Newspaper Page Text
hfit three weeks and tbe spinners with a good vtock 00 ligoj are not eoSBg 10 entir the m»r •ket at these prices and that there will be a lot -or bedjre wiling ajrainet this new cotton." A Liverpool cable ears: "Distinctly more b-is-ness iv Maacbetter «n the decline in cot ti»n. * - - r,i A v* rw i. Orlpan * wi "> cays: . "Texas v and OUahnta. hnrt past redempUon. General posl tnw of cotton more acutely bullish than for 20 j-ear*-. - One of the best planters in Missiselppl, who .1 . Z*** 1 ?!. 1 ** y * Jn 'Texas,- wrtte-j to the effect »hat It will take from S to 10 acres In the latter state to make a bale of cotton. W rather M saa dry. $'•"' cln «^ «eadr. Mirtd!inp nplands. 12.60 c; -Bi<sdUug -gulf. 12.&*. Sales, none. COTTON FITfJHES Option-. Op*n Ilirt \u25a0 Low Clmf £"* vf \ 12.15 c 32.1fic 12.10 c 12.1 Cc 12.02 c 12.02 c 12.02 c* 12.13 c ££**\u25a0; ".12c 12.17 c 12.00 c 12.1.V l't*mt*r 12. »:»-- 12.22 c 12. 0.V 12.20 c i"? uarr 121S; 12.22 c 12.04 c 12.1 V: \r J rT • 12.1f1c V";, 12.1Tc 12.24e 12.06 c 12.22 c Ami .; i" "lc M*-yM *-y .12.120 12.23 c 12. i6c 12.23 c SL. tVoal* Wool Market «T. IX)IIR. Au*. 5.— W00l steady: territory • nfl vrwtern «*)->dinnis. 25«?25c; fine medium, 22 C2sc: fine. ISTiiJV. a^a«tern Llvratock Market \u25a0_- OMAHA OMAHA. Any. IS.— Cattle— Receipts. 1.500 »: p »d; ns;k.-i active aad ""troiiger. Western f'.-^rn. t?..,V><-|.V.Vj : 'IV\a« »tr,. rs . $30.-i: range <-»«•-- aid Ivifor*. fr.7r.5r4.46: ranners. f2<33: •-. or-krns and f*<rder*. Jf2.7r.y5.10: calves. f3.25 ,1g \u25a0>.«.": bu*!* Jim] sias«. $2.7553 4.75. fT«C« Itu-Liptt; 6>oo head: market steady to I«c hi-rl:->r. Hpsvt. $7.45fii7.70: mixM. $7.50(0 «.'CT: light-. $7.7i0*-ir.7«: i>igs, $6.25(37.25; bulk of-<sjile*. *7.W<ii7.Cs. f sb«T>— l>o«»ints. fi.2o(-> h»>sd: market steady, ?4.75t|5.35: wether*. Sirgi.SO: ewes. *1..v©4.50; latab*. $<J.50<g7.40 KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY. Aug. s.— Cattle— Receipt •. 6.0(-0 head: market rteady to strong. Native fto»ts. |4.5<'g.7.r<0; native cows and heifer*. 5J.2-r.-a7: stackers «tid feeders. *3g5.25: buUs. f i€ 4.23: oslves. J3.750T: western steers. $4.23 \u26664/«-25r western rows, $2.65®4.50. Hoss— Receipt--, S.OOO h**d: market BglOe riigher. Bulk or Bales, $7.6067.^5: packers and t-ufner*. $6.70§5.75; Ught. $7.5067.80; pigs. f<>.rJlo 7.40. - Sbf^jy— Rw^lpts. 3.000 head: market -"teaav. Muttons. S4CS: lambt-. 55.50«55.7r»: ranee weth ers. $3.50@5.25; range ewes, $3. 2564.85. Xe-*r York Metal Market NEW YORK. Ang. 5.— A decline in the F.njr lii-h tin market to £123 for spot and £131 10s for futures was followed by a sonM>-«rbat e*«ier l«al market, with spot closing at 29.50 c. The m-tal rx.-hao-r-' rpported a »al* of 75 tons for N«iTDiN>r «sellvrry at 2».30Q20.40c. The markf-t for standard copper on the New lork m»tal e-rcharge was a Kbade lower, but \u25a0itm+A f.esrlr in too* with standard spot Quoted «t 12.r^<-xi2.7.V. s«i». s were reported of — ions -frtr NoTemW drliv->rr at 12.80 c. Closing lir-Wii for Angtist. 12.70<?12.7.V: Soptemhef, 12..5«iJ2.K7 1 ir: Onolwr. J2.50(b12.!>0«- XoT»m r*r. 12.**7H«512.t»C'; Der»ml*r. 12.32 l -i'gl3.a>. «>Mt.«id<» cf ihe exrbitnre local dealers wrrf cnot- Inr lak»> at ir..l2>i«Tl3..V^ : electrolytic. 12.756 13.12U<": cjcTirj. 12.624ei2.fi0r. * Ttw London market was' a little lower, with \u25a0p-st cjuotM at £56 Us 3d and future"! at £3!» 10s. X.f»4 was tmrhtnyvd at £12 J0« tn Ixradon. Th» lo^ni mitrk'-t ws* steafiy ar 4.25«4.-*Wc. <tprlxr<r -ariis unchan-red at £22 in the London "market. «nd while ir romain<»d firm local*v riur^rs an<l fliers **ei7tei\ further apart, with ipct <j«ot"»<l at ".35-aS.7.V:. The EnglUh iron market wa« un"-hnn":e<l. with Cleveland warrants qaot«*d at 43s 7tid. Locally tte markrt was steadr. '•^\u25a0T-tl -Stores — Turpentioe and ROIII • SAVANNAH. Aug. s.— Spirits of turpentine \u25a0r.rtn at 50 cents; *a!es 3iO: shipments, 61; sales, Ro*ln Srm: sa!es. 2.5-C5; rtyeipts, Z. 253; ship tncnt-i. Til: stork. 14XS01. Quote: B. J3(g3.10; P. tZ.SQ: E, $i..V,(?i3.C«: F. $-i.SO: G. J3.65; It".* 4 * %: V *"> W*, K. $4.55; M. *j65.20; N, ?5.Ci; »VG. «.45: WW. $6. ~ REAL ESTATE TRA..XSACTIOXS E. J. Hsnses to Albert Meyer. lot in S line of California street, 32:6 TV of Seventh avenue, TV 12T» t>r S lno. and one other piece; $10. - P#srl Mat well (formerly Tildcot to Gustave C. Spaeth aiwl wife. lot in S line of Clement • nre*t.' S2:« L' of T*n cnty-foarth arenue, E 'Si by S 100; $10. Sophie r>fci£ to IValtrr C. Fiebig. lot ia F. line of Florida street, I*3 N of Twenty-Cm, N i 5 t>y E otto-. $io. • J<»e Bsptista aad wifp to Georjce Ullrich, lot In X line of Il^yr-s street, 137:0 1; of Lyoo, E &2:»» by X 137:6: $10. A*y A. ] U.". iot.. to Clarenor F. Dickenson. ; lot in S I:dc of Point Locos avenue, 10ti:3 E of: 'int-nty-fim. t: -i^S by S 100; $10. Jcim KinVrl and wife to TV. 11. Inpc'*. lot ia 5 line of Pine street, 40 W of Monroe, W 40 by 6 66:6; $10. ' .'*::.f » L. Flood to Union tract company of San J'raiscl*co. lot at NE corner of California and Iwris ctreei*. E-43:U». N eS:9. E 43:10. N SSO1; W »1:8. S 91: is $10., Jaiues U. Foilis and Union trust company to 3.-.»rPs H. v;. Foll'.s et al.. same. Margaret E. <le Vecthi et al. to Adolpa B. Eprr.-keU. same; $10. S. Tmcas (flttptry tn O»car \Malm<]nUt. lot 4n St\" line of Moaot Vcnioa avenne, 42 SE of LouisN-Tt street. SE 3*3:3 by J?W 100; $10. Emrra A. Andrn<un to John Stormon and wife, lot 111 S War- of Dnncaa street, 123 E of Dolores, E 23 by S 114; $10. E. CL Heller to David Lowenstein, half inter est in lot io N line of Jackson street, 137: CTV ©f Ma-K>n. \V 23 by N G«:9: $10. • Frederick H. Meyer and wife to Bertha Bonn fceim. lot io TV line of Devisadero street, 20:8U yof Sacrmraento, N 01 :« by TV 110: $10. Sol Get* & Sons to Fel!z Sebaefer et *1.. lot in TV lin»> of Forty-third avenue, 100 S of S •tr»et. X 23 by W 120; $10. . Ms-Ki H. Waterbury to John Gallagher, lot in y line of Fultoa street, 143H W of M» sonic • venue. N 394*2% to Matrmic cemetery, NW to land con rf .red ty frantor axd George A. VTater btiry to Mauls Perieh; $10. Unto K. aad Mildred Cssher to Benjamin S : ?»r-"'h. lot In E line cf Erkson wort. 161 X Cf T"«*t «r»>et. X 0:6 by TV 40: $10. M*ira Drmr*oy t« Lcke Dempsey, '.{..of lot In *> linr of Greccwich ftreet, 200 TV of Buchanan, TT 23 by X 120: $10. Anaftatia H»lfy to Sp<»Bcer Orant. lot in E Jin* of Lparenwortß street, 100 X of Pacific, »v 20 by E O: $10. Spenr-er Grant to Weftprn investment com "pacv. lot In X line of Leavecwortb street, 100 S of l"acinc, X 20 by E «8: $10. Fsbiao A. < aliatrn and wif«> to Morris Mll |fr. lot ia X line of Twenty-sixth street. 148:8 g\ of Castro. TV 22:10 by X 114; $10. Era Tapper io City and County of San Fran ris<.-o. lot in E line of Chnrrb street. 141 X of Elrbteenth. X 27 by E *&, and one other p.^ \u25a0«• : $10. Henry Antr aa<l wif» to Anna M. Howes, lot Jn S line of /"lay strert. r^;» \v of Leavenworth, ,%V 25 :» by S 102:6; $10. Tbe Anglo California "bank ltd. to Anglo Cal ifornia- troft company, lot on RW corner of |>>visaaero and Ecdy streets. S 23 by TV 100; 610. ; Sol Getz i Son« to Otto Bromer and wife, lot in E Hoe of Twelfth aresc«, 250 S of.X, £ 25 by E 120: $10. Lillian M. Drisooll to Sol Gets fc Sons, lot en Sff oornpr of Madrid street, 125 STY Brazil *v»na^. STI- 23 by XTV 1W); $10. C. TV. McAfee to Jennie Foffel. lot ia S liae rf Montana street, 100 W of Plymouth. TV £5 by S 123: $10. Jasnes B. Xewsom to Bessie A. Xewsom, lot In S? corner of Esmcralda and Cterubasco streets, 6TV 23 by SE 70: jrift- O«T« TV. Hori^an to Anna M.^'Tlooa ' et aL, ii lot in E line of Hyde street, 110 S cf Val lejo. 6 27:6 by E 93.-O; $10. A Faiauano and wife to Salvatore Sanfl tippo. lot Sl3. gift map I: $10. <!nstar Maiawald to Mary McEee, lot 23, H«ck Q. Park Lane tract 3: $10. John If. *irsdy and wife to Annie Gellespie. Jot. In NE line of Madinon rtreet. 125 XTV of Tel«a. XW 25 by XE 120: $10. Jainn Reavey to Jane Ueavey. lot la X line of Freelon strwt, 130 STY of Fourth, STY 23 t>v s 1*7:6: rift. ' Bernard Hemming and wife to Xicsolas Hem tQins and wife, lit in X line of Twenty-foorth Street. 123 TV cf I>iamoad. TV 25 by N 114: $10. Tbe Atsrlo Callfnrnian b-mlc to-C. X. Wolfe, lot in TV line of Treat avenue. 275 S of Xlne twafh s -*»t, S 75 by TV 122--3, and four other pieces; JlO. Buildins Contract* Thomas Tippftt with Higginson Jt.Tate com- Baay— -To erect a two story and basement frame building In X- line of Nineteenth street, 260 TV of Cburcli. '2s t'T 11*; $4,750. D.' Moacone with O. Jlossolcttl — To . erect a two *iory and basement frame building in N line of O"»tnnt street. 175 E of Laguna, 25 b» IS7:C: "t5.273. — "jonn Haanajond with CharlPs H. HorU— To t r--<t a two st>>rr and basement concrete and \u25a0brick iwilfiinr in TV line of Front str«?t. 66:8 B at Sacramento. S 2-", by W 57:6: % 10. -"',o. "miite Invpsunent comp-iny J. G. Sutton A: Co.— Uoctrlc 11-rhtins. .power *y*tem*. «od telephone wlriiis for a 10- story class A bnild lns at NIC corner of California and Battery etrVWs. X SS-C »-y X.e2:,52.720. • nmroellnc IJ. Bates with;E. C. Bletch— Alter rii'T.« and ad<i:tiotu> : to a frame ttuildin-; in s lln* of Cl«r:«tr» l et. 131i3 E of Scott, S 127:SU fcr E 45i?1.49rt. .\u25a0Dai«=r B. and Jason Could with R. n.~- Ban rinx — T« --wet » two tit try. aad hasement bttlld- Jns in V lio# of Twenty -first avenue. 230 S of Ijiie «*»*(. N 2*"S by TV 120: 13.537. Matthew Smifb with SlapqnUt & Forbe»_nx niTatln-:. lvu)kb»aijln»:. and <^»aap»'t-» work for r rwo ctriry a-Kl bai^roect brtck hatldinr in S line ef -. EU is street., 37 :6 _W of Hyde, XV ; SO by S to: 1 111 iCTijiiy'tTiwiiy ilwwMMWiMiiiiii Trunk Pellican*. DfUK'treo Bobino'wlth A. V. t!r*w« Si Co. — To wet a thr»« , *tory _ f rame r^ilMinr In TT-lfn«- of Cbestnnt street, N;23, V S3. S 23; J1.710. Arrar Tran«port» .Tfc» Jjngtn, homeward boo ad. ' sailed August 3 frmii Hotioluln. , , - • . Tfe* Crook if ! n port. " •-\u25a0'\u25a0'. "« Tb* Euford sailed Acgust 3 from Seattle for |J«uUa. . :•--; ' * The PH*rmaß Is ia port. Tfce W*rron ft at M'^tla.'VfwHpwHH The fh^ridan sailed for Manila Aujrost 5. :: The Th«tn»». outward UMind, taiJed July 13 KORE A SAILS FOR ORIENTAL PORTS Liner With R. P. Schwerin on Board Is Hustled Away Half a Minute Ahead of Time Crowded with passengers, but carrying a light cargo, the Pacific mall liner Korea, Captain IS. Faadberg, sailed yesterday for the far east. R. P. Schwerin, rice president and general man ager of the company, was a passenger, and it may hare been on that account that the * dock officials, dry ryed and cheerful, «>nt the liner away with a promptness that anticipated j the official sailing hour, by at least half a minute. The liner made a pretty departure and by fire minutes past 1 was Ecooung down the bay headed for the e£a. Erery berth on the liner was takes. Among the passengers were many well known Honolulu peopie going home and »ome local: people bound t tor Honolulu. Among the latter were Mrs. i Julius Kruttschnitt awl Miss Uebeeca Krutt 1 schnitt; Mrs. It.. l\ Schwerin, her little \u25a0 daughter Arabella and her son Hichard -do - C. i S<-hweriu; Mrs. M. 11. dr Voting:, the Misses Kathleen and I'tylUs dc Vooog and M. 11. tie Young. In the Asiatic steersge, carefully' Isolated and rarrounded by every precaution that medical science ' ctmld suggest, was the Chinese | leper who was discovered iv the detention shed a lew days ago mid ordered deported. -The, danger of infection Irotn a cane of leprosy is not re garded as seriouo, but in this instance no chance* were taken. Tbe Korea's passengers included: FOR HONOLULU Mrs. M. E. Alexander |Miss CarlotU Moyer K. O. Bailey |\V. T. McFie/ Wtrd Baxter |C. T. Murray A. M. Belueld JMiss M. O'Connor Mrs. 11. BUnehard (Lieutenant C. b. Owen. E. C. Bradley | U. S. M. C. Mrs. E. C. Bradlfi jC. V. Platt . Dr. B. P. Brodie I Mrs. C. I. Platt Mrs. B. P. Brodie |W. C. Randall Harry Brans - - |Mrs. W. C. Randall H. F. Dutton I Miss K. Renton Mrs. H. F. Dutton | Captain F. F. Bobards, Leßoy M. Edwards | U. S. M. C. Mrs. J. L. Gullck jMfcs K. Robertson Miss J. Uustafsoa iW. T. Schmidt Miss L. R. Haas R. P. Scbwerin A. L. Hall Mrs. R. P, Schwerin Mrs. A. L. Hall j and 2 maids I\ T. Hannigan I Miss Arabella Schwerin Mrs. P. T. Hannlgan- Maoter Richard de C. and infant j Schwrrin Mrs. George Lyons |W. Scarby Mis- 1,. M. Hosmer |W. H. Smith John Kidwell j Mrs. M. &. Thompson, 3 Mrs. F. T. Kong | children and maid Miss A. L. KoDg (Mrs. E. C. Threlfall Mrs. Julius Krutuohnltt A. T. Trainor and maid I». L. Withington M'.ss ti. Kruttschnitt ,C. Wolters. iufant and Miss M. Leßrun : amah Miss Mary Ley M. 11. de Young W. A. Lotc Mr*. M. U. de Young Mrs. TV. A. Lot* j and -maid Captain J." MeArabie Miss K. de Young Mrs. TV. T. McFic j Miss P. de Young YOKOHAMA Miss L. A. Bend and' Sydney Haywood maid (Hubert Henry, Miss B. Bend IJames Mitchell Re». A. T. Brown 1 Mrs. James Mitchell Mrs. A. T. Brown {Master M. Mitchell Mits M. O. Cammack |MUs M. MltcheU J. J. M. Carst • I D. O. Mcßae » Mrs. J. J. M. Carst [Miss J. Perry Max Gebauer j Robert A. Ross H. S. Glesmer Sir Edward Stracey Ret. Allen K. Fau«t Miss E. J. Tweedie •* Mrs. Allen K. Faun Miss S. L. Wicdner Master L. M. Faust (Miss Dorothy Whitney Miss C. Feurtner and maid Miss Lora Howe jProf. Frank H. Wood Misc M. E. Harlow Mrs. L. E. Wilkinson KOBE Ml*s L. Campbell Master L. Gait Miss G. 1.. I'svis Mi«s I). Gait j Rer. W. , A. Daris Miss U. Holstrom Mrs. W. A. Daris !Dr. E: M. Kent M. B. Daris (Mrs. E. M. Kent Master 11. I- Daris [Miss Anna M. McKee I>r. A. G. Fletcher Miss Mary Mackenzie H. S. Gait Miss E. F. Plummer Mrs. H. S. Gait - Miss Grace Stewart MUs Mabel Gait ! . SHANGHAI j EeT. J. W. Bradley A. T; HueckeadorlT ' 1 Mrs. J. W. Bradley K. H. King Master H. Bradley Dr. C. L. Ly6n Mrs. Laura Basn-ell Mrs. C. L. Lyon M. R. Charles Dr. Maud Mackey Mrs. M^. R. Charle*_ Mrs. Alice McCaslln Miss G. R. Charles H. J. Post Miss M. H. Charles R. A. Sawyer Jr. Miss U M.- Collier. C- E. Whlttlesey Miss M. E. Dougherty Mrs. C. E. Whlttlesey- Miss S. Exmes j. HONGKONG R." E. Bakenhns I Mrs. J. M. Mask in Mrs. R. E. Bakenhus P. W. McClintock Bret H. Baldwin • Mrs. P. W. McCltntock Ml» A. C. Barton Master G. McClintock W. H. Dietrich • A. J. O'Mall^y G. C. Delmar M'.fs Helen O'Malley Victorian" Elicano Miss Anne O'Malley M. H. ElUott Miss Alice J. O'Malley Miss Violet Fisher M!«s Hannah K. O'Mal i. W. Gallagher ley E. C. Hammer Mi*s E. G. O'Malley Mrs. M. HargreaTes Miss Nellie Prescott Miss F. Hore -Miss E. H. Reppert Miss X, Howell (Miss E. G. Bodes Miss F. Howell Miss B. M. Spencer C W. Hngbes - R. Strong \u25a0 -••*' Mrs. M. G. Jones E. J. Weeks ; Mott Kelslar C. H. Wick* Mr*. Mott Kelilar and Mrs. S. H. Wilbur Infant - L. M. Wilcoxson Miss Bessie Law ton S. Wolff Dr. T. M. Li s Harry A. Wright J. M. Mackln |Yunp Kwal JOIN AT HONOLULU Mrs. C. P. Bliss JW. L..Hnbbard W. T. Crenshaw I.V. Osborne Mrs. W. T. Crenshaw iMrn. N. Osborne Mrs. L. K. Dunhama JMrs. G. B. Stewart O. Funcke CAEGO BHEAKS DOWN DECK Th<» British ship Pegttns. which arrived July 7 from Antwerp with a large cargo of general merchandise, will be towed today to Moore & Scott's Oakland shipyard to hare its 'tween decks pnt back in place. In 'loading the ship at Antwerp a big ship ment of steel blooms was stowed on the 'tween decks. The freight -was bearler than the'deck was strong, and with the working of tbe ehlp during tbe long Toyage tbe stanchions support ing the deck buckled, six steel beams broke and tbe deck settled down in some places as much as four feet. Moore & Scott hare been awarded tbe contract to straighten the bent stanchions and replace the broken beams. ;"•'\u25a0> - - CAPTAIKEO-WABD CELEBRATES AT HOME Captain Edward Howard, 'probably tbe oldest master mariner on the Pacific cooast and , one of the oldest in the world, celebrated.- on Wednesday, , the sixtieth annlrersary of his de parture from this port with a shipload of gold" laden passengers bound for New \u25a0 York -by way of tbe isthmus of Panama."./. .•- Captain Howard for -many years celebrated this anniversary by visiting, the Merchants', ex change, digging up a- few old cronies and swap ping reminiscences. Shortly after his last visit he fell down a | flight of stone stairs in Oak land and has sot been ~ very nimble - since, so this year be celebrated at home. If Captain Howard lives until next March, and be says he will and then some, he will be $S years | of age. NIPPON MARU IS DUE TODAY . The Japanese liner Nippon Mara Js due today and Is expected to reach . port early ' this fore noon. The - liner Is bringing about 2.500 tons of oriental - f reighht, 25 cabin passengers and about 40 Asiatics In the steerage. According -to a wireles* \u25a0 received - from the liner the Nippon was 400 miles away at 8 p. m. August 4. At the same hour the day before the liner was £10 mles away. _ This means that, the Nippon Is ' making more than -400 --miles a day. and 'it, this epeed .is maintained will * be* In port early this morning. MAEIPOSA WILL SAIL TODAY The Oceanic steamship ' company's linrrMsri posa. Captain Hayward, will sail today for Tahiti «t 11 o'clock. a. m. ; The liner will carry about 70 passengers, : most of them tourists. mak- 1 leg the' round trip -between here and* Papeete. R. W. Larritt and . family of Los Angeles, who will be passengers on the liner, will go as far as - WeHlngton. N. Z.. «nd will return by way of Tahiti in a few months. TEEASTOE OX THE KOREA Although - the - liner - Korea, which sailed ye*. terday for the orient, carried a 'small cargo, the big 'steamship's treasure room • was stacked \u25a0 with gold and silver-bullion valued at $2.134.552. The gold, of which there was J 1, 928,835. Is for Kobe. The silver is . for Hongkong, Shanghai and Calcutta.' ... ' ' \u25a0" - ' \u25a0 SANTA EOS A CARRIES MANY PASSENGERS -The Pacific cooast ; steamship company's Santa Hosa, Captain Alexander,^sailed v yesterday , for coutheru California ports - with *• a \u25a0 large number of passengers, among , whom '. were: : ; \u25a0*. — . . /• P. L. \u25a0 Reeves, : wife and daucbter; ; L. R. Fer gn»on. Miss H. Sloan, .Miss 11. A. Waite. XV. Haley and wife,*; Mrs.": S.vJT. : Lane, ,'A. B. Willis; wife and daughter, G. Olmstead, \u25a0 F.*- B. " Rogers •nd wife, , A. H. Bullion ;and wife, Mr«. M.' Henry. J. M. Durm and. wife, R. , N. Jamison and. wife. ; , ' ', • WATEE FRONT HOTES . The Pacific mail Ilqer Manchuria left Shangbai W«lnesday! for -this port. , -\u0084• -.-. ; •-The s freighter . Riverside Wednesday from Salina Cm* for San Diego.; •", \u25a0--- ' .= ".Tbe Pacific -mall liner' Pennsylvania, "home-; ward bound from ' Panama and- dae here Sunday, was. 790' miles ' south of this- port, at mldnijut August 4. . • . , - Beeelptu of lumber yesterday by < sea 'amounted to 2.150.<hp0 fret. <33 tBt0Bmf9^KBfttegmi .The steamer Admiral Sampson, of .the : Alaska Pacific~*teamship company, : arrived | yesterday 1 05 boors. from Seattle \u25a0\u25a0 with a- full 'complement of paesengerß.' h The -Admiral Sampson will sail 1 to day- for Los' Angeles. r : \u25a0-"; .;-;. * v .. ' Tbe ;1 EHUeh ships*- Olticbnrn >. and \u25a0 Cromn'on both ; on i, Pnget : eoond^are ; chartered |for wheat thence to Europe at 27s 6U. " ' -_-. : -. > THE SA* M?AyCISC6' GALL, SVTJGUST '6; 'lOTO; Carries Littele Cargo, But Many Passengers MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVE -" ' V From * | Steamer {Date" Honolulu Pleiades :::... Aug. 6 San Pedro ...:......-.. Shasta ........ Aus*. 6 China & Japan. ........ Nippon Mam. .. Aug. 6 Puget Sound Ports..... Umatilla .....: Aug. • 6 San Diego & Way , Ports Governor . . .'. .'. Aug. 6 Coquille River .. . Elirabeth ..... Aug. 6 Portland & Astoria..*.. Yosemlte ...... Aug. 7 San Pedro .. ...... J. "B. Stetson;. Aug. .7. Portland & Way Ports. G.* W. Elder... Auk. 7 Grays* Harbor "..*..".... IG.1 G. Lindauer T. Aug.";V.B Salina Cnu.'..; (Mexican :..'... Aug.. S Grays Harbor ..... .V. [Santa ~ Monica.. Auc. S Grays :H«rbor"'.: .. Chehalls ...... Aug. 8 Grays Harbor Newburg \u25a0 . . . . . : Aug. .. S N.* York- via -Acapulco. Pennsylvania .. Ang. S Puget Sound Ports.. ... President "..'.'.. Aug. .' 8 Mendocino & Pt. Arena Sea Fcam .;:. Aug. ; S San Pedro .'. Santa Barbara.. Aug.- 3 Hnmboldt ............. F. A. Kilburn.. Aug. « Portland & Astoria.... Nome City ... Aug. 0 San Pedro... Hanalel . .. Aug. 8 Portland & Astoria State of Cal... Aug. 8 Los Angeles Ports..... Ad. Sampson... Aug.' 8 San Pedro & Way Ports Coot Bay .... Aug. 0 San Diego & Way Port* Santa Rosa ... Ang.. 8 Uumboldt ............. City.oX Topeka. Aug. 10 Seattle 4c. Tacoma..... Watson Aug. 10 Honolulu Lurline . : . .... Aug. 11 ; Hllo Enterprise .... Aug. 1 1 San Pedro G. W. Elder. .. Aur. 12 • Point Arena & Albion. iPomo ......... Aug. 12 Coos Bay ..\M. F. Plant. .. Aug. 12 \ TO SAIL •\u25a0. -• Destination | Steamer | galls [Pier August 8— -.' I . \u0084 \u25a0 ; I ' I Grays Harbor .. ..JWesterner .1 5 pmj.... Belliugham ... \u0084..|Sha«ta ... ..( J pmj.... Tahiti direct Mariposa ... 11 «m : 7 Los Angeles Ports Ad. Sampson 10 am 20 Humbcldt F. Kilburn. . 10 am 13 August 7—7 — Los Aneeles Port*.'.... i Yosemlte '... 2 pm . 2 Grays Harbor ....... •. San Jaclnto. Spa..:. Seattle direct ... i Tallac ..... 3pm 7 Humboldt Ravalll 12 m 2 Coquille River ....•;.. Flfield ..... spm 2 Honolulu Alameda ... 11 am - 7 Mexican Ports.... . Curacao ....110:30a Jl Pnget Sound Ports; Governor .'..1 2pm iJ Astoria tt Portland..... Rose City... 11 am 40 Los Angeles Ports G. W. Elder 5 pm 13 Humboldt ' Vanguard .. lpm 2 Coos Bay ...;.... M. F. Plant. 3pm 8 Point Arena &. Albion.. Porno 6pm 2 Humboldt City Topeka . lO.SOa 11 Seattle & Tacoma J. B. Stetson .... .... Coqnille River ... Elizabeth ... •... . 18 " Humboldt North. Fork.. 5 pm 20 August 8 — Los Angeles Ports Chehalls ..' August $ — Astoria & Portland.... Claremont .. .... .... Grays narbor S. Barbara.. 4 pm • 2 New York via Ancon.. Saa Jose ... 12 n> 40 San Diego 3c Way Ports President .. 2pm 8 August 10— • Seattle k Tacoma |Lakme 1 pm 20 Los Angeles Ports iHanaM .... ." pm 7 Hawaiian Ports .. Pleiades ...12 m 23 I*u?-Jt Sound Ports..... Umatilla ... 2pm 9 Seattle & Tacoma Ad. Sampson 1 pm 20 August 11 — San Pedro & Way Port* Coos Bay .. "2 pm 11 Grays Harbor Newburg "... 3pm 7 Mendoctno & Pt. Arena Sea Foam... 4pm 4 August 12 — Portland &. Way Ports. G. W. Elder 1 pm 13 Grays Harbor S. Moulra.. . 3pm 7 San Diego A Way Porti»|Santa Rosa.. lO.SOa 9 TO S.AIL FROM SEATTLE Destination 1 Steamer \ Date Nome & St. Michael... Jefferson; ...... Aug. 7 Skagway & Way Ports. St. Cr01x. ...... Aug. 8 Valdea. & Seward . . . . i . Portland Aug. S Seward & Way Ports.. A. G. Lindsay. Aur. 10 Skagway & Way Ports. Dolphin ,:...... Aug. 13 Skagway & Way Ports. Hun-boldt ..... Aug. 15 Nome & St. Michael.. San Mateo ... Aug. 15 Valdez & Seward .. Northwestern .. Aujc. 16 Valdez & Seward Ohio Aug. 24 Time Ball United States branch j hydrographic office. Mer chants' San Francisco, August 5, moo. •- . - The time ball on the , roof of tbe Fairmont hotel was dropped today exactly at noon. Pacific standard time (I2oth meridian) , or at So. 00m. 00s., Greenwich mean time. - J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant, U. S. N.. in charge. Sun, Moon and Tide United States coast and jreodetlc survey — Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city front (Mission street wharf) add 25 minutes. FRIDAY. AUGUST 6 \u25a0..:-\u25a0:.\u25a0. Sun rises ' \u25a0. .. .... -\:i»s Sun- sets ??... 7:15, Moon rises ..10:25 p. m. Last quarter m00n. :.... 8, at 4:01 \u25a0rm. New moon .August 15. at 3:40 p. a. I'i.iiae ;Xlme taiffiel ~ Jllme| An. I — : — Ft Ft f \u25a0 Ft I Ft * |H W LWf jH w( LW( «•- 2^:40 4.a 8:48 o.S 3:30 5.4 0:40 Ti 7.. 3:50 4.4 &:34 1.5 4:15 6.4 10:40 1.3 8.. 5:22 4.2 10:20 2.1 5:00 5.5 11:55 0.9 9.. 6:57 4.0!ll:20 2.8 5:53 5.7 .. L W |H W .. LW i H W 10.. 1:07 0.4 8:17 4.0 12:20 3.0 0:47 R.S 11.. 2:01—0.1 JJ:2» 4.2 1:25 3.3 7:43 sft 12.. 3:07—0.4 10:20 ,4.4 2:30 3.3 8:37 6 0 U. S. Branch Hydro^raphie Office A branch of the United States hydrographlc office, located in the Merchants' Exchange, is maintained in San Francisco, for the benefit of mariners, without regard to nationality and free of expense. Navigators are cordially invited to visit the office. - where complete sets of charts and sailing directions of the world are kept at hand for comparison and reference • and the latest information can always be obtained re parding lights, dangers to navigation and nat ters of interest to ocean commerce. J. C. BURNETT. Lieutenant, U. S.N., In charge. HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE Depth at mean low. water, entrant to harbor. PLACE | Ft. 1 Date | p.emarks ' Grays Har| 19 jJnlr 7|Cbannel getting bro"ao>r «.,« « «- . . No change in channel; Wlllapa B 27 July fe 1C ft. M. L. W. In channel to Sooth "'\u25a0 ' * Bend. ; . Colom R.| 25 |Jone S|U. S. engineer KurveyT Nehalm It 3 i JB& lnR south; 500 feet , ' very narrow. \u25a0 \u25a0 ' Depth of 8 feet at low Tillmk B. 9 Apr. 30 water In channel to ' I Garibaldi. Yaqulna Bl 14 IJune 2lChannel nar ro w and II I shifting to sonthwcßt. b| StAJjuly I °^ C \& U % I I -" gnlch Icadg over- bar. Umpqua Rl 10 (July 1 Channel in good condl" \u25a0-I I I -, „ „ . 12 feet at low water to Coos Bay. 17 Aug. 1 North, Bend:, 11 feet at \u25a0 low . w a t c r 'to * - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 -^Marshfleld. COQullle Rl 5 - Uuly l {Channel close to north I f | Jetty. _, ' ." No opportunity fo r Rogue Rlv soundinjrs lately. Be • { fore rise there was 7 '\u25a0 I : feet on bar. \u25a0 . - Klamtli R| 7 |July ~-l|Channel stralcht. . \u0084 nmbldt b] 20 July 1 I^. gE -"\u25a0\u25a0' - \u25a0;- ' I- "'- ' '• 1' ' "'nel. - v : .-.-.\u25a0.^-; S Pe<lro Bf 23.'|Apr. 15|No change tn channglT 7 S Diego B | 25 (Jnly--«|Xo change in channel. " S Pablo Bl 24 JApr. 21|Deptb in dredged cban- I I J nel. \u25a0.. SHIPPING NEWS' OF COAST Items of Interest ; to Marin»rc of the^Pacific VPOKTLAND; Ane. 3.— The steamer George R Wbcr---^ arrived .this mornlDK from Shalom with Nehaletr- in to----. It' will loaii general • mrrchomli«e and " Uic barge ' will earrr contractors' supplies. ; - "" - w A ' T , m fJ' ssariK * r ' ia * •\u25a0 been 'recelT'cd from Hankow by; Balfoor, VGnthrie, & ;Co. saying that tho steamer, Arabia; Captain? Nelmann. . arrlred -< at that port yesterday. haTinjr made the trio over In 30 14 days. »It loaded .1.225.000 feet. of lumber at the Imnan Ponlsen mill" for Hankow. - .-\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0-, f The French , ship Dumiayi Trouln. which sal M from Rotterdam March ; 14. 7 bonnd for* Hobart arrived at the latter place -July: 10 and has been chartered ;byv a ' flnn of •; brokers to : load wheata t either here, at: San Francisco or on Puget sound " The ship I* 0f;.1,932;t0ng net register and will probably ' be ' rechartered. ; ; .< • \u25a0 -..:-. : ; • ". :f With -F. C; Shubert. - assistant' onjrineer and hUl party: on r board.*, the <i United '\u25a0-, States : surrey boat -Araeo; left thlß\,-10 . o'clock? for Willow 'bar, v the • first S bar - in ? tbc - Willamette where£tbc.v .will -commence; making the annual" surrfyjof •the.-'riTer. ..- ,; ; .\<,Tne Bteam : wfiooner.. Daisy. Mitchpll cleared this mornlDs'for'Abcrdcen' in ballast to load lumber for: California^' - •- '•.•; './ . . > . : ' .With " a * *-n lpmen t of s hogs> probably the most nnnsual! cargo 1 that/ it ;\u25a0 b«8 . eror \u25a0 brought * up *> here from 1 the^Cooa" bay country.:, the steamer Alliance arrrred.thls morning. '~~i \u25a0'\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 : .v.'-^.-.'-.;.v-. : : . \u25a0.-.«\u25a0; >Wl'h;a large cargo of freightfor'thccastMlift j American-Hawaiian /-steamer^ Falcon*; has started f or , San * Francii?co."5 v; It» cargo I was | general I mer chandise.* tbe 'principal ; part ; of it. being-; 5,537 casos I of- cannrd i salmon.-. 1 1" .ba I<>s ; of { wool ''and J<J hales cf ; rubber Junk ; fcr^ NewJ.Vork. 4 and k1 230*" sacks;ofil»ran'for,:Honolula.'-.'.";^.". .-.?; ;-*\u25a0\u25a0?\u25a0•\u25a0*; 5 - I 1 'ASTOEIA.t Auj. r>.— Tag Hprcnles sallpd tivlgV for 'San < Pedro I with r , tbe 1- Hammond ' log *ra ft in tow. .-..-.- - : :'. ':'J: <\u25a0?\u25a0 ..'\u25a0•'\u25a0"'\u25a0v -".:,•:•;•. \u25a0,"." ;\u25a0. »<-.*\u25a0",->--. "-American . steamer.flFalcon ; of u the Hawaiian. American :\u25a0 steamship ' company.-" sailed i today f for S« n • Trancisco •'- with i a ;\u25a0 general t cargo 1* for .Kew York ' Tia the :• Mexican route. -. : ' - 4 . .. . : Oil tanker Atlas salled-Wednesaay' evening In ballast for San Francisco."* -:':;;. \u0084-._-. !' Steamer Breakwater left this moernlng for Coos bay with freight and passengers. "• Steamer Argo left this morning for Tillamoolt with freight and passengers. ;: ... v • "Four masted 'schooner Irene: will leave out on Sunday, for Grays Harbor •< to . load , lumber for Guaymas. ''• \u25a0 • i \u25a0 : --? "-'\u25a0> ; . • •Barge Hayden Brown has ; discharged Its cargo of :' Wellington >coal for '. the ; Astoria wood . and fuel company and will be towed back to British Columbia by the tng Goliah, which' arrived this afternoon. from Seattle. .;...,,:' : SAN PEDRO. Aug. s.— The Bte»mer Governor arrived today from San Diego and after taking freight and passengers cleared for * Seattle : via £an Francisco and Eureka. r • • \u25a0"\u25a0 .The steamer \u25a0 Daisy \u25a0 arrived 103 hours from Raymond, carrying lumber. . . The steamer Saginaw arrived, today from Seat tle with a full cargo of lumber. -. . .The steamer George -W. . Fenwick cleared for Columbia river to reload. ; v : w . -, \u25a0 After discharging a part cargo of Inmber here the st-"amer J." Br Stetson cleared for Redondo with the remainder. The steamer Wellesley arrived from Columbia river with lumber. Departures today include the steamers Shasta, for Bcllin-rham: Katherlne, for. Eureka; ,Wil lapa. j for South Bend, and Saginaw. . for San Diejro. -.-.:. v- -, i \u25a0 V ,:\u25a0-. -—\u25a0 . ' - '. The steamer Santa Barbara arrived today from Crays Harbor with Inmber. Tbe freight steamer Coos Bay, was, ln and out today from San Francisco and way ports. SEATTLE. Aug. s.— Arrived— stmr St. Crolx from Tacoma... -. . Sailed — Br. stmr Suverlc ' for the Orient via Vancouver, 8.C.; stmr Humboldt for -Skag wsy nnd ports; stmr Seward for Bellingham. VICTORIA. - Aug. 5. — Sailed— Stmr Greenwich for Nome; stmr M.S. Dollar for Swanson bay; stmr Empress of China for Yokohama. * - Weather Report • . \u25a0 .. : ;; — ~ .—. — :: — :—: — :—": — "" — ~ : • \u25a0 United States department of agriculture— Weather bureau. San Francisco, August 5, 1900. RAINFALL DATA \u25a0_. '\u25a0''"• I^st .Seasonal Normal Stations — 24 hours. to date. to date. Eureka ......0.00 0.54 0.11 Red Bluff 0.00 0.00 .0.00 Sacramento 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mt. Tamalpals .....0.00 : 0.00 001 San Francisco ..*.... 0.00 Tr. 0.01 San Jo*e ........... 0.00 ; o.OU - 0.01 Fresno 0.00 0.00 o.oo' Independence 0.00 0.00 0 00 San Luis Obispo ... 0.00 ' y.OO ©'03 Los Angeles ........ 0.00 0.00 :fI.OO San Diego ......... Q.QQ * Tr. 0.00 Coamt record for 12 hours ending 5 p.m. ' / f!3 -^">»^. urn f ; a •-' £} f :^ STATIONS I •" ? o. -S. •'\u25a0'\u25a0'?£. Bakef .'...29.98 72 46 N . Clear . .00 * oi *l ' 29.Sti S2 52 NW Clear : .00 Eureka . . .30.00 DS 48 : N Clear .00 Flagstaff .29.88 74 r.2 W noudy .2S \ r <? sn <> 29.70 104 70 W Clear .00 Indopendence .29.6-S 04 60 S Clear .00 Kallsnell \u0084 ..29.04 72 42 W Clear .00 Los Angeles ..20.58 S4 s*? SW Clear :.00 xf^* -,- •• • -^-SO 90 64 F. Cloudy Tr. Mt. Tamalpals. 29. M 77 69 W <:iear' 00 £<""*>>, Head ..30.14 5S 82 NW Clear .00 Phoenix ......29.54 S2 SO SW -Pt Cldy 7S Pocatello .....29.7C 86 r.SW Cl Car 00 Pt. Reyes Lt..29;8l .*.« 4S NW Clear .00 Rdl Bluff ....29.70 9K6n*?E Wear ..00 Reno .. ...... .29.7S SS 4S W Clear .00 Roseburg .....30.09 76 44 N Clear .00 .Sacramonto ...29.74 S-S 60 S Clear .00 Salt I^ake ..,. 29.72 J)2 74 NW Clondr Tr. .San Diego ....29.00 Id C 4 SW Cloudy .00 San Francisco.2f>.Sß 60 52 -W Clca - 00 San Jose .....29.54 SO 48 NW Clear .00 is. I^uls 0bi5p0. 29.00 7C 43 SW Pt.Cldy .00 S. E.Farallon.29.SS 54 .. NW Clear 00 Spokane ::0.02,74 48 SW Clear .00 Tacoma 30.12 6S 50 N Clear 00 Tatoosh ...... SO.--; r,S .*)2 SW Clear Tr Tonopah 29:fiS 90 66 NW Clear .00 w *"« 30.02 7S r.2 NW Clear .00 v innemueca . .29.7S 90 52 W . Clear .00 Ynma ' ..29.54 9« RQ SW Cloudy .04 The following maximum and minimum temper atures are reported frem eastern station-* for previous day:' Chicago. 86-72; New York. CB-5S- Omaha. 90-72. . SYNOPSIS The pressure hat fallefi steadily over most of the Pacifle slope. A Sonora storm of mod erate Intensity ovorlles the valley of the Colo rado and will Influence weather conditions In southern California. ., Thunder -storms have oc curred at Phoenix, Fla-rftaff. Yuma. Salt Lake and Modena. It Is much i cooler In the "Treat valley of California. Afternoon . temperatures average about 92 deeree<«." The relative humidity at Red Bluff was 25 percent and. at Fresno 30 per cent. . . . ->.-i • , - ..-.. .. - Forecast for the 30 hours ending at midnight AceuKt 6, 1909: • ..; - \u0084 ,San Francisco and vicinity — Fair Friday, with Increasing cloudiness: c moderate west wind.'* Santa Clara valley — Increasing S cloudiness Friday; modorate north wind. • . Sacramento valley — Fair Friday; moderate south wind. _, %-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: *<. ' ; -"•- San Joaqnin valley — Increasing cloudiness Fri day; possihlr showers , in the' foothills . and mcuntalcs: light west wind. - - . • I»s Ansele? nn<" vicinity — Increased cloudiness Friday and showers in the , foothills and moun tains; light north wind, chancing to fresh south west. A. G. McADIE." . District . Forecaster. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE AnmvED Tharsday. Aneu*t 5. . Stmr North Fork, Nelson, 2i hours from En- 1 reVa. Stmr Phoenix, Hansen, 22 hours from . Shelter cove. . Stmr Areyll. DlcVson, 3 days from Seattle; up river direct. > , , . . . Stmr James 3 Biggins, Higgins. 46 hours front San Pedro.' : Stmr TVhlttler. SeAman, 20 boars from Port San Luis: 'up-river direct, - Stmr M..F Plan*, Bartls, 38 hours;from Coos bay. ." " _.\u25a0 - . :\u25a0\u25a0 , , ....- :• . » : Stmr Aberdeen. Ravtn.:24 hours from -Eureka. ' Strar Helen P Drew, Gundcrson, 42 hours from Bedondo." : • < Stmr Porno. \u0084r.tll!eland. 14 boars from Albion, via Point -Arena. 11 hours. \u25a0 -. \u0084 Stmr National City, Higgins. 13 boars from i Mendoclno. : \u25a0- \u25a0 : \u25a0 . . i Stmr - Roanoke, Donham,- 32 hours from San Pedro. " - - . -U-': :-.- ' \u25a0 \u25a0 Schr-Virginla, Lancaster, S6 hours from Colum bia river. \u25a0 , i * - Stmr Del-Norte, Sanford, 34 hours, from Cresj | cent City.-.- \u25a0 <.: , r ,- :• -\u25a0\u25a0 • ,--. ; ; Stmr City of Topeta. Hall, 22 hours from i Eureka. ... Stmr FA Kilburn. McLellan, 19 hours - from Eureka.' \u25a0--." ; - '\u25a0 \u25a0' '- •\u25a0 "-"'«\u25a0 . \u25a0 '\u25a0: " " Stmr Admiral Sampson, Bartlett. 63 hoars from Seattle. ;, - ... . ' ; v - BktnFiillcrtOn. Grant, 20 honrs from Port San Luis: in tow utmr Whittler: up v Pow schr Ida A, Campbell. 3 hours from Point Heves. .\u25a0\u25a0- - \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 .-' -\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0 " : '' \u25a0- '\u25a0 \u25a0 '' ."•"\u25a0•' \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 :'\u25a0 Schr Santiago, MfDonaM, 11 hours 'from Mon terey; in tow tug Xavigator. .' CLEAEED '^ ' ; Thnrsday.Angust .5. * i Stmr Quinault, Walvig, Portland;^Hart-TVood lumber company— '-."_ ;\u25a0-•;'\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0"> > !"''.,\u25a0\u25a0£ '-\u25a0";-"'\u25a0:* Stmr Buckman. ,TVood, Seattle; -Alaska Paciflc steamship company. - . ' _ . : \u25a0 '\u25a0 . \u25a0" ";..-.-.- \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'•\u25a0; sailed \u25a0 .-\u25a0-. .\u25a0\u25a0 v \u25a0 ;..>.,"--i^ ... " \u25a0_•.'" Thursday. 'August 5.;- • - US stmr Sheridan. Healy, Honolnlu and Ma- Stmr TVhltesbo'ro, ,' Frederickson. Greenwood. Stmr Point Arena,. Jannsen. "Albion. '-;'\u25a0; * "- •- Stmr Thos L Wand. Peterson. Puget sound. Stmr J\u25a0 J \u25a0 Logsle. H»nsen. Eureka. ,/\u25a0 Stmr Carlos. \u25a0 Hardwick. Seattle and Tacoma and Ludlow. :.:;...' v •"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 " : .' ; - \u25a0->-'\u25a0' 'v! '.' ATLANTIC OCEAN TRAVEL, Canadian Pacific Less Than Four Days at Sea .Weekly; -, tietvrv^n • ; ;;r; ;r Quebec 'nnd,, Liverpool v-Two l days on the.beantlfnljSt. Lawrence river and the shortest ocean : route ; to Europe. ' ; • Nothing better on j toe Atlantic . than our ' Em- pressw.>. Wireless on all steamers. : — > - First class • $90, second • class $50, one class cabin $45.-,4*.' :V ''-. \u25a0'\u25a0":'•: ':\u25a0/*'\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 '' \u25a0 - '\u25a0 *: . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : : - . .Ask : any «Ucket: agent, or^ write for sailings, rates and booklet. . - ;-• *- "-- " -"" ' : ' ~: L /rtJ E.E. PENN. G. A;;'."7 ELLIS ST., . San ; Francisco, 1 Cal.- .-•;•;•,;_:- Compaguie Generale ; TraDsatlantique ';i DIRECTLINE TO; HAVRE-PARIS' 7 '; v Sailing^ every \u25a0 Thursday! \u25a0 instead v of j Saturday.' at'lO a. m., * from * pier 42.; North : river.-* foot . of Morton; Bt.7^" :^v< :--\u25a0-'' :j,-- \u25a0 \u0084 .-, ; : : '.-;. , > .First -class'to, Havre, $«i.50 and upward;, sec- end .class to Havre. $50 and upward:* GENERAL" AGENCY tifor "iUNITED T STATES ' 'AND S CAN- ADA. ; 19 s State st-i ;New'- York. ~ J. ; F/'FUGAZL;: Manager^ Paciflc coast, . 630 • Montgomery i st.:-2 San Francisco." .-Tickets > sold : by, all , railroad > ticket agents, v '•* .- *-' i *./ •:'.\u25a0\u25a0' '\u25a0'.:: -• '\u25a0_.." \u25a0 -.-. •\u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0.-*\u25a0'•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0<• I^'V "PERFECTIb?r- IN TRAVEL S I ;-; the- - *| \u25a0.'. v'SPLEXDIDLY/ARRANGED '-* I -"\u25a0 \u25a0 . : ; ;; ; 20th "Annual; Cruise. -?; •%*; V .;\u25a0=\u25a0* vruise to,the UKICIjIJ \u25a0 ';'•.\u25a0" : ' ' •80lbAXS-—9S2S UP^. -^, -*.''• \u25a0 I . LEAVES, 3r.>Y^JAN.29.?I»IO i I HAM BUR G-A'M E R I CAX«I,!\K : -^ f MO ; POWELL' ST. .'-, TEL. \u25a0 XEARKTs m«'" | ,'Stmr Roanoke, Dunham. Portland via* Eureka, j. Stmr -Svea.. Allen, -Grays Harbor. : ! : Stmr Wasp, '. Wet-man, Seattle 'and Tacoma. ; ; Stmr Buckman. j.Wood, \u25a0 Seattle. ,r -"\u25a0 \ - , i , - gtmr. Albion,"* Nyman.' Ivcrson ' landing. ' stmr Quinault, Walvljr." Astoria. Stmr^Helen P Drew,- Gnnderson.' Point Arena. Strar -James :SHigglns Higgins. Fort Bragg. Stmr, Santa Rosa; Alexander, San Diego, etc. Strar Roma;' Lawson. . Seattle. Schr Ruby, Korth, Coqulllo' river. . \u25a0-UXITED WIRELESS- --- :; k Governor, Aug H,'9 j m-12 mile* south of - Point Conception, from San '• Pedro for Saa Francisco; weather cloudy; smooth sea. : - ; - _ Stmr Pennsylvania, from " Ancon for San . Fran cisco— Aug A',-. midnight, 700 miles south of San [Francisco; all well.,- ; . Stmr -Atlas. Aug 4.-3:30 p m— Off Columbia rlvpr, from Astoria for San Francisco. „ Stmr Maverick. Aug *4.*"- 12:35 pm — Off Blunts reef, hence Aug 3for Seattle. *:.* : -Stmr Col E L Drake.' Aug 4. 8 p m— lo miles i north of Fort George; hence Aug 3 for Seattle. Stmrr UmatlMa, Aug 4. midnight— 3o miles north -of North Head. I from Victoria for San Francisco. -•. \u25a0;. •-,. , .. ' Japstmr Nippon 7 Maru, Au-j a 4. Bp,m— 4oo' miles off San Francisco, , from * Yokohama via Honolulu for San Francisco. . *-~£|Sg3£| • WEATHER REPORTS POINT LOBOS. Aug 5, »•» • a m— Fogzy; wind west; velocity 10 miles an hour. : POINT REYES,; Aug 5 9a m— Partly cloady; wind NW: Telocity 20 mile-* an boor. FARALLONES. Aug 5, 9 a m— Clear; wind north: velocity 24 miles an hour. ; . TATOOSH.-Aug 5. » a m— Cloudy; wind east; velocity 8 miles an hour. TELEGRAPHIC \ x POINT LOBOS, Aijr 5. 10 p " m— Weather foggy; wind XW; velocity 12 miles an hour. DOMESTIC PORTS SOUTH BEND— Arrived Aug s— Stmr Eo tjtuiam, hence Aug 1; stmr Raymond, hence Aug - EAST SAX PEDRO-Salled Aug s— Stmr Geo W Fenwick, - for .San Francisco. TACOMA— Arrived Aug s—Schr5 — Schr Zapora, : from cruise; stmr Portland, , from Ketehlkan. • hailed Aug s—Stmr5 — Stmr 4 Watson, for Seattle; atmr Virginian, for Honolulu. v REDONDO— Arrived Aug s— SrmrGeo Loomls. hence Aug 3; stmr Santa Barbara, from Port Los Angeles; stmr Katberine. from San Pedro. Sailed Aug S — Stmr Santa Barbara, for San Pedro; stmr Geo Loomis. for San Francisco. ASTORIA— SaiIed Aur 3— Stmr Argo, for Til- Iamook; stmr Breakwater, for Coos bay; stmr Falcon, for San Francisco. Aug 4 — Stmr Atlas, tor San Francisco. >, : - .. ; . - Arrived Aug s—Tug5 — Tug Goliah, for Puget sound. gSAJi-CA BARBARA— Arrived Aur s— Stmr Coos Bay. hence Aug 2 and sailed for San Pedro. EUREKA— Arrived Aug s— Stmr G W Elder, rrom Astoria; Br stmr. Romford. from Victoria. BANDON— Sailed Ang s— Schr Hugh Hogan, for San Francisco. f Sailed Aug s— Stmr Elizabeth, stmr Flfield, for San Francisco. ' WESTPORT— SaiIed Aug s— Stmr Johan Poul \u25a0\u25a0en, utmr Newburg. for San Francisco; stmr Fair Oaks. »tmr Cheb.ilis. for San Pedro. VENTURA— Arrived Aug 5-r-Stmr Geo Loomls, from Redonda. ..•..\u25a0 Sailed Aug 5-l-Stmr San* Jaeinto. for San Francisco. CRESCENT ClTY— .Sailed Aug 4— Stmr West port, for San Francisco. ...... . - ' FORT BRAGG->»-Arrived Ang s— Stmr Brnns wlck. hence Ang 4. . : TATOOSH— Passed tn Aug s— Stmr Shna Tak. hence Jnly 31 for Everett. An* 4— Stmr F S Loop, lence July 31 for Towns-end. Out An& 5—5 — Br stmr Empress of China.* from .Vancouver for China and Japan; Nor stmr, Hornelen. from Ta coma for west coast. \u25a0 SAN PEDRO — Arrived Ang s— Stmr Governor, from \u25a0 San Diego: stmr £a-rlnaw. from Tacoma; stmr WellMley. Mom Astoria; utmr Daisy, hence Ane 3; stmr ; Mar*bfielfl.' from Hardy creek. Salted Ausr s— Stmrs Shasta and Governor, for S«n Francisco. ;_ Sslled Ang s— Stmr Sazinaw. strar Geo W Fen wlok. for San FraneUco; stmr Kathcrtae. for Eureka. ' PORTLAND— SaiIed Aug 4— Stmr Falcon, for San Francisco via Astoria. \u25a0 \u25a0-*' SAN DlEGO— Sailed An; 4— Stmr Governor, for San Francisco. - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0SlUSLAW— Arrived Ang 4— Schr Mayflower, hence July 13. SEATTLE— SaiIed Aue 4— Ptmr Edith, for Cordova : stmr Seward. for Valdez. Arrlvetl Ang s—Stmr5 — Stmr Jefferson, from Skagway; stmr Northland, from Valdez. •' Sailed Auc * s—Stmr5 — Stmr Virginia, for Honolulu: V S stmr Bufonl. for Manilo. * Sailed Aiig "5 — Stmr Hnmboldt. for Pkagway. SEWARD— Arrlvpd Aug 4 — Stmr Northwestern, from Valdws and sailnl Anir 5 for Seattle. WRANGELL — Arrived Aug s— Stmr Dolphin, " from Seattle. . SKAGWAY— Arrived Aug 5—S.-n?5 — S.-n? Queen, from Seattle and sailed for \u25a0 — . PACIFIC OCEAX TRAVEt : \u25a0^^ic'A^V- Steamers : leate ' Broaaway Whatres (Piers © and 11). - /££_ \u25a0\u25a0_ :^,a\ .low hates including /wvSSiSte Vm berths and meals. I i V^-^L j- I SPECIAL ROUND TRIP >&o*. 1-OS AN'GELGS XiCfetv^^ SAX DIEGO 7**-" __- - santa Barbara; . • pnr«i R n N «?Jl; Mon -' Ausr. 16. 30; Sep. 13. 2 p.m. •rBESIDENT.Mon .. Aujr. 0. 23; Sept. 6. 2 p!, m. o \ \.-£l te l??l** y EreT ' Monday Thereafter SANTA ROSA ETery Thursday. 10:30 a. m. •Direct for Los Angeles. Will not call S. Barbara SEATTLE (DIRECT). TOWXSEXD TACOMA, VICTdRIA. .VANCOUVER Oftmectlnj: at Seattle for SB. Alaska. Siarway, Dawson. Fairbanks, Nome. St. Michael. £UEBLA..'.Tnes.. Aug. 17, 31, Sept. 14. 2 p. ra. QH? EN • Au *" 24 * Sept. 7. 2p. m. erery Tnes. and Sat. thereafter, twill not call at .Victoria, Townsead, Vaneontcr. EUREKA (HUMBOLiyr BAY> TOPEKA— Aog. 7. 12. 17. 22. 27; Sept. 1, 10:30 a.m.. CTery fifth day thereafter. GUAY3IAS, MAZATJLAW .' LA PAZ, CURACA0. ........ 7th of each month," 10 a. m. NOME— ST. 3IICHAEL— 'UMATILLA (direct*^ 4 p. m., Aug. ' 25. ALASKA EXCURSIONS- Leave Seattle Antr. 4. 10, 16.* 22. 9 p4p 4 m: \u25a0 Elfht reserredto change thii schedule. TICKET OFFICES— (PaIace Hotel) - 653 Martet St.. 3 Market st." and Broadway Wharf Telephone Kearny 492. OAKLAND — 1056 Broadway. Tel. Oakland BCSO. C.D. DUNANN.; General Passenser Agent. Gen. Pass. Of ace. 112 Market. San Francisco. -^3^ AMERICAN- HAWAIIAN ! C^l^J STEAMSHIP COMPANY TEHUANTEPEC ROUTB r, ?™,^ X ' 0 PACIFIC COAST PORTS and HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Sailings etery Satur- day. '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0. '-..-. --""--., .'\u25a0-.- '--_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 v-lw^n l^ T 4 C » MA »«>d SAN FRANCISCO to •NEW A ORK. ; Sailings every 21 days; also tak- ing freight for MEXICAX and EUROPEAN ports - LOCAL * SERVICE ;'\u25a0-\u25a0-\u25a0 - SAN FRANCISCO to HAWAIIAN PORTS. DEARBORN & LAPHAM."- General Agents. 8 \u25a0 BRIDGE ST.. NEW YORK; WILLIAMS DIMOND & CO.. General Afrents Paciflc coast. ;310 SANSOME- ST.. SAN FRANCISCO. SEATTLE DIRECT CONNECTING ALL NORTHERN POINTS. S. ; S' \u25a0ADMIRALjSAMPSON. .;.... .Ang. 10 S. S. .WATSOK •-' .\u25a0'-. . . . . . . 'I . ...'..... . An-f. rl5 S. S. 8UCKMAN!....". ....."...".... .An-j* 20 Los Angeles Direct TWIN SCREW ,S. S." ADMIRAL ? SAMPSON. . ... .. . Ang. 6 *. Sailings ": from ; Steaart St. Dock. ' : ?. Alaska Pacific Steamship M Ticket - Office?; 54 Market St.. 1 , or 64S Market TOYO K!SEN KAISHA ORIENTAL. 'X\ STEAMSHIP... 1 COMPAWTT. S.: S. * Nippon*^ Marnl . ."i'r-.Tneaday, An-.' 17." 1908 S. S. Chiyo Maru(via Manila). :Tu., Sep. 14, 1909 B.;' B."* Tenyo ? Marat :;:.*. Tuesday. , Oct.^l2,' 1809 v j4" Steamer* f Mil ".from ; company's '\ plers,*^ Nos.* fl} '44;* near.- foot '.of l Second < «t..*^l %p. j n».;» for Yoio- hama : ; and ' Hongkong.'; calllzig i at ! Honolulo. | Kobe (Hlogo)," Nagasaki and Shanghai,' and connecting at | Honskong ; with | steamers f or > Manilla, « lndia. etcr« ; No cargo recelred -onboard 'on day of sail - Ins. . ! Round \u25a0* trip '- tickets \u25a0" at " reduced \u25a0 rates. S \u25a0;• ! v ' For; freight; and; passage -apply at; offiee.v24o James; Flood bnlldin-r.^V'--, I , W.,H.'AVEPff.-T ••;\u25a0\u25a0'; :-.j \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0; "'"\u25a0= \u25a0"."-'-' A«sl--tant General MaFwser. lIUnVI-ULU round: trip ?110 flrst 'ilass. iT 'AHITI *A X O ] NE Wi Z EA I.A ND- -S. S. f Marfposa -aalli- .1 1 : a. 1 ; m.t Sept.*:il:: Spir {Tahiti < [ round ';trlp.^sl2s£.Y : .;:, Wellington '3*2eq ;'».\u25a0". T. { OCEANIC , LINE^673 : Mk U; : tel.' Keaf ny} 1231." : [\u2666KETCHnCAN— Arriveil Anr s— Stmr Saara i Clara, J from Skagway.'. ': '-".:"-. V ; "EASTERN PORTS - NEW YORK— Arrived Anj s— Stmr Panama, from ' Colon. .: \u25a0\u25a0•- < v PHILADELPHIA— Arrived An-; : l^Stmr Isth-^ mian. from Puerto Mexico. '...-. Vug 4— Br «tmr ADgto Australian, from Iqniqc*. \u25a0'--\u25a0::>'. Stmr Korea. Sandberg. Honolulu, Yokohama and* Hongkong. ISLAND PORTS HONOLULU— Arrived Ans &— Schr Mary E Foster. ; from Grays Harbor. > HlLO— Sailed Aujt .s— Stmr Enterprise, for San : Francisco. FOREIGS PORTS \u25a0\u25a0 NEWCASTLE.- X S W-^Salled Jnly 11— Bktn Amazon.' for San Francisco. ANTOFAGA3TA— Sailed Anj s— Br atmr Os westry. for San Francisco. - SHANGHAI— SaiIed Ang 4— Stmr MaaehurU. for San Francises. \u25a0 VANCOUVER— Sailed Aug s— Br stmr Oceano. for Pnget sound. VICTORIA— SaiIed An? s— Br stnr Empress of China, for China nnd Japan. Aus 4 — Br »tmr -M S Dollar, for Swanson bay. SALINA CRUZ— SaUed Aug 4— Stmr Riverside, for Sun Diego. *X*tfr m PUERTO MEXlCO—^Arrived Aug 2— Stmr : Lewis Luck enbach. from New York. OCEAN STEAMERS BOSTON— Arrived Ang s— Stmr Saxonia, from Liverpool: stmr Invernla, from Liverpool. CHERBOURG— SaiIed Anjt 4— Stmr Prince Fteldrlch Wilhelm. for New York. QUEENSTOWN— Arrived : Ang 4-^Stmr Cym ,rlc. from Boston for Liverpool, and proceeded. , Sailed Aus s— Stmr Adriatic, for New Yort. LIVERPOOL— Arrived Aus s— Stmr Inveria, from Boston. SOUTHAMPTON— ArrIred Aug s— Stmr Ma jestic, from New York. HAVRE — Arr'.red .Ang s— Stmr La Lorraine, from .New York. - SEWS OF* THE OCEAN Merchandise for the Orient "The steamer Korea sailed for HoDSCkong and way ports via Honolulu : yesterday wlta cargo valued at $127,707,- exclusive of treasure, and to be dtetribnted a* follows: For Honolulu. $43. 483; Japan. $35\807; China. $32,872; East Indies, $3,628: Korea. $1,079; Slam. $1,324; British New Guinea, $200; Vladivostok. $2,695; Philip pine Island."", $3,639. The principal shipments and their destinations were as follows: To H0n01u1u— 19.376 lbs lard. 800 cs canned goods, . 250 pkgs potatoes, 100 pkgs onions, 3 pkgs fresh fruits. 500 lbs dried fruit. 1,920 lbs peas, SCO gals wine. S3 cs mineral water. 60 es ginger ale, 105 gals gin. 1,565 lbs tobacco. 65 cs elgars and cigarettes. 10 cs boots and' shoes. 9 pkgs dry goods.- 2S pkg*- electrical goods. 3 pkgs harness. 12 pkgs machinery. 33 bxs marble. 21 pkjrs roofing material. 14 pkgs saddlery. 65 pkgs tank material. 27 pkgs naval stores, 6 bbls and 4 cs oils. 11 pkgs paints. To Japan— 2R.S7O lbs sugar. 1.712 jrals wine. 2.312 Ib 3 and. 6 cs meals. 2SS lbs chees*. 90 es canned goods. 20 pkgs fresh fruits. 5.G43 lbs ami 2 bxs dried fruit, 212 lbs raisins. 827 lbs nuts. 120 lbs lard. 7 c* and 1 bbl salmon. 24 pkjss groceries and provisions. 100 bhls asphalt. 7 pkgs drugs, 2.240 lb» fertilizer. 252 rolls and 6 es leather. 43 sks scrap leather. 4 pkjr-» ma chinery. 20 rs oil. 2.9C0 pass rocflng material. 31 pkes sewing machines. . To China — 13.934 lbs tx»am-, 5,500 lbs pearl barley. 5,070 lbs codfish. C4l *•* canned goods. 6.345 lb» and 4 en cheese 3.684 lbs and 5 r> taeal-i. 3.802 Ihs dried fish, 3. 486 lbs sugar. 10 es baking powder, 1.193 IN> and 3 es bread. 1.536 lbs chocolate. 4.705 lbs dried fruit. -ISO lbs sots. .I.SIO lbs raisins. 123 lbs butter 200* lbs tea. 1.000 lbs peas. 405 pkgs fresh fruits. 950 gals wine. 10 es irrape Juice. 224.054 lbs lead. 8 es leather. 2 en shoe-i. 62 cs paints. 646 lbs ginsenr. 31 pke« drugs, 153 pkes roofing material. 9 c*t typewriters. 5 ca oils. 7 pigs machinery. 1 pkss electrical goods, 100 drams asphalt. 1 auto mobile. To. East Indies — SO4 es canned goods. 16S es salmon. S pkgs electrical goods. 2 pkgs dregs, 9 pkirs - assaying material. To Korea — 13 bbls flour. 6 c* canned goods. SCO lbs lard 49 pkgs groceries -and provisions. To Slam — ISO es canned goods. 5 c* honey, 720 lbs meals. 10 cs salmon, 10 cs liquors, 15 pkgs groceries and provt«lons.~ * Vladivostok— 3.7so lbs dried fruit. 7.SW lh« raisins, 24 cs typewriters, 423 lbs soda, 4 pk;s drugs. To Philippine island-i — .".SBS lbs bean*. 140 e« nAHiWAY TRAVEIj eS-^P^ San Francisco \hw W% J Market Street Ferry Depot. LEAVE FOB— JA.M.I P.M. , BAKEKBFIELD \u25a0 7:15 8:00-10:00 CHICAGO - 7:1*8:00-10:00 FRESNO .. ............ 7:18 4:00- 8:O».18:W GRAND CAXTOH .'.. 7:15 8:80-10:00 HAOTOHD ............. 7:15 10:00 KANSAS CITY 7:15 i:00-10:09 MERCED 7:15 4KW- 8:00-10:00 STOCKTOX .............. 7.15 4:0«- 8:00-10:00 STOCKTON, , CAKDALE . ft SIEKKA EY. PT3.. 9:45 TTTLABE 7:15 8:00-10:00 VISAIOA ... 7:ls 8:00-10-00 ' YOSEHITE .'... 7:15 10:0O Calif or ola Limited threash to Caleaso leave* at 10.00 p. na. OFFICES! 673 Market Street and Market Street Ferry Depot, Sau Francisco 1112 Broadway, Oakland rfSßb^ SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE rann JUNE 19, 1909 N^*g/ \u25a0 VX ION. FERRY DEPOT San Fmaclico ( LeaTa VIA SAUSALITO ArrtTe. 7:lsa|Sonoma anl Glen Ellen -. 6:C3p 7:45 a Petaluma. Santa Rosa. HeaMß- bor-r. ClOTenlale.Ukiah.-Wn- Uts. Sberwood and Sebastopol. »7:33p S:l3a Pt. Reyes. Moato-Rlo. Caaadero ••7:06p •S :4sa! Petaluma, Santa Rosa. GaerneTille 7*OSp )9:lsalSonoDia aad Glen Ellen B:33j> Jo:l3alLagtinltaji, Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes 7:35p 10:43 a PeUlaraa and Santa 1 Rosa .. 4:35p t2:4op Pt. Reyes. Monte Rio. Cazadero. -fH:C3a S:l3pJPet4lßma. Santa Rosa, llealds- • \u25a0 . f bor-f, ClOTerdale. Ukiab. Gaerne- Title. RlTer landlns. Sebastopol ll:0T>a 4:40p Sonoma and Glen Ellen 9:05 a 5:15p Petaluma. and Santa Rosa ...... S:3sa . t»:4sp LagunltaT; Cp. Taylor. Pt. Reyes 8:05 a r7:45p Print Reyes .. .\u25a0.....^..... 8:03 a ELECTRIC SUBXXKB AN ; VIA SAUSAUTO . Sausalito. Mill Valley, Saa P.afael— Dally every 30 mtnntes from \u25a0 6:43 a. ia. until 9:42 a. m.; hourly until 2:42 p. m~ then 3:15 p. aa.. . and ' erery 30 minutes until T:45 : p. m.. then 0:00, U»: 3". p. m. and 12:01' a. m« (On Sundays In addition — erery SO minutes from 0:45 a. m. to 3:13 p. m.. excepting 2:15 p. m.) rairfax— LeaTes t8:45. t7:15. 7:45. S: 15, 9:15, t9:43, - 10:45. 11:43 «. m.: 12:45. 1:45. t2:45. 3:15. 3:43. f4:15. 4:43. |3: 13. 3:45. 1&:13. f6:43 t":4."> p. m. ' Saa Quentin Tia Saa Rafael— Leara 9:15 a. m.. I 1:45 p. m. . Tiburon and Belvedere — Week days: 7:30.9:00, 511:43 a. m. ({12:45 p.. m.< Saturdays only). ' 3:30. 5:30 p.m.: Sundays— 7:3o. ||9:00. i|ll:00 \u25a0 a. m.. 1(12:30. 3:30. 5*30 p. m. tnd 112:01 a. tn. i .'. •Arrl»e 7:05 p. m. from Sebastopol. ••Snnday 'arrlTe 8:05 p. M.i t Except Sunday. {Snnday , only.* I Via San-»llto. ||Rues to Sebuetzen park. * ' Pacific Transfer Company's a rents are author- - lied -to check batr^ase direct from rwldences. PMUIR WOODS MT. TAIO.LPAIS ' VIA SAUSALITO FERRY ',- FOOT Or MARKET STUEET LEfiAL HOUDaTS-SUOTAY TIMt I».Sm Fmtto It. Hair Vnis Lt. T«aW» . T.T.EK * SON"- 3 WEEK SCN- WEEK { SCN- DAY DAY DAY. DAY DAY } DAY 3:45* 7:15»t7:20* 11:05* 7:2«» 9:42 a 1:45? 1:40p 12=2«p .I:4lpHi42a *4:45 i 9:1 5« 02:45-1 1:50. <:14p 12:18p ...... 9:45 a 4:2Qt 3:50p *5:EOp 1:4«p ...... 11:15* ...... 6:28» ...... 3:4Q« ...... 12:45 p...... S:4Sp ...... ,5:1«p 2:45 p...... ............ 6:48p ......t 4:lSp ...... .-..;;. \u25a0.-..::: ...r.. *Sat. only. ' tMon. only. ©Tamalpaa ©rij-. iMnir oaly Tid-et Offiees^Saasalito Ferry and 874 .Market ' Geaeral Offices— iSM \ alley. Califoraia- r OCEAN SHORE: RAILWAY ; i, I12O» ' and MU»ton)— Dally i ex. Snnday— Lt. : ! 7:43 a. t9"30»."*1:J-P. ts:4Op. Ar. S. F.: •7^3a." : f9:loa, "l:0 Op.* t5:13p..; Sundays — L».: •7:43 a. t»-30a. i -t''10:10a.- •liaSa. •12:15p.^t5:40p. Ar.: - S.-F.: :»7:!Ka.:tSi:loa. •ll:4Ca. «4:40 p. ts:l3p. * t»6:oop.'-r-»Ti> and from Arleta. tTo and from Tnnltaa Glen, i {Stop at Saiada. San Pedro.- Ter- , race,, Farallone, Moss Reach.' Granada. Halfmoon Bay. ~\ Connect at iTnnltasi TnnItas Glen . with r stage for . San Gregorio, Pescadero. Pebble < Beach aad La ' Honda/---. ..; --\u25a0:\u25a0' -\u25a0:.'/\u25a0:,:. vM.'.Si'i: \u25a0".;\u25a0\u25a0»'_.•'' \u25a0 T ; MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD rVallejo, Napa, Stl : ST. HnLEVA-XAPA VALLEY; ROUTE •' •iilontleello S. S.lCo^and'Xapa Valley" Electifc R. - B." Co. Close connect loss." * C-nOUVD TRI PS f ixAJI A"— « 'Boat* leaTC San rraDcisco^T:©©. "}:'3a.: m* -". 12:30 v noonr- 3:13. :6:00.": ""8:20, p. m.-:*- : .;- X' San " Francisco landing - and office."; Clay Ktre«t Tvh«rf. wtrth end ferry bulldlnj. Martet street ferry. :.\u25a0 Heals a la carte.". Pltene Kearnj 10U. -;• "Lands ,naTy* yard 'direct- - AUCTION S^EES £& Saturday, Aug. 7, atll A.M. .fej \u25a0 At public anettoo. 38 head «f cheap. . heavy \u25a0 and light horses and motes. . All kinds of ve- hicles and bames& 563 4ta «.; \u25a0 Oakland. J. I W. MKDEIKOS. Auetloneer. I£b1 £b AIJCTIpPSJ fe Oo SATURDAY. AUGUST 7ti at 11 a» m. We will sell 34 head of horses fresh froia the country at 6t>4 Broadway. Oakland. GEO. REED AUCTION CO. canned goods. 4 en meals". 300 Ids codfish. 10 es grape jnice. 7 rolls leather. 13 c* boots *nU shoes. 23 pkgs machinery, 10 kegs (pikes. 6 pk?s wagon material, 5 pkg» agricultural implements. Xotlce to .Mariner* : Captain J. Johnson of the steamer Ohio reports to the branch hydro'O'apbie office at Port Town : send that oa Jaly 14, 1909. one hour before low ! water -in Tonga* narrows. Alaska, his vemel. drawing 24*4 feet, struck and passed; over a rocky ledge lylsg aboct U mile west (magnetic* from * Channel Island, apparently between the souadlngs shows at 12 and 36 fathoms 00 C. S. "—" — chart 80M. . Oa the return voyage Captain John son sounded Ia this vtcialty. but was unable tn : locate the rock la th-> short time at his di« ; posal. He reports finding 0 f stboms where th« \u25a0 chart -<hows between 12 aad 17 fathoms, off th» west end of Channel Island. '. J. C. BCRXETT. Lieutenant. V. S. N.. In Char-re. RAJI.TVAY TRAVEL y<Ttlf>>v TRAWS L£AV£ AMD ARS / DUE T0 ARaivE AT Ljv^^sJ San Francisco >£tS>X : Faosi AcacOT I. 1909 VIA OAKLAND PIER Leavt !S (Foot ct Uucxxt Sisrrr) Airi-ro 2.15 a Hilts, liveraore. . Traey. Lathrop, Stoektoa, Lodi. S«cmneato 10.38p 6.40 a Hayward. Silrt, Saa Jo»e 7.08» 7.00 a Rich-sand, Port Costa. Beacia. Suiscn. . Duos, Saerasaeato. RoreviHe, SUrys- - v%. Reddiaj, Dunsnuir 7.28» 7.00 a Q-ain, Viravil!?. Rsmarr. 7.28? 7.00 a Davis, Woodlaad (Mirrr.i3». Oro- vilk), Waiatss. Jia-f»ell. W2o-rs. naanfiton. Cornia-*. Red BJuff 7.28*1 7.40 a Vsll«jo, N jpi. Ca!:.«:oip. Santa Ross. Marlme:. Sail Raaica, Douchertr, Pteassntoa 6-08» 7.40 a Naes, Fl-asactoß. liTenaore, Alt»- maat. Lathrop. Stockton . : 7.28» 7.40 a Traey. Los Bases, Kersaa. Titsio, Hanford. Vusalia. 4.28 a 8-OOt Xewsrk, s«a Josf. Lcs Catos, "Wrftbt, I Feitoo. Saata Cna 5.45f 8.20 a Port Costa, Martiaei. Byron, Tracy, StocVtoa. Uerred. Frnoo. Goshea Junction (Hanford), Yinlia, Porter- vflle. Bakersdeid. 4.48 a 8.20 a Y-seaiKj Valley via Merced 4.48* 9.00 a X3«>. liverniore. Stockton <»M2ton>. VaJley Spriaj. lone. Sacranjeato.... 4.28p B.ooa Sonor*. TuoJoniße and Ae«rl* A£&? 9.00 a Atlantis Express — Saeran-eato. Troe- k(«. Ogtei. Salt lake City. Dearer. Ka-ussCity 8.23» 9.40 a Rickaoad. Port Costa, Martisei, Bay Point «-48f ia2oa VaUejo. >I»r» I-fand. Nap*. I »-23 a 10.20 a Los Angries Faasenrer— Port Costa; Martiaea. Byroo. Tracy. St3"*kton, M-rwd. Fres-so. Hanford. Yisalia. Tulare. BakersSrfd, Los ABgeie%. 7.48p !ow4oa GoidSeW Paa— Pert Costa, BecHa, Saoasieato. Tracke?. Ea«n. Mina, Toaopaa. GddSeld. La*a, Ksrf-T.. . . 7.48 a 10.40 a Marysvaie. Chiw. Red Blaff 4.28J 12.00-n The Overlan-1 Liaited— Denfer. Kaa- «ss City, Ossahx Ciiits-jo. 7^B^ 1.20p VJes, Saa Jose aad Way gtsiSOM. . . . Z4Bp 1.40b fiwLsandro. XBes. Centerrais, New- { 9.08 a ark. 3an Jo» \ 7.28(> 2.0^9 Ni-.T3.-k. Saa Jo:-. lcs Cmcs. Wright, F?i!oa, Bouldrr Cre-k. Sasta Crui. . 9.58» 2.43? sia Leaadro, Nile*. Saa Jcse 9,28 a 3.00p B-cicia. Wiaters, Saeruseato, Wood* laud. Jfary-nille aad OroviH* 10.43 a 3.20? POrtCosta(StoektonrJlartine»,B---roa, Ifodesto. Merced. Frraao 12.08* ' 143p Via Sausalito. West Sapa. St. Helesa. Calktoe* 1005 a 4.00b Vailejo, Xipa. Calistoga. Santa Ron. Miriine-r. Saa Raaica. Dooghert]*, - liverraore 9^B* 4.00p Siles. Tracy. Stockton. Lodi .- la2Ba 4.40? S«n Leindro. Haynard. Knes. f t «-28» Pleaaaatoa, Liveraore I 51 1.48 a 5.OCp Tha O«t limiud— Newman. Lou Baaos, MeadotA. Keraan. Krfsso, Tnlare, Bakeryarid. Los AngelfS. 8.43 a 5.00 a Eishacwnd, Piaote. VaKejo. Port] Cbsta. Beaicia. Suuua, Sairaßsento I 1 1.28 a — R-n-sTiHe. laacob. UmsrlL*, f l-08» Orovßle. Fair Oaks. Folmia j 5.00* RtaseU. Saa Jose, Los Gatos. 9.23 a 6.00b gatarday aad Suaday for Wright, Fet- ton, Santa Crui J9.28a 5.20-1 Saa Leandro, Niles. San Jo» 7.48 a 6.00"! Shasta Limited— Portland, Ticoma. Seattle ••«*» 6.40b Eastern Express— Ogdea, Pnebte. Denver. K&asu City, St. Loui-*. Chicago Port Costa. Beakia, Sacraatecto, Reao. Spark* 8.28b 6.40 a Hrrirard, Niles aad San Jose B.iBß t7.QOp V-JI;]o, Port Costa. Martinez, Buy Poini aad Way Stations. ill. 13? 8.20b Or?s;->a Express^ — Sacramento, 3lary»- vills. Reddins. (Jlaedoel. . KlaaiaJh FilN". Ashlaad. Portlaad. Taoosa, -Seattle. Spokane. 9.48 a 9.00? Chiaa aad J»paa Fast MiU— Og4es. Cheyeßiie. Deaver. Kaasas City. Omaha. Chieaeo 1 2.48? 11.00 a Yo-eaiite Valley via Kilo, Merced. FJ Portal 8.43 a 11.00b Nilw, La;hrtp. Modesto. Merced. Fresno 10.33s 1 1.40 a Portlaad Exprea (via Davis), W3- liaa-% Willows. Red Blaff. Weed. Aa-hland. Portland. Tacoma. Seattle. 1 2.289 VIA COAST I*KVS (Third aad Towaasad Streeti) t5.25* Loop— 23d Street. VuiUeioa. South \u25a0 Saa Francisco. Valencia Street tB^3a t3.4te Loop— Valencia ?t^. Occaa View. i'-met-Ties, South Saa Fraacisco, ' 23d Street. 3rd aad Towasead t«^Ca 6.40* Sbitth Saa Frsacisco, Saa Jose. Gilroy. (HoUister). Earient. Pajaro. Salinas. . Blsob J7.00t Sunday E-ieur-aon Gilroy. Psjaro, Cas- troviile, Del Uoate, Monterey. Paeiac Grove - :«Osob ! B.CC* The Cbaater— "saa Jose. Castroviile. ( Del Monte. Monter-?-. PaciSe Grove) . . Sxliaaa. Soledad. Paso RoUes Hot ' Spriaga, Saa Lais Obi»fo. Piimo. . i Oceaao. SurL Loapoe. banta Bar- bar*, Ventura. .Oxaard. Ixa ATijeles. I 1.43b 8.05 a Mayfeld. Los Altos Lcs G»toß.Wricht, . - ,\u25a0 WatsoaviQe, Ca.'troviU*. Del Monte. ' Mootersy, PaciSc Gr0ve...... 1.25» \u25a0 &20t South Saa Francisco, Palo" Aho. Saa Jo»e. Way Stations.. *...*:.. 7.35* 8.20 a MaySsid. Los Altos, Los Gatow t7.20a 9.00 a San Jose. Gilroy. S*lina.«, Chac?icr. Paso Robiea Hot Springs. Saa Luis Obi!<po— Trcs Piao.->— Paatt Cria. Det llaate. Monterey. Pacifle Grove 4.001 9.00 a Sicta Clara, Los G*tos. Wrijat. Fel- toa (Boulder Creek) Saata Cr0». . . . 8.50» 10.43 a Sbath Saa Fraaeiseo. BuHisjaa?. Saa Matro, Palo Al», San Jwe .... 6.30 a 10.40 a Los Altos. UonU Vista, Los Gato»..{ tB f{^ 11.30* Vateacia St. Ocean View. Colma, Cemeteries. 1 Baden. s*»a Brono 1.35# 1 1.43 a South Saa Fntaeixo. Saa Jose t&2o* .1.33s Satarday. Palo Alto aad Way Stations. 5.00? . 2.00b South Saa Francuco, Palo Alto, caa Jose ,-.-; 81.40b t2.008 Los Alto*. Los Gatos. Wright. Saata v Cna.... t 3 - 20 " t2.10» Bay Shore. Vkitadoa. Saa 8ran0. ... t4.45# 3.00b Dei Uonte Express— Saa Jose. Gilroy. laittendenXWat-onvilK Santa Crux.* ' Del Moate, Monterey. Pacific Grove. 12.30p t3.15p Mavfirfl. Los.MtoJ. Los Gatos. ( J9.45a Wrisht.( Boulder Creek )^anUCrui\ . 10.23* 3.20b South S&a Frai tUeo. Saa Jose. Gilroy. CastroTina.Salia*!'...^ 10.25* 4.03 a Smset Ezpre*B — Tucson. Drauas, • . '-. El \u25a0 Paso. H oust on. Ke<r Vrlnnf, Puo Roble-t Hot Spriass. San Lob Obefo. Sa-tta Barbara, Los AajjJes. 1 1.40* 4.009 GOror. HoOister, Tres. PkK» 8.50 a 4.00p Dd Moate. Moat?f>y. Pacific Gnnre.. 11.45# 4.00J1 Kasso3 Citf. St. Louis. Cbiraso. ..... I t.4oa 4.20» SouJj ."xw Fran tisro. Ssa Joce ...:.. t9-OCa .tSwOOs Saa Bnmo. S*aa Mateo. Palo Alto, • ' " . Saa Jose and Way Statioas 9.40 a 5.05s Los Altos, Los Gatos. WrishLGleo-xood. * (Bcwtd-T Creek). Santa Crux... 10.00b t5.10> Loop— 23J Street. Visitaeioa. South * Saa Fnaeisca, Valeacsi Street tS-IS? t5.20» Redwood.- Pak» Alto, faa J0b?..... MOb t&20B LosAltoa,Konta Vkta, LoaGatoa.... t32of t5.25» : BttrtingMne. Saa Maieo, Saa Jose. t3.20? tS.3O-- Locp — Valenea Su Oceaa View. \u25a0g*^** C>ai«?ri«s. --OJith Saa Frineuro. 23i Street. 3d and Towasead.. ft.4oa 5.40b 'Saa Braao. Saa Mateo. Red-rood. Pata Alto. Saata Clara. Saa Jose.. 7.40 a ;5.40j» Los Gatos, Wright. Santo Cm 5 . . . .. S.4of t&OOB MBbrae. Easton. Saa Maleo. Pab Alto MaySel-i. Los Ahoa. Los Gatos. , t&OOa 6.00b Satariays, Wright, (Bodder Creek). Santa Craa . . . 1.... JB^4oi : t6.05-i 23J St«-t. Viitacior. South Saa Fraacisco. VaJen era Street f7.15f • f5.253 Loop — Vilencia Street. Ocesn Vjew, Ceateterie^ South Saa Francisco,* 1 23d Street. 3d and Towsjend 17v40f . &30s South Saa Frandseo. Saa Jose." 5.401 BLOOb Lot Aagka Paaeeßarr-Saa Mateo, Red-rood. - Pab Alto, Saa ; Jok. i Gilroy. Salinas. ' Paw - Rot*e<t Hot .'\u25a0'..\u25a0 - Spriaapi. Saa : Luia Obtrpo, Pinao, Saata Barbara. Los Angrfe-* 8 3Ca 1 1.439 Sooth San Fraodsco. Palo .Uto, Saa 1 - 7.20b *|I.oob Sacriiaeato River Steamers,... 1.30b j a fi>r Jramias. . b fee Aftmwia. \u2666 Suadav cxcrptnL t Sunday oalj-. ] i Moadaji, j , 13