Newspaper Page Text
10 I.OST AXD FOU>*D — f"ontlß«ed ' XOST Sunday evening, on Precita parlor's. picnic train from Fernbrook. at Oakland mole; 1 fold- ing kodak in leather case. • Retorn 'came to . DAN J. WREN. 255 California st.. and receive reward: \u0084 — , ; LOST — In telephone booth at White House. 4 pictures by Mauer; wrapj>ed In brown paper •nd robber bands. Reward If returned to White House, or Tnbbs Cordage Co.. Kohl building. \u25a0 UISTr- Brooch or lady's, pin. amethyst, and dia- tnon'l wttinc: pansy design; liberal reward; return to 2008 Vallejo *t. . \u25a0 ' 4jO«iT — I-adj-'s undressed ccrd purae containing shout $50. at Orplie-im. Thursday afternoon: return to 2.V) Montgomery. r<x»m 300: reward. LOST — A parrot, from 701 San Bruno ay.; reward. . LOST — Little -white pointer pnppy. on lower Sutter *t. Return . 1925 Broadway. Reward. *~ ; $10 REWARD Ifthp party who picked np the gold lorgnette in Maritey'n on Thnrsdaj- of last week will retnrn> •« owner at 2525 Gwigb st.. the above reward wil! he paid «nd no questions asked. EMPLOVMBNT WANTED — Male 'ACOOUXTAKT (expert* open for engagement to mske audits, investigations:' small sets of books kept; city or country; references. Box 365.V Call office. ACCOUNTANT open for additional work;' •To- tems iu«talled: auditing; special lnveatlga- tiosi; Al local reference*; reasonable rates; ritjr or country. P.ot 2907. Call office. B<>oK KEEPER, married, accounting experience, hest references, wants positlcn. city or coun- iry. Bot S6S7. Call office. _^ 'CHACFFEL'R-mecbanlc, a . young man who has had wide experience in driving and repairing auTomobHos. desires a position in this vicinity Trhile. attending college: best local refeVencen. Address CHAUFFEUR. 2303 Durant ay.. Berke- ley, Cat, BRIGHT, intelligent young fellow, with several rr»r»' general office experience, excellent cor- . "-T'nnnc.Tit and Koccessfol in placing claims, tracing shipments and making settlements; good traffic man: some advertising experlenc-*; ••dr. furnish bond and best references. Box 36H2. Call office. IiOOK KEEPER, experienced, flesires position: b<*Kt ' of references. Address box SGCi. Call.. <.iiINESE. excellent cook, meat "and pastry, wislirs position.' hotel, boarding house, restau- rant or pastry, family; good references; eatls- faction. CHARLES FOOK. 93C Stockton et., San Francisco, Cal. i:i.rX"TRICIAN wants steady position in taw- mill: can take care of electricity; do wood turning and earring. Box 36T.7. Call office. EXPFIJT stenographer and secretary desires po- sition: well recommended. ' Box 3C21. Call. GARDENER, florist and landscape, wishes posi- ;* tion. private family or commercial place: com- petent in all branches, under glass and out- side works; good references; single man; French: 46. Horticulture, box 3647, Call office. CHRMAN» 30, wants place as stableman or any kind of work. Inquire 1359 Golden Gate ay.. room 11." : JAPANESE, good cook, wants position In a fam- ily; has good references; city or country; .V wages $9 and np. FRANK MUJAHARA, 22t>7 Market St.; phone 7045. JAPANESE boy of la. upeaks good English. Ik rood *ook; or would make first clssi butler or vslct; woiiid work for $75 a month in first class place. Bor 363?. Call office. JAPANESE boy want* position to do any kind of work from 8 a. m. to 12 m. HENRY, phone Franklin 3716. JAPANESE couple want positions; ' man good «onk for hotel or best family, 20 years* refer- eneey; wife help, kitchen or general worker; city or country: no children. Address E. B. V.. 1611 A I.agana gt. f-lAXINE gasoline engineer (licensed) wants position. REKLAW. C 46 Lagona. I'AIXTER. paper hanger and tinter with all t<>o!« wants work, day or job: good work; reasonable. 2771 Folsom St.; pbone Mission r,MS. EOKER. active, reliable elderly German wants light work of any kind; wishes to make hlm- fif useful in general; handy all aroond and hss good experience in boosework; email t. ices; more for home; city or country.. Box S'*l. Call office. \u25a0 SOBER, reliable man wishes position as care tsker of private place: 5 years in last place. Address Box 4403. Call office. BTUONG. energetic man. intelligent and thrifty, bisrhly educated.' experienced in factory, office and -selling, open for employment: desired sal- ary,. S2OO month. Box 3C64. Call office. ETHNOGRAPHER and typist, male, wants posi- tion; experienced. Address W. E. D., 1926 . Berkeley way. Berkeley. WANTKD — Situation by . Japanese couple; man U cook, in family. .1521 Geary st. WANTED — Situation by Japanese eoople; man Is cck'k in family. 1521 Geary at.. S. F. WANTED — An oil fireman's job by a man who kuows; steady, sober, reliable, my long suit. Address J. A. P.. 422 sth ay.. Rich, dlst. VTUJLD like a Job overseeing, or will work by «r.ntr»ct: yearn of experience on farms; can Tnrclsh Al references. Address P. O. box 642. Uvermore. Cal. YIH.'NG man. 20. with no bad habits, wants po- i-iticn oa pooltry ranch; will not care for horses: some experience. Box 632, Call office, Oakland. I'OI'NG married man. age 24. wishes position i!) wholesale bouse; 6 year** experience as packer and foreman in wholesale grocery and vi«tden ware bouses: reliable; best of refer- ences. Address box 36GS. Call office. TOUNG man. pianist, familiar with band in- struments. dPßires position as book keeper or «»>mian in music house. Box 3709. Call. I'OL'NG man fteno., 5 years' experience, desires • potion in S. F. or Oakland:- best of refer- enrt^; {a answering Mate character of work mid salary. Box 3ff76. Call office. CTPKRIENCni) alteration hand on coats and Jacket*; will go oof by dar or week; city or <--)untrr. Box SfiT.3, <'all office. GOOD cook: situation in country; no laundry; *40 a month. Box 4462. Call. Fillmore. - LADIES' tailored suits, fit guaranteed ; also dress ! making: work taken at borne; engagements ff2.50 and fare. 2033 Busb st. between Web- Fter and Buchanan. JAPANESE girl wishes situation as rmrse or Hffht housework or cook. Box 4694. Call office. BJXINKD young woman wUbes light housework . ii family So exchange for board and room for lierscif and hnsbsnd; references exchanged. Box 3675. Call office. . SITUATION warned to do fecund work; l>est ft r^ference^. Please caU or " address 2014 WVhfit'r : phone West 7643. SITUATION wanted — maid or second work; best of reference*. Addre?* box 4404, Call office.- WANTED — Situation as boose keeper or general \u25a0 lionsework. Box 3656. Call office. >?ORK- by <Jsy. wishing, house cleaning, by strong young woman. Call or write MRS. E. U., 402 Grove et.. room Si. XV iMAN wantK to do washing and . housework ';-.- Monday and Tuesday; $1.75 per day/ Address twr 3680. Call office. ,- \u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 .WOMAN want* to do " general ' housework. . £21 Pevltadero . 6t-. city. • . . - • WOMAN wants work by the day, washing and fleanlng. Box 2486. 1108 Valencia et. JCOL'NG woman stenographer.* first class typist, neat and well recommended from last place, v lanes position with large firm who would ad- vance, her as she showed ability: salary to 'start $S3 a month. Address box 3642,. Cail. AA— PHONE KEAttNY 5363. •'.;. '"\u25a0'\u25a0" BAN FRANCISCO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, . ' 172 Last St.— Maritime Hotel. \u25a0 i ' Near ferry. KTINTED— ALL KINDS OF SKILLED AND UN- SKILLED HELP. i tWLL'KINDS OF HELP FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. •A WORD TO THE EMPLOYERS. < Oir connections and our familiarity wit h Euro- pe* n languages enable c* to make a good choice atnonc native Americans and men who have im- migrated to the United State*. U. S. MARITIME HOTF.L in connection: the largest and best w«rkingmsn's hotel on the; water front, opposite the trrry. HELP ON HAND. ALWAYS. A>'DRE'S,", 1044 Larkin St.— 2d cook and malce I >a<«trj-. . country botel. ~: $45; Kaloon porter, \u25a0 make sandwiches, etc.. $50-s9o::lmj boy; hotel. SS<«-$33; roan, and- wife, private place,-. $50; young man to do" porter \ work In - a Kaloon, ' • «26; coffee man, $3S; waiter; $40;- tooast man. restanrant, -$» wk. ; • cooks " and all \u25a0 kinds of ; botel help wanted;. Oakland office; UT,7 rrank- • Tin'st.' ; . :"\u25a0 ':. -' "': :" \u25a0-.-•;..-'-.\u25a0 • -\u25a0- . - A STRONG yonng - man • for ; outside. -. work : pri- vate family; country; $33. MISS PLUNKETT, IHHs" Sutler et. - ' :> \u25a0 BOY wanted that undpr*tsndsvfrult» and vege- tables. Apply 3305 17th st. near Gncrrero st." from :10to 2. :r. \u25a0 \u25a0 '-.'\u25a0'." '-'-\u25a0'\u25a0" \u0084. \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0<'\u25a0-\u25a0 ; . Dim washer and mini f«r help in s-raill rrs- : taarant. 193 «th ear. . Howard. ..'-'.- EXTERIENCKD hand Ironer* » ! on new rhlrts. riMAX. SEELIGSOHN & BROWN. 119 New Montgomery st. ._ \u25a0. - - . . fITXX experienced taen to make railroad 'He*. . A. r. Estabrook Co., 2i5 California «U \u25a0;--— V , MALE HELP WAXTED— Contlnned . ' HAVE ;a ' fine , opening for young man . wbo 7ls desirous of -advancement; - amount - required $100. Call GLOBR- REALTY CO.. 211 Pacific . bide. or. K.W, Broadway., Oakland.. '. ; . --. i HOP > PICKING will commence ;on our ranches aboot AoguFt : 20: \u25a0 pickers I can 4 register '.now; call or write * for partlcolars. AMERICAN HOP AND BARLEY C 0.," 118 California Rt. LABORERS and mechaolcs to know that Edward Rolkin.bas reduced the rooms at the Denver Boose, 3d and Howard 6ts.,to 35c per day; $2 week: . bot. and cold water- in every room. \u25a0\u25a0 MEN and women to sell, Wm. DeCoorsey's useful articles; experience not necessary. 718 Golden Gate ay.. San Francisco; 1611 Brush St.. Oak. MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; earn $5 to $10 per week ' while learning; pa r- tlcolars free. MOLER COLLEGE. 0 11th st. : HKS to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; free spe- cial inducements to next 10; call early; get partlcnlarE. S. ?P. Barber College, 8 Fell st, MEN wanted at 103 3d at. to have their shoes repaired : sewed soles; 75c; done In 10 mln. "NEW WESTERN. 1124 Howard— Single rooms. 15c and 20c, per night; hot and cold water. NOON waiter, for club. 848 California St., be- fore 9 a.m. ; " PHOTOGRAPH coupon and portrait agents; something good. Cotberth Photo Studio, Bacon bldg.. Oakland.. . - . REAL ESTATE SALESMEN— Good, active men to handle highly developed Burllngame , prop- erty;' all improvements made; settled com- munity; excellent class of residences; easy terms: liberal commissions paid.' Room: 101, . Boss bldg., 235 Mootgomery st. SHOE cutters and boot crimper wanted. COHN- NICKELSBURG CO., 12th and Brush, Oakland. SOLICITORS— If your Job doo't pay 200 per cent, mine- will; no fake. Room 25, 057 Broadway, Oakland. . \u25a0 ' TEN boys with wheels. RED LINE MES~ SENGER CO., 458 9th St., Oakland. WANTKD— 6OO men to occopy rooms. 20c to 30c per night (free bath), at the NEW YORK, 7CS Howard st. bctweeen 3d and 4th. WANTED— Men to learn to operate moving pic- tore machines: salary $35 per week. 221 Lo- <-nst ay. off Van Ness near McAllister. —WAN'iED— 100 LABORING MEN To occupy clean sincle rooms at the ORIGINAL MECHANICS* HOTEL. 919 Howard st. bet. sth and 6th; 15c. 2\>c, 25c day; $1. $1.25 per week. WANTED — A gentleman of good appearance and address; most be hostler; good position. Call room 304 Hotel. Navarre, •44 3d 5t.,.9 a." m. to 9 p. in. WANTED — Steady man: permanent place: light, plain work; will pay $75 per month; $150 cash required. »rt6 Market St., room .7. WANTED — Yoong man to solicit advertising; good chance -for right man; advancement cer- tain if a hostler. Address box 3532, Call. WANTED — Young man as partner In going con- cern; must be willing to travel: $100 handles half interest. ' Box 835, Call, Oakland. WANTED — Bright yoong boy. 10 years of age. who has gradoated from grammar school, as messenger In city -boxer's office.. Apply su- 1 perintendent's office from 9 to •11 a. . m., HALE BROS. INC. • WANTKD — Outside salesman for oor talking machine dept; exp. not necessary. Apply KOHLER & CHASE. 40-52-54 O'Farrell st. WANTED — A fine looking gray physician regis- tered In California with some hospital expe- rience; good calary, short hoars, no traveling. 25 3d st. ; . WANTED — Men roomers; per night, 25c; by week, $1; hot and cold water any. time. GlO Eddy st. WANTED — Middle aged man: most be good ' talker and bonest: $2 per day. Box 36.31, Call. YOUNG men ; wanted to learn telegraphy; wire- less telegraphy, railroad and station service; day and night sessions. Central Trust Lldg., Van Ness ay. corner Golden Gate ay. 2 LIVE men: steady work: par every day. Call WM. DX COITRSKY *• CO.. 718 G. ;G»te ay. EXPERIENCED watch maker Is willing to take an apprentice onder contract; position goaran- teed after servlne full-time. Box 2919. Call BARBERS AXD SUPPLIES A SNAP — 2 chair -shop and bath at Cloverdale ; price $165. For particulars call on BECKEL & PRESHER, cor. 12th and Franklin sts., Oakland. Cal. BARKER CHAIRS. Model "C." hydranlic. 1907 model... ...$4O Model "G," nonhydraolic. 1909 model.. 532 Model "H," hydranlic, 1909 model $6S Second band chairs, all kinds and makes, from $15 up. JAMES BARKER. Inc.. Phone Franklin 3899. _ . 94 Tork st. BARBERS— Come In and see the handsomest white porcelain enameled iron chair manufac- tured. You have positively seen nothing like It before. It Is Koch's masterpiece, and most appeal to everybody's artistic sense, because of Its plain bot appearance. It Is thoroughly sanitary. We have 9 Barker hy- dranlic chairs, which are practically new and originally sold for $85.' Our price Is $50.% Open evenings. Pacific Barber Supply Company. 962 Market «t. BARBER sini]». country; a money making shop; can have long trial; price $250. Apply at STOLTZ'S. 731 Market st. BARBERS—-Just received another large shipment of old original Swaty hones: reduced to 50c this week. STOLTZ'S. 731 Market 'st., fourth floor. • , \u25a0 " BARBERS— We are overstocked with fancy shelf bottles, therefore reduced from .'soc to 2(ic; also *j>eclal discount ou barber coats, all sizes-, un- til further notice. STOLTZ, 731 Market st. BARBERS' UNION 148. office 343 Van Ness ay.; free employment: tel. Market 889. BARBER wanted for Saturday. - 112 3d . St. BARBER wanted ' for Saturday and, Sunday. 7<S Vallejo. BARBER wanted steady. 455 Sth St.. Oak- - land. BARBER for- Saturday; 10c shop;. 70 per cent. • Cor. Van Ness ay. and Hayes, st. BARBER for Saturday., 54 .Mission St., San Francisco. . ' • • BARBER chairs bought and sold; new Blr- ; mlngham . chairs sold on time. 885 Grove st. BARBKR wanted: steady job; bring tools. 210SM£ Allston way. Berkeley. BARBER wanted, for Saturday. 2014 Shattock ay.. Berkeley. BARBKR:. $14 and bouse rent free. Box 3654, ' Call office. BA RBER • for : Saturday ; steady to ripht man. Plielan building. . - BARBKR wanted for Saturday; CO per cent;' lo cent shop.- Cloi4;Clay st. 1 BARBER, wanted at- 753 Devisadcro st. BARBER wanted at 45 Pine st., \u25a0' near .Front. BARBER wanted for Saturday " and Sunday. .1011 Montgomery ay. ; - ; BARBKR wanted to work every Saturday till 7 p. m.~ 102 First street. .,. \u25a0 , BARBER wanted at 309 Cth st. , . BOOTBLACK for barber - shop. .11 Turk i St. FIRST CLASS barber wants " situation steady starting Monday. :: 12C9 Eddy ! St. \u0084" FOUR good barbers wanted steady: g^od wagee made. .21 Montgomery ; ay. nr.'. Washington st. FOl'R good barbers wanted steady; good wages ' •\u25a0'»"«"*•'•-' SH-M-H.. "..-"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; : ; / ' FOU SALE— A 4 chair barber chop, with 4 bath- rooms; - doing -a \u25a0> good boslness; centrally, - 10- . cated. • - For « particulars - write or call \u25a0at > 204 East Fremont nt.. Stockton.' Cal.— 4 H.'iD. Chairs, 1! D.. C. vibrator; brand ' new;-, very ' cheap 'Address box 3631, Call office. - - \u25a0 ; FOR sale— -$1,450: -cigar' stand, • barber shop, 3 chairs, and poolroom. W.-W.vMIDDLETON.' 316 Pacific ay.. Santa Cruz. Cal. . -' : GOOD barl>er; waiited for Saturday. 109 Cth st. GOOD barber • wanted Saturday ~ and .'Sunday. ' "-2:57 *4th st. -r[ ;•'. -.-•: .'.. ;.-'\u25a0 .. ; -. -, \u25a0':;-- \u25a0\u25a0."\u25a0..-; . GOOD -barber for Saturday: steady If (mod wage*. : 3419; Mission.'gJßSSfaniMßßßHM ! GOOD barber wanted 1 for Saturday land ' Sunday.' • Apply ' 2*oB '. California :st.^ near FUlmore.',", . GOOD payine shop for sale or rent. '"Owner must leave • for Seattle. \u25a0 \u25a0 2984 ICth st. ; , near^ Mission. ' GOOD barber ' wanted ' eteady. • 432 ; Cth : St., \ Oak- • \u0084 land.' •; No stodents"' ; • ':*\u25a0.' ';";.,- ; ; I WANT to ; boy: paying: country.: shop' with Hv- v , Ing j rooms preferred; -not Ito exceed $400.\;Par- v tlculaif ' first ; letter. - 80x'j3634.- : : Call: office." . [ MASTER' Barbers'.'. Attention— Moudayr: Aug. "9. " . a " p." :- in:, \u25a0 open meeting * at \ the t barbers' bead- •iuarter«. \u25a0•' 343 -.V an - Ness : ay. :,* discussion • o • '-losins . sliopß '• on Admission . day. • CHARLES , H K«>CH. 'Secretary. ».--•..:\u25a0..-".\u25a0/ - UP 'TO DATK-*;;;chslr shop for : sale ", Jh^a'ood ' \ -town n«*3r.clty.7' Address;i>ox'3oJ<",'Call:officc.' ; ; WANTKD— Barlxr for- Saturday..' Apply ,--2050 lllskloii Kt." ... -..\u25a0'-. \u0084•:\u25a0-',' ;\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.'\u25a0\u25a0.;\u25a0,.'\u25a0. ;'.', T H ', WANTED— Barlirr. for Saturday* and^ Suudav. 900 A: La?nna. . '':..' . : 'cv.'-v:» r WANTED— First class barbery for/ Honolulu,^ to . leave • Saturday, '; -Apply > 1194; Marke t: st. ... ; WANTED— Bootblack. lor.': Uaxbcr-elicp, 616 ; ;\u25a0:\u25a0 Kearny.'Bt."... • - .---- : --; . nT:''^-"' ITOB :SH: SH M AN -CliSCbi iioSliii; FRIDAY: MUG USTM 1909; BARBERS^\J^.^UPPLIE^ WANTED— Good "; barber.-: steady. Job : and v good y. wages ; for ' good man.~,y 1303: Castro st. * :' v r \u25a0 WANT first class barber.; steady "Job; for Sator- ; flay,- and!Sonday.'',.l4o7 < Biichanan-st.'»' • ;-.- "-".-. $400 ! cash "buys : candy \u25a0 store and 3 H.> D. "chair, barber ' shop; < money \u25a0 maker ; for man and ; wlf e; living roods. ,281 9thst.*-.' /.. :-. \u25a0-;,--: $350 — 3 Koken-U.'rD." chair shop and bath, near : - city ; finely , fitted ; '. large, vibrator; j prottts I over \u25a0 $100 per month: long 'lease; rent $13. ,CHAS; COLEMAN & CO.: 830 \u25a0 Market ' st. \u25a0-\u25a0;•.' : f -; r-.j'r -.j' \u25a0; \. $175— A splendid 2 1 chair shop j nicely fitted ; fine 1 -opportunity' for- some • one ; i! must- be i sold -by Saturday.^ 144 B : St., ' Terms if desired. . .\u25a0': 4 CHAIR' barberisbop, : Oakland; 'best location; good buslneßS : . sickness , ! cause r selling ; : most sell. With;COLEMAN &.) CO.. \ 830 Market st. 2 GOOD , barbers wanted steady. ' 1322% New Grant ,aT.'.-' Durxmt st. < near - Vallejo. <\u25a0 :''< 3 CHAIR barber shop for sale. 3218 Adeline St.. South Berkeley. \u25a0-';-;..; . . r . ; $200—2 chair barber shop I for sale ; very cheap rent. ' 959 Guerrero st; '- ' \u25a0 \u25a0 ;__:iii-_; FEMALE .\u25a0 HELP;; WANTED : v' '; "_[_\u25a0\u25a0 AAA- TO FEMALE PHYSICIANS— AAA Wanted— To .meet .a .medical .woman, of •; com- manding appearance; abreast of the, times and ; desirous of making money; ; willing .to. travel and capable of delivering i lectures on female \u25a0 diseases. Apply 'Confidential... box '4401, Call. A COOK; understands German < cooking,' $40: a German nursery governess for 1 .. child, ; $3.1,' references; a strong janitress for an. office \u25a0 building,' $45; an -experienced nurse, for a hospital out of town. $50; a second jrlrl for : a .plain place, country, $25; a general : house- work, must cook. $40; a first class cook.- small family; sso; a German nurfe, city, $.15; a- see- - ond girl across the bay;, $30: an \u25a0 experienced \u25a0- infant's nurse, references. $.'s,">: housework trirls. $40. MISS PLUNKETT. 1896 Sutter st. COMPETENT and experienced stenographer- with references ; Underwood machine. Write box 822, Call office, Oakland. DEUSTER'S SCHOOL OF HAIRDUESSINQ ANP BEAUTY CULTURE. 47 KEARNY ST.. S.F . FIRST CLASS lady nolicl tors can, find steady employment by applying -city circulation de- partment . San Francisco Call, 3d and Market streets. -: ; , -. - \u25a0 .. • , \u25a0 - : : AAA — Experienced cutters and canners to work on fruit; highest wapes -paid;. Sunlit Fruit Company, 4th and Dwlght way. W. Berkeley. A A — A number of women and girls for catting and canning apricots, pears and other .fruits; pleasant and profitable work:- good 'surround- ings. CALIFORNIA CANNERIES COMPANY, ISth and : Minnesota sts. LADIES wanted to take home work; part or full time; experience unnecessary; TKIKBERS. 1240 Sntter st. near Polk.' LADIKS for reliable piece work; stamping transfers; good paying, steady employment. Room 816 Westbank bldg. \u25a0 -. OAKLAND. GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. LEVI STRAUSS & CO., 3D AND CLAY STS. OAKLAND. APPLY TO MR., DA VIS. \u25a0 FIRST CLASS ladles' tailor wanted: no others need apply; $28 per week. BARON, 118 Geary, st. • -•\u25a0"'; GIRL, wanted- to assist with children and light housework. , 1655 Waller, st. HOP PICKING - will commence on our ranches . about August 20; pickers can register now ; call or write for particulars. AMERICAN HOP AND BARLEY CO., 116 California st. LADIKS — During summer months we will give a liberal discount on all laces; our neckwear will be sold at half. Brussels Lac* Store, < 1254 Sutter st. below Van Ness. RELIABLE woman to work Monday and Sat- ' urday mornings. - Apply 1909 Post Bt.'s r - STEADY increase In the business of the Pacific " telephone I and telegraph company necessitates - the employment of | additional ' operators; I and the telephone company is making special In- ducements to secure for these positions young women of neat appearance, ' fair education and excellent' character. Young' women who -wish to stody 'telephone operating will not only re- ceive free tutition in -the Pacific, operating school, bot will also be paid while stodying. and upon; graduation will be given position* at ' the switchboards. " The ' exchange buildings are equipped- with rest and retiring rooms and the operating rooms are. light and well ven- tilated. The telephone company takes a -per- sonal interest \u25a0In the /welfare of the young women in its employ.', and on this account parents of the- sort of girls desired are. en- couraging them to take up telephone operating as a profession.. For further particulars call at the Pacific operating schoql. Franklin ccn- . tral office. 821 Hyde : st. near Sutter. WANTED — a: Protestant lady nnlncombered as attendant in 3 doctors' I offices; must be extra fine appearing and at least high school gradu- ate from distance;: teacher preferred; no limit to Mlarv. Don't write. Call personally. Dr. C, 25 3d st. WANTED— A bright young German girl for light housework; good -wages and a - good borne to right party; also a young lady laundress, some experience. Address MISS E. FRASER. P. O. box 83. Santa Cim, .Cal... - - . WANTED— GirIs to address , envelopes. Apply 4 after 10 o'clock. to WM. M. WEIL, 27; Steven- son st. near 'lst.; WANTED — Salesladies- ror our cloak and suit \u25a0 department. --.Apply .between 12 and 12 o'clock a. m. at. our. Oakland store — 11th and B'way. WANTED— Ladies to learn hair dressing at the Cal.' College of Hair Dressing and Beauty Cul- ture: day. and nieht school. »07«.- Mkt.: phone. WORKING house-keeper, family of 2. short dis- tance out of town. $30-$35. \u25a0 Cail'at'MlSS PLUXKETT'S. ; 1896 -Slitter- st. : WANTED— Stenographer, rapid on Smith Pre- mier. 25» 3d St.. ' . :.-;\u25a0 :^ WANTED— Experienced lady ; presser: apply: at the PARISIAN CLEANERS'. 508 Valencia st. WANTED— Stenographer, rapid"-. on Smith Pre- mier. , 25 3d st. , ' \u0084 WANTED-^-Young -ladles to : train . as- nurses; ages 20 to 35; paid while learning. 019 Bush St.. Oakland. Cal.: " WANTED— Chorus eirls. KOLB i & " DILL ' CO., ' Apply 11 to 2. 1676 Ellis st. --\u25a0\u25a0.- • SALESMEN ami _SOLICITORS WA XTED LOCAL agents; men • and women, in ..-every 5 in- terior, town . for household : novelties ; \u25a0 permanent positions to gocirl workers;; exclusive territory; "easy sellers; splendid pny: don't look further. Write: or -caIU RADIO, MFG. CO., 1005 Wasli- \u25a0 Ington st.. Oakland. - TRAVELING salesmen wanted— They earn $1,000 to $25,000 a year .and expenses; .no experience , needed: we. will .teach . you: *o- be an expert salesman and assist you to secure employment: hundrpds of 1 good positions now ' open. ; We . are jrncelvine more calls: than ever for our grad- :«ates and are placing them daily with the best firms In the country. Hundreds. who formerly oarned from $2.j.t0 $75 a month now earn from $100 to $500 a montli and .expenses.";. If you want to be'a salesman and increase your earn- . ing.capaolty, our free book' ".V Knight of .the Grip" will .. show, you how. '/. Write . (or \u25a0: call) : nearest" office : for it today. Address National "Salesman's Training Association, GIOB Metrop- olis - Bank . bid;?.. . San : Francisco. 1 •"• :-. Branches,, Chicago, New ; York, Kansas City,' Minneapolis.^ WANTED— Successful ' . nursery.-; salesman ; -.big commission; choice territory: -heavy demand for trees. OREGON NURSERY CO.',; Salem, Oregon." '• WANTED— Young man - to ; solicit • advertising; good? chance -for; right man; advancement cer- taln ' If 2a t bustler. .Address box 3532. . Call. ?„; WANTED— 3 : neat ' appearing ' solicitors ; ' r good . chance for ambitious men. ' Call 10 to 11 a.' m., i 2122 Market «t. j>. . -, 3 LIVE . solicitors: for ' first class work,*, $25 . per ; week and op. ' - Apply ; 9 to 10 fa. m., " 527 - Plielan bldg. -: \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 ' \u25a0"-•.\u25a0"\u25a0. > ;vV;^'A^EXTS.-WAXTEn -'/ ; :,V;- WANTED— Young , manlto ' advertising; "good chance 'for .right-m an: 5 advancement cer- tain Ifa hustler.' --Address box 8532." Ca11.' * V « EMPLOYMENT 'OFFICES AAAA— TEL. FRANKLIN '37S7. Japanese i> Employment Agency.- \u25a0 ;. 1105 Post . St. \u25a0 near Polk. ... AAA— :, PHONE WEST 173 L ".' ,\u25a0 \ '••\u25a0. ;;--.'•;. > Largest Japanese and' Chines e: employment office iln city. -'.T. TAMURA' CO.~ 1612 Lagana ; st. , AA— OSCAR ! HATSU.MI.V JAPANESECHINESi: EMP. * CO. ; BEST * HELP G UAR. : :; CITY; OR COUNTRY. 21513GEARY ;ST>;.WKST.SOSB. .1 AT MAYER'S' EMPLOYMENT,: OFFICE.. *,-;. ;. . 1110. Post st;,",bet.'rPolk;andcVau ; Ness ay.'' . -Phone Franklin; so9n;;.--. ;: J. • CONN,".' Chinese - ; emp.'f boreao ; * Chinese i cooks ' .- special. ; hotel or; fara.; 77o Clay: .t.'D'glas 3162.; Ai" H0R1. 5 1745: Sutter :i phone" West? 2HO3^~Bes: • .',' Japanese^Chinese ;?belp & furnished ;> : promptly." ?; \u25a0 STAR 7 emp.74 office 7l fnrnishes 'T, Japanese-Chinese" ; help. : W.KADOTA.-160S Geary; ml; West 167.' 'H. s W. :' HONG," I^ Chinese* employment; office, ;805 - vcghster %r. : \u25a0 On k'.nnt}. : : Phone ; Oak '' r»S4rt. '-.-\u25a0:-\u25a0-\u25a0 : ;. ; ." UNPAID CIOLL'i&CTBb^:'/' KNOX.' 433 5 P10e^-SulU. ' Uen» i and attachments; . t lnn* check* cmhui: debts cnll'ted ' everywhere.' * \u25a0 ROOM'S] TO ] LET^-Fur/; and "! 'tint 'iir."* : ;! AAA— CRESCENT. (820 \u25a0 EDDY; st*— Nicely,? fur- .-;nl)-hc(l"rnis.: t - mod;; (.-onvpnlenceg^ rates •reason.** AA— TURKi st.",? 822-^-IjirKe.'f sonny a front groom."" -\u25a0 with f every..* convenience ; •; also £ single t rooms ; \u25a0 special * rates ;to?gen tle- . .men; i suit able;' t ori 2., '>;-..' :.' f/. : -.; :> v. , AA— -300 j stb ! -. Bt. ; ' sunny . outside rooms : ./rumitng watcr,-j bath [ week ; up ;' board i If ; desired. \u25a0 [\u25a0{•'* ROOM^TO ijgT--CoHtiMn«d_ A— ALLi day? stinnr. private residence; -close' to f- Market st.V r parka - theaters ;^ and - boslness \u25a0\u25a0' center; eleßant , rooms ;, $1.50 ? week i up ; * near ~ 3 car/ lines; * grand view.^ gardens, phone.'^hot ; bath,:laundrv- all conveniences.*! Call"4s2 Oak \u25a0 'st.; take ; Haight st. cars" to- Bochanan; at. .- A— TURK: st./', 1205 v near Webster— Newly i for-" ' nighed.^Rnnny. room, bath • connecting, suitable , for couple \u25a0 or I2 : gentlemen, $10, ; with^kitchen ex. : also single room, $10. ..;-.:: '.. '\u25a0'.-.' \u25a0-\u25a0' • ANTHONY , HOTEL; S2f. Howard near ' 4th— New ... management: -all modern cony.; free baths; aoc . > day : Is 2 week ( up : | Howard or 4th \u25a0 ct r : cars. \u25a0< -. .- . \u25b2 COZY home tur respectable i ladles, 1130 Mar-_ r%ket st.3near 7tb under: auspices of . tbe-SAL- >-. VATION-ARMY; eleganUy furnished; every -modern convenience; steam heat, electric light elevator senrice;- spotlessly- -clean; :ceii- '\u25a0' trally located; thoroughly homelike; telephone M arket 1349 ; prices very , moderate,', ranging . from- 25c \u25a0: per night up; special < rates -by ? th« .. weeks or month. .See^ matron, room 33. .: \u25a0-'\u0084-\u25a0.. BAKERist.; 36— Sunny furnished , room ; l'tor.2 gentlemen;; batb. phone? convenient, to car line. BALDWIN -HOUSE, 74 Cth st. near Market— All ..'.modern conveniences; 220 rooms;. 3sc to $1 per :day;,s2 to $5 per week ; free baths. :, : CALIFORNIA «t. 2112— Large, snnny; rooms, : : bath. '= phone, large closets ; also single rooms ; fine-l ocation. " . - " \u0084 "* • •- •\u25a0 '• - CENTRAL HOTEL, 574 3d St.— Free baths; of- flce 'and reading room oorn r groond \ floor; 800 single and family room? ; 35c to $1 a day; $2 to $5 a week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. DEHON st.,: 45. near 10th— Light, clean, sunny v outside rooms; \u25a0 neatly furnished; bath; 75c ' to -.'• $1 .week.:, ;..- . . _ •'- *. :"'•'. : "..' -\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0* :\u25a0'.'' - '-- CLARA st.; 166. near sth— 2 unfurnished rooms. \u25a0.'\u25a0•s7;,3;-s9.^ ..--\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0::\u25a0\u25a0'.. : : r \ \u25a0'\u25a0 ' - > .•'\u25a0'-'\u25a0 .--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' DEWEY HOUSE. 4th and Howard— All modern • conveniences; 200 rooms: 35cto $1 a day, $2 to $5. week; free batbs. Howard or 4th st. cars. EDDY- st.V 128S^Laree sunny famished -room; bnth." Phone^West 1658. \u25a0".\u25a0..--\u25a0- FILLMORE St., 1126— Furnished ; saltes; piano, ' bath; phone; strictly modern; tourist trade 50- ... llclted. .-.\u25a0-. . . \u25a0:.".'. :'\u25a0 .'".-' v :"'\u25a0 : '-'-.":. ' FAIR. OAKS st;, 417 — Large front sunny, rooms, . for 1 ; or 2 ; : bath and phone ; \ private j house, j • FOLSOM; st., 1224 — Single rooms, ; furnished, $1 a week up. -. . . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -' '•-'. . ' •• I'REEIUt of desirable vacant rooms; furnished, unfurnished apartments, bouse- . keeping. HONEYMAX. 507 Westbank bldg. -: ./ HAIGHT St., \u25a0 1164— Kleg.- furn.' '."front, rooms '-In. - adult f am. ; > also 2 well furn; rms. • comp. for for light hskpg; opposite Buena Vista park. ; Phone Park \u25a0927. . ,' \u25a0',- HAIGHT st.. 232— Lnvge well furnished sunny \u25a0 rooms; walking distance; specially suitable for gentlemen ; reasonable. Phone >• Park : 2372. ; HAVES "st., o26— Nicely furnished room; gas. . electricity and : running V wa ter; use of phone .and bath: private family: rent $10. ; , \u25a0-:. HOTEL ST. PAUL. 528 12th at., corner Clay, Oakland— Rooms ftOc a day up; $2.00 week up; special rate by the month; open all night. . HOWARD st.. 1283, near 9th— Nicely, furnished \u25a0 rooms, front bay windows; bath. gas. ? .-y.*-- HOWARD st., 2041."; nr. ' 16th— Clean sunny -.- room; bath, hot and cold water; $1.50 week.' HOWARD St., 2167. nr.l7tb— Light,, well torn. :\u25a0 rooms;- German pro. family; bath, run. water, phone; reasonable. . \u25a0 . •_\u25a0 \u0084 OVE:.^AND HOUSE, 569 Sacramento : st, below . Montgomery — Now open,- 200 rooms; hot and cold, water la every room; 26c to $2 per day, $1.50 to $5 per week. EDW. ROLKIN. Prop. PAGE; St.*. r>7C.. near . Fillmore-7-Large, -sunny, , front bay window room, $10. SAN CARLOS; 1175 O'Farrell st. — Furnished or - unfurnished, with or without bath; 'privilege of house keeping. . - ._ THE WELLER; Post and Hyde— Nicely ' f ur- nlshed rooms; single or en -suite; $14 mo. up. THE GOUGU; 1124 Gough corner^O'Farrell— Nicely.; fur. rooms, single or suite: reasonable. THE LURL!NE/;1353 Bush— Sunny modern rms., , r $2.50 wk. up: country trade; liOc to $1.50 day. TURK st.; 1513. near Steiner— Sunny, well fur- nished 'room, suitable for 2 gentlemen;, bath; $12 month., - • • VALENCIA 5t.,; 447— Front room, large..' light, sunny; running: waters price $S a month. - WEBSTER st., > 1006 — Larse, well furnished out- side rooms; sun all day; bath; phone; $1.25 week up; also hoose keeping rooms. ; 173<> ; Polk St., Kimuy outside rooms, hot and cold water, bath,, phone; $2 week up; /house . keeping privileges , allowed. .. 17TH st. . . > .5700. ' corner ; Denon— Sunny corner, rms. T newly furnished: bath, phone: $8 and $12. 9TH a y.". . 1 294 A ,. Sunset— Sunny ' front rooms ; 1 block from curs; use of kitchen \ lf ' desired; ,$8 and 810 month. . . : ' . . 21ST st.; 3353 — 2 large, sunny rooms, newly f ur- nished: very reasonable. .-_ -' ' REXT THAT VACANT ROOM ' A Email want ad la 'llie Call will do it quicker., than a dozen signs plastered on your windows and which -spoil > the looks \of . your borne besides.. .Pbone : Kearny. B6 for an ad; ma 0 to call and see you. ; -.- . \u25a0 -\u25a0 ' . \u25a0ROOMS FOR HOUSE KEEPING AA— STANYAN st;, ' 945— Al house : keeping rooms, completely furnished: reasonable; suu all day; near Golden Gate park; ; . A— FILLMORE 144;; — 2-3-4 rm. fnrn. and unfurn. apts.;. single rooms; rnn. water: modern: reas. DIAMOND ; St.. , 1009—2 front ' bay window -rooms; complete ; for house ; keeping; , batb, , laundry; Castro or ,2-lth st.': cars:; 815. .'. FOLSOM St.. . 1222. nr. Btb— Suite rooms ; for house keeping; bath, hot water, gas, laundry room;; rent. $16 up; also single room., \u25a0 : • GOLDEN GATE ay.. 1501— Large, front, bay -window room,* corner, ose of kitchen, hot bath, reasonable; single room, $8. . ; • ' > GOLDEN GATE ay., 1001. opp. ; Jefferson sq.— '.. Elegantly : furnished house keeping rooms, also •single; hot and cold water, ln every room; bath; phone: $18 up. ' - " r'l< .''•"... \u25a0 - HAIGHT St.. "1779— Front bay ; window.-": room: . . buffet kitchen adjoining; welLfurn., comp. for liskpg: phone; $18. . \u25a0.< ' .':. - \u25a0• \u25a0 .".-.>. ;"• >: HAIGHT ; St., ;673 — Front bay window/ suite; '; cotnp. -for hskpg. ; also single light bskpg.rms.; ,$l2 to $20. '- •';•";..-. , " .-. -.: HAVES st.,- 972 — Large bay , window I house j keep- \u25a0 ing rooms; bnth. phone, storage: cheap;'. ,' MCALLISTER St.. 1097. cor. Webster :"-Klne large V outside, rooms. ; complete for house keeping: '"\u25a0'. also single' rms;. newly fnrn,: : running /water. SCOTT St., - 2040— Sunny . room : and -bath; .regular ' .kitchen and Iplik. Phone, West 2014. ~mX>: !; -\u0084 SCOTT st.. 2040— 2 attic bouse keeping, rooms; -.-\u25a0• kitchen; $10 per month; other rooms $1.50 per '.week.:, .. . \u0084'•.\u25a0\u25a0•; - ...;-,.;.. \u25a0;,:",,. .\u25a0' -TWO or. ;t furnished house -keeping rooms, . cor. • Twenty- fourth pt. 71T> .-- Diamond st. ;, ' UN I ON; 5t.,^2245-^2 nice sunny /rooms furnished % for \u25a0 house keeping ;• low rent: , no , children.; WEBSTER st., S3l—Large \u25a0 front sunny -; house \u0084 keeping rooms;- reasonable; '\u25a0 single;. rooius,";. *on- g ny and. nicely : f ornishe'l. 1 * $2 ,wk.;: prlv. -family. WEBSTER", st..' f 1018— Bay ; window I flat,- 2 rooms ' and '-bath; 'complete' for ,i house - keeping; near '.: new. Chutes;* must be \u25a0 seen « to , be \u25a0 appreciated. 24T11 :, 5t.. ., 2.113—3 -.',* nice &'; upper .: housekeeping r; .rooms' and bath; pas range;t<hot -and; cold . .'\ water;- rent $20;-or 2 rooms for $15; near car ;.;• barn.". .•" '».; ,-• :•'-'.-'.'< - , -\u25a0- "\u25a0\u25a0:-.. \u25a0'-, \u25a0 3D:av., 33i; Richmond ; district — 2: unfurnished ;;. house u keeping v rooms,"? with \u25a0: use 'of - furnished \u25a0kitchen if desired:*' reasonable. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-.:\u25a0\u25a0- ,'_\u25a0--:\u25a0 ; ROOMS AND BOARD AAA— THE HATTON, 977 1 PINE ST.— NICELY FURN. RMS..' SINGLE OR SUITE; PRIVATE < BATHS; RUNNING WATER; STEAM HEAT; t ..SUMMER RATE; BOARD OPTIONAL. .-;•.. v- A— SUNNY \u25a0 rooms,'i home \u25a0 cooking,* bath,; phone; ' , congeninlfninlly, 1 home comforts.- '307 Haight -st.-; -gentlemen ; only. ;"- '"...«- •'\u25a0 ' ; '!-.\u25a0.-'' ; -*-r-T.'.* A— THE WEMPE, 419 ;Oak,- nr.- : Buchanan, . '. Halgbt- or Masonic, street -cars ;i large.- sonny ' .- rooms and' unexcelled board; all conveniences;' \u0084$35 mo. up. :\u25a0\u25a0...- .. ; ; '\u25a0'• ".;".-\u25a0".• •; . -. : , - .-.-\u25a0\u25a0;.\u25a0=-.-;.\u25a0\u25a0.- BUSH- 5t.,M622— Sunny ..front room, 'with' board; •'" private, family; 1 ".. .> ,' ; " ' ; : . -.. FULTON.: IOBS, :nr.- Pierce-7-Kront' bay : window • : : suite; ;' with : board ; ,: prlv. • family ; _ bath. \u25a0> hot " and^coldtwater^phone.*^' ... , -...-.'.;\u25a0,:'/, HAIGHT ' st.. ; 1162, \u25a0 ."opposite i Buena : .yista ' park— ; Front : bay window > alcove^ suite. T.beantifully \u25a0 furnished \u25a0 and tinted; ibath;. 'phone; -unexcelled " board ; ; . 2; gents. -,555. >;.VU;; . : '\u25a0'-•'"'-; .\.-':Oj -; v LEAVENWORTH " St.. j 1452— Sunny ; front " room ; ' ;:. excellent: board,^, in private ; family: treasonable." PLEASANT : home.: school. Kirloiv sisters.*? $10; . , ninsic;' languages." '1002 (54th st.,* San u Pablo, 'Oakland, r :'-.-;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0": v -"\u25a0•--' .' ;: . : ' ' :^', '\u25a0.:\u25a0''- ~^^''-'«^"> PACIFIC -ay.; =; 1721— Desirable rooms.-, with- ex- . • cellent ; board ; v splendid \u25a0. locality ; . references. * r - v PA(?E;J S9o, ' cor.* Buchanan— Comfortable". room, "a ~r with 1 3 ; excellent meals | daily ; > $25 ; js bath s and \i phone \u25a0 free. : . "•'.--.' -j ; : .?;',;*-, :^j'.'*Vj''!:; >;^r>... , PIKUCE : st;.~, SI.V- nr. v McAllister— Nice ' furnished \u0084Vr ooms.''.b ath,;g ood: b oard,;2 people. -t36 month. | HOTEL* OXFORD.^ NE.Icor.I Post; and«Franklln-^-* \u25a0-.! ,'Xlecly it urnlshed ! Rooms/i with j oriwithout board.'- ST.'I'RANCIS ; Girls' .Directory :? Central tav;Jand \u25a0-Waller- sts.. Sun? Francisco— 7A ibeautlfulibome,* .., where, old 'ladles,* youug girls and little children *'"^; can Aboard;. 1 very* reasonably .*"/:;,. \u25a0<\u25a0'-",'\u25a0;>:\u25a0:\u25a0 ; - . ST.%MAUGARET'S!clob'forj working girls."; 1541 f -\u25a0' Call fornla i st. ; J $20 ; no.'! op : ; tourists $ 1 day. ,' . SUN N V.5 room,* with ) boa rd, 1 ' $30 ; \ references. 750 t-vFlllinorcist.;.. -'vt;' 'vi:.: "--\u25a0\u25a0' '"i'-'i \u25a0''-.•"\u25a0' \u25a0:--r" : :\ r • WOMAN'i^HOTEL. Tiirk'at;Laguna.''opi».,paiK— . --' nntiief«»o m f nr ).«. r p,BflnaM> r»tes.?--'---» \u25a0 -\u25a0-- \u25a0'- V BOARbIFORICHH]bREN^£W BOA RD - for 'chllilren ; S good » home' jAf \u25a0\u25a0 .WEINMANN, 40G Diamond at.; Market gt. car. \u25a0BERKELEY ROOMS AXD BOARD LARGE;, sunny • room ; for ' rent . to"gentlemen with ;." .;\u25a0 or without board In ' private family ; ref s. ' ex- ,' changed.'.. 2511'- Benvenue »near> Dwlght way ," !:' Berkeley." '". \u25a0 \u25a0;5:»" \u25a0;>'' ' 'j '..'"\u25a0\u25a0 "-'. ; " 1 ;-;- ! :\u25a0;•*';•.;•" : ': \u25a0< r U UN ISHED " rooms in refined " private \u25a0 family ; beautiful grounds and surroundings; boar J op- ; tlonal; near stations; ' references. *»*% Shat- - ; tuckav.r -r'. \u25a0' \u25a0• :-.<:\. \u25a0-.—. .-. \u25a0„ -~ : "-. ,\u25a0 . ; .... /^j w^ : APARTMESTS' * AAA— ESSEX APAR^M^ENTsT^ieerHaTg^tTnear \-. G. G.-; park— 2 j room \ apartments; - gas stove, , hot \u25a0water, .Janitor; modern;'' light,'- sonny; rents reduced;: phone. ._,:.;;.. • :'.--, - AAA— ST. MAUGAIIGT apartments. Fell aod Oc- ;.; ' ta via ; sts.-^Sunoy > unf urnished apartments ; . 3 rooms and' bath {, wall beds;- rent reasonable.- AAA— Castle Craig apts.. . 597 ; Dolores, cor.- 19th. Sunny 3 rms., bath, wall beds, gas stove, dla- ; Ing table; \u25a0 mod: ; \ cony. .to cars; opposite park. AAA— THE STANFORD, 316 f Van Ness— l, 2 rms.', hkpg.; single rms. $2.50 np; tourists sol. AA— CLAYTON APTS., -239 Clayton st. -nr. • Panhandle; 'ready .for. inspection;' 4 rooms and - . bath,' unf urnlshed ; > Ideal : location; artistic ! and . modern In every; detail; open fireplace; French ..: -windows; Peerless . heaters; automobile accom- modations;irent $30-to $35; references. AA— Holllster ' apartments, 1330 Union st., " be- V \u25a0 tween ; Polk and Larkin — New eleganUy forn- • lshed- sunny 3 : rooms complete for hoose ; keeping;.' private bath and . halls; rent rea- \u25a0'. sonable. .;..\u25a0- ' . .--\u25a0\u25a0.-.-\u25a0: - ;\ AA— GLADSTONE : APARTMENTS. 706 Polk »t. cor. Eddy — Elegant sonny boose keeping apart- ments; 1 room. $14 per. month; 2 rooms, $28 per month; 3 rooms, $40 per month; hot baths; ' elec. lights; Janitor serr. Tel. Franklin 2048. AA— CARMEUTA apts.. cor. 15th and Valencia; most modern apt. house In the city: elevator. fcteam heat, tel.; -priv. baths; 2, 3, 4 rooms \u25a0_ from $27.50 \u25a0 op; elegantly fornlshed. - , AA— CLEMENTINA, 746. nr. v Bth ; near 4 . car lines — New sonny 1 2-3-4 ' rm. apts. ; eomp. I fnr. for hl^p.; $15 to $18; also single rooms. ; AA— CASA LOMA, ClO Flllmore— Rooms $3 wk.; ialso apta.. with baths; all sonny; new home. A— CORNELIA HOTEL APARTMENTS." ' \u25a0•-. .-'-'; 641 O'FARRELL ST. NEAR HYDK. '-.-\u25a0 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Completely equipped with every modern conven- ience and ready for immediate occopancy; - SOMETHING • NEW. HOTEL SERVICE. \u25a0 ;.-' :-• : REFERENCES REQUIRED. . A— SPHIER APARTMENTS. 227 9th St.— Sonny .fnrn. and onfnrn.. 2 room apte. Apply in store. APARTMENTS TO : LET . UNFURNISHED When seeking apartments do not fail to sea the HICKMAN apartments, 3826 California st; elegant, convenient, low rent, water free, halls . carpeted :, and kept clean, electric lighted; rents : from - $17.80 to $25. ADELINE APTS., 640 Eddy— Apartments, 2. 3 and 4 rooms; thoroughly modern; summer rates. CALIFORNIA apts..- 2124. California \u25a0 St.— Sunny furnished apts. of 3 and 4 rooms, M. & S. wall beds In each apt.; lawn. Weat 5119. Columbus (The), NE. cor. I, Pac. and . Larkin — 3 and 4 room apts.. . nnf urnlshed, $22. $25. $27. EUREKA apts.. cor. Market aod 17th sts. — Beau- tiful 3 and 4 room apts.; phone; janitor serv- ice; sonny. .\u25a0• . \ :.<--.: \ . ELDORADO APTS.. 150 9th st. nr. Mission— "Ele.:fur.:2 and 3 rm. apts.; also single rms. GEORGINA . apts.. 1225 Pine bet. Leavenworth * Hyde; .beautiful. light, snnny 2 r.' & b.; unfor. GLOBE apts., 1147 Folsom — Fur. hkp. apts.. 2-3 rms.. with bath; gas and elec; $10 to $12 mo. MARYLAND APARTMENTS. 363 Page St.— Sun- ny 4 .room apartments; furnished' and nnf or- : nished; hot water, janitor service, night watch- man, elevator. ; .... . . MALTA apts.— More. than home comforts; 2-3 r. apts., complete; sun all day. Prlv. 1 ex. Market 8144. Gore 14th and Market sts. / PARNASSUS ay., 322— Apts. of 4: large rooms. - all, new and modern. : $25; -. Masonic ay. car. SYLVESTER APTS.. 907 Valencia, cor. 20th— 2. ,3, 4 rooms, thoroughly modern; gas range; baths; -Individual \u25a0 halls; rent reasonable. THE. WELMER, 1064 Larkin St.— A and 5 room, \u0084 furnished and unfurnished apartments. ' 10TH AY., 274— 4 large sunny. rooms aod: batb; WANT to boy \or rent f ornished apartments, 15 to 25 rooms. Box 3GC9. Call^bfflce. ' HOTELS .. AAAA— Hotel. Rey. apartments, 515-519 Bush st. nr. Kearny; just opened; 2 room elegantly fur- r nished apts. ; with private bath; every modern convenience; hotel service; special rates to per- manents; strictly first class. Dooglas 4768. A A— NEW Goillaome Tell Hotel, 1084 Folsom nr. 7th — Neatly furn. sonny rms.. equal to .' any $1.50 rm; In S. F.. 35c to 50c; meals 25c pp. BROOKLYN - HOTEL. 36» Ist— Boxrd and room" - $6 to $8 per week: rooms 50c to $1; weekly «2 up; meals 25c. : . CHARLES MONTQOMERT. HOTEL ARGONAUT, 4th and Market sts. — Fam- ily and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1 per day; rooms with private bath. $1.50 per day; restaurant attached; moderate prices; free bos meets '\u25a0- all trains & steamships. HOTEL BRILLIANT. .'- . \u25a0 •\u25a0 -.-'•.;\u25a0 -.545 Tork «t. . Fireproof, private exchange. , all ootslde . rooms; special rates to permanent^:* dining •-' room. Take Kddy st. car from ferry. HOTEL BELMONT." 730 Eddy, below Van Ness, Turk and Eddy. cars — Rates $1 per. day : up. „ HOTEL lIAIICOURT, LARKIN AND SUTTER—. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN, EXCELLENT •\u25a0''\u25a0' TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. HOTEL I.ORAINE, 1635 Sutter; nr. Octavia— ; New management,. elegantly furn.; by day; wk. -or no. : near theaters: hot water In every rm. HOTEL" REX; 236 3rd St.— Newly forn.; hot \u25a0 -and; cold run. water;, free baths; nice reading rm.; 50c day; $2.50 wk. up; also 2-3 hkp. apts. HOTEL MENLO. O'Farrell »t. near Mason— '"Something different": all ootslde rooms aod • baths. -elegantly, fornlshed; large gymnasium ,: and. handball courts, shower bath; all the com- ;'-: forts of a club free to guests; special rates to permanent guests.; ;"-. * ... HOTEL'- MERRITT. 'IB36 Geary near Flllmore— In amusement center; $1 day up; $3.50 wk. up. HOTEL ST. ROSE. 1492 Ellis st-i 1 block from J new Chutes — Elegantly. furnished rooms, slngi* and ens/iite; permanent and - transient guests -,'\u25a0 solicited; bot and cold water; complete call '. service. "Rates per, day $1; $1.50 and $2; rates . per week $3. . $3.50. $4. $5 and $6. . HOTEL ST. JAMES, Van Ness at Folton— Amcrl- ; can plan: ; low, rates.- ' * *. •.-•... ".\u25a0* \u25a0 "- ' ,\u25a0•*-; HYGEIA,;2O42 :.- Mission, nr. 16th— Clean sonny rooms; , ninnlns waty ; . $1.80 np: also transient; . 'MARTINET HOTEL. 1101 Geary st.— Rooms anil - " soites; : with first class board, can now be . en- caged at summer rates. ; : \u25a0; \u0084- ?•> THE '-• RONDELLV 3081 : 16th. nr. ' Valencia— For. : rms.:. rnn.- water: ' 50c ; day. $2.50 wk.: up. . • . THE : STRATFORD HOTEL. "7"- ""•\u25a0'• 242 \u25a0 Powell • at;, opposite the St.' Francis. ' •\u25a0 ; . A ' first ' class. • modern. ' fireproof hotel; . in the finest downtown section; ' : ; \u25a0 \u25a0 Rooms ; s4 a i weet and i np."-* \u25a0;• ' :.' .-.--\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 : * .". Room \u25a0 with \u25a0 private bath. . $1 a I day and np. - - -\u25a0 THE CRESCENT. 1801 California St.. at Frank- ; : lin— Select ; boarding --\u25a0 house; < first . class; ret. ; r- rites rea*. Franklin 1021. MRS. K. R. BATK3. \ FLATS .TOILET ; BUSH,*: 1681. nr, Gough— Beautiful -8 r room and \u25a0 - bath sonny and light flat,' fine renting location. CALIFORNIA : ; st.. '-. 2300— Sunny .- corner, upper . : flat, 6 rooms;' bath : , choice location ; •\u25a0 only $35. CENTRAL ': ay.. \u25a0 700;: corner.- Folton — Apartment . J flats, l 4 \u25a0 rooms | and | bath,'-., near ' park I and " pan- handle; - janitor: sun all day; $22 up. . DEVISADERO;st..-155ircor; Post— Choice npper '/.fiat,' 14 - rooms;.- 2 .batbs; sun all day; rent f - only » $00;. 1 snap '.for * Homebody. ' -:.i-v- ;:..;%, ' :.; -.• FR A NI-yLI N ; St., -, 2770-^-4 : and \u25a0 5 room \u25a0 flats,-, mod- -'ern.i sunny.; marine '„ view I; rent < $20 > up. ;'. '"/ GOLDEN GATE ay.. , 845. near Gough: st.'— Upper ,' flat; (i rooms;- reasonable; sunny.; , r ; -\. GEARY; st.'.-i 1682-1092— Two > elegant upper flat . ; s.:roomß;and-batli.v; '; : . ... : . . . GREEN. st.,^2OIC, .cor; Buchanan— s3o: beantifnl V flat. > Just \u25a0 flnlBhod; - 5 * rooms - and v bath ; • marine \u25a0.-\u25a0;» view.v from '.'; dining .; room ; '\u25a0• desirable .* location. 1 i.-Keyjon!premlses.v.*.-. ;i ; " : ,-. ' . ' GROVE /St.'."; 633,"; nr.*- Buchanan — Flat to- let,'? 4 -\u0084" -rooms/'r easonable:;s l7.) ,\u25a0;\u25a0,":'.':,! . . : MYRTLE s ay.. . \u25a0 571— 512; - flat of \u25a0> 3 rooms i and ,;; batb;? between;. 2', carllnes.,, ;, ; -.-^ '.--»;.:• 'NEW." corner Jflat." ft .large sunny,' and :bay, wln- .« dow '\u25a0: rooms ; ' all i facing r the . street ; * rent ' $30.' , -.1800 j Stockton I st.T'N.' E.". cor. t Greenwich. . : f; O'FARRELLXst.". i r'JSft7, %> corner :'Plerc*r~4 'room i-bath. ;?.*].\u25a0;.: , luqnire .?3tUi7v Washington st. PIKUCE*-st.'./^l33t{— r>? snnny ' 4 rooms; V bath - and j^ closet;; $•_•<».> Inquire ;lCs7;' Polk." SAC RAM ENTO :3I st.i i i 3405-34C9-i-Modern i sonny flats.:: 61 rooms; and Ibath ; Slower » flat; -rent »re- v •;. dnee'd \u25a0, $27.50 : -:l midd le. ' $30 : • upper. \u25a0 \u25a0 $32.50; - : . stairs" and .:ball»carppted; upper t flat.,. TURK y-. St. ',':\u25a0 - 1 1 07, ; ; nr.',^ IJe ff erson '} sq.*— Modern ifi sunny jfiat.^o rooms." bath :>eryj convenient; $25.' SEE * our J list." of J furnUhcd *, flats : and { houses \u25a0' for " rent ; Hurt - for ' sale.:. •\u25a0 FJlegant flats ' furnished > for f < vpn t from 4to 8 rbbm«.-> CECI L REALTY CO.; r^iMOii'heiani'.bide.'*:';^,:^-." :::;';' .-: .-; j '">; -^ SCOTT st.; I ' cor. 'Sacramcnto-^-Sonny corner, flat of :O.~!rooms: O.~! rooms • and > batfr:i all! conveniences; h must be' ; :spon:tp*be;Hpprcclatecl;irent $35;; ; ; \u25a0.;;\u25a0". . THE: ST.tINKZ.*, 960 (Pine 'St.— New, sunny * unfur-* I-;, 1 nished , apartments.^ :i ;.r.t and',b * each : ; rent :' $.""0; WALNUT ; «t.^ 521,'iibet^ Sutter' and I Post.^ Octa- ,':;'? via ' a nd ' Lagnna sts.— 4: rooms.* bath : \u25a0 moclern.vj.i 55 NEW* flats: rjones^st"? 5 2048 [ to 2008: 5 2 ' upper. »;,?;s2o;slimlddle,'*slB;s2aower^sl4;?aH:4 rooms v' and". bath: f sun ' all day ; \u25a0 marine - view;'S ; BALD- \u25a0 .WIN i&;HO WELL, -31S Kearnyjet." - . .i, FLATS ' T^'jl^T^Cont'iinf d 15TH St.. , 1576»4. \u25a0 nr> ; Dolores-^-Lower flat of 6 rooms, batb. V laondry. gas, garden. 24TH St., ' 3527. • nr.^ Chorcb— New. ? modern, sun- ny flat. f» rooms, bath: large lot: $21.50. 19TH St.. 4012. nr. 'Noe-^-Sonnj.opper. i ;uu.; '-. lot. -' storeroom. -basament. • -- \u25a0\u25a0 >- 19TH St.. : 3828-3825. .. nr. • Church — 2 hew : modern \u25a0 fiats near Mission park: sands 'and <t nmm»: bath. OAkl^xb^F^^*^^O^LJErr— - Fwtiil»li<»«^ TO . LET— Upper up to date;- sonny- fiat; for- 'nisbed complete for .housekeeping: 1. block to \u25a0 '' Ker Ronte.- 828- Telerraph «».. Oakland. ALAMEDA . FL.ITS . TO I^ET — Fur. - CLINTON ay., 2030— Sonny flat, completely for- - nished; glass porch; fine boating and bathing; ' $25.-«------ '-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0 '•- - \u25a0•_- FLATS FOR S ALE— Fnrnlshfd FURNITURE of -lower 4 room flat, '$125; rent $20; on 3'carllnes; 20 minutes* ride to Kearny st; Take- Valencia or Guerrero :it. car to 23d: ;at'home Sunday all day; week days after 7 • p. m.; 1033 Goerrero st. ' BARGAIN — 1602 O'Farrell. cor. Webster. Fnr- nltnre of 6 ootslde rooms. $250. Flat for rent. SIX room flat, nicely furnished, for saU cheap: . must be »old at once: will sacrifice. , Apply owner. \u25a0 iflOO Sntter st. ' $3,OOO— TWO good flats In W Oakland. 5 and 8 rooms, with baths: lot 23.6x100 feet: for ; sale orexenange for bonds, stock, or Syndi- cate certificates, bearing Interest; one flat rented for $16. the other vacant.. Address WILLIAM CHRISTEN, real estato agent. 1759 7th St.. .W. Oakland. . BEAUTIFUL nat. 6 rooms and batb. for sale reasonable; heart of •.: Oakland: rooms all r»nted:-no agents. Box 725. Call office. Oat- OUT OF. TOWX COTTAGES TO LET FURNISHED 3 room \ cottage In Monte Rio, on river bank. Apply!. l2s Fillmore st. ' HOTTi.' KS T° M J'!'*J~~^l° *°*?.|!'V'?T.! I ?- J - HOUSE to. let: 4 modern, sonny rooms. 1053 Minna st. between-llth and 12th. SUNNY 6 r. and b. hoose: 2 toilets: large yard. Inquire 441 10th ay.. Richmond district. VALLEJO- st. — House. 9 rooms; 'garage:- bard- wood floors; finest marine view; will lease long term : or nnf nr. Tel, mornings. Went f>7rV4. HOUSES TO LET — Fnrnlab*4 BENTON at.. 1510. near Santa Clara ay.— Up to date 'B room house with barn: rent $40. . O'FARRELL St.. 1192— Elegantly famished 18 room house; roums all reoted; part of furni- ture for «ale; must sell: owner going east. VALLEJO st.— House 9 rooms; garage: hardwood floors ; :, finest marine view; will lease long term, or onfnr. T»I. mornings. West 57"4. BERKELEY \u25a0 HOVSE* *f O LET— -}Pnr. BERKELEY private home for rent.' furnished: 9 rooms; fine yard; Regent st. near Telegraph ay.; moderate terms. Inqnire H. W. WHIT- WORTH. 812 Sheldon bolldlng, San Francisco; phone' Dongl as 2000. PLEASANT 6 room cottago: 'fine garden: 2 blocks, from Dwight.wny station; terms \u25a0 rea- s onable. 2605 Folton st. ALAMEDA HOUSES TO .LET — Fur. ALAMEDA ay.. 1810— 4 sonny furnished ' rooms, batb: fras. range: adolts: reasonable. ' - SAX MATEO HOUSES TO LET BAN MATEO CODNTRT HOMB TO LET FOR SEA3O.V Owner away m business; does not want place Idle; will rent for season. A beantifnl home. 13 rooms. 2 baths; grounds (about 1 acre) highly cultivated; garage and stable: rent to respon- sible party. $150 a month. "Address P. O. box BK3. San Mat eo. - - ' - $25—5 room cottage with bath, electricity and sleeping porches: 5 minutes from station. MRS. H. W. SNOW. P.-0.-hQT 7*3 ' \u25a0 WANTED WE have \u25a0 tenants ' for stores, flats and rooming bouses. Don't let them stand empty; It don't pay. List them with us. We will find you a tenant on short notice. McFACL & ED- WARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. AXD STORES TO LET Sla'rvin bldg;. 24 California st. near Market. Offices, single or en snlte. $12.50 to $25 mo. TO rent— Large store at 824 Kearny sr., or will subdivide: rent reasonable. Apply 57 2d St. STORE to let at 294 10th St.: cheap reot. LODGEROOM .FOR REXT - ORPHEUS* and Apollo halls. Musician's boildinr. .68 Haight . st.— Very desirable lodge rooms; rent reasonable; Orphens hall vacant Tnesday and Thursday nights; Apollo ball vacant Toes- day -and Friday nights. - " - FURXITFRE FOR SALE - AAA — $25,000 .worth of new forn. selliog at sac- rifice: we are retiring from business. KING'S FURNITURE CO.. 3012 16th st. near Mission. A solid oak bureau, only. $10. at- U. -SCHELL- HASS'. 408 11th St.. Oakland. BEST of all bargains. H. SCHELLHASS' fur- niture sale. 408 11th St.. Oakland. FURNITURE goes for a song at-H. SCHELL- HASS'. 40S 11th St.. Oakland. $5,000 worth" of- furniture wanted f6r the coua- I - try. at Wiley's. 659-661 14th st. near Church: Market 4322. - ...... t /.. : ALWAYS ready to buy fornitore. carpets, desks, .: merchandise, etc.. for spot cash. MARK J. LEVY. 1140 McAllister 'St.: phone Park S6O. L- _ C- - rcATTAX FiJR-vrrußE WE .MAKE handicraft furnitore and baby ' car- -_^ri. < ige»: Pwclflc Poast Rattan Co.. 831 Van Ness. : : FURXITURE REPAIRED REPAIRING . and reflnlshing of - furniture; first . class j work: moderate :price.«; piano polisbln?. : P. H:_ PATTERSON & CO.. 1940 -Van Ness ay. near Jackson st.:. phone Franklin 42Ci. \u25a0.* •:•'-'-'\u25a0• AVIXDOW! SHADES "Advance "Window Shade" Factory — Bamboo porch shades In all slues. GEO. -WALCOM. 637 Turk. A— REDUCED rates for shipping household goods. *- "'--- :"--'.' -- EAST-AND WEST JUDSON FREIGHT AND FORWARDING CO., Ro<'m 206 'PacHe bldg.: phoneKearny 2579j ' SEXXISG -MACmXES DOMESTIC— Removed from O'Farrell ' at.' to 1644 FILLMORE " ST. , near Post. All - makes of machines, new, and second band,- sold, rented- and -repaired: lowest -possible prices. Don't ' forget. 1844 . FILLMORE. . / SINGER. -"White: all .makes \u0084 halX price; , easy ; payments; second hand, i'l -np; renting, repalr- ". Ing a•- specialty. McNALLY. 3260 22d St., phone Mission \u25a0 202.". -: SINGER.. Wheeler & Wllsoo offlee: renting, re- palring. : lSSaTlUmore St.: West 5761. DAVIS. SINGER,- W. &. W.— W. - E. JACKSON, • agent. 404 Sutter: needles.* snpplles.. all make^< ; CARPET "CLEAXIXG* AAAA— LE CLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO., • 62 Post, room 326; phone Douglas 2071— Dust less cleaning of carpets; rogs; draperies.X f ornl- turet and, bedding. WITHOUT P.EMOVAL. A— FOR good results, reas. price. ' try the PAC. : -; CARPET. CLEANING CO.'S • vacuum : process "dostiess, cleaning of; carpets and rogs without \u25a0 removing.. P. \u25a0 Mission 4659; - office ' 1064 ' Potsero avenue. \u25a0 . '.' ' "'. " . AA— CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATUS • C0.,-^441 . 15t \u25a0 ay: ; '. pbone . Pacific 1315 — Carpets. '\u25a0 rugs,. draperies. \u25a0 etc.. : cleaned at home without >* dust. '.trouble or noise; estimates. furnished.' < .^ , ALL' carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor. with- y out removal by S. F. COMPRESSED AIR . CLEANING CO. • Office 24 \u25a0 Montgomery st. ; : phone Kearny 5352; shop 16th tt San Bruno ay. A A— National Carpet Cleaning Works; largest on coast; : faying: and altering -a 1 specialty. Hamp- \u25a0\u25a0 - ton tißaley, 344-348 'Chorch st. Market 189. 3e . yd^For I the 'Best ;\u25a0 Carpet -;Beating-^-3c yd. .Phone-Market 2-8-2.-F.VAr Rice; 1903 Harrison. ;3c.yd.-^Carpets Cleaned at Ri™ht Price — Ho yd.' WHEN: yon become disgusted with poor work -»,*end ' yonr T carpets. to J. SPAULDING : Jk' CO :959 Golden: Gate a y. ;' telephone; Market 643. A. PA RRY \ CO.*. " superior' cleaning "and laying ; \u25a0'•prompt service." 2tO- Fillmore st.; teL Park 4304. GARNIF. i BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works. , , SIS-iilCth St.' nr. .Valencia; phone Market 5001. BEST cleaning (3c) and laying (sc) by.GHslow's -C. C/Co.; 380S 22d; teL Mission 2259; est; 2o. j. MATIIEWSOS'S Carpet Beating Works,'3ls East - .-12th- st:.v Oakland:- tel. jMerrltt: sos. ,- 81635. , WATTS— Reliable • carpet j cleaning; alterations; 'J renovat.' ;< laying;: s6o Devlsadero;rph. 'Park 560. JAPANESE 'EIectric -Vacuum . Cleaning Co^* San- g*;ltary: reasonable. l2oss Polk. Phone Frank'2o3S. ADVANCE i Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced 'meth-' i-.ods.^ GEORGE WALCOM C0.;: 637 Turk ut.V:'Z CONKLIX. BROS.', carpet •\u25a0 cleanlnc . snd ' laying. 2400 Geary st. comer Baker;: phone .West 93. BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE COMPANY. - Fireproof Warehouse. '\u25a0»•• 13th and Mission sts.: tel. Market 13. WILSON BROS. (Inc.) — Moving and storage. '; » Cor. 14th and Sanches sts.. 1 bloct from Mar- ket and FUlmore sts. cars; phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warebonse. 2322 FUlmore at.: teL West 2625. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storage & Moving Co.. main office. Eddy and FiUmore: tel. West 82g I_^__1 _^__ i^j£2^Kmij<A^ i E---ni«^ CASH REGISTERS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS In 200 Style* and sizes.; * J " Prices from XI.M op. Sold on easy terma. AST other make on the market at 30c on the dollar. ~L THE NATIONAL CASU 'WiGISTEK COMPAST, — \u25a0asja—ta^ 1040 Markec st. .?'B»t*B Between Taylor and Jones sts. . AAA— The Central Plctobing Supply Co. does not sell redipped fittings, but It sells new fittings less than y«n cau buy the refllpped kind for. Bring yoor list and be convinced. Central Plumbing Supply Company. 1527 Market st. A— MACHINERY, tools, shaftings, betting and a full Mne> of second hand water pipe-. SUGAR- MAN BROS., at the old location. M 9 Howard st./ Country orders promptly attended to. FOR sale — 1 cylinder, Di horsepower marine mo- tor; prurtleatly new: weight 72* lbs.; also SO horsepower high speed steam engine. In first •class condition. Inquire 475 44th St.. Onklsnd. CALIFORNIA House Wrecking Co. has moved from 1440 Mission st. to the SW. corner Mis- sion and mth «U.; lumber $7 per M: doors and windows of all descriptions for sale. - SECOND HAND PIPK Largest dpalrrsia standard pipe and screw rasing, dipped: prl-es risht; guaranteed • first class. Pacific Pipe Co.. Main and Howard sts. _^_____— — — \u25a0;' AA — All sizes standard water »me and screwr 4 casing. • gnaranteed *oml «s new: get oor 1 prices. Weissbaum Pipe Wcrks. 133 11th st. A SCHOOL BOOKS new and old. booght, sold. exchanged. KINGS BOOK STOttE, 1716 Market st. above Gough. Phone Market 4763. SECOND hand lumber, doors, sasii. _ pltimbinz material, etc. WRECKING CO.. 1645 Mission st. Job. N W cor. Pine and Franklin sts. CASn REGISTERS- all- kinds, cheap; easy pay- ments. Pacific Coast Cash Register to.. 1282- 1294 Market st. corner Larkin. _^ FOR sale— VioliD. high grade tone and make; half price. ANDERSON. 1240 iilbert st.. Oakland. ' ARMY tents at factory prie*s> . _W. , A. PLt'M- MEII CO.. 115 Dramm St.. S. F.; Ist ana Franklin sts.. Oakland. ; FOR. sale— llo milkins cows, horses, wagons, farming machinery, etc. Apply 4SS Connecti- cut st. ' ' SAFES— New and second hand. - The Hermann ; Safe Co.. 120-130 FoHom st. J^. HALF price, new and second hand fixtures. LAjT SEN CO.. NE. cor. Vaa Ness aod McAllister. 20 ROOMED house of forniture moveu to H. : Scbellhass' store. Oakland.' AT half price, new fnrnltore. H. 3CHELL- HASS..4OB Hth St.. Oakland. FOR sale— High bred collie male paps. 1233 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. ' ONE gaL-goat. S qoart goat. 1 Billy goat. 3917 Pleltner ay.. Frnitvale. JJ SCHOOL • books, new and second hand. J. H. CAIN. 679 McAllister sf. nr. Googh. SAFES — A Jeweler's steel lined aad a too* safe cheap.. 233 California st. . - - CHICKENS, pen. Rhode island Reds; alsw pigeons. -1664 2Tat ay.. East Oakland. WHITE sewing ' machine, folding bed. bed lounge, oil painting. 2752 Howard at. MOVING picture films for rent: largest stock ii» city. TURNER A.DAHNKEN. 138 Eddy »t. WALL paper. SVic: samples mailed: paint $1 gaL:. alcohol. M* Merigan.. 1447 Elli*. SCHOOLBOOKS BOUGHT. .KLXtI'S OLD BOOK STORE, b&l Golden Gate ay. near Octavla st. BOOKS and libraries booght. THE HOLMES CO.. 115$ Market; St.: phone Market 896. SAFE— Snap— lnside measure 31 high. 25 wide. 15 deep: $100. 950 Mission -st. • AWNINGS, hammocks and tents for invalid*. ROSS. McMAHON CO.. 40C Battary St.. S. F. NATIONAL cash registers, etectric signs, bar and safe for sale; cheap. 579 'McAllister st. EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and films: bargains. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. TICKET to Denver. Write J. A, KEMPER. General Delivery. San Francisco. BUNGALOW book of 32 designs aod pIaDS. 23.-. ART BUNGALOW CO.. P.O. bo* 280. Oagl'd. 2 RETURN railroad tick et» for sale, to Denver.. via Seattle: m«I» and female.. Box :a>"74.. Call- j MISCELL.\NEoVs WANTS WANTED TO BUY New ami second hand enns. revolvers and tools. Answer. box CCT»3. Call office. WANTED to buy — National cash registers for cash; If yon have any style National for sale . drop a line to box 2309. Call ' ofa.-o. HIGHEST price paid for ladies' east off cloth- lng. MRS. DAY. 530 Sth st. Oakland 4373. GENTS' second hand • clothing bought and sold. MCSIX. 1255 G. G. ay.. Fillmore. Ph. Mkt 7123 STAMP collections or odd lots of stamps bought; call evenings. E. W. SMITH. ItSS Post st. CASH— ANY" AMT. FOR OLD GOLD. PREf. STONES. ENGELHARDT. 22 MONTG'Y ST. WILL buy second band farnitore; tools, clothing, etc.: hest price*. 2117- MI.«1«n st. Park SS.IH. BRUNSWICK-BALKK-COLLENDEIt CO.. IT-27 . Franklin st. near Market. _, Phone Special 1457. TURNINGS, cabinet -and mill work; store flx- tnres. jobbing. C. F. HAAS. S3 Minna st. FOnKIGN TOS-rj^OK JSTAMPS POSTAGE stamps. albnm*.~ catalogues, etc.; rols. hoiizht. W. W. Doegcher St Co.. 217 Montgom'y. \u25a0_\u25a0 _ '- - FURS LOFSTAD £ EVANS. Inc.. furriers. 251 Post St.. Mercedes bldg.. Sd Boor. Phone Kearny 435!) . ROBT. MORRIS. 239 Geary St. — Fnrs, for skins. tiippHen. satins: wholesale only. 'x'f '!'\u25a0'. :/, PPF 38 !^ 1 - 41^ 1^^ — MACDO WELL'S Dress ? Making and Millinery School. 121 Geary st.'near Grant ay. .Evening classes. Pattern*. cut to order. Douglas 4751. ' - DITEIX G • A^2 N^J^EA^«XGj^^ AA— T. DI ANGELES, merchant tailor. 1626 Ctl. Cleaning, dyeing and repairing. Franklin^l6B3. O. K. Japanese Tailoring. Cleanmg. Dyeing Co.. 162.-. California St. nr. Polk: teL Franklin 5070. .- V- B^'ITOXS- AXD PLEATING ; STEELE'S button works. 222 Ellis, nr. Mason; pbone Franklin 4521: mail orders solicited. JAPANESE TAILORS THE HINOY. 1610% Geary »t.— Aristocratic taU- _orsforladlesandgentlemen^Wea^Wl7 ;<MM|<i^ MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarca Visible Typewriter all the writing is la full^ sight all the time; other makes, second band. 1 'at very reasonable prices; we rent," repair and Inspect. Before purchasing ring np DougUs '" 4113, or call at 207 Bush sr. ' ' WOLF A ISENBBCCK. . Dealers. GREAT- bargain* In rebaUt typewriters renting \u25a0 $2 to $3.50 per month. • ' . ' ' See NEW YOST VISIBLE. . / The Typewriter Exchange. 255 Montgomery st. SPECIAL $35. Smith Premier or Remington r«- built. Secure inforraatiou L. * M. -Alex- ander. '\u25a0\u25a0 512 Market \u25a0 st. \u25a0 . \u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0 . <v| NEW and second band 1 typewriters .bought aod sold, rented, repaired: guaranteed. SMITH BROS.. 462 l^th St.. Oakland. Pbone Oak. 12. UNDERWOOD. $25; Rem.. No. 6 or 7. $29: SmitU Pre.. $23. Pac. Typewriter Co.. 107 Montg'y.- , .MUSICAL 'I.\>TRUMEyW. _ _ _ $55»> will buy the best SS note Player on to« : market; also plays 65 note rolls. Crown * Con- . cord Pianos. -10 in. disc records. 25c. ' BACI- GALUPI. 941' Market st. Open Sat, evening. DON'T forget to attend great flre sale of pianos; pianos ' practically given away by Insurance companies. HEINE PIANO CO.. NW. cor. '" Van Xess and Bosh . »tm. *_ -i LARGE Koabe upright, J250; other uprights from $100 np: pianos to rent. BOWERS i SON. 'S^-McAlltater and 19 Stockton. '-'.'' NEW piano for" $150: asents for the celebrated \u25a0 Gaoler -pianos.. MANUFACTURERS PIANO .CO.. 136 Eddy st.% 100 PIANOS to rent: no charge for cartage this week. BYRON MAUZY. ZZO Stockton st;. Electric . pianon; $175 op: . terms: *l»o placed : 00 ; percentage.* Andlffted Musical Co.. S2 Grove »t_ SPECIAL, bargains— Schmitr. $273: Guild. J210.' JOS. SCHMITZ A CO.. «Z1 Van -Ness nr. Turk. SMALL upright piano for, s3o at 1534 Geary, at. .-near FlUmore. \u25a0 - BEST pianos in town- for rent;" 10c a daj. SCOTT CURTAZ. \u25a0'WO._Hiyet« st. ' GAS EXGIXES "'.-.'\u25a0 -,- .-' MINING hoi»ts. itatiooary and portable engines. -ga«. distillate orernde OiL • WESTEB> G l3 V|SNGINEEIttXfiiCO.. J >4«fMarHet at.- -.\u25a0.* » - CoatLaned tv Next Pas*