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8 SURPRISED TO FIND HIMSELF IN JAIL Wealthy Aline Owner Does Not Remember Running Amuck X on Staie Coach Weird Effect Produced by Some Unknown Brand of Yuba '<} County Whisky [Special Dispalch U The Call] MARYSVILL.S, Aug. 13.— When J. H. Hunger awoke in a cell in the city prison here this morning his mind was a blank as to. the circumstances that l»fl to his being incarcerated. His first question was, ••Where am 17" Atunger does not remember one item about his adventure of yesterday, when, as & passenger from Camptonvllle on the Incoming stage, he attempted to take possession of the stage and threat ened to kill the driver and passengers with a big pistol that he flourished in ah ugly manner. Munger was finally overpowered, his weapon taken away and he himself, marooned alongside the road. He later reached this city by buggy and was arrested. Munger is a prominent mining man, owning, with another man, a rich mind in Fierra. county. He was On his way to San Francisco to close a mining deal when he was arrested. It is be lievea he stopped at a. wayside resort and took a drink and was drugged, the results being startling for him and landing him in ja.iL He will be relea*ed_this evening on bail *nd will proceed to San Francisco to transact his business. NEW RAILROAD MAY HAVE EASTERN TERiMINUS Sacramento and Sierra to Ex tend to Lake Tahoe {Special Dispatch to The Call] GEORGETOWN. Aug 13.— There has T>«en much speculation here as to the eastern terminus of the Sacramento and Sierra railroad, which, it has been announced, is to extend from Sacra mento to Lake Tahoe. The road is to be a timber road, end it is not thought here that it will extend beyond' Virnei". To reach the lake from that point it would be necessary to climb 7,700 feet or tunnel a mile and a half through the mountains. Either one of these undertakings. It is argued, would cost too much money for a short line. It is the belief here that if the road in extended it may be safely said that It will become a part of a transcon tinental line. SALOONMEN OBJECT TO DANCEHALL AT KENNET Want Place Closed Since They Made Reforms Themselves ISptcial Dispalch to The Call] KENNET. Aug. 13. — Kennet saloon men who have eigned an agreement for midnight closing have made .com plaint against a dancehall which has just opened and runs all night. The prbprletore recently lost their liquor license and are selling a brand of "near beer." It is strong enough to intoxicate, however. The saloonmen will ask that the place be closed, say ing it injures their business now that they close at midnight and refuse to sell to minors, women and to in ebriates. Yon Can Have a Family Picnic On the broad, sandy Tunitas <rlen —38 miles on the Ocean Fhore Railway, six trains Sunday.* Time table page 19. • GREEK LABORER BADLY MANGLED BY SHAFT Employe of Napa Cannery Re- ceives Serious Injury [Special Dhpclch to The Call} NAPA, Aug. 13. — George Smirles, a young Greek laborer, employed at East Napa cannery, was so badly injured to day by being caught in a revolving £ha.ft under the building that he was not expected to live. Smirles had been working in the fruit on the main floor of the building and his absence was not noticed until the engineer heard a cry of pain from the basement. The machinery was stopped and Emirles was fojaod with his clothes torn off his body and badly mangled. - Continuance of Grand Sale of Lots in Subdivision No. 2of Sunnyside^begins Sunday /at 9a. m.; <=\u0084^jß.l 2 2fe st , t !! o ? ie "J )UiIdl1 }?, sale Jn San Francisco. Lots selling very rapidly.: Enthusiastic lot purchasers huildinj? homes at s ounn>siae wun least possible delay. Over 65 new homes completed-within 57 days and 23 more in the<cburee of construction. Prices $400 to $600— including all improvements— -McEnerney_ Title Free V No lot is farther than 400 feet from, direct electric car line to, the ferry and the business district. t^ $ s *i°Jl' trifllnR < ;f UR ?. to st t rt ou . on tho^ f oad tor fortune; .%s:qq, down on,anyMot J of ;all - the: many'lots in -beautiful Sunnvsidp • ' but-io^al^thV^^ lenities, such f as : stores, '.schools,- churches and, last AYe can begin building^ your home im mediate jy-^pn the same easy^terms " J -Sale Commences 9;Vclock A. Al. Sunday From 9 a. x ro^T3ntil sundown arelthe, big hours for home buyers^ and speculators. Come early and get a good tJick "RpmomK..' the guarantee. Does it not bear investigation? Gome out and see Sunnyside and be convinced. S P»ck. Remem .b^^ ROGERS & STONE GO., Inc. 457-67 Mbriadnock Building Rhone Douglas fts Bo PHdne Mission 198^ v : ' :-': -'. :^Y:\ With an' Offlce ?aV(sunnyside^r -\u25a0 r" ''*-"\u25a0' ~ *'-'"- Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys ONE NEW LAW IS DECLARED VOID Judge Bennett 'Decides^Against Bill Relating to Sale of Liquor Near Labor; Camps [Special Dispatch to The Call] BAKERSFIELD, Aug. 13.— Judge Bennett in. the superior, court, today decided that the law. passed by^ the last legislature prohibiting the sale of in- ; toxlcating liquors within four miles of any labor camp .engaged upon pub lic work is unconstitutional. This was a test case of the law. In rendering- his opinion Judge Bennett said In part: ' The proviso in said section, whereby a man who has been engaged, in the business of celling intoxicating liquors at a given place for six months is per mitted to continue to sell such liquors, while a man who has" been engaged in such business for only 5 months and 29 days is prohibited from continuing such business, is so clearly in violation of the provisions of the constitution requiring all laws of a general nature to have a uniform operation that no judge or court ought to shirk the duty of declaring such a statute to be un constitutional and void. ! FARMERS REFUSE TO SELL WHEAT AT PRESENT PRICE Stockton Grain Market in Na ture of Deadlock [Special Dispalch to The Call] STOCKTOX. : Aug. 13.—The situation in the local grain market is in the na ture of a deadlock, the dealers and farmers being unable to -' reach any agreement as to prices. The high prices offered for wheat a few weeks ago have "spoiled" the farmers, argue the dealers, and they can not come down to the present quo tations. There has been a general re duction on all lines of grain of $2 a ton. The crop this year in San Joaquin counts' exceeds that of last year; As most of the farmers are well to do, and a^s the weather-conditions will per mit them to allow. -their grain to re main in the fields: at least a month more, they can afford to hold off from seiling. Another reason assigned for the low prices offered is fear of Oregon gralii being Imported. The Oregon farmers usually sell their stock as . soon as harvested. SUPERVISORS PREPARE TO BUILD GREAT HIGHWAY San Joaquin County Road Bonds Provide Funds {Special Dispatch to The Call} STOCKTON, Aug. 13. — It is probable that the first section of the San Joa quin county highway, to be improved under the $1,890,000 good roads bond fund, will be 20 miles along the lower Sacramento road from Stockton north. The supervisors recently sold $280, 000 worth of the bonds. R. M. Morton, thje government engineer engaged by the San Joaquin county highway com mission, has had a corps of surveyors at work on the. highways for several months. s . A pdrtion of the strip will probably be improved with asphalt: macadam. The specifications will call for a 16 foot roadway for the first five miles. BOY IS CRUSHED TO % DEATH BETWEEN CARS Van Nash Killed While Cross- ing Tracks at Winters WINTERS, Aug. 13.— Van Nash, the 14 year old son of Warren G. Nash of this city, was crushed to death to day between two freightcars while crossing the yard tracks where a train was being made up. .With Alfred Mc- Call, another youth of this place, the boy attempted to pass betweeiv/two cars on a side track. Just as they were in the middle of the track a switch engine Bhoved the cars together. McCall Jumped to safety"; but Nash was caught between the. bumpers and his right arm torn ofit at the shoulder. He was dead when picked up by those whd saw the accident. THE SAN <FEMvOIBeO CALIi; ;SATUKPA^ 14, 1909 LOSES HIS WIFE ON LEAVING THE ARMY Former Soldier Sues . for } -Di= vorce, Admitting He Was Warned of Desertion • [Special Dispalch to The Call] : SACRAMENTO, Aug. 13.— Asking. for a decree of divorceon, the groundthat Stella P. Handlin desertedrihim because he left the army, .William Handlin has brought a suit In this: county. '' ? j: Handlin says they were^ married in Portland In 1899, while he was an en-J listed soldier. -Mrs. .Handlin "wanted her husband' to 'alwaysV be ; a r soldier brave, and is alleged to have; said: "On the day that you cease a soldier I cease to be your wife." r Handlin -thought she was joking, so he secured his discharge, upon which Mrs. Handlin left him. r TOWN OF RIO VISTA WORRIED ABOUT SEWERS Can Not Have Outfall in the Sacramento ' River [Special Dispatch to The Call] ' SACRAMENTO, Aug. 13.— Rio Vista; the lower Sacramento river, town. Is in a quandary I because ; the "state^law pro hibiting' a "city from: dumping, its sew age' into the rivers -may be- invoked against it' If- it builds- a; sewer system and attempts to use the watercourse for the disposition of sewage., Theof flcialshave asked the help of the 'state authorities. A few- of the; property ownersithreateri to balk 'their more,en terprising fellow* townsmen if a sewer system is attempted, 1 for^no other rea son, it is asserted, : than to sSave cjc ; pense to themselves. JAPANESE PHARMACIST LEAVES AFTER ARREST Druggist Had No License to Carry oh Business [Special Dispatch to The Coll] SACRAMENTO. • Aug. ; 13.— Arrested two daj's ago for practicing pharmacy without a license, S. Matsamura, a Jap anese, has- dropped, out of sight berofe the officers had a pUhish him. There is a dispute ;between/,the dis trict attorney and .the agents' of the state board of: pharmacy aa to future action. The agents nave asked: that the prosecution of the case be. dropped on the ground that it, wilL.interfere with future work.. District Attorney Wachliorst has re fused and says Matsairiura must" be punished. ..." .; WILL ISSUE BONDS Fofe HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT Supervisors of Merced Call a Special Election MERCED, Aug. 13.— The county su pervisors called a special election today, for September .•" 18,; When a " proposal'" to bond; the county; for $745;000 for. high way' Improvement will be laid before the voters. The proposal, contemplates the'-improvement of 242. miles.of road and the expenditure ' of $300,000 for bridges and 2 culverts. The " plans for the road work were prepared by .a commission appointed for that purpose several months ago. Sacramento Valley Brevities j \u25a0 PLANT; RESEMBLES SNAKE— Placerville, Aug. 13.— Jatnea McGraw h»s a cucumber plant flre feet long which was grown on his place near Georgetown. The plant looks like a snake, being colled, with one end sticking out like a snake's head. WILL KEPAIE LEVEE BREAK— Colusa, Aug. 13.— Work will be bopun within a week, or so on the immense break In | the levee of, district 108, three miles abore \u25a0 C'olusa; > This , brj>ifk is almost a' mile wide, and - through : it " last January, water lrom the Sacramento river; poured In . Mormon «i>d Yolo basins, flooding Knights Ijindlngj and caus ing -gfeat damage to farm land In that ylclnltj-. PLANS BIG COLONY— WiIl OWB, Aug. 13.--- The Plttsburg \ syndicate. ', which . has t recently taken over more than 100.000 : acres '-. of : land In this : riclnitj- for irrigation, . added 3,100 acres more to its holdings . today . with ; the purchase of the McCune GarneU rancli "above Williams. : The company plans to put water, on every acre of Its land and then start a mammoth colonization scheme, ..\u25a0-•\u25a0> .. " ~, .. :\u25a0:."\u25a0 : . REDEEMS TRACT ONE DAY TOO LATE H. H. Yard May Lose Possession of Valuable Timber in Plumas County \ ' \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:.' '*'"*" '-' ' ' — VsS*S7y"':-V {Special Dispalch to Th: Call] MARYSVILLE, . 'Aug. .13. — Because' he w as /one day : late •in redeeming a large tractof timber land that had been sold 1 6 ; "satisfy *a , mortgage,' H. H. Tard; r! a prominent timber, landman of northern California,; is; likely,'; to .lose possession of valuable, standing, timber In 'Plumas Countyeast of this city.; ' , : ; The' suit to settle possession »to :this tract has : been, brought against Charles F. Beidlng/ as commissioner,- to compel him to'i execute a -deed? to -the 'plaintiff, the- Truckee "lumber company,'- which bought the tract from- Josiah Bartnett, who bid itiin atthe salei : ; > ; Yard -. redeemed ' the (property, ..but the company i alleges he* did so qn the three hundred and sixty.-sixthday; after- the sale, whereby : the law ! provides that it must :be^edeemed"in : one year.: .The trial- will be"an interesting one. ; : LAND OWNER CHECKS : BUILDING ;OF LEVEES Refuses to Permit Hauling Across His Property -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0,- . -\u25a0 \u25a0 {Special \u25a0 Dispatch ito The Call] MARYSVILLE, Aug. .IS.— The refusal of; S., Hauss, a prominent land' owner of Sutter county, to allow workmen: to haul 'dirt: and material across his lands, will, in ; all probability,^ put a stop to important levee" building contemplated by the directors of levee district No. 1. rThe diectors have j abandoned a large piece of levee that; was ruined 'during the last high water, .and are advertis ing for : contracts to erect a levee^more than two: miles long, parallel with and about a mile ! away; from : the old-levee. . Hauss : owns the Y lands between V ; the :'levees, ; and the only way to get- earth I and material, for: the new levee Is to i haul it over the .land. • \u25a0 - BOY DOVE HUNTER SHOT WITH HIS OW/N WEAPON Bullet Pierces Lung When Gun •;\u25a0", Is Handled \specidl Dispatch to The Call] MARYSVILLE, Aug. 13.— Fred Fred ericks, the 11 year old son of J. C. Fredericks, | shot himself through one lung yesterday afternoon while he and his brother;.' were hunting . doves .\u25a0 near the Fredericks home.. The boy in some manner had the muzzle of the gun near his body and .it .was discharged, the" 1 bullet plowing- through him ; and- cut ting;through a lung. He is in a very bad way. , MARYSVILLE IS READY I FOR A BOND ELECTION Citizens Will Vote for Water and Sewer (Special t Dispatch lofhe^CallJi iMARYSVILLE,: Aug.; 13.— The board bt town" trustees of Colusa; has called a special to>be; held 'in -Colusa August; 3l, .for- the purpose of voting oh the proposition l of bonding the town for $50,000 for a municipal Wateri : works andra 'likeVsum/for sewerage sfeystemsi The general sentimentUsV in :favar, of the bonds," and :: they will undoubtedly carry by v a large majority. . ;' ;\u25a0 HOODOO DAY EOR CUPID IN CITY OF MARYS VILLE Six Divorce Suits Filed, x .Wives Being Plaintiffs [Special Dispalch to' The Call] MARYSviLLE, Aug.' 13.— Cupid was today made ittie victim" of the. hoodoo of Friday falling' on the- thirteenth of : the month.', ; • ; - /; ; Six \u25a0 divorce cases were begun today, one ' lawyer,; handling^. all six'J and ' the plaintiff , ln each instance' is the wife. ii \u25a0cJ.This Is. the 'largest number of divorce cases ever^brought : in r the] county ; in any' one day: and particularly by 'one attorney. .•\u25a0; ' .'\u25a0.'.-. POLICE CHIEF TO BE REAPPOINTED Stockton Commissioners Will {Disrate Captain Craig at Next ; Meeting of the Boardv [Special Dispalch to The Call] STOCKTOX, Aus:. 13. — Chief of l'ollce Frank >B.'*Brirtre. Captain of .Police Michael Flnnell. ; 'j Police Detective John Donahue. " : Chief -: Engineer Fire Department Michael TMeCann. The foregoingare the slated. appoint ments; to: be; made byrthe board of po lice and; fire commissioners when -it" organizes' next Monday night. Frank B. Briare is the present chief and Doha hue is the city, police detective. John Craig is" police captan, but will not hold his position. Michael McCann,will succeed /himself as. head of the. fire department. ': • . . ;-, " -,V; Lois Newton, the present . secretary of 1 the Aboard, 1 will' be feappointed, and Ernest V^agner ; re-elected 'president: Wagnerfis theiorily, remaining: : member of the old i board," consisting- of Fred O.'Meyers,l R; B. Haley, and himself, that startedtheasitatJon for the Sun day -closing;, of saloons : in; this- city. Haley's "term recently expired, and Henry, " Eshbachf ,i a ' former, salobnman, was appointed in" his, place. llt :is {reported .upon good authority that; Wagner 'will "resign; shortly after the, new board is; organized. GIRL - 60SED BY; COW-^Grass Valley, AugJ 13. — Frances Manuel.. agM • 14,'. was gored by 'the family, copt aher milking yesterday, J but the girt still liTe* and 'her physician says she has a: good chance of ; recoTery. The * cow's * horn . pen^ttated the abdomen. v - ;' ' —If you want ; a home at' San \Matco where —a quick trip to and from business -- —perfect streets, sewers, etc., —the social- functions of the - Peninsula . Hotel: — a pretty, garden ; and a bungalow and oceans of fresh "air and good health and a strapping : appetite —and fa sure prpfi t : •on - you r investment— read the rest of this advertisement; —Read the paragraph 1 to ; the right and then the two propositions — - | PROPOSITION No. 1"I \u25a0H-This proposition is for the man who is in . a hurry to get; a home and who wants.some- thingi already; completed N We-' have 2 or 3 of the quaintest little* bungalows in therstate down at HaywartP* Park just aboutcompleted; —-They're; cracker jacks — -And ,we are- willing to sell' them at cost just to get somebody; to occupy; them at oiice.? didn't- build, them io^ make- us money because 'we . are : not in" the • building business and if we get the regular price for the Vlots we .will turn over the* houses at cost -^W6 c wiil senthem on terms ;; r^Av fewihundred dollars -down (whatever.: you can -spare) and the rest -at $25 or > $30 a month.' . '.- /•\u25a0• i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. / /^HeFe 'sj your chance, for a ibargain ! 318-324 KEARNY STREET - - San Francisco FRANK S. CRUMMON, Resident Agent; San Mateo ''•il 120 th1 20th Century Limitedl H Effective August 15th, the world-famous A H 26th Gentury Limited— lB hours Chicago to \u25a0* hi M New Yprk^will carry a through efectnc- p\ M lighted sleeping-car from Chicago to Bos- to I Lake Shore— New York Central I H FROM CHICAGO FROM BOSTON \ j m ' kv CHICAGO (Daily) 2.30pm Lv BOSTON (V*n 7 ) I.oopm M N Ar ALBANY - - 6.27 am _Lv WORCESTER 2.00 pm |j N LVALBANY --635 am 7Lv SPRINGFIELD 3.19 pm I ArPIT^FIELD - i.o§ aS Lv PITTSFIELD - 4.56 pm M M Ar SPRINGFIELD 9.30 am ArA fg A SJ ' ' I'll l^ T* m Ar WORCESTER 10.50 am Lv ALBANY - - J-2JP m f M Ar BOSTON - -11.50 am Ar CHICAGO - - 8.30 am I j M Tickets and sleeping car accommoidations for Jp II AugiastCisth, or thefeaf tor, obtained at our | 1 \u25a0"d city passenger office or will be delivered upon request. [ j d carltox c. cnixE, /n?Z^M§W^ CUr r^" nsrcr offlce tJ H san FrancUoo, Cal. Telephone Kearnr 321» g f : M WARREN J. LYNCI !, Passenger Traffic Manager, Chicago P j I MIMIMI|IHMMIIW»MIHM|I«M)||IIII|| II - y- AT SAN MATEO —Suppose you've a few hundred dollars saved up and are getting a salary. . :. —You wish to own your own home —You desire to get into a growing neigh- borhood. . —a place where fine people are gathering;' —where artistic homes are being erected —and where your neighbors all take 'de- light in their gardens and lawns- and cot- tages— « —-You haven't much cash, but you!ve plenty of pride— \u25a0Ail-nglit, : sir. you're just the man we want- Read propositions 1 and 2 I "- 1 - 1 PROPOSITION No. 2 —Jhis* proposition -is for the man who is in no hurry- and wishes a house built to suit him on a lot that he selects. —Bring us your plans and we will show you a J otinHa y ward Park and make you an 'easy term proposition covering cost of lot •~^y e require much down and' we won't ask over §25 or $30 a month — We will pay ail 'the bills and build the house just as you want it. You can oversee its erection if you choose. —Our only restriction will be that the house must ; be artistic, for there would be no ob- ject in our advancing jhe money If your place did not prove a credit to Hayward Park.-/ . A \u25a0