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2 PUZZLE CONTEST!USE YOUR WITS!WIN A WATCH! SIX5 IX more watches are awarded to day to six fortunate juniors for the correct solution of the fasci nating Junior Call puzzles, and a new puzzle is presented this week which is sure to prove as interesting > as those which have preceded it. These p-uzles Are not so very difficult, but they require a little thought, and when one apparently correct interpretation has been arrived at you should con tinue thinking to see If another and a better one can not be found. i ;. Send In your answers to this week's puzsles so they will reach the office of The Junior Call not later than Wednes day afternoon, , in the following man ner: No. 1 Is , No. 2 , and so on. Six watchrs will be awarded to six correct answers showing the greatest neatness and care. This contest is for juniors between the ages of 10 and 16 years. The younger juniors will find "their contest on the fourth page. The correct answers to the puzzle presented in last . Saturday's Junior Call ere: I— Pan, 2 — Elm, 3 — Maude Adams, 4 — Croquet, s—Saucer,5 — Saucer, 6—Abra ham. The juniors to whom prizes have been awarded for the correct solution of this pjuzzle are: , Hubert Sober, 924 Pierce street, San Francisco. Faith Howard. 275 Seventh avenue, San Francleco. C*sler M- Burton, 2328 Webster street, Berkeley. Leo yon Hacht, 1308 Thirteenth ave nue. East Oakland. 'Madeline Armstrong, R. F. D. No. 1, box 344, Rose avenue. Fruitvale. Jetsie Crouch, Calistoga. ROLL OF HONOR Name of other juniors who sent In the correct answers appear on the fol lowing roll of honor: Donald Bean, 81 Schiele avenue, San Jose. Winnifred'Shima, 1003 San Pablo ave nue. Oakland. Romlna Rowe, 1214 Scott street, San Francisco. Llewellyn Boswell, Soledad. Mervyn Campbell, 117 Church street. Salinas. Bernice O'Conner, 3190 Twenty-fifth street, San Francisco. Gladys Morrison, 634 Clayton street, £an Francisco. Jessie Gee, 725 Louisiana street, Val- Vjo. Marjorie Dinsmore, 617 E street, Marysville.- - Willard Waugh, 3561 Nineteenth street, San Francisco. * Helen Hallawell, 959 Fifty-sixth street, Oakland. "•\u25a0'-* Chester Beck, 2015 Mission street, San Francisco. Virginia Whitehil!, . 1826 Fairview street. South Berkeley. \u25a0 . Mildred Ayres, 316 Eleventh avenue, San Francisco. " , • Edna Vogal, 1640 Hayes street, San Francisco. Ruth Hall, 614 Broderick street, San Francisco. Marjorie Dwight, 474 Valley street, San Francisco. Frances Honeyman, 996 Page street, San Francisco. Clarice Kennedy, Windsor. Helen Villalpando, 746 Clayton street, San Francisco. Hazel Koster, . 85 Noe street, San Francisco. Hazel Fenn, 125 B street, San Fran cisco. Earl White,- 2904 Fulton street, San Francisco. Katherine Pettie, 2050 Ellis street, San Francisco. Ruth Otto. 242 Waller street, San Francisco." I Oscar M. Crandall, 365 South Second street, San Jose. Lillian Simonsen, 983 Fifty-sixth street. Oakland. Arthur Poulin Jr., 1640 Hayes street, San Francisco. Harold tJL F. Behneman, 1303% Clay street, Oakland. ' - Esthre L. Greer, Palo Alto. Raymond Grimm, 930 North Baker street. Stockton. May Petersen, 374 California avenue, San Francisco. Florence Woollett. 12 46 Broadway. San Francisco. Grace 'M. Renfro, 37 Carl street, San Francisco. > Frances Depzyk, 728 North Sierra Nevada street, Stockton. Edna Geary, 1623 Carlton street, Berkeley. Marjorie Stuart, 2440 Haste street, Berkeley. ' Don Stewart, 3520 Telegraph avenue, Oakland. - Willie Hasty, 1157 Park avenue, Al ameda. ~ . THE KIND THOUGHT QF A LITTLE GIRL IN Paris there lived a poor lace maker with a large family, who, during a long .winter, had been frequently in the bitterest state- of misery and was so feeble that he was compelled to keep to his* bed. Vainly endeavoring to rise In order to seek employment, he fell fainting by the side of his wife, who was herself dangerously ill. A girl of 12 or 13 years - watched her mother and endeavored, affectionately, to prevent her two younger brothers from disturbing their parents. On this child the whole care of the family had fallen. To supply their wants, sho ran to a neighboring bureau of chanty, w.h ere she had been informed that relief might be obtained, but the person to whom she bad applied bid her "call again in. a few days." Thus repulsed, the child took the resolution of beg ging. This, alas! was a fruitless hope. la, vain she stretched out her little hands to solicit charity. No one an swered her humble and modest claim; some even threatened her with the po lice. Chilled by cold and by unkind ness, she sadly took her way home. On her return her little brothers im mediately cried; "Broad! sister! give us bread!" On hearing the screams 6C the children, she exclaimed: VI will fetch a loaf from the baker's." and. In a distracted manner, she /lew to a neighboring shop, seized a l/>af ami hastened away. Surrounded instantly by a crowd, she was deprived of her prize and given to_the police agents :to answer for her crime. Looking on the crowd with a countenance of surprise and despair, she perceived a child about her" own age whose sweet and encour aging smile cast a faint ray of hope Interesting Little Stories Direct From Nature Written fot The Junior Call The Ferns AMONG the most beautiful forms of plant life are the ferns. The, vari ety. is very great. Some botanists estimate the number of different kinds that have been described at 4,000. There are about 70 varieties in Cali fornia and som» of them are of the nrost beautiful kinds. /\u25a0 .' The ferns are non flowering plants and are older in point of time than the flowering orders. They, having , no flowers, do not produce seeds -as the flowering plants do, but are reproduced by ; spores which grow on the under side of the leaf. » When the* spores , are ;: ripe . the ; leaf turns brown and; Th: many .kinds they f.\xr\ up. v The pollenl of " the- ferns is formed[about,, the seed; pods^or, pockets on the', back, of? thejeaf .andr is a fine .The&ku^raW^ Grace Knapp. 1542 phanning way. Berkeley. • • '\u25a0;•\u25a0' < Mildred Cowan, 1163 Bush street, Oakland. ' . Howard Lincoln. ;352 East Fifteenth street, East. Oakland. - • . : Irene Pearson, 1313 Peralta avenue, West Berkeley.. —. ; • • . Maree Montgomery,/ 255 Montgomery street, San Francisco.' ' : Shirley Jones, Purissim'a,.R. F. D. 2, box 16-V ' -- '- -\u25a0 '--. ; '\u25a0' \u25a0' - \u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0 -\u25a0'" •' \u25a0 -\u25a0• .'-" Reddick Homer. Blckel. "Menlo:Park. Amy, Hunt, care H. T. Blckel, *660 Market street, San Francisco, v Bessie Terry, 2026 Broderlck street, San Francisco. ,f Dorothy Bell, 720 Oak street, Napa. Ida Aspelin, Saugallto. Frank Henderso"n,, San Anselmo. \ Alice . Billeter, 912 Castro street, San Francisco. , Charles F, Manifold, 1736 Eagle ave nue, Alameda. \u25a0 _, \u0084 Freddie Levens. care Mrs. I* Patter son, 828 Eighteenth street, Oakland. - Virginia Whitehill, 1821 Fairview street, ; South Berkeley. ' - Alice M.Hewitson, Selby. . Clinton Duffy. «ari Quentfn. Lucy Rplfe, ;1551 St. Charles street, Alameda. • „ Hazel Barrows, 3487 Twenty-second street, San Francisco, j : George L. Grless; Inverness. • Inez de Long Pringle. 1434 A. Point Lobos avenue, San Francisco. - George Terbeck, 242 Clinton Park, San Francisco. . . "\u25a0 , -, Dorothy Jones, 964 53d st., Oakland. Norah 'Murphy, Pleasanton, Box 12. Edward Gove. 2566 Webster \u0084 st., Berkeley \u25a0 \u25a0 Beth MacDoriald, 2622 -Regent St., Berkeley. - Florence Reilly, Acampo. _ E Mildred Thompson, Kenwood. Gordon Bro\?n, Retreat. ' Ellen Jermyn, Port Costa. , Minnie Drew. Menlo Park. Henry khlers, 2819 Shattuck avenue, Kenneth Juster, 2647 Charming way, Berkeley. ' , V ,_ Ned Brown, 1439 Sixth avenue, San Francisco. - - Maybelle Albright.' Placerville. : George A. Meagher,Selby. t _ S . • Dorothy Hamilton. 571 Thirty-ninth avenue. San Francisco. on her forlorn mind. She approached this unknown girl, whose features were beaming ' with benevolence, and in whispers . mingled with" sobs . she com municated her parents', address. While the. poor, family was in the agonies of want and despair; a light step was heard approaching their chamber. A cry of joy. was uttered. by the unfortunates- — a girl' appeared at the door — it was not .their child! . It was a little, angel, with rosy cheeks and golden hair and bearing a small basket of provisions. "Your daughter is not likely to re turn* home today," j she said, "perhaps not tomorrow. Fear not— she is well be cheerful and eat what she has been the means of sending to you." She then placed 10 francs in the hands of the mother of the family and suddenly dis appeared.. , .'_*"\u25a0 But how had these 10 francs been ob tained? By what means had this child been able' so unexpectedly to serve this unhappy family?. We shall sec. \u25a0•;.' Her golden tresses, falling in ring lets over. her shoulders, had excited the admiration of the neighbors. One "of these a hair dresser, had; frequently paid, when slse was passing his. house, "I would willingly give a louis .. ($4) for that beautiful head of -'hair.''. When this- occasion of doing good presented itself this 'kind hearted little creature,* without the means of obtaining-money, the . man's words, .sought his 4 house and said: "You have offered to. buy my hair for a. louis; now I will "sell 'lt to you. Cut it off quickly. Make haste, for I am in a great hurry." :The man, struck with the singularity of the (circumstance, asked the«*i.particulars, and being of a kind, humane dispbsi-^ tlon, he feigned to accept the proposed conditions,' gave her 15 francs, and The pictures show three kinds'of our riatiyetferns. The .sord. fern "grows .up \u25a0: from, the roots without: branching and its leaves;. set on 'alternately., /-it is a • veryj hardy sort of jfern^and will' grow^ in almost "anT*: soil V or, {location. The "' _sheld "^ fern i is also ;:a. single^frorfded r fer n ; ' its * leaves are broader than those ' : 01. the sord;' fern 'amVare 'deeply pin- v nate. -This 1 is/ sought* after; by t florists % for decorative purposes and is ihdeedV worthy 'of the praise the lovers of ferns \ bestow upon - itfIBSttHHSHSSfiHI : One of the largest bf;oiir jferns.-and prized the \u25a0 most;* is : the i brake". >. fTh c » picture ~ shows it ; to 'J ad van - tage. -The stalk \u25a0Wrings from the root and branches Jorm ; on either side, and from "these- the beautifully, shaped : pinnuted leaves form", "lit grows", in* the': coast range of 'mountains l : to* f the height:" of* Kixvfoet.", jl \u25a0 have seen -them above Mill valiey arid in; tho^Berkeieyihills in '\u25a0\u25a0 great banks-, and ; fully that^high. 1- -The _; fern, aside . from L itsT" beauty, is ' uf no use; but; it ' has -play ed % an ; impbr- \u25a0 PHOTOS OF PRIZE WINNERS Tmi see today on this page the portraits of four ifooys "i and four girls who hare won watches in the contests conducted by The Junior Call. If yon arc one of the;fortn nate winners and have not already sent in your picture, please do so at once, as The : ; Junior "Cair wishes^ to publish the pictures of all the < suc cessful contestants in the contests for the older juniors. A number of pictures will appear each week. Write your name and- address plainly on the back of the picture, and state whether or not yon wish it returned to you. Jessyl B. Jacobs, 1319 Pacific avenue, Alameda. : : . : Lauretta Huffaker, 3147 Davis street, Fruitvale. Phyllis Hllder,/717 First avenue, San Francisco^' . - . * Waldo Rushforth, 2321 Blake street, Berkeley. - Lorraine Cruza, 857 A Myrtle street, Oakland. . ' -Clifford -Vis, 8 Woodland street, .v Henrietta Ligutorl,- Agnew.' Ruth Home, Core Madera. " Bethel Pursell," Tulare. j Emmy Mueller, San Mateo. Jean Hawkins, Burlingame, box 70. Burnellßlevins, Woodland. , Sadie Fredericks, 96/ i Seventh avenue, Oakland. ,'.'•' : V ;?; V Josephine Squire.' 2063 Hayes street, San Francisco. ;\ Paul_Bohen, box 2O3,\Napa. Claift Lilly, 861 Hayes street. San Francisco. i Frederika McGee, . 871. Cedar street, Alameda. . . N Alma Duffy, San Quentin. added that as she. was then in a hurry she might come again to have her hail CUtOff. \/ ; : " « After having succored the- family the girl: went; joyously home and re lated the whole of the adventure to:her anxious" but happy, mother, 1 who ; rec ompensed her by kisses of affection and tears of joy. - " . The | end jj of ' this j youthful drama may be now guessed. The poor family re covered their, daughtei-, and,- with' her, health, comfort and joy . returned to their humble dwelling. " Written on the First Leaf of a Child's Memorandum Book My neat and pretty book, when I thy small lines see,"-: - V , '. r ... They.;seem forany use to be unfit for .\u25a0 me. \u25a0'.':' '\u25a0 -': ''' ' -\\ '.', My writing,, all misshaped, uneven to my mind, ..'\u25a0'\u25a0. "\u25a0 ? ..",— Within this narrow space ,can hardly ' be confined. ' Yet I will-strive to make my hand less awkward look; ' \u0084 I would r not willingly disgrace thee, .my neat book. v The finest pens I'll use, and wondrous pains I'll take, , t , : And I these perfect^ lines- my monitors will make. \u25a0\u25a0•_.', \i . ;-; And every day I will set down in order : . due, ; . ,' : ; *' ,\u25a0 'i ' \u25a0 . - How that day wasted is; and^should there be- a few v At the year's end that . show more goodly, to the sight,"- ;j If haply hereV I find some days not ' wasted quite; . :« .. : Sv ? If a small: portion of them I have . passed ;* .''"\u25a0'.. : : Then shall I think the year not wholly ,was l mlssppnt, - ~ And that my t diary has been by x some good angel sent. O;.*;^:',' Vv WILLIAM F. FILE .tarit'- .part: in ~ the life/ of"*, mankind, , be :<:aiise it ' was in the Vast wilderness\of £ ferns thatC grew', I n 'the ?'ages"? preceding,^ the formation Sof • the r.eoal;: measures-^!; it J was; thex ferns -that 1 : grew" 'to* rnagrilnj-"^ cent; heights arid ; Jri suchj : dense • foreits,^ we ;may ; * say,: that,; caAjght^thei sunshine . of , tha t ' age. s Ho \y v long J these \u25a0 f ern J for- • estS'grewJrio •; one \ can tell; but it-must i-.Rvei taken centuries Uo > build "the "lay ers of coal, Sfarid" lOrfeet;. thick. ' '^ >'.' . These f fores ts;\by; some means* were : subfnerged 'and ; the 1 plant -11 f e ; sealed up. -There!; could*; hoi, be '^decay,- Vas^would '•: . l ii a y e"; o cc vu i rr e e jbe dj o f v e ge t a b 1 e •'; ; ;matter beeriTexposed; to Uhe; atmosphere, v: but t here "was a^ Joss^'oTi lv^dfogen ; and 'oxygeri 'and ~ iiitrt>geri;anfl -this ; reduced the . v bulk greatly. * Then: the immense :PlcsX» r ejof|th^wa_tjrl^d|^rtli^J^iJ^ into the shape_\vc find the coalili^tS^Wi ;: Howard Turner, 2511 Bancroft way, Berkeley, rj/v ;\ r "':•*. ,;•,;-•, . Leon H. Woolsey. ; 4 Bouievard . place, Oakland, .i- ' : :.Walton Pendleton, 2139 Stuart street," Berkeley.'-- - - ... . Edwin Schulhofer, 560 Twenty-fourth street/Oakland. \u25a0'.',-. .Hannah -Kappelman, 1055 McAllistter street, Saii : Francisco, v \u25a0 NadaE.- Davis, 129 Ra"ndall street, San Francisco. * -.;. Marcella ' Leonard,' "1147 ".' Guerrero . street,- San : Francisco .-.- :"\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 Alice; Casey, IS3 'Randall street, Sari 1 Francisco. . .. .'Rose -Todd, 737 \u25a0 Charming- avenue, Palo Alto.; . Elsie Darling 169. Waverly street, Palo Alto. ' /\u25a0 /Christina' M. .Wright. 4 Twenty-sev enth street, San Francisco. • :. , Margaret, Abrams, Black Diamond. .Elyn W. ' Jenkins, 411 Junipero .'ave nue. Pacific. Grove.: Mildred Besfton, Kenwood, box 35. - Edna ..-:. Grotheer,- 103 John street, Salinas, r - --\- " • '• \u25a0'\u25a0" t •\u25a0• Katie Crawhall, 322 Duncan street, San Francisco. '"'.CellarCrimm, 30 N. Baker st;;Stock ton."/ •;'.' "\u25a0. '. ; - :-,• ' " . \ ' :"•\u25a0 Adrienne Williams. Sausalito. 'Ja;v^ Gabrielle Fagothey, 1635 Haight St., San .Francisco. ; ; Mary, i'Dekay, 2027 Delaware st., Berkeley. Charlie Ba^chelder, P. O. Box 45, Elmhurst. . . ! WalterD. Ilausmann, 1522 Eleventh , avenue, p East Oakland. Olita Bruns, 1101 Adeline street,' Oak land. , - > y HelenV Bergfried, 1933 Berrymah street, Berkeley. : 'George Kelsey Jr., 2215 Ellsworth street, Berkeley. ; \u25a0 + Donlon J. Argues, 1244 Leavenworth street, San Francisco. - \u0084W illie Kenyon, 865 Thirty-eighth street, Oakland. . • Beatrice E. . Seager, : 1124 Guerrero street, San Francisco. : Jennie, Kennedy, 63 Alpine street, San Francisco. ' »» Christine Enlow. room 9, Ferry San Francisco. 5 : Gardner Goldthwaite, 871 Cedar street. Alameda. Thelma Grater, box 86. Tulare. , ODD NAMES OF THINGS ON BOARD SHIP ARTHUR H. DUTTON FUNNY names-are attached to things on board ship, especially onboard sailfng ships. Most of these names are inheritances of long by gone days of navigation. Some are as old as ; high sea. navigation itself. As might have been expected rrom ,the simple characters of ancient sailors, the v animal world has 'been largely drawn upon for nautical nomenclature. ;For example, there is the .Flemish horse, a; short v ,foot rope at the yard arms of .sailing ships,' upon which the sailors stand while reefing the topsails. Then there are the: lizard,! 'a.'. short rope used in crossing the light 'yards, such ns the roj'al and topgallant yards; the cat and the fish.^the former for hauling the old fashioned anchor, to the cat head, a protuberance on the bow, and the latter. for. hauling the. crown ol the anchor up to, the ship's side; the jack ass, a heavy stuffed bag pulled into the hawse pipes when |at | sea, to keep the water from rushing inboard when the ship plunges into the waves. The name is not only that of a well known, sea denizen/ but of a spar, to which; ships are moored, but the dolphin striker 1 is the -short spar "extending downward; from the bow sprit. \u0084'~lron- bars holding- the topmast rigging into the mast-are called cathar pins. while a bull, rope Is a line used, for many purposes, particularly forf hauling. the light yards into the rigging! , when ;tliey:^rfe;sent down' on' deck. A sheepshank is ;a* peculiar j knot, or de vice, : for -temporarily shortening a rope without. cutting;it, 'and a Turk's head is~a.*knot at the end "of a' rope,' resem-? bling; a. Mohammedan turban. \u0084 ' A mast has -Its r partners," which are \u25a0 ;-•-'<?;.• \u25a0 • . , . - \u25a0 .ft , . , \u25a0. , I -do not- w>sh . to be understood to «ay^ th"at; all '\u25a0"; coal Is imadefof^fernsV Sometimes s forests' were overturned and buried' arid~.werit ; to'^make jup'a \share of the coal-measures, -and^at f-Qther tlmes ; vast' beds.of -moss^were included.' \'\l lhaver traced r in'- a -coal mine la- tree eight inches^ across for; 15 ;otv 20 feet and I ; have ibrokenithe'coal^arid found the peculiarjlines .; formed by 'the crotches of thel ; limbs?, \u25a0- <^: : : :-~' - :r '~ : \u25a0\u25a0 '-ir-di Tha t \u25a0 the *f er risl had. much Uo: do with tlie ,'coaiy bed : :formation;: is .• prpved,\by thY remains; of .the .ferns.' Sometimes yoiuwlllc findUri a'Jurnp.of coal' a fern leaf with fall "its 'fine ..veins as perfect as If lib hadibeen; engraved by a skillful artist.;V i --';'-'^ipp^; \u25a0 .7-.~ :\u25a0' \u25a0 -.'•^ggtßßjß When ;you sit-by: your^ pleasant fire siil<i" and, the v coal^.l.s^ sparkling, in '^the grate -y.ou;wlll iremornbeFitlKit you.are burningnferri.s^ that': 'grow in, .the .sun shine: a. million yeaisj ago, -perhaps, and _ is ; :this;f sunshine y:that-!makes your.: room . w;if m^ 1 and when winter's * blusts;are" upoii* us. -Sherman Storer, Jones -avenue and First street. Elmhurst. Edith Griflin, 4032 Twenty-third street. San Francisco. Evelyn Del Va11e,' 1447 Ninth avenue, Oakland. Lucile Granicher, 2097 Market street, San Francisco. , £ Emiley Mouat, 1540 Hawthorne Ter race,. Berkeley. > -Lora Williams, 1034 Sherman street, San Jose. Helen Carrie, Cloverdale. -Hilda Hvall, 1235 Bonita avenue, Berkeley, f ' Hascall Waterhouse, 551 Twenty-sev enth street, Oakland. Margaret Brown, 1309 East Sixteenth street, Fruitvale. i „ T. \u25a0 _ Letitfa Cochran, 218 Lake street, San Francisco. Emil de Neuf, 258 Twelfth avenue, R. D., San' Francisco. Edward Bissinger. Lompoc. Gilbert Peterson. 224 Day street, San Francisco. i— - ". Margaret Boyle, 1214 Santa Clara 'avenue. Alameda. .Richard Martens, 1361 California street, San Francisco. IX Elizabeth Bean, 1775 Alameda avenue, San Jose. Oscar Emig, 1041 Sherman street, Santa Clara, P. O. box 74. Elzema McCue, P. O. box 162. Jackson. Eyangeline Lewis^ 225 Sadowa street, Ocedn View. Sa# Francisco. • Zelma Dainty. Brentwood. r- Lyman Atwood, 11 S.adie street, Santa Cru£ - Fannie Sutton. Los Gatos. Madora Irwin, 204 Girard street, San Francisco. • - Eva L Fairbank, Angels Camp. Mildred S. Myers, 2021 Alameda ave nU Evangeline Stewart. 3820 Telegraph avenue, Oakland. ' . Verona Crowley, 327 Howard street, 'Fresno. - Frances Morrison, 9254 Hamilton ave nue, Palo Alto. , ' t Elmer Eaglin. Sonora. r. \u25a0\u25a0;."\u25a0; Bae Chalmers, 2425 Oregon street. Berkeley. . : *> Helen Heywood, 1306 Grove street, Berkeley. , " '\u25a0 . A Maud Martinez, 12S Bartlett street, San Francisco. the parts where the masts go through the deck, and also its bibs, which are heavy pieces of. wood at the lower mastheads where the trestle trees rest. A snorter is a short rope the light yard arms, which throws off the lift and brace when the yard is swayed preparatory to sending down* while a time-no-guy is a long rope with eyes in it to keep the after braces clear of other rigging. A crow-foot is a collection of three or more small lines attached to the awning halyards, its form suggesting the claws of a bird. A Scotchman, goodness only knows how the name was derived, is a small fair-leader fastened to the lower rig ging to aid in the segregation of the light running rigging. The forecastle owes its name to the ancient practice of surmounting the bows and sterns of galleons and other great ships of the past with towering citadels or castles. The after, \u25a0• or stern, ' castle, is now termed the poop. : . Nor is a ship entirely devoid of jew elry, for it has its jewel block, its dia mond hitch, and its clew garnets; the first a very small block, the next a kind of knot and the last a tackle for hauling up the clews, or lower cor ners, of the lower sails, or courses. There are tlso earrings, which- fasten the sails to the yard arms. _In fact, the, entire nautical nomen clature is odd, and, its evolution might prove a deep. and interesting study. It may be: added that the smallest thing with the longest name ont board a sail ing ship is the starboard-main-topgal lant-studdlng \u25a0\u25a0'? sajl : boom trlcihg-llne block-strap-thimble-seizlng. which it would take' a page; to describe; but IT may. be forgotten, as studdings;iils— pronounced' stuns'ls — have now nearly vanished from the seas.. " The ;i Grivilia Robusta >rpHE-illustratlon,ls-.of/a twig from a { I -very j. interesting, 'and valuable tree -Its popu lar name is^the; silver Toak. ; ,The foliage ,"-;Is •; a * beautiful f green and remains; on ; the*. tree], all^the year.' The; weight of ' the' leaves to' hangr'ddwnward, and' that r 'gives. it^a "featliery -look* that J-ls'y.yery - attractive, {arid -graceful. The ;tree; is _a '-'rapid grower Jand the grain -of'the woffa is as beautiful as the finest J quality" of .golden oak. other. 'illustration is of a piece ! split "fronra tree cutdown In Berkeley. It -h:*l been about twelve .years •> and was about : 9 "\u25a0-; inches over. The" grain vis stralghUand 'the wood splits easily. *it takes but little polish to bring out tile fine qualities of the .'grain..; .!.-'; ~ . - _ " y j. woul A- be a, valuable ; timber' tree for cultivation. It= grows" about as rap _ .idly as . the eucalyptus Tand .would be more 'valuable for furniture than It U, Steve Burke. 1653 Hayes street. San Francisco. Andrew, Filbert, 529 Frederick street. San Francisco. . . Beatrice Weinman.- 3Si Eureka stree.. San Francisco.- Lylla Morrow. Jacksoa. Loretta M. Garbarini. Jackson. Harry Obergr. -73 ilunich street, San Francisco. Howard Johnson. Occidental. . Alice Clemens," 3SI Hawthorne ave nue. Palo Alto. Clara McKibben, 510 University ave nue. Palo Alto. Edith C. Wulzen, 1313 University ave nue. Berkeley. '?.-£' Mervyn Wagner. 11*0. X street. Eu reka. \u25a0\u25a0 _ Valeric Sinclair, 505 Third street. Eu reka. Rthen JL Henry. Kins: City. . Mlrlarm TJendizabal, 1126 Union street. Alameda. Miriam Foster. 2147 Alarrreda avenue. Alameda. { Christian Holtutve. 1646 Ilaight street., San Francisco. Clifton Gordon ~o+3 Linden .„ street. Oakland. - " Mildred Crakes, SSI Twenty-seventh .street, Oakland. Henry J. Stump. Bloomflcld. • Lillian Murray, box 71. Kentneld. Marie LeriTaire, 230 Grand boulevard. San Mateo. . * Robart Richardson. 1206 Enclnal .ave nue. Alameda. Victor Morgan. 03: Park street. Ala meda. , ... Hazel McHugh. 277 Munich street, San Francisco. • _ Bessie Cleary. 309 Lyon street, San Francisco. .... J. Everett Owen?. 11*5 \ alencia street, San Francisco. N Fraser, Rio Vista. *Kate .Darlingr. 163 Waverley street, Palo Alto. Zelda Pitkin. \Seba«topol. Route 2. Virgil Wright. Fairfield. Rae Vock, . 250 Clinton Park, San Francisco. Xorma E. Regnier. 1190 Seventeenth street, San Franefseo. Peter Gomez. .S.-vcsallto. Bernice Farrell. SOS Florida street, Vallejo. Hester L. Shuey, 1215 Louisiana street, Vallejo. Marjory Massol. 75 Schiele avenue, San Jose. • Norman Bequhl. Rio Vista. Lucy Heney, Cupertino. Charles Dockery, 1611 Woolsey street. Berkeley.' Lorena Bigelow, 2060 Piedmont ave nue, Berkeley. Francis Bradley. 246 North Fourth street, San Jose. Amy McPeek. 113S East Twenty-sec ond street. Oakland. Edna Kelly, 569 Fourth avenue, San Francisco.