Newspaper Page Text
fc«* _JDRESg SIAKiyC _ : MACDOWELI/S^ Dress" Making and Millinery \u25a0 School, i^i tjear^'tt-near Orant ay. ; evening y'a>^-*« : pattfri)^ Cut to order. D»mgl»« 473K ' " ''- \u25a0 BtTTO^ A\P PLEATING . r '.'. ; Steele'K l>otto!> works. 221* EHi* and Mason. Ipli.' lYar.k. j.'.glar.d C4r.1!1 : innil <-rt!erte solicited. J A I' A XES E TA I LORS _ _ L THE HINOY. Kiet. ial!or for Auierlran ladies arid gents: tit, rnnr. \u25a0 i'il"K- ij^irr »t.: Weyt W17.. r - r ; M LAICAL J\!>TR'j.ME.yT < * A A— Unredeemed Ftorage pianos alm-jst given £t<-ay to pay etursce and advances. WHITE- HEAP'S Plf.:y Storage. H»i-2« Market, ,S. F. FIASCOS tuae<L v<.toe-i. • regulated and rep'd: all wont gear.: rea*. MILLER PIANO TUNING S CO.. 2.57 Monadnotk bl«ig.:-4>oug. 4234.. J4237. PIANO FOR SALE \u25a0 Good piano. Will pell cheap. --V' \u25a0'.- Cal! at 223 st., Oaklsod. ' SNAP— 2 tie;fc::t upriclus. $125-SI6O, SCHMITZ & CO.. fil V«n Ne»* ay. near Turk st. IiF.A! TlFl'l. St£lß*ny upright piauo for sale, <-!.«-S[i. I"so 4 fjearr 6f. near Filltnore. t PIANOS ior re-jt: no oariage this week. BY- n>)N M.U'ZV. 1"" ftT . . :- 1 — — ™«_ - _ MONARCH Visihie Typewriter— ln the Monarch Visible Typewrite* all tbe writing is in full t-ifht all the time; other makes, second hand., at very reaforjble'firiees; we rent, repair and inspect. P.efore purchasing ricg up Douglas 4113. or ««!1 *t 307 Bii!=h st. WOLF A ISENBRUCK.. Dealer*. •'\u25a0/". y^'i SPECIAL. $S.".— SmitW Premier or ItetiiinFfon re- J'ihlt. Seruxe cihfornjatioß .L. &~M. ALEXAN- I'HK. 512 Market t-t- \u25a0 P.r«nd r.ew visible. typewriter $40; other cheaper. PACIFIC TYPEWRITER CO.. 107 Montjry. St. TYPEWBITF.RS^-A?1 makes sold, rented, re- naired. Ul* RVosiiwar. Oakland: t<»l. Oak. f<2l9. ; '' : ; ....' ROOFING _. * ROOFS, any kind, repaired.' painted. 'A. HILL- MAN. SPS E. 12th **..- Oakland. Drop postal. HORSES, HARNESS AXD WAGO.VS Jl~~'.j head of all purpose horses, $10 up; team r';;* mules. $50 tip; wagon*. $5 up; burcies. $3 »j !..•;" posy and buggy.- $50; a snap; all the ;toek of this place must be sold; make offer; will trade. 565 4ta Ft., Oakland. HIGH CLASS c'oacu team bays, young find sound: a beautiful saddle ct trap horse aad two 1.300 lb horses. 1351 '-FolMm st. ; phone Mar- ket 1463.J : ' . . WANTED— Sound,, young mare. <4'jick, pood pul- ler, weipht 1.250 or-inore: no fancy price: will jro coantry if necessary. P. O. box 413. S; F. WOODLAWN ,Stab>°s. 617-3S Grove «t. : horse* $1.25 day: horses" & wag.. $3 wt.; bdg. $20 mo. SECOND b&nd. toip'iWtpon. exp. wapon. bus. bnp- gles. Nusent-Covey Wagon do.. 349 Valencia st. lIORSHS. «-acr»ns. bcjrpies acd harnesb for sale raeap. \u25a0 2C5-2'J9'- ' -Valencia- St.: phone Park 2723. COFFEE and t«>a: route ; horso and buggy; $125. A'Mn-ss !;\u25a0! 3131. Call rffi'-e. ROYAL TcV.rist" Limousine. \u25a0'/.'.'-'\u25a0 - Royal Toarii't 7 pa^^eager. : « ; " \u25a0 Tbomss -6^-Forty. * -J -'. -S-trveas-Duryea 6 limousine body. .'. - ; - : ~4 cylinder Stevens 'C 7. \ \u25a0 y -. - .. Xhfse cars *re '.' .' . 'Lice^tionsl barpain*. .1 • ; . " '\u25a0• H. O. Harrison k Co.. • • !o"! o " ' \ Peerless Motor Cars. .. *;'.-"• ';';': MS Van Ness ay. 1 IJ.\.\V/!;;.L '07. runabout. Just overhauled. 1 Max welf '.OS runabout, 14 hp. ; overhauled. 1 MBj-ttTPir touring car. 1 National t*e<rtric « :rl» exi'.Je batterie?, in £rst elz+s Vlxaj •?.;. will trade for diamonds or real esiare: ; -' :^... :•" ,f ' All these t-ars.: are suaranteeil by the Max- well ajtenry. '1"32-194 ICth i^t., Oakland. ' FOR sale' — t*riot -$ii/> aod ur,tvir<i: several "09 j and '<i 7 TVMte Jtouria? <-ars. taken in trade for j '<!»» <-£r> . and •\u25a0•jlidrr-ugaly overhauled by our;i uie^:i;i!il.-»' fr-nn -<par fattorv; • •' " WINTON- Ai:iOMOI',U.L BRANCH. -- -.- .- ."00 .VUi.'^'o?^ svonue, - "... •'-. • \u25a0' Pin Francisco. • ;••: "j AA— AI ToMrinirJfcS-V-Tfc* jrf.-wi tlnd. the -ready! • '."' run tini.' thp "kind^yoa ras ilcpeud upoii. at j Ici.Ts ta at wort :r break you. We haxe them, j lou '«if th>m. . . v .-.NM.\<4 A VIN'TON AUTO CO.r :: t.')s' iij.l -isi- iroWen G«re ay." LOCOMOBILE BAtjteyr.' $'<**; equipped with \u25a0 r'rei-fJlite. liu>hai'or,» lfcuts. US wlieef : ba*e,- J new- tire*, iiiass .front ;. : ;ust tight for treve^liug -j Balesnian. ' •.'".-" ~ \u25a0 r^i.; ? \u25a0-.'\u25a0 .' : : : j E. I!.* COHEN, ir-i-rlft st., Oakland., i-. In i you w«nr &\u25a0 bxrzf.ini We Jmve aiitos (trim '. fir^J i. W.(m«.. \Vo.w-iI ;mach!nps in first l.ilass ! • -.\u25a0nditi-Jii oiily. *' )Jwmi. Sui'djiys. 3 p. in.- Ptanii- ! sr:l Aatotnubile -Exciianpe.'":;^ Uoldon Gate ay. I 1 M^xnr-ll I<«xrlt<? : caf. .''. \u25a0':.: \u25a0' : NatlojiJi! \u25a0 Ule.i-Teir \u25a0\u25a0 with-esi<le battTies. in- < !ass «ha|Je:'\v.4iL trMfJf.for dianHW's or real . rstnrr.. A. C. HfLL. .I^2 I2t!i «.. Oakland^ ROYAL 'fonrl«r .7 past. 'oT.. top. Bosch uiajrnet/). *; <ros:e !;at. : all Cae'aad car worth $1,000. for S- c 4CS 21m st.. Oakland. \u25a0, ; \u25a0•" \u25a0CK.'.\VFo'U!i AI.""-r<l'SlOBII-.K,' 51.W«i; NEW. KVEfiTECS lIOBKE-MKT.^ Valonria at llth. ; I'AC. Ainminum '"BcaibnT- Works can brate . yoar . l-»i-pk>-n aliim. t-astingil 430- Van Ness:. Pk." 5120. ai # tomo3ii/e srppußs , i ; ; L. H. & H. I.'! BILL!- 543 Golden tJate "avV-r- Hoadqnartfrs for Sol .-li- lamps. Ve«ta- hatteries.- I'f.nhar'l r.ii. I)iamon«t chains and parts.y *: ~ Jss£.V£LEs^».^jj^ioT^^£^VCi ; j:s £ , NOW Lere— llKKs -Pierei;' i cylinder', 2. speed fteie »• ecg'ne; call and s<-e it; will be open Sunday*. J. T. CHICK; 312. San Pablo ay., Oakland, Ccl. . ' •..,.. ..:;.;, ;V; Pir.nCE. EJ S. Ee»bfe?n rriotorcjclep and. bicycles. JOHN T. Bi:.T; & < P.. \u25a0•{\u25a0•'.7-9 Oelden.Gate ay.. B^^DERS AJVD 'jC^yTßA^rcrßS^j^ BUILDING or jotbin's: reasonable; 4 room- cot- tages. Jl.OOO up: 'flats, $3,000. np; Fee sam- ples: firt-t <_-]a£s. references; cheap lots for. sale, N. GETTY. S5-.Mall.eb ar.; phone Missioa 4016. I. N. L. Co.VCRETE CO.— Foundations and -fide- vrsiL-s a ypecialt-y.. .*J7-Cro«-ker ft.: p. Mkt. 2556. OAV AXD COMBACr WORK C. BAKKOFF. carpeiiter sad builder— Plans free; .V» <1on»-^ re»s.-222^ Mkt.: ph. Mkt--'2265: g i st TEj>xn,A ;* s H. B. HOPPS.. President/ . . ALL KINDS OF ART. LEADED AND MOSAIC GLA>h. USTL'RK": PHONE FRANKLIN 17C3. _ BUSI.VESS CHA N YES G. HIAM 4 CO.. "INVESTMENT ESOKERS. HALF iiiiere(=t in * revraur*nt doing a business , . t-j: $\u25a0»•.! a «:ay; $2M>; fine I<;K-ation; owner nerds. J»c!p mor«- tnan meney; investigate. G. HIAM. :*G>? BROAD WAV .-. . BAKERY, grocery and Ice \u25a0crfsm: low rent; Sue ; Ifvarion: doicg a good b3«inets: is just what you ar»- looking for. fi. HIAM. S«S Broadway; .HALF inter»-st in i<'» cream parlor and factory; an Al tii'slrie**: «veryrniug up to date; $s<>o;,- low rent. ,O. HIAM, 5»f.S Broadway. - . 11 UfXtolU, $450: loi'^ lea»*. low rent; all full; - 2 hlo'-ks f;<vr.i Broadway; cicely fornii=hed. G. HI AM. '.-f^ Broadway. .. . ' \u25a0 i 32 R<K)MS. S Morks fFom Broadway. ni.-»ly for- ;-.i-ii'-<i: mu't 1* .solcl before Friday for $700; 1 ect at onr-e. G. HIAM., »»* BROADWAY. I'INK ret^tsiiraut; i leurs ov»-r J2<Ki month: wats C 4: jnixjorn : 1 -fcJock from Broadway: $1.«50.' <;. hiam. oey Broadway. Oakland.. UCBBIiR oKtamp tmsiheFs; half lnt«re«=t for .a • \u25baoug to The right- party; gtytd lbcatiba^ • G: » HIAM. -OO BROADWAY. OAKLAND. '. . ':. Ml'S!*: STORE' lii Berkeley; r.ill >ell at ih- Tf«ce: tiire «-lean Muck; a snap. . G. -HIAM. . y.s pkoapway: . •. .-. - - - ; -' . . : . GRCK'EKV and DELICATKKSEN: low rent: long lease; rice location; -thi*' U «i money maker for » good <^»ok: a snap for. s9<:<o. G..HIAM, !K» = m;oAi>WAV. .:•- .- j- BAKERY. GRO<:KRY AND ICE CREAM; low rent: fine location: doing- a pood bßsiuess; is Jurt what you are looking for; :-. ' soap. G. JIIAM. W^ BROADWAY. OAKLAND. FINE HOTEL— Located-. In ceaier of Oakland;' \c-im-: low rent: n fine, investment: 56 room*;. for $5.000.' . C HIAM, SJGS" BROADWAY. tHALF inTej^Kt !u ice rrenni* parlor «nd factory;, an Al Juiciness: «?veryihlng up to date'; low rent: $.""/«o. G. 'HIAM. t»>« Brocdway. .-.-.: - i;u:vi;.\ ROOMS; $CX>; loug lease; low rent; ail fall; 2 Mock* from Broadway: nicely fur- nlEued. G. HIAM. j>6S BROADWAY. 22 BOOMS; a block* from Broadway; low rent- must be .wild before Friday: nicely furnished ; for ?7ou; act **. opce, O. HIAM, S€9 Broad- vay. - . \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0 - CLARKE A: MAGNI'S. BUSINESS BROKL'US.. *3i> MARKET ST.. ROOM ."07. . NO CHAEGCS FOg LI STI NO "A BUSINESS, ' GUIX'EKY AND LIQUOR STORE— WeII ptccked; good fixture*; «-l«-ars now $120 mouthly> ow-uer Kk-k; MUST «ell; price $900: wrtii $1,200; rent S.'J3. jucluding 4 rooms; fnapt •;"•-»>-:" CLARKE & MAGNUS. KW Market St., room 007. OI'P<tRTUNITY FOR SALOONMEN tt» buy ti:e complete outfit of taloon and' gro- cery, in busievt town in San Mateo county; prioe $350: wortti $1,000; Hrense guaranteed. <LARKi: & MAGNUS. K3O Market »t.. room 507.' j MACHINIST; -roust »>e first claws young ma»»and , worker, to b«iy half interest In garage:: and _ *hoj» in town of 4..V*> population; 30 miies from h*» Franciw-o; best climate in California: take between $\u0084y«) and $l.«t«): bCFluesg e^tab- liMied and Al proßjwitl'jn to right man; lull particular* in Sm letter; references given and r*-qcir*<l. Box 3127. Call office.; /. CISTAURANT. for sale; half, # «r , whole. - «Jl5 • ti^kt.aear Kentucky. • . » \u25a0 , : BUSiyESS ; OIIAXCESi---Co'nttnne'd -'.' * : ... •."•'•. :».;••- •-\u0084" T" •."-\u25a0*•»:.- DO YOU.WANT TO BE \u25a0 IN. TOUCH J WITH SOME" OF THE BEST BL'SfNESS PROPOSI- TIONS !>-\u25a0 THE STATE-*- IF SO, CALL ON \u25a0\u25a0".,'. . OS. MOorfE. • REAL ESTATE AND MINING PROMOTER, cni-«Vr.' WESTBANK? BUILDING. PHONE'S— KEA RN V 4959 ; HOME. C 1365. DO YOU WANT TO SELL. YOUR BUSINESS? IF SO. CALL ON OR MAIL US YOUR AD- DRESS AND. WE -WILL CALL ON YOU FOR \u25a0 PAUTICUI^RS. 'WK HANDLE MORE BUSI- NESS CHANCES TU.VN AX V OTHER OF- FICE IN SAN FBAJfCISCO.' NO CHARGE FOR LISTING A BUSINESS.- GROCERY STORE. DOWNTOWN; A SNAP; $2.000.. •'....- MARKET. ST. SALOON, DOWNTOWN; A SNAP; $0,500. : '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 SALOON AXD JtOOMING HOUSE, 15 FUR- . NISHED ROOMS. $3,000.- • C. S. MOORE. «01-«02- WESTBANK BLDG., • . " Sso MARKET ST. • - BROWN & SWEETLAND. - : " 48S llth st.. Oakland. Remember we carry the largest list of busiaess 'ifbance* on "the .Pacific -coast. ;.y.*^v. ','\u25a0 $4^500—50 rooms; new furniture: thoroughly renovated; newly and tinted: rent $150; S year*-' lease: located In one of the best room- : ing bOsise cities on the eo«*t.-. '\u25a0' .•\u25a0\u25a0 -• $5.000 — Old established hardware business in thriving ctty of f.0.000 population; -exclusive ajrf-ney for standard Hue, of stoves; stock at In- voice: this will stand a thorough' Investigation. \u0084s2.oofr—G rocery; Kplendid stock ;*romplet«* and new; modern fixtures: uood income; Investigate. If there is afcvthlng for sale in business ' chances 1 we '-have It.' \u25a0BROWN & RWEETLAND, \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 " 4^S llth st.. Oakland. . ; SELLING AGENTS FOR PULLMAN GAR : .... "-.- SHOP LOTS. : ' GILLIE* A: CO-. BUSINJiSS .BROKERS. . : NO CHARrtE FOR "LIST.tNi; A • RI'SJN.ESS.. '•• isl.">o— Fnilt. And. vegetables':; $is dally;- woney '.."' '\u25a0 ": '' iii*ker>-.' :/ -.:\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0".\u25a0.;. ' \u25a0[\u25a0'' '. -• \u25a0\u25a0 ifiSffy-liaUt: jriterecf; :or $100. p^r "month"; teoeey • ; .- '. "seenrcui.-.-: ' .' ;. '• ' " " ' " . " .. "-..-> ..- :'< • $30O^Thiri1 ioterrst.-phofo.-Stjulio;- investigate, i : •-" - : - thJ?.' "•;";-.• . \u25a0•-•\u25a0 " '.-' ..\u25a0..'\u25a0 ".- :• -'-."\u25a0 ' " '• .. *SoO^-(V)c«(hd'y veudj'nif inaci>fnes; clearing $2QO. , $650-^B*adhou«>V would" be Cheap at $1,200.-. - i $I.2oo— 'i»eli»>ate.Kse"h;-#tr>. dally; terms .if .wanted. works;-. in city-, oi 6.060.'. • . . $3,oo»>i_ciri>ci'fy; posUively- the best -In tb'f> city. :;_\u25a0: OtLLiES &. CO., 102S Market s.t:;.room 22. FOR sile— iiX> acres ..r.edtton.l; . 2.C>oo,o<V> feet; . . good f-hance for miltaiaii.- rr.44 Pa:eifle'.builili'tjg. ICE CREAM\ AND CA'SfcY STORE: Vpfendid. hi- cation: goojf inveiitinjpnt^ 744 Pacjfic--bulldlnc. FOR >-ale^-Oo* of t.he. "best paying saloons, best • Imsiuess l<W**i-otis. OBC-6»lMiB .value-;'.niust go. \u25a0- : 744 Pagiac . JrjUdlng;- \u25a0'.-.. ;. ' [ .' . \u25a0 ' \u25a0 FOR Kale^-«JENTS'KI'R>ISHING. STORE;. BEST .MONEY MAKING LOCATION IN. THE CITY; ;<iOOD BAR'fATN. 744 Pacific building.. ' / •". FINC HOTEL BAR: live;.- district;. call at once. : r--744r --744 Pa<*ino iraildiog.' •\u25a0•;' .•'\u25a0.•"\u25a0 ..'.•• ; ' . FOR SALE— UP TO.. DATE GROCERY. • Wita \u25a0*'\u25a0 niop>:.-.cUaTv :&ti^ok" oosr s groceries; nearly all cashirade': book's.-' toil 1 saow iio«v bii' \u25a0' steadily, increasing.;- -..investigation .- will • show reasons^ fer' selling-;- will »pell as a' 'Whole or invoice: except you hate.: $2,500 and mean busi- ness; do not ' answerl no-, ig'ents--..' Box 4078, <!all office/ Oakland- -.\u25a0';.'\u25a0"\u25a0' ' \u25a0'. \u25a0'.\u25a0\u25a0- PHOTO studio- for sale .In- be* near city; \u25a0 owner must gixe.up tiusiness.. at once oa account' >f.m..heanhT will sell with: or without- iftstru- ' nsents-at a gtest 'sacri'flcel.'if ' taken at' once.-' -. A<*.Jress;':box yU34., Call!; office:; ' -' \u25a0 '. -".. : \u25a0 . FOR rentor t»ieV-2 story -6eo^ 24x50: : S rooms, ;; ' kitcten -an* 4iniiig' rftoin-;- .ri«caiitiy. furnlsued; "al»o'- tjir.' ' fl'tturcs-.'' c*?Q: register aad. piano-; Marg* nsil for -daDciiig. . AddM&XIL'^C&LDA* VRALLAy/boraG^Mkrtine^:;.^' - \u25a0 ,-;\u25a0"... ;;" '\u25a0 LADY trint*.-partner': ; 'fgenrjeaifln' t>ref«rfed'i to take cis^rge >if : -^.t^.'. In cstahfished coffee ".; parl«r : abd 'biak'e'ryi p:ays j$7S per \u25a0 month;.. MO " ea<*h; <ijily •$2.*-p.reqilired-; uo- experience necej- *srv..- .T713- FiJsom' : ft..;- '-\u25a0 ':' ".' \u25a0 \u25a0 *"." s \u25a0 -.- FOB;/ ''F*l.e~-Bu'tcn.«T." l>'u»tne»»i consisting of; ."3- -"\u25a0JipF*es, '2 wa-g;ons";:..s-i.atigßten fibus'e;--shflp;' alsa ' '.:\u25a0 2 ; -3.ots. "S-rootn"' -house ; : ».mi -,la.r'ge.'biirn;' In Aro- • \u25a0 "-ma*.-'-. Addresji- ATonj.a^- Butcher, .Amjnas; 'Cai. j ANield ..**ta-tin&b.e : d: •bu*.ioesti'; Al-: locatiOa j. ': no { : cqapetitji-m;'; /grocery,, -ponfectionery;'. .bakery 5 " j' • school" supplies: 2 nlc>lif, fu'ch^ liv." fboßj*: rent- \u25a0; ' ;reJisj-y,-P, : GJQQDJUN.,;- ICGjL »th .st.-. j W A^teD^-Patrjier " -*:ith \u25a0 ; J2.'W tar' fin> estab-. \u25a0I- " iis-liexl •\u25a0'nj&vinjE-jifcr.Hre.'4ir Portl'anil. Oire. ; |':iv:; f'V.':-c.url:osity ! 'seejipr*:- ..-Room SOS, 1- : .GtAHJ,' bntel.y- '\u25a0 : -.V -; - : :•\u25a0.-. •\u25a0-:\u25a0".•'•' •'.'.'•' FOR. sire^A gtyidr- paying: roote oa'..Thft.:C»if ifl 1 "\u25a0: Ajara>.<l*. fQiyoty. Apply to" Jl \R." LENHART, {; "Cfrcylatit-tn JJept.,'.S.---F^galt.". 3d'."a : na : .^lai'ket. i: CiSKE ' and \u25a0 pastry' balrer.y, and "- ifinchroionj ;' -'fiae- . \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0 - Mace.; "-\u25a0 good- -.tius-iue'ss ; 'coMt ".is3-.CiOO;- cieap". for | . cash:s h:- Atfdress-30' soutti'.2d-E|;'.: -San' Jose; .Cai.- . | r.OFt ;.#4lp^A.. fped h.<?.w£pa per! -route- -."in--, -a ."good \u25a0j :;<H.Strict .ih. this rity; Apply' to'.J". R,- 'HEX; ;/ JI^»T; .fflrepjatloa. .pe})!srtm^nt.^ Si: -PV Call^ . ; '(jß.rti'En-Y^.land'^ainib-'-jiiatery'JUoac ."esta.blis.bed: !••; :\u25a0 fnlv \u25ba>ie."->n «'(-eou-nt <$f. sickness': -bargain.', fall j";-'.a^.;X(eAlirs'Bj^-"<.t'>\iiea;r-- l S)ta&; : aft'. : '. V'^". " - | fsit~Me*-siiiao&U>n bewtrJpajffrirfflEast Kt.i per- ymtaeirtZ ijuilSfng-; good reason. . Addrfess'-bot" v^^/JCa-rlj-oifgct;.;- '."•\u25a0.;\u25a0':,; ."\u25a0; ;•\u25a0'•\u25a0 : :.- \u25a0 -\u25a0•'•:'-J- • rAltl*Ki;R ;. iB-.'small \.manufactbring ; business ;.- .i'iclear*-. $3<j pcx : weet each; : nb "experience;' s2so. :.-3pU.'l2ib,-.;S'tj-':-.; > .-:- '\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0'._ :. - .' •' '.". - .; ", ;•;-; '\u25a0 . . -•" .;.Co3dSiEjteiAii AfbiT company. . .:'•,.••• :'Bf > siNES>;;BR6KEUS. :.' • " \u25a0 ',' 'J. ?tb. MptrVtpolfe.vßankjbldg,- Phone Setter. .l 6,.. \u25a0 \u25a0" $3^(>J^E.s.:;k+i3isiiei-;bu*ii"!eVs:".nne-.c6anife \u25a0 for; mn: ' jf.t'WbH .'it '. '.'.'tii'Afodsiu .;i-i>vestig«{lou- invited.- \u25a0Boi" " 4fi^3,:.t-jaK office.. -Oakla.ndl;:'.;;. •=\u25a0 .\u25a0; ';.- "••- : •MDJS'EX : -Wned; • .lb': invWisife ." patent -good ideas: WEDt)ERBURN, \u25a0'..Capitalist, - \u25a0: Brociklahd^D.VC': ; •"- '•:. "•' i -." ,; \u25a0-. \u25a0\u25a0>:\u25a0'\u25a0 \u25a0 "• '• ; RrtCiTE. this": • pa"pe;r. for 'sarle-iOakJand and \u25a0: ' Bt>rk<'l;py :i. Phone. Pifdmonf 42QS. '" •' -\u25a0;".-•• "-... .-WANTEIV-'-^ifiood-raAvlng =pictiire fionfe." San- Fjf-an 1 1 • fi»ect'.o'F nearh'y'-'fown." Hxix" : .tl3."C Call :Qtflce. . :^^i^i^^x^^ci^E^ forvj»aj,e : AA'r^tHE: 'F-Ui/IJE'R '<:QSIPAN\V- ." -•'-.': \u25a0vSii: J:a;CIFIC.-BJ.1)(J:. -MAUK-ET ST. at 4TH. - : ..• f PhoocS— DC»;L"GLAS:iO2S" AND J1023.1-. " • • Tb* ilafgeft a'Tiii.'-inost -OjMHJilete.- list -of flats', L rofeafing;aiid; apartment. houses-. in Oaliforaia. ";- \u25a0'. . lE VeWy Hoi.St? IN, THIS iA DVEBTISEMENT IS . ' . THE- .BEST IN -ITS CL-ASS IN SA.N FRAN- . . : Cis.CO.= :\u25a0:\u25a0;. ;. \ . -.-. ; - ':" : : -. \u25a0\u0084..' . . ' : \u25a0\u25a0. • . I\VA~ MOST MAGNIFICENTLY' FURNISHED • and r>est- "located •house" down town; .I^> ro<"<ms, :• . ;4<>::batlis:'-: Rteim .heated-;- most- modern,- cpm- \ plete and" econflihU-at.heatirjg- .plant, in tbtscity;' •; "n!Vy "-. birijh..;Cir< : BsVia;n •"\u25a0wajn'ut. ..mahogany;. ; brass.. be<l<: high piie tarpets and. mattresses " '. tuajle -to order:: this house has "the be« fjiture. \u25a0\u25a0 -.of vauj-f bins In 'San Fra!»ci«fo: 'wili' clear- from . $.7rto to f.WO perrAohth; $14,000 Is tbe bottom ; prii-e^FULLEJI-CO;; .\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'. -\u25a0 . \u25a0' " . \u25a0-.' ; \u25a0 APARTMENT HOUSE 0f. 30 rooms, in I. 2 and 3 \u25a0 room- apartmpnrt; -r«-nt "$110:" splendidly fur- .;. "nished. thr«iicfi<?Mt.; catering to-' people; ' will net ;?I<X>. per-monpi: a" -quirt 6a ie for" . $2,700; »cc this at once: -FULLER COJ .HIGH- CLASS, iip .to. date^ quiet" house, .of- 24 • rooms.' lo .bates :'<iteam heat: good" furniture: V clearing" $225 per month; .desirable. FULLER. 40 ROOMS— JJne.ojf THE BEST; all rooms Hphf and su-nny: /-learn $300; " price is. $4,200;- good buy. " FULLER CO. -. " : y - \u25a0 ', " THE FINEST WALL TRANSIENT HOUSE In . the city; If rooms; new, modern; right down- : \u25a0 town: clearing. .big mopey,: THE FUn.LEtt CO. FOR ; LEASE FITRNISHED— 3O • roomsr fully '. •e.aulp-.^d; everything in fine condition and Al . location for renting:! 'rent-; $190 per month, . vhlro is a snap.. THE FULLER CO. • : -.. HOUSES FF,0M.5450'.10 $40,000. ' "r '_^ .-.'- ' ' ' : - ':• :THE FUr.LER" CO.. .' » , ETXCLfSI.VE- DEALERS IN THE BEST; '\u25a0.:,'\u25a0\u25a0 \u0084 • .;\u25a0• \u25a0",. x ;-x - . • . : '- . G: A.IIKBBICK.n.OOS MARKET- ST. COR. 6TH. .. -DELG)** BLDG..: MARKET iIOC. ELEGANTLY •FURNISHED 14 room sunßy cor- ner:. "always full;, clears $<ir, .pet. month. an«k 2 living- rr«m«;; this raiiice;'h6ine, th<>roßghly re- tipec-table and represented"; price $SSO. ' '=.\u25a0. \u25a0 ELEGANTLY EQUiPPED little .10 room ' apart-' niPht -houses e.vcnr modern-cohvenirnce: fJOi year r«una: local ion best "in city.; rait $0 \ room: price 3f3,000. •". ,"» .. . \u25a0• \u25a0'•; ."• .. ' . • .... ; EWXJANT LlTfi^ 3 ROOM FLAT; furniture first cla«s.: rent $50; takes. f n .sioo besides - sood liume for the" owner.; ..prirc.'|3oo. ':< _ FINE LITTLE GROCERY anj family liquor rtorer4 nice living rooms'; .all cash trade; do- Ing nice buslhegsi; Just. the thing for man and •wife:'.'- . \u25a0"\u25a0' . • : .- *•-.- '-\u0084.-- " '..-•-: HERRICK; 1003 MARKET ST. >-••:.••• \u25a0•••••:\u25a0\u25a0- S-T r-r-X \u25a0•::--\u25a0- •.-\u25a0•'\u25a0 CALL on C. S. MOORE. <501v602 Westbank bid)*.. fc3o .Market 'fet.. for -prices on. rooming and apartment bouses. We have some of tbe best .bouses in- San : Francisco. ' We also have some good -rooming and 'apartment bouses for rent . from 40 to-70:rooms. . \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0 ROOMING HOUSE, 10/ rooms,. A BAE- " GAIN; $1,100.'- • - .- '\u25a0 • ROOMING HOUSE, 100 ROOMS. STRICTLY •".MODERN; $7,006. .' « ' "..- : . ., :>-, -.\u25a0- <\u25a0: ROOMING HOUSE. GO ROOMS. " WORTH $7.t»of> r -CAN BE HAD FOR $3.000. . . •- \u25a0 : ROOMING \u25a0 HOCSE.. 7& ROOMS.- RENTS $250— A SNAP. $5,500. , .- .'•". ROOMING "HOUSE, 00 .ROOMS. FIRST CLASS PLACE. $3,700. > , ' C. S. MOORE. 601-602. Wettbaiik bldg., S3O Mkt.\ \u25a0 • \u25a0 • 'A. CAMERON & CO..' V" • • 714 MARKET ST.. MAGEBBLDG., \u25a0 Opposite THE CALL. ' . Room 301. •\u25a0-'\u25a0 Phones Douglas 4370. C 437&. HOTELS. ROOMING AND APARTMENT - • "HOUSES.. FLATS."' TITLES GUARANTEED. . . /.'A BARGAIN— Fine cor. . N^ Marketr 05 rins. ; rent • $200:. well fom. : large rm*.* 1 ;-tbis week $3,500. LARGEST, list of . hotels; apartment houses and flats ln JL clt y^to_gelect_f rom : ' right prices.*— *\u25a0 .-. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 r /~~- EDKCATioyAb"-;. '. j ;i/>^a PILGRfMS to the HOLY: LAND andITOURISTS \u25a0 to EGYPT. aud--.Turkey - are*- recommended •-• to -Uke, elemenury ". course ih ARABlC;j»advan- tages 'freely 'exiilained.-M; G." BACOUR, 1272 |- - Uarkfct \u25a0 et. . ' • '• / ' \u25a0'. >-\u25a0'-«."\u25a0: :,THEf S^iFRANGISCO r CALL, WEDNESDAY ]\MRGIfr: 2^: 1910; EDUCATIONAt.— CoipVlnued, Z,. ; i A — PAUL GERSONI DRAMATIC: SCHOOL-- ; Largest- training school' of acting-; In; America; 'posltioa : secured ; 6 months', graduating i course;- ,:• Kead' for catalogue. Countryman bulkilug,' 915 ', Van Ness ay. \u25a0 \u25a0.•-"•"\u25a0 -A.'. '\u25a0'.>'< --. ;,,-.-"*' THE N.- Y. Vaudeville ' Co..' Inc.. Oia-.Kearny St., wants pupils for anddrama^at \u25a0 all. times; enter, the 'highest "\u25a0; paid profession ; intbe world; we teach and place you/ ,; AA — The Lyceum, 2590 Pine st..' prepares forunlr'i - versity or any examination; Individual Instrpc- tion: moderate rates; you save time and money. | ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical, mining, mech.,- survey, assay,' cyanide :* day, eve.; : est.ilSiM. V«n der. Nalllen School, 51st. and Tel., Oakland. DANCING. Flndlay's. 3245 16th st. : -." ballroom and sta ge : \u25a0 class Mon. , ; Wed. . and Frl. . evgs. ; socials strictly select; private lessons dally. . THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. 2531 Washington st. near Fillmore— Send . for cir- cular. . " ; -'.' \u25a0;. ' -I • : CANTON ScSool English — Chinese taught Ameri- cans, native teachers. 23 Canton Bk., «i 49 Krny. PROF-. T. A. ROBINSON.- Individ. 'inst. Math., Bookkeeping. Eng., etc. ; day, eve. 507 Haight. SPANISH. French- or Italian taught in conver- sstion. PROF. HIDALGO, rm. 409. WO Market." FISK TEACHERS' AGENCY.- 2142 ; Shattuck ay., BerVele.r. rat.: next t6 First national bank. ; .BUSINESS COLLEGES yV MERRILL-MILLER COLLEGE. 73;)' Fillmore St.; a select school of business; day and evening. SAN FRANCISCO Business College. 90S Market st. at Eddy: clay or evening sessions. . ALL court roportrrs recomovend Gnllagher-Marsh U'nsineKS t'ollege. . 125fi Market st. . \u25a0 HEALD'R- Business- College and 'School of En- - glneerinjr. -415 McAllister St." Sf C^CCOIJNTANTS— CertIfiIed/Ptibllr - JOHN ,R. '-RUpksTEM* C.° P. A., .'{o6-308 Claiis S.prerkejH-'<Call) bnildlng: phone. Kearny 4151. MARK LANE, Notary Pnbliw* and Comtalssioner 'of Deed*, ' 149 Montgomery st. ; phone Keafny .'; 2620. \u25a0".- -\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0•-\u25a0 - .. \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0:...- -\u25a0.--." ITJLE S_RES T^OnED^J^J^ '. '. ' • : - TITLES- RESTORED - Under MeEnerney act. complete, $35. 'Title C 0.," ftsl-3' Monadnock Mdg.. 3tt and Market sts. _^,'_ __{ \u25a0; ATTORNEYS^ "' ;.—/ : ' y'_ '; - AA-^DIVORCE; costs $12; quirk, quiet: advice fre*; .no. 'charge- unless successful; title to real .-.-estate 'restored; bankruptcy; • probation of es- t ates;. general practice. '- 102S Market St.. r. 12. ADVICE free — Plain facts as to strength of any \u25a0 case; always successful; 1 low fee; divorce costs :$12.. 419. WESTBANK BLDG., S3O Market st. ADVICE free. Divorce costs $12: quick and quiet. \u25a0Collections, attachment*, damages. . Rooms 601- ../k>2,-. Westbapk bldg.. 830 Market: open eve. QUICK, qu.iet," 'complete decree for $20; open Thursday f yeatngs. 1112 Market St., room 122. HARRIS & lI ESS,, attorneys at. law.' W. T. Hess, Notary PubUc. Rooms' 110S-I4 Call building. J. ".M.-C..MURPHEY, attorney at law,* suite 1011, • First -National Bank bldg. Douglas 1374. 1 J_ • PATETVT ;. Attorneys DEWEY". STRONG & CO.— Founded l?(50:.U. arid /ofe?gij patents; inventors' guide: 100 me- crianlchl movements free. 1105 Merchants! Ex- "•\u25a0 charige_-balldjnß. *>"an Francisco. . :' j . • CARLOS-Pl GRIFgIN. .late examiner U. S. Pat- ent Offjct, . 1201-2 Metropolis bank— Patents,- .trademarks ..and .'copyrights; tel. Kearny 4815. HARRY C. SCHROEDER.' U.S. "and- foreign p»t- '-. ents.4l7 Bk- Oak.: phone. Oak 2754. Sj-S " ' '" '" .^ ..P^XTISTS '\u25a0.._\u25a0\u25a0 J"\ : " \u25a0 ARTIFICIAL teeth;: this one thing I <10. Dr. G: E. • Wilson. 825 Geary. Hsuite. 605; tel. Doug.'43oo.' ..DR." KNOX.'dei\tis't; is now located in tbe Grant Jl iiag;...".10r»5 Market St.. rooms -202 and 203, DR. IRA '«. LEKK— AII kinds' of dental 'work. 5V5 FJllmurc st. -near Oak. '. ••' : u^ M AJjaRJVTTJ^JJOME^S '^J^^J. .STRICTLY private 'home for confinement' cases; -.'. resident:. physician in' attendance; best refs. \u0084-\u25a0 11-31- Laguna- St. cor. .Eddy: phone West 59f14.-. •HO.MK-- for confinement;- attendance $20. ' 1548 :'. Steiner "st." ilr. -G-eary.' Hours 12;i-30.. 6-7 .p.m.' :: S.- F. .liYIN-G EN HpME..ll9l.6ak st: Mkf."4461>..'. . Dispa-?jfs;woaien -rtnd chlldrea: confinement. $25;. •ATtENTiON. -ladies— DR. ' LEWIS,' 933 Market, st. 4>et.". sth anj Cth, world .renowned specialist ,-' -for wotaeTi only; no Vie.lays or d.isappolatrrients; • nMlc'f 'guaranteed .by. most - super'idr painless: .'..method^ .known "to niedlcal science; most oh- \u25a0. sti'nate case.*" .treated ; all female complaints s and-'.irreßUlarJtles treated: .have no besltincy ""• if. fn .need df mj : services; absolutely harmless; low'. ' .By consnl.tlng an. eminent specialist save. time"a.nd money:" Advlc'e free, 10 . a: m.. to 4 p. p. .and 6. %o 9 p. -m".; Sundays, ." 11 a. -ra." .to- 2p. m. \u25a0 . •„ . • • V \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. vMRS.DK.-. MARY", ADAM,- reliable specialist; " \u25a0 cures all ladles' complaints- successfully; good home'foi- conApement: consultation free. Hours \u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0l-si p. m.. .3004. Kniltv'ale ay.;. -.East Oakland. . -LE .MERE'S FEMALE SUPPOSITORIES • " .Never fall; safe- and Tellable. For- sale at all • aruif stores-. '. $i- a box. \u25a0'..\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0- • -.-, \u25a0DR. WARREN EMERSON, specialist; diseases -\u25a0\u25a0women: "consult, free. 1304 K.lllmorV "cr. Eddy. ;'.- \u25a0':'.!'\u25a0 'physicians--'- : " • AA— DR. I)AY.' LICENSED SPECIALIST, sue- . \u25a0 '-cessf treats allailnicnts./both sexes; thou-.. \u25a0' sa-nds maiie happy and' healthy; confinement." \u25a0 ?30; with nurse;, itlvlee -free; positively no . charge unless satisfied. Suite 208-210. Harding = \u25a0.building. 34. Kills st.- at and 4th. PR. BEN FOON CHINESE HERBS C 0. —20 years of . experience; .cure's all ailriients : by ' wonderful method. 617' Kearny: hr*. 9:30 to 7. DR WONG HIM. \u25a0 "- . . -. . . . \u25a0:-.-.-\u25a0 HERB DQCTQR. Permanently located." ... • 12Kg. OFarrell st. bet. Oou^h' and Oet'avla.-' ;^'f ; ; i '• •Vs"AJfAT«RyUMS*?ff^5^ •A— : PJIIVATE home- for the sick-:, confinement /\u25a0•specialty; a.doption: special treatment for all female troubles. - 171 East 14th St.. Oakland. ' HOME and care for invalid!; or: aged persons. 3421 25th <rt. near Mission: phone Mission 4f120. \u25a0 -.' .--.". POPULAR' '.REMEDIES '..- RICORD CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseases. ". Sold only by E. B. . JORGENSON.- 644 Kearny st.. San Francisco. • Mall orders -a. specialty. Send for circular. "'."\u25a0\u25a0/ SANDERSON'S Co.. savin and cotton root pills; pure remedy for female troubles: "price $2 per \x>%. Red Raven Drug Cow.' 9l2. Market st: ' SEXOlI); a marvelous cure for weakness in men; \u25a0money, netunied If It falls: price $1 per box.' Red Raven Drug Co.. 912 Market st. ~-~~I~~~~~JESJ' SJ:ES *-\u25a0' '"''•""' LARGEST stock of tnmses.aud elastic goods'ln the city. Clark-Gandlon Co.. "^loS" Market- at. HEALTH MOVEMENT - .' "VIA VI SCIENCE OF ftEALTH," natural non- surgical ; cloth bound. 400 page book, free.— A p- . -,ply- by mall, 636 Pine. St. \u25a0 Lecture foe women Thursday at 2:30 p. m. • ' \u25a0-:" .\u25ba\u25a0\u25a0: > MRS. A. SANDBERG; chiropodist. 1802 FUlmore St.: telephone West I4SO. \u25a0-\u25a0"\u25a0 "\u25a0""--- ' -^, -^- .y H y.yl°-^j[EIjtAJPY ;/. _ SERNBORG'S INSTITUTE •Nervous and rheumatic : diseases, \u25a0'. electric '• light and Nauheim baths. 409 Whitney bldg. -. AURORA INSTITUTE for, PHYSIO-THERAPY. ,463 OFarrell— lf others . fall \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 to cure you, , come and see US; our, method is quick and sure.- " BUSWELL . Therapeutic Institute. 1 1122 Market ; founded 1IK)2: all troubles: i> trfiatmehts. $5. ' / THERAPEUTIC -TREATMENT f. ':'<\ FItANKLIN Electric Institute— Elec. treatments anil massage, 835-7j^Whitney \u25a0 bldg.,> 133 • Geary. .MRS. C.ROSE. Mgr.; Urs.rlO a.m.,to 10 p.m. LYDIA SMlTH— Rheumatism specialist; nervous , diseases.- Apt.^3s. 1300 Golden ;. Gat -ay.' -' ;; HUNTINGTON MASS.- 1N5T., ,423-24-25 Whitney -' bldg.. Geary st. Mrs. Hutitlngton. Mgr. '--v- : AND t DEAFN^S '\u25a0 ALSO ear noises ivosltlvely cured;; one* week s free.' \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0 DR. COTTINGHAM..S3O. Market St.: hrs. 10-4. \u25a0' '.'" V •* ' 'rupture cured / ; • \u25a0:' - ;'; ' "DR. PIERCES ELECTRIC TRUSS'*;. a wonder- ful - Invention;'^ 85 "years y.!n? use. > Address '\u25a0•'I'IERCB ••& SON.- 1417 Chestnut -:st.;* Alnmrda. >*>^"' : S'- : ':.:?-JtiATRiMONiAi^.. i ;-x'.}: : '" ::: - ORPHAN -with] large property :lntcrests,'r<-apable \u25a0'-\u25a0 and-, tine 'appearance, wishes ÜbCs acquaintance *of^middle -aged lady.e: likewise* situated; f-eon- S fidentlal ; \u25a0 object . matrimony.; .; Box ISB, r;*- 1108 "Valencia st. .:< t_- '. . . \u25a0 ;'-. \u25a0,-. - : .- .,.'\u25a0><••.\u25a0 ;~ : . RESPECTABLE [ lady , (wlilow).i aged ? 40, : would \u25a0* appreciate . ::\u25a0 .the • •' acquaintance \u25a0£ ot-U respectable* man wit b sufficient means to. support a. home; \u25a01 object matrimony. Box 3173, v Call, office. -; : -. \u25a0> s--- DO not S be, ;<secei ved : * the " ; only • reliable "• ma trimo- vnlalJbursauiyou;will»flnd?at !MRS.*A.-SWOL. - • TER'S,' . 1752 \u25a0 Geary i st. ; I esta bltshed iln i 1900. -rj; GENTLEMAN. 1 42,* wishes : to , ' a.a '. refined lady ;'? of r means ; , object* matrimony. -*. Box '• 2948,' i Call.' ELITE i marrtage bureau ; for ': lonely,- people; ; clr- rcular Broadway*"; OokJani" '< •\u25a0 .; \u25a0i '^J^J^ISESS^JPEB^NAJL^^^^j - A— w lGS'and TOUPEES that defy detection V'ven- ; Yf, tlla Ad ; • perspiration, doesn't . affect ' them : \u25a0-'\u25a0. wl? ;• .: -making a life study;' men's private wlg'depar^ ; >'\u25a0 men. ; 2271 • Cal. st.> near ~ Webster..- - Mr. - G. i . Lederer in charge. "LADIES'; HAIR GOODS—" • •' Transformation, r switches. ." puffs, - artistic*- wig ' *: making, r shampooing."; O- LEDERER.; ISO&FiII- : •"\u25a0 more : st. : near Sutter.* ; « Established 1866. % '? . . r , CHAS. H. SCHCLDT, formerly of A. Johnson :& •. . Schuldt,. plumbers. 295S 27th st..~ is now doing •' /.business at 1191 York St.- near 24tb. -All cus- \u25a0 ' \u0084\ tomers will \ receive same : satisfaction now as • : .before."-- \u25a0 ' :: ..'- : : . ; .,:}"" -\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0 "^l '.-.;\u25a0.•\u25a0• -.\u25a0' 1 .\u25a0>.'>\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-'•y\ •' MAGNETIC* physical healing;' * J vital' eciennp. : MRS. HOLSHOUSER. 351 Pacific ..building; • I hours' 10-9; greatest magnetic: operator;-, spine; ' '\u25a0 ') nerve and poor clrcnlntion;- all, llls. «\u25a0\u25a0"" .' '. \u25a0 ! MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, M. T., electro thera- peutlcK and massage. Office and - residence «15 Ellis st., near Hjdt. Hours 10 to 9. ; Franklin 2057. \ 7 ;';-.; / ,>- :-:.'\u25a0 • MME. FRANCINE. European, most scientific deep ' - wrinkle treatment. I 626 : 16 t h; St., Oakland, cor. M Grove; phone Oak. 7511. Come aad get a chin : v strap ;: yon need It; everybody needs one.~ \u25a0 ' ALLEN BUG j WORKS, successors to George , Mat- ; 'thew— -Artistic hand loom . weavers, fluff', rugs . -made, from old carpets: send for circulars. 039 ,- -Bnena -Vista av..-Alaryda.Cal.-- ,-\u25a0 . - ' ALLEN RUG WORKS." sueceosors to George Mat? i . thew — Artistic hand looni 7 weavers.- fluff rugs ! "- made from old. carpets; send for circulars. 930 •Buena Vista ay.. Alameda. Cal. - .. i .'" a " ' LADY palnlessrfoot specialist; eastern .method; ; 'also" Swedish massage and : medicated i baths; mem: "A." T. P. A. 1210 McAllster nr. Fillmore. j MRS. NETTIE HARRLSOX " remove* hair, elee- ; : trie needle: 20 yrs. prfletice; gravhair:colored; ' ' face treatments. 1008 Slitter. Tel. FrsnV. 5578. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats and trousers "at less than coFt at CHAS. LYONS', the- London tailor, 1432 FiUmore' bet. : Ellis and O'Farrell. ELECTRIC Thermal Inst.— Rßeumatism. nervous diseases, colds, skin diseases; massage.- MR3. , E. SANDBERG. ISO 2 FiUmore; tel. West ,l4Bo. WANTED to know, the- address of Mrs. , L. - But- ler, 130- 28 th St.. S. F. Please address MRS. ' F. MILLER. 1002 Qrovc St.. Berkeley. \u25a0 \u25a0>.;>'- GOLDSTEIN CO., theatrical and masquerade, cos- ".'. turners, removed to 883 Market st. opp.- Powell. ELEC." vibratory; select patrons. 943 Tan 1 - Ness • ay. cor. O'Farrell \u25a0 St.. , suite 307-309 ; no sign. DIVORCE— Advice free all cases; no charge un- less successful. Address- box 3207; Call office. 'HOT salt baths- (medical); massage for- both ' sexes. 526 9th St.. Oakland. ._._\u25a0 'rx formation Vaxted : j. B. WARREN, ex-section foreman N. P. .Ry. Co., Roslyn. Wash., -write or. wire me at once; \u25a0 : want -you as witness in Important case set for trial aMa'rch 22: accident happened at Boslyn. J. ! E. NEWTON. District Claim Agent N. P. R.v. Co.. Tacoma.'Wash. • SPIRITUALISM *^ .A'A^MRS, J. J. WHITNEY, trance* medium; "- consultation ; $1. -at her home. 1164 O'Farrell ; by letter, 4- questlons," t $l; : phoae Franklin 5024.' LOTTIE BUSWELL, spiritual readings; lessees daily; circles every night. 1359 Webster st. near O'Farrell. • " • • '. - MR§.. L. H. KINNAIRD— Con. daily; 10-4; clr- 4«les Sun., Mon., Wed., Fri., . 8 p. m. 1439 st. " -.-: \u25a0 • ' ; .... TEST circle ton.ight. 1511 Ellis st. n^ar Fill- \u25a0'-more; mental questions answered. West 2249. MRS.' S.. SEAL, spirit mm.: consultations dally: officiates marriases.. funerals. , 7SB McAllister. A— Moved — Miss M. Wille, :in*d., crystal seeress, /can be. consulted oa all matters.- 1596 Sutter. 7oHN SLATER— CircIe tonight. S -sharp: tests .to all: readings. 10 to 12. 1430 Geary st. A— HENRY .MANSFIELD, / World's greatest trance clairvoyant, palmist, as- • • trologer. mental telepnthist, will canse 'things \u25a0to be as you desire: tells everything, names, dates.' important information;-- .all revealed; health-.' love. marriac<=>. bus., mm:. ."treasure. • changes, lavy "suits; .imparts good luck; removes evil influences. 1302 FILLMORE ST: cor. Eddy. FOR READI-NOS BY MAIL, SEND $1., ZAZELL, psychic healer, urdained; medium, life \u25a0 reader and adviser; 3 questions' by letter.- 50c; crystal gating. 1116 Broadway.- Oakland, Cal.. MISS ZEMDAR. a young, gifted clair. and palm; a wonderful- prophetess; hours 10 «o 10: 1. 50c, g.. $L \u25a0 632 Hayes bet. ; Laguna and Buchanan. Mme. Starr of fiakld. at Hotel Carllng. S. I'-., lir»4 Mkt.. r..3: truth or no pay: bet. \u25a0' and 8. _."--.'" PALMISTRY * . ZENGARA. famous European palmist and astrol- oger,, returned; consultations dally: by mall $1,- •• send birth- .date.-- 3766 21st st. near Castro. REV. MME. BUSHNELL. formerly 019 .Tones, now .209 Kearny; 9 to 5 ex. Sun.; tel. Douglas 3670. ; '? • ASTROLOGY... , DATE'of birth;- with 10 cents, trial reading of future; full reading ' Joe. ZAZA. P. O. bos 372. ' . INVESTMENTS . E. F. WAYLAND& CO.. BROKERS. • 474 Moaadhock Building, San Francisco. Cal. . • STOCK OFFERED FOR QUICK SALE. 5,000 shares Ramona"Oil C0... .',... ...® :s.ll 1.000 shares Spring Tire Co. ..•.........# . .21 1.000 shares -Templor Ranch Oil Co 1%~ .19 I.dOO shares Alaska Petrol. & .Coal Co.@. • .25 .1,000 shares Coalinga Aladdiu. Oil Co..® " .18 1,000 shares Four Metals (San Jose). '." \u25a0 .18 1.000 New York Coaltnga Oil C0.....;®. .25 1,000 shares Section Six OIL C 0 ....... .«&. - ; ..">9 100 Bnrllngame Tel. .Typewriter;. ...m .8(k ltX) shares Mascot Copper C 0 .......: m 4.60 , 25 Telepost "S. A:" and 3 Conv....f ; 7.00 15 United- Wireless pftf (trans)..... m 20.00 ' 10 shares Chiapas Rubber-Plant....:® 17.50 2 -shares Palenque' Plantation.... ..@ SS'.fiO • l.HUalgo Rubbery (looB) ...(g; 410.00 TOR sale — 80 acres practically proven oil' land. in the great- San Junn -oil fields, •soutbeastefti Utah. 'For particulars address 429 .Phelan -Mils.' OCEAN SHORE RY. BONDS F.OR \u25a0 SALE^fcD. E. BESECKEtt.- \u25a0 24S PACIFIC BUILDING" " ~"" '': ."-"••;•\u25a0 ', ""FIXANCIA'I/'y •;'''\u25a0"%' : '.;;..\;'. r - - COMPANIES 'lueorporatetl and. organized ;\ most favorable charters.' " Nafl Inc.. 611 Mills tildg. MINES AXD. MINING ;f : GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought: eashr assaying 50c. . PIONEER ASSAY CO., 131 sth st. near. Howard. \u25a0 \u25a0' ' \u25a0 • : . .. MONEY TO LOAN-, ~ r:r ~ "WE DO AS WE APVERTISE. ' - i We advertise to make-loans. to salaried people as cheap as any company In the city and cheaper •than a majority of. them,, without security, or indorSer, ana we do it. Wo will make you a loan on short - notice . without Inquiry of your " friends .or jrelntlves.^ All of our employes are gentlemen and you aro assured, courteous treatment. Prl-, vate/ Money costs- only for time in your posses- slon. .GREAT NORTHERN LOAN CO.. 616 Phe- lan bldg.. 6th floor, v Office opea uatll 6 p. m. Monday and Saturday, evenings until 8 p.m. .-.- :•"•-.-- • "BANKERS TO THE PEOPLE.". '<> ,We loanali salariedlemployes the, same as the banks' loan the 'employers.;, .All we require 'is that you are . a . steady ; workingman on a" "sal- ary."* All business strictly confidential.' No se-" enrity. N'ovindorser.o- You; may repay : the loan in easy installments arranged to suit \u25a0> j»nr in- come. -Our special rebate plan saves you paying bijfh interest. Lowest raters.' WESTERN LOAN CO.. 408 Call bldff.. Open 8:30 a. m. till 6. p. m. Mondays and Saturdays till 8 p. m.'-" AA— STRICTLY \u25a0 confidential ; | loans ' on furniture. - pianos, livestock, warehouse reeelpts or security :.of any. kind: loans can be repaid In easy week- \u25a0 ly,. monthly ,*or yearly payments: v lt. is ' pay one than. a number; don't fall to call and see us. ILLINOIS FINANCE CO.. formerly - ILLINOIS .TRUST. C 0.,-1516 Eddy. .St., half ".: block' from Fillmore. \ -\u25a0". . • -;. ' - j AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY' WILLLOANrYOU MOXBJf ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, ETC.: $10 to $2tln : LOW COSTt CON- FIDKNTIAL: HONEST. AND SQUARE DEAL. CALL. WRITE „> OR' .. PHO»E~. -:-...'-:. 357-0 PACIFIC BLDG,. 4TH AND^SIARKET. <. PHONES DOUGLAS 3265— HOME V J1741. '. \u25a0 Oakland Office— slS- First National Bank ;hldg. WK i LOJON MONEY TO PEOPLR WQO HAVE .'. PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT; no Endorser; confidential; " do -r red >' tajn;* methods; ,'fl i we"ek - pays $15 loan. $2 week pays $30 loan. $3 week, . ,pavs!s4s loan, $4 week pays $00 loan." Call <\mt \u25a0 see us. \u25a0' THK .ROYAL" INVESTMENT C COMPANY. 750 iPhelnn bldg. c MONEY loaned on, furniture, pianos \u25a0 curlty; (lowest ) rates; J most fa-vorable • terras jin '% the \u25a0 city ; v see ' others, : then see me and > be : con- '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 vinced: I - will i save -you • money: ? s2.2s iweeklj- <- repays $*jO loan. Phone Market 3029. GEORGE f.W. MILLER.,I 3OO9. I6tbj st., south west . corner , Mission. 1 ; room -35.. . ~~+ -.\u25a0•*\u25a0-'. \u25a0•*\u25a0-' --\u0084•..'. : MONEY ; loaned | salaried people,: women \ keeping \u25a0 house and \u25a0 others j upon '.their own names."; wlth- - out - secnrlty ; « easy ,. payments : ; save - money :by "\u25a0trading here; offices In-65 principal, cities. , • > TOLMAN.' room . 951' Phelan : bldg.: San Fran- :„ cisco,* and '* room : 9, '460 ; 13th , st.:. Oakland.*;* .-, - . FURNITURE— •> ->\u25a0 .-- -."-- '.- :\u25a0: -/ LIFE INSURANCE— ;*:... -'-\u25a0;\u25a0 '\u25a0':'\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0-- \u25a0•\u25a0:'- : \u25a0-\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0 '•"•. °.- "-salaries— Wage • Earners' • Investment; and : Loan < CompanT. \u25a0;.-;: / -\u25a0:• , .y '. 443? Pine ;st." v \u25a0-.-,- r . -.-;'-.:.;••: SALARIED I persons and .WAGE EARNERS can tt obtain i LOANS at reasonable rates without red •f-Upe or delay/ at 433 PHELAN BLDO. PHONE :.,1 DOUGLAS : 3244.^' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'., -'*V."'..-.'"i.r.:...-:-.»j.;,.C>->q-- AA A— Wa jlfe ' earners,'^ either ' men ; or : women, T can ; -make a* loan in strictest at 'the-Em- >;ployes',; Credit . Co.T^ room ; 424.- Monadnock ;bldg." SALARYi LOAN??-|-Ladie!»"and gentlemen without • f security; 'notes > a nd ' commercial \ paper * bought. ; - 813: i^erchants' i Ei.' bldg. ; : phone Donglas ; 1411.' AAA— SALARIED men and women accommodated \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- without delay; or public! tr->~ Home X Credit * and \u25a0St: Invesfpient ' Co. .' '\u25a0 523 ; Pacific building. » sth : floor. MONEYS to i loan,;onjfnrniture* without •removal; ?,lowv" Interest: * payments: ;. strictly confl- .^ dent Jal. \u25a0 P." O. ;; bos '\u25a0 103,1 AlamedJU f ; - -i\ ;".'_: - /_,-.'./' <V \u25a0' ''r' \u25a0.."..•\u25a0'. .•'*\u25a0'\u25a0•..• \u25a0'">.'.'-"'. '\u25a0• lT '."-~ .-\u25a0-.••\u25a0/. ",:\u25a0 :,;'\u25a0'•;-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0" : V MONEY "TO •I,OAN--Oontlnoed : "- .;1* " WILL .lend *on~ approved "security In any. amount \u25a0y\ np to $50,000. .Address your proposition Ito M. f R..* bos 3181, Call office. >.^.l ." r I. • ON- furniture and 'pianos ; \i no : removal.' . ; TRE- r MAIN.- room - 811; : 533 Market* next Emporium. ON 'furniture* pianos or any- security.'-" BECKER; i. Monadnock building, 6Sl; Market st... room ,403. CASH loaned to salaried men on note wlthout r ln- <\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 dorser. '-.-.- MORRELL.' 1022 ' Monadnock building. SALARY .loans:" other propositions. . San~Fran- \ cls<v>' Discount "Agency. "411 Pacific building. '\u25a0- =3IONEY TO LOAN— REAI/ ESTATE "' \u25a0 'AAA— LICK ; LOAN CO.. \u25a0', 'A. 35 Montgomery st. - DEAL DIRECT. ANY AMOUNT. .j First and second mortgages and Installment loans -' > In: any part of San " Franclscp. l Lick building, room 101. .-. Donglas 3016. C 3016.' ANY amount; "lowest rates on first and second • mortgages on -real estate, legacies, I 'undivided :*' lnterest..* estates in:probate: no delay. • R.-Mc- COLGAN.' rooms 502 and 504. Claus Spreckels , (Call) building. Market and 3d sts. '..: FIRST mortgage loans at 5V4 per cent; 2d mort- ;. gages, estates, legacies and undivided interests at lowest^ rates: no delay*. HERMAN MUR- ./ PHY. ISO gutter st..* rooms SOl-2. . ANY- amount on/real estate, first or second. mort- .-gages, or anysedirity; no delay; lowest rates." O. W. BEJCKER. Monadnock bldg.. 6SI Market. A— : DEAL DIRECT WITH LENDER. : First and second mortgages; bank Interest. SHADBURNE CO.. 503 Monadnock building. $3,000 or less onimproved^real estate. RANDALL ;- R. E.. C0.; 13120 Frnitvale ay., Frnltvale. $100 to- $100,000; any proposition:^ lst-2d mtgs. DU RAY SMITH, 1015 Broadway. -Oakland. • 8 AX D ' bids \u25a0 NOTICE. OF LEASI-NGT SEAWALL. LOT. • Notice Is hereby given that bid* will be re- ceived and'opened by the Board of State Harbor Commissioners at their office, room No. 19. in tbe Union -Depot and Ferry House, foot of Market St., in I the city - and county •of San Francisco, state of California, at the hour of 10 o'clock a^ni.,, on Thursday, the 10th day of .March, 19W..f0r letting or leasing hy said Board of Sea- wall. Lot. >"B." Said seawall-l ot Is situated on the ; water; front of the city and county of Sin Francisco, and Is bounded^ by Taylor, Mason, Jefferson and East sts. " " » : - Said, property will be let to the highest and best, bidder for a^erm not exceeding twenty-five «J25) : years. : subject, . however, to the, power of the Board to reject any and all bids, and In ac- cordance with printed terms , and conditions of lease to which reference is hereby. made, which are on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board % copies of which will be furnished bidders on application to said Secretary, v Reference Is also hereby made to said printed terms and con- ditions of lease for a more particular description of Seawall J-ot "B.' r • : ~ Bids must set forth'ithe purposes for which said lot shall be used and the bidder must agree that the statement of Jhls-bld. if -the lease Is awarded to him. shall be embodied in said lease, and he must also agree <hat said, lot shall be used only for the purposes set forth in his bid. ' ' W. • V. STAFFORD. }':. Vv',. • • W. E. DENNISON; ' - -.- • '". P. S. TELLER, .^'"r" Board of State Hariwr Commissioners, \u25a0 W.B. THORPE, Secretary. Febniary 6.-. 1910. . \u25a0 -. LEGAL' NOTICES NOTICE TO THE -PUBLlC— Having- ' bought out .the whole "Interest of theDew:'Drop inn.. Two Mile house, Rlncon valley; Santa Rosa, Cal., I . will not be responsible for any debts contracted . before or after Feb. 25. 1910. P. BARSOTTI. I, THE UNDERSIGNED, having said my grocery • business at 1252 47th ay.. Suaset district, to C. Z. WORK. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by said party after Feb- ruary 24. 1910. - \u25a0 JOHN OLDEN. NOTICES ' \u25a0 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. WONDER^WATER COMPANY. • • Location- of principal place of business, San Francisco,' - Callfornia. -Location of .works. Won- der Mining District, Churchill county. Nevada." Notice is hereby given" that, at a "meeting of the board of directors, held -*n th? St^ day of February. • 1910, an assessment- <No. ' 1) o( one-half. (Vie) cent per- share was levied upon the capital stock of . the . corporation, payable' Immediately to the secretary at the office of the company, room 103, No. 265" Market street, in the city and -county of San Francisco," state- of California". \u25a0 v ; \u25a0 . " ". . " . • Any stock on which this assessment shall re- main ua.pai.l oh Monday/ the 21st day of March. \u25a0 1910,. ; will be • delftquent 'and" I advertised for sale at public auction, and unless payment -is made -before wIH be sold ,on .Monflay • the 18th day of April, 1910, at 12 o'clock noon,-, to pay the delinquent assessment together with -costs of advertising and ' expenses of sale. '. ' .-\u25a0 . : \u25a0-\u25a0->\u25a0 . "•' '. HARRY fe: GREGG," * • • Secretary, of the Wonder Water Company." • Office: " ICooni 103. N«, 268 Market street, San -Francisco.- California. • -'-.-\u25a0. " .\u25a0. - ':^ : 'CjITY REAL ESTATE! SOL .GETZ & "gONS.: Real' Estate Dealers, . Room 32S,: Chronicle-. building. - ' \ New Blocks.' Just' Being Graded I $150. $250 tvs4so-^L«yel lots; Excelsior Hd. Ocean- View and' near Parksldc; $5-monthly. . -\u25a0\u25a0*St»O to $l-,2so^Graded Sunset" lots, near park and cars, Mir ay 25th av.;'- fine 'view and easy terms. -.-. \u25a0 ... . \u25a0 .-. .... - $550- to' si,2so-^Rlchmo'nd Heights' lots; view o/ ocean, park^gnd sjpreckris lake; » terms. •' Lots in Oceanslde. district; 'any siie and price; call for diagrams.* • -..-'. j # .' " • $1,250 to \u25a0 $3,soo— Modern • cottages; paymeats same-as'rfnt. • • " . -..-. Oceanside branch office, corner H st. and 47th at. l' '.'Open daily. and Sundays. ,' -. SOL GETZ & SONS, Owners and Dealers, - . .- Room S2B, Chronicle building. " EXPANSES 'do not come to 4 "percent per an- #\u25a0; num. '- The rents are the cheapest In the entire % district, in fact, we have bouse keepers: from "".other houses -renting our apartments for their '•'•own quarters.- Flats, of 4 and 5 ro4ms. sunny. • and light, on Sacramento ' et. close "to Polk ; cent from ; $22.5w to $34. and are. all rented. ' .Rented at a very low rent to prevent" vacan-- Cies, THE ONLY SURE CURE. " '. 'S','.\ N' PRICE $3T,500. ; ; ' \u0084' >' ~~' '\u25a0: LOT 55x110 FEET . V CEMENT YARD AND BASEMENT. THERE ARE 16 APARTMENTS IN ALL AND ONE OF THEM -IS GIVEN FREE- TO A CARE TAKEB.. YET it- PAYS 15 PER -'. . \u25a0-', CENT PER ANNUM; ' ' • I--..-. ...;-. COMEi. EARLY " \u25a0„\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0- ;\u25a0;-.;•"-' KANE & COMPANY, f2IS^MONTGOMERYf 215^MONTGOMERY— 217..v ARTISTIC DWELLING. ' JUST. COMPLETED; TERMS TO SUIT. - •Of unusual merit, situated: on the sunniest . corner; • environed by beautiful- homes; the exte- rior "designed by an 'artist of rare capabilities: Is a very, successful adaptation of charming mission ? period ; t the \u25a0 interior • Is .. unequa Jed for up to date smartness of every detail: on the first floor is , a swagger living room finished in - the English oak;; the large open fireplace Is of Har- vard . brick flanked, by Interesting tavern benches ;• the "walls t are ; covered • with a » mellow - brown cloth; 'the celling -is beamed; the dinin? room i«. paneled high,; surmounted by -an imported, pa per; a pleasing * bullet Is built in; theY culinary ap- purtenances 1 are complete: on second floor are 8" chambers: '\u25a0> the i wall - treatment : Is a : striking di- gression . Into new fields of artistic : beauty f the basement has servant's room, \u25a0 laundry, wine cel- lar, etc. ; I there : Is " provision for . a garage ; only $2,000 ; "required . and ; balance on \ monthly pay- ments; 'key *t office,, which' is near, abo-ve resi- dence. - - .: - •-'\u25a0•>\u25a0\u25a0"\u25a0 \u25a0 '.- _- .j.--'.--- > E.N.-FRITZ, 1401 ; Masonic. av. • . '• . ; Open every day. Including Sunday. " " -~" ; STRONG; BELDEN & PARR. -"••-\u25a0:\u25a0- '\u25a0-" $8,000 — 2 brand new -flats ; ; 5 and > 6 rooms ; on -,-oLake st: near. 7th: av.;: annual renft $840; 1 V lof 30 feet front; prettiest flats In the dls- ->••. strict jflon't "miss this. .\u25a0: .;" , . $12,000 — Tremont { a.v. ; v 4 : modern .'\u25a0_ flats,, 5-5(5*5 : • • rooms; 10t \44- feet front;: yearly rentals . $1,340 ;T; T very desirable lnrestment; present • • .-:-.• mortgage $4,500." ,- : '. •-. - C;.'. ':-..:\u25a0 ;• " •;••• :' $26,000>— Frederick '-_ st.-: business '\u25a0 corner; - 4 " stores :';: '; . and 2 flats ;[ sure income of $3,420 annual- - .'\u25a0 ly;i investigate", this;; splendid Investment. $I,2so— Harriet st. % near Howard. " - .. Perry st. near 3d. : $3,500— Hayes near Clayton; > 25x137:6. >•. '. $4,500-- Large corner on Mason St.; near. Filbert; •>\u25a0:•".-\u25a0\u25a0•'.". fine for store?. -. , '„ ... - ..-- .. .. $6,ooo— Chestnut < St. ; marine view; 50x137:6. $S,oofr— Jcsjie " st.- near 4th; backs toward . Mis- ."\u25a0 :. \u25a0-•\u25a0-> siou St. - \u25a0 \u25a0r : , ;\u25a0-:-.<" ""-'* ."\u25a0 !,S! ,S \u25a0* .- .'\u25a0 «" $9,000 — Magnificent ;" marine ~ view .' lot on Green ;-..--• *•» St.: 2 frontages; r ;34x119. \u25a0 : STRONG, 3ELDEN& FARR,. 157; Sutter st." v BALDWIN r&^STETSON. 147 \ Sutter St. ' ; . ; v- -SOMETHING. THAT PAYS.V-1 ."—\u25a0:\u25a0" , $65,000-^Wlth an s Income : of 1 over * 13 : pcr l cent net : *s marine > view ; ';, close t; In ; ; just completed : har4wood '-finish^throughout: : - elevator;:^ steam heat: electricity and complete . telephone, service ; marble 5 front '• and -r.vestibule : : " lot : contains s over 6.200 square. f eet;. ln ;f act,^thls is one. of the best apartment, house propositions, in the^ market.'-. ; t \u25a0 $26.000- : -Renta i » for :-; $2G7.50 ; pef'j month; : pays oVer/ 10 '- perl cent; net;; 4 story,- apartment , house near * Fairmont P hotel ; \u25a0- building ? completed v about 6 months ago; finely inside;; modern;, act quicklyr.for this Is going, to sell.y : ; •,--, \u25a0 ', \u25a0*-:\u25a0<. •>.--?:.'•/• SALB.--vi-' •>\u25a0' \u25a0'.; v.y '\u25a0'- *^Lot'in the : west; side > of Battery street,": 67:6x 177:6," with -an-.L'\u25a0 to t Broadway,? with » a 3 ; story and basement brick building thereon; also ." •.'Lot In the ; n6rthj_side of = Fulton • st., : 100 : feet east of i Polk. 120x120 . to Ash st.", \u25a0 with \u25a0a \u25a0 tempo- rary building, thereon; also* : c-:- \u25a0•\u25a0 \u0084--.. -.-..:• \u25a0 .'\u25a0 Lot in tbe east side of 9th j ay., 282 feet south of Point- Lobos. 25x120. : " -?><\u25a0 .; <". -. . »' GEORGE :K.kFRINK,;M. D.. y ..'t-'. 1823 k Merchants' s Exchange ; bnildlng. : FOR' sale- ; — Cottage-. '^\\i ' stories: • cars pass • door; *£ $2,9oo; iterms..v Box 3153,' Cair office. :{.\u25a0* --. REAL ESTAT&--C«»nttßned_ -.-.*:;\u25a0: - - >THO.MAS E. HAYMAN ' - Suite 10«O First National Bmk Bids:. Montgomery & Post y 'Telephone Kearny 1703 • $s,3oo— Cash; 3 extra' will built S-rooin fiats at'- Clayton & Halght. Price reduced -•\u25a0 .--"\u25a0\u25a0--. -t0. 511,000. . \u25a0„.- . $7,ooo— Cash; 3 of the finest new flats- on Nc>l> . -.,•".."' Hill rednced to $13,000: rcuted at.'ll.'UO ~Jt per,' annum; must be seen to .-. be . appre- • *";.-- elated. \u25a0', .-•"; . \u25a0 y 110,000— Cash; rented low at $2,250 per an-i "'.;:. num; California and Jones: 3 of "the finest S room flats on. Nob Hill; rednced to \u25a0 $1S,000"; one . jnst sold for $20,000. Don't miss seeing them. \u25a0 $6,ooo— Cash: business property b««t' partyj)f '- I(ayesr st. Lot 27:6x120: double .frontage; \u25a0*.-\u25a0 ; rented at $1,700 per. annum; price re- -dueed to $12,500; want offer. $4,2oo— Cash; 3. new 5 room flats. Ist aye. and H... Full, price only $)>.200: rented $1,050 per annum; north side of street / , -$3,500r-Cash; 2 new-5- % 6 room flats. Ist aye. '_ ' and ' H., : overlooking park ; full price re- duced to $7,000: would be cheap at $5.500. $6,000— Cash; . 3 . of the tfest ' bnilt 6 room flats \u25a0: ia . the \u25a0 Mission, at 16th -. and Guerrero; "\u25a0-rented low at .$1,260 ier annnm;^ price reduced to $11,000. * .: $3,soo— Cash". J-ull price only $«.40O; 2 new - '4-5 room flats,- IStn -acd Church: over- looking park. • "-\u25a0 . . $4.000 — Cash; 3 new 5-6 room flats, near Union • „ .and Gough;. rents $?70 per anscm. Price; reduced to $6,300. Snap.' . $•3,soo— Cash; Fell & Piefce; 2 choice flats re- duced to $7,000. - -, "iy v "..-', $6,ooo— Cash; Washington & Sprnc»: 2 new S-9 1 _' : room flats, leased; for three years at $1,620 per annum; full 'price reduced to $14,300; lot 35x105. / « ' .s3,7s»V_ Cash; 3 new flats, rentod $1.14(> per annum; fall price $^.75<t; " Union Jfc Larktn. ' - $4,50t> — Cash: rented $900 peranni»m: 2 nearly new flats, best part of Sarrainento street; lot 27: 6x110; price .reduced to $7,40t\ was $9.000. I ;- . ", ,; . . 'f\ $2,ooo— Cash; one of the best .7 room residences In the Richmond ; district ; ; Inside ttt ottl \u25a0 \u25a0-...". av#.; full price only $5,000: mast be sold; \u25a0-• reason for this sacrifice: don't' miss It. \u25a0 \u25a0 - $I,ooo— Cash; I^»ke and Mh aye.: beautiful ne^r ;, ,__ 6 room \u25a0 residence with garage; fnll price only $5,fi50; different f^oin anything in the district: see this bargain quick. . T \u25a0" $3,ooo— Cash; 1323 Golden Gate are. at Pierce; 9 room residence; • lot 25x138:6; reduced '\u25a0-\u0084',7CK>; lot alone* worth |4,500; this - house Is, worth $7,500 today. ' ::' $<VK)O— li)t 65x52:6,--north side of Filbert st. • ; key to Polk. Think of buying a lot of \\ this kind for less than ?10O.a front foot; biggest bargain "in town. \u25a0". y:v, HAVING purchased 2 blocks of- the Cltutes Co.^ -Fnlton st. and 10th ay.. before comaaeadn'g f~, bnilding operation* . I will close ont the 2 un- sold houses of 52" built the past season at Sth . and 9th ays. and A and B sts. as follows: y 5, room residence. .^54,900 8 room 2 story residence... 4.750 Easy terms; streets bttnmintzed: Eddy st. ears. • F. NELSON. Bnilder. $5,250 — Cottage^ 5-r. and b.. high ba;emeat; lot 25xlO&; on norfji line Clement Sth ay.; , Cars pass property; transfer cor. at Sth ay.: - growing business center; an opportunity to get in at a bargain. - ' For particulars and " privilege to inspect, see S. R. & COf. 191 6th jit.. NW. cor.. Calif, st. FOR sale — $B,5(X>; 2 strftly modern flatsxnearly completed; on. Boena J Vista ay. near South , Broaerlck sv: 5 rooms each;' attic 'and provi- " slon for sociahhall.ln basement; lot S2:R wide; , has;. a cement' driveway for a barn or garage; cart arrant'<; terms to snit almost, any propo- i>fltlon.»lßA W. CQLBURN. 451 Dnboce ay. $ 'casn,,: $40 "per month — New store and 2 j~ living ToomS^lajr^ar. with 5 room modern flat '' upstairs: 6 good .'opportunity for businesa loca- •;'\u25a0 tion: price; $5.000. r .FYFE & DEP.AOLI. .3297: "-""' Mission st^opp. 20th.' •*•'. ' • . COME.out" today md see. my new houses on 16th. .\u25a0and Point Lobfs ays.; one block from new pan-^ handle; taka^ifltter and- Clement to l.'th *v.," walk . ©Tie .Dls^i. JONATHAN ANDERSON, . builder. •-\u0084'-! : :-. y,;-; -\u25a0"".. $3.900 — Bargain: must be. sold; 2 modern 5 room- •flat*;, near-"18th and Csatro; cars: lot 25.x70; : i »terms if .wanted." <See owner, M. SCHWARTZ. 14iy Market, st. corner FeU. J V • '- $3.600-i-:-A new- 6 room .house. =lnclnding 1 street xwrk; tennis : Diamond and :20th sts. 2565 Mission St.. \u25a0 . ' \u25a0• . ' ; \u25a0 HAVE Standard Title Insurance Company; JlllW- bldg.. in^nre your title; save time , aad money:, . CHEAP building :lots;: lots; ki block from' cars: street worJc dbne:cash. C. Xl Blender; j=4s Pac- hid. it -'• . CQUXfRY RE.VL ESTATE .."^ -..'-. '• NEVADA COVNtF^aSgalNsT^T^' 3C>O acre "ranch house-, good \u25a0fcarp. spri-nsfcouise i anii . ponltr.T. houses.- " 3,000 frntt trees' in bearing, 'vineyard:'- over -50-a'<jres =of.- fin* land under irrigating Ultch; more. can easily Mi" cleared and frrigsfed;- thousands, ofcords "of fin*- timt^r;' 4^' miles--.from 2 good" towns j- price. $7,500;- vcill mn> for* Oakland property.-- '- • '•"\u25a0 « . 4So. aero raiu-n 4 miles ' from.' Grass Valley; good I newhefase of. 9 .rooms;' ba.rn -eqjUjßped'ior '60 cows and t> .horse.3; room fer -wagons. ma- : chinery and feed; lots of hiiy- on- hand; over 150 acres of sood clear land; "a meadu* that grows 60 to. 75 :tpnS of natural hay per; year i. 30 cows,' 2 horse.9 arid .hahies*. mower, rake, wagou, cart, plows., harrows -and' small tools;' abundance of! fine timber: milk- sold all to one customer; this' Is a snap- price $10,000, half cash. . ' • • " 220 acres, 3 miles from Grass Valley; a fine : 7 mom House that cost ' $3."500... and' a new • 4.' ro-jp 'cottase-- that coet $1.500;< 2. Urge- barns.: ourbuildln'ss. wiadmlll and 'tank; about- 100 acres-: under. cultl.vatlon< 10.000 cords of standing tim-- ber /worth big money; free water for; lrrigation: young .family. orchard: 6 fine, mules." llhorse, -5 wagons, buggy, harness, 7> cows, mows,- rake," tilKwsi' harrows and all 'farm, tools;. a peautlful home and rncome property: ?12.000,;ea3y ,t?rms f - of- \vl{l trade- for -"Oakland, property. "•'\u25a0:• •\u25a0 ": . " -Country Department. . .•" " ' ", : HOLCOMB REALTY COMPANY, " ,-r* - - 206 "-San Pablo- a.v... : '. • \u25a0'-'••\u25a0• '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .- ' - y Oakland., Cal. . \u25a0•'..'-•:• > ; . TEX ACRE Irrigated tracts^ level; 2 miles from , t<in-n,.Acramento valley: 12 feet rich : sediment loam' nr be«l of pure' soft water"; . no overflow. sikali or aarripan;. adjoining properties: pro- ducing $300 to" $500 per acre:, fine* markets.' schools, creamery, etc;- price $100 per acre.- In- cluding water; tenus one-iojirtht down, balance long time." ". : - •-. ."•*• -. s<.iO acres', beautifully located. Sacramento " valley: lots .of natural shade; level and all un-- der'eplenSid system of irrigation, now; soil a very rich alluvial deposit of :12 feet to first bed " pure sott" water; between 2 main «Hmt>- roads :" .3-mUfs from city" and, railroad i locality, has- s3s,ooo creamery plarit.^lectric lights, dally ! niaU "delivery, good schools, .growers' associ- ation, telephone .system, etc. ; 4deal for sweet pota\u25a0toe^>.\u25a0 vegetables, alfalfa", corn." fnrft, etc.; • would make-one of the finest alfalfa. 'and dairy ranches in state or splendid^ subdivision propp-' sltion, already plotted: wholesale price $65 per acre: easy terms. Full details at. HOME • SEEKERS' INFORMATION BUREAU, 944-946. ' Monadnock .bldg..- S. F. : \u25a0 . .•-•-,. . . . - * m - * - • ,* - . • . / \u25a0 $0.00 PHR. ACRE.. Great wheat country: 100 acre' "farms. In -the rich, delta- of the Sonora river, near American Hlne^ in- ", Mexico, between Southern " Pacific and \u25a0 sea; most .excellent climate; deep garden. »olj:. corn.. ' wheat.- - cotton, beans, alfalfa.'-, dates, oranges. lemons,- all vegetable products; good market; 150.000 acres . now' opened -to American farmers; first 10.000 "acres at $5 per. acre, half cash; this is really $100 land. -See «• write us immediately. ". . \u25a0• . " C: M. WOOSTER COMPANY,- • ; '.702 Market sti.. San Francisco..- Cal. '.'. \u25a0\u25a0 ',-\u25a0\u25a0" ' V MERCED COLONY. '•\u25a0• ' .-. 4,000 acres of irrigated "land adjoining. the "dty '."Hmtt's of.Merced v 'a town with a- population of- .3,500: 5. 10, 20 icre tracts;" prices $75 to $150. per acre; easy, terms; .irrlgation>sl -per. acre: • splendid -water supply: electric power . for lights and pumping;' soil is \u25a0« rich dark loam \u25a0 adapted -to- alfalfa, corn, -.figs, grapes, trait* -and \u25a0 vegetables;: alfalfa -en adjoining land '\u25a0>. yields 7 to 9 tons per acTe.and corn goes over ,; 70 bushels;, the S. P. and Santa Fe -railroads « • and 3- county roads traverse Merced- dolany; '•markets. ; churches, schools, stores, cre.amety, alfalfa meal- mill aH convenient; literature, on application. \u25a0' ''"""• .'•,'.- : • CO-OPERATIVE LAND AND TRUST -C0... • 246 Rnss building. San Francisco, ot Merced. .YOUR- attention. please-^A $10.000 " ranch " for $5,000; 533 acres; all fenced and cross" fenced; \u25a0 ' . 75. acres tinder cultivation: plenty water;"- or- ' chard; .-'vineyard; 'soo English walnut-trees' in - bearing;, horses, cattle. - hogs/ : tnrkeys, ' chick- ens. wagOns.* .buggies^ harness, .'all kinds- o.f * farming implements; 6 room bouse, new. barn -' and household furniture; $5,000 buys aIL J. \V. ' WQODRUM. Hooker.. Cal. >; . .'\u25a0 y'. \u25a0' ,••\u25a0..- :"-<: "-< SANTA CLARA VALLES^ «, • "SMALL 'ORCHARDS. .- •.".-\u25a0 '• t FAVORABLE TERMS.- 5, 10, 15. 20 ' ACRE ORCHARDS Near Mountain View, • Los . Altos and Sunnyvale," with '. building •\u25a0 Improvements and- under, bijh stale of cultivation, ; growing prunes, peaches "and apricots. • y : . - : "-- ,r*:r .----" .".".: Prices $2,500 to $10.000. .-.-."- . J D. : F. SUPPLE fc CO.. 330 = Montgomery st. - MENDOCINO CO-t-140 acres APPLE LAND near ,Uklah;-10 acres choice apples: 4 acres assorted fruit; .10 acres under cultivation.' balance graa-: .-..'. 1ng,-; fart, of which can be cultivated; good im- v • vprovem?nt3;j price $3.000:-, terms. •" -," \u25a0-',-., :, \u25a0«•'-? 45 «cr*»; well Improved, : s2,ooo. - " ,'; • L. f JOHNSON & CO.: 625 Martet sk ...' 5\u25a0 or 10 ' acre i tracts •on \ the Ocean . Shore, ; near ', station;': finest, land la the state.- suitable for • < garden :.trnck."-frnlt,'. chickens, . etc.; .no Irrigv ' • tlon necessary; --easy "payments;.- terms.* Ad- ' dress 'PEOPLE'S: LAND COMPANY.' 630 Mo= nadauck building.'; San Francisco. \u25a0;" •\u25a0- '."... $25 : down. $10 monthly,'- buys 5-10' atfres : good, -level land; near station: on 2 railroads; In Ala- ?» meda countyA > PROGRESSIVE REALTY^CO'.'. J.;18O Suttet st.7 room 301. : 5 an • Francisco. , •* $500 for 's aeres'l mile 'from Li vermore; postof- ticer-rallrcid depot aad high school; $100 cash. balanca « $lO- monthly. . , Creditors', Mercantile s - "Agency ,*i 29 Bacon "block,' Oakland.: CaL" ,'j ." -~x 's $4,oo«>— Ranch of J.(J acres; | alfalfa; close to town; 1 1 fine 1 for ; dairy: or.' poultry: I good 'improvements, v." Address 30 Soath 2d^t.. San Jose.- CaL \.-.<y FOR : sale ' cheap— Small . place suitable for chick- . *'-.-- ens : , 6 \u25a0 room* house : and barn ; iin * Aromas. " Ad- 'rt dress " Aromas Butcher. Aromas. : Cal. ' BARGAINS in vineyard.* fruit. ' chicken and stock. .ranches. ; BARNES &' CUMMINGS. FOR I farm.' stock I ranches I and . timber Ismls " see vMcFAUL & EDWARDS.* 207, California st. : £gy_^T_RY -REAJL ESTATE— -Contlnaed^ SECTION near.. Lemoore.- artesian belt: R. R. - runs • through property; station 1 mile: price $2»acre. Boa 4048. Call of ace. Oakland. LANDS— LARGE OR SMALL ACREAGE. J. P. 'GARDNER. «25 Monadnock bldg.. -S. F. • ' OAKLAND RE.VI, ESTATE ". -:/. - HERE IS .YOUR CHANCE. V Neir o r." bungalow Just completed; near Key Route; ' marine Tiew; $300 down. bal. like rent: $3.000. Owner. 1420 Eroadsvay. Oakland. BARGAIN— Corner in Telegraph ar.. 30x100. suitable for stores .or apartment \u25a0•: 52.V/ per footi cheaper >thaa adjoining inshle- property. Owner. 2719 Regent St.. Berkeley. FINE . bulldlns ' lot. 25x137:6: swell Ux-alitv. .close to Key Route and streetcars: $790. . A p- ply 5800 Adeline st.; North. Oakland. . BEAUTIFUL French buoeaiow. with J oak floor* and £rand .. location % must be »oltt less - than . cost. - Phone Ptertmont 1313 immedtatHT. AL-iIIEDA RE.U ESTATE j .: . BIT joor home fn>n> W. H. M*-NAr«HTON. -_ 133 ft Part yt.. Alameda: pbene Alameda "2". H .VVVVARCr REA I. ESTATB^.^ CHEAP land for poultry; only "^ tots left «: Proctor subdivision; 2 miles, from -Ha j ward: $123 to $250 per acre; near school .on mala county 'road; oce-tSlrd down; no later c*:. so tales. - ." \u25a0 • ""- HAYWARD REALTY CO.. ... S. CL SMITH. Jdanager. Hayward. Open Sundays. -. \u25a0 - RANCHES, houses and. lota for sale 'or- trade. Send for list. ,F. H. PARKER. Santa Crnz. HOMES, raaehes.-". acreage. ' exchange; list. -DAVID L. WILSON. Santa Cms. Cal. >AJV^IA]rjBOJt^\ I^^ST ATE ' MUST be sold at once; about 12 miles from Sa i :\u25a0- Mateo; ' In redwoods; 300 acre ranch; putara - and .timber- land; <x> improveateats; $13 p«e \u25a0 -acre. PartJcnlar». box 168. San Matec. : 'V RICH.MQXP HEAL ESTATE _\u25a0 ' X ' .PULLMAN CAR SHOP LOTS •$3 per month. \u25a0" For maps and booklets, BROWN & SWEBTLAND, 4BS llth St.. Oakland.- ; REDWOOD CITY REAL ESTATE GREAT BAROAiNS— Lots In Redwood ] CUy. ,- $150 each: elegant home- sites; close in::- don't ..delay; only few left; $10 down and $Z per : -month buys a. 10t. .- Write or call for handscoiA booklet. - -."- -.:\u25a0 >\u25a0 •--.. • -V- E. W. MAORTTDRR. 2532 Ml««i<wi St. r£\lest.\te to exchange . C. R. HAMMERSMITH CO., 1112 Market " " • \u25a0 . \u25a0.•.--. • opp. 7th. fxchange Brokers. City and Conatry Real Estate. lI BEE income..: .Cottase-s: want lots anywhere. . THREE 160- : aeref farms. What have y.oa? IF-OUR • fncome -llata. •' Wast improved or unim. 20 acres " improved.- i' Want anything equal value. CITY - Improved. 1 or., iinlmprcrved: want ranches. \u25a0100 otaers.. PARTIUULARS ON REQUEST. $16,000 — 160 acres fine sandy loam, alf al*» "*»-.•• '- • Turlock =.*rrigatloh- dUtrfct: mile.-- : =.: C ; 'froflj'rarhrdai- station; WILL EX " T \u25a0 \u0084 for San: -Francisco. lncome proper"' . ' *i: -'"'. . -assnnie "•.'." small " • arortga^e. EC '. \:ili'X'- : , •\u25a0," :. BREWSTXR. 4. CLOVER. rotcn-U, 5S2v 1,.-." bldg.-.;-;^ '.\u25a0:-.: \u25a0\u25a0:;: .- y ". :• WILL exchange^ * 12.000 or $3,000 ot \u25a0^hUzl; '•\u25a0realty for "iiwiiitry -or •'• • Knbarban aoxeage- >a:. . ;coast -countj!;-S*-nta • Crua..' county pret«rei. \u25a0 : SALSBURY; : 9wner> 96S \u25a0 Broadway. OaktamL FOR btilldiog lor nerra or sojafh of park. 2 Cats.- '.-0f. 3 and 4 rooms;., bath.. etc.: cost $3,000: RlcliT-. -\u25a0" •mood distpfet-.- : Adiirw» bn^ 3205. Call nffli-e. "-. SHINGLES, il.50;" h;sttci $22; flocring. $2O; lia- \u25a0 ; Ing. $10. 3?- lftth ; st: ; Saa- Francisco. \u25a0:' ' I.i-^BEAL ESTATE TRA.XSACTIOrVjJ Bothlfl resl/?stit? compaay to EHea ClMil^t ;Bt»thln.. lot ta-NE -line of- fce'eond utreet,' ?7:t> SE-of Howard; :S^ >]E S5: $I^.: ; . Charles Ji' Watiirhfeiise; aatt. wife 41 al. to-!Luil \u25a0wig-\u25a0H:- Luakf n,ati. :lot itj : N-W -line of Folsom street, • 195 JSJfe d<f Tnlifd, XE 25 X>y NW ; »»s fl^.- : .-•\u25a0.-;\u25a0 f- .••.-\u25a0•, •.::\u25a0: :: : ':.\u25a0 : . : -. : ;•.- - 1. ; " ; :-£ouise: C*rtlldn? J?> CB'arleV X. '\u25a0 Carillon, lut ia E;-.line-;o<'-C^lling;wb<i«r street. Zt2 S of-Seyeu teenth.-S-25.bji£: 125;: 5>(».. '.' ; : . : V .. • ' t<oulse' .C*'f llloft; to Charles 1 -A:, Carillon, lot la ; •js^llHa c.f Hartford, streets 193 X- ©f Nineteenth, :X:-'2S"-by £.I.2>i;sU>;. . , \u25a0.\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0:•••.• , '\u25a0 : \u25a0'. §ame-tt>/sarbif;- tot "la 'S- tfne :of SeventeenrtJ -Street. 2tts;-W : »t gaenrian.:'w eOby S Tjv ijlu. • ; : F«IIk. M'axcTweVand wiff:)tq William JI. : Xay hwv lot" la-^tV" 'line, irt leikb' aveaue. SUO N of X ; street. :&• 25- nyTT 120: *l« r ? : \" • J S>a"n- f^ra-nclseo; land- compaajr \u25a0to Paaiel K9Seu blusT arid -wife.' tat' in.% liae-of Ninth aveuue, 2SO S of Csllforn'Si- street,^ 23: oy E 12u; \u25a0.••Mcikels -Nickelsen HaU.wlfß to • Rafael* del Pra.tet .« at.-. •; lot ' in XE- line, of Eiihte-MitU 'ave nue south, S2si';SE.<?f.R street, SE 5« bj- xa \u25a0lt>*V; $«?.;\u25a0..:.;:\u25a0: : - ' - . - • -..Paalina' Vest^ to. C. . J: Carroll, lot iuN lina :Qf Carme} ; strj^jt. -. 200 E of Cole. IT ' S3, X IW;4 n-lti... v::.25^--S 114:4 IMS; $10.. benjamin; A. Slardiltet al, to James F. Broad. lot .in S lineof EU^j- street. 112:B W of Lar kin. w 25- by- s e»:6: *it>. . : •'•\u25a0• James : fV proa dt .to' \u25a0 Lilian Wray Hunt, lot iv E'lrne ,of.-TJilri-.aTenu"q, 175. X :«f B street. -S 2z ' bj b iia): i-to. . : . .. •>\u25a0:\u25a0;:\u25a0-. - \u25a0 Lu;ia BeCa;-i6 UlHajv Henry. lot In SE'-llm of ..Mission.. stTeeS,- 153«W.0f: WUttier. SW-ZJ by. Jse 90: sU>l .':.;.•. * ••\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. : : \u25a0\u25a0 Eawrence •McCreery-..t0 Ant6in« BoreU lot". at S»' • corner of -Merchant aad • Battery streets.". S 53:3. by W 13T:6j. jIW . •• ". V.. \u25a0 r, .\u25a0 - '. Artliur. Fi-'Bou3sieau et aL to- Elisha F. Em>i-h3 ana : wife.-, lot fa S line of eallfornta 'street; lS2:SE.«}f..Pqlkv E 23;T:by.S 137:6; $10, E. R. I;illintli3-1. and.'wlfc to Aatouia Pi>luzi'>. ' lot la >* •Iteie." of .Lcbibard street, 35 E of S'.-ott. E 27:d:by..x; XW; i•. . ... ::\u25a0\u25a0 Antanii. Polizrto' aad wifs to Antoato Tavaztni, Ram«; : slp.. =-,; -•\u25a0-;•\u25a0 .." •"'.-.\u25a0•— • i. \u0084 . A." Mittelmaa and rwlfe. :6 \ Huko K. 'i^tier. lot'-Jn .W" line ..of l)eTl#adero street, -31:3 si of l»nboce avenue, S- 40:<, ; W boundary li"atf . of lot 51 as" saowq on map K. > 40:4. c i02;3 «-io; fiQi-. .: :.::: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' \u0084 , ' \u25a0> : -VReal- -E.«ate and DeTelopmeTir. compaor -to James -Katanaogb:'. and wife. lot. in W (lne' : of MlssonrT .strtet; . 100 S of Niaeteentn. S3 t>y W- l'OW; . gr?nf. "" ; ' " ' \u25a0'\u25a0.. --.." V -• .- Cfty \u25a0 rralty company •to Charles A. Hale, lot at- SE-eoruer .of J: street and- Sixth avenue. s5 '\u25a0&. bjr E. 03: $10.: ';\u25a0." \u25a0 . /.:» • = 'Edward pl.p 1 . Connoliy • and wife to James Don nelly,- ;lof in.S'lrne.'pf Rtrhland aTenne. 323 W \u25a0of Jiissicn- street; • being -S roraer of Rlcliland • - .ayenae."and-:E line of lot -44," "block 1, College : WU; 5105>6 by W,.26,75;.5ia. :,. • \u25a0-•.Partsld'p--r*alty : . company -ot'SaD Francisco' to . \u25a0Mint)ie.'G." Holmes. ";l6t In.- W line of Tbirteemli Avenue." 250. X!of.:.S. ».tre«t, N 25 by W. 12ft; $li>. . Kernando^Xrlsopind wife- to Robert H-- Mw- ray- and w:if«. lot ;--la . E Uu« .of Xtnta arenfle. HX> .X. .of p street. >'"23, by E; 120; :$lO. : . . ; .-.Charles^Gallnard.- 16 Edward. J;. le Breton, lot. : af XE". corner, of \u25a0. Sacramenia -atiyet and Grau'd : '. arehue. X" 53. by E-i6:S: |l:-. s ..- ; : .. \u25a0 :•' '- Christine t:J.Lnhi»' : Webstet-fc» the Him! estate. \u25a0\u25a0 compaay, lot. in S line 1 of Krt.-'j "street. 137 :U "E. of Hyde.rE 40' by S i 37:*; $10. " ' - •" , , Alice M- -Barry .^o>lairy JtfcDeTltt. lot at S"W corner oflSansonra- aiwt FUli^rt. streets. S 120. 8y. WA*:9;.-gm. .7. ,:•\u25a0••:".."::\u25a0. .- •• -; ;; \u25a0 . • ; \u25a0 .-VTander Wewlng' companjr ' to.. Union* br«wln"s' and tnaitins:- company, lot at' !JJ W • corner <?f Scott -and" Greenwich- streets. S 273. W 172:5. : S; 114... W: 24:5. S 15i:- E; 10754;. $10, •;-•:.: *. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 " \u25a0: Mary. J.- smith .ta :Benha .Rhiehardt,. lot -In E •' line." or Cook, street.- I<SZ:U:.'S ot'Pduz !'\u25a0\u25a0 ~ ayentie; N-2555 by 1 . El2o;sift.". : . ' " *. • George- W. T. Me-Mah«io etlaUja Pn ' > T: >. v ° Mahon.. lot in- -3 Un;e ; "of Greenwich str*''. -1J7.-1 W ftf-Masoni;: W23 by..^ 120: $10. .=: :' •\u25a0 :L-ticy A." Williams; -deceased -(by #s«rstefl xa Be«jamln>M. Lombard. Jot: at XE 'cos;":/;- , -Market' and Seventeenth' »treeu..E 1G9:9, Xrv*:?'.-- 1 SW T«:3fe; $3.< WO. ."• . I; •\u25a0'\u25a0-- '• :.:-"\u25a0- . • Catherine . McGee.- deceased; <by executory ti> . Johh; 1 Isaac; -lot in- X- line -of \u25a0" Jacksgn street. 2Ti WXfota E;Une of*^O-ta.a lot «24. W' 2s tv E line:of Anbnrn street by 68:9; *7.<900. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0;':< \u25a0 .Real 1 Estate and :" DeTeloj»ment- company .to 4 Alexander' DaTjes- and •wife i : lot- in W-iine <>t Missour}. street-. -123 5" of Nineteenth. S 23 by W • lOOryrant. '; '•.;.'•.: -. ; <-.:. - • • "; . "Jcthn Ryan"and wife to Jlary>C- Ryan-et al.. . lot .in.! W line of'"Bernice street. 104:><t4--N of .Tnirtfeat^; N 24:3 14 V .W. 15, S 26:5%. E..73; Sqh- Francisco, aad. • Paeiflc «oprar- company to^ - Harrison street realty company, lot af W "corner of- Harrison and Ninth, streets. NW 5.%0." SW 223. -SE 73..5W HO, SE 275, XE 415. and three . afiafr pieces. '.-. .•• • " • . , " \u25a0;, - . Gwrsfc Whlttell to • same, lot In \u25a0SE line of Rtnsold. street! 250r:XE. o.f Ninth. -XE t3 by/ SB 75. -and : two «theT. "pieces; $10. • . . Roh£rt MclJonald and wife to Walter Davm. lot 111 E Une of Rh«le Island street. 2f>4 "S «f Eighteenth- S: 25.:. E 41:6^'. XE 29:9%;., lW - ; - Daniel Sater and wife to 'James H. Beerinff. "+" + lot irr E. line- "of" Fifteenth avenue, 270 X of p*»i street. X4By E *:.1: $10. \ • , - -. Real Estate'and Development company to Me- a tor Lep.key. lot, ln B line of Arkansas street. .123 *5 Sof .Twentieth. S23by E 100: grant.- ° : '• Fatrriewt realty company to- Anselo Stefanettl. ' lot ia X lineof Army street. 202:« TV of'ReUi vuf. W2sby X 114; $10. •-'• - . » - Real .E»tate and Development: company to Jllfhele Bertolatto. lot in S line of. Elghteentb street. 50 E of Arkansas." E 5O by 5 23; sront. Ephln Snkovitzen et . al. to Ivan . Sukorltzen. lot in, W line of Arkansas street. 200 S of Twen- t ty-thlfd. W;100. S 27:1V4. SE t» Arkansas. X S3; gift. : \u25a0'-,_'\u25a0 \u25a0„\u25a0„ \u25a0 \u25a0-- \u25a0 . . \u25a0-' . . Joseph Tr^smontoo and wife. to Ajaife Lv Pot ter; lot inISE line of Saipley street; 403:4. of* Fourth. XE 19:2 by SE 63; $10. ' Sophie B. Hewitt and hasbaad to Herbert" E. Cox, and i wife.'- lot at.NE comer, of .Greed and . Baier streets. E 32:0 by XB7;tfrslo. 1 .; William ,W: Brownell et al. to Warter, B. Glb blns."~.lot la W. line ofiTwentietli avenue. . 175 3 of P stre«t, Ssoby W 120; $10. '. Building Contract* ' *. . ? Edward M: ; A'dama 'with s Undeld *tt Roberts — To erect . a. one and % a balf story frame cottsee ta'STV line 'Of Cheoery «treet. 4(53 S"W . of Roa noke.' SW. 25 by XTV- 100: $1.4-Ta :- LovjU ' Grots : irtth A. • Ol?en a ncl A. D»tl* — To erect a three ttorj- and ; basement frame bniM in?.(slx'apartnient!<> in S line of Jackaon street. 40"W ofLarklD.' W S«».by S «ir«::s7.««a .".".: Cnk>a i trust ; conspjiny with " tne . Clinton flre proofing company — Concrete ' fllliir? and top dresn inc.nn \u25a0 roof ,- and \u25a0 on . all ; Sooth ; and sidewalk for builciinc, '-*\u25a0" '• '\u25a0\u25a0 • ; r " \u25a0 : Same. - with •J.- E. Pnane 4.'4 .' Co. — Prism • li;h:i on roof aad sidewalks fur sacJe; $3.*i50. ' 13