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GLEASON HOME: ANNOUNCES CONFERENCE : LIGHTWEIGHTS SETTLE TO GRIND: FLYNN AND LANGFORD TO GO 45 ROUNDS ADEQUATE TRANSPORTATION PROMISED FOR BIG BATTLE Betting on Nelson- Wolgast Battle Opens At Odds of 10 to 7 1-2 , THAT the citizens of Point Richmond arc genuine boosters is lieins demonstrated from :hc manner in which they are going about to boost their town through the Xclson-Wolgast light, which will be pulled off in the tra:)>!iay community on the afternoon of February 22. A committee of officials and businessmen of Point Richmond visited Assistant Passenger Agent James B. Duffy of the Santa Fc yesterday and licld .1 conference with him regarding special rates for the fans who will attend the battle. Duffy gave the commission assurance that his company would do all in i:- power to grant their requests. He informed them that special train and ferry service would be provided and that the boats would be scheduled to handle 15.CXX) persons comfortably. A request was made for a 25 cent round trip rate from this city to Point Richmond for the occasion. The matter will be taken up for consideration by the company. The people of Point Richmond believe the company will make this rate. USE DOUBLE SHIFTS TO CONSTRUCT ARENA While the lighters arc right down to the hard grind at their training camps the buzz of the saw and the noi^e of the hammer arc resounding at Point Richmond, furnished by 100 workmen who have started to erect the itrena. . . There are two shifts of men at work. They arc divided into night and tiay shifts and the mammoth pavilion is expected to be completed by a week from Sunday. It is being built to accommodate 20,000 spectators. The people of Richmond ::re keenly alive to the advertising their town i» getting. Through the success of the coming battle they hope to win the Jeffries-Johnson battle to Point Richmond. They have communicated with ihe promoters wjio are 10 handle the big light, and Point Richmond has better than an outside chance of winning out. The committee was composed of the following men: H. B. Kinney, »^. Hlsie. Lee D. Windrem. city attorney, and 1. M. Perriu. former mayor. A great many preliminary details are being taken off Hester's shoulders by the citizens of Point Richmond. The Fast and Suburban railroad of Point Richmond is planning to provide special service from Point Richmond io Oakland on the day of the light. A train of cars will leave for the arena ever}- 10 minutes from Fortieth street and San Pablo avenue. Oakland. Promoter Hester says that he is receiving orders for blocks of tickets from many towns throughout the state and he will endeavor to get a special rate for out of town fans. Already orders are coming i/i from Sacramento, Stockton. San Jose. Los Angeles. Marysville. Kapa and other towns for choice scats. Los Angeles will probably send one of the largest delegations of out of town sports. The Angel City fans are great admirers of Wolgast fend they look for the Milwaukee terror to defeat the champion. NELSON ODDS OFFERED AT 10 TO V/ 2 Betting on the conte-t has already started in this city, and Commissioner Tom Corbet! has SS,(XX) to bet on Kelson at odd* of 10 to 7>j. The southern fans vv ill likely bet their money in this city as Kelson will probably be a bigger favorite here than ill the south. Both lighters put in a busy da 3' yesterday at their respective training ramps. They both finished their day's work and scaled a trifle over 134 jKmnds, which means that they could reach the required notch at any time. The lighters increased their work a trifle and they a/c now in the midst of the grind. At both camps large delegations of spectators were on hand. Nelson went on the road and traveled over five miles of the San Mateo highways.! His gymnasium work consisted of the regular gymnastic exercises which a boxer indulges in preparatory to a light. His boxing was full of ginger. He went six round*. He had three sparring partners. His brother Art took him on first for two rounds and then Joe Silvcrman funished the second two round relay. Then Abe My»rs came along and finished up with two rounds of sparring. Five Teams Tied For Bicycle Honors N i:\VARK. X. J., Feb. 10. — Five teams wore tie«l tonight at the end of the fourth day's grind in the six day l»icy cle race here, with 53.1 miles and 2' laps to their credit. l'i\e other teams w. re tied a lap behind the loaders. The men are riding l" hour stretches each day. The leading team? at 11 o'clock to nifrht were: . Kram<-r and Fenn. Moran and Law (sen. Bedell and Bedell. Pye and Hehir and Wiley and Lawrence. OTOWKM, IJKi'KATS .1 A I* PORTLiAJCD. Feb. 10. — Eighteen min iiics and forty-six seconds of wrestling with ICddie O'Conncll, \u25a0u-eltor weight champion of the world, was enough :\u25a0•!• M. ilatsuda, the Japanese wrestler of Spokane. Matsuda claimed an un fair decision on the part of the referee *n0 refused to go on the mat again. Referee Arthur Cavill awarded the contest to OConncll. St* Ignatius Loses Game To Santa Clara I Special Diipalch to The Call] SANTA CLARA, Feb. 3 o.— St. Igna tius basket ball team of San Kr?nci*eo lost the fii>t game of the Fanta Clar.n- Su Jcnatius Fcrics on the local college court here this afternoon, the final senre being 245 to 16. At th»» end of the first half with the k. or© 10 to 5 in Santa Clara's favor I'Oth tftflms settled down and played coorl ball. Flood and Evans starred with two and three field goals respec tively for St. Ignatius, and WilEon and Cottier excelled for Santa Clara. The iineup: St. Icnatlni. Position. Santa Clara. j-ioiid.... ....Forward.. Hearst and Scberher t:r«n!>. ........... Forward Wilson Kctiry ....Center Giwtter KnicbtS «Joard Posey Vigpr Guard Ray Crack Football Teams to Play Old Game The CentiirjTJ of Oakland and the Puboce eleven are In grand condlton for their contest \u25a0which is to be played next Sunday morning at the Ocean shore grounds. Following is- the lineup of both trains : I»uboce Position Century S«win. Mnkin* R. X Jloore M.K<»nnii U. T Schauflc Black. Johnson R. « J. Moore M<<iowan C Moirs. Stnnck S>>loman. Daly I* *' ••• Kmlerley ] ;r,|,. P 1.. T. .......... 8. «ou!ter. N>nlon I-. V.. M. Bruxjsone Shcppard, Ca2«van...Q ...W. Moir <oapt-> McMtlUn «• « • Kaiser K.*rmao 'ca|>t.» 1.. 11 Inwll. SteJnbeefc Bckcart, Heilman F. B IJurns WILL. ADMIT NT. JO!«KI»If CHICAGO, F«l>. 10. — The schoduiod mating: of the \V>Rtftrn league \u25a0will be hr-ld here February 16, according: to'un announcement by resident Morris L.. O'NrJil today. St. Joseph will be ?d mitted to the Western league in place of Pueblo. \\ 11.1-li; HOPI'K WINS ACAIV \u25ba CLKVKUND, 0., Feb. 10.— Willie ll«-ppe <l^feat^d Ora Morninjrstar twice i...iay at 15.2 balk line billiards. The flr^t'game was 300 to SS. nnd.ihe sec ond/400 to .".06. Roth \u25a0 made- sevrral ?...,.! runs. Ityppc clicked <»ff 1-y. !"'l- Owen Moran Leaves for This City [Special Dispatch to The Call] XEW YORK. Feb. 10. — Owen Moran, tho Uttle English, fighter, tvho turned the tables on Matty Baldwin in Koston the other night, and who was matched. to fight Tommy Murphy at the Bedford athletic club in Brooklyn Monday oven ing, will not kepp this last engagement, but has gone to Fan Francisco to train for a 20 round battle which lie will have with Murphy, probably on St. Patrick's day. Tommy will leave tomorrow with Johnny Howard, his sparring partner and traiiicr, and his manager, Johnny Oliver, will follow Wednesday. Moran ran out of his match with Murphy before the Bedford club, claim ing that he hurt Jiis hand in the bout with Baldwin. MO.YS WITH IMTTSBUUO PITTSBURG. Feb. 10. — Although dis appointed with the figures offered him. Pitcher Chester SL Brandom signed his contract \vith the Pittsburß club and today it was received by President Dreyfus.*. Melville Boxes Scott This Evening At Dreamland rink tonight the Pa cific athletic club will stage Its card of seniiprofeEsional fight a, v.'hlch is headed by "One Hound" Hogan and Kd dic Madison for the lightweight cham pionship of the .state. Both boys are in the best of condition. In tlio special event Jimmy Melville and Walter Scott are billed to jjo over the four round route. Jlelville is the champion of the bantams and as Scott has beaten the best in the feather weight division a torrid light is looked for. The rest of the card is as follows: Johnny Ryan vj\ Goorpre Petrosky, the champion of the navy; Ray Campbell and Louis Uahn. SAVED FROAI DROWNING BY FELLOW WORKMAN [Special Dispatch to The Call] GUKnXEVII.L.K, Feb. 10.— Clay Kin hamon of Forestvilk', a member of .the frnre biiildinf; force of the Xorthwost crn Pacific railroad, narrowly escaped being drowned wjiile at work at Hio Campo, formerly known as Camp Vaca tion, late yesterday afternoon. He Avas rescued by Foreman George Henseth, l^awrence Kistner and Tony Hpoketti, with wJiom he was working. The men were building a fence wlilch crossed a large pond on the grounds, when the wire they were handling be came tangled. Kinnamon, with his hip rubber boots, waded into the pond to disentangle the wire, but was com pelled to get on a lojc owing to deep water, to reach the point he desired. The log turned over, throwing him into the water, which filled his* boots. His companions hurried to his assist ance just in time. EXPLOSION OF GUN . MAY DESTROY SIGHT _____ • - . \u25a0 . \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 . [Special Dispatch to The Call] SANTA ROSA, Feb. 10.— Mclvin .Shis fier of Mount Oliver was seriously in jured late yesterday afternoon 'f while hunllnjr, when, his Run barrel burst rand a pif-ce of the .«teel barrel lodged- In his risht oye. lie. has been brought here to the ho.opitaKfor treatment; anO it is feared tb«vs«lsjlU may' be'ilestroyl-d. THJJ SAN ¥KAN(JISCO- 'GALL, amiDA^. 11, :l»ia Youth Succumbs After Prize Fight CHICAGO, Feb. 11.— That Aloise "Wilowski, 21 years old, was killed by a blow on the head in a prize fight held in the boxing academy of Harry Gil more last Tuesday night was the verdict today of a coroner's jury. The jury recommended that Josqph McCarthy, Wilowski's opponent, be held to the grand jury on a charge of man slaughter. / Gilmore and the promoters and seconds of the fight were recommended for prosecution. SAYS SALT LAKE OFFERED HIM COIN Promoter Jack Gleason Returns Unmoved by Frantic Efforts of Utah Pullers Promoter Jack Gleason returned to town last night from Salt Lake City, where he has been in conference with Tex Ilickard upon the question of a battleground for the Jeffries-Johnson fight. "While Gleason is still firm in his belief that tho big mill will be' pulled off here he had no definite in- ' formation to give out in, regard to the 1 site. However. Rickard and Jeff ries j are expected here ne,\t -week, when it 1 ! is believed that the. burning question will be finally settled. Gleason said that he was lavishly en tertained by the businossmen and offi cials of fait I^ake City and that they made, every effort to persuade him to j have the big fight go to the Mormon city. "The businessmen and municipal offi cials of Salt Lake City, and Utah in general," said Gleason last night, "are j strong for the big mill and they are doing everything possible to land it., They made me every inducement to j switch to their city, but I firmly held j ] out for my home town and by the j 1 time I left there they were satisfied' that there was not a chance to switch I me. "They have pictured things so brightly to Rickard that the Salt Lake people have won him over. They have gone pretty strong with their figures. They are certainly determined to get I the fight, but I am just as determined that it will be Jield here. "My conference with Rickard did not result in a definite understanding in regard to the battleground. T told him that the public was sick of. all this talk and it was to ourihterest to, get 4 , down to business 'and have this matter 'sot tied. He promised me that the matter would be settled immediately. "Rickard will leave in a day or so for this city and Jeffries will be here some time next week. I have planned that we three shall have a moetinsr and then I am satisfied that the battle ground will be named. "Jeffries will finish his theatrical en gagement on next .Sunday and then lie Will come to this city. 1 have arranged with his manager. Sam Bcrger, to have him appear in a show here. "I believe that after Rickard, Jef fries and myself have an understand ing Rickard will see the benefit of holding the fight right 'here. Tilings have been pictured rather brightly to him by tho £a!t Lake people and he has j fallon for their line of talk." Juarez Entries I'HIST BACK— Five and a half furlong*: Tncboat 107|Bla<k '......107 James IJI.-n-kstock. .107 iSrenala* io."> Henry Bolt on 107 Dai? v Garth 105 Charles K.»x ..10" •Kin'a: Kover . . ln2 .Uiliiiny Wi*e lO7l*Judith Page 1o») SECOKD KACK—oim inlh>: Arcourt : 10ft] Ollte* Burnett .. 102 Mollere liHjiJporto Guy ton .. Oil U. M. T->kert 1(U *Onn<ton .'..... ou Lady Oarvcn 102 •Duch. of Montcbello fi7 Sail aewil 102;I.aulsan 07 Mi« Vigilant 102J»i;goti«t ' 07 : THIRD ICACK— Tlireo and a half furlongs; 2 i year olds: . Frank Mullens Hr.jKsm.i lOS : T\in lloyal Princ:». .lO^'Masi-ai ins l!>io ..lOSIOwcn Time 10:5 ForUTH UACi;— Sevi-n fnrlmi2.«: Karly Tide .".loUAi Mullcr ..... ' n.'» 1.u.1y Esther nil Meddling Hannah . 103 Orl»e.l I/ul 100! ' FIFTH HACK— Six furlong*: Galvps liOjlMck -V«stal 10t Flf.i-eu<-c Myers l(>Si*Baiitroiiia 100 •Hidden Hand 10* •Plume 1(l0 Kldcr ...Hi7 *Grovcr W ...... 'l'j Lady Adelaide Hj.-,| SIXTH JIACK-Fivo ond a half furlongs: ,: Sociable HOjlna .Tnhnsmi . . ior> Sam Webb 110 Deerfoot . .'. vio.% C. W. Keonou :'". 4. lu7|*lnterpo>-i- .".".'. 10."i i Fairmont 107 Orba Smile . .'.' Ui.-, Jllw CailbncMs . . . . .10«"ij*Maxbi-,v .lo.j •Apprentice allowance. Juarez Results .TUARKZ, Feb. 10.— The feature at Terrazas pitrk today was the riding v( Jockey Guy (;ar ii'T. Out of six mounts he rode four winners and a second. Tliren favorites won. Summary: 6149. FIItST HACK— Sis furloii ?s; seiliug: Odds. Horse. Weight and Jockey. yu x 11-1— The. Wolf. ltK (Austin) '....1.,'.':.'. 1 4-I— l'.ob I<yneh. I<!4 HJarneri : » 00-I— Claarles Fox, <M M. Wilson ( ;; Time; -. 1:1* 1-7,. Uelf.'Nlla. Mnlitlne; Kvle, SoeiaMe, Slscus, Camera,- Alarmed. . also ran^ 6150. SIXONI) KACK— Seven furlongs; sell ing: . Odds. Horse. Weight aid Jockey. ' Fin 4-I— Billy Taylor. 10." ((Jarner* I ".-I— Bell tit Brass. W. (McCarthy! ;. .2 y-2 — Aitenlwrg," ion . ( Bencscoten i' '. .'..*.. :{ Tim». 1:29. Bill Bramble. - Mrs. Nueent. S.i bado. Minnie Bangcrt, John Sparks, Tod, Ucorge Young, also-ran. -\u25a0 • \u25a0\u25a0 • \u25a0 . . ' 6161. THIRD r.ACi:— Five fnrlougs: - Odds. Horse. Weight . and/Jocker.: . '• Fin*. 12-.") — Silver. .Stocking. lCit (<;arner)%. i ft-2— Mght Knight. JOT (IHigaui 2 S-l— Jolly. )JS . tMeCahey ) ....'.'. ;j Time, 1:00. f)cean Quepn. Gypsy King. Han nah I-ouise. Fo.fcc, Joe Stokes, also ran. - ' . 6152. FOUItTH BACH— Seven fti-Iongs"; seil iug: . \u25a0• ' . .'.,\u25a0:. . . .; . ... odds.' Horse, Weight and Jockey; \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 Fin 5-2— McXally, 104,iGarner> \u25a0....'...... i 4-I— Stcndal, 112 (Anstini .;.. 2 5-1 — Kopek.. 507 (I'enescoten) \u25a0> ... I! Time. 1:27 3-5. Hnrdlyson. Niblick, Engraver, Cbeswardine, . Tom Franks, ai.-io ran. 6153. FIFTHi RACE— Sis* fiirlongs; selling: . Oddc Horse, Weight and 'Jockey..- . j.-| n S-s— Airs. 104 (Earner) ..:.....:... ;'..•. ;; .; i 7-1 — Bertmont. IW^Benewoten)- ........ ;..\\ 2 7-1— I'ops. •\u25a0 10.T (J. -Wllooni. : .". . 5 Time. 1:1.1 3-5. Joe.; Khrich,; Clbson, Leon C Wolf, ; George Guj ton," Louisa,;'also rail. 6154, SIXTH RACK— One and a sixteenth miles: - • '\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 - . Odds. Horse, Weight and Jockey." ~ Fin 0-2 — (Vrrymander, I»t2 <Ki<-e> ..*. .......*.;... i 3-1 — Anne. M<"fioo. O.VfP.enescotenV ;. '.'.-' •'\u25a0•> 7-J— Hene.. 100 l-H Wi150ni.V. ...... .. v -• ;j Tioie. i:io v-D. Alma Boy, Miss I.lda, LiVta, also ran. * . CHILD - DRINKS 1 POISON— Denv.-r. l>b 10 — F.dilh Srman, , tlin ,2^j ; your .old daughter -of . 11. \V.' .Scina.ll. ' fOWl lip; c»nt Mining. CRr- Ix.lic. iifM w!iil? . playiiic ;liii«. »ftfitii)Oiii «ml <!r:iiik ; tin- cuitt'iits dyiii£. vvilhlii ir ; few fiulti- 1 /\u25a0UtCS-;^; \u25a0•-,•'\u25a0.'. " -•\u25a0 \u25a0 i"-. \ \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0. ,\u25a0:.'\u25a0\u25a0'- '". v - SIGN TO TRAVEL 45 ROUND ROUTE Jim Flynn and Sam Lang ford Carded for Longer Go by Tom McCarey LOS ANGELES, Feb. 10.— Tom Mc- Carey, manager of the Pacific athletic club of this city, succeeded tonight in securing the signatures of the man agers of Jim Flynn and Sam Langford to a contract calling for a -13 round contest between Flynn and Langford to take place in this city March 17. The affair will be staged at Vernon in the arena of the old Jefferson ath letic club. The 10 round contest between these .men on Tuesday night last, when Flynn gained the newspaper- decision over the colored man, aroused interest in another match to fever heat, and the announcement of the signing of articles for a fight over tho longer route is hailed with delight by the boxing en thusiasts of the city. The signing of articles will make no change in the plans of Langford. who will go to Cheyenne to fight Xat Dewey on February 22, returning to this city immediately after that battle, . Flynn will remain in this city. * ' ' . Blot After the Smoke Louis Blot, who has the March permit for the professional 'fight In this" city, said last night that he expected to have Sam Langford as one of the principals for his fight. He said that .he expected to put on Langford with either' 'Jim Barry," AI Kaufman or Jim Flynn. However, he had not heard of McGarey' reniatching Langford and Flynn. Blot said he had heard from Joe Woodman, manager of Langford. Woodman said he was willing to have his man fight before Blot's club during March. • ; r mokax outpoi.nted!' %j NEW HAVKX, Conn., Feb. 10.—Jimmy Moran of Brooklyn was clearly out pointed in a i 2 round fight tonight by "Bunny" Ford of this city. Moran was weak at the end, and saved himself by clinching. ' Conley and Webster To Meet For Title t PORTLAND, Feb./ 10.— Frankie Con ley of Kcnosha, Wis., who made such a tine showing here in' his. recent match with Danny Webster , of Los Angels, was matched today to fight Monte Attel before Tom McCareyVs club at Los An geles February 22. The boys will fight at 116 pounds ringside for the world's bantam weight championship and for. the McCarey. dia mond belt. They have been matched for 13 rounds. The Los Angeles fight is in lieu of the .10 rouud, b'ont between the same boys* arranged to take" place in Port land this month.-. I II £>IFCI HS. CARRIAGES AND DEATHS ll 1 Notable Deaths A. G. THOMPSON. AGED ODD TELLOW— Mpntrose, Colo.. IVb. 10.— .ludge A. (J. Thomp- son, believed* to be the oldest Odd Fellow in Colorado both lv years and length of member- ship, tiied yesterday, aged Ot. AMELIA GLOVER. DANCER-Xevr York. Feb. 10, — Amelia Glover* a dancer, who was famous 20 years apo for her beauty and sraee, died yesterday at the homo of her sister, Mrs. • 11. A. l.udlani, in this city. JAMES K. P. CANNON, PETALUMA PIONEER I'etaluma, Feb. 10. — Jatnea K. Polk Canmm, a pioneer of Sonoma county, died today at ISloomfleld. He was a'niitive of Oregon, lie leaves a number of brothers aud sisters. CAPT. \V. C. SECCOMBE. MARlNER— Peters- boro.N. 11., Feb. - 10.— Cnpt. William C. Sec- conil-e, a commnnder o' Cnnard liners, died to- day. used" lil years. In the Spanish war he commanded the auxiliary ships Olaeler and Celtic. COUNT YON TATTENBACH. DIPLOMAT— Mad- \u25a0 rid. Feb. 10.— Count yon Tattenbach. German ambassador to Spain, died today. Count yon Tattenhaeh was born in IS<4ti. ,He was One of the p~uni!ucut delegates to Ihe Algcclras con- ference. : MHS. PAULINE BROOKS. AGED 113— Xew York. Feb. 10. — Mr*. Pauline. Brooks, the, old- e.«t resident in Xcw York city, who has liv.-d in three centuries. Is dead at her home hero. She wns 1 1." years i.ld. Mrs.' Brooks never wore jtl«sses Hnd had n?ver been so seriously ill as to require the services of a . phyvlclan. • > . ' Marriage Licenses |' The -following marriage licenses were Issued in San Francisco Thursday. Fehrnary 10. IDIO: BISHOP— PRICK — rohu nishop. :SO. and Marie F. Price. 24, both of 051 Webster it. . pEtiBXHARD— CARt-SEX— William H. Dcsen- hnrd. ::s, 208 .Stelner st.. and Antouic P. 11. Carlsen, 21. OS!) Ilalgbt st. DINCKK— KRUIJy— Charles -X. \u25a0 Dingle. 21. QH Mission st.. and Magdaleac M. . V. Krull, is, : 2010 Twenty-second . st." DrFFKV— MOODY — Hugh Duffey. 23, 27.">rt Twenty-third St., and Aloise I. Moody, 20, 7SS Shotwoll st. • : > .. i lIHJCINS— KKARXS— Fredrick 11. Higsrlns, 2r*.. i I'uligtOKa, and Elizabeth, ll. K earns, 21, Ken- i , wood. ' _* ' ' lACOPONf— MARCH r—Palmlro Iscoponl. 20. l^rtt Dolores St., and Armlda Marehi, 20, 023 Xorth Point st. MOXTKDOXICO— AI.OISI— 'Antonio Montedonico, 41. and - Angeltnft Aloisl, 27, both of Albion, Cnl. P.ADICII— I.OPIZICII— Santn Radlcli.'rt?*, and Kate Lopizich, ..'W. both of lS2lfgtOckton st. SAWIX— COUDIX— WiIIiam c,. Sawln. 14. Mill- brae, and Mcliclc Condiu, 50, Sauta Barbara. ÜBHOFF— WF.I.CH— ChnrJes W. KbholT. 21, and Alma X. Welch. lS,;both of 1244 Kansas st. WATKRS— FKI.DMKVKU— WiIIiam 1,. . Waters. : 2t>. .Watsonville, and \Elslo W. Feldmcyer, 20; \u25a0 (Seyserville. • ' P.irth. marriage and death notices sent by mail will not lx» inserted. They must N; hauded In at either of the publication offices Indorsed with the name and residence of persons author- ized to have the same: published/ Notices re- stricted simply to the announcement of. tho event a.rfi published once lv this column free of charge.' BIRTHS BROW.V- In" this- city. February 8. 1010. to . the wife of Carl' <!• Brotrn (formerly Susau - I>. Sawyer) of .Salt. Uiko City, .a son.-; :..-;./ FORD — In' Watsonville, " Cal/. February 11), 1910, v ;to the. wife of Charles E. Ford, a boiv ; SCHMIDT— In Oakland, Cal;. February '< 3.. 1010, to tho wife of J.T. Schmidt, a daughter. DEATHS Andorsrn, Ascl .:. 4." {KHleen. Timothy ... 2 Antlorscu. Orlcs ... I'- jKocbler,. August /.... 77 Appoll, \u25a0 Aniflln r. . : M Koopman; i May ....'.» Brann, Frederick , • • 7« Krpnz. Walter Or.M. 23 Bjtiip. 'TberPtfa \u25a0. .. 20 4-MalTlhill. T. - /..... 4S OonltlhVj Wn. J!..-f>* J Martin.^ Alice E.V. .: — Co.«jrrove. Jnnn . . . V — Mclnrrnej-. T. i IV. T: 32 Davltt, Josoijlk "... M Meakin. William . . . S« Plcts!. Hurry."..-. ...'">•> M"nr.«\ : Marj- ;.- \ ::...—: :...— Everett;-!!. W. ... -- Parkinson. Alfrp.l H. "0 Fnllon. ',; Joseph ;~.V." < s ""PP. Mr?. .1.. ;.iMasst Faulkner. > James ; ... » Rodcnbeok. - Elizabeth GS Hamel.-v Felicity c . -« s £fc*ban. \u25a0 Henry : Jr. . . — Harrlnßton; 1 . John •..-;'«» ,r, ra ttj>ntinm.'Mr(«.J. G..SI Hoin!ein.-("hap. F.'..-*« » andor, ; -.Agnes '. ::... — liOFse, -• Ciirl .••\u25a0'\u25a0'-. I\u25a0' fflß^^S^-'' -''\u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ANDERSEN— In i till* 1 fil.v; IVl.ruary S; J9io. : : .; . Axel. .\u25a0-. dearly - bclorctl husband \,t - Aiina \u25a0 unU ', MORMONS PLAN TO BUY GLEASON OUT Discuss Raising Fat Purse and Offering It Openly to San Francisco Promoter , [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAI/T LAKE, Utah, Feb. 10. — The businessmen of the city and State have rallied to tho support of Tex Kickard and Tjtah tonight seems to have better than a fighting chance to keep the Jeffries-Johnson fight. This was Itickard's confident declara tion early this evening, following a conference with Joseph Kelson, presi dent of tho Saltair beach company, with whica Rickard has a contract to stage the .bout. ' What. happened -at the con ference is not revealed, but at its close Nelson is quoted as saying that he would be willing to wager $5,000 that the fight would be held in Utah. With the departure of Jack- Gleason, Rlckard's partner, for the coast the businessmen of the city and state ral lied to" Uiekard's support in such num bers and with such offers of assistance that Rickard has recovered from the apparent stage fright Gleason's pres ence threw into him and tonight he de clares that Utah's chances to keep the fight are excellent. - Through Rickard an op«->n attempt will-be made to buy Gleason out.. The proposition to buy Gleason out is being framed tonight and may be submitted to ; him tomorrow.. The sym is not yet mentioned, but it will b6 a large. one. Even if the" proposition fails Rickard says. Utah still has an excellent chance to keep the light. . ' Rickard now says that he broke 'off "negotiations with Gleason with the promise that if there was "nothing do ing here" within the next few, days he would moot him in San Francisco to look over the Situation there. Rickard is now given credit- here for a clever maneuver in getting rid of Gleason and remaining unpledged to fe'nn Francisco. Pigskin Game May Be Played; Here (Special Dispatch to The Call] ' ' \u25a0 VALLEJO. Feb. 10.— The champion ship same between the fast Century football team of Oakland and the Winged -Vs of this city on Washington's birthday will quite likely be played in San Francisco on that day. Manager Green of the Oakland aggre- ' gation has made an offer to Jack Thorn ton, ,the local manager, that he will guarantee the Winged Vs $500 and split the, gate receipts over $1,000 if the champions will play this last game, of the season in the metropolis. Thornton has taken tho offer under advisement, and will give his answer this week. . . - ~ • loving father of Curl and tho Into Cerles An- \u25a0 derail, a native <>f Swo«i«?n, aged 45 years and 7 da.Tn. t l.lnd«bcrgr, Cal., cud Kansas j>a- prrs please ''ojij-. ) • Friends aud m-<jiniinlHm-> are respectfully Invited to Attend the fnurral today (Frl- <lny), at 3:3Q p. ni.. from the parlors of I>. I. Kenny &. Co.,'J7Ut Kddy street. Interment Cy- ' press I.awn cemetery, by carriage. ANDERSEN— In thN <ity. February S. 1910, »>rles. dearly beloved daughter of Anaa and the lat^.Asrl Andersen, and lovint: filter of Cart Andersen, a native of Kansas < a^ed 1,1 years 10 months and 11 days, tl.lndstrcrs, Cal., and Kansas papers please copy.) Friends and acquaintances arc respectfully invited to attend tho fnttersl today (Fri- day), February ii. ]!ii(.>, at -:;tO p. vi., from tho. parlors of l». . I. Kenny & Co.. 17H» Kddy street near Scott, lutcrmcut Cypress Lawn cemetery, by carriage. APPELL— In Oakland? Cai., February 10. 1010. Amelia,, beloredj wife ot Simon Appell. and mother, of Cora, iJeorue, . Sadie aud Sherman AptK-IL. a native of Germany, asred 00 year* -' mourn* nnd 1 day. \u25a0 Friends are respectfully intited to. attend 1h(! funeral today (Friday*. by funeral ear, at. 11:301 o'clock; from ferry depot,- foot of Market street, to Salem ceme- tery, San Muteo county, where services will be held at V2::M p. in. . BKAUN— \>nr Sebastopol. fal.. February ft. 3910. Frederick, dearly beloved inisbaud of Manrsret, I'.raun, aud devoted father of Mrs. 31. Trspp. Mrs. Charles Oucntber. Henry and John J. Itrauu.acd loving grandfather <>f Wil- liam and Clarence Tra pp. Mrs. Carl Prljruifz. Oliver and l^juise Cuenthcr and lleleu and . Kntherints Braun, a native of Oermany. as»"d 76 years. \u25a0.; Tim funeral will take place at Sebnsfopol today (Friday), February 11, 1910, at 11 o'clock. BYRNE— In this i-ity. February 10. 1010. Ther- beloved daughter of JoKcjth aud the latf Kate Byrne, and sister if James. Mamie. Jiweph and Itorrbolomew f!vvn<\ Mrs. William Miller. .Mr*. -M.»M. O'Connor and Mrs. F.. I'radford,. v native of Sau Francisco, aged 20 years. - . • ; (Xotlce oC funeral hcrcarfer. Remains at lilt Cole street. • \u25a0 CONKLIN— In this city, rebnmiy 10. l!U0. Wil- llsm-M. Couklii). loving . father of the late , Miuirii-^ H. and Phillip A. Conklini and beloved brother of Frank, Conklln 'and Mrs. K. C. Mi- Orath.' a n«liv« of Ireland, aged <>j years r> months and' 21 days. A member of" Court Zenith No. 21. " F. of : A.. 1 and the Veteran Volunteer Firemen's " axsiHttation of Callforoia. \u25a0 Friends , and acgualntanees are ' respeetfnlly Invited to attend the funeral tomorrow (Sat- urday), February-. .12,; at 0 a. m.. . from .'the residence of his sister, Mrs. K. C McOrath. 21.*> ; Parna9stiH avenue, thence to St.Asnes , fhurcb, where - a ,rei]ulera blub mass will bo celebrated for the repose of his coul., ciim- meneinst at 0:l."> a. m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery, by carriage. .-". COURT ZENITH Not 21, F. of A.— Officers . and members are earnestly. reo,H»»steil to attend the funeral -of our late- brother. * : William • 'or.klln.. tomorrow (.Saturday^. February 12. > IiUO.-at S:ls.a. m. 1 . from his late residcni-e, 213 Parnassus avenue.- By order of '-: " T. F. AI.FORIt. t'hlef Rauger. \u25a0 T. G,KI,CI\. Financial Secretary. -VKTKUAX VOLIJNTKKU I'IKKMKN'S AS- SOCIATION— Officers aud members will please. j assemble at hall, - 1fi.16 Bills street, tomorrow :.r (Saturday), February 12. at R v. ni. sharp, to .nttetid the funeral, of our latc^ brother, Wil- liam, Coaklin. -By order • . STKI'IIKN BITNNKU. President. . S. W. BAYllEL'Tlircn. Ree. Soc. . COSGROVE— In "this" city. February S. : ]!)10. '.June C-osgrove.-j beloved wife of the late Johu- - 11. . Cosgrovo." n ; native of 'lreland. ..." Friends oud -acquaintances . are : respectfully .\u25a0lnvited,: to'- attend tUp i funeral "today • (Fri- | day), at •- 8:13: -o'clock -a.' "m.. t from j the par- . lors of.Gantner Brotl)ers,;:u» Sixteenth street Bbrtweea- Church- and Sanchez, : thence to St. -'\u25a0 Jame» -". chureh,- corner of-- Twenty-third - and - Guerrero ' streets, where a \ retiulctn high mass .':,wlll : be celebrated for the rejiose of her soul. .'. commencing' at 9.'; o'cloc k:"\u25a0.-» tn: Iniermeut \u25a0 - Holy : Cross cemetery.' : by electric \u25a0. funeral car "\u25a0'\u25a0 from". Twenty-el Jhth and Valencia streets. DAVITI— In FVuitvale. Cal.. February 0. >lf»10. :. -Joseph 'Davltt, _^a t natlvc>of rlreland,- aged 65) .\u25a0 years. ,'..;\u25a0.....- ~~[ - ' -\u25a0 -\u25a0' - ;\u25a0.->.'. --\u25a0'.'•::.' '\u25a0'-.- Friends and . arc, respeetfnlly iuvlted 'v to ' attend ' the ;\u25a0 funffral ' today --\u25a0 (Ftl- /- «lay),lat B. o'clock.-, from- the^-parlors'of .the : Henry J. .Gallagher company. .1314 Webster ptreet-- between.' .Ellis -ami 9 O'Farrell. thenceto , Holy Cross ••!iureb.'wher« a' requiem hieh mass I will' be : celebrated - for; the I repose of . his soul, . commencing ,at.:0:30- o'clock.^ luternient Uoly •.Cross ccnietery, : by carriage.'.^ \u25a0; 7 .- DIETZ— In this city! February,. ('..',: 1010. Harry • •-• I>letr.'' a iruti ve of Ph iladelpbia. seed .'V» , years.* \u25a0 \u25a0'\u25a0- Friends • are^resivrtfully .invited to attend • - the" funeral -today .< Friday \u2666'... at; \\~h. m.. »t '< thci chapel ?. of- Craig." Cochran . &. : Co.. \VV* ii; : .VHlpncl».i«treet ; -neai>-TwenfyT third. Interment Mount: -' olivet cemetery. -: .- .. EVERET^-^lul.Xeeolcs.: Cal;" i'cbruarvv 10. l^lo. J --' -. \u25a0: CUTLER PROVES NO MATCH FOR CLINE Champion Billiardist Easily Takes the Measure of His Opponent at 18.1 Balk Champion Harry^ P. Ciine and Eert Cutler supplied the billiard exhibition, in the Graney last night. The clever pair of easterners met In a 200 point 18.1 balk line game, which Cllne won, 200 to, S3. Cutler started off with a rush -and, for the first few innings appeared to have the champion's goat, ; but the Philadelphian came through with a run of 100 in his eleventh frame and another cluster of 61 a few innings 1 after and won off all by himself. Prior to the balk line match, Frank Ely, the local three cushionist. tackled 1 Clino in a three cushion game, but had to be satisfied with the short end of a 15-1 score. Cline, who was once cham pion at this style of play, made brilliant: runs of 7 and 5 and ran out in four innings.. . ' . Dcmarest opened the show with a few 1 fancy billiard stunts and at the con clusion of the balk line game Cline gave another spectacular exhibition. To night Champion Cline and former cham pion Calvin Demarest will furnish the sport. Cuban Players Signed to Join San Jose [Special Dispatch to The Call] SAN JOfiE, Feb. 10. — Two members Hi the crack Almendares club of Cuba, which defeated the Detroit Tigers last year in a post season series, have been signed ai^ catchers by President Browne Willis of th^.San Jose club. They are now on their w«y tn this city and are expected to report for duty in a couple of days. St. Mary's Nine Defeats Stanford, 9 to 3 St. Mary's college nine won out at .Stanford yesterday against the Stan ford varsity team by the score of 9 to 3. Stanford played poor ball, the re deeming feature being the playing of Gilfillan (pitcher). # Stanford made seven hits and seven errors. St. Mary's made three hits and one error. ; In the sixth inning the Stanford team blew up when St. Mary's made ?Ix runs. Independents Will Clash With Prune Boys The crack Santa Clara baseball team will play Ireland's Independents Sun day at Santa Clara. The Independents have also arranged games with the university teams to be played during the week. The local team will meet the Stanford team at Palo Alto on Tues day and the University of California team at Berkeley on Wednesday. The lineup of the Independents follows: Spencer, third base; Ecan. sliortstop: Xcalon fir«t bs*e : Heltmuller. left Held; -Uosllnxkr or Wcbor. second base: Swayne. center field: Byrne*, eatvhpr: Mosklman or Oosllnsky, piteij«<r; Ireland, right [field; I'errine. H. W. Kverett, beloved husband of Mr*. F. Kverett. lovinsr son of Mr?. C. D. Everett Sr.. and brother of Mrs. N. B. Rome. Mrs. H. B., • L. F.verett, C. I». Kverett and A. Everett. Niifice of funeral hereafter. FALLON— In this city. February «. 1010. Joseph Fallon, a native of Kngiand. r»g»<l *S years. are re?p»vtful!y Invited to attfnd ihe fnuerai today (Friday), at 11 a. m.. from the cliapei of Craig, t'oe'nran & Co.. ll«» Valencia itreet nenr Twenty-third. Interment . Olivet cemetery. FAXJLKNEH— In Sacramento. Cal.. rebruary S, 1910, James Fanlkner. a native of New York, asred .", years, a member of Bay and River St»emboatmen*H union. HAMEL— In Oakland. Cal.. February 4. 1310. Fe- licity Hamel. dearly beloved wife of the late I'eter Hamel. and loving mother of I.eontine and Tanercd Humel. a native of Quebev, Can., years 10 months and •* days. Friends ami acquaintance* are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services tomor- row, (Saturday); February 12.. at 2 p. m., at the fnnt-r»l parlors of Krncst A. Wollltz. 1413 Webster street between Nineteenth »nd Twentieth; Oakland. Interment Oakland crem- atory." HARRINGTON— in Oakland. Cal.. February 10. ll"0, John, beloved husband of Mary Harrlng- tou, nud father of Walter V.. T. S.. Joseph T.. Mary K. and Beatrice T. Harrington, and Sister St. Lawrence. Congregation d«* Notre I»ame. a native of Prince Edwards Island. Can., aged rti> years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral tomorrow ( Sat- —day). February 12, at S:W a. m.. frntf his late residence. I.'JIO Twijjfth avenue. Oak- land, thenep to St. Anthony's church, icher* h reijniejn mass, beginning at 0 o'clock, will b* said f.»r the .repose of his soul. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. Oakland. HEINLEIN— In this city. February 10. IMO, Charles V. lleinieln. a native of Frederick, Md.. need IU years. (Resident of Yokohama. Japan. > HESSE— In Reno. Nev.. Fehrnary f>. If>lo. Carl Hesse (mining ehgfMff), i» native of irfax'.>ny. Germany, agt^t B2 years. U-'-'.^s KILLEEN— In" this city. February 10. 1010. Tim- othy Joseph Killeen~Jr.. dearly helovn'l son of Timothy Joseph Kille.- n and Mary Kiileen. and brother of Bessie. Kddie and Alice KIIIe»n. a i:ativ» of San Francisco, aged 2 years and 7 'month*. ' KOEHLER — tri this eitr, February 10. 1910. August, beloved father of William Koehl»r, anil grandfather: of William Koehler Jr.. Frieda and -l«>!ianii:> j Kwhler. a native of Ger- many, aged ' 77 year* and I.'! days.. KOOPMAN — In this city. February 10. 1910. May. .dearly* beloved daughter of Peter and . Bertha Koopman. and sister of.Fredo. Bertha and Mathilda Koopman. a native of San Fran- cisco, aged I) years 1 month and 12 days. friends and »c<|uaintance^ »re r*sr»'<"tfu!ly Invited t» attend the funeral tomorrow (Satur- day). February 12. «t 2 p. m.i.from the 1 resi- dence, of her parents.- !>i:s San Jose avnno near lUudall street? Interment Mount Olivet cenw- tei-y. -by,, electric funeral car from Twenty- cishth ai.<d Valencia streets. KRENZ— In Ray. Ariz.. Walter C. Krenz. •dearly belovetl son of Oswald 1., and the late. ' Kmelie Krenx. and U-loved brother of Mrs. V. A. Brims. Mrs. T. W. Cross. Mrs. F. W. Koch and I'lrlch E-. Otto U and Oscar R. Krenx. a native of San F'ranclsco, Cat., aged 2" years 1 month and 1 day. • \u25a0\u25a0 Ftmftral and Interment strictly private." MALVIHILL— In Oakland. Cal.. February 0, l!>10.: Timothy Malvlhill. a uatlve of Bally- . lougford, County Kerry, Ireland, aged 43 years. Friends and acquaintances are respectfnlly Invited ro attend - tho funeral today fFrl- dfty), February 11. 1910. at J<j3o a. ni.. from the residence |«rlors of McMaster & Brlscoe. ."»<n Twenty-fourth street ' near Grove, ; thence I to St. Francis de Sales church, where a solemn - requiem mass will, be celebrated for the re- jiose of his soul, commencing at 0 a. m. Inter- ."\u25a0 meat St. Mary's . cemetery. . MARTIN— In thU elty.' Febrnary 10.1910, at her late residence. 41." \u25a0 Shrader street. Alice Eve- lyn, beloved daughter of John and Mary;J. Martin, a native of Sau Francisco. ' Friends are respectfully Invited to . attend a solemn ' rco,nlera - high . mass -to be cele- -. ebrated for - the repose of her goul at St. Agnes church. , Masonic avenue near Tare street, .tomorrow ). Febniary 12. at 11 a.", m. Interment (privatj).. Holy Cross cemetery.- . by ; electric funeral ; car ' from . Thir- teenth and Jlissioa streets. Kindly omit tv flowers. . . --. --. \u25a0 ' McINEBNEY— In th,ls>ity. February 10. .1910, .Thomas F.. r dearly -betoved brother of Mrs. : >P. J. Mclnerney; brother of \u25a0 Mr». William '\u25a0MMdilen. and -uncl" of \u25a0 John E.; Gerald P.; Cathlim; M. and lleenc Oalr Melnerney, a na- ;> tlvf! .of ' Knnls, '• County , CUre, Ireland, aged :a yenrs."*A member . of First California " Volnn- \u25a0 teers.; Company fl. ' . I!-"--. - - r:- ', Friends jand aci}ualntan<*es ar« respeetfnlly. Invited to attend the funera! tomorrow. (Satur- ; day»" S:SO o'cloctf. from the. funeral ;.' parlors of : . 1-eary . Brother*." 29l7 Twenty-fourth : . »treet between Harrison and Bryant. . thence, to .; St. Peter's ••tiurch. where a rptpiiem high mast - wiip bn celebrated tor Mtv ;rcoo!j« of bis soul. DISPUTE THREATENS SPRING ACTIVITIES Deadlock at Stanford Over Eligi bility of Athletes Moves Committee to Action [Special Cable to The Call] STANFORD UNIVERSITY. FeF>. l'»— In ovder to break the deadlock that at present 'is putting a damper on *!1 spring activities, the executive commit t*^ last night empowered Chairman Barrett to call a meeting of the com mittee'at any time he might see lit in order to-. settle the pending difficult!**. With this arrangement It is hoped that the question of th# eligibility of ath letes may b« decided in the near future. \u2666 • \u25a0.'.•,* The first of a series of soccer gani«*s is to be pfayed Saturday; when the gymnasium team is to m«»et the formid able Barbarian team fri>m San Fran cisco. This is to be the first soccer match that has h**en played betTveen a team representing the university and an outside tea-m. « • • At the executive committee meeting last nisrht it was decided to give the sum of $100 tO the women's athletic as sociation to cover the expenses of the basket ball team for both preliminary and intercollegiate games. 9 • • • The Stanford intercollegiate agree ment committee, * composed of J. K. Shelton '10. P. J. Batkin MO and G. F. Morgan *10. will confer with a ltk's commttteo from the University of Cal ifornia in regard to changes In inter collegiate debating rules. The meeting Is to be held next Sat urday and the decision reached will b<* referred to the executive committees of the two institutions for ratification. No very radical changes will be made unless they are proposed by California. Stanford wishing only for a chansce making first year undergraduates eli gible and changing the debate from the night of the track meet to'that preced ing it. in order that the debaters may have a chance to see the meet. Berkeley Students Ask For New Oval [Special Dispatch to The Call] BERKELEY. Feb. 10. — A number of the students of the university, among them William Kerscan. editor of ti»<i Occident magazine, circulated a petition ~ today addressed to the regents asking i for the construction of a new oval "• for the track teams. The statement is made that the present track In too small for university athletic needs end that a larger and permanent one shouM be provided. Official Set Date For A. A. L Ran Saturday morning, March 5, was the date set by the committee of the Aca demic Athletic league yesterday for the annual four mile cross country run. Tt is thought that there will be f>o entries for the race, which will be decided on points, five men running for each school. Ten handsome medals are to n* awarded the runners according to the order of finish, regardless c»f schools represented. The course will be decided upon ami the officials chosen at a later date. commeneins at 9 o'clock a. m. Interment Xa- tlor«l .-emetery. Pr^idio. \u0084 MEAKIN- In this city. February 9. 1910. Wil- liam, beloved son of William ami the lar»»!«a Me*'* in. and derote^l brother of Flenrr and K. T. Meat in and Mrs. W. K. B«!in. » native of Derby. En*.. at»d 38 year* l'» months and 19 days. A member of Ph«enlx PW No. 17£>. I. A. O. D., and rhoenU circle Xo. 4(!. r. A. O. T>. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral JSnnday. at 1:.1»> p. m.. from his late residence, 14 tt Bwhanan street, where services will be held n*u>r the auspices of Phoenix provo No. 17ft. U. A. O. D. Interm*nt Monnt Olivet cemetery, br electric funeral car from Twenty-fls&tii abd V alencla streets. MONHOE— In Berkeley. Cal.. February 9 IDIO. Mary, beloved wife ot Philip Monr<v». ami loving- mother oi Mrs. J. Hamiltoo, Mrs. J. \u2666Jrlffln, O. W. Monroe and the late R. Piwe. a native of Ireland. Friends and acquaintances are respectfnlly Invited to attend the fenerat today » Fri- day). February 11. at 2 o'clock p. m.. from her late residence, 2326 Webster street, Berke- ley. A requiem mass will b* »aid today \u2666 Friday), at 7:30 a: m.. at St. Ausnstin«»'>? chnrch. Alcatraa avenae. Interment St. Mary's -cemetery. PARKINSON — In tni* city. February «, U»lft. Alfrnl 11. , Parkinson, a native of EncUatl. a?ed .T» years. Friends are respectfolly invited tn attend the funeral today (Friday*, at 11 a. m.. frnm tbp chapel cf Craig:. Ox-bran & Co.. two Valencia street »e»r Twenty- tnird. Intencot Mount Olivet cemetery. BAPP Qlassl — A requiem mass for tb*» repose of the sonl of Mrs. John Rapr» will b» mM at 10 o'clock tonwrrow (Satnrday*. February 12. at St. Agnes church. Masonic avenue and Page street. RODENBECK— In this eitr. February 10. !0t», Klizabeth. beloved wife of the Ute C. F. W. Itfxlenbecfc. and mother of Charles 11. and Al- bert Paul RodenbecS and Mrs. J. Frank Bo.iit. and srrandmother of Hazel Bond, a native of Cermany. aged <W years. . The funeral will take place tomorrow <S*f- urday>. at 11 o'clock a. in., from her ltto . residence. til Clayton street. Interment .Monnt Olivet cemetery, via electric car from Thirteenth and West Mlsslqn Streets. SKEHAN— In this city.. February 9, 1910, Henry \u25a0 J.,' beloved bnsband of Mary Sienao. an«'l brother of the late Patrick Skebaa. a natlw of County Tlpperary. Ireland. A member of tit* Gentlemen'a Modality of St. Ignattas cQurr-a and the Yoon; Men's Catholic • nnton. Friends and acqaaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral todaj (F*i- •lay>, February 11. 1910, at 9 o'clock a. m.. from tbe parlors et Carew A Eajrlinlt. 141S l.eary street, thence to Sacred Heart c!«tr<*b. where a requiem high mass will b« celebrated | for tbe repc**. of his soul, commencfaj at »:.'{o o'clock. Interment 'Holy Crow c«m"t?Ty. by electric funeral car from Twanrj-eijiit!! ami-- Valencia streets. TATTENHAM— In thh city, February IP. 1910. j Mrs. Johanna Roser* Tattenham. belojed : mother «f Peter J. Rotrers of Oalvestoo. Tex., and Daniel F. Tattenbani of tola dty, a native j ' \u25a0\u25a0• of Dublin. Ireland, axed **i year?. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Sat- urday). Febrnary 12. 1010. at S:3O a. u>.. from the funeral parh>M of lireen. Ryan .\ l»onohoc. nortlteiiJt corner of sixteenth amt <;uerrert» streets, thence to St. John's ehnreb; where a requiem high bum will be celebrared r<«,tne repose of her 'soul, commencing at » a.m. Interment Holy Cross cemetery. VANDOtt— In thi.« e»ty. Febrnary J>, into. Ajnes. l»>love<I wlf»» «f . tlw» latf Joseph Vandor. and \ mother of Phillip and Paul Vandor, a native of Vallejo, Cal. ' Friends ami acquaintances are respectfnlly ! Invited- ti» attend tho funeral tomorrow (Satur- day), at 8:30 o'clock a. n,. from the par- lors of McGinn Brothers, IS2O Eddy street. thenre to the Chnrch of the Most Holy Re- ileemer. \u25a0 where a reqntem mam will be cele- brated for. the repoi«e. of hex soul, eommeoctns at 1) a. m. Interment Hoiy Cross eem«tet-r. INDEPENDENTOF THE TRUST FOR Seventy-Five Dollars 1 JwilX FURXISfIt HEARSE, TWO CARRIAGES, EHBAIMIMS SHROUD AND CLOTH CQYERED CASKET JULIUS L. GODEAU Main Offices: 2123 Bush tt., West SS99. ' and 130 i Fraaklia it. nr. . 17th, OakUad. Tiom - Oailaad 4043. , t Branches: 303 Monteotnery ay. Ph. T«m?. 3263.' And. 837 South > Fisnero* st., Los Am-lsj. Aato Arabdance »ad C-.rr-ist» its Sk»> ; 11