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8 CALL'S SPORTS NEWS Active Season for Athletes of the Schools Feature in Sports Planned Will Be Basket Ball Tournament for Call Trophy The annual meeting of the local Pub lic Schools athletic league was held yesterday afternoon at tl^e Hotel St. Francis. \u25a0Ileports of the retiring officers and committees we're read and adopted. The treasurers report showed that though the expenses of operating the league during the last year were heavy, the present financial status of the organi zation was excellent. , An active season is planned, the principal feature of which will be the basket ball tournament for the hand some trophy presented by The Call last spring. Eight courts have been installed in the schools and more are being arranged for. Games will com mence within a month. The first indoor track meet of the league will be held in the middle of September and three new events, the eight pound shotput, high and broad jumps, will be added to the program. A short cross country race Is also being talked of. --;. A new feature this season will be the events for the girls' auxiliary. A committee from the league will appear at the next meeting of the board of education and ask that body to Invite James K. Sullivan, president of the Amateur athletic union and also of the New York city board of edu cation, to address the principals and teachers of the local schools on the benefits of athletics in the schools. The following officials were elected for the ensuing year: Honorary vice presidents — Mayor Ed ward R. Taylor and Joseph J. O'Connor; president. Sidney S. Peixotto; vice prp^ident. Robert A. Roos; treasurer, I. *tt\ Hellman Jr.; secretary. Joseph R- Hirkey; director of athletics, George A. Schlitter; directors — Officers of the organization and V. W. Dohrmann, Judge Frank Murask>% John Elliott; L,. A. Wolff, John McLaren, Alfred Skaife. Alfred Roncovieri, John Hammersmith, Charles W. Conlisk, Thomas F. Boyle and A. Katschinski. Gorrill of Oakland a Winner In Tennis Tourney TACOMA. Aug. 5. — Several surprises marked the fourth day's play in the Pacific northwest tennis tournament here today. I"itz of Seattle, regarded as a probable candidate for final honors, was easily put out of the running by A. Gorrill of Oakland. In. the nietfrs dot!bl«>s Tyler and Rhodes, who were believed strong enough to win • the championship. were eliminated by Breeze and Gorrill in one of the pret tiest matches of the tournament. The play has reached the semifinals. Tomorrow the doubles championship \u25a0will be decided between Fits: and Rus sell, the Seattle pair, and Breeze anff (Jorrill. The. results today were: Men* singles — Gorrill I'Oafclandt beat W. S. FttM <Sraitlf>i. «J — O. C — 3: Tjior «Spokan«>> beat Brprze <B»!lingbauit. G—l.G — 1. 7—5;7 — 5; Russell (}<*• n! tin) b*-at Armstrong iTacoma*. 6—2.6 — 2. 2 — C. <:— 4: Tyif-r iSp«>kanei t«»at Shaunon (S^attloi, 0— S. 6—2:6 — 2: Shannon (Seattle) beat Bowden (Er rr^tti. ft— 2. 7—5.7 — 5. Mfti's <!\u25a0»«!>}<>« — Tvler and Bbbdes beat Pul ford and I'ulford (Taronta), fi — 4. 6 — (U Gorrill «n<l Breeze beat Tyler and Rhodes S — 6, 6—5;6 — 5; Oirrill snd Brwze beat Hewitt and Varth <x>miCnali. C — 4. 6—4:6 — 4: Fits and Rufgell b*at Arm*tn>ng and Dnrman < semifinal), 7—5.7 — 5. 6—3.6 — 3. Mixwl double — Mies Ryan and Tyler beat Miss VartU and S. Pulford. 6—l, <»— 0; Miss I.nw«>l and Rhode* beat Him S. Skewls and <"l*-ghorn. «— l. C — 3;'Mi*s McFadon and Dor uiiii beat Miss Woolsey and Ly«n, tt — 2, 7—5.7 — 5. Wooif-n'* singles— Miss Ryan lx>at Southard, rr — 2. 6—2; Miss Kershaw boat Miss Ix>w*>ll. « — 2. 3— \u2666>. 6—2:6 — 2: Miss Hotchkiss beat Miss M. Skewi*. 6—o.6 — 0. 6—o:6 — 0: Miss McFadon won from MiM> Woolsey by default. Woman's double* — Miss Hotclikiss and Miss Ryan beat Mis» Kervhaw and Miss Keown * — 2. *>— 1; Miss McFadon 'and Miss E. Baillie heat Miss Lowell and Mrs. Southard, 0 i, 6—3.6 — 3. Star Athletes Will Meet at Yukon Exposition SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. s.— Major VT. M. Inglis, director of athletics at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, yes terday received a telegram from Bar low s. Weeks, chairman of the national championship committee of the Ama teur athletic association, giving definite entry for a number of star athletes for the meet to be held in the exposition stadium* August 13 and 14. Two noted men are coming who had not been expected— Lee Talbptt. the Cornell weight man, and B. F. Sherman <>f Boston, also a noted weight thrower. Both are entered unattached. Erickson. high jumper, has been entered by the Matt-Haven athletic cluh. The New York athletic club sends word that the following men will <ompete: Dearborn, pole vaulter; Gis sing, who won the junior champion ship half mile last year;. McEmlee and Fred Bellar*. the great runners; H. .L. Hillman, runner and hurdler; Law rence, pole vaulter; McGrath, hammer thrower, and Con Leahy, the high and broad jumper. WILL PLAY BENEFIT BALL GAME OAKLAND. Aug. 5. — The members of Company. X, First regiment. League of the Cross Cadets, are working hard for the success of the benefit baseball game to be played at Freeman's park Sunday afternoon between the company learn and the Van der Xailens. The proceeds from the game will be devoted to a relief fund for. Company N. Both of the teams have a large number of victories to their crediL The following committee is in charge of the game: W. E. Schfrmer. George L. Courtney, V. P. Sexton, J. N.-Gal lagher. F. X Smith. L. R. Harris, S..C. Cronin and D. W. Cronln. WIXS FIRST LIPTOX CIP RACE SAN DIEGO, Aug. s.— The HtOe Trilby. Hying the colors of the San Diego yacht club and sailed by Dr. Gahan.^today won the first of the races for the Upton cup. Mischief ll. of the South.Coast yacht club was second. It was an unlucky day for the South Coast visitors. Three of their boats, the Columbine, Wasp; and 'Skidoo, were becalmed on the first lap of the race and withdrew. The course sailed was twice around an equilateral tri angle, two miles to the leg." FOR FIVE MII.X KO'IfIRDIIOME XEW YORK. Aug. s.— The success' of the recent 2<'hour automobile* race at Urighton Beach; has given' impetua^to a movement to build a. five:mile*".motor drome for automo"bile racing* within a short distance of this city. It; is -<re-, ported that options have been"seoure3 on a. suitable site, but the exact!. loca tion Will' not be made "public until the plans are more fully' developed.;' Thp new track -will cost $250,000 Jeffries Sails Away ; Johnson Stays Away Bat Nelson Enters Suit Against Hotel for Ten Thousand Dollars Damages WILLIAM J. SLATTERY Jim Jeffries set sail for Europe yesterday afternoon on the North Ger man Lloyd steamer George Washington. He made no farewell fighting, speech to the big crowd that gathered at the pier to wish him godspeed. It was a quiet leave, taking for a man 'who, has' been spouting so much during the last few months. The very person whom everybody expected would be right up in the front row was missing. One guess will tell all the fans who the missing one was — Jack Johnson. He did not show as he had promised, and thus he has made himself out a great big four, flushcr when he had the best chance of -his lifetime to get in right." It will be remembered that Johnson said a few days ago that he would insist upon looking right into. Jeff's eyes before the big fellow made his eastern getaway. There is no law under the stars and* stripes. that would have prevented Johnson from walking right alongside Jeff and looking down his throat. If necessary, but some strange law that governed Johnson's feelings interfered with him and held him in Toronto when he promised to be among those on the job to gaze upon Jeffries. The absence of Johnson from the dock has made the dubious ones more dubious than ever. Throughout the east both Jeff and Johnson are being roasted as a pair 1 of fakers, .and very few of the wise fans will fall for the fight talk. Nothing looked good to them from the outset, and now as the days pass the situation is becoming more complex. Nobody has any assur ance that Jeffries Intends to fight, or that Johnson intends to accommodate the retired champion, even if he is willing to go on. Jeffries will be gone six weeks, ac cording* to his own statement. He is accompanied by his wife,' and they in tend to go direct to Carlsbad, where Jeff will take the waters of the famous baths. He believes that this will aid him to get into condition. After leav ing Carlsbad Jeff will make a short tour of the continent and return to New York. Upon his arrival he prom ises to start training for Johnson. According to Jeff, Sam Berger will look after his interests while he is in Europe. Sam seems to have taken hold of the managerial reins and keepa the spotlight upon himself all thetime. Berger expects to «tart for this city within the next few days, and after a short stay here he will return to New York to '"receive bids for the fight." " Thus far nobody has thought of mak ing anything like a legitimate bid. There have been many wildcat proposi tions like Tex Hall's" Ketchel-Langford bloomer, but the legitimate promoters have not yet seen their way to get into the game. Naturally, they ' are waiting for something more definite, especially as Jeff says that he will not fight for five months. Not content with crushing right into the Bellevue-Stratford, the awellest hotel in Philadelphia, the other night. Bat Nelson is now on the job with Maskette Easily Wins the Alabama Stakes SARATOGA. Aug. s.— Maskette at 3 to 10 easily won the Alabama stake at a mile and an- eighth here today. * She took a lead of two lengths going around the first turn and increased this advan tage to four lengths on the upper turn. Results:. First race, selling, fife and a half furlongs — Palo Chiqueto.- 4 to 1. won: Lucetta, 6 to 1, second; Flofleld, 00 to 1; third. Time, 1:05 3-5. Second race,' steeplechase, handicap, about two miles — Halts. -alia. T to 2, won; Steve Lan«v,.s to 1, second; Selraus, 5 to 1, third. Time, 4"02 " ' ' * Third race, one mile, wiling — Thomas Cal honn, G to 5, won: Tony Faust. 11 to 10. vec ond; Judge Ermentrbut. 60 to 1, third. Time. 1:42 2-5. Fourth race, the Alabama.. ralue $5,000, one and an eighth miles— Maskette, 3 to 10, won; Mis* Kearney. 8 to 1. second; Petticoat, 13 to I, third. Time, 1:59 2-5. Fifth race, handicap, six furlongs— Tim Pip pin. 4 to 5. won; Stolypln, 12: to 1, second; Twilight Queen, 10 to 1. third. Time.- IMS 2-5. Sixth race, : one mile, selling — Dark N'lgnt, 3 , to \u25a0 1. .won: -Ruble. " t0 .'1,-' second;: lmitator," S to 3*. third. Time, 1:44. Seventh race,' fire and a ; half furlongs — Herkimer, 11 to 20,'vron; . Baron. Dic*kan, 11 to 20," second; Diction. GO to 1. third. Time. 1:11. Park Driving Club Has Fine Program The Park amateur driving club will hold its monthly meet on the P^rk stadium track tomorrow afternoon. Three trotting and pacing races. ar» down for decision, and the best horses in training will compete. - Following are the entries and officials: First race, class A pacers— F. 1.. Matthes*. OpitMli. U. E. Erlln's Victor Tlatt, D. E. .Hoff man's Dlctatum. . . / ' • Second race. cla*s B trotters— l. L. Borden's Barney Barneto. •G. Wcmi»c's' Plumada. D. ' E. Hoffman's Yolaoda, G. Lyons' .Martha, . R. Con sani's Dividend. "'' • • "•\u25a0*-' .• third race, class A trotters— M. W*. Heraog's Lady N>ll. F. J. Kilpatrlck's Alma S, F. yon lssendorf> Cita Dillon. . v - \u25a0;. SUrter, G. B.- Gay: judges. H. M. Ladd, E. Stock.' A. Joseph; timers, A. Melletz, I. .B. Dalziel: marshal, W. Lange; secretary. F. \V. Thompson. V KELLEY LEAVES OUTLAWS [Special Dhpalch to The Call] \u25a0 SACRAMENTO. 1 - Aug. s.— Outfielder Kelley of. the Sacramento Invaders has taken the flop fr»m outlaw, to? organ ized baseball. 'He 'left last night for Oakland to join the Coast league -team; having secured his; release' from V.the Denver club. Heister.. will fill' Kelley's place. Heister Was ret- out by "the = In T vaders with Catcher. Bliss, but his services are now needed. European Races BRIGHTON, iEng;i: ; Aug.) V" 5^— The Brookside plate, 103 * sovereigns,? for ,2 year olds, j\.was i won \u25a0; today i by- Destiria t!on..; f August ; Belmont's Ballot -Bred started. ..-•,*-"\u25a0 VV- ; . \u25a0'':,• A \u25a0..•'•• '".. ' „•"' The'Worthlngrton . selling; place.^, 150 sovereigns, for, 3 yearT olds, -one mile and a" half, was .won by Dutch. .-; ..August Belmont's Rhombus was among r the" 11-; starters,-; but ran '.u'nV placed. ,1- V ; ' ... '\u25a0 . -'\u25a0''. ' f '\u25a0'\u25a0'.' '\u25a0-':\u25a0\u25a0 Gas Belt Circuit -LOGANSI'ORT.vInd.', Awg. s.'— Kollowingc are ' the result* «f. the. races here, today: ! . 2:25 ' -pace; ' purse; $l-.ot>0 — I^idy • Elgin . ; won,.! •Ira : Gray,' second,* Power "Lot'; third. .Time,' 2:ii';.- •-\u25a0-; ::\u25a0--\u25a0\u25a0 '.'...: v ..'--.:,.•-',; ': • •' :\:^- J .~ :» Frcr .- for « nil • pace. - iia If - mile — Willie ~; Ben ton won,- 1 II >V~ D ' tecond.'r Bill " Bailey, third. Best time, vl :ol*i. r 'Butters ßowl. -Flying Jim 7! Bay B«U*nd ! ,Tom Dlllardi»tar«ed.V .;..- . ; '. "2:2f) -trot — Nettie if Allcton'. wou,"-\cllie •'Axnll 1 t*cond.'Kmptn? Qucen' third. "\u25a0'\u25a0 B»^t time." 2:19^1* Ola.v ,Tboma«. «, Susie j C,', Joseiihluc L ;: aiia • May Orave 'slarteU. " " /\u25a0 - ; : .\u25a0 \u25a0•--' THE SAN ;h'KA : NUX!SCU-;!GA]il^ /JKIiIUA'Y; AUU-UtJT'- (j;il!JUi)>v :y WILLIAM J. SLATTERY a damage suit for $10,000 against the managers of the place because they forcibly ejected him. Nelson entered his suit in the United States circuit coutr yesterday, and when he starts he generally finishes. The Battler' says he will mortgage every bit of . property he- owns and spend his mammoth bankroll in order to get satisfaction. He does not like the way the hotel people treated him and he is out after their scalps. He has a prominent at torney to conduct his case, and it goes without saying that Bat 'will go 45 rounds this time, -too.* Here is what Philadelphia, A»K. 5. Just 6M suit ajminst the -Belleviio-Stratford hotel for $10,000 damacos for refusing me. accommodation. I will- fight ' the <*nsc to the pxtcnt of my bank roll. The suit wns filed in the United States clrenlt court this rnorniiiK by-mr attorney. E. Waring Wilson. If neoos sary I will niorgaßp my Obar and I.lvrrmore ranches nlong with ray H<*K«»wlßrh property. BATTLING NELSON. -\u25a0 V • "' • • ' There was a switch in the Mission club's program last night, and after a long conference. Manager Sid Hester straightened out the tangled proposi tion that confronted. him by agreeing to put on the winner of the Monte Att ell- Johnny Reagan match across the bay next Wednesday night with Percy Cove here on the night of August 20. Two days ago Attell. who was matched to fight Cove, ran out of the match for the reason that the Mission manager would not stand for his taking a chance at Reagan in Oakland in ithe meantime. Early last evening Hester secured Reagan to take Attell's. place and fight Cove, and thus Attell was shut out of both matches*. This was a severe blow to the Oak land promoters, and they at once. got busy with Cove and made him good in ducements to fight ''Attell. across the bay. Cove put the proposition up- to Hester, who finally compromised mat ters by agreeing to sign the winner of the Reagan-Atteli; match with Cove. This puts the Oakland match on; its feet again, when a few hours before the agreement had been' reached it was off. All parties seem .to be satisfied, and the - fans will be entertained .as they expected. ' ' :'^ \u25a0 Amateur Boxers Mix It at Dreamland Tonight The Dreamland athletic club offers the fans a great: bill of fare tonight at Dreamland rink, .when' eight pairs of the best amateurs Twill make the gloves fly. The wind up will ' be for the heavy weight championship, and Walter Miller, the kingpin of. this dl visjon, will'measure wallops with Jim Wilson, the husky teamster; ...... The special events are also classy looking. Jack McGovern; ;and • Lew Daley, the fastest- welters in the game, should make things sizzle when they, face each other. 7-. Eddie Campi and' Jack Goldberg, the clever 105 pounders, will also'- furnish a lively mill. /Joe 'Greg gains and "Walter; Scott, Joe/ Leonard and Eddie Semaria and Jimmy Malone and Jack Patrick" are slashing good scrappers who always give "• the r fans a run for their money. Eddie Dennis, the p.ride of 'the Olym pic club, who did such creditable work in the championship tournament in Los Angeles, has a hard man to whip in Jimmy Lucy, the youngster .who has been trimming all of the" bantams in this vicinity. Billy Duncan and Billy Robinson, who fought ; such ' a ilerce fig-ht last month, are | again , down on the program for a return match. STOP - BOXING IN INDIANA* \u25a0 ffcRRE HAUTE, .Ind., Aug. s.— There is : not, likely -to be any more boxing In. Indiana for some time. '. Governor. Marshall yesterday received assurances from sheriffs- in the various' counties where bouts* have been held; that they would \u25a0 : prevent! further" exhibitions; The sheriff of- Lake i county; where several bouts have ;been carded, says in his note that ;he has been 'ready to stop the contests at .any; time.- -•" SHORTEN DEER SHOOTING SEASON UKIAH, Aug. s.— The board of su pervisors passed 3 an, ; ordinance [ today cutting: one' month fromUhe open sea son for deer in' Mendocino county. -^The season will close: October" I,; instead , of N^ovember. l; : The ; supervisors i of ' Lake and Sonoma countieshave'-taken, sim ilar action, which" makes I the - length of the open ; season uniform "In the ad- Joining counties,; in which many deer are'found. ; i; ' • :.; Baseball Notes - - Tbe .Vernon > lineup was switched around \u25a0 a bi t on account of Stovall's :. injury. • Haley \u25a0is ( now doing .the honors , in left field, \ while Martinke is back In 4 the game, again '.and covering; the center garden. '\u25a0..-\u25a0'-' \u25a0\u25a0'. -,-iJ- .-.- \u25a0\u25a0 •.> -\ \- »-y- :-. .\u25a0- --\u25a0 Oakland has. secured "Outfielder Kelly . from • the Sacramento outlaw: club..." He- played center field yesterday and •performed, very nicely. iHesis a fast mini on iiis feet anJ offers at the ball like a; hitter, whoi can ".hit.- \u25a0•: \u25a0-.••-, ~-. ' i ' \u25a0'• .. It ris KidsVday.again, but! there was not half the. crowd of iyounssters^ present 7 that: bare" been attending; for i the j last . mouth » or.« more.* -This . is easily i explained. -UL' School • . days }\u25a0. are • on ? once more \«a(i, ouly a r . small percentage \u25a0 of : the youus sters'can: get. out ".in* lime to s^e" the -came. .- . \u25a0 ... • \u25a0 • \u25a0\u25a0_\u25a0-... - \u25a0 \u0084•;.':\u25a0 \u25a0•;* /'-. ; .\u2666• ' .-. \u25a0 - Manaeer, Danny i Loujr, liasa : new pitcher; on bis s ta ff . * His . name, is , Anjos and lie ; won •J 3 ou t•of > the : la*t ; 17; games ; lit> twirled . for!, the ! Helena ; club of --the Inter.", Mountain league. ~T A mesj reported f oX'optainJMohler' in* Port land yestenlay? arid if it "comes lo; a pinch' hf sent; lv" apainst' the^ Beavers* iu one of ; the games of ' the ' present scries.fgMMHEMMMBnMEHdfftiiBSGaSBHBIMH / '.- '. _*,•*» • \u25a0 . . •- '• . • — Oakland is also them*, with';- ni.'nctv; one »to : take Murphy's |ilncq. . -I'. He- is l - Outflelrlor jMageert -of the tSprin? Held. :'Jla>s.;: club of \u25a0;. the .Connecticut league t and ; -be *Is \u25a0; rated 5 as * oWjs of s.the'»fastest. the '» fastest men. in! that organic* fion."«{ list ?year:hisibattlng average ; was ' 3lf> -and tup \ to i date i this i season he ha^ibeen lilttinffithe J b«inat r a!.'s2sjclip. - 3Heihad; aitryout'iwlthirittsbnrgj'alcouplel'of.i years! ago.* Maggert j iW] a \ lef t*[ bander'? and « ls 1 said : to jbe very f a«tj In' getting down I to iflr»tlb«*evfSH«i will; not join ,i)a Viand t till ' Xc ptomhrx • 1 /and ; fn ? the 1 mritn-, » imo • Kelly, . will, r do \u25a0 the fhouors' in Hherci'nter/ sar-j den." :--:-:T '-\u25a0'-'\u25a0' r :<"'-'\u25a0'- -\u25a0.''.-'. ''<!' ." •-/*, >"\u25a0\u25a0_ \u25a0 v.^'V* \u0084'\u25a0 Jockey Club Grants Dates For Meeting Pacific : Turfmen Sanction Fii* teen Days-R acing at Reno and Ten a t Anaconda f The Pacific jockey club has granted dates for a 15 days' meeting at Reno, commencing August 17- William Mur | ray,, who is starter at Butte,, is manager, of the. meetings . Dates have also been allowed "for a 10. days* meeting at Ana conda' -Martin Nath'anson, who is asso ciate judge to Fred Mulholland at Butte, willact in a similar capacity at Ana conda, as well as being handicapper. He will also represent the Pacific jockey club. ; -* . ' .... Sam Ilildreth displayed his ability to handle lame horses in'the case'of-Ocean Bound, the high class filly in the string of Woodford Clay. ..She had been going sore in'her work and it was feared fora time : she- would be unable to fill < her stake engagements. Hildreth trimmed the filly's feet and shod her. .with such good : effect that Clay was enabled to fit her for the rich Spinaway stake, which she' won the first day of the Saratoga meeting. -' The Hopeful and other valu able stakes for fillies are thought to be at the mercy of Ocean Bound. Charles F. Price, who was formerly in the stand on local tracks, is presiding judge at the Windsor meeting. A. B. Dade is doing the starting there.- W. Lotinga has shipped two 2 year old fillies from England' to South Africa to race. One of them is American bred, being by Hamburg-Belle. A. J. Joyner, who is training for, Harry Payne Whitney and other Amer ican owners in England, is especially pleased at the success of Danny Maher, as, it, was at his suggestion that the boy first went from this country to try th*» riding game abroad. , : Kiriß- James was somewhat sore in his work before the opening at Saratoga. That probably accounted for his ab sence from tbe Saratoga handicap Mon day. ICdward Corrigan was among the vis itors at Windsor opening day. He is not racing any horses this season. Victoria Races . .VICTORIA. B.'i C, Aug. • s.— Today's resultß at <*ak Bay trark: First race, tire furlongs — Iruaa 2 to 5. won; Reglna . Arri. 7 to I", second: Thinl Uhnnre. :{ to 5, third. Time. 1:02 2-3. Second race, four and a half ' furlongs— f^a Rose. 9 to 2, won; Long Bali. 2 to 1, second; Ten Row, oven, third. ; Time. :•">(» 3-ri. • Third rare, six furlongs — MaudfMcG, 4 to'l. won; Beautiful and Best.< 3to 1. sctond; Irish Mail, out,'- third. Time. 1:15 3-3. Fourth rafe, six furlongs — Mourina. i) to 5. won;! Redondo. S to ."«. second; Lord 6f the For est. 2 to 1. third. Time. 1:14 2-5.?; .. Ftfth race, one mHe-^-Colonel Bronnton, 13 to 1, won;- Frleip.- eren. second; My Bouquet, 1 to H. third. Time. 1:43. — Sixth raoe.-one mile — De Orammont. 2 to I, won; I.My White. Sto 3, second; Ulpper, 2. t0 1, third. Time, 1:42 2-3; \u25a0 ' I Bay City Results BAY: CITY. Mloh.. A\ig. 3.— TUI«> "was-, nn-. other had day for f« T oritef>. > Yesterday's pro gram" was presented • and outsiders were easy winners In straight heats, excepting serond race, firsMieat of which went to,Mollie S. . Summary: \u25a0 2:20 trot — Robert B first, Monarchlal Lady sec ond,' Sadie Brooks third. Alto fourth. Best time! 2:21" J. .2:13 pace — Raybetta first. Mollle S second. Lady Baxter third, I'ot, Morgan fourth. Prince Edward. Dolln. Axtam." , Gllllford, Major Fnir cell sind 'Matt -Allic' also started. Best time, 2:1 Ui. ' ' 2:14 trot— Golden Rule first. Klttl** Rojal ncc ond.'.V'Marjorle third, Margaret "-fourth. Best time. 2:IC»S. . \u0084 , Forget the price aiid enjoy *^^ the aroma. Puck isn't like a \ \u25a0^~- fivb cent cigar. There's a difference in the j taste and the appearance. There is a good \ I / five cents ; wprth' in tKe lori^ v \ irETIS ' ) |Il|I J/ l^Ti ' A shapes all cigar dealers ( t v-^ : 'Bjw, ___ f PUCK /B A Ed Geers, Veteran Driver, Badly Hurt During Race Annabelle; Lee iVlakes Break- in the 2: 14 Pace and Goes Over an Embankment . I [Special' Dispatch, to The Call] KALAMAZOO, Mich., Aug. s.— EdGers, the veteran driver^ was badly hurt here in an accident today during the 2:14 pacing event. Arinabelle Lee made a break in the first heat and went over, an embankment near the five eighthsrpole.'The mare later ran two blocks before being stopped. Geers was taken -to a hospital. The accident created intense excitement and hun dreds flocked to the scene where" it happened. The crowd today was a tremendous one and. the attendance tomorrow is expected to be even greater pn. account of the free for all pace,<* — ""^ in which, The Eel, Citation and Hedge wood Boyare the stars. Summary:. , 2:17 pacers, purse $1,000: ' Ceeilian King, ro. •- h. by Ceeilian Kinjr • (Cox) .:........ \u0084...'...i; 1 1 Capt. ; White, cli. g. by Patny Sphinx \u25a0'• (Cunningham) 2 2 3 Ross X.. ConßUnero (FrancJs)..4 '--4'; 2 Complex, b. h; by Constanlin^ (Commons) .3 ' 3 4 Dr. C. X.. br. g. ; by Duster (Hoffman).. .6 3 5 Prlnepss Nutwood, eh. .m. , by Prince Nut .wood (Walker) .......:. ........5 '66 . , Time— 2:lo'i. 2:10, •2:05',i. 2:07 trotters,' purso $1,000: Spanish Queen, b. m. by Onward Silver • (Maoej;)' <. 1 - 1 Beatrice Bellini, blk. m. by Bellini (Dick erson) .2 ,2 Sterling . McKlnne.v. b. • h." by 'McKlnney (Geers) ..'.4 .( 3 Carlokin.b. h. by McKinney (Durfee). 3 4 Time-2:07%. 2:OT^. . Butte Entries Fin.ST RACE— Four and a half furlongs, eell lnjr, 2 ypar olds: : • Jim Brady ....... .lOTiChills .......... 10T Myles O'Connell \u25a0 '..llO'Oood Money 110 Biz Eldorado 107 Silver Oraln II!) Let It la : 107 Mary I}ppm 107 Tiber ............ .107 Contra Costa .107 Miss Haute : ..107 . .. v SECOND BACE— Six furlongs, selling, 3 year olds and upw-ard: Prince Almo ...... H7 r-akevipw :....!«) GoTPrnor- Orman ...107 Miss Bcaumon tor ..100 Bpllc Brady .......107 Billy. Bowlegs .....100 Petahima ....!07|Byron \u25a0 - I*W East End ...:....'.. 109] Bos«» Daly ..:.: ;H>7 Oeno Wood .... 10!>| Lucky Mate 105 THIRD BACE— Six furlongs, selling, 3 year olds and upward: Priceless Jpwpl lo7:p*>lham ........ .'.... 103 Tim O'Toole lO')|Fnrnate . .......... .I<V> No Rule lo2|Royal Stove. ........MH Elpvation KW Roy Shumrray \u25a0.."...1«»2 (Vhl.'skill ion Hersaln .............10" Alice Collins .......100 FOURTH . RA«^E— One and a quarter j mllc«, spiling, 4 ypar olds and upward: Koro . . .09 Ca bin ....". . . .100 Prince of -'Castile.. lo6 Mike Jordan .......1<« Buna .'.'..•\u25a0;\u25a0.:.-..".. ..104 Sam Bprnard :...... 10« Agrppjupnt .. .--..113 Spring-Ban . . ..'...'. 104 • FIFTH RACE— One mile, selling, 4 year olds: Buckthorn 1071 Aunt Kit ...... .'.'.". 07 F^nlta .1021 Weymouth .........105 Mabfl Fountain .... MJAltenbcrg . ....... ..>HO Als-Ar-Bcn liolSainposal ...... .....105 Black Hand ... lO2|— -- - . \u25a0 , SIXTH RACE— Six: furlongs, selling, 3 year olds and .upward:. ' '..V. . ... . '. . ' Wildwood Bill »7(Thurlo .........102 Marburg .:.'..'..'.. . lO."l Daisy Frost . . . .'. ... 107 Sister Julia 1071 Yellow "Foot 102 Oosslppr II ....... 107|«rotto . ... :.'.'.;.. 102 Irish Mike .. ....... 112 Mabel Hollander ...107 Galvanic 10f»).Tohn 11. Sheelian...lOt SEVENTH RACE— Fire furlongs, purse, maid en 2 year olds: . . • '\u25a0 - ' Maxim \u0084 107|True Sir : . . 105 Al Hampton W.-.'.-.lOTjFoncfana ........... .ia> iWarm Night .....T.lO'i Judge Shortall \u0084...107 <!o<hKFpllow ! . 1071 Martha Jefferson- ...10.) Royal: Pilot ....... 107 Wcavelette . . .... .'. . .105 Chief Joseph ...... !!•)[ DUFFY MAKES HIGH SCORE [Special Dispatch to The Call] \u25a0SAI\''iMATEO,'Aug;-5. — At the last shoot of the local gun club George Duffy was high man,. winning the tro phy, presented by the- Dupont - powder company.'-" -"'Duffy's closest opponents for first honors were S. Cuthbert and •S. B.,Gracier. .' 2:14 pacers purse $3,000: Star Patehen^ blk. h. by Joe Patchen. dam by Star Hal (Snow) 1 1 * The Bosun, b. jr. by • Alkalone (C0x).. 2 5 £ ( m. by Cuttinp (Shafer) ....J - \u25a0» Hal Perryrb. h. by Brown Hal (Fa115)... 4 o 4 Mary X., b. m. by Zembro (McMahon). ..» 4 5 Ethel" M.. eh. m. by Sphinx (Elliott) .. -.6 6 0 Annabelle Lee,' blk. m. by Adbell (Geers) • "\u2666 • • «» s - Time— 2:o»U, 2:00 .i, 2.05. 2:11) trotters, purse $l.noO: Esther Bells, br: m. by Mendoclno. dam •*-;• by Electioneer (Dlckerson) 2.1 11 Dr. Jack. b. g. bj Shea Alcone n n n -(Murphy) -* l r - - Almadeu. blk. h. by Direct (Walker) .a 4 S ; » Telemachns, b. h. by Onward Sllrer V (Shuler) • * - di3 > Cecllian Blaze, b. g. by Cecillan (Elliott) 3 .5 dis. Time— 2:ll^. 2:11^. 2:12>«. 2:lBVj Victoria Entries FIRST RACK^-FlTe furlongs, selling, 3 year olds and upward: Alice - F 107|Lnotout .....'. 102 Pacinco .....:..... 100 F.sralante 107 I)a7id Boland inolTobj 1"° Lady's Beauty 107 Elba ...'...— I'W Beaver Dam ". r^d..H2|Mlke Ashelm 109 SECOND RACE— FiTe furlongs, selling. 2 year olds and npward: Mr. Hose ......... .107! Quality Street 107 Fire" 107iKctcnel ....... .107 Alder Gulch ....... 107 1 THIRD RACE— One and a quarter miles, sell ing. 3 year olds and: npward: \u25a0 - . \; Colonel Bronston ..107 Footloose 1 ; ">1 Harry Reaners 101 Mr.- Bishop 101 Rama .............103 Xasmerlto '. 101 Ton Row 107 Black Cloud 107 Sir Wesley ...V.... lo7JFlaTlgny 10a FOURTH RACE— Six furlongs, sellis?, 3 year olds and upward: Korosilany 102!Phillistiiw WV"i Milpitas ?.-:';. 122|Medora 10<) Sam McGlbbett 10D|May Pink .....107 FIFTH RACE— Seyen fnrlongs, selling, 3 year olds \u25a0 and . upward :' George Kilborn ...107!KeIown« 110 Mephlin ..;....... .im\ Bye Bye II 103 Vronsky 107jMaud MeG 103 Reene. W ...10,*5! SIXTH * RACE— OneMnile and 70 yards, sell ing. S^year olds and npward: Sir Angus ....lll'Mlll Song 11l Captain Burnett ...113!Dare Weber 113 Merrill 1131 _ " ' _<L Butte Races •BUTTE. Mont.. Ang. s.— First race, fire fur longs, selling. 2 year olds — Biased. 4 to 1. won: Sea Green, ' s to 2, second; Warfare, 3 to 2. third." '. Second race, six furlongs, selling, 3 year old« and upward — Rom; Daley, 8 to 1. won: Orelio, eren. second ; Royal Stone, 6 to 3. third. :. Third race, six furlongs, selling. 3 year olds and upward ;< Reuben. 00 to 1. won: Mazapan, 2 to I,, second;' Canardo. 7 to 10. third. Fourth ' raco, one mile, 3 year olds and np ward — WolfTille, 15 to 1, won; Weymouth, 6 to 5. second; Contribution. 3 to 2. third. . Fifth race, one and a sixteenth miles, selling, 4 year olds — Herman Doyle. 5 to 1, won; Sal pearl. 5 to 1, second: Voltrome, eren, third. Sixth race — EHerd, 3 to 1. won: Sake, 7 to 10, second: J. C. Clem. 3 to 2, third. -.Serenth race, fire furlongs, selling, all ages — J; E. -Mayham, S to 5. -won; Slolly Montrose, 4 to 1.. second ;-"Vbor,- 3 to 2. third. Bill Logan Is First in the No. 6 Futurity .SALIXAS, Aug. 5.— 8. E. Montgom ery's bay colt' Bill Logan today won the J year old pacing: division futurity stake Xo. 6 in straight heats. Teddy Bear was second. The best time wa* 2:13 Vi. Summaries: Purse. . $1,430. two year old trotting dirision, futurity stake No. 7.- Sweet. Bon. b. f.. by Bon Voyage. Silver Bell (John Quinn) ; 4 1 1 Babe . Verne, b. c by Jules Verne. Lit, The Babe (Hoy) I 2 T Alta Express, b. c. \u25a0by Ira Alto. Beau tiful Bird (Hocoboont 2 3 2 Airnes Carter, b. f.. br .\utw«xxl Wilkes- Excelta (C. -Veryiiv) ....:. ...I 8 3 Yll To. b. f.. by E. Ambush. Azcta (H. Rutherford* : .... « 4* EUer. eh. f.. br Walter Barker-Minnie Elizabeth (W. Maben» ..5 « »? Bon Gh.t. b. y., by Bon Voyage. La Musco-Vita IWb. Best) T 7 * Pal. blfc. c.. by Palite-Lorna Doon (F. Cbadbonrne) '. ..953' Tim? 2:25« i. 2:17 1 -j. 2:22%. P»ir«»p. $.<<oO. 2:1.1 pacing class, ilooatrlx. b. f., by. AJmoor-Trix (F. Chadbourne) 2. 1 t t Tom, b. jr.. by Moses S. (Wm. Bentil 2 2 2 El«a Mare. s. m.. by Morris A. (C. Whltehead) 4 5' 3 Milton Gear. eh. b.. by Harry Gear (J. Guicello) 3 3 4Ji*. • Time. 2.14. 2:10»i. 2:141-:,. 2:U^. Purse, $1,300. three year old pacing diTision, futurity rtate No. 6. •Tim tagan. b. c. Cbarlem Derby. Effle I.i-ean (B. E. Slontsomery) T". 1 1 t Teddy Bear. b. c.. by " l>elcoron. Ado Queen S. (W. Irey) ........ 2 2 2 Time.. 2:15»;. 2:l«Vi. 2:13%. BLOOD POISON *TO CVRE BLOOT) POISON It* mu!>t b- '""\u25a0 y^*^^3a< entirely removfd frnm f \u25a0 ISB • * n^ *yst'm: bow to I >BI R et '* out '* **"* &fJN^\ j^l mystery in hi* P^y^^w So not to us. for our I iCt c^'irse of treatment LX Jv j will absolutely cleanse . Y" w^» JT the poi«>n from the jr^r yf^L blmiil and tissues, and th«Tf can be no i»<Mnf- /jJJBS9Lrjt-^^| baok to it. '»ir tr^iit- mont for hi***! poison Is not poisonous and abaoliitelr fill not harm or irritate the stomach as most "treat- ments do. You will be iriren a full. explanation as tn how we treat blood p"U"n and satisfied tbat ttwre is no guesswork abont it. for tbe re- sults cannot be disprored. . Free Consultation. Examination DR. FIELD & CO., 964 a Market St., S. F. Hours m;g- 18 . vt DR. JORDAN'S 6-"*6 -"* MUSEUM OF ANATOMY . CCRCATEK TfMN tVCTI J S~~\ Wulneii or any oontrxUd 4lmu— U*fl . positively cured by <h« «M«t \Jjf T-*^* I '*^ ea th« f*— it EiUbJi>h«4 JiP DISEASES OF MEN JJ <r vv Tr—tnwnt p«ri«n»fty «r by Wtur. A ' ' rtt SA posltKe cure is rrtry eat* u»- JS&C Wr *' *~ l ~ lt - p«:lo«opmy •fFS&fr Or MARRIAGCauM fra*-U • DBTjOBDAN.^S 1 £i t S.F. I CALi jfij^^fca MENANDWQMSH. Ci» Bit ** far vaimtarsl Jkmhf blki 4>rv%] diich&rzaajal&mautioa*, lUtf Oivumt jl irrit^tiooi or «lear»Uons ft^Jf \u25a0•' *• -ti—af. of m aeons msmbrins*. f _ '1 rrmmi»C»m*ctum. F&i a l««t, and BoU*>trin« KYwI^tEYJWtCHmaiCO. f «at «r poiwnon*. Cki. or ** at ia pl»ia wr»pp»r, V^ragnl »l.0». or Jbof.l»« 12.75. i^% \u25a0* rtrrmlsr imt on rsa.nft. STATEMENT OF THB CONDITIONS AND AFFAIRS 07 TH3 QUEEN INSURANCE CO. Of AMERICA OF NEW YORK, IX THB -STATE O9 SBW YORK, on the 31st day of December. A. D. 1008. aad for the year eadinz on, that day. Published pursuant to tba ProTistona of Sec- tion 611 of the Political Cede aad complin! from the annual statement filed with the la- •urance Commissioner of the State of Call* t ornla. CAPITAL* Araonnt .of capital stock paid op la cash 11.000.ww.0i ASSETS Loan« on Bond.* and Mortca;^ $ 71.000. CJ Cash Market Value of all Stocks and Bonds owned by Company.... 6,T95.644.ftt Cash -in Company's Of f1ee. ........ 1.380.59 Cash ta Banks 273.23T.4fl Interest and Rents dne and accrued. C 337.70 Premiums In due Course of I Collec- tion -......:-....•; «07,00i.7s Bills recerrable, not Matured, takes for Fir* and Marine Risks ...... 65.00 Dne from other Companies for Re- insurance on losses already paid. 1,480.71 Total Assets ...*7.811.738.83 LIABILITIES """"* Losses adjusted and unpaid... $. 96,092.1 ft Losses In process of Ad jostment or 'In Suspense ......~. ............. 509.030.94 Losses resisted. Including expenses. $3,350.00 Gross premiums en Fire Risks rua- - ntng one year - or less. , 5^.9rt1.- 287.62; reinsurance. CO per cent.. 1.450.533.31 Gross premiums on Fire Risks Run- nlos more than one year. $3.917.. 239.17; reinsurance '\u25a0 pro rata.... 2,097.906.3? Taxes due or accrued.. . 11.665.13 Return premiums and reinsurance -premiums .......:.... S''».c"r>.nr> All other liabilities 25.179.53 Total liabilities ....J4UJ53.451.23 INCOME X»t cash actually recerted for Fire premiums ....$4,334,379.73 RecelTed for Interest on Mortgages. Received from interest and dlTl- dends on Bonds. Stocks, Loans aad i from all other sources 555.T40. 13 Gross Increase In Book Value of Ledger Assets 156.23 Total Income \u0084... ....$4,613,502.12 EXPENDITURES Net amount paid for Fire- losses (ia- .. eluding $274,258.54 losses of pre- vious years) ..;*..... ...$2,349,431.33 Expenses of adjustment and settle- . ment of losses 51.970.21 Dividends to Stockholders 100.0Ou.ic> Paid - or. allowed for Com mission or. Brokerage .............:..... 800.731.4* Paid - for . Salaries. . Fees, and other charges for officers, clerks, etc... 413.40553 Paid for State. National aad Local taxes 99.599.73 All other payments and expendi- tures ....;.............. 259.411.81 Total expenditures .* $4.07g.«1.4-1 \u25a0 F're Losses Incurred during the year $2.433. -, RISKS ANP PREMIUMS . - -*,r, r " .... | Flro Risks Premium* Net amount" of Risks . • written during tbe year' ...°.....--.-- $439,164,372 $3,373,502.33 Net : amount •of Risks -' 3 r f3£%:£*Z&£ 3^.567.593,3.199.793.11 X December* 3l° IwT.I 577.413"0H16.«r:5.30«.7a GEO. W.. BURCHELL. .Vice-Pres. NEVETT S. BARTOW. Sec. Subscribed and »worn to before me. this 2<?ta da* of Januarr. ICHM). SMmMi^h v T.. LIVINGSTON KENNEDT. Notary PnbUc. - BOLIA V. WATT Mannjeer Paellle. Department -.. Hoy al - Insoraaee • Building "\u25a0 . . Sun Francisco