Newspaper Page Text
12 MEETINGS— I^ofCg* ' .:':_. CALIFORNIA . Chapter of Rose Croix . T~l . - • No. 7. A, * A. 8. R,. 1853 Geary rV. .j— as! ;t —Eighteenth degree THIS «'WEI»XES : '.L_HaLJ DAY) EVEXIXU at * oMock. • Vis- :' VJ iting brethren cordially invited; . -••: • . rj - chas. jellixek; -.- . )|- Secre.tary. ' LJ SAN FRANCISCO <~h»rt«-r .\V.. .1. Rovolj^S^S \rrh M«M>n>. mcfiv THIS EVEN- feVSfe JS lSC,,ut hv. und Clement. f<t. Bu>i- tJS^Jf ne*» sml <Ipcip«- 4. K&^-^S H. <.;. rRIXCi:. Secret wry. Tg&JB CALIFTtnMA council No. 2. R. & S. . £k M.— State* assomblv THIS (WEDNES- •/% DAYI EVENING. 2135 Slitter- St.,' at f\^ S o'ciocx. Bc«iDewi sea flpgre-s.- THOS. A. DAWES, Recorder. EXCELSIOR lodge No. HW. F. &A. M.— MXM K Steteo: meeting THIS WEDNESDAY) »rV ' EVENING at S oVLx-k. • H^C " • H. J. OWEN. Secretary. , -STARR KING lodge No. 344. F. &A. Jl~ M.; 173» Flllrnore st.— Stated meet- 'wf&. Ing THIS (WEDNESDAY* EVENING' SLJt at S o'clock. H. F. WRIGHT. Sec. MOUNT MOBIAH lodge No. 44,. F. &, A. » .M.. 2135 Slitter ft. — St«t»d meeting '«tf^_ THIS < WEDNESDAY* EVENING at fLJt 7:30 ovior-k. THEO. FROLICU, Src. CROCKETT lodge No. 138. F. &A. M.— *T" Stated meeting THIS < WEDNESDAY ) T ff\ m EVENING at 7:S<"» oVlock. *+tfil R. H. McPHERSON.. Secretary. /^ MORSE k«lge No. 257, I. O. O. .<*"*-u- F.— lnitiation THIS EVENING. \u00843gyTS£jg^. Ms nh 2. M'niher*. pipas'- take "-i^^CSC^j 1 ;" notif-*-. Visitors welcome. O. H. ANDERSON, X. G. f. BRIXD. Recording Secretary. SYRACUSE lodge No. X K. of P.. -Z m»etß THIS (WEDNESDAY* rt EVENING at 240 G. C. ay.. Red M£* Men« building. Vikiting Knights *£?!&. wri'm.'. I!. T. BLACK, C. C. •<£#'$S P. H. KANE. K. "t R. and S. v -ysjgy SYRACUSE l.xig« No. *, K. of P. Tli«> ruftubrs and offlc«rs of this lodge iQ^ an requested to sttend tlir fuutr*! £&-fiki i-'.Tcmonles nf Bmthor S. .^.lomvp- 1-.11. lat«. a mtJitiT <->f Buyard-I's- "^*fiESS» nion lodce No. 3 of Little Rock,-; \u25a0 • . ' Ark.. We<ln<»Mlay morning. Marrh 2.-;l9lo,' at-. 1O o'clork sharp at hi« late reßidrtjce; 630 Broderiok *•*. -..,. . ; . — '\u0084-.-^: HOWARD T. BLACK.; Cl P.. ;. CALIFORNIA council No. .130. N. /^ '\u25a0'"\u25a0\u25a0 T ".. tnerts THIS iWEDXESDAY> /gsffifi&xKtX '\u25a0.. EVENING at S o". lock st ITS (.fi^^raA- Qr\\<irn <iste ay. Initiation, music; ["VSlLk^fUi 3. H. BKRF.srORD. I'rr-. W*2g3?a)' F. H. COST. Spestcr- '': yZlm@r' '\u25a0''\u25a0 CHIEFS and nipmbers of Pohonarhee 1 •"•-. £ \u25a0\u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0 trilx- No. 10. Improved O. R. *L-:V*jiajt'; You are notified to attend the funeral '-4S5w»a '•'\u25a0 of BROTHER G. OLSSOX li' i(t:*>«^.:: o'clock TODAY {WEDNESDAY vat the farifral porlori? of N. Gray A: Co.. Gear/ and . Devisa* oero st*.' R. ECCLli?. i^rbesL : M. L. WHEEIJ-R. «'. of W..v.:;; \u25a0;.::.; AUSTRIAN Military antl Benevoieni. as^V.>7a>»v' rorfatiOD— Military division will iold Mgflng: iUKpwtion drill and j»r>p<iintipea< "-of; -\si3K noncommissioned officer*. Report Om '"TiipW ' full uoi form. -Vifi Fulton sU; ':i his : corning Wednesday evening. March 2. J*»i<y.-:at S o'rlpck.; : . S. RAICEVICII. Captain-..:; S. OIVAXOVICH. First SfrgeanT; ' :.- -\u25a0\u25a0:'\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0*:-. : J "\u25a0•\u25a0..' : ; .- ME^TIAGS — Legal THE ' annual meeticß of the.. st<»ck holders 'vt. PAAt'HAU SCGAR PLANTATION COMPANY trill be held on SATURDAY, MAUCH 5. l»10. '...\u25a0'at the- hour ©f H o'clock a.- jm.'i at.; the office " of tb» "company. 2CS Market «Jr*et.; 'ropto 219 : ' -.Ssn Francisco, ' Cal.. -for the .purpose .of ieiert.;. ing. directors -for- tfc» ensuinp; je«r ..aßd for •'. thp: consideration \u25a0 apd tran»BM)on .of:, sufth . other business s» may come' befufe; the .tpeet' ..">og.: 'Transfer .', books will cipseV m tVEDXEi?- PAY.: F*bruary ; : 23, 1810. at ifbe hour o*: 3 . o'clorlt p.m. BY ORDER OF THE PRESIr : : DENT. :: ; . : H. W- THOMAS. Seci-etaryi.: THE ,:anoual. njeftjng \u25a0• of the stank .holders. • o-t HAKALAU PLANTATION COMPANY will be .held, on WEDNESDAY. MARCH .'\u25a0.'•£\u25a0. \u25a0 1910. at J '\u25a0""• 'tlie iiour ;.-6t. 11 o'clork a. m.'.-'< at the office of] - the! <-on»paßy, 26S Martet. stj (iwm. 210); -San i, Frabcljpco.- : -C«,1., for thepurpo&e ftf el^llitig. <3if • '"rectors-" Sot ;\u25a0 the enauiDg year and for the: o^a- '.' slderatipn • and transaction of mi- h . txtbej" "bttti^ \u25a0 -.nepf: as "iflßj- «onje. before the- meetrng.. Trans--: :. f er books .will <-lo%e op Saturrtav, F!t>bruary 151. . • -.TViOi-V.atvthe: hour of:12 o'clock- nu. BY OR : ;: DERAOr THE rRESIDEXT: v.-. "• \u25a0'- \u25a0\u25a0 ; \u25a0.-.-. '•\u25a0; \u25a0>- \u25a0'-'- ..? -..:\u25a0/"..\u25a0 H..W..THOMAS, Secretary. . " -.-. !.Da<ied .JTbruaiy 15.1510. . ;-. -".'-:.-\u25a0; -j'v THE- appUal- Eseeti^K of the Mookiiolilers «f th<» i OCEAXIC. STEAMSHIP COMPANY .Trill be ': held ; 09 \TCESDA V.: MARCH : *.: ; 3pto. at tb« ' .liogr: of ;j'l:. o'clock a. 'ml, at the. office: of ; the \u25a0-•fOcnpai!yv".Nd.!>o Cla.t «t!\ gen : Ffenrisc*v. Cai. : , • .-'• for th'e, -purpose of electing- .'rdirectom. for : the! \u25a0 ep.siileg -'- \u25a0'.. year.--' «d<J \u25a0 for ' the <"oniiW*ratian and. • trariißactioa -of such other busifiens as may come'} .- .before' 'llie. n»eetiDg. Transfer -:bCK>kf will close I ."-,. on: SATIRDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 18lC «t tbe \ bout:Of.:l2 rn.'^By order of ,tt* Presideriti '.:. \u25a0. •.""."'•\u25a0-' : r: \u25a0\u25a0•. - H. W. THOMAS; Secretary.: . . - .'.{' C-::. : S: JUOBT.AN*p FptrXD * I) IF; YOU: I^SE- A.NYTHlNn^rAdv»rtise. itif jlh'ere- It *?fil be returned to you.' lf :ari .hpßest.Vj ' jj person -.Sh=ds it. Remarkable 'recoveries arcCiJ • 1 brougtii . 'about \u25a0 every-iday through « hte column. \u25a0'; '.1 I IF V YOU F3XD ANYTHING-. BRING 'IT; J ! .to the^ \u25a0;.;••';.. : fv -V: ii" :- v : ! : ; . i- ; v :4t-1 Iyan.-Franofw-o Call 1,V".-'c Jl-":--J 1 -":--' 1 ; 'Jr' I'.o^t and Found Barman, -VV '"..\u25a0\u25a0 "It- THlrd and Market jUree l* v; : '-. : ,;J- : "'\u25a0 . "<Jet.. » '.c-iJaim cSeci; Have: it adyertifed. : jf ."• Rwiaini it- if trm owner do«s n'oii--:, .-„ '\u25a0 : .' r \u25a0 • Tf" -.THfclM'W— People :whb : nnd -;i6st:;artcie*|} •\u25a0 «.rf *nt<e'rc»ted In knowing: -that thelstate" law.^ :. i* /t'tj-ict- Jtri requiring them. :t<>: seek' the; own -j. 1 . : err \u25a0tiir6ugh"'aidvertisem»>ntii.. : ai(l' otb>?«is*,--H' . and- .that-: ..fitlure- to do «n. ;if -proof .c*n;. : be if " «t(6«w.'c ' involves" a severe p^riartyi- ; : 'J-. '\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0.][\u25a0\u25a0 . t2<} .'rfjwM^i and .no qnepftoß* tasked. jf<>r -;t'4i'i re> ; . turn '«f. j Kogiisll bulldog lo4t '-']ant;'-Suniilajr in; • ."\u25a0larem'oct .park. Berkeley: dojp- aijQUt;,C .mouths- o!d:-.Sb'o'w.s". tefth and' tongue tnqst ' of- tinieV whifefflett iud breast, witu bHndtt- b..^ly.^ "A, .-• E: ; MONTGOMERY.: Oak ; Ridge: Clareinont- Part. /Berkeley: phoiw .Berkeley -6J93. .•'.••'..\u25a0\u25a0•:\u25a0 :LO.STr^A. passbook wjth : the-:. Hibernian. and Loan '.-Society, of tsan'"' Franclseo, -in" the : n toe of John J. Rose, Xo. 2i2-237; the fipaer wjjl plea-se" return to bank; : un4esK : *am* Is. re-. \u25a0 turned- within -5 daysja bpw. book"; will be' i»iued- -.-.. to the- applicant. ''.i •" '...:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'.•:'. .-LOST— A- roll oi. legal' p*per«:'- left j'n-.iin 'imt- • bound. Sutter" and Clement i'ar.; between 7 3-*nd- 4p. iv... Feb. 22. Finder plfcaw rrt jirn : to 323 ' or 1.15 -Sbtt«*.pr..-»nd rectlve-.-'rewafd-- GEQ^.jI. rCIXER. j ' .jl," \u25a0\u25a0•.;-;._ -. \u25a0\u25a0 "L/1ST — ilcnday e.v«-fiing. ; at ,nr :b»twh-D- Co'luiijbia" t*o«'ti»t 1 ..-Sntt«>r.|pn*. Powell *ts..- gray -rhiiniois. \u25a0 ». nsg. .cenfainjop: opera. "glasses, fit:;- reward. R*turn?2so4 Srolt rl: : ;. ;" : '..' .'".."'...•' ' LOiaT^-At.ytfolqmbia theater. ; .S'tinds'y...'i»te!i'lng, heiid ;t>»g .'<-ont»inJng " »yeg ls>se<r k ,'. Return" to \u25a0 Hot.«l; Stewart. Reward. \u25a0"•.•"•: .' . j .LOST— Fawn Jpn=«?y c«w; return to J.'O."SHEA,. 17tTi-. s'nd. Vermont' sts.". • telj Marke.t to?.'- ' • LOST-^2. V«stern- totjMM tickets: l«rge."rewai-d: /•all today. HEXRY HEXK. Hotel .Arjronaiit. ' IX)ST-— Sitcrday;. diariii^d .stud in settihg; ?50 . -reward. '•" Return to.Call office, ."' : ' "... LOST— X: of C.-^mbrera: teiti?l« WL A.- K. Re- " turn to £49 Union st--'; reward. • '.' "-". .-. • ; '. IXtST — White tan' ; spotted pointer. \u25a0 Return to . '1322 gt«veri>on 'et.: reward. -' •". - ;. EMPLOVMEXT WA.VTED^-Male. '" .. BOOK; KEtPEB," expert *cconiitant. ' wflt keep : rr-t small •book* oneor-two days a-week'. Bor \u25a0 3197. Call office. \u25a0" . '. /\u25a0• . \u25a0;\u25a0 . " BOOK. KEEPER. desires position, certiCed- pufc- ; lie -account *&fs references; go anywhere. Ad- ' dress \u25a0\u25a0C V ;H.. .523 Chr.pnicle bldg. .= . " CIUXESE cook wants fcliuation'lu private. family. ".' *10 per .week, city or country. LEE FAT. 303 Webßjter'Bt.. .Oakland; ' • . • CHINESE \u25a0 boy. fii>t /fass 000k, wants p'JSitlon • 'in 'family .or boardln'sr- Uou»>>. St 2: Grant 'av ;..XO CAM..; Phone Chinese 720. \u25a0 EXPERIEXCED *olirjt'or .wisbe* portion-; small ralary -and <-otnmK«i»n ."con«l<3epe<l." - Address \*>i 3211. C«U office.; • : . . "." FIRST CLASS back and pfnc»- man wants posi- tion -wlrti-grtod- firm.- "-liox 3138. fill office. \u25a0 -" GARDEXER... «lngle. Fjeprh. thoroughly under- stands busfnes»i. all baroAies." grrenhouse, bed- ; ding aiid-UodsespiDg-work; lawn, shrubs, flow- ••rs.- tr"***-. fruits. -Kraperie*!. vegetables; can • take f jill • charge of private place, hotel er in- ' stitntltSn: good .^rcf erpticf «'. Gardener. 80S Pa- cific st. " • „ ' . ' . :. GARDENER. Mperieneed, single.. 30, wishes po- firion on prl^aje place; references. JOSEPH HUMBRECMT, 1137 Foltom st.. «ity. ; GOOD Jtpanese boy wants position to do any kind of work in store or. family from 9 to 12 a. ml'or unOl .4 p. m. 2012 Filimore Bt.: ° phone 'V, eft 4144.. HOTEI^ • store keeper,.' porter -and all around bandy man,' wants poeUJtm; nri^t class refer- . ences. 'Box '3124. Call office. JAPANESE l3iindryin«ii, first clap*.' w-fshesi posi- tloo tn private family. K. FJJJU. 2031 Bush. JAPANESE.' good experienced laundry and »• housework boy. wants situation, city, or ooun- try: ba« references. J. M..'1534 Bncbatian St.* phone Ww 8935. •".;.- LINOTYPE machintet operator; steady, sober, married man; desires out of town imsitiun Al rtferencef. Bor 3144. Call office. ; , \u25a0 t \ MARRIED man want* work: anything; experi- ence gents' . t urnl*hlugi>. furniture as sales- man «nd repairer;: upeaks English. .Spanish- . pood reference*. Box 3123. Cull office. , POSITION by Al postcard and iftfltj mlck. man. O«d go to work at i>nr«»; best ref. erenceti. A<idre«F room 50. Hntel Maicnrrt ° 71 4th St.. city. ... , YOUNG 'man «27), well educated,, would like to bear of clerical position. ii?i Sllb, Call office. E!»ipLO V.M EXT AVAIVTEP~W»Ie--Coa« • PRACTICAL single-man; don't smokenor 'drink; references and • sqeurlty.t. wishes | work •: of j any kind where be eanldon overalls and go to work, ' .or -as a- watchman. .' 80x. 4558.- Call office. ', POSITION wanted by experienced canneryman; - understands all the' new canning machinery, or' can- take charge of all or any department: ' ryfereuceg given. Box 3222. Call office. POSITION as. book ' keep«r and cashier; "thor- oughly experienced;, marri<M;. age 28r- compe-, fent to takß charge; will go any place lit mod-, crate salar-y; c«n turnish excellent references and bond if required. Address box 3223, Call. SITUATION wanted: any kind of work; city or country: ftrictly sober; very best references. Box 31 50.; Call office. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'-' THE -undersigned. - bent knowledge^ of all kinds of European industries, would accept offer to represent - foreign Importing firms as purchas- ing agent; best references. JEAN GOE- THALS. 32 Rue dcs Vlngt-deux. -Representa- tion—Commission. Liege. Belgium. Cable ad- dress. Agency Uifge. ABC code. sth edition. . EMPLOVMEXT^VyAXTED— FtniiIf.* COMPETEXT young. larly wishes situation to do geneml office work: h»p had several years' ex- perience . in newspapers of flee: employed at prea- c-nt. but wishes to obtain a position with more chance of advapcement. Address box 3206, Call. COMPETENT woman wishes position -to cook, take charge of a priest's home: best of refer- , enccs. Box 4084. Call office. Oakland. COMPETENT woman wants work; $1.50 per day. Phone MRS. NAGLE. Park 3491. ENGLISH nurse, experienced in nursing and travel, would like position a* companion or nurs" to an Invalid. 1061 Laguna ' St.. . San Francisco: Phone. W>*t 02?>5. . . GERMAN' woman wants position as cook: city or country: no washing. MISS CAMBELL, 1259 O'Farrell st. . ... > IXFAXTS nurse seeks position; hospital grad- 1 uate; over 7 years' experience; ' English. Woman's hotel, Tel. West P255. LADY who has traveled extensively desires po- sition as traveling companion or nurse; ex- cellent ' references. Box 3176. Call office. ".. I LAUNDRESS. . experienced young woman, good 1 waßßinr. ironing. • pbonp; Fran.kliij. -733, regi- ' 'rfence jg45".--Larktn'-'st.'' at" Broady-ay.;. " \u25a0\u25a0' :';\u25a0' • \u25a0RELIABLE. w'oman. ! --.(iioo<l-.:i-ook>'. ! .C*U personally : . ' : 1011 Wood, 'st.-'. t\>st . 0*M«n«1. ...'.: .'\u25a0 .- -...' : " \u25a0\u25a0 SW.gDIPH woßian-.wUhes sjiurfiion a* .firßt clas* '\u25a0\u25a0•'-: -cook; wIU -4l» ' ilbynstalrs/work anrt-.plaiii wash-... : - insV no- halting o.n-tablc;-.-bes.t-r-efetonce.-: Roz -...;, 4555; 'Cjiltxrfflcf. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u0084. ; \u0084.'•' ;•• .; ."\u25a0•;. V.'. '.-'\u25a0'.:. SCHOOI/iIRL y»urs to work .for hojjnl: ..MIRS- : niXXik HAXCOCK7 505." South- . Kldortdo . st.,' . Stockton, Cail.. :-;:, ."-'-\ '"\u25a0V.,' \u25a0•':'.•=" : -* r •'."'.\u25a0\u25a0 : TUE- *"ich'."sp<i-.the-'.pobr .will' enjoy', the refresh-. \u25a0 v '.'raents- at :tb.f : 'Favoritg f - 947 ; >l.arke,t' . "• WAXTED— Br a widow and daughter. »' posl^' i. :? tion to •f-ar?' for", city -or. t'oantry rwidence.-dur; : '"\u25a0 ing .'ibse-noe of ;<«v>ier: .-referencs positively gat-" : - U'ffteit'orj-i- •./.\u25a0A-adrSss ' : -M. \ B: . G.v. "MO 13th- At;, ' .\u25a0Oakland;.' CaK /\u25a0".;-.',"'. \u25a0•'\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' . ".. \'\~ - : - ' ". v ' . " 'YOl-'XG \u25a0^\u25a0oma.ii'. w.atits -work"- by- th*» «iay. ' wa«h- \u25a0 • Ing.- -Ironing or ." hanpe ' f-leani.i?R-: . $1.35 day. . :': 'ijoX'/igi:;.' jli^K" Vaiencia-ft:-: J .. - ' - ' ' MISSION BRAN«;ri OF THE '.\u25a0C'ALt— BLAKE'S \u25a0BAZA AH. UPS VALENCIA tiT. _ - n*nhEjß>«j\xp_sVPP]LiES _.j_ XRRfeST. that 'barber if i .fiV.«jon* t "buy his barber \u25a0 goitils 'at p;lace:!on' pfiast; cbmplfite 2 "•" • reTi>Wing cJi>f ii- . sfcepj Sso.; .:cipcHlit:;' iionforfeiting v";iea!=e.V-30jf;Hayes^st. .' ; ;;.-'::\u25a0\u25a0' ..' - ; . 3 CHAIR sbW. .for; jial* . <>ii -:Market ' st. ; doing ; \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0-"• good bustnessi no '- to-. ; i»ay ; . .reasrthe for ~A selling •-.O'^ner .ias [ Other . Box 4331, X3oli::iltb:-Bty.'.;' ;: : y:^-' ;\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ' '. : . : r \u25a0"'"' \u25a0 . ' - \u25a0.'FOR-."Mifi-^li?j»nt.. barber, shop, best side of :\u25a0". Miirket. nj-.i Mil iftand lavestlßation ; ; will ex- chahg-e '-for couatry- -shop, Reasonable. Address :\u25a0:. 4102;.- 19th;- -ilr.-' '\u25a0:. [':'.':"\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'• '.' '" •' TIRST CLASS barber; wishes position, from 8 : ».- m. "?1U: 4 : p. Bi»i salary or percentage. J. ' MOLTZEX*:I23O:OctaTia si.:. phone W. 1542. BARBER, shop' and, 'rooming- house in live, town for sale 'at a *acrlflcfr: ?l»irs $200. per mo. |::"-c6^EMAy-.-.'&-.'Oo...';;S3o."M*r;fcet'Bt. : i $225 will buy the r*st .2 chair shop, on the.Mis- MBlon. rbadr $350 \u25a0 vajij*'; cleartog.s3O pet. week; '< rent ::slo.;.: come, quick.-; -.4^27 /Mlssfori st. .' . KARBER:' Is '.teirk.lold; wants, position; speaks '-,' '/:<mly;- Gprmau:;kpowledg><.of. .balr work.- K. \u25a0•'\u25a0...- TI.\BER>^; 1Q34 ! PliprceSstJ. ..-••\u25a0 •..''\u25a0\u25a0 BARBER 1 siopV 'gOodx;ountry "town;., wanted: not : less than 2 ctalrs.:' Address" ,bt)k 300. Redwood . ;:ycirj;;cai;: •\u25a0\u25a0 : :-;:.;:v'\---:'.. \u25a0-.; .;.'\u25a0•\u25a0 • ': "DELUX>'- massage : cream J& ajwiya fresh; guar- :"'-: "'-: anteed \u25a0 satlsf actory; At BAUER'S. '^5>4 Ellis. BARBKR 6bQpsj city and country, bought, sold and exchanged. COLBMAX -^ CO.. 830 Market. FOR- sale— 2 -old fashioned' barber chairs, in good • '- ; -condition:: $5 eacfr'. 2Sft7-.34th tt. near York." i 2. CHAIR shop for sale -cheap; rent $7. Corner j: --iijp'd. Asnby. Berkeley.' . BARBERS' Protective Union — Employment secre- tary; rft'. BAROX> " "5 Mkt. : phone Kny. 5384. CASH • paid, f r>r i- barber"-' b furniture and tool 6 at . »04»4 -Biichanau' ijt. .;bet. McAllister and Fulton. .FOR;, si'le— 2:^'lr barber shop, good -transfer \u25a0 : : 'cornier. : . 1!?94 Bryant- st. corner. 16th. j FIRST CLASS 'barber wants steady Job: city pre- .--} '. : f erred, ' AddrPss M\ BATES. 504. Valencia st. ;.WAX i TEt>— First .clasß barber for cmintry; $I'O : perweeV KuBrant»ed. <. v aU at 43 Eddy at. pARIJER -waht-ed -Wednesday evening. Saturday .\u25a0and .SuMdej;.' 24th ay. and ' Clement »t. \u25a0BAlißEßVKhop'for sale; 4 chairs; doing a nice '.. -jMisl'B'e.SF.' .452" 6th St., Oakland. : GOOD baJber' wishes steady employment; no stu- . .dent; Pncne West 765.g. * MA.VkrURLST «t PI «« Barber Shop, 477 14th ;. st.i Oafrtand. . EXPERIEXCED barber wanted. Call a1'468 Col- • "...lege.jir., Oakland: .'•GOOD barbeT wanted: .short hours- Applj" at 373 Bush st. . ' \u25a0 *. BARBER wanted for Wednesday and Saturday. 112,3 d st. . BARBER .wanted. 714 Market st. EXPEKIENCED lady barber wanted at 2SO 3d • .-; street. " . ' T BARBER wanted; steady job. 1682 7th St., . " ' ffe»t Oakland. \u25a0 . jn [ALK i HELP WAXTED ' _ r _~ ANDRE'S." 1044' Larkln st. — Waiter for cmintry ' - hotel. $35; German or Scandlnnvian flower gar- . dener, $.'SO-$33 iind found; busboy. $35; porter, country -hotel. *25;' butler. $50;" French . couple. • \u25a0 wife. -to cook, man to work around Hie place, SflO-sty>: cooks', kitchen hands, porlors .. and a lot. of others. .• ' " " ,\u25a0 .WANTED — Book keeper, by a- large msnufactur- ' ' ing cont'orn: raust be a live man with good experience In- manufaotnring business; answer. " ptatlng actual experiene*., where employed .now. where employed for last 5 years, how 'soon available and salary expected. Box 3130. Call office. .FIREM-KN and braken»'U for positions on nearby railroads; experience unnecessary; good' vision; •age 20-30: $7."< to $100 monthly; no ptrike; per- /manent employment; promotion; .".(«0 men a month I>clhg nent to positions: '• state age, weight, .height; eend stamp.- Railway Associa- tion, care Call. . ' Wl^want a few live, respousible men and women \u25a0 : a^eputiea for Fraternal Order Mountaineers in cities and- towns around the bayi we have the " best proposition on tlie coast.. Call -or address F. O. M.» room 52. Bacon block,' Oakland, Cal. WANTED — French pastryman; " only.: high . class , man. need answer, $30 week, 5 per cent bonus; fare paid after 6 months. Answer, • giving ref- erences, to "The Cocked Hat."- 1525 D St., San Diego. r \u0084 WANTED— Experienced architectural draftsman; must be proficient in water color rendering. • Apply, with sample of work, : Monday between . 9 and 10 o'clock at 2610 Sbattuck ay.,' Berkeley. LABORERS and mechanics to know that. Edward Rolkin has, reduced the. rooms «t . the . Denver house,. 3d and Howard sts.. to 35c per day; $2 week; hot and cold water in every room. \u25a0 MEN wanted quickly, by big Chicago mail order house to dtfctribujte catalogues,' advertise; $21 .weekly: $50 expense . allowance. Manager, 1224 State St., Chjeago. " • "• ENERGETIC hustler wanted by real: estate and business chance firm to take&half interest in business; ~ must . have $250 To invest. Box 3049. Call office. . '.-. '•\u25a0*>\u25a0 . :' . HAND\ J niaji on farm with bedding; steady job; nice home; boy, will do: state wagrii. wanted. Box 28, Diamond Springs, El I Dorado county,- •" Ca»-" - / \u25a0 ; \u25a0 : :..- ;\u25a0; \u25a0..;;-•' MKXto learn barber trade In 8 weeks; free, spe- clal Indticem<>ntfi': to next 10;\ oall -early; get particulars. S." F. Barber College, 790 Howard. STEADY man. to attend cigar stand; experience unnecessary: must have $100* cash: :\u25a0 can make $25 per week. 306 12th st. near Folsora. MEN and women to learn barber trade; B. weeks: wages will ll* learning; terms. free; investigate. MOLER. COLLEGE.. 234 '3d St. - - . .-. WANTED — GOO men to occupy rooms, 20c to 30c per. night (free hath). «t the NEW YORK,- 753' 'Howard ft. between 3<l and 4th." , \u25a0..:.; f-, ? WANTED— Party Uo; invest c<|ual ; amount .tin moving picturn. traveling show; - must have $500. Room 508. ? Grand . Hotel .'; ' • GOOD -live men to. sell : watches on 'easy weekly payments; $5 commission on every watch." 704 Market fit., room: « 12. r : : \u25a0;" ,-;>\u25a0\u25a0,-.- \u25a0-« WANTED— Office boy.'ls'to 16. .Apply «t' the nEKRn IMPLEMENT. CO.t Illinois and Mer- rimac Kts.ridilna -basin.'. \u25a0 . '-V' "-,\u25a0\u25a0»,\u25a0>;">" .•?i t ;- YOUNGjTnau.' ;assl* .'officf > ,';'somc \u25a0 outride \u25a0 \u25a0 vrork: $75, month lo start;, s3oo irssb. required." . 52!* Pacific building. , - ':. ;.^ ,-\u25a0\u25a0.-..•-. WANTKD-^3 first-' claes, solicitors for city. work.' Apply. Circulation" Department. -S.VF.' Call, Sd , and Market st*.,"-. ... »" <1 . $500 cash; gets- good: «-lty lot; a \u25a0 job; worth ,SRO to ?lHt:per month is open to • you. J Box i 3120, i Call office. ' , \u25a0 • : . THE SAN FRANGISCO,CALL, . 2, I Real Estate Advertisers I i Real Estate Section 1 I On That Day Will Contain -||p : -- 1 1 Many Very Special i m Features of Interest to a I All Who Buy, Sell, Ex- i ||1 The Call rightfully claims an authoritative positiQn, upon matters, relating to Ws Si rca^ estate both sides' of the bay. It gives the subject the time, the space and |J| H .'• the ability ; .it deserves. It treats real estate .'-matters .liberally arid intelligently. \u25a0 ||| OT ".\u25a0• . -It illustrates them Verierouslv. It takes cognizance of all the details of sales and Ha \u25a0•transfers. -\u25a0 '\u0084 ;-. " \u25a0•.-.\u25a0 ;-..'. > \u25a0;'• .'. \u25a0 _ > : ,""-.. . ..•\u25a0-' Wa ffl 1 -. . v It has done these thinjrs so Ion "• and so well that it has come to be an au- m g^ • thority upon real estate matters and has drawn lo itself a * large and distinctive . mm ffl ;: * following of ; those. -wlio. have, interests, either 'present^ or remote, in real estate. ,fM Wa \u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. \u25a0 I'° r these reasons The Call is particularly useful to real V'esjtate. advertisers. Wa . ' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 •* The newspaper. that wins a : large special following for itself- in a. field so closely h « .identified with growth and progress "must naturally, be the ' right newspaper in pi which to reach that special class. 7 r . . - , s» VKV K . '\u25a0•'Whether you have a house to rent or, to sell, an apartment to lease, furnished or . ||| PI 'unfurnished;; a home or a business lot; a tract, an, orchard or a farm 1 to let, to sell or exchange, get your advertisement into the Saturday . CJall and you will reach the |1| »a T^ a n 11 llf *1| r^ i B /I Ml ' beta I The Gall Will Send a Man on Re= I I quest for Your Display Advertising I I - Telephone Want Ads Direct . i I Kearny 86 § SIALK HELP WANTED — Continued FIRST CLAPP ladies' tailors: no others need apply; highest wages paid. " BARON, ,118 Geary i*t. \u25a0 - \u25a0'\u25a0." \u25a0 ''.''.\u25a0-'.•-.'.''_. ABLE young men, greeu hands- for whaling cruise. Humboldt House, 215 Broadway near Sanfome st. ' . . BOY for hotel elevator; must li»e with parents; 525 and'board. Hotel News, 71S Pacific bldg. - NEW.- WESTERN? 1124 Howard— Single rooms, 15e and 20c per night; hot and cold water. 5 men to learn cigar making; good pay; steady work. 306 12th st. near Folsom. FIRST CLASS presser for . custom made gar- \u25a0 mgnts. BARON." 118 Geary st. \u25a0-'.\u25a0> ".. \u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0'. -.;- 200 pairs of uncalled for and. second hand shoes ' for sale cheap. 103.3d st. WANTED. TO LEARN TRADE WANTED — Your work pays the expense to l»arn a trade that pays $5 day in few months' time; electricity, automobiles, plumbing, brick laying; actual contract Jobs; 200 students last .year. Inked Trade S<;liool Contract Co.. 1C23 Mkt. _FK>K*J^JH^Lr^J^^T^D__;^ YOUNG women between the ages of 17 and 25, of fair education, neat appearance and un- tjoestionablc character, wanted to study tele- . phone- operating as a profession; a liberal sal- ary is paid new operators while in training at the operating school of the Pacific Telephone . and Telegraph Company, and upon graduation they "are. given permanent positions at the switchboards, with opportunities for promotion. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company provides light and well ventilated opej-atlng rooms, pleag&nt rest and lunch rooms and takes a personal interest in the welfare of the young women in Its employ. -". Competent . operators furnished to provide branch exchange subscribers. For full particulars call, preferably between 8:30 a. m. and .12 m.. at operating school, Telephone" office. 2015 Steiner st. >l COOK, German family. $45: chamber maid, room- ing house,' $40, room, no board; ironer, laun- dry. $0 week>. waitress." delicatessen store, $8 week; second girl.» small famUy. $30: -Infant's nurse, , $40; waitress, plain "hotel. $25 and found; cook, good place. Oakland, $40; pantry girl, institution. $25, room 'and board; Kngllsh governess, 2 children,' $:So.> MISS PLUXKETT, . 1806 Sutler st. . .•'''\u25a0' -\u25a0"-"\u25a0'-. \u25a0"\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0'- - OAKLAND. • --' " GIRI^ TO MAKE OVERALLS. PAID SALARY WHILE LEARNING. . LEVI STRAUSS & CO., 3D AND CLAY STS. APPLY TO MR. DAVIS. WANTED— First class legal stenographer; must write 150 words, per minut«: shorthand , and transcribe t-ame without error at 50 words per minute; don't upply otherwise; good salary. Address, stating- experience, box 3132,< Call. ANY girl in sorrow or ' perplexity needing ; a frleud or adviser is invited to write or call -on '.'. Miss Tanner,; Salvation Army '.headqunrterß. ; lf:jy Market' st., San Francisco;- hours, 2,t0 4 daily. . - ' - .'\u25a0'\u25a0:'\u25a0 :. '\u25a0'. -. "". '•-"- :'\u25a0' •\u25a0 .".-':•.';' WANTED — A young woman experienced hair dresser, manicurist.' etc., for our hair dress- , Ing department. Apply HALE BROS., INC., Uth, and Washington sts.; Oakland. \u25a0 V. : j, \u25a0' . SPECIAL rates now; learn hair dressing, mani- curing, hair work, etc.; .only system ; in : 3 weeks; position awaiting. Mildred Hair Store, 1 475 Haight st. '•\u25a0 '•\u25a0''_ - MIDDLE AGED woman, strong and able tocare for- paralyzed wife helpless In bed, also run the house; 5 rooms; only 2 of us in family.- 2633 Octavia St. \u25a0\u25a0''.\u25a0-'*-- \u25a0 -" \u25a0': ; WANTED — Young women to train as nurses,' be- tween ages of 20 ' and 30. good < education, neat appearance. Box 3098, Call office, ; Oak- \u25a0 land.':; - - ... .\u25a0- - - .'" \u25a0 '-'.- "' < '\u25a0-' '' .v ' .- -"',\u25a0"-\u25a0 LEARN the art ofibair dressing at the. Califor- v, nla " Ollege of , Ha Irdresslng and Beauty Cnl- ture; eip. lnstr. Miy, : Market; :T. .Kear. 5368. ,WA XTED— Woman for.chambe^ work in rooming • house; living apartments and $25; per; month. | Apply -Carmel, cor.': 30th ; St.* and San Jose * aT. BOOK KEEPER In office of | large J corporation: state age. experience- and . references; , salary $60 per month. \u25a0 Box 3135. Call pfflce. HAIR DRESSER as partner in established. busi- ness: splendid opportunity: small capital: Mil- dred Hair Store. 1475 .Hnlght St.; f LADIES wanted to take home, work, part or full time; . experience ', unnecessary. :, TRIEBER'S, 1007 Ellis st: nearjFlllmore. ' -"- ."-:' ';'.'\u25a0 •;:.^-. l WANTED-^- Young French girl for cooking -and '\u25a0' general housework, .family; of 2.- .251)* College .'ay., .Berkeley. .. .-: \u25a0 \ -.'.\u25a0.- '-.' ".'.''\u25a0'/' ''.-' '"\u25a0:"\u25a0 \u25a0-' WANTED— Young lady between 17. nnd~ 19 j years to assist in shooting act. Call at Chutes. YOUNG .BUFFALO. . :. \u25a0 .-'\u25a0 ':\u25a0:' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '-•.: \u25a0 WANTED— Mrs.' Bllncoe, formerly, of . 1337,: Ellis • Ft..- plea'ae report at: stfperlntendent's ' office, ; HALE BROS., IncJ • .-.: \u25a0'.-» -":r . - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0" :\ - TEACHER for a district school. > Apply J. B; • STEARNS, - 2142 Shattnck ' ay., t Berkeley. Cal. WANTED— MiddIe i agedK house - -kfeper.% \u25a0'.'•? Apply • i. after . 6 p.' in.." 146 , Boyce ; st. off Pt.: Lobos ay. GIRLS" to address,; longhand- and i' typewriter.' ; 'Apply. before. •lo.'; room 244,,2ft8 Market st.y >'; FI RST* 1 CLASS ' finisher* • on* custom i made - skirts. . \u25a0- ItAIION.MIS Genryst. \u25a0\u25a0 -'\u25a0 [ - \u25a0\u25a0 J_ --" v: ! AGENTS and t representatives wanted (fori states/ i comities and' cities;* nitrogen : producer;^ to take !/ ..\u25a0 the. ; place* of '.expensive JnaturalJ and- artificial v bulky fertiliiers^alsOjVermln.destroyer.through m bacilli Infection: | sold' to drug.' department; and i * general ; stores. ,': farmers,'; seed : houses ;• and - prl- ' ' : vatri '' trade: - mado./ by i-the { largest ;.- and . t most promln«nt house . ln'cxlstcnce; ; everything ; fully, ';\u25a0 guaranteed : « will ': give steady .•» men ; a j rtependn We income ; for j life: I best tof i references 1 * iKTessary.''-- Apply i for • terms.i otc.V , to ) Standard Nitrogen Co.. OSCAR|FRAENKEL. sales man-; .^". a ger.i Singer building. - New jYork.vS-^.j;-,^,:^/^' W A XTED-^Responslble ; party,* In* each • town I (not r; city) ( two 1 houre ; each; week;; place light article in stores i and collect ;'t-rnall- deposit; -large ; re- turns. rGARDXEB SUPPLY CO.,. Oakland, Cal. "' 1 ; ' : ' "' '' •.-\u25a0•-' : ''i .'.-.•"' V •••\u25a0 •"<--"":''. T '':;,;,:>-: r "-r'''" : SALESMEN wanted — No experience needed; hun- dreds of positions now open, paying from 5100 to $500 monthly; if you want a good position our free book, "A Knight of the, Grip,- 'will show you how to get it; write (or call) for it -today. Address National Salesmen's Training Association, 10108 Metropolis Bank \u25a0 bldg.. San Francisco. Branches — Chicago, New. York, | Kansas City. 'Minneapolis, Atlanta. i GOOD -live man to solicit collection , accounts. Creditors' Mercantile Ageacr 29 Bacon blk.,. Oakland. ..-\u25a0-.---\u25a0.-\u25a0 - --. »AI^ESMEXAXp SOLICITOR.S _ WAX TED I SALESMEN wanted: no experience needed; hun- I dre<ls of positions "now open paying from to $500 monthly: if. you want: a good position 1 our frep. book, "A Knight of the Grip," will show. you how Jo get it; write (or call) for It today. Address .National .Salesmen's Training Association.- 01j?B..:Hetropolis Bank building. San Franclseo; 'branches . Chicago," New York, v Kansas City.'*Minneapolls. Atlanta. . *.:'. : 1 SALESMAN— At" resident man desired by a! New York clctblng houtte on commission basis; must guarantee at -least $30,000 business a season; references required. The SOL. NELKIN CO., 710 Broadway, ; New York.; " " . .. GOOD live man to solicit^ collection aceotuits. Creditors' ' Mercantile Agency, 29 . Bacon blk.. Oakland. . : > RELIABLE mining stock salesman; liberal com- mlsslon. Apply at 545 Pacific building. PICTURE AGENTS— Stock frames and framing. PACIFIC FRAME CO.. 324 Hayes St. THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1651 .FILLMORE ST. RMPLO V.MEXT OFFICKS : AAAA— CANTON Bureal of Information— Chinese 1 . rooks and waiters. for functions. Canton Bank i • building, 049 Kearny St.; phone Slitter US. \ j AAA— PHONE WEST 1731. ~~ Largest Japanese and Chinese employment office in city. T. TAMI'RA CO., 1612 Laguna at. HORI CO.. 1748 SUTTER ST.; 'PHONE WEST .; . 2803— Best Japanese-Chinese help promptlr- furn.;: open day and night. Home phone S2SO3. AA— OSCAR HATSUMI, JapaneKe,-Chlnese Emp. ; Co.; best help with care and guar. 1513 Geary St.: phone West SfiSS. Home 54068. i : J. COXNV Chinese 'emp. Chinese cooks • special., hotel or fam. 770 Clay; T. Doug. 31G2. H. W. HONG. Chinese employment office, 805 ; Webster St., Oakland; phones Pekin 25, A 3725. STAR* emp. office; , Japanese-Chinese . help. W. ...KODATA. 'I6OB Geary; tel. West Ifi7. 54905. . ; | JAPANESE and Chinexe employment office.- 107S , __Pogtr phone West TlSS.'Home phone s."S:;."i. U> PAID MAGES COLLECTED KNOX. 443 rtne— Suits, liens, attachments, time checks cashed; rtfiits 1 collected everywhere. •".-«. . j BLTVEN, 8-%5 Broadway, Oakland— Wages, notes, \u25a0 'accounts collected everywhere*. ' ';\u25a0..- -"•; -..-\u25a0-• _ O OLLECT^OX^Atjl^Cl^j^ DOES any one owe you? . We make collections 'everywhere ©n percentage. DEAN & 00.. 652 Pacific bldg., 4th and Market sts.. S. F. '\u25a0'\u25a0'.," - . - ,- I BUY accounts, bills, notes or judgments of, any nature anywhere. .F. 8., P. O." box 293,;0ak- \u25a0-' land.- Cal. - \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0*\u25a0 .ALL bills, notes 'and wages' prompted collected '\u25a0-everywhere. Fred J. Schmidt, Markt-Xoe-16th. \u25a0 ROOMS TO LET— Fur"; and Unfur. ; : A COZY- home for. respectable ladles. 1130 Mar- B ket st. : near Btb, I under auspices •of . the SAL- VVATION ARMY;.; elegantly . furnished; every ;.: ." : modern convenience; steam heat, 1 electric light 'and elevator service; spotlessly clean; centrally \u25a0 located; thoroughly.. homelike; telephone Market I 1349R prices .very , moderate, ranging \u25a0 from : 25c \u25a0v' per night up; special r ,rates< by , the ' week' or month. -See matron, room 33. .;' ..;. ; AAA— Beautiful '< sunny . rooma; i fine \u25a0 view ; refer- ,». ences; " all conveniences. - 972 Union st* . near Taylor, i -•; •>\u0084-\u25a0.,. ,\u25a0.-'.-.-" '--',-'.-. / :'-..-. -. BLENHEIM, 1504 Franklin St.— Elegantly furn. p.: rooms, modern,' s2.r>o week up; transient. , BRODERICK St.. 1405— Nicely furnished \u25a0\u25a0 room, \u25a0 :,batli and breakfast,' ; if .preferred. \u25a0 - -_. : DEVISADERO st., 904— Three rooms, 1 f nrnlshcd, ;'.;$lS.-::. \u25a0\u25a0-\u0084; '/ :.;\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:-; \u25a0. \u25a0;,:',-:. ; -.--. y -.-.i y.",- . \- : DEWEY HOUSE," 4th and Howard— Air modern .', conveniences; 200 rooms,' 3sc i.. to $l-day,:s2;to ;\u25a0:'.. $5 - a week ; free ; ba ths ; •; Howard or 4th t>t. cars. EDDY st.y 395, i'cor."» Lea venworth— Sunny ; rooms,' .' $2.50 '. week ! and \u25a0 up ; ; COe : day ; up ; modern.* \u25a0 : , ELLJ^IS St., 1050-^-2 neatly "furnished rooms; \u25a0:\u25a0'; sunny. ; -. "-'.\u25a0;-';,J-}.- : >\u25a0-," ,-'-lv : ..- '•.-\u25a0">"• ; ;\u25a0";--\u25a0\u25a0 ELLIS st:, .'ll77— For rent, a ; nicely furnished :?% front; room | for." r 23 gentlemen ,, or > ladles;-- hot : J.water.j bath ;• both, phones.^-; .:\u25a0 *' ; . \u25a0: \u25a0:-. '•- \. \u25a0 \ ELLIS " st.; .\u25a0 1177— Sunny rooms for- rent at $1.50 :. ' and $2 per. week; not? water, bath; both : phones. FULTON St.. 823. 5 nr. Fillmore-^Nlcely; furnished : front: parlor with', all: conveniences and .phoner •/''. sl2 ; mo. ; $15 ; f0r; 2.'; . -;.' * "'.:-::- \u25a0",':\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 • -\u25a0\u25a0':::-.':: ;;, \u25a0-;' FILLMORE, 1738^-Newly furnished , rooms : bath, rirunning..water;;s2.wk.'! up; also house. keeping. 1 GEARY.- 1457; nr.', Octavla-~Modern; single rooms \u25a0fj and t suites ; , private] bath. '^ E.". C. 3 Larson.", j'.. \u25a0 ' \u25a0•'\u25a0': HOTEL ; OREGON, -.- '../__: .;.: \u25a0 - \u25a0 Valencia ' and il4th-sts. x .s. /..'\u25a0'. £i Modern ,-. throughout; -- all ;\u25a0 ontside < sunny - rooms; neatly furnished;. nicest house In Mission district; rates $3 weeksup.-. with bath; special rate* by^the month. X- Flume-. Park i- 5573. ,..,-.' .. ,. ; : ?.-; Vr-i-^'f^-i HOTEL .IRVINGiI 447« EOdy— 2o<i modern 1 outside >:• rooms ; lobby ; Sladies'i parlor : 'MlrummersV X' sa m pi e ",- rooms : i 50c *to\u25a0sl ' a :\u25a0 clay ; f ?2.50 ( to ': $5 \u25a0•;! . week.T Kddy.t st.J cars, direct ) f rom ' ferry. : K'~*.-\ LARKINJ st.,": 2447— Large ! front : sunny- room,^ con-; Vvenipnt;.to 3 \u25a0car, I lines;-'references;.-grate i :in :-.;'flreplace.t' •/--•'-. ;•\u25a0 : \u25a0 -- • \u25a0'. • \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'. -': ; •:'":•-.\u25a0- ' \u25a0 • Con 1 1 nued O'FARKELL »t.. 138S— Newly furnished,- sunny room. $2. a week; bath, phone; also $1.50. - OVERLAND HOUSE, ...IR9 Sacramento st. below Now open; 200 rooms; hot and cold water in every room: 25c to $2 per, day, $1.50. t0 $5 per week. F.DW. ROLKIX, Prop. PAGE 5t. ,576, near Fillmore — Large, light, com- fort^bly furnished room, $10 p«r month. - POST. St.. 1999, cor. Steiner— Sunny rooms, with or .- without" house -keeping; reasonable, gas, phone and bath. • . VALENCIA st.. 913— 3 suites of unfurnished rooms for rent; prices. reasonable.. 19TH St.. 4031. near Castro— -Nice sunny rooms; •\u25a0"single or double; suitable for two gentlemen ' or young couple; reasonable. . " : 13TH St., 36. . nr.' Folsom — Nice suany fr»at rooms, single, double; also, house keeping; re- .i spectable place. \u25a0. 17TH . St., 3665 — Bright sunny ; room in modern flat; bath; phone; rent $7. 20TH St.. 510, Oakland— Light, pleasant rooms; hot and cold water, with" bath. ' HOO.MS FOR HOUSE .KEEPI.VK house keeping rooms; every convenience; sun ' all day; near Golden Gate park. Apply 945 Stanyan st. - . . • . V \u25a0.-\u25a0..-. • BAKER St., 1818, bet. Sacramento and Califor- nla— l or 2 sunny rooms, furnished for house keeping. BAKER st.. 316, opp. park — Two sunny front 'rooms; all conveniences; also< single room; reasonable. : , ' - • 1 BIRCH. ay., 647 — $13; 3 sunny rooms; separate entrance. • . \u25a0 CALIFORNIA St., 1571— Front suite, with use of kitchen, $25: large room: sls. CAPP st.; 332, nr. 18th— Lovely new 4 room flat; sun all day; 3. outside rooms. CLARA St., 10(5, near 5th — 2 and 3 room apart- ments; separate i,entrance. DOLORES St., 1410—2 sunny good rooms, ' with : use of kitchen and laundry, for house . keeping. ELLIS St., 1745— Corner, sunny flats/ middle and • upper; 6 rooms and bath. . '. ELLIS St., 116S— Sufny front clean furnished - house keeping roonft. bath, phone, etc.; \u25a0 reas. FOLSOM St.. 1222, near Bth— 2 well furnished I rooms for house keeping; rent reasonable; gas .'\u25a0 stove; bath. ... \u25a0 ' \u25a0-. - FRANKLIN . St., 1239— Sunny house keeping 1 \u25a0 - rooms,' slo' to $25; fine sunny basement, $20 a month; yard^phone. «bnth.. v FULTON st.;--2422— Sunny front apartment, com-. I pletejy furnished j for house keeping, to • lease : for 6 months; 3-room»'and bath.. -525; or 4 rooms and .bath, $30; i opposite Golden Gate .' park; McAllister car passes door. - . ' FELL- st., 617—3 - nicely furnished • rooms, batb, I etc. ; rent .' reasonable. : . - '• \u25a0.""• \u25a0 \u25a0 • . HOWARD St., 56,?— Front room and kitchen fur- , nisbed, $12; 2'connecting, $10; others, $8; gas. plate,; single,' ?ti up. ;. TiAGUNA'st.. 2Slo^Sunny front suite.' complete. . $20; : references. . Call 10 to 2; tel. West 9356. O'FARRELL -St.. 13SS— Nicely furnished sunny , room and buffet kitchen; $J2 mo. ; batb; phone. POLK st.;' 1310. near Bush— Large, sunny outside ' loom; running water; free 'cook lng gas; $2.25 '^ per week. ; •'".;- PACIFIC st..; 1243 — 2 basement rooms, furn. v hskpg. ; $10 mo.; 2 >nnf ur.y v s6. Call 10 to 12. SUNNY 4 room flat; rent $23. Apply 469 14th ;. St.; bet. {Valencia and . Guerrero. . . . . : . '\u25a0 17TH 5t.,3333A— 2 front rooms, en suite, nicely 'furnished -for; house i keeping; ' $15 month, in- ' eludes gas.*- •..-'\u25a0.•\u25a0- : - ;' .' ,' ... 20TH St.; 510,.Oa kland—Li ght, pleasant rooms .with bath, hot -and cold:waterj\ MISSION BRANCH OF -THE CALL, BLAKE'S BAZAAR. 1108 VALENCIA ST. \u25a0. : i REM'THAT VACAXT ROOM 'A* small want ad In The Call will do" it quicker '. than a dozen signs plastered on -your windows . and , which spoils the looks of your home. ; be- .: sides. Phone Kcarny S6 for an ad man to call anrtsee you.' — ' : - " ' ,\u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0 oakilaxd house keeping rooms BTH * st, 1 1202/ cor! Magnolia. Oakland-^4 siinny .' furnished ' rooms and - bath for house keeping; .* on car,- line and; only; 2 blocks "to either S. "P. ;/-or,Key: Route trains. "\: -_' TO'.let—^A comfortable^ furnished room. for house coal grate, ; coal range and gas plate; : laundry, v yard; $14. 1317 "Alice : - st. -Phone Jutland 0287. - - - . ROOMS AND BOARD « OFFERED;^ CLAY . st.l"* 2302 '*\u25a0 (The ; Concord)'— Sunny j front "-" rooms with. board for 2. k $SO: also'slngle rooms. CALIFOR'NIA T ;'st.,! 2523— Nicely furnished , sunny M rooms ; ] excellent board ; phone ; 1 bath : ; $6-s7. wk. FRONT t; suite;', suitable Sf or 1 4 gentlemen; - home ,~. cooklng;vterms Treasonable;': also other , rooms. ;\u25a0 .'l3o7 .'Mlssion;st. :;.;..• ;. ': ..• :.-.;.• LAJIGK : room i for,, 1- or 2 ; gents; with ! or .without '".board; -'German"' 1 cooking.- .-1943 Howard st. lGth:st..;ca'r llne.i-r: -,...- \u25a0 \u25a0 ; -' ST. FRAXCISXJIrIs'- Directory,; Central av.^and j • Waller ' St.", : San ' FranclscOT-Ai beautiful ; home, V where j old ; ladles.Vyoung^ girls and .- little ' chll- ;,* dren can 'board 1 , very, reasonably.' f :.:•-} »\u25a0\u25a0 -: St.'?. Margaret's ;Club '; for.' Girls.": 154 1 : Cal.' = -Ideal home,^ teachers, tourists,', stens.; ietc. ; '\u25a0 $20 mn. up;. -llld i Pacific *» a vJ^-Beautif ul. .'sunny."*7 front 1 room ? '.~: sui tnble.-.f ot.i 2 ->\u25a0 or; 3 ; \u25a0 also . s ingle •• room ; '.' estel- r:4 lent; board ;i references. \u25a0 ."j; >>-•• -.:'\u25a0 MfIMWfMHB 2354 ..; Pine i* st.'^-Kront \ sunny : suite ; * first v class ;"•'. board ; J $25 ; « ; running * water.'* ba th/ ; phone. . . . I '1558 i Jackson i st.-r-Very | attractive, V sunny, \ tar- sjr aished -, rooms,'* with - board ; r 1 phone *• and \u25a0 bath.". /JBERKELEY/rOOMS AXD BOARD . FURNISHED rooms in areflned private family: • beautiful grounds and * surroundings; - board opUonal; near, station preferences. 2222 Shat- iStttcklai.MKßHMt^MHßK - 2540 College ay. — Hawthorne villa; sunny room ~wlth board for couple; also single; ,from - March 1. - • "'-.-.- \u25a0- :\u25a0 ROOMS JKfD BOARD WAXTED . WANTED— Nice.', large, ..-warm room, breakfast «nd evening dinner In nice horn* for l^dy em-" ployed where a^l year old baby boy will be \u25a0 cared : f or during -the day: • state price and \u25a0 streetcar. Call or : write Lamesa apartment. apt. 0.". .MRS. WALTERS, corner Hyde and \u0084 Pacific sts.- ,-- '.."»:\u25a0•\u25a0' .'•• •\u25a0 : -':-- " LADY employed wants sunny room and boflrd; ''private family: n*t over $25. f ßox 3129. Call. A PART WE.VTS ACKNOWLEDGED by all a* the city's most ar- tistic apartment v house — that charmingly quaint • - CASA -MADRONA. "/The romance of old California Is recalled as "you tread the gaily flowered 'patio and pasa • through the. adobe campanile hung with e.lec- .trie lighted mission bells; furnished and un- furnished. 4; AND 5 LARGE ROOMS. Every detail of highest standard: :>lejrantly -appointed; competent service; steam heat; rents- $35 to $75. 116 • Frederick st. Hayes car passes door. .. ' " 1433 CLAY ST. ;L , -\i , Elegant, artistic apartment flats. .4 and 5 nnfarnUhed rooms, just completed: location, view and' finish excellent; now ready for oc- . cupancy." Be. sure to Inspect, them before lo- cating elsewhere. 1 " Agent on premises every, day from 1:30 to 5 p. in. WHY KEEP HOUSE, when living at Hotel St. Mark. Oakland's best, tenrilnus of S..P. and • Key Route trains. 10 minute* to San Francisco, relieves you of all cares, worry and costs less; : elaborately furnished; excellent table:" every. comfort; 1 warmer climate; less fogs;..toink It over;. come and sep. . '"•\u25a0;' \u25a0 -.'.'.' - AA— ST. DUNSTAN APTS. k ''• ~. 1315 POLK ST. NEAR SUTTER. A FEW CHOICE 2 AND 9 ROOM NEWLY FURNISHED AND UXFUBXISHEt* AI'ART- . MENTS; STEAM HEAT.' HOT WATER. ALL THE TIME AND- ELEVATOK ALL MGHT; • HOTEL SERVICE: REFERENCES; AAAA— TTIE MELBOUUNE APABTMEXTS. 1350 .Pine st. \u25a0 neJir Hyde-^-Nf»i^..,open: handsomely furnished apts.. 2 and '3 roocif :. hotel servic**: : stt»am heat; iiocial- ball' iind .""lobbr; modern; refs.* Apply on prrmisos. MRS.- S. E. HEXEY.. AAAA— YBRBA BUEXA APARTMENTS. . 1114 SUTTER ST. BET. POLK .AND -LARK IN. ELEGANT SUITES OF 2 AND 3 ROOM APART- MEXT3, COMPLETELY FURNISHED^ RE^S. 1 HOLLISTEn. 1330 Union-- st. '-'bet. . Polk : and I^arkln — New elegantly furnished 3-4 . large \u25a0' gunny front rooms, private batb, hall, laundry;. /\u25a0grand marine vjew; swell" location; rent- reas. AA— VAN. NESS APARTMENTS. 212S Van Ness nr. Broadway — Elegantly, furnished apts. of 3 and 4 rooms; steam heat, elee. light, elevatur; i marine ; view; reasonable. Phone Franklin 2."i!K>. CASTLEREAGH APARTMENTS. 1373 Clay St. between Jones and Lea venworth: completed and . ready • for inspection;, all modern conven- iences ;. elevator, steam heat, hot water service. AAA — Stanford (The). 315 Van Ness — 1 and 2 ' rms.'. light hskpg.: 1 room. $3.50: 2 rms.. $5 week up; tourist • trade. ' 50c .to $1.50 day. AAA— ST. MARGARET apartments. Fell and Octavia — 3 and "4 rooms and batb; wall beds; unfurnished; rents very reasonable, MOSSQIEC apts.. southeast cor. Jones and Wash- ington; sunrfy 4 and 5 room apts.; steam heat, 'janitor service, hardwood floors.- • \u25a0 •""IV FINE sunny apt., 3 rooms and bath: gas range. 745 Haight st. hear Pierce; rent rea- ] sonable. • \u25a0 ; ' ' • "; " . VICTOR APTS.. 230 Douglass— 2 and 3 room un- furn. apts.; Ruud heater. Take Market st. car. ADELINE apts.. 640 Eddy st.— 2-. 3 and 4 room apts. ;. hotel service; prlv. exch.; most modern.. COLUMBUS APTS.. NE. cor. Pac. and Ijirkin— 3 ! and 4 room apartment; unfurn.: $20, $22. $24. , EUREKA apts.. Mkt. and 17th sts. — Beautiful 3 and 4 rm. apts.;-phone: janitor service; sunny. BERTRAM apts., R3O Hyde st.. 3-4 : rm. sunny apts.; close in; every modern convenience. -:'. BLENHEIM. 1504. Franklin, st.— Elesantly furn. rooms, moderD, '' week up; transient. -. .. MISS.IOX BRANCH OF THE CALL. BLAKE'S BAZAAR. 1103 VALENCIA ST. \u25a0 "\ MARYLAND APARTMENTS. A 2 and 3 room suite just vacated; beautifully furnished and complete. In every detail; private phone; steam heated; private baths. N. W. -cor. 33d and Telegraph ay. : phone Pledm»nt 44H0.-- . _-_-\u25a0_ "^T^. l^ - .•_._• HOTEL ARGONAUT. 4th and Market sts.- Fam- ily and commercial hotel; room with detached , bath. $1 per day: rooms with private bath. 51. 50 per day; restaurant attached; moderate prices; free bns meets all trains and oteamships. AAA— HOTEL BELMONT. 730 Eddy "near Van i Ness — Single room.*, $3.50 week:rl and b.. $5: wk. up: tourUt sollc; cafe con.; Eddy St.. cars. HOTEL HARCOURT. LARKIN AND SUTTEK— AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN." EXCELLENT TABLE. PHONE. FRANKLIN 2H>O. \u25a0 \u25a0>-jll~~__ n\u25a0" MOTELS FOR'SALE ..\u25a0.....\u25a0.'.. CAN deliver a $40,000 completely furnished, es- tablished 50 room hotel in Pasadena. Cal.. for $33,000 c*sh if sold -Immediately, or can sell .the furniture and furnishings: only to an up . to date, experienced, responsible hotel man for "sH,oOi>- cash-,- with a five year lease at $1.500 - .per annum. * THE PEOPLE'S REAL ESTATE 4 LOAN CO.'.tLog Antreles. . " rtJTS TO LET • FULTON St.. 2338-2342 — Middle and iower; 6 rooms and bath: modern.- sunny ami good con- * ditton; reilt reasonable. Apply G. H. -UMB- SEX & CO., 20 Montgomery st. HASIPSHIKE at.. 1373-1353, bet. 25tn and 26th— I 3 upper and lower flats, 4 and 5 room's, bath;- 'wash trays, etc. ; rents from $15 to $20, ac- cording to location. Apply on premises. WILL.VRD St.. 1427-1439-1443. half block from M^asonlc ay. car: delightful 4 ar.d 5 room flats; reasonable; fireplaces; every convenience. BUCHANAN St., 135. opp. State normal school— A choice flat, tf rooms, batb. pantry and laun- dry; -sun in every room; choice condition. CALIFORNIA St.. 3075. near Lyon— Modern fiat of .7 very" sunny rooms; reasonable; open 2 to 4:30 o'clock. VALENCIA st.. 1440, at 25th— 5 room modern corner flat; marble steps; coal grates; owl car; $25. NOB st.. 1050 — Cor. flat. 5 sunny rooms, yard. hafiement; mod.; 24th and Castro st. cars: $25. 19TII antl Xoe ; sts. — Sunny: warm belt; upper and lower 4 and 5 room flats t( s), SIS to $25. A 4 r. flat, $25; an' 8 r. flat. $45; nearly new; : • janitor; overlooking G. O. park. 2267 Hayes. WASHINGTON, -1655. nr. Polk— Upper flat: new, \u25a0 sunny; 7 rms.; Janitor^ near all car lines; reas. ELLIS st., 1817,-cor. Pierce — New modern sun- ! Ny flat. 4 rooms^and bath; reasonable; adolts. GREENWICH St.. 9J4, bet. Taylor and Jones — Sunny flat; .'4 rms. and bath; fine .marine view. IBTH St., 3674 — Beautiful flat; 6 rooms; In per- fect condition; reasonable. PACIFIC ar., 1456— Modern upper flat. 4 rooms, ,bath;-. gas. electricity; $22.50. ZOE St., 49A, off, Bryant between 3d and 4th — --.New," sunny, 4 and 5 rooms and bath. • -. FOR RENT— Sunny 6 room flat; bath; rent $23. 3470 16th st. r near Church. SCOTT. St.. ,1334. bet. Ellis and O'Farrell— 6 sun- ny rooms and bath; $25. $35— Upper sunny flat of 7 rooms and bath. 020 Haight st. » 15TH ay. South,-1 516 — 5 room flat; sun all day; , reasonable. • . • THE FILLMORE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT IRSI -FILLMORE ST. FLATS TO .LET— FnrnlNhe«l SUTTER St., 2443 — Well furnished modern sunny flat. of 9 rooms. and bath; running* water hi • every room: roof garden: $^5. Tel. West 290t. ' FLATS FOR SALE— FnrnUhed % CHANCE x seldom offered — The furniture j and lease of elegantly furnished 80 room m-Hi.-rn • built hotel, -located in center of new shopping •; district.', close ito both the Orphenm and , Co- lumbla theaters. Box ZOXX, Call office. i -. CALIFORNIA St.. 1571— S routn flat. 6. rooms v rented $40 over . rent :~ would sublet. *- r . > . FURNITURE AND ' CARPETS • FOR SALE. . .\u25a0-\u25a0."'.. \u25a0-\u25a0."' . \u25a0 S 1- Room ; Flat • for Rent. "-Very desirable location; \- block to Key Route station; within 2 blocks 'of " 7th st. r car lines. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'-'\u25a0 Call at 512 22d - st.. Oakland. CALIFORNIA st.J 3010— 0 rooms, $60, Apply at - --904 Devlsadero st."--- \u25a0-*-.-\u25a0« '\u25a0.-•>\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'.-. ..-.- LET— llDfnralahed -?j. MOD E RN '- house; -9- large r sunny, rooms; In fine \u25a0'condition;' electric ,! light and gas; -furnace: • ! richly carpeted throughout ; good locality. 2105 .; Pine. 5t.:. 563. *?.- ; . .* .; .. t • CALIFORNIA'st." 2017— Residence; 9 rooms; gas \u25a0\u25a0; and, electric lights; fine furnace •j reasonable.": ' ' - \u25a0 . . FURNISHED : or.' unfurnished. Call from. lo to ;\u25a0\u25a0 12 noon at: 3234 Washington at. : \u25a0 HOUSE to let— € rooms and.batn. 1541 Eddy "street.-... ••/ ;.- ;.-.:/• \u25a0...;;..... ._. .-. ..^-.s-i ; CENTRAL acd Grand sts. — 10 ' room house; lovely lawn, palms awl \u25a0 flower* : floest in Ala. meda; $35. WOODMAN REALTY CO.. .ft Montgomerr St.. 9. F. \u25a0 *J AI.UIEDA HOUSES TO RELN'^ CLEMENT.- ay..- 2117 — 6 room. \u25a0 bouse; papered outside and'ln: $20: -snap. WOOl>- MAN RE.4LTY CO.. 41 Montgomery St.. S. F TO RENT— PIEDMONT New 8 room house, hardwood floors. 2 open fire- places furnace, sleeping out porch; unsur- passed marine view. Apply to owner. 1905 Oakland a-r. cor. Vernal **.. Piedmont. WANTED to -rent, pwiftaneutly; small cottsge. stable, some sbrubfx-ry. land: reasunaMe: So- • nonia or Xapa r».iat.v.- P. O- box 413. S. F. \u25a0 \u25a0 AF U HAITI RE FOR SALE SOMETHIXG new in furniture and carpet bny- . .ing: sell you. direct from factory stock, at reg- ular jobbing- prices: large lines to select from. Lansing Deuk and Fnrn. Co.. 674 .Mission st. FLRXITURE at your own price at U. SCTIELL- HAAS* furniture store, llta *t.. Oakland. CHOICE lot of furniture most be sold this week. H...SCIIELLHAA.S. .408 Uth St. FCR^vrrjnrtK waxteji WE a-re the lanrest buyers of new or i-ecoml hand furniture, pianos, carpets, desks or merchan- dise; will b»ry yours; spot ca>b. MARK J. LEVY AUCTION CO.. IH<> McAUwtec St. Ph«nen Park *<V>. ' ri»me S2'tt2. -.- '\u25a0 : - \ . ; . Vj". : -; \u25a0 ;.. w (s POWfs UU A P.E-* ' ADVAXM'E Window Factory— Bare boo porch sbadr* in all s'i*»s. <;*... Wati-om. IK.I Snt;.-r. ';. : \' "' -^E^Vj^.' : JW *:: 1 11>esJ-:1 1> esJ-: Sfe.VAtfA". has nloyed'to:. 2C&t Mission, bet. 231 an«r ; -£3d; lars:Wt.-'stoc!i.'*al(- makes, lowest \u25a0 prices :; In. the- t"nfte*l. State*': 'renting .antl n>- ''•pairing cheapj;-.pptin;»ep:.iug. < >.'\ Phone'.'.Miiuiioa \u25a0• ; ZV2: '.-:\u25a0-.. : ". -r " ; -" ." :\u25a0.".. \u25a0•;. ..\u25a0;.".' DOMESTlC'— Reinoyed from 6'FarreU st. to 1*%% FIIJI>K>EE ne*P Pfi»t} "all makes of.^nwhlne*. .. new 'and second lianit. . solrK-Te-atcfl- *ad- re- pa tred;. lowest, prte^s; .Phune WeKt-Stgy.- : WESTE7CX FEE'-Ir-.COL'S cCrtiaf*te '.Pf.^toclt Tor >»!\u25ba• at-50 cents'- rm.'Jt he dollar. \u25a0:Box.2'>%^- y .V.I. NATIO.N^AL^FREIduX * TRANSFER CO.; Ml»- .sion nr^; 10th; pho.n> Market. 3ls4^-Cilt-rates to> ••'"\u25a0• aU notfifs; . movtefg. -t:ans;':llreproo? warehf-nse. VSTORACJEiV-Xp. s*OjyAg' jk^WV^ AXDEIiSON Transfer and^.^torage- Co.-r^Morlng, paefciing. shipping ett".'*i-trunk« stored: 3; day» free! sth ur.. Market. Not 20: te^ Douglas); 2l 77. WILSON BROS. : fina.).— Moving . and . storage, cor. I tth'- :jih| Sanchez: sts., 1 l)loek - fronv v Mar* feet ana'PiilmoreVsit*. i'cars.-. L'hon» Park. 27l. BEKLN.3 VAN AND STORAG-E COMPANY, . '.- •- . • Fireproof . Warehouse.. . 13th and Mlsslott'sts'. .Phone Market 19..' "i. ..• : -' BEKIN3 -.• • ; - \u25a0 :'"'\u25a0\u25a0'•/ V:-;- \u25a0 :\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 op-.couKsa;" • .\u25a0 \u25a0.\u25a0•••\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- 1070 Broadway Bear 12ttt : St.. t>akland. A— PACIFIC". STORiVGB/ AND> VAX CO.— Brtcfe warehouse. 2322 Fillmore st. Tel. West .2829. PIERCE HODOLPH Storage and Morinff Co.. main office Eddy aad FlHmof. TeL West 82S. CLEAATVIJ _^^ AAA— U. S. Carpet dleaainj Co.; 2207 Bush st.: most superior cleaning- In the world; can sir* yoa beating, steam", ' compressed air,- vacuum or celebrated earthqua&e, which removea all dirt, dust, grease, restoring natural colors Ilka new. -West 5020. 52495; laying and refitting. ALL carpets and rugs cleaned on the floor with- out removal by SC F; »OMPttESSEI> AIR CLEANING CO. Offlce SQI Sutter st.i; phona Kearny 535?; shop.. l.tsth asut' San Brunow AAAA— IJ: V CLAIR VACUVM CLEANING CO.J 62 Post «t... rooia :;u<>: phone Uoi: zU * -071. we res. West .' 004 i>—*- cleaning of carpets. ruga, draperies., WITHOUT UgMOVAt> AA—^Nafcionjtl Carpet Cleauins Works — Largest on eaast;..' laying, and \u25a0jt^rlng' a specialty.-:. Han:j>- ton &. galey- 3r»-3483 r »-348 Church *t,; Market lf«>. 3c yard^-For the Best '.'Carpet Bcattng— 3c yarrt Tel. Market 2-6-2. -. F.IA.RICB. I*os Harrison. 3i; yd.— Carpets cleaned at right price — 3c yd. WHEN you heroine disgusted .with poor wort send yonr \u25a0 carpets to. . I. JSPAULDINK * CO.. ; 9S» Gqld<»n'Gate ir, ." Phone Market C 43. BEST cle"aninir.'l3cji and. laviug »sc> by Gisslow'i . C. €\ Co.. 3Sm 22d; tel. Miaslon 22St>: est. 2t>y. ADVAXCE- Carpet tl'leaiilng Co-— Advanced meth- ods. GEO. WALCOM CO.. I^l-li:«> Sntter st. WATTS-^-Reliable'-- carpet- cleanlnir; alterations: renovat.i' laying. "560 lVevisadero; ph. Park 36t>. CONKLIN BRt».. carpftrrrieanipir and laylns. 2 400 Geary st. corner Baker; phefte West prr. • MATHEWSON'S.' Carpet -Beatlnj; Work". 315 E^V" r.'th st.. : Oaklarid; tPi<'.;Merrltr- s{i.'. •. S Vl.i;-— >ll«<M>ll:tn«M>u« 2ND' lIAXD pl_pi». ratth»<l.-.'n.fw, threads, new conplinss". dipped in asphalt. tlirea<!*.proteeted: f. o. b. c*r.s S: F..or yiwr Oity,- guaranteed or no sale: reference. 'aby. ; legitimate business ' bouse In town.. ' • "' " ... .: ' \u25a0 ."' "! «." ,?_\u25a0 - U.S. WHITE CO.. '. '"The, Vioueer-. Pipe. Man."' ' •• 'i>s*> sf. •\u25a0'.".\u25a0'. AT stud— The. cha.mptou-buliili«; ADVANCE: also th». prize wihnins Bostou terrier STATESMAN. ' Just arrival fnim the «ast^- English, antl i"ren«-?i • btllldoks. BosUm terrleri-'.-Airenale . terrier* ami . cocker spaniels: grown, ifogs and snit j.ics fur sale. JACK.BUADSHAW. 4t>7 11th ay., near " Point Lobj*», Sari Krauciscw. - AAA — ATTENTION, campers, contractors an<! .others: Stupendous -Sale of V.. S. Army goorts, consisting •" of • army tents. • all styles, new shoes, shirts and underwear, -saddles, knap- sacks, shelter tents, blankets, etc. SPIRO HARNESS: CO.'. 217 Market. »tv. S. F. - ' CASH REGISTERS: -\u25a0 ..'• ": . •• — — The largest line of finst class second hand cash registers "erer .showif now on hand; ex- tremely low prices: on .easy term*. . THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COS. 1040 Market" st. bet: Taylor and Jones. PLUMBING MATERIAL ATFACTORY. PRICES. City or- counti? orders. .Kre«; delivery. Open 7. We Do PLUMBtNt?' Cheaper Thaii'Any One. CEMENT Tray.^.7s: <;»lv.' Tray. *2; Boiler*. ' $4.«»>. 32t> to 32S McAllister St.; tel. Mkt.'4o.<C AA— New and tetwul hapti' tiutliliu'g and plumb- ing material, lumber, '"doors, sash, .pipe ami " fittings, tank." closets, sihfts. patent chimney: large stocks, porch amt tfffico --sash, skylights, etc. Wrecking Co:. 1845 Mission bet. I2th-13to- . . ..* SECOND :'HAN.D.' PIPE. 7 ~^ '• Largest- dealers in stan'dq'r^l -"pipe - »nd nerevr casing, dipped: pf-ices right; -guhranteed fln»t class. Pai;inc Pip* .Co.. Main- and. Howard at*. AA — All sizes standard . water pipe and -screw ! casing, guaranteed- gop'd as- new r--get our prices. Weissbaum Pipe Worts. 133 11th at. A 2u room house -of -furniture. -removed to H. Sehellhaas" store .must ba sold,.- Corner 11th and Frank Ita sts., Oakland.;. .-: \u25a0 -, FOR isale— Smith tenoning uiachide.. in first class condition." WILSON Sl C 0." .'30 -; tocust St.. San .Jose. CaL \u25a0 "".-.• -; : • A— BOOKS BOUGHT. . KIXGr.S BOOK STORE. 1716 Market st. above Goughf; tel: Market 47R3. NATIOX.VL cash registers, electric . signs, bar and ' safe" for sale ; cheap. 879 McAllister st. WALL PAPER. 3*3<r a roll: bouse linings. 3^c . yd.: samples mailed. ME RIG AN. 1447 Ellis?. ESTABLISHED 3 years, card, printing business! / cost $S0O: will sell $300. J629 Flllmora rt.^ ARMY tents at factory priceivr-.W. A. PLUM- .'.MER CO.. SW. .«ojr. of Front and Pine sts. SAFE— HaII, measurements 24 In. high by 20 In. wide by }i \a. deep; $60. 950 Mission «t. EDISOX AGENCY— Moviqe ' ple^ure machiues and fllma; bargains. GEO. URECK. 7.0 Turk st. GET 11. - Schellhaas'- prices on furniture and household goods. 40S Uth "St., KOLLER raiwries." J5 each. ; " '* . R..H. HEGEIt. 31.5 San Pablo w... Oakland. BOOKS, and libraries bought. • THE HOLMES • CO.; 1158 Mtrket jrt.: phone Market S9fi. S.\FES — New an«T second haml. all sizes. THF3 HERMAN SAFE C 0... 120-1 30 Fol.som *t. SAFE.", second hand, good as "new., cheap; terms- \u25a0if desired. "P. \O. box 242. •- .-'; I lARGE double door Hall safe. wltb. burglar chest. 2^3 California st.. ' ; TWO parrot* for sale lor anything I can vie - 25S Suncystde aT. MISSION BRANCH OF THE CALL, BL-IKE'S BAZAAIt. UPS VALENCIA ST. T -7. 3IISCELI«.\>'EOir.H WANTS DRESS SUITS, tuxedos. Prince Alberta and other -, suits bought, v L. SKOLL. 707 Golden Gate «»• phone-t— Market. 46.51. - Home 52233. • " . " >W ' ;I ? *«*. ™*Mon. ' BAII A.MJ STORE fTxt'urks BRUXSWICK-BALKB-COLLE^E^CO^TffiVV^ -Mission st.: telephone Swtter XW_ -" « -^^ i -^^-~^^-JLs£*£; t !^ tl ' r **'*" : "••• ' J " KEYS at factory prices. Key V?ork^*Qf^^n^" jst.. Oakfamt. Phones: O^&nfflffiT. \u25a0 Affli??" 7 ; FURS ! CHAS. BERWI.V. mfc' furrier. ST-aiTcrVnt ,X lI.OFSTAII & EVANS. Inc.; furrier*, —,i Post ,» ' -Mercedes bMg.r-.-Ul-f1^,..., phone, 'k^ray?^: Continue ?, on S ext p«i» ;.-.\u25a0 \u25a0- \u25a0 ; -