Newspaper Page Text
8 DESTROYS LOS ANGELES PROPERTY WORTH $66,000 One Fireman Is Badly Burned in Fighting Flames LOS ANGELES, July 25. — The plant of the Port Costa milling: company was" badly <Xamaged by fire today, the loss being estimated at 166,000. The Etock destroyed was valued by Manairer C. A. STead at $50,000, the damage to the building-, located at 1707 San Fernando street, at f 12,000, and on the equipment $4,000. The fire, which is presumed to have been caused by spontaneous combus tion, was not discovered until it had made such headway that two hours and a half were consumed in quelling it. One fireman. A. S. Chapman, was badly burned about the feet and lege by walking- into a pile of smouldering i-oals. *-' INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOTJXTAJTTS Col. 6, P. 9 ACCOUNTANTS— CERT. PUBLIC. . . Col. 6. P. 9 ADOPTIOJT Col. 6, P. » AGENTS WANKED Col. 4. P. > APARTMENTS Col. 6, P. 8 ATTORNEYS Col. 5, P. 9 AUTOMOBILES Col. 2, P. 9 BAR AND STORE FIXTURES Col. 2, P. 9 BAHBraS AND SUPPLIES Col. 4, P. 8 BILL COLLECTING Col. 6, P. 8 BUSINESS CHANCES CoI.S.P. 9 Col. 4, P. 9 BrSINT6S COLLEGES CoI.S.P. 9 BUSINESS PERSONALS CoL 6, P. 9 CAMPING SUPPLIES 001. 2, P. 9 CAEPET CLEANING Col. 1, P. 8 CHIROPODISTS Col. 5, P. 9 CLAIRVOYANTS Col. «, P. 9 COTTAGES TO LET., Col. 7, P. 8 DENTISTS ..." Col. 6. P. 9 DETECTIVES Col. 5. P. 9 DHXSS MAKING Col. 2, P. 9 EDUCATIONAL ...Col. 4, P. 0 CoI.S.P. 9 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES Col. 5. P. 8 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MALE.. CoI. 2. P. 8 EKFLOY-MTNI WANTED— FemaIe .. Col. 2, P. 8 FEMALE HELP WANTED Col. 4. P. 8 FINANCIAL Col 7 P. 9 FLATS TO LET Col. 7, P. 8 FLATS TO LET— FURNISHED Col. 7, P. 8 TIATS FOS SALE— FURNISHED. Col. 7. P. 8 xLATS TO LET— OAKLAND Col. 7, P. 8 FLATS TO LET— ALAMEDA.... Col. 7, P. 8 I 1 08 SALE— MISCELLANEOUS Col. 1, P. 9 " . . Col. 2 P. 9 FREIGHT FOSWASDING Col. 1, P. 9 gig 5 Col. 2. P. 9 rraNrrußE for sale coi. 1, p. 9 FUKNITUSE WANTED Col. 1 P. 9 GLASS WORKS "./.Col. 2. P. 9 HOJfES. WAGONS & HARNF.S3...CoI. 3, P. 9 Ho p LS .' CoL c.P. 8 Col 7 P 8 2££f£f T0 LET -tfrfnn>i«he4....Col. 7.' P. 8 -J^^^F^ 0^ 1^ 2™2 ™ Col. 7, P. 8 LEGAL NOTICES Col. 7 P 9 LODGING HOUSES FOS SALE Col 4 P 9 LOST AND FOUND *Col." l' P # 8 »MALE HELP WANTED.. ....... .'.Col. 2, P. 8 MATRIMONIAL .*...." CoL 6* p' 9 '..'.CoL 6. P. 9 MEETINGS— LODGES Col 1 P 6 MINES AND MINING CoL 6 P 9 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS 'col 2 P 9 MONTY TO LOAN .\ "" C ol 7P fl MONEir WANTED .". V.V ' CoL 7P* 9 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Col 2 P 9 NOTARY PUBLIC Col. 5' p* 9 OAKLAND HOUSE K'P'G ROOMS. . . CoL 6 P B OFFICES AND STORES TO LET Col 7' p' 8 OUT OF TOWN EOUSEB TO LET. ' "col" 7* P 8 PALMISTRY .VcoLeip! 9 PATENT ATTORNEYS Col 6 P 9 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. Col 2 P* S PHYSICIANS Col s'p 9 POPULAR REMEDIES V*"col' 6* P* 9 KEAL ESTATE— CITY V.CoL 7*. p! 9 " Col. I,'pilO SEAL ESTATE— COUNTRY. . 7. . . . . Col. 1, P. 10 Col. 2, P. 10 HXAI ESTATE— OAKLAND CoL 2, P. 10 SEAL ESTATE— BERKELEY 001. 2 P 10 SEAL ESTATE— ALAMEDA CoL t, T. 10 SEAL ESTATE— FSUTTV ALE. CoL 2 P 10 SEAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE... CoL 8, P. 10 ROOMS AND BOASD OFFESED...COL 6, P. 8 SOOMB AND BOASD "WANTED. .. Col. 6, P. 8 BOOMS AND BOARD— BERKELEY. CoL 6, P. 8 BOOMS TO LET— FUE. & UNFUR.. CoI. 5, P. 8 SOOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEP'G. CoL 5, P. 8 " " "...CoL6, P. 8 BOOMS TO LET— OAKLAND CoI.S.P. 8 SALESMEN & SOLICITORS "W'N'T'DCol. 4, P. 8 EANITORrUMS Col. 6, P. 9 SEWING MACHINES CoL L. P. 9 SPIRITUALISM CoL 6, P. 9 STORAGE AND MOVING VANS. ... CoL 1, P. 9 TITLES SEETOBED CoI.S.P. B TRUSSES Col. 6, P. 9 TYPE"V7SITEBS AND SUPPLIES.. Col. 2, P. 9 UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED CoL 6, P. 8 MECTI XG S—-Lod «*\u25a0_______ HERMANN lodge No. 127. F. & A. M. M Oiled meetinc THIS DAY <Mondsv>, m^k July Il'*,I 1 '*, at 7:30 o'clock. Second d.>- >4^( prro. By ordfr of the W. M. r L. SCHUMACHER. Secretary. RICHMOND lodze No. 375. F. & A. M.. l«t ay. and Clement *t..,THIS (MON- «^%_ DAYj EVENING, at T::;i'. Second ci<- JZJI crw. H. FOCKNESS, Secretary. PHOKNIX lodcc No. ."3, Knights of ,«> Pythias — Kni?bt rank, long form. T*n.t# MONDAY, .luly 26. at Sp. m., at Jgsfjr Franklin hall. :«1 liliroore St. All "^sfSA. Kuigbts welcome. 'VSrIDS nENRY NEWSHAM. C. C. 7***" I. SCHWARTZ. K. of R. & S. CALIFORNIA lodge No. 1. Knipbts «if I'rtbfa*. meets THIS f MONDAY* EVENING, at 2«SS Mission ft. BKC Knlclit rank. Krpttirru »i>r<iia!lr •hSTS-iIH Invited. 1 HAS. a. WILSON, c. <". **£%<&? LOCIS C. AUSTIN. K. of It. & S. REBEL CORK Benevolent association /v<* will hoiii iis twenty-third annual pic- f^JX? Nic at Shell Mound park SUNDAY. I.flr .. August X, 1909. The committee In 3C3& charge is untiring in its efforts to make It the nwt enjoyable outing of the season. Valuable gate aud game prizes, including a Domestic sewing machine valued at $'.">. will t>e distributed by the association. Special priws for children. Dancing in cosfime. Special feature — throwing 56 pound weight between champions of the world. HOD CARRIERS union.— At a meeting of the fvecative hoard, held July 4, of Hod Carriers •11 members are requested to turn in their dne N*>ks MONDAY NIGHT. July 26. at their - meeting Uall, Albion By. Br order of the EXECUTIVE BOARD. §TUE n^xt general meeting of the German General Benevolent Society will take place at the new liali In the Hospital. 14th and No<? «s., July 27. 1900. at 8 o'clock, p. m. IT YOU LOSE ANYTHlNG— Adverttsa (t here. It will te returned to yon if aa koccst person finds it. Semarkabl* recov- eries axe brought about evtry day I threngh this column. j IF YOU FIND ANYTHING brief It U tb« ' £aa I'raactnco Cell < ! Ln«t i.nil Fnnnd llurran, ' f Third and Market Streets '; Get a claim check. Hay* it advertises. Eecltim it if the owner does not, THE LAW — People who find lost arti- cle s ar* istereated in knowisg that th» state law is strict in requiring them t« «.r ek the owners through advertisezaaats «xd etlierwUa. ted that a failure to do cs, if proof can fca saowb, Icvclvei a se- vere penalty. DIAMOND AND RUBY KING, EVENING OF JULY 20; KEEPSAKE FROM DEAD MOTH- ER: LIBERAL REWARD. ADDBESS BOX 5442. CALL OFFICE. ' - LOST OK STOLEN. TUESDAY MORNINO, MALE PUPPY, BBINDLE MARKINGS ON HEAD AND ON IiACK. OTHERWISE - WHITE. LIBERAL REWARD FOB RE- •TXBN OR FOR INFORMATION THAT WILL LEAD TO RECOVER*. ADDRESS 2106 PA- CIFIC AVENUE. OB 525 DAVIS STBEET. SAN FBANCISCO. L«j>«T — On iKM and Kontut-ky «t. car. Sat- ntday c-rcnlng. an areount bock labeled s;irna Mercantile Minins and Power Co.; no vhlih? except to owner: reward. It. PHELAN. MetroiM>lis Bank l«jlldinz. I-AST-^-Ofn'leman'a diamond Mud. niet part of ' July, from 2*tn and Sanchez *ts. to Southern Pacific train. Townscnd st.: finder kindly re- mni. liberal reward. 3S!M? 24th gt. UKE — Saturday evening, a green cameo pin. be- inoci: Gutter nnd Hyde and Bu«b and Kearny; liberal reward. Uetiirn to «30 Hyde st. , !,o.ST — KatTirday- night. July; 24. diamond, ihin- - btir«; center diamond with gold rays: valued \u25a0;:\u25a0 «ti krepsakp; Hlxa-al i-eward. Boi 373T'. Call. LOST— Lady '« gold watch and pin; Initials "J. T. B." Finder kindly return to Browa A B&udfeou. California market; liberal reward. EMPLOf3IEXT WAXTEP— MaIe ACCOUNTANT open for additional work;' \u25a0r** terns ln*t ailed; auditing; epedal Investiga- tions; Al local reference*; rea.aonabls rates; city or country. Box 2907. Call office. \u25a0<. - AN experienced chauffeur, married, wife trained nurse or general bouse keeper, ~ desires steady position, city or country. Box 3418, Call.- BAR TENDER would like a' situation; best of references. Box 371 5. Call office. CARPENTER foreman 20 years, wants new Job; city or country; excellent references. Box 3CSB. Call office. ;..-'' '• COACHMAN, wants situation: young man; can drive well; good worker. Address Kelley," 127 Lythean aye., Palo Alto. s DRAFTSMAN — 10 years experience, wants posi- tion. Box 811. Call office. Oakland. GAKDKNER and all around „ man wished place in the city: references. Box 370", Call office. I AM in need of a position; have bad 11 years' [ experience in large newspaper buslnesi office; < can furnish best of references; 33 years of age; temperate; willing; by no means afraid of work and no objection to country 1 can give bond on any surety company; I can con- vince you by a plain matter of fact talk that I really want work. Please answer box 4723, Call office. . . - JAPANESE wants a position aa cook; wages $33 to $40: city or country. T. YAMA, 1617 Gough ft. • . MAN. 38, acquainted with farmiDg. gardening, wants steady work. Address, stating wages, E. L. BSHELMAN. 221 3d St.. S. F. MAN and wife, chef and waitress, would like charge of a nice dining room or position in first class hotel, in or out of city. 1231 Eddy. MAN. good character, 29 years of age, wants position with reliable real estate firm: some experience; remuneration, expends little bet- ter, to learn business. R. E. 11.. room 114. St. Raphael Hotel. 60 7th st. _^_ MIDDLE aged man in private place as a. gar- dener; understands care of horses, careful driver; willing \u25a0 and obliging: do chores; 3 years last place. C. ANDREW. 18.10 Stockton. PAINTER, paper hanger and tinter wants work; lias all tools: good work, low prices. 2771 Folsom st. Phone Mission SSIB. POSITION wanted in the country for Japanese school hoy who understands every kind of work and speaks well. Box 4695. Call of/Ice. PLUMBER and gas fitter with fall set of tools wants work; $3 a day. Box 4711. Call office, 1651 Fillmore st. I'OUI.TRYMAN. used lo handling large flocks of poultry, wishes position on a large poultry plant. Box 3712. Call office. . SOME house is not satisfied with the way son** portion of its Inside work is done and would like to find some one who can locate the trou- ble and correct it and then stay in some ca- pacity: that some one can be found in a young man who<;e worth yon must Judge by 6eeing. Address box 3714. Call office. STENOGRAPHER, competent, neat and accu- 1 rate, well educated, good correspondent and penman, thoroughly experienced, desires per. manent position; fir6t class references. Box 5724. Call office. TWO Americana want long job cutting wood, preferably portb. Box 3699. Call office. WANTED — By stranger from New York, posl- tion as bartender. Box 3734. Call office. WOULD like a Job overseeing, or will work by contract: years of experience on farms: can furnish Al reference^. Address P. O. box 642, Livermore, Cal. YOUNG, temperate man. 33 years, quick and accurate at figure*, reasonably good at • ac- counts, wants position In mercantile line; can furnish best of references and bond with any surety company; not afraid to work and will willingly go in country; an Interview will convince that I really want work. Ad- dretg box 4721. Call office. YOUNG man wants place in family to drive and care for auto and horses: has had experience; good references. Box 3729, Call office. 7 YEARS' experienced Japanese orchard man wants situation to take care or manage fruit orchard at any place; talk or write English. P. O. box 61. Alameda. CALL BRANCH OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. ____EMPLOyMEXT^"W\%.yTE_p---Feinal«^ - _ | CAPABLE woman wants work: city or country; good cook and working bouse keeper. Apply Monday and Tuesday. 246 4th St., first floor, room 28. CHINESE girl, native of California, speaking fluent English, seeks position as lady's maid. Address box 3453, Call office. COMPETENT young woman wants position doing good plain cooking and part housework in private family: will go short distance in coun- try. Address box 3546, Call office. GOOD ranch cook desires situation: good work- ezj $35. MISS DILLON. 113S Turk st. STRONG woman desires kitchen helping; $25; city, country. MISS DILLON. 1138 Tnrk tit. WANTED — Plain sewing; children's clothing a specialty; work by the day: child or sick nursing. Call or address 2G Prague Ft. YOUNG French lady, understanding a little Eng- lish, desires position* an chamber maid to do sewing nr to take care of children. Address Palace Ice Cream Parlor, 64S Broadway near Stockton at., afternoons and evenings. YOUNG German woman with 6 year old boy would like to do any kind of work: good bouse keeper; city or country. 12&4 23d ay., East Oakland. . MAL^JJEJLP^JVA^TEp_^__ ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin «.— Cook, country, $60; waiter, $25; man aud wife, private place, $50: »>u* boys and help ball waiter, $35, $40: night clerk, references required, $12-$l4 week: bed "maker*. $8 to $10 week: young man for pri- vate boarding house. $20. and plenty of 'oth- ers. . Oakland office. 957 Franklin, ft. ANY ©NE make money corresponding for news- papers: particulars for stamp. Press Syndi- cate. Eight. Mlddleport. N. V: __^ EVANS «r HODGES. — — SUNSET EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 42rt Sixth St.. Oakland. -Phone Oakland 4<>3l. 100 laborers. Oakland \u0084 $2.00 , 10 nrraper tearanters 2.25 3 rough carpenter* 2.50 Man and wife, cook 45.00 Man «.-oofc: small camp 30.00 I ranch hand 30.00 20 laborers: rock quarry 2.00 FIRST CLASS butler for private family; ref- erences necessary; $60. Call at MISS PLCNKETT'S. 1396 Sutter «t.' HOP PICKING in August; pleasant, profitable outing; skilled and unskilled help wanted, in- cluding foremen and field bosses; work for men, women and children.- Write for particu- lars. E. C. HORST CO.. 215 Pine st. - - HAVE a fine opening for young man who It desirous of advancement; amount required $100. Call GLOBE REALTY CO., 211 Pacific hldg.. or 556 Broadway, Oakland. MAN and wife; man as cook - aDd woman us waitress; plain cotintrr hotels s7s. Call at MISS PLL'NKETTS. *lSi>6 Satter »fc HOP PICKING tn August; pleasant, profitable outing: skilled and unskilled -kelp wanted, In- cluding foremen and field bosses; work for men, women and children. Write for partic- ulars. E. C. HORST CO.. 215 Pine. at. LABORERS and mechanics to know that Edward Rolkin has reduced the rooms at the Denver House, 3d and Howard sts., to 35c per day, $2 week; hot and cold water In every room.. MAN to attend store and assist In 'factory; •security required. Inquire 1584 Folsom Bt. MEN wanted at 103 3d st. to. have their shoes repaired; sewed soles,. 75c, done In 10 mm. MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; earn $3 to $10 per week while learning; par- ticulars free. MOLER COLLEGE. 6 llth st. MEN to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; free spe- cial inducements to next 10; call early; get particulars. 8. F. Barber College. 8 Fell st. NEW WESTERN. 1124 Howard— Single rooms, 15c and 20c per night; hot and cold water. PHOTOGRAPH couprti anil portrait agents; something good. Cutberth Photo Studio, Bacon blcg- Oakland. SECOND butler for 2 in family out of town; $40; references. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 1896. Sutter st. m WANTED — Solo tenor for quartet choir; must have good voice accustomed to Protestant church work; state range of voice and refer- ence*. Address box 30234 Call office. WANTED— Man for laundry route; pays $30 weeTsly; little money will handle. Room 121, 1112 Market st. —WANTED— - 100 LABORING MEN ~ To occupy clean single rooms at the ORIGINAL MECHANICS' HOTEL, 919 Howard st bet. sth and 6th; 15c," 20c, 25c day; $1, $1.25 per week.' WANTED— First class barber. Call at 0901 24th street. . - -• ' A: WANTED— Steady ' man "not afraid to work; t»raall cash security required. Call 787 Market st.. room 132.- , .-\u25a0-.- \u25a0** WANTEQ— Young woman * apprentice to learn hair dressing. Apply ' Hale Jtj'os., Inc., llth and Washington ets.,' Oaklaatf. - - WANTED— 6OO men to occupy rooms. 20c to 30c per night (free bath). Tat - the NEW, YORK, 753 Howard st. betweeen 3d and 4th.. ,j-' WANTED^ — Outside salesman for our talking machine dept; exp. 'not necessary." "Apply KOHLER & CHASE, 40-52-54 st. WANTED— Men to learn to operate tnoTlng pic- \u25a0^ture machines;. salary $35 'per week. v. 22l Lo- ~ cust ay.- off Van Nesvnesr McAllister. : \u25a0.-,'\u25a0' CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FUlmore »t. near ' \u25a0 Post. • *-•\u25a0 ... -- --\u25a0 -. - \u25a0- ;•\u25a0• . - _ ; THE SAN FRANQISCQvGMiTi^iMONDAY, V3TJLY;26, 1909; MALE HELP WA XTEP— -Continued ; MURRAY* READY," > .- i V Leading Employment- and Labor Agents. ;• ' MAIN OFFICE. ' White i Palace Hotel building. : . ' llth and Market sts., S. F. . .. . Phone Market 656 and 657. .-< \u0084 . BRANCHES: 7th at. and Broadway. Oakland. - Phone Oakland 7261. ' 2d and H'sts., Sacramento. :2dand Main sts., Los Augelei. '-, - We want today 7,415 men for all classes of work all parts of California, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona,' Mexico. • \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0' . NO OFFICE FEE. FREE FARE J OREGON -• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 X I jAM A jITI Fa I>lj S - \u25a0 C. N.,8. B. R.— S. -P. B. R- i m DORRIS— MIDLAND— ADY— WEED | 800 laborers and teamsters. FREE FARE. 500 tu&nelmen, drillers,' headers and corner tnen, concrete men, rockmen $2 to $2.75 day. opikers, strappers, steel and ballast gangs.. FREE FARE— SHIP DAILT OREGON— FENCE GANG 20 laborers. S. P. fence gang. $2 day. FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY FREE FARE NEVADA— BIG TUNNEL 60 heading, men, 50 cornermen, 25 bench men, 83 . muckers. ALL FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY FREE FARE ' APPLEGATE. COLFAX, «,«„ , BOWMAN. 250 laborers and teamsters, $2 and $2.23 day. SHIP TODAY FREE FARE „. TV. P. R. R._ o. S. R. R. Miners, muckers, tunnelmen, teamsters. fr"el"fare. special shipment, colfax and applegate and the big tunnels. 25 laborers, ?60 • 25 mockers. $67.50. FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY. FEES FARE • S. P. R. R. CO. _ Dl^, KLAMATH FALLS ; TRACKMEN, STEEL, BALLAST GANGS •. *f a ckmen, . strappers, -men for steel an* ™ v * nt g««g«. and laborers; wages $1.75 to $-.40 per day. FREE FARE. SHIP DAILY. FREE FARE • \u25a0' , PITMEN— SOUTH - 10 pitmen, steam shovel work; $60. FREE FARE FREE FARE FOR \u25a0 THE SOUTH ' . -TEAMSTERS— FREE FARE 10 teametere; new work; south; fre* fare; $67.50. SHIP TODAY FREE FARE NEW MEXICO ;-: COAL— MINERS— COAL 15 coal miners to go to New Mexico; big vein; free: far*. ' COAL MINERS— SEE ABOUT THIS LABORERS— BOARD HOME— LONG JOB. 10 laborers, no experience required, $2 day. 10 laborers, Alameda county. $2 day. 15 laborers, warehouse and factory work, $2 and $2.25 day. QUARRIES— BRICKYARDS — POWER COM- PANIES—FACTORIES. 2SO laborers for all classes of work, 'country, $2 to $2.50 day. POWER COMPANY— LONG JOB. 150 laborers for a big power company building flumes, dams, power houses, making ' ditches, etc.. $67.50. If you want two years' work this is the job. FOR' THE HAY- HARVEST— FARMS— DAIR- IES— FRUIT PICKERS, ETC. 10 teamsters to work in hay and harvest, $1.50 and $2.C0 day and board. 10 teamsters to haul hay, straw and general work, ranch, $2 day and board. 5 men to pile hay, warehouse, $2 day and board. 16 farm hands, steady, $30 to $40 and board. Sack sewers, men to pick, pitch, stack, etc., $1.50 to $2 day and board. Hay balers, feeders, etc., $14 to $23 and board. . ft ore^ftrd and vineyard hands. $30 and board. 7 milkers. $35 and $40 and board. Butter makers, south $55 and beard. 4 choremen, private places. $30 and board. 3 choremen. ranches. $30 aud board. 4 stablemen, country, $30 to $40 and board. TO THE GREAT SAWMILLS AND LUMBER CAMPS. MENDOCINO. FREE FARE: HUM- BOLDT. FREE FARE: SONOMA. SANTA CRUZ. SHASTA, SISKIYOU, MADERA, TU- OLUMNE. . 25 laborers to work in the mills, yards and woods In Mendocino county; wages from $S0 and board up; free fare. • 25 woods and axe men, Sonoma county $40 to $50 and board. .... 10 line pullers for. the woods, Santa Cruz co., $45 and found. i, . • 10 laborers to make roads, Santa Crut co., $45 and found. Edgermen. timbermon. crosscut sawyers and lumber handlers, tree fellers, etc., $50 to $90 and found. BRIDGE CARPENTERS— FREE FARE. 10 bridge carpenters; good/ company; free fare; ship today. 59.i5 ~~. : STONE MASONS— FREE FARE. 6 Ptone masons; free fare: $105. ELECTRIC LINEMEN. 8 HOURS DAY— 8 HOURS DAY 5 electric linemen for. building power. lin«; $80; inquire about this; ; it's good. NOW— -rXOW $75 - $75 $75 FREE FARE. 35 laborers; no experience needed; free fare; ship today; $75.-- . , -, MISCELLANEOUS. Edgerman, Tuolumne co., $60 and found. Grading foreman, lumber co., R. U.. $90. Lathe hend machinist,- country, $3.50 day. Horsesboer, good job, $3 day. Sheet iron worker, south, $3.50 day. Teamster, lumber wagon, near city. $2.50 day. Brakeman and signal tram, rock quarry, $67.50. \u25a0\u25a0- Two men. feed rock crushers. $67.50. Shingle packer, south, $2.50 to $3 a day. Pondman, lumber co.: $UO. 4 carpenters, city and country. $3 to $4 day. 3 lathers, country jobs. $2.25 to $2.50 per M. Plumber, $1 fare. $4 day. 3 rough carpenters, country, $75. OTHERS. 2 tunnel timber framers. $105. free fare. Italian working i foreman, orchard; see boss here. . -' - \u25a0 \u25a0 Working foreman, orchard: boss here. \u25a0 Working foreman, ranch, $50 and found. Busbelman. steady job, country. $18 week. . Metal polisher, city factory, $2.75 to $3 day. ' Choreroan and wife, nice, private place, Marin co., $50 and found. DECK HANDS. , 5 deck hands, dredger work, $45 and foand. BLACKSMITHS AND HELPERS. 3 blacksmiths, country shops. $3.50 day. Blacksmith, steady, ranch Job, : $65 and found. Blacksmith's helper, ranch, $45 and found. Blacksmith's helper. $1 fare. $50 and found. 2. blacksmiths, near city. $S day. 2 camp blacksmiths. $3 and $3.50 day. MINERS, MACHINE DRILLERS. TUJtNKLMEN ft miners (band work. 1 gold mineT, $100 to $105. 4 machine drillers; big. company, south, $90. 2 hand miners, north. $82.50. 4 chuck tenders, south. $75. • . -. FREE 5 FARE 4 tunnelmen south. \u25a0 $82.. '0. free. fare. FREE FARE SACRAMENTO COMPANY WORK 10 laborers, S. P. R. R.; free fare. SHIP TODAY FARE PAID ELECTRIC POWER CO. > 10 laborers, no experience required, for power plant, $74. fare paid. \u25a0' -*" 10 Italians, Austrlans, Spaniards, to do labor- ing work, • fare- paid. SECTION FOREMEN Married section foreman, R. R. co.. $70, house. Section foreman, R. R., mining district, $50, found. , \u25a0. - COOKS AND WIVES - BAKERS, WAITERS. COOKS Cook and wife, hotel, mining. town, $70, M. 3 camp cooks, $60 to \u25a0 $75, - found ; 2 hotel i cooks, $50 and $50, fd. ; 7 cooks, hotels, boarding houses and restaurants,' sso and $75, $15 and $20 week; , baker, country shop, $50/ fd.; S bakers' helpers, $8 and $9 wk., fd.; \u25a0 potwasher, springs hotel, $30, fd.: .4 ranch and hay press cooks, $30 to 's4s, fd.; 8 hotel and saloon porters. $30 and $12 wk.; waiter, club, city; 5 waiters, country hotels, $30 to $40, fd.; orderly. Institution, $23, fd.; 3 laundry men, -$35,':fd.,- $15 and $20 wk.; kitchen help, dish washers and elevator boys,. $30 and $35, $25, fd.= /. „ ' FRUIT PICKERS. " I- PACKING AND DRY YARDS.' ITALIANS— AUSTRIAN'S— GREEKS. « 25 foreigners : to pick ' fruit, work in . packing 1 house and dry yards. MR. PELLEM. rigging foreman, please re- port or communicate. - . - , 600 foreign laborers, Italians, Anstrians, Mex- icans, Spaniards.'- etc.,' to :work "on * railroad, . quarries, factories,'. power , companies, ' ranches, etc., wages $1.75 to $2.25 day; many of them free fare. Call and read • oar bulletin boards; : work coming :in- by phone, • telegram " and mail - all : day long. , : ' \u25a0:'- . \u25a0\u25a0• Z- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0>..\u25a0' , -MURRAY & READY, llth and Market st?., San Francisco. -- » 7th st. and : Broadway,- Oakland. ' -2d and 1 H \u25a0; sts.; ,' Sacramento. \u25a0 \u25a0 WANTED— A fine. looking gray 'rjhyslclaa regis- tered In California ; with some hospital expe- rience; good salary, short bourn, no traveling. 25 3d.-Bt.'.''-.-.-.'r'->.---.' r -- \u25a0'\u25a0.'-' \u25a0\u25a0-.-,- y- ,:\u25a0.'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>-\u25a0 \ \u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0. WE TEACH SHORTHAND BY MAIL. • Revised system : taught ; In : 25 lessons ; $10 - cov- ers full conr»e:no extra 'Charges;.l hour's study per : day » fit ; you for \u25a0; position in > 3 ". months'; personal attention . given each student by i expert shorthand ; writer. \u25a0\u25a0-» Wri te " for ; full ' particulars to SHORTHAND INSTITUTE. S4 llth St.; Oakland. YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy; wire- less, telegraphy, \u25a0 railroad and station. service; ' flay and night , sessions." \; 204 Hlbernia ' build- - :ig,- San \u25a0- * ranr I**^1 **^- ;\u25a0 • • . - -. --\u25a0- ... ; WHTIiXy FANCY' PRICES to . RETAILERS for ..." chairs \ and ' fixtures when . you 'can" buy direct ', from the manufacturer? "\u25a0•"' ' '- ; ; THE BARKER HYDRA ULIO MODEL ,H CHAIR... *> a-- .'.-. \u25a0\u0084 -......-.-- - \u25a0...'- .:•.\u25a0>_.,.,; ** THE BEST SELLING CHAIBt ON -THE MARKET TODAY, sells for $78. on easy pay- .: ments \u25a0 of ; $15 down' and *$5 a month, or $08 cash in 120: days. .- r,^ . : " \B"SainB in second hand chairs, and. we sell NEW- mirrors; poles or workitands - far below ; .the retailers' prlc*.'' •\u25a0• " ' \u25a0'' ''"'* '-\u25a0> SEE US TO GET YOUR MONET'S WORTH. HAIR- DRYEBS- and VIBRATORS sold at $5 •per month: *' --•-.-\u25a0 . „ JAMES BARKER, INC. Phone Franklin 3899. / -\u25a0•\u25a0- -_- \u25a0 j 'M Turk-sL 1 '\u25a0"• * Engene F. Panarlo. Manager. .. . \u25a0\u25a0'.- BARBERS— Come and see the handsomest white porcelain. enameled iron .chair manufactured. 1011 have positively seen nothing like it- be- fore. It is Koch's masterpiece and must ap- peal to everybody's artistic sense because ;of its plain, but striking appearance. \ It ; is thor- oughly, sanitary. For the benefit of barbers , who can not leave their places of business dur- ing the -day we. remain open until 9:30 every evening.: Pacific Barber Supply Company, 962 Market at. •; - BABBERS' UNION 148. office 343 Van Ness ay. ; free employment; .tel.' Market 889.' - ; \u25a0 BARBER would like position in shop with op- j Iwtunity to buy same. Address box 3732. j Call office.. . BARBER shop lixra tion for 4 chairs, or more; low rent. CHAS. COLEMAN & CO., S3O Markot- st. . . r \u25a0 ....... ji, .. - . \ BARBHR of experience wants job in .country' or city.' Box SlO, Call office.' Oakland.' ! BAKBEII wanted* at PiselteMX 900 O'Far- 1 rell"Bt.; 'ltalian preferred. : \u25a0'*\u25a0.\u25a0 -"\u25a0 BARBER -wants - forenoon 'job. Address^ box j 3733... Call office. . , -\u25a0 . . ENGLISH- oak- tanned strops have no e<-ual. At Bauer's Barbers' Supplies, 1554 Ellis st. FOR sale— 3 chair barber shop and baths; country. Address box 3469. Call office. FORaare— Complete outfit, barber shop, fixtures; 7 chair; ' Koken combination • case and chairs, practically new. 3 Battery. St., . . \u25a0-,", , . FOR BALE— A 4 chair barber shop, with 4 bath- rooms; doing, a good business; centrally lo- cated. For particulars write or call at 204 j . East . Fremont ; st., Stockton, Cal. -. GOOD barber wanted at Rnge & Cast, Sutter and: Larklnists... . • KOCH'S reclining, revolving barber chair; leather covered; new; $22.50. Box 3737. Call. PRICE $200. -a snap; J chair shop in Gnerna- " Til i e ' J V lth baths attached, first class fixtures and doing a good business; best location, low rent; will" pay for Itself this summer; come up and see at once if • Interested. H. SMISSEART, box S3. Guernevllle. COUNTRY barbers, attention— Strictly first class barber, young, sober, reliable, married, wishes steady position' in good farming country town. Box 4704, Call office. WANTED. to buy, a barber shop in farming coun- trytown; will pay cash. Box 4706. Call office. WANTED— Barber. Apply 318 Bosh st. WANTED— First class barber; short hours; no Sunday work. Up Leldesdorff st. WANTKD— 2 barbers; S. P. Shaving parlor, -705 3d »t.; hours 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. $350—3 Kokcn H. D. chair shop and bath, near city; finely fitted: large vibrator; profits over $100 per month: long lease: rent $13. CHAS. COLEMAN & CO.. 830 Market st* 2 CHAIR shop for quick sale, $150; low rent; bargain. CHAS. COLEMAN & CO.. 830 Mkt. $225—2 chair barber shop for sale; rent f5. At 98!) Guerrero st. -. $85—1 chair shop; rent $10; established laundry trade. CHAS. COLEMAN & CO.. 830 Market. -V/%^^^AV^RJENTICEB^WANTED EXPERIENCED watch maker is willing to tat* ( an apprentice under contract; position guaran* teed after serving full time. • Box 2919. Call FEMALE HELP WANTED AT MME. ANDRE'S, 1044 Larkin St.— German and Swedish parlor maids and waitresses, --$35; youDg maid and : seamstress, must un- derstands embroidery, $30 to $3."; infant's nurse. $35: nurse for 2 children, country, $30; second girl. $30; Scandinavian waitress. $35; German and American cooks, $35, $40 and $45; French house keeper. $35. COMPETENT girl, for general housework, two in family: must be a good Cook. Call Mon- day. forenoon, 1770 Pacific ay., apt. 8. - DEUSTER'S SCHOOL OF'HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY CULTURE. 47 KEARNY ST.. S. F. ERRAND girl :wantcd. IC6 Geary at., room'ftg. FIRST CLASS cook, must understand a little German cooking, private family, $45; parlor maid and waitress, . city, - $35. , German or Swedish preferred: young, - strong second girl for plain place, $20, experience not necessary; . general housework girl for small family. $ST>, city; 2 good waitresHes for country hotel, $30; 'chamber maid for plain hotel, near br, $25; kitchen helper for small boarding bouse, Tity. $5 per week. Call at' MISS PLUNK- ETT'S. 1896 Sutter st. • FIRST CLASS lady solicitors can find steady employment by applying city circulation- de- partment San Francisco Call, 3d and Market streets. \. . LADIES — During summer months we will give a liberal discount on all laces; our neckwear will be sold at half. Brussels Lace Store, 1254 Sutter st. below -Van Ness. LADlES 'wanted to take home work; part or full Time; experience unnecessary; :TRIEBERS, 1240 Sutter st. near Polk.» OAKLAND. ' ~* GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. . PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., 3D AND CLAY , STS. OAKLAND. ' ' ; APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. RELIABLE, experienced cook, 3 adult*; no : washing. Box 101. Sausalito. - - - WANTED— Apprentices to learn dress making; ! paid while learning. Capp apt. 208, Baldwin apartments. Polk and Post sts. WANTEDr-Ladies to learn hair dressing at the Cal.. College of Hair Dressing and Beauty Cul- tnre: day and night school. 067^ Mkt.; phone. ' WANTED — Young ladles to .. train as nurses; ages 20 to 35; paid while learning. 919 Bush St., Oakland. Cal. WANTED— A . woman in position where ability to train assistants Is necessary qualification. Box 3703, Call office. WANTED— Young girl to asulst with light housework. 674 3d ay., Richmond district. WANTED— Neat girl for general housework and plain cooking. ; 012 Devisadero st. WANTED— A' Protestant lady unlncumbered as attendant In 8 doctors' offices; must be extra fine appearing and at least high. school gradu- ate from j distance ; teacher preferred ; no limit to salary. -Don't write. Call personally. Dr. C. 696 McAllister at. \u25a0 WANTED — Competent girl for general house- work;- 4- in family; wages $35. Call .2601 Union St., city. ; ,-,-. \u25a0 WANTED— GirI -for- general housework; wages $25. Apply.: 871 Laurel St.. Alameda. '.' WE TEACH SHORTHAND BY MAIL. Revised system taught In 25 lessons; $10 cov- ers full course; no extra charges; 1 hour's study per day , will fit you for position in 3 months: personal attention given each student by expert shorthand writer. Write for full particulars to SHORTHAND INSTITUTE.' B4 llth St.. Oakland. SALESMEN- and SOLICITORS WAXTED FIVE ' solicitors . for hospital association; new proposition; £ big seller; increasing i commlssloa with advancement. Call 1278 Market St., room 207, between 3 and 5 p. m. 1 .- v ... . _ _^ • LOCAL agents, men and women? In every Interior towa for household novelties: permanent posi- tions to good workers; exclusive territory; easy sellers; splendid pay; don't look' further. Write or call Radio Mfg. Co.. 1065 Washington. Oakl'd TRAVELING salesmen earn from $1,000 to $10,- 000 \u25a0 a year and expenses. Over 600.000 . em- ployed In the ; United States and Canada. The demand for good, salesmen always exceeds ( the | supply. - 1 -We - will teach you -to be an . expert by mall , and . assist J you . to ;. secure . a position ; through our j free employment . bureau. • ' We have ; assisted thousands . of • men . to secure better posl tlons or. salaries, and a great r many -of , them,- who fformerlyy y earned * from $25 to $76 a month , now earn from $100 - to : $500 1 a month • and • expenses, j Why jbe contented with I a- poorly,' paid, position, long hours, -hard or dirty \u25a0 work, when you , can enter this . pleasant, well . paid . profession , in a few. , short weeks. Hijndred . of ; good : openings : no w : open. 7, If s. you : want^to^secure'one of them or Increase your earnings, our free book, \"A Knight of the Grip,'.' will show. you how.'- Write or call for It today. .--Address National ' Salesman'^ Train- Ing Association, 6108 Metropolis bank bldg.; San- Francisco. "Branches — Chicago. -New 'York, Kansas City. ? Minneapolis. \u25a0 : WANTED— Successful nursery, \u25a0 salesman; bjg : • commission; choice territory;' heavy "demand for treea.' Address OREGON NURSERY CO., : Salem; Ore.; ;.' . ....;'<::• , WANTED— 3, neat; appearing' solicitors; good chance for, ambitious men. ; Call 10 to 11 a. n., .2122 Market at. > :- \u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0;;:/ > -y.'-.J- \y^y . ':'-. ;^-^ i> .-..AOE?fTS AVA7VTEP '/._\u25a0] "v\V: -'.;A / AGENTS 5 wanted "every where" s ladies - orV gen r .:• tlemen,;to sell the Crown Piano and-Furninire ,' Polish;. It is . superior- to' all -polish the . market: ', jquick sales * and big profits: others \u25a0; have- made? a : success with.vit.^ WHT^NOT T , YQUT .i Experience • unnecces»ary;i It 'will c pay ,; yon Investigate. , : i 218»4 f Clay, st.^ Oakland. WE have ; something 'you \u25a0 have 'been looking 'for: \u0084 good < /seller;- « big ; commission. "*- PARKER CHEMICAL COMPANY;' 9IS Market st.,; S; F." J EMPLOYMENT OFFICES '"V ' ' • AAAA- ;' PHONE WEST IT3I. - " ' Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office in city. T..TAMCRA CO.; 1612-Lagana st. AAA^-CriINESE cooks of all classes and other : . : help j. furnished. - Orient Employment of Bee, 361 Bth St.. , Oakland. Phone Oakland 3101. A. 'HORir 1748 Sutter: [ phone West j 280."?— Best •' Japanese-Chinese help furnished • promptly. < - J. CONN. Chinese emp.: bureau;' Chinese cooks ; special, hotel or fam. 770 Clay; t. D'gias 3162. STAR emp. -\u25a0 office furnishes" Japanese-Chinese - help. W. KADOTA. 1608 Geary; tel. West 107. H. W.HONO, Chinese employment' office. S>os Webster St.. Oakland. Phone Oak 5843. JAPANESE-Chinese ' employment office, 1097 - Polk st. ; phone , Franklin 3757. ' KNOX, 433 Pine— Suits, liens and attachments. time checks cashed: debt* coll'ted everywhere : _ ' JR.OOMS TO LEl'— Fur, and Unfur. • AAA— THE HATTON. 977 PINE ST.— NICELY FURN. RMS..; SINGLE OR SUITE: PRIVATE . BATHS;-RUNNIN(t WATER: STEAM HEAT; SUMMER RATE:. BOARDyfcfPTIONAL. AA — 822 Turk St.; nicelc furnished sunny room. $1.50, $j.50 wk. 'Also" handsomely furnished front, room suitable for 2 , very reasonable. . . AETNA, 1617. Pine Van Ne*s ay.— Mod- ern.' single room aud suites, wk. and up; suites and bath $C wk. - - * ' \u25a0 ' ' ' ALABAMA St., 931, nr. 22d— Large sunny front room, suitable for 2..510; sunny. side room, $5; gas; bath; 3 carlines. . ' ALABAMA St.. 922— 2 sunny, cozy, unfurnished rooms for house keeping; lower cottage; light- lng gas free. v \u25a0 \u25a0 . 's-. ANTHONY HOTEL. 825 Howard near 4th— New management; all modern cony.: free baths; 35c day; $2 week up; Howard or 4tb st. cara. A COZY home for respectable, ladles. 1130 Mar* - ket' st. . near 7th under auspices of the SAL- .' VATION ARMY; elegantly furnished: every modern convenience: steam heat, electric light ' and '• elevator service; spotlessly clean; cen- trally located; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market 1349; prices . very moderate, ranging from 25c per night up; 'special rates by the week or month. See matron, room 33. - BALDWIN HOOSE. 74 6tb ~st. near Market— All modern conveniences; 220 rooms: 35c to $1 per • tlay, $2 to $5 per week; free baths. \u25a0 : BAKER et.. 36 — Sunny- furnished room; 1 or 2 -gentlemen; bath, phone; convenient to carllne. BELVEDEKBr st., 182A — 3 sunny, unfurnished rooms, .bath; modern; $15; Halght st. car; panhandle; -references. \u25a0 -_^ BUSH St., 1125, nr. Leaven worth— Front room In private family: nicely furnished; walking dis- tance; reasonable. " : \u25a0 \u25a0 .' BUSH St., 2097, corner Webster— Nicely fur- nished sunny rooms; - electric light, running water, telephone. . • - CENTRAL HOTEL, 574 3d St.— Free baths; of- fice . and reading room on ground yfloor; 600 single and family rooms; 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 a week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. DEVISADERO at., 1445, nr. Geary— Newly fur. sunny rooms, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen ; all cony.; $10 mo. , • ' \u25a0 \u25a0 DEWEY HOUSE, 4th and Howard— All modern conveniences; 200 rooms: 35c to $1 a day, $2 to $5 week; free baths. Howard or 4th st. cars. EDDY St.. 1258 — Large snnny - furnished room; .-. batb. Phone , West, 1053. .\u25a0 . . . ELLIS St., 1817— Sunny outside room, nicely furnished, with or without h. k.; batb, phone; $12 month. FELL St.. 1150, near Devisadero — Sunny outside rooms In private family; nicely furnished; for 1 or. 2; $6 to $10 month. - *\u25a0' GEARY St., 1410% — Sunny front room; private family; nicely furnished; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. . ' \u25a0• GOUGH Bt.. 51«, nr. Grove — Large, pleasant, sunny, newly furn. front room. HAIGHT St., 141. cor. Laguna — Large, sunny, front, bay window rooms, en suite or single; all conveniences; bath. - HAVES Bt.. ?.2G— Nicely furnished- room; gas, electricity and running water:, use . of . phone and bath; private family; rent $10. HENRY St.. 25. nr. Market and 15th— Large sunny room". $1.50 a week; no sign. . " j HOTEL ST. JOE. 846 Kearny- St.— (Cicely fur- nlsbed rooms; reasonable; transient accom- j modated. . • ' . HOTEL ST. PADL. 528 12th St.. corner Clay, \ Oakland — Rooms 50c a day up; $2.50 week up; j special rate by the month; open all 'night. HOWARD St.. 2167, near 18th— Large furnished room: reasonable. \u25a0 LAGCNA St.. 1804. nr. Bnsb— Sunny outside room in private family; nicely furnished for gentleman; batb, running water; $2.60 week. LEAVENWORTH St.. 1120— Snnny front room, /private family; nicely furnished: 1 or 2 gen- ' ili-men; all conveniences; reasonable. LEAVENWORTH St., 1128. nr. California— Sun- ny outside room, 'newly furnished: running hot water; all conveniences; $15 month. .. MCALLISTER St.. 962— Nicely furnished front bay window room; bath, etc.; house keeping; aiso single rooms. $7 to $14. f MCALLISTER- st., 1414 — Sunny outside rooms; hot' and cold water, bath," phone; $10 mo. up. MCALLISTER St., 1221, near Fillmore— Sunny outside rooms; nicely furnished; for 1 or 2 gentlemen; nil conveniences: $2 week and up. NOE St.. 420 — Nice sunny front room; bath; suit- able for 2 gentlemen: reasonable. : - OAK 5t.,. 452 — All day sunny residence;' close to theaters and business center; near 3 car lines; elegant rooms, $1.50 week up; hot running water, bath, phone, laundry, gardens. Take Haight st. cars to Buchanan. OAK St., 992 — Nicely fur. room private family, (8 no,; also room, $6 mo.; gentlemen" only. O'FARRELL St., 1351A — 4 room unfurnished flat; pas, laundry, : sunny yard; - separate entrance; $18 month. • OVEr.LAND HOOSE. 569 Sacramento st, below .Montgomery — Now open. 200 rooms; hot and cold water In every room; 25c to $2 per day, 51.50 to $5 per week. ED W. ROLKI.V Prop. PAGE St.. 502." cor. ; Webster — Comfortable and sunny furnished rooms; telephone and bath ; good neighborhood. PAGE St.. 226— Clean, . bright, nicely furnished front bay window rooms; bath, 'phone; $10 to #15 month: • - PINK St.. 2531— Front bay window room; kitchen adjoining; running water; other rooms; sunny. PINE St., 2330. at Fillmore— Sunny outside room, private fmnily: nicely furnished: for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all conveniences; - $10 month. POLK, 1736 — Snnny outside rms. : hot, cold water, bath, phone; $2 wk. up: hskpg. apt.. $14 mo. SAN CARLOS, 1 1175 O'Farrell St.— Furnished or unfurnished, i with .or without bath; privilege of bouse keeping. . - - . . ST. ANNA, 1291 Pine at Hyde — Newly furnished bachelor quarters; hot and cold water, baths; all conveniences treasonable. SUTTER St., IS26 — Outside room, nicely furnish- ed..for l.or 2 gentlemen; run.- water; ''reas. THE . GOUGH; 1124 Gough corner O'Farrell— Nicely fur, rooms, single or suite; reasonable. THE LURLINE, 1353 Bush— Sunny, modern rms $2.50 wk. up; country trade: 80c to $1.50 day. WASHINGTON st... 2526— Private home; large : sunny furnished rooms; hot and cold water; grate, gas, etc.;- suitable for •1< or 2 gentle- j men; reasonable: references. , - \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0- WEBSTER St., 1710. near Sutter— Sunny rooms, .'with board; very \u25a0 reasonable. -; \ \u25a0 14TH st;. -784, nr. Sanchez— Neatly furnished room: bath, closet: gentleman: $ft a month. O AKLAX D nOOMS— Far. "and TJnf nr. FUBNISHEB | large . sunny | front rooms, from $2 to $4 week; large house keeping room, $13 month, including gas . and laundry. 1229 Franklin st. RENT THAT VACANT BOOM A small want -ad In The • Call will da it Quicker ' than a dozen signs - plastered "on : your windows and - which . spoil the looks -of -- your borne besides. Phone Kearny SO for an ad man to call and see yon. '"-'": - ..- : - \u25a0-ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING AA— DEVISADERO at.,', 002— Large \ sunny'- fur- : nlsbed front alcove room; -piano;, buffet kitchen adjoining ; $20 : unfurnished floor. • $15. \u25a0:.;-; AA—Stanyan St., .'o4s—^Al house keeping rooms, • completely furnished, 'reasonable;' sun air day; \u25a0 near : Golden Gate -' park: : , ' :' A— DEVISADERO: St., 106 — 3," 3. 0r. 4 room, mod- . era cor. apts., complete for, bouse keeping; un- obstructed view; . conveniences; \u25a04 \u25a0 car lines. '.. ":-•\u25a0 -:.:.\u25a0 \u25a0 -.y; . .':,;.- ,-./. .. \u0084. .. \u0084 ERODE KICK, 463— Two ground, floor rooms, regu- lar" kitchen "and yard,: $3 'week. ; / . . . C st.,: 124,. facing G. O. park; McAllister cars C to \ 3d aye. sunny* bay., window -. rooms ' con- •nected-. for ; house \u25a0 keeping.' . \u0084 '\u25a0'\u25a0' ...... CARMELITA aU, 61.>nearl Waller— Sunny 3 room '\u25a0; flat, new .- and ; completely \u25a0 furnished • for house keepings bath ; : phone; , $20. . ; : , CLAY St., " 1624,*. near - Polk— Apartment, . consist- %; ing of "living ; room \u25a0 with I piano, bedroom , and . : small kitchen; ': all ' modern . conveniences; ' rea- sonable. - . .' '. . --. .-•:.-,/..- DEVISADERO st. . 464— Newly \u25a0 furnished front .suite,- complete; bath; also single rooms: 3 car Mines; $15 to $22.50. y :-, y- " ."- ::. '.: , DIAMOND/st."; -1009/ near 25th— 2 large, sunny, front ?rooms. t regular, kitchen.' bath, laundry; -..^sls a^ month. '\u25a0;'\u25a0,.* .••..;;"--:> \u25a0-*:,. ,\ \u25a0.,,;.-. _- s• \u25a0 '\u25a0- DOLORES «t.;: 084. v near 23d— Front bay . window v, ; suite with bath; : convenient for house keeping; - gas "cc; $20. ;. ...\u25a0-, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-.. ; : .{ \u25a0 --.:.,...;\u25a0.«,-.._-_>,.. ROOSIS -FOR HOUSE 'KEEPIXG— Con. BROADWAY.' IS 9«— Comfortably furnUhsd sunny ' house keeping room: marine- view; $10.- FILLMOKE St.. 1443— Nlcly furnished and unfnr- nlshed rooms,' single or en suite., at very rea- sonable rates^_^^_________________ FRANKLIN St.. 1249— Nicely furnished h. k. apts. - single and en suite.- $10 mo. -and -up. FOLSOM St.". 1222, nr. Sth— Suite rooms for house keeping; bath, hot water, gas. laundry . room : rent $16 up: also single room. GEARY St.. 1345. nr. Gough— 2 and 3 room hkpg. apts. completely \u25a0 furnished, with all conveniences : reasonable.^. HAVES st.. 972 — Large bay window house keep- Ing rooms; bath, phone, storage; cheap. HAVES St., 969^ — Modern large light rooms, en suite or single; also house, keeping suites; batb, phone. ' \u25a0 HOWARD st.. 363— Front room and kitchen fur- nished. $12; 2 house keeping rooms, $10: others. $8 up. - ' ! HOWARD et.. 9SB— Newly fur. suites, cot-p. for hkpg.'. bath, phone: also others; $2 wt. up. MISSION St., 1'219A. near 18th— Modern front suite; reg. kitchen; gas range; bath; wash- trays. • :'\u25a0'\u25a0 --. * : '\u25a0'-.. ' - '\u25a0 ' ' O'FARRELL st..' 1059— Nicely furnished house keeping apartments of 1 and 2 rooms; all con- veniences; $10 month' and up- ' O'FARRELL St.. 1540-^4 room flat, completely furnished for house keeping; reasonable. OCTAVIA St.. 1316. near Geary— 3 room house keeping apartment: completely furnished ; bath, yard and laundry; adults.' > ~ \u25a0 OCTAVIA st.. 1257. near O'Farrell— Nicely fur- , nlshed rooms, single or en suite, for house keeping; $10 month and. up. » PINE st.. 2721»j. near Devisadero— sl2; large \u25a0 front room for house -keeping; separate en- trance. \u25a0 " SAN CARLOS ar.. 355. nr. *2lst and Mission sts. — 2 connecting rooms, furn.; gas and coal range; bath; adults. " SCOTT at., 2040—2 attic house keeping rooms; kitchen; $10 per month; other. rooms $1.50 per week. ' "\u25a0 - :....•: >. \u25a0 WALLER St., 661, near Scott — Large, sunny front room, fnrn. for house keeping; $12 mo. 12TH st.. 210 — House keeping rooms. \u25a0 6TH St.," 314 — 1. 2 or 3 sunny rooms: complete for hskng: 52.75 wk. and np. Phone Mkt. 5286. OAKLAND HOUSE KEEPI.VG ROOMS 22D st.. 572— 2 and 3 room apartments com- pletely fnrniahed for hnkpg: $4.50 wk. and up. ROOMS AXD BOARD WAXTED - GOOD borne immediately for boy .8 years old: out of town preferred; school privileges: $15; per month consideration. Box »373. _Call_offlcg. < ROOMS AXD BOARD OFFERED AA— Devisadero «., 116— Convenient to 4 ear lines; beautiful marine view; elegant furni- ture; unexcelled board; $25 and $30; every modern convenience. - AA— HOTEL OXFORD, NE. cor. Post and rrank- lin— First class furn. rooms, with or without board; best accom.; special rates perm, guests. A— THE WEMPB. 419 Oak st. near Van Neas ay. and Market st. — Large, sunny rooms and unex- celled board; all modern conveniences; -$33 month up. ALTA VISTA. 1207 Gou?b st. — Large sunny room, dressing room connected; also single rooms: good table: reasonable. CALIFORNIA St.. 2315 — Sunny bay wlnttow room for 2; running .water; first class Ger- man home cooking; telephone; table board. EDDY St., 865 — Large sunny room, with closet; running water; $15; board if desired; gentle- men. FOLSOM St.. 2196 — Front bay window rooms; sun all day; new furniture; bath; near 2 cars; board. $5; without, $2. PIERCE st.. 815. nr. McAllister— Nice furnished rooms, bath, good board. 2 people. $36 month. PINE St., 2121— Sunny ' front room in private family, furnished, for 1 or 2 gentlemen, with j excellent board; $60 for two. : SCOTT St.. 460, ccr. Fell — Sunny furnished bay window room, witb board, for 2; bath; $5 wk. TWO nit* sunny front rooms and board, with bath, use of telephone; $25 a month. 4404 IRth st. nr. Castro. • ST. MARGARET'S club for working girls. 1541 California St.; $20 mo. up: tourlrta $1 day. WOMAN* HOTEL. Turk at Laguna, opp. park- Home comforts: reasonable rates. BERKELEY ROOMS AXD BOARD FURNISHED rooms in refined private family; beautiful grounds and surroundings; board op- tional; near stations; reference*. 2223 Shat- tnck it. : - * •- - . ' AAA— ST. MARGARET apartments. Fell and Oc- tavia sts.. — Sunny unfurnished apartments; 3 rooms and batb; wall beds; rent reasonable. AAA— THE STANFORD. 315 Van Ness— l, 2 rms.. hkpg.; single rms, $2.00 up: tourists sol. AA— GLADSTONE APARTMENTS. 706 Polk *t. cor. Eddy — Elegant sunny house keep&g apart - .'ments; 1 room, $14- per month; 2 rooms, $23 per month: 3 rooms. $40 per month; hot baths; elec. lights; Janitor serv. TeL Franklin 2045. AA— CLAYTON APTS., 239 Clayton st. near Panhandle; ready for Inspection: 4 rooms and bath, unfurnished: Ideal location: artlstie and modern. in every detail; open fireplace, French windows. Peerless heaters: automobile accom- modatlons; rent $30 to $35; references. AA— CARMEUTA apts., cor. 15th and Valencia; most modern apt.-vjto-.ise in the city; elevator, steam heat, tel.; priv. baths; 2, 3. 4 rooms from $27.50 up; elegantly furnished. AA— CLEMENTINA, 746. nr. Bth; near 4 ear lines — New sunny 2-3-4 rm; apts.; comp. fur. for hkp.; $15 to $18; also single rooms. A— CORNELIA HOTEL APARTMENTS. 641 O'FARRELL ST. NEAR HYDE. 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM S ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS. Completely equipped wKh every modern conven- ience and ready for Immediate occupancy. SOMETHING NEW. . HOTEL SERVICE. REFERENCES REQUIRED. APARTMENTS TO LET UNFURNISHED When seeking apartments do not fail to see the HICKMAN apartments, 3«26 California st; elegant, convenient.' low rent, water free, halls carpeted and &pt clean, electric lighted; rents from $17.50 to $23. ADELINE APTS., 640 Eddy— Apartments,. 2. 3 - and 4 rooms; thoroughly modern; summer rates. ALAMO. 930 Hayes, nr. - Fillmore— Large sunny modern .4. 5 and 6 room apartments, nnfurn. ANSONIA APTS.. 1457 Geary St.— l and 2 room furn. apts.; mod.; convenient: summer rates. CALIFORNIA apts.. 2124 California St.— Sunny .furnished apts. of. 3 and 4 rooms. M.' & S. wall beds In each apt.; lawn. West 5119. Columbus (The), NB. cor. Pac. and: Larkin— 3 and 4 room apts.. unfurnished. $22, $23. $27. ELDORADO apartments. 150 Ninth st. close to Mission — Elegant famished 2 and 3 room apartments; also single rooms. EMPIRE aparts.. 1503 McAllister St.— s rooms and bath, disconnected, private: rent $30- all front rooms; inquire R. 30»?. 127 Montgomery. GLOBE apts.. 1147 Folsom — Fur. bkp. apts., 2-3 rms., with bath; gaa and elec; $10 to $12 mo. GORDON ALEXANDER. 1601 Sacramento— Ele- i gantly furnished. -4 room, cor. apt.; also 2 room apt. KENILWORTH. NE. COR. BUSH AND POWELL STS.— 3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE KEEP- . ING APARTMENTS: SINGLE ROOMS- COil- PLETE APPOINTMENTS AND SERVICE. MARYLAND APARTMENTS. 363 Page St.— Sun- ny 4 room apartments; furnished and unfur- nished; hot water. Janitor service, night watch, man, elevator. - : MALTA apts. — More than home comforts; 2-3 r. apts., complete; sun all day. Priv. ex. Market 6144. Gore 14th and Market sts. The Brompton.l424 Polk St.— New fur. and un- fur. apts., 3 and 4 rms., now ready; all mod cony.. private baths, phone, elevator service. THE BETRAM; 632 Hyde st. nr. Geary- Changed hands. Elegantly fnrn. 4 room ,*pta. .HOTELS — A-^THE WEMPE. 419 Oat at. nr. Van Xess and \u25a0 Market — Large, sunny rooms and unexcelled board; all modern conveniences: $35 month np. BROOKLYN HOTEL. 369 Ist— Board and room $6 to $8 per week: rooms 50c to $1; weekly S2 up; meals 25c. CHARLES. MONTGOMERY.^ HOTEL ARGONAUT, 4th and Market sts.— Fara- lly and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1 per day; rooms with private bath, $1.50 per day; restaurant attached; I moderate prices; free bug meets all trains & steamships. HOTEL BRILLIANT. ~~ ~~ " 645 Turk st. Fireproof, ; private exchange, \u25a0 all - eutslde rooms; special rates to permanent*: dlnlnc ' room. Take Eddy, st. car from ferry., '. HOTEL BELMONT. 730 Eddy, below Van Ness Turk and Eddy cars— Rates $1 per day np. ' HOTEL CALIFORNIA, cor. California * Hyde— Especially, adapted, to ; Ideal - home lift; aa- perior accom. : reas. : European \u25a0\u25a0 or : Am. : plan. HOTEL HARCOURT. LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN, EXCELLENT .TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. TTv-^ HOTEL iLORAINE. Hs3s, Sutter, nr. Octavia— New management, elegantly furn.; by, day,. wk. ...- 0r, m0. ; near .theaters; hot water . in , every ; rm. HOTEL MERRITT, IS3O Geary . near Fillmore-^ In amusement center; $1 day np; $3.50 wk. np. • HOTEL REV. 315-519 BUSH ST. ~ - JDST OPENED. - 3 - \u25a0's.F.lcgantly - furnished;- private '.baths; airlctry first class: .particularly, suited for downtown busi- nessmen ; European plan ; rates rcas. ; Dong." 4763. TTOTELy—^Conitlna* J_-^^ ~~ n m.".r n .". HOTEL ST. JAMES. Van N««« « t _ i f^l tl^i 15 month to permanent guesto: beautiful lodPT- HOTEL. ST. ROSE. .1492 Ellis at. 1 block from new Chutes — Elegantly furnished room*. slngn» and en suite v permanent and transient g?e»t* .- aollclted; hot and cold water; completa call service. Rate* per day $1^ $1,60 and $2; rate* per week $3. $3.50. $4. $5 aad $6. HYGEIA." 2042 Mission, nr. 16th— Clean sunny rooms; ninntng water; 11.50 np; also transient. MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary at— Rooma and suites, with -first elasa board, can now be en- gaged at snmmes ratew. . , - THE STRATKOIU> HOTEL. 242 Powell »*.. opposite the St. Francis. A first class, modern, fireproof hottl; In |h»' finest downtown section. Rooms $4 a week and np. Room with private bath. $1 a day and n?. THE CRESCENT. ISOI California St.. at Frank- lin—Select boarding house: first class; ref.: rate* reaa. Franklin 1021. MRS. E. R. BATS 3. THE RONDELL.3OBI 16th, nr. Valencia— Fur. rms.: rnn. -water: 50c dar. $2.60 wk. up. -\u25a0 FLATS TO LET v A A — Choice \u25a0 upper 6 large, fine, sunny room». with part, flowers and shrubs: fine neighbor- hood and surroundings: cor. Portola at. and Duboce park. - . • . A— Snnny np to date upp*r 5 room flat, snn and light, $20: 2 new middle and upper 5 room flats. mo«t convenient, electricity, very late«r. $20 ami $22.u0. 1461 Broderick %t., cor. Pout. ARE you interested In securing a pretty borne? If so. see the beahtlful terrace flat* on Wtl- lard st. sooth of Parnassus: 4 and 5 rpom»; entrance through terraced lawn; rent ffeasoo- "aW«. A. S.- WEAVER* owner. \u25a0 BELVEDERE St.. 129— 522.50: «ix room* an* bath; modern flat .in good condition. BUSH, 1981. nr. Gough — Beautiful S i room and bath sonny and light flat. One renting location. CALIFORNIA st. between Larkin and Polk — Just completed: swell fiata of 9 and 7 rooms each; handsomely finished; with abusdanca of light and sun. CLEMENT St.. 240». nr. 25th ay.. Richmond dr«- trict— Modern, light, sunny upper flat; 5 rooms. bath; large glass inclosed porch: all n«w; decorated garden: $20 a month Including water; Clement car passes. DEVISADERO at.. 1443— Modern flat. C sunnr rooms, bath: good renting locality; $27.50. FILLMORE. 661. cor. Hayes— Modern 7 room bay window flat; rent reasonable. GEARY St.. 1694. NE- cor. Webster. — Beautiful 5 rooms and bath; sunny and light flat. GROVE st.. 635. near Buchanan— Flat to let. 4 rooms, reasonable: $17. HAIGHT St.. 1218. opposite Buena Vista park — Fine flat. 6 rooms, suitable for dentist or physician. •" HYDE St.. 1728 — Nice sunny 5 room flat, bata. large sunny yard: car line. MASONIC ay.. 1317. nr. Waller St.— Elegant sunny, up to date upper flat. 1 rooms and bath; 4 car lines; open 1 to 4. MISSION St., 2704— Upper; 6; sunny, light, new- ly tinted and painted: every thing modern; reaa.. MINNA St.. 1319. near 14tli — 4 sunny roeraa, bath, toilet separate: large porch: rent $Is. * NEAR FAIRMONT HOTEL New corner. 6 room flat, finished In burnt wood effect; sun in every room all day; rent cheap to responsible tenant. Apply fi»» rent- ing bureau HARRY J. MOORE FURNITfRK COMPANY. 40 to 52 O'Farrell at., nr. Market. NEW sunny 5 room flat, with panoramic view of city; everything convenient, strictly modern. Inquire 69 South Broderick at. NOE St.. 1043 — Flat of 4 rooms and bath; up to data: reasonable. O'FARRELL st.. 1599. cor. Pierce — 4 rooms aa<l bath: cars pass door; rent reasonable. PAGE *t., 244— Flat. 4 sunny rooms and bath. PINE Bt.. bet. Hyde and Larkin — 3 and 4 rooms : $25 up: janitor service free. PINE St., 1749. between Franklin and Gough — Modern. 6 room flat: rent reasonable. RENT $12.50 — Cottage of 3 sunny rooms. I3t Rose ay.. bet. Gougb and Octavta, iinljht and Page sts. STEVENSON tz.. 1363. bet, Valeria and 13th— Modern flat. 5 stmny rooms, Bath, xas and electric- lisht. ~ STEINER St.. 1315, near Ellis— Modern flat. 7 sunny rooms; bath; good renting locality; $37.50. WALLER it.. 14C3 — Modern, middle 6 rooms and bath flat. ZOE St.. 51. off Bryant bet. 3d and 4 th— New sunny' 4 and 3 rooms and bath. 10TH ay.. — t large aunny rooms and hath; adults only: reference; reasonable. 19TH St.. 4012. nr. Noe^ — Sunny, upper, 5 rms.; lot. storeroom, basement. IST ay.. 855 — Upper flat. 6 rooms and bath; rent reasonable and auto convenience. 19TH st.. 3S2S-3S2S, nr. Church— 2 new modern flats near Mission park: 5 and 6 roomii: bath. OAKLAND FLATS TO LET 3D - ay.. 1335. East Oakland — New. modern, upper corner flat. 4 rooms, overlooking Lak* Merrltt: rent reasonable. ALAMEDA FLATS TO LET ENCINAL ay., 3215. near High at.— sl3; flat; 3 rooms, bath, gas: water fref. > FLATS TO LET— Furnished FURNISHED flat. 7 rms: rent reasonable. 1373 Waller, nr. Masonic. Call Sun. or Mon., 12:3O to 1 o'clock. j HANDSOME furnished top flat. 7 room*: suaar corner; Devisadero and Eddy sts; $65. 943 Phelan bldg. . \u25a0 ':. --._•; MODERN upper flat, completely furnished for house keeping; 3 rooms and bath: 1 block from Morton station. 121fi I*ani at.. Alameda. FOR sale — Furniture of 6 room flat; $230; flat for rent, lfing O'Farrell st. corner Web«ter. NICELY furnished flat. 3 or 5 rooms: ccnvea- iently located: reasonable. Box 3408. Call. TO LET— Upper up to date, sunny flat;, fur- nished complete for housekeeping: J block to Key Rout*. 528 Telegraph »v.. Oakland. -COTTAGES TO LET PT. I.OBOS. 2632. nr. 15th ay.— Cottage 3 rmT. and bath, piano, and folding bed for »ate. VALLEJO st. — House 9 rooma; garage; hardwood floor*; finest marine view; will leaso lose term; or unfarn. TeL. mornings. West 5754. VALLEJO st. — House 9 rooms: garage: bard^iwt floors; finest marine view; will lease long term, or unfur. Tel. mornings. West ."754. lifbrg-EgggjLgPJL^ath hoqae. 1B3S» Soott »r. FILLMORE st.. 743; nr. Grove— l 2 room house; h. and c. water to every room: $60; a apap. — Furnished HAIGHT st., 110— Sunny 8 room furnished hooso for rent: reasonable;- part of furniture for wal» cheap. SAX MATEO HOUSES TO LET • , BAN MATEO COCNTBT HOM3 : -.. TO LET FOB SEASON M. Ow^!. r ,, airaT *» »<w'n«s»: does not want plae« Idle; will rent for season. A beautiful home 12 rooms. 2 baths; grounds (about 1 acw> highly cultivated: garage and stable; rent to respoo- Slsl* i* 8 "^- * 150 * «n°nth. Address P. O. box 353. San Mateo. TO LET \u2666ZSr- 5 room cottage with bath, electricity and. STI. W^W? p ffil o nUt b?x-7^ m ,BtottOn, 8tottOn - OPT OF TOWS HOUSES TO LET- WHO wants a . vacation for August or Septem- ber? A 4 room cotta;e at Monte Rio. Sonoma county, or would rent fcr the season; com- pletely furnished. Apply SS7 Capo st. HOUSES vVAXTED WE have tenants for stores. 'fiats and room In- houses. Don't let th«m stand empty; It don't pay. List them with us.. We will find vr>u OFFICES 'AXD STORES TO LET BOOTBLACK ; stand: for ;rent. completely fnr- nisned. 451 Market St.; apply at bar.- -^ HARNESS maker, attenhon. To let. a stor* suitable for harness shop; good location. 698 . .\ . . " SHOW • window— Half of store or office snaca to let at 107 Montgomery st. P ea CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 FlUmor. ,t. near -'Continued to Ae_t Fas*