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14 COMMERCIAL AND MARKET NEWS SPECIALLY REPORTED FOR THE CALL UNWILLING SHORTS LIFT THE PRICES Driver to Cover by Longs They Prove the Main Factors in Buoying the Market « Organized Speculative Party , Makes Successful Plunge Chiefly in Steel \u25a0;.':• ,- . ; .. • • %'eir York Stock List . ' . E. T. liutton & Co., 490 California street, tie mbexs of the New York stock pxchauge, fur c^u tbe lollrwitg iist of if iid and stock sales I :;--. .vejsierUay: \\u25a0- .Sales I SiXtCltS High | Low | Bid | A&k <, .' : :'- SOOJAlliAOulmera .... 12 (12 j 12 j 12% • ; \u0084.....] Do nfd j I 144 148 ; •"' 4S,6<V»;Amals Copper So%i 78%| B©%] SO% ; • :• -2/>oo,Ainer Reel Sugar' 89& S%^J 39 I 39% I •\u25a0 • . 200] 'I»o pfd |108 1C2%J102%H03 «XK3 Amer <sa Oo I 12% 12%j 12 : * (> 12% ! l"0; Do pfd j7h 7S j 77=« 78 I .-; S.bOO .Am Cur £\u25a0 Fouu<l| 63 C 4 «4?i 05 :.•...',.:.....; i>o pfd ....| Jll6 |HBT» • :.2,iG00 Aaer Cwttou Oil- i 07 Cs!*l ( l''%i C 7 .:.... .\ Do pfd.... ; 1 101 1107 •.. ....;\u25a0. ..1 An Hide &. L...| 7 7% .; .„-.=,.... Bo pfd I ; SHViI 40 . : ..:. ', .Soo. Amer Ice Sec»...| 24%. 24 | 24% . , .•\u25a0J>&o,Amcr Liasebd....| 15% 15 15%| 15% ' \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 fcSo| Do i>:& 29 ."3 3!» j 3!1^» mil -V •I.2oC'iAmex Locomotive.! 5S J 51% 52 53 ..•«.>,.-.; Do pfd I ; 1111% 112 \u25a0 1 \u25a0...>..•..\u25a0.• I American Malt j 7 1 8 \u25a07001 Do pfd 43% 42% 42H1 43% IS.OOOjAn SraHt & Raf. KSHI S-^S Si^i W fSftl Do pfd. 108V a ,107% LOSfellOStt l,6oo;AtiericK3 Sugar. .127%, 1iK.Vj, 125% 120% -^ ) l>.i pfd ! i121%|123i.j lOOfAaer Ste*l Founj 63 j «3 | 63- | 63% Tf'.jAmer IVI & Te1..d41%i141 ;141 |l4l»j KXJjAoer Tob pfd... M 5 | l>s »4%| 95 600|Atner Woolec SS j 37% 37 SS SCO Do pfd 103 1102% 1102% 103% 7,800 An neenda 61 H 50V- 513J 51% UOO'AtUn C-ESt Lin0,132 !151%:131%'132 \u25a0 14.TW.A T & Santa Fe.!116* t 1110^;116%|116H \u25a0 800; Do pfd ..J103V103%!103% 103S« B,4oo, BaltUcore & Ohio.ll2 7 »t112V*!112* 4 ;n2'B . '»^ I Do pfd ..J I 91%| 93 »00 Bethlehem Steel.. 30 T «i 30 30% 30-\ Ton! Docfd... 60i,| 59 60 Cl 6.10018 R T 76% i V,% 75 T » 76 3.800 Canadian Pacific. lM^inasji lbOHj 160*4 I -. . 1L7(IOC & 0 85J*j .S4 84^1 84-, s •: «OOJC i A j 53% 58^ 59% T4*% I.SCf'C O W 32 Sl*s 31 »4» 4 32 5001 Do pfd 58« i 5«% •>'*! '•*>% R.»OOjC & N W KWV.^ViI.-S^, P.OOC' C M & St P 147J*|145%'146V5j14r,4i 1400? Do pfd IC2 ilfil^ IGI 162 .. . 4.»oo,C«ntral Leather.. 44*4, 43% 43«4i 44 300 Do pfd lOS^JIOS 108 1108% ' ....... iCentrel of N J i 200 |300 ....... iChlcago Terminal 4V. 4»i ... r ... Do pfd fl% 10*4 ..;.. ..;C C C & St L Sob & : 1 Do pfd 03 no }\ -.2.100 Colo Fuel & 1.. 41% 40 41 , 41% •'\u25a0. Do pfd 116 :: ...... ..IColiim HC & 1 17% 18% :•- -800 Colorado So <54 63% C 3% 64 \u25a0 ..'.V.-..! Do Ist pfd M 82% . \u0084• j Do 2d pfd 79 81 |.:.-\ 4,4^»a Consolidated Gas. 147 146% 146% 146»4 . ; • • '. . TOO.Corn Products .. 18« ii 18^4 18^ 18% I. V \u25a0'\u25a0'. "700| Do pfd ...... 82% 81 82 82% I.SOCiIDfcI &. Hudson... 176%]175 175%j176% .i.-..:.:D L & W 1 590 610 fSOO'D &R G 41% 41Vi 41% 41% ..,..•.-..; Do pfd 79% 79% JK>O Pist Secur Z3% 32% 33 33»4 KlU'Dulutb S S & A.. 16 16 15% 16 ..-....-.j Do pfd 27%! 25% .*:&ni>,Erie 31\4 30>r4 31^1 :H* 4 '. -\u25a0' 5/iOOj Do Ist pfd 50 1 4 48% 50V4 50% • . . SO(H Do 2d pfd :»' 38>4 SS 139 lOOJG^n Klectric ... 15<J IM 155%] 156 * ,*; \u25a0\u25a0 l.l(m;Gt North Ore... 71 70^4 70 171 >"«••* 5.0(10 Gt North pfd.. . 138 H 137V. i13-S% 135% l.Q> • Illinois Central.. 144 142"* 142% 144 j I- . 2.6oo, inter-Metro • 22% 22 22 22% I Ij - s 30ci ! Do pfd sts% 55,* 55 55V4 : - ; ».» jlnter Mer Mar rt% ii\ SWi; Do pfd 21% 21% 21 6j 21% : '• ' 100 Inter Paper 14 14 13% 14 ; • »i Do pfd 65 56 \u25a0 ; » Ictfr Pump 48 4*% . . . *~. Do pfd 86 88 \u25a0-: . . 200. 10wa Central ... 23=>, 23% 23 23% 700! Do pfd 42»4 42H 42»A 42% I' ' I.C-00'K C Southern... Sfe^ 35% 3S?*- 3%% *..... -I Do pfd- «3% 70 .:\u25a0\u25a0 100 L E & West 23 23 22% 24 i. I Do pfd «UV> «52 2,500' L & X 154 153 153% 154 •'\u25a0 100'Mackay flO <H) 89 90 100 Do pfd 77% 77% 77 7su, w . ;Machattan 136*4 138 200 Met St Ry 16 IS J5 20% 2.4f»o'li«>sican C«nt ... 28% 28 28»i 25% SOOiMinn & St L ...| 44 J 43% 43 44 |-:."V. Do Ist pfd 1 1 170 82 .1,700! mStP& S S M.j144%|144 [144%i144% 200- Do pfd |155%|155H'154%|1.V? 5,200.M0 Kan 4; Texas 44% 43^ 43% 44 t'fii Do pfd 71V* 72>4 i.SOOMo Pacific 71% 71H 71% -71% 2,000 National Lead .. S4 1 S3 83% 84 ii. Do pfd I VQ 110 I ,w National Biscuit. j 1106 111 ; \u0084 Do pfd j 122 124 :,"'\u25a0\u25a0 : 2W;S V AirErake..! 81%! 79 I 78% 81 •. • 16.R00.N V Central . ..123%!122^ 123i«,123% '-. £00:N V C & St L..1 61%| 61%| CI%I 61% •i.. f." Do Jst pfd ...] 1 jino 118 - ,~ j Po 2d pfd j ; I«7 9S : i 200;N T> H & Hartjieo^ilßO 159% 160% \u25a0 ; • 1,500,N Y. Ont i W«>stj 46V*| 46 | 46"% 4«V4 \u25a0>• : Nor 4 Western.. 101 H! 100%l Kil lIOIV4 :. Do pfd R9 92 \u25a0\u25a0:- 400 ( North American. So%| 80 80^ 80% \u25a04,800 Northern Pacific. |l37%jl36%h37V4 137% pi lOicsha. I 157' |1«2 " .'-\u25ba*. I Do pfd JiBO 170 sno;Paein"q Coast ... 113 112iiH12 |114 •: 900 Paci£d Mail 22 31 U 22% K2% • : \u25a0". 200,P«C Tel &, Tel.. 41% 40' 40 42 # : ; Do pfd ...;\u25a0: Wi 101% .-• E R C 0 ... -13&V1351* IS6 136»4 A.400 People's Gas . ..|lU%!llO%!lll'4 111% , £00.nttsburg C0a1...! 22%| 22 21% 22' . .; COO) Do pfd 75T S 75 74 75 ***.... ]P CC& St L... 102% 102% V> Do pfd ••••• no 115 l,2ooPres6ed Steel Car! 44%' 43U 44 44% I-;V , 300 Do pfd 102; 101% 101% 102 I ; '• • SOOIRy Steel Spr Co. 43% 42% 43% 45 I:. Soo| Do pfd :104 10:1% 104 107 r iSß,4oo:ReadiDg iKiSTi'IWJTt lI6S 165% SOOf Do Ist pfd j 90% l 90% 8»% 91 \u25a0: *--. Do 2d pid j...\. 104' 107 \u25a0 • . 6,100 Republic S & 1.. i 40% j 39 %' 40U 40% • 1.000 IDo pfd j102%i102 102 |102% .•-•\u25a0. JS.soo!Rock I«'»and Co .i 50* t 49 Vi 00% 50% . I.SOO Do pffl 87 89 Si>V« 86% ....... Sloss S S & I Co 77 7S I o. Do pfd J j 117% 118 \u25a0 »»^.... St L& S F Ist pfi 08 70 '". •• 600 Do 2d pfd 50% 50 50 50U. . " lOOSt LAS W.... 29% 29% 2!U4 29% :. 800| Do pfd j 73'i.t 73\i 7.Ui 73% •-. • S4,Soo;Southern Pacific. 328".; 12<i*,!127vs 128 :- \u25a0 2,100 Soatbern Railway 29% 2914 29^ 20% . • • 6001 Do pfd mv 4 <»% M m^ \u25a0/\u25a0\u25a0':\u25a0 COOlTenn Copper 34*4 S4 34% 34% • • 700;Teraa Pacific .. 3<)'i, SO% 30% 31 100 Third Avenue .. BS| svi, 8 \u25a0SU :' \u25a0 .3.300 Toledo S L & W 44% 43.i 43% 44 .2.300 Do pfd 65% 67 1 «8 «&J,4 h. Twin-City RT..J 113 i«. 114 • ICa Bait & Paper..*.. n% 11 . »..'.... Do pM !.....|7<]» 73 7X,loo|Ußioo Pacific ... 188 186^|l87^ 187% •«00! Do pfd 99% ft9V» 99% f>9% - suo (Cn( Cn Rds of S F. .' 38*4 37% SBU 35% 500 Do pfd ft«% 07 67% «;S«, - : " 100 JJ S Cast Iron P 2G% 25%' 2« 2fi^ 10f», Do pfd .......I 77% 77% 77>4 78 • '50"))U S Rubber 1 455^ 45 j45 45^ ' SOO Do Ist pfd .... 115' i 115 114H 115 " ...... .! Do 2d pfd ..| 79 80% C 2T > .'?» a —ITS Kteel Cor. .j 54%! S3 1 84% 84% 2.300J Do pfd 121 '120% 120% 121 :' .• 9.900 Utah Copper ... 5m 150 M 51 3g5f . 7,000! Va' Car Chem Co.l 56^, 50% 56 r.«;H »...:.-.! Do Pfd 123% liM% • I'.noolWxbasb 21"i 21% 21% 22 3.000 Do pfd 4S 4 47% 47% 4S ../ JWpIIs Farpo Ex 108' 178 \u25a0•.\u25a0\u25a0• l.GOo' Western Union .. 76% 7«'4 7<»% 76% . r.<n»!\V<stlneb«jse ... 7::% 72 72% 73% lOuAV & L E 5% 5% 5% 5% •: ..:....! Do Ist pfd 10 12 .•_'. 1 Ho 1M pfd 5% 6 SOO, Wisconsin Central 51 ,51 50 ISI \u25a0 \u25a0 .'. SlO-^OO-^-total eharefi sold. >'<•»\u25a0> York Bond* • X! S iLt 2s reg. .10114 lint Met 4%s MTs . . lk» foupoa .... 101'4 Int Mor Mar 4%5. •» • Do Ss rep 102% Japan 4s 32%| Do coupon 102% Do 41. s ....... »5% Do 4s reX 114% Kan City So Ist 3s 73% Do coupon .."..114% L Shor deb 45.1931 94 • Allis-Clial Ist te. 82% U k N unified 4s. «3 • Amer Apricul 54.103 M. X A Ter Ist 4s 98% \u25a0'. Aa>*r T4T ct 45.104H Do gen 4%5-...-*9% Amer Tobacco 4s. Sl% Mo Pacific 4*..... 80?* Do 6* 105% Vo cv 5» ctf5..95% Armour 4%s »2% N R of Mcx 4Us. 54% . At<>h pea 4s ....100% N Y.O «en 3%5.. 90 Do ct 4s .'.... .U6% Do deb 4s ...,:f15% Do or 5s 117% NY.NH & H crSs.l34% Ati&o C L let 4s. 96% Nftr i W Ist con4s flflU Bilt & Ohio 4*.. 100 Do ry 4s .:..;. 103% Do 3%s ... 92?4 Nor Pacific . 4k...: 101 Do S W 3%5.. 90% Do "3s .....:... "74 " Brooklyn Tretr ct 4s 84 OS Line rfdp 45.. 94',J > Central of Ga 55.10^4 Pa cv 3%5, 1915. 07 Cent Leather 5b..1"0\4 Pa con 4s ...... . 104ft CRR ofNJ sn 5».124% Re*dinsßen 45...100 Ches & Ohio 4%5.103i* St h & S F./g'4s. 84% \u25a0 \u25a0 '••: Oo iff 5s .....104V4 Do gcu 5s .. ... 89% Ch! & Alton 3%*. 78% St L S W con 4s;* 78% C, B& Q Joint 4s 96% Do Ist pold 45.. /93 Do jrrn 4s ... . . ; f*9% Sealwsrd AXA X L 4s. S3»i fCMfc t5tP gn 3%s %S So Pacific col 45.. 93 C.RI& r*<! 00l 4s 81 l>o rr 4s : . .. . . .102% Da refds 4s 91% D.i JH rrf 45. . 85'J - • Colo Indus 55..'.. >>o»5 So Kaiiway ' Cs.. .'. 10*)% Colo Midland 45.. 7", ; Do ?»*n'4s :.;..: 78% Col So r&ext-4%s »>>%lCnion P«<-ific 4s..lrtl< Del & Hud cv 45.100%| I»o cv 4s V. ..';.. 109% ' Den & Rio G 4«. *>7J«I Doli«t & ref 4s. 97"; Do rcr 5s ..... 93%] V & Rubier : 6*;,, 103; k PRICES RISE IN STOCK MARKET NEW TORK, March 2.— Prices of stocks rose today to the highest level yet touched on the recovery from the severe decline which set In after the first of the year. An obstinate short interest was driven to cover and the buying thus ne cessitated was an important factor in lif ting 1 " prices. :• 'V \u25a0 The movement against the shorts showed evidence of organization and the possession of large re sources and also the employment of the usual methods to push the price movement. It owed its ef fectiveness, however, to the small offerings of stocks for sale, and this condition, in turn, is due to the subsidence of apprehension on various accounts which was the motive for the selling: earlier in the year. \u25a0*-£•"\u25a0:'-\u25a0\u25a0' In United States steel, particu larly, there were signs' of activity by an organized speculative party which gave rise to surmises that the market pool in that stock had, resumed operations on the long side. Announcement yesterday of the retirement from the, directo rate of John D. Rockefeller Jr., with the accompanying- explana tion that the family holdings of the stock "are not sufficiently large to justify his giving any time or attention to the affairs of the corporation," was of a kind used with depressing: effect sometimes when speculation is in a different mood. The improvement reported in the steel trade is responsible partly for this better feeling. The steps taken by the railroad corporations to raise new capital with a view to going forward with improve ments and betterments form an element In this feeling of encour agement. Even the copper trade came in for a share of this cheerful feeling today by reason of the reported decline in the European visible supply of the metal. The decrease since February 15 was small, but was the first reported for many months and had added significance from the large exports from this country which have gone into for eign supplies^ in the period cov ered. The price of the metal advanced strongly in London to day .and copper securities there, as well as here, advanced. . Some disappointment was felt that yesterday's rumors of agree ment upon a basis for the settle ment of the Philadelphia carmen's strike were without confirmation. Xo effect was caused in the mar ket, however. , Little attention was paid to any but favorable news. Discount rates eased in London, but hardened in Berlin. Foreign exchange here rose again and of ferings of funds to lend on time diminished, with strengthening ef fect on interest rates. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,565,000. United* States bonds were "'un changed on call. s y Distillers 5s . 74% U S Steel 2d 55. .105% Erla prior lien 4s. 85% Va Car Chem 55.. P»i, I>o pen 4s "614 Wabash Ist 5s 111% Do cr 4s, uer A 80 Do Ist & ext 4s. 73% Do cv 4s, ser B 72 & Western ' Md 45... £5% Oen Elect cr 65.. 143 WestiDg El ct Sk. !»2% 111 Cen Ist ref 4s 09 Wis Central 45... 94% XeTf York Mining Stocks Alice I.oo!LeadTille Con 05 Brunswick Con ... 03| Little Chief 06 t.'om Tun Stock.. 29 Mexican ' 2.00 Com Tun Bonds'.. 18 Ontario 2.75 Con Va Mm Co.. 1,90 Ophlr ;.. 2.20 Horn SilTer 65 Standard fts Iron Silver 1.85 Yellow Jacket ... 1.30 Sew York Curb Stocks Bid. Ask. • Bid. Ask. Amer Tob ..410 415 Miami 23% 24 Bay State G. 9-16 % Mines of Am. 48 50 Boston Con.. 19*4 20 Montg Sho % 1 Brit Col Cop. 6% 7 Ncr Con ... 22*, 23 Bte Coalition i's% 26 NeT Utah .. 15-16 1% Chi Subway. 3*& 3«i Nipissinc .... 10«4 JOhl Com Ely ... 7 8 Ran Toy 32 3S Davis Daly.. 3% 3 *i Standard Mm 19 20 Dolores fi% e*i I») pfd ... 50 60 Dom Copper. 2c 5c Standard 0i1. 617 620 El Rayo ... 2% 2% Snper & Pitts 13% 14 First N Cop. 4% 4*4 Tri Bullion... 1 11-16 Giroux 9; 8 10 Ton Erten ..65c 75c Gld C0n5.. .8 1-16 8 3-16 United Coppr. «% 7 «JU i»««sy .. «% 7% Do pfd ... 15 SO Gld Florence. 2»i 2% United R Co. 15 17 Greene Can.. 10$fc 10?4 Yukon Gold.. 4% 4% Gug Express.2oo 220 Ray Central.. 2214 22% La^Ro^.:; 4*% *? gfj ?£?• BoMton Copper Stocks BOSTON. March 2.— Tbe Boston market re fletted strength of Amalgamated. North Butte, Futte Coalition and Lake were especially strong-. Th*> market 1* gradually broadening and with fcettlpd conditions it might show marked ad vances. Wall street is surcharged with an im pending rise in coppers on the theory, that the long pdxliTic deal is near at hand. Anaconda ag the holding company Is .reported to be tbe best buy. The share holders of record of the Nevada consolidated copper company show an Increase since December, which is regarded as remark able in the face of the contest between James Phillips Jr. and the Goggenbelms for control of the property. The books now 6how 6.556 share holders, an increase of BSS as compared with last December. The following list is furnished by E. F. Hat ton & Co., 490 California street. San Francisco- Bid. Ask. Bid. Ask Adventure .. 7% S',4 North Lake... 17X4 js AUouoz 57% 58 Old Dominion 45' 45% Ariz Coml . .39^-4 40 Osceola .....150 158 Atlantic B^4 10 OJibwayv 914 iftii Bte Coalition 25 V* 25 *i4 Parrot 20 ->oit Cal & Ariz.. 73% 74 Quincy ...... 87 SS Cal & Hecla.63s 640 Shannon . 15« 15% Centennial .. 23 26 Super & Host 13% 14 Coppr Range 77 77% Super Copper. 57T4 58% Daly West.. 8% 9 Tamarack .. 73 74 K««t Butte.. 10 10% Trinity .- 0 . 911 Frankliu .... 19% 2t) Utah Con . S2U z»£. Granby — *>S Wolverine ...143' 144 Hancock .... 27^4 2S Wyandott* .. 2% 2^4 Helvetia .... 3*4 4% Ariz & Mich. — 70 I^ake Copper. 77*4 78 Ahmeek .....205 215-' La Salle ... 18 lS^Chemnng .... 12% )4 Mass Con .. 6% 7 Cactus .415-16 5 Mich Mm .. 6% 7 Keystone .... 19% 19s' Mohawk 65 fA Mason Val .. 1 3-16 li Newhouse ... 2^ 7 San Antonio.. B*4 9' North Butte. 35% 39 Yuma 1% 1^ ' London Closing: Stocks Cons for money. Bl 5-J6 Louis? & Nash 15714 Do for acct 81% M. X & Texas.'.'.* 44*! Amal Copper .... 80% NY Central. :.. ."l26>| Anaconda 10% Norfolk & We5t.. '.10314 Atchison .... .11914 ;Do pM . ft« I>o pfd -1O6?4 Ont &- Western!! l 47% Bait & 0hi0...... 115*4 Pennsylvania .„ ! 69V4 Can Pacific IW* Rand. Mines """ ay Ches & Ohio 88% Reading .. cr Chi Great West-.. 32. So Railway . "*"",o " CbL Mil &St P. 149% Do pfd ....; Kg De Beers ....... 19% So Pacific . . . . . ."13054 Den i Rio G.... 42 Union Pacific l<v> 1)0 pfd ........ 82% Do pfd ....!! !!102% Erie 31% U 5 % 5tec1. ...... «»? Do Ist pfd..... 50% Do. pfd ....... i->3ii Do 2d pfd.. 38 Wahash .'... ~>i£ Grand Trunk • 25% Do pfd ".....".!" 4SU IU Central .V.:.. 146% Spanish 4«...... 05>l Bar Bilver— Steady ; - 23 5-16 d per ounce. ' Money— ll4 @i% per cent. ;. ' The rate of discount In the op«n market for short bills U 2%@2 5-16 per cent and for three months' bills 2% @2 5-16, per cent. . : - Treastiry Statement WASHINGTON,' March 2.— The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was as follows :. .' , .-- .-. \u0084 , , " Trust funds— Gold ' coin, ' $858,162,560- slJvpr dollars. $466.146,000; : silver dollars of' 1890 $3,850,000; silver \u25a0 certificates outstanding, ! $488 - 146.000. - > -\u25a0 . \u25a0'-.'. . . . -..'\u25a0\u25a0 General fund— Standard silver dollars ; in gen eral fund,- $5,472,430: current, liabilities, $07, 78.1.713; working balance in treasury offices,' $22 - 176.344:. In; banks to credit of ' treasurer of the United States, $35,167,503; subsidiary silver coin. $21,257,270; minor coin. $1. 184,022; total balance in general fund, $87,348,318.', \u25a0'. « :Vevr . York M bney Market NEW TORK. March 2— Money on .-all I rasy,' 2S«fe3 p«T cent: -ruling rate.. 2% .per cent: Hos ing bid, 2% per'c-ent; offored at 2% per cent.* - Time loans \u25a0, strong; • fiO • days. \u25a0 .'{% per • cent: ; 00 day>i,i3%@..T*i I per,cent;'six months/ 39i@;4;pcr crnt. I ,' -. \u25a0 , \u25a0•*- . . !, : ,'-.<: -\u25a0...,. ; \u25a0 Prime mercantile, paper. 4 Va 4? 3 per cent. --.'•" / StiTlias . exebaase flrm, wiia . attual business OME^SA^ ER^NGISGQ GALL^^ Oil and Water Stocks Advanced; Comstock Shares Turn Downward 1n - bankers' .blllH' at $4.5510@4.5520 for-60 day bills and at $4.8725 for demand. • Commercial bills, $4.844<g4.55., Bar silver, 504 c. Mexican \u25a0 dollars, 1 44c. Bonds — Government, steady; railroad, .irregular. Northern Business PORTLAND, March 2.— Clearings, $1,580,222; balances. $170,131. ' '. - .-. TACOMA. March 2.— Clearings, $822,981; bal ances. $113,765. ' ' SEATTLE, March 2.— Clearings; $1,925,039; balances, $318,273. \u25a0 . ' SPOKANE; March 2.— Clearings, $584,733: bal ances, $155,299. \u25a0\u25a0 • - - "j[>?S.^ I. onus, Exchange and Silver Silver was %c higher. New York exchange was lower. . \u25a0 Primf mercantile paper... 5@6 per cent Loans on real estate . ... 54^0.8 per cent Sterling exchange, CO day 5...... — (&4.85% Sterling exchange, sight — @4.S7*i Sterling: exchange, cab1e5. ...... — W4.K«4 New - York exchange, sight. . — @ 74 New York exchange, telegraphic. — (g) . 10 "; ' Hongkong exchange, sight.... .. — <&l 42*4 Hongkong exchange, telegraphic. — (m 42% : Silver, per ounce. . v .'. ..'.. — @ 504 Mexican dollars, n0mina1......... — @ 00 . CONTINENTAL New York ou Pari5.... .'......... 51GU New York on Mexico...... -.' 2ul Va Paris on London., .i.. 25.174 Berlin on London ..20.444 STOCK MARKET Spring Valley water continued the leading stock lv firmness yesterday, rising from $47.12^ to $49.25 under an actfve business. .The rise .111 this stock is attributed by some to prospects that Ahe city eventually. will buy the plant, and by others to manipulation to advance the shares iv order to increase the valuation o* the plant. Another strong" stock was Associated oil, which advanced from $47 :to \u25a0 $49.25. Pacific lighting corporation also was higher at $75. There was a sale of San Francisco savings union at $sl£* Transactions In bonds were light."'- .<*:\u25a0• The Comstocks turned about and declined with free selling, j The . only change in the southern ! Nevadas was an advance in^Goldfield Consoli dated from Tuesday's closing quotation of ; $7,624 to $8.17Va under liberal eastern buying. Floreuce was , rather firmer on . the announce ment of, a dividend of 10c per share, payable April 2. At tbe annual meeting tbe old man agement was re-elected. The regular annual meeting of tbe stock hold ers of tbe Consolidated Virginia mining company Ijhs been called for March lt>. A large number of miners employed in tbe Mohawk workings of the GoldSeld Consolidated mines company have lately been laid off, said to be for economical reasons. .-A. J. Canavan, superintendent. of .the Mohan k r and Combination, has resigned. General Manager J. R. Flnlay has appointed J. W. Donnelly superintendent of the entire property, aided by two foremen. . Oil stocks ex dividend, yesterday were Union 50c and United Petroleum 50c. Following is Superintendent Bradshaw's re port of the Touopah-Belraont.mlne for the month of January; which has just been completed and forwarded to -the directors at Philadelphia: Number of dry tons sent to smelter, 2,733; total gross value, $110,319.75; average gross value per ton, $40.37; total returns from smelter,"sSl. 000; average net value per ton returned by smel ter, $29.64; net profits, after deducting all ex penses, $56,000; cash in. treasury, $230,000. The profits of this mine lor the month of January are far in excess of any month for years; In fact, thpy are more than four times as much as the profits reported in the last annual report for the last fiscal year. \u25a0\u25a0 - . .' The mill report of. the .Tonopah mining com pany for tbe last week shows that an average of. 98 stamps out of 100 were dropping con stantly, crushing 3.300 tons of ore of an average value of $20 per ton. The bullion shipment con sisted of 59 bars of bullion, valued at $48,675, and 28 tons of concentrates worth $14,000,"mak ing tbe total bullion shipments amount to $62, 675. An average extraction of 91 per cent was recorded. \u25a0 . . Ansemiinent .Directory Conmtock Mines Company — No. Del. Board. Sale Day. Amt. Savage- 17 Feb. 10 Mar. 8 .10 Julia ' 14 Keb. 12 Mar. 10 .03 Caledonia '.... 81 Feb. 12 Mar. 9 .10 Challenge '•..... 53 Feb. 15 Mar. 10 .10 Meilcan '..... 99 Feb. 18 Mar. 17 ; .15 Belcher. -.V...". 91 Mar. 4 Mar. 29 .10 Crown \ Point... 5 Mar. 4 , Mar. 28 .10 Yellow f 'Jacket 35 Mar. 4 Apr. 11 .10 Seg. Belcher... 46 Mar. 5 Mar. 28 .03 Chollar .. 12 Mar. 5 Mar. 31 .10 Hale & Nor... 26 Mar. 7 Mar. 31 .10 Union 21 Mar. 7 Mar. 31 .10 Alpha . .. 13 Mar. 12 Apr. 7 .05 Gould & Curry 16 Mar. 14 Apr. 6 .10 Cen. Eureka... 23 Mar. 13 Apr. 23 .02% Confidence ... 53 Mar. 21 Apr. 15; .20 Overman ..... 33 Mar. 31 Apr. 27 .10 STOCK AXD BOND EXCHANGE WEDNESDAY, March 2—10:30 a. m. UNITED STATES BONDS Bid. Ask.l Bid. Ask. 4s qr'cp'ncw — — |3s qr coup... — — MISCELLANEOUS BONDS Ala A W ss. — — - Oak, Tran 65.1074 — Am REI 6s. 91% — Oak Trail 55. 105 — Asso Oil se. 06 964 O Tf'an Cn 55.10441054 Bay CPC 05.102 — O Trac Cn 3s 99 H1 00 H Cal.C G ss. — 105 O Trac Co 3s — 914 Cal G & E X O W gtd !»s. 954 — m&. ct os. — 100 Ova Cable ti5.1084109 Cal st O - ss. 103% Pac G Im 4s. «.">: \u25a0 — Cal Wine 55.' 90 — P E-Ry. ss. .1054106 City El .is.. 904 91 Pac L&P ss. »»Sty t — O C Wat 56. — 101% Do gtd 55.; — 102>4 Do g mgss — 93 Pac T&T 55., 99^100 Ed El LA os. 100 102 P& G H 6s. 90 — Ed L&P 6s. 10714 \u25a0— P.& O R 65.100 — IhiPt P 44s — — : People's Wss 60% 67% First F — Powell st 65..:99 — . F& G H 65.100 — Sac EG&RSs. — 103 HC & S 55.105»; — S Diego H 55.105 — Hon R T «s. — 108 S J L&P ss. 97 — L Tahoe R."is 9!l 100, SFEIRy 5s 1)5 — ' L A Elec ss. 101}; — " SF.O & 5J55.106% — \ LAG & E15s.lOl?ilO3 Do 2d ingss 95 97 Do Cor ss. 100 — Do Con ss. — 95% L A' Ry ss. — 110 . SJ& SCR 4 Mis — — LAL gtd 58.103 \u25a0 Sierra It 65.. 108 — LAPlcni 55.106% — SP of C'6s LAP, CaI :ss. — 100% - (1912) ....105% —" : Marln W 6s. — — SPC.I c g 59.115% — Mkt st"C 6s. 104 SPB-R C 5.128 130 Do lem Ss.loo — . SPHR Ist r4« 9G% 9S»; MV& MtTss.loo — Stkn G&E 65.105 — N R of C 55.116 ii •— •\u25a0 SV- W g mg4s 91*4 — NC Ry 55.. — — U G'& E ss. »H — N C P Co ss. 103- I7R of ST 4s. 72i&;72% N C P'Cn 5s 06l 8 96% ValleJo.Bon & N El Co ss. — 92% \u25a0 Napa RR5s 75 — O GL&il 58.102 — Val Co P, ss. 102 103 WATER STOCKS Marin Co 1. 60" — |S V Wat Co. 49 1, 50 GAS AND ELECTRIC STOCKS City El Co. .52% 53&jPac \u25a0 L pfd. .'74% 75 N Cal Power 52 '53 .j; Do com . V. 54 — INSURANCE STOCKS Cal Ins Co.. — 80 | Pac CC" Co. 145 160" Klremn's Fd.262% — | ' .BANK STOCKS . '- Am Nil 8k.133 — " First Natn1..247% — Anglo &. L0n.147% — '- Mer Trust .' . . — 237 Bank of .Ca1.411%413 S F. National. — 140 Cent Trust.. — .130 Union T Co.. — — \u25a0 SAVINGS BANKS r \u25a0-- .:*'•. Oft.S & L.2785 — V S.F SavU.. — .52." Hum Shy Bk — — Say & L So.. — 125 Mnt Sa T Bk. — * 75 Sec SaT Bk.". — 340 ' STREET, RAILROAD STOCKS California... 135 | Presidio ..... 28% — -POWDER STOCKS Kjl \u25a0---"\u25a0 Dv Pont pfd S4 '95- IGlant Con ..' 78% 7S-74 Do com ...133% —I -. '" r. SUGAE STOCKS '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0 » ' Hawaiian 0. r>9X4'4O |Makawcli SC:- 54 Honokaa S C 22% 23 '; Onomea S .0.54% 55% Hutch S P. O-17*4 17% Paauhan'S>C.'29% 29% Kllauea SC. 15 — - Union SJCo.; 68 , — -: OIL STOCKS : ' - * . Amal Oil Co. —% 75 W- Coast Opf — ' 101 . Asso Oil Co. 48 * i4O '„. Do coai . .. — * Sterling Oil.. — ' : 4 MISCELLANhOUS STOCKS \ ' Alaska P A. SB?4 — " Pac Aor F A - 4 >,—, — Car, F, U .A. lOl. 101% Pac C BoraxJs4 :— , Cal -Wine. A. 37 " 40% Pac T&T.. pfd 94% 95U MV& MtTm.loo/. — . < Docomi . ..'39% 41 N Alas S C 0.115 120 '"-.. , . \u25a0:. .. \u25a0-. ;-:SALES .- \u25a0' '^'i\- '\u25a0'] -'"' T -,-':\u25a0' *" Morning- Session " Board— -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; \u25a0"•..;\u25a0 ' , ' ' . • 10 Alaska Packers'" Assn.;.'. ...,v; R5.87% • 110 Associated Oil > C 0 . . ... . ... . ;;.; 47.50 \u25a0< 200 Hawaiian Coml'&- Sugar J C 0. ..'. 39.25.; s 10 Honokaa- Sugar -Co "....:....\u25a0. .'.22.50 i *>"» NrCaKPower Co C0n.'.... . ;\u25a0..: '52.0D -= 20 Onomea > Susar C0 \u25a0•..*".•.". ...:... 54.50 .10 Paaubari". S' P 'Co .......... ..20.37% - -25 Pacific Tei.-&;:Tel-<pfd) VV..:V:.- 95.00 . • 10 Spring Valley fWater Co.: in... 48100 .. ;"., 30 Spring; Valley.^ater ! Co..:V....-49.25',r .20 Sprlng.VaUeyWateriCo:.'.';T::.Uß:7ftt' - 10. Spring Valleri Water C 0. .:.:..-. 48.50 i> $3,000 Cal Gas & filiGM & C Tißs:*: 99.75 V $5,000 NCal Power Co Con 55.. .-."... V 9«.12% .$5,000 NCaLPowerjCo Con 5n; :....;. 96. 00' " $2.00<) Oakland .Traction- Con 55 .... .'. . .'* 99.75 '• '\u25a0 $1,000 Oaklind Tractions Con. 55.. "..-'.'. 100. 00 \u25a0 $4,000 Pacific \u25a0 Tel '. & ; Tel * 55 .'..'. .'.". -. V. 100. 00 ' : - (2,000 S P/R; R Jst»refdg 5 45. .". :. .".. 96.50 ': $1,000 Spring Val Wat gen- mtge 4s. ;• 91.00 '. $5,000 Spring: Val f Wat 'gen ; mtge 45. .. 91.25 • "\u25a0\u25a0-"\u25a0 \u25a0 - - " Afternoon- Session • \u25a0 z \u25a0 •.-\u25a0 •' ' \u25a0 . ; Board — •.-\u25a0'•.-\u25a0 \u25a0•.^-. *„-.- \u25a0 -\u25a0-\u25a0: ~- - ; - : \u25a0•\u25a0; 25 Associated;; Oil C6:.\ :......'... .48.25 \u25a0 . \u25a0' 2.>. Associate- Oil - C 0.:*;".'.".*.'.: . .:.'. .-^48.50 - 25 Associated Oil * Co.~. 7. .'.•;; : ;\u25a0;;:\u25a0 48.75 -45 Associated ' Oil i Co.. V. v . : ..".'49.00 100 Associated l Oil C 0 .;...... v.-.T.r, 49 ?5 ; .- ; ' 5 Bank of ' California,, N AT.; ,:;412.00 Cat .-Fruit scanners'-' Assn. ".:;.-. 101. 00 \u0084 , 20 Hulchlnson Sngart. Plantation:".^l7.B7% > r.O Paclflc i Lighting !.: Corp - < pfd ) :\u25a0. .*.< 75 . 00 •\u25a0' 5.. Paclttc :- Tel \u25a0&. Tel : < pfd ) . : . . . ; . .1 95 .00 H - X ; '•*> gprlng Valley } Water ' Co r.'. ;:. :rv: "49 .00 '?':. ' < ', tSOZ. s P rin »r *> Valley i Wa t<*r C0 :v .7.".T. f 49 ; 25 M , $1,000 Association C0 i 55.. ;...; ;7.i 96 25 '\u25a0/'.'\u25a0 .-'--'\u25a0\u25a0'Street — :.-;.-• ".\u25a0.;..'\u25a0\u25a0--\u25a0.\u25a0;- : ••\u25a0• ' > --\u0084-•- .'*j , - I'VN; Cai ; power" Co Vcon. ':?;\u25a0.;...:. 52.00 " : -\u25a0! 14 RK Savings, Union =.-.•.;....-. rr.510 oO>> «10.0W S-P;Eiß,lstlrefdg.:4s;.;;.v^o6;so'^ • , California Stock and OH Exchange ' • Bid.Ask. y. ' Bid^AsW. Amaurot ..... 75 — Nev County .. 25 — Apollo ..;.... 12 — NewPenn Pet 78 80 Asso" Oil,, ..47.50 47.75 Parafflne .....1.45 1.60 Bay City ..2.00 2.62% Palmer .....1.174 1-20 Blue Moon .; 21 \u25a0 — piedmont ..... —\u25a0} 19 Brookshlre ...1.05 1.10 Premier Cal Oll'& G 95 1.15 Record ;....- .6.00 — Chi Crude ... 11 — Royalty ...... — 1.25 Claremont ;.,11S5 — 8 F.& McK.27.60 — De Luxe ....2.05 •— Saver D0ugh.. 2.45 2.95 Enos ......1.27V, 1.30 Sesnon 1......8.00 — Esperanza' ...2.00 — Silver Tip .. — 3.324 Four ........ 30 '— Sovereign ....-: — ; : 25 Fulton .......1.10 —S W& B 41 .45 Gypsy ....... ;30 35 Sterling ......3.00 3.60 111 Crude ... 53 — Sunset Mon ..50- — Junction .;...: 40" — Superior ...... — 29 Kern River... B. oo — Turner ....... 70/- — MeKlttrick ... 20 30 Wolverine .... 25 — Monte Crlsto.l.Bs 1.024 W X Oil Co. .2.25 — "\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0"; .;" \u25a0 :*•.'£ sales " .' \u25a0;.. ' ; 11:30 a. m.— • \ 500 Cal Oil & Gas.. 1-00 " 100 De - Luxe, . 8 5........ ..'.-.,. 2.03 100 De Luxe, s-5 2.10 1500 Four . -30 ' 100 Monte Crlsto '.."- 1.90 600 Palmer ....- 1.1." .900 Premier, s 5 1.30 200 Premier, s 5.......... 1-27% ; 2 p. m -\u25a0 ,' . \u0084..\u25a0. ' •• \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 . 40 Associated Oil 47.50 200 Enos '....;..-. 1.30 .. 1200 Palmer .............;..... 1.20/ 500 Palmer, b 60....... 1.224 I 100 Premier, s 5.. 130 300 Silver Tip .....;...;... 3.30 Mining Stocks SAN FRANCISCO STOCK EXCHANGE -" Following were the sales on the San Francisco stock: and. exchange .board yesterday: COMSTOCKS \ '. Regular Morning Session • COO Alpha ....... 15 200 Justice ....... 25 200 Alta ......... 23 600 Kentuck ...... 19 200 Alta ......... 25 500 Mexican ......2.10 100 Belcher ......1.20 100 Mexican ....2.124 700 Bullion 30 1000 N : Gould A C. 29 J 100 Caledonia .... 90 500 Ophir ... .2.40 100 Caledonia .... 89 300 Ophir ......2.424 400 Challenge Con -45 100 Overman - . . . ; .1.30 200 Chollar ...... 30 200 Potosl 74 300 Chollar ...... 31 200 Potosi 75 500 Con Imperial. 08 100 Savage ....... "62 100 Con Imperial. 09 ; 300 Savage 61 500 Con Va M....2.05 200 Savage ... 60 100 Con VaM.. 2. 024 200 Seg Belcher ..-26 200 Con Va M.;... 2.00 200 Seg Belcher .. 27 200 Exchequer '... 34 500 Sierra Nev ..". 82 100 Exchequer ... S3 200 Silver Hill ... 18 400 Exchequer ... 32 400 Union .... 94 700 Gould & Cur. 37 100 Uniou ........ 95 600 Hale &. Norc. 61 .200 Yellow Jacket.l. 3o Afternoon \u25a0 Session *500 Andes ....... 27 200 Hale & Norc. 62 100 Belcher 1.20 400 Julia 25 200 Bullion ...... 30 300 Mexican 2.10 950 Caledonia ."".... S3 100 Mexican ......2.03 1100 Chollar 31 100 Ophlr .2.424 100 Chollar '.-..;'..- 30 1000 Ophlr 2.35 100 Confidence ...1.40 300 Overman .....1.25 3000 Con Imperial. '.OS 200 Savage -60 200 Con Imperial. "09 100 Sierra Nev ... 80 1300 Con Va M. .2.024 800 Silver Hi 11... 17 SOO Con Va M. . . .2.00 200 Union 94 COO Exchequer ... 33 500 Union 93 200 Gould & Car. 37 500 Utah 15 500 Hale & Norc. 60 \u25a0 \u25a0 : ' Informs Session. 100 Andes ....... 26 300 Mexican 2.05 300 Belcher 1.20 400 New York Con 09 500 Chollar ...... 30 100 Ophir .......2.324 500 Con Va M 2.00 700 Ophir .2.30 1200 Con Va M. .1.974 200 Overman ...1.374 800 Crown P0int.. 1.20 50 Savage ....... 63 300 X Sierra Nev 10 300 Union 91 500 Hale &_ Norc. 58 tKK) Yellow Jacket. 1.30 CLOSING QUOTATIONS Bld.A*k.| Bid.Ask. Alpha 10 11 Justice . .. °,3 — Alta ....24 — Kentuck . 20 Andes 26 27 Lady Wash. . . lf> — Belcher 1.20 1.25 Mexican ......2.02 2.05 Bullion 30 32 New York Con 08 — Caledonia .... 88 90 Occidental .... 35 — Challenge Con 45 48 Ophir 2.32 235 Chollar 30 32 Overman 1.37 — Confidence .... — 1.30 Potosi 74 76 Con Imperial. OS 09 Savage .....;. 60 «2 Con Va M C 0.1 .97 2.00 Scorpion ...... 15 — Crown Point. .1.20 1.25 Segßelcher .. 23 ,23 E Sierra Nev 10 — Sierra Npv ... So 81 Exchequer ... 33 »35 Sliver Hill <..; IS 20 Gould & Cur. 37 89 Union ......:.' 90 91 Hale & Norc. 5S 60 Utah 14 16 Julia 25-- : 27) Yellow 1.30 1.35 TONOPAH AND GOLDFIELD STOCKS Regular Mornlne. Session \u25a0\u25a0•'''.'> 1000 Atlanta ...... 17 200 Gld-Con M...7.95 1500 Daisy .... 07 1000 Gld Kcwauas.. OS 400 Florence ... ..2.40 1000 Jumbo Er ...." 38 100 Gld Con M. 7. 874 ;fioo.Lonc Star .... 04 300 I»o. s 3 7.85 500 North Star ... .03 200 Gld Con M... 7.90 8000 Oro 08 100 Gld Coa M . 7 .924 1000 Rescue -• v 2 \u25a0 . Afternoon Session 300 Belmont ...1.624 100 Gld Con M. 8. 174 700 Belmont .....1.65 SOO Old Con M...5.l. r > 2500 Blue Bell ... -03 \u25a0•\u25a0SO Gld Ton M...8.03 7000 Booth .". 1« 500 Gld Con M.5. 074 400 Com Fraction. 31 200 Little Ton ... 50 2000 Empire ...... 01 1000 MacNaniara . . 27 200 Florence .....2.40 3500 MacNamara .. 26 200 Gld Con M... 7.95 7000 Oro ..: 08 100 Gld Con M...8.00 500 Pitts S Peak.. 70 1300 Gld Con Mi.. 8. 10 3000 Rescue Con 02 2800 Gld Con M.5. 124 200 Silver Pick .. 10 Informs Session 1500 Belmont 1.65 500 MaeNamara .'.' 27 300 Booth 18 500 Ncr Hills, slO 50 3f>o Gld Cou M. 8. 074 3000 Oro . ..... 08 500 Gld: Coa M.5. 124 2000 Round Mt .... 51 .'•oo Jim ''Butler .. 12 3500 West End ... 35 1000 Mayflower ... 04 - CLOSING QUOTATIONS - CALIFORNIA , . .; -. Bid.Ask. \u25a0 Bid.Ask. Argonaut .... — 4.00 So Eureka M. —4.25 Cent Eureka.. 30 — - \u25a0' NEVADA Tonooah » District . - ' Bid.Ask. I Bid. Ask. Belmont 1.62 1.651 North Star ..„ 03; (H Jim Butler 1 :. 11 12|Rescue Con .. 01 ,02 Little Ton .. 50 — Ton Exten . . . 70 , — MacNamara .. 25 \u25a028 To n of Nev.. 6. 50 — Midway: ..... 25 20 West End ... 33 30 Montana, 80 — ; Goldfleld District 'I Adams ......' 01 .. 02 Gld Kewanas.. 07 OR Atlanta' ....... 1C 18 Gld Merger M." 15 Blue Bell ... '02 03 Grandma ..... 01* 02 Blue Bull ... 05 •06 Great Bend.. 03 04 Booth ... 17 '\u25a0' IS Grt ' Bend . Anx .— ' 01 C0D...... — 11 Grt Bend Ex. — 01 Columbia Mt. Or. — Jumbo Ex ... \u25a036 37 Com Fraction. 30 ' — Kendall ....... 02 — Cracker Jack. 02 •03 Lone Star.... 04 05 Daisy . . . „ ... 07. OS Oro . . . ".". .... . OS 09 !Dm B Btte C. .02 03 Red Hills .... (>4 or> Dmdfld: Trngl. — 01 Red Top Ex.. 02 03 Florence 2185 2.37 Sandstorm .... 03 -05 Florence Ex... — 01 Silver Pick .. OTt 10 Frances Mhk. 02 —Strives . .19 — Gold' Bar= Gld Oft— Wonder ...... — 01 Gld Con M... 8. 10 8.12 Yellow. Tiger.. 116 i 07 Gld Portland; \u25a0 01- .02 -"••"\u25a0\u25a0 - : . ' Bullfrog . District .; Amethyst .... 01 02I Moot Bullfrog. — 01 Bonnie Clare.. \u25a0; flg vlO Mont«omy Mt. 01 02 Blfrg • Nat \u25a0Bk 01 <<2 Tramp Con : . ; 03 (16 Homestake K. — 01 Valley View... — t»2 Mayflower Con 03. 04 . ." .» Manhattan District Man Con ..... 02 03 Mustang Man.. — 02 Man' Dexter...;- 04 05 Pine' Nut .... — 01 Mlneral.Hlll.. ,— ' 02 Thanksgiving..' 03' — • Other District* - :\u25a0•-. Balloon Hill.. — .03 Nev Hills .... 49 : 50 Eagle's Nest.. 02 04 Pitts S Peak.. ,70^ 71 Falrvw (i Bid' 02 Ramsey ......* 01 Falrvw Hallst >— 01 Raw Coalition. ,17 : — Fairvw Eagle 12 Raw, Queen .. 17 20 Jack Pot .... 03 05 Bound Mt ..,.50 Xi „" • •' '.''•-' \u25a0 Copper Stocks . t Cum-Ely ..6.-T5 7.50 Nev, Con" -.22.75 23.12 G lron i .Cns.lo.oo: 10.25 * : : -/V-' :.-.\u25a0\u25a0 GRAINJVIARKEr >"J "Wheat and ; Other Grains' > v .. Wheat-^AH conditions , remain unchanged, .the market being dull. >. . ,'\u25a0-' \u25a0'.-\u25a0-.-' \u25a0•• ; CASH!WHEAT : i ' js^fm \u25a0 California, , club, $1.87%@1.95: Sonora, $2.-05® 2.15: • Propo and . white = Australian. I $2.05@2.10. t o h . ( ; rn ' wheat — Club,' v $1 :85;» Russian - • red, $1.83%@1.85; turkey red, $J1.90@1.95; bluestem $2(££2.05. - {.\u25a0 . - \u25a0;\u25a0 .-. \u25a0 *..'* ;,- - \u25a0- .\u25a0 r -*„. -. :v- \u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 (\u25a0'\u25a0 ' ' ,; FUTURES -.{ J,- .' . . -•* t , 1 : No quotations..; ' . .; \u25a0•-\u25a0 •, \u25a0\u25a0 •-\u25a0 . . *. Barley— The stock In' warehouse , and on \u25a0 wharf appears elsewhere on this page. C < , \u25a0' ;/ : ' H Both futures and the •\u25a0 tasli grain were higher yesterday, s the latter selling at $1.40. The mar ket, however, Is quiet.' "• : ' " ... •\u25a0'-- CASH BARLEY .. . • ; ' ;. No.lifecd. $1.38%(<51.40: off grades.- $1.32%© LB7%'p«rctl; brewing," $1141 V 4 @1.42%; sliipniuz lots, $I.42%;; chevalier, $1.60<Jj1.65.per ctl. \u25a0\u0084"\u25a0•-\u25a0 ' -••' FUTURES \u25a0 ; .-... -.-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .. ' *> 10'; a.' m.'- Session \u25a0 '•\u25a0•- Open ::•"' High' :- Low - Close,- May— No sales. $1.40. bid. . .. - . December '.;. $1.29% ; $i:3O y $1.29% $1.30 -V. \u25a0 ', \u25a0/')•/ 2:p. ;m." Session. ;\u25a0_\u25a0 .\u25a0-.-. * • : "\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0' - Open . High ... Low- <=• Close. May ....... .sl^4o% f . $1.40% , $I.4o% \u25a0'•\u25a0 $1.40%' December :... ,1.31- . . 1.31 - v 1.31 . ' 1.31 \u0084 . ; Oats— The : stock! in ; warehouse' March 1 , ap pears elsewhere on.' this '-page. -/The market con tinues : inactive. >> \u25a0 ..\u25a0\u25a0.-. .. v;..: . " Reds ' for ; feed, $1.47% (3)1.57% ; reds . for ? seed: 91.60@i:70; ', black.'. $1.50(&2;30; Jgray;. $1.60(§( 1.67% ; ; white, : $1.60@1.67% per ctl for * fair •to I N0.i1..;;v/^,>..;- >: ,.,,. ..,,• --.-\u25a0,•\u25a0\u25a0;.\u25a0; \u0084 .-.';-;. /,-.-,\u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0< I ;,'CoVn — Wcstern'iin bulk • is •' lower. .:' • Manchurian 1 small*, yellow \u25a0 is .quoted ; at J $1.60 ! per .ctl asked "In- sacks;' California -small Ground 1 yellow;. $1.70@1.75; -white, i>sl.So;: large $1.70(!i1.75; ,; western i states \u25a0 yellow. •« In "bulk, ? in I San . Francisco tracks sl.s7 ;' white.". $1.50; 1 mixed, $1.55 ; I white 5 Egyptian,-: $1.65@1.70; ; brown r do, 1 $1.57%(ft1.«0 per ctl. :W: W- • '. '\u25a0'< - -.\u25a0• -:-. -'-^ ,'.;.; Rye-^-Utah* is quoted at $2. \u25a0 California \u25a0is also : quoted;at $2'per:ctl. J-. . •-..'.'/ *Z«- ' \u25a0'\u25a0 ..\u25a0• ::-, ._: "Stock*.; ot^^ Grain .-):'/, ' - H. : - C. : Bunker/ chief /gra in : . i nspector : of ; the Merchants'^ exchange.'?, reports £ stocks ? of t grain * ctc.'.^la regular .warehouse " and 1 on ; wharf "March ! summary of* ; the markets Xevr, York stock* IrreKular... Spot and tut u re oo tt on higher. Coinstock: shares (urn lower. Oil and crater" stocks higher. 'Barley higher. ; Corn lower. ; Hay dull here and In the country. Bean* firm' and unchanged. Hams, lard and cooking oils n*d- ,vanced. v ' Butter higher. . Cheese easy. Kggs ':'..' fl rail ; v'/t^s>. Potatoes and onions unchanged. Poultry in light receipt and firm. Increased activity. In fresh fruits. 1 as follows, in tons," the beans being given in sacks: ' Feb.' 1 March 1 ' Wheat- Port C05ta. . .... .............. 15,742 13,124 Stockton .................... 7,260 8,«»4 City 1.1U7 -1,200 Barley— . . Port C05ta . '. ........... J ...... S.KSo 5.523 Stockton ...:' ...r.'. ...... 0.354 o.sco Cltyi .:.... ; ..... 1.!>21- 1.276 Oats' 1,605 1.4R4 Corn ....;:...\u25a0....'. ..:.... . 258- COS Bran .'. J. .'....... 158 07 Beans ii..... 154,332 128,979 1 The receipts In February -were 4,041 tons wheat,' o,st:3 tons barley, • 733 tons oats, 60Q tons corn, 1.0,75 tons bran, 3G.SC3 sacks beans and 11,844 tons hay. . - .: Foreljju Futures LIVERPOOL YVheat — March May July OpenlD? ;8 1»J 7 llt-i 7 10<& Closing 8 1' 8 7 11% 7 10& PARIS TVbeat— \u25a0'\u25a0 + Feb. May-Aug. Opening 24. T0 25.15 Closing -..;..........; 24.70 23.05 Flour — - ' Opening 33.20 33.25 Closing ..33.25 33.25 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Future Grain and Provisions ' CHICAGO. March 2.- — Wheat prices were nerv ous today; fluctuating from %c to l%c and clos ing weak on liberal offerings, %c to Tic off. Action iv the corn pit was more temperate, prices finishing to &c off. Oats closed un changed to 14c lower. In provisions May pork touched a- new high point at $25.27*4-^ Crop reports were both favorable and unfavor able, causing wheat prices to soar frum ' 'jc to "%c above yesterday. "Under a steady hammer ing prices for all the futures fell off, the fluc tnations from the high point being from TJc to l%c. May traveled from $1.15% to $1.14^, the other futures moving over a wider space. Tbe close was weak and little removed from the low point, with May %c down at $I.l4>*<gl.ll?6c. May corn dropped- from. 6CO to GTi'ic. Cash corn fell off from %c to lc on a limited demand and light offerings, No. 3 white selling nt tl^ij-C 02?ic. The close was weak; with May %c off at tw^c. . . Trading in oats was without feature, fluctua tions being bounded by i^c to »ge. May moved between 479<jc and 4K%c. The close was weak; with May down at 47c. . , \u25a0 In- proviolonfl prices - receded from the hieh level, - finishing unchanged to 21&e higher for ribs, 15c to 20c higher for lard and V-ViC to 17tyc higher for pork. The ', leading futures ranged as follows: Articles — Open. High. * Low. Close. Wheat— May 1.14-4 1.15» 8 1.14 ft 1.14% July 1.071-4 1.08% 1.08-4 . 1-tWT* September 1.03? i 1.04 1.02& 1.02% Corn — \ May CG- ' <>« 65} i 65?4 July 67*4 «7Vi 67 «7H September C7»{ 6S 67& 07^ Oats — May 47% 47% 40"i 47 Jjlly 44% 44 Vi 44^ 44H September..' 41 41% 41 41i s Mess Pork, per bbl — May 25.00 . 25.27VS 24. 55 25.10 July ; .25.10 25.22Va 24. 50 25.05 Lard, per .100 lbs— . May 13.4 V 13.52 Vi 13.32% 13.50 July ....13. 32^ 13.45 13.25 13.40 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs— May .13.00 13. 0 ft 12.92^. 12.!>5 July .... ...12.97& 12.9715 12. S7f$ 12.00 Conh. Grain and Provision* • - CHICAGO. March' 2.— Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady: Xo. 2 : rye, 70(S8Oc; feed or. mixing barley, 61(£J64c; fair to choice malting barley, 67(571c; flaxseed. No. 1 southwestern $2.09Vi. No. ,1 northwestern $2.lsHi : timothy seed, $3.70: clover, >$13.5f; - uipsu pork. .-per barrel. $25.12V-@25.25: lard, per 100 pound*, $13.57i-i; short ribs sides (loose). $12.50@13: short clear sides (boxed). $1ft.50<g13.62Vi. GRAIN STATISTICS . Total clearances of wheat ' aud flour were equal to 2,000 bushels. Primary 1 receipts . were 800.000 bushels, compared with T> 15,000 bushels the corresponding <lay a year ago. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: ' Wheat. • 17 cars; corn, 323 cars; oats, 139 cars; hogs, 24,01X> head. >!lnnenpoli« Grain and Produce MINNEAPOLIS. March 2. — AYheat — May, $1.1.1«4: July, $1.13%. Cafh— No. 1 hard, $1.14%(§.1.15%; No. 1 northern; -$1.14<£1. 13; No. 2 northern. $1.12^1.13: No. 3. $1.06^1.11. Corn — No. 3 yellow, 57 ! J4@3 R! 54c. Oats — No. 3 white. 43i^<§,45*sC. Rye— No. 2. 76i4fe77»4c. Flax — $2.15i4- ' • Xeir York. Grain 3larket ' NEW YORK, March 2. — Floir— Steady, with a small local. trade; receipts, 10.942 barrels; ship: ments. 433. . Wheat— Spot barely steady. No. 2 red. $1.29% nominal elevator domestic anil nominal f. o. b. afloat; ;No. 1 northern Duluth and No. L' bird winter,- $1.28*8 . nominal. Wheat options were nervous and unsettled.- Prices declined early under foreign selling and poor cables, rallied on bad crop reports I and again eased off under profit taking, closing '$.<<t%c net -lower. May closed $1.22%. July "$1.14%, September $1.10%. Receipts, lO.L'OO bushels. Northern Wheat Market WASHINGTON .. TACOMA. March 2.— Wheat— Bluestem. $1.11% @1.14: club, $l.O5(gl.O6: red Russian. $1.04. v SEATTLE. March .: 2. — Milling ; quotations: Bluestem. $1.12; club. ?1.09; fife, $1.00; red Russian. $1.07. : Export: Bluestem. ' $1. 00; t.'ub, $1.06; fife, $1.06; -red Russian, $1.04. .-v> .: OREGON - PORTLAND. March 2.— Wheat— Track prices: Club. 1 $1.05; bluestem. $1.12®1.14: red Russian. $1.03; turkey red, $1.07; forty-fold, $1.0C@1.07; valley. $1.05. LOCAL MARKETS Receipt* of Produce March 2 Flour, qr sks.... 3.510 Pelts,*; N0.......N o....... 2.273 Wheat, -ctls .... 1,005 Lime, bbls ;....".. 90 Barley. <tls .... 3.935 Sugar; ctls ..... 1,800 Oats, ctls ...... 60 Wine, gals ..39,900 Bran, nks ....'.. IK> Brandy. . gals .... 200 Middlings, sks . . (BO QulcksllTer. flasks 230 Onion*, sks ..... 100 Lumber. M ft 20 Hay, tons '. .'..... 433 Coal. " tons - 30 Potatoes, Bks ... 4,630 Oranges; bxs ..:. 4fiO B'eed, sks ......% 53 Paper,, bdls 1.270 Leather, rolls . . ". '-.' 2" Raisins, bxs \u25a0 6.300 Tallow, . ctls . 4-'(> Apples, bis ..... l">0 Hides; No 1.9n0l Honey, cases .... 105 OREGON Flour, qr sks.'. . .• l.OOOlMiddlinss. Fks ... 250 Wheat,' ctls . . :.': .' 3.4401H0p», bales ..... 122 . WESTERN e STATES' Flour," qr 5k5...^... .'.. — . ....... 2,240 _Provlslon» ' ;' Hams, pure lard and cooking oils are higher and, the market is xcrystrong. : . : Cottolene— One' half bbl, 13% c: =2. half bbls, 13c; 1 tierce, 12% c; 2. tierces, 12?4c; 5 tierces, 12% c; . ;% :\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0 . -.' \u25a0 . ;\u25a0 r-"Sfe Hams and Bacon — The "Western meat company quotes as follows: Hams, 19<&lf>%e;-picnic hams, 14% c;' California hams. 18@18%c: \u25a0 extra fancy bacon,' 2sc; -fancy- bacon, .6 -to 8 lbs;.23c; B,'to 10 lbs, 22c:'l(» to 12 lbs, 22c; light dry salt ba con;,-19%c: 10 to 12 lbs, 19c; me ; dlum\ bacon."' 18c: light 'medium bacon. lSe. , i: Lard— Tierces. 16Vic,; 50s 10»4c. 10s 1714 ess 117% c,1 17% c, 3s ; 17 %s; compound "lard.; tierces lie, 50s 11% C 10s ll%c,'ss .ll^c-Sm 12c; yellow cooking oil, 6Gc per gal;: white cooking oil, 67c per gal; salad oil. -68c * per -gal. .'. \u25a0-. '-..-. •'/*. \u25a0 • • .'. \u0084•\u25a0\u25a0 •vi Beef — Ifocal. prices . are - quoted.- -Export lots.- Inspected > by ,; tbe " government."- are $1 per bbl higher. • " Extra family beef, $14.50 per bbl ; fam ily . beef ; sl4 per bbl; extra mess beef; per bbl; smoked beef. 19c perlb. '\u25a0.';\u25a0'\u25a0' '<' - - - ' ' Pork— Extrp prime, in. barrels, $26; clear. $30; uiesß: $26; ' pig . pork, $32.50; pigs' feet," $5.75 for half, bbls, $2.40 for 23 lb kegs and $1.35 for kits. •-•";% • .;.'', ' /• DRESSED MEATS : . Slsughferers' rates to dealers and. batchers are as. follows: .: , ; . .. — -\u25a0 '. .'. • ; i Beef— B@B%c \u25a0 per lb -\u25a0 for steers, • 7@7%c . for cows and heifers, .v . . ,• : - - • • r'Veal — B@9%c for large and B%@loc for small. >c Mutton— Wethers, Ml@l2c; ewes, 11% @ 12c per pound.-' i-- - 1 .: \u25a0'-\u0084. \u25a0 . ... \u25a0-iLarab— l3lJJ 14c -for yearlings and- 15c for spring, ili^f.'i-.-'-?-' ;; - v .r.v. -.•\u25a0•-?-\u25a0 :-. •' • •'• Dressed— l3%Ql4c for light and 11 ©12c for heavy.' ,;. .--V : ,: '-\u0084--.:\u25a0-.-\u25a0--..-,, .-.-; • \u0084--..;,->--' LIVESTOCK MARKET: . : The » following . quotations ' are for good, sound livestock,'- -delivered V- in,. : San. Francisco,- gross weight:;.:.;.;., --v-".,. \u25a0'. :\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0.'.-;'- . ' '•.'\u25a0: -'> No.'. If at steers, over 900 lbs,:alive. J si4i§.s%c per; lb ; ' under 900 * lbs.;. sc ; : second quality, 4 % fig Gc;ithlrdquality. 4@4%c. '-, ;f , ..-.:•\u25a0 VNo.^l cows and heifers. 4U'34%e:Becond qiial- Ity;. ; 3%sf4c: >'. third \u25a0 quality.- 3^4 ii3%c; I common,' thin,: undesirable cows, : 2% (^o'c... \u25a0-.-\u25a0: ' ' "^Fat bulls and stags, 2V4fs2%c;half fat or" thin bulls.^l%@2e. .- : .. ; \u25a0\u25a0;. . \u25a0--. . -...-,-- ,:,-;-'. , . - \u25a0V Calves — Light' weight ; per lb, ! o^iQ.Sc .per lb; medlum,'s>4(}fs%c: heavy,' 4Q4%c.?; -\u25a0\u25a0''\u25a0 .-.;. "W Sheep (per lb)— Wethers, No. 1, 6@6%c; : ewes, 5<&5%c/.-' ;.'.--.. , ? ir:-.^.-;; .£-.\u25a0- ; - '. \u25a0-.-. \u25a0 .- -.\ -\u25a0 J-.Xambs. .<per ; lb) — This -. year's \u25a0 milk , lambs, v 7@ 7K»C. - ; -.\u25a0 '. ;, \u25a0\u25a0 v •.* .;-\u25a0\u25a0 :, ;\u25a0 \u25a0: \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0.. 1 - Hogs _- (per" lb)— Haid'grain^fed^ • welfinins \u25a0 100 ' Another Advance in flamsand Lard; Barley Higher and Corn Lower to 140 lbs. 9c; 140 to 250 lbs. 94c; 230 to 350 lbs, 9i4c; cotumon, undesirable hogs, 6(&7c. Butter, Cheese and Eke* The : butter market ruled very firm yesterday, there being a good inquiry for. shipment tt> the .north in addition to -.the regular local trade. Lively bidding for supplies 00 the exchange sent prices for all grades up. the advance being *-2<* a pound in fresh extras and firsts and lc in fresh seconds and storage extras. Not a pound was sold under the call, the bids failing ti> briug out any supplies. The epjr market maintained a firm position, despite continued heavy arrivals, previous* prices being satisfactory .to the local trade and to wholesalers, who were filling orders for ship ment to the north. Cheese continued easy for new local makes and fancy Youns Americas were Vi<- lower on sales at 10\ic a pound. : :"V- : * : . Sales on the eichance were as follows: Eees— 2o cases of fresh extras at 23Vic. 10 at 22^c and 130 at 23c a «l"sen. . ChP^se — 50 fancy new Young Americas at UMie a pound. . - Receipts were 41.000 pounds of butter. 11,000 pounds of cheese and 3.11U cases of eggs. The following are the official quotations estab lished yesterday and on the three preceding days on tee floor of the dairy exchange. Prices in the street, while governed by the "exchange quo tations, generally range from lVjc to 2c higher, owing to the various charges to be added. •*„ BUTTER PER POUND Grados— Feb. 26 Feb. 23 Mar. 1 Mar. 2 Fresh Extras.. 33c 33e 33"^€r 34c Firsts ...;... SlUe 3lVic 314« .".2c Seconds ; *»c 29e ." 29c 30e . Storage extras. 20e 29c 29c 30c Cheese — California fancy flats. 19c per lb,. weak; do firsts. isc, weak; do seconds. lS%c. weak; fancy Young Americas. lO&c, steady; do firsts. ISc, steady; fancy Oregon l'oung Ameri ca», 20c. firm; do flats. 184 c firm: California fancy storage flats, 174 c. firm; do firsts, 164 c. flrm; storage Young Americas. 19c. firm; New York fancy. 20c, firm; Wisconsin singles. IS 4c. firm. Eggs — California fresh, per dozen, cases in cluded: Grades — Feb. 20 Feb. 2S Mar. 1 Mar. 2 Extras 234 c 23e 23e 23c Firsts 224 c 224 c 224 c 224 c Secouels 22c • 22c 22c 22c Thirds — 21c 21c -21c Portland ' Butter Market PORTLAND, March 2.— Batter— City and coun try creamery extras, 37@39c; fancy outside creamery, 34@36c; store, 20@24c. KgK Market in .Nearby Counties [Special Dispatch to The Call] PETALUMA, March 2.— There was no change in the prices paid for estrs today. After the, receipt of quotations from the . San Francisco dairy exchange 22e was the highest offering and 21c and 20c were paid for lower grades. The weather is warm and many large hatches are being taken out of Incubators dally by local ponltrymen. thus assuring early laying hens for the fall supply of eggs. SANTA CRUZ. March 2. — Poultrymen are getting larger outputs from week to week and receive 20e in the local market. Merchants re tail at 23c per dozen, or 45c for two dozen. Potatoes, Onion* and Vegetable* About 30 boxes of asparagus came in yester day, and as a portion (>f Tuesday's arrivals was still on hand and the demand was less urgent than on the preceding day prices had another de cline, 30c a pound being a top price with most sellers. Peas did a little better on decreased arrivals, while the other southern vegetables stood about a3 before quoted. Mexican toma toes, ex steamer, were offered at $2ftz,2^">o a box in the early trade, but sellers were holding for higher rates in the afternoon." New crop rhu barb from across the bay. lO'iJllc a pound. There was nothing new in potatoes or oDions. Potatoes (per ctl) — River white. 75(gS3c for common to choice and $1@1.05 for fancy; Sa linas Burbanks. $1.40@1.5d; Oregon Burbanks. $1.10@1.20: Oregon early rose, $1.30; sweet po tatoes, $1.90(32.10. Onions— sl.2s@l.3s per ctl for local and $1.40 <g1.50 for Oregon. Vegetables— Asparagus, 20<a3©c per lb; toma toes., nominal; green pea 3, S@l2%c per lb; garlic, 4@sc per lb; cabbage, 65<&73c per ctl; cucum bers, $1.50@1.75 per dozen; cauliflower. sO«j< s °c per dozen: turnips. 50c per sack; carrots. 30c per sack; rhubarb. 7@Se per lb for southern and lOrtJllc for -bay; celery, $3 for large and $l(fi-1.25 for small crates: mushrooms, 23® 40c per lb; lettuce, $3.50@4 per crate. Deciduous and Citrus- Frnltn There was more activity in the wholesale fruit market yesterday than at any time during the last two weeks. Retail tradesmen r«^>orted a marked improvement in the consumptive de mand and were- operating more freely in -con sequence. Aside from a slight advance in de sirable sizes of grapefruit there was no im provement in prices, stocks of oranzes. lemons, apples, etc.. being too large to permit any. \ Apples (per boi)— Fancy bellOowers, $1.25(3 l.oO; Newtown pippins, $1.25f51.60; do red. $1.00@1.75; common to choice. 73c@$l. Citrus Fruits (per box)— Navel oranges. $2.25 6i2.H0 for fancy, $1.50@2 for choice and $1® 1.-3 for . standard: tanserines. $1.23'5!t.75 p*»r box; grapefruit. $2.50@3.25 for seedless and $1.50 ft? 2 for common; lemons. $3^3.50 for fancy. $2fcj 2.2u. for choice and $1.23@1.50 for standard; limes. $5. V...-.T .. . Tropical Fruits — Bananas.. 73c«ssl.2s per bunch for Hawaiian and $2.50@3 for Central American;, pineapples, $2@2.50 per dozen.' . ' ;-; Orfed Fruits. RaUlnn. Xut« and Honey Fruits — Evaporated apples. 7@B%e; apricots, 0%@12c: moorpark. 12@13c: peaches. 4%*36% c: prunes. 2%@3c. with %<Slc premium for 50s and 114 c premium for '40s; figs, 4U(SSc; pears, 6@loc. \u25a0 » Raisins — Layers, clusters — 6 crown, $2.50; 5 crown. $1.75: 4 crown. $1.25: seeded. 4%@5i4c: ordinary layers, 3 crown. 93c; 2 crown, 90c; seed less sultanas, 2%<7j4c: Thompson's seedless, 3*4 @3%c for unbleached and 6U@6%c for bleached; loose muscatel. 4 crown. 4c; 3 crown, 3%c; '2 crown. 3c; seedless, 2@2i4c. Nuts — Almonds, nonpareils, 14% ©13c: IXL. 14@14%c; ne plus ultra. 13@13%c: Drake. 10% (Slle: languedocs. 10<£10%c; hardshell. 6%@7c; walnuts, 13c per lb for No. 1 softshells. B%c for No. 2 do;' pecans. 14%({|16c; peanuts, 4%i35c; pine nuts, lS@2oc per lb. Honey — Comb. 14® 15c for water white and 10 @12c per lb for light amber; dark amber. 7@Sc; extracted. 7%c for water white and s%@C%c for light amber; candied and dark amber. 4@ 4%c per lb. • Beeswax— 27% @3oc per lb for light and 23Q 2Gc for dark. : Poultry and Game The market was slenderly supplied with poul try. yesterday, there being no western offering, and arrivals from state points were* less than 50 coops. All descriptions were in good demand and met with prompt sale at high figures al most as fast as received. There was not much call for game. : - Poultry (per dozen) — Hens, $6@6.50 for small, $7.50@5.50 for large and $10@12 for extra; young roosters. $7.50Q5.50; do extra larce. $9@ll: old roosters. $5@6; fryers, $6.50@7.50; broilers, $5^6 for large and $4@4.3Q for small; ducks, -. nominal; pigeons. $1.75; squabs. $3@4; geese, $2.30®3 per pair; dressed turkeys, nomi nal. . ' ? Game (per dozen)— Gray geese, $4@4.30; white eeese. $2<R3: brant; $2.50(23.50: honkers, $6<gS; hare, $1.50@2; rabMt?, $2®2.50. . Beans and Seeds Beans continue ,flr?n, with prices unchanged. Beans <per ctl)— Btyos. $3.40@5.60; pea.~ nom inal: small white. ; $4.30(84.80; large white, $3.60 03.90: pink. $4.50<34.70: red. $6.50@6-75; black eye, $4.10<84.30: llma^ $4.25@4.50: red kidneys, $55 5 -25: cranberry beans,. $4.50(84.60; Garvan za?. $2.50Q3.23; horse beans. $2@2.23. Seeds — Brown mustard. 4 %c; yellow mnstard, s^4c: flaxseed. sc, carload lots; canary. 394@4c; alfalfa. 16%@17c; rape. 2©2«ic; imported rape. 4©4% c; timothy, 6c;. hemp, 3%@4c; millet. 3c per lb. \u25a0 . : ' \u25a0*\u25a0';;* Dried Peas — Green, $4 per ctL Flour anil Farinaceous Good* \u25a0Flour — California v family extras, $6.60587 net without discount: bakers' . extras. . $6.60<^7; sa perflne. f0.40@5. 70; Oregon and Washington, per bbl." $6®ft.2O for family, .bakers" and patents and'ss.2of|s.4o .for" cut, off: Kansas patents. ?0.70@6.95; -do straights. $6.50(36.75; Dakota patents, $7.20; do straights, $7; do clear, 6.75 .per bbl. \u25a0 * \u25a0 ' •' .... J- Farinaceous Goods— Prices In 100 lb sacks, net cash, no discount, are as follows: Graham floar; $3.40 per, 100 lbs; rye flour. $4; rye meal; $3.80; rice flour, . $7 : corn meal. $3.25 ; \u25a0 extra cream do, $3.50; ont meal; $4.40; oat groats. $4.60; farina. $4.50; hominy. . $3.50: . buckwheat, flour. $4.60: whole Theat flour. $3.80: rolled oats, bbls. $8.75 sacks $4.40Q7; extra cream do.' s7 ia sacks and $7.50, in- barrels; rolled wheat, bbls $5.50," In sacks $4.25<g5; pearl barley. $4.75; split peas, boxes,' $5.70. for yellow and $7.50 for green per 100 lbs. Hay lend KeetHtuffs \u25a0All' conditions in these \u25a0 markets remain as-he fore." Tlay Ms dull.both-nere and In the country Bran— *27<Jj2>* for red and $28^29 per ton. for •white. \u25a0 -\u25a0 :\u25a0' \u25a0: - \u25a0'•' •*>: v ..>,'-: --.: \u25a0\u25a0 , Middlings— 534Q36 per ton. . Shorts — $?9®30 per ton.\ *\u25a0',"*"> • • "• Feedstuffs — Rolled barley^ $20.50(@30.50; rolled oats Tor f eed, . 833^35; „ mixed . feed. $2S@3O tor average lots; - oilcake meal,';_ ; I cocoanut cake or meal at mills; $25 In 20 and 10 and $25.50 In 5 f ton- lots; ;' jobbing." f 26; :\u25a0. corn < meal.. $35®33; cracked corn, >s3S@.39: alfalfa meal, carload lots. $20;'- jobbing, $21;^red. star alfalfa meal, $20 in carload -. lots and . $21 for jobbing; alfalfa meal $20 : in' car j lots, and $21 ' jobbing; Caproco oilcake meal: $ltt.s«> per, ton. - /,-. ' \- 7 . , \u25a0 .-..-\u25a0 . *\u25a0: Hay — Wheat. :;sl4@lß.so: wheat : and oat. $12 «(16; ; tame oat. $124116; volunteer! wild oat.- $9 @13; alfalfa; $0@12: stock hay, $6@9 per ton. . Straw — 50©75 c per bale. > : Hides. / Tallow, Wool and Hops Hides-f-Culls and brands sell ..about ..Jifelc under quotations. Heavy salted steers. J2@l-^c. light medium, lie; Us", *<*; cowhides. 10c for heavy. 10c for lf«ht; stags. 8c; salted kip. UK-: salted veal. 16c; salted calf. lbc. dry hides. 19^c; dry kip. lSc; dry «^i,23C' *** veal. 21c; sheepskins, shearlings, 2pM<>c each short wool. sO@Ssc; medium. 85@51. «»nS wool $1.25(^1.75: lambs. 25®«5c: horse hides. »«lt. $2.25@3 for large and *1.50@2 for medium. 73<*}ii for small and 25@50c fer cotts: horse hides, dry. $2«?2.25 for large and $1.^(3- for medium. 50c<S"$l for small and »«sOc tot colts; goatskins, prime «bp«. *£!; largo hair goats, 25(&40c; medium. 20@30c; small. TaUow-.No. 1 rendered, S@s%; Ko. 2. 3%"« 4?ic: srrease. 2«J3e. \u25a0-, Wool— Fall clip: Northern.* free mountain. H <&lSe: Humboldt and Meodocino. 13@15c: south ern, more or less defective. 7%@S*ie;,fall Jamba. B@loc for southern and 12313 c for n° rt . ne ">,- Hops— California. 18@23c for crop of 19W». Oregons. 18025 c perflb. . General Merchandise Bag*— Grnin bag*. $3.50i55.60. June-July delir erv; San Quentln bags. W4« wool bags. o_e tor 3U lb and 35c for 4 lb; fleece twine. Sc p*r lb. Coal — Pennsylvania anthracite ess, $1« P* e ton- Wellington. $12: New Wellington. $12: Coos bay. $10; Australian house^ — Richmond, etc.. $11; Pelaw Main. $12- Stanford Richmond. $12; Cum berland. $15 in bulk and $16.50 in sacks: Welsh anthracite. $15; coke, $16 pec ton ia bulk and $17 in sacks. . Oils— Quotations are for barrels Linseed. s*C p«r gallon for boiled and SBc for raw; case*. 5c more; castor oil in cases. No. 1. 71c; Baker's AA. $1.1301.15; China nut, cases. 60<370cj)*r gal: cocoanut oil. In barrels, 73<EG7S4c for XXX. 72Vif«7fic for No. 1 and 70@734c for No. 2.. according to quantity; extra bleached wtanf , sperm oil. 80c; natural winter sperm oil. fOe: - natural whale oil. 55c: extra winter strained lard oil. $1; pure neatsfoot oil. 75c: No. I neatsfoot oil. 60c; herring oiL 40c: salmon oil. 33c: boiled flsh oil. 35c.: paint oil. 35c Coal OH, Gasoline, etc. — -Water -watte. Iron barrels or drums. 10c: 130 deg. oU, iron barrels lot drums." llfcc; special do. 12c: pearl oil. ia cases, 17c: astral. 17c; star. 17c; extra atar. 20c: Elaine. 26% c; eocene. 20c; red crown and motor gasoline, in bulk 15c. in cases 22c; No. 1 I engine distillate, in drums. 8c; cases 7c more; SO deg. gasoline. In bulk 30c, in cases 37% c: varnish makers' and painters* naphtha. In bulk lie. in cases lS*4c. ! Turpentine— Ssc per gallon la cases and "Sc in bulk, drums and iron barrels. Rosin (per lb of 280 lbs)— E. $7.15; T. $7.20; G. $7.30: H. $7.35; I, $7.30: WW. $10.30. Red and White Lead— Red. S^@9c; Wiite. S*i@B«4e per lb. REFINED SUGAR MARKET The Western sugar refining company quotes as follows, terms net cash: Standard fine granu lated. 5.53 c: standard coarse granulated. 3.53 c; fruit granulated. 5.53 c: cut loaf. In barrels only, 1 7.55 c; H. tt E. crystal dominos, 5 lb cartons ta eases, 8.53 c: do 2 lb cartons In cases. t».osc; { monarch bar. 5.90 c; tablets In half bbls. 6.05 c; 1 do in, 6.30 c: cubes and A crushed. S.SOc; monarch powdered. 5.65 c; XXXX. powdered. 5.65 c; canuy granulated. 5.63 c; confectioners* A. , 5.53 c; confectioners* crystal, 5.65 c: extra line I granulated. 5.35 c; magnolia' A. 3.13 c: extra •G. 3.05 c; goldea C. 4.95 c; I). 4.53 c. Barrels and. SO lb bags 10c. half bbls 23c. boxes 50c more per 100 lbs than for bags of 100 lbs set. Bar in 35 and 40 lb tint $1.70 more, ia s and 10 lb tins $2.35 more per 100 lbs than price for this grade In 100 lbs bags. The California and Hawaiian, sugar reflnlnjr company quotes as follows: Granulated basis.* 5.55 c; "Hlgrade** bar. 5.9 Cc; powdered, 5.63c;.A crushed. 5.80 c; berry. 5.55 c: C. & H. extra Urn? . dry granulated. 5.53 c; coarse dry granular**!. 5.53 c; confectioners* A. 5.53 c;. confeethJners* \u25a0 crystal. 5.63 c; cubes, 5.80 c: bricks, 5.80; ftrra tine dry granulated (100 lb bas* only). 5.U5r; excelsior A. 5.15 c: extra C. 5.«5c: golden C. 4.95 c; yellow D, 4.55 c; cut loaf. In 'bbls. only. 7.50 c; H. & E. crystal dominos. 5 lb cartons It cases, 8.55 c; do 2 lb cartons in cases, 9.oT>c. Ad- ' dittonal per 100 lbs; In barrels- and 50 lb bags. 10c more; half bbls. 23c more; boxes. 30c nion* for all grades. Bar in 33 and 4Olb tins. $1.70 more; in 10 lb tins, $2.33 more. Minimum order, carload weight. »w York Produce NEW YORK, ilarch 2.— Hops— Quiet. Fliilos — Quiet. Petroleum — Steady. Wool — Steady. Svgar — Raw. firm; Muscovado. S3 test. ".aOf. centrifugal, 96 test. 4.39 c; molasses sugar: S9 test. ?..64e:> refined, steady. Coffee — Futures closed quiet, net X points higher to 3 point* lower. Sales. 2.150 bags. Closing bids: March. 6.85 c; April. 6.»5c: May, 7.050: June. 7.10 c: July. August. September,. October and November, 7.15 c; December. 7.10«»: * January and February, 7.15 c. Ppot — Quiet: N<>. 7 Rio. 8?lc: No. 4 Santos, o%ig9iic; mild, - quiet: Cordova. 9%@12&c. Cheese — Firm, unchanged. Eggs — Weak. Western firsts. 20<S20Ue: tec- DRIED FRUITS Evaporated Apples — Unchanged. Spot, fancy. 10%««Uc; choice. 9@9%c; . prime, 6%^1%e; common to fair. 6<g6^c. Prunes— Steady. CallTornia c» to StMOs. 2?i @9Uc: Oregoas, «(S9c. Apricots — Unchanged. Choice. 11*J 011*Jc; ex tra choice. 11%(912i4e: fancy, 12®l3iic.' Peaches — Steady. Choice. 6%@Tc; extra choice. 7@7%c; fancy. 7*4@Sc. Raisins — Steady. Loose muscatel. 3%Q3*4e: choice to fancy seeded, s<?S69ie; •eedless. 3%<&j 4«4c; Loodon layers. $1.13@1.23. Cbieaeo Dairy Produce Market CHICAGO. March 2. — Butter, strong: cream eries. 2«@3lc: dairies, 21@23c; eggs, easy, re ceipts, ,\321 cases; at mark, cases Included, 17% c; firsts. 18% c: prime firsts, 13c: cheese. steady; daisies, 18»i©17c; twins. I«<sJlß%<-; Young Americas, 16ai@17e; longhorns. 16»i@17c. Los Angeles Market* [Special Dispatch to The Call] LOS ANGELES, March 2. — Egg» are itlll de clining. New prices are: Extra selects. 25c; local ranch candled, firsts, 23c; case count, 21e. Tbe market Is weak on eggs and further lower- Ing of prices is quite possible. Cheese and but | ter remain flrm. Receipts of produce were: Ezga. 455 cases; ' butter. 12.650 pounds: cheese. 415 pounds; pota ; toes. 2.101 sacks; onions, none; beans, nose; ' sweet potatoes, 43 sacks; apples, none. Butter (per 2 lb roll) — Creamery, extra ; ' creamery, first, 65c; eastern creamery, extras. 63c; cooking butter. 22e per lb. Eggs (per dozen) — Extra select. 25c; local " ranch, candled, firsts. 23c; ease, count, 21c; " storage packed, extras, 22c; storage parsed, sec onds. 20c Cheese (per lb) — Northern fresa, 21c; eastern singles. 10i&20c; eastern twins. 20c: eastern Cheddars. 20( r et2le: eastern lODgbors. 21c: eastern daisy, 21c; Swiss, imported §f)c. domestic 23c- 1 brick cream. 20c; llmburger. 20@21c; imported E«lam. $Sft9. ease of 12: Oregon dhuy. 20c. Beans (per. ctl)— No. 1 pink. $5.23®5.50; No 1 limas. *4.40i«((4.50: Lady Washington. $4 30 small whites. $3.40@5.50: blackeyes. 54.75: Uar vanzas. $4.50; lentils, $7. ' \u25a0 Potatoes (per ctl>— lxval earty rose, $1.75 highlands. $1. 25^1.33; Oregon, *1'.60<fi;2.75- yel- * low sweets, $1.73®2. . .- MISCELLANEOUS 31ARKETS Cotton Market NEW YORK. March 2.— Hutton's wlra say*- The cotton market was very nervous all th«» session and showed an irregular morenjent with, at times a gr*at deal of apprehension, resanlin the March and May positions. There has been so much talk in rejrard to the March and Mas manipulation that the outstanding interests In these. months, excepting . the account of the hi operators and spot interests. Is believed to t£ comparatively small. "The ;adTices from the soutn indicated a good spot demand and full prices were paM -With" tbe position of the Marih-April on tbe other slile and the claims taat aa- important portion of th« Liverpool stock has already been taken by snln nera. there would seem t» be every reason to ex-* pec-t a good demand fnr export. The new* in re gard to trade positions seems tr> be virtnaPv unchanged. There is but little new in this rp spect. Tbe reports rather indicate a pause In . tbe demand and a hesitating character in lh» trade development*." , U£PS! «•«'•>« clo «"^ OUiet. 15 points hi-her -Middling uplands. 13c; middling srulf l"~«V \u25a0 Sales. 1,1 S3 bales. " ' COTTON FUTURES Option — Open. Hiph. tow. flos* March 14.81 V 1t.74c 11.30 c W 7> April • ___ • 1 . -. •V» r 14 - 7 " c llXlc I*. Me 1477,. June .....: .14..Tfic 14.3fic .14.C8e U -V^- J'lr- .....14.35C t 4.r^- l-t.VJkI n!-^. August .......... 1.-J.7SC- t.-5.92e 13.7 tv Vt.9\e September ..12.75c s i:j.or,e I2.s.«*c i:7m. October..^ ..12.4.V I'.'.Slc 12 4.V !*»'-jv.. November .....!: 12.27 c 12.27 c 12.27 c r"'^V December ........12.28c- 12.44 c 12.25G li.\t; St. I .ouli Wool Market ST. LOUIS. March 2.— Wool—Finn ii«ii, m grades, combing, and clothing. 2 lm""9c- 11 "hJ flae.^22«?27c; heavy tine; 12@21c; Tub wa-itfed Eastern Mre*tn>-k Market V. ' KANSAS CITY KANSAS v CITY. .March 2.— Cattle— Recelnt, 4.0.*,; market .tO^pOc •' hizb^r. ** NaUv^t^* $«4iS: cows and heifern. . $3.3rt« 7 - sttK-ker« Vn.i feeder*. $4^6.25; bull.. $A'3^r..73; cWltw $""' $3?30^«. Steni •*"*•"• P-™^ 1 -™-' cowl "Hoss-lßeeeipts 9 fK)O: market 10> higher. Bulk of sales. i $9.45<§.9.75: heavy. , $».73<a9.55- niok .Sheep—Receipts, .8,000: market steady Mut > tons $«^7.73; lambs. «5.25f19.25 ted w^tern \u25a0 • . soctii omaha " .SOUTH ; OMAHA. - Jtarca 2— Cattl^-Rewtpt, r.SO.> : = market .10<g;l5c hlzher. NatlTVf»tee«' fi-Sg^S?:: e^\-and heifer*. *4&«; oanae^' $2..u<t»..^: stockera and feeder *- t^ *?»«.• M'w. $4«;5.23: bulK- stags. , etc.. $i73®K«O , Hossr-Receists. WW; . maria; TlCc ki^.