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STEAMSHIP UARDA RIVALS THE ARK Animal Kingdom Is Well Rep resented by Pets on the Kosmos Steamer Arrives in Port With Unusuat Supply o! Live Stock and Much Treasure ,ard«, which arrived yesterday from Hamburg via southern ports In a measure resembled a floating me ?*? \ . Every officer on the vessel had a .hoice pet of some sort— led off by Captain Peterson, who had two It •rat hard to tell which Peterson valued u.e most highly, his fat little dachs hund, which faithfully guarded the cabin door and emitted an uproarious series of howls and yelps as any siranper approached, or a wonflerfJl bird he called the kelner kahn. This bird is one of the most extraordinary looking specimens that has ever ap peared here, its beak Is as long as its body: It* upper plumage is a. brilliant .srreen and its breast feathers a. golden yellow, while its huge beak is of the same shades, with the colors reversed. The mate has for his pet a snarling tsger cat, with magnificent gray fur i.nd snapping green eyes. The chief engineer has an ant eater wjth a long, bushy. taiU- Added to this are a number of pet dogs, a goat and many parrots and singing birds of dif ferent varieties. The Uarda also has added another i.nusnal curiosity in Joseph Schleick, the performer, known as "the only man <.n eatrh with ribs as strong as steel." Sehlelcli says his act consists of lying down upon the stage of the theater fnn having an automobile weighing tv.-o tons run over his body. He says during the last three years he has been inn over 3.400 times. He also says he ran lift three men with one arm. He weighs 250 pounds. The Uarda brought 2.124 tons of cargo and $47,750 in treasure. Eleven Racing Yachts Are Making Good Time CHICAGO, July 25. — Running before « strong southwest wind all night, \u25a0which grew considerably lighter with dawn, the el«ven Chicago to Mackinac raring yachts made good time up the western coast of the southern penin sula of Michigan. The leaders, the schooners Amorita and Valmore, accoridng to reports from points of contact, were running about five miles out from shore at evening, carrying full canvas and using the spinnaker sails to great advan tage. At Frankfort it appeared that the Valmorc, the big Thompson schooner, .was leading the Amorita by a mile or more with a time allowance of 2:42:32. T-li* thinl boat was the sloop Vencedor, which has an allowance of only three \u25a0 minutes over the Valmore. The out look was that both the Amorita and ibe Vencedor were beaten, but a high v in<l might change the situation en tirely. The ymall boats were reported from 'three to five hours in the rear, but i heir time allowances were heavy. The Maida at night had nearly eight hours \u25a0in which to catch up with the Valmore. TONE CONFUSED ON GOTHAM STOCK MART Market Hard to Gage on Ac count of Intermittence NEW YORK. July 25. — The appear snee of 'intermingled strength and \u25a0weakness in the Etock market last week kept' the tone confused and had the ef fect of causing some suspicion of the msrket position. The action of United States steel was The main influence In Increasing this impression. The price failed to hold the Mgh level at 73 touched at the end of she previous week. Union Pacific and United States steel shared between them The dominating influence on the whole market. The assumption had grown in siock market circles that the dividend on United States s%el would be In creased Tuesday of this week. The approaching termination of the labors for tariff revision will mark a period that has been looked forward to with calculation in every branch of trade, industry, finance and speculation. This long time calculation leaves little probability that any sudden or preclpi late action or any violent effects will b« produced by the actual culmination of the cvefit. The copper field last week saw come price improvement, •which suggested a quickening of demand for copper. In the field of the money market there sre Plgns of a stirring of commercial activity. Mercantile paper is not yet In large supply, but bankers «re In clined to hold out for higher discount iat<-s In buying iv The continued confidence over the crop* outlook adds to the promise of in < jeasing demands for banking facilities. The heavy outgo of gold to South America, is having some effect In re stricting supplies, and the fall In inte r/or exchanges In New York marks the subsidence of the stream of relier from: that direction. The sustained case of the present money situation is strikingly illustrated by the fact that national banks have already returned to the national treas ury the greater part of the installment of the $16,000,000 of government de posits called for August 13. ACTIVITY CONTINUES IN IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY High Prices Prevail and Com petition in Some Lines Keen NEW YORK, July 25.— Activity con tinues throughout the Iron and steel .industry. The tendency still Is toward higher prices, but there is more or less irregularity and in come lines keen competition. The buying, movement in pig iron the eastern territory is gaining mo mentum with contracts placed last week for foundry and basic iron aggre gating 75.000 tons, made up of 35,000 bußlc and 40,000 foundry grades. Basic iron has advanced from $15.75 to $17.00 delivered, 10,000 tons selling at the out side price, delivery over; this year. Billets have been in active demand and at prices ?1.00 to |2.00 per" ton higher, 11,000 tons open hearth bring ing $25.00 to $26.00 at the mill. , SSteel bars have sold mainly &,t $1.30. but Rome business has been done lower and small lots at $1.35. It is notable that while plain mate rial has been bringing fcorc money, prices of fabricated, steel have;,con tinued very ragged. 'Contracts for fab ricated steel during- the week aggre gated 26,000 tons. Wrought; iron has beerf advanced $2.00 per ton in the east. and an advance in steel pipe is expected soon. ;tVire products again sprang. lnto activity in the last few. days " in; anticl- , pation of an advance of $2.00 per ton, which will probably be announced Monflay. Wind Marathons Down Coast at 70 Miles an Hour POINT REYES TIMES SPEED OF THE GALE Kosmos Liner Salatis Bereft of Its Flag and Staff in Fierce Squall The weather bureau at Point Reyes reported at ! 5 p. m. yesterday that the wind was blowing from the northwest at the rate of 70 miles an hour. The Kosmos steamer Salatis had barely got along side its dock yesterday when a terrific squall struck the vessel and tore tlie flagstar: from Its stern, carrying both staff and flag out Into the bay.' The flag was rescued, but the staff Tvns demolished. THREE FREIGHT CARRIERS ARRIVE Three big freight carriers came into the port yesterday evening aitaost at the same time. They were the American-Hawaiian steamship Virginian, Captain Coleord. seven '• and a half days from Salina Cruz: the Kosmos steamer .Salstib. Captain Reckman. three days and eight hours from Everett, and the Kosmos . steamer Uarda. Captain Peterson, 12s days from Ham burg and sir days from Mazatlen. The three big freighters made an Imposing sight as they lay anchored In the stream. The Salatis and the Carda docked In the afternoon, but the Virginian will not come to its berth until early this morning. , The Salatia. which was the first to arrive. ha* on board 1.700,000 feet of lumber loaded at Everett, destined for Panama. It also has In Iti hold 1,500 barrel* of flour for New York. It will take on board at this port 650 tons of prunes and a large quantity of red and white wines In bulk for Hamburg. It will sail for Hamburg and way ports tomorrow night. The Virginian has on board a general cargo of merchandise of 2.000 tons. STARTS ON LAST VOYAGE Th« ship Henry Failing, Captain Burgess, started yesterday on the beginning of its last voyage. It left in the afternoon In tow of the tag Hercules, bound for Tacoma. There it will take on a cargo of lumber, piles and ' ties, for New York. When it reathes that port It will be dismantled and made Into a barge and will end Its days. on the Atlantic coast. The Falling is a well known vessel on this coast, where it has been In the lumber trade for 25 years. It was built in. Bath, Me., In 1882. EXDB LONG VOYAGE The French ship Thiers arrived In late last night, after a long run of 115 days from New cattle, Australia. It brings a cargo of coal to Hind. Roiph & Co. The ship's trip is the slow«*t on the Australian run this year. BRINGS OIL The barge Ssntiago, Captain McDonald, -in tow of the tug Navigator, arrived yesterday 12 hours from Monterey with 0.800 barrels of oil for the Associated oil company. WILL SAIL TOMORROW The Toro Klsen Kaisha . steamship Tenyo Maru will sail for the -orient tomorrow at 1 p. m. WILL GO TO DRYDOCK The United States cruiser California came down from Mare island yesterday and today will so to the drydoefc at Hunters point. BRINGS MANY PASSENGERS The Pacific Coast 6team>-hlp president. Captain Cousins, arrived in port yesterday 0O hours frotn Seattle. It brought 420 passengers. KOREA DUE TOMOBKOW The Pacific Mail steamship company's steamer KoreA is due to arrive tomorrow from the orient. LUMBER RECEIPTS lumber receipts from the north coatt by sea yesterday amounted to 2.155,000 feet. DEFIANCE- TOWING THE CENTRALIA SANTA BAHBARA-July 25.— The tug Defiance arrived at noon froui^Wln Francisco and left Im mediately for the north with the disabled steam schooner Centralia in tow. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific BAK PEDRO, July 25.— The hteamer Santa Rosa arrived this morning from San Diego, took freight and passengers, and cleared for ban Francisco, via Redondo and Santa Barbara. Steamer Daisy Freeman arrived today from Grays Harbor with lumber. . _ \u25a0_ ASTORIA July 25.— Steam schooner Wellesley arrived today from San Francisco and proceeded up river at once to commence loading himber for a return. . , Pteamer Argo arrived in today from Tillamook with freight and passengers and proceeded to Portland to discharge. Steamer Yellowstone arrived here this after noon, and after taking on -some fuel oil pro ceeded up the river to Wallace" s slough, where It will discharge a quantity of chain, after which It will load lumber for return. Hammond lumber company's log raft arrived down the river today in tow of three river tugs and was met here by steamer G. W. Kenwlck. which took the raft in tow and crossed out at 3 o'clock f* San Francisco. Steamer Eureka Hailed this morning for Eu reka with a good freight and passenger list. Steamer Northland, with a full cargo of lum ber for San Francisco, crossed wit today. Steamer Alliance, with a good freight and passenger list, crossed out today for Coo« bay. Steamer F. S. Loop arrived down the river last evening and crossed out today for San Fran cisco with a full cargo of lumber. Steamer Breakwater arrived In this morning from Coo* bay with a good freight and paseen eer list and proceeded to Portland to discbarge. SEATTLE, July 25. — Arrived: Steamer Hum boldt, from Skagway and ports; steamer Santa Clara, from Tacoroa. jsailfrt steamer St. Croix, for southeastern Alaska. Army .Tranwportu The I»gan sailed July 15 from Manila. The Crook in In port. . The Buford Is In port and will sail for Seattle Jnly 2C. ' The Sherman I« In port. The Warren Is at Manila. The Kilpatrlek left Manila May 1, bound for New York by Tray of Suez. The Bheridan Is In port. ; • The Thorns*, outvrard bound, sailed July lo from Honolulu. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE AKMVED Saturday, Julj 24. Sttnr Norwood, Martin, ; 54 boars from Graj*3 llsrbor, bound south: pot in for fael. Stmr CbPbsllc, KetUeson, 53 , hours from Grays Harbor. Sunday, July ; 25. Rtmr Aemc. Olsrn, 26 hours from Kurcka. - Gpr stmr Salatiie, Iliofcman, .". days and S bours from Erorctt; put In to fintab losdlng:. Stmr Sea Foam. I^ee.' l4 hours from Mcndo dno. tU Point Arena 10 boars. • SUcr >'acn Smith, Olscn, 35 hours from Coos Ktmr BrunsnieW, nsmmer, 14 bours from Fort "tmr Virginian, Colcord. 7fi days from Sallna Stmr Wat*on, Griffith, C4^ boars from Seat- Stmr Gnalala. Martinson, 21 hours from Hardy Stnir President, Conslns, 50 hours from.Seat lier Btmr Carda, Petcrsen, 12S days from Hamburg and ttbt ports, Tla < Mazatlan 0 \u25a0 days. Stmr I'hocnlx, Matson, 20 hours from Snelter Stinr Point Arena, Jabnscn, 14 bours from Stmr TVhittler, Seamen, 22 hours from Port *Fr sliip Thlers. 113 days from Npweastle. Australia. _ Sclir ' AdTance, Ogidnessen, 3.4.days from Co ""schr Santiago. McDonald. 12 hours from Mon tfrer. In tow tug "NrrtKßtnr.. ' SAILED . Sundsy, July 25. " Stmr ruiton. Moloney, Fort Bragg.. Stmr Norwood. Martin. = San Pedro. Bsree 3. Klrkwood,* Port San Lois," In tow tug Dauntless. • : Stmr Admiral Surapmon, Bsrtlott. . Seattle. • Tug Hermles.' Thompson, Taeoma, with 6blp U^nrr Falling in tow. .' .: Sbln Henry \u25a0 Fajllnj;, Bur^ss, Tacoma, , In^ tow tue Hercules. • Strur William ll."' Murphy, Corning, Eureka. - . PASSED AT SEA ) Per «tmr . Vlrginlan-^-July - 23. midnight. •. off Point Conception, ' Ger Rtmr U«r«la. ; from. Ham burg and ' way ports, -for ' San Francisco. ... - i.DIF.D In this rlty, -% July, 24. S:l3 p. m..;»t tbi> liwn* 1 of his son. Captain M.- C. ErnVlne, " for. mprly ,ln the. employ ;of- the Alaska commercial cowpsny. later;* bar. pilot., and at the -time of bis death a pilot <H>mmlP«lnner.iaangHßESHM . WKATHERIIEPOnTS POINT I^OBOS, Jn1y.25,0 «..m.— Hazy; wind, \rMt:-*i>locltt\ -7 mllcn per hour." • ; ," ' \u0084 POINT REYES,*.: July- 25. : 9 a. m.— Foggy; \u25a0wind, • northwest;. Telocity, no. miles \u25a0- ner.hour. '5' p. m.-i^Clear;- wind, northwest;: TclocHy;7 70 tulles per honr. • • _\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 -r \u25a0' \u25a0": FAnAU.ONES." July -25, - 9. ». ;m.--Cloudy ; wind, : northweftl ; '.Telocity, j34 C miles ' per - hour. 5 t>. rn.-^Clear; '\u25a0 wind,'' northwest; " Telocity,'? 34 m\\f> per honr. .". :.-.',."\u25a0'. .. .-'\u25a0-.'.: TATOOSH. July 25, ft .a. m.— Clear; ; : wind.' northeast;. -Tcloelir,: 6 'miles: p«»r hour.? \u25a0 - TELF.GKAPniC . - i POINT T.OBOS. ' July 1 25, - ; 1 0 p. m .— Wes ther.' hsry; ; wind, northwest; Telocity.-" 22 : . rnllcs>p«»r, hour. .'*"-•\u25a0\u25a0"*.. \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0>.;/"\u25a0•-, v ..- \u25a0.:••:\u25a0-•• -\u0084:.;: . BT i UNITED IWIRELESSiCOMPA XT/" ; Kt mr " A Hsp."^ henep Jnlr.: 21 - f or,, Antorta — July 24. 6:20 p.- tn.V"°n":oolntnl>la i rlrer.V- " - B'mr Colonel R. 1.. ' Drake, hp.neo- Jnlr 2i for THE SAN :EBANCISCO I GALL, JULY 26, 1909^ Seattle-^-Jtily \u25a0 24," 7:15 p. m., off Point Beyes. Stmr President, trom \u25a0 Seattle for • San , Fran cisco—July . 24, 11 p. m., off Mendocino. • Stmr Oorernor, hence July 24 for. Seattle— '• July 24, 10 p. m.. off Point Arena. DOMESTIC POUTS TATOOSH— Passed -' in July ; 24— Stmr Atlas, hence July \u25a0\u25a0- 21. for -Tacoma;- steam schooner (probably Jim. BuUer),. hence 'July 20, for, Seat tle. . • - - .- \u25a0 :?.:. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . - .-:..\u25a0.\u25a0•; Passed out July 24 — Bktn Archer, from Roche harbor, for San Francisco. \u25a0 . July 25 — Stmr Texa,n, from- Tacoma, for Honolulu.. -\u25a0 SEATTLE — Arrived July 25— Stmr Humboldt, from Skagway; etmr Jim Butler, hence July. 2o. Sailed July 23— Stmr St. Croix, for Skagway. Arrived July a — Stmr Humboldt, . from Skag wsy; stmr Santa Clara, from Tacoma.' VALDEZ— Arrived July 24— Stmr Portland, from Cordova., and sailed noon for Seattle. \u25a0 NOME— Arrived July 24— Stmr Meteor, from Tacoma and Seattle. KETCHIKAN— Arrived July 24— Stmr North land, from Seattle; stmr Spokane, from Skag war. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . - ;.-'.. . ;' . \u25a0 "... . . WESTPORT (Wash.)— Arrived July 25— Stmr Helene. hence July 21. . \u25a0 ASTORlA— Arrived Julj- 24— Rtmr Falcon, for San Francisco. July 25 — Stmr: Breakwater, from Coos bay; stmr George W. Fenwlck. . f rom Mukll teo; stmr Yellowstone, hence July 22; stmr Argo, from Tillamook; stmr Wellesley, from Coos bay. Sailed .: July' 25— Stmr Eureka, for Coos bay «nd Kureka: stmr Alliance, , for Coo» bay;' stmr Asuncion, - for San Francisco; . strar George' W. Fenwlck. for San Francisco, with log raf t in tow: stmr F. S. I^oop. for San Francisco; stmr Northland, for San Francisco. .-: TACOMA— Anived July 25— U 5? stmrs Perry, Hopkins and Pan! Jones, "from Seattle. Sailed July 23 — Nor stmr Elr, for Antofa gasta; stmr Santa Clara, for Seattle; stmr City of Puebla, for .Seattlej-stmrTexan, for Hono lulu. . PORT SAN LUlS— Arrived July 25— Stror Coos Bay, hence July 23, and sailed for San Pedro. -via way ports.' POINT LOBOS— Passed July 25— Stmr Au relia, from San Pedro, for Kureka. POINT REYES— Passed July 25— Stmr Kath erlne, from Santa Barbara, for Eureka ; stmr Argyll, from Seattle, for Port San Luis. SAN PEDRO— Arrived July 25— S$mr Dal«y Freeman, from Grays Harbor. FORT BRAGG— Sailed July 25— Stmr Na tional City, for San Francisco. SANTA BARBARA— SaiIed - July 25— Stmr Centralla, for San Francisco, iv toir tng De fiance. ISLAND PORT HONOLULU—SaiIed July 25— Stmr Pleiades, for San Francisco. " Memoranda Per Fr ship Thiers, from Newcastle. Austra lia— Had head winds the entire passage. Off Farallones, July 24, In . strong northwest wind, blew away upper topsail "and one Jib. When crossing the line passed a four masted schooner. When in lat 24 deg 23 mln S, long 12S deg 19 mm W, ran very close to an ' lslaud \u25a0 which appeared very low In the water. SANTA BARBARA. July 25 — Stmr Centralia. before reported a* having put in here with tall shaft broken, left here today in tow of tug Defiance for San Francisco. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVK From | - . Steamer | Date ' Hakodate [Tons wanda .... I July 20 Grays Harbor... ..jSanta Monica. .. July 2t> Portland & Astoria (Cascade | July 2G Humboldt | North Fork .... July 20 San l'edro Yosemlte ...... July 20 Humboldt City of Topeka.jJuly 2t» .«sn Diego & Wsy Ports Santa Rosa.... July 20 Portland & Astoria.... State of Cal.:. July 2G Hongkong via £. Pedro M. »S. Dollar. . . July 2'! China & Japan (Korea July ii~ Humboldt ! P. A. KUburn. . July 27 Willapa Harb0r..... .. |J. B. Stetson.. July. 27 Portland & Astoria Northland . July 27 Mexican Ports.. ... ....|Curacao July 2* San Pedro |Hanalel ..July 28 Coqullle ItlTer. |Klliabeth ...... July 28 New York Tia Ancon.. San J05e....... July 2S Point Arena &. Albion. Porno . July 29 San Pedro .". (J. W. F.lder. . . July 29 Coos 8ay.......... M. F. Plant... July 29 Pujjet Sound Ports City of Puebla. July 30 Seattle & Tacoma Bnckman July :50 San Diego & Way Ports President ...... July :*»0 San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Hay. ..... July :1O Tsulti Marlposa [July 31 .Seattle & Tacoma..... Carlos jjuly 31 Portland & Way Ports . Itoanoke ...... |July .",1 TO SAIL \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ' ' Destination | Steamer 1 Sails | Pier July 20— ~j ! | I<os Angela Ports..:.. Cascade .... o pm .... Grays Harbor Newburg ... 3pm 7 San Diego 4- Way I'orts President .. 2pm 9 Astoria & Portland.... Yosemlte /. 3 pm .... CJrays Harbor.". .... Tsiunlpai-t .. 2 pm .... Humboldt ......... Ravolli .... 3pm 2 Humboldt J. J. Loggle 5 pm . ... July 27— Astoria & Portland. Tahoe .... .... Seattle & Tacoma. ... Chan. '\u25a0 Nelson 5 pm 20 Japan & China.... . Tenyo Maru 1 pm 42 Hamburg & Way PortsjSalatl* 12 m 19 Pnget Sound Ports Icmatilla ... 2pm 9 Seattle direct Rainier 3pm 7 Astoria & Portland:.'. .[Nome City.. 4pm 7 I.os Angeles Ports fj. B. Stetson July -28— Humboldt F. Kllburn. . 10 am 13 Honolulu ". Hilonlan ... 12 in Hi Grays Harbor S.. Monica... 4pm - Mendocino & Pt. Arena Sea Foam . . 4pm 4 Humboldt JCHy Topeka. 110.30 a 11 July 2»— Mexico & Corinto... .. Krna Los Angeles Ports Hanalei 3pm 7- Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder I pm 13 Humboldt North ,'Fork.". 1 nm 20 San Diego & Way Port* Santa RoTa.. 10.30ar i) July 30— t New York Tia Ancon.: Newport ... 12-ni 24 Auckland & Sydney... . Tymerle ... 12 in .... Seattle &: Tacoma..... Watson ..: 1 pm 20 Coquille River ..... Elizabeth .. spm 10 Grays Harbor «..G. Llndauer.! Ipm 2 July 31— \u25a0 -^ Coos Bay.. M. F. riant. 3pm S Point Arena & Albion.. Porno opm 2 Sallna Cnin... Ncvsdan ... 12- mj 23 Pnget Sound Ports..... President '.. 2 pml 9 Astoria & Portland.... State of CaliU'am 27 Astoria & Portland..'. .(Northland -'.'.l spm 2 Xxt* Angeles Ports. . ...JRonnoke ...| 5 pm 13 \u25a0 TO SAIL FROM SEATTLE Destination.' -' ]' • Steamer (Dale Nome & St. Michael:..! Jefferson ......Uuly 20' Sksgvray & Way Ports. I Spokane .......'July 30 Skngwny ' &. W«y' Ports. |Queon ....... ..Uuly "0 Nome & St. Michael... I Mackinaw .....j July 31 Valdez & Sem-an1. . . . . . |0hi0 (Aug. 1 Nome & St. Michael^. (Victoria \u25a0..*.... .|Aug. 1 Sun. Moon and Tide Lnlted States ooafst and- geodetic •\u25a0 surrey — Time and beithts of tides at Fort Tolnt. For city front (Mission street; wharf) add -25 minutes.; MONDAY. JULY 20 Snn rises .":07 Snn ce to 7 r25 Mrion Bets — —— a. in. j Full . moon.. Aligns t 1, at 1:05 p. m. I.act quarter m00n..... ...Augu5t S. at 4:01 h. m. ITimet , ITlmel - ITlmel jTlmel ~~ Jly.l 1 Ft I 1 Ft*' — ' Ft ' 1 Ft |L W| |n W| . \u25a0 |L W| |H W| 26.. 0:lf| 1.7| 7:10 3.5|11:15 _ 2.8 0:05 5.2 27.. 1:121 1.1 8:22 3.R 12:15 , 2.S fi:4« 5.4 25.. 2:051 0.5 0:25 ' 3.81 1:12 : 3.1 7:30 5.7 29.. 2:521— 0.1 10:15 4.1 2:10 3.2] 8:18 R. 9 SO.. 3:401— 0.711:00 .4.3 3:08 3.2 »:10 6.1 31.. 4:22)— 1.1 11:42 '4.7 4:00 , 3.2|10:00 .6.2 V. S>. Brnnrh f Hydrojrranhle ; Of flee A branch of the United •, States hyilrOgrnphic office, located ta the.^Merchants*. Eschanjrp. Is maintained In San Francisco, frnv the. benefit of mariners.' without regard to. nationality and frea of expense. NaTipntors nre cordially invited 'to Tlslt the office, where complete sets 'of' charts nnd sailing : directions ; of .' the ; trorld \u25a0 are kept at hand -for comparison ami - refprenee and the latent Information . c«n : always 'bo obtained re- Rardinx illfthts."-, dangers -to navljratlon; ai»d mat ters Of interest to ocenn commerce. . • ' / J. C. BURNETT. Lieutenant/ T7.' S. N.. 'in charge. BALFOUR, GUTHRIE \u25a0ai go. Announce- the removal of their offices from -'No." .340 Sansome Street ' to their permanent location,, No. 350 California Street ' San Francisco, July^ 26, 1909. E. F. HUTTON & Co| 490 i California mU ' Tel. DbuJElaa 2487 • St. Francis Hotel Tel: Douelas 35)82 JflemlißrsjNew; York Stock Pioneer Honiie . .' ' Prlvat^ .Wire «• ; Chicago and ,-r .'':.'.. \u25a0-New- York \u25a0'.''.\u25a0 n; ; E. > MULCAHY; Manaser^ Weather Report /United States Department "of •'Agriculture— : W«ather Bureau, San Francisco, July 25 • KAINFALL DATA ' _ . -Last Seasonal "Nor , Stations — ...•: : 24 hours s<. t<* date raal •Eureka '\u25a0 0.00 \u25a0 '\u25a0 '"'•\u25a0rO.4B . \u25a0" 'Oil » Bed Bluff. : 0.00 . '-O.oo' . O.'oo Sacramento .V.'O.CMt -O.Oo' ' ; . 000 Mt.. Tamalpais..... .. 0. (Ml. * 0.00 001 San Francisco........ 0.0n. 0n Traca o 01 San Jose... ; 0.0» O.ik» - Trace Fresno ..........0.00 -0.00 0.0;> .Independence ..;..... \f>.o(K' ' rt.oo o'oo > Ran Luis \u25a0 0b15p0. ..... 0.00 0.00 ' 001 I-os Angeles. (i.OO-;J 0.00 000 Sau , Dieg0^...:...... ; - .vyrace.- o!fJO Coast record for 12 hours ending 5 p.m. ' " £\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 a ;{£\u25a0-, ;- .-, . -; • \u25a0\u25a0«! ; STATIONS > I -J l~f ,|; || \u25a0 \u25a0?;?'? i v ?.-%? > Baker-..- ..29.82 72 52 NW : Pt.Cldy Tr. Boise ....:. ..29.CC; S8 — NW . Clear .00 Kureka ...30.12 CO 52' NWJ -Clear .00 flagstaff 20.80 72 W . SW Pt Cldj 10 Fresno 29 . 7(1 1 100 (58 ' W Clear .00 Independence .29. CG 9t 6t> W It Cldy 00 Kalispell 2».70 X! 58 N Ooudv !oO lx»s Ange1e5.. .20. 83 74 t>o SW Pt Cldy on Modena 29.58 >S2 — w Rain *04 Mt. Tamalpais. 2o.92 77 • <J3 NW' Clear : !oo North Head... 30.02 60 — . S Cloudy 01 Phoenix ......20.74 08 7S SH Pt.Cldy .'o6 Pocatello .....29.66 .92 C2.S Cloudy 00 Pt. lteyes.Lt..2!».S2 55 4S NW Clear !o(> Portland .....30.00^2 68 X Cloudy 16 Red- 81uff... ..29.74 86 70 NW; Clear !oo Beno ....:. \u0084:29. 74. 86 48 8W Clear 00 Koseburg . ... .30.02 \u25a072 C2SW • Pt.Cldy .01 Sacramento ...29.78 88 60 S Clear 00 Salt Lake..... 29. 78 88- — SB Rain' Tr San Dieg0...;. 29. 92 68 ,62 8 \u25a0 Cloudy .00 San Francisco.^29.9o 64 52 W Clear 00 San J05e. .... .29.92 80 46 NW Clear .00 S. I* Oblspo.. J2O. 94 SO 48 .NW .Clear .00 SE. . Farallon. iJ9.94 R4 42 NW Clear 00 Spokane ..29.84 76 64 SW Cloody Tr Summit T4 44 SW Clear .00 Taeoma SO.OO 72 5G NW Clear 00 Tatoosh 84). 04 62 — W Cloudy .00 Tonopah. 3).6« 88 f.B SB Cloudy .00 Walla Wa11a.. 2t>. 84 82 64 W Clear .00 ; Winnemucca ..2fl .68 . 90" 48 W Clear 00 ; Ynma ... ..;..2f1.6S 104 80 SW Clear .00 "~! SYNOPSIS . ~~ 7~7 ~ A storm of thfl Sonora i type has moved from the Mexican boundary \ northward to the .Valley of the Colorado «nd it \u25a0will develop into *- gen eral disturbance :of moderate energy o«i»r the intermonntain section. Afternoon thunder storms may be expected m the Sierra Madre. . Sinrra Ne vada and possibly the \u25a0 Slsklyou. Thc-tPmpera ture has fallen 12 degrees at Portland and about 8 degrees in the Sacramento and Rogue River valleys. - . \~ ; * . High northwest -winds prevail from the Faral lones to Eureka. ! At Point Reyes a maximum wind velocity of 15 miles from the morthwest is reported.' ! .. " The relative hunidlty at Red Bluff was 23 and at Fresno 26 -per cent. -'. \u25a0" Forecast for the hours ending at midnle'iit Monday. Jury2o::- " : -. For San Francisco and vicinity— Fair Monday with fog in the morning; brisk southwest wind For tin- Santa Clara; valley— Fair Monday; moderate north wind. For the Sacramento valley — Fair, cooler Mon day; possibly showers in the mountains; moder ate south wind. . For the San Joaquln valley — Fair Monday, with showers in the mountains; not so warm moderate west wind. For Los Angelas and vicinity— Cloudy, unset tled weather Monday, with showers. ln the foot hills and mountain*: brisk south wind. ' A. G. MeADIE. Dtetriet Forecaster. HYDRO GRAPHIC OFFICE Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor. PLACK | Ft. 1 Pa"te7 | Remarks - "' Prays Har| 1!) |May 29|Channel getting broader _\u0084„ \u25a0'\u25a0'.''[ ' . ' INo cuimge In channel; lllapa B] 7 June 0 1C 1 1. .m.\u25a0 L. W. In ' \u25a0 I - channel to South I o '-\u25a0 Bend. Colnm It.. | 25 [May 231. ; ~ „.,,-'\u25a0 - ' - , Rar buoy out of. poM- Nehalm R 5 July 131 • tion; channel shirt f ing: south; 500 feet : - • very narrow. _„, , _I \u25a0 f ~~]Depth of 8 feet fit low Tlllmk B.f 9 (Apr. 3(V water in channel to I I { ("iarlbaldl. l'aqulna B| 14 !June 2JCliannel narrow and , I I I shifting to southwest. '\u25a0 * ' ; - (Beacon on beach In line Sluslaw'R' 4 Ifay >l) with south side of : ""!.' ' """"}: gulch' leads '- over ha r. L'mpqua'Rj 10. jJuly 1 Chnnnel in good condT I \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 * 1 tion. ..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: ~ ~ II 12 feet at low water to Coos Bay. | 17 [June 1 - North ' Bend: 11, feet j i -it low water to I I - - | Marshfleld. Coqullle B] 8 ; jJlay SI Channel close to north I \u25a0\u25a0 I \u25a0-\u25a0"' I Jetty. .1 No opportunity for Rogue Rlv ............. soundings lately. Be . fore rise there was 7 '\u25a0 ~ feet on bar. Klamtli R| 7 |Nlay 2&|Channel straight. _ UI , ' I \u25a0?-'. j " 21 ft. In straight chan- Hmbldt B 20 (July 1 nel;; 20 ft., in chan- _^|_ I nel. - '.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. i S Pedro B| 29 [Apr. 1.->|No change In channelT* S Ulego H\ 2?> |May 3|No change~ln_ channel. " S Pablo B 24 [Apr. 21|Depth In dredged chan- I \ I 1 nel. Veteran Cricketers Play on The Alameda Grounds WILLIAM UNMACK The "old boys" had a good day's sport at cricket yesterday; at Alameda. Ban ner's team successfully upheld its title to i champion veterans by trouncing "Ward's proteges. -Ward's team com piled .80 runs. G. Baugrh, 21;.' J. Saun ders, 12, and T.'Haywurd,'l4, were ,the only men to reach double figures. When Banner's eleven-, went to the wickets they compiled 107. ;Er Hood, 26. and J. Thomas,.' 24; showed exceptional form with the bat and kept tho fielders busy. Loney ran up'-15J; > : ' ' \u25a0 In the .department Cassldy took -eight wickets- for .Ward's team, and Thomas \u25a0 and ' Mil Ion : were the best of the trundlcrs tried by Captain ; Ban ; ner. '.' . , \ " ' "\u25a0';' At San Matro «i combined, city '"team, was defeated by tho San Mateo eleven. San Mateo scored -71. Of this D." Brom fleld, 10, was tho ;only.{'man to reach double" figures. All tho 'other; batsmen compiled srhall^ scores. The combined team could only total 47 runa. Marshall, 18, . and Sterling, ilO, were the only double score'; figures. I Bowling forthe combined team Tyler i took five wickets -for only 7 runs and Hopkins took : two' for ! 13. 1 *: For ' San Mateo ?Aldwell. and Moran ! did all the damage,' tho ; former securing | seven- for 20, and Moran three" for 23. ATLANTIC OCEAN; TRAVEL Canadian Pacific Less Than Four Day s at Sea Weekly Stilling Between Montreal, Que- bec , and LlTerpool 1 -\ Two days on the beautiful St. Lawrence rUer and \u25a0 tbe shortest ocean route to Europe. \u0084 Nothing better : on th« Atlantic titan our Em- presses. \u25a0 Wireless on \u25a0 all Steamers.' \u25a0 • \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ; Flr»t class . WO, second - clasa |50, cne - clasi" cabin $45. ••.-. "\u25a0 :\u25a0: .•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0--- '.\u25a0:;': =.. : -\u25a0 • , . • > Ask ' any ; ticket agent, or : write , for ealllnrs. ratea and booklet."-"- .**^"*^ , B. E,PENN.'O. A.'. 77 ELLIS ST.. .: -;'ikf \u25a0\u25a0'- San Francisco, : CaL ;\u25a0 . . Compagnfe Gcnerale Transatiantiqne D IHECT i." LI KB jTO J II AVREPARIS. - N Y ' Sailing 'every Thursday, \u25a0 Instead of Saturday at 1 10 a. in;, -from ?pier; 42, 'North -river, -,foot of Morton st ."• "' : -/\u0094 ;.--\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0' -\u25a0\u25a0 -•\u25a0• --\u25a0\u25a0-- : - ' \u25a0 ;•" First " class to navre. > $77.50 ' and 'upward : ' sec-* ond^claßs- to Havre.- s."o: and 1 upward. tOKNFIt \r ! AUENUV •*. for : UNITED: STATES AND -' CA*N- ADA, 10^ State . St.. = New York.'s J. ; p. \u25a0 pur; Z i • ! Manager -Paeifle- coast.. eSO'Montßompry^ st. Sari ! Francisco. • Tickets sold Jby • all \u25a0 railroad - ticket i;;f Days \u25a0'•\u25a0 V- J V^^^- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0- v 20th * Annual k Cruise. V^>"fHAMBURG-AW[a»ICAN LINE -i*<Mo POWSX.L BX« v'EEIu.KEABKX SMS Many Marksmen Take Part In Shell Mound Shoot ; . OAKLAND, July .25;— -The . crack _of the ..: rifle; ; and ," revolver resounded through' the glades of Shell Mound park this afternoon, and the marksmen of many organizations/was responsible for the ; detonations. ,\V~. Garms, thefather of the" San Francisco" schuetzen verein, proved <that *. his eye had : ; not grown dimmer;- with; years, by,' ; annexing.-. the first prize; in 'the bullseye 1 shoot -of 'that | organization. . The '- veteran ,made a mark, of .259,. which' easily, [gained J for himithe premier 'honors. 'Scores: . : Red Men" Schuetzen , section, monthly" medal shoot — First., champion -class.- \W Dressier, .182; second champion class, H. Nicolal,- 218;/flrst class, .F. . 11. . Bremer. • 219 ; 1 second - class, John ] Schlinsky,' l(Jß; first best -shot, .W. Dressier, 24; : last best shot, -H. Nicolal, 23. ':\u25a0; Bullseye scores— W. Dreßsler,- 454; O. Ros berg, > R3S; H. Nicolal, 0(51; Lieutenant C. , Stein, * 873 ; .F.H. Bremer, U34..~ • Js'orddeiitscher Schuetzen club, • monthly medal shoot, expert; class — F. \ P. -Schuster, 220; \u25a0 first champion . class. Captain J. *D. Helae, : 216; sec ond champion class, D. Schwormstede, 217; -first class, F-. '\u25a0 Lankeman, 207; : second class, W. Morlien, 179; fourth class,; E. Stehn.,l93. ; San Francisco, sclmetzen vereln, bullseye scores— W. Garms, -.lT>9; B. ' Stettin, - 570; C. Oldag, C 10: A. Westphal, 778; O. Bremer, 815; F. Itust. Sos: A. Jungblut. !tIS: Captain J. D. Helse, 940^11. Inteman, 955; F.- Brandt, 956; W.Foege, 1,032; W. Erenfort, 1.05G; F. Atr-eroth. 1,122; E. : Hoffman, ,1,315; J. Lanke man, 1,328. . : Germanla • schuetzen : club," bullaeye scores — TV, V. Blasse, 214; . h. Bendel. 345; <i. Tammeyer, 473; J. M. Klassen. 501; G. Bahrs, 618: F. Mason, 634; F. Brandt, (S6B; O. IJremer.. 775; G. Pattberg, 851; F. P. Schuster, 877; H. Huber. 909; J. de Wit, 976; Bt Jonas, 080; It. J. Fraser. \u25a0\u25a0 1,234; J. E. Klein, 1,3*22; A. ', Westphal, 1.610; -11. Wicker,. 1,617; G. Fricke. 1.646; E. Hoffman. 1,669; W. Worken, 1,779; ' C. ; M. ' Henderson, - 1,805; : G. Gunther, . 1,953; J. , Bunther, 2,090; J. Schwelger, 2,500. i Veterans . of national guard, • rifle scores — F. J. i Povey, 45: F. P. Poulter, 43; T. J. Carroll, 43; Mnjor C. T. Poulter, 40; E. 11. Slltor, 41; J. H. Kahlke. 41; Captain 3. E. Klein. 40; H. L. Pendleton,..'iS; H. C. Mayer. 37; H.A . Harris. 37: S. J. Pembroke, 32; Captain U Siebe, 32. Pistol scores— F. J. I'ovey. 48: J. E. Klein, 45; E. H.Silter, 45, 45: F. P. Poulter. 45. 47; F. T. Engle. 45, 43; T.J. Carroll. 44, 42; E.H. Carr. 43. 47: H. L. Pendleton. 41; K. C. Grecn inger, 44. 45;' C. J." Orton, 42, 45. Golden Gate rifle and pistol 'club, rifle scores — W. F. Blasse, 225, -214; M. W. Housner, 212, 208, 207. 215. 217; J. Williams. 202, 202; B. Jonas. 213. 213; C. M. Henderson. 217. 2V7; A. Studer, 208; K. O. Klndgreii, 210. 197. 196; O. ..M.- Barley; 212, 224, 217, 214. 202; C. Rueser, ICS; G. A. Pattberg. 215, 212; J. M. Klassen, 219; H. Enge, 214, 224. 212, 193; J. F. Bridges, 212. 193, 193;. O. -A. ; Bremer. 219. Club button mateh — A. Studer, 2<», 199. 200; E. Schierbaum, 200, 210, 195, 209, 193; W. Erenfort, 16C. Pistol and revolver scores, — A. Armstrong, 03. 92. 89: C. W. Whaley, S3, 78. R7. 91, 83; S. Hawxhurst, 78, CO, 80; K. O. Klndgum, 73. 76, tI9; A: W. Nlamson. 03." 35), 59: W. in O'Connor. 72. 72.-59: E. Schierbaum, 72. 69. 66; J. E. Gorman, .07, 93, 93; K. J. Fraser, 92, 92, 8», 87, 85. CONDUCTOR STRICKEN AT BANQUET IN SANTA ROSA Walter E. Corbaley Dies Short ly After Attack of -Apoplexy SANTA ROSA, July 25. — Walter E. Corbaley, a native of Indianapolis, 42 years who came to this city yes terday with the Vallejo lodge of Odd Fellows to assist in the presentation of the "Traveler" to the local 1..0. O. F. lodge, died at his hotel at 4:30 this morning as a result of a stroke of apoplexy j which occurred .in tho lodge banquet room last night. Corbaley was stricken inthe midst of his fellow members. He never regained consciousness. lie was> a; prominent Mason and Odd Fellow, and for the last several years was conductor' with the Northwestern Pacific railroad com pany, being in charge of the. Glen Ellen passenger train. lie leaves a son in Sebastopol and a mother in Berkeley. " Funeral services will be conducted from Masonic hall in this city Mon day.' The body is to be forwarded to San Francisco foj cremation. PACIFIC OCEAXj TRAVEL <v ... - Steamer* leare Broadway yVti*-SSQv Wharves ->( Piers 9 and 11). AST^ LOW RATES. INCLUDING WV^QVM BERTHS AND MEALS. \\ \wtw3Lrl SPECIAL HOUND TRIP \%^ji ]y&f I^OS ANGELES >Q&±iS^r SAX DIEGO >asi*< ,- SANTA BARBARA •GOVKII.VOII ....Mon:. Aug. 2, 10, SO. 2 p. m. \u2666PRrSIDi;NT..Mr>n.. July 20: Aug. 0. 23, 2 p. ra Alternately Kvory Monday Thereafter. SANTA P.OSA Every Thursdaay. 10:30 a. ra. •Direct for Los Angeles. Will not call S. Barbara SEATTLE (DIRECT), TO WXSEXD TACOMA, VICTORIA, VANCOUVER Connecting. at Seattle' for SE. Alaska. Skagtray, Dawson, Fairbanks, Nome. St. Michael. PUEBLA Tucb., Aug. 3. 17. 2 p. m. tnOVnRNOR..Sat.," Aug. 7, 21. Sept. 4, 2 p.m. tPRESIDKXT.'.Sat." July 31; Aug. 14, 28, 2 p. Cl UMATILLA . .'. . .Tues.. July 27; Aug. ' 10. 2 p. in. Alternately erery Tues., and Sat. thereafter. tWill not call at Victoria, Townsend, Vancouver. , EUREKA(HCMBOI.DT BAT) TOPEKA— JuIy 28; Aug. 2, 7, 12, 17. 22. 27, 10:30 n. in., every- fifth day thereafter. GDAYMAS, MAZATI.AX, LA PAZ, ENSENADA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO CURACA0........ 7th of each 'month, 10 a. m.' NOME— ST. MICHAEI,— UMATILLA (direct) 4 p. m., Aug. 25. ALASKA EXCURSIONS Leave Seattle Jnly 29, Ang. 4, 10, 16, 22. Op.' m. Right reserved" to ch«ngc this "schedule. TICKKT I OFFICES— (PaIace notel) G3S Market St., 3 Mnrket- ut._ ami Broadway Wharf. . ' Telephone Kearnv 402. OAKLAND— IOr.« Broadwcy. I Tel. Oakland 06S0 ' 0.; D .: DUNANN, General Passenger . Agent. Gen. Pass. Offlce. ; 112 , iMarket.. San Frn nciseo. AMERICAN- HAWAIIAN |Tlj§jy| STEAMSHIP COMPANY TEHUANTEPEC ROUTE NEW .YORK to PACIFIC COAST PORTS and HAWAIIAN ISLANDS-^ Sailings every Satur- day. \u25a0 - • . \u25a0 \u25a0 ..- SEATTLE. TACOMA' and SA N ; FRANCISCO to NEW YORK. • Sailing* every 2 1 ilsyS: I also tak- iug freight for MEXICAN and EUROPEAN ports ' . LOCAL SERVICE ; . . SA.V FRANCISCO to 'HAWAIIAN PORTS. \u25a0 • DBARBORN & LAPIIAM. CfneraI Agent*. ' Si- BRIDGE : ST., . NEW \u25a0- YORK ; WILLIAMS, DIMOND I & C 0. .. General - Agents Parian ) Coast, ':-.•',. .".1Q SANSOME ST., SAN FRANCISCO. ; SEATTLE DIRECT \u25a0 CONNECTING ALL NORTIIERN POINTS. \ S.S. WAT50N. .. . . . . :. . . . ..... . . . . .July 30, • S.V- S. ;BUCKMANr.. . . . . . . .'. . . . . «.;.Aug. \u25a0 5' \u25a0S: S. ADMIRAL' SAMPSON.... ....Aug. 10 Los Angeles Direct ; V ; S. S. ADMIRAL : 5AMP50N... "..... Aug.. 0: : -., ; . Sailings .: from Steuart ; St.- Dock. . Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. 'Ticket rdffice. ~s4 iMarket \u25a0 StJor^GiS ; Market ; TOYO KISEN KAISHA ORIENTAL , STEAMS H IP CO3I PAN Y S. ; : B.' Tenyo ; Maru . V.V; ; Tuesday,; July ' 27, ":'•\u25a0: '•\u25a0 1909 S.": S. .Nippon Maru: ."V; .Tuesday,- 1 Aug.' 17, 'i 1909 S. S. Chiyo. Maru (via Manila). Tue., Sept 14,"09 M Steamers ;* gall ifromf company's piers,>. Nos.; 42, k 44,1 near rfoot ,'of '•, Seronrt ' st.."- 11 p'. *. m.~*< for ;> Yoko- hama ! and ' Hongkong, • calling ? a t J Honolulu,^ Kobe (Hiogo).'s Nagasaki and ; Shanghal.f and ; twnnecting at-: Hongkong^witus steamers;, for .l Manila,.- Imlja, etc.*,", No : ca rgo ; received on ; board on ; day of < sal l- ing. Round* trip. .tickets ; at- reOocetlf rates.' . \- I .}F6PJ freight *- «nd i passage ; apply . at -, office, 2 <o James: Flood: building.' .: \u25a0\u25a0..-\u25a0 W. J 11. AVEUY, : \u25a0 \u25a0"'"'":- "\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 - . •*A»sistant;Oeneral-Managcr.' TATMTiJaAU; NKVV^ ZEALA\b^-S.s!] Sails 11 a^ni.', Auirz-S.^Spl/ Tahiti' }ronnit*trlp."r $12.j.':': Wellington. 1 ?2<>o. it -? T I * OCEANIC' LINE,' f.7r. Mkt. ; tel. Kr.irny 1231;- AUCTION SALES BY E.CURTIS— CATALOGUE SALE - OF THE SUPERB FURNISHINGS OF THE EH Van Arsdale Residence 2700 Jackson Street, Corner Scott By Auction Tuesday and Wednesday, July 27th and 28th . AT 11 A. M. EACH DAY- Hy order of owner, on arronnt of sale of the property ami rellaqolablns liou.i<» keepln'c. wnperb and corrrct Kmplre MaliognulM, oostlv Carpets and Oriental Hags, carved Oak Furniture. Mahogany Antique* and Reproductions, Pain tins* of merit (one by William Keith). Upright Grand Conover Piano, Piano Player, artistic Bronzes. Clocks, superior Books in sets and odd volumes. Havlland anil 'Carlsbad Porcelain, Plate, Cutlery, grand Curtains and Portieres, contents of nine Bed Chambers, Kitchen equipment, etc. - Catalogue* and cards to view upon application to E. CURTIS, Auctioneer, . • ' . Office, Van Xess Avenue at Pine Street. 100— HORSES— 100 Thursday, July 29, 1909 By order of the Abel-Staantoa Horse Com- pany of Winnemucca, Nevada, we wIU sell one hundred head of broken . and unbroken fresh, yonnff, all-purpose horses of their. Quarter Circle' and P Bench brands. -' Sale takes place at 11 a. ra. Thursday, July 29th, at J.B. Iloran's Sales Yards, corner 10th. and Bryant sts., San Francisco. , W. H. HORD. Auctioneer. 704 Market St.. S. F. AUCTION SALE Closing out sain of SO head liphyv work horses, drivers, saddle and general purpose hor»e«: '2 camp wagons, heavy and light wagons, buggies and carts: double- and single harness, saddles, bridles and other things too numerous to men- tion; offlce fixtures and barn for sale or rent. All this stock must and will be sold without reserve or limit, as am going out of business. Sal«> Tuesday, July ,27th. at 11 o'clock. DENVER HOUSE AND MULE MARKET. Phone MarkPt 100 S. 10th and Harrison sts. AUCTION SALE— Duboce stables, 205 and 209 Valencia fit.. Monday. July 20th. *t 11 a. ra. ."0 head of horses and mares suitable for all pur- poses; camping, outfits of all kinds; also a large assortment of wagons, buggies, carts and name**. Outside Mock sold on commission. Phone Park 2723. WM. CLOCGH. Auctioneer. /JV_ AT AUCTION (in Oakland) Wednes- •^s^ day, July 28. at 11 a. m., 43 head of all purpose horses and mules, nlngle and spans; guarantee horses hooked for trial; 35 vehicles, Imgglca and- wagons; -40,1 sets harness.' Inspect this sale. 065 4th St.. Oakland. , J. W. MEDEIKOS. Auctioneer. COXTEACTOR'3 SALE— Thursday. Julr 29. at 11 a.~m., at Duboce stables. 205 and 209 Valencia st.. 5 sand wagons, teams and harness; also a large assortment of boree*, wagons, carts and harnens. Horses nm>t be as represented or money refnnded. Outside stock, sold on com- mission. Phone Park 2723. WM. CLOUGH, Auctioneer. RAILWAY TRAVEL >*ras. A. T. &S. F. Ry. taJflL-pi Trains Leave EiljllpS San Francisco X. HH S Market Street Leave for— |a. n.\ p.m. BAKEESFIELD 7:15 »:00-10:0« flK°. :::::::::::::: ?Ji |J»» GRAND CANTON T:l3 8:00-10:08 HANFOItD 7v15 J Oi !2 KANSAS, CITX.. 7:15 «:|»-" : 00 MERCED 7:15 4:00- f:00-10:00 STOCKTON 7:15 *:C0- «i««-19:«0 STOCKTON. OAKDALB *y * SIERRA RY. PTS... 9:45 TULAHB 7:15 8:CO-10:0t VISALIA /.... 7:15 8:0O-I0:C» YOSEMITB 7:15 \u25a0 10:00 California Limited throns* to Chicago leave* at 10:00 p. no. OFFICES i 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, San Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland /^gfev SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE f|sfy JUNE 19, 1909 TOs«sj/ i.MOX FERRY DEPOT San Francisco Leave. VIA SAUSALITO. ArrWe. 7:1. "a Sonoma and Glea Ellen \u25a0 .'.: 1 6.05p 7:43 a Petaluma. Sfnta Rosa, Heald.*- burg, Cloterdale. Uklah. Wil- lits. Sherwoo<l and Sebartopol. *7:3."p S:l."a Pt. Itcyea. Monte Rio. Caiadcro, \u2666•7:03p K:4r>a|Petaluma, Santa Rosa. Gueruevllle 7:0-"p JSrlSalSonoma and Glpn Ellen B:3T.p J!):ir>all^igunitas. Cp. Taylor, Pt. Reyes. 7:33p 1«:45a I'etaluma and Santa* Rosa 4:3. ip t'2:4.ip Pt. -Reyes, Slonte Rio. Casadero. tll:0oa 3:15p Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Ilenlda- -. burg. tMoverdale. Ukiab. Gu^rne- tllJ<«, Rlwr landing. Sebastopol 11:<V3a 4 :4r.p Sonoma and Glen Ellen Oior.a r.:l.">i> I'etaiuma and Santa Rosa s-.XUi t.".:4Sp Lagunltas.Cp. Taylor, Pt. Reyc SiOTfa •$7:45p Point Reyes .-.". 8:0.'.a ELECTRIC SX7BURBAN VIA SATISALITO Sausalito, Mill Valley. Saa Rafael— Daily every 3d minutes from G:45 a. m. until 8:43 a. m.: hourly nntll 2:45 p. m.. then 3:15 p. m.. and every SO minntes until 7:45 p. m.. thpn »:(K), 10:35 p. m. and 12:01 a. m. (On Sundays in addition— every 30 minutes from »:45 a. m. to 3J5 p. m.. excepting 2:15 p. m. , Fairfax— Leaves t6:45. t7:13. 7:43, S:l3, !>:!.-. 10:45. 10:4.*». 11:45 a.m.: 12:4."., 1:45. t2:4.\ 5:1.1. 3:J5, t4:15, 4:45, t5:15, 5:45, {6:15, t«:«, 'san Quentin Tia San Rafaal— Learn 9:15 a. m., 1:45 p. . m. -'.-.\u25a0•".- . Tiburon and Belvedere — Week d«y>§: ~:TJO, 0:00, 811-45 «. m. (512:45 p. m. Saturdays onlyh 3:30. 5:30 p. m.: Sunday*— 7u%. ||!>:OO, i|ll:O»» a. -niTrH 12:30. :t:3O. 6:30 p. m. and 113:01 a. m. •Arrirp 7:05 p, m. from Sebastopol. ••Sunday arrlre «:05 p. in. tExrept Sunday. tSund/iy onlr. IVla Sansnllto. ISRnns to Schuetzen park. Pacific Transfer Compnnya agent* are author- ized in check baggage direct from residences. - MUIR WOODS - MT.TAMALPAIS y&js&W VIA SAUSALITO FERRY ' FOOT OF MARKET STREET AT UfiAL HOLIDAYS-SUNDAY TlllH 'It. in Fructo iT.MrirWwfc It. Ttmilpii i.V.TtEK SUN--; WEEK SUN- WEEK SUN- DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY DAY -9:45 a 7:15 a t7:2Qa 11:05* 7:20 a J:42» . 1:45p «i8:<l5» 1:40p £ 12:20p 1:40* 11:22* •4:45P 9:15» 62:45p 1:50? <:14p 12:10* .;;... 9:45 a 4:20p 3:50p *9:50p 1:40p ...... -11:15* ...... 5:20 p...... 3:40? 12:45 p...... 6:40 p.:.... 6:10p •\u25a0: 2:4§p ...... ...... :::::: smop 4:15 p....-..-\u25a0p ....-..-\u25a0 ..;... :..:.. \u2666Sat. 0n1y. .: fMon. only. V ©Tamalpais only. • IMuir only fT;> Tkket OfGcea— Sausalito Ferry and 874 Market. i . General Offices— M2l X alley. California. ocean Ashore railway (12th and . Jli«Kion)-^Dftlly ; ex.- Sunday— Lt.: 7:45 a; to:Soa,*l:lsp. fs:4op. Ar. S. F.: «7:25 a, :tl:l"«P.: tl:l"«P. - Sundays— Lt.: *7:45 a, t9:3oa,v}*lo:loa, *ll:lsa.i*l2:lop>ts:4op. Ar. S. F.: *7:25 a, fO:lOa. ,»ll:40a, *4:40 p. t3:lsp. J*G:oOp. - »To and frotn "Arletar tTo • ana : from Tunitan ! Glen . tStop ' at ; Salatia," San ' Pedro, . Ter- race, 5 • Farallone,:Mofs Beach,* Granada.' Half moon Bay. "i Connect at ; .Tunlta9 Glen -.with -stage for San -Gregorio,, Pcseadero. Pebble Beach and La Uonda.~-"*v.y£Sj( HBHHIMI '' ; I 'jy. \u25a0''.'\u25a0 ,]BAy;AND;iSTEIIIIRBAX ROUTES jvure Island navy yard Vallejo,. Napa, St. Helena ST.' 1 lIKLEXA^XAIM VA LLK\.notTB Monticello S." S. Co. and 'Xa'pa' Valley "Electric R.'- It. Co. "Cluse connections... : 'v \u25a0. . :6-^IU)UXD TRIPS DAILY— « :' Bfmts^ leaTe • San * Francisco \u25a0 7:o*.i,"' \u26660:45 a. m 12:30 jiooti.*;3:ls.':«:W,-»S:.'!(>.p;-m.;' . .".. '* ~. .San" Francls«>i landing -and of Boe. Clay strwt \ Tvharf.'S north ;eud:fprry,- building. Market street ! fcrry.v:.Meal»:a la, carte j l'hone \u25a0 Kearny -ICt}. ,•- *Landi Haw jard dircfl>— -• . * AT PRIVATE SALE Just received a 'car' load" of eneap.' s?ntl*. broken, ilrirln^ and .work horses. . FEED O. CnASE & CO.. 47S Valencia St.. RAILTVAT TRATEIi ~~. s ~ ~~~ /&Hfc\ TRAIHS LEAVE AND AHE j /©<<ngX\ DUE TO ARRIVE AT W^^SU San Francisco ' v£fefe*^ FaoM Jtzsb 20. JOOO VIA OAKLAND PIER tnv (Foo? or Maxxxt S-rarrr) AzrWt . 2.15 a Niifs, lirennore. Tracy, Lathrop. Stockton, Lodi, Sacramento 10.38? 6.40 a Hayward- Xilea. Saa Jojs 7.ofa 7.00 a Richawnd.PdrtCbita,Becir:a.Suua3. £>i ton, Sacramento, Roarnlle. Mary»- yflle. fi*ddiag, D«n*aiuir..... ....... 7.23s 7.00 a' Elaiirft, Vac*ville, Rumsey. ...'.;' 7.28» . 7.00 a DaTis. Woocßaod (Marvsril2e>. oro- . ntU), WlUiaou. Marwdl. WHlows. - Haffiilton, ODraiec Eed Bluff 7.28p 7.40* VaHejo, Nap^. Cilistoja, Santa Rosa,. Miirtioca, Saa Riaioa, . Dougherty. jPUtsa&toa.. ." .............. 6.08? 7.40 a Xilea, Plwsanton, . liverxcre, Aita- moat, Lathrop, Stockton '. . . . 7.28p 7.40 a Traey, Los Baaoa, Keraaa, Fre«w>, Haaford. Vtoiia. 4.28? &00* Newark, Saa Jos* Los Gatos, TTnjh*. Fdton. Eaata Crua :. 848? a2oa Port Costa, Martiaei. Byron, Traey. Stockton, Merced, Fresco. Gosfaea . Junction (Hanford). Vtsalia, Porter- rifle. BakfrjSeld. 4.43» 8.20 a Yosemite Valley Tia Mereed - \u25a0 • **&p 9.00» N3es, Lmrmore, Stockton (•JElton), Valley Spriag. iooe. Sacramecto. . . . 4.23? 9.001 Sonora, Tuolumae and Anjds 4.28? 9.00* Atlantis Express— Sacramento, Truiv kee. Ogdea, Salt Lake Qty, DenTer, KansaaCity 8.28 a 9.40t Richmond, Port Costa, MartineJ, BayPoiat. :... 8.43? 0.20 a Vall«io, Mara Island. Xapa 1 1.28 a 10.20* Los Anerfea Pagseapr— Port Costs, ' Mirtines, Byron, Trscy, Stockton. Merced, Frasr.Ov Banford, Visalia. Tubre, Bakerjfirfd, Lo» Aagdw.. . . . 7.48s 10.40* Goidfidd Pasa.— Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento, Truckee. Ha»a. Miaa. Tonopah. OoldfleM. Laws, Keeter.. . . 7.43 a 10.40 a Marysville. Chico. Red Blu3 4.28? 12.00 m Tho Orerland Limited — Denrer, Kan- «aa City. Omaha, Chieaeo. 7.23? 1.20? Xtie% San Jose and Way Station* 2.45? 1.40? San Leandro. X3es, Centenriile. Now- ( 9.08* art. San Jose \ 7.23? 2.00? Newark, San Jose. Lo* Gstov Wright, Fdton. Boulder Crwk. Santa Crui. . 9.58? 2.40? S»n Leandro. NU«. San Jote 9.28* 3.00? Benicia. Winters. Sacramento. Wood- land. Marvirille and Oroviile 10.45* 3.20? PortCosta(Stockton). MartioM. BjTon, SltMierto, Merced. Fresno 12.08? 3.45? Via Sansalita, West Kapa, St. Hdcna, CnlL^oga „* 10.33* 4.00« Va!l*jo, Xapa. Cali*toga, Stnta Ross, : - Jbrtinez. Saa - Rjuboh. Dooghertr, - lirermore 9.25* 4.00? Xiles, Tracy, Stockton. Lodi 1022* 4.40? San Leandro, Hayirard, Nilcs, I t 8.28 a Hex«nton, Lirermore ...I J11.48* 6.00? The Owl Limited— Npwman. Los llanos, Mendota. Kerman, Fresno. . Tulare. Bakers&dd, Io» Anjdes.. . . . 8.48 a 5.00 a Richmond, Pfoola.- Vallcjo. Port! Costa. Benicia. Suisun, Sacramento I 1 1.23» — RoseTille. Lincoln, Marj-sviile. I 1.08? Oroville, Fair Oaks. Fotsom -J . 6.00? Russell. San Jose, Los Gatos. . .. . 9.28* 5.00? Saturday and Sunday for Wright, I ri- ton. Santa Cna... : §9.23* 5.20? San Leandro, Xiles. Saa Je5e. . . . . . .. 7.48 a 6.00? Shasta Ux:t»<i— Portland, Tacoma. Seattle 9.13» 6.40? Eagtern Express— Ogrfen. Pwblo. Drnrer, Kansas City. St. Loub, Chicago Port Cost.% Benicia, Sacramento, Reno. Sparks.... 8.28? 6.40? Haywsrd, Niln and San Joss 6.43? J7.00» Valleio, Port Costa, Martinez. Eay Pbintand Way Stations. «II.I 8? 8.20? Oregoa Eipress— Sacramento. Mary»- - Tille, Redding. (Mscdoel. KUmath Falls), Ashland, Portliad. Taeoma. Seattle. Spokane. { 8.48 a 9.00 a China and Japan Fast Mail — Oedn, Cheyenne. DenTer, Kansas City, ' Omaha, Chicago \u25a0. 2.48? 11.00? Yosemite Valley via Niles, Uerced.- HPortal 8.48 a 11.00 a JJile*. Lathrop, Modesto, Merced,. Fresno; :.....: — . 10.38? 1 1.40? Portland Express (Tia DaTis). WTI- liam», Tf fflowg. ' ft«<i Bbff, Wwrl, Ash'mnd. Portland. Tacoma. Seattle. 12.28? VIA COAST L.INE : (Third and Townsntd Streets) tS.25* Loop— 23d Street, Visitation, South Saa Fraaeuco, Valencia Street." ..... 16.35* t5.40* Loop — Valenei* St.. Ocran Viesr. 1 Cemeteries. Sooth - Saa Francisco. 23d Street. 3rd and Townsend f6.50a 6.40 a So'ith San Francisco, fan Joae, Gilroy. (Hdlister). ?.tr tn t. Salinas. 8.50? J7.00t Sunday Etsurwn Gilroy, Psjaro. Ca» • troriue, Dd Monte. Monterey, Pacific . Grore "....A 10.50? ' B.ooa Th« Coaster — San Jose, CastraviiK - i Dd Monte, Monterey, PacWcGroTf), Salinas, Soledad, Pam Robtes Hot Springs, San Luis Obfopo, Piznw, Oceano, Surf, Lompoc. oanta. Bar- bara, Ventura, Oznsxd. Los Anjelw. 1 1. -43? 8.05 a -Mayfield. Los Altos. Los Gatos. Wright. (Boulder Creek;, Santa Cra*, Watsoa- viile, Ca«;roTille. Del Monte. Moa- terey, Pacific Grove. .: '.... 1.25? 8.20 a South San Francisco, Palo Alto, Saa Jose. Way Stations .....:. 7.33 a a2oa Lou .\ltos. Los Gaton. Wright, (Boulder Cre*k), Santa Cr«i -. f7J2Op 9.00 a San Jo<*. Gilroy," Palinn.*. Chanxior. Pam Robles Hoi Sprinits, ?an Luis Ohispo— Hotlurtw — Santa Cns, D«l Monte, Mont«rey, PaciSo C.r0ye. . . , . 4.00» 1 0.40* South Saa Francisco, Burlinganie, Saa Mateo, Palo Alto, Saa Jose .... . 0.30 a 1Q.40a~ Los Mum, Monta Vista, Los Gatos. . { .^*q* 1 1. 30 a Valencia St. Ocean Tie». Colma, Cemeteries. Baden. San Bruno 1. 35? I 1.40 a South Saa Fnneiwo, San Jote t3.2f.» 1. 00? Saturday, Palo Alto and Way Station\ ,5.00? ZOOp South Saa Francisco, Palo Alto, San Jose B.4Ca f2.00p Los Altos, Los Gatos, Wright (Boulder Creek). Santa Crux 13.2 C? f2. 10? Bay Shore. Visitaeion. San Bruno t4.45? 3.00? Dei Monte Espreas— Saa Jose, Gilror, Chittenden, WatsonTJlle. Santa Cms. - Dd Monte. Monterey,- Pacific Grove. 17 3"? f3.!5? Msvficld, Lo* Altos, Los Gato», . Wrijht (Boulder Creek), fantaCrus. ».45a 3.20? South San Francisco, Sun Jose, GUroy, CastroTifle, Salinas. 10.25 a 4.00? Snnset Expr«ss— Tucson, " Deming. ' El Paso, Houston. New ' Orleans. Pam Roblea Hot Sprints. Baa Luis . - Obtspo.Santa Barbara, Los Asgeles. 1 1.40 a . 4.00? Gilroy, HoUister, Trw Pinos &50? 4.00? Dei 3onte r Monterey. Pacific Grore,. 11.45? 4.00? Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicago \u25a0 11.40 a 4.20? South Saa Francisco, Saa J05e. ....'.. tSOOa 1 5.00p San Croao.' S*n Mateo, Palo Alto, San Joae and Way Stations 9.40 a |5.05? Loop— 23d Street, VL-itacion, South San Francisco, Valencia Street 16.15? 5.10? Los Altos, Los Gatos. Wright, (Boulder •^ - -r Creek). Sanu Crua.. . ..**... 9.50? t5.20? Redwood. Palo Alto, S»n J05e..... 1. 10? 1 3.20? Los Altos,' Monta V isu. Los Gatos.. . . t-3. 20» 15.25? Buriingame. San Mateo. San J05e.. ... t3.20? J5.30? J<oop — Valencia St« Ocean VieiT, Cemeteries, • South Saa Francisco, 23d Street, 3d and Townsend. ;..... 6. 40? 5.40s Saa Bruno, San Mateo. Redwood, PsJo v , Aho. Santa Clara. San Jose. .... 7.40 a ; J5.40p Los Gato*. Wright. (Boulder Creek). SantaCrus....... 5.40? 't&OOa Millbrae. Easton. San Mateo. Pab Alto. Mayfirfd. Los Altos, Los Gato». +aooa 6.00? Saturdays, Wneht. Santa Cnu..,». jaOOa 16.05? 23d Street. Visitaeion. . South ; San . - . ' Frandsco. Valencia Street. .Z.....V. t7.!5» J6.25? Loop— Valencia Street. Ocean Vir». Cemeteries.' .South San • Francisco, 23d Street. 3d and Townsrad.-. .".... f7.40? 6.30? South Saa Francisco. San Jose. . . ' 5.40p 8.00? Los ' Angdes Passengrr— San Mateo. Redwood, Palo Mto. San Jow. :Garoy, Salinas. Paso Robles Hot . -Sprin?*, San ; Ijiis Obfepo* Pizmo, . Santa Barbars. T«a Aniie{«s 8.30 a 1 1 .45? Sooth Saa Francisco. Palo Alto. San I . 7.2 C? V J05e. ....•.\u25a0... \u25a0..;\u25a0.'..'.. A -I 7.30 a tl.OO? Sacraasento River 5teamer5.......... 1 11.30? a for Morninjt. ? for Afteraoon. . tguadayeictpteff. JSTiadayoabi 11