Newspaper Page Text
4 A PAGE FOR THE YOUNGER JUNIORS When the Princess Escaped From the Book of Fairy Tales Marion J. Edgar IN a fantastic picture of an old book of fairy tales lived a little golden haired princess. As far back as she could remember she had always been landing on the balcony of her turreted •astle grazing at the never changing andseape. The little princess was fair md beautiful as only fairy tale prin cesses can be. Her dress was heav£ icith gold embroidery, a crested girdle iung at her side and on ' her young lead she proudly wore the pointed cap •"YOU ARE THE FAIREST AND MOST BEAUTIFUL PRINCESS IN THE WORLD " with its floating veil. How weary she was of the lily in her hand. How gladly would she have <ast it from her to step out of her pic ture and learn what was taking place in the- vast world! For everything in the book wearied her, the sun because It always shone, the creeping roses be cause they never ceased to bloom on the turrets; and, above all, the velvet coated young troubadour who, walk ing in the shady alley of flowering lindens, was ever coming to her — and yet never came. " How dismal life seemed! No wonder then that one night when the soft, lengthening shadctws enveloped the outside world and the sun still obstinately shone on all the WINNERS OF THE JUNIOR PAINT BOX PRIZES This is the picture to be colored. .Paint it in water colors or crayon and send immediately to the Editor of the Junior Call ' , AuQICSS. • » • •• •••••_•• • • • • " • • • • C • • • ••«.,• . . . . . • ••• • * .*•»•"•• • • • » • . . . . • . . . . . . .'. .V...* 5.*.5 .*. • • •'« • •"*•'•'• ••"•,-' pictures she thought of calling for help. Her cry of distress passed through a hundred pages and rell on the ear of an old witch who lived In a picture near her own. Only here no sun shone and instead the moon shed her f ale cold light" on the snakes v and blinking frogs which took; the place of the princess' troubadour.^ The witch could,^there fore, well comprehend the dullness, of a monotonous existence, and once in days gone by,- when she 'was young, she, too, had ventured out of her story book in search of adventures. Alas, age was creeping on- her, is said that witches like to und<u:£*2£» the edu- cation of .young princesses; soj losing no time in trivial reflections/ the witch set her pointed cap on her head. > and wrapping herself in her cloak of dark ness strode with her <:ioven foot across a hundred printed pages to appear sud denly, in the sunny garden of \u25a0 the little princess. . s . The air vibrated under the stroke of her magic wand. av»d a gay burst of laughter broke*- from the lips • of the youthful chatelaine leaning over : her balcony.- The little madcap flung far from her the lily branch and flew to her garden. But not indeed to. meet her faithful troubadour who since time Immemorial had been coming toward her. With a graceful movement she . GIRL BLOWING; SOAP BUBBLES I ffhe!SanVFi-al^ gathered her gold" embroidered;. train and, without * warning, sprang * heed lessly out of \ her; picture. Hardly did she • hear behind her the y old Switch's warding say "Beware,;'daughter,' of ithV king ' of -the ii Green mountains. Return: t,o ' your balcony^ at' the cock's first crow oryou will: repent bitterly.". > - ' "I iwiUireturn," murmured the little princess, and. lightly, she -sprang from her f book of faijy taies' into f eallty. v ;. , Then she.'ihesfiated for an. instant to cast- a trembling. glance about her. The world was .crammed" with .books /and; of a- terrifying: darkness. ;. But soon \u25a0 s,he perceived. a table s on which 1 a miniature sun shone under a • little 1 ; green . roof and shed 'its 'light on' a' pale young woman occupied in reading a letter.; ' The fugitive* princess was tod; inex perienced to -know, that; she- was in a library- where; in^a'. faraway -corner the pale lady 'had for' old 'times'" sake' tol-^ crated the fairy tale book." rThe'prin cess began •to examine carefully :the young, wdman and 'soon; recognized bej. She remembered ' < that' they Vhad once been" 1 great J ffiends>fOh, very,- long 'ago, when the'- lady .still? Vorefshort.dressfe's and her." hair .; in' loose fciirls:'^ Now" her old friend seemed sad; whereas; she her self felt a mad $ desire* § to ; laugh ; and play.% She-*wanted< -sEt-ialK costs f to,.:;es-? cape'froriv her shelf and 'leave ; this sb^ ciety of solemn -books,;' clothed in silk, orfleather, drr in -paper, -which^looked .a mandarin's multicolored .robe., J But ? alas ! , the "^ bookshelf ; was ;. so i, high ; and £t the 5 princess '"': so "V small. ' v i.Where could "'"she >. look -fora help ?ll Lucki ly , v in.' : .: a \[ neighboring .i'ybluirie \u25a0 - lived "a ; young : ; lord £by"j the ' name 'of ; Romeo, ."who al ways kept within reach, a silken ladder! •\ Boldly/she borrowed it from - him -rand' [ hazarded • the ; perilous % - de scent. '-:•,: •, In an instant she : wasj on the .ground near/ the ' window » ledge.' ""The window :'. was : "open ;\u25a0, and a. branch ; ; of climbing- roses -i had' thrust -its j flowers through-: and amiably lent < its | help ( to I the fragile | little person whoVclurig \u25a0] to it. :>Thev branch! bent . under tiny " weight ; and * touched the ground and then. rebounded l Joyfully in; the air. . The ; vagrant \ princess ; found i herself at last, outside, "and ohi most wonder ful, in/a, gardenias beautiful "as her own-proses everywhere, flowers 'every-, where; a. grove' of lilacs, exactly 'as in her picture. -"All but the sun,- which shone here with a pale, mild light, like the" fabulous silver flowers T iri her 'fairy ; tales. 'All.; nature • seemed ~l wrapped; in anazure mist, and in a nebulous alley of flowers-ia young man^ was/ .coming toward v her.- He.' might ; have been heri faithful troubadour. • But the stranger's rapid '\u25a0[, stride 'brought him^ ; straight to -the ?who ft dared not speak, each , breath seeming f 'to' draw him j nearer to her ' Bide. Now he , had. reached : her,' and, clasping: her in his " arms, he . exclaimed \in '' tenderest tones, "You are ' the fairest: and most beautiful: princess :in \u25a0 the -world.", ; A thrill ran, through^the princess. "What was > it?"~ she sighed. ?'When you were silent your lips uttered the most beau tiful swords." /\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0''" \u25a0'•-';\u25a0 .'-'"•: ' . .. "It was but a kiss," murmured the young man. still, holding her fin his embrace. ;' "I do not understand," said the young • princess in - a -hesitating \ voice;' leaning her head against her ldyer's .breast. "Xever did I hear a word of /this in •my book : of fairy t ales.: A .kiss— what ;is.-it?"^;-, , : V, v v. ;.-,,. \u0084-,.: :.•.:.„, ; \-, >. "I -know," -whispered the - stranger, wi th a ; mysterious . smile, V'and? that is why^.l can not: explain it to you.' >He who can^say'; what is a kiss. : is;the one whojdoes.hotikhow." ij, \u0084 -.. And- henceforth, the little golden .haired princess, her heart^ full* of t love, escaped..^ every"., night from . herrbook and, listened, to the .-'silent;, words -•. her lovers' lips spoke s to hers;?, Hastily; at •the ."cock's ; crow , she would slip '* back Into thTe- old "volume's pagesr. and she ;did not see ; that gradually; everything 'in ; the' picture '* was .'•; changing.; ; The lilies:.whlch each' mornirig.;-she .found where, she ;. had ''-•'thrown \ ihera were slowly: fading£-the ; faithful ; troubadour growing pale,' in- the shadow Vof the "flowering lindens. it; was -the turn- pt the/old ,book. " It -Dlayed hide and ' seek, ; withdrew" from ".its .Dlace'and - its I yellow ' j pages hid : mysteriously love-letters. v ; : ;. \u25a0 :\ • Apparently it !was trie sad eyed lady -who;, at night hid f. them 'there; for at .dawn,)when the .'little -brlnceßS /.would .return', often: she; found Vh'erj inf the; li :brary^ bending; over V book. * under vithe , Breen'roofe'd "light. -I 7 :: V i'^Z. *• ;\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . ; .> \ ?T But Vthe -:prinp°e'ss •;'"• "gave ' .her" little • thought. Jli-Her \old4frieiid Soften burst jintovtearsr>nd seemed, to . be' ."vnhappy " \u25ba;but;vthe^princess vdid;;hbt:tkhbw yet v;what i sKrief/.me.ant,^forj;-(l_ieVhai»py bear (s^". 8 *! 1116 'in vtheir ; eyes' and . see^a "rain THE .; picture, presented today is that of the «>girl blowing soap bubbles, and is an excellent subject tfor. the youthful 1 artists -, to exercise their skill upon; This picture painting is splen did practice for the children and The Junior Call is delighted with the in terest- they take in. it '\u25a0\u25a0 . •; ; - - ' \u25a0This picture work is for'the younger juniors only, th^se -who are 10 years of age and younger. Twenty : paint boxes will be awarded ib'-20 pictures most ar tistically^and neatly colored. . Color your picture as quickly; as pos sible and mail it to the . editor of The" Junior Call so that it will arrive not " later . than Wednesday afternoon, as pictures received after " that time can not be used. . " . '.- Be: sure that; you write your; name and address plainly. \u0084 The childrenwho have been awarded prizes forpalntingUhe picture of "Tlic \u25a0 Singing-BoyT' are: v Itre'er 6^ l^ 2^ «• 3733 ' twenty-sixth street, San Francisco, age. 9 years \u25a0PeSS' SaleS ' 722 Third street. \u25a0\u25a0' ?!!^ Boswell, ! Soledad. age 9 years. «^f! le ;E.' Jones, Suisun City,, age C Hippolyte: Humbert, -933 ,; Pacific : ?i r . cc . t > !San Francisco, -age lO^years. •:•• ;-> vAlleen Too. Bow, =804. F street, :Fres no..age 10 .'years. f r v ; Jotf, Martin,> Twenty-sixth street hos \u25a0 pital, age 9 years. ; «* V l ns Gree n.«*2l East Poplar street. &tockton,:age 6,years. . \u25a0 Georgie Bates. : La Grange,; age 5 v Amy Dubois,"-2245t Market street, San I'l-ancisco, age; 9 years.r . • • .•*'\u25a0\u25a0 .• Elmer:-, Short, b J4171-^Twenty-fifth'^ street.San Francisco, age ;7 years. -. - I- rancls -.-.; B.". Corcoran." .Fairfield, age 1 10 'years; /\u25a0 \u2666 :?. i \-Vv>^i. '-^^ \u25a0 '':. ">:.-.': \u25a0•'•\u25a0 w \u25a0' Harry.'; E.-- Heinz; 839. -Alvarado, street, "'* Ssan ; "l< rancisco,'- age -9- years. \; : . , John- Whitaker, '220 'James avenue, Oakland, age; 10^ years. - : ;'; ' ; Phyllis Congdon,'' 218! Santa Inez ave nue, i San Mateoi'age 10 years. ... \u25a0Andrew Van, Tassell,-2219 Devisadero street,, San "Francisco,^ age' 7 years.* Camilla 1 Loyal, \u25a0> 823- Kentucky street,, Vallejo.. age: 10 years. •\u25a0 \u25a0;:'\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0}\u25a0'\u25a0 \ \u25a0 Harry ;Murphy," 308S '' -King "' street, jLorin; age «• years*.'? ; , i .\u25a0;"\u25a0\u25a0• .'\u25a0; William 'Skelly,.: 307 South C- street. . San^Mateo.^age-S? years. ' . -. ' ; \u25a0 \u25a0 "Madge 'Montgomery; Jamestown, age •7 years.t -. -. ; - u \- : \u25a0;-\u25a0_ \u25a0._/.-. \u25a0;:\u25a0. -:\u25a0:%';,?; ;;":\u25a0: , Sroli> oi^;Hq\oit ; 1 In addition,?' The, Junior ; Call -is very -. happy.;* to ftbe.« able -*to'* publish'.'; the fol- > i lowing roll ;ofthonor: - ' : .'.- . Rosie^Alves,^ 2327 -Greenwich street,; San^Francisco..age?lo years.'; '' ..... .-: - J.tHalleni.Jr.,. 2522. c ßancroft way, - Berkeley, :age 9 years/. "' V ;. -. ..Arthur/Hobson.'V 2137 Virginia istreet, - age i7/y ears.":" \u25a0' . %' .V ~ -Dorothy/Lang, 248 * East Poplar, street. /Stockton,,-age :6^ years. .-^; ' -\u25a0\u25a0 - ; '-'{\u25a0 •\u25a0";• >>:* '.-:-'• : ;' F. ranees . Coff ey,'- : Cloverdale. a ge .9 : -years. \u25a0".\u25a0>;\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 -.\u25a0.-,:-\u25a0','\u25a0- -'\u2666\u25a0\u25a0;- •.\u25a0\u25a0'.- \u25a0' :'-r: '-r- •-.- '. -.— '.\u25a0•;"; Emilia \u25a0\u25a0.Elsa'iSherwb'od.-! 11*2 \u25a0{ Filbert street^SanFrancisro.^afre 9 years. .Mary.V. Holmes,- 367 East: Fourteent h: , streets Oakland,? age- 10 1 years.' \u25a0'v ; : -Virginia -Treadwell; Nevada: City^ age. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a07. years., 1 .-.\u25a0;. -\u25a0;;.:. \:--.-.. \u25a0:.-•- •. •.- y ,; ;-;\u25a0 : , ; Edward ; Maxwell." Chico'.Va'ge >> 6 ; years.'. . \u25a0: - Edward;. RJtter,> BSS. Shotwcll .street, "; San r Francisco, ; age ' B ; vrars. ; < \u25a0'.\u25a0' -\u25a0 ,'.-\u25a0' '• -": '."\u25a0 \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'. Murphy;; Cobb, %, 3108 ;«Lewistbn ! - street, \u25a0\u25a0 BerHeley,>age9'yearsr-:s *-V' \u25a0.? .'\u25a0.' \u25a0•-'.' i^Bell«Philippi;i2ssVAthens. street;., San P rancisco,-. age-10;years.-' - ; \u25a0: " - ' '\u25a0!\u25a0'.*-'"-\u25a0 > : ;SybilsHaw.klns,-625-f ; -Laguna street, ban^FranciscA:"" :^': r jT. \u25a0 : x-\* ;;\u25a0'- \*^.:,\ \\*'-\'-y ,"v Oscar.JA rnesen, \ 0 ;Llind y'^lane.'Va ge ; { 7 " r: s'Marie^E.,"HueteV,'i. 2220 IT\vent>{- fourth: streets S.a,nV Francisco, a ?re \ 10 ?y eavsrC!^ Vi'illiain^Skf!lly^ ; 3o7.?KouthV"C-« i streeL; ,'iS; jears.' v ' . p : -r. '"';;;: VEGETABLE AND FRUITS IN FUNNT LAND One afternoon the sun was hot. The air was clear and dry. When from the great big frying pan AroseaTfeeble cry. \ - And soon there came a smell of lard. 1 'Twas neither, meat nor jam. N:>w can the lost potatoes be /^ |(• A frying in the pan ?.. 3v\ bow even in the depths of a tear." \ 'Alas, time, '-which stands still In fairy : tales," was hastening pitilessly on { in" the world outside. ' On the earth the roses^were dying slbwly and the'turbu lent autumn "wind 'was; chasing the \u25a0clouds to cover with their opaque, masses the , moon's pale .silvery disk./ The dry.. bra-nches. bent and broke under the breath of the icy north wind. Dark ness and cold fell upon the garden. \u25a0 ' OftenV,the poor little crincess shiv ered, and fear of being alone in *the night fell* upon her, and each day she waitedlonger for her. lover. And when at- last he; came his footsteps seemed those of -her,-' faithful' troubadour. She \u25a0 did not"; know 'of the change : ; that had " come upon her heart j of ; her friend and that- now -he wished ' to leave 'her, \ whereas; she: desiredfto. keep him ever by her ;side.,_ And- so one; night she did nofhear .the ..cock's crow. ,Alas! when a;woman-'yearns to \u25a0 keeD,- a love. which 13 taking flight does she heed the cock's warning cry^? The unfortunate. prlnce|s - remembered- too late" the prophecy of \u25a0 the old. witchV- arid the following. night she was cruelly punished. 1 for her lover never . came back. : Leland ; John Spaulding, 1837 Vallejo street. San Francisco, age 9 years. : Clifford-Bekens. 861 Meade avenue. t Glace .Fletcher. X 126 I street, San Francisco, age 9 years. ...... .Muriel Dickey. Turlock. age 8 years; Dorothy. Rachel Richardson,", 36. Oak- . wood. street.".. San" Francisco,' age ,">9 years. ':"\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 /- r . • '•\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - : "\u25a0 \u25a0"• -\u25a0 \u25a0 . OertrudeFehn, 125 : B street, age 9 years. . : -v; . \u25a0 - ..;\u25a0.-_-*•. . ' Edith „B- Unsworth, Sutro Hoigh'ts. age- 8; years.' • \u25a0 • - •'• Lois "Hayward,. P. 0., box 615, age S ; years.-. Myrtle,- Lambrecht,. Suisun 'City," age 10 years. \ f \ — -\u0084 iihi^ "VCfonsuelo Girardin, 1642 Post street, San Francisco, age S years. A Dorothea ;B.:^Hohn, 203 Hoffman ave nue." San Francisco, agrc 9 years. \u25a0/'Florence H.-Hohn, 203 Hoffman ave nue, ; San-Francisco. age 5 years. Grace;;*Gilbert.>43l9 Twenty-fourth street.'age 8 years. :v - .- , • Corde.iratAnna.Gillrnore, Santa Rosa age 8 years. « \u25a0 ;, ;i . _; Virginia 'Rucher, 1209 Bonita avenuej Berkeley,'; age'S years.:. . Pauline .^Dikeman.' 2511> Dwight way, ; Berkeley,: ajye i> 'years. : \ "lrene ; ,Poole.M 29' West "-Gabilan' street,-' SaHnas,.age;9>years.V.: v .... .^Alfred/ Donovan, \u25a0 Atebla 206, age 10 years.-f:/",;; 1 ; I : '.-\u25a0>: '-..\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0-X- . -,-• \u25a0\u25a0% --\u25a0.--\u25a0'-!>•".\u25a0", May .Sloan, .129 -Page street, age 10 ' years. \u25a0 ':.-. \u25a0 _-:\ , "H; K<»nnetli '.Thompson, ".Kenwood, axe 8 years. « v',:*.':'•'.\l>v ', :*.':'•'. \l> -'-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0..--\u25a0 - ". <. Margaret Mary Enright, 60 South, Eleventh street,- San Jose, age 9 : years. vv-Stanley^Painter/ 1516 Sherman- street; - Alameda. aere:7; years. \u25a0 7 M: \u25a0..".'Johns.' -2051 =Santa" Clara avenue.-Alameda. \u25a0 age B"years.8 "years. /, LeonoraYCrutchet. il 80 J ' Buena Vista . ayenue3'Alameda;>a*se s lo-years. . . - : ':BeatrideMiller. i ,-30iPierce. street, San r ran cisco, Si-, years. •.\u25a0/,.•• \ •. ; i? Hazel. Hansen.': 102 Tilton avenue,. Sah'». Mateo.^age^g^yearsMv--.^--: . > - *v Alice -Casserly,;; 1679 "Dolores street,; San jFrancisco,^ag-e^7». years.' \u25a0 "\u25a0 •\u25a0'; £.Ida:JGreen,\ 42irEast vPoplar street, Stockton,vage«lo, year?.— ,r \u0084 . . . ,'Phillip Uvreiss. Redwood -City, age 5 years.- '.;\u25a0 -:.>\u25a0";. ;"'- 1 ;" '.; /\u25a0 - : \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ; - . • « Olive - Vlriyard.S»Santa Rosa, age 10 years. v". .-- \u25a0.\u25a0•\u25a0--.:.:•\u25a0-.;. \u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0; \u25a0 ; - ' -V:Richarcllyiist."-,lo2?Haight street; San It rancisco.Jagrt;' 7.' vrars: .- . r-'- \u25a0\u25a0-. \u25a0-,:..: t •\u25a0;-" John^K*: Shiman,^l oo3 "Sanr Pablo ave nue,^pakland;:age; 7.fyears. " . \u25a0- : "' JSrvbrman'? Jones" Jr., - 31S : Bro'adwajv. Chico,lacre,tlo?years. .. ! - -\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 - u,_: V- s • iMaryi'McEntoy.- R. F. D. No. l,;Petk- luma,*.age?.7iyears.,:^ ' \u25a0 ;::• . .. ,-.-. rvMabel^Fiums- rfnyerß. \ Bolinas. age ;10f years.' \u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0;•-:-'.""\u25a0 V ; '-\u25a0''/\u25a0 ' : ,. . .;-." ; \u25a0, , :\u25a0.. 529 i.Thirty-first street, Oakland,'age"!> 'years.: I^^ \u25a0 " , : "' ', ":;.•; Evelyn * Wilton. ,-rS32A--Vallejb "'street. T San'jFranciscq..sage'*loi years." - v .; . t '\u25a0vDoriSißpultbn.; 1724 ,Turk.street.%'Sah '•\u25a0 Prancisco,#ages6<years.»-- r?; - : •;-\u25a0;\u25a0•:'( y j ;*', liynwbpd'rßiriiassar.' ' 1 017^,Thirty-sec- ! ond£ street* Oakland, ? age f l o *years."- , : ' v ; irJames spHlon;'" 167-f Lexingtonr avenue,^ agei;6fyears;« > :,Vv }-y\:.i;- : : -\u25a0"« C:^' :*\u25a0 '\u25a0' ; *\u25a0•; Bernert? 2009 i.* Broderick street;-.:S»n Francisco, apre'Olyears. Ruth vW'e?t|und;'uSll;'. Santa 4 Clara' ave'-i •.nuer^AlAin^da.-'aare^Si year?^ : . '->r;V'*J: ' :;,;:: Minn i<v'.\ Beck ma nn; .'; 'Alabama : street.'; Sun i Francicssco. 1 * age'. S ., yeurs. "';. THE \u25a0•\u25a0 FRIED : POTATOES ' The new potatoes rushed to save I Them from a fatal plight . : \ They hauled a ladder to the stove And crawled up to Ihe light £> At list they stood upon the stove/ And saw them face to face .1 The lost potatoe's'fi^jng there s fc In that most dreadful place^fi • Long ehe waited patiently, and in thosel hours 1 of" pain the tears effaced from' her cheeks youth's tender roses and a strange unknown pain pierced her 'left side, and when the morning broke and she returned to her olil book of fairy tales the paper was torn at- the place- of her broken heart. In vain the'sun threw its ardent rays over' the! picture, in vain the radiant roses bloomed unceasingly, in vain the -sad velvet cloaked troubadour ap proached her with his motionless stepj Now she knew-it was alia fairy tale! and a dumb hatred filled her heart for him" who: was always '"coming to meet her- while the other i had gone forever. "It is finished!- Never again, will I escdpe from my fairy tale," sighed the unhappy . princess. .At that moment I a small Uretnbling hand lifted the old book "from the shelf. And she raised herself on tiptoe and leaned far over her. balcony, to see. The movement opened the book at the very place of her picture.;! . « Thefaded lily wearily fell from her hand. - ,rter old friend was not alone, for : by her side stood a young man; the princess recognized him. It was .. . Lylis Dreblow, Tulare. age 10 years. Ralph .'Gielow, ,1481 -Dolores. street.- San Francisco, age 7 -years. ~ \ Leonard Eagentoff, Bean Valley, age 9 years. - • - Oviedo -Forni, ' Placerville. age 10 years. \u25a0'<,\u25a0<\u25a0-*\u25a0 -- .-\u25a0 \u25a0•.\u25a0--; Charles' Henderson, 529 Ramona street, 1 Palo Alto, age S -years. Max >H. Fersch. 4532 ' I street, S"an Francisco, age 8 years. -'•' Gladys Sheehy, Watsonville. age 10 years.; Ethel Jordan, 492 First avenue, San Francisco, age 7 .years. Isabel Ahem, Livermore, age 7 years. . -May' Carroll, 3948 Twenty-fifth street, age 8 -years.* . \ - Ruth-. Helmers, 2231 Brooks apart ments. Berkeley.'age 9 years. -- -Muriel.- Holtslers; 2737 Woolsey street, Berkeley, age 10 years. . .Muriel ;M. ..Cavanaugh, 2276 Fulton streetiiSan-Franclsco.'age 6 years. Mabelle Bradley, 246 North Fourth street, San Jose,, age B ; years. : "John Boynton. 526 Twenty-fifth ave nue, age" 9- years. - \u25a0-.' Chapin, ,123 West Lake ave nue. age:7 years. 'Audry Dodson, 371 Glenn avenue, Fresno, ? age. 3 v years. • , \u25a0 Eugene. Orme./ 1 554 William street, -Oakland;; age" 9:years. Vivian . McGrath: 414 Waller street. San j, age ..7. years. •"-\u25a0"- Helen = Andrews. -4317 Twenty- third - street; .San \u25a0 Francisco.% age 10 : years. . . . -Carley J. Lehmann, Hayward, age 10 years. . ' Alice GRles, Sausalito/age 9 years. •'- r Jennie .Gales. Sausalito, age 10 .years.. \ Alfred Gales. " Sausalito, age 1 S ; years. /."Evelyn E. ; Morrbw, Jackson; age' 9 years. «*: )' Flora. Mabel ' Pearce, Merced, ase S \u25a0 : years.> '••.'••"-• --•-.' '•- •.',* WsSl j.'iWillla'm A. Sims/careFranklinStage. Sacramento,' age; B years.' -Guldo E. Garbarini; Jackson^ age 8 ;, years. :^ *• *\u25a0='\u0084.: ! " ";\u25a0'.':\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0';\u25a0-. - '-\u25a0 * ; Arthur Pedersen, Petaluma, ' age .8 years. ?- \u25a0 r.- f '\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -.-' . Elizabeth {Rhyner.,: 1505 Kentucky street; age S years. . , H^s'gSfSffinjfflß Edwina:Pratt ; . 274. North Fifth street, San •' Jose. , age 10 year3.';;Jßwi^Bß^HWte|a : Llla: Clevenger. 3SI ; Hawthorne ave nu^Palo Alto.. age 8 years. • Charlie Cleary; 300: Lyon; street.: San . Francisco,, age; B years. -, > •J: Everett Ov;en,\ 1 1 65.; Valencia Sah\Franc!sco. \u25a0 age , 9 v» a ra - : .Walter Pe'tersen.:l4S* West, I^ake ave nue, ,'Watsdnville, fage s'years. "- \u25a0 ' - .'J^ EsteinfPetersen,-; 1 4S V West; Lake ,aye .:: n.up * Watsonvllle.-.asre : *7.''years.* '. -"' .\u25a0*\u25a0 4">R6se' Rollin., Petaluma, • box .55, ' ! .rural;4: \u0084",'\u25a0\u25a0. *%\u25a0 .- •. J" ".Christine -'Albright Heller"; Los Gatos. - age 9-years. /-'-' \u25a0 r Edith/-M.^Meyer. 2021- Alarrieda /ave nne, "Alameda; ag-e 9 1 yea r s.~>^ffißp|iH i iiPauline>Marron, -330 Webster street. £'age|lo*years.:; ' \u25a0•'; iNewton .Weedale,.6o3;.Chester avenue. S.years. ; .* \u25a0'.'. \u25a0\u25a0- ",tTßerdier::Mitterithal. ;SO2. X street, i Fresno';- asrp'S '.vears^f^-, '\u25a0 > '" ' X file; Oa nb: Gold Run; ;i ze Ift yea rs^; " " -^ ,-Bernice .«•\u25a0 Donnelly. ! 2026 .Broderick street.7aee S .vpar.s.. GRACIA KASSON AND ERNEST TSCHANTRE JR. They brought a rope and tied it to -The frying pan so hot. And made a grab to snatch the pan Right there uponthe spot Thsy pulled this way and pullsd that wayV The fire was red and bright; It scorched tfie peeling of the four Potatoes— what a sight I But when they pulled tt of! the stove— \u25a0 - The night was cold and stfllT- The fried potatoes in the pan Ne'er moved as live things wilL I' Oh my." the cook cried when she saw The pan upon the floor , " The hoodoo man has stolen in^ I While I stepped through the door." - He. Then the little chatelaine began to tremble so that the ,'romantic castle with i£s towers and turrets, its sunny skies and shady trees, all shook and trembled, fn unison with the fragile little body. For one moment she thought that all this fairy tale world was crumbling away. i 'As if he had never known her th* young man let his indifferent gaze fall upon the poor forsaken princess, while the* sad eyed lady drew from the book her faithless lover's passionate letter* with their, written promises of never changing love. But he, annoyed and impassible, shrugged his shoulders and repeated that he must leave and travel far away. "Of course he would return some day; was she not his only love?. ,"So he vowed ' to . me," thought the little princess,^letting her sad eyes rest on the~pale face of her old friend. "What! Has she also come out of her fairy tale? She. too. was deaf at the cock's: crow! Poor .unhappy one! Your heart, too, is being torn, since it is not only the princesses in fairy tales whose hearts are made of paper." Ihe Stag and The Fawn A PLAYLET Copyright, 10OJ>. by -Aojttwta Sterenson. Branches of cedar in vases or .boxes will do very well for the forest. A looking glass makes a splendid' poo!. . The thicket. might be shown by chalrr with legs caught together. * CAST OF CHARACTERS THE STAG. THE FAWN. ateX * IUNTERS ' The stag "and ,the ra'wn enter the FAWN — Here Is a pool! STAG-^We will stop and "drink. FAWN—^-1 see your horns in' 'the STAG— Ah, yes! FAWN— Like a strong tree they look down there./ STAG— They are .strong! And are they not beautiful, child? FAWN— They make you very grand, dear father. STAG— No king with crown looks grander! FA.WN — I r see your feet In the water, father. ; „,.';. STAG — Do not speak of mv feet -child! FAWN— Why not? They are small and slender. STAC-— But .they look so weak. I do not; like my. feet af* all.* I wish ihut they were difterent; \u25a0 (A . hunter's.'horn' is heard. > STAG— Come, child, come! SCKXEII^-ALITTLK KATEII .-'.(The stag is. caught in a "thicket bj ; J his .horns. > . . \u0084 " FAWX- A". man Is.near! I hear hirt. \u25a0 ; .c.aV not . f re« , myse 1 1 ! FAWN— AIt, if you only had no ..'STAG— Or, it they were, only not so .^strong and not so i grand I.; , feet . could ':: save "you . th<?n r . dear/. father. -.-" • -.joTAG-^o, ;child, and tet your feet save you.;. i^FAW- l;<ian not bear to leave you father!" STAG-tGo save, yourself. Go go' (The fawn goes. The hunter e'nt*'r«'^ ;•• HUXTER^Aha: I .have you now' S ho"u . Rlm3 hi3 ' SUa at the sta « and