OCR Interpretation

The San Francisco call. [volume] (San Francisco [Calif.]) 1895-1913, February 27, 1910, Image 44

Image and text provided by University of California, Riverside; Riverside, CA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85066387/1910-02-27/ed-1/seq-44/

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Farmers Buy Expensive Cars: Motor "Bunps": New Agency for the Baker
Electrics : Chase Truck Attracts Buyer : Autocar in Alaska : Cartercar Record
First Contest of Its Kind to Be
Held Across Bay Promises
to Be Interesting
Many Fast Cars Will Compete
for Honors of the Initial
Struggle of Season
been .field on Washington's birthday in
«»akland under the auspice? of the Au
totnoltile trade association of Oakland
anil Alameda county, but \u25a0 which was
postponed on account of 'the inclement
\u25a0weatitT. is to.tak* place today.
The course, over the Oakland avenue
liiH, is six-tombs of a mile in length
'find is a most admirable one for an
event of this kind, having two inclines
and a straightaway. The course has
been put into fine condition through
ihe labors and under the supervision of
the association and dealers, and the
rain of recent date will only serve to
pack the roadbed into better ehapej
A number of carshave made prelimi
nary trips over the course .with the re
sult .of having made fine time. The
rnntest will commence at 1 o'clock, as
llif >ai-s arc to be sent away at five
minute intervals.
There are 10 events programmed and
W.G. Collins will negotiate the hill
againsi time on an Indian motorcycle.
Thr official, progrnm. as it now;
viands oomp'pfe, is ms follows:
Firn errnt, for rnr.«boTit«:. $1.(>» and utklp.-—
nuds*'n. <h»rlo< Alien <Iriv*>r: liui<k. Carl Cliris
i«rivcn driver. Prir^— KWlv-Sprinjflold tire «-up. :
Se*-onfl pvmt. rmtaJboots. Jl.tXtl to ?1.-"k.i<)—No
cuTrii*!'. :' •'. . ..'\u25a0:::\u25a0'
Third win. runsbnut". ?1.M»1 !•, S'2.t<(k>—
Hirick. Frank Murray driver:' Auburn. 1\ S. Hurst
«Irlver. rrirp—Oakland Enquirer f-up.
Fourth •\u25a0rent, runabouts. Si.OOl to f-"X*X>—
• 'baliucrs-IVtroit, Jrno Benib driver. I'rize' —
H^p^ntan cxif>. . .
Fifth erinnt. runaboiu*. SS.WX» and ow—No
fntriPK. -. ' . .. -' • - ' \u25a0 -.-\u25a0"•
Slith prent. tirurin? '\u25a0ars. $I,SOO «n<] cndrr —
r»tprson "Th!rtr." 1.. 1.. • Gomnwir drirrr:
Bui'.k. «'ar! ChristPDSoii ririvrr: Bui'k. Frauk
Murrar driver. Prb*—George Fak? cup.
Seventh <?v«it, tourinj i-«rs valut-tl at ?l..">01
I<> K.OOn— Elmer«. P. I. driver; Buick.
rrank Mnrrav driver. Prire—Ant« dpaler^' cap.
niEhth'*'v*«nt. touring <»rs. $2,0»l-t«> $.l.C>f>o—
< 'orriin. Allen Lou?Uea>J drivor. I'rizc—Saddle
Kick «-up. •'\u25a0\u25a0,'••. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 .
Ninth rrpDt. toarinp i-srs, $3.<100 and "vi-r—
Hievens-Diirrea, Oiff Oat bank driver. Trizp —
(i—Vg* Petrirk-cUS. .
Xeiith »*vrnt, free for .i 11-^-oilln to •'Pup.'" P.
V. OillettP driTrr: Chalmcrs-DPtroir. Jpan Bpmh I
ririvor; Bcick. ; F. Morray drivor; Cctrbin. A.
I»ujhpad driver: -Mtxivrll. Clar»-n^o King driver.
F'rites—First and fpcond automobile dealers'
cupp. :. -.- :\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0....'
The mee^is to be 3ield under and sub
ject to. the contest rules of the Ameri
t an automobile association, from whom
a sanction was obtained.
The «>lectrio timing apparatus used so
successfully at the Xineteenth avenue
liill <-limb in this city last season will
be used for the hill climb today.
A. J. Smith, agent for the Elmon
cars has spent a very busy lime foi
v\ "\u25a0 •'.'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -«. the last: few . days
He has received a
carload of the two
cycle valveless Kl
mores a day. The
liiiloading: and distributing: of most ol
these cars has kept his full for<€
>vorking overtime.
More ISlmore« J
Renoli the CMy j
«:. a-, i^icnrinerg-pr 01 me t irr-sione
rubber and tire company said recentlj'
- - speaking' of the
i- ar e of tires:
"With a new tiro
it is important to
-einflate at fre
rjuent intprvali=, because the pressure
of ail" tends to stretch tlie easine, thus
Jncrpasing t!ie capacity very materially.
Therefore, with new tires or newly In
flated ones it is by no means safe to
ssfumc that a tube properly inflated
one day will be sufficiently hard when
the car is used again."
Te!1« Hoit t<« *j
Ore for Tires 1
ti. t,. uoty, assistant coast manager
of the White company, reports the sale
" \u25a0 of a 40 horsepower
M-M White steam
er to J. B. Bur
gess of Bakers
\u25a0 \u25a0. . . field. Bursess has
taken delivery of the machine and will
firivtf* ft- smith npvt tl-*»#*lt
Buries* Huy fc ;
White Steamer,'
v. ; \u2666
The Wajrner-Reniff . motor car com
nnnv rptuirts tho «ale Of a 30 hOTSe
power four cylin
der Auburn tour
ins car to the Sun
nyvale realty com
pany. The com
pany also reports that a carload of this
popular four cylinder model will reach
here about the 10th. Part of this car
ioafl" Is already pold. and the cars will
b<» delivered upon arrival, while tho re
mainder will be on hand for immediate* 1
delivery. . - \u25a0 i
j»tv Owner of |
I Auburn Car,
Among the record sales made during
the last five \u25a0weeks none was more as
- - tonishing that $49,
400 worth of Hup
mobHes disposed of
by S. G. Chapman,
coast distributer
lor tne popular little runabout. This
Hum represents the actual value of the
rars and does not include the extra
equipment furnished with many of
Amonpr the purchasers were men who
have owned a number of big cars and
I hey arr all delighted with the work
which the little cars can do. Ainons
lh<» n»>w owners are the following;
11. X. Sietson. Dr. O. <\ .Toslr-n. F. M. Mar
riott Jr.. Gustar Knectat. K. T. L-Ttip San Kran
rijw«: W. A. Nolsn. KruitTal<»: " Miss" Florence
HecsliaTr. Edward Knau«.s. Oakland: Frank Dado
fl. H. Jlotrcr. Xapa: Dr. J. H. O'Connor St'
M*lmm: H_ B, Crane, LJvcrmore: Elm<»r W*
Armfit-Jd. Woodland; C. Pierce. HoMteter* J v
Aferr-er, Rureka; J. S. Kltcbey, Mereod- J H.
Arnold. Sacramento; Hampton Hardware oom
r>«nr. M«rj-«TiH»: Gnynn & Morgan, Cbieo; Stpi
c^r Brothers. PeUluma; Jamr« a. Brown (2)
Heald?bnr»s; Ray macbine company (r,). Vlsaila'
f". W. Hobs<m (5), Fresno; C D. l/x-her. East
Auburn; George Harkints. I^akpripTr- \ E
Jreene. Stockton; Wallace Brothers, fan Jose '
nisr *al«i of . [
* \u25a0'\u25a0 . Hupmohllcs J
Ivan de Jongh. manager of the
Standard. motor car company, who has
been ill for the last 30 days, is conva-
Jesecnt and is again at his post of duty
booking out for the interests of the
Ford and Velie carF.
• • •
Norman de Vaux, until recently a
member of the local auto trade, and
now Seattle agent for. the «Buick cars
is making a visit to San Francisco. De
Vaux leaves tomorrow for his home in
the north.
Ready Reference for Buyers
Uil I idICLL. 6M O. O. «y. TeL Market 2723
Automobile Tires
I I K CO 1 Ui\C «2 Van New. T. Market 2351
anil J 4H-16 Via Ness tv. T. >lkt. 1033
t - un -_ rLJ -_,_._- ------- - r-, - - njA-.'-L-uijuwuwui.'
OMOVfU- 557 jMNee* cr.raltta; U Mkt. 3863
\u25a0.-..:\u25a0 • \u25a0 . \u25a0 . a 'ttssimxeaZ*
Mitchell Pathfinder First Car
To Cover 1910 Glidden Route
Mitchell Ranger pathfinder, first car to cover the 1910 Glidden route. Frank X. Zirbies at the wheel; Fred
; J. Wagner, official starter of the Vanderbilt and grand prix races, beside him, and N. Lazernick, official
photographer of the previous Glidden tours, in tonneau. *.
Well Known Make Selected to
Do Hard Work of the
Frozen North
The motor truck is invading Alaska.
An Autocar truck has bern sold to
Tim Vog<?l .of Maines. Alaska, for
freipht aijd passenger service on his
stage line.v This method of transporta
tion In the frozen north will be some
what of an innovation and shows that
Alaska. is not a bit behind the states in
adopting the latest and best in the
motor line.
Perhaps in few countries are the
roads in such condition as'in Alaska. In
winter deep .«iiow and ice. followed by
almost impassable slush and mud when
the spring thaw comes in, are the gen
eral rule.
It speaks volumes for the Autocar
truck that Vogel selected that make
of motor truck for his stage line and
shows that its fame for reliability,
power and simplicity has penetrated
the far north.
The road over which "the Autocar
truck. will. plow through snow and mud
on Vogel's stage line is 25 miles long.
H-o examined the various makes of
motor trucks 'and finally decided that
the Autocar truck was the most, re
liable and best suited for purposes in
Alaska, where garages and repair
shops are few and far between.
• .- ..it- ~z
Twenty =four Machines Sold to
Aerial Finn to Be Used for
Advertising Purposes
The Curtercar company recently' es
tablished a new record for an "automo
bile sale at the Detroit automobile
dealers' association show. The sale
consisted of 24 Cartercars of the tour
ing car model, which are to be deliv
ered at once to a large cereal firm .of
Battle Creek.
The cars, instead of being equipped
with the regular type of, touring body,
are to be fitted with an especially con
structed body, built in the exact shape
and proportions of .a package of ce
real, only several hundred times larger.
This huge box v.ill then be painted
in the tints of the standard package of
this particular firm..
A new make of car is about to enter
the local automobile market. . James A.
-«. \u25a0 — — : — .»- Brown \u25a0\u25a0• of \u25a0 Santa
Rosa and Healds
burgr has secured
the McFarlan six
cylinder for Cali
fornia, and is now in San Francisco
looking into the advisability of estab
lishing an acency here. AM the Mc-
Farlan sixes ordered hy Brown will be,
emiinned with Firestone tires. . '
1 McFarlan Six j
I (online Here |
Performance in the Recent Mud
Plug Results in the Estab=
lishing of New Agency
Upon reading of the splendid .show
ing made by the Chase delivery wagon,
driven by XV. H. Durphy in the re
cent mud plug around the bay, when
the car consistently traveled at the
rate of 17 miles an hour for six hours,
Isaac McGrew of "Woodland, paid a
visit, to this city. After a short talk
with Durphy, McGrew purchased the
Chase that- made the good showing,
and also closed with. Durphy for the
agency for the Chase in Yolo and Co
lusa counties. After 20 minutes* in
structions, as to the operation of the
car, McGrew had it shipped to Benicia,
from which point he will drive over
land to his home in Woodland.
The first taxicabs were introduced
into New i'ork in October, 1906 and
they met the public requirements so
well that at the present time there
are about ",500 in use. One company
alone has f>oo in daily employment
and another 3SO. Besides these two,
there are a dozen smaller companies,
and a ,good many individuals running
one. or two cabs apiece, or "hacking,"
as they term it.
Heads of Local Branch Give Ad«
vice to Those Who Would
Buy an Automobile
A combination of philosophy and
phrenology, designed to appeal to pros
pective automobile buyers and aid them
in the selection of a car, is given out
in an entertaining manner by a Rtude
baker official and, according to auto
mobile men and buyers, is well worthy
of consideration. Automobile buyers,
say.the heads of the local Studebaker
branch, may well profit by pasting
these morsels in their hats and munch
ing them whenever the occasion arises.
They follow:, ' jj ••."\u25a0.' .
."A phrenologist uses his head- when
he feels of the bumps on- your head.
He is trying to determine whether you
are »n all around : man or a' one sided
man. After feeling your bumps he will
tell you if yourchieif characteristic is
selfishness, honesty, mentality ; or crim
inal tendencies. If any characteristic
be highly. developed at the expense of
the others, nq matter if that charac
teristic be a good one, .you are. an un
balanced and onesided man. If the de
velopment goes far enough you are a
This applies to automobiles. The
purchaser is the man who should de
tect the bumps before buying a car, or
he certainly will- have to pay for the
burhpsafter buying.' For instance., one
salesman will offer speed which is had
at the expense of hill climbing ability.
Another will offer a light high powered
car which is had at the expense of
comfort. Another will give you wheel
base, but you can't turn around in your
own street. Another will give you
finish and ejegance, but the mechanical
design is monstrous. Each salesman
points to a particular bump on his car,
insisting that it is a virtue, whereas
it serves only to destroy a balance
which is necessary to economy, comf
ort, elegance and satisfactory per
"The Studebakers class their auto
mobiles as 'cars without bumps.' "•
J. W. lieavitt &; Co. have received
word from the Overland factory that
-*- -•- " the actual factory
output of the Wil
lys-Overland in To
ledo has been a\-er
aging 55 completed
oars per day for the last two weeks.
The high' water mark of production, so
far. was reached in the last week of
January, when 60 completed cars were
turned out per day. This is at the rate
of one every 10 minutes of the working
day. Many of the departments in this
factory are now working: on a schedule
of 80 to 100 parts per day and it. is
expected that within the next 30 days
a regular output of 125 cars a day
from the Toledo and Indianapolis fac
tories will be made.
Recent arrivals of Rtudebaker elec
trics indicate that the tftudebaker auto
mobile company
has made a marked
:hange in the plans
affecting the man
ufacture ' and sale
of electric pleasure vehicles. The com
pany is putting an entirely new model
on the market, which is built in four
styles. These are; Victoria phaeton,
four passenger brougham, four passen
ger single folding landaulet and two
passenger double folding landaulet.
The latter style is distinctively new in
the electric pleasure vehicle world and
solves that perplexing problem of com
bination open and closed car. Some of
the other new features are: Full
floating type of rear axle, inclosed
(single chain drive and the unusual
drop in the frame, which suspends the
body of the car very low. eliminating
that topheavy tendency which is often
experienced in operating electrics.
In the recent automobile show at
Glasgow, Scotland, 20 foreign cars
were exhibited, including the American
Mitchell. :-\u25a0'\u25a0 . .
Present Output of
Overland Factory
J_ A
I .Stmlehaker j
| Electric Vehicles*!
j. : .;.
Charles T. Jeffery of 'Rambler
Company Tells What May
Be Expected
> : Charles vT. Jeffery of the Rambler
j company. says that the greatest record
} for sales of cars during the next five
years will be made over that area
Ptretching between' the copper coun
try, and the southern rim of th«v Texas
panhandle. Hundreds of farmers,
| stockmen and fruit growers bought
i cars at the Chicago show. The de
mand was not for the low priced car.
as many had anticipated, but the bny-
I ers seemed to desire power, comfort
land quality more than cheapness. The
average price of the cars attaining the
largest sales was $2,000.
S The Reliance automobile company
has just received and is show-Ins at its
• ' -• ' - salesrooms a car
load of Detroit
electric automo
biles, consisting: ol
victorias, two pas
sender coupes and. four passenger
These cars in the way of design and
finish are worthy examples of the
lushest type of the carriage builJer's
art. For beauty of line and grace of
finish they are among the finest ever
seen in this city.
C.S. Richardson, manager of the Fte
liance company, took a party of four
over the Haight street hill in a
brougham and in speaking of the trip
"It. is really surprising: the ease with
which these electric automobiles will
negotiate the steepest hills of our city.
No matter what grade you put them
to they climb right along as smoothly
and noiselessly as can be imagined
without any exertion.
"The brakfnjr system is absolutely
perfect. Our. cars are equipped with
two sets of brakes, either one of which
will stop and hold the, car on the steep
est grade. The electric automobile is
the proper thing- for city use. and this
season will see a great many owned
and operated by the ladie.s of San Fran-
'lore Detroit i
Klectrlexi Here |
• t
Walter Morris, coast representative
of the Autocar company, has been ad
vised of the use of a number of auto
car trucks during the present street
car tieup in Philadelphia. The ma
chines are giving splendid service and
carrying their human loads 20 hours
during the day. F.C.Theile of Talo
Alto has bought a 1910. Autocar, this
being the second machine" of this make
that he has owned. Theile is an enthu
siastic tourist and has already planned
many long trips in his new car during
the spring and summer.
E Iff If i'vll AMERICA'S
Special Exhibit at Continental Caoutchouc Co.
543 Market St. San Francisco, Cal.
i. 25 s 11.. P^ 4 C jlinider, Magneto, $115* Factory.
They Arm Money Makers and Money Savers
fCARTERGAR AUTO G0. y jnc, 368 Golden Gate Aye.
R. B. Daggett & Company Now
Represent Manufacturers of
Well Known Cars
.. The" Baker motor vehicle company of
Cleveland has recently placed Its
agency with R. }}. Daggott & Co..
having offices and a garage at 162>»
Van Ness avenne, San Francisco. A
carload of Baker eleotrtcsk arrived in
this city Friday and are now on ex
hibit at the San Fmncisco garage.
These machines are alt of the latest
design, having th*> , new- shaft dri\K.
with all running parts entirely inclosed,
and therefore being dusitproof and nut
subject to wear, as is the chain drive.
The lines of these cars are pleasing to
the artistically inclined, the bodi-i
being designed by men. of long expeii
ence. They are well worth the troulir
of an inspection by a!l interested in
automobiles, even if they do not expertr t
to buy. The types on exhibit inclutU;
coupes, victorias and runabouts.
It may be interesting to the public tip
know that Pw B. Daajsett & Co. hay«
established" a chain of garages about,
the bay. .In addition to their r.iain
office and station in Van Ness avenue
they . have, established garages an>t
charging stations at Oakland, .Sai> Jo?".
Mayfield and Berkeley, where pafronM
may have, their cars cared for by the
month or wher© they may be given k
charge at any time. :
,; -. \u25a0\u25a0 The personnel of the . cnmpauy con
sists of R, B. Daggett. S. P. Reeti an^t
T. H. Dooling. Norman Stines is th->
Alameda county salesman. Experi
enced elpctricians and hattorymen ar<?;
in charge of the garagos, thus insuring
efficient service.
This company also has the a^enry
for the Walker electric truck . \u25a0:'
I Knickerbocker hall of Indianapolis
one of ; the largest private kinder
gartens in th«
country. employs
*n Overland bus:
to transport, thW
?hil<iren to and
liuiu suiuuk. v«»'3 has proven very
successful and the car is attracttn::
much attention and favorable oomrnent.
V»r» Overland |
for ""i-himl H«» I
i m __..>
John J^awson s *•> norsepower T^oro
raoblle is.now equipped wUth "Nobby
Treads." furnished
by Wein? took-
Nichols company
Robert Maxwell.
Pacific coast ag<»nt
for Morgan & Wright tires, is In San
Francisco for the weplc. He !s makiacr
headquarters at the "WcinstocK-XichoJs
company's office. ...
:,nui(>n Uses \u25a0 ; : ]
•*.\«bbj- Tread"*!
Weinstock & Nichols report that the>
equipped Mrs. F. B. Moulton's Pierc*
Arrow touring car with Morgan <S
Wright tires. . .\u25a0 ' :. :

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