Newspaper Page Text
10 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES^ DEATHS Notable Deaths | .'IXE6 R. D. KEIXY. EDlTOR— lremont. N>b., Jan. J'.— Jam's It. 1». Ktily. editor of O>« . IXilins Time!?. «lieil here today, »!«) « 9 - ¥* bfgan hi* uews].ap.T oarecr in New York ar.d «as «t one Jim- Horace GwlfJ** »^ c(1 l) - T ' HERBERT KENNEDY, KEWSPAPERMAN— Irw Aiipr-I.^. Jan. !).— Horlnrt K.-npody, for- j n^rly - newspaperman of H.»st«)D »n>l _*»»« <'»?"• ; *n.{ iatfT B«TCMI7 10 forni.-r Mayor «»r- j l«v. rtifd t.visr. Kennedy w»fc a native «r BnrkUnd. Mo.. »-.l *** for 13 .v«rs ou lh* • M«ff «f thy Boylou Glob*-. \ — ''-—\u25a0\u25a0 ~ " BIRTHS I' KM ACE In il»»s city, January S, 1910, to the irifr of Wiliimn l.nmark. a d-ug-tfT. MARRIAGES KHl_en.S— if IIO.KKN— In tfei* city, January ! 5. ISIO, l.y the* He*. J. I^Uendeltn?. AWI j llrmy Kblrrs and Matbilda Julia | l«ith of San Francisco. i MAKZtII.K— ROMMEL— Id this city, Janumy «. I!»li>. by the B**l J- ruondclinjr. Kmil John Msrr-.lf an«l Amelia Uimimrl. lx>ih of fan rr>_cfe^. DEATHS An. Anceli<jue . . . — jK-J-rlier,j K-J-rlier, Mathirs . .•• 77 Bais«i. Frank 71 | K«ilt_«r. Henry .•• »- IV)r.«rini.b. P«>tpr. 45 j Koopuian. Clare ....< Kucusnau. Tlierfßa. — I Knowlos. Cb«rl<» -- i! • nrroll. Henry . . . 41 j Kyle-Allen. H- J-.-. -0 I Ca^ebohui. A. CTTWI j U-Icia. Cnlvrt L. . . J " • lark. Hnrnara . .. 77 | MoHugh, James ...43 < lousb. Mrs. 8. Tl". «t | M<-T-tufrbliD. Susan.. . -f> fnimllch. MuthilJa. — (Murpby. J»". a ,',S i."un_ing_atn. Owe... 0:< \ lMnder. Mnrtm W Il^nton A-nie 5.... K^Pope. Mary Ana ...«\u25a0> P* Itomf. I-oiiis . -- - W r '- Minnie S3 Pithois. Kitty _3{S»Uler, Aniw» — ntzperaM. Lake-- - : Sullivan. Nora P — roni,. ITtor W.. SS| Tobin. - Kiohard ..-.§o GOMwa. KatneriM .. *-s i v,h*>n Msrie i ;\*e]nr Abraham . . i W dr. Ollre ........ Glynn. Mary A . . . -4H Wtntej-son. Catbrrloe — Harrifran. MattUtw. US I | — .___ H. UMrbtt, Jr^rph ...j^o I Andrews (Card> H:pgias, John 75 I AVT-ln thU city. January 1. 1910 Angriique.. hrloved d_*«b*er of AlMn* nnd the late Eu- trrDO Att. aud sister of Eupeue Edmond and Kotert At.v snd Mrs. Francis Chapuis, a na- tJro of Shu rrancisoo, Cal. The f-Jir-ral services will be beld today .Mr-ndav,. .lannsry 10. 1»1">. at 10:^0 ». in., fr'm her late reside*-. \u25a0 -42J I uiou street. Interment .iTirare), Holy l*OM «««'W. by elertrio fun.ral car at 1- o'clock fiom Valeucia and Twenty-ei_-btb streets. BALSSA— In Alameda. Cal.. January S. 1910. Fra-k dexrlr beloved huhband of Mad»latnc Bal>M. ar<l father of n-r.ry. Frank andtm.« Balssa Mrs. Louis Cr^w and Joseph feuebcr. a naure cf Fran.*, aprd .1 years. Tbe fimeral will take place today (Mon- davi. January 10. 1910. at 1 p. m from the p.rlois of Vslente. Marini. Mxrais & Co.. C 49 tirtcn street. lEterment Mount Olivet ceme- tery. \u25a0:>"'; BOROVINICH— in this city. January 9, 1910. r'rter Borovinlcb, a native of Austria, aged ';:. ires. BUCHASTAS— In this city. January 7, 1»]0, (D^edie) lime-J Buchsnan, beloved mother of Mrs James F. Sbcehan. daughter of the !ste James and Mary Donnelly, and sister of J W. l> rt nn»-!ly. EIHe Stannard and the late-Patrick ao<l Annie Donnelly, a' native of Pennsylvania. O-Irass Valley papers please copy.) Friends and afin-intanco* arc rospeel fully imitfd to attend the fmicral today < Mon- davi Jauunry 10, at 0:30 a. m.. from the Mrton of B»rry t Scully. M 27 Valencia sireet. tbencH to Si. John* church (St. Mary's ave- uue' vrhere a solemn rc<juicm hipb mass -will Ik- etlrbraß-d for tbe repose of her soul, com- men<-ing at lo a. m. Interment Holy <;ro>« cesnetenr : CARROLL -In this rity. January 9. IHJO. Henry. IK-].>v<-«i win of the late John P. and Mary «'arroH an<i brother of Mrs. Frank Cummins*, s native of <;old Hill. Ner., ajed 41 years I>i niortbs and I<> «l-y«. Friends s.ncl acquainlauces are reFpcctfully li-vited to attend the funeral W«-<inesd«y. January 12, at £:"> n o'clock, from the pai- Inrs of* tbe Henry J. Gallagher company, 1314 Webster (street tietni>eii F.llis and O'Farrell. tlienre to £t. Frsncis cburch, <f«rner of Val- lejo street and Montgomery avenue, where a requiem biph nmss will he celebrated for the repose of hi* «"»ul. eomDi«nclnß at 9:80 o'clock, lntermect Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage. CABSEBOHM — Drowned iv San Francisco bay waters. December S. 190!». Adolph C. dearly be]. .red husbsnd «f But ha C. Casspbobm. and father of Fred XV.. Alma and Harry Cas«e- rmhm, and brother of Henry Cassebohra, Mr«. B. A. Roedde and Mrs. 11. H. Leubrs. a ua- tive of Heligoland, Germany, aged SO years 4 ciontus and J3 days. A uieuilwr of Camp N". r>4. W. of W.: Oakland Verein Eintracht, «nd Order if Hermann's Son* tWcst Berkeley lodge No. 21). . „\u25a0 FYiend* and nequaintatiees are respeetfnlly invited to «U«-nd th<; fmierHl services tomor- row < Tuesday 1 . January 11, at " p. m.. at the cliapel of Jameson & Niehaus. 2434 Telegmph avenue near Dwiyht way. Berke- ley-, where servieeft will be held umler the auspices of HerniannV Sons. West Berke- ley Jud^e No. 21. Incineration Oakland crema- tory. CLARK— In this rity, Januiiry ?<. 1010, at her late residence. 1707 Buchanan street . Barbara <"!ark. beloved m<»ther of Jiwepli C. and Mary L/sngenderfcr and Mrs. Murray McKlnnle, a native of Alsace Lorraine, aged 77 years 11 months and 6 days. <. Toledo, 0., papere please copy.) \u25a0 . . :._"'.\u25a0 » Fri'tids sud ae<juaintanres are regnectXully invited to attend the funeral services to- «iay < Monday), at 32:30 p. m.. from tbe par- lors of A. W. Martin A: Co.. IW>B Geary «treet, Incineration Odd Fellow*' cemetery. CLOTJGH— tn Fruitvale, Cal.. January », l!) 10. Mrs. S. \V. i'loash, beloved wife of John F. Cioutrh. and ooilier of Hele.ll R. - Cloneb and M»ry K. T. Clougrh of Uerkoley, Frances. W. I>.weM Hnd (Tbarles A. Clou^h of Fruitrale, and Georpe M. ClourU of San Francisco. Cal., a native of Germany, aged W years 0 months aod 25 days. CRUKLICH— In this city. January S, 1810. Ma- tbilda Crcmluh. beloved mother of Mm. F. A. Geer. v »nd elrter of Mrs. Henry Schmidt and. the late Mrs. TV. F. I.leb and Carrie Hol- land, a native of Gslti*. 111. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully inviifrt to Httend the funeral today day); at 1 o'clock p. m., from the funeral" i-nrlfTf "T the H. F. Mwat-s eomnany: 13.13 <»o'<len /Jate Hveiiue ne«r Tillinore street. In- terment Mount «>livct ••emetery. by electric I funeral "Tir fmm Tblrtwntli and \Ye«t Mis- ' sion !»tr">et»._.;-. CUNNINGHAM— In this «•»>-. January 7. 1810. «iwen <"unuiii_-lmm, beloved busl>an<l of th« Lite i;i!ea Cunninchatn, and beloved father fif J. Jiu Cunningham, a native of Ireland, aged «f* yrars. rtem*!r.s at tUc j>arlors of Gantner Brothers. :;4«u Sixteenth street between Church and Sanchez. DESTON— In Berkeley. January $, 1910, Annie S. LKiatoa, grandmother of Uugene t>. and Harold N. Ilavrklos, a native of Ireland, aged KJ year*. Frltndu and acqnaintxaces %ire respectfully invited to attend the funeral services tomorrow (Tuesday), January 11, 1910. at 2 o'clock p. in., et the Oakland crematory, Howe an. Mather t-treets. <»ak)a__. . DE EOME — In Oakland. Jnmiary 7. 1910, Txniir, l*>lo»ed husband of B. dc Rome, father rf la»ui- M-. Vlolj «:.-. Charle* B. atid Merle 5- «l« lUrnie. »ud brxtlier of Miss I,o'ii»<> 8., Wilfred, Albert _n<l Oeorjre • de Uorae and Mrs. *V. 1). t'oreoran. :i native of New York. sijed Th". years. A uieinli^r at Yerba Btietia I.Kij-e No. 15. 1. o. o. I"., of San Francisco. Iriends aud acqnaintan<-«-s are respect rully invited to attend tlie funeral services today. (Monday). January 10. l!) 10. at 2 O'clock p. m.. at th<- family residence, 1076 Flfty-nintli Btrert. Oakland. Interment Mountain View i-emeicry. DVBOIS— In this city, January 5». l«10. Kitty, 4<-_r!y beloved wife of Paul B. I»ub<»ii<. de- voted danshter <if Jane and the I_te Patrick McDonnell, and loving sister of Frank McDon- nell and the late Mrs. Margaret I'belan. a na- tive of Sati Francisco, Cal., aged 33 years 6 moDtlis and 6 days. Friend* and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral tomorrow (Tuee- «iayV. Jannnry 11. 1OI«. at 1 p. m.. from her lute residence, 027 A I'aclfie street between - Powell and Mason. Interment Holy Cross corn- el <ry. FITZGERALD— In Übl* city, January 7. 1910. Luke, l-ciuved husband of Mary FiUjrerald, and fsther of Jo*<-i>b and Mllian Fit-getald and Mrs. J. 11. Crafton, a native of Ireland. (Chi- cago. 111., papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances are regpectTolJy Invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- day), at :< a. m.. fron his late f*%l&nci, el Bartlett- ttreet. thence lo St. James- church, where a requiem - h!£h ' ihakk wIIJ be celebrated for tbe repos^e of his sonl. commeocing at 9:30 fa. m. Interment Holy Tross cenfctery. ; rOBTDA— In Oakland. .Cal.. January" 8. 11)10. Peter W. Fonda, father of Georpe 11. and J«»p C. Fouda. a native of New York, aged S*J years. 7 mouths aiiO'M days.: GIBSON— -In Miis rity. Jannhry ft. J9lO. Kalh- vriiie. beloved daughter "of Tstber and. the late J"!m _.'. Gibson, and sister of-James S. <;ibson and Mrs. J. <'.. Smith,, a" native of C-iifomia., seed 2.V years. _' IViends . and .icnuainlances are respectfully invited 10 -11 end the. funeral loiuorrow ilues- dayi. at 1 o'clock i>. m., fruui-itha funeral parlors cf.' Bunker & I.tint, 2<3«53 SHsslon "Street between . Twenty .secx*l and Twenty- third • Mission Masonic ' temple). : . Interment Mount olivet cemetery. GISSLER — In this city, January: 8. 19ie, Ahra- bam Gissler, bejoved uncle of Eiuil F. Klara- son and Andrew Pllman, a native of Finland, aped 64 yearn, A member of Court Seal Rock No. 45, r. of A. . • Friends and acquaint.nces are respectfully invited to attend Ihe. funeral' tomorrow (Tues- day*, at 1 o'clock p.~ ni.. from Ihe parlors of Tlieodor Pierks _; Co., &00 Devisadcro street rorner of McAllister, where services will be held under the auspices jof Court Heal Kock. Interment Mount Olivet cemetery, by carriage. 1 GLYKN— In this city, January 7, 1910. Mary ; A., dearly beloved wife of Thomas F. Glyun. \u25a0 dearly beloved mother of Frank T., Albert J. iiuii Elsie G. • Glynn. i beloved danjrhter <'f Bridget Nolan and the late Martin Nolan, and beloved sister of Mrs. Bemllnger, Mrs. J. Miller and Mrst J. Kelley. a native of Bodesa. Sonoma county, Cal., aged 43 years 4 months and 25 days. Friends and acquaintances are reupectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- day*. January 10. 1810. at 8:S0 o'clock a. in., from his late residence, 378 Sanchez street, tbence to Mission Dolores church, where a reqnlem hljrh mass will be cele- brated for tbe repose of her notil. commenc- ing at 9 o'clock a. m. , Interment Holy, Cross cemetery. HABHIGAN— In Oakland. Cal.. January 7, 1910, Matthew Harrigan, a native of Ireland, aced 93 years. Friends aud acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- day). January 10, 1910, at 8:20 o'clock a. m.. from tbe parlors of Cunha & Caporgno. 952 Eighth street corner of Myrtle, tbence to St. Mary's chnVcb for blessing. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, at the arrival of the -11:80 traJp from Third and Townsend streets depot. HAWKES— In this city. January 7. 1910. Jo- seph, belored husband of the late Bridget Hawkes, and father of William Hawkes, Mrs. F. J. Klcnck and the late John. Joseph .md James Hawkes, a native of Ireland, aged SO years. The funeral will take place today (Mon- davi, at S:3O o'clock, from the parlors of ihe Henry J. Gallagher company. 1314 Webster street between Ellis and O' Fa rrell, " thence to Sacred Heart church, where a reqnlem high tn»sB will be celebrated for the repose <.f bis soul, commencing at 3 o'clock. Inter- ment (private). Holy Cross cemetery, by elec- tric funeral car from Twenty-eighth and Va- lencia streets. HIGGINS— In this city. January 9. l»10, John, beloved husband of Elizabeth Hlggins. loviug father of Mary A., John P., Thomas and \u2666 Jeorge Higglns and Mrs. W. J. Formay, anil loving brother of Hugh Hlggins, a native of "Ounlarln, County Wicklow, Ireland, aged 75 yearn. Friends are respectfully invited to- attend the funeral tomorrow (Tuesday), at S:3O a. m., from his late residence. SS!> Fulton, street, thence to Sacred Heart church, where a solemn requiem high mass will be cele- brated for the repose of his sonl, commencing at 9 a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by electric funeral ear from Thirteenth and Mission street-. KAECHEK— In this city. January !>, 1910. Matbies Karcber, beloved busband of tbe late Frances Karcber, and father of Grace M.. Fred C, William C. and Matt C. Karcher and Mrs. E. G. Harrison, a native of Germany, aged 77- years 2 months and 24 days. KENIT2ER— In this city, January S. 1910, Henry Kenitzer. beloved brother of C. W. Ken- Itser, a native of Germany, aged &2 years and 10 months. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral today (Mon- day), at 2 o'clock p. m.. from . tbe Albert Pike Memorial temple/under the auspices of California commandery No. 1, K. T. tio'i. . I. O. O. F. cemetery. KOOPMAN— In this city. Jaxraary S. 1910, Clare, <learly lieloved daughter of Mary and James Koopman. and sister of Thomas Koopman, a native, of San Francisco, aged J years 6 months and 13 days. The funeral will take place today (Mon- day), January 10. 1910, at 1 o'clock p. m.. from the residence of her parents, 005 Austin ! avenue corner of Franklin street. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. KNOWLES— In this city, January 8, li'l". Charles Knowles. a native, of California. aK°d "~ years and 3 days. A member of Plasterers' union No. 6«5, O. P. 1. A. Friends are respectfully iuvlted to attend tbe funeral today (Mouday). at 11 o'clock a. m., from his late residence, 2573 Folsom street between Twenty-fourth and Twenty- hftli. Interment private. KYI_E-Al__EN— ln this city, January 9. 1910. at. the residence of his parents, X""0 Nine- teenth street, Hugb John, dearly beloved t*on of M«nl*y and Sadie Kyle-Allen, and devoted brother of Montey Allen, a native of Santa Cruz. Cal., aged 20 years 3 months and. 2 days. (.Santa Cruz papers please copy.) ; , LAEKTN— In Alnmeda. January 9, 1910. l'.oh- ert Leo, beloved son of John and Eleanor I.arkin. and loving brother of Mrs. t?. S. Marston. Mrs. E. Carl Weber. Mrs. Harry Pu- mont. Evelyn M.. Edwin A., Harold, John Jr. and Wilbur Larkln, a Dartre of Canada, aged :?0 years 8 months and 1 day. Past grand of Bncinal lodge No. 1«4. T. O. O. F. : past chief patriarch of Sunset encampment J?u. 40, i. O. O. F. McKUGH In this city. January '.>. 1910. James, dearly beloved busband of 'Margaret Mcllogh. l'iriDg father of Mary Frances. James Pat- rick. Margaret and Thomas Christopher Me- ( Hugh, and loving brother of Rev. Father Pat- : rick McHugh of St. Anthony's churcb. East : Oakland, a native of County Mayo, Ireland, aged 43 years. A member of Division No. 12, A. O. H. in A., and the Brotherhood of Tearo^- xters. "^ Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral tomorrow - (Tuea- <iay>. at o:}s a. m.. from tbe parlors of Mc- Brearty & McCormlck, ' 315 Valencia street near Twentieth, thence to ft. Paul's church, where a requiem high mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 „. m. Interment Holy Crosa cemetery. . DIVISION No. 12, A. O. H. in A— To the officers and members: You are hereby notified to assemble at the parlors of Jlcßrearty & McCormlck. , »I 5 Valencia street near Twen- tieth, tomorrow (Tuesday) morning, January ' 11. at 9 o'clock, to attend the funeral of 'our late brother, James McHugb. By order JOHN P. HARE, President. " CHAS. nUBLEY, Financial Secretary. McLAUGHLIJJ —In this city.- January S, 1910. Snsan. dearly beV»red wife of Frank J. Mc- Laughlln. and loving mother of Ruth and liorain McLaaghlin. and loving daughter of IJzzle and the. late Christopher Creatre. a na- tive of Kan Francisco, aged 26 years 4 months aud 13 days. . Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the. f nneral tomorrow. (TueH- day), at 1:30 p. m.. from tbe parlors of Me- ' Brearty & McCormlck, 915 Valencia street near Twentieth. lulerment Holy Crowi cemetery. MURPHY— In this city, January 8, 1910, Julia, relict cf the late John Murpby, and loving mother of J. P.. W. 8.," T. A.. J. M.. Mjirgret, Mary, Jnli-, Francis. Penelope, and Agnes Murphy, aud the late D. M. Murpby. a native of County Gal way. Ireland, aged 70 year*. j Funeral strictly private. Plpase omit flowers. PINDEB— In East Oakland, Cal.. January S, 1910. Martin Finder, a native of Ne'«- York, aged 65 yearß. POPE— In this city. January 8, 1010, Mary Ann, beloved wife of Charles W. Pope, and mother ef Mrs. Minnie E. Booker. Jessie F., Sydney O. and Gilbert W. Pope, a native of London, Eng.. aged 65 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend tbe funeral wrrlcea tomor- row (Tuesday), January 11, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at her late, residence, S6l Third avenue. Interment Cyprass Lawn ceme- tery. , 6EIGEL — In Sooth B»nd, Wast., Minnie, dearly beloved wife of "Henry Seigel, • loving mother of Adela Seigel, loving \u25a0 daughter of . Mr." and Mrs. Charles Bertelsman, and slater of Mrs. Jessie Waterman of San Jose," and Karl and Edward Bertelsman : of San Francisco, aged 33 yeara 11 months and SO days. '.The funeral will take place from : the resi- dence, 07tt Orchard street, San Jose, * Cal., to- morrow /Tuesday), at JO a. \u25a0 m.. th<*nce . to Cyprens Lawn " cemetery on the " 11:25 a.' m. train from San Jose BPITLER— In this city. January 'S,-- 1910,' Amosa 3piUer, a native of Illlnoii". Friends and acquaintances are respectfully lnrited-to attend the fune.ral today . (Monday)*, at 10 o'clock a. m., from the parlors of. llal- sted & Co., 924 Fillmore street. Interment Cypress Lawn- cemetery, by 11 :CO-. train from Third and Townsend streets. SULLIVAN— In Port Costa. Cal.. January 9. ' l»»0. Nora P.. dearly beloved wife of Patrick Sullivan, and loving motherof Timothy, Jere- miah. John. Nora. Nellie and Patrick". Sullivan,' and sifter of John and Patrick Casey aud: Mrs. Michael Lyons, a native of Ballyorernia, Coun- ty Cork, Ireland. \u25a0 Notice of I funeral hereafter. * TOBIN— In this city.' January' B. 1910, Richard,' dearly beloved husband of Annie- Tobin.. and • beloved father of Wllllajn, Richard and James IHDEPEnDENHIF THE TRUST -FOR- ' Seventy-Five Dollars I WILL. PURMSH " HEARSE, TWO CARRIAGES -.EMBALMING SHROUD AND CLOTH COVERED CASKET JULIUS S-GODEAU Maln.Offlocsi 2123 Bn»h St.. West. 2093 and 1305 Franklin St.~ nr. 17th, Oakland . Phone Oakland 4043 < Drnncbt 305 Montgomery av.NTeinp.32QS* *• .Ltubulancc nnd ; to , Hire \u25a0 - ; THESSAy- 'FRANCISCO- CALL,: ,MQyiMY^J^:IJARY>4O. 1910 \u25a0 Totrin" and Sister M. Leo of the. Holy family, a native of Ireland, aged. BW years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Juvlted- to attend the t funeral . - today _ (Mon- day), at 9 o'clock, from his late residence,; 112 , Shotwell street, 1 thence to .the Church of; St: \u25a0 Charles .. Borromco. \u25a0 Eighteenth and Shotwell * streets, ; when" - a reqaletn hlßh' mass j will celebrated ' foi- \u25a0 the , repose ! of . his . soul. \u25a0> com- mencing at »:R0 n. ra. . Interment Holy .Cross <eirt»terr. by .electric ftmeral oar from; Thlr- lemith aud Wf>st Mission streets. I'lease omit • llotvers. \u25a0 .; \u25a0' VIBERT— In San Jose. *Cal.. January o.' 1010. Jlari«"\"ilx»rt f a natire of Harre, France, aged "0. years. \u25a0 \u25a0 : '\ Fri«nd« and" acqnaintances are respeetfolly iuvlted to attend »th<» funeral : services tomor- row (Tuesday);: January 11. IUIO. at 9 o'clock a. m., at the ; parlors of Julfu«» -S. Godeau, "2123 Bunh Btroet, thence \u25a0• to 'Notre ; Dame; den Vietolres church, . where a wans will . l»e cele- brated for thL ; repose of her soul, commencing vt 0:30. Intc:-ment Holy Cross ; cemetery, iby automobile. WEIH— In Oalland. " January- 5. 1910. Olive, dearly beloved daughter of- Mr. and Mrs. Charles. H. V.eir of Forest ; City, Ark., a na- . tive of Misst?;rl, 'aped 25- year* and 12 days, (lie Soto. M^». f ' . and Memphis, Term., papers please eopy.)^ . , Friends • a«ij- acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral today : (Mod- <lay), .lanunrv 10." 1010. at 2 o'clock ' p. m., 'from the parlors ' of . Cunlia & Cnporsno, »32 Kiphtb street, corner, of Myrtle, thence to St.: Mary's chuni for 'services. <Intermeat St. Mary's ceme^ry, Oakland. WINTERSON- At rest. In this >ity. January 0. 1010, Catherine, beloved ' wife of the late Micliaol .Wln'ierson. a native of Ireland. The funcraj will take plncn tomorrow (Tues- day), at 10-:o'c)ock b. m.. from - her *> late residence, 1328 Twenty-first : avenue (Sunset district). Interment Holy Cross cemetery.' \u0084 CARD OK THANKS , -\ -iXDnKWS— The wife, mother nud. relatives of the lafe J>nils Andrew* wish to express their heartfelt thanks to their many friends for tbelr eomfortlne sympathy, and their many beautiful floral offerings, during their late bereavement. . . \u25a0 ' .. MRS. LOITIS ANDREWS, wife. : , MRS. ALKXANDER ANDREWS, mother. INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADS ACCOUNTANTS— CERT. PTOLIC. . .Col. 6, P. 11 APARTXENTS. CoL 1, P. 11 ATTORNEYS. Col. 6, P. 11 ATJTOMOBILES Col. 4, P. 11 B»R AND -STORE FIXTURES... ..Col. 3, P, 11 BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES. ..001. 3, P. 11 BARBERS AND SUPPLIES. . . . Col. 6, P. 10 BUSP^ESS CHANCES. Col. 4, P. 11 " " .............001. 5, P. 11 BUSINESS COLLEGES Col. 6, P. 11 BUTTONS AND PLEATING Col. J, P. 11 BUSINESS PERSONALS . . : .Col. 7, P. 11 CARPET CLEANING .Col. 8, P. 11 CHIROPODISTS .'. Col. 7, P. 11 CLAIRVOYANTS. .....•..; .Col. 7. P. 11 COLLECTION A JEKCIES. Col. 7, P. 10 COTTAGES TO »,ET— Alam3da......Col. 2, P. 11 COTTAGES TO LST— Oakland . : . Col. St. T. 1- D.S»TISTS .....; Col. 6. P. 11 DYEING AND CLEANING Col. 3, P. 11 TIKESS MAKING ...... I al. 3, P. 11 DIVIDEND NOTICES... ....Col. 8, P. 11 EDUCATIONAL.;... ..Col. 6, P. 11 EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. Col. 7, P. 10 EMPLOYMENT 'WANTED— MALE. . Col. 4, P. 10 " " "\u25a0; .C01.5,P. 19 EMPLOYMENT "WANTED— F_m_Ia. Col. 6, P. 10 FEMALE HELPIWANTED......... Col. 6, P. 10 M " .•• ......Col. 7, P. 10 FINANCIAX....i... ..:.. Col. 1; P. 12 FLATS TO LET. ; Col. 1, P. 11 " " " j ..............Col. 2 r V. 11 FLATS TO LET— Oakland. Col. 8. P. 11 FLATS TO LET— FURNIBHED..... Col. 2, P. 11 FOR SALE — MISCELLANEOUS. .... Col. 3, P. 11 FURS ...........:....... Col. 3, P. .11 FURNITURE FOR SALE..... Col. 2, P. 11 r 'TRNITURE WANTED Col. 2. P. 11 FREIGHT FORWARDING. Col. 2, P. 11 GLASS WORKS Col. 4, P. 11 HORSES, WAGONS AND HARNESS Col. 4, P. 11 HOTELS J Col. 1 , P. 11 HOUSES TO LET— Unfur_i__e_.....Col. 2, P. U INVESTMENTS...... ......... .C*U 7, P. 11 LEGAL N0T1CE5. ................ .001. 1, P. 18 LO3GING HOUSES FOR SALE. . ...Col. 5. P. 11 LOST AND FOUND Col. 4, P. 10 MALE HELP WANTED.. ...... Cel. 6, P. 10 MATR1M0N1AL.*.. ............. Col. 7. P. 11 MEDICAL..... .Col. 6, P. 11 MATERNITY HOMES./....: .Col. 6, P. 11 MEETINGS— LODGES. . ..........:. Col. 3, P." 10 MEETIGS— SPECIAL...... 001. 4, P. 10 UINES AND M1N1NG... ...........U01. 1, P. la MISCELLANEOUS WANTS '. . . Col, 3, P. 11 MONEY TO LOAN Col. 1. P. 12 MONEY WANTED. Coi. i, ?. 12 _:USICAL INSTRUMENTS.......... CoL 3, P. 11- .VOTARY PUBLIC Col. 6, P. 11 OFFICES AND STORES TO LET. .. Col. 2. P. 11: OAKLAND KOUSEKPS R00M5. . . . . Col. 1, P. 11 PALMISTRY. .Col. 7, P. 11 PATENT ATT0RNEY5............. C01. 6. P. 11 PHYSICIANS.... ....>..:. .Col. 6, P. 11 POPULAR REMED1E5. .... .... : . . . Col. 6, P. 11 REAL ESTATE— CITY. „ . Col. 2.' P. 12 REAL ESTATES-C0UNTRY........ Col. 2, P. 12 M _' ' 'V .........001. *, P. 18 REAL ESTATE— OAKLAND Col. 3. P. 18 REAL ESTATE— BERKELEY C-l. 8, P. 12 REAL ESTATE— TO EXCHANGE . ..CoI. 3, P. 12 ROOMS AND BOARD OFFERED. ..* Col. 1, P. 11 ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED. . . . .Col. 1, P. 11 ROOMS AND BOARD— Berkeley.... Col. 7, P. 10 ROOMS TO LET— FUS.-UNFUR... .Col. 7, P. 10 ROOMS TO LET— HOUSE KEEPING Col. 1. P. 11 ROOMS TO LET— BERKELEY. .... Col. 7. P. 10 SALESMEN & bOLICITOBS WNTED CoL 7, P. 10 SANITARIUMS... ............. Col. 6, V. 11 STORAGE AND MOVING VANS. .. ..Col. 3. P. ll 5P1R1TUAL15M..... ...'...:...'..".. .C01.'.7, P. 11. SEWING MACH1NE5. ..... ... . . . . ..Col. 2, P. 11 TRUSSES. Col. 6, P. 11 TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES:.. CoI. 3, P. U UNPAID WAGES COLLECTED. . . . . Col. 7, P. 10 upholstering;..:...... .....coi. 2, p. 11 M X KTI X r. S — l,o il err » CALIFORNIA commandery - No. jj 1 . X.* T. '_ *__ Officers and Sir KiJlghta are notified to "jsaiT assemble at Albert Pike memorial tern- \u25a0 Iwh pie, 1859 Geary St.. -MONDAY AFTER- *^ NOON. Jan. 10. 1010, at 1:30 o'clock for the purpose of conducting the • funeral services of our lare.frater. SIR HENRY KBNITZER.; By order of SAMUEL A." CLARKE, Em. Com. WILLIAM n.JOST.Ree. GOLDEN- "GATE- commandery - No. 16, _\u25a0 * i_. K..T.. 2135 Snttw St.— Ep^.ial asscm-^Hr Wy THIS (MONDAY) EVENING, ut. ilffl S •'clock. Order of Temple.. All fratorx ." \u25a0 \u25a0 • eourt<v>asly hivltwl. By v order of- the Com- mandflr. :.- ,THEO,\: KROI.K.'H. Recorder. CALIFORNIA lodge. N0!,., 1.-Kiilg'.it. _*_- of Tythias. meets"-. THIS' (MON- TS>rf DAY), KVKNING .at . VJtW. . Mis- jfealr* sion. st. . Brethren cordially invlled. <*_T 3_V_ ft. H. HELBIG, C. C. '*«^^ LOUIS C. Al.'HllN,. X, of K. &. S. - " T 66 *^. OCCIDENTAL lodge No. 22. F. & At M. % __, THIS (MONDA V) . BVKNING >at - 7:30 -_%_ o'Hock. First degree. Hy order of the. #^_3f '"'-".•\u25a0. "WALTER G. ANDERSON, Secretary. HERMANN lodge No. 127. F. ?& A; M.— _• Called meeting THIS -EVENING, Jan-; '-Jl. unry id, at i:ZO o'clock. Deg. 1. By Zjf order of the W. M. - - "^V\ \u25a0 1 U SCHUMACHER, Secretary. RICHMOND lodge N0. ' 373, F. &A. M.. m J^t -av. and Clement at. — THIS (MON- ; '___%i DAY) EVENING at. 7:30 o'clock. Klrst jZjt degree..; H. FOURNEBS, Secretary. * TV* jovwdsnj »irj Xq- .jaop.o, 08:_- 5« OVI __ -X3AH (iVaXOK)v SIHX nopanijsai:^^ jo a»po'i— -4« 6Sit 'X V S_Jlg f' .'A " -'095.-.'OX. -»Spo[- S^oraoios'-OVIM •^ s^ of this district... ...HABBY BAKIIR," See", AUSTRIAN; Military and Benevoleut as- X-_Jl»__i' socintion— Krery member Is hereby Bfi?K__l notitieii to assemble "at National hull ,w,sJBr . st*<s r Fulton f*.,v WEDNESDAY,- Jaau- -V^Sf* ; ary 12, :at \ 1 o'clock *. p. m. to attend ; the fnneral of onr? late' brother,. Vttev Borovlnich . Fine«for"non_ttendance: - By order of " ' " NICHOLAS METKOtfICH, President • O.- MOSTAHIMCH; Rec. See. \u25a0 ; . " S«T. ANDREWS 'HOGIETY— Bums'/ 4-^v." anuivt-rsary concert; will be held JPU s*l V$U at lh" liarriek iheHfr. Kills st. JSH^y^W between FlUmore and Sleiner sts.. oil i" SATTIRDA Y • K VBNINCr, > the 'i^^fw :: f* 15th insU. ; eommenclnst" at" 8- o'clock sbarp.ilt Is e_pecte<i •>\u25a0 that 1* HeT."«."> Robert "".-, MacKenEie,' i-'-D.-D.'. will dollver. the ;a<fflress" on Burns* and •'• sit uuusuallv Ijibli class .program 'has •; been c' arranged, ; consisting ;.; of r 'Mackenzie "Gordon. - tenor: 'Miss.rTlioniswald.Vsoprano;.. Herman Heller, violinist, aud the celebrated ; Miss • Lena L' Duthie* from c Aberdeen, * Scotland, Sin" Scotttsh '\u25a0\u25a0/ character. • interpreter .'of « Scottis h" folklore -• and "sung. -Admission — Bos - seats/; $1.50; orchestra', . $1 : drew circle," 75c : balcony." 50c.' : Tickets j for sale, commencing ! Monday, » 10th ; lnst.",- at . room : 202." 28 Montgomery; Ht.'V Committee surges'^ all "members; and, their-, -their. seats at- once, v . - . "\u25a0 .',.:• "..-.-i : JAMES S/"- WEBSTER. Chairman/ . I-'. KOnBUT 11.-'MUnßAY,, Secretary.- >\u0084 . THE ' annual -ceneral^ meeting, of r the .California ." Schuetzeu i Club -will .' be ", held ;• Tueday.". January ;ll.;1910.:S p. m.V at the S. FT. Turner-ball.; :s.Vi T"iTnrkt st.'J "for >t he, purpose ;of « electing; of ticer* y/or ! tbe \u25a0 ejisulnit '. year* aud :. the .: transaction i of. '. such " other . business a« 5 may .come -before'the meetinc. : : , PHIIX> JACOB Y,' President. • \u25a0: . THKO. .W. BORCHEBS.t Secret trj-.i . , OFFICrTRS 'I nnd v memberg '-of Division 5 12. > A1'.." 0.' r H.'-rYou are ; hereby * notlHcd i< t o ,' a t tend y t Ue' ' funeral of : our*ileeeaße<U brother.: JAJIKS^Mi- J ~ HUGH. .TI!F.SpA Y^MOnNIN' rom' the par- : '\u25a0 lors -of 'Mcßrearty.-; ft",J>lcConili<-k;^thence.f <6 if. St." Paul's : church. -where Bervlcen ; will , b(s ' held, \u25a0 * • Notice ' of * time 1- of ? funeral \u25a0'' herenf ter>. ! i• "• "\u25a0 \u25a0 •"•" • ;•'••\u25a0' ; --'\u25a0'\u25a0 ' ' t.'" \u25a0' . J. =< V; 1 1IA UK," rrcsJdcnt.'i 1 - , : - V CUAS;'UUULKV;|i-in:(Sc_, :. - ..-.", Call Want Ads Give Results i KB -| \u25a0 ,- . . I B^B .. We Negotiate Loans, and »-,\u25a0\u25a0 Real K«t«tc nml lnsurantT Br«| _3a Financed bona flcie Business ._\u25a0 - __H KgS " pV I'" ' . . rhone Douglan ;s,tt IM I iß™- ;r '— Standard Realty Co.i »9 Ask us concerning Business • .\u25a0, . , i Wjffl ____ Openings, city or country. .... ' m x ; , :BUSI.\ESS BROKERS £|| \u25a08 We can sell your Business r Wsm 3g promptly and quietly. >\u0084 Qq B '• - - -^ CJ I _»I J^ P ' lOr .Jl5 I I II •\u25a0\u0084 \u25a0' \u0084'"-• .>'' •\, \u25a0-,*-- -n m gt m Il|p .. "\u25a0Til' \u25a0"> \u25a0 %.*_T« KUU fc-jcag *» ' • Jl .a vlr Iv / lI Li 1 Li U 1.111 - ajf^jji SS Gctitlemenr- Haying given • your classified Wi |^ . columns a thorough" trialdurincr! the past few Pi months as an advertising medium for our p| BB brokerage business, we unhesitatingly pro- HI HI nounce lrili. CALL, the best business, getter •\u25a0 Xl i§f Not only has it brought us an unexpected lil W volume of business, especially during the'past raj mm' week, here in the city, but through it we have S i^ \u25a0 . been brought in contact with numerous out of ||| town buyers looking-for a busmess opening. ¥m H Wishing The; Gall the prosperity and con- |§| 111 tinued growth it so richly merits, we remain, H H STANDARD REALTY CO. H __ MKETIXGS — Spf<J»l ; ; ; | \ SWISS Relief-Soclety— Notice of annual meeting: The regular annual meeting of the members of the Swiss Relief society will be held at the offlce of the society. 406 Kearny St.. In the city and, county of San Francisco, on' MON- ' DAY. January 10. 1810, at 8 o'clock p. m.. , for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of ' such other business as may ' come - before it. t By order of the president. / A.t JUtLLERAT. Secretary. NOTICi: — The annual meeting of the stock hold- ers .of the G. A. Buell company will be held Tuesday, Jan. 11, 1910, 10 a. m.. at their temporary office, 1 corner 7tb and Hooper ats.. city. ..\u25a0.-.. J. P. SIOLKR. Secretary. . LOST AXD F'OirXD IF YOU LOSE ANYTHING — AdvertUe it here. It will oe returned to you if am honeat ; person nnds it. Remarkable recov- eries are brougUt about every day through thU column. , • ' • IF YOU FIND ANYTHING BRING -IT. to the. . ->- - -'I .,- . \u25a0i- '. - \u25a0\u25a0 . I San Francisco Call i I ! Laat aad Fonnd Bnrcaa, ' . I Third and Market street* 1 j 1 " Get aTlaim check. Have It advertised. •* < Reclaimit If the owner does not. _- THE LAW— People who Und lost articles are interested in . knowing that the statn law Is strict in requiring them to seek th« , owners through ! advertisements aDd other- n-lee. and that "failure to do. so. If proof can be ahown, involves a gevere penalty. | - \u25a0 • \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 -.\u25a0\u25a0-.-\u25a0 LOST— Watch fob: gold circular disk, engraved on- back E. -P. -G. ; diamond face. . Return to Call business offlce and receive reward. I/IST — Sonday. grnt lpman"ff gold watch apd fob: monogram C. A. M. on case; f«l> Kit's head . wt with diamond : : liberal reward for return ; no questions asked:" valued as Veepsake. C. A. I MORAGHAN. 24 Ellis st. . : LOST— SIO reward for recovery of Airedale dog, lost from 402 Fillmore at. Not. C. Has posl- tlve Identiflratlon mart. - ... LOST— White, black, and tan setter dog. puppy 6 months "Id: reward. CVC. NAIJMAN, 444 , Sansomc-i't.". \u25a0' -. --..' - - - ' '"•- \u25a0 \u25a0 WILL pay $10 for return of gray overcoat taken - from Odeoa Saturday -night: <« auestlons asked. Box 22t4. Call offlee. .--.".:-.- ,-.--| nil'SD— l;adj-'a pursf, containing money. " Call '\u25a0.'\u25a0 9 V Howard - st. \u25a0 \u25a0 -.- \u25a0•\u25a0 -:\u25a0 \u25a0 \u0084: \u25a0\u25a0 •]\u25a0 \u25a0' \u25a0 - -\u25a0-- - \u25a0' i MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL. BLAKB 8 RAZAAR. 110S VALENCIA '-ST. EMPLOYMEXT WAXTED — Male ' BAR TENDER; honest, sober and reliable; will- ing to do porter work; city or country; refer- :- ences. Box 2247. Call office. . . .'-.\u25a0 BOOK KEEPER is open for a proposition. Box \u25a0 2258. Call office, BOOK KEEPER and accountant d*t«lres tempor-, arv or permanrnt position : highest references. *.* Address box 233«. -Call offlce. "- ; :•' COACFIMAN wants .position;, thoroughly under- stands care of fine horses, carriages and nar- ness: careful driver: can milk; a ye*r« In last place; refprence. ;' Box; 2353, "(rail ofnee. COACHMAN, English, age 40. i first .class , man. wants position in gentleman's family, or would lake- care ..of place;-,!* reliable, trustworthy; highest . referenc ps. , Box 23CC, Call office. . . .- . CUAUFFBUR wants position In private family : can do own repairing; good references; strictly temperate; moderate salary to start. Box 2240, Call of flee. ; :;:/\u25a0-., -.-\u25a0: : - : . .•'\u25a0'\u25a0 "'" \u25a0 '"- \u25a0\u25a0- - ''\u25a0 - CHINESE wishes position . in private familr; .city. ;. Address 647 Pine st. " \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 " ' " \u25a0 -" : CITY . salesman open for engagement. - Addresa :': box 2104, Call , offlce. 3d and Market sta. CASHIER,, book . keeper -. and - office man deairps • •position; -10 years' experience; ; married; 'can ' give bonds if desired and fnrniah- first class local . references. Box ; 2423, Call offlce. \u25a0:<? y\ CHINESE, flr«t claas *\u25a0 cook. .- wishes • position in private family or boarding house. .Address : SUNG TOT \u25a0 JIM, •: 828 Dcpont St., 2d floor, room 19.- - .-.'. \ '-'\u25a0\u25a0:' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' - -'.--\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 "\u25a0 EXPERIENCED . book' keeper : «nd offlce man. rapid and . accurate.- age 28, - married, ; dealrea position ; can furnish excellent : local and bond if required.' Address box 1923, Call. FIRST class Japanese, cook wants : position; $40 up a month; has. very good experience for family ook. HENRY. NAC.ATA, 2506 Tele- ., . irrapli- ay.. Berkeley p " tt?l. Berkeley \u25a0 56.0. ""\u25a0-.: . FIRST CLAS coachman (5 years with' large st a - 8 bles) want « place | in . city or country ; sober 1 and industrious;? references from last place. ' 'i ' Box 2275, CaU-ofttce. > . . \u0084:\u25a0..\u25a0:\u25a0;-/..\u25a0--. OARDEXER : wishes position;- prefer Oakland. Berkeley - or- Alamcda; -. understand 7 operation and repair on any ./gasoline, ear; -caii_milk; - wnges $40 to $D 0; references. A.C. ANDER-. \u0084'SKN.tP.- O. ".boxtlOtVtO-klanij. - . - Vlv 1 GOOD Japanese j butler,^ experienced: good" refer-. :. ences.<;, YAMA,> I3st> Pine st.; ; tel. Franklin . -.."SS«. "•.-'; \u25a0 . •.«-; . ,'. .-. -. \u25a0-\u25a0-*.\u25a0"\u25a0 '. '-..'\u25a0\u25a0.'.'•'"' IF; you are: oat-'ot \u25a0' wortcf an .ad under; employ-. i -- ment wanted will- help ? you \u25a0 secure at noaltion. JAPANESE 5 young ? man ' wsnts 2 position > as " t cook 1 ~J aud 'general-, work,'- or- only cook.' lntthis city or ;Berkolev;r has ; many -years' experience; •'':. sropd r- reference. - - Bos 4509. .- Call . offlce, ; 1051 U i Fillmore ;. st. '.- ;- : '\ ;: \u25a0 . --/v" . •;- . ' \u25a0 *\u25a0•'- • _."\u25a0 - •---'. -- ; -.' JAPANESE i boy wishes a < position as : schoolboy ; \u25a0 .PhonejWest 6709. •; f; . .' : \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•-\u25a0 \u25a0 MAN; of all ; work ; . handy with tools,"! etc. ; * goofl gardener; understands - care ... of- horses. ? Ad-, dress box *__G2, Call office. ; \u25a0 ..'. V . :;\u25a0:.-'! ;> . i MIDDLE aged gentleman of • address and , large ," '.\u25a0acquaintance,'- with Al references, desires posi- tion.^? Addi-ens; box. 39l3."^allofflceM)Bjtlaj3d^Vr: POSITION r wanted by>, young!; man: good i.wltb, I \u25a0. : horses ; city,, or^ conn try.." Box i. 227 1 ,1 Ca 1 1 offlce. PAINT.KR.-.paper hanger and t inter with ali;tools rr wants work, day, or Job; "good* work."- low, prices."; '{ 2771 a Folsom {; at. ; _ phono /Mission 1 5818. \u25a0-•>-.- ".-: POSITION " wanted 'immediately^ at' any,' kind f of. ... hard ; work : \u25a0• Just* arrivt-d ; from <•'. Denmark i and j \u25a0:\u25a0 ; < iiot s|)rak.;;Kiiglish- lanarnago.v.. Box ; 23r.«." \u0084"-•-, Call; offlce. :i "\u25a0•:::- V- .-"; :;' -vv" :./-' \u25a0 .-^. ; c. —-———_——————_-_—. ' ____—————_——-—————_. \u25a0 j. SOBER, '; well '^educated ivoung *man.^-wbo i 'can i i j („ speak i^ fluently ri read* and « write f English,-- Ger-; [ I ,man:. and • Russian,^ also .knowing the Lit In I :- > laDgu.ige,^ washes ; «* pOßition 1 In !f an \ office ( or.^a 1 y :; Box •\u25a0 2134,-; Cal l. offlce. . . \u25a0' ! KMPI.oy.HEXT W.WTED— Male— Con. SITUATION wanted by first class baker, all around man, to take- charge, couutry or city. Address CHAS. TAYLOR. 175 .?d st. TRUSTWORTHY .woman wishes any kind of :\u25a0: employment; t day or evenings. Address any day K. 1204 Golden Gate ay. WANTED — Position as moving picture operator; city or country. -Address. 508 San Bruno ay. • C. ISOARDI. .. - : -..-.•-..•. "WANTED— Young snan^ desires employment; :re- ' v fined and good education; 2 years hotel clerk; ' ' 6 - years ". commercial ' traveler; will accept either;. references. Address box 2200. Call. .- WANTED— To do light work 'In a family by Greek boy. JAMES PAPAS, 728 Harrlaon st. bet. 3d and. 4th. WANTED — By experienced . middle aged Jap- anese man and wife positions as care takers • for gentleman's country site. Box 2277, Call. WANTED— Any kind of light work by elderly \u0084 German, where he could make himself gen- erally .useful. WINTERS, 143 YOUNG man, willing worker, with good appear- ance, knows how to handle the public, wants position as new beginner grocery business; can furnish bond and Al references; wages or lo- cality do object. G. A. BERG. 1139 Leaven- " worth St.; tel. Franklin 4324. YOUNG man wants work on ranch doing chores, etc. ; is strong and willing to work; wages-no ( object. Box 2280. - Call office. YOUNG German, 28 years old, desires position In hotel as clerk;, has. the. best of references; steady, ; sober . and reliable. Box 2257, • Call. ' YOUNG man who has had 12 years* experience wants position in traffic department, estab- lished wholesale house: can furnish gilt edge references. : Address box 2287. Call office. YOUNG man wants work as baker, waiter or - porter. . 1259 Webster st. MR. L'TKIN. YOUNG man seek- position with eivll engineer; . h«< had exiwrience in. construction, work and would make a capable assistant. Box 2U32. Call office. ; ; : . YOUNG Japanese, wants position as waiter or housework ; in family; wages $8 up. Phone West 5488. - THE FILLMORE BRANCH 01" THE CALL IS » AT 1651 riLLUORB ST. AA--rti'liable woman would take charge of small . hotel or, lodging house; experienced; either city- or, country; ' thoroughly competent, Box 2307, Call offlce. : A— Experienced - lady's maid seeks employment. Box- 2291. Call offlce. X BOOK KEEPER, single or, double entry; latest .methods; business college graduate. Box 22&6, Call offlce. \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0.--. COOK. Danish," best of city references, wants a place: age 45; understands all kinds of cook- \u25a0, mc; itowu" or country." Address Cook, care of ' 1806 Sutter St.. or. telephone West 5S_."». ; ; i. COJIPETENT hotel clerk desires situation city or country; ?40.-; MISS DILLON. 113S Turk st. CULTURED widow, excellent manager of house and children, university references in German, desires position; parties who keep other help ' please answer for one. week.' -Address box 4512, Call office. .' : V; " ••- ELDERLY' Iady would like position as house j keeper; no objection ! to children in house; ref- erences. . Box 2314, Call office. \: EXPERT stenographer; Ti" years' experience; very . rapi>l ; typist:-- good accountant." book keeper; would like -Interview with Al .firm. Address box 23U», Call office, *S. F. ' EXPERIENCEI* ranch cook -desires situation; good cook; »30. MISS DILLON, lias Turk st. GERMAN girl" (speaks no English) wants place ;to" do -. housework -with'- German- family. Ad- dress box 2296.^ Call 'office. y GERMAN woman* wants. work by day; washing, . house ' cleaning; - first - class ironer. * Address MRS.iPOMGRAC. 21 Baker st. .; HUNGARIAN, cook with best of , references. . young,- strong, wants place to cook in restau- - rant,"\ hotel,'- boarding house or I. lnnch " counter/ Address ' Cook, 1896 \u25a0 Sutter, \u25a0 or tel. .West 58i5. IF- yon.are "oat of/ workman" ad 'under, employ- ment wanted will help_ you secure a position. ,JAPANESE woman wants a situation to do conk- \u25a0 In?.' and* housework: has child; wages $2.50 a week. ;> T." T.. 1819 Sutter:st. „ • ----/..r, :'\u25a0 \u25a0 MIDDLETAGED/Ainerican' womans .wants : ; posi- .'f.tion as .working, house keeper for small faintly; -.good" cook and! manager; -country, preferred; • wastes ?35, .>,. \ddrrss box 3945, Call offlce, Oak- \u25a0•iHnd: ;• .-' .-.-,- \u25a0 . :- :-; .;.•,.\u25a0-,;\u25a0--.- . > POSITION- wanted by ; experienced batter maker. ;v80x"2289,' Call .office. ; ..-.-. - ;.;• '.: ';; - ; : \u25a0 REWNED,"S educated' German girl . wants posl- '- 1 ion' -£' governess, i Phone Mission .5899.: *->;•- STEADY, .competent ~' middle - aged: girl wishes '\u25a0\u25a0 ."position ' to-, dor' general housework \u25a0 in small >j family. ViA Webster* st. :\u25a0\u25a0 : " ' ?r~- ; . 'SINGLE; lady i wants '. nosltion " as \u25a0 house, keeper iln » ;'„ mountains or ; country : J'Address box : 2327. Call. SWEDISH? jrirl -.wants;; situation - J doing house- ' . wort :-, references. s Box : 2_97. \u25a0 Call - office, v\u25a0. ; SlTUATlON'vTvauted-^Englhsb. pi-nduateiiurso de- j *,/ sires T position ;. In \u25a0 doctor's ' oftice; »*- references. a ; B»x* 1052," Call ; of flee. '- : . I WOII AN? wants "work 'by the day washing, iron- X•' ing ,'- or - house : cleaning ; : ?1 .00 " per doy. - r Box i;4435,i301M6th st/V /y \u25a0:--\u25a0\u25a0 r ;" WANTED— Laundry work by^tbe" day; $1.50 per :.;-day.'.:._DG«:Clay. \u25a0st.".;S,, :\u25a0:--* r-». .-.' ' \u25a0-.>\u25a0-, V " WANTED — Position* as chamber maid In country ji- i town. . l!ox J 2252.7 Call^ office.'-, ; • WOMAN*; wants 3 wash ing -and - house cleaning "by v 'tli' day;.?sl.7r.;t-pleas(;" give- phone -number.' ; ; Box :2^15.1 Call' officers > J \-x .-\u25a0;, ; . - YOUNG : lady.'i highly • edu?a4ed, - wi>ilie- position :] ' is.: priTHte.; secretary; \u25a0; owns. -typewriter;*- ex- I V'; pcrlenced.rl"-jßo.\:v23o6."i'Call -; i- v | YOUNG jlrish :girl ' wantp lionsework i in ; as small .1 ." family ;ijuo^children rv?-_r»'^a; n»outn:*4-.year«';j f< ref erencesJast. place. Ple.iKo: ring, np .West ss_s. i •YOUNGTpirli would like 4hou)e;in.' good. family.'! , \u25a0•: where ! she 'ca p 'attend s school: \u25a0 in ''- exchanged tor' l lillKhtj services. fMISSjCUMMINGS,I^'aIIejo.- r \s;j (YOUNGS Japanese- arlrl^vrants s position* as? '\u25a0.'.'" ' \u25a0\u25a0,"\u25a0• : ' ~ ;-' \u25a0"\u25a0•" \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0 '•\u25a0• -"-' •*\u25a0-•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0" \u25a0.- - \u25a0•- •\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* • - W AXTKD TO LEARN TRADE WANTED-^-MEN: Electricity, automobile. c»t- pentr;.' plnmblag. brick laying and atgn patat- ; ing trades taught' ln a few mont.s. ACrUAL -contract work. Catalog \u25a0 fr«e. UNITED TRADE SCHOOL CONTRACTING CO.. 1623 Mkt.. S.K. __^^^^AJL^EJj^«:jyp^^\XT^Els__ AN '• excellent position is open for a party of ability to act aa manager of new-electric taxi- cab company in Oakland at a good salary: in- vestment required. "Address ELECT. TAXI- CAB CO.. 627 First Nat'l Ban.. Oakland. Cal. A.VDRE'S. ; 1044 : fj»rk!n- gt.— Bus boy for hotel 535; elderly choreman. small farm. $20; cooks, j pantryman, porters, kitchen Imtui*. bed mak- -. ers and others. '\u25a0\u25a0'.-- COMPETF;nT salesman for ret_U otore carry- . Ing only, high grade goods In gents' furnish- ings; state fully age. experience, references; a permanent. goo«i \u25a0 post t lon to right person: salary $90 to twjrln : can earn 5123 to $150. ' . ' Box 227&. Ca II of flee. . CARPENTER wanted, name Ed Roth: mother «ick; write immediately, to her or Will; all : . will help yon. " EXPERIENCED collector; state age. positions held and how long, and salary received. Box 2343, Call offlce. . : EXPERIENCED. dry good*- man for domestics; Eureka. Cal.: 'state references, age and sal- ary. Box, 2274, Call office. ERRAND boy for dental offlce. 830 Market St., \u25a0 room 31S. FIRST CLASS ladles* tailors: only good, steady men need anply. Call between 1011 a. m.. ; BABON. 118 Geary st. FOUR : first class carpenters — Soutfcw««t corner Golden Gate ay. and O'ctovla rt. Come early. IF yon are oat of work an ad under employment • wanted will help you teenre « posltloa. . LAUNDRY drivers wanted. Apply at tbe French Laundry Co., 8372 Mission st. LADIES' tailor., for tbe country. Apnly ARN- STEIN. SIMON A CO.. LABORERS and mechanics to know tbat Edward - Rolkln has reduced the rooms at the Denver house, 8d and Howard its., to 35c per day; $_ week; bot and cold water In every room. MAX- or boy wanted for delivery for meat raar- ket. 1451 Devlaadero st. ' ~ MEN ' to" learn cigar making; good oav while " learning. 1353 Folsom st. corner 12th. . MAN willing to learn detective business and assist in offlce; only |150 required. Partlcn- ' lara 60 1' Pacific Hdg. - - . MEN and women to learn barber trade; 8 weeks; 'earn {J to $10 a week while learning; particn- lars free. MOHLER COLLEGE. 234 3d st. MEN to learn barber trade In S weeks; free spe- | cial inducements to next 10; call early; get particulars. ST. F. Barber College, 790 Howard. MEN wanted at 103 3d at. to have their ahoea I repaired; sewed soles, 75c, done In 10 mlnnte*. NEW WESTERN. 1124 Howard— Single room*, 13c and 20c per night; hot and cold water. SEVERAL youog men to train for vaudeville; experience unnecessary. 1219 Fillmore. rm. 01. STEADY nyn to attend cigar stand; must have • cash security. 1585 Folsora st, cocn«r 12th. SECOND butler for first clas- place. J.TS; refer- ences. MISS PLUNKETT'S. 1896 Sutter at., c»r. Webater. ' ;? -" -." ; WE want three stock salesmen, with ability and address, for quick money; don't overlook thi«. Sm MB. UWSON. 627 First National Bank building, Oakland. Cal. - " WAXTED— An experienced drapery aalesnan. Apply lI ALE BROS, -INC., 11th and Was*"lng- tor sts., Oakland. « WANTED — Elderly sober man to make hiuNelf generally useful in return for a good . bontj* in country. Call Monday. 141« Bth at.. Alamcda. WANTED— Competent, reliable railroad swUch- nifß to take. strikers". places oat of town; -free fare, board and room. Apply 434 Montgomery at.. _d floor, between 9 a. m. and 5 p. __.'.' WANU ED— Competent, reliable railroad switch- men to take strikers' places; out of town; free transportation: board and room provided. Ap- ply 434 Montgomery st., second floor, between Ua. m. and sp. m. • WANTED — Assistant sbipplng clerk tor -wbo'e- sale bouse; state age, references and salary expected. Box 2165. Call office. .; WANTED 600 men to occupy rooms. 20c to 80c per night (free batb). at the NEW Y(>^s. 75a Howard st., between 3d and 4th. WANTED at once, active yoong man for at*a-ty place; pays good wages; $150 cash reqn'red. Apply 964 Market at., room 4. ? - WE want a few live, responsible -men and women as deputies for our busmess In cm*- and towns* around the bay: vre have tbe best proposition ©n the coast: good pay. Call or . 1 address _F. O. M., room 52, Bacon block, Oak- land, Cal. - • WANTKI>-^.Sob«»r. reliable young man with some eash;"S6o to <S0 month; no experience neces- sary. 759. Mission near 4th. room 1. BARBERSAND SUPPLIES THE NEW AMSEL . A razor . of nnusual quality and the best . tbat can be bad. :It is impossible to produce ' .1 razor superior to the NEW AMSEL. for it 1% m«f|p of the cbok-t-st steel, and positively ground by the mont scientific Hamburg- con- cavers. It "abort." there "has absolutely nev?t been a better razor offered to the trade; price $2; grarsnteed: - open, ert-nlnars. PACIFIC BARBERS'. SUPPLY CO.. 062 Market »t. THREE. chair shop, nicely fitted: central: rent $25; including 4 -baths, ladles' hair dress- ing parlors with 2 baths; fine stock hair goods at invoice: will stand investigation; bargain. .; Exclusively. wlth.COLEMAy, «3Q Market st. SIX chair shop; one of the finest In the city: well located: rtlll .«ell or consider partner; half: cash. COLEMAN A CO.. 830 Market st. COUNTRY -barter «hop; jnust he snld: clears S2S per- week. -. C'OLEMAN. .Sno Market .st. . BARBERS' nnion No. I«S— -Monthly dues must be. paid at the ' a«^retary'» offlce or at the . regular meeting; bring your - old book -Is '\u25a0 ex- change for new book; give address. CHARLES . KOCH. Secretary. . __ - BARBERS' Protective Union — Employment sec- I retary. W. Baron. 775 Mkt.: phone Kny. 5384. BOOTBLACK'S chance to .open stand in- front of barber shop: rent cheap. 1131' Golden Gate. FOR sale — Barber shop. 2 chairs; good chance. Corner .4th and Bryant sts. BARBER shop -porter: zo»*l colored boy pre- ferred. ,M 4 -Market st. FOR- sale — A 5 chair barber shop; short hours. .Call at 327 Burh at- " : ' : " BARBER shop, for pal* cheap with living- rootnn In. back. 44S Valencia mt. - BARBER wanted: steady. ?21"D»vi(iad*ro St. • "'. EXPERIENCF.D barh*r wi»he* short h<wr Job. TUSSCAN7M72B ".- _*^* " • ?17S handles ,up to <Imp S t-halr «h»>p. j tSo . Eildy «t. near Flllnv»re. FIRST CLASS barber wanted: steady j«b: 10c «h<.p. 4U».Kth st.. Oak Jam!., . .. . • : WANTED— Bootblack for. oarh^r »bop. Apply at -411 De. vUanVm . <t. . GUERRERO at.. 1041— Barber shop, with 3 . rooms; established- 10 years. -< - GOOD barber wante- from Friday noon antll • Saturday uoon. ; 109 6th st. .. NEW.-- CHAIRS— AII"- ."kinds of barber chain - bought: and sold : : credit given; 7 room flat for ,sale; $13t»; at 355 Hayes st. . BARBERS, at Stoltz's, 731 Market st.; you can ,: save considerable, (n fnel in buying our new heater, which 1 also saves time. \ 1 BARBER shop, furnished complete, for rent; rea- . sonable. Occidental Hotel. Hayward. . - FOR rent — Bootblack "stand; splendid " location. Call barber. shop." SOJvH 16th at. near Valencia. BOOTBLACK x staud for sale. . Corner ISth and : Mission sts. »-'*.. \u25a0 • " FOR sale — Best pa.vlog 2 ebaur barber shop in . Reno. T - Bos -41. Keno. Nev. . • - FOR sale— 2 chair »ho>»." cheap;- ea^y terms. '- • 39t Valencia" at.;, .. ;_ . ;} FEMALE" HELP WAXTED AT. Madam v Andr>'.<; •: 1044 Larkln st. — American --- cook," short * distance.- $ 50: Oermait . cook,'.- $10; • waitress • and ' p«rlor '. maid.. $35; „ German . or Swedish-nurse',. *;st»;:maid and seamstress. $.10; French - iieconil girl.- ? ; -0; cook, ; eoantry. $40; second. girl, "same plat- e, . 530; .- youn^ jrlrls for housework. fX2."...'.5ai and $-13; laundress for /- hotel, 1 ' country. ., ?--V fare paid. .'-.-*', ".; AAA— LESIONS In hair dressing and. manicur- - Ing I given.; trade taught thoroughly from A to : Z; most -reliable, and . reasonable. " 1730-FUI ' 1 more "st... near Sutter.' .;; V : :''.'..'. \u0084.. : ANY : woman ~ln ; sorrow, perplexity. . needing '-. a \u25a0 friend. " J adviser, •Is > invited to .' call \u25a0on M ISS "TANNER: Salvation * Army headquarters." 1130 Market St.. : San Francisco: hours 2 to 4.- AT,' Crown ? S*i!rt Factory, 19th and' York »ts.. ' oui-rators waated ou all 'parts' of neglige . - thlrts; -also ;lrls ' to learn; steady wcrk - «nd good pay. .',-. • -. <• .'\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 -. \u25a0 - BTJTTONHOLE operator : on shirt I ; good oppor- - • tunityfor steady, work. \u25a0*\u25a0 ... 'ULMAN. SEELIGSOHN * BROWN, - • ,14!> New Montgomery sK "-- KXI*KKIENCKI» operators on all parts" of shirts; !'.'-. steady wurU : best pay,- : -,-... . V -. L'LMAN.- SEF.LIGSOHN &. ,BROWN, j. " : H!> New Montgomery st. *. -«v I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 -'\u25a0 - : \u25a0 . - -•'" " ;, -- -, .-.-*-. \u25a0 ' . ' ,! ' } FIRST CLAS{sr!ttHlincrv trimmers: -state *e-peri- ! • fiu-e.' wf«T»-ii<f» nnd salnrv-p-nevted.' -Address U^uix '2s;s. c-ii.offtfC 1 - '\u25a0:-.': --:\u25a0\u25a0': '\u25a0,-'. - { GOOD '"cook.* little housework;' yfoort distance-In 1 1; country; j s3o to $40.,; Call at 274 1. C1ay <»tr'- . I 01 RL". for ' general "' bouseworfe : .; good "' plain » cook : j '.v small family; ? 002 Stciner st. Monday 9 to 11. GIRL, general housework 3 adults to '•^J,; wages $20; references. Apply i_ " a^_»d 4 ay.7 Thursday and, Friday between 3 aaa * : o'clock. - —~~ — \u25a0 i GERMAN .nursery governe**. city . *3p : f^anl man ladr's maid. ?-.-,: « < ad - T * Son V' 0: la.ty. $35; a plain cook for tort^ a laundress. «v pUIn wort. *-o;,_ t^ L . h '. oVnnaa good commercl-1 hotel, city, $-3 *•_"{" mai ,t cook for German family. * 45 i- ft P* r i ° and. waitre**. small family. $30. 4 _JrV. 5 . girls for Oakland an.l Berkeley $30 anrt *> ; ter st. cor. Webater. GIRL wanted for general homework: wages $30. Apply at 3974 Sacramento «t. bet, w-- HOISF. KEEPER FOR GENTI.EMA.VS COTJN- TRY. HOUSE. MARIN COUNTY: SO FAJ^ ILY: GOOD HOME. BCT MKjDjT.r *»** KEEP CHICKKNS AND ?'» £..,.£* w.u;es $-o. box _n_s. call otntK. LEARN the art of hair dressing at the 9» u '£' ' nla CoUege oT Hairrfressins " nd _ B _-t^t T -£&* ture; ext>: tnstr. 067^. Market: T. Kear. 5o»?- LADIES wanted to Uke home work, ,^. I J^J?s l time; experience unnecesary. TRIEBi-K . . 1607 Ellis st., near Ftllmore. __ LADIES— RiUabIe home WMk applyintf tr _'f 3fl *" «<p_ra timt. $1.50 doa. upward gusranteeu. ' Bia. Weatbank bidg.. 830 Market st. • _ OAKLAND na ... PV GIRI_? TO MAKE OVERALLS- PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. «.-.,. LEVI STRAUSS &CO.. 3D AND CLAY 51»-. \u25a0 \u25a0 APPLY TO MB. DAT 13. STRAW hat opcrltor* wanted. CALIffORN I A HAT CO.. 2SO Minna st.. near 4th. SEVERAL young ladies to train for -audeTil£; experience necetyary. 1219 FlUmore, rm. 3i._ STRAW bat operators. California Hat Co.. »*O Minna St.. near 4th. •TTIOROUOH book keeper for 11 ?* 18 ,,, 1 *" 13 * 1 references required. Box 2253. Call offtV«- THOROfGHLY experienced embroidery and crochet teacher. Apply supt.'n of-ce. the tiu- por i um.^ ______ WANTED— 2 app.entVes and 1 »*_ ll _?_i_? m'.'i. linery d«pmrtm«ir «f S. N. WOOD * CO.. «lt_) and Waahlngtoo *-».. Onklaml. WANTKD— Oood cook and assist in bonsework: wagns $35. 2811 17th st. ur. Bryant. YOUNG women between the age* of 17 and 25. of fair edncatlon. neat appearance a nU "BTJ* tlonabU character wanted to staily te \ e , l L h , <^/* operating as • profesaion; a liberal salary 1* paid new operator* while In training at Uk- operating scbtol of the Pacific Telephone mu-l Telegraph company, and upon gTada-itioiitnt-y are given permment position- at the s'"^ board* with opportunities for promotion. 10* Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company pro- vide* light and well ventilated operating rooms, pleasant test acd lunch rooma. and takes a personal Interest la the welfare of tht» yosng . women In Its employ. Competent operator* fomlshed to provid* bracch exchange subscribers. For full particulars, call, preferably n»- tween y 8:30 a. m. and 12 m.. at operatlnj school, telephone office, 821 Hyde st.. aeas gutter. , WANTEI> — Energetic woman to assist in hand- ling sewing machine operator- : state experi- ence, reference and salary expected- Bor 2184. Call offlce. EMPLOYMENT OFFICES AAAAA— NOTICE. NOW OPEN. NOTICB- • FILIPINO EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 1130 STOCKTON. PHONE DOUGLAS 5707. FURNISHES ALL KINDS OF MALK BELf. AA — OSCAR HATSUMI. JAPANESE CHINESB EMP. CO.: BEST HELP WITH CARE ANJ> GCAR-: CITY OR COUNTRY. 1513 GEARY ST.; WEST SfiS-?, HOME S4CSB. ; AAA— PHONE WEST I7SI. I^arjest ."apanese and Chinese employment of_c« ln c!ty. T. TAMURA CO.. 1612 Laynn* -t- CANTON bureau of Information. Chlnene help. all occasions. 23 Canton Bank bidg., 649 Kray. STAR top. offlc« furnishes Japan*»«-Chtne-« help. W. KODATA. 1608 C-#ary; tel. West 187. WEST.' Jap" H. C. Co., reliable help furn..: steps washed lowest rat-. West 8137. 2213 Ptae -t. JAPANESE Hcmsecleanin? Co.. 2325 California at., near Fillmore. Phone West 7065. H. W. HONG. Chine«e employment offlee. ftJ^ Webster »t., Oakland: phones Pekta 25. A 3723. J. CONN, Chinese rap. bureau: Chinese cook* apecial. hotel or fata. 770 Clay; t, Dong. 31^-. JAPANESE and Chinese employment office. 16*7* Post: Ph. West 7155; Home phooe S. 3333. A. UORI. 174S Satter: phone West 2503^ — Bmc Jaoanrse-Cbinese belo f-mtshed promptly. SAI;-Ca»_M__X and SOLICITORS WAXTEP WANTED — 5 or 6 good hostlers, ladle* or gentle men. to sell the finest city property on th* bay, adjoining the location of the bis PnUn_an car shops at Richmond, Cal.; beat e-Qportn-tlty for the right parties in California: will pay salary or commission. Call from 7 to 8, even- J ings, at 602 37th St.. Oakland. / WANTED — 2 go*yl solicitors: ran make blcr - money if willing to work. Call between 10-_. Hotel Corona. II Taylor st. LIVE agents wantxt. 324 Haves st. UXPAIU WAGES COLLECTED WE GET YOt: THE MONEY: collections mad« everywhere; wages, liens, aects.. bad debt*, etc. INTERSTATE!. 613 lac. bidg.. 4th * Mkt. KNOX. J43 Fin*— Suit*, liens, attachments, titnc checks cashed: debts roliecW everywhere. DOES any one owe you,? We collect desperate account- everywhere 03 percentage; no collec- tion, no charge. . No account too small for at- tention. DEAN & CO., 632 Paci-c building. S. F. Phone J1330. ROOMS TO LET— Far, and Vofur. A COZY home fur respectable ladles. 1130 Mar- ket at." near Stb, under auspk-ea of the SAL- VATION ARMY; elegantly furnished; every modern convenience; steam beat, electric ligUC aad elevator service; spotlessly clean; centraiiy located; thoroughly homelike; telephone M-rWec 1349; prices very moderate, ranging from 25c - per night up; special rates by t_e week n? montb. See matron, room 33. AA— UNION st.. !>72. nr. Jones— Beautiful sunny rooms: r«-f*rt»ncv*: all conveniences; flue view. A-r-CLAY St.. 3323 — Beautiful mom. lo.x_S. pri- vate family, for lady; clrc. Itgbt. phone, piano; beat; breakfast if desired. Plmne West st 67. AAA — New and: well tarnished sunny room; batb. phone, : hot water, heat and electric lights; rent reasonable. 20€0 Sutter at. nr. FlLUnsre. CENTRAL HOTEL. 374 3d St.— Free baths; of Hen and reading room na ground floor; 500 single and family rooms; ?,V to $1 a day; $2 to fS « week. EDWARD ROLKIN. Proprietor. CALIFORNIA *t.. 1244, nr. Jnm-* —Sunny front snit*. 2 large ro<>nv». newly furni»he<l: runniu; wat«>r. barb: suit, married cwipl»: n»f.; apt. ;;. DECKER (Tbe>, 319 Leaveaworth — Sunny out- aide rms.. day. w_. mo.: $1.73 wu.-up: bath. DEWEY HOUSE. 4tb and Howard— All mo.lerii couveniences: 200 rooms, 35c to St day. $_: to $5 a week: free baths; Howard or 4th st. cars. DKVISADERO St.. 641— FuraUhed room; bath, phone; rrnsoimMi*. EDDY »_,. 383, corner Leavenwortb (The Troy) Sunny roicn». 50«- day np. 52.30 week up. % EDDY st.. 828 — A few cheap rooma In swell bouse: $1.25 per week. . FOLSOM st., -1222. near Bth— Rooms, single or double. $2 per week; light; sunny; hath. FULTON it, 823, near Fillmore— Fine furnished front room with all conveniences; <ai table for I or 2 gentlemen. GEARY- St.. 1620— 1n a private family; 2 large." furnished, beautiful , front rooms; sonny and cozy; pbone; bot and cold water; beautiful gar- - dens and handy to all cars. HOFFMAN ay.. 4t*— Pleasant newly furnished 'room, in private family, with or without board; half, block from 24tb> »t. - cars. HOTEL IRVING. 447 Eddy— 2oO modem outsirta rooma; large lobby; ladies" parlor; drummerv sample rooms; 30c to $1 . a day; $2.30 to $3 week. Eddy st. ears direct from ferry. McALLISTK!: st.. COfi. cwraer— Furnished nwnis $2 $3 week; also bskpg. : inspection i nT |ted. OVERLAND HOUSE, 5t!l» Sacramento «t. below Montgumerj — Now open;*. ZOO rooms; but and .cold water In every room: 23c t" $2 per da v $1.50 to S3 per week. EDW. ROLKIN, Prop! PLEASANT. tiMUieli-e place for jroting lady to room: rcfereuce*. Eo.v -313.: Ca1l «>rtlc«». POLK *t..-13H>. near Bush— Large, snnay room -. runnlos water. $2.25 per week. SCOTT »t.. - 20-IU. corner . Sacramento — Unfur- - ni«h«-.l or rrcr_Nbe«l rooms. Phone West 201*." SHRADEII 5t.. ".-72»— V nicely \u25a0: fnrnKhed alcove vrooiu; top 3at; all medern conveuiences; strict. ly private ? family.: . ' W.VLLER St.. "Z»l near Filhnore-^Larjte, sunny .ulcely;fnm.ls_i'd hack parlor, wltb'.ns*; of p_' r - ; lor If desired: larjre cfostV; bath; suitabli? for lor 2. \u25a0 ' . \u25a0 13TH st.. 7S--Larse. snnny. furnisbeil room la German family: rent $8 per month. HOTEL OREGON, j l-ltb and Valencia sta.. pbone l*art 3573; all Mzht t rooms, nicely furnished.^ »in?!» a>3«i «n. wnlte- ;: private, bath; hot juJ told water: rates S;i } we-k upn-ard: free baths. EV«BNE F We t CARTHY and E. C. GOCLP. Propr^torV. 2JTH ; at..^ 5t0. " Oakland--Hsat. plea-ant room«- - hnt and col<l w»t#r. -rtrb *»fh." ... y. • nERKJBIIKvInoOMS— IK«r.Vn1 K«r.Vna t> 7u_i_^': FOUIt" fnrnl-'bea r»«nn-5 for rent ; i bo|tv»>«>i> •> "^ ' ;•; 1in«~.. . N.«IU : Berkeley. For ' pHrtioulaw" call ; n|» \u25a0 Berkerpy ; .<«\u25ba! ; c {. .*<» t » j r».J!»«.-. \u25a0 FOl{_.r«'n« — KumUhed -front »uiti« in nr!»»r. home. -2»y_ t.hannin_- w.y. Berkpl>-. ; '• - Coatlauvd «o Xext I»ai_s»V