Newspaper Page Text
FirnXTTUUE FOR SHE £rtxti£ OFKEU— SIG hair mattresnes ?9.50~50 VaWe rig* wire spcing* 55.75..: Farniturs're- o.>T*>r<-d: rsttmalea rurn{*ned. - CRESCENT VP- HOLKTSRISG CO.. 1018 Derltadero. Phone t \\**x 7»24.. .-: -.k. k •. I rCRMTfUE <>? R rooa« dHtage; all In fine con- <litson: r*>asaaah>; c<>tug« for rent,- 1032 53d st.. Oakland. | W)ll PALK— «Mi acrount of auddea departare." all C=» new furniture. « rooms; make oCer. 8353 Sacramento st.. middle flat. yCKNITURE Mle at alwjut nal/ price. U. .^ HCfTELUUAAS. 40S IltU rt.. Oakland. KTRMTCTIE goes for a song at U. SCUELL- • nAAS '- *CS llth St.. Oakland. CALL ,'BRAXCn OFFICE. 1051 Flllmore at. netir rest. . _ ; '_ ?5.c00 trortU ct faralt;jre wanted for the coun- »t t^ley**. CjO-CCI 14ta |L' Bear Church; ALWAYS !»«<!y to l>uy Tumiture. carpets, desks, I n^il all * !i *"' *tc..- fur; spot cash. MARK J. i-T-.W 1140 McAi'ifctfr »t.; niion* Psr*» UGO. AVi; MAKE h»au!erart furniture and baby Var- f tiages. Pgr'.fi.. Coast Rettan C».. 631 Van Neti. \u25a0-'\u25a0.' EKPAIRIXO asd refintthlcc of furniture; fir&t ciasß Trcrt: :no.l«>rate prices; piaso polishing. P. H. PATTHUSOy & CO., l«4O Van New . it. n*ir \u25a0Uotson -t- |iiwa» Franklin 4233. I JLdraac* Window Shade Factory— Bamboo porch »hi»de« In *il Kirn. CEO. WAt-COM. 637 Tnrte SE\VI\G MACIH.VES ':. : ; EXNb'EB, White, all taafces fcalf price: ' ea»y payments; s«cord liri'i. $3 np; rcnUng, repair- ing a fpeclaltr. JIcXALLY. 3260 22<1 «.,> piics* Mis&ioa 202. ' ' DOMESTIC— Best. cieapMt; aU Jdnds rented, re- palred, ezctsßsed; needles and supplies for all make*. J. W. EVANS, egtst. 1658 O'FarreU r *t. near Fiilimore; phone \T«tt SBOl. I DAVIS, BIXGEn. W. & W.— \Y. K. JACKSON. L «erot. *O« Setter: cee»i;»s tuppllx. all tnafces. \u25a0.. t ' FREiCHT FORWARDIXG • A. — REDUCED rsrov for *blpp!cg bcoscbald goads. ' ,™. HA:; ' r ANO VTKST VJLDSOX FnEICKT AND FORWARDING CO.. P.oosi 206 Paclgc hlUg ; phoae Kearay 2579.. j '*AAAA— LE CLAIIt V ACCOM CLEANING CO.. f C 2 Post, room C2C; phcae Docglas 2071 — Dust- iess cleaning of carpets, rcgv draperies, fural- -- ture » aa bedding. WITHOCT RKMOVALI \u25a0 AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATCS CO., 441 l«t a».; paone Pacific 1315— Carpets. rugs, draperies, etc.. cleaned at borne Tritaout dust, tronble or colse; estltnateg furnished. A— FOR good results, reas. price, try the PAC. CARPET CLEANING CO.'S vacuum process dnstless cleaning of carpets and nigs without removing. P. Mission 4659: ofnee 4064 Potrero. ALL carpets acd rugs cleaned oa the Boor with- \u25a0 <mt removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIB, v CLEANING CO. Ofnce 24 Mon tf ornery etly phone Kfarny 5332; shop ICth ie San Brnno it. •AA — National Carpet Cleaning Works; largest on coast; laying and altering a specialty. Hamp- tcn & Balfy. 344-34S Chcrch st. Market 189. 3c rd. — For the Best Carpet Beating— 3c Td. Phoue Market 2-C-2. F. A. lUce, ISCS Harrison. 3c yd. — Carpets Cleaned at Right Price — 3c yd. WHEN you become disgusted with poor work wnd" your carpets to J. SPACLDING & CO., !"\u25a0:» Grolden Gate it.; telephone Market 643. OARNIE & BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works, 5153 16th st. nr. Valencia; phone Market 6001. KF.ST cleaning (3c) and laying (sc) by Gisslow's C. C. Co.. 2SOS 22d; tel. Mission 2259; est. 20y. MATUEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works, SI S East 12tb ft.. Oakland; tel.Merrltt 505. 81655. WATTS — Reliable carpet cleaning; alterations: rwiorat.t laying. 500 Devisadero; ph. Park 560 ADVANTB Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- "odE. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Tort st. CONKLJN BROS., carpet cleaning and laying. 24 1¥> Geary tt. corner Baker; pboae West 93. bekjnT tan and stohage co^ V I Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission Eta. ; tel. Market 13. WILSON BEOS. <Ine.>— Moving and storage. Cor. 14th and Sanchez cts.. 1 block from Mar- fcft and Flllmore sts. cars; phone Part 27L \u25a0 A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick «r»rehocse. 2322 Fillraore St.; tel. West 2623. I'IEECE-RUDOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. mala efflce. Eddy and Flllmore: tel. West S2B. FOR SALE— Mwllaneoni ' 'CASH EEGISTEES— EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN CASH REGISTERS Today We Offer A large »ize Kational with keys from 5c to \u25a0 J2O. suitable for grocery : i. $40 ' Jilrh grade- total adding National with bronze cabinet, suitable for small business $65 "High srad> total adding National, bronze cabinet, *ior creamery, delicatessen, etc... 533 If yon like any other make COME AND SEE OUR LINE. Pick out what you want and \u25a0fay/ns 30c on tbe dollar on your own terms. , Many other first class second hand registers; prices $15 up. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 1040 Market St.. \u25a0^ . Bet. Taylor and Jones Sts. \u25a0 ABSOLUTELY one-half bunding cost saved— Lumber. $5 to $10 a 1.000; 16.000 new and **cond-hand doors. 50c np; 20,000 windows and r frames to choose from, 25c to ' $4 ; we buy large and small job lota for cash; money talks tbe»se times; we give yoa the benefit: give os k call, see our stock, it will more than pay yon. Dolsn Company, the | biggest dealers -in building material on tbe coast. 1639 Market. JrOR "sale — Dogs; beautiful male Blenheim \u25a0*pscJeJ; imported stock; fine 'sire and pet. Prince Charles female with two fine male .jwpples; bute prize winners. Splendidly marked Toung Boston terrier. $10. ' Write for further "information. H. U.- G BANT, Los ADgele*. - . \u25a0 \u25a0AAA — Tbe Central Plumbing Supply Co. does not sell redipped fittings, but tliey sell new fittings Jew than you can bay the redipped kind .for. Hrlnyr vosr list and be convinced. Central . Plumbing Scpply Co.. 1527 Market st. - A-tMACHINERY, tools, shaftings, belting and a full line o£ eecoad hand water pipe. Sl.'GAll- .*.: AN BROS., at me old location. 559 Howard ft. Country orders, promptly attended to. ' SECOND HAND PIPE.' Largest dealers In standard pipe and screw r*»)ns, dipped; price* rijrht; . guaranteed - first class. Pacific Pipe Co., Main and Howard sta. - t'tili *>&> — 200.000 ft. of all kinds lumber, doors. \u25a0windows, plcmblng material and corrugated Iron.- Apply to SYMON 8U05... 133U Ken- ^ ferity t-r. ' \u25a0 ' ' - '- -: " " AA— Ail tive standard water pipe and screw casing, guaranteed pood as new; get our r :>«*.. Wctosnaum Pipe Works, 133 llth at. • A— SCHOOL BOOKS new and old, bought, sold. «x«-h»nged. . KINC\S BOOK STORE, 1716 Market *!., «t»v<> Cocgli. ;' Phone Market 4763. A\'D 25 to 50 off on bureaus, extension tables, i at 22d and Grove sts.. Oakland; 10 days', sale on. T. V. CHOPE. manager. Vilß ca!n at a bargain. 1,200 pairs mated homer p'.jrewi!!. as a whole or in tsmair lots. FBA.NK JONES. Srbil aye...San Leandrc. CASn UKGISTERS. all ktnd*. cheap; easy p».v- ments. Paclflc Coast Cash RegUter Co., 1232- 1234 Mat-Set st. <wn»r Larkin. - ARMY tpats at factory prices. W. ~A. PLUM- MER CO..- Jis- Druaia tt.. S. F., ... Ist and Frimtlin r'-*.. Oakland. CONCRETE mliers, gasoline engines, wood work- Jcs machy; rontractorn* «juip»; At condition; prices rignt. W. T. MABTIN. 1277 Howard st. LAIJCG etock of stationery noreltles, aportlng^ goods, etc.:"clo6lng out at jonr own -prtce; dealer* amd Jobbers Invited. , IZ3I Flllmore st. PLCMCERS. '.f ron.want a good "outfit of tools. ' hmall ptocU toppUes. cheap, call ECKERT,;7e3 Central bt.. AlauicJa. BA.FES New and second UaniL The Hermann Sarc Co.. 120-130 Pohwa nt. -.. - . HALF p"«J. n*? w ""'I eecond band fixtures.' LAR SEN CO.. NS. -cor. Van New and McAllister. A LOT caae sent chairs at H. SCHELLHAAS' tanilrure tuiie. 40S 11th tit...OaMand. - \u0084.-.; ONI» 8 bp. f-tatincary gas, engine;, can .be seen run nlng at 1535 Webster rt.. Alameda.; SAFES— A jowrter's steel lined and a book safe <iiAap. 233 California gt. • : ' TURNINGS, cabinet and mill wort, store -fix- tures, jobbing. C. P. HAAS. 93 Mlnna ; Bt MOVING pietcre films for rent; largest stock.ln city. TC&XEB & DAHSKgy. " 138 •; Eddy: St. - 7 FOR Kale cheap. 1 tent , 7sxloo. : Apply to S Y- MOX BROS., 1330' Kentucky st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;-\u25a0 '-.^ <•* IWAIA. paper. 3«4c; samples- mailed; paint $1 raL; alcohol. 65c gal. M. Mertgan. 14<7 EUlg. BUNOAIiOW book of 32 designs and plans, -25e.; ART BDNGALOW CO.. P. O. box 260. Oakl'd.- SCHO<»L Bt)OK8 BOUGHT. KING'S OLD BOOK fcTOEE. l<9l Golden Gate «v. near OcUvla Kt. CACT. BHA?.CU OiFICK. ICDI klllmcr* st. near FOR SALE— -MtTeHnnrouK Continued . BOOKS and libraries bousht. THE HOLMES CO., USS Market St.; puone Market 896. , .- ' :. SAFE— .Sns|»— ins We measure 81 high, 25 : wide, 15 d»ep; $100. asp Mission st. ,; AWNINGS. r bammocks and \u25a0 tents for Invalid!. ROSS, McMAHON CO.. 403 Battery St.. S. P. NATIONAL cash register*, eiecrric signs,' bar and *afe' for -sale: cheap. 579 McAllister st. t . • EDISON AGENCY— Moving picture machines and _^61m«; harcain*. GKO. > BHKCK. ' 70 Torte *t. DRESS SUITS, TUXEDOS AND PRINCE AL- BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOIX. TAILOR, 707 GOLDEN GATE AY. PHONE MARKET 4681. ; WANTED to r buy— Nat louhl - cash - registers : for cash; If you cave any style National lor sala I drop a line to box 230 P. Call office.- I" GHEST price paid for ladles' cast off cloth- ing. DAY. 620 Sth st. Oakland 4373. GENTS' teeonj hand clothing bought and cold. MCSIN. 1255 P.O. ay.. rillmOrc. Ph. Mkt7l23 STAMP collections or odd lots of stamps bought; Call evenings. B. W. SMITH. 161S Post St. CASn— ANY AMT. FOR : OLD GOLD. PREC. STONES. ENCELnARDT. 22 MONTQ'Y ST. WILL boy second hand fnrnlture; tools, clothing, ytc: bet-t prices. 2117 Mission st. Park C35'J. BAR AM) STORE FIXTURES BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLF.NDER CO.. 17-27 Franklin et. arar »lKrk»t. Phone RpeclnM467.* FORETGX rOSTAGE STAMPS POSTAGE stamps, albums, catalogues, etc.; cols.. hon^ht. W. W. Doeacher & Co.. 1126 Geary St. C^M PIXG^STJPP LJ ES^ WE furnish everything for campers; tents, ham* raooka. e anvan goods. ' T. J. Mayers. 42 Sac. «t. LOFSTAD k. EVANS.Mnc, furriers, 251 Post St., Mercedes bldg.. 3d floor. Phone Kearny 4359. ROBT. MORRIS 239 Geary st. — Furs, fur skins, supplies, satins: wholesale only. -.--.- "v \u25a0\u25a0 DRESS MAKL\G V MACDO WELL'S Dress Making and MUinery School, 121 Geary st. near Grant ay. Evening *\u25a0)»****. Pattern* «tit to order. Doqglas 4751. JBUTTOys AXP^PLEAy_XG^^^^ STEELE'S button' works," 222 Ellis," nr." Mason; poone Franklin 4521: mail ordem solicited. .THE BINOY. 1010^4 Geary St.— -Aristocratic tall- - ors for ladles and gentg; West 6617. , \u25a0GAS- EXCIXES v' _ I MINING hoists, stationary and portable engines, gas. dlitllltte or crude oil. WESTERN GAS ENGINEERING CO.. 401 Market Bt. \u25a0 MUSICAL IXSTRTJMEXTS A SHERMAN & HYDE. 4 round corners, over- strung, beautiful piano, $75. Weber, almost as good as new, $75. Ladd grand piano, fair condition, S2O. Cmall Kennedy cabinet upright, $55. 8 Fischer uprights, «S6 to $125. -- ' Beautiful large size burl walnut fina nprlgbt, good as new. $135. William Hall piano. $15. \u25a0 Pierce, $18. Gilbert. $17. ' " ' : ;,"; Small Bord nprluht, $65. ' V:\ Small Enrd upright, lovely condition, $75. ; And dozens of other small nprights to select from. Lowest rent, largest business. HEINE PIANO C 0.,/ NW. cor. Van Ness ay. and Bush st. \u0084 Oakland branch 1214 Clay. opp. Taft & Pennoyer. $550 will buy the best S8 note Player on the market; also plays 65 note rolls. Crown & Con- cord Pianos. 10 In. disc records, 25c. BACI- GALUPI, 941 Market st. Open Sat. evening. NEW piano for $150>; agents for the celebrated Gabler pianos. MANUFACTURERS PIANO . CO.. 136 Eddy st. , SPECIAL bargains. Schmtts. . $275. Guild $210- Imperial ?150. JOS.-SCHMITZ & SON.. 621 Van Ness, near Turk. SMALL upright pieno for $50 at 1834 Geary St.. near FUlmore st. ' \u25a0» : . PIANO for nle— Mahogany, slightly used; party leaving city. -1351 Devisadero St., apt. B. ' PIANO for sale; cheap; used only 1 year. ' 650 Lyon st. ; - . ' \u25a0 BEST pianos in town for rent; 10c a day. SCOTT CURTAZ. S6O Hayes st. Electric- pianos, $175 up: terms- also placed on p«>rr<>nt«ge. AndlnTed Musical Co.. S2 Grove st. BICYCLES AXD : MOTORCYCLES READING standard motorcycle; perfect condi- tion; with attachment. Apply W. HAIR. 1147 7th st.V Oakland. ~V CURTISS '09, twin-wlth magnet, equipped with auto tires; Al condition; will exchange for launch: pay difference. -521 16th St.. \u25a0 Oakland. T YPE WRITERS i^AS D^S PPP LIES^ MONARCH Visible Tpyewrtter— ln the Monarch Visible Tpyewriter all the writing is In fnll eight all tbe time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and inspect. Before purchasing ring np Douglas 4113, or call at 307 Bush Kt. WOLF & ISENBRUCK. Dealers. GREAT bargains in rebuilt typewriters rentln: $2 i-> v3.ih> per month. See NEW YOST VISIBLE. The Typewriter Exchange. 255 Montgomery st. UNDERWOOD. $25: Remington. No. 6 or 7. $27.50: Smith Premier,- $22.50. PACIFIC TYPEWRITER CO., 107 Montgomery st. SPECIAL $35. Smith Premier or Remington re- built. Secure information L. & M. -Alex- ander. 512 Market st. - - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-..\u25a0\u25a0 NEW and second, hand typewriters -bought and * sold, rented: \u25a0 repaired; guaranteed.' SMITH BROS.. 462 13th «t.. OakUni Phone Oak. 12.' FOR sale — Price $500 and upward; several *06 and '07 -White touring cars, taken In trade for 'OS cars and thoroughly overhauled by our me- chanics from our factory." WINTON ACTOMOBILE BRANCH. , SOO Van ; Ness • Avenue, San Francisco. ONE* 4 cylinder light touring car. first class condition, $950. ' One 2 cylinder, 2 seated car, Al condition, $500. 1835 Harmon at., Berke- ley.. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-;\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0••-.".:-• ' ' .'• "\u25a0•••\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0'--.": BUICK 1908 model 5 passenger car for sale; com- pletely equipped; glass front, top, etc.; subject to examination; an exceptional bargain. WM. ' METZ. 1040 Market st. ! . ONE to 5 ton commercial , auto trucks, auto ' supplies and machine shop equipment, ; cheap; must be sold. Apply Interurban Motor Express Co.. 1920 : Broadway, Oakland. . ;\u25a0-<\u25a0'\u25a0 - ELITE ACTOMOBILE EXCHANGE — New' and second band cars for oale; auto painting, wood- work and framing, j 677-655 Golden Gat« • ay. corner of Franklin. Phone Park 5022. ,' ,; \u25a0 •07 RAMBLER, runabout. Juut overhauled at cost of $200; a bargain at $400. -A. C. HULL,- 192- 104 12th st..: Oakland. ; ;. - . -\u25a0 ONE 5 paßsengpr touring car. 40 h: • p. ; used but little; $800. Box SI 7, Call office. Oakland. $90 — A good runabout la good condition; tires good ; runs \u25a0 better. 840 33d . st..: Oakland. . PAC. Aluminum Brazing. Works eaa braze your broken alum, castings. 430 . Van Ness. Pk. 2555. HEALD'S automobile school gives the. best auto training on coast. 425 McAllister St. \u25a0•--•- ' : H OnSES. H ARJVfeSS AXD WAGON'S AA A — Horses -• Jiongbt : and 'sold on ' commission : SO [bead' of cheap, borses.and mulos, the-- all purpose klcd. ; slo up; small. right royal pony outfit,' nursery bred, gentle for. children.' make offor; horse, buggy and harnesn, , $25 up; borne, wagon, harness, - $30 \u25a0 up; • span . mnles, make offer' camping ; rigs." horse, > saddle.' bridle, 1 ; $23 - up; 39 vehicle buggies," small; and large wag- ons.: $10 np; - harness,- $2.50 -op; .will- trade.' Open SundnyiO; Auction sale .Wednesday at 11 a. m.; 565; 4tU: St., r Oakland.:. :.: :*.:.-,; SIX gentle ' broke . saddle ' horses/ one ' a single footer: all kinds good driving and work horses. • and 30 head young Oregon horses ; a ca rl oa d of jrcnt!« "~ broke * horses :to .arrive Monday. ' WESTERN^HORSK^MARKET. : E. Stewart Jc. Co.. .207 Valencia st..- att!4th.r- WANTED — Draft i borse. between ', 0 • and ; 8 ' years old.i mast- be >.1,600; lba.'_oT;over,; guaranteed sound -and \u25a0 stand •, trial; state: price ', landed ..hen?, for cash. Box 3511 ,\ Call. office/ :\ WANTED — A' first class family horse; good trav- eler, '.nice appearance, -thoroughly, reliable. Phone .Berkeley;s4l6.. Berkeley; 5416. . , \u25a0 . :: '^ \u25a0-;\u25a0\u25a0. .-:. LARGE 6UftleUo let,. 50 sUlls. \u25a0 : Apply STEV- ' - ENS,- 2150 I'tU ' st., cor.- Potrero avc.; ; . phone Market 5110.^ \u25a0; \u25a0/ \u25a0^"'"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : . .:.:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 .\:.:\ .\u25a0 GOOD business buggy ' and a set of ; harness, $20, 91ft Capp ! St. '. .'-i .- ;.\u25a0:-.-•: \u25a0-'-'- .'»\u25a0 '\u25a0::\u25a0':. \u25a0-.*\u25a0.:' -FOR sale— Business • bupgies: ' also } end . spring, . t^top bojf»ry;*«heap. ; 063 Fulton st. - ; -'\u25a0(-\u25a0:, Eecond hand': top - wagon, - exp. wagons, "bns." bag- • r!ei>. Nngent-Cover Waron Co.'." H49 Valencia st. PAINTING, j paper - banging, tinting;.^ plastering, repairing;: send * for estimate. J. ; P.- HDNTER, 1701- Geary.% Tel.rWent 870 :« res. - West '• 5653.! UXITED^ GLASS \VORKS^linc^> j ' ' H. R. HOPPS. = PRESIDENT. >> ./^ - ALL KINDS - ART. - LEADED "AND iMOSAIC GLASS. 115 TURK. -PHONE FRANKLINa763.-; I UOOFS; any . kiutl."'- repaired/, painted.'- ' "A. • HIKL- [ . . MAX, , DOS .; E.; 121 U. at., . Oailaai • Drop posUL THE" SA^ FRANCISCO * CALL, ]MONDA Y|' JULY/ ,26^ 1909, DOOR openers ana keys.- Key 1 Works," 855' Clay .. g tC>Phoneg — Oakland 6717.- *A 2574- rJ ;_ '.- .''. 'j^^:.' a— glo^e^lreT^lty^company/ = . Business Brokers,^.';.. ' :_: _ 211 Pacific V building,? San , Francisco. . ' • -~ ' Phone Douglas '43l7.:; \u25a0. • O' .'\u25a0 £sfi"Broadway., corner ",7th ' st. .'."Oakland. -' Phones— Oakland :2813.'"'';.,' Homer A2JI3. * PARTNER. $200, for '; well ; established : business : which Trill elearjyouis7s to $100 monthly ;>x-7 ! perlence ' not required; r but | you | must | be sober, reliable, and: willing : worker.' Particulars, "GLOBE REALTY 'CO. ;.-.' : --.-:-.^ ---\u25a0"\u25a0•.\u25a0.\u25a0'•\u25a0."";;,\u25a0 .-."\u25a0•>-\.-^. ; BAKERY and ' delicaex . $I,2oo— Choice; location, i Berkeley; nicely fitted;? brick oven; : 3 "living j rooms; all store trade: clears $200 monthly;' no i opposition; bsrgain.L.Bee GLOBE CO. :..;;•\u25a0.:;.! PARTNER,' SI.IO0 — Popcorn crisp and candy, fac-' :tory. Choicest'of all- locations; : does 'i largest wholesale : trade I'ariflc const; retail trade £">0 - dally; : wants ; lndlanoke - man '\u25a0 to assist Un* store and factory. ," See • quick, GLOBE I CO. '^%'iT- , MEAT MARKET.- $1,400-^-Llve 1 town > near 4 San Frauclsco;*: established '2s "years; "good trade; ;' low , rent; '. owns '\u25a0 building; ; , 2 .: horses, wagon, 1 cart.'harnesj," caslr registers, 'etc. Investigate. GLOBE CO. \.. - ; :;-. •" , v : :: - $I,ooo— Manufacturing business; big . profits; ; ar- * t!cle sold to grocery, 'hardware and drug trade." This Is an \u25a0. Al proposition ' and: wllU ; stand thorough Investigation. See GLOBE REALTY ' CO.'-- '.:': \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:•'- :. ;";--:^ : ': : :>:: : .' AN Investment of $500 and: services- will secure ft half Interest In old /• established - business which will clear you from $100 to $200 month- ly ; your • investment will ; be .- secured; \u25a0if • you -\u25a0; are desirous of entering . a . good, , legitimate business see this at once. \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0= Particulars, GLOBIi REALTY CO.. ;.'\u25a0\u25a0 V -.- '..- : \u25a0\u25a0 ; " '\u25a0 '.\u25a0-."•\u25a0•:*-\u25a0 .. "::":' PARTNER," $750— Teaming- and hauling?: busi- ness; - 4 horses,-- harness, ,: wagons, » etc. ; clears \u25a0 $225 per month; plenty of work on hand..- See quick. .GLOBE REALTY CO. V $2.750 — Uoadliouse,' Sonoma'' county; one of the best in California; established 2S years; fine trade; low rent; long lease; .urgent- business calls owner east. .- Investigate. . GLOBE: CO. $100— Lunch 4 counter, located \u25a0 end ' of . car . line . near popular .resort: low rent; fixtures \u25a0 almost new; good trade. This -is a bargain; must sell. \u25a0 See GLOBE REALTY CO. ' FOR bargains and quick sales see ', - - - : y \u25a0".\u25a0*-\u25a0 • GLOBE REALTY COMPANY. 211 Paelfle building, San Frauclseo.. i 850 Broadway, : corner 7tlisr... Oakland. \u25a0 UNION INVESTMENT CO., Business Brokers, 832- Market St., room 207..-; . "\u25a0\u25a0 i ' Phone Douglas 3000. j CONFECTIONERY, -STATIONERY and branch -bakery; the Tifst location north of Market: no opposition;- first close fixtures; good: stock;- 4 nice living rooms and batb:rent $35; TRADE $17 TO $25 PER DAY: CLEARS $100 TO*sl2s HER -MONTH over all expenses: price .-$550;. will give trial. Particulars UNION INV. CO., 832 Market st. . . . RESTAURANT— Fine chance to add delicatessen: good living rooms; rent only. s3o month;. good. . place for man and wife: \u25a0 See UNION INV. .-CO., 832 Market st. , 5325— CONFECTIONERY. FRUIT nad grocery store, with. living rooms; rent $17.50; fine fix- tures; good stock; large trade: near theaters. UNION INV. CO..- 832 Market st. $2,500. MOVING PICTURE SHOW In good . town near- 8; F. ; clears $250 to - $300 per : month. See owners Monday., lo to 4." 832 Market, room 207, SALOON— FINE CORNER > IN WHOLESALE AND COMMERCIAL DISTRICT; permanent building: long lease; reasonable rent; best of reasons for sale; full investigation; price $2,500 for quick sale. UNION INV. CO.. S»2 Market St.; phone Douglas 3060. ' ' V~V LUNCH COUNTER, taking In $15 <to $1R per day, rent $20, price $250;, saloon,' centrally lo- cated, doing a good business, selling on account of sickness, $450:' grocery, with 3- living rooms, a good family trade. $300. - CENTRAL I . INV. CO., 787 Market, room 132. EESTAURANT, clearing $150 per month, sell- ing, on accouttr of. other business, : seats 60 peo- ple, $550; rooming house, center of Market, 50 rooms, 5 year lease, cheap rent, clearing $400 -per month, - sacrificing. : for $6,000. "CENTRAL INV. CO., 767 Market, room 132. - FIRST CLASS corner grocery, with'livlng rooms, at Invoice; partner wanted with small capital where be can make from $100 to $250 per , month. Investigate. CENTRAL INV. CO., 787 'J Market at., room 132; telephone Douglas 1447: DRUG STORES FOR SALE .- ' ~ $4,000 — Fine store.rclean stock and good busi- ness in San Francisco; also one at $2,500, $3,000, $3,500; -drugr stores ia Berkeley, - San Jose, Peseadero and in Lake county, Humboldt county, : Sonoma county and - others; also a splendid offer In a thriving town in Oregon for $«, 500: If yon are looking for a business, or have one for sale, communicate, with us; over 50 years' - experience In the drug trade In- California. ; : THE F.: A. WECK REALTY COMPANY, ; ,2510 Shattuck aye.. Berkeley. Cal.- COMPLETE up to date printing business ' for sale, lnclndlng 1* press, new j type, •• furniture, stone, etc.;' price $425; press alone, worth -$200; good location; street witb window and 2 furnished living rooms; rent $15 a month; a great . chance to .. buy an established little business ! for. $425 : mnst , sell . at once account leaving town. Address owner, t box "3475, Call. $2,500 — For '\u25a0\u25a0 Bale, law .'library, offlee \ furniture; s active practice In ;. one iof the \u25a0 best interior cities of California; over $1,000 worth of legal business on hand ; evidence of ' integrity, and . ability required of purchaser: this is a gen- uine opportunity for a. man able to handle the . business: > good reasons for ' sale.' "Address Box '3447, Call office. ; , . . '•\u25a0 -.- \u25a0\u25a0.:.\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 j:-r : ... i A GRAND opportunity for;steady man asnart- ner. -t willing to \u25a0do light work • in established manufacturing business and. satisfied with at least $35 a week; \u25a0 experience only \u25a0\u25a0 $250 cash j required. ' Apply iOO4 * Market *t.. room 4. "\u25a0 ' \u25a0 /: : ' . FOR sale— Factory s. site near San - Francisco; buildings and machinery and 20 acres of land; near railroad- and on' tide' water 'with, wharf; , ' ample supply of : fresh ; water. - Address FAC- , TORY, 1922 Sutter; st., , San . Francisco. ;. | FOR sale— One of .the best candy and ice cream parlors In Fresno; ' \u25a0 for . quick \u25a0 sale, - price $2,000; the, fixtures only worth $3,500. For particulars address M. D., , 2221 Santa Clara : St., Fresno, Cal. ;.'•:. PACIFIC REAL ESTATE .: CO., Kearny 5112. ,-~ \u25a0 Business ' Brokers - Leases . : '\u0084 "Rentals Mechanics' Bank Bid's.,- V - " 948 Market st. : . . Room 421. : • $l.(X>0 — Grocery in - good-: noishliorhnod; 'clean, fresh, stock; cash trade $25. to $50 daily; no ' delivery;:., pleasant, .sunny \u25a0:. living.:-, rooms " In l»ck; nn excellent , opportunity In this line. Box 820. Call office, Oakland. :- . > . HARDWARE store In n thriving center of trade ; * adjoining Oakland;- doing :a tip top; business; will •- Invoice t stock \u25a0 and fixtures :l lf ,you ; want - pomo.tblng bona- fide. -Investigate -this;, value •bout $4,500. Address box -- 819, Call / office, • Oakland.. . : ::-..'-\u25a0' \u25a0-. v -\u25a0--- ; -. -.: <-.-.-. ONKr of : the- neatest. «nd best groceries' In •< cen- tral ; Oakland for sale,' or , will \u25a0 exchange for house : and lot : will ' Invoice "- stock : f doing "an ' '-.excellent •• business: * valne - : about $3,000. Box \u25a0 \u25a0 -818. Call office^ Oakland. >\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0: . • FOR -«alo— At ; a, bargain, v A fully : equipped ' •• blacksmith -and. carriage 'shop ; doing': a j good \u25a0 • business; -no reasonable .. offer t refused: -; owner " going away; no : agents." -Apply 426 • 6th : ; St.; i rOatl>n(l - :•.\u25a0•'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0"\u25a0•': .\u25a0 :"--:.;\u25a0:.'.. \u25a0 [ $2, 000-^- Pine transfer ; business 'in \u25a0\u25a0 busy i part iof ' \u25a0 city;. clears- $250 r ; month; 1 : full- Investigation: ; ' half. cash. A E.J. SULLIVAN ..COMPANY.'?^I4S ; Montgomery, st :r. ' ; '£"\u25a0--'\u25a0 -'\u25a0 -• - : . l / ' '-' '\u25a0 I need ' money, . will ; sacrifice ' first * mortgage of : :• $1,250,- draws .7 \u25a0> per., cent, -will take .$1,150; 1 .this 'will, net; you lCpercent on .your, money and . becured'.: by-, over ',$30,000 j worth of \u25a0 real 5 ;\u25a0 estate. ; ; Address box 3465, : Call office. ,„ >:.„;.; | ATTENTION,? BUTCHERS-i-If iyouTare looklps ,- - for a meat market," of course you: want a' good t : ~ one ; iwe i have . what : yoiW- want ; ; will ". sell .; for , \u25a0 less'tban lnvoice;-cleari!:sloo'per \u25a0 month." 421 - .Mechanics' Bank, building,-, 048 .Market st. >=.- 5 i" i i I MAN, with -s more ,\u25a0 pußh than capital for- a half I • -.Interest ; in:.- a r - inannfacturlng plant clearing - : , $200 . per * month : and growing. _ 421 Mechanics' • \u25a0-\u25a0 Bank >bnndlns.',MB l Market Bt. ; ; ''. \ \u25a0.-:, \u25a0: "\u25a0 v PARTY; with $;^ ican? handle •; own 'money; ' \u25a0 '.will i be : given position as treasurer, with" sal- - -•' ary sof \u25a0" $200 • per i month; : money.- secured; -\u25a0 Box • ' 800/: Call officer Oakland.:. : V. c,.: - ' $200— Bargain : ', first '\u25a0 class 5 coffee - house * and . res- ;\u25a0 . taurant, - dolng-'igood \u25a0 ; bnslnesB;':pi»prietor9ln \u25a0 ": "poor". health, wlshes'to^seH'out.*' Address " box '\u25a0' '^ms.\Catl' L office. '.\u25a0\u25a0• -\u25a0'\u25a0\u0084' \u25a0'>: - 1 '".:;.'.: 7":; 1 ;; -.;.;" \u25a0-; " WANTED^-By: an experienced' real: estate -man," , \u0084:." partner.^ lady -or.; gentleman ?not - -- : essential ; i" email • sum *of < money ; required. [ Bos \u25a0} 3736.' Call 'offlee.,: : - v '. :.vr -. ,: : WANTED— Cashier^ who ihas! sl,ooo f to Unvest;ln •\u25a0 i '- business ' and > draw .\u25a0 good • salary, besides > $500 • .; pcr > year?. profit* guaranteed. 1 ;^ 80x "\u25a0; 3547,5 Call; ' WANTED— First 0 class C saloon ;/, man hg who has ''. --- $r,GOO' to ; lnve«tf-: good 'Salary /and 'largest 'trade '- - i ln - cltT - y nn ° x \u25a0' :>22 > Call \u25a0 of fige:> ;y >: -.: : j. : ; v "• $3f»o-cash buys a < > i 2«r { -store and " 3 ifurnished i " i r ;': ness;l4ll J4thrsf;i; San | Rafael.^J:f^^i' -^J •• IIIAVE aiblock-'ufclndustrial, stock LWhichtl- will - '.- sHTificf! ': for i ready" casb.vv:. Address; b0x, '« 3725, I ;'^ < - a »' offiw? -". : -'"''"'- "'\u25a0' : *' i ''•'- '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ' r ' r: '' "\u25a0'\u25a0r-o-.-^';'.'.. : o(«>l)vfoiintryilio«eHforisale,*chcap;jinTc«tlga«i . : UonjioHcltcU. 1213.' Metropolis ;'i:anl::blds,' -." , pHE CALL'S CLASSSFIED J \u25a0faba - wm \u25a0 B K^»- B Rl n HH ' B • H " ffa M\u25a0H fl R ' • JBUk. '\u25a0 B9fl S B 9 Kx^Sl P For ajfew: cents you- ca^ com^iiicateto thbu- M i| sands of people all ttie Pacific Coajst your S p| Havcyou a private school?- Try the Educational col- 19 M Have you: a second hand clothing store and > want 'to 4 (11 p| buy old clothes? Try the Miscellaneous Wanted •; column. W$ p| v Have you; a business to sell? THe Business Chance ¥/& OrO r columns ; are watched by all shrewd buyers. ;, |?| |j Are you out of a job? Advertise; under the Employ- Bj ment Wanted heading.. . / ! I I For Anything You Want § BU SI XESS_ V}}j\ XC K S--Con U^ngdj^ THE FULLER COMPANY OP OAKLAND, v: --\u25a0 018 BROADWAY.^ OAKLAND.- -:*.-• : _ TELEPHONES— OakIand : 2708 > and /'A 1 QUIT: MEAT MARKET, fruit and - vesotobles— sl,ooo; rent \u25a0 $20;* lease 3 \u25a0 yours,"- amL; 3 : living " rooms; doing a business of. sl.2»oui6iitbly;. computing scale.- cash • ropistor. -'large 'ice - chest j and fix- tures co?t • $S00 ; \u25a0\u25a0 good • horse,' wagon and har- ness ; or will sell - - Interest • for ' $000. .- THE .. FULLER • CO.* of OAKLAND has; It.; \u25a0 ; -.; THE prettiest 6 room " FLAT Jn Oaklaml; j only $350; cheap rent: .house Is always: full;'; only: : j half block from Broadway ; ; very central ; I car- ' lKts and" furniture 'good; must be seen. to be appreciated; -will- not last long at: this' price; act quickly. See THE FULLER CO; of OAK- ;I.ANI> about It. ,-\u25a0• - ; -'-..•'- - ; RESTAURANT; busy street ; daily: receipts- $75; located close to • large.- theater;: seating ca- pacity 76; \u25a0- fixtures alono worth ; more ;than the prico asked; Investigate ibis, jas .It- is.- a genuine i propasltlon ami -the : price :Is \u25a0 right; "ohpap'rent; full: Information wlth" : my -agents. THE FULLER CO/ of Oakland. > 7" - _ LIVERY, -FEED- AND BOARDING iSTABLE— $2,000; rent $60; one of; the \--st locations in ':. Oakland;:' IS' boarders,"; 6 livery- horses;- 3 runabouts, 3 top - buggies, r 3 surreys; 2 -xets double harness, 7 single: sets;. 1 motor pump-. lus plant, with 'well; "more than- value' In sight; good place for^two grted hustlers.: See THE FULLER CO.: of- Oakland. , •-;.- - GROCERY AND PRODUCE— S2,OOO; 1 rent | $45; •lease; r best- location --In -Oakland- without > a doubt; very #closc. in: -best of reasons for^sell- : Sng;- nice clean 'stock;-" wo* can highly f recom- mend this place 'to ; any. one wanting : ; a. -good' business; Ask THE FULLER CO. ; about \u25a0 It. ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE— S2,2SO or invoice;- rent $25r with -,7 - rooms and bath at- tached; : doing a * business of - $1,000, monthly; very little opposition; jrood clean stock ;• party ~. Is compelled to. sell -on account of ; sickness; horse and- wagon;.: best proposition \u25a0 ever •on our books; don't: miss ithfs. but act' ijulckly. Full Information" with 'THE FULLER CO. ;of-OAKLAND. \u25a0 \u25a0: - , ' - \u25a0 FOR BARGAINS . ' SEE THE FULLER* CO. -OV; OAKLAND, 018 BROADWAY. WE . buy. sell, lease,' bond, and -make" expert examinations and reports on agricultural -min- ing, mineral and" '-timber .viands, ing and mercantile plants, v patents, •'\u25a0 etc; also \u25a0 organize, ' incorporate- and; promote ; stock com- panies and* act \u25a0b« general, , fiscal or distrib- uting agents, "commissioners -and brokers for owners, manufacturers : and; principals,, on "a - commission or percentage: basis/ i •\u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0/•• PACIFIC PROMOTION & DEVELOPMENT. CO., 1 : . Suites jtjagOTjUj Monadnock bldg:.. Sr F.. Cal. $l,soorr Will.- seenre ; >~i i In* crest, in : ; » ? liroflt niak- | lug cish ' pacing, mann'acturing . busiiK-ss ;'. prac- '• ? tlcal^ knowledge. not. essential; -to, do; thecler- . leal work;. capital' wanted'- to enlarge business; will pay. good salary,' and', net 30^ per cent on Volume of . business. - Box 3730, v Call office. PARTNER wahtetl with $150 In established genteel- cash business;; will . pay $90 :to; $100 per month each; experience. unnecessary;- must be reliable and steady. Call | !>GO,Marfeet I st., ' ; room .7. , : - / \u25a0 ; . '...'- : . CORNER saloon; **775;*: lour- lease; rent ts4o; large barn ;.base~nent; 4 rooms; good stock and pooltable; must sell. ..See JOS. J. SCHWARZ, -: ; 800 Potrero ay. corner, 20th St.. '":* .,% _* :\u25a0\u25a0; -. , - PARTNER i wanted "in 'manufacturing;^ well es- ;.', tabllshed: guaranteed- $100 per, month salary; besides large" profits;* $1,500 required. Ad- nress: box 3437. Call *of fice. . : : , HOTEL . and bar; ...doing, good business;): long - lease;. reason -for selling, other business. > Ad- dress MR. N..TOMASEVICH, Hotel St. Anne, \u25a0 •'i Mountain _View,'CaL> : : ' •' -. .. . '".-\u25a0f -:\u25a0 CORNER ' Saloon, half \u25a0; block from : Ocean Shore *. ; It. /R.? depot; : good'; business.. : Apply. Ulbcrnla '\u25a0. 'brewery..-. \u25a0'- \u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0":..\u25a0.': ;-> .'.- \u25a0 "''.: ' : .'\u25a0,.::. : \u25a0-. :-. '»'-"\u25a0 '. \u25a0 \u25a0 WILL " Bell', rooming . house. .of 54 ' rooms. \u25a0; clears . $350 V pcr .'. month ; v always.-, full; --In--' busy dis- : : trict of ; city. :« Address box s 3465. CaU" office. $3,ooo— Jirocery : daily receipts. r $00; $3,000 or, . in and ."pay up- to,-sl,ooo \u25a0;, cash ;- Fidelity .Realty "C 0.., 235 j Kearny. .r- FOR sale—^A'; good . newspaper ' route - in ' a - good district in f this city. Apply to ; J.: R. LEN- HART, circulation department.' S. F. ; Call. WANT/ to "buy restaurant!" In busy -district in *v city; -have $1,500 to -invest. -Address box :S4C6,'Cair office. '-.\u25a0' .*-; ' *. " ..;\u25a0 <": .".". . BUSINESS CHANCES— S2O per month will start you .; to - make > 4 independent -• living >'_' raising. -' pigeons, ; near San; Francisco., Box 3493; i Ca11. - - IF • you \u25a0; have ' $4,000 ; in .' invest - 1 v can ' show J you . ..= where you; can : make '\u25a0 $5,000: per, year.;-. For \u25a0'- information • address me today, . box \u25a0 3467. ; Call. FOR : sale—^Coffee \u25a0\u25a0' roasting % plant ' at Invoice, \u25a0If taken -. at 'once,' t in : a ' prosperous \u25a0 California city of about 40,000. ) Address box ; 3450, Call offlee. FOR SALE— Good blacksmith business; 'must sell V on account of sickness.^ For further particulars : a pply to F." B/ M I LLE R. , Valley Ford, : Cal. .; -__ \u25a0.. SALOON | for sale— sl,2oo ; nicely I fitted up; I cor- ner, with living rooms.*:' CALIFORNIA BREW- \u25a0 ING?CO.:aiI^Do-iglass:st. , --•\u25a0;\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0-. ;.:, -\u25a0\u25a0 .:' FORK sale-^-Old \u25a0 established; country I hotel : and '.j: livery stable.VApply;boxj73;'Centerviile, : ,Cal.' FOR "sale-^-Bar/and;'' rooming;- house.> /Inquire -,•' North; Stars. Brewing 5C0.";". ,-;-,'. ..: ;_. C<)RNER>ssloon-;for; sale-r-App)y at SE.* cor; Grove wn<WOrtavla^Kts.' \u25a0 ., \u25a0-• .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ..- . - WOODMAN* with- smalls capital tanrt J willing to i -\u25a0••' wnrk.':~-For imrtlciilars .apply t0 '3405 21th st; SERVICES , of <5 ' passenger -automVibllc ."evenings,* Sundays t and holidays;>to% exchange i for.: any- \u25a0 thing; of rvalue. !': What; have; you? "Box "C 10," \u25a0Call.f Oakland. *: >:,-'•\u25a0 ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0,-*. -•*.- .' - LODGING HOUSESi FOR f SALE '~~~~~~"a~^caj^^ r - 714 MARKETiST.;?jrAGKE BUILDING, '. v> ; . Opposite c i,The:Ci\H , -;. : .'• Room SOl— Phone Douglas 4379. \u25a0,',-.: ' ' Where' I Best "-, Bargains 4'Are "\u25a0\u25a0 l"oun«l "'. in Hotels, \u25a0;.- :. Apartments and ;LodgingjHouses,';Flats. , .. . SEE :; this ; elegantly-; fur; "ilowntown "hotel;- 67 rooms; iy strictly v cheap -rent; -bargain." \u25a0•: : THIS 1 26 1 room' house, % well 1 : f ur.,> all • full; . near Van Ness; 'clears. $S5 ;? yours sat I $900.", ;: "\u25a0, -';.:- :',s SNA P— Offer » wanted \ for I this \ Co { room £ housp ;' rent " $200;" fine 'cor.,tnr.f Market; * well "furnished. "D,TO ! be bullt^-Strlctlyi modern j downtown ; house; private r baths'; '-f,75": large p rooms ?; at • reasonable rent;f,finlsbetl --In^ six^ months. £> \u25a0 s .-- \u25a0 j.j:. / '; '\u25a0'-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0""\u25a0 ; "' ; ' \u25a0'* HOTEL^-22 : roomsTand "s" s store ; "' snap; '- lease, t $100 • -\u25a0;" selKf or i : sl6,ooo;'= 14th i St.*. nr. Mission;-. 940 'Ptiefan "bldg:^ -' ;^^ \u25a0' '.'-'~-f> : \u25a0"\u25a0'-\u25a0 "'••'.•\u25a0•• :\u25a0>--\u25a0\u25a0 ' :^;'^^^'^^ : ;-EDUCATIbxAL 7 t :^^"'.vs:;-^:; A— PAUL vGERSON" DRAMATIC ,*SCHOOL— : Largest ? training ; school f of* acting lln 'America ; v 9 position Becured ; ! 6 months J graduating . coursee ; £\u25a0 ':;.: catalogue.^ Countryman ': bldg; ; eiSjVanf Ness. ; ; A— THE 1 LYCEUM." 2500 1 Pine -. st.T| prepares * for -'< university ' ot: any J examination. -.5 Open ! daring . j;;6ummer;i6tteachers;; moderate rates;; here you ;a i Bay t time; arid jj money ."v.-^'.-f</-.>. "-\u25a0-..>:\u25a0 •.-•--.-.\ v - :^.; JOHNS S.^DREW-^COACHING ;* SCHOOL ?J and: ; NORMAL ; CLASS.-« High ; schooLt all 1 branches.' ' Prep,"^ tor, college,": teachers^ exams.Tt ci vll : serr.- '; :. Laboratory,; courses-' *£ Day.* ev.Vjj, 943 j,Van ', Ness.t 'ASSAYI NG ; s special J course In J Span- - Igh,'-. telegrapUy,'? civil s and * Blpctrical"; engineer-"' » t lng. j mining.-, etc. fe HEALD'S. 425 McAlllster;st.^ •DANClNG— FlNDLAY"S^324l|l6tir;!it^!bal!roi)m I • .jf or I stage ; | adults 5 Monday! and t Frlday< evenig« ; : Mj^rtte|kßSoD3 yjailys; "^-pea. erery j^^J^^m \u25a0 ED UC AT IP X Ai^-^ContlHued ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mech., ».' survey.^, assay, "v cyanide, . day, V eve. ; ' est.'. 1564.; .Van der Naillen school. 51st and Tel.. Oakland. THE- BERLITZ 'i SCHOOL • OF LANGUAGES— \u0084: 2531''- Washington st. near Flllmore; .send for J. circular.-. ;—\u25a0.:;--. ~' - . -.'. ARITII. penmanship by expert: bkpg., grammar, '.etc.; individual Instruc; $5 mo.- 915 Van Ness. SPANISH, - French or -Italian taught ;.'\u25a0• accurate \u25a0: translations. Prof. Hidalgo, r. 400. 830 Mkt. ' PROF.' T. A. ROBINSON, \u25a0 Individ. Instr. math., -\u25a0~; bookkeeping, Eng..' etc.; day, eve. 507 Halght. PROF. G.: MANSFIELD, teacher of violin, man- ', dolln and ' guitar. .-,l7C6. Geary st. : -, ; FREEMAN COACHING "SCHOOL— High school, '.university.. West Point, Annapolis. 854 Baker. KINGNALDA Normal' lnstitute 1 Mod. Languages; : -wrilv. pren. la.Vi O'Farrell. • Phone. Wwt Sl6O. A— Metropolitan : Business - College— l49o Market at Van Ness. •. Reduced rates, 6 months. $50. ; AFTEP. Aug. - 2 the San Francisco Business Col- . lege will be at corner of Market and Eddy. st>. MERRILL-MILLEK ~] College, ' 733 Flllmore st. .',?, Term; 1 opens' Aug. 2; day and eve.' sessions.' All court- reporters .recommend .Gallagher-Marsh ij^l2sfi^M«rkPfist^^^^^^'i j^125fi^M«rkPf i st^^^^^^' AUDITS, systems, special investigations. COOP- ER. 605 Kamm hl<lg.. 717 Mkt.: Kearney TOM.- JOHN R. RUCKSTELL, C. P. A.. 306-303 Clans SnreokelH (Cain- bldg. Phone Kearnv 4151. . , : "KOTARYvPUBiaC.: . . MARK '.LANE," Notary" Public and Commissioner ' of Deeds. 2-15 lush st. : phone Kearny 2C20. UNDER McEucrney act,' complete, $35. Title Co., BM .Monadnock bljg.. 9th floor. 3d and Market.- ';•_' . ; .; DRTECTIVES - .'.-". \u25a0 West Coast Detective Agency .' (licensed; bonded/; J conducts .. cases - secretly : cor. : confidential. - 896 Flllmore. Tel. Park 55Ti6.' T. C GRAY. Prin. y--- '\u25a0-; -'"r_ -/[. ATTORNEYS •"-,:\u25a0. '-_'\u25a0' -^ ••-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ,AA--DlVORCEr costs, $12; qulck.'qulet; advice- free; no charge, unless successful \3\ tie to real I * estate restored ; . bankruptcy ; J probating jof es- tate; general practice.; 102S Market St.; r. 12. A QUlCK.'qulet.cbmplete divorce for, $20; ; open evenings until; B. 1112 Market tt.; room '\u25a0 122. HAHIUS & HESS.-'attorneya :;'af law. W.. T. ... Hess. Notary, Pnbllc. Rooms 11-12 Call bldg. L. S. CLARK.. attorney at law, S5l Jackson St.." \u25a0 Oakland. : Consultation free: open evenlnes. - PATEXT ATTOKXEYS DEWEY, STRONG &-CO.— Founded 1800;; U.. S. and "foreign patents; -Inventors' guides; -. 100 mechanical movements ' free. 1105 -Merchants' Exchange': bldg. -; San Francisco.'. .-"."'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0.\u25a0. CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U.-S. pat- ent office. 1 1201-2 Metropolis " bank." , ' Patents, tradesmarks and copyrlghta. - Tel. Kearny 4SIB. HARRY C. SCHROEDER, U. S. and foreign' patV ,-. ents. 415 First na. bk.. Oakland; tel. O. 3575. SONTAG Potent 'Agency— Established 1899. vßal- • - bon blilg. : <H»r. : Market and \u25a02d fits.. 10th ' floor.' _ _ mi^ COLLECTIXG ~~~ SOME PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US. We get the j money for you on all kinds of claims anywhere. Interstate Ail.l.and Law Ass'n.. 615 Pacific bid ; -. .BAD ; TENANTS EJECTED ~ BILLS Vand : notes "tenants "ejected. \u25a0•'-. FRED J." SCHMIDT. Mnrket. Nob and t 16th sta. ' . "\u25a0-' \u25a0- \ DEXTISTS ' ' '":-:. ; '"'" ' \u25a0'. BOSTON PAINLESS DENTISTS. 739 Market st..' acknowledged to. je i the easiest and; best pain- less extraction Jn. S: F. Full set of teeth, $2: ' '. gold' crowns, 's2; -silver fillings/ 50c.- All work H guaranteed 20 years. Open; dally till 9 p. m.7 DR." H. P.' DAVIS.- PAC. : BLDG.^ rms^ Sol-2-4,, \u25a0 cor. « 4tb ' and .; Mkt. ; < latest " in • dentistrj ; * first . class .work; .: mod.- charges; J CONSULT..' FREE. ARTIFICIAL teeth: this one thins I do.'Dr. O.H. Wilson,; 323 : Geary.' suite 605; .teL > Dong. 4300. DR. C." W,i DECKER; Phelan. bldg.r rooms 30S- : 9-10, 760 ; Mnrket : st. ;; phone Kearny 1630, V ; DR.: R. L.' WALSH 4: CO., »81 Fillmore cor. Me-" : Alllster; formerly 872 McAllister; Park 5350. MEYER. -: Dr., , 1900 Sntter— Fillings : 50c, crowns \u25a0 -.$3 ; - bridge work ; ; gas given ; 'open . evenings. ? DR. \u25a0\u25a0 IRA ' G. - LEEK— AII" kinds of dental- work. V.:515 Fillmore st.^near Oak.> . : ' - .--\u25a0; -~~ ~ ; - DR.- U. G. BARTLETT, extracting specialist. " re-" \u25a0i'l* moved • to S2'A Geary cor.~ Powell: Douglas 4"00.' \u25a0;\u25a0/-; V;' :r ~' : _; '\u25a0;' : MEDICAJi'\->y '.-\u25a0' \u25a0'''\u25a0 \u25a0.-. AAAA— >. '. DR. ABBOTT; ' Tbe \u25a0 well known \u25a0 specialist, treats DISORDERS "OF WOMEN ; ONLY . .".'-..: V His^ tuoruiishly .\u25a0'ANTISKPTIO ; methods - insnre -" '—y.'. absolute from * Infection \u25a0;;"\u25a0" :\u25a0;" . ". -- \u25a0:\u25a0.• of :auy' kind. . . . HONEST,' RELIABLE. SCIENTIFIC ; TREAT- MENT- GUARANTEED, IN: ALL-DISORDERS ' . of \u25a0 women. '-\u25a0 -..\u25a0•-' \u25a0'' .::". •The methods -employed, by \u25a0 Dr. '- Abbott iare \u25a0 original with" him i and; employed l by ; him ; only:, \u25a0 ', they: l are the result of; more '. than » 2s years per- ;;\u25a0",• sonal r experience fln • hospital ; and : private j prac-r *": tlcc." Lad v. physician'. to consult with ; if desired. V. '1350 X ST.fINEAR • FIIXMORE. '-V - :IIoursrlO;a;;m. torOp.m^:, Sundays, 10: to 2. AA'_- ~f v ; /'ATTENTION;': LADIES!- \u25a0 ' -- ; - Dr.'; Woody, + 1718:Geary st; bet." Flllmore and '" Webster;; tel.:, West 'sBB7. :.'".'; '". -..'•: .- .- -\ ~- World « Renowned Specialists for . Women Odly. •;:•':;-" - No DeliWSjor.'Disappointments.. •' -r . Relief Guaranteed - -\u2666 : i\; By ' Most ) Superior: Painless , Methods ' Known .to :-;/--., .'..-- l \ ,-.^ Medical ? Science." •\u25a0".. .% •\u25a0••\u25a0 y' k Most- obstinate* cases utmost: privacy; - have J no ; hesitancy \lfj in \ need ; of * my., services ; r'r absolutely ," harmless; ;• low , fees; jby * consulting \u25a0\u25a0- an •'•- eminent n specialist * you -J save P time,' ; and ' • money ; f all t female t complaints * cured; ! ? advice -:i'free.\lo ar.m;'to 4 p/;m. and 0;to 9 p. m.;.:- : DR.IEMERSON.^ * - : \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0":->. -y^ -. ; -;-; ISO4FILLMORB ST.rCORNEBiEDDY: ,? ALL \u25a0 DISEASES ; OF *WOMEN \ treated - by,* most scientific i methods : - positively -no % charge t unless patient » la '\u25a0 satisfied i wlflf results; i private | sanato- rium 5 for .J parties • wishing * to > remain I nnder - our care ;% advice g and ? exam.^ free ; * lady f assistant. Hours, 9 / 10-5; * evenings,*; 8-9; ; Sundays, \ 12-2. r; \u25a0 •: >-; SPECIALIST .• for ; ladies ; painless ; relief guaran- 'p> teed ; : paid when cured ; advice frecJi MRS.* DR. j-i" PHILLIPS,*; 3452 19th st.; near, Mission. "Sl ".;:?; T. MRS; DR. HOLMS, graduate specialist."* curea aU, \u25a0 female complaints i without, delay.*-' Advice free, i Hours 0 to 8. -JJ.T44'- Turk'Bt. < nr. \u25a0- Van : Neaa avr i > riIYSICIANsW:^ 1 .:""' ..' y v AA— DB;", THlELE,' German! physician* arid I'iur- JB geon {• specialist | chronic 3 and * private I diseases si of » both i sexes ; * enrea i guaranteed. - ; 1732 • Geary. :DR;-WONGiHlM— '''xu.'' •\u25a0\u25a0^: -C" " ",: : \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0:: \u25a0: >,- HERB * DOCTOR.'^* Permantly,: located . v - r '\u25a0' X:. 1263 ; O' Farrel 1 , st. i bet : Gough ; and Octa vla.> -I. JEE WO | DRUG | CO.— High * grade | herbs.T drugs is and * teas ; \u25a0• all '•; chronic i and : private = diseases . of \u25a0\u25a0>.» both sexes enred.'gt 936 Stockton i at,'»BWKaag»la»c 'JDRsDUNCANS.lSoiSutteriCornerlKearßy, ; * rooms ;«*KO3-4^Absolutel; «*K03-4^Absolutely Xcures {without jpalnjor draw- Ing J ul*x] K%\\\ foot iailmeats; corns removed^23e.l : .--I' \u25a0 J- :; '->-?:v : .' - ,'.- \u25a0-. .\u25a0 '•<•\u25a0 ':'.;';\u25a0-...'-.. ~v \u25a0'\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;.. \u25a0:''-:<\u25a0\u25a0-- ,;. ;, ' • ; -^'y-^/V^_/ J; Ip^STEOPATHY-.j j-^'.:'- ";\u25a0\u25a0 \ : Dr.* US U'.Meyei.! s3o Market St.. rooms 303-4-3; »•< Chronic ; and -- nervows din. ; - Impotency. * sterility. S ""i' HEALTH jMQXEHEST'' I-"' ':\u25a0 .'"VIA VI ; SCIENCE OP HEALTH.", natural, non- \u25a0„•;\u25a0\u25a0 surgical; cloth bound 400 page book, trve. Ap- ply by mall, 636 Pine st. ..Lecture. foe women \u25a0 Thursday \u25a0at 2:80 p.m.— - \u25a0..-,.\u25a0.-• i» -.^-c 3 ! A— PRIVATE home for -* the , sick : "; confinement t specialty; . adoption : special treatment ; for. all j female? trouble. .•> 1303 Market St.. Oakland. HOME ainl care for invalids or -aged person*. ' 3421 25tn st." ttear Mlwlon: phone. Mission 4820. -lizi- 11--i*L A TJ?*^iy.y^^ H^- ItlEs . - - ,S ' tV LYING-IN HOME. 1191 Oak st.— Adoption; \u25a0 \u25a0 diseases women and children :: confinement. t23. RICORD CELEBRATED . PREPARATIONS for -.. men's ' prtTate ; diseases. \u25a0-; Sold - only by E. \u25a0B. IJORGENSON, 644 Kearny st.;'San Francisco. •' Mail orders a ''specialty. Send for circular. \u25a0':'/.- ----- TRUSSES ' ' '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' t'~ TRUSSES that fit; seamless elastic hosiery. CLARK-GAXDION TRUS3;CO.,IIOB Market lit., on.' 7th. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0- -...-.-\u25a0-. . - CATARRH AXD DEAFNESS ALSO ear noises positively cored; one week tree." DR. COTTIXGHAM. 1090 Sntter st. : ara. 10-4. " -CAXCEHS A^' p TtrMORS TRE ; t ' I ' E P 'IX" from 1 to 4 minutes with hypodermic needl* '. method; cure guaranteed. '\u25a0 MADAM *L. V. LAMB/ resilience and office. Uklah. Cal. \u25a0••\u25a0--? r - '.\_-J DOG AXD CAT HOSPITAL : J FINEST T equipped; ' animals boarded; ambulance • fwrn. ; - special rate*. ' 1371 Fulton; West 8312. MATRIMONIAL BUSINESSMAN of 35. good looking/dark, S feet f*VG lncho* tall, weight 175 pounds, uninenra- • bored, would like to- meet lady of about same in good health and circumstance*; write fully in. first letter; do foolishness or azents; / object, matrimony; letter answered and re- turned.* Box 4703, Call office. " GENTLEMAN, moderate circumstances. •• no ln- . cmnbrauce," wants tomeet a widow or maiden Ifiily:. one. that will be a true friend and pal; object matrimony. Address box .700, Call of- - Bee,": Oakland. -l s - \u25a0'...- \ GENTLEMAN, 27 years of age, good habit* ami - appearance, with good going business, desires to make the acquaintance of young lady be- . \u25a0 rween : 18' aud 23. of -good, "figure' and appear- , ance; - object matrimony. - :805,353T> Call. , BRIGHT \u25a0 business Swedish lady, with home of her own, would like a good, plain.', honest man for. husband. -232 u,; H011is st. Society Lady; - Information. 23c. \u25a0" "'\u25a0" GENTLEMAN of ; means wishes to make the \u25a0 acquaintance •of small neat - young lady.' not - over 24; " object matrimony If * suited. "Ad- dress -8..V. STRONG. Geo. Del., San Jo*». 5.C00 want to marry. Scud 10c for. list, with photos and postofflce addresses; many wealthy. -Address Cupid,' P. Q. box. 121. ; Oakland. Cal. DO cot be deceived; the only reliable matrlmo-- . nlal bureau you win find at MRS. A. WOL- . TER'S. 1752 Geary St.: established In 1900. HONEST men and women seeking life mates caa .. . find their, ideals at 252% Uollls. Oakland; In- f ormatlon 25c. - SOCIETY LADY. ' DUSIXESS PERSONALS ' AA— WIGS.' TOUPEES." I HAVE MADE WIG N MAKING A. LIFE STUDY. i My wigs and toupees defy detection; I guaran- ' tee. every one I make. : r make tbem ventilated ' and porous; perspiration don't affect them. Gen- tlemen's private wig department, 2271 California st. near Webster, " Mr. Lederer In -charge.' , 'A" large stock of pure \u25a0 human hair goods on hand; transformation, switches, puffs, etc.. con- stantly on hand. I make wigs and front pieces any style desired and in the latest styles. Hair dressing, dyeing. ! scalp treatments, etc., by spe- , claltsts only. - - Lederer's Qalntonlca stops hair - falling. Mall orders prompt attention. G. LED- ERER, established 18C8. LADIES' STORE AT 1809FILLMORE ST.' NEAR SUTTEIt. : WATCHES, diamonds, silver ware. Jewelry, cut glass, etc. ; ". come to oar office and tell sales- man yon would like to open confidential charge account and pay weekly or monthly; he will . \u25a0 \. arrange the matter for yon In a rery few . minutes and yoa can wear while paying for fame. BRILLIANT . JEWELRY COMPANY, 704 Market St.. upstairs, rooms 611-812. SEND $1 and self -addressed envelope; I will fill : jroii how to build a submarine telescope for an | outlay of 20 cents that will show yon any thing : V or person • drowned In bottom "of lake or river as plain as I day. -C. MATHEWS, 270 W. 7th \u25a0 : st.; St. Paul. Minn. : \u25a0 ; jj- •'.-,-, v JOHS' the ; "Ancient \u25a0 Order of Architects. Bulld- \u25a0» T .ers \u25a0 and . Mechanics," * a : onlversal f union, for clerks, mechanics .and artisans;; membership \u25a0\u25a0 fee 53. "annual dues $1; banquet and initiation first - Saturday evening each month. Send for application. Address A. O.A . B. & M., P. O. : lockbox 40, San Francisco. Ca!. MilE. FRANCINE. greatest Enropean authority '. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a06n beauty culture; most scientific skin treat- ment; which makes yoa - 15-20 years younger; • wrinkles removed entirely; city rets. 620 16th •St.. Oakland: phone 7511: best skin foods. , ' SUPERFLUOUS hair killed root and branch by, absorption; |fI;S free treatment any time to prove the merlt3 of absorption. BEATRICE ST. JOHN, skin specialist. 13S0 Sutter st. cor. Franklin, suite 5-6: phone Franklin; 49ll. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN. manipulation, vibration and electricity for rheumatism \u25a0 and nervous- ness. 637 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary st. Open : -. Sundays. . UNCALLED " for . suits.' overcoats and trousers at' less than cost at CHAS. LYONS'.: the Londou : tailor.' 1432 Flllmore bet. Rills and O'FarrelL \u25a0 SOLDIERS tan" file- on > reservation land wlthoat . v leaving S. 7 F. ;; money advanced. >SSs Grove st. GRADUATE masseuse. I MRS. HELEN DERBER; g electrical treatment. 2024 Sutter; P. West SSO2. ' MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE; baths. - v ,124 c Turk St.," room 210.' first floor, rear; 11-10. MAGNETIC physical healln?— Mrs. Holshouser, 351 Pacific bhlg..*tel. Douglas 4440.; GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos* , '\u25a0•- tnmes: snc. to Jahn; costnmer. S2l Van N«w».- ~x^J^.C''. ''\u25a0--' A °'9 PTIoy - '-'-. '\u25a0-'- ' - -'.-'\u25a0 Confidential Maternity Villa— lnfants adopted. Dr. -E.~FUNKE.I4IB Bth Kt.." phone 16P2. Alametla: AA— MRS. J. • J. WHITNEY. ', trance : medium ; consultation $I,^ at her home.* 1164 O'Farrell; ' letter.- 4 -.questions $1; phone Franklin 5tC-'4. ' MRS. L~H.KINNAIRD. ord. con.; aaUy,~lo-4: =-f|rcle« Sun., Mon.,,Wcd., Frl., 8 p. m..1135) . ? Filraore st. • \u25a0 — — • • FRED . P. : EVANS.c noted psychic, now located '. \u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 at -1390 Telegraph \u25a0 ay.; - Oakland; - Interviews i "1 daily. "; Phone Oakland 8470; send for circular. . MISS iM.V WILLE. ordained spiritual advlspr, 'crystal reader, -can 'be consulted on, *. all V basi* ness affairs. : Hours, 10-S., 11C4 OTarrell st. \u25a0~ LOTTIE \u25a0, BUSWELL, i orditlned trance spiritual : roadinss; \u25a0' circles v every r night. . \u25a0 1350 ' -Webster St.. near O'Farrell. r . . EDWARD EARLE Sun." and : Wed.', nights. : 1178 -^.McAllister;. 1 tests. , messages, slates; 25c. DR. « HOWIJVND'S 25c Qlrclo. tonight ; 50c read- ; ings. today. ;12jO Fillmore' st. -- - ; - MRS. IDA' M.- GRIFFIN, incdinm, readings daily; ', . ; circles Tuesday and Thurs.,' Bp. m. \ 132 Haight. 1 MRS. • S.I SEAL," spiritual minister: consultations dally: officiates m-irriages. funeral*. ~*(t McAI- ' _ f s^?^ VOYA>TS '-'-:-. -\ ;^ , - " " " ' f " """?\u25a0 BACK AGAIN : GARLAND, -world'* f greatest seer ?and clalr- " voyant, - tells I full ' names and everything , yon " wish to know without you writing a word. 1443 Fillmore St.; near Ellis. Hrs. 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 1 MME. -KRONENBERG.- clairvoyant ...'and./ card ' ;\u25a0' reader— When; others 'fall try me; reading 25c. * v. Hours 10-9.: except Sundays.-,; 1424 Valencia st. : MISS ZEMDAR, yotinsr. gifted clalr. and palm.; > member O. R.A." of Cal.;';Li 50c, G."sl; hoors \u0084 \u0084 -. 10 to 10._';12T9 Fnlton Bt.-near;Devlsaden>.' r . f ; /.'\u25a0' - :\u25a0:.'•.-•.\u25a0•". 'IValmistry : ; "\- '\u25a0'. .- \u25a0 v- \u25a0-, , CALIFORNIA'S oldest palmistand card reader; ' ; ;2rjc," 00c, $1.; 013^Broadway,;' Oakland. ' I' Prof. Dunn, 'll22 Market" st.';'. whom ; to marry.' 3 what'to-do; that Is tall: there Is to the life of ' JMIXEIS AXD3MIXIXG .-'"' - DO ; you want reliable ; Information - about mines ; J land'land?- " * <\u25a0 '.'"'.'\u25a0 "\u25a0-.'.."\u25a0 ' '": " \u25a0 , Do yoa want your Investments ; and : Interests r \u25a0-.' protected I v^,.-: '.«* . ,'i». .-..Z.. .: ...'"-; — .;.. 1 >.':•-' In : buying \ or : selling, do : you want to ' deal •, '\u25a0',-, direct \ with - principals? >", If so,- call or write i -us. -We have clients and .they; kuowi we ; are ».*." WESTERN IXFORMATION BUREAU. " . -::-": Chronicle ; Bldg.;- San* Fraacisco.-CaL" \u0084; . i We buy and sell \u25a0 mines,' - make examinations and . J furnish « reports of • mining * properties. * WE3T- - ;_ERN; MINES EXPLOB, CO.. 226-228 Lick bldg. ! GOLD,'* amalgam, rich ' ore I boogfat j_* cash ; assay- \u25a0. ing , OOc.v- i'toneer . Assay Co., 131 sth . st. ' nr.' - ,\ Howard.' '.-\u25a0 V "- '-'., '. .' : \u25a0 "'"'-. ."--,-. -V. \ -.'".\u25a0 .".'-:'..\u25a0 f tfOINGS to i newj [discovery :in * California: 'want •& partner : \u25a0' little t money i needed. •» Bar 3357.-' CalL" < ?> -"fOR^'sALE " ; n /AREtyou.'buyinslor 'spiling stocks -or <bontls? ." : , Call on: PETTiS' Jfe?BURBECK,.3S3: First rXa- '•" t'J tlonal; Bank ;i'.ug.",» Oakland, ,-\u25a0- , ' BUSIXESS PERSOXALS AA— WIGS.' TOUPEES." I HAVE MADE WIG NMAKING'A LIFE STUDY*. My wigs and toupees defy detection-; I guaran- tee . every one I make. '-'; I make tbem ventilated and porous; perspiration don't affect them. Gen- tlemen's private wig department, 2271 California st. near Webster, ' Mr. Lederer In -charge.' •A" large stock of pure i human hair goods on band ; transformation, switches, puffs, etc.. con- stantly on hand. I make wigs and front pieces any style desired and in the latest styles. Hair dressing, dyeing. \u25a0 scalp treatments, etc.. by spe- cialists only. - - Lederer's Qalntonlca stops hair falling. Mall orders prompt attention. G. LED- ERER, established 1868; LADIES' STORE AT 1809. FILLMORE ST.' NEAR SUTTEIt. WATCHES, diamonds, silver war*, jewelry, cut glass, etc. ; ; come to oar office and tell sales- man you would like to open confidential charge account and pay weekly or monthly; he will \u25a0 ! arrange the matter for yon In ' a very few .minutes and yon can wear while paying for fame. BRILLIANT. JEWELRY COMPANY, 704 Market St.. upstairs, rooms 611-612. SEND $1 and self -addressed envelope; I will fell : you how to build a submarine telescope for an | outlay of 20 cents that will show yon any thing - or person • drowned In bottom of lake or river as plain as. day. -C. MATHEWS, 270 W. 7ta : st.; St. Paul. Minn.; : \u25a0-\u25a0{ _'j JOtS the ! "Ancient ' Order of Architects. Bulld- - :T .ers and Mechanics," * a tunlversal* union, for clerks, mechanics .and artisans; membership fee $5. annual dues $1; banquet and Initiation first • Saturday evening each month. Send for application. Address A. O. 1 A. B. & M., P. 0. lockbox 40. .San Francisco, Cal. MM E. FRANCINE; greatest Enropean authority on beauty culture ; most scientific skin treat- ment; which makes yon 15-20 years younger: wrinkles removed entirely; city refs. 626 16th - st.. Oaklaml: nhooe 7511:- best skin foods, v; .< SUPERFLUOUS hair killed root and branch by absorption; :$1: free treatment any time to - prove the merlU of absorption. BEATRICE ST. JOHN, skin specialist. ISSO Sutter at. cor. Franklin, suite 5-6: phone Franklin; 49ll. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, manipulation. vibraUon and electricity for rheumatism - and nervous- ness. 637 Whitney bids., 133 Geary st. Open r -. Sundays. UNCALLED " for . suits.' overcoats and trousers at' than cost at CHAS.' LYONS'.: the Londou - tailor. ' 1432 Flllmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. SOLDIERS "can' file on) reservation land without ..leaving S.';F.:'. money advanced. 'SSS Grove st. GRADUATE masseuse, I MRS. HELEN DERBER; 1 electrical treatment. 2024 Sutter; P. West SSO2. MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE; baths. V: 124 .Turk st.;- room 210.- first floor, rear: 1110. MAGNETIC physical healln?— Mrs. Holshouser, 351, Pacific bldg.. 'tel. Douglas 4440.: - \u25a0 *. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos* '\u25a0'- tnmes: snc. to Jahn: costnmer. S2l Van N«w«.- ~X^Jj^:.Z'. . - A P! oPTloy : "''\u25a0''-'\u25a0- ; - -VV-,' ' Confidential Maternity Villa — Infants adopted. Dr. -\u25a0-.' E. FUNKE/1416 Sth St.. phone 1682. Alametla.' AA— MRS. : J. : J. WHITNEY. ', trance : medium; consultation - ?1. at ' her home.* 1164; O'Farrell; , by letter,- 4tquestlons $1; phone Franklin 5024. MRS. L.-.H.- KINNAIRD.- ord. con.j daUy,~lo-4; :="c|rele« Sun.. .Mon., Frl., .8 p. m.,"113a v * Fllraore st. '.' „•-?\u25a0„ •-?\u25a0- .. -'-J. • ' FRED P. EVANS. v- noted psychic, now located \u25a0 at -" 1390 Telegraph \u25a0 ay.; - Oakland ; - Interviews : dally. ; Phone Oakland 5476: send for circular. MISS .M. V WILLB. ordalnetl spiritual, adviser, ' crystal reader, - can •be consulted on. ; all i busi- : ness affairs. Hours, 10-S., 1164 O'Farrell st. LOTTIE'- BUSWELIV <>rd*lned trance spiritual : ; readings; \u25a0' circles every night. . 1350 \u25a0Webster st. near O'FarreU. .- . EDWARD EARLE Sun." and : Wed.*, nights. 1178 1 tests. ., messages, elates; 25c. - . DR.-« HOWLAND'S 25e Circle, tonight; 50c reail- ings. today. 12"J0 Flllmore st. - \u25a0 MRS. IDA' M." GRIFFIN, medium, readings daily. - circles Tuesday and Thnrs.,'B p. m. 132 Halght. MRS. -S." ! SEALr spiritual minister; consultations \u25a0 dally: officiates m-trriagea. fnnernl<. 7^6 MeAl- :;: CLAIRyOYAXTS \u25a0_'\u25a0_'...\u25a0 * T 7~: ' BACK AGAIN ' . " GARLAND, : world* - trreatest acer $ and clair- voyant, - tells f full ' names and everything , yon wish to know without you writing a word. -1443 Fillmore at.; near Ellis.'. Hrs. ' 10 a. m. to 8 p.m. MME.r-KRONENBERG.- clairvoyant an»l card ; - reader-^-Whcn \ others fall try me ; reading 25c. : \u25a0 Hours '. 10-9.-; except : Sundays.-, : 1424 Valencia st. MISS ZEMDAR, younp. gifted clalr. and palm.; member O. R.'A; of Cal.;' ; L; 50c, G. $1; hoars \u0084 -. 10 to 10. •; 1279 Fnltoa st. -near; Devisadero.". _ \u25a0f;t/:'" :-:^v'.:.'7pALMISTRY. ; "'.- '\u25a0'.-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0''.-'\u25a0''-. CALIFORNIA'S 'oIdest palmist : and card reader; j I;; 25c," 50c, $1. 013 r Broadway, Oakland. ~* \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:' --':.:-; "T-'V petrexology: \u25a0 : I '':'\u25a0 -- 'p.- - •^ Prof. •\u25a0Dunn, -1122 Market* sCr wnom : to marry.' what to do; that Is all' there Is to the life of HPv-one.t-Hmtrs'S'. to'B.' ' -' - f -:'' > .V- 7^'V : ':-.'MixEV_'AXD3MixixG \u25a0':': .\u25a0' ' -^ DO | you want reliable : Information - about . mines i i and* land?- "'" ' - -t : ". : '.' \u25a0 '.' "':'\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0'..:. .".- •• '; " , Do you want your Investments and Interests •-. protected? -^ .I;-":.-' .';i» .:. - ... " . .\u25a0:.'\u25a0:\u25a0•"'\u25a0 In : buying , or : selling, do ; yoo want to ' deal ' ;, direct ; with - principals? r". If so,' call or write - us. :> We have ;- clients \u25a0 and \u25a0 they ; know = we • are iC reliable. -^" -- . - WESTERN INFORMATION BUREAU. * v r Chronicle Bldg.;- San « Francisco. - CaL ..; We buy and sell mines,* make examinations and furnish ' reports of ; mining » properties, t-, WEST- \u25a0^ERN? MINES EXPLOB. CO., 226-228 Lick bldg. GOLD,** amalgam, "* rich ' ore bought ; * cash ; ; assay- y. ing ; OOC'J^i'loneer ; Assay . Co., 131 sth . st. ' nr.' 4',Howard^* ;i ;.r.-- '-•;•\u25a0.\u25a0/'-\u25a0'''- -- r . -;" —' .: \u25a0GOlNGy.toinew-tdUcoveryi In -California; want *? partner: Mlttle'tmooey > needed.'^ 80r3357.-' Call.' .>"; STOCKS i AXD BOXDS FOR* SALE \u25a0-'"--• A RE? you -'buying or 'selling Ktocks' or .bomlsJ \u25a0vOall on:PETTiS' &?BUUBECK,'.3S3 First 'Na- ! tional ; Bank ., . OaklanJ. \u25a0 .. \ . ' ixvkst.mksts - - -\u25a0 - > stocks and bonds foe.' quick sale. ' 1,500 shnrea La Blanc Oil C 0.:©.... :©.... •-..• 20 1.000 shares Lady Washington Oil @ ..... Bid 1,000 shares Ramona Oil Co. i$1« • • 1 « 500 shares Hubbard Elliott Copper .©••-'- «• 10 shares Chiapas 'Rnbbtr Co. -&...;.. < 20.30 10 shares BJo Mlcbol Rubber C«x @.:, 27.50 $1,000 Ocean Shore Ry. 80nd5. .:.... .....610.00 f 1,000 Modesto Irrigation 80nd5....'..:... .930.00 ' ... \u25a0 Address 474 Monadnocfcbldg.. 3. F. ' . MR.~ INVESTOR— If you will Join na a national i bank will , guarantee yonr money back. with. interest; we will double yoor parfhase to » short . time. , Mar we explain t Address or call. A. I. ft D. Co.. 235 Bacon Molding. Oak- land. ; - . - -- - •\u25a0-\u25a0 . > CAN furnish yon A.NT unlisted stocks and bond* yoo may want. AWAY ODER regular quota- tions; will bny any aetlve stocks If CHEAP: largest . deafer* on the Pacific coast: corre- spondence invited. CHESTER B. ELLIS St \u25a0 . CO.. 714 \u25a0 Market st. opp. Call bollding. HAVE 10 per cent income. SURE; speculate on 50 per cent additional. That is what m limited supply of choice local manufacturing stock means. Inquire D. A. KNAPP. 417 First Na-- tional Bank bldg.. Oakland. SPECIAL investment* — I. act for thost> seeking or offering" special investments. JOHN W. GRAY. 923 -Linden St.. Oakland; teL Oakland 4679. \u25a0 - HAVE 25 $1,000 DEBENTURE bonds for sale. \lf interested address Box 3464. Call office. OCEAN SHORE railroad -bonds for sale: pric» nets 7%%. D. : E. BESECKER. 248 Paclfle bid. _____ FIXAXCIAt. "ABBOTT buys bonds" — Oceaa Snore. Market st. bank and Cal. saf« dep. books. 41* Mar- ket st. \u25a0. - . . ' \u25a0- ••-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'-' CAL. SAFE DEP. TRCST ACCOUNTS BOUGHtT; D. E. BESECKEH, 248 PACIFIC BCILDINO- . We buy California safe deposit accounts; boy and wll- Ocean Shore poikm. - 44ft MootVy St. MOXET TO LOAJT : r AAAAA CASH SALARIED LOANS r Do yon need a Tmcatioa and bar* not the money to spare? we are loaning all SALARIED people strictly opoa their plain note, without iadorser or security. Yon can repay tn weekly or monthly payments to suit yourself. ENTIKELY NEW SYSTEM AND LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. GET OTHERS* BATES. THEN SEE US. Your employer or friends never know of any transactions at onr offlee. LOANS STRICTLY TO SALARIED PEOPUB. WESTERN LOAN CO.. 40S Call Bid?.. 3d and Market Sts. Open 8:30 to 6 p. m.; also open -Monday. Wednesday and Saturday evenings until 8 p. m. NOTE THIS — Salaried people and others, may open own responsibility (no indorser) e»t f>>l- loTina: loan.*, to be repaid in small weekly in- stallments. Tiz: $1 per week pays $15 loan.' $2 per week pays $30 loan. $3 p*T we<k pays $45 loan. $1 per week pays $<M> loan. $3 per week . pays $75 loan. Phone Douglas U244. 433 Phe- \u25a0 lan: boildinar.i (Keep this for future reference.* MONEY loaned on furniture, pianos and other- secnrlty; lowest rates; most favorable terms in. the city; ie» others. then see me and b-< convinced; 1 will save you money; $2.23 weekly repays $30 loan; phone Market 3029. GEORGE W. MILLER. 3009 16th. St. south- west corner Mission, room 33. > MONEY LOANED TO ALL' SALARIED PEO- PLE; also on FURNITURE and CHATTEi-H; save money by getting our rates: confident;*!; private office for ladles. GREAT WESTERN INV. CO., INC.. 521 Pbelan building; S:3O to 8; Mon. and Sat, till 8 p. m.: Kearay 3247. XX— LICK LOAN CO.. LICK BUILDING. 35 Montgomery st.. room 101. Douglas 3016. Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgages, improjed or unimproved, at 6 per cent; second mortcas* and buUdins loans la any part ot city, small or large. ' MONEY loaned salaried people and others noon their own name without security: cheapest rates; easiest payments: offices tn 68 principal cities; sare yourself money by getting oar terms first. TOLMAN. room 931. Pnelan bldg.. S. F.. and room 9, 460 13th St.. Oakland. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO.— Loans on FURnT TUBE. PIANOS, etc.; low rates; private. 3ST- 859 Pacific bldg.. 4th and Market sts.; phona Douglas 3263. Oakland office 513-519 First National Bank bid?. \u25a0 - - \u25a0-. \u25a0 MONEY— MONEY— MONEY. ANY PROPOSITION. Waze Earners' Investment aad Loan - Co.. 443 PINE ST. ANY amount; lowest rates on first and second mortgages in real estate, legacies, undivided ' interest, estates in probate; no delay. R. Mc- COLGAN, 26 Montgomery st.. rooms 314-315. ADVANCES made on diamonds and Jewelry at lowest rates; safe deposit vaults; greatest 'possible care taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO.. Van Ness and Sntter. \u25a0 ' B. B. AUSTIN CO. loans money to salaried peo- ple; investigate our credit system. . Rooms 353-5. Paclfle building. 4th and Market st 3. ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER. 705 Monadnock. 681 Market. SALARY loans— Ladies and gentlemen without security; notes and commercial paper bousht. 313 Merchants' Ex bids.: pbone Douglas 1411. A— FIRST and second mortgages, estate, lega- cles and security. SHADBDRNE CO.. 45 Poat. HERMAN MURPHY, . .- ISO SUTTER ST.. - $2,000 to loan on ttr>«t mortirajje, city, real estate. 2100 Mission st.. or box 3480. Call offlce. SALARY loans: other propositions. San Fraa- Cisco Diaconnt Agency. 411 Pacific building. WANT to borrow $l,P00: 2 fiats; 7 per cent; valne $4.500. Box 3394. Call office. I MAKE real estate loans, any kind, any ilze. AUSTIN. 1013 Broadway. Oakland. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without la- dorser. - MORRELL. 922 Monadnock building. ON furniture and p^moa; no removal. TRE- MAIN. room Sll. s.'^: Marker, next Emporinm. ON furniture, pianos." etc. Reliable Loan Co.. Monadnock building. 681 Market St.. room 703. ______ MOXJgT WAVTED^ ww^. u __ WITH A FF.W DOLLARS— Secare an income for life with or without service. Call 3643 Grove st..- cor 37th. Oakland; boon 10 to 5. LEGAL, NOTICES l'O .whom it may concern— l. the nnderslgned. from and after this date, will not be respon- sible for any bills incurred by my wife. Maria Sarlna. »he ha vine left my v bed and boar<K Dated July 23, 1909. CELESTE SARINA. PASTURAGE fINE pasture, green feed. H. B.iMAYO. 73? Pacific bids.. §. F.. or P. a box 44, Vallejix , / ZcltV REAL' ESTATE. _ _ -_. i _'._. i _-. v . .„ BALDWIN & STETSON. - 147 Sutter Street. -.' tfl,o<v> — 2 . flats. 6 • and ' 5 rooms; 23d *t. ; -" : :nr. *Sajn Jose ay. ; 25 foot lot; mortgage -:-- $S.OOO. • • fS,3oo— Marine view, a story residence; S room*, batb:, partly finished basement; Webster. - - nr. Broadwsy; mortgage $4>K)rt; 2!>s»i>. ?2,000 — T»th : ay. nr. B st. ; 23x00: ?1,300 cash, ; balauce monthly. - Corner Church and' 26th: SOrSO; street .-work done; lot level.. 2 fiats. . Cole . gt. nr. Frederick : 6 room* i;..;each; I finished in. basement; rent $J*4o. Improved corner, holding under lease to on* - . \u25a0 .. tenant . for . 3 years, to escbansc for sr<y>d -\u25a0' - : - onimproved downtown ; equity $25,0<X>. «.25O— Shrader nr. 17th; 23x110. f4,750^ — 7 .' room residence. , 3d ay.; nr. Clement ; : mortgage $2.500: offer wanted. . W. J. BOWLING 4 CO.. \u25a0 • 521 Valencia it- Pbone Market 7109. Hieap building i lots ta Hartford st., near : 19th 'f and -Castro sts.; $2,000 and up; make offer. (3,250 cash— Modern high class 5 room house. -;, with garage; - near 18th and Castro sts.; '\u25a0mortgage can remain; make offer. > 13,500 — Store and 5 room 'flat; large attic and stable: Mission, near 29th; terms. .gCWtfl (— Fine btUldias lots; nr. Hill and Sanehes. COO cash — 7 flats In Grove st.; mortgsse -*»'57.500; pays 15 per cent net;-bargalo. (— Fine clear building lot; Naioma nr. 15th. (4,200 cash— a fiats'; central location; mortgage *t $4,500; income * $1,440; snap. • ' . J. DOWUNQ& CO.. 521 Valencia st. (7.000— 3 flats, 16th st. near Chnrch. . $7,t»Hi — I Uats, near Dubnce and Flllmore. - $4,250— <5 : room cottage; Sanches near ISth. Sit, .'<*>•) — Store and flat. • near Castro and '18th. 53. 000 — Cottage, 5 rooms. Including furniture; -*\u25a0 Diamond , near < 19th. .' l : . '\u25a0 $2.500 — 5 room cottage; 18th and Saturn. JOHN L. ; POUTO. 2104 Market near 14ta. GREAT BARGAIN $3,750 -\u25a0.;. : VALCE $0,500 '-Neat^attractive home; east side of street; 3 rar. lines; block from park;, high class district iftbeantlful homes; lot 25x101; .7 sunny rooms; awn. -flowers, etc.: bank mortgage $3,000.- Op- wrtnnlty.of yonr lifetime. Apply 1410 Ilaight at. BARGAIN— Finest -residence . property in the \u25a0•city; -has not heretofore been offered; Masonic a.T.;, C0le < st.,"" Clayton st..- Hayes st.. Fulton St.. : Grore "»t.V adjoining park panhandle. ' Full .- parttculan ~ and price* .at HUNT, -\u25a0 OSTEYEE &. CO..' 145 Montgomery at., branch : office 723 H at. s'EW. modern dwellings of 4. 3. a and 1 rootoa. $3,750. $4,300. $5,200 and $5;3OO eaea. includ- ing bltuminlxed -streets; one-flfth cash, bal- ance same as rent:- entire -block, Sth ar. aad B st.* Turk and Eddy. McAllister. 6th ar. and dement st. * cars. F. NELSON, owner . and builder. - : ••'-. "• SlO.OO0 — Lot 100x125 on : west side of No* »t. . between Kth and ISth; b«t bny in San Frau- ; clio -at • this price. HUNT. OSTEYEB ft CO..*!^ Montgomery st..' branch office 723, H. PINK : corner; ; marine view lot, *StJxHO. Inquire -CS73 UDl«n st. : \u0084 .-. ..' . •-". C -\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 • 9