Newspaper Page Text
_mubicaij rxs TniJaiEyTs_'^^__j TARTY going east will. sacrifice Decker upright: . rissii or time. NW. .cor. Van Ness ay. and Many bargains In new- and slightly used pi*j*>s; low rent' enables us to sell- on smiill margins. HEINE PIANO CO.. NW. cor. Van Ness a y. and Bush st. SEE Hornung's great bargains In upright high crnde pianos; Knabc, Hazelton, Steinway, rif-her. many others, at $00, and tip; Install- ments SC per mo. 1534 Geary st/ nr. Fillmore. J550 will buy the best SS note Player en the market; also plays C 3 note r<sJls. Crown & Con- cord Pianos. 10 in. disc records. 25c. BACI- HALUPI. 941 Market st. Open Sat, evening. NEW piano for $150: aprnts for the celebrated Gnbler pianos. MANUFACTURERS PIANO CO.. 13« Eddy i=t/.- LARGE Arlon upricht piano: bargain: $115; must N> «mld. is;)j c.eary t=t. near Fillmotc. HARP; must be 5n good repair and reasonable price. Bor BRQ. CrM of flee. Oakland. 100 PIANOS to rent: no charge for cartage this week; BYRON MAUZY.2SO Stockton st. Electric pianos. $175 up: terms; also placed on Audiffred Musical Co.. S2 Grove'st. SPECIAL bargains — Sohmltz, $275: Guild. $210 JOS. SCHMITZ & CO.. e2l Van Ness nr. Turk. 15K.ST pianos in town for rent; 10c a day SCOTT CITRTAE. r.r.n pares ct. -\u25a0 - f C.*-0 l» nor verr much .to pay for an automobile, is it? We have all kinds and" descriptions" of c«r» covering every range of price; some are pnod as new and the others are all bargains. We won't handle anything else. We ure always Clad to show you what we have. Market St AutomobHe Eschance, 221 Market fit. Phone Dourlvs 0025. . - TOR ssle — Price $500 and upward; several '00 nr.d *C 7 White touring cars, tafcen In trade for *CS carlr aßd thoroughly overhauled l»y our me- chanics from, our factory.' WINTON AUTOMOBILR BEANCI?, 300 Van Ness avenue. San Francisco. F<>R salf — Sfo touring ear. br owner; .entlrelr evorhnu'.fd «nd in good condition; cheap. Bok E.'.C. C«U ofape. Oakland. •CT RAMBLEU runabout. Just overhauled at cost of $200; a bargain at $350. A. C. HULL.' IP2-134 12th St.. Oakland. ALUMINUM braticg. sole xnanufactarer of alu- r:!nntn soldfr on coast: c!es and models. YON SERKEY. 557 Sd St.. Oak. Phone Oakland 4157 WANTED — Automobile, 4 or 5 passenger; pooj condition; must be cheap. Pcrtlculars box 5636, Call office. PAC. Altimiuum 'Braslng. Works can braze your broken alun. esstlngs. 430 Van Ness. Pk. 2558. KEALD'S ,autos»*l>ile school gives the best auto training on enact. 42". McAllister ft. HOR^KS. llAnxngS AXD^VAGOXS AAA — Lot of cheap horses and mnlfs, heavy and l!ght. FlO up: buggies, $5 up: wagons. $7.50 up; harness. $2.50 tip; span Shetland ponies, hornets and bncjry. niiike offrr; horsei buggy snd harness. np: will trsde. Auction Sat- nrflay at 11. a. m. r^s 4th st.. Oakland. A 3 YEARS old French coach stallion (a perfect borset and a cumber of high class coach horses and saddlers at the auction sale of AntOß F*>.rm hers**? Monday eve., Aug 1C at f'HASE'S pavilion. 47^ Valencia *t, SECOND HAND wacous and bnreies. all kinds; lowest prices. WILLIAM WERTSCH COM- PANY. 24 Psjje Ft. FOR. sale — 1 s-econd hand hay wagon; lumber wagon. SSS Bryant st. . LEIBOLD & CO. for a good buggy or harness. il Frost ft. st Market. ', Second hand top wagon, exp. wagons, bus. busr- Nugent -Cotpv Wagon 00.. 549 Valenria st. CONTRACTORS AXD BUILDERS MODEL Home Bldg. Co., 1278 Market, builds well constrccted homes; prices moderate; plans _ !rf-f :>\u25a0>;}',< ji:.-<n< Pi p<-r mom: money loaned. AXD PAPER HAXGIXG / DOOMS papered. 5J.50 cp: painting, tinting; \u25a0sin-? nnstsl. Stnpdard. 7C4 Larkla et. . » ; nooFixo Z H I BOOKS, any kind, repaired, (tinted. A. HILL- MAX. TiOfi K. :2th st.. Oakland. Drop postal. LOCKSMITHS DOOR openers and keys. Key Works. 555 Clay *t. Phones — Oakland »:717. AL'574. H. R. HOPPS. PRESIDENT. \ ALL KINDS OF ART. LEADED AND MOSAIC CLASS, llf. Trß'v. PHONE lIIAXKLIN 17&t. FOR SALE— IIOTER AND BAR BUSINESS. •'The present proprietor and owner of the lease to the property desires to sell :on account of other business Interests. Price governed by in- voice of stock on hand. This hotel i s favorably located, in the thriving town of Mountain View, 12 miles from San Jose and .18 miles from San Francisco, on the South- ern Paclflc railroad. It consists of IS bedrooms, parlor, reading room. j dining room, barroom, fix- tures. etc.; furnished throughout and now doing a paying business. The town will Immediately begin the construe- 1 lion of a $40.0QQ sewer system and' the erection of. a town hall at a cJ»t of A paying investment. For particulars address KIRINK -BURNS LAND COMPANY, Mountain View. Cal. OPPOKTUMTi' OF A HOME ~~T" r AND EMPLOYMENT. ALL KEAL SUCCESS Is the result of conscious co-operation lntclll- g-ently applied. EL PRIMERO CO-OPERATIVE COLONY Offers an Illustration of practical co-operation *rientlfical].v plumed and successfully demon- rtrated; only JlO required as a first payment and HO j»er month." -Men of all- trades may become members of Ib*. colony and have a borne In «v ideal climate, with perfect health conditions end magnificent sceuerv. Write for literature. .' J-. \u25a0•-' . 43 KEARNY ST.T ROOM 304. GILLIES Ar MAGNUS— BUSINKSS- BROKEnS,* IBZB MARKET ST. NEAR JONK.S; KOOM 22 TKI.. MARKET 3409. N0 CUAP.GE FOR LISTING A BUSINESS. Saloon; established for ovt-r 30 years: location < to milroads and water front; $20 dally l>rjKine(:s; owner wants to po in the country; wfll pell for *GT»0; terms $?,{)0 cash, balance -to Miit. or will exchange fi,t a. small ruadhouse. Ap- f>\? \o OILI.Ii:.S fr MAGNUS. 102S Market ft. \m: can sell yoitk business for cash. give us a call. ocq maisket ,*t., uoom 7. }].>» — steady man wonted to attend cigar store; *i!l pay him at lea^t ?".'> jK*r mouth; experl- fiK-e i:nne<-ef<arr. Cell 'Mid Market '«., rm. 7. j. \u25a0 — I'ai-tneriwanted in a light manufacturing business; pnyg 5125 per munth each : and-, in- . <T«>aaln; daily; experience unnecessary, if will- Uig to learn. , Aj>p!y l»00 Market St., room 7. 4 WK buy, sell,' lease.- bond and make expert examinations and reports on agricultural, min- ing, mineral and timber lands, mannfactur- :::: and mercantile plants, patents, etc. ; : also organize, incorporate and promote stock com- panies and act as general, fiscal or- distrib- uting agents, eornmipsloners and brokers for owners, manufacturers and principals, on . a commission or percentage basis. * TACIFIC PROMOTION & DEVELOPMENT CO.. Kuitet SO3-571. Monsdn<K:k bldg.. 8. F.. Cai . A-«'*mPORATIOX MAN UFACTUR ING AN. IN- DISPKNSIIJLi: STAPLE ARTICLE AT HAND- SOMK I'HOFIT AND WITH EXCLUSIVE FIELD MARKS' LIMITED OFFERING OF TREASURY fiTOCK TO INCREASE OUTPUT; INVESTIGATION INVITED. ADDRESS BOX \u25a0 BKSft. CALL OFFICE. MEAT MARKET— Established 14 years^ party wishes to retire to farm; rent fIC; water fi-ee; caKh register, $250;. computing scales. $140; icebox. $160; electric motor, $155; Cary fafe. $UT>; cesk. marble ' counter, blork, cart, hurness, etc.. all for Jt1.300. Call and see It. THE FULLER CO. OF OAKLAND. HANDICAPPING A SCIENCE. Hsve made a moist wonderful discovery by an ee«-urate mejh<-Hl of selecting t lie winuerf: results will usthnlsh rou: d"stre to meet an experienced mrf *i>e<ijl^tor WiUi $1,000. wlio will go east at: (nico; my method explsihed ' and references ex- rt)aut<-<l. Box iSVi. Call offices Oakland. .-> AN excellent, rcmunerstive, pleasant and bonor- 1 :U)lo tmtilnesj", in running o<mdlUon, for sale: rapitallsts who wish to put their sons iuto! business should look, up this; will take abont ( X2u,O<X». to handle It; profit* large, and- little work. Address for full, information' box 3024, Call office. -\u25a0 . " </ MAN that will invest $500 cash can secure life long staple dailr-canh paying business; pays from $100 to $150 monthly ;. strictly . no opposi- tion: handle your own money; short' hours: in- vestigation desired from man meaning busl- :.'\u25a0>•\u25a0: mon«»y secured. Address box 359-'{, Call. PARTNER wtnted to: lake active. Interest Id i 171'rooai rooming house; good location and fa good paying proposition; modern, with every convenience; right man can get Jn on ground floor: owner has other business interests. rAp- \ z ply. 7o4 Market *t., room Cll/. , — FORTUNE in 2 years "end eajary of $1,500 a. year end found .while waiting for it; young men willing to go where it Is. and work: for 2 years can retire on a competence; invest- ment of at least $250 required.- Call on MR." HALL, 303 Metropolis Bank bulldlpg. FINE grocery, with fruit and \u25a0 vegetable stand; , the best location in Oakland; all cash trade; reason for wiling, going east; . will Invoice . stock. Call at 329 12tn et.. Produce ' exchange, Oakland. • . BAKBEU «hnp, H?ar - Ptund and \u25a0 pool . roorir- for >aile; t»eft location in town; -3. <:liAin>,-2.p00l tables; price $I.l(K> if taken atoneo;^?l.6<)o. , ..value.. -. Address P..0. »>"x 73,. Santa Cruz/ Cal. WEEKLY tiPTrspaper: and Job office - for._p»le; $2.000,. half down. Standard, "San Leandro, . CaL . ..\u25a0.._,.- ;.., •\u25a0:;;. \-.- t fl.VKV^Stork Rt\d the, coast agency ; household cecewlty for wle «r exchange for, real estate. Sec ABBOTT, 157 Broad wa j, Oakland. nUM^Wg^mn_^_M_M -^^ntJSIXKSS CHAXclSs^—Contlnaed / - x :X..\. r. . . x X . . . ..;..... ... . . . / X GEO.A. HERRICK, INVESTMENT BROKER. KSTABLIRUKI) 34 YKARS/. REKRRKNCE, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. NOTICE: I AM THE EXCLUSIVE i AGENT FOR ALL AVAILABLE SALOONS IN S.K.. also the MIDDLE MAN" for the BREWERIES and DISTILLERS. If you" are looking; for a saloon call and talk it over wtfi me. 1 caa as- f=lst you la every way. S^JJ^afc" X, ../...;............ X .1 HAVE A FIRST -CLASS; SALOON '-that*, will clear for the" owner from $600 to $900 a ? month. This saloon is an old established, reliable money making place;,. high class of trade. The^owner is sick and un&ble to get down town, but I hay« an of the- details of the business. which -I ; am willing -to give toany one that will show .'me that they are able to handle the proposition financially. This is the best paying saloon In ban Francisco. *^SIMnsg_MniwA|MMwMSBWBB| _ GKO. A. HERRICK. 1005 MARKET ST. X '.'.'. '.'.'." 1 *.-"!'*. [I-;*. '.';'/'; ".I-! I! *.-'.:". *.*.*\u25a0'. X $20— FINE corner store with fixtures for deli- catessen business already , installed ; \u25a0 about $75 to $tOO will put a good stock In suitable for start; the store rent I bavc-made very reason- able, so that one can make a good living; good stand for man and wife or small family; the I location i»»good for; sls: dally business, 'being on a main cross street and en a corner in Oka- land; will not cost you a cent except for rent; lavestlgate. See D. O. DOBSON, Builders' ex- change, 550 18th st., Oakland. ,- YOUNG man ' with $75 can secure an Interest in a paying business and learn a trade that will ' always pay a good salary; money secured. If you want to better yonr condition answer this adv.' Address box 3547. Call office. FIRST CLASS butcher business for sale; good location;, tine fixtures; horse, and, Wagon; fine cash trade and a paying route; owner wishes to engage In other business. Inquire 4057 ISth st. near Hartford. " . . '. : WANTED— A partner with $300 to take charge ' and manage the best manufacturing ; business in city; experience unnecessary; this will pay yon $100 per month salary, guaranteed. For further particulars inquire 1502 Laguna st. . PHYSICIAN that would be Interested in a fine practice and office equipment for a . little money: retiring from business. Address Great , Western Realty Company, 3200 Adeline St., Berkeley. WANTED— To rent or lease with privilege of ! buying- moving picture theater ' In Frisco or Oakland, or some other good town. Write, bating full particulars, to J. EARL KING, Winchester hotel, city, j ' - '. $230 — Partner for manufacturing business to take charge Oakland office; previous experience unnecessary. Call office, 1175 7th st., : Oak- land. . \u25a0 \ LUNCHROOM, across from depot. 75 mlle^from San Francisco; will clear $250 to $300>per month. Box 3861, Call office. . FjOR sale— Old established notion, candy, cigar | store: ill health cause of eale. S2O Lincoln ay., at Mastick station, Alameda. .•- .: i FOR £ALE — Saloon; located In manufacturing district. Apply Broadway Brewing Co.* 19th j.'et. and Treat ay. \u25a0 j FOR sale — A good newspaper route. in a good district In this city. Apply to J. R. LEN- HART. circulation department, S. F. Call. HARDWARE bustnees at a liberal discount. Ad- dress P. O. box 194. Hayward. Cal. BUTCHER SHOP for sale cheap, or rent. In- 5 quire at once 3356 19th st. near Mission. j WANTED to sell, my $230 savings account In California safe deposit. Bor 5000, Call office. PARTNER wsnted In a good going machine chop. Box 3579. Call office. .- "*"*". CANDY store for sale; good business. Address 2437 24th st. --.- - '.. -. . : - \u25a0 ' . ' MEAT market, containing .all fixtures, to let, good location. 706 Elizabeth St. SHOP for carpenter or painter; 15x100; work In sight. 1815 Sutter st. - - - - • ' \u25a0 -.-' LUNCHROOM: Income of $25 a -day; for sale eboap. Apnlv 40P7 24th st. HOtfSES FOR SAI.K A. CAMERON & CO., 714 MARKET ST., MAGEB BUILDING, Opposite The Call. Boom 301— Phone Douglas 4379. Hotels, rooming and apartment bouses and flats. SPECIAL — 65 rooms, well ' furnished; north Market; rent $3 room;^Cne corner; offer wantecj. GIFT — This 25 room splendidly furn. house; cheap rent; choice location; part down; $900. . CHANCE if yon have some furniture; this 52 room house; rent $175; 31 rgpms, furnished; fine transient honse; account death; now $1,800. NEW houses to lease; 50. 75, 120 rooms. Rooming house; 100 rms. ; 15c to 25c per; $3,000: eatih. hr.l. time: nr. .*M fr-Mkt. Box 3.<ir>l. Call AV A RTM RST II PUSES _FO It SALE NEW, elegantly furnished, apartment house; splendid income; good lease: no experience neeeygnrv to ran it. Box 4475. Call office. SERVICES of 5 passenger •automobile evenings, Sundays and holidays, to exchange for any- ' thing of valne. What bare yon? Box 310,' Call. Oakland. - ' . . PARTOERS AVAXTED nAVE the only water filter guaranteed; "agents get busy; 200 per cent. Rowm 25, 957 Broadway. Oakland. " " • ' A— THE LYCEUM. 2500 Pine stT^re^aTerfor university or any examinations. - Open ; daring summer; 6 teachers; moderate rates; here you save time and money. $2 per month — Lessons in class.. $5 per month — Private lessons. French taught by PROF. M. CLABINVAL. THE LAFAYETTE SCHOOL, 1021 , Van Ness. . JOHN S. DREW— COACHING SCHOOL and NORMAL CLASS. UlgK school, all branches. Prep, for college, teachers* exama.,' civil serv. Laboratory conrges. Day, cv. 943 Vaa Ness. ASSAYING; special commercial course In Span- ish, telegraphy, civil and electrical englneer- lng. mining, etc. HEALD'B. 425 McAllister st. DANCING— FINDLAY'S/8241 16th St., ballrooa or stage; adults Monday and Friday evenings; private lessons daily; open- every evening. \u25a0 ENGINEERING — Civil, electrical, mining, mech., survey, assay cyanide, day, eve. ; est. 1884. Van der Nalllen school. sl»t and Tel. Oakland. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES— 2531 w*»hington et... near Flllmore; send for circular. LABCIIEK SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES, IGIS Polk st. at Sacramento., Circular sent. OPPORTUNITY- to learn and practice Spanish. EL FIGARO SPANISH CLUB. 799 Van Ness. AEITH., penmanship by expert; bkDz., grammar , etc.; Individual lnstruc. $5 mo. 915 Van Ness.' SPANISH. French or Italian taught; accurate translations. Prof. Hidalgo, r. 409, 830 Mkt. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, Individ, lnstr, math., , bookkeeping, Enr., etc.; day, eve., 507 Balght. PROF. O. MANSFIELD, teacher of violin, man- dolin and guitar. 1706 Geary st. FREEMAN COACHING SCHOOL— High echool, university. West Point. Annapolis. \u25a0 854 Baker. BINGNALDA Normal Institute Mod. Languages; nnlv.' nreo/ 1350 O'Farrcll. Phone West KICO. BUSIXKSS COLLEGES AA— Chicago' Business: College, .1095: Valen. cor. \u25a0 22d; Individ. lnßtruc: re»n. /rates; positions . A — Metropolitan \u25a0 Business College — 1490 Market at, Van Ness; day \u25a0 and ; evg. ; write for bk'l't. AFTER Ang. 2 the San FrancUco Business Col- lege will be st corner of Market and Eddy *ts. UERBILL-MILLEE > College, 733 Fillraore et. Term . ojiena Aug. , 2 ; . day and eve. sessions. ALL ; court reporters ~ recommend '. Gallagher- Marrti Buslnesw College. 1256 Market Bt. ACCOUVrA.\TS — Certified Public JOII N R. RUCKSTELL, C. P." A., . 306-30S Claus Spreckels (Cain- bldg. ' Phone Kearny 4151. ."VOTARY ft'm.lC -..,-,--.. MAKK LANE,'; Notary \u25a0 Public and Commissioner "of Deeds. "245 Bush st. : i phone Kearny 2(!2!»: \u25a0___!_\u25a0 West Coast Detective Agency (licensed, bonded) ; conducts cases secretly; < cor. 'confidential, 596 Fl I Imore.'-. TeL Ps rk 555«. ' T/ C. G RAY. Prln/ AITOR.VEYS . - AA— DIVORCE;. costs,' $12; quick; quiet; advice . free;. no charge unless successful;- title to real », estate restored; bankruptcy; probating of: es- -;'-. tate;.general practice.^ 1028 Market • at.,*" r. : : 12. ' AA— Advice free;.; divorce costs $12; quick -and \u25a0 quiet; all cases; collections,- damages, ' : Room > €07. Westbank bldg.. S3O Market;. open eve'ga. ' • \u25a0\u25a0 .\u25a0 NEVADA DIVORCE LAWS. , Short. residence; liberal laws; iuformatlion free.* . Attorney. « box -.855.: Reno. ,Nev^-' A QUICK; quiet, complete 'divorce', for $20;: open . evening* until 8/ . 1112 . Market St.; room ; 1 22/ . HARRIS - & HESS. . attorneys at law. W. .T. Hess, Notary Pnbllc. Rooms 11-12 Call bldg. L. S. CLARK, attorney; at law, , Ssl ' Jackson St., "Oakland."- : Conpnltatfon 'free: -open: evenings. DEWEY. STRONG & CO.— -Founded 1860; U. S. . .-and foreign patents; Inventors' guides;.. 1,000 : V mechanical movements ; free/ \ 1 105 \u25a0-. Merchants'- Exchange " building, "San Francisco. : . \ CARLOS P. GRIFFIN." Ute: examiner U. S. pat- ent '\u25a0' office. > ICOI-2 < Metropolis ~; bank.'-- Patent«.* tradesmarks and copyrights/.;, Tel. Kearny -4815.' HARRY C. SCHROEDER.'U. S." and foreign pat- i entf. 415 First National Bank, Oakland. SONTAG Patent Agency— Established 1599.i 8al- - boa bldg.; ' cor. % Market and • 2d ; etc.,' 10U» floor." 'THE' SAN~ FRANCISCO CALIi, oSATUKDAY, .AUGUST 14. 190f) - -i. _ i : :i* AT ii?x ? hfiAVGii ts^i ax '^_ _^ U. S. and* foreign J patent- \u25a0drawings, ;'• also'fine-r \ '.' chanical,:- by'-oqcpericiiced • draughtsmnu. A. \u25a0''li. !«LEE.*6S Post, st. Te)J Douglas 157. SOME \ PEOPLE ; DON'T I LIKE * US.',, We -' get t the' "\u25a0•;, money -for 'you on all kinds of claimf anywhere.-: : Interstate AdJ/and' Law Ass'n.'. 015 Pacific hid, j .---\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 nA» TE^AXTS EJECTEn : BILLS .' and .*\u25a0 notes"*"' collected ; '* tenants '-" ejected. •' - FRED J. SCHMIDT/ Market. Noe* and lOthists. DR. U. 1». DAVIS,: PAC. BLDG.; inns. 301-2-4, cor. 4th and Jilkt. ; * latest in * dentistry; '* first class work;, mod, charges; 5 CONSULT. FREE.' ARTIFICIAL teeth; this one thing I do.'; Dr., C.E.: Wilson. : 323 Geary, suite , 605 ; ; tel/ Doug. 4300. HILL, DR. LUDLUM, 432 Webs.* (now: Muirhead c bldg.). Market, Hayea and ; Larkln; .gas given. DR.' C.W." DECKER. Phelan bldg. .rooms '3o3- 9-10.-. 760 Market st.r phone Kearny. 1630.*r, DR." EDW. PERKINS, \u25a0 SS3 Market opp. Powell. • snlte 1. 2d floor— Bridge work. Ph. Doug. '5137. DR. X; L. WALSH & CO.; 961 " Flllmore cor/ Mc- Alllster; formerly 572 McAllister; Park- 5380.; MEYER.' Dr., 1990; Sutter— Fillings i&Oc. crowns \u25a0 $8;: bridge work;- gas given; open : evenings. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental work. 515 Flllmore st. near Oak. -.T- / \u25a0 = DR. U. G. BARTLETT,, extracting specialist," re- moved to 323 Geary cor. Powell: Douglas 4300. DR. EMERSON, " ISO 4 FILLMORE ST. CORNER EDDY. ALL DISEASESiOF WOMEN treated by.most scientific positively- no charge -Unless patient is satisfied with results; private-sanato- rium for parties ' wishing to - rwnaln- under" our care;* advice and exam. ' free; lady assistant. Honrs. . 10-5; 'evenings, 8-9; / Sundays, 12-2. \u25a0 , ". HEALTH, strength and vitality restored ? by \u25a0 means of , . mecbano massage ; * convincing ; and I permanent cure. PROF. t * MARCELLO, . 523 : Kearny : st. ; pnone Kearny ; 2920. ; . • ' : ' . " \u25a0 ; - SPECIALIST for ladiesiipKinless relief guaran- teed; paid when cured; advice free;. MRS.' DR.. PHILLIPS, 2752 Howard st. - near ______ MRS. DR. "HOLMS, graduate specialist, cures all female complaints without delay.- Advice free.' Hours 9 to 8. 744' Turk \u25a0 st. nr. Van Ness • ay. ; RUPTURE cured by massage: new physiological ; remedy. Mr. & >frs. Charhonnfnnx. 420 Krny. r22 AA — DR. THIELB, • German .physician * and * sur- gfon; specialist chronic, and v private .diseases : of both sexes;; cures guaranteed.' l732: Geary/ v DR. MAR DON, noted doctor Chinese empire/ 76S Clay, S.- F.; knowledge Inherited through 7 gen- era tions; cures all ailments of human : system with teas; carefully selected herbs; cons, free/ DR. WONG HIM— i '; ; ; : HERB DOCTOR. Permanently located 1268 O'Farrell et. bet. '. Goagh \ and Octavla. . JKE WO DRUG , CO.i^-Hlgh grade herbs. , drugs .and . teas ; all chronic and ' private diseases 'of both pcxes cured. 036 Stockton - st: > ' '- g-';g -' ; \u25a0 ' / CniItOPODISTSv ; DR. DUNCAN, 180 Sutter corner Kearny, rooms 303-4 — Absolutely cores without pain j or. draw- Ing blood all foot ailments: corns removed 25c. V _'-.; OSTEOPATHY Dr. R. L. Meyer, 830 Market St., rooms 503-4-5; •Chronic and nervous dls. : lmpotency. sterility. HEAIiTH MOVEMEXT / "VIAVI SCIENCE [OF HEALTH." v natural non- surgical; cloth bound," 400 page toook. 'free. Ap- ply by 'mall; 636 Pine st. Lecture for women Thursday at 2:30 p. m. . ; \u25a0^^^.^^^j±?/^9.™}y*}?.-. ,*'\u25a0'\u25a0 ... A — PRIVATE home for the sick; confinement specialty; adoption;" special treatment : for all female troubles. 171 East 14th St., Oakland; removed from 1303 Market st. HOME ,and I care for Invalids or aged persons. 3421 2."> th St.. near Mission: phone Mission 4620 V STRICTLY private home for confinement cases; resident physician in attendance; beft refs. 1131 Lagnna St.. cor. Eddy ; phone : West 5964/ S. F. LYING-IN HOME. 1191 Oak St.— Adoption ; Diseases women and children: confinement, $25. IF yon knew what Kuru will do for Eczema,-" Salt Rheum,, Dandruff, Poison Oak, you would get a bottle today. , ,- It : cures others, why not yon ? 'At Shumate's and Other druggists'. : \u25a0 \u25a0 A NEW LIQUOR CURE. DR. BARNES* Willow Bark is a sure cure for the liquor- and drug habit. 1022 Haight st. Tel. Market 2722. .. . RICORD CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseases. .. Sold- only -by.. E.;B/ JORGENSON. 644 Kearny St., San Francisco. Matl orders a specialty. Send for circular. > % TRUSSES '•_..•' '.; '//\u25a0; -' TRUSSES -that fit; seamless elastic hosiery. \u25a0 CI^RK-G ANDION TRUSS . CO., 1103 Market st.. op. 7th.- " - ALSO car noises positively cured; one week- free. DR. COTTINGHAM. 1900 Sutter St.; hrs. 10-4. CAN CERS AJVD TUMORS TREATED^ IN 'from 1 to 4 minutes with -hypodermic needle method; curexguaranteed. *\u25a0 MADAM^L.. F. LAMB, residence and office." Uklah/ Cal. --- ; ; FINEST, equipped; animals boarded;: ambulance fnrn.; special ra'Tps. 1371' Fulton: -West 5312. BIATRIJIOXIAIj I AM a young: womUtt df '24, tall/blonde, "weigh 140 pounds.-an American and -worth $40,000 in \u25a0 my own right; I have had many offers \u25a0 »f -mar- . riage,' but all from persons whom I -thought ."to be after my*- money.- I. wish .to - become ; ac- I quainted with 'a. gentleman between 24 and '3o -. who -is; lonely: for a true woman's cbmpanlon- '\u25a0'\u25a0 ship and who Is able to earn a 'living, for. two ,*» that --\u25a0 the money I possess ran. -. remain "un- ' touched till really hoeded. Box 3SS7, (^all office.. . — ;, ' y,;.. ; \u25a0 — — — — YOUNG man of good prospects, hongst, * hard working, ; American, tall, \u25a0 dark . complexioned and well proportioned, \u25a0 Is seekiug a wife. "Ad- _ dress box 3882, Call office. .>i >,V v.: GERMAN, widow worth $3,000 or $4,000, with a ; fine business. ; would .like ;to "meet?an,honest man .for husband. Society; Lady, 2521 V Hollis St., ' Oakland. Details, 25c. *<\u25a0:..-'". HARD^ working < girl \u25a0of - 20, \u25a0 :', American. . rather pretty and an all; around; house keeper, ; would marry young mechanic or mnu- with good trade If suited. Box :iB?Wi. Call office. ' - ' %Z — MAN/of 40., foreigner, .speaks ; 3' languages' including .. English, * good \u25a0 Income;. \u25a0 would marry \u25a0.' American: lady. , Address box 3S97.i Call: office. WIDOWER of ; 42, ? we1l to do, wishes .-acquaint-" .ance of sincere widow, or maiden; object, : mat- .rimony.' Address , box- 3548,; Ca1l office/; ' ' ; . YOUNG I lady-: desires \ acquaintance, with gentle- man with } Inclinations -toward matrimony. Box 4838 Call office, 1651' Flllmore 'gt.; '. <-.. DO ndt be ' deceived ; the only reliable matrimo- nial bureau yon -will find at MRS." A. WOI^ TKR'B,'l752 Geary. st.rcstabllFihed, ln 1900.: v HONEST, men sand: women 'seeklngjlfe mate* can find their Ideals at < 252 W Hollis, Oakland; ln- formatlon 25c. SOCIETY LADY. ..r : > CALL BRANCH OFFICE,; 1651, Flllmore st. near Post. \u25a0-• -\u25a0\u25a0- -\u25a0-'\u25a0-" •\u25a0'\u25a0•- \u25a0 -'.-: i- . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-. .--...- \u25a0\u25a0' - -, PERSOXALS :' :'..'-\u25a0",. SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND^-A' cure guaran- • ' teed for 'rheumatism,': pain I and r dlsease,"> regard- less- of; name,;, with; sweet isplrlts/and/ollrof " eden ( serial \u25a0 No. : 10.695) . -/Address , Dlt. , JOHN • L..KELLKTT. P.* ?.74.^ Oakland.- Cal. —\u25a0 nUSIXESS * PERSOXALS ' AA— WIGS. • TOUPEES. ' I HAVE ? MADE '\u25a0 WIG MAKING A LIFE STUDY.; : :^- « My wigs and- toupees defyidetection;;l guaran-' tee every; one I make. .. I make tbern ventilated and ' porous; ' perspiration 4 don't 'fi affect <; them.' Gentlemen's s private , wig: department^ 2271 ; Call- : forniaiiSt.*,; near Webster S Mr/:. Lederer T in- charge. ". Ailarge; stocktof ' pure^ human? hair -goods on hand ; S transformation switches, i pnft B, ;^ etc.,*. con-" stantly oa hand. } I make wigs '< and-frontipiecea': any ' style \u25a0 desired: and in \u25a0 the : latest; styles. -? Hair dressing, } dyeing,* scalp treatments, t etc.', by \u25a0 spe- J . clallsts only. Ledcrer's % Qnlntonlcav stops % hair" falling; . Mall orders prompt 1 attention. - G;; LED- : USREH, esubllshcd ISC6. '- -^ - .--.; ,-.-•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0"- . LADIESV STORE 'AT ' ; ISO 9 FILLMORE ST. NEAR: SUTTER. V HOLLOW 1 CHEEKS/,; NECKS, i, BUSTS,-sKrlnkles, r ..:': thin . hands : and arms,; filled out ' permanently : ffl visit;: SADDLE; BACK?NOSES.andsagglng ;faces jcorrectedKnoiparafflnei' no?lumping; ?a » chemical > fat 7i is put ;{ painlessly ,-i ln i the. % falre' where, fat I , should be/ immediately . forming-" a « 'natural,- -healthy < tissue;:?. moles.r. warts' and :: 7"freckles -J, removed ; % consultation \u25a0<\u25a0< free. : 3M EE TASKER, ' dermatologist, ' 1C25 : Polk st. ; offi<e 303. , : •'• ' \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '^TiBHl jjlK-tß^T" ' ' .rJ :'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ADVERTISING ; copy ,\ circulars; letters, speeches "famed^ for brilliancy of, exeoutlon and: originality 1 K of ;• treatment ; * LITERARY i CEMS FOH TU X x PRICE :OF> A SHOESTRING;; wet revfee^re- > , . view \ .and % rewrite -: mahusrripts; - our : - inethmliT '; « bring \u25a0'- Fonihi £ Brokerage *i Co.' i 740 - \u25a0 Pbelan- bldg.; \u25a0 tel."' liearny- 5167. \ -\u25a0'- -.. \ \ ,vßUSiyEgSjjP_3nSOj^LS^£doi^nt^ WATCHES," dlamonds^silver ware, Jewelry f, cut fC^lass,' etc. ; , come ; to.- our j office - and i. tell -, sales-" .-\u25a0* man you would like :. to ' open \u25a0 confidential • charge^ ;;«" •" account \u25a0'.' and^ pay - weekly,* orC: monthly ; i-he will ' i arrange ; the ; matter J ; f or \u25a0 you !*ln / a'.; very % few M minutes ; and • you* caa ,'\u25a0 wear * while - prty ing ? for; y.: f-amc.' i BRILLIANT! JEWELRY j- COMPANY, .V • 704 •-. Market : st.'.l- upstairs/; rooms \u25a0 611-C12. . '-.-\u25a0 MRS. L.-JllARTMAN,* manipulation.^ vibration . 'and; electricity -for ;>rheumatlsmi and !inervous- ne?f«, - 037 Whitney \u25a0 bldg., \u25a0 133 ; Geary st/;; Open : 'i.-: Sundavg." '" .' *»^--.-- >'.-;.;;.;>:.'•...: \u25a0:\u25a0",,;•\u25a0.\u25a0.•\u25a0• ;.'-".'\u25a0;.-•?. ', :: ' I,' r George ' Sargeantr? having; sold r out? my T grocery ,; -business ', to Peter' Flcxel, ..will; not be , rr- :• spousiblc tor any, debts "to ; said '£:': business. . -j* \u25a0\u25a0^GKORaEuSARG EANT.Vi; TIIOS. FANNING, formerly'of Clay station/ cor- r .c respond with (J.* L/ Crabtrce, 1373 Eddy; st.V TiiSan Fraiiclscn. : '-\u25a0"-:\u25a0:". -' ' . UNCALLED I for suits.'; overcoats fand trousers at lessithan cost stiCHAS. LYONS'.sthe London , -tailor.- -1432 Fillmore bet.-; Ellis and: O'FarreH.< MAGNETIC .physical healing— Mrs. nolsUouser, / '\u25a0: 351 i Paclflc liltlg. '; ; tel^y Douglas ', 4440.":- ' ' . " ;•--; THE best $20 suifstoorder in the city;try one. - NEUIIAUS/ the : tailor/5 500 ; Market \u25a0. st. " GOLDSTEIN CO.. ; theatrical /and masquerade ,;" costumes/- Removed ito SS3 'Market st.,: cor.' sth.' MISSi WALLACE/ EASTERN,- MASSEUSE. < 124 Turk ; St., r. 210/ Ist i floor.- rear; 1 1-10/ -j Op, Sun. ELECTRIC vibration?, health 'massage. 'Mrs.-L. . ' JQHNSON,:6OS:iOth:st., .Oakland. -•;; ;. .-.,\u25a0"., FREE--Sample -"Happy Lady,? ?home treatment t forwomvnr 3.t0 ftp .rn.r 247 Pine ; ; room 203. 'GRADUATE masseuse, MRS/; HELEN DEKBBHI; eleetrtcal treatment. 2024 Sutter: tel. Weft 8802. I.^l-^P l^') fi-y^v;' :':,:'.;.::':-\u25a0 \£\: ' GIRL baby wanted ;ln."an v ldeal 1 home.*' DR.' E/' • KUNKE.' 1-41S Bth St. : nhone ICB2. V Alamedar \k~^J*E2RjtfVr^^ WILL- Mrs. ; Ellen Ganon please^ communicate with > :Charles 'P. .'Mulvany. now residing: In tSouth \u25a0 America. Address Palmira;: Cauca., Rep. of Colombia. - .'--' .'-\u25a0-\u25a0--' \u25a0?•'-'"-,\u25a0 *•\u25a0\u25a0 :\u25a0..'.-.-\u25a0\u25a0 AA— MRS. J. . J. WHITNEY* .; trance " triedinm ; _ "consultation $1. at her-'hom^i- 11G4 O'Karrell; by'letter.' 4 quo'stioua \u25a0 $1 ; phone Franklin 5024. FRKD IV EVANS, .noted psychic/ now located ; at \u25a0 1390 ' Telegraph *; a y.,- Oakland ; - interviews •"/lally. \u25a0..;"\u25a0 Phone r Oakland >847 C: send for. circular, i MISS M.V AVILLE. ordained v, spiritual : adviser/ \u25a0 crystal ' reader, can' be": consulted on "all'-busl- ness affairs. "Hours, 10-8. .1104 O'Farrell st. MRS: L. 11. KINNAIRD. 3 ordained: .'consultation • daily, 10-4; ' Circes Sun.,' Mon., Wed.; Frl.; S p. m. 1439 Fillmore: st. ; .- •\u25a0\u25a0:" .- . "- ', DR. HO WLAND's .25c circle t6nlght ; . fJCtc read- •\u25a0in^s today. 1230 Flllmore st. Z7Z 7 Lottie: Buswell,-.ord.',-: trance medium; readings; lessons dally; clr. every night; 1309 Webster. EDWARD EARLB Sun. and Wed. : nights, 1178 -"McAllister; tests, messages,; slates; 23c. .: - . MRS. S. SEAL, spiritual minister: consultations daily: officiates marriages, funerals. - -786'McAI.j BACK AGAIN ; GARLAND, world's greatest seer and clalrvoy-' ant,. tells full names and everything, you wish to know without you writing; a. word/ 1445. F111m0re st: near Ellis/ Hours 10 a/m.-to 8 p.m. . -; ' MISS ZEMDA R. young,' gifted clair. and palm.' ; member O. 11. A. of Cal.; L.' 60c. G. $1; hours ;->lO to 10, 1279 Fulton st. near Devlsadero., . M.ME. Starr of 1241»8dwy., Oakland, '.now 1122 Market St.. S. F.. rm/ 33;' truth ot no pay. PALMISTRY MME/.AM-BER, ' .Reliable Chicago palmistry, card, reading;: mem- ber of O. R. A. of Cal.;' readings 9 a. m.:tO 5 \u0084 p. m. \u25a0 week days. \ 2005 Sutter corner Flllmore : CA hIFORNI A'.S oldest I palmist and card reader; r *2. r )c. 50c. $1. 913 Broadway: Oakland. ''..-' . — -'-^^ INVESTMENTS •/\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 -.:---- '\u25a0,\u25a0 - STOCKS OFFERED FOR > QUICK .SALE. . 1,000 Cal. PresseiJ, Brick ; (ass. pd) . . /. . :-.: .$0.29 $1,000 Ocean Shore -. Railway: bonds... ".:"..'. Cheap '\u25a01,000 Hubbard Elllof (half cash). /. ;..... .05 1,000 shares Templor Ranch "Oil; i.v; Very. cheap 1,000 shares iladlson's.oll; Company.; .'....- .11 1,000 shares RamonarOirCo. . ..: .30 • 1,000 shares The New Chutes Company.. 1.25 300 shares Orphcum Theater { C 0.. .;" -.-.*. 25. 00 50 Burlingame Typewriter (free) '4.00 10 shares Chiapas Rubber C 0 ..... /. . . . .23 . 00 10 shares Rio MJchpl : Rubber. .. . ...'. Wanted 5 shares La Zacualpa> Rubber. ......Wanted 10. F. WAYLAND;& CO.. : • • .474 , Monadnock . bldg/. . San .Francisco, \Cal. , CAN furnish you ANY unlisted stocks and bonds yon, may want AWAY'UNDERreguIar quota-, tions; will bny any active stocks If CHEAP; largest dealers oni.tbe -Pacific ' cdast;- corre- spondence invited. B. ELLIS U & -CO.. ,714 Market st.,opp. Call biilld ing.. . SMALL block-of •stock, in a new company «that I will double Investor's. money. times over rwltlila a -year.- Absolutely safe. . Address box \u25a0 833, CaU office/Oakland/ \u25a0-'.'\u25a0,:;•: __ $48 -YEARLY dividend from \an investment -. of $100; $1 per week, for -100 = weeks Insures re-" turn of 4S per cent, for 25 -years,^BANANAS IN MEXICO. Call or : write for particulars J .TROPICAL FRUIT CO., GIS Phelan^ bldg. \ DO \u25a0 you wish to- buy > or': sell mining property? Do you wish money to develop? If -jour prop- osition is cleaii •\u25a0 we can help you. ; Western ; Information -Bureau^.- Chronicle building. F., I,(KK> SHARES . Pacific -Frnit Cooling . nnd-Vap. ; stock for sale at GOc a share, . Ropra 2;»,\.''The Lenox,'.' San;J n «c, Cal. -. . . T / \u25a0: . OCEAN SHORE railroad" bonds- for sale; price nets SH per cent.: -D.E. BESECKER,. 243 t'nclfic hide. * \u25a0-••--• .- •' •."- : '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-' ':"'\u25a0' • \u25a0 \u25a0 MERITORIOUS ENTERPRISES FINANCED., /\u25a0COOKE>& REM4IERS, 22 Bacon -block, - Oakland/; Cal.- . • - '1 (s'^;. -5: "ABBOTT bnvs bonds" — Ocean' Shore,. Market st. bank and Cal. safe Ucp. books.- -114 Mur- ; ;' '\u25a0 ket-st. ."-\u25a0;>; \u25a0\u25a0;'\u25a0'\u25a0 ..\u25a0'\u25a0 r'-.'-----' .:\u25a0'::-\u25a0:: . - :'..:,~ - .\u25a0\u25a0- : --\u25a0-. '•\u25a0 CAL. SAFEDEP. TRUST ACCOUNTS BOUGHT. D..E. BESECKER.-248 PACIFIO BUILDING. ,WE . buy ' California safe • deposit accounts; "- buy ' 'and-Pf^l Ocean ;SHnre- bonds. > 448 'Montg'y st. » We buy and sell: mines, make examinations and ' :'.: ' . t nrnish reports of mining \u25a0; properties. ; i.WEST- E«N MINK.S EXPLOR. CO.. 226-223 Lick bldg. GOLD, amalgarti/> rich'-: ore bonght; cash; assay- Ing '50c. Polneer Assay C 0. ,-. 131 : 5th ; St.- nr. Howard. :.'-'": .'-'" '-\u25a0 -,---•\u25a0_\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 .—\u25a0*..:' [2 S^TOCICS A NI \ JPOXi)g : FOR Is Af iE ARE \u25a0 you \u25a0' hnylng -'or selling stocks or bonds? Call on PETTIS &; BURBECK.i 833 First Na- • 'tlonal \u25a0 Bank- bldg/.*'-' Oakland. '-\u25a0"\u25a0' " \u25a0 -' . ---"'. \u25a0\u25a0 ; \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:• MOXEYTO IiOAX' ? :--' •"-/•\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0••-. •: AAAAA. CASH- SALARIED LOANS' ; » - I • j Do you' need "a" vacation and \u25a0 have *; not '• the money .to spare ? ~ We are loaning . all. SALARIED people '.• strictly ' upon \u25a0= their ' plain ' note,' without Indorser or security. * You can repay in or - monthly payments to suit • yourself .'\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0' J>vUBttom : ENTIRELY NE Wi SYSTEM s AND ; LOWEST RATES IN THE - CITY. GET OTHERS' RATES, THEN SEE- US/ v , .. .- • "iYour. employer.. or ;f riends never know :of iany transactions: nt ; our 'office. /, v *\u25a0 ..'-\u25a0\u25a0' LOANS STRICTLY £. TO ? SALARIED PEOPLE. , - /WESTERN LOAN CO., . >;' , 408 ; Call 81dg., : 3d • and i Market sts. ' i i-> Open 7 8:30 \u25a0\u25a0 to ' 6 .? p. I m. ; ~ also :' open v Monday/ -. Wednesday.; and Saturday, evenings until ; B p. . m. AAAA— BANKERS TO THE PEOPLE. >'•;'>• : WE LQAN'ALL SALARIED EMPLOYES THE SAME AS • THE .BANK 1 EMPLOYERS. NEW ; ; LOAN * COMPANY JUST * OPENED. ALLOWS REQUIRE '• IS'THAT \u25a0' YOU ARE* A STEADY vWORKINGM AN ON * A' "SALARY.". NO' INDORSER; NO MORTGAGE* NO- SECUR- ITY. :o INTEREST - RATES 'THAT iWILLISUIT THE CUSTOMER/ BORROWNOW.PAY LATER. ALL "^.BUSINESS STRICTLY' CONFIDENTIAL.' V - GREAT- NORTHERNS LOAN; f CO.; .V CltJ PHELAN i BLDG:,^ Market and f O'Farrell ' sts : DAILY : HOURS. S:30:to O:P.r M. ,< Also Mondavi WEDNESDAY-" 1 AND ,:> SATURDAY EVENINGS TILL ' SiO'CLOCIC : : : : ' ..-. :-•.' , KEEP: TniS— Wei make, LOANS ito -SALARIED .men and : women; and ito OTHERS with FIXED \u25a0.-- -.- or -RENTAL i Incomes ) without ' lndorsers and ; : ' onr ' rates are . as ' low ' and ' our : return ' payments '\u25a0 ' '.EASIER ' than .those-- who "% advertise :\u25a0-. "THE : ' -.LOWEST CRATES 5 IN- TnE iCITY"; dealings I strictly ' confidential "and , honorable."; \ Office v 433 P Phelan -, bldg. » Phone '\u25a0 Douglas ' 324*: :: \u0084 : \u25a0-. ?- MONEY : loaned^ on • lurnltUre,t= pianos J and ; other •T securl ty ; ' lowest * rates ; ? most . : favorable ; terms •\u25a0 >.\u25a0'\u25a0) In l the ; city ; a see :• others/; then ? see : , me ' and *be ; » convinced ; [.*: I v wlir/: save i. you ! "r money ;ir. $2/25 ' \u25a0 weekly I repays ! $50 S loan ; r phone > Market <\u25a0 3029/ -'• GEORGE W.VMILLER, * : 3009 i ICth' at.-, Vsonth/s-west-icorner^Mlsslon^room^Su.V sonth- /s-west-icorner^Mlsslon^room^Su. ;• ' \u25a0, \— . • MONEY LOANED *> TO "ALL I SALARIKDMPEO: -\u25a0:: *P.LE;fftlso:ori i? FURNITURE ) and 5 CHATTELS ; \u25a0 •\u25a0'-. 6a ye: moneys by' getting Jour ; rates;fconfidentlal:: f:» private . : office ; for -; ladles. SG RE AT.t WESTERN > 521: Phelan^ building;; S:3O/ to ;,\ 6 ; "\u25a0\u25a0 Mon.t and; Sat/? till? Bjp.' ? m. ; 8 Kearnyi3247^ MONEY ;ioaned!salarledJpebple« and- others *upon ? their i; own? name,^without ; security; ;? cheapest v >.. rates ; i easiest ipay ments ; i offices '\u25a0 In \u25a066 principal ;'.; '. cities ; \u25ba save » yourself g money aby > getting % our : I 1I 1 terms I flrst.\TOL^l AN.i room 1 951,-? Phelan I bldg., i,i\ S.'L F.*,^ and > room -. 9. 460 , 13 t h' st:/» Oakland. >./ furniture— .;:; - ' ':,.\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-.\u25a0,.\u25a0:\u25a0: .-\u25a0 \u25a0•^,-v. :;LirE: INSURANCE— , ' . ' • -^ '' . - - SALARIES — .i^Wagei Earners'/: : lnvestment and Loan Co.. -\u25a0-:-\u25a0;\u25a0"-.;•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .'\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0-:\u25a0:\u25a0": v-4-i3.iPlne^st:y;, _{\\ : .::-^ \u25a0:": HOtISEHOLD; LOANQCO."^Loans'*on V FURNI- ;-V TUREA PIANOS,-, etc.' ; ilow: rates ; r private.' 537-'- ,> 359; Pacific i. bldg., . 4th and • Market •\u25a0 sts. ; phone c'DouglasV 32os..^ Oakland office ;' 5lB-519 i First ;4Natlonal \u25a0; Bank^h,ldg/^ '; \u25a0;\u25a0;.-,- -.-•\u25a0\u25a0;.:-; : . HAVE; money; to loanTon^cltyirealty; lowest tates.- pflsy . torms. For particulars scall"5 call" 217- Monad- -o-' : -- MONEY.-- -TO /iOA^^-ContlßUfJ ..- . 4- AN Vi amount;n t ; 2 lowest i rates • on"; first ' and ; second \u25a0 V mortgagpg ; on . real • ("state, v icjtncles,% undivided ': Interest, ;: estates ln"probate; ; ;no ! dela7.-^ll/"Mi-. i \u25a0 COLGAN. 7? 20 : Montgoiceryj at. , I rooms 1 314-315/ \u25a0ADVANCES I made on » diamonds ' and! Jewelry 'i at. '* lowest > rates; :safe .deposit vaults;, greatest f iiwsslblef care Uakcn/V BALDWIN JEWELUY ' .CO;,y Van, Ncsa and gutter. fK .'/.*.- .' *.".'•-. ANY 'amount on real estate ,'r first or second-inort- \u25a0;x gages ; or j any - f security ; no delay ; ? lowest \u25a0 rates. | :\u25a0\u25a0_•: 0/ W.; BECKER. MoJ?Mona<lnock/;6Sl'Matkft. I SALARY— Ladles ; and i gentlemen ; without v: security;: notes 1 and 'commercial 'paper boujtht. I »- 313 -Slerchants* } Er. « blilg^- j lihone Douglas i 1411/ i ANY; a'triount^on/ real Restate -flrst'or second : ! , mortgages,", or ' any : security.:' M. \u25a0' J.^ TROY, \u25a0 room So 9' Mechanics^ Bank ' building/. 948^ Market \ at. - '.. \u25a0\u25a0:-- :';'• ' UERMAN -MURPHY, -T-;- : '- : . .'. - -180 ; SUTTER ST.; , V ;-:^J 'A— FI RSff \u25a0\u25a0 and : second ; ' mbttgagps.-"- estatel "• lega- cies and Security. SHADIJURNE C 0. .-45 Post. i - - I- T \u25a0 \u25a0- - - i \u25a0 | i i [ I MAKE resl estate loans in Oakland" and vlcln^ ; _ ity. ? ; AUSTIN; : 1018 Broadway.^ Oakland."; • ' ?2,000 to loan on first mortgage/" s city-real estats.. ; ; .- 2190 Mlssipn st... or box 34C0. Call office. SALARY.- 1 loans ; *, other * ! propositions/ v San " Fran-' /'. clsco iDisconnt; Agency,^4li?Paclgc j bulldltig. : WANT to j borrow- $1,900;: 2 'flats: '7 -per cent} ;•:•' value $4.800. '.:>\u25a0 Box \u25a0 3304/^ Call : offlce^ j '>/. '': CASH loaned to salaried men on note without la- ; •;-. dorser. MORREL'L/ 022 * Monadnocb ;i building. ON .furniture \ and pianos; jno^removaK^TßE-' MAIN, room 81l;iS33;Market.^.next Emporium/ Sam | Raphael. 5 Powell— Lib. , loans on diamonds ,/_r and t jewelry ; low < rates; burglar, proof vaults. ON? furniture, pianos, : ; etc' Reliable Loan Co.', j_.Monadnook building. fi-Sl Market St.. room 70S. ' .-V.-- -.-'-. : ; ; mo xby^vaS'ted l:/. '•'/•;' '. j ?25,000-^On"new, ' modern, "close \u25a0 in : Income prop- 1 erty, Daylng; $550 per. month ;* value- $00,000; V Oakland. ; Box 831, Call office, Oakland. : mV--^ ! $10,000r-lst mortgage property.. 5 blocjis from ;• heart of Oakland; new; up to date, paying $230 monthly ; Oakland. »5 Box 852/ Call. Oakland. / : PRIVATE '• party ; . with *: money ;• to loan can get i 'high rate of Interest On Al, security/ Call 217 ."Monadnock building.' ,'" : " : • . WILL \ pay \u25a0 C per cent for $23,000 and give se- ; --'eurity- equal to $58.000. Box 3?OS. Call office. \u25a0 TO WHOM IT MAY i CONCERN v- Take notlce-=-The partnership \ heretofore I cx- i listing between 1 " Joseph" Gillette' and S. 'Sepul-; • veda, 'conducting ithe- cigar, and tobacco ."busl- I 'ness' at7l2C3 Broadway,; Oakland,. California. ; : '.; ls i this- day dissolved ' by, mutual ; consent. : All . accounts due to \u25a0or • payable by \u25a0 said , partner- ship are i assumed vby S. Sepnlveda, who will conduct .the business from this. date.. ', \u25a0\u25a0 I' :" JOSEPH -GILLETTE, • . • S. SEPULVEDA. \u25a0•••-\u25a0-. .'Oakland.: Calif., .Augnst: 10, : 1000. PRESENT all: bills and claims against , Amerl- • can Fuel Co.,v 1837-1841 Howard st.. : on or be- fore August . 14/ 1809. -After that date I; will \u25a0-\u25a0 not be responslhle. O. O. BRANDEMANN. \u25a0 I CITY REAL ESTATES- BALDWIN '•&. 'HOWELL, : 3IB-324" KEARNY. ST. BALDWIN & ;. HOWELL, 31S-324 KEABNY ST. \u25a0v Members of the S. F.tfleal Estate Board. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, .'.-^ 523,000-7-Four elegant flats of 6-7 rooms and bath each; . rented . for $197.50 a month; Finished, very attractively ; with every \u25a0- ; conceivable convenience; 10t '.00x137; -near Haight and Buchanan., .:. • . (5136) $19,000— Rednced from $21;000; substantial bus- . - . In ess • corner -on: Sutter st.; large _ lot; . \u25a0 :. building .of Stores under \u25a0 lease- : and flats ' \u25a0• - above; a splendid -Investment. -\u25a0(4632)"-'. ?17,C0O— Exceptional - offering; \u25a0 \u25a0 corner 55x100; - ; V .//double lot;- contains 'buildings -of store • and 'flats and ' 3 separate houses; always ; weir rented; ground alone worth close to i * $15,000; -rents $1,830 per year; one of the • \u25a0 best Investments you could make. (4114) : $16,500 — Near ' Van Ness a ye. and Ellis ; rents $160 per -month; 8 fine flats' -of :^ 7-7-9 \u25a0-.-". ; \u25a0"• '\u25a0- rooms and bath ; . close to downtown In fine renting locality. . (5203) $11,500 — Near Market and Valencia;: fine buy ot' 'S~-'J£ 4 . smart flats ' on good * lot ;. , rents $1,200 - -pcr 'annum; $3,000 mortgage can' remain. V- : .'-S' \u25a0/.- T *^:-v v.^,.;/--,:.^^.-. i(5172) $6,750^ — Large lot In .good location with 4 flats '. on rear; rent for $72 a month; should have . . store and flats , In - front :\u25a0 when an excep- :'\u25a0> tlonal Income property would be obtained. -\u25a0::_..\u25a0.- .. t-- - :.- " (5292) 53,550 — 2. flats and finished basement flat; will '.'- • always bring $00 or $05 a" month; close in "at: Jackson and .Leavenworth; 4-5- rooms "t" t -.- and • bath each ; can arrange a $2,500 or v " $3,000 loan. - :. * (5276)- s2,7so— Rents ! $30 a month; key lot, 27:6x90; . ', worth $2,250; house, 7 rooms and. bath; .leased, to 1 laundry for/ 2& years more. ,--- % .'; HVhere -will : $2,750. earn .$3O amonth -as secure . and safe as this? -^ (4774) RESIDENCES. 1 $16,000— Large,' sunny, \u25a0 comfortable'home: .north ;..... side; -near, Clay^ and Baker; '50 foot-lot; " • beautiful 'garden; will .accomodate large .;..-.: family. . ' \u25a0\u25a0- ... ••:\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.:': (4708) $14,000 — -Marine . view; Western' addition, near \u25a0 - Devlsadero :and Union;-- hardwood floors; V'jvi \u25a0 ' 4' bed . rooms; : large closets;: open flre . place ;. moderu/ : . \u25a0 (4524). $13,500— Marine .view; level block; Western ad- h . . ', '•' dition;new and all modern conveniences; .10 rooms .well arranged; -.large open fire " - places.' ". , ! '. ; (5072) $7,000— 5-room house, ' Masonic- ave.;/ good : -neighborhood, and an . excellent . buy." at X-'. this ligure;, owner Instructs us to sell. - . . . CHGAP; LOTS. , . . $6,soo— Last and cheapest '-\u25a0 lot •In 'block ; : Sac- ramento, near Polk; 30x118; a bargain .---'-.; at this price. • (5275) $4,000 — Snap} 30 feet , close -i to - Jackson ' anil >-"--- :Larkln; J best-buy ; in- district.'. (5353) .. ' ": $3,750 — 27 Vj foot \ lots on -Van' Ness ave.,-near , . Lombard; less: than 'sl3o. a foot; ln;line •- *•' 'with nil big improvements 'Under -way. $2,000 — Bargain! 'I' st.;. near^ 4th aye.; 25x 100: worth $2,800. , (3253) : $1,500 — Cheapest lots on the market; 30x100, on , ;.-;»- sb-.j ' California,' between 22d \u25a0 and 23d ayes. ; level and \u25a0: ready,' for '. building; ' Sutter . st. • ' cars, direct; -no c transfers. Send for August list of property ; for. sal^ BALDWIN h HOWELL. 313-324 KEARNY ST. , _ • . V SPECIAL. ',-) Only $21,500— Rents ?2SO per' Month. * "/ABSOLUTELY PERFECT APARTMENTS. SWELL' LOCATION— PANORAMIC VIEW. - .Situated near California "and, Taylor streets. - •'The > most beautifully. 1 planned and: thoroughly equipped apartment hodse , *n this city ;: seven • 4 room -\u25a0\u25a0 apartments '. and "\u25a0• one ', of ' 2 rooms ; - double flooring . and . hardwood floors throughout ;~ beamed cclllngs'and'pan'cling all selected material of the best quality;- fine' gas 'ranges : and ;wall' beds in each." flat; Jail - bathrooms" tiled- and\ enameled; plumbing material:' hardware add fixtures are the finest the^market;^ Investigate ;this- and you will, find everything far better than represented. DAVIDSON'& LElGIir"^ :-• '..''\u25a0 "-. •\u25a0:'<'<\u25a0 \u25a0 Phone Market 552..' V.:. y. 1465 Market at.%l . :>.: EXCELSIOH*HOMESTEAD?BAROAINS - : ;. $000 'each — 4 choice, lots la - Ney> st/ (sewer. In) ; :-*' vi;l % i blocks ."off i Mission st.; : 23x110 -.each; \u25a0•'\u25a0•-. yery.easyitcrras.^* -•: . . . ,-,•: $1,100 — New- cottage- of ,-i. : plastered 'rooms In V* iCiLlsbon '.Bt.';;-lot:2sxlTO..Vr-:-^ - $I,2oo— NW.; ; corner. Excelsior ay. and-Naple3 . . »t. ;i sewered; :lot; soxloo: npar,Mlssloa-st. :v: v and:ncw- school; jworth, sl,Boo. \u25a0» " New * cnttage. , 4 \u25a0;, plastered '\u25a0 rooms; on Excelalor. ; • ? ay. ; i ; very j cozy; / small amount • down, bal-" . ance -,llke- rent." '\u25a0 ' . \u0084 -^ '\u25a0• \u0084*/ . . Our ; lint : contains many \ choice' lots "from r $275 each', and "up: for sale ion very easy- terms. ' • G. A. BEAN i& ; <JO.i -^mi£** -;'"•*, 4442 Mission? st., ; opposite Excelsior ay.. : • THE i Burlingame ; Building.' Co/, offers for. sale on \u25a0 / terms, ., to • desirable * partlos,' : 2 -very " attractive l\'; homes I Eltnnted^ in l the ? best -' part ; of " the '. Biur-" '?}* llngame ; district,"" on i high,-" rolling \u25a0 land. -" These ; - houses - arc c most J artistic ?In i' design " ; and . con- ''\u25a0'i tain ' every : modern ; convenience ; broad I porches," *»'i large \*. living :- room/.'; paneled -. ; dlnlng - rooms, '.open? fireplaces,*'': built-in : slOeboards.. and r book' -'\u25a0\u25a0 cases, 1 !? sleeping y > pordies,' etc. ; ~. convenient ' \u25a0to ? ? two <.' stations * and \u25a0\u25a0 also ;. the 1 electric 'i cars ; ;; 25 i,( minutes it from .. city ; >t tradesmen " call C and de- -v- II yer .' dally ; i ready * f or?occupaney.' I Plans " and 'Sspeclflcatlonß' can ibe.'seen- on ".application s- to -/i F.7J..: RODGERS ;&iCO.,r 23s 'Montgomery /at. $I,SOO-^s3oo :\- CASH; V/bßTn^s4,ooOr. '.FINE %-. CORNER : LOT - IN ' CHURCH ' ST.; • CLOSE - IN : :.;,' LEVEI7; '\u25a0'<\u25a0- READY. TO i. BUILD; % MeENERNE Y \u25a0 TITLE ; STREET . WO RK | ON* BOTH STREETS '- DONE: ; GOOD FOR'GROOER; OR -ANY.' KIND } 4 OF iBUSINESS/tiORS FLATS ;*NEVER?AGAIN v -.WILL ? YOUv GET «-AI CORNER -CLOT'IN? THE f AHM^BELTfOF.fTUE?MISSION*AT:SUCH v-KIDICtTLOUSi PRICE ANDfeTERMS:' FIRST ~J COME, >FI RST »- SERVED ;» PRINCIPAL^ ONLY ~-l] NEED 'APPLY." ' SEE V OWNER, «11H MAR- /\u25a0KET ST.^OPP.:7TH; 10;TO:7 P. M;/ \u25a0'"..^y-. AA^-MUST i: sell ; i $4,a".0 ; buys 1 2 „ new ,' flats, 4-5 ; ;?\u25a0;. very," large,isnnny.srms.v< with i plastered? bath- :4 room, T gas,\- porches J inclosed i with i glass ; \ wash ;4 trays i- 1 on -porches ; ! , 3 * large^bay^wlndowsr- In iA> front ; \ panel; work : In ! dining ; room, k itcheu s and v r halls ; i rms/; tinted ; j lot -. 25 » ft."* front ; » concrete 'A foundation ; Jflats j rented '• at i $42.50 • per s month ; \u25a0•*»« $73 '\u25a0 mantel >ln t each : front * room ; i cove j celling : i -> '\u25a0' McEnerney.'.title.'.-rSee^ownerjat ;flats, : ; 51'. ; and ; }-j 53 i Chcsley - st. % off- Harrison ' bet.** ; 7th , and ;Bth ; i .. . only'^4.:.blocks:fromicityj-hall/; fj; ; :. \u25a0;::-' $-l.r>(K>^rStore;-'i'wllhi S2?flatss'of >: s|andvo rooms - i above; / located *.<f n | Church? st.';" in the »: business bisection: j lots alon^i worth? $3,000;? incbme t $iKH) * i, prr i h nnuni ; 4 always.! rented ; f $.1,000 \cagli,-'^bal-'\ cagli,-'^ bal-' \u25a0:'v a nee, very; easy .U onus ; i chance 'off lifetime. 'Ap- )oi>ly'« 5215:: Mission5 215:: Mission Bt.-. :. > .V ' \ »';,;:: ~, „ t EXCEPTIONAL ; B A RGAIN. 'I , < :-,T,'.:. : < r -1/12 H room y house : E; north » Bide P. McAllister '\u25a0. near Pierce:?loti27:6xllo;,s3.soo:'f4,oooimortgage.' \ >\;- : 'RUINE"&:CO.;/2DO. s llontgo_ery;st.:; __ - CITY. REAL ESTATE— -C<mtlnbed^__' PRESIDIO TERR^VCE— PIIESIDIO TERRACE." PRESIDIO ;TEKRACE-^-PRE3IDIO ' TEIIKACE. '..(Ist Avenue -at- Washington :Street) . How.eloroTi-kaoTr. ; when ycu-bny «a' lofand build yotir.hoiße,. tint some cnewiUuot bnilil a stable neU'to- you?' Or. lease to a laundry? , Or build!^n*ts or. apartments? Or shut .wit ;vour sun" end light? . ; YOU DOK'T KNOW, end That b more, \u25a0 yon CAN NOT: PREVENT.; IT! '. If yuar luvc*Unent Is in a home. : 50 per cent of Its valuo is'lai- niedlately destroyed. However, if, you bnr lot la Presidio Ter- f.ici». :\u25a0; yon are - ABj><stuTKLY GUARANTEED sgalnst thess antl 'similar thiu^s — b«- tlllboards. overheads wires, objectionable sniTOumi!ugs/ spite ' fences, flats, apartments/ />r stores . are . allowed. There are s.xne very beautiful hnmesin the Ternice — mora are being enacted. Go out. there and see it for yourself, or notify 'tis and .we will gMly take you. " :/ " Jt may. Interest yon to know - that yoij can ; buy this choice property/as reasonably * a» . - \u25a0 .. $150 A FOOT-t3O FEET FOR $7,500! \ Mr.. M. Fisher, woo is" building bouses, will-be on the IJcrrace \u25a0 between the hours of II a.-m. and 3 p. -m., Sundays. :.." v - ' • BALDWIN & npWELL.* SlB-324 KEARNT ST., • -.. i San - Francisco. \u25a0 W; J. DO WLING & CO.. \u25a0 521 Valencia - st. , Paone Market 7109. $S,23O—C flats close- In; rents $1,200 yr; only •-"\u25a0' $4,000 required; snap. $10,500—3 flats; 6. 7. .7 rras;.new; rents $1,440 yr; G. G.-and Central ays.; $3,000 mtg. $2,000 up^-Bnilding lots; - Hartford st. nr. 10th. $3,230 cash; small mtg.;, high class 5 rra house; garage; nr ISth and s '-\u25a0-•:\u25a0 BARGAIN. ~~ ~ $4,230 for 5 room; and bath cottage near Fell and Devlsadoro, sts.; has just been thoroughly renovated; this lot Is worth $3,"»00: the . house could not be bnllt-for less than $2,230; lot 23x 9(5:10; this is a great bargain. LYON i. nOAG, INC., '630 Market st.~. . ! NEW., modern, dwellings of 4. 5. 6 and 7 room*. \u25a0 r. $3,750. $4,300, $5,200 and $3,500 each, includ- ; 'lug .'bltnmlnlzed 'streets; one-fifth -cash, bal- • auce same. as rent; entire block.' Sth ay. and \u25a0B St.; Turk and Eddy. McAllister.' 6th ay. and •Clement sf ' cars. F. NELSON, owner and 'builder.' - - ' — \u25a0 $3,800 each — 2 beautiful cottages. 5 and 6 rooms; \u25a0 all very large; full of sunshine; nicely tlnt- . Ed;. 1 latest plumbing; Inclosed perch; high : basement: cement sidewalks; large, level lot?. • 25x114; SS« and 573 Clipper st. at Castro; mortgage -If desired; owner 373 Clipper st.; -open -all day.- , \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'>. • - 9ROOM-house and. lot 23x134, for sale: must be sold to close an estate; 41S Eureka nt., between 1 21 st and 22d; price $2,400; street work complete; stone curbing, nice garden rear and front. Or apply JAEGER, 224 Grant - avenue. .... ; $5,800 — 8 room, modern \u25a0 residence; perfect con- dition; Scott and McAllister sts.; ground worth $4,500; biggest bargain in town. T. E. HAY- MAN. First National Bank building. $2,500 — Hous>, 6 rooms, pantry, bath, basemrtit and small stare;, terms. 5 Uranus' St.. near 17th, on Ashbury st. earllne. midway between Golden Gate park. 13.250--2& story cottage, running through to - rear : street ; fine " place ; for auto ' or horse and buggy; easy terms. Apply 3215 Mission gfr. FOR sale — 2 lots, 25x123 each, north side of Con- • press st. 50 feet from » corner Masonic ay.; J sl.2so, each. Inquire 1552 Masonic ay. - COUNTRY home In the city; Snnset; largs grounds/stable and garage;- sell or lease. 1203 \. ISth ay. - :, For sale — Mod.: home, 7 rms.; sunny; reas.; call morning before 1 p. m. Owner, 837 Shrader st. CITY • and country property bought, sold and ex. Apply- Owl Realty; Co. ,-507 Castro st. $3,700—2 FLATS, 5 and 6 rms., 17th St. above Castro; terms. . Addr. owner. 2872 G. Gate ay. J. A. ADAMS, state licensed and deputy U. S. surveyor. 325 Bush st.; phone Douglas 2104. COUXTRY REAL ESTATB • 600 ACRE STOCK RANCH. Mariposa. county — 160 acres plow land, all fenced; plenty of water; good ratfeh building of 7 rooms, modern, with bath, etc.; 2 barns, wagon shed,; smokehouse, etc.; price $7,500; term 3. i 60 ACRE PRUNE ORCHARD. At Cupertino, Santa Clara valley— Completely equipped with .buildings. - machinery, .pumping plant, tools, ' etc. ; everything necessary to run a first Class orchard place; $23,000. 17 : acre orchard In Santa Clara valley; fine, well built "house of 8 rooms; good barn, \u25a0fruit- house, etc.;. all level land; good soil; pumping plant; $8,000. - - 1.560 acres, .Butte county; rolling land: bor- dering on the Feather river; 30,000 to 50,000 cords of- wood; fine red loam soil, suitable to grow oranges; would make exceptional euca- lyptus proposition; $« per acre. CM. WOOSTER CO.. ' 702 Marketst..' San Franciaco. SMALL RANCHES CHICKEN— GRAPESt-FRUITS 10-20-30 - acre ranches .on our beautiful - San Martin ranch, south of the San Jose; Improved or. unimproved; suitable for. chickens, frnlts. grapes, etc.; this is one of.the Ideal locations In Santa Clara -valley; only |73 miles from San Francisco; price $100 per acre; monthly pay- ments of $14.14, including interest, if desired; If yon are looking for a. beautiful place to build np a home and where yon will get good returns out of the land, let ns show you over our rancii. C. M. WOOSTER CO.. 702 Market st PACIFIC REALTY INFORMATION BUREAU. 405-406-407 Metropolis Bank building. San Francisco, -. Cal.; .will put ' you In touch with the best country and suburban lands oa the Paclflc coast. Careful attention given . to each Inquiry. \u25a0 Full and accurate details of every property. .Easiest and best way to get honest Information. Stato your requirement, we will fill It at once. Thousands of properties listed, with maps, views, etc., on display. ; : NO FEE. NO COMMISSION. BUTTE COUNTY FAUMS-^I am subdividing my 2,700 acre ranch : near Chlco -(12,000 luhablt- ," ants), Sacramento valley. High class land. Adjacent to government -National Plant Intro- .: duetlon .Gardens. Free water right ;* electric "and two steam railroads within mile. ' Fruits, [vegetables, dairying.- alfalfa, pay $30 to $500 per acre.- For photographs attested by notary "and complete. information,; address Judge Chas^ F. LOTT, SOO Union Trust Bldg.. San Fran- - clsco. or 597 Bird st., Orovllle. Cal. CALIFORNIA, Mexico^and southern Texas land colonizing; pine, oak and hardwood timber; all size tracts and : prices, from 60 cents per acre r.up;*tradts near Yaqulna valley 75 cents' per - acre; pine and [ oak timber, ' on railroad/ $ 1 and . up; Improved stock' ranches, , all size tracts; title and delivery guaranteed. Information \u25a0 DAVIS-BURNHAM CO.. • 704 Mills building. San Francisco. WE have I.OSO acres land, 200 under cultivation, . S miles from - town and railroad; the best com- bined : stock ranch and farm in California; raa- nlng. stream of water; fenced and cross fenced; ' price $20,000. terms. -' - , • \u25a0'It yon are 'looking, for a farm, stock or fruit .ranch at the right price call and see us.:-- " McFAUL : & EDWARDS. S3O Chronicle . bid?. ATTENTION— BUYER AND HOME SEEKER. \u25a0 We' are -running; a free Information bureau. ' giving, reliable.: detailed :t: t in formation on ail - . California lands; we have many destrabla prop- ositions In every county; many. Bna bargains. \u25a0 If yo:» are looking for Information. ' write as <~>f call at our office; and it will be freely given. CALIFORNIA LANDS :\u25a0 INFORMATION BU- REAU.P46-94S Monadnock bldg.. S. F. DO not \u25a0 overlook thl»— 4oo acres >on Eel river, Mendoclno county: 15 acres; under enlttvatlon; '-.'balance trolling hllla. -with plenty of. oak tlm- " ber; i good house \u25a0 and barn ; ' one , of : the best little cattle and hog ranches In the state ot California; 'wonld make an ideal summer re- . sort: -\u25a0 fine huntlnpr. boating and-; fishing; no "trouble to catch the -limit; price $5,000. ile- .;'; FA PL ''ft ; EDWARDS. -, 330 Chronicle • bldg. 160* ACRES land near Brentwood; 43 acres bear- . Ing vineyard, balance in com and other prod- ucts; C room house, good barn atad outbuild- ings; running stream of water piped to tons* : . and :barn;- 6- horses; \ all <farmlßg.lnplement3; v everything- ready : to do bnslness. --Thls-»>- a .snap: = don't overlook it. Price : s9ssoo, H-cash - for - quick ' saIe.;>^Qn9WMKHBSCBOhMkMMMt|BIC! & : EDWARDS. ; 33O Chronicle bide. v,i CALIFORNIA* land, \u25a0 $1 • per : acre cash payment. \u25a0 balance purchase 90 cents per month per ajcre: : ;.- close ; San Francisco; *no > taxes," no - Interest : 5 \u25a0 ' acre • tracts : • level/ rich, - clear, ready ta ; plow, .'lrrigated: perpetual: water, right; Immediate possession; -particulars, maps, photographs free. 'STEVENSON: COLONY. 1414 Market et.. S. F. : SANTA ROSA REALTY CO. Selling J land * from 3 ; tracts near ; Santa Rosa : $100 an aero up; also big list of properties of nil kinds; call or write for booklet. Office 30-43. R3S Market St., San Franci3co; office 5 Elks* build- Ing.-Santa -Rosa;: Cal/ * , • - - \u25a0•\u25a0:'..\u25a0-:; V, •-.-.TAHOE, PINES. ::\u25a0.,. '\u25a0\u25a0 , 'I -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0[ Located on west: shore of Late Tahoc. adjola- lng^ldlewlld.-' Acr«j: villa 1^ sites, $200; terms 10 per cent cash, $5 per month: no taxes, no la- tereat. • Send for illustrated - folder - and map. FERGUSON-BRKUNEB ' CO., 'jt 231 ~ Montgomery * st* f.\u0094 x "LITTLE IRRIGATED FARMS Sold -\u25a0: on -. easy :\u25a0 terms : ; best soil. .< transportation \u25a0 and. living r. conditions- In "Sacramento valley; £;, excursions - every .week/ : F. . L.'; HILL* St CO., : .Jl East^et,: phone. ; Kearny-. 302. ; . : . " - : 'G RIDLEY. 4 Biggs «. and ... Sunset ' colonies — Choice "fifrutt,*-- alfalfa, and. orange -Irrigated 'land aold -'.- on ; easy 'terms.;' For. partiralars . 299 Monadnock ; ;bIdg.V6Sl Market st:,T.;F. A. OBERMEYER. LOS * GATOS. ~ Saratoga." ; Santa l- Cm?. . mountain* • propertyforsale or rent. < STRONG, rBELDEX 1 & «FARR, Ir.c. R. H. -McKalg vm_nager. fAgents : for.ldylwlW. Los - Gatos. '43 Post : St.. San^Franclsco. \u25a0. . . \ ?s^down^and;s3,p«f month.,wlir- buy/you from v--2%. f to 5\u25a05 \u25a0 acrea fof rich/, level land In Alameda /; county] near; Oakland. .A. ; J. '\u25a0\u25a0 MOORE . & '\u25a0 CO., " 29 Bacon -block; Oakland,'. Cal. : \ B and •10 < acre homes 'in /Alameda . county ; $22 down,* slo : monthly; 2 railroads. RICH VAi- LEY^LAND COMPANY,' ISO Satter st. ;. \u25a0 COI7XTR.Y RE.IIL KST.V~3-— Coctlnogjt EUCALYPTUS TIMBER— SmaU tracts la plan- tation o/ thousands of acres;. easy terms; loca- tion on railroad. In San Joaquln valley.- Enca- :. . ly ptta Timber . Ca ; 420 First Nat.>BanJt, Oait. ;yOU farms, stocfc ranches and timber lands sea ._M_E___^jfc_ t 'U> w AKDi?'. :K*.O Chronicle btrtlding. ACKE AND HALF ACRE LOTS. -\u25a0;, $600 to $ I >i ?- water - macadamized streets; Sonthern Pa^ ; cine local and street car service. j bsiatl payments down, rest oa easy monthly i Installments. * |_ Rich soil, delightful climate, 15 minutes from ' | Brondwar. - i RANDALL, TROWBRIDGE & WRIGHT CO., 13CG Broadway. \u25a0Next to Postoffice.- \u2666- I Phone 3 OakJaod 3205. A32OS. HOME FOR SALE 3 room house, all in fine ord»r; lot 50x120 ft.'J situated on Bt»Tav. near E. lHth St.. in choice Tielgbborhood near schooK . churches and' car- line; price $ 1.850: easy terms. B. 11. WELCH & CO.. \u25a0; sth ay. and K. lStl> St.. OatTand. 4 ROOM cottage. $2.rWO. $.".00 cash; 5 room enr- :'W. $2. W0. $3(« cash; 7 room 2 story hove. $0,500. $SCO cash: b;»l.tnce on all of thesei \u25a0\u25a0nouses- U like r^nt. Santa Fe Realty Co./* .>4tQ and Grove st?.. Key Route station Oak* land. FOR S.VLE BY OWNER ' ilich basempnt. 4 room, card finished cottage: lot ..IxMO; driveway and large shed: near Idor* park; KSO 57th St.. Oakland: cheapest bay la North. Oakland. Price $2". 500. WHY PAY RENT? ' v ben ycni can buy a cottage near the Key Kontel Scrsll parment down, tne balance easy payments. See owner, RICHARD J. MONTGOMERY. 4003 Telegraph a,v. corner 40th st.. Oakland. LOT In good - residence section near Piedmont Key Route station; is situated on" high ground with beautiful view; 1 bloeit from Oakland it. earllne; »»re 30x140 feet: price $1,2r>0; easy ' terms. .ELLIS 8R05..; 46S llta'at.. Oakland. FOH sale— ?los. equity In $900 lot In East Oak* t»nd: hljb cl.i^ nronertv: p»|r»it.v only $•-•.% Wrltn O. B. JIABSEL, -1724 Francisco st.. Berke!py.7|KSPHHBS|H— BHtM $100 DOWN— S2O PER MONTH. * Doesn't this beat rent! 4 room cottage: street 4 Sorb done; sidewalks in; price $1,400. Ad- ess 1120 Broadway. Oakland. W. A. WniTAKER. designer an.l builder: artls- tlc homea: easy terms: phone Merrltt 878. BUItLINGAME REAL ESTATB CENTRAL ADDITION CENTRAL ADDITION* Between San Mateo and Burlingame Between two rapidly growing centers In the best residential section of San Mated and Burllngame, adjoining San Mateo park ami surrounded by properties that have mada for- tunes for those who bought - early. Go down and see Central Addition. The at- tractive homes already built and the class of buyer* guarantee its value and desirability; 5 minates from Burlingame: electric cars pass the tract every 10 minutes; no fog; fine. ma- cadamized streets; ' sewer, water, gas, elec- tricity and telephones : $30,000 school; $050 for lots. 6Oxls<T; easy terms; get off electric cac at Peninsula ay. Send for Illustrated folder of Central Addl- BAI.DWIN & nOWELL 31S-324 KEAHN'Y ST.. S. P. . FRANK S. ORUMMON 24G B ST.. SAX MATEO THE Burllngame Building Co. offers for sale on .terms, to desirable parties, \u25a0 2 very attract lvo homes situated In the best part of the Bur- Hngame district, on high, rolling land. These homes are most artistic in design and con- tain every modern convenience; broad porches, . large living rooms. ' paneled dining rooms, open fireplaces, built-in sideboards and boole cases, sleeping porches, etc. r convenient to two station* and also the electric cars; 23 minutes from the city; tradesmen call and de- liver daily; ready for occupancy.' Plan 3 and specifications can be seen on application to F. J. RODGEBS & CO.. 235 Montgomery st. MOST elegant home In BnrUngsme: 8 larga rooms, 5 finished: cellar, barn, with 2 servants* rooms; built by day labor; everything the very best; beautiful garden: 6 minutes' walk from station: lot 74x200;. price. 59,000: terms $3,000 cash and. $100 per month. •\u25a0 Inquire room 619« .- Phelaa bldg. \u25a0 - $14 — COZY 4 rm. cottage, bath; yard; Una view: STrn^et dlst. Apply 417 De-vlnadero. SAX MATEO KRAt ESTATE A BUNGALOW FOR $SOO. . A COTTAGE FOR $<WO. A EESIDENCE FOR $800. That's. all the cash you need to make the flrsj payment on a bonse and lot In beantlfnl lIAY- WARD PARK (San Mateo>. directly adjoining the f SOO.OOO Peninsula Hotel. All Improve- " : ments completed nn»l paid for. Your house 13 finished to the smallest detail, ready for yoa to occupy. . We sell the house- at cost. You can nse oar plans or have your architect fur- nish designs. It's all the lame to us. We will advance the money necessary and you can repay hs monthly — llko rent. It's a clean cut propo- sition' with no strings to It — so what's the-ns<* of continuing t» pay rent? You can. for $SOO rash, get started towards owninsr . yonr owa home, Just 30 mlnntpa from San Francisco — no ferries— an all land ride. San Mateo has hijiQj school and" grammar school, and Hayward Vui'-t Is a great place for the wife and kiddies. We wonld like to show yon the property an<s plans - for houses. ' Go down and look at tu4 houses already, completed. ' Send for literature. - Baldwin & nowel]. . 31S-324 Kearny St.. S. F« \u25a0 Frank S. Orommnn. 21ft *B' St.. San Mateo. VESTSSVUA REAL ESTATE PENINSULA. SUBURBAN HOMES EXTRA SPECIAL! Well tocated home wltij .: large lot; house about 10. rooms, 3 baths. . . lar«« porch; stable and garage: extra w»lt \u25a0 built: offer wanted. - (7Sj $5,000 cash— Bnngaiow at Fnlr Oak*: 15 miti- - utesl walk from station; 8 rooms nru( hath: -mfttPßi 'and complete; lot 75x.t'ni; Cowers, fruit, . st»h!». outhouse*.'' ( ."VUI V $14,000^ — 5 acres; beautiful onk*: grounds nicely improved; Bowers and sfirnbs; modern bungalow of 6 rooms. 2 baths: between Fair Oaks and Menio park, about \ j r,\'.'.-i west of county road. ' (sos> $14,000 — Modern ho»is*>. 5 bedrooms. 1 bath, it.-w'' _ M<* and garage: orchard and vegf>tahiv» ' "garden; lawn and ornamental shrubbery; tine view; exceptionally well built house; very easy terms.- . Also large and small : ncreage between Ri»dwoo<f anil WoodslUe. . -**,- For further narticuiars apply to BALDWIN & 1 1 OWRI.L. 31^-324 Kearny st.. 9. ' F..-OI- it. r. Tt'rif>»RV. ite«itTcto.i ruv.' r»t. -.zl^ I?.^,1 ?.^, : VALLE^ nt^\ lj ESTATE BARGAIN at $10,000<— This beantiful home must .^ be seen to be appreciated. Telephona Kearny 97?> and get partlcnlars. \u25a0 ' - . SAN RAFAEL . REAL ESTATE 53.3 C0 — Beautiful baagalow. " Just completed! large, . sunny rooms; mmlern In every respect: located In the be«t i«*ctiott of , San .Rafael; 3 ' minutes' walk to electric cars. For particulars call 217 Sionadnock building. San' Frawlsco. poixt niicmioxn real estate YOU. will- pay. as much for one front foot a tew years from now as we ask for a lot today. Don'tjmentlon this: to your children then (le might cause, remarks.) .Santa Fe tract center of Richmond; $3 per month buys a- lot.' Send ' for maps. , McEWEN BROS.. 475 Pine Bt-. S.- F. 'It. T. Shannan. rep. , SANTA CRUZ REAL ESTATE HOMES. Investments. ; lots. ' ranches, acre proper- tlea. BROWN Sz WILSON. Santa Crus. Cal. FOR *.. sale — 2 lots to ' Salada beach ; reasonable* •~F. DF,.MOi;SaET. <'ort«> Madera. Cat. : HEAL ESTATE TO EXCUA.VGG RANCH of S2O acres, 12 miles from Saa Mateo, in the redwoods:, timber and pastors land; «. price $25 pcx acre," or will take lacom»- prop- erty In exctanje. W. W. CASEY. S2tt 3d a#.. ;: Sao Mateo. " - . -\u25a0 - \u25a0 : '. \u25a0 $!».C00 — I.have's room cottage; lot 50x100; tnv.<; - have 'a : change, la the country. Do yoa want .-Oakland property? See me at ABBOTT'S. VZ7. > Broadway. i>x>tn . 25/ \u25a0 ' - - IF yon want to sell or exchange your ranch send X ' me ; description ; no charges . unless deal Is "made. J. H.. EPSON. 10t:s Rrondway. Oaklanfl. FINE pasture, green fee«l. n. Bi MAYO. < 73T ->?• Pacific bldg.. S. - F..- or P. O. box 44. \u25a0 Vallelow , '_ _' 3IILK WAXTED •; _|_\u25a0 V . WANTED — To contract for 150 saL tai'.k. dcllr, dailx." P. .3. IXEBLE, 4.63 lOUj at. Oaklaad, 17