Newspaper Page Text
MO BILES JU'lcK white streak, 4 passenger fully ' equipped .;. $850 Franklin," Just from the paint ch0p.*. ...... .5750 . Tackard runabout, the name plate ought to ~» it ;......'...!. ....$350 IK inton touring car, top. glass front, Ga- briel horn and tire holders: is fine shape.. s7oo Ere— car offered baa been thoroDsbjr over- hauled. CANNING & VINTON. AUTO COT _ 455 Golden Gate ar. MTond band automobiles: Autocar runabout $ 250 LoccmobUe j TOO Mo<J*l G franklin 750 . Model D rracklln 1,000 >\ b*f** p Steam»r roadster 1,000 AUTOMOBILE CLEARING HOUSE. 436-438 Golden Gate ay. YOU can't co to a dealer and buy a new car without paying tbe fnll price for It. bat we «*n enow you care that are as a*ood as new that we ere setting for less than half the *ririnal cost, tt mtpfct pay you to give ns a rail MARKET STREET AUTOMOBILE EX- CHANGE. 221 Market St.: phone Douglas 5025. FOR tale— Price $300 and upward; s«reral *00 and "07 White touring cars, taken in trade for "OS cars and thoroughly overhauled by «ur me- chanics from ©ur factory. WINTON AUTOMOBILE BRANCH, uOO Van Ness avenue. - San Francisco. FOR sale— Thomas Flyer. 60 h. p.. '07 auto, w-blch ha* just been through a fire: tbe engine and most metal parti are in good condition. MRS. E. G. WITTER, 2303 Durant ay., Berke- Icy. Cal. \u25a0 'A VERY good 4 passenger automobile for sale 'heap, or would trade in bay. Address 1521 Umt>ln ay.. Alanwda. \u25a0 A MITCHELL runabout: Al condition, full I •Hjuipment; will trade for real estate. Box Xli. Call office, Oakland. . \u25a0 . ALUMINUM braiing. sole manufacturer of alu- minum solder on coast; dies and models. YON .SEBKEY. 557 3d St.. Oak. Phone Oakland 4157 WANTED — Automobile. 4 or 5 passenger; good V-ondltion ; must be cheap. Particulars box 3636, CaU office. •07 RAMBLER, runabout. Just overhauled at cost of $200: a bargain at $400. A. C. HULL. 192- T»4 12th et.. Oakland. I'AC. Aluminum Brazing Works can braze your . broken alum, castings. 430 Van Ness. Pk. 255«. TArKARD '07. fully equipped, in fine shape, «beap f»r oanii. Address apt, 12. 508 Scott st. HEALD'S atstomntoile school gives the best auto rraininjr on roast. 425 McAllister *t. MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES •COMPLETELY appointed machine shop; 3 lathes, j <ir'.ll pre*s and all appurtenances and tools for manufacture of small and large machinery; rent r»— reasonable. Elizabeth st. ——\u25a0—\u25a0———— ———————————— A'KECE 4 cylinder and Thor^motorc^ciesT^ow «n exhibition: eend for catalogue. J. T. CHICK. 312 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. . HEADING standard motorcycle with attachment; perfect condition. Apply W. HAIR, 1145 7th >.».. rear. Oakland. \u25a0 HORSES. HARNESS AND WACOXS /aa — Large and small horses and mules suit- . sb!e an purposes. $10 up; Shetland pony and 9 ri— . buggies. $10 op; wagons, $10 up; camp- ing rigs complete: harness. $2.50 op; auction fcale Saturday at 11 a. m. 565 4th tt.. Oakland. FOR sale — Fine driving mare, 6 years old, 1.100 pounds, sound and pentle. At Gates' livery stable. 13th and Webster sts., Oakland. ~: -t-KCONTi HAND wagons and buggies, all kinds; lowest prices. WILLIAM WERTSCH COM- PANY. 24 Page tt. - LEI BOLD & CO. for a good buggy or harness. 11 Front st. at Market- . TO purchase, a drayagf business of several teams. Apply J. G. DEFORBEST, 68 Post St. • tecond band top wagon, exp. wagons, bus. bug - r<e«. ynrwit/iiTtf W«frm Ow.. SUB Valencia ft. .TAINTING, tinting, paperhanging. don* right ' and reasonable. GEORGE MUELLER, 2232 Market St. Phone Mtt. 5570. '\u25a0 UOUFS, any kind, repaired, painted. A. HILL- MAN. ftOB R. |gth «t.. Oakland. Drop postal. £^_-_- . JtffCKSMITHS _^ IjOuU opener* and keya. Key Works, £55 Clay -t. Phon— — Oakland 8717. A 2574. PITTED CI^ASS WORKS la>e. H. R. HOPPS. PRESIDENT. ALL KINDS ART. LEADED AND MOSAIC 1 r.LASS. 115 TURK. PHONE FRAVKLIK 176 X BUSINESS CHANCES Ar- GLOBE REALTY COMPANY, Iluß'.ncfts Brokers, \u25a0>.*''\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084...'*. 211 Pacific bu'.ldlns 1 , San Francisco. I'boue Dougla« 4317. . . • f^*i Broadway eArner 7th «t- Oakland. I'hoiieis— Oakland 2813. . Home A 2213. UoTEL AND HAH— $2,25O: AL location; factory «li*=trk-t. Oakland; established 29 years; 24 room*:: 15 steady boarders: bar receipts $U0 <itLll.v: lease. See GLOBE COMPANY. <iAS, electric and plumbing store, $750 — Cen- tral location: stock and tools will invoice ,S*JO: clears *200 monthly: 3 liring roomn; rent $25; bargain. See CLOBE REALTY CO. L'.AMINRR KOLTE— MisRion district. $4,000: •clears orcr $150 per month; HSO fobseribers; horse and cttrt included: terms 52.000 canh. I«alacce monthly iiaymcnts. f»ee UIjOBE CO. JiK.OOO — Partner, bottflujr works, including prop- erty; mortgage for part: $20,000 for business." prtinfty. 5 wagons: trade $100 day: . SJOO month salary. Khare of profits; exclusive . rights. GLOBE COMPANY. . I'ARTNER. S2UO. for well established bucineits wbich will clear yon $75 to $100 monthly; ex- . rTiencc not required, bnt you . mnst . be sober, n-liablc and willing worker. Particulars. GLOBE REALTY CO. j - > AN mre !im p, Jt o f f,x*>o and services will secure a half interest 5n old established business \u25a0w-bk-h will «-!ear you" frmn $100 to $200 month- ly: your investment will be secured: if you r.r». d^irous of entering a pood, legitimate t>u>lß»s* see this at once. Particulars, GLOBE CEAI.TY CO. . .-.- ' XC barrains nod quick sales kac GLOBE REALTY COMPANY. " .:. — . 211 Pacific building. San Franr-isco; . Ss;> Bro«d» ay, corner 7th St.. Oakland. UILLIEf? & MAGNUS— BUSINESS BROKERS. UCS MAIOiET ST. NEAR JONES; ROOM 22. TEL. MARKET 1409. NO CHARGE IOH LISTING A BUSINESS. SALOON SDd billiard hall; prire $4,000: located £oTnjtoTrn;-liv«Hy district : long lease; cheap rent; doing « very good tmsineMs with big In- * (rrr-sw In fsll.MMher tMislne^^ compels owner "lo *»crjfiif. GILLIES & MAGNUS. JO2S Market FttUIT and vegetable business, established for, in • best mining town in Shasta co.. monthly Uoxincj-s over $C(i0; other interests reis'.n for t»nle: price $o<»o complete; borws and w^igon Im-lHded. Particulars from GIL- LIUS A MAGNUS. 1028 Market st. BOAIrHOVSE, «i, e of the best paying In San Mat*^» co.: departure compels owner to sacri- 8«e for J72S: «%er $l.luu ralne in sight; call vuick. , GILLIES k MAGNUS, 1028 Market. I i J : .X I:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I ,|:::::::::::::::::::::":::::::::::::::::::::J X x *:. x UO YOU WANT THD BEST PAYING SAIX>ON • IX- SAN FRANCISCO? If you do and have '] »rt of tbe pnrcbaEe price, come and see me "•t my office. 1005 Market et.. and I will put . jou wise. GEO. A. HERRICK. tiMALL BUSINESSES It you want a *mall business of any kind and •^"liare $3«W or fVjQ cash I can sell you a good • * i«t:i:j basineics with living rooms suitable for miv «?d tr!fe or two yoanjt 'men that wUI " Hear yon nt leant $100 every 30 days. . * CLO. *A. IJERBICK, 1005 MARKET ST. |:::::::::::::::::::.....::::::.:.::::::;;:::x i.. .. ............. ...........A X... ..; ..........X X - X ,\ X X. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. .......X \u25a0 • - - - \u25a0- \u25a0 " 'WE have a tut little STORE, on a pood. Street and no oppfwition to fipcak of. Thi» Is the best . place in the <city- for the wife: fine living "r»<oms attached. We *aa recommend this place ' to you and any one can make ago of it and make aomc money bc«i«l«s a livlns for man and . wife. A quick sale will be made.- BAIBD &. • PETEBSON. S>W Market -et. --•>-/' SW'CLL CANDY AND* ICE 'cREAmVbUSINESR. Thi« is one of the best confectionery stores in **Un KTMiwisco, Tbe soda fountain alone cost $3.«"00. Tbe owner is scUing on account of other t.oslncsv. He Is compelled to ro-to Europe at rmce. This is a flret da*s business and will clear at least $200 a month now and more in the win- jer tnoaths. Price $1,300, $1,000 down and ternji for liie baiauce. : •-- \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 y.^Vy f '\u25a0 : GEO. A. HERRICK. 1005 MARKET ST. - X .". .. . '• ' ••\u25a0• • • \u25a0 ' • ' ' '. I *.;....•••••»••••••••• ' X ti I :*— Sure : fortune in this: .man to , candnct branch stow la SeatUe or portlaad; experience !»oece»sary; : big money from ••Urt;^rnilest " trlsl riven;. chance to get rich. , Call Oakland nf fiee. 1175 7th et. BUSINESS CHANCES-— Contlnncd WE buy, «IJ, \u25a0 lease, bond and make expert examinations and reports on ' agricultural min- ing, mineral and ' timber lands, \u25a0 manufactur- ing and mercantile plants, patents, etc; also . organize; Incorporate and promote stock com- panies and act as general, fiscal or distrib- uting agents, commissioners and broken * for owners, manufacturers and principals, on a commission. or percentage basis." PACIFIC PROMOTION A: DEVELOPMENT CO., Snltes 569-571. Monadnock bldg., S. F.; Cal. DUNCAN McKAY CO. Business Brokers. Investment Bldg. 787 Market We have clients wishing to invest in sound business propositions every day;- If your bnsincss is for sale call and see us "for quick returns." BAKERY, fine location, grand turnover, owner must sell on account of illness: "snap this." $400. half interest, established remunerative bus- iness; young msn preferred: full particulars. DUNCAN McKAY CO.. 787 Market St., cor 4th. $700— Butcher shop in Market St.; est. 20 yrs. $250 — Cigar stand; good paying; no opposition. $850 — Grocery; fine place for man and wife. \u25a0 $50CM-Saloon"; rood paying, with 4 living rooms. $3.000— Saloon; near Pacific Mall dock: a mint. (— Saloon and billiard ball: downtown dlst. fOOO— Restaurant, nr. Market; will take part- ner. $2.soo— Rooming bouse. 42 rs., best buy In city. • For rood bares Ins call and see us. - GILLIES & MAGNUS. 1028 Market st. INVESTMENT of $2,600 or more in stock of country corporation secures position , of f-ecre- tary-treasurer at liberal salary; first mortgage * real estate security. Address box 3692, Call. FOR sale— Blacksmith shop, fully equipped and stocked; A SNAP. *500; inventory $1,000; in business district. Apply 420 6th St., Oakland.. Phone Oakland- 4631. IFOR sale — First class cigar, candy, frnit and ' vegetable business; only business of Us kind in town; fine property to be sold with above if desired. Particulars ECG. C. SWEET, Walnut Creek. Cal. ' . ' SIPE & THOMAS BUSINESS CHANCES. If you want to buy or sell a business see us for bargains; small commissions and quick re- turns; no charge for listing; clients protected. 1785 Mission st. . \u25a0\u25a0- GOOD laundry in running condition; boiler. 2 manglers. 2 washers, with . all equipments, for sale cheap: rent $25: lease 5 years. PA- CIFIC LAUNDRY SUPPLY CO.. S2B FoUom. A LIVE man to Invest his services and $300 in a downtown established business; $100 per month if willing to work. Call today, room 421. 849 Market st. WOULD like to meet gentleman with some cap- ital to invest in chattel mortgage business; big returns guaranteed; handle own money. Box 3630. Call office. • ; - - HOTEL and bar; doing good bnslneea; long lease; reason for selling, other business. Ad- drezs MIL N. TOM ASEVICH. Hotel St. Anne. Mountain View. CaL \u25a0:' . . MAN satisSed with $100 per month wanted to assist in an office: must invest $200. Apply. at 421 Mechanics' bank bldg., 948 Market st. FOR sale cheap, an advertising patent that cov- ers tbe earth; right partiqs can make a great fortune. Address box 3677. CaU office. SINGLE sentleman. "stylish artist." with a few- hundred dollars, to Join In a big money propo- sitlon. Address box S67S, Call office. FOR SALE — Saloon: located -in manufacturing district. Apply Broadway Brewing Co., 19th st. and Treat ay. - STORE, basement, liring quarters; 1011 Larkin cor. Post; center «f hotel, apartments. Lurllne bath district: any retail business; $20; «nap. FOR sale — A good newspaper route la a good district in this city. Apply to J. R. LEN- HABT. circulation department. S. I*. CalL FOR SALE^ — Good blacksmith business; must sell on account of sickness. For further particulars apply to F. B. MILLER. Valley Ford. Cal. PARTNER wanted wltb few hundred dollars to deal in poultry business; good opportunity: no ri»k. Apply at 3117 Putnam St.. Frnltvale. SALOON for sale, with 5 living rooms; a bar- gain. Inquire WELLER, SCHIRMER & CO., -563 Sacramento st. FIRST class butcher shop for sale cheap. Ipclud. new fixtures, horses, carts, etc. Box 3659 Call. $250 — Third Interest city business; young man i preferred. Box 3643. Call office. \ SMALL restaurant, first class, for sale cheap. Address 225 Leidcsdorff et.. near Clay st. SALOON and rooming house: snap. Inquire Eagle 1336 Hiffh st. near B. 14th. Fruitvale. 1 WANTED— Partner: established 1880; plumbing business; no agenta. Box 4499. Call office. FINE restaurant for sale; doing $50 business daily: 2^ years' lease. 219 6th st. MEAT market for sale, cheap. Inquire 3SS6 19th st. near Mission. \u25a0- <. CORNER saloon for sale; SE. cor. 10th and Mis- •ion. Inouire owner. 12rtl Mnrket *t. LODGINO lI£UjSEJ*JFORJ^AJLE^^ ' A. CAMERON & CO.. 71* MARKET ST..MAGEE BUILDING, -. -;- Opposite The Call. Room 391 — Phone Douglas 4379. Where Best Bargains. Are Found in Hotels, Apartment and Lodging Houses, Flats. BARGAIN— This 54 room, modem house, se- lect location, rent $5.70 room; best furniture and carpets. . "> - SEE this 19 room house, central: cheap rent; good furniture; clears $75; only $700. TO EXCHAXGE * SERVICES of 5 passenger automobile evenings, Sundays and holidays, to exchange for any- thing of value. What have yon? Box 310, Call. Oakland. ' EDUCATIONAL A— THK LYCEUM. 2500 Pine St., prepares for university or any examinations. Open during summer; G teachers: moderate rates; here you gave \u25a0 time and money. - JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS. High school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers* exams., civil serv. Laboratory courses. Day. er. 943 Van Ness. ASSAYING: special commercial course in Span- ish, telegraphy, civil snd electrical engineer- ing, mining, etc. HEALD'S. 425 McAllister st. DAKCING— FINDLAY'S, 5241 16th St., ballroo— or stage; adults Monday and Friday ercninss; private lessons daily; open every evening. ENGINEERING — Civil, electrical, mining, mech., survey, assay.- cyanide, day," eve.; est. 1884. ' . Van der Naillen school. Slst and Tel. Oakland. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF N LANGUAGES— 2531 Washington St., near FiUmore; eend for - circular. \u25a0 KENT Law-- School; • ISth year: daytime, 910 Phelan Mdg. ; evenings. 2028 Green st. LARCHER 'SCHOOL. OF LANGUAGES, 1613 Polk Kt. at Sacramento. Circular, scut..' • OPPORTUNITY to learn and practice Spanish. j EL FIGARO SPANISH CLUB, 709 Van Ness. ] ABITIL, penmanship by expert; bkng., grammar, t etc.; Individual instruc, jo »no. 015 Van News. 1 SPANISH. French or Italian taught; accurate ' translations. Prof. Hidalgo, r. 409. S3O Mkt. I PP.OF. T.A. ROBINSON. Individ. InMr, math., j bookkeeping, Eng.. etc.; day, eve., 507 Haight. PROF. O. MA XSFI ELD. teacher of violin, man- dolin and guitar. 1706 Geary st. V FREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— Hizb school, university. West Point. Anna polls. - 854 Baker. RINGNALDA. Normal Institute Mod.. Languages; nnlv. prer*. 1350 O'Farrell. - Phone West 81C0.- BUSINESS /COLLEGES. AA — Chicago Business College. ; 1095 Valen. cor. 22d; Individ. Instruc.; reas. rates; positions. A— Metropolitan Business College— l4*o Market at Van Ne*s. Reduced rates, 6 months, $50. AFTER Aug. 2 the San. Francisco Business Col- lege will be at corner of Market and Eddy Bts. MERRILL-MILLER College,. 733 Fillmore st. Term opens Aug. 2; day and eve. sessions. ALL court reporters recommend 'Gallagher- Marsh Bwslnena College. '-- 1250 Market st. \u25a0 MANUSCRIPT REVISED LET us put your" literary attempts in' proper shape for publication: manuscripts reviewed, 1 revised, rewritten: nominal .charge, \u25a0 Forum Brokerage Co.. 740 Pbelan bldjr. : tel. Krny 5467. ACCOUNTANTS — C^rtlfle'd Public JOHN P.. RUCKSTELL.* C. P. A.. v 806-308 Claus Snreckels (Cain bldg.' -Phone Kearny 4151. - NOTARY MARK i LANE. Notary Public snd Commissioner of Deed*. 248 nosh St.: phone Kearny 2629. «\u25a0» West Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded): conducts cases \u25a0 secretly : < cor. confidential;, 896 Fillmore. Tel. Park RSSC.'T. C.- ORAY.-l'rin."-' ATTORNEYS > .- AA— DIVORCE: co«U $12;. quick.' quiet; advice free; no charge unless successful; .title to real estate restored; \u25a0 bankruptcy;. probatlDg of es- tate; general practice. 1028 Market st.;.r. 12. AA— Advice ' free; divorce costs $12: . quick ; and .quiet. 607 Westbank bldg.; 830 Market; open evenings. - . \u25a0 . , Dl VORCKS , obtained ; fee $10;: other , legal I busi- ness; experienced trial lawyer."! Box 4463. Call." A QUICK, qnlet; complete divorce for $20; open evenings until 8. 1112 Market St.; : room -122. 1 HARRIS - & ' HESS,*- attorneys i at; law.'.>i W.'.T.- Hets, Notary-Public. -Rooms 11-12: Call bldg.. US. CLARK, attorney, at law. 851 Jackdon St., Oakland. I . Consultation free: open , eveninzs. . THEi SAX FRANC [SCO CALL, ERIDAY; AUGUST 6, 1909: DEWEY; STRONG & CO.— Founded I860; \f. S. and foreign patents; inventors' guides; 1,000 mechanical - movements free. 1105' Merchants' Exchange building, ;. San Francisco. :\u25a0 . CARLOS P. GRIFFIN," late examlner^U. S. pat- •i ent office," 1201-2 *; Metropolis bank.^: Patent*, tradesmarks and copyrights. ; Tel; Kearw 4815. HARRY C. SCHROEDER; U. 8. andioreignpat- '. ents, 415 First National Bank; Oakland. SONTAG Patent Agency— Established 1899. Bal- ; boa bldg.. cor. Market and 2d sts.t 10th floor.' SOME PEOPLE i DON'T LIKE US. We get the money • for \u25a0 you on all kinds of claims anywhere. Interstate Ad.l. and Law Ass'n.. 615 Pacific bid. ; BAD TENANTS EJECTED ' BILLS and -notes collected; -tenants ejected. FRED J. SCHMIDT. Market. Noe and 16th stu. DENTISTS ' DR^ H. P. DAVIS,' PAC. BLDG., rms. 301-2-4, cor. 4th and Mkt.; latest in dentistry; first ' class work; mod, charges; CONSULT. FREE. HILL, DR. LUDLUM, 432 Webs, (now Muirhead bldg.). Market, Hayes and Larkin; gas given. ARTIFICIAL teeth; this one thing I do. ! Dr.C. E. Wilson. 323 Geary, suite 605; tel. Dong. 4200. DR. C. W. DECKER, Phelan bldg., rooms 308-. 910. 760 Market St.; phone Kearny 1630. DR. R. I* WALSH & CO.. 961 Fillmore cor.' Mc- Allister; formerly 672 McAllister; Park 5380. MEYER. Dr., 1990 Sutter— Fillings 1 50 c, crowns $3; bridge work: gaa given; open evenings. DR. EDW. PERKINS, SB3 Market, opp. Powell, suite 1. second floor — Bridge work.' A ' r- DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 515vFlIlmore gt. uear Oak. . •;\u25a0'-'... DR. U. G. BARTLETT, extracting specialist, re- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell; Douglas 4300. •v~~^~~~~~J£E£i£ A jr^^^ AAAA— DR. ABBOTT, , v . The well known' specialist, treats. - DISORDERS OF WOMEN ONLY His thoroughly , ANTISEPTIC methods insure absolute safety. from Infection', ,;. of »any kind. HONEST. RELIABLE,: SCIENTIFIC TREAT- MENT GUARANTEED IN ALL DISORDERS . . of women. Tbe methods employed by Dr. Abbott are original with him aud employed by him only; they are the result of more than .23 years' personal experience In hospital and private practice. Lady physician to consult with if desired. • - 1550' ELLIS ST., NEAR FILLMORE.' Hours 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.; Sundays, 10 to 2. DR. EMERSON. 1304 FILLMOHE ST. CORNER EDDY. ALL DISEASES OF WOMEN treated by most scientific methods;- positively no charge unless patient is satisfied. with results; private sanato- rium for parties* wishing to remain under -our care; advice and exam, free; lady 'assistant. Hours. . 10-5; evenings, 1 S-9: Sundays,' 12-2. - SPECIALIST for ladles; painless relief guaran- teed; paid when cured; advice free. MRS.- DR. PHILLIPS.' 2752 Howard^t. near 24th. MRS. DR. HOLMS, graduate specialist, cures all female complaints without delay. Advice free. Hours 9 to 8. 744 . Turk st. nr.. Van Ness ay. RUPTURE cured by massage; new physiological r_nedy ; _>lr i ________boni-_F_^ AA — DR. THIELE, German physician and sur- geon; specialist 'chronic and private diseases of both sexe** . cures guaranteed. 1732 Geary. DR. JUR DON. noted doctor Chinese empire, 70S Clay. S. F. : knowledge inherited through 7 generations:" cures all ailments human sys- tem is subject to with teas; carefully selected herbs; consultation free. .. DR. WONG HIM— ~~~ - - \u0084- •. \u25a0\u25a0- HERB DOCTOR. PermiMsently located 1268 O'Farrfll st. bet. Gough and Octavla. JEE WO DRUG CO.— High grade herbs, drugs and teas; all- chronic and private diseases of both sexes cured. 936 Stockton st. ' CHIROPODISTS - DR. DUNCAN. 180 Sutter corner Kearny, rooms ;;03-4 — Absolutely cures without pain or draw- Ing blood all foot ailments: corns removed 25c. OSTEOPATH V Dr. x R. L. Meyer. 830 Market st.. rooms 503-4-5; Chronic and nervous 1 dls.: lmpotenev. sterllltr. HEALTH MOVEMENT j "VIAVI SCIENCE OP HEALTH." natural non- Fnrgical; cloth bound.' 400 page book. free. Ap- ply by mall, G36 Pine st. Lecture for women Thursday at 2:30- p. m. - - : _ SAXATQ R XV M S 1 j A— FRIVATE ~ home for the sick; confinement \u25a0 ." specialty ; - adoption; special treatment for -all -female trouble. 1303 Market St., Oakland. HOME and care for Invalids or aged persons. 3421 25th St.. near Mission: phone Mission 4620 MATERXITY lIOMES \u25a0 STRICTLY private home ' for confinement cases; resident physician In attendance; best refs. 1131 Lagnna St.. cor. Eddy; phone West 5964. S. F. LYING-IN home, 1191 Oak stl— Adoption; diseases women and children; confinement, $25. POPULAR REMEDIES -' IF you knew what Kuril will do for Eczema, Salt Rheum. Dandruff, Poison Oak, you would get a bottle today. It cures others, why not you? At Shumate's and other druggists'. RICORD .CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS, for men's private diseases. ., Sold only by E." B. JORGENSON, 044 Kearny st., San Francisco. . Mail orders n specialty. - Send for circular. — ' - TRUSSES . \u25a0'"___-.-: \u25a0'- TRUSSES that tf t ; , seamless elastic "'hosiery; CLARK-GANDION TRUSS CO.. UOS Market St.. op. 7th. * ..- AI^O car noises positively cured; one week free. I>R. COTTINGHAM. 1900 Sutter St.: bra. 10-4. CAXCEHSAXD TUMORS TREATED IN from 1 to 4 minutes with hypodermic needle method; cure guaranteed. .-\u25a0• MADAM L. F. " LAMB, rpfldenee and * office. Uklah, CaL DOG AXD : CAT HOSPITAL.: .- FINEST equipped; animals .boarded; ambulance fnrn.: -tipeclal rates.- 37 Fulton: West 8312. ; MATRIMOXIAJL \u25a0\u25a0 » # -/."\u25a0•" •. :• • .. \u25a0\u25a0. >. - 1 * \u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0--\u25a0 . '.. . -- A HANDSOME; widow ;' of :30,>' unineunibered, Monde; tall and : clejrantlj", proportioned,' is . desirous of. meeting h gentleman ofSO ur over ; who has some means; object matrimony. Box SC4O, Call office.,; - :. . . , Z A STRONG man , of -3." years of «?e," s large and " .] well " proportioned, . by birth, is wish- ing to -meet a' woman 0f.25t0 30, : preferably \u25a0 German. . with object of \u25a0 matrimony. Address box 3639, Call office. YOUNG- man of 25; ! g00d looking, makes $150 .per -mo., slender- bulld.t Jolly and c always ont 1 out ' for \u25a0 fun aud - frolic. >\vou Id • be . pleased to meet congenial : girl' with the: object of matri-' mony. Address A.,'lk)x 3631 ,\ Call office. ITALIAN, bright and | honest : baslncssmnn; worth M 5150,000 in cash, -monthly income < $15.000.: age ~80 years, wishes to meet an honest, refined and \u25a0affectionate Itallanlady,!.or;wldow. with 2 or 3 : " children; •: object ,' matrimony ; :\u25a0: send particulars: and \u25a0•' photograph. Address C. C. J ," 614 T 2d: st., Ore. ; ;.,.-- • ,V .- ", LONELY, young man, kind .disposition, ; knows -.* how ; to v appreciate i a '•\u25a0 good ; woman, i seeks • ac- quaintance of good ' widrtw : or maiden- lady. Ad- i" ; dress , box : 3037, C«U \u25a0 office. ; ' ; - : ;: ; v .: ..- , A HARH '", vrorking 5 girl '\u25a0•' of " foreign s parcntßce - (Italian). 1 :- «i>eaklnS' good English, would, marry .." bones>t:man. :; Box ;,*UMI,-; Calls of fiee. :j?-'. , ,•, DO : not -be deceived : - the i only reliable ' matrlmo- \u25a0 - nlal bureau you f will ; find t at •' MßS. -A. • WOL- . TER'S. -; 1752 Oeary st. : establlsbed \u25a0in 1900. \u25a0 : HONEST, men and women seeking life mates can '-. find ; tbelr ideals at 252% 1 HollTs. -. Oakland ; la- ;> formation. 2s6.;^ SOClETY, LADY. '.;.., \ -, -z -v .', - : \u25a0 : \u25a0". CALL , BRANCH; OFFICE. - " 1651:; Fillmore st. near Post. ------ \u25a0 "- -\u25a0" ; ;\u25a0 - r -. \u25a0:..-.„\u25a0;. , ; - \u25a0'- '.•-'\u25a0\u25a0?'/' "\u25a0' i.V^P— Rsonailsvl./ 1 .'.--?^-;-/- -, \u25a0:.-:: ; WANTED— Whereabouts of^M ßS.'; E.'i' WEBSTK n; : formerly \u25a0 207^ Jones : st.«:: Address tJ. ? J.^DUR- ,\' KIN."j box ; 3673.1 Call: office. sv „»«.;.;.. \u25a0W; D. * NElLSON.t former; business agent ; of " San \u25a0 >. Francisco ' pattern \u25a0 makers'.-; association,' address ? - : ; box* 2024: at -once.'. • .s,' ,.. •> - \u25a0\u25a0.:\u25a0:\u25a0 :.. -. • x : ; -- - :-.-.,-- HAVB.SKH" and services. /What have you? Box i ,%366B,iCallioffice.'-L-.-;^;;-j..-rv;"--,-'- v .-,i-.-;'.-,V :;\u25a0•„-;: ;\u25a0•„-;- \u0084 ; : -.: V'-'-.V-;: I * 3 !?*- ; ';',.:>'\u25a0 G I RL' baby :\u25a0 wanted * Iniii s ideal •bome;^. DR.' Er i^FUSKE,- 1416^801 ; et.:, phone* 1682, v Alameda. "'""- \u25a0' BUSINESS PERSONALS v ;.'; .' : ' \u25a0 ' 1': AA— WIGS, \ TOUPEES. * I HAVE ; MADE • WIG ,; ~: MAKING A LIFE STUDY. U. V- 'My wigs and toupees defy' detection;, I guaran- tee every one I make. -'I make -them ventilated and : "- porous; *-; perspiration ; . ; . don't i: affect &\u25a0 them.' Gentlemen's private wig department; 2271 ; Cali- fornia «t.;- near- Webster,' Mr. Lederer in charge. ' ' A large stock'of pure human; hair , goods on band; | transformation switches, puffa.^ etc.,-i con- 1 Btantly on hand."! make wigs and front pieces any style : desired and In ' the latest styles. | Hair dressing, dyeing, scalp treatments, . etc.,". 1 by; spe- cialists only. ~ . Lederer's Quintonica > stopa hair falling. Mall orders prompt attenUon. » G.' LED- EREU. establlsbed 1666. \u25a0 \u25a0 '-• -: .. \u25a0 ". ; . - . . LADIES' STORE AT . . . ISO 9 FILLMORE ST. ' KEARsSOTTER. , HOLLOW B CHEEKS. -WRINKLES, BUSTS, I necks, thin hands I and arms filled | out perma- nently in one visit; saddle back . noses .and • sagging faces corrected; no parafflne,. no lump- ing ;a ; chemical fat i is • put t painlessly [ In the place where fat should be; forming -a natural, I healthy tissue. CONSULTATION FREE. MME. TASKER, dermatologist.. 1625 Polk st. - Office rqom 303.*/ - •':'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ''"\u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0:.' '."." .. . .- WATCHES, diamonds, silver ware. Jewelry, cut glass,- etc.{ . come to our ' office . and tell sales- \u25a0 , man you would like to open confidential charge ; account • and pay weekly , or monthly ; he will arrange the matter • for you in ' a very, few - .minutes and -you can wear -while paying for same. -BRILLIANT JEWELRY- COMPANY, _ .704^ Market St., npstalrß, rooms 611-612. ' ;, MME. FRANCINE, greatest European authority r: on . beauty culture; most ' scientific:- skin treat- ment, wbich makes you 15-20 years younger; wrinkles removed entirely ; city refs. 626 16th st.. Oakland; phone 7511; ; best skin foods. ; - ADVERTISING: copy, circulars, poems, sermons; j written to order; a staff of .trained writers at ' your service; nominal charge. Forum. Broker- - \u25a0\u25a0'• age C 0., -740 Phelan bldg.;. phone Kearny 5467.- MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, manipulation, vibration \u25a0 and electricity for rheumatism and" nervous- ness. 637 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary st. Open Sundays. :. -. • - : .- : \u25a0-\u25a0_ •-. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers at less than cost at CHAS. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Fillmore bet. Ellis and O'FarreU. MAGNETIC physical healing— Mrs. Holshouser, 351 Pacific bldg.. tel. Douglas 4440. ~ MISS WALLACE. EASTERN MASSEUSE.. 124 Turk st.. R. 210. Ist floor, rear; 11-10 Op. Sun. GOLDSTEIN CO., theatrical and masquerade cos- tumes; sue. to JaUn, eostnmer. . SB3 : Market; g GRADUATE masseuse. MRS. HELEN DERBER; electrical treatment. 2024 Sntter; tel. West SBO2. FREE— Sample i "Happy Lady," home treatment for women. 3 to 6 p m.. 247 Pine: room 203. ' IXFORMATION WAXTED v IF any. one jin San Francisco has Cecil A. Brittan please leave 'him- at the Call : office and there will b<? no questions asked. AH we want is the ; child that God has given^ us - and whom some one stole without any cause, and God has promised that it shall be re- . stored to whom it t>elong?. MR. and MRS. R. L. BRITTAN, 10 Coleviile st., Walla '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Walla. Wash. \u25a0 - SPIRITUALISM AA— MRS. J. J., WHITNEY, trance - medium ; consultation $1, at her home, 1164 O'Farrell; by letter. 4 questions $1: phono Franklin 5024. FRED ; P. EVANS, noted psychic, now located \u25a0 . at - 1390 Telegraph ay.;- Oakland; \u25a0 interviews dally. Phone Oakland 8476; send for circular. MISS M. WILLE, ordained spiritual adviser, crystal reader, can be consulted on all bnsl- ness affairs. Hours. 10-8. 1164 O'FarreU st. LOTTIE BUSWELL, ordained spiritualist; trance \u25a0 /readings; . lessons daily: : circles every night. \u25a0 1359 Webster st. near O'Farrell. • : ;. \u25a0-,\u25a0: MRS. L. H.KINNAIRD— Ordained cousulta- tion dally, 10 to 4; circles Sun.,' Mon., Wed., Friday. S p. m.. 1439 FlHmore. * DR. - ROWLAND'S 25c circle tonight; 50c read- - ings today. 1230 Fillmore st. ' :\ MRS. IDA M. GRIFFIN, medium; readings dally; circles Tues. and Thurs.. Bp. m. 132 Haight. EDWARD EARLE Sun. and Wed. nights. 1173 • McAllister; tests, messages, slates: 25c. .: MRS. S. SEAL, spiritual minister; consultations daily: officiate* mnrrincrps. funerals. 7«fl McAl- back again " GARLAND, world's greatest seer and clairvoy- ant, tells full names and everything you wish to know without you writing a word. .1445 FiUmore st. near Ellis. Hours 10 a. ra. to Sp. "in. ; , AA-MMK. REVENNA will give special readins* \u25a0 25c 1 wk.; clairvoyant; test medium: O. P. A.; • names jjlven: advice, all matters. -2158 Mkt. MISS JJEMDAR. young, df ted clair. and palm.: member O. R. A. of Cal.; L. 50c. G. $1; hours 10 to 10. _1279 Fulton st. near Devisadero. MRS. DR. SAYLOU, ordained : medium 4: fampua life reader: 2.1 c. 210 Fillmore st. nr.~ Tlalght. - \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'- . • PALMISTKY - ;> -^ CALIFORNIA'S ofdest palmist and card reader; 25c. 50c. 81. 1)13 Broadway. Oakland. > _'" _ ' ; [-'\u25a0 IXVRS'niEXTii i..;,;,,^.,.;,::- THK XI CaplUin Mining Co. will let a" contract to have 4<X( feet of tunnel 5 by 7 feet. run -on the Blue Eagle mining claim: contract vt-IU ; he let ' to the lowest bidder : who will take El Capitan stock for his pay at $1 per share. 'Ad- \u25a0 dress XI Capitan Miuing C 0.,. 1229 Broadway, Oakland.' Cal. ~ /' ; : CAN furnish you ANY unlisted stocks and bonds you may want AWAY UNDER regular quotn- tlons; will buy any active stocks If CHEAP; 1 largest dealers, on the Pacific coast; J corre- spondence" invited. CHESTER B. ELLIS & CO.. 714 Market st. opp. Cull building. FOR quick sale we offer: 1.000 shares Rainona .Oil Co. at 35c; , 600 shares -Lady Washington Oil. Co.- Nt 15c and 10 shares Chiapas Rubber Plantation at $23 per share. I E. V. WAYLAND k. CO., 474 Monadnock bids., San Francisco. SMALL block of stock 'a- new company." that will double investor's money times over within h* year.- Absolutely ; safe. Address box 533, Call office.- Oakland. v *\~ - • DO T you wish to buy or' Bell mining, property? Do you wish' money to develop?. If your prop- osition is^ clean we can help you. 'Western , Information' Bureau." Chronicle building. ; S, F." OCKAN SHORE railroad bonds '-for-Kale:. price . nets SU per • cent. ' V. E. ; BESKCKER, 24S Pacific- bid". : \u25a0- ; SACRIFICE S shares Chiapas Rubber stock for $300.- 80x .3662. Call office. --,'\u25a0 " .-'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: i - \u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0 ' "-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-.'\u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0 KIXANCIAIi -\u25a0\u25a0 :--\u25a0\u25a0'•' "~ : - - : V'.,- "ABBOTT buys \u25a0 bonds"— Ocean Shore,' Market 4 .st. bank and Cat;- safe dep. books. - 414 , Mar- ,-. ket st. \u0084: -\u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0-... \u25a0 __ — . - t -;\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0 -..-\u25a0. CAL. SAKF. DKP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. .P. K. BKSECKKR. 24S PACH?IOfBUILDING.- WE buy : California safe deposit ' accounts ; | buy • and sell <)<»r>»n Shorn .bonds. \u25a0• 44R Montc'y St.. iiixEsUxn Mixix«' - FOU : sale cheap— 6 patented California 't placer claims .and additional .land adjacent^- with $75,000 • plant; . record of mines over $800,000; only a third of ground, worked. -L.:W.' -JEF- PERSON REALTY C 0. ,-350 Market St.," S.F.; We buy, and; sell' mines. -make examinations: and . furnish \u25a0 reports \u25a0of * mining properties, v WEST- KRN: MINKS EXPLOR. CO.. 226-228 Lick bldg. GOLD, amalgam; '. rich ore \u25a0 bought; cash; assay- '\u25a0; ing f 50e.-; Poineer; Assay Co., 131 sth. st.tur. .''\u25a0 Howard. '- •\u25a0' '--\u25a0 :-': -' ; -. '\u25a0 ' — '\u25a0'\u25a0 '\u25a0'.-\u25a0• - ". • ; : - - V- : ATQ CKS ' > ' p ' 'Boxps for sale -^ ARE you : buyinj; or ; : selling "stocks ior bonds? Call onI'KTTIS & BURBECK, 333 Flnt.'Na-' < __onftl____tdd____i_l_n____ i __ M _______ \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0' FIRE : IXSCRAXCE > > ,- \u25a0 I'"' YOU are paying too much for, fire insurance; we • can \u25a0 reduce your rate :15 I per | cent; best I com- jv panles; \u25a0 investigate. ' 507 Westbank building. - • V ; ri:*:f~TTii6xEYlTOJ-ijOA3i > - AAAAA >; ..-, CASH: SALARIED LOANS < . " '-.' .: Do . you , need f, a - vacation "::\u25a0 and ,' ha ve \ not * the money to spare? We are loaning all SALARIED people '; strictly r iipon - their ; ; plain -. note,-- without indorser : or ; security.^ You ; can ; repay 1 In ; weekly or monthly payments: to suit yourself. \u25a0\u25a0 *- --, - \u25a0-. ENTIRELY NEW ; SYSTEM AND : LOWEST RATES , IN THE CITY. GET OTHERS' RATES,. THEN SEE; US.; . S , -« \u25a0\u25a0 : Your .= employer -; or friends • never know ! of any transactions 'at our -office. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0••'•:-•.;"• '- LOANS STRICTLY* TO » SALARIED ' PEOPLE. \u0084 .i" V ' " - WESTERN : LOAN C 0.,:: . :. '•".., - 40S Call; Bldg.,; 3d and. Market sts.- .l •C Open > 8 :30 ato ? 6 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 p.' -: m. ; h also ,) open L Monday, Wednesday and ; Sa turday evenings i until i 8 p. jm. AAAA— BANKERS TO THE PKOI!LE. . i ".WE 1 LOAN'ALL SALARIED EMPI/)YES THE SAM E VAS ; THK 'BANK LOAN* EMPLOYERS. NEW 'if i LOAN .-,'y COMPANY JUST / OPENED; ALL" WK . REQUIRE t IS : THAT-:; YOU- ARK 'A STEADY ' W-ORKINGMAN- ON- A": "SALARY."- NO INDORSKR:iNOiMORTGAGB:;y NO SECUR- ITY. ?r~ INTEREST -' RATES THAT I WI LL" SUIT THE CUSTOMER.: BORROW NOW, PAY. LATER.*. ALL 1 \u25a0 BUSINESS -.. STRICTLY \u25a0 CONFIDENTIAL. • ' GUKAT.-NOIITIIKRN^iLOAN^CO.T*;: fr i 61 6 Pll ELA Ni BLDG.;' Market , and O'Farrell sts DAILY-: HOURS,"' B :3O : to 6 P. M." -' Also ; Monday.; WEDNESDAYS AND?" SATURDAY.,' EVENINGS .TILL ; B<O'CLOCK_____________^££^;8 < O'CLOCK_____________^££^; KKEP.'THIS— We I :'tnake LOANS* to I SALARIED £ . ; men and: women iand* to OTHERS tWIthiFIXED» ;J; J or Jf RENTAL without \u25a0: Indorsersc and -. :'\u25a0 onr ratesa tes '\u25a0 are^ as ; low \ and • our < return \ payments ---EASIER /than : those .who", advertise iCTHE dealings t< - strictly^ confidential | and j honorable. \.~. Office ;433; 433 Pholan i bldg;^ Phono » Ponging \u25a0 324 1. -'.; .. • :;.-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0<•._ t \u25a0---:.- '\u25a0': WMONEYATOSLdAN.^!- . ,- :v-;-,,-r " >- 1 i hiivp aY large f amount sof j money ;"on: hand -to loan- 7 on's first^- class \ Oakland realty.:' in -amounts toVKUH:4i'AppI.viI).'SF.«MINNKY;S,422 sllth?gt.i" Oakrand.'JiistoaKttof yHioadway.-; ;:.;,;, ....; ; . . ; • A— XI RST j and | second 3 mortgages. 5 ! estate.^ lega-* .•lea and ''\u25a0 BeeOTUJrhSHADBURNE ; CO.. 1431 43? Post.' - '; MONEY TO I>OAN'--Contlniiert1 > OAN'--Contlniiert MONEY s loaned \u25a0 onl furniture, 'pianos and other \u25a0:\u25a0[ Becurity; "lowest "rates; i most fatorableAterms :. Mn , the L city ; : see i others, \ then \ see ;,me and . be ,' v con vi need; vl will _ save ?\u25a0 you r money ; $2,125 ' weekly s repays $50 j loan; \ phone Market . 3029. , -; GEORGE . W*. r MILLER; 3000 ; 16th » St., , SOUth- .. west, corner .'Mission,, room. 35; ; fi--'. \u25a0 ,- j -'.. : •- MONEY i LOANED > ALL - SALARIED ~ PEO- « PLE ; i also on \FU RN ITU RE ' and •CH ATTELS ; •; 6ave : money; by getting j our rates ; confidential ; \u25a0 private offleefor ladies. - GREAT WESTERN v. INV. CO., S INC, 521 Phelan , building; ; 8:30 to --J. 6; ; Mon. ' and Sat, .till - 8 L p. m. ; : Kearny 3247. MONEY: loaned salaried people and others upon -.their /, own" name," without -security: > cheapest rates; easiest payments; offices in C 6 principal < ; cities ; •\u25a0 save * yourself ; money by getting, our '.- terms first. TO LMAN." room 951, Pbelan Bldg., • i-S." F.; and room: 9,: 460 13th- St.. Oakland. FURNITURE— >. ... ~ ~~" LIFE INSURANCE— .' . SALARIES — Wage Earners' .lnvestment and Loan Co., .' :.'.:-". .443 Pine st. ;-. HOUSEHOLD LOAN -:\u25a0 CO.— Loans on FURNI- - TURE, PIANOS. : etc. ; : low rates : private. 357- Ss9; Pacific bldg., 4th and -Market sts.; phone Douglas 3265. . Oakland .office 518-519 First '-, National Bank bldg. •.' ' - .;.; '-"' . : \u25a0\u25a0 ;- --J- v. " v>\u25a0 ANY amount; lowest j rates on . first \u25a0 and second 1 .. mortgages on : real i estate, legacies. ' undivided Interest, estates in probate; no delay.' R. M;- COLQAN. .26 Montgomery 1 st., rooms 314-313. ADVANCES made | on diamonds and Jewelry lat , lowest : rates; : safe . deoosit vaults: greatest possible care i taken. BALDWIN JEWELRY CO..: Van Ness and Sntter. -.- - ; : v ANY amount on real estate,' first or second aiort- t gages of nny security; no delay; lowest rates. . O. W. BECKER. 705 Monadnock. -. CSI Market. HAVE money to loan on city realty: lowest rates, easy : terms. - -For particulars call 217 Monad- < nock bnilding.- \u25a0 ' . . : 'I 5." ' - : SALARY "loans— Ladies and gentlemen without security; notes and commercial paper bonjrht. , 313 Merchants' : Ex.- bldg. ; pbone Doujrlas 1411. ' - HERMAN MURPHY, - ' "\u25a0-. - 180 SUTTER ST. .:;:.:: .1 MAKE real estate loans in Oakland and vicln- : ity. AUSTIN. 1018 Broadway. Oakland. -^ $2,000 to loan on first mortpasre.t city real estate. 2100 Mission st.. or box 3460, Call office. ' SALARY 'loans; : other propositions.' San -Frah- i dsco Discount Agency. 411 • Pacific building. • WANT Ito "borrow $1,600; 2 flats; 7 pcr -cent; value $4.800. \ * Box 3394. CaU office. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without in- .: dorser. ' MORRELL.' 922 Monadnock , bnildinjr. ON furniture and pianos; no ', removal.-. TRE- ': MAIN, room 811.! 833 Market, next Emporium. Sam Raphael, 5 Powell — Lib. loans on diamonds and Jewelry: low rates; burglar proof : - vaults. ON" furniture, pianos, etc. Reliable: Loan Co., Monndnoek Tinlldinsr. RSI Mnrket st..' r«v»m 70JI. -_ _ _ _.^ MOXEY. WAXTED^^U^- -, - WILL sacrifice $500 to $3,000 ; 6 per cent gilt edge first mortgage real estate securities net- ting. buyers 9 per .cent net. Must have money for business purposes;' requires quick action. Box 3661. Call-office. . FRIVATE party with money to loan can get I high rate of Interest on Al security. CaU 217 ' / Monadnock . building. . - : WANT $35,000 on downtown property. at 6 p*-r cent net, worth 5130.000. 217 Monndnoek bide. LEGAL NOTICES . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE- OF CALIFORNIA; IN AND FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. \u25a0 . ERNEST S. SIMPSON, plaintiff, vs. aU per- sons claiming any Interest in or Hen upon the real property herein described or. any part thereof, defendants. \u25a0 Summons— Action No. 16674, Dcpt. No. 7. The People, of the State of California, to all persons claiming any interest in, . or Uen upon, j the real property herein described or g any part thereof, defendants, greeting: - You are hereby required to appear and an- swer the complaint of ERNEST S. SIMPSON, plaintiff, filed with the clerk of the above entitled. . court and city : and county, within three months after tbe first publication of thi* summons,, and to - set forth what Interest -or Hen, If any, you have In. or upon that certain real property, or any part thereof r situated In the city and county of San Franclisco, state of S California, and particularly described as fol- lows: : ; ; - \u25a0": '\u25a0 - - : Commencing at 1 point on the . southwest corner pf Duboce avenue and Castro street— in the said city and county. of San Francisco, at the polpt of intersection of . the southerly line of Duboce : avenue with the westerly line of Castro I street, running thence \u25a0 westerly along «he said southerly line of Duboce avenne 62 feet 6 inches; thence at a right angle southerly 100 feet, thence at a right angle easterly. o2 feet-C inches to the westerly line of Castro street, and thence northerly . along the said westerly line of Castro street 100 feet to tbe ; .point of commencement.- ' - •(.'•\u25a0' ' ; ' You are hereby notified 'that/ "unless yoo *o appear \u25a0 and answer, the plaintiff will ' apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to-wit. that it be^adjudged that \u25a0 plaintiff is' the owner of said property In fee simple absolute; that his title to said property be established and quieted;, that the conrt ascertain and determine all estates, rights. . titles, interests , and claims In and to said .•property,' and every part thereof, whetherthe same be legal or equitable, \u25a0 present or future, . vested .or contingent, - and whether the same consist of mortgages or liens of any descrip- tion; that plaintiff recover his costs herein and hnve such other and further reUef as may be meet In the premise's. : ' . " Witness my hand and the seal of said conrt, this 4th day of June, A. D. 1909. - (Seal) H. I. MULCREV Y, Clerk. By JAS. P. KANE. Deputy Clerk. > The flm . publication of this summons was made in the San Francisco CaU newspaper on the 11th day of June.'A. D. 1900. The following persons are said to claim an , : interest in. or Hen upon, said property adverse "to plaintiff: ;,: v ..' • ; Arthur A. Smith, trustee, 101- Montgomery 6t.. San Francisco, Cal. . W. D. Dunning, trustee, 101 Montgomery St., San Francisco. Cal. - - . Savings and Loan Society, a corporation, 101 Montgomery st, San Francisco,' Cal. . , r I ' Geo. F. Lyon, trustee, . 636 . Market St.. Ban '; Francisco, Cal. j '•\u25a0 Realty Improvement Company of San Fran- cisco, 636 Market St., San Francisco, CaL BOURDETTE & BACON. ' Attorneys r for Plaintiff. 1007-9-11-13, CaU bldg.. ' - Snn Francisco. Cal. 1 PRESIDIO TERRACE PRESIDIO TF.RRACE PRESIDIO TERRACE PRESIDIO . TERRACE (Ist ay. at. Washington st.) How do you know when <yoUs buy a lot and build your j home that - some one will not build a stable next :; to = you? Or 'lease, to a laundry? Or " build flats :' or apartments? Or. shut out your sun and light? v \u25a0'''.:'-• ~ YOU DON'T' KNOW, .and .what Is more yoa CAN; NOT rKRVRNT IT! If your , investment Is in : a :home,*: 50 \u25a0 per .cent.' of •:_ its ," valuo. is Immediately destroyed." '. ' : .-\u25a0llowcver, if you lmy ' your lot in - Presidio Terrace,' you are ABSOLUTKLY GUARANTEED against thesc : and: similar things — no billboards, overhead . wires,, objectionable' surroundings, spite fences, flats,, apartments, ur stores are allowed. - " There r arc • some very; beautiful homes'. in the Tcrrace-^more £ are » being erected. ' \u25a0Go out : there and- see ; it -for : yourself,"", or^ notify \u25a0 us. and we will "gladly tako you. _-..., - . .-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-- . -\- - - * . \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 , .\u25a0s. \u25a0 . .. It may l; interest yon to : know that I you ' can buy ' this choice property >as reasonably as •• ' $150 A, FOOT— OO FEET FOR $7,500 . BALDWIN & HOWELL. 318-324 Kearny St.; S.F. NOTHING LIKE IT . OFFERED- FOR -THE ' MONEY. - ; ( . 'Richmond District.- : . i'.Unobstructetl Marino View Lotsr. ; Streets macadamized:" cement sidewalk.-; Entire frontage", graded >to official ,;line." : Building re- strictions. - \u0084 \u25a0.\u25a0-••.-•;:\u25a0\u25a0-•.•\u25a0," \u25a0'-\u25a0:': •\u25a0;-\u25a0\u25a0.' \u25a0 ' : -\u25a0'.. -_ 40th ay. between A: and B' sts.. Most beautifully situated. Close to GOLDEN GATE PARK.', \ - Terms •? to . suit. •:' "Take the: Sutter-Clemeot st.,car. Call at our branch Tof fiee, = corners 40tb ;' ay. ~. and - Pt. - Loboa, or : at . Sutro heights ; branch . office, corner 'pt \u25a0 Ful- ton »t."- and \u25a0 49th ' av. .," J ".*.. -: LIPMAN-, & HIRSCHLER."; 255 Montgomery sL , ;\u25a0\u25a0 %<\u25a0*.£ \u25a0"- - r VPhone \u25a0 Douglas 3644. yr; -' M;• "W.'J.:DOWLING A'CO.;'^;. ' > . -'-521 Valencia st.:,- pbooe- Market 17109. , . $10,500— Income '$1,440 ; year; ! 3 \u25a0 new.; high : class -.'6-7-7 'rm. . flats; -23x137:6;> Golden \u25a0 Gate and •VJ Central ays. ; i can ; raise ; $5,000 bank ; mortgage ; \u25a0•'-\u25a0 rare ?barjraln.! l ::".''.-v ' \u25a0<••. ;.:•: v : ."\u25a0\u25a0 -, \u25a0" ; : c.*'* $— cashr^O - room ;> modern house; , near . ear !-•- line; ; balance $2,000 at $25 month. ." $3,250 i cash — Small '- mortgage; • high : class * new > 3 room bouse; garase; near ISth and Castro. fG.i'oO— 2 elegant new, s room-flats;, near. Mission .^and"26th;;can.ralsemortgage;.snap.': \u25a0• : :;.-,-•\u25a0 : $3.650 1 cash— 4 .- modern .' flats; : good - location ; lot -.? 37:6x100: i rents f 72. 50; 'mortgage $3,600. .-••< $5.75O — 6 fine fiats, 2 years old; rented cheap at *.! si:2oO year;; terms;- bargain. •-•\u25a0\u25a0" •"*\u25a0 .-.;< - $2,ooo ' and up ; ' cheap j building , lota; j Hartford ' st. 1 -near 19th ani Castro; finished street and side- walk. \u25a0:--.-\u25a0-.-. .. :.\u25a0.-•\u25a0•;; :--'.-;--v:-. 1 :- -\u25a0 •* '\u25a0; ; \W. J/DOWLING Ss CO.'.. 521 Valencia at.?/ .9 VROOM ;bouse'and \ lot J 25x134."? for '\u25a0 sale ; j must vv be 2 sold *to * close/ an s estate: 5 418 s Eureka x st.;; " between 1 21st -i aod - 22d ; ; price 5 52.400; ?\u25a0 street •/work;; complete;;* stone -curbing. \u25a0: nice garden -rear and : front. Or apply, JAEGER. r 224 Grant '\u25a0^ avenue.^-;.; jD-li :/::.•\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0. ; ?v J r-i '\u25a0•-'. ;""< : ~-;^ • :"... ; ~ . $5, 800—8 1 room,*> modern residence ; \u25a0 perfect -' con- - -\u25a0 ditlon ; : Scott' and McAllister its. ; > ground worth ,;' ' $4,500 ; '- biggest bargain ; in ; town. fcM B. j H AI- yl MAN.': First > National Bank : liiillillin " , l|||||if ' I~ Ait ADAMB.^ state 1 licensed and ; deputy l U."« 8; a- enrveyor.^ 325; Bush J it. ; ; pbone •: Douglas 2104. * ' CITY REAL ESTATE— -Contlnaed BALDWIN *&|HOWELIv 31S-324 ; KEARNY' ST. BALDWIN& HOWELL, 31S-324. KEARNY ST. MEMBERS OF S." F. .REAL ESTATE BOARD MONEY TO LOAN OX S. F. REAL ESTATE $60,000-^-Rents:s7ls.per month;- admirable .cor- oner, building; , large lot. 62:6x106; fine :".. transfer corner, on Devisadero St.; stores "and flats; . stores under- leaser $20,000 - mortgage at 5 per cent can remain. (3519) $20,000— Vicinity of Van Ness ay. and Washing- ton ' St.; 3 handsome flats of 9 room* and bath each; rents; $2,040 pe^annum: de- - slrable- neighborhood.' -\u25a0\u25a0 (4765> $15,000 — Van -.Ness 'a y.; best portion of -this beautifnl thoroughfare; lot 45x100; sult- • -- able for high class apartments. (5212) $16,500— Near Van Ness and EUis, rents $160, .3 fine \u25a0 flats of 7-7-9 rooms and bath; a desirable Investment. (5263) $14,000— Clay st.. Presidio heights district: 2 beautifalnew flats finished artistically; vv ' French windows with window balconies •„" in grilled 'iron; rents $112.50 per month; sunny and up to date in every conceivable - respect . * (5190> $11,500 — Rents $1,200 per annum; fine buy near - Market and Valencia sts.; 4> smart fiats - ~on good lot; $3,000 mortgaso can re- main. V . . - . <5172> ; $7,700— Best buy today! Nets about 7 per cent: 2 flats of 6-7 rooms and bath and lot 30x100 in California st. : not far from >. , Devisadero: lot worth $4,750; flats would . cost , $6,000 ito duplicate. . (3135> ; $8,750— Rents. $72 per month; 4 small fiats on rear of. lot which should be Improved *.."• in front. , when the whole would pay an exceptional rate of -interest; store would go well iin . this . neighborhood; close to j ; Oak. and Derlsadero sts. »5202> $3,soo— Just think of it: A 25 foot lot in . - Folsom st. near Sth. directly opposite -. one we sold for $5,250! Same sizet Only * $3,500! < ' (5210» $2,750— Rents $30 per month: key lot. 27:6x90: \u25a0 worth $-.250; house of - 7 rooms; leased to laundry for, 2's' years more; can yoa equal this? (4774> ,$2,300 — Cash for attractive house in Sunset; balance of $1,400 can stand on mortsage ; fnll price $3,700; 11th ay. near car line: 0 rooms and bath.- (5210) $1,500—30 foot lots on Sntter st. car line; Call- \u25a0^ fornia sf. between 22d find ,23d ays.: level and ready for building. $1,000 Cash.-^balance/ to suit; 2 good flats of 4-5 rooms and bath each: street ac- cepted and In good renting locality; rents $33 per month. . (5020> Send 'for August list, of property for' sale. ! BALDWIN & HOWELL, 313-324 Kearny st.'. S.F. . RARE OPPORTUNITY— S2,OOO; WORTn DOUBLE: ELEGANT -CORNER LOT. 55 FT. FRONTAGE: STREET WORK DONE: Me- • ,-ENERNEY TITLE: SITUATED OX CHURCH i ST. CLOSE IN: WORTH $4,000. IF SOLD TODAY. WILL TAKE $250 CASH, BALANCE 1 ON TIME. -PROPERTY LEVEL. P.EADY TO BUILD. NO AGENTS NEED APPLY. OWN- , ER. 1114 MARKET ST. OPP.7TH. CALL • 9:30; TO 7 P.M. TODAY ONLY. - $4.500 — Store" with two flats above of 4 and 5 : rooms, also stable, on Church st. ; income $624 per annum, which could be Increased r* lot alone worth $3,000; greatest bargain ever of- fered in this city; if you are looking for a snap this is /It: will take $1,000 cash, tbe balance on very, easy terms. Apply 3215 • Mission st. *".;" NEW. modern dwellings of 4. 5. 6 and 7 rooms, $3,750, $4,300. 15.200 and $5,500 each, lnelud- ' ' lag bltumlaUed streets; one-fifth cash, bal- ance same as rent: entire block. Sth ay. and ! B st.; Turk and Eddy. McAllister, flth ar. and Clement at. cars. F. NELSON, owner and ; : builder. -..--•\u25a0'-- :^ ' FOR sale — 2 lots. 25x125 each, north-side of Con- \u25a0 "gress st. 50 feet from corner Masonic ay; . $1,250 each. Inquire 1582 Masonic ay. • ' Tor sale — Mod. home, ? rms.; sunny; reas.: call morning before 1 p.m. Owner. 837 Shrader st. CITY and country property bought, sold -and 1 ex. Apply Owl Realty Co.. 807 Castro at. FOR sale at sacrifice, lot; Western addition; 25x 137:6; $1,850. Apply box 3696. CaU office. CALL BRANCH OFFICE. 1631 FUlmore st. , near Post. ' •- \u25a0 L .i__^^__ ! COUNTRY REAL ESTATE ; SMALL TRACTS OF GLENN COUNTY LAND ' ! AT WHOLESALE PRICES. ON MONTHLY' PAYMENTS OF ONE DOLLAR PER ACRE. By forming a syndicate of 8 to buy 160 acres. , we can sell you 20 acres each. 3 miles south of Orland, of tbe choicest land in the district, at , wholesale price. This is immediately in tbe orange section: will grow any kind of deciduous fruits, vegetables, grain, alfalfa, etc. Deep, level, gravelly loam, entirely free from alkaU. i adobe and hardpan; plenty ol water for -Irriga- tion. Price $30 per acre; terms $1 per acre per ! month. 1 FEHREN-ROBINSON COMPANY. I 925 First National Bank bids.. San Francisco. SMALL -RANCHES' * , CHICKEN— GRAPES— FRUITS . ,\u25a0lO-20-30 acre i ranches •on our beanti fill Saa Martin ranch, south of the San' Jose; improved : or ' unimproved : suitable for; chickens, fruits. ; trrapes, etc.; this is one of tbe ideal locations in , Santa -Clara valley: only \u25a075 miles from San Francisco: price $100 per acre: monthly pay- ' ments of $14.14, including interest, if desired; if ( you are looking for a beautiful place to build up 1 a home and where you will get good retnrns out ! of the land,' let us show you over our 'ranch. \u25a0 C. M. WOOSTKR CO.. 702 Market st. 1 PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU. 405-40G-407 .Metropolis Bank building. San Francisco, Cal.; will - put you In touch with the best country and suburban lands on the Pacific coast. Careful attention given to each Inquiry. Full and accurate details of every property. * Easiest and best way to iget honest 1 information. Stata your requirement, we will 1 fill it at once. Thousands of properties listed, with maps, vlewso etc.. on display.- . -• 1 . \u0084 NO. FEE. -NO COMMISSION. ' MEXICAN and Texas timber colonlxlng land, 350.000 acres pine and oak and hardwoods; , 'choice; well located- for export: $2.50. 154.000 nine. oak. ash, hardwood. $3 696,000 improved stock ranch and timber. \u25a0 100 000 acres irrigable land and stock. $1.75. 1 1.000,000 acres colonizing lands, 30c up. Texas and Mexico, all. size tracts and all classes of timber and stock ranches. * Reports sent*.' information at once. DAVIS BURN- HAM. 7Ot Mills bldg.. S.F. BUTTE county farms — I am subdividing my 2.700 acre ranch \u25a0 near Chlco (12,000 lnhabit- ,. * ants>, Sacramento valley. High elas* land. - .Adjacent to government national . plant intro- \ >-- : duction i gardens.' - Free water \u25a0 right; electric ' V ana two steam. railroads wltbln mile. - Fruits. J dairying: alfalfa, pay. $30 to $500 ' T>er acre. For photographs attested by notary and complete information, address Judge Chas. F. Lott. 800 Union Trust bldg.. San Fran- _ Cisco, \u25a0 or 597 Bird St., OrovlUe. Cal. •';-:.'•* I A SANTA CRUZ BEAUTY. -.»- T"~~T "~~ ; ' We offerfor $5,000; on very .easy terms, a t \u25a0 . little ranch of 6 acres, that for location, view, climate,' improvements, orchard- aud soil can not be surpassed." . Another of B!i ' acres for , $4,000 that is ideal and a bargain such as yon t . do not find! every day. Note the location. 3fj . miles from Santa Cruz. . ' ' Country Dept.. HOLCOMB REALTY CO., . " 300 San Pablo a y., J i Oakland. Cal. - • WK have 1.080 acres land. 200 trader cultivation. : ' .*> miles from town and railroad: the best com- j , bined stock ranch - and -farm In California;. run- i nine: stream of water; fenced and cross fenced; j - price $20,000. terms. ...-.-,.. If you are looking for a 'farm, stock or fruit ranch' at -the rlcht price call and «cc «•. - McFAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicl* bldg. 1 \u25a0 ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. I 3 We are mnnlng a - free information bureau. . giving - reliable. - detailed information : - on" all . . \u25a0 California 'lands; we have many desirable prop- ositions - in : every comity: many fine bargains. If you are looking for Information, write ns or : call at onr office and it will be freely given. CALIFORNIA LANDS INFORMATION BU- ; REAU. D46-94S Monadnock bldg.. S. F. DO not overlook this-^4OO acres on . Eel river, Mendocino county: -15 acres, nnder cultivation; ' balance rolling hills, with plenty of oak tlm- - - ber: good .house . and barn; one of .the best • little cattle -and -hog ranches In tbe state of > California;, would .make an ideal summer re- - \u25a0-* sort: " fine hunting. "- boating and fishing; no "-trouble to -catch -the limit: price $3,000.- Me- . FAUL & EDWARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. „ \u25a0 160 ACRES land near Brent wood; 43 acres bear- ' " ing vineyard.' balance in corn and' otber prod- ucts; 6 room house, good barn and outbuild- • ings ; running stream of water piped to house and barn: 5 horses: all farming lnplements; 1 \u25a0• everythlntr-; ready .to do buslne»». Thl< »- a snap: don't overlook it.-- Price 55.500, % cash ;for qnick,sale." • \u25a0 \u25a0 . »< • McFAUL & EDWARDS. SCO Chronicle bldg. • CALIFORNIA' *iand,"f $t , per. acre [ cash 1 payment. \u25a0'-. balance ; purchase 90 cents -per. month per acre: ; -'.close San < Francisco: 'no, taxes,. no interest: 5i > .acre tracts;' level. -rich.-, clear, ready to plow, i I irrigated:; perpetual. water right: immediate ; possession:- particulars.' maps, photographs free. . STEVKNSON COLONY." 1414 Market St.. \u25a0 S. F. r ;i-;^SANTA ROSA REALTY CO. ; Splllnc land from ':i trncts near Santa Rosa: $100 an acre np; also big "list of properties * of : all , kinds: call or write for booklet. Office 39-40.636 - Market \u25a0 St.; • San ; Francisco; office 5 Elks' build- t lnßt< Santa \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Rosa." Cal.'y--. ,-,i- . EUCALYPTUS. TIMBER— SmaII, tracts in plan- ' tation of thousands of acres: easy terms; loca- tion on railroad, lo San Joaquln v»lley. Euca- J lyptna Timber. Co . ; 420 . First ,Nat. Bank. Oak. "\u25a0 -.;-'\u25a0..-.. :s. :OIL J LANDS " . - :: ----- \u25a0 .-- 40 acre* 1 proving • oil > lands - for 1 aale >In 23-29. • Baki-«Celd, Kern vcoanty.Y For particulars 299 I Monadnock - building. T. •F. A. OBERMEYER. - \u25a0 $100 down secures 20 acres of fine land; balance 1 -vinlO years. '--saMBMMNMnfMMnHHn - --„» ; ->«- McFAUL & EDWARDS. .'• ..- , • 330 Chronicle • Bldg. \u25a0 n • • $30">^-Camp :Meeker;! furnished cottage; 3 rooms; \u25a0 1 '": porches, 'trees.> corner. 320S El.'is - st. 1 , . South • Ja Berkeley.- . .' /. . \u25a0 . -..-.1-V*.. /\u25a0»' A--r : . . IMPROVED 'country -property for i«l« - or \u25a0 ex- ." :.--; change: ' uu«iu>/roved . lands on easy term s. W. A,' MARKLEI &. CO., 1266 BroadTva;', Oakland. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE— C«nttani«l FOR sale or . exe'emge — S acre* Income prop- ». erty; apples, berries aad chicsfn ranca: I acre pasture; 'I mile electrio R. R. aa<l storo and school: price $3,500, or will exehansp; for small stock raac h /oa coast.- . Ad«lr«"3 W. F. KUHX. owner. Sebastopol. Sonoma county. CaL - ..- \u25a0 -.;\u25a0 « \u25a0 . -\u25a0 ' \u25a0 LOS GATOS. \u25a0 Saratoga. Santa ~Crtue mountain* property for s*!e or rent. STRONG. BKLDKN *: FARR. • Inc.. R. H. • McKatg mani2i>r. Agents for Idylwfld. Los Gatos. 45 Post St.. San Francisco. . ; . FINK tract of alfalfa land for subdivision ; 2 - miles from railroad station: nnder ditch: easy > terms: n» asrents. For particulars address box SBSB. Call office. -, - \u25a0_, - •-;-.-,- ;. $5 down and $5 per month will buy you from . 2«4 to 5 acre j of rich, level land In Alameda county near Oakland. A. J. MOORE & CO.. 20 Bacon block. Oakland. Cal. FOR sale:— ls - acres of bearins orchard and 5 : acres of alfalfa land In Santa Clara valley: good house and barn and plenty of water; terms to aqlt. 1219 Metropolis Bank building. $4,300 bnys 48 acres valley land: about 23 acrea choice walnut land; level as a floor. Call or address G. E. WELDON. .Walnnt Creek. Cat. 0 asd 10 acre homes in Alameda county: *-5 down, $10 monthly: 2 railroada. RICH VAX- • LEY LAND COMPANY. ISO Sntter st. COUNTRY home in the city: Sunset: l«rr<» grounds. -stable or garage: sell or lease. 1283" 18th ay. *':-.- 1 -\u25a0'-"-• - - FOR farms, stock ranckes and « timber lands «c» McFAUL k EDWARDS. S3ft Chronlclw bnilding. OAKLAND ttEA I, ESTATE ACTUAL BARGAINS. $5,250 — Pair of 5 room fiats. 3 blocks from laic, elegant location: monthly income $52.5t>. Sold for SB.OCO one year »fo. - $5,000 — U story. 7 room new and modern home, just >ast of T«le*rapb ay.. and inside ©f SSth St.; 40x115. north side of street; handy to. ears" and Key Route; $1,300 cash, balance Use rent. $3,500— 52. 000 cash, balance very easy term*, buys a modern colonial house, just oft Grove St.. one block to Key Route and cars; very fine neighborhood; lot 40x135; north side of street. $3,500— 51,500 cash, balance $20 per month, buys a new and modern 6 room cottage: corner lot. 40x140. on car line:' street work complete; 3 minntes walk to local. LEWIS 4e MITCHELL CO. 30&-9 First National Bank Holding. NOTHING DOWN. Small house. 3 rooms. In East Oakland, half block from carllne; price $1,000: here Is an op, portunity to get a home by paying $20 per month. - - J. F. KINGSTON. East 14th and. George sts.. Fitchburg." CaL LOT la good residence section n«ar Piedmont Key Route station: la situated oa high ground with beautiful view; 1 block from Oakland ay. carline; size 30x110 feet; pric* f 1.250; «uy terms. ELLIS BROS.. 468 11th St.. Oaklaad. NEW. modern 1 6 room cottage; south front: 7 -\u0084 ; foot basement;' C4O Poiri— bet. Cist and «2d sts.. west, of Shattuck ay.: handy to Key Route and S. P.; only $3,500. Se« owner. 1006 Grove st.. Oakland. WHY PAY EENT When yoa can buy a cottage n*ar the Key Route 1 SmaU payment down, the balance easy payments. See owner, RICHARD J. MONTGOMERY. 4003 Telegraph ay. corner 40th st.. Oakland. $100 DOWN— S2O PRR MONTH. Doesn't this beat rent? 4 room cottaz*; street work dooe; sidewalks In; price $1.400 l Ad- drew 1420 Broadway. Oakland. W. A. WUITAKER. designer aod builder: artls- t><? home*: wrr terms: phone Mtrrltt 87ft. — .. — — — 1 ' * ""-I BERKELEY RE iA I. ESTATE CHAPEL St.. 2215— 24 rooms .in perfect order. _Aj>njy_ premlnen between in an<t 12 a. m. AIjAMEDA REAL ESTATE SNAP— B room house and barn, la ATameda:,lot S2:sxl2o; $2,500: $1,500 ca»h. balance bank will lean. H. LE BARON SMITH, lot Post st., San Francisco. $1.000 — New modern 4 room cottage with batl». lot 33x100. $100 cash. S2O per month. Cull through tn# day. 1210 Peach st. or J. If. . Young. 124& Park st. • FOR sale — Most conveniently arranged 4 room cottage in Alameda on desirable corner: rnn--: . be seen to be appreciated. Call any time. cor. Central ay. and Fotrntaln st. ' - ' FTJiaTVA^J^JRJSAJ^ST-^EJV^ WANTED — 2 to 5 acres clone to car In or near Frnitvale: give lowest cash price and location. Address All Cash, box 3660. Call office. CENTRAL ADDITION CENTRAL ADDITION . .SO Minutes From the City Between San Maten and BnrUDsam* Between - Two Rapidly Growlnj Centers Is- the. be«t residential section of San Matefc and Burlingame. adjoining Saa Mateo park ami surrounded by properties that have made for- tunes for thos*i • who bunght early. Go down and; see Central Addition. The at- tractive homes already built and the class of buyers guarantee its value and desirability; 5 minutes from Burlingame: electric cars pa*-* the tract every 10 minutes; no fog: fine macadamized streets; sewer, water, gas. electricity .and tele- phones; $30,000 school; $950 for lots. 50xl.»: easy terms; get off electric car at Peninsula avenue. Send for illustrated /older of Central Addition. BALDWIN & HOWELL, 31S-32J Kearny St.. S.F. FRANK S. GRUMMON. 246 B at.. San Mateo. -A-*-*- ?J A TEO nEAIj jESTATj E5TATE _ .BUNGALOWS ON EASY TERMS COTTAGES ON EAST TERMS RESIDENCES ON EASY TERMS Few. Hundred. Cash, Balance Lite Rent. Few Hundred Cash. Balance Like Beat. Only SO minutes from San Francisco— an . all land ride, no fogs, no ferdes — lar?e. roomy, lot *, with abundant space for garden and rich' soil. In beautiful Hayward Park (Saa Mateo). \u25a0 ad- joining the handsome $500,000 Peninsula hotel. With all the peninsula before him. AVrinza Hay- ward chose- this spot for his borne, and now we are selling the cream of the home site prop- erty. Just the place for youngsters to "romp and ran in; grammar school and hi£l> scniwl iv San Mateo; up to date fire department: fire hy- drants throughout tract: low commutation ' rate* and speedy transportation, both by train, and . electric ear: property lies within 5 minute*' walk of station: " stores, banks, doctors, etc. We wfil build your home after your own plan (or onr architect will furnish plans) and you can pay for both house and lot with a few hundred dollar* cash. • balance- your monthly rent. This Is not the usual "suburban home" propo- sition, where yonr home is miles from neces- sities— ALL THE CONVENIENCES AND LUX- URIES ARE WITHIN A FEW MINUTKS' WALK OF THIS PROPERTY. Call at thi-. office and see tbe plans of homes. We can ar- range satisfactory term*. BALDWIN £ nOWELL, StS-XM Kearny St.. S.F. FRANK 3. GRUMMON. 24fi B St.. San Mato. REAI , J3STATE \u25a0 3~ROOM uoa*e. modern; ""lot "." 2Sx!flb: casa $5007 , JOSEPH FIKEIS. Henry St.. Fitchburg. r REA^ESTATB^^ BARGAIN at SIO.UO0 — This beauilfol home most be seen to be appreciated. Telepiona Xearas ~* 973 and ft n»rtl*w|»r«.' » - .- MARIX COtTSTY REAI, ESTATE THREE new entrances Just acquired from macadamized streets brlnaring Laurel D«li» and Southern Heights several minutes nearer . B : at. . station and schools; splendid .improve- ments; aU public service: purest water t« every lot; choicest lots and. location la Saa Rafael: easy term*. W. L. COUBTRIGHT. .owner, office opp. Union depot. Saa Rafael. / REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE ALL kinds of Oakland, Berkeley aod suburban . property; * both ' vacant and. improved. I alvi have a large list cf ranca propertle* to , ex- change for Oakland property. Can handle any proposition o" merit, aa I make a specialty ol exchanging property Call or write. D. F. MINNEY, 422 11 tb St.. Oakland. Just et»f of Broadway. \u25a0 RANCU or STJO acres. 12 oUm from Saa Mateo.' in tee redwoods; timber and pastor* laad; price $23 per acre, or will take Income prop- erty In exchange. W. W. CASEY. 326 3d ay.. Sao Matro. HaMMBHBIH&it&MIMM 320 acres — Virgin oil lands - on' mother Irwte ol .-. oil : ' no money to develop: exchange 4O arr« tracts or whole for property • here: 40.. fot gool piano. 572 Broadway. Oakland. POIXT KlCHWfc'yp RE.U. ESTATE YOU will pay as much for ana front foot a few / years from now \u25a0aa we aak for a lot today. Don't mention this to your children then ilt night cause remarks.) Santa Fe tract center of Richmond: $5 per month bnys a lot.' Send - for maps.- McBWEN BROS.. -475 Ptn« st.. g.- F. - R. T. Shanwin. rep. \u25a0 SAX RAFAEL RKAI. ESTATE $3.soo— Beautiful - bungalow, just completed; - large, suany rooms; modern in every respect; : located in. tbe best section . of Sao .Rafael: -1 minutes* walk to electric ears. For particular* -call 217- Monadnock building. San Francises. SAXTA CRUZ^RKAI.JBSTA'nB^ tiUJifcS.' iave*i.Ui«uU." itfU, rnu-uej, «cv« propt.'- tl»». .'PHQWN » u'li.'aov. Craa. Cat. -' \u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0 . PASTURACE N _ ; __ -; , _ FINE pasture; itreen feed. - H. B. MAYO. ;751 - Paclflt Wdj., 3. F. or P. O. box 44. ValleJo. - 11