Newspaper Page Text
16 EMPLOTMENT WANTED — Male— Con. MARRIED German: handy; with blacksmith and carpenter tools: caa drlre: care cf horses: wants work of any kind. B. N., 914 2ith ft.. Oakland. MIDDLE aged man wants janitor work or, to fact, must have any kind of work; sober and reliable. Box 5771. Call office. '" POSITION wanted at watchman, night or day; nanny years' experience and best of reference from last employers, and bond If required. Box ZSKQ, CaU office. ' RELIABLE elderly man desires light work, or as care teker of botsse. for room and small wages. Box 4455, CaU office. ICSI Fillmore. SITUATION wanted by well dressed yonng man, age 24: long business experience: some knowl- fdjre of stenography: able to handle, cor- respondence. Box 3571. Call office. STENOGRAPHER and typist, male, wants posi- tion, experienced. Address W. E. D., 1326 Berkeley way. Berkeley. ' - WOULD like a job overseeing, or will work by contract: years of experience on farms; can furnish Al references. Address P. O. -box 642. Livermore. Cal. ' WANTED — Situation on gentleman's place as oboreman, care horwe, cows, etc.; wages $30, with bed and bnard. Address CHOBEMAN, box 38S1. Call office. WANTED— To utilize leisure time at office, the H^rlcal and executive xrerk of a small business nr ejreaey. Address box 3874, Call office. WANTED — Work a* window cleaner or bouse <leaner: price 30c an hour.- Address CARLO MOHAEL. 3 Blackstone place, bet. Greenwich, Lombard and Franklin sts. - YOUNG n:ca of 30. with experience In buying for large eastern etaftk and suit bouse, would consider MmHsr ivsition with a Pacific coast naucera; twst of references: selary $150 a :r:eath. Addrrss box T.S6S, Call office. YOUNG man. experienced book keeper and office car^Me cf taking charge, several years' experience :c s-awtr.ill and retail lumber busi- ness : moderate salary; excellent references. A»lf!re*s box 2P IS. Call office. Vnl.Nf; rnsn and wife, nn incumbrance. want • positions on ranch: w.lary low if position is suitable. Box 2441. 11DS Valencia st. j "\<il"N<; r..r.n troold like n fr-w liours' work every •vrning: prwjrinn no object. V.ox 4453. C*ll. EMPLOYMENT WANTED — Female CAPABLE, experienced stenographer desires lirmanent poEition; can assist with books. Address box 3790. Call office. EXPERT KtenoKrajiher .icd book keeper, with Hi years of experience, would take position at S".\ « month to start. Bos SSO7. Call office. GKIiMAN woman wit!; a ohiM desires a position to «i<> h<-i;is<?\v«rk : pmail »-«c«. Nustil hotel, sth and Madison Etc.. Oakland. Cal. ZZT— _ EHFIVED young woman wishes light housework in faniiiy in exchance for lv>ard and room, for bt-r*<-l* and husband; refereuces exchanged. Bos CG7S, Call office. \v liLl^ BRED young lady would like to be com- panion to elderly lady; can furnish good refer- *-n«e«. Box :;770. Call office. "i«»l'N<; German first cock: understands English. y-rin;s place in private family. ££<) Grove St. MALE HELP WANTED i'HO.Vi: KEAUNV 5303. SAN FEANCISCO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 172 East st.— Maritime Hoti-1. WAXTED— ALL KINDS OF SKILLED AND UN- SKILLED HELP. ALL KINDS OK HELP FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. A WORI> TO THE EMPLOYERS. •V:r coSBHtfMW and our familiarity with Euro- T'"-t lan^i)a>:es «i«liie us to make a good choice ; njuMg n-jtivv Americans and men who have lm- : ;, :o Uic United States. U. S. MARITIME J.'c'i'-L <!i i-onnection; the largest and best • vi. UUcujau"* i:«>tel oa the water front, opposite m:i P ON HAND ALWAYS. A" r i:!:s. nvn Lsirtin st. — Cook and wife, coun- try li..:<>s. ?7f>: !»!ief rook. ?7."; all around < ••.)!;. country hotel, $50; bus Im\v. $30 to $40; VM'-.ijr in«n for <',p'jiv»<ry waeon. $2S: cake bak- ' tk. $40 r« *n» : <;erraan handj $S week: +»*t\ :j'akor. Jt> week; oooks. kitdien hands, etc. Onklaod offi't 5!."i~ Fmr.klin st. A?." I'liFiisi-, or Scotr-Ti i.iulpr far private familr: -••<<r«t>re* iieof-scary; $00. Call at MISS PI.rVKF.TT'S. lft»C. Sntter et. :T S. r. Hotel Nfvs. 731 Pacific bldg.— I'li;. Jol.s for liote} lelp. Owll and register. l;m;lv REiSrSS K»«tf4; must h^ rajiid and a<-- <-:!r.'::r: >«lary $".'<: co<kl eppartßaltfes for ad- ?-"-i>ij/--i;; syp limit 30; city references ah*n- ,lwj*>}yj !)«•:•< **:;rv: jrive them in application. l .<Mrww box "S7C; Call effire. IJI^TTicUw Roal tnst.T for the country. ARN- RTCTX SIMON A: CO. Ildl* nicker- war.trd: men. women nn<l chilciren: 11 rood o-jthisr at p.-oj wapes: li:i« shady camp rr.->rnns on n:jr?sam river: pirli!<ig Iw^ins In n Tew «'r.vf; reginter at once, as books will j^ »Tffrtr us sor«Ti as crew is secured. Call «t mCOrett AMERICAN HOP & BARLEY CO., 110 California st. I.AIiOUF.BS and merlianics to know that Edward !i»lkin lirs rediir-ert the rooms at the Denver !I«t;*e. 3d aud Howard sts.. to 35c per day, $2 wc^'i: : hot an<l coM water in every room. M.VN dad 'wife a* eoc* and helper for an insti- t^tttm: SW. Call at MISS PLUNKETTS, IS9O Gutter kt. VKN wasted at 103 .'W «. to have their shoes n-pslreri: s<«e«l yolf-s. 75c. done ' In 10 mm. UAN of indomitable energy, who is good talker, can »?eur«' «n exceptional opportunity to make tr.onfy. Room l?.Qi. Metropolitan bank bldg. y.KS end snane* to'ieara barber trade; 8 weeks; ••am $0 to $10 t>er wc-t-k while learning: par- ticulare fre<>. MOLER COLLEGK. 6 11th st. MEN valued to work for newspaper election bu- rosa i.n tlie iMziit of August 17. Call at regl«- trar's office. h.~seir;ent >-\ty hall, between 11 and 2. Saturday. A«sr«i«t 14. ' J.IPN who want to learn bow tn clean and re- model tadips' aod men's hats like new. Louis Hat Renovatory. £S3 Mkt. facing Powell. 2d fir MEN to learn barber trade in S weeks; free spe- cial indu-ements to next 10: call early: get y«rtlcii?are. S. }". Barber College. S Ferf St. NF.W WESTERN. 1124 Howard-rSinjfle rooms, ir»<" and 20; per night; hot and cold water. OPPORTUNITY Ten- bright young men to learn our business;, men with department \u25batore- experience preferred: correspondence ••oufidentlal. THE E. P. CHARLTON CO., 1347 Fillmore Ft. I'I'OTOGRAPH coupon and portrait apents: \u25baomethinjr cood. Cutbcrth Photo Studio. Bacon Wldg.. Oakland. I.'EAL ESTATE SALKSMAN— Good, active men t«.. handle Jiicfcly developed Burlinsame prop- • rty: all Improvements made: settled eom- reu&Jty; eiceUent class of ivsidences; easy terms; liberal commissions paid. Room 10L Russ bldg. 23."; Montgomery st. ; \u25a0;.,-\u25a0..\u25a0. FALESMAX waited to sell staple goods to the saloon trade. 11 Btedeman Bt. SALESMAN wanted for San Francisco and bay cities; no grafters or has beens; to compe- tent man pood money making proposition offered. Address box 3870. Call office. SALESMAN oa high grade automobiles; good po- sition to right man; give experience and «al- r.ry: answers confidential. Address" box 3SS2, Call office. - STEADY young man for janitor and door keeper at nickelodeon. $10: Mission resident preferred. Box 3Wt4. Call office. « -.-- ,- ETHNOGRAPHER and typewriter wanted; young man, about 18 or 20 years old; must" be accu- rate and rapid In his work; must also be able to furnish good recommendations as to charac- ur; salary to start with $60 per month. Write your application In your own hand, writing to First- National Bank, Bakersfield. Cal. To the right person a good, steady position is open. WANTED— A fine looking gray physician regla- U'rnd In California, with some hospital expe- rience; good salary, short hours, no traveling I.*. ."'.(! Kt. WANTED — Young man not over SO years of age to "act as office assistant; mast nnderstand sliorthand and typewriting and possess execn- tlT* ability; salary' $125 per month, with In- crease . if . work proves satisfactory; references r«Hjt:!.-ed. Address box 3560, Call office. WANTED — GOO men to occupy room*. 20c to 30c ! prr night ffree bath), at the . NEW YORK 7-V; Howard yt. IK-twecn 3d c.nd 4th. WANTED — Men to. learn to operate movSn* pic- ture, machines; salary $35 per week. 221 Lo- fi-st ay. off Van- Nero near McAllister. . x WANTED— Yonng man to solicit advertising; rood chance for right man : advancement cer- tsln If a hustler. Address box 3532. CalL —WANTED— 100 LABORING MEN To «wnjpy ciean single rooms at the ORIGINAL MECHANICS" HOTEL. 019 Howard st. bet. sth and Cth: 15c. 20c. 25c day; $1. $1.25 per week. WANTED outride tialesmen for 'our talking machine dent: exp.'.not' necessary.". Apply KOHLER & CHASE. 40-52.54 O'Farrell st. WANTED — Experience*! window trimmer for our San Jose store. . We' prefer 'a: married man: most have, taste for inside trims and be -able to tjiow, a reasonable length of service In last «r prewent position. ! Apply supt.'* office from 9 to II ». m.. HALE BROS.. INC., .Market and'fith sty., city. , • » W*VTFjn — Men roomers; -per night, -25c; hy «.<k. Ii; tot and -cold wated any time. v ClO »-vidr ft. - . '-. . • MALE lELP WAXTED— Contlttnea MURRAY & READY, " . LEADING EMPLOYMENT AGENTS, White Palace Hotel Building. 11th and Market sts., S. F. Phones— Market C 56 and 657. BRANCH OFFICES: 7th and Broadway, opposite H. P. depot, Oak- land. 2d and H Bts., Sacramento. 2d and Main sts. and 126 Marchesault St., Los Angeles. ' • Latin office 528 Jackson St., S. F. TODAY WE WANT 9,762 men for allclasses of • work In California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada. Arizona, New • Mexico and Colorado; wages ranging from $50 to $150 and found. IF YOU WANT .WORK SEE US TODAY. HERE IT IS. FREE— NO OFFICE FEE. FREE FARE. OREGON— OREGON. KLAMATH FALLS. • MIDLAND— DORIS, BRAY— WEED. S. P. R. R. . C. N. E. R. R. FENCE GANG. 082 laborers for all classes of work, wages $2 to $2.50 day. V , . ?00 teamsters. $2 day up. 150 men for track, eteel and ballast gangs.' 250 tnnneimen. machine miners, drillers, head- ers and cornermen. $2 to $3 a day. ALL FREE FARE— fclllP DAILY. TREE FARE NEVADA— AND ALL— ALONG— NEVADA— LINE APPLEGATE— COLFAX— TRCCKEE BOWMAN— CLIPPER GAP— AUBURN - fiOO laborers, teamsters, machine and hand drillers, muckers, \u25a0 tunnelmen, stone masons, quarrymen, carpenters..- . 5 wood choppers, $1 tier; tools furnished., FREE— FAKE— SHIP— TWICE— DAILY FARE PAID. SHASTA CO. JO swampers for the woods, big lumber co., Shasta co., $40 and found." fare ' paid. ' SHIP TODAY. GOLD QUARTZ MINE. 5 German or Scandinavian muckers for a good mine, $75. NEW PIPE LINE. TEAMSTERS— LABORERS 20 teamsters, new pipe line, $07.50. ' 20 laborers, new pipe line. $67.50. FARE PAID— SAN MATEO CO. 10 laborers, San Mateo oc., $60, fare paid. FOREMEN. WOODS— QUARRIES— RANCHES Woods foreman for a big lumber company, $110 and. found. . . Grading foreman, lumber co.. R. R., $90. . 2 orchard foremen who understand and drying fruits, etc.. $00. TODAY'S SPECIALS. SniP TODAY. YOUR— FARE— FREE. FARE— PAID— SHASTA. BOSS— HERE. 10 tie makers. Shasta co.; good timber; can make big wages. FARE PAID. MARRIED— HELP. Cock and vrlfe, mine boarding house. Las- son co.; boss here. 3 cooks and wives, country hotels, $75 arid $85 fd. " Fcrmer and wife. C. C. Co., $50 fd. 5 farmers and cboremen and wives, $40 and $50 fd. Italian laborer, wife. to' cook for men; camp; good wages. MENDOCINO — HUMBOLDT. 25 laborers for the mills, yards and woods, Mendocino county; wages $30 and found up; free fare. SPECIAL TODAY. YOUR FARE PAID. 20 laborers, no , experience required, for a big company, bridge, pier and excavating work, , etc.. $82.50. YOUR FARE PAID— SHIP TODAY MINERS— MUCKERS FOR A BIG AND GOOD GOLD MINE. 10 hand miners, S hours. $90. 10 muckers, s hours. $75. TUOLUMNE— FARE PAID 5 laborers to handle lumber. $67.50. YOUR FARE PAID. FACTORY WORK. 10 laborers, good factory, short distance coun- try, $2 to $2.2-"> day. MECHANICAL. CARPENTERS— ENGINEERS PIPE FITTERS. PAINTERS. 2 pipe fitters, country factory. $3.15 day. Hoist engineer, R. It. camp, free fare, $60 fd. Carpenter, gold mine, north, $105. 3 bridge painters, company work. $90. 2 painter*, private job, country, $3 day. 2 cabinet makers. $4 day. Sheet metal workers, country factory, $3.50 dy. 5 rough carpenters, lumber co., $75. 5 lathers, city and country. $2 and $2.75 M. • GOVERNMENT WORK. 10 laborers. 8 hours' work, $60, long job, country. \u25a0 MISCELLANEOUS. Mechanical draughtsman, good wages. Cl<rk and typewrltist, office. $60. Tallyman t«> tally for mill. $60 and found. Log derkman. lumber company. $40 and fd. PonUraan. lumber oompany. $40 and fd. Drag sawyer, lumber company. $40 and fd. SAWMILLS— LUMBER CAMPS FREE FARE. O R EGON— M KNDOCI NO HUMBOLDT— DEL NORTE CO. 150 laborers to work in the mills, yards and wo<«lk. wages from $30 and found up; FREE FARE.' r» Jaok screwers. Sonoma county. $40 and fd. ."• men to make skldroad. 95c fare. $40 and fd. T> roustaboutc. lumber camp, San Mateo county, $45 nnd found. . 2."» lumber pilers. Tiiolumne, Madera, Santa Cms counties, $00 to $7.". 100 laborers for the mills.' yards and woods, railroad section, etc.. Slsklyou. Shasta, Ma- dera. Tiiolumne, Santa Cruz counties. 50 wood choppers. Nevada, $1.40 cord. FOR GREAT POWER COMPANIES. FARE PAID. 10 laborers to ~o today, X 74; your fare paid. - THREE YEARS'. JOB. 150 laborers to work around flumes, ditches. ciamf. pipeline, etc.,- of a big plant, $67.50; 3 years' job. NOW— SOUTH. -^v \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.. BAKERSFIELD— MOJAVE DISTRICTS. 2fl laborers and teamsters, pipeline work. \u25a0 $67.50. ' . ' 10 tongsmen and tongsmen's helpers for pipe- line, JK2.50 and $75. SHIP TO BAKERSFIELD TODAY. OCEAN SHORE R. R. SAN FRANCISCO TO SANTA CRUZ. 12 teamsters, 2 horses, $60. \u25a0 FREE FARE. COMPANY WORK. SANTA FE R. R. . 20 laborers, company work, board in hotel. $2.25 day. "FREE FARE— SHIP TODAY. 10 laborers, city and country, factories, $2 and $2.25 day. 25 laborers, city work, $2 and $2.25 day. 150 laborers, all parts of California, mines, .quarries, factories, power plants, etc., $2 to $2.75 day. FARMS— HARVEST. DAIRIES. ETC.— FRUIT PICKERS. ' 27 men for tbe harvest fields to work around threshers,. #ack sewers, etc., $1.50 to $2.50 day and found. 23 teamaters,- different ranches, $30 to $4C and found. 15 milkers, $30 to $40 and found. 9 choremen -and stablemen, $30 to $40 and found. - .... 7 choremen and gardeners, private places, $25 and $35 and found. COAL MINERS. OREGON— FARE REFUNDED. 10 coaL contract for Oregon; steady work, good prices. COOKS— CAMP WAITERS COOKS AND WIVES. ETC. Confectioner, t city, ; $75 .and • found. Pastry- cook, $50 and found. Butcher. $S0 and- found.' I Cook and waiter, small camp, south, $50 and 30 and found: ••'\u25a0'" Lunch cook, city. $14 week; butcher, city, $15 week: 9 cooks, country hotels. $40 to $60 and found; cook and , wife, hotel. Nevada. $85 and found; 5 cooks, camps, ranches and hay presses. 535 to $50' ami found: 7 camp waiters dish washers, etc.. $30 and found; ironer' country laundry. SCO. , Shirt polisher, hotel laundry. $40 to $45 fd. Pantryman. Napa co., $25 fd. Bus boy." city. $25 fd. Doorman, city " hotel. » s2o fd. Mr. Stevens, woods and sawmill foreman, please report. ITALIANS. \u0084 FARE— PAID. ' 25 Italian laborers, quarry, south, $CO, fare paid. . . . . 10 Italian laborers for another quarry, $67.50 r.O Mexicans. Ausrrians. Italians." Greeks • etc.. laborers, ,s6o and. $67.50. \u25a0 Call and read . our bulletin boards; work • coming in by phone, telegram and mall all day long. ' ;-,-., MURRAY & READY. -. 11th and Market Ets."; San Francisco. 7th Et. and Broadway, Oakland./ • ". 2d and. II sts.; Sacramento. . WANTED. by wholesale house, bright, capable city salesman, conversant with; carpet and up- holstery lines. Addrews box 3SS9, : CaII office. WANTED— Four, first class" country .land :. sales- men - for Sacramento . valley: lands .• In ' small tracts : •\u25a0\u25a0 big . commissions. -\u25a0 Call \u25a0 room ' 521, \u25a0 First National Bir.k bldg. ; WHITE boy wanted >for -bootblack' at Arena bar- ber shop. 1161' Jefferson, st.",' Oakland.'. \ YOUNG men .wanted ' to learn telegraphy: wire- Jej* telegraphy, railroad » and station ; service" day and nieht session <;.-*•• Central; Trust; bldg Van Ness ay.- corner Golden Gate »v.;* ' : . v YOUNG". man of good address who" has some ex- perience in "typewriting. Byron* Mauzy Music building.- 250Stockton st^ \*? . ;\u25a0: 100 VOICF.S. tenors and bassos 1 for : Portola f es- ' tival; Spanish music. Call at -793 .Van Ness i ay... 7: to 9 p. ' m. . : ; .v y \u25a0:. '.;"\u25a0: :.' :/' :",;>.;:.;\u25a0. IF. you are out -of -workman ad' f under" employ- ment wanted will heln you .secure in: position." ; *• ;I A PPRENTICES -WANTED EXPERIENCED: watch imaker is willin K ,toitake an apprentice under contract; nosition guaran- teed after serving full time. - Box 2919. 'Call. THE SAN FRANCISCO : .GAEL; '{I SATURDAYS t AUGUST Ife 1909; BARBERS AND* SJJPPLIES - > BARKER CHAIRS. ; Model "0," bydranllc. 1807- m0de1.... :.540 Model "G." faonbydranlic. .1909 m0de1.. 552 , Model "H.'': hydraulic., 1009, m0de1.. ;..;.. 568 Second hand chairs, .all kinds and ; makes, from $15 up. \u25a0:: . \u25a0 . ?\u25a0• \u25a0 , *, JAMES BARKER, Int.. Ptone Franklin 3S99. '\u25a0•; P4 Tnrk st. . BARBERS— Come in" and see the handsomest • white porcelain enameled \u25a0 iron • chair manufae- I tiired. Yon 'have positively- seen' nothing like It before. It Is Koch's masterpiece, and must appesl to everybody's artistic sense, because of its plain- but striking appearance. \u25a0 ..It is .* thoroughly sanitary.;: We /have 9 Barker by- • • draulic chairs,: which 'are practically ; new and originally sold for SS~>. Onr price is $50. Open evenings. Pacific Barber Supply Company,. 962 Market st. ..\u25a0.--;\u25a0'-"- ,\u25a0-.-,. . ,-,\u25a0_..\u25a0\u25a0-...- \u25a0•\u25a0 BARBER shop in ' W. Oakland for | sale or rent cheap; possession given Satnrrlay. Call - 125 Clark it-.. Melrose, or phone Merritt 1251.' BARBER for Saturday, from 11 a. m., and Sun-- dayto'lo a. m. ; ; come . ready to work. 3267 ICth st. - - : ' *' --',- \u25a0\u25a0;;<;\u25a0_, ; -. -- : -.-:- V: BARBER-wauted for. Saturday; $?• 330 3d \u25a0 street... .-*j .';'... / - ..: ..- . . BARBER for Saturday; wages $5. 1498 Eddy street.",. -' \u25a0\u25a0\u0084;\u25a0'.-•'\u25a0,".• ..'•\u25a0" '..-\u25a0- .-\u25a0\u25a0 BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday. 1305 - Park St.. Alamed>. .:\u25a0\u25a0' : : * ; BARBER— Good ,man, for Saturday, $5. 393 \u25a0 20th st. . ' - :-\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.'» \u25a0 ;'\u25a0'. v->'- BARBER wanted for Saturday. '1005 Mission st. corner 6th. ', \u25a0 . • .. >\u25a0 . ..'.•"."' '':;\u25a0\u25a0 BARBER wanted. GOLDIE'S tonsorial parlors, 201 Market St.. corner Main.. - -: BARBERS' UNION 148, office 343 Van NesH ay.; free employment: tel. Market BSP. 1 BARBER .chairs bought : and sold: • new-Blr- mli-gham "chairs sold; on' time. . 885 Grove st. BARBER wanted for Saturday and Sunday; good wages. 479 Oth : st.. : Oakland. . , EXPERIENCED barber wants , country Job. Call box 854, Call office. Oakland. FOR sale — Two chair shop; living rooms; rent $25; cheap. 911 San Pablo nv.. Oakland. FOR sale— Neat 2 chair 'shop; rent $10; living rooms included. 1554 Folsom st. , \u25a0...-.' FOR sale — 1 chair barber shop; rent $10. In- qulre box 3844, Call office. : - - FIRST CLASS 4 chair barber shop for sale; sell cheap. - 470 7th st. bet. Broadway and Washington st..;. Oakland. ' ~. \u25a0 \u25a0: ".'\u25a0\u25a0"": ':\u25a0. :\u25a0 : . FIVE chair marble, stand for sale. 470 7th St., ' . Oakland, bet. Broadway and Washington.". FOR SALE-^A 4 chair barber shop, with 4 bath- rooms; doing a good busmess; centrally . lo- cated.- For particulars write or call at 204 East Fremont st.-. Stockton,' CaK* ', * GOOD barber wanted Saturday. . 2507 24th st. near York. GOOD barber wanted at once; bring tools. S6S Mission st. .; . . .-'. ' : GOOD barber wanted for .Saturday and Sunday. , OQOA I>aguna st.' near McAllister. .. GOOD barber for Saturday; good wages. 3419 Mission st. : ' GOOD barber wanted Saturday noon to Sunday noon; $0 guaranteed. 1265 Mason st. ' \u25a0 GOOD barber wanted : at 432 6th St.. Oakland. 10c shop. \u25a0 ' '-, ' .. .. \u25a0 ' "-\u25a0 -' . GOOD barber wanted for Saturday . and Sunday. 705 Broadway. Oakland. . , \u25a0 . GOOD proposition for a barber. Imperial hotel, 051 Eddy • st. -. . .\u25a0'.".' '"\u25a0'\u25a0•- SACRIFICE — 2 chair barber shop: fine location: steady trade; laundry pays- sl3' profit; owner sick; easy terms. Box 4450. Call office. SNAP — $400: 3 chair shop: baths; lease. Ad- dress "A." Call Agency. Stockton, Cal. TWO barbers wanted for Saturday. 109 6th st. WANTED — First 'class barber for Honolulu. Ap- ply to JOE, 1194 Market st. ' WANTED— Barber for Saturday and Sunday. Call at 43 Eddy st. \u25a0 ' WANTED— A barber shop; run S chairs up; short hours. T. F. 8., 240S California st. $350 — 2 H. I", chair "shop, south of city, well furnished: good business; rent $15; must sell. COLEMAN. \u25a0 $30 Market st. - . 2 BARBERS, steady; must be first class. FOUT'S 9 chair shop, 2170 : Shattuck ay., Berkeley. . ' t 2 CHAIR barber shop for sale or rent. 10th and ; Folsom sts. \u25a0\u25a0-''-'.-\u25a0 ' CALIi BRANCH OFFICE. 1651 Fillmore st. near Post. ' - \u25a0'-\u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 M F EMAIiE f M^LP.^WANTEJbn^I^ CHAMBER MAID and seamstress for private family. $35; a', cook,.'- must understand .little German cooking, $45, references; 'an infant's nurse for out of town. $35; a Swedish" or Ger- mnn second girl, for family of 2, $30. city; a parlor . muid and . waitress, small . family,"; city, $35, references necessary; a German. nurse for 1 boy, references,' $35; a working house keeper for 2 gentlemen, $35; 25 general housework pirls, for city and country. Call at MISS , PLUNKETT'S, 189<5 Sutter st. . ' DEUSTER'S SCHOOL OK HAIRDRESSING AND BEAUTY CULTURE. 47 KEARNY ST.. 8. F. EXPERIENCED Infant's nurse, between 30 and 45 years old; references, required. 1340 E. 14th st. corner 27th ay.. Frultvale. \u25a0 . ; ' .;,.. FAMILY or married couple, on farm; light ' Job; steady; state wages; Protestants, no other. Box 3591. Call office. » FIRST CLASS lady solicitors can find steady employment by- applying city circulation de- partment . San Francisco Call, 3d and Market streets. • • \u25a0 \u25a0 - - : ' HOP pickers wanted; men,: women and children; a' good outing at good pay; fine shady "camp grounds on: Russiam river; picking begins In a- few : days; register at once, as. books, will be closed as soon as crew is secured. Call or address AMERICAN HOP & BARLEY CO., 116 California st. .-'.•- LADIES — During summer months we will give a - liberal discount on all laces; our: neckwear will be .sold at half. Brussels Lace Store, : 1254 1 Sutter st. • below , Van Ness. . \u25a0\u25a0 - . * ''.".-'\u25a0 LAQIES wanted to take home work; _part or full tlrne; experience -unnecessary; TRIEBERS, 1240 Sntter st. near Polk. : . LADIES' for reliable piece work; stamping transfers: good paying, steady , employment. Room 816 tWesthaqlr bldg. \u0084-,' • OAKLAND. GIRI^S TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. . • LEVI STRAUSS & CO.;- 3D AND CLAY STS. OAKLAND.': APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. " , STEADY Increase in the. business of the Pacific telephone and telegraph company necessitates the employment of additional operators, and tbe telephone company is - making special in- ducements to secure for 'these positions .young women of neat appearance, fair edccatlon anJ : excellent character.-, young. \u25a0women who wish to study telephone operating will not only re- ceive free tutition In the Pacffle operating school, but will also be paid while studying, and upon' graduation will be given posit'ons at the switchboards. 5 Tlie exchange buildings ere equipped with rest "and retiring rooms and the operating rooms are j light and : well ven- tilated. The ' telephone company takes a per- \u25a0 sonar interest : in . the welfare of- the young women .In . its - employ.' . and on \u25a0' this account parents of tbe 6ort •of girls ; desired are en- couraging them to take np telephone operating os a profession.- For t further particulars call -at \u25a0- the Pacific operating school. Franklin cen- tral office, S2l ; Hy de , sr. near Sotter." - '- Protestant lady unincumbered as • attendant in 3 doctors" offices; must* be extra fine appearing and at. least high: school gmdn- ate from distance;,' teacher preferred; -no limit -to salary. -Don't write. Call personally.,- Dr. WANTED— GirIs 'to address ' envelopes . and E fold circulars. ; AppIy , WILLIAM M, >WEILL 27 .Ste- venson st. near* Ist. ' :.\u25a0 , ;•"...-: : WANTED— Young- lady as; assistant "In- ad ver- . tlsing. department;, state previous-; experience, age and- salary expected. Address boxY 2900. \u25a0;\u25a0'- Call office. '-• .-; .- :\u25a0 :v-\u25a0\u25a0"];: v -\u25a0\u25a0"]; \u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0 -•'.\u25a0;,, \u25a0: ;- WANTED — Lndlf-s to learn hair, dressing at the Cal. College of Hair Dressinic. and Beauty. Cul- .turt-^ay anil night school.' 9C7Vj . Mkt.: phone. WOM EN wanted ; 'collecting and i distributing sum- pies. 1 305 'Hlbcrnla building,, 11 \u25a0 Jones \u25a0 st. - • YOLKG girl to r assist ? In light \u25a0 hocsework ; fan- \u25a0 Hy:of 3. , Apply In 5t0re.; 2272-Markct St.; , YOUNG stenographer; used- to •office' work and Smith premier machine,' for an employment of- fice; $5 per week. Call at MISS PLUNKETT'S, \u25a0'". IS9G. Sutter Bt. , : \u25a0:, \u0084 ,._" •= . . •'. \u0084 -. .< . ... - \u25a0 IF. you are I out of work fan!] ad under i emplor- ment wanted will \u25a0 lit»ln 1 yon '; uprnrw \u25a0\u25a0 n ' nositW.Ti. SALESXEXandSOLicrro'RS WAXTED CLASS ; A f solicitors- for a quick i seller; •; liberal pay; ,- Apply room-, 527, Phelah ' bldg"- 8' to ;. i 9 a.;m. 'only.' r , \u25a0 : ;\u25a0 ,. : .-. .\u25a0••"_\u25a0\u25a0 ..; \u25a0> \u25a0- . . . •\u0084 : - • EASTERN manufacturing > firm - desires \ reprcsen- utive -for California; -none 2 but 'first 'class salesmen need apply.- Call 10 a.: m.,\ room 54,^ ; Bacon bldg.,. Oakland.' Cal.' *\-,\ -"\u25a0\u25a0-' .--\u25a0\u25a0.•* ™ LOCAL agents.^ men 1 -; and .women, Hn*~ every, in- tenor ,town ' for household ; novelties ; ' perm. I po-' : sitions to good workers; } exclu: jterritory; * easy - , selle| rs; splendidipay; don't look. further.^Wrlte or call- Radio MfgCo.".' 1065 Washington.*. Oak.l SALESMAN l wanted-^-A I man of good, edncation, \u25a0 good address j and I able ito command >; the ; atte.n- tion_of _large buyersr; who ; has. the! qualification . • of . driving 5 close \u25a0: bargains '•: and - who ; would " be- . - come • »n ; able; advocate :of ? Hne> be s represents: ; .^mechanical. line; good > proposition? toi the bright :mnn;ino:trlflerB.need',apply.'Vßoxj3S46/:.Ca11..'^,,; WANTED— Successful "nnrseryj salesman; ..big -\u0084' commission ; choice » territory; ''. heavy s demand rj, for trees. OREG ON \. NURSERY : CO.* Salem, :V.Oregon.r, „- ,- :;.v.v.--s:r,. : v:,;,^-,^.. /v- SALESMEN ' and SOLICITORS xrtA^-Com WANTED— Young '• man \u25a0 to ' - solicit : advertising; '. good > chance . for ' right I maa ; . advancement < cet-f \u25a0S, talnj If : a hustler. \u25a0\u25a0> Address ; box -1 3532. ' Call.yj • .WANTED— 3:- - neat- 'appearing solicitors; good chance for ambitious men. Call 10 to 11 *. m., ' 2122 "Market' st.^- . - *.-' \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' "-' "*\u25a0 ' % - "- '"'"-' \u25a0':'. .'.'• \u25a0 •; AGESTS WAKTEP ..' "^ -'-'-'- AGENTS— Al* proposition^ good 1 for-$lO to ; s2s . dally.;,. Room 1301 . Metropolis : bank build ipg. EX-REAL ESTATE i aud X insurance agents try '.; * our : proposition for ,- big : money.' \u25a0':'\u25a0 Inquire '505 -Hibernla'' building between 10-12 a.'m." and 1-4 •: \:P.<_m. ~ \u25a0>\u25a0; \u25ba;•• , ; : ;\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0-,-,.\u25a0 ..- _,;,: ; .. \u25a0_\u25a0:..\u25a0 WANTED — Good - energetic | agents to | sell light- ing system^ and ' lncandescetit kerosene lamps;' good proposition ; and ready sellers. |g 403 13th '\u25a0 st..> Oakland. :,;;/ : .- . \u25a0-;\u25a0\u25a0,, ' : :\-' V. \u25a0-\u25a0.:-'-\u25a0•'-"\u25a0. WANTED-^- Young, man to solicit advertlsins; :. good vcbance- for right '.man: advancement "cer-' \u25a0•- tain If ahnßtler. . Address box .1532. Call. \u25a0 OFFICE^^^ AAAA— TEL. FRANKLIN 3757. Japanese Erap-oytnent Agency. 1105 Poat st. near Polk. . '. .. 'AAA—, PHONE; WEST 1731. ' Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office in city. \u25a0• T.- TA MURA CO.. 1612 . Laguna < st. AA— OSCAR HATSUMI. JAPANESE-CHINESE JKMP. CO.: BEST HELP GUAR.: CITY iOR COUNTRY: -.. 1513 GEARY ST. WEST; 5688. •\u25a0 AT MAYER'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, :: 1146 -Post St.. bet. Polk and Van Ness ay. \u25a0v•-\u25a0:<:'-\u25a0v •-\u25a0: <:'-\u25a0 : Phose Franklin 5003. v ; -"\u25a0 : J. CONN, .Chinese emp. ! ' bureau: Chinese cooks spwia!, hotel: or:fam..77o;Clay; t. D'glas 5162. A. HOR!, 174R Sutter; phone - West 2So3— Best Japanese-Chi'tieiie l.?lp- furnished promptly. • STAR I emp. office ".- furnishes Japanese-Chinese help. W. KADOTA. 160S Geary; tel. West. l 67. H. W. HO>fG, Chinese employment office. 605 • Webster st.. Oakland. ' \u25a0 Phonn Oak -8543. -\u25a0" "L'yPAID WAGES COLLECTED KNOX, 433 • Pine— Sults, : liens and attachments, time '.•becks. cashed; debts coli'ted everywhere. ROO3IS TOLET^Fur. and Unfur. AAA— THITIIA_'TON, 977 PINE ST— NICELY FURN. RMS.. SINGLE OR SUITE; PRIVATE BATHS; RUNNING WATER; STEAM HEAT; SUMMER RATES;: BOARD OPTIONAL. AA— TURK St., 822— Large, sunny front room. : with every, convenience; also single -rooms; .': from: to $2.50; special rates . to .' gentle- innc: -suitable for 2. \u25a0 ; \u25a0 \u25a0 '.. :J. AAA — CRESCENT., '826 /EDDY; st. — Nicely fnr- nlshed .tms.; mod, conveniences; rates reason. ANTHONY HOTEL. 525 Howard near 4th— New management: all modern cony.: free baths; 35c day; 32 week up; Howard or 4th st cars. . A COZY home for: respectable ladles. 1130 Mar- ket st. near th.. under auspices of the SAL- VATION ARMY;- elegantly furnished; \u25a0' every modern: convenience; steam' heat, electric light and elevator service; spotlessly clean; cen- trally located ; ; thoroughly homelike; telephone Market ! l349; prices \u25a0 very moderate, ranging from . 25c per night up;; special rates by the week or month. , See .natron, room 33. ..- AETNA HOTEL, 1017 Pine st.— Single rooms $, week up; unites' with bath. $0 week. 7 BAKER st.. 36-^-Sunny, furnished. room, 1 or 2 gentlemen; bath, phone; convenient to carllne. BARTLETT st., ISO, near 22d— Newly furnished front - sunny rooms; near 3 car lines; bath; adult family; $7 to $10. ; BALDWIN HOUSE, 74 Cth st. near Market— All -modern conveniences; 220 rooms; 35c to $1 per day, $2 to $5 per week; free- baths. , CALIFORNIA St.. 2533— Nicely furnished front . room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. \u25a0 \u25a0 CENTRAL HOTEL, 574 3d st.— Free baths; of- flce and - reading : room . on ground floor; .500 . single and family rooms; 3uc to $1" a day; $2 to $5 a- week. EDWARD ROLKIN. proprietor. DEWEY HOUSE.- 4th and Howard— All modern conveniences; 200 rooms: 35c to $1 a clay, $2 to $5 week; free baths. -Howard or 4th st. cars. EDDY st., 1828— Sunny front rooms, neatly fur- nished. . suitable for gentleman nr couple; reas. FAIR OAKS st., 417— Large front sunny rooms, .' for ; l'or ! 2;'bath' andphone: private • house. GUERRERO St., "549. near 18th— Sunny, newly furnished room, suitable. for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all -conveniences;- reasonable. ... HOTEL ST. PAUL. 528 . 12 th st.. corner Clay. . Oakland — Rooms 00c a day np; $2.50 week up; special rate by; the month; open all night. . HYDE st.V 632—3 unfurnished rooms with bath; ' fine location; reasonable. . : - HENRY st.. 25, near 15th and Market— Good, . comfortable, sunny- room; $5 per: month. MASON. C 37. above Sutter — Large, : sun. : fnrn. rm.; run, water;, gas, elec: bath, phone; reas. OVERLAND HOUSE. 569 Sacramento st, below '.' \u25a0 Montgomery — Now 0pen,.200 rooms:* hot' and V. -cold water in every room; 23c to $2 per day, ' $1.50 to $5 per week. ED W. ROLKIN. Prop. SAN CARLOS'. 1175 j O'Farrell j St.— Furnished . or unfurnished, with ;or without ' bath; -'privilege of house keeping. ;; . \u25a0 '' :' • . THE WELLER. \ Post and Hyde — Nicely fur- nlshed rooms, single :or en. suite; $14 mo. up. THE GOUGH.. 1124 Gongh corner - 1 0'Farrell— Nicely . fur.: rooms, single or suite; reasonable. THE LURLINE, 1353 Bush— Sunny modern rms., $2.50. wk. up: country trade; 50c to $1.50 day. VALENCIA st.. <447— Front room, large, light, . sunny:, running water; price $8 a month. 1730 Polk St., '; snnnr outside rooms, bot^ i and cold' water, hath, phone; $2 wees up; house keeping privileges allowed.- _ : '« 21ST St., 3309 — 2 large, sunny rooms,, newly fur- nished: very reasonable. BERKELEY ROOMS~Fur. an.; Unf nr. LARGE sunny rooms (connecting),* with board, • suitable for four; private* family;:- fine view; furnace heat: \u25a0; also, one single room.- Phone Berkeley 3663. .\u25a0-/-\u25a0'. '\u0084-..-\u25a0 RENT: THAT VACANT ROOM ' A --' small ",'• want ad '" in X The'" Call -will \u25a0 do ., It quicker:, than . a dozen signs \u25a0 plastered on 'your windows ; and which', spoil "- the " looks- of ryour homo besides. J Phone Kearny '86 \u25a0 for an; ad . man to call and see yon... - " \u25a0'-. \u25a0. \u25a0 . ROOMS FOR HOUSE" KEEPING AA— STANYAN , St., '\u25a0'• 945— A1.. house keeping rooms, completely 1 furnished; reasonable; \u25a0 sun \u0084 all -day: near Golden. Gate park. :: A— FILLMORE 1443 — 2-84rm. fnrn. and' unfurn. - \u25a0 apts; ;\u25a0 single- rooms;. run, water;-; modern; reas. DOLOKES St.. 2C6— Front eunny . parlor suite;. , running water; board or house keeping; single -rooms;-: ptone. ' .::''. '. :: .- '.- •;•-. FILLMORE St.. 634— Front sunny suite of 2 rooms for housekeeping} $3f>; also single, room \u25a0 suitable for two. »;.; ... •\u25a0 -\u0084 \u25a0: ''-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.• GOLDEN GATE ay.. 629— Suuny, house .keeping . aptii. : 2 or 3 rooms : running water, • bath, , phor.e: also single rooms. ; • . . «\u25a0• "- ."••\u25a0;,-./ HOTEL LOHAIXE. : 1035; Sntter, ' nr. Octavia^- "»w. management; elegantly; furn.; by day, wk. ... or mo. ;;near theaters; hot .water in^everyrm. O'FARRELL St.. 3240. ! near .Gough— A, ' sunny, 1 : neatly furnished house keeping suite; $14 per -month.;. \u0084.',..;-. ,:..•-,' ; .;"Vw-_ SCOTT St., 2040— Clean sunny attic house keep- Ing.: rooms;: $ : per week and up. v :' 4TH nv., ; 132, Richmond— 2 r rooms,^ suitable for -house- beeping; -phone and bath; reasonable." \u25a0 \u25a0• ROOMS .:AIVp BOARD OFFERED AAA— THE HATTON. • 077- PINE ST.— NICELY "KURN.'RMS.. SINGLE: OR SUITE; PRIVATE :; BATHS: RUNNING^ WATER; STEAM: HEAT; SUMMER RATE; BOARD OPTIONAL. - < A— TI^E ' WEMPE; ; 419 \u25a0*. Oak, ";\ nr. fc ßuchanan. ' ;llaljrht: or "Masonic', street cars; .large; sunny rooms and .unextelled^lwardrall conveniences; v'."s3s,mo.' < ,itp.'. I?<t_1 ?<t_ •\u0084.\u25a0•;'.•>'../ .\u25a0:- ' \:~° '~:.y: BARTLETT St.. 324, near 24th— Sunny, bay win- ; dowroom; 2 beds; hot and cold running water; - 'near; 3 car lines;- large garden ;* modern : suite, 2 gentlemen^wlth or, without. board.Y ; .' /• FRONT, and ; : baclt r : parlor; ', single ": rooms; "with -. or : \u25a0 without 'board; : table: board.>; 11S0 .O'Farrell = st.* HAIGHT ; st.T 11C2. j opp. ' Buena 'Vista park— Front • sunny v alcove":;- suite ;=*'\u25a0 newly .'.furnished;;' bath, phone; best home cooking ; : for i-v^S. ?\u25a0 y ;""'--:\u25a0 • .- LAKE 'St.;- 305— Corner? room; .running : water; board » for *2 ; '\u25a0 2 : . meals y : Eddy ;\u25a0 cars. - ;;. \u25a0\u25a0:. ': ,'. \u25a0-.-\u25a0: PACIFIC ' ay.. 1721— Desirable f rooms. i with . ex- cellent Z board; -splendid, locality ; 7 rrferehees. \u25a0.-. H()TEL OXFORD. > NE.t cor Post and : Franklin— ' Nicely,: furnished ; rooms, with for] without board?. O'FARRELL 8t.,,.1355--_'ront3_mnny/donble: and . ;;; single jl rooms : v board ; .:\u25a0 homelike ; 'i reasonable ; ratable board." -'."_ •''.'..' ; '- : -'.__ : \u25a0' -'.V ,* ",' "!V !vS-. ~-~-Z O'FARRELL 1 * st.. J l2os— Room "with '- board; ,: sult- .iahle^forvl'or^ young. ladies; -terms 'reasonable. , ROOM sand ) board lin private f amllyj for: 2' gentle- •„ men ;i home comforts.'w'P^hoaeiWest 3811. v. \u25a0; ;-y .-; ST. * FRANCIS S Girls' i Directory. Central 1 ay. 'i and * -.Waller i Rts*. •* San ( Francisco — A", beautiful home. ' \u25a0 .wherejoldfladles.'iyoung girls and little children ,-. can Aboard . very ; reasonably..: '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ~- A \u25a0', • ' .\u25a0>:\u25a0.>:?, ST.*MARGARET'SicInb "for .working; Hrls. 1 : 1541 "'.Ct ll fornia nt. : • $20 mo.-; np; ; tourists ' sl"day. \u25a0; \u25a0'.'.\u25a0> SUNN Y?f newly .furnlshedirooms/i.wlth .or ! without |jj hoard ; sno '.other j roomers ; 5 reas: a f 273f .; Bush 5 st. SUNNY? corner; jreflned's home! to :familles.*j gentle- .;\u25a0'• men; and « ladles ; employed 1 ; refs. H 1360 • Page \u25a0 st. ,W( tM.VNrS I HOTELS Turk a t '- Lagnna,^ opp. park— ' •^vj^me»comfortß:t rensonable'srates.'?' - \u25a0\u25a0 ' "'• •££\u25a0 ; OAkI_AIVDi ROQMs'I A^P^ P° A itD;. MARKET;^I496^-RoonT;; ami vl board ;i for i gentle-^ ';^ man ;; In , private j family, _ near ' Ker - Route ; and j BERKELEY _• ROOMS fAXPj BOARD \u25a0\u25a0' FURNISHED C rooms S in":* refined > private family ; ;- ; C- beautiful ; grounds < and 1 surroundings ; ; board . op- stations; '\u25a0\u25a0 references, .'-2222 Sbat- J'lii'k'aT. -*»\u25a0\u25a0''.',\u25a0'-'_\u25a0--\u25a0.'•-.-.•- \u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 :: \u25a0\u25a0 ;>- ,--. ... . - >RO QMS i AND i BOARD 1 BY young man, board and room within 15 blocks of Pine and Montgomery; state terms. ; Box -'3563..Ca1l office, v- --.-.? - r- ; BOARD ;FOU CHILDREN ' ' BOARD -for. children ;' good home, -rj Address A. \u25a0•-'- WBINMANN, 406 Diamond St.; Market St. car. VY.; .;. ' , \u25a0/>\u25a0"" APARTMENTS .; ' AAA— VENTURA ? APARTMENTS. 2715 SUTTER ST. '.-..*"\u25a0 - ; ______ , -- '. -•'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 - \u25a0 ... . New apartments :of• 4 '• and >5 . rooms • and bath. ; RENTS $20 to: $25. Unfurnished." Everything first class; main hall , : beautifully furnished; : all i apartments .' have. 1 separate -h alls; kitchens covered with: imported: linoleum and furnished withe gas. ranges.. 18 Inch ovens; rapid 'gas water heaters and disappearing wash trays; no children ; reference. : \u25a0*.•\u25a0' " ' , . AAAAA— Hollister ' apartments, 1330 - Unioa st. ; sbet.;:5 bet. ;: Polk ?, and <\u25a0 Larkln— New - elegantly ' f ur- : nished V, sunny • 3-4 rooms ; complete for house •.keeping; private bath > nnd halls; rent' reason- \u25a0 ;able; grand .-..:; . -..-"\u25a0: -. . AAAA— MARYLAND APARTMENTS,. 363 -Page -. st.— -Sunny 4 'room' apartments : ; furnished and \u25a0 :unfurnlshed;ihot ;water,- Janitor service.- night watchman, elevator. , ;\ . "-' : AAA— ESSEX APARTMENTS, 1067 Haight, near " G. r G.-park — 2 room apartments; gas store, hot ;; water. Janitor; \u25a0 modern; light, | sunny; "rents .. reduced; ; phone. .r, .. \ ;. . AAA— ST. MARGARET apartments. Fell and Oc- tavla ets. — Sun_y, unfurnished apartments; 3 i-poms and bath; wall beds ; rent reasonable. A A A— Castle Cra Ig : apts. . 597 ; Dolores, cor. 19th. Sunny 3 rms.; bntb. wall beds, gas stove, dln- Ing table ; : mod. ; , cony. ; to cars; opposite park. AA— GLADSTONE ' APARTMENTS, 700 Polk st. cor. Eddy — Hlcgant sunny house keeping apart- ineuts;! room, $14 i>er month; 2 rooms, $28 per month; 8 rooms, $40 per month; hot baths; elec. lights;; Janitor scry. -'Tel, j Franklin 2045. AA— CARMIiLITA' apts., cor 15tii ! and Valencia ; most modern apt. house In ' the city; elevator, steam • heat, 3 tel. ; priv.- baths ; 2, 3. 4 rooms - from $27.50 up;. elegantly furnished. *' I- . AA— CLEMENTINA, 746. nr." Bth; near 4 icar- r , lines— New sunny » 2-3-4 rm. % apts. ; comp. fur. ,', for. hpk.; .$l5 to $18; -also single rooms. AA— CASA LOMA, dO Fillmore— Room. $3 wk. ; '\u25a0 also apts., with baths; all sunny;, new house. A— CORNELIA HOTEL APARTMENTS, 041 O'FARRELL ST. NEAR HYDE. 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM > ELEGANTLY FURNISHED APARTMENTS, Completely equipped with' every, modern, con ven- ience land ready for Immediate occupancy. SOMETHING NEW. • HOTEL SERVICE. - REFERENCES REQUIRED. A— SPHIER APARTMENTS, . 227 Oth St.— Sunny I fnrn. and unfuru. 2 room apts.. Apply in store. APARTMENTS TO LET UNFURNISHED. When seeking apartments do not fail to see the HICKMAN apartments. -3826 California St.; elegant, . convenient, low. rent, water free, halls * carpeted and kept clean,', .electric ',' lighted; rents from $17.50 to-$25. . ADELINE APTS., 640 Eddy— Apartments, 2. 3 and 4 rooms; thoroughly modern; summer rates. BEAUTIFUL 3 room apt., 853 Hyde st. : cor. J .Bush: open for inspection 3 to 4 today;* rent $42.50. \u25a0 . ' • . -•> " AAr-MARIAN apts.. 2159 Mission bet. 17th and ; 18th — Ideal | housekpg. apartments. , completely furnished; hot and cold water;. all conveniences; . 2 room $20 and 3 room $25 per month. CALIFORNIA apts. 2124 California St.— Sunny I -furnished apts. of 3 and 4 rooms, 11. & 3. wall I beds in each apt.; lawn. -West 5119. Columbus (The), NE.; cor.': Pac. and Larkln — 3 and 4 room apts.. unfurnished. $22, $25. | $27. ELDORADO APTS., ; 150 9th St. nr. . Mission— , Ele.fnr.' 2 and 3 rm. apts.; also single rms. EUREKA apts., cor. Market and 17th sts. — Beau- \u25a0 tiful 3 and 4 room apts.;; phone; Janitor serv- ice; sunny. \u0084..;. GLOBE apts.. 1147 Folsom— Fffr. hkp. apts.. 2-3 rms.:;wlth bath;gas and elec.; $10 to $12 mo. LUNDY APARTMENTS At Stanyan, Frederick and Golden Gate Park, the most modern in city: hot and cold water, elevator servloo;, furn. and unfurn.: up to date ' in every respect: references required. MALTA apts.— More than home comforts; 2-3 r. apts., complete; sun. all day. Priv. ex. Market 6144. Gore 14th and: Market sts. SYLVESTER APTS.. 907 Valencia cor. 20th— 2, 3, 4 rooms, thoroughly .; modern : gas range; baths; Individual halls: rent reasonable. ! SUNNY 4' room apt., marble finished entrance, beamed ceiling, dining room and hall, box . seats,- 4 closets, drawers in each: bed, desk. I book case. -janitor, lijrhtf", water and garbage for $25. Apply 283 4th ay. . THE BERTRAM. C 32 Hyde st.— 3 and 4 room furnished apt*. . -\u25a0..-. . OAKLAND APARTMENTS TO LET THE LUCERNE, 1465 Grove st. near San Pablo ay. — 2 and 3 room elegantly furnished apart- ments; all modern conveniences; fine, location; now ready: for ; occupancy;- centrally located; .'out of parties desiring fine quarters will find this nn Ideal home: special summer rate*. HOTELS AA— NEW Gulllaume Tell Hotel. 10S4 Folsom ; nr. ,7th — Neatly furn. snnny rooms, equal to \u25a0 - any $1.50 rm. In S. F., 35c-to sOc; meals 25c np. BROOKLYN HOTEL,'"369 Ist— Board: and -room $6 and $8 per week ; rooms 50c to $1 ; weekly $2 ,up;tmcals 25c. .,: CHARLES MONTGOMERY. , HOTEL. ARGONAUT. 4th and Market sts.— Fam- ily, and- commercial hotel; room , with detached bath, -. $1 ;, per day; rooms , with" private bath, $1.50 per day; restaurant attached; moderate prlces; ; free bus meets all-trains & steamships. HOTEL BRILLIANT. ~,' ~ -\u25a0-.-\u25a0r--- \u25a0 ; .. - 545 Turk st. '-Fireproof; private exchange; all outside rooms; special ; rates to permanent!*;"' dining r00m..; Take Eddyjst. cars -from ferry. 1 ._" , . HOTEL BELMONT. 730 Eddy below Van Ness. "Turk and Eddy cars— Rates $lper?day np. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0 HOTEL- HARCOURT, LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN: EXCELLENT .' TABLE. -PHONE FRANKLIN - 2100. - , HOTEL REX, ' 238 3d St.— Newly >f urn. ; hot and \u25a0\u25a0cold 'running • water: • free baths; -nice reading rm.;; $2.50 wk." up;. also 2-3 hkp. apta. HOTEL MERRITT, 1836 ; Geary near Fillmore— In amnsement center; $1 day pp; $S.BO wk.-np. ! HOTEL ST. JAMES, 1 Van Ness at Fulton— Amer- .x ; lean: plan;; lowi rates.; ,-/ . .-.".',• . , . - ' HYGEIA. 2042 - Mission,, nr. 16th— Clean . snnny 'rooms; running water; $1.50 np; also transient. MARTINET- HOTEL, 1101 Geary st.— Rooms and suites,., with -first) class; board,' can-now be ea- , gaged at summer rates. - . . \u25a0 ;; • ': THE RONDELL.' 3081 16th, nr.", Valencia— Fur. : rms.;;run;;, water; ; soc day, $2.50 wk. np. . THE STRATHFORD HOTEL, \u25a0•'?:>- 242 Powell St., opposite the St. Francis. ! ;A" first -. class,- modern, : fireproof \u25a0 hotel,'; In the finest \ downtown ' section. \u25a0Rooms $4a: week land up. ••\u25a0 . \u25a0 v- . Room -with i private bath, $1 a day and up. THE CRESCENT. 1801 -California' St.. at Frank-" lin— Select boarding 'house: "first class; ref.; rates reas. Franklin 1021. MRS. E. R. BATE 9. BUCHANAN ' st.,*,; 135,'"0 pp. J 6tate normal— Upper •..': C,". rooms ; : .-batb,. pantry, laundry;- modem; sun \u25a0•'.ln'every room; -perfect condition; $32.50. ' BUSH St.'.'; 2sB4— Nice; sunny, corner flat,' 5 rooms snd-'bftth;- low rent. -'• \u25a0 •-- :• \u25a0 CALIFORNIA 5t., '2639, bet., Pierce and Steiner— - ;. Helln i v, Vista— Handsome ! >four room "and , bath \u25a0 flpnrtmeiit Hats;- very « desirable; 1- rent $35^antl C $40; see these. •/ SHAIN WALD, ; BUCKBEE &, , : .;,CO.,*27^Montgomeryist.'.: \u25a0', \u0084." •-. ; . .^ California; st..T 2443-62; .v near Fillmore— sco -.-and- s3s; :' lower .? and i : upper '\u25a0; flats of '5 andt G : . rooms nnd bath." SHAINWALD.f BUCKBEE & ; j ,CO.. 27 y Montgomery, St.; tel. .Douglas -47. -. CENTRAL 'J ay., '': 700. cor.'? Fnlton st.— 3lo«»rn \u25a0T-; flats;; 4jrooms \u25a0 and ;bath;-. near.: park- and- pan- \u25a0 I ', handle;^ nun .all: day;; Janitor; J rents 'reasonable. C»' ST.V 124, J. nr. % 2d ; ave.— s l room i modern - flat. , complete? for i house -keeping;- long > yard; $35; .' t : McAllister. cars:'; -;O.;i :-\u25a0».-..- .;.-'-; :.-?.\u25a0>.•-... .:;. DEVISADERO'st-V, 446,* near Fell— Sunny 8 room ->:; flat; s rent; s3s;. free to, Sept. jl.'i.sT '• ELEGANT, "sunuy.v 9 room" duplex : flat • like prl- \u25a0^vvatciresldfucerilndivldual-, entrances;-: 2 'baths: ,- -ij «eats : j book ..cases ; ' open • fireplaces; ".wate r \u25a0 house \u25a0i- heater: J beautiful /terraced 1 - carde'nK.V- front ; and "•.rcnf;notiilng;;to equal It:;rent.-IncltKHng water : / f a ndjijani tor \u25a0>• service.",; 'sloo."» Key 3.94S k* Sacra- i-.,,ni"ento: Ktr^uear, Maple.'StCall bet." 9 and; 4:3o. !«, • EDDYt"st.f;i 190,'^ opp.fJefferson ; square— Desirable '?:J I sunny? corner 58- room ( flat; 7 also 1 4 s room-* apt. " ; EUREKA^st..' •; SOS-^5 > room Ti upper flat; i latest ; Improvementa^rent $lS.iKey at 302 Enreba st. FELL j st.,V 1716, / opp. r panhandle— Upper .* flat.- 9 ;.." rooms " and \u25a0 "- basement ; ~ strictly : modern ; ' rent * treasonable.',; ;..::.;;\u25a0" -.Vf:, ;,,>\u25a0 ..\ :.-\u25a0 ,';• -/ .•"\u25a0<\u25a0" - FILLMORE iinU"i\ 433-^5 -elegant rooms, bath,- ..•;Clnrge;.store;room; <: rent's32.."n. 1 . , -,X ?;,"'' .*\u25a0'-'\u25a0"= • -. F0L50M,"2678-^-Very J sunny I upper ; flat, -4 rooms, ;\u25a0; bath;; gardens; cement iWalks;, slB; adults only. GOLDEN ;\u25a0 GATE tnr^i 845.*;' near J Gough— Upper \u0084-flat.',i6;rooms;; sunny^'.reasonahle.'-'.^ - ; '; .' \u25a0 GROVB*st.°is 635.«nr*J Buchanan— Flat Mo- let.^4 .;,;. rooms, \ reasonable.'? $17.^', ;, *; : '\u25a0 . -,-. .-.>;.,, JO NES « st.', * 2048 V to"; 205S— -i \ new .'. flats : •2 ; uppers . ;$2O; $20; Al" midtlle.*'? sl!s: tl i lowers sl4;*all '4;room«4 ;room« ik~and!«bath;i' sun Jail r day: i marine i;view:« a F i roof '; /yard *to I rlry^j clothes. * BALDWIN ; & : HOWELL^ FLATS TO • liET— Contlnned GREEN St.. , 2016. cor. Buchanan— s3o: beautiful ••fiat, new;? 5 .rooms and- bath; '.marine 'view ;-\u25a0 from dining room; desirable ' location; key on ; ; premises. :\u25a0•...':.."•. '\u25a0£ »' . - ,' - '. • '• LYON . st.. 1733 — Sunny, modern, lower flat, 6 rooms; Marge garden;- rent" s3s. MCALLISTER st.. lJm— Modern sunny flats. 3, _4, 5. 7 rooms and ; bath ; $12. : $16. $23. $32.50. MINNA. i 1321—4 * sunny rooms, bath ; toilet sep- arate; sun all day; $18. *. ,\ PAGE 'Bt..' f 590, cor. Fillmore— 4 room Jiasement \u25a0 Cat; gas and bath; all rooms light; $15. PINE st., 2SOC. nr. Broderlcjc— Lower and upper fiats, s.and. and 6 rooms and bath: tnod condition; : cheapest -flats' in *city:- rent $17.50 and $27.50. MADISON -& BURKE. 30 Montgomery St.* SCOTT 5t.. .; ?37. noar McAllister— Lower mod- ern. 8 rooms, close to Alamo square; rent reasonable. " \ - THE KNOLL, 1C24 Sacramento St.— 4 and 5 large sunny rooms - and. bath, with servant's room ::" open fireplaces. -. •-; . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0" TURK st.. 1107,, near, Jefferson sq.— Modern snn- : ny flat; T. rooms, bath; .very convenient; $25. ZOEst... 53,. eff Bryant. between 3d and 4th — New,' simny. 4 and 5 rooms and bath. $37.50-$40 — Comer La guna and Vallejo sts.; mod- ern 7 room acd bath Cats; marine view; rents .'just- reduced. <" . "-> '-,'- ; • • 2D ay.. 145. near I^ake St.— Middle flat. 5 room*; , rent, s22; also npper flat.' 6 rooms. $24. 10TH .it., 274 — 4 large sunny rooms and bath; ! adults; " reasonable; references. 19TH st.. 4012. cr. Noe— _imnx. upper. 5 rat; \u25a0 lor. cfnr»'prr"rt.*fii>«emen^. -\u25a0\u25a0 - OAKLAND FLATS TO I.XT 3D ay.. 1335, East Oakland— New modern 4 room " npper flat.'overlooking Lake Merritt; gas, elec- tricity: $21.50. \u25a0 _11 ,- P^]? l^ ll^^* F ?- ATy TO BERKELEY way. 2059. nr. Shattnck— Upper corner flat, modern. 5 rooms. $22.50:. adjacent 4 room flat, $18; rvery sunny; 1 block north of '\u25a0 depot. ' - ' r ' * ___________ \u25a0 J. FLATS TO _.ET~-Fnrnl«hed COMPLETE and artistically furnished, sunny 5 room flat 'with servant's room: every con- . -venienee; open fireplace: tile bathroom: bean- ttful terraced ganlens front and rear: rent, including water and Janitor service. $»5: ref- erences. Key 3S4S Sacramento st. near Maple. Call between 9 and 4:30. • : < \u25a0- PIERCE \u25a0 st.. 1336 — 5 snnn.v rooms, bath an<l closet, $20. Inquire 1657 Washington nr. Polk. \u25a0..\u25a0\u25a0' . , . :\u25a0 ' \u25a0 - - '.\u25a0•\u25a0 -- $37.50— Furnished lower flat. Union st. nr. Fill- more, 5 rooms and bath : for 1 y*ar or longer. Apply to MADISON & BURKE,. 30 Mont- OAKLAXa' FLATS TO tET — KnrnlnlJ^d TO LET— Upper np to. date, sunny flat; fur- . nlshed complete for housekeeping: 1 hl»v_ to Key Ronte: 526 Telegraph ay.. Oakland. FLATS FOR SALE — Fnmlahed SEVEN room flat for sale, of which 3 rooms are furnished; roomers pay rent: will sacrifice; party leaving city. Box 5853, Call office: phone West 3165. \u25a0 \u25a0 j FLATS FOR SALE .-'_"'-.\u25a0'? $2.200— 2 fine flats of 5 and 6 rooms; good lo- cation; rented now for $338 per annum; this Is one Kreat bargain; will take $200 cash, bal- ance $20 per month. If yon ever want to own flats, now is your chance-. Apply 3215_Mjsslon 1 COTTAGE^TO^J^ET^^^^^^ COTTAGE to let: 4400 " 17th Rt.. 1 block from Ashbury cars; nearly new; 6 rooms and bath; rent $25. '.\u25a0..-\u25a0\u25a0 V $14— A 4 room cottage, with bath; fine- view: yard: Sunset district. Apply 417 Devisadero. ALAMEDA COTTAGE^jrO^ET—FBr. TO le<— 4room cottage; gas. electricity, hot and * cold water, all modern improvements, fine ma- rine view: sea bathing and boating; $1,800. In- quire 2128 Clinton ay.. Alameda. COTTA G ES FOR S AI.E __ 2 ROOM shingled bungalow: porcelain lavatory; ground rent $6:' snnny- and conveniently loca- tetl. Apply 137.% Harrison at. _________ HOUSES TO LET — ITnfurnisliea^ DEVISADERO St.. 277. bet. Page and Hatght— Fine residence. 10 rooms/ all sunny, garden, stable and garage; rent $60. : - VERONA St., 54, downtown, off 3d near Folsom —House 7 rooms and bath; snap. - 1808 O'Farrell. near Stelner st. — Six rooms and hath: completely renovated: water free. BJEIUvELEY^IOJtJS^ FOR rent— 7 room furnished house in North Berkeley. Apply to M. S. • RAILEY, 121S Milvia st.: phone Berkeley 3757. i»_i£lS£jy£XJm£K^^ FURNISHED or unfurnished 8 rocai house; fine .grounds; faces bay: garajre; can be seen from »8 to 2. -\u2666 Box BT.O. Call office. Oakland. ___SAN^IAT^O^IOJ^SE^[H»JLET^ SAN MATEO COUNTRY HOME TO LET FOR SEASON Owner away on business; does not want p!ac» idle; will rent for season. A beantlfnl home. 12 rooms. "2 baths: grounds (about 1 acre), highly cultivated: garase and stable: rent to respon-* slble party. $15<J a month. . Address P. O. box SS.".. San Matef- HOUSES WAXTED WE : have tenants for stores, fiats and rooming bouses. Don't let t them stand empty; It don't pay. List -them .with ns. We will find yon a -tenant, on short notice. McFAUL & ED- WARDS. 330 Chronicle bldg. 15 TO 20 rcom • residence. Pacific Heiehts dis- trictr responsible : parties; lease. RHINE & CO.-. ?r.fl Montgomery st. «",.\u25a0• v OriflCES .VXD STORES TO LET TO let or lease at a bargain— Large store, with 2 show windows and 4 living rooms;. the peo- ple want a butcher shop and market; just the place to coin money: also 10 •sunny rooms up- stairs; splendid chance for a good business- man; 4448 Mission St.: key at grocery oppo- site. TIIISTLETON. 272 Sadowa St., Ocean . View." : . ' : ..:-_ .'\u25a0 -. \u25a0"'--_\u25a0\u25a0 TO rent — Large store at 82-1; Kearny st., cr will subdivide: rent reasonable. Apply 57 2d st. .-_-^-^_-_^v~JC9jJ^^ TO LEASE — Two f100r5,.,40x90 ft., and half of ' basement in building, G45 Battery St.; suitable ..forrhanufacttiring or salesroom purposes; very reasonable - rent. -.-. Apply on premlsea.. or at Keystone Type Foundry. Mission st. DQA\'7fTOJW^OTF]^CES^TO r _Lil_;T_ Marvin bldg.. 24 California st. near Market Offices, single cr en gnlte. 512.50 to $25 mo. FURXITURE FOR SALE > AAA— $25,OOO worth of new f urn. \u25a0 selling at «ae- riflce: we are retlrinc from baslness. KING'S iI . FURNITURE CO.. 3012 16th st. near Mission. FURNITURE goes for a song at 11. SCH___LL- ; t i; J2iil«££i_ —^ ,_ „._ _ . $s.oooworth of "furniture .wanted forthe coun- try at -Wiley's. 659-661 14th. St. near Church; Market ' 4322..:\u25a0-,-\u25a0. .:\u25a0-,-\u25a0 - '\u25a0-:' \u25a0" ; -. \u25a0 ' ' ALWAYS'reftdy to buy. furalture. carpets, desks.- merchandlse. etc.. for spot cash. MARK J. LEVY. H4O * McAllister st. : phone Park SfiO. lI ATTAIV 'FURMTURB WE MAKE .hkntlicraft fnrnltnre ; and baby c»r- \u25a0 • rinse*. Pncifle Coast Rattan Crr.. S3l • Van Ne«s. niUXITKRC REPAIRED REPAIRING/ and •• reflnlsblng of fnmlture; first. ' class- work: moderate prices; : piano polishing. / P.-H.: PATTERSON' &, CO.. 1940 Van Ncsa "ay. near Jnetrvon St.: phon<» Franklin 41!33. ' v WINDOW. SHADES Advance - Window Shade Factory— Bamboo porch . shades In. all slsey.^GEO. WALCOM. 637 Tnr-t. • FREIGHT FORWARDING A^-REIHICED ratw for^-lilpoine household goo Us. EAST AND WEST - JUDSON FREIGHT AND IOKWARDING CO., ": Room: 2CG. Pacific, bids.:, phone Kearny 2579. NATIONAL FREIGHT & TRANSFER CO.; Ml«- slonnrar 10tU: phoue Market 3154— -Cut rates -to ftllpoints: movlnr vans: fireproof w»rehon»e. :! '- ; fcEWIXG MAciIIXES DOMESTIC— Removed - from O'Farrell, st. to ; 1644 FILLiIORE ST. near Post.': All mates of -'machines, -'and. .second hand, sold rented and repaired:* lowest possible prices. Don't '.forget.'-. 1044: KILLMORE.- SINGER, v» White.":.* all : ; makes* "_ half price; . easy ,'c payments; second -: hand," 53 " np; renting.' ren_rlr- . ing ' **. specialty. >. ». McNALLI. . 3260 = 22d \u25a0 st ; phone ; Mission; 202.: r ... ; SINGER. Wheeler & Wilson office: renting, re- - 'pairing.'" lfJs2^Fillm6re st.: West «6761. ' -,'.;.-SCARPET.i;ci-EANIXG v , ' v;-;-'',, AAAA-4LE* CLAIR* VACUUM .. CLEANING I CO.. \u25a0.p62 Post.: roomi 326;. phone. Douglas 2071 Dast- »^ less cleaning of .carpets.: rugs." draperies.- furol- 1 ture and bedding.* WITHOUT REMOVAL. CARPET CLEANjNJ^^J«tlnj_»_^l_, avenue. - AA-CONSOLIDATED CLEANING APPARATUS CO.. 441 Ist ay.: phone Pacific »315-Car^»» rng^,. draperies, etc.. cleaned at hom«wUlK«* dnst. trouble or noise; cstlmatea fornlanca. AA-Natlonal Carpet Cleaning Works; largest , oa j coast; laying and alierins • i P ecl^ ty V( ° am i H ton & Baley. 344-34S Church st. Market IS». WHEX-.TWi become disgusted wi^ poor work send your carpets to J. SPALLDING * CO.. gSO Golden Gat» at.; telephone- Market B4J. A. PARRY CO.. soperlor cleaning and 'ayta« ' prompt service. 210 rUlmore St.: teL Park 4304. GARNIE * BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning works. 3153 16th st. cr.- Valencia; phone Market 500 1. BEST cleaning (3c) and laying (sc) by Gisslorrr'a C. C. Co.. BSOS 223; teL Mlaaion 2289: est 20 y. MATHEWSON'S Carpet Beating Works. 305 East 12th St.. Oakland; teL Merritt SO5. 81633. WATTS— Reliable carpet cleaning: alterations: renovaf. ; laying. 560 PeTJsadero; ph. Par* ara. JAPANESE Electric Vacuum Cleaning Co. Ban- ltary; reasonable. 2055 Polk. Phone Fran, 2033. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co.— Advanced n»«t»>- ods. GEORGE WALCOM CO.. 637 Turk st CONKUN BROS., carpet cleaning and laytog. 2400 Geary »t. corner Baker: phone West 9... _^^^RAJ^n_A^D^lO^OfG^^X9^ BEKINS VAN AND STORAGE COMPAST. ' Fireproof Ware-bouse. 13th and Mission sts.: teL Market 13. WILSON BROS. (inc.J—Movlnjr and storage. Cor. 14 1_ and Sanchez st».. 1 block from Mar- ket and Fillmore sta. cars; phono Par_ 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND TAN CO.— Bricfc warehouse. 2322 Fillmore St.; tel. West 2628. PIERCE-RODOLPH Storags & Moving Co.. maJa office.' Eddy and Fillmore: tel. Weat_B2g I______1 ______ CASH RCGUTEK& . NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS In 200 Styles and sizes. Prices from $7.80 up. Sold on easy terms. Aa* other make on the market at 30c on the dollar. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY. 1040 Market st. Between Taylor and Jones sta. AAA— The Central Plumbing Supply Co. does not sell redlpped fittings, but tt sell* new^flttlnss less than you caa buy the redipped kind for. Bring yoor list and be convinced. Central Plumbing Supply Company. 1527 Market st. A— MACHINERY, tools, shaftings, belting a«t a full line of second hand water pipe. SL GAB- MAN BROS.. »t the old location. 639 Howard st. Country orders promptly attended to. FOR sale — t cylinder, 85 horsepower marine mo- tor; practically new; weight 724 lb*.; a*> 3® horsepower high speed steam engine. In first class condition. InqnJre 475 44th St.. Oakland. CALIFORNIA Hocsc Wrec!_l-_ Co. has moved from 1440 Mission St. to the S"W. corner Mis- sion and 10th sts.; lumber $7 per M; doors and windows of all descriptions for sals. SECOND HAITO PIPB Largest dealers la standard pipe tad «crew easing, dipped: prices right; guaranteed first - 'class. Pacific Pipe Co., Main and Howard sts. AA — A^l sizes standard water pip* and screw casing, guaranteed good as n«w; get oat • prices. Weiasbanm Pipe Works. 133 lit- at. 157 CALIF. Reports: new: also desk, chair. 2 re- volving bookcases; reasonable. Address . box 8857. Call office. ' ' SECOND hand lumber, doors, sash, plumbing material, etc. WRECKING CO.. 1645 Mission st. Job. .N W cor. Pine and Franklin sta. CASH REGISTERS all kind*, cheap; easy pay- ments. Pacific Coast Cash Register Co., 1292> 1294 Market st. corner Larkln. ' .OR sale — Violin, higa grade tone and make: half price. ANDERSON, 1210 Filbert «.. Oakland. FOR sale — 2 20 inch centrifugal pumps and 1 100 hp. engine, good as new; a bargain. Ad- dress DR. W. C. REID. .Madera. Cal. ARMY tents at factory prices. W. A. PLTJM- MER CO.. 115 Drumta St.. S. T.l Ist and Franklin sta.. Oakland. ' : t A— SCHOOL BOOKS bought and sold. KINO'S BOOK STORE. 1718 Market st. above Oougb. SCHOOL b«©ks. now ami second band. J. H. CAIN. C7t> McAllister st. nr. Gougo. SAFES— High t-st. fireproof: special price $40; term* if desired. R>x g5».53. Ca{l offlce. SAFES — New and second hand. Th« Hermann Safe Co., 120-130 Folsom st. LOT. _«msH\ well, pump, fl6u. Address D, Call agency, Stockton. • HALF price, new and second hand fixtures. LAR- SEN CO., NE. cor. Van Ness and McAUlster. j SECOND band safe; no reasonable offer refused; must be sold. 950 Mission st. SAFES — A Jeweler's steel lined and a rook safe cheap. 233 California st. MOVING picture films for rent: largest stock la city. TURNER & DAHNKEN. I.JS Eddy st. WALL paper. 3'.4c^- samples mailed: paint $1 gal.; aleohcl. 63c gal. M. Merigan. 1447 EUK SCHOOLBOOK3 BOUGHT. KING'S OLD BOOK STORE. fc»l Golden Gate a-r. near Octavla st. BOOKS and libraries bought. THE HOLMES CO.. 115S Market st. : phone Market £96. , AWNINGS, hammocks and tents for invitliU*. ROSS. McMAHON CO.. 403 Battery st.. S. F. NATIONAL cash registers, electric signs, bar and safe for sale; cheap. 579 McAllister st. EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and films: bargain*. G_O. BRECK. 70 Turk st. BUNGALOW book of 32 designs and plans. 25e. ART BUNGALOW CO.. P. O. box 2fiO. Oabl'rf. MISCELLANEOUS WAXTS DRESS SUITS, tuxedos. Prince Alberta and other . suits - bought. L. SKOLL. tailor, 707 Golden Gate ay. near Franklin st. ; phone Market 46St« WANTED to buy— National cash registers for cash; if yon have any stylp National for sale drop a line to box 2309. Call office. GENTS' second hand clothing bought and sold MUSIN. 1255 G. O. ay.. FUlmore. Ph. Mkt 7123 STAMP collections or odd lot" of stamps bought - call evenfaga. E. W. SMITH. 1623 Post st. CASH— ANY AMT. FOR OLD GOLD. PREC STONES. ENGELHARDT. 22 MONTG'T ST. WILL buy second hand furnltnre; tools, clothing >tr».: best nrfces. 2117 Mission st. Park XXMt. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER^CO 17V27 . Franklin st. near Market. Phone Special 1437. TURNINGS, cabinet and mill work; store flx- tnres. jobbing. CF. HAAS. 93 Minna at. _ FOREIGX POSTAGE STAMPS POSTAGE stamps, albums, catalogues, etc.: cola. bought. W. W. Doascher & Co.. 217 31ontgoTa>I _^.' -*\u25a0 _-j FURS LOFSTAD <_ EVANS. Inc.. furriers, 231 Post «.. Mercedes bldg.. 3d floor. Pfaone Kearny 435b!* ROBT. MORRIS, 239 Geary st.— -Tors, tor akin*. supplies, satins: wholesale only. '• DRESS MAKING MACDO WELL'S Dress Making and Millinery _ School. 121 Geary st. near Grant ar. Evening: cla»»e». Patterns cnt to order. Douglas 4751. DYEING AND CLEANING AA^-T. DI ANGELES, merchant tailor,' 1628 CaL Cleatung, dyeing and repairing. Franklin 1693. °"ii£> £*?,V >es ? Tallorla *- Cleaning. Dyeln* Co.. 1K23 California st. nr. Polk : tel. Franklin SOTo! BUTTONS AND PLEATING STEELE'S hutton works,; 222 Ellis, nr. Mason: . __Phong_FTnnklln 4521: mall orders solicited. V-:.; JAPANESE TAILORS ~*~ TUE HINOY. 1810^i Geary st.— Aristocratic tail- ors for ladles and gentlemen: West gg!7. - 33^Fi^T«^^s3AND^SUPPLI^3I_ MONARCH Visible Typewriter—ln tli«r__o_arcd Visible Typewriter all the writing I* in full -sight all. tbe time; other makes, second baud. at very reasonable. prices;. we rent,, repair and inspect.. Before pnrchaslng rlnz ud Douslj* 4113, or cs.ll at 307 Bush *t. \u25a0 WOI.F.fe -ISEXBRt-CK. Dealern". GREAT bargain* la rebtilt . typewriters rentlaz $2. t0 $ .per: month.-. . -See NEW _OST VISIBLE. The ' Typewriter Exchange. '2ss Montgomery st. ; SPECIAL $35. Smith Premier or Remington re- built. Secnr- information L. & M. Alex- ander; 512 Market ; st. ' - * LIC. SMITH, $35; Rtm- No. 6 or 7, $28- Smith Pre.. $23. P.c. Tyn^.Co. 107 MSt^ff : NEW an.! • second _ana typewriters bought au<l w*L" rented, repaired; jroaranteed. SMITH .\u25a0 P.ROg.. 4fl_ 13th «t.. Oaklamt. Phone \u25a0' Onk. i" j^BJC^CI^K^A.N D M O TO R CC Y C LEJ» PIERCE_ 4. 'cylinder a_<l Tftor motorcycles- now oa exhibition: send for _ catalogue. j T CHICK. 312 San Pnblo »it.. Oakland. . "- " ".-'_-.' GAS ENGINES \u25a0 MINING hoists/ stationary and portahln »nrin».~ gas.- dUUllate or crude oil. vSSebn* cS KNGINBKRINC. CO.. 4«t Mirtrt ftt ™ * GX3 Cantlaaed tß.\»n p^ ~