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REAPER AND STORK BOTH VISIT THOMAS Soldier Dies on Army Transport During Voyage Home and Boy Is Born Troopship Will Be Laid Up for Some Time While Under going Repairs LTHOUGH there was one death dur ing the voyage home of the army transport Thomas, which arrived yes terday from Ma nila, the troopship entered the Golden' gate with the same number of passen gers as were on board when the ship left the Phil ippines. Private Dennis A. Sullivan of the Sec ond battalion of engineers died •on March 5, and five days later a baby ]9£x M 3 born to the wife of Quarter fcna'st'i" Sergeant Joshua Coogan of the J'ourfenth cavalry. The baby was «l»rlstened Thomas L,ynam Coogan and starts life with a purse filled with sold, which was subscribed by the folks the hjibv found aboard the ship when he arrived. T. L.. Coopan is a very tiny chap. He weighed only five pounds when he made bin debut, but the transport surgeon dpi la ref him t<» b*» as healthy as any r<»r»kv that ever entered the army. , The Thomas, foul of bottom and in need of repair*, was further delayed Vy strong headwinds and arrived here a iday late. This is the last voyage the troopship will make for some time. After discharging its freight and stores the Thomas will go out of commission and be laid up for a $300,000 overhaul- Ing. Captain 1/ynam was offered coni mand of the Sherman during the time the Thomas is idle, but as he pre ferred to remain at home for a spell. lie will be kept here to look out for the •Thomas and supervise the repairs. The Thomas brought 1,296 passen gers. Among them were T53 enlisted Tnen of the Fourteenth infantry. 14S rasuals. l«j sick. 1" prisoners. 12 dis charged soldiers. 27 enlisted men of the United States marine corps and 28 blue jackets. . There were 110 cabin passen gers from Manila. 10 from Nagasaki arid IS from Honolulu. : Captain I>- VV. Arnold, who has been V'epot quartermaster at Nagasaki for five years, returned on the Thomas. Among the passengers from Honolulu was Lieutenant Colonel F. yon Schra de'r. who has been on a tour of inspec tion of the island posts. '. Tlio Fourteenth infantry. which re E.F.-HUTTON&CQ. 4»O « nltf ornia St. T<-I. I »o,icln» 2487 St. I'rattrla Ilntrl Tr>l. Houslsk 3952 Members of New York Stock Exchange rionrer lloune Private Wire to Cblcaso and »w York n. K. MII.CAHEV, .Manager LL r EIVATE WIEE, CHICAGO. KZW YOBK, V "WTESTEEN TJTION CODE ' * J. C. WILSON ME—BEH. KZW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOAED OF TRADE. THE STOCK AUD BOND EXCHANGE, SAN r&A-cxsco Main Office Branch Offices MILLS BLDG.. S. F. PALACE HOTEL Correspoiidenti (Main Corridor t HARRIS WIKIHROF San Francitco t CO.. HOTEL ALEXAKDRIA 25 Pico Ft.. Vpvt York. I>o» Ancel* 4 *. ;; Rookery. tJii^afo HOTEL DEL CORO- 1711 Stout street, . XADO. Denver. Colo. Coronado Beach • THE CALIFORNIA OIL BULLETIN ' TVhi<~h is published semimonthly, tells the news fT nil the oil companies and all the oil fields of California. «nd contains information that will c-nabhe you to select the lirst stocks on which to niak** large. qiji<-k profits. The "CALJXORIOA OIL BUXLETDT' will t* mailed v» y<m free for cix months, if yoa fd us your name with thii- ad now. THE G.S. JOHNSON COMPANY 934 PHELAN BUILDING, ' San Fraficiaco, Cal. Barroii &c? LOS ANCELES .JAN FRANCISCO- «)rULANO What is providing the princely incomes of so many of California's wealthy men?-. What is turning- the attention of the bis Eastern finan- ciers to California? What is re- sponsible for thfi rapid rise to weaJth of «o many of California's bright men and women? What is furniEhingr that comfortable little monthly income for so many wise investors here in California? The answer to all this is the magic word OH. The newspapers are full of the tnoney making wonders of the Oil Industry. Have you looked into this* at all? If not, why not let us give you all the information and "be the means of srettingr you started with a modest investment in a first class Oil Security? Just now we can T>oint out to you a real choice op- portunity. We refer to a - stock which is listed on the T x»s Angeles Stock Kxehangre and which is ac- .tively traded in there, at prices around 30c per share fpsr $1.00). We predict at least a 50c price on this stock in one month, and then much hijrher. The Coaling-a Crude Oil Co. stock we refer to. This company owns and is actively de- veloping one of the choicest, abso- lutely proven pieces in Coallnsra. Expert fignres show an earning power for this property of over 2 per cent per month on par. The illustrated monthly Oil Magazine, "Securities," tells all -about this. Call at our office or send In this coupon for a free copy. COUPON* • Pacific States Guaranty & Land ' CO.,- 501 First National Bank Bids.. San Francisco. Gentlemen — Please send me. free of cost. Information regarding (stock \u25a0 referred \u25a0to •bove. aleo free copies of, oil magazine. -"Securitle*." for six montbR — all tbls with- out any obligation whatever on my part. - Name Street .and N0...... City... \u25a0* - - turned on the Thomas, will ffo.from here to army posts in Montana and Idaho. Pull* Four Horsen Into Bay Crowley launch No. 4 pulled four horses Into the bay yesterday from the bulkhead at Vallejo street The horses were hitched to a heavy piece of ma chinery, which had been'brought to the wharf for transportation to Point Rich mond. When, he found the horses un able to start the heavy weight toward the derrick, the teamster suggested that one of the launches help. A line was passed from launch No. 4 and made fast to the line on which the horses were pulling. The launch started and never stopped until horses and machin ery were in the bay. The horses were, saved, none the worse for their bath, and the machinery recovered unharmed. .Not n Slusrle Kick Registered It Is not only warriors who enjoy the distinction of being mentioned in offi cial dispatches to the war department. Chief Steward F. Peterson of the transport Thomas, which arrived yes terday from- Manila; performed the feat of giving more than 1,000 men three square meals a day for a month without there being a single complaint from one of the boarders. Lieutenant Oscar Westover, me^s officer of the 1-ourteenth infantry, said yesterday that Peterson's arrangements for feed ing the troops were the best he had ever seen and that he had Riven Peter son full credit in his report to Wash ington. Westover said that there had not been a single complaint. Mum Have Quarantine Certificate Dr. F. K. Trotter, chief quarantine officer at this port, has issued the fol lowing notice: "You are informed that I am- in re ceipt of advice from the surgeon gen eral, public health and marine hospital service, stating that on account of plague at Hilo, territory of Hawaii, outgoing quarantine measures will be enforced at that port. "It will be necessary for all vessels arriving from Hilo at San Francisco to observe all of the customary quaran tine precautions and to bring a cer tificate from the quarantine officer at Hilo as documentary evidence that precautions, have been observed." Sierra Will Soon lie in Commln'sion The Oceanic steamship company's liner Sierra, which is to be placed on j the Honolulu run, will soon be ready i to go into commission. The Sierra will! eail from here for Honolulu March 26 and a large number of passengers have been booked. The Sierra will give an express pas- i senger service between here and the island port. It will be the fastest ship on the run and the passenger accom modations are equaled only on the Sierra's twin sisters, Sonoma and Ven tura, which are still out of commission. Captain H. C. tHoudlette has been ap pointed commander of the liner and will tiave with him J. H. Trask as chief officer, Samuel Church as chief en gineer and Joseph Carleton as chief steward. Water Front .\oten Receipts of lumber yesterday by sea amounted to 2,090,000 feet. Frank Randall,, master of the army transport Warren, was at Manila when the Thomas sailed for the purpose of having an operation performed on his throat. The Warren is at Shanghai undergoing a general overhauling. J. J. Coughan, who was chief officer of the liner Sierra, has resigned from the service of the Oceanic steamship company. C. J. Holland has been appointed master of the Pacific Mail liner Penn sylvania in place of Captain Saunders, who takes the Korea. Captain Frank Hall has been ap pointed master of the army transport Sherman, which will sail April . 5 for Manila. The liner Siberia sailed yesterday from Yokohama for this port via Hono lulu. •The army transport Sheridan sailed March 15 from Manila for this port. The Montlcello steamship company's new steamer. Xapa Valley, is almost ready for service. The engines have been installed and were turned over for the first time at the Union iron works the other day. The harbor commissioners will hold their regular weekly meeting this morning in the ferry depot. Br lulled WlrHrwn W r ednesdaj-, March 16. STEAMEH WATSON— Hence March 15 for Seat tle: March 15, midnight, off Point Arena; light southeast breeze.; smooth sea; overcast. • STEAMEK ENTERPRISE— From Hilo for San Francisco; Alarch 15, S p. m.. 333 miles ont; .barometer 29.90; temperature 66; gentle brecae; (\u25a0mall sea; long westerly swell. STEAMER HYADES— From Tacoraa for Hono lulu; March 15, 9 p. in., 525 miles west of Cap* Blanco; clear; heavy westerly swells and moderate westerly wind; barometer C 0.60; tem perature. 52; all. well. SIEAMER WILHELMINA— Hence March 12 for Honolulu and Hilo; March 15, ft p. ni., 1,006 tnilcH out; fresh gales from the southwest with heavy eea : all well. STEAMER TENYO MAKTj— Hence March 15 for Honolulu, Yokohama and HongkoDg; March 15, 8 p. m.. 80 miles off San Francisco. STEAMER MAVERICK— From Seattle for San Franci«co; March 15, 5:30 p. m.. 9 miles north of Table bluff; south southwest wind: over. ca*t: moderate sea; lonj southeast swell; bar ometer 29.94; temperature 50. SHIPPING NEWS OF COAST Items of Interest to Mariners of the Pacific [SpccioJ Dispatch to Tht Call] EUREKA. March 16.— North Pacific steanfer Santa Clara departed for San Francisco at 2 p. ni. today, cart-ring mail, passengers and c large cargo of freight. Steamer Katharine sailed for Ran Francisco tbi* afternoon pith lumber loaded at Holmes mill wharf. * Pacific lumber company's steamer Temple E. Dorr departed from Fields Landing with lumber for San Francisco late this afternoon. Steamer Prentiss arrived from San Francisco nt noon today and i« loading for return at Fields Landing. { . Steam schooners J. J. Logsie and North Fork are due tomorrow from Sau Francisco. The North Fork will load at Arcata and the LogKie at tin* Occidental mill, both taking lumber for San Francisco. Steamers laqua and Aberdeen will sail tomor row for San Francisco with lumber. Steamer Kilburn • Is' due from San Francisco tomorrow with freight, mail and passengers. LOS ANGELES, March 16. — Arrived— Stoamer Bandon, from Coos bay: steamer Francis 11. Lepgctt, from Eureka; steamer Delhi, from Puget sound. Sailed — British ftesmer Mftncuota, for Tacoma; steamer Santa Barbara, for Grays Harbor; steamer Vanjfuard, for Eureka; steamer Rainier, for I*uget sound: steamer Vueen. for San Diego; steamer San Gabriel, for Umpqua river. PORTLAND, March 16.— 0f th«? several mil ing vessels here in the harbor to load lumber tiie French bark^ Crillon will begin taking on cargo tomorrow, and another, the British ship Manx Kinjf.lwill be ready to takt on lumber next week. . . Another wind jammer, the British ship Pol t«lloch.> Captain Armstrong, is now loading at the North Pacific lumber company's mills and should be finished soon. It will take lumber to Sydney for 3. J. Moore 4; Co. WJth 1.1M4.443 feet of lumber, valued at $21,008. the Norwegian steamer Kir. Captain Marrussen. left down for the sea thjg morning. It i» inking out its -cargo to Hankow ami is being dispatched by the China Importing and ex purting r-ompany. Major J. F. McTnd«M*'of the corps of enjrrDeer*, I*. 8. A.. Is exptKited back from Washington either Sunday or Monday. Commander J. M. Ellicott, lightbousi; In spector for the thirteenth district, returned last uljrht' from Grays Harbor, whore Uc made an ißM>cction of the aid* to navigation, j - The oil tank i-teamcr Argyll, Captain Dick son, entered at the custom bourn? from San Francisco this morning and cleared again for tbfc same port. ' After discharging general <-argo from San Francisco at Columbia dor« No. 1 the -steamer Harold- Dollar, Captain Hogan. Uas gone -to Linnton to load lumber for San Francisco. .- With cargo of general merchandise thp pas schooner Delia. Captain Tabell. will sail for Ne*toeea : tonight. . • . \u25a0, . While • going down "the river shortly after . 7 o'clock this morning ; the steamer , Bailey Gat tert ran Into the steel bridge because of . the thick fog which obscured the river. Tna steamer was running so slowly. : however, ' that/ no dam age was done, either to. bridge or boat. \u25a0 r Carrying a . full cargo of 200 tons of hay the steam -schooner . Yellowstone, Captain ' I.udlow. arrlvedat Columbia \u25a0 dock No. 1« last night. • It will load lumber at Prescott, St. Helms and Oak Point for San Francisco. E. Bur* Jan Thompson, assistant engineer the corps -of . engineers, U. S. A., arrived in Portland ' from Washington yesterday afternoon to assume his duties as one of the assistants to the engineer, in charge here. Captain Parsons of ..the steamer ' Golden Gate makes . report . that \vn March ,13, 1910 at 4 p. m., between Tillamook rock and Cape Falcon, be passed a large quantity of driftwood. ASTORIA, March 16.— The British ship Arctic Stream arrived Tuesday afternoon, 157 days from Newcastle, on Tyne. with a general cargo consigned to Meyer, . Wilson & * Co.- Captain Dlxon, master of the craft, reports encountering exceptionally heavy gales in the English channel immediately after leaving ; port, and that ; the veascl was compelled to turn back, being dclaved 16 days. While aloft setting sails two members of Uie crew fell and were fto severely injured that they were landed at DeaL - , There was good weather on the trip across the Atlantic until Christmas day, when the ship was close, to' Cape . Hornr- It \u25a0 was struck by, a \u25a0 terrific gale. The vessel , escaped ' without \u25a0 Injury, - but John Clark, one of the sailors,' was knocked down and thrown arrows the deck by a huge. sea which boardml the chip, and his right ankle was crushed in ft terrible manner. Bjj^gsgtqgjgja&ji^tfy*- Captain Dixon' ; was unable to give the' Injury THE SAX FHANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, MABCH 17; 1910, MOVEMENTS OF VESSELS IN ALL PARTS OF WORLD the proper snrgical attention, but by the eserelse of extreme care he was able to keep mortifica tion from setting in, and upon arrival here Clark was takoii to the hospital. Pleasant weather, with fairly favorable winds, prevailed off the Horn and along the west coast, until a month «iro. when within about a week's sail from the mouth of the Columbia the Arctic Stream ran into a continued calm, and since that time it has been beating about trying to make headway until it arrived .off the heads Tuesday morning. " « — ', ' ' About two weeks ago the ship ran snort or fresh water, but a home made condenser was rigged up. and. although the task was a slow and tedious one. sufacient water w»b condensed to prevent suffering among those on board. - Oil tankers Rosecrans. with barge Monterey in tow, and Argyll sailed today in ballast for han Franel«eo. * ' '\u25a0 '' „\u25a0 Schooner Mabel Galf arrived today from ban Francisco in ballast to load lumber. - \u25a0 ' Revenue cutter Manning left up the river tnis morning to receive repairs and alterations - that have recently been ordered. . Steam schooner Jim Butler arrived this morn ing from San Francisco to load lumber for re- Steamer Alliance arrived this morning froom Coos bsy with freight and passengers. __ . Steam schooner Hoqulam sailed for Grays Har bor today to I»ad lumber for San Francisco. Steam schooner Thomas L. Wand, after having discharged its cargo from San Francisco up the river, sailed this morning for. Grays Harbor to load lumber for the bay city. . Steam schooner F. 55. Loop, with a cargo or lumber for San Francisco, went to sea this morning. Steamer Stanley Dollar cleared at the custom house today for San Pedro with a cargo of 1.250,000 feet of lumber loaded at tho Hammond lumber company's mill. • .. . _ „ * Steamer Coaster cleared today for San cisco. It carries a cargo of 630.000 feet of lum ber loaded at the Hammond lumber, company s plant. SEATTLE. March 16.— Arrived: Steamer Ber tha, from Valdez; steamer OJmntHla. from sound ports; ship Vega. Slilp Harold Blekura. from Port Madison: Meamer Klamath, from Tacoma; steam er Santa Maria, from SBn Francisco. , -. Departed: Steamer Timpleo, for Tacoma, steamer Jefferson, for Skagway; steamer Nmtli western, for Cordova: ship St. Paul, for Cook inlet; steamer Klamath, steamer Lmatilla, for San Francisco. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS TO AItIUVB From I Steamer I Date Portland & Way Ports Santa Clara.... M«. 17 San Pedro..... Roanoke ....... Mkr. 17 Hilo : Enterprise •••••""• li Point Arena * Albion. P«mo M»r. it San Pedro Westerner. *}"• J| New York via Ancon.. Acapulco * J, is Humboldt F. A. Kilburn . Mar. 18 San Pedro Santa Barbara.. Mar. 18 San Dlejio&Way Ports Queen Mar. is Pngrt Sound Ports..... Umatilla M". 18 Grays Harbor Norwood Mar. 18 Coos Bay M. F. Plant . . . Mar. 18 Grays Harbor Carlo? .. -• JJ ar - "' San Pedro Vanguard ..... Mar. l.> San Pedro Nome City ...Mar. 19 Pan Pedro Rainier ¥."• l? n Seattle & Tacoma klamath Mar. -0 Humboldt J. J. I/JRgiP... M»r- £> San Pedro -. J. «• Stetson.. Mar. 20 Pupet Sound Ports Governor Mar. 20 Seattle & Tacoma Ad. Sampson... Mar. 20 Grays Harbor Santa Monica.. (Mar. 20 Humboldt I City of Topeka. Mar. 21 San Pedro iHanalel .. Mar. 21 Sal. Crux via S. Dlejro. Isthmian Mar. 21 Portland & Astoria.... Kansas City .. Mar. 21 Honolulu Alameda Mar. 22 Portland & Astoria Northland 1 Mar. 22 Grays Harbor Claremont Mar. 22 San Diego & Way Ports Santa Rosa . . . Mar. 22 Honolulu |Lurllno Mar. 23 TO SAIL ' \u25a0 . Destination I Steamer | Sails |Pier March 17— I Los Angeles Ports J. Hlgffins.. 10 am 4 Coquille River Fifield ..... 5 pm 27 Coquille River ElUabeth ... 5 pm .... Humboldt 1Uva111 ..... 10 am 27 Astoria & Portland Itoaooke ... 1 pm IS Grays-Harbor iG. Llndauer. 3 pm .... March IS*- j I Astoria &. Portland.... iGrays Harbr| 5 pm .... Astoria & Portland. .. .|How«loln ....| spm 1!1 Grays Harbor Westerner . . [12 .m 27 Humboldt City Topeka 10 am 11 Grays Harbor S. Barbara.. 4 pm .... Honolulu rta P. Sotmd. HUonlan ... 12 m 39 Liverpool & Way Ports A. Exelmans 12 m 19 Ban Pedro & Way Ports Coos Bay... 4 pm 11 Los Angeles Ports Norwood ... 2 pm .... Bad Diego &. Way Ports Santa - Kosa.. 11 am 9 March 1&— Los Angeles Ports Carlos AKtoria &. Portland Nome City.. 5 pm 10 Humboldt Van'ftuard .. 1 pm 19 Point Arena & Albion. . l Porno 6pm 4 Honolulu via P. Sound. Missourian \u25a0 . 10 am 23 New York via Ancon.. i'eons'vanla 12 m 40 Puget Sound Ports President .. 2pm 9 Astoria & Portland Ucse City.. 11 am 40 Portland & Way Ports. Santa Clara. 1 pm 13 March 2O— Seattle & Tacoma..... Riverside • 38 Los Angeles Ports.:... Klamath ... 11 am 27 Astoria &. Portland J. B. Stetson Coos Bay M. F. Plant 3pm 8 Seattle & Tacoma...... Buckman ... 1 pm 10 March 21— Humboldt F. Kilburn.. 10 am 13 Los Angeles Ports Ad. Sampson 10 am 10 San Diego & Way Ports Governor ... 2pm 9 March 22— Los Angeles Ports Hanalei .... 3 pm 10 Puget Sound Ports.. ...|L'matilla ... 11 am 9 Astoria &. Portland (St. Helens Japan & China ..IKorea 1 pm 42 March 23 — I . , Grays Harbor ........ [\u25a0H. Monica... 3 pm 21 Mpndoeino &. Pt. ArenalSea Foam... 4pm 4 i TO SAIL FROM SfiATTLE Destination | Steamer I Date Southwestern Alaska . . . Bertha ........ Mar. 20 Skajrway & Way Ports. Cottage City .. Mar. 22 Valdez & Seward Olympia; Mar. 24 fjouthwostoru Alaska.. . Jeaaie ........ Mar. 23 Time Ball United States branch hyilrographic office, Mer chants' Exchange, - San Francisco, March 16, 1910. • The time ball on the' roof of | the Fairmont hotel tvae dropped today exactly at noon. Pa cific standard time (120 th meridian), or at Sh. 00m. (KM. Greenwich mean time. \u25a0 . J. C. BURNETT, Lieutenant, U. S. N., lv charge. Sun, Moon and Tide United States coast -and geodetic snrvey — Time and heights of tides at Fort Point. For city front (Mission street wharf)- add 25 minutes. THURSDAY', MAROH 17 Sun rises C:18 Sun sets ;....:.".........." 6:ia Moon acts • .12:43 a.m. First • quarter moon. .. .. . ilnrcb 17, at 7:28 p.m. i-nll m00n...*. .March 25, at 12:12 a. m. | Tim* iTlme; iTimel ' |Tlme| Mari Ft i 1 Ft t 1 Ft I i Ft |H W IL W| |H W[ ]L W 17.. 3:20 5.4 10:41 0.2 6:21 4.0 10:29 3.2 18.. 4:29 5.3 11:54 0.1 7:40 4.2 11:47 3.3 187. 5:38 0.2 1:02—0.1 S:4l 4.8 L W U W L-W U W 20.. 1:07 3.5 0:50 ,5.2 2:02 — 0.2 9:29 4.6 21.. 2:18 3.4 7:58 P. 3 2:54—0.110:08 4.8 52.. 3:12 2.» 8:38 .V 3 3:38 0.0110:42 5.0 23.. 3:5S 2.6 C:SO 5.3 4:17 . 0.2|ll:10 .5.2 U. S. Brattch Hydroeraphlc Office A branch of the Uulted States hydrographlc office, located •in the Merchant*' .: Exchange, is maintained in San Francisco for \ the benefit of mariners, without regard to nationality and free •f expense. ' Navigators . are cordially Invited to visit the office, where complete » sets of charts and sailing directions of tiie world ar« kept at hand for comparison - and \u25a0 reference, - and -, the latest information . can always be obtained re garding lights, dangers to 'navigation, and .mat ters of interest to ocean commerce. s*'5 *' '•• J. C. BURNETT. Lieutenant, U. S. ; N., ; in charge.' " SYDKOQRAPHICJ OFFICE ; \u25a0 f Depth at mean low water, . entrance . to harbor. W PLACE -'\u25a0 I Ft. | Date | Remarks V . Grays Har 18 • I Jjui. lsllnuer bar buoy sub k...-- '.'\u25a0<\u25a0:-- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - I y I ? merged. ;:- \u25a0\u25a0;„-- -. , Willapa B 27 ; Feb. 81 Whistling \u25a0 buoy . 1 mile . I - - J - north of bar. ~_: Colum. B. 24 I Nov. 8 Whistling \u25a0\u25a0. buoy 1 mile . \u25a0/ --\u25a0•\u25a0' 1 - \u25a0-'' |^ buoy' No. 2. :k . Nehalm B 8 IFcb. 2|Bar buoy : 200 : yards N. | - \u25a0\u25a0••\u25a0\u25a0 I of channel. -*. \u25a0\u25a0"•\u25a0. rillmk B. tt IDec. 47ICuannel shifted 1 ' mile I :\u25a0 I south In gale Nov. 28. -.- ;-•-.-.• \u25a0 . ' . Nun \u25a0\u25a0» buoy ,.. No. > 0 • and Yaqulna B 14 Feb. 12 can buoy No. 3 gone \u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0>\u0084 - - .\u25a0-\u25a0 -\u25a0\u25a0•-'. i•: -;\u25a0-: adrift . • Sinslaw R| s%|Feb. BlChannel going north. - Dmpqua Rl 13y a |Feb. 4jChaunel in ; good..condl .-,.>. | I >i tlon. \u25a0 v^ r \u25a0\u25a0-.... ~~- ~~ ~~T. "\u25a0\u25a0•. '12 : feet- at : Tow : tide tto Coos Bay. "18 Feb. •17 -North Beod; >12 feet V ' . at low. tide to Marsh ,:'- -'.•.•--. . - ..\u25a0\u25a0:.;. \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0 I' field. -A---'-:..- _ \u25a0 j Coquille Rl ' 9 I Jan. : 7lCh«nucl -; straight; good ----,- - : -yC [:.\u25a0<- \u25a0 I \u25a0' * - I condition. Vo^ \u25a0-= Bogus Blvt j. ..... ..1. .... :;.-.-; ;. .... ,t: . ... " Klamth .Bj .7 (Jan. \u25a0 \u25a0 7jChannel . straight east ..\u25a0\u25a0--y-^ '. I \u25a0 I \u25a0 ' I ' and-west. \u25a0\u25a0- ..-\u25a0\u25a0. \u0084. \u25a0--.\u25a0 Hmbldt BJ 19 Mar. II North channel unsafe -'\u25a0''\u25a0' \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0' : '| " : ' ; -" • "X: to -navigation. -^ y;"^ . 8 Pedro Bl 20 - Feb. 28 1 No change in channel. S Diego 8|.25--|Dec. -fllNo change in channel. « H Pablo Bl 24 I Dec. llDepth In dredged chan |-;--:l \u25a0; -\u25a0--\u25a0-. I \u25a0'-.-•:-->\u25a0\u25a0:-\u25a0\u25a0-- > I -inel. .•\u25a0.-\u25a0;• -\u25a0\u25a0-r.y.-.. -/^^^; Additional Sblpplns < Xewg. on Page ; 11 Weather Report *Unltrd States department of. agriculture— Weather bureau— San FrancUeo. March 16. RAINFALL DATA \u25a0 Last Seasonal \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 Stations — : 24 Hours to Date Normal Eureka O.'M , M. 67 -\u25a0 * 35.35 Red Bluff, Tr. 13.27 19.64 Sacramento . - * Tr. S.ftfl 15.5!) Mount T«m«lpaiß, ... 0.0.V 22.2t! 15. 46 Han Francisco .. 0.0-' 16. <W .18.23 San Jose ..:... 0.01 11.71 " l«.«0 Kresno .............. 0.00, 9.65 7.42 Independent . 0.00 4.75 '7.24 San Luis Obfepo . 0.5« \u25a0 35.2S J . 1K. 09 Lo« Angeles .. 0.00 . 10.71 12.70 San Diego 0.00 8.36 8.13 Coant record for 12 hours, ending; 5 p. m. - s ? \u25a0?.*:. i * "gl stations ••§ § £ • "^: ' \u25a0\u25a0?' |T \u25a0>\u25a0 ' 9 .f.J ;\u25a0; T ; Boise 80.04 70 42 SW Cloudy .00 Eureka 30.08 60 iSO N Cloudy .10 Flagstaff 30.02 62 24 E Clear .00 Fresno.. 29.08 74 .4S SB Cloudy .00 Helena 30.04 64 .34 W Clear .00 Independence.. ;29. 98 60 30 W Cloudy .00 Kallspell .....30.04 60 32 S Clear .00 Loa Angeles ..80.06 72 50 SW Clear •\u25a0.IK) Modena . .30.02 C 4 23 W Pt.Cldy .00 Mt. Tamalpals.3o.oo 53 -40 , SW Foggy .00 North Head. ..30.00 56 48 S Clear .00 Phoenix 29.00 82 50 .W Clear .00 Pocatcllo .....30.08 r.4 28 W Oear .00 Pt. Reyes Lt..30.00 50 50 > S Cloudy .00 Portland . .80.02.70 52 SW Cloudy . T. Red Bluff ....30.02 68 48 W Cloudy T. Rono 29.96 .04 v33.S Cloudy .00 Roseburg .....30.0ft «4 4« X Rain .01 Sacramento ...30.02 KG 54 NW Cloudy T. Salt Lake 30.04 64 : 42 NW Clear * .00 San Pi»>go :tO.oa 72 40 XW Pt.Cldy .00 San Francisco. 3o. o4 04 sti AY Cloudy .01 San Jose 30.02 70 52 NW Cloudy T. S: L. Obispo. .30.08 68 50 SE Cloudy .00 SK. Farallon.. 30.02 5« 52 S Cloudy .00 Spokane < .30.00 08 44 NB Cloudy .00 •Summit- . .... 51 40 S Cloudy ... Tacoma 30.00 6S 48 SW Cloudy .00 Tatoosh 30.02 5»5 42 S Cloudy .00 Tonopsh ..29.8S 60 42 SE .Pt.Cldy .00 Walla 30.00 70 50 W- Pt.Cldy .00 Wltttiemucca ..30.00 f>B 40 E- Cloudy .00 Yuraa 20.90 90 48 W Clear. \u008400 •Snotr on ground "7 inches. Th(» following maximum and minimum tem peratures are reported from stations for the proviouß day: Chicago, i 46-38; >'ew York, 38-28; Omaha, SYNOPSIS Showery weather prevails over northern Cali fornia anil Oregon. There is no well marked dis turbance in sight and the pressure distribution is favorable for periods of fair weather during the day. ... • Tho temperature continues moderately - hijh in the great, valley and in Nevada. It is cooler along the coast. The relative humidity at Red Bluff' was 64 per cent and at Fresno 62 per cent. Forecast made at Ssn- Francisco for the 30 hours ending at midnight, March 17: San Francisco and vicinity— Showers Thurs day, breaking away during the day; light south wind, changing to moderate west. Northern s California— Cloudy Thursday, " with occasional showors; cooler: light north winds. Southern Cslifornta — Cloudy Thursday; light north wind, chancing to south. A. G. McADIB, v District Forecaster. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ARBIVjCD * l^esday. March 15. Stmr Samoa. Madsen, H6 hours from San Pc dro; ballast to Caspar lumber company. Stmr St. Helens. Jamieson. 58 hours from Co lumbia river* 1,450,000 feet lumber to order. , - Wednesday, March 16. U. S. Btmr Thomas. Lymann. 20 days labour] 30 minutes from Manila, via Nagasaki 14 days 3 i hours 3S minutes, via Honolulu 7 days 12 hours ! 23 minutes; passengers to United States govern- ! ment. Stmr Capistrano, Kliwe, 30 hours from Gat- ; iota; 175 drums distillate, 23 drums gasoline to Associated oil compahy. j Stmr Coos Bay, Bowen. 6R hours from San Pedro and way ports ; " : merchandise :to Pacific Coast steamship company. Slmr Mnvertck. McKellar Jr. 3 days from Seattle; ballast-to Standard oil company; up river direct. Sfmr City of Topeka. Gielow. 20 hours from Eureka; passengers and merchandise to Pacific Coast steamship company. - Stmr Carmel. Hardwick, 72 hours from Grays Harbor; 700.000 feet lumber to J.. Homer Frlteh. Slmr Flßeld. Jensen, 45 hours from Bandon; 370,000 feet lumber to A. F. Estabrook. Stmr Del Norte. Sanfortl. 39 hours from Cres cent Oitr; 290, (K0 feet lumber, 4 tons merchan dise to Hobbs. Wall &. Co. _ Stror Bowdoin. Tibbltts. S4 bnurs from Afttorls.; 730.000 feet lumber. to E. K. Wood lumber com pany. \u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0' - "\u25a0 \u25a0 * ' • " Stmr Raymond, Knudsen, 86 hours from San Pedro: ballast to Sudden & Christrcson. Stmr Doris, Oltetf, 37 hours from San Pedro; ballast to B. T. Kru«e. CLEARED Wednesday, March 16. ATLANTIC OCEAN TRAVEL ' Wlrele«» and Bubm-rlnu Kicnnl*. - - f To London. Paris, |^ T - mm - Drem*B, \u25a0ml X UIL.U 1L. Expreift Sailing*, Y\ Af^T li TattAnn, 10 A. M. li 111 I 11 K. Wilh'm 11... Apl. 5 i. 1 Vy*-. ****\u25a0 K. Win. rl. Or*. Apl. 19 \u25a0^"^\u25a0^^^^^^^ Kronp. Cecllie.. Apl. 28 Plymouth Kronp. Wa May 3 Char^urr . Bremen _f^ f \u25a0«•--• G.Washlng'n, Vl<*. 31|^, FF t r ; Wm ' • " A A p 'j72j' •Khein Apr. 141»Zleten Apl. 28 • Bremen direct.- ' -< . : ToGllir_it«r.Aiffiers,-v . \ . ' .\nplea nnUiirnoa. \u25a0 . — ; «. Sallinss Sat'dvn li A.M. \u25a0 ' \ r\-mj (\ .' K. Albert..... Mch. 26 1 ll\\] 1 | tXeckar........Apl. 2 1 .111 W |l P. Irene Apl. 9 -L-fAV-T Barbarosst....Apl. 18 " . \u25a0> tOmlts Algiers and Gefloa. . rßa«nrn«»At Aroaiid.tlie-Worid Touri. Traveler* check* f»od nil over , th« world. OEXRICHS & CO- General Agents. 6 Broadway, New York Robert Capelle. GAA.'P." C 250 Powell it . opp. St.',: Francis 'Hotel, San Francisco." Telephone Kearny 4794. - -. • AMERICAN LINE ' Plymouth — Chrrbonric — Southampton - Phllndelphla— ftuetnstowa — Liverpool | ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE York— London Direct ' HOLLAND-J\MERICA LINE New York—Rotterdam, via Boulogne RED STAR LINE >*ctt York— Dover— Antwerp , WHITE STAR LINE I X. Y.^QneenntOTTn-Holyhend-LlTerpool N.Y.-Plymonth-CherboiirK-Southampton XEW YORK AND BOSTON': TO THE MEDITERRANEAN Via Azores, Madeira,' Algiers, Gibraltar Romanic .."".;. T.April 2 Oanopic ..'.: 'V'.'. May}j 4 Cretlc ....;.... April 16 Bomanic :.......May 14 G. K. KOIPPEL, Passenger Agent Pacific Coast. 819 Geary Street, opposite St. . Francis ! ... ;'\u25a0*; \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0-, .Hotel. \u25a0• Ban \u25a0« Franclsc6. ..' - \u25a0'.-\u25a0•: Canadian Pacific Less , Than Fow Days at r Sea . "Weekly aallluc betW«*_ ; Montreal, Quebec and Liverpool .v U: Tiro days on ? tfie beautiful SL Law- rence : : River < and ; the "shortest ocean route- to, Europe .- : ... - ' Nothing better on the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless on all steam- ers.';- -'-•\u25a0_";.-''>; -; ' '--'• '.'''. .;; : ' Vint ; clasa «90, second $BLSS. one class cabin $47.80. -/\u25a0\u25a0- .. . - A«k s any > ticket agent, or write for sailings, rates and booklet. ..\u25a0 . ; (10) .' E. E. FBNK, C A« Palace Hotel. San \u25a0 -•\u25a0-; -\u0084, \u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0•\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 .r^VFraneia-co \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'. '-- : \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 •\u0084-:>_ x*;y Compagnie Generate Transatlantiqe i^V;DinjECT^IJNEiT<>; HAVRE-PABIS. i •--: Sailings 'everyii Thursday." instead of •:( Satur- day, *at -10 a.-hm.",-rfromi pier 42.-: North- rlter, foof;ot.-Morton-sBtreet.' . .'•* _- " ' ' v .'\u25a0 .: : .; 1 '•* First ! . class *to \u25a0 Havre." $ < 7.50 and : upward; ' etc- ond clans to Hav-»^s3o aoa'npw«rt..O»NEßAL AGBKCY^ for : UNITED « STATES and ; CANADA; 1J» * St«t« * »treet.T-. New York, -jz i, p. s PUGAZI.- Manater, Pacific « Coast, i 630 ' MOnteomery ' street, San Francisco. : Tickets sold by all railroad tick- .ct; agents.. > - ' , - - •_. •' : \u25a0:_.__ Stmr Hanalei." Hannah, San Pedro; Independent* steamship company. \u25a0 \u25a0 •*- -' • SAII.KD » ~ Wednesday.^March 18. T7. \u25a0S. stmr \u25a0 New Orlean s. Welles. • Stmr Casco, ' Abiln. Astoria and Portland.- : . f Stmr Brunswick.' Hammer, Fort Bra£g ' Stmr; Acme, ' Olsen, Eureka/- ; \u25a0•:\u25a0-. \u25a0\ Stmr Dai*y Freeman, Johnson, GrsysTHarbor. - Stmr Samoa. Marinon. Caspar.- - - . Stmr San Pedro. Bendltkon/ Eureka. . \u25a0 \u25a0 Stmr Olson & Mahony, Payne, Seattle 1 - and ; Ta-, coma. . - -j \u25a0 : \u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0.-•• '\u25a0*:;\u25a0-\u25a0', ''\u25a0'. •'• \u25a0 ..'.\u25a0'\u25a0 Stmr Hanalei, Hannah, San Pedro. -• . Stmr I^akme, Malmgren, Euwka. ' ,-.' Stmr Doris, Olsen, Willapa harbor. ' -4" \u25a0 "'- Stmr Raymond, Knudsen. Grays Harbor. _.£> \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 Stmr Whlttler,' Seaman, Port San Luis. >? Stmr Asuncion, Bridgett. Portland. :"; *• .. Stmr Atlas,- Badger, Seattle. • i* 1 Stmr T. A. Kiibnrn, MeLellaE." Eureka. J Stmr Tamolpais. Anderson. I'ortUnd. ;\u25a0 '.-\u25a0\u25a0. ; Sclir : Premier, Frye. - lilalnc. . WEATHER REPORTS , ' TATOOSH. Mnrch 10. 6p. m.— Cloudy; wind S; velocity 20 miles an hour. . POINT, REYES. March , 16, 12 m.— CToudy ; wind S: velocity 12 miles an hour. . \u25a0- \u25a0 POINT LOBOS, March 10, 9 a. m. — ToggT, and calm; -bar rough. ... ' \u25a0 -. - • POINT HEI'ES. March 10, 9 a. m.— Cloudy; wind SB;' velocity 18 miles an hour. ' FARAL.LOXES, March 10. 9 a. . m. — Cloudy; wind SE; velocity 14 miles an hour. - » . -TATOOSH, Macch 16, 9 a., m.— Cloudy; wind NE; velocity 20 miles art hour. POINT ' LOBOS, March 10, S p. m.— ClouOy ; wind S; Telocity S miles an hour. - • -POINT LOBOS, Manh 10, 12 m.— Fcggyand calm. - - '.\u25a0\u25a0-•: -\u25a0. -\u25a0 TELEGRAPHIC. POINT IiOBOS. March 16. 10 p. m.— Weather cloudy;, wind S: velocity 0 miles an hour. <- DOMESTIC PORTS \u25a0~ TACOMA— Sailed March 18— Stmr Klamath, stmr Admiral Sampson, for Seattle. March 15, 9 a. in. — Stmr Mexican, for Honolulu. ' » . . Arrived March 10 — Stmr Charles Nelson, 'hence March 11. ;. t ;.x Sailed March 16 — Stmr Governor, for Seattle; stmr Charleft Nelson. - for Mukilteo. SAN PEDRO— Arrived March 16-^Stmr Queen, hence March 14: stmr Franks > 11.. Leggctt, from Eureka; stmr Delhi, from' Tacoma; stnirßandon, hence March 13. -' • . \u25a0 Sailed March 16— Stmr Queen, for San Diego; stmr Santa- Barbara, for San Francisco. Sailed March IG — Sttnrs Vanguard and Rainier, for San Francisco; stmr fan Gabriel, for Ump qua: Br stmr Mancunia. for San Francisco. BAKDOX— Arrived March Hi — Schr Ruby, from San "Pedro. \u25a0 < PORT SAX LUlS— Arrived March IG, 11:30 a. m. — Br stmr Oberon, hence March 15. , CRESCENT CITY— Off port March 16— Slmr Mandalay, stmr Xavarro, for San Francisco. POINT REYES— Passed south March 16, 12 m. Stmr San Jacinto, from Grays Harbor for San Pedro; 10 a. m.. Ktinr Melville Dollar, from Grays Harbor for San Pedro. Passed March 10, 4:30 p. ro.— Stmr Helene, from Grays Harbor for San Pedro. POIXT LOBOS I—Passed1 — Passed south March 10. 2:20 p. ro. — Stmr Me.lvllle Dollar, stmr San Jacinto, from Grays Harbor for San Pedro; stmr Helene, from Grays Harbor for San Pedro. WESTPORT— Arrived - March lfi, 1 p. m.— Stmr Thomas 1.. Wand, from Astoria. \u25a0 Sailed March IG, 5:30 p. in. — Stmr Santa Mon ica, for. San Francisco. \u0084 Barbouhd March 16. 6 p. m.— Stmr Norwood. SEATTLE— ArrIted Mnrch 10. 10 n. m.— Stmr Bertha, from Seward; 8 a. m., stmr Santa Maria. from Port San I,uis. March 15, 8 p. m.— Stmr Tarapico, hence March 10. • t . Ai-rlved March 10, 1:30 p. m. — Sehrs Vega and Harold Blekum, from Port Madison. Sailed March 16— Stmr Umatllla. for San Fran cisco; stmr Northwestern, for Alaska: stmr Jef ferson, for Skagway: ship St. Paul, for KenaL' | SEWARD— Arrived March 16, 3 a. m.— Stmr Portland, from Valdez. SKAGWAY— Arrived March 13, 6 p. m.— Stmr Cottage City, from Seattle. . Sailed March 1«, 2:20 a. ra. — Stmr Cottage City, for Seattle. ~- i . VALDEZ— Arrived March 14. 5 p. tn.— Stmr Portland, from Seattle. March 13, 3p. m. — Stmr Victoria, from Seattle. Sailed March 15. 3 a. m. — Stmr Portland, for Seward. March 18, 3 a. m.— Stmr Victoria, for Cordova. \u25a0\u25a0 - • , ASTORlA— Arrived March 16, noon— Sttnr Al liance, from Coos bay; 10 a. m., stmr Jim Butler, hence March 13. Sailed March 16. 6 a. m.— Stmr Hoquiam. for San Francisco; 7 a. m., stmr Thomas X Wand, for Grays Harbor. • To sail March 16, 4 p. m.— Stmr Stanley Dol lar, for San Pedro. • . Arrived March, 16, 3 p. m. — !?chr Mabel Gale, hence Feb 26. " : Sftileil March 16, 5 p. m.— Nor stmr Birr for Hankow. \u25a0 TATOOSH— Passed out March 16. J»:30 a. m.— Stmr Mexican, from Seattle for Honolulu; 5:30 a. m.. Nor stmr Thor. from Nanalmo for San Fran cisco: bktn. =•. Passed in March 16.^4:20 p. m.— Sehr Rosa mond, from San Pedro for Taroma; schr R. W. Bartlett. hence Feb' 2o for Townsend. Passed out March 16, 12:20 p. m.— Bktn Ama ranth, from Everett for Pearl harbor. MILLSIDE — Sailed March 16— Br stmr Strath blane. for Cnemalnus. March 15 — Nor stmr Al den. for Comox. " \u25a0 . - - \u25a0 Arrived March 16-^Br itmr Roman, from vic toria. EUREKA— Arrived March 16— Stmr Prentiss. hence March 15. , „. • . „\u25a0 .». ' Sailed March 16— Stmr Santa Clara, atmr Kath erlne. for San Francisco; «tmr Temple E. Dorr, for San Pedro. : • '•\u25a0\u25a0' \u25a0_ EAST SAN PEDRO— Arrived March 16. B a. m. Stmr Francis H. L*»ceett. from Eureka;-9:30 a. m., stmr Delhi, from Tacoma. PACIFIC OCEAy THAYEI^^ _^«-a*. lwve from firoad- - AwSsJt&±^\\' .- way Wharves (Piers 9 j^YBßgß_^yj\ f - ow rates, including berth I \ AySjjjLlji Special Hound Trip Rates. vs_vV. J&t LOS AXGELES . SANTA BARBARA President Alternate Mondays, 4 p. m. Governor...... Alternate Mondays, 4 p. m. •Santa Rosa, March 18; every Thursday there- after. 11 a.'-m.- ... . •Only steamer calling at Santa Barbara. Seattle' (direct), towssexd tacoma, victoria, vancouver Connecting at Seattle for . Southeastern Alaska, Skagway, Dawßon, Fairbanks. « President... .Alternate Saturdays, 2 p. m. Governor.. ....Alternato Saturdays. 2 p. m. City of Puebla,. Umatllla or Queen, Alternate Tuesdays, 2 p. m. EUREKA fHUiMBOLDT BAY) Topeka— Mar. IS, 23. 28; April* 2, 7, 12, 17, 22, -27,- 10 a. m.. Every Fifth iJay Thereafter. GUAYMAS, MAZATLAN, LA PAZ ENSE.VADA, SAN JOSE DEL CABO, etc. ALASKA CRUISES, 1010— I.rave Seattle SpokaneT. June 14, 2*. ; July 12, 28; Aug." 9. 10 pm. Queen. . . '. .... . . . . '. :.... . .... .July 12, 28,' 8 pml ~ Hlfrht reserved tft ehnuge this schedule..' TICKET OFFICES— (PaIace Hotel) 653 Market \u25a0St., 3 Market st. and Broadway, Wharf. ;.• Telephone Kearny 492. . OAKLAND^-1120, Broadway. Tel. Oakland SCSO. C. D. DUKANN. Oeneral Passcnt er. Agent, i >^ AMERICAN -HAWAIIAN ,\M| STEAMSHIP COMPANY \u25a0-?™^- TeKauntcpec Route •, -NEW- YOUK' TO: PACIFIC COAST POUTS AND- HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, sailing from New York \u25a0 every ;B\xi day*. \u25a0\u25a0> making direct connection with Pacific steamers sailings from Salina Cms, Mexico,: every, nix days for San Francisco. f* PACIFIC , COAST POETS . TO * NEW YORK. Also- to Mexican and all principal European ports under; through rate * and through bills of I lading. Sailings from San Francisco every 12 days. -• \u25a0 LOCAL SERVICE FROM ' SAN "FRANCISCO TO HAWAIIAN • ISLAND POHTS. S direct every 28 days, and vla'Pnget sound every 12 days.-.; \u25a0* * For a rates \u25a0 and . further •\u25a0> particulars ; apply ;to DEARBORN - & LAPHAM. General Agenta, . S Bridge st. r New York ; WILLIAMS. • DIMOND S» C 0.,, General rAgents,- Pacific Coair.'^ : c^ . • -'. \u0084- \u25a0 ;310,Sanst)me st., San Francisco. .. TOYO KISEN KAISHA -; ORIE?TTALf STEAMSHIP COMPANY : S. S. "Nippon Kara" . . . ..Tuesday, Apr. 5," 1910 S,;s.*"Chiyo Maxtt".:v:-..Tnetda.y,'May 3. 1910 8.8. VTenyo Maru" ;.:.". .Xu«ad*y, Kay 31, 1910 a i Steamers i sail ' from company '« ? piers, - Nos. 42, 44, near foot of. Second st.. at 1 p. m. ,;for, Yoko- hama -and .Hongkong, calling at Honolulu. N Kobe (Hiogo),* and ' Nagasaki and -Shanghai, and, con- necting at Hongkong . with steamers for Manila, India, etc. 'No cargo received ion 'board on day of sailing. \u25a0\u25a0 Round trip ; tickets at reduced rates. I For freight ) and .passage . apply 'at- office," 240 James Flood building. -- J• \u25a0 W. . H.T AVERY,^ \u25a0 : ;, • -;-r --•-,-:; ,-j-;.*;- Assistant General Manager. : UAVAI 111 II S.S. Sierra Fails at 11 a.ttr. nilillll 111 II March 20, 1310. Special 'ILv "- " "'"round trip. ; f 110 : flr*t \u25a0 cUss.' TAHITI KaND 3TEW ZEALiAND-^S.a^ I Marlposa * tails • 11 X a.* m.. % ? Apr. * 16.~^ Special j round trip.. Tahiti,' $125. first dtst.^ ;, : . >. : : • i OCEANIC, S.'. 8? CO." 673 Mkt. ; ; T. Kmy j 1231 • NEAH — Anchored March 10— Schr Lucy, from Townsend for tttnpqua." =\u25a0*••- - • - EASTERN PORTS ,' NEW YORK— Arrived March 16— Stmr J. „ Luckenbach, ppnee Jan A. BOSTON — Arrived, March 13 — Br stmr Georje Fleming, from Caleta Buena. : : ISLAND PORTS \u25a0MANILA — Sailed March lo — U. S. stmr Sherii dan, for San Francisco. -' FOREIGN PORTS PUERTO MEXlCO— .Sailed March 16. 6 a. m.— Stmr 'Massachusetts, for Philadelphia. -: VICTORIA — Hailed 'March' 16 — Nor stmr Thor, for San Francisco. SAUNA CRUZ— Atrlved March 13— Stmr Alas kan, from. Hilo; 3 p. m.. Ger stmr Amasls, from Hambnre for San Francisco. . " YOKOHAMA— SaiIed March 16— Stmr Siberia. for San Francisco via nonoluln. - \u25a0 * - Arrived prior March IG — Ger stmr Venona. from >'ew York. NEWCASTLE. N. S.'W.— ln port Feb 14 — Schr Annie E. Small*. Br bark British Yoeman. Br stmr Century. Br ship Dartfcrd. Kr bktn Helgs. Br stmr Ilyndford. Br stmr Inverfclp. bkta Jonn Palmer, for . San Francisco: Br stmr Vennechar, for west coast Sooth America ;< bktn* Koko Head. Hawaii and lahalna. fox Honolulu; Beig bark TAvenir, for Honolulu. To sail March 21— Br stmr Inrerkip, for Saa Francisco, \u25a0'• ;.; : \u25a0 NANAlllo— Sailed March 15— Nor stmr Thor. for San Francisco. PAGO PAGOr-Salled Feb B— Bktn S. N. Castle, for San Francisco. . LIVERPOOL— Arrived March 13-rßr ship TVls combe Park, hence Oct 15. * ••". SHIELDS-^ln port Feb 26— Br ship Claverdoo. for Oregon. March 3 — Ger ship Omega, for San Diego.' HAMBURG— SaiIed Feb 25— Ger stmr As*uan. for Saa Francisco and passed Dungeness March 2. LAS. PALMAR— Passed Keb lo — Nor stmr Henn, from Antwerp for Saa Francisco. RAILWAY TRAVEL TRAINS LEAVE AND ARE DUE TO ARRIVE FROM MARCH I, 1919 VIA OAKLAND PIER Le*T» * (Foot of Market StreeO Arrive 2.15* Niles, Livermore, Tracy, Lathrop, Stockton, Lodi, S*er»n;ento 10.38p 6.40 m Hayward. Niles. San Jose. -- 7.08« 7.00 a Richmond. Port Costa. Benicia, Suisua, Dixon, Sacramento. RosevQle, Marys- Tilie, Reddine. Dunsmuir 7.23p • 7.00* FJmira. VacavJle, Ruasey.. 7.28 a 7.00* Davis. Woodland (Maryrrille. Oro- '.-:•. ville), WiHiam*, Maxwell, iV3lows, r - C- s " Hamilton. Corning, Red BluS 7.28p *.00* Newark, San Jose. Lo« Gatos, Wright. 0.48y - 7 -00 a Felton (Boulder Creek), Santa Cruz. . . 9.58p 7.40* Vallejo, N»pa. Calistoi*, Santa Rosa. Martinet, San Ramon. . 6.08p 7.40» Niles. . Pleisanton. Livermore, .*Jta- mont, Lathrop, Stockton 7.28p 7.40 a Tracy, Lo« Banos. Kerman, Fresao, Hanford, Visalia 428p 8.20 a Port Costa; Martinet Byroo. Tr.wy, Stockton, Mfrcfd, Freroo, Owb—i . . . Junction (Hanford. Armona), Visalis, Portervae, Bakn«fi eld 4.48p 8.20 a Yosemitß Valley via Merced. 7.4«» B.ooa Nile?, Livermore. Stockton ('Miitoa), - Valley Spring, lone, Sacramento.. . . . 4.28p 9.00* Sonora, Tuolamne and Angrfs 4.28 i 9.00* Atlantic Express— Sacratcento, True- -.: . kee, Ojden, Polt Lake City. Denver, . Kansas City, Omaha. Chicago 8.28? 9.40 a Richmond, Port Costa. Martian, Bay Point .' ' B-48» 1 0.20* VtUe jo Mare Island. Napa 1 1 .28* 10.20* Loi Angeles Passengrr— Port Costa,' Martinez, Byron, Tracy. Stockton. Merced. Fresno, Hanford, Visalia, Bakersfield, Los Angele* Y.4Bp 1040* San FrancUeo Overland limited;— Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Omaha, Chicago 7.28p I IJMa ShasU Limited— Portland, Tawma. Seattle....;:. .:... 9lBp 12.00n GoldfieJd Paw.— Port Costa. Benici«. Sacramento. Trucked, HaaeTi. Mir.a, Tonopab, GoldSdd. U*s. K*d»r.... 7.48* 1 2.00n Marj n-aie, Chico, Red 81uff ......... 4.28p l^0» Nile*, Irvington, San Joee 2.48p 1 .40* San Leandro, Niles, Ceatervaie,f B.oBa Newark, Saa J05e...... \ 7^Bp 1.40p Newark, Sin Jose. 1a« Galo«. Wrisht. Feltoa (Boulder Cieek), Santa Crus. . 9.58p 2.40f San Leandra, Niles, San Jow. 9.23* 3.00p Btnicia. Winter.". Saenmfnto — Wood- had, MarvsvUle. : Orovule— Yoto. Arbuckle. Williams, Willows 10.48 a 3.00» Via Sausalito, West Nipa, St. Helena. Calistoea.... 10.37 a 3_»» Port Costa (Stockton), Martinei,/ 12.08p Byron. Medesto, Merred, Fresno. . \ 10.38p 4.00p Vallejo, Nipa, Calistoga, Santa Ro«a. Martinet, San Ramon, Dougherty. Lrrermore. 9.28 a 4.00p NawCCesterrille), Tracy. Stockton ( 10.28 a Lodf -I IO^8» 4.40f San Leandro, Hayward, NSes, Plet»- anton, Livermore, Tracy, Newman. Kerman. Fresno 8.28* B. 00» Richmond. Pinole. - Vsllfjo, Port Costa, Beaicia, Suizua, Sacrameato —Rosevflle. Marysville. Orovlfle 1 1.28* B.ooa Ruf«?-H. Stn Jow, Los Qatos 9 23a 6.20s Ban Leandro. Niles, San Jose, 7.43 a B.oop Owl Limited— Los Augde* B.oB* 8.40» Eastrrn Exprexs— Osden, PueUo, Den- ver, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicsto. . Port Costa, Beaida, Sacramento, - -Reao.Bpurks 8.28> 9.408 Hay w i r J. NNic?l c? aad Sati Jore 6.48 p $7.00p Vallejo, Port Costa, Martinei, Bay Point and Way Stations $II.I 8» 5 7.40p Richmond. Port Costa. Byron, Tracy. Lathrop. Stockton..... 12.48p - 8.20b Oregon Express^ — Davis, (Sacram»mto), - . Willows, Redding (Klamath Falls), Ashland. Portland. Tacoma, Seattle, Spokane 9.28 a 9.00b China and Japan Fatt Mail — Ogden, Cheyenfle. Denver, Kiam City, Omaha. Chicago... 2-<Bp 9.00p Port Costa, Btnim, Ftcramento, Coi- fax, Trockee. Reno. Sparks 1 0.08 a 1 1.00? N'il-s, Pleasnntoa, Livensdre, Lathrop, Modesto. Mercd, Fresno IOJSBp I I.OOp Fresno. Selma, Goahea Jnnc, Hanford, Arr.oni. Leaoor?. Coalinga ' 8.28 a I 1.40p Portland Express — Sacramento, Marys- ville. Red Bluff. Weed. Ashland, Rose- burg. Portland. Tueoma, S«>«tlp, .... >2^Sa NETHCRLAND'S ROUTE— From ?icine Strttt Wharf- Coliinsville, Emmaton. Rk) ViVa. Weton. P.yde. Wal- nut Grove, Vordea, Courtland, Clarksburg, Sacrameato. • Leave 8.00 a.m. Tue., Than., Sat., Steamer Navajo; arrive % 5.00 p. m. Leave 1.00 p.m. Daily, except Eoaday, Steamer Modoo or Apache; arrive 11.30 p.m. OAKLAND rIARBOR FERRY— From San Francisco. Mir kit StTMt Wharl-i-Week Days— Hourly from B.CO a.m. to 9.00 p.m. Sundays— &4S, 8.15, 9.43, 11.13 ajn., 12.45. 2.15. 3.43. &15, 145, 8.15 and 9.45 pjn. LOCAL FERRY TRAINS-Vli Ahmeda Pi«r. T* Oakland an« Altmeda— f 6. lo, |8.4 i ajn., and then 10 ted 45 minutes part the hour until 7.45 p.m.; then B.JO. 9.15, 10.00, 10.43, 11.10 p.m. aad 12.15 a.m. Te Alamida and Frultvats via Hsrmhot tarn« as asov*. a for Mornuc. "for Afterc'oon. t Sunday exceptfd. % Sunday only. } Arrite Moo, Wei, Fri. Unlsn Transfer Co. authoriied to check Baggage . direct f t am Tf sidence. /jJWIijA Trains Leave KS-flßßjEp San Francisco ;^^L' -KB : 'ix r'-'r '-' Marfcet Street Ferry Depot Leave For— |A.M.| P.M. Bakcrsficld ...... 7:15'8:00-10:0O Chicago ......... 7:15B:00-10:00 Fresno ..". . ... . : . 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 Grand Canyon.. . 7:15 8:10-10:00 Hanford ....... r. 7:15 ....-10:00 Kansas City...... 7:15 8:00-10:00 Merced i :. ... ..... 7:15 4iOO- 8:00-10:00 •Stockton ..1... 7:15 4:00- 8:00-10:00 Stockton, Oakdale and Sierra Rail- . way points. . . ; . 9:45 : — --?- Tulare . ....:..: 7:15 8:00-10:00 Visalia .1........ 7:15 8:00-10:00 Ydsemite ........ 7:15 .. .:...^.; ' \u25a0>'\u25a0 >\u25a0-• •Stockton Local leaven 1:25 p. m. California Limited through to Chicago leaves at 10:00 p. : m. Offlcea — C 73 Market «tre«t and Market itreet Ferry Depot, San Francisco; 1112 Broadway, Oakland. : •-- ' ' OCEAN SHORE RAILWAY 'r. S. - Stratten. Receiver. ; ' Lr. S. •F. < dally— 9:ooa. MrSOp. ' Ar. S. T. d»lly— t3:lsp. •B:2Z*r " -' . " 'Arleta. tTnnltaa Glefl; «tare for San Gre- CQrio : and Pescadero. BAY A.\D INTERURBAN ROUTES \ M^|iSLAND NAA^V^RD ; /yille jo, Helena SToHELEXA-XAPA ..VALLEY ROUTE S. 8. Co: and Napa" Valley Electric R. . R. Co. . Cloae \u25a0 connectlona. ''SwSQßSßM&S ; ;, o—ROUXD TRIPS DAILY— 6 'Boats leave San 'Francisco ,7:00. i *9:45 a. m., 12:30 noon, : 3:15, 6:00. »8:30 p. m. v- • San ' Franciaco landing and \u25a0 office,' Clay street wharf, north'end ferry building. "Market street ferry. >' Meals ala carte. Phones Kearny 404 or C 4705. :; \u25a0 r .-. -.;\u25a0 .\u25a0. \u25a0 - \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0 - - . - .\u25a0•Lands -navy j yard direct. . . ... CALL WANT ADS BRING RESULTS MoJl— Sailed Feb 25— Br stmr St. Patrick, tor New Yort. .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'.- - . . VALPARAISO— SaiIed Feb 23— Br atmr Co*- Ilnga. for New Yort. AUCKLAND— Arrived prior Match 16— Tt barfc Jacques, from New York. CHERBOURG— Arrived March 10— Fr bark Mesry. from Snnd»rtan4 \u25a0 for Saa Frandsco. CALICO — Sailed Feb 2S— Fr stmr Amiral Olry. for Antwerp. \ r OCEAN STEAHERS NEW YOKK— Arrived March lf»— Stmr Oce anic, from Southampton: stmr Frtetlrich «t'r Orosse. from Bremen; stair Sicilian rrlaw. from Uamlnjrg. Sailed Jlarch 1C — Stmr Campania, for Liver pool. PUXTA ARENAS— SaiIed March 12— Stmr Cet rlana. from Granzcmonth for Vancouver. RIVER PLATA— Sailed March 13— Stmr H. C. Henry, from Mlddlesboroush for Seattle. YOKOHAMA— Arrived prior March IS— Stmr As!a. fnnn Sin FrancUco via Honolulu. • BREMEN — .Vrrived lUn-Ti . 1« — Stmr KaUer Wllbelni der Grosse. from Netr York. • ST. JOHN. N. B.— Sailed March 16— Stmr Montreal, for London. NAPLES — Arrived Mirch tg— Stmr Due* d'Ao«ta, from New York. Memoranda Dr. F. E. Trotter, passed assistant surgeon ia charge of the United States Quarantine service at San Kranctxeo. has issowl the followlnjp.: Yew are informed that I am in receipt of advice? from the snrseon general, public health and marine hospital serrtce. statin? that on account of plague at II!!*. T. 11.. outsptn ; quarantine meas ures will be enforced at that port. It will b* necessary for all vessels arriving from HiU» at San Francisco to Observe all of the customary quarantine precautions and to brlns a eertiacrtfe from tb«> quarantine offl?er »t ililo as iliwumen tarv evidence that the same has been observed. VIA COAST LINE I^«v» (Third and Towawnd StrwU) Arrive t5.25a Loop— 23d Bt»et, Visitation, South Saa Francisco. Valeccia Street tf1.33« t5.35a Loop— Valencia Street. Ckfaa Vie-. CemrterJrt, Sosrth Ssa Fraaciww. 20.1 Stre-t. 3rd and Totbw ad 16.45*. 6.20 a South e»a t rancisro, San »o». G3ror, <HoUistfr). Sarernt. Pajaro, Wataon- vill?, Santa Crai. 7^of 7.00 a South San Fraackco, Pslo Alto. San Jose, Wav Etati-as. 7.35 a 7.00* Msyfidd. Loa Alte«. Los Gztos 17.20^ 8:00* Shore Lice Limited— Paso Robirs HotSprios*, Santa Barbara. Los Angrfts 9.30t 8.05* Tie Coirter— Saa Jose. Paiaro (Wat- sonviap, Ssnta Cnz). CnstrovilK (Del Moste, JloatKfy, Pacific Crovf). Salinas, so!"iaJ. Paso Robles Kot Fprinp, San Lcm Ofcijpp, E'irf. (Lonjpoc\ i?snt-» Barbara. Ventura. Oxnard, Los Anjeff s 1 1-*3> 8.20 a Jlnynfl !, Los Altos, LosCator. Wright. Clem»ood< Boulder Of t k). Santi Crji. TTatsonvSte, Castr3Til!p. Eel Monte. Montwey, Pscins Crave. S.COf 9.Q Ga &n Jo». Gilror, Salir.a?, Paw EoH?s - Hot Spriogj.'San Luis Obifpo — Trf» Pinog— Watsonvill'. Sjinta Crur, Cd \u25a0 — Monte, Monterey, PariSe Grove 4.00t 10.40 a Sonth San Francisco. li:rljr;ia:e, Saa . Mateo, Palo Alto, Saa Jose 6.3Ca 1 0.40* Los Altos, Monta Vista. Los Gate. . { 1 1.30* V»l«da Street. Ocrin Tit*, Cclma, Cemeterie?. Badm. Ssn P-ir.o 1 .33» 1 1 .40 a South San Franeiaco, Saa Joe* f 8.2t-» 2-OOp Del Monte Express— !*aa Jos-. Gilro-. Ssrsmt (Watson-rille. f^rt* Cmi). Ed Monlr. Monlcrey, Fat-ifie Urore. (t&licaj) : . .'. 12.3 C? 2.05b South £an Francbro, Palo AttOj Saa Jose 8.40* +2.03p Loa .Mtoa. MonU VLrta. Lou Gaton. . . t3.2Cp 3.00? South i^an Francirco. Ssn M.-.tro, tan •low. Garov.TrM l > ino^ Sslirar . .. IO.ICa 3.00b Watjonvil!*, Santa Cms. (astrOTil!.-. DH Monte. Monterer. PaciCo Cr«ve. lO.CS* 3.40 a Santa Ckra. Saa Sote. I.o« G.itox, Wriglit <Bodd« Crrek). Santa Crtt. lO.CC* 4.00 a Siinwt Eipr»s» — Tv» xra. r^mina, D P»so. Hcsston. Nt*Ot!i»s«, P»so RoNm Hot SpHrgs. ?an Li:is Obispo, Santa Barbara and Los Aagdw 11.4 C* 4.00p Kansas City. BL Louis. Chicago I I.4C* 4^o» South San Francisco. Sa» Jew T9oo* t5.00p BurUßgiaae. tan Ma»r^. Palo Alto, San Jo« and V. T ay Slatlcst 940* |5.05 l Lon?— 23d Visitarfon, South San Fran«!co, Vslenrn Street 16-Is* t5.20p Redwood. Put* ABc, San Jow. I.IOb t5.20p Los AltO». Monta Vijts. Log Gato». . . t3.20» f3.25p Borlinswnf, Sen .4aS»o. fi*n Jose t3.20» \53Qp Loop— Valencia Strrst. Ocran Vie-. Ceraet fries. Scoth San Fraaeisco. \u25a0 23.1 Strset. 3d and Townsend t64oi 3.40» Saa Bruao. San Mateo. Redwood, Palo Alto. Santa Clara. San Jose 7.40* ,*1.40 a Lo» Altor. Morta Vista. Les Gato*. . . J9.40* . ,JJ»» limbne. S*n Mateo. Pab Alto. May- Seld, Los Alto*. Los Gatos f8 00* t6.C5? 23-1 Street. Vidtaeion. &ath Saa Franeijeo. Valenen Stre»t t7. 15p f 6.25> Loop — Valencia Street, Ocran Vje»r. Omrtfries, Smith San Ffanefcco, 23d Street, 3d and Town-nd t7.40» 6.30t South San Fraacix-o. Sun Jose 5.*0» S.OOp LosAmHwPa«.«ejtn— Giiroy.Salimy. Pa« 3 Robtes Hot . = pr'nj«. San Luis Obispa_?aata Barbara and Loi A n;rrlf i 8.30 a 11.45 i South San Francinco, P»!o Alto.f 7.2C> San Joy. I 7<sp LOCAL FERRY TRAIN»-V!» OikUni Pl«r. To Oakland. B«rk*l(y. Btrryman. Eatt Oakland »nd Fruitval* — DaQjr — From 6.00 a^.. and every twenty minutes natil 7.00 p.m. inclusive; then 7.40. 5.20. 9.00. 9.40, 10.20, ILOO. JL.4O p.m.. Ll2O lad 1.20 a.a. • T« Sathw tnd Miltom via Sr/ertlh St— Daily— From 6.C0 nnd «v»rv twenty minut»« nntil 100 p.m. inclusive, then 7.40, S.tO, 9.00, 9.10. 10.2 a ROO and 11.40 p.m. Ts 3tan»hurtt— Oaily Exr»pt Sunday— fl.oo. 7.00. S.CO. 9.0Q sjn.. ?.20. 3.C0, 4tO. 500. ».4O p.m. Pundav oaly 9.C0 10.00 [xja.. LCO pjn. ZOO. COO. 4.C0, 5.C0 5.40 p.m. Ts Oakland Frit St., Fraitva!*, A!tm«da, via Hsrieths* — Daily — Fran 18.00, 6.20 a.m. and titty twentr minutes until 8.20 indunvt; then 9.C0, t.20. 10.00. 10.20. 11.C0. 11.20 ink, 12».. 1120. 1.00. L2O. 2.C0. 2.20. 3.00, 3.20. t3.40 p.m. aad every twrotv miaatesantil 7pjn. inrfusive; 7.40. 8.20. 9.00. 9.46. 10.20. 11.C0 and 11.40 p..T!.. 12. C0 and LOT a.m. Additional train to Oakiand First St.. 2.15 a.m. T» Wtrt Btrktlty— Daily Except S-jiday— Fron «.C0 a.m. aad every twenty minutes i:nnl 5.20 xm. iacli:- i>ive; then 9.00 a.m. and every hour until 4.COp.a>. indusive: then 4.20 p.m. and every twenty miruff* . until 7.00 pja. hielttsive: thea 7.40 pja.. 5.20. 9.00. 9.40. 10.20, 1L00. 11.40 p.a». and 12.20 a.m. T» Wwt Btrk»l«y— Sunday i «rry— From 6JX).aja.. than 7.00. S.CO. 9.00 a.m. mdii»ive; then 9.20 a.m. tmi every twenty minutes until 8.40 pjn. inelunve; tin » 4.00 pjn. aad errry twrttv mantes untJ! 7.00 p.a». in- duave: tira 7.40-p.a., 5.20. 9.00. 9.40, 10.20. .11 0 d 11.40 p.m. and 12.20 a.m. To Coriin— Daily Except Sunday— Fran 6.00 a.m. nai \u25a0 every 20 synutrt until ?.20 a.m.. th«n 9.00. 10 00 a.ra.. 12.00 m.. LCO, 2.00. 3. WJ, 4.00. 120. 110. i.OO. &2O.a4oand9.Cop.m. Ts Corbln — -Sundays only — From 8.00 ajiu then 7.00. ' 8.00. 9.C0 ajn. lndpnve: then 9.20 a.p. and ever:- twenty minutes until 3.40 pjn. indasive; then 4.C0 p.m. and every twenty mif.cte» until 8.00 p.m. /0B&\. Schedule Effective &|gg) November 15, 1909 Nggify i:\io.V FERRY DEPOT ".'\u25a0»\u25a0\u25a0 >>.ib Fraadtcv Leave TIA SACSALITO , ArriT* 7:40 a Fetaluma. . Santa Rosa. HeaUt*- fcnrs. Cl(*v«rdale. L'ktab. Willis. ' Sherwood, gobattopol. «ftu*rne- ville. »Mt. Rio. 'Duncan Mills.. «:!"{» S:2Oa *Pt. R*ye». *Mt. Rio. *Caaad*ro t«:s7j> 8:20 a ••Sonoma, »*Glen \u25a0 Ellen. ->5:37t» }9:0Oa Petalnma, Santa Rosa, Cloverdab. t'.Z't ll:ni» Pctslnma. Santa Rosa 4:179 3:00p Petaloma, Santa Rosa, Healdsbnr;, Cloverdale, Uklah, Gneroevtllc. Mt. Rio. Duncan Mills, Seba*- tonot- 10:37 a t4:oOp Pt- Ueve*. Occidental 4 :40p Sonoma, Glen Ellen 9:17 a 3:20p I'etaluMa. Santa Rosa 3:37* ELECTRIC STJBUBBAN VIA 9A03-IITO SantaJito, Kill Valley. Saa Rafael— Dally every 40 minutes from 7:00 a. m. nntll D:(»> a. n>. ; then hourly until 4:00 p. m. ; then every 4 • minutes until 8:40 p. m.; then 8:00 and i0:0u p. ni. and 12:01 a. m. „. . Fairfax — Leave San Francisco t7:00. 7:40, 8:20. 9:H>, 10:00, 11 :CO a. in.. |12:0O noun. 11:01. 2-«H), 4:00. 4:40. 650 and 8:00 p. m. Saa Quentin via Baa Hafiei— Leara 9:00 a. m. and 2:00 p. m. Tiburon and Bel?«d*re— |7:CO. 17:40. 10:13 *: m. < 112:00 noon, except Saturday). 112:*>. 14:00, 13:20, 7:13 p. m. Sondaya. |7:0 O. |7:40. 10:15 a. m.. .12:30, §4:00. 13:2 V, 7:13 p. m., |12:01 a. m. •Sunday arrive 7:57 p. m. ••Sunday . arrlv» 6:5? p. m. tExcept Ssnday. tSundaj only. Saturdays only. I Via Saasallto. Pacific Tranafer Corcpaa?** agents *n' *nthot- lied to checlc baggage direct from regldrnce. fMUIR WOODS MT. TAMALPAIS .VIA SAUSAUTO TtRHY , foot or wiaKiT man LUAt HOUPAT^-SUWDAT TWI 'it.Safrttta»rt» UTaMlgto Weefcjay S-Way fgity} SmJar WtduUyl San*«» *; \u25a0' tefm-a- 'mm •Sat. only. tSIoa. only. ®T_malpaia ooj(t. • IMair od» m Tickrt Offiew-Saosalito Ferry aad S?4 Mart* Ceßersl OfSce— MSI Villey. Cillforau •TAVERN OF TAMALPAIS " and - HUB BH* art ahmi tern hr iumu 15