Newspaper Page Text
14 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL SOUTHERN PACIFIC PRICE GOES HIGHER Breaks* Previous Records and Gives Strength to Irregu lar Trading - • I Sityr York Stock List E." F. Uutton A- Co.. 490 Califorala street, •licmiK-rs of tbe New York s-toel. exchange, fur •i<\\ tlxo followlus Jlst of bond and stock sales ' » cstertiay : Miios. I STOCKS. |High.|lx>w.| Bid. I Ask. !.ltX>,Alli?i-Chalnierß ...| 16%| 15% | 16% 16}4 :.->Wi Do pfd. I 5714 55»4 SCH 57 .; i.4C«tiAina!g Copper jSS 84 84*^ 54»4 - SUOJAnwr U*ex Sugar| 49"^ 4SH 4» 4»Vi ...r..j Do pfd 1 95% 9tji-i I.lOOjAuier t'aii Co | 12« i 12H, 12% 12^, • ".KHij Do pfd } »3% 82 hi S3H> 83^i i.'.^txi Am Car ie lYidry.] CJIJ, 67 69^4 69% iJJSUO\ Do pfd |119"»|I19% 118 JI2O , ":K>U,Anier Cotton Oil.) 76 T^ 76H 76%| 76% .: r Do pfd. i j 102VJ 107 . . i'.iiHiiAmer Ice Secs...| 39 SSU. 38!^ 39 OOUjAorer Linseed jl7 j 16"^ 16*; 17 1 Do pfd j 45Va 4« :-.UnrAmer Ix«omotlve.| 67%| GS4J tJTii G?^ GOO] Do pfd..., \l2o\ 120>«jl2u^ 121 ' .American Malt...; G% 1 \u25a0 .' j Do pfd \u0084 r.2 54 ;;T>'Nt,Am Smelt & Eef. !»%| OBJ-4 98% 99 1.010, Do pfd. 114%|114ig 114V4 114»i SOOiAmcr Sugar 131\,131 131 1311* ....] Do pfd 1.."... 125 126 •KjOAia Steel Fndes. 57 m\^ 56>4 57 ' 4>OP Amer Tel & Tel.. 143% 143 143H 143>4 . 7iKijAmer Tob pfd... 102 101 "•» 101% 102 41V1 Anier. Woolen I 36"^ 30 {38 SUM \u25a0 \u25a0 400t Do pfd 10614 IOC 1041,4 104»4 • -2.<tfif> Anaconda 49'^ 49 49% 49*ri • I.«kwi Atlan Coast Lmr.;334 : v 134 134^ 134^j 27.9.0V, A T & Santa Fe.j11994 119% 119i>, 119& •.-.-.:•..••. Do pfd |... 104% 105 • -.'7.700 Baltimore & OUloill9!i 113% 119Va 119% ..*\u25a0\u25a0 f-ftopfd { 1 93 »i V '- fiwßVthiehem SteeL.j SIM 31% 31U 31% -:"' 7/KV Do pfd I 03>i 62 63 C 4 ;-.i;i^of/B R T 181 79«4J .80>/j 80->4 '.. •.".-,\u25a0,.. ..Canada Southern.] | 62 H7 .."•••\u25a0"..lioo" Canadian Pacific. jlsflVs l l^S^ l^STg 189 •'. icSOOiC * O I 79>^! 78** 78 "4 79 \u25a0•."•l". 'iwt' & A I b"7}j| W%| 66?» OT^a ; :;:>.W»f*C'G W |1 »4|» 4 | % 1 ':•,,-•;...•! Do pfd 1 j....! 24 25 •;>\u25a0' .KK3X' '& N W JlS7?*, IS7 ISG»4 187 «" n.'.;«"i«* v' m&st P |15» 158 lisa ioth; 1 ...,', .Do pfd v ..j |..... 17OViil7iit*. -. *\7Vn.i; Central Leather. . j 36"r4 35 j 36 | 36^4 - -:v*<j 'Do pfd iiosu l<«>& liasuiloy^ •: •-. -.OOO.Ontrai of N J...J236 231 255 " 300 ; .\%V;-:.j Chicago Terminal.!... 1 i 2 • ..-\u25a0;.'•. £\u0084.\ 'Do pfd il2 13 'v'.'TtofO'C C & St L 77»4 76%) 76U 77 y, '..';..', "Do pfd ...:lfA5 .'...: T-:«.£00|Co!o Fikl & Iron. 4S 47*4 47Vs 47% .".) Do'pfd 85 !< • <a.Ki,Coluiu U0 i: 1... 64* s 64 «:iVi «4 •.i'v ; j.*. ..T"l<» .SoutU«»rn t 55* .".6 SjSLlOdj .!»<» l^t pfd 82 Sl i^i 81 Biy. •V 4-... *.\. Oo 2d prd ....] 80«4 SI \u0084:..S(Ki Consolidated Gas.|l43"i 142*4 142*4 143 »'-:'3;l<>t-Corn Products.... | 25 V4 24% 25 J 25U „,...:.," ih> pfd I SS%\ 89Vi • ; : .a.«o<,»'P*'l & Hudson 1954 194% 195 195"4 \u25a0:;.:..:-.!D J. & W ...; 575 640 .-,' :>;.*tOO;D ifi G j 49^4 43 49 49% ;•'. >.«<*•• ihi pfd 85>i 85 85 86 'w-V.r.'.JDiamond Match 128H 130 -•y.SbO'DistiUing Secur. . 39"^ 38«4 39*4 39ji : -'J:':". i.jDutarli t< S & A 16' i 17 tv, pfd j 324 33 ". "4flU'XnEFie I 38"i 37% 38V* 38% "i*.^* 1 * .!•>*> -Ist pfd O<>% 55 56 5»J% VS-imi; IJo 2rl pfd 46 45& 44*4 45 . :".l.U»t> < Elect He. 1 170 U 170 170 170% r "l^roo{Ureat NortU Ore..j 7S%| 77"^ 77% 7S -:7V.7{>o;«rfat North pfd.. 154mi53%|154% 154% \u25a0: s^yO(-lUlnoU Itntral... 15T.? 4 i154 J154 154»i '.-» I.4,oo jlnt«»wn» Metro.. 15^| 15»4 15".i 15% i'.'Xw J)-» l<Ed ....| 48>4 47% 47T4 48 \u25a0..•^•. : .., lnter Mcr Marlne| . . 1 G% 7 •;.\u25a0.:..'..: i*o pf.i i 22H 23 - SVroo.l nter Paper 17. 16 ltt?| 17 -: -sfl(j' -1> O ptd «7«4 «6»4 67Vi 68 •\u25a0 -••iwlnter Puntp S9Vs S9\* 39^ 40 ::: .••.-.:..! \h> pfd 87» 4 «7% ! '-l'.4'iU'lowa Central : 32% 32»4 32 32% \u25a0•' T&i't Do pfd 57% 57^ 57% 57% \u25a0SSJtJQpjK C Soiuhern 4SV 47% 48 48% ' ••\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0OXti Do i»f«l 73 72% 72*4 73 • -i.tMoi. : ,kc Erie & W.. 29% 28 29V« 29% ..- 'wmV iU, pfd 63 61% 61% 62 > ' •;iift'l, A N : 147 145 Vi 140% 147 \u25a0' \u25a0• rtV.'Mackny 84 83% 83% 84% :..;.^...i Do pfd 74% 74% .v.;. .-Manhattan 145 146 .'. ...V.'i Metro St 8y..... 18 21 •40OjMexlcatJ Central.. 24 23»4 23% 23% V... '.'..'\u25a0 Minn & St L 55 5G% .:\u25a0.....[• Jo pfil W 85 " SOOiiJ fit K*6S M.. 144% 144 143% 144 i IM pfd J IGI 163 :."'2iMiorrMo Kan 4: Tex. | 43% 42% 4.1% 43% ••'• looi D<. |.f<l ... j 74% 74 74 74% \u25a0'•• :? <MMi M<. Pn<-in<- 75% 75 75 75J4 \u25a0"-,.. •.'...iNasu V& St L...| 120 130 ixVoolkaUonil Lead... 89% BS% JS9% 89% v.-..:..i Do pfd 113 H4 . " f. .National Biscuit. 106% 107 H-. ,:.' Do pfd !- ......... 124% 127 • .• . •\u25a0•;•. . . ] NcwUst- CM& «| 2% 3 ; • l <».•«. N V Air Brake.. 93i,i 92% 92% 93 :-k<WN V Central - ...141% 140% 141 141JJ :• . XYC&StL... 56% 58% •\u25a0"\u25a0••..'•...l Do Ist pfd ...| i 100 110 " .:. . i I»o 2d pfd *"• s ~ ' ''. .N VNH «: Hart! | 172% 175 :;\vh.*N V Ont & W... 51% 51% 51% 52 • - 4 2t«' ; Nor & Western. 95% «5 95 "4 95% '•';\u25a0". '.Dopfd > «2 100 •• :« *it?i' North American.. j 85% 84% 84~6 80% • it OOoTSortbetß Pacific. 156V4J155 150 156% • .• :l..'.iOmaha 137 \u0084.-...,\u25a0, Do |.M !•-••\u25a0 l £> }•» •'\u25a0 j \u25a0 'Pa<-in- Coast 9o 100 '-vVcwU'adflc Mail .... 33% 32 33 33»& I WUHMaa Ult CO ... 141% 140 141J% 140% •:2:sVi.:iVo,.lCs Gas . ..1115* 114% "5 115% ••'•"......• Piusburg C0a1.. 1 f 14% 14% "..:-. , n,. nfd 1 "* 2 52^* \u25a0-•\u25a0;\u25a0•• 'P V C&St L 93!4 93% :•\u25a0."• ••:•\u25a0; -Do pfd no 120 ; *:s^i(Hj,l' > P-sscd Steel Car .12% 45% 52% . » ; : tt». Do pfd -IKW W8 109% 110 '•'\u25a0:-V«''Uv Steel Spr Co. I 50 48% 49% 50 - * Do" Pfd .......! 1»J 108% MV.vw'.'.t.-a.ii" IO? 1«1% I*l% lCl»i .»:; I:-, pfd .... |io2 101% 10.) lof \ -\ >\u25a0 Do 2.1 **fd SJ4 \u25a0**, \u25a0.-^.C^nopublic Sil.J 57% 'M 54 36% BT% -; r.]..(i l>o i/fd " lIOGU 106 10CH 10(j% \u25a0\u25a0.l^i-nlu.Kk 'island Co.- U% 39 39% 39% •' iJJKOO Do pfd 77% iO-,4 .01* .6% :,.?...> Dopfd »J 12 .0 \u25a0'•^ R , ; I>o 2d pfd ....| 56 wH £.% s<_> \u25a0•'?--. Vi 1 & s w 2< 2l^* • ""•aiolVno nfd « »5U< 66% «6i,4 60% O.MM. Soutnc'rn Pacific {130% fgS 136% 130% r.-wiSoT-.thrrn Railway :«H J3 3-»% 33"4 .1..500 Do pfd ....... g% SSM 43J4 -3% . -. «UO&«»« P^inc ..-! 36 .UK 3VA 3o? 4 •VKXllThird Avenne .. 20 19% 19 20 . 1 uio Toledo St L& W 51% ..1 51 51% . f«im Do pfd -- 70% 69% 70 70% = t ;:rvT«1» CltT B T 103 103% •: -t" * Paper. .......... 13% |4 "".'\u25a0Jvn Uds of S F. 38% .39 '.' I Do pfd 55% M% • • "U S Cast Iron P: 33 ->3% \u25a0"V^.l Do pfd 84% S4 84 84% ...Si; S Exprew 1 So 9.i UjjamVZH Rubber 1 44i£- 44 44 44% W.i m> i« pfd ...:)iiß lii - 117% us . 4(«t Ho 2d pfd .... 56% 84 55% 86 9XOTOIC S Bt«el Cor... T**4 73% i 74%j 74-14 37»o; Do pfd 128%U25^t125%!125% U-iTtnli Cpper ... 51 j 50% 1 50% 51 ' r. UXi.Va-Car Cbfm C 0. .1 54%! 53*4! 53%) 7A I .'•...! Do pfd .1 j 1121 1122% . Mti'.Wnltayh - I 21%| 21%| 21% l 21% .« T. 00! Do i.M t 57T*I 57% l D7«4 ''"% . .IWHIs Farco Ex.!-.-..! I R5 I 95 r,im;West«rn Union ..I 76"&! 76 7<i | 76>4 2 IKifJAV^tfngbonse ...\hT, ! 85%( 85% 88 • : {W &. L n I 6%! « 1' « 1- 7 . ' Do mpM 1 1 -I 16 ! 17 :!"..:.! Do 2d pfd 1 ! I 7%1 8 , ' Sftn; Wisconsin Central! 57 ! 57 i -%6%l -: i....! I>« nf«l .-I. 1 1&» l»0 \u25a0.!...!Am HMo & L...! 9%l VK\ 9% Bfe^y.l Do. pfd ! 49%1 46H1 45»4) 43 ; >-ew* I York Boiidti I' S r«>f 2« rc?..Hß»a, !lllOu l^t ref-4sfK)% «>,. .rmixiii 100%!lnt Met 4%s K1 I»«. 3« rc5......1f>1 lint Me r Mar 4%s 70% Do <-o:ipon ..'..101 iJanan 4s . . .• MH; Dv >x nn:. .....117 ! Do *\(,k ....... r»4% . n<» o.«iW.n .»'.:ll9%lKan City So Ist -*!« 74*4 \l!is Chal Ist r.s. Br,%iL Shor deb 45,193 i fU^ Voir-r Arrtcnl r.s.lO2^iL & N unified 48. .100>a Virrr T&T <-v 45.109«i!M.K & Textlst 45.100% Ai>»r Tcbsccfi 4». Do Ren 4%s ... Sl% l\,i «;s ...;. ...111**1 Mo Pacific 45..... S2M innour 4'.^ t>4%IX R of Mcx 4%5. S4'4 °*AtHi tfe« "4* ...101 IN V C sen 3%5.. 02 I*o <-v 4« llfc'.l-l Do doh 4« ...... 4.'. \i |»o cr r.< IWKXr..VH & H cv6s.l3S*ii V<l«n C L Ist 4s !#;%INor & W Ist con4s !W% Bull *: Osjl«,'4*..lfH)"Kii Do cv U ......101 !»„ ::',.s '.i::3«jNor Pacific 4s l02«i *Do js" W \u25a0: S"-i «." «*••«-' Do Tin .."".74% Mrtv.klrn Tr vv*4s s7»ilo S Line rf dp 4s; »4»4 •VnJrfl «f G:i r.s.l'J!!"SiJPa cv 3%5, 1915. fl7i^, r«n» I.r-i(tli<>r i*..lW !Pa con 4s ...:..:iO4iJ enn «.f NJ pn 55.128 llteadinK cen 45... 100*4 (iif-s & Ohio 41i*.104%|StL, & S F fg 4s. 86*-; Do ret 5s 101%!. Do mi '»% ..... »1% «'l,t A- Alton ::'i.s. 75UlSt L S-Wcon 45.\7»% C R & O Joint 4s SSJril I>o Ist cold -45.. !M% Do pen la. .... .!<k>i.; ! Seaboard A I. 4s. SI 414 1 Mi- StP pn 3%* >%S»%iSo Pacific col 4*.. J>3% C.hl/c P*r <ol 4s 81 I Do or 4s 105% Do .-o! 5s 93"«fc! Do Ist rcf 45.. n.*»V4 Do rof<|~ 45.... «2 . jSo Ratltray ss. ;..U2% r<>l.i IndilsT.s R3%t Do cpii.4s ..... BS% Colo Midland 45.. »4 {Union Pacific 4s.".Ui3'£ Col So ri-eil 4%* JW'i! _I>o cr 4? ..'....111 Del &. Hud ct 4£.100%1 Do Ist <c ref 4s. «»% Local Securities Much Quieter Comstock Shares Active and Firm jmAricet^ shows more strenght YOEK, Auf. 2 Clo*e observer! of the stock market today agreed that it >howed great underlying strength and in creasing breadth in spite of th« irregu lar xoA reactionary movement; in . prices. Profit taking was evident throughout the day. The market's power .of absorption and the sucoess attending the effort to garner profits was* remarked on all sides. - Th» slight movement of prices in some quarters and the repression under which the market seemed to act were regarded as more convincing ' of the undertone. - of strength' than a vola-tile uprushof; prices would hwe been. There was a palpable shifting o£ speculative, holdings and houses that have been conspicuously; active in stocks whfrfi have led the market recently were buyers of stocks which came to the front in the day's upward movement. The most potent factor in sustaining prices in face of the heavy realizing sales was. the vigorous strength shown by Southern Pa cific. This was most conspicuous on the strong side of the market. Pennsylvania, Bock Island, the Erics, American smelt ing-, the railroad equipment group and some other particular stocks responded to the Southern Pacific movement. The effective ness of these -was * not impaired . by the heavy tone of Union Pacific, United States Steel, New York Central and at , times Reading, which were the features of last week's strong showing. Southern Pacific's high price to day eclipsed all previous prices by a liberal margin and United States Steel lacked a fraction to its record. The government report of cotton was accepted -with languid interest. Honey and exchange conditions were not materially changed. Bonds were irregular. Total, sales, par xalue $&.242,C00. / United States bonds were unchanged on call. Den & Rio U 4s. 975; V S Rubber 05..10.5* i Do ref 5s 95% U S Steel 2d ss..lofii,i Distillers r.s 7«% Va Car Cheni 55.. 99 H Erie prior lien 4s. S.S"£ Wabash 'Ist 55,... 113 Do pen 4s 78T4 Do Ist & ext 4s 7f5% Do cv 4s, Per AS7 Western -Md 45... *(l% Do cv 4s, ser B 78*4 .Westing El cv, ss. »4% Gen Elect cv ."in.. 155 Wls Central 45... 95*4 Sew York Mining; Stocks Alice ............. 1.f15 Leadvllle Con .... 04*4 Brunswick Con .. 01 Little Chief 07 Com Tun Stock.. 24 Mexican 90 Com Tun Bonds.. 21 Ontario 3.00 Con Va Mm Co.. C 5 Qphlr .*. 1.15 Horn SElver .;... 85 Standard .1.55 Iron .Silver I. SO Yellow Jacket ... 75 Boston Stocks and Bond* Money — Am Arg Chem pfd. lo3 Call loans 2*£<g3. Araer Pneu Tube. 9 Time loans ...3USS Amer Sugar 131*4 Bonds— ;i -\u25a0•\u25a0 Do pfd 125*,j Atohlson 4s 101*4 Amer Tel & Tel.. 143 "4 Do adj 4s 95 Amer Woolen ...-. 36Va Mcx Central 45.. 94 Do pfd - 104 V* Railroads — Dom Iron & Steel. 46^ Atchlson 110% Ed Electric 1Uum.255 Dopfd 106 Mass Electric .... 12% Boston & Albany. 23o Do pfd 75 Boston & Maine.. 150 Mass Gas... 65 Boston Eler 12S United Fruit- 140% Fltchburp pfd ...130*4 Unl Shoe Mach... 65 X Y. N H & H..171 Do pfd '. SOU Union Pacific ...202% U H 5tee1......... 74*4 Miscellaneous — Do t pfd \ ....... 12S ik Amer Arge Chom. 45 THE COPPER STOCKS The following list Is furnished by B. : F. Hut ton & Co.. 490 California street, San Fran. Cisco, Cal.: Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Adventure ..7 — Miami »16 16*4. Allouez 45 45VJ Michigan .... 10"£ 10% Ama.l O>p .. 84*4 84 "4, Mohawk ..... 64 66 Am Zl>& Sm. 31% 31*4 Nev Copper.. 23% 24 Ariz Com .. 44 44% Newhouse ... 2% '3 " Atlautlc !»% 10 North Butte.. sS*>4 58* A Bost Corbln. lh% 20 North Lake.. 9'ft' J)W BostC C& G 15% 1G Old Dominion 56% 57 Bte Coalition 25*4 20 Oscoola .'. ... — 13S Cal & Ariz.lOtt lW%'Parrot .. '33% 34 Cal & Hecla.CoO 675 iQuincy ...... 89 Centennial .. 33 34 JSanta Fe ... 2 2V4 Oippr Range 83*4 &"*4!Shannon ..... 1614 ifiu, Daly West.. 8 Shi Super Copper. 57' 57% East Butte.. 13 13*-i|Super & Bost 15% 15~4 Elm River... 1»4 l^l.Super & Pitts 17*4 174 i Franklin .... 18 ISI4 Tamarack ... OS 70 Gironx 9"6 10 Trinity ...... 13% 14 Granny 102 103%tUSSM R&, M 541 i 54U Grerae Can.. »Ts 10 j Do pfd ... 51% 32 Isle Royale.. 29 2J»%!Utah Apex .. 4% 5 Kerr Lake .. 7% 7%J Utah Cons .. 45V4 -4~>V. Keweenaw .. 3% 3*4 i Victoria '. 4% n" I^ake Copper. 2.8*4 29 Wlnona fi <;"/, lifl Salle ... 14 141J Wolverine . .:152 155 Mass . Mining. 8% 9 Wyandotte . . . 2*4 3 Mexico Cons. 4% 4% Yukon Gold. . 5% 5% Condition of the Treasury WASHINGTON. Aug. 2.— The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows: • TRUST FUND • G » 1(1 «>]•»;, $852,034,869 Silver dollars 487,008 000 Silver dollars of 1890 4J69 0o<) Silver certificates outstanding 487'ooVoon GENERAL FUND ' ! Standard silver dollars $3 195 124 Ciirrent liabilities . .;. . M.HCA4W Working balance in treasury offices.. 35739 > 90 <> In banks to credit of treasurer, U. S. 43.555422 Subsidiary silver coin '2fi*s7l'lll Minor coin ;..... °'430'97S Total balance in general fund......." 108, % 437;754 Xetv York Money Market NEW YORK. Aug. 2.— Money on call easy XV. Ci 2 per cent; ruling rate. 2 per cent; closing bid, I*.. per oent; offered at 1% per cent. • Time loans dnll and firm; CO dayg 2U<3'>t/, per cent: 90 days, 2%*33 per cent; six months! 3%<&4 per cejit. Prime mercantile paper. 35j 04 per cent Sterling exchange steady, withactual business" in bankers' bills at $4.R535@4.5340 for 60 day bUls and a,t S4.R6SO for demand. . 7 <'ommercial bills. $4.84*4 @4.85*m Bar silver. sO*4c. Mexican dollars. 44c. * . < Bonds — Government, steady; ' railroad* irreg ular. Loans. Excbange and Silver Prime mercantile paper .-(20 per cent Loans on real e5tate......:...-... cr^S per cent Sterling exchange, 60 day 5....... — (54.85*4 Sterling exchange, sight ; — 04.8714 Sterling exchange, cables..'. — 04.88 '-• «;..-('•' New York excbange," eight. . .. 6r> , 5 • New York exchange, telegraphic, —rd. 7V. Hongkong exchange, sight —0 • 42% Hongkong exchange, telegraphic. — ft 42SJ Silver, per ounce —<^ . 50*4 OIU . DIVIDEISOS The following dividends by active listed oil stocks have been paid to AugnstVl':: '- \u25a0 \u25a0-\u0084-/„*.; \u25a0 No. of Date ; Amwnnt Amount of - ; : ; Total Paid COMPANY Dividend Paid" per share Dividend to date ": Alma 12 .- sept 22, '08 |0.03 ?11,400.00 • .f $13«.SOO.OO -\u25a0 Amalgamated Oil .' 24 j,,) y 15,-00 : 1.00 \u25a050,000.00- -1,200.000. 00". Apollo ........:.... ..'.... 2 ' "Mur 20, "05 J .01 V 2.000.00 V' V 4,000.00, 000.00 Associated Oil Co. :' ;.. 4 Mar , ' ))7 j.r.O 420,000.00- 1,522,309.39 .Brookshlre 33 Ju t y \u25a0 j,- '09- \u25a0' .-.02 •'\u25a0» 10.000. 00 "\u25a0*"\u25a0 402,500 .'00! Caribou 51 . July 15, 09 . .25 20,175.75 •'539,125.74" Chicago Crude '.. o Mar 25.V07 ' • 5.«K). 00 ', ""15,000.00; CUremont . '.. 50 July 25, 09 .02 9,000. 00' '242,0*10.00 Coalinsa Pacific. 15 July 25,. '09 .10 - «,500.00 *R9 050. (KP Columbia .. 2H " July, 25. '09 - %c • 4,996. 31; 219,837.4(5, Esperanza :. ......... 21 j,,iy 27,/OO'i ; .0114 2.400.00 v> 34,250. W Euclid 29 : July I,' Oft, .01 • 3.500.00 ~ ; ' 96,000.00 -•Four •• ....--\u25a0. C 4 June 25, *0t» ".\u25a0\u25a0•".fit- 3,000. CK1/ 201,000.00 <> lob<> •••;•'• • • •• IS. July 1,09. .01 -6.000.00 '" 69,000. 00. Ilanford - .......". 30 : JiVn 30, '{HI . 2.00 ' 4.000.00 ? . 80,000. 00' llome A 9 July 20.^09 .02 2.f»00.00 ' *458,000.00' Homestake v. 41 June 24, '0n .10 1.000. W 73 250.00-, Illinois Crude... 29 July , -J.-'tJH- .r»2 '\u25a0-'* 4,000.00 "" 72 000 00 Imperial 05 July 7, "09 .C(K 60,000.00 1,820.000.00 Junction s t Junc\ I.'OH .01 2,500. 00"" *20000;00* Kern River.... ....- '•» Fob • S, ; "09 .10 2,000.00 \u25a0;• 98,000. 00 ? Linda \ ista \r, July. .S. 'o9 , .«ti . "-.< 838.50 '57 577 r,u Lnclle : 13 July; 12, '09 .10 > 2,670.40 -', 34,'"15. 20 ': Monte Cristo ...;... 55, July 15, 09 .03 • 15,000.00 \: \ 295 OCKI 00 i Nevada County ' .;.-... 3 Oet 13, 08 .04 -10.000. oo"'. "40 000 00 P«lairr 2 July 15. '09 ' .02 36,040.20! ,' J 70'160'20 Peerless ", July 20. '09' .06 6,000.00 :759,0(H).00' Piedmont 5 May,.s, > 09 v .01 3.890.00 : .19 097 30- Plnal ....;.... — July 31/.'09-. .10 : \u008415,000.f (O": r 7B9,S4r!oir Pittsburg ...... ;-. 10 Nov 11, :07 :^ f .24«i 58.K00.(X1 :>: > t'l24 SOfl.OO^ Record 1 • July; 15. '09 :a"» ; -5.000. 00 -' ; r3,000 00 K<*ed Crude : 10 July -2rT. '(«». ~ .*C. ' S,O»W.fM) \u25a0 i;i 12.000. 00 • Rice Ranch.'.- 10 July. jr.. '09 ,:. % .fll',> 3,ft00.00-', .75 000 (H) I Iloyalty ...:................. 8 July 10, r.'OO'.* ' *.O4 ;. 800. 00? v 5.400.00! S. F. \u25a0& McKittrlck.. »,. Jiily* i,,:09 .30 :'. 15.000.00 185 000". 00 Saver Dougft.-.. 41 July 26. '09 .05 9.975:00 ' '"\u25a0 40S 975 CO Sovereign ....; ;..... :... 15 July 1. '09 .01 5,000.00 : /:-' So'.OOoIOO Sterling .' 20 June 15. .'O9 >. - .25 • 62,500. 00 '. ' C22.000.0i1> Superior 9 • Jqly 20. :09 \u008401" 5.000.00 .f 45 000:00 ; s. w. &8....V \u25a0...*.."..... 5 July 10, *on -;oi. - :'?,77o:fKi' ;.'•\u25a0,*; 33,030 00 .Thirty Three 57 April -0, '07 -.30 '.30.000.00 .-640 000. 00 i Union .:. ..i.: ..:...:.. ................ -]56 July '09 ' .50 :'\u25a0 117.711 00 ?.'.*> 362 649*15< United Petr01eum.. :........ i».> July 25, 'fi9 .50 40.375:50 ;1,.W..9."..->. !)."!; " Wab«sh :.;... i::T... .......:'....;:....- 19 July 21, / Oft :". .01 -O.OOO.OO •;': t-96.O(mi.oo West Coast (preferred)........'.. 2 July- 25. .'OS ',2. Ofi '20,816.00 f • j.41, 632. 00 ; Wet^t 5h0re..:.... .:.:.......:..•....... 47 Dec 21;.*0S . ;\u25a0 .05 . • 5.000.00 )_\u25a0"\u25a0 235,000:0n Western Union. .:..'. ...\u25a0....\u25a0...'.'........ — Dw 15.' ,'O7 -; "2.00 -20,000. (Ki •:"- : ;.454,9." t l .oo : Tfitnl dividends paid Ito date. . .- '\u0084 .. . . '.. .... . .... .. \u0084 .V.\ .;'. ?20.910,SQGJS7' '\u25a0; Total dividends paid by \u25a0 the above : companles' ; for July, 190!>.ii?491,565.66. '•; " " v" 1 ;-' THE SAN Mexican dollars, n0mina1 ...... . . .'—@ '50 \u25a0 7 CONTINENTAL .; , New York on Paris .....".............. . M7»i New York on Mexic0. . . . . . . . ..........;.. •> 201*4 Paris on L0nd0n."......... :.v.;.T.;.:.i...25. 19*.£ Berlin on London : ... ; : I .\v.v.\ : *. . .'.* . ;' -.": . 20. 44 STOCK-MARKET The volume lof \ trade \u25a0 in : local securities was «nall yesterday/ with 'few- changes. Alaska packers continued -to ; decline, < selling \u25a0.* from $71.62*4 down to's69;and'- closing at; s67' bid. City electric ' stocks and 'bonds .were V; higher. Associated oil 1 5 - per r cent ': bonds were * lower ; at $92 owing, to the dividend.^- The following bonds were ' ex coupon : ::. United • States 4s, $1; United . States 3s; 75c: Associated oil ss, $2.50; Cali fornia 'central ; gas and; electric <55,; $2.50. : Among the, unlisted: securities "Pacific gas and electric preferred sold s*i rights n and ' made a new high record; ". The stock was $85 bid, which means $108.50, , as the rights \ amount to a half a phare of-'common- stock, .which Is:. quoted' at $47(545.. :.• Other unlisted 'quotations were:; '.Yo semite valley ss, $92.50 asked;. Pacific gas,"and electric 5«. $94.25@95 ; Western i. Pacific , ss. $100.75 bid; common, $29.50@30.50; sales at $30: People's water, common;, $4(5 4.50. •\u25a0• The Oonistix-ks were -strong, with most of themhigher, and were more- active. The "only feature in the pouthern : Ne varias \u25a0 was an advance in Goldneld consolidated and Tonopah of Nevada, each from $6.90 to $7.05.- • .; . . The following oil stocks were ex dividend: Brookshire. 2c;' Euclid. >lc: Illinois Crude, le; San Francisco -and McKittrick, 30c. - - ARsessiment Directory Comstock Mines Company— No. Del. Board. Sale Day. Amt. Potosl :...... 11 July 2 5 .10 .Reg. Belcher. .45 July .3 Aug. 5 , .03 Yellow Jacket.33 July '5 Aug. 17 .25 Alpha ........11 July. 12 Aug. 6 - .10 Sierra Nevada. 18 July 15 Aug. 10 .10 W. Con. Va.. 4 '-....;.'.. Aug.. 10 .10 Belcher ......89 July'lH Aug. 10 ' .10 Caledonia ....79, July: 18 .Aug. 13 .05 Best & 8e1ch. 92 July 19' Aug. 10. '•"' .10 Savage ...... .15 July 24 Aug. 18 " .10 Exchequer ...14 Aug. 12 Sept. 13 .05 Con., Virginia. l 2. Aug. 12 , .Sept. 7 .25 Crown Point. . 3' " Aug. 21 S«>pt. .17 .10 Lady Wash. . .23 ' Aug. •30 Sept. 20 .03 STOCK -AXD' BOND EXCHANGE , MONDAY, Aug. 2— 10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES BONDS - Bid. Ask.J ' , Bid. Ask: 4s qr cp new— — .- 13» qr "coup. ;.\u25a0 — \u25a0 — - MISCELLANEOUS ''BONDS \u25a0 Ala A W sb. — — ' Oak- Trad ss. 104 105 4 Awso Oil 55.. 91*4 92% 0 Tran Cn 5s — -105 « Bay CPC us. .104 A'Trac Cn 5s 97% 98'^ Cal C G ss. 103^ — OTrac Cp 5s 94' — " CalG & E g O W gtd ss. 95 " — m& ct 5-.100 101 Om Cable 6s.HO 112*4 Cal st C 55.100 — Pac Glm 48. — 92"^ Cal Wine ss.' Bs*^ — ,P E Ry ss. .105*4 \u25a0'—'-. City El 55.. 84% -^ Pac. E&P;5s. 9454 — C C Wat 55.10U4 — Do gtd .sa:'.loo*Alol*£ Do g mgss 92 93 Pac f&T ss. 98^1 — Ed El LA 55.102 Vi — P& CII 6s. P9 — Ed L&P Cs.lll — p& O R 68.103 — First F TrSs.lOl — People's Wss 72 73 F & C-H 65.105*4— Powell st 65..102H — H C & S 55.106 10fiJ/j Sac < EG&RSs. 102^4 — Hon R T 65.105"4 — SF & 5JV58.115 — L Tahoe Rss 99 100' SF.O &.-5J55.105 105* i LA Elec ss. — — . Do 2d mgss 06 — LAG &:Elss.lOO*£ — . Do Con ss. — 0« LA Ry sa.:ilO%t— < SJ& SCR 4>^s — — LAL gtd ss. 101 — Sierra R C 5..106 '— LAP lem 55.105%106*,4 S P of A «s LAP Cal 55. 102% — 3 (1910) :". .. .101 — - Marin W ss. 100 105 S P of C tis . Mkt st C 65.104 — (1912) ..:. 10594 — Do lem 55.104 — SPG leg 58.114 — JIVA MtTsn:ioo — SP B R «5.130 133*>i N R of C 55.114*4115«4 SPRR Ist r4s 95% — NP C R 55.100»4 — Stkn G&E «R.lo3V'a — NC Ry 55.. 103 94 — SV W g mg4s 88% — NCPCo 5s 98*^100 UG & E ss. 99 j- NGPCn 5s — fl.3!i UR of SF 4s. 76*4 — N El Co ss. — 95 ValleJo.Ben &r O GL&H 55.104 106 Napa RR5s So — Oak Tran 65.109*4 — Val Co P, ss. 100 — WATER STOCKS^' Mariu Co ..60 — |S V Wat Co. 33 . 33Vi GAS ANDELECTRIO City El Co.. 3514 36y.iPac -h pfd.. 70 — N Cal Power 40 40UI Do com ... 49?4 — INSURANCE Cal Ins Co.. 80*4 85 IFireman's Fd.lS2 190.; BANK STOCKS Am Ntl 8k.135 137*^1 Mer Trust J. .220 — Bank of Ca1.376 SB2 *4 l S F. National. — 140 First Natn1..250 265 i Union T. C 0.2700. 2700 — SAVINGS-BANKS \u2666 :\ > Ger S & L. — 3000 IS' F Say U.. — 532% Hum Say Bk — ' — Say & L. So.. — .125 Mut Say Bk. - 73 .— ' ]Sec' Sav Bk. . — 350 STREET RAILROADS - California ..130 — (Presidio 20 30 POWDER Giant Consolidated C 0... ........... — — SUGAR " Hawaiian C. 32*6 — Makawell SC 43 45 Honokaa S C 17*4 18 , Onomea S C. 44*4 4fi Hutch SPC 17*4 — Paaubau SC. 20 27 KUauea S C. Gis — (Union -S'Co.. 55' OIL STOCKS- Amal Oil Co. — 87. jW Coast Opf — — Asso Oil Co. 34,4 34% t ' Do com ...• — — Sterling , Oil.. — 3 |- : • MISCELLANEOUS Alaska PA. C 7«S . JPac Aux F A 314' — Cal F C A.HtO ifKi^iPac C Borax.lsl — Cal Wine A. 37 39 I Pac T&T. pfd 94 04*.(. MV& MtTin. — 115 I ,Do com ... 41% 41% Morning \u25a0 Session 60 Alaska Packers' Assn .....;.. 69.00 100 Paaubau S P Co ........;..; 26.00 $2,000 Northern Electric Co 55.. ...... 00.50 % Street— r ' $5,000 Oakland Water Co 5s 94.62% Afternoon " Session . \u25a0 Board — ' \u25a0 ; \u25a0 50 Associated Oil Co 34.50 , : . 5 City Electric Co .....'.......;• 35.75 30 Cal Fruit Canners' Assn ......100.25 50 Hawaiian Coml & Sugar 00... ;\u25a0 32. 50 50 Hutchinson S P Co ". . ... . . :'• 17.75 , 5 Pacific Tel & Tel-(common) . .-. . 41.12*/.' $2,000 Associated OH 5s ..........>..;' 92. 00 $5,000 City Electric Co 55... •".'.... : : v.-. iSS.(H) $1,000 Hawaiian Coml & - Sugar . ss. .mc. 00 $2,000 Northern Electric Co 55..-:.... .90.50 $2,000 S F, 1 O & S J Ry;2dmtg 55. '90.50 $3,000 SPRR Ist refdg 45. ...... .'95.75 $2,000 Spring Val Wat gen mtge: 4s.. 58. 75 Street — .. l" '.: \u25a0;-.«. 100 Pacific Tel & Tel (common). .. .41 .25 $10,000 City \u25a0 Elec trie Co; 55.. ...... 85.00 California Stock and. Oil Exchange Bld.Ask.' ' ..'; Bid. Auk. Alma 41 '—Occidental .... 2U — Amaurot- .... 76 ; — | Paraf fine ......:> 75 '..; HO Apollo ... — 10 Palmer ....'.-. .1.30 — Asro Oil tc.34.50 — Peerless ...'... - — " C 75 Brookshlre .1.40 1.62% Piedmont . 19 — Caribou.. 13.00 — Pinal ...... — 9. 37'/. Chi Crude . . . ,08 Record ..*.'... . 5 . 00 -- Claremont . . . \u25a0 — 2 .40 Rice Ranch ... 1 . 05 1 . 20 Esperanza .. ;. . — 1.50 Rico \u25a0...:..,'. .3.15' — Four — 30 S F & McK.20.00 \u25a0 — Fulton ........ — 2. OOShawrmut ...... — «(.( Graclosa ..... — 50 Sovereign ..... 21"' — Junction ..... —. 55 Sunset Mon ; . . 50 — Kern ........ 55 —Turner ...;\u25a0... \u008485- . 95 Kern River.. — 11.00 Union-. ...105.00 110.00 Linda Vista.. — : CO W Coast, pfd.Bo,oo — McKittrick • .:-. 10 — Wolverine .... 20 — Monte i Ciisto.2:Bs 3.00 W KOil Co.. ,' — 2.K5 Mountain Girl — '. 45 West; Union. .: — 95;«X> "100 Monte Crlsto .....:............... 2.00 SUMMARY OH -0- .^ ;^HEi ; iviARKETS; \u25a0 New.York stocks higher. "Coppera steady.' \ » Cotton :, bounds ? on' 1 -, government crop . report. I J Local : stocks .and ". bonds '- quiet. • , • 1 Silver . and . exchange rates unchangedi ', v Wheat still quiot.'i Cash ; barley firmer, -.v- 11 j I Oatt-and-corn dull [and unchanged. ..' 1 Beans show a number of changes. - —\u25a0. ,; Hides 'in 'good demsid. -. \u25a0\u25a0 :f; \ "Hew almonds-sell \it AntiocW - J *$ Butter, cheese, and eggs firm. *:,\u25a0 >\u25a0 Potatoes' and "onions 'plentiful ; and , -weak. ;: • [ .- Fruits in' lighter supply^ and steady •^^S?^ [>.Wineriei in, the market for grapes. : > Poultry dull 'and .nominal." . • ,100 Producers -..i.. ........ 2.55 : ,:\u25a0\u25a0-• 2. p. im.— ...V ;\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .*•;\u25a0:-•-\u25a0 :.;\u25a0" ;\u25a0," .• '>T :\u25a0% 200 Monte Crlsto ' " • '\u2666'•• 2.ST^ 500 Amaurot. ••- - S1 Mining. Stocks - SAX FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE gffi : Following were the sales "on the San , Francisco stock and -board yesterday: :. : •;:- COMSTOCKS '. i - - r ' r •'* .Regular -Morning -Session 1 . V; Uoo:Belchert ...... out 20»» Union .'... 43 300 Gould & Cur. lr.j 400 Union ..7. .".V.- 44 Afternoon Session : , -'\u25a0.'-. iIOO Belcher \u25a0"-. . . .v f,5( 400 Con "\u25a0 Va M, Co. ,71 ' § 500 Belcher ..'.*. « . . 63 300 Hale I & Norc. 27 ; 100 Best & Belch, ilo 100 Mexican '..:.:'. SI 400 Best & Belch. \ .36 .100 Savage • \u25a0 : : . TV. '. "37 ; 200 Beat Set Belch. \ 37 200 Savage '.". ..... 3f> .200 Bullion "....:;' 16 200 Savage ..,:... - 40 .200 Challenge Con 20 500 Savage .'..... '. J4l ' 100' Con Va,M-Co. 72 100 Sierra Nev,... : S5 .100; r Do,e 5... 70 '\u25a0;•:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : Informs Session 300 Andes, b 10.. 12 800 Exchequer .... 26 100 Belcher ....'. 64 200 Gould & Cur. : 17 100 Best & Belch. :',S 500 Hale ,& Norc. •" 28 \ 300 Con Va M Co. : 72 100 Mexican ...... 83 200 Exchequer- ..." 25 100 Ophir • . \u25a0'.. . . "'.'. .1.25 CLOSING QUOTATIONS - Bid.AskJ - ; Bid.Ask. Alpha ......... 07 OS Kerituek ..:...; 04 06 Alta .......... 03 \ LadyMVash .. — ,t)2 Andes ....... 11" 13 Mexican;... ... 02 94 Belcher, ...... 63 j 05 New York Conr — 04 Best & Belch. 3.7 39 N Gould. &C 20 — Bullion- ...*... .15 IP Occidental .... 17 .— Caledonia. .?.. .18 *-; 20 Ophir ........1.20 1.25 Challenge Con 19 - .20 Overman ..... 23 25 Chollar ...... 19- 20 PotoM ........ 30 ,32 Confldejoce ... 73 SO Savage .......; .40 41' Con' Imperial. 02. «03 i Scorpion >..;... ,05. 00. Con Va M Co. 71 72JSeg Belcher,.." 06 OS Crown Point. : . -46Uj 50 Sierra Nev ... 35- 37 Exchequer ... 25 27 Silver Hill ... OS 10 Gould &; Cur. .17 .19 Union ........ 44 46 Uale & Norc. 27 2ft Utah :........ 03^:04 Julia . ...04 06 Yellow. Jacket.' .77 ;80 Justice ....;. ,03 — " TONOPAH ' AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS . . Regular . Session— 9:3o to. 12:30 i 500 Blue Bull ... Ofl 100 Jumbo Ex, - b9O '17 .100 Gld Gon M. 7. 02*4 ' '.; '•'• - ' -Afternoon Session '.: - 1000 Atlanta ....>. 14 ."000 Gld' Kewanas.. 09 1000 Bon Clare, s 5 05 2000 Great Bend . . 07 1500 Booth ........ io 500 Jim- Butler .. 0» 5300 Com | Fraction. G4 800 Jumbo Ex .... 17 " 500 Daisy \ .:..'.. 22 1000 Jumbo Ex .... 1 6 ' 400 Daisy ... . 23 1000 Lone Star . . ft 03 400 Dm B Btte C. :03 300 Midway ....;.. ;20 50 Florence . 3.00 500 Oro ;'.\u25a0.'. . . .*. . . 06 1000 Flor 'Ex.: b3O 02 100 Pitts S Peak. 47 450, Gld. Con M... 7. 00 - Informa Session" 500 Atlanta' ...... 14 200 Montana ...... "S 500 Belmont ...... S4 1000 Round Mt..... -<>!• :.r»00 Booth -....„. 10 5000 Ruby Gold M. 02 300 Com : Fraction. «4 1000 Si iv Pick, b6O .12 200 Florence . . . . '.2.!»r. 200 West End .... 24 -100 Montana ..... -77 ; v CLOSING QUOTATIONS - CALIFORNIA , Bid.Ask.. Central ' Eureka . ..• — 20- NEVADA Tonopah District ~ I'y ' Bld.Ask. Bid. Ask. R^lniont ..:.. S3 SZ> Mlzpah Ex . 1 — ,05 Boston Ton . . —\u0084, 05 Montana ..... 76 79 California ... — 01 Mont Mid Ex. . — •\u25a0- 03 C« sir Boy ... — 01 Mon. Pitts Ex. \u25a0'"— f>» Gold Mt .... — 01 North Star \. — - 04 Great Westrn. 01 Ohio Ton . ...>'— 01 Iltrnie . .. — 01 Paymaster ... .— 01 lnd Ton .... '' —•' 01 Rescue Con .. 02 03 Jim Butler . . OS *; 00 Ton Exton \u0084 : * 4S : — MacNamara ".. 24 "25 Ton .of Nev.;6.90 — Midway 19 — West Eud . . . 23 — Midway Ex ..'—o2 Goidfleld District \u25a0 Adam 5,......" 01-' "i^JGrandma . 01 '02 Atlanta ...... 14 15 Great Bend . . nil (is Black Ants . . \u25a0 — '•< 01 Grt Bend Anx : — 02 Blk B.Bonan. 01 02 Grt Bend; Ex. — 02 Blk Butte'Ex "02 Hiberuia ".....'" 01 — Black Rocki..-. \u25a0 — 01 Jnnilio Ex ... 17 — Blue Bell ... 03 ft ,04|Kondall Ex . . V— 01 Blue Bull "... 0« 07| Lonr- Star .... 02 — Btte Goldfleld- 1 - MGirAHiv Dillon ... — 04 Booth ....... 0!) :o! Mid. Pawnee.;. '— 01 CO D ...... — ». -U LMllltown Frac. — 02 Columbia Mt. — lOlMohwk C I^as — 04 Com Fraction. 63 -«U Mohawk Ex . . iO2 Comng J Nation — -"01 Mohawk- Junior '— 04 Conqueror- .... — .04 Nev. Boy .'....:•—- 02 Cracker Jack .V 01 r>2 Nev ' Goldfleld.. 02 — Daisy ....... 23. 24 Oro .:...;.... 06 07 Desert . Chief. . ( — 04 Pot latch ..... ' — "^ OS Dm B Btte C. 02 03 Red Hills .... OR 07 Dixie ......... — 01 Red Top Ex.. 02 03 Empire ."..;..' — 02 Sandstorm,. ....'\u25a0—. 10 Florence ....:2.!>5 — Sandstorm Ex. — 01 Florence Ex.. 01 02 Silver ' Pick .. 10 — : i Frances Mhk . 08 . —St Ives ..'.... 06 — Gon AVash .. '— 01 Wonders...... — 02 Gld Con -M...6.90 6.95 Yellow Rose... -— 02 Gld • Portland. 02 — Yellow. Tiger.. - 07 -.— Gld Kewanas . OS . 10 . , \u25a0 Bullfrog District • " Araargosa. G*. — 01 Mayflower Con 08 09 Amethyst ....;01 — Mont Bullfrog. — Qi Bonnie Clare. 05 06 Montgomy Mt .o3 04 Bullfrog'Min. — 02 Mtg ; Shos Ex. 'l— 'II Blfrp Nat Bk 01 03 Nugget ...... . — iOl Gold Bar .... . — 01 Orlg Bullfrog. — \u25a0Os Gold" Sceptre. — 01 Tramp Con /. 03 V- Homestake K. — \u25a0 vO2 Valley View... 04 (15 Llge Harris.. — 01 Yankee Girl .. — 02 t ' /Manhattan District - Apr «Fool Ex. t — 01 Man Cowboy.. — 01 Allan & Pac. — 01 Man Dexter .. 02 • — Comet- :...... — 01 Man- Little Joe -^- <il Gold; Wedge.. ~ 01 Man Mln-Nev. '— *»l Grauny G M. — 05 Mineral Hi 11... '— " 04 Little Grey .. — 01 Mustanjr Man.. 01 — Man Broncho. — 01 Orlg Man . . . . — 02 MHn Buffalo.. — 01 Pine Nut .... — j 01 Man -Con .... 03 04 Syl Humphrey. — 02 Man Comb : . . — 02 Whale . . . . . ;. . — .01 Man Crescent. ,01 • i -.» , ' • - Other Districts iyj Eagle's . Nest. (Xt 04 Pitts S Peak. . 45 47 Fairvw.G Bid — 02 Raw- Coalition. 22 — Fairvw .Hallst — 01 Raw Queen .. — .30 Falrvwi Eagle. * — vIS Round Mt"*. '\u25a0 . • 69 ' 72 Jack Pot -..:. 03 — Vulture .'..... — - Oi Nov. Hills -...79 —| \u25a0 : •-\u25a0 ' Hond and Stock. Sale* .; Sales on the r stock .and bond' exchange in' July were as follows: \u25a0' ' .\u25a0 r-. -'\u25a0"; securities. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0•" I>flce -_- \u25a0 •."•\u25a0.\u25a0. :v: v ' . : Sales Low | High ;"»---, BONDS. : ,- '.•\u25a0\u25a0.-'\u25a0.. .-..-..• | •..-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Associated- Oir Co. ....:*...; 15.000 93Vi 951.V Bay Counties Power. C0...r;. t 7,000 103 U 103^i Cal (Jns & Elec gen m awl d 71,000 98% 100."- Cal Wine Association.. ...... '.'3,000 85% 8G * City "Electric. C 0.. ..: .v.. ..-. 33,000 83^4 :S4^i Contra CostatWaterjCo.. .'..'. 12,000 100 - 101 >- Do, gen mtge /....-..\u25a0.;. -;.: 4.000 ; 91 Vi 92"i Edison. Elee Co of L'Arrrrr. M.000.".... 102% Ferries &; Cliff, House. Ryrr.'. - .3.000 105^ 100 Lake Tahoe.Ry & Trana Co;. /:'•.".; -99^ Los Anprcles ttas & Elec.Qo. . ; «!,000 9»14 100% Los Angeles Ry C 0.... :..v;." 19,000 109 . 110V'. L Atl'ac R R iKtoon mtg. .v. 4,000 .....105% L A-Paclflc RR of Ca1..:.:": 2.000 .....' 102% Market .Street Cable*. C 0.;.: |v 5.000 \Wi% 104 ' Market St Ry Ist cons mtge. 49.000 102 % 104 Northern , Ry. Co (of Ca1) .... ..... v.v North- Pacific Coast R R Co.. , :«,000 100% 101' I Northern. Calißy.. ;.;;.\u25a0'.;;.: . 10.000 ..... 103^ Northern, Cal Power C 0...... . « 5,000 . 99 Northern. Cal Power Co Con:. 05,000 . .'.*.: -9314 Northern 'Electric; Co. ;v.... . : 4,000 S8 ! /> 90- Oakland '> Gas, ; Light ' & Heat ; < 1 ,000 .\u25a0.".'. : 103 Oakland iTrauslt..... .;::/."... i' 2,000 :...-. 105.- Oakland Traction C0n:. V..... 20,000 >IH% 'OSi; Oakland Traction Co.'.'.'." .-:• '35,000 02% 94^4 Pfloifle Light '& Power C 0.... '2,000 ..:.-. 95 Pacific Tbl'& Tel? Co /.:.:.".. 126,000 97«4 1O«J PurU- & Cliff; House 'Ry.....'. 9.000 .:.:. '99 \u25a0: Park & Ocean :RR.".V. ...... .1.000 . l.'V. 104 K. People's Water C 0.:.....".- 137.000 j7l, ,761/5 Stfcramento Electric & Gas Ry ;i«,(KiO .*;..: liKSVi S-K-&-SV Vnlley.-.^r.'.r;".-. "10.000 114% 11514 S F, Oakland* S J .8y.".-- .20,000 105 1O5«4 \u25a0 Do. 2d mtge;....:;'.\:..":.: \u25a020.000:93^' ;»6. • S P U;R of Arizona? (1910 1';. ,4.000 .'; .vi l(Kl%' i S P\R ; R : of:Cal:.V. :(1912).-: ""4.000 VC,% 10(5?..; i S)P It RCofst re funding. *: lOO.fKM) 05 r :03»i; IStockto'u Ghs '&.'. Electric Cor|> r: S.OOO "..;.. 104 Vi Hpring.Vnl^Water.Co pren mtg .82,000 ;BS*i tSQU i l/nlted' ; Railroads ?of,S > F. . . . 177;OO0 76^4 7S>4 i.Valley Counties Power, C 0.... 10,000 .::.. 100: i ».. :-!. ; . '.STOCKS. :--\u25a0":, ': .; :." .. '. : .. \u25a0 i:. : :.Wntcr— v-:,- : -r-.'... v".-'v ".-'- '''"'\u25a0" \u25a0- -'•\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0':' i Spring * Valley = Water Co. ..\u25a0..'. . 955 33 .""a; i - •Gas' nnd Electric — - •""" ''\u25a0- ' ' - ' • rCity - Electric i Co. ;v. :.'...... : S7o ; :;ii; ,:\r,\: I'NorthernU.'alrPqwer-Co -Con: t-,1,570 35 "^ 4t) i I'atlni: Lighting -jCprp'.pfd.".'. 25,-| v 69;i ;,7l',i !' Do (onnnon ...:.-. ....:'.:'. .; 300 47,. 50. !)'- Insurance- — ' \u25a0•;\u25a0'? \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0 : '. '\u25a0 \u25a0.-' "\u25a0'. \u25a0 '-.'\u25a0. CHlifornia ; Iris Co/. . . . ? . . . . V". • '\u25a0>': 207 ' 70 SI Fireman's Fund.'. .":..:"..:.'•• ; 15 ...'.: lyo^; ,s :.*Banks-r: .*Banks-r \u25a0' r \u25a0 "";" .'-' '• \u25a0'\u25a0^- '.\u25a0': \u25a0 \u25a0 ' :-J •.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' - .\u25a0:"- ''i : *"""•'-"\u25a0' ! fAmcrlcau National - Bank. . . . < \u25a0\u25a0' '- 1" '• .".': : 1.'!2',.'. ! Biink'of CaliforuiK^r..'*"- " "-- : 130 375 ' .{7s>c. L'nlou'Trust^Cii. : :: .';*?: r. :V:T: :', 3S . .". . '. 2700 ' .| ', Savlngs-Bahks— T -'"'"\u25a0 .' \u25a0T~ ' \u0084\'. ' ". ::'-'.;.; -'.', .San^Francisco -Savings) Union ' L : 1 :...". 525 J. Security/ Savings Banks. ...:". - 3 . . . . . 330 r* Street . . -..';,.< California y. :";..\u25a0..;. .'.V^'.V'... - ..'75 137',i 140 v - ; ".*--! Powder— S, - : ' i'.^: .-.;\u25a0--_. • .-!\u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•, \u25a0\u25a0\u0084: GlniitJConsolidatod'Go.V..-..; -'\u25a0.- 200u74'{, :75 , — ' " ?\u25a0«-\u25a0:'.?\u25a0 >:-:'\u25a0\u25a0-:'• "<"*.'\u25a0•' s \u25a0\u25a0•'\u25a0.' <' ' :;4 ''"-\u25a0' '\u25a0" •'-\u25a0 Hawalian\Com'l r&'.SuKar'Co V 3.oi: ~>\ \u25a0'.".»« ,::••'*. Honokanf. Sugar Col .::;"\u25a0...: . . 120 -10', 17VS' .Ihitchinsoin. Sugars Plantation .>1.475 ;17% ;is*<, MakaweliSugariCo. ;;?:":".."• ,-^9BO, -^980 jxs>4 UV;, (tnoinoiiSiiEarCo. :...'.....-. - '•'•"> ->44 -\u25a0•« \AT,\^ l'«anlihu Sugar : Plantation rft k 'l'i'tio -2l l A J2G :: : /\u25a0Oil— ' " 11.. Gpttoii Advances on Crop Report Wineries m Market for Grapes Associated OH C 0....'......... ...'........ ':* 950 34 -35* i i'-Miscellaneous — \u25a0 :T.-.": T .-." Alaska Packers* A55n.'.. ...'.: 1,830-69? 74 Gal Fruit Canners* -Assn..;";. '- 105 99^i 100 V* Oal- Wine Assn. :.:..: :...•..\u25a0. :130"37'. 38 Pacific Coast. Borax C0.v:... • 5..:.. 152.?. Pac ..Tel-.* Tel*Co pfd...... - 672 9314 95 Do cominon^...... .....r.. *7,124 36 42V4 I GRAIN MARKET i' •*\u2666 '"' '\u25a0- "•"'_' ;' '\u25a0" " " \u25a0''-'" : '" : — -— — -i*—- A' .. .> Wheat and Other; Grains 'Wheat— The ; '.world's shipments for' the' week were as: follows. In quarters: Rn551an. .236,000; Danubian, 23,000;-, Argentine, . 40,000; Indian, 211.000; Australian,^ 20.000. ; •\u25a0-. Itj was -. a . holiday ; in ' Liverpool. ; Paris - rutnres were ; weak. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Chicago >fvas lower; and | reported that a black .rust scare . was being .worked .up," but; that It, was not, credited. \ - . T -A*. telegram , from ' Portland gaye '. wheat crop prospects up in that; country at 60,000.000 bush els, "f.- with"; very ..favorable • reports \u25a0 from the harvest- field..- -:.•.'."'-.' ;• V-The San Francisco market stood the same. The millers are ;not -yet ready .-'to buy. ' \u25a0 . • - \u25a0 .' CASH WHEAT' - \u25a0 , New crop— California v club. \u25a0%\.V!yi t <S.2v' t So- 1 noea, $1.95@2.02>i : white Australian. . $2.07»4<& 2.10.' Northern wheat.; August-September i deliv ery; Club. -$1.8214: Russian red, $1.80:- turkey red, $1.97>4; bluestem. $1.P2i4 "per ctl. : , ' FUTURES : 10 1 a. \u25a0 m. - Session No quotations. \u25a0", • * ' ".-" "..-.." \u25a0 "•• '."2" p. m. Session \u25a0..No quotations.' . , \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0 ' - Barley-^-The stock -on* hand August 1 appears elsewhere on' this ' page. ; The cash -grain was firmer again yesterday. : choice " bright feed J seU- Ing \u25a0at $1.45. : Receipts -were 'very/ small. ' '. [8 • - -\u25a0-•-'\u25a0\u25a0 CASH. BARLEY - Good to choice-feed, spot •$1.42Va#1-43: com mon, to fair.- $1.40@1. 4114 per, ctl;. brewing," $1.45 <di 1.4714; ' shipping, nominal; chevalier, $1.50^1.60. > \u25a0 V / • \u25a0 , . . FUTURES. . %\u25a0:\u25a0•\u25a0*** , 1 10:30 a. m. Session Dec— sl.4s bid.vsl.4*4i asked. - \u25a0 : '2 p. m. Session -." . :.May— sl.49 bid, 51. 50 asked. \\ > - Dec— sl.4s V - T - r ;()ats — The : market \u25a0 dull \u25a0 yesterday.' ' prices : unchanged. The .; stock \u25a0 on . hand " ap pears; elsewhere on » this; page. . \u25a0\u25a0'; \u25a0 . . - ! New" reds 'for feed. $1.80(^:1.00 for" good- to choice and $I.7srtJl.SO'for'poor;to i fair; reds, for seed, $1.05ftf2.15: .black. , $2.50 asked; new north ern white, • October-November delivery. $1.65@ 1.67^3; Texas 'reds,' sacked and recleaned, $2.07V.@2.15 per ctl.v , . »> \u25a0• , \u25a0^Corn — Small : round yellow; $1.80; white, $I.SO @1.85; large yellow, $1.75@1.85: western ' states yellow; in bulk.uSa'n Francißco track, $1.(59; white, $l-.72: mixed. $1.07; Egyptian, nominal. , Rye-^— Quotations » continue -nominal in the ' ab- \ sence. of .transactions..-: .. . ; - i Stocks- of Grain ' \u25a0'H. SC. \u25a0 Bunker, chief . grain Inspector of. the ! M^erchants' exchange, \u25a0 reports -stocks of hay, grain - and '•• beans on wharf ; and -in warehouse August 1 as follows, ."in tons: , ; " : '\u25a0- Wheat — ", • July 1 Aug. 1 Port Costa " 4,612 ' 2.«50 Stockton ...:.*.'.."... .......... 5,10s 4,os;{ City »....2..... 195 120 \u25a0Barier— ' \u25a0'; : -•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- Port Costa ..;.;.. ........ 4.202 11.710 Stockton ...................... 3,296 . 6.951 City 1,025 :1,327: 1,327 Oats ..................... % .i.. 4oS S4S Coin ....:-... 110 50 Bran .... ....'......... 474 503 Beans (sacks) ....:...:. .'....'.78,749 "60.342 • .Receipts in July were 3,950 tons wheat. 15,478 tons barley, 3.059 tons- 0at5. : :341 tons corn. 1 648 Hons bran, 11,496 sacks beans, and 18,260 tons :.- ; LIVERPOOL- : ..July.- Sept. *' Dec. Opening ................ — Holiday Closing ...;..... — Holiday. -.\u25a0 - \u25a0 --PARIS-- \u25a0 \u25a0 . ' \u25a0"..->..'\u25a0 •-\u25a0\u25a0..* ~r Wheat— Aug. . Nov. - Feb. ! Opening ..... .... .... . . .24 35 23 05 i | Closing .....................24 20 23 90- ; • Flour — . • -. Opening ..32 60 31 00 . Closing 32 45 30 M CHICAGO BOARD :OF TRADE , Future (irain nnd Provisions CHICAGO, Aug., 2. — A moderate . show 'of strength was displayed in wheat early today, owing UoVbot.' %veatlier in ;thc northwest, which might, aid In : spreading ' black rust. \u25a0", Opening qiKitations were " h>. shade "; to Tic above ' Satur- j day's : close, 'September^ ranging from $1.04 1 / 4'fs 1.05 J /a. \u25a0As the session advanced, however, ru mors of damage were - dissipated by numerous reports of "a favorable "outlook ;for a '.'bumper" crop. \u25a0 '.Sellers -became more aggressive, \u25a0 couslng material declines •during; the final, half. .The \u25a0range, for the day %on September was $1.03% /(i1.t.15<4'.. .-. .> : t "\u25a0,\u25a0.;,\u25a0-\u25a0:\u25a0: ""."-.\u25a0 - The market closed weak at almost the bottom, with Septemb'er'at $1.03«4. ;• \ A startling deterioration of 20 points in the condition or corn In Oklahoma during last month, as' shown by the Estate, had a bullish effect on the corn market early in ._ the session, '\u25a0 bnt later sentiment became I bearish on a weak- j ening .of. southwest' markets. The close- wn* weak at almost - the bottom, final, quotations bring '4 % B&C '-- below \u25a0; Saturday. :\u25a0 ' " Oats were \u25a0 weak throughout the entire :day and. closed lower than . Saturday. . _ .- '• , • : Provision* were firm: At the close prices were unchanged to. \"\->e. higher. ,- . . ' The leading futures ranged as follows: \u25a0';. \u25a0--- - :: J _ Articles — - Open. - High. • Low. -Close. .. Wheat— i \u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0. ...:-'- '.'.\u25a0- - September ... 1.05 »4 tI«SU 1.03*; • 1 .03^ December' .:. 1.03 »i IKWVi 1.01% 1.01 % May ........ ;1.0G% 1.W14- 1.05 1^05; . Corn— ; ' " September... R6VJ, 06*4 - 65% 65*4 December > 54% 55 -5414 54% Mp.v ......... -55% 55^4 •\u25a0 "55^4 55*6 -Oats— . . ' '.. ' . " . •. . . . Septemher ... 3S»J -".Sii 37U 37^4 December ... 38** 3SS4 37% \u25a0?. 37^ May ...:. ... -.. -40*4, 40;^. SS>Tn 40 .. Mess Pork.' per bbl — i -*- - • - September ...20.65 .20.65 20.5714 20.57i,i January .....16.70 10.75 16.62S 16.75 Lard. -per 100 lbs— - \u25a0 -; •-\u25a0 \u25a0 . September ...11.2714 11.35 " 11.27'^ 11.32',i November .V. 10.05 11.(12^. . 10195* * H.O7Vi October .....11.25 11.32»4 : 11.22*4 11.32*4 Short R I bo, per 100 lbs — / September;. :10. 95 -"11.00 10:90 11.00 0ct0ber. ... . . .10.62*4 10.67*^ 10.57*« 10.62*^ Cash Grain and; Provision* '; CHICAGO. Aug. 3.— Cash quotations were as follows: - Flour steady. : Feed or mixing barley,' 74c; fair t6 choice maltins:,^s6^:eoc. Flaxseed— No.- 1 southwestern, 60<&69c; : N0.\l northwestern. $i:45. Timothy seed/ $3.80.', Clover, $11.25. Mess pork, per bbl. $20.42% ©20.45. -Lard, per 100 lbs, $11 32' i. Short' ribs, sides; (loose). $ll@ll.lo. .Short clear sides ;<boxed).sll.o2'4''fill.7s. • GRAIN, STATISTICS •* Total Vies ranees of ; wheat : and' flour were equal to \u25a0 1 24 000 ' bushels ; primary receipts.' 1 .472,000 bushels, compared with 1,711.000 bushels : the cor responding day a : year ago; the visible supply Qf wheat In -.the United States increased 1.575.000 Inishels; for the; week; the amount of breadstuffs on 1 ocean > passage decreased , Ibushelx. ,: Es timated .receipts -fori tomorrow— Wheat,. 3ft cars; corn 234 cars;;oats.vl24 cars: hogs." 14.000 head. ••'\u25a0'• D\IIAVMOVEMEXT OF PRODUCE, . - .. Receipts. ' Shipments. Flour; ' barrels. V.V; :...:...'.: -22.700, 15.004) Wheat.- im5he15..... ......... 302.400. V : . 3, .400 Corn.' bushels. . :i:'. . :.:..: .. .212.500 .- 209.500 Oats.', bushels. .<:..". V."". , -M-l™ . Rye! bu5he15. . .... ..... . - ••' . - «.500 ; "« -1.000 Barley,' bushels . ;: ;. : .:: :r;:'.i.- 27,000 I . ,SO<> Northern *V\heat Market , /.',-.'- . ( • '.'. -..;*'.-..' ; '\ • PORTLA NI). Aug. ; 2.— -Wheat, track prices — Club. O.Viiflfic:»tenj.', $1 : "- red Russian,: 9sc; turkey - red; 06c: forty fold,; 96c. -. •. '. ' . ..-\u25a0' ,Xew>York'. '.Grata iv Market' . : 47 new! YORIv! Auk. 2.— Flour-^-Recelpt!<. : ls.4iXt barrels:'" exports,; 2,9oo. "' Market; quiet, and bare ly steady."- " - \" ; '".\u25a0':.. r..',.r.r ..', . r . ; * Wln'at-^Recelpts, - 24;S0O>;" bushels; " exports, fi5.800. 'Spot.'iirrpgnlar." No. 2 red. nominal ami new $I. IS in elevator: do. middle :AußHSt,sl.l6 T,BT ,8 f s <•>. •"\u25a0l>."?'«float : \u25a0 : No.'* 1;\u25a0 northern ,\u25a0 Dulutli. ; old, $l. s 4o'.i nomimil f.' <>. li. J -anoat: N0., 2 hard-wln ter."new. $1. b.'. afloat. , Vi Black *\u25a0 rust •' news';" caused « ant : opening advance in^ wheat.' butt a •large,ivisible.,snpply favorabU' . wenthcv ; and ; prospects ; for heavier * re ceipts \u0084at -. Chicago'/ tomorrow I caused ' subsequent unlomllnffAand <: a \u25a0'; depression: '\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0/ September close<l'at $l,U T S;;December; at!Sl.o9%;and»May at;si;ii«i.- "r. \u25a0•-•.-;.•, :'..'.--'; -:,; '.\u25a0-\u25a0^ \u25a0'."';*.."..-. '/ . Vi'v''."r-'.'/-":'''.:MlnncapolljiV i 'v''."r-'.'/-" : '''.:Mlnncapollji Flax ...Market "\u25a0 '. : ' m ; - MINNEAPOLIS,' "Aug. '" 2.— Flax" ; "closed - at $1.37%. ;•;""\u25a0..;•; \y^ : ;, -'-I'r -.., ; . ' '-..: .\ : . I v LOCAL MARKETS | ' r '„ Recelptci ' of \u0084 Proilnce. Ancust 2 . "; Flour. 1 '«ir-sks! :'\u25a0':.'Vi'ks ' . V. . . . " 2 Wheat: Otis;,.':.'.- <740|Fceil. ,-5k5,; ,. . . . . . ."0 Barley." ctls v. .."•'»• 1.910) Lime.,/ hb15 ., .". . ... 270 \u25a0 Oats * i-tls ." . ...r. '---2501 Wine, j pals '....'.'. 12.>>X> j Corn', ctls ." . :."... \u25a0.:- ::o Livestock.';. No- ... -200 : jßye,^ctli»sf?:'tvV*.'l-- : P"-' > '5 Honey ."'j' cases /.'..\u25a0. / -"O \u25a0 Hran. sks : .V... ;InO i'apcr, -bills ;..:.. t::!5 j ,I*fitat6es,'.f!tks %v. \u25a0? 5.250 Ualslns,:,bxs ../. 1.500 i Onii)Q<i."s sks" . :J~i'- ,'f!3s Brandy, 'gals TV. .'. . . ."0o Hay, .tons* vr. v .*iTl.<«o Apples." bxs . ... . :I.(T>O ; jSKMKHP'. WASHINGTON \u25a0 , Flour.-; tir " sks .':.'. ' 1 ;!I2O| Veed; . sks .......-, (190 .:''. ,; /* 'Provisions" \u25a0''"•\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0*' •' \u25a0 C" ._-'""Co'ttoieiie."fone.'-:iialf.'bbl.*!" lOTic: .'r. half .lIIIN. lO'-Jc:,-l. tiercc.r, 10',sc: r 2 tierces. .HV: F 5 tierces,' 93S<"^:":. .:.".,.;\u25a0. \u25a0\u0084,-..\u25a0.••.,. '"-"..- :>>\u25a0::"' : :. ./-; .\u25a0•'\u25a0- -"/" ''~~. \u25a0 *~ \u25a0\u25a0.?.'• 'tS The^AVesteru s men t r ' ••ninpany< quotes as follows: Hams, j 1(5 VJ 6i 18c : : picnic,, hams Al2^-.c:? bacons (Si to SSlhs*|2o%c;«fSUo;iHt ii s,ll)f<;j'li»%c:"ls ,lI)f<;j'1i»%c:"l0 r to 12*11>«, fl9l(jc;g:fan«*yi'SHcar : i'cni'eil^liacon:'i2rs'.4«'; : ' > Arrow bacon, .SMo:-lOlbsi,',-l.snc;', . 1.0j.t0" 12M»«, : ISVic: ,•-•-\u25a0\u25a0 i- -\u25a0•»•-\u25a0 '-•-•-•,\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0'" -.--\u25a0- ' light- dry! salt ftacon.B to 10 lbs. lSc: 10 to 12 lbsi, '.l7c;, 1 medlata bacon, ;15%c; light medium bacon, 13% c.: •; : '\u25a0\u25a0,"\u25a0 " r-- Lard— Tlercei • 14c; 50s U%ic 10§ 14 «-ic, 5* 14T6C? 3s ' 15c; : compound ' lard, tierces S*jc.'--SO» ' B*-4clO« o*4c; ss-9%c,'-3«:B%c; yellow, cook ins oil. 53c per gal: white cooiiaj oil. 53c per gal; salad oil,' sßc per gaL . ." ', , Local prices ar* quoted." Export lota, in spected by the government. . are $1 per , bbl hlgh er.;,Extra fa'mlly beef,.^l2 per bbl: family, beef. $11.50 per ; bbl: extra- mess beef, $11.50 per bbl: smoked be.ef, 21»ic per Ib. " Pork— Extra prime, in barrel*. $21; clear. $23: mess', $22; plff pork M $2S; pigs- feet. $5 for. half bbls, $2.25 for 25 lb kejs and J1.30 for kit*. \;' .Meat Market DRESSED MEATS i ' Slanghterers' rates, to dealers and butchers are j a« follows: ' . " \u25a0 - : - • ' . ". " •. \u25a0 : ••\u25a0\u25a0 Beef— 6%@7c per lb for 'steers, s<g6%c for cows and. heifers. ' " ' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0»•--'* Veal— 7@9c for large' and otg9%c for small. - Mutton— Wethers, 7@S%c; ewes, 6%@7%c per pound. -_, ...'.' \u25a0 Lamb— 9V»®lo* per lb. J Dressed PoTk <per lb) — ll@l2c for light and 9iiQloc for heavy. ' : LIVESTOCK MARKET. > ' The following, quotations' are for. good, sonnd livestock. dellvered«in San Francisco^ gross weight: i No. I. fat steers. .over 900 lb'a. alive. 4@4i,ic: under, 900 lbs, 3*4 c; second quality, 3%@3"-ic; thin and undesirable steers, 3e.~ . No. 1 cows and heifers. 34f3"-*c: second qual ity, 2*ic; common, thin, undesirable cows, I%^ 2%c." ' ..• •••\u25a0.\u25a0..'..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. --:-•; -Fat bulls and stags, l%c;-half fat or thin bulls, l%c : Calves — Light weight. -per - lb. s®s*>ic;, me-: dium, 4%<fr4%c; heavy, 4«a4*ic Sheep (per lb)-MVethers, No. 1, 3"i@4e; e*e*. 3%<S3Vic. ' -- • T^imbs (per/lb> — This year's milk .'lambs, 5@ 5"-i c. \u25a0 ..* . . :' •\u25a0•Hogs (per lb>— Hard grain fed. weighing 100 to 140 lh«. 7H<9"%c; 140 to 250 lbs.' 7%<aj7»ie; 250 to 350 lbs. 714 c; rough, beavy hogs, 4%@5c; common, undesirable hogs, 4(*£4%c. Butter, Chcfie and Err' . \u25a0 The first day. of the new Jweek- found the.sitn ation in 'butter^ and \u25a0 eggs much \u25a0 the . same as •on Saturday. ; The only . change was. in extra ecps. which -recovered from -"Saturday's temporary weakness and advanced "%e •t0.31 %c a doren. AH grades were, firm and further advance's were expected in top quality good*. Receipts of butter were "unusually: light, "being' less than 10.000 pounds, awl the market, continued la very good "-shape for the selling Interests.. . Most .re ceivers 'were expecting an \u25a0 advance In extras and were -basing their expectations on the' fact that there "would" be no ' steamer v In from Ham-: boldt before Thursday. Cheese was'qulef bnt firm, with st'oeks of strictly fancy flats still light. ' ' On. the exchange 20 case of extra bntter and 10" cases 'of extra eggs, were sold "at the quota tlons. " \u25a0 Receipts were '9.000 pounds butter. — pounds cheese and 942 esses eggs. • The following are official .quotations.' estab-, lished by- the sales, bids and offers on the floor of -•* the dairy exchange. \u25a0 Prices in the j street, while governed by .the exchange quotations, gen erally range from" l%c to 2c. higher, owing to the various charges to be added. / • \u25a0 Butter — Fresh - creamery extras, -2Sc per lb, steady: do firsts. 27c,-flrtn: do seconds, 26% c, firm; -No. 1 packing stock. 24% c. firm.- - . : Cheese — California fancy flats, "16c. per lb, steady; do, firsts. Js%c. steady; do second*. 13 % c. steady; fancy . Yonng \ Americas. . 16c. steady; . flp ; firsts, 14 % c .; steady: fancy Oregon Young 'Americas,' 16c, firm; do flats.' 15% c. firm, i Eggs (per dosen, cases \u25a0 Included) — California fresh' extras. 31 %c.flrm: do firsts. 29c, firm; do seconds, 25% c, firm; do thirds, 23c,' firm.' . : l-'ee Mnrkrt In \rarhf Countlm -. PETALUMA, Aug. : 2. —The receipts of eggs were light -today, as is usually: the case on Monday. . - The demand being good and prices fluctuating keep the market cleaned up. - The best -offering today was ,30% c. Poultry Is In poor demand except for best quality. Feed con ditions remain unchanged.' „•'\u25a0: SANTA ROSA. Aug. 2.— The J week opened with. a half; cent per dozen advance in, the price, of eggs. when the San Francisco dairy exchange quotations were received here ] this morning. AH dealers offered 29 Vic ' per " dozen for , choice and 26% c for seconds. Potatoes, Onion* nnd V>EPtahlr« . Arrivals of miscellaneous vegetables were light as usual on Monday, hnt there • was \u25a0 enough of everything "held over from , Saturday to \u25a0 supply the wants of buyers .without, any new . receipts", and • prices - remained about the same as before. Offerings of tomatoes Included much ..soft stock, which, had to be sold cheap and some^were turned over •at prices well below the inside quotations. Green corn ' remained weak and there I was quite a surplus of that and of 'the; other vegetables unsold late in 'the -afternoon. 'The situation in the market . for potatoes ' and onions was un changed, both articles being .In -free supply and weak. • ' . . . .Potatoes (per ctl)— New, 75c@51.25 In boxes and '65c^$l in sacks. •\u25a0 - *.' -" Onions — New yellow. 65@75c per ctl. Vegetables — Green \u25a0 cor«, 75cig51.25 per, sack; tomatoes. 50@75c | per box; green ; peas. 75c<8 $1 per. sack: string and wax- beans. !%@3%c per lb; lima beans, s@6c per lb; summer. sqnasb, 40Q65c per box ;• garlic, 4@Bc per lb: cabbaze. 75c per; ctl; cucumbers', 50@75e per bor; pickle cucumbers, 75c@51.2'5 per box; cauliflower.' 50c per dozen; turnips, ,sl@l.2s per sack:*eggplaDt. 75c<i|$l per box: green peppers; 50@73c per box; green okra, 75c@$l. '•• - - Decldnons and Cltras -Fruits J ' As usual on the first day of the week, deliv eries of the, leading descriptions of fresh fruits were light, and a good demand for local use and for shipment steadied prices for attractive lota in the - early trade. : Poor stock " that had been held over from last week dragged badly at weak rates, however, sellers being willing to accept any fair offer to effect clearances of such. Crab apples • were " in free supply and received little attention; while choice Gfavensteins and highly colored red apples in- four tier, boxes continued, to move freely at \u25a0satisfactory prices. -\u25a0 There jv-as a marked decrease .. in \u25a0 receipts of :' apricots, and with the demand -much better than before prices for bulk fruit did better." -'and the canners were unable. to secure any supplies at the prices they were ' offering.". s The canners raised their • bid for Bartlett pears nnd paid as high as $40 a ton for a -.few "exceptionally -fine \u25a0 lots.- Peaches were steadier. -and fig*, remained firm on. limited sup plies,*; while \u25a0' melons and " «rapes ' were plentiful and easy. Grapes -were -piled high at the stores and ' were- hard to i move.- although offered l at low rates. Mallnda strawberries.: were higher, there being no Longwortbs received, while the other berries stood about as before. v , Citrus' goods wera quiet and featureless.. ... ,:-./ : : , . . • Reports from Sebastopol. in Sonoma iconnty. say thnt the wineries; are offering $17 a -ton for wine grapes. on year contracts in that region. The- growers: around "Lodl" are >being offered $6. according to current reports." .-*. '-.: ;- Strawberries — Longworths, per chest; large variestles, $2.50Q4. " - .Raspberries— s76? 9 per chest. " Blackberries— per chest. - Loganberries — $t» per chest. ci&r§B . HuckleberriV- — 12%c'per lb. '" • '.Apples— Fancy' ilravenstelns.- $1.23^1.50 pei box: r fancy " reds." $1^1.25; . common to choice." 60@85c: crabapples, 40@50c,for small and.7sc@ ?l for large boxes. / * \u25a0 - Pears— Bartletts. 5 $l^t.2T» per box" for wrappeil stock;: canning-price, $35(?237."i0 per. ton for No. 1 and $20G27.50 for No. 2. " « ' Peaches— Small boxes. 40@ 75c; lug boxes. . 50c @$l;;baskets. 40@85c. . .. "tPlums-^4o@7sc,per,box" t Plums-^4o@7sc,per,box or crate; prunes. 65@ 85c per box or crate. -. S. .'• \u25a0 \u25a0 - • ' Nectarines— Bsc@sl- per crate for -red and Co(g 75c for white. ,'. \u0084 \ '"" \u25a0\u25a0' ", :.\: .\ V .. ". » :Apri>ots — Crates and .small boxes. 50@75c; Id bulk.. 2(52 %c per :Ib. ;• > -' \u25a0-' * : Figs-r75c«i51,25 per box. ' *- -\u25a0'Melons— Nutmeg melons, 'sosi 7sc per box: can taloupes, $1.75@2 per crate; watermelons, $1.25*f 2.50 per dozen. - '; • - .. f* Grapes—^Seedless, 65<&75c per \u25a0 crate: muscat. $1 per.crate; other varieties." 6o(S 7sc per, crate. • »> Citrus r- Fruits ..(per box)— Valenci- oranges. $2.25(^3: ' grapefruit.' $2.50ff/ 3 ' for.: seetlless; •' lem-. ons», '-. $4.50<!i 5 \u25a0 for ; fancy, i $2-50'Q 3.50 .. for choice and'^2.lor'standdrd: ; limes."ss.softß. ;• --.Tropical - Fruits— Bananas. 75ci4r51.75 per- bnnca for Hawaiian- and $2.50fr 3.50. f0r Central* 'Amerl T Lean; pineapples,! sl.so6*? per dozen. Dried: Fruit," Ralaln«.~.Xut« ami Hoorr . "A : report f romVAntioch' says ; that the . almond crop of that section has been sold. to a Stockton firm . at ahoul " irH.y ; and that " the- crop»er»- will l>e : about 110 tons; which is lessthan thatof last ye:>r.-^^*^ES3M|i"Eult©SisSai^fßtsKWJ(*BWttO^BJ .Fsuits, old crop-^Evaporatctl apples.^ ' -~<S. ?%c; apricots.- .'nifi 10%c:^faney' r moorpark,; liv.«iii2c: peaches.-, Ac - for; standards.. 4 ij'ft:4%c " for and's^6c: for fancy;. pears>.\4%<S7%e; s prnne*J. 4 slze'basis.;2Vi^2"4c. with %c premium, for/the large? sizes. . . „ .:., '.-\u25a0 • . ,\u25a0\u25a0• "'New. Fruits — Evaporated* apples. 7S|Se; apri cots,' B<s9»4c;.moorpark,- ll&l2c; ; peaches. *4% fit 6e ; • prunes." 2 %" %- ?4 c. - " with \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 *% <gi %c ' premium for 40s and >?J#|lcj premium • for' 3os -to 40s; figs, 3^4%c: : pears. si2@9 1/3 C.1 /3C. . - . . . \u25a0.?Kal«tns;;<l9oS- crop)— -London' layers— 2-crown. 90c: 3 crown. 51 :" seeded. 4%ftjs"4e:." Thompson's seedless, "."Viclforj unbl<?ache«l:; seedless ..stnltanns. 2f}i<Jt3c: loose muscatels.- 4c, for'4* crowns, 2e for 3 crowns ami 274 C for. 2 crowns. . .. ." \u25a0..-.. .. j .. •.\u25a0Now >ralslns — Layers, clusters— 6 crown. :$2.50; 5 -crown,'- $2: '4 .t-rown.V sl.3s; "ordinary .layers. :: crown. ; J».*c4i?l : ! 2 crown. flOftflOc:; see«le<l.- 5*.; " '^j6c:.- Heedless "-sultanas.: '.'3*4'fi3%cJ 'Thompson's seediest. '.'4e: I«>oso-;muse#tels.* 3 -4. : crown.' 4>4c; Uncrown.* "3*ici! 2 crown.'. o*;Je"; per, lV I v tNuts— New r -/almonds. ; nonpareils.'.-' 14%4i 15c; 1XI« :14(?i; 141 jc:- ne plus ultra.' 13(^ 13% c;' Drake.: j 11<&ll%c;;languedoes..l0<e.l0i.ic:'hardKhells,<6's I ftt'e ; 1 old 1 walnut*.- ' Itc - per,- lb : for No. ; 1 . sof t- : j shell^^'7<---for-No. - do; ; filberts. 12i-j<'g:l4c;''pe- I cans;-15«i;17c.' - \u25a0'-.- \u25a0-,••''/..., ••' '/.. . \u25a0» . "... \u25a0 t '"' Honey— Comb,": 1 4 «|.-15e..} for ~ water. ' white . and 10^tl2«-. . T>cr. lb -.for amber:, extracted.' 7 Vic fi»r wateriwi!lto-tan<r^; i .i'W;.7c -"forjllght amber; old, candled ami dark 'amlier.-* 4 ft*4%f per lb. 7 Beciwax— 27%ftj-_ 1 0c! per. lb. for light • anil 25*s 20c for; dark.". \u25a0* - ' Poultry ; and " Game . "No western poultry "came to hand J ea£ *'r<lr <1 2 y and, offerings of .'domestic fowls consisted chiefly of stock carried over from the preceding day. Buyers were paying .little attention to tne market " and .' prices for everything on tne li»t were, unchanged and moge or less nominal. Poultry- <per , doten)— Hens. $4,304*5.30 ', for small, $6<gj: . for \u25a0 large " and - $S@lo for extras; young roosters. $7@7.50; do extra large. IS'Slt'; old ? roosters. Slfel.JO: fryers. $o.50<8« for lars» and 44*g5 for •mall; broilers, $3.23@3.36 for large and $2.50@3 for smaU; ducks. $5^7; pigeons. $1.50; squabs. $2<Q2.25: geese. $1.30® 1.75 per "pair; goslings, $1.50@1.75 per pair. Game — Nominal. ' Beans sad Seed* . *- Beans show a number of chanstea. Small white > are • considerably -tlgher,- as the atock Is about exhausted. -- v The stock of beans on hand August 1 appear* elsewhere on this pt je.>*oMrMMJ RMaMi Beans (pec ctl)— Bayo. $4.50*53; pea. nomi nal; small white. $6.73@7; large white. $4.50 &5: p!nfc. $2.55i&3.0r>; red. nominal: btackeje. $3.23§3.43: lima. $4.20'i5i.2*.: red kidneys. $3.5U «£3.tiO; cranberry beans, nominal; Uarvauzas, $-'.50@3: horse beans. $1.90*t2.20- \u25a0 Seeds— Brown mustard. 44f4»ic: yellow mus tard, nominal: ilaxseed, 4c, carload lots: canary. 40541.4 c; alfalfa. 135J@lScr rape-, cleaned. 2<« 2Hc; timothy. 6c; hemp. 4c; millet. 3V,e per It.. Dried Peas— Green are quoted at $^.60i5.2-UU per ctl. "Cj Klonr and " Farinaceous Good* Flour— California family extras. $8.*0®7 net without discount; bakers* extras. $*.«><g>7:. super fine, $5.50@5.70; Oregon and Washington, pet bbl. . $5.oO&»l.50: family, bakers* and patent*. $4.75*15.25 for cut off; Kansas patents. $7. i0; do *tral?hts. $7.50; do clear. $7; Dakota patents, $7.75^7.95; do straights. $7 per bbl. Farinaceous goods— Prices iv 100 lt> sacks, net cash, no discount, are as follows: Graham flour. $3.80 per 100 lbs; rye flour. $4: rye meal. $&8o; rice flour. $7.50; corn meal; $3.10; extra cream do. $3.60: . oat meal. $3.20: oat groats. $5.2t>: hominy. $3.60@3.50: buckwheat flour. $4.50; whole wheat flour. $4; rolled oats«. bbls $5<45>.30. In. sacks $s«t>: extra cream do. $8 In sacks and $8.50 In barreU; rolled wheat, bbls $5.75. in sacks $4.25^5.25: pearl barley. $3.20: split peas, boxes.^ $5.20 for yellow and *C 25 for green pet 100 pounds. • -Hay and Feedstuff* There were heavy receipts of hay aziin yester day, amounttoc- to 1,030 tons, all by car^ There IS very little choice wheat comins in at present, and. this grade is steady, while the under grade* are weak and neglected.?- The stock of bran ap pears elsewhere on this page. Bran— s29*33o per, ton for white and $25.5C9 2U for red. Middlings — $3«.50<337.50 per ton. Shorts — $31.501g33 per ton. Feedstuff*— Rolled barley. $31032: relied batl for feed, $40*541; mixed feed. $25&30 for aver- . age lots; oilcake meal, la 20 ton lots $35.30. in \ 10. ton lots $3!>, in 5 ton lots $39.50, small lott i $40; cocoanut cake or meal at mills. $26 iv '-?> and. 10. and $2R.SOJn 3 ton lots; jobbing, . s27 ; corn meal.- $30@ 40; cracked corn, $40<a4t; al falfa meal and mealfalfa. jobMng lots |24. car load lots $23 per ton; red st»r alfalfa meal, $22 fur carload and $23 for Jobbing lots. nay— Wheat. $12®17.50; wheat and oat. $12Q 16.30; ' tame o«t, $12ft?l«.5O: volunteer wild oat, $10« i 13.50; barley. $10^13.30; alfalfa, JlO'gU; stock hay. $B@ltr per ton. Straw— 3o® » sc per bale. ° General MeVvhandlse -Bags — Grain bags. S*-iS;s*ie; San Quentin bags.- 3*4c: wool bags. 32c for 3"-i 1!> and 35c for 4 lb; fleece twtne. Se per lb. Coal— Beaver Hill. $7; Pennsylvania anthracite egg. $IS per ton: Wellington. $9; New Welling ton. $9; Coos bay. $7; Australian house — Rk-u mond. etc.- $9; PeUw Main. - $7.50; Stanford Richmond. $3; Cumberland. $15 in bulk and $16.50 in sacks; Welsh anthracite. $15; cuke. $13 per ton in bulk and $ltt In sads: Rot-ky mountain coal. $9.50 per short ton. • Oils — Quotations are for barrels. Linseed. 74c per gallon for boiled and 72c for raw: cases. Be more; castor, oil in cases. . No. 1, 71c: Baker* • AA. $1.13)31.13: China nut. cases. 70'ijSOc per gallon;, coroanut oil in barrels, «*»<?ifi:tVi«: tot XXX. 57*4«561c for No. 1 and 55<f«5H»^.. f or No. 2. acconllns to quantity; extra bl^aclwd winter sperm oil. 9tc; natural winter sperm oil. 'Jlc; natural whale oil. 33c; extra winter strained lard oil. 93Q06c: No. 1 neaUfoot oil. «V: her ring oil. 40c: salmon oil. 35c ; boiled tlsh oil, 3"k-; paint oil.* 35c. Coal .Oil. Gasoline, etc. — Water white, iron barreU or drums, 10c; 150 deg. oil. Iron barrels or droran, ll"4c; special do, 12e; pearl oil. in cases. 17c; astral, ,17c: star. 17c: extra xtiir. 20*»: Elaine. 26*-ic; ew«-ene. 20c; refl crowa and motor. gasoline, in bulk 15c. in cases 22c; N<>. 1 engine distillate, in drums. 8c: Not 2 do, 7f cases 7c more: HR deg. gasoiine. in bulk 30c. iv cases 37*,ic; varnish makers' and painters' naph tha, in bulk lie. in cases lS*£e. \u25a0Turpentine — 71c per gallon in cases and 64c -in bulk, drums ami iron barrels. Rosin <per bhl of 2SO lbs>— E. $6.50: F, $«.«5- C.-$8.70:H. -ST: I, •".UT.fWW, $H>.4O. Red and White Lead — Red. $ia®9c: white- Mft"»*-ic-per !b. . 4 1'aclflc. Codfish— The Union fish company iftsuet *| a new price list awl now quotes us follows: Bundles. srr.aJJ." whole. 50 lb bales.' 3*«c: t-as^s regujar. large, whole. 100 lb boxes. 4Ujr; cases, extra. Wt lb boxes. sc; eaae*. eastern style. $6.50: Anchor brand. sc; narrow gauge. «c: "sil ver King. 7 *-ie; Golden State. 7e; White Seal, middles. 10@10»Ac: Seabrighl. blocks, 7c; oriental blocks. s *^c;- CriWn brand, tablets. 7^c; Pear! tablets, 7^; 5.1b boxes fancy boneless. 1 Or; J lb boxes fancy boneless, lOVic; half barrels, pickled cod. $ each. REFINED SUGAR MARKET The Western sugar refining company quotes st« follows. ter,ms net cash: Standard granulated. frn«v 5.13 c: t do coarse. s.2sc: ,' fruit granulated. 5.23 c; confectioners' A. 5.23 c; crystal dominos, in cases. 9.23 c; tablets, in half bbls. 5.73 c: tab lets, in boxes. 6e: cubes ami A crushed. 5.50 c; powdered. 3. rKc; candy granulated.- 5.35c; confec tioners* crystals. 3.35 c: magnolia A. 4.55 c; extra C, 4.75 c; golden C. 4.«5c; D. 4.35 c. Bar in lOC lb bags. "5.60 c; in barrels. -5.70c; half barreb*. "»-R3c; 40 lb tins. 7.30 c: 35 11> tins. 7.30 c; 10 IU tins. $7.95 c; S lb tins, 7.95 c; 30 lb boxes. 6.10e. Barrels and 50 lb bags 10c. half barrels 25c, boxes 50c per 100 lbs more on all grades.- The California and Hawaiian sugar refining company quotes as follows: Berry. s.2sc;""lli grade'* bar. 3.60n: powdered.- 3.35c; A cruslnnl, 5.50 c: C. & H. extra fine dry granulated. S.loc; coaise dry granulated. 5.25 c: cfnifertionerV A. 5.25 c; confectioners* crystals. ~>.85e; cube*. 5.."»< V; bricks, '5.50 c; extra fine granulated (100 lb bags only>. . ; excelsior A. 4.55 c; extra C, 4.75 c* golden C.-4.R.-K:; yellow D. 4.55 c; H. * E. crystal dominos. 8.23 c. Aflditional per 100 lbs: In bar rels and 50 lb bags. 10c more; half barrels. £>«\u25a0 more;. boxes. 30c more for all grades. Bar. in TSI lb and 40 lb tins. $1.70 more: in 10 lh tins. $2.32 more. Minimum order, carload weight. — _ : — ' - . Hides. Tnllow, Wool and Hops Hides show some \u25a0 changes. The demjtnd for all classes* is good. • 1 Hides — Culte and brands sell about *4<?£te tin der quotations. ' Heavy salted- steers. 13 Vie; me dium. 13c: light. 12e; r cowhides, 12c for heavy. *2c for light; stags. B*.ic; salted kip.- 13c: salted veal, I7e; salted calf. 17*4 c; dry hides. 2lc: «lry kip. 20e; dry calf. 23c: dry veal. 23c: dry stags'. 16c;. sheepskin*, shearlings. 204g-4O«; each; short wool; 30@73e each; medium,' 75cft£$l each: lo;ij; wo«l % "sl.2sfc|*-73: lambs. 13@75c: horseUtdes. salt. $2.23)32.30 for large and $l.7s'S*i for me- , dlum. 75c@$l " for - small and 25r§;50c for rnltH-. horsehldes. dry. $2^2.25. f0r large and t\.'*Z<it2 for' medium. -3(>c<gsl for. small and 2-"i'(j.."i J !4- for colts; 'goatskins,, prime angora. 73c@$l large hair gwts. 35c; medium. 20c; small. "J^Me; Mexican dry hidesrl7Vic: do pickled. 16c; do «|"t salted., 12c; dry stags. 12c: Mexican deerskins. 30@34c; dry salted do. 23@27c; dry Central American, *2S@32e per lb. \u25a0«-\u25a0% "Tallow— -No. 1 rendered, S'gj^jc; So. 2, ?AH 4*/ic; grease, 2i32*4c. , Wool— The quotations are notninaL San Joa quln. .year's. sjaple. > 13(ijl7c: do ft to 8 months. 12(68l6e: southern coast. 9© lie: 1908 fall cUv>— Mountain free, S@l2c; do defective: 6≻ Nevada. lS®.2Oc per \p. ... l~ Hops— : Priees.'to growers are 9i§l2c for ifMXS per 'lb.' with '15@20c for contracts for new crop delivery. - - -\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0';.* Xew York .Produce .NEW. YORK. Aug. 2.— Hops— Firm, irfiles — Firm. \u25a0 \u25a0 -. " Wool — Steady. •» - Petroleunu-H-Steady. \u25a0 Svgar — Raw." -firm: .fHir refining, ,3.02 c: ren trifug«rl."9t;te*t. "4.02 c: molasses sugar, 3.27 c. Refined steady. f " . . - .. :.; . ;Coffee-^The market for future* ; opened quiet at uncUanzed prices. In line with the French market, .but 'ruled barely steady umler offerings'in. the alweiu-e of the brill supiwrt. and closed nuii-t. . net unchanged to 10 points lower. Sales 7. were reported of 8.25t> bags. Int-huling: Aumist." 8.15 c: September. '"•.7.V*: November. 5.4* V: March. 3.4.V: .: May.. 5.4.Va ."..50c. Spot ' xiuiet:. N0..,.7.Ri0, 7*l<&7-'Uc: Santos No. 4, 9c. Mild dull: Cordova.' O'/i'it 12 <ie. . Butter — Barely I steady : w«?*tern factor*. . 19<$ 21 '.ic. " \u25a0';\u25a0-, \u25a0--\u25a0'\u25a0• . -" - Cheese — Easy ; ; state . full . cream - and specials, 1 1 ' 1 11 I ' 1 ' i¥_lMl.iffliMJ.y litfUJl Mljt* W««WL "':Eggs — Firm; western, extra*. . firsts.. 23».;^2sc; firsts. 22^,23c; s«-con«"j«. VKit'lir. . ' .;;-• - v -r - . DRIED FRUITS - ' Evaporateil-'Applrs— (juiet and easy; fancy. S%@OVjc; choice.- SftjSVic: prune. !***?"*-ic: coni;fair. s<?[ft*.i«.-,- : - '-.. Prunes — SteaOy: California." 2ii'f<ll';c: OregtMi fruit/. GS9f.'^HnflPßMMi ' Apricots — Steady \u25a0 but -Quiet: choice. 10^10'ic; exlra choice. lO<aiO?ie: fancy. ttijlUc. . . .- : Peaohe»— Verr . little tmsiii^wj 1.-* rep«irtefl. but E.F.HUTTON&CO. 490 - California Mt. Tel. Qonsloj* 34.57 St. '\u25a0 Francis • Hotel Tel. Dour lan JJOj*** ifleiiers New York StocS Exctianje -.» ( Pionr^r House Private Wire to Chicago and Xevr VorU ri. E. M I'i.CAH V. Man' Ter