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JUNIOR SECTION THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL Issued Every Saturday ißraneispp andi Gailf Qrnua I HAVE YOU SEEM ALONZO? HE BOTHERS A COW AND TAKES TO THE WATER WHEN THE CHILDREN PLAYED BEING GOOD dear: I do wish mother and I I father were back again. It is horrid to be without them," exclaimed Sydney. "Just horiyd!" echoed Ella. "They will be so pleased with you when" they do come." observed Millie, their rlderly sister, sarcastically. "Oh," said Syd. cheerfully, "they know we oan't be like dolls In a shop window. And we really have been good these days, haven't we, Ella?" "Rather!" agreed she, - emphatically. "You were pulling each other's hair half an liour ago." went on Millie, and, longing to finish her story in- peace, she rose, frowning, and left the room,' saying: "The nicest game to play would be that of being quiet, good children, instead of troublesome little monkeys. I won.der you never try it." The two, left alone, looked at each other, and burst into a merry laugh. "What a funny game!" exclaimed Syd ney. "Fhall we try it?" "I don't know how to," . answered Ella, gravely. It did present. some difficulty, almost as much, indeed, as being really good, and the children silently reflected for some moments. "We must sit perfectly, -still with folded hands, looking as stiff. as pok ers," said. Syd'. at last. * > "But sometimes good children can do nice things," observed Ella, gravely. "J wonder what?" said Syd. doubt- . fully. <— — "Well! — well! sometimes, for "in stance, they give pleasant surprises." "Ella, you're a brick!"* exclaimed her brother, admiringly. "That's a splendid idea! Now let's think what surprise we can prepare for father and mother when they arrive this evening." - ; •' "Let's tidr the nursery," proposed Ella. "Too great a surprise," Millie would have observed, had she been thei"e». to hear. 'Too' stupid." exclaimed Sydney instead. "Anybody can do that." "Let's learn a bit of poetry to recite when they come." -- # '- "What nonsense!" "Let's pretend to be other people's children, and when father and mother are sorry, let's tell them it's not true." This was a great stretch of imagina tion for Ella, but Syd shook his head. "They would never believe it." said he. Then there was silence for a moment, and light came. "I've got it! I've got it!" shouted Syd, starting up excitedly. "Let's brighten up those old pictures in the gallery for them. We have time to paint at loast two of them before dark. Dingy old things! One of them is older than our great-great-great-grand mother, and she's never been touched. I believe. It's a shame to neglect old people like that. Hurry up. Ella. Get out the paints; the oil ones." The girl eagerly obeyed, and soon the two little mischief makers were busy at work on the old family-pic tures. They could not understand the value or the beauty of the mellow browns and dark colors of the portraits '--',\u25a0 O •« BESSIE AND TESSIE ENTER THE POLITICAL FIELD AT JUNIORVILLE and they only acted with the intention of giving their parents a. pleasant sur prise. But they forgot that it is pos sible, to do much harm through heed lessness and ignorant haste as well as willfully. - But how happy, they/were! "The old lady, now she's got some pink in her cheeks, and wears such a lovely sky blue gown, "is almost" as nice as mother when she's going to a party," said Ella, admiringly, "but I am not pleased with the" gentleman yet. Can't we make him smarter, Syd?" "Let's cut a button hole ip the picture and stick a nice carnation in his coat. Be quick, Ella." There could be no doubt about the surprise. \u25a0 Never were parents jj more taken aback than Ella's and Syd's when they saw the wonderful transformation made in their ancestors. Mother gasped some ; inarticulate words, but father remained- speechless and aghast, % for several of the' valuable old 'pictures were badly damaged and the children's' heedless behavior meant a serious loss to him. :- ; '^ \ "Surprises are not pleasant things at all," sobbed Ella, shortly afterward, In bed.- .. ",' ;-• " .:.:, \v "Thatls a. beastly game,", growled Syd,, hiding his.' the "pillow," ashamed' of the tears he'could' not 'restrain. ' Vl' knew nothing nice" woiiW-''come* of It; It's just like l©His gret into a scrape." ; . . ' '?:'. .- -. \u0084;„._-:;-.• 1 -.* -;\- -: \u25a0.-/,'\u25a0 PerhiapsV'he- was/ unjust.'VbutVsrniie: was not-particularly; happy; either. 'It was tiresome to. hav-V tovioo.k after wild children ;and ttnuch - morejiamuslng to read ;' but^rnow. J the - stofi* £$fffi£&w&t> Jocked away^. and mother^ did'notfseem lo , think? that Millie* hadCeven played^ at beingTK<>od. - So ttwit-Uhls "pleai ant surp^rj^ef'had only pne good' resulcT and thatjCas not . the! one which wag. expectedC^All three rcKlldren;r cKlldren;- learned' that ?It^^Cßa>' much - better i- to be goe«T than- siniply^ to play- ar-H.-; '-\u25a0 --- -'\u25a0 \u25a0 'S« Spectacle Holders When very young children squint.* or for other reason require, glasses, doc tors are often at a loss to know-how to arrange the.m so that they will be held in their proper positidn"without putting undue pressure on the delicate bridge of the nose. An English spe cialist, says Optical Journal, solves the problem by fastening a piece of tape, which may or may not be elastic, around the back, of the- head. This tape passes through eyes formed at the ends of the straight temples of the glasses.. Just Like Father's The other day. I took ;my young nephew to the barber for the first time. I hated to see. the soft little curls- cut off, but his mother decided they. must go. As the barber tied the towel- under his baby chin he remarked, ""How :do you want your hair cut, young man?". "Wlf a little round hole in the top, like my. faver's." . \u25a0 SAN^RAITCIi^,^^ The Sociable Mr. Toad I WAS sitting- upon a low garden seat when he made: his- first. call, : hopping to within five feet of: me, then stopr ping, to -look at me with beady, ques tioning eyes,, as, if trying: to ascertain what' his welcome would 'be. " •'. ; I began'hummirig a low song, but did not make- a .move... It happened' that was just ' the right, thing; to .do, for * toads are fond of- low 'music " Nearer .and nearer - came .Mr. Toad, until 'I could easily have reached out my hand and* touched him, -but I did not stir. Then he stopped and industriously. "'bef ; gan catching rthe flies which ; had set ".tled on a pile of hulls r that Ihad just taken f rom ; the strawberries. Those ; flies r disappeared as ~, by , magic,^ '\u25a0' so quickly did his 10ng, .. slender .tongue. move. Every morning, at the same hour, I visited the; spot, often sprinkling sugar 'on the ground ;to lure the flies and in sects to their-doom.i and sociable Mr. ; Toad never failed to- meet-! me. v Before , r a. month had passed he 'had-; learned to xome'ati my : signal— H>ne = long and two short ones.'JAt 4he end of.the '-'" secpnd* month -he | would crawl Jinto'tny • ojitstretched -hand .and ,1 permit;- nie. to ,-carry lii'mT to .-'the ' carriage . shed .and, hold -him vvvhile he -caught .flies* from ithe. windows.- "."As .1 . < said,'7 'he^^«n joyed • music,"' if r no*t, too :,loOd.-'";and i '"hls Y vheady;, . • eye's -\u25a0wouldtispArkle -wKenever ' l j'strucic \u25a0 -"!3nto one.of.his" favorite.- tunes-T^-He* dldi; "Jnot -want 'any : dolefuf" ones,' :a*nd'-,wt)uld* ;»liW -hie fdispleasure^by Chopping? a-VJay"- ITtf^l began: a; slow; serious • melody/ r/f > :-^Often after eating7u'.good rheair ; h>' *intb ; niyi-'lap,"." if '.l:> war .upon , the, floor,; and cuddle down. •35k a nap; " like; a' weH^fed ' kitten. r Al-\ ;so \u25a0 very : tamie"*ahd \ even j aftecr * -.-tionate" with ,me, he^was i timid .w.hen near;iand would; -JLJien. **^hlije in my sleeve, .ih;:the folds" o&inv*. awitess,/any where ; to - get; out of vslgb'tc"-^ " He' grew fat and, plump, and—yes aristocratic. '... He recognized his,priv ileges and defended' them. " If -another .toad ventured in J sight, he -would' in stantly, chase it away,: then return and cuddle 'down "near, me" in a funny tri umphant way. Like his human broth ers, he wanted all the cream, and, was not even willing to give away .the skim milk. , • f ... : .-,.., . -. ,- , ; - I have had many pet toads since, but never .one that showed the intelligence and affection that he did," although they all knew. more#. than people commonly credit; them with knowing. -There are no . better tenants f for a, garden than these same despisedtoads, for they pay their rent cheerfully as they go along, destroying. 'insects that it "would be hard to keep ridof without their aid. I have ''colonized" them there, .byVturn ing: a small box over a- soft spot in a shady'place/ first cutting, a hole in one side for a door., 'i If a partly tamed toad is- placed -near such a box, -. with Plenty of . sugar sprinkled around .to call- Insects, he . will, seldom " fail to ap preciate and appropriate At. ,1- never had warts or suffered the slightestdis . comfort "from .-.associating with my' friend, Mr. Toad. : - : -Suburban Life. i't"»"«iii">iH'iii'i''iiitiii'iiii>ii>ii|n|iniiiiiiiiiiii » 1 ni.|.| GOOD STORIES IN FEW WORDS AND BRIEF, POINTED POEMS Origin of the British Square Thegreatest of all Scottish'anniyer saries'-is that of Banriockburn, .fought one midsummer day, in .the' year 1314. Apart from • its bearing, on the; inde pendence of Scotland I .' the battle will always have -an Interest from the military point of .-.view j ' as •Bannbckburn may be said' to -have been the.-birthplace of "the British- square. '"Proud' Edward's"' army;" mainly- con sisted of , cavalry, , while -that , of the 'Scots, on the- other "hand,' almost .exclusively composed \u0084- .0f.-.-: fbotfolk, armed with the spear, and. these Bruce threw .Into "schiltroms." or -oblong squares — a formation .^borrowed :' by Wallace ~ from . the Flemings,', who 'had employed it with, success 'at Courtray— .to; resist * the charge : 'of the. English ;cavalry.' \- ;.;.,'• ;:'\u25a0.'•\u25a0.. ..;-.'\u25a0:;'\u25a0'.• \u25a0 •'\u25a0 . ; i Hitherto the . mounted, , mail-. clad had carried •everything" before him, j but Courtray and /.Bannockbuf n "proved that he was powerless "to';break resolute, spear armed .Infantry drawn up 'in "schiltrom" or hedgehog. formation, and 1 these two i battles ".revolutionized •the tactics of the continent and i of • our :-own .island. . by | the -lesson -:th&t -had been ,' taught-Uhem- at ßßatn t - applied" the; tac ,'tics of the Scots' wlthvbrilllahf success ;at ; Crecy, ahd/stUl^morevat^Agincburt. ;As it,:Was -the:Seof<f.« : who ; may vbe^ said Uovhave • orjj^inaled % tlie^ Bri tlsJqiX 'iquaYe" .at- Bannpck^ur.n; 'wa.s'^theyv again first to dis card ,it .wltn.l'their,, thih^redTllne.'Vand owing L to. our'cHanged 'conditions of • warfare, It-is i 'diircarded.aitogetheri • — — — \u25a0 : s'Sjt - \u25a0. ':\u25a0'. t-< *. Cause and: Cure When Billy yearnsrfor-exftrcise. * Instead \u25a0of-swingingvdumb bells- » NTJntnvthe : rafters ring- again. - •• i And ceiling .plaster,' crumbles, ; :_/. He' practices a "better plan, , ! . Xow'Sol. is fiercely, jgrowing;"- . ' Just takes' his little jacket off. , And tries his lhand,' at mowing. "That's . exercise*" ''you- say; • Where .tangled : grass is: twining; - To swing 'with measured . stroke and t .^ t SIOW, \u25a0' '. -. '• .'. v \u25a0MV: \i \u25a0' '\u25a0'.' ' '_;' ••'A scythe, all .bright" and ['\u25a0"shining." -'V.-V- Not Billy! 'Just to 'shave"the lawn .. \u25a0 He spendsihls best endeavor; \u25a0 Perspiring, makes, the mower. whir, ; "And; clips tlie turf, quite '! clever..- . . And 'then, ere pale historrld'cheeks, .; > iWith air.of an exhorter, ,' j ':. ";\.'i . ; He , says, "Say/ dad. I mowed the lawn; V Iguess it's worth a quarter." ":'( - VYou have^ made your /barg'aln -'- "first,'*; \u25a0:'\u25a0 .' "^\u25a0^.-^./\u25a0.\u25a0i .- - . ';.-;-.: . , Laughs dad; ;; "but here's ithe "money; ;i hope you'll, put it in your, bank, • -* Or use it wisely, sonny." . ; From getting hot .to'getting. cool, V ;How. , easy,'. with; a ! quarter! Now all of Billy's wealth goes up^^^ . And down— in' soda > water. ' ' — Grace. Stone' Field. : •. " t \u25a0\u25a0:. • '\u25a0 - •\u25a0 \u25a0'.\u25a0;\u25a0,:,\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0. •'..=:;,...\u25a0 \u25a0'- The Hunt IslUp ' The. hunt^ is up, the. hunt Is up, \u25a0 And It \ is : well high: -day ; \ And Harry,. our King," is gone hunting To bring. his deer^to-bay. \u25a0 The east is bright with' morning light, ? Anddarkness-itlis .fled;-. ' -, And the merry horn wakes up the morn • To •' leave his 'idle bed.* • \u25a0' behold .the. skies with, golden \ dyes , Are* glowing, all around; ; The grass is green.-and'so are the treen, • All laughing at the sound. •" The .horses snort 'to 4 be at ;spprt,/. The.dogs are runningrf ree/ The woods rejoice at the merry, noise If Hey tantara tee ree!. -J, . v»^< i'\u25a0 ..'\u25a0*\u25a0 i \u25a0*'..,--, *'\u25a0\u25a0'': . \u25a0"• The sun is glad, to see. us clad , All-in our», ' 'And smiles in the sky as he riaeth high .. To.-see and to; be seen. . . . ' \u25a0 •\u25a0". .: ' ' .-\u25a0, ' .r. '. \u0084::\u25a0 - > . : .1 .. • . / 'Awake all mcn.'lsay 'again, •. - \u25a0 \u25a0 '*\u25a0 Be- merry as-you Imay; y • '_ For, Harry, our. King, Is» gone- hunting, UTo'brihg'his'deer'to'bajV J . • ' A Lost Opportunity: Sma 11 \u25a0 .boys •' are ;not .- alway«i a* v . syra ;pathetic; as-' their uwlsh.; but ion 'the Vother -handA they '"are" seldom , as rheartiess i as*they*sometirae« 'appear.* ; "" v '.''Why 3 are '% y outcry liig \ noV Tommy ?" tlnquired 5 : ones 6t-. tJie^^bQy's^auhts.'^who j found "h^r" small nephew: seated" on .the .doorstep, * ; lifting: up* his l voice •;^^in loud 'wailß.' ' \u25a0,:'\u25a0'' \u25a0 . \u25a0 '.-. . . \u0084'.,.: ', *:'\u25a0:_., ,<,.; . •'%:\u25a0 b-baby felii blubbered Tommy. ' '. :"*\u25a0'>'" '\u25a0\u25a0" ". '\u25a0'. .'\u25a0 ' "Oh, ; that's n too'- bad.l*. said; the aunt, stepping' over- to, him- and opening, the -door.'; *|I ; do hope, the little dear wasn't 'much' hurt'.".'" ' * \u25a0' ' •;• -~'- v ' , -\u25a0\u25a0 "S-she's *o*nly- hurt -a-. little!" "wailed Tonimy.V ''But; Dorothy , s-saw. herTfall. while. I'd gone to- the g-grocery! - . I n-never" ..s-see *= -anything! 1 ' — Youth's Companion, -v •'\u25a0 \u25a0 -. ', X Wish : • Mine be; a .cQt.-,.beside. a Jiill:. \ • • -A beehive's hum" shall soothe my ear; A willowya brook that turns a mill •;. With many -a fall < shall linger near. .'- ." ;.\u25a0 ;"-•-•' ' ; -- ",' : r< .. v.• ; . : . ' \u25a0The swallow 7 6ft beneath>my -thatch . Shall twltter c ;from : her clay \u25a0 built. ! ' "\.' : nest;" :''• ' /.\u25a0 . y : Oft shall- the.-pi.lgrim -lift the; latch And share my meal.'a, welcome guest; Around my. ivied porch shalT spring v ' Each fragrant flower that drinks the .;->dew;- ? •\u25a0 > .';; ;; /.'"•-.•. \u25a0;."' .-;-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0•''".•' -And Lucy, at, her^wheel," shall sing;^ _; .\u25a0'• • In ' russet \u25a0 gpyfri and \u25a0 apron '- blue. The .-village, church! among the; trees, ; ' • '.Where ; first .our marriage : tows were given," \u25a0 ", , .'.. \u25a0\u25a0- .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".'.\u25a0'\u25a0" \u25a0' *\u25a0:-.':"\u25a0*-".•- With merry peals i shall swell-the breeze -i; And; point with taper, spire- to, heaven. \u25a0/::..\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0-' -^Samuel Rogers^ . -«~>-»-«-«-«..«..». .»..«\u25a0 .»..»\u25a0.>. %~ »\u25a0« mii »i|i ti »i»i». .»-»-\u2666. Saw Him Home Frisky .was just a. little fluffy, .or dinary, dog, without .a, pedigree, and not credited with the possession of re markable intelligence,! but with two traits of character strongly developed —an j inordinate S desire if or .being petted and a most intense jealousy. . My son, who lived- about 'two blocks away,; had a pug pup -.which he'fre quently brought . with" him., when .he called* on us. The pug, .being 'at -the cute and cunning age, naturally re ceived % a good, deal: Qf; attention from the members 'of the family, much . to the .disgust .of Frisky. *On ; one : occa sion my son and. his wife had occasion to leave the city for a- couple of days, and the pug was \ left .« in ' our care. Frisky tolerated, with a .very bad grace, the company . off the - little pug, and tried to appear indifferent" to the attention his litle rival .received. -This continued, for two days,; when he sud denly- changed his tactics.' ,He v made frlends"with the little fellow "and. after gaining his confidence, , lured .him -out of the house. Then, engaging him in play.'he enticed him." by degrees.- away from the 'house until -he.. had ;led him all-ithe -way to .my son'sr- residence, where- he -left 'him' and i trotted com placently, home.'- seemingly much grati fied :in the fact that rhe « had t ~pilot«d away, the,; object 'Jot { hfs ; jealousy.— The Independent. YS& The Squirrel. "The Squirrel Js chappy,, the squirrel. is r \ gay," - \u25a0 :-'• .*•• • ~ '""-'" ;" :; ' Little_Henry exclaimed to his- brother; "He : has nothing . to 'do or. to .< think- of t , ibutiplay,. : . ; . '...;, And to jump from one bough •to an . ••- -ther. - ;._.- . .- - -"v" v \u25a0 But ..William was- older" and • wiser '- and '.' knew " " . .- V ._ , -That, all: play,' and*- no would - not answer, . " : «i So he asked what the^squirrel- in win i \u25a0 - do,". • * • " \u0084 If he spent^all the ; summer'a dancer. "The squirrel; dear Harry, is merry and wise. For true wisdom and" mirth go to gether;- • ' He lays up in summer his winter sup plies. . y ,". - , And then he don't !- mind • the cold weather." ' , •: . *• —Bernard -Barton. Cast iron Lighthouses Along, the coast of the gulf of Mexico the- government jis - building several lighthouses of . cast iron plates, riveted together and filled with concrete.- The. substructure . is, built entirely of cast iron; plating," the • plates sbeing flanged: Inwardly ; and. bolted together, • a slight shoulder . on the < extreme ' edge of - each I flange - forming - a t space "\u25a0 into which, suitable material may be calked. ' The interior 'is ! filled rwltlv concrete. .;. This substructure is "42 feefin height and 40 feet ihdiameter. r . ...- . .". • .«-«->-«..».. «..r«"»"« '»'« H' «"«\u25a0»\u25a0'»\u25a0•>\u25a0\u25a0»-*-»\u25a0 n \u25a0 « t i»n« n The Green Linnet Beneath -these fruit tree boughs,- that shed . Their snow white blossoms on my head. With brightest . sunshine .round m* spread. .-\u25a0\u25a0• Of spring's 'unclouded weather: . In this sequester'd nook, i how sweet To sit upon my orchard seat; And flowers and bird 3 once more to . greet. S My last year's friends together. One have I "marked, the happiest guest In all. this, 'corner of. the blest. Hail to thee. t far above - the- rest.' ~; m In. Joy; of 'voice andpinlon — • '-''*''\u25a0> Thou linnet: in thy green 1 - array.' Presiding 'spirit, here today.. > Dost lead the revel 3 ;of -the May,. , And this- Is thy dominion. While .thus before my ; eyes he gleams', A brother -of the leaves he seems. » When^lna moment, forth.: he- teems His;little:song, in. -gushes' / As if -it? pleased him' tQ disdain - And" mock the form, which' he did feign While,, he was .dancing with .• the-. train -Of leaves among- the. bushes. • ,-— William -, Wordsworth/ HowvHe Ate the Fig The -Bead .gardener of the 'Jardtn daa r lan tea in Paris gave one "df"ltts*help ecs—a very dull and stupid ; man — in structions ito carry to. the. great nat uralist, . Button, two fine fisj»— the first of • the season,' which <he had .been promised for. a long time. On the road the messenger ate one of the figs. Buf 'on, astonished to. receive only one fig. asked in anger what had become of the other one. The -messenger falter in gly confessed to have eaten it. VHow could you have done it ?"\ asked Buf fon. "Like this," said (the mart, and he swallowed the second fig. Nelson Deep graved : in . every ßritish heart. 0.. never 'let -his name "depart! Say to your sons — Lo. here his grave. Who victor died on Gadite wive; To him, as to the burning levin. Short, bright, resistless course wa* given; "Where'er his country's foes .. were found "Was heard the fatal thunder's sound, Till burst- the bolt on yonder shore. Rolled, blazed, destroyed — and was no more. —Sir Walter Scott. Attach Whistles to Pigeons In China It Is not uncomtnpn to'hear a melody of soft sounds, and on look ing -upward to locate them and dis cover than they are made by flying pigeons. Pigeon whistles are much favored In China, especially in Peking. They I are made of bamboo tubes Or of gourds and attached to the tail : feath ers Of the. birds, the sounds being; made by the: rush of air. through them while the pigeons are (in flight.