Newspaper Page Text
~— w^w-..: AUTOMOBILES EOYAL TourUt UmoUblne. Royal Tourist 7 passenger. / •'\u25a0"; • Tbomas — «— Forty. r- -\ , . '. -Stevens-Duryea 6 limousine body. ' :' "• ".. . . 74 cylinder Stevens *07. \u25a0 ' \u25a0"' •'.• •' . The>-e cars are \u25a0•/.'-" ' .• .' Esoeptlcnal barpatni"; H. O. Harrison & Co.. \u25a0\u25a0"•."• "• Peerless Motor Car*. ."••- \u25a0 538 Van Ness ay. 1 MAXWELL '07 runsbout. Just overba-uled. 1 -M»xwrll 'OS runabout, 14 hp. ; overhauled. \u25a01 Maxwell touring car. I' National Electric with exlde batteries. . In ... Cm '<:)*>!• 6hape; will trade for diamonds or re»l ejute. AU t:->m- c*rf are ensracted by the Max- wfll agency. 192-194 16th et.. Oakland. , .' FOR t-alo — Price $500 and upward: several '09 •nd '07 TOe touring cars, taken in trade for ! '«>S- cars and tliomuglily overhauled by our uiech«nios from our factory. : WINTON AT'TOMOBILE BRANCH. '\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'. " 300 Van Ness avenue, \u25a0 :\u25a0.'.. San Francisco. AA— AUTOMOBILES— Tbe good kind, the ready . ': tn run kind, the kind you can depend upon, at . "". prices lual wcu't break you. We bare them, . •'. tot* 'of them. :;..' : -,:. CANNING & VINTON AUTO CO.. : ;;. -.455 .rad 4SO Golden Gate ay. . - .pf> To-j' .a bargain's ' We have autoe frctn .: ."-ftsn'f**t4.ooQ. We »ell -machines lv first class \u25a0 \u25a0;<v->'rtdlti~i •ihlv'. . Open SQndayc. 3 p. m. Stand- \u25a0 • '»»! ':^yut<»mobilf Exchange. 352 Golden Gate ay. 1 Srjt.i"o'-rll tr<urtng oar. '. •: 1 .NsJfi-'.rial niectrlc with exlde batteries, in -£-*>t clax.K. shape: n ill trade f'lr diamondf. or real . ertytVi. ,\. r. HULL. 102 12th St.. Oakland. -''"Vpjwrrtmt .U'TOMOBILE. $1,500; NEW. :..uT>TI:KN:: ..uT>T1:KN: MORSE MKT.. Valencia at 14th. I'A(\- Braricg Works <-an braze 'your . : hrjekMi »lum. tasting*.. 430 Van, Ness; Pk. 5120. : TflD -FILLMORE BHAXCII OF THE CALL IS . . ;AT. : I6M FILLMORE ST. \u25a0ilTOMOniLli SUPPLIES L.: Hi. : & B. I. BILL. 543 Golden Gate ay. — .Utvadquartfrs fnr Solar lamps. Vesta batteries,. r*i:h*r<l oil. Diamond chains and parts. — _i,J.tV:'biere — 1900 Pierce 4 cylinder, 2 speed free W engine; call and «cc it: will b» open Sundays. . J, X.: CHICK, 312 San Pablo ay., Oakland, CaL . • \u25a0TIEPCE, R. S. Emblem motorcycles and bicycles. Jt»flN T. BILL & CO.. 357-9 Golden -Hate ay. BCiLDEnS A>'D CO.VTRACTORS BL'ILPI'NG or Jobbing: reasonable; 4 room cot- . . tajrf*, $1,000 op: flats. $3,000 cp: tee satn- :Pies;-Ai— t class references; cheap lots for sale. N. GfcTTY. 55 Mullen ay.; pbone Mission 4016. I. N..X. CONCRETE OO.— Foundation* and gide- "*.;ilk>* * hp*-<-:«!tv. Crocker *t.: p. Mkt. 2356. ' - ... DAY A\O CONTRACT WORK LvC BlKKOrr. carpenter and huafler— Plans free; , '\u25a0;" -iy fobbing done: n-as. 222S Mkt.: ph. Mkt. 2265. UNITED GLASS WORKS, Inc. H. R. HOPPP. President. ALL KINDS OF ART. LEADED AND MOSAIC GLAt-S. m TURK: PHONE FRANKLIN 1763. BUSIXESS CHASTCES <;. niAM & CO.* INVESTMENT BROKER."?. RAKKRY. {rrocery and ice cream: low rent; firr I'vatifn: doling a good busi":i'*ss: in Just what you arc looking for. G. HIAM. I«6S BROADWAY. :31 ropms. • fiT/t. Uvz leas", lew rent; all full; . . •-\u25a0-\u0084. to Hrohdv.iiv: n snap; act at once. G. HIAM. i** BROADWAY. HALF intrrest iv ice cr^ans parlor and factory: \" Al bu»lnr^; everything up to date; now rent; price .$^V». G. HIAM. fn'.S BROADWAY. ' *> rooo^ Mim:y 4 minute walk from town: : . FSQOi'rent psid until middle of May. G. HIAM. DCS BROADWAY. "2 rT.'his, 3 hl.irkt! from Broadway, low rent: mu-t br son before Friday: nicely furnished; .. • ?700. «;. HIAM. WS BROADWAY. \u25a0 ' GROCERY snd delicatessen: low rent: lonj: lesse: .-fi!i« Jooatinn; this is a mmcv raaker for a good .; >i>.k:fyio. o. HIAM. f^S BROADWAY. . . BROWN &. SWEETLAND, \u25a0 - \u25a0 • .- 4*>>. 11th ft.. Oakland. . -Remember we carry the largest list of business .chffnees'on tbe P«iiae coast. J4.sf*;i — 50 rooms; new faraitnre": thoronphly r»-nr>vat«»d: cewly pspered and tinted; rent $150; B'TCtrs' lease; lo«-atfd in one of the best room- in? house cities on the coast. $5.000 — Old established hardware bnsines* in thriving city of 50.000 population; exclusive arenry fcr ttandard "line of stoves; stork at in- voif*e: this trill stand a thorousli ini estimation. f2.o(>0 — Grocery: splendid etork; complete and Dfß-; modern fixtures: good income; investigate. , \u0084 • -IX . there : if anything for sale in business I chan«i« ire h«v«- it. V . \u25a0 BROWS & SWEETLAND. CCS llt'j st^ Oakland. • SELLING AGENTS FOR PULLMAN CAR ;. . SHOP LOTS. . FOR sale — Sawmill, capacity 30.O0O; 40,0OO,Ol."O ... \u25a0\u25a0 f«»t timber. 744 Pacific bldg. : WANTED FOR CASH— Some pood tracts of rmjwivyi tinber. 744 Parlflc bldg. FINE HOTEL and restaurant: oau*e of sale. .- «tb«>r- business. 744 Pacific bldp. . ion Mile— Itfy acre* redwood: 2.<KK).000 feet; •\u25a0\. ci^'s ciience for millmaa. 744 Pacific buildluß. V'REAM AND CANDY STORE: splendid lo- ratlon"; good investment. 744 Pacific building. iniß sale — Odp cf the best paying saloons, best ' t>u£lm?*R locations, one-half iv value; must go. .744 Pat-lfif building. rORwls — GENTS' ITRNISHING STORE: BEST MONEY MAKING LOCATION IN THE CITY; '. . ' iGQOD BARGAIN. 744 Pacific building. BVTCHER. fniit. vopr»ta.ble and grocery market; \u25a0-- fibont fS r » da!lr cash holiness; liorse and • \u25a0' wsjfon; no opposition: rent $60: 0 years' lease; *-.iitalile for two partnert: tieck'f trial; $2,200. CLABKE & MAGNUS. S3O Market St.. r. 507. "GBOCEEY ani family liquor store in livrly miri-et; <Joing strictly fash I»uslnesif of $40 . daily: no delivery: rf-nt $30; reduced to \u25a0'\u25a0 J1.2.%6; well "worth J1.5O0: work* trial given. CLARKE * MAGNfS, 830 Market nt,. r. 507. A SNAP IN SHASTA CO. Only fruit and vegetable business in b**t mtninif »"i»n. including good team, delivery wsg'.n: fix.: «•!«. 12.V1' mo.: price ?r>so. . . CLAUKL' & MAGNUS. K3f> Market st.. r. 507. GII.LIES & CO.. BUSINESS BROKERS. • NO' CHARGE FOR LISTING A BUSINESS. J2st>— J'ruit and vegetables; $15 daily; money miriter. • *150 — Half lntere»t, or $100 per mouth; money . \u25a0 soured. $300 — Third interwt, photo studio; Investigate ft Is. .. \u25a0 tuft* — 60 mndy rending mar-hineti;. clearing $200. $<Jso— Roadbrnise; "would be cheap at $1,200. $1.200^- Delicatessen: $35 dally: terms if wanted- JJ.7.V>— 7<,'leanicß work*; In city of 6.000. \u25a0 $3,<*>o'— i.rocery: positively the b«t in the city. I GILLIES & CO.. 102S Market St.. room 22. TO lho»-p having $1,000 lo $5/KX) to invest we ".- offer Hock in established and nucce«»ful land ' that will yield 2 for 1. Will secure yniir-.- luvet-tmout with clear real **tate. A \u25a0\u25a0 i>f«ltinn. as ts.'fsman. by which you can make '••? hig • tnbney, if desired, to those pnrcbasing : .M^k-k..- A Ktraight, legiticufe business propo- sition: .-*«b3ect to your fullest Investigation. . >:4ar<J-» box 3103. Call office. '", : feOQToj"»tafllo for eale In best town uear city; J \u25a0\u25a0. owner- tnn»t give np business at once on account *:. -'''ft. -illlfiealth; will sr-ll wita or without instru- °"*..°3ir»nt*;*t a great Merifice if taken at once. 7 . : ' JAaarfoi-.liio* 8134. Call office. - \ Fftft-rept .or *ale— 2 story scow. 21x50; S rooms, "/. -^ii.trlipijjin.l dining room; elegantly furnished; •'.; *Is«- bit.- fixtures, '\u25a0ash register and piano; '. \u25a0•.Ijir'j:* tall -for dancing. Address M. CALDA- ,..-'\u25a0:.-_;. KAUItA'.; box 9^. Martina. \u25a0 - FOR" >jile— Batcher business, consisting of \u25a0 3 ' -.- : ' "horsffc,- "2 wagon*, slaughter bouse, shop; also '. •" •" 2" Jotts." 5 room bouse and large barn; in Aro- taa«:. 'Address Aroma* Butcher, Aromas. Cal. \u25a0 AN' -old -established busiDefcs; Al location; no •"\u25a0 . rsiropotltion; grocery, confectionery, bakery, ; '. -er-bool: Hipplies; 2 nicely fura. llv. rooms; rest r»a»..N. X GOODMAN. 1661 9th »t- Oakland. \u25a0RANTED— Partner wltli $2,000 for fine estab- llKhed moving picture theater In Portland, Ore.; li') .time fijr curiosity ««?eker«. Room 508, " Urajid .'hotel. ' FOR sale— A good paying route on Tbe Call In Al«m<-da county. Apply to J. R. LEXHART. : Clw-ulatlcn Dept.. S. V. Call, 3d and Market. <L'AKI> and paltry bakery and lunchroom ; fine place; good business; cost $3,000; cheap for <-»*ii. Address 80 Socth 24 St.. San Jose, Cal. F«»R X*!e — A good newspaper foute In a good district in tlil« city. Apply to J. R- LEN- •HAET. Clrculafron Department. S. F. Call. GROCERY and branch bakery: long established; for vale on account of eicknew; bargain. - Call * '£>9<i McAllister et. near SUnyan. TOR sale — Saloon on best pert of East St.:- per- manent building; good reason. Address, box SllS. Call office. .'\u25a0 --'. PARTNER In email manufacturing . butiness; <.-!*•*!* $30 per week each: no experience; $200. 306 12tb tt. \u25a0.•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0" COMMERCIAL AUDIT COMPANY, BUSINESS BROKEBS, "19 Metropolis Bank bldg. Phone Sntter 10. „ $300— nttsblirbed bueinet*; fine chance for man of ability; thorough InvesUgation Invited. Box <OS."i. Call office. Oakland. . !____: ,f( MACHINIST, mukt be first class young man and - x worker, to. boy half Interest Jn * garage - *nd •hrim in town of, 4,500 population; 30 m flea from San I'rancjjtco; bert climate in California: :*Wr |i««oon $r>no and $1,000; tnisiness et>tat>- li*b»d and Al proposition to right man;- foil particular* tn fir»t letter; references .given and required. Box 3127. Call office. RESTAURANT for tsale; ha^ or whole.'- 7*-6137 *- 613 tv sear Kentucky. BUSINESS CHANCES — Continued GILLIES & CO., BUSINESS BROKERS. NO CHARGE FOR LISTING A BUSINESS. $150 — Fruit and vegetables; $15 daily ;" inoney maker. $150— Half interest, or $100 per month;, money secured. $300— Third interest, photo studio; investigate this. . . $900 — GOcam'y vending machine*;, clearing $200. $050 — Roadhotisp; "would be cheap at $1,200. - $I.2oo— Delicatessen; $:!5 daily; terms if wanted." $1.750 — ("IcaniiiK work*; in city of 0,000. $3,000 — Gnx-ery: positively the best in the city. GILLIES & CO., 102s Market st.. room 22. DRUG STORE for sale^ — Fine hardwood fixtures, olean stock, good - location, low rent. Box 3212. Call office. MONEY loaned to Inventors to patent good Ideas. JOHN WEDDEKBURN, Capitalist, Urookland. D. C. RESTAURANT and coffee parlor; must be sold at onoe; owner going from the city. Call at 23*55 Folsom St. _j . MCST be sold — Grocery, fruit store; rent only $20; main street, Berkeley, 235& Shattuck ay, HAIR DRESSING parlor; half, for sale; will teach business; $125. Box 4501. Call office. ROUTE on this, paper for sale — Oakland and Berkeley. Phone Piedmont 4209. HU SI.VESS WANTED , ..^ -,„ WANTED — Roadbonse*. abont 15 to. 25 miles from olty: price about $1,000: have cash and mean business. GILLIES & CO., 1028 Market st.. room 22. HOU^S^fjF^H^SALE AA— THE FILLER COMPANY. 322 PACIFIC BLDG.. -MARKET ST. at 4TIL Phones— DOUGLAS 1023 AND J1023. The largest and most complete list of flats, rooming and apartment houses in California. EVERY HOUSE IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS THE BEST IN ITS CLASS IN SAN FRAN- CISCO. THE MOST MAGNIFICENTLY FURNISHED and best located house down town; SO rooms, 40 barhf.; steam heated: most modern, com- plete and economical heating plant In this city: curly birch. Circassian walnut, mahogany; brass l>eds; high pile carpets and mattresses made to order; this bouse has the best future of anything in San Francisco: will clear from , $700 to $SOO per month; $14,000 is the bottom price. FULLER CO. APARTMENT HOUSE of 30 rooms, tn 1. 2 and 3 room apartments; rent $110; splendidly fur- nished throughout; cateriug to the best people; will net $ioo per month: a quick sale for $2,700: see this at once. FULLER CO. HIGH CLASS, up to date, quiet house of 24 rooms. 10 baths; steam heat; good furniture; clearing $225 per month; desirable. FULLER. 40 ROOMS— One of THE BEST; all rooms light and sunny: olesrs $300; price Is $4,200; good buy. FULLER CO. • THE FINEST SMALL TRANSIENT HOUSE In the city: 14 rooms; new. modern; right down- town: clearing big money. THE FULLER CO. FOR LEASE FURNISHED— 3O rooms ; fully {"\u25a0quipped: everything in fine condition and Al looation for reuting: rent Sl9O per month, which is a snap. THK FULLER CO. HOUSES FRO.\f $450 to $40,000. "~~ THE FULLER CO- EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE BEST. ~~ ~~~ A. CAMERON & CO.. 714 MARKET ST.. MAGEE BLDG., Opposite THE CALL. Room SOl. Phones Douglas 4379. C 4370. HOTELS. ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSES. FLATS. TITLES GUARANTEED. BARGAIN — Fine cor. N. Market; 65 rms. : rent $200: well furn. laree rmf.: this week. $3,500. LARGEST list of hotels, apartment houses and fiats in city "to select from: right prices. FOR sale — Good paying rooming house; will take Uorse and bnccy and cow as part payment. 17"2 Sutter st. EDUCATIONAL PILGRIMS to the HOLY LAND and TOURISTS to EGYPT and Turkey are recommended to take elementary course In ARABIC; advan- tages freely explained. M. G. BACOUR, 1272 Market t-t. A — PAUL (SERSON DRAMATIC SCHOOL— Largest training school of acting in America; position secured: 8 months' graduating course: send for catalogue. Countryman building, 915 Van New ay. THE N. Y. Vaudeville Co.. Inc., 916 Kearny St., wants pupils for vaudeville and drama at all time*; enter the highest paid profession in the world; we teach and place you. AA— The Lyceum, 2590 Pine St.. prepares for uni- versity or any examination; individual lnstrue- • tioa; moderate rates; you save time and money. ENGINEERING— CiviI, electrical".' mining, mecb., survey, assay, cyanide: day. eve.: est. IS&4. Van der Naillen School, 51st and Tel.. Oakland. DANCING. Findlay's. 3245 I6th stTi ballroom and stage: class Mon., Wed. and Fri. evgs.; social* strictly select: private lesson* daily. THE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES. 253"! Washington st. near Fillmore — Send for cir- cular. . * » CANTON School English— Chinese taught Amerl- oans. native teachers. 23 Canton Bk.. 049 Krny. PROF. T. A. ROBINSON, Individ, inst. Math/, Bookkeeping. Eng.. etc; day, <»ye. 507 Halght. SPANISH. French or Italian taught In conver- sion. PROF. HIDALGO, rm. 409, S3O Market. FLSK TEACHERS' AGENCY.. 2I42 Phattuck ay., Berkeley, c'al. : next to First national bank. nuSINESS COLLEGES MERRILL-MII,LER COLLEGE. 733 Fillmore St.; a select school of business; day and evening. SAN TRANCISCO Bnsinces College. f>oB Market et. at Eddy; day or evening sessions. ALL court reporters recommend Gallagher-Marsh Business College. 125 C Market st. HEALD'S Business College and School of En- gineering. 425 McAllister st. JOHN R. RUCKSTELL. C. P. A.. SO6-308 Claug Spreckels <Call) building: phone Kearny 4151. MARK LANE, Notary Public and Commissioner of Deodx, 143 Montgomery St.; pbone Kearny _______ ______________ TITLES RESTORED TITLES RESTORED Under McEnerney act. complete. $35. Title Co.. ojl-3 Monadnock bldg.. 3d and Market sts. ATTORNEYS AA— DIVORCE; costs $12; quick, quiet; advice free; no charge unless successful ; title to real estate restored; bankruptcy; probation of es- tates; general practice. 102S Market at,, r. 12. ADVICE free — Plain facts as to strength of any c«»«; always successful; low fee: divorce costs $12. 419 WESTBANK BLDG.. SP.O Market st ADVICE free. Divorce costs $12; quick and quiet. Collections, attachments, damages. Rooms 601- 602. Westbank bldg.. 830 Market; open eve. QUICK, quiet, complete decree for $20; open Thursday evenings. 1112 Market »t.. room 122. HARRIS & HKSS, attorneys at law. W. T. Hess, Notary Public. Rooms 1108-14 Call building. J. XI; C. MURPHEY. attorney at law, suite 1011, First National Bank bldg. Douglas 1374. PATENT ATTORNEYS DEWEY. STRONG & CO.— Founded 1860; U. S. and foreign patents; inventors* guide; 100 me- chanical movements -free. 1105 Merchants' Ex- change building. San Frascfoco. CARLOS P. GRIFFIN; late examiner U. S. Pat- ent Office. 1201-2 . Metropolis bank— Patents, trademarks and copyrights: teL Kearny 4815. HARRY C. SCHROEDER. U. S. and foreign pat- ents. 417 Ist Xat'l Blc.. Oak.: phone Oak 2.54. . : - .-.. ARTIFICIAL teeth; this one thing I do. Dr. C. K. Wilson, 323 Geary, suite 605 j tel. Doug. 4300. i DR. IRA G. LEEK— AII kinds of dental wortc. 515 Fillmore *t. near Oak. .-^ •-\u25a0\u25a0".•-•\u25a0.<,\u25a0 .. rjj . J STRICTLY private liome for. confinement cases; resident physician In. attendance; best-refs. 1131 Lagnna et. cor. Eddy; phone West 6964. HOME for confinement; attendance $20. 1548 Steiner st. nr.: Geary. Hours 12-1:30," 6-7 p.m. S. F. LYING IN HOME. 1191 Oak st. Mkt. 4469. Diseases women and children: confinement; $25. ATTENTION, ladles— Dß. LEWIS,* 933 Market ft. bet. sth and Ctli. world renowned specialist for women only;. no delays or disappointments; relief guaranteed by mo»t- superior.; painless methods - known 'to medical science;, most ob- stinate c-at-os treated; all female complaints and . Irregularities treated; . have \u25a0no • hesitancy if in need of my. services; absolutely harmless; low. feet!.. By consulting an eminent specialist you save time and money. Advice free, 10 a. m. to 4 pi m.: and; 6 to 0 p. in.; Sundays, 11 a. m. to 2 p.;m.*- *.. * .: ;-/..\u25a0 /..-\u25a0>\u25a0}\u25a0> "V-.- ; >."-: VALPEAU'S female- pills; best regulating. pills w>ld; • price : $2.50 * by . express. •• Jener '\u25a0\u25a0 Syringe and tablets, prke $5. ' By express only oorn r re- ceipt of : price. OSGOOD BROTHERS,: whole- sale druggists, 7th and Broadway. Oakland.-- . MRS. DR.. MARY ADAM, \u25a0- reliable' specialist; : cures all ladies' complaints successfully; I good home for confinement; consul u^fcion free. "Hours 1-5 p. : m. -: 3004 ••KniitvaJe;av..iEa«!tv Oakland.' \u25a0' LE MERK'S' FEMALE SUPPOSITORIES - - Never fail; safe and reliable."-." For. eale at: all •drug, stores, v- $1" a', box. -, .--:"*\u25a0_-:-. -*' .. ::•'*"\u25a0. \u25a0 DR. WARREN- EMERSON, specialist: diseases . women ;. consult, free. \u25a0 1304 Fillmore cor." Eddy. ' THE SAN : GALL;^THURSD^miAROH; 3,^1910; ;;'". " :'\u25a0 "\u25a0 physicians : ' •"\u25a0' '* vJ--:";\u25a0v J -- : ";\u25a0 "y- AA— DR., DAY, LICENSED SPECIALIST, . suc- cessfully treats all "ailments, both sexes; thou- ' sands . made happy and 'heal thy; "confinement.' " $30, , with nurse: •• advice , free: ' positively uo charge unless satisfied. Suite 208-210. -Harding bnildlng t 34 Ellis st., at: Market and -4th. > DR. BKX FOO.N CHINKSE HERBS .C 0. —20 years of \u25a0 experience;, cures : all ailments by ' wonderful method; 01 7 Kearny; hrs. 0:30 to 7; Dlt WONfi'HIM. •.".•- * •'\u25a0;\u25a0 ... ."\u25a0\u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0 -'\u25a0 "\u25a0"---\u25a0 . HEITB: DOCTOR., Permanently located. 120S \u25a0 O'Farrell st. het: "Cough and Ootavln.: A — PRIVATE home fbr the 7 sick; .'confinement specialty: adoption: -special treatment for;all female troubles. "• 171. East 14th St.. Oakland. Pacific Coast: Convalescent Horne — First .class home for invalids; reas.: contagious cases -pro- blh. 2807 Piedmont ay.. Berk.; phone Ber. 3590.' HO^KjSFj)^ INVALIDS v^ HOME and care, for invalids or- aged person*. 3421 25th st. near Mlssiftn: phono Mli«g|on"4fi2o.'- POPULAR REMEDIES . : RICORD CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS for men's private diseases. • Sold only, by . E. B. JORGENSON. 044 Kearny St.; Saa Francisco. Mail orders a specialty. Send for circular. ; , SANDERSON'S Co.". savin and cotton root pills; pure remedy for female troubles; price $2 per box. Red RavenDnig C0..,f>12 Market st. SEXOID, a mnrvelous cure for weakness; in men; money netnrned if it fails; price $1' per box. »Red Raven Drug Co.. Oli-Market st. \££^~£^ LARGEST stock of trusses and elaptlc goods in the city. Clark-Gnndkm Co.. 110S Market st. HEALTH MO VEMEXT. "VIAVI SCIENCE OF HEALTH," natural •non- . surgical; cloth bound, 400 page book, free! Ap- " P'yi by mall, <i-{i; Pine st. Lecture for women Thursday at 2:30 p. in. •-"\u25a0-•. CHIROPODISTS MRS. A. SANDBERG, chiropodist, ISO 2 Fillmore St.: telephone West 14SO. \u25a0-.•:\u25a0\u25a0 SERNBORG'S INSTITUTE • Nervous and rheumatic - diseases, electric light and N.iuiieim baths. 409 Whitney : bldg. AURORA INSTITUTE for PHYSIO-THERAPY; 4G3 OFarrell — If others fail to cure you,' come and. see L'S: our method Is quick and sure. BUSWELL Therapeutic Institute, 1122 Market; founded 1002: all troubles: C treatments. $5. \u25a0THERAPEUTIC' TREATMENT *..' FRANKLIN Electric Institute — Elec. "treatments \u25a0 and massage. 535-7 Whitney bldg., 133 Geary. MRS. C. ROSE, Mgr.; hrs. 10 a. 10 p. m. LYDIA SMlTH— Rheumatism specialist; nervoui diseases. Apt. 35. 1300 . Golden Gate ay. -r. . HUNTINGTON MASS. INST., 423-24-25 Whitney bldg.. 133 Oeary st. Mrs. Hnntlngton. Mgr. CATARRH AXD DE AFXESS , ALSO ear noises positively cured; one week free. DR. COTTINGHAM. S3O Market St.: hrs. 10-4. RUPTURE CURED "DR. PIERCES ELECTRIC TRUSS"; a wonder- ful invention: 35 years in use. Address PIERCE- &. SON. 1417 Chestnut St.. Alameda. MATRIMONIAL ORPHAN with large property interests, capable and fine appearance, wishes the acquaintance of middle aged lady likewise situated; con- fidential; object matrimony. Box ISS, 110S Valencia st. RESPECTABLE lady (widow), aged - 40. would appreciate the acquaintance of respectable man with sufficient means to support a home; object matrimony. 805~3173. Call office. GENTLEMAN, 25, desires acquaintance with lady between ages of IS and 22; object matri- mony. Box- 3104. Call office. BLIND maa of 35 years, making a good living, wishes to correspond with • widow; object matrimony.,, Box 4560, Call office. GENTLEMAN. 42. wishes to meet a refined lady of means; object matrimony. Box 2945. Call. ELITE marriace bureau for lonely people; cir- <Tilar 10c. 954 Broadway. Oakland. PERSONALS WANTED to know, the address of Mrs. L. But- ler, 130 28th St.. S. F. Please address MRS. F. MILLER. 1002 Grove St.. Berkeley. A— WIGS and TOUPEES that defy detection; ven- tilated; perspiration doesn't affect them: wig making a life study; men's private wig depart- rnen, 2271 \u25a0 Cal. \u25a0 St. near Webster.. - Mr. \u25a0 G. Lederer in charge. LADIES 1 HAIR GOODS— Transformation, switches, puff«; artistic wig making, shampooing. G. LEDERER. ISO 9 Fill- more st. near Sutter. Established 1566. OHASJ H. SCHULDT. formerly of A. Johnson & Schuldt, plumbers. 2038 27th St.. is now. doing business at 1101 York St. near 24tb. All cus- tomers will receive same satisfaction now as before. *-. - -..-\u25a0>•:>.» -<j ' . MAGNETIC physical healing; a vital science. MRS. HOLSHOUSER,- 351 Pacific building; hours 10-9; greatest magnetic operator; spine, nerve and poor circulation; all; ills. MRS. L. E. HARTMAN, M. T., electro thera- peutics and - massage. Office and residence (115 Ellis st., near Hyde. Hours 10 to 9. rranklin 2057. MME. FRANCINE. European, most scientific deep . wrinkle treatment. 626 16tb St.,' Oakland, cor. Grove; phone Oak. 7511. Come and get a chin strap; you need It; everybody needs one. . *: . MISS IDELL, 1006 A Sutter St.— Electric mas- sage for select patronage only; agent \u25a0 for Van's Mexican Hair Restorative. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to 10. j ALLEN RUG WORKS, successors to George Mat- thew — Artistic hand loom weavers, fluff rugs made from old carpets: send for circulars. . 039 Buena ' Vista ay., Alameda, Cal; •, , LADY painless foot specialist; eastern method; iUko Swedish massnge and medicated baths; mem. A. T. P. A. 1210 McAllister nr. Fillmore. MRS. NETTIE HARRISON, removes hair, elec- tric needle: -20 yrs. practice; gray hair colored; face treatments. 1008 Sutter. Tel. Frank. 5573. UNCALLED for suits, overcoats • and trousers at less~than cost at-CHAS. LYONS', the London tailor. 1432 Fillmore bet. Ellis and O'Farrell. ELECTRIC Thermal Inst. — Rheumatism, nervous diseases, colds, skin diseases; massage. MRS. E. SANDBERG. ISO 2 Fillmore; tel. West 14S0. GOLDSTEIN CO.. theatrical and masquerade cos- tumers, removed to BS3 Market ' St." opp. Powell. ELKC. vibratory: select patrons. \u25a0 043 Van Ness ay.. cor. O'Farrell st.; suite 307-300; no sign. DIVORCE — Advlcefree all cases; no charge un- less successful. Address , box 3207. Call office.' HOT salt baths (medical); massage for both sexes. 526 ftth nt., Oakland. THK FILLMOUE BRANCH OF THE CALL IS AT 1651 FILLMORE ST.* , INFORMATION WANTED J.' • B." WARREN; ex-section " foreman ' N. , P.' : Ry. Co., Roslyn, Wash., write or wire me at once; want you as witness in Important case set for . trial Mar'-h -22: accident • happened . at Roslyn. J.,E. NEWTON, District Claim Agent N.- P. Ry. Co.. Tacoma. Wash." : \u25a0 " * \u25a0 SPIRITUALISM AA— MRS. J. J. WHITNEY, ; trance medium; i consultation $1, at her honie, 1164 O'Farrell; by letter, 4 questions; $1: phone Franklin 5024. 1 LOTTIE : BUSWELL, spiritual readings; lessons i dally; circles every night. 1359; Webster St.* : near O'Farrell. :?.-*=--- . -\u25a0':"*.,.; "\u25a0*:;-.- \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 * :*.: *. v' MRS. U H. KINNAIRD— Con. dally. 10-4; dr- cle« Sun., Mon., Wed., Frl.,- S .'.- p. v m. . 1430 Fillmore : st. "-\u25a0-*.... ;\u25a0-;',.-\u25a0. -, JOHN SLATER, readings 10 to 2; circle Friday \u25a0 evening 8 sharp; -tests to all. .1430 Geary st. < MRS. S. SEAL, spirit mm.; consultations daily; \u25a0 officiates marriages. \ funerals. /. 780 •" McAllister. A^Moved — Miss M. Wllle, j mcd., * crystal seeress, <*au*he consulted on all matterg; • 1896 Sutter. A— \u25a0 HENRY MANSFIELD,' .. /• World's greatest • trance : clairvoyant, ) palmist, as- . trologer. : mental telepathist, -will cause [ things ' . to be as you ' desire ; \u25a0 tells .: everything, names, . dates, \ lmportant .-• information; *\u25a0*.•>•' all .; revealed ; health, "love, bus.,-; mln;; 'treasure; changes,, law suits; imparts good luck; removes evil Influences. 1302 FILLMORE ST. cor. Eddy.- . .FOR READINGS BY, MAIL. SEND*SI.;.~ y; EVA '-. FAY, CLAIRVOYANT f AND : PALMIST— I don't ask you to have faith,': but prove facts; ' come one, come all, -1122 Market st. Readings .*. byimall^witb-; this ;ad.,i; 25c. *V "; .^s : ZAZELL, ! psychic healer, ' ordained '. medium; life reader and adviser; 3 questions by letter, 50c; "crystal gazing. 1116; Broadway ,';. Oakland,', Cal." MISSrZEMDkR, a young; gifted clalr., and palm; *V'a wonderful prophetess; bours.lo to 10; ";50c, ',v g. : $I. '. 652 1 Hayes i bet;; Laguna ? and f Buchanan;' Mme. Starr ;of ' Oakld. "; at ; Hotel ; Carting. B. ; F.';. ~- 1154 Mkt.. r;3::truth or no pay;. bet.. 7- and S." r',-;r ',-; : v t' y "*.:^ REV.MMR. BUSHNKLU formerly 919 Jones/ now >\u25a0•*'. 209 Kearny: -0 to 5 ex. Sun:; \u25a0tel.* Douglas a 3670. DATR "\u25a0 of, birtli.'s with i 10 J cents.'« trial reading " of future; full reading 25c.-/ ZAZA.aP. O.^box 372. Mrs. : Dr. i Benjamin,*: astrology;^ 1 hours »l : - t0? 5." ? 915- Van Ness ay,, - cor. s Ellis;^Frajiklia 2701. :" .. : -- :: i 'IX VESTMENTS *..j - '\u25a0 - : E F;i WAYLANL I"-^: C0., ~i BROKERS/: ; 474Mouadnock'Bui!dlng, San Francisco. CaL • \u25a0 STOCK OFFERED" KOR:OiriCK- SALE. 1.000 shares Coallnira* Cnulo'. Oil" Co. 1 . .@- • Bid 1,000 shares Spring Tlre,Co. :::;. '.:'.:. :®- .22 1;000 Bhares'.Teinplor ' Rauch \u25a0 Oil C 0 .... ©\. .~.'£i 1,000 shares Alaska" Petrol; & Coal Co. (Js - --5 1,000 pharesCoallnpaVAladdin Oir Co..@ ; .18 1,000 shares Four Metals. (San Jose).,.'. <hj \u25a0 . .IS 1.000 Ntw York Coalings Oil' C 0 ... .."".«», ".2*i 1,000 Landau |-. Economic ' Syphon . . . . . \u25a0; -. . (& •',; .20 100 Burlingame* Tel."Typewrlter.-....fri; .80 UK) *Shares\. Mascot Copper > C 0. .... ...(iu \u25a0 4.60 25 Telepost "S:- A." and 3 Conv....@ 7.00 15 United' Wireless pfd * (trans) .'. . ;.(a\ 20.00 . 5 shares -Chiapas Rubber Plant. . ..<& :,18.00: ,18.00 2 shares Palcmine -Plantation Co ."."w/ 35. 00 ' 1 Hidalgo .-. Rubber ; (l!)0(<> \u25a0 .'. \u25a0 ... . :'. (§>400.00 INVESTMENTS— To .those," having *; $I.<X)O to \u25a0 $5,000 to invest we - offer stock in . established : and "successful land company that .will yield 2 for 1. Will secure your. Investment with clear real estate. A position as • salesman by which 'you can maUe big -money, if desired, to those purchasing stock. A straight, lecitimate busl-' ne^s proposition subject to your fullest investi- gation. ' Address bo\- 32"9. Call office. . .-\u25a0 COLUMBIA MARBLE QUARRIES (Inc.)— ls i year 5 per. cent bonds, with stock bonus $500. for sale at 90 perc ent: D. E. BESECKER, 24S y Pacific bldg. •. * '.\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0 "\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ."•;.:••'• FOR sale — 80 acres practically proven oil land in the "i great San - Juan ? oil fields, southeastern '.'c Utah. -v For particulars address 429 Phelan bldg., ocean shore * ry. bonds for sale. d. er- besecker. 24s pacific! - building. * ,-' ; - * ;': ;. ;- '- vvsjwcv^i^-^^^^ \ COMPANIES incorporated- and organized;- most favorable charters. Nat'llnc, si 1 Mills bldg. \u25a0 j"j_ -MIXES AXP .MIAIXG GOLD, amalgam, rich ore bought;. 'cash; assaying 50c. . PIONEER ASSAY-CO., 131 sth st. near Howard. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'\u25a0 -. \u25a0 •• ~\ __j__j____ \u25a0^^^^^moxk y t(j i<oax ~~ T^^'k'dcTas'we'adv'ertisk." We advertise to make; loans to salaried people as' cheap as aiiy company in the city and cheaper than a majority ofxthem,." without security or indorser. and we do it. Wo will make you a loan on short notice without inquiry of your, friends or relatives. All of, our employes are gentlemen and you are, assured., courteous, treatment. *\u25a0 ..Pri- vate ",Monev costs only for time in your posses- sion' GREAT NORTIJERN LOAN CO.. 616 Phe- lau bldg.; 6th floor. ' Of flee open until 6. p.' m. Monday and Saturday evenings until 8 p. m. "BANKERS TO THE PEOPLE." We loan all salaried employes tho same as the banks loau the employers. - AU we require is that you are a steady" workingman on a ."sal- ary." All buslnws strictly confidential. No se- curity. No indorser. You may repay the loan in easy installments arranged to suit your in- come. Our specUl rebate plan saveß you paying high Interest. Lowest rates. WESTERN LOAN CO., 408 Call bldg. Open 8;30 a. m; till 6. p. m. Mondays and Saturdays till 8 p. m. \ A STRICTLY confidential; loans on furniture. 1 pianos, livestock, warehouse receipts or security of any kind; loans Can be repaid In easy week-: - ly, monthly or yearly payments; it is easier to pay one than a number: don't fall to call and see us. \u25a0- ILLINOIS FINANCE CO., formerly ILLINOIS TRUST CO., 1516 Eddy St., half block from > Fillmore: ' . - '.-.-\u25a0 : AAA— HOUSEHOLD LOAN COMPANY WILL LOAN YOU MONEY- ON FURNITURE. PIANOS, F.TC: $10 to $200: LOW COST; CON- FIDENTIAL: HONKST AND SQUARE DEAL. CALL WRITE OR : PHONE 357-0 \u25a0 PACIFIC BLDG., 4TH AND MARKET. PHONES DOUGLAS 3265— HOMR J1741. Oakland Office — 518 First National Bank bldg. WE LOAN MONEY TO PEOPLE WHO HAVE PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT: no Indorser; confidential: no red*- tape methods;: $1 1 week pays $15 loan, $2 week pays $30 loan. 1 $3 week " pa vs $45 -loan, $4 week pays $fio loan. Call and see us. THE- ROYAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 750 Phelan bldg. MONEY loaned 'on furniture, pinnos and othPr se- curity; lowest rates; most favorable terms in \u25a0- the city; see others, then see me and be con- vinced;- I will save you -money: $2.25 -weekly repays $50 loan. Phone. Market 3029. GEORGE W. MILLER. 3009 16th St., southwest corner .Mission, room 35. - . -' . MONEY loaned - salaried people, .women keeping lionse and others upon their own-names, with- out security: easy payments: save, money by trading here; of flees in 65 principal cities. TOLMAN, room 951 Phelan bldg.. San Fran- c isco. and room 9. 4CO 13th st.. Oakland. __________ LIFE INSURANCE- SALARIES— Wage Earners' Investment and. Loan Company, -.-:\u25a0'\u25a0 443 Pine st. SALARIF.D persons and WAGE EARNERS can obtain LOANS at reasonable rates without-red tape or delay, at 433 PHELAN BLDG; PHONE DOUGLAS 8244. ".-: ' . ; AAA — Wage earners, either men or women, can J make a loan in strictest confidence at the Em- ployes' Crt-dit Co..- r00m.424. Monadnock bldg. SALARY LOANS — rLadles and gentlemen without - security; notes and commercial paper : bought. 313 Merchants' Ex. . bids. ; phone Douglas 1411. AAA — SALARIED men and women accommodated . without delay or publicity. Home Credit and Investment Co.. 523 Pacific building. stb floor. MONEY ,to loan on furniture without removal: low interest; \easy payments: strictly confi- dential. , P. O. bos 163. Alamedn. » ON furniture: and pianos; no' removal. TRE- MAIN. room 811, 533 Market, next Emporium. ON furniture; pianos or any security. BECKER, Monadnock building, 6.51 Market St.. room 403. CASH loaned to salaried men on note without In- doreer. : MORRELL. 1022 Monadnock building. SALARY loans; other propositions. San Fran- olsco Discount Agency. 411 Pnrlflc building. .MONEY TO LOAX—HEAIi ESTATE AAA— LICK LOAN CO., ' 35 Montgomery st. DEAL DIRECT. ANY AMOUNT. First and second mortgage* and Installment loans - in any part of San Francisco. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Lick building, room .101. ::-,, Douglas 3016, C 3016. ANY amount;. -lowest rates on, first .and second mortgages ou real: estate,, legacies, undivided interest, estates in probate: no delay. R. Mc- COLGAN; '-rooms 502 and 504.* Claus Sprcckels (Call) building. Market and 8d sts. FIRST mortgage loans at s'/j per cent; 2d mort- gages, estates, legacies and undivided interests nt lowest' rates; no delays; HERMAN MUR- PH Y, ISO Sutter st.. rooms 301-2. , ' ANY amount on real estate, first or second mort- gages, or any security; no delay; lowest rates. O. W. BECKER. Monadnock bldg.. 6SI Market. A— 'DEAL DIRECT WITH LENDER. First and second -mortgages;' bank Interest, 'SHADBURNE C 0.. '503 Monadnock building. $3,000 or less on Improved real estate. RANDALL R.E. CO., 8126 Frnitvale ay., Frultvale. ; $;00 to $100,000; any proposition; lst-2d mtgs. DU RAY SMITH. 1015 Broadway. Oakland. "MONEY WANTED MONEY. -wanted— To those having $1,000 to $5,000 to invest we offer stock in established and land company that .will yield 2 for 1. Will .secure your, investment 'with clear real estate. A position. as salesman, by : which you can make big. money, if desired, to those purchasing stock.. A straight, legitimate . business proposition, -subject--' to \u25a0 your fullest : investigation. - Address box 3100, Call office. MONEY wanted— s4o,ooo on : 110 acres suitable for subdivision, within 30 minutes of San Fran- cisco. i Will cut 1,000 lots. " ;. Property . is • worth $220,000. « Afljolntng / acreage sold to Baldwin &'Howell-for $3,000 per acre. $60,000. Col- lateral loan "on $120.000 ' worth "of first I mort- gage real estate Hens. Apply to box 3101, Call. ';;*'\u25a0\u25a0 y^- : ' :^LKGAL^]VqTICESU : " : ;'- NOTICE is hereby given that JAMES R.JOHN- SON.' a prisoner at Folsom,' will apply to the -board of prUon directors, for parolo- at the ~: March meeting. "'"'\u25a0.' -•\u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0...\u25a0\u25a0 % -NOTICE OF: LEASINp. SEAWALL LOT. • : Notice -is ."hereby given that bids "will:, be" re- ceived and opened by the Board of State Harbor Commissioners at their office, room No.' lo^ in the Union ' Depot -and * Ferry {House, foot of -, Market st.. In the city >and "\u25a0\u25a0county. of San ' Francisco, state -of California, at f tbe -hour, of 10 ? o'clock a. . nt:, \u25a0-. on 7 Thursday;., the *\u25a0 10th • day ;• of t March, \u25a0 1310, : for lettlng«or leasing by Hnid Board of Sea- wall | Lot "B.'.'- Said, seawall* lot is situated on the ; water ; front of . the . city, and -county « of • San Francisco, .- and g: :is *\u25a0 bounded ,•' by • Taylor, ' Mason; Jefferson and East sts.- : \u0084 ' - .•. . - . - : > s Said \u25a0 property i will \u25a0 be '; let ; to the highest and best I bidder for* a " term \u25a0 not exceeding 1 twenty-five (25) ; years, -. subject, ' however, ~to s the * r power* of the Board . to " reject- any ; and • all : bids," and In ac- cordance t with -i printed X terms i and • conditions I of lease : to ; which I reference'; Is > hereby * made.'i which are i on , file •In .the > office of \u25a0 the : Secretary >of the Board, copies of which . will be furnished bidders on *c application j to ; said ' Secretary. ; * Reference ' is also hereby. made; to said printed terms: and con- ditions of lease for a -more particular, description of Seawall Lot ,"8. "—,.\u25a0; r : ' ', !T; • . s Bids • must » set * forth > tbe - purposes - for -which said lot shall be used and the bidder must agree that | the I statement • ot- his I bid, * If >- the \ lease I is awarded, to him.- shall be embodied In said lease,* and ?he r must f also : agree I that ? said - lot •- shall be used only for the purposes set forth 1n hfs bid. « ;\u25a0>>.'•;-;>. - J W. ;;V.f STAFFORD, v • - ' W.. E.= DENNISON, ' \u25a0 'P. S.VTELLER, - ' . "Board of State Harbor. Commissioners. . W.-B. THORPE,* Secretary. *;:\~s<-:* 6," 1910. '\u25a0 " ' : '-" f ; ; ;; _.^ : ;:ACITY^REAL;ESIViTEv",: iv_>' -r ' -"V BALDWIN i* & STETSON;'; 147 > Sutter st. • ' ,'-'\u25a0, THAT PAYS. : : i $65,000— -With ;an \u25a0-, Income i ot '. over ; 13 : per ; cent net ; \u25a0> marine ? view; r. close,: ln ; ,'\u25a0\u25a0 just i completed ; hardwood *• finish >. throughout; ;s> elevator; *» steam hea t ; \u25a0 electricity, and complete i telephone < sfrrvice ; i marble | front 4 and » .vestibule ; % lot "? contains I over. 6.200 square feet ; : ln! f act; " this '\u25a0 is' one of the'; best apartmen t.h ouse propositions Un'i the' market-""*?' ••""i ;-So $26,000-^Rents ; for J $267.50 1 per * month ; a pays overi 10 ; per i cent * net ; *4 i story i apartment i house , near} Fairmont * hotel : * building i completed 3 about 6 i months ago: ' finely finished , lnside ; i modern ; ! act qulckly,-for this issolnff .to sell.',* ::-''.'*s- -:*\u25a0;•.:\u25a0 s n9^K^EAl{ESTAJl'&^ontlauej^^n 9^K^EAI{ESTAJl'&^ontlauej^^ ;: -THOMAS -E.'.HAYMAN. - ; \u25a0 S'utte 1<X)O First National Bank Bldg. Montgomery & Post : . - _.-": Toleiihoue" Kearny 1703 $s,soo— Cash;' C extra * well built 6-room' flats * : at Clayton. &. -Haight. Price reduced ' -to $11,000. \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0-.- '\u25a0.-,.< \u0084 v> ' .. v i $7,000— Cash;* 3 of the finest new flats on * Nob / . ,"; Ci Hill.rediaed 'to $13,000;; rented, at; 51,740 per -annum ; v - must , be seen " to ; be appre- ; . elated; ,:. - 1 \u25a0''',;. v - \ : , ?10,000-^Cai=h; 'rented low at • $2,250 "per an- ? . \u25a0. \u25a0'\u25a0.-.- nuin;-. California and Jones: 3 ;of \u25a0- the \u25a0;ii finest ' 8 \u25a0 room .flats on Nob "Hill;; reduced to ;$lS.OOO;-ronel Just sold for $20,000. - --'Don't« miss seeing them. -.' >..- - $6,000 — Cash; . business '- property '. best '\u25a0 part of Hayes "st.V Lot -7:0x1-0; double frontage;. •; v. rented at '-$1,700 .per \u25a0 annum; -price re- . \u25a0- duced '.to $12,500; \u25a0 want offer. . , $4,200 — Cash: 3 new 5 room flats, Ist aye. and '\u25a0 .- :\u25a0» *• H. ?-. Full price only $5,200; rented $1,050 * per annum; : north side of street.,- s3,soo— Cash; -v 2 -new 5-6 room^. flats.*. Ist jave. and H.,x>verlooking park ; - full ' price > re- t' duced to $7,000: would be cheap at $8,500. $6,ooo— Cash; . 3 of the bwt built 6. r00m flats in the.' Mission, rat- 16th and Guerrero; renttd • low at $1,260 i er annum; price \u25a0>\u25a0 reduced to $11,000.'.;/ . -. $3,500-^Cash. \u25a0 Full price - only $0,400; \u25a0 2 new '. - 4-5 -room \u25a0 flats, 18th and Church; over- \u25a0 looking park. , ; " -- r .' • $4,000 — Cash: 3 new. s-6 room flats, near Union % *.-.: and Gough; rents $870 per annum. Price reduced, to $6.300. - Snap.- " ". $3,500— Cash: Fell- &. Pierce;. 2 choice flats re- duced -to $7,000. -' . ,\u25a0\u25a0 - '$6,000-»-Cash: Washington & Spruce; 2 new S-9 room fl3ts. leased for three years at $1.«>20 \u25a0•" . pcr'annum; full; price reduced to $14,300; lot 35x105. ' -• .' - • I $3,750^-Casb; 3 - new . flats, rented . $1,140 per . annnm;' full; price $5,750; \u25a0. . Union & '\u25a0, Larkin. ; . ' '-: $4,500 — Cash; rented $000. pet annum; 2 nearly , new flats, best part of Sseramento street; lot 27: 6x110; price redueed,to $7,400, was \u25a0 $!t,000.. \u25a0 ... .- .-..\u25a0.-\u25a0 .. -.. -' , - :*; $2,000 — Cash: one of the* best 7 room residences • in the Richmond "district; inside of. sth :». : 7- ave.: full price duly $5,000; must be sold; reason for this sacrifice: don't miss it. , ?I,OCO— Cash; I^ako and Stli aye.; beautiful new — 6 room residence with garage: f nil' price only $5,650;- different • from anything in \u25a0 the district: see -this bargain quick. • $3,ooo— Cash; 1523 (Jolden Gate aye. at Pierce; 9 room residence: -lot 25x138:6; reduced ;to $5;700; lot alone worth .$4,500; this \ house is worth $7,500 today. \u25a0 .s6,ooo— Lot 65x82:6. north side of Filbert- St. key to Polk. Think -of buying a lot -of this kind for less than $l«0 a front foot; biggest bargain in town. : \u25a0-":"- . , - - . \u25a0'- - .'»\u25a0'.*» *.: : -,* * \u25a0."-\u25a0 LIPMAN & HIRSCHLER.... 2SS Montgomery st. LIPMAN & HIRSCHLER.'.. '.2SS Montgomery at.. Phone Douglas 3044. -;; . DON'T FAIL. TO INVESTIGATE. : - THE WESTERLY END OF RICHMOND DIS- \u25a0 TRICT, adjacent to Golden Gate Park and the Chain. of Lakes." "• ?.-\ Sunny Southern Slope. 'K^.-.Z V - Surrounded by Car Lines. - . . SUPERB MARINE VIEW LOTS. Beautiful location. " Ready to build on. ; : Within a block of Golden Gate Park. Building - restrictions, ; assuring "uniformity of building line and rapid advance in valaes. EASY TERMS. , Money advanced for building "at 6 per cent. TELEPHONE to main office and make appoint- ment for any time to suit your convenience, and we will call for you with automobile. -Take Ellis and Ocean . car to our BEACH OF- FICE, corner Fulton st. -and 40th ay., opposite life saving station. . Open .«fternoona and Sun- days. -"\u25a0 ;•-""'. ' - - * . : : \u25a0 LIPMAN & HIRSCHLER ....2SS Montgomery st. Phone Douglas 3Q44. -^ EXPENSES: do not come to 4 per cent per an- num. The rents are the cheapest in the entire district, in fact, we have hmise keepers from other houses renting our apartments for their own quarters. Flats 0f. 4 and 5 rooms, sunny and light, -on Sacramento st. close to Polk fl rent 'from $22.50 to $34. and -are all rented. Rented at a very low rent to prevent vacan- cies, THE ONLY SURE CURE. PRICE $37,500. \u25a0;'.-.-.... ; LOT DosllO FEET . '- '\u25a0":'. "" CEMENT YARD AND BASEMENT.- • THERE ARE 16 APARTMENTS' IN ALL AND . ONE OF THEM IS; GIVEN FREE TO *A CARE TAKER, YET IT PAYS 15 PEE . X W,- 1 CENT PER ANNUM. •\u25a0\u25a0jV • , t ' COM E , EA RLY " . ' : KANE & COMPANY, 215— MONTGOMERY— 217 ARTISTIC DWELLING. JUST. COMPLETED. TERMS TO SUIT. . Of unusual merit, . situated on the sunniest corner; environed, by beautiful homes; the exte- rior rteslgnrd by an artist of rare capabilities; is a very successful adaptation of the charming mission period; , the . interior is nnequaled for up to date smartness of every detail; on the first floor Is a swagger living room finished in the English oak ; the large open fireplace is of Har- vard brick' flanked by interesting tavern beeches; the walls are covered with a, mellow brown cloth;, the celling Is beamed; the dining room Is paneled high, surmounted by an imported paper; a pleasing bnffet is- bnilt in; the culinary ap- purtenances are complete; on second floor are 8 chambers: the wall treatment Is a striking di- gression Into new fields of : artistic, beauty; the basement . has servant's room, laundry, j wine cel- lar, etc. ; there \u25a0is • provision for a garage; only $2,000 : required • and balance on monthly pay- ments; key at office, which Is near, above resi- dence. ,E. K. FRITZ, 1401 Masonic ay. Open every day, including Sunday. FOR SALE. Lot in the west side of Battery street, 67 :6 x 177:6, with -an L~ to Broadway, 1 , with a 3 story and basement brick building thereon; also Lot- in the north side of Fulton at.,- 100 feet east of Polk, 120x120 to Ash St.. with a tempo- rary building thereon; also Lot In the east side of 9th ay., 262 feet south of Point Lobos. 25x120. GEORGE K. FRINK, M. D.. 1323 Merchants' Exchange building.- HAVING purchased. 2 blocks of . the Chutes Co.. Fulton st. and 10th ay..- before -commencing building operations I will close out* the 2 un- sold* bouses of 52 built -the past season at Bth and Oth aw. and A and B sts. as follows: 5 room residence. .$4,500 6 room 2 story residence.. ..'...'.. 4,750 Easy terms; streets bltnminlzed; Eddy st. cara. \u25a0". F.. NELSON, Bntldec '-; .*-.-• i FOR sale — $8,500; 2 strictly modern flats; nearly completed; on • Buena Vista ay. near South Brode;lck St. ; -5 rooms each; attic and provi- sion 'for social hall in basement; lot 32:6 wide; has a -cement driveway for a barn or garage; can arrange terms to. suit almost any propo- ; * sltlon. IRA W. COLBUBN, 451- Duboce ay. - $1,000 cash, $40 per V month— New ) store and 2 living rooms in rear," with 5 room modern flat upstairs; good" opportunity for business : loca- tion;, price $5,000. , FYFE & DEPAOLI, 3297 'Mission st. opp. 20th. ,: r.i . : • . COMB- out to«lay.'and see my new honses on 18th . and Point Lobos a vs. ;one block from new pan- .-'handle; take Sutter and Clement: to 15th ay.,* 1 walk one block. JONATHAN ANDERSON. ;-' builder.; >{*\u25a0.*\u25a0 ' : ..-S'-- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0...\u25a0 \u25a0>•-\u25a0;-:;: * . MARINE view unobstructable — NE. cor. j Leaven- *; worth and Lombard; <: 137:6x137:6; no reason- able i offer refused. -Address owner, 124 Mesa . \u25a0> ay. , . Piedmont. : '^3^>i^/ip^lp/f^^^aiUiijifi)f^ $3.9oo— Bargain; must be sold; 2 modern 5 room -. flatspnear, 18th and Castro;, cars; lot 25x70: . terms If wanted. V See owner, M. SCHWARTZ, . -141 C Market 6t.l<yrner Fell. .... $5,250— Half cash;, two"; 4 and" 5 r." flats, -Just . ; completed.v? 124 and 126 ; DouglaM : st. Owner V on-; premises,'. or. res. ,"-26 \u25a0 Caselli ay. .... HAVE -Standard Title Insurance Company, ', Mills" \u25a0 ,-. bldg.,' insure \u25a0 your ; title ; > save time and money. CHEAP building lots; % block from'cars; street s ; work done; cash. iC.'K.'BlenderT 845 Pac.'rbld." FOR sale — Cottage." I^4 - stories; ; cars pass door; .. $2,900j- terms.. Box 3153, Call office.- ; : MISSION '- BRANCH OF. THE CALL, BLAKE'S BAZAAR. 1108 VALENCIA ST. >.\ : : COUNTRY! REAIi ESTATE "^^^TNXVA^rXOU^TYTBTR^A^NS?^^^ '300 acre ranch; good 8 room house, i good barn, springhouse \u25a0\u25a0 and:^ poultry .--> houses, \"6,(XH) :" frnlt trees in bearing, .vineyard; over; 3o acres of fine land under irrigating |di teh ; I more I can | easily \u25a0be cleared and Irrigated; thousands of, cords of. fine • timber ; N; 4% : miles "'from jt 2 > good * towns ;* price $7,500 ; i will ; trade for ; Oakland >property. - w 480 s acre r : ranch i 4 t miles >, from t Grass i Valley ; good ; new.i bouse • of ; 9 : rooms : j barn : equipped for 60 \u25a0< cows ; and •' 6•> horses ; » room y for ;, wagons. -; ma ; chinery and feed;; lots ' of hay on 1 hand;; over. 150 acres of ' good : clear Jand ; *a - meadow .; that grows 60 : to t75 ; tons ' of ; natural \u25a0 hay . per \u25a0 year ; \u25a0" 30 cows, 2 1 horses and: harness, \ mower.': rake,', wagon; . cart," plows,? barrows * and-- small tools ; • abundance * of flno i timber ; t milk » sold : aH v . to one * customer ; : this Is a snap ,' ' price" $10,000,". half ; cash.~- - •.'.;---.;'. -' \u25a0>*'-> vv 320 . acres, 1 3 \u25a0 miles ". from s Grass • Valley ; „ a : fine 7 J room 1 house * that i cost s $3,500, v and .a • new " 4 room I cottage/ that' cost' $1,500; -. 2 1 large •; barns, outbuildings, windmill and tank: nbout 100 acres under; cultivation ; ' 10.000 j cords of | standing I tim- ber ' worth s big : money : I free ! water ' for | Irrigation ; yon'ngi fam lly t orchard :'s 6 j fine i mules, il* horse .t 5 wagons.'j buggy ,'!; harness, i 5i 5 i cowsr-; mower, j rake, plows ,*;= harrows r and all 'farm • tools ; . a s.beautiful. beautiful home ' and : Income .'property ; $12,000, easy- terms, or : will s trade \u25a0 for. Oakland • property. f~ ';.-.. *x . . i'- .*»\u25a0-\u25a0-:•'.•/"\u25a0' . ; Country * Department. ->•-""\u25a0' •-*\u25a0••. " t-HOLCOMBi REALTY i COMPANY,' \ «: • 306sSan*Pablo ay., .., - • .. -.-. |^^^ V -.-",.- -Oakland, ; Cal; v ,.!\u25a0'/\u25a0•,\u25a0-" '\u25a0* ' COUXTnY JBEAL ESTATE— Cpntlnned ; \u25a0 $5.00 PER ACRE. ' • Great- wheat country: 100 acre farms In the rich delta of the - Sonora V river,* near American line in Mexico, -between "Southern , Pacific and sea; most; excellent-. climate; deep garden soli; corn, --.wheat, . cotton, -beans.- alfalfa, dates. oranges, .-lemons,'; all' vegetable- products; good market ;» lso,ooo acres now opened to American j farmers; first 10,000 acres at $5 per acre, half] cash; this is really. § 100 laud. ; See or write us; Immediately. C. M. WOOSTER COMPANY. - . *V 702. Market. St.. San Francisco, Cal. - . MERCED COLONY. . 4,000 acres of irri;ated land adjoining the city : limits of Merced., a town with a population of 3,500: 5. ;iO. 20 acre tracts; price* $75 to $150 per acre; easy -terms: irrigation $1 - per acre: splendid water supply; electric - power for lights and pumping; soil is a rich dark loam adapted to alfalfa, com, * Sgs,- grapes, fruit" and vegetables: alfalfa on adjoining' land yields 7 to 9 tons per acre and corn -goes over 70 bushels;. the S. P. and Santa Fe railroads and 3 county roads traverse Merced colony: -' markets, churches, schools, stores, creamery, alfalfa meal mill all convenient; literature on application. ' ; CO-OPERATIVE LAND AND TRUST CO.. 246 Russ building. San'Trancisco, or Merced. YOUR attention, please — A . $10,000 ranch for ! $5,000; &33 acres; all fenced and cross fenced; 75 acres under cultivation; plenty water; or- | - chard:- -vineyard; 500 English walnut trees In '.. bearing; horses, cattle, hogs, - turkeys, chick- ens, wagons, buggies, harness, all kinds of farming implements; 6 room house, new barn and household furniture: $5,000 buys all. J. W. WOODRU.M. Hooker. Cal. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER HOME— A mouutain. -.ranch, 22 acres, 2^A \u25a0 miles from Wrights sta- tion, ;*4 mile from schoolhons'': _7" acres in grapes; new 4 room house and barn. 2 good . springs. 12 acres timber land: all for the sum of $I.BtX>. For further information. M. HARDY, owner. 65 -Steuben st. near San Bruno ay. and Gaven st.. S. F.. Cal. Will sell all or part. MENBOCINO C 0. —140 acres APPLE LAND near Uklah; 10 acres choice apples; 4 acrea assorted fruit; 10- acres under cultivation, balance graz- ing, part of which can be cultivated; good im- . provements; price $3,000: terms. 45 acres well Improved. $2,000. J. L. JOHNSON Si CO.. fa"2s Market st. TWO SNAPS, CALISTOGA. NAPA CO. ; $1,700 — 20 acres; fruit and chicken rauch; 4 miles from town; good house, barn, springs. $1.800 — 10 acres, 1 mile from town; fruit, vines. *i - berries: 5 room house, barn; plenty springs. E. S- FYFE. MS Market St.. room 2Q7. 5 or 10 acre on the Ocean Shore, near station; finest land in the state, suitable for .garden truck, fruit, chickens, etc.; no irriga- tion necessary; easy payments; terms. Ad- dres* PEOPLE'S LAND COMPANY, 630 Mo- - nadnock building. San Francisco. $25 down, $10 monthly, bnys 5-10 acrea good, level land; near station; on 2 railroads; in Ala- meda county. PROGRESSIVE REALTY CO., ISO Sntter St., room" 301, San Francisco. $500 for 5 acres 1 mile from Llvermore: postof- fice. railroad depot and high school; $100 cash, balance $10 monthly. Creditors* Mercantile Agency. 29 Bacon block. Oakland. Cal. - $4,000 — Ranch of 10 acres; alfalfa; close to town; fine for dairy or poultry: good Improvements. Address 80 South 2d St.. San Jose, Cat. FOR sale cheap — Small place suitable for chick- ens; 6 room house acd barn; in Aromas. Ad- dress Aromas Butcher, Aromas, Cal. SECTION" near Lemoore, artesian belt; R. R. runs through property: station 1 mile; price $20 acre. Box 4046. Call office. Oakland. BARGAINS in vineyard, fruit, chicken and stock ranches. BARNES & CUMMINGS. Healdsburg. FOR farm, st6ck ranches and timber lands see : McFAUL & EDWARDS. 207 California st. LANDS—LARGE OR SMALL ACREAGE. J. P. GARDNER. 625 Monadnocb hldg.. S. F. OAKLAND REAL ESTATE SACRIFICE * Four houses of 7. r. each, built by day labor. Just completed: modern in every respect. These houses are built so they can be turned into flats without any alterations: open plumbing, hardwood finish throughout. One fixtures, i con- crete basement. No expense was spared to make these complete and up to date; one house newly furnished " at a cost of -$1,000. Everything goes, . and exceptional bargarn price. $14,000. Owner must leave Oakland on account of health. . . -BOASBERG & CO.. |r_ Room .10. Bacon Block. GOOD DOCTOR WANTED— ~~ "~ ! $750 cash; house 7. rooms, bath, basement, windmill... - tank. . large barn, fruit trees; lot . 100x200; splendid place for sanitarium: no doc- tor In this district: price for all, $3,500; with •" furniture. $4,000; a bargain. \u25a0 $300 cash. $10 monthly: I>4 story house. 7 rooms, bath: large corner lot. 125x100; covered - with immense trees: city water," elec trie lights, etc. : near cars and schools. Price for all, : $2,650. Call or send for circular, 45S Oth St., Oakland. H. Z. JONES. • HERE-IS : YOUR CHANCE. New : 5 r. bungalow Just/ completed; near Key Route; marine view; $300 down, bal. like rent; $3.000. Owner. 1420 Broadway. Oakland. FINE building lot., 25x137:6; swell locality; close to Key Route and streetcars: $790. Ap- ply SSO0 4 Adeline st.. North Oakland. BEAUTIFUL French bungalow, with oak floors and grand location; must" be sold less than cost. Phone Piedmont 1513 Immediately-. A LAMED A REAL ESTATE BUY your home from W. H. McNAUGHTON. 1336 Park St.. Alameda: phone Alameda 323. FRUITVALE REAL ESTATE GEO. H. LEE & SON. " 1304 Frultvale ay., Frnitvale. . $200 cash, $20^ monthly; 5 room cottage, chicken house, fruit trees and flowers; neai school, new boulevard and electric road; grand view; rich soil; lovely homeslte; lot 50x133; price $2,300. . $150 cash, $15 monthly; 2 room rustic cottage; fine, large, i corner lot: \u25a0 rich soil: grand view; away from fogs and cold winds; near boulevard, electric cars and local trains; lot 50512W; price $1,100. $500 cash, $30 monthly; modern, new. 5 room cottage; near local trains and electric car line; nice surroundings: 60 foot macadamized street; this 'Is a very . nice - and cheap home; 37th or Merrill ay.: lot 40x112; price $3,500. a GEO. H. LEE & SON, Owners. ISO 4 Fruitvaie ay., Frultvale, near S. P. local station. Carriasre free. Phone Merrltt 470. -\u25a0 RANCHES, honses and lots for sale or trade. for list. F.H. PARK EH. Santa Crua. - HOMES. \u25a0 ranches. . acreage, exchange;* list. DAVID L. WILSON. Santa Cms. Cal. .REDWOOD CITY REAL ESTATE GREAT BARGAINS— Lots in Redwood City, $150 each; elegant home sites; close In: don't delay; only few left; $10 down and $5- per month buys a lot. Write or call for handsome booklet. -R..W. MAGRUDER. 2332 Misilon st 600 ACRES at Belmont, suitable to subdivide la small acre tracts; $175 per acre. W. W. t ASEY. San Muteo. .-.--\u25a0 REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR 'sale or • exchange — $10,000; a completely equipped : money making - ranch of 57% acrea In Conn valley, Napa county, only 0" miles 'from St. Helenas furnished 6 room house, large barn, 2 horses, cow. 'tools, winery, 40.000 gallon ; cooperage, wagons, 23 "acres resistant grapes 8 yrs. old, 20 acres , bottom alfalfa . land; stream.; runs 'through the place;- present- owner has made enough to retire; Is old *nd- wants to go " to city; -will sflj on easy term.' — one- fourth - cash, balance easy terms, so you can - make <It out . of place. Might consider San Franciico or Oakland \u25a0 Improved property, but prefer to -. sell. Apply P. B. CROSS, 1000 . Monadnock bldg. ; tel. - Douglas 3 1>6. FOR \u25a0 sale or 'exchange — Sonoma warm sulphur f * springs \u25a0 property. . 135 .. acres, pavilion and .oath : ; honses ; fine • fishing on Sonoma creek : % mile \u25a0 from Kenwood station. 4 miles from Glen Ellen. ; B.L. SPENCE, 272 Bacon bldg.v Oakland. - C. R. HAMMERSMITH CO., .'1112.-Harketr \u25a0 .:l\ ••\u25a0•-<• ,' ,opp. ; 7th.-.: ;>»-\u25a0 Exchange Brokers. City and Country Real Estate. THREE income Cottages: want lots anywhere. THREE 160 "acre; farms." What have yon? : FOUR > income C flats, ri Want -. Improved or units. 20 "acres . Improved."?;. Want • anything : equal . value. CITY improved -* or * unimproved; * want ranches." f.? 100 others.- PARTICULARS ON* REQUEST. $16,000—160 acres «ne sandy loam, alfalfa land: \u25a0 ,Tui lock Irrigation district: mile and half '7 ;\u25a0:.-. from railroad station ; * WILL EXCHANGE '\u25a0\u25a0: :'--'-C for _ San-; Francisco' income property: * will "'•* \u25a0 C assume \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 small mortgage. ...EDWARDS. ; BREWSTER ,&. CLOVER, rotunda. MUU - ..-".-...'\u25a0bldg.*,--- * * - : \u25a0<..;;.. ':.--.• :. : .-.-.- * . ;\u25a0.*. * WlLL^exchange $12,000 or $5,000 of Oakland *\u25a0>; realty -: for,' country? or -.subnr&anf acreage -in '" 'coabt -county, > Santa ;Cru» , county, preferred. .'vSALSBURY.' owner.\ 96.9 Broadway.: Oakland. FOR building lot north or south of park. 2 flats -?of Z and 4 rooms, bath, etc.: cost $3,000; Rlch- : : mond district. <* Address box 3205, Call office. :- THE FILLMORE ' BRANCH OF , THE CALL IS t-.AT 1651 FILLMORE, ST. , \u25a0 <.J; ;'\u25a0-"- \u25a0 '^""^V- : CbiL"T lands' *-->"\u25a0 -'; : ---- * \u25a0.'\u25a0> FI NE r* lease " in *-. North *. Midway ;"i 40 * acres, • one- •-eighth royalty; cheap. 'Phone Donglas 1424. "" ; !/ : J: .'" '"'::\u25a0 LUMBER 5 FOR SALE ' V -' -~ *-'\u25a0 '"* SHiIN^UCS/TLXiO^rus^ lln- •;ing,;slo..- 1 s3 i loth'6t:,:San Francisco. f RICHMOND REAL ESTATE i WE HAVE THE BEST BUY . in Point Richmond. - Near the Pullman Car Shop*. Where YOU should BUY. WHI cost yon FIVE DOLLARS ainontb. McEWEX BRAS.. 475 Plufe St. PULLMAN "* CAR SHOP LOTS*. $5 per month: for map* and booklet. BROWN & SWEETLAND. -t6S;.Oakland. ' , • » ; • . , REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS' Edward Rolktn to Caroline Saarp. lot in "KU line of Third street. 55 SE of Howard, SE 25 by NE SO; $10. - * • .Thoma;* Connelly to Ellen Connelly, . lot - in 3 line or Jnrt street, 125. B of Guerrero,. E 23, right angle 110. W 25. N* \u25a0 110: gift. • Adelaide M.* Marks, to ltose Madilea. lot la-W line of Piere* street. S7:« S of llaight. S 25 by W 137:6; $10. * L. F. Leroy Herrick and wife, to WUliain U. Evans, lot In IW line of Folsom strecTT 5U N of Eugenia avenue. N 50 by W 70; $10. William 11. Evans to George U. Mackiaiwu, same; $10. ' George.ti. Macltlnnon to John Bianchi, same; $10. William Hogan and wife to Philip J.-Knuil sen. lot in N line of Sacramento street. "52:1 \V of Taylor. W 22:11 by N «0; $10. * *- Rouadey realty company to Edwin J. Stevea son. lot in NB - line of X street. 100 SE vt Wayland. SE 50 by NE 120; $10. L. Gendotte estate company to Santlna Cen dotte. half of lot la S Hue of Point L»>bos ave-' nae. 32:« i E of Second avenue. B 25 by IS 10(>. and-half of one other piere; $lv. \ • John G. Klumple to Jiary S. Mont a gun lot at SE corner of Green and Ljun streets. B 124:KV.. s 12«:7»i, N 41:6. S 27:U'!. We*:8?». N 141 fa**: $ . , George M. Westcott and wife to George W. Hlnkle" ct al.. lot Ia E line of Taylor street, 114:7 N of Sutter, N 22:11 by E 87:«: *10. John Henrietta MuaOer, lot tv NB line of La Salle avenue. 150 NW of Newell (N) street South, NW 50 by NX 100: $10. . Bcnjaralu Hersch and wife to flugo K. A.«her. lot In W line of Erfcscn court. ltU:tt N of Post street. N 0:6 by W 40; $10. Geor?e B. Janes and wife to. Christ Elsenhut. lots 27 and 54. block 25. Rets tract; $tt?. Frederick Hess and wife to Howard 11. Sala. lot in N line of J street. 6«:3 E of Fifteenth avenue. E «1:3. N 357, SW 9?. "SE 343:0: 510. N. T. Giacomlni and wife to Antonio Reinando. lot at SE corner of Twenty-eighth and Douglass streets. S\ll4 by E 25; $.M3O. Lionel 11. Moise and wire to D. A. Smith and wife, lot In N line of Elizabeth sti-eet. 101 :S W cf Diamond. W 25 by N Srt: $10. Ida C. Meager to Brewster F. Ames. lot in \V line of Nineteenth avenue. 200 Not Cletn«at street; N 50 by W 24t>; $10. Brewnter F. Ames and wife to Fried Spr«ea, same; $10. Ida E. Meager to Brewster F. Ame». lot n» W line of Nineteenth avenue, SOO N of Clement street. X 25 by W 120: $10. Brewster t\ Ames and wife to Fred bpreeu. lot lv W line of Nineteenth avenue. COO Net Clement street, N 25 by W 120; $10. Thomas J. Rowan and wit'a tv William J. Wilson, lot in W line of Eleventh avenue, 15U S of H street. 8 25 by W 120; $10. William Axford to William Jaraea Axford et al., lot in W line of Harrison street, 137:6 N of Nineteenth. N 50 by W 215; gift. Real Kstate_?nd Development company to An tonio Bacigalupi. lot la E Hue of Carolina str«et. 50 N of Twenty-second. N 25 by E 100; grant. Edward Knss to Gustave Fricke, lot ia W linn. of Webster street. 110 N of Post, N 27:«J by W 03; $10. Margaret McArthur to Michael Mazeris et al lot commencing 31 E of Chattanooga street and 64:0 S of Twenty-third. E I by S 3:5»; $V). \u25a0 Carolyn Mosher to Annie and Marie G. Geary, lot in E line of Larkin street, 10^4> 8 o£ Val lejo. S •ZS:\> by E 137:6>510. Margaret McKenzie to Louis Gottheim. lot In E line of Forty-fourth avenue, 150 Sot M street. S 25 by E 12l>; $10.. "Same to Louis Gottheim, lot id N Hoe of N street. 107:6 E of Forty-fourth avenue, E 25 by N 100; $10. Real Estate and Development company to ; Minnie Elliott, lot ia W line of Arkansas street. 2<X» S of Twenty-second. S 25 by W luo: grant. Bothin real estate company to Marino PoppoU. lot In -W lin* ot Frankliu street, 55 N of Fran cisco. N 27:6 by W luO; $10. -Mary E. Rowley et al. to Kate E. St. Ores, lot in E line of Ninth avenue, 400 Sri Point Lobos, N 25 by E 120; $10. . Bay Shore building company to William H. Stark, lot.* 6 and 7. block 41. BeU tract; grant. Daniel Roseablum to Mabel Uosent>l3&>. lot lv E line of Niath avenue. 2*>o Sot California street. S 25 by E 120; gift. * - \u0084 , Marie C. Cox et al. to Carrie E. Bridge, lot In S line of Green street, 100 W of Steiivr, w 27:R by S 137:6: $10. . Charles Brundage and wife to Luther C. Rossi, lot la S line of X strevt. 13C:« E of Eighth aye. nue, E 25 by S ICO; $10. * John Brickell company to Lizzie M. \ uicerit. lot la E line of Thirtieth avenue. 50 S of Cali fornia street, S2sby E 95: $!•>• . , , J B. Haggln and wife to Patrick Noble, lot in S line of Clay street, 100 E of Taylor. E 31 by Fernando Nelson and wife to William SehuMt and wife, lot ia W line of Eighth avenue. 200 S of A street, S 25 by W 120: $10. Mabel E. Hamilton to K. D. Hardy, lot in ">%\ line of Washington avenue. 125 SE of Mission street. SE 25 by SW lKi:4: $X,OCO. Beroice Geirrine to Joseph J. Tynan, lot in s lln* of Union street, 52:6 W of Broderlck, \\ 55 by S S7:«; $10. . McEwen Brothers to Calvin E. Knickerbocker, lot In N line of Pine street. 137:8 W of Hyde. E 13:7 by N 137:tS: $10. H. Kohler company to Pasquale bavelll et al.. lot at SE corner of Kearuy and Greea streets, S S4 by E 47; $10. . ... VrJon brewing and malting company to the Union brewing and malting company, lot at NE cornet of Eighteenth and Florida streets. N lw by E 100. aiid one other piece: $10. Wlaslow Anderson to Slsrfrled Miller and wife, lot in S lin* of Lake street. 57:« W or Twenty third avenue, W 25 by S 10O; $10. Michael Mulvihlll and wife to Julia Derby, lot In E line of Blrmlngton street. 25:1 Vi N of Highland avenne. N 50 by E 100; *10. Daniel J. O'Neill and wife to James F. Smith, half Interest in lot at NE corner of Twenty-sixth and Church streets, N 51:8 by B James E. Long to McNah &. Smltb. lot in NW i line of Brannao street, 275 SW of Seventh. SW 137:6 by NW 550; $10. Vincent P. But-kley and wife to Isaac N. Taylor, lot in S line of CalifornU street. 82:« E of Twenty-seventh avenue. E 25 t»y S 100; $10. Eva E. Fisher to Elliott McAllister, lot in SW line of Bancroft street, 225 NW ot H, NW 75 by SW 100;-$10. i Real Estate and Development company to Ben. j.irain Lucy, lot In W line of- Wisconsin street. 150 S of Twenty-third. S 25 by W 100; Kraut. Anna Flanlgan Romoser to Uenrj Ronioner, lot In W line of Harrison street. 200 X of Twenty first, X 25 by W 122:6: gift. George Heaileton and wife to Edward Whit ney, lot In E line of Sixteenth avenue. 300 S of X street. S l-':0. NE 128. W127:6; $10. Edward Whitney and wife to Henry G. Meyer, lot in E line of Sixteenth avenue. 300 3 of X street. S 12:9. NE 12S. W 127:6; $10. Amelia S. Damon to John A. Zachary and wife, lot in NE line of Giranl utreet. 50 SE of Harkins. SE 25, NE 71:4. N 25:2%.-SW.74^; $10. Sol Gets & Sons to Willis 11. Drake ami wife, lot In NW line of Edinburgh street, 25 NE of France avenne. NE 25 by NW 100: $10. I. W. Bernstein to Flora Lewis estate, David Bernstein's deed:. $10. A. Vi. Baldwin to Elizabeth W. Baldwin. | lot in X line of Duboce avenue. llx:l}» E of Stevenson street, E SS:IVj, N 07, XW 33aVs. s 104:4: gift. u^sagßfci<g«»art»y<ara A. W. Baldwin to Elizabeth W. Baldwin, lot in W line of Jones street. 73 8 of Ellis, S 25 by W 87:«; gift. MaryF. Templeton to Heinrich Dietrich, lot In W line of Rhode Island street. 1,*3 X of Twenty second. N 23 by W 100; $10. . Matthew V. Brady to Lillian Nichols, lot at NE corner of Twentieth avenue and U street. E 107:6 by N 50: $10. R. A. Wilson to John C.Graham, lots I to 12. 37 to 4S. block 170. O'Neil t Haley. $10. Mary A. McClond to Marvie B. Hitchcock, lot In X "line of Filbert stre«t. 10$ :2 W of Brod ericlc. W 25:7 by N 137:«>?10. William W. Wilson and wife *> Walter J. O'Brien, lot in S line ot Bernard street, 137:6 W of Jone». W 23 by S 50: $10. Albert Meyer to Charles Schjuderer and wtfe. lot at NE corner of Kirkham <K> street and Twelfth avenne. E 32:6 by N 100; $10- Charles K. Blender and wlf& to Georga Kutch and wife, - lot -In X line of Nineteenth street, 01:4 W of Doazlass. W SO. X H4. E 11:8, X 36. E 1:8. S 36. E 13: S. S 114; $10. - Jean Esclose* and wife to Georse W. Cullen. lot in XW line of VleAna street. 175 SW of Bra zil avenne. SW 25 by XW 100: $10. * y Potrero realty company to John Mcßrid« lot la E line of Vermont street. 403 S of Twentieth. S 25 by E 100; grant. \u25a0 '&**%*&&&> Same to Charles McMonagle. lot in E Uu» of Vermont street, $<3 3 of Twentieln, S 25 by I> 100; grant. - . - Jesn H. Bordenare to Helen rubreque, thfrtt interest in lot In E line of Bartlett street, 77:6 S of Pae!Sc..S 20 by E 60: $10. Bay Shore building company to Milton W. Moore and wife, lot in W lin* of Elshth avenne. 200 Sof H street. 525 toy W 120; grant. •\u25a0 Real Estate and Developmei* company to, Philip ChejotT et al.. lot In W.Une of Arkansas street, 100 S of Twenty-third, S. 25 by W 100; W; Gollln and wlf« to William A Smith and wife, lot *at SW eoraer, of Q atr\Vi and . Thirty-fourth avenue. S 100 by W 107: i;; $10. f i Matie A. Ritchie to Georse n. Anderson,, lot 11; blocfe 3, Fair's subdivision Holly Park tract; $10 .^ftfftal^ggjgfc^toae«^^3^yi^Ky»^pyj|fai|iMai^pt] f John M. A;ar to Martha M. Acar. lot lv X line of Plymouth avenue. 115 W of Park, w 30, N 75. SE to point opßoslta beßinnlns. S CO. lot 24. •\u25a0 block 2." Holly Park tract, and three other plecea; jrlft. ->. \u25a0' -. - ". \u25a0 \u0084, -. , John R--Sanl and wife and Ueor?e Hammel and wife to Catherice Loj?ue.. lot In E line of Fifteenth avenue. 200 S of Clement street, S 25 by E 127:6; $10.^ , ' ? "Jacob Heyman company -to Lucile A. Smit'j. lot In XE line of Concord street. 125 SE of Crwra. SE 25 by XE 120: $10. . • .. r \u25a0 -;-'- William w. RednalJ and wite W John H.-Col*-..* Son lot in W Use of Utah. 150 S ci Elshteenth. \u25a0 S 25 hy W 100; $10. . . Buildlns Contracta . Au-justa" Gunts " with Segurson Brother*—To erect a one. story ? and ba«»n>ent frame buildtn? In W Hoe of Twenty-sixth avenne. 150-Xof California rtreet. X 25 by W.I2U: $000. ' H. S.. Jloffatt * Co.i with Atlas beatrns and . ventilating coni{»any—Galvanised Iron duct work . and sheet Irou exhaast^dnct in kitchen for'tndl- . reot heatlna: and ventilating ayxtero in Bohemian club at NE wrner of Post and Taylor, streets; *4,723.-.' '" '•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 --. *- \u25a0.. "-" -\u25a0 ;. v- .* Tjlary F.: Connolly with J. V C. .Tnrner—To erect a one and a,half. story, frame cottase In 8 line of Richland avenue, 549.73 :W of Mission, 29.7S 13