KOOMS FOlt HOUSE KKEPIXC Con. SCTXBB »t.. 1720— Two lnnre sunny house keep- ins rooms and single rooms, bath sas elec- tii.Mly: reasonable. ' STANYAN st.. ;)45— Al bouse keeping rooms. lt . t - Oaklan keeping. UKRKKI^K V lIOUSB KBEPlXcTltbcff S IMIINCE Bt. ISU7, UerkeJey—3 modern, sunny. 1 ;:ri: >!:i-U house keeping rmur.n separate vu- ;rain. : iii'iir <;rnv<.» >t. ami IM OTHKRS. TKI.. l-'RANKUX IW4. ri.AY r-t.. 2oOi (Tb« Cnm-«inli— Sunny front r-^nis w.tli iwoirii ft cliiss r»i.inl. ('.UJFOUNU m.. 2523— Nicely turn, gunny rooms; t>xee!l. board, phone and bath; $30; I rates for two. > EDIiX ft.. ISW. ur. Scott— Newly Turn. room*. \ oonjrenial family, excellent home cooking: nil \u25a0onv< nW'iices: fine car service: rea«.; West 7COS ' HOTEL KAKI.<:UIT. 1201 Uougrh. cor. OTarrell I m.— S::r;!:y r.xims wilb board; also table board. LKAVEMVOUTU St., 14.VJ. nr. Washinicton— l.ipht raonjr room with jicwm*. board in priTate famOjr; rcusoußble; tio Mjru: ready now. NIGELT funii.-ted. sunny alcove and front rooms, with or without V>ard; reasonable; suitable for gentleman or couple. 1112 Fell PINE st.. 2.M0 — Sunny, comfortably furnished parlor sniu-, prate: hlso single or double room; ponctrlc liclitt-: hot and cold water; tl.'io per week. Witt l-^ard ?5.50. DIEISCE St.. Sl3, nr. McAllister — Furn. front is:*., bsth: Sac neighborhood; excellent board; -. S2«i month each. I'oST St.. lL'irf',. r^ir. Van N>sg ar. — Nice, sunny, furnisbeij moms with flr^t cla«s French board. SIITXEB tt.. 161S— S;:u3y single rooms, board, Jiat'a; 2 meals: fn a week. ST. MAIUJARICT'S club for workinK Pirls, 1451 Cfilifurnin st.: ?2t> nn»ntli np; tourists $1 da}. BT. FRANCIS r.-rjs' Directory. Centra] ay. and Waller st., San Frimeiseo — A beauttfnl home, where old ladies, youn? >r:r!s and little cbil- oren can boftnl very reasonably. WEBSTER St.. 163 C. near Setter— Excellent l«iard and room «>Cfere« ptrucfur»» raaiMes. Tbe Interior is unequalcd for Its many fitments, such as open flroplac-es. d>»»k>:. Jio.tcsses. importi.-il wall coverings, tiled li:iriir»x>mh, etc. Fornislwd siud unfurnished. 3. 4 ani 5 LARGE ROOMS. • . — F:ue.-t fuan.v 2 anil :: nx-ni anforaUited .irmrtraents in city, from $10 op; referwiwe: Market st. cars. AA — VAN NESS APARTMENTS. 212S Van Ne-s iir. lirnadway — Elegantly furnished apts. of 3 ;u'.•: priv l>ath: ?22.50 tip. ADELINE »;its.. <;4i> !:w iate t - to permanrnt KQWts; terminus ?. P. It. R. and Key Route lm-al trains, every lv minute* to San Fran- 'ifcoo: com* ants., completely furnished: all con- v»-tiieiiot-s; 2 room $»» ami •', rooia $23 per mo. PINE st.. 1225. r>ar I>» 4 avenwortli — Sunny un- t fnrni-ihe-d 2 and 3 apartmeßta; cheap rent; no ' rnrlare; telephone in each apartment. SMALL apts.. low rent, free light, heat; baths, laundry; big rooms; house keeping; nenr •torn: pbone; 4 car Hues. 500 Fillmore Bt. corner Oak. KJAM'OIiI). The. 315 Van Ness ay. — 1 and 2 rei., light hskpc: 1 roMn. $."$.50; 2 rms.. $5 week Op; tmirist trad.-. s<>c to $1.50 day. I!oit-1«. Apt. HoiiKrw for^f?al«?^and Rpnt : BTRICTLY liigh cls»-s Uotel; IGS rooms; OS bath?: ftiiroy corner; i-entrally located; beauti- fully famished and running full; large lobby, flouting on the ctreet. and lieautiful dining room, t-eatiug capai-ity 250: every modern con- venience; nearly all i-oonls sunny; 3 direct car lines: legitimate reason for wiling; \u25a0 positive Barrltl.-e. O. L. McMAHON & CO.. 128 fitter. CO ROOMS; sutiny l«iy window coruer: 2 and 3 rixjui bouse keeping spartments; prettily and substantially furnished; now in Al condition; •' rent $175 per mouth; price $2,750: a grand bargain. O. L. McMAHON &. CO.. 12S Sutter. WILL build for tenant 120 room apartment 1 bouse; centrally located; very convenient to car lines.; rent moderate; plans at office of CUR RAN CLARK. 235 Mnnfeonicr.r st.. Sxii Krancinco. APARTMENT HOUSES 31OSS apts., >«uthc-iist .cor. Jones aud Washing- ton: t-uun.v 4 and 5 roo'Ji apts. ; steam beat. - JHiiftor iwilli 1 *; linvdwivxi floors. HOTELS AAAA*— PLANTERS' HOTEL. Sn-ond and Folsom sts. Over 2 «»utside, new and elegantly .furnished rooms: hot hdv week; other good rooms, 75c day. $3 a week: take any car. Headquarters for tourists and mining men. Family and country trade solicited. AAA— HOTEL BELMONT. T3O Eddy near Van .\>ss— Single ro'^K. 53.50 week; r. \u25a0 ami b.. $5 irk. up; tourist scllc.; cafe coa.; Eddy st. cars. HOTELS — Continued AAA — Hotel Howard, 184 Ctli st.; modern cony.; A>c day up; $2 a week and up; steam heat. HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and Market sts.— Fam- ily and commercial hotel; room with detached bath, $1 per day; roouw with private bath, . fl.oO per day; rosta.irant attached; moderate prices; free bug meets all trains :ind steamships. HOTEL HARCOURT. LARKIN AND SUTTER— AMERICAN ANI) EUROPEAN. EXCELLENT TABLE. PHONE FRANKLIN 2100. THE PERRAMONT. 2102 Market nr. 14tb— 52.50 and up; hot water Laths free; running water. THE LYDON — 15GU Webster corner Pos»t — Newly ft:rn. front rms.; run. «valer, bath, tel.; trans.. .^- THE STRATFORD HOTEL. 242 Powell st.. opposite the St. Francis. A fl-st class modern fireproof hotel In the finest downtown section. Room* $4 a week «ud up Rooms with private hat!?. ?! a (lay and un. LEAVKNWORTH. 1310— Swell, new, upper of two: 7 rooms and Imth; reasonable. SACRAMENTO 1037. nr. Polk— Apartment unfurnished: 4 rooms aud bath; «.$25. SACRA.MKNTO. 1637—3 r. and b. $32.50. VVALLKR. cor. Ashhury. 141fi — 1 r. & b. $30. KANK & TO. 215 Montgomery st. A BEAUTY— S r. Hat. $45: also 2 4 r. flats adjoining. $25; Janitor. 2273 Hayea st.# ' . . ' BARTLETT st.. 300. near 24th — 4 large rooms nnd bath; $10. BUCHANAN st.. 135. opp.State normal school — A choice fiat, l0 — Upper flat, 7 rooms; runny; , large yard; rent $35. TURK st.. IS:^> — Sunny 4 or 5 room flat, fur- nished for house keeping; desirable neighbor- hood. WILLARD Ft., 1427-1 43!)-1443. half block from Masonic ay. car. Delightful 4 and 5 room flats; reasonable; tiivpiaces; every convenience. See A. S. WBAVEtt. owner. WASHINGTON. 1055. ur. Polk— Upper flat; new, ronny; 7 rms.; Janitor: near all car lines; reas. ZOE st., 40A, off Bryant between 3d and 4th — New, gunny, 4 anJ 5 rooms and bath. 3 NEW sunnr. S room flits. SE. cor. South Brod- eii.-k and 14th stf».; rent $25. 24TH St.. NW. cor. Harrison — 5 large, sunny front rooms; suitable for doctor; rcasouahlp. Furnished Si'D ay.. 33* — 3 rooms. $13.50; 4 rooms. $iS.SO; tietweon California and Clement Bt. car linos. NICELY furnished 4 room flat; large yard. 1520 Golden Gate ay. FLATS FOR SALE — Furnlnlied SUNNY. 3 nxim apt., new furniture: Nob II1U; rent $20; a bargain. Box 2G47. Call offlce. MODERN 0 room furnished flat to let; C 32 Brod- crii-k st. near Grov>-: nil modern conveniences. _ HO L S K S_TO LET- -Un fllrll i n 1 1 ed PACIFIC itv.. 2500 — Corner residence. 12 fine, iHrcri-, i-unny nxiins. 3 baths, 2 servants' rooms, storeroom*: beautiful marine view; large yard end garden: ni-xlerate rent. DAVIDSON & LEIGH. 137 Montgomery st. ELEGANT residence, 10 rooms and bath; 421 Ba- ker, st. near Golden Gate Park entrance; will rent reasonable to good tenant. CALIFORNIA st., 2017— House*. 9 rooms; gas and electric light*, furnace, conservatory, laundry; yard ii cement; low rent. PINE, 2105 — Mod. sunny house; 9 large rooms, bmli. fiirn.. <-l«»e. lights: carp. -throughout: S'J5. HOUSES i TO LET— -Furnished BEAUTIFUL 12 room residence elaborately fur- nis!'.«'d; every nnxlern Improvement; lawn; 5 bedrooms and 2 baths. Inquire TONY H-BLK.SKI. Portnia cafe. 21 ST st.. £i34— Flat of 9 rooms, furnished; ref- erenf***. j OAKLAND lIP i:SES FOR .SAj'.E-rF"!;: ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING. Nicely fnrnisbed house, cheap rent; no reason- able offer refused. Call 12 to 5 every day. 1323 \u25a0 AH*"" st.. Oakland. _^A XL AJV» JU^^J^l^O^ET— Fut^ i FOR rent — Modern house of 0 rooms; furnished. 1720 i:i tli ay. j OAKLA\D_HOrSES_TO LET— Uiifur. j FIRST CLASS, modern, 7 room house; driveway. ; garage; 470 Oakland ay. Telephone Oakland 5714. Address C E. KEYES, Oakland high SfllOOl. j = SUNNY furnished cottage of 5 rooms and bath; yard; in 20th st. J $3.25 week. Tel. Mission 4037. TO let — Modern cottage, 4 rooms; large yard; $12. Inquire lumber office, Army and Cannon sts. Shu Bruno cars. ...•.-, 1 ARLINGTON St.. 157 — Cozy cottage. 4 rooms, bath: wash trays; gas; everything modern; rent $13. ' OFFICES A _NP STORES TO ; LET DESIRABLE offices in flrtit class, building near 3-1 and Market: special tt-rms. Box I»7S. Call. TO LEASE J STORE, basement and 2 upper, stories (entire ! building). 59 Grant ay. near Geary st.; last chance to secure a Grant ay. location; terms reasonable. J. W. WRIGHT & CO.. 125 Sut- ter Kt. CORNER, Ist and Teliama sts.; long lease, low insurance; 3 utory and banemeut brick buil'l- iug, well lighted: 3 frontages; suit any busi- ness. G. H. U.MKSEN & CO.. 20 Montgomery. FURNITURE FOR SALE SOMETHING new in furniture and carpet buy- Ing; 6ell you. direct from factory stock, at reg- ular Jobbing prices; large lines to select from. Lansing Desk nnd Furn. Co., C 74 Mission st. FURNITURE, good and cheap, at n. SCHELL- \u25a0 HAAS' corner store, 40S llth st.. Oakland. FURNITURE at your own price at H. SCHELL- HAAS* fnrnilnr#> store. 1 1 tit st.. Oaki.-iml. \u25a0 '- : | ' \u25a0i. - T^Vf tftjt y ITPR^ AVAJfTED $£§j&*~ WE arc the largest buyers of new or second hand furnlturi 1 . pianos, carpets, desks or merchan- dise; will buy your**: spot caph. MARK J. LEVY AUCTION CO., 1140 McAllister st. Phone* Park KOO. Home 52G32. ADVANCE Window Shade Factory — Bnmboo porch Bhades In all siren. Geo. Walcom. 1131 Sutter. UPHOLSTERING WORK of any kind done at your home. S. J. JENSEN. 609 Waller st.: tel. Market 5205. I - AAA— U. S. Carpet Cleaning Co.. 2207 Bush St.; most supeifor cleaning In the worjd; can give you beatiiiK. steam, compressed air, vacuum or celebrated earfliquake, which removes all dtrt,*dost, gre«Fc, restoring natural colors like new. West 5928. S24OS; laying and refitting. AAAA— LE OLAIR VACUUM CLEANING CO., t2 Post St., room 320; - phone Douglas 2071 — Dustier cleaning of carpets, rugs, draperies, furniture and bcddlng;\WlTHOUT REMOVAL. AA — National Carpet Cleaning Works — Largest on coast; lay ing. and altering a specialty. Hamp- ton & Baley, 344-348 Church St.; Market It*. ALL carpets and rugi cleaned on the floor with- out removal by 8. F. COMPRESSED AIR CLEANING CO. Offlce 307 Sutter st.; phone -Kearny 5352; shop lGtb and San Bruno. 3c yard— For the Best Carpet Beating — 3c yard Tel. Market 2-0-2. F. A. RICE. ISOS Harrison. 3c — Carpets cleaned at . right price — 3c yd. WHEN you become disgusted with poor ' work *end yonr carets to J. SPAULDING &. CO., 989 Golden Gate ay. Phone Market 043. BEST cleaning (3c) and laying {sc) by Clsslow's C. C. Co.. ."SM)B 22d; teL Mission 2289; est. 20y. MATHEWSON's" Carpet Beating Works, 315 East 12th tit.. Oakland; tel. Mcrrltt 595. ADVANCE Carpet Cleaning Co. — Advanced meth- ods. GEO. WALCOM CO.. 1131-1139 Sntter st. WATTS — Reliable "- carpet cleaning;- alterations; renovat.. laying. SGO Devisudi-ru; üb. Park SCO. n^Tii ~ T' JTIT-IHBtmUMMTIMi inJ- i I nlllK HWiriwll >i 1 1 " \u25a0 rij ITI 1 11 HI i I hm\ I <.*.i.- \u25a0 THE SAN PRAyCISCO CALL, MONDAY; REBEUARY 7, 1910. H and desiring to secure a position will find it to || fl ; their interests to use the ' Employment Wanted | 1 Columns of The Call in their search for a desir- | 1 The people who employ men and women read | I 1 The cost is only 10c a day for an ad containing | i^ 28 words or less. » **? H Help yourself to secure employment by this M m means. It will prove a most satisfactory in- m vestment for you. g GARNIE & BERNSTEIN'S carpet cleaning wks., 3153 10th st. nr. Valencia; phone Market 5001. CONKLIN BROS., carpet cleaning and lnyinjr. 2400 Geary st. corner Baker; pijone We*t 93. EDISON AGENCY — Moving picture machines and films: bargains. GEO. BRECK. 70 Turk st. NATIONAL FREIGHT & TRANSFER CO., Mis- sion nr. 10th; phone Market 3154 — Cut rates to all points: moving vans: nreproif warehouse. AKDEK-jUN Transfer and Storage Co. — Moving, packing, shipping, etc.; trunks stored 3 days free. sth nr. Market. No. 20; tel. DougUs 2177. BKKINS VAN AND STORAGE COMPANY. Fireproof Warehouse. 13th and Mission sts. Phone Market 10. WILSON BROS. Uuc.) — Moving and storage, j cor. 14th and Sanchez sts., 1 block from Mar- ket and Fillmore sts. cars. Phone Park 271. A— PACIFIC STORAGE AND VAN CO.— Brick warehouse. 2322 Fillmore gt. Tel. Weft 2t>2?. PIERCE RODOLPH Storage and Moving Co.. main offlce Eddy and Flilmore. Tel. West S2W. FOREIGN POSTAGE STAMPS ___ POSTAGE stamps, ulbti-ns. catalogues, etc., coins Ixj-jght. H. W. Doescher & Co.. 217 Montg'y. - . .?L A .^ H J- XE -? McNALLY has moved to 2664 Mission, bet. 22d and "J3d; largest stock,' all makes, lowest prices in tie United States; renting and re- pairinK :Leap; opeu evenings. Phone Mission 202. DOMESTIC— Removed from O'FarreU st. to 1644 FILLMORE near Post; all makes of machines, new and second hand, I sold, rented and re- paired: lowest prlceß. Phone West 3691. ____^Ol^SALE— MJf^nanejojw 2ND HAND pipe, rattled, new threads, new couplings dipped In asphalt, threads protected; f. o. b. cars S. F. or your city; guaranteed or no sale; reference, any legitimate business house in town. H. S. WHITE MACHINERY CO., "The Pioneer Pipi Man." * GTiO Bruanan st. FOR sale — Cheap. Westinghouse 25 K. W. .gen- erator with switchboard and 20 hp. motor and starting box, used only 4 months; also 40 hp. oil eugine and 35 hp. Hteam engine, Address 475 44th at., Oakland, or call after G p. m. BABY chicks; some fine Barred \u25a0 Rock pullets, Huff Orpington hens, Wyaiidotte cocbc-rels, black Minorca and Rhode Island roosters, and pen of pit game*. STANSFIELD, ' 3301 East 14th St., Frultvule. \u25a0 CASH REGISTERS. The largest Hue of first -.-la^s second hand cash registers ever shown now on hand; ex- trcmelv low prices; oil easy terms. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., 1040 Market st. bet. Taylor nnd Jones. PLUMBING MATERIAL AT FACTORY PRICES Cast Iron pipe and fittings, all sizes. Open 7 a. .m. to 7 p. m. ; Sunday a. va. Country orders shipped same day. Best standard fixtures only Free delivery. 320-328 McAllister st. Tel. Market 4US3. AA — >"--w and second hand building and plumb- ing material, lumber, doors, sash, pipe und fittings, tnnk, closets, sinks, pateut chimney; large xtocks porch and office sash, skylights, etc. Wrecking Co.. 1G45 Mission bet. 12th-13tlrr SECOND HAND PIPE. • Largest dealers In standard pipe and screw casing, dipped, prices right; guaranteed first class. Pacific Pipe Co., Main and Howard sts. FOR sale cheap, a Thompson-Brine ice cream freezer in good condition; cost when new about $400. Write or call A. R. SPECHT, the Owl Drug Co., 611 Mission st. AA — All sizes standard water pipe nnd screw casing, guaranteed good as new; get our prices. Welasbaum Pipe Works, 133 llth st. 1 WILL sell my upright piano at a bargain; easy terms. Call or write to 1024 Tevls St., Fruit- vale^ - . ' \u25a0 . \u25a0 - A Few Days' Special — Mattresses. \u25a0 iron b»ds, blankets, comforters, pillows at H. SCHELL- .- HAAS' "furniture sale, 40S llth St., , Oakland. A — BOOK bargains. Fine library selling In sin- gle-lots. KING'S. 1710 Market st. above Gosh. SAFE, second hand, good as new; cheap;- terms if desired. P. O. box 242. \u25a0' FINE tnlktug parrot and Toy poodle for sale. 14 Cora st., Fitchbnrg. ._ N BOOKS and libraries bought. THE HOLMES CO.. 115S Market St.; phoni' Market SOU. SAFES — New and second hand; all sizes. THE HERMAN SAFE CO.. 120-130 Folsom st. SAFES of Cal. make that stood the. test: infrs. '\u25a0 prices. Wultz S. and L. Co., 233 California st. WALL PAPER, BV4c a roll; house linings, 3«-c yd.; namples mailed. MERIGANr 1447 Ellis. BOSTON \u25a0 terrier pups, 3 months old, pedigreed. CCS 35th st. near Grove, Oakland. ROLLER canarlps, $5 each -. . . • R. H. HKGER, 515 San Pablo ay.. Oakland. "SAFE," double door. Inside measurement 27x 25x14, $125. 050 Mission 6t. above sth. CASH register, French range and tables; cheap. . 343 'Hayes st. . ARMY tents at factory prices XV. A. PLUM- MER CO.. SW. cor. of Front and Pine sts. \ NATIONAL cash registers, ; electric sijrns, . bar and safe for sale; cheap 579 McAllister., st. $45 Columbia disk graphophone and records; a snap: $20. 10"fi Van Ness ay."- MISCELLANEOU.S WANTS DRESS SUITS, tuxedos. Prince Alberts and other" suits bought. \u25a0 L.SKOLL,' tailor, 707 Golden Gate. ay. nr. Franklin st.jjpuone Market 4Ctvi: WANTED— I or 2 ' dressers, oak "or . mahogany ; rocker 'and stand; small light oak, sideboard; no dealers. Phone ' West IS7. - .; - ... \u25a0-:- - BUILDERS AND 'CONTRACTORS CARPENTER and builder; alterations;^estimates given ; see •me and ? save : money. 003 -. lOtli /.av., Richmond, district. : • ..' ; 1. -.X."-L.- CONCRETE CO.— Foundations and Fiile- wnlk« a s;n»rUUy.-S7 Crocker Bt: pv MktMSCifl." DAY" AND: CONTRACT >. WORK \u25a0 C.BARKOFF,. carpenter ami builder— Plansfree; ;;;-, jobbing i done: reas. 222S MUt. : ; vh: Mkt. 22CS.', . -. .. •\u25a0..--•.\u25a0\u25a0•,.: \u25a0\u25a0: \u25a0 \u25a0 - :-- •'..;. --...- -.-..-•»\u25a0 \u25a0 BRUNSWICK-BAUCE-COIXENDER CO.. 7G5-7C7 Mission st.: telephone Sutter 33.1. • .--I,- PK^SS -MAKING ___^ MACDOWELL'S Dress Making and Millinery School, 121 Geary st. near Grant ay. : evening classes; patterns cut to order. Douglas 4731. FURS LOFSTAD & EVANS, Inc., fi:rriers, 251 Post st., Mercedes bldg., 3d floor; phone Kearny 4359. CHAS. BERWIK, mfg. furrier, 37-39 Grant ay. Tel. Douglas 4524. Renscuable. prices. BUTTONS AND PLEATING S'tcele's button works. 222 Ellis and Mason, ph. Frank. 4521 un»l C 4521; mall orders solicited. JAPANESE TAILORS THE HINOY, mcr. tall, for American ladies and gents; lit gunr. ltilOV, Geary st.; West Ml 7. Something NEW; ladies' clcthlng done up ?2 mo. ; gents. $1.50. BOEME. 1107 Polk: Frank. 5415. LADY desires use of piano in her home for care of same with view of purchasing later; piano will be used but little, tuned and kept in a warm, dry room. Address box 2443, Call.-" $551> will buy the best 88 note player on the mar- ket; also plays 63 note rolls Crown & Concord pianos; 10 in. disk record* 25c. BACIGALPI. 1)41 Market st. Open Saturday evening. AA — Unredeemed storage pianos* almost given away to pay storage and advances. VVHITE- IIEAD'3 Piano Storage, 1420-28 Market, S. F. PIANOS tuned, voiced, regulated Hnd rep'd; ull work.guar.; reas. MULLER PIANO TUNING CO., 237 Monudnock bldg.; Doug. 4234, J4237. BARGAINS In second hand upright pianos $40- sloo.'. Halnes Bros. & Fischer, $125. Rent $•"$ mo. HORNUN2l Van Ness ay. near Turk 6t. PIANOS for rent; no cartage this week.'^ BY- RON MAPZY, 250 Stockton st. . v - MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL. BLAKE'S BAZAAR. lIP* VALENCIA ST. T^R^A^D^yn^LJ ESj£ MONARCH Visible Typewriter— ln the Monarch Visible Typewriter all the writing is in full sight all the time; other makes, second hand, at very reasonable prices; we rent, repair and Inspect. Before purchasing ring up Douglas) 4113, or call at 307 Bush st. WOLF & ISENBRUCK. Dealers. Brand new visible typewriter, $40; others cheap- er.- PAC. TYPEWRITER CO., 107 Montgy. «t. SPECIAL. $35 — Smith-Premier or Remington re- built. Secure information L. & M. ALEXAN- DER. 512 Market st. NEW and second hand typewriters bought and sold, rented, repaired, guaranteed. SMITH BROS., 462 13th St., Oakland; phone Oak. 12. TYPEWRITERS— AII makes sold, rented. reT paired. 018 riroariway. Oakland: tel.. Oak. 0210 \u25a0 DOOR openers and keys. Key Works, 855 Clay Bt., Oakland. Phones— Oakland 6717. A 2574. \u25a0 ROOFING '__\u25a0_ \u25a0 ROOFS, any kind, repaired, painted. A. HILL- MAN, 508 E. 12th st.. Oakland. Drop postal. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES L. H. & B. 1. BILL. 543 Golden Gate ay.— Headquarters for Solar lamps, Vegta batteries, Panhurd oil, Diamond chains and parts. AUTOMOBILES [^ YOU can save from $50 to $200 in the cost of an auto by buying from us now. You not only save money, .but relieve yourself of all worry and anxiety, for if we tell you a car is right you can depend upon It being right. We carry a large stock of- modern cars in our two ..stores and can supply any car ' wanted at tempting prices. CANNING & VINTON AUTO CO., 455 and 4g9 Golden Gate ay. FOR sale^ — Price $500 and upward ; several '09 and '07 Whlti: touring cars, taken in trude for : 'OB cars ' and thoroughly overhauled by our mechanics , from our factory.. WINT6N AUTOMOBILE BRANCH. ' 300 Van Ness avenue, ; . San Frauilsco. \u25a0 \ ' -T.'xi'.. 1 MAXWELL '07 runabout, just overhauled. 1 Maxwell '08 runabout, 14 hp.; overhauled. 1 Maxwell touring car.- - 1 Elmi.ru taxlcab. .— __- All these cars ere' guaranteed .by the Max- well Agency, 192-194 12th st.. Oakland. FOR sale — Limousine bony, fit any standard chassis; a beauty, and cheap. Pioneer Motor Car Co.. or the Beacon Auto Body Co., Los . Angeles, Cal.. \ \u25a0 DO you want a bargain? We have autoa from $150 to $4,000. We sell machines in first class condition only. Open Sundays, 3 p. m. ' Stand- ard Automobile Exchange," 382 Golden Gate ay. RUNABOUT, rebuilt and painted, in first class — condition; worth Investigating; $300. 80r_4031, Call offlce, Oakland. : PAC. "• Aluminum . Brazing Works can braze your .broken alum, castings. 430 Van' Ness; Pk. 5120. THE FILLMORE. BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1651 FILLMORE ST. RELIABLE Auto Brokerage Co., 343 Golden Gate \u25a0 aT. — Bargains In new and, used nntomobiles. SCOTT * st.,' 1005. nr. Sutter— Garage for auto- mobilew;- price, reasonable^ water inclndetl. . -. BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES 1010 PIERCE, 4 cylinder, shaft drive. 2 : speed,- free engine; \ single cylinder.", belt driven free » engine, -5 £ hp. ; > send '- for * advanced : eataliicue.' 'J. T. CHICK, 312 San: Pablo ay., Oakland. ; 'FOR sale— One Indian \ motorcycle," : one Thor- reasonable' offer^ accepted. ' G.- SCHRODE. v > 1004 \u25a0 Tennpssee st. . \u25a0 - . . . -. ' : PIERCE, " R.-S." and - Emblem " motorcycles^ and , : bleyclrs: -JOHN T. BILL & CO., 357-9 *.-> Golden ? Gat e: ay..- . \u25a0 - -"\u25a0- -..^ ;> . : : AGENTS •N. S. \u25a0 V.. . Pengeot; 1910 Royal,' $250; used •.machines,' |so: up. Zlmmerlia Bros.; 2102 : . Sattcr. 21 • Van Kess. ; ; /.' --\u25a0•; \u25a0:'.:--. \u25a0' -,? \u25a0'\u25a0 . .• • : . * [ /HORSES, ; HARNESS ANI> WACOXS '_" THREE Kentucky 'galted horses; also other sad- : die \u25a0 horses ; very . < good \u25a0 second hand English saddle and a few good. vehicles. S. F." Riding : Club, ,7th ay. \u25a0 and- C st. \u25a0 - " A— 2o head horses.' «uares, mules and ponys," $10 np; wagons," $5 up; harness, $2 up; must sell;, , will trade. stis 4th st., Oakland. .„ FOR ", sale , cheap^ — Rubber tired buggy I and I har- .- ness; leather top; ball bearlug axles. Call 1203 Market St.. Oakland. WOODLAWN Stables. 617-3^ Grove St.: horses •\ $1.25 Oay; horse & wag.. $3 wk.; bdg. $20 mo. \u25a0:\u25a0!>'\u25a0\u25a0 work horses. \u25a0' 2 saddle horses and 2 driving horses for sale cheap. - 420 3d st.. Oakland. SECOND hand top wagon, exp wagon.' bus.- bug- gies. Nugent-Covey Wagon Co., 349 Valencia st.. HORSES, wagons, buggies and harness for sale cheap. 205-200 Valencia St. ; phono \u25a0 Park 2723. 200 TONS baled barley hay for. sale. V. ROSSI, San Luis Obispo. Cal. \u25a0 -" \u25a0 H. R. lIOPPS,. President. ALL KINDS OF ART. LEADED AND MOSAIC GLASS. 115 TURK: PHONE FRANKLIX.I"fi3. TETLOW & CO.. 12 GEARY ST.. ROOM 40S. SPECIAL BARGAIN; MOVING PICTURE THE- ATER; LONG LEASE; CHEAP RENT. CORNER GROCERY AND SALOON. Dally sales $50; hqrse and wagon; $2,250. WANT, PARTNER IN RESTAURANT .WlTllts3oU, TO ACT AS CASHIER. BARGAIN— MILK ROUTE. INCLUDING 1 horse and wagon, clearing $00 monthly. EXTRA GOOD CORNER. BILLIARD AND Pool rooms; 0 pool. 1 billiard table; terms. PARTY WITH $300 CAN : CLEAR $100 MONTHLY EASY ON INVESTMENT. CnANCE SELDOJl^offered; cafe; long lease; BEST LOCATION in city; $11,500; PAUT CASH; CLEARING $500 MONTHLY. TETI/OW & CO., 12 GEARY ST., ROOM 403. GILLIES & CO., No charge for listing a business. ' ,$l25 — Poolroom clearing $75 per month. $G50 — Roadhouse, .10 miles from city, San Mateo county. $550 — Butcher shop; a good money maker. $1.200 — Partner; grocery business; trial given. $1,250 — Poolroom, 5 tables; clearing $175 per mo.- £2,7so— Saloon; positively the best buy in city. $1,000 — Grocery; best groc. proposition lv nty. $1,000 — Restaurant; best lease north of Mkt. St. GILLIKS & CO., 102S Market St., room 22. LEGITIMATE, old established manufacturing I business In . Oakland needs $2,000 cash to ex- tend its business ; will guarantee 10 per cent dividend annually; to party investing- this amount will also give employment at $100 per month, if capable book keeper or salesman; closest investigation solicited. Box ,4023, Call office, Oakland. WOOD" coal, hay and grain business; now is the chance for the right party to get into a good • business. Box 4012, Call offlce, Oakland. GOOD paying saloon; account of departure: or will exchange for properties. Inquire CC2 Mis- sion st. * PHOENIX REALTY EXCHANGE, MECHANICS' BANK BLDG., i>4s MARKET ST. Telephone Kearny 41C0, Home C 2722. 20 rooms, downtown house, good and cheap. 12 rooms, clears $50; price $500; terms. 32 rooms, clears $125; price $1,500; terms. 10' rooins, price $050; good bouse. APARTMENT HOUSE— C 4 rooms, close in, paying $325 clear; elegantly furnished; snap. SALOON AND LODGING HOUSE— C 2 rooms; paying well: must be sold; make offer. SALOON AND CAFE— Western addition; ?35 to $40 per day; good bar trade; part cash; don't overlook this. -\u25a0 We have several good saloons on our list and tan please you;, give us a call. GROCERY— Western addition; clears $100; price $«00. * CAFE— Close in; $000; half cash, or will take partner. SUMMER RESORT. PHOENIX REALTY EXCHANGE. COMMERCIAL AUDIT CO., Business Brokers— -Investments thoroughly investigated and safely placed. We assist the seller und protect buyer. 313. Metropolis Bank blilg. ; phone Sutter IU, ONE-HALF Interest best real estate business on the coast: can easily clear $500 month; open for investigation. Box 2655, Call office. FOR sale at onee — Wambold grocery, Cloverdale. Cal.f will pay you to investigate. Box 2770, Call offlce. PARTY wanted with n few dollars to Invest In an Al proposition. For 'particulars see W..G. lIKFLINGER. 52-3 Bncon bMg.. Oak'J. FOR sale or rent — Bargain; first class, small planing mill; easy terms. Box 123. Sunnyvale. BAKERY for sale; good reason for selling; no broker's commission. Box 2800. Call offlce. MONEY loaned to inventors to patent good ideas. JOHN WEDDERBURN, Capitalist, Brooklnml. D. C. * FOR sale — A good paying route on Tbe Call in Alameda county. Apply to J. R. LENHAP.T, Circulation Dept., S. F. Call, 3d and Market. FOR sale— A good ner. >nper route in a good district In this city. Apply to J. R. LEN- IIART, Circulation Department, S. F. Call. GOOD bakery for sale; store business only. Ad- dress box 2717, Call office. FOR sale — Fine restaurant; 2 years' lease; good business; parties going east. 210, 6th St. ROUTE on this paper for sale — Oakland and Berkeley. Phone Piedmont 4208. WANTED— SSOO in honest mining deal; fortune in'this. V. 0. box 474,"- Sau Francisco. IF you want a location for delicatessen or any business see 3252 Sacramento st. $100 — Small grocery llqnor §tnre; branch bakery. Buy from owner, 1252 A Folsom st. FOR sale — Caifdy store: chance for lady; living rooms. 759 Pacific building. GQOD lady cook wishes partner to take cash and assist in coffee parlor; price $250 for half in- terost. 1713 Pol«oni st. . A. CAMERON & CO., 714 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BLDG., % Opposite The Call. Room. 301. Phone Douglas 4370, C 4370. BANK REFERENCES. HOTELS. .ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES, FLATS. STRICTLY modern »0 rm. downtown house; cheap rent: private baths; well fnrn.; bargain. BARGAIN — 10 rms.; good location: hot and cold water; new; always full; sacrificed, $1,500. FINE! — Buy, this corner house, 65 rooms; close in n .Market; running water; rent only $200, lease; wpII furnished; a bargain. MAGNIFICENTLY furnished apt. house, swell location; cheap rent; 100 rooms, all full; clearing $500 month. If sold this week, a snap. AA— BURNHAM & COMPANY. 520 Phelan bldg. IF YOU WANT TO BUY. SELL OR EX- CHANGE REAL ESTATL 1 , ROOMING HOUSES, HOTELS, OR ANY BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS, CALL ON. WRITE OR PHONE DOUGLAS 5908, HOME CSSOB. IK -TOUCH WITH ALL BARGAINS ALWAYS. LODGING HOUSE of 11 rooms, with kitchen, for sailors, etc. ; near water front: rooms rented perm.: $500. Western Inv. Co.. S3O Mkt..r.410. -PARTNERS WANTED FIRST CLASS painter, as partner. Address box 4840. Call offlce. 1(^1 Fillmore st. EDUCATIONAL _\u25a0 A — PAUL GERSON. DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training school of acting In America; position secured; 6- months' graduating course; send for catalogue. Couptryman building. 915 Van Ness ay. ... THOROUGH instruction In English. German, French," Spanish. Latin. Greek, etc., is given in , class or privately at 2590 Pine st. , ' AA — The Lyceum, 2590 Pine st., prepares for uni- versity or any examination; Individual lnstruc- ; tlon; moderate rates; you save time and money. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mech.. : survey, : assay, cyanide; day, eve. ; est. \u25a0 1864. ' Van der Nalllen School. 51st and Tel., Oakland. DANCING. Findlay's, 3245 l«tb St.. ballroom .and stage; class Mon., Wed. and Frl. -evg». ; socials strictly "select; private lessons daily. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. 2531 Washington st. near Fillmore— Send for cir- -. cular. : ,-\u25a0 ',\u25a0••\u25a0¥", ;-/\u25a0'•\u25a0.\u25a0''\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'. .\u25a0:."\u25a0\u25a0:.: .\u25a0 .- . CANTON School English— Chinese taught Ameri- cans, native teacher. 23 Canton Bk.', 640 Krny. PROF. T. A.. ROBINSON, : Individ. Inst. > Math.V i Bookkeeping, Eng., etc. ; day, eve. 507 -Haight. SPANISH, French or Italian ; taught in. conver- ' nation. PROF. HID ALaO.* rm. 409, S3O Market. VAUDEVILLE taught;. all its branches: private >lenBon«. O.G. Dramatic: School. S2fi Eddy »t. BUSINESS COLLEGES MF.RBILL-MILLER COLLEGE. 733 Fillmore st. ; :\u25a0". a Belect school of . business ; j day" and evening. DUDLEY Business College, .day -and evening. \u25a0\u25a0•-:, Mission Bank building,* 16th st. near Mission. -. SAN t ERANCISCO Business ' College. 90S Market : \u25a0•; st. ' at Eddy ; day or evening sessions. .*, '- ALL < court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh ... Business College. 1250 Market gt. \u25a0 " , ..-.'' HEALD'S 'Business College i.and \u25a0-'\u25a0School*^of "En- gln<-<»rl'ig.-42n McAllister^ jt^___V__^j_ i^___' - JOIINi R. RUCKSTELIv C- P.VA;V; oOC-SOS Claus !*3 Soieckels (Call) \u25a0 buliOiiu; ' oAcae j beaxiur . HU." ffffru i^F¥iirmtfMiJ^i Urn HmiiAfnTiiiiTl Tj'lid "t'Tif Ti'Tl ' iT 1' ' 1" " \u25a0 - . \u25a0 MARK LANE,- Notary Public and Commissioner • of Deeds,; 149 Montgomery at; phone Kearuy .2620. ;l_-i~l.'-. j iPJgyjjjCTjrVEJT *I^^» PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY— Operatives and watchmen furnished: Investigate habits of _yo Ur employes. Rm. ID. Bacon block.. Oakland. ____J ATTORNEYS AA— DIVORCE: costs, $12: quick, qniet: advice free: no charge unless successful; title to real estate^ restored: bankruptcy: probation of es- tates: general practice. 102S Market St., r. 12. A QUICK, quiet, complete divorce for $20: open Thursday evenings. 1112 Market st.. room 122. HARRIS & HESS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hess. Notary Public. Rooms 11OS-14 Call building. PATENT ATTORNEYS DEWEY. STRONG & CO.— Founded 1S60; U. S. and foreign patents; inventors' guide; 100 me- cnanlcal movements free. 1105 Merchant*' Ex- change bnllding. . San Francisco. CARLOS P. GRIFFIN, late examiner U. S. Pat- ent Office. 1201-2 Metropolis bank— Patent*. trademarks and copyrights; tel. Kearny 4815. HARRY C. SCIIUOEDER, U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 417 li-t Nat'l. Bk.. Oak.: phone Oak 2754. DENTISTS ARTIFICIAL teeth; this one thing 1 do. Dr. C. E. Wilson. 323 Geary, suite 605; tel. Dong. 4300. DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kiuds of dental work. 515 Fillmore st. near Oak. MEDICAL ATTENTION, ladies — DR. LEWIS. 033 Market st. bet. sth and (ith, world renowned specialist for women ouly; no delays o/ disappointments; relief guaranteed by most superior painiesa methods known to medical science; most ob- stinate cases treated; all female complaints and Irregularities treated; have no hesitancy if in need of my services; absolutely harmless: low fees. 15y consulting an eminent specialist you save time and money. Advice free. 10 a. in. to 4 p. m. and 0 to 9 p. in.; Sundays. 11 a. in. to 2 p. m. DR. HALE. ~ 1151 McAllister st. near Fllimore. Hours — 10 to 5 aad 0:30 to 8. Sunday. 10 to 2. RELIABLE SPECIALIST— FOR WOMEN ONLY. LADIES— I POSITIVELY GUARANTEE to cure all female complaints. " The MOST OBSTI- NATE CASES RELIEVED. My methods are SAFE, SURE AND PAINLESS. RELIEF GUAR- ANTEED OR NO FEE. Advice free. Fees low. MRS. DR. HOLMS, graduate ladles' specialist, treats all ailments of .voaen by a safe and sure method without delay. Travelers success- fully treated and can return home same day. Advice free and confidential; hours 9 to 5. Sun- day, 10 to 2, 744 Turk at. near Van Ness ay AA— DRS. OSGOOD. 2154 Sutter St.. form. 850 Mkt. — 25 yrs.' successful exp. maternity case* and women's ails: inst. relief gas • no charge: exam, and advice free; fee low; confinement *15: resident phys.; enres sterility: best skill. MRS. DR. MARY ADAM, reliable specialist: cures all ladles' complaints successfully; gocd home for confinement: consultation free. Hoars 1-5 p. m.. 3004 Frjltvale ay.. East Oakland. LE MERES FEMALE SUPPOSITORIES Never fall: safe and reliable. For sale at all drug stores. $1 a box. DR. WARREN EMERSON, specialist; diseases women: consult, free. 1304 Fillmore cr. Eddy. . I'IIVSICIANS DR. MAR DON. noted doctor Chinese empire, 76S Clay. S. F. : kaowltilge Inherited through 7 gen- erations; cures all ailments of human system with teas; carefully selected herbs; cons. free. OR. BEN lOON CniNE.SE HERBS C 0. —20 - years of experience: cures all ailments by wonderful method. 617 Kearny; hrs. J»:30 to 7. DR. WONG HIM. i HERB DOCTOR. Permanently located. 1268 O'Farrell st. bet. €. Diseases women aad children; confinement. $25. PACIFIC Coast Convalescent Horne — First class tome for bospital convalescents and invalids: terms, $10-$25 week. Including board, room, general nursing; contagions work prohibited. 2507 Piedmont ay.. Berkeley: phone 8erk.3590. A — PRIVATE home for the sick: confinement spednlty; adoption: special treatment for all female troubles. 171 Ea«t 14th st., Oakland. HOME and care for invali«Ls or ageil persons. 3121 25th st. near Mission: phone Mission 4G20. POPULAR .REMEDIES RICORD CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseases. Solil only by E. B. JOKGENSON, C 44 Kearay st.. San Francisco. Mall orders a specialty. Send for circular. SANDERSON'S CO.. savin and cotton root pills; pure remedy for female troubles: price $2 pur box. Red Raven Drug Co., «12 Market st. SEXOID, a marvelous cure for weakness In men; money returned If it falls; price $1 per box. Red Raven Drug Co., i»l2 Market st. MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL, BLAKE'S BAZAAR, 110S VALENCIA ST. ££££££s^-.^ LARGEST stock of trusses and elastic goods In the city. Clark-Ganilion Co., 110S Market st. WEALTH MOVEMENT "VIA VI SCIENCE OF HEALTH." natural non- surglcal: cloth bound. 400 page bock. free. Ap- ply by mall, CM', Pine st. Lecture for women Thursday at 2:^o p. m. j CHIROPODISTS MRS. DR. JULIE DONNE, 1810 Fillmore^-Foot specialist. Phone" West 6546. MRS. A. SANDBERG. ISO 2 Fillmore at., chirop- odist. Tel. West. 14'! a AURORA INSTITUTE for PHYSIOTHERAPY. 4C3 O'Farrell — If others fail to cure you. come anA see US: our method la quick and sure. THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT FRANKLIN Electric Institute — Elec. treatments & massage. 356 Pacific bldg.. S-21 Mkt. MRS. C. ROSE. Mgr.: hrs. 10 a m. to 10 p. m. MASSAGE Institute, formerly 1823 Devisadero, now 423-24-25 Whitney bldg.. 133 Geary St.; same maug. Mrs.Hnntinston, 0:30 a.m.. 10 p.m. LYDIA SMITH — Health treatment; oil, electric light." salt glow. Apt. 35. 1300 Golden Gate ay. MECHANO and Electrical Therap. treatment! by prof t-s. -masseuse. 2W7 Suttcr. Hilda C. Jonssou. CATARRH AND DEAFNESS ALSO ear noises positively cured; one week free. DR. COTTINOHAM. SSP Market st. ; hrs. 10-4. RUPTURE CURED "DR. PIERCES ELECTRIC TRUSS"; a wonder- ful Invention; 35 years in use. Address PIERCE & SON. 1417 Clipstnut St.. Alameda. MATRIMONIAL _" MECHANIC, age 26, of good habits, has some money and property, desires acquaintance of young lady of good habits and with some means; object matrimony. Box 4027, Call'of- . flee. Oakland. . " RESPONSIBLE, refined woman ' desires to cor- ' respond unlucuinbered gentleman of Integrity and means, aged 50 to 55; object matrimony. Box 20GS, Call offlce. . YOUNG man. who has a nice little business, but very " lonesome, would like to meet nice young lady; object matrimony. Box 4035, Call offlce, Oakland. " WIDOW, 40, wishes to meet gentleman of good character-, object \u25a0 matrimony. Box 4033, Call office, Oakland. . - . • GOOD woman will be made rich, proud and happy who can flaauclally assist me now^ obje.ct mat- rlmony. Kox 4034. Call oface. Oakland. -. MARRIAGE paper, with photos and P. O. ad- dresses, free: many wealthy. Address Cupid, P. O. bos 121. Oakland. Cal. \u0084 ' DO not be deceived; the only rellable^matrlmo- nlal bureau you will find at MRS. A. WOL- TEU'S,'I7S2 Geary St.; established In 1000. ELITE marriage bureau for lonely" people; de- : tails 25c: -ladies free. 951 Broadway. Oakland. .RAINESS PERSONALS~ \u25a0 A— WIGS and TOUPEES that defy detection; ven- tilated; perspiration doesn't affect them; wlj making a life study ; men's private wig depart- :"- ment, -2271 Cal. St. near Webster. Mr. G. Lederer In charge. : LADIES' HAIR GOODS Transformation, switches, puffs, artistic wig making, shampooing. G. LEDERER. 1800 Fili- " more st. near Sutter. Established ISCO. MAGNETIC physical healing; a . vital \u25a0 science MRS. HOLSIIOUSER, 351 Pacific bldg. by app.. bonrs'.lO-O. I have a very skillful oper- ator. :iato of N. V.. Mfsr Isnbelle A. NelNon. ELEC. : vibratory; select patrons. »43 .Vio'-.Nn« | ay. cor.- O'Farrell st.. suite 307-309: no sign. MRS, L.E. HARTMAN. M. T.. electro ' thera- rrpeutlesf and,: massage. Office and residence • (>l5 ..Ellis \u25a0: st.. near Hyde. Hutrs 10 .to - it. I'lsLßkiiu 2Ji7. * BUSINESS PERSONALS; — Coatlaned ALLEN RUG WORKS, successors to George Mat- thew I—Artistic1 — Artistic band , loom weavers, finit . rnsa made from oW carpets; send for circulars. 83© Baena Vista ay., Alameda. Cal. PHYSICIANS recommend the- Russian Turkish •; batbs for relief of rheumatism, Inmbago. etc.: separate apartments for ladies: open day and night. 1641 O'Farrell at.. L. ABRAMS & CO. ELECTRIC Thermal Inst. — Rheumatism, nervous diseases, colds, sklnn diseases: m»ssa?e. MKS. E. SANDBERG. ISO 2 FiUmorc; ph. We»t 14SO. MRS. NETTIE HARRISON, removes hair. e!ec trie needle: 2O yrs. practice: gray hair colnreit: face treatments. IOuS Sutter. Tel. Frank. 557». LADY painless foot sp«fclali«t; eastern — thttj also Swexllsh message and meiUcated r,.iths; mem. A. T. P. A. 1210 McAllister n.-. KUlmore. COLE'S DETECTIVE AGENCY— Licensed and bonded: no signs. Telephones — West f12."0. Home SISI7; phones answered day au co* turners, removed to SS3 Market st. opp. Pow»U. MKS. MANNING, medical massage and baths. 17(«> O'Farrell. apt. 12: member A. T. P. A. HOT oalt baths (medical*- masaaz* for both m-Tpt. Ktt flfh »t.. Oakland. » SPIRITUALISM AA— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, trance medium; consultation $1. at her home. llts4 O'Farrell: by letter, 4 questions. $1; phone Franklin 5«J24. MRS. ll TT. KINNAIRU: ord. oi.qs. ilaily ; 10-4; circles. Sun.. Man.. Wed.. Fri., S p. m. 143'J Fillmore *t. . LOTTIE BUSWEI.L. spiritual readings and leu- sons daily: circle every night. 1303 Webster st. near O'Farrell. MRS. IDA M. GRIFFIN, medium and healer: reads dally: circles Tues.. Thur. 900 McAllister MISS M. WILLE. medium, crystal seeress. can be consulted on all matters; moved IS9«J Sutter. MRS. S. SEAL, spirit mln.; consultation* dally: ofQciates marriages, funerals. 78i» McAllister. JOHN SLATER; circle tonight. 8:15 sharp; read^ Inga. li> to 4. 1430 Geary gt. PALMISTRY REV. MME. BUSHNELL. formerly 019 Jones, now 2OP Kearnv: 9 to .1 ex. San.: tel. Donsrlas 3670. lIIj^USXSX^XX?. AAA— HENRY MANSFIELD, ordained trance psychic medium; palmlrt; develops, teacbea: reading, consultation; InSuence: obtains for 7011 tbe highest Ideals; all revealed, nothias coneealet! ; removes trouble, doubt, uncertainty, ill health, worry over life's problem*; tells you everything; names, dates, full information, se- crets, whatever you whh to know 130^ Fill- more st. Readings by mall. $L CLAIRVOYANT, card reader: readings dyily: satisfaction guaranteed: hour* 10-7: no slan. 158 A Church st. nr. Market: phone Park 307:>. MADAME AUGUST, clairvoyant; truth or no pay; 50c readings. 333 San Carlus ay. bet. 2Qth and 21st at*, above Mission; hours 10 to !». MISS ZEMDAR. young. gifteJ clalr. and nalm.; a wnnderfnl prophetess; huurst lrt to H>: 1. ">oc. g. .fl. t>s2 llayi-s bet. Laguna and Bnchana^i. MME. STARR of Oakland at Hotel Carlln. UZA Market, rm. 3; truth or m» pay: bet. 7 and 8k AJ*TR(>LJ(>GY SEND date- of birth, with 10 cents, for . .al reading of your future; full reading "~»o. ZAZA. P. O. box 372. • I N V EST3I ENTS E. F. WAYLVSD & CO.. BROKER*. 474 Monadnock building. San Fraa-?i*M.>i>. Cal. ST»;CK OFFERED FOR QUICK SALE. 100 shares Mascot Copper Co '«4 $» «r> I.WK) shares Oraeca Gold Mining Oo s.(hk> share* Three Counties Oil to -17 l.W:O Coallaga Consolidated Oil «i . . Ift 1,000 Alaska Petroleum and Coal O>. .1? . i'> I.OfM) Arizona Verde Copper and GohL.fta .11 7iK) shares Bishop Creek GoM Ctt..'.".fe .1 + 5tH) shares foallnga Alaildln Oil s'.iart-s Four Metals »S:in Jose> . . . (ft. .2* 500 Landau Ecouomlc SypbiHi ft« .2.". 200 shares Section Six Oil Co <& .54 10 snares Cblapa.t Rubber Plantat'n.^ '_'<». \u25a0\u25a0•> COLUMBIA MARBLE QUARRIES ilnc>— !s year 5% bonds, with sto<-k bonus $.">«X>. fur salt; at 0O?g. P. E. BEaECKER. 24S PaeiUc bl.lg. WE have a market for all stock. INTERST.A TE COMMERCIAL SALES CO.. 1U47 Phelan Irt.lg. OCEAN SHORE RY. BONDS FOR SALE. D. E. BESECKER, 24S PACIFIC BUILDING. FOR sale — Mortgage $1,250: security real e*t.»ft»: 10 per cent net. Ap;ily r'*>ni BJ>. Crocker bMi;' FINANCI A L COMPANIES Incorporated ; stocks and bouils i.<- sikhl. Corporation Law Co.. KY! Monadnock h'.s. COMPANIES incorporated anil orsnniz»'il: most favor charters. ; Nat'l Inc. Co.. 811 Mills blj^'. WE bn.v or lend on Ocean Shore bonds anil t.'al. Safe Deposit bonfca. 221 Monadnm-k buildius. MINES AND MININO WANTED— Partner with SS.CCO to Ipveat ia a good California mine ami mill; investigate. Vox 273 U. Call office. . GOLD, amalgam." rich ore bought: cash: assaying 50c. PIONEER ASSAY CO.. 131 sth St. near Howard. ijij M OVEY Tqj.OA.\ ••WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE." We advertise to make loans to salaried people as cheap as any company ia the city and cheaper than a majority of them, without security or Indorser, anil we do it. We will make you » loan on short notice without Inquiry of your frlftiila or relatives. All of our employes are gentlemen and you are assured courteous treatment. Pri- vate. Money costs only fur time in your poxf»- slon. GREAT NORTHERN LOAN CO.. tilrt Phe- lan bldg.. fith floor. Offlje open until 6 P. M. Monday and Saturday evenings until S P. M. "BANKERS TO THE PEOPLE." We loan all salaried employes UM suine as the banks loan the employers. All we require is that you are a steady workingman on a "sal- ary." All bnslness strictly coLfrlentlaL No se- i eurity. No Indorser. You may repay the U»n i in easy Installments arranged to suit yonr In- come. .Our special rebate- plan saves you paying hich interest. Lowest rates. WESTERN LOAN' CO.. 40S Call bldg. Open N:M) A. M. till KP. M. Mondays and Saturdays till 8 P. M. AA — STRICTLY confidential; loans on furnltnre. pianos, livestock, warehouse receipt* or security of any kind; loans can be repaid la easy week- ly, monthly or yearly payments: It 1* easier to pay one than a number: don't fail to call and see ns. ILLINOIS FINANCE CO.. formerly ILLINOIS TRUST CO., 151 C Eddy St.. half block from FiUmore. AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON FURNITURE. PIANOS. ETC.: $10 to $200: LOW COST: CON- FIDENTIAL: HONEST AND SQUARE DEAL. CALL WRITE OR PHONE 357-0 PACIFIC BLDG./ 4Tn AND MARKET. PHONES DOUGLAS 32C5— HOME J1741. Oakland Of nee — 518 First National Baafc blilg. WE LOAN MONEY TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT: no indorser: confidential: no rwl tape method*: $1 week pay* $15 loan. $2 week pays $30 loan. $3 week pays $45 loan. $4 week pays $GO loan. Call and see us. THE ROYAL INVESTMENT COMPANY. 750 Phelan building. MONEY loaned 00 furniture, pianos and otber se- curity; lowest rates; most favorable terms lv the city; see others, then see me and be crr.i- vlnced; I will save yon money: ?2.25 weekly repays $50 loin. Phone Market 302 D. GEORGE W. MILLER. 300s> 16th st., southwest corner Mission, room 35. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others upon their own names, with- out security: easy payments: save mouey by trading here; offices In »S5 principal cities. TOLMAN. room 051 Phelan butliliag. San Francisco, and room 0. 4CO l.'ith st.. Oakland. AAA — Wage earners, either men or women, eaa make a loan la strictest confidence at tbe Em- ployes' Credit Co.. room 424. Munadnock. bldg. SALARIED persons ami WAGE EARNERS can obtain LOANS at reasonable rate* without re.l tape