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Elaine. 26^c; «w*ne, 20c; red crown and motor pasolinp, in bulk 15c, in cases 22c; No. 1 engine cisUllate, In drums, 8c; No. 2 do, 7c; cases 7c more; «0 4eg. gasoline, in bulk 30c, In cases •"H-c; varnish makers' and painters' naphtha. In bulk lie. in cases lS^c • 'rurj^ntine— 7sc per gallon In cases and CBc la bcik. drums aud iron barrels. Uosin (per bbl of 2SO lbs)— E. J6.50- F $6 65: G. ?6.70; H. «7; I, $7.05; WW. J10.40. '*\u25a0£* )«- n ?b C Leiul — Ked « s %®»c; white, 89 i anneal fruits— The association has made t«e iiillowing advances on the opening price - list for canned apricots: Extra sp^lals and fxtras, lOc por dozen; jestra, standards, standards and waters, jc por 'down;, pallon extra standard*:, '~~«-; jrallon standards and water. 13c, and gal lon pie. 20c. REFINED SUGAR MARKET The Western sujrar refining company quotes as f clows, terms net cash: Standard granulated, nn«\ 5.1.V: 0o coarse. 5.25 c; fruit granulated, •'\u25a0'•>: confectioners' A, 5.25 c; crystal domlnos, in cases. £.25c; tablets. In half bbls, 5.75 c; tab let*, la boxes. Cc; cubes and A crushed, Csoc; |,o«f> 5.?. r tc;«<;6ii*lj granulated, 5.35 c; confec- JJonerV crrstals. 5.35 c: mapnclla A, 4.85 c; extra <. 4...ic; rolflen C 4.C5c; D, 4.55 c. Bar In 100 1b bags. S.CGc; in barrels. 5.70 c: half barrels. S.S5e; 40 lb tins, 7.30 c: 35 Ib tins, 7.30 c; 10 ib tins. 7.55 c; 8 lb tins. 7.95 c; 30 lb boxes. 6.10 c. Fsncls and 50 lb bags 10c, half barrels 25c, boxes 50c r* 1 ? 100 lbs more on all grades. The California and Hawaiian J sugar refining roropany quotes as follows: Berry, 5.25 c; "Hl- Fratfp" bar. 5.«)e; powdered, 5.35 c; A crushed, 5.30 c: C. Si 11. extra fine dry granulated, 5.15 c; court* dry jrauulated, 5.25 c; confectioners* A. •>.25e: confectioners' crystals. 5.35 c; cubes. 5.50 c; htyks. 5.50 c- oxtra fine grauulated fIOO ib bags cnlri. ; picelsior A. 4.85 c; extra C, 4.75 c: pold^n C *.Csej rrllow D, 4.55 c; H. & E. crystal domino*. R.2.V. Additional per 100 lbs: In bar rels nnd 50 lb b*£*. 10c more; half barrels: 25c irorp; bo S*-=.S *-=. r,oc nsare for all grades. Bar, in 35 lit and 4« lb tins, s 1.70 more: in 10 lb tins, $2.35 more. Minimum order, carload weight. Hidrn. Tnllow, AVool and Hops) Hides — Calls and brands sell about %@le tra cer Quotations. Heavy salted steers, 13% c; me dium. 13c: light, 12c; cowhides, 12c for heavy. 12c for light: stags, B^c: salted kip. 13c; «alted *eal. 17c; salted calf, 17^c;^dry hides, 21e; dry tip. 20c; dry calf, 25c: dry veaL 23c; dry stags, 10c; fcli?ep*kins, shearlings, 20@40c each; short wool, 50@75c *ach; medium. 75c@$l each: long wooL $1.25(g1.75; lambs, 15@75c: borsehides. *alt. f2.25@2.50 for large and (1.75@2 for me tlicra. 75e(<j$l for smell "and 25@50c for colts: fcorsehides, drr. J2@2.25 for large and $1.25@2 for medium. 50c@$l for small and 25@50c for oolts; gostsklns, prime angora, 75c^$l; large hair posts. 35c; medium. 20c: small. s@lsc; Mpxlcan dry h'.iet. 17% c; do pickled. 16c; do dry fslrM. |3c; dry stags. 12c: Mexican deerskins. ?0Q.14c; dry salted do. 25@27c; dry Central American. 28(g32c per lb. Tallow — No. t rendered s@siic; No. 2, 3@ <-«<\u25a0: rresse. 2@2Hc. wool— Fall lamb's, S@loc for southern and 42 ©15c ptr Is for northern. Hops— Prices to growers are Il@l4c for 1908 l<fT t lb. with lS@2lc for contracts for new crop delivery. * \fw York Produce NEW YORK. Aug. 13.— Hops— Dull. Hid^s— Finn: Bogota, 20U@21«ic; Central America', 21 H«". Wool— Sreedv. Petroleum^— Stcadr. Sajrar — Raw. .firm; fair refining. 3.55@3.61c; •^ntrlfuj:*!. 96 test. 4.05^4.11c; molasses sugar, 5.336r 3.06 c: refined steadr. CotTee— Futures closed steady, but at a net decline of .V to 10 points. Sales were reported of 17,500 l>ai>, including August at 5.95 c; Sep t-Biber.- r..r,jc: Dect-mber and January. 5.30 c; March. BJSc; May and July, 5.30 c. Spot — Quiet; Rio. No. 7. 7 >i(97*sC: Santos. No. 4, S^i@Bc; EQiid. quiet: Cordova. 9ii@l2^c. Butter — Firm: creamery extras, 2C 1 .i@26?4c.. Ohoes* — Steady, unchanced. Eggs — Easy; western firsts. 21i4@23c. DRIED FRCITS Evspnrate'd Apples — Continue steady: prime fruit. 8c: fam\r. 8?i;«7«i4c; choice. S@6Hc". prim<». 7i-i(S7 1 .-ic; common to fair. s<g.6?ic. Prunes— Finn; California. 2 1 i@H l .*c; Oregon,' C^»f . - . ' Apricot? — rnchancod. Choice, 10@.10»4c; ex tra cholf^. lO^SflO'i* 1 : fancy. Il@l3c. P«»«ehfs— Eacior. Choice. sU<S<k; extra cholof. <\ii<riii%r; fancy. 7<§S I £c. llaisins— Dull. lx>os<* muscatel. 3»iQ4H<": choice r« fsnry seeded. 43i«56c: seedlings, 3»4@ sic; London layers. $1.15@1.20. \ Clticairo Dairy and Produce Market CIIICAGOJ Aug. 13. — Butter steady; crejin piirs. 22J4«i2fic; dairies. 20@23%c Eggs steads; r<-r<»ij»t*, 10.3JK1 cases: at m«rk, cases included. !*>\u25a0\u25a0: firsts. 20c: prim<» firsts. 21 Vie. - Cheese strode^ <s^isiM=. 15*/i<^l3«ic: twins. 14« / 4@14«io; Young Americas, 15'i;(al5*ic; longhorn, lS^fjf IS-'Uc. Lost Ansrlra Markets I.OS ANGELES. Angr. 13. — Butter and egg n-niaiued unchanged today, with receipts light. Estnt selected eggs, sold for 36c a dozen, ranch candled at 34c, case count at 31c and eastern fresh -at 30c. Potato prices are beginning to h-*» ken. with heavy shipments from the north- . -- Receipts of produce today were: Eggs. 151 rases: butter. 16.107 pounds: cheese, 10,382 fKHiudt?: potatoes, 2.306 seeks; onions. 121 sacks; liewins, 2 sacks; sweet potatoes, 94 facts: apples, X> lxixtf. Butter — Creamery extras. C2^sc; creamery firsts, OOe: eookins butter. 25c. K?S* — Extra sheets, S6c; local ranch candled, firsts. 34c: <-ase count. 31c; eastern "fresh." 30c Beans <i*r ctl) — No. 1 pink. $3.50; No. 1 lima. J(fn4.r.O; Ij-lr Washington. $5.25; small v.-hii<V f<s.-"«<ngG.7s; Itlaekeye, $5.50; Garvanzas, $4.r.n; lentils. Gennnn, $6; do California, $5. Potatoes (per ctl) — HUrblands. $1.35: sweets, yellov.- local. $4; new potatoes. $1.25<g1.50. .. BirSCELLAXEOCS SLA.RKETS Cotton Market NEW YOP.K. Auj. 13. — Hutton's wire; says: **Early cables were quiet and not quite as good a> due. The feeling here was badly mixed this mornlnp.^ There were all kinds of rumors about the lieer and bull pools. Trading yesterday was on a lar£e scale, and many claim there was more Litton changed Lauds 'than for many weeks pr«- TifHis. Tliere was talk of a corner in October i>nil the slicH-ts were the best buyers. The October oi>tion was bid up on the rumors of the corner. Th« re Is no doubt that some wide fluctua tion* in tiie. market will take place within the next few days, ss there, is a MsT fight" on here. A large beer rpot house was a big sellpr all day through broken*, while the buying was put down mostly to akoct covering and another large spot house on tiie bull *ide.of the market. Near the closing hour a covering movement carried prices up from 10 to - 12 points.*' COTTON FCTCEES . Option— Open. High. Low. Close. Aupnst 12.23 c September ... J2.lXc 12.23 c 32.1C»c 12.17 c October .. 12.24 c 12. 24 c 12.0« c 12.12 c Novemher 12.12 c ! I»rc»-mber 12.21 c 12.21 c 12.04 c J2.13c January 12.10 c 12.15 c 12.03 c 12.12 c February .- 12.13 c •March 12.14 c 12.19 c 12.04 c 12.13 c; April 12.12 c May 12.13 c 12.21 c 12.09 c* 12.1 Cc St. Lonls Wool Market ST. IjoCIS. Anz. 13. — Wool. 'firm; medium jrradefi. combing and clothing. 22>4<5;2t>c: light fine. 25'yi<S27e: heavy fine, 13t^@21c; tub washed. 2.%<SU;7e. _ WASHINGTON. Atig. 13. — Wool importations Into this .country in the last fiscal year amounted to 200.500.000 pounds, the largest recorded dur- Infi any rear except ISDB, accordlnsr to statistics by the <I(*pariment of commerce and labor. The rslue ff the wool imported was $45,000,000. while that of the decade ending with the last fiscal year was $213,000,000. ". About a third of the wool consumed in the United States is imported. * London Hop Market LIVERPOOL. Aug. 13. — Hops at London (Pa cific coast), firm, £3 3Os@4 12s. eastern Mvonfock Market KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY. Aug. 13.— Cattle— B«*o«>|pts. 2.<KW; market Btrone. NatiTe eteerg, JM.500 I.W.y, <-ovr« and hflfprs. $2©6; bull*. f2.75^ 4: ••tlvfi*, 53.50Q7: western steers, f4.50@6.35; wrsn-rn oowf. f2.75(5.4.50. - - Hog»— R«H?plptß. 4.000: market 5c higher., Bulk <t saU-«. $7.r.."ei7.80: hpaTr. $7.70@7.50:- pack r-rii r nnd t»utrh«»r»". f7.«0@7.50; lljht^'Ji7.4o@ 7.70: pig*. *0<37.25. " \u25a0\u25a0-'.. ,shf<p — Jt<»c«>lptK. IjOOO; market 10r higher. Muttons. J4.25et-V.2T>; lamlw. t«>@7.7.">: range wt-Uiors, ?3.75«7 5.25: range - ewes, $3@5. » . OMAHA OMAHA. Aug. . 1.3. — Cattle — Receipts.'- 500; murk"! t-teartj. Western «t«>er*, ; $3.50@5.50; '.•>x«ii Kt«-frs. £3fa s; range cows and hclfors. f'2. ':><<! i.2T.; 52«32.R5; stockers * and f<^dprs. r-'-7.".«Tr..2."i: calves, ?3.25@6.75; bulls miO stag*. $2.7rw& 4.75. , lloss — Rpc^ipts. 2,»<x>: - market 10c highfr. H^ar.r. $7.r*0«7 7.< JO: mix<»d. $7.4007.. r »0; light. J7.4r»'(g7.70: pigs. $ts.2r.fti7; bulk of sales, $7.40 Of - . .v». t - Slx'ej'— ltff-^iiil'. .5..">00: market steady. Year lingc. M.7r»'<7. r ».,%0; w*»tli<>rK. *4«i.4.75; ewes. $3.75?i1..%0; lamb*. ff..75«57.75. Xe-w York M«tal Market . ; » NF.W YORK. Aug. I"."— Tbe- Ix>Ddon copper nmrket «-«« sinrimngpd «t*'-£6O for- spot, but '• *\\it<\c hig-bcr at tCi'-i I*<R »d for fa tares, . accord - Jnc to »«xiii.r's cables, with the dose steady and til:h mN V»f 3(¥» trms for spot dellTery - and -of 1 .*,< jO tmm for: futnrc«. Closing quotations fol low: 'September. 12.70® 13c; October. \u25a0 12.55® 13, lOr; November, 12.5K)@13.15e; December, l?.(&13.20c. Local- dealers quoted lake copper at 13 25 rt l3.r*C«*r 'electrolytic, 13.12>4Q13.25c. and casing «t 12.87%ei13c. v The tin market was steady, with sales re jiorred on the esrbangc of \u25a0'• 3 \u25a0 tons of spot: at 2a V*. Spot .dosed at 29. 70@29. 75c; Augunt. 2:t 70«t29. 50: /October and/ I»eeember, . 29.50Q; .'XV.. Tho I»D<Jmi» In market -was steady, 'but; a rbudo l^wer. witb spot ~ quoted at £134 17s 6d anil futures at £136 7s Cd. ' Thes. EnirHsh iron market was higher, with Cleveland warrants quoted at 50« 6d. No further «-hange was reported \u25a0in the local market. No.* 1 N foundry northern, f 17.25@17.75; N0.\,2, $16.75 «3[17.2.V: Kb. 'l' southern' and 'No. I soutbern 6oft, J17.75«j15.23. -\u25a0\u25a0'.\u25a0 r Xaval Stores— Turpentine a»d Roisin ' SAVANNAH. , Aojr. . 13.— Spirits of , turpentine j firm. iJO^ic; sales, 160;' receipts,' 907;' shipments, j Roein, firm;.fal^, 2,580; receipts. 3,177; ship ments. 2.S3l: 'Stocks, 14*,684.t Quotations: » B. f3.iriCC3.2s: D. «3.40; X, |3.75; F, -43.85 :«;. j 3.f15: H. $4.25; I. *4.35; X; *5@5.10; M, $5.20 j &5.55; N, K.*o; .WG, f5.60@5.T5; WW, f 6.25, J CRUISER TO LEAVE DRYDOCK TODAY Four Warships Will Sail To* morrow on Visit to Seattle ) Exposition HE - armored * cruiser South Dakota has the record of being the most industrious collector of barnacles (if any sbip in the Pacific fleet. 1 The .South Dakota >is= on Hunters point drydock bar- Ins the at other times sub \u25a0 merged portion of its hull \u25a0 cleaned, scraped and paint ~ed In preparation for the Hiiniial cniise. When -the South Dakota came, jnto port a month or so ago ..from ' Central America' the officers explained that the cruiser's lack of speed : was "• on account "of Its foul bottom. Until the ressel was drxdocked, howcTcr, nobody had any Idea of the full ex tent of the handicap. As the water in the big stone basin subsided it revealed a belt of _ armor that was -not in the specifications under "which the ship was: built. The, belt extended from the water line to the keel and the farther down it went the thicker It was. It was composed of barnacles reinforced with marine vegetation, and when the bluejack ets had scraped the accumulation from the sides and bottom of the ship there lay on the bottom of the dock more than SOO tons of barnacles. Tne^West Virginia, California and Maryland were docked at Hunters point within the last few weeks, but the South Dakota had the record crop of barnacles. The dock attendants say the cruiser holds the record, of any vessel ever docked there. It was 16 months since the South Dakota had been docked before, and during, that time the cruiser was for an extended period in t<entral American waters, where it. is no trouble lor barnacles -%o increase and multlplr and wnere marine r»£etation grows quickly P The South Dakota will come off the "dock to day, will proceed to Mare island for coal, stores ana ammunition and is scheduled to sail for the sound tomorrow afternoon with the West' Vir- Klma, Maryland and California. On the sound the cruisers will Join the Tennessee. Pennsyl vania. Colorado and Washington, and the eight cruisers will visit Seattle for the benefit -of vis itors to the Alaska- Yukon exposition. They will return here at> the i end of this month and September 0 the bte eight -will sail for Honolulu fr ?\, n f " east - They will have target practice In -Manila bay and will be home again in Febru "Zu \P° tt their return they will be equipped with the new military mast which has been in stalled on the big ships of the Atlantic fleet. BLEW ITS OWN WHISTLE OFF The Standard oil company's steamer Seminole, Captam Clarke, which arrived . here yesterday 16 V 3 days from Yokohama, traveled in a dense fog for 13 days of the voyage*. UUH «- e Xhe whistle was kept going most of the time So much was it blown. In fact, that a few days f* 0 ,K h V t ? am . blew U U P ia the «»r and it fell to the deck with a /rrash. eP»4™ w^ re ,, m ««<le before the ship reached •^V . c fcenrtnole brought a large cargo, which Included «41 bags of gambier from Hong! g l , ThUs ls the '"Kest ehipment of .gambler, which is used in the manufacture of dyes, ever brought across the Pacific. HAVE BEEN GEANTED LEAVE Fred Winkinson, chief Vflcer, and John Grieve chief engineer of the Standard oil steamer feeminole, have been granted leave of absence for three months and will take their departure in a few. days for England. Grieve has been on active duty., for seven years and Wilkinson has been on the Seminole for five years. GOING IS NOW A PILOT - Captain P. H. Going, who was master of the Japanese liner Tenyo Maru. and who left the r. K. K. service tome mouths ago, is now a pilot at Hongkong. He was appointed by the harbor master and is said to be making a suc cess In his new job. He pilots all the Standard oil ships in and out of the harbor and his serv ices are *aid to be ia demand' by all vessels that nave no -pilot regularly retained. SIBERIA IS DUE TODAY The Pacific Mail liner Siberia, Captain Zeeder, is expected to be at anchor off Meiggs wharf when the sun rises this morning and quaranalne and customs officials Will be there to take the temperatures and baggage declarations of the passengers. Iv addition to a large number of cabin pas sengers from the orient and Honolulu the Siberia has on board about 300 Asiatics in the steerage. - Although under . ordinary conditions the > liner will'be in port early it is possible that the Si beria will not dock until about noon on account of the tide. WILL STUDY THE REAL THING ' : W. A. Coulter, the-tnarlne artist, who is paint ing a second big picture on the walV of the Merchants* exchange assembly hall. . left yester day on the steamer Olson & . Mahony for the purpose of studying the coastline and the water in the vicinity of Cape Flattery. . Coulter's sec ond picture, which is nearly finished, . shows a ship entering the straits of San Juan and the tartist is anxious: to refresh his memory with a glJmse of the real thing before completing his picture.' BRITISH SHIP SCUTTLED IN JAPAN The Brialsh ship- Howard D. Troop has been scuffled at Yokohama to extinguish a fire which broke out on board July 28.* Part of the cargo has been discharged. The Troop was loading for Oregon. - ALCATRAZ BREAKS CRANK SHAFT- The steam schooner' Alcatraz is at Rodondo with a broken crank shaft. The steamer Heleu P. Drew will tow the disabled coaster to this port, where repairs will 'be made. . STATUS OF GRAIN HANDLERS' STRIKE PORTLAND, Aug. 13.— The situation today be tween the shippers and the. grain handlers' union ha* not cleared any. and it looks, as far as the shippers are concerned, as though an open shop is an accomplished fact.' None of the firms con cerned I 5 nsing^jnion men today. They expect to get the required amount of labor at 30 cents per hour, with 50 • cents an hour for overtime, despite the demand of the union for 40 cents per hour and 50 cents per' hour overtime. The ship pers have offered the union men 33 cents per hour. - . ', • C. .T. Fonch, general BAcrotary of the, long shoremen's union on the Pacific coast, said this morning: "I <1o not think: that anything serious will come, of this situation, as it has happened every year, but in any case as far as I can | see now it will probably not affect us. . But of, course I can not rcry well make any forecasts.'* INSPECTOR GOES TO CUSTOMS SERVICE Official notice from Washington; D. C, trans ferring 1 the launch Inspector from the department of Immigration to the customs service . was re ceived by \u25a0 Collector of the Port Fred Stratton yesterday. \u25a0 The Inspector was built . for : run be tween . the . main land and \u25a0 the new immigration station on Angel island. On ; account iof 'the sta tion not beinj; opened the departments at-Wash ington thouclit It best to place the Inspector, ln use in the customs department; instead of allow ing it to go to pieces in the shed that was built to house it on the island. WATER FRONT NOTES The cruiser Albany, from this port for Brem erton, passed"* in at* Tatoosh at 1 o'clock . a. .; m. yesterday./. ,'..••-". \u25a0>.;'.-- .'•'"- ~S"-. -V- ' :_ "" \u25a0 '" ". ..., The Uarkentinclrmgard. Captain ".Christiansen, arrived yesterday, 24 days • from Honolulu wlah 13.114 bags of sugar. ; \u25a0;,;. Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 1,753,000 feet.^H£H|BMfflMH9ti&N^''3r i Tb^ Pacific- Coast steamship company's ; City of Puebla, which arrived yesterday, from Seattle, brought 246 passengers. CRUISER ALBANY IN PUGET SOUND SEATTLE, Aug. 13.--The United States oroiser Albany," from San Frenciwo." arrived at the Puget soiin<l navy ysrd this . af ternoon.V She \u25a0 brought a number of. federal. prisoners : forJMcNells island prison. an«r ? will undergo repairs ' at the navy yard. " ...... V ; - , ' -_\u0084. * \u25a0 HYDHOGBAPHIO OFFICE Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor." ' PLACE (Ft. \ Date | \u25a0 - Remarks Grays Har| 19- |July TjCnannel getting broader ; • ." , • J '\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 -.\u25a0 No change in channel; Willapa B 27 July S -16 5 ft. M. L. W. In channel to South ~Y- :Y- - ".- \u25a0 '": \ Bend," \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0--/ -:" \u25a0>\u25a0:'\u25a0;\u25a0 >-, Colum R.j-25 jJune B|U. S. ; engineer, survey. "~~~ ~~ '. . I Bar.Jmoy uutrbl.posi- Nehalm R '5 July 'ls -tlon;: channel shift-* Ing ;.. south ;\ 500 feet \u25a0•:.-'. %. very •'narrow. \u25a0-\u25a0-..:\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0<. a : I ijDepth of 8 feet at low Tillmk B. 9 Apr. - 30 j "water in ~ channel ?to -- -* -:\u25a0,_\u25a0\u25a0-. p Qarlbnldl. -.-\u25a0; Vaquiua Bj 14 I June * 2 ICbaunel .narrow and (I I shifting to southwest. Slnslaw R| .3%! Aug.- 4 1 :\u25a0\u25a0 .: .... . : . . .-)-.-.- ; .~7~'. Umpqua Rl 10, |July 1 (Channel in -good condf. ( * - 1-- I tion.:: v. -\u25a0•.\u25a0•\u25a0 , • \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - j . '•-.-,- 12 feet at low water to Coos Bay. 1« Aug. . 1 , North Bend;, ll feet - et low water to _- | \u25a0 Marshaeld. * ru \u25a0>.: ; Coquillc R] 5- jJuly. 1 {Channel close to north I (\u25a0:\u25a0 " I -•'- -jetty.' -:-::;;> ' •\u25a0\u25a0 ' I IN o, opportunity for Rogue ItlTj ;....... soundings lately. Be fore rise there was ,7 I- -'\u25a0>•"\u25a0•\u25a0 feet ;on--lmr. --. -:-i Klamth R| 7 [July ljChannel straight. 1 - A -", . [21 ft.* t In -straight ebnn- Hmbldt B 20 July -1 1 nel ; 20 ft. in cuan^ ----- > \u25a0 I -'\u25a0-:\u25a0 I nel; \u25a0'\u25a0 '." •../'-. ; 5 Pedro B| 29 :',jApr.s 15 |No- change In "channel; B Dkyo fc|.*-*> . |Auc. *|No change in channel. " S Pablo Bl £4 [Apr. 21(Depthfla dredged ciian \u25a0 .1 -1 : ; : 1 'pel. \u0084 THE .SAN~'prMGISG6.;CALL. South Dakota Sheds 800 Tons of Barnacles Weiather Rejport United States ',; Department 'of Agriculture--; Weather Bureau, San Francisco;. Aug. 13, 1909. ' RAINFALL DATA ,' ' . • Last ..; Seasonal -Normal Stations — - 24 hours., to date, to date. Eureka ... ;....>. 0.00" < 0.54 0113 Red 81uff.'. .........;. O.CtO ' 0.00 0.00 Sacramento ..*...;...". .0.00 'vO.fti - - 0.00 Mt. Tamalpais. . ...... 0.00 . ; 0.00 . ; V 0.01 San Francisco. ...". ..'.". 0100 \u25a0-.:.'- T. '•\u25a0: .... 0.01 San J05e...V. ......... O.(« 0.00 - 0.02 Fresno ..;........ 0.00 '0.00 0.00 Independence .'........ 0. 00" ". O.OOV jy A O.QO ban Luis Obispo.. . 0.00 0.00 Los AngP1e5.. ......... . O.(Xt . O.'H) -0.00 San Diego ..i ....... 0.00- \u25a0" T. ;-0.00 C-oamt record for 12 bonri ending 5 p.m. ' \u25a0 "-''.;' •? '\u25a0'-- ""-' S. -\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*«"\u25a0•\u25a0 :"': "'- "2 STATIONS I /^ f; |; '||j Baker ....... .20.74. SS 50 SE • Clear Y. oo Boise .....:. ..29:"C 92 5S NW Clear '.00 Eureka ........20.08 60 54 N Clear ;i -.00 Flagstaff .....29.74: 80 52 ;S\V, Cloudy .00 Fresno ....... ;29. 70 Y94 54 SW Clear .00 Independence • ..29.70 •92 • 04 S « -Clear.. .00! Kalißpell^.... .20.7S 82 — SE JClear ;.00 Los" Angfles.. .29,78 72 54- SW ; Clear - .00 Modena .;.:.*.. 29. 74 '88 58 SW Clear ; .00 Mt. Tamalpais. 29. S9 60 48 SW Clear :.oti | North Head.^,.29. 88 60 54 SE" Clear. .00 Phoenix ....~ 20. 64 100 78 E V 'RaLi T. Pocatello ...'.. 2a. 74 90 C 4 W Clear \u25a0; .00 Pt; Reyes Lt..29.80: 57 1 48 NW Foggy? \OO Portland . . .'. ..29.82 80 "54 N", Clear ' .00 Bed 81uff. .....29. 78 80 5G SE Clear .00 Reno .........29.72 <.»0 40 :W . Clear, Y. OO Roseburg ......29.80 84 52 NW Clear .00 Sacramento "..'..29.80 82 52 S Clear** .00 Salt L«ke... ...29.74 92 72 NW Clear' .00 San Diego 29.80 68 62 W Clear . .00 San Frandßco.".29.Bß '60 .' 52 W « Clear .00 San J05e..... ..29. 88 72 50 NW -Clear- .00 S. Luis Obispo. 29.Sß 72 4C W Clear .00 S.E. Farallon. .29.92 T>C> -54 NW Ooudy .00 Spokane '....r.29.78 88 56 SW Clear YY. oo Summit.. \u25a0 — - 7tt 38-NE- Clear. .00 Tftcoma .....:. 29. 64 62 56 : NE Cloudy T. Tatoosh : .'.29.84 56 54 NE Rain: .38 Tonopah ...... 29. . 70 '80 64 .: SE Clear . uo Walla "Wa11a... 29. 72 94 62 W -.. Clear... \u008400 Wlnnemucca ...29.74 92 44 W f Clear .00 Yuma ... ..... .29.04 102 82 SW Clear .00 The following maximum and minimum tern ; peratures are reported from eastern stations for the previous: day: Chicago, 78-70; New York; 78-G6; Omaha, 9S-7G. . * SYNOPSIS i Fair ' weather prevails oyer, the entire - country west of the Rocky mountains except In. the val ley of the Colorado, where thunder storms ' are reported. The. weather is relatively cool in the great valley of California, with afternoon tem peratures ' ranging from 82 to 92 degrees. The relative humidity *t Red Bluff was .42 per cent aud at. Fresno 47 per cent.-, . V Forecast taken at San Francisco '\u25a0 for the 30 hours ending at midnight August 14; 1909: ; San ' Francisco r and .vicinity — Cloudy . Saturday; light southwest wind,* changing to fresh west, v Santa Clara Talley — Fair ; Saturday, with fog in the morning; light west wind.. Sacramento valley-^-Falr Saturday?; "light south wind. \u25a0 <:.' San Joaquin Talley-^Fair. Saturday; light south wind. - -.-..- . ..-- :> .. \u25a0.; .. ;>? - \u25a0 .;. Lo* Angeles and vicinity— Fair Saturday, over cast in the 'morning; light north, wind,' changing to south; thunder storms east of the mountains. A. G. McADIE. District Forecaster. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMjERS •\u25a0""\u25a0.'. TO ABHIVE - Frdm ..'I 'Steamer , |*Date Hilo ....*.........;.... Enterprise ..;. Aug. 34 Seattle & Tacoma..... Chas. Nelson j.". Aug.; 14 Portland & Astoria.. .. Cascade r. ....".. Aug. 14 Seattle ............... Tamplco - i V. . ; . Aug.>l4 San Pedro .\. '..... Fair Oaks .... Aug.- 14 San Pedro \u0084 J. S. Higgins...!Aug. 14 San Pedr0. ............ Hanalel ........ Aug. 14 China & Japan.. ....... Siberia ........ Aug. 14 Portland &• Way Ports. Hoanoke .'.-..;. Aug. 14 Grays Harbor ........ Norwood- ....:: Aug. 13 San Pedro Chehalis ... .. Mendoclno & Pt. Arena Sea Foam .... Aug.; 15 Humboldt ......V"..... City of Topeka. Aug. i 5 Puget Sound Ports..... Governor .... .. Aug. 15 Seattle & Tacoma ..... Huckman ..... Aug. 15 New York via Ancon.; Acapuleo \u0084..V. Aitg. 16 Grays' Harbor fc ......". Coronado j '.'. . : . ". Aug. 16 San Diego & Way Vorts Santa Rosa ... Aug. 16 Portland & Astoria. . ..[Rose , City. J... Aug. 16 Humboldt ........ ...:JF.' A." Kllburn.. Aug. 17 Coquille Itiver ...... .(Elizabeth ...... Aug. 17 Seattle & Tacoma...;.) Carlos .... .... Aug." IS Honolulu ............ .iHllonlan ...... Aug. iS San Pedro & Way Ports] Coos Bay .... Aug. 13 Point Arena & Albion ; Porno ;........". Aug. 19 Coos 8ay.... .......... y. F. Plant.. . Aug. 19 Grays Harbor- ........ Santa Barbara.. Aug. ;» Seattle dirept ........ Umatllla ...... Aug. 19 San Pedr0............ Hoanoke ....... Aug. 19 Puget Sound Ports..... Queen ....:... Aug. .20 San Diego & Way Ports Governor ... :. . Aug. 20 Seattle & Tacoma..... Ad. Sampson... Aug. 20 Salina Cruz &S. Pedro Ella "... .... Aug. 20 -/-;;• ; r to sail . , : ; . -." \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.-.. : Destination | Steamer | Sails |Pier August 14^- I ~~~~~ r~"r ~" LOS Angeles Ports.:...; Cascade ... spm 2 Astoria & Portland.... Daisy ..":.*.. 5 pm -20 Grays Harbor ........ Fair Oaks.. 3 pm " 7 Humboldt . . ... .'.... . . Vanguard -. . Ipm 2 Astoria & Portland...'.. Nome Cify.. 4 pm "7- Humboldt ...?.... ...... K. Kilburn. 1 . 10 am 13 .Puget Sound Ports..... President' .: 2 pm - B Astoria; & Portland. ...|State of Cal 11 am 40 Los Angeles Ports.. ...jßoanoke ... 5 pm 13~ Coos Bay... M. F/ Plant. Bpm 8 Point Arena & Albion.. Porno ....... 6pm 2 August 15— . \u25a0 :•-,.?/\u25a0";":..: •-,.?/\u25a0";":.. • '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' v.v : .s -"?~ Los Angeles Ports..... l Xorv/ood ... 2 pm Grays Harbor .;.;v.v.|Chehalts ... 2 pm .".*.".* Los Angeles Ports.:... Hanalel .... 3pm 7 Seattle & Tacoma... .. Watson .... Ipm 20 ! August 16— \u25a0 San Diego & Way Ports Governor ... 2pm D Los Angeles Ports.. ... Cfronado ... Inm i 7 August a?—- * • "™ i, HumboWt ............. North Fork.. 12 m i 0 Humboldt ............. City Topeka. 10.30 all w Astoria & Portland .... Rainier .... 3pm 7 Japan & China....:... Nippon Maru 1 pm 42 N. Y. via Tehuantepec. Nebraskan . 2 pm 23 Puget Sound Ports. . . . : City Puebla. 2pm 9 \u25a0\u25a0 ' . ,; ;\u25a0 Coquillc River ....... Elizabeth ... .....'. /.,; Honolulu &vKahulul;.";iLurllne"-....& v Kahulul;.";iLurllne"-.... I2i»m| 10 Mendoclno & Pt. ArenaiSea Foam... 4 pml 4 ! New York via; Ancon.*. Pennsylvari^ 12 ' m4O ' Seattle :&• Tacoma ..... Cbas. Nelson 5 pm 20 "i -."-\u25a0 August 19-^- ::;.: \u25a0' '\u25a0 - \u25a0-\u0084\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \- \u25a0 ..-/\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ! .Portland & Way, Ports. Roanoke .*; l'pm 13 I San* Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa.. 10.30 a » 1 Astoria & Portland.... Northland -V. ' snm 2 I August 20-i-r- . -\u25a0 \u25a0...\u25a0:. ,-.-'>.., Nome & St. Michael.*;. St. Helena. 1 V ;:' ; Seattle &; Tacoma. ;. .. Buckman .'.: lpm 20 ! San Pedro &< Way; Ports Coos Bay -;:'. ;2 pm '11 ".' T^ SAIL 'FROM SEATTLE ;. \u25a0 ". . ;"; ~~ ':\u25a0,.-\u25a0\u25a0•. Destination y ."\u25a0;. ;\Y • S Steamer ' :| • Date • Skagway . & Way Ports . | Humboldt . . . . . I Aue 15 Nome i& : St. - Michael. ;ISan r Matei>. . ". . : Aug 15 Skagway. & Way Ports, j City /of Seattle. Aug. 10 Valaez & fee ward..'. ... Northwestern .. Aug. 10 Nome ...'.. ..V.. .".: ,v. ; Senator ;. ."/...; Aug. 17 Skagway &: Way Ports. Jefferson ..... Auk 19 Vahiez &'Seward. ..'.. .Obio ........... Aue a 4 Skagway & Way. Ports.tDolphin .... ... Aug" 23 Nome & . St.": Michael ; . ; [ Victor^ r. v . . . Aug ;>1 7 Time \u25a0 Ball United States \u25a0 branch? hydrographic office,': lier y 'chants'- Excnange,^ San Francisco, t August -• . 13,2 1909.'. V: -\u0084;\u25a0,:. \ .-.:- * , - . '\u25a0\u25a0...-, \u25a0 r Tbe time ball lon'- the roof of ', the - Fairmont hotel was . dropped today | exactly at noou.- Pacific standard time- (120tli meridian),* or at S&.^OOm 005., -Greenwich mean ' time." - ':•.. • ?-.\u25a0' \u25a0 . ' •;\u25a0 -' \u25a0\u25a0'-.'.,- •";• \u25a0\u25a0<- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 : : - • f^j.:c.'' bubnett,; -' .\u25a0•\u25a0>,- Lieutenant. U.;S. N.,_ in charge. Sun, i Moon • nud .\u25a0 Tide ! United \u25a0 States | coast ". and 'geodetic : survey Time ana helghtsiof "tides at ; Fort a'oint. r * For city front (Mission ? street i wharf) j add \u25a025 f minutes.' ! \u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0". -;" , SATURDAY. VAUCUST 14 ~. ! Suncrises* .v...."..:^...'....-. ............ -.-'5:23 \u25a0 Snn^sets '..'. V: :".."....*-. V." ".'; '.'. '. ./.'.*.... 7; ;-!'! " -;7:03 i Moon; rises ......."... .7. ;.'..;";•;. ; .;';, '3 :42* ; V. -* "ni ' \u25a0New /.moon.' .'•:;\u25a0;\u25a0; %:.:..^August 15/ at 3:46 p?m.';! Flryf quarter- moon ;..;.*: August 23. at 7:46 p.m. ; --.\u25a0 : JTimej « |Tlme iTimel ITlmel \u25a0\u25a0>\u25a0 i • Au ., —I'.rtji — - -Ft / — F^ l — * Ft | : .'y|L\W|f^|H-W :\u25a0\u25a0* ' L.WI- W\W J' 1 14.. 4:37 —0.8 ll:4fi 4.71-4:18 >. : 3.1H0:15 --6 0 15.. 5:16 12:23 -4.9 5:05 2.9 11:02 *3 9 16:. ,5:50—0.5 12:58 4.0 ?5:48 /2.8 11-47 "r»'"> 17.1 6:23 -r0.2 1:27 • 5.0 G::!2 '2.Q " ; :<\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0> H-cW "; - L.W v 3v 3 H W , v'.yv 'XtJ.... 18.'. .0:32 -5.2 0:54 i 0.3 J1:32 -5.0 7-15 4 19/ i \14.8 7:31 | 0.8 2:20 ; 5.0 ;8:00 -2i3 20.. 2:02 '.4.4 .8:02 :1.2 '2:44 "4.0 848 ->1 'ZV.. 2:47 ;8:30"ri.7 3:05 - 4.8 9:32 U»: S.I Branch! Hydrographies Office :s A ? branch : of - the "United \u25a0'States ; bydrograDbic office,/ located "in 'the ; Merchants' Exchange is maintained in I San | Francisco, ytor the J benefit ' of mariners* without" regard ito - nationality ; and 1 free of \u25a0 expense. &V Navigators » are < cordially * Invited * to visit >, the i of flee, p where % complete s sets l of {'charts and" sailing 'directlonsf of Jtheil world! are^kept rat band : ; for « comparison '\u25a0.' and*:, reference H and >*> the latest i In forma tion g can ? always fi be V obtained * re-" carding * lights.? dangers %to \ navigation \ and = mat tew of Interest to ocean commerce. '<" - " : ,- '.'-. '* \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•' -\u25a0.-?'\u25a0 : - ; - V: ":•:""•\u25a0 V J J." C? BURNETT, ;"-: '\u25a0'\u25a0"-* r " lieutenant. , U.S. * N.."^ in . cbargeVr ? .United States s cruiser- South Dakota in Hunters ; point dock,; where in - preparing^ the warship for its annual Tcruise 1 the bluejackets % scraped ; 800 ; tons; of . barnacles from the ship's bottom. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARRIVED '.'..'- \u25a0•\u25a0"/ V- .; Thursday, , August 12. ' -Stmr George Loomis, Spencer,.' 30 hours from Redondo. * • \u25a0 ; . -. 1 ; \u25a0•:*?' :.\u25a0 Friday, August 13. \u25a0 t Stmr' Katherine, Jorgenson, 23 hours from Eu reka. \u25a0.'• -.'-,-j'i - /-.V; '.\u25a0 V -.' \u25a0' •:.•"" \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0" , Stmr North . Fork, ~. Nelson, 24 hours, from. Eu reka; \u25a0/'\u25a0',: '\u25a0 ' " \u25a0':. .:,;- -. \u25a0 • '\u25a0 :\u25a0 \u25a0/.-; \u25a0; Stmr- South ; Coast, "KUnker, 20 hours :from Uniou landing. J . • < - Stmr Monterey, ' Kelly; •12 ! hours from Monte rey, in . tow tug Navigator; V '' .-\u25a0'•\u25a0" -.'\u25a0 \u25a0 "^ Stmr Aurelia,' Weber, 26 hours from Eureka. " Stmr President, Cousins/ 39 { hours ; from ;San Diego. ; * \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0';," '-- ,- ='- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0."!\u25a0/ \u25a0:\u25a0 -.-.' I . Stmr Ravalli. Nelson, -25 hourK from Eureka; Stmr 'Atlas, Badger, 45. hours from Astoria. Stmr ; F. A. KUburu, McLcllan, 18 > hours from Eureka. -.-* ' -.' -. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0".,. -;\u25a0 ' \u25a0''\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-' \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0':'\u25a0'\u25a0'.' - Stmr, Point Arena, . Jahnsen, 18 hours . from Monroe landipg.Y Yv '\u0084-..- \ . ' Stmr yosemlte, Jahnsen, 3S hqurs from San Pedro. / . Stmr WTiltesboro, Frederickson, : 32 hours from Port San Luis/ > Stmr City ,of Puebla, Gftlotr, 31 hours from Victoria, etc. ' •."\u25a0-'-'•• \u25a0.'-'\u25a0;\u25a0 "; " V V "\u25a0 \u25a0-, - Stmr Majestic, Anderson, SC hours from [Cres cent City. • : • ; . V-> Stmr M.- F. Plant, Burtis,' 30 hours from ,Coos bay. . . - ' • . . vStmr <Mandalay, Lofstrotn, -33 .. hours •\u25a0 froni Crescent City. . . V • . Bktn Gardiner City, Lund, 5 days . from : Grays harbor. ,\u25a0 * . . .- • o . • .;.-•'.. .' Bktn Irmgard, Christiansen, 21.. days from Honolulu. , • ~ : Power ! schr- Newark, Wayland, 21 hours from Byxbee. : landing. • V . - -; ' . .- i Schr .' A. M.- Barter,-, Isaacson, 6. days 'from Wlllapa harbor. \u25a0; •":\u25a0.\u25a0,• -. -, ; CLEARED « v . - , =\u25a0' '".-"••"\u25a0 - 1 .--.- '".\u25a0-•\u25a0:i"- -'-4", . - : ~ >-- Friday, .August IS.- Stmr State of California. Nopander, . Portland; San Francisco and \u25a0 Portland steamship company. - .• . •:-\u25a0-, : - , " SAILED '\u25a0;;• v. \u0084:: . ' ... \u25a0\u25a0 : . ' Friday, August 13. \u25a0 Stmr Ma jestic. - Keegan, Astoria. . . Stmr G. C. -Llndauer. Sundman, "Grays- Har ,bor,\ \u25a0;.-;- 1 "\u25a0 .;,\u25a0:.;. \u25a0\u25a0, • \u25a0 y.' - -- 1 ., \u25a0'-\u25a0 >\ Stmr Daisy : Freeman, Johnson", "Willapa har bor. .\u25a0 .v \ : _ V- \u25a0'\u25a0 .. \u25a0\u25a0-.„. . ; , :''.' \u0084-, ,\u25a0_ • \u25a0 N Stmr National. City. Higgins.j Fort Bragg. . \u25a0\u25a0 Stmr ' Olson & Mahony,^ Payne, Seattle and Tacoma. . Strar Saginaw, Stream, Grays Harbor and' Portland. / , \u25a0 \u25a0"''-. 'V;:? ;'^.- /\u25a0 Stmr Yoscmite, Jahnsen,. Astoria. Br stmr : Wellington, Cutler, Ladysmlth. • Stmr Pleiades, : Armstroag. YHonolulu. r-- Ship : Marion Chilcott, .• Anderson, ; Honolulu, via Monterey, ' in; tow tug Navigator. -. v ,/ Schr -Oakland,' Hansen.' STuslaw, in tow -stmr 01 Ron & Mahony. \u25a0 Schr Lizzie Vance.' Rock.' Grays Harbor. - Schr Metha Nelson.'- Jensen. Puget sound."- V v . DISASTER LONDON. Aug 13— Br. ship Howard D. Troop, from New.York.ln port at Yokohama, for Port land, -, Ore.'," has ; been scuttled,", fire having broke out' on board. : \u25a0. \u25a0 .-- 0 :; \u25a0 .-.-\u25a0 \u25a0 < Y. WEATHER REPORTS V V POINT REYES, Auff 13. S a. m.— Foggy; ATLANTIC OCEAJf TRAVEL fijorlh German jjoyd . Larje,^Fast' and Luxurious Twin-Screw Express and * Passenger Steamships '. Equipped With Wireless 'and Submarine Signals. PLYMOUTH-iCHERBOURfrIBREMEX v -V Express Sailings Tuesdays at 10 A.' M. V - Kals. Wm.d.Gr. Aug. 24|Kronprinz Wm . .Sept. .7 Vc. WHhelm ll. Aug. : 31|Cecille- . ...... .'.Sept. 14 PLYMOUTH-CHERBODRG-BRESIEX Twin-Screw j Sailings Thursdays at 10 A; M. Fried, d. Gross . Aug. ' 26| Washington ! . . .Sept; ' 0 Kurfuerst, :.*;*.. Sept. v2ißremen..'.. :'.;.. Sept." 16 GEORGE WASHINGTON— SaiIs Sept.V 9—27,000 tons. : Newest s and % Largest t German Ship ., afloat. Every Innovation known to ; the shipbuilder' h art. GIBRALTAR— NAPLES—GENOA ? : .Mediterranean Sailings Saturdays at 11 A. M. Prinzess Irene. .Aug. 28 Berlin (new)... Sept. 25 K. Albert .... '. Sept. 11 Prinzess Irene ... ; Oct. \u25a0 0 Independent vArouad- the YVVorld \ Tours Travclera'CheckH Rood all over the world Apply OE LRICHS & CO., Gcn'l Agents . - ' 5 Broadway ,*• New. York." or r, . \u25a0 \u25a0 Robert Capelle,"; G. ;A. ; P. 0. , 250 Powell st. opp. .' -. -» St.- Francis -Hotel. San- Francisco. Telephone— Kearny/4794. ;-;.«:• V". i AMERICAN LINE .1.:...-'- it ' V.----O ,v \u25a0"• \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 ¥•*••"\u25a0 -" 1 i;-. -.''\u25a0.•\u25a0.'.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 «i .--»\u25a0•-;: .';.,-.-,\u25a0\u25a0»• \u25a0\u25a0 Plymouth— Cherbourg— Southampton \u25a0 Phlladelphla-^-Q^ucenstown-^Llycrpool " ATtANTICITRANSPORT LINE . IVew -York— London? Direct r HOLLXNDiAMERICA^ NevV * York— -Rotterdam, > via ' ' Boulogne RED STAR LINE JS'eW : .York— Doveiv^AiitTrerp ". WHITE STAR LINE y x i ftueenstown^-Hollyliead— Liverpool -?i Plymouth— Cherbounr-wSotrThampton' V' :^y Bo»ton"^-O,ueenstown— Liverpool . . I NEWAYORK ?AND| BO STONXTOt ITALY i i st \u25a0--. >* via J Aaore* t and ? Gibraltar .V ROMANIC. ..v:'.Sept.IS|CRETIC.;; ;.":;;. Sept. 23 G. N. KOEPPEL.'PaMenger/Agent'Paciflo" Coaat," S 819 - Geary Street , " op posite St. * Francis \u25a0 ~ v \u25a0\u25a0 "Hotel, San \u25a0\u25a0 Francisco. V- ; ; V I toHadcira^pain.M«di tcrrancan .Orient CruisVi DeptT\White"; Star* Line,* 319 f Geairy Jst.f op- ; posit* : St. ; Francis Hotel, S. F., Cal. , or ! agents. Compagiiie : (Renernle i ; Transatiantique DinECT s Ll NE ITO f HAVRE-PARIS iV<- m Sailing.! every S Instead | of I Saturday; :at * 10J a.if m.t| from ; pier 42, , North irlver,"- foot lot. Morton Rt. , Si?FJrst'classfto;nayre.;s77.sofandiupward;"scc- ondf class Ho Havre.": $.10 "and fupward.^GEZSERAL 'AOENCY^forJiUNITEDI STATES WAND & CAN- ADA;') 10 >\u25a0 State) st.Tt New^York.*^ JVJF.I; FCGAZI, S; Manager! Paclficl coast.t 630 f Montgomery^ st.Ti San Francisco. .' Tickets 'i £oldp byj all 5 railroad t ticket agents • - .^ A \u25a0 ",„-*' - ' wind.i northwest ;* Telocitv;-- 15 .miles 'per hour. ; " FARALLONES, ,f Aug i.; 13, HBli a. -;,, m.— Cloudy ; wind/Cuorthwest; Telocity, iC miles :per hour; , TATOOSH, Aug Vi. 0 a.m.— Raining; wind, southeast;*/ relocity.i- 12, Smiles * per hour. \u25a0 \u25a0"'-; \u25a0„' * POINT. 1 LOBOS, -Aug; 13,-.; U v a. - tn.— Cloudy ; wind;- northwest; •Telocity,') 12: miles per hour.' :Y- -':-';•\u25a0 ' SPOKEN: V "-'- » V "July l&^-Lat 12 : deg;N. long; 27 deg. W.tFr bark v BongainTille, \u25a0 from": Swansea.'; for." Oregon. , -f July : 21— Lat Y 1 i deg - N*M long i 30 ;; deg *^W, \Br .bark ' Lawhill,: from . Manila,' for Delaware break water. -- : •'\u25a0\u25a0-.•\u25a0•': :\u25a0.' * j\. ;^- \u25a0. ,r^:-- : - - \ -'^ j .: July 25— Lit 7- deg' S.^ long: 37/deg W, sh/p Hawaiian Isles; from Philadelphia for San Fran cisco. ". ";\u25a0 .: "V - '.'"'. "'\u25a0'.\u25a0— -'"' V . V. '\u25a0 - BY UNITED :\u25a0\u25a0 WIRELESS COMPANY >; : Stmr Pragldent, fromY;San Diego for/ San Franclsco^-Aug 12. V lO p." m.f s 6 miles» south of Santa Barbara.;fAug 13,' 9 a;m., ;-2 miles south 1 of Point Sur;-Y :;'\u25a0»'-'-: •"\u25a0.; >•"\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0 . '-\u25a0 . -\u0084"-\u25a0/\u25a0 •>";; i : Stmr City ;of Puebla, from Victoria , for San Francisco— Passed i Point * Reyes' 8 :50 a. m., Aug 13 ; : weather i thlck.'i f og.7y -' "I ".' \u25a0 ;, V.' - V \u25a0\u25a0-.:-; : ; C Stmr^ Rosecrans.f from Juneau". for San - Fran cisco.V.wlth', barge "-Fresno^ in ; ; tow-^Aug- 12,;" 8 p.-m.',; 500'ffllles -north of San' Fraoclsco;' light southwest wind and '. smooth; sea."^- ''t^^SSSSra^E^l : }v';:^,;^'^telegraphic_^K v - POINT -LOBOS. Aug '13,' 10 "p. ,- m.— Weather," foggy; . wind;, northwest; Telocity,..- 14.' miles , peo hour. \u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0.:\u25a0• — \u25a0:-.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.>\u25a0-- •\u25a0 . 1. -\u25a0\u25a0-- 1:.-- 1 - --.* .-\u25a0.' ' -:.\u25a0\u25a0; : DOMESTIC PORTS ; PORT- SAN LUlS— ArriTedAug 13— Stmr Coo3i Bay, v hence Aug L- 11; - and - ; sailed for San Pedro; via "> way ports; -' stmr . -Whittier,'-; from Eureka.V - V ••- ..-.\u25a0.-.'\u25a0\u25a0- '-'- \u25a0'.-• . SEATTLE— SaiIed Aug 13-^Stmr Buckman, for San ".= Francisco."-: V \u25a0', '\u25a0Y'/' f ' ' V " \ "Arrived rAug" 13— Stmr \u25a0 Umatilla. from J Vic | toria: Y-stmr J : Humboldt, \u25a0 from' Skagway; . stmr : Admiral* Sampson,-: hence. Aug* 10. \u25a0 • : ' \* * Sailed Aug 13— Stmr Roma; for - San . Fran cisco: > stmr- Governor, for \u25a0 San \u25a0" Francisco. -A KETCH IK AN— Arrived , Aug 12— Stmr "; City .; of Seattle,: from: Sitka. •;\u25a0;» .' . ' ' Y.SEWARD-f Arrived > Aug- lWStmr "Ohio, fronj ,Valdez;;and. r ßailed Aug; 12 ' for Seattle via way. ports. 1 "- ';v \u25a0:'•-• . -.-' ' ' - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0_•.- \u25a0 . • \u25a0 TATOOSHtt- Passed "out Aug 12— Br stmr Teu cer/. from'- Tacoma, for \u25a0 Liverpool, Tla \u25a0 Hongkong. Aug ; 13-f-Stmr Buckman, \u25a0 from } Seattle, for | San \u25a0 Francisco.':. * -. '-: '' \u25a0; . =\u25a0'-\u25a0; -* '. \u25a0 - -V -\u25a0\u25a0.'..\u25a0 . - V ' ' - \u25a0 ' 9 Passed lin Aug i 13— Schr.; Harold \u25a0 Blekum, . from Bering § sea, ; for ": Seattle ; schr Melrose, ." from Guaymas, for .Townsend ; U U > S stmr Albany, hence AugrlO,- for Bremerton; stmr I Umatilla, hence 'Aug • 10. - for Seattle.--.' : ' ' :'.i"- SOUTH, BEND— Sailed - Aug " 12— Stmr Sho shorte, for San 1 Francisco;- \u25a0• Aug 13— Schr Colum bia;- for west i const. South America. - " .-T SANTA* CRUZ— Sailed Ang- 13— Yachts Har poon,' Frolic, Meteor; Presto . and : Ruby, . for San Francisco.- -V , \u25a0\u25a0 - 1 . ••\u25a0-. -EUREKA— Arrived r Aug 13— Stmr lAkme, hence Aug;: 11;'; stmr San P#dro, hence.'Aujr .11; stmr : City. of Topeka, hence.Aug 11; Btmr G. W. Elder.- hence.- Aug 11; .---\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -"- «• , Sailed \u25a0 Aug -13-^Stmr Eureka, for' Astoria. Tia Coos bay: yacht Skidbladnir; for Seattle; j bktn Mary; Winkelman, ifor Honolulu. . \u25a0 - * \u0084 -" Arrived Ausr 13-^-Stmt William 11, Murphy, from ' San Pedro. . Sailed 'Aug 13— Stmr Aberdeen, for* San Fran ctsoo. I - ..-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .: : ; "-\u25a0\u25a0-.. * '\u25a0'-\u25a0 WESTPORT (Wash:)— Passed in-^Aue l.T— Stmr Hornet, hence Aug 0; schr nenry 'Wilson, RACIFIC . OCEAN* TRAVEL c Steamers leave Broadway Wharves Y (Piers 0 and 11). LOW RATES INCLUDING V BERTHS AND MEALS, j SPECIAL - ROUND TRIP , RATES. iLOS AXGJ^LES ' SAN DIEGO . SANTA BARBARA . \u2666GOVERNOR.Mon., Aiis*. 1«. 30: Sep. 13, 2 pjn. •PRESIDENT. Mon.; Aug. 23: Sept. 6, 20, 2 p.m. - Alternately Every *Monday* Thereafter; - SANTA ROSA. . . .Every Thursday." 10:30 a. .m. •Direct for Los Angeles. Will not call S. Barbara SEATTLE (DIRECT)/ TOWXSEVD TACOMA, . : VICTORIA, " VAXCOUyER Connecting; at Seattle for SB.- Alaska. Skagway, ;•>.;.-.' Dawßon, Fairbanks, Nome, St. Michael. PUEBLA— Tues.; "Aug.* 17, 31; Sept. 14; 2 p? m.. tGOVERNOR.ISat., Aug; 21; Sept. 4, 18, 2 p.m. tPRESIDENT.Sat., Aug. 14,' 28, : Sep. N 11 ~ 2 p.m. QUEEN. . . ...... ... . .Aug. 24, Sept. 7, 2 p. m. Alternately every Tues. - and Sat. ; thereafter - tWill not call at Victoria, Townsend, Vancouver EUREKA (HU3IBOLDT BA¥> • TOPEKA— Aur;* 12. 17. 22> 27; ' Sept. I,* 6. 11, 30:30 a.;m.; every fifth day thereafter. GUAYMAS,' ' MAZATL.AX, LiA PAZ CURACA0. ...... ...7th of each month, 10 a. m. NOME— ST. MICHAEL . UMATILL.V (direct) " 4 . p.. m. Aug. 25 '--. ALASKA EXCURSIONS Leave Seattle Aug.- 16. 22, 2S; Sept. 3. 8, 14, 10.25. 30.. Right - reserved to change this schedule." ; TICKET i OFFICES— (PaIace Hotel) 653 Market V St.; -3. Market 'st.;'arfd: Broadway Wharf V' Y.- Telephone Kearny.* 482. : OAKLAND— IOS6 * Broadway. '; Tel. Oakland 5680. j CD.' DUNANN, General Passenger Agent. Gen. Pass. 'Office,; 112 Market, San Francisco, i AMERICAN: Hawaiian m, STMStllp COM?AfjY TEHUANTEPEC ROUTE - NEW YORK to PACIFIC COAST PORTS and HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Sailings every Satur- day. 1 -^' \u25a0\u25a0- fr. ' ''':,'. -'\u25a0 \u25a0-.-- :*. '\u25a0\u0084--- ' .\u25a0". \u25a0\u25a0: .- '. \u25a0>\u25a0 \u25a0 , SEATTLE. TACOMA and SAN FRANCISCO to NEW YORK.- Sailings , every 21 s days; also tak- ing freight for MEXICAN and EUROPEAN ports. ;. :' LOCAL ) SERVICE^ '-.V - SAN FRANCISCO to HAWAIIAN PORTS. DEARBORN & LAPHAM. General Agents. * 8 BRIDGE ST., NEW YORK; WILLIAMS,' DIMOND > & C 0. ,: General- Agents * Pacific coast. /..- 310 SANSOME-ST;,' SAN FRANCISCO. - SEATTLE DIRECT CONNECTING ALL NORTHERN^ POINTS.' S. S.; WATSON! .. . .:. .... . . . . ... . . .Aug. 15 S. . BUCKMAN,'.:-: ;. ... .; . . .. ."; . . Aijg; 20 S. S.. ADMIRAL 5AMP50N.. ;...... Aug] 25 Los Angeles Direct I ' , • TWIN. "SCREW.-.-; " \u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0 \u25a0• - ' '.'-, . S. S. ADMIRAL SAMPSON;. . .'! ... .Aug. 21- :^\'J/ Sailings, from - Steuart. St. Dock. Alaska Pacific Steamship Co; \u25a0 Ticket lOf flee; ."4 ; Market! St! .' or" 64S Market."* For the Orient S. S. "Minnesota" La"rgeBt";and^Finest 'on the; Pacific, Sails from;; Seattle -SEPTEMBER' 18 ''t or - : Japan^ China and l'< Manila 'V; Regular rates apply" from; San Fran- cisco,- Including- trip to "Seattle. Greats Northern, Steamship; Co. G. AY; COLBY^Gen: Agt/,;G. N. Ry. YY:26^POWEL,L,'ST.^(FIood Bldg.) : TOYd KISEN KAISHA i ORIENTAIi STEAMSHIP ,. COMPANY i S.f S.i Nippon : MaruV;vT . ; '. Tuesday,; Aug. V l7," 1909 I S.*' S.'J Chiyo Maru \u25a0 (via Manila) : ". Tu.y Bep.^ 14,' 1909 S. S; Tenyo Maru.-.v."".;j:Tueiday, i 0ct.512,i1909 ! Steamers ' sail ; from '\u25a0 company's - piers, : Nos; -42 44,"inear foot of Second | gt.;' at ,i; p.- m.V- for I Yoko^ ham'a! ancT'Hongkong,'! calling > at \u25a0 Honolulu,- Kobe (Hlogo) , ; Nagasaki' and Shanghai,-; and i connecting at s Hongkong jwithi steamers j.f or 1 Manila, f India etc.*^ No j cargo received ' on -boa rd ion 5 day. of sail- ingi;. Round trip ",tickets i at i reduced! rates; \u25a0 a - For ? freight I a »d ; passage • apply v at " of flee; -240 James ; Flood ; building. /.-;- ,"\u25a0:\u25a0» W.' II.'»AVERY, -' \u25a0, \u25a0 fV :;*>\u25a0!. y: : . R/% :-.;Y -Assistant i General ' Manager.' 4. f H AWAIIHII - S- ;' S>^ameda : ? MllsTll i niMIULULU a - m -. A "g 28. Special \u25a0 \u25a0 1 ."!,* V^.^V:-. - round trip ) $110 first class.' * I TAHITI iAIVD i IVEW I^EMILIIVD— S.S;f . Marlposa'f alls iHi a.i m.*; , Sept.*, ll.** SpL^. Tahiti i |r6Q'Dd|trlp.V $125.-. Wellington. $260 R. ~T.Y j OCEAN 10 2 LINE;{ 6731 Mktl^l tel.^ Kearny} 1231. v : h6nce - July .-2 2 ; ' stmr Thomas L. Wand, from Tacoma; . .'..*•.' : -:.".'\u25a0•.. :Y ' Passed out Aug 13-»Stmr 'Coronado, ~ for San Pedro;, stmr Sveap for Saa; Francisco. ... BANDON— Arrived Ang 12— Stmr, Elizabeth, hence Aug 10;. stmr Flfleld. hence" Aug 10. V SAN 'DIEGO-^ Arrived -Vug 12^-Stmr Riverside, from Sallna Cruz. '\u25a0\u25a0•'--. .~ SAN • PEDRO— Sailed Aujr ; 12— Stmr tor.l Sijn v Francisco; .' stmr' Nann < Smith,- for isan Franenco. " : 7tjTI^wIBBWWWmMHSMWB ' s Arrived Augr 13— Stmr^apistrano. from ; Grays . Harbor; stmr "Tahoe, from' Grays Harbor." • » Sailed ' Aug 13— Schr, C. A. Thayer. : for I Colum bia"^ river; :. stmr - Chehalis. -\u25a0 for . San 7 Francisco; stmr. Temple, E. Dorr, for San Francisco."-. -ASTORIA— Arrived Aug 13— Stmr; J. Marbof-' fer.*: hence "Aug 10. i - * - --"Arrived Aug , 13— Br ' stmr - M." S." \u25a0 Dollar, from Swans bay; • .-TACOMA— Arrived Aug ' 13— Ger stmr Uarda, ,from Seattle.:, r >\u25a0. ,r." .\~ • . v " Sailed - Aug.; 13— Stmr' Thomas Li , Wand. . for : San ? Francisco; stmr \ Leelanaw." for Seattle. . : NEAH BAY— Passed in Aujr 13— Schr . Fred J. Wood, from San Pedro." for Belllngham. - - EASTERN PORTS ; DELAWARE BREAK WATER— Passed Aug 12— Stmr Orcgonian, from Philadelphia, for New York.'^ - - ISLAND. PORTS - HONOLULU— Arrived Aug 13 — Stmr Alameda. hence Aug 7.>, • -r .. , . - Arrived Aug 13 — Stmr Hyades. from Tacoma. V- r - i ' FOREIGN PORTS NEWCASTLE . (Australia)— Sailed Aug 13— Schr George E.- Billings, for San Francisco.". VICTORIA— Arrived Aug 13-^Stmr Umatllla. hence ' Aug \u25a0 10. \u25a0'_ : Sailed Aur 13— Br stmr Marama. for Sydney. EASTEV EN— Passed Aug 13— Br stmr Em press of India, from nongkong. for Vancouver. OCEAN STEAMERS - • SYDNEY. ,N. S. . W.— Arrived previous Aug 13— -Stmr Aorangl, from Vancouver and Hono lulu. - via ' Brlsbane.~9BHßflHnnHßHoßiHMMtf , SOUTHAMPTON— Arrived Aug 13 — Stmr Amerlkar from ' New York. ' PUNTA ARENAS— SaiIed Aug 6— Stmr Sak karah. from San Francisco, for Hamhiirc. SUEZ— Arrived Aug : 13— Stmr Gymerlc. . from Vancouver, via Yokohama, etc.V for London. Memoranda \u25a0 Stmr Alcatraz, at Redondo, broke crank ; shaft and will ; be \ towed to San Francisco by stmr Helen P. Drew for - repairs. _,- Per .; stmr .Whltesboro — Aug '12, 12 p. m..' 10 miles : west ; of Pigeon • point,- saw tug .- Hercules, from Astoria for San Diego, with raft in tow. 0 LONDON. Aug 13— Br. bark- Howard D. . Troop; at ' Yokohama from \New York, i took fire after discharging part of cargo on July 2S and has been scuttle^tfKttnfilMßMHi(HMßMMßi*P9M SANTA. CRUZ,- Aug 13— Yacht Presto, which left here : this morniug for San Francisco. •- put back •on \ account of strong northwest winds. When off Point New Year wjpd increased t0. 35 miles an hour from the northwest; will probably leave here *on 14th if weather • permits. Exports by the Pleiades The steamer i PlelSdes sailed Honolulu yes terday -with cargo consigned to various Ha waiian ports valued at $90,538 and including the following: V . ' / ,506 ctls" barley. 453 ctls wheat, 5 bbls flour. 417 bales hay. 5,070 lbs oil cake meal. - 3,225 lbs : peas. 0. v l7O lbjs middlings. \u25a0 23,000 lbs bran. 200 lbs pearl barley, 7,000 lbs lard, 800 lbs dried fruit. 750 lbs raisins, 204 lbs cheese. 1,114 lbs butter. 1.000 lbs sugar,- 10,500 lbs salt. 10 kits 10 bbls and 2 cs salmon. 60 pkgs onions. 375 pkgs potatoes. 1.191 lbs garlic. 1,009 lbs bread, 591 cs canned goods. 2,750 gals wine. SSO gals 27 bbls and 10 cs whisky, 228 gal* and 100 cs liquors. 95. gals and 3 cs gin. 10 cs ale. 13 pkgs agricultural implements. 70- coils rope. 155 drums distillate. 200 cs and 66 drums gasoline. 300 cs kerosene, 106 cs . and 71 bbls oil, 80 pkgs paints, 175 cs dynamite. 40.684 lbs fertilizer.' 2l pkgs electrical goods, 17,840 lbs tobacco, 14 cs cigars .and cigarettes. 3G pkes dry goods. 15, cs boots and shoes, 5 automobiles and 7 c* parts. 173 \u25a0 pcs and 45- bdls pipe, 80 bdls 'and 1 1 pcs rteel. 4.472 lb#» : sulphur, ~500 sks , lime. 1,020 kegs t powder. 955 pkgs • soay. 104" pkgs naval stores,' l. r >O windows. "7 pkgs drngs, 2f>2 bxs candles, 30.000 bricks.: so kess staples. ISO hoes. RAIIiWAY TRAVEL sl^^^^ San Francisco >^ I"3 \S Market Street LEAVE FOB— .JA.M.I sV. M. Tt^TTT;wsTl^;T r r> 7:16 8:00-10:00 CHICAGO .............. 7:15 8:00-10:00 FEESNO ~ .............. 7:15 4:00-8:00-10:00 GRAND CANY0N....... 7:15 8:00-10:00- HANFOHD 7:15 10:00 KANSAS C1TY..... 7:15 3:00-10:00 MEBCED ............... 7:15 4 KK>- 8:00-10:00 STOCKTON . .... ... ..... 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 STOCKTON, OAKDALE • & SIERRA BY. PTS. . 9:45 TULARE ...h .". 7:15 8:00-10:00 VISALIA 7:15 8:00-10:00 • YO3EMITE 7:15 10:00 California Limited through to Chicago ,- ; ' leave* at 10.00 p. m. OFFICES* •. 673 Market Street and^ Market Street Ferry Depot, Sac-FranciscQ 1112 Broadway, Oakland /s£3&, SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE Y**l£s£7 UNION. FERRY DEPOI .^TTv^i- \u25a0'"'"• San JB"rancl*eo Leavp ? : VIA SAUSALITQ '-,' Arrive 7:15 a Sonoma and Glen £llen 6:05p 7:43 a Petaluma, Santa Rosa. Healds- burg, Cloverdale. Uiiah. Wil- lits. Sherwocd and Sebastopol.. *7:35p S:lsn Pt. Reyes. ' Monte Rio. .Cazadero •*7:05p S:43a Petaluma, Santa Rosa, Guerneville 7:05p t9 :lsa Sonoma, and Glen Ellen.. .'. B:Kp J!>:lsa LaKunitas, Cp. Taylor." Pt. Reyes 7:33p 10:45 a Petaluma and Santa Rosa 4:30p f2:43p Pt.: Reyes,: Monte Rio.:- Cazadero. tH"CSa 3 :15p Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Ilealds- ' . burg, Cloverdale. Uklah. Guerne- • I vllle, '\u25a0 River landing; Sebastopol ll:0."a 4:43p Sonoma \u25a0 and Glen Ellen. 9:03 a 5:15p Petaluma, and Santa R05a....... 8:33 a t5:45p Laßunitas, Cp.' Taylor; Pt. Reyes -. 8:03 a J7:45p Point, Reyes- ..';;.........'....... . 8:03 a ELECTKIC STTBtTHBAN VIA SAXTSALXTO Sausallto, -.Mill "Valley," San V Rafael— Dally every 3Q minutes from 6:43 ' a. tn. until 0:43 a. m. ; hourly- until 2:43 p. tn.. then. 3:ls p. m.. and '\u25a0\u25a0 every 1 30 \u25a0 minutes • until 7t45 : p. - m., then 9:00, 10:35 p. m. and. 12:01 a. m. (On Sundays in addition— every 30 minutes from 9 -.43 a. m. to 3:15 p.rm.,: excepting 2:13 p. m.) Fairfax— Leaves t6:^5.;f7:15. 7:45, 8:13. 9:15. J9:43, 10:45. 11:45 a. m;;; 12:45, 1:43. t2:43. 3:15. 3:45, t4:15, 4:45, t5:15, 5:45, t6:15, f6:45. $7:45 p'mr.'-' >* ' \u25a0 San Quentin via San Rafael — Leave 9:15 a. m.. t:4sp. m." -* "-"\u25a0 • - • Tiburon and Belvedere — Week days: 7:30, 9:00, 111:45 a. m. (J12:45 p. m. Saturdays only). 3:30,-5:30 p. m.r Sunda.v»-^7:30, |{9:0O, ||ll:0O a. m., 5512:30. 3:30. 5:30 p. m. and §12:01 a. m. '\u25a0i'* Arrive 7:05, p. ;m. from Sebastopol. ••Sunday arrive 8:05 p. m. tExcept Sunday." (*( * tSunday only.. \u25a0 IVlaSausallto. {{Runa to Schuetzen park. '<\u25a0\u25a0 Pacific Transfer . Company's agents are author- ized to check baggage direct from residences. fMUIR WOODS MT. TAIvTaLPAIS ,' -VIA SAUS AUTO FERRY foot of Market street LESAL HOUnAYS-SUMDAT TWI '_\u25a0 to.Sia FrncliCT -I It. Mrir Witts If. Tmalub " WEEK SUN-; WEEK SUN-. WEEK SUN- ; DAY^ 'DAY " DAY X- :-PAY- DAY ' DAY 9:45 a 7:15* t7:2oa 11:05 a . 7:20 a • 9:42 a 1:45p HB:4sa 1:40p 12:20? 1:40p 11:22 a *4:45p -9:15 a 02:45» 1:50? i:Ut 12:10p ...... 9:45 a 4:20? 3:50p *9:50 i IHOp .:../. 11:15 a ...... 5:20 p...... 3:40p ;..... 12:45 p...... 6:4Cp ..'..:. 5:10p •••••• y2:45p ...... ...... 8:40p ...... 4:15 p..:..\u25a0:p ..:..\u25a0: .v.-r;-. ,:.... ...... •Sat. only. ' fJIon. only. ©Tamalpais only. JMuir only - Ticket Offices— S3jjsalito Fsny and 874 Market '\u25a0 General Offices— Mill Valley. California. , OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY - (12tb and "Mission)— Daily ex^.. Sunday— Lv.: 7:43 a. k=t9:3oa.k =t9:30a. *l:13p.- ts:4op. Ar. S. F.:-»7:25a. t9:10a; \u25a0 *1 :00 p- tS:ISp.V Sunday*— Lv.: -" '7:40 a; t9:3oa,a*lo:loa. «ll:15a; *12a5p. ts:4op. Ar.: S. F.: *7:2r»a,t9:10a.i •11:40a." »4:40p, ts:lsp. t«6:00p. ' *To , and ; from ; Arleta. tTo and from Tunitas ' Glen..- JS top '.: at ' Salada. San ";Pe*iro. Ter- race.*; Farallone. - Mops \u25a0 Beach. Granada, Half moon Bay. \u25a0\u25a0• Connect \ at .; Tnnltas ' Glen « with • stage for San - Gregorio. Pescadero. - Pebble ; Beach and ; La Honda.'i- ,v*.Y. V : - :'-\u25a0_"*'"'' : ". 'r -'\u25a0''-- '"- -, "i£ BAY AX D VINTERURBAX ROUTES . MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD y Val lejo, Napa, St. Helena -\u25a0'\u25a0 ST. lIELEXA-XAPA TALLEY: ROUTE ''". Monticello S." S- Co.. and 1 Napa «V»Uejr Electric' R; . R. ; Co. ; Close ; connections. -; ' 6--ROUxb TRIPS D AILY—fI /-\u25a0-Boats -".leave 'San' Francisco \u25a0 7:00, *9:45 am 12:30 r inoon,-i;3:15,T:6:0O, : 'SiSO p.. m. . * . *an - Francisco - landing \u25a0• and ' office. - Clay street wharf,* north , end ,, ferry building, ? . Market ; street ferry. >* Meals : a" la carte.' ; Phone Kearny 406. Yt^LandB 'navy 1 yard ;dtre<:t-*Y *"YY =.'V *" »' •*\u25a0"..:'- ' ..--' ::":'-—^ * ) iWant to Borrow Money? ; WANT;: ADS AUCTION SALES TSCl AUCTION '" 23 head of Norman veark m^^C^^ raares mtr geUlings. (AU > the work ato^k .on the *^ .I farm.) ' ; t V. t - n t.*- 12 head French coach horses and saddlers, all broken. From APTOS - FARM (estate daua Spreckels.- deceased). Sale takes pIace. MONDAY EVENING; /.ujnst 18, * 10C». at : CHASE'S PAVILION. 47S Valencia st. nr. 16th. Horses at yard August 14. Fred H. Chase & Co. Llrestock Auctioneers. J^ at Auction A lot of cheap 'efty horses and mules. nVt out of hard work, heaTy- and light: 24 vehicles. 51 set 3 harness. SATURDAY. AUG. 14, at 11 a. m. i r»T>5 4th wt.. Oakland. No reserre. - -. RAILWAY TRAVEL /^THINk TRAINS LEAVE AMD ARI J /a^^wA DUE To ARRIVE AT w-lSx>7 San Francfeco Vg'-*y From Ao*nst 8. 1903 | VIA OAKLAND PIER x ,I«aTe (Joar or hLixxrr Sraxrr). Arrive , 2.15 a Niles," livermore, Tracy. Lathrop, . Stockton, LodiJtfacrainento;. ....... 10.38? 8.40 a Hayward. N2es, San Jose. 7.03 a 7.00 a Rkimond,PcrtCoBta.Benfcia,Sui3un, Dixon, Sacramento. Roseville, Marys- j •v ville. Redding, Dun5nuir........... 7.25n 7.00 a Dmira, Vacarifie, Runuey... 7.28» 7.00 a Davis. Woodland (MarysvilK Oro- ville), Wffliaas, Maxwell. WiUßws, Haiauton. Corning. Red Bluff ... 7.28 a 7.4Qa VaDejo, Napa, Calistoga, ?snta Rosa, Martin**. San Raason, Dougherty, . Plessmton. B.oBa 7.40 a Niles, Pleasanton. Livamore, Alta- ' mont, Lathrop, 5t0ckt0n .;......... 7.23? 7.40 a Tracy. Los -Banos, Kensan, Fresno, HaafortL Visalia. .; 4.28p &00a Newark, San Jose. Loa Gatos, Wright, • Felton. Santa Crua.. ;......:..'..:. 5.48p B*2o* Port Costa, Martines, Byron. Tracy, Stockton, Merced, Fresno, Goshcn Junction (Hanford), VissJia, Porfer- vfikUakersfidd.;.... ........ 4.48(1 8.20 a Yosemito Valley ria Merced. 4.48? 9.00 a Kilea. Liverniore, Stockton i*Milton). Valley Spring. lone, Sacramento. . . . 4.28» 9.00 a Sonora, Tudumne and Angels ' 4.28? 9.00 a Atlantic Express— Sacramento, Truo- keo. Ogden, Salt Lake Gty, Denver, Kansas City... 8.28? 9.40 a Richmond, Port Costa, ilartiaei. Bay P0int....... * 6.48p ia2oa Vallejo, Mare Island. Napa I 1.28 a 10.20 a Los Angdes Passenger— Port Costa,' Martinez, Byron, Tracy. Stockton, Merced, Fresno, Eanford. , Yiaalia, < Tularo, Bakersfidd, Lo» Angeles.. ... 7.48? 10.40 a GoldSeld Pass.— Port Costa. Benicia, Sacramento, Truekee. Hazen, Mins. Tonopatt,GoldSerd,i*ws,Kecler.... 7.43 a 10.40 a Marysviile. Chico. Re«i 81uff......... 4.28J1 12.00 m The Overland Lunited— Denver, Kan- sas City, Omaha, Chicago. 7.28?- 1.20? Niles, San Jose and Way Stations. . . . 2.48? 1.40? San Leandro, Nfles, CenterviUe, New- f 9.08 a ark. San Jose.... \ 7.28? 2.00? Newark. San Jose, Los Gatos. Wright, Felton, Boulder Creek. Santa Crua.. 9,58? 2.40p San Leandro. Niles. San Jose. 9:28 a 3.00? Benicia, Winters. Sa,eramcr%>, Woo<l- land. Marysviile and Orovii!,?. 10.48 a 3.20? Port Costa (Stockton). Martine*. I 12.05? Byron. Modesto. Merced, Fresno. . \ *0.33p 3.45? Via Saosalito, West Napa, St. Heler.i. Calistoga :...;........;....... 13.35 a 4.00? Vallejo, Napa, Calistoga, Santa Rosa, ' Martina, San \u25a0 Ramon, Dougherty, livermore. .: 9.25 a 4.00? Niles, Tracy, Stockton, Lodi !o.2£a 4.40? San Leandro. HJhrard, Niles, Pleasanton, LiTermore, Tracy, New- . man, Kennan, Fresno {8.22 a B. 00? RicSunoni. Pinole. Vallfjo. Port] r Costa. Benicia. Suisun, Sacramento I I l.2Sa , — Rwwvflle. Lincoln, Marysvule. I > 1.08? ' Oroville. Fair Oak% Folsont J # r B.0O? RusselL San Jose. Los Gatos.. J'i 9.28 a ! S.0O? Saturday and Sunday for Wright, Fd- •'* • Ji ton, Santa Cru» §9.28 a 5.20? San Leandro t Niles, San Jose % 7.48 a j 6.00? Shasta Limited— Portlands Tacoma, 3 — Seatfle ......\u25a0-. I 9.13? a 00? C*»l Limited— Loa Angeles | aOSa 6.40? Eastern Express— Ogden, Pueblo, Denver, Kansas City. St. Louis, Chicago .-. ..; -Port Costa. Benicia, Sacramento, Reno, Sparks ..»,... 8.23? 8.40? Haywardj^Niles and San Jose 6.43? $7.00? VaHejo. Port Costa. Martinez, Bay » Point and Way Stations. $11.13? 8.20? Oreaon Express^-SaeTamento. Marj""- Redding. (Maedoel. Klamath Falls). Ashland, Portlaad, Tacoma. Seattle, 5p0kane........ 9.48 a 9.00? China and Japan Fast Mail — Ogdcn. ' Chejrenne. ' Denver, Kansas City, Omaha, Chicago... 2.48? 11.00? Yosemito Valley via Niles, Merced, QPortal .:;..... 8.23 a 1 1.00? Nites. Lathrop, Modesto, « Merced. Fresno 10.33? 11.40? Portland "Express .(via Davis), Wil- . - liams. Willows. Red Bluff. Weed. '. Aghland. Portland. Tacoma. Seattle. 12.23? VIACOASTUNE (Third and Townsend Streets) t5.2Sa Loop— 23d Street. Visitacion. South • San Francisco, Valencia Street :. t6.3Sa t5.40a Loop — Valencia St.. Ocean Vie*. Cemeteries,' South San Francisco, 23d Street, 3rd and Towjisend. .."... tB-50a 6.40 a South San Francisco. San Jose. Gilroy. (HoUiater), Sargent. Pa jare, Salinas. . a5O? {7.00 a Sunday Excursion Gilroy, Pajaro, Cas- trovUls, IM Monte, Montersy, Pacific Gr0ve........... ..!...... *IO.5O» j. fILOOa Thn Coaster— San Jose, Costrovaie, . - . (M Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grov? ) . . - Salinas, Boledad, Piso Robles Hot Springs, San Luis Obispo, Pizmo, Oceano, Surf, Lompoc, Santa Bar- •"; bars. Ventura. Oxaard, Loa Angrics. I J. 43? ; 8.05 a I Jlayfidd. Los Altos, Los Gatou, Wrisht, ' Glenwoodf Boulder Creek), Santa Cna, TVatsonviile. Castroviile. Del Monte; Monterey, PaciSo Grove.. 1 ; 8.20 a South San Francisco. Palo Alto, San ? i Jose, Wav Stations 7.35 a . &20a Mayfidd. Los Altos, Los Gat 05 ....... . t7-20? ,9.00 a San Jose. Gilroy. Salinas, Cfcanflor. • Paso^Roblss Hot Springs, S&n Luis Obispo — Tres Pino? — Santa Cruz, Del - \u25a0 » Monte. Monterev. Pacific Grove 4.0 C? 10.40 a South San Fntseisco, Burlheamew San Mateo. Palo Alto, San Jow 6.30s 10.40 a Lcs Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gatos.. { f f;fg* 1 1.30 a Valencia _ St..- Ocean View, Cotoa, Cemeteries; Baden, San 8run0. ..... 1.35? 1 1.40 a South San Francisco, San Jose |8.20 a 1.30? Saturday, Palo Alto and Way Stations.. 5.00? . 2.00? South San Francisco. Palo Alto. San ; Jose.. 8.40 a - t2.CO? Los Altos, Los Gatos, Wright. Santa Cru*... ....», t3.20» f2. 1 0? Bay Shore, Visitacion. San 8rm0. . . , t*-45? , 3.00p Del Monte Expres*— San Jo«e» Giiroy,* Chittenden,(\Vatsonville. Santa Cni2,> • Del Monte, Monterey, Pacific Grove. 13.303 t3.15? Mavfidd.'' Los Altos, Los Gatos, f J9.45* Wri2hi,(Boulder Creek) \ V 10.25 a 3.20? South Saa Francisco, San Jose, Gilroy. Castroville, 5a1ina5.......... 10.25 a 4.00? Sunset Express— Tucson, Deming, 70 . Paso, Houston, New Orleaas, " Paso Robles Hot Springs. San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara. Loa Angeles'. 1 1.40 a ; 4.00? Gilroy, Kollister, Tres Finos*. . „ . 8.50? 4.00? Dd Monte, Monterey, Paeinc Grove. . 1 1.4£? . 4.00? Kansas Qtv, St. Louis, Chicago...... 1 1.40 a • 4.20? South San Francisco; San Jose t9-OCa f5.00? San 'Bruno. "San Mates, Palo Alto, San Jose and Way Stations ..... 9.40 a 5.05? . Loa Altos, Los Gatos,Wrifiht,Glenwood. (Boulder Creek). Santa Crui. laOO? f5.10? Loop— 23d Street, Viatacion. South . San Francisco, Valencia Street;...., tB-'59 t5.20? Redwood, Palo Alto. SaaJoee..... M 0? f5.20p Los Alto 3. Monta Vista, Los Gates.... T3.20? 45.25? Buriingame, San Mateo, S«n J05e.. . . . T3.20? Y|K3O? Loop-r:^Valencia "; SU Oc 00 View,. Cemeteries. South San Francisco, . " v 23d Street, 3d and Townsend. ...... tS.4O? 5.40? San Bruno, San Mateo. Redwood, Palo Alto. Santa Clara. San J05e....... :. 7.4Ca i tS.4O? . Los Gatos, Wright, SanU Crus 6.40? : t6.oo?.Mnibrae, Easton. San Msteo, Palo -- > . Alto, Mayfidd, Los Altos. Los Gates. : fB.ooa 6.00? \u25a0Saturdays. Wright, (Boulder Creek),: -Santa Crua .1.....;.... .V... 58.40 a 16.03?' 23d- Street, Visitacion. South San - Francisco, Valencia Street.. 17.15? * tS.25p Loop— Valencia. Street. Ocean VW. : Cemeteries. - South San Francisco, _ * ; 23d Street, 3d and .TowM«J*r. t7.40? \ 6.30? SouUi San Francisco, San Josa — ... 5.40? 8.00? Lo» Angdes Passenger— San Mateo. Rsdwood. Palo Alto, *San Jose; Gilroy," Salinaa, Paso -Robles Hot '-Springs, &n Luis. Obispo,' Piano* Santa Barbara, Los Angeles.'. . .."..;- "3.30* - 1 1.45? South San Francisco, Palo Alto. Saa \ 7.20? V ! >.. t :".:j <> a,...../. < ...;...v;... ........ \ X3O?. I t I.OOp \u25a0 Baeranento Rmr Steamers. . . v . \u25a0 . \u25a0 . t > r^ateMornmi'" ' ?for Afternoon, f Sunday exeepted. J Sunday only. i Sundays and Mondays. .\u2666• _1 * . : .j, ' ' ;— If You Warit What .You Want— t \ When You .Want -it—- \ ! USE CALL WANT ADS — -' 19