Newspaper Page Text
12 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL READING AND STEEL SUSTAIN THE PRICES Both Stocks Exceed Their Pre vious Records and Give Trad ers Encouragement .\cw York Stock Ll»t E. F. Uutton &. Co.. 430 California street, u.tiubtrs of tee New lorfc stock excbange, fur uisii the fcllovrlag ikt of lwad and Block sales .^esteraay: j fealet. j STOCKS. , tHigh.lLow.j Bid. | Ask. aUOAllis-Chalmtis ..[ 16 | 15% j 15SI 16 l.wi'i l»o Vtd I J»7«4l 55S| W*i( W=i iVm^AaU Copper .\.| Jsi-Jil «3^|M 4W;Am Be«t Sogar.j 4» | 4<Vjl 4S^I 4SVi i IJo pld I [.---I «5 I t»«b 2,2(«i;Ani Can Co (fUSiI i-s! I'^ii'l*-:* S'JO, l»u ptd I MJi| »3%l S3%| M Aui Cat &Ft Coj ta»' t | tJS»s| CS^t bSTi i Do pfd 1 1 122 (124 SWjAin Cutton Oil ..j 75'ij "SHl^j'.il 70 ... ( Do pt*. i 1 |llfi!Vailu7 .-. .Am iliaei Lf»th: i I i>Uj 9>a l.blKij l>o pfd I 50%j 4Si,| 48Vsl \u25a0*» l,7w;Am Ice Securltifsj U7ij| 36 | iKiUI «>«!^ jAm Linked ] ]..... J-Wfei 17 ' I Do pfd ...'... -| i I 44\| 45* 4 4.300 l Am Locomotive.. 1 «i»Vil 67 ! ji| U& j t>S'/ t ) IK> pfd ...\u25a0-...; |.....|l2l .|122 itK'^Ani Mslt I »%| S*^| »'.^| 10 2001 Do pfd j 54ftj 54Va| MM l ,*il 54', 30.40(>^\ni SH & Bfg CojlO0«*| 86%\ V*>%\ »8;» S'.tOJ Do pfd ...•..•..|llsfeimi,|llofc|llsh SOOiAm Supar iISOWtISO |130^|13l I bo ptd .......|.. ...).... .'124 j125 60«.tiAin Ml Fndrlesi 62'4| «<)»^j «O'^| el - 3.900; Am Tel & Tel G»|M2!tfU2feU4Zs«il< 2 & I,lo<i;Ara 'fob pfd..... (102^1 102 j 101 '4 102 ttOJjAm WooK-n . ...j aß>*j 38 j 3S j 35,4 2<«oj I>o pfd |106V«'K« |105!i|106 2,looJAnacouda | 43%| 18&| 48«i| 49 {Atlantic Coin L.j. . . . .|.....|13.'J \u25a0 13-"i •\u25a0i 17.500; a T A: Santa rejlH>ii)llß'.iill*^illS i >'4 400] Do pfd 1105 il04»4!104?ijl04»i 4,W"VBaltimore & Ohioill«'s|ll3 |119 !llf>',j, 2'Xtj Do pfd l»3i,i 93 I «3 . I \>i't 400, BPthlebrra Steel. j 53 | 32>ii .CVii ;"%> '.j 'Do L>fd 1 j «3 65 6.50(' 8 R-r i 'B*i 7»T» SO ... jCanada Southern.! j 62 68 3.4oo'Canadian r«ciflcilh7» / i|lßs«iilS6U l^ s ** 2.600' C & O I 7S1 B | 7Sbi 78*4 78js i.r^oc i a.: |-«8 |-67i4| as j 69 BOOjC O W s> s j 3i,| 4 4^ -! Po P M !-...- S s^! 26* i '.XHi.O A- X VT !189Vi|l« (189 |189 Vi s,i(Ht;v; M & St P;,r.(lS»^tlßi»}4tlsti9(llsß% ! Do pfd I J17O«%I171 s,loo]Central Leather. 37% 36**] 301^1 37 1 l»o pfd (109- {110 coo.Central of.N J..J315 J305 J305 3l«- «,hi<-aso Terminal! 3 12 1 2»* : 3 .' IX> Pfd 118* 22 • CCC &St L...| 174 75 I !* pfd !.....i.....j1<K 4.SO(M' < >lo luel & Iron. 47«4| 46^ 46>4 4(5^ *(«i : t'«lum H«: & 1.. 71 69 C9\ 70^ 40u;t'©lo SouthPrn. . . . 55% 55 V> 53 50 i l>o 1« pfd " Sl% B'^Vi ••; I»o 2d pfd I I SOU SI ri.JnKVConsolidsted Oas.iUS'^ 144 143 143% 4.oo<iiCorn rroducts...| 20>sl 24% 24% 24»i ! Po pfd SSft H914 3.TOOiDeJ & Hudson lae^i 194*4 194 1945 i ID L 4: W 575 - 600 K200;!) & R G j 51% 50% Wli^ M»?i 1,500| IV> pfd t S6»i 53% *6- 86V t iDiamrmd Match..'...; 127 129' 1. B»'kj; Distil ling Secur.. 4UU 39% ."59 T 4 40 V iDnluth S S & A:j 1 16»i 17 3»J0; lk» pfd -3.-J S2»i 32ii 33 CSOOJErie 3N 37* :s" " 37V*, l.«dM !>o in pfd r*i»; 55% .->5% 55% 400; i.. 2il jii.i 45 Vi 45 44^3 45 S«.Kt:<ip U pral Klcctric. !171 •> 170^4 170 171 U .£:.«< KM ;reat North Ore.! X! Wi^j «o=i ROY \u2666.«BT,Gre«t North pfd. 154 V. l"*3li in3»4 153% 4.::oo JiliDois Central.. I.V>V« l'»sVi 1.-.5 - 135«4 l.UOO'luterboro Metro.. 16 15% 15^ 15% * 7,000: I»o r»fd 50 45% 4Sril 49 ,;!n»er Mer Marine j..... G%| R*i 400, Do prd 22-|2l?i 21% 22 4«if« Inter Taper 1714 17. 17 17' i ?i«> Do pfd CS>j| C>H 67'^ 68 ."\u25baoo; lnter Pump. 41 ' t 40% 40% l 40Vi «»Wt-; \u25a0 !«,. |if.l hS'^, RS 87% j 58 I.2oo;iowa Ontral :;ii« 31' i3l I 3U; 1.2O0! Do pfd ] 57% r.6% WSi 57 1.400 X C Soiitberu... ' 4S «7« J«T«4 47% I Do jiM 72Vi 73>i| il-akp r.rie & W..{ 27 28 1 Do «>M- 1 ;.. 60 62 1.1O"JL i N jHO !145*4 145»4 146 - IMackay J j SJ»> M j Do prd !.....{..... 74 I 74>i «...'... .iManbatiau I ] 145 148 (Metro St Ry j. j...., .19 23 400 Mexican Central.) 25141 24"« 24% | 25 !MJnn &l St L, j 1 54 54"s ... j Do pfd j I .| 84 90 200.M St I* &S S M.! 144 1143. J143 I 143& l»o pM I 1 i ;I<X» 1163 4.So»'»'Mo Kan & Texas] 43% i 42*4 <2*4 43 I Do pfd 12 I i 74}4 Hi lS.lOoiMJssoori Pacific. !7%1 75 i7O 7Ci* ..INash Chat & StLl 115 125 10.200 National Lead ..1 !KI%( S9%* B»i.i Sn»4 ......J Do |>fd i ,Til 2-» 113 • 400: National BiscuitflOS )107ai!106i4 108 i D.i pfd 1...'..!.... \u00841261a' 128 .iNewhouse CM&5i. .."..! ! 10 30»}S V Air Brake! 95»4i »5% !«5 fi3% 11. 500 ;X V Central !140% 139 139% 140 ...t.:.'N V C & St Li SCV-j 57% \l)n Ist pfd :.i .....100 110 :\u25a0/.}". Do. :2d pfd ..-.„. 85 8914 :1X V N H & H.. ...... 17% 17% SOOiNiV Oat & W..1 52 .5114 51% 51% jNorfons & West! «s»i 054 05 05v£ .' 1 Do pfd ...'.. 90 92 North American. !.. 84*4 85 7.500 Northern Fa.. ..i155«4;154«~i 154^ 154% 'Omaha ..! 160 165 .......;. Do pfd I 170 IJK> jPaoiSc «:0art....|... 1 ft« 09 U'arinc Mall 31% 32% v a Co 141*4 i4o>^ 14114 uiu"fi Gas . .. 116>/» 11.V,« U:,\ t ilir.^ 2<lO,Piltsbur)r Cn*l:.| 17^1 10 10 I 16W 1.100 - D«i pfd I 5«»4 55% 55% 56 ' :P O C iSt L..j 01*4 92 1 Do pfd j J 110 ,116 . 2.7ooirressed Steel Car! 05 53% 53',, 53% . ( Do pfd ... ...]..... 109 109^ 400' By St Sp C 0.... 53i4 521 i 52% 53 j Do pfd .....108 120 374.700 Reading U«4%{162 1162% IS3 ! Do Ist pfd ..1 1..... 93 94* Do 2d pfd ..{ 100 10014 i ;.7oo,iicpubii> s & i..; sh - zayj sivA 37% 3.5001 D« pfd : ..IJOJJ 106U 107«; 107U 13.0W0U.««k Inland Co..i 34>%i 37% 37% 3« ' 1.500 -Do pfd j 76«4 7«H 76 76»4 700;sinss sb 5&1C0.., 85% 83*4 &5% BS' :; Do pM i..;.. . 110 116 !StLfcSK Ist pfdi..... ..... m i & ' JMK^Do 2d.pM- j 55«4 54*4 54 V, 55 1.500'.5t LJt S W i 25% 2S' »7'i 2S 400 Do pfd i «8% «7*i 67*« «J« • \u25a0 4 4. ant Sou [hero Pacific. t135'1i134% VuLiVUV. 3.90 ii Sontliern Kail war 1 32% 32-32 32U .......! Do pfd I 71 72% 3<.«iiTp«ncßw>e Copperi 38% 35% . liSii 38% U.JMVijTPias Pacific ... 37 36 3<H4 36% •Xinn Third Aye ...... 20% 18% IS% 10 I.OCN) Toledo St L& \V 52U, 52% 52 52K 7W Do pfd 70% 70 C 9%! 70»i .:..:„ Twiu City R TV. ..... ..... 103 104 «00 Union Bag t P.. 14 13% 13 13% ! Do pfd. ..... ..... 75 79 «3.7WjUnion Pacific ... 202 200% 200% 200% I Do pM 103 103% 400lL'nited RofS F3B 37 36% 38 1 IK) prd 54% 58 900 U S Cast Iron P 34% 34 34 34% Do pfd 84 85 U S Express .... S5 95.. 2,000, C 8 Robber 46% 45 46 46% 200! Do Ist pfd .... 118 117% 117% 118 200 IK> 2d pfd .... 86 S3 85% 86 85.300 C S Steel Cor ... 75% 74% 74% 74U 7.000 Do pfd 127% 126J4 12n*4 126« i «*:cta« Copper .... 52 51 51V4 52 SjOC»'V«-Car Chem Co. 50% 50% 50% 52 .].' Do jifd ............ . 122 123 SOOiWabasb ... .. 22% 21% 21% 22 12.0001 l»o pfd 59 57% 57% 57% Wells Kareo Xi ..... 315 325 mo ! Western Union .. 7tf 75% 75 > 76- SOO Westinffhouse . . . 86 86 85% f$K ...... W& L E 6% 7U 300 Do Ist pfd .... lft IS\4 17 lflii 300 Do 2d nfd » 8% 8 9 4OO!WIs«)nK3n Central 07% 57% r.7 58 = ....••.| Do pfd J... ..]...:. 88 90 846.700— T0tal sales. >ew York * Bond* V S ref 2s i-pg. ,loo%jHl On in rer. 4e mX Do <xmpon ..:.100%llnt Met 4%« .... 83% Do -3» rejr. . ... .101 jlnt Mer v Mar 4%s 70>4 Do •ooopon ....101 j Japan > 4s- ...i.... 86* I»o 4s reg.'..T.,lK. | Do 4%s ....... v>4% I Do coupon" . ...JlO'.ilKan City So lit 3s 74% ' Alli«-Cl>al Ist f.s. 86%JL Sbor;deb 4*,193 l 95% ! Amcr. Ap-leul- 5*. 103 )L & N nnlfled 4** .10t)ii. i Amer TiT pi 4«.106 IM.K & Tex l«t 4r.lo<)>; j Airier Twbacco 4». SO% Do cen 4%s ..' !»l Do Cs ........ AVI Mo Pacific ' 45..... M!% Armoar 4VJs .... 34% N Riof Mcx 4U.1. i»5 Atf-h:jreo 4s ....100% X V C cen 3%5.. 92Vi Do ct 4s .". 118 - Do ' deb ; 4« ..... «5 , Do cv 5* ......119 . NV.XH 4c-H.ct6s.l3S^( : Atlan € I. Ist 4s 96 Xor &.W Ist con4s X*V t B*lt &. Ohio 45..10t>% Do cr 4t ...... 101-% Do 3>«« »3% Xor Pacific 4« l«2*i Do S.W 3%5.. 91% Do; 3« ...;..... 74% Brooklyn Tr «;t 4» 87 O S line rfdg.4B.' &4% *>ntjr«| of <Ja >.11l Pi<ct 3%b. 1915. 97% Cent Leather 5*. .100 - Pa- con 4s- •-\u0084...: 105 - CRR of NJ sn-58.127; Reading sen 45. :;i00% Cbe« & Oblo 4%5.104% St L&S Ftg 4s.,^«' Do rcf . r »s .....101 Hi Do yen 4s .;.*., »l" Chi &.Altnu 3%5. 75%!5t L S W con 45.-7» C. B& Q joint 4» 9SVj Do. l«t gold. 4s.V 95 Do pea 4s . . ;..K<o A L 4s. 59% c.Mt stP gn 3%s SiH'-iSo Pacific. c«l 45.. 0314 C.RI& Pac col 4« SO% . ,Do ct.4s . .....ISnXi . Do. col 55.... .. 93% Ist ref .#*.. iKiVj Do.refdR 5 45.... 02% So Railway 5k..:. 112% Colo Indus 55.. ;., S3 J Dot gen 4g .:..." 53% <V'lo Mldlaod 4*.. 84 '-^1 Cxi ion Pacific 45..103>4 Col So rii-it 4%« »a%i Do 'r.r \u25a04*c;'..V.'.lH DH Jt Hud ct 4s;lf«. »" DoiKt&ref 45. am' Dpu & Rio G 45..97«4|U. S -Rubber *55..1"5 ' I)o X .V A... sW, Uj S Steel 2d;&«.. 107*4 \u25a0 DtetiUers 5*..:...' 77 iVa CarCUem 55.. Us!^ GOLD FOR JAPAN LEAVES NEW YORK: NEW YORK, Aug. 6.— The professional element in . the stock market speculation remained distrustful of the high level ; of prices today • and worked for as they did yesterday.. Their operations were tentative and so cautious at to have little effect on prices . until a' bolder attack in the tett half henr, when there was evi dence of substantial realizing. Positive strength in . other . quarters served, how ever,'as a sustaining force: United States steel, in fact, rose through its previous high record,* and ', Reading passed 164, its previous maximum. The sentimental effect o/^thete two epi sodes was j considerable. The winding .up of the, tariff struggle and the conviction that the reopening of the market tomor row would see the new law* enacted was of some influence in the late active realiz ing. The prevailing disposition is to await the country's response to bills before pro ceeding to much greater lengths. The stability manifested by prices en courages \u25a0 operations in different stocks which have been left dormant. There were other striking recoveries today in a num ber of stocks which were acutely depressed through dissatisfaction with plans for re organization. For instance, Chicago Great Western sold today at 6J4 after having sold last week as low as Vt. "when the holders of the stock were afraid that the drastic provisions *f reorganization would, in fact, wipe cut the common stock. The estimate in the outside , market of nominal quotations for ' the new common and preferred when ' issued was the ap parent cause of the rise. Denver and Bio Grande was h«lped spe cifically by the news that a block of its bonds had been placed with a group of German investors, and the full operation of the Western Pacific line was imminent. The call loan market remained unaffect ed by the hardening of the time money market and the gradual depletion of bank reserves now commenced. The transfer of gold to San Francisco for export to Japan opens up a new force in this depletion. , The attack on prices -, in the last hour left them, as a rule, lower than last night, although there • were recoveries from the lowest prices. Bonds were firm; total sales (per value), $3,990,000. United States bonds were un changed on call. Erie prior lien 4?. 90 Wabash Ist 55. ...113 Do gen 4s 75% Do Ist & ext 4s 7B?i Do f-v 4s, ser A SSVj Western Md 45... SOVi Do cv 4s. ser B 77% Westing El cv ss. 84 Gen Elect cv 05..151 Wls Central 45... 05% JVerv York >Il*lur Stocks Alice; 1.95 Leadville Con .... 04^! Brunswick Con .. 01 Little Chief . 07 Com Tun Stock.. 24 Mexican 03 com Tun Bonds.. 21 Ontario ..-3.00 Con Va Mm Co.. 70 Ophir 1.20 Horn Silver 80 Standard J-50| Iron Silver .. l.So| Yellow -Jacket' ... 80: Boston Stocks! and Bonds Mowv — jAnier Pneu Tube. R Call loans ....2>4@3 I Amer Sugar ....129^ Time loans ...Z\tW* I Do pfd 12S Bonds— I Amer Tel & Tel.. 142 1» Atchisoa 4s ... ..10rt%jAmer Woolen .'..'. 38 l>o a«lj 4s .... 93 Do pfd ' "..'.. 105 »i \u25a0 Railroads — 1 Ed Electric 111um.250 Atohison .... 11S% Mass Electric .... 12*4 i Do pfd 104% Do pfd ...73 : Boston Elev 127 Mass Gas ....... 64 Fitchburg pfd ...12» United Fruit ....145 N V, N H & H.. 171 1/4 Un Shoe Mach... <54^4 fnion Pacific . . .200% I Do pfd ........ 30 Miscellaneous— |US. Steel. ...74^i Amer Arrc Cliem. 47^1 Do pfd -12G THE COPPER STOCKS v BOSTON, Aug. 5. — The Boston shares opened quiet, with prices practically unchanged. The undertone is strong • and pood buying- appears on all -weak spots. Lake has been somewhat of a feature and sold up to 30%. a new high record, and a gain of 1 point. North Butte Is quiet around 57. Copper Range is .inclined to firmness and shows a fractional advance, j There Is less " doing in Superior copper around I 59. Calumet and Arizona is off 2* points on small sales. Toe following list is furnished by E. V. Hnt ton it Co.. - 490 California street, San Fran cisco. CaL: - . Bid. Atk.l . Bid. Ask. Cal & Ar1z.142%145 Old Dominion G6& 56*4 Giroux- ..... 3=4 10 Osceola 140 — Granby 101 104 Parrot — 33. Greene Can.. 10»i 10»4 Quincy 90 — Isle Royale.. 2S>4 — Santa Fe .„ 2!i.2Vj Kerr Lake .. 7% 7T4JSuannon 10 U Keneenaw .. 3% TislSupor & Bost Ifi J6% I^ke Copper. 30 30li]Super Copper 57% 5S La Salle ... 15\i 15%' Super & Pitts 17 17!4 Mass Mining. S'£ 9 (Tamarack .;."<> 72. Mayflower .. OJc 70c (Trinity 13 13ft Mexico Cons. 4% r» IKSSM B&Mpf 51%?2, Miami 16% 17 lUtah Cons .. 44% 45 Michigan ... 10% 10%! Victoria \u25a0 4% 514 Mohawk 04 65 jWinona ..... «% C' 4 Nev Copper.. 24 \u25a0 24«6 Wolverine ...154 — Newhcrase . . 2% 3»s Wyandotte . . 2% 2"£ North Butte. 56'^ — Yukoa Gold.. ,5 — North Lake.. 10% 10%j London Closing Stocks Cons moncv ..84 3-10 Louisr & Nasb.'. . .130 Do for acct MV t M, X & Texas.... 44>(, Amal Copper .... 87% N V Centra 1.. ....144*4 Anaconda 10 Norfolk & West... OS% Atchison .... 121»4 Do' pfd -.;.... .'.»3 Do pfd. ..'..... .107^ Ont &. Western... 53 Bait & Ohio .122<n Pennsylvania ..... 72=4 Can Pacific ....M9l-\ Rand Mines ...... 10V4 Cbes & 0hi0..... $f)% Reading.. ........ *',\i Chi Great West.. 4MsiSo Railway ...... 33U Chi, Mil & SfP.I6.IH Do pfd 74Mr De Beers 15iA|So Pacific ...... .13ST* Den & Rio G;... 51 ?4j Union Pacific ....207^1, Do pfd SBU I>o pfd ....:..^lO7 Erie ........ .:» C 55tee1. ...... .71V» Do Ist pfd 5714 Do pfd ....... .132% Do 2d pfd....1. 40V, Wabash .......... 22«^ Grand Trunk .... 24 1 , i! 'Do pfd '..."..... st)Vi 111 Central ... ...15!>>a! Spanish Ms ....... 05 Bar silver — Steady; SS^ad i>er. ounce. Money — »4 of 1 per cent. The \u25a0 rate Qf discount . In , the open market fo* short bills lslVi©l% per cent and for three months' bills = 1 7-16@l»A per cent. Condition of the Treasury WASHINGTON. Aujr. s.— The ; condition of the treasury at t!:e beginning of; business today was as follows: . TRUST FUND; ; v = ' ;1 Gold coin... V $Rsl.osS.Btiy Silver d011ar5. ..... 486,919,000 Silver" dollars of IS9O. ;...:.. .. 4,162,000 Silver certificate* outstanding 45C910.000 GENERAL FUND * - Standard silver dollars;.. $s.26f>,cns Current liabilities. 04,815,190 Working balance In -. treasury ,of flees 39,031,417 In banks , to credit of treasurer, U." S. ' 39,005,092 Subsidiary silver c0in...:.'......... -: 20,528,318 Minor coins . . . ... . . ..... -.; 72.368.453 Total . balance in general fund...... 109,367,057 Xctt : York .Money ", Blarket" NEW .YORK. - Aug. s.— Money on - call tmtty a t 1"54@2 per cent; ruling rate. ' 1% percent; closing bid. 1% per cent, . offered at 1% percent. \u25a0; • • : Tiroe-loans rery, active and firm; 60 day. bills,' 2% (82% per cent:. 9o days, 2*4 <g3 per cent; six months, 3;ii(34per cent. . " •: ':'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-:\u25a0'\u25a0 , Prime mercantile paper, '. 3?4 *?4 per. cent. "Sterling exchange steady; with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8510(54.8520 for 60 day bills and at $4i80(>5 for demand. \u25a0; Cx)mmprcial bills, $4.84' / i@4.54?4: Bar silver, 00% c. \u25a0 '. " '\u25a0' Mexican dollars, 44c. . , \u25a0'; , Government bonds steady; railroad bonds firm.' 'Northern . Business PORTLAND. Aug. s.— Clearings,. $1,143,944; balances. $166,118. r . TACOMA. \u25a0 Aug. ' s.— Clearings, $D 57,159; bal ances.-77.444." ''•.''-":'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '--\u25a0 - I'' 1 J \u25a0/\u25a0:. SPOKANE. Ang.' s.— Clearings. $706,083;' bal ances, . $90,260. : \u25a0 "\u25a0 - : SEATTLE. Aug. 5.-^Clcarings, $1,853,871; bal ances, $239,695. \u25a0 ' 1 " I-oa n», Excbange and , Sliver ... -A 11 local quotations [ remained - unchanged ' yes terday.:" .":. \u25a0-'• \u25a0';.;\u25a0'\u25a0' \u25a0**.'. .-\u25a0' - -\u25a0--\u25a0;.;.• "'• .- \u25a0 \u25a0.- -•« ..- The Korea - took. out. a * treasure list of $2. 1:U.882. as follow*; . $1,028.835 . in gold = bullion.; shipped to Kobe ! by the Yokomaha specie ' bank ;\u25a0 $51,040 .. in silver, bullion, ; shipped 'to HonKkonjr liy ... the Selby smeltlnc. and Mead: ;comi»ajiy; $52,107 in ' silver -i bullion, shipped* to "Hongkong or \u25a0 Shan WhU j liy /\u25a0 the « Russo-Chlnese > bank, -and $102,300 •In > silver * bullion, shipped rto .Hong kong. Shanghai;.; or/ Calcutta.; by the interna tional banking- corporation. • - - ... \u25a0 Prime mercantile paper.. ........ s@o per cent Loan* on- real e5tate. ............ tif^s per cent Sterling exchange. 80 days.".;...'. — ©4185% Sterling exchange, sight.. ?'.'.". ;.".:.\u25a0 — ©4.5714 Sterling exchange,; cables.". .".'.• : .*. . \u25a0\u25a0 — Q4 ; 88 - New, York exchange,' eight. .";C.". — @ • 5 ".'...' * New York cx<-baifl£e,' telegraphic;: —@' ~7^ \u25a0• \u25a0 Hongkong,' exchange,' sight.". f.r. ..- — (gi 42^»' Hoockong exchange.', telegraphic :*. J— @ \u25a0 42^4 > ; ..-, '\u25a0 Silrer pcr < 0unce.... ...... .r. .":.; — ©\u25a0 50 J s Mexican dollars: nominal. ...'..\u25a0.". ..—@ 1 50, \u25a0 "" . \u25a0 :-• - CONTINENTAL; ' ;. 1 New York on Pari5.... ..,..."....... ....:". : 51714 New York on Mexic0.'. ... .....". .".....;., .- 201% I Paris on 1 London-, -..."..v: ..:......'::.-. ;23;ll»«A i Berlin ron IjoDdon \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0". .'.;:..".'.". .".:' J . ."...•\u25a0\u25a0; , StOCK MARKET TUe«uz/rf stocks were airaln 1 foremost in the \u25a0 ,""""" ' '\u25a0' "'- ''- " '' '-- ; " ' \u25a0 lL ' '\u25a0'\u25a0 ,--'-" \u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0»'\u25a0' " ' ... I \u25a0 ' \u25a0'- ' '.*\u25a0'-"*" , -\u25a0\u25a0* i-:*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'*\u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'* \u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0\u25a0 " \u25a0 ... ..\u25a0\u25a0.! ,»\u25a0'.".-"-."" '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*" *.. - ! Tllti >SAX- FRANCISCO CALL, FRIDAY.: AIIOUfeT V 6. 19Q9J Advance in Comstocks Checked Sugar Stocks Continue Strong Frlling . on tbe stock and bond exchange . yester day, being stimulated ; lty advancing prices for .; raw sugar in the New York market. -Makaweli was higher ar $16.: Hawaiian at- $3. 0 ..25,. 0n0mea at $4(J.50. and. Paauhau.v at "\u25a0 $27.2.">;" - Sales -<in these stocks were fairly . active.?' Other .'variations.!' were advanced pricos 1 for ' City: electric stock;, to; *5J nn 88 n 'l 'i» the ' United Railroads bonds to ; $«7.C7',4 bid' at-' tbe close. Sales ooff f bonds were; very 'light;-, ." .'\u25a0.,;: .-.'.'."-\u25a0 ;'. ; ','•"."\u25a0;. \u25a0" ..'•' \u25a0. -i The following unlisted quotations were. made: l'acific I gas and ele<-trin ~>*. sales at $94.75: com mon stock. '., sales at $40.75; ; preferred, JMIg.SB; Western Paciflc s*,'sloo.«2V^ bid; common," $31 askeil;; Honolulu, sugar, $39.50 askod: Oakland traction , preferred. $91 asked; Yosemlte railway \u25a0 ss, $90@92; People's - water" common, sales at $3.57,4.x, : •'\u0084_:. .- r -'-" '\u25a0'-'' \u0084 \u25a0. .'.' - A halt was apparently' called In the Comstoek advance, for these stocks' were quieter and-bare ly steady at about Wednesday's figures. . Over men levied an assessment of sc, delinquent in ofncp September 8. ,: . • '-•\u25a0 " In the southern Nevadas the- "merger" was 10<? lower 'on -the day, closing, at $0. 52 V&, ".against $$.<>2i4 on Wednesday. The others _were divll. -.- , Homestake oil .was -ex -dividend 'of 10c yester day. . : v - l-.i- .\u25a0:;..-. ". , ,:." .1..-. \u25a0'\u25a0 Annessment Directory v Comgtoek Mines Company — No. Del. Board. Sale Day. Amt; Yellow Jacket.33 July 5 Aug. 17 - .25 Alpha ..'..V. ..11. July 12 Aug. • 6 .10 Sierra Nevada. 18 July 15 Aug. 10 .10 W. Con. Va.. 4 .. .. Aug. 10 .10 Belcher ..:... 89 July 16 Aug. 10 .10 Caledonia ....79 July 18 Aug. 13 .05 Best & 8e1ch. 92 July 19' Aug. 10 .10 Savage ... 15 Uuly' 24 . Aug. 18 .10 Exchequer ...14 Aug. 12 Sept.,l3 .05 Con. Virginia. l 2 Aug. 12 " Sept. 7 .25 Crown Point.. 3 Aug. 21 Sept. 17 ..10 L«dj Wa5h. ..23 Aug. 29 Sept. 20 .05 Overman •.."... — : Sept. • 5 V — ; \u25a0 .05 ' STOCKAIVD BOND EXCHANGE " THURSDAY, Aug.' 6— 10:30 a.- m. UNITED- STATES BONDS Bid. Ask.] , BM. Ask. 4s qr cp new — • — |3si qr coup.. . — . — , . MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala A W os. — — Oak Tran 55.104 105 Vi Asso Oil ss. 91 OTran Cn 55.103>4 — Bay CPC-58. — 104 O Trac Cn , 5s 98 \u25a0 98% Cal (3 G 55.103V4 — O Trae Co 5s 94 95 Cal G& Eg O W gtd ss. 95 — m& ct 55.100V4101 Om Cable 6s.' — 115% Cal Bt C 58.100 — Pac Glm 48. - ,8214 (^il Wine ss. 85% _ P-'E-Ry 55.. — 107 City El 55..-S3v Ss^4 Pac L&P ss. 94% — ' C C Wat r.5.100%101% Do gtd 55..100%101% Do g mgss 92 93 Pac T&T ss. 98% — Ed "El LA 5s — \u25a0-'" —\u25a0\u25a0 P& C H;6s. 99 — Ed L&P 6s. — , — p;& O R 65.103V4105 > First F — People's Wss .71% 72VJ F&C II 65.103',i — Powell st 65.. 102% — H C &, S ss. 106 100y; Sac EG&R55.102% — lion R T 65.30r.i4 — " SF & 5JV58.115 ..-— " I. Tahoe. Rss 90 100 SF.O & 5.T55.105%10«Vj L A Eloc 5». '—\u25a0'-' — Do 2d mgss 96 — LAG &-E155.100T4 — Do Con ss. — 96 . LVA-Ry 55. .110 — \u25a0 SJ& SCR 4 Vis — — I LAL-gtd 55. 101— Sierra R C 5..106 — \u25a0' , LAP lem 55.105H106 S P of A6s LAP Cal 55. 102% — (1010) ....101- — ; Marin W Ss.loo 105 S PJof.C 6s \u0084 Mkt st C fis.lo4 — (1912) ....105?4 — Do lem 55.104 105 SPC'I eg 55.114 — MV& MtTSs.IOO — S\u25a0• V B R . 6s. — 133 V& X R of C 5k.1 143411514 SPRR Ist r4a 95V4 — N PC R 55.101 ..;— Stkn G&E 6s. 103 %.— '•.*; NC Ry 55.. 104% — SV W g mg4s 88% S9, NCPCo 5s — , 100 U-G &E ss. 99% — ;NCPCn 5s — »4 IJR of «SF 4i«. 77% 78 N El Co -ss. — 95 Vallejo.Ben & \u25a0'• O GL&H sk. 104 ':' Napa RR5s 85 — Oak Tran 65.109!54 — [Val Co P ss. 100 — WATER STOCKS . Marin'Co ..60 |S V Wat Co. S3 83% • . GAS AND ELECTRIC City El Co.. 37 37^|Pao L pfd.. 70 — N Cal Power 40 4OV4T Do com ... 49% — . .;•-, INSURANCE ; Cal Ins Co.. 81 I — I Fireman's Fd.185 190 BANK STOCKS . Am Ntl Bk.IST. 137% Jler Trust . .220 — Bank of CaU77 ". — S F National. — 140 ! First Natn1..250 205 Union T Co.. — 2825 SAVINGS BANKS Ger S & L. — 3000 IS F Say U..— 532% Hum Say Bk — — Say &,L So.. — 125 Mut Say Bk. 7,"> — ISpc Say Bk.. — 850 » . STREET RAILROADS- California ..136 — IPresldio ..... 20 30 POWDER Giant Consolidated Co.. ....74 75 . SUGAR Hawaiian C. 33 U 33»A!Makawell S C 4514 47 Ilonokaa S C IS lOnomca S 0."4«%.48 •.. Hntch S P G 17V> 18 IPaauhan S C. 271J 27& Kilauea SC. 614 — I Union S Co .. 55 — \u0084 OIL STOCKS r Amal Oil Co. — 8715 W Coast- O pf "— — Ass<o Oil Co. 34% 34»4 Do com ... — "— \u25a0 - Sterling Oil.. 2H 3 MISCELLANEOUS Alaska -P- A. 60% 70VijPac Aux F A SYt, — Cal F C A. 9914100% Pac C 80rax.151% — : Cal Wine A. 37 35% Pat- T&T pfd 93% !>4^i MV& MtTm. — 115 Do com V. 41^ 41% C'~_: SALES ' '; , Morning Session . Board — 1 150 Associated OH C 0 .............. 34.50 10 Associated Oir Co 84.62% 150 City Electric Co .37.00 510 Hawaiian Coml & Sugar C 0....33.00. ...33. 00 2.'50 Onomca Sugar Co ... ........... 45.50 400 Paauhan S,P Co ...... .:..... 27.00 10 Pacific Tel &. Tel * (common) . . . . 41.50 $1,000 Los Ang Gas & Electric 55.... 101. 00 $2,000 People's Water Co 53 --. 72.12% $4,000 United R- R of;S F 45.. .. ...."77.00 - Afternoon Session : \u25a0» : Board — : ' \u25a0".;.* :•\u25a0•'- :.' : 20 Alaska Packprs'Assn 70.00 25 Associated Oil Co ....;.... 34.62% : 100 Hawaiian' Coml :& Sugar C 0.... 3."5.12% 200 Hawaiian Coml & Sugar Co. ...33.25 10 Honokaa Sugar Co .......;...". 18.00 100 Onomea \ Sugar Co .46.00 • 70 Onomea Sugar -Co ...•".....'... 46.50 \u25a0 PaauhauS P Co ............. .27.25 $1,000 City; Electric Co 55. ;.......... 84.87% $1,000 City ; Electric Co 55. ........... 53. 00 $1,000 Los Ang Gas & Electric 55.... 101. 00 , $1,000 Spring \*al Wat gen mtge 45.. 89.12% $1,000 Spring Val Wat gen mtge 45.. 89.00 \u25a0 .. -"\u25a0.'. Street—" ;\u25a0'. - ..-\u25a0 -.. - - .-. \u25a0 .--'. : \u25a0: • 220 Honokaa Sugar Co ............. .18.00 100 Makawoll Sutrar Co r. . . ... . 48.00 . 1 ST, Pacific Tel Jt TeU (pfd), b 3.. 94.00 100 City- Electric. Co ........".:.... 37.00 $5,000 People's Water Co, 55 : . . .....% . 72 . 00 California Stock and Oil Exchange - Bid. Ask.) : . Bid. Ask. Apollo .......:— 10 Mountain Girl. — 4," Asso Oil tc.34;50 35. rw) Occidental .... 20 — Do bdsjs.9l. so 93.00 Parafflne ,J...., J . . .. 75 90 Caribou ....13. 00 10.00 Palmer ...... .1.20 — Chi Crnde .... 08 — Piedmont ..... 20 — Claremont .../— 2.30 Record ...... .5.00 — Del Rey ..... — ,3d Rice Ranch ..1.0.". 1.20 Esperanza ... - — 1.501S X & McK.20.00 /— Four — 30jSi»ction 25 . . ~— 23.00 Fulton--..; —2.00 .So vereicn .... 21 .24 Imperial .... — 57. (>0 Sterling' ..;...—: 3,00 Junction ...'.. -— . Vs"i|Sunset Mon . . 50 — Kern .."..'....' 55 -\u25a0 — 'Turner ..".*.'..•; . S5 : — Linda Vista.. — r.sJUnion '."...105.00 110.00 Mecca ...... .1.15 — Wolrerlne ..... 20 \u25a0•:— McKittrick .-\u25a0-.. 10 -\u25a0 - W-K Oil C 0.2.27% 2.75 Monte Cristo.2.oo 2.o." [West Union.. — 95.00 - \u25a0.-.-, -. '\u25a0- SALES y \u25a0\u25a0 . . .' •' Informal — '.'.'". '\u25a0'\u0084' ; 1,300 Monte Cristo .'. . . . .:.............. 2.00 : \u25a0 11:30 : a. 'in.— .. >'?;. \u25a0. $2,000 Associated bonds.. .. ................ 92.73 -\u25a0.-"-\u25a0- 2p. m.— .-\u25a0 f "\u25a0...•-\u25a0\u25a0 . : ,.:' \u25a0\u25a0: >> 500 Amaurot- ..' .80 : 500 Rico ....3.25 . Mining . Stocks SAN FRANCISCO . STOCK *I EXCHANGE \u25a0Ji Following weretbe sales on. the San Francisco stock . and; exchanjje - - board Jresterday: '\u25a0"\u25a0 . ; COMSTOCKS : '.\u25a0 Regular \u25a0 Mornlne > Session -'"•- \u25a0 SOO BelqJier 1 ...... 72! 500 Mexican". ...1.02?i 500 Bullion .....: IS KMI Ophir ... ...1.27% 100 Caledonia .... 28 500 P0t051 ' .. ; . . . . . 43 WK) Con ; Va M Co. : 80 700 Scorpion ;*.;... 0!» 400 Con Va M'Co. 7fi '100 Scorpion \u25a0-.'.;•.:* OS 450 Crown J Point.." CC, 1 200 See . Belcher ..OS .200 Gould' & Cur. i l!t t!CO Sierra JXer '... !!S 400 : Hale & Norc . ; !J3 100 Silver Hill . . . 0!) • ' Afternoon . Session " \u25a0';"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 200 Alpha: ..:.\u25a0;.. 08 500 Mexican^..... t<9 \u25a0 100- Belcher ...:.. <5 100 Do., s 10. ...1.00 300 Best &r Belch. 1,42 200 N< Oould :& C. \u25a023 MtO Best' & Belch. 41 200 N . (ionld & C.I 22 300 Caledonia ....- 2S 1O() Opliir - ....... .1;2". -300 ChoUar ......' 22 JSOfl '''Oplilr ;: ;';'.'. :I.'J7"<|' 1300 Cbollar ...:.. .21 500 Savage ;.....: .4.1 : 000 Con-Va-M'Co.: ~S ::iOO Savaße ...:;..; 44 300- Con ' Va'M'Co. : 7»l.loo ; Safitße ... .". . . \u25a0; 4.T -"100 Exchequer "i.'.;v "ol i'.oo Scorpion- ...'./.. 00 300 Gould it > Cur. f is aoosiPiraN>v .:; ;:.s "100 HaJeJc-Xorcr'.-r? 500 l.'nl.m'-.. ...... 300 Mexieau ;.'...'. IJiOr" '\u0084 >i •. IV' *wS4^l%fe> a ." Informal Session - - \u25a0 "- »Co^ \u25a0!•' .200, Belcher ;....;. .00 200 Halef & Norc.l; r;?, ;200 Bullion \u25a0'.;.'... '- ik ;::ou Kentui-k \u25a0.;'.:\u25a0; "I 05 1 200 Challenge Con V 24 100 Mt.xicart ' :*.t :.:*.*:« t>B : 100 : t,uollar .;;... ; :i 400 Savajre .'.' .: .v: :43 500 Chollar I. '..;.- 20 .100 Savape ......; 42 3.100 Con , Va M. Co. ;-~-i 500 Scorpion V..-.7.""." 07 ' 300 Con \u25a0Va M Co. >. 7!1 400 Yellow. : Jacket. : So . CLOSING QUOTATIONS : ' B!d.Ask.| ; . - -Bid.Ask. Alpha- ....... 0": '09 Kpiituck ... ..'..'' os . • — Alta ....-..'... ;a-5 1r- I.ady Wash -..- — \u25a0 .Ye Andfrs \u25a0;. 1'.".'.".'. :\u25a0;..., 13t;i34 Mexican .:.::. OS l; 00 Belcher ;.:r.. («>-. MS New York Con '— "-C2 -Bcvt'&' Belch. 41 ''\u25a0; -i 2 X i Gould ?&;C."-'"' 2o '\u25a0£?-- Bullion ; .:. .-.v. .17 ;in Occidental .. ;\u25a0 . 17 ' — Caledonia . . .-. . 27 2!i ( tphlr • . : : . . . . : 1 .25 1';27 «:iiallensfi Con 23 25 Overman t ;''.". . 2(1. '_»7 ChoUar :.:.-.*. 120 . 21 Potosi ;:".'.'. !.-.;. i'> 42 -44 ConfiOonc-e : : .'.' S(» \u25a0".' KiHSa vagp l'?X.* > . '. '.'\u25a0 -»2 1: 4. 1 ! Con Imperial . ' \u25a0 O'J \u25a0 <i:j|Scorpion ji'.V." .*.- 07 -, 00 Con : Va M . Co.\7S V/gfi Sep^ Belcher ;V';"joS : :iu j Crown ,i Point, r," <!4 1. (.(3 Sifrra- Nov ; ri-.'3-S \u25a0, :. 4u I Kxebfqiier^.V;-. 25--V2O SiITerJIMU :.;.'.: .;.'. fiS 1 M Gould & Cur.' K-'.iaHinioni'.'.rr:.. 1 . , 4K ;sii Halo & Nmx-. v :!:; sr!! U!ah::;V.~:.-..-.04 - or. (Julia '\u25a0.".\u25a0 ;';".\u25a0'.'.-;-- (C> , 08 Yellow 1 : Jacket. L So^" 82 j Justice «;\u25a0.'".\u25a0.;;\u25a0'.\u25a0;'; v.'! v— | ?\;: z ' ~ "v".."r.-;-;i.r •-...::\u25a0\u25a0. TONOPAH: AM); lIOIOKIELn -STOCKSJ , j. : : . \u25a0:..,- IReeularS Session— !)::;o ;fo: l-'::>!i »:.? \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-.' i l'.M)O ? Atlaiita '..:.-.:. VUI'-'O.'KJOD'.ii'rlSßt; .02 fiOO' Com Fraction - R0 200 Old: Con M. 6. 52 ,4 - 400 Daisy, s 5 " .22 200 Raw Coalition. 24 1100 AUanta 2^G^ SmwS ', SUO : Do, b 36! ". 15 800 Old CM, bOO.C.C-r. 500 Wlue Bull: 07 500'GldjO" M,- b30.6.f.-j 2200 Booth n. . io| 1000 Great Bend .-.t'-'t I 1 500: Brunswick C ' '.- \u25a0 031 3fHM) Grt3 Bend Anx <H 1500 Brunswick C*' 01 000 MaoNamara . . .20 2000 Com Fraction 60 .."00 MacNamara . . 28 5000 Cracker Jack : 01 500 Oro ....... '.'. ... «« SOfiO Dm-R-Btte C.I 02 1000 Oro .........'; •'• 400 Florence . 2 »5 350 Queen Regent. ,in .300, Florence' \u25a0 2J»""> 1000 Silver' Pick'-.'. 'I 2 1800 Old Con M>.!52!{.! .. • ' Informal Session _ . T.OO Atlanta . II 200 «ild Con -M... 6.55 1000 Blue 8e11 ..'..' 1031 03 2200 Jim ! Butler . . OS 1500 Coin Fraction l">00 Midway ....... 20 S'XJO Cracker Jack * 01 T,m Raw Coalition. • 23 3KOO --.'Do. b\u25a0 00 ".02 3350 Silver Pick .. ,V> 2WO Dm b Btte C' 02 1000 Do. b 00.... 13 ' CLOSING QUOTATIONS CALIFORNIA \u0084 k ' Bld.Ask. Bld.Ask. Bunker Hill.. 2. 40 —So Eureka >M. :95 .— Cent Eureka.. — 20 .NEVADA > , Tonopah District „ , • BM.Ask.l - Bin. Ask. Belrnont ...... — -r. : 85|Mlipah JEx .. — "5 Boston Ton .. — 05 Montana ..... — $» California ...".__ oilMout Jlid Ex. — 03 Cash Boy ... — 01 Mon Pitts Ex. — 04 Gold Mt .... — 01 North Star ... — «'4 Great Westrn. — <il Ohio Ton "\: ....—' <: t Home :...... — \u25a0 fli Paymaster.". .'.'" — '" Ind Ton ;... _ 01 Rescue Con .. 02 03 Jim Butler .. 08 - 00 Ton Exten . . . 40 40 MacNamara .. 20 " 30 Ton of Ney. .6.95 — Midway .....1 20 — West End ... 27 — Midway Ex \u0084 02 -.'" '\u25a0"\u25a0•'"•':\u25a0 Goldfleld District ; : Anauis 01 02 Grandma ..... 01 02 Atlanta ...... 14 15 Great Bend .. 07 -OS Black Ants;. — oi Grt Bend Anx —- 02 Blk B Bonan. 01 -02 Grt - Bend Ex. — 02 Blk Butte Ex — 02 Hibernia ..... — 02 Black Rock .. 01 Jumbo Ex; ... 17 19 Blue Bell j.. 02. 03 Kondall ...... 04 - — Blue Bull :.*.. 06 \u25a0 07 Kendall Ex .. — 01 Bttp Goldueld — 02 Ix>ne Star ....v 03 14 Booth ....... 09 10 Lou Dillon ... — 04 0 O D ...... 12 r 14 Mid Pawnee... — 01 Columbia Mt. — 11 Milltown Frac. — 02 Com Fraction. HO 01 Mohwk ' C . Leas — 0* Corang Nation — 01 Mohawk Ex ..' — 02 Conqueror .... — 04|Mohawk r Junior — «4 Cracker Jack. 01 02|Nev Boy ..:..— 02 I>n>sy \u25a0..'. 22 23lNev Goldfleld.. 02 — Desert Chief... — 04 Oro ........... OS 08 Dm B Btte C. 02 03 Potlatch ..... — OS Dmdfld Trngl. 01 02 Rfd Hills .... CW 07 nixie .. . . .... _ oi Rod Top Ex. . 02 I 03 Empire ......— 02 Sandstorm ... . OS Florence 2.90 V —.Sandstorm Ex. •"— 01 Florence Ex.. 01 \u25a002 Silver Pick . . 11 12 trances Mhk.o6 — Stives ...... OS — Gen '.Wash . .— 01 St Ives Leas. 01 Gold Bar Gld 0!) — Wonder — ,02 G ld Con M..-.6.52 6.5". Yellow Rose... ,— V 2 Gld Portland... 02 — Yellow Tiger.. 07 — =\u25a0 Gld Kewanas; 08 0U ... , " Bullfrog District \u0084 Amargosa 0.. — 01 Mayflower Con 08 09 Amethyst .... 01 — Mont Bullfrog. — Cl Bonnie Clare. *05 — Montpomy Mt. — <)4 Bullfrog Mm.: — 02 Mtg Shos Ex. — 01 Hlfrg Mohawk 23 , 2". Nugget ....... — 01 Blfrg Nat Bk 01 03 Orig Bullfrog.. — 02 Gold : Bar .... — 01 Tramp Cou.. 03 — Gold; -Sceptre. — 01 Valley Vifw... 04 ,05 Homestake K. — 02 Yankee Girl .. — 02 Llge - Harris.. — : 01 \u25a0 Manhattan District- \u25a0 -\u25a0 • Apr Fool Ex. — 01 Man Cowboy. . — 01 Atlan & Pac - .01 Man Dexter .. 02 iXi' Comet ....... — 01 Man Little Joe — - 01 Gold Wedge.. — 01 Man Mm Nev. — 01 Granny GM. — 05 Mineral Hi 11... 02 04 Little Grey . ... — 01 Mustang Man.. 01 — Mnn . Broncho. , -t- <>1 Orig, Man .... \u25a0 — 02 Man- Buffalo.. — - dl Pine Nut .... , — 01 Man Con .'. . . 03 ' 04 Syl Humphrey. — 02 Man Comb • .. — <(2| Whale ...".. . . — ol Man Crescent.- - — Oil . Other Districts Eagle's Nest. 03 —I Pitts S Peak. . 44 47 Jairvw G Bid—- 02 Queen Regent. " 18 "20 Fafrvw; Ilallst — Ollßaw Coalition. 22 23 Fairvw \u25a0 Eagle. — ' 181 Raw Mohawk. — 01 \u25a0luck Pot .... 03 04| Raw Queen .. — '30 .Nev Hills ... 80 .--.—! Round Mt'-"... "68. ' 70 Ncv Wonder. . — 02 j Vulture ...... 01 — •?•— — : — ' " __! ; T.S. GRAIN MARKET V Wlieat and Other • Grains Wheat— Chicago - was iy@l^c"' lower. A broker's wire from there said: •\u0084..-, -. " "The worst break in prices, of, the day came at the I outset when \u25a0 miscellaneous longs, who had bought on yesterday's seaboard claims of a large i export > business, ; unloaded after it was discov ered that the sales had apparently been of : fu tures at Liverpool." Liverpool: and other European markets: were very: much, lower and- showed* a weak tone. There are -claims from Nebraska 1 that / farmers . are ; stacking their wheat, . partly because of the wet g weataer recently, and • be i cause of the lower prices. : North Dakota lias set In a 1 few claims that hot weather Is damag ing wheat. These , claims nave caused more or less covering." • " :. , .; The San' Francisco market is steadily growing weaker and handlers reported -a decline impend ing. Buyers continue to hold off. - ,\u25a0 CASH WHEAT New crop — California club, $1.97%(a2; So* norar $1.95@2.02>»4: white Australian, $3.07% @ 2.10.." Northern wheat, AußUst-September deliv ery: Club. $1.82^; Russian red, $1.80; turkey red, $1.97%; bluestem. $1,921/6 per ctl. FUTURES ' . ; 10 ; a." m. Session -1' -. ! .No quotations. - .*. . » . . 2 p. m. Session \u25a0• . . No quotations. > 1 V , -I Barley— Futures were lower and the cash graln;:ytso declined with a 5 very weak feeling. A 1A 1 sale of 1 1,500 sacks of . feed j was . reported, terms withheld... Receipts were large, exceeding : 10,000 centals. \u25a0' . . . CASH BARLEY i \u25a0' ,r, r Good to choice. feed. 5p0t. '51.40@1.42%; com \u25a0 mon to- fair, : $1.35@1.37% ->per ctl; brewing,' \ $1.45@1.47%; : . shipping,- nominal;: chevali«r, I $1.50@1.6U. J-.1v,-;. ..\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"•-\u25a0.-;\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0• '\u25a0 -\u25a0 -\u25a0"\u25a0-, FUTURES -.10:30 a. m. Session Z— ' . •;-:' I Open. -High. Low •" Close. [December ...$1.43*4 $1.437 i $1.43^4 $1.43 ii . • - 2 p.: in. Session I December— sl.43',i. : •'\u25a0' ' \ ! l|ay— sl-471/4 bid, $1.4S asked. - 1 .. I". Oats— The - market is developing 'increased j weakness <and Is; very dull, 'with; buyers'" holdiug off. There is now a pressure - to , sell, j especially feed; ..--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ,1 .. \u25a01; : . - _ . \u25a0 Considerable Texas red oats are being lirought into thfiT'market now. ;, It i* -claimed that, they; are ; most serviceable ; as seed,' as it .Is advisable i to change -the character' of seed to prevent crop deterioration.'- ; It ' Is : also reported i that; actual experiments in ; seeding with . these j Texas rt-ds have ' most j satisfactory and given 'such' ''excellent results "that .those : farmers wlioihavc crown crops of them have disposed, of their; outpnt Jo their neighbors., \u0084 . .' . , 'v.Yew . reds for feed. $1.50@1.90 'for good to choice aud $1.7<i©1.77 I /-i for poor to fair; reds, for seed,' $2Q2.12V 2 : . black, $2.50(fJ2.75 asked; new northern white." October-November delivery, $1.05 \ (i\\.r,~\l,\ Texaß;reds,' in bulk, $1.07 'in : sacksi, I $2.05 per ctl. "; ? , : ; '..Coru— ls weakat tbP deollne noted ypsterdaV. . Smair round yellow." $1.80; .white. $1.80@1.85;' large yellow, $I.7sol.Bs ; ; western states ' yellow," In bulk/ San Francifco track, $I.6s;*;white; $1.69; mixed, $1.63; Egyptian, nomlnaL' a* ... \u25a0 1 . r - Rye-^-Quotations : continue nominal In the ab sence of transactions. Foreign - Kutiiren LIVERPOOL. U -'Wheat— , : .**,: Slept. • Dpc Opening . . ....•..........'. S 04^i , 7 10?$ ClosiDg .'......... S 03ig 7 09% '•'y "\u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0" : " "" ', PARIS :r: r "- * 1 Wheat — ', A«p. ' Nor.-Fpb Opening ......;............ 24 15 23 85 v" Closing ..." .... .....24 15 23 90 " .UFIOUJ'^- : .;."..«: . - .".'.'\u25a0 " \u0084 '.'J :\ .' --. Oncninff '; 32 n."> 30 85 Closing . . . ; .' 32 70 : 30 93 *' CHICAGO. BOARD OP TRADE ;\u25a0\u25a0-- Kiilurc Crnin >md ProyiMionn -,* CHICAGO. • Ang; s.— Wheat . prices ; broke ', to *a I still flower. level ; today.- September « at '-'one '^thne I Rrl.llnK^at; $1' por; bushel: and * December,' at 'OSlic; JTliet net Joss ; at l'the 'close > ranced , -froraclijc >to 1 1 Tic! 'Com \u25a0 and : oats 'also continued to-; decline." I the \u25a0 totmer '\u25a0: dosinK \u25a0 J.s(<l?i«-'/J .s (<l ?i«-'/ bplow :\u25a0 yesterday's i final fljrures.* and'the latter 1 J,^t 'ic.VThe wheat j market ; was ; nervous > all ; <lay. •> >Tho most i severe : slump ,' occuiTeil " early '\u25a0', on - liberal - salps >by • mis | cPllanpoiis 7 lonE:!«, wlio'i liail/;lmiishtcfrerty. ypstpr i ila.v.jon.:c}alm.-i;of"'a ; . Wsjcxport^lmsinpss, "which ; >ya« . <if iilcl ,:\u25a0 today. . •Tlu* :J: J wcaknpss " ! of ; forei jrn ; WBikPts ,i!-o. inspirpil free-- wllhij.-. x -September ranged fmni $l;to Sl.fiHg.'T T'.e f-lospruasi weak." | i»t -almost '\u25a0-'• Ihe SlHjtioin. "' Sppteuilier beingr't at I ?I.oo'/,. y, Deeeniber * WosptV at n.S'gC after selline 1 between: 08U«" and $1. , '<." :%; ;.l -^ ' :: .-.-. -•: '.••.-, I 'C Clm Ims of (lHniagi; , tot lip 'corn ; crop \u25a0 by ; hot.', dry | i n-pathcr-; in r lowa and S lllinois :i prompted^libenil I purchasPsiorj.Si'ptenibpr.iresultliiffiiUiH '> material rttlly, folio wing "a sevprp clump, tint ; to pront, taking snips.,, September; raDjrP<lJl'PtwpPn]fl2«i.c,' and 64c. Jhp inarkpt ;, rlowil ; easy. *4, with : September ; a t H53fV I- The .break- in; wheat f and •corn, causfMl* a, slump In oat«;; ; Muoh'iof, the loss, however." was' rcßaiuedC l ,Tho« c!osp%. was irather •" weakTiwith > September : at \ tHiVt fiiW%h:-: s. .-*\u25a0:"\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0<\u25a0 : - : -J- : '-^ l-l '-~>'f^^..<;:-,'..-*\u25a0\u25a0~ > 'f^^..<;:-, '..-*\u25a0\u25a0 1 >X Provisions, wpre firmjall, day... At the' rlosc I prn-PS;were : s'iil2»!.c'bicher:r-^' :• ;• ;: \u0084l •: : .'\u25a0 :1 "'-, '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0::. . ' Openins . Highest.-Lo west^ "* Closing h .Wheat— \u25a0.\u25a0>:•• :.'V^-'- i >\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 ~%?^n^* \u25a0 Septembpi-* . ';. \ S 1 ! . 01 v , \ I . nt%". ijy. 00 '. '" j . 001 : • Decenibcr =. .". . ,fK) %'\u25a0:' 1 .on -'» '.osij * \u25a0\u25a0.- '\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0. us** 1 May.;,;'.... ., j.o2ii .l.U.'ja; . l.m?i-;l'01S4 ; ,r Corn— \u0084-:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'\u0084. \u0084%.' •/\u25a0:}.['. -..<..--.'. \u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0': .'\u25a0-.,::''-.\u25a0,... :'.v',j| September '•\u25a0\u25a0'.";\u25a0"; '.RS :; v- : - ? ";m^ -;•''-'. -i ' i .fv! -'-\u25a0j lieeember,Cr'/.r>2f--; .~<2~k : '\u25a0/'\u25a0>'•. 51% : vU;:S2i i? ! \u25a0Mari-. r v^.vr;v-v-.K:-ii \u25a0;•:;>\u25a0.-. 33% \u25a0\u25a0,;>:. 32^ c.: : : J .5234 ! i Sppt pmbpr.r :*: '."(l\'i' \u25a0 -.''."'>"j»c ""-..'^•"'"••'VJ .-.!\u25a0"\u25a0 ;'3rt-%'| lleppinbpr "•"..\u25a0: v *3«ij '\u25a0'-'\u25a0 \u25a0iXi..-' •' . "A- ..'^'inoii ' M».V-;;-;'.'.v:-VV; .SS^j. X" ' - . :K» '..'."-\u25a0 '-:! ..">H".-.;-.-*.as'j|' WMr*- l'«irk.i''|ipr 'libl.—- > -^v-'-J ' »-*\u25a0. '\u25a0'•_--*-i--vi,-';: \u25a0\u25a0.•'::,- September . ;20.(i0 \u25a0;*.';? 20.02 \a " 20. M <'\u25a0\u25a0] 20.00J' | \u25a0SUMMAR Y-jOF* tme Markets Wall street .stocks • irregular. Coppers _\u25a0 weak. ' ;.:/ \u25a0; Spot ' and future ] cotton : steady. - \u25a0 Local sugar stocks continue strong. Shipment of I $2,134,882 to the orient. | Silver and exchange ratos . unchanged. Coffee* steady, with \ a 'good demand. . . Wheat weak. : . Barley - : and : oats lower. Choice hay * firm.' > Lower : grades - weak. Beans, and feedstuff si unchanged. 1 live, dressed . and cured meats as before. Butter : and . eggs firm I and - cheese - steady. New; sweet s potatoes; market. Potatoes ; and onions weak. : "_• r ' Fruit in liberal' supply and weak. V " poultry market" weak and dragging. January ....16.40 ; 10.52^ 16.37% 16.37% \u25a0Lard, per 100 lbs. — September. ..11.. "W 11. 35 11.27VJ 11.32U October, ....11. 27V4. 11.30 11.22% 11.27% November ..10.93 " 10.97% .10.92% 10.93 Short Ribs, : ppr 100 lbs. — " . September ..".11.00 11.07%'' 11.00 11.03 October ..T.10.67% ' 10.75 10.67% 10.73 \u25a0 . Cash : Grain and Provliloni CHICAGO; Aug. 5.~—-Cash quotations were as follows: -.. Flour. - steady; feed or mixing barley, 4Sr s r.tjc; fair to choice malting, 54r^t>0c; fiax seed No. 1 Southwestern $1.38, No. I.Northweste rn $1.45; timothy "seed. 5.X80; clover. . $11.50; mess pork, per bbl., $20.00<a20.G2Va; lard, per ; 100 • lbs.. $11.321£ ; short .ribs. Bides (loose). |/$ll<gll.l0; short dear sides (boxed), $11.50(?4 j <311.62^.. \u25a0.. '\u25a0;."".,'. . - ' : ! GRAIN STATISTICS, Total clearances of wheat and flour wore' equal to 189,000 bushels;- primary receipts were 844,000 bushels, compared, with 066,000 bushels the cor responding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: E Wheat :{4S"cars;*corn,' 131 cars; oats, lt>2 cars; hogs, 11, 000: bead. Northern Wheat market ' WASHINGTON : SEATTLR,;Aus. s.— No milling quotations. Export wheat— Bluestem," September, $1.01; club, J)7e; red. 07c. Receipts — Barley, 1 car. . TACOMA,* Aug. s.— Whcat—Bluestem, Sep tember, $1.01 ; club, 97c; red, 97c. • . OREGON PORTLAND, Ang. jf 5. — Wheat, track prices- Club, 95c; : bluestom. $1;- red Russian, 93c; tur key red," 95c; forty-fold, 96c. •:; j ATew York 1 - Grata ; ; Market ' ; NEW YORK. Aug. s.— Flour — Receipts, 10,100. barrels;^ exports. 7,400."-." .Market barely steady, wltira 'small 'jobbing trade., ." : 'Wheat— Roooipts.' C 3.800 bushels. : Spot., weak. No. 2 red, \u25a0'\u25a0 new. $1.14 (nominal) j domestic ele vator;. No. 2. red. nt»w, :sl.i::%« prompt f. o. b. afloat:- No. 1 northern', Duluth. old., 51.30V4 (nominal)' f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, no.w, $1.12V4 (nominal) lf. .0. b. afloat.;; - - 'Continued pressure on the wheat market today from. lmportant interests produced ; further weak ness,' values .declining over, a cent per bushel. The. brilliant spring wbeat prospects, - lo*s active export trade " anrt : weak v" cables the break.- Last prices were 1 1 ,4@1%c net lower. September closed^ at Sl.OSy,, December at $1.07',A and May at $I.oßis. ' MlnneaiioliM Flax Market MINNEAPOLIS, Aug.' s.— Flax closed at $1.37%.,'. ;l- . :. i.U. -' : ' ::;\u25a0\u25a0 ;/; - *r \u25a0 : : "-+ LOCAL MARKETS : Receipts of Produce Aupnst 8 Flour, qr sks.... 2,174 Feed., sks ....... 325 Wheat, "ctls .... '1,350 Leather,' rolls ... 120 Barley, ctls " . . . . 10.360 Tallow, ctls .... 35 Oats, ctls ..'.:. .. 2,9«s|Hides, 'No ." 500 Corn, ctls ...... .90 Pelts, No 325 Rye, ;ttls ....... 340 Lime, bbls ...... 605 Bran, sks ......' 210 Sugar,, ctls ..... 5.700 Middlings, sks .. 225 Wine, gals "......33,000 Potatoes, sks 7,100 Quicksilver," 1 flasks 250 Onions, sks ... . . 1,215 Livestock. No ... 150 Hay, \u25a0 tons \u25a0 744 Paper, , bdls- . . .". . \ 035 Straw, ' tons .... 5 Honey.l eases ....' 20 .Wool; sks ....'.; 40 Apples, .bxs ..... 1,750 Calfalfa, sks ... -SOU -"" •• WASHINGTON Flour, qr sks 18,820 Previsions Cottolene. one half. bbl. l 10% c; S half bbls, 10V4c;l tierce, 10>^c; 15- tierces, 10c; 5 tisrees, The Western meat company quotes "as follows: Hams, 16%@18c; picnic hams. 12% c; bacon. 6 to 8 lbs, 20% c; 8 to 10 lbs, 19% c; 10 to 12 lbs, 19% c; fancy sugar, cured bacon. 23% c; I Arrow bacon, 8 to ,10 lbs, ; 18% c ;' 10 \u25a0 to 12 lbs, 18% c: light dry salt bacon. 8 to 10 lbs, ISc; 10 to 12 lbs,':*l7e; medium bacon, 15% c; . light "; medium bacon. 15% c " . - ." - -\u25a0 , -. . \u25a0 Lard— Tierces 14c. 50s 14Uc. 10s 14% c, 5s 14%c, « 3s 15c; compound lard, tierces B%c. 50s 8%c,-10s 9V4c, 53'9%c,-3s 9%c; yellow cooking oil. 03c per gal;' white cooking oil. 55c per gal; salad oil. 58c per gaL \u25a0 ' - , > Beef — Local prices are. quoted. Export lots. In spected by the government, are $1 per bbl high er. • Extra family beef, $12 per bbl; family beef, $11.50 per. bbl; extra mess. beef, $11.50 per bbl; smoked beef, 21% c per lb.~ : • • Pork— Extra prime, in barrels. $21: clear. $23: mess, $22; . pig pork, $28; pigs' feet. $5 for half bbls, $2.25 for 25 lb kegs and $1.30 for kits. Meat Market DRESSED MEATS \u25a0 Slaughterers' rates to dealers and batchers are as follows: • • : . - Beef— o>2@7c per lb ; for steers, G@C^c for cows and heifers.-- . .. •\u25a0 \u25a0 •...-..,.' • , VcalT-7(g9c for large and — — \u25a0' for small.' - Mutton — Wethers, 7^SVic; ewes, 6J^Q7i4c per pound;- >*- \u25a0 Lamb— fli/i® 10c per lb." " Dressed Pork (per lb)— ll@l2c for light and 9^ <s 10c for heavy. . " > _ - MARKET \u25a0 « The following, quotations are for good, sonnd livestock, delivered In San Francisco, gross weight: 1 No.:l fat steers, over 000 lbs. alive. ' 4@4' / 8c: under: 000 lbs, 3?4c; second ; quality, 3V@3»4c; thlnand undesirable steers, 3c. . '- No.' l cows and heifers. 35f3^Jc: second qual ity.' 254 c; common, thin, undesirable cows, l's@ 2M>C. . \u25a0 : "-""- \u25a0 ;:-\u25a0 : - -• \ . '; "'.; ' " .-\u25a0 . - . Fat bulls and stags, l%c; half 'fat or thin bulls. lU.C. \u25a0-:.....\u25a0-.::/\u25a0\u25a0- . -; Calves — Light - weight, per lb, s®s&c; me dium. 4 ! ,3@4%c: heavy, 4(& ii4c. \u25a0 Sheep (ppr lb) — Wethers. No. 1, 4@4V4c: ewea.'3^@3*4c. ' - , ; Lambs (per lb)— This year's milk lambs, 5® sMc.'"-« \u25a0 -\u25a0"- 1-\u25a0 ;-: , :," :;. -" ,1. -. ;;•- "1 Hogs (per lb)— Hard grain fed. weighing 100 to 140 lbs. 7Vic;' 140 to 250 lbs. 7?4c; 250 to 350 . lbs, \ 7^4c; . rough, -.heavy . hogs, s@s^c; common,- undesirable hogs. 4<S4Mie. Butter. Cheeae' and Egg* • ' As * foreshadowed in i thef last rfport' the RtrjiiKPucy. .;\u25a0 in \u25a0 the | market for ' extra butter was relieved by the. arrival 1 of a" steamer from Hum boldt»,wlth»al large manifest. , ' Practically all of.. 1 he ." supplies lirmijfht in, howoTer, were read ily -Mlixposcd -.of -. ami .the . market retained ; all of;, the- firmness -that characterized ' it • on .. the preceding day." :An attempt to put the market up Vj cent failfMl. but most roeolTers were pve <lictinp :an; advance in. ; thc~near: future. The quota tions for epps wcr» | unchanßcd, • the market rulinK very firm for, all {trades and particularly for ,; extras., \ receipts of which j cont Inued :to de crease." -.Some:' buyers?', pa Id-, a - small advance under, the call -on the exchange/ Indicating that the market:, was-: pointing . upward. . Cheese was moderately -active at v the'; old quotations.: .. ; Sales on- the exchange were 'as follows: :."\u25a0.' si Butter — 20 \u25a0' cases of • extras .at 28*4 c and 20 at 28c a- pound. - _ - : - • : .\u25a0\u25a0.<: \u25a0--\u25a0'.- \u25a0 X""s — 20. cases of extras at C2i«ie and 20 at 02c a dozen. ' ' • .; . \u25a0 i Choc^e— 2s .- fancy \u25a0 Californlat'flats at IGc and 25 fancy •.California Yonns -Americas at' 16c a pound. " : . \u25a0 \u25a0 ' .... ;. . -. \u25a0.;-•'•\u25a0 \u25a0 : .Rf-.-etpts '02.000 pounds butter," 0.000 ponn'ts i-lipfso, and l,4tj."i o;i>--t>s u?rs. - -\u25a0; The .following . are-^ official :, quotations ey tab-" llshprt by shA sales ; bids' rnd 'offers on, the floor of thp _. dairy - escbange.ll • Prices -. In '..the -'street." while governed . by t the \u25a0 exchange quotations, gea erally.Tangelfrom :U^c'to;2c<hlgher.? owing to tlip^varionf charges .to. oe: added.- ; ; ,1 : . Butter— Fr'pKh /creamery.: extras, -.'2Bc per \u25a0 lb, firm;; do . firsts. 27c. ': firm; do» seconds; 26& c. flrm:,"No.Vi 'packing stock.' 24i.'.c,'tfirm. - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- ' Cheese— California :; fancy flats. ,IGe pe. lb, firm :; do ; firsts. 1 \lsiic . firm ; ? do ' spct>nd*. \u25a013 Vie firm;;.fßncy YouitF- Americas. Atie. firm: do firsts. l.ic.V- firm: '-i fancy:/ Oroion v .Young \u25a0 Americas, Hie. firm : s do. firsts. -ltivr-c, • steady 1 ;- • "- - -j •\u25a0.: - £sEcss .t (pcr \u25a0' dozen" ;. cases . Included)— California fresh extras.'- ;:2e. '-• firm : ; do : firsts.^ 2«c.- firm; do seconds. : SSJie, ' firm : do • thirds.' 23e. r firm Portland; Butter ." Market i \ PORTLAND;*' Aus- s.— Butter — City and coiui try> crpanipry ;' extras," j3oVjc;.' fancy, US'ijSOc; stored 21 Q^2c. ", -\u25a0\u25a0': y ; Kkb .i Market j- In \u25a0 Xearby Counties i SA NTA .- UK i;Z.'' Aup. r..— Tim;, local i douiand (,\u25a0%- cgrs is" hcaTior? than- nsnal ft ami-: producers are' iinabli>Sto 'supply.; enough- at .32 cents of fered*byMiiprchants;R.n»l-i-<>nitnVsKi6w'nieu.. -'.; 1 . " •': Am./ s.— Thfro - was no " cbantre in v , the;} price*.--; pa Mr. fore pjtrx • tfKl«y.t.Hfter. r re cclpt'-j:of ,'.. quotations !*. from -:.- the #. San • l-'ranoisco dairy P exohanßP.;* i.Tlic ':' Pctaluma* , rpsTf : exchaD^e nnotfd 'Sl* cents .on?- time.' "o V.. cents "cash/ for tbcjfcpst'Krade.'-ainl: tmvlntlepfiHient .dealers. and sn^ciilatorsJpaiil '30" cents. * CwniHtions^are un olmncrd:',«.'\u25a0-":;-:..-:.-.,"-.: •„:;>..;.::. .>..; .' 1. .;-\,-:;..: \u25a0" -1 SA NT A' : :ROSA; v Aug.".'s.>— There was no change in local. |>rkeslfor: eKßs*tCHliiy." T AU dealers*: were qiH'tine r .".OcJ .-per * dozen^ for. choice and :27c for seconds:* •'\u25a0 >.•'\u25a0•. ' i-^.'-.'T."-^ '."\u25a0\u25a0 - ' "" : * \u25a0 \u25a0 '-\u25a0"'\u25a0 Potatoes. : HiThc}C;U<'ncwi-ro'|)fsw'«-t & T'otat(X > s\of the tiea-" son'f.reiiehed;* the, 3 mnrk>t-* yesterday. : v ,i. Several smalls- consignments 4 ofgcraK-dy; stock s . came : la ; fmm ik the ~t 51 erced £ region V- nml .\u25a0 sales ! were / re ported *at 2 Vi<\ ?a \u25a0' powid.'^ i' The *,resretablc * market , we* j heavily Ktnf ked 'am! ? thill. ft. with .« prices :; ff.r i evorythinsawpak. sit <.ruciiinbprs.?s summer J'squash. i ««cpplant; jj pnnfK-rs*;^ tnniH tws.'^ beans Maud ft jrrof n "bra-'wrrrjnll |lowi>v. -nifit NellorsUrTinfrJtM.nrEP : t'U^lnessy t!rJ«'i|t(liiKv!rtric< I s:5;; For 'fine I toaiators ,: rcccivets were ; asklu? -. 73c " a : box. but General Weakness ill All Grains Coffee Steady , With Demand Good sales at' that figure were rare, the ruling price . being j 40'gGOc. "Green : corn .continued to •irate, badly and. the nsual large surplus bad "to be held over. Potatoes and • onions were m ith out quotable change, the \u25a0 market being weak for' both." \u0084;-:" Potatoes— so® 75c per bos and 65c@f 1 per ctl In sacks. , % • \u25a0-\u25a0 ;-. - •'" - Ontona — New yellow, 65@73c per ctL -*, Vegetables — Green corn. SOcftjH per sack; tomatoes. \u25a0 40@75c \u25a0 per , box; preen peas. Tsc@ *l per sack; string and was , beans. .>\u25a0 I@3<; per lb;. lima, beaos, 4@sc per-lb; summer sqanh. 35 fig 50c per box; garlic. 4<iJsc per lb; cabbage, 75c per ctl;< cucumbers, 40®50c, per box; pickle encumbers, 75c@$l .per box; . canllflower. 60c per dozen; turnips, $1®1.25 per sack; eggplant, BO (g «5c per box: green peppers. 40©50 c per box; preen okra, 65@73e. \u25a0. - - • \u25a0 - Deciduous and Citrus Frnlta All kinds of orchard fruits contlnueil to an ne freely from various sections and after the early buying period . prices , for , -nearly every thing on -the' list commenced to. sag and the market was weak during the greater part of the day. The canning: demand held prices for pears steady, -.while apricots remained flrm at the recent advance on decreased receipts, while everything \u25a0 else . could be bought at concessions in the afternoon. The market was flooded with peaches and the ; efforts .of . receivers to effect sales of small open boxes from Sonoma at low tisures. bad a depressing' effect npon values .for offprings in lugs and small" boxes*. Plums and prunes 1 were \u25a0 decidedly weak, with 75 ce,nts a top price for both crates and large boxes. "-hUe nectarines found hardly any buyers.. Theie was some 1 shipping inquiry for fancy apples, . which held prices : for roar tier " frntt " steady, while common offerings and crabapples continued to drag badly.. Figs -were a little more plentiful, but continued to clean up at satisfactory prices. Melons stood about as before quoted and grapes were still a drug in the market, the competi tion of other fruits being agalust their- sale. Berries continued to \u25a0 drag and the camrers were able to procure small lots of I raspberries, black berries • and \u25a0 strawberries at low . rates. . There wan no - change in the quotations for \u25a0 citrus goods. \u0084--- • . Strawberries— Longwortbs, $4@5 per cbest; large varieties, $3(g4. \ Raspberries— s3<g9 per chest. Blackberries — $1..j0@3 per • chest. Loganberrles^ — Nominal. Huckleberrifs — 12%@13c per lb. - .Apples — Fancy Grav?nsteins, $1.23@1.50 pet box; fancy reds. $1@ 1.25; common to cJiolce. WftrS-V: crabapplcs, 30@40c for small and 73c@ $1 for large boxes. - - Pears— Bartletts, : $1@1.23 per box for No. 1 and 00(&;S5c for No. 2: canning price, $35®37.50 per \u25a0 ton • for ' No. 1 and $25@30 for No. 2. - Pcaches-^Small boxes. 35@50c; lug boxes, 40 «b7sc. • - - . ' \u25a0 Plums — 10@73c per box or crate; prunes, 50® 75c per box or crate. ; ;", .Nectarines— so@7sc per crate. ' Apricots — 2(g3c per lb. Figs— sl@ 1.50 for. double layer, and «5@75c for siugle layei^, drawers. - \u25a0 Melons— Nutmeg. melons, 50@75c per box; can taloupes, $1.50@2.25 per crate; watermelons, $1.50<g2.25 per dozen. - - - . Grapes — Seedless. 60<f{75c per crate; otber varieties, 50@»5c - per crate. - : \u25a0 Citrus Frnits (per box) — Valencia oranges, $2.25@3; grapefruit; ?2.50&3 for seedless; lem ons, $4.50@5 for fancy, $2.30^3.50 for choice and $1.50@2 for standard; limes, $3.30@6. Tropical Fruits — Bananas, 73c«g$L75 per buncn for Hawaiian and $2.50&3.50 for Central Ameri can; pineapples, $1.50@2.30 per dozen. Dried Frnlt, Raisins, >ut» and Honey .The. New York market for .fruits and raisins continues - dnl] and unchanged. Fruits, . old crop-^-Evaporated , apples. 7@B%e; apricots, .9@lo%c;' fancy mooroark, ll%012c; peaches. 4c for standards. 4*4<g)4%c for choice and,f®6c for fancy;' pears, 4%@7%c; prunes, 4 size basis, 2K @2%c, with -%c preminm for the Unge sizes. .... - ..... New Fruits — Evaporated apples. 7@Bc; apri cots, BQ;9%c; moorpark, llfeli'c; peaches. i\jQ 6c: prunes. 2%@2%c, with }4@%c preminm for 40s and' %@lc premium for 30s to 40s; flgs. 3@4%c; pears, 5%@9%c. : . Raisins (1908 crop )— London layers — 2 crown. 90c;-3 crown, $1; seeded, 4%@5%c; .Thompson's seedless, 3V4c for unbleached; seedless sultanas, 2%A|3c; loose muscatels, 4c for 4 crowns. 3c for 3'crowos and 2%c.for 2 crowns. - . - \u0084' -New raisins — Layers, clusters— 6 crown, $2.50; 5 ' crown, \u25a0 $2: •4 - crown. $1.35 ; ordinary layers, 3 crown, 85c@$l; 2 crown, 90@95c; ; seeded, 4% @6c; -seedless sultanas, 3%@3%c; Thompson's Heedless,- 4c; loose muscatels, 4 crown, 4%c; 3 crown, 3%c; 2 crown. 3*4e per lb. ' Nuts — New. almonds, nonpareils, 14%@15e;. IXL, 14©14% c; ne pins ultra, 13@13%c; Drake, ll@ll%c;,languedocs, 10@10%c; oardsbells, 6% @7c; old walnuts, lie per lb for No. 1 soft shells,7c for No. 2 do; filberts, 12% ©lie; pe cans, 15@17c. Honey — Comb, 14@15e for water white and 10@12c per ; lb for amber; extracted, 7%c for water white and 6%@7e for light amber; old. candied and dark amber, 4@4%c per lb. • • Beeswax— 27% @29c per lb for light and 25@ 26c for dark. . \u25a0.-. ' . " Poultry and Gam* '. -All descriptions of : poultry \u25a0 had • a dragging tendency, yesterday, even , large young stock, which had previously been in good request at steady rates, being slow of. sale. Receipts of domestic stock were large and a portion of the car of--' western , received . on the preceding day was i still .on hand. Poultry (per dozen) — Hens. $4.50@5.50 for small, $6©T for large and $S@lo for extras; yonng roosters, $7@ 7.50; do extra large, $S@10; old roosters, $4@4.50; fryers, $ for laxge and-s4@sfor small; 'broilers. J3.23Q3.50 for large and $2.50@3 for small; ducks,; $5@7; pigeons. $1.50: squabs. $2@2.25;- geese. $I.5U@ 1.75 per pair; goslings, $1.50@1.75 per pair. " Game— Nominal. Beans and Seeda There are no. further changes to report \u25a0in this market. . * •. , Beans (per ctl) — Bayo, $4.50@5; pea, nomi nal; small white. $6.70@7; large whiter $4.50 @5; pink, $2.85©3.05; red. nominal; bUckeye, $3.25(^3.45; lima, $4.20@4.25; red kidneys, $3.50 fji^.tio; cranberry . beans, nominal; Garvaozas, $2.50@3; horse beans, $1.90@2.20. , Seeds — Brown mustard. 4@4%c: yellow mus tard) nominal; flaxseed, 4c, carload lots;, canary. 4@4&c; alfalfa, ie%@lßc; rape, cleaned, 2@ 2V-c; timothy, 6c;. hemp. 4c; millet. 3%c per lb. Dried Peas — Green, are quoted at $2.60@2.90 per ctt- •\u25a0 '-^-r^V-.v; ->:>:..\u25a0. \; Flour and farinaceous Good* . Floor — California family i extras. $O.txxa7, net without discount;- bakers' extras, $6.60Q7; snper nne, $5.50@5.70; Oregon, and • Washington,' per bbl, $5.30<gt>.50 for family, bakers* and patents and $4.75@5.25 " for . cut off; Kansas . patents, $7.70; -do straights, $7.50;' d0 clear. $7; Dakota patents, $7.75@7.95; do straights. $7 per bbi. ; Farinaceous goods — Prices la 100 lb sacks, net cash, no discount, ' are as follows: Graham, flour. $3.50 per 100 lbs; rye flour, $4; rye meal. $3.80; rice flour. $7.50; corn meal. $3.10; extra . cream do. $3.W>; oat meal. $5.20;-oat --groats, '" $3.2t>; hominy,' $3.60@3.80;- buckwheat,' floor,- $4.30; whole wheat flour, $4; rolled oats, bbls $.Sf{ in sacks $5©S; extracream do. %H in sacks and $8.50 '1u barrels; rolled wheat, bbls $5:73, In sacks ?4.25@5.25; pearl barley. $5.20; spilt peas, boxes. $5.20 for , yellow and $6.25 for ' green \u25a0 per 100 pouuds. : '*.."\u25a0-.. Hay. and Feedstuff* -'The situation continues the same, except that extra . choice .wheat is .. bringing an I ad vance: The • common \u25a0 grades . *te still weak and nedected. * Feedstuffs are unchanged. ' Bran — $29@30 per ton. for white. and |25.50@ 29 for red.-;-- - ' • Middlings — $36._50@37.30 per ton. -; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0; " \ Shorts— per ton. -•..-.-\u25a0 Feedstuffs— Rolled' barley. %51&32; rolled oats for feed. $40@41r mixed feed, -J23@30 for aTer ase lots; oilcake meal, lin 20 ton lots $38.50. in 10 ton - lots $39, in 5 ton - lots $39.50/ small lots $40; cocoannt cake or meal 'at mills. 526 In. 20 and 10 and $26-30 in -5 ton lots; Jobbing,. s27; corn , meal. $3»@40; cracked corn, $ 4Q?aHI ; al falfa meal ami. mealfalfa,. Jobbing .lota. $24. car load lots $2.5 per too: red star alfalfa meal,. s22 for carload and $23 for Jobbing lots. . - '\u25a0Hay— Wheat.' sl3tfi 18.50; wheat and oat." $12@ 16: tame * cat. $12^16: Tolunteer wild oat, $10@13; barley. . $10@ia; alfalfa, •„ $10Q13; stock bay. $i>ftlO per ton. Straw — 50675 c per bale. *;--\u25a0- '; General Merchandise \u25a0 Rags— Grain bags, : s%®s*;e; San t, Quentin bagi, s%c;?vvool baps, o-c for 3% : lb and 33c for:4 1b;- fleece 'twine, 8e per. lb.l- > . •„• Coal— Beavfr Hill. $7;: Pennsylvania anthracite efrg,lslG per ton;- Wellington. $9;. New Wellio? ton..$9;iCoos Day. 5"; Australian bouse—Rich moud. \u25a0;\u25a0 etc.. $9; ••• Pelaw Main, * $7.50; Stanford I Richmond. $s; Cumberland. . $15 in bulk and I $US.SO in sacks; Welsh anthracite. $I.; cute, f $15 , per ton -in bnlk and $18 Id sacks; Koeky j mountain coaX $!).5O "per short \u25a0 ton.' ' £ Oils^-Quotat ions .are for i barrels. j. linseed. 67c per. 1 cal loir for boiled-, and 65e i for raw ; cases.* 5e more; >eustor • oil In eases. > No." ], '71c; Baker's "AA:?si;i3@l. l3:'* China"; not. J cases. "OSSOc 'i»«r gallon ;s; s coeoanut ~ oil \u25a0la * barrels. ' «;o£jk;%c I- for "XXX; 57%®.eic for No. \u25a0 I ; anrt 33©5S,Vie for No. 2.- ; ; according to \u25a0 quantity ; extra ; bleached • winter sperm \u25a0 oil.'s 91c; .-' natural - winter ; sperm • oil, \u25a0 91c; natural" whale - oil.- 55c; -extra \ winter -strained lard.otl.'.93&SJ6c: No. 1 neatsfoot»oil. 60c;:her ring \u25a0'' oil. '40c; 1 . palmon oil,* 35c; boiled nsh oil.' S3e;<- paint oil,' 3Cm\ .--.-; . ' \u25a0- ; \u25a0_ .-',;\u25a0 ••»• t.£ Coal iOil."-"'i Oil."-"' Gasoline,' ; ete.^- Water ". white,'-* iron barrels*or ; drums. ; 10c : • 150 deg. oil. Iron > barrels or drum*.-. 11%e:- special- do, -12c; • pearl oil. in cases. 17c: > astral. 17c; \ star. *< 17c; < extra star, j 20i ; i Elaine. *"H?4c; \u25a0 eocene.': 2oc; • red -erowu \u25a0\u25a0 and motor gasoline,- in bulk in cases "2c: 'No. -1 engine .- distillate." 'in , drums;: Sc: ; N0.4 2 ?do." ,7c; cases 7c « more ; * !«5 ; deg.' ganoline. •\u25a0 In • bulk : SOe. » l u cases 37^c:' varnish 1 makers' ' and painters*, naph tha, in bnlk rile. 'ln; cases lS'ic. . ' .: :: ,-f .\u25a0Turpentine— 7lc per gallon Fn cases and &tc in bulk.'-; drums' ami" !rt>n barrel*.' • •, j .\u25a0» Rosin (per bbl of US<> Ib.«>— E. $6.50; r, $C.M; G.is6.7o:^H.^s7: :1.,57.05:- WW. 510.40. Bed 1 and : White -'.Lead— Bed. - B^sfeOc: white. Sfii^Vie per ;IK . ' \u25a0 ; , :. , " , * . 'K<'«(T»^— «V X. : Blekford's itrpHUr csires -the rwtptsjat-,t!il«;p«r» thtis"fnrrttil«;.Tear -afStS.-" S»Sliar*." ar«inst^i:^'i.'*t;.s_fur the name tim^-last rear. ".Tbp salp« from^nrs:, hands were lft4.2<X> b«^s. against ICU.toU. " The stuck in first haada August '1 was 43.051 bags, against 21.601 on the same date last year. Tb« cirenlar*says: "-• "The eontlnuod demand experienced during tbe last two months in this market leaves it stock *in \u25a0\u25a0 first bands of only 40.000 bag». com posed principally of c*ffees graded 11 cents anrt above and which remain neglected. Tbi» stork will not rafflce for current needs and \u25a0as this season l s practically over, so far an \u25a0ttlpment.4 are concerned, dealers wtll doubtlessly be forced to RMfc other «ourcea «f trapplv for the lower and medium grades. Prices remain about unchanged from those of a month ago with a somewhat stiffening tendency, on account of expected short supnlle».' Some current unwashed Salvador of very Inferior roasting Quality has beea sold at 914 cents, btit generally dealers are \u25a0 not tempted at this concession to take la rematnlnc holdings of this class, while those of " fair roasting merit can be obtained at present value. »Vi cents. The lowest v cUsse^ are in active domand and coffees grading below S cent* ar# selling freely immediately following, arrival. Spot Brazil coffees have .Witnwi »t» t .-oil In A ew York and advices report a v«ry dull and waiting market. While holders of spot stock* are enabled to secure heavy premiums for de sirable selections, buyers are strictly adhering to a band to mouth policy in taking in supplier. which they • can Import .on a decidedly lower basis. Receipts at the primary ports for tb» first month of the new crop year are 1..t53.n0n bazn against 1,073,000 bags during July lan jear. "\u25a0-..'-\u25a0 \u25a0 . ,' \u0084v--."j 1 ••Deliveries . from first hands since the Ist 1 ultimo Include: 1.7.T7 bags Costa Rica; 508 Ntc» ragna: 8.767 Salvador: 14.385 Kaatemala; I.&A Mexican and 1.«76 other .kinda; in all 25.553 bass against 7.01$ bag* last year. -- "Market doses steady wttb good demand." Costa Rica. BVi<ai3!i«"; Salvador. «iai2e: Nicaragua. 9fi*l2c; Guatemala-Mexican. 8^ 1.3 c; Hawaiian, 8@ 14 14 c: Ecuador. B>4e per pound REFINED SUGAR MARKET Tbe Western sngar refining company quotes a* follows, term* wt c.i«h: Standard granulated, fine, s.Vic:. Vic: df> coarse. 5.23 c; fruit granolatad, 5.23 c- confectioners*. A, 5.23 c: crystal domino*. In cases. 8.23 c; tablets. In half bbls. 3.73 c; tab lets. In b«ces. 6c; cubes and A crushed, 3.30 c; powdered. 5.33 c; candy granulated, 5.33 c; confec tioners' crystals. 5.33 c: magnolia A, 4.83 c; extra C. 4.75 - golden C, 4.63 c; D, 4.33 c. Bar in 100 lb bags. 5.60 c; to barrels. 3.70 c; half barrels. 5.85 c; 40 lb tins, 7*.30e: S3 lb tins. 7.30 c; 10 lb tins, $7.95 c; S lb tlas. 7.93 c; 30 lb boxes, 6.10 c. Barrels and 30 lb bags 10c. half barrel* 23c, boxes 50e per 100 lbs more on all grades. Tbe California and Hawaiian sugar reflnins company quotes as follows: Berry. 5.23 c; "Hl grade'T bar. 5.60 c; powdered. 3.33 c: A crushed. 5.50 c; C. * H. extra fine dry granulated. 5.15<. coatse dry granulated. 3.23 c: confectioners? .Wr 5.23 c; eonfectfoners* crystals. 5.33 c: en bes. 3.50*; bricks, 5.50 c; extra fine granulated (100- lb ba?s only). ; excelsior A. 4.8."5 c; extra C. 4.7.V; golden C, 4.65 c; yellow D.'4.33c:"H: &. B. erystat domlnos. 8.23 c. Additional per 100 lba: In bar' rela and 50 lb bags. 10c more; half barrels. 23c more; boxes. 30c more for all grades. Bar, In 33 lb and 40 Ib tins. 91.70 more; In 10 Ib tins, $2.33 more. Minimum order, carload weight. Hides, Tallow. Wool and Hoy* According to cable advices from Euroo».Jpr weather condltloos in England are unfavorable ' for hops, and growers are not meeting with an' success In combating , the attack of Termtn with their -spraying operations. On the ; contiaenr weather conditions are likewise unfavorable anil crop prospects have not Improved. Hides — Call?! and brands sell about *?®lc nr» der quotations. Heavy salted steera, 13Vic: ras diuci. 13c: light, 12c: cowhides. 12c for heavy. 12c for light: stags.- B%e: salted kip. 13c: salted veal, 17c; salted calf. lT%c; dry hides. 21c: dry kip, 20c; dry calf. 23c; dry Teal. 23c; dry stag*. 16c; sheepskins, shearlings. 2O'it4(:e eacb: shore wool. 50@73c eacb; medium. 75c@$l eacn; lone wool. $1.25<31.73: 1 lambs. ; Wg-'Sc: hor«ebide<>. salt. $2.25(g2.50- for large and $1.73<<|2 for ma dlum. .73c@$l for small and 20@50c for colt«: borsebides, dry. $2@2.23 for large ami $l.Js'(«._' for' medium." 50c@$ t for small and ..v^st'e for - colts; * goatskins, prime angora. 75o*tJt: lurs hair- goats. 33c; medium, 20c; small. 3@lsc: Mexican dry bides. 17 Vic: do pickled. 16e; do dr* salted. 12c; dry stags. .12c; Mexican deerskins. 1 ' So@34c; dry salted . do. 23@27c; dry Central American, 28@32c per Ib. \u25a0 • - • Tallow — No. 1 rendered. 3@3%c; No. 2. Z% 4%c; grease. 2@2%e. \u25a0 i.: . \u25a0 Wool — Nominal; none here. \u25a0 ' Hopi — Prices to growers are. S@l2e for 190* per lb, with 15@20c for contracts for new. crop delivery. _ 5-.-^. \u25a0-.'/>-\u25a0, Xew y ork - Produce NEW YORK.- Aug.' s.— Uopa— Paclflc coast. ,190?. 14@17c; 1907. 11 @Hf. \u25a0 Hides— Firm: Central American. 23§2u^4C. Wool— Steady. Petroleum— Steady. Sugar— Raw firm: fair refining," 3.55 c; con- . trifugal," 96 test, 4.08 c; molasses sugar. 3.35 c. 1 Refined steady. ; . - - * 'Coffee — Futures closed generally steady. 11JT0 unchanged to 5 jioint* higher. Sales. 13.500 bas.-". September. 5.65<55.70e; December, 3.30 c: May. 5.40 c; July, 5.43 c. Spot qniet; No. 7 Rio. 7~ir.jj 7%c; No. 4 Santos. S3i#9c. Mild* fjuiet; Cor dova, »%@l2'.ic. "Batter — Steady: creamery "specials*. 26'<i'ft2K: (official; price 26% c); creamery extras. ;2B&! " Cheese — Steady. Eggs— Steady. " '\u25a0 DRIED FRUITS -Evaporated Apples — Steady: fancy. StJOVlr: choice. S<gß%c; prime, IMfgF&C', common tv ' fair. s<S6%c. Prunes — Easier; quotatlOTM range from 2U^ to ll%c for California and from «Jc to 9c for Oregon frnlt. \u25a0 Apricots-^- Dull: choice. 10t£?10»ic; ' extra choice.. W'C: rancy, ll<Sl3c. Peaches — Firm; choice, s*4 (S6c; fancy, 7<g - Raisins — Dnll: loose muscatel, 3V.j@4V»e; choice fancy seeded. 4%fi6c; seedless, 3%@sHc: London layers, $1.15@1.20. Chtcaeo .Dairy and Produce Market CHICAGO. Aug. s.— Butter steady; creameries. 22Q2.V: dairies. 20@23%c. Ess» v steady; re ceipts, 6.818 case*; at mark, eases included., lsc; firsts. 21V.«u prime firsts. 23c. Cheese strong: daisies, /15%^ai5%e: twins. 14%(fei*%c: Younj Americas. 15%Q15%e; longborns, ISWjSWTic. Los Ancele* Market* I.OS -ANGELES. Aus- s.— Receipts '«n th« produce market were lisbt today and were ftna The cheese market waa dull, wltti slightly heavier receipts. Eastern and north ern fresh cheese Is most In demand. Frfces* of cc»» .remained nnchansed. althoocb only 2K. eases were recelred. Extra selected still ar* quotf^l at 38 cents a dozen, ranch candled at 34 cents and ease counts at 31 cents. Receipts of produce today were: \u25a0 Egga. -.!*. cases- butter. 21.518 pounds; , cheese. 1..k»"2 pounds; potatoes. «07 sacks: onion*. 41 sat-ks: beans, none; sweet potatoes, none; apples, jl- E??*— Extra selects. S6c: local ranch, cai dled, firsts. 3*c; case count, 31c; eastern.- ffesn. y °Butter— Creamery, " extra, «2^ie; , creamery. fir»t«. 60c: «-o«»king butter. 25>. . Cheese— Northern fresh, tT,«-i@lSc: . anchor, lar-e 20c • anchor Y«ranr' Amfrfc*. 21c; tian-l -« cheese, anchor brand. 22c: eastern singles. IS'jc; pattern twins. :IS lie: eastern euecldars,, l.c; eastern longhorn. li>'-ic: eastern dai*y. ISe: swiss, imported. SOc: swiss. douiestic,. tOe: bruk cream.' 20c;- limburger. 20c: imported noquefort. 42c^ Edaia. SS-37 size, case ot 12. $-*l.softi!»; German breakfast; $1.10 box: -Neufcnatet. $1.20 box: Sierra.; $1.10 ;box; Canada cream. 1 dozen to box. 95c; Schlosakase, $1 box; , Catnambert. $120 box: Oregon cheese. 18c. Beans— NoY 1 pink. $3.50: No. J Ihnas. $44S 4 50- Lady Washington. $5.23; .' small whlt^. *6.5<>' 1 a.75': blackeyea.- $3.30; GarTaußas. $t.50; lentils. German, $»; do California. $5.... -Potatoea-^Hlghland*. .$1.35: sweets, yellow, local.- s3;' new potatoes. 51.23S 1.30. . ... - MISCELLIAXEOUS aiARKETS . Cotton Market \u25a0 NEW YORK. Aug. 5. — Hotton'a wire sax*: 'The .Tery nervous undertone : waa again appar ent in .the local \u25a0 cotton \u25a0 market, and very strung Interests are now appearing on both • sides. .. Lli erpool-was considerably higher than anticipated, and the early weatlier map showed a contlnu xtioa of the dry hot condition in Texas, but tb« local market ignored .the features. . \u25a0 "After, the opening,' howefer, prices began to drop somewhat quickly. . Bears were aggressive and sold <iuite- freely, but when prices' got dow a within 2. to, 4 points of 'the 12c marfe - resist ance was met and the market showed a mod erated rally. " The report* from Texas, were bull ish regarding crop conditions. It being claimed that the ,c-Top Is deteriorating rapidly oa ac count-of the lack of moisture, and' some au thorities are now estimating that- that *tat«* will not raise two ' million bales. While tner* has been rather; too much -rain In the eastern ' sections, the crop advices, aside from Texas, are ffenerally of a more satisfactory nature. - Too demand •\u25a0 for spot continue* small. •The feeling here Is badly mixed. Toe mar ket-i» largely la the hands of powerful traders and'they are doing about as they like with It. After a 75 point break in two day» the small operators have been pretty wetl shaken, oat an«l the ' market Is in • a healthy po*'tl«» from their I»oint of view .Weather condition* are about the - name. \u25a0 hot - there is too, much rain In the ea*tem - part " pf the ; belt and Texan l«» stilt very dry." There', seem* t» he a. feeling that new cotton will be. for sale In the market In Oi^ Lf. HUTTON &CO. 100 California . *t. . Tel. Dooslaa 2487 . St. Francis Hotel Tel. Douglas 3852 Memliers New York Stock Exchange I'ioneer House Private Wire to Chicago and * 1 .\eW York yk.,K. MULCAHY. Manager *•';