest; Telocity, - 6 miles per hour.' BY UNITED WIRELESS COMPANY - Stmr Gorernor, from San Frauclsco Jcly 13 for San \u25a0 Diego— July 20, 4:40 a. m., 5 miles north of Point Arguello; we.ttlier clear; wind light; sea smooth. . Stmr Alameda. hence Jaly 17 for Honolnlu— July 19. S>p^m., 74S miles 'off Saa FranclM-o. Stair Atlas, from Astoria for San Fraacisto — July 19, 8 p. m., passed Blunts reef. Stmr Jlarerick. from Tacoma for San Frun clsco — July 19, 8:30 p. m., pa*9*d Elunt* reef. "\u25a0 DOMESTIC 'PORTS SlTKA— Sailed July 20— Stmr Jefferson, for Seattle. « - -" - \u25a0-\u25a0 ' FORT BRAGG— Arrired July 20— Stmr Na tional City, hence July 19. . Sailed July 20— Stmr James S. Hlgglns, for San Francisco. ' TACOMA— Arrired Jnly 20— Stmr Delhi, from Seattle; stmr Tallac, from Seattle; Nor stmr Hornelen, from Eureka; stmr Stanley Dollar, from Seattle; stmr Wasp, hence July 14. Sailed July 20^-Ger Btmr Salatis, for Ercrett; stmr Watson, for Beilingham. Arrlred July 20 — Stmr Elihu. from Seattle. REDONDO BE.iCH— Arrired July 20— Stmr Katherine. from Eureka. • . . Sailed July. 20 — Stmrs Alcatraz and Pasadena, for San Franclsc<». ' : \u25a0 EUREKA— SaiIed July 20— Scbr 11. C Wright, for Honolulu; stnir City of Topeka, for Saa Francisco. GAVloTA— Sailed July 19— Stmr Wellesley. Tor San Francisco. EVERETT— SaiIed July 13— Stmr Edith, for Cordora. \u25a0 ' . Arrired July 2O— Ger stmr Salatls, from Ta coma. . \u25a0 TATOOSH— Passed in July 20— Barge Charger and sloop Duck, towing; Jap stmr Sninano Marti, from China and Japan, for Victoria. Passed out July 20— Schooner. Outside bound in July 20 — S<rhr Endearor. from San Pedro, for Tatoosh. Passed in July 20— Stmr Victoria, from Nome, for Seattle; schr Endearor, from Saa Pedro, for Townsend. \u25a0 . Passed out July 20 — Schr Ollrer J. Olson, from ' Townsend.* In tow stmr Olson & Mabony. for Grayg Harbor; stmr Olson t Mabony. from Seat tle, for Grays Harbor; steam schooner (probably stmr St. Helens I. from Seattle, for Nome.. WESTPORT <Wasb.>— Arrired Jcly . 19— Stmr I Santa Monica. h»nc* July 18. July 20 — Stmr G. C Lindauer. hence July 16. SEWARD— Arrlred July 19— Stmr Bertha, from Valdei. \u25a0 Sailed July 19 — Stmr Bertha, for Seattle. ASTORlA— Arrlred July 20— Stmr Thomas L. Wand, hence Joly 16; stmr F. S. Loop, hence July 16; stmr Northland, hence July 17. - Sailed July 10 — Stmr'Johan Poulsen. for San \u25a0 PACIFIC OCEAX TRAVEL *»^C * Steamers lear* Broadway yMj*^UA . Wli«rTM (Piers fl and 11». A£__/^A LOW RATES. INCLUDING I Q7 vBKAs*l V*l BERTHS AND MEAL?. jl A^^ft ) 1 SPtCIAL ROUND TIUP VAjt i_tS' ' LOS AXGEI.ES >Cto*wS^ SAN DIKGO «.\XTA. BARBARA •GOVERNOR ... ..'.Mod.. Aug. 2. 16. SO. 2 p. tn •PRESIDENT. .Moo.. July 26: Aug. 9. 23. 2 p. m. Alternately Erery -Monday Thereafter. SANTA ROSA...... Krery Thursday. 10:30 a. l'm. •Direct for Los Angeles. Will not call S. Barbara SEATTLE (DIRECT), TOWASEXD TACOMA, VICTORIA. . VANCOUVER Connecting at Seattle for SE. Alaska. Skagway. , - Dawson, Fairbanks, Nome. St. Michael. - PUEBLA*. .'. ........ .Tues.. Aug. 3, 17. 2 p. m. tGOVERNOR..Srt.. July 24; Aug. 7. 21. 2p. m. tPRESIDENT-.Sat.. July 31; Aujr. 14. 2«, 2 p. m. UM ATI LLA..... Tues.. July 27; Aur. 10. 2p.m. Alternately *Tery Tues. and Sat. there*fter. tWIH not call at Victoria. Townsend, Vancourer." EUREKA (lIUMBOLDT BAY) TOPEKA— JuIy 23, 2S; : Aug. 2. 7. 12, 17. 22, 27, 10:30 a. m., erery. fifth day thereafter. GUAYMAS, - 3IAZAXI.AX, LA PAZ, EXSEXADA, SAX JOSE DEL CABO CURACA0..... .....7th of each month. 10 a. m. ALASKA CRUISES Leave Seattle SPOKANE. July SO; Ang. 14. QUEEN, July SO. - XOME— ST. MICHAEL SENATOR <dir*ctJ" Leare Seattle.... July 22 Right referred to change this schedule. TICKET .OFFICES— -(Palace Hotel) C 53 Market St.. 3 Market st. and Broadway Wharf. Tel. Kearny 482. , OAKLAND— ICSS Broadway. Tel. Oakland 5650 CD. DCNANN.TGeneraI Passenger "Agent. *- G*a. Pass. Office, 112 Market st..'Saa Francisco. _^5^ /WffICAN-HAWAnAN g«f^H SHAHSHIP COMPANY TEHUANTEPEC ROUTE NKW^YORK to PACIFIC COAST POr.TS aad HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Sailings erery Satur- day. - .- \u25a0 - -.\u25a0- \u25a0• \u25a0 : - .•\u25a0•.-.-. - ..-.-. .\u25a0\u25a0 . • .'\u25a0 \u0084 \u25a0 SEATTI.E. TACOMA and SAN FRANCISCO to NEW YORK. Sailings erery 21 days: also taking freight for MEXICAN and EUROPEAN ports. 1 -V I.OCAI/ SERVICE SAN FRANCISCO to HAWAIIAN PORTS. DEARBORN & : LAPHAM. General Agents. , 8 BRIDGE ST., NEW YORK; WILL.IAMS. DIMOND & CO. \u25a0 Gen*ral .Agents Pacific Coast. \u25a0 310 SANSOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO. : SEATTLE DIRECT CONNECTING ALL NORTHERN; POINTS." i 8. S;: ADMIRAL SAMPSON V.^...J uly 25 B.s: WATSON ................ July SO S . S. BUCKMAN ....... ; ... .Aug. 5 Los Angeles Direct TWIN-SCREW B;~ S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON . . .... July 21 _ -. -\u25a0 SaUlngs ; from \u25a0 Steuart St. ' Dock. Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. Ticket Of fie*, i 54 > Market : st*; or: €A& Market. TOYO KISEN KAISHA OHIEXTAL ".'": STEAMSHIP,. .'. CO3IPAX Y> S.fs; Teayo M*rn.T.;J". Tueaday, July S7, 1909 . 6r.8.-Kijn>on M*ru....-.Tuesd*y. Act: 17. 1809 8. S.Caiy* JUra <tri*JUnU*).Tu«.. Sspt M.,09 \u25a0 Steamer* 5 sail - from company's , piers,^ Nos.'i 42," . 44.*» near.- foot ; of ; Secon d; at.; . 1 . p. - m.'. \u25a0 for Yoko- hama I and • Hongkong, • calling | at Honolulu. Kobe (HiCjjoi. Nagasaki and! Shanghai. *nd \ connecting at . Hongkong % with ' steamers , for ' Manila. India;' etc.": No \u25a0 cargo : received on , board "on « day of •ail- ing.' Round trip -ticket* at reduc*d' rates.' , --. . For ' freight • and passage ' apply \u25a0 at r of rlc*. 240 Jame*; Flood .building.'. • W.:U: 'AVERT." . - :':.' : :"- ..: Assistant .General \u25a0' Manager. '\u25a0-' \u25a0 I TAHITI \u25a0AXD > SEW • ZEAIIVXD— S.S."' Mariposa > sails ' 11: «. m.. Aug. 6.-; SpL> Tahiti : :roußd' s trlp,"s|l2s.'-Welllngton, v t.; HONOLULU K--"^ £sav i J*3f}l}i* M *^ /^ : round .' trip $110 first class. - ; : iOCEANIO>>LINE,'67SMkt.: tel. Kearny 1231. Francisco. July 20— Stmr Hoaulam, for WUlap* h»rbor. . SEATTLE— Arrired' Jnly 19— Stmr President, hence July 17; stmr Winnebago. hence July 14. Jcly: 20 — Stmr EUhu Thomson, from Vaacoarer. * Sailed July 19 — Stmr St. " Helens,^ for Nome. July . 20 — Jap , stmr : Toia Mara, for Yokohama; stmr ; Colonel E.- L. Dr*ke, for Saa.' Francisco; stmr Olson & Mabony. for Grays Harbor. ' Sailed July 20— Stmr . Wianebago, for Saa Franolj.-o. .' . - - , . - -\u25a0 - * HADLEY— Arrired July. 2O— Stmr CotUge City, from Ketchlkan. COOS BAY— Sailed July 20— Stmr AlUance. for Astoria.. BANDON— Sailed 'July 20— Stmr Bandoa. for San Fraaclsco. . • SANPEDRO^Arrired July 20^-Sehr Fearless, from Beilingham; schr Carotin*, from Umpqua rlrer: Br stmr M. 3. Dollar, from Hongkong, etc.. Sailed July 20 — Strnf .. Yellowstone, for San Francisco: stmr Falrharen. I tat Saa Francisco; stmr Santa Barbara, for San Francisco; stmr Roanoke. for San Francisco. WESTPORT (Wash.) — Passed la July 20— Stmr Hoquiam. from Astoria. Passed out July 20/ — Stmr Daisy Freeman, for San Pedro. .«•\u25a0-• WRANGELL— ArrIred July 19— Stmr St. Crolx, from Valdei: stmr Humboldt. from Seat tle: stmr City of Seattle, from Skagway. ' KETOHIKAN— Arrired. July 20— Stmr Port laad. from Seattle. Arrlr*d July 20— Stmr Cottaee City, from Seattle. — , ; CRESCENT— Passed la July 20— Freight stmr. for Victoria. EASTERN POETS NEWPORT NEWS— Arrlred Jaly 6— Br stmr i Rlrerd«le. from Shields. - Sailed July 12 — Br itmr Hyndford, for Brem erton: Brstmr Rlrerd*!*. for Bremertoo. NEW YORK— Sailed July 19— Stmr Panamt, \u25a0 for Colon. . • 1 - ISLAND PORTS . . HONOLULU— ArrITed July 20— Schr Manila, from South Bend; stmr Korea, from Yokobema. : for San FraDclsco; Br stmr Marama. from. Syd ney, for Vancourer; \u25a0 stmr Columbian, hence i July 12. Sailed July 2f> — Bkta Irmgard, for San Fraa clwo; Br sJmr Marama. for Vaneourer. * FOREIGN POETS i GRAVESEND— SaiIed July 2— Br bark Torris dale, from Oregon, for Hamburg. HAMBURG— SaiIed June 26 and passed Do- Ter June. 30 — Br ship Clan Graham, for Santa Rosalia. Jnly 16— Br ship Celtic Chief, for Honolulu. . . \u25a0 SANTA ROSALIA— In port July s— Fr bark ForteTlot: Ger bark Hebe. ST. VINCENT— In port July I— Ger ship Adolf, from Bremerharea, for Seattle. GUAYMAS— SaiIed July 3— Bktn James John son, for Townsend. Arrired July 4— Br stmr Georgia, from Vaa ' roarer, aad sailed for Maratlaa. In port July 6 — Schr Carrier DoTe. July 9-~ Br b*rk Jordanhill. VICTORIA. B. C.— Arrtred July 20— Br «tmr Greenwich, from Nome; Br ship Ellisland, from : Santa Rosalia; Jap stmr- Ehinano Mara, froa Yokohama. \u25a0 Arrired July 20 — Nor ' stmr Tricolor, from Sam* ring. Sailed Jnly 29— Jap stmr Tosa Mara, for nonzkoag. rla Yokohama. MELBOURNE t Australia) — Arrired prior July 20 — Br stmr Inrertay. hence Jane 12, ria Auck land. YOKOHAMA— SaiIed Jnly 17— Br stmr Oceano. for Seattle. _ COLON— ArriTed July 18 — Stmr. Colon, from * LIMERICK— ArriTed Jnly 19— Cer ship Ore gon, from Oregon, ria Falmouth. SINGAPORE— ArrIT*d prior Julr 19— Ger stmr Araeoula. from -New York, for Manila. SUEZ — ArriTed July 17 — Br stmr larerclyd*. from Yokohama, for New York. '\u25a0 OCEAN STEAMERS NEW YORK— An-ired July 20^-Stmr Kaiser Wilbelm 11. from Bremen. Sailed July 20— Stmr Kaiser WUhelm der ; Gross*, for Bremen. ! GIBRALTAR— Arrir*d Jnly SO — Star Koenlgen Luis*, from New York,' for Naples and Genoa, and proc*ed*d. : ' i? BREMEN— ArriTed Julr 20— Star Kro&priaz 1 **»!n C*clll*. from N*w York. LIVERPOOI^ArriTed July 19— Stmr Manreta ala. from New York. " ANTWERP — Arrired July 19— Stmr Krooalaad, from New York. -«. Memoranda Per stmr - nyades— First four days ont had beary bead and rough sea to lat 32 deg N; mod erated at 34 dcs N: had west-soathwest to northeast winds_ to port. Per stmr Newport, at Saa Francisco Jolj 20 from Ancon. etc. — July IR. p. m.. 600 mil** south of San Francisco, passed stmr City of Panama, from Paaama. etc., for San Francisco: strong Borthwe«t wind. RAILIVAY TRATEI. Trains Leave i-*f|plp San Francisco \_ iH_7 Market Street LEAVE FOR— |A. M.| P. M. BAKEUSKIELD 7:15 •reO-lOiti CHICAGO «.. T:l5 1:00-10:00 TRESNO T:l3 4:00- •:00-li:0f GRAND CANTON 7:13 tICO-lOtfw --! HA.NFORD 7:lo 10:0»r->*. KANSA3 CITT 7:la S:CO-10:0« MERCED 7:15 4:60- »:00-19:0* STOCKTON T:l5 4:W- liift-UIM STOCKTON. OAKDALB St SIERRA RT. PTS... 9:43 TL'LARE 7:13 f:00-10i«0 VISALIA ...... . 7:15 3:»0-l&:*« TOSEMITB ;...... 7:15 I 0:0» California Limited taronsa t* Calcaso learea at IOtOO ». m. OFFICES i 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland /slgjfo. SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE (iP|_pa JUNE 19, 1909 \§|W VMOX FERRY DEPOI Lmrt. . TIA SACBALTTO. Arrlr*. 7:ls*;Sonoma and Gl»a Ellen 6:OSp 7:45 a Petalam*. S*nt* Rosa. Heald<- bur*;. Clorerdal*. Uti»h. WII- lito. Sberwood and Sebastopol. *7:33p S:lsa!Pt. Reyen, Monte Rio, Cazadero. *»7:05p 8;45« Petalama. Santa Rc?a. Goernerllle 7:(VSa $&:15a!Sononia and Glen Ellen ft:33p J!':l."ia'l.a:unlta«, Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes. 7:35p 10:4?a!PetaInma and Saata Ro<>a 4:33p t2:4sp|Pt. Reyes, Monte Rio. Caxa dero. tll:OS* 3:15p Petalmna. Santa Rosa, Healds- '' •. I bnrg, Cl»r*rdal*. Vkiab. Gnerne- I rill*. Rlr*r landing. Seb*stopol. ll:Wi r4:43p}»OßOau and Glen EU*n f>:0o» !>:l3p Petalnma and Santa Rosa.. 8:35* t.~»:4:ip Lajruattas, Cp. T»ylor. Pt. R*yes. S:OS» i7^4r.p;Pfilnt Reyes 8:05* ELECTRIC STTBTJB3AK VIA &MXSALZTO Skusalito. Mill Valley, Sia Rafaol — Dally every SO minutes from 6:45 a. ra. until 9:45 , a. m.; hourly until 2:45 p. m.. th*n 3:15 p. ra. and erery 30 mlant*s until 7:45 p. nt., tb*a 9:00, 10:S5-p. in. anil 12:01 a. in. (Oo Sundays la addition— erery SO minnt*«- fr0m. 9:45 a. m. to 3:15 p. m.. exceptlna; 2:15 p. tn.) . Fairfax— Le*Teta:4s..t7Js. 7:45. 8:15. 9:15. t9:45. 10:45. 11:45 *. m.: 12:45, 1:45.- +3:45. 3:15. 8:45, t 4 :15, 4:45, t3:15, 5:45, t6:13, t«:45, t":45 p. m. ~"* I San Gnentln ri* Saa K*f*el — Leare 9:13 a. m., 1:45 p. m. - ' Tilmroa acd Belredere — Weet days — 7:30, 9:00, {11:43 a. m. (112:45 p. m. Saturdays only). 3:30, 5:30 p. m.; Sundays— 7:3o, |!0:f»i. |}ll:00 a. m. |f 12:30. 3:30, 5:30 p./m. *ad f 12:01 «. m. I ; •Arrlre 7:05 p^ m. from Sebastopol. **Snnday arrire Stop. bj. - t Except Sunday. J.Sunday only. {Via Sanullto. {{Rans to Schuetxen park. Pacific Transfer Company's ajents are antbor- txed to check . baggage direct from residences. t-MUIR WOODS MT. TAAULPAIS "VIA SAUSAUTO FERRY - FOOT Or MAJtKET STREET J_?___________L__L_ L_______ , t»- —*•»»<» tf.Tm at»b "V.T.EK SUN*. WEEK SUN- WEEK SOS-" " DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY> ; DAY 9:45* 7:15* t7:2o* 11:05* 7:20* 3:42* 1:45p f:4oi 12:2»» UHf U:t2* \u26664:45t 5:15* 02:45 i f:s«* <:14i 12:1 Or ...... J:45» 4:20 i 3:80* *8:50t 1:40> ::::•: 1! J:::::: lii« :::::: ,|!|!} \u2666Sat.'only. tMoa.ody. ©Tsaxdpaisooly.^iMuiroalT " , TReket Offices— Swalito Ferry *ad 874 Market . : ' Geacnl OiSces— MEl V*n«r. Ca_ornis- ; \u25a0rjl BAYAXD INTERURBAN ROIJTEa '; Mi\RE ISLAND NAVY YARD yallejo. Napa; St. Helena ST. HELE.VA-XAPA [ VALLEY : ROUTE S. S. Co. and Nap*. V»lley Electric i R.:. R- Co-'Ck>«« connections. 3/\u25a03 /\u25a0 . - ; tt— ROtXD TRIPS-DAILY— « * i - i Boats ' lea re* San " Franclsw ' 7 dX). ' »9 :45 a.* ; ' m 12:30 noon;r 3:15. -6^)o, »S:3O. p. m." " San ' Frasctoco ' landing \u25a0 aad «fJJce. , Clay str**t Trharf . t north . *nd . ferry ; btJlldins. M arket ' street fcrry.iMeals ala carte.fPnoa* Kearaj 406. • 1 •___: nary \u25a0\u25a0 /ard ". direct. :\u25a0 \u2666 - i AUCTIQNSALES ._fe .. : !^. ; ..^-T 1 Wednesday. July „. «t : ll a. m.. 13,0-iSUad. 1 at public auction. I — 1U sell S3 l»*ad ofch*»? | horses and moles. 46 reblcle*. all khnN. 31 oets of harn*«a <no reserreU Inspect and yop will bM. 565 4th. at.. Oakland. . . :.'\u25a0'. J. W. MEDEIRQg, .Ancttoneef. _fe AUOTION ____ We will sen WEDNESDAY. JIXT 21. *9 II a. _.. 4S work »nd drirlcs horse*. Toes* "".f hor»** must »nd will be sold. GEORGE REED A CO.. Anctloneers, , ' . 664 Bro»dway. Oakland. CREDITORS* -SALE of ho— *s and waroa*. bugjl's barn*s->i of all kinds THCRSDAT. July 22, 11 a. m.. at Duboce staljl*. ~QO Y*:*n« da st. Outside stock sold on commission. Tel. Park 2720. . WM. , CLOUGH. RAILWAY TRAVE— ' ' '^i\ \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0* # TRAINS LEAVE AND AXC : DUE TO ASaiVS *X.- San Francisco Fsoai Jcxx 20. 1909 VIA OAKLAND PIER Lesre (Foot ot Uaxvci Srxxr?) . Anrw 2.13* Sita. lireraore, Tr»ey» Ltthrop. stock ton. Lodi, 3ior»mnto 10.33b 8.40* E»7»*rd. .V&*. Saa Jose 7JJ«* 7.00* Eid_iond.PortCo«_,Benicia,S_raa. Dixon, S*en_rQto, RoseriUe, Sla rys- • - riae, fttddiag. Daasmcr 7.29* 7.00* Eiairs, Vaearlla. R_i9fy. 7.Z3» 7.00* Daris. Woodland (Marrsri3e, Oro- v&ei "R_uiaßs. S*z««lU Wiloirs. Hamilton, Corniss. Red Blaff - . 7.28? 7.40* VaDejo, Xapa, Cahstogs, Ssnta Ros*. ... Martiaes, Saa fiaaoa, DoutiienT. . Fleukßtoa..... • 6.08? 7.40* Kites. Pteanatoa. lirerncrs, Alra- aoct. Latirop, Stockton 7.25? 7.40* Trier. Los Eanos, Kersaa. Fresno. Hacford.ri.illa..... *.28» &00* Newark, Saa Jose, Los Gi'xa, "nit. - Fdion.S_t3 Cr» 5.48 i 8.20* Pbrt Cwt*. Uirxian. Byron, Trser. ' ' Stockton. Merced. Fresno, Gcthea' - "~ Ja:cdon <Haoford), VisaJia, Porter- r2le,B»ker 5 6rfd..\L ; 4.43. \u25a0— 0* Yoseaitei Valley ri* Merced *-48» . 9.00» XBea, Lrremaer*. Stoekioa (TOtoa), Vslley Ppriag, lone, Sacramento *_9* 9-00* Eocor*. T—tenae and Asteb 4.23? 9.00*. Atbstkr Express— Sacr*=ento, Tr^o- V-, Ozden, Salt Lala (~7. Carp, Kacswaty..... 9.28? 9.40 a Rie&BOßd, Pert Con. Msxtian. BayPofct «.48» 0.20* Vailed Mare Isbnd. Kap* l»-28* 10.20* La. Aajdes Passeagtr— Pert CcsJa, Uartae*, Brroa, Tracr, Stockton. Merted. Ftrsco. Easford. Vixsli*. n. Tn!*r«. Bakersfidd. Los Asgdes.. . . . 7.48 i 10.40* GoJdSeid Pass.— /ort Cwrta. Beekia, Saenaecto, Tmekee. H_en, Mis*. Toaonaa. GoldSdd. U»s, Keder.. - . 7.48* 18.40* Marysriae. Chiro. Red Bte3 4.28? 12.03R1 The Oreriand Limited— Dearer, K*a- sas City, O— tba, Chksgo. 7.28» 1.20p \i!es. San Jose »ad Way iix&sva Z. 48» 1.40p SsaLetadro. Xies, Cect*rr2!e. New- f 9XB* ark.SaaJoce I 7.28? 2.00» Xewart, ?aa Jose. Los G»to». ~H«ht. Fetoa. Bouldw Creek, SaaU Cr_. . 93«? 2.40* Saa Lnadro, Xaes. Saa Jote 9-28* 3.00? Beaid*. Winters, Sacramento, rTood- laad, Marrrrfll* and OroTiile 10.45* 3.20? Port Co*taf'?toek ton). Martian. BjTon. Modssto. Merced. Fresno 12.089 3.43? VU Sawilito. West Xspa, St. Helena. OlisMja IOJSm 4.00* Vdlejo. Naps, C*fistota..S*st» Ross, Mirt-aex, Saa Raaon. Dcr;?her.y. lireraors. 9.28* 4-00» X_«, Tracy, Stoektoa. LedL 10.28* 4.40* _a Laadro, Hayvard. KSe*. I t 8.28* . Fleams ton, Lirennore . I 111.48* 5.00? Th«- Owl Liasited— Newnaa, Lo« B*bo*> Mendot*. Kenaaa. Fresso, Tolare, Bak-ria-id. Los Asgriea.. . . . 8.43 c 6.00? Richmond. Pioole. VsiVjo. Port) Costa, Benida, Suijua, Sacraaecto I 1 1.28* —^RoseriSe. Lincoln. J_rysri2le, f 1.08? Ororae, Ftir Oak*. Fofsea J 6.00? RtwkJL Saa Jose. Lo* G»tns 9.23* 5.00? Saturday aad S_cay (or Wright, Fd- too, Sani* Cm* |9.28* o.20? Saa Lasia. XSea. San Jo*o . 7.48* 6.00? Shasta Linked— Pcrthnd. Taeoioa. Settle 9,18* •.40? Eastern Express — Own. IVHrt. Dearer, Kaaau City. St. Lou.:*. - Chieasa - Port Costa, Brsicia, Saeraaeeta, Reno. Sparks." 8-23» &40? Haprard, Xiles tad Saa Jose. . . , 6.48? $7.00? Vtuejo, Port Coti*. Martiaes, Bay Point and W*y Statioaa. Jl 1. 13» \u25a0 8.20? Ore«oa txprrsa —^?aersa:ento, Mirrs- rfile. Reddinj. (SficdoeL Hamati FsS«>. Atalasd. Portland, Taeoaa. - Seafi-v Spokane..: 9.43 a 9.00* Ciiaa aad Japan Fast Mail— Ojden. Cheyssae. Dearer, _tss*s City. Oi_as,GLiea«o..... Z43? ir.oo? Yo— site Valley rla Nil-*, Merred. D Portal 8.43* . 11.00? Nil*-. Lathrep. Modesto, Msrced. Fresno : 10.38? 11.40? PonUn-i Expnm (ri* Dari*}. W3. ' lisas. Wi'Jj-*., fUi Btuff. Weed. Aihlar-d. PcrtUcd. Ttfoaia. Seattla. I 2:28» VIA COAST IUUSE} \Y? ' ' ' (Third aad Tanrasead Strett?) , f5.25* Loop— 23d Street, Vititaooß. scata Saa Franrisro. Valeacia Street t*-35a tS.4O* Loop— Valeifca St, Ocsan VW. C«oMt«ri«s, South ?« Trasdaco. 2&i Street. 3rd and Tonsead. 1 8.50* 6.40* Soith San Fraaeisce, San Jose, Gilr>y. fHoCIsW). Sarjmt. Saliota. 8.50? J7.00* Suadav Escirfion Gilroy, Pajaro, C*»- troTifle. Del Moate, Moaterey, P*cisc Grore 10.50p B.oo* Tbe Coaster — Saa Joe*. CastroTiSe, \u25a0\u25a0 • ( Dd Moate. Master— . P*ri£; Grore). Salisas, Sotedad. Paio RoUes Hot Sprnss, Saa Ltcs Obispo. Putao, — . Oce*ao, .Surf, Loapoc. bant*. Bar- bara, \ entnr*. Oxnard. Los Aa?ti«. I 1.45f . & 05* M*ySejd,Lcs Altos. Lc* Gates. Wrsk. . - (Bodder Creek). Saat* Cros. Watson- rilie, Cutrorifla; Pet Moatf, Mon- ter— , Parifis Grore.'. \u25a0 1.25? 8.20* Soath Saa Francisco. Pab Alto, Saa - Jose. War Stations.. .'... 7_sa 8.20* Los Aboa/Los Gatos. Wri^t, (Bodder Creek), Saata Cr_> t7^o? 9.00* Saa Jo*e. OJrsy. Salinas. Cbawter. Paso Robim Het Spriac*. *** Lai* . Obiipo— Hoilister — S*n_ Cnu, Dd Manta, Slonterey, Paeiae Grore 4.00p 10.40* Socth Saa Francisco, Borliaiame. Sta M*teo, Palo Alto. Saa Jo?e .... 6.3 C* ia«0» Los Altos, Moat* Vista, Lo* G—os.'. { 1 1.30* Valencia St_ Oceaa Tier. O— —, CemeMries. B*drn, San Bnao L 35? 1 1.40k South Saa Fraecisao. San Josr. t8.20a 1.00? Pafcrdar. Palo Alt© aad Way Stations. 5.00? 2.00? ~ South S»a Fraanseo, P*k> Aito, Saa Jose 8.40. T2.00? Ics Alto*. Lo* Gatos, Wriest (Bodder Creek), Sacta. Cnu. t3.20? tZIOB Bar Shore, Yisitarioa. S&a Enn» t4.45? 3.03? Del 3*oat« Expre!*— San Jo*e, Gilroy. CWtteadfß, Watsoar3le. Ssnt» Craa. Dei Moitte, Mont«ey. PariSe Grore. 17 *0? t3.15? MarSeid, lc*Altoi. Urn Gates, (Bodder Ctttl). Santa Cru*. . 9.*3» "- 3.20? Sacth S*a Fraarisco, Saa Jose. Gilroy, CMtroril!*, Salia**. 10L25»v 4.00? Ssaset Eipre» — Tucson. Deming. Q Psjo, Houston. Xcv Orleaa*. Paso EoUes Hot Spriszs. Saa Lcia Obispo. Santa Barbara. Los Aageln. 1 1.40 a 4.00? Gilroy. HoHister. Tna Piaoa 8.50? 4.00? Dei Monte. Monterey. P=cifi« Grore.. . 1 1.45? . 4.00? Kanaas City. St. Louis. Chiesjo 1 1.40* 4.20? South Saa Frandseft, San Jcse 1900* t6.00? Saa Crma. Saa Mateq. Psio Alto. San Jose and Way Station* 9.40 a fS.O3* Loop— 23d Street, Yiaitaeioa. Sosth - ' Saa Fraaciew. Valeaaa Street 15.15* 5.10? Los Altos. Lo; Gates. Wnsht. (Bodder Creek). Saata Cnx..... 9.50? tS.2O? Red*ood. Pab Alto, Saa Jose I.lo* t&20? Los .\ltos. Meat* Vista, Lea Gat-a.. - . t£2o» t5.25? Ksiiaiasie. Saa Mateo, Ssa Jose. t3.20» t5.30? Loop — Val««a St. O«*a Vxrw^ » .._\u25a0 Cemeteries, South Saa Franefseo, 23d Street, *i and To*nsrad 9.40? 5.40? Saa Bmao. San Mateo. RedroDd, Paio Also. sasu Qira. Saa Jo». 7.40* Los Gaio*. Wright. (Bodder Creek). , - . S*£taCr_. 5.4 C? r. tft-00? Mißbrae. Ewtoa, Ean Mateo. Palo Alto. MaySiM, Lcs Alt«. Las Gatos. t&OQ* 6.00? Satsrdara, Wrjbt. Santa Cnu 18.00* , t&05? 23d Street. VL-ctadca, So— I Saa Fraadaeo. Valeaeia Street t7.!5» f8.25f Leap— Yalessa Sowet. Oeeaa \*i— . Ceaeteries, Socth Saa Fr—riseo, OHSif«»T, 3d andTowr uratt f7.«Sj . •-30f -Sooth Saa Francisco. Saa Jote 5.40? a 00? Loa Asstks Pissenzer— San Matco. Redvood, Paio Alto,' Saa Jose, Giroy. , s»lin««. Pas» Eobiev Hot Sprin^i. Saa Lons Obtpo. PSsao. Sant* Barbara, LMAasries........ 8.30 a 11.45? Sooth Saa Fraadsco :Pala Aho. Saa \ 7.20w ' \u25a0^ Jem -......-:\u25a0..\u25a0 f 7.30» t».oopSacaaient» Rirer Steaaieri.... tH-30? • lor Mor&ias. " ? for Afteraooa, ' tSaadsTexeepted. I SusdaT ociy. .. i Sea. aad. Moa. OCEAN SHORE .RAILWAY (12ta and Mis*loß>-i-D*trjr ex. Sut»«*r^-»rr« 7:43 a. f9:3f»a.' *l:t-~p. «:4Op. Ar. S. r.: «7:25«. tft:loa: »lrf».>p. tl-«3r*- Soadays— Lr.: •T:^»." ta^O*. J»l0:10*. "ll:13*. •rsnr.p. ts:«Oi,. .» r .- -: S. r;: '•\u2666^S«..+9Jo*. •11:*>». «4:<^. t*:lsp. " t*B:f»>p- *To *n«l freta. s -Ar!*ta. tTo and frnoi Tnaita.-t . Glen. i£tof> at \u25a0' £alada . .Saa Pedro. Ter- race, .Fa ra Hone. Mm IXcit. Kraa»>ta, Hatfsif*)^ B»y. Connect at" Tnnitaa Gl*n witb ataKe f-c s»n Grejorio, resca>i*ro, reii^« B«m& *_1 I_ — as_^ - ~ -'a"-- -\ :,;..-•," - - .-- -.«.'\u25a0 . . .- " " . • 13