(envy. [\u25a0$».C3tt9.S3: mixed. [email protected]: Ifjrbt.
\2<'fjrn.y\; pi cs . |&23Q&23; buU, ?9.50<2«.e5.
»3>o»-i) - — -Itereipts, -t.ooo;: market steady. Year
r#-' v - •*«.--"%.5.50: wither*. $7.'.5<&7.75: ewes,
if ;.?.Vi; lamb*. $S.sO&ft.S3.
>>w York Metal Market
\u25a0 Nrw. YOBfiJ March 2.— The market for.stand
ertl-.ct«pf*r or the New York metal exchange was
CrruVr today, with spot quoted at 13.1O(q.l : *-30c;
March si'rd Auril. 13.1(ift 13.CV: May. 13.1214*$
13.:i7'it.;- Juue. 13.17%@.13.40c. TUe. Ixmdon
rr*ri<f' wns hither aud closed firm with spot
C«ot«-dj«t t(U} ."is «nd futures at £61 2« fid. I»-
CBl:"deaK-i« quote lake copper at 13.r.0f5i13.7.V;
electji-'olyUc. iS.^s(;y.i3^oc: casting, 135j 13.25 c.
Arrivals, reported today were 240 tons and ous
totn liouW returns shnweii experts of 47<> tons.
Kft.ropeKii copi>er ttati*-ti>-s *how an increase of
4Si). vojiß In «-Jocks. but a di-crcire of 1.270 tons
Iti' tbe,. *m<Kict afloat ns couipr.trd with February
1.V:..' ' .
Tin •'vvas steady with ?P'it quoted st 32.r>2'S|(ii
St*.fin4^ : M-arch S2.4(>fr: :<2.<m>-..c: April. 32..")0(3
S2.SocrMnj and June. 32.30©33-Ssc. Th«> Lon
«son'.-jnarl:e.t; closed stftady witij spot quoted at
£l4i» 7* Cd and futures at £151.
Lcail was with «,\u25a0;>•'* <iuotM at 4.60^4.<00
SMr.:-.Y<*k and 4.42'i1& 4.47^c Kast St. Louis.
•rae..i;nt:Hs!i ni*rke.t wss higher at £13 3s 9d.
•:J51«.1V-r- closet with «=pot quoted at S.fiTi
. fa.^'.-V<.<k-\3few •'YorU r.iri 3..V>fti s.t>oc Kast St. Ix>nis
<:...£\u25a0' .TV.rr'V'Tlie I>>T)d-Tii market was lower at £23.
: ; inrMi»vaWulgb.r at ."Ik 4'id for Cleveland war
r>ni:i'--'"ni:''-t.^\u}oT<. Locally no ehnnge was re
noFt«.U:'\u25a0;N'^.-. J -f-mndry northern. $IS.SOCiIS.7A:
NoV"'2 'dVv,.si s ;i" 'S lv 50; No. 1 southern and do
t«ft-V-? &ii'.iv'iL±.s.~Z.
!fcsiwi|.'"st«»rr" — Turprmiur nnd Rosin
BAVANXAII ' Ga.. March 2.— Spirits Turpen
tinp—r^rm ai •ra» l^ '- f <t M \c. Sales. lfi»; receipts,
%?:'f;,'-i;:itent*. 2.'70; M^k. 17.107.
• liOKlc-inrm. S.i!ei=. 190; re<-eipts. .>fi:>; shlp
tiiPßtV .n.WM: sto<k. im.HT.i. Qiirtie: B. $4.25;
P .Si.'-tn; E. f-44.-.: F. ?4.«>M; G. f «.6r.: 11. $4.70;
I • M*-;' *<. So.bO; M, ?G.SS; N, $6.r.5; WG,
S<!.NV ;'W:W. ?7.
m:>vs ok the ockax
\u25a0'•":; i:»p«r»»i for <lie >orlh
" "i\y. iitlancr City of Puohla sailed for Victoria
WVuifJA'r wiJh s cargo consigned to the port of
rtest'iniU'lon 'a nd toother UritisU American cities
valurd al ?25.«n4 and Including the following:
• 4*.4* ix ll«i drietl fruif. 11.772 lt>* and 500 cs
r«is)os. SI» pkgs frepn fruits. 79 pkes vege
t*h!«« : \u25a0\u25a0 11.511 lbs beans, 115 <-s canned goods,
KSO 3.1s i>ieels. 1.433 gals and 12 cs. wive. 22 cs
bonev". •.\u25a0>»<> t*. egp-i. 412 lb« cheese, 54t) lb»
rit SSnVe; ."(h> lbs coffee, i«.8(O H>s srUt,
l»i>. ni'.t. l(i pkgs drugs. 030 cs matches. 178
pfce* macnlaery, 2 rolls leather, 20 ryls gas, 57
<f>;!« r.>i>e. 402 sterl tul>es. S!) bales twine, 150
•roil« ixxiCng. IS pkps WHgon atatovial.
Sblpmcntn by the >>lira«knn
The FT^-erner Nelirankaa sailed for Sftllna Crua
Tuei-flsy with CUBO laden'liere «nd consigned- to
Vt 'iort and -to Knrojioan i<ort» via the. Tehn
inici'fK' . r/iilway. The cargo was valued at
y*O.2:i::. Ifcie distribution being as follows: For
New York. ?77.<T,*4; Germany. $5,013; Culia.
fjfrti: Fr«!:<-e. $.Vt; Denmark. $5". The follow-
Jn^-'freie jise principal RlilptaentK:
. l> N*W Y0rk— J24.705 c»ls wine. 302.500 lbs
I>ri:nes.. 4f».4n" lr# bi-ans. «>-'K» ok canned fruit,
.fir»"«-s' olives, MXi <\u25a0!• salmon. 4.724 In* vanilla
leans'. ;<i-NV> lbs . wool. 4.25-S lbs mohair. C cs
«a- 14 : jVkgK i-lyi-. 101 pkgs wdpon material.
To 129,250 lbs dried fruit and 14
irf- sen ; shells.
To Culia— <W os canned goods and 2 cs dried
frolt; ••\u25a0•' -i.:.. '\u25a0-\u0084
'rhe~Kteamfr also had 065 cs hemey. valued at
R.tV(X>.."la<leu at San Diego for Hamburg, and
luprchaii'dito en route from Seattle to New
York • i-Hjued at $40,357, and including 11,205 cs
anii:'i:3liWs salmon.
\u25a0 .•'• '''-:'\u25a0' Notice to Mariner*
Ofnre\«f Iniiod States Lighthouse Inspector.
T**3XOi i>!stri«-t. San Francisco, MareJU 2.
\u25a0 S;sii j"f»ht-is<-i> Bay Entrance. Cal. — Notice is
iWi-iiy' giveji .ttwt San Francisco light vessel
\u25a0 No. '7b \u25a0'«\u25a0«* replaced on ber station February 2S,
«it(i .rellftf . Jiglit. vessel No. 7tt was then wlth
4lr*wti:- clianpe has been made in the char
:.srie>i*dcs of. the Mghta or fog signals of light
Vess>l- .N : o.'. 70. bet the number '"70" has been
' M-lnt^erf'-Au each quarter.
.. V.: H.-B. List of Lights, etc.. Pacific Coast,
JPf*; nage 16, No. 17.
' %.\u25a0 H. B. List of Buoys, etc., Pacific Coast,
1QOS; page 22
"'Humlioldt Bay Entrance, Cal. — Notice Is also
jrtv^n that south jetty outer end buoy No. 2, a
flm class nun. heretofore reported adrift, was
replaced February 21.
11. H. B. List of Buoys, etc.. Pacific Coast,
I»<*.. page 37.
St.. George Beef. Cal. — Notice is also given
tn'a-ti'St. George Reef mooring buoy No. 6. a first
class -nun. heretofore reported missing, was
replaced February 23.
L, =.Hv .B. \An of Bnoys, etc.. Pacific Coast,
; lt»>H. rag»> 41. '
I By- order of the lighthouse lw>ard.
\u25a0W.- G. MILLER. Commander, V. S. N..
: •' - : '.^inspector. Twelfth Lijrhthouse, District.
\u25a0 \u25a0.;'. : .-.. Change of .Muh<rr»
V. B Earner Defiance, old master John G. Trapn.
B»»*'.-. tu»s-ter D. C Tbomsen; bark Albert, old
ni*«ier .William ToWn. new master P. Colly.
•.Registered — Schooner Mary Frances, master M,
Baker." " '. . :
You'll Find
Itf Impossible
•• ..To duplicate PREMIER at< a SAKE and
- vr*nueut. It is not one of the MANY.
. . Kuj one of the FEW. It !ia« a<lvHne«*d
' in j.ri.* boranKp tli»> ACTUAL VALUE is
•'' .i--';;.:..| lt. It will CoXTiNI'K io ad-
\u25a0vfiri'-"'. !w><*»tis"> t-aoh r\evr well adds to the
-. :>rjrAl.. TAX«IBUE ASSETS of tb«»
.jtmjjyjnj-. Au offered prife of $1,500,000
f«T Ihe propnrt.v is \u25a0 REAIy asset and
.\u25a0 iirske*. tlie rtock worth $1.50 PER
• rKfIAHE on tbe most ••onsfrratiTe basis.
JJay \viiil<> jtob ran at tKo prftent low
Lincoln Mortgage and Loan Company
141 b Floor. IC6 Geary Street
. '•"•' San Pranci*co
?«"oV York "\u25a0 Seattle Los AnpeJes
f»O : -.California St. Tol. Dou^rlao 24«7
«t KraocU Hotel Tel. Douxla* 3052
Meinliers or New York Stock Exchange
. •;>/.• Pioneer llouoe
.'3Pri\ate AVlre •«« Cbicaico and
R. I;. MUI/CAHEY. Maaaeer
Kt-n Office Branch Offices
Correspondents « Main Corridor)
"5 Pine St.. New York I-©s Angeles
3 Rookery, Chicago HOTEL DEL CORO-
. 1711 Stout Street, NADO,
Denver. Colo. Corouado Beach.
l ßarroir&co
• . TheMott Attractive Investment in r*« World
.\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.. at Prrsent Prices
.. . Tor Fell rartleular* wilt*. i
na «^« J. S. BACBE & CO. 4 - ZZ a xy
All good California oil stocks are advancingfrapldly, and why should
they not? . There is no investment today that can begin to compare^wlth
them. Nearly one million dollars Is beinc paid in dividends each- month
by these Companies and stocks frequently jump from 10c to $1.00 per
share. The time to buy is when the stock is offered at Jts first ground
tloor price, for then the holder enjoys the profit of every advance in price."
\u25a0 Coalinga Crude is the one good buy just now, while ft can be bought
at its Urft ground floor-price of '25c per share <par. $1.00). , This, price
advances to 35c per share on or before March sth. The reason we recom->
tiiend this so highly is, because the Company is. modestly , capitalized;:
owns its land, which is one of : the -choicest absolutely proven pieces in
the entire Coalinga field; and is managed by capable, successful oil -
operators. If you want to gather a world df information about the Cal-
ifornia Oil Industry, and this Coalinga Crude in particular, call at our
office and we will hand you a free copy of the illustrated, Oil -Magazine^
or send us this, coupon. and. this publication will be r mailed
you free for the next three months.' -. \u25a0 • ' v
mint nnoTHKRs in<^,
ran Firitt National Bank nnlldlnjt, .San Frnnrlm«n
Gentlemeni. Please fend me,- free of cost, "information regarding;
•ctock referred to above; also free copies of Oll'Magazine^"Securities" for
six months — all this without any obligation whatever on my part.* ;
•Ciinie ;..... ....•...\u25a0.....".
St. and No. ............•....../... City. .........................
From | Steamer • | Date
Seattle |Tampico .. Mar. \u25a0 3
Portland & Astoria Nortclaud Mar. 3
Humboldt J. J. Loggle... Mar. 3
Coos Bay M. K. Plant.... Mar. .1
Point Arena & Albion. Porno -•-• Mar. \u25a0 3
Puget Sound Ports Umatilla Mar. 3
Portland & Way Ports. .Santa Clara Mar. 3
San Diego & Way Ports Queen Mar. 3
San Pedro Koanoke ....... Mar. 3
Grays Harbor.... .. Centralla ...... Mar. 3
Grays Harbor , Coronado Mar. 4
Corinto via Sal. Crux... Krna Mar. 4
China & Japan Tenyo Maru ... Mar. - 4
San Pedro Haualel Mnr. 4
Hongkong & Mororan.. llazul Dollar-.. Mar. 4
Seattle & Tacoma Ad. Sampson .. Mar. 6
Portland & Way Ports. G. W. Elder...l Mar. 5
Humboldt City of Topeka. Mar. 0
Pugct Sound Ports Queen Mnr. 6
Mondoclno & pt. ArenalSea Foam Mar. ti
San Pedro iciareuiont Mar. 7
Humboldt |F. A. Kllburn.. Mnr. 7
Portland & Astoria (Kansas City ..Mar. 7
San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa ... Mar. 7
San Pedro & Way Ports|Coos Cay Mar. 7
San Pedro Sagiuaw Mar. 7
Hilo [Enterprise Mar. 8
Sal. Cruz via S. Diego-1 Pleiades Mar. S
San Pedro |Ad. Sampson .. Mar. • 9
Destination | Steamer | Sails [Pier
March. S— » ~~--
San Pedro Centralla ... lpm 21
Astoria & Portland.... Quiuault ... 5 pm 27
Humboldt City Topeka. 10 am 11
San Dieso& Way "Porte Sauta ltosa.. 11 am 9
Astoria & Portland.... Uounoke ... 1 pin 13
Grays Harbor G. Lindauer. 4 pin ....
Astoria & Portland Tallac 3 pm 21
March 4—
Saa Pedro Coronado ... 1 pm 21
Coqullie River Elizabeth ... 5 pm ....
Humboldt F. Kllburn.. 10 am 13
Puget Sound Ports Queen 4pm a
March 5—
Humboldt ..' j North Fork. 1 pm 3S
Humboldt \i. J. Losgie
lliiml.ol.it .• Vanguard ... 4 pin 19
Vancouver direct Erna •
Los Angeles Ports Hanalel .... 3p 10
Honolulu Alameda ... 11 am 21
Point Arena A: Albion.. Porno ...... 6pm 4
New York via A neon.. Peru 12 m 40
Astoria & Portland Rose City... 11 am 40
Portland & Way Ports Santa Clara. I pm 13
Seattle & Tacoma Buckman ... 1 pm 10
Los Angeles Ports G. W. Elder 5 pm 13
Coos Bay M. F. Plant 3pm 8
March 6—6 —
Los Angeles Ports Ad. Sampson 10 am 10
March 7—
Grays Harbor Claremont .. 4 pm....
Mexican I'orts Senator . 12 in 11
Honolulu direct Nevadan ... 10 am 27
Honolulu via P. Sound. Mexican 10 am 27
San Diego & Way Ports|Governor ... 2pm 9
Mar«lj S— i
Astoria & Portland (Northland .. 2 pm 19
Grayu Harbor jSaicinaw
Japan & China | Mongolia .. 1 pm 42
Puiret Sound Ports Umatilla ... 4pm 9
March 8— |
San Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay... 4 pm 11
Astoria & Portland Jim Butler..)
Mendoclno & Pt. Arena Sea Foam... 4pm 4
Destination | Steamer | Date
Southwestern Alaska... Portland Mar. 5
Skagway & Way Ports Jefferson Mar. 4
Valdez & Seward...... Victoria Mar. 8
Skagway & Way Ports. Cottage City .. Mar. 10
Valdes & Seward |Nwthwesteru ..|Mar. I<<
Southwestern Alaska...] Bertha 1 Mar. 20
Time Ball
United States branch hydrographic office, Mer
chants' Exchange, San Francisco, March
2, l«10.
The time ball on the roof of the Fairmont
hotel was dropped today exactly at noon. Pa
cific standard time (120 th meridian), or at Sh.
OOrn. OOs Greenwich mean time.
Lieutenant. U. S. N., in charge.
Sna. Moon and Tide
United States coast and geodetic survey — Time
and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city
front (Mission street wharf) add 25 minutes.
THURSDAY. MARCH 3 \u25a0 • »
Sun rises "... 6:3U
Sun sets .: '. -ti:0O
M'»n rises 12:23 a. m.
Last quarter moon March 3, at 11:43 p. m.
New moon March 11, at 4:03 a.m.
(Time Timel Tlmel Tiine|
Marf Ft Ft — H Ft IFt
1H W L W| H wf L Wl
3.. 3:30 4.fei10:54| 1.1 6:42 3.5 10:22 3.1
4.. 4:21 4.6]11.5« 0.6 8:00 3.6 11:25 3.3
5.. 5:22 4.0(12:55 0.5 8:55 3.8
6.. O:3S] 3.4 6:80 5.1 1:50 0.1 9:35 4.2
".. 1:45 3.4 7:36 5.3 2:40 — 0.2 10:08 4.5
8.. 2:44 3.1 8:36 5.6 3:2tt — 0.4 10:30 4.7
8.. 3:34| 2.S 9:31 5.7 4:11—0.4(11:06 5.0
U. S. Branch Hydrosraphlc OSice
A branch of the Lnlted States hydrographic
office, located in the Merchants' Exchange, is
maintained In San Francisco for the benefit of
mariners, without regard to nationality and free
of expense. Navigators are cordially. lnvited to
visit the office, where complete sets of charts
and galling directions of tbe world are kept at
hand for comparison and reference, and the
latest information can always be obtained re
garding lights, dangers to navigation and mat
ters of Interest to ocean commerce.
Lieutenant, U. S. N., in charge.
\u0084. . - ' %
Depth at mean low water, entrance to harbor.
PLACE | Ft. | Date | Remarks '
Grays Ilarj IS IJan. 131 toner bar buoy sub-
I I I merged.
Willapa BJ 27 IJan. 61 Whistling buoy 1 mile
I I 1 north of bar.
Colum. 11. 1 24- INo». SlSboallng outside nun
I I I buoy No. 2. .__
N'ebalni BJ 7 INov. fl|Bar bnoy 200 yards N.
I | I of channel. %
TiUmk 8.1 9 [Dec. 17 Channel shifted 1 mile
I I I south in gale Nov. 28.
Nun buoy No. 0 and
Yaqnlna B 10% Dec. 17 can buoy No. 3 gone
Slnslaw R| 5 |Jan. 6|
Umpqua Rl 12 IDee. C Channel well north of
. \ I I range.
12 feet at low tide to
Coos Bay. 18 Jan. 4 North Bend; 12 feet
at low tide to Marsh-
Coqullie It] 9 IJan. 7 [Channel straight; good
( - j I condition.
Rogue Rlv| ]. I :
Klamth BJ 7. j I*ol 7|Channel \u25a0 straight east
I -| I and west.
Hmbldt BJ 20 JJan. loJNorth channel unsafe
( I | to navigation. '
S Pedro Bj 20 |Jan. S|No change In channel.
S Diego B| 25 lDec. 91 No change in chanaelf'
S Pablo Bl 24 IDee llDepth in dredged chan
111 nel. . «,
Items of Interest to Mariners
of the Pacific ,
POKTLAKD, March 2.— Balfpaf. Guthrle & Co.
have chartered the first of a nuuiher. of steamers
wiilrli will make regular 'trip* from Kunmpnn
ports with Reneral rargoes. the steamers to
sail every fire or six weeks. The vessel Just fixed
by tuem is the British steamer St. Jflcholas. of
2.284 tons net reitlcter, Jn command of Captain
Lc-wU. It will bring a cargo of fi.OOi) tons of
peueral freicUt from Antwerp and will discharge
a part of It at Sail Francisco ow the way to this
port. " :
To finish a lumber cargo ' the Norwegian
steamer TordenFkjold,'»2,s27 . tons n<*t, . Captain
Huusen, arrived lost night. The Tordenskjold
took on* a part cargo of lumber for 'Australia at
Eureka and will come to St. Helens to finish.
It; is; under charter to the' American, trading
company and will «ail from here with a cargo
of in the neighborhood . of 3,000,000 feet of fir
and redwood. '
Carrying freight and a full. list of passengers
the steamer Ramona, Captain ' Nelson, sailed to
nlglit for Coos. bay. . \u25a0 „"•
With freight for Tillsmook.tho steamer Sue H.
Elmore, Captain Sehrader. sailed this morning,
but the captain said he "did not expect toget
farther than 'Astoria, as several vessels are there
now, barbound. ' •
After having been repaired the steamer George
W. Elder was floated from the Oregon drydoclc
tills morning and will nail for San Pedro tomor
row night with passengers nnd freight.'.
The French bark Montcalm, which, was fixed
yesterday^ for a cargo of general freight from
Antwerp by Balfonr. Guthrlft & Co., will taße
its carjjo to Pugct souud.. . - \u0084_
The Portland and Asiatic liner Henrlk Ibsen
palled tW» morning for the orient. Its \u25a0\u25a0 flour
cargo consisted of 15.530 V' barrels valued at
?70.214. and its lumber amounted to 1,5n4.573
feet, valued at .$21,040.'"" Besides this it had a
small amount of general cargo, the- entire
amounting to ?02.55!>.53. •>•./
For a cargo of lumb»r the stenm schooner
Yosemite arrived last night «nd went to the
Western shingle company's dock. It will, finish
at St. John's and St. Helens . witlr- lumber for
San Pedro. \u25a0 .- . . .
LOS ANGELES, March 2.— Arrived: Steamers
Qneeu, from San Diego; Samoa, from Caspar;
Erna, from Corinto, etc. "< : \u25a0'
Sailed: Steamers Queen, for Seattle; Erna, for
Vancouver yin San Frnncisco; Chehalls. for Grays
Harbor: James S. Hlgglns, for Fort Bragg;
Olympic, for Port Los Angeles; \u25a0 Hanalel. '\u25a0 for
San Francisco; Alcatrar, for Greenwood; schoo
ners, Robert R. Hind, for Port Tow usend; Mln
dora, for Everett; O. M.- Watson, for Grays
Harbor. . .' ; .
TACOMA. March 2.— Arrived: Schooner Wil
liam 11. Talbor. from Winslow; steamer Virgin
lan, steamer Portland, from Seattle; steamer
Rainier, from San Francisco.
Army Transport*
The Crook sailed February 19 for Manila. '\u25a0<;£s
The Warren Is at Manila.
The Logan is in port. -
The Buford is in port. "- «
The Sheridan sailed February 14 from Hono
lulu for Manila.
The Sherman is in, port. _
The Thomas sailed February 22 from Nagasaki
for this port. . . - • / •
Weather Report
• United States Department of Agriculture —
Weather Bureau, San Francisco, March. 2, 1910.
~- \u25a0 v '' Last ' Seasonal Normal
Stations— 24 hours, to date, to date. \
Eureka 0.00 30.35 30.02 |
Red Bluff 0.00 13.24 17. 56
Sacramento ...'O.OO 9.00 14.13
Mount Tamalpais..... O.tKt 21. »S 10.70
San Francisco. ....... 0,00 15. XS • 16. 5S
San Joso 0.00 11.20 . 10.24
Fresno 0.00 ».44 6.5S
Independence '....0.00 4.07 <>.44
San Luis Obispo. 0.00 10.79 14-.3.V
I.os Aiißeles 0.00 10.4H • ll.lfl-
San Diego 0.00 8.3.'. 7.27
Const record for 12 hours, ending 5 p. m.
STATIONS I \u25a0 • ' : H \u25a0 '. '. ,-' n § r
Boise 30.20 «2 40 X Clear .00
Eureka ........ 30. 28 50 50 NW Cloudy .00
Flagstaff 30.14 «4 2(5 SW Clear .00
Fresno 30.12 7« 48 NW Clear \u25a0 .00
Helena 30.06 50 40 W Rain " Tr.
Kalispell ......30.0<S 4S 34 S Cloudy .08
Los Angeles :>O.OO SO .VJ SW Clear i .00
Modcna 30.14 »!6 28 Calm Clear .00
Mt. Tamalpais. 3o. 2o G7 5.S NW Clear .C>o
North Head 30.22 4S ..8 Cloudy .01
Phoenix ' .20.04 90 4S \V Clear \u008400
Pocatello 30.22 m "4o SB , Clear \u25a0 :00
Pt. Reyes Lt..30.13 t3O 50 N- Clear. .<«)
Portland ...... 30. 'J0 T>H 54 SW Cloudy .32
Red Bluff .30.12 78 .".4 S Clear /.00 •
Reno \u0084.. .30.12 70 30 W Clear .00
Rosehurgr ......50. 20 60 RO SW. Cloudy .00 ,
Sacramento ...30.12 74 f.2 NW Clear .00'
Salt Lake 30.22 «2 38 NW Clear .00
San Diego 29.0S 70 .10 NW Clear .00
San Franei!«co..3o".l« 74.H4 W Clear -.00
San Jose... 30.12 7(5 48 NW Clear .00
San L. 0b15p0.30.04 Si CA N Clear :00
SE. Farallon...:{o.lo Ti4 50 N Clear .00
Spokane 30.06 00 40 SW Pt.Cldy .02
Summit 44 35; Calm Clear *...
Tacoma :">0.14 r.4 40 SW (Cloudy Tr.
Tatoosh .., 30.10 4t; 44 S Rnin .1«
Touopah ; 30.04 04 40 W Clear .00
Walla Wa11a... 30. 12 .VS r.O S Cloudy Tr.
Winnemucra' ...'iO.22 60 34 SW Cloudy .00
Yuma .20.94 04 54 NW Clear .00
•Snow on ground. 55 Indies.
Th* following maximum and minimum temper
atures are reported from eastern stations for the
previous day: Chicago, 40-3 i; New York, 48-38;
Omaha; 48-3 S.
The pressure continues high over the northern
half of the Pacific coast and the weather has
been generally fair, except in \u25a0' Washington and
northern Oregon, where there have been light
Throughout California warm weather is re
ported. In the great vjilley afternoon tempera
tures are about 15 degrees above the normal and
along the coast from 9. to 17 degrees above.
Somewhat cooler weather may be expected
The relative humidity at Red Bluff was 70 nnd
at Fresno 72 per cent. " • -,-
Following is the forecast for the SO hours end
ing at midnight Thursday. March 3, 1910:
San FrancUco and vicinity — Fair Thursday;
not so warm; light low fog in the morning; light
north wind, chsnging to west. - , ;
Northern California — Fair; cooler Thursday;
light north winds. :\u25a0 • . \u25a0
. Southern California — Fnlr Thursday, not quite
so warm; light north winds.
A. G. McADIE, District Forecaster.
Dally Iltver Bulletin .
' "SACHAMEXTO, March 2.— Observations taken
at 7 a. m.: . *• '--I* ': • '
\u25a0 « 2 \u25a0 S Q
• <* ** 2. r»
r* g_ 7« Sa .
STATIONS ' : «, i?JZ 13*
• '• ° \u25a0 '•» £. —
:5 \u25a0 1 I?
SmTJimento WaterKhed— . • - , .
Kennett. Sac-ramentoriTer. »."..O 0.0 — — 0..1
Ked BluCf. Sacramento R.. 1*3.0 10.0— 0
MonroeTllle. Sacramento • It. 22.0 7.8— — 0.2
Coliißa.' Sacramento, river... ffl.O 20,4- — 0.2
Knlfihts Landing, Sncrn. It. 18.0 12.2-f +0.2
C»roTillP. Feather river. ..... 25.0 7.14- 4-0.3
Marys ville. Yuba river... ..30.0 10.4-- 4-1.1
Folsom. -American river..'. . '...\u25a0.. 1.0-- 4-0.4
Sacramento, Sacto. river.. -s 29.0 1ft.4+ "+0.4
Klo Vista, Sacramento X... 13.0, o.B— —0.3
' San Joaquln Watfrsbcd— ;
Pollasky. San Joaquin river ...; -0.5^-'.. 0
Fl/ebaugh. San Joaquin R. 12.0 2.54- 0
Merced Falls, Merced river. .... 0.94- '4-0.1
Jacksonville, Tuoluranc R.. 20.0 4.64- 4-0.4
Melonen, Stanislaus river.. .:..; 3.6-}- 4-0.1"
Jenny, Lind. ' Calaveras river 10.0 0.7 — 0
Klectra. Mokelmnne river. .. 12.0 1.4 — O
tdithrop, San Joaquin river 13.6 ,8.0 — 0
4- Indicates rising river. — Indicates falling
river.- '. \u25a0. I \u25a0 . -:\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 -,\u25a0'.-\u25a0 .'\u25a0 \u25a0 ' -'..\u25a0: r" "\u25a0 ;
1 Snow on ground at Summit at..7 a.,m. today,
C 4 inches. . - - #
- Little changp is indicated. in. the rivers during
the next SO hours. \u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0'\u25a0 „ • . *
N. 11. TAYLOR, L Local Forecaster.
\u25a0ARRIVED: : ;
Wednesday, March . 2. >
Stmr Wiluelmina.- Johnson, 5 rtays 20 hours 27
minutes from \u25a0* Honolulu;; pußsengr-rs .and jmer
fcbandise'to Matson navigation company. \u25a0 . •'-; ' ;
V Strar Marlposa,-; Hnyward, " 12 1 days ; ft , hours ' S3
minutes from Tahiti; passengers ami merchandise
to "J. •D. • Spreekeis & Bros. • company. \u25a0 \u25a0 .
Stmr .'J.- J.^Loggle,' Johnson.' 27 hours from Eu
reka; 371.000 feet lumber^ to McKay, &;Co.. .-•;,,.
-\u25a0»- Stmr. Havalll. . Nelson, 24 : hours < from \u25a0 Eureka ;
800,000- feet lumber to -. Hammond- lumber com
pany:- \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 >- -".'-.-\u25a0 •' : " '"-' : '--", \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0'•\u25a0\u25a0••.\u25a0.•:,-..--•.' a
• Stmr Mf 1 vilifi . Dollar, : Fosen. ~ 24 '- hours ' from
Port' San Luis; ballast • to. R."-Dollar company. f ;.
v Stmr - Buckman, .Wilson,'.; 72 'hours; 20 .. minutes
from " Seattle: passengers ? and * merchandise ' to
Alaska Pacific steamship company. .. - ; \u25a0:*\u25a0' \u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0"•
: Stmr - North Fork," Nelson/ 24 • hours ; from I Eu
reka; 350,000 feet, lumber to the Charles ' Nelson
company. ',--.\u25a0 X " -\u0094 V* • ' I ' ... V. -''\u25a0.-•
- Stmr : Greenwood; -. Nelson, from \u25a0\u25a0 a,' search!; for
lost :" anchors. •"• -.\u25a0"--:"';. '/-•'\u25a0- -:\u25a0>'-'.: \u25a0>'-'. *~';'v- \u25a0'.'.:-'\u25a0\u25a0<>
:. StmriArjr.vll,"- Diekson, 3. days from Seattle;
ballast to Union oil company: "up. river, direct. "'-\u25a0
-\u25a0' Stmr . Navarro, Hoffman, H7- hours t from Cres
cent -City;:' 220,000 . feet \u25a0 lumber:, to ,Hobbs,~ Wall
& Co.-'- .- \u25a0\u25a0 •-- •\u25a0\u25a0' .-. .-\u25a0>:\u25a0 -yy-'i -\u25a0-"-\u25a0• •-\u25a0?".-•;\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0 "' -V,--- •.*"\u25a0;,'"
'\u25a0 Stmr .F. A. >Kilburn." Mcl/ellan, . 19 .hours from
Eureka;: passengers and 1 , merchandise" to: C. ;P.*
Do* & Co.» \u25a0•"*•' \u25a0 ''-.; \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0. '" - .'..v : :' '\u25a0• / \u25a0 •'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 '.-'\u25a0\u25a0.
..; Stmr ; Falcon, Sebage, 3^ days "from? Portland,
via -Astoria" 2 days; merchandise "to \ Williams,
Dlmond \u25a0 & Co.v - 9->9 -> v\ ' : -?~m -?''\u25a0\u25a0'&-.-?\u25a0'# •-;'\u25a0.\u25a0;-.'•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- ,
.i: Stmr George Loomls.' Smith.' 2 'days 1 from i ßet
dondo- Beach; , oil ; to : Standard^ oil : company; up
river . direct. \u25a0<\u25a0'*;\u25a0.- ?i: J-t!^i^&j.-:%l;i-:"i-^~^~^~.-iJ -t!^i^&j.- : %l ; i- : "i-^~^~^~.-i
- Stmr/ Mexican. - Tapley, 10 .days from Salina
Cnix, \u25a0• vi« •\u25a0 San ' Dieco ; 37 \u25a0> bours ; ,• merchandise •* to
j WlUiaras.n)imond 1 & C«.^ J ; '^: v A^::^ J 'r-:r '*V.^
* . Stmr '» Whtttler."? Seaman,"? 20 ? honnt > from ; Port
San*l-uls; ; 10,0(H) barrels oil; to: Union oil 'com
pany. ,t- :,'»\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0/."' ' ~- '\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0' ~" ''<\u25a0*\u25a0':'_ ?:\u25a0+*\u25a0- .~. -<\u25a0'*\u25a0-
'^Stmr^an^acinto.'Carlson.'ioS hours,from*Ven
tura ; j ballast to : K." X.'i Woed ? himlx-r . company."- it "\
?.- Stuir Lucy Xeff, lilltgaard, 41 boui* from San
Pedro; 1,200 tons cement s to • Riverside 'Portland
cement company." . " ' \u0084 \u25a0\u25a0'.." •:.-\u25a0
Schr . Monterey. Kelly, 12 \u25a0 hours from Mon
terey; I lO.OOfi barrels oil rto Associated oil com
pany, in low tug Navigator.-'
Wednesday,; March 2.' >' .
Stmr Lurline," Weeden; Honolulu; Matson navi
gation company. ' -:
Gcr Btmr.ltaurl, V'iertli,; Victoria; Kosruas
Line. .
'.; Stmr Brunswick.- Hamuiar, Fort Brasg.
; Stnir J. 'Jlarhoffer, l'eterson, Columbia river.
<Jer stmr. Itauri,. Vicrtli,". Victoria.
Stmr - Acme, Olßeu, Eureka. -
b'tmr. Sea Foam; Henriksoa, Mentloclno. /
Ss'tnir Sauta Maria, Curtis. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 '.'..'. :
- Stmr Uowtloin, Audreseu, Astoria. ' '
Stmr Santa Barbara, . Zaddart, Grays Harbor."
. Stmr Lurline, Weeden, . Honolulu.
Stmr Despatch, Carry, Wilkpa. .
Stmr tirecnwooil,' Nelson, Sau Francisco heads.
"POINT. LOBOS, March 2, M p. m.— Hazy; wind
NW; velocity 10 miles an hp.ur.
TATOOSII, March 2, ft aom.-<-ttainlng; thick;
wind S; velocity 30 miles an hour. - \u25a0 :
•POINT LOBOS, March 2, 0 a. m.— Clear; wind
X; velocity 14 milex au hour. -
FARALLONES, March 2. 9 a. m.— Clear; wind
NW; velocity 0 miles an hour. ;
POINT LOBOS. March 2,. 12 m.— Hazy; wind
NW; velocity 4 inlles an hour. -.. _.. -, •
POINT LOBOS, March 2, lo p. m.— Weather
ba^y; wind NE; velocity -8 miles an hour.
\u25a0 SEATTLE— SaiIed March 2, 11:30 a. m.— Stmr
Humboldt, for Skagway; 11 a. in., strar Virgin
ian, for Tacoma.
Arrived March 2, 7:30 a. m. — Stmr Uiverside,
fronj Tacoma; 7 a. m., stmr St. lieleus, from
Tacoma. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-'
Sailed March I— Stmr Senator, for Everett.
VALDEZ— Arrived March I— Stmr A. G. Llnd
•ay, from Seattle. - '\u25a0\u25a0\u0084\u25a0 «\u25a0
Sailed March 3, 10 a. m. — Stmr A. G. Lind
say, for Seattle.
EVERETT — Arrived March 2— Stmr Senator,
from Seattle. ' ..- " • v .'
WRANGELL— Arrived March I—Stmr1 — Stmr Cottage
City, from Ko tchiUan.
SAN PEDRO— Arrived March 2— Strar Samoa,
from Santii Monica: stmr Ilanalcl, hence Keb 28;
stmr Queen, from San Die^o. \u25a0 ' \u25a0
Sailed March 2 — Stmr Queen, for San Fran
cisco: schr Robert It. Hind, for Townsend. .
Arrived . March 1, S p. m. — Stmr Klamath,
from Redondo Beach. . . . .
Arrived March 2 — Oer stmr Erna, from Salina
Sailed March 2— Schr Mindora. for Port Town
aend;' stmr Chebalis, etmr Roanoke, stmr James
S. . Hijtgins. for San Francisco; schr <ieo." \\".
Watson, for Orays 'Harbor.
COOS BAY— Arrived March 2— Stmr Alliance,
from Astoria.
Sailed Jfaroh 2 — Stmr M. F. Plant, stmr Nann
Smith,* for San Francisco. -
SOUTH BEND— Arrived March 2. 11 a. m.—
Stmr Wm. H. Murphy, from San Pedro.
PORT SAX LUlS— Arrived March 2, 9 a. m.—
Stmr Coos Bay, hence Fcb 2S; 5 p. m., Br stmr
Peotan. from Panama. ;>
Sailed March 2, 4»p: m. — Stmr. Coos Bay,- for
San Pedro. ' • "
WEST PORT— Passed in March 2, 7= a. m.—
Stmr Santa Monica, hence Keb 26;* 2 p. m., stmr
Westerner, hence Feb 26; 2:!l<> p. m., stmr-Fair
Oaks, hence Feb 26; stmr Daisy Mitchell, hence
Feb 26.; <*;
Barbound March 2. 6 p. m. — Stmr Raymond,
stmr Coronado, schr Ludlow, schr Golden Shore,
for San Pedro; sehr Carrier Dove, for Ouaymas.
SlTKA— Arrived March I—Stmr1 — Stmr Northland,
from Seattle, and sailed 2:30 p. m. for Seattle.
KETCIIIKAN— Arrived March 2, 1:30 a. m.—
Stmr Cottage City, from Seattle.'
ASTORlA— Arrived March 1, 4 p. m.— Nor
stmr Torden.-ikjold, from Eureka.".
Arrived March 2,1 1 a. in. — Stmr Casco, hence
Feb 27; stmr Daisy Freeman, hence Feb 23: N-or
stmr Eir, from .Seattle; stmr Uosecrans, hence
Feb 26.
Outside March 2 — Stmr ' Maverick, hence Feb
SANTA MONlCA— Sailed March I— Stmr Sa
moa, for San Pedro.
. Arrived March 1, 7 p. m. — Stmr Shna Yak,
from San Pedro.
Arrived March 2, 11:80 a. m. — Stmr Olympic,
from San Pedro.
EUREKA-^Arrivd -March 2— Stmr Santa
Clara, from Astoria; stmr Aurclla, from Mon
terey. \u25a0'\u25a0"'.'. ; \u25a0 . •
Sailed ' March 2— Stmr Santa Clara, stmr Van
guard, for San Francisco. .
WILMINGTON— SaiIed March 2, 8 a. m. —
Schr Miudora, for Port Townsend/ .
. SAN DlEGO— Sailed March 2— Schr Comet, for
Grays Harbor. - •
-GAVlOTA— Arrived Feb 2— Sunr Catnnia, from
Columbia' river. '\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0'-\u25a0--
TATOOSII— Passed in March 2. 9:10 a. m.—
Stmr Fairhaven, hence Feb 2C for Port Ludlow.
Parsed in March 2, 3:10 p. m. — Stmr City of
Puebla. hence Fob 28 for Seattle.
Passed out March 2/12:30 p. m.— Stmr Wasp,
for Sun Pedro; 1. p. -m., "a lumber laden steamer;
2:.V) p. m., U. S. stmr Columbinp. for cruise.'
TAOOMA — Arrived Msrch 2— STtmr Virginian,
stmr Portland, from Seattle. .
. Sailed March 2 — Br stmr Suveric. stmr Ad
miral Sampson, for Seattle. :
NEW YORK— Arrived March I— Stmr 'Ancon,
from Colon. . .-' - :.
Sailed March 2, 3 p. m.— Stmr Hawaiian,, for
Puerto \u25a0 Mexico. " - . "
HONOLULU — Arrived March 2— Jap stmr Koan
Mum. from Moji.
Sailed March 2— Br stmr Asia, for China.
ACAPL'LCO — Sailed March I— Stmr Pennsyl
vania, for San Francisco. . ' • ..
SANTA ROSALIA— SaiIed Feb 22— Schr A. J.
Plymouth— Cherbourp— Southampton -
Philmlplphia — Quepimt own — Liverpool
Xew • York— London V Direct ..
New York— Rotterdam, via Boulogne
New York— Antwerp— Paris
jVew York-— Q,ueenjitov»-n— Liverpool '. •
Via A/.orwi, Madeira, 'Algiers,; Gibraltar
Cretic .... . . .'. ".Mar. • 12!Canopic . *. .... .'.Mar. 24
Celtic . . .". .... .Mar. * ie|Roman!c > ...... .Apr. 2 ;
G. N. KOEPPEL, l»as*dnser Agent Paclflc Coast,
319 Gearj- Street/opposite St. Francis
Hotel, : San .. Francisco. .' - ' \u25a0
-\u25a0.•'/.'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 r* v " . . \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . * \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ; '-" .-
fjorth German fjoyd
Larf c , Fast and Luxurious T win-Screw
V :. Express and Passenger Steamship* '\u25a0*
Equipped With Wireless and Submarine Signals.
Express Sirtlings Tuesdays at 10 A. M.
Kaiser Wm.d.Gr.Mar.. S|Kaiser;W*m. 11. ..Apr. 5
Cccllie ...... ...Mar. 22lKaiser ; Wm.d.Gr.'Apr. 19
" BREJIESr DIRECT 1 >?,:; \u0084 !
Twin-Screw Snilings Thursdays at 10 A. M.
Zieten ....'..'. ..Marf:loi*G. Washington. Mar.,3l
•P. Fried. Wm. .Mar.' 17|Hhein • . . ; . ..... .Apr.- 14
•Calls at PlymouttTand Cherbourg.
Gibraltar— Xapleß— Genoa— -Algiers
Mediterranean Sailings Saturdays at 11 A; M. "\u25a0<.
•Berlin . f new) . . Mar. 12|K. Albert ... . . . Mar. 28
Fried'U d. Gr . . . Mar.* lOlfNeckar :•'.' . . /. . . : Apr. 2
• *Omits Algiers.' fOmits Algiers and Genoa. ..
Indeuendent .Around - the VWorld Tours
... TravelPrsV Checks Good Air Over the World, -v
AppIyToELRICHS «fc CO., Gen'l Agents
...... ; 5 Broadway, New. York, or •\u25a0••- -_j --*,
Robert Cnpclle. G. . A. P. 0.. 250 Powell Street,
opposite St. i Francis notel. San Francisco. - \u25a0
:' t-:'" ; i.Telephone— Kearny 4784. ' > :; \_
Canadian Pacific
'Less Than Four 'Days at Sea;
> Weekly sailing: "[ between '\u25a0? Montreal,
Quebec and ; Liverpool ,• \u25a0 . \ . .
\u0084 T wo days on the tbeautif ul st Law-
rence River i and" the?- shortest "ocean
route:to Europe. . - ; •:
• Nothing>better on the Atlantic than
our Empi'esses. ;' Wireless on all steam-
ers.:- -.'-\u25a0- :\u25a0 : ' \u25a0. . ';; '-'.\u25a0\u25a0 ".-'" . v: - "•'•'- ,'•"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0• \, " -\u25a0
* First - class - $00, second i 951.25, one
class cabin $-47.50. -l>c'i i- .'.-".: * -•.',..-': !^.
Ask 'any ' ticket '- agent, '\u25a0 or. write * for
sailings; rates and booklet.; =; (10) ;
E.* E.*. PENJf,'* G. "> AU ; Palace :Hotel, ! San
.-\u25a0'.\u25a0...\u25a0 - . ;:.-\u25a0,•«; Francisco f : -. ; ;. :.-.:--;. -?.*>?
\u25a0'\u25a0 "•.""\u25a0•'•*•.'- ".\u25a0'"?'.\u25a0<• \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' "''"•.•:-. ' .\u25a0' :- '^ •,-•.\u25a0 <\u25a0\u25a0
Conipagnie Generale Transatlantiqiie
% Sailings 7eTery. Thursday; 1 instead "of \ Saturday,
at ilO \u25a0 a.:- m.";* from - pier 42, i North .• river, ; foot \u25a0of
Morton * street: , ; : ' : : \u25a0. ' :;,
\u25a0 First i class Ito Havre, $77.50 and upward ; . sm-
ond class to Harre.'sso and. upward. GENERAL'
AGENCY t for \u25a0 UNITED . STATES i and c CANADA,'
19 '\u25a0\u25a0. State . : street/ New S TJork. -» J. - tVtf FUGAZI,
Manager j Pacific I Coast/ «30 * Montgomery^ street,"'
San 1 ' Francisco. - > Xicl»U ; sold < by. -, all ; railroad
ticket -\u25a0agents.".;:- ,': -.%- \u25a0\u25a0"' 1 - \u25a0•\u25a0.i'-:^. '•\u25a0."* *-'.:r : ";" ;? " "> *\u25a0•:.%;•
385 Head 385 Head
Draft IVSares and Colts
Complete Dispersal Sale of - Stallions. Brood
Mares. \u25a0 1. 2 and a year old \u25a0 Fillies. . and Wean-
, lings from tbe H.H.i Van Valtenburg Kanch of
Klamath County, Oregon. ;-. - . " /...
So I'erohf ron ; and \u25a0 Belgian ; Mares. • 3 to G years
of age, weighing . from MOO to 1,900 pounds. In
foal to one. of the best' im?x>rted Belgian Stal-
lions erer brought to America. \u25a0\u25a0;_,. - . *
SO, head of v good, blocky made range mares
from ,3 to 6 --years old, weighing 1.2U0 to 1.400
i pounds. - : • • /
no head >of. the -'famous Ilor«e Slioe Bar. brawl
of hoirest, neigblnfr 1.200 to 1,500 pounds, and 4
to r, yea re old. all , broken to work. .
100 head of : heavy Utah Draft Horse*, the
finest lot ever brought to this city.
100— We shall also sell 100 uond of range stock
from 1,000 to 1.400 pounds, broken and unbrokeD.
lOO.Uange Horse* will be sold at 10 a. mi
50 Horse r Shoo -Bar .brand horses will, ba soli
at 1:30. p. in. ' - .
100' Draft Uorsos will be sold at 1:30 p. m.
, lt>o Mares and Colts will 'oe sold at S p. m.
We shall also pell the famous Belgian Stallion,
weight 2,000 pounds, considered the best and
finest ever brought to this country. I'ou can see
his colts in the sale.
The sale will begin at 10 a. m.,
TUESDAY, March 15; 1910
• E. STEWART in CO. , •
297 Valencia St. at 14th
We. are- Pacific Coast Agents for the Crawford
Automobile, the best low priced car In Amer-
ica, |1,600 _ f. ii. b.- San Francisco. - _
Of horses, mares and ponies, «7 heed In all;
wagons, harness and buggies. If you need any-
thing in this line don't miss thU sale. SATUR-
DAY, March 5. ,11 a^.m.. 505 4th St.. Oakland.
J. W.- MEDEIKOS. Auctioneer.
West, for Grays Harbor, 1 and not Feb 23. as *c- '\u25a0
fore reported. \u25a0._' • :
lllO»;o—Arrived prior March 2—Br stmr The
seus, from Liverpool for Tacoma.
BELFAST —Arrived Feb 2S—Br bark Osborne,
i from Tnconia. *.
! FALMOUTH—Arrived March I—Fr bark Boll
dleu. hence Oct X - - - -
LONDON—Arrived March I—Br ship Scottish
Moors, hence Oct 25; Fr bark Babln Chowye,
from Oregon via Fdlmouth. '
PERIM —Passed March I—Br1 —Br stmr Belleropbon,
from Taooma for IJverpool. -
COLON—Sailed Feb 2S—Stmr Advance, for
New York. • • *
. ST. LUClA—Sailed Feb 2S —Br stmr Lodore,
for New York. .—.'
NEW YORK—Arrived March 2—Stmr Cymric,
from Liverpo<jl; stmr Estonia, from Libau; stmr
Kaiaer Wilhelm der Grosse. from Boston.
Sailed Msrch 2 —Stmr Mauretania, for Liver
pool;'stmr Kroonland, for Antwerp. ---
DUBLlN—Arrived March I—Stmr Alberta,
from Tacoma.'
GIBRALTAR—Arrived .March 2—Stmr. Cala
brin. from New York.
. SOUTHAMPTON'—SaiIed March 2—Stmr SL
Louis, for New York.
GENOA —Arrived March 2 —Stmr Oceania (Ital
ian!, from New York; stmr Regina d'ltalia, from
New York. • ".\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0".'
Sailed March 2—Stmr Canopic, for Boston.
HONGKONG —Arrived prior March 2—Stmr
China, from San Franeisvo via Honolulu and
Yokohama: stmr Nlug. Chow, fron Tacoma via
Yokohama for Liverpool; stmr Selja, from Port
land via Yokohama. ! '_ '*'\u25a0\u25a0•< . r
\u25a0SUEZ—Arrived March : 2—Stmr Beilerophon.
from Tacoma via Yokohama, etc.,' for Liverpool.
QUEENSTOWN—SaiIed March 2—Stmr Iver
nia, for Bostou. / .
Stmr Greenwood left this port today to drag
for an anchor lost outside the heads from steamer
Santa Maria while anchored in heavy fog uight
of Feb 2.5. • ' • -
LONDON. M«reh I—Br- stmr. Crusader, from
New York for Manila." Is:ashore on Bird islnnd:
nil hands saved: part. of. crew, landed at Port
Elizabeth: - captain reports decks under water:
vessel will probably be tot.il loss; assistance has
been sent. . . \u25a0 ".."''
Aildltlonnl Shlpplue Xevrn ou Page 11
.^ \u25a0 ' " Steamers ' leave from
Broadway Wharves (Piers
oCmh^^\> Low rates. Including berth
I t '^BA) I*, Special' Round Trip Rates.
G0vern0r...........' ...Mar. 7, 22, 2 p.m.
President...... ...Mar. 29. 2 p. m.
Queen... ..;..... ....Mar. 14, 2 p. m."
•Santa Rosa.... "..'. Mar. 3, 11, 18, 26, 11 a.' m.
•Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara.'
Connecting at . Seattle " for Southeastern Alaska,
/ Skagway, Dawson,. Fairbanks. '. ;:'} -
G0vern0r.. ............... .Mar. .12,;2T^|4 p. m.
President....' ...M«r. 19, 4 p.m.
Queen. ........ ....". . . . .... .... ..Mar. 4, 4 p.' m.'
City of Pneb1a..........:..Mar. 15, 30, 11 a. m.
Umatilld...... .Mar. 8, 23, 11 a. m.
Topeks. . ..... .Mar. 3,' 8, 13, 18. 23, 2S, 10 a. "m.
Senator, i Msr. , 7, noon. ; - Round | trip excursion.
21 days, including Berth and Meals, '.: $73. '" .
ALASKA CRUISES, 1010— Leave Seattle
SpokanVJnne 14, 28;. July 12, 26;^ Aug. 9, 10 p. m.
Queen . ...'....'...... : . . : ; . July $ 12, ' 20, 8 p." '\u25a0 m.
; • "j_ ' Bight reserved to change tbls «chedule. :
TICKET | OFFICES— (PaIace H0te1) ! 653 Market
/ St., 3 Market at. end Broadway wharf. ,
% Telephone^ Kearny ;'; 402.'->"; •;
OAKLAND— II2O ' Broadway. Tel. Oakland i 5680.
C. D.> DDKANN. General Passenger Ageat.
Tehuantepec Route
AND HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailinps; from New
York, every? six days/ making direct '\u25a0 connection
with Pacific ! steamers .' sailing ''from , Salina : . Cruz/
Mexico, every six- days for San Francisco. " ;
Also. to Mexican and all principal European ports
under., through : rate . and through ' bills of f ladins.
Sal lings from San Francisco every -12 'days. \u25a0;._•
TO * HAWAIIAN \u25a0 ISIJIND > PORTS. • direct . overy
2SdayB,* and'via Pupet sound every'l2 days.: 1.
' ': For » rates '. and ;•. further « particulars . apply 'to
DEARBORN &: LAPHAM.' General Agents. S
Bridge St., Newi York: .WILLIAMS, : DIMOND «&
C 0.," General Agents,'; Pacific Coast. "\u25a0^ i ":V; -A T*-^
\u25a0.-,:- .-;•;\u25a0-.\u25a0 olO | Sansome.st. ,* San Francisco. ; :* \u25a0*
S. S. Tenyo Maru Tuesday. March 15, "; 1010
S.-'iS."; Nippon Maru -Tuesday, ' April ;5,> 1910
S. S. Chiyo Maru." , ; . Tuesday/ May 5. i 1910
- . Steamers '< sail f from ; company's \u25a0 piers, ? Nos/- 42/ !
44, •? near ."! foot tof • Second - st., s ii t -< 1 \u25a0-, p.' \u25a0: m..' for
Yokohama . and 7 Hongkong, 5 calling - at , Honolulu,
Kobe -< Hlogo) , - and : Nagasaki and Shanghai, r. and
connecting -at Honckong \u25a0 with • steamers for Ma-
nila, \u25a0•• India." etc. . No cargo . received on \u25a0 board on
day., of . sailing. : r ; Kound trip - tickets: at reduced
rates.'.--' ."":;'\u25a0•\u25a0 '~ :\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0'..',\u25a0 :-' : .z '\u25a0 • .'-\u25a0-'\u25a0{\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0':.
I"or freight • and r passage apply -at 1 office. '. 240
James . Flood building. "; . ; W.j H.- AVERY. , ..-i
: .-.-.' :\u25a0; .-:,\u25a0 :.;.;\u25a0;- /; - ; ' Assistant' General Manager. ;^
UAtlAl 111 I|S S. Alameda sails' at ii a.
.fllinf 111 I |||m. March 5. litlO. Special
' \u25a0 \u25a0", l "H.!r"*"»" round ? trip.ts $110 ; first \ class.*
*| Martposa 1 sails i llt'a. r m.* ; Mar. r. 10.^ Special ;
round trip,- Tahiti. $125 firs; class. ' \\ * 5 .-'. S
OCEANIC S. S.T CO. .- <i 73 Mtt. "g T. \u25a0 Kray . 1231. : .
| Jjk lit! Annual Sale
*liaßp 100 HEAD TROTTING
"Xho Greatest Collection Ever Offered" will
take place at j
THURSDAY, MARCH 3. 1010. Commenc-
ing at J»:4S a. m. Sharp.
Second day FRIDAY. MARCB 4. 1910. at 12
m., 100 head draft, express and business horses.
; Send for catalogue.
t FRED H, CHASE & CO.. •
I; -.- — 4"8 Valencia Bt.. San. Francisco.
i . — — \u25a0
THCItSDAY. March 3. at 11 a. m.. 205-209
Valencia street, 75 all purpose horses. 0 mares.
51 setn of cbaln harness, buggy and wasron bsr-
] ness and vehicles of all kinds. A chance to boy
at your own price. Outside stock sold on. com-
mistion. Rhone Park 2723. - \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0'
WIT.MAM CtOCOH. Auctioneer.
R%Bf fk h \u25a0 Bn S \u25a0 B *w • \u25a0 * BEBI SI t« not m tI m Bfl
Leave '» " - (Foot of Market Street) Arrive
2.15 a Jiilre, Livermore, Tracy, Lathrcp,.
Stockton, Lodi, Saerunento 10.38p
6.40t Hayward. Niles. San Jose. 7.08 a
:7.00a Richmond, Port Costa, Benicia, Suisun,
Dixon, Sacramento. Roseviile, Ihrys-
vflle. Redding. Dunsmuir 7.28p
7J»a Kaiira. Vacsvllle, Rum5e y. .'......... 7.28p
7JK)a Davis. Woodland (Marysrflt*. Oro-
viile), William?. Maxwell. Willows,
Hamilton, Corning, Red Blu2 7.28p
».00a Newark. San Jose. Los Gatos. Wright. 5.48p
7JOOU. Felton (Boulder Creek). Santa Cruz. . . . 9.58p
7.40 a Vallcjo, Napa, Calistoga, Santa Rosa.
Martinez, han Ramon 6.C8?
.. ,7.40 a Niles, Pleasanton, Lrvermore, Alta-
- mont, Lathrop, Stockton 7.28 p
7.40 a Tracy, Los Banos, Herman, Fresno,
Hanford, Visalia 4.28p
, 8.20t Port Costa, Martinez, Byron, Trary,
.Stockton, Merced. Fresno, Goshen
\u25a0 Junction (Hanford. Armona), Yisalia,
» Porterville, aikersfidd 4.48p
8.20* Yosemite Valley via Merced. ......... 7.48?
. 8.001 Xiie«, Lirermore, Stockton (*Milton),
-.- Valley Spring, lone, Sacramento... .. 4.28p
9.00 a Sonora, Tuolumne and Angels 4.28p
9.00» Atlantic Express—Sacramento. True-
. '-r -kee, Ogden, Salt lake City. Denver,
Kansas City, Omaha. Chicago 8.23?
940 a Richmond, Port Costa. Martinez.
Buy Point. 6.43p
10.20 a Vallejo Mare Island. Napa 1 1.28 a
10.20 a Los Angeles Passeneer — Port Costa.
Martinez, Byron, Tracy, Stockton.
Merced. Fresno, Hanford, Visalia,
Bakersfield. Los Angeles..... 7.43p
10.40 a San 'Francisco Overland Limited —
Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis,
Omaha. Chicago 7.28p
1 1.20 a Shasta Limited— Portland, Tacoma,
Seattle...' 9.18p
12.00n Goldfield Pass.— Port Costa, Benicia.
Sacramento, Truckee, H»zen, Mina.
Tonopah, GoldSeld. Law?, Kcder.... 7.48 a
. I iOOn Marysviile, Chico, Red Bluff 4.28?
1 .20p NDes, Irvington, San Jose \u0084 2.48p
1.40p San Leandro, Nile?. Centerville, I 9CB»
Newark, San Jose.... I 7.28p
• 1.40p Newark, San Jose, Los Gatos, Wright,
Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Crnj. . 9.58?
2.40p San Leacdro, Niles. San Jose. 9.28 a
j 3.00p Benicia, Winters. Sacramento— Wood-
land, Marysviile, OroviUe — Yolo,
Arbuckle. Williams. Willows 1 0.43*
\u25a0 3.00p Via Sausalito, West Napa, St. Helena,
Calistoga . . 10.37 a
3.20p Port Costa (Stockton), Martinez, i 12.08p
Byron, Modesto. Merced. Fresno. . \ 10.38?
• 4.00p Vallejo," Napa, Calistoga, Santa Rosa,
\u25a0 Martinez, San Ramon, Dougherty,
Livermore 9.28 a
4.00p Niles (Centerville). Tracy, Stockton f 10.28 a
Lodi 1 10.38p
4.40p San Leandro, Hayward. Niles. Pleas-
anton, Livermore, Tracy, Newman,
Kerman, Fresno '. 8.28 a
B.OOp Richmond, Pinole, VaUejo, Port ';£^
Costa, Benicia, Suiran, Sacramento
— Rowville, Marysviile. Oroviile 1 1 .28*
\u25a0 B.OOp Russell, San Jose. Los Gatos 928*
\u25a0 6.20p San Leandro, Niles, San Jose. 7.48 a
6.00p Owl Limited— Los Angeles B.oBa
6.40p Eastern Express — Ogden. Pueblo, Den-
ver, Kansas City. St. Louis. Chicaco. .
Port Costa, Benicia, Sacramento,
Reno, Sparks 8.28p
6.40p Hayward. Niles and San Jow 6.48p
J7.00p Vallejo, Port Cocta, Martinez, Bay
Point and Way Stations 111.18?
7.40p Richmond. Port Costa, Byron, Tracy,
Lathrop, Stockton 12.48?
8.20p Oreeon Elpress — Davis, (Sacramento), it>
Willows, Reddin? (Klamath Falls).
AsUand, Portland, Tacoma. Seattle.
Spokane.... 9.28 a
9.00p China and Japan Fast Mail— Ogden. \u25a0.v, :
Chejenne. Denver, Kansas City, *
; - Omaha, Chicago 2.48p
9.00p Port Costa. Benicia, Sacramento. Col-
fax, Truckee, Reno, Sparks I O.C3a
I I.OOp Niles, Plesxinton, Livermore. Lathrop.
Modesto, Merced, Fresno 10.35?
I I.OOp Fresno. Selma. Goshen June, Hanford,
Armona. Lemoorr, Coalinga 8.28>
I MOp Portland Express— Sacramento, Marys-
viile, Red Bluff, Weed. Ashland. Rose-
burg. Portland. Tacoma. Seattle 12.28p
NETHERLANDS ROUTE— From Pacific Street Wharf .
.Collinsville. Emmaton, Rio Vista. Isleton. Ryde. Wal-
nut Grove, Vorden, Court land, Clarksburg, Sacramento.
Leave 8.00 a.m. Tue., Thurs., Sat., Steamer Navajo;
arrive J 5.00 p. m," ( •
Leave 1.00 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, Steamer Modoc
or Apache; arrive 11.30 p.m.
Market Street Wharf— Week Days— Hourly from 6.C0
a.m to 9.00 p.m. Sundays— 6.4s. 8.15. 9.45, 11.15
a.m.; 12.45. 2.15, 3.45, 5.15. 6.45, 8.15 and 9.45 pjn.
LOCAL FERRY TRAINS— Via Alameda Pier. \u25a0>
To Oakland and Altmsda— ftUO. |6.J.i a.m., and then
10 and 45 minutes past the hour until 7.45 p.m.; then
8.30. 9.15, 10.00. 10.45, 11.30 pjn. and 12.15 ajn.
To Alameda and Frultvals via Hcrieshoa uma as above.
a for Morninj. p for Afternoon. . t sncday exeepted.
X Sunday only. § Arrive Jloa.. Wed., fri. -
.Union Transfer Co. authorized to check Bairgage
: direct from residence. - -*---\u25a0* \u25a0
r^n^Bff|| San Francisco
»\^. (HH '^jf/; \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Market Street
Fcrrr Depot
« Leave For— 1A.M.1 P.M.
Fresno ... ..... 7:15 4 :00- 8:00-10:00
Grand Canyon... 7:15 8:10-10:00
Hanford ........ 7:15 ....-10:00
Kansas City ..... 7:15 8:00-10:00
mTtcA V. ... 7:15 4:00-8:00-10-00
*M0ckt0n* . . . . . . . 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00
Stockton, Oakdalc
: & Sierra ;Rail-l
T^ p^:v:7iik66:i6^o
Vi£na ::..^;,: r . 7^5 8:00-10:00
.Yosemite ....... 7:15
: 'Stoclcton Local leaves .1:25 p. m.
" Calilornla Limited' througii to Cblcago leaves 1
at 10:00 p. m. o£nce»— <i«;r Market street aad
Market. stteet Ferry, Depot. San ]francisco;:lU3
Broadway; Oakland, \u25a0>•".. , .
\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0' V. "' S. Stratton. . Receiver.
Lv. S. F.Vdally— 0-00 a, >4:30 p. Ar. S. F.
dally— t3:lsp.' *S:2sa. - >V.-; \u25a0 ,: /\u25a0 ' >
•Arletn. \u25a0 fTunltas Glen; stage for San *re-
gorio and , Pcscadpro. '.'..-.- \ - - f * ,
• Vallejo, Napa; St. Helena .
['\u25a0 - MonticeUo S.^ S. Co.- and - Kapa Valley Electric
i R. E. \u25a0 Co.'-v, Close - connections. . -.\
' .:*. :\u25a0\u25a0-; 6^-ROUXD TRIPS^DAILY- 6
i : i Boats leave > San \u25a0 Francisco ' 7:00. ;,*; ,*0 :43 - a. ' m.,
12:30 noon. 3:15/f»:00.»S:3o p. m.
r- San Ftaneisco. landing and. of flee. Clay street
wharf,' north end. ferry building. Market street
ferry. /r Meals a : la carte. .. Tbones Kearny 408 or
C47OS. :^ • -:..\u25a0 ,-'\u25a0-' -.— •\u25a0\u25a0 -' : • .^ - : :.' -
<\u25a0\u25a0• • Lands navy .jard direct \u25a0\u25a0
' \u25a0 : __OF— \u25a0!' ' \u25a0 \ '
On account of having sold his stock farm wa
are ordered •by John Mackey to sell hi* entire
lot of horses. - consisting of 63 head of toor-
oughbred mares In foal, yearlings and 2 year
olds: also trotting and draft bred colta. and 10
head of choice 3 year -old mules.
Sale takes place Tuesday. March 1. at 1 p. m.,
at Grigsby's Stock Yards. Woodland. Cat..
Send for catalogue.
BORD & LAWSON. Auctioneers.
704 Market St.. S. F.. or Woodland. CaL
I-raTc (Third and To^nwnd Struts) Arm*
|5.25» Loop— 23d Street, Visitacion, South ~
£ta Francisco. Vslcnen Street t&354.
t5.33* Looa— Valencia Street, Ocean View,
Omrteries, South Saa Francisco,
23« i Street. 3rd and Townsead j6.4Sa
6.20 a South hsn Francueo, San Jose. GQroy.
• (Hollister). Sargent, Pajaro. Wataon-
ville. Santa Crux 7.50p
7.00 a South San Francisco. Palo Alto, Saa
Jote, Way Sta«>na 7.35 a -
7.00 a Uayfirid. Los Alto?, Los Gatos t7-2Cp s
B^sCa Shore Line limited— Paso Roblea
HotSpricjs, Santa Barbara, Los
Angdei 9.30p
8.05 a The Coaster — San Jote. Pajsro (Wal-
convQU. Santa Crui). Castrorille.
( Del Monte. Monter*v. Parifie Grove).
Patina*. Spledad. Psa> Robles Hot
Springs, San Luis Obispo. Surf,
(Lompoc\ Santa Barbara. Ventura, -
Oxnard. Los Angeles I l.4Sp
8.20 a MaySeld. Los Altos, Los Gatog, Wright.
Glcnvrood(Boiilder Creek), Sanfct Crui,
Wntsonrilte, Cartroyille, Del Monte.
Monterey, Pacific Grove 9.00p
•9.00 a Ssn Jose. Gilroy. Salinas, Paso Roble «
Hot Spring. Saa Lui3 Obispo — Tres
Pino»— Watsonville. SanU Crui. Del
Monte. Monterey. Pacific Grove 4.COp
10.40 a South San Francisco. Burlsngame, San
Matso, Palo Alto, Saa Jose 6.3Ca
10.40 a Los Altos, Monta Vista, Los Gate*.. {
I 1.30 a Valencia Strert. Ocean View. Colma,
Cemeteries, Baden. San Bruno I -35|>
1 1 .40 a South San Francisco. San .Jos-e +320*
2.OCp Del Monte Express— San Jose. Gilroy.
S.irgen? (Watsonvflle, Santa Cruz).
Del Montr, Monterey. Pacific Grove.
(tSalinas) 12.3Cp
2.05? South San Francuco. Palo Alto, San
Jose.. 8.40 a
j2.05p Los .\ltos. Mouta Vista. Los Gatos. . . i3.20p
3.00? South San Francisco. San Mateo, Saa
Jose. Gamy, Tres Pinos, Salinas. ... 10. 10 a
. . 3.00? W.itaonville, Santa Crnj. Castrovill..'.
Del Monte, Monterer, Pacific Grmre. lO.CCi
3.40 a Santa Clara, San Jose. Los Gatos.
Wright (Boulder Creek). Santa Crui. IO.CCa
4.00p Sunset Express — Tucson. Dem in g,
ET. Pa». Houston, New oTiwn.«.
Paso Robles Hot Springs. San Luis
Obispo. Santa Barbara and Los AngcJes 1 1.40 a
4.00p Kansas City. St. Louis, Chicago 1 1.40 a
4.20p South San Francisco. San Jose :9.COt
f5.00p Bnriin?ame, San Matro. Psto Alto.
San Jose and Way Stations 9.40 a
f5.05p Loop— 23d Street, Visitacion. South
Saa Francisco, Valencia Street t6. 1 5|»
t5.20p Redwood. Palo Alto. San Jose. l.lOp •*
t5.20? I^s .\ltos, Monta Vjsta. Los Gatos... +3.2Tp
t5.25p Burlingarae. San. Jlatco, San Jose. . j3.2Cp
, t5.30;> Loop — Valencia Street. Ocean View,
. --. Cemeteries, South San Francisco.
23d Street, 3d and Ton nsend t8.40p
5.40? San Bruno, San Mateo. Redwood, Palo
Alto, Santa tiara. San Jose 7.40 a
,' >.40p Los Alto?. Monta Vista. Los Gatos. . . J9.4C*
, J.OOp Millbrae, San Mateo, Palo Alto, May-
Geld, Los Alton. Los Gatos jS.CCi
f6.05p 23d Street. Visitaewn. South Saa
Francisco. Valencia Street. .~ 17.15p
f6.25p Loop — Valencia Street. Ocean View,
Cemeteries, Soath San Francisco, .->
23d Street. 34 and Townsfnd t7.40p
6.30p South San Francisco. San Jose 5.40?
B.oop Los Ansries Pa.«srnger— Gilroy, Salinas,
Paso Riobles Hot Sprincs. San Luis »
Obispo, Santa Barbara and Los Angrlen * 8.30 a
ll.4spSouth San Francisco, Palo Alto.l 7^op
San Jose. t 7.45?
To Oakland. •Berkelsy, Bsrryman. East Oakland and
Fruitvala — Daly — From 6.00 ajn.. and every twenty
minutes until 7.00 pjn. inclusive; then 7. 40, 8.20.
'9.00, 9.40. 10.20. 11.00. UL4O pjn.. 12.20 and
1.20 a.m.
To Sither and Melrots via Seventh St. — Hsilv — From
6.00 ajn., and every twenty minutes until 7. C0 p.m.
inrlusire. then 7.40. 8.20, 9.00. 9.40, 10.201 ILOO -
and 11.40 pjn. /
To Stenehurrt— Daily Except Sunday— 6.oo. 7.00. 8.00,
9.00 ajn.. 2.20. 3.C0, 4.00. 5.C0, b. 40 p.m. Sunday
only 9.00 10.00 ,ajn« LCO pjn.. 2XO, aOO. 4.00, 5.00.
5.40 pjn.
To Oakland First St.. Fruitvala. Alameda. via Har i»«ho»
— Daily — From tttOO, 6,' M a.m. and every twenty
minutes until 5.20 a.m. inclusive; then 9.00. 0.20.
10.00. 10.20. 11.00. 11.20 a.m., 12 m.. 12.20,1.00, 1.20,
2.00, 2.20, 3.00, 3.20, J3.40 p.m. and every twenty
minutes until 7 p.m. inclusive; 7.40. 8.20. 9.00. 9.40.
10.2 a 11.00 and 11.40 p.m.. 12.20 and L2O «jn. "
Additional train to Oakland First St. 2.1.5 a.m.
To We*t Berkeley— Daily Except Sunday— From tOO
a.m. and every twenty minutes until 8.20 a.m. incht-
tive; then 9.00 a.m. and every nonr until 4.00 p.m.
indasive: then 4.20 p.m. and r#ry twenty mmnten .
untQ 7.00 pjn. mcliisive; then 7.40 p.m.. 8 20, 9 CO.
9.40. 10.2 a 11.00, 1L40 pjn. and 12.2 C ajn.
To VVnt Berkeley— Sundays only— From &00 ajn..
then 7.00, S.OO, 9.00 a.m. inclusive; then 9.20 a.m. and
every twenty minutes until 3.40 pjn. mdnsive; then
4.00 pjn. and evfTy twenty minutes until 7.00 p.m. in-
dusive; then 7.40-pjn.. 8.20. 9.00, 9:40, 10.2 a 11D0.
11.40 p.m. and 12.it) ajn.
To Corbin— Daily Except Sundajr — From 6.00 a.m. and
every 20 minutes until 5.20 a.m., thra 9.00. 10 CO
a.m» 12.00 m.. 1.00. 2.00.100. 4.C0. 4.20. 4.M), SJm
5.20. 5.40 and 6.C0 pjn.
To Carbin— Sundays only— From 6jOO a.m., then 7.00,
SCO. 9.00 ajn. inclusive: then 9.20 a.m. and every
twenty minutes until 3.40 p.m. indu.'ive; then 4.00
p.m. and rrwy twenty minutes until 6.00 p.a. - ' \u25a0
Schedule Effective
C^7 November 15, 1909"
Leave . VIA SAC3AUTO Artt»» \u2666
TaOa Fetaluma. SanU Kosa, HeaSs-
burg. Cloverdale, L'iiab, Willlts.
Sherwood. Sebastopcl. •Ouern»-
rule. *Mt. Rio, 'Duncan Mills.. 6:173
. B:2Ca *Pt. Eejes, «Mt- Kto, «Cazadero.. H:3T?
8:20 a "Sonoma, ••Olea Ellen tsa7»
}»:00a Petalnma. • Santa Rosa. ClorerdaleJ7:37»
11 :0Oa Petaluma. Santa Rosa....- .... 4:179
I 3:00p Petaluma. Santa Rosa. Realdsborg. . . .
- Cloverdale, UUah, Gaera«vlUe,
' \lu Rio. Duncan Mills. Seba j-
* topol .' 10:375 i
?i:00p Pt. Reyw. Occidental
4 :40p Sonoma. Glen Ellen 9:17«
I 5:20p Petalnma. Santa Roaa ........ ..j 8:37 m
Eaasalito. - Mill ViUey, Saa R»f »al— V%\ly
every 40 minutes from 7:00 a. m. until 9:00 a.
ml; then hourly nntll 4:00 p. m. : then every 40
minutes until 6:40 p.m.; then 8:00 andlo:oU
p. m. and 12:01 a. m.
— Leave San Francisco tT:0O. 7:40, 9:2 D..
9:00. 10:00. 11:00 a. m.. 1 12:00 noon. {1:00. \u25a0
" 2-W), 4:00. 4:40. 5:20 and «:0O p. ro.
San Uuontin tUI San Hifael — Leave 9:00 a. m.
1 and 2:00 p.- m. • . ' . --
Tiburoa and BelTedere— l7:oo. |7:40. 10-.IJ :
a. m. (112:00 noon, except Saturday). 112:30.
14:00. 13:20. 7:13 p. m. Sundays.' |7:0 O. |7:40.
10:15 a., m... 12:30. §4:00. |S:2O. 7:15 p. m..
{ 12:01 a. .m. .
- •Sunday . arrive 7:37 p. m. ••Sunday arrlv«
6:57 . p.'-,m... tExeept Sanday. J3uadsy only.
only. - |Vla Sanwilito. • .-- . .^
Pacific .Transfer Company** agent* are author-
ized to check bazzase direct from residence.
foot o^ mw(t BT«err . \ -
mm. houmts-whwat vm
* li.la rnreta» Lt. »ijt iwfc - If. lawtnta
WteM»y)' S—iar Wwtd»r? S<qJ«y_ Weekday Swrfay
10:08 a 9:88 a t7:3sa|. 12:03 a 7-55* : jf*
- 2:00p 10:0fla -4:50p 2:00p j:4|p 11:52 a
*4:40p ll:00» 02:55? 3:03p 4:25p j:«^ ..
;..... l:00p 4:30p 4:«P *9:15p VH*
...... 2:00 p...... 5:1 OP ...... *ISp
v.:r.. 3:00p '\u25a0:\u25a0•• .~.vr. ...... 6:33y
\u2666Sat. only. tMon. only. : eT«nalpaii onljr. JlMnn- cdf
Ticket Offirca— Sausalito Fmy and »< 4 Market '\u25a0
\ ; General OfSce-Mill VaHey, California. ?i t
7 \u25a0 an ahnyt offM ftr ia«tt»