Newspaper Page Text
18 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL UNION PACIFIC IS FEATURE OF MARKET Hamman Railroad Shares 0b Higher and Dominate the Day's Business Sexr York St©<* LUt E F Hutton & Co.. 490 California Etreet. members of the New York stoct ejehansre, fur nish the fcUowlcs list of bond and stock sale! yestertlay: '.' t Sties. 1 STOCKS. 'Hlgh.'Low.l Bid. 1 AekT iAllis-Cbaimers ..j l">ttl 15% sSn Do pfd 155 54% 54* 54b S2,loo.Amabt Copier . .j. .......... 88 SB% l.lOOjAmer Beet Sugar| 46Mi 4->""4 «% "*£,, I l>o Dfd • ! •• 85 SGlt "iWAm'r C-3 Co ..( 13* 12^ 12£. 12J, I.loo] Ho pfd iBS 8* » 6d% MJj 6,aooiAraor C& F Co. I t>S% 67 6.* f g7}4 j Do pfd I »22 128 »4 2,300 Amer Cot OU ..| 75 74&| 74 «v>i ....... l>o pfd 1 1102^107 'Am Hide & L.. I S% 9 bOC' Do pfd 50^ «% «^4 50 -.COO'Amer W Secur..! 37% 36 j 86^ 36?*, Amer Linseed ...1 , 16}4 16% j I><> pfd I «* 44 2.Brti-i ( Am.T Locomotive' <"-74 C 61 * <& <3?J* WO I>o P M j120%120 118 120 Amor Malt | ! 9V4 10 l>o iifd ! 83>S 95 Cb.-W Amor S & Rfg Co!l04%!l02»i 102,* 102% j Do pfd ..! I tll6 116** :>i»oAnier Sucar .. . .113314 {133 13214 133 • 20" I>n pM 126 |125>AJ126 127 SOOAiner Steel Fdys.i 60 j S9\\ 59H-I 60 3 9c«VAßfr T & T Co.|l42iiil4lVi!l4l"*-iJI4IS .VKi Amer Tob pfd ..jlol**ilolVi lOlHjlOi'k ' 1.9U0 Amer Woolen ..{33 33 3S^| 39 » i Do pfd . 104-% 105 S.2:iO.Anaconda I W-£ 49? i 49% 50 4<>n Atlantic C Llne|l4lHJl4l I*o ul 27<«"OA T & Santa Fe |120%)119 lI'JU 11»"* huO< Do pf3 j104%!1«4H IO4V3JHJS 8.2008a1t &. Ohio ... U»<i 11S% mm 1 * 1»34 I Do pfd 93ij 9o 4fK» Brthlebeia Steel 32% 32 32% 33 3Ooi Do rfd 65 64 H 6*l-46 * I -4 . 3.T»00:B U X So3i 7a>i 80?, 80% Canada So C 2«S 40<j Oacadian Pae . . IS6H 1S« 186 SR^ 22.000 C & O 83% 82! i X2>4 82% C & A 6SV» 68 I.TOAC <i \r ; sj* 1% 2% i Do pfd 25 4j 1.100 C & N W 197 195^41195^4 96 21.500.C iI&«P ItJOH 15S^i ISSVi 1584 > 1.100; Do pfd ;171 ! 170% 171 H 172 13.100:Cen Leather ... 37 T *i S«?, 36i» 37H 600 Do pfd 109 107 Vi 10S14 109 tontralof X J 310 315 Chicago Ter 2 3 j Do pfd 12 IS 200.C C C & St L 77?» 77 76 77 I Do pfd 102 110 3.10u,C010 Fupl & Iron. 46 45 45% 4614 Do pfd 80 84 400'Colum H C & 1.. 71 70 70V4 71 Cn]c» Southern 54»* 53 i Do Ist pfd 814 82 „ j Do 2d pfd 8O»4 81 S.MO'Consolidared Gae. 148 148V4!146!£ 147 2.500 Corn Products 27% 24 24 24% j Do pfd &$% 89 700 Dpl & Hudson 196^195 19514 196 |O L& W , 550 600 2.HMH& KG 51*4 50 50 5014 S'TO JK> pfd SSli 87 87 8714 'Diamond Matrh 129 131 . 700, Distilling Secur.. 381$ 3514 3814 39 iDulnth SS&. A 16 3614 I Do pfd 31% 32 U.TOOlErie 37% 36% 36% 37 1.100 1K» let |.fd 55% 55 55 5514 500! Do 2d pfd 4514.45 44 45 700 Con-ial Kl'-ctric. 171% 171 170 171 U.Too]Great N->rtli Ore. 87% 85% 86 861» t.tivuc.rcmt North pfd..jls7li 156 IK6 156% - 4>f«''niiiioiß Central.. 161^4 158% 160 160% J.»00 Interboro Metro.. 15 14% 14% 14% 2.200; Do pM I 4714 4614 46% 47% .......jlnter Mer Marine 614 6% Do pM 2114 22% \u2666Winter Taj>er ,1714 16% 16% 17 ! Ifc> pfd 67% 6S .Winter Pump 40*4 40 39% 40 WO Do pfd SO"* 80% 87% 88 l.TOCtona Ontral 31% 31% 8114 32 m»y. Do pfd 5814 57% C 714 5S l.r.coK t; Southern 4714 4714 47% 4714 4(Ki Do pM 7314 72% 73 7314 iLake Erie & W 2514 27 I Do pfd 59 62 , 1.100 I. & S 16014 15914 10014 161)% Maoka.r 81 8314 ... Dj pfd 74% 74% : Manhattan 143 145 Metro St By 20 23 4<»o M»si< an Central. 2«14 2416 24 2414 200! Minn & St L 56 56 54 56 j D«» Ist pfd 84 92 jXI St PASS Sf. 144% 145 i Do pfd. 160 175 ' 2.Kifi Mo Kan ft Texas 4214 42 42% 42 f Do pfd 74 74W 2.IXK) Missouri Pafific. . 76% 74% 74% 75 )Xa«u Ciiat &St L 130 J35|Natioral I>-ad 94 92% 92% 92% I Do pfd 113' 114 iN'atlonal Biscuit. 100% 10C14 ; ..I Do pfd 125% New Cop MA S 314 4 ...:...!X X Air Brake 94 9514 Vt/SOO Nen- York Central 144% 14214 14214 142% XVCiStL... 5514 59 Do Ist pfd 100 110 £Kt™rr. Do 2d pfd S3 89 NYN H& H 172 173 2.4 mi X V <>nt & W... 51% 50% 50% 51 2 >o> 1 Norfolk & West.. 95% 95 95 9514 I Do pM 90 92' 3f •" North American.. 8514 85% 85% So% 20.SO0; Northern Pacific.. 158% 157% 155% 155% Omaha 165 167 ! Do pfd... 175 185 !Pa«iJ:c Coast..;.. 101 102 4W ! P«<lnc Mail 324 32 32 3214 4l.r»<Ki P«*H!i X It Co 1431* 141% 141% 142 22,1'fi IVojiien Gaa. 119^ 116% 118% 11S14 «;i«iPitlsburg C0a1... 15% 14 14 1414 < IK* pfd 53 5414 lp c <: & st L... ..... ;.:.. 9114 »2 ! Do |»fd 100 102 SIJSWyi'MMd Steel Car 52% 51% 51% 52 h !».. pf<! 109 111 U(m Ur Sf*el Springs 51 50 50 51 • Do pfd 107 108 lol.<KMrCt>adiii7 164?* 163 163% 10314 r Do Ist pfd 83 95 i I).. 1M pfd .:.'. ...... ..... 101 102 4.^<rt. Hepublir S & 1.. 39 3R% 38% 38% 2.«mn' !>.» pfd <109 107 107 108 21..WUo<Jl Hland Co.. 41J4 40U 4014 411% 2.010J Ih» pfd 179 7514 7814 78% «v. £i<*s SSil Co. 86% 8(1 85% 86 ... J Do pf.l 119 120 ,StL &SF Ist pfd 70- 72 4fhi : Do 2d pfd 5714 5614 58% 57 •-txiStL&SW 2714 27% 27% 27U ; Do pfd C 7% 6714 R2.WHI Southern Pacific 13G% 135% 135% 13<J J0.5:i0 Southern Railway 33% 32% 22% 33 2.:5<*i l Do pfd 73% 73 73 73% .WKtTenn Copper .... 3914 39% 39% 39% 2.M10 Texß* Pacific 86% 35% 35% 35% . 2<«i;Thlrd Avenue .. 18% 18% IS»4 19 2.«rti,Tol*do S L & W. C 3% 52% 53 5314 700! Do pfd ... 71% 7114 71 71% , (Twin City R T 108% 108 Vi 40CiX:n Baz & Paper. 14 13% 14 14% ;-. ; I>o pfd ......: 77%. 80 \u25a0j7s.2*i(t 'fnlon Pacific ...215 205% 214H 214% W!.«.»00i Do pfd 118 108% 117% 117% - 40«t*L'n Rdi; of S F.. 37% 36 87% 37% 400 Do pfd ... 57 55 56% 56*^ - SOft'l* R C*st Iron P. 33% 32 32 33% ..' ..I lk> pfd 83 85 \u0084 'IT S Kxpre*g S5 95 1.200 C S Rubber 53 49 62% 5214 I.TOOJ -Do Ist pfd .... 118% 117% 117% HSVj ' ZM, Do 2d pfd* BS»4 87% 88 88% 176.200iU X Steel Cor.. 77% 7C% 76% 76% 2.700 1 ! Do pfd ..: 126 12514 125% 125% 4ioo:rtab Copper .... 53% 52% 52% 63 ' R. 400 Va-Car Chem Co 50% 4S',a 49 4914 1 Do pfd - 123 125 j l..VK»!W«bash 22% 21% 21% 22 ! 7 70f" ; Do pfd 67% 56% 57% 57% ..Wells Farco Ex..... 315 325 Old Western Union.. 74% 74 74 74% I.2<Hi : Westlii£bouse ... 87% 67 56% 87 iW & L E.... 714 8 1 Do Ist pfd . 18 20 i Do 2d pfd ..; 10 10% fW Wisconsin Central 57% 57% 87% 57% 1.205.500— t0tal sharps sold Xevr York Bond* V S.ref 2s r»g..lOO%;ill Cen Ist ref 4s 09% Do <-<rap«-'n 100%|Int Met 4%* .-...82% Do 2s rf? 101 lint Mer Mar 4*4 \u25a0 70% Do t'oopon 101 {Japan 4a ........ 86% . Do 4s tor... ..:il« I Do 4%« ...94%. Do coupon ....US Kan City So let St 74% Allis-Chal Ist ss. 86 L Shor deb 45, 1931 94% 'Atner Agricul 55. 101% LAN nnlfled 4a.. 100% ; Amer UT ct 48.10514 2X/K A Tex Ist 45.100% An>"r Tobacco 4c: SO% Do gen 4%b ... 91% Do 0s 112' SIo Pacific 4a ..... S3>4 Armour 414s •** l i X R«f Mcx 4145. »5 \ Airb jren 4s ..,.100^; N V C gen 3145.. 92% ! r»o ct 4s 11S% Do deb 4s ..... 95%; Do <-v 5s ...lie XY.TCH A H cr6s.l3S% AtJsn C L l«t 4«.'96«4]Xor'A W Ist con4s 99% Bfilt A-OWo 45..100%1 Do ct 4s ......108% Dn 3Us 93 %i Nor Pacific 45.. ..103 Do SW 314^.: 90% J Do'=3s '\u0084..;.....• 74% Brof.klrn Tr ex US7 ,'O S.Llne rfdg 4s. 94% Control of ; Ga r>s.Ho |Pa ct. 3148, 1915. 9ST4 Cent Leather .*tn . . 100%l Pa con 4s ......; 104% CRR of NJ pn 55.127 (Reading gen 45..;100% Ch»s & Ohio 4^5.104 JSt L A S-F fg 48. «61j l»o ref 5* .....lOllsj Do gen 5s 97 . Ch! fr Alton 3>v«.7«%jSt LS W con 4s. 78% C. Xi 61 Q if>lnt 4s PR'-fe! Do Ist g01d. 45.. 94% Do sen 4« . .... Wfij Seaboard A L' 45 . :8914 r.MA: StP gn ZVj* S9 %! So Pacific col 4b.. 93 C.RIA Psc col 4s *lli Do ct to .;.... 105% Do col 5*. . ... i 8314 Do Ist ref 45. . 85% !Wi rcfdg>4* «2 So" Hallway 5«.*... 112%. Colo Indus 55.... 80 Do gen. 4s :.'..-.. SO 14 Colo Midland 45. . 84 i Union Pacific \u25a0 4s. .103% Ca\ So rAe.xt 4*4s 99% Do ct. 4s :."... .121% Del & Had ct 45.106 - Do Ist A ref 4s. 99% i)en & Bio C it^^£l% US Rubber 66..105** SPOTTY SHOIWING y IN STOCKPRICES NEW YOKS, Aug. . 13.— Operator* ;in the stock market , today concerned them selves almost wholly with Union Pacifto affaire. Rumors of coming financial devel opments in this property continued' to 1 cir culate. On the Union Paci&c stocks them selves the current rumors did sot lack vigorous influence, as shown by the day's advance to 215 for . the common stock and 118 for th« preferred stock. * The- special prominence of the preferred stock was due to the stories of new claims discovered for that stock to participate in any plan for sharing \u25a0 the benefit . of the company*! investments, such as is pointed to by the reports that have been prevalent for the last few days. The appointment of a committee to con sider a plan for segreg-ating the invest- : ment holdings of stock |of other companies was made some two years ago, with ; an intimation that it would be taken up when conditions became settled after the panic sufficiently to make it feasible. The fact that such \u25a0 conditions might have been re garded as restored long ago led to a gen eral assumption that it had been' aban doned. A revival of the discussion of the plan began when the rise in the price of Union Pacific had expanded it to a figure un irieldy for purposes of ordinary stock mar ket activity. " The general strength of the market at the opening gave place to a spotty show ing of advances here and there, which thinned out until the Union Pacific stocks were left practically alone at the higher levels. The preliminary estimates .of , the cur rency movement also gave ground for some hesitation in speculative extensions. The movement of funds from the' interior shows a marked falling off, the balance of re ceipts on the express movement falling to below $2,000,000 compared with upward of $4,000,000 last week. This week's receipts, in fact, are pronour ced the lightest for any week in five months, during -which the receipts over shipments from the interior aggregated $130,000,000. V The general stock market became much unsettled in the course of the day. and ran off weak all day, with no definite dealings. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $5,484,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. .•;;-\u25a0*. Do ref 5s 96 U S Steel 2d ss. .1071 V Distillers 5s 77 Va Car Chem 55.. Dsli Erie prior lien 4s. 89 Wabasb Ist 55.... 113 Do gen 4s 78% Do* Ist & ext 4s. 77% Do cv 4s, per A 881^ Western Md 45... BQ% Do cv 4s. ser B 77% Westing El cv ss. 9414 Gen Elect cv 55.. 155 . Wls Central 45... 951^ JVew York Sltnlngr .Stocks Alice 1.35 Leadville Con .... 0414 Brunswick Con .. 01 Little Chief 07 Corn -Tun Stock.. 24 Mexican 1.00 Com Tun Bonds.. .18 Ontario .......... 8.00 Con Va Mln Co.. 1.10 Ophir .1.35 Horn Silver 75 Standard ......... 1.40 D/oa Silver .I.7o| Yellow Jacket ... 1.00 Boston Stocks and Bonds * Money — Miscellaneous — Call loans ....214 @3 Amer Pneu Tube. 814 Time loans ..'.3*i<cLs Amer Sugar ....;. 13214 Bonds— , Do pfd ..'.. 126*4 Atchison 4s ...L.10054 Amer Tel & Te1. .141% Do ad j 4s .... 93 Ed Electric 111um.250 Railroads — • Gen Electric .....170 Atchison 11S»4 Mass Electric .... 1214 Do pfd lOt Do. pfd 73 Boston & Albany. 229% Mass Gas 65 Boston & Maine.. 14614 United Fruit ...'.148 Boston Elev ....12714 Un Shoe Mach... 05 Fltchburg pfd ...131 Do pfd 80 NY,N H & H..171 U S Steel.... 7C& Union Pacific ...214%j Do pfd ........125% THE COPPER STOCKS . : BOSTON, Aug. 13. — The copper market opened Irregular but generally strong.. Trading is on a smaller scale and there Is an evident desire to take profits after the rapid advance of the last few days. The market, however, can not be called weak. ; North Butte has been the feature for strength and activity, ; selling as high as 61.' Calumet and Hecla: continued its advance 4 points farther this morning. Other features of strength have been Copper Range and the United States Eteel Issues. Superior copper is selling at 58, a loss of 2 points, on small transactions. The industrial list ' ifs irregular and Inactive. The following list is furnished by E. F. Hut ton & Co., 490 California street,' San Fran cisco, CaL: t Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask. Adventure .. "14 714 Mexico Cons.. 5 5V4 Allouez ...-47 48 Miami 1614 16% Amal Cop .. SS% 8814 Michigan .... 1014 11 Am ZL& Sm. 32 3214 Mohawk ..:.. 64 . 6414 Arcadian ... 4 4^ Mont C & Ck 33c 35c Ariz Com .. 45 45% Nev Copper.. 24% 25 Arnold 50c 1 Newhouse ... '3%- ?.% Atlantic 11 11*^ North Butte.. 5914 39% Bonanza .... 55c 60c |Nt)rth Lake.. 10% 10% Boat Corbin. 2014 2i |Old Col Cop. 60c — BostC C&G 10 1614|01d Dominion 5714 5S Bte Coalition 20 2014 Osceola .....145 147 Cal & Ariz. 108 109 Parrot 33 li3\i Cal & Hecla. — 694 Quincy 9314 94 Centennial .. 3514 3C14 Santa Fe ... -214 214 Cons Mercur. 23c 25c Shannon ..... 1614 lU*4 Coppr Range S.'l% 84 Super & Bost 16 1614 Daly West.. 9 9%|Super Copper. ,sß% 5916 East Butte.. 1214 12%; Super & PitU 17% 1714 Elm River... 114 19i Tamarack ... 72 73 - Franklin ..-. 17 1714 Trinity .. 1314 13% Glroux ..... 10 10% USSM R& M 56% 50% Granby .....104 105 I Do pfd ...53 5314 Greene Can.. 10 10%|Ctah Apex ... .414-5 Isle Royale.. 2814 29 UUh Cons ..4614 4614 Kerr Lake .. S»V S% Victoria 414 • 5 Keweenaw .. 3% 4 Wlnona ..... 6% «14 Lake Copper. 3514 3514 Wolverine ...155 15S ' La Salle ... 15 1514 Wyandotte .. 2% 3 Mass Mining. $14 B%jYukon Gold.. 5% 5% Mayflower .. COc 70c | . London Cloning' Stocks ' Cons for money. . 841ilr>ouIsT & Nash.... 104 s; Do for acct..B4 5-16 M, X & Texas.... 4:i»4 Amal Copper .... 90% N V Central 149 »/. Anaconda 10% Norfolk & West. . . 9814 Atchlson 124 Do pfd ...91 Do pfd ........ 107% Ont &. Western. . . 53 Bait & 0hi0...... 12314 Pennsylvania •.../. 73% Can Pacific .....191% Rand Mines ...... 10-. Ches &:OWo . S5 1 4 Reading .......... 8414 Chi Great West.. 3% So Railway ...... 34% ChL Mil &St P. 16414 Do pfd ........ 76 De Beers ....... 15% So Pacific .......140 Den & Rio G.... 53 Union. Pacific ....21614 Do pfd ..;..... »m Do pfd ........11214 Erie ..,........;. 35% U S : 5tee1.. .%.... 79% Do Ist pfd..... 571 i Do pfd ....... .12914 Do 2d pfd...... 47 Wabash . 2214 Grand Trunk 2414 Do : pfd ......... r>9l^ 111 Central ......105 Spanish 4s -i 05% Bar silver— Steady ; : 23 9-16 d per ounce. \u25a0 Money — 14 <&% of 1 per cent. \u25a0. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills is l!i<Sl% per cent and for 'three months' bills 17-IC@ll4 per cent. Condition of the Treasury WASHINGTON. Aug. 13.— The condition of the treasury at the beginning of : business today was as follows:" . : - ; ;. • Trust funds — Gold -coin, $851,207,809: silver dollars, $485,964,000; ' silver dollars <of 5 1890, 54.1 5-t.OOO ; silver certificates outstanding, . $485, 964.000. - , .General fund — Silver, dollars In general fund, $G,052,539; current liabilities, $10G,5G0.772; wbrk ing balauce in treasury " offices, $32,853,954 : . in banks u» credit of treasurer of the United States. $41,113,230; subsidiary silver coin, ;S2G, 2L3.&07; minor coin. $2,170,100;- total balance in general fund, $102,611,115. ; . " Trade Review NEW YORK.' Aug.. lS— Bradstreet's tomorrow will say: "Improvement la more manlftst In gen eral tdade and industry thin week, but there is still present the feeling of conservatism hith erto noted, which makes for \u25a0 small . and ; frequent rather than , heary > Individual sales. . . VXbe railroad . situation ; Is improving '\u25a0 and - idle cars are disappearing on the western - lines <\u25a0\u25a0 as the winter wheat roorement enlarges. Industries are ' active, iron and Fteel' leading, with- rail roads reported buying , freely of rails, cars and locomotives. . , " • ," . . "Business failures In the United States for the week ending . with August" 12 were ; 2l9,, against 184.1a«t week, 249 in the like' week 0f. 1908, 146 in 1907, 143 In > 1906 • and 147 in 1905. Business failures in I Canada for the week num ber 24, against 27 last week ; and 31 last i year. "Wheat, including flour, exports . of. the United Sttaes and Canada," for • the " week ending ;\u25a0/ Au gust •\u25a0 12 aggregate^ . 1,785,755 » bn5tie15, \u25a0 against 1.534.558 last week - and : 3.760,272 , this week last year/. For. the six ; weeks' ending , August 12 exports i are i 8,714,044 . bushels, against 16,856,704 In the corresponding ' period* last ? year.- , "Corn exports for ; the • week ; are .. 139,400 : bush els, against 58.577, last > week', and v 3B,9l7 •'-\u25a0 in 1908. For the glx weeks ending. August 12 corn exports are 527,554 bushels, against 361,157 last year." \u25a0 -.=\u25a0. ; '".:'. ; \\u25a0 ' \u25a0 '~ - \u25a0 - \u25a0, ,~:, .-. B. G. Dun A Co.'s • weekly, review of tirade tomorrow ;wlll say : .' - "AH ' branches ' of ; business affected^ by '•> the new/ tariff; lawj are, rapidly", ad jostlng :\u25a0 themwlyes :to:: to: the ' amended schedules/ and the ending of 'the period" of i uncertainty 'as to'tbe rates of duty Itob*- Imposed, has already bad the effect 4of stimulating -trade. ;.: ; "In the Iron and steel trade each \u25a0 week \u25a0 serTes" to bring an Increased volume . of \u25a0 business and labor is in greater- request.' ;. . ": "Reports; of large: orders ; for -goods, for shipment 'to; the : Philippine*; are "confirmed. -. ."The footwear market- continues in'- a i waiting position, but the adjustment, of \ the: tariff s sched ules . will - lead to mure activity, >as some' buyers CALL, SATURDAY,- AUGUST -14; 1909 Local Stocks and Bonds Quieter Comstock Shares Brisk and Strong haTe not. supplied Itheir \u25a0 fall I . wants. , The leather market Is somewhat unsettled, :on account of the lower : prices : ; being \u25a0'\u25a0 made 'by < som« : tanners ;' on sole,";, while ; an < accumulation " affects the ? lower grades of; side upper, leather." . " : , \u25a0; ',-' ." '\u25a0 "' Bank, Clear in tcs - NEW YORK, Aug. 13."— Bradstreefs bank clearings < report { for " the ' week ending August 1 12 shows an aggregate "of $2,968,289,000. "as against $3,151,225,000 ; last '-. week -; and v $2,518,770,000 \u25a0 in the corresponding week * last \u25a0 year. The following is a list of the cities: .4 > \ 1. '. ':\u25a0:-'_\u25a0- .'.\u25a0<.'.-'\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 j: \u25a0 ''-\u25a0\u25a0.':\u25a0— Per Cent — : . "-\u25a0 .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0" Amount \lnc. Dec. New, Y0rk...... ...$1,874,173,000 19.6- .... Chicago ..../..:'.. v 254,302,000 .. 10.9' .... Boston ..V........ 152,971,000 10.7 ..... Philadelphia ...... : 117,659,000 20.8 ..... St. Louis.... r. //..?< ' 60,460.000 \u0084: .... 5.0 Pittsburg ' . . .". .'.". .. • ' : 43,291,000 , 9.2.... Kansas City. 46,996,000! 22.5 .... San' Francisco..... -35,411,000 2.4 .... Baltimore;. ... ' 26,327,000 718.7 >.... Cincinnati ........ '. 26,170,000 21 .3 ... . Minneapolis .....;.- .^16,017,000 -8.6 ..... New. 0r1ean5...... 14,005,000 . 8«.O -.... Cleveland .......:. 17,973,000 28. 9 .... Detroit ...;.'.•..... 20,737,000 26.4 .... Omaha '.i. ;......; 13,096,000 13.7 .... Louisville 10,504,000 ; .... 7.9 Milwaukee r ....... 12,851,000 ' 24.6 .... Fort W0rth .;...... 5,065,000 \ . . ''.' . .... Los. Angeles.......—' 12,984,000 54. 6 .... St. Paul/.'....'. .... - 8,627,000 '\u25a0.... 9.7 Seattle ........... 12,353,000 14.2 . Denver ........... 8,058,000 5.1 ..'.. 8uffa10v....../../. - 9,319,000 ; 23.8 ..;. Indianapolis ./....'. v 8,761,000 '.-\u25a0] 19.4 "- : «... Spokane, Wash.. .. 4,009,000, 50.9 . ..,. Providence ....... •".>: 6,287,000 ;10;i>V...i Portland 0re...... - 7,712,000 25.9 .... Richmond,/ ..6,387,000 31.2 .... Albany ........... 5,099,000 ' 9.8, .... Washington/ D.'C 0.776,000 15J5 .... St. J05eph.. ........ -5,075,000 .... . 8.3 Salt Lnke City:... 0,248,000 30.6 ..'... Columbus .;..;...."-. 5,567,000 16.2 .... Memphis ...'4,104,000 .... 0.2 Atlanta .......... 6,941,000 83.7 . Tacoma .../...... 6.353,000' 36.6 .... Savannah......... - 2,878,000 9.9 - .... Toledo. 0..... ....;• 3,995.000" 1.3 - .... Rochester^......... 8,531,000 11.0 Hartford .*../..../ 3,644,000 ,17.2' ..... Nashville ......... 3,354,000 13.1 \u25a0".'... Dcs Molnes 3,379,000 34 . 2 .... Peoria ........... 2,003,000 .... , 4.S New Haven....... \u25a0 2.474,000 18.5 .... Sioux City.:...... 2,417,000 28.1 . .... Norfolk ../......." 2,427,000; '53.3 .... Grand Rapids . ' 2,494.000 ' 14.7 .... Syracuse ......... 2,045,000 '\u25a0 16.2 - ; '^••'•« Evansvllle , 1.956.000 \u25a0-. 11.8 .... Birmingham .....; \u25a0'\u0084/ 1,734,000 7.9' "..'. .'. Springfield, Mass. ..; 1.913,000 14.3 .... Portland, Me...... 2,003,000 ' .... 16.9 Augusta, Ga. ...... 1,314,000; 27.0 .... Dayton ....... 1,554,000 15.9 ..... Oakland, Ca1...... 1,891,000 14.1 ' .... Worcester ........ 1,584,000 12.7 \u25a0; .... Jacksonville, Fla.v 1.584,000 13.5 .... Wichita.... •2.897,000 95.6 .... Wheeling,, W.Va.. 1, 351,000 . . 0.8 Knoxvilie \u25a0'.........' 1,258,000 ..... 10.5 Little R0ck....... 1.fi38.000 . 70.7 .... Chattanooga ...... 1,246,000 .... 10.3 Charleston, S. C... 912,000 .2.3 .... Mobile .....1,270,000 33.9 .... Wilmington. Del.. 1,452,000 12.1 .... Lincoln,, .-Neb.'.l... 1.417,000 33.8 .... Wilkesbarre ...... 1,204,000 5.3 .... Toptka ........... 1,275,000 17.8 .... Davenport ........ 1,091,000 21.3 .... Oklahoma* 1,541,000 42.8 .... Fall River......... --\u25a0\u25a0.-. 942.01 X) 20.1 .... Kalamazoo. Mich.. 1.283.000 21.0 .... Sacramento -1,164,000 31.2 .... Springfield, HI 1,097,000 23. S ;... Helena 875.000 -\u25a0 9.5 .... Fort Wayne....... \u25a0:. 1,033,000 . 32.7 •:.... Cedar Rapids, la.. . 983,000 54.6 .... New Bedford ; -903,000' 15.4 .... Columbia, S. C 395,000, 30.6 Macon .............. 503.000 65.2 ' .... Youngstown ...... 806,000 : 50.8 .'.'.'. Lexington ..'. 603,000 20.8 .... Fargo, N. D....... • 701,000 . 11.8 .... Akron ........ 950,000 * 47.9 .... Rock ford. 11l ' 654.000 58.3 .... Erie," Pa 833,000 .... .... Sioux Falls, S. D.. 525,000 15.6 .... Canton, 0 ......... 708,000 14.2 .... Quincy, 111/. .' 520,000 4:2. .... Bloomington, 111... 456,000 . .... 5.6 Lowell 614,000 .... 0.8 Binghamton " 399,000 .... 7.4 Chester, Pa../....' 395,000 I.S .... South Bend. Ind... 517,000 0.3 './.. Decatur, 111....... r>24,000 10.3 .... Springfield, 0..... 394,000 ./..•. 2.2 Vlcksburg ........ 215,000 .... 9.2 Fremont, Neb..... 336,000 .... 20.0 Mansfield, O ( 300,000 -82.8. ."... Jacksonville, 111/;. \ '242,000 " 0.4 ' ./ . tJackson, Miss 315,000 3.3 .... •Houston . .... 22,771,000 '23.1 .... •Galveston ....... 10,020,000 ...; 14.3 Duluth ........... 2.106.000 .;.. .... Scranton .......... 2,222,000 .... .... \u25a0 *Not included in totals, because containing items other than clearings. tNot . included in totals because : comparisons are incomplete. • Xew York ;\u25a0. Money Market NEW-YORK. Aug. J3. — Close — Money on call, steady, 214@214 per cent; ruling rate, 2u, per cent; closing bid, 214 per cent; offered at 2% per cent.. : . • Time loans very dull, but firm; 60 days. 2%® 3 per cent;;. 00 days,: 314 @314 per cent; 'six months, 4 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 4 to 414 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, with actual busi ness in backers' bills at $4.849504.8505 for 60 day bills and at $4.8645 for demand. Commercial bills, $4.84@4.54?4. Bar silver, 51% c. •: Mexican dollars, 44c. Bonds— Governments, steady: railroads, irregu lar. . • . \u25a0 •\u25a0--\u25a0*" *~ .i . '~ - -\u25a0 . > Northern Business SEATTLE. Aug. . 13.-^Clearings, $2,288,698 balances, $201,118. TACOMA. Aug. 13.— Clearings, $809,293; bal ances, $77,740. , -SPOKANE. Aug. 13.— Clearings, $651,074; bal ances, $78,981. \u25a0\u25a0:>/*>\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 ' : PORTLAND. Aug. 13.— Clearings, $i,sl9,2sS balances, $219,303. Loans, . Exchange and Silver Prime mercantile paper ........ 5@6 per cent Loans on- real estate... '6@B per cent Sterling exchange, 60 day 5.....:. — ©4.8514 Sterling exchange, 5ight. ."..;.... — @4. 80% ' Sterjing exchange, cables....:..— fi^4. B7*4 New York exchange, sight. '.". . . ". . '—@ 2% New York exchange, telegraphic. — @ 5 '\u25a0-."• Hongkong exchange, sight. ...... .' — (jg 42>>i \> : Hongkong exchange, telegraphic. —<a 42% > Silver, per ounce ... ..;.....;... — @;ISIU 'i-*. Mexican dollars, nominal ....... — @ 50' , CONTINENTAL: New; York on Paris ........;........... 517U New; York on Mexico .......;.... .20114 Paris on \u25a0'.' London .................... . . . . .25 . 1 8"A Berlin on London../.. .......\u25a0..;..;\u25a0..... .20. 44i^ STOCK MARKET The . feature of i yesterday's . market I was >\u25a0 the continued activity and irregularity | in the Com stocks.. They sold off from 1 the : closing prices of the preceding day during the forenoon, but In the afternoon suddenly rallied under v active buying orders, .with Hale & Norcross leading. ...'-• «- - I The southern Neradas were fairly active,"' with Florence seUlng off I $3.0714,:. against . f 3.15 as Thursday's > close, 5 while MacNamara 1 sold np : to 35c, against 29c. The "merger? was not mate rially changed. \u25a0; . \u0084 ' ....... Trading in local stocks and bonds was quieter than on Thursday,, and fluctuations were -few -.In; the unlisted . department ; Pacific \u25a0 gas and electric common was ' quoted jat $58 bid and the preferred stock -was offered 'at $84.50. •>.; * \u25a0 \u25a0 The '.West 'Coast; life-insurance company; has levied an assessment of $10, delinquent Septem ber 20. ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' '• ,--.-..-\u25a0/•\u25a0 :.\u25a0\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0.-:-!•,•" The Bunker Hill and Sullivan mining company, operating in the Coeurd'Alene district of .north ern Idaho, '^ has Just v disburced its one "hundred and i forty-third consecutive , dividend, '\u25a0 amounting to $45.000, ' making' $435,000 paid Bince ' January 1, 1909, and a grand total of .$11; 106,000 to date.' AMseMNinrnt Directory Comstock ; Slinen Company— No. Del. Board.-^ Sale Day. Amt. Yellow Jacket. .33 July : 5 ," - Aug. . *17 '- .25 5avage .'.:.... "..15 July 24 ; ./-Aug. : 18^ .10 Exchequer .....14 ... Aug/12 . Sept. L 13.: : % 05 Con. .Virginia... 12,- Aug. 12 -.; Sept. '7 t ' .25 Crown Point ... 3 ">Aug. 21 iSept.' 17 .-"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' .lo Lady .Wa5h..... 23 , .Aug. 29 Sept.- 20 * .05 Overman .... . .31 - . Sept.' 4 . Sept. 29 \u25a0'' .05 Andes .".• . . ...... .70 Sept..^ 0 - Oct. I v 5 .10 Mexican -....'... 97. Sept. v 7 '-% Oct. 1 4 : : 10 Con. Imperial.. 67 Sept. 13 ; Oct. 7 .01 Union :...... .— , Sept/13- .....*.. .10 STOCK AND .BOND _:JEXCHAXGE; ; FRIDAY.rAugV j 13^-10:30^a. m> . UNITED STATES BONDS \u25a0 - ' . •.--;Bid.fAsk.i \u25a0 . • : Bid. Ask. 4s qr cp new — ?—-:? — - : 13s' qr coup... — — MISCELLANEOUS' BONDS - Ala AI"WA l "W ss.'— — |oak<Tran' ss, — "10G \u25a0 Asso -Oil -55..941485 T 0 Tran Cn'6s.lOs ' '— " Bay. CP055.104 f- OtTrac'Ca 5s 98-- 8814 Cal <• C G \u25a0 ss: 103% j— 0 Trac , C0 . 55 i 9416; 96 U Cal GA:E g ;- -. O' W/gtdss.:94%:— " m A ct-58.10114 — *' : Om> Cable'; 6s.HO ?112 \u25a0 Cal st'C Ss.lOO- — - Pac;O*Hat4s.V—^ %.92% CaJ Wine 55.;85% -f-.; P! Ei RyiSs.'.lOS^lOe^ CltyiEl 5r..-88% — Pac : L&PtSs.*: 94%- — <- C O.Wat ss. — 101% -Doigtd ss.*;s .*; 100% 101 V. 'Do g mgss 92%:93~ Pae^TAT'-6s.''9B%r-=-'T< Ed EI LA \u25a0\u25a058.102%*—:;-; P|&C.Hi6B. r fl9.<-' EdlL&P^esilOSli*— fi Pv&'OjßJ 03.10314 — '\u25a0"—., People's iW< ss *72 . 72^ FA C ; H -6s. 105 ; 107 :\u25a0\u25a0 Powell is t : 65.-. 104 % — ' HtC" A ; S ss. 106 a- 10614 Sac - EG&RSs : 103 «- 104 Xi Hon* R,T. 65.105% — >-, SF S A i SJVSs;II6 'h<— \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Ii TahoeißSs 99 -100 SF.Oi A?SJSs:IOS% : — * L r A Elec • ss.'.'— : ::—"\u25a0\u25a0 7 Do ' 2d'nigss 98% A ~ LAGJA^EISs.IOOTi,— i ' DoSConsSs.i— W'96U L A'Ry.5s:;llO14111 :C: C SJA-SCR-4%s — * ':'—,- - LAL'gtd 5s;101 ;-;— ' Sierra R : 65..106 — LAP- lem; ss. 10314,— IS P of A 6s : LA P. Cal ; ss. 102% — ;; (1910)^ :/:.101 --.— ,„ iai!" S*:P<of:C 6s*. : Mkt.'Bt'.C 65.104%— •\u25a0'• ; ;(1912) /. /;:W>">%;— *"» *" : Do lem- ss. 104 .-,—*' SPC'l' eg 68.114, — MV&'^MtTss. 100 :>-— *. S P B Ra63.130R a 63.130 . 132»i N R of.C 55.11514 — ; SPRR.Ist r4s 95»i:9614 NP C Rss.loo«i — " Stkn G&B 6s.lO4>'\-^ft' N C Ry55..104- \u25a0. — ' : sv-W'g mg4s 88%: 89 N O P.Co 5a — iIOO "' UiG»& 'EjSs.loo -— : N C- P. Cn ' ss — '.-•". 9314 UR of " SF 45. ; 7714 ' 7714 N^EIVCoZSs.-— : 95' Vallejo.Ben & - 0.GL4H:59.104 — '.NapaVß'Ms 85 : — Oak Iran 65.109%-— : - Val Co P 55.100 — - w . X' ' WATER STOCKS „,,. „, Marln Co .. 60 * 6214|5-V Wat Co. 3314 34 , , GAS AND > ELECTRIC „ > ** City El Co. ::381i 39.^ I Pac L. pfd.. 73 — N Cal Power — -a 4O ,[ Do com ... 49% . 51 "' -•'•'• ' *"•'." INSURANCE, *. '' '. ,-x \u25a0'""\u25a0\u25a0 Cal Ins Co. .81 85 - I Fireman's Fd.lSs 190 - : • BANK STOCKS v ; Am Ntl' Bk ; 134 135 | Mer Trust . -220 .— Bank of Ca1. 380 388 S F- National. — 140:. First Natn1..252 *?— % Union T C 0.2600. 2600 2800 • ' : ' SAVINGS BANKS ';- : -;' Ger;S'& ,L. — 3000 IS F SavU.". — ::- »321 5 HumSav Bk "— '-\u25a0. —\u25a0; |Say & L So.". — 120 ." Mut Say J Bk. 73 -— ; I Sec Sa y Bk . . — ; 330 /-. STREET : RAILROADS California \u0084135,; ~\ (Presidio ..... 23 - - : :powder Giant Consolidated , C 0 . . .. . ; : :....... 74 14 — • \u0084 "'-.'.'\u25a0:\u25a0-;• SUGAR \u25a0- \u25a0 \u25a0:?/'': Hawaiian C; 33'»4>341ilMakRweli SO 4o \u25a0'. ;46 Honokaa S C 18"4 18%IOnomea S C. 47. 491*, HutchS P, C 171 i — ijpaauhauS C. 2814 2814 Kllauea " S ; C.h 6l4 ' — J- J | Union . S ; Co. . 55 \ — • OIL STOCKS - •\u25a0'"*\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Amal Oil Co. — " 87 !<. 1 W " Coast Opf — : — Agso.Oll Co. 35 35>M Docom ... — — ; Sterling. Oil.; 2»4 4 | \u25a0'\u25a0.' " '.. V '- ..-MISCELLANEOUS Alaska P A.165 '60 Pac Aux FA 314 — Cal F.C A. 99141001j Pac C 80ra5. 152 — Cal Wine A/ 37% 38tg Pac-T&T.pfd — >94: MV&.MtTm.."^- 115 v Do com .'..4114,— . : ;' Morning Session 10' American Nat \u25a0 Bank ..;...... .135. 0(); 200 City .Electric Co.. ...;,..^38. 50 : ;10"City,' Electric ! Co v ; 38.6214 , 40 Hawaiian iComl-&'- Sugar: C 0 ..... 33.75 : 210Hutchinson, S PCo ; .... •• • • ,17.25 ? ,', " 35 Paauhaui S-•P, Co \ — .28.25 100 v Paciflc Lighting (common) . . . . . 50. 00 . .' 20 Pacific \u25a0 Tel &. Tel -(pfd). .../../ «3.50 $2,000 Oakland Traction. Con 55. .. . ...;08.25 . $B,ooo. United R- R of S F 45. ./././. 77.25 $10,000 Pacific "Tel & Tel 55.......... 05. 75 - v "Vv Street — • .' -\u25a0. *.":'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•; '\u25a0\u0084., :\ r •;: . 200 Hntchinson S P Co . . ". . . ./."-17.1214 $«,000 S i P .*&'.! S J Valley t,i ..///.. :116. 6214 $2,000 S P R.R-lst refdg 4s. /../... 95.73 $15,000 Associated Oil 3s 95.00 " .Afternoon Session " ; \u25a0- .Board — . '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 i -..- ' : \u25a0 - •'..'\u25a0••' \u25a0\u25a0 " 20 Alaska Packers' Assn ........ 67. 00 , 25 Associated ! Oil Co 33.25 > "100 Paauhau :S P- Co \u25a0-. 25.25 10 Pacific; Tel & Tel (common).... 41.121 a $2,000 CalGas & El G M & C T 55.M01.50 $1,000 City Electric Co 55 .:......'.... 86 . 50 ,; $2,000 Market st Ry" Ist Con 55..... .104. 00; -\u25a0"\u25a0.\u25a0• Street — - ;' 1 - 50 City Electric ' Co 38.50 "25 Hawaiian -Coml & Sugar C 0 .... 33.75 ; , ,130 Paauhau :. S - P Co" ............28.25; $5,000 Los Angeles )Ry 55.... ...110.75 California . Stock and Oil Exchange.. ,Bid.Ask. . - Bid.Ask. Alma ....... .41 .. — Nev County .. 24 '\—r Asso Oil tc.33.50 i—Paraf fine ..... 75 00 Carib0u;. ...13. 25 13.50 Palmer — 1.50 Chi Crude ... 08 — Piedmont ..... 20" — Claremont ...2.30 2.50 Rico ....3.00 : — Esperanza ... — 1.50 S F & McK. 2o.oo — Fu1t0n,.../... — 2.oo;Sauer D0ugh. .2.20 2.45 Graciosa ..... — - 50 Section 25 . . — 23.00 Gypsy .......— - 25|Shawraut ... .. — 50 111- Crude ... 21 25|Sovereign .... 21 — Junction ' ..... \u25a0 — WjSterllng .: 2.90 . — Kern '...•..... 50 • — |Tunier ....... 80 /— Linda Vista. . — 49 W Coay pfd.Bo.oo — Lucile .....10.00 12.50 Wolverine ../:, 20 . — Mecca .':.... .1.15 — W,K Oil C 0.2.3714 2.40 McKittrlck .-: 10 — [Seßnon .......1.00. — Monte Cristo.2.9o 2.9s|Bank of Ca1.352.00 v — -\u25a0•'. :•>•*: '\u25a0 .- \u25a0•• \u25a0•'•SALES \u25a0 \u25a0 > \u25a0{.*\u25a0\u25a0 '1 Informal — \ ' "500 Sterling ......\u25a0.................'.... 2.90 1000 W . K Oil Co," b 30. /. 2 .45 ; 11:80 a. m.— <(•• I , 100 W X Oil C 0 ....'. ;*......: 2.40 800 Amaurot ....:.. .: .7!) 5 Bank of California. V. /. . 385.00 : 200 Producers ' 2.4.", 500 Nevada County . .•:•"> 50 Fulton \u25a0//:......../.. . 10 Associated .". 33 . 50 1000 Gypsy .'. .;.... .'Si i \u25a0 . \u25a0 - 2 p. m.— >. . ; 300 Monte Cristo ..................... 2.92'/. 100 Monte Cristo './ ; 2.1)5. 10 Traders ....- 80.00 : •500 'Amaurot •. -...;. .8u \u25a0 100 Producers :.....'....... .....2.471". » >*- Mining Stocks- ' SAN FRANCISCO STOCK "EXCHANGE " Following were "the sajes on the San Francisco stock and exchange board I ** yesterday: COMSTOCKS . .: : " Regular Morning Session : 100 Andes ....... 15 100 Ophir .v.... 1.2714 100 Best & Belch. 48 100 Ophir ••/..... .1.23 200 Caledonia .... 27 100 5avage ........ 43 600 Con Va M Co. 1.10 1500 Scorpion ......09 20 Con YaM C 0.1.00 300 Seg Belcher ..32 400 Hale & Norc. 43 100 Sierra Nev ... 40 200 Julia ........ 07 200 Silver Hill ... 12 300 Mexican ..... 99 200 Union ........ 4ii : 100 Mexican - .-. . : . OS 1200 Utah ......... 06 200 Ophir \u0084/...1 .32151 •; -' : Afternoon Session - * 50 Belcher ......r 801-100 Hale & Norc. 54 100 Best & Belch.' 49 200 Hale: & Norc. 55 200 Bullion ...... 25 1300 Julia ........ 08 200 8u11i0n...... 26 1000 Julia *: 07 200 Bullion / 27 100 Mexican /../..1;00 100 Caledonia .... 27 100 ) Mexica n'"-.'/.. 1.02 14 700 Chollar 25 300-N. Gould & C. 2-'{ 400 Chollar ....... 27 400 N Gould, & C. .24 300 Chollar ;./.... 28 300 N Gould & C: 23 600 Coa Va M'- Co. 1:10 100 Ophir ...... 1.271A ! 200 Con VaM1. 1.1214 100 Ophir -......: .1.30 600 Con Va M Co.l;l5 500 Ophir ......1.3214 500 E Sierra Nev 02 ,200 Savage ....... f47 100 Gould & Cur. 21 100 Savage ....... 50 200 Gould & Cur. 22 100 Savage 34 500; Gould & Cur. ;24 200 Sierra .Nev ... 41 300 Hale & Norc. 44 200 Silver" Hill ... 13 300 Do, s 30. . . 42 200 Union ........ "40 '200 Hale & Norc. 30 35 Yellow : Jacket. 90 700 Hale & Norc. X.\ Informal (Session .-' >•:;.: .!'.--• 1300 Andes - ....... if. 300 Hale , : & Norc. : f>7 100 Best & Belch. r>o 500' Hale & Norc. (.0 700 Bullion V; : : .'. : 30 500 Hale & Norc. n9 350- Caledonia \u25a0".'...•\u25a0" 34 300 Mexican .....;1.03 400 Challenge Con 45 '700 ' Mexica n'":;.. 1:0214 300 Chollar ...... 27 700 Occidental .... 23 600 Chollar ' 2!) 200 Occidental .. . . 1!4 500 Chollar , *. . . . . . . 30 100 Ophir j . . . .'. ... 1 . 35 150 Confidence .1.4214 100 Overman *.../. 30 1000 Con" Imperial. •04 200 Savage- ......; oil ,200 Con Va MCo.lllS '200 Savage ....... 64 200 Gould &' Cur. 29 <.:..... 55 200 Gould & Cur. \u25a0 30 200 Sierra Nev •\u25a0..'. \u25a0:\u25a0 42 - 500 Hale & Norc. -50 - 100 ' Sierra Nev ... -, 43 100 Hale &: Norc/ .; 53 100 Union ..:..... 47 500 Hale & Norc. 55 1200. Utah. ........ 07 200 Hale, & ; Norc. 50 "'.<"* .. ,1. CLOSING QUOTATIONS - . v Bld.Ask.i '•:..*.\u25a0". Bld.Ask. Alpha ....... 07 10 Kentuck ... ..- 10 12 AJta. ...;.... 05 . — |l,'adv ', Wash '"."/ -02 — Andes ....... 14 15 Mexican ;.T.. r.X. o.l*l*. o7 Belcher ... 75 77 New York ' Ci>n 04 r' — Best '&, B«lch. 49 r>i x. Gould &C . 24 '\u25a0.".' 25 Bullion '<•"..•//.; 2!) 31 Occidental .... :22 24 Caledonia;.,.. 34, 3iJ Ophir •:..:.. V.r.35 1.40 Challenge Con . 44 (("!iOverman ..... 30 :.'J Chollar '...... 29 '\u25a03011'otosl?. /../...., 43 .4X Confidence . ..1.30 — Savage .......' r.4 .V> Con v' Imperial. \O4 05 Scorpion//."./. . *09 . 10 ConVa-lI Co. 1.15 1.20! >"eg Belcher V, , .A I ;';l2 Crown : Point. . 63 --j — iHierra " Nev /. / 42 43 Exchequer :...' 40 42 Silver"" Hill '../• '11 - — G<yild.'& Cur. 29 '30 Union ........ 43 ' J'» Hale & Norc/; '57 59 Utah* "..'. '.'•'• "."*.."i' 06;J: r O7 Julia ./'. .... . OS . — Yellow ;; Jacket. ' 97- 1 .0." Justice ;...*..», 05 __L^-..^- - - \u0084- : _ / ; TONOPAH I AND GOLDFIELD 1 STOCKS - ' - - Regular. Session— 9:3o to 12:30 '/ '1000-AUanta ...... IS 1700 Daisy ,'........ •-"» \u25a0\u25a0. 75.Belmont,:s, 5/ .87 1000 Jim" Butlerj, .'.". '''\u25a0\u25a0 10 1000 Blue \u25a0 Bell . . . (13 2000 : MacNamara --\u25a0\u25a0:« ISO •1000' Booth ..;.... 13 1000-Red ;Top^Ex:/ '(13 "100 Columbia Mt. -OS 500 . Rescue^ Con '-:. (Vi 000 Com Fraction.' 6S v 500) Ton • Exten '."'. . . -"7 „ •": Afternoon? Session's ;. v ' ; •;".. 1000 Atlanta' ...... 17 1000, MacNamara \u0084: 34 - 500 Black Ants./ 01 1000 •** ' Do.'-^b 6. v;r.s"*4 ICtOO Blue Bell ...: o:5 1000 MacNamara .. I!.". 665 Bonnie Clare. O'.llOOOto Do,, b i 10, . '. . :C> 1000 Booth \u25a0:• . .... .-/ 13 2000 -Mayflower.: /. : . •13 "300 Columbia : Mt/ '12 3000 ' Mayflower ././ 14. 1000, Crack ; Jck.blO ("£ 1500 iMidway A <.! ;r.V. :*s '21 '700 Daisy \u0084/....;. . 25 1000 Oro: ......'/..;- O9 -; 200Gld Con M/. -.6.90 1000 Red? Hills r. . . / f 8 500 Gld f .Kewanas.y, 10 "200i Silver; Pick <\u25a0 ;/ ; 10 1000 Gld Portland..'\'o:J oOOSt Ives-..:.: 'JD« 500 Great Bend?/.':; 09 -SOOTon 'Extenv .1 . -iK) 1000 \ MacNnmara ./- : 31 12200 West :\u25a0: End ' . t "."•.;;; 30 2."C0 MacXamara \u25a0• .. ; .",2 j SCO ; Wc^t', End . . V 32 500, MacNamara . .. . 33| ;200> Went End . . . . ;« \u25a0 ', r 'V- :. "" Informal ' Session \u25a0/ \u25a0.'.v".- 1 --'" \u25a0'• •\u25a0"'•"" -'\u25a0, ?,500 Belmout. .';....;. ss Gld-' C0n : 'M".6. 9214 1000 , Blue ' Bull j-; ; . -. Os 1000 'Gld '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Kewanas, r^ill 1000 .Booth /...'.:.\u25a0: 14 i 300; Jumbo "Ex -f.;-: ''22 2000 .C0m Fraction.': OS ioOO'Raw; 5 Coalition." 22 3000 Cracker "• Jack /•-" 01 2000 ! Red*Top- Ex.*. ; 503 3000 Cracker *- Jack ;% 02 1000 i Silvers Pick f/. 18 SOOOiDaisy -./.; .v. . 25 • 500 Ton; Exten tiTi %CO \963 Dm B "\u25a0Btte'.C. <i'j| ' * ' •' .CLOSING QUOTATIONS : \u0084 -• --CALIFORNIA. : - .' ->Bid.A«k.| t:>\.-. '- Bid/Ask*:' 1 Argonaut . ...2;.V) ;:— (Vnt, Eureka.. . — - . -/' JO Bunker. Hi11..:;. 40 .-—JS,,; Eureka ;.m:1. 25 ,— \u25a0 . '\u25a0 \.:\, '\u25a0'•'\u25a0.\u25a0'••-•\u25a0 '•Nevada:''-".::;" ."\u25a0;-•"' '~~ : r ' ,:;:. Tonuuah Dintrict : v \u25a0Bid.Ask.i ' :\u25a0\u25a0•:. : - Bitl.Ask. Belmont ./... ; SO- W,Mi Z pah. Ex •"•.'. . "— "jr. Boston Ton .V, — or. Montana*/.*.-'."'. ; 4.78 .80 California:, ...\u25a0 — VOI Mont'; Mid; Ex. — '03 Cash; Boy- ;./:_- oi Mon -Pitts "-Ex/- — '04 Oold -Mi :.;:'.. \u25a0— \u25a0 01 Norths Starr./. 02 : 04 <.reat;Westrn. — .|i] Ohio-Ton Cir/i - :; (U : .Home <.*.-/.. V;-;.'—* :\u25a0;- OllPaymaMer^Vv; t~VM luU,'.Ten ..?;—:• 01 1 Rescue -Con ;.; 02. U3 \u25a0• SU2VIMA R^.'j O F \u25a0 ;: \u25a0 ' :• ' THE JV&RKETS ;Wall street stocks and the coppers lower. '\u25a0;; : Spot cotton higher,* but futures lower. | Comstock shares still! active.' Others quiet. [ 5 Grain markets 'about ' the' same." .?- : - . .'• X Choice hayj steady. • Lower /grades weak. ' )* Beans and feedstuffs as-before quoted. *> ..y [:' Provision market steady.' • Meat market steady and unchanged. > Canned -apricots [advanced. ' - > Prunes ' quoted [ firmer in New, York. [ l Butter, cheese : and eggs', firm. | ;' Potatoes 'and onions unchanged. > > Fresh fruits in" ample supply. 1 -tr"^ . \u25a0 . \u25a0 > {Retailers well; stocked '.with •" Jim Butler \u0084'. 09. 10 Ton - Exten ... 39 — MacNamara :. .33 31 Ton of * Nev. .6.8(> — ' Midway . \u25a0. . 20 21 West End \u25a0 /. . 32 S3 Midway Ex/. — 0"J * . \u25a0 ; :\u25a0.. -\u25a0\u25a0<' . : ;Goldfleld District Adams ...'..., 01" -02 Grandma .'..../ 02 03 Atlanta-.;/... 17 IS Great Bend '.:.- 08 *' 09 'Black -Ants ... — ;01 Grt Bend Anx — 02 Blk '\u25a0 B Bonan. 01 - 02 ' Grt , Bend "' Er. ' — 02 Blk> Butte Ex — 02 Hibernla . . .V. — "02 i Black Rock •\u25a0'.; — " 01 1 Jumbo Ex ...'2l "£2 ; Blue.' Bell ;.. 02 ,0" Kaiser Gld ... 02 . !-^- Blue Bull .;. ,07 . (.8 Kenda11 ....... 04. — Btte" Goldfleld-— *02 Kendall Ex .. — 01 Booth ::-.. . : . . . ; 14 : lGJl^ne Star . . .. 04 05 C- O D . . . ..'. —' : 14jLou DUlon . .: — 04 .Columbia, . ... — 05 Hid Pawnee. .. — 01 Columbia. Mt. 12 It Milltown' Frac. — * 02 Corn -Fraction. 67 (IS Mobwk C Leas — . 04 Coning Nation — 01 Mohawk . Ex . . — 011 Conqueror! ... ; . ;,— . . 04 Mohawk Junior "— 04 Cracker '\u25a0 Jack/-. 01 \u25a0\u25a0 02 Nev Boy ...... — 02 Daisy ..:....., 24 25 Nev > Goldfield.. — 02 Desert " Chief. . — 04 Oro ; .... ....:.. OS <>9 Dm B Btte C. 02 03 Potlatch . . .... — 08 Dmdfld . Trngl. . 01 (.2 Red Hills :./. OS os> Dixie ;...//...: —01 Red-Top Ex.. 02 03 Empire;. .'.'. ... ;'\u25a0'.' 02 Sandstorm \. .". > — »\u25a0» Florence ;/. .\ .3.07 3.12 Sandstorm. Ex. — - 01 Florence Ex.. 01 02 Silver Pick ... 17 *_1S Frances Mhk. 03 — Stives •'...'... OS 10 Gen- iW.ish \u25a0./ .— 01 St ; Ives Leas. — 01 Gold Bar Gld o."> : — Wonder ...... — 02 Gld Con- M.; .6.87 , — Yellow " Rose... — 02 Gld I'ortland. 02 — I Yellow "Tiger.. 03' — Gld'Ke'wanas.-" 10 llj , : -': Bullfrog District *" Amargosa G.'. — 01 Mayflower Con 13 ' 15 Amethyst ....-01 ' —Mont Bullfrog. — 01 Bonnie -; Clare. i 06 — Montgomy * Mt. 03 04 Bullfrog: Jlin. — 02 Mtg Shos Ex. — 01 Blfrg Mohawk 23 2o Nugget ../.... — 01 Blfrg Nat Bk 01 . 03 Orig Bullfrog.. — .02 Gold ' Bar. *.'.../. — ("1 Tramp : Con .. 04 — Gold? Sceptre. — 01 1 Valley- -View... — 03 Homestake K. 01 - 02 Yankee Girl ..'* — 02 Lige Harris.. — ol| " ' , Manhattan District A pr > Fool i Ex . - — : ' 01 Man . Cowboy. . '— : 01 Atlan & Pac— 01 Man -Dexter .". 02 . 04 Comet \u0084..../.— 01 Man Little Joe — 01 Gold. Wedge.. — -01 Man Mln Nev. — 01 Granny G' M. — 05 Mineral Hi 11...' 02* 04 Little Grey...' — 01 Mustang Man.: 01 .—. — Man Broncho. — : 01 Orig Man .... — 02 Man Buffalo..— 01 Plne'iNut -.. . . — 01 -Man Coa . ... 03 04 Syl ! Humphrey. — '\"X Man Comb .-./.\u25a0' — 02 Whale ......... — 01 Man Crescent. — 01 •-•- Other Districts _ Eagle's, Nest. 04, — [Queen Regent. 23 — Fairvw .G Bid, — 02 Ramsey ;..... 01 — Fairvw Hnilst 01|Ilaw Coalition. 21 22 Fairvw Eagle. — . 18|Raw Mohawk. — 01 Jack Pot ..'. . 03 ;- < — Raw Queen ~. ."'\u25a0 — -=30 Nev Hills ... SO V— Round Mt ... 68 70 Nev Wonder. .' -^-. .02 Round Mt Ex. Oti * — Pitts S Peak. 46 47 Vulture ..;../ 01 .— GRAIN MARKET^ :'. Wheat; and . Other Grains '; . I Wheat— Chicago was higher on "better cables and. more bullish news.* .'Minneapolis led the de mand advance on, black rust damage reports. Inglls: estimates the crop at 68.8,000,000 bushels/ TheY crop reports from ;' the. spring wheat belt varysome, but on the .whole are good. :\u25a0 . ; The San Francisco market continued quiet. ,- CASH WHEAT -w . New crop— California club. $1.85<g1.90: So nora.Vsl.Bs<Lil.OO;, white Australian, $2.05@2. 10; Northern *\u25a0 wheat/ August-September . -delivery: Club, •\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a051.70@1. 75; Russian red. $1.70<?11.75; turkey ; ; red, $1.80(Ji1.571.j; , blutsteui, $i.S>O<y; 10:30 a. m. Session No "sales. \u25a0 \u25a0 2 ' p. m. • Session 1 No snles. \u25a0 • ' •-. ' ; , : Barley — Both cash graiu'and *.£«tures were about as *. before quoted. --, Receipts were. again light. \u25a0. ' '.' -; ' \u25a0:\u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0. - - ',' • s,- -.' - CASH BARLEY . Goodto choice feed, spot, $1.40@1.4214; com mon to" fair. - $1.3714<ai.38% per ctl; brewing, $1,421^(^1.45; 'shipping, -nominal;- chevalier, $1.50@1*.00. -- * ; .' '"- ;.= ? ' FUTURES 10:30 a: m. Session .. December— sl.43l4 bid ; ; $1.44 asked! \\u25a0 . 'i 2 p. m. ; Session . No quotations.* •-.;..: , ..^ Oats — There is .nothing new to report -in this market. Trade ; continues quiet, though some sales of red feed .were made' yesterday. , • New reds for I feed, 5 $ l.N)®. 1.00 * for good : to choice and $1.70@1.77*& for poor to fair; reds for seed, . $2@2.15; black, $2.50@2.75 asked; gray/to arrive, $1.75 asked; new northern white/ October-November . delivery, $1.65@1.6714 ; Texas red.:in bulk, $1.97; in sacks, $2.05 per ctl. • \u25a0 Corn— Small round; yellow. $1.80; white,. sl.So @1.85; large yellow, $1.75@1.85; western state yellow, in . bulk," San Francisco track, $L 65; white, $I.69; 'mixed,' $1.63; Egyptian, nominal. "'. Rye — Quotations . continue; ; nominal . at from $1.60 up to $1.85 per ctl. Foreljrn Futures LIVERPOOL g - Wheat — -Sept... Dec. March. Opening..* ..*' 8 00>4 7 714 7 614 Closing, */. S 0014 7 7% ~ 7 6% PARIS Wheat— V . , Aug. NOT.-Feb. Opening ................... 23 35 23.45 Closing .................... 23 40 23 40 .Flour — •. -. . ';.;\u25a0- - 1 Opening .................... 32 65 SO 50 . Closing .................... 32,65 , 30 45 CHICAGO BOARD OP .'TRADE ,- Future>.Grain and Provislona CHICAGO, Aug. 13.— Fear of a - wet harvest In ; the northwest \ caused a . radical ** upturn in wheat prices , today.' The market was I strong all daf with the exception of a 6hort period <\u25a0 at the start, -when moderate declines Were experienced on selling .by southwestern > interests.;, The. fea ture of. the 1 day's trading was the support given the market by leading commission houses. One of them. was credited with purchases aggregating approximately? 3.000,000 bushels, the greater part for ' Septemtwr ; delivery." r There ; was also free covering by; shorts.; -Much "of 'the demand was on reports :of wetTweather, j which 7 - may- delay har vesting of the spring crop.: One dispatch told of nXeloudTjiirst' in the . southern part of South Da kota and: the northern, portion of Nebraska. The weather.;, bureau'; also /predicted- showers': for' Ne braska ,'nnd Minnesota. -.These -reports. -with J a firm .market at 1 Llverpool, v v - offset \u25a0 all .' bearish factors.*, I During Uhe clay, the September delivery sold between 97_Vgc.and OS^c.*"- The market closed at .'almost: 'the top, iwlth September- at- 9S%@ 9S»ic;^^ •".,:•.;. ;\u25a0•\u25a0. -\u25a0; . \u25a0 \u0084-. ." -\u25a0 '••\u25a0' ,\u25a0 -;• - - \u25a0*- -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : The 'onts- market was strong, closing prices : be ina;ii(B:hc.up. 1: : " . - \u25a0 'r; Provisions were strong, closing 5@ 10c higher, I Tiie..- leading; futures ranged' as -follows: Articles— \u25a0.-,\u25a0 'Open. \u0084 High." . Low. Close. : .Wheatr- ' "'• -' September .....*.- 9714 9R3& 9711. 98»i December ...... .9414 -90- » . 9414 95% May •»\u25a0-. r. :.....:.:: i<B .- ; / . 9514 ; \u25a0;\u25a0",- - os Km% September / . .... • ra T <, \ 05U 0324 -„ 65- - December ....."./ r.31,4 -Mli 5314 541 i May .:......... 54 " 55U 54' * 551s -"'Oats— . / - ' Septembor ' . . • ,i. 37 ' 3714 ' - 37 .--•'. \u25a0 37^ December 7....'. 37 \u25a0* ..37^' 37 .37% May ........;... ;391i \u008439' i' "3914 . 39% •/Mess Pork, per barrel— — '.-\u25a0 September: .'..:.20.50 .: 20.50 20. 4."". 20.50 January, ...... '.16. 75 '.J6.90 > 16.70' 10.90 \u25a0. I.ard.' per I<M>. ponnils— '"-/:-- ' . '\u25a0 - September .. .V. v .ir.32'^ L U.42Vi 11.321s .11.4214 October v .:•...'.. U. 27V>1 1.35 ; 11. 25- 11.35 ' November :....10.av 11.00 10.50 11.00 y Sl!ort T Kibs.' per' I»K)< pounds — \u25a0 Septtmber I -.V. ..10.95 ~. 11 .10 • . 1O.!)5 11.10 ' October . . ... 10 . 72 «i 1 1 . 85 y: .10 . 70 • 10 . 52% Ca«h -Grain-, and;; Provisions " CHICAGO.^Aug.V.IS.— Cash (quotations -were as follows: ' Flour ,-7; firm:' feed or.- mixing :. barley. ' 46 fftslc; ? fair J to \u25a0; maltlns ' liarley, \u25a0 57@fi3c; N>.*j-Hsouthwestern'flaxseed.'sl.37;iXo." l.north western/ ilaxseed.rsl. 4s:^; timothy i seed. $3. 50: clever.'i: $1 1 . 50 ; < mess • • pork;-i par :.< barrel. \u25a0• |20. 50>lard;: per, i looiH>unds.^sll:4s@ll.47J4: shorts ribs,'.: sides V(ioo»«e_>:f $n .0.1<J?l 1;15; . short clear; ? sltles t (boxed). $11. ."0fffi11. 0215. • : v -r. ;V -V- - : ; ;«nAIX- STATISTICS v-.'V ' t Total 'clearances', of wheat and flour, were equal to i 5. 000 ', bushels ;J; J primary > receipts .were bushels.^ compared ,.wlth " S24.ooO bushels \u25a0: the .. cor- T«spondinKVday 5h : year> ago.v Estimated ' receipts f or ,s tomorrow: . Wheat, '-2112 -cars;; corn,", 177 cars; oats,V33lcars;Vhogs.» 11,000 head. ;.'".'"•" Northern • .AVh'eat \u25a0 Market ;.«. I'OKTL A XD."v- Aug. 1 3.-^ Whea t. .' track prices— Club,"i92c: 1 bluestem,*i'9fic:'»rptl J Russian, \u25a0\u25a0 00c; tur key red." 93c; 'forty-fold;- 94c.?* : • „.;.'-•> :~:': : :- .V^WASHIXOTOX:- ; -.-\u25a0.; ',--..'-\u25a0 : ;\~"SEATTLE,I:'Aug.V;^I3.'trXov; \~" SEATTLE, I:'Aug.V;^I3.'trXov milling/ qnotatlons.^ Exportf wheat-^Bliiestpni.T-Sp'pterober.i,; 98c; .' club. 04l>;' reil.1; 'J4e. ;': Receipts-^- ; Whcat, -' 2 cars ; : corn,* . 1 i;nr;oflts. 1 2 enrs. r '; : •-~ !\u25a0.-*'•\u25a0''; i. ' -\u25a0 '\u25a0:'\u25a0 :•\u25a0 \u25a0 .'\u25a0 "> r.TACpMA,v"Aug.V!i3.— Wheat, Weak; \u25a0'Muestem. 1 SeptenibtT.">94e;iclnb,> Septeuilier.'iOOc; reil,'^ Sop 1 ' ?;.; '^-.^ vV \i: "\u25a0 '' \u25a0; ' >>T»'^jYbrk , : ; Grain f,3larket /., "SR'A^YOnK.?'Aug:;M^Flmir— Receipts. ;15, t 439 barrels;? exports,, 1,072 barrels; market steady, with'ajfalr! jobbinjrtrade:;^ ;7,» • 7 ; :^.^ "~-:-\ :j*,Wbeat-r-Recelpt»4;': bushels; ; spot firm. No/i 2] red.f new/t SI.OS VS » '! 6ales,** eleva tor; No. ' 2 Eggs and Dairy Products Firm Fresh Friiits in Liberal Supply ; ied. new,' $1.10^4' prompt f. o. b. aCoat: No. 1 notthern" "Dulutb/ old, , $1.35"Js nominal f. io."*-b. afloat ;. No/. 2 hard winter/ nominal. $1.11 Vs f. «. b. afloat.", "" - _ .'\u25a0\u25a0,.;" \u25a0'-.'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 Wheat was generally strontr today, especially In the /last hour," when a bullish Modern MiU«-r report and " rust news from the northwest prt>; moted a scare among room shorts. | From the lovf point -prices ' Jumped lHc per \u25a0 bnshel and closeil Til^lc above last night/ September closed at ?1.07ii.' December closed at $1.04 \i- and' May j closed at $1.06.', ; Minneapolis Flax Market .' MINNEAPOLIS,' Aug. '* 13.— Flax closed' at 11.39%:; .. -. ." .- i ; - , LOCAL MARKETS "Receipts of Produce August 13 Flour, or sks. .'. '. 1.220 Leather, rolls .... 1""<"> Wheats "ctls .../• 50 Tallow,, ctla .... SO Barley, ctls ..;. 2,290 Hides. No •...:..." 7«0 Oats, ctls ...... 680 Pelts, No .....V 7 " Beans, sks ..... SCO Lime, bbls ....^. 923 Corn, ctls ....... 20 Sugar. ctl3 ..... 2.40 D Middlings, sks . . • ''60 Wine, gals , 28.700 Potatoes; sks ... 3,~20 Lumber. M ft.... 15 Onions, e>ks .'../. : 433 Quicksilver, flasks • 2t> Hay, tons ...... 713 Raisins, bxs .... 2,050 Wool,' sks ... . .'. 3 Honey, cases .... 25 Malt, sks ...... 500|Apples." bxs ...:.\u25a0 500 Feed, sks .' 20| Family. . Retail Market Prices for butter and eggs are advancing at wholesale, but' retail rates have not^ been; affected as .yet. '-. Store keepers are predicting r that prices advanced in the near future, however. \u25a0 Seasonal fruits . and vegetables ar* still in abundance and cheap and prices for meats,. fish and poultry stand exactly the same a 3 quoted last week.'. Quinces have appeared In the market, but they , are not yet a feature at the stores. - ••• . " " " - • COAL; PER TON— • . - Wellington . .sl2.oo| Wellington Nut... 511.00 Rock Springs.... 15.00 Welsh Egg..*. 18.00 Pennsylv •Egg.... 10.00 Beaver Hill 10.00 Richmond . ...... 12.00 Carbon Hi 11....... 12.00 Coos Bay 10.00 Seattle 10.00 New "Wellington.. 12.00 Pelaw Mala - 10.00 DAIRY PRODUCE. ETC.— Butter, 2 lb 5q..70<8!751 Swiss Chee5e.... 23@35 114 lb®s.>lEggs, dox . .35^40 Cal.- Cheese .//. — ©25|Hocey, comb, 1b.20@25 Eastern Cheese.. — (g2s| Do extracted — — ©10 POULTRY AND GAME— Hens/, each. .90c@$l-- > s;Ducks, each. .. .sl@l.Us Do small. 50@60|«ee«e. each $2<iS2.-;5 Young Roosters, |Gosllngs, each. each ...... 85c@$1.25jPiseons, pair..... — «£4'J Old Roosters, ea. 4o @oU Squabs, per pair.sOto'»"O Fryers, each.... 65<&75 Hare •• — @20 Broilers." each... 40@50 Rabbits ./ — @-*5 Turkeys, per lb.. — @30 MEATS. PER POUND— Roast Beef— ; Corned Beef — @ !\u2666 Choice cuts....— @2o Beef 5tew........ S'jglO Do plain .— @l2ls Mutton Stew — U S Roast Veal./.;..15J520 Veal Stew....:. 10@1214 Roast P0rk...... 18^20 Soup Meat........— •& » Foreqrtr j Lamb.. 15@20 Soup 80ne........ — @ 3 Hindqrtr Lamb. .15(&25 Ham 20<y(25 Foreqtr Mutton— @ 12 H Bacon ...:. — @25 Leg Mutt0n... 1214Q15 Mutton Chops.. ..lß(g2C Tenderloin Steak. — <gls Pork Sausage.... 15 ®'I0 Porterhse Steak..— ®2o Chipped Beef — @25 Sirloin Steak./..— @ 13 Pork Chops ...— @2o Round Steak.:— @l2l4 Veal Cutlets — @2O Lamb Chops/. ...18(320 Lard .- ii..*. — @15 VEGETABLES— - Artichokes, . doz. .6O@6olLettuce, doz 20@40 Beets, doz. 10(gg— i Leeks, doz bnchs.— @lS Beans, white, lb. 5«(4 8 Onions, per lb — 44 - Do colored, lb. 6@ 81 Potatoes, lb .... — @ - Dried Lima. lb. 4@ 6| Parsnips., d0z..... — ©20 Cabbage, each... — @10| Radishes. \u25a0 dz bchs — <iji-0 Celery, head.'... — @10iRhubarb, 1b...... — @5 Cress, da® — {Sage, doz bncbs.23stt — Cucumbers, doz. .lOCgHSj String Beans, lb. 4@ 5 Dried Peppers... 2o%s23(Summer — @ 3 Eggplant, lb ... — @ 51 Sprouts, per lb..: — tft— Garlic — (a 7 Spinach, per 1b. .. s<g S Green Peppers.. — @ 5 Thmye, doz bnebs — 4^23 Green Peas .... — @i ' 3 Turnips, per doz..— ®lo Green Corn, d0z.20ig23 Tomatoes, lb ... .— -ftj 5 . FRUITS AND NUTS— Alllgtr Pears, ea. — @ — j Brazils — ©20 ! Apples ......... 8Q 61 Pecans ...:... .15ft«20 Apricots, ,Ib-.;..— @ 5| : Walnuts ......—IB2O Uaoaiias, doz. .. .235g.35i Nectarines, lb . . — r <t 5 Blackberries, bkt. 10® 13 Nutmeg Melons.ea— U 3 Cantaloupes, ea.. 15^420 Oranges, dos ....30@43 Figs, dried, lb.. ait Sj Peaches, lb 3r<s 4 Do fresb. doz.lO@ls Pears, lb — CJ 3 Srapefrult, d0z.. 60® 73 Pineapples, each..2s@4o Grapes, lb 5® £; Plums, lb 4'« ti Huckleberries, lb— @2Ol Raisins, lb —CtUi Lemons, doa ....20@30| Raspberries, bkt..iot<- — Limes, d0z. .... .10@15l Strawberries, bkt. 10^13 Nuts,: pound — [Watermelons, ea..2o©3U Almonds ..'.'.. .— @2o[ FISH. PER POUND— Barracouta ...1214@ — IShrimps, Ib Q Black 8a55...... — @23 Sea Bass .;.....15@20 Carp ....-.:..... 8@ 10 Smelts — @15 Catfish " . \u25a0\u0084....—® ls Soles ;— QIO Codfish ...1214 Silol Skates, each.....lO@— Flounders — @10|Squld ............. @— Halibut ........— @l3!Sturgeon ........— <gis Herring — @ — ITomcod — @15 Mackerel V. — @10 Turbot ©25 Do horse .....— @l3 Trout 63(375 Perch ....... .10@1214 Wbitefish — Islo Rockcod ..r...1214@15 Clams, gallon... 7sc<@sl Salmon .:....... — @20 Do hardshell, lb B@lo Do 5m0ked. ...40® — Mussels, 1b. .....:-' @io Salmon Trout.... — @ — Crabs, each. 40@30 Sardines ........ 10 @— Oysters, CaL 100.40<a5rt < Shad — @10 Do eastern, dz. 806240 Striped Bass ....— @23 Provisions The market rules steady • with quotations' un changed: • ; Cottolene— One half bbl. 1014 c; 3 half hbls 10c; 1 tierce, 9"ss<"; 2 tierces, 9%c; a tierces' 9%C. \u25a0 ' '. '\u25a0:.\u25a0' The Western meat company quotes as follows: Hams. 1614@18c; picnic hams, 121jc; bacon. 6 to S lbs, 2014 c: 8 to 10 lbs. 1914 c; 10 to 12 lbs 1914 c; fancy sugar cured bacon, 23Hc; Arrow bacon, 8 to 10 lbs, 1814 c; 10 to 12 lbs. 1814 c; light dry salt bacon, .8 to 10 lbs, 18c; 10 to 12 lbs, 17c: medium bacon, 1514 c; light medium bacon, 1514 c Lard — Tierces 14c. . COs 1414 c. 10s 14% ess 14% c, 3s 15c; compound - lard. tUrces 814 c." 50s B%c, 10s 914 c, 5s 9%c. 3s 914 c; yellow cooking oil, 53c per gal; white cooking oil, 55c per gal salad oil. 58c per gal. ', Beef — Local prices are quoted.. Export lots. In spected by the government, are $1 per bbl hlgh ' er. •\u25a0 Extra family beef. $12 per bbl; family^beef. $11.50 per bbl;' extra. mess beef, $11.50 per bbl : smoked beef/ 21 %c per lb. Pork — Extra prime. In barrels,. $21; clear. $23; mess. $22; pig pork/ S2B; pigs* feet. $3 for half bbls, $2.25 for 25 lb kegs and $1.30 for kits. \ Meat Market • Hogs continue steady , with the demand and supply about .balancing,, and- prices stand the same. ' • '. \u25a0 . • \u25a0' •-. DRESSED MEATS Slaughterers' rates to dealers and batchers are as follows: v. \u25a0 . Beef— 6l4@7%c per ;.lb for steers, s&@6!sc for J cows and, heifers." -, • ' Yeal — 7@9c/for large and 9c for small. " Mutton— Wethers,, 7@SV4c; ewes, 6H@7Hc per pound. • -.- \u25a0.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. '-, . - Lamb— 9l4 @10c per lb. '*-. ' Dressed Pork (per lb) — 11© 12c for light and 9UjQlOe for heavy. LIVESTOCK MARKET 1 The following quotations are for good, \u25a0 sound livestock.'-' delivered 'In San . Francisco, gross weight: No. 1 fat steers, over 900 lbs. alive. 4@4Hc: under 900 lbs.-Sftc; second quality, . ZVi®.Z*:+z; thin and undesirable steers, 3c. "". No. 1 cows and heifers, 3@3!£e: second qual ity, .2?4c; -common, thin, undesirable cows,ll^@ 2V4c. ?=.\u25a0-*::'•> \u25a0 "^ <\u25a0;• Fat bulls and stags, 194@2c; half fat or thin bulls, '»l%c;n -.v, ... -. , Calves— Light weight, per lb, 5@514c; me dium, 41i@4%e; heavy. 4@414c. - - - Sheep (per lb)— Wethers, No. 1. 4@414c; ewes. 3U.Q384C. • N' - Lambs ; (per lb) — This year's milk lambs. 5® s*Vic. .;\u25a0"\u25a0. -\u25a0-\u25a0 ' .•- >*. \u25a0 \u25a0 "•\u25a0 : . Hops i (per lb)— Hard grain fed, weighing 100 to y 140 .lbs. 7%c; 140 to 250 ; lbs. 7»ic; \u25a0\u25a0 250 to 850 lbs, 71ic: rough; heavy hogs^JXgplae" com mon, undesirable hogs, 4£j4l*c. Butter. y Cheene and Esrcs There • was ;continued firmness in the'-ciarket for> eggs ;' yesterday, rthe .: upper, grades being particularly .strong, ' and extras were .advanced 14c to a quotation of 31Vi<: a iloz»»n. An attempt was made; to. 'boost. the market to.SJc.' bnt after one -lot ; was ; sold' at -.'.that*, figure., stocks "com nienced. to . come out and the price receded to 34i4c.:..-. -\u25a0 -.- .."'•-'\u25a0'• "\u25a0' . . . ' " •*..-\u25a0 J: \u25a0 iSales'on theexchange were as fallows: . .Butter— lo cases of , extrasat 29Vjc andlO at 20e a"-pound.'. V" \u25a0', - ' . Eggs — 10 -' cases of, extras at 35c and 30 iat 34V>cv-a dozen. - '.. \ Cheese--50 \u25a0 fancy California flats at lCc a ponud.-/.- -11. '\u25a0.-.\u25a0'•\u25a0'*'\u25a0" - : -'. : '\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 .-•\u25a0''•\u25a0 '.\u25a0-•' ,v '. ->! - : lieceipts-. were : 24,600 ..p0unds ;of . ; butfer,\ 44.soo pounds: of cheese and 542 cases of eggs.- - \u25a0f- The following \u25a0> are official - quotations estab lished; by \u25a0- the- sales,>l»ids ;and : offers \u25a0 ou ' the floor of the ~, dairy ; exchange/. Prices *in <i the ' street.' while. governed by the exchange ' quotations, gen erally, range, from 114e:to 2c.Uisher.owin;.to the various charges -to be added. ' '\u25a0 ii^WjTTPQVMfflff^n '-. i ßutter— Fresh ' creamery^exirss, i:v»c per^'b. steady;'.' do ß first3i $ 27U<\ :• steady : i. do • seconds,. 26>Atv steady: : No/; 1 5 packins stock. 2415cr firm. KCDeeser-faHfornia fancy, fiat!»,'i 16c per Ib. firm: do firsts, 15Vic.;firm: do »ocouds,»l4cv firm;' fancy .Young 'America s.T l«c,} flrw : "do firs* s. -I,>. firm ; fancy Oregon ', Yocng Aiinericss, ICe, . tirn>; do Cats, We; firm - "'Tjjnfff^f i rf|lß|iTil|}j*B^*ft'i|i Eggs v (per '"ozen. • oases • lneb-.tltHD-^aHforala frewh-extraiiJ. 341ic. .finuu'rin ifirst.-i. "lc. .'firm; do seconds. 2<v*. firm; . «lo':thlrii«,.23o, flria. ' w *.^.\l*ortlnnil - nutter 3larket~ U'OaTLAXlJ^Ans.' l3.— Butter— City creamery. 3114e; ! country 31 1-ic; fancy, 28-g'Slc; store. lOfir 2lc. /-,-*^^^^^SBHBBSSB Esc Market in >earby Counties \u25a0*• SANT.V' CRUZ "• ADtr. I"V— Local . demand* "are excewllnCithe home supply.' ..Merchants are,pay ing 32VjC for all : classes of eggs and selMngsat 3T.c. Some of the local supply cornea froni | i»«m^ i AVatsonvUle.l*Xn***MaMßtff*4Rß ... \u0084 \u25a0SANTA ROSA. Aug. 13.— Prices still continue to advance for eggs/ Oh reeeipti or ihe san, Frauclsco dairy exchange quotations this morn inß Me local dealer* all : offered ,321 a <* eats P er <!oxea for choice and 1-914 cents for seconds. Tlje supply U light with strong demand. I'otatoeM, Onion* »nd Vegetable* The uiarket wu badly overstocked with greeu rora arul >eUers were obliged to cut prices sharply tw keep the stocl" moving. % Small salw mny iiavc t«*n made la the early trade at $1 a sai-ir. but - Ssc was a top . figure with most sellers ami several held over lota were turned over at uomlnal rates. Tomatoes were In in trta.-'ed-supply, and as the offerings included murh ' green *t»ic"i prices were weak and lower. Potatoes— 73efe$l per box and 73c@"i>l'-P« ctl in sacks; Kweet potatoes. $i73@3 per ctl. Onions— New yellow. 63!a73c per ctL Vegetables— Green corn. 50(gS3c per sack: to matoes. 7"k-'d'sl.23 per box: green peas. f1@1.50 • p*rnack: string 'and was beana, l@3c per_lb; lluia h»anx. 4^30 per 1!.: summer . squash, 30(j£ 50r p«r box; garlic, 4S">c per lb: cabbage. 63c rer ctl: cucumbers, 33(&;Wc per *<x>x;" pickle cu cumbers. 75ci@$l per box; cauliflower. 40<280c ppr down; turnips. $1^*1.25 per sack: eggplant. «'<)Cgi73c per box: green peppers, S3@soc per box; green ofera, 65(ip{S5c per box. Decidnons and Citrus Frnlts Conditions In the fruit mar-et showed but lit tle change from the laat report. Stocks « nearly «U t descriptions were ample, and while baying was less active than unual during the early trade, the volume of business for the day was about up to th« average. The improvement in reaches noted In the 'previous report proved short lived, the market «aslng off again on llb ; erar arrivals of small Sonoma lug boxes, which were offered at 25(540c a box. The canners wer« not paying above $35 a ton for general offerings of pears and they reduced their bid* for No. 2 stock, owing to the poor quality of much, of-the frnlt received. Fancy apples and amall shipping j packages of plums, prune* and nectarines were. In good. request for shipping at firm rate*, while ; loose fniit wiisr neglected. Grapes, too. wer* !• wanted for shipment and ruled firm. Berries were generally easy, while melons ' remained , weak on liberal offering*. - A consignment ot quinces fume in'from Sonoma county. ... The fruit was- packed In regulation apple boxea and th« receivers were asking $1 a box. • Strawberries — Lonsworths, > per chest; large varieties. $3@3. Raspberries — $S«"ell> per cheat. Blackberries — $2@4 per chest. Huckleberries— l 2 >4@l3c per lb. Apples — Fancy Gravenstelns. $1.23@1.50 pet box; fancy reds. $101.23: common to choice. 60<gS3c: crabapples. 30Q40c for small and 73c® $1 for large boxes. Pears— Bartletts. $1(^1.25 per box for No. 1 and 30(3 75c tot No. 2; canning price, $20@33 per ton. Peaches— Small boxes. 23@50c; lug boxes, DO <g73c: carriers. 40(@65c. Plums— so(39oo per bnx or crate; pranet, sP<i»oe per box or crate; lug boxes, 40@75c. Nectarines^ — 75e@$l per crate. Apricots — I!i&e3c P*r lls. \u25a0 Figs — 73c©51.23 per box. . Melons — Nutmeg: melons. 25<g130c per box ; can taloupes. $1@1.30 per cr»te; watarmelons. ft @2 per dozen. Grapes (small boxes and crates) — Seedless, 50 tf|Ssc per crate; muscat. 90c@51.25; Tokay. $1 W1.23; other varieties 50<3S3c; lug boxes, 73c ®$l.: . -.•\u25a0• : Citrus Fruits (per box> — Valencia oranges. $1.73(g3; grapefruit. $2.30@3.2T> for seedlessi; lemons. $4.."0<a3 for fancy. $2^13.50 for choice and $1^1.50 for standard: limes. $5.50(36. Tropical Fruits — Bananas. 75c(351.75 per bunch for Hawaiian and $2.50(?23.30 for Central Ameri can: pineapples, $1.30(i~£2.50 per dozen. Dried Fruit. Raisins. Aut* and Honey Fruits, old crop — Peaches. 4c for standard*. 4U@4lic for cholc* and s@6c for fancy; prunes. 4 size basis. 2Vi'32l2e, with "Vac premium fur the large sizes.- New Frnita — Evaporated apples. 7@Sc; aprl cots r SQO'Jie; moorpark, ll(§|12c; peaches. 414Q 6c; prunes, 2Vt(iji2\c. with %c premium for 40s and lie premium for 30s to 40s; figs, 3@ 414 c: pears. s!£@9l4c. Raisins 1 lO'-s crop) — London layers^ — 2 crown, 90c: 3 crown. SI; seeded. 414@514c; Thompson's seedless, 314 c for unbleached: seedless sultanas, 2%%z3c; loose muscatels. 4c for 4 crowns, 3c for 3t3 t crowns and 2*4e for 2 crowns. New raisins — Layers, clusters^ — 6 crown, $2.50; 5 crown. $2; 4 crown. $1.35; ordinary layers, 3 crown. 95c@$l; 2 crown. 90©95 c;, seeded. 4%Q 6c; seedless sultanas. Sli'yS'jc; Thompson's seed less." ."I;W 3^ t c: loose muscatels, 4 crown, 414 c; * crown. 3%c: 2 crown. 314 c per lb. Nuts — New almonds, nonpareils. 14%'913c; IXL. 14@1414c; ne plus ultra. 13(§[1314c; Drake. 11'^llUc: languedocs. lOTtlO'ic; hardsbell*. 61^ @7c; old walnutH. lie per lb for No. 1 softshells. fe for No. 2 <lo; filberts. 1214 914 c; pecans. 15<§!l7c. Honey — Comb, 14(g13c for water white and lO^ 12c per lb for amber: extracted, 714 c for water white and 614@7c for light amber; old. candied and dark amber. 4(94%c per lb. Beeswax— 27l4@23e per lb for light and 25Q 26c for dark. Poultry and Game Poultry (per dozen) — Hens. J4.5C35.50 for small. $6@7 for large and $S@lo for extras; young roosters. $6@7: do extra large. $3@9: old roosters. $4<g14.30; fryers*. $3.50@« for large and $4@5 for small; broilers. $3.25@3.30 for large and $2.30@3 for small; ducks, $3@7: pigeons, 51.50; squabs, $2@2.23: geeee, $1.50@ 1.75 per pair; goslings, $1.50@1.73 per pair. Game — Nominal. . Bean* and Seed* Beans (per etl) — Bayo. |4.50@3; pea. nomi nal; small white. $6.73(g|7; large white. $4.50@ 5; -pink, $2.53@3.03: red nominal: blacker*. $3.25^3.43; lima. $4.20@4.23; red kidneys. $3.30 £$3.60; cranberry beans, nominal; Garvanzas, $2.50@3; horse beans, $1.90(82.20. Seeds— Brown mustard, 4@4l4ci yellow mus tard, nominal; flaxseed. 4c, carload lots; canary. 4(@414c; alfalfa. 1614 (glSc; rape, cleaned; 2@ 214 c: timothy. 6c; hemp. -4c: millet. Sl4« per lb. • Dried Peas— Green. $2.00@2.63 per cental. Flour and Farinaceous Goods Flour — California family extras. $6.60@7, net without discount; bakers' extras, $8.60@7; super fine. $3.50@5.70; Oregon and Washington, per bbl. $5.30(^6.50 for family, bakers* and patents and $4.73(^3.25 for cut off; Kansas patents. $7.70: do straights. $7.50: do clear. $7; Dakota patents. $7,731^7.03; do straights. $7 per bbl. Farinaceous goods — Prices in 100 lb sacks, net cash, no discount, are as follows: Graham flour. j $3.50 per 100 lbs; rye flour. $4: rye meal. $3.80: rice flour. $7.50; corn meal. $3.10; extra, cream do, $3.60: oat meal. $3.20; oat groats, $5.20; hominy. £*,Co@:i.SO; hack wheat flour. $4.50; whole wheat flour. $4^ rolled oats, bbls $si@S.3O. in sacks $3^|S: extra cream do, $3 in sacks and I $3.50: in barrels: rolled wheat, bbls $3.73, la I sacks $4.25(^5.25; pearl barley. $3.20; split peas, boxes, $5.20 for yellow and $6.23 for greea per 100 pounds.' " \u25a0;-, : Hay and Feedstuff* - Hay arrivals continue liberal and the market for everything except choice Is more or less weak. Feedstuff^ ranze at the same old prices. Bran— s29@30 a per ton for whita and $23.30@ 29 : for red. • Middlings— s36.3o( per ton. Shorts— *<S33 per ton. Feedstuffs — Rolled barley. $31(332: rolled oats for feed. $40@41; mixed feed. $is'cJ3o for aver age lots: oilcake meal, in 20 ton lots $03.30. la 10 ton lots $39. in 5 ton lots $39.30, small lota $40; cocoanut cake or meal, at mills-. $26 la 20 and 10 and $26.30 In 6 ton lots; Jobbing. $27; corn meal. $39^40: cracked corn, $40@41; al falfa ; meal and mealfalf a. jobbing lots $24, car lead lots $23 per ton; red star alfalfa meal. $22 for < carload and $23 for jobbing lots. Hay— Wheat, $15@15.50; wheat and our. $13@ fl7; tame oat. $12@16; volunteer wild oat. $11^ 13; barley. $10^13.50; alfalfa, $I0@13; atoctc hay,.sS<glO per too. • Straw—^-30@73c .per bale. General Merchandise , Bass— CTraln . bags. 512@55ic; San Qnentln bags. -&»ic; wool bass. 32c for 314 lb and 33c for \u25a04.1h; fleece twine. Sc per Ib." . -Coal — Beaver Hill.- $7: Pennsylvania anthracite *"SS, $16. per ton; Wellington, $9; New Welling tou, $9;*.Ccos bay. $7; Australian house — Rica moud. '.etQ., • $9; Pelaw Main. $7.3U; Stanford Richmond.* S>: Cumbcrl.-isiJ. , $13 in bulk and $16.50 In sack.-*: Welsh anthracite.' sls; coke. $13 per,. ton iv bul!c and $18 in sacks; Rocky moun tain coal. $9.30- per. short ton. . \ Oils — Quotations. arc for barrel».\ Linseed. 67e per r:i1!ou for boiled and Csc for raw; cases, 5c more: castor oil in : cases, . No. 1, Tie;. Baker' 4 AA. $1.13(5it1.13: Chiua. nut., eases.' 70®$0c. per gallon; cocoannt 'oil/ in barrels. C/aiVsUv.- for XXX, 62ViSf<*Cc for No. 1 and 00(?4C314c for No. 2. ' according 10 quantity; , extra bleached winter sperm oil. 91c: 'natural' winter 'sperm oil. 91c: natural wliale oil. 3.1 c: extfa winter strained lard oil. 95<S"*9Gc: No. 1 neatsfout oil. Wta; herrin* oil. 40c ; ; salmon . oil.' 53c i boiled fish oil. 33c ; pamt oil. G."ic. : ' , '\u25a0\u25a0' . .. • ".\ - . " Coal Oil. . Gasoline, etc.— Water white. Iron barrels or drums, ; 10c ;- 150 deg.- oil," Iron barrels or' drum)!,". 1114 c; special do. 12c; pearl oIL In, cases, 17c;. astral. 17c; star/ 17c;. extra star. 20c: iFHUTTONICO: 490 California st. Tel. Doaslaa 2457 St: Francis Hotel 1 - Tel. Douslas SBS2 Memliers ; New York Stock Exchanj e Pioneer House Private Wire ;to Chicago and • . »w York H. E. MVLCABY, Manager