Newspaper Page Text
4 WARRANT IS OUT, ALSO IS DUNPHY Detective Waits in Vain at Court for "Dodie" Valencia's Absent* Husband tiuardianship Proceedings Re garding Erratic Capitalist : . Are Continued ':': .Dftectlve Charles Taylor, armed with * fdrmidable search warrant to bring .r.james Dunphy. the confessed incom petent capitalist, into the police court V<* answer for his sins, waited patiently Yesterday afternoon at the door of .department 7 of the superior court. But :Sq" bunphy showed up, although the important question of his mental might . : was- scheduled to come tip for con stke*arion before Judge Troutt at 2:30 "o.'cjock. FI'SIES AND FRETS V. inside the court Attorney Frank Vfhilling.- representing, as he said, that ih!ag-nificent body, "the people of the state of California." but in reality ap pearing for that more humble client, Pr.\ Cornet, a chiropodist of Fillmore Jt.treet, jTumed and fretted because Dun phy..w'as not present. When the case -S<-aV continued until Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock. Schilling asked that ihe time be extended half an hour, pre sumably so that Dunphy might be ar rested during the 30 minutes. Mrs.. "Dodie" Valencia-Dunphy was in court yesterday afternoon, when it wasr to. have been decided whether or not- she had married an incompetent. Her. attorney, Timothy J. Lyons, was there/hbwever, but there was no Dun ph'y- Lyons opened the brief session by. .saying that he did not believe the Readers of The Call, when writing for rates or reservations at the resorts advertised, will confer a f aVor by mentioning the name of this paper. \u25a0 •__ m^nm f\pKOTO SUPPLIED 1. Prompt Attention to B I. M Orders for M a * «Uo%-*loplDjs« Uo%-*IoplDj5 and Printing B \\ ll While You a Jr Mail Us Your Exposures % Market, Street at Third ,;.;; Opposite Call Building ' :oi'-'SAN': 0 i'-'SAN' HEDRIIV •:V:"s : T6.e picturesque situation of San Hedrln : -. ..'R«cort makes it a very desirable retreat . from -,'. .-the. monotony of city life. Hunting and fishing ."\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 ;t plenty; boats and saddle horse* provided, also •."/ -other- amusements. Rest and comfort are prime h . factors in one's vacation; leave your best clothes - : "-.*.and Vtlquette at home. Accommodations fnr- ;\u25a0 . nlithea in hotel, cottages or tents. Rates: ' • - • -Adults, $10 per week ; ctlldren under 8, $5 per '-.-•. week: P. O. address San Hedrin Resort. Potter V Valley. Cal.. or S. O. HOLMES. 1064 54th Bt.. — . .-.Oakland. Phone Pled. 2260. I BON AIR HOTEL ;" COTTAGES AND TENTS - , • Forty-five minutes from San Francisco by Sau- *4 s'alifo Ferry: 17 trains daily. MRS. MANLOVE. of the Cadillac, S. F. HOTEL CRESCENT * '. ALAHEDA'S NEW HOTEL > Modern and up to date la every respect; 30 minutes' ride from S. F. Elegant suite* with or trittoct bath*; single rooms; elegant grill In "m" m connection. FRENCH DINNERS A SPECIALTY, • .SI -Trtth wine. Special rates to fandlles for the IT. Mmm«. Music furnished In grill by $5,000 . • orchestrion. .- • \u25a0 \u25a0 . BVnOJf HOT SPRINGS i • Contra Costa County. ' .:<<•• One of tbe .world's most curative springs. A de- lislitfcl place for rest and recreation. See . " Southern Pacific Information bureau or ' Peck- ;• .Judeh. 759 Market st. 8. F.. or 553 S. Spring tt,.. Los Angeles, or address manager at hotel. r/. • RICHARDSON SPRINGS ti'r An excellent place for health and ' pleasure. Cures etomach trouble, rheumatism, kidney, liver Wood and skin diseases Stages dally, except . Sunday. Good roads. Rates - reasonable. Ad- '\u25a0*, «re*< LEE RICHARDSON. Chlco. CaL OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, Hayward This beautiful hotel, centrally located, larte jrrouade. and amusements, billiards, bowline tocnU. dancinr. etc. Rates, $8 to $12. Special : ; rates to families. H. A. PARKHCRST. prOD Hayward. Cal. - HOTEL MOSCONI MAL £3?° N ..Ocean Shore *R. n. direct 1 hour. Headouar- i^-,jer« autolsts. fishermen end bunters. Fine Ital- ian, dinners on short DOtlce. Free bus connects . WILBUR HOT SULPHUR SPRINGS JOHN W. CCTHBERT. Wilbur Springs CaL if rnforiEatlon Peck-Jndah. 759 Market Bt. TENTS HAMMOCKS, CAMP FURNITURE, ETC. • At Faclnr.v Prices W. A. PLUMMERCO. 115-117 Urnmm St« San Pranclaco '*' Fi~*t end FmnUUn St«^' Oakland case could ro on unl ess ; the object of the invesUgatlon warproseat. * P«rry Kvan #\u0084 who ; appears f or ; Mis* Jtnnie Dunphy, \rh o , desires to b« ap pointed uuirdlan of her brother, said that proooodlnffa :.had- b«en conducted in Dunphy'B absence. "Well," said tis»ons" resignedly, "they had chars:* of Mr. Dunphy/ and; they should product htm. H« left court with these gentlemen." Evaas assumed a "aearchi m«" ' atti tude. "He is not . in town," h« «a!d. "It ' la not : neoeuary that the alleged Incompetent be present at the hearing. The law says that he should- be pro duced. If possible." DUNPHY -IX NEVADA Then the Judge, with the consent of both parties, continued the action until "Wednesday afternoon. Evans saying that Dunphy, who is thought to be at the Nevada cattle ranch of the estate, could not be brought to the city sooner. Then -came the people pf the state' of California, personified -by --Frank' Schilling. He announced that there was a bench warrant on a, felony charge pending against Dunphy, so he wanted the case put over till 2:30 Wednesday. "I don't see why the people of the state of California," *said Lyons, criti cally, "have a right to perve a bench warrant 'in this. case. The people of the state of California have been _ slow. Dr. Cornet waited two years before he started the action.". "The alleged incompetent hastened to plead lncompetency when he found that the people of the state of California had a case against him," replied Schil ling. : \u25a0 Then the hearing was continued.' All the while the majesty of the people of the state of California, as vested in -a search warrant held by Detective Char ley Taylor, waited In the cold' corridor of the Grant building. SEAECH FOE FEMALE THlEF— Detectives de la Gnerra and Black are searching for a woman from 30 to 35 yean of age, tall and slender, with dark hair and .eves, who, they have ascertained, stole a satchel belonging to F. W. Scott. 38 Carl street, containing ?300 and valuable papers, on a Kentucky street car last week. The woman took ; a transfer to the Six Mile house at Twenty-second avenue. If you have any rooms to let, phone Kearny $6 and ask to have the, '.'ad man" call. He can rent them for you. • MILK LAW VIOLATED— J. Brennan, dairy man. 115 Highland avenue, was fined $25 by Police Judge Deasy yesterday for selling watered milk. j ;,..'\u25a0 \u25a0• \u25a0 O v fiti&Tl "m ' ra \££t I r I H \u25a0 c^i I McS^av -Ei >*a tnt M AMEUICA'S GREATEST HEALTH AXT> PLEASURE RESORT Potltlr* cure for rhemaatlsm and stomach trouble. Table first class.- The roads hare been pot -In excellent shape for staging and antes. Kates, |12 to $14 per week. • Baths free to nests. For farther particulars addresa R. H. CUHRY. Proprietor. Tbe Geyser*, Cal. < Notice: All guests remaining two weeks an* under fonr will be refunded their fare one wij, and puefts remaining; fonr weeks and longer will be refunded round trip fare from San Francisco. Soda Bay Springs LAKE COUNTY, CAL Situated on tbe picturesque shores of Clear , Lake. Open May - 1. Finest ,boatlng, bathing/ , hunting and' fishing. Unsurpassed accominoda- , tions. New launch, accommodating 40 people, for use of guests and excursions., Terms $2.50 per day ;• $12.00 per week; special rates to . families. ROUTE: Take Sausalito ferry at 7:45 . a. m. from city to Pieta, thence -stage or auto direct to springs. Round trip. ' good for . six months, $9.00. For further Information address THOS. F. CHATFXELD, Proprietor Soda Bay Springs, Lake county, Cal., via Kelseyrille P. 0.. or Peck-Judah, 789 Market' St.. ' S. F. Send for booklet. - • \u25a0\u0084. LAKE COUNTY AUTOMOBILE TRANSPORTATION CO.- Successors to Lakeport. Bartlett Springs and Clear Lake Stage.' Lines. Passengers 'carried by AUTOMOBILES and STAGES from Pleta to Lckeport. Highland Springs, Kelseyrille. Soda . Bay. Bartlett Springs and Upper Lake. Fine mountain road, eprlnkled dally. Time to lunch at Pieta. . Extra ' charges on automobiles In ad-* . ditlon to regular one way stage fare from Pleta/ as follow*: To Lakeport. f1.50; Highland Springs, $1.00; KelseyrUle. $1.50; Soda Bay. $1.75. Tickets on Bale at office Northwestern Pacific R. R. Co., Ferry building.. S. F., or ad- dress this office, Lakeport. C^l.. for information. DEER! DEER! PLENTY OF THEM AT HIGHLAND SPRINGS We can guarantee if you are any shot at all you will get the limit. P. F. KOHNKE. Prop., or Peck-Judah. 789 i Market st. A. E. WRIGHT. Assistant Manager. BLUB LAKES tTNDER SEW MANAGEMENT Entertainments, dancing and amusements e-rery evening. Boating, fishing, swimming and hunt- ing. Rates $12 to $14 per week. Address H. W. KEMP. Mldlake P. 0.. Lake county, Cal. - YOUR VACATION .Where arc you going .to spend it? Seashore, Country, Mountains? In California you will find? just the place to suit you. Where that place is," what its 1 and advantages and what it costs to live there are; questiorisvlargely -swaying your. decision. This information is contained in a handsome booklet, > "Where^ to, Jummer Days" published exclusively by The Call,; which .will be\ given you FREE: " » Copies for out of town will be mailed. City applicants may get theraby calling at any of the following offices of the SAN FRAN CISCO CALL: : \'_ * A W i Main 0ffice....... /.......; Market and kThird Streets . Branch 0ffice.......... ; 1.;;..:.. 1651vFiUmofe; Street- Oakland 0ffice. . . . . ... ;•. . . ; . . ;.V. ;. 468 EleveritHi Street' DO NOT FAIL TO SECURE ATCX3PY- THE J3AN FRANCISCO CALL' ".TUESDAY,-. AUGUST 3, 1909. WATCHMAN HELD UP BY BOLD FOOTPADS Benjamin Qavron Felled by Blow on Headland His Pockets Rifled Trio Captured by Police and Booked on a Charge of Robbery .Benjamin Qavron, watchman for,; th« Sullivan estate, Mission street between Sixth and Seventh, was attacked by John Doherty, Edward Lahey and John Black shortly after midnight yeßterday morning* In. front of the premises he was watching/^ ( He was felled to J the ground by a blow on the back of. the head and the trio proceeded to rifle his pockets. He shouted^for .help, and they took his revolver; out of his over coat pocket' and threatened to kill' him If he did not stop his noise. His cries were heard by i Policemen J. L.: Farrell and. William. G.. Meagher. When they appeared the ifootpada dis persed. Two s of them;: Doherty and Lahey, hid in the vestibule of a former saloon near the Bcene. of "the; holdup, where they ,were arrested" by Farrell, who saw Doherty throw, a revolver'be hind a cigar stand grating, which was later Identified by Gayron., Black ran to. Seventh; and Stevenson' streets pur sued by Meagher, who, fired four shots at him , before/ overtaking: him. They were charged with robbery "and -were arraigned before Police Judge Conlan yesterday morning. " ,- Thomas 7 Langdon, an' inmate of the Southern Pacific hospital, 'reported that he was< held up by two men at Mont gomery and Gold streets early yester day morning and' robbed of $160 and a gold watch. Detectives Badley and Lambert were detailed on the case, WIITER SPRINGS HOTEL THE AUTOMOBILE 'HEADQUARTERS \u25a0* ,OP LAKE COUNTY £ j- ; The most delightful place to rest and 1 get well. Every comfort— large, airy, inviting rooms. Hot and cold water In every room. Cuisine and service unexcelled. : Call at PECK-JUDAH CO. Informa- tion Bureau, or CITY -OFFICE, West- bank Building. 830 Market Street. WITTER SPRINGS WATER ABSO- LUTELY CURES ALL STOM^i ACH TROUBLES STAFFORD'S ;' Santa Cruz Monntalns. In the. heart of the' redwoods. Unsurpassable climate^ Beautiful walks, tennis court, social ball. Froits and veg- etables, . all home products. Running water and gas. Meet trains by request at .Capltola. For further particulars call Peck-Judah, 783 Market St., 8. F.. or address W. S. STAFFORD, Soquel, Santa Cruz county.? Cal. v - . - ..>\u25a0 WILLOW RANCH AND THE WONDEREUL / REDWOOD HEIGHTS '.-: Delightfully located In t& redwoods, five mllps from Santa Cruz; : spring * water; fruit; milk; excellent table; -new bathhouse; daily mail. Tele-, phone Suburban - 87. - Free : conveyance. $7. per, week. MRS.- M.' J..CRANDELL, Santa Crux. HONOLULU L, t , na , m And Back SUP. First Class. ' or ;. *^^B. surf I "'-— \u25a0—•—«— «—«««™ i boating, \u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0'\u25a0:'\u25a0. . board ' riding, sea bathing, swimming and aquatic sports: fisbing, baseball, tennis, golf, automoblling. „ : , Bloat attractive spot on entire round world. tour. \u25a0-- . Five and a' half, days from San. Fran- cleco by 8. S. Alameda (wireless), sailing Aug. . 7, 28, etc.-; 800K \ NOW and se- cure the best bertha.- \u25a0 ' - — Line to Tahiti, Nevr Zealand and' , _ 'Australia — S. S. Marlposa sailing "Aug. ». Sept.; 11, etc.. Tahiti and back.' $125. Wellington , and back $200. O. S. S. : Co., 673 Market St. Telephone Kearny .1231. , and- were: satisfied that Langdon was romanolnaf.T;; He ? had > neea l in i the ho« pital for several weeks without a cent and; was waiting for traniportation; to , Santa Barbara;"/ •' .;- .\u25a0:.;-;.:- \u25a0 ; ;The residence of^ R.W.- Madden, 632 I Aj^hbury^ street^ was enteredjjSunday j durins^ the' absence ?of xthe s family r in I the 1 countryj and • thoroughlylransacked. i Silverware,'; ; jewelry; >:> toilet vS articles, I olothlng and' other effects to the value of ? 1227^ were*" stolen/ ; ; ! \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0 "'-'\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'- \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 X Fred/,Bogeh's.T. saloonyatr-Third' and Stevenson's streets S was 1 entered .: early yesterday ; morning and $40italcen from the caah register. ' U: HOTEL KEEPER TURNS TRICK ON HIS QUEST Pedro Garcia Falls into Clutches V'-'of the Police;' ii: P«dro -Garcia, proprietor of the Hotel Alfonso^ XIII, t Charles ' place, and c . Tony, Castro jwrere, arrested yesterday \by; Po licemen'Riehl'and Josephs 'on- a ; charge of /grand ' larceny;: by trick and device, j The /complaining -witness is Pablo ; B. Belarde"of 'Colton; : ; \u25a0 . 'k r Belarde: registered at Garcla's hotel Saturday; ahdr ascertaining that tie had some coin .with" him Garcia' and .Castro are v alleged to -have induced him %to drink considerable 'liquor; Sunday, night, and ? later," put ; him up. it; is claimed; against a game of three \ t card : rnonte. Belarde ilost' sllo, but knowing he; had some ; checks ' he ; was : made "to ' play,t go it is alleged,! until he lost- $l5O more, giving Garcia ah 'lO U for it. C. Gon zales; from* Mexico was' also a > victim to the extent of $50. : ? ; Belarde; yesterday complained 'to Riehl and {.Josephs that he had r been swindled- and they went , to r the ; hotel to I arrest- Garcia • and Castro. ; Garcia slipped' out- and hurried to Police; Judge. Conlan'e ; court," where- he swore? out a warrant .for Belarde's arrest "on-; a charge;; of -defrauding an inij.' keeper, alleging * that Belarde owed ". him $14 for board : and i lodging .. and v -$160 " bor rowed .money, a Belarde was also > ar rested and gave $150 cash bail. for his release. He will - tell his : side " of- the story in court this morning. ; . ' '."\u25a0'''".' * ' . .' — \u25a0 ' SWISS SOCIETY PICNIC— The annual exenr slon and picnic of the Swiss relief society will be held. at Srhuetzen park, near San Itafarl, Ajigust 8. the outiUß to" be under the auspices of all the Sttl9« * societies; in' San Francisco. . The \u25a0 boats will leare from -the Tiburon ferry at 9 and 11 a. m. and 12:30 p.. ml : . ?.', - >1 -.::, In the Heart of > SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS NEAR LOS GATOS Only. 90 minutes from" San Francisco, on .main line to Santa ' Cruz. Best equipped -,Camp*.in 4ts l region; "has the best. beds; "sets "the best;: table ;:rates re-, duced : to . sBtand $10 per .week; will in time rival p" \u25a0;;\u25a0:• '\u25a0. .- -.:'\u25a0 \u25a0 CAMP CURRY, YOSEMITE For circular, information "and rates address Camp Curry. Los Gatos. ; THE ANCHORAGE 4tTm -.'\u25a0'•: The most beautiful -spot JS\ In the Santa Cruz mountains j^'i,(y I \u25a0'\u25a0' r^a' f or health and pleasure. First V**Hgij jSTS^a class table,' cottages) ' tents, ' rt=^cS&tvT t e "n!s, ; croquet/dancing,- fish- a*X^*U^i\ ing, swimming, etc.; 50 acres «A&£*WU redwood, pine and madrone; «tk£^ "Ititude 1,1)00 feet: rates $0 •V^s^yA l 0 ?H - AdJress v - HALL, Vl* 6$M 4P® proprietor <-i t- and ,:. : manager, \u25a0 !^jM/i : Jffy& Patchin, -Santa Clara co., Cal. • -^^C^J?^^^-^ ee ' B'*r8 '* ra ' nB> by: appointment \V;^ ;at Alma station, 8. P.;. round 'W : , 'trip from San Francisco, $2.50 SEA BEACH HOTEL -' -, ' ... V SAXTA^CRUZ, CAL. Situated on a bluff within > 100 feet of the t \u25a0 FIXEST BATHING VBEACH OX THE • s PACIFIC COAST; And within 'C r minutes' r ; walk .of thn .' LARGEST AXD iPIXEST BATHING PAVILION IV CALIFORNIA '\u25a0-•• Fine toimls \u25a0 court, good boating, bathing and fisbing. Beautiful coast and mountain drives. . . HOTEL : ST. GEORGE - under the same man-, agement. J. J. C. LEONARD/ Proprietor. Hotel Pel Monte _ ; The one place In California of which you never ; tire. \u25a0> Unequaled facilities for all out- door-sports. ... : .; >\u25a0 r, -\u0084. -\u25a0; <1 ... H. R.;: WARNER.; Manager..; ICASTLE CRAGS FARM! XAX A real Log Cabin ' Colony, ! near ; Mt.V Shasta. • Hot and cold ;\u25a0• wa ter,- shower.- baths ; -» whole- - some home I cooking; j fine | mountain.*- scenery ; hunting-, and fishing.;-. Fdr: rates 'and reserYa-- : tlons address „ MRS. ' t\V F." MORRIS,'? Man- ; ager, care Victoria Hotel. , San Francisco. CHERRY COIiJRT The modern. Family ' Hotel of 'Santa'Cnw. Cen- trally located. : Erery thing ; new. *. First o>. class Table, reasonable rates. ' Automobile quarters. For? particulars \u25a0\u25a0: address , MISS h O. vRIBDBMAN, Proprletresn. 89 ' Church St."; Santa Cruz. is Cal. V < HOTEL SANTA GRUZ 'First class family- hotel, centrally located.: Good board ; ;; large,'; sunny ; rooms. . -," Special rates to : families, j Address -, NICOLAS ?&~; CO., . Hotel Santa Cruz.; Santa Cruz. 1 Cal. _• v PIINB UOiE>QE In ; ; the * mountains, i two' miles I from 1 Santa ; Cruz. Beautiful -n location : in '\u25a0. Blackburn : Gulch. • New, modern -^otel » and * cottages. \u25a0; Rates, 1 - $9 and - 5 up. ! Address: J. M. SHOULTS. Pine ; Tx)dge, . Santa CrUZ... Csl.-;; « v . ;.'/*;:' fl»v.-7- :-.'\u25a0'•- :-\u25a0'\u25a0.;'.. ,' \u25a0'.'-\u25a0 XJ" SEASIDE HOTELS :J., American 'and \u25a0 European plan."' New. furnishings, modern ; ;; dining room ' -.- service '" first 5 class, -t I^o-' ; cated'at the beach opp/i Casino". \u25a0 Popular 'prices.; Address M. H. BECHBR. Prop.. . Santa i Cruz. : Cal.j ''-\u25a0 LAWRENCE J VlLLA— Sonoma St? family I resorts 'Amusements:*^: Bus : dally >to 1 Hot i Springs. •I $6 a week. HENRY *.PELLESSIER,*P.*iO. box"? 80." OCEAN SHORE ROAD SUED FOR WAGES Test; Case Will Be Made Against, jTime Check System by V Co^^rativ^ League Attorney^ Denounces Railway Company and Threatens to> Qo the Limit in Court ;*:' As a test' case in the campaign against ; the , time - check system, - suit was filed in Hhe justice : court i yesterday by ;e.: Backus,' a member of the Unem ployed' co-operative : league.'agalnsfthe Ocean-Shore railway" company for a \u25a0claim of $29.50. ,, v > ' : r- The time . check .was .made payable to^ A. A Genatto. "a ' laborer, and, after passing through .'..various hands, was as signed finally to - Backus, * who declared in his complaint:; that he was unable to, collect.'-: The check, according ; to the data; on its face,' was payable April 15, 1909, for .30 days' work." done; during the month of .December, 1908, at the rate of $1 a-day. Of the \total amount 60; Scents was V- deducted for • hospital service. ' : : - -\u0084^..- ._\u25a0...-.. _ ,-\u25a0 y Attorney lG.;; B. Benham,, representing the 'plaintiff, /said that the lease , was a test one. !'We are anxious to find out," he V said, "by "what : right V these /firms refuse to pay their : workmen ", and whether-. or not they have a legal ground for their ' action. This is the first ; case -and it will be followed - : by scores: of others." Backus ; was emphatic in his denun ciation. "The present instance," ht> said,' "is ,one of many, but it has been selected? for^ prosecution* because of : its aggravated : character. .- 'We propose to go- the; limit" in- showing up this-cor-, porationi;; which" has always ; received generous treatment from". San Fran cisco and which IsTguilty of such inhu manity , to one of its humblest citizens.? PARAISO HOT SPRINGS 1 ' Grandest and Most Accessible of All Re- sorts. Only V* hour's Ride in Auto Over beautiful - . Road, \ ; New Swimming Fond, Bathhouses . ' ... Waters \u25a0 Awarded First >\ Prize at. St.- Louis ; Exposition. ; . !-: Natural 'hot coda, sulphur, plunge and. tub baths. 104 to- 116 degrees, for rheumatism, malaria and all . stomach troubles. - Iron -and' arsenic waters. - Altitude, 1,400 feet. Hunt- , ing, fine fisbing, . bowling, _-. tennis, . croquet, . 'dancing, a •• gas. ;:Kspert.; masseuser--- Round > trlp.^sB.'»''Rate>, $12 to $IG, baths Included. - Table : unexcelled. - Information : at ' any S. P. office or Peck-Judah Co. , 759 Market street, I or. Bryan's..- New train . service. - Take flyer i 8 a. m.; Third and Townsend; arriving at | Springs 1 p. in. H.H. McGOWAN, Prop.. 1 Paraiso Springs, Monterey . County, > Cal. ALTAHOE : A perfect bathing beach; warm,' perfectly dear water; . sandy bottom with gentle slope; abso- lutely safe' for 'women and children; -splendid fishing; tine 'walks 'and drives; best of fare at Liberty Inn ; restful - surroundings ; good orches- tra; open June 1. 'Address AL TAHOE CO., Al Tahoe, Lake Tahoe. -.-\u25a0?- AMONG THE PINES Altitude 2,023 Teet. : No Consumptivei. : . Enjoy the mountain air at "the^ Oaks. Best equipped " ranch 1 ; resort in the - Sierra. No stag- ing.' i Swimming pools, : bowling alleys. - tennis, billiards and 4 pool, etc. Livery. Rates $8 to $12 per week. - Phone ' or address R. F. • WARHAM, Applegate, Placer county. Calif ornla.^aWgfl^S^Sj Lake Tahoe, opens ;' June 1." "Headquarters "for trout" fishing. Resident- physician. Information at Peck-Judah's: and S. P. R. R. Information bu- reaus,; or. address LAWRENCE & COMSTOCK, Tallae, Lake. Tahoe, Cal. . . v . Lake Tahoe.' \u25a0 Only - hot springs . and best '- fishing grounds on the lake. Launch meets train at Tahoe. : See Peck-Judah's or? 5.. P.- R. R. in- formation bureaus,' or write . LAWRENCE "& COMSTOCK, i Brockway, Lake Tahoe. Cal. s . * • : 1 ;;ComKup now "and enjoy, the trout fishing. j 3 % Mrs. t Alice . Richardson, 5 Mgr.;l Tahoe, ; CaL~> ; j :^: l/PAiILEN/^LipAP;; LAKE. TAHOEr^vArnew resort." Ideal; location. Cottages, tents," horses, rowboats, launches, 'trout fishing. . Moderate rates. Address HARRY WHITCOMB. ; Mgr.. Fallen Leaf fP. 0.,; Lake Tahoe," Cal.: ;' " • •;-.\u25a0; -. • RUBICON PARK:-: .\. \- LAKE ;TAHOE. ; N. . WJ . Cuthbert,' formerly of Emerald 'Bay, 7 Prop. .'• Hotel, cottages • and .tents. New furniture."'; Home . cooking. - Fisbing, . social campfire, -postofflce.'' telephone. -"Address N." W. I Cuthbert,) Rubicon P. ; O., \u25a0\u25a0 Lake Tahoe, : Cal. ' I ', ' -'.'gIBNULPINE / SPRINGS';.-:^*;;- [- . ' LAKE TAHOE— Spring flowers; 1 beautiful cata- racts, *• dazzling " snow.v. trout \u25a0'; fishing, .-:; excellent mineral. water.? free; boats and launches, dairy," white .chef. V, Peck-Judah 1 or Southern Pacific 1 In- j formation : Bureaus."; EARL ; H. . COLEMAN, 'Mgr j; • Tallae P.'lO..; Lako, Tahoe. ' : : " \u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0-\u25a0'. fI|AJ(E INDEPENDENCE In . tlie : hlga- Sierra. '• Good trout 4 fishings in lake and stream. ; ; For .: particulars Inquire South- ern > Pacific : Information ' Bureau."-', or : address j,^ *: ;-\u25a0 MISS : It: -WARD.'. Hobart . Mills' Postofflce. ; "^EETBRIAR LODGE \u25a0'. Everything' first ; class.'- • Situated' in ; the* beautl-'* f ul ' Sacramento j canyon near: Castella. - Excellent view; of Mount ' Shasta. Good fishing • and \u25a0 hunt- Ing.' - .'*- For '\u25a0 rates ; and -• booklet • write .to H.* W.' 7 HOPPE. Castella, Cal; $10 j>er week.: . ; • MoisTEREV ; : MINERAL ; SPRINGS i *>r Contracts - taken > tot'- euro f of ». rheumatism. > ma- larla. \u25a0 kidney; = stomach, i liver, f. bowels, , bladder or nervous^ troubles.". >. Modern ;a- s conveniences '-\u25a0\u25a0', and amusements ;' in .the . pines : near f the ' bay ;<\u25a0 scenery grand ; " cottages -\u25a0 or - rooms •' or board ; -$1 \u25a0• to - $2. Write J.-O'CONNOR, Prop.. New t Monterey; Cal. pPffjh . For Infant 3 and Children, gl \ iiaagg^g^f^ Signature /J\s I Promotes DtgcstionJCfeerfut- nf jf^ Afr \u25a0'\u25a0'iiilil Hi ncssand&sLContalnsneittKr UA ff l\ Vp raSSif i \ Ophim>lorphlne nor>2aeraL Sk,\» VIV I -Bplfc! !;; Not Narcotic, j %T%, sj iffffliS; illi •" jlbcStcsa *• \ MmJL m •& f; Hil JUUTeSto- . a W\^ 111 iliSi^ 'ApcrfectKeraedyfbrCuTSS^ I \\ K y . Wi N Hon,SouTStoiMJ)larrto I «T p^ M f|..^ M \u25a0lir'aar l Thirty Years , 3taCt So^S 0^ ?' W^PPer* .~^i"* c«irr*oii commnv. «ew yon* enr. ISSUED BY THE Northwestern Pacific Railroad THE PICTTTRESaiTE ROUTE OF CALIFORNIA f V IS NOW READY fOR DISTRipUTIOSIK : : GIVr»G;ITnLL rtfTOKMATIOII ' "IN EEGARDTO , '" CAMPING SPOTS, THE LO- CATIONS, ACCOM MO D A- TIONS, ATTRACTIONS, ETC., OF/MINERAL SPRINGS, RE- SORTS AND COUNTRY HOMES AND FARMS WHERE SUMMER BOARD- ERS 1 AR^ TAKEN, WITH TERMS OF BOARD, $7.00 AND UPWARDS PER WEEK. To' be had at Ticket Offices. 874 Harket street; Ferry Building-, foot of Market street, and " Boom 986, James Flood - Building- (Gen- ' •' % eral Offices), San Francisco. W~. S. PALMER, J. J. GEARY, General Manager. G. P. & F. A., j Skaggs Hot Springs Nine* miles from- Geyserville. Two' trains daily.' Fare $4.60 round trip. In- cluding- stage. Rates |12 to $16 'per week. Hot mineral batlfs. Swimming, boating, hunting and fishing. Every- thing new. » including - management. PETER J. CURTIS. , SKAGGS. SONOMA QO., CALh . , AGUA CALIENTE SPRINGS . Nearest hot sulphur springs to San Francisco and bay cities ; 2 hours' - ride. NO STAGING. Swimming tank, tub, • plunge and electric light baths.. Cures stomach troubles, . rheumatism, liver and kidney complaints.' Every accommo- dation; reasonable rates. Take N. W. P. Ry.: . at Tiburonr ferry, at: 7:30 ' a.: m. and 5:10 p. m. Fare $1.10. Inquire at 7SO Market st. and 2004 Sutter' St.. - or address TEIEODOR RICH- ARDS. Aqua Caliente. Sonoma Co.. Cal. . FETTERS HOT SPRINGS Apua ' Caliente station.. Sonoma county. New • mission style plastered hotel. Hot and coM mln- eral ' water in , erery room. First class German cooking." iWarm • meals three, times » day.- Men helpin hotel and dining room. Every room and ' hallway < velvet carpeted. - Electric lights. Can accommodate ' 100 \u25a0 quests. R*tes-from $12 up.- ' Address Fetters Hot Springs, Sonoma, CaT. a THE GLEN RITA MI JS E ", .-New, -up to date hotel oa hillside, overlook ins i river. i^Tents if desired. Excellent table. Rates ! $10 to $12 a week. Cottages to rent. Address ,WM. C.HEALY, Montrio P. 0., Sonoma co. >"! • CITTT T V'C! ; Monte :iio O U JLtJLI X O SONOMA CO. Hotel and tents around grounds, nestled on aide hill among the redwoods, .- with , charming panoramic views • of : Russian river and surround- ing, country. " First class: accommodations. . THE HAYS ANI) COTTAGES SANTA CRUZ.'/ A choice "family resort for sum- mer,, visitors. ;\u25a0; Located on Beach Hill at- 117 Third ."St.,- two - blocks ; from - Beach and i Casino. Modern } and ;up to date. ' > German or Hungarian cooking. Rates $10 to $12 per; week.' . ALTAMONT. 'OCCIDENTAL; Ah v Ideal'; modern': summer hotel.* 3 hours from S F.- Fine carbonate s Iron « spring, t *tc.V Of proven medicinal value;' Bathing, 'fishing.- huntln*- \u25a0 15 acres "virgin '., forest ';\u25a0 recreation ; ground ; 5 pure living springs: $2 a day. $9 a week. Free camo- ing.J. D. CONNOLLY.. Occidental., Cal. • a r V "springs I>ftTe San Francisco at 3:45 p. m., Frlda/ or Saturday, Tla SaasaUtov Railroad round trip JT. {nolailln^ enjoy- able riUe ia our fine automobiles from St. Helena to Aetna Spriniw and rernrn. Illustrated booklet free on application.' AETNA ' SPRIXGS 1 CO. » Aetaa Springs. Xapa eorraty. Cal. JOHANNISBERQ K!»Tation 1.200 feet. Beatstlfull; situated arnons tbe redwoods. Fine lake, boatiog antt bathing, bo\vlin~. tennis court and dane« hall. Kates reasonable. THEO. BLANOKENBUBG JR.. Proprietor. Oa&Tillp. Napa Co. MARK W gST WARM SPRINGS Sonoma county. Only 3'i hoars from S F. an<* hnt 7 miles' statin?. Jleet trains of X. W. Pacific at Fulton bAth morning and evening. Sauaallta ferry at T:45 a. m. or 3:13 p. m.* doily. Kound trip only $3.7.1. Famous wild prapeTine arbors— * one 50 by 170 feet. «"o-»er!njr hotel Teranda antt drireway. "The prettiest place In California." U the verdict of thousand*, -ltates $i per day as $12 per weet. Patronage of thl* year nnprece- \u25a0 dented. References, any guest of pa« 15 years Particulars at 789 Market »t.. 2004 S'ltter at. oc . address J. F. JIULGREW. Fulton. Cal. TISS6 f* 1909 USGAN JPRINGS I' •* '\u25a0*•"' '\u25a0" -; % ' New concrete ' bathhouse and piossa bath. Booklet for the asklntr. entitled - "LET OTHERS TELL THE STORY** We cure others and why not you? Address' ED B. WALBRIDOE. Tuscan. Cal. -vv, HlamaHi Hot Springs Fishing, hunting and health resort. Extreme northern part of California. Write to EDSON BROS.. Beswlck, Cal.. or the PECK-JUDAH CO.. San Francis- co. Ix>s Angeles,, Portland or Seattle. SAN QREQORip STOfeE All kinds general merchandUe. Fishermen. banters, campers and anto parties supplied «t city prices. E. MOXTBVALDO. San Oregorio.- HOTEL BRADLEY First class board, pleasure cottages, two es- cellent troat streams. Also aorf flahlng: H4 mile* from famous Pebble Beach and Ocean (( CITY SUBSCRIBERS Who desire The Call mailed to them at summer' resorts or other out of. town places will please notify office, giving ; present address arid length of time desired sent to. new address. On return- ing please notify office, in order that service bjr carrier I may be promptly "resumed. J