Newspaper Page Text
Additional, -Sports News 1 DELEHANTY DRIVES BALL THAT BREAKS FINGER OF MATHEWSON Great Pitcher, Crippled by Hot Liner, Is Retired From the Game STAADIXG OF THE CfcUBS NATIONAL LEAGUE 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE Club— - . \V L Pctj Club— W L Pet Pimburg 57 £2 722 (Detroit 52 SO 035 Chicago M2S 640 i Philadelphia... 4S 33 003 Neir York 46 31 ">97j Boston 50 35 58S <!nclnr.sU ....42 S» MO! Cleveland .....45 38 556 rhi:»delphi«...34 44S3«iNcw York 37 43 431 ht. Louis. 33 44 42"»Ch'cago 37 45 451 Brooklyn 2» 51 3«2'st. Louis 35 49 417 Boston 23 sg 231 (.Washington ...24 55 304 National League NEW YORK, July 20.— Doubles by Phelps and Evans, the latter a former member^ of the local team, gave St. Louis a 4 to 3 decision over New today in a 11 Inning game. Crandall took Mathewson's place on the rubber In the seventh inning nfter New York's irreat pitcher had broken the middle linger of his left hand in stopping Dele hanty*s drive. Score: Pt. Louis ". 4 10 2 New York 3 io l Batteries— Sailes end Phelps; Math ewson. Crandall r.r.«l Myer. Umpires — Kane and Emvi:*\ BOSTON", .:.:\u25a0 ~~ K gan's hit in th^ seventh; with t . r.,en on bases, gave Cincinnati tlie ;• ;<>ry over Boston to day: 2to 1. Scare: R. H. E. Cincinnati 2 7 0 Boston . . . .• -. . . i 7 • . Batteries — Rowan and McLean; Fer puson and Smith. Umpire — O'Day. | PHILADELPHIA, July 20. — Pittsburg was shut out today by Philadelphia. 3 to 0. by the excellent pitching of Con rldon and his good support. Not a Pitts burg player reached second base. Score: R. H. E. Philadelphia 3 10 1 Pittsburg 0 4 * 1 Batteries — Corridon and Doom; Phll- I'-FPi and Gibson. Umj>ire — Klem. BROOKLTTN. July 20. — An error by McElveen gave Chicago a chance to, rally in the ninth today, and tie the score, but he redeemed himself with a timely single in the * last half that brought Clement across with the wSn run. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 5 8 1 Brooklyn 6 10 2 Batteries — Pfelster, ' Higglnbot'jam and Archer: Hunter, Mclntyre and Ber gen. Umpires — Johnstone and Rlgler. American League 1 DETROIT. July 20. — Today's game j •was tossed off by Detroit in the sev enth, when New York scored three runs without a hit or without putting the" ball out of the infield. Score. Detroit .» 1* 5 "4 New York 6 9 2 Batteries — Donovan and Schmidt; Warhop and Kleinow. ST.. LOUIS. July 20.— The St. Louis batters could not solve Morgan's de livery today arid Philadelphia won, 2 to 0. Score: Philadelphia. ................ .2 5 0 £t. XjOuXs ................ ....(; 5 0 Batteries — Morgan and Livingstone; j Pelty. Bailey and Stephens. CHICAGO. July 20. — Chicago won its third consecutive game from Washing ton, 6 to 1, today. Score: R. H. E. Chicago 6 9 0 Washington 1 ~7 1 Batteries—^Vhite and Sullivan; AVith"^ erup. Altrock and Street." CLEVELAND, July; 20. — Boston de feated Cleveland, 4 io 0, today. Wood was very effective and was backed up by sensational fielding. Score: R. H. E. Cleveland ,0 6 3 Eoston r (9. - 1, Batteriep — Felkenberg, Sutton and Easterly; Wood and Donohue. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At CoJumbus-MTolumbus 9, Kansas City 2. At Louisville — Louisville 6. Milwau kee 0. Ati Indianapolis — Indianapolft 4, St. Paul 10. At Toledo — Minneapolis 2, Toledo .1. IO START WORK ON" TRACK . KENTFIELD. July 19— A reßolution was adopted at the meeting: of "the iventfleld driving association last even ing to the effect that work on the speedway at Tamalpais center be ttarted at once. The track is already *urveyed. The ground for the speed way vras granted by the Stadium as sociation, which controls the stadium and grounds that were given to the use o' the public by Mrs. Adeline E. Kent. Jt is expected that the first amateur races will be pulled off between ' August 1 and 10. .-<\u25a0 -' CAKNEV LEADS AT TOOI^ In tJie opening grame of the pool match between Joe Carney, the coast champion, and Ed Dowd of Buffalo, at €00 points, Carney led his opponent l&Et night by a fair margin. At the conclusion of tho evening's play at the Central parlors Carney had 207 points to Dowd's 185. The match will con tinue this evening and tomorrow night. XEWS OV THE OCEA\ Tbe Alameda'4 (:irgn The steamer Alamttia saikxl for -Honolulu on Saturday with cargo ralacd at $125,351 and in cluding *tU* following: y E2,3(Xj lbs malt. 20.21S lbs. beans, 2.041 lbs per.s, 10.000 lbs ciWltced, 100 ctls corn, 8,030 lbs ' aad 8 cs neaiK. 4.:-;00 lbs dried -fruit.. 700 lbs raisins. 1.237 cs canned goods. 2,102 pkgs fresh frnltn, 117 pkgs »*g-<»tahl«, 1,395 p"»s fwtatoei", 420 pkgi- onions, 3.iC7 Ihs garlic. 2,000 lbs fresh meat, 500 lbs fr*-sh fi*li. 0.254 lbs dressed poultry. 4.09U lbs tea. D.TS lbs ;-i;<rar. 19.ST>3 lbs hams an 4 bacon, 7.IRS lbs lard, 14.4.V! lbs but trr, 7.KT5 U)s »nd 19 tx«K cheese. 04 cs CKgs, 2.835 lbs and 00 bx* bread. 6,t>20 lbs dried fish/ 0.700 lbs oodfisli. i,3?C lbs chicory, CM lbs chocolate. «.703 lbs and 12 pkgs candy. , 10 cs Loiip.v. 20.CC7 gals and . r >4 os wine, 187 cals and o re whi&ky, SI <-s mineral water. 20 o» grapejuice. .to cals stud 40. ca sin. 11 <s champag^*. 101, gals and 5 cs llqnore. S cs bratoAy, 5 cs porter, v os ale. 150 pals alcohol. 207 doors, 23 pkes win <J«we, 144 WUs chooks. 12 pkjes wagon material, J45 bdls wire, 47 rolls leather. 7 pkgs *addlery, 2* «i tmots and «Uws, 104 pkgs dry goods. G cs feats, 210 cs soap. SO pkgs rubber good*,- 52 cyls Fas, 10 pkgs electrical goods. 3 automobiles and IS pkg* pans. 7 pkgs agricultural Implement*. $5 pkgs firms and ammunition. $77 lbs and 1 cs tobe ret?, Jl cs cigars, and 'cigarette*. 60 pcs and 5 Ml* rtrpl and iron." 52 pkgs machinery. 04 cs cad 9 tblfc oils, 114 pkgs paints, ICD pkss drugs. Cattle Stampede on -Water Front Twenty bead 4' cattle belonitlng to J. John •^ f ton & Co. \u25a0 of Bntcbertown 1 stampeded at - 2 o'clock yesterday morning from Lombard street wb«rf. Two vs<ju«>ro* ~*n4 the police. Joined forces, and <l»yii}rut found them still on \he rt*f-f with half of tbe stock still . missing. '\u25a0\u25a0 It was noon before the lan wandering etcer was rounded up. " Pern Sail* Todnr •Tlie Pacific Mall liner Peru. Captain Mackln non, will \u25a0 salt at notm. today for Panama : and way ports. TocPftra veUl carry « large cargo •b<J 20 cabin pa»e«Bg*T«, of - Trhom-, eight - are i CbJnf*e. In the steerage tiie liner -will carry. \u25a0 20 European passengers and 20 Chinese.* Among I tbe cabin passnngm "will be "Mrs. George W. £e€t, wife of a Chaiapciico coffee planter. Cricketers Change Methods of Compiling Averages The California cricket association held a special, meeting last night and adopted a resolution, in regard to the compiling of the official batting'" and bowling averages. In the past the asso ciation only complied averages. on the first inning of a game if the second in ning had no bearing on the ultimate re sult of the game. This mode was en tirely at variance with the methods adopted by all cricketing bodies -In other parts of this country and in for eign countries. -^ The meeting unanimously decided to adhere to the correct melhod.of compil ing the averages and in future all runs made o£f the bat and all bajls bowled In competition games will be counted in the official averages. w \u2666 ; Two new games were placed on the schedule. On August 8 Great Britain will be given a chance to avenge her last defeat at the. hands of Australia, and on September 5 the married and slngie teams will meet again. r . ATHLETES AT SEATTLE SEATTLE, July 20.— The team that will represent Chicago in the national championship meet of the Y.~M. C. A. at the Alaska-Yukon-Paciflc exposition stadium Friday and Saturday arrived tonight. The team consists of H. Irons; H. v. McCartney, F. Saver, C. Chapman, H. D.ueslng and E. Howell. George Z Sutton.-- the sprinter of the Philadel phia team, also arrived tonight. The other members of the Philadelphia team and the Kansas City team are expected tomorrow. DEVEnEAUI GOES XORTH [Special Dispatch to The Call]' \u25ba SANTA CRUZ. July 20— Bill Dever eaux has left for Portlands where he has an offer to play in the Northwest league. He plans to take an all Amer ican team to Australia thla winter, re turning by way of China and .Japan. STUDENTS 3IAY IMPROVE TRACK ALAMEDA, .July 20.— 1f the park commissioners do not improve the ath letic grounds at Lincoln park, particu larly the cinder path, the l improve ment may be made by the students of the Alameda .high school, according to Principal G. C. Thompson. Coast Brevities KILLED BY THAIN— Eakersfield. Jalv 20 — The man killed l>y train No. 8 last night "at Kern City was identified today as T. G Zent lately of Maricopa, a carpenter, returning from Coalmga. PASTEHB IHaiTATE JAPANESE — Bakerß field, July 20.— -Fire the Jap." This is the slo gan that was pasted in public places all over this city last night. Tin? pasters were printed In Seattle and bear tbg typographical nnion label. It'coald not be leanied who stuck the ftickers about town, but the local Japanese are much exercised. SCHOOL FU3JD APPORTIONMENT — Palo Alto.- July 20. — Second and final apportionments for the year from the state schpol fond have been received by the various districts from County Superintendent D. T. Bateraan. Fnlo Alto receives $3,134, giving this district first place outside of San Jose, Santa Clara being second. wltfr $2,C."C. -• PALO ALTO OETB CONVENTION— Palo Alto. July 20.— At a regular executive tueetiog of the Ban:a Clara county Christian Endeavor union to day It was decided that the next county conven tion, which will take place in October, will be held ia this city. The fljrht for. the convention was warm, the contesr lyinp between Palo Alto and Lob Gatos, but the university. «lty, » which hits struggled for the ' convention . Fix years,' finally won. . . ~. - • = SAN DIEGO, July 20.— A log raft containing' feet of lumber arrived In port, this evening. ' It left Astcfrla on the Cth inst. and was towed down the coast by the tug Hercules. BIRTHS, MARRIADES AND DEATHS *|~ Notable Deaths W?\ s. : L^ — _ 2 >y IIES. SARAH L. ROGERS. RELICT OF A "GOVERNOR— SeattIe. July 20.— Mr*. Sarah L. Rogers, widow of tbe late Governor John R. Rogers, who was elected on the populist ticket In Jfc:n> and died in office, died at her borne ' In this city this morning, \u25a0 aged 69 years. 4. •-. : / ". ' . » ! Marriage Licenses -| The -following marriage licenses werS issued in San Francisco Tuesday, July 20, 1909: CARMODY— DIVIXY— Stephen Carmody. 28. IiSOA Natoma St., and Delle Dlvlny, 20, 817- Lyons st- * CIIIMSON— WARD— Arthur E. Chimson. 29/ Sacramento, and Berdena Ward, 29, Oak Park. ECKIIOFF— RAAZ— Fred J. Eckhoff. CO, and Louisa liaaz. 38. both of Bakersfield. _ | FAGALDE— WRIGHT— Edward J. Fagalde, 29, and Lizzie Wright. 38, both of San Jose. GL'TTKE — GOTTSCHALK — Arthur Guttke, 20, and Anna A. GoUscbalk, 21, both of 3325 Twenty-third st. - ; UENNO — LANE— Reginald R. Henno. 23, Oak- land, and. May Lane, 20, 3300 Twenty-third street. KENNEDY— KHRLICK— Bruce C. Kennedy, 21. 11110, and Alda D. Ebrlick, 21, :U32 McAllis- ter sti SicLKAN— LESSELS— AIexander McLean. S3, and Margaret J . Lcssels, M, both of 1315 Han- toiae- st. 1 MONTGOMERY— SCTTON— AIbert E. Montgom- ery. 30,- and Ethel M. Sutton, 30, both , of Saa Francisco. RELLE— McDONALD— Lee So Relle, 22, 010 •Fillmore st:. aud Ella M. McDonald, IX. 2920 Twenty-third Bt. . - • • \u25a0 . . - ' , RHYNE— HESKETH— Perry McK. Rhyne, 24, end Edna V. Kesketh. l'J, both of Oakland. SM'TH— COLNON— Howard S. Smith, 40. San Francisco, and Hazel E. Coluon, 24, Stock- .. tonl : . Jiirth, marriage and death Dotices sent by mall will not be insetted. They mast bo handed iv at « i tlirr of tbe publication offices and be imlorsed wlih the name and residence of persons author- ized to Lave the same published. Notices re- stricted simply to. tbe announcement of. the event ere published once in this column free of charge. BIRTHS KATZ— In this city, July 10. 1909. to the "wife of L<-uls Katt (formerly Pearl Bcnnette), a t " OQ- mEfSBQBISiIXnSBSSSiI LESS— In -this r city, July 20, 1909/ to the wife of* A. S. Less,' a soa. .'...» Marriages YON PFLUGK— WESTWORTH— In - this city. July 17, 1909, " by' the Key. M. II; Xlebe, \ Herman A. V. you Pflugk and Lney D. Weut- wortli, both of San Francisco. WOLFF— HANXE^-In this city. July 17,' 1909. by the ' Kov. Hermau <lehrcke, Daniel Wolff and Helen Caroline Hanke, both of San Francl«-o. ''\u25a0:.,\u25a0 - .-\u25a0.,,; DEATHS Andrews, Wm.^.J:.C2 Jensen, A«nte"C.".'..'3S Barry, Wm. K. ... 19 Johuson, " Hanna '...". «<3 Beck, Henry 78 Layers, Mary E...&4 Brady, Dorothy ... 4 Lechner, Charles "It." 19 Brcuer, Marie U . . . 82 Lee, Susy - . .". ...... . ,70 Briggs, • Arthur F.. IS Levy, Bernard , ;..•.. — Cohn, Louis 74 Mltchel, Winifred .. V Doyce, William.... 69 Moran. Elizabeth '.. C 2 Franks, Mary .....50 Morris, 1 William .. .V 03 Furter, Marie '. 91 Murphy, Hanna ...;. — Cratto. Kiiimn M. 57 Oolmus, Win. M.. . .10 Griffin," Margaret.*. — Roscnqnlst, Ben .'..".40 Harrison. „ Bertha . .. 62 .Severance. M. . ' H . .' 27 Holmer,- Christinia. 78 Stanke. Alberts F.... — Hueber. Henry "". ;.. 26 Thompson, '•. John '. ."...70 Jennings, James P. 31 1 West, - George . F. . . . 27 \u25a0 *-™™™ — . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \- '\u25a0--"] #\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0' ANDREWS— In * thia olty. July 19, : 1909, \u25a0 Wil- liam J.. dearly beloved husband of Annie Andrews, . and devoted -• father of • Grace ' An- drews, ' a native , of New \u25a0 Bedford, : Mass.; . aged 52 years 2 \u25a0 months • and - 15 - days. A member . of the * Brotherhood of Teamsters. fejPfefiWSitei ' • - Tiie = faneral will:. 'take', place -\u25a0 tomorrow (Thursday), July- 22, UnW, at 12:30 o'clock p. m., at . bin. late •* residence,..: 1054 " Noe I street, thence .to Masonic building. Fourteenth and Railroad -. avenues . South, where • services will be . beld under : the auspices of : South •\u25a0 San •Franciaco lodge ' No. :" 212/ F. & A.. M., at . 1:30 p.-m. 1 'Interment -Mount 'Olivet* cemetery, .^ by~ carriage. . Please omit flowers. ' '\u25a0\u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0- BASKy-In WaUejoV Cal.. July 17. 1009. Wll- 11am F.," ; beloved son \u25a0 of ; David , and ' the late Mary. A. " Barry, and ; lorlng - brotUer of . THE: SAXtaFBANCISCO CALL, WEDNESDAY,: JULY 21c 1909. Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys FIVE YEARS' FUND TO BOOST VALLEY Sacramento Development Asso ciation Agrees to Raise xsso,ooo Annually SACRAMEXTO. July 20.— At a meet ing held this afternoon In this city, which was attended by delegates from the board of supervisors, , chamber of commerce, city trustees -and large pri vate interests from all parts of the Sac ramento valley, the. Sacramento Valley Development association was unan imously requested to at once undertake to raise a fund of $50,000 a year for five years for advertising. the valley. Among those who spoke in favor' of the plan were'E. R. Lilienthal of San Francisco, president of the Northern electric rail way; George W, Peltier, manager of the California state bank of this city; former Senator Marshall Dlggs, presi dent of the Sacramento Valley ( Develop ment association; State Senator A. E. Boypton, \u25a0 representing W. P. Hammon Trtid associates, who, are now carrying out "immense 'development enterprises i representing investments running into 1 many millions of dollars/and many oth ers of large affairs in this part of the state. V-;. -. •\u25a0 \u25a0;.•.;-\u25a0- The plan Is to raise this v money through appropriations made by county boards of supervisors and private sub scriptions. . This is the largest advertising cam paign ever undertaken in this part of the state, and it is proposed. to bring In a desirable class of people to settle upon the farm lands of the valley. Some of the largest irrigation and- reclamation projects ever undertaken In- the west arc- now undar way in the Sacramento valley and there is now available In t farm units of from 10 to 40 acres fully 500,000 acres" of river land capable of supporting 2,000,000 people. Rufus P. Jennings, chairman of the, California Promotion committee, spoke at the meeting, saying in part: The development of the Sacramento valley is of highest importance to the entire state of California. This move to provide the necessary funds to carry on this work of development in a business like way should, and I believe will, have the hearty support of all. The. proposi tion to have guaranteed financial back- Ing format -least five years Is based on sound business principles. The follow up system is what counts. Concentrated effort is necessary to get best results. The Sacramento vValley Development association haa done, splendid work during the last decade. The thanks of the people are due to its officers: and to the father of the valley,. General Will S. Green, for the part he played fn bringing the organization Into active being- and in guiding its activities up to ''the time of his crossing "into' that other valley ; we all have to find sooner or 'ater. .' -- .. RED MEN INSTALL OFFICERS— South San Francisco, July 20. — The local tribe of Red Men lias installed .the following officers, tbe .ceremo nies being conducted -by. District Deputy Great •Sachem Harry ' Kdwords - and Grand Conductor . George Kiessling: A, v E. Kanffman. prophet; Henry Kneese, sachem;. E. Hmperta, senior saga more: James Wallace, junior sagamore; George E. Klessllng. keeper of records : Edward Stahl, keeper of, wampum; George' Mahoney, "inside guard; J. Gnerra. outside guard; George Kies-. sling, first Vi-arrior. Mrc. Thomas Tt. tines Jr. of Bremerton, Wash-: Hlchard O..*Darld • 0.. Edward 1., and Mlbs Belle Barry, a native of ' Lak e-county, Cal.. . agod_ 18 years. . \u25a0 . ; • .. . Friends and acquaintances are respectfully lnTitfd to attend tbe funeral tomorrow (ThurK- .-\u25a0 day), July 22, at 9 o'clock a. in., from his late residence, 1314 Napa -street, Vullejo, thence -to St. Vincent's churcb, S where • a re- *uiim high mass will be celebrated for tiie repose of bis soul, commencing at. 0:30 o'clock. BECK— In Oregon City. Orei, July 17. 1000. Henry, dearly beloved husband of Mmillc Beck, and devoted father, of Mrs.- Ilenry Wettler of Oregon City, Charles T. Beck of liarris- , burg, la.; Mrs. Charles T. Seeraann, John • 1». Beck and Mrs. Fred Offermaiyj, a natWe of Baden, Germany, affed 78 years 2 months and 6 days. A member of San Francisco lodge No. S, B. P. O. B.; Golden Gate stamm No.- 74, , U. O.- K. M.; Verba Buena lager Ko. 8 U. O. R. M., and GeescUchaft Teutonla. Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend tbe '" funeral tod^y (Wednesday), at 2 o'clock •. p. m.. from the residence of bis daughter, -Mrs. Fred Offer- tnann, .28 Kureka street near Seventeenth. In- terment - Cypress I.awn cemetery, by electric funeral car from Twenty-eighth and Valen- cia streets. BRADY— In this city. July. 20, IDOO, Dorothy, Infant daughter of Tliomag end Celene Brady, «nil sister of tbe late Clarice Brady, a; na- tive -of San Francisco, Ual., aged 4 years « and 0 months. \u25a0 BREUER— In BnrllnKarae. Cal.. July 20. 1909. Marie Ursula," beloved wife of Anton Breuer, and lovhiß mother of -Otto, A. Breuer. n na- tivp of - llavensburir. Germany, aged 82 ycarj if) months and 12 days. - Friends . ami acquaintances nrc respect fully invited to attend tlie funeral tomorrow (Thurs- day), July 22, lIKiO, at 12 o'clock, from lifr late residence, ou Ralston : avenue, Burlin. ffame, Cal.. thenco. to Cypress I-awn ceme- tenv. by carriage. Cremation. - BRIGGS— In Berkeley. Cal.. July 20, WOft, Ar- thur V. BrIRKK, dearly beloved son of Uu- bert^and Sarah Brlggs, and brother or* Hubert Witc'iem Brlggs. a native of I,os Gatos, Cnl., aged 15 years 2 months and- 10 days. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services tomor- row (Thursday), July' 22,- 1900, at 2 o'clock |i. m.. at the. fflfeily , residence, 1500 Euclid - avenue,'; Berkeley. >\u25a0 COKN— In this city, Ixmis. beloved husband of \u25a0Emilie Cohn, loving father of Newman Cohn of Ban Uafasl, Cal.; giraon, Gustave and Ilerman Cohn, Mr*. L.J. Neumann. Mrs. Phoebe Glas- eer and j Mrs. J. Ostern of San . Uafael, and - brother of , Marcps - Cohn; a' native of Ex In, Trussia, aged 74 years. A ' member of Fidelity loilge, F. & A. M., and Masnolla lodge. Notice of funeral hereafter. • DOYCE-^ln this city,; July 19. 1909* William Doyce. a native of Mexico,' aged 03; years. , FRAIfK^ln this city, July J7. 1903. Mary Franks, loving mother of Mrs., 11. -X. Dunning, a native of Canada, aged 50 years.' Friends and acquaintances ore respect- fully invited, to. attend- the funeral today (Wednesday), at 8 o'clock a. m.. from , the parlors of •J. C. O'Connor & C 0. ,-770 Turk . street/: thence 'to \u25a0 St. \u25a0 Teresa's . church, ' where .a- requiem high . mass will be cele- brated for the repose . of : ber soul, com- mencing -j at : 9 : o'clock a. m. . lntefmcnt ' Holy Cross cemetery. ". . • FURTES— In Oakland. Cal.. July ,19, 1909, ', Marie," wife of the lale Samuel Furter. mother of \u25a0 Mrs.- C. - P.: jScboll and Mrs. -Fredicka . Tsehantz.v and : grandmother- of Mrs. J., H. .Frltschl, Mrs. B". Bertola and Albert Tschantz 'of San Francisco, .. a \u25a0 native of ; Switzerland, -aged'9l yecrs." ' . *\u0084. " . Friends' and. acquaintances are. respectfully \u25a0 Invited to 'attend tlie • funeral services i this . . (Wednesday) ..afternoon,', July. 21, 1909, at 2 . o'clock,' at her late-home, 1043 Poplar, street,' \u25a0' Oakland. Interment j private.^ GBATTO— Passed away, • July 20, 1909/ Emma - Maxwell = Gratto. •- dearly \u25a0 beloved '\u25a0 mother of \u25a0\u25a0'-"Mrs. Louis r Nonnemann and Mrs. F.' W.^lsall, and devoted daughter of the < late D/H.'Riek- ' man, . n 'native of - Missouri. \u25a0 aged' 57 years and , 4 r months. \u25a0 (Ilealdsburp, . Cal./ : papers -,p!ease '"copy.)..- ..':.•' \u25a0.':' ' '.--. :,.\u25a0"\u25a0_» Friends . and \u25a0 acquaintances ; are rcapectf ully *. invited . to '; attend the funeral ,- services today ? ( Wednesday ) . • at ; 5 : o'clock p. » m^ atherlate 1657 ' Twelfth avenue South; i lnter-" nicnt Healdßbnrg. :Cal..;;on arrival of a. 17 m.' -train Thursday.-) Please omit flowers.',^. GRlFFlN— ln 'this city; July 20," 1909,; Margaret*' i dearlyybeloTed »' daughter of Frank ,. and > Mary - Griffin, * and •- lovtog sister \u25a0of • Francis \u25a0:\u25a0 Grif fln,' 'a native of, San, Francisco,' Cal., ; aged 2 months T- and* 2B. days.' ;/ v \u25a0'\u25a0 . ~ '":-, ".,'-• ( •.•?-.' "> "c, HARRISON— In this city/july 19, - 1900/ Bertha, .-: beloved '; wife of i Michael ; Harrison. . and • mother , of -Mrs. 'Sol Eisenberc. and 'Jennie and •- the ~ late '"Engene;; Harrison," ?a- native' of . Sehoenßee,* Germany/ aged '62 s years ?Bs months . and 0 day*: 'A' member- of tho Ladles' Endeavor < Society f of i Congregation^ Beth s > lgrael.** (New ,*- York \u25a0pa pens ' please :. copy. ).->!" *• " \u25a0; . . r.. ; ;-,.', "Friends v* and "/ acquaintances '' arc " - : respect- % fully .. Invited tjr to: s attend . tho : • f uuoral -' today O ( Wednesday ) , s. at •' 10 L o'clock - a.' m .: <, from *; the . - funeral- parlors' of -the 'U.- $\u25a0• , Maass com- PICKPOCKETS ROB FARMER OF $2,638 Pocketbook Containing Big Sum and Railroad -Tickets Is Taken \ \u25a0 .\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0~ \u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '. - - -. \u25a0 ' • [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. July ,20.— Perry Eherenman, a Napa valleys-farmer, who disposed of his property and who .was en route to Ashland,^Ore., was' 'robbed of $2,638.15 by pickpockets early this morning while boarding a train at the Southern Pacific depot. He was crowding Into a car with, a grip in each ' hand when men jostled him, seemingly, to' crowd'past. Upon reaching a seat he "felt for.his ticket and found that the pooketbook, containing all his currency,' notes, checks and tickets, had been stolen. VETERAN OF CIVIL WAR ' .^GETS $15 FOR SERVICES vk — : , . \u25a0\u25a0 . .:\u25a0• "Squirrel Shooter" Receives Pay From Ohio . ' '" - -.-V .; • [Special 7 Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. July 20.— Henry Wolf, superintendent of the city water works, 'received a warrant today from the state of Ohio for $15 in acknowl edgment of his services In the "squir rel shooters," a hastily mustered regi ment ,whlch used squirrel : ; guns In guarding the Ohio river, near Cincinnati in 1862, when 1 the alarm went through Ohio that General Kirby Smith, with an army of confederates, was march ing to take Cincinnati. Wolf was then 16 years old and did not see service be cause the confederates -failed to reach that far. f WOMAN TREADS. ON TOES OF BURGLAR IN HOME Thief Makes Escape During Ex- citement Following- Discovery [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. July 20.— Mrs. Charles C. Morris, -wife 'of a book keeper in the secretary of state's j office, stepped on the, toes of j burglar early this morn* Ing and in the excitement wtjich fol lowed the robber escaped without se curing any valuables. Mrs. Morris was awakened by a noise which she thought was a blowing curtain. : In stepping across the hall to investigate the dis turbance she tread on the toes of the intruder. OROVILLE LOCAL JUMPS TRACK NEAR HORNCUT Passengers Uninjured and Con- tinue on Motor Car [Special Dispatch to The Call] MARYSVILLE, July 20.— The Orovllle local was ditched four, miles south '; of Horncut this morning;-.the locomotive and all cars leaving the track. .: No one was hurt,, as all the coaches remained upright. Passengers were brought here on a motor car and a N wrecking crew cleared tHe track this afternoon. pany, 1335 Golden Gate . avenue near Flll- 5 more stre«t. Interment . S.ilrm cemetery, by 11:30 -o'clocV a. m. train from ' Third -.and 'fownsend streets. HOLMER— In ', this city. July 19. 1909, Chris- - tlnia. beloved wife of Jesse Holmer, a uative \u25a0of Denmark, aged 78 years 5 months ana 3 . . claya. ' - . \ HUEBER— In this c»y. July 17, 4.90!>, Henry Hueber, Nearly beloved- husband of \u25a0 Frieda Hueber, 7a . native of Alsace-Lorralae, aged 20 years 7 months and 22 ' days. A member of Alsace-Lorraine wv-iety. The funeral will take" place today (Wednes- day), July 21, ISO 9, at 1:30 p. m.\ from* the parlors of Valente, ; Marlnl, Marais & Co.; C 49' Green street,' where" services will be held under the ' auspices of Court General Lawton No. 171, . F. 0. A. Interment - Mount Olivet cemetery. ' .. , . SOCIETY ALSACE-LORRAINE'-- Officers and members" are requested* to attend the funeral of our late comrade," Ilenry Hueber, to- day (Wednesday), July 21, 1909, at 1:30 o'clock, from the parlors of Valente, Marini, Marais &: Co.; 049 Green street., By order, . .. . L. METTER. President. GEORGE J. MARTIN. Secretary. JENNINGS— In this city,' July 19, 1009. James P., . beloved son of Peter . and the late Mar- garet Jennings, and brother of Sister \u25a0 Mary Gabriel, a native at San Francisco,' Cal., aged 31 years. . . • '.'.Funeral private/Interment Holy Cross ceme- tery. Remains at the funeral parlors of Sam- tiel McFadden& Co.', 1070 Haight street near Baker. . , '--. . . . . -. JENSEN— In this city. July IS, 1009,' Annie Caroline Jensen, : dearly .beloved wife of C. E. Jensen, and loving' mother. of Elma " Carolina nnd Annie Jensen, a native of California, aged 33 years 10. months and 8 days. (Point Arena \u25a0 papers please copy.) and- ncqnaintances are respect- fully iuviled to attend the funeral today (Wednesday), July 25, 1909, at 1:30 o'clock p. in., . from," ahe mortuary chapel of the .Gdlden Gate undertaking company. 2475 Mis- sion street near Twenty-flrst Interment ' Mount Olivet .cemetery. JOHNSON— In this city) July- 20. 1909. Hanna. - dearly , beloved wife of J'oarlos \u25a0 Johnson, lor- J Ing mother' of Kmma, ; - Mamie, Eleanor and . Charlie ' Johnson, and sister -of Mrs. Herman <'. ITansen, Mrs. August Larsen and Mrs. Con- rad : Mattson,' a native of Sweden,- aged 35 1 years. ' . -' \u25a0 - : ' -\u25a0-;."••\u25a0.;\u25a0\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0""-. "'\u25a0-.. "Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Jnvlted \u25a0to attend-Uhe funeral • services tomor- row (Thursday), July 22, • 1009, •at - 1 o'clock .p. m., at her, late - residence, 4173 * Twenty- third, street near Diamond. Interment Mount \u25a0 Olivet cemttery. ... . .- :. ..-".. - / ... , LAYERS— In this : city. ' July 19, ! 1909/ Mary '• X. ' . ' beloved wife >, of the . late , Thomas 'R. Layers and loving - mother tof Louis J.\" Law- rence. F. and Josephine B." Layers/ Mrs. \u25a0 C." ' W. • Keen and Mrs. ; , F . . •W . - 1 Rush, ' a native', of Canada, aged 04 years, 3 months and 23 days. The . funeral ; services > will >\u25a0 take f place < today {Wednesday), 'at 2 o'clock p. in., at • tbe parlors of D.'l." Kenny & Co.,- 17U" . Efidy street near Scott.* \ Interment Greenlawn ceme-; .'\u25a0'tery. : ' \u25a0•.- \u25a0.- %\u25a0".;;." \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.':\u25a0*.' LECHNER— In ' this city, July 10, : 1909. Charles Raymond,' beloved son \u25a0 of -Annie ! Lechner -and the .late - Lechner, ; - a*. native - of ; San Francisco,. Cal., aged '19.; years • 10 ..months and 16 days. .•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0< dx^nimr"lnawijg^iftgffffff^fi Frieuds . nnd \u25a0 acquaintances are respect- ' fully Invited^; attend 1 the funeral; today ( Wednesday)."/ July '•\u25a0 21, 190», . at ; 8:3o «.'« m.; from theparlors of Mcßrearty &McCormlck,. 915 • Valencia street \ near • Twentieth/ ; thence "to St. ' Paul's j church f-', where la ' requiem \u25a0 mass celebrated -for: the \u25a0repose of "his'soul, r " commencing at 9 a., m. .lnterment - Holy : Cros* \u0084'c emetery .'"..•_-. .. .' " . ' ' ..- . ; --.*\u25a0-\u25a0 .;. -\u25a0_:. LEE— In Escaile. Marin county. Cal., Susy -Lee, - s beloved - wife of " John ? Lee, \u25a0 mother •of * Frank Lee, , Mrs. H.v Lounge and Mrs. A. ? P.i sin- ;• clair,- and \u25a0 gramTmotber, of -. Benjamin 'Lee, Arthur Overholser and Lee • and • Willie Craw- V ford - and - Victor.. Lee/: a - native ; of • Yorkshire. Eng..; aired 79 years.- "- " -;-. ..»-.; .• - ; .»,^- v Friends > are respectfully.: Invited to * attend I/? the " \u25a0; funeral \u25a0 " services w today .' (Wednesday) , at the-family residence,* Escaile,' Marln county. on * arrival : of ~, thp \ 9 :15 a." > m. , boat > from \ San - " Francisco. --' Interment - Cypress ... Lawn ,;\u25a0 cerae- - electric-'- funeral -car -leaving, the ferry at 12:4. r » n. , m.i , , LEVY— Iu '. this c|ty. -July 20, 1909, .Bernard. -. - dearly/; beloved • husband of - the - late » Fannie s '- Levy, .'and -father of Mrs. C. .W.'. Balleyiof v 1v 1 Pittsburg," Pa. ;.",. Mrs. '-- Al "I>evy :, of -; Chlcaßo, ; 111. ; ';> J . :- K . •-. Levy of Portland, t Ore.,- j and ; \ Flora; : Abe.i S., F. > F.I and Mark j H. ; Levy, - a na- . M? . ;TUE ' SELECTION^ 6f,'A Pf-OT j II IN MOUNT OLIVET j j " ";; -\u25a0\u25a0 Can iße'itladei Be'itlade In Cityj Office Xf-'.i H" S Grant Bldgr., Market & 7th St*. \u25a0 RESTRAINED FROM ERECTING POLES War of Rival Telephone Com panies Is Taken to the Courts '[Special Dispatch to The Call].-{: WILLOWS, July -20— An injunction was -/granted today -by Judge- Albery that'will insure, a, truce for the time being between rival £ telephone com panies which resulted yesterday in the arrest of O. H. Quatman, Oakland real dealer," and four employes, cjiargod; with cutting- down poles'. of the Pacific telephone company. , - \u25a0•/The; company is restrained from fur ther erecting poles on land owned by Quatman. Quatman" is Interested: In 'the; Glenn County telephone "company, which l operates . under a county fran chise and; pays a tax on it. He claims the Pacific \u25a0; telephone company should also . have a franchise' and pay a , tax. For this . reason, he. has opposed the extension of Its lines. The Injunction will coma up for argument later in the week. 1 !. - "' . ' .. \u25a0\u25a0- ... \u25a0' DEMANDS $1,000 DAMAGES WHEN REFUSED WATrfk Orchardist Sues the South Feather Company OROVILLE, July 20^— John Watkins, orchardist, of Wyandotte. has- brought suit against the South Feather, land and water company for refusing to "deliver him water for irrigation. He has been receiving. water from this company for eight years, but was refused water dur ing the. month of "July. Ho has never had a contract* with, the company. He asks $1,000 damages and an order com pelling the company to furnish him water when he applies. ACTRESS VISITS FATHER AFTER 13 YEARS' ABSENCE Lolita Robertson Makes Trip to Old Home in Redding *- \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 i~ \u25a0---• . [Special Dispatch to The Call] REDDING, July 20.— Lolita Robert son, leading woman with Max Figman, has just concluded.a short visit here to herr father, Frank »H.- Robertson, editor xof the Democratic Register, whom she had not seen for. 1 3 years. The girl; left home years ago and has since won fame, as an actress, having received recognition-^ as a leading woman in San Franciaco before the flre. GOVERNOR QILLETT TO i APPEAR AS ATTORNEY Will Attend to Law Practice During Vacation* . [Special Dispatch to The Cell] SACRAMENTO.^ July 20.— While spending his vacation- in Eureka, Gov ernor Gillett wiir appear .before the superior court of .Humboldt county as an 'attorney' In a" civil suit which has been pending since the time whenTthe governor was practicing law in* his home town., C tive of Alsace, France. A member of Triumph lodge No. 180. A.'.O. U. W. (Sonoma, Cal., papers please copy.) v \u25a0 The funeral will take place tomorrow (Thurs- day). Julj-^22. 1909. at 10 o'clock, from U»e parrors of Theodor Dlerks" & C 0. ,; 900 -Devlsa- dero street corner of ; McAllister. Interment Eternal Home cemetery, by electric funeral car from Twenty-eighth and Valencia' streets. Funeral private. Please omit flowers. MI , T CHEL— In _tai3 city/. July 20. ' 1909. Winl- Jm."-V ,beloT, bel0T S d . "lanshtor of John and EHen Mltchel and loviny sister- of Catherine, Mary R. and John M. Mitchel, a native-of San .Francisco, Cal., aged 1 year 3 months and 23 "ays. \u0084 . . -* -~-\' :::- \u25a0\u25a0'-\u0084, - Interment private. MORAN— In this city, July 20, 1909. Elizabeth, dearly beloved - wife of Thomas Moran, and devoted mother of Richard G. Moran Mrs J. Berry and Mrs. D. Roberts, a native of England, aged C 2 years.B months and 3 days. MORRIS— In Oakland, Cal., July 120,1 20, 1909 Wil- ll . am ,', usbaml of Alta L. Morris, and father of Malcolm Morris, aged 03 years j laluer V - V Jt? nY ,-ll* i^f-r " S«3r- *?>y. 20. 1909. Hanna. JT «i ? wfn el U M HTP h y- Di"ther a of James, Daniel, William and Joseph Murphy and v™ Hattle O'Brien, and daughter of ?Se la?e lias's llanora Do " d . a native of Boston! •?. /?. \u25a0 J9 - ?dearly b* lo^*! husband of Marie C Onlmus, and father of Wallace B. OnlmuS Phn^fWi Era o 'A ' Cumm lns. a native ' of Tnd °1S da vs a " aSed 5 ° yeOrS 7 months Friends and acquaintances are respectfully 1»i t1?t 1 ? a " end tte fuiieraMomorrow (Thurs- ,<lay). July, 22/1900, at 2 o'clock p. m'.Tfrom the mortuary chapel of the Golden Gate un- dertaking company, 2475 Mission street near _Twenty-flrst. Cremation I. 0.0. F. cemetery RoSENQUlST— ln*Oakland>Cal. : ; July 19 1000 Ben \u25a0 Rosenn.utst. - loving husband of Mrs Ben Rosenqufst, and ..lovihz father of Florence May, Thora and Bemice Rosenquist. a °na- J,i, ye , of Norway, aged 40 years 0 mouths and *>•* (lays* ". . \u25a0*%.-\u25a0 i BE tTn. K H NC ?7» lD J h h CUy ' Jul i' 18 ' MOfi^' W»r- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• trne _ UflBke «. devoted son of . Frank and Jen- nie • Severance,: and ; loving brother of ~ ; Mrs. • Charles L.^ Herrmann Jr.. a native of Na-, varro/ Mendoclno ' county, Cal.;. aged" 27 years . 10 months and 23 days. (Deceased was a mem- .ber of the San Francisco flre department.) -- iv Fr i end 9 a «,r«pectf ully -invited to "attend the funeral today .(Wednesday), 'July 21; at 11 .0 clock a. m.," from the chapel of N. Gray & Co., 2190 ' Geary street corner lof Devlsa- , aero. - Interment Cypress Lawn cemetery/ by electric funeral car. from Thirteenth and Mls- .: sion streets. • \u25a0 r ••: STANKE— In this - : clty> July , 20/ 1909, Albert .;-.. F if ' beloved . husband of Kate ; Stanke, '.. father of Alberta Stanke, stepfather of Mrs. M. A. Frank, .and brother of Otto C. . Stanke, a na- tive of; Germapy. A s.member' of Herman k»dge-;No/ 127., F. !&- A. ,M., and 'of ; the, . ',\u25a0 ' Funeral -, notice • hereafter. 1 Remains \u25a0 at 'the ; ; mortuary chapel ' of the Golden Gate untier- \u25a0 taking .; company, \u25a0 2475 Mission street near • Twenty-flrst.-. -. THOMPSON— In Oakland/ Cal.. July 20.* 1909 .; John,"v beloved husband of Catherine Thomp- son, \u25a0„ and father .-"of Elmer," Emery - and ; Henry Thompson, Mrs. Bell 5 Lossltjg: and '*lrs.-Lettie ' ; Franklin, : a\u25a0' native . of \u25a0" Pennsylvania/ aged 70 -•-years: 8 months -and 28 days.^ />^ - WEST— In ; Redwood City, ;Cal.V, July 18, 1909, \u0084 George ; Frederick/, non of George and Annie West, a native . of \u25a0, California,'' aged ; 27 -, years. f \u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Friends ' and acquaintances are ' respectfully \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 invited;- to /attend -.-the \u25a0•'funeral.'" which . will - take • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• place \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- from I his ? late \u25a0 residence,' > today (Wednesday).. July 21. - 1009, at 9:4s^o'clock, \u25a0 thence to Mount Carmel Catholic church; where &-y high • requiem * mass " for \u25a0• the ; repose -of * his. \u25a0 eonl -. will ":* be ~. celebrated, -\u25a0 ('ommenclnjr at •10 '•> o'clock. J Interment Holy Cross cemetery/ Menlo _v Park/ Cal.: ; -\u25a0 \u25a0 4 '•;\u25a0 . :., •-; ;x; x \u25a0\'\'-\ ';\u25a0\u25a0; IHDEPENDENI[|FTHE TRUST Seventy-Five Dollars } I WILL. FURNISH > SH ROU^ AN D CLOf H^ COVERED jiuiliy s 1 s;gGODEAy Mhlb oifncf-- : 2123 Bush -'nt.i West 2699 \u25a0nd 1305 Frankllni«t.]nr.aTttf; Oakland \{'S "V.^Phone^6akland^o4s/;' ; ''v;c;^ ' Brancht 305 Montgomery ay. Temp. 3263 Ambulance * and * Carriages to « Hire - HONEYMOON VOYAGE TO X IN YACHT Pretty Romance Revealed AVheri Nautilus Reaches^ Port {Special Dispatch to,Thp Call] SACRAMENTO, July 20.— The arrival of. .the pachr: Nautilus. -flagship, of the Aeolian yacht club of Alameda. reveals a pretty; romance whereby Commodore Carl : Strom of \the club sailed away with 'a bride fo^r. a • honeymoon trip up the Sacramento river. Last April Strom crushed his i hand at; Alameda while mooring. his yacht. He was nursed at a hospital by pretty Lenora Nelson, with whom he at once fell in love. They were 'married Sunday, July ' 11, aboard the yacht. SEARCHES IN VAIN FOR LOST CALIFORNIA TOWN Fifty Year Hunt for "East Greenwich" Results in -Failure [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. Jjily 20.— Secretary of State Curry is unable to find a' trace of a California ' town by the name of East Greenwich, for which Mrs.' D. A. Crelghton of "4040 West Eighth street, Los Angeles, has been searching for half a ceri'tury. , Fifty years ago she corre-, sponded with a friend who lived In .East Greenwich, Cal., but despite ' her many 'lnquiries she has never been able to locate the town. NAPA MAN FINED $50 FOR KILLING -PET , DOE Slays Animal Belonging to Father Crowley NAPA, July 20.— Samuel Mlgnacco of this county was fined $50 by Justice J. G. Johnson yesterday afternoon for killing a doe. The animal belonged to Father Crowley of the Youths* Direc tory farm, and on escaping from its paddock was seen and slain by Mlg nacco. • , INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOUNTANTS. ... . . . . '. Col. 3. P. 11 ACCOUNTANTS— CEBT. PUBUO. . . Col. J, P. 11 AD0PT10N................ ...CoL 4, P. 11 AGENTS "WANTED Col. 3. P. 10 APARTMENTSt Col. 5. P. 10 ATTOSNEYS.. ...-. Col. S, P. 11 AUTOMOBILES ..... ....... .CoL 7. P. 10 BAB. AND STORE FIXTURES Col. 7. P. 10 BARBEES AND SUPPLIES Col. 2. P. 10 BILL COLLECTING .'. .. Col. 8, P. 11 3USINESS CHANCES ; . Col. 1. P. 11 » Col. 2, P. 11 CoL 3, p. 11 BUSINESS COLLEGES Col. 3, P. 11 BUSINESS PERSONALS Col. 4, P. 11 CAMPING SUPPLTES. ..;.....;-...-. Col. 7, P. 10 CARPET CLEANING CoL 6. P. 10 CHIROPODISTS.... Col. 4, P. 11 CLAIRVOYANTS '. CoL 4, P. 11 COTTAGES TO LET. ....../ .Col. 6. P. 10 DENTISTS. .'..C01. 3, P. 11 DETECTIVES.. ....Col. 3, P. 11 DRESS MAKING ...........CoL 7. P. 10 EDUCATIONAL Col. 3, P. 11 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES.... Col. 8. P. 10 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MALE. . Col. 7, P. 9 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— FemaIe-. . Col. 7. P. 9 FEMALE HELP WANTED ....CoL «, P. 10 " - ••'<_'• ..\... C01. 3. P. 10 FINANCIAL CoL 5, P. 11 FLATS TO LET..... .Col. 6. P. 10 FLATS TO LET— FURNISHED CoL 5, -P. 10 FLATS TO LET— OAKLAND........ CoL 6. P. 10 FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS Col. 6. P. 10 ;••;.. v " Coi. 7. p. 10 FREIGHT FORWARDING CoL fl. P. 10 FURS.. ........''.\u25a0.:....\u25a0...-.\u25a0... Ce1. 7,' P. 10 FURNITURE FOE SALE. CoL fl, P. 10 FUBNITUEE WANTED Col. 6. P. 10 GLASS WOBKS Col. 1, P. 11 HORSES, WAGONS & HARNESS. . .Col. 1, P. 11 H0TEL5.......... .CoL 6, P. 10 HOUSES TO LET— FUBNISHEB-... Coif fl. P..10 HOUSES TO LET— Unf urnUhed. . . . CoL fl, P.^o HOUSES TO LET— OAKLAND...... CoL 6, P. 10 investments:.... . col 4, p. 11 " ............CoL 6, P. 11 LEGAL • . NOTICES .Col. 5, P. 11 LODGING HOUSES FOB SALE.. .Col. 3, P. 11 LOST AND FOUND./ Col. 6, P. 9 MALE HELP WANTED... ...Col. 7. P. 9 •• •• •• * \u25a0 fn] V '"D * 1 A - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 .... «•••••«•••••* l^O t* 1, £T* IU = -}'«*\u25a0-.-.. •* \u25a0-. 41 figj ft p lfl MATRIMONIAL .........."!!!!col. 4^ p! 11 MEDICAL. Col. 4, P. 11 MEETINGS— LODGES .'.CoL 7, P. 9 MINES AND M1N1NG.'. .......... .C0L 6, P. 11 MISCELLANEOUS "WANTS ..Col. 7. P. 10 MONEY TO LOAN JCoL 5, P. 11 MONEY WANTED....;. \u0084. CoL 6, P. 11 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . .... CoL 7. P. 10 NOTARY. PU8L1C. . . . . CoL S, P. 11 OFFICES AND STORES TO LEX. Col. 6. P. 10 PALMISTEY... Col. 4, P. 11 PATENT ATTOBNEYS. .CoL 3. P. 11 FAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. Col.'l, P. 11 PHYSICIANS ....Col. 3, P. 11 POPULAB BEMEDIES CoL 4, P. 11 PBOPOSAIS AND BIDS ....CoL b, P. 11 REAL CITY Col. ». P. 11 •• ' •• " .:.-... coi. c, p. ii BEAL ESTATE— COUNTBY....... .CoL 6, P. 11 " ," •' Col. 7, P. 11 BEAL ESTATE— OAKLAND........ CoL 7. P. 11 REAL ESTATE— BEBKELEY...... CoL 7. P. 11 REAL ESTATZ-^ALAMEDA........CoI. 7. P. 11 REAL ESTATE^-TO EXCHANGE. . . CoL 7, P. 11 BOOMS AND BOARD OFFERED... CoI. 6. P. 10 ROOMS AND BOABD WANTED.; . Col. 5, P. 10 ROOMS AND EOARD-^-BEKKELEY. Col. 5. P. 10 BOOMS TO LET— FUB. & UNTUB..CoL 3, P.'lO *"\u25a0 ". " .....Col. 4, P. 10 ROOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEP'O. Col. 4. P. 10 " " " ...Col. 5, P. 10 BpOKS TO LET— OAKLAND Col. 4. P. 10 SALESMEN & SOLICTTOBS W'N'T'DCol. 3, P. 10 S ANITOEIUMS. ..'..: Col. 4, P. II SEWING. MACHINES .CoL 8. P. 10 SPIBITUALISM *. Col. 4, P. 11 STOBAGE AND MOVING VANS.... CoI. fl. P. 10 TITLEB RESTORED .Col. 3. P. 11 TBUSSES. ".'I-... \u25a0.......'* Col. 4, P. 11 TYPEWBITERS AND SUPPLIES;. Col. 1. P. 11 UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED..... CoI. 3. P. 10 -V*^^^JLOST^AXDJ^ \u25a0 IP YOU LOSE. ANYTHING— Advert" t* it here. It will ba returned to you if an honest person find* it. • Bama-rka-ble recov- eries axe. broueht about : eTtry ' day 'through this column. \ IF YOU FIND ANYTHING bring it to tb* .. . . •\u25a0.'>-• -.-. \u25a0-.•...•! _:•>••\u25a0\u25a0"- :: 3.-}y, San irrancUco Call' "."., \u25a0<[ '..-'; .<\u25a0 l.on t and Found Bureau, V < Thtrd and Market Streets , ' - - »\u25a0"\u25a0 Get "a claiia chaok. / H*t« it advertiMd. Reclaim it if tb« owner does not. , ' THE - LAW — Pecpl» who find loit »rti« , cles ar» interested in knowing thmt th» ' ttate law. is itrict in requiring them to .* .- seek the owners \u25a0 through advertlsemeats and otherwise, and that a tailors to da 10, if proof ou ta aao^wa, inxolvo* as*-' »er« \u25a0 penalty. / FOUND— Fraternity pln^ July 13. liT"MARKS, 2580 Sutter st. \u25a0 x - LOST— Lady's ; gold : watch , and pin; Initials ."J. T. - B." - Tinder kindly return, to* Brown .. ft , Banchon. California market;' liberal reward. HORSE and -buggy lost" near Cliff. House; chest- ' ' nut gelding, 850 -lbs: close cut mane: and red \u25a0: gear runabout. W. E. .WHITE. 576 Fell st--_j LOST— Bar pin, between 14th and Folsom, 15th t and ' Howard; reward; not Taluable; keepsake :;-only.f- Return -to 1852; Folsom ;st/- • LOST— Near Emporium, boy's black overcoat. •Satprday -afternoon: reward. '_W. -. O."» II.*, \u25a0 3107, 'Wheeler st..: Berkeley. -•'--\u25a0' \u25a0• - . --- LOST — Part iof \u25a0 side , gold v garter: center piece ' initialed; keepsake.- Return Hotel Jefferson; : - reward.- '.-".•' -.\u25a0\u25a0. ;. : ... .\----"' -. '.-'\u25a0'• '-'-;\u25a0.-,- \u0084 \u25a0; LOST — Ladyfsugold pin. .; flower,. with diamond . ", center ; - reward. , J 633 Frederick at. - L<)ST-=-Gold-' watch; in" Saratoga hall; engraved M. O. L. .Return to 2622 Sutter st.; reward., - ;^LOST— A": brown ;-. mare; >\u25a0 weighs ; about ' 1,350 ' pounds; Return to 5636 Mission St.. \u25a0". '-,.• PART of diamond pendant, set in. platinum, ons \u25a0•*•- large eolitalre, several small diamond*; liberal * -reward.; Mrs.. John T.l George,"' Hotel Stewart. STRAYED— TWO PUPPIES: ONE ALL WHITE. . OTHER :. BRINDLE - MARKINGS ON HEAD \u25a0: AND BACK/ , LIBERAL :. REWARD IF RE- : TURNKD TO 2106 .PACIFIC AV.y OR 325 PA- ;\u25a0; *vis st:-';: . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; -^Jg&jjggggsßEßßßßßKk STOLEN or strayed . from vicinity of 332 ' Sherl- \u25a0; dan : ay// " Piedmont/ 'a L collie '. pnp \u0084 about - 7 •*'; mqnths • old ; ' last ; seen ; about 5 ; p.* m.'' Suiiday . •v Reward > given*,' at ', above " address ' for *mf orma- 1 .'ration ; leading. to, recovery.; EDWAßD W. ENGS. \ WlLL'Uhei partyxwho took small ; valise contain' ':"3 ing money; from ' car. 1 at Bth " and Market \u25a0 return [- to 38 Carlßt.? ;RewardT-no qnesflons asiesl.^ C^ MEE-nXGSu-Lodicgs _ CALIFORNIA council of Kadoao BEftej •N0.'.7. A. &A. S.'R-, . IS3B •\u25a0 j&M| \u25a0 ; Geary \u25a0 • st. — Twenty-flf to. \u25a0 and ''fcJKiiiL—S'T •t-vepty-ninth desrecs THIS! ©MSlljlp 1 (WEDNESDAY) BVKXIXQ at S; JP^fP^W \ o'clock. VisttlnK brethren cor- , a mm. dlally inVited. f-^'^'fa - ' .CHAS. JELLIXEK. BgcordCT. . SAX FRAXCISCO chapter No. 1. Koyal «<~389, Arch Masoua. mw>n THIS EVEN- K^S"-*^ IXO. Ist ay. and flpment st. Ciisi- S'V^S ness and {earth degree. \u25a0 TjeP a H. U. PRINCE. - %Q^J - . , Secretary. ttaßiw EXCELSIOR lodge Xo. 168. P. &A. M.— • becond degree THIS .-(WEDNESDAY* .^fV EVENING. «t 7:30 o'clock. Immediate- KJ? ly thereafter Bro. H. 'CJ.^ IWerton of Oak Grove lodge Xo. 213 -rill dsltver bis lec- ture on "Symbolic Masonry." v \u25a0 11. J.*'ewE.\, Secretary. . CROCKETT lodge No. 13S>. F. h A. M.— -• Sv-tv?"! THIS (WEDNESDAY)"."-/^ EVEMNG at 7:30 o"clock. . By order of ?O£ n. K. McPHERSON. Secretary. STARR KIXG lodjre Xo. 344. F. 4 X M. J» Third degree \u25a0 THIS (WEDXESDAY) »^_ EVEXIXO at 7:30 o'clock. SJ& H. F. WRIGHT. Secretary. >^ MISSION lodge No. lt». F. &A. M Spe- M cial meeting THIS (WEDXESDAYi »/*. EVENING at 7:30 o'clock. Second de- 7&A& gree. ; FRANK W. SMITH. Secretary. SOUTH SAX FRANCISCO lodge Xo. 212, A^ F. & A. M. — Officers, mnd membars are *^. hereby notified to attend the funeral of r^ffi our late brother. WILLIAM J. AN- , DREWS, .from hall of lodge. 14th and Rail- road ays. South/on THURSDAY, July 22. at 1 p. m. By order of the W. M. W. J. B. WARXER. Secretarr. *\u25a0 MEMBERS of the Brotherhood ot jtGHo\. Teamsters of Saa Francisco are re- £>«sCh quested to attend the next regular Z&jr£Zl meeting. THURSDAY EVEXIXG. V&JV July 22. 1909, at Teamsters' hall. \u25a0'. 5.1 a Bryant it. Work horse parade to be con- sldered. JOHX P. McLAUGHUX. Secretary. CAUFORXIA «mndl No. 530. X. /"Rsgfoy IT., meets THIS • (\VEDXESDAY) /ffiG&S&gX EVENING at 8 o'clock nt ---/ £^SttM.i /Van Xfss avpnup. Ir.lriation, Ufeg ~£&h:f music, refreobinpnt!-. " W?Q^» / C/ X. SCHILLER. Pres. %UffS^ - D. M. SCHILLER. Speaker. /^* . AUSTRIAN Military awl Benevolent as- *-i*.""V , filiation will drill dad inspection i;i J*,i*W full uniform THIS (WEDXESDAYi \X§K EVEXIXG. July 21. 1909. at 8 o'clock, j *T 3»W Fulton at. Section cocimUtee will» please attend. By order of S. RAICEVICHs Captain. STEVEs^GIVAXOVICH. Fltst Sergeant. REBEL CORK BeneTolent association A*oc± will hold it* tirenty-thlril annual pio- y&S nlc at Shell Mound park SUNDAY. ftJSF August 1. 1909. The committee In ?£££* charge Is untiring In Its effort* to make it the 'most enjoyable outing of the season. Valuable gate ' and game prixe*. lnrl:ullnjj a Domestic sewing machine valned at $73. will be distributed by the association. Special fea- ture — throwing; 5« pound weight between cham- plons of .the world. - - - - SAX FRAXCISCO harbor Xe. 84. Ocean Masters, of the A-. A. of SI. M. & P"'. will meet la room 1, ferry batldlng. July 22. at 3 p. m. Ocean masters In active command aa<! ocean masters .not seeking a lesser position on ship- board are cordially inrited to attend. By re* quest of the organixlnK committee. * KNIGHTS OF TARA picnic at Bay View parfe. Martinez. Sunday. July 25; boat leaves foot of Market «treet at 10 o'elrefc \u25a0- m. E3IPIOTMEXT WASTED— MaIe ACCOUNTANT open for additional work; «t»- tems installed; andltlns; special .investlga- tiona; Al local references; reasonabte rates: city or eoontry. Box 2307. Call of flee. BOY. Danish, age 20. wishes position on ele- vator or hotel work. Box 3440. Call office. CIVIL ENGINEER and draftsman, neat and ac- curate, college graduate. 8 years' experlenca In office an«l field; references. Bot 3404. Call. CHIXESE cook would like a situation: gowl cool-. Addrtss WOXG WING." 617 Dupont st. GARDENER, florist, single. French. 4«. wishes situation, private or commercial: competent Inside and outside greenhouse worker: lanc!- ecapine, fruits, grapevines, vegetable garden: can manage gentleman's place. Gardener, SCO- Montgomery st. GARDEXER. experienced, single. "."O, handy wltlj tools, wishes position on private place: refer- ence; state wage-i. JOSEPH HAMBRECUT, 1137 Folsom St., city. HARNESS clean-r and all aronnil stableman wishes place in the city. Box 3459. Call oface. I AM In need of a position; have had 11 yPafi* 1 " experience In large newspaper business offlce; can furnisb best of references; So years of age; temperate; willing; by no means air.ii-l of work and no objection to country; can give bond on any surety company; I can con- vince you by a plain matter of. fact talk that I really want work. Please answer box 4723." Call office. MAN and wife,. chef and waitress, woohl lika charge of a nlc* dining room or position In first class hotel. In or «mt of city. 1231 Eddy. MAX of 45 wants stead? position as night . watchman; Oakland or city; recommendations, . bank where last employed as clerk: safe de- posit vaults; state wage*. Box S-UM, Call. MAX and wife desires position; man cbanffeur- machlnlst. wife trained nturse cr house keeper, good seamstress. Address box 3313. Call. MIDDLE aged American, slnsle, seeks employ- ment on small ranch or private place; expe- rienced in handling horses, cows, etc.: moder- ate wages; references. Box 3437." Call office. PLUMBER, licensed, first class workman. wanN work; . owner to. furnish material; goott ref- erences: will do labor, day or contract; terms reasonable. Box S3SS. Call office. RELIABLE young man of temperate habits wishes position on private place, ranch or dairy, care horses, asstst gardener, milk, chorinK and general work. Box 797. Call of- fice. Oakland. " RELIABLE, yonng man wishes work advertising or distributing through California; reasonable wages: medical or commercial samples \u25a0 or panfphlets. HENRY WILKINS, 1432 Turk St., San Francisco. CaL SOBER, reliable man wishes position as care taker of private place; 5 years In last place. , Box 4503. Call office. _^ STENOGRAPHER, first class, also thorough r>f- flce assistant, neat antl accurate, railroad and commercial experience, desires position: good * references from employers. Box 3C06, Call. WOULD like: a Job overseeing, or will work by - contract; years of experience on farms: can furnish Al references*. Address P. O. box 642. Uvermore. Cal.' YOUXG man desires clerical work evenings from ft p. m. : on Saturdays from noon; experienced In book keeping; 'typewriting, etc. Box 3325," Call office. . \u25a0 YOUXG man. S years* experience In office work. book keeper, washes situation: •Al rcferen-.-e*u H. , B. G.. SOS Grove St.. Oakland. , YOUXG, temperate man. 33 years, quick and accurate at figures.' reasonably good at ac- coants. wants position In mercantile line; can furnish best ot references and bond wit!* any surety company; not afraid to work and will willingly go In country; an Interview . will convince, that I really want work. Ad- dress box 4721; Call office. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — Female COMPETENT nurse wishes care of child or ia- Talld going east. Phona „ Piedmont 3407. EXPERIENCED GennanVcook wishes position la a small family; I^s ; city only. Address 519 29th st. - , ' . ' ' EXPERIEXCED woman wants work; good cook; city or country: working house keeper. Apply room 28, 240 4th st. . GERMAN girl -wishes general honsevrorfc ia private family; understands work thorough. > Address, German Olrl. 1134 Mission stre*» GIRL wants a place . in a small family at ston- . eral. housework; wages |25 to $30. Call at 3923 Sacramento st. . JAPANESE-, girl, first class cook. wants a posi- tion in small -family to do conking and housa working; waees 57 up. a. week; phone Houjr- las 1177. 33i. Grant aye.,3. F. LADY, with strong boy. wishes position as lvm «\u2666 \u25a0 keeper on ranch: boy to .work , around - ranch. Addreia MRS. FRANCIS. 803 Cole St.. apt. 2. MIDDLE AGED woman wants place as working \u25a0 house keeper ; country preferred.' - Address MRS. M.^K., -1608 23d >t.. East Oakland. RELIABLE woman, a good cook. wishes a sUti- atlon in a private family; references. ITC.A . Tehama st. - ' . . RESPECTABLE woman, aa cook; will do hotwe-" work ; city ; * will crona the buy : wages $T.O ; ! references and car fare. Box 4715, Call office, i 1651 Fillmore st. --.' - ' WORK ,by day. washing, house cleaning, by ; stron-r, young woman. MRS. E. D.. 314 6th — " st., room -17. \u0084'.-.•\u25a0' YOUNG lady with 3 years' experience, desires —a ' position -as steaosrapber; willing to start • "with $7.50 a week.. Box 3496, Call office. Third. and Market sts.^ - 1 YOUXG woman, lanadress. Ironing, sweeping; $3 day: references. PhCT» Franklin 733. • '\u25a0< ANDRE'S. 1014 Larkin St.— Cooi'and dish wa^h- , er. ? near * by," $75-SS3; bosboys. $30-»40: hotol , • porter. . $40; young man for delivery \u25a0 wagon, ' '. $25- waiter, commercial house/ *"25-$3O: cook, *5O : dish washer, $30: dteh washer : and 'do chores. \u25a0 small - resort. - $20; bed makers. $2». ; $30,' and. others. Oakland ; of flee, 957 Frank- . .c-llb. at. " v --: \u25a0/ ' "":/'"'\u25a0• '."•..' " Coatinuod io Xext Pas* 9