Newspaper Page Text
FOR SALE — MUcellaaeona Contlnned ': 6AFE— fintn— lnside measure 31 hlch. 23 wide. • 13 deep; $100. 850 Mission at. ; j „ AW>"INGS. hammocks and tents for Invalids. ;. ROSS. McMAHOX CO.. 403 Battery St.. S. F. cash registers, electric signs, bar and . safe tot aale; cheap. 579 McAllister St. r -EDISON AGENCY— Moving picture machines and ' . elm*; bargains. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. ."DRERS SUITS, TUXEDOS AND PBINCB AL- „ * BERTS BOUGHT. L. SKOLL. TAILOR. 707 | - <3OLDEX GATE AY. PHONE MARKET 4G31. -'WANTED to buy— National cash . registers for • cash; If you have any style National for sale crop a line to. box 2309. Call office. V GHEST price paid for ladles' ca«t o!f cloth* ' 4 ." -ng. ,-iRS. DAY. 530 Sth st. Oakland 4373. RENTS' second hand clothing bought and sold. MUSIN. 1255 G.G. ay.. Fill-ore, Ph. Mkt7l23 • •STAMP collections or odd lots of stamps bought; call evenlnga. E. W. SMITH. 1628 Post st, rC^^SII— ANY AMT. FOR OLD GOLD. PKEC. • r^TONES. ENGELHARDT; 22 MONTG'Y ST. ! WILL buy second hand furniture; tools, clothinj,- • ___*\u25a0_: best rrlc^. gH7 Mission yt. Park 5356. \u25a0 . BAR AXD STORE FIXTURES • BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLEXDER CO.. 17--7 Franklla tt. near Market. Phone Special 1457. TURNINGS, cabinet and mill work, store flx- tans, .lobbing. 0. y. nAAS. 93 Minna at. - FOREIGN POSTAGE STAMPS POSTAGE ptamp*. albums, catalogues, etc.;' cols. hoogbt. W. W. DoesolVr & Co.. g!7 Montpom'.v. FURS LOFSTAD _ EVANS. Inc.. furriers, 251 Post St., Mercedes bldg.. 3d floor. Phone Kearny 4359. BOBT. MORRIS 239 Geary St.— Furs, fur eklns. — _!_?_»._ satins: wholesale only. \ DRESS MAKIXG UACDOWELL'S Dress Making and Milinery Sciool. 121 Geary' st_ near Grant ay. Evening _\u25a0 Pla«w». Pattemii cut to order. Pooglag 4"r.1. °- S- J *P anes e Tailoring, Cleaoliig. Dyeing Co. __gg3 Onlifornia gt. nr. Polk; tel. Franklin 5070. \u25a0STEELE'S button works. 222 Ellis, nr* Mason; • \u25a0 Phone Franklin 4521: mall orders solicited. \ TIiE 'HINOY. ICIO% Geary st.— Arlstocwtirtair 1 org-for ladles and cents: Went €617 '.irO^Aiioa Vislb> Tpyewrlter— ln the Monarch •",* _\u25a0 .Visible Tpyewrfter all the writing Is In full .. . .-*i*;hfa_ The time; other makes, second hand. .";• *it: ver? reasonable prices: we rent, repair and .. =. Inspect, " Before purchasing rlna; en Douglas •" .; -4U3, or call at 307 Bush st. : WOLF _ ISENBRDCK. Dealers. . . GS£AT bargains In rebuilt typewriters rentiof • * r2 • Ri'.iw per month. .«••;.'-•- See NEW YOST VISIBLE. '.- \u25a0 Typewriter Exchange. 255 Montgomery st. BP-ECIAI. $35. Emith Premier or. Remington re- • \u25a0 .- -oullt. Secure Information L. A; M. Alex- . endjer, 612 Market st. ..'JvEWacd- second hand typewriters bought and -' VcJd, -rented, repaired: guaranteed. SMITH •8R03.. 462 13th St.. Oakland Phone Oak. 12. ••fSpERVTOOD. $25: Rem.. No. 6 or 7, $26; Smith P:re.. $23. Pac. Tvi>ewrlter Co.. 107 Montg'v .^^^^^MU^I^AJ^XSTRUMEivTS , ..WE offer the following specials In pianos this- .week!. .. "• Sohmrr & Co $350 ' •\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.':•. J->o>ker 8r05.... $275 "v Weber $263 : •'.\u25a0•" Gco. Steck &Co $300 • .- .•'•.-J.-_ C. Fischer &'Co $22.1 ' '.' "- Kstey & Co $200 •• •:••\u25a0 :' HerrOl & Co $275 •: .-. .'.. \u25a0 WaMbam * Co $250 ;-^ ... ••Hayola Player-Piano <with \u25a0\u25a0'--.•. 12.- rolls miirirl $360 ' "\u25a0 -llano Metrostyle <w»h 12 . ".-\u25a0 \u25a0; -rolls music) $125 . "••". . Cecilian • Piano Player •' ' 1 plays any music) $100 '. •. •• Ceciltan Piano Player S5O 1 BYRON.AIAUZY. 250 Stockton nt.. Cnlon sq. $55p will buy the best 88 note Player on the \u25a0 _%i-ket; also plays C 5 note rolls. Crown & Con- - \u25a0 \u25a0 -cord Pianos. 10 In. Clsc records, 25c. ItACI- . GALUPI. 941' Market st. Open Sat, evening. KNABE piano, upright, nearly new: beautiful tone; 'the best bargain yet. at HORNUNG'S, \u25a0 61» Saa Pablo ay., Oakland, opp. St. Francis . de -Sales church. DQN'T forget to attend great fire sale of pianos; pianos practically given away by insurance '*.; companies. HEINE .PIANO CO., NW. cor. Van Ness and Bush 6ts. • .':.;* LARGE Kriabe nprlght, $250; other uprights from $100 up; pianos to rent. BOWERS & SON, . 523 -.McAllister and 19 Stockton. NEW; piano for $ 150; agent* for the celebrated . Gabler pianos. MANUFACTURERS PIANO CO.. 136 Eddy tt. , 10ft -PIANOS to rent; no charge for cartage this \u25a0> wieek.. - BYRON MAI'ZY. 250 Stockton «L \u25a0 g'PECIAL ba"rga!a«. Schmitx. $275. GuUd $210. , ; JQ.S. ,SCHMITZ _ CO.. C2l Van Ness, nr Turk. "6MALL" upViett piaao for $50 at 1834 Geary St., . - fjcar ••.Fillrnqre Ft. BHJST \u25a0 plcnos la town for rent; 10c a day. , SCOTT. CCRTAZ. S6O Hayes st. 'i -FiNE.-old" violin for sale. 1975 Post St., between * 5 \u25a0 tfad .-7. 'p. m. Electfio plan«s, $175 up: terms; also placed on . nfcrrpntscp. AndlflYeJ Hwieal Co.. S2 flrove »t. EECOiCD hand automobUes: Autocar runabout....^ $ . 250 Locomobile .-. 700 ' "ModM G Franklin 750 M^del p Franklra 1,000 XVbite Steamer roadster. 1,000 - AUTOMOBILE CLEARLVG HOUSE, 43G-438 Golden Gate ar. . .. -1 ' \u25a0 • FOR 6ale— Price $500 and opward; several *08 asd '07 White touring cars, taken In trade for •cs cars and thoroughly overhauled by our me- chaclcs from our factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. 300 Van Ness Avenue, 1 «, San Francisco. t • «*O7« *07 KAMBLEK. runabout. Just overhauled at cost of $200; a bargain at $400. A. C. HULL. 192- " 1»4 12th tt-. Oakland. -,\y-.. PAC. Alumiiium Brailng Works can brase y«rar broken alum, castings. 430 Van Ness. Pk. 2556. ". HEALD'S. Automobile school gives the best auto training on coant. 425 M<*AlH»»ter t;t. 1 IJlN'lNG'tiolcts, stationary and. . portable englnea, Wib, dUtlllate or crude oil. WESTERN GAS E-.NOINKKRINO CO.. 461 Market Bt. ' -^JBICYCI>ES AXD MOTORCYCLES" . CKADINU standard motorcycle with attachment; perfect conditkm. Apply W. lIAIR, 1143 7th °ft.. renr. O-kland. ' • UMTEP\GLASS WORKS Inc. H. R. HOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART. LEADED AND MOSAIC CLASS. 115 TURK. PHONE FRANKLIN 1763. HORSES. HARNESS AXD WAGOXS AAA— PUBLIC NOTlCE— Building to be torn down M'on: must sell stock Quickly. Other bargains besides these: New road bßjrpy. inriudin? a nice bar- - ness, robe and whip, complete.. $04. G0 Rubber ttre buggies, were $100, n0w.... $71.50 Canopy top surreys, were $100, now $88.50 Saddles, harness and robes at prices that yon cerer can refuse. Sale U. S. army goods, knap- eacks, tents, etc. KPIRO HARNESS AND CARRIAGE CO., c 309 Market et.. 8. F. AAA — HORSES, large and Kmall, $10 up; good ' work mules in spans at a sacrifice; Shetland ponies; rigs cheap; make o2er; buggies $10 up; wagons, $10 up; express, dairy, peddling, top wagons, llsbt knockabout wagons at a eaeriflee; harness/ $2.50 up:' saddles, $1.50 op: will fix you up with any kind of an outfit; will trade; auction sale Wednesday.- 11. a. m.: liorses ttonprht and sold on commission. 505 4th St.. Oakland. - "MULES— For sale. 125 good young mules. 2 and 3 years old. THE WILLMANS CO., Newman. Stanislaus connty. Cal. \ ' - - ." - FOR sale — Span bay horses; wt. 1.200; work any harness; one dapple gray borse. 1,100 lbs., pentle for women or children. Box 3540. CalL — WANTED— First clas» family horse; good trav- eler, nice appearance, thoroughly reliable. Phone Berkeley 5416.' - " : "' .;\u25a0* EIXOND HAND wagons and bugjries, - all kinds; low^t prices. WILLIASI WERTSCU COM- TANY. 24 Page st. . . t-fcoDd band top wtfon. exp. wagons, bos. beg- PAINTING, paper hanging, tinting, plastering,' repairing; send for estimate. J. P. HUNTER, 1701 "Geary. Tel. West 878:" res. West 8653. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanfrfng. done right and reasonable. GEORGE MUELLER, 2*_32 Market st. Phone Mkt 5570. EOOFS, any kind, repaired, painted. HIIJ^- . MAN. nOB E. 12th Bt.. Oakland.'.J>rop postal. DOOR openers and keys. Key Worke, SoO Clay . «t. pbonce-OakUnd 6717. : _2574.;- ;- . P p^IJVE^SS CH A Jf CE S \ - -*\u25a0 "; ; j A— GLOBE REALTY COMPANY, • Business Brokers, 211 Pacific building. Ban Francisco. Phone Douglas 4317. 856 Broadway corner . 7th rt., Oakland. '\u25a0 Phones— Oakland^2Bl3. -Home A 2213. HOTEL AND. BAR— S2,2SO* Al location; factory district, Oakland; eetabllshed 29 years; 24 rooms; . 15 steady boarders; bar receipts $30 dailyr lease. See GLOBE COMPANY.- EXAMINER ROUTE— MI«sIon district; $4,000; clears over $150 per ' month; 830 subscribers ; borse and cart included; - terms ; $2,000 cash, balance monthly ' payments ; a good buy; lnves-" tigate. GLOBE CO. -..-\u25a0* $26,000— Partner, bottling works, Including prop- erty; mortgage for part; $20,000 for business, lease, property, 5 wagons; trade $100 day; $100 month Balarv. share of profits; exclusive right*.. GLOBE COMPANY. PARTNER, $200. for well established business which win clear you $75 to $100 monthly;' ex- perience not required, bat you must be sober, reliable and willing worker. Particulars, GLOBE REALTY CO. ' '-*—'.» MEAT MARKET. $I,4oo— Live town near San' Francisco; established 25 years; good trade; low rent; owns building; 2 horses, wagon, cart, harness, cash registers, etc. GLOBE CO.* AN investment of $500 and services will secure a half interest In old established business which will clear you from $100 to $200 month- ly; your Investment will be secured; if you \u25a0 are desirous of entering a good, legitimate business see this at once. Particulars, GLOBE REALTY CO. ' - . \u25a0 -j FOR bargain* and quick sales see GLOBE REALTY COMPANY^ 211 Pacific building. San Francisco. 556 Broadway, comer 7th St. . Oakland. GILLIES * MAGNUS— BUSINESS BROKERS, \u25a0 102S Market st. near Jones; room 22. Tel. Market 1409. No charge for listing a business. . GROCERY and notion store — Located in grow- ing district; new stock; fixtures and the furni- ture of 3 line living rooms; just the place for man and wife: departure compels eacriflce; price $850. GILLIES & MAGNUS. 1028 Mkt. I|ESTAURANT and rooming house of ' 27 rooms; near wholesale produce district; guaranteed to clear $250 monthly; rent only. $90 per month; 7 year lease; owner has other business, must sell; price $2,500. GILLIES & MAGNUS,- 1028 Market Bt. -. j X X x :........... x x--..\u25a0\u25a0x --..\u25a0\u25a0 ........ x LOOK— CANDY, ICE CREAM, SCHOOL SUP- PLIES AND NOTIONS; 3 nice furnished living rooms; rent for store and rooms only $25; this - place i>ells stamps, writes money orders and i registered letters *at salary from the govern- ment. I can sell this little business for $100 and invoice the stock, which will amount to about $600 ea«n. G. A. HERRICK, 1005 MARKET ST. X X X /.... X WE buy. sell, lease, bond and make, expert 1 examinations and reports on agricultural min- ing, mineral and timber lands, manufactur- ing and mercantile plants, patents, etc; also organize. Incorporate and promote stock com- panies and act as general, fiscal or distrlb- , utlng agents, commissioners and brokers for owners, manufacturers and principals, oa a commission or percentage . basis. .- PACIFIC PROMOTION _ DEVELOPMENT CO., Suites 569-571. Monadnock bldg.. S. F.. Cal. I WILL sacrifice the following stock: 100.000 shares Butte: 20.000 shares Kitty CUde Mine <has paid $380,000 dividends and shipping ore regularly); 20.000 shares Asbestos; 24,000 shares D. L. Z.; 40,000 shares D. S. <i. Mine Co. (milling ore dally and will pay dividends by January 1 ) . See owner today, 421 Me- chanics' Bank bid*.'.* 948 Market st. MANAGER FOR PACIFIC COAST BRANCH OF ILLINOIS COPORATION: SOLE SELLING AGENCY FOR PATENTED SPECIALTIES NOW IN BIG DEMAND; PREFER MAN FA- "UAB WITH MUSICAL INSTRUMENT LINE: MUST INVEST $5,000 IN DIVIDEND PAYING STOCK OF CO.: ACTIVE MAN OF UNQUESTIONED INTEGRITY: PRINCIPALS ONLY. ADDRESS BOX 3593. CALL OFFICE. CANDY store and Ice cream parlor; fine location in the Mission; large cash trade; worth $1,000, but owing to sickness will sell for $750. See UNION INVESTMENT CO.. 532 Market st. SWELL restaurant, near S. P. depot; seats 150; first class trade; full Investigation: dissolving partnership canse of sale; reasonable rent and lone leaee; price $2,000 for quick sale. UNION INVESTMENT C 0... S.i 2 Market st. T WANTED — Partner with best of recommenda- tion to act as cashier In an old established optical business; experience not necessary, as there are two registered optometrists and opticians employed; splendid opportunity; cash annual business $30,000; cash required $5,000. Address box 3557, Call office. LARGE «. and - old \u25a0 established mercantile house wants ~book keeper and 1 salesman who will invest few thousand in the business; salary. $125 per month right parties. Pacific Pro- motion _ Development Co., 571 Monadnock bid. DUNCAN McKAY CO., Business Brokers, Investors' bldg., 787 Market. If your business i* for sale and you want quick returns, phone or call and see us. ' $500 — Half interest in established, remunerative bnsiness; only man of fair education and good appearance need apply. DUNCAN McKAY CO.. general brokers. Investors' bldg., 757 Market. FOR sale— Blacksmith shop, fully equipped and stocked; A SNAP, $500; inventory $1,000; in business district. Apply 420 6th St., Oakland. Phone Oakland 4631. FOR sale — Cloak and suit business; an unusual 5 opportunity; best location in Oakland; elegant . store and fittings; low rent; 70 foot plate glass display window. Address box 824, Call office. Oakland. ' . $250 — Sure fortune In this: man to conduct branch store In Seattle or Portland; experience unnecessary; big money from start; fullest trial given; chance to get rich. Call Oakland office. 1175 7th et. . FOR sale— First class cigar, candy, fruit and vegetable business; only business of its kind in town; <fine property to be sold with above If • desired. Particulars EUG. C. SWEET, Walnut •Creek. Cal.. , , SIPE & THOMAS BUSINESS CHANCES. If yon want to buy or sell a business see us for bargains: email commissions and quick re* turns; no charge for listing; clients protected. 17ST» Mission St. ; AN artist of standing, j Just arrived |In city, would be 'glad to meet some one of means wlio would collaborate with him in a money making proposition; references required. Box 3644, Call. FOR SALE — Saloon; located In manufacturing district. Apply Broadway • Brewing Co., 19th st. and Treat ay. - ' __ $2,000 — Blacksmith shop, wagon and horse shoe- S Ing; -real property Included; engine, , machin- ery, tools, stock Included : receipts ' $400 ' a month; prosperous town Yolo co. KREDO, 87 3d: st. '- - - : -\u25a0 v - \u25a0\u0084\u25a0'. \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0".- " .-\u25a0 \u25a0 -':\u25a0 LIVE man to Invest his services and $300 in a downtown ; established bnsiness: , $100 . per mo. if willing to work. Call today, room' 421, , 048 Market Bt. . . ..' . . "FORTOLA." the new novelty not-, yet on market sells 10 cents; bif profits. I: want a partner. Address box 826, Call office, Oak- land. ,; •:. :--, HOTEL and bar; doing good ' business; * long lease; reason for Felling, other business. Ad* dress MR. N. TOMASEVICH, Hotel St. Anne, Mountain View. Cal. MUST, sell; a 'sacrifice; owner sick; a good run- ning restaurant; cheap rent'and lease. Investl- . gate at once at 1407 Valencia st. FOR sale — 24 room hotel and bar; doing a fine business; if taken: by August 15 will give party 'a good bargain; worth = seeing; : 200. Mo- Donald ay. cor. 2d'st.. Richmond. Cal. FINE restaurant for sale; doing \u25a0 $50 business daily; 2 % years* lease. , 219 6th St.. MEAT market for! Bale; cheap. ," Inquire 3380 19th st. near Mission. • STORE, basement, living quarters; -1011 Lark-in cor.- Post; center of hotel, apartments, Lurllne bath \u25a0 district; -any' retail business: $20; snap. $350— Restaurant and lunch room, good rooming house district, clearing : $85 month above - ex- pense*; rent $32. :, 1181 O'Farrell, near, Gough. FOB ' sale — A good . newspaper . route In a good district In this city. . Apply to J. R. LBN- UART. circulation department.. S. F. CalL .; '. $1,500— Restaurant: best location in city; cheap - rent; established bnsiness. Address room 500, 76 3d st. ; no. agent. .-. FOR SALE — Good blacksmith business; must sell on account of sickness. I For further particulars apply to F. B.: MILLER.. Valley Ford.'Cal. FOR ; sale— Good ipaying bakery, business i with large lot and. buildings. Address M. A. E., 58 Clay St.. East -§*n Jose, Cal. 'J3!KM9H_fBEf HOTEL and :, bar, ;' doing - first •\u25a0 class \u25a0 business ; reasons given to prospective ' buyers ; for sell- ing. Address box , 115, , Point - Richmond, \u25a0 CaL ; BUY an excellent business In \u25a0 thriving » Shasta county mining town; big payroll and good location. Box 7. Kennett.., Cal. . y : ; WANTED— To . buy. : a"draylng;. business;- state \u25a0 number r of , teams. ' price * and amount •of '• busl- ness done,. Box 3WJ.V, Call 'officer 'v ":: $500— A : partner m\ afraid of work ; in : an esta J>- . ; lisbed ' mfg. business.""- "A. .; D.. \u25a0 box . 3579, -. Call.' - WANTED— Partner ; established 1880; i plumbing - business ;" no agents.' .; Box. 4493,^ Call office.:- -y. SAIX)ON ''i with •- 5 ; living, rooms;' a- bar- pain. : Inquire » WELLER, SCUIRMER & : CO., ' 503Sa<?ramento St.* , ' : : . \u25a0 ' _, ; : , SALOON . for sale.' - cheap; " must .; sell \ this { week ; owner going north. V- Apply Hibernla^rewery., - FOR sale— Fruit ; market; . best" location in I Bcrke- \u25a0v . ley. op. S; P.* station. *- 2116 Shattuck : ay. r%" ; FOR sale-^-A^ 0 1 room ; . house,? fnrnlshc<l.< and Uargc "••dining rooui:*l> .roonnj^occupicd" with jboarders; r must tell. AtwLv at oucv, 4072 18th st. »• re_rn9_&:ffE_]re:i^^ i BIJSINPS^PER^OX^ '?•- THE ' FULLER OF" OAKLAND/- i . 918 BROADWAY. PHONES— OAK. 2708. ' R/)ME A-190ir IF YOU WANT TO BUY UR SELL A.BUSI- NESB OF ANY KIND, SEH US. - MANUFACTURING BUSINESS— SI,2SO: rent $20; large retail trade In Oakland and .vicinity; thin Is the chance for a man looking for an estab- lished business; See THE; FULLER CO., OAK- LAND. 918 Broadway. :' - T -' BUTCHER SHOP fixtures at a eacriflce. THE FULLER COMPANY of Oakland, 918 " Broad- way. v ! > ,- ' . -.i. .'••\u25a0\u25a0'-... ' ."".- ,\u25a0\u25a0 ":'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* :: '" ; '^- ; THE FULLER COMPANY OF;, OAKLAND, \" • - BROADWAY. • - PHONES— OAK 2708, HOME A-1901. \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0._. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL A BUSI- NESS OF. ANY KIND. SEE US. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS— SI.2SO: , rent $20 Marge retail trade In Oakland and vlcln- ; lty; this is'the chance for a; man looking-for, an established business. See THE FULLER CO., OAKLAND, 91S Broadway.'- :> 7 GROCERY— S9OO; rent $20; lease 2 years, and 6 living . rooms ; \u25a0 doing ; ; a -nice j business ; \u25a0 good, clean stock; very little opposition: if you want ; something ' good ; you : should see s this at \u25a0 once. T€IE FULLER COMPANY of Oakland. .->:--• - FOR sale— Harness sbbp. > well established in center of clty;cheap. : Address, box SGOD, Call. LODGIXG lIOIJSRS FOR^SAJLEj^Ji " A. CAMERON & CO.. " 714 MARKET "ST.. 1 MAGEE BUILDING, - •; Opposite : The Cill. •„ ' ;-?»';?; Room 301— Phone' Douglas, 4379. ; . Where Be?t Bargains Found In- Hotels. • Apartment and Lodging House*, Flats. BARGAIN — This 54 .' room \u25a0 modern house, se- ' lect location, rent $5.70 room, best furniture i and carpets. ; SEE this 19 room honse, central, cheap rent, good furniture, clears $75, only $700. TO LEASE— 4(X and 75 room houses now under construction. See us for, particulars. FOR sale— A furnished house of 8 rooms; full of roomers; price $250; rent $27. Box -.827, Call office. Oakland. _ \. _____________ , * "TO EXCHANGE ._:»: SERVICES of s 'passenger automobile " evenings; Sundays and holidays, to exchange f 6r any- thing of value. What have you? Box 316, Call. Oakland. •\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0•; : PARTNERS WANTED '. ':\u25a0\u25a0> _: WANTED— Lady: with small capital as pa/tner In well established dress cutting' and dress making school. * 1909 Sutter. -.'."'___ _! EDUCATIONAL A— THE LYCEUM, 2500 pine st.~, prepares for- university or any examinations. : Open during summer; 0 teachers;- moderate rates; here you save time, and:" money. ' : \u25a0- _I_l_____ JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS, nigh school, all. branches. Prep, for college, 'teachers* 'exams., civil serv.' Laboratory courses. Day, cv. 043 Van Ness. ASSAYING; special commercial course in Span- . lsh, telegraphy, civil and electrical engineer-. Ing, mining, etc.. HEALD'S. 425 McAllister -st. DAHCING— FINDLAY'S, 3241 16th St., ballroom or stage; adults Monday and Friday evenings; j private lessons daily; open every evening. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mech., I survey, assay, cyanide, day, • eve. ;- est. 1864.! Van der Naillen school, 51st and Tel. Oakland. THE BERLITZ. SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington St., near Fillmore; send for circular. .- : ' . " .- : PIANO and elocution lessons given: : children a specialty; terms reasonable. 4059 26tb st. ARITH., penmanship by expert; bkpg., grammar.' etc.; Individual lnstruc, $5. w0. 915. Van Ness. SPANISH. French or Italian taught; accurate translations. Prof. Hidalgo, r. 409, S3O Mkt. PROV. T. A. ROBINSON, Individ, instr. math., bookkeeping, Eng., etc.; day, eve., 507 Halght. PROF. G. MANSFIELD, teacher of violin, man- dolin and guitar. 1706 Geary st. . FREEMAN COACHING. SCHOOL— Ulph school, university. West Point, Annapolis. '854 Baker. RINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages; < unlv. prep. -1350 O'Farrell. Phone West 8160. 2^ BirSl - VESS j COLLEGES A — Metropolitan Buslnes.T College^— l49o Market at Van Ness. \u25a0 Reduced' rates, 6 months, $*). AFTER Aug. 2 the San Francisco Business Col- lege-will be at corner of Market and Eddy sts. MERRILI^MILLER College, - 733 Fillmore « Bt. Term opens Aug. 2; day and; eve, sessions. ALL" court reporters - : lecommend'.' Gallagher- Marsh Business Collegei \u25a0 1250 Market st. MANUSCRIPT REVISED LET us put. your \ literary ; attempts jin proper ahape \u25a0 for publication ; ' manuscripts reviewed, revised, rewritten: - : nominal --^charge. Forum Brokerage Co.. 740 Phelan bldg.: tel. Krny 5467. \_ i: ' '\u25a0- _.. \u25a0" ACCOUNTANTS -'-\u25a0'\u25a0.'. '"' '. v. AUDITS, systems, special Investigations. COOP- ER. 005 Kamm bldg.; 717 Mkt.: Kearny 5959. JOHN R. RUCKSTELL7 C. P. A.. 300-308 Claus Spreckels (Call) bldg. Phone Kearny 4151.- _ NOTARY \u25a0-. PUBLIC' MARK LANE, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deeds. 245 Bush st. : phofie Kearny .2629. DETECTIVES < West Coast Detectjve Agency (licensed, bonded); conducts cases secretly; ; cor. confidential, 596 Fillmore. Tel. Park 5556. T. C. GRAY. Prln. -^_ _ : _ _ - ; __'_^__ AA— DIVORCE; costs $12; quick,' quiet; advice ' free; no charge unless successful; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy; probating ' of ' es- tate; general practice. 1028 Market St., r. 12. AA— -Advice free ; divorce costs / $12 ; quick and quiet.* 607 Westbank bldg., 830 Market; open "evenings. r . . . A QUICK, quiet, complete divorce for $20; open evenings until 8. 1112 Market st.-, room 122. HARRIS _ HESS, * attorneys at law. W. T. Hess, Notary Pnblic. Rooms 11-12 Call bldg. L. S. CLARK, attorney at law, 851 Jackson St., Oakland. \u25a0 Consultation free; open evenings. - ..^^^jJP^EJif^AT^OR^EYS J^ ' ;.y DEWBY, STRONG & CO.—F ounded 1860; U. S. : and foreign: patents;' inventors'- guides; 1,000 \u25a0 mechanical- movements :. free.'- 1105 ; Merchants' Exchange building, .San^Francisco. * : CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner, U. S. pat- ent office, "1201-2 Metropolis • bank. Patents,' tradesmarks and copyrights. Tel. Kearny.4Bls. HARRY C. SCHROEDEK," U. 8. and foreign pat- entp, 415 First National Bank,'- Oakland. ;•». SONTAG Patent Agency— Established *J899. : Bal- boa bldg.;" cor.r Market and' 2d > Bt8.;~ 10th floor. COLLECTING SOME ; PEOPLE - DON'T LIKE U^T^Ve°getttlhe money for: you on all kinds of claims anywhere. Interstate Adj. and LawAss'B.. 015 Pacific bid. : JBAD TENANTS EJECTED : BILLS r and : notes collected;- tenants ejected. FRED'J. S(THMIDT, Market. Noe and 16th sts. w^wv~~~~~!^ ' "'' \u25a0' DR. H. P. DAVIS. ' PAC. BLDG.. rms. 301-2-4, cor. 4th and « Mkt.; latest in dentistry; first class work; nk>d. charges; /CONSULT., FREE. HILL, DR. LUDLUM. 432 "Webs. (now. Muirhead bldg. ) , Market, .. Hayes and : Larkln ; ' gas • given. - ARTIFICIAL teeth; this one thing I do.'Dr.C.E. Wilson, : 323 : Geary, . suite \u25a0\u25a0 605 ; Ltel.' ; D0ug.1 4200. DR.' C W. DECKER, Phelan bldg.; rooms t3O&- ':. 9-10. 760 -Market - st. ; phone : Kearny. lfj3o. :"•=-.\u25a0" Ml.- R. L. WALSH & CO.; 901 Fillmore cor; Me" AlUster; : formerly - r 872 ; McAllister ; : Park 1 5380.' MEYER, Dr., : 1990 « Sutter^nillngs^ sUc,' crowns ;$3; bridge work; gas'given^.openJevenlngs.i .< DR. -IRAG. LEEK— AII kinds 'of dental' work. ;' 515 1 Fillmore st. /near . Oak."",- : " .i. ':: ; .;,;;• ~ ;-.: : .. DR. ; U. G: \u25a0 BARTLETT, 1 ! extracting: speclalistrre- " moved ' to' 323 'Goary- cor.: Powell: I»ougla3 4300: AAAA— : / DR.V ABBOTT, V. v. ; . v - . " The well'known specialist,- treats l DISORDERS OF WOMEN ONLY His ;. thoroughly ; ANTISEPriC " methods Insure \u25a0 . absolute safety.;, from \, infection -, \u0084 BBMMBesffliißMßof 3«ny 3 klnil.^iSiSSirf*gfiwa^Bjl!M}|a{ v HONEST, RELIABLE, SCIENTIFIC iTREAT-; MENT GUARANTEED IN: ALL DISORDERS :."... \u25a0: i " '\u25a0 \u25a0 of r women." . V-- :' : \u25a0-: \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 ;> ;.--. : - - The .methods 'employed; byj Dr. '/Abbott are \u25a0; ; with; him', and * employed! bythlm; only; ; ' they ' are ? the ? result:' of :/ more'v.than "\u25a0 25 % years','. '-..? personal .experience * in % hospital rf and -.- private • \u25a0\u25a0'; practice. - ' Lady physician to consult wlth^; If --\u25a0.desired.'. :\u25a0'.'.';. >./\u25a0\u25a0 •'.." '":'.'\u25a0...:. - " - : . •:> \ . 1550 ELLIS ST., NEAR FILLMORfe.' ;..'/ Hours \u25a0 10 , a." ; m.> to 1 0 • p.'; m.' ; 5 Sundays, ;to • 2.^ DR'.^- EMERSON,".^ : \u25a0 .::'.:<'-..V. ! -'::^-v.,^,; •f 1304 " FILLMORE , ST.' CONNER « EDD Y.\ \u25a0; J ACL : DISEASES lOF »,WOMEN * treated »byj rniist scientific } methods ; r- positively %no ,f charge r; unless patient; Is ;satisfied^wlth;results;,i private Jsanato-' rlum^for.vpartles 5 " wishing?: to* remain tundcr,s our care; W adrice % and i exam. >? free ;^rlady g assistant. 1 Hours,' ;r 10-5; f, eyenlngs,^. S-9 ; ;* Sundays.'}] 12-2.".'^v; \ VALPEAU'S j female ', pills ; ibput ; regnlatirip f jiills .* sold ; '- price >\u0084 $2.50 ' by; ex press. si Jener "- Syringe >'\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0" and . Tnblets; price - ?•": i. Byf express I only * ous re- 1 .wljit ) of, price. • ns<JOOI> ; BROTHERS.iwhole- :••--' sale Xdruggists,~f,7tli; ;auU iCroadwaj-,y Oakland;' -• " -.'-' - :-___ia_M_____i ; M-flblCAli— Continued : MRS. DR. 'HOLMS, graduate" apeclallst.'' cures all I female complaint* without : delay.' Advice i free: '-; Hours 6 ; to H. " 744 Tnrk tt. :\u25a0 nr. , Van Ness : ay.' SPECIALIST for ladies; , painless v relief guaran- teed; -paldiwhen cured; advice free. MRS. DR. PHILLIPS, 3452 IOUi • Bt; \u25a0 near Mlgslon. ;» -'J \u25a0'\u0084 DR. .DUCROU'Sifemalelpllls are sure and safe- best regulating - pills < sold ;^ price $2. - Wlshart's 'drug store Oakland.: . '. \u0084 .- / \u25a0\u25a0- HUPTURE cured by. massage;* new physiological remedy.*. Mr. & Mrs. Cbarbonnfaux, 420 Krny, r 22 A A— DR. ' THUJLE, Germani physld an : and " sur- \u25a0 - geon; - specialist chronic iand . private diseases of both sexes; cures fpiaranteed. . 1732 Geary. DR. WONGHIM-^" : /t \u25a0- 7 - r HERB - DOCTOR. Permanently located ; - .: 1268 - O'Farrell , st: bfet.*" Gough " and Octavia: " JEE WO DRUG' CO .-^High-grade •herbs, drugs -aod J teas; -all 'chronic* and J . private diseases of both sexes r cured.' 936; Stockton -st. :\u25a0/-; ' »\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0';! CHIROPODISTS > . v DR. DUNCAN. 180 Sutter corner Kearny.'rooms : 303-4 — Absolutely cures .without pain, or, draw- ' ing blood all foot a|lments:'coniB removed 25c. \u25a0J : "\ .'-'.' OSTEOPATHY "\u25a0;..- ." -^V T/ . Dr. R. L. Meyer, 830 Market 'st., rooms 503-4-5; Chronic I and nervou* dls. ; Impotency, sterility. HEALTH MOVEaiEXT \u25a0" ; . "VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural non- surgical; cloth bound,'. 4oo page. book, free;- Ap- ply by mall, 036 Pine * St. Lecture, for women * Thnrsday at 2:30 p. m. _• • . ~ \u25a0;-' ;'-\u25a0'". -\u25a0 '\u25a0 SAXATORIUMS: -:^';.-^ A77PRIVATB home for U. the i sick; 1 conflnement specialty ; adoption ; special treatment for : all female trouble. \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0- 1303 Market st., . Oakland. HOME ' and care for Invalids . or : aged persons.' ' S42l*2sth at., near Mission; phone Mlasioa 4620 --\u25a0- ?l5?! En^ IT >^ h .Qj*? es 'si : : : 'jj :, STRICTLY private^ home for fconfinement Vases; ; resident - physician ; in attendance } : best \u25a0 ref s.' " . 1131 "Laguna iat., cor. 'Eddy; phone "West 6964. S. F. LYING-IN home, = 1191 Oak St.— Adoption; diseases women and children; eouflnement, $25. POPULAR REMEDIES ! Eczema,' salt rheum,: dandruff— -If you knew what Kuruwill do for eczema,, salt rheum, dandruflT, ; poison oak, you would: get <a bottle today. It j : cures. : : At Shumate's and ; other \u25a0 druggists'. ' -. RICORD, CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS * for men's private diseases. Sold, only by E. B. JORGENSON, 044 Kearny st., San" Franclscp. Mall orders a specialty. Send for, circular. __\u25a0_/" •'\u25a0 -j : ''". TRUSSES \u25a0\u25a0./,-. ..'-; - : :- J ':-:V TRUSSES- that fit: seamless' elastic hosiery. CLARK-GANDION TRUSS CO., 110S Market St.. op. 7th. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.--»- \u25a0 .;-.\u25a0 ALSO -car noises positively cured; one week free.' DR. COTTINGHAM. 1900 Sntter St.; hrs. --.10-4. CAKCERS AND TUMORS TREATED IN froml to 4 minutes with hypodermic needle method; • cure guaranteed. ' ' \u25a0 AIADAM L. F. LAMB, residence snd office, Uklah, Cal. DOG AXD CAT HOSPITAIj - FINEST equipped: animals boarded; -ambulance > fnrn.; special rates. 37 Fulton; West 8312. MATRiaiOXIAIi ''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. ITALIAN, bright and honest businessman, worth $150,000 in cash, monthly income $15,000, age I 30 years, wishes to meet an honest, refined and affectionate Italian lady, or widow with 2 or 3 * children; object matrimony: send particulars and photograph. Address . C. \u25a0 C.V 614 2d st., Portland,. Ore. .;.,. '. ' GENTLEMAN, 27 years of age. good habits and ' appearance, with good going business, desires .to make the acquaintance of young i lady be- tween 1 18 and 25, of good figure and appear- ance; object .matrimony. Box 3535 Call. ; GENTLEMAN of means, i. congenial . disposition and honorable intentions, would like to meet a desirable widow or maiden lady of means; ob- ject matrimony. Box 760. Call office, Oakland. GENTLEMAN of worth / and honor wishes ito -' make the acquaintance of lady of means and refinement. > Society ' Lady, 252% : Hollis St., Oakland; details. 2sc. ';, * DO not -be deceived; the only reliable matrimo- nial bureau yon will find at MRS. A. WOL- TER'S. 1752 Geary St.: established In 1900. HONEST men and women seeking life mates can find their Ideals at 252% Hollis,' Oakland ;ln- formatlon 25c. SOCIETY-LADY. ' W. \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0_. NEILSON. former, business agent of San Francisco pattern makers' association, address box 3024 at t once. ; i-.^- r^:: \u25a0'"•.. .'.-\u25a0-.. A A— WIGS. TOUPEES. 1 I' HAVE MADE WIG - \u25a0 MAKING A LIFE STUDY./ ; My wigs and toupees' defy detection; I guaran- tee every one I make, v I make them ventilated and porous; 'perspiration .don* tv affect r them. Gentlemen's private wig department,'; 227l" Cali- fornia Pt., near Webster, Mr. Lederer in charge. A large; stock" of ' pure human "hair? goods on hand ; | transformation . switches, ; puffs," etc., con- stantly on hand. 1 I make wigs and front pieces any style desired and In the latest styles. Hair dressing," dyeing,- scalp treatments, etc., by spe- cialists only.- - Lederer's Quintopica stops hair falling. \u25a0•: Mail orders prompt attention.' G. LED- ERER, ' established 18C6.-A. -."• r. \u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0> t --.. . LADIES' STORE AT v :^ ;vrV . 1809 FILLMORE ST.: NEAR SUTTER. WATCHES.^, diamonds, silver ware, jewelry, cut * glass, etc. ; come to our office ! and tell : sales- J, man you would like. to open confidential charge it account and pay weekly or monthly; he .will " I arrange •' . the ' matter -; for i. you ; in -a ; very • few - minutes and- you" can wear: while paying for same/ , BRILLIANT JEWELRY COMPANY, 704 Market st... upstairs, rooms ; 011-612. - MME. FRANCINE. greatest European authority . on beauty culture; -most scientific,- skin", treat-. . ment. which "makes you 15-20' years younger; wrinkles removed entirely; city refs. 626 16th St., Oakland;: phone. 7sll; best skin foods. -\u25a0.\u25a0-'. -^ MRS. L. E. HARTMAN.' manipulation,: vibration : I and electricity for rheumatism < and. nervous- ness. 637 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary St.: Open .- Sundays. -/\u25a0.\u25a0;-\u25a0-.. .\u25a0..-\u25a0 - >-"*-_-,- A-si-i \u25a0•:,,*;. ';• ADVERTISING copy, ; circulars, - poems, . sermons, written to order; R^staff of trained writers at your service; nominal. charge.. Forum . Broker- t age Co.; 740 Phelan bldg, ;. phone Kearny 0407. UNCALLED ; for suits, \u25a0: overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London . tailor. 1432 : Fillmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. MAGNETIC physical ' healing— Mrs. Holshouser, ; > 351 Pacific bldg.. . tel.? Douglas 4440., y: y GRADUATE masseuse,* MRS. HELEN: DERBER; electrical treatment.. 2o24 Sntter; tel. West 8802. MISS -WALLACE, ; EASTERN MASSEUSE; 124 Turk st.", R. 210, Ist floor.* rear;' ll-10 Op. Sun. FREE— Sample "Happy Lady," : home treatment for women.:: 3 to 0 p.^m.;: 247- Pine; room 203. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos-- : \u25a0 tnmps: unc: to Jahn. costumer.^ 821-Van>Ness. '-\u25a0-. -.1 1 -^1 : ; A p o pT^ x ' 1 : ;:" : ": '/ : \u25a0 : "'- ; ; ; '[\u25a0.] GIRL baby wanted in an ideal home. V DR. ': E.- FUNKE. 1416 Bth wt.; -phone 'l6B2.' Alameda. -• -, ; --. \u25a0 o .'-'- spißiTUAiLisai"'-.: ' '*\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0:..\u25a0\u25a0. .-.'\u25a0 *AA— MRS. :J. J. ' WHITNEY. ; trance medium; consultation '$1," at her:home,- 1164, O'Farrell; > :.. by letter, 4 questions $1 ; phone Franklin 5024. FRED P. - \u25a0•, EVANS, noted ' psychic, - now -. located ' "' at \u25a0 1390 :\u25a0 Telegraph v ay.,! Oakland; "Interviews ': ti dally.'rJ Phone Oakland' B476 ; send '\u25a0 for.. circular. MISS M. :. WILLB, ' ordained spiritual'- adviser," • r - crystal :\u25a0 reader;- can", be .' consulted ; on V all 3 busi- v ness ; affairs.'," Hours," 10-8T § 1164 >O'Farrell ' at.* LOTTIE BUSWELL, . ordained spiritualist;, trance : readings ; C- lessons^dally : ?.. circles \u25a0;< every -j night. \u25a0 «, 1359 :Webster;st;;near\O'Farrell.; "'.•"' ..- - ; \ MRS/ L. 'H.'. KlNNAlRD— Ordained • consul ta- \u25a0 : tlon \u25a0'• dally,\ 10 - to ' 4 : r circles . Sun.,":Mon. , \ Wed. v ; Friday. Sip.v m:," 1439; Fillmore. " -' \u0084; j.~ MRS. DR."tSAYLOR. L ordained" medlumr& famous £} life . reader; -230.* 210 Fillmore st."* near: Halght. DR. .HOWLAND'S -sc:circle,tonight;: circle, tonight; 00c read- I Jinss'today;-^ 1230; Fillmore st. 11 :. 1 EDWARD h EARLE.' Sun.S and - Wed. s nights; 117S , ji. McAllister ;;-tests^ messages,: slates; 25c. '.-. ..;, >;\u25a0\u25a0,-. MRS. S.* SEAL'^ spiritual! minister; 'consultations -^\u25a0flally; offlciatex mnrriages. fnnpraia."-7S6*McAI-' ,V - ":_" :_ "'\u25a0 _. j^'^J^jCjjL^j^RV]OYAg^ra_ " j- ' ' \u25a0 - r 7/^j r :v i v^" w'Xi '".''-\u25a0-, \u25a0<"\u25a0': GARLAND. f world's 'greatest seer; and clairvby-* ant.-^tells full names andfeveßythlng;youlwish«to knoWiWithQut yon .writing aiword. FHJmore Bt.'near EHis.vHonrs 10:a."m;to 8 p ,m. - _A— MME.*; REVENNA'twiII give; speclallreadings l'.wk. ! ;:clairvoyant;itest medium;iO.sP.' A:; JB names j glveu ; %ad vice j all g matters/^ 2158 fMk t. ; MRS.iiWILHELMY: '(honesty reltableT card t read-" £ 1ng." .18 , Beaver st.; north ; of : Market \u25a0 bet." 1 ? Noe : >j; and i, Castro.v: -': v .: - :*> "w '\u25a0'\u25a0, -""..--': \u25a0'':... "". '--; -\u25a0 : ' "-\u25a0', " - ; -', MISS 1 ZEMDAR.i youngs gifted I clalr., and * palm:;: .; member o.>R.«'A.' of Cal.;: _.;Coc,';G."sl -,( hours [ .\u25a0 J 0 to : 10.';; 1279 : Fnlton • st. 1 near :- De'vissdpro.'TMW' (.; ; ":, '-:' ,'\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0^-\u25a0k Valmistry^ *£'t A \u25a0*:':\u25a0-.\u25a0!\u25a0"'\u25a0'\u25a0: CALIFORNIA'S Ipalmistl and J card i reader ; -. 2.~»c. ' nn<;."'*;i. ; inn^Rroadway^ Oakland.^ : > . '' " - PASTURAGE \u25a0\u25a0 : ' '- : \u25a0'• - - - ;I'lNK*paKture,'i prfen ifpedSSljf|B.iMAyo,'S7s7 I v'l'atiflc : bids.,' S/j l'.'. -or T.l o, : box;. 41, -.Vallejo. : ;.. .'\u25a0\u25a0 -;; r '-iy VESTMENTS-.^'- ... \u25a0' , WANTED—We " are t, In ' the I market for : a few . . shares of Burllngame • telegrnphing and ' type- \u25a0 writer ; (free s stock) ; f our ? price f Is , liberal ; , If :", yon ; desire *to sell, it .will •, be to s your Interest ';\u25a0\u25a0' to . communicate with -this < office. , \u25a0'- ' : ".' We; offer for 'lmmediate sale:; . - $1,000 Ocean ; Short \u25a0 Ry. - bonds p t : ... . . $590.60 ' 234 shares Ramona Oil Co. at.;. ..... . .20 ' ; 1.000 shares' Three Counties Oil Co."' at. .10 \ v " (Will trade for Monterey Coal Co. etoek). " •E. F.vWAYLAND & C 0.,; V • \ tv ;.474*Mon^.dnock bldgQT San Francisco." Cal." .•:."-\u25a0 . OAK furnish you ANY unlisted stocks and bonds V yoa may want 4 AWAY UNDER regularquota- tlons; will; buy; any ; active, stocks if CHEAP; \u25a0'.--\u25a0 largest :\u25a0 dealers 'on -- the - Pacific • coast; corre- Bpondence invited. CHESTER B; ELLIS & .\u25a0CO.. 714 -Market Bt.;op.p. Call- building, v; -\u25a0 - HAVE 10 per cent Income." SURE ; : speculate. \u25a0on .60 per cent additional. v That Is what a limited supply of "choice - local " manufacturing stock means.'. Inquire D,* _. : KN APP, 417 First Na- .-tional Bank, bldg..^Oakland. ,^, . DO f you i, wish to .. buy ;or % sell » mining ; property ? \u25a0 ; . Do \u25a0 you j wish \u25a0 money,, to : develop 1 If yonr : prop-; '.\u25a0 osltion \u25a0 Is % clean - we ? can - help :-• you. Western Information Bureau,' Chroulclef building, S." F. OCEAN SHORE railroad bonds J for sale: price -. nets 8H per : cent.' D. E.V BESECKER, 248 Pacific bldg. \u25a0•;--\u25a0 : -.-\u25a0-\u25a0 --. \u25a0- — y^r.;^ "ABBOTT buys bonds"---Ocean Shore. > Market pt. bank and Cal. safe dep. books. 414 Mar- .-ket^st. .\u25a0,\u25a0:.\u25a0•.\u25a0;-\u25a0 --. : ;.- V:\u25a0 -..\u25a0 .-. , ':\u25a0 . v- } CAL. SAFE DEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT.; P. E. BESECKER. 248 PACIFIO BUILDING. •We buy California safe "deposit accounts; buy •""- and sell * Ocenn Shore \u25a0 bond*.' -'\u25a0 448 Montg'y st. - . FIRE INSURANCE " •~" . YOU are paying too much for lire Insurance; we ;,;can reduce .-your rate 15 per cent; best com- panlea; Investigate. " 507 -Westbank building. - ' '}:': MINES AND MINING ' We bny and sell mines, ' make j examinations and furnish reports of mining properties. WEST- . ERN MINES EXPLOR. CO., ZZQ-22S Lick bldg. GOLD, amalgam, : rich ' ore \u25a0 bought : cash ; assay- : Ing 60c. I'loneer Assay Co. , 131 6th st. nr. Howard. '•- •' •\u25a0 \u25a0•-\u25a0.:\u25a0:- -\u25a0 "\u25a0 ' \u25a0' " \u25a0-•\u25a0 \u25a0' - : - ARE you baying or \u25a0 Belling - stocks or • bonds t ; Call on PBTTiS &' BDRBECK. 333 Flrtt Na* _^tl^alßank_ r;*!^^,©^^!-!^^ _j_______ _____ AAAAA CASH SALARIED LOANS . Do you need a vacation ' and • have not the money to spare? ; . We are loaning all SALARIED people strictly upon . their plain note,- without lndorser or. security. " You can repay in. weekly or 'monthly payments to suit yourself. ENTIRELY j NEW • SYSTEM AND LOWEST RATES IN THE CITY. ; GET OTHERS' RATES, THEN SEE US. s ? Your employe/ or friends never know of any. transactions » at our. office. ' \u25a0 LOANS ' STRICTLY -TO SALARIED PEOPLE. : . WESTERN LOAN CO.. •> ! 408 Call Bldg.. 3d and Market sts. Open 8:30 -to~- 6 .. p.* - m. ; also " open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, evenings until B 'p. . m. NOTE THlS— Salaried people and others may upon own responsibility (no • indorser) . get fol- lowing loans, to be repaid In small weekly in- stfllments, viz: $1 per week, pays $15 loan, $2 - .per week pays $30 loan, $3 per week pays $45 loan, $4 per week. pays $60 loan, $5 per week pays $75 •loan; Phone Douglas 3244, 433 Phe- lan building. (Keep this for future reference.) MONEY loaned -on furniture, pianos and other, security; lowest rates; most favorable terms In the city; see others, then see me ! and Ibe convinced; I: will save you money; $2.25 weekly repays $50 loan; phone Market 3029. GEORGE W. MILLER. -3009 16th St., south- \u25a0 west corner Mission, room 35. MONEY LOANED .TO ALL SALARIED PEO- ' PLE; also on FURNITURE and CHATTELS; pave money by getting our rates: confidential: private office for ladles. GREAT WESTERN INV. CO., INC., 521 Phelan building; 8:30 to 6; Mon. .and Sat, till 8 p.; m.; Kearny 3247. XX— LICK LOAN C 0. ., LICK BUILDING. 35 Montgomery St., room 101. -Douglas 3016.- .Makes a specialty of loans on first mortgages. Improved or unimproved, at. 6 per cent; second mortgage and building loans in any part of city, small or large. \u25a0 . MONEY; loaned salaried people and others upon -.their own name.': without security: cheapest -" rates; easiest payments; offices in 66 principal • cities; save yourself • money by- getting our , terms first. TOLMAN. room 951. Phelan bldg.. S.- F.; and room 0.; 460 13th St.. Oakland. FURNITURE— * . LIFE INSURANCE— SALARIES— . /-" Wage Earners' > Investment and Loan Co., ;-;.• '-•••-•-. .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' ..: ,\- 443- Pine -st.-.. :-: \u0084 .' ' ." - HOUSEHOLD LOAN. CO.— Loans on FURNI- ' .TURE. PIANOS, etel; low, rates; private. 357.. v. 359 Pacific bldg., > 4th, and ' Market sts. ; phone \u25a0 V Douglas 8265. ;s Oakland office 518-519 First - National' Bank bldg. . ANY- Rmount;. lowest rates on first and secsnd mortgages on real estate, legacies, undivided interest, estates In probate: no delay." R. M.--- COLGAN, 20 Montgomery St., rooms 314-315. ADVANCES made on diamonds and Jewelry at lowest' rates; safe deposit vaults: greatest" possible care \u25a0 taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO. . .Van Nees , and . Sntter. ' ; \u25a0 R. B. AUSTIN CO. loans money, to salaried peo- ple; investigate our .credit j system, i Rooms 353-5, Pacific building. 4th and ; Market sts. BUILDERS— I ; am- now makinsr loans, f or build- Ing purposes. GEO^W. AUSTIN, 1018 Broad- way, Oakland.- - v - ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER. \u25a0 705 Monadqock; 68L Market. SALARY loans— Ladies and: gentlemen without security; notes and commercial paper bought. 313 Merchants'; Ex. bldg.; phone Douglas 1411. A— FIRST ' and \u25a0 second \u25a0 mortgages, 5 estate, lega- cles and security. SHADBURNE CO.. 45 Post. HERMAN MURPHY, - ' " ; . v/. 1 ' ;;- \u25a0-- iso sutter st. \u25a0.>;>• ;>:..' :\j~ v H I MAKE real estate loans in Oakland and vicin- - lty.. AUSTIN. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. $2,000 to loan on first mortgage, city real estate. 2190 Mission at., or box ; 8460.\Ca1l office. SALARY loans; other propositions. . San- Fran- ; ; Cisco Discpunt Agency, .411 : Pacific building, j WANT, to' borrow $1,900; 2 "flats: 7 per cent- t value $4.800. Box 3394; Call office. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without in- dorser. ? . MORRELL. 922 Monadnock building. ON- furniture -.and : pianos; no •> removal. TRE- MAIN. room 811, 833 Market, next Emporium. Sam - Raphael. - 5 Powell— tib. loans on [ diamonds and Jewelry;; low rates; burglar proof . vaults. ON furniture, pianos, -etc. Reliable Loan Co.; ' Monadnock bnlldmg. 681 Market. st..' rooja 7 °3- WANTED— Up I to 1 $125,000 '.* at 8 per cent to 12 :; per cent. to improve , reclaimed ' lower^ KJamath marshes;, very best security; long \u25a0 loan. \u25a0___F- IS - ;r *.-OORTg.'lSftifith wt.. \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 C_ .-:';-..._ y-X LEGAL NOTICEjS ' '':' HAVING bought f the People's market, 2299 Mar- ket st.; from C. •W. Ha ars. .will hot be respon- sible for : any i bill or. claim contracted ' by said" parties • unless presented for collection before August. s. v 1909. ."V - . : Dated July 31/ 1909. - "" . A:' ROBERT. - TWO . modern -up to . date flats, past of Devisa- . i dero and north of Market ; \u25a0 cash ; full part icu- —•" lan!. -. - Box 3607. ' Call of flee. . : \^^| ;^^iTir^EA^^ _ -V - '••': .:, ; W.',J.'DOWLING _ CO.r - " . 521 'Valencia" st. ; phone ; Market 7109. . $10,500— Income $1,440 year; "3 : new, ' high class .' 6-7-7S rm. » flats; ;t 25x137:6; . Golden - Gate and if Central \ ays. ; ; can raise $5,000 bank 'mortgage ; •>• rare ; bargain.;". \ ,-: :]-\u25a0 .\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'< -*'x -^i* "•\u25a0 \u0084 $1,000-f-cash— 6 " 4 room >' modern \u25a0' house; near car 1 ilinef: balance ,s2,ooo at $25 ' month. •\u25a0 - $3. MO cash — Small mortgage; high class. new s <iToom;hou9e;'garaEe;-near,lSth and Castro.'"-* $0,250—2 elegant new, s room flats; near Mission • and 26th; 'can. ralBe;mortgage;;snap.\ * ' . , $5,650 i cash— 4'. 1 . modern flats; z good ; location; lot - 37:0x100; trents $72.50; mortgage $3,600. , \ $5,750 — 0 fine | fiats. 1 2 1 years , old ; • rented cheap at ••\u25a0 $l,2ooyear;..terms;-bargaln.'^ \u25a0;.:':.' 52,000 and . np; « cheap j building : lots; Hartford ' st. :.- near ' 19th ' anJ ' Castro ; ; finished street . and side- . . I walk; .<.'\u25a0\u25a0(*.';. i*y.- r - :* -\u25a0?.*« ;.v':*-^-: ; \u25a0*- r ; :\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0*-'• •;•;,: " :;> W;' J. ;DOWLING & CO.. 521: Valencia st \ r " . \u25a0:;.• OEO. B. CONANT. -: % : Tel.*- Douglas 20S0.'' Room. 230, MJck building. ;$1,H50-r-25xl0p;rj:st.'.near'llth av;;onterms. : '" $7,soo— Beautiful J marine :; view i lot ; ~ 30x97 feet 'v..:-j-v-'to'aney:'nearjFalrmont'hotel."i - \u0084 , • ' ?10.000-=Fiue^ large. corner; *32:Cx97; near 1 Falr- \u25a0 . mont;^Hiarlne : vlew;,sriap." .: \u0084 \u25a0' '. r sB,soo— ;Twojelegant|new v flats, \S and 6-rooms; Vallejo st. ;\u25a0 near. earn;? rent $7.T\' . \u25a0''\u25a0.. $22,500- : -BuBlness 1 comer ?\u25a0 near ; , Market and ' loth; - ':=: ::store;and;flats;?rents:s2o3. ; '•> , - -' .. $14,500— Business £? property :.. near ' ; Ma'rkct , ; st. ; ;"'*,' leased! at '$150 a.'months'bargaln.i.v f * y - $40.000— ((8:9x137:0; : O'Farrell f st..: close : In.- /~ V^OSO-^Lot," 25x100: :\u25a0 I'ersla ay.,; near Mission st.:': terms ilf : : desired;! 3oo; feet to cars/ ; ! v:^7so-^-25xl0O;';VisltacIpn,-jnoarv :^750-^-25xl0O;';VisltacIpn,-jnoar; depot.'- ' ." u NEW." modern dwellings ?of 4.-i s.' 6 jand .7 rooms, $3,750," $4,300,? $5,200 ; and '- $3,500 ; each, lnclud- i'f Ing :bi tuminlzed % streets ; ;\ one- fifth 'i cash, bal- >":.- ance'^ same asTent;.' entire : block, I' Bth. a v. and -\u25a0;j?B st.; Turk and Eddy." McAllister,*' 6th; a v.i and •-,5 Clement- Bt. ears.';. F. \u25a0 NELSON,' owner and \u25a0 : 'Tbuilder.-..;:,:-";,^/;-;'>':'./^. : -: v J .c",^ : -- <•-:'- \- '-.-. '\u25a0\u25a0. - \u25a0 .-' 9 1 ROOM ; house - and \ lot \ 25x134 ,'i for - sale ; ; must •*\u25a0» be ? sold \ to '\u25a0 close il an *\u25a0 estate; «41R > Eureka ii bet ween' >v 21st > and i\ 22d ; *v; price \ ?2;400 ; jj street : '" work r> complete ; 3 stone \u25a0• qurbing, a nice >- garden . Krearland'front.-fOrJ^apply JAEGER. [224 Grant :"-.-. avonuc..." ".- ,.-.. \u25a0\u25a0-":-' .."' ; ,- ; .;:^":-'::. ; * : C-'' : :'jS3SBSBBUttH& t J.ifAlf AD AMS.X state', licensed ', and J deputy > U.^ S. fl , •nrreyor.l l 325 1 Busb Tat: ; • phone ; Doozlaa i 2104." '^~>S3J[^JSdJ^ STATE^ Coiltlnae<l : thomas^?^aymanT~ Suite 1000,; First National Bank bids.. Montgomery and Post.* , Tel. Kearny 1703. .£ SEE. MY- OFFERINGS -BEFORE .BUYING. $0,600—4 new nats of 4, 5 and ,U • rooms, 20, I : rooms In . rented at over. $1,000 p«r annum ; , fronting 2 streets ; near . Kearny and Broadway; ihls Is the Wffgest bargain in town." , - '. •> \u25a0- $4,500 cash — 3 new, hi?h class, G room flats," near - Cole .-' aud : Waller ' »ts. ; : full pric* $U,500, reduced from $12,00u; owner must . sell this. week. $S,2so— Half cash; 0 new x 4 room Ba ts; Valencia \u25a0''and :19th.-' reduced -. from $12,000; rents \u0084^ werc f 1.740. now low at $1,200. . $4,000 cash— 3 choice, nearly new Hats, 5, 5 and . .9 rooms; rented low at $1,020 per annum; - \u25a0". : full . price only ? sS,lKX>; adjoining hnlldlng .'-:•\u25a0'/\u25a0 sold: for $lo,000; Fillmore and Uaight. $5,200— 1 new 5 and 6, r00m flats; Waller and .- ' Clayton; reduced from $9,500. $9,250— 0ne-half* cash; 3 new.: well built 'flats; rented , sl,2oo per annum; Larkln and * Union sts. . $7,000 — One-half "cash; ,2 new 5 and 6 room \u25a0 'flats; Frederick: and Stanyan sts. $12,500 — Want offer; 3 new high class flat* at V. • ..Washington and Hyde" sts.; owner must :' sell; make offer.' $7,000 cash— 3 new •" room flats; north side.. Clay and Devlsafiero; full price reduced to $12,000; make offer. $5,000 cash — Powell and Jackson: new store and two C room flats; price $10,000; rents $1,200. -V- \u25a0 $6,000 cash-^Rents $1,260 per annum; 3 new. high class flats; north- side; price now , $10,250, reduced from $12,000; Fillmore and Fell; be quick. $10,000' cash— o new. high clas 3 flats: rented-low : ,. at $2,160 per annum; price now $18,500; 'Devlsadero and Eddy; investigate this. $4,000 cash— 2 nearly -new 5 and 0 room flats; California and -Baker; price only'sS,ooo. $7,500—2 new 5 and 6 room flats; Waller anil i \u25a0\u25a0 -•?-'; Fillmore/ be quick. $7,200-^-3 new flats, near Union and Octavia; -these are a bargain. $5,200 — 2 excellent 6 and 7 room flats; lot 2Sx \u25a0 .100; north side Pt..Loboa; close In; snap. $7,500^ — One-half cash: 2 high class, new 5 and 1 6 room flats; ay. and Lake St.; like others asking $9.000; don't miss this. $3,900 — 2 flats Of 5 and 6 rooms; on 17th «t . above Castro; $1,000 cash. baUoc* 6 per cent •, per year. ; Address . owner, 2872 Golden Gate ay., San Francl3co. (6,600 — 8 room, modern residence; perfect con- dition; Scott and McAllister sts.; ground worth $4,500; biggest bargain In town. T. E. HAY- MAN. First National Bank building. COUNTRY home In the city; Sunset; larg* grounds, stable or earage; sell or lease. 12tS5 18th ay. $7,000 — Forced -to sacrifice; 2 new up to date flats; east side of street;. s and 6 rooms; lov 25x120; mortgage $3,000. 1410 Halght st. FOR sale— 2 lots, 25x125 each, north Ride of Con- gress st. 50 feet from corner Masonic ay; . $1,250 each. Inquire 1552 Masonic ay. ELEGANT 8 room and 2 bath residence; sunny side of Filbert, east of Broderick St.; part cash. \u25a0 \u25a0 - -.-.-\u25a0 For sale — Mod. home, T rms.; sunny; reas.: call morning before 1 p. m. Owner. 537 Shrader st. CITY and country property \u25a0 bought, sold and ex. Apply Owl Realty Co.. 507 Castro st - FOR sale at sacrifice, lot; Western addition; 23x 137:6; $1.850. - Apply box SC9C. Call offlce. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE ; - SMALL' RANCHES EASY TERMS. - BEAUTIFUL. SONOMA VALLEY. The beautiful 600 acre HYDE RANCH is now offered In tracts of any size. ' t Rich, level and rolling land at $65 aft acre. Elegant rich lands with grand oak trees, $100 to $123 an acre. ' Choice orchard and vineyard, $165 to $200 an acre. \u25a0 . : Plenty of water. Good for all kinds of garden truck, orchards, walnuts, etc. \u25a0 • \u25a0 -. Each piece a snap. Write or call for circulars. • \u25a0 •\u25a0• G. H. UMBSEN & CO., - 20 Montgomery st., •" •\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 San Fraßclsco, Cal.. - AT WATER— Rich Vegetable Land— AT WATER On Easy Terms. Irrigated— Close to Town— On Railroad — Best Sandy Loam Obtainable. RAISES BIG, PROFITABLE CROPS Of Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes, Beans and "Berries. For Alfalfa, ton and half to cutting per acre. Peaches,* Pears, Apricots, ' / . . . Figs, Olives, Almonds. . . PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. - TERMS WILL SUIT YOU. We have 14,000 acres — our own estate. Join \u25a0 our excursion next Saturday— low cost. Return Sunday evening. - CROCKER IRRIGATED LANDS.' 525 Market st.. ground floor. SMALL RANCHES. CHICKEN— GRAPES— FEUIT3 .10-20-30 acre ranches on our beautiful San Martin ranch, south of the San Jose; Improved or unimproved;, suitable for chickens, fruits, grapes, etc.; this is one of the Ideal locations In Santa. Clara valley; only 75 miles from- San Francisco; price $100 per acre; monthly pay- ments of $14.14, including Interest. If desired; It you are looking for a beautiful place to build up a home and where you will get good returns out of the land," let ns show you over our ranch.- C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market st. " PACIFIC ' REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU. 405-406-407 ; Metropolis Bank building, "San Francisco, CaL; will pnt yon In touch with the best country and suburban lands on the \Pacific coast. - Careful attention given to each Inquiry. Fnll and accurate details of every property. Easiest and best way to get bonest information. State your - requirement, wt will fill It at once. Thonsenda of properties llsttd, with maps, views, t etc., on display. :^~i\ : NO FEE, NO COMMISSION. MEXICAN and Texas limner colonizing land. 800,000 acres pine and oak and hardwoods; choice: well located for export; $2.50. 154,000 pine, oak, ash. hardwood. $3. 696,000 Improved stock ranch and timber. 100.000 acres Irrigable land and stock. $1.73. 1,000,000 acres colonizing lands, 30c op. Texas and Mexico, all size tracts and * all - classes of timber and stock ranches. Reports . sent; - Information at once. DAVIS . BORN* .HAM.' 704 Mills bldg.. S. F. EL PRIMERO COLONY. 'Unlike - some ambitious movements that have secured many patrons, EL PRIMERO COLONY is not simply making - promises or drawings-rosy pictures,' but doing things. All its members are working to bring about that Individual and col- lective prosperity that awaits faith* and intelli- gent labor of heart, head and hand. You can become a member 'by .making a small cash In- vestment. 45 Kearny St., room 304. ". ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. We are running a free Information bureau, giving , reliable, ~. detailed Information on all .California lands; we have many desirable prop- ositions in every comity ; many fine barf alas. If yon are looking for Information, write us or call at our office and it will be freely given. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BU* iREAU.. 946-948 Monadnock bldg.. S. F. - DO not overlook this— -400 acres on Eel river.' . Mendodno county; 15 acres under cultivation: balance rolling hills, with plenty of .oak tim- ber; good house and barn; one of the best little .cattle and hog ranches In the state of California; -would make an ideal summer re- sort; fine * hunting. % boating and fishing; no trouble to -catch -the limit; price $5,000. Mc- :, PAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. 160 ' ACRES land near Brentwood; 43 acres bear- ' Ins vineyard, balance In corn. and other prod- . ' acts; -6 . room' \u25a0 house, : good . barn and - outbuild- ings; running - stream of water piped to bonse and barn; 5 horses; all 'farming implements; everything ready . to -do business. This Is a snap; do not overlook It. Price $3,500. % cash for quick sale. . • McFAUL * EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. WE have I.OSO acres land. 200 ender cultivation,- - 8 miles from town' and- railroad: the best com- bined stock ranch and farm In California; run- ning stream of water; fenced and cross fenced; price, $20,000- . terms.^lßMMMWiiM If you «re looking for a f arm, \u25a0 stock or fruit ' ranch at the -right prlee "call and see.ns. McFAUL&. EDWARDS.* 330 Chronicle bldg. 2& TO 10 acre tracts; poultry, garden, fruit and jv flowers,' near Hayward ; , walking distance from . \u25a0_: streetcars ; -no better location in : California for --, poultry: and; gardening; -price $250 to $350 per >acre. ; There are; only .'4o^tracts in this sub- division. '\u25a0'. Call 1 or v write at ; once . if , you desire, V a . piece \u25a0 of this " choice ; property. -/, ; PLANTERS' LAND CO.. V~. 20C : Metropolis Bank Bids. CALIFORNIA '\u25a0 land, < $1 ; per I acre i cash payment. ' \u25a0\u25a0 balance \u25a0 purchase \u25a0 90 cents per month' per . acre; \u25a0\u25a0 close San Francisco ; •no - taxes, no Interest ; S > . acre : tracts ; level. * rich," ; clear. • ready to plow. 2* Irrigated ;;pcrpetualv water .'right; Immediate possession; particulars,' maps. 1 photographs free. STEVENSON COLONY. 1414 Market St.. S.:P* FOR -'sale* or S atres v income I prop- ".:erty; ; apples. V berries -and - chicken " ranch r, 1 ' acre pasture; 1 mile : electrici R. •R. and store ;,: and : school;;, price ,$3,500, ", 0r will 1 exchange •::for "small'" stock- , ranch \u25a0' on * coast.' Address ,W. F. KUHN/ owner,' Sebastopol.i Sonoma coanty, *"^Cai.'--. \u25a0•"c"- "-'\u25a0'•'*-• \u25a0.•>\u25a0'/\u25a0 '. . : i ' ', : -^ --'-.\u25a0~— :. :.\u25a0 \u0084 V- /-:":- 'SANTA' ROSA REALTY CO. Ml Selling i land i from \u25a0 3 itracta ' near Santa ; Rosa; $100 : an : acre p ; ' also : big ' list \u25a0of properties of a II kinds; call or write for booklet. Offlce 39-40. 636 Market st.;* San" Francisco; office & Elks', -; bulld- . lng.i Santa. Rosa,' Cal.-Vi;J'* = '"\u25a0%\u25a0".\u25a0 ; -v LOS i GATOS, , Saratoga. Santa Cruz . mountains \u25a0property for sale or rent, j STRONG, BELiJEN «; 'FARR.' Inc.," R.;. H.» McKaig * manager. -'Agents for f ldylwild. Los ; Gatos. . 45 Post . st., ; San Francisco. - ;4!2_BhHB_MMB— — t FOIt farms, stock rsnehes and timber Isnds see :t: t McFAUL & EDWARDS, 330 Chronicle bulldlnj. \u25a0—'..\u25a0 \u25a0'.....- '-.•* COUXTRY REAL. ESTATE — Continued $5 down and- $5 per month will buy you from • -V> to 5 acres of rich, level land in Alameda county near Oakland. A. J. MOOUE £ CO.. 2& Bacon block. Oakland. Cal. __^ FOR sale— ls. acres of bearing * orchard; and 5 acres of alfalfa land In Santa Clara p valley; good . house ' and barn and plenty of -water; terms to suit. 1219 Metropolis Bank building. FOR th« best list of country property, farms, fruit and poultry raiJe&ea. stock ranches, al- falfa and timber lands, aend for new cat i- logne. ROTHKRMEL & CO.. 247 Ruaa bldg. ~ '. \u25a0 ' OIL LANDS ~ 40 ''acres proving oil lands for sale In 23-23. Bal«rsCeld, Kern connty. For particular* 2SW Monadnock bnlldlng. T. F. A. OBERMEYER. IMPBOV&D : country property for sal© -or ex- chanjre: i_»u proved lands on easy terms. W. A: MABKLKY _ CO.. 12CC Broadway. Oakland. EUCALYPTUS TIMBER— SmaII tracts In plaa- tatlon of thoasau'lj •>' acres: easy terms; loca- tion oa lailra&d. la Son Joaqaln valley. Euca-V • lyptas Timber Co.. 414 Flrst^Nat. Bxib. Oak. 3 asd 10 acre l:o_es In Alameda eounry; $-j down, $10 monthly; 2 railroads. RICH VAL- LET LAND COMPANY. ISO Sutter st. O.4KIIvND REAL ESTATE HERE'S A SNAP— A SPECULATION. $3,250—12 rooms and bath; Oth st., bandy to Broadway. I $3,850— Beautiful home. 2-1 and Grove; lot bas double frontage. 0 rooms, suitable for Z flats, on 12th and ! Union; sacrifice. "2 pretty little' new flat 3 near Shattuck ay.- for $4,800. One of the prettiest 5 room cottages la th» Santa Fe Tract; 53d st. near Key Routa de- ; pot;- $350 down, balance $?5 a month. Cottage of 6 rooms and bath. In pink of con*, dltlon; lot 40 feet front; 80* 34th st. near Grove; It's a dandy. $4,000 — Modern story and a half 7 room house., Including about $l,oi>o worto of new furniture;, perfect condition: near KM.and Market: owner I a railroadman, transferred and most aelL GEO. W. AUSTIN. 101S Broadway. Oakland. ~~~~ A FINE BUY $4,650 — $1.C50 cash, . balance flat loan 3 year*, oper cent net, bays fine 6 room house with «lea and 2d kitchen; . practically an 8 rrmin house; modern, up to date In every respect; solid - brass electric fixtures, coat $125; situated ia best* locality In Santa Fe tract; nice smith, front lot 40x103; nice garden; toolhonne In back; drive on either side of houae: 2 blocks from Key Roqte and S. P. depot. 1 block from .Grov»* -st. or Shattuck ay. carllnes:' new property t j all around. Take train to South Berkeley- 1 J. M. JOHNSON, BSO Polrler st. Just off Dover. Phone Piedmont 4255. ' A BEAUTIFUL HOME ' For sale at a great sacrifice; one of the flne«t : in Oakland: 12 room modern hardwood finished- house: large, corner lot In street where values will double; ample time can be arranged att*? » reasonable rate of interest or will trade; what have yon? Goort opportunity If sold quick. Box 829. Call office. Oakland. LOT In good residence section near Piedmont Key Ronte station; Is situated on high ground with- beautiful view; 1 block from Oakland ay. carline; size 30x110 feet; price $1,250; eajy. terms. ELLIS BROS.. 433 11th St.. Oakland. ' NEW. modern S roam cottage; sooth front; 7 foot basement; 640 Polrler bet. 61»t and 62rt> sts., west -of Shattuck ay. ; handy to Key Route and S. P. : onlj $3,500. See owner, 1606 Grove. St.. Oakland. WHY PAY BENT When yon can buy a cottage near the Kej Ronte 7 Small payment down, the balance easy payment*. See owner. RICHARD J. MONTGOMERY. 4003 Telegraph ay. corner 40th at.. Oakland. FOR sale — Almost new, well built house; mod- ern improvements; 8 nicely laid out rooms: convenient to Key Route; lot 40x111; must be seen to be appreciated. Price $5,730. Call 650 55th St.. Oakland. ' REDUCED to $2,950; new. modern. 5 room . cottage' ln E. Oakland; afreet work and -very- thing complete. Owner. BURTON. 1169 West st. Phone Oakland 5340. ' $100 DOWN— S2O PER MONTH. Doesn't this beat rent? 4 room cottage: street work done; sidewalks In; price $1,400.- Ad- drtsg 1420 Broadway. Oakland. CHEAP— Building lot east Piedmont Heights: all Improvements finished; 80x128:6; $2O front front; 10 minutes from Broadway. Owner. 2029 San Antonio ay.. Alameda. ELLIS REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE. 468 11th St.. Oakland. 3 bungalows, 4 and 5 rooms, in Fruitvale: lot . 30x100; $300 to $500 «2own. balance as rent. BARGAIN— House of 12 rooms, on Sth »t.. in West Oakland; lot 48x130: price $2..".00; monthly rental $30. Apply to WJC CHRI3- TEX. 1759 7th st.. Oakland. CHEAPEST buy In North Oakland: modern 3 room cottage: high basement: lot 40x135: near local. 920 53d.-st. Phone Piedmont 4«28. WHY not live at Piedmont? 7 room houae for rent: new, near car line, unobstructed view. Telephone Piedmont 4261. BY owner, cheap on terms, good car ) service, new 5 room cottage. 874 58th st. W. A. WHITAKER. designer and builder: artis- tic home*': eauv t»rm*: phone Mprrltt STB. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE $1.300^-Bunj-algw, 3 rooms; lot 50x130; bloelc to San Pablo ay.; 40 minutes to city; near school and factories; $400 down, balanc* terms. E. BAUMAN, 1725 Fulton st.. Berke- ley. .. MODERN bungalow. completely furnished. \u25a0 $2,950: $300 cash, balance $25 per month. 2323 Sth st. West Berkeley. CHAPEL st..- 2218— 24 rooms in perfect order. v-^^%l^lED^^ $323 down. -price $3,250 — Beautiful, new, 5 room bungalow; adjoins other fine bungalows w« built and sold. WELLS _ BANGS. 306 Chroa- Icle building. - ' ' '-\u25a0 \u25a0 • FRUITVALE Rfi.lL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL home in Fruitvale; half cash, bat- : ance, on mortgage: or will tnrde: no agent*. x See owner. 704 Hnmboldt Bank bids., or 2£25 Frnitvale ay., Fruitvale. FOR sale or rent — 6 room Bungalow, modern; 50x125, corner. 2GOI Peralta ay.; see owner; $3,700. j*QSS VALLEY REAL ESTATE " . UAKUAIN at SIo.UOO — This beautiful boms mosc be seen to be appreciated. - Telephone Kearax 1*73 »r>rt gi»t nartlonl»r«. . MARIXCOirXTY REAL ESTATE THREE new - entrances jnst acquired from macadamized streets . bringing Laurel Dells and Southern - Heights several minutes nearer B st. ..station and schools; splendid Improve- ments;- all public service; purest water -to' \u25a0- every, lot; choicest lots and location In S.-m Rafael; easy term*. W. L. COURTRIGHT. owner, office opp. Union depot. San Rafael. \u25a0 REAL ESTATE TO BXCIIAXGB ALL kinds -of Oakland. Berkeley and "suburban :" property, . both vacant and improved. " I also have a large list of ranch properties to ex- ; , . -change for Oakland property. Can handle any proposition of merit, as I make a specialty of exchanging property. Call -or write. D. F. MINNEY. 422 lltb st., Oakland. Just east of = Broadway. WILL exchange good Income property _ Ala- meda for building lots unlncumbered. W. C. DAVIS. 400 First National Bank building. Oakland. . IF yoo"wanty 00 "want to exchange your property for 5 and XO acr». apple orchards, , with fine income, correspond with -owner, box 294. Watsonvllle. Cal. POIXT RICH3IOVP REAL", ESTATE YOU will "pay. as much for one front foot a few years from now as we ask 'for' a lot today. Don't mention : this to your children then (It might cause remarks.) Santa Fe tract center Of Richmond: $5 per month buys* a lot. Send for maps. MeEWEN • BROS.. 473 PTne St., S. F. R. T. Shannan. rep. ' ... iio Ai.t, Investments, lots, ranches, acre proper- -tW. HRQWN'*-Wir.*oy. S.mti Ota.- Cat. -^ JLJ^^L^XOTICEg^^ ; ON and after thla date I will not be responsible for • any debts contracted by my wife. Jennie • t'eenev. \u25a0 - • \u25a0 J. M. FEENEY. ~v~~~~AjS£H£S2^E^^ NOTICE OF^IsSESSMENT^' OLYMPIC 1 SALT WATER ' COMPANY. Location of principal place of business, 90 Clay \u25a0 St., city and county of San Francisco, state _»Sef -' California. :- £VB_N___fI&MSMUMM_ -NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a meet- ing -the board of directors held on July 2K, .'•" 1909. 'an assessment of one Uollar ($1) per share' was" levied upon the capital stock of the . corpo- ration, Immediately to the secretary of the- company at ? Its office. -90 Clay <st.» In- the city and county of San Francisco, state of Call— - f ornia. «OHB_HBBp9OIM|MSW_HIB4M \u25a0 -\u25a0Any stock upon which this assessment shall zemain unpaid oa Friday. August 27. 1009. will be \u25a0 delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, : aud \fnless payment, is "made before will be sold ' on ' Wednesday/ September 13, - 1305). a t the hoar < of -12 o'clock m:. .to pay- the deliuctuent assessment," 'toefether ;with eos^s \u25a0of advertising and expense of sale. ' CHAS.* A; GIBSON,* -. \u25a0 Secretary Olympic Salt Water Company. .Office of company pO Clay st.. In the city and county of San Francisco, state of California. Dated In Sari Francisco, CaL, July iKS," 1909. 13