The San Francisco Sunday CaU CALISTHENICS FOR MOTHER AND CHILD "T~\ EGULAR and systematic exercise /-' \-S cannot be instituted too early \ lv in the training of little-chil dren, -and the results will be doubly beneficial if the enjoyment of Pay can be associated with the daily drill. There will never be any diffi culty I n securing the child's en-, thusiastic co-operation, for It Is natural for the little one to be active. a|-.d when mother join* in the gym nastics the result is foreseen. I advise these light gymnastics, or calisthenics, to be taken In- the early morning hours for about ten minutes each day. The clothing should be comfortably loose and there should be paid strict attention to the order and work. Do not allow any foolishness, to er.ter into the exercise, and insist upor. a concentration of the -mind, which is always beneficial in this kind of action. The first exercise should be taken. after the command of "Forward, bend"' is given. Over the strong arm. of the mother the little child should; bend until the hands touch the floor. This is r.ot difficult for the soft, flex ible bones of a little one. Have this movement repeated f*ur or live times. The balancing movement should then be taken. "With hands on" hips, a ADVICE ON SOCIAL CUSTOMS \u25a0 '/e-4*t*jp/enne** /her *s&eca// S 4f WHEN TO EKfTBODUCE AX IN'TRODUCTIOX is a formal presentation of on© person to another in a courteous man ner. It is not a collection of \u25a0words that must be hurled at two mortals without a regard for the place of meeting. It is about the time for introductions that I wish to tpeak today. "» "Introductions need not be made in public unless there is a decided re straint. Then the two strangers should be briefly introduced, merely as a matter of convenience. If ..a momentary halt be mad?- on the street, the third friend need not be presented; but if there promise to be lengthy conversation, it would be much better to make a formal pres entation. At clubs, where a' : group of people wil^ be thrown together for a littie time, it is expedient that the ncrr.e of each on? De mentioned to the others by the person of most authority. The pleasure of small affairs is greatly enhanced by general intro ductions. A hostess should caH'\to her aid one or two friends who w-ill assist her In presenting guests to •each other.-_ . i ' ' At a formal dinner the hostess need cot introduce every one. but miist'be cure to present the guests 'who are to J gro* in together to dinner. f Subse-' - rtanc* that'- particular - number r trith ' another •. voune man ?, - . \u25a0 • JE7WEL.S. . '•'..' You f couJd :. not "with' courtesy, refuse one man;- a", dance -and it hen dance" that same -number another. ** The terplan would; be: to accept. and:then, w while dancing/vtell;: hlnvuthats if ,- he doesn't ; act i properly,; you I will : haye 1 to MRS. HENRY SYMES calisthenics will give .what usually re sults from well-directed efforts, a quick and beneficial result. -Your little girl or boy js not too young' for the "daily drill, and' ten ," minutes ; each day I can certainly be spared to give the little one a systematic training. \u25a0:• ' : stop. It may be that he does not realize how rudely he is conducting himself, and, your lUttle hint may, prove . helpful Of course, if he will not . reform • his £ ays and you refuse to dance; with him, it. will be necessary for, you to deny yourself that dance.* This- is "politeness m»e your hostess, who . is supposed to have asked acceptable persons to tha To Forger Him Dear Mrs. rAda'ms.; v :: , ; - . .i feelf eel ouIt « desDondent and ho>s' you ' can advise me., i - worked in the same depirt rnent with a young man who showed every indication of caring for me, but as; l, have a very- unfortunate, characteristic of being rude to those for, whom ? I care most.l of fended, him several times. He has been transferred to another . office. - and . I .have been told ihe r has j also . transferred his at tentions. 3,-i we ; now, meet but very « seldom and then he bar?ly, notices me. i know it Is> my. fault., which makes it-airthe harder to bear. - I* am very* sensitive. . and worry gets sit' Into a ' terriMe.l physical i condirioa. AV'ca't you .ie',l* in»,. to lorge: him?- I am ß enz3e^d to be -marrlpj.' \u25a0 but ; -I^really cannot endure the idea? of = marrying him. My clrl friend pays I; mereJv^care for' the other because he'- 1* bei'ond • my; reach. Do you think this is so? Th? . only. ' way you can _f ofget - the young : man "is to; \u25a0 keep, your -mind toe- , copied- with i your.- v.-ork'.. You! are,, quite unfairi'itoK'-your"-i fiance ";if =you are.- cherishing.thoughts of another, man and", are allow ing ;, him s to -. believe ;• you \u25a0\u0084 we , sincere. > -What .your * girl "; : friend I says |is pretty true. If the young man were at tentive;: to you."; perhaps "you - would 'not - cajo.for him sa much. ; : ; . - - .•' : r N ever Met ;Him Deir Mrs} Adams. .' v - -:, . \u25a0'.. ; \u25a0-' -. . 1. I reoelvedja- postal ; requeatirc ' -me 'to write,f: from ' a ;; young . man v whom «;It have , * never ' seen ', nor a met.*. name : and" address/.:! Shall? I-; wrlti ? -i* .Z. If ,avvounK;man';calls" ; on?me regularly • and . I ' >m- not / engaged* to "hlmVr ls it • wrong » to encourage -other -, younp J men ?>. -* v s ;\u25a0--.\u25a0 v - fN| S: , ls : it , wron« ;\u25a0 to ; joliy?, voung ; rnen. ; : rnak-V insr them -believe you are inilove^wfth them 5-',5 -', when tyoxJ are '.not ?,.,.; ; *.^;i ,--.;;* JIABEL.* , 'I.'mKo. 1 -. YouTd* r.otiknow.xw hat -risks-; you would bcitaliing if you : reply 5 to- his •£ postal card.;j>.;.;; •-„ j -i:i..-:-;..; r ' v *« >. .: • - > ;iV;.; ? \u25a0'" ..,2.^ UptHVyouKare.Tengaged ,tb" a; man' you are j at ; liberty j to;accept' ; the" atten-'" tions of- other, young men. 1 vt--: - \u25a0v.-.;t-.:^ ."\u25a0; Z:~r, Itw* is Ilwrortg a because -lit"" is t'dolng^ yourself X and % the -;.. men ;J an \u25a0? j Injustice."', Have j you i ever i thpughu what : a*, reputa- . tiona young girl would "Win by such' ad-;* fions?. ',"\u25a0_:\u25a0 : : --" '- ~"'K on the tele- phone and- talk-to them If .we are not acquainted with: tho.'eirts? -, *; 3. I -went with a ! Kirl last summer and I allowed her to, wear my ring. I asked . her for it eeveral times and «he has : rr r <£™ it « t£ H me : yet : \u25a0 torot* i&Ys. d °- : ' i; It is not ; necessary, and neither isit courteous, for a, boy to pay a girl' fare, unless he is her escort, v ;-.;.:• 'I. N0! ... It -would be placing the girls in embarrassing positions. - :. . ;-. -. -j - 3. -*,Why noUwrite the girl a letter re questing «er -to return -your; ring? sejf-respect- should;; prompt: her to ; re turn Ut- immediately. »• ' - - -•\u25a0_- ToWimackiHerLove ': Dear Mrs. " Adams.: \u25a0-". ' \ '•' . i 3:i 3 : f -..' \u25a0 She = surely, has r some I reasons g f orj; ceasing | to ' : love you ;\ and H Jthinki a ; heart- to T heart % ta!k and»the_tumingrover of a new* leaf may restore peace 'and happiness, y - : A* Jealous {Girl ~: Dear.- Mrsi? Adams.";*, \u25a0-'\u25a0\u25a0 * ''/ '\u25a0 ' "\u25a0 ' \u25a0 ';\u25a0 ''" ' '-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0%> \u25a0> '- \u25a0-• - Would you i kindly ; advise » me , what ;to : do \u25a0 . if : a Klrl is ? Jealous of \u25bame for ; keepl n« » com- s pany with -a * >-ounjr ? gentleman ?.v She likes * him- and' t* always say.ns: things, about'him -Do not lose your.dignity.;by;doing;any * thing - to -a*.; sfirl y.who -ils -^unf ortu»ate enough -to » own \u25a0* ay jealous :i disposition." Persistent J: kindness •' on v yourv part ? may, cause" her g and g prevent « her. from heralding 1 false reports., -- :Deax;Mr3.'/Adarnß.7; • • if^'amilS'yearsold'andtthe older of • two;' ulsters < (is ; <^der , or? elder. : correct?). ; v: About :-: •^Vearr»Ro-f*hadicard9*sriven-fto, *.•\u25a0\u25a0*.'..;-»-»\u25a0. :\u25a0 -.•;''; V 3.- Does lavender-colored stationery signify - -anything? - I heard it meant xVlove.'*. -. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 -4. Whatis the meaning of a stamp turned upside down in the upper -rlKht-hand cor- \u25a0 STDo I -write what \rould; be considered ; a coo- has no significance. % It is always in better taste, however, to 'use white: orfcream: . ' / - -- . -V 4. -Carelessness- on V. the "part of : the-, sender. ••-\u25a0:• :"< - j :> , .- :: -: -' \u25a0\u0084.;.--; -;. ~ 5.- -Your is - straightforward, which 7is i one of .: the \u25a0 first . requisites - for good, letter-writing. VT -'• yl BddiCombiiiatiori .iDear^Mrs^Adams. ----- . - X ; Is; it -proper 'to i wear alightfblue even ->Jnjf «oat^with.a dark brown afternoon -dresi ; . tMn^'the '. afternoon ?*.:.;\u25a0\u25a0 If 'dressed • 1 Ike - this, ~ I should i a hat Jbe;. worn? .'\u25a0; »-\u25a0 - "-;'-> - '." 2. W'hat-musf.onejsay if one Is asked to -.i danc* and Jurlshes to ' accept ? :\u25a0• - ' . . ' . :\u25a0, -3. Telt:me how'to exrress myselfia thank-- \u25a0 •' iiwr a man who \ takes me \u25a0 heme f Pin an en- '-.- ": ytertainment?A,,- . ;;-:..-. -';-Ajr?- Z.;8..' .'. \u25a0 ;-;•• 1." Suchiav combination "is ;ia -bad "taste ; Jandl would- make-" the : . wearer; quite con- B i! svicudus.'i'A^long.'darklcoat % worn iwith :, '; the.' dark 1 brown': dress ; and' an ; afternoon. ! i hat \u25a0 would . be : much* : better. -.-, Last ,' sum- - 'i merS the '- evening ~£ cloak a worn f over i lingerie =' dress j was ' quite ' permissible '; at j£ * the 'seashore f : and, 7 other, summer, resorts.'-;, s but fc to radopt^ this jstyle.'inithe- winter,;, * wearing -the flight evening/cloak-over»a': \u25a0 darksdress,twould=be : qulte^ridiculous. v •'\u25a0 T-T- 2.^r '"I <& shall -be 1 glad ;- to.V Jor u"Yes,V if; *the t da nce.^you^ iies!re> is Jjnot; already,-) ;iclaimed."iarefsuitable."answers.- ... ;---V \u25a0 •ifH 3. i-You .- mays shoWi.youra appreciation V lisbjvtellingihim.youlhndfa-jverj's'pl^asantT : evenlng,ibut^do;notUhanklhim,las heis." f. privileged of j your, company. ANSWERS TO BEAUTY \u25a0\u25a0-.UUJiiiA-IlliO- OWING to the great amount of mall received and the limited space given 7 this department, it is abso lutely ; impossible to answer letters in the Sunday issue following their receipt. The letters" must be"answered«in turn, and this ofttimes requires three or four weeks. "" -\ - ; All correspondents who desire an im mediate answer must inclose a self addressed stamped envelope for a reply. This rule'must also be complied with In regard to personal letters. Dandruff '.and' Thin Hair Dear Mrs. 'Symes. - - My hair i» full of dandruff, which bother? me much, and It Is very thin and lire less. Is there anything that will cure this? Is there anything that will make the hair soft and wavy? BLUNDY-- The following recip«-is a sure cure for dandruff: To a quart: of boiled water add one ounce of sulphur; allow the mixture to stand for severaldays. stlr "rlng it occasionally.- After the sulphur^ has settled to the bottom of the vessel, pour off theclear liquid and then apply it to the scalp"every morning. In a few weeks the dandruff will • have disap peared. After ' this treatment (which \u25a0vrtll darken the hair somewhat) you jßhoulcl apply a hair tonic. to. increase the growth of your hair and to give it new life. ; Here is the recipe for a splendid one:' -Hair Tonic - Resordn 3*dram3 Tincture cantharides.... 1 ounce Oilrecini 4 drams OB T05emary.. ..'..'...:.\u25a0;...» .10 drops Bay rum. add sufficient to .make.. S ounces if the hair is naturally coarse, nothing can be done to make it. soft. To give your hair a; pretty , wave use the .fluid for which lam giving the recipe: : Curling Fluid for the Hair . Is made of a . tablespoonful of bruised qi/inceseed to a pint of hot water. The wa ter is poured over the seeds and the whole, allowed to i stand "for- several hours. The resultant mucilage may then be thinned with a few drops of essence of violet. The hair -is moistened with the fluid before curling. - ".' . Will Not Produce Hair \ Dear Mrs. Symes. • 1. Will you kindly j te.l me if cocoa but - ter. when : applied ' for. : fattening. will " cause ; hair >to -grow? ".- \u0084 . * 2. Does olive:: oil or -vaseline make the - \u25a0 eyelashes - crow faster? 1 1 1 have uaed olive oil for some -months and- it-has certainly made them grow, but not. very fast. 3. Will ;- ycu tell - me - \ti the lotion | yoa ' recommend ' for : enlarged - pores, boric acid - • and distilled- witch ** hazel. • .. permanently •closes the t>orea or will it have, to be used all the time?--.; \u25a0-\u25a0 -' 4. Will celandine -leaves remove • the hair . permanently?^ • - • ~- v R. T. O. I*. \u25a0" 1. No. . -.;"• % •"".::.;: :.. \u25a0 -' • \u25a0 2. The, one la as good as the other. If you are not -pleased with the results of -the olive oil,' why don't' you try the vaseline? \u25a0 After the test -you can then decide ~ which has the better effect on -- you.'v-'^*- -\u25a0\u25a0--- . . - - • . . 3.', Once the pores are reduced, the ef- ' 4 feet is permanent. - . J 4/ No.' The electric" needle Is the only thing •which | Pujfiness and Freckles " Dear Mrs.' S.vmes.- '-~^-"r \u25a0 : ' • \u25a0 I . am ;- troubled -with "" pufflness tfader my eyes a ere at deal.- and it makes, me look older ,tßaa: my. age.' which Is IS. • I am tak : lcfr a tonic and "am in eova aealth. I jjet \u25a0a -moderate amount of sleep and walk a" :" great deal "in- the, open air. so I don't know \u25a0•whati'thc! cause can be. Can' you suggest -a' harmless remedy? . . . ?..;Tour riormu'a . lor enlarged pores has \u25a0r proved very ; baneficial. • ' \u25a0\Vill lemon * JUice cure an'obstlnate raw ,of freckles? ; ; -J- \u25a0" - ; JUUETTE. Use externally the remedy. I am giv ing' you;-and ask.'a'* physician the di rect cause:;"- *\u25a0 r . \ _ ~"^ \u0084 Tannlc , acid ...:.*.... :..'..-.. ..'..* 24 grains "Glycerine .....:..........;.'........... 1 ounce \u25a0;\u25a0". Apply : br mean 3* of or. a bit- jf .: cotton; to the baggy skin night and mnrn . ing. -. -.—.,->\u25a0/,--, ?J '. ;:,\u25a0*- I am; glad the lotion for enlarged pores .helped", you. .-<":".*\u25a0"" /-. 'y'. . , -The-' 'constant .use : of^ lemon juice should 1 , remove the* freckles. If it has no effect > in' your case. -you 'might - try a lotlqn'Mnade..: of f half - water .' and ~ half peroxide \u25a0 > ,-""*\u25a0 T '--\u25a0 ' *; No Recipe ; D«ar Mrs. Sjmes. - ' "'--..' ,•-\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 . 1. Is .there any thins -that -wili> make tie hair - curly \u25a0 without : (ioinr " it up \u25a0> at ' nljtht •in kid curlers or ra*»t./.-. -<%-__- —r*. wears tanss. will the Jjalr rraw down »: on ' the ' forehead ?.i : - UNSIGNED. . 1 1. iI J know -of • nothing , which' will • curl the - hair • besides «the curlers'or irons. i-No. :\u25a0-..-.; /',"-, \u25a0-- \u25a0 '-\u25a0\u25a0': V Superfluous *\u25a0' Hair. Dear Mrs.'iSyrhes.*.--' * -*.~. \u25a0 „ ; v-.i I .am < greatly i worried, as ;I . am only , IS years old 'and have axrowth of superfluous hair on myifacc.v.WlU celandine leaves re move vit >: permanently ? \u25a0 ; Please i give ;. me a cream * for; freckles v and r.wrtnkle3 that-will not-- help sto rroduce superfluous k hair. - \u25a0 :---:.,»\u25a0- : - - V ; - •--. - - .WOimiED." - • The i celandine ! leaves. > I-am f sorry \u25a0to .say.^will "not ''remove I the : hair ' perma nently;;^. Why ,« not " have * them - removed with ; the electric \u25a0. needle." I . being sure ' that only an experienced and reliable person performs the operation? I - would not advise you to use any kind of cream on your face, but to remove the freckles use a lotion made of half water and half peroxide. To get rid of the wrinkles you must not worry and should get plenty of sleep. You may use the following recipe: SJilk of White Koses. (A cur a for wrinkles. \u25a0> > Rosewater pia! Simple tincture of benzoin Vi ounce Attar cf roses 3 drop* Put the rose-nratej in a basin. AdJ the tincture of benzoin a drop at a time. Add attar of, roses, aad bottle. Apply with coi \u25a0 ton at mjht. Superfluous Flesh Dear Mrs. Svmes. 1. Will you kiad> teil m* how to rednea my face? It is getting fatter «v<»ry day. 2. 'What can I co to reduce mv bust? 3. 1 . What do you advise me to Jo to make my hands soft, white an.l narrow? 4. What do you think is the best thins to use to curl the hair? 5. What can I do to lighten the color of nsy hair? AN OPTIMIST. 1. Do not try to get rid of the flesh on your face, for if you do the skin will sag and wrinkles will appear. 2. I strongly disapprove of any medi cine for this purpose. Diet and exercise are the only safe methods to employ. Eat less of fat-forming- foods and do not drink a great quantity of water nor milk. 2. To soften and whiten your hand 3 use the lotion made by the following recipe: . - v Put Into a bottle two ounces of siycerine. two ounces of water, four tablespoenfula of lemon juice and a few drops of carbolic acid. Shake well. After washing and dry- Ing the hands, rub a little of this mixture into them. Nothing can be done to narrow your hands if they are naturally broad. 4. I do not advocate the constant use of hot curlirfg irons, for they rob the hair of It 3 natural oil. The hair curl ers, whether of, kid, -rags or papers, are. after all. the best. It will be well for you to use the hair curling lotion recipe which often appears in these columns. The lotion will keep the hair in curl longe.r and thus obviate the necessity for putting it up every night. 5- A bleach is the" only thing you can use to make your hair light, but this I Co not like ta advise, for once you start to use it, you must continue to do so indefinitely, and the constant use of any bleach is sure to ruin the- hair in time. Using the Complexion Brush Dear Mrs. Symes. When using the complexion brush, should one use warns or coid water, and shou.d one use it every nteht? ' What is a remedy for enlarged pores ? I have : used witch hazel and boric acid. ;but to no avail. ' \u25a0 A. S. B. Either warm or cold water may b« used. , Do not use the brush every night. for it might prove irritating to the skin. Every other night is often enough. Probably \ the- lotion for which I am giving the recipe will remedy the larga pores: r \u0084*; .Astringent lotion. * Alum _..... TO gralss Almond milk (thick).. «i ounces Rosewater .... S ounces -Dissolve the alma In the rosewater, then pour gently rato the almond milk, with constant saltation. Apply with, a soft Uses cloth every night before retlrln*. Moles on the Face Dear Mrs. Symes. Is there anythlaff that win. take mo!e» from the face without using the electric - neadle? r What should a girl 16 years. 5 feet 3 Inches tall, measure at the waist and bust, and what should her weight be? . Is there anything that will rednw th» fcust? NETA. . Yes; but'do not use anything without consulting the advice of a reliable phy sician. Girls "mature so unevenly that there Is no standard for them to reach. Diet. is the only safe means to use to reduce the bust. , . » Cold or Lukewarm Baths? \u25a0 Dear Mrs. Svmes/." . Will cold or lukewarm baths taken dally . reduc«.the fiesS? : , From mv shoulder, to my elbow it Is " rather fleshy, and from cay elbow to my \ wrist It to, rather slender. It looks out of croportion. - What can I do to reduce th« •upper Dart o! my ana? X. T. 3L : Hot baths will reduce the flesh, but they, are very weakening and cannot b« advised for every one. - Exercise and ab stinence from ' liquids will greatly re duce the flesh. : \u0084, ' The tapering arm Is a mark of beauty and J do not advfee you to reduce your upper arm. for by doing>so you would make it flabby. . It would be; better. If you insist . upon changing its proportion, to develop the lower arm by massaging .with 'cocoa butter. Vaseline on Hair D»«r Mrs. Symss. ; . - . Will rubbing the scalo with vaseline tak* the *url out? I -have curly hair, but It 1» thin- and short. \u25a0 Will you tell ma ton* wav to wear !:? NANXIE. If 3 you "do * not ;use • too much of the vaseline sa tbat the hair i is \u25a0; made real greasy: it < will not take the curl out* of it. I cannot advise a way of arrangiß* thecalr without a description. .-