Newspaper Page Text
12 slAt.n HELP NvAN'TED— Contjnned .^ MURRAY & READY. '. '' 0 Loading Eraplovnipnt Agents,' White Palai-e Hotel building, Jlth aud Market sts.. S. F. . Phones Market CT>G and 657. 7t!i°aud Broadway, opjiosite S. P. depot. Oak- \u25a0 ° \u25a0 • land." 2d and H sts., Sacramento. Sd'and Mahi sti*. and J26 Marchesault st, I>os Angeles. \u25a0* '; I^atin office r>2S 'Jackson sti. S. F. TA> \v»nt today 7..' > .S9 men for all clat?Ke« of work in California. Oregon. Nevada, Utah, Wash- Ins-ton. N'ew^Mexlco and Arizona. Wages from $60 "to $190. FREE FARE TO OREGON: ° M.AMATH FALI_»— DORRIS— BRAY MIDLAND— C. N. . E % R. R-- 1.."'70 tunnelmen. teamsters, drillers, laborers. J'ra<l:iieiTien. trackmen, jspikcrs. strappers. Wages $».7.*>. 's2. $2.2 a, $2.40 to $3..'>0 a day. . All free fare. Ship twice daily. NOW FREE FARC .25 coal miners, big rein, good prices. Inquire Shout- it. .Boss here, sw f him. Free fare. " •'. DOWN SOITH— FREE. FARE c£7 inlKirers, S. P. R. R. Co.'s own work, south, f r^e f sre. • "OCEAN SHORE R. R.— FREE FARE '4S tunnclmen, teamsters, muckers, laborers. lIF.RE IT IS: FREE FARE. NEVADA LINK . Xiurkee. Reno, Colfax, Applegate, Dowman, Auburn, districts. Li 20M Ijborers. $2 to $2~tt.' '. Sf«'t tenmsters, $60 to J67.50. \u25a0 .Vi nmckers. $07.*J0. 7.". tunnelsncn. $75. $82.50 nnd $97. '\7m drillers, $2.25 to ?2.50. • si<'.ne m«son!<. cari>enterF, etc.; ship twice • daily; free fare. , TO THE WOODS. SAWMILLS AND YARDS. ALL FREE FARE. *. 7<JS men vranted for 37 different lumber com- •i>*tsi?s. txix' factories and planing mills in Siskiyou. Shasu, Del None. Humboldt. Men- \u25a0 diJtino. Sonoma, Madera aud Fresno counties. ; "p-vysmpnrs. lal'irers. crosscut sawyrrs, tree '-. fillers, builders, lumber pilers. line : rui'lei-fr. mill .band?, machine hands, etc. '*•-.- ' Wages $."10 to $SH) and foun«i. ' •\u25a0Tr!ii<rnerman. small mill. $5u and tC. • ' -dsr-rman. small mill, $(K> and fd. I ••V\.<j<id oboppers. tie makers, shake makers, etc. •- »;.'-(iia'chiiie hands, planing mill, free fare, :• ,r?t;o^to.s73. • - • FAIiMS— DAIRIES— ORCHARDS, \u25a0•• ;• HAY— AND— HARVEST. "VWjpnK IX FitriTS. DRY YARDS, ETC. : '.-li*r..;4eamsters. big rancb. $4f» and fd. i • V 7. men to drive team and work in hay, $1.50 ' -'"Isiy.- and found. ;-_3 inon to work -in the harvest, $1.50 to $2 "\u25a0: -ii ay., aad f oi: nnd . - ..'_: : -f arm. : orchard and vineyard hand*. $30 \u25a0:': k;ie found: :" < ..l^.-rail-kers. $1 to $4 fare, $3o and $40 and fd. lJ!iTt.«'T maker, run separator, $50 aud found. ';\u25a0*•\u25a0: -<.h'or>-men and gardeners, ranches and prl- .. .'••ate'" places. $30 to $40 and found. ~ . v. , LABORERS— <"ITY— AND ". ; \u25a0 '-. . • NEAR— CITY. v. i<j "J*i borers, long job, city, $2.25 day. "r ."i laborer*. 8 hours' work. $2 and $2.25 day. •.".50 ./laborers to work around Urge manufac- .i-.tjKXpt jiiant, long Job. $2.25 day. 1 •.-•: ' * MECHANICAL. -: : ' ' ' . ENGINEERS. \u25a0\u25a0'.•'. -\u25a0•\u25a0/•'\u25a0. CARPENTERS. ;\u25a0\u25a0 o; . country Jobs, $4 and $6 day. ;-i."i.. Carpenters, Hty and country, $3 and $4 day.*- • ?. I'f-iigb carpenters, north, $75. V **>±jnglcrs, 10c fare. $1 M. -.': ?. ls'tliers. country. $2.25 to $2.75 M. /iL'.lsstfrtT. city, good wages. -'^'blacksmiths, country shoj)S. $3 and $3.50 day. r.-^.C£Uip blarksmiths. $:i day. ; ;\u25a0•••;• . ELECTRIC— LINEMEN ' .- ."v . more electric linemen, rebuilding J trans- .-.- iiii#*f<in lives, etc., S hours; big jot),' couu- • '.try,. -$3 .day. ;-:«; . free— fare . S. P. R. R. CO. •'JO.' concrete men. Oi-pgon. V . • •. FREE— FARE : i)U. YOU WANT A LONG JOB WITH AN .' LU.ECTRIC POWER PLANT? HERE IT IS. \u25a0 •>> . laborers for the construction of a big •. jwwer plant, working on the dams, ditch, .••\u25a0rlutoes, pipe lines, etc.; 3 years' job, $67.50. \u25a0: : ANOTHER— ONE s,' FARE— PAID ...Hi laborers,* no experience required, for a :'iig'Ut and - power plant. $74. fare paid. : . .- • . FREE— FARE : . 5 ' griinite rock Quarry men, $1.05 to $1.20, • • free lare. SPECIAL— WOODS. ". ' BOSS HERE. -\u25a0 2 donkey enginefre. $SK) and found; 5 linemen. ; wckhlp. $a", and found; 5 axmen, woods, $60 '\u25a0'• "• MACHINE MINERS, '. • . NEVADA LINE. *. »i ratx-bine miuers. big tuunel, $30 to $97.50; • FREE FARE. • . FREE FARE. • • STONE MASONS. • .1 stone masons, rough work, railroad, north; • : t liee fare. OTHER SPECIALS TODAY. • .ButrJicr. country shop, $C 5. • Plumber, Mendocino couuty. • Si^rt-iid haker, city shop, $12 week and board. . .Kuy for cannery, country, $30 and found. .."» <ta!>lrmau. country etables. $30 and found. .- -Jii -wood choppers, Nevada, $1.40 cord, v J" Ir.raber pilers, ftanta Cruz county. $60. •\ It' lumlter filers. Tuolumne county, $Co. " I 2 sras fitters. «-ity factory. «iS j.ainters. city job. $3.00 day. : 'foment finisher, country. $120. ' ».4 lsnorers to pile 'liay^in warehouse, $2.50 to •."*:: day. .' # ;i' Scwidinavinn oystermen. $45 f d. '-.S'lingle packer, Mendocino co. j-Niradißg foreman, lumber co.s R. R., $90. "^Bushi'linan, country renovatory. $18 wk. J '&" machiue miners and hand miners, gold \u25a0-miii*?, $105 and $90. ".:-.•' MARRIED HELP." . .' * COOKS AND WIVES. ..; * . FARMERS AND WIVES. i --Cooi and « iff «s Uelper, small country hotel, .i* '$70 and found. :•. -Fjicmer who understands almond orchard, wife 1 •.\u25a0•« wt, few men, $45 to $G5 and found. \u25a0;\u25a0'::' farmers and wives, other places, $40 and $50 : '.--*nd ' • '•'. . " ' COOKS AND OTHERS. ;"_--rook, institution. $S0 and found; 3 restaurant ,'.'.'i*)kf, $15 to $20 week and board; second cook; , "'ticruiitry restaurant. $40 acd found; waiter. ;.'; .' tuuall restauraut, $1 fare, $35 and found; 5 . "'•\u25a0 f^-jok*. camps, bay presses, ranch and harvest ! - <)irtfitf?. $35 to $00 and found; 3 camp waiters !• ..\u25a0•:\u25a0'! <::sli washers. $30 and $35 and found; . --iiuutr.vicsn, city, $20 aud found; Iroaer, couu- ; -..tßy, $60. I - ' "ITALIAN?. •-;.-•• • PARK PAID. .- 10" Italian laborers to go south today, $67.50; ;. -.FARE PAID. ' J" lumli^r pliers. $00. .". Blacksmiths, country, $50 and found. \ ' :; • *Ti<i(> foreign laborers. Italians. Austrian*. Mex- <\u25a0 jean*. Spaniard?, etc.. to work on railroad. •'\u25a0 factories, power «impauies, ranches, ;..:">\u25a0•<•.; wages $1.75 to $2^*s day; many of them Tsll and r^-ad our bulletin boards; wSrk crnn- •/i'.'e .in by i.i'mo, telegram aud mall all day lung. MURRAY & READY. . ' 11th and Market hi*., San Francisco. 7th fit. and. Broadway. Oakland. 2d and H sts., Sacramento. B<»Y io deliver box lunches nn established routes •• from 8 to 12; wages to start $2.50 per week. Apply early with school certificate, 16 Mint avenue. BOY — Neat appearing . young man of about "16 years. Apply before 9a. m., S. N. WOOD &, CO.. Fillmore and Ellis sts. store. BUTCHER boy to drive —-agon; must have expe- rience. Address box 4400, Call office. '.FIRST CLASS cook, private family, city, $55, references necessary; waitress and : chamber innid for plain hotel across the bay. $30*. gen- eral bonsework girl for 2 in ' family, out of "town, $35; nnrse, assist little chamber work, J^S: must understand German cooking, $:*5-s4oi second girl for plain place, country, $:wi; 25 housework girls, city and country. Call at MISS PLUXKETT'S, 1896 Sutter st. i I. , • FIRST CLASS ladles' tailor -anted: no others; \u25a0K-ed apply: S2B per week. BARON, 118 : *;cery st- ' . FIFTY experienced men to make railroad ties, o A. F. Kstabrook Co., 245 California st. , ; FIRST CI.ASS painter; none other apply. 2816 24tli st.. 8 a. m. i;iU.ST CLASS union steam fitter wanted; must r»-afl plans. \ Apply Tuesday.' 8:30 \u25a0a. m;, HARRY HANSON, plumber. 274 Jessie st lIItST <'LASS painter wanted. SHIREY, 2Cth -\u25a0>••. and Lake St., new building. ; CJIMJU orrand l>oy for > pharmacy. Apply room 112. Anglo building, ICth and Mission ets. HAVE a fine opening for young man- who Is desirous of advancement; amount required $100. Call GLOBE REALTY CO., 211 Pacific tildz.. or 556 Broadway. Oakland.. HUP PICKING will totnmeace on our ranches «!v>ut Aujru»=t .20;, pk-ker* can register now: t*\l or write for particulars. AMERICAN HOP AND BARLEY PP., 116 California . st. IfOt'SF.MAN for 2 in family, short distance out <;f town.- $*!.\u25a0«: ref erences necessary. •, Call at Mli<S I'LL.VKETTS, IS9C Sntter st .. - IKONEBS on new shirts. Ulman. . Seeligsohn & Brown. 149 New. Montgomery st*. !"-.:, LABORERS and mechanics to know that' Edward Hulk In has reduced the rooms at: the Denver House, 34 and Howard sts., to Ssc per day,' $2 week ; hot and , cold . water in every room. ' - • MEN] wanted— Young, strong, good vislcn,'; ac- coi'nt increasing business on all ; railroads,'; for tirctuoti or brakemen:,- experience, \u25a0unnecessary; l>onniin<»nt pftsili-ms; p*y, $75'.-tO; ?1W m<>utlily; prrmjoted to conductor -or, engineer, MSO to-?2^»0 montlily: «t«te age. -weigbt, • »!»*isriit. R»JJw»y Asf-x^atlon, care • Call. MK.n to learo cigar making; good pay 'while learning; steady work. SQQ 12th it near • Foisom. i jHiiiiH-Hlli^i i' r ii I I" M ' " r M ALE HELP ; WANTED-— Continued : / •'\u25a0\u25a0" EVANS '& ,' HODGES, -[', \u25a0 Labor (Agents. - 50 lalKWcrs, FREE FARE, Mojave ,and \u25a0'>\u25a0\u25a0'. Kearles . . ...rr.\i~77^TT^X?ftf:,.'.^2 to $3.50 SO laborers. FREE FARE. Klamath Falls. FREE FA RE^OLFAX— NEVADA' 100 latiorers, muckers aud tuiitii'linon.S- to $3.50 10 lalwrprs, Oakland : ; . ..:'... .$2.00 \u25a0:"- Free Fare— EUREKA-r-CHESCENT, CITY 75 laborers, ; wages . . . ."-. ..... -. . .$2.<K) to $3.00 100 (irorkf*. S. P., FREE FARE- BOARD ' SELVES ./.,......;............;....... $1.60 WE SHIP EVERY DAY. FREE FAKE. NORTH. SOUTH. EAST AND WEST. - - 420 :^ 6tb st: -\u25a0. Oakland. " \u25a0V. ' . Phone Oakland 4031. : -; \u25a0-'\u25a0•; \u25a0 ANDRE'S. 1044 Larkin St.— Second cook. $70; waiter, $30: dairyman, $35; bupboys $30-$:«; •man and. wife, private, place, $50;. young Ger- man for resort. $20; \u25a0 dlKh wafhers for hotels. «inb>v resorts; etc.,- $2."». $30 and $35, and others. Oakland of fire, 957 Franklin. , -.<:\u25a0 MAN and .wife,' man /or outside work snd woman for general housework. . plain * place, i country, $r,O. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 1596 Sut- ter sf .-. \u25a0 ---\u25a0•\u25a0 --..-.. ' -\u25a0--.• NEAT appearing young -man to deliver, box lunches; must be a hustler. Apply Sunday, 1 to 2. 1C Mint ay. NEW WESTERN, 1124 Howard— Single rooms; 15c and 20c per night: hot and cold water. PHOTOGRAPH, coupo-i and portrait agents: something good. Cutberth Photo Studio, Bacon bldg.. Oakland. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN— Good, active • men to handle highly developed Burllngame prop- erty: all Improvements made; settled; com- munity; excellent ' class *of residences; j easy terms; liberal commissions paid. * Room 101, Russ bldg., 235 Montgomery st. WANTED— «OO men to occupy rooms. 20c to 30c per night (free bath), at the NEW YORK, 753 Howard st bctweeen 3d nnd 4th. .. .' WANTED — Men to learn to operate moving pic- ture machines; salary $35 ' per week. 221 Lo- cust ay. - off Van Ness near McAllister.' _ ________ __ 100 LABORING MEN To occupy clean single rooms at the ORIGINAL MECHANICS' HOTEL, 019 Howard Bt bet stb and 6th; 15c, uoc, 25c day; $1, $1.25 per week. WANTED— Stenograph fr to assist on books; not over 2S; for responsible position; one. not afraid of hard work; accuracy, neatness and rapidity required; chance for promotion; sal- ary reasonable. Address box 0629, . Call. . WANTED — Young man : under. 25 ' to ' start in bank; good opportunity, for; advancement; lo- cal references essential; give same In appli- cation. Box 3628, Call office. WANTED— TIrst class plumbers, open' shop. Apply Thomas Haverty Co., 517 S. "Los An- geles St., Los Angeles, CaL ', WANTED — Young man to solicit advertising; good chance for right man; advancement cer- taln If a hustler; Address box 3532, Call. WANTED — Outside salesman for our talking machine dept; exp. not necessary. Apply KOITLEB & CHASE. 40-52-54 O'Farrell st WANTED — 2 carpenters. $4; plasteeer, $6. -420 Cth et. Oakland, Monday 7 a. m. WANTED — A fine looking gray physician regis- tered In California with - some hospital . expe- rience; good salary, short hours, no traveling. 25 Sd st ' < . . WANTED-^Men roomers; per nljßht, 25c; by week, $1; hot and cold water any time. CIO May st. - . :-,; -- . .-\u25a0\u25a0 WORKING partner, with capital; long estab- lished, good paying business. Box 3695, Call. WANTED — Steady man; permanent : place: light, plain work; will pay $75 per month; $150 cash required. !»66 Market st. room, 7. : WANTED — Sticker hand: only - first . class man need apply. Cal. Mill and Mfg. C 0.,: _ as t 12th t?t "and 14th ay.. East Oakland. / YOUNG men wanted to learn telegraphy; wire- less telegraphy, railroad and station service; day. and night sessions. Central Trust bldg., Van Ness ar. corner Golden Garp ay. EXPERIENCED watch maker isfevilllng to Uki en apprentice under contract; position guaran- t*+& after serving full time. Box 2919. Call BARBERS^AXD SUPPLIES BARKER CHAIRS. Model "C," hydraulic, 1907 m0de1. .... .$4O Model "G," nonhydraulic. 1909 model.. $52 Model "H," hydraulic, 1909 m0de1........ 568 Second hand chain?, all kinds and makes, from $15 up. JAMES BARKER, Inc., Pbone Franklin 3899. 94 Turk st.. \u25a0 BARBERS — Come iv and see the handsomest white porcelain enameled Iron chair manufac- tured. You have positively seen nothing like It before. It is Koch's masterpiece, and must appeal to everybody's artistic sense, because of ; its plain but striking I appearance. It is thoroughly sanitary. We have 9 Barker hy- draulic chairs, which are practically new and originally sold for $85. Our price Is $50. Open evenings. Pacific Barber Supply Company, 962 Market st . . ~ v * BARBER shop: splendid chance; money making country shop; trial can be bad; price $250. STOLTZ, 731 Market t?t. BARBER shop, country; a money making shop; can have Jong trial; price. $250. Apply, at STOLTZ'S,' 73I Market st, * BARBER wanted, for country; $20 per wee*; must be tiood and steady man. Apply \u25a0to STOLTZ, 731 Market st. BARBERS' UNION 148, office 343 Van Ness ay.; free employment; tel. Market 889. .._•' BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 706 Railroad ay,. South San Francisco. . BARBER' chairs bought and ' sold; new- Bir- mingham chairs gold on time. BS5' Grove st BARBER chairs bought and sold ;. new Winning- house chairs sold on time. SSS Grove |st BARBER wanted; $20 per week. 16 \u25a0 Market st. BARBER wishes Job in city or country; a good workman. • Box 831, Call office,' Oakland. BARBER shop for sale; rent $10; owner leav- ing town. 32C7 16tb st : BOOTBLACK . to open stand: good locality; no opposition; reasonable." 1131 Golden Gate ay. . AN up. to date 3 chair barber shop for sale.' Ad- dress box K645,' Call office.' : FOR SALE— A 4 chair barber shop, with 4 bath- rooms; doing a ' good business; centrally 10- . cated. For particulars write or call^t 204 East Fremont st. Stockton.' Cal. • . FOR sale — $1,450; cigar stand, barber shop. 3 chairs, and poolroom. W. ,W. MIDDLETON, 316 Pacific ay.. Santa Cruz, Cal. GOOD liarber wanted. 4.'J2 Cth . st, Oakland; no FtUdPllt!-. GOOD barber wanted at 395 29th Kt. ; steady. — \u25a0 — — — — - _____*_ LIVE barber wanted. 11 Turk st. WANTED — Two chair shop,- with 1 2 or 3 rooms; Kive 'lowest .figure and distance . city or Oak- Lind; no dead ones need answer. 'Box 3693; Call office. ."";•\u25a0'. .: ; \u25a0 , •- WANTED — First class hair dresser , and ; man!- - curlst; must be experienced in hair work. Call 1148 Buchanan st. ; ; , , , < WANTED — First class Barber; steady job; young German ' preferred. 1303 Castro si. . WHITE boy bootblack ' wanted. Arena i barber shop, 1161' Jefferson :st.V' Oakland.* \u25a0• . "WANTED — Barber to rent one chair shop; good trade; $20 month. 1610 Eddy . St. , \u25a0 ; WANTED— Good -barber; steady. -1227 Capitol '•\u25a0 ay., Ingleside. '• . * . , •' WANTED— A barber at 54 Mission St., Satur- ilay. l ITTT f!T 1-ffiTffMBBJ WANT first class barber : for , short hours and Saturdy and Sunday. 1047^ Market st.. Oak. WANTED— Good barber steady; $18. SS3; Hayes • \u25a0 street. - ' ' ,- ; •\u25a0• . '\u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0,-..- \u25a0;•. ,; . $400 cash buys candy ' store and « 3.. H. : D. , chair - barber shop; money thaker for maa and' wife; living . rooms. . 2SI . 9th st. $350 — 3 Koken H. D. chair shop and. bath, 'near city; finely- fitted; » large, vibrator; profits over $100 per month: long lease; rent $13. . CHAS. COLEMAN & CO.. 830 Market st , vv ../, $900 — 4 CH AI R shop ; all " running ; finely . fitted; first class ; owner no barber ; long lease ; ' low , rent COLEMAN'S. 830 Market ; st ; 2 GOOD barbers wanted "steady. . 1322W'New Grant ay.. Dupont. st > near^ Vallejo.' ; \u25a0•; • i 3 CHAIR barber shop for sale. 321S "Adeline St.; South , Berkeley.; $*.'<H> — 2 chair " !>arber '\u25a0 shop \u25a0 for sale ; -\u25a0 very : cheap rent. 880 Guerrero st. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•. '"• -V \u25a0 .;- -\u25a0\u25a0' :\u25a0..\u25a0-: ; FE^LE;HELP'WAXTED AT. MME. ANDRE'S, 1044* parkin st— American \u25a0 and German cooks, $40 and $35; French cook; $40; waitress and \u25a0 parlor - maul. $30 \ and ; $35; '.'. infants. nurse, \u25a0 country ."i $35 ; .• 10 , young - ; girls - for bouscwork.i $25.' $."!0 and $35 : r Germau or ' French iiursery . governess, ~ $35; French maid and seamstress., s3s. ,'•:: ;.' ,- "-. ' : BUTTON bole :>, operators, i J experienced i- only. . Ulman. j Secligsohn _& X Brown.' 149 New* 1 Mont- gomery st.^ ;;; , ; \u25a0--.' /'\u25a0::., '\u25a0'--.> - 1 ';;.,;.' .-, v . \u25a0• COMPETENT and experienced stenographer, with ; references; v Underwood machine. , . Write ; box ;522,.Ca1l office, Oakland:: ;'-- ,: r v ; DEUSTER'S SCHOOL OF'HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY CULTURE.: 47 . KEARNY ST.."; S. IT.', EXPERIENCED Inspectors '•». on' shirts. '>.; Ulman, Seeligsohn ••&,': Brown; 149 .New Montgomery st- '...\u25a0 - ; ' . : FIKST , CLASS lady ;< solicitors " can \ find : steady \u25a0 . employment :; by . v applying » city/ circulation : de- 1 : partment San Francisco Call, 3a «ad Market streets-; '33giSBB^"-" > '' v-"-*v -"-* : '--- " •' ;'•'-*-: '. the:san FBi^eisco icM^^^^ WANTED— Experienced • fitter for cloak 1 and suit* "-. department. Apply: Superintendent's office from 9 to 11 a. m.,- HALE 'BROS., INC., Market and Cth sts.. •. ' ,-'-;';:,•. . : :. ;\u25a0 •\u25a0 . \u25a0-:; \u25a0 - -.. • ' . _," "- '\u25a0 \u25a0.; '\u25a0' ' • { ': _BH__^p>-.- ; -v /; ' '_-_-\u25a0.' - . . \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0 WANTED— :Experleneed . ekirt- and jacket I hands : : for alteration' room. ; CApply.. Superintendent's office from 9 to 11 a., m... HALE. BROS., INC.; "Market and 6th sts. . ' \\ '.-] •' j . ' T i___~ ' : ' AA — A s number> of women and ' girls for ; cutting . and' canning, apricots,' pears 'and other Trults; pleasant, .and profitable -work: good surround- ings. CANNERIES .COMPANY, ISth and- Mlnnesota x sts..' ,v ?\u25a0>-.*. . , ; ;, v : LADIES wanted \u25a0 to : take home work ; part or full .- time; ' experience - unnecessary; TRIEBERS,' 1240_ Sntter st. near Polk. *; ,-;- . \u25a0 ;\u25a0 A ' LADIES .', for reliable piece ~' work; stamping transfers; good-, paying., steady employment. . Room 816 Westbank bldg.". -•\u25a0_- '\u25a0' -:/\u25a0••, 'OAKLAND. V GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. ' LEVI STRAUSS & CO.; 3D AND CLAT STS. - OAKLAND. * APPLY TO MR. -. DAVIS. , GIRL' wanted ; for : housework and plain ": cooking ; In, flat; good wages; call -in .morning... 2133 ~ Lyon near Jackson. \ , :\u25a0".-,, ' " • GIRL to work In packing room' from 6 to 10:30; wages to start $3 per week.:. Apply early, 16 Mint.ay..; .;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -; \u25a0-/- \u25a0'.-::. >;\u25a0: .-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0: -\u0084':-'.; LABELERS;.wanted; T - steady ">. work;^ only expe- rienced need apply. Inquire for Mr. Jones. CALIFORNIA CANNERIES COMPANY, ISth .and Minnesota Bts. ; . • :: • v . ;.;-'"\u25a0 " , NURSE wanted for : 6 months', old -baby. Apply morning 2476 Broadway. v - ; FIRST CLASS 1 waitress and parlor maid; must have city preferences. Apply 2016 Pacific ay., between 0 and 12. \ \u25a0-, ' .\u25a0\u25a0• * \u25a0 . - GIRL for cooking and some housework;' s3s. Call 2204 , Glen a x.. 1 block -\u25a0 out . Spruce from cor. Rose st., \u25a0'*. North Berkeley , car. . '\u25a0'_'::; ~v HOP: PICKING will ; commence on . our ranches about | August 20; | pickers , can register now ; .call or write for ' particulars. AMERICAN :, HOP AND BARLEY CO., 116 California st , LADY'S 'maid, French or : German < preferred, for 1 lady;, willing to travel; jnust have refer- . ences from last place as a maid; $35. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S, 1896 Sntter Bt. ; y ' , LADlKS— During summer \u25a0 months we will give a ,' '-. liberal discount on all laces; our neckwear will be sold at half. Brussels Lac* Store, 1254 Sntter gt. below Van Ness: : .;. WANTED— A bright young German girl for light . • housework; '.-good wages and "a good ' home to right party; also a young-lady laandress, some • experience.; Address MISS E. FRASER. P. O. box 83, Santa Crux. Cal. — \.' WANTED— Salesladies for/ our cloak and suit department. Apply between 12 and 12 o'clock . a. m. at our Oakland" store— llth. and B'way. WANTED— LadIes to learn' hair dressing at the Cal. College of Hair. Dressing and Beauty Cul- ture; day and nleht school. 867 V4 Mkt; phone. WANTED — Earrost woman' for -work- requiring tact and business ability; experience not neces- sary: possibilities for travel. Box 3564. Call. WANTED — Young ladies to train as nurses; ages 20 to 85; paid while learning. .819 Bush • st. Oakland. Cal. ; » ' • WANTED — A Protestant lady unlncumbered* as ' attendant In S doctors' -of flees;, must be extra fine; appearing and at least high 'school gradu- ate from distance; tpacher preferred: no limit to salary: Don't write. Call personally. Dr. C. 690 McAllister Bt. . ' NEAT girl for general housework and cooking; for country. Call 723 Laguna t»t..'f. \u25a0', \u25a0 SMALL girls to button ' shirts. Ulman. Seelig- sohn & Brown, 149 New Montgomery st. .WANTED — Women - and ; girls, canners and cut- ters, to work on apricots, peaches and pears'; good' pay;, pleasant work. Apply : to super- intendent Sunlit Fruit . Company,', 4th and D wight way, W. Berkeley. , '\u25a0•: ' WANTED— Competent woman for cooking and washing; German preferred: good wage 3 j and home; , call after 1 ; p. ra. . 1231 .Guerrero st. \u25a0 SALESMEy and SOLICITORS LOCAL agents, men and Women, In every 4 Interior . town ' for household novelties; permanent peal- \u25a0 tions to good workers; exclusive territory: easy Fellers: splendid pay; don't look- further. Write ' or call Radio Mfg. Co.. 1065 Washington. Oakl'd WANTED — Three : bright ; women § solicitors • for . high grade work;i liberal compensation. " Apply 8 to 9 a. m. r00m. 527. Phelan bldg. \u25a0 --: WANTED — Young . man . to . solicit ' advertising; good chance j for right man; • advancement cer- taln It a hustler. Address box 3532, Call. WANTED — 3 ; neat appearing - solicitors ; . ; good chance for ambitious men.'. Call 10 to 11 a. m., \u25a0 2122 Market St.: ' 3 LIVE solicitors for first class work, $25 per weelf and up. Apply 9Mto • 10 .- a. m., ; 527 Pbelan bldg. . • . .- . \u25a0 agents avanted WANTED— A. .few experienced; solicitors l to f take orders for stock ! in ! large industrial company now being reorganized; * liberal* commission; references . required. Pacific Promotion and Development Co., 671 Monadnock ; bldg., S.>F. WANTED — Young man to ; solicit advertising; good chance for right man; advancement cer- taln if a hustler. - Address box 3532. Call. / WE want a live salesman in nearly every I town in the state to , sell Diozo. -'Address DIOZO COMPANY. 848 Market, st. Merchants' bank building,. San Francisco. - ' - •. ;:<\u25a0 ..\u25a0•;\u25a0\u25a0-" -.-,-.: EMPLOYMENT OFFICES '. AAA—. PHO^E WEST 1731. Largest Japanese ' and \u25a0 Chinese employment of flc« In city. T. TAMURA C 0. .; 1612 Lftgnna » Bt > AA— OSCAR HATSUMI, JAPANESE-CHINESE EMP. CO.; BEST. HELP GUAR; CITY OR COUNTRY. 1513 GEARY: ST. ; WEST.SGBB.. J. CONN, Chinese :emp.'- bureau;., Chinese i cooks special, hotel or. f am., 770 Clay; t.D'glas 3162. A. HORI, 1748 i Sutter; phone West 2803— Best Japanese-Chinese > help furnished promptly. STAR emp. office J furnishes Japanese-Chinese help. W. KADOTA. ICOB Geary; tel. West 167. H. W. HONG, Chinese employment office, 803 Webster at. i Oakland., Phone 0ak. 5843. « JAPANESE-Chlnese employment office. 1097 Polk. st; phone.. Franklin 3757. ; > "..:\u25a0-. KN OX, 433 Pine— Suits. . lien* and attachments, tlmechecks cashed ; debts coll' ted : everywhere. £ ;; j RodMS*TOLET~Punan<l?nfnr. AA— S22 Turk j at ; I nicely ; furnished sunny room. $1.60,; $2.50 ' wk. Also handsomely furnished . . front , room suitable ' for : 2 - very < reasonable. . '- AA^— NICELY furnished | large • front room, 1 sult- " able - for ' two gentlemen, $10.'^ 3505 Twenty- . third St.. on I Valencia: a Phone. \u25a0 • : , \u25a0 ' A— ALL , day;; sunny ; private '< residence; , : close to "* Market \u25a0 st, ' parks,"-:, theaters - and ' busineas center; \u25a0 elegant rooms $1.50 week up; near .. 3 ' car \u25a0 lines ; ; grand .view, \u25a0 gardens, t phone, hot bath, laundry, all conveniences. Call 1452 Oak st. ; take Haight, st. ! cars to Buchanan st ' A— TURK st, 1205, N near : Webster— Newly 'fur- wished, sunny ? room;; bath - connecting, ;. suitable for; couple ' or 2 1 gentlemen, $10,-: with j kitchen ex. ; also single room, $10. .-.i/ in ;• '\u25a0;.' , . 'AETNA'S HOTEIvttCIT Plne---Slngle rooms $2.00 ;. .wk; up; suites, with; bath, -so.wk. '.-\u25a0;. : ANTHONY HOTEL, 825 Howard near 4th— New management; all modern cony. ; free batha; 35e \u25a0-• day ;. s2 ; week .. up; ; Howard' or 4th- «t : cars. •<;>• ] A COZY home for respectable 'ladies,' 1130, Ma- rket ' st "\u25a0- near i 7th under, auspices of i the '\u25a0 SAL- : > V ATION <\u25a0 ARMY; * elegantly i ; furnished ; f every . , modern convenience ; steam ; heat, ; electric ' light ; ' end elevator service; spotlessly \u25a0\u25a0: clean; cen- trally located;- thoroughly; homelike; telephone Market 1349; "prices .very r. moderate, s: ranging' • ; from 25c ; per < night ? up; i special , rates '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 by . tha weekor month.-j See * matron/; room > 33." t.';'^- .-' BAKER';str^ 36— Sunny £ furnished J room;:- 1 • or ' 2 \u25a0:; gentlemen; ; bath,'>phone;;convenient-to car line." BALDWIN HOUSE, -174 6tb' at* near Market— All ,* modern conveniences;. 220 rooms; 35c to $1 per ..'day, $2 to $5 per week; : free baths. ;\u25a0-.-- '.- », CENTRAL i HOTEL? 674 3 3d ! St.— Free J batha; of- < i flee -\u25a0 and \u25a0 reading \u25a0. room on ground •', floor; .\u25a0 . 500 •' single ; and 'family 'rooms ; " 35c - to . $1 a- day ; : $2 ' to $5 a week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. { DEHON . st. 45,' near 1 16th-^Llght i clean,' .« sunny ;~i outside 'rooms; neatly 1 furnished;ibath;-i7sc'to ... $1 . week.'-.; ; : ;.; '\u25a0•"\u25a0»•;";'. r.',,' ;^,l..^, ;\u25a0';".- , \u25a0 '- ; ," ; . : :<a: CL AR A st.", 1 166,'; near > s\h—2 unfurnished rooms. .-;s7; i 3.ts9. '-..-.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0:-\u25a0 ::--'•' : C- •*-,>\u25a0 -::v.-:-"'; \u25a0;,;;\u25a0;. :-. DEWEY HO* USE, - l 4th ' and ! Howard— All j modern conveniences; 200 rooms: 35c to $1 a' day, $2 to $s.week;ifree baths.; Howard or 4th at. car-", EDDY st. . 1288— Large> sunny 'furnished I room ; ' bath. : Phone a West/1658.y- : ;:; V :.. f.:\ .'>.?\u25a0-. FILLMORE ;; stVS 1126^ Furnished jsultes;^ piano. .-. bat h. • phone ; strictly r modern ;' tourist '; trade : 60- ','•\u25a0. licited. > ..; v '-.-\u25a0\u25a0'.-.':-; :-r: -r v;_ v ' •.;:»'.-\u25a0; •>,-.-" o-;? :\u25a0•. -*;. FOLSOM ; st/, .: l-.'24-l-Single "i room's,^ furnished,^ $1 £\u25a0\u25a0 a^week up.;-: 1;:/;-^1 ;:/;-^. 1 ,.:;;;-,. :-.;\u25a0-.. i'>~::-':'£(-*::^::,i '>~ : :-' : '£(-*::^::, \u25a0;\u25a0;\u25a0"\u25a0; \u25a0.-•\u25a0; \u25a0\u25a0;, FREE fllst'ofMeslrableivacant* rooms;* furnished 5 }j unfurnlfihed* jyapartTnents,*** boused keeDlne c : : . UONEYMAN, 507 Wntbimk bUg. \u25a0 \u25a0 , Ipßfl *\u25a0'.\u25a0 '•\u25a0 . '- ..' v-" \u25a0 .."' --\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0 - --. ' ' '- \u25a0'; \u25a0 ' . \u25a0 : . - •--\u25a0 - '. . HSI Eycl . :,;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ;.•';.\u25a0\u25a0-.-• V -..,!• \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0: ' \u25a0 \u25a0-: ' - .' " .- •-...-. -\u25a0.-„\u25a0-, -i . :".-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ; * JsjlS BBS B'Ja •' ' \u25a0 |^ M tvm \u25a0 flßva fwwi2S*l i \u25a0 l^_,. \u25a0 ' • " « " ..j; ' y k ,^v^ BB pi Write a short, snappy ad telling just what \u25a0- ||j |-9 you can do.; and: what you ,'want;! Employers || fe EEAD THE CALL'S employment wanted ijf II columns. 10c expended there will bring re- I j| |i turns; that's all it costs^you, so why not try li H a little ad today? v ; m m help w m M ) PEOPLE KNOW YOU'RE H _H_B '-''' '\u25a0\u25a0 ** ' \u25a0*" Tf\f\ TT T T_T /*^ -' ' T~U _ fW \TT_i *\u25a0\u25a0 ' /\ttti .;'.' / . . ' . •' \ . \u25a0- *..!.-. \u25a0£ ' _;^^-" 1 : ;^ -I jj R PQ?^ ST Q LET— Contlnned \"j;'- j HAIGHT ' st:. ' r :. 1164— Eleg. furnl front, rooms in i | adult -fam.;; also 2 well furn. rms. s comp. ; for for light, hskpg;" opposite Buena Vista park. 'Phone Park 927.,; : ''>\u25a0*-\u25a0 .'\u25a0\u25a0"' . - : . : \u25a0\u25a0? " \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'•- HAIGHT st., 232—^-Large well fcrnished sunny rooms;. walking. distance; specially suitable for gentlemen; reasonable. Phone Park \u25a0; 2372/ . HENRY st, 25, near 15th . and ; Market— Nice, ;;, large, .'sunny room. $1.50 per week. , -.-" - \u25a0 HAVES *Bt, ; 320-rNicely furnished room; gas, : - electricity . running '\u25a0 water;? use of: phone and bath; private family; rent $10. HOTEL' ST. PAUL. ' 528 12th st." corner Clay, Rooms 50c a day up;;, week up; Special rate: by the month; open all night. ; HOWARD ' 8t..-^ 1283/ near 9th— Nicely furnished \u25a0rooms,; front bay windows; bath.- gas. .' ; v.^: HOWARD . st, ;: 2041, nr. 16th— Clean sunny room, bath, hot and cold water; $1.50 week. HOWARD st; .2167, nr. 17th— Light, well furn. rooms;: German pro. family; bath,; run. 'water, "phone; reasonable. 1 ;; * \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0'•' ; '\u25a0'.'\u25a0\u25a0". '*\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 LARGE : sunny 'front ; cozy window "room," $10. Box 4811. Call r. of flee. \u25a0"\u25a0•..'\u25a0-.. ; • r '"\u25a0' .\u25a0\u25a0. •\u25a0'. OVEr.rjAND HOUSE, 569 Sacramento st below Montgomery— Now , open, 200 rooms; :\u25a0 hot . and \u25a0-' cold. water In every room; -25c to. s2 per^day, 51.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKU\. Prop. -' SAN CARLOS, 1175 O'Farrell st— Furnished or unfurnished, "with or without bath; privilege ". of house keeping. •; . : " - : \u25a0, . SUNNY front room,, in private: family. 1596 ,',(}eary st^-, -..\u25a0;•\u25a0. . ..• . \u25a0 ' '.' . ... THE WELLER, 'Post and Hyde— Nicely j fur- \u25a0 .nished . rooms, single or en suite; : $14 mo. up. THE GOUGH. 1124 1 Gough corner O'Farrell— Nicely; fur. .rooms, single or suite: reasonable. THE LURLINE.-1353 Bush— Sunny modern rms., . $2.50 wk. up;; country trade; 50c; to $1.50 day. TURK st, 1513,' near Steiner— Sunny, well f ur- : nished' room, j suitable for 2 gentlemen; bath; •'.-,\u25a0 $12: month.'j .:\u25a0:-\u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0;•:;.\u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0.'.-'- ...... \u25a0'-\u25a0-v.;. ..'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0;'. WEBSTER st, 1006 — Large well furnished out-; :. side 'rooms; sun : all ' day ; ;bath; phone; $1.25 - week up; also house' keeping rooms. -; 62 PLEASANT st., off Taylor, two blocks * from , Fairmont' hotel-— Newly furnished :. room . for g . one or two . gentlemen. . • .< ' 1736 Poll^ .st; suany outside i rooms, hot and : " cold \u25a0 wate"r. . batlu j)hone ; \u25a0• $2 '\u25a0„ week . up ; house ; keeping privileges fallowed. \u25a0".-"' v •'"•;: ' 17TH. . St., , ;17CO, I corner - Debon— Sunny j corner ' : - rms.. newly furnished; bath, phone ;;sS and $12. 9TH ay.,* 1294Ai'*Sunset— Sunny " front rooms; \u25a0 l^block from I cars ;^.use; of -kitchen if desired; $8 and $10 month. .."\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•-.'\u25a0. ,\u25a0:; . »• -- .-.,•. STH st., 365 — Rooms, $1.25 per week; first class - building; running ' water. \u25a0*• \u25a0• i .'-- ' \u25a0 RENT ' THAT YACAKiT ROOM ; A 'email want ad in The ; Call will do It Quicker than a dozen \ slgna plastered j on : your windows and which spoil the looks of .your borne besides. Phone Kearny 86 for an ad man to call -and see yon.' \u25a0; ; .'\u25a0•*:•\u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0 - : -.. .'\u25a0 ---\u25a0-• ROOMS FOR : ;;HOPSB.-KEEPIKC - A— FILLMORE 1443—2-3-4 rm. furn. and unf urn. ..apts.; single rooms;- run. *n«ter;. modern; reas. CALIFORNIA St., ; 2112— Large, ; sunny rooms, ' .' bath, \u25a0 : phone, ! large closets ; also ! single rooms ; . fine \u25a0 location. -• •" . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 • \u0084,'; • ' DIAMOND st, 1009 — 2 front bay window rooms; complete for ; house .," keeping ; ' bath,.'. laundry; Castro . or 24th st", cars: ; $15. .- : -;;.\u25a0 - > ELIZABETH St., 054— Flat;- complete for house j keeping; 3 rooms and bath;*; sun all day;' gas range and coal. stove; large closets; Castro of -•24th st. cars; reasonable. \u0084' FRANKLIN St., 1249— Nicely \u25a0 furnished 'h.-• k. „\u25a0 apts,". single and en i suite. , $10 mo. and np. FOLSOM ' . St., 1222, nr. '• Bth— Suite rooms ; for house keeping; bath, hot; water, -gas, laundry -- . room ; \u25a0 rent: $16 ' up; > also . single room. J . - - - , GOLDEN GATE - ay.,' 1501— Large/ .front, bay E window room, corner, - use of kitchen, hot bath, reasonable; single room, $8. ,'\u25a0••;: .. / , •\u25a0 GOLDEN GATE , ay., 1001, opp.' JvCerson . sq.— ' - Elegantly ! furnished house keeping . rooms. I also . single; -hot- and ' cold water \u25a0 In every room; :;bath;. phone; $18. up.'.'-v;:.. - -.;: - v ; .;. HAIGHT > St.. 177!) — Front - bay/window • room : '\u0084'\u25a0 bullet .kitchen; adjoining; 'well -furn., comp. .for •'hskpg;' phone; $18.> ;\u25a0/"•>:, V: : . . HAIGHT h St.; ', 673— Front '. bay window suite, comp. for hskpg.; also single light hskpg. rms., ;--sl2»to ; s2o.- ..- j-''-..-,;;,.':.-;:.; \u25a0-..;;.;';.:\u25a0 •»\u25a0-;.-•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0' HAVES st., • 872— Large bay window house keep- ;- ; ing ; rooms ; . bath, phone, storage;' cheap.^'. HOWARD St., \ 563— Furnished front room and , kitchen, $12; 2 rooms, $10; single housekeep- , :ing.^so.-:. ;;..;-;t,.;-.;. : . v^r-': - "vv. V . •' \u25a0':\u25a0:.\u25a0 MCALLISTER st, 1097, cbr. r Webster; -Fine large ;5> outside rooms, \u25a0*' complete *; for :• house '•: keeping ;* also single . rmsi;; newly, furn. ; : running 'water. OCTAVIA st. -.153 — Sunny suite- of i3<rooms for house keeping; also: other 'suite ; $25. :f. SCOTT st. . 2040— Sunny | room \ and bath ; regular ;\u25a0: kitchen and tnb3.-;;Phone West 2014. - -;• . SCOTT st, 2040— 2 attic house! keeping rooms; '\u25a0, kitchen ; $10 per month; . other rooms $1.50 per ..week.:.- ;\u25a0..; -.-.; \u25a0\u25a0-.\u25a0 1 ..---. :.":\u25a0'\u25a0.\u25a0 .••\u25a0; .. -\u25a0'•:\u25a0.;- '.-.\u25a0.-\u25a0_>• ! TWO ' or ; 3 ' furnished i bouse keeping : rooms, cor. - Twenty-fourth < sts \u25a0 ,715; Diamond nst. . UNION; st. , ; 2245—2 . nice • sunnyj rooms ! furnished •''.-'-. for bouse keeping ; \ low t rent ; \u25a0no children, 't? WEBSTER ;st, % 831— Large^frontSsutuiyihouse • , keeping j xooms,'- reasonable : £ single \ rooms, ' san- \u25a0"» ny and nicely furnished, - $2 ;wlr. ; ; prlv. > family.* WEBSTER st.; 1018-fßay/window; flat,'; 2 Trooms \u25a0;• and . bath, , complete i for ' house '<\u25a0 keeping ; .' near '__aew__Chntes:a mnut * be ; seen « to vbe : appreclated.- .jjr _' ROOMS j AN U ) BOARD 'OFFERED :, AAA— THE ; H ATTON.t 977 c PINE l ST.— NICELY ! .FURN., RMS.. SINGLE OB SUITE; 'PRIVATE tBATHS; RUNNING "WATER; STEAM HEAT; SUMMER RATE ; BOARD OPTIONAL. 7, i,J>, AA— HOTEL OXFORD; NE.' cor.' Post ? and Frank- lln — First class ; furn. = rooms;' with '\u25a0' or " without board ; best accotn. ; 'special rates ; perm! guests. A — SUNNY-4 rooms,"? home cooking.-:; bath. I *; phone; ;\u25a0: congenial famlly.^home : comforts. { ; 367 r Haight "r st. ; gentlemen .only. ?'.: ; ' \u25a0-'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 ' \u25a0. ;, ' • A— THE - : ; WEMPE, & < 419 - . Oak.'C nr.i " Buchanan; \u25a0 - Haight '\u25a0 or v Masonic ' street » cars; S large t sunny' ' ms - an(^ unexcelled -: board ; r all ; conveniences ; ' :\u25a0;\u25a0 $35 :mo.^ pp. -\u0084/j;^ -;...\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0: .\u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0.;',- ;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;;- K -2:L<.'^. i ''.i:'--;^ \u25a0£\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ?-\u25a0\u25a0.. FULTON,* 10S8, ;; nr. -s Piercer-Front a bay ' window \u25a0 . suite, \u25a0 with ' board ; - priv. family ; ',bath,c: hot ;. and'cold; water ;" phone. ;;;;^;'i 'v. HAIGHT.; st.,* 1162. 1 opposite. 1 Buenai Vista :park—; ! \u25a0rz I 1I 1 ront-i bay,! window * alcove * suite. lf beautifully , : ",.-, furnished - and » tinted ; \u25a0 bath ; : phone ; " unexcelled i i aboard; ; 2: gen ts,v: $55. *; ,':-v; *•..-!;> .i>Jj?\lr'i >Z!?-:-\ LEAVENWORTH r st.;> 3 452— Sunny 'i front/ room ; ' \u25a0 excellent: board,; in'; private*; family;!; reasonable.*! PACIFIC . a y; ; , 1721— Desirable ,s rooms.^ with < ex-" i . j cellcnt board ; splendid i locality ; ; ref erences. '] "\u25a0-•. /*\u25a0 j \u25a0PAGE,^ 390, \u25a0? cor. ?; Buchanan- : rComfortable *' room," Q, with : 3 ' excellent •' meals ' dally ; \ $25 ; ? bath and ;\u25a0•?: phone -free. - '.-\u25a0. .; \u25a0; -, - -'?.;; - .-:.-\ > ; » \u25a0"-\u25a0-,\u25a0 ' . ., :;.\u25a0 PIERCE ; st'; \u25a0 815, j nr.'s McAllister— Nice i furnished m rooms, j bath, good j board,! 2 1 people.l $38 month. j ROOM | and 1 board i in I refined •? private f family " for J!j 1 ' or j, 2 ; gentlemen : Preferences ' requiredTj--. Tele- \u25a0 fc 1 phone Franklin; 277J- ';'\u25a0:'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 -:•' ;\u25a0 "J" J /' ' ; ; !-s'- % ; HOT _Yi\O XFO RD; V N E.*' cor.'i Post fa nd sFr a nk 1 In—; , \u25a0 . •" Nlcelyj furnished ' rporris,ij wlth\or j w 111 1 hou t j bonrd;^ ST.S MARGARET'S ! club ! f oriworkiug ! glrls.'t^ 1541 i ...:; California Ist ; j $20 J mo4 up ; J tourists : $1 f day.'^ui I WOMAN'S ' HOTEL'ATurk at: Lagona, ' oppV! ptrk-^ £ Home 'comforts; reasonable F rateß. - - ;j_ , j 1 BERKELEYIROOMS AXD BOARD?; FURNISHED -rooms ' la ' refined private . family; ; beautiful grounds and = surroundings ; board \ op- tional ; r near stations; references. 2222 fcbat- tuck ay.- --. \u25a0:. .-•..-:;-. - '\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-...-. \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 .-. .-.\u25a0 : \u25a0; \u0084-.-,, B<^-t?t I v^°/ i :T»- hndren: good home.- -Address A." WEINMANN, 406 Diamond st; Market st. car.' CALL BRANCH .; OFFICE, 1651 Fillmore st near Post v \u25a0> \u25a0\u25a0 '. - -A-:* : j • r '\u25a0• : ".v i - .;.-..'-•\u25a0'; APARTMENTS ---;-•\u25a0 . A AAA— HOTEL Rey •" apartments, * 515-519 Bush st.,' nr. 'Kearny ; , just opened ; 2 room \u25a0 elegantly furnished apts., with private bath; every modern -convenience ; r 1 hotel service ; special rates -to permanents; •-\u25a0-, strictly first - class. : Doug. 4768... . - -•*•:;';; ;- - \-; . : ;-..'...; -..'... AAA— ST. MARGARIST apartments, Fell and Oc- tavla ;Bts. — Sunny unfurnished apartments; 3 .'rooms and bath; wall beds; rent reasonable. &AA— Castle Craig apts.. '697 Dolores, cor. 19th. bunny 3 rms., bath, wall beds, gas stove, din- lng table; mod.; cony.- to- cars; opposite park. AAA— THE STANFORD, \u25a0 315 Van/Ness— l. \u25a0 2 ;\u25a0> rms.. hkpg.; singlet rma.' "up; tourists sol. AA— CLAYTON^ APTS., 239 Clayton > St. nr. if. Panhandle;-; ready, for inspection; 4 rooms. and V bath, unfurnished: \u25a0 ideal' location; . artistic and modern in every detail ; open fireplace,* Trench - windows/. Peerless heaters; 'automobile accom- modatlons; , rent ; $30 . to $35 ; references. • AA — Hollister-; apartments, \u25a0\u25a0 1330 Union st , . be- .. tween 1 Polk and Larkin— New elegantly furn- . -Ished sunny ; 3* rooms ,-Qomplete . .for house ; keeping; • private , bath and balls;.. rent -vrea- ; sonable.. , : . .' : ; . . .- .-. • ,--.., AA— GLADSTONE APARTMENTS. 70tt Polk st cor. Eddy— Elegant sunny house keeping apart- ments; 1 room. $14 per month; 2 rooms, $28 § per month; 3 rooms, $40' per month; hot batha; \u25a0;> elec., lights; Janitor serv. Jel. Franklin 2043. AA— CARMELITA apts.; cor. 15th and Valencia; most modern apt house ln'the city; elevator, steam heat, teL; prlv. baths; 2,' 3, 4 rooms '__ from $27.50 up;. elegantly furnished. . AA— CLEMENTINA;: 746,1 nr. * Bth; near 4 car lines— New - sunny 2-3-4 , rm.> apts. ; comp. fur. \ for hkp.; v $15: to $18; also alngle rooms. ;.;; AA-^CASA LOM A, 610 Flllmore— Rooms $3 wk.; ;. also apts., .with baths; all , sunny;. -new, house.. A— CORNELIA HOTEL APARTMENTS. ' " 641 O'FARRELL ST.. NEAR HYDB.' : r \- •'\u25a0\u25a0- '" "' '-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-. 2, SXND4-UOOM'. ' ' ELEGANTLY^FURNISHED: APARTMENTS Completely equipped with V every modern conven- ience and ready immediate occupancy. " : 80METHING NEW. HOTEL SERVICE ;\u25a0'--.."/ REFERENCES REQUIRED.; , : A— SPHIER 'APARTMENTS. 227:0 th Bt— Sunny *«\u25a0 furn. and nnf urn. 2 room apts; Apply In store. \u25a0^APARTMENTS ;TO;; TO; LET UNFURNISHED When seeking. apartments do cot fall to see the HICKMAN apartments. 3826 California sf elegant, convenient, low rent water free, halls - carpeted and kept clean,' . electric lighted: rentsn ts from $17. 50 to * $25. , V. ', ' , ADELINE APTS..V 640 Eddy— Apartments. 2." 3 and 4 rooms; thoroughly modern; summer rates.' CALIFORNIA ; apts.. 2124 California at— Sunny ; furnished apts. of 3 aud .4 -.rooms, M. AS. . wall beds In each apt ; lawn. .West 5119. y : ColumbiA (The) ," NE. ' cor. Pae. - and Larkin— 3 and 4 ; room apta.. onf nrnlshed, $22, $25, $27. ' EUREKA' apts.. cor. Market and 17th sts.— Beau- Stun) 3 aml;4 , room apts. ; j phone*,' Janitor serv- •' ice; : sunny., i ...»:'•;." EMPIRE aparte..:.ls93-McAHlster st-r5 rooms . . andbath, disconnected,, private; rent $30; all '\u25a0 front rooms; Inquire R. 306,' 127 Montgomery. ELDORADO • APTS., : 150 :9th st nr. Mission— T Ele.' fur. > 2 and 3 rm: apts. ; ; also single rms. GLOBE apts., 1147,: Folsom— Fur. .hkp. - ; apts., 2-3 rms., with bath; gas and elec; $10 to $12 mo. GORDON . ALEXANDER. .1601 Sacramento— Ele- . gantly ,• furnished. ' 414 1 room. . cor.:"- apt ; • also ' 2 -;. room .i apt \u25a0;-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; - ; - \\.'y < -^---v :?,.^.--^ .\u25a0''.;-,.. \u25a0\u25a0 _ KENILWORTH. NE. COR. BUSH AND POWELL STS.— 3 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE KEEP- ING APARTMENTS; SINGLE ROOMS; COM- r n PLETE , APPOINTMENTS \u25a0:. AND SERVICE." \u25a0:> , MARYLAND APARTMENTS,' 363 Page St.— Sun- ... .' ny -'4 -\u25a0 room apartments: furnished and. unfur- nished; hot water, Janitor, service, night watch- ;;man, ; elevator. ;,.^-.- ! -. \u25a0 ; :7»>:' / .- :^-'<~; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'".;* s'j ;' -.- '\u25a0-. MALTA apts.— More than home comforts;' 2-3 r. .% apts.; complete; sun all day.- Prlv.r ex. Market 8144. .Gore; 14th -and Market ets.;, .-, SYLVESTER! APTS.. 007 : Valencia.^ cor." 20th— •2,-3, r4 i rooms,- 1 , 1 thoroughly ; modern ; ' gas ] range ; "baths; lndlvldual\halls; ; rent reasonable, y THE , ST. "INEZ, 9C9 ; Pine ; St.— New. sunny, un- - -furnished-: apartments of -,3- rooms • and- bath* Vi $27.50. j $30 and $32.50. s . ' ; 4 • 10THi'AV.'i' 1 274-A-4- large.: sunny rooms ami bath; '\u25a0'•/ adults ; •? private house ; '; reasonable ; y reference.*" CALL BRANCH OFFICE, : 1651 Fillmore st near • Post. _ \u25a0 .; " • *. \u25a0\u25a0 : OPTIONS '{on furnished- apartments, to ~buy \u25a0 or ! rent. Botc .To69.' Call offlce.v . V ' t | AA— NEW ' Gulllaume i.Tell I Hotel* 7. 10S4 Folsom nr. ,: 7th— Neatly -furn^: sunny rms., equal- to * ; :any $1:50 rm.'in S.'F.V-SSdto 50c; meals 25c>up.; A— THE WEMPE,' 419 i Oak st nr. Van Ness and v i Market — Large, a sunny i rooms ; and *\u25a0* ] unexcelled i j board ; \u25a0 all I modern conveniences ; $35 \u25a0 month up. | BROOKLYN ' HOTEL, 5 369 Ist— Board • and room ;'-.V.$B; '-.V.$8 to -$8 per week: rooms 50c -to $1; weekly $2- v up; meals 25c. t- CHARLES MONTGOMERY. HOTEL ARGONAUT, '4ttT and Market.at3.-—Fam-; " ily, and •\u25a0 commercial ' hotel ; . room wl th detached . ' '' bath, v $1 ; per 'day; > rooms \u25a0 with private!.; bath, 11 " $1.50 per. day;, ; restaurants attached; moderate '^ prices; free bus y meets ' all trains & steamshlpa. . HOTEL BRILLIANT, ...:„; : ' I; \u25a0\u25a0.-,- \u25a0-:.\u25a0'-.\u25a0.- '>.;-: 545 ;Turk st; 'v .'. : -.-- .'*:".- . -A. *.*;;-j^Flreproof,'a private -:; exchange. «\u25a0"-„ all " outside ;\u25a0\u25a0 rooms; - • special ' rates \u25a0*, to "C permanents; dining ; ;.i, room:,. ;Take. Eddy" st^car^ from: ferry. : , . . J: ; HOTEL ; BELMONT, 730 Eddy, 5 below ;.Van' Ness, ; iv -r Turk ; and •. Eddy cars— - Rates >, $1- per ; day i up.'... -, ! HOTEL nARCOURT," LARKIN i AND SUTTER— AMERICAN* AND EXCELLENT. i j ijTABLRy PHONE : FRANKLINV 2100. t .>:;-,; V< t- '* i HOTEL ;LORAINE,s : 463S^Sutter/inr."JOcta via— | j\u25a0 I New, managemenVelegantly j furn. ; by ; day,",-wk..'j : A'i or; mo.':; near i theaters ;s hot, water jln -every^rm. ; ; HOTEL -JREX:^23673rd st— Newly -t furn.; \u25a0 hot : I and \u25a0 cold ' run. i water ; I free i baths ; -, nice I read Ing : . i j rm.' ;', 50c ? day, ' $2.50 wk.: up;, also 2-3 hkp. apta. HOTEL".; MENLO.fe O'Farrell £ «t.-K near,* Mason— I v^'Somethlng ; di fferent" ; * all ; outside | rooms ) and *: -S baths.'v elegantly/; furnished; * large* gymnasium £ -and' handball, courts; shower bath; all the. com- j >5 forts -of ia. club if ree> to guests; special rates 'to j %y permanent; '-^-/ '^.j . ,-. » ; .•'\u25a0\u25a0•.,-\u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0.;\u25a0; ] ; : HOTEL % MERRITT.^IB36 y Geary,; naar ,' Fillmore^r" ! TgfTrf] amusement ' center; jsl day up ; $3.50 wk. up. j HOTEL: ST.'; ROSE. 1 * 1492 i Ellis ': stY IT,block1 T , block from ? j \u25a0I new Chutes— Elegantly . furnished . rooms, singrt. : \u25a0 i and len i suite ; I permanent | and I transient ', guests I solicited ; I hot; and | colds water ; \u25a0> complete , call I '. service."*- < Rates per,day; sl, ' ' and $2; rates vs per week : s3, $3.50: ; 54."'; 55 ?and ; 56. : -V; ; ; \ HOTEL^ ST.I JAMES.IVan' Ness at Fulton— Ameri- :2: 2£ can^ plan ;jlowjrates.N' >;i->'V 1 :- *:\u25a0 - : " ; 1 HYGEIA'a2O42i Mission, '-nr.- 16th— Clean ; sunny rooms; rtianlaK- water:. 3l. so up;: also transient. "\, MARTINET ?HOTEL; S 1101' Geary; at— Rooms and ! 'p. suites.iwith 5 first | class j board,"/ can \ now } be ) en- :.-'-;>; gaged' at : summer^ rates: ;-j \u0084»;.*;;,";; : \u25a0 .7 'j ; -. jTHESRONDELL:'i3OBI3I6th,iiInr/iValencU— Fur.' iSgnn*;ftn_r_ water;: 50c ~~~Z -\u25a0-,-: -\u25a0** • - .\u25a0»-.-•.;-. . .-. „..-,-. .\u25a0-.. ~ 'I-.; THE "STRATFORD HOTEL. \u25a0 ;. 242 Powell st. opposite the St Francis.'- - A first class, modern, fireproof hotel; la tn» : finest • downtown ; section. ' . .-;,•\u25a0 Rooms $4\u25a0: a4 \u25a0: a week and up. \u25a0 -•• \u25a0 . •^ Room -with', private 1 batb,"" $1; a 4ay ; and up. THE CRESCENT. ISOI California st. at Frank- •'' lin— Select -boarding house: .first class;, ref.;^ ; -rate* re»«-.\Franklln .lo2l: -MRS. E. R. -BATES. \ -y'p- FLATS -.TOJLET,V I $I.V-Ellzabeth st. r>oG:^3 rooms'and bath. .•\u25a0* $18-^22(1 ; 5t.', '3.574; ~T» rooms. and bath. '\u25a0 $2iW-22d>t. ;;:IS7S.:6 : rooms and bath. $2.". — SacranVn^n St.. .3921: 6 rooms and bath. „. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0- All ;very low rents; 22d st" flats all reno- i " -vated.' '-.-^ -'.-.: -..-^. '\u25a0\u25a0 / STEELE BROS.. 57 Guerrero st BUCHANAN -st..* 135, opp. State Normal— Up- :. per. 6. rooms,- batb, pantry,' laundry; modern; sun i In ; every room ; perfect . condition. , BUSH.tI6SI.-nr. Gough— Beautiful S room and bath snnny and light flat, fine renting location. CASTRO - st. 480 — Sunny ; upper flat. 6 rooms. ; 'bath. .'yard;': open. : •;.-•\u25a0 -. -. -. CALIFORNIA st. between Larkin -and: Polk— Just completed; -swell flats of 6 and 7 rooms V- each;; handsomely -finished; '.with abundance of •j light and sun. -• -~ .. " ' \u25a0 . . . CALIFORNIA st. 2300 — Sunny, corner, upper : 'flat, 6> rooms, bath; "choice location; only $35.' CENTRAL ay.. 700. .corner- Fulton — Apartment - flats. 4 rooms and - bath, near park and pan- i handle: Janitor: sun all day* $22 up.' DEVISADERO St.. ; 1551, cor. . Post— Choice upper flat. 14 rooms, ; 2 baths;, sun all day; rent - only =\u25a0 $60;* snap for .somebody. < EDDY St., S7o— To let. elegant, upper, sunny flat :\u25a0• of \lO rooms \u25a0 and batb. ' .- '.•\u25a0.. \u25a0 .•_ ELLIS St.,' 1939. near Devlsadero — August 2, 6 :\u25a0•\u25a0 rooms; low rent": Owner. 332 A Capp st GOLDEN GATE -av.. 845. near Gougb st. — Upper :flat; 6- rooms; reasonable: sunny. ;' GROVE st. 640^-Flat of 6 large sunny rooms; -- ;' newlyj renovated ; • rent reasonable. GROVE st. C 35. nr. Bnchanan-— Flat lo let, 4 -..rooms.; reasonable; $17. - -' HAIGHT. st, 1218. opposite Buena Vista park— ;'; Fine flat, C rooms, suitable for dentist or ; physician. ; ' .: LYON st,. 1943 — 7 fine, large, .'sunny rooms; ; modern. ' . . MASONIC, ay.. 1317 — Elegant sunny, up to date •-. upper, flat,: 7 rooms, butli; 4 carlines; open 1-4. MYRTLE ay.. ,571— 512: flat of 3 rooms and \- bath. : between \u25a0 2 carlines. ~ . NATOMA St., 108S-1000, bet. 12th and La- . fayette— Sunny \u25a0'.•. • upper 4 - rooms and batb; : rent $20. NOE st. 142. near 14th at.; sunny flat; 5 rooms /and bath; rent $20.- PAGE st ' 570. nr. Flllmore, apt s—Beautiful,5 — Beautiful, _ sunny; flat, .4 or s.rms.;. rms.; bath, lawn; adult. -; PINE; st;": 1124, -'i nr. Leavenworth — 5 sunny, rooms; fine view;- $25. -, - . ~. \u25a0 \u25a0 PINE st., 1749, between Franklin and Gougb — Modern. -6 room flat; rent reasonable.- SACRAMENTO St. 3465-34C9— Modern sonny : flats, - 6 rooms ; and bath; lower flat; . rent > re- duced $27.50; middle. : $30;. upper, $32.50; stairs and hall carpeted upper flat. . TURK St., 1107,- nr. ' Jefferson sq.— Modern sunny flat, 5 rooms, bath; very convenient; $23. VALENCIA St.. 1440-42. at 25th— 3 room modern . fiat; marble steps, $25; also 3 room flat. $10; , owl car. WEBSTER >t, 3OTO. near Union — Choice, mod- \u25a0 em. corner flat, 5 rooms and batb; rent $25.'- 15 TH st. 1876^, nr. Dolores — Lower flat of .. 6 rooms. batU.. -laundry, gas, garden. 19TU,sL. "4012. nr. Noe— Sunny, upper. 3 rms.; \u25a0 lot. storeroom, basement - 19TH st., 3S2C-3S2S, nr. Cliurch— 2 new modern flats near Mission park; 5 and 6 rooms; bath. ; OAKLAND i FLATS TO LET __ : PIEDMONT— 6 rooms, . bath, sleeping porch, en- tirely new. modern, artistic, magnificent view, near cars. - Innnire 200 Mor«*a \u25a0 ay.- ' OAKLAND FLATS TO LET— Furnished TO LET — Upper i up to ''date.- snnny flat; fur- nished complete for housekeeping; 1 block to Key Route. 52fi Telegraph ny.. Oakland. «~~v~FJLATJ!JEO^LI^^ FOR rent— -Elegantly furnished 7 room flat, two • baths; cor. Jackson and Broderlck sts. Apply 2221 Pacific ay.; teL West 32. HOWARD 6 1, 2752-^5 rooms complete for bouse '^keepln£^n2cliJldreiu_[________^_____^^^ VERY nicely furnished, modern flat of 9 rooms. ' all -rented; $40 over rent :\u25a0 3 living rooms; rea- sonable ; • parties \u25a0' going : away. \u25a0 Call between 1 10-4 at 1143 Turk st. near Jefferson square. BARGAIN— I6O2 O'Farrell. cor. Webster. Fur- niture of 6 outsldg rooms. $250. Flat for rent- SIX room flat, nicely furnished, , for sale cheap; must: be sold at once; will sacrifice. Apply owner,. 1000 Sutter st ,' • \u25a0 CALL BRANCH ' OFFICE. ICSI Flllmore st. near Post. _^-^jO|^S|IA>^FLAT^FjOR^_SALE^^ : $3,C00^-TWO" good flats In W. Oakland. 5 and 6 rooms,- with baths; lot 23.6x100 feet: , for s(ile .or * exebange for bonds, stock or Syndi- cate certificates,, bearing Interest;^ one flat * rented ' for $16. : the other vacant. Address WILLIAM CHRISTEN, real estate agent, 1759 7th st, W. Oakland. BEAUTIFUL flat, 6 rooms and bath, for sale ; reasonable; heart of Oakland: rooms all rented: no agents. \u25a0 Box 726. - Call office. Oak- COTTAGES TO LET . 7' %:^ ARLINGTON st, • 157—2 cozy , cottages, 3 and 4«: rooms. i with bath, wash trays, gas, pan- fled dining rooms;* everything modern; rent $12 and $16. :.--':. \u25a0 : '\u25a0-.*\u25a0:.\u25a0-\u25a0.-- FORsale-j<J room cottage." furnished: SO chick- ens, etc;; rent. $10 per month;- $100.-. 425 Madrld '- st. near Brazil ay. \u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0-• '.• - VALLEJO • st. — House.'.* 9 rooms; garage: hard- ,- .wood floors; finest marine^view; will lease long ; term;, or unfur.X-T.eL" mornings. West 5754." " - HOUSK -to let ; 4 modern* . gunny rooms. 1053 '. Minna st between "llth and 12th. - * HOUSES iTO LET — Furnlahed - O'FARRELL *st.; .1192— Elegantly f furnished 10 ' ", room ; house; '. rooms • all < rented ; ,• part of furni- ture ' for.; sale: i must "sell: , owner going -, east. VALLEJO st— House 9. rooms; garage: hardwood • ' floors;.; finest imarine f view; . will \u25a0 lease - lons term, or nnfur. Tel, mornings.' West 5754. TO-lease^— New •. house, '- 7.' room, 2 dens and re- ception' hall; hardwood floors; garage; in boule- ..vard.overlooklngLake Merrltt, Oakland. Apply ; • 240 Lake; Shore .boulevard.- ; " , .*•;. -.* 6 " ROOM " lower,' flat^ ' all ':; moilern conveniences; -'large sunny rooms; nice yard; at -1066 10th ay. .'" near \u25a0 E., 12th ;' st' Take broad : gauge local . to ; 13th t ay.: station. '; To a. steady, tenant. I. will ' pay \u25a0: all * moving " expenses. \ Bent ' of -flit $22; . " key i upstairs.; • j I have ; several other ' places - for : rent subject: to 'the "same ;terms and con- .-;; ditions "if v this does.- not -suit -ATHENS '\u25a0'-. REALTY- C 0. .. 420 \u25a0 11th st'. " Oakland.' CaL BERKELEY HOUSES TQ.LET-.Fnr. BERKELEY 'private home i for rent, \u25a0 furnished; 9 rooms; fine yard; \u25a0 Regent st' netr Telegraph av.;- moderate terms. \u25a0 Inquire H.* W. WHIT- ..;, WORTH, 812 Sheldon building,' San Francisco; i ; phone - Do*iglas \u25a0 2000. v . \u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 1 'ALAMEDA HOUSES iTO jLET— Fur, v ALAMEDA ] av. I ,' 1810-^-4 sunny . f nrnlshed • rooms bath/- gas.'rangf :' adults treasonable. SAN MATEO jIIOUSES !to LET B AN MATEO COnNTBY HOMB .TO LET FOR. SEASON -- Owner, away nn business ',' does' not want.placo Idle; | wllV rent* for , season, £ A beautiful home. _2 rooms, 2 \u25a0 baths ; I grounds . (about . 1 ; acre) "\u25a0 highly cultivated ;>-gars-{e and .stable; ;rent ; to respon- sible party. $150 a month. .' Address " P. U O. box 883.^ Sao '. Muteo.' -•-\u25a0'* . • \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 t' vr -, - . ' ' MILL' VALLEY HouSEs' TO LET : $25— 5 "room -cottage lwlth batb,^electricity and ,v:sleeplng'- porches; : s'^ minutes from station." rMRS; H.lw.^ SNOW.- P^ O, box 7S3 «• ' V -^ '\u25a0 r J'^HOuVES ; ;WA'yTED v - . v \u25a0WE bare tenants for stores, flats and- rooming houses. Don't let them stand empty; It doo't - pay. List them , with us. .. We will find yoa its a'itenant $on " abort ? notice." ,' McFAUL" & ED- ;• WARDS,: 330 r Chronicle \u25a0 bldg. .;-y_O^J^F^.^'D^TOJR TEHAMA? st.?i'I3--^Suitable*« for V blacksmith or /.^.machine; shop; rent $25. Apply 377 Gnerrero. 2•- large •' modern' nice : ; stores with living \u25a0 rooms ;," at; Guerrero 'St. near 16th/;for: rent, -$l5 each. i>tApply : owner. 377 -Guerrero =st ' .;.». .... :gLOp(.ERgOMiFOR;REXT V^ ORPHEUS and JApoIlohall!-;? Musician's boJldin-?* %6Sr.Halght. wt.-e-Very 4 <leslrabte> lodge rooms; J7 rent* reasonable;'; Orpheus 'hall"- vacant .Tuesday - .nnd -Thursday, nlzhtx;' Apollo hall, vacant Tnes- FTJRXITURE- FOR SALE AAA— $25,OOO worthlof new furu. sVlllng iti mc- riflce;.w«» are retiring from, business. ,Kl>i» » -.^FURNITURK C0..,3m2 lKth at; near Mission. SPECIAL OFFER— SIB' hair mattresses $9.50. $9 cable edge wire springs. $3. 75. Furniture r»- fovercd: estimate!, furnished. CRE3C_>.T UP- HOLSTERING C 0. .. 1619 : Devlsadero. Pnon» West 7924. ; $175 cash takes C room.-* rull of nice furniture: - oriental nip*, bras.'. Iron and folding bed*. f»* range. Inlaid llneolenmj swell flat: next to Key Ronte Inn.', 164:t Broadway. Oakland. FURNITURE 15 *t. house; almost "new; bods, carpers, gas and coal. range : dressers, daven- • ' ports, i etc;; will sell cheap; owner going east. '.' Apply ;20nt Oak *t. .. - A solid oak bureau, only $l». at U. SCHELL- IIASS'. 40?jf llth St.. Oakland. BEST of all bargain;-. , H. SCHELLHAAS' . fur- '„ nltnre , sale, '405 i 11th gt.; Oakland^ FURNITURE gpes for a song at H..SCHELL-.- -\u25a0> HAAS'. 40<i m** St.. Oakland. \u25a0 - V^^j/^fjßxrrnnE .waxtep- - :,^.,.^ $5,000 worth' of furniture "wanted for the coua- try at Wiley's. 659-681 14tn st near Caurch: Market 4322. . .' . . ALWAYS ready to buy furniture, carpets, desks. \u25a0 merchandise, etc.. for spot cash. MARK J. LEVY. 1140 McAllister at; phone Park 860. WANTED — A good fwcond hand. roll top desk. Box OS.» R. F. D., Mountain View. Santa Clara \u25a0 c«qnty. \u25a0. . _ _^^ WE. MAKE handicraft furniture and baby car- rtagos. Pacific Coast Rattan Co.. S3l Van Nesty _ >i REPAIRING and reflnlshlni? of furnlttuw; first clas» work: -moderate prices; piano pollsntng. P.' H. PATTERSON & CO.. 1940 Van Ness ' ay. ne»r' Jackson- St. • nhone Franklin 433. \VI> iDOWJBADES Advance Window Shade Factory — Bamboo porcta shaden In all slzea. OEO. WALCOM. 637 Ttr-fc. FREIGHT FORWARDIXQ A— REDUCED rates for shipping household good*. EAST AND WEST _^ JUDSON FREIGHT AND FORWARDING CO.. Room gOft Pnclflc bTdg : pfeon»» Kearny 2579. SEWING 2H.ACHIXES __^ DOMESTIC— Removed - from O'Farrell st. tr» 1644 FUXMORE ST. near Post All makes of machines, new and, second . hand. sold, rented and repaired: lowest possible; price*. Don't forget. 1644 FILLMORE. SINbEK. White, all makes half price: easy payments; second hand. $3 np; renting, repair--: las a specialty.- McNALLY. 3260 22d »t. 1 phone Mission 202. \u25a0 \i SINGER. Wheeler & Wilson office: renting, re- pairing. 1552 Flllmore st: West 57K1. DAVIS. SINGER. W. & W.— W. E. JACKSON. agent. 404 Sntter: nexHea. s-annllew. «H mafce". AAAA— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO.. 62 Post, room 326; pbone Douglas 2071 — Dust- lesa cleaning of carpets, rugs, draperies. foml« tare and bedding. WITHOUT REMOVAL. A — FOR good results, reas. price, try the PAC. CARPET CLEANING CO.'S . vacuum process dustlcsH cleaning of carpets and rutr* without removing. P. Mission 4800; office 10t/4 Pot— sro a ye. i & f _'|jif fotiWiT' 11 ' l!CMißfiiM MßjfltiM*— y^W^y-ti AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATUS CO.. 441 -Ist ay.: phone Pacific 13.16-- Carpets, rugs, draperies, etc.. cleaned at borne without dust, trouble or noise; estimate furnished. ALL carpets anil rugs cleaned on th* floor with- out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Office 24 Montgomery at ; pbone Kearny 6352; shop 16th A San Bruno ay. AA — National Carpet Cleaning Works; largest on coast; laying and altering a specialty. U.trnp- ton fc Baley. 344-343 Church gt Market 183. 3c yd.— For the Best Carpet Beating — 3c vcf. Phone Market 2-6-2- F. A. Rice. 1805 Harrison. Sc yd. — Carpets Cleaned at Rlzht Prlee — 3c yd. WHEN you becom» disgusted wlUt poor wocic send your carpets to J. SPACLDING _ CO.. 889 Golden Gate ay.; telephone Market 643. A. PARRY CO., superior cleaning and laying; prompt service. 210 Flllmore st. ; teL Park 4304. GARNIE _ BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works. 3153 16th st nr. Valencia; phono Market 5001. BEST cleaning (3c) and laying «sc) by Glsslow's CO. Ca. 3808 22d: teL Mission 2259: est. 20y. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works. 315 East 12th st. Oakland; tel. Merrfrt 505. 81655. WATTS — Reliable, carpet cleaning; alterations: re nova t: laying. 860 Devlsadero: ph. Park 560 ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced na«t_- j -. eds. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk trt. -< CON KLIN BROS- carpet cleaning and laying. 2400 C«>a— f at. corner Baiter; phonw West «*. STORAGE^ AJTD -MOYLXG T-^X S Z- BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE CO.. ' Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sta.; teL Mafket 13. WILSON BROS. (Inc.) — Moving and storag*. Cor. 14th and Sanchez sts.. 1 block from Mar- . ket and Flllmore sta. cars; phone Pat- 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND TAN CO.— Brick .- warehouse. 2322 Fghnore «t; teL West 2628. PIERCE-RUDOLPH Storaje Jt Moving Co.. mala office. Eddy and Flllmore: teL West 823. ; - ; FOR SALE— -Ml»c»ellane<ra_ CASH REGISTERS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS In 200 stylet and sizes. Prices from $7.50 np. Sold on easy terms. A_y \u25a0 - other make on the maxket at 30c -. "V - on -the dollar. -. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTEB CO.. 1040 Market st.. Between Tajrlor and Jonea sta. AAA — The Central Plumbing Supply Co. does not sell redlpped fittings, but they sell new fittings less .than yoa can buy the redlpped kind for. Bring your list . and. be convinced. Central Plumbing Supply Co.?* 1527 Market st. MODERN •35 burner acetylene ' gas machine, $70; . 3 months old; fresh Jersey cow. $55; just -calved; lot second hand lumber. -$8 per M. ; must - sell, r account moving. . DETTN—R. 420 . 40tb_. st~; nr. ; Telegraph- ay.. Oakland. A— MACHINERY, tools, shaftings, betting and * a full line of second band water pipe. SUGAR- MAN BROS., at the old location, 559 Howard st Country orders promptly attended to. CALIFORNIA House Wrecking Co. baa moved from 1440 Mission st. to- the SW. corner Mis- sion and 10th sts; lumber $7 per M; doors ami windows of all descriptions for sale. x SECOND HAND PIPB. Largest dealers In standard pipe and screw casing, dipped; prices' right; \u25a0 guaranteed first class. - Pacific Pipe Co.. Main and Howard sts. AA — All sizes standard water pipe and screw casing. ' guaranteed good as • new ; ° get one prices. . Welssbanm Pipe Works. 133 11th st A — SCHOOL BOOKS new and old, booftht, sold, exchanged. KING'S BOOK STORE. \u25a0* 1718 Market st .- above Gougb. Pbone Market '4763. A SNAP;-1.200 mated homer pixeous 5a lots to suit. FRANK' JONES; Sybil ay.. Saa Leandro, CaL . -• / ONE 2 ' ton second band " and one 2\ ton new ' ammonia compressors.'; both belted, with or without equipment; a -bargain. Box 3590. Call. 1 RUNABOUT, value $500. to exchange for ma- . : chine -tools . or gas • engine, * for sale. 64 ,-Haijjht a y.. Alameda. -...•- s2fc>s— Edison moving .'picture outfit exhibition; 4.800 - ft. , film ; all fine condition; cost $700. Box S2»,- Call office. Oakland. .. CASH REGISTERS, all kinds, cheap; easy pay- ments. . Pacific Coast . Cash Register Co.. 1292- 1294 Market st. corner Larkin. „" . FOR sale— A few thoroughbred cockerels, whits , . and Vbrown leghorns and barred plymoutas. SCO 61st St.. Oakland. ARMY tents at factory prices. W. A. PLCM- M E R CO.. 113 Dramm , at.. S. F.. Ist and Franklin sts.. Oakland. - FOX" sale-^-110 milking cows. \u25a0 horses,;, wagons. farming machinery, etc. Apply 4S$ Connectl- . - - .. - \u25a0' SAFES— New and second hand. The Hermana ;. Safe Co.. 120-130 'Folsom st. . ' ' HALF price, new, and second bind fixtures. . LAR =; SEN-CO.. NE. cor. Van Ness and* McAllister. 20 ROOMED ; house of ' furnltur* moved t t> H. Schellhass'. store-.' Oakland. '* - ' " AT half price, -new furniture. .H. SCHELL- HASS, *40S 11th. st^ Oakland, j- ' ... . FOB, sale— High bred collie male pups. 1233 < San -_Pablo ay.. .Oakland. . ».- r> . ONE gaL goat," 2 quart goat. 1 Billy goat 391T i_;Pleltiier.av...Frultvale. •-, - ; , < - i SCHOOL books,- new and' second band. J. H. ;'j CA1N.. 679 McAllister st. nr. Gougb. SAFES—A Jeweler's steel lined and a book safa cheap. 233 California st OIL painting of -Mount -..Wilson, cost $UO»J; beau- : tlful I. frame: a snapJ J 2752 Howard . stT . WHITE. Isewlnjj machine, folding, bed; bed . lounge. . oil painting. \u25a0 2752 Howard. st. iFOR sale— -Fruit, market: best location In Berk 9- ' opp. S. P. station. 2116 Shattuck ' ay. . BUNGALOW book of 32 designs and plans. 23c. ART BUNGALOW CO.. P. 0. box 260. Oak-Id. MOVING picture fllma for rent; largest noci la - city.. TURNER & DAHNKEN, 13S Eddy st. WALL paper. 3^c; samples maiiea; paint $1 ..; ' s*al. : alcohol. 65c» jraL M. Merisan. 1447, Ellis. SCHOOL BOOKS BOUGHT. KING'S OLD BOOS . STORE. 891 Golden : Oate ay. neat Octavla «. BOOKS and libraries bought THS HOLMES CO, : 1158 Market »t: pboae Market 88*3. * . CuntlaueU to .Vut Paso