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BARBOUND FLEET ON WAY SOUTH Twelve Lumber Schooners Sail From Westport After Long Delay Heavy Weather Drives Pilot Boats to Seek Shelter in Harbor HE # barbound fleet of lumber steamers that has been held at West port, Wash., for the last 10 days by the terrific storms, that have been sweeping the coast, tob*k ad vantage of a lull In the gale yesterday morning and 12 of them put to sea. They passed out in a regular proces sion, the vessels only being a few hundred yards apart. As they got out into the open sea they all pointed their bows to the south. While the sea was choppy the wind was moderate. Those in the fleet are the Rainier. Hogniam. Tahoe, Xewburg and Clare jnont. bound for San Francisco: the <_^ntralia, Stanley, Dollar, Melville Dol lar Santa Barbara; Doris and Fair Oaks, headed to San Pedro, and the Bessie Dollar, bound for Astoria As the 12 vessels steamed out at al most the same time— the seafaring men «!ongr the front, are awaking with in \u25a0>rest. to see the time that the differ ent vessels will make f in the run down the coast to their respective objective ports. Pilot BontM Forced Inaldr All the pilot boats in service off this bar are now inside the Golden gate, and at anchor off Melggs wharf. They were forced into port by the storm" that raged yesterday. The last to come in were the Path finder and the Grade S. which passed an shortly before 6 o'clock last night At that time the wind was blowing at the rate of 52 miles an hour off Point Kf-y-s. It is the first time in many years that at least one pilot boat has not remained outside, but in this in rtance the elements were too strong «r,d the boats were forced into port for Cleveland at Honolulu The steamship Cleveland, which is leaking a "round the world tour," ar rived at Honolulu yesterday from the or.ent. The <ruestion of the heavy fine iliat is to be imposed upon the steam ship company when the vessel arrives at this port has not as yet been settled. The Cleveland is to stay two days at Honolulu, and by that time Inspector .Stratton expects to have the matter de cided one way or the other. l.inrr NVbranka Arrive* The American-Hawaiian steamship company's steamer Nebraskan arrived j:ere yesterday. 14 days from Salina Cruz and 35 hours from San Diego. It tame in ballaFt up from the latter port with the exception of 30 tons of freight. It carried 4.375 tons of general mer chandise from Salina Cruz to fian Dipgo. Captain Knight reports that January 22 at noon, when off Point Arguella, he sighted the tug Dauntless, with a dredger in tow, bound up the coast to th:s port. . t.irrline VruiK \\ »rrl«-»« The Matson line steamship Lurline .'-"Sit In a wireless which reacht-d this port Saturday at 11 p. m. It said that .-iSe vessel was 1.000 miles off this port •'-t thr time, and it expected to reach here January 26 in the morning. At , '\tf time of sending the message the barometer was 30.1 » and the tempera ture €S. B«}» Adrift Safely l.nncU-d A report at the harbor police station to :ho effect that three boys were adrift in a small boat near Blankens caused the police boat Patrol, with Captain Murphy and Sergeant Edner, to he dispatched to Hunter's point. On arrival there, however, they found that the boyg had not been in danger and had landed safely at Baden. !!onr Conien for Itepalrn The revenue cutter Boar arrived yes terday two days from Han Diego and tvont to anchorage at Snusalito. Cap tain Bertholf brought the vessel up to have it inspected at Mare Island to Kee what repairs it will , need before it starts on its cruise to Behring sea this summer. Senreh tbe Liberia and China Inspector Kpliram Enlon spent the <!*>• yesterday looking far opium on the Fteatners Siberia and China, but no find \va^ reported. Waterfront Xoie* Lumber arrivals by sea from the north coast -yestordav amounted to 933.000 feet. The Pacific Mail steamship* com. panyj; steamer Manchuria arrived at Honolulu yesterday from the orient on its way to this coast. The barge Santiago. Captain McDon ald, arrived yesterday. 10 days from Monterey, with 11.000 barrels of oil for t lie Associated oil company. It was in tow of the tug Navigator." I.Snor l.ntr In Hrn.hlntr Honolulu HON'OLULI*. Jan. 23.— The steamer Manchuria arrived today from the orient, mor*" than two days behind er-h^dule. The liner encountered cold \u25a0u-fatli^r out of Yokohama,* and made th*> run to this port over the southern course, wliirh added nearly 1,000 miles to th«» diftanc*-. The ordinary route in known as the northern course. The Manchuria brought 358 Filipinos, re cruited In lh.e Philippines by an agent of the Hawaiian Immigration board, to work on the sugar plantations. They suffered Intensely from cold during the voyage. h hlpwrerked t'revr Hrscued KDGARTOVVN. Mass.. Jan. 23. — The *ix masted schooner Mertie B. Crowley lies tonight a total wreck on the reef's off MarUias Vineyard island. The Crowley was bound from Baltimore for Boston with coal. To the bravery of Captain Lev! Jack- Bon of the Edgartown fishing smack PrlFcilla is due the rescue of the 15 persons aboard the Crowley — Captain llaske!!, Mrs. Haskell and 4he crew of 13. The skipper's wife, like the others, was lashed for 10 hours to the rigging of the battered schooner. The schooner, went on the rocks at 5:30 o'clock this morning, the man at the wheel making out Edgartown light as that of Block island. *»rnn«i*-«l Schooner floated SEATTLE, Jan. 23. — The schooner Robert R. Hind, which grounded in i;iy»ess bay, Whidby island, yesterday, was pulled into deep water. at high tide this afternoon by two tugs a.nd the revenue cutter Tahoma. The schooner was taken to Porf. Towns end, where it will be surveyed before ccntSnuing its trip down the coast. It is believed that It sustained no serious damage. The Hind is carry ing a cargo of lumber from Eagle Harbor to San Francisco. v Onmpnnla Reach** Port NEW YORK, Jan. 23.— A full day late but showing no injuries from the serfeis of **torms that played over Us course, the Cunard liner Campania ar rived today and landed its passengers. Tii« Campania took the southerly "long to avoid icebergs.' By United Wlreleu Surd*y, JtJßuary 23, 1910. KAI.'ALEI. STEAMER — Jan. 23. 4 p. m., passed I'oint fiur; will arrive at San Francisco 3 a. m.. Jan. 24. KLAKATH, BTEAMER-vJan 23. 6 p. m.. 3 milcii «>utliw«t of Pigeon, point. Weather KOaallr; wind, nonthwest; sea choppy.. UJSATILLA. STEAMEE— Jan- 22, .7:20 p. m., off Point Arena. Weather calm; Itarometer, • 29.W; temperature, 50; overcast and westerly, iIANEAS CITT, BTEAjtEit— Jan. 22. '8 p. m., off- Heceta heads. / ?• ASUNCION, STEAMEa-rJan. \u25a0: 22, . . anchored off Preston on account of 'heavy fog. . * COLONEL E. I~ DRAKE. STEAMER— Jan 22. X p. tn.. «ff R»<e rocks, with barge 3 In t '«' ; <•« Its «od foggy CITY OF PUEBLA. 'STEAMER— Jan 22. » MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS IN ALL PARTS OF WORLD p. m., off Gr«ys Harbor; strong southeast winds; moderate sea; barometer, i9.TB; tem perature. 58; raining. FaLCON, Sl£AJtE&— Jan T2, 5:30 p. m., passed Cape Blanco; m-sh southeast winds. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO ARRIVE v From I Steamer | Date San Pedro |T. L. Wand... | Jan. 24 ' saa Pedro infield-...: |J»n. 24 ,'Jray« Harbor |Ralnler -| Jau. 24 Grays Harbor | New burg jJan. 24 ; (iravM Harbor .Claremont |Jan. 24 Grays Harbor rtanta Barbara. .) Jan. 24 Grays Harbor Centralla iJau. 24 Kan Podro Coronado IJan. 24 : *au Pedro t JKlamath |Jan. 24 \u25a0 San P«-dro. |A. Sampson |Jan. 24 Bau Pedro | Norwood (Jan. 24 Hallna Crut Alaskan |Jan. 24 "ilumboldt \F. A* Kilburn.. |Jan. 21 j!an Pedro Hanalel |Jan. 24 Hongkong & Kobe .[Oakotah |Jan. 24 Puget Sound Ports City of Puebla..lJan. 24 Portland & Astoria jKrupbs City (Jan. 24 .Cotjullle River : |liliiabeth |Jan. 25 Humboldt : '. (Vanguard Man. a 8«n P«dro Tallac |Jan. 25 Portland & .Astoria (Northland (Jan. 23 Portland & Astoria. .. .| Nome City.. !Jan. 25 Hnmboldt |City of Topeka.jJan. 25 Coos Bay M. F. Plant.. .{Jan. £\ Singapore & Karatftu... Ashtabula IJan. 23 Tahiti Mariposa [Jan. 25 Seattle & Tacoma Watson Jan. 23 San Diego & Way Ports ljueen Jan. 25 Everett Serak Jan. 2<s Humboldt North Fork . Jau. 2« Humboldt J. J. Loggle. . - Jhn. 20 San Pedro J. B. Stetson. .. Jan. 2« New York via Aucon.. City of Sydney. Jan. 2tt Honolulu Lurllne Jan. 'M i China & Japan Manchuria ...... Jan. 27 Puget Sound Porte Pn-sldisiit Jan. -7 San Pedro O. W. Elder. .. Jan. 27 Point Arena & Albion . Porno Jau. 2t Portland i & Astoria j Uoanoke '\u25a0 Jan. J8 San Pedro A- Way Ports!Ox>s Bay. Jan. 28 San Diego & Way Port<Santa Rpaa U«n. 29 TO SAIL Dest ination l Steamer | Sails IPler January 24 — | I Grays Harbor Coronado ... 3 pmj 21 Grays HarJ»or S. Monica... 4 |>tu|.... \u25a0Los Angeles Ports Centralla ... 1 ppi i.l Astoria & Portland T. L. Waud 5 pm| 2i Ooqullle River Fifield | 5 ptttj 2J Grays Harbor Norwood N. York via Sal. Crui.lXebraskan . 2 pm 2» January 25 — | ' , Seattle direct ?a?lnaw Seattle direct Tallac 3 pm 21 Astoria & Portland Klamath ... 5pm.... Grays Harbor Weeterner .. 4pm.... Humboldt P. Kllhurn.. 10 am 13 Lo« Angeles Ports Hanalel 3 pm 10 Japan &. China Siberia 1 pm 42 SeatUe & Tacoma. ..».. Ad. Sampson 1 pni 10 San FHcgo & Way Ports' Santa Rosa.. 11 am 20 Nanalmo & Way Ports. Olsu ft Mhny 3 pm 27. January 26 — I . Seattle & Tacoma ;li*o S pm 38 ("oquillp Rivor.^. . .'Ellr.abcth ... 3 pm.... Pusrt Sound Pftts Queen 4 pm 11 Astoria & Portland (J. B. Stetson Gray* Harbor Newburg 21 Mendocino & Pt. Arena Sea Foam... 4pm 4 Jauuary 27 — Portland & Way Ports. O. W. Elder 1 pm 13 Humboldt y... City Topeka. 10 em 11 Grays Harbor ....Claremont .. 3pm 21 Coon Bay M. F. Plant 3pm S January 2S— Hnnilwldt Vanguard . . 10 cm lft Hamburg & Way Ports Serak . A . . . 12 m Ifl New York via Ancon.. San Juan... 12 m 42 San Diego & Way Ports President . . 2pm 20 January 23 — Astoria & Portland Kansas City. 11 am 40 Puget Sound Ports City Pnebla. 11 am 11 Astoria & Portland Northland .. 3 pm 19 Astoria & Portland Nome City.. S pm 10 lios Aueelea Ports Roanoke ... 5 pm 13 Point Arena & Albion .. Porno 6pm 4 TO PAIL FROM SEATTLE Destlnalon | Steamer | Date Valdez & Seward (Victoria !Jan. 24 Skagway & Way Ports. Jefferson .IJan. 25 VaMez & Seward Yucatan Feb. 1 Southwestern Alaska. .. Portland Feb. 5 Valdez & Seward Olympla ....... Feb. 8 Sun, Mono and Tide United Stale* coast and geodetic survey — Time j and hoijrhts of tides at Fort Point. For city fmnt (Mission street wharf) add 2."» minutes. MONDAY. JANUARY 24 Sun rises 7:21 Sun sets 5:25 M<»>u sets «:."»« a. ni. Full moon Jan. 2.'., at 3:41 a. m. l.act quarter moon Feb. 2, a* 3:18 a. m. tTiuicf jrfraej |Time| jTimej Jan • Ft 1 1 Ft 1 ! Ft I 1 Ft |L W| |H W| IL,W| IH Wl 24. .j 4:oyj ».8i 0:50 6.21 5:101—1.2 1 IH Wl IL W iH Wl L \V 25..! 0:30! 4.5 4:54 3.2110:48 6.1 5:51 —1.0 26.. 1:14 4.7 5:45 3.2 11:85 5.8 6:33—0.1 2T.. 1:54 4.S 6:35 3.112:20 5.5 7:10—0.3 28.. 2:26 4.9 7:26 2.0 1:12 4.8 7:47 0.2 29.. 2:50 8.0 8:1S 2.6 2:01 4.5 8:26 0.8 SO.. 3:81 5.01 9:11 2.6 2:5» 4.0 9:05 1.4 31. .1 4:03 S.o'lO:09 2.4| 4:OS 3.6 9:40 1.9 V. S. Branch H ydrojrraphlc Office A branch ot the Inlted State* hyilrographlc office, located In the Merchants' Exchange. l« maintained In San Franrlw-o for the benefit of mariner*, without rr-jrard to nationality «nd free of expense. Navicator* are cordially Invited to visit the office, where «-omplete «et« of c-harts and sailliiE directions of tlie world -are kept at hand for comparison and reference and the latest Information, can always be obtained re cardlnz lights, dangers to navigation and mat ters of interest to ocean commerce; J. C BURXKTT. • I-ietitenant. '•'• S<- In charge. HYDHOGRAPHIC OFTICE Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor. _PLACE j Ft. |. Date I- _!?«" «I k » Grays Har! 18.1 Jan. 13jlnner bar buoy sub- I J I merged. Willapa B| 27 jJan. «IWhiitllng buoy l mile | I J north of bar.' • Coliim. R.l 24 (Nov. S|siio«llnß outside nun _ j i£| | l»noy No. 2. Nehalra R] 7 |Nov. fi B»r bnoy 200 yards N. I I of cjiannel. Tillmk bT| 9 IDec. 17 J Channel shifted 1 mile I 1 [ toath in gale Nov. 23. I * Nun buoy No. 0 and Yaqulna B 10V4iDe<\ 18 can buoy No. 3 gone | adrift. - --\u25a0 ' Slueliw R! •"» |Jan. 6| 7 t'mpqua Rl 12* IDe<-. 6 Channel well north of I I range. I 12 feet at low tide to Coos Bay. 18 Jan. 4 \u25a0 North Bend: 12 feet at low tide tp Marsh- J \u25a0 field. Coquille Rj 9 IJan. 7 [Channel straight; good * f ( I condition. Rojrne Rl v| I I % • r • Klamtli Rl 7 IJan. 7 'Channel straight east \u25a0_• \u25a0 I I j and west. t j Ilmbldt Bj 20 IJan. 151 North channel unsafe. \u25a0^ -\u25a0' • j J I. to navigation. S Pedro B| 20 [Jan. sjT<o chattge In channel. 8 Diego Il| 23 |Dec. fllNo change In channel. S PaWo"Bf24 [Dec. liDepth in dredged chan- I 1 I nel. , . SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of tke Pacific [Special Dispatch to The Call] ASTORIA, Jan. 23.— Steamer George W. Fen wick has cleared for San Pedro with \u25a0 cargo of 320.000 feet of lumber loaded at Rainier.: and 1. 700.000 feet loaded at the Hammond lumber company's plant. Oil tank steamer Catania arrived Saturday •with h chtro of -fuel oil from California and proceeded to .Portland. ~ - . , - Steamer Rosnoke- arrived Saturday from .-San Francisco and war ports witli freight and paa \u25a0engers. but wa« unable to proceed up ".the .river to Portland ou account of. a 'dense fog.V Steanjer STea arrived today from San Fran cisco 1 and proceeded at one* up the river to load lumber. -\u25a0 . - . • ' .-,, Steamer Cascade arrived down. the river yes terday with -a cargo of. lumber -for. San • Fran-, cisro and proceeded to sea today. . : Steamer Coaster,' with a carco of lumber, load ed at the Hammond lumber ; eotnpany'ir mill for San Francisco, proceeded to *ea today.' «•" - Steamer Northland 'ha* arrived , down the rirer with a partial cargo of lumber ' for San Fran cisco and will proceed to Knappton to finish..,' £ OU tank steamer. A sum-inn arrived down the. river this evening and will proceed to Ean Fran cisco as soon as tbe fog: lifts In the lower har- bor. ;\u25a0•--- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•.• ..'..-. v :.''. \u25a0 . Norwegian steamer Selja arrived down the river, tbi* evening with. a general cargo for the orient' and will cross oot Monday. " \u25a0 Steamer Alliance arrlvea- down the river with freight : and passengers for Coos « bay, and will I<-«tc mit »k soon as tbe fog lifts. • , • , PORTLAND, : Jan. 23.— StPamer Iloanokc ar rived t hiH afternoon i from \ San - Pedro \u25a0 and . way poluts with \u25a0 162 passengers ' and > freight .In . ex cess of 1.000 (on*. From -San'- Pedro the Roan oke enjoyed moderate weather, '\u25a0 the only r dlf fl-' culty being Heavy . fog off -Cape < Blanco. - • \u25a0• . Dense . fogs < banging : over- Coos bay . prevented the htrnnicr Breakwater leaving there, on schedule Saturday, but It crossed . out ; this morning.' It. will i reach > Portland . Tuesday ,- and »an effort . will ne» made, to nave It leave on regular .time \V«'dn*"Hday. SfS9sPsHQS£*s££its£&s( - - - . .' Krmcli \u25a0 »Wp Ernegfl>'goitvp.came*up : the river tenlsut from Astoria, brln*in«- \u25a0 a : carco \u25a0of cc-. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, »" MONDAY- %TANI3 AEY 24, 1910^ ment from Antwerp, consigned to Kerr, Glfford &' Co. .....\u25a0\u25a0' .. \u25a0 \u25a0 * Carrying a cargo of grain the French ship Sully will be towed down .the river, tomorrow bound for Queenstown,' where \u25a0 she will awau orders. - • '\u25a0\u25a0 > \u25a0 Andre Theodore, another - French ship, will leave down the . river .Tuesday „• or Wednesday, loaded with gntin for Queenstown, where lt will await orders. . . ' •\u25a0>. . Steamer Catania,' oil transport, arrived from San Francisco -nt 8 o'clock tonight. . ' Loaded with lumber for , San 4 Francisco the steamer «St. Helens sailed '-at -'3:3o. '.tnls after noon. After experiencing a difficult trip up the river as a result of the heavy -fog, \u25a0 the British steamer Fulls of Orcby arrived - this afternoon I from San Francisco. It tied up at the dock of tbe Eastern and Western lumber company, where lt will load for China. SEATTLE, Jan. 1 23.— Arrived : Steamer Buck man, San Francisco; steamer \u25a0 Harold -DoU«r, San Francisco; Japanese, steamer Tacoma Maru, Tawdna; steamer President, Tacoma.— TACOMA, Jan. 23.— Arrived: British steamer Antiloehus, Yokohama ; eteamer Wasp, Seattle. Departed: Steamer President, Seattle. • . v LOS ANGELES, Jan. 23.— Sailed: Steamers Queen, for San Diego; Admiral \u25a0 Sampson, for Se attle, rla San Francisco, ' - , \u25a0 Army Transports The Crook Is in port. - The Thomas nailed January 13 «from Honolulu for Manila. . The Warren is at Manila. The Dlx sailed December 15 from Seattle for Manila. ..-*\u25a0\u25a0 . ' •- The Logan sailed January 14 from Manila fur San Francisco. The Buford Is In port. The Sheridan Is in port. ' * SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE AHRIVED Sattirclny. January 22. Stnir Santa Monica, (ilsen, 2S hours from Santa Barbara; ballast to J. R.llanify. \u0084 \u25a0 Sunday. January 23. IT S Etmr Hear. Betrtholf, 2 days from San Diego. . ... • Stmr Shoshone, Asplund, -34 hours from San Pedro; ballast to Charles It. MeC'ormlck. % Stmr L Ilelen P. Drew, Fagerstroin, .41 hours from San Pedro; ballust to L. E. White lumber 1 company. Stmr Daisy Mitchell, Devett; 38 hours from San Pedro; ballast to S. S. Freeman. Stmr Brunswick, Hammer, 15 hours from Fort Brncs; 353 M ft lumber to Union lumber com pany. - Stmr Nebraekan, Knight, 14 days from Suliua Cruz, via San Dlcgo :>."• hours; merchandise to Williams. Dlmood & Co. Stmr Sea Foam, Hendrickson. 14 hours from Mendocino, via Point Arena 10 hours; 200 M ft lumber to H. Templeman. • . 'Stmr Marchfleld, Dettmfrs. 47 hours from Ku rek«; 350 M ft lumber to Pacific lumber com pany. Sour .Santiago. McDonald, 10 hours from Mon terey, in tow tug Navigator; 11,000 bbls oil to Associated oil company. \ SAILED i Sunday, January 23. Stmr Yosoinite, Reiner. Astoria. Stmr Santa Monica, Olsen. Grays Harbor. fitmr Daisy Mitchell. Devltt. Willupa harbor. Stmr Despatch,' Carey, Kureka. Stmr Ravalli, Nelson, Eureka. Br stmr Earl of Klxin. Jameson. Comox. Stmr Jim Butler. Olsen. San Pedro. Scbr James Rolpli, Olsen, liana. Scbr Okanogran, Wolsund. Port Gamble. ' Schr Monterey, Kolly. Monterey, In tow tug I Navigator. PASSED AT SEA Hj» stmr Shosbone — Jau 23. 10:30 a. m.. off Point Sur, stinr Altec, from Acapulco. for PuffPt sonnd; 12 noon, tug Dauntless, with dredger in ! tow. from San Diego, .for Sau Francisco; 3:30 p. m., off Pigeon point, stmr Kathrrlne, from San Pedro, for Kureka. Had strong southeast i wind from Point Snr to San Francisco. " By stmr Nebraskan — Jan 22, noon, off Point Arguello, tug Dauntless, with dredger In tow, from San Diego, for San Francisco. WEATHER - REPORTS . POINT U.)BOS, Jan 2.:. y a. m.— Foggy* wind. *outhe«st; velocity, 10 miles per hwir. POINT REVKS. Jan 23, 9 a. m.— Cloudy; wln<), south; velocity. 36 miles per hour. I 5 p. m. — Foggy; wind, soutli; velocity, 52 miles per bonr. ' FARALI/)NES, Jan 23, ,9 a. m.— Raining; wind, south; velocity, 2({ miles per hour." TATOOSII, Jan 23. » a. m. — Cloudy; wind, south; velocity, 7 miles per hour.. TELEGRAPHIC POINT LOBOS. Jan 23, 10 p. in.— Weather, foggy; wind, southwest; velocity.' 32 miles per hour. BY MASSIE WIRELESS Stmr I.urllue, from Honolulu for San Kranrisco — .Tan 22, Up. m.. 1.000 miles off San Fran- Cisco; barometer, 30. lit; temperature. 65; ex pect to arrive Jan 2(5. a. m. DOMESTIC PORTS BANDOX— Arrived Jan 23— jstmr Newport, from Coos bay; schr Omega, from S»u It-dro. . Sailed Jan 23 — Stmr Newport, for Eureka; sclir Orcgou, for Sau Francisco; schr Hugh Hogan, for San Francisco; scbr Advance, for San Francisco. COOS BAY — Arrived Jiiu - 22— Stmr Nann Smith, hence Jan 20; stmr M. F. Plant, hence. Jan 20. Sailed Jan 23— Scbr Advent, for San Fran cisco; bktn Eoho, for San Pedro; stmr Break water, for Astoria and Portland. - TATOOSH — PHsned in Jan 22 — Stmr Buckman, hence J»n 20, for Seattle. ,\u25a0 Passed out Jan 22 — Stmr Watson, from Seat tle, for San Fraix-iseo; stmr Colonel E. L. Drake, from Seattle, for San Francisco. < Jan S3 — Ship, towing. ASTORlA— Arrived Jan 23— Stmr Svea, hence Jan 20. - Sailed Jan 23— Stmr Coaster, for San Fran cisco; stmr Cascade, for San Francisco. SEATTLE — Arrived Jan 23— Stmr Buckman, hence Jan 20: stmr Harold Dollar, hence. Jan 10. WESTPORT (Wa*h.>— Sailed Jnn 23 — Stmr Rainier, for San Francisco: stmr Hoqulam, for San Francisco: stmr Centralln, for San Pe dro; *tmr Stnnley Dollar, for Sun Pedro: Br stmr Bfssle Dollar, for. Astoria; otmr Melville Dollar, for San Pedro;- stmr Snnta Barbara, for San Pedro; stmr Doris, for San Pedro; stmr Fair Oaks, for San Prdro: stmr Newbnrg." for San Francisco; stmr Tahoe. f or .' Sun Francisco; stmr Claremont,' for San Francisco. - Pasoed In Jan 23— -Three steamers, between 7:30 and 10:30 n. m.; tblck fog; rould not get their names. NEAH BAY— Anchored Jan 23— Schr Alex-T. ! Brown, for Callao: tug Daring, for Seattle.' PORT TOWNSEND— Arrived Jan 23— Schr ' Oaklßnd, hence ' Dec 2H. PORT BAN \u25a0 I.Ulß— Sailed Jan 23— Stmr Lan- \ sing, for Sau Frsncisco. - Arrived Jan 23 — Stmr Coos Bay, hence Jan 21, and sailed for San Pedro. SAN DlEGO— Sailed Jan 23— Stmr Argyll, for San Francisco. ' EtTßEKA— Arrived Jan 23— Stmr City of To peka. hence Jan 22; stmr Whlttler, hence Jan 22; stmr Temple E. Dorr, from San Pedro; stmr Acme, hence Jan 22: stmr Aurelia. from Redondo beach: stmr 4. J. Ijoggle. hence. Jan 22. Sailed Jan 23 — Stmr Aberdeen, for San-Fran cisco; stmr F. A. Kilburn. -for Ran Francisco. ISLAND PORTS/ HONOLULU— Arrived .Jan 23 — Stmr • Mancliu- Hh. from Hongkong and Yokohama, for Baa Francisco: Ger stmr Cleveland, from China and JepaiK"for San Francisco;- strar»Nevadan, htnee Jon 15; Brazilian, from . ' r . Sailed Jnn 23 — Schr Flora we Ward, feff Midway island. " • «. . FOREIGN .PORTS VICTORIA— SaiIed Jan 23— Nor stmr Aagot, for >felbourne. • \u25a0• ' ' . OCEAN STEAMERS PLYMOUTH— Arrived Jan 23— Stmr St. liOuis, from - New York. . . ; .^ ' QUEENSTOWN — Sailed Jan 23 — Stmr I.auren tlc for New York; utrnr -Umbrla.-for New. York. SOUTHAMPTON— SaiIed Jan 23 — StmrMrapr- Ika.'for New York. - " GIBRALTAR— SaiIed Jan 23— Stmr Pannouia, for New York. " . ' '.:\u25a0-'\u25a0 ALEXANDRIA— Arrived Jan 23 — Stmr Cedric. from. New York. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0:.-.\u25a0 . \u25a0 . NEW YORK— Arrived Jan 23— Stmr Campa nia, from Liverpool ; stmr La Touralne, from Havre: -stmr San : Giorgio, : from; Naples; ; stmr Re d'ltalla, from- Genoa; rptmr Atblnal. .from Piraeus. '/•.•; \u25a0 \u25a0 •\u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0"-.---- *»\u25a0 •'.' . - . Sailed Jan 23 — Stmr California. , for Glasgow. HALIHAX — Arrived Jan ; 23 — Stmr Hespertan, from Liverpool. Mrmornndum Per atmr Marshfield, from Eureka-^Had strong southeast wind" down. tb« coast. •:,\u25a0_ \u25a0 \u25a0 Pilots- boats. Patbflns'er; and; fSracle S, returned to port yesterday afternoon? for; shelter. "! - BBATTLB. Jan 23 — Sohr > Robert : FC Ilind,, pre viously* reported; ashore-. at -i Useless ' bay,'' was floated U»U afternoon ; at high tide." ; fflitphell Piays Good Game With Cue Wizard ..'AI -Mitchell, .the. local three cushion player, put up a .'..good" game against Champion Alfred de, Oro in the exhl-, bjtlon^match' played v ln the Graney billiard', room last night. /; He j made the. clever. 7 easterner ; play.:.' his best >. in order* to win * and^but , for a -few'.mls-; cues? and an- unfriendly^ "kiss" ~ or \ two might : have .played^ the": Cuban :f off l ; his feet, vf As ittwas/hMltchellUallledMO to De.V.Oro's'. 50. '\u25a0' j-for^Uhe local " man ,De Oro was : ; ii n \ brilliant form and playedV-the* strongest^ grame ofl the. four, in* which . he -has -particif p'ated. \u25a0- ' - v „ .\u25a0 / " Weather Report , " United States Department of "Agriculture- Weather Bureau. San- Francisco, Jan.- 23, 1009. RAINFALL DATA ... Last Seasonal .Normal Stations — . " . 24 hours. to date. .to date. Eureka ............ M.' .....'- 22. .16 Hed 81uff.......... 0.2S 10.43 13.(32 Sacramento .... 0.12 8.12 - 9.73 ,Mt. Tamalpals...... 0.17 . 1C..81 11.53 San Francisco ... 0.29 12.37 11.38 San Jose... -r. \u25a0.".'.'. .. 0.16 9.89 7.1:1 Fresno ... :.:.. T. - 10.14 . 4. 50 Independence ....... 0.00 ,- 5.42 4.74 San Lulg Obispo.. .. 0.2S 15.59 -9.37 Los ' Angeles.. 1 . .:... 0.00 - 10.34 7.14 Ban Dieg0.......... 0.00. 8.17 4. 63 Cnast record tor 12 bourn, ending: 5 p. m. \u25a0•;•.,• \u25a0 . || J\% -,i .STATIONS §•' " ' \ & 5. .;>>>;- 2. \u25a0 -' : '•\u25a0• . ! \u25a0 P Pi r \u25a0'* : Baker 29.60 42 ,34 SE Cloudy- .01 Blame .29.20, 4S 44 NB Bain 32 Boise ........20.62-42 32 N Cloudy .04 Flagstaff 29.08 58 28 W Cloudy .00 Fresno :...-... 29. 82, 04 44 S ' Cloudy Tr. Helena . . .29.72 42 34 N Cloudy .00 Independence .29.64 >60 30 S Pt.Cldy .OflT Kallspell . ....29.«2 42 30 S Cloudy .02 Los Ange1e5... 29. 94 70 58 - 8 Cloudy 00 Modena . . . .. .29.W *56 — W- Cloudy .00 Mt. Tamalpais.2t*.sß 50 43 SW Rain 17 North Head.. .29.'22 52 .46 SK Rain .90 Phoenix .. 29.84 7«. 44 E Cloudy .00 Pocatello 29.82 46 ."2 NE Cloudy .00' Pt. Reyes Lt.. 29.50 5« 50 S Italn 3(5 Portland .....29.22 52 48 SE Ralu !io Red 81uff..... 29. 58 ~>O 4S SE Rain .28 Reno .._...:. 29. HO 54 32 NE Cloudy .tto Roeeburg 29.28-54 48 S ltain .2S Sacramento V. 29. 70 50 48 SE Rain .12 Salt Lake... ..29.84 42 — NW Cloudy .00 San Dieg0.'.. "..29. 06 «8 54 W Cloudy .00 San Francisco.29.«4 '00 50 S Rain 2S San iose .....29.74 60 46* SB Rain .10 8. Luls_Oblspo.29.H2 64 50 .SW Ralu .28 S. E. Fara110n.29.02 50 52 SW \u25a0- Ralu/, 20 Spokane ......29.50 48 38 E Rain .00 Tacoma 29.22 '32 44 ">E Rain ' 5« Tatoosh- 29.06 02 — E Rain ". TO Tonopah .... .29.60 \u25a0SO 'BB SK Pt.Cldy 00 Walla Wa11a.. 29. 38 00 — SB Cloudy 14 Wlnnemucca ..29.5(5 4S 32: NE Pt.Cldy 00 Yuma ......... 29.88 7(i 54 S Pt.Cldy .00 SYNOPSIS •A storm of considerable energy covers j the Pacific coast and lifts caused high southerly winds and rain throughout Washington, \u25a0 Oregon and northern California. Maxlmum^eloclties of from 40 to 60 miles an hour are rTported froni, Point Reyes to the mouth of the Columbia river. Southeast storm warnings i,re displayed along the entire coast. The temperature 'has fallen 10 degrees at Los Angeles and 30 degrees at San Luis Obispo. The relative humidity at Red- Bluff was. 88 per tent and at Fresno SO per cent. Forecast made at Son Francisco for 30 hours ending midnight Mouday. January- 24: ' Sftn Francisco and vicinity— Unsettled weather with occasional rain Monday: -moderate south west winds. ' • - , Santa Clara valley— ltaln Monday followed by fair; brisk southwest winds moderating. Sacramento valley— Showers, warmer Mon day; brisk south winds. San Joaquiu valley — Ha In Monday; brisk south winds. Los Angeles and vhTinlty— ttain Monday; brisk south winds. a. (5. McADIE, i District Forecaster. • . Storm Moving Hnfttwnrd 'WASHINGTON, Jan. 2."i.— The atujospherle disturbance now approaching the Pacific coast will advance to the Rockies J.y Tuesday morniDg. i • .- Tuesday and Wednesday- -It- will make its way across the plain* and central valley »tatrs and reach the Atlantic seaboard about Thursday. It will be preceded by rising temperature and rain in the southern and snow or rain In the northern *fates. Colder weather will reach the plains and central vallpy states about Wednesday and the Atlantic states Thursday or Friday. WOMEN'S ART EXCHANGE TO HAVE HOUSE-WARMING Various Clubs to Conduct Show During Week OAKLAND* Jan. 23.— The California Woman's Art and Industrial exchange will hold a house warming nt its head quarters, 546 , Thirtieth street, during all the coming week. 'The membership of the exchange In cludes many of the most prominent negro women in Alameda county. The following clubs will be in charge of t^e house wanning during the week: No Pins Ultra and Art and Industrial club, Monday. Fannie ,Coppin club and Mothers' club. Tues day. \u25a0 : . Mothers' club. Wednewltiy. California Women's federated clubs (white) Thursday. ....\u25a0\u25a0. s\u25a0 . , Social and Industrial ' «tfnl>. l-'rldar. Lucy rnilllpa club, Saturday. BUY PREMIER Property In the heart of the best terrltorT in the ureAt Coallnjta field— 7s,ooo barrels of ' oil now above ground. Present production from only 10 wails approximates 23 per cent net per annum on the entire capitalization. Two well* now drilling and development will be carried steadily forward until 40 wells are completed. \u25a0 Handsome dividends in pros- pect. ». We_ reeo.mtnpnd- the .< purchase of these shares ax an Investment that will return large profits. Send in your ordern at the market. \u25a0 , Lincoln Mortgage and Loan Company 14tb Floor, Ifi6 <;p«ry nt.. San Francisco. \ New York, Chicago. Oaklnnd, I^os Angelea. (The Wall St. Authority on New York; Boston < and San, Francisco Mining Stocks WEEKLY « PAGES $2.00 PEE YEAH SAMPLE COPY ON REQTTEBX • MINING' SHARE NEWS BUREAU, Publisher ;-\u25a0 No/ 40 ; New Street, New York For sale at \u25a0 all newt stand*, S • eta. th« copy, j Ifill THE BROWN GOLtfl UIL Of CALIFJHMIA Producing more , wealth .thau "all its ."mines" A J modest , investment i way \u25a0• make s you Inde- " pendent for life.; Send coupon and get posted COALINGA CRUOE OIL CO. : * v soi'lrirrt": National. Bank Buildinr, i '\u25a0'•': •'_-\u25a0: «''c-' -. San Francisco, ! Cal. : ; Please 'send latest ; issue '"of the' oil , iiiaga- tine," "Seciirltles," and full information about your new r company, all this without any, ob-" ligatlon on ; iny : part. ..'- ' Name ................ T. ' '" . . '• :' \u25a0' ;;' '4•' ', Address ............. Cl-A-24 ;: .-.".:••.\u25a0'.. : ; ..,>'.;.;.- .\u25a0\u25a0-.'.:"' "- PKi . ATE '. WIBE, I CHICAGO, 3SEW I YOaK. ' WESTBBH.UMION CODJS, i \u25a0.\u25a0..'\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0',-\u25a0.\u25a0 -\u25a0"\u25a0 ,-:-V KEJCBEB :. '••: -'••? ''\u25a0\u25a0' ""\u25a0 SEW YOaK STOCK -EXCHANGE * \u25a0 : -, ;- . CHICAGO BOAKD OF TRADE THE STOCK AOTJ^^Jg X r CHAN ?E, SAJT; Main Office - "• Branch OfQces : .' 1 MILLS BLDG. , 8. ; F. \ PALACE , HOTEL « v * -\u25a0'-.' Correspondent* '- ': (Mala, Corridor) ? "';'•> HABaiS, WINTHKOP ' Ban Francisco. L 7 \u25a0\u25a0: •-* ;'. * C 0 «; J HOTEL ALEXAifDai A 523S 23 Pine St/.-NewYork^-^Los Angelas >-.., ; -3 ' Hookery. ; Chlca»o> HOTEL \u25a0 DEL COBO- c 1711 , Stout i Street,;. ;" '\u25a0' -:f\ KADO C.' \u0084 . •;.' :;•:>- Denver, 1 -' Colo."^ ;:*• ' ":" Coronsdo Beacb. • ''" NOTED FINANCIER IS LAID TO REST Funeral of Harry W.^ Meek, Land Owner and Banker, Held From Home OAKLAND, Ulan! '23.— The. funeral of Horry W. Meek, the wealthy financier, land owner and. banker of \u25a0*_ Hay ward, was heldv this afternoon from > his late residence, "The Orchards." A large company^ of . friends attended the cere monies.; \u25a0 -:. ' \u25a0 "The active pall bearers were six ranchmen*': who .have been employed on the estate for about half,a century. The honorary .pall bearers were selected from among Meek's most intimate per sonal friends.- They were N. A. Acker, Charles^ Prowse* W. V. Eberly, -I*. B. Parson*/ IGeorge1 George Gray, William Angus, Howard Stillman. George' H. Mastick, George V. King.VAV Barbour, A. R. Far rell.and J. R. Talcott. Rev. J. K.<Mc- LTean officiated at the services. ;The in terment 7 was Jn" Mountain View ceme tery. y ; . •A special trolley car left. Oakland at noon -today; to carry the frieijds-and relatives, of the deafl man to the Ragby Teams to Begin Practice WILLIAM UNMACK , Spring Rugby football -pnictice .will soon commence in the schools^ colleges and I clubs.- It -Is rymored that Lick. Cogswell and Berkeley schools tare to don the Rugby uniforms for their first trial. The Sacramento valley schools have recently decided to follow the Rugby game. The Santa Clara valley schools, which were the pioneers of the Rugby code among : the schools, will- go in for practice, and it Is possible that a short unofficial schedule will be ar ranged among these schools. The, California and Stanford univer sities are going to have light practice work. The men will probably be called out before the end of the month. St. Mary's college and Santa Clara will also be heard from. St. Mary's has al ready started training. Last week it held an Interclass game, which was a very successful affair. . The clubs are going in for practice on more':Bubstantial lines and it is ex pected that, the Olympic, Barbarian. and Reliance clubs will frame up a series PACIFIC OCEAX TRAVEL \u25a0^^fsr"ss»^_" Steamers leave for Son th- yfv^^A " cn * California and Mexico f^rST 1 frojn' Steuart Street W'barf.-. nW^ri For-Puset Sound I'orts and I I \^^Sw\) : i E " rek;I ' from B'-n-ay Wharf. \A^>^^JW I>OS ANGELES sax Diego . 'SANTA BARBARA •President .;. !.......... .Jan. 2S, 2 p. m. •Governor... ....Feb. 20, 2 p. m. •Queen ......... ... Feb. 5, 12, 27, 2 p. .m. Santa Hosav. Jan. 25. Feb." 1, 9, 18, 24.11 a. m. •Will not call at Santa Barbara. • SEATTLE " ( DIRECTS TOWJiSEXD TACOMA, .VICTORIA, VANCOUVER Connecting at Seattle for SE. Alaska, Slcagtvay, , . Daiwgon.' Fairbanks. G0vern0r....... ...... ...Feb. 10, 23, 4 p. m. Queen ...../......_.. Feb. 17, 4 p. m. State of California ...... .*...... Feb. 2, 4 p. m. City of Puebla^. . : .Jan. 29, Feb. 13. 2s! 11 a. m. IJma'tilla . . . ... . . . . . . . . . Feb. 6, 21, 11 a. m. EUREKA! (HU3IBOLDT BAY) Topeka, Jan. 27; Feb. 1. 0,11, 16, 21, 26, 10 a.m. And Every Fifth Day Thereafter. . \ " I GUAY.IIAS. MAZATLAX, LA PAZ KXSEXADA, SAX JOSE del CABO ALASKA CRUISES. 1910 — Leave Seattle- Spokane.. June 14," 28; July 12. 26; An;. 9, 10 p. tn. Queen. ......... v ..... July 12, 26, 8 p. m. .^ . Right. reserved to change thin schedule. TICKET OFFICES— (PaIace Hotel) 653 Market St., 3 Market st. and Docks. Telephone Kearny 402. " OAKLAND— II2O Broadway. TeL Oakland 's6Bo.. C. D.'DUNANX, General Passenger Agent. jgj*^ AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN CteS ss ™ Hip mm Tehuaotepec Route NEW \UKIC TO PACIFIC COAST PORTS AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailings from New York every six days, making direct connection' with Pacine* steamers sailing from BalLn* Crux. Mexico, every sis days for San Francisco. PACIFIC COAST PORTS TO NEW YORK. Also to Mexican and all principal European ports under - through rate and through bills of lading. &'aillncs from San Francisco every 12 day*. 1 LOCAL SERVICE FROM SAN FRANCISCO TO HAWAIIAN ISLAND PORTS, direct every 28 days, and via Puget sound every 12 day's.- For rates and further particulars apply to DEARBORN* LA PHAM. General Agents, 8 Bridge St.. New,- York; WILLIAMS, DIMOND & CO-, General Agents. Pacific Coast, 310 Sansome St., Saa Francisco. ' : SEATTLE -TACOMA ' . Belllnjrhain. Anacorte*; Kverett. Port Town- nend. .Victoria,' Vancouver and all Alaskan I'orts. "- 1 v '.-\u25a0--. S.S.ADMIRAIi 5AMP50N.........'. Jan. 23 H.S.WATSON Jan. 3f» B. S. \u25a0 BUCKMAN ......:.. Feb. 5 Los Angeles Direct - - '/-TWIN SCREW . _v S. S.. ADMIRAL SAMPSON...:.. ....Feb. 6 ShlHdss 1 from Howard ' Street Wharf No. 3. , Alaska Pacific Steamship Co. .Sailings from Howard Street- Wbarf N0.; 3.' TOTO KISEN KAISHA ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY : S. S. Culyo Maru..... Tuesday, February 15,. 1910 S.S. Tenyo> Maru....... Tuesday, March 15. ' 1010 S. S. Nippon Mara.. ;..;.. Tuesday, April 5, 1910 Steamers -sail from company* piers, - Nos. 42, 44. \u25a0 near foot of Second st.. at 1 p. m.. for Yoko- hama-and Hongkong, calling at t Honolulu. Kobe (Hlogo)- and Nagasaki: and Shanghai, and con- necting' at Honrkonj: with steamers for Manila, India, etc. No cargo received on, board on "day of sailing. Round trip tlcketi-at reduced rates. \u25a0 \u25a0 For freight - and passage ; apply at - office, 240 James Flood building. "W.H. AVERY.' Vv- .. AssHtHtit General Manager. .TAHITI }AND XEVVZEALAXD— S. S.. Mnrlposa \u25a0\u25a0; salln 11 a 7 m.,' Feb: 2. Special ronud trlpr Tahiti, $125 first class. . . UA\\ t\ I 1 1 1 1 1 s - S. Ala raed* sails 11 ' a nlllVlll I I I m. Feb. 12. 1010.- Special I lim V/LU LU round trip. $u0 » Ist class. ; OCEA NIC S/' S.I CO. . 673 Mk t. \u25a0T^ Krny." 1231 ' AXIJAATIC : I OCEA.V TKAVBL --•r :. \u0084 A •\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-.-.•;:---\u25a0..\u25a0--'--\u25a0 -.' ..." . r.'-. 1 /."''': '.'\u25a0 "\u25a0- Coinpaenie* Generale Transatlantique j 7 DIRECT UNE : - TO HAVRE-PABIS > , "- Saillogs every jTUuradayV Instead* ot Saturday, 'at ?10 %., m. ;-- from ; pier , 42, . North • river, toot ot Morton atreet. l^.:'- _"L" :i '\u25a0'-"-' \u25a0 -' "" 'U-^.C • First class to Havre. > $77.50 and upward; sec- ond class to Havre, $50 and upward. GENERAL AGENCY for ; UNITED STATES and CANADA. 19 ; State ; street. New <* York. >1. r. FUGAZI, Manager ' Pacific Coast, s t>3o > Montgomery ' streex, San Francisco. .- ; Tickets sold, by all railroad tlckat agents.: ;, .•'\u25a0-.- •::""- ", '. . " .'; CANADIAN PACIFIC— iWBEKLV-'': SAILINGS BETWEEN ST. JOHN,; '-. \u25a0:\u25a0:, .;-:.- - --'N.-?B;v AND LIVERPOOL. .Nothing better on ' the Atlantic than our. Efflv presses. • W"ireles» .OD.all steamers. .- .\u25a0. •; ,r-.-:-.^, \u25a0•:-;.. -E.^E. PENN. G- A. i-: .: ' ' -': . SHtfUwket »;. : ; , : filaw HgtU,;. :V; \u25a0".'.• - --''."• \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-' ': - - ... - '"^fest4^ AUCTIQNSALES fe AXTCTION SALE te* ' • Monday. January 24." at 11 a.' m.T at I*os. and 269 Valencia" st., 1 will Sell .75 bead of mares and horces, suitable for ranch and city work; 73 wagons.-buggies and harness of all kinds, t<ide stock sold on commission. Sale positive, ralu or shine. , Phone Park 2723.',- \u25a0--'-\u25a0 . ; WM.BRODIE. Auctioneer. J^ AT AUCTION JANUARY. 24, MONDAY. 11 A? M.V 45 head of all purpose horses and.mares, wagons and harness. s»>o Fourth St., Oakland. of games if enough mien can .^be secured fr6m : each club. The Oxford university'team, which will, probably tour this state in October and .November, In conjunction with the Cambridge team, has Just completed a very successful tour of Ireland and turned. out victors in the great ma jority of the games played. H. C. Stan ley, who represents the university on the "English Rugby union and who is trying to arrange the visit of the com bined Oxford-Cambridge team here this fall, has written'to a local enthusiast and it is,now certain that the visit will be arranged. The California Rugby union has; taken "the matter up. official ly with the universities and a reply Is expected, soon. \u25a0 The annual Rugby game between the Oxford and Cam bridge teams was played la3t month and attracted one of the largest crowds that ever witnessed this annual classic struggle. The game was won by Ox ford. I RAILWAY TRAVEL - TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM JANUARY I. lll» ' ; VIAOAKbANO PIER VIA COAST UINE Leave " (Foot of Market Street) Arrive Leave (Third and Townsend Streets) Arrive 2.15 a Nilee, Livermore, Tracy, .Ijkthroft, t5.25* Loop— 23d Street, Vi»it3c»n, Soutlx Stockton, Lodi, Sacngknto 10.33p San Francisco, Valencia Street tB-3C* 8.40 a H/ivward, Xiles, San JaR 7.03 a 1 5.35* Loop — Valencia Strtet, Ocean View. 7.00 a Richmond, Port Costa, Becicia, Suison. Cerafteries. South San Francisco, \u25a0 DixoD, Sacramento, Rosevaie, Mirys- 23d Street, 3rd and Townwad tB.*sa ville, Redding. Dunsxnuir. 7.28» 6^Oa Sonth can Francisco, San Jose. Gilroy. : 7.00 a Omira, Vacaville, Rumsey.. 7.28p . (Hollister). Sarsent. Psjara. Watson- 7.00a Davis, Woodland (Slarysville. Oro- vEle, Santa Croi. 7.50t vQle), Waiiaai.«, Maxwell, Willows, - 7.00 a South San Francisco, Pab Alto, Saa Hamilton, Coming, Red 81uff. ...... 7.28 a Jose, UTay Stations — 735 a 7.00 a Newark, San Jose. Los Gates, Wrijht, 7.00 a Mayfield. Los Altos, Los Gatos f7-20p Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Cru. . 9.58b B.ooa Shore Line- Limited— Pa «o Robles Hot 7.40 a Vallejo, Napa, Calirto&a, Santa, Rosa, Springs, Santa Barbara, Les AdH«. 9.30 i _• • Martinez, San Ramon 6.08b 8.05 a The Coaster— San Jose. F.ij*ro (\V,it- . 40a Xiles, • Heasantoa, Livermore, Alta- « sonville. Ssnta Crai). Castroville. Mont, Lathrop, Stockton 7.23 a (TM Monte, Monterey, Paciac Grov«). 7.40 a Tracy, Los Banos. 'Kerman, Fresno, Salinas, joleJad. Paso Robles Hot >. Hanford, Vbulb 4.2Ea Pprinsis, San Luis Obispo. Surf. : 50a Port Costs,, Byron, Tracy. (Lraspoe\ Saat* Barbara, Ventura, ."I'-V -\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 .Stockton.' Mereed. Fresno, Goshea Oxaard, Los Angeles 1f .45a) Junction (Hanford. Armona), Visalb, 8.20 a Mayfirid, Loa Altos, Lo* Gatos. Wright. PorServille. BakerdSeld 4.48b Gleairood(Boaldet Cre»k), Santa Cnw. 8.20 a Yosemite Valley via Merced. 7.48» , . Watsonville. Castrovflie, Del Monte, 9.00 a NSev, Livermore, Stocktan (*Milton), . Monterey. Paciac Grove 9.00 a Valley Spring, lone, Sacramento 4 23? 9.00 a San Jose. Gilrov, Salinas, Paso Robles 9.00 a Sotrora^Tuolumne and Angris 4.28b Hot Sprmss. San Luis Obispo — Tres 9.00 a AUantic^Express^-Sacraniento, True- \u25a0 Pioos — W«tsonvil>. Santa Cnu, Drf kee, Ojc!«j, Salt Lake City, Denver. Monte. Monterev. Pacific Grove 4JXJ» Kansas City, Omaha, Chisago. ...... 8.23 a 10.40 a Sooth San Francisco, Burlingame. San 9.40 a Richmond, \u25a0 Port Costa, Martinez, Mateo. Palo Aitd, Saa Jose 6.30* io^&o^sS^:^*^ n.2Ba '<>•«• La* Altos.Mo.ta Vista. Los Gate,.. { I**g 10.20 a Los Angeles Passenger— Port Costa, 1 1.30 a Vslencia Street. Ocean View, Colma, Msrtinex, Byron, Tracy, Stockton. .. .^ Cemeteries, Baden. San Braao 1.35b Merced, Fresno, Hanford, Visalb, 1 1.40 a South San Francisco, San Jote tB-2Ca ; Bakersfidd, Los Angeles 7.48t 2.00 a Del Monte Express— Saa Jose, Gilrov. ; 10.40 a Sid Francisco Overland Limited— Sarjeot (Watsonville, Santa Cruz), Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis. Del Monte, Moaterey, Pacific Grove. 12.30b Omaha, Chicago. .„ 7.28 a 2.05p South Saa Franciscp. Pab Alto, Saa 1 1.20 a Shasta Limited— Portland, Tacoaifl, \u25a0 Jose \u0084 V &40a . ' Seattle..... 9.18p t2J»B Los Altos, Monta Vißta. Los Gatos. .. 13.20b. J2.00n Goldfield Pass.— Port Costa, Benieia. 3U»b South San FraneiseOk Sun Mateo, Saa Sacramento, Truckee, Haxen. Mina, Jose. Gilroy, Tres Finos, Salinas JO. 10a Tonopah, GoldEcld, Laws. Keeler 7.48 a 3.00» Watsonville. Santa Ores. Castroville. 1 2.00n slarys\-aie, Chico, Red Bluff 4.28b Del Monte, Monterey. Pacific Gmve. 10.05 a I^op Niles, Inington, San Jose 2.48b 3.40b Santa Cbra, San Jose, Los Gatos, 1.40b San .I^anijro, Niles, Centerviile, f 9.08 a Wri?ht (Boeder Creek), SanU Cra*. Newark, San Jose, \ 7^Bp Watsonville. Pajaro 10.05 a 1. 40p Newark, San, Jose, LojGatos, Wriest. 4.00b Sunset Espress — Tucson. Deiuinj. Felton (Boulder Cr«ek), Santa Crui.. 9.58b .. FJ Paso, Houston, Ne» Orlesas. J 2.40p San Leandro, Niles. San Jose. 9.28 a Piso Robtea HotSprmes, San Lvi« 3.00s Braicia, Winters, Sacramento — Wood- Obispo. Santa Barbara, Les Anseta. 1 1.40 a had. Marrsville. QrovEle— Yolo, •*. 4.00b Kansas City. St. Loui?. Chicago »«.4Oa Arbuckle."Wflliams, WilloTjs 10.48 a 4.2opA>nth San Francisco. Saa Jose |9.COa 3.00b Via Sausalito, West Napa. St. Helena. - ; t5.00» Burlineame. San Mateo. P^lo Alto. Calistoga -...10.37a . San Jose and Wsy Stations 9.40 a 3.20b Port Costa (Stockton). llartinesTJ" 12.08b f5.05p Loop— 23d Street, Visitaekra. South . Byron,. Modesto, Merced, Fresno.. I 10.33? San Francisco. Valencia Street tS.I3» 4.00b Vaftpjo, Napa, Calistoza. Santa- Rosa, 15.20? Redwood. Palo Alto. Saa Jew.. : I.IOb Martinez, San Ramon, Don jfcerty, ts2os Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gattm... "{3.20b .. Livermore....... :.. 9.28 a t&55» BorKngame, Saa Mateo, S*a Jose. t3.20? 4.00p Niles (Centervflle), Tracy, Stockton f 10.28 a t5-30p Loop— Valencia Street, Oceti* View. Lodi '....;. I 10.38b C'nneteries, Sonth San Fraaeiscp, j 4.40b San Leandro. Hayward, Nfles, Pleas- 23J Street. 3d and Tovssead .'. t8.40p anton, Livermors, Tracy, Ne-*man, 5.40p San Bruno, San Mateo, Bedvood, Palo Kenaan, Frerao 8.28 a Alto, Santa Cbra, San Jose.. .* 7.40 a 5.00p Rirhmond. Pinole, Vallejo, Port) ii'^e. t5.40p Los Altos, Monta Vista. Los Gatos. .. I^.4Ca Costa, Benkia. Susun, Snerameato } ln Xl f6.00p Millbrae, San Mateo, Palo Alto, May- — Roseville, Marysville, Orovitle... J tMO * field. Los Altos, Los Gatos t«UOa Kno» tj«.™ii 9,ni»™ Tn.r««™ J 9.28 a t6D5p 23d Street. Visiucton, South Saa 5.00p Rnd, Saa Jose, Los Gatos. J BMf f Francisco> Valeocia t7.!5p 8.20p San Lcandro, Niles. Saa Jose. * 748 a f6-25p Loop— Valencia Street,, Ocean View, 6.00p Owl Limited— Los Angeles.... B.oBa * Cemeter>«. Sonth San Francisco. 6.40p Eastern Exprew— Ogdea, Pueblo, Dea- 23d Street. 3d and Tawnscnd t7.40» ver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago.. 6.30p South San Fnaeisro, Saa Jose. 5.40» Port Costa, . Benieia, Sacratnento, B.oop Lcm Aa<te!es Passe nger— Gilroy ..Salina% - ReDO,Spark.i 8.28p Psso Robles Hot Springs. Saa Low 6.40p HajTvard. N3es and San Jose. 6.483 Obifpo, Piano, SaaU Barbara, Los J7.00p Vallejo, ' Port CorU, Martinex, Bay • Angeles 8.30 a Point and Way Statioas JII.I8» I t.45p South Saa Fraaciseo, Pato Alto,} 7.200 7.40p Richmond, Port CosU, Byron, Tracy, \u25a0 San Jose 1 7^o» '\u25a0\u25a0 .- Lathrcp, Stockton 12.48p .1....v. \u25a0 — . : 8.20p Oregon feipress-Davfa, (Sacramento), LOCAL FERRY TRAWS-Vla Oakland Piar. - Willows. Redding (Kkmath Falls), T* Oakland. Berkeley, Boryman. East OakUnd and si,.' --^_ Ashland, Portland, Tacoma,' Seattle. ' "Frultvala — Daily — From d.OO ajn.. aad every twenty \u25a0 Spokane...... \u25a0 8.48 a minutes imtil 7.00 p.m. inclusive: then 7.40, 8.20, 9.00p China and Japaa Fast Mail— Ogden. . 9.00. 9.40. 10.20, 11.00 aad IL4O p.m^ 12.^0 snd Chrrenne. leaver, Kans=3 City, 1.20 a.m. *?P l **BSMo^'«fflW Omaha, Chicago. ...... 2.48? To Satn«r aad Hili*M via S«vtnth St— Dsjir— From 9.40p Saturdays— Hunters t-ain, San Jose 8.00 sun., and every tweaty mit-ates until 7.00 pjn.. - "via Newark ...: :.. $7.48p inriasive, then 11.40 p.m. 1 1. OOp Niles, Pleasinton. LivermorT. Lathrop, To Stanehiirtt — Dsiy— 4oo, 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 sjn., 120, -'--. - . Modesto. Merced, Fresno. Haaford . . 10.38p 3.00, 4J». 5.00. d.40 p.m. 11.40b PortUnd E-Tpress— Sacramento, Marys- T> Oakland First St..' Frtiitvals. Alameda. via Hortetho* - : ville. Red Bluff. Weed, Ashland. Port- —Daily— From t&M. 120 ajn. and every twenty \u25a0. land. Tacoraa. Seattle ' 1 2.28 a minutes mt3' &2o a.m. iodTisive: then 9XO. 9.20. HETKERLAHD'S ROUTE-Fram Padflc Strett Wharf. l°^ nls?in l 5?i ™*-™ l $! .V" 12in - j2j 2 - 20 • loo « l %>- \ 1 1. OOp Sacramento River Steamers. fll-30p 2-9 A 2.20, 3-00. 320, 13.40 pja. and every tweaty Stmr. Apache, Mon.. Wed.. FrL Tfil^Vlitt 7 , fc^ UflT * ; £$* a 2O 5 900< 9A0 ' ' Storw Navajo, Tues.. Thurs.. Sat. 'O;^ 0 -. "-.CO ?«1 "•« Pf- »2 .20 and 1.20 ajn. riAk-iAun uip.'na croov c.*- «.. r^.,i.^. Additional train to Osiland- First EtL, 2.13 ajn. Ma^., °«J^ W?,rf wv n, %Tm T> Wwt Bwk,l^-Daay-F ro m fl.oo a.m. and rrrry • iam Jf^aK^Sr^^^ifiS twenty minutes unt» 8.20 ajn. incbirive; then 9.00 ajn. • a.m. to 9XO pjn s-445 813 9.4.5 11.15 anf j hmar mtil iW then 4.20 pjß . a,m^ U. 45. 2.15. 3.4>. .Vl5. 6.4.5. B.lj and 9.45 p.ia. » Jnd twenty minnte* until 7.00 p.m. induiive; LOCAL FERRY TRAIN S— Via Alamsda Pier. then 7.40, 8.20, 9.f10, 9 40, 10.20, 11.0U, 11.40 pja. sn« To Oakland and Alameda — tfi.lo. t<5.45 a.m.. and th*n 12.20 ajn. ' 810 and 45 minutes psst the hour until 7.45 pjn.: then To Corbin — Dbßtt — From 6.oo » jn.aad evwy 20 miautes 8.30. 9.13. 10.00, 10.45, U. 30 p.m. and 12.15 ajn. nntS 8.20 a.m.. then 9.00. 10.00 a.m., I2LOO m.. 1.00. To Alameda and Fruitvale via Herwhos tarn* as abov. 2.00, 3.00. 4.00. 4.20. 4.10. 5.00. 5.20. 5. 40 and 0.00 p.m. a for Morning. B for Afternoon. I Union Tranttw Co. authorized^to check Baggage ' •t Sunday excepted. J Sunday only. \ dffect from reiideace. II — >«w — T~~T — 7~c — f Dv I J^^ Schedule Effective ABA Trains Leave VREI7 iNovcmber 10, 1909 ferfSß^ irdins Leave union ferry depot j j^yj&B jfca San Francisco Smn jy uurimtf ' Vl^V 1^ M« J -^———— — — Leave VIA SAI7SALTTO * ArrWw wßf£ J - Market Street 7:40 a Petaluraa. Santa Ro««. Healito- ' p.rrv n»nnt • burs'. Clfrverdale. UVlah. Wlllit*. /^^\u25a0\u25a0^ - * ' "«^P"* Sherwood. •Gnerne- U TT T : : ' m - ,—, — _\u0084 . Till*. »Mt. Bw, *Duncaa- MlUs.. «:l7p Leave For — 1A.M.1 P.M. S:2oa|*Pt. Reyes, «.Mt. Bio •Cazadero.. t«:s7p ...... 7:15 8:00-10:00 t^K?,?™' t^l' s*. • i . r o rw\ in nn Ji>:tl)a lletaluma, Santa Rosa, ( lov'taalcit •:\u25a0••.»\u25a0 Chicago 7:15 0:00-10^0, ll:0<>a Petaluma. Santa Rosa r 4:lT* Fresno .'.. 7:15 4KX)- B.*oo-10K)0 3:00p Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Healdsburjr.f / r-~~A r~....,,«« \u25a0 • 7.15 ft.ifLin-nfl ClOTerdale. I'tiah. Gaerneville.l Grand Canyon... 7:15 8.1U-IU.W - i.Mt. Rio. Puncaa muis. sebas-r Hanford ........ 7:15 ....-10:00 t topol .;... tio:37* Kansas City 7*15 8-00-10:00 ?4:OOpTPt. Reyes. Occidental ....... :....T * anS " Wly ' " '7 " c iSr om. iftiin 4:40p Sonoma, Glen Ellen ...'. ...9:17a Merced ......... 7:15 4.^0-. B.^o-10^0 s^OpjPetalum... ganta Rosa ..{«:37a \u2666Stockton ..:.... 7:15 A*X>- 8.i)0-10.i» -electric sußinißAN~viA~sXnsXiiifo~ » Stockton. Oakdale ' »» San»alito, HIU VaUsy. San K»fi«l— D^ily &^i~rn Wail- • erery 40 mtnntes from 7:00 «. m. until 9:00 a. - 5? \u25a0 • x *ac » m.; then h«»urly until 4:0O p. m.; then erery 4«i way FointS. . .. y:43 .»• I minutes until «:40 p.m.; then S:0O and lO:0O Tulare .1.... 7:15 8:00-10^X) P- »• and 12:01 a. m. - I , r . \u0084 * \u0084... 7.1 c fl.iv« irt-rtn \u25a0 Fairfax — Leave-s>an Francisco t7:00. 1:40. **:20, VlSalia /.ISS.UU-IUXW 9:00 l0:0O 11:0O „ m tt2:ol> mod. *l:0O. Yosemite ..... . . 7:15 .-•. .'. 2:(iO. 4:0 O. 4:40, 3:20 and 6:0O p. m. . .Stockton Local le«Te. 1:28 P.M.. . . • " JJaa^ggwatl^rt.;**. Rafael-LeaTe 0:00 a.m.: Broadway. Oakland. ;.-,.-,. \u25a0- _ |12:01 i. m. •— \u25a0 — '. .... . . '. . , ,_... — ;—; — ( . 'Sunday arrWe 7:37 p. m. ••Sunday arriT* n/riw CHnDC OAIIW/AV 6:5T P- m - tExeept Sunday. JSuaday oniy. v OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY only. |Vla San«llto. , \ '- MpvaajßSUi ! *v I - PacMc Transfer Company's acents are sutif»t. ;\ F. S. Btratton. Kecelver. . ' Ixed to check baggage direct from residence. T.T. S. F. dally— |9:Wa.* »3:30 p. Ar.. S. -F. — — :: — — — — — — — — / .r. K e for **n Gre- MUIR WOODS porlo and Pescadjro! . . F^SSSm and ' ..^r= feSS^SMT TAMALPAIS *~ ' ' \u25a0"' ' — — -— • «D^ tOOJ of rrvtcr :MARE ISLAND NAVY YARD ~- urn. aoupm-tniiMY twh ..VallejO, Napa,, St.. Helena W^ki.y| Sofey W^fc4ayt3isa7 W«Aaay 3-4ar ST. HELEXA-JTAPAYALLEY ROUTE ~10:00a »:00a t7:35a! 12:03» 7:3sa ijOS *. . MobtlceUo S. S. Co. and Napa Valley Electric 2:00n 10:00 a 1:50» t00» :i:45» t:S2a ««. It. Co. t Close connections. - *4;40» 11:00* ©2:55>i 3:03" 4:25» I:1 ! * 8-^BOUXD TRIPS DAH.V^« ....... j:00» i-lh 4:2« i *9:15» .2:1 h r Boa ts-leare^ San t Francisco 7:00,"_*0:45 a..m., .;:.;-. 2:00? .'.V.r.l Sutp ...... 4:1 5» 12:30 noon. 3:15,-6:00, 'SnTO p.' m.v . '.• \u25a0 ...... *3:Q8» .....:'....:. V..... 8:33» San : Francisco] landing ,' and : office.^ CUy rtreet «. . ontr +Moa. only. ©TamalpaH only, IMuir only ,- . \u25a0>, . .... . -• \u0084....;. -TAVERN OF TJUttLPAI3 w ind ?MU» BM B the yrEEaLLy cai^l, si per year ' art atnut m lor Bti«*t» AUCTION SALES THE AIS'ISUAII Short=Horri Sales MRS. J. H. GLIDE AVIH Be Held . MONDAY i MONDAY .*. ~. .'JANUARY 24. IOtO The Greenwood Offerlns Comprise* •2T, Head Venrllnu and Ttvo Year Old Bullsi. 15 Head Choice Cotvn and Heifers. Including first" prise winners at Alaska- Yukon ! Exposition. • / r"i HOWARD CATTLE COMPANY Will Be, Held TUESDAY ; TUESDAY .JANUARY: 33. 1910 1 The HoTrard Cattle Company Offer- i Ibk Comprise- 3.1 Head Yenrllns: and 1 Two Year Old Hnlln. 20 Head Choice f Heifer". Offering -includes sons of tne twic» grand Champion of. America. LaTend«r Vlscoanc 124755: also bulls utronc in the blood of th# champion choice goods IStiMK!. ,'~ \u25a0 ' These offerings exceed la number aad equal in quality the banner Rale of 1908. IN SALES PAVILION 07 FRED H. CHASE & CO. 478 Valencia Street. Saa Fraßflsefi For catalogjie and -further particulars apply t<* SIRS. J- H. GLIDK, »1O II street. Sacramento. Cal.: HOWARD CATTLE COMPANY. Wl Mia* «!nn street. San Framrlsco. Cal. GEO. P. BELLO-WS am* FRED n. CHASC it CO., \ Auctioneers. ' ' !to AT PUBLIC AUCTION Thurstlar. Jsnuary 27. at 11 a. m.. 2Q3-20» Va- lencia st.. a large assortment ot •\u25a0O horM« aud mare*, wagons, buggies and harness: horses guar- anteed; will be tried Immediately after th« sale} outride stock told- of commission. Park 2723. x W)I. CLOUGH. Aucjtioneer. CALL WA.NT ADS BRING RESULTS 13