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Additional News of Sports Events Californians Will Compete With' Champs' Long, McLoughtln, Janes, Bun dy and Slnsabaugh to Meet National Tennis Experts GRANT SMITH The five tennis players from this state who have swept all before them in the last two weeks in the north west will go after additional honors week. The party of five will be split up, McLoughlin and Janes re maining- in the vicinity of Chicago and Long. Bundy and Sinsabaugh going to New York. To date the coast players have played for two championships and won both. Further than this, they have taken both final peaces in each. At Minne tonka, where the northwestern cham pionship events were played, the play ers from this state had the finals of both singles and doubles to themselves. The visitors did not participate In the western doubles last week, but took both places in the finals of the singles. The preliminary national doubles will be played today and tomorrow on the courts of the Onwentsia club at Lake Forest, near Chicago. This event will be limited to the four sectional cham pions — Maurice McLoughlin and George Janes, Pacific states champions; X W Xtles and A. S. Dabney Jr., eastern - hampions; Trux Emerson and R. A. Violden Jr., western champions, and VV. Grant and T. R. Peel, southern champions. The Pacific states champions seem to have an excellent chance to win this event, and thus qualify for the chal lenge match of the national doubles, which will be played at Newport, Au- f U fi IV The coast Pavers appear to hold the eastern and western cham pions safe but may go \up against trouble jf they meet the southern cham pions. The latter are a couple of clever •^ ff workers who went south to quall xy. Arid they are son of dark horses. l eel is a well known doubles player who ranks high, while Grant is famous es an indoor player. - !nJ Q h i% c ° nsensus of. . opinion aihong ocal followers of the game is that If Long, and McLoughlla had joined forces instead of- Janes and Mclaugh lin, the local champions would surely figure in. the natipnal doubles match. TUthcLong playing the best game of hi? career, he arid McLoaghlin would prove a much stronger combination than the present r coast , champions. Janes at times plays sensational tennis but often falls down and . makes a poor £howing. However, it is toa late now to make a- change, as Janes and McLoughlin qualified, and Long not be sub stituted. It is to be hoped Janes will have one of his good days. When he strikes- his gait he is a demon, but'he Is altogether too unreliable. It is ex pected by the local fans that Janes and McLoughlin will dispose of the other sectional champions and get a crack at the:nationaJL champions. - If Long plays * to-.- his form of last week, lie gught, to^r t |« Newi-York • state championship. ./.He should 'have an easy time winning the tournament. Probably the hardest man he will have to beat, will be H. Mollenhauer, win ner of last year"* event. The latter made a good showing against H. H. Hackett ;n" the .challenge match. If Long floes get by he will be up against the strongest prayer he has ever met. Hackett. with . Alexander, holds the national doubles «hamplonshlp,. and has been In the first 10 for several years.* The local champion after his form of ljsrst week has a chance against any of Chem, and as he is always .full of self-corrifidenee; it will occasion little surprise here- If he takes Hackett into camp. : With Long in-the tournament, Bundy' and Sinsab'augh do not figure. Bujidy may get; as far as the .finals if they <Irop him in' the opposite half . from Long, but it doesn't look an If he could get by" the coast champion. And this same Long, who is proving a' sensation in the. east; was beaten In straight sets by Janes two months ago and for the last six, months has been taken down the line by almost every member of the championship -class on the -coast. For a coast champion his form was awful, and he certainly had the record for double faults. • ' . While McLoughlin. was eclipsed by Long last week and must redeem him self for the defeat he suffered "at the hands of Bundy.°in the western cham pionship, the sorrel top player will surely get back in the limelight this week and should etay \u25a0 there. Considering the conditions . under which the coast experts have been playing , their success has been won derful. In the first place not one of them ever ..caw a turf court before and had ne*-er pla>ed In spiked shoes. Then again they left the fog -belt _ arid got right into the severe eastern heat. An other thing that. worked against them was their lack of experience,, but there is no _reason; to ..believe that any "of them sufferedTfrom stage fright. TJie showing "of McLoughlin and Long is all the more wonderful because of the fact that they are respectively, only 17 and 19 years of age. The former is a high school boy/, while the latter is not yet out of college. They are' going up against men wlia. have. been in the championship division for years. - West ern champions develop just about' 10 year* younger than eastern champions. No man* "has ever won the - national championship .--... until 'after he had reached 25. while there have been more Pacific states champions under 20 than there have .been over. . \ - \ In July- Miss c Hor*chkiss won the na tional championship at Philadelphia. Two week's ago she won. every title In the Pacific northwest, and last .week 6he cacried off all the .-honorsiin British Columbia. Lortg and McLoughlin have cleaned up everything; in sight in the neighborhood of 'MinneapQlis and. Chi-, cago, and they caift repeat further east the co,ast players .will have pretty nearly every title'of any importance in the country", and 0 without* the aid 'of May Button at that! • Will Line Up Today • '.- CHICAGO,' o Aug. 2.— For the .first time since, the world's fair, tournament a national" tennis, event will foe., played in Chicago tomorrow. Out at the Onwentsia cljib of ' Lake Forest I in" the afternoon 'the four premier ' double teams of the United States; will clash in the initial ; round of the prelim inary «national doubles." Wednesday the winners^of tomorrow's jnatches will meet in , the* finals to, determine which of the eectional\champlons ' will have the right to challenge Fred B. 1 Alexander and Harold E Hackett, holders of the national championship for" the . A/nerican title..' The first match -tomorrow will bring together Rr A: Holden Jr. and Trux Emerson; winners of^the recentswest ern doubles, and Wylte ; C. Grant ; and Theodore Roosevelt Pell, : the; holders of the soutliern title. \u25a0- Therother- and probably better matcn wiU-'occurj-at : 4 o'clock, when Maurice. F.' McLoughlin and George Janes," •* the \ Pacific^ coast champions, line up* against Nat Nlles and A. S. I^abney Jr./- the winners of the' eastern- doubles : :..~ Au s t rali a n s Asked to Play Cricket Here California Association Takes Steps to Induce, .Famous Team to Come to City WILLIAM UNMACK The California cricket association took definite steps last night toward inducing the famous Australian cricket team- now in England to play at least one game against the local wielders of the willow. The meeting was largely attended, and the secre tary was instructed to offer F. Lover,' the Australian manager, a definite cash guarantee and a large percentage of the gate receipts for. a . two ; days' game. The letter received from the Aus tralians was discussed at length. The guarantee asked by Layer was -im possible to comply with; but it was pointed out that in all probability such a game would attract large recelpts.- The . secretary was also Instructed to notify Layer that a baseball game against a combined amateur team rep resentative of California would be a big item for them. . As several of, the Australians are expert baseball men it is more than likely they will be willing to play the American national game. A committee consisting of A. H. Movexly, A. W/ Wilding and H. Roberts was chosen to make InQulries at once on the available grounds for an in ternational game. X n e Grove street ball ground in Oak land was mentioned as being the best suited for such an important, game, and it is probable the association will definitely decide on this ground' lf the committee reports on it favorably. The association unanimously adopted a rule that for representative teams the captain shall be elected by the. popular vote of the full team. In the past the selection committee has appointed the captain, but. this method has not worked satisfactorily. Baseball Leaders Gather at Funeral of Pulliam LOUISVILLE, Aug. 2.-^-Silence rested lipon the'dlamonds of the major base ball leagues, today, and/the principal leaders of the national .'game assembled in- Louisville to pay the. last tribute to .Harry Pulliam, late president of the National .league, whose suicide: in New- York cast a shadow over the baseball world. , The body of Pulliam arrived at 11:45 o'clock this morning, accompanied 1 , by J. Page Pulliam. Pulliam's brother; G. W.- Cain of Nashville, his brother' in law, and' Harry W.. Russell, one of Pulliam's 'closest friends, \u0084\ The services, were held 'an "hour". later in the chapel at Cave hill. Floral of-, ferlngs : came from all. parts of the country. Heydlcr Chosen President LOUISVILLE, 'Aug. 2?— Little more than an hour after Harry C. Pulliam, president'*of the National league, had been buried "today, John- Heydler of Cincinnati, secretary of the league, had i been chosen president at. a - special meeting of the directors. ! The directors designated the remain der of Pulliam's salary as president 'during 1909 to' his estate, and. they- ap"-. pointed Garry i Hermann of Cincinnati, I Barney Dreyfus ~of Pittsburg, and Charles Murphy of Chicago 'to select and have, erected .a monument to Pul liam. (. . \u25a0 \u25a0 j i'"\ ' \u0084 ,: \u25a0\u25a0 Not a game was played in the Na tional or American -league cities, today. A number of small leagues also.called off their games out of respect" to 1 Pul liam's memory. "Red Dog" Bill Deveraux Is Meek to Umpire Cupid [Special Dispatch to The Call] SACRAMENTO. Aug. 2.— "Brick," or "Red Dog/V William /Devereaux, one. of the best known", lights on the coast ball yards, who has hurled defiance at flocks of umpires, meekly submitted to the -dictations of Umpire Dan Cupid today,' when he went to the county clerk's • office and secured a. marriage license . to \u25a0 wed Miss. Grace M. Hodge of Oakland. ; ' . - ' "Whenever it tis: handy for the priest," is the way Brick set the time of >the i ceremony. .. Devereaux's launching 6n\the marital journey came as a mild, surprise to his many friends here/ but "Wild'BiU" says It was a real romance of the dia mond which; started three years ago, when he' was playing third base. for the Oakland team. "Deyereaux's grin won a' Horne 1 in : the grand; stand;' "arid now we' wiir spend, ourhdrieymobn- playing ball," said Brick. today.* -Devereaux 1 is playing third base f or; the Sacramento outlaw team.' Devereaux's age Is .-3S arid his bride's 22. •-- \u2666 : ~r^ — -^— a | Northwestern League V, I _; SEATTLE. Aug, 2,-^The , Seattle play ers celebra,ted' their return, home" after an absence' of nearly- a} : month lby' play ing a whirlwind .; game, ; beating Port land by a score of ' l6 to ; 4. . Score: : V R- H. .yE, Seattle \u25a0 16 ;- 18 " Portland . . . . . . ... .... , 4 .', .. : 8 V 7 Batteries — Hall, and Magee; Seaton Gough and! Murray/- -; • - ; SPOKANE," Aug.. 2.— Erickson had nothing to fool the \lndlans : and- today's game was ' »won : i ln V the^first -^fnning, ' when -the^blg-pltcher^ was f slammed it or two; doubles and two" singles, whlchi with a* base/on balls^anda stolen base; riettedlfour runs. Score: R. .H. c .'".'. ..... . . . . . /. . . 2" :; 5 : sj Spokane \u0084r.i. ........ : . / . 5 12 \u25a0 0 - . Batteries — Erickson, • Flanagan and Sugden; Wright and; Spencer.- . ABERDEEN, Wash./. Aug., 2.—W hen Newlin"- picked* up ,- a * little^, grounder, from Le, J^eune's; bat; aridi threw, it \wild to Conrad in : the :tenth^hefcost'Tacoma the game/ for Swalm/- who;3vas tori ; first base, J reached .home tJ b^fore T , theY: ball could be returned..^. Score: . .: : : • ; : '\u25a0!,r^:--: - 7 . \u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'•: \u25a0;\u25a0:.-. r.-:.. h. c. Tacoma ................ . v. '; 4 7 " 2 Aberdeen v.V;';T . '.\u25a0'.\u25a0".-Vv.'.fT:^"/'': 5 <': l\ 2 ~t 'Batteries— "NewllnT and!" Dashwood;' Slever,' Most' and^Kreitz..' • ,-"* . » IWESTEiRN PACI FIC TRA IN FROM SALT LAKE TO: ELKO Road iri OperationV for Distance of 268 Miles /\ '%-^ ', SALT- LAKE-; CITY,'.' Aug. ,2.^-The '"Western Pacific \u25a0-, todayy^ began regular train-, service ,- from •\u25a0;• Salt r Lake .city- to ;Elko,' Nev., . a distance of ,268^ miles." 'For. the s present- the schedule; calls for , three trains a week each .way. . Txjj2i^s^i'-.irifaia\'&^^ 6 i; lyuy . AMATEUR BASEBALL - Castro parlor., cinched . its position -; of second place in the Native \ Sons'; league*: Sunday ter noon at thef Twelfth and Mission 'streets grounds whenjit handily "defeated' Pacific rparlor; in the afternoon game, ? the ; big: 'contest -of \ the ' day. V- A latge crowd , was on hand and the '.rooters; made plenty of noise. \u25a0' Castro outplayed Pacific "at eVery stage of the game. \u25a0 . " ,^v, ; morning : battle-went to Stanford, Ithe leading team;, which scored a f handy 'victory over South . San : . Francisco parlor, Lyman \ pitching ". a great game , for the winners. ,; San .; Francisco and Balboa parlors were to hare ' played; but the former. failed to put in an appearance, so Balboa won by default. Y. ; • v - -—'" Following are the scores of, the California boys', league games played i Sunday: ; rAt" Recreation park — XI. J. B." 4, - Ellery arms company. 2; Acorns 2, Owls l;; Acorns 4, Bracketts 3. -At San Lean dro — J. Charles ' Greens . 5, \u25a0 W." P. Ftillers 4(11 Innings). At San Rafael— San - Rafael ;l, \i Brack-"" etts 1 <io Innings). % The speedy Highland team downed the Ala meda - Merchants , in a fast game across : the ' bajr on'Sunday.afternoonby ;a score of 's: to 2. ".The game , was J well played and exciting - throughout. All teams wanting games with Highland address Manager, 1018 Walter avenue, Elmhurst. * Score: *• -: -\u25a0. \u25a0 - \u25a0-: \u25a0-: :•;.-' \u25a0" -•- \u25a0 ::.- H. .E:l Highland .....:........; f> B '\u25a0.."; ! Alameda .". '/..;.. .... ... ..2 3 3 : ..:.•. •\u25a0;-. » - - •;.' \u25a0.*\u25a0;.\u25a0 .:.;-'f- . : The. Shreve & Co. nine- smothered -the Liver • more boys Sunday at Llvermore, the score being 17 -to 5. Christian^ the ' Ltvermore pitcher, ; was lilt- bard, while Chrlstiansmi f or ' the/.Shreves pitched a steady game and got three bits out of Noted Amateur Athletes Coming to California [Special Dispatch " to', The Call] NEW YORK, Aug. 1 2--James E. Sul livan of the /Amateur athletic union and publisher of Sporting Life today furnished The Call correspondent with the following list . of athletes of the New York athletic club who, will com pete in the' California championship contests: Harry Hillma, hurdler and quarter mile .-man;. C. W. Darborn of Princeton, .sprinter at 100 and 220 yards; .Matt -McGrath, weight thrower, Canadian and Amerlcan';champion;.Har ry Gissing, quarter and half jnlle run ner, present Canadian champion; R.> J. Lawrence, schoolboy, shot putter anfi weight thrower, present ] junior cham pion; J. , J. .McEntee, "440 yard runner; Con. Leahy,, champion ; "Irishf -high jumper; F. G. Bellairs, : five mile runner; BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHS : ]\ j Licensies | The following marriage licenses were issued in San i Francisco Monday, . August '2/, 1909: v *" CASEY— KILLIAX— Pa trick \j; Casey, 21. Napa', and. Rose- A. Killian; JS, San Francisco. \u25a0, CUNNINGHAM— MeDOVALD — Jo>n Cunning- -ham, 22, .Wynnewood. Okla./, and Jennie 'Me- Donald, .18, 2205. Webster st. \u25a0 " DATHE— McGOLDRICK— WiIIiam C. Dathe, 23, and Georgie E. McGoldriek/ 19, both of 9 » Hpyman aye.- ' . _ ' V \u25a0 DE LA PENA— KEDOYA— Henry de la Pcnn, 25, and Sarau,Bedoya,' 21; both of. 1048 Pacific st., DEWEY— WALSH-^Jame«Vc. Dewey, 27. Stock- ton, and Ethel - M.? Walsh,'; 2s/ 3613 'A.rmy**t..','. DOT V— FISIIKR — Clarence j» : H. V Doty, 23,~"' San ; ; -Francisco, • and Louise J. ? Fisher,' ; 22, ; Portland. FAZEKAS— MOORE^rJozeefYFazekas/ 32. 472 Oak st.', -and. Bertha' £. Moore, 29, ,1249 O'Far- - rell 6t: •-\u25a0\u25a0-*\u0084 -'-,':. :". ",)£\u25a0: iJ.'-l-'iv'-V"' 7^.- •>:'-• HOLLIS— DOr.E-i-Pprrr* 8.1 HolHs.^ 29. Nnbles- : vllle, Ind./ and Mabel ;J.|l>ole, 23, » Richmond. JOHNSON^-COTTRELlr— Verne JL/ Johnson. ' 21, and Laura J. Cottrell, 18/ both of-1328 O'Far- rell; st. ; v ,:, ..- \u25a0 • ; \u25a0,' KAHLERT— TUSKA— Lester Lr '. Kahlert. 21/ Washington, D.C., and- Valerie C. Tuska, -21, 3234 . Washington st. ; , MrlVEß— BOYLE— Jeremlah'i Mclver. 24, 1003 /.York St.; and Mary T. Boyle, 22,' 403 Bank st. MILLY—THEIL— CharIes Mllly/ 53., 1515 -Tenth. : aye., , and Louise Theil,- 43, 567 Greenwich • st. RAY— BISHOP— MeIvIn' S. Ray.' 29, ; 051 Mln- =- nesota St., and -Gnssie M. Bishop, 19, : ; 112 Thornton aye. • \u25a0\u25a0 - . V / ~C. - :\u25a0 ROMERO— BOWER— MichaeI Romero,. 23, and • Sarah Bower. 28. both' of Seattle.* SCHILI^-SAMPSON—AIf red Schill, 33. ; 1030 \u25a0 , Folsom *st..,: and- Anna C: Sampson, » 2B/ ; 3979 .^ Washington ; st. iY j - ..'. : . . TEMPLE— WAHLQUIST— George Temple," 45, and ' Isabella : Wahlqulst, 35, both of . 2207 «• Sutter st- . " : ' VINCENT — O'BBIEN-JT.awrencc Vincent, 23, .and May O'Brien, 23, both of 711 .Golden Gate aye. : . * - -__ . V \u25a0\u25a0• .\u25a0•\u25a0.- . WILLIAMS —WALKER —Joh- S. WillTams,V2s, Presidio, and Henrietta 1. Walker, .2o,*, Los "• Angeles.;'.-- .*". ,'..\u25a0; \u25a0 ._• "\u25a0\u25a0".;:\u25a0.".'\u25a0'-,/\u25a0--\u25a0 WOLFF-r-WEINSTEIN— SoI Wolff, 23. 1012. Ma- fonlc aye., ; and Gussie Weinstein, 19, 077 . Wil-' . :low^ave. ' . . ; -. YOUNG— VERGINIA— WiIIiam B. Young.' : 25, / and' Marie Verglnia,; 22," both of 1614 Hayes ;. street. ! ZATKOVICH— LEGAN— Anton Zatkovich, 20, and Anna Legan, 21, both of ; Oakland. SANTA ROSA. Aug. -2 Marriage, licenses have been . Issued : here, to San Francisco persons as follows: .;:.;..;' BROWN— FARBSTEIN— WiIIiam V Carl ;' Brown, •22, \u25a0; and Anna ;Farbstein,' 20. r - ".( SHANKWITTER'— SHEA — Henry 'Wv. : Shank- ;; witter, ,40/ and, Agnes v W.; Shea,: 39. . WITSCHEY— MINTO— Louie : Witschey. . 25. San - Francisco, ' and t Mabel Minto, .'24,.iHealdsburg. - Birth/marriage and death notices 'sent: by mail will' not be inserted. They, must be banded In at either lof I the .publication offices I and jbe ] Indorsed with * the name and residence of j persons : au tnor- lzed ; to ' have ' the - same ? published/* Notices j re : atricted simply to the announcement of; the eveht are published once'in this column, free of -charge. BIRTHS bbuGHERTY— In this city. July '24, ' 1909. ito the wife : of Edward J.; Dougherty (nee Mur- f. phy),' a son. \u0084->;" ; ; ": -Y V _••'--..\u25a0-\u25a0-"-• SAUS'DERS— In. this city. July, 27/ i909, to the : ,wlfe;of ;E^"V." Saunders.'aiSon.-r- 1 ' ;.:••". BHUFELT— In V this city, '. July ' 14, 1 • 1909/ to • the . wife "of Y" Warren L. Shufelf (formerly B. ,": Perry ),"\u25a0.' a" daughter. . : Y,Y- '"... \u25a0 •\u25a0\u25a0 ; MARRIAGES BARNET— KASEIJ— In Y this~Ycity. . August >1, \u0084-1909, by.;the> Rev. Cantor J., Somersteiu,- Emel Barnet and ; Ana Kasel, tjoth of . San Francisco. GLEAVES^-MILLER— In-' this- city/ July -'3l, • 1009/ by ' the Rev. \u25a0 Frank Stuart Ford,-- pastor ." f\ Christian ichurch/i: Charles : Beardslev ; Gleaves- and Olive ;Pearh Miller,,. both of "San ,' 'Francisco.; ' - \u0084 .-;>< i ".•'.'\u25a0'.':\u25a0." '','\u25a0 ?•\u25a0<-<-'" : '-.: KOHLBECKER— CARMAN— In this . city/r Juiv r 30,. 1909,' by 'the 1 Rev. G. A. Bernthal, Harry "Joseph : Koblbeckcr: and . Mabel Leone,' t'ar- //. man,-,;, both ;of | San '.Francisco.::;'/ ~ -" "- : '- ;.- WRIGHT— SCIiURBOIIM— In", this city, July ,-.i 30.J1909, . by . the - Rev . M . H ; Liebe, - Gordon : \u25a0 Wright - and . Marie Scburbohtn, . both '\u25a0• of '\u25a0> San \u25a0'.; Fraucisco. ..,..' .;• -'"'•>»• yx:/ : :.f-i-'- : :'\u25a0'.«.; \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0".\u25a0\u25a0 ',\u25a0•>?\u25a0•} '\u25a0''-\u25a0-::, :'^pEATHs'\\_--\: : ; . Berry ,* , Horace J ;.' 35 Krause,' .» Hermann '- . , 40 Carter,; Emma .... t- Lee,- Peter }-?.. ;;;/... ,77 Deeney, x PhillpiV. . 66 Lucas, James s '. ". v: . /82 Dlgnan; Augusta i'A.*-^- Nickels, >\u25a0 Caroline F.; 78 Dietz, > Emma ; : L; . \u008474 Nounnan.V Jos. 'V-- Fry, 72 Feldmann.rilenry. 47 Orear, "•>\u25a0: John > W." . . . 73 .Oustafson/ , Emma 1 .*33 Pawllcki," Mrs.- Ellen - ilßger.-^ElverauM. 9. " '.r.-r.T; :;..:; ,- (Mass) Hays,- James "A..-; 55 Poultney.iMrs.* J. 'B.- IHU/i'WIllIam :""."-. 04 Roche;: Margaret ::.;— IIorn;V Roselyn ..".'.. .77 Ross.r Kdward;:*,.'.-. : 4S ; Johannesen/^Wmr. r — Ryan/; Sirs. ; Margaret 57 Jovovieh; John " ... 23 Schumacher. * J.^ H.T7 44 Kircbner/' Jacob - . . 40 Smith, s> William ''-. ... G8 Koch,.:; Marguerite./—' Strohben;" Caroline.*.; 67 \u25a0;-\u25a0"' -i .'..** : .-••..'\u25a0. .."-\u25a0'•; ; -/ \u25a0-.-•..- -. \u25a0';.\u25a0: \u0084'\u25a0 •'\u25a0 '\u25a0 BERBY— In thLs city, /August f2, 1900, c Horace *:; J.r -t dearly " beloved • husband \u25a0? of . Ada t Berry, ,:.\ father \. of,' Elmer. C.,r Berry ;i spn f of ">, Elizabeth ' ;. and ; " the s late S' John J- Berry ."t. and M brother % of, ' :' Charles r Mr, and ? Frank* Ga ßerry,* a* native' of i f California,"" aged ' 3s" years ,7. months ; and 7 days/ V Friends : and C acquaintances '•; are i respectfully : invited i% to •vattenS;';. the w funeral 1 'tomorrow 3 ( Wednesday) , -^August i 4/,; 1909,^ at- i 1 s o'clock :'i p; i m. ,%•- from . * the r; mortuary £ chapel Uof ."£ the '< v ; Golden ,, Gate ; unrtertflking ; company, * 2475 « Mi- s sion ' street ; near iTwenty-flr«t.l Interment 1 Mount Vt; Olivet ; cemetery;^ by { eicctric * funeral r car 5 from : : corner tof 'Twenty-eighth i and j Valencia ? streets at. 1:30 p. vi. - '- \u25a0 'Y^ffWWE*''"'' •'-'-""-\u25a0 '\u25a0" - CARTER— In this f city /> July s 31; ,1909/ : Emma' ; " beloved , -wife /of ~ .- Thomas 'J- Carter, ~ devoted / mother.- of \u25a0 Ernest and "> Thonxass<R."i Car- i ter, and ; sister "\u25a0 of i W. -t B. l Vaughan c and! Mrs.' : . L..8."| Eveland;: a'^natlvetof s New." Jersey;? ;,- I .The ;* funeral -• will \u25a0rtake'i place £, todays (Tues- . - day) , ,_at > 10:30 sa. . ra.V. from as her js late t resl-^ .deuce. ; 1010; Treat avenue : between 'Twefltx- five times up. i McPlke, the Shrere center fielder.' pounded \u25a0 out \u25a0 five , safe : ones. - « Next \u25a0 Sunday ; the fehreve's will meet the Goodyear team. \u25a0'X ' ' \u25a0' The Elmhurst nine added another Victory to Its long i'atring ,'bn -Sunday afternoon /'on %the"V home , grounds when it -. took the John r Wieiand [ brewery nine'down 'the."llne;"2 to'O.'iin .game seen*nt iElmhurstfthls ' year./: The 'features was the . steady " pitching ; of Arlett : for Elmhurst.T who Jield his opponents safe In -every inning. . '-.•.,-,..,.„...;-. \u25a0 \u25a0:.\u25a0•' -:.:•:-\u25a0.-:•'.--;, \u0084 .. : '\u25a0 .\u25a0 . The Elks had a busy: week last; week, meeting aad ; defeating three • teatns.Y On .Wednesday they beat • the ; Midgets/- B . to ; 4 ; r on • Thursday,; morning they 'won from > the * Arrows, ; 13 .to i »/: and .in ithe afternoon , they rolled iip 8 runs to 4 by, the My s-, tic Juuiora." . \u25a0 : .. .;'.\u25a0 REDWOOD CITY, Aug.- 2.— The largest crowd that : ever ' wltuessed : a .'baseball" game :Jn : ; this county saw San' Mateo defeat Redwood yesterday afternoon In the - opening , contest •ofJ a \ series '. of five ''\u25a0 games •- for the »' championship » of j,the i two pities, the -Tlsitors . winning : by ; a ? 13 1 to 3 score. Timely and heavy hitting dropped , the into San : Mateo's hands,- Mjerß,. ; McCormick, Smith and Murphy each,, pounrttng; out. a " three bagger. " - The second ' game of the * series ' will" be held at San Mateo Sundays Batteries: ; San:Ma teo-^Ohio and , Murphy; Redwood— Fox,, Carroll and Heaney. .. '\u25a0 . -\u0084/v 'Y/Y- I --- ;Y r - ; " Y-Y'- ; •';'\u25a0'\u25a0 ; The "bridge whist" players land the": "casino" players .of v the v Olympic club will play - Sunday morning at., the , Twelfth ** and ? Mission' streets grounds. In;' addition-- there - will be; a: half ;mlle foot race between Jack / Cunningham "• and . Dr.' Pockwltz. Dr. McMahan will. hold- the side -bet, $50*;;Y ;;;'. :.- ... -\u25a0;-; _-\\.. ;\u25a0\u25a0 .. vY;-. ;. YY; E. Erickson, high jumper ; ; B. jF/ Sher man ' of Harvard," - hammer.; thrower.; :'; CRUISER CALIFORNIA IS '- STILL BEING REPAIRED Policy of Government Is Caus ing Considerable/ Comment [Special Dispatch to The ' Call] \u25a0 ; Aug. 2.— The cruiser Cali fornia has returned to the "navy yard for^ 10 days* additional work on the vessel/which was not completed*,be fore the ship went down to Hunters point for docking. , " >; The ; policy. of the government in rushing the ships out of the yard when they are only half completed and when they will be forced to make -long cruises has caused : much comment among the • na/al officers '% here. '.:.; ,'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 V- This comm_ent is more marked; in. the face of. the "request, of .'the- people i of San Francisco that the'shlps be hejd for. the Portola festival. . . : ' third .. and '; Twenty-fourth \u25a0stre.ets. ' Interment \u25a0 • Mount Olivet cemetery, -y- by , electric funeral .. ear I from Twenty-eighth - and Valencia streets. Please iomlt \u25a0 flowers. - • \u25a0 •-. DEENEY— In this city, August -2, 1909^ Philip", beloved husband of the '- late "Jennie/ Deeney, -;\u25a0 .; nnd ? brother : of William' Dee«ey,' ; and^ the late • ' Patrick, ' Georjre ' and' 'John -Deeney,:. a native . of County. Donegal. Ireland," aped -CG, years. 1 ' The funeral will v take r place . tomorrow (Weduesday). August 4," 1909, : at 8:30 o'clock a.- m., from the residence; of his brother.- Wil- 1 Ham - Deeney,'. 302 : Eureka - street, thence • to -the Church of. the Most; Holy Redeemer, where a % requiem . high , mass -will » be 'celebrated .. for the repose of his \u25a0soul,, commencing at 9 . a. in. Interment Holyj. Cross cemetery. .':.".; DIONAN— In this city. - August 1; 1909, Au ' frusta .A..' beloved wlfe^ of John P.YDlgnan. ' nnd mother of \u25a0 Erzilla Farrell, , "a native of Illinois.-. A member of -" Columbia- lodge- No. -258, Fraternal Brotherhood: v , \ : - :- I riends v and : acquaintances r are- respectfully invited to attend the Uuneral -today (Tues- ,rtay),'nt 9:30"a. -m. 1 ;* from 'Uer|late residence, 1999- Post - street, <\u25a0 thence v > to * St.- Dominic's church, ;. where -a \u25a0- requiem mans \ wIU be cele- brated for the repose of ;her souH = at" 9:45 •a. m. Interment ; Holy cemetery. DIETZ— In Alameda/. Cal.,, ~i August 2. 1909. Emma L. Dietr, a native of New York, aged \u25a074 years/- -'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 --v"--.; " ' \u25a0- •\u25a0 ; . '.'-.. Friends and. acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the" funeral services ' tomor- *row (Wednesday) 'afternoon,. August ' 4.* 1909. at 2 o'clock^ at ; her. late • homo, 456 • Central : avenue, Alameda. ; Interment private; FELDMANN— In " Oakland, Cal. ".- July 31/ 1909. Henry Feldmann, dearly > beloved • »on of ' Lena \u25a0 Feldmann and .loving brother of Mrs. H." Kuhl, anatlve'of • Germany, -aged: 47 years. \u25a0•\u25a0 A" mem- ber ; of California lodge •\u25a0 No.' •. 2,' Order '-. of ; Her- mann Sons; : Oakland Turners' Deutscber ciub ' Oakland Mannerchor, Oakland Ad 7 club, the Typographical f utijon,-- the ' Merchants' z associa- tion and ' Shell Mound .• Pistol . andr Rifle v club. 1 ; Friends ', and ~ acquaintances *- are respectfully Invited •to : attend - the funeral' services • tomor- row , (Wednesday), August 4. at* 2 \u25a0 p.- m.; at Germania hall, Webster ' street bot ween -\u25a0 Sixth \u25a0 and . Seventh/, Oakland.? Interment -Mountain \u25a0 Mew cemetery." Remains at -Ernest >A: s Wol- HtsVfunerar parlors.- 1,413. Welwter street be- , tween Nineteenth". and TwentietD, Oakland.;, OUBTAFSON— In i this -city, < August ' 1. :'1909, Emma;"j dearly," beloved ? wife "of Knut t F. Gus- : tafson. and \ mother.; of -Violet, ' Edna and Ines "'-r.Gustafson, a native \u25a0\u25a0 of Smaland, • Sweden, aged .-'. 3.1 years.* \ ' .'•.• \u25a0,*.,\u25a0-' \u25a0: . ._\u25a0\u25a0 --*,c -"-;>-. >.,>>•\u25a0 ': Friends and : acquaintances: are, respectfully •\u25a0 invited : , to < 'attend •. the ; ~ funeral ~: tomorrow .(Wednesday),'- at--2 t : o'clock", p.,; m.,.\ at "the ' chapel of ;. Craig/,. Cochran.;& .Co., =1169 - Va- .-: lencla; streets near " Twenty-third. .\u25a0..; Interment I ; Mount "\u25a0 CHlvet '\u25a0\u25a0, cemetery, '. by funeral , car ' from : .Twenty-eighth ;\u25a0 and Valencia: streets. ;-\u25a0>;\u25a0 • |[AGEH— In : Cal. V August";' 2. '1909/ ,-v.: Elvera >f. » Hager/v loving r daughter \u25a0* of ' Louis \u25a0 . . L". ; and :. Mary -La rsson ;\u25a0 Hager, , - : a* • native .' of Sweden/- aged , 0 ; years : 5 ; months > and .0 ' days. " '\u25a0\u25a0 Friends 'are -. respectfully .-' invited ?to ? attend . the v funeral -.'services .i. tomorrow j ,i (Wednes\ - day), August 4, : 1909, "at 10:30. o'clock, :a."; m., '\u25a0".. \u25a0; at - the s residence \u25a0\u25a0 of . James ; Taylor, . northeast >\u25a0- corner ; \u25a0 of r Fifteenth ; and .<: Jefferson:- -streets , i Oakland.-: ; r ,; /L/ L - v;-, -«..£\u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0' , : ,.^-.-^ ..,<-._. \u25a0•..--,\u25a0.._.• .'- HAYS— »At ', Harbin Springs. Cal., July "31, 1909. v\u25a0; James "A/ Il^iys, » beloved : husband of Margaret V Hays,; and "loving: father/ of -Mm/i C. J Lawley, \u25a0 and Edna;' Eddie ' W.i and. Rlcliard>W.illays, v a native- of. lowa," aged 55; years 9 moutlis and • 25 days. \u25a0 -.'. ; ; Friends i are . respectfully invited -to ' attend •,tlie .funeral today. (Tuesday ), ; at: 10:30 »a/im.. *. :- from I the," chapel >of . N I ".: Gray .'.• & : : C 0., - 2190 ,Y.Geary . street i corner of ; Devisadero, ''• under.'' the : auspices iof^. Napa-> lodge .No. 532, B. P. O. Elks. ; Interment : private." •f: r r " > - . SAN vFRANCiSCO" ;lodge>Nb./ iU-Meinbers : are requested » to-\ attend » the \u25a0 funeral \u25a0'\u25a0 of our / la te / brother, James tA. -5 Hays, "j from •-; the par- lors of < N :>. Gray & Co. , corner tof .• Devisadero and Geary streets/; today .(Tuesday); atl0:30 : a. m. " By order ''•.•".' : \u25a0 ..\u25a0: \u25a0- \u25a0-.. > .-, -F. J.S.CONLAN/ Exalted Ruler.- '; Attest: HERMAN KOHN, Secretary. , HILL— In. this city/ July -30.'' 1909, \ William '; Hill/ \u25a0 a native of; the -West. Indles.vaged. 64 years.' < HOKN— In 'this . city,"; August^ 2/ 1009,* i Roselyn, i.: dearly ,; beloved % wife 5 of ; the ." late .: Solomon -\u25a0 L." I Horn,;' and loving mother," of; Mrs.'i PaußHables, .; Mrs. 1 - •:\u25a0 Sara '*> Mellcr/*":Mrs. s ; Bertha 'SFak/jS Fak/ji Mrs.' .; Fannie ? Blnnct # and * Isadore and 3 David •; Horn,' Ya' native : of -'Austria/; aged r 77 : years; ; -'Z"'':*];'i ':\u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0 .;, I FrienSs i and i Vcqualn tances are '\u25a0, respectfully •: invited :to>attend.i the funeral today \u25a0 (Tues-" day),\,at, 1- o'clock, ..from; her* late-: residence, V ll9 '.i avenue^ between : California -? and . Lake,: streets, 'fiß lnterment . Salem 'cemetery ,",; by.*; carriage. v Please a omit ;,: flowers;,' -\u25a0\u25a0";/: -- .--,;-'••-;. Y-- ; . \u25a0'•.':, .• \u25a0','-._ \u25a0• ;\u25a0;"-.' : JOHANNESEN— In: ; this/city, 'August 2, :1909/ ';: --William ;' Martin,' v* dearly > beloved j sons of •' Wil- : rr : Ham *j and '} M.trtine 7. Johannesen, s and \u25a0;, brother r .of JDortheaj"?' Johannes; ;" Olef," Carrie ; and 1 Lizzie' -. ;, Johannesen.i- a j native of „ San .: Francisco,v Cal." ;. aged-:2- months rand 29.jday8._- Wv= --\u25a0- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' JOVOVlCH— ln^thlslclty/vJuly; 3o/ "1909^ John \u25a0;;'; Jovovlch, '\u25a0; a ; native' of Austria; 1 aged j 23 : years/ KTBCHNEB^-In i this f city .^August i 2,v 1009, Yj a . i 4i 4 - cob,'? dearly ibeloved" husbandi of JRachellj Kirch-" :,..;\u25a0 ncr/i and '; loving | father $of v Sadie,"; Sam j"*: Abe; . ' Isadore.\ Luthe,- •; Frank/ : - !^ Attel \u25a0 .and **-' Harry ;; ';Klrchncr/i; Klrchncr/i &1 native i of "Austria,^ aged ; 40 ; years/ KOCH— In tthls'icltyW August ; if: 1909,% 'Marguerite' ', '\u25a0 Koch/a dearly;- beloved ? " wife 'a otfy Charles-i LV, .--, Koch;? a ? native"' of * San Francisco;-' Cal." -.:\u25a0-\u25a0 ' i - ', aatitheiparlorsiof ' Gantneri Broth-" ; , ers.T 3400 : Sixteenth street between Church and -..t Sanchez.Y • -'-. \u25a0'•. ,-. •.?;\u25a0'-;;"--'\u25a0: -. ' : - .""-' •' '\u25a0-'•*\u25a0 -\u25a0- -\u25a0'.• c; . \u25a0 - KRAUSE— In , this . city,: August X l, i WQO/i Her- - maun .Krause; a ' native ! of. Germany/; aged- 40 {•\u25a0(years.VY i :: : YY"; ; 'Y':Y..-7'-'-:/ : -; : \u25a0;.."y-'^ \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0". -. LEE— Entered t into resC'; in \u25a0thisi city,? July ; ; 31/ :j?1909,: j?1909, » Peter .< Lee, dearly * beloved -r fathers of «• Mr«. j Ella ;f T. ; ? Costich * and p the Vlate k Annie \u25a0;', Feeney. f loving j grandfather \u25a0of George B.i? and \u2666' j Irene - R.\" Costich,"; Thomas J C? Feeney; and I Jo- ,{:*- seph i P. J- Feeney ,'4 fathers In Maw? of 4 Nicholas I*• Costich ;t and I uncle <of I Re t;s Bernard ( Lee % pas-" ' Xtor.n of s st. i; Patrick's j church;g Palestlne.v.Ter;,"! U'.; a-: natlye g of s Countyi jLeltrlm,'^lreland,^~ aged L-J77.«years.% (Texas \ papers i.; pleaseHcopy.) ><--\u25a0 <„• :\u25a0< Friends I and § acquaintances g are 5 respectfully =;i invited *i? to £•? attend funeral ?'•'. tomorrow - (Wednesday), pAußusti4;j : from i; the jparlors* of -r J. < S.« Godeau;i2l3s 5 Bush | street, ? thence [ to? StJ I 1 Brigld's I church, 1 '" where \u25a0a> requiem \ solemn 5 high * \u25a0/ mass iwlll jbe i celebrated * for • the ! repose s of | his \u25a0 soul,*! commencing v? at .9:30 % a:*; m: §« Interment Holy Cross ' cemetery,")* byj carrlagg.TEßßMßgm) LUCAS-linßthis^city/^ugusty 13 1909^Jwe^ gj'Lucas;-^.a'Bnagveapig?lagsachuscttM r -agedSjS2.: New Meteor First in 50 Mile Race Emperor: William's Big Boat .Wins - in. International ' Regatta at Cowes :r Aug.- 2.— Regatta week at Cowes opened today? urider.promialng auspices.: The competition of ' Emperor William'? ; . new. Meteor, King Alfonso's Hispania and other, German, \u25a0 Spanish and French yachts gaye v ah interna tional: flavor to- the* racing which of .recent ':\u25a0: years " has been lacking. The principal -race of the day -was for the \u25a0big;* boats over, at course^ of, 50 miles. .The Meteor. and the German! a' were the scratch yachts. - ; ' : • •; At the end of the first" round the Ger mahla; was H leading; the Meteor by.' 50 seconds, and Uhls lead 'was • further, in creased :by; the end : of 'the; seebnd^round. The. two big German'yachtsVwere then mi B,uch? a, commanding,^position that the other: competitors *dropped;putoThe" Germanla finished first," but "she 'crossed on the v wrong side ?• of ; the *:finish- line, ; and the prize of; 5300 was awarded* to the -Meteor. / The international challenge cup/ val ued ; at ; $1, 250, forj 1 5 meter*; yachts, was won by, the 'Ostara,' a British entry. The { Spanish ' yacht Tiuga- was : second. King Alfonso's; Hispania did not start. 80^000 MILLHANDS ARE - ON^STRIKE IN SWEDEN General Lockout Is Expectedlto Occur in August - STOCKHOLM, ; Aug. ; 2.— The "labor conflict in Sweden; which originated in a*; dispute.'; over , wages in the ; woolen and ; cottojj industries/ is today assum ing large proportions. -Eighty thousand men are/now, locked: out. A general strike is; scheduled^ for -August 4. - WILLIAM DEAN HO WELLS ILL— EHot, Me.. Aug. 2.— William DeanHowells/ the autbor; who has-been ; spendlnc ;. the summer "at his-- country place here. -is said to : be in ;.very poor i health. Her will sail next,week' for Carlsbad. ; NICKELS— In San Jose/ Cal.; August 1. 1909, ; Caroline F., dearly i - beloved ; wife -of ; Jacob -: Nickels, .and • devoted mother of Mrs. Julia Leopold, Mrs..; Bertha. Pfau. "and ; Jacob ;F. . Mckels,'.- a -\u25a0•" native -of Germany, v aged - ' 78 \u25a0 years and "2 days. . v . - , . : v \u0084 > Friends i; and :. acquaintances are respectfully - Invited ?to - attend the funeral > servlct-s • toda y (Tuesday ), v - August 3, > 1909/ at 11 , o'clock v a.-.m., at the home - of : her daugnter. Mrs. "Bertha I'fau.- 121~Vlne< street, San ;Jose: In- . terment Cypress •: Lawn cemetery, %on arrival of the-11:45'a.-m;;train™fromfSan Jose. ": -. WALHALLA : REBEKAH LODGE -No. 130. , I.'- O.;*O. .- F.' — Offltfra- and "'-members -' are . hereby notified :to attend the • funeral of \ our late sister; Caroline \u25a0 Nickels. r By order of ' ' MARIE MAACK.rN. G. WILHELMINA BAHRS,. Secretary. NOUNNAN— In this city. July 31, 1909. Joseph "i Fry, . beloved husband of Matilda .W." Nounnan, . - and r father of , James H. ."• Joseph '\u25a0 F., Jr. ; -: Nan- :\u25a0•;\u25a0 nic C. and •-, Charles iT.~. Nounnan,'' a native, of .Virginia, aged .72 years 6 months and 22 ../ rdayB.r day8. *..". Lv -.- '..'.-Y'-. -\u25a0'•' \u25a0:'-'.. ; \u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0.: \u25a0 .' \u25a0 -- \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 : *,:!- Friends •] and \u25a0 are ' respectfallj • - invited to V attend <. the ;. funeral •. today : (Tues- ,v day), August. 3/. 1909.- at 10 o'clock a. -m./ ; from Twelfth - avenue . and r. I .-, street, *. under . the auspices : of Parnassus Hodge No. 3SS,^F. & A. 1 M. -Interment: Woodlawn cemetery,, by /electric car from .Twenty-eighth and Valencia streets. : '• ' . OREAR— In Webßer Lake, Sierra county, Cal.; August 1;. 11KW, John W.*. Orear,* loving father :of '- Horace;, W;-. Orear, , -Mrs. COtls* R. • Tyson and j William " L." . Orear;? a native of ; Lexmgton, Ky.. \u25a0 aged ;\u25a0 73 ' years : 0 . months and 25 flays. >;-: ._;,. Funeral notice, hereafter. -. Romains at* the chapel of '. N.i Gray «& -Co., 2196 Geary .street V corner ; of: Devisndero.;' ;~ /'; \u25a0 PAWLICKI-^-An • anniversary: requiem m«ss will \u25a0 be ; celebrated r for • the ' repose -.. of the "soul : of Mrs. Ellen Pawlickl at St. ' Mary's . cathedral, - Van 7 Ness,' avenue, Saturday/ August* 7, 1909; at B;a.Tm." . ' POTILTNEY-— Entered into rest. In this 'city, July 31. :. 1909, v Mrs. Jennie *\u25a0 Bell • Poultney, ; be- ;--. loved \u25a0 mother of ; \u25a0 George <W. - - Poultney. » and - only, sister of Mrs. F. jW. - Babcock of Water- town. N.Y./ a native of Pontiac, 1 111. - \u0084-;.-'-\u25a0 . \u25a0 Friends; are ' respectfully - invited :to attend !"- the funeral -'\u25a0 today, (.Tuesday), at . 11:3/) 1 ;{; o'clock \u25a0 a.-T in./:, from ' the ;' funeral parlors \u25a0: of ' r. Bunker : & Lunt, ; 26C0 • Mission i street . between Twenty-second and Twpnty-third (\u25a0 (Mission Ma- :,-'". sonic s- temple). : Interment --Mountain > View '.*X 'cemetery, Oakland. - \u25a0* \u0084 ... ' . ;. ROCHE-i-In> this city, August 2, .1009. at -her - late . residence; 2 .Waller Street. Margaret, \u25a0 . beloved ? wife .of ' the * late ' Thomas 28. \u25a0\u25a0' Roche, - , and :• mother " of ? Roland.^Dr.s T. -B. * and a Wil- liam- J." Roche,- Mrs.; R/ P. .Wilson. Mrsv F; H. Moloney. Mrs. W.-; Connors. ; and -the , late .Walter E. -Roche." a native of New Bruns- \u25a0 wick.- (New i ßrunswick. p»per« please copy.) \- ->'\u25a0:-\u25a0' Notice J of; funeral hereafter.-- \u25a0. : '. \u25a0 ROSS— In \ thlsYclty; : ; August ';' "s,"-. 1009, Y Edward .> -. Ross,*. beloved .father of Hazel. Sl. Ross, a na- tive :of : Scotland, aged : 4S ; years . 10 ' months .Yand;9 days.' '- ' EYAN-Iln i this city, Juiy ; 31, 1909. MrsY Mar- '•: garet I Ryan, . ilearlyi beloved .widow- of the late George W. Ryan, idolized mother *of Mrs; T. Edward ,- Bailey." and - George ... W/ i Ryan, . dearly \u25a0 , t beloved fi sister f•\u25a0of \u25a0» Lawreuce ' ' Brannan. * Mary ,V Ann >: Brannan : and > Mrs."; Catherine ' *Langtry/ -'f t and x beloved grandmother i- of j George : Kdward - Ryan, ; a native \u25a0of ' Dorchester. ; Mass. , .' aged \ 57 ; years;andi7.' months. (Boston/ Mass., papers .-., please ; copy.) '-\u25a0 _\ \u25a0. _ •/ -. . \u25a0-'.-> >: The funeral' will take place today' (Tnes- . day), . at* 9 :o'clock- a. m.; from her late ; residence," 3830 ". Eighteenth .; street, t thence to Mission Dolores ; church Awhere a • requiem , : high a mass -will ; be ' celebrated for < the % repose -of her ; soul." commencing ; at; 9 :30 o'clock . a. > in.' Interment s Holy ' Cross "• cemetery.*? by i carriage. . i LADIES' AID SOClETY— Offi- cers " and .members of branch No."i 10 *re - re- ; quested? to s attend ; the .funeral \u25a0of our Mate :, sister," Mrs.: Margaret i- Ryan, today j (Tnes- - day) 5 morning; : at ; 9^50 o'clock; •at • Mission . Dolores \u25a0\u25a0 church." \u25a0' By i order J otVeP^HUSusgBfSB V V ; MRS.-FRANK-C.*«MOLLETT.~President. ; .MRS-;: PETER -JV.j CURTIS. \u25a0\u25a0; Secretary. SCHUMACHER^-J.v Henry I Schumacher,} beloved husband ;, of '/\u25a0 Ellse = Schumacher. " loving ' father of Louise? Scuumacher;-;devoted^son' of ;Lud- ! , wig « and : Pauline ; Schumacher;-- and '. Idolized brother; of ' Ferdinand Schumacher. '-Mrs. jClara > Bonley/.Paullnerandil^uls.'Schumacher,'- Mrs. ; Walter ;,. Hunter/; " LUlle ;- Schumacher. * Mrs. >' Charles ' WTilte * and "Agnes ; and \u25a0 Hermann Schu- • " macher,", a \ native l of j San % Francisco," Cal.; aged t : 44 '- years >.O • months \u25a0»_ and j 20 . days. ' : - '-. /•- > Friends \ and -• acquaintances ?\u25a0 are * respectfully^ 'V- invited :;. to " attend :- the r ~ f uueral '< f rom • his ;• late ' residence^ 5700 j, Genoa \ street/; Oakland.". : , -,vv -NATIONALiUNION/v California v council No. v 530-rrOf fleers": and' members; are -^requested to \u25a0 attend :^the | funeral ?of \u25a0 our * late ; f riend,^ J: :H.%: H.% t- : 'Schumacher/- tomorrow ( We<lnesday) ; :t: t Auirnst 4, 1909;- at > 1 :30 p. • m.. * from ' bis .. late ; resl- \u25a0/\u25a0 dpnee." The .'funeral.' to: be ? conducted . byt-tnd ' of fleers, of California council. ,: SMITH— In'V this "city, Y.Tul.v,:; 30, J1909/'J 1909/' William V'Smlth.T. a; native* of aged G8; years; STROHBEN— At /rest V: In \u25a0:'- this >~city | - July ' 3*l " ' Ti 1009/ : Caroline,"^:; beloved % wife Tof '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 the .- late r.f David "> Strohben/: mothers of,; Henry ; .*Ar Stroh- fjbeniandiMrs.'l Herman sschmldt/c grandmother \u25a0of ;f Albert I Hermann * Schmidt; and> Ralph ; Stet-1 \u25a0 son $ Strohben.^.and^ sister j of s Mrs.i Adolph I Leu S Tjai native ;ofJ Germany/: aged; 67*' years '5 months and 9 flays. - ". > :i: i FrlendB ? and 's acquaintances . are ; respectfully 4 to S attend r the^funeral"; today *-(Toes- : - > day) .' $ August • S;s 1009,-, at U :30 -'o'clock ;, p."? m;s \u25a0•:\u25a0 from 4 her i-'. late « resldence,%w 3103 % ; : Buchanan ' v> street * between •* Filberts and ;> Greenwich. "Cre- ;.;matlonSlr*O;sprrF>«cemetery."i;* \u25a0. ; • \u25a0:;> \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- INDEPENDENT THE TRUST — FOR— Seventy^five Dollars ' ._ I WILL.FURNISft \u25a0 HEARSEaTWOICARRIAKES. EMBALMING, SHROUD: AND CLOTH COVE RED CASKETj PJUbiy%^GQDm r U^j •MAlnfofflceiV "" iil23\ BoJhfStS West -«0J) and 1305 Fr«nkllnnt.,nr. 17th/ Oakland .;_ . Phone Oakland -1043- \u25a0 Branch t 1 SOS Montgomery ay. Tern p. 3368 c«l woa i.C!*»sf»»ggy"| t o t Hire S^ PUBLIC SCHOOLS OPEN FALL TERM Enrollment Will; Ills Expected, ' Exceed the^ Registration Re» ported for Last Year s Large Classes Enter the Various -High Schools; the Commercial Showing Largest Gain School days began yesterday in the pur^iclschoolsof the city and," although no specific returns have been gained' as yet as -to the registration, <it is certain that there Is , a - material increase over the, enrollment of last' year. f This' is particularly noticeable in the highschbols.the girls' high having an incoming r;class from; the grammar schools" of : l4o,' as against>97 last ; year. In the Commercial \high school the pupils coming ; into the > freshmen class number '22s>*while.. last year, but 150 en- tered:' There, is. also a decidedly larger enrollment in the Polytechnic, Mission and 'Lowell high schools. . TWO SEW SCHOOLS ~ , Two .new - schools have been estab lished,"'; in the • Rlncoh hill ' district arid ;one : at Twentieth and Connecticut streets in, the : Potr#ro, 'in response to the" demand from those localities, each being housed in' temporary buildings .and .having two teachers/ An event of the 'of ithe schools was the reopening of the^Washington gram mar school: in ;the' handsome newjbrick building on Uhe-site; of, the, old. school at Mason and Washington streets. '.The board'Of education held <a meet ingj" yesterday : afternoon \at *; which it was decided that a^ class fori women in cooking, idress! making . and tailoring ; is to ; be established in': the Washington evening "school under the direction of Miss E. M. ;Mohn. ; .\u25a0•-•;> :]: ] h J : Lillian G. Martin has been appointed a : special . teacher Jof domestic science, vice.. Miss- Wright, resigned. R.,8. Thompson.. teacher in musical training, has resigned.' " » TRAXSFERS OF TEACHERS . The lasjt of the series of transfers of teachers has; been made as follows: Edith L. Connor, Hearst to Sutro dur ing* leave of. Miss Cullen; 'Alice Carson. Jefferson (discontinued); to new school at" Twentieth- and Connecticut- streets; Miss G.~ Hawkins,' Adams school' to Commercial school; Charles' F. Walsh, Richmond evening to < Humboldt even ing.high duringileave of C." L. Turner; Marie- Irvin, Garfield '-to Frank He ifoppln; :Miss A. E.: Hucks; Fairmount to Garfield; Miss R. Kurlandzlk, Emer son to Hamilton. ' /-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .'.. . The following leaves of absence have been granted: " !\u25a0 Emily; Wickman. fall term 1909 to spring ; term 1910;; Rae Cohen, -fall term 1909 to spring term .1910; Mrs. S. Hoff man, janitrPss, fall term-1909 to spring term- 1910; 8.- Wiley, fall term 1909 to spring term 1910. . - The following janitorial appointments and ; transfers have -been made. . ; Mrs. Hogan, appointed janitress rßin con school; Mrs. Anna Hayes, appointed janitress and Connecticut school; Mrs. McQuaide, parental school, vice Mrs. Ross; Mrs. Walsh, Redding school;' only ;y Mrs. Curran, transferred as janitress -Central' manual training school to -Denman " school, •- Bush * and Hyde : streets ; - Mrs. X.- . McMahon. ap pointed janitress Pacific -heights school during absence of Mrs. Hoffman; Mrs; Gorman,, transferred as janitress Jef ferson to janitress Bay View. "school, vice Mrs. -Fitzgerald. .--- . . f . : .- . INDEX TOl CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOTTNTANTB. ......./............ C0L 3.^ P." U ACCOUNT ANTS— CEBT. FITBIJO. . . CoL 3, P. 1» AD0PT10N................... CoL 4, P/13 AGENTS WANTED.. ......... ......C 01. 3, P. 12 APARTMENTS....;/././........... Col. 5, P. 'U ATTORNEYS... ........Col. 3, P. 13 AUTOMOBILES. ;/. .CoL 1. P. 13 BAB AND STORE FIXTURES....:. CoI. 1, P. 13 BARBriS AND , SUPPLIES. . .... . . .CoL 2, P. 12 BILL C0LLECT1NG ................ CoL 3, P. 13 BUSINESS CHANCES./..'.......... CoL 2. P. 13 ;- .?-;i_. \u25a0;;;• -. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; •„•• ........... CoL 3, P. 13 BUSINESS C0LLEGE5. ........... ..C0L 3, P; 13 BUSINESS PERSONALS. ;'...../.... C0L 4, P. 13 CARPET < CLEANING. ..:.;.//.'.. ...Col. 7. P. 12 CHIROPODISTS:. .:......'...;.;.-... .C0L 4, P. 13 CLA1RV0YANT5. . .....:.... ..Col. 4, P. 13 COTTAGES TO UET.-...:.......:...C0L*«,P/12 DENTISTS:/...../........../.. CoL 3, P. 13 DETECT1VE5.... .......:...... .....Col. 3, P. 13 DRESS MAK1NG....../.. ..........C0L 1, P/13 EDUCAT10NAL............. ...... ..C0L 3, P.IS EMPLOYMENT,' 0FF1CE5........... C01. 3, P. 12 EMPLOYMENT/ WANTED—MALE.. CoL 7, P. 11 EMPLOYMENT WANTED— remale/. Col. 7, P.- 11 FEMALE EELP; WANTED. ........C 01. 2, P. 12 '"/ " " ...........Col. 3, P/M , FINANCIAL/;;..... ......;..;.:..V.C0L 5, P. 13 FLATS TO LET; . . . .V.*. :.:..:..: .'.-.Col. 6, P. 12 FLATS r TO LET— OAKLAND.. ...... C«L 6, P. 12 ; FLATS *\u25a0 TO LET— FURNISHED. . .V.Col. 6. P. 12 FLATS .' FOS r" SALE-^rUBNISHED.CoI. 6, P. 12 FOR SALE— MISCELLANEOUS. .. :, Col. 1 7. P/ 12 V- " " | ......Col/1, P. 13 FREIGHT FOEWAEDINO..V..i.'.*..'CoL"7,P. 12 FVU8 m . .../././; .7. .... . . ......... Col. 1, P. 13 FURNITURE FOB 5ALE. .......... C0L 7, P. 12 FURNITURE "WANTED... ...... ...Col. 7, P. 12 GLASS WORKS:-.': T. : . ;. . . /..;'. . :^;Col. 1, P.U HORSES, WAGONS & HARNESS. /.Col. 1, P. IS H0TEL5. .. .T;. ....:.-. .;./... .'..;..; Col." 5. P. 12 'jj'f ;...'../.../.^. .^.v.';t.". . :/;r.coi. 6, p. 12 HOUSES TO LET— FUBNISHED././.Col. 9, P. 12 HOUSES : TO LET— Unfurnished:^ CoL 6. P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— OAKLAND. .*.;. . CoI. 6. P. 12 HOUSES TO LET— Berkeley: ....-.:.; Col. 8. P; 12 HOUSES TO LET— Alameda.. l;:..;; CoL 6. P. 12 INVESTMENTS/..........^.-....... CoL 6, P. 13 LEGAL ; N0T1CE5 ..•..;...../... /..'.CoL 8, P." 13 LODGING HOUSES :FOB SALE. ..CoI. 8, P/13 i LOSTX AND 'FOUND...... ../..•... ..CoL 7, P. 11 MAIXHEIJP WANTED...... //... CoL 7, P.'ll M '? t . ............ CoL 1, P. 12 % -". " M .............Col. 2, P. 12 MATRIMONIAL../.../............. Col. 4, P. 13 MED1CAL. .. .. ........ .-. .. ......... CoL 3. P." 13 ". ...........•.;..........:. Col. 4, P. 13 MEETINGS— LODGES..;. ...... A .....C01.7, P-ll MEETINGS^-SPECIAL, . '. . . .'. . ;. . . ; CoL r 8 P 11 MINES i: ANB- MINING/. . ......;.. '.C01. 6, P. 15 MISCELLANEOUS 'WANTS.'. /..::.. CoL 1, P. 13 MONEY. TO LOAH/.../r.-.....;../ CoL 5 P 13 MONEY;wANTED./;....://........ CoL 8 ' P*. 13 MUSICAL CINSTBUMENTS.. :..:;{- Col." IP 13 notary pußira:::TJi...:i;..*f.v.coi> 3 p/ 13 £^SSL AHD BTOEEa TO LET... .ICoCs. P; 12 PAUnSTRYr.;././.. .......;...;. CoL 4, P. 13 PATENT ATTORNEYS.: ; . . . . . /. ' Col. B*P8 * P 13 | E^^ A o L AND . PA ? E a.?AKQn»o. ort. i p. is i"±.±1b 0N AL5 ........ ; . . ..:....... / \u25a0 CoL 4. P. IS phy5ician5. ..: : . . .. .... :;.".. .. Co l i p; is POPULAR ; REMED1E5 . . . . .... . rr C 01. 4P 13 REAL :, ESTATE-CITY, :^ ;.; ..T...V0bL \, p! 13 '*•••"./....;. ;Col.*B/P. 13 REAL ' ESTATE-tCOUNTRY//. . . /; . CoL 8, P. 13 . \u25a0 V \u25a0.-,..\u25a0;\u25a0••.:-; 'Y ,„\u25a0•"., ; ; . '../.../:; Col, 7/ P. 13 , REAL ESTATE-^OAKXANI>........CoL 7, P. 13 REAL, ESTATE-BEBKELEY/.t . . .Col. 7. P. 13 SEAL? ESTATE-^ALAMEDA . ~ V.C6L 7 P 13 REAL C ESTATE-IFBUITVALE/: . ; .^Col. 7 P 13 ! aEALIESTATE-^TO!EXCHANGE.":iCoI. 7* P/13 BOOMS AND BOABD^OTFEBED -* CoL" 4 Pl 3 BOOMS AND BOABDXbeBXEXBY." Col. 8 * P*. 1» BOOMS TO LET— rUB."&.UNrUB/;Col. 3, P/12 Y:-^.;YY"VYYYY:-^" \u25a0 : ..... CoL 4;P/I2 : ROOMS! TO 'LET— HOUBE KEEP'O/ CoL 4, P. 12 SALESMEN & SOLICITOR 3 WN'T'D Col." 8, P. 12 SANITOBIUMB.*fr?».. I "."AL'J l .h.'':'i.tCoL4,P. 13 SEWING i MACHTNES.T.'. . 1 .;..;. ...C0L' 7. P. 12 spißiTUALisM;rf.. j :r.?^:v.*rr.r...coL 4,- p. 13 STORAGE AND MOVING VANS. .: ; CoL 7, P. 12 r TBussEs?..\.;..*;.\\ r .;../:;/: E /.'.'?r.coi. v 4,'p: 13 TYPEWBITERS AND I SUPPLIES/. CoL 1, P. 13 UNPAID : WAQEB J COHJEOTgP.vr.'.CoI. 3/ P. 12; ; * vv r MEETIXGS-— Special ~ "\u25a0 '-.,','.:\u25a0\u25a0 "^ :OFFICE-:OF/JOSEPH^ALLEX . . ;-AXD: DEVELOPMENT CO. : ' ;>; > Please .take v notice - that - the 7 annual .meeting j of it the * stock J holders '\u25a0 of i the j Jos. Allen Mining ; and \u25a0 Development > Co.' wil De ; held i at » the office > of ;"» the } Company, : 4299 i-'24th : st. , \u25a0 San , Francisco, . onUhe^Sd'daySof'August/lSOD.^atricaO p/;m.," > fw i the * election ; of ; officers ; and .-. transaction, of ( . such I others business ,'; as ; may t properly , come be- \u25a0 fore* the: meeting. ?-.Y- >"- = Thej stock: transfer book* of the company will be " closed "i on :v Monday. August "2; 12 'm,.'and' "will » remain, closed until' Wednesday; YAugust \u25a0*/ ..MEETINGS — Lodse« MISSION commandery No. 41. X. J T.— . « -Stated assembly THIS (TUESDAY) TOT \u25a0 'EVENING at 8 o'clock. Mission Masonic \kjU temple. • Order ? of Tthe • Temple." AU f raters "cordially invited.' "»B^.- order of the- eminent; commander. ' ." ' \u25a0 \u25a0 A., HAWKSLEY. Recorder. ORIENTAL lodge No. 144. T. &A. M.. *jT". : - meets -THIS (TUESDAY) EVENING. «JV special at 7 and stated at 8 o'clock. aL^K A. S. HUBBARD. S&CTCtary. -..,W- PACIFIC lodge No: 130. F. St A. XI.. M 1739 - Flllmore st.— Stated meeting >#%_ THIS EVENING. 8 > m. JLjt GEORGE PENUNGTON. Sec. GOLDEN GATE lodge No*~3o. F. &A. \u25a0* '; M.— Stated meeting THIS ~^\, EVENING. • 7:30 o'clock/ King Solo- s^y? niOD's hall. 1709 FlUmore st. EDWIN L. MEYER. Secretary. ' CALIFORNIA chapter Xo. 5, B. A.fiW;' M.— Stated meeting THIS (TCES- f^T*«l DAY) EVENING, Auenst P.. 1909. SfitfJlVi/ at 7:30 ©"clock, in as.Tiutn of Goltlea TrX£J'*] Gate eommamlery. 2135 Sutter st. wLtSfl .FRANKLIN H.DAY. Sec. WBBg MAGNOLIA lodge No. 29/ I. O. O. F.— Members, -a matter of great importance requires -your attend- t **^*s^s.- ance at -tonight's meeting. •\u25a0*J»**v ' J. F. FRUZEE. N. O. i SAMUEL POLACK, Secretary. i MEMBERS of the Master Mar- a \u0084 iners* • Benevolent . Assocla- ftaß*^^ - * tion. their families and their I lHO"<ll>lllliii friends are cordially Invited I MBlgMß^^^ to an excursion and picnic I iHilP'milfa. at Montieello. SUNDAY, lESSfla^^* > . August 8. \u25a0 Boats will leave fir" v i Clay st; wharf at 9 and 11 a. m., re taming at 4 and 9 p. m-4i Tickets for sale at the wharf. Round trip fares. • \u25a0 adults 50c, children half price. ' THE COMMITTEE. ! BRICK LAYERS, notice— You are hereby notified to attend the next regular meetlug. to be telil • in Lily hall. TUESDAY EVENING/ August 3. i 1909. Business of Importance to be transacted. . • E. S. President. •7. C. HAMILL. Sec.. 135 Gough st. STARR KING council No. 6. Jr. O. U. A. M.. • meets THIS EVENING in American hall. 20th and Capp sts.\ ; C. R. HANCOCK. R. S. \u25a0 M " l^ ""— ' — ~**^ "*^ " m " mm^ "" ""^^ . ' LOST AND FOUATJ I " . ! IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING — Advertise ; it here. It will be returned to you if an honest person finds it. Renurk&ole rocov- ; cries axe brought about every day through this column. ' - IT YOU FIND AKYTHISO brine it to the .'[ San Francisico Call ! -»!- 1 Loat and Found Bnreati, ' 1 Third and Market Streets ; . I i-yyjyj-u->jTj-a-u-a-a-u-u-u-u-v-u-a-u-u^ Get a claim check. , Have it advertised. ! Reclaim it if the owner does not. THE LAW — People who find lost arti- * clea are , interested in knowing that the . _^ L *t at e law <Is strict in requiring them to seek ' the swners through advertisements and ' otherwise, and that x failure to- da - so. if proof can be shown, involves a. se- ver© penalty. LOST — Friday .' afternoon, package \u25a0 containing > - copy of table for Drnrds; addresa on outside Hayes and Laguna; .valuable to owner only. "" Return INTERNATIONAL PRINTING COM- PANY. 330 Jackson, or phone Douglas 835. i .LOST — Lady's gold watch, blue enamel, opea : face, small diamond in back : liberal reward : i no questions asked. Return Marie Antoinette apartments. -Pine and Leavenworth. apt. - S>. LOST— At Mare Island or Vallejo, last Sunday. • lady's gold watch; initials K. J.; valued a* keepsake. Liberal reward if returned to 6S j" -•\u25a0"'. Sanchea »t.. elty, or 519 Marln St.. Vallejo. LOST— A yellow collie dog; rawhide harness, no , tag; answers to Scottie. Return' to 24S&. Jack- son St.; reward. , LOST— A black and white Llewellyn bitch, witn . owner's v name ou collar.. Finder please notify ' GEORGE MAKINS; phone Kearny 663. . : LOST — Lady's gold watch and pin. between Oak- ' . land, and Lausdale. Mar in county. Return to - 1663 Grove st. and receive reward. - LOST— At Chutes. Sunday night, a lady's silver. Swiss .watch . and foh. . Reward on return to - JAS. JACK. 4543 13th St. . LOST — Stockton st. safety station or on Masonic ay. car. salt box -containing black dress; m- '\u25a0 ward. Return to B. ALTMAN. - LOST — Gold watch with .' monogram. Reward by returning to 2402 Dana 5t.. .. Berkeley. ; LOST — GoM -quartz pin/ 2 Inches long: liberal reward. Return to T. E. BREE. 653 Market. \u25a0 LOST — Cameo brooch, set around with pearls. • ; Liberal reward at 017 Van Npsh ay. • ', EMPLOYMENT WANTED— MaI*~ Al SALESMAN seeks position with reliable flrtn; I \u25a0 has 10 years' experience on road; can show .results; only straight salary and commlssUm , considered. Bos 3565, Call office. : ACCOUNTANT opea for additional work; »r«- ; ttms Installed; aadltin?; special lnvwtlgi- ttons; Al local : references; reasonable rstn: m - city or country. Box 2007. Call office. CHINESE, excellent cook, meat and pastry, wishes position, hotel, boarding house, restan- rant or pastry, family: good references; satis- faction. CHARLES FOOK, 926 Stockton st. S? an Francisco. Cal. i EXPERIENCED book keeper, age 30. married, thoroughly conversant with office details, mod- ern systems, etc.. desires permanent position ; capable of taking charge; best references. Ad- dress box 3623. Call office. I EXPERIENCED orchard haqd would like stra<ly work with up to date fruit grower. Box 3G94. Call offlee. GARDENER, florist, landscape,, wishes .position; * private family or commercial- place; compe- tent in all branches: single man (French). 4ti; good references. - Horticultural, box - 3647. Call. GOLD dredging — Wanted engagement as dredee master; -16 years* exjerlenee In ail it* - branches. Addresa box Ct; is. Call dfflce. JAPANESE laundry man wants position in " city or country : has experience and reference. M. % .. . Nagura. 1532 Post st. \ MARINE* gasoline engineer (licensed) wants : position. REKLAW. 646 Laguna. - . PANTRYMAN— First class cold* meat and saUtl man wants - position, ' city or country. Box N 3582. Call office. ' PAINTER// paper- hanger anil 7 tint«>r with all tools 'wants work; good" t work: cheap. 2771 Folsom St.; phone Mission SSIS. \u25a0 STENOGRAPHER and typist, male, wants posi- tion; experienced. :.'\u25a0 Address W. E. D.. 1926 Berkeley way. Berkeley. WANTED^ — By an experienced Norwegian, lately from - Boston, a position in private family: -in \u25a0 familiar with horses; give gbod reference and willing to travel. Box 8544. Call office. ' WOULD like a Job overseeing, or will work by , eon tract; years of experience on farms; caa " furnish Al references. Addresa P. 0. box 642. . LJ vennore. CaL YOUNG : man ' wishes position as • cutter In - mer- chant .tailor's store: 5 years* experience with eastern firm. Box 3509,* Call office. . YOUNG man pianist, familiar with band In- struments, desires position as book . keeper oc salesman in mnsic house. Bnx 3709. Call.. •^E^f^LjOYMJB^JWAJ<iTC^ , BOOK KEEPER, stenographer, several years* experience, for "general office "work; best of . -references. Box 3553; Call office. COOK, first class, wishes position to do cooking and kitchen work only. 1359 Golden Gate ay., .- room 11. ' COMPETENT" woman wishes conklns or second work; best references: wages $30 to ' s3s; Oak- landor Alameda. [ Address H, 455 T-id st.. Oak. MIDDLE aged German lady, graduate <\u25a0( sires •\u25a0' engagement .with sick or old 'lady. . oi . old couple; $40 month; references. Address box 16. main postofflee. \u25a0 '. •\u25a0. RESPSUTABLE middle aged < lady, speaks : French/ Italian . and English, would - like tn be a companion with respectable people fot passage ; to Europe. Box 3541. Call. STENOGRAPHER with some experience wishes ; a position; "wlll'start with low- wages. _Ad- - dress 1410 Golden Gate ay. .'.3flHMsW| SEAMSTRESS " in a private family; Catholic; 'does altering. - plain snlts.- also second work it necessary.- Phone Park 5130. .WANTED— By a refined young .woman, position •\u25a0- as companion :to . a lady \u25a0or children ;. a good % borne, more of an object than remuneration. ' Address box 3W9. Call office. ;\u25a0,:; WOMAN ; wants " washing. Ironing or cleaning. • \u25a0 day » or half day; : Mission only ; terms reason- able. : Call , or add rei>s Laundress, 21 1 27tb> . *t. nt> ar Dolores. ifiMB9SHBHMBHMHHHBHi WOMAN -.wants washing and house cleaning by r the day; 11.75. Box 3573, Call office. WOMAN wants to do general housework. ' 821 ,:. Devisadero st-.idty/ .-: .;. WOMAN ' wants v work by the : day. washing and cleaning. Box 249f1. 110S Valoncta st. -._- _^ '_Y.-^ M^AXE^HEJLP ; WAXTBI) -_^ r ,_,.^ MEN and women to sell Wm. DeCoursey's useful '-^articles; experience not necessary.. 71S Goldea .' . Gate ay.. . San Francisco; 1811 Brush st. Oak. ' MEN and women to learn barber trade; S weeks: earn |5 to $10 per week while learning;, par- tlcnlars free. MOLER COLLEGE. S Utn st. MEN to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; free spe- cial Inducements to next 10: call early v ***• v partJcnlar*. S. F. Barber ColleKe. 8 F*lf st. MEN wanted at 103 3d at. to nave their shoes J repaired ; » sewed soles. 75c. done in . 10 mln. STABLEMAN wanted to look after private sta- - blp; one who I* clean and neat about his work. Answer \u25a0\u25a0> phone 1351 > Folsom. . --'\u25a0! Continued to X ext l*o "ts 11